#see i promised you guys i could write for people other than zoro
loguetowns · 1 year
meet cute
luffy x reader, law x reader, kid x reader
a trilogy of short fics ft. the captain trio
what happens when a pirate takes the last pastry?
0.9k words
a/n: this bakery that i go to is always sold out by the time i go in the afternoon, so i went at 7am and finally got more than just leftovers and it was sooo worth it
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when monkey d. luffy meets you, he doesn't even see you at first because you're hidden behind the mountain of baked goods on his tray. sure, maybe he overdid it but they all looked too good to stop at one. and if anyone asks, he plans on having them all himself.
unless there's a good reason to, luffy doesn't share.
you start packing his order, the mountain slowly shrinking with each bun, as you sneak glances at the guy in the straw hat on the other side of the counter. he's cute and friendly, and you think this is the shortest amount of time it took for you to crush on a guy.
making small talk, you ask him about his day ("it's great now! there's so many options here!") and he asks you about your favourite pastry.
"oh, it's this one!" you point at the last bread on his tray, "but it's always sold out by the time i'm on lunch."
to which luffy frowns, thinking about how unfair it is that someone as nice and cute as you doesn't get to enjoy their favourite treat.
you take his coins, blushing when your fingers brush his, and thank him for coming by, wondering when you'll see him next.
it turns out that the answer is very soon.
because 10 minutes later, luffy comes flying into the shop, landing right next to you with a little laugh and your favourite pastry in his hand,
"here," he grins. "for you."
luffy doesn't mind sharing if it's for a good reason — and your wonderfully surprised smile is a pretty damn good reason.
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trafalgar law thinks to himself that if it wasn't bepo's birthday, he would've left the bakery ages ago. but now he stands here, surrounded by nothing but bread, and he realizes that unless he wants to skip lunch, he's gonna have to find something to eat.
what shitty luck.
he eyes the last tuna bun and grabs it, thinking about how this'll have to do, when someone knocks into his arm and the bun goes flying out of his hands.
he whirls around, ready to unleash his hangry fury, but his complaints die on his tongue when he discovers who bumped into him — a pretty, adorable thing.
"oh my god! i'm so sorry!" you yelp. "oh no, there's none left..."
you fuss over the empty display, but law's already forgotten about his fallen bun. you're far too cute, with a faint tinge of pink in your cheeks, for him to care about a pastry he wasn't going to enjoy.
"wait!" you rummage through your bag. "it's not a tuna bun but it's close?"
you offer him an onigiri, one with bits of grilled fish, and law can hardly believe that he's staring at his salvation.
his handsome face breaks into a wide smile and you can't help but do the same. your eyes are warm, a soft smile dancing on your lips, and there's a sugary sweet feeling in law's chest when you hand him the rice ball.
what wondrous luck.
he takes his favourite food from your hands and thinks that maybe — just maybe — bakeries aren't so bad.
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the only thing eustass kid is thinking about right now is how much he's going to enjoy eating this chocolate danish. he reaches into the display to grab the last one, but instead of a flaky pastry, his fingers find a soft hand.
"excuse me," you say. "i'm just trying to reach the danish."
kid gives you the onceover (pretty, he thinks). "ya should be excused. that's my danish."
you narrow your eyes at the boldness of this rude (albeit, hot) stranger. "says who?"
"says me."
"and who are you exactly?"
kid puffs his chest, "eustass kid."
you scrunch your nose and cross your arms, "you mean the boorish pirate who raided that south blue island?"
"i- boorish?" kid gapes incredulously.
"did i stutter?" you scoff. "you pirates are awful. the more good looking you are, the ruder you are."
you blush slightly at the admission, but kid's too riled up to even notice (though later, he'll remember it and grin).
"do you insult everyone that you meet?" he grits.
"i don't know, do you steal food from everyone that you meet?"
"listen," kid leans over you, catching a whiff of your shampoo (which just so happens to be his favourite scent). "i already said that the danish is mine."
unwilling to be intimidated, you jab a finger in his (extremely muscular) chest. "you damned pirates always take what you want - absolutely zero consideration for the rest of us."
"you're no angel either, sweetheart. generalizations don't look good on anyone — not even cute hotties like you."
your cheeks flush hot, "you-!"
"me, what? look who's stuttering now, huh?" he goads, getting even closer to your face now.
"you really-"
"mommy, look! i got the last one!"
both of you snap out of it just in time to see a little girl grab the pastry you were fighting over. dumbfounded, you look at kid and just when you're about to curse him out, he cuts you off.
"well, looks like neither of us get what we wanted," he says.
then, kid turns back towards you with a devilishly handsome grin, "but now i kinda want you, so how about i buy ya dinner instead?"
(spoiler: you say yes.)
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
First Meeting.. P4 (One Piece Edition)
Part one with Ace, Law and Sanji Part two with Zoro, Robin and Luffy Part three with Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy
Here is the final three characters I planned on writing for this: Benn, Shanks and Smoker! If anyone is interested in seeing this with other characters, my requests are open. All readers are gender neutral, so everyone is welcome to enjoy. No Y/N is used!
Requests are open for x reader things! I will write basically ANY kind of reader - male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, trans, disabled, black, white, latino, asian, neurodivergent, etc
AO3 | Fanfic Masterlist | Request Rules | Fic Trades Guide | WIPs
Notes: For Smoker it's kind of a first re-meeting but.. that totally still counts
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Generally, men that much older than you weren't your thing - but men that much older than you weren't usually that attractive. Like, this guy was hotter than 90% of the people you saw come into port. You had a rule though, you didn't flirt with people just passing through. It wasn't worth the trouble of maybe getting attached, just for them to leave again. You knew for sure that this guy would be leaving again fairly soon when you saw him interacting so casually with Emperor Red Hair Shanks. Not worth the trouble on any level.
A young woman approached your stall and struck up conversation with you, and you fell into what you knew how to do - shifting stock. An older man in town had hired you to run the market stall he owned selling animal produce, because he was getting too old to be spending so much time on his feet and in the sun. You took the job happily. A man then approached, asking about the various things you had, and you continued with what you knew best. You told him about the milks and cheeses, the furs and the meats, and he just nodded along with a list of things in hand. You told him about each product, but he just stood there looking at his list, a little clueless. "Do you want to give that list to me, and I'll get what you need?" You offered, and the man just handed the list to you with a sheepish expression. You laughed good-naturedly and took it, grabbing things quickly to set on the counter for the man to take.
You turned your back to the main window, getting a few other things listed, and when you turned back to the man once again, the hot older guy was stood there too. "Come on Yassop, you know better by now." The guy said with a sigh, but he looked fond. Both pirates then. You set the final things down and counted up the total, writing it down on the list that had been handed to you so they could keep that as a record of their expenses. "That is everything from your list." You said, pointedly speaking to the man that had been identified as Yassop rather than the handsome man. "Ouch, don't think I've ever seen you be ignored quite like that Benn." Yassop said, and sudden understanding dawned on you. Benn. Benn Beckman. You felt a little stupid for not realising sooner, not that you'd exactly spent much time thinking about pirates. You had bigger problems. "Hey, I have to leave some for the rest of you." Benn seamlessly joked back, and Yassop took the list back from you, which he passed to Benn for him to look at while you packaged everything they'd bought in paper and into bags.
Benn was the one to pay, and his fingers brushed yours as he handed over the berri for everything they'd bought. A little spark lit as you touched, which you tried very hard to ignore. You didn't care. Nobody that's visiting, you'd promised yourself. "You're damn gorgeous, by the way." Benn said, and you knew you were already fucked.
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You were a pirate. You didn't like to call yourself or your crew nobodies.. but hey, sometimes things that hurt a little were true. Tiny bounties, very few fights on your records, and little to no concerns of being tracked down by marines or by bounty hunters. So you were living the pirate life on easy mode for the most part, which you weren't really complaining about, you couldn't imagine having to learn how to really be a pirate whilst being hunted. You and your crew were in a random bar on a random island, drinking them out of house and home - but you were paying them, at least.
Your crew were yelling and laughing together, and it made you smile. You'd been looking over some paperwork (and why did being a pirate involve paperwork?), with a drink in hand, letting them have their fun. Most of them were a little younger than you, and if not physically then certainly mentally. Your head shot up as the door swung open to reveal some older men whose faces you recognised. Lucky Roux, Yassop, Limejuice, Hongo, Benn Beckman. The Red Hair Pirate crew. You didn't think this was one of their islands, you'd have noticed you were sure of it, so there was nothing wrong with you being there.
You sat very still for a few minutes, just watching what they would do, and how your crew was reacting. They were mostly oblivious, which was fine, as long as they weren't running your mouth they'd probably be okay. The Red Hair pirates also didn't seem to pay your crew any mind, which you weren't exactly surprised by.
When the door opened again, letting more sunlight into the relatively dark venue, the more experienced pirates looked up and laughed and cheered. Enter Emperor Red Hair Shanks. He was a sight to behold. You could feel his strength radiating from him, and damn he was handsome. You wondered if the rumours of his flirtatious personality held any stock, because you certainly wouldn't mind being flirted with. The man looked around the room, and as if he could hear your thoughts, his eyes locked on you. You looked quickly back down at your paperwork, but couldn't see any of the words. He didn't approach immediately, but a few minutes later someone did sit at your table with you. You looked up to find Shanks, with a drink in hand. "Your drink looks pretty empty, can I get you a refill?"
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Once upon a time, you'd been training to be a marine, alongside Smoker. Not anymore. You'd seen some of the things that the marines were willing to do to civilians first hand and you hadn't been able to reconcile that with what you wanted to do with your life. Rather, you became a pirate. Yes, both pirates and marines had the power to do both bad and good things, but pirates didn't answer to a higher power in the way that marines did. You could choose to do good every day, and you didn't have to ask permission - so that was what you did.
More than anything, you were a travelling doctor. Your crew didn't fight, and neither did you really. You were all more than capable, but it was a last resort, because you all intended to do good as much and as often as you could.
Smoker had continued onward into the marines, and you'd lost a valuable friend.
You were in Alabasta, aware that the warlord Sir Crocodile kept the citizens safe, but one of your crew members wanted to visit home, and it never hurt to check in. You found devastation. Most of your crew members at least knew basic first aid, and so you deployed in pairs or trios to different towns to try to treat those that you found still alive. They were dying en masse of dehydration, and those who weren't dying from dehydration were suffering sunstroke, or illnesses they already had were worsened. You came across many a drunk child, because a mother decided alcohol was better than total dehydration, and you appreciated that they were trying. You gave away the ship's entire stock of fresh water, and your shipwright showed everyone how to build water filtration systems, so that you could show that to the citizens too. Then, you were able to distribute salt water that could be filtered into drinking water.
You were there for weeks. Then the marines flew through.
"What are you-" A familiar voice called out, and you froze where you were patching up a child's leg wound from collapsing. You took a deep breath, and checked the wrap, then stood to face Smoker. "Hello, Smoker." You said, voice soft, and he couldn't seem to find a response.
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blacklegsanjiii · 9 days
i absolutely adore your young sanji au!! If you don't mind, could you write more about him? Like, how did the other crews that know him react to his actual age? Or even some random interactions between the straw hats after finding out!
Young!Sanji!!! Ahh, lovely boy, precious and soft and absolutely hating everyone find out how old he actually is. He feels no one takes him seriously after they find out. They always falter and stumble and it just...doesn't feel good to him?
I feel like Law finding out would full on make him trip and face plant into the ground because Robin probably mentions it off handedly but knowingly. She knows Sanji doesn't like Law calling him Stealth Black and this seems to be the quickest way for her to stop it. Sanji is walking ahead of them to a tea house somewhere while they're in Wano. Like she specifically phrases it in a way to show how cruel Judge is and when Law full stumbles it makes Sanji look and ask what's wrong. Law is stumbling up onto his feet and is confused and asks Sanji if he's really /seventeen/ and Sanji says he is with a shrug. Law knows he's not the youngest on the crew but understands because of his love of the Sora comics that they were closer to the truth than he had realized, even after the raid suit. Germa was far worse than he knew to even its own children. When they're sat and drinking tea, Law can't help but ask why he is physically not seventeen. Sanji just goes 'ahaha, that's Germa for you' and Law is reeling that the cook is also a child on the crew. Law doesn't really change how he acts with the cook though, he doesn't see his age, only his accomplishments which are numerable even if he was twenty one, he just admires the guy more now.
Sanji is not pleased at how people keep trying to baby him after finding out how old he is and how his family is, the rescue team is especially bad. Chopper keeps asking for more and more check ups on him and Sanji is trying to just deal with it, Zoro seems to be holding back during their spars when he doesn't have to be, when they're out at a bar he keeps stealing Sanji's drinks even though he's not even buzzed yet and Zoro hates wine. Zoro, for the life of him he doesn't want to view the cook differently, but finding out about the experiments and how young Sanji was when he went through everything that led him to Zeff makes him softer. He fucking hates it but he feels like he needs to give the cook an actual chance at being a child that was denied to him. Even if he didn't get a chance he and the other kids at the dojo did play as well as train, especially when they were younger, before he left and he plays with Luffy and Chopper all the time. So when he assists Robin and Nami with the cook and making the guy take breaks. He's started doing the dishes fully on his own and shoving the cook out of the kitchen after meals.
I feel like when Zeff found out his kid wasn't ten, his kid is six and looks ten. Zeff frowns deeply at the boy who acts like a ten year old in a lot of ways, most ways, a fucked up and traumatized one albeit, but he's still ten. Except he's not and Sanji's age really shows when people flirt or try to take him to their ships for activities more fitting for an adult or teenager. Except he's not one of those, he's twelve when someone first propositions him and Zeff loses it at the customer and talks to Sanji about what they're doing, what people want from him and that he gets to decide if he wants to or not. Because Sanji is physically four years older than he actually is and Zeff wants to kill the fucking bastard that did this to the kid. Zeff knows his kid is younger than he looks but he treats the boy like how he holds himself, he's smart, impulsive, thinks he owes his life to Zeff when he doesn't. Goddammit Zeff wants him to act like a damn kid but the kid doesn't want to! Kid feels like he can't because the kid needs to be useful so on the rare nights the Baratie is closed Zeff and the others will take the kid out to the upper deck or the top of the restaurant and teach him the constellations and if the kid falls asleep it's all the better.
The kid will never act his real age, but he has people to make sure he's taken care of. That's more than enough for Sanji.
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Hiya, I’ve only just found your blog and I love your work🥰 would you mind writing a bit of a drama (i’m a drama queen🥲)? I’ve been thinking some misunderstanding like zoro being (unintentionally) popular with girls but one being extremely clingy to the point people, as well as the fem reader, think they are a couple. Female reader gets jealous and sad and Sanji comes to comfort her and Zoro sees that and gets the wrong idea and becomes jealous too. But they somehow find out the truth and blah blah romantic stuff confessions etc. I know it’s ridiculous but I live for the drama🥺 thanks in advance and i will understand if you don’t want to do it but I love ya anyway xx
Hiya dear reader,
Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy that you like my style!
I'm sorry it took so long, but I didn't want to post something unfinished XD I hope you don't mind me setting it before the time skip, I think water seven directly after enies lobby is a great location.
Drama is always good and that's a great setup - LET'S DO IT (got a little longer)
👉 masterlist stories
👉 masterlist headcanon
Zoro has no fucking clue
You defeated CP9 and returned together with Robin to Water 7, where the crew got the chance to heal and relax for a few days.
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Together, you really showed it to the world government! Well, mostly the big hitters in the crew. Zoro saved you when it came to fighting, not that you minded it. Whenever you were in danger, you knew that he would show up and defeat whatever marine captain or sea monster was trying to kill you.
When you got the key and released him and Usopp from the cuffs, he flashed you a heartmeltingly handsome smile and proceeded to partake in the absolutely ridiulous sword duel that destroyed half the building - and than he fought against thousands of marines.
He really deserved a break. And a thank you. You had been aimlessly wandering through the streets of water 7 to find something for Zoro, a gift to thank him. And maybe show him how much you like him.
Eventually, you decided to get him a Magnum bottle of sake, enough for his big thirst. It was something he absolutely would love.
Pleased with your purchase, you walked back to your temporary shelter in water 7- but your heart almost stopped. You were already so attuned to his appearance, that you could have picked out that green hair in any crowd - Zoro was here. And he seemed to be moving fast. Trouble? That meat head always managed to find a fight, you better help him out.
The gathering crowd slowed you down almost immediately. You squeezed through to see Zoro fighting with some guy, who was no match for the formidable swordsman.
Putting on a real show, Zoro played with the amateur, who poked helplessly at the air as Zoro effortlessly moved around the battlefield. Drinking in the "Oh!" And "Ah!" From the surrounding crowd, a cocky smile spread over his face.
With his two swords crossed, he finally attacked and struck his opponent down with one blow.
The crowd cheered - a very female sounding cheer. You noticed a lot of girls streaming to him. They clung to his arms and praised his strength- what was going on?
A girl shouted: "He got the pantie thief! He's my hero!" In a ridiculously high pitched voice and ran towards a grinning Zoro.
Pantie thief - of course. You rolled your eyes and waited for the crowd to dissipate. And you waited, and waited. One of them seemed glued to Zoro's arm, giggling and throwing her long, blonde locks around.
"Hey Zoro, let's get back to the others" you tried to get him to leave with you.
"Nah. this girl here will thank me with some booze! Just go back without me." He waved you off while the girl promised him all he could drink.
Rolling your eyes even harder, you went back to the crew at the galley-la building and informed them of Zoro's absence.
"Good riddance!" Sanji muttered past his cigarette. "Want an éclair?" He offered, almost in the same breath but with suddenly heart-shaped eyes.
"YES" you shouted, hungry for some kind of comfort after Zoro just trotted off with a blonde haired beauty.
"Stupid mosshead!" You cursed as you angrily shoved the sweet treat into your mouth.
"Yes he is, if he did anything to you I will kick that guy to the moon!" Sanji chimed in.
"No it's okay." You muttered and continued to mope for the rest of the evening.
Hardly able to sleep, you heard Zoro stumble home at dawn, throwing himself into a corner and snoring almost immediately.
You hoped that it was done with that - until the next morning. You heard Sanji shriek in delight as the door opened: "Such a sweet beautiful girl, did you come to see me, my lady?"
You didn't hear the reply clearly, but a high female voice cooed something and you heard a loud thud as Sanji's body hit the floor, an expression of total horror on his face.
The girl from yesterday pranced past you as you knelt down next to the cook.
"It's horrible..." he hoarsely whispered, seemingly near death, "she's bringing the mosshead breakfast. That beautiful lady..." his eyes closed as he sighed the last half-sentence and with it, his will to live (for the moment).
Hot jealousy surged up again. You stomped to the table, where luffy was sleep-eating heaps and Zoro gingerly unpacked a giant sandwich, seemingly made entirely out of meat.
The blonde bimbo had parked her breasts on the table and watched Zoro with a dreamy expression as he wolfed down the sandwich, splattering sauce all over the place.
"Do you like it?" She asked in a melodic voice.
"Yeah, thanks" Zoro answered with a full mouth. He seemed very content. That ass.
She didn't leave afterwards. In fact, she basically moved in immediately, either hanging on Zoro's arm or sitting close to him, watching him with heart shaped eyes and complimenting his every breath.
She eventually informed the somewhat irritated rest of the crew that her name was Silk (while throwing her silky hair around) and that she stayed with Zoro. Since she didn't actually do anything bad and Zoro didn't seem to mind, everyone accepted or ignored it.
"Come on, snookums, it's so crowded here, let's go out" Silk tugged at his arm. "I know a great liquor place!"
"Yeah why not" he lazily followed her as she maneuvered him like a tugboat.
"Snookums?" you stared after them in disbelief.
Nami, meanwhile, died of hysterical laughter.
"Didn't think that a girl could tame him that much. He's totally whipped!" she laughed and slapped your back while you didn't understand the world anymore.
The sake you bought was still in your bag, still untouched. Maybe you should bring it back to the store.
It was evening, Zoro and his girl weren't back yet. You found yourself so irritated that you couldn't sleep, just like Sanji, who sat at the table and poured himself some wine.
As you sat next to him, he silently passed you a glass as well. He somehow managed to get from perfectly coiffed, full of energy and dressed to the nines to unshaven and disheveled in the course of a day.
"I know why I am upset...but what is it with you?" You ask him.
Two bloodshot eyes stared back at you.
"I can't believe Marimo...that filthy brute, with no style and no interest in women has a...a..." The end of his sentence was too much to bear for him, instead he took a nervous gulp of wine.
"And she's so....soo...prettyyyyy" he dragged out the last word like a pre-schooler in a tantrum.
You gently tapped your glass against his: "to us" you whisper.
"To...us?" He half asked and half repeated and he smiled.
One glass turned into two glasses, and like that the bottle was gone. Your only topic: how much Zoro and that girl sucked.
A new bottle was opened, and another. Soon, you didn't find enough things to hate Zoro for anymore, so instead you moved on to different topics. Sanji told you about growing up in the restaurant while you told him a few stories of your own. After the third bottle was emptied, you were both pretty drunk, and you didn't really remember much anymore.
You drifted off to an uneasy sleep, full of Zoro how he made out with the girl named Silk. How they had children and generally shoved their happiness into your face.
"Oi, wake up. Y/n, wake up!" You heard Zoro's angry voice above you as he tapped you with his foot.
"Wha...let me sleep marimo" you answered, swiftly adopting Sanji's language and inflection.
As you opened your eyes, the swordsman's towering frame took up your entire field of vision. With his crossed arms and grumpy expression, he looked intimidating as hell.
You stretched and realized that you had slept on the floor, leaning against Sanji, amidst a lot of pillows. Sanji must have brought them during the night to make you more comfortable. Now that's a man!
When you moved, Sanji's head fell into your lap, still sleeping, and he immediately began purring like a kitten. Zoro grabbed him by the collar and shook him awake.
"What the fuck YOU think you're doing?" He bellowed at his sleepy crewmate.
"Go and have your nosebleed somewhere else, you pervy cook!" He said as he threw Sanji down again -hopefully immediately regretting it because Sanji answered with a fiery kick.
Not even 5 minutes awake and already near a fight, you decided to crawl away to safety and make some tea.
As you set down with steaming cup in hand, you spotted the blonde girl coming towards you, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Demonstrably, she sighed and commented "what a short night" showcasing her disheveled hair with a pout.
"Uh-hu" was all you could manage.
"You are his crewmate, are you not?" she asked, "how can you live with that manly man on one boat and not fall for him?"
"Yeah, it's a mystery" you answered sourly. If she only knew that you did - and he didn't care.
She continued to talk about something, but you decided not to listen. Instead, you focused on the fight going on outside now, where Zoro and Sanji shouted insults at each other.
"You hurt her feelings! I cannot ignore that!" Sanji screamed. "FLAMBÈ SHOT!"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, STUPID COOK!" Zoro answered among loud clashes.
Your head was aching too much, there was too much noise. You excused yourself and went outside - away from the fight - and sat at the pier. It was calm here. Just faint noises of fighting were in the background.
You thought about how childish those two were, always fighting about something. But you were one to talk, you were childish as well. Zoro or Silk had no way of knowing that they hurt your feelings. At least Zoro deserved an open apology. And his sake.
You sighed, already playing the conversation in your head. The waves crashed against the pier, it was really calm.
Too calm.
When you returned to the building, both Zoro and Silk were gone.
Sanji was at the stove, making breakfast.
"Zoro stormed off" he said flatly. "And Silk-chan followed, of course."
They didn't return for the whole day. Dusk came and there was still no sign of them.
It got late, evening turned to night and Zoro was still gone. It was time to have a talk, to let him know how you felt, and to clarify where you both stood. You packed the sake to finally give it to him and be the friend he deserved.
You made your way through the bustling streets of Water 7 once again, aimlessly walking and hoping to find Zoro. It was a lively city with people sitting outside and laughing late into the night. You didn't see the green hair anywhere, maybe they've gone to her place.
Your feet have taken you away from the people in the streets to side alleys, where everything was calm and dark. There were lots or piers looking out to the water where crews loaded and unloaded goods.
With relief, you spotted Zoro sitting on a wooden barrel near the water's edge, alone now, with an empty bottle of sake beside him. His expression was more somber than before, and he seemed lost in thought.
Taking a deep breath, you approached him, determined to have the conversation you had been avoiding. As you got closer, Zoro looked up and met your gaze, and you could see a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"Hey," you said softly, taking a seat beside him. "Mind if we talk?"
Zoro blinked and then nodded, a serious look on his face. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat and decided to be direct. "I am really happy for you, Silk seems to really like you." You paused, unsure where to go next.
"And I hope you're happy with the cook" he snorted.
"What?" You asked, surprised.
"The cook. And you. I wouldn't have thought..." His voice trailed off and he took the bottle again. Remembering that it was already empty, he threw it into the sea with a sigh.
"That goddamn cook with his nice words..." Zoro mumbled angrily.
"I am not with Sanji, silly" you told him.
"But you slept together...! On the floor!" He stuttered.
"We just fell asleep, nothing more." You said.
"I...I'm not with Silk either." He rubbed his head, "in fact, she was kind of unnerving."
"Than why be with her for days?" You asked.
"You know, it was nice to be appreciated for once. Silk gets it. You always call me stupid or silly." He shrugged.
"You stupid mosshead, everytime I call you stupid I mean that I like your stupid!" You rummaged in your bag for the Sake, "it means that you're adorable and cute and so, so unbelievably, awesomely stupid! And I do appreciate you. You save me all the time. I bought this for you, as a thank you" You gave him the extra large bottle of Sake.
Zoro's brows furrowed as the gears started turning in his head. "I didn't realize... I mean, I didn't think...why did you never say so before?"
"Don't know. You never really cared about anything besides swords and fighting." You shrugged.
"I...I do care, I just...I'm not so good with words." He held the bottle in his hands like he didn't know what to do with it.
He swallowed and looked at you. "You know, I think you're stupid, too. Really silly. The silliest person I've ever met." He laughed and you chimed in.
You felt a rush of relief and happiness wash over you. Maybe Zoro wasn't as clueless as you had thought. Perhaps he had his own way of expressing his feelings.
"Just to be sure...stupid means I like you" He whispered and invited you to sit with him. When you hopped on the barrell, he put his arm around you.
As you sat there by the water's edge, the two of you talked late into the night, sharing stories, laughter, and sake. The noise of the world around you faded into the background as you discovered a deeper connection with Zoro, one that went beyond the chaos of battles and adventures.
And in that moment, you realized that sometimes, the most meaningful conversations happened not in grand gestures, but in the quiet moments shared between two people who cared for each other deeply.
Epilogue (because I don't want to leave Silk's character as the only evil female catty villain)
Zoro and you eventually made it back to the company house and shocked everyone, first and foremost poor Sanji, with your new found closeness. It would be a long road until you could say the l-word to each other, but whatever your now relationship was, it was good.
It would still be a few days until you could sail from water 7 and you enjoyed the commodities of the city, walking through the busy streets, window shopping.
A store with beautiful cloth caught your eye and you entered. You looked at the exquisite goods when you heard a shop clerk approach "can I help you?"
"No I'm just look-AHHH" your voice and face must have derailed when you found yourself looking at an equally shocked Silk. A moment of awkward silence followed where you saw that her eyes were swollen and she looked really tired.
"Uhm, hi Silk, how are you?" You stammered.
"You know. Not so good" Silk looked unnerved. "What do you want?"
"I didn't know you worked here" you were caught off guard. But now that Zoro was with you, the anger against her seemed childish and mean.
"I'm Sorry if I was mean to you before" you said, surprising the girl, "I was unfair."
"No, don't. I was...overreacting, too. I'm sorry" She said thoughtfully. "He didn't stop talking about you. Really annoying, like he was hung up on you. That's why I was so pushy" Tears pooled in her eyes again.
Helpless, you tried to comfort her.
"Don't...he's just a stupid, stupid man" you told her.
"I know. That's why I liked him" she said, voice breaking.
You guessed that you weren't the best person to comfort her now, so you decided to leave.
"I'm Sorry. I should go now" you said.
"Yeah. Bye" She forced a smile and waved.
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I have this Lawlu fic idea called "The City of Light" in my drafts. I'm most excited about writing Law here. He's a pirate who disappeared a century ago and no one knows where he is. That is...
In the present day, Luffy stumbles upon an island that's seemingly abandoned. Usopp refuses to go, claiming he has 'fear of new islands diseases'. At their campsite, Usopp suddenly disappears. Whatever, Usopp probably got cowardly—nothing new. He and Zoro push on!
They end up on a city made of white gold. It's shiny, it's brilliant and sparkling. They're greeted by a handsome man who's older than them both but speaks kindly and warmly. He shows them around, feeds them whatever they want and gives them nice clothes. He promises to keep a look out for Usopp, but there's a weird look in his eye Zoro could not ignore. It gets worse when Luffy looks positively smitten.
One night, Zoro turns to Luffy and says, "Hey, this is nice but I think we should go back. I don't like the way he looks at you." Luffy just blinks, "Why?" Zoro explains, "Usopp's gone and I think he did it." Luffy never saw Zoro this nervous before but he agrees to be careful. The next day, Zoro's gone too. Whatever, maybe Zoro got lost. Zoro will come back. He always does!
(TW: Cannibalism.)
The next morning, Luffy sees his host under a waterfall while exploring the forest. That's when Luffy really sees him as a man, a gorgeous, sexy, irresistible one. He turns to Luffy and smiles. He invites Luffy to come bathe with him, which is an excuse for him to feel up Luffy approvingly while stripping him. He touches Luffy everywhere. His chest, his abs, his hips. He is just about to come closer until...
A plant nearly bites off the man's head. Then some sleeping gas.
Amidst the confusion, Usopp grabs Luffy and runs away into the forest, runs as far as he can back to their ship. Usopp tells Luffy that this guy's really fucking dangerous. He 'disappeared' because he got chased by this huge white bear demon (Bepo's sulong form) with shining blue eyes while collecting firewood. With enough effort, Usopp finally defeated the bear. That's not all. Usopp saw him try to lure Zoro into a cave by conjuring phantoms of Kuina demanding a rematch. The guy eats people in said cave. For a brief moment, Usopp swore he looked ancient, all wrinkly like a raisin as he devours them and only when he's had enough does he revert back to his youthful appearance. Just before Luffy can process this information, the man catches up to them and he is FURIOUS. He drew his sword to kill Usopp but Luffy pushes him off and punches him back. Luffy tells Usopp to run away and take care of Zoro and the others.
Luffy's unsure of what to make of this, but he decides to stick around just in case. By this point, Luffy's half in love. He did not want to think his first love could do anything bad...
The next day, Luffy stumbles upon a cave. When he looks inside, that's when he finally understood Usopp's urgency. The man was eating someone and was half-way through eating his arm that he looked up and saw Luffy. Luffy just walks up to him, finds the locket that accidentally dropped on the floor. He opens it and recognises the people inside. Luffy said he would leave the island to return the locket to the proper owner no matter what. The man's livid now.
They get into a heated argument about the world being dangerous or whatever but that doesn't matter. Right after Luffy says that he has his crew to protect him, the man knocked him out unconscious...
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minimoxha · 6 months
Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since we last connected. I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for all the love and support you've shown for my book. When I first started writing it, I never imagined that people would still be reading and enjoying it today, despite its initial flaws. It's truly heartwarming.
Life has a way of getting in the middle of our plans, and I ended up taking a long break from writing. However, I want you all to know that I am now back and fully committed to this project. I understand that in the past, I've made promises to return and failed to follow through. But this time, I genuinely mean it.
My writing has improved more than this and I want to be a director so the best way to improve my craft is to write every day. With that being said, my fanfic roster so bad is this
parent scenarios update
Todoroki or Iida story - Vote here
Bakugo Prnstar update
Hawks story update
Maybe an Aizawa story
Gojo or nanami
Zoro story
Tumblr random fanfictions
Miguel O'hara fanfic
Comment on which ones you'd like to see and any other ideas! Thank you so much for supporting me- and one more thing.
My friend is looking to be another streamer/youtube gamer girl and has recently started her channel. @Universalappl3pie on youtube. If you like sims roblox or any other games please check out her channel if you can. If a couple of you could stop by, it would mean a lot to see her smile! I'll see you guys soon, bye!!
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Episode of East Blue
A little glimpse into the past. East Blue crew's first meeting with Luffy and learning that he is an omega.
I wanted to write a little East Blue episode as I was having trouble writing the next chapter. I'm going to expand this with other crew members and post a one-shot called "Our Omega Captain", but for now, this is the place. I hope you will like it. good reading.
“To be killed by the sailors or to come with me… Which do you choose?” “You are the son of the devil. Well done! I'd rather be a pirate than die here!” “Great you will be my Nakama!!! Ok! This is perfect!" “I see! Now set me free!!!”
Thereupon, Luffy began to try to untie Zoro's knots.
“But I can't figure it out!” "HEY! Stop kidding!"
Meanwhile, Captain Morgan's soldiers had begun to march towards them.
"Strange. The knot gets tighter.” “QUICK, GIVE ME MY SWORDS!” “LUFFY-SAN!”
So Luffy gave him his swords. Taking his swords, Zoro instantly freed himself from the ropes and stopped any soldiers who came upon them.
“WOW!!! Super!!!!" “Roronoa Zoro!” “One more move and you die!” "I am so afraid!" “I made a promise to be a pirate. Going against the sailors will make me a wanted man. On top of that, I'm only going to tell you one thing. I will always follow my own goals!” “Goals?” “Being the best swordsman in the world! If you do one thing that will cause me to abandon my purposes, your life will end at my sword!” “The world's best swordsman? Wonderful! I would expect nothing less from you, the comrade of the pirate king!” “Heh, really! Whether as a devil or a saint, my name will be heard all over the world!” “Bend over, Zoro! Gomu Gomu no Muchi!”
Luffy took down all the soldiers with his kick.
"What are you?" “I ate rubber fruit. I am rubber man!”
As soon as Zoro and Luffy defeated Morgan, everyone cried out for joy. Zoro threw himself to the ground.
“What happened Zoro-san? Are you injured?” "I am so hungry."
*** So Zoro, Luffy, and Coby went to that little girl's restaurant. Although he hadn't eaten in three weeks, Zoro had eaten less than Luffy.
“Well, how many shipmates do we have? I remember you said you were looking for a crew. You've already found a crew to become the pirate king, right?" "No. There is only you." "What?! Then…" "Yes. The two of us!" "Can we just be pirates, the two of us?" "What is the problem? We are strong!” “Our ship? Our pirate ship?” "It's over there!" “Is it that?” “It's small for now, but I'm going to get a really big one in the future!” “Hahahaha! How?!" “I want a pirate flag too!” “Luffy-san was born without the ability to plan.” “Am I really going to go after this guy?” "Yes! But together we will find more Nakama.” “Hey, where are you going now?” "Is not it certain? Grand Line!” “Just with the two of you? Not possible!” “Is the Grand Line really that dangerous?” “Of course it is!”
Thus, a brief summary of the Coby Grand Line and the Roger era was passed.
“I guess we have no other choice.” “Zoro-san, you too?!” "Who cares if you're not coming anyway." "I'm worried even if I'm not coming."
Seeing the sailors entering, Luffy provoked Coby to punch him. So his little omega friend could start walking towards his goal. Then he and Zoro got on their little boats and set sail.
*** Luffy talked to Zoro about simple things until they were far from land. Just like where they came from... When they got far from the land, he decided to open the subject.
“Hmm… we got pretty far, huh? I've never seen land for nearly two hours. Okay!" "What is okay?" “I have to tell you something. I'm saying this now that you can't escape. I wouldn't let you escape though. After all, you're my first Nakama." "What?" “I am an omega.” “So?” “What do you mean so? Normally-"
Zoro interrupted before Luffy could finish his sentence.
“I mean it doesn't matter. A lot of people are idiots. Just because someone is an omega doesn't make him weak. Or strong just because of alpha. You saw that blond boy. Alpha but the foremost of the weak. Plus that power ranking is bullshit. Alpha men, alpha woman, beta man, beta woman, omega man, omega woman… So who did that?” "So you don't care." "No." “Shishishi… I have a good first Nakama.” "I think. Don't our dreams matter? Not our genders!” "Yes!"
So Luffy involuntarily relaxed. He didn't have to convince Zoro.
"But…" "But?" "I couldn't smell you." “Oh… I use scent blocker.” “But not fake pheromones?” “No. They make me sick. They can guess, but I'll probably take care of myself." "Yes. What about heats? For my ruts I use supressants.” “Same here. Unless there is an emergency.” "Good. Being an omega doesn't change anything for me, Luffy. But don't worry, I won't let anyone use your secondary sex to harm you." “Shishishi! Thank you, Zoro.” "It's okay, captain."
Thus, they continued their journey at sea.
It was the second night of Zoro and Luffy's voyage at sea. Zoro was the type to ignore all the gender nonsense. Instincts were another matter, though. That useless alpha in him was a nuisance. He knew that the boy next to him was stronger than him, but since he learned that he was an omega, he was much more careful while he slept. “PROTECT HIM” “HE SMELLS LIKE HOME” was the only thought in his mind. On the second night, he couldn't resist any longer. He slid to the side where Luffy was sleeping. For some reason, Luffy, who would not wake up if the ball exploded, had woken up to this movement.
“Zoro?” "You continue to sleep. I am here." “Shishishi. The Alphas... a total nui-"
What person would fall asleep before they could finish a sentence? Still, Zoro was glad that Luffy wasn't offended by Zoro's behavior. It both relieved the alpha in him and did not disturb his new captain. It was a nice night.
/////// "You're strong aren't you?!" "Huh, who are you?" “You won with bare hands against swords. Hey! If you join me. I am a thief who robs pirates.” "No. I have no reason to join you.” "Hey wait a minute!" “Now I remember. I am hungry.” “How would you like me to treat you?” "Really?" "Yes…"
So Luffy went to have dinner with the orange-haired girl. While eating:
“Do you live here alone?” “I am not one of the people of this city. Locals fled because they were afraid of Buggy.” "So you loot what's left, too." “How rude of you! I'm a thief robbing pirates. Don't pair me with the looters." "But a thief is a thief, aren't they?" "I'll collect a hundred million no matter what." “What are you going to do with that much money?” "This is a secret. It's not a dream that hundred million if you have the Grand Line map.” “The map? Are you a navigator?" “My skills are much better than other navigators.” "I understand. This is great! Why don't you join us as a navigator?!” "Really?" "Yes! The crew of pirates!” "No! Are you a pirate?" "Yes. I promised the man who gave me this hat that I would be a great pirate.” “The things I hate most in this world are pirates! I like money and tangerines!” “Come on, be our navigator.” "I said no." “Well then.” "Well if you accept my terms I'll give it a thought." "Really? I do everything!" “I want you to go see Buggy with me, but…” “Why did you tie me up?” “Just a rope, problem?” “I guess not. I'd like to meet some pirates. Let's go."
*** “Fire! Fire!”
How had Nami let herself fall into this situation? She was standing in front of the cannon. The Buggy crew would kill her if she didn't fire the cannon, but if she did, she would be no different than the pirates she hated.
“Nami, don't ruin the party!” "What is the problem? Your hands are shaking. This is what happens if you don't prepare yourself mentally." “What do you mean by mental preparation? Killing people as they want? Is this the way of the pirates?” "No! Being ready to risk your own life!”
Just then, someone took the match from Nami's hand. Just as he was about to ignite the fuse, Nami knocked him down.
“I will never be like the pirates who took the most important person from me!” “Oh, so that's why. AHHH!!! Afire!!!!"
Nami ran and put out the burning wick, holding it with her hands.
“AHHHH!!!” "You? Behind you!"
A lot of men were about to attack Nami.
“Oi oi! All these guys trying to beat up one girl?” “Zoro!” "Did you get hurt?" "N-no." “Oh thank goodness. You could find it here. Get me out of here quick." “What are you really doing? A bird took you away and now you're in the cage?" “Well, it was a lot of fun.” “So you are Zoro. What do you want? my head?” "No. I am not interested. I quit pirate hunting.” “But I was interested. If I kill you, I will become more famous.” "Don't do that, you'll die."
Seeing Zoro, who was relatively badly injured because he didn't know about Buggy's devil fruit, Luffy said:
So Zoro Buggy swung his cannon towards them and Nami fired it. In this confusion, Zoro managed to take Luffy in the cage to the city. Zoro's condition was bad. Besides not having eaten for three days, he was also injured. Moreover, he was dealing with a stupid captain. That's why he was so happy when Nami brought the key. But the dog ate it. When the mayor of the city arrived, Zoro was finally able to rest.
*** When Luffy's fight with Mohji was over, Nami realized that he was fighting for the dog Shushu.
“I'm sorry I thought badly of you.” "No problem. You had your reasons.”
When Zoro and Luffy decided to fight Buggy, Nami understood what kind of people they were.
"I won't be a pirate, but I will join you for both our purposes." “Shishishi. Good."
*** After Buggy's defeat, the villagers misunderstood the event, and they had to flee. For the first time in a long time, Nami felt comfortable. They were different. These two were not like those abominations.
While Nami was assessing her own situation, Luffy was waiting to get away from the land as he did to Zoro. Once he was far enough away, he brought up the subject.
“Hey, Nami. I know you don't want to be a pirate. But you're planning to come with us to the Grand Line, right?" "Yes. What happened?" “Then you should know something about me.” "What?" “I am an omega.” "Omega? I guess that's why I couldn't smell you. Does that sleeping idiot know?" “Zoro? Yes." “Hmm…” "Is there a problem?" "No. Being an Omega doesn't change anything for me. I was even happier. I wouldn't want to travel with two alpha pirates. Pirates are worse when they are alpha.” "Do not say that. Zoro is also alpha and a pirate.” “I already realized that you are not normal.” “Shishishi. But I am glad.” "Do not worry. My sister is an omega. For that reason…" “Oooo do you have a sister?” "Yes." “I also have two… I have an older brother.” “Oh is it?” "Yes." “Having siblings is something nice. But Luffy?” "Yes?" “Heats?” “On suppressant.” “Oh… I guess I should use it too.” "Do not you use it?" "This…" “You don't have to use it. We'll stay on the islands for you." “Oh… thanks Luffy.” “Shishishi! No problem."
*** Nami couldn't take it anymore as she had been staring at Luffy looking at his hat for an hour.
“Give it!” “Huh?” “The hat. I will fix it.” "REALLY?!" "Yes. Now let me fix it."
Then Luffy gave Nami a big hug.
"Thank you so much!" “Hai hai.”
Luffy was asleep most of the time, as they had no food but apples on the way to the island that Nami had mentioned. Nami usually went on the boat next to them. She was just coming to change Zoro's bandage.
"Hey, it's time to change bandages." "There's no need. It's healed." “Don't be stupid. No human wound heals that quickly.” “Mine would.” “You're a total jerk. Pray, I don't get bandage money." “I have no money to give.” "I know. Let me change your bandage now.” Zoro was looking at her while Nami was tending to Zoro's wound.
“If you have something to say, say it.” “You are an alpha.” “So you are.” “What are you planning woman? You said you didn't want to be a pirate. I won't let you hurt him." “Are you his alpha?” "No. He's my captain." “I don't want to hurt him, but I hate pirates. We have a common purpose. Grand Line.” “I wouldn't hesitate to punch you in the face if you hurt him.” "I am aware. I'm not going to piss off an alpha man." “Not because he's omega.” "Wrong." "Not." “Not entirely yes, but partly because of that. I'm an alpha too Zoro. I know what you are feeling. That's not how instincts work." “They are annoying.” "I agree. Yes completely brand new. Now get some rest. I'll be on patrol." "No." “I will not harm him.” “Not until I can be sure.” "You know. Then I am sleeping. Wake me up if something happens, idiot."
*** Merry was a beautiful ship. There were two hammocks in the men's room. That's why Zoro decided to sleep on the sofa. Nami strangely agreed to take the first watch. From time to time she would come and look at the wounds of the others. Zoro, who normally sleeps a lot, was awake. Not only because of a new sense of place but also because of the alpha woman and the new beta that he didn't quite trust. He would be relieved if he killed the alpha in him.
But Zoro wasn't the only one awake. Strangely, Luffy and Usopp were also awake.
“Hey, Usopp?” "Hmm?" “How does it feel to have a mate?” “Soon to be mate.” "What difference does it make?" "I do not know. Because I don't have a mate. But I just love her. Her smile. Her voice. Her hair blew in the wind. Her stance. Everything.” “Heeee. What a man of love you are.” "Oi Zoro." “I think this is all nonsense.” “Don't you want a mate, Zoro?” “It's just an obstacle to my dreams. Weakness." “Hmmm…” “What is it, long nose?” "I do not think like this." "What?" "Weakness. I think I got stronger thanks to Kaya.” "Nonsense." "You won't understand until you meet that person." “Never so.” “I think mate is a good feeling. Even though I don't understand much." “Look, even Luffy gets it.” “But I prefer a pack. I had a pack when I was little. My brothers and I.” "Really?" "Don't lie, Luffy." "It's your job to lie, Usopp." “But you don't have a pack mark.” “Couldn't get a chance. But we were a pack.” “If he says so, so it is. Drop it Usopp. And now we sleep. It is uncertain what tomorrow will bring.” "Goodnight." "Goodnight."
///////// “If you intend to attack this village, you must gather your strength! Or my 80 million men will crush you like bugs!” "UNBELIEVABLE!!!" "You are lying." "Ah! She saw the truth!” “See, he said I saw the truth.” "What? Was he lying?” “80 million may be an exaggeration, but I have a lot of strong men!” “Those three pups?” “LEARNED!!! R-RUN!!!” "Hey don't run away!" “I've never heard of a pirate using pachinko.” “Hahahaha!!! You are quite an interesting person.” “Oh don't laugh! I am very honorable. That's why they call me the honorable Usopp. My Pachinko skill is better than rifles.” “Since you talked about rifles, bet your life on that. It's not a tool to scare people."
Maybe Zoro picked the right person as captain huh?
“The person standing in front of you is a real pirate.” "As I thought. The speech of a real pirate is scarier. Unbelievable."
Zoro and Luffy laughed at that too.
“I just imitated someone else's speech. Shanks, whom I deeply respect.” “S-Shanks? Do you know the red-haired Shanks?" "Yes. Isn't it Yasopp? Your father's name?"
In a surprise, Usopp fell.
“Yasopp my father's name is correct but how do you know?” "I'll tell you if you buy me dinner." "We agreed."
So they all went to dinner together.
“I met your father once when I was little.” "So my dad was on Shanks' ship huh?" “You look just like your father. As soon as I saw it I thought it was his son. He always told me I have a son the same age as you.” "Really? I never thought my father was in such a great crew.” “I don't know what his status is right now, but I think he's still with him. But your dad's marksmanship is really great. And Usopp, I've heard your story over and over. I was pretty tired of it. Yasopp is a great pirate.” “I thought so too. Disregarding his own life, he sails to the seas and embarks on adventures.” “This makes it easier for us to talk. Hey. Is there a place in this village where we can buy a sailboat or a large ship?” “As you can see, this village is quite small. I'm very sorry, but I can't accept your request." “There was a huge mansion on top of the hill.” “Hey Usopp, do you know them?” “You can't go there! Ah! Now I remember. There was something I had to do. I know the owner of this shop well. Eat and drink as you wish. I'm going. See you!"
*** After the Captain Kuro incident, they met Lady Kaya's fine gift, Going Merry. Finally, the little crew had a ship. Usopp had to go his own way, too.
“So you really are sailing, Usopp-san.” "Yes. I must go before I change my mind. Don't try to stop me." “I will not stop. I felt you would do that.” "What? I was a little disappointed. Next time I'm back in the village, I'll tell stories that are more compelling than those of the lying Usopp." “I will look forward to it.” “Take care of yourself too! We will meet again one day.” "Why?" “Why? You're really obtuse, aren't you? I'll be a pirate like you. So one day we may meet somewhere at sea.” “What are you talking about, get in quick!” "We are already Nakama, aren't we?" “I-I'm the captain! “Don't be silly, I'm the captain!
So Usopp placed his things in Merry.
"Luffy to Kaya-" "We are waiting."
"Kaya!" “Usopp-san?” “I'm going to be a really brave pirate. And one day I'll be back with my stories. I know I'm asking a lot from you, but will you wait for me?" “Well?” "Forgive my rudeness, but-" “Usopp-san?” "Yes?" “I will wait for the day when I will be your mate.” “Kaya… Please wait for me. I'll write you a letter whenever I get the chance. And take this.” "This?" “The ring my father gave to my mother. Will you wear it as a necklace until I come?" “I'd be proud of that, Usopp-san. Please go now. They are waiting for you.”
So Usopp left her without another word and boarded the ship again. Merry also sailed.
“Heh, so you want to have a mate huh?” "Yes. I have always loved her very much.” “Usopp, you are so sweet.” “Hahahaha. I think we already have a married man on our crew. And Usopp?” "Yes?" "There's no turning back now that you've joined the crew." "I know." “Then you should know one more thing. I am an omega.” “Huh? HUH!!!!! Seriously?!" "Yes." “Woah. You are so strong!” “Would it be a problem for you?” “Why would it be? I am a beta man so pheromones don't even affect me that much and I literally have a soon-to-be mate. Nami and Zoro?” “Me and Zoro are alpha.” “' 2 alphas 1 beta 1 omega huh. Normally there should be more betas.” “Shishishi. We will have more crew members.”
////// “Hey cook! Join us! You will be the cook on my pirate ship!” “Huh?” “Are you a pirate?” "Yes." “Then why did you attack this restaurant?” “It was an accident. We were just defending ourselves.” “What does that mean? Anyway, you better not do anything else to this place. The head chef here was once a notorious big pirate.” “So that old man was a pirate.” “For that old man, this restaurant is more precious than any treasure. Other cooks who followed his fame were once fearsome pirates. Pirates in these parts come here often.” "Yes. doesn't seem to have any free moments." "Not bad. I'm used to it.” “Lately, a lot of people come to watch pirates and cooks fight. But that scares away all part-time waiters.” “Oh, so that's why he asked me to work here for a year. Hey! Join us!" “I refuse. I have my own reasons to stay here.” "No! I refuse! "What?" “I refuse your refusal! You're a good cook, so come with me and be a pirate." “Listen to me oi!” “What is your reason?” “I don't need to tell you!” “Huh? Didn't you want me to listen to you now?" “I said you should accept my decision! If you're not careful, I'll slit you like a fish, Straw Hat!” "What did you say?! If you don't want to start a fight, don't insult my hat! You scumbag!”
While they were fighting, Gin intervened and warned Luffy about the Grand Line. He then says Sanji will get in trouble because of him before he goes his own way. Sanji then threw her dinner plate into the sea. And he said he has no proof anymore. Gin left very gratefully.
*** As soon as Sanji saw Nami, he started flirting with her.
“But this is so terrible. There is a huge obstacle between us!” “Isn't the obstacle mine? Sanji?” “Old geezer!” “Isn't that great? Why don't you run away and become a pirate like them? We don't need you here anymore!” “Hey shitty old man! Am I not the cook's assistant here? We don't need you here anymore, what's the bullshit?!” “You are constantly fighting with customers. You flirt with every beautiful woman you see. And you make terrible meals. You are nothing but a burden to this restaurant!” "What…" “Other cooks don't like you anyway. Why don't you be a pirate or something and get out of here?" “What is this nonsense? I did nothing and now you're blowing on me? I don't mind other excuses but I will never let you insult my food! I don't care what you say! I will stay here as a cook! If you don't like it, that's your problem!” “How dare you hit your own boss?! You stupid eggplant!”
Luffy liked Sanji even more after Zeff and Sanji's fight. Besides, he was funny. He should definitely join the crew.
*** Sanji had watched both Zoro and Luffy very closely during Zoro and Mihawk's fight. To him, at first, what Zoro did was pointless. As for Luffy… It was obvious that Zoro was very valuable to Luffy. The boy almost broke what he was holding on to. Still, he had respected all of Zoro's wishes and never interfered in the fight. After Zoro made a promise to Luffy, he sent him and the other idiots after Nami-san. What a strong will… What a crew…
After the battle with Don Krieg, Luffy earned all of Sanji's respect. Still, deciding to go was a very difficult decision, especially as the old geezer's words 'don't catch a cold' broke him. It was the first time he'd been separated from the man who had acted as his father in all this time and had even developed a paternal bond with him. But it was necessary for his dreams.
So with Yosaku and Luffy, he started to go after Nami. On the way, Luffy realized that Sanji was using fake pheromones. So he decided to ask.
“Hey, Sanji?” "Hmm?" “Are you an Alpha?” “Yes. Can't you tell?"
Yes. He was lying. But Luffy wasn't the type to judge him. After the incident 10 years ago, that too… It was a long time ago.
“Just making sure. I am an omega by the way.” “Oh… I kinda guessed it.” “Right…”
Sanji had guessed that Luffy was an omega due to both being odorless and his attitude towards crew members. He wasn't the type to judge her because he was already an omega. He didn't want to lie, but…
*** “NAMI!!!! YOU ARE MY NAKAMA!!!!”
He had defeated Arlong. He had defeated Arlong. After 8 years. She was free at last. She was free.
That's why Nami pulled Luffy aside for a moment while people were partying.
“Luffy…” “Yeah, Nami?” “Arlong has always told me about hierarchy and the importance of alpha. That's why I underestimated you. I am very sorry." “It's okay Nami. I understand the way people view omegas best.” “Thanks, Luffy.” “Shishishi!! You are my Nakama, right? I can do anything for my Nakama.”
Luffy then returned to the party for more food. Nami went to do her last few errands.
After Nami got her tattoo, she turned into a party. Strangely enough, she couldn't find either Luffy or Sanji-kun in the crowd. She finally found them where Zoro lay.
“So you are here.” “Oh Nami-san, you are so beautiful again.” “Hai hai Sanji-kun. Thanks. Is he finally asleep?" “Is that stubborn Marimo? Yes. Just a dumb alpha image.” “Shishishi” “And what about you?” “Ahhh! My Nami-san was your concern for me. I could die of happiness.” “Why am I struggling?” “YOSH! I'm hungry again. I'm going."
So Luffy went to eat again.
“Isn't he an amazing person, Sanji-kun?” "He really is. Normally, no one would believe that an omega defeated an Alpha merman.” “I wouldn't believe it. After all, normally Omegas are fragile.” “They are not weak.” “I guess they are not. I'm going to the party too. See you later Sanji-kun.” “Of course Nami-san!”
After Nami left, Sanji looked at the stupid alpha, who was sleeping a little longer. It was best to stay away from him.
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lawslessons · 4 years
hey! i really enjoyed what you wrote for the soulmate alphabets so [insert All Might smile] i am here!! could i request D [soulmate] for Zoro? thanks in advance! ☺️💓
Hello my dear! I am so sorry for how long this took, I haven’t been feeling well but today I had energy to write so I decided to take advantage of that! I took some creative liberty with the whole Marine aspect and I hope you enjoy it!
Zoro x Reader - No Promises 
D - “damage done to a person also translates into their soulmate’s body”
Warnings: mentions of bodily harm
Synopsis: A vicious pursuit, Zoro manages to get lost and stumble across someone powerful. Their aura is daunting and their ability with a sword is even more frightening, but being efficient with a sword is not their only similarity. Zoro soon finds out that their connection runs deeper, much deeper, not just skin deep in the pursuit.
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“We almost caught up with him, Vice Admiral!” A shaky man yelled to his head officer with his hand against his forehead in pure respect. The person they were addressing didn’t look too pleased by what their subordinate said. 
“Almost? Almost? Why didn’t you catch up to him?” They scowled as they slammed their fist down against the table and watched as it began to shake under the sheer force of their fist. 
“He’s fast, we had no way -- “
“Bullshit,” They scoffed as they adjusted their white cape with a sour expression on their face. The subordinate squeaked and quickly scrambled to grab his papers before he ran out of the office with a small scream. They sighed in annoyance as they watched him run away, they leaned against their desk with a small frown. “Guess I need to go out there,” They said as they grabbed their sword and left their office. If something needed to be done, do it yourself or something like that, they thought. Like usual, the Strawhat crew was making a mess of a town they were in, and being the Vice Admiral in charge of the island and the islands surrounding it, they took it as their personal responsibility to make sure that this disturbance was accounted for. While most of the crew had escaped, there was a person that wasn’t accounted for yet: Roronoa Zoro, one of the world’s strongest swordsmen. They felt their hand tense at the thought of being able to finally fight him, to finally see if his strength was anything remarkable. 
“Vice Admiral! We caught sight of him near the pier, it seems that he’s lost?” Another subordinate said in some confusion. They couldn’t help but sigh at that, they had heard about how directionally challenged the swordsman was, but they never expected it to be this bad, after all the island was only so big. With a small breath, they got into a running stance before they were practically flying through the air to the pier to catch up with the swordsman. They came to a skidding halt when they heard the sound of swords clashing. 
He was here. 
When they looked over their shoulder and saw the swordsman heavily breathing as he put his swords away, they couldn’t help but smirk. 
“Are you already tired?” They teased as they slowly approached the rabid Zoro. Zoro frowned and went to pull his sword out, but their quick reflexes quickly stopped the swordsman in his tracks. “Did you seriously think that would work?” They frowned as they pulled their sword away. Their eyes scanned over the swordsman's body and noticed something interesting. Scars ran across his chest and his arms, all deep and jagged and painful, and most importantly exactly like theirs. They frowned at that realization and took a step back from him. Now it was Zoro’s turn to smirk, he took their look as them checking him out, who would blame them? He was built, strong, he was almost godly in his stature. 
“If you just wanted me you could’ve asked, I've never done a vice admiral before,” Zoro teased. 
“Shut it,” They snapped in disgust, they moved to take their coat off and unbuttoned the top of their shirt to show the same, long scar that Zoro had. “I was looking at your scar, where the hell did you get it?” They asked as they pointed to the swordsman in curiosity. Zoro frowned when he saw the scar that was the same as his own, but before either of them could say anymore, the marine reinforcements were beginning to arrive and come in full force. 
“Run!” They quickly said as they grabbed the swordsman’s hand and went to run to a safe place for the two of them. They ran fast, Zoro even had to admit that he was surprised by their deftness and speed. As they reached an isolated, quiet part of the town, they started to slow down and looked over at the swordsman. 
“Where -- “
“An abandoned part of the town, it was run down by pirates and the people here had to evacuate,” They shared as they adjusted the coat over their shoulders again. Zoro watched as their face became sullen and how they grew quiet as they looked around the town they were in. Even more than that, Zoro was surprised at how quickly they were opening up to him, why was that?
“Abandoned?” Zoro decided to ask. He almost regretted asking when he saw how their face darkened. 
“All you pirates think you’re so righteous, you fight marines, other pirates but do you ever think about the citizens who have to live in your mess?” They asked him. Zoro stayed silent and watched as they glared at him. Zoro could feel the power emanating off of them, they were someone he knew he shouldn’t mess with so easily. A Vice Admiral, but why were they so different? Did they have the same moral compass as a normal Marine, yes, but something about the way they held themselves, the way the coat slid off of their shoulders caught his eye. 
“What if I said the same about you, huh? You marines only cause damage where you go. You say you represent justice, but what is that justice? Where is it?” Zoro decided to press with a sour frown on his face. 
“Don’t even compare me to -- “
“So you think you’re above the law? You think you can destroy towns that were run by pirates? What about the innocent people there depending on their protection? You guys do the same thing the lowly pirates do. I’m not saying pirates are better, I’m not. I’m saying to look at yourself before you spout bullshit like that, at least pirates have the guts to acknowledge when they destroy something, you all just run away,” Zoro ranted as he slowly stepped towards them. When he noticed how they were trying to look away from him, he used his hand to grab at their chin and force them to maintain the sharp, almost painful eye contact with him. Both of them had hate in their eyes, the tension between them was thick, but thick with what exactly? Neither of them could place their finger on what exactly it was. But soon, Zoro noticed how their eyes began to soften, their lips tightened and it looked as if they were thinking. 
“There really are bad people on both sides,” They frowned as they tried to step away from the swordsman, but Zoro wouldn’t let them go that easily. 
“Why do you have those scars?” Zoro asked instead. The position they were in looked compromising. The Vice Admiral’s back was against a wall now, the swordsman was looking straight down at their chest with curious eyes. Realizing the strange position they were both in, the Vice Admiral had the grace to blush and cast their eyes away from the swordsman as he seemingly undressed them with one of his eyes. 
“They showed up one day. I was a captain on a ship and one day when I was patrolling, a sharp pain. I passed out, when I woke up I saw the deep scar across my chest which confused me, I wasn’t even attacked, and then even more scars started to appear. And two years ago the worst pain in my life happened. A deep pain, it was a personal scar I could tell, it was like fire,” They tried to explain, they did their best to try to explain something that seemingly didn’t make any sense. Zoro was stunned to silence, he stared at the scar some more and looked at the smooth edges of the scar, the stitching, everything. He knew the work of that sword, he was the one who was on the other end of the sword. 
“It was my fault,” Zoro breathed out apologetically, but now it was their turn to be confused. 
“What -- “ Before they were allowed to finish, Zoro stepped back and pointed to the deep scar on his own chest with a frown on his face.
“I got hurt then, that must've done something to you, but I don’t know why,” Zoro frowned. When they both looked at each other again, they began to realize that their connection may have run deeper than he realized. Neither of them were able to say anything about it though, how could they? One was a Vice Admiral and the other a pirate, a powerful pirate from a notorious group. 
“I won’t forget you, Zoro,” They said as the sound of footsteps were heard in the distance: the rest of the reinforcements were coming. Their connection was deep, their lives were intertwined and they didn’t know it yet. “I will capture you one day, and then we can talk,” They said, their sense of justice and their loyalty to their job was still on the forefront of their mind, they couldn’t let Zoro know the power he had over them. Zoro felt the same way, he did his best to look annoyed, but it was difficult, he was intrigued by them. 
“And I will do my best to kick your ass,” Zoro smirked. 
“Romantic,” They teased. 
“I can be if you give me a shot,” Zoro flirted as he started to follow the Vice Admiral out of the abandoned part of the town. They rolled their eyes and looked back over at him. 
“You wish, now get out of here, and don’t get lost!” They yelled as they saw Zoro already running, was it even in the right direction?
“No promises,” Zoro smirked as he started to run past the marines that were there. They all looked confused, how did their Vice Admiral not catch up to him yet? 
“Get him!” A marine yelled as the pursuit began. Zoro wasn’t worried about the people chasing him, instead his mind lingered on the Vice Admiral. The way the coat dropped off of their shoulders, their frown, so romantic. Zoro laughed and sped up, this was going to be an interesting pursuit for sure.
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Hey uhm first of all I just wanna say, your fics are really good!😭❤ secondly, I appreciate the amount of effort you put in to your fics so thank you so much!
How about having an argument with Zoro, Sanji, Ace and Law and f!s/o accidentally says "i hate you", what would their reaction be like?
Angst but fluff and comfort ending if u may omg agsjsvs
N e wayz, have an amazing day bub!❤🥺
Sensitive Topic
Hello softiebadbitch :) ! love this name.
I wasn't really sure how to add 4 readers into one story but I think I found a good solution. It's clear to me that you wanted to have 4 separate stories but this would have been too long for one post and you can't use one request for several posts.. sadly. Hope this fixed it - I made one general story and continued with 4 different endings. All of them are in the reader version but the 'extra girlfriends' have their specific names to not make it too complicated.
Kind of like this way of writing.. wouldn't mind more requests like this :) ! Thanks for letting me explore this new style even though it probably wasn't intended.
And thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it <3 especially because I don't know if anything I write is good enough for Tumblr or literally any request. Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 !
- Ace x reader - ZoroxRey, SanjixAna, LawxValeria (if one of these names is yours.. you're welcome) - 2,774 words (but it's a 4 in 1 story) - lovey-dovey, little pain in our chest, signs of smut, still SFW, cute moments
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Spending some girl-time with your closest best friends was a really rare occasion after spending years on many pirate ships. Especially bonding with female human beings was hard. But since you were dating Ace, you finally got the chance after meeting his friends. Some of them were already in a relationship with their current partners and the rest just started dating. After a successful shopping day, you spend the rest of the evening in the fanciest diner on this island and booked a whole room just for you and your better halves. The men were probably still training or doing something unimportant, but none of you cared. "Can you believe the guy from the bakery? He dared to follow us around just to carry our bags..?", Rey laughed and finished her second glass of wine. "Just please don't tell Sanji about it. He is already heartbroken because I went shopping without him.", Ana pouted and sighed a bit sad. You rolled your eyes, "Stop whining. This is the first time after eight months that we could hang out together. And we didn't have to worry about carrying something." "Plus, the guy seemed to be really into you, Ana.", Rey smirked and gave her a flirty wink. "Stop saying that! Sanji could come here any minute! You know how jealous he can get!", Ana warned Rey and glared at her. This was the worst timing ever. "Jealous? Why?! Did anyone touch you?!", Sanji's eyes were already in flames and he almost teleported himself to his girlfriend after hearing these words. The men decided to join you all on the right - or maybe wrong? - time and chose to mock the conversation. "Probably some weird girly things, we don't wanna know about.", Ace grinned and sat down right in front of you. The men sat down on the other side of the table and didn't even choose to greet them with a hug or a kiss, except for Sanji, who could barely let his fingers of Ana. You raised an eyebrow at Ace's comment, "What?" "Just kidding! You had probably something important to talk about.. like which nail color you're supposed to get next week.", Ace added and high-fived Zoro. "Or what hairstyle you should make to match your earrings!", Zoro couldn't stop laughing at his own comment. Ace turned to Law for another high five but he just glared at the topless pirate. "What? You're leaving me hanging like this?!" "Don't drag me into this.", Law turned away from him and faced Valeria, who seemed pleased by his answer. The others were not though. You were still confused by Ace's behavior but slowly understood that he tried to be as manly as possible in front of the others. Sanji sat down on his place after failing to convince Ana to have her sit on his lap. "What do you mean? An hour ago you were talking about how Valeria tried to draw her eyeliner but ended up looking like a panda!", Ace laughed and high-fived Zoro again, who seemed to feel a bit unsure about Ace's comment now. Rey looked down at her drink, already realizing how quickly the mood changed since they started making fun of all of you. Valeria was shocked. She didn't know how to respond and just shook her head, ignoring Law's desperate look on his face. "That's enough, Ace.", you talked silently and poured yourself some wine, not caring about the waiter offering to do it for you. "What.. I-", Ace froze after seeing your face. It pained him to see you being disappointed and he didn't know how that happened. "I am sorry if I have offended anyone.. we were just talking.. ", he cleared his throat and began to feel uncomfortable. He didn't see that coming. "Then maybe you should stop it", you were still not able to look up. "Stop what? Talking?" "Yes.", your eyes flashed up to him now. He didn't expect to see the anger in them. Ace has never seen that glare directed at him. It felt way too painful. "Okay, everyone. Let's calm down now and enjoy this dinner.", Sanji tried to cool down the situation and looked at the food, which didn't look good enough for his girlfriend. "Gonna be hard when you're here.", Zoro commented under his breath and was already eating his meal. "Huh?!", Sanji clenched
his teeth and tensed all his muscles to not smack Zoro for that comment. "Can you just calm down, you two?!", Ana took a deep and annoyed breath, trying to stay calm in this uncomfortable scenario. Ace couldn't stop but to look at you, ignoring him now. "Valeria-" "Don't.", she stopped Law from whatever he was trying to say. Everyone was quiet. Nobody was eating. "..anyone want some extra bread?", the waiter whispered and stood behind you, holding up a basket with fresh bread.
Ace x reader When you arrived in the room of your hotel, you still didn't dare to say a word. You were still furious about his behavior, especially because this wasn't the first time he dared to say something like that. "(Y/N), I am-" "I don't want to hear it." "Please, just let me-" "I said, that I don't want to hear it.", you hit your jacket onto the bed and let go of it a few seconds after. Taking a deep breath, Ace pressed his lips together and didn't know what to say or do. You two never had a fight like this and he feared to say something wrong, which would make you leave him. "I don't want us to go to bed angry.", he whispered sadly and stepped closer to you. You just froze and closed your eyes, trying to remain calm. "You always do this.. every time you make fun of something I do. I stopped talking about my hobbies and literally anything that makes me happy and you caught a glimpse of us having fun, and immediately you chose to mock it..." Ace frowned at that and thought back to all the times he tried to have fun with you. He never understood any of your hobbies or what girls liked, which is why he tried to spend some time with you by making jokes but it never occurred to him that it was actually hurting you. "Why did you never tell me that? I didn't know that it hurt you.." "Because I shouldn't need to tell you! I hate when you try to make fun of me or other people like that! You literally took the joy of me doing my hair, trying to learn how to skateboard or even baking muffins! I hate this, I hate the fights and I hate yo-" Both of you froze right on your spots. "Oh my God..", tears were rolling down your eyes and your knees weren't able to support you any longer. You immediately went down to your knees and hid your face in your hands. "I didn't want to say this.. it slipped.. I don't hate you, Ace!" Your heart was aching at what you were about to say. Ace didn't feel any better. He sat down right next to you and watched you wiping your tears away. "I have caused this... I am sorry, (Y/N).. This will never happen again, I promise. I just wanted to be a part of something in your life.", he took a deep breath and pulled you onto his lap. "I will find another way. Just please.. don't hate me." You shook your head and hugged him tight back, hiding your face in his neck and never ever letting him go. --- Zoro x Rey Zoro came out of the shower, just a towel around his hips and water still dripping down his naked chest. This was usually a sight, which made you jump right onto him but not this time. The pirate hunter had hoped for you to fall for it because he was really bad at apologizing but he knew you had a stronger will than him. He would have fallen for it. You were already in bed, cuddled into your pillow and ignoring him professionally. "Rey.. I can feel that you're not sleeping.", Zoro approached the bed and sighed when you didn't respond. "..are you mad at me?", he whispered now carefully. You raised an eyebrow at this provocative question and pressed your lips together, trying not to give back a stupid answer. But your mouth responded faster than your brain. "No, I am super happy about today's events. We can repeat that tomorrow again, if you feel like making fun of women-things.", you added in a sarcastic tone. "So.. that's a yes?" You turned around, the pillow tight in your grip and pulled the pillow with a loud thud onto his face. When you took the pillow away, you narrowed your eyes at his provocative smirk. "Definitely, yes." "Shut up.", you sighed and were about to turn around again but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the other side of the bed until you were facing him. "Stop running away from your problems all the time, lady." "I really hate when you are doing this!", you tried to free your arm from his grip. "What?" "Using your strength to make me do whatever you want to!" "This is literally the reason, why you started dating me. Because I am not a weakling, who gets dragged by everyone like your stupid exes. But if you really hate it, then that means you must hate me
too, right?", he leaned forward, making sure not to miss any sort of reaction in your eyes. You looked at him surprised and didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, you shook your head and sighed a bit. "I couldn't hate you for being you. I hate the fact that you're making fun of girl-things all the time." "Alright, I'll stop then.", Zoro promised and let go of your hand. He turned around and went to the pile of washed clothes on the couch to pick out something to sleep in. Right.. I forgot how easy it can be in a relationship. You talk, promise and go on. Not believing what he just did, your brain had a thousand thoughts about what would happen during this night but it did not involve any sort of clothes. You stood up, went to him, and pulled away his towel. Zoro turned around, surprised by your decision, "Oj.. bad girl." --- Sanji x Ana After this emotional and very unusual dinner, you decided to have some tea. Sanji was still in your bedroom preparing a bath for you even though you've told him that you weren't in the mood for it. You hid in the kitchen and cooked some water, while preparing the rest. While you were looking for the honey, which he was hiding from Luffy, Sanji entered the kitchen. "Oj, what are you doing?", he approached you and immediately figured that you were making some tea. "Just something to warm myself up with a sweet taste.", you smiled a bit exhausted and felt Sanji's arms around you in an instant. "I am sorry for today.. I know that I promised you to not get triggered because of that marimo but his bare existence is to annoy me.", Sanji tried to brighten the mood and gave you a soft kiss on your head. "No, it's okay.. I am already used to it. I just wanted to have a chill day with the girls and this fight kind of ruined everything again.", you shrugged and leaned softly onto him, enjoying his muscular arms supporting you. "Oh.. so you don't hate me, right?" You laughed softly. The relationship had only just begun and Sanji had to question every move of yours. "I could never...", you looked up to him and kissed his warm lips softly, forgetting about everything that had happened in the last hour. --- Law x Valeria Law used his room ability to create a bubble surrounding the two of you. He carefully stepped closer and put his arm around your waist only to see you turn your head away from him. He tensed his jaw, trying to hide the sudden strike of pain in his chest and just decided to ignore it for now. "Shambles." You found yourself in your and Law's bedroom. After a few seconds, you just freed yourself from his arm and went straight into the bathroom, locking yourself in. Law just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He had definitely hurt your feelings but he didn't know how to apologize for it. "Val..", he closed the distance slowly to the door and tried to listen to whatever you were doing inside. It sounded like you were throwing something away and sniffling quietly. Fuck.. "Valeria.. what are you doing?" "Cleaning.", your response was sharp. Law knew that he was a genius, who could solve the hardest puzzle on this planet or even have a detailed discussion with Robin, but even Luffy or Kid would have been able to figure out what you were doing right now. "Stop throwing away your things. I like it when you put on your make-up." "Are you sure about that? Or are you going to call me a dog or a salamander the next time you talk to others?!", you wiped away your tears and threw away the rest of the make-up, which you bought today. "Stop overreacting. I was just talking about your eyeliner the other day and you hated it too. Take out the make-up again and forget about it.", he sighed and knew that this wasn't something he should say but he also knew that it would trigger you enough to get out of the bathroom. "You know what-!", you opened the door harshly and stepped out, pointing your index finger at him. Law had a hard time hiding his cheeky smile because he already knew you well enough. "I hate what you're doing! Always talking about me behind my back! I hate
you for it!", you crossed your arms at your chest and took a deep breath, trying to control the last brain cells, which are still able to hold you back from kissing his cheeky smirk. The pirate captain raised an eyebrow at that and needed a second to choose his next words wisely. "Did you just tell me that you hate me?" "I said that I hate you for it! Not that I hate you!" "This is literally the same..", Law tilted his head a bit and couldn't quite accept that. "I hate it when you talk about me behind my back before talking to me personally. You were the first one to say 'I love you' but not directly to me.. no! You said it to Bepo first and he told me. Then you said that you preferred my soft cookies more than the brownies but again: you didn't tell me! You told Sanji! And to the newest 'Law is a wimp and can't tell his girlfriend anything personally', you told the boys that I looked like a damn panda!" "But a cute one..", Law smirked now and stepped closer, putting his hand on your cheek softly. You were just about to smack it away but Law was faster. He pushed you against a wall within a second and pressed his body against yours. His hand rested on your neck and he pressed his thumb against your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "Say it again, Valeria..", he purred your name in his dangerously sexy voice. "Say that you hate me." You frowned at his reaction and didn't really understand how this turned him on. "No, you weirdo." "Say it.", he commanded now and leaned closer to you, your lips barely touching. "Make me.", your last brain cells just said their goodbyes. A harsh sound of him pulling out his belt appeared beside you and you couldn't look away. His eyes were focused on yours as if he'd die if he'd miss anything for a second. "Don't tell Bepo.. but you're my favorite panda." "You fucking... I really hate you now.", you spoke through your teeth and tried to push him away. The most heartwarming laugh escaped Law's lips and he immediately locked his lips with yours, not giving you a chance to respond to him laughing. Law pulled your arms behind your back and tied them with his belt. "That's my girl.", he whispered in between your kiss and didn't let go of you for the rest of the night.
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hanamiyaaaa · 4 years
ONE PIECE HCs: Jealousy Headcanons
This has been done over and over and over and oveeeer again, but here *pushes hcs towards everyone* please have them!! Also, I missed writing stuff huhu. I tried my best so I hope you like them!! 
Monkey D. Luffy
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Pre-TS Luffy would be jealous whenever he noticed that you're paying more attention to something/somebody else. He'd jump right into your bubble and do stupid stuff so that he could be the most interesting person in your life again. Like a little kid, his jealousy is harmless. He'd be upset for a while, but once you’ve you given him what he wanted, he'd be smiling again and would leave you in peace. Lucky for you, Pre-TS Luffy is pure and easily distracted so you probably could handle him quite easily. This is mostly cute, but probably could get real annoying especially because you’re not allowed to pull the exact same shit on him. He’d be annoyed lol. Pre-TS Luffy is a child, definitely not yet mentally and emotionally ready for a relationship.
Post-TS Luffy is a whole level different. Even though he's still our bhabie, he matured and has calmed down. He won't be jealous over something like you talking to somebody else, or you reading a book (than watching him run around) anymore. He probably wouldn't be even feel threatened when you get close to other guys. He just have so much trust on you that you cheating on him wouldn’t cross his mind. But, of course, he has his limits. You're his. You swore, you promised to be only his so when other people start getting a little bit too touchy and you’re allowing it, he would snatch you away and he’d make sure that the fact that you're his s/o is known. There would be arguments, but he wouldn't be upset for that long. If you tried to make him jealous, you can just apologize and he'd accept it but wouldn't get why you'd want him to get jealous. 
Roronoa Zoro
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Despite being known to be straightforward, Jealous!Zoro is probably going to be the one to give you the cold shoulder/silent treatment mostly because he tends to bottle up stupid feelings like these. He'd try to be chill about it, but seeing you way too friendly with swirly brows (or someone he doesn’t like) will get him worked up but since he doesn't to appear like a pathetic loser in front his you and the others, he'd be like 'meh i'm cool yo'. BUT NO, HE'S NOT. He wouldn't be able to completely hide the feelings of scorn and envy. No matter how hard he tries to hide it, his irritation will bleed through his exterior in the form of spicy words, sarcasm and silence that would initiate arguments. Since he's already frustrated, things would heat up right away and the whole thing would just explode into a full blown fight whether it's in a form of verbal exchange or uncomfortable silence.
Making up is casual? It's weird because no one needs to apologize. Zoro would just walk up to you and start a conversation, and he'd know that you guys are okay if you properly replied to him, and vice versa. It's usually Zoro who'd break the ice first, regardless of the who was in the wrong, but just know that it wouldn't be anything like "I'm sorry about earlier," but be more like "Do we have still have sake around?". It's not like he'd never apologize verbally, though. He just saves it for things that are actually meant apologizing for (petty, childish fights don't qualify).
Yellow ranger Vinsmoke Sanji
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Okay. So, we can all agree that this one would be the most jealous out of these four, yes? Sanji's basically like Pre-TS Luffy but a tad more reasonable. He wouldn't get mad if you indulge in your hobby more than you spend time with him, but he would get upset if you talked too much or acted too friendly with other men. Unlike the marimo, he'd be open about his feelings. He'd rush to your side right away, take you away and let the other guy know that you're taken by him. He'd be very clingy to you and would be showy as well. Definitely, he's not embarrassed to hold you in public and he's also not afraid to do more than shoot daggers at people who looks at you funny (sometimes it's just Sanji's imagination really). Most of the time, he'd be angry at those people but when it comes to you, he'd just be sad and disappointed at most, which only ever happens if he figured out you made him jealous on purpose ...or not, if you're the 'polite' type who flirts back unknowingly or something like that idk. He'd never treat you the way he treats those garbage trying to get your attention like ever.
If a fight broke out between the two of you, Sanji would always be the one to apologize first, usually accompanied with gifts like flowers and jewelry. He'd make up to you even though he's not at fault. You're the most important person in his life and he'd be willing to swallow his every ounce of pride for you. Sanji definitely is that one friend of ours who we give advise about his toxic love life but doesn't ever listen or that one friend who gets back with his ex after a pathetic apology lol. He's just like that so please take care of this baby.
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Usopp probably thinks he's no good for you. I feel like he's filled with insecurities which he hides beneath his jolly exterior; these insecurities blind him from seeing his worth causing him to feel undeserving of you. Usopp is strong; he's got his own game and he plays it real good, unfortunately butterflies don't see their own wings. Like any other man, he'd get jealous if he sees you being questionably chummy with some other guy who he views as a much better fit for you. He'd actually be really sensitive about it, and the one who's prone to overthink. He won't get upset, but he'd get really sad. He'd laugh it off, shrug it off but it's not like it's your fault if you find someone else interesting right? Despite being known as a liar, I don't think he'd be able to hide his feelings from you completely, but he wouldn't voice them out either. However, you'd easily see through him. You'd have to be the one to bring this up because Usopp would never do it. I mean he probably would try but he'd be like "You know this guy you were talking to... uhh well, umm nevermind haha," and yeet himself out of that awkward situation. But even when you confront him, he'd initially play it cool but you know that it's not okay- he's not okay.
He wouldn't argue with you about this matter even if you try to lure him into one. He'd probably be irritated if you continued to push this topic, but sometimes insisting to talk about it might be the best choice even if it hurt the both of you. After all, Usopp can't always run away from his feelings and insecurities. He'd want to apologize first, but there would be moments where you both do it at the same time and it's just the cutest and probably the calmest way to end an argument right? He'd need reassurance from time to time so make sure to be patient with him okay? He'd be more confident in time just trust him and don’t stop loving him!!
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
Alright, friends, you know the drill by now. Here’s Part III of Sarcasticles’ overblown thoughts on sexism in One Piece. If you haven’t already, go read Part I and Part II before proceeding. 
I promise after this I’ll be done. By hook or by crook, we’re getting through the point of the original question. To the Anon who originally sent the ask, sorry it took this long to get here, I hope it’s helpful.
Also, I allude to some very, very minor Wano spoilers, so if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing here’s your warning. 
Characterization? I Don’t Know Her
What makes a good character?
I’ve spent an awful lot of time talking about character designs, when, funnily enough, it’s one of the aspects I pay the least attention to when it comes to deciding if I like how an author portrays their characters. I personally don’t care for fanservice, never have and never will. But unless it’s particularly egregious, I tend to ignore it because there are other factors I think are more important. 
The secret sauce for building characters is hard to define, because a good writer can take a concept that has no right being any good and turn it into something incredible (Oda does this all the time) where bad writers will seemingly slot all the right information in the right holes and still have their characters come out of the developmental oven flat and under cooked. 
One of the biggest buzzwords floating around these days is agency. Is a character active in their own story, or are they jerked around by the needs of the plot? Is their voice heard? Is their voice unique, or do they blend in with the background?
This is particularly important, because the term Strong Female Protagonist has been warped into shorthand for “girl who fights a lot and looks pretty doing it”. You can have a girl strong enough to lift mountains and still have her be a shit character. You can write a girl who’s main motivation is to get married and have babies with phenomenal depth. What matters is execution. 
The Petition to Call A Group of Rescue Arcs a ‘Damsel’
Both Nami and Robin had to be rescued, their main arcs bearing similarities that are impossible to ignore. But these aren’t copies of one another as much as variations on a theme, and with the existence of Marineford and Whole Cake Island I think anyone would be hard-pressed to say that One Piece’s rescue arcs are a girl’s thing. At this point it’s a feature, not a bug. 
Which makes sense given how fundamental the idea freedom is to the series. Hell, the first thing Luffy does after becoming a pirate is free Coby from Alvida’s tyrannical reign. Then he frees Zoro from an unjust authority that would have killed him had Luffy not intervened.
Notice a pattern here? 
One Piece is written like Pachelbel Canon, in that a very simple core of ideas are repeated over and over with layers of complexity and nuance added over time, examining the same themes from every possible angle. 
And when you look at the Four Big Rescue Arcs -- Nami, Robin, Ace, Sanji -- you’ll see that it’s Ace who’s given the least agency throughout his arc. Nami chose to hijack the Going Merry, repeatedly chose to push away the Straw Hats until she reached her breaking point, at which she chose to ask for help, with Luffy only intervening once she does. 
Robin is a little less obvious, but during the post-Water 7 party chapters, Aokiji makes the interesting observation that Robin could have escaped CP9, but chose not to
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Remember that before Robin’s backstory was shown, Luffy specifically said he didn’t care if she wanted to die or not, so long as she was with the Straw Hats when she made her decision. No one bullied her into “I wanna live”. It was a choice she made of her own volition after realizing the depths the Straw Hats would go on her behalf.
I know there are people who disagree with me, but Nami and Robin are well-written characters. I’ve expounded enough on my reasoning both here and on my main that I don’t want to spend the time belaboring the point. What I do want is to note that Luffy wouldn’t be able to attain his dreams without them. Nami keeps them on course while also severing as a sort of moral compass for the crew -- remember she was the one who insisted on saving the giant kids at Punk Hazard -- while Robin’s ability to read the poneglyphs is what’s going to get the crew to Raftel.
Robin admittedly doesn’t have the same presence within the Straw Hat Pirates as Nami, but I would hardly call that sexism. Since Water 7/Enies Lobby she’s been pretty content to go with whatever Luffy says, and the fact that she’s literally quieter than anyone else in the crew means she doesn’t get as much focus. I think there could be more scenes with her using her specific skill set, like her investigations in Wano and the forensic anthropology scene in the pre-Jaya chapters, but I’m okay with her being a supporting character. 
The East Blue Crew have consistently gotten the most focus of any of the Straw Hats. They are the core of the crew, something Oda admits in a roundabout way in the Color Walk where they all appear together for the first time in a color spread
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With the main cast as large as it is, not everyone is going to have the same amount of focus or development. Robin is given a unique voice within the story because she doesn’t overreact the way literally everyone else does. Through her silence, she stands out. I find there to be very meaningful character development when she feels comfortable enough with the Straw Hats to start calling them by name in Thriller Bark, relaxed enough with her friends to comitt her first facefaults in a series lousy with them in both Dressrosa and Wano.
In an ideal world, Oda would better rotate through his cast, much like how Brook was the unsung MVP on Whole Cake Island (where Nami was also excellent in a supporting role) but I don’t think people realize how hard it is to juggle almost a dozen different people in a story that’s bloated exponentially over time. To his credit, Oda has handled his expanding crew better than most writers. 
I also find it hard to judge this aspect of the series because the manga’s not done yet. I don’t know how Robin and Nami will be used in the future. I mean, Robin never got a chapter title declaring her “The Seventh” which I find suspicious, so Oda could very well have events in store that completely turn our perceptions upside down. It’s impossible to say.
I will acknowledge that the lack of big fights is somewhat disappointing, but neither Robin nor Nami’s dreams revolve around them getting stronger. Robin doesn’t need to use her power to make people explode from the inside out, Nami doesn’t need to fry end-game bosses with her lightning stick. That’s simply not their narrative purpose. With the exception of Tashigi, I’ve found that the female characters advertised as fighters have lived up to their billing. Hancock came out of Marineford unscathed. Carrot’s sulong form was awesome, in the old-fashioned sense of the word. The whole climax of Whole Cake Island revolved around surviving Big Mom’s wrath. Not beating her, not fighting her, it took all the Straw Hats had to just survive. Once again you’re left with a number’s game where where there just aren’t enough female characters to even pretend things are balanced.
All said, I think if you’re going to complain about the lack of Robin fights then I think you also have to complain about the lack of Brook fights, and that’s just not something you hear about, especially after Whole Cake Island. You can’t have it both ways. Either there needs to be more even distribution of major fights throughout the entire crew, or you have to acknowledge that a character’s worth isn’t dependent on their fighting prowess. 
One Piece is a battle manga, and I do think that it’s fair to criticize when a character isn’t allowed to fight when they’re perfectly capable of kicking ass. But it’s also an adventure story, and that opens up entirely new space for a character to occupy, and that’s where I think Nami and Robin (but especially Nami) really shine
That Moment You Realize Humor Isn’t A Universal Language
I’ve spent so much time defending Oda’s designs and characters that it might seem like I’m perfectly okay with everything that’s portrayed in the manga. To be clear, I’m not. If the messages and comments I’ve gotten over the past several days have taught me anything, it’s that many fans share the same sticking points I do, namely in regards to some of the gags. 
I again want to be careful here, because I’m hardly an expert on Japanese culture and it’s really hard to tell if Oda writes his jokes because he thinks they’re funny, or if he thinks his audience will find them funny. I’m again going to default to somewhere in the middle, because if Oda truly found the perviness distasteful he probably wouldn’t have included it, and I’ve read enough SBS to know the guy likes his dick jokes. 
First and foremost, one must address the culture gap. Japan ranks last among G7 nations on gender equality, In 2004 two-thirds of Tokyo women in their 20-30s reported to being groped while on public transport. There are numerous barriers that make it difficult for a woman to succeed either in the workplace or politics. 
From what I can gather, some of these trends are reversing, albeit slowly and with great resistance. Contrary to what many people seem to believe culture is not always value neutral. And I say that as an American, recognizing there are plenty of things about my culture and country that are really fucked up. 
But who gets to decide who’s right and who’s wrong?
When inside that kind of environment, that kind of culture, it’s a lot easier to understand how a character like Sanji can exist. It’s easy to understand why Momo shoving his face into Nami and Robin’s boobs might be played for laughs. It’s not an excuse, but an explanation. And with Sanji failing more often than not, being the butt of his own joke as he slowly turns into a parody of what he once was, one could almost say Oda is pointing those types of people and saying, “Look how pathetic this guy is. Now go laugh as he gets a nosebleed so bad he needs multiple blood transfusions in order to not die.”
I say almost, because Sanji is never condemned for his actions, nor does he learn from them. Instead you have this character who’s supposed to be one of the kindest characters in the series decide to immediately go peep on a woman’s bath house after gaining the power of invisibility. 
Stay classy, Oda.
As distasteful as I find it, I don’t find fanservice to be an inherently evil thing that must be eradicated at all costs, and with Oda doing things like putting his entire cast, male and female, into skintight leathers you can hardly say that he’s excluding the men. 
Everyone will have their line in the sand, and mine goes back to agency. When Nami did her Happiness Punch way back in Alabasta, that was of her own volition. When Nami and Robin dress in clothes that show everything but the nipple, that’s something they chose and feel comfortable in. 
But when Smoker and Tashigi swapped bodies at Punk Hazard, Tashigi specifically asked Smoker not to strip, and he did anyway, opening her coat and removing her bra. This is especially egregious as Tashigi is one of the very few women in the series who is always shown wearing very conservative clothing. Oda specifically showed Tashigi getting upset at Smoker’s actions, and Smoker repeatedly refusing to listen to her.   
That’s where I draw my line. 
Some Final Thoughts I Couldn’t Fit Anywhere Else 
Thought The First--Oda has an interesting habit of turning his most despicable, scummy pieces of flaming human garbage into the butt of the joke. Villains like Crocodile and Doflamingo are certainly evil, but it’s the idealized, cool type of evil that makes you almost admire them. There aren’t very many real-world Crocodiles, but just about everyone knows a Spandam, or an Absalom, or a Vander Decken. These kinds of villains aren’t scary because of their physical prowess, but their unyielding obsessions and the power they’re able to wring from the system, and -- surprise, surprise -- all three are either actively trying to be creepy sex pests or coded as such with the visual language of the comic.   
And Oda turns them into a mockery. 
While there are some who feel like not treating serious issues like sexual assault seriously are doing a disservice to people who have endured similar experiences I think there’s merit to turning them into a laughingstock. As someone much smarter than me said once, if an opinion cannot withstand mockery it’s revealed to be ridiculous, and these scummy-scum villains are certainly ridiculous.
Thought The Second--It’s hard to say how much sexism is a thing in-universe. Kuina is the only one who is explicitly told her dreams were impossible because of her gender, but with the recent reveal confirming that her family came from Wano, which in turn is based on Feudal Japan, it’s hard to say how widespread these beliefs are. Tashigi brought it up again at Loguetown and Bellemere specifically told her girls that they lived in an era where “girls needed to be strong, too”, but otherwise it’s not a topic that’s been explored in any depth
Thought The Third--The in-universe fetishization of mermaids has some implications that I think are unintended but worth discussing. Shirahoshi has a reputation of being one of the most beautiful women in the world despite not leaving her tower for over 10 years (she’s 16). Mermaids whose tails have split are worth less on the slave market than those whose are intact. Even Zoro erased Kokoro from his memory after meeting the more attractive Caime. It’s one of those odd things that when combined with the more obvious racism themes could have some unfortunate implications, and I think could have been avoided had Oda show a little more restraint with some of his jokes. Unintended consequences are still consequences. 
Thought The Forth--There are many other instances throughout the series that people bring up with talking about sexism in One Piece. I feel like a lot of these can be explained away individually -- for example, both Belo Betty and Rebecca’s stripperific outfits were inspired by other media, the painting Liberty of the People and Red Sonja respectively; Lola chasing after an obviously abusive man makes a whole lot more sense when you meet Big Mom; Hancock’s love sickness could be seen as an emotionally stunted woman experiencing her first crush, etc., etc -- it’s when they’re all put together that they begin to read as “Problematic”. 
It would be impossible to go over all these individually, but I tend to fall on the side of leniency. In the end, everyone has to make their own decisions based on their own values. I’m hardly unbiased, and my enjoyment for the series will undoubtedly make me look the other way when another might call the exact same incident The Worst Thing Ever. The thing is, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most are convinced that theirs don’t stink. I include myself in that statement. In the end it’s a comic for kids. It’s supposed to be fun. 
Thought The Last--I have spent entirely too much of my time writing this up, but in the end I guess I have to go back to what I said when I talked about my thoughts on Sanji: Everyone has their own personal line of acceptable bullshit, and for me Oda does more good than bad. Sanji specifically gets very little leniency from me because I don’t like a lot of the gross behavior Oda passes over as a joke. But the female characters themselves, generally speaking? They’re fine. There are other mangaka that have more equal male to female ratios or have women play more active roles in the story, but Oda does a lot better than most other shonen titles I’ve read. 
It’s okay to be critical of media you enjoy. It’s okay to complain. But remember that One Piece is a very long series, and there are some fans who have been a round for literally decades. I myself started reading weekly around the time Duval was introduced, way back in 2008. Every time a new batch of fans comes in the same old arguments get stirred to the top of the pot: Sanji is a creep, Oda can’t draw women, why doesn’t Robin ever get to fight?
It can be exhausting to go through the same hoops time and time again. So if you’re someone who is being critical and feel like no one is listening, or that a bunch of fans are going out of their way to defend Oda, that could be one of the reasons why. They’re tired of having a series they enjoy be shit on. 
There are other fans who legitimately don’t think that Oda’s done anything wrong, that jokes are just jokes. If you happen to fall in that category, remember that not everyone feels that way. Art reflects life, which in turn reflects art. One Piece is a few million copies away from outselling Batman. To say it isn’t influential to young readers, both in Japan and abroad, is beyond asinine. 
I thank everyone who’s taken the time to read this so far. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how civil the discussion and my inbox as stayed. Even if I didn’t respond to your message, I promise that I did read it. 
I wrote as much as I did because I know this is a topic a lot of people care about, and also so I hopefully don’t have to write about it again. A lot of hours has gone into this project, and it’s been exhausting, but in a good way, if that makes any sense. I’m ready to put it to rest. 
I was joking with some friends that I think I’ve hit just about every hot topic issue now, so hopefully I can go back to fun questions like speculating if Wapol can eat a person and poop out a devil fruit. 
Until then, Sarcasticles, out         
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 4 years
The Razr (Zoro AU Scenario)
Hi guys!
I’m so flattered that I’ve had some people join me here on this fun writing journey!! I truly truly do a little happy dance every time I get a follow. :D 
I keep meaning to just sit down and write a quick lil somethin somethin, but it always ends up longer than I intend 😅
This is a headcanon I came up with about Zoro having a crazy outdated flip phone that he refused to get rid of and his friends finally forced him to get a smartphone so he could use GPS. 
It turned out a little more serious and emotional than I originally intended, but I’m pretty pleased with it!! Would love to get y’alls feedback. 
Warnings: obscene amounts of fluff, language 
Word Count: 1862
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“Zoro, where the fuck are you??” Nami yelled on the other end of the phone. He could hear the irritation in her voice.
He groaned and rubbed his hand over his face in frustration. “I really don’t know, Nami. I think I made a wrong turn,” He paused and sighed. “Or two? Shit, I don’t know.”
Zoro could hear Nami yelling on the other end of the line, and he placed his phone in the cup holder, knowing that this might be a while. He hit his head a few times on the steering wheel of his car, closing his eyes as he waited for her to finish screeching. He was used to this. He knew that he wasn’t the most directionally adept member of his friend group, but he got by….when others were around.
What made matters worse is that Zoro absolutely refused to get rid of his ancient, bulky flip phone, a fact that Nami never failed to bring up in situations just like this. He didn’t see a point in getting a new phone when his old one worked just fine. He thought back to a conversation he’d had about it just the other day with his friends.
“Bro, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Their newest friend Franky said upon seeing Zoro pull his phone out of his pocket. “A fucking Motorola Razr? That thing has gotta be 10 years old!”
“It’s actually 12 years old,” Luffy chimed in with a laugh. “It was Kuina’s before it was Zoro’s.”
“Kuina? Who’s Kuina?” Franky asked. Zoro tensed up at the mention of her name, and the room went silent. Even Luffy noticed that he’d made a mistake in bringing her up. Zoro squeezed the phone tightly in his pocket.
Kuina was Zoro’s older sister. Five years his senior, Kuina had used the phone as her own for several years before she upgraded and passed it to Zoro. At first, he resented that she always got the newest stuff, and that he got the hand-me-downs. Now, he wouldn’t dream of letting it go. Kuina had died in a tragic accident just a couple years back. She was only 25. This phone was one of the only things that she had ever given him that was hers, along with the family katana that had been passed down for generations.
“Sorry, Zoro,” Luffy murmured, stuffing a bite of food into his mouth uncomfortably. Zoro simply grumbled in response with a shrug.
“Still,” Nami ventured tentatively. “Maybe it would be helpful for you to get a smartphone sometime soon. They all come with GPS systems built in.”
“And what’s wrong with a map?” Zoro snapped back.
“Well, nothing…” Nami said.
“Unless you can’t actually read it!” Luffy shouted out, not able to help himself. He cackled. Zoro shot him a glare, and he laughed even more. He crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Yeah, well whatever. Next time I get lost, I’ll get a fucking smartphone. Deal?” Zoro said, to get them off his back more than anything.
Nami’s eyes lit up conspiratorially. “Don’t say stuff like that unless you mean it, Zoro.”
Zoro waved her off. They all knew that he certainly wasn’t going to purchase his own phone, so it was a moot point. It worked perfectly fine. Plus, it was hers. He’d keep it as long as it worked.
He was pulled from his reverie by Nami yelling his name.
“ZORO,” She yelled. He picked his phone back up and placed it at his ear.
“Goddamn it, Nami. I fucking know I suck at directions, please stop bitching at me,” He growled.
She started to say something, but stopped herself with a sigh. “Ugh. You exhaust me.” She replied.
“What else is new?” He snapped back.
“Whatever, Zoro. I just can’t believe you got lost on the way to your own birthday party.”
“Like I even care about this shit anyway,” He said. “It’s you and Luffy that always insist on throwing a party in the first place.”
“Hey man, don’t pretend like you don’t like eating food and getting shit-faced.”
He rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything. He knew he didn’t have an argument there.
“Can you see a street sign anywhere?” Nami finally asked after a few moments when there was no reply.
Zoro looked up towards the streetlight and squinted at a sign in the distance. “Yeah, it looks like I’m at the corner of Alabasta and Logue Town drive.”
“Thank Christ,” Nami sighed. “You’re not that far. I’ll send Franky and Sanji to go get you.”
Zoro groaned. “Why does Sanji have to come? Doesn’t he have a fucking cake to bake or something?”
“They need to go out and get a few things from the store,” Nami said. “Listen, you’re the one that’s lost. Suck it up.”
“Ugh. Fine. See you soon.” He hung up, not wanting to hear anything else.
It took Franky and Sanji about 10 minutes to get to him.Thankfully, they just decided to have Zoro follow behind them in his car rather than ride together. Zoro wasn’t sure he could stop himself from punching that jackass directly in the face if he said anything to him.
They finally got back to Robin’s house where they were having the party. Robin was for sure the most adult out of any of them. She’d already bought this crazy historic home and had a job at an archeology firm while everybody else was living in shitty, thrown-together apartment complexes, eating pizza rolls and beer for every meal.
Sanji had looked like he was going to start some shit when they got out of the car, but decided against it when Zoro gave him a look. Plus, Sanji thought, it’s the guy’s birthday. Probably should lay off for one night.
Everyone was pleased to see him, and only gave him a moderately hard time about getting lost on the way to his own party. And despite himself, Zoro gave in to the jovial atmosphere. A few beers certainly helped. By the time he and Luffy had teamed up to play beer pong against Law and Usopp (“Sniper-king, my ass,” Zoro had thought to himself on Usopp’s third consecutive loss), Zoro was feeling pretty damn good. These were his people. They’d been the ones that were there for him. Even when new friends were added to the group, they’d always fit in. Luffy was the usual recruiter, and he somehow managed to find some cool-ass people.
The best time to give Zoro any gifts, Nami had discovered, was when he was sufficiently plastered enough to not object to them. Zoro was always more affectionate and willing to be the recipient of attention when he was drunk.
“Alright!” Nami announced over the blare of the music. “It’s present time, you degenerates! Sit your asses down!”
Franky turned the music down from his smartwatch, lowering it to a dull roar. Zoro was feeling warm and smiley, so he didn’t object when Robin lead him to the couch in the middle of the living room to receive his gift.
“What did y’all fuckers get me this time?” Zoro laughed, slurring a bit as he talked.
Nami rolled her eyes and Luffy just bounced excitedly from the armchair across the room. No matter how much he had to drink, it would seem, Luffy was always one big ball of energy.
“Remember,” Nami said, handing him a small, delicately wrapped box. “You promised.”
Zoro furrowed his brow, confusedly. “I promised?” He started to open the box, a bit nervous all of a sudden about what he would find under the shiny paper.
When he finally finished unwrapping the box, he froze. In his hand, he found a brand new iPhone. He looked up at his friends, knowing how much something like this cost.
“Guys, this is ridiculous,” He said, not knowing exactly how he felt.
“Stop,” Nami said, holding a hand up.
“Yeah, we all pitched in! Even Sanji!” Luffy grinned from his chair. “So no take backsies!”
He looked up at the room full of expectant faces, flushed from the alcohol and the good company. There was a pit in his stomach. On the one hand, he was angry. They knew how he felt about his phone. They knew what it meant to him. It wasn’t just a stupid phone. On the other hand, he was touched. Touched that his friends had come together to help him out. He found himself putting his hand in his pocket, thumbing over the ancient flip-phone that had once been hers.
“Guys, my phone works perfectly well,” He managed after swallowing. “This is completely unnecessary.”
“C’mon man,” Usopp clapped his hand on his shoulder. “You know it isn’t unnecessary. Do you need a reminder that you got lost on the way to your own party tonight?” He laughed.
Zoro remained silent, one hand gripping the new phone, and the other deep in the pocket of his pants.
“So, of course, we figured that you’d feel this way,” Robin chimed in. “So, that’s only one part of the gift.”
Zoro snapped his head towards Robin, the crease in his brow deepening. She pulled out another box from behind her back and handed it to him. This one was slightly larger, and a bit heavier. He peeled back the wrapping paper.
“It’s a shadow box,” Franky said. “So you can still keep your old phone, too.”
“Just on display on the shelf,” Nami said. “Instead of in your pocket.”
“We know how much it means to you, mosshead,” Sanji grumbled from the doorway. “You don’t have to get rid of the old phone. So, just accept the gift already.”
Zoro felt himself get teary-eyed. He told himself it was the alcohol as he wiped his hand over his eyes before tears could fall down his cheeks. “Thanks guys,” Was all he could manage.
Knowing that he needed the attention off of him, his friends just laughed and cheered, turning the music up to get back to the party. Franky spent the rest of the evening helping set up Zoro’s phone and showing him all of the functions that he would have access to. Zoro was still so overwhelmed, but he tried to make himself pay attention. Finally, and most importantly, Franky downloaded Google Maps and showed him how to use it. Zoro pocketed the phone with a slight smile and a ‘thank you.’ It felt heavy and big in the back pocket of his jeans. His heart felt heavy too. He couldn’t help but feel like this was the end of something. But somewhere, he knew that Kuina would be looking down on him, so happy that he had found such thoughtful friends.
Luffy raised his glass for a toast. “To Zoro! And never getting lost again!”
The rest of them raised their glasses, looking over to Zoro expectantly as they waited for him to raise his glass too. He reached for his beer and raised it slightly with a smirk.
“You motherfuckers are gonna regret this,” He grinned finally. “Getting lost was my only character defect. Now I’ll be unstoppable.”
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Why Luffy Doesn't Need A Traditional Character Arc
  When we think of character arcs, we usually think of change and growth. The depressed, angry loner learns to fight for his friends and a positive cause. The cheery guy faces the harsh reality of the world and is slowly morphed into a villain. The naive, plucky sidekick tests their mettle through hardship and emerges on the other side a competent leader. There is a definitive Point A and a fairly contrasting Point B. Many beloved fictional characters go through arcs, and they're often pretty satisfying as getting us emotionally involved in a character's arc means that we're watching good storytelling at work. 
  But then there's this guy:
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    That's Luffy from One Piece, a pirate captain that doesn't look like he's changed a whole lot since his first appearance. Sure, he's gained a big scar on his chest, a bigger crew, and one of the biggest bounties in the sea, but he's still very silly. He's still prone to goofing off when he might not need to be. He still rushes ahead into battle when it would be more tactical to go with a strategic plan. And his leadership style and the way he deals with his "family" remains pretty much unchanged since his first meeting with Zoro in Episode 2. One could say that he's a little more serious after Ace died and the time skip happened, but not by much.
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    Finally, while Luffy has certainly had more "Oh, man! It's Straw Hat Luffy!" moments, those seem to come less because of Luffy's intentions and more because of people's responses to him. As the Straw Hats have gained notoriety, the usual reaction has changed from "Who do you think you are?" to "IT'S LUFFY AND THE STRAW HATS." Any time he shows up now, it's an event. Luffy's code hasn't changed. The amount of people that know about it have. 
  Now, on paper, this looks odd. One Piece has been going on for over 20 years, telling a story that is intensely serialized rather than episodic. It feels like a given that Luffy's personality should've shifted more over time, eventually causing him to act like someone who was "befitting" of the title of the future King of the Pirates. He has experienced so many tough battles and a few moments of such great loss that he should feel more openly burdened by time. And if it was most other characters, I'd understand this. I'd want to see someone that reflects their trials, not one who gets the reset button pushed on them at the end of every arc.
  But I think wanting that for Luffy misses the point of Luffy.
  One Piece, at least to me, isn't a story about Luffy becoming a different kind of person. He's not meant to evolve into a better or worse figure. All attempts to change him or his status, whether by calling him a hero and trying to get him to commit to something that wasn't his idea (he can barely stick to Trafalgar Law's plan to take down Kaido) have been met with his indifference or his annoyance. Things that would test another character's faith in their mission or make them reconsider their approach bounce off of him. And a lot of that is because Luffy is stubborn, but there's something more important at work here.
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    Think about how much you know about Gol D. Roger. He's arguably the most important character in the series, launching a new age of pirates by telling them about his dope treasure. But we don't know about his ins and outs. We barely know anything about his personality other than the fact that he was loud, joyous, and very strong. All we've learned are the things that he did and the legacy that he left. He isn't a character so much as he's a legend, having more in common with myth than man.
  And one of the reasons that Luffy is so often compared to Roger by other characters is because, in the grand scheme of One Piece, that's who he's going to end up being, too. Years from now, people on the Grand Line won't recall Luffy's emotional progression, but rather that he was a guy that, when he was in Loguetown about to be decapitated, smiled in the face of death. They will not dive into the intricacies of his internal dilemmas but instead remain in awe of the fact that he burned down the government flag and took on the world. The advancements in his personality will not provide an inspiring lesson. Instead, the thing he will give the future is the fact that he promised the terrifying Big Mom that he would fight her in the New World and make Fishman Island his territory.
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    Luffy isn't on a path to growing up, and I don't think he ever really will be. Instead, his journey will eventually be just as fabled as Roger's, equal parts fact and rumor. That's just how legends end up, and Luffy is, without a doubt, legendary.
  What is your favorite Luffy moment? Is he one of your favorite anime protagonists? Let me know in the comments!
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
          By: [email protected]
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
Stitches — Zoro x Reader
Summary: After meeting Roronoa Zoro by chance, and after helping you stitch up your wounds, the two of you connect rather quickly. Not only becoming friends, but lovers in the process. However, there is something he’s hiding. And eventually, you fear that he might be in danger.
Word count: 3.5K
A/N: I have a lot to say, so I’ll be breaking it in different bullets so...
It’s been almost three weeks since I last posted something. I’m not sure what exactly happened there, I found it very hard to write despite the endless ideas flooding my mind.
I intended this to be longer, but I’ve been having trouble writing, god knows why? I’m still glad I got to finish this since I’ve been trying to write any things before but ditched them halfway.
There aren’t explicit spoilers in this. However, if you look through the details, you might come across small spoilers, not regarding the main plot, but regarding details about Wano in general. 
Also, I got asked by @misslongcep to tag them when this was done, so, here it is!!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, violence, mentions of blood and cuts. 
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The first night in Wano felt surreal to the half of the crew who had just arrived to the island. After receiving instructions from Kin'emon to keep a fake identity, stay in character and keep a low profile, Zoro didn't think much of it. How hard could it be, anyways?
However, as colorful and cheerful the Wano Country was during the day, at night there was a certain somber atmosphere to it. The cool wind, the moon shining bright on top of the sky, and the ominous clouds moving across like fish in the sea. Followed by the silence surrounding the town. 
Distant noises broke the cold silence as Zoro tried to make his way, but got lost in the process. The sound of metal cutting flesh, followed by a smell Zoro knew all too well. 
Turning on the next corner, where everything sounded closer, he saw a cloaked figure cutting another one in front of it. The second shadow was ready to cut the cloaked one when Zoro quickly stood between them. 
"Bold of you to try to cut a woman in half" Zoro growled, stopping the cloaked man's katana with his Wado Ichimonji. 
"I suggest you mind your own business, sir. That insolent girl owes me" Growled the cloaked man.
"Bullshit, I paid my part of the deal" The girl behind Zoro snapped at once "you're just trying to take advantage of—"
"You little bitch!" The cloaked man yielded his katana once more, ready to cut Zoro in the process to get to you.
Before Zoro could stop him a second time, you jumped over Zoro's shoulder, stabbing the man on the throat with a small dagger. Your weight falling on his sharp shoulder blade made you hiss painfully, as not o long ago, the man cut you across your belly.
"Fuck, woman!" Zoro hissed surprised and wrapping his arm around your waist as you fell over his shoulder and with his other hand stopping the man's katana as the cloaked man fell heavily on his knees covering his bleeding neck. 
"Let go of me!"  You growled "We have to get out before someone sees us!" You demanded as Zoro glared at you and put you down.
Before you could run back to your place, Zoro noticed how your clothes were bleeding heavily. From both your stomach and your shoulder.
"Wait, you're bleeding" Zoro barked
"Yeah, no shit!" You said trying your best to cover the open wound on your belly with your arm, and stopping the bleeding from your shoulder with your free hand. "I have to patch myself up before I fai—" you stopped,letting go of your shoulder and holding your head and shutting your eyes closed tightly. "Shit, I'm feeling dizzy" 
"Let me help you" Zoro said getting closer to you.
"Just answer me something, stranger" you said peeking at him through your eyelashes. Feeling yourself get paler, you thought about your chances of surviving. Was trusting a stranger worth it? You were about to find out. "By any chance, are you the Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro?" 
Zoro's eyes widened in surprise, not sure how to react. He knew for a fact that the news from across the world didn't reach Wano, and yet, you recognized him at the spot. His silence, confirming your question.
"Take me home, big guy...gotta tell you something important" you whispered as you pointed in the general direction towards your place.
Zoro, howeer, didn’t move at first. You gazed at him from the corner of your eye. 
“I won’t bite, I promise” You joked pulling a cocky smile, even when your body ached and you felt dizzy.
On the outskirts of the city your house awaited for you. It was small, and looked quite ordinary. Once inside, Zoro offered to help you clean your wounds and stitch you up. Your face, paler than the moon threatened the both of you, as you could pass out any time now due to the loss of blood.
"Look, Roronoa” You began sitting on the floor next to the door “You should be grateful that Wano doesn't receive news from the outside, otherwise you'd been caught by shogun's army already" you hissed painfully. "The first aid kid is under the sink" 
"How did you know?" Zoro said walking to the sink and looking for a small metal box before returning to the living room. 
"I've been hiding here in Wano for a while" you began. "I am as much if an outsider as you are" loosening off your yukata, revealing you belly all covered in blood at Zoro who was quickly started cleaning your wound and the skin around it "You have to learn how to blend in…" you groaned painfully, not really minding that you were practically wearing nothing but underwear in front of a stranger. 
"How do I do that exactly?" He asked, his eyes fixed on your wound. "This is gonna burn real bad" he warned you before pouring alcohol on your belly. 
"Aw, mother fuck—" you groaned painfully, feeling how not just the wound burned but your entire body stung awfully "Got a fake identity?" Growling, you looked at Zoro who was amused looking at your reactions."What? Do I have monkeys on my face?"
"No, sorry” The swordsman laughed loudly “It's just, you're a tough one, aren't you?" You nodded, shutting your eyes closed as Zoro dried the alcohol off your skin "Zorojuro is my fake name, I'm a ronin" 
"Have you tried talking with an accent or a filler?" You hissed, feeling the needle piercing your skin. 
"A filler?" Zoro asked slightly confused, as he kept stitching you up.
"Something to add either..." you gasped, taking in the pain. "...at the end of your sentences or during a pause…" Zoro was trying his best to be gentle, and you could tell since I'm the past you've also been stitched up by other people who made a worse job than Zoro did "...you should try 'gozaru' I keep hearing that every now and then...trust me, it'll work"  
Zoro kept stitching the wound and once he finished the biggest wound, he moved to the one on your shoulder. Doing the same, he cleaned the blood and poured alcohol on it. Biting your lip, you kept yourself from yelling obscene words. The swordsman, in the meantime, was amused by how you tried to remain tough. 
"Can I help you with something else?" He asked once he finished with your shoulder. 
"Be a darling and bring that bottle of sake over there…" you said breathless, gesturing with your head.
"Should you be drinking sake after losing this much blood?" He said looking over his shoulder, tainted with your blood when you jumped over his shoulder. 
"Let's find out. But if you're that worried about me, you can pass me an apple too…" Zoro chuckled at how laid back you remained even after all that happened. 
"What's your name, anyway?" Zoro said standing up and walking back to the kitche, grabbing a white bottle.
"[Name]" you whispered "Nice meetin'ya" You said as Zoro handed you the bottle and sat next to you.
"Who was that asshole?" 
"Who cares? He's dead now. No one will miss him" Opening the bottle you raised it high. "Cheers" You drank several big gulps, feeling the sweet taste burning your throat. 
Then, you handed Zoro the bottle and both of you drank for a while. Having a quite pleasant talk with Zoro, the two of you exchanged stories on how you’d ended up in Wano. Zoro avoiding details on the real reason why he was there, and disguising it as “business that has to be dealt with”. You knew he was hiding something, but honestly, you didn’t care that much. 
Soon, that casual talk turned into subtle flirting the more you kept drinking. That casual flirting the two of you had soon got out of hand. You realized you were pressing the right buttons, and god, you loved seeing the looks Zoro gave you. And in a turn of events, the swordsman pulled you over his lap, his nose barely brushing yours as his eyes devoured you with a lust that was contagious. His breath hitting your neck unleashed all sorts of wild sensations in your core.
"Is this what you wanted?" Zoro growled in a low voice. 
"Probably…" chuckling, you ran your fingers through his hair, holding it tightly in you grip.
"Probably" He repeated, gazing at you hungrily. "Your flirting is cutting short my patience" 
"Is it, though?" You leaned closer, brushing your lips against his. "Now what? Will you show me what the legendary Pirate Hunter is made of?" Upon noticing how he was leaning forward to steal a kiss from you, you backed off as he breathed heavily in disapproval.
"Is that what you want, darling?" He purred.
"Do your worst" you hissed, stealing quick kiss from his lips. 
Zoro’s hands grabbed your yukata and easily pulled it off as it pooled on your waist, leaving your chest exposed. One of his hands reached your hair, pulling it back stretching your neck at him as he ran his lips very gently over your skin. Teasing, burning his way to your jaw as a gasp escaped your mouth. As he made his way higher and higher, you became eager to finally taste his lips, however it didn’t happen. 
Brushing his lips over yours, you felt your heart skiped a beat. Then, he playfully held your lower lip on his teeth, teasingly. Yet, he still refused to kiss you. Your desperation was growing, and got worse when you felt his tongue soothing the skin where he bit you. 
"Fucking kiss me already" you hissed breathless.
"You took too long to beg for it" his breath against your neck kept sending electrifying chills down your back. 
Crashing his lips against yours, he harshly stole your breath right away. His fingers clawed to your back desperately as you kissed him back. Your tongue trying to fight for dominance against his. 
His mind clouded, not with alcohol, but with pent up frustrations set ablaze. He pushed you gently to the ground, holding your back tightly. The fall wasn’t harsh, however, you were still very susceptible to the pain. And as a reaction, you groaned. Serving as a reminder that you were injured. 
"Sorry, did I hurt you?" He gazed at you, suddenly, his stare softening. 
"Its okay” You breathed, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him closer “Don't stop" You purred kissing him, your head dizzy from the blood loss. 
"If I hurt you, don't hesitate to stop me" He whispered between kisses.
"What a gentleman you are, Roronoa" 
The next morning, Zoro came to the realization that both of you had fallen asleep on the living room. Of course, after such a busy night, the two of you ended exhausted. Quick flashes from last night’s events came to his mind. Chills running through his back at the memories of your voice calling his name in delicious moans. The feel of your skin getting chills by his touch. 
Upon realising last night memories were triggering his erection, he thought maybe re living those memories wasn't a good idea.  Especially since you weren’t by his side, and instead, cooking in a rather cheerful mood. 
The house smelled of freshly cooked rice along with many more delicious smells Zoro could hardly identify. 
“How are you feeling?” Zoro asked, his voice still dripping with sleep as he sat up. 
“Pretty good” You almost sang “How did you sleep? I hope the ground wasn’t so hard…” 
“Don’t worry” He yawned. “I’m used to it…” 
“Breakfast is ready” You announces, your voice dreamy, as you grabbed a bowl.  
“Thank you, it wasn’t necessary” 
“But it is. You helped me last night, and on top of that, you kept me company. Besides, I stained your yukata, and I feel terribly sorry for that…” You peeked at him over your shoulder with an apologetic smile.
“Don’t worry about that, I can get another one…” You said walking out of the kitchen and handing him a bowl of rice with a lot of chopped fresh vegetables. “Thanks” He gazed at his bowl briefly “....I’m...not complaining but no protein?” 
“I would’ve put fish into it, but the fish here is poisoned...So, no. But there’s edamame, and that’s rich in protein, so, don’t worry, your gorgeous muscles won’t deflate” Zoro laughed softly as you sat in front of him with your rice bowl. 
“Thank you for the food” He said almost savoring his meal as he grabbed the chopsticks you handed him as well. 
“Is the least I can do…” you winked at him and proceeded to eat cheerfully. 
Days went by as you kept updating Zoro on everything you knew about Wano. Most of what you told him, he'd heard before from Kin'emon. You also told him a lot of the social context surrounding the streets and the townspeople. And even showed him around town. 
The two of you soon realized how easy was to trust each other. The undeniable chemistry between the both of you shone by itself, as if you two knew each other your whole lives. Something was pulling you towards Zoro, so strongly, like  magnetic field. And just like you, Zoro felt it too, in the same way. 
Every night for several days, Zoro basically stayed at your place. The same story as the first night. Starting with subtle flirting, ending up with moans and loud heartbeats. However, the rough lustful sex was slowly turning slower and gentler. The growing softer side of him began sparking in you confusing feelings towards him. And you wondered, if he felt them too.
By the time you had to take off your stitches, Zoro offered you his help. That afternoon, Zoro had been awfully quiet as he cut off your stitches. You looked at him as he carefully took the last stitch from the wide cut of your stomach, now turned into a long pink scar. His fingers lingered on your skin, as his stare was fixed on the bright pink. You felt yourself blush lightly, but tried to ignore the increasing heartbeat inside your chest. 
“We have to talk” Zoro whispered. 
“Alright, shoot…” You murmured back at him as he now sat up straight and was looking at your shoulder as you pulled your yukata back up, covering your belly, and pulling down the sleeve. The second cut, the one on our shoulder was now exposed to him as he leaned closer, holding the small knife on his fingers as he carefully proceeded to cut the stitches.
“You have to leave this place” He said dryly.
“Come again?” 
“My business here can blow up out of proportion. I don’t want you to be caught in the crossfire. We cannot keep seeing each other, its dangerous” It was obvious how he was avoiding your stare. 
“What is it exactly your business here” You asked for the first time since he’d mentioned it.
“I can’t tell you” 
“Alright…” You sighed.
“I-I’m…” He stuttered, “I’m starting to develop feelings for you, [Name]. I’d hate it if you end up wounded because of me” 
“Wait, what?” You said as his words kept going around your skull, looking at him, begging for him to finally meet your stare.
“I want to keep you safe” He said dryly again.
“But you said that you...” Your voice was lower than before “have feelings for me?” Zoro didn’t say anything, and finally met your stare “Zoro...kiss me” 
Without needing to be told twice, Zoro leaned closer and crashed his lips against yours. At first harsh, but then, the kiss softened. Wrapping your arms quickly around his neck, you brought him closer to you. With his hands holding your waist, he pulled you on top of him, so you were sitting on his lap. His hands then made their way up your back and held you tightly, squeezing you against his hot body. 
An unnamed feeling suddenly overwhelmed you. Was it fondness? Endearment? You knew Zoro for a short time, but the chemistry between ou was undeniable. How did you become so attached to him in a few days? Suddenly, you were afraid of losing him. And you wished to have met him in another set of circumstances, possibly with more time at your disposal. 
“Zoro…” You gasped for air, breaking the kiss. “Zoro, please, tell me. What’s this ‘pending business’ you have here, that could possibly end with me hurt?” 
“I’m sorry, darling...I—” 
“I need to know the chances of you dying or living. I need to know if I’ll see you again” You begged.
“I-I...My crew and I will try to take Kaido down…” Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened.
“You what? You can’t possibly do that, that’s suicide” Snapping at him, you looked at him incredulous.
“We’ll have to make it through. There is no option” his voice was firm and left no place for doubt.
“You’ll never be able to take him down, the freaking guy is immortal” You hissed.
“We’ll die then. But we can’t be sure until we try. That’s why you need to get away from here before things get ugly” 
“Go where, exactly?” you chuckled sourly.
“I don’t know. Anywhere but here. If fate allows me to, I’ll look out for you once this is all over” 
“If fate allows you?” Repeating his words, you stared at him attentively.
“I’ve never had feelings for someone before. You must be something really special for me to feel this way about you. And possibly the only one. I can’t allow myself to let you go. But I have priorities. Once Luffy becomes the King of the Pirates, and I become the strongest swordsman in the world, then I will look out for you” As he spoke, very much against your will, your eyes became teary.
“That sounds like a lot” You sighed frowning softly.
“It is. But it’s not impossible, we're more than halfway there" the amount of confidence in his grin only made your heart beat faster "You’ll have to trust me on this. I give you my word” 
“Okay, I trust you” 
“Thank you, [Name]” 
“On one condition” Zoro stared at you. “Stay here with me tonight” 
Zoro gazed briefly into your eyes, and moved one of his hands from your back to your cheek. Brushing away the small tear falling from your eye, he pulled you closer, pressing his lips against yours so gently. And kissing him back, he could taste your fear, which he tried to tone down by kissing you sweetly. 
“I’m going to be fine, darling” He purred between one kiss and the other, as your hands clung to him, afraid that he was going to be taken away from you. 
His hand on your cheek went down your neck, caressing your skin so deliciously until his hand found one of your breasts and cupped it gently over your yukata. His other hand drawing patterns on your back with his fingers. 
You moaned into his mouth so softly, tugging tighter on his hair. Loosening your grip, you let go of his hair, and cupped his face in your hands, sliding your hands down his neck. 
Zoro broke the kiss, but his lips travelled down your jaw and neck, kissing very delicately your skin. Very gently he grabbed your yukata and pulled it off. Proceeding to kiss your now bare shoulders, he lingered on your fresh pink scar. 
Feeling flustered by the way he was kissing you so delicately, you hummed softly. 
"Zoro" You gasped
"Yes, darling?" He purred kissing your shoulder, moving to your neck. 
"I have feelings for you too"
He looked up at you, and his lips curved in a small gentle smile. Closing his eye, he leaned forward, brushing his nose against yours. 
"I know" he whispered before kissing your lips in the softest kiss, as his arms wrapped around your back.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him against you. His warm skin, against yours, sparked all sorts of feelings in you. His chest against yours, your legs wrapped around his waist. You became aware of how you felt his skin all around you. Embracing you in a delicious way. 
One of his hand moved lower down your back. And breaking the kiss, he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Hold on tight" he murmured as he then leaned over. 
Using his legs and one of his arms, he placed you gently on the floor. Your legs were still around his waist, trapping him closer to you. However, Zoro didn't complain. He then rested his weight on his elbows against the floor. 
Scanning his face, you traced your fingers over his features. 
"You better take Kaido down. You and Luffy better find the One Piece. And you better become the greatest swordsman. Otherwise, I'm going to be very pissed" Zoro chuckled softly as you spoke. 
"Less than a year" he whispered kissing you gently. 
"Less? You think that high of yourself" you said with some degree of amazement in your voice
"I don't think that high of myself. I know that much about myself" he answered proudly.
"Cocky" Your sweet laugh caressed his ears.
"Shut up and kiss me" he chuckled once more, as he stole a kiss from your giggling lips.
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sofia-gothicquirks · 5 years
One Piece Wano Kuni analysis : How Oda brings small humanity touches in the plot of an epic/adventure story
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So far the Wano arc has been truly fantastic. All the characters of this arc are deep and have wonderful backstories and personalities. Besides, the world building is amazing and I do feel like I am in the middle of a revolution. I am feeling oppressed by the political system of this country and I really do feel attached to all these innocent people who have to suffer because of Orochi's madness. Unlike most stories I do understand the reason why there's a revolution going on behind the scenes. Through these long chapters where you can see children being taught propaganda about how great the shogun is in the Flower Capital while people from Ebisu's town are forced to smile despite their hardships I slowly learned to care about an imaginary country that I didn't even know a year ago. That's one of Oda's strenghts. Contrary to some arcs this isn't just about "saving those who asked for help". All these characters have an actual true and personnal reason to fight linked to their backstories or personnalities : Luffy's promise to O-Tama the little girl his dead big brother swore to protect, Zoro's desire to avenge Tonoyasu, Hiyori's hate for the man who ruined her life twenty years ago .....
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Actually for me this country and these characters have truly gained life. Discovering new things about the fascinating japanese culture through an arc from my favourite manga is a dream.
But Wano Kuni isn't just about worldbuiding. It's also about action. There's a revolution going on. There's this prophecy from Oden's mysterious wife. It's almost mythical. There are people who want to fight against this injustice. There are those who must keep living to give food to their starving kids but on the other side there are also people who didn't even know what the word "pain" is. In chapter 931 if I remember well Orochi said that the Wano country is like a paradise. There are all these geishas to bring happiness and music, banquets, cherryblossoms... But we, as readers, know what's going on. We know that this is just a bunch of lies. As Luffy stated in chapter 949 this country is a living hell. And if they don't fight, if they don't change the situation, these people are going to keep suffering. THAT'S WHY A REVOLUTION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Otherwise nothing will change. The rich will become richer and the poor will become even more poor. Twenty fucking years of a dictatorship is like a lifetime for some people can you imagine that ?
So let's talk about this revolution. The epic perfect plan to overthrown the shogun (that Luffy kinda of fucked up no surprise there), the badass preparation for the final battle, Wano Kuni's background (the story of Hiyougoru, Tonoyasu's past...) and all this plot about keeping identities a secret or having a double identity (Komurasaki the courtesan as princess Hiyori, O-Toko as Ushimitsu (even if this last one is just a theory for now)...) is great. In fact these diversity of intrigues in just one arc is great. ( to name a few of them we have the Komurasaki-Kiyoshiro plot, Udon's prison plot, Zorro's lost sword plot....).
What I really enjoy about Oda's writing style is that he doesn't only shows the bright side of the revolution with all the epic battles and perfect strategy but also the darkest sides of being a renegade. There may be traitors among your allies, you may get captured and tortured, the ennemy is ready to do everything in order to get information from you and you may even die. There will be disagreements about what to do even inside the rebel alliance because not everyone will trust each other and every person is different : everyone has different beliefs and fears. Maybe the plan won't work and the revolution will fail (you can feel the characters insecurities in chapter 938 during the Law-Shinobu disagreement). Furthermore the revolution won't wok without some great sacrifices. Speaking about that...
Please can we take a moment to mourn Tonoyasu's death ? This man deserves some respect please pay tribute to him. He had a loving daughter and people he cared about and yet with just his life he changed everything. Without him the revolution would be truly doomed. At the moment when everything was going down for the rebel alliance he saved them. His public execution was the turning point and until now (we are in chapter 951) we didn't even know the full consequences of his death. This death really impacted me. How could a man sacrifice his own life to save a future he would never be able to see? Such a little yet great and bold move from Oda. ONE LIFE. ONE SACRIFICE. And yet it changed everything. The rebels have a new plan. A new hope. The revolution can keep going.
Respect Shimotsuki Yasuie.
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And now dear friends we have reached the point where the title of my analysis finally makes some sense lol. Let's talk about human relationships inside this arc and name just a few of them.
-Tsuru and Kinemon, the lost lovers
-Luffy and O-Tama or how Ace lives in his little brother
-The nine red scabbards friendship
-The interactions between the members of the strawhat crew
-Hiyori and Zoro growing relationship (or should I call it "the new ship of the One Piece fandom"?). I hope they turn to lovers. They have a really good chemestry.♡
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-Hyogoro and Luffy, the master and the student
-O-Tama and Momonosuke friendship
-Komurasaki and Kiyoshiro hidden secrets
-Killer and Eustass Kidd, the partners
-Luffy's and Kidd's rivality
-Kawamatsu and Hiyori story
So we have romantic, friendly, and familiar relationships inside just one arc. It's intense. This is going to be huge.
I could analyse all the relationships between the characters of this arc but I want to especially talk about the one who impacted me the most. It's going to surprise you.
I want to talk about Nico Robin and O-Toko. The pannel from chapter 951 hit my heart really hard :
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You guys remember Robin's backstory right ? The daughter of a criminal who survive a genocide and was chased for years by the government because she was the "devil child". Robin lost her mother at an early age and I think that this is the reason that she kind of become a motherly figure. She has developed strong mother instincts.
Well when you think about it Toko's story is a little similar to Robin. She is chased by an entire country despite being a child mostly because her father was a criminal and she "disrespected" the shogun. But like Robin did in that fateful day in Ohara she laughed at it (well she is kind of obliged because of the SMILES fruit too...).
Robin loved the girl from the beginning: she saw her as a bright kid with a great sense of humor and she saved her during the Orochi banquet. So I think that when she saw that this little girl was being hunted down just like her years ago she swore to give her comfort and love. This hugging scene between O-Toko and Robin warmed my heart. They are just like a mother and a daughter and I think that the two of them really needed each other.
Do you see my point ? Even in a story full of action, with plans, battles and a revolution going on Oda manages to keep writing little heartfelt scenes like this one that allows the readers to not forget that more than just being fighters people must praise their humanity. These little touches of humanity add much more than you can even imagine in an action story like One Piece because they allow us to care about the persons for whom our protagonists are fighting.
What about you guys ? What are your thoughts about the Wano Kuni arc so far ? I would love to discuss with you about that !
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iknwnofillers · 5 years
Saw people talk about like the straw hats goals and when they would be achieved so decided to make a post about it. @ii-luffy-ii was big brain to help. this is some what a long post
lets start with like definite end game goals
robin - definite endgame. like the whole void century, the poneglyphs basically the “True history™” is related to finding raftel because robin figured it out in skypiea that roger , atleast its implied that roger found most of the missing history and took them all to one place that seems to be raftel.
franky - definite endgame. wants his ship to travel far and wide with the pirate king at its helm which will be achieved at the end of the show. besides that he has or atleast we think he has memorized the blue prints to one of the ancient weapons - pluton , a massive destructo warship. He’s also one of the seeming connections to dr.vegapunk but we dont really know where that goes.(maybe if vegapunk shows up in wano something something oda’s logic franky and vegapunk could get it on and they could talk about how he gave the pacisfista kizaru’s laser beams and maybe we can see a franky upgrade which is much needed now that i think about it)
brook - definite endgame. atleast close to it. wants to REUNITE with laboon (so fcuking romantic, definitley the good ending of hachiko the dog).
GYMBEIGH (yeah fuck you) - well this is our resident fish dad or atleast is supposed to be. location unknown. goals unknown. assumed goal is that he is the representative of the fishmen who want to live under the sun on the surface and also dont forget that one thread that oda left us that is madame shyarly’s prediction that luffy is gonna be the reason that fishman island burns. cant decide if he is endgame because goals are unclear.
VIVI (yeah i said it, go and see the official one piece youtube channel’s banner you guys vivi is there, thats more than enough for me)
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so vivi? if she does join the strawhats its gonna be for endgame reasons. she is the heir to the throne of alabasta, a nefertari which is one of the founding families that left mariejois. it’ll be kinda poetic if someone from the celestial dragon bloodline fights along with Mr.Monkey.D.Luffy but there are other reasons i cant explain because i dont know. this is riding on an “if” so this is good enough. but she endgame material.
sanji - this can happen any where here on out. like they may find it hidden near elbaf , they may find it as they approach raftel , or raftel may be in a place like the all blue because next to no one has found it, maybe roger but we dont know yet. its definitley exists because if you think on a meta level its plot of one of the prominent characters. so yeah definitely endgame or near endgame.
chopper - so basically oda likes do his stuff in 3′s. haki - 3. ancient weapons - 3. and chopper’s been dealt with caesar’s bullshit for the 3rd time. first time was in punk hazard with the candy, second time was in zou with the gas and now the 3rd time with SMILE fruits side effects. his goal to be the best doctor who can cure any disease is relative. but if he does manage to CURE PEOPLE WHO CANT LITERALLY EXPRESS THEMSELVES, then he’d atleast in my book would  be the greatest doctor there ever was. also the upcoming  war has people using biochemical warfare so........ yeah goals are relative. (also check out mr.morj on youtube cuz he has a whole video explaining this)
nami - its a world map that she wants to make. if that isnt endgame i dont know what is. also shes our resident best navigator of the seas so that happens as the journey goes on.
and now we reach the guys who could achieve their goals when wano ends
zoro - wano is his arc. he has the sword that could cut fcuking kaido. wano is promising to draw out more potential from the strawhats than any other arc has ever done in terms of strength. so when this arc ends hopefully he is stronger than ever. his goal to defeat mihawk and take the tittle of the best swordsman can happen right after defeating kaido and big mom. but when wano is done our boiii will be ready™.
usopp - if you think we aint going to elbaf you’re missing out buddy. its been built up since the OG 5 made the barrel promise, since little garden, since the ennies lobby giants , in dressarosa. usopp wants to be a brave warrior of the seas, like dory and brogy, like the honorable giants from elbaf, like his father Yasopp who he seems to have a lot of respect for. he wants to be like, and as his journey goes, surpass them maybe. i hope they do go to elbaf and i hope they find shanks and crew there because theres a lot of clues that point that the red hair pirates are there  (again go and watch mr.morj’s elbaf video.even  if you think its unlikely its a good fcuking video)
luffy - his promise or condition to return the hat to shanks was that he would be a great pirate with a crew as strong as his the next time he meets him. when wano arc ends it will be for the better because either only kaido gets defeated or both kaido and big mom get defeated (2nd one is wishful thinking but holding on to it). either way when luffy and co defeat both of the yonkos he’d really have made it as a great fcuking pirate. taking down two yonkos isnt a small thing. he would have met the prerequisites to return the hat. again, luffy’s goal is to become the pirate king which to him is having the most freedom on the sea. luffy is endgame but his promise can be fulfilled if he manages to defeat both of the yonkos and maybe if you still wanna push then the hat can be returned after luffy and shanks duke it out in a mano-e-mano. but if this does happen one of luffy’s goals would have been reached.
that is all. if you liked what you read and it made sense,idk. go eat a apple or something. but congratulations if you made thru this long ass post. didnt expect to write this much. what can i say. if this clears your minds and helps you straighten some of the ideas that you had rolling in your head then we’ve done our job. peace Y(-.-Y).
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