#secret Lovers
bellarkeselection · 9 months
Knew Better But Still Picked You pt 3
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Reader and Cole spend the night by the water side that leads to more than either of them expected.
Tag list- send me an ask to be added @cognacdelights @connieisthesun @bbabycass
Cole finally parked the truck coming over to my side and opened my door. Offering his hands out to me I put my hands in his lifting me out of the truck and onto the dirt ground. I slumped my shoulders scanning the area around us. “So what are we going to do for food and stuff if we have decided to run away?”
“Don’t worry, Y/n. I have some money in the truck. So we’ll just figure out the rest later.” Cole replied to me twirling his keys on his key ring on his index finger.
Whipping my head around, I sent him a look. “Cole, we have to have a plan here.”
“Y/n, come on.” He says.
Shaking my head I warned him. “Look I hate to be the serious one here. But we can’t run away with only twenty bucks to our names.”
“You make a good point but we should live a little.” He smiled at me, putting the keys in his pocket.
Clicking my tongue. “I’ve never run away from home in my life. I think I’ve lived a little just enough.”
He pushed his body that was leaning against the truck away. Walking over to me he smiled with his hands in the pocket of his green jacket with fur on the inside. “The look in your eyes says you don’t mind having some fun and think of a plan later.”
“Oh yeah and what makes you think you’re right?” I teased him by putting one hand on my hip.
He smirked, closing the goo quickly grabbing me by the belt in my jeans, tugging me against his chest. “Breath in your throat says it all, darling.” He noticed that I gasped at his sudden movement with me.
“That may be true. But we still have a problem here. We can’t run away with nothing to our names.” I put my hands on my hips staring up into his bright green eyes when he was looking down at me.
Cole moved forward and threw me over his shoulder laughing. “Stop worrying so much.”
“Cole!” I squealed, hitting his back with my fist trying to get him to put me down. “Put me down Walter.”
He accidentally tripped over his own two feet and we went tumbling to the hard ground. Laying on my back my hair was scattered across the ground with him laying beside me. “I can't believe you tripped me.”
“Me! You tripped us both. I told you to put me down. Not drop us both on our asses!” I snapped at him waving my finger in his face.
Cole smiled brightly at me getting to his feet offering me his hand tugging me to stand when he tugs me up. “Well I'm sorry. I won't trick you like that again. I cross my heart.” He responded slowly, leading me towards the water sitting down.
Sitting down beside him I hugged my knees to my chest raising my gaze up to the starry sky. “I still can't get over how beautiful the stars are out here.”
“They still aren't as beautiful as you are, darling.” He mumbled to me, tucking some of my hair behind my ear when I blushed avoiding his gaze.
He put his hand under my chin turning my attention back to stare at him. He leans forward, almost closing the gap between us. I parted my lips in some surprise that comes with the fact that I can't get over that he was with me. I leaned forward, finally kissing him slowly. He moved his fingers in my hair then down to cradle my face in his hands.
I grinned into the kiss climbing up into his lap. Cole moaned into the kiss pushing me down onto the ground, never breaking the kiss until we both needed air. “If you tell me to stop we don't have to go any further.”
“It’s…I've just never done this before. I don't want you to think less of me since you have experience.” I admit with a bashful look, moving hair that fell in front of his face.
He leans forward perking my lips with a smile he corrected his statement. "Well it's if you're not ready.”
“It is?” I cleared my throat confused.
Cole's eyes shifted from the sky for a split second then back down at me. "Yeah. I'm not with you guys so I can sleep with you."
“Sorry I'm trying to not be nervous. Let's just focus on this another time.” I smiled, sending him a kind and bright smile.
His voice pulls me from my trance with a cheeky grin. I lightly blush as he leans forward kissing me gently. I kissed him back, raising my left hand twisting my fingers into his hair. "Y/n, you might tempt me tonight." He moaned against my lips.
"I'd say you're the one trying to seduce tonight, Cole." I mumbled out a moan feeling him bury his face in the crook of my neck, leaving kisses. I wrap my legs around his waist before feeling his phone go off in his pocket.
I broke the kiss eyeing his pocket. “Should we answer that?”
“I thought we agreed we weren't going to worry.” He sat upright beside me, tucking hair out of his face.
I apologize right before it goes off another time. “Sorry…uh you might see if it's important.”
“Okay, okay.” He pulled it out looking at the screen then handed it over to me. “It’s for you.”
Pressing it to my ear I didn't look at who was calling his phone. “Who is this?” I was shocked to hear her voice not be in a panic after us running away in the middle of the evening.
“Y/n, it's Jackie. Look, I'm sorry. I just want you to come home and I'll explain it.” She responded through the phone.
Cole nudged my shoulder. “Who is it?”
“Jackie. She wants us to come home to explain herself.” Covering the speaker with my hand I explained to my boyfriend.
Cole and I made the drive from the lake side back to the family ranch. The sun was just now rising so everyone else was getting up to work. Cole parked the truck and I got out at the same time as he did seeing my best friend sitting on the wooden steps of the house. “I didn't think two would ever come home if I called and asked.” She got to her feet quickly.
“You better have a good reason or else we're leaving again.” Snapping at her I huffed my arms over my chest.
Jackie signed closer over to me. “I want to apologize-”
“You're apologizing, New York?” My boyfriend made a stunning remark.
She began her apology once more. “I want to apologize to both of you. It's not right that I let my fears stand in the way of your happiness. So I told your parents the whole thing that I overreacted about it, Cole. They aren’t grounding you anymore. They just want you to promise that you won't hurt her in any form. Otherwise I'll call Y/n's parents and you'll have to deal with them.”
“Thanks Jackie. What made you change your mind?” Flinging my arms around her in a warm embrace she hugged me back briefly.
She slightly broke the embrace eyeing my boyfriend over my shoulder. “Alex and I are happy together. So you and Cole should be too.”
“Did ya hear that, Cole!” Spinning around on my feet to face him I wrapped my arms around his neck laughing. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. “What are you thinking now?”
Cole smirked down at me, draping his arms around waist. “I was thinking, are you up to having me teach you how to ride?”
“You bet your boots I'm ready for anything with you, Cole.” I smiled brightly draping my arms over his shoulders kissing him gently and he kissed me back with the same level.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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milliesfishes · 15 days
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lifedagame · 1 year
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Canon, I was the window
Creds; @carthonasi
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kissnpunch · 11 months
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guapoduo's love makes me crazy, they fight for fun, what happen today make their chemistry stronger because how you explain to fight with the love of your life, a soulmate, in a playful way and know they have the mind and force to kill eachother but they wouldn't do it.
i said it before, hate is not something they feel for each other, they can't, they even feel more attracted by that fact.
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sippihippie · 4 months
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billyparker · 8 months
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We all know this BROMANCE is more than a friendship 😏
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
Here are some sentence starters with dialogue for a novel featuring a secret lover that nobody knows about:
1. Sentence starter: "I never thought I'd find myself in a situation like this, but there's something I need to tell you..."
- Dialogue: "What is it? You're making me nervous."
- Dialogue: "I've kept it hidden for so long, but I can't deny my feelings anymore. I'm in love with you."
2. Sentence starter: "We've been playing this dangerous game of secrecy, and it's becoming harder to keep our love hidden..."
- Dialogue: "I can't stand sneaking around anymore. Why can't we just be open about our relationship?"
- Dialogue: "It kills me to see you with someone else, pretending we're just friends. I want to shout it to the world that you're mine."
3. Sentence starter: "There are moments when I wish I could hold your hand in public, but we must continue to hide..."
- Dialogue: "It's so frustrating to keep our love under wraps. I want to show the world how much you mean to me."
- Dialogue: "I long for the day when we won't have to hide anymore. Until then, we'll have to cherish these stolen moments."
4. Sentence starter: "Our love is a secret flame, burning bright but hidden from the prying eyes of the world..."
- Dialogue: "I wish we could shout our love from the rooftops, but for now, we'll keep it our little secret."
- Dialogue: "Sometimes, I wonder how long we can keep this up. It's getting harder to hide my emotions when I'm around you."
5. Sentence starter: "We share stolen glances and secret smiles, knowing that no one else suspects the truth..."
- Dialogue: "It's both thrilling and painful to keep our love hidden. I wish we didn't have to hide our happiness."
- Dialogue: "Sometimes, I wonder if it's worth it, but when I look into your eyes, I know I'd do anything to keep our secret love alive."
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Bob Dylan and George Harrison
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lovebugspots · 11 months
James Hawkins.
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in which, after his adventures to find treasure planet…he goes to the interstellar academy. but captain amelia temporarily takes him out for a mission to retrieve the princess, a supernatural, princess.
character list:
james ‘jim’ hawkins
age: 17
sex: male
race: human
quote: ‘i will travel the stars, as many times as you want for me to be with you, your majesty.’
y/n avalon. princess of the planet Oceanura
age: 16 and a half
race: human mermaid hybrid
quote: ‘oh i love you, jim. but with this cursed power all i will do will hurt you.’
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warnings; implications of sexual content, mentions on teen pregnancy, gore, harassment, public humiliation, violence and harsh language.
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sbcwolfie · 3 months
You know what I want to write a fan fiction about? How Feng Xin and Mu Qing we’re secret lovers, eventually Mu Qing gets pregnant with Nan Feng and Fu Yao in his female form because Mu Qing and Feng Xin got to drunk one night and were experimenting to much (Feng Xin sucks at the pull out game), and they schemed a long mission to cover up Mu Qing’s pregnancy and absence in heaven. And he coincidentally got very injured on said missions so he had to be absent for another two months when really he was just recovering from pregnancy and being with his babies.
But then Feng Xin and Mu Qing realized that this wasn’t going to work out if they wanted their relationship to remain a secret because TECHNICALLY same sex marriage is taboo in heaven. But they know none of the other officials and gods care, nor does the emperor. It’s the people within heaven under them that care. So to keep the peace, they stay secret… but at a cost. After Mu Qing heals, he takes Fu Yao to live at Xuan Zhen palace and Feng Xin keeps Nan Feng at Nan Yang palace.
Of course, the two make sure Fu Yao and Nan Feng still see each other and each child gets to spend time with the other parent. But as the twins got older, it got more complicated for them to see one another and the other parent especially. Luckily, Nan Feng and Fu Yao got to see each other at school. But they still had to keep the act on as if they aren’t brother, and the act that they are rivals. Just like their generals. Afterall, Feng Xin and Mu Qing have instilled in them that 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 is to know that they are brothers. But that all changes when a kid in the junior officials academy starts giving Fu Yao a hard time since he’s the easier target. And one thing after another, things start to get worse. Secrets that Mu Qing have of his own against that family start to unravel as well.
Okay, looks like I need to make this a fan fiction.
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Could you do a king Henry were he has a fight with his mother and y/n mother about her haveing a child
England’s Romeo and Juliet
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“Henry, we can’t hide this anymore. I must run off because my family name has already been shattered when I laid with you.” I told the love of my life the King of England Henry Tudor. I was a highborn lady sent to find a husband but instead I fell for the already married king and lost my virginity to him ending up pregnant. Staring at myself in the mirror he came up behind my wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder since I was shorter than him unless I wore heels but right now I was just wearing some flats since they were more comfortable. I was wearing one of his loose tunics since my dresses we’re getting tighter. “You don’t have to worry Y/n. I am the king of the England now. And I want you. I don’t care if I am married to that York daughter. I want only you.” He declares turning me around in his arms so I was staring up into his bright brown eyes.
The door to his chambers suddenly opened the moment I leaned up on my toes kissing him. He tugged me closer deepening the kiss until his mother’s voice rang through the quiet room and she yanked him back by the collar of his shirt. “Henry Tudor, how dare you have a romantic affair with a random highborn girl that isn’t your wife!” He stumbles backwards before she stomped up over to me grabbing me by shoulders eyeing my grown belly. I wasn’t full term but enough for someone who was once with children could clearly notice. “And you’ve put a now bastard babe in her belly…You are a disgrace to your name and family. I should place you in the dungeon for this-“ Henry stomps over to us braking his way in between us glaring at his mother. He glanced over at me seeing that I was on the verge of bawling tears at her words.
"I choose her, mother. I wish to marry Y/n and take her as my wife, queen and mother of my children." He spoke towards her seeing her face turn into a look of disgust at the thought. His marriage to Elizabeth was arranged before he took her father’s throne. And I didn't feel worthy of being his queen sometimes. Margaret glared at me throwing her hands up. "You had a destiny to be from the moment you were born. Don't you dare throw it away on some half witted noble whore!" Wrapping my arms around myself I headed towards the door grabbing the door handle until I felt Henry grab my wrist halting me in my tracks. He spins me around with my hair falling in front of my eyes where he cupped my face in his hands crashing his lips onto mine. I gasped gripping the fabric of his tunic shirt in my fingers deepening the kiss until we were both breathing heavily and he turned to his mother. “If you want me to remain on the throne then you will undo my marriage to Elizabeth of York. Then allow me to wed Y/n and declare her your queen.”
She gasps nodding her head yes heading around us and towards the door with only few words. “Yes, your grace.” She bowed her head and once the door was hit behind her I spun around to Henry flinging my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me burring his face into the crook of my head kissing my cheek a few times. "See I told you there was nothing to worry about my darling future queen." He nuzzled his nose with mine making me giggle and lightly blush feeling nervous about ruling. "You were right but...what if I'm not a good queen?" Henry shook his head suddenly picking me up bridal style sitting me down on the bed ditching the shirt I was wearing alongside his own pressing his lips deeply onto mine. "You will be the greatest queen ever and I intend to please you until you see yourself the way I do. I love you." He pushed me down onto the bed with over top of me while my fingers knotted into his curls bringing him in for a hungry kiss. "I love you too, Henry."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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crowleysgirl56 · 5 months
Ok, hear me out: Good Omens Human AU: WWE professional wrestling.
Has anyone done this yet? Ok, here is my stream of consciousness:
I imagine Crowley to be the high flying, heartbreaking, stunt type character. Like a Jeff or Matt Hardy, or a Shaun Michaels. He’d be the young newcomer breaking out into the business, gaining massive popularity, adored by the fans and potentially the new face of the business.
Aziraphale would be a more established, professional, and experienced performer. He’d been old school, like a pure striker, but also maybe slightly flamboyant like a Ric Flair or Dusty Rhodes. He’d be initially skeptical of Crowley’s character and disapprove of the suggested changes to the business. He doesn’t want to move with the times and stuck in his golden era ways.
Plot points:
Enemy to lovers - Aziraphale would be annoyed with the idea of Crowley being “the new guy” not playing by the rules, but over time comes to appreciate what he can bring to the business and also admire his immense talent. Crowley would be annoyed with an “old” fuddy duddy unwilling to move with the times or diversify for the sake of the business, but comes to appreciate Aziraphale’s experience and encouragement and what he can learn from him.
Road to Wrestlemania - obviously they’d have to face off in the main event as their characters would continue to be sworn enemies.
Secret relationship - this would develop and deepen over time, and they would be terrified of it being revealed and breaking kayfabe. How could they possibly overcome the media and scrutiny. Possible themes of homophobia could be explored.
Alliances - Crowley would probably be part of some sort of team dynamic involving Beelzebub and maybe Shax and Dagon. Some kind of demonic themed characters.
Overcoming injury - Crowley might suffer a possible career ending injury, either sustained through interference from another jealous wrestler (Gabriel or Hastur?), or protecting Aziraphale from a dangerous move, or from Aziraphale failing to perform a choreographed stunt correctly. Each possibility would lead the subtext of the story in three different directions so not sure which would be best?
Bittersweet ending? - I imagine that either they would get to maintain their relationship but one or both their careers would end. Or they would keep their careers in tact but the relationship would end.
Thank you for reading my ramblings. Am I insane? (Probably)
(Was inspired because Wrestlemania was on the weekend and I apparently cannot separate Good Omens from any other aspect of my life now 🤣)
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numino · 4 months
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This was going to be Lord Debling's wine, if he married Penelope and went on a trip, leaving her wife in the care of his "friend"... 🫎🫎🦌🦌
Take out the fanfics
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morgandr · 9 months
Benicio inviting you to dinner as you tell him you are moving away to another state for a while for better opportunities. He tries to win you back as he doesn’t want to see you go because he secretly he wants to be your boyfriend. Better knowing he could have been a better friend during your time here, as this is a reflection of what y’all could have become.
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(Benicio Del Toro X Reader)
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raphoupix · 2 years
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Kylian, Olivier, what's going on 😭
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
dialogue that allows readers to fall in love with your characters. #2
Character A: "You make every day better."
Character B: "How?"
Character A: "By just being you."
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