#seedling mode i love you for SO many reasons!!
lightpickles · 8 months
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fuck them kids
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
The Mo Village arc and establishing the MC
MDZS is a sprawling book with many characters, but it seems that it was clearly important to MXTX to establish her MC’s characterisation very strongly from the start. Although the novel in its entirety leans toward providing a strong characterisation for WWX, I thought it’d be fun to look back at how it is conveyed to the readers in the first few chapters before the inciting incident at Dafan Mountain
(N.B. I’m using a composite translation made of different translations so the wording/format might be slightly different than the version you are using)
The prologue starts with a conversation between unnamed characters in an inn, discussing the news of WWX’s death. While it was a clever way to already introduce an important theme of the novel (the effects of public opinion and how easy it is to make someone into a irredeemable villain) and get the exposition out of the way, it also frames WWX as a character: as readers, we are introduced first to perceptions of him, a characterisation-from-hearsay we’ll be able to compare to his characterisation in the novel. WWX is a “scourge” whose death is celebrated, who “defected” and bit the hand that fed him, a “deranged” killer who took thousands of lives. But before he went on the crooked path, he was a promising youth--although others seem to think he was corrupted from the start.
“But it can’t all be blamed on the path he cultivated. Ultimately, it was still because this Wei Wuxian’s moral character was too flawed, angering the Heavens and man alike! By the heavenly law, everyone answers for their deeds in the end, good and evil……”
The rumours also suggest that if WWX comes back to the world of the living he will enact his revenge upon them all, and his unimaginable powers would allow him to rain fury upon both Heaven and Earth. We get told: this guys is an incredibly powerful villain, reviled and feared by many. 
But the Yiling Laozu had enough power to overturn the Heavens and smother the Earth, move mountains and drain seas—at least, that was the way the rumors went. If he wanted to resist the summoning of his soul, it wouldn’t exactly be outside of his abilities. If in coming days his spirit were restored, if he forcibly possessed a body and were thus reborn, then not only the cultivation world, but all of humanity would inevitably meet with an even greater frenzy of vengeance and curses, sinking into a chaotic age of foul winds and bloody rains.
Establishing WWX and how he reacts when he’s thrown into an unpleasant situation
When WWX is brought back by MXY, we already have something to contrast him against thanks to the hearsay and rumours, and from the get-go we get a sense that WWX is not this fearsome figure that people made him out to be.
I’ll never get over the fact that our first introduction to WWX’s is the equivalent of the “the audacity of this bitch”.
Hazily, he thought: that’s quite a lot of courage you must have to kick this Laozu. 
Our MC and POV character is thrown into a situation, and from his reactions we can rapidly tell that he is someone who is observant, resourceful, good at deductive reasoning and thereby apt at solving mysteries. This is something that is reinforced at many, many points in the first few chapters and helps us buy in into what happens later in the novel when they uncover many other mysteries. WWX is a guy who figures shit out.
When WWX figures out he was summoned as a “an unforgivably evil malicious spirit“, we  get his take on his public perception.  
Wei Wuxian reeled at the implications. How had he been classified as “an irredeemly evil, malicious spirit”?
Yes, his reputation was rather poor and his final moments, horrifying tragic—but he had neither haunted nor had he seeked revenge on the living since becoming a spirit. He would dare to swear upon the Heavens and the Earth that you would never find a more peaceful and well-behaved lonely soul of a wild ghost!
At the same time, readers get a sense that even when he’s dealt a bad hand, WWX does not wait in despair for his luck to turn. Even though WWX describes his situation as “hopeless” and keeps “repeating over and over How could this be! in his heart “, he immediately goes into problem-solving mode, trying to figure out the situation and the wishes MXY forgot to share. This also happens  later. 
There was not a single thing to help him find some joy in being reborn! He might as well sit and meditate for a time, and adjust to the new body.
That same passage gives us a sense that WWX is not rushing into situations without taking the time to take it in, make up his mind and prepare as much as he can: the fact that we see him do meditation twice during that day (before he goes to the East Hall and after he checks on the Lan juniors) also contributes to that idea.
The chapters convey as well that WWX is sympathetic to MXY’s situation and does not resent him even though he forced WWX to enact revenge in his stead. As readers, we thus receive the following message: WWX is not prone to being resentful, to hold grudges.
He had originally wanted to wash his face and pay a few respects to the owner of this body, but there was no water in the shack—neither for drinking nor for washing. 
WWX is also, for a lack of a better word, sassy. It’s clear that he has a flair for the dramatics and lots of attitude. Look at that dramatic entrance.... he just.... yeets the bowl he was holding....
He pondered for a moment. Then, rising to his feet, he kicked the door open.
The two servants, in the midst of making eyes at each other, screamed in horror as the double doors of the shack suddenly burst open. Wei Wuxian threw aside his bowl and chopsticks and walked outside without anyone’s leave [...]
We are also introduced to the fact that WWX does not seem to take himself seriously and loves to shock people. 
When it came to wild displays of misbehavior, Wei Wuxian was a master. In the past when he ran wild, he still had to mind appearances lest others accuse him of having not been raised right. But now that he was a lunatic anyways, what face did he need! He could go straight to making a scene, acting however it pleased him.
While WWX is clearly not the one-dimensional evil monster depicted in rumours, we do see that he can be cunning: he lies easily if he feels it motivated, he is very good at talking people into a corner, apt at making them do incriminating things by leading them on, which he does by humiliating the Mo family for their mistreatment of MXY in front of a crowd. But in a way, that is also a quality of his: he is not just silver-tongued; he’s good at assessing a situation and people’s characters, able to figure out what will set them off.
We further get proof that he is not a blood-thirsty monster who disregards others when he tries to figure out if he can satisfy MXY’s spirit without having to wipe out the Mo family (although it is clearly the obvious solution) and when he is shown to care for the well-being of others. This is illustrated by the way he double-checks (through ruse) that the zhaoyin flags are properly set up and will be used safely by the Lan juniors. 
During the conversation, Wei Wuxian had already finished making a rapid examination of the Yin Summoning Flag in his hand. It had been painted in the correct manner, and there were no missing sigils either. There was not a single error or omission, so they should worked as intended. That being said, the person who had painted the flag lacked experience, and the painted sigils could only attract the evil spirits and walking corpses within at most five li. That should however prove to be enough. (chapter 2)
Wei Wuxian’s first thought was that something had gone wrong with the flag arraw the youth had set up. His inventions needed to be used with extreme caution, or else risk disaster. This was also why he had gone to check earlier if there were anything wrong with the array. (Chapter 3)
As our POV character, WWX comes across as endearing through little details: it’s in the way he calls LSZ a “good little seedling (好苗子)” and calls the Lan juniors a group of “小朋友“ in his inner monologue, or when he defends the Lan juniors from Mo-furen’s accusations. Or the way he likes Xiao Pingguo because it looks at him with contempt:
A donkey was tied to the handle, chewing on it. When it saw Wei Wuxian run over rashly, it seemed like it was surprised, and eyed him sideways as if it were a real person. Wei Wuxian made eye contact with him for one second and was immediately touched by the minuscule amount of contempt in its eyes.
Establishing how WWX acts in high-pressure situations
Things escalate quite quickly into accusations of murder and death and resentful corpses. This first sequence is thus our introduction to how WWX acts under pressure and in high-risk situations (which will continue to happen to our MC until the end of the novel). 
WWX is shown to be cool under pressure and quick to think on his feet, constantly re-assessing the situation and the risks. He is also seen as expecting people to arrive to conclusions without him needing to explain them out loud, like when he takes out the zhaoyin flag that MZY stole from his corpse, letting the Lan juniors understand on their own what happened. When he needs to explain, he will not do it in a straight-forward manner, giving small hints first (this preludes many of WWX and LWJ interaction when they understand each other’s thought process with only one sentence being said, and preludes how WWX will continue to act with the Juniors later on, making them think through the situations instead of feeding them the answers).
We also get the proof that WWX does not privilege self-preservation over the fate of others.
If he wanted to avoid having the situation get out of hand, Wei Wuxian should retreat. If they people who came did not know him, then all would be well—but if they happened to be someone who had dealt with him or fought against him in the past, it would be hard to guess what would happen next.
But the curse meant he could not leave Mo Village yet. As well, the spirit that had been summoned had taken two lives in quick succession, meaning it was extremely vicious. If Wei Wuxian left now, once the reinforcement arrived, the streets of Mo Village might already be packed with corpses missing their left arm, of which some would be blood relations of the GusuLanShi. 
After a short deliberation, Wei Wuxian thought, fight a quick battle to force a swift resolution (速战速决). (Chapter 3)
Wei Wuxian was watching the battle attentively. His tongue was slightly curled, suppressing a sharp whistle inside of his lips, preparing it to be let out. The whistle would be able to evoke even more hostility in the cruel corpses, which might turn the tables. Then, however, it would be difficult to ensure that nobody knew that it was his doing. 
In the blink of an eye, the hand moved like lightning, ruthlessly and precisely breaking Madame Mo’s neck. Watching as the Mo family grew closer to defeat, Wei Wuxian prepared to blow the whistle that he suppressed under his tongue. At the same time, the echoes of two strums on a stringed instrument came from far away. (chapter 4)
As well, we are told something about WWX when he only leaves once LWJ arrives: certainly because he’s afraid that LWJ might recognize him but mostly because (as it will become clear later on) he trusts that LWJ will be able to handle the situation in his stead. In order words, although WWX is willing to risk himself to help others, he is not careless with his life and safety (for instance he makes sure to destroy the proof of the Offering ritual before fleeing to make sure no one can figure out the fact that he is back from the dead).
WWX will not hesitate to fool people or pretend in order to help his goals. In this case, he is trying to help and fight without appearing like a powerful cultivator who can do modao, balancing self-preservation with the incentive to protect the people present. This is why he pushes LJY in front of LSZ at one point in the battle, instead of blocking it himself, while pretending to just be a lunatic doing lunatic things.
Inside of the Lan clan’s uniform jacket, there were compact stitchings of incantations using thin threads of the same color, included for protection. However, against strong ones like this, it could only be used once before it became invalid. During the emergency, he could only kick Lan Jingyi and use his body to protect Lan Sizhui’s neck.
This sequence also allows the reader to know more about modao and WWX’s skills, and how he can control corpses, as well as how WWX perceives his own abilities. 
The Mo Village arc, in conjunction with the prologue, competently sets up a lot of the moving pieces for the novel. It also leans heavily toward establishing a strong sense of characterisation for our MC and POV character, which is neat! 
NB: I think it’s also very telling that the next chapter after the Mo Mansion arc begins with us learning that WWX has been, in the past few days since his retreat, lorded over by a capricious donkey. WWX is clearly not someone who takes himself very seriously (often mocking himself):
The donkey ran over there and nothing could make it leave. Wei Wuxian hopped down and slapped its honoured buttocks. “You’re definitely destined for wealth, even harder to please than I am.” The donkey spat at him.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Trey Clover - Just a “normal” guy
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You can unlock this story by getting Trey’s SR Lab coat
Translation under the cut
Rook: The science club. We do everything from cultivating plants, to chemistry experiments to cooking… There are plenty of clubs that do activities besides sports. Because of our wide range of activities, we are also called the "Whatever club", as there are many human oddballs affiliated with us. And here it is, today's activity of the science club…
Trey: Rook, it's nice that you come earlier than anyone else to the botanical garden to participate passionately, but… Can you please stop talking while you're watering the plants.
Rook: But Trey. Don't you think they want to know more about their caretakers?
Trey: Haha… You’re an oddball as usual.
Trey: Okay, I should take care of my potted plants as well. How are the strawberries doing that I'm cultivating…? Oh, they seem to have gotten redder than yesterday. It should be fine to harvest them now. Hm… They smell nice, and their shine is the optimal right now. It was worth it to spare no effort in cultivating them.
Rook: Hey, Trey. There's something that’s been on my mind for a while, can you hear me out?
Trey: I don't really mind… Is it that serious?
Rook: They often say that the science club is full of oddballs, but in contrast, you are a normal person. I want to expose that mystery.
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Trey: Then I'll have to disappoint you. Process of elimination is the reason I entered the club. I would enter the home economics club or the cooking club if those existed, but they didn't.
Rook: Yes, you love making sweets. So, how do you feel, having chosen this club?
Trey: I'm having fun. I'm not only cooking but also cultivating the fruits to put on my cakes… I tried it and surprisingly got into it.
Rook: I see, so you're the kind of guy who gets obsessed with one thing.
Trey: For example, there are many varieties of strawberries. They can range from having a sweet to a sour taste. The kind I'm cultivating now is very sour, so I think it would taste nice in a tart. Our dorm leader is extremely fond of strawberry tarts. He'll be glad if we have some for the next tea party.
Rook: Hehe… I think you are plenty passionate about researching strawberries. Roi des Roses… so Riddle was your motivation. Having such a deep loyalty is très bien! As expected of the Chevalier, Trey!
Trey: Deep loyalty… Don't exaggerate. Riddle is my childhood friend, so I just know what he likes. That's all. 
Rook: Is that so? My eyes reflect a much deeper bond between you two! But yes… a flower will wither if you give it too much water. It's fine to hold back so you won't break his heart.
Jade: Trey!
Trey: Hm? You are Jade from Octavinelle… Is there something?
Jade:… Actually, something awfully troubling has happened. Won't you lend me your power? Floyd has embezzled all the fruits that were supposed to be served at Mostro Lounge.
Rook: Oh my, Floyd is such a mischievous child as usual.
Jade: It fills me with great embarrassment. To request something of you is awfully painful, but… won't you hand over the strawberries you grew?
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Trey: No, I'm sorry, but I was planning on using these strawberries for the tarts for the next tea party…
Jade: I know it is an impudent request but… I must request it nonetheless. An important customer has reserved us today for a birthday party. Unfortunately, the school store has also run out of fruits. I don't have time to go shopping off campus.
Rook: Les Miserables! If you cannot have a cake for a birthday party…
Trey: It would be sad to present a birthday cake with only the base and cream. … I understand. I shall give these strawberries to you.
Jade: Really? Ah, I'm relieved. Thank you very much!
Trey: However, I have one condition.
Jade: Of course, I'm grateful. Please ask me anything.
Trey: I'm relieved to hear that. In exchange for the strawberries, I’d like…
Chapter 2
Trey: And now we remove the axillary buds of the roots… Okay, this way they won't take nutrition from the sprout. Please grow up to be sweet and tasty. 
Rook: Bonjour, Trey! Once again, are you seriously participating in today's club activities! This is the first time I've seen that planter, is it a newbie?
Trey: Yes. I'm planting new strawberry seedlings.
Rook: Ah, you did give the strawberries you've raised until now away to Jade. Oh, I know something! Let me give the newbie a name.
Trey: No, it's fine, you really don't have to give the strawberry a name.
Rook: You don't need to hold back… If you do change your mind please tell me though! Your modesty. And your kindness of yesterday. You are such a virtuous person! To think you'd give away the strawberries you put your soul into for a complete stranger's birthday cake.
Trey: I can just grow more strawberries. Besides, it's not like I gave them away to Jade for free.
Jade: Trey, I have brought the goods you requested.
Trey: Oh, now that we speak of the devil. I've been waiting, Jade.
Jade: Thank you very much for rescuing Mostro Lounge from yesterday's crisis. Here are your desired items, in exchange for the strawberries… A strawberry tart from the famous patissier from the town at the foot of the hill.
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Rook: How beautiful…! The strawberries are vibrantly shining and look like polished rubies!
Trey: As expected of you, Jade. There was a rumor going around that you have to line up in the early morning to buy it, but you managed to.
Jade: As a punishment for the embezzlement, I had Floyd line up in the morning.
Trey: Huh. I didn't expect "that" Floyd to line up obediently like that.
Jade: Even if we're brothers, I was sure to make him repay his settlement for the embezzlement.
Rook: Oh my. The relationship between those is complicated and interesting.
Trey: In any case, thank you for the strawberry tart. I'm sure Riddle will be overjoyed.
Rook: Hey, Trey. While the tart that Jade bought seems extremely delicious, are you satisfied with that?
Trey: In what way?
Rook: I thought Riddle would be more pleased with handmade tarts and the strawberries you put so much love into raising.
Trey: Haha, no way.
Rook-Jade: Huh?
Trey: What's with you two. It's not like I said anything weird.
Rook: But you started cultivating strawberries because Riddle loves strawberry tarts, didn't you?
Trey: I guess so. While Riddle tends to fuss about the taste, his tastebuds are actually not that refined. If he knows it's from a famous store, he'll be happy. And I won't have to make it by hand. 
Rook: I say… This is quite surprising, Jade.
Jade: Indeed. I was sure Trey was the type that wanted to make Riddle eat homemade food with plenty of love.
Trey: What kind of type is that? Well, it's true that I love cooking so I get why you’d misunderstand...
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Trey: Frankly, I don't care about how it's made or if there's love in it. The priority is making sure that our dorm leader doesn't get his tyrannical mode switched on. Anything in the world but that, you know.
Rook: Dear me, And I thought you were Riddle's faithful knight… what a little misunderstanding. Trey. You are kind of shrewd.
Trey: I'm nothing like that. I'm like you said, just a "normal" guy.
Heartslabyul Dorm - Tea Garden
Cater: Aaaah!
Trey: ! Why did you suddenly yell out like that, Cater?
Cater: Isn't today's tea party cake the strawberry tart from that famous shop in the town at the foot of the hill where you have to line up from morning!
Riddle: Hmpf… is it that rare?
Deuce: Yes, I even saw it on the TV.
Cater: If I upload this to Magicam it will go viral! Let me take a pic before we eat it~
Ace: Trey, how did you get such an outrageously popular tart?
Trey: It certainly took some time and effort. However, I did all of it for the dorm leader's tea party. Going this far is no problem. I don't know whether this will satisfy your palate though, Riddle.
Riddle: W-Well, I have gotten used to eating strawberry tarts. Since Trey went through the trouble of getting it, I shall carefully savor it.
Trey: That's an honor. Let's serve the first piece. Here, dorm leader. Bon appétit!
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
What’s your idea if sonic x had a season 4
Oh boy. I’ve got so many ideas, let me tell you XD
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First, Tails’s seed becomes a little girl he adopts and calls “Cosmic” so she always remembers her mother. He gets kinda protective over her, for obvious reasons, but she’s enamored by Adventure! She wants to join ‘Uncle Sonic’ and the others on their journeys but Tails is always cutely reluctant and overprotective father mode lol (He doesn’t like Amy telling Cosmic Love Stories either, especially when they’re secretly Amy’s hopes and dreams for her and Sonic.)
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Second, Dark Sonic becomes more and more prevalent. Eggman is afraid of Sonic losing himself to the ‘Negative Chaos Energy’ that can be exposed (as he witnessed the last season) through Sonic’s immense emotions that he usually keeps under control. He will become the biggest problem/climax of the season, saving Sonic.
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Third, Shadow discovers a locket that was once Maria’s, and after Eggman bribes him with it, discovers that she survived the gunshot and lived her days on earth. He goes to visit where she grew up and finds letters addressed to him. ANOTHER experiment that she discovered and later hid has been secretly developing, and she prayed that Shadow would be the one to stop it. It was her Grandfather’s last final project before Shadow and even the prototype. However, this is exactly what Eggman wanted to discover, hoping to use it to ‘control’ Dark Sonic and robotize him.
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Fourth, A second villain would be Neo Metal Sonic. Angered that Eggman had plans to robotize and control Dark Sonic, he felt he was getting replaced. Metal Sonic then creates a team of the ‘Metal Series’ with Metal Tails, Metal Knuckles, and a --seemingly defective-- Metal Amy. Metal Amy ends up being a friend to Sonic and the Team--once finding a friendship with Omochao-- but destroys herself to stop Neo Metal Sonic’s plan of defeating Sonic once and for all, ruining Eggman’s plans. But due to her, Eggman’s plans still continue in full swing... but Shadow, discovering his treachery, warns Sonic of the machine and how Eggman’s ‘Egging’ him on to trap him.
Of course... Sonic doesn’t listen.
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Fifth, all the characters get a big arc in this one. Amy rescues Dark Sonic, returning Sonic to normal. (I’m thinking they’re first real romantic moment like a kiss? But innocent, obviously, she saves him.) Tails having to let Cosmic go, who sacrifices herself to grow over the machine that was robotizing the world, using her roots to drain its power and leave it completely destroyed under her. He’s devastated, and visits her tree to water it like he did when she was a seedling, only to discover that Baby Pods are growing... Stick boys and Flower girls, and realizes that Cosmos species are still saved. Knuckles finds out about a second God, Harmony, that was sealed in a crystal, and him and Rouge work together to renew the Planet Egg through her power. (They need to do this because due to Eggman’s machine, the Planet Egg was dying, and only Harmony and Chaos’s combined power could restore ‘balance’ to the world.) She’s a partner to Chaos, and balance gets restored. The Chaotix also help with investigating Maria Robotnik, and end up being the ones telling Shadow he was deceived into finding the machine for Eggman, which can keep anyone “alive but controlled.”
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Lastly, the season ends with a celebration for life, and the team share in a bonding moment where we see how much stronger they’ve all become. And big reveal time! Maria is still alive, and we end the episode with Shadow meeting her in a retirement home, falling to his knees, and her laying her hand on his head. “Hello, my dearest, old friend.” lots and lots of tears lol Sonic and Amy aren’t dating, but they’re closer. Tails is a Grandpa who tries to teach the growing babies and research their species, founding a ‘Protection Program’ and considering them an ‘endangered species’. Knuckles has to now look after both Chaos and Harmony, who create new Chao and leave the island swarming with new life, but he’s busy and no longer alone... especially with Rouge trying to snatch more family jewels he’s discovered while searching for Harmony. (Yes, Knuckles is secretly a billionaire now with all his family treasure discovered, lol) Cream and Vanilla help care for the Chao as well, combining Tails’s sanctuary with them.
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Anyway, these are a lot of ideas kinda jammed into one, but basically, Sonic Adventure 3 game would be derived from this season ^^ I could organize it better but for now, this is just a concept. A messy one, but again, I wrote it to be intriguing and I can hammer it out if it were ever going anywhere. I’ve actually made a fanfiction for Harmony’s idea, which would be part of the Season’s arc, but during the time Sonic is losing himself to Dark Chaos Energy. (So before the biggest climax, would be a small arc that would lead into the bigger one.)
Yep! That’s what I was thinking anyway xD Everything leads into each other for the big climax and reveal of Eggman’s plan. Comments?
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Please Don’t Shop Today or Even This Weekend
So many reasons....
So many.
I worked retail for years. Not always by choice. Sometimes we do what we must to take care of our families. What I hated most was how so many workers were treated, including me. I didn’t expect rainbows and warm fuzzies and neighborly conversation in my job. But I expected civility, respect and goddamn it- some fucking common sense. As the years wore on, I was amazed at the level of rudeness, entitlement and lack of logic in customers. Many were just fine, some even lovely and wonderful people. But some- I wondered who lived with you and did they know what a miserable shitweasel you were to those trying to actually do a good job of customer service. In the end, I was convinced there are people who get off trying to make others miserable in service and hospitality. Are there terrible employees in these industries? Of course there are, just like you have in any profession. But most are just trying to do what they must. Please, if you see douchebaggery to anyone in service, call it out. If you can, avoid the shitty sales that are bait and switch for many retailers. They will have deals after Black Friday, they always do. You are being set up to be manipulated. If you think it’s a limited product, do your homework and just stop expecting magical elves to produce what you want from “ the back” of the store. If it’s gone, don’t give anyone shit about it.. except the MARKETING department of that establishment that didn’t advertise limited quantities. The workers are carrying out corporate demands and if you don’t get your free worth less than a quarter pop culture item that is given to the first 100 shoppers don’t act like a toddler. Don’t yell at random people who don’t make the decisions to run a promotion just to get your bored ass in the door. And don’t tolerate people who act like this. Be kind but do not put up with shitty behavior.
Think about who, what, why and how you buy your gifts and items.
WHY am I standing in line for a free tote bag and I have NO idea why I bought this thing to get said tote bag...
Who is this for, me, my loved one, a co-worker, my neighbor, etc? Why would I buy THIS for them and is it worth it? Can’t this item wait? Did I put any thought into WHO I am buying for?
HOW will I give them this gift? Am I able to mail this? Can I wrap this or transport it? Will they know HOW to use this once they have it?
WHAT the hell is this thing anyway? What exactly am I buying? Is it worth fighting a crowd to get it? Is it crap? Some people are so happy with just a simple gift card, cash.
STOP just buying shit because someone made a fuss and advertised it on YouTube, television, streaming, newspapers, etc. Calm the fuck DOWN. Make rational decisions about how you want to give a gift and celebrate a holiday.
When the culture of commerce becomes more thoughtful, so do the interactions between buyer and seller. ***If you MUST buy, instead of make a gift, grow a gift, donate a gift, hell- BE a GIFT to someone, please do so with the idea that you can make this a mindful experience, not a capitalist orgy of sticking your card number in numerous places without really knowing why for a fleeting promise of satisfaction.
Local businesses have it very, very rough this year. If they didn’t qualify for government help, if they are still standing, they are not being held up by much. If you can, order online if they have a site or go when it’s not in this frenzy mode. Some of the best gifts I ever found were in farmers’s markets, individual artisans and creators’ pop ups, or just a few miles from my front door from a local small business.
And some of the best gifts I’ve received and given were not for Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, Valentine’s, Easter or even my birthday- they were JUST BECAUSE I thought of you and why you would love, need or really like this on this random day of the calendar.
*** If you are at home due to quarantine and so are loved ones, if you aren’t having gifts shipped from stores, sites, etc- donate to a charity or cause they love, support or are passionate about. Make a video and get creative and silly. Start seedlings now of plants you can grow indoors or make cuttings of houseplants and send pics of their growth and give when you see them again. Tending a plant for a loved one has made me a better gardener. Give your TIME to someone who is cut off- make a Zoom, FaceTime, etc and just play music, watch a movie, share pics and memories, etc. Do a chore outside weather permitting, for someone who can’t get to it. Read a story to a young one with pictures online if you can’t be with them. Buy pantry items for a meal you know someone likes to make and eat (give them a heads up text first if it’s being delivered so they won’t miss it.) The best gifts are just random bursts of thoughtfulness that can happen any day.
It would be nice to make Black Friday just fade away and not put essential workers through it anymore. Until then, please...pause before you purchase. Don’t feed the idea that THIS weekend is the end all be all of obtaining gifts. Even online. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING TODAY!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
All in the Golden Afternoon (Ninex) - multifandomgeek
A/N: This is for Meggie, because I know how much she loves Ninex. If y'all are not reading How Far I’ll Go, you are seriously missing out!
This is very fluffy and drama-free, but it still mentions depression, however slightly, so be aware of that. Take care of yourselves, and be kind <3.
Summary: Monet has a big property that she has turned into this nice little place where kids learn all about plants and gardening. Summer has a special program with fun activities every day, but the age limit is 14. Nina’s daughter is 16, but she insists on talking to Monet to enroll her in the program. Maybe they can work something out?
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20222725
Monet was preparing seedlings on a big table outside her home/office/camp. Apart from some 80s soft rock playing on a speaker near her and some birds nearby, everything was silent, the fresh smell of rummaged earth filling her nose and calming her soul. There were a couple of weeks left before the summer program began, and Monet was relishing in the peace before the inevitable storm of kids all around took up her entire day and her entire property.
Summer was her favorite part of the year solely because of the summer program, even if she usually started to complain about it barely a week in. Monet had a big property, two acres near a lake with a big, two-store house courtesy of her late grandfather, who had a thing for flaunting his money and would die all over again if he saw that his property had become basically a training farm for kids on the hands of his only granddaughter.
Monet had divided the land in small allotments for planting different kinds of vegetables and flowers. You could sign up your kid for the year-long program or the summer program. Kids would treat the land accordingly to what was intended to grow there and tend to the crops all year long, selling it to their families for pocket money. Over the years, they had shaped the program to be fun for the kids while still teaching them about patience and work, and it was a success with both the students and their parents.
The summer program was a fun, different sort of thing, with smaller kids than usual as well as the big ones, all learning about gardening and just having plain good old fun in the dirt and swimming in the lake, some of them having sleep-overs in the big house and staining Monet’s sheets with mud and tears of laughter. She loved it more than anything.
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac started to play and Monet hummed along as she continued to prepare the infinite amount of seedlings for the kids to plant in a few weeks. She was so focused on her work that she didn’t even notice the woman approaching until she was right in front of her, startling the shit out of Monet.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” said the woman, stifling a chuckle. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m looking for Monet?” She had a knee-length round dress on that the wind was slightly blowing, her brown hair pulled back by a cute matching hairband, also flowing in light waves. She was absolutely adorable.  
Monet cackled, a hand over her pounding heart, effectively getting dirt all over her t-shirt. “It’s okay. Girl, I had my head in the clouds. I’m Monet, nice to meet you,” she extended her hand for the woman to shake, forgetting it was covered in dirt.
But she only hesitated for a second before taking Monet’s hand and shaking it firmly. “I’m Nina West, it’s a pleasure,” she said with a contagious smile. “I sent you an email about my daughter, Katherine?”
Monet sat at her desk while Nina and Katherine sat across from her. She had properly washed her hands, but her shirt was still dirty, not that she cared. Nina looked nervous, and Katherine… Well, she didn’t look anything in particular. It was like the girl was functioning in an automatic mode, following instructions: walk, say hello, sit, stay quiet, nod politely, smile, answer the question, stay quiet again.
They had gone over most of the details about the summer program. Katherine was 16 years old, while the usual age limit was 14, which was why they were there. Nina was asking for special treatment, and while Monet had no problems with saying no to people, she felt herself caving.
“Mom, could I wait for you in the car?” asked Katherine in a low murmur.
Nina sighed, but before she could consent, Monet interrupted. “Come here, sweetie, let me show you something,” she got up, walking out of the office and gesturing for Katherine to follow. She kept a hand on the girl’s back while they walked, partly for comfort and partly because she wanted to make sure she wouldn’t bolt. Katherine barely looked up as they walked inside a bedroom then out onto the balcony.
It was a huge balcony with a view to the lake, a few comfortable armchairs and loveseats scattered around. There was a warm breeze brushing over them, and they could see pretty far, given that they were on the second floor and the house was on top of a slight elevation on the terrain.
“Why don’t you stay here, sweetie?” said Monet. Katherine was looking up, at least, right at the horizon. Monet started rubbing her back without even noticing. “Sit down wherever you want, enjoy the view,. Try not to pull out your phone the minute I’m gone, how about that?” she finished sassily.
Katherine chuckled briefly. It felt like a victory.
“I’ll tell your mom to come and get you when we’re done, okay?” finished Monet, waiting for an answer.
“Okay,” said Katherine. Monet kissed the top of her head before she left, god knows why.
Nina was waiting for her outside her office, standing by the wall. “Where did you guys go?” she asked, trying to mask her worry with a curious tone.
Monet kind of wanted to hug her. “I took her to the balcony. It’s a nice view, I think she likes it,” she said, gesturing for Nina to sit down again so they could talk. Monet sat beside her instead of behind her desk, for some reason it felt like the right thing to do.
Nina looked at her, clutching her purse on her lap before she started to talk. “Kate has been depressed for a while. Clinically depressed,” she said, averting Monet’s gaze. “She takes medications and goes to therapy but we’re trying- me, I’m trying to find some real activities for her. You know, so she can have something that brings a smile to her face again,” a single tear fell down her face and she quickly wiped it away.
“You want to cheer her up a little?” said Monet, kindly. She was almost crying herself.
Nina nodded. “To simplify it, yes. She used to like gardening, before- well, before she stopped liking pretty much anything.” Nina looked down, pausing for a moment before her demeanor changed, and she went back into efficient-mom mode. “I know she’s out of your age limit, but we live in an apartment and this place is so close, it’s just perfect. I’m really hoping the contact with nature will do her some good. I know she is a quiet girl, but she’s hard-working, I promise you, and she isn’t the kind of kid to get into any trouble either, I-”
Monet took Nina’s hands. “Hey, hey, relax. I’m not turning her down.”
“You’re not?” said Nina, so hopeful it was heartbreaking.
“Of course not,” said Monet, suddenly noticing how intimate this had gotten and stepping back into her loud self. “What am I, a heartless bitch?” she got up to sit on her usual chair before she did something stupid like kiss this wonderful, beautiful woman who she was sure would go to the moon and back just to see her daughter smile once.
Nina smiled, and Monet swooned. “That’s amazing! Thank you so much, Monet!”
“I’m thinking of something different, though. Maybe putting her with younger teens would be a little too rough. How is she with little kids?”
Monet decided to have Katherine as a volunteer. She was the only one with that title but Monet was the damn boss and she would make up as many titles as she damn wanted. The girl would help with the small kids, little toddlers that came to the camp for a couple of hours during the day to basically play in the dirt and learn that if you bury a seed and water it, it grows into a plant. The hardest part of the job was patience, and most of the time was actually spent playing more than working.
Nina brought Katherine every day before the start of the program so Monet could teach her the basics and prepare her for the job. It surprised her how much the girl actually loved getting her hands dirty. She particularly knew a lot about flowers, a bunch of mystical information and symbolism that didn’t make any difference in taking care of them. But was very interesting to hear nonetheless.
Nina wanted to stay close, at least in the beginning, so Monet put her to good use, having her help with any odd job there was to do. She seemed more than happy to be useful, the work appearing to lift a weight off her shoulders too, and Monet wondered how much of her day was spent worrying. Keeping people busy so their minds would be at peace was the whole point of Monet’s business, but having Nina around was especially good.
Once Katherine began loosening up a little, it was like a whole other Nina started to emerge. She was bubbly, had a unique talent to make people feel good about themselves, a contagious smile, and told the stupidest jokes, but perhaps Monet’s favorite part was that Nina was just so clumsy. She had a remarkable lack of body awareness, hitting her hip, elbows and shoulders everywhere, kicking things down, walking into people, tripping on steps she walked by every day. It was hilarious, and the best part was that every time Monet laughed at her, Katherine did too.
“I bet five bucks that your mom is gonna trip on that bucket over there,” said Monet one Thursday afternoon. She and Katherine were crouching down over a patch of dirt, preparing it with fertilizer and soil so all the kids would have to do was dig a hole and put the seedlings in. Well, Katherine was doing most of it, Monet was watching Nina moving boxes of snacks from her car to the kitchen.
Katherine looked up. “It’s not even in her path,” she said, but there was a smile in her voice. Monet was so proud of her it was insane.
“Do you or do you not accept the bet?” she asked pointedly, moving her head to punctuate her words.
Katherine shook Monet’s hand. “It’s on, there’s no way, she’s not that clumsy. The bucket is not even-”
“Oh, cra-nberries!” the loud yelp from Nina interrupted them both, the ridiculous substitute for a curse word escaping her mouth before she stumbled on her feet and feel on a puddle of mud.
Monet and Katherine burst into laughter, the younger girl sitting on the ground, holding her shaking belly. Monet got up to help Nina, who was wiping mud off her face while she also laughed. But Monet was laughing so hard it took away her force, and she just cackled while holding Nina’s hand for a solid couple of minutes before actually managing to hoist her up.
“You’re a mess,” said Monet, still laughing, patting Nina’s hair out of her face while trying to take some mud out of it at the same time.
Nina’s smile faltered. She was looking at Monet. They were so close. “Who put that bucket here anyway?” she said, sounding affected. Monet’s hand was still in her hair.
“You did, mom!” said Katherine, taking both of them out of the moment. “I owe you five bucks, Monet,” she was smiling wide.
Nina reached for Monet’s hand and squeezed it. Do you see how she’s smiling? She wanted to say. “Did you bet I was going to fall?” she asked instead, overdramatically.
“What can I say, you’re reliable, girl,” responded Monet, squeezing her hand back as if to say I see it, she’s doing good, miss Nina. You’re doing good. “Kate, baby, finish with those boxes while I help your mom and we’re even, deal?”
“Deal,” said Kate, promptly getting up and patting her dirty hands on the sides of her legs. Nina winced at the dirt that got on her shorts, involuntarily.
“Really, you’re worried about her clothes?” said Monet, already walking her towards the back of the house. “Look at yourself,” she chuckled.
Nina looked down, her previously yellow shirt and creamy shorts completely covered in brown. She let out a full belly-laugh. “I’ll probably have to shower in them before I put them in the laundry.”
Monet chuckled, directing them to a secluded part of the yard, reaching for a hose. “Actually…”
“Wait, no, no, no,” said Nina, raising her hands in a defensive motion. “Now, there’s no need for extreme measures.”
Monet laughed mischievously. “Trust me, this is the best way,” she said. It was true, this particular situation having happened more than a couple of times. Though that didn’t mean it wasn’t going to be fun. She unwinded the hose from its support, all the while watching Nina grow giddy and scared at the same time. “Now, don’t you run, Miss Nina, this hose is long as fuck and I will not hesitate to turn on the high pressure.”
Nina yelped and laughed, even before Monet did anything at all. “Alright. Please be nice.” She had her hands in front of her hunched body to shield herself, her face scrunched down in anticipation.
“I’m always nice!” said Monet, smiling innocently before turning the water on and pointing it a Nina mercilessly.
Nina laughed, yelped and squirmed as Monet washed the mud away from her with the cold stream of water. As she got cleaner, her clothes started to get see-through, clinging to her body, and Monet had to do a herculean effort not to stare. She knew she had a crush on Nina since day one, but she also knew she had no right to ogle at the woman, who clearly had no interest in her whatsoever.
“Okay, I think you’re clean enough now, but you have to rinse your hair before you can take an actual shower inside,” said Monet, handing Nina the hose.
Nina threw her head back letting the water fall through her strands while she combed them with her fingers. Monet’s gaze trailed down to her stranded neck, her see-through shirt, her nipples perked up against the fabric of her bra, hardened by the cold water.
She got too distracted to notice Nina’s crooked smile after she was done with her hair.
Nina swiftly pointed the hose at her, taking Monet completely off guard, making her gasp sharply and suck her stomach in as the cold water abruptly hit her chest. Nina was giggling like mad as Monet looked up at her with pure revenge on her eyes.
“Monet! Monet, be nice,” said Nina, taking a step back and holding the hose in front of her like a weapon, still giggling uncontrollably.
“Oh, I’ll be real nice, just give me that hose back,” she said, trying to take it from Nina but just managing to get wetter in the process. “Give it to me, Nina, you shady bitch!”
Nina kept slipping away from Monet’s grasp while she tried to outsmart her. At some point they began running around each other, Nina pointing the stream back at Monet until both of them were thoroughly soaked and had their cheeks hurting from laughter. But Nina ended up running into a patch of grass that was too wet and slipped up, losing her footing and falling down on her ass.
“Shit!” said Monet, running to catch her mid-fall, just to end up being pulled down on top of her.
They laid down in the grass, breathless from all the running around, thoroughly wet, the hose completely forgotten as their eyes met and all the playfulness went away from their smiles. Monet licked her lips, looking down at Nina’s mouth wishing she could just kiss her. But she couldn’t. A beat passed, and she was ready to get up when Nina surged up and captured her lips with her own.
Monet’s eyes fluttered closed as she immediately kissed back. She let out a satisfied hum, adjusting their angle while Nina’s hand reached to caress her cheek. It could have been a dream, their skins so cold just a second ago now getting hotter by the minute. Nina’s kisses were soft and she tasted faintly like vanilla, probably because she stole one of the snacks earlier in the day. Monet licked inside her mouth, wanting to taste more.
They kept kissing and kissing until Nina pulled back to sneeze.
Money chuckled. “Come on, you need a hot shower,” she said, sitting up.
“Ouch, I think I bruised my butt,” said Nina, also sitting up.
Monet barked a laugh. “Where haven’t you been bruised by now?” she said, shaking her head affectionately.
“I can think of plenty of places that can use a bruise or two,” said Nina in a low voice, and Monet’s brain short circuited. Nina leaned forward and kissed her again.
“Come on,” said Monet in between kisses, “we can do this once we’re dry, I don’t want you to catch a cold.” She forced herself to get up and help Nina so she wouldn’t slip up again.
“Can we? Do this again I mean?” said Nina shyly as they winded up the hose.
Monet smiled at her, nodding. “Do you want to just- or would you also like to maybe go out on a date with me?” she asked slowly, tentatively, assessing Nina’s reaction.
“Yes,” said Nina, looking incredibly cute even all wet and dirty.
“Yes which one?” Monet chuckled.
nina west, monet x change, ninex, fluff, lesbian au, all in the golden afternoon, multifandomgeek, tw:depression
Please link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20222725
A/N: This is for Meggie, because I know how much she loves Ninex. If y'all are not reading How Far I’ll Go, you are seriously missing out!
This is very fluffy and drama-free, but it still mentions depression, however slightly, so be aware of that. Take care of yourselves, and be kind <3.
Summary: Monet has a big property that she has turned into this nice little place where kids learn all about plants and gardening. Summer has a special program with fun activities every day, but the age limit is 14. Nina’s daughter is 16, but she insists on talking to Monet to enroll her in the program. Maybe they can work something out?
Monet was preparing seedlings on a big table outside her home/office/camp. Apart from some 80s soft rock playing on a speaker near her and some birds nearby, everything was silent, the fresh smell of rummaged earth filling her nose and calming her soul. There were a couple of weeks left before the summer program began, and Monet was relishing in the peace before the inevitable storm of kids all around took up her entire day and her entire property.
Summer was her favorite part of the year solely because of the summer program, even if she usually started to complain about it barely a week in. Monet had a big property, two acres near a lake with a big, two-store house courtesy of her late grandfather, who had a thing for flaunting his money and would die all over again if he saw that his property had become basically a training farm for kids on the hands of his only granddaughter.
Monet had divided the land in small allotments for planting different kinds of vegetables and flowers. You could sign up your kid for the year-long program or the summer program. Kids would treat the land accordingly to what was intended to grow there and tend to the crops all year long, selling it to their families for pocket money. Over the years, they had shaped the program to be fun for the kids while still teaching them about patience and work, and it was a success with both the students and their parents.
The summer program was a fun, different sort of thing, with smaller kids than usual as well as the big ones, all learning about gardening and just having plain good old fun in the dirt and swimming in the lake, some of them having sleep-overs in the big house and staining Monet’s sheets with mud and tears of laughter. She loved it more than anything.
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac started to play and Monet hummed along as she continued to prepare the infinite amount of seedlings for the kids to plant in a few weeks. She was so focused on her work that she didn’t even notice the woman approaching until she was right in front of her, startling the shit out of Monet.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” said the woman, stifling a chuckle. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m looking for Monet?” She had a knee-length round dress on that the wind was slightly blowing, her brown hair pulled back by a cute matching hairband, also flowing in light waves. She was absolutely adorable.  
Monet cackled, a hand over her pounding heart, effectively getting dirt all over her t-shirt. “It’s okay. Girl, I had my head in the clouds. I’m Monet, nice to meet you,” she extended her hand for the woman to shake, forgetting it was covered in dirt.
But she only hesitated for a second before taking Monet’s hand and shaking it firmly. “I’m Nina West, it’s a pleasure,” she said with a contagious smile. “I sent you an email about my daughter, Katherine?”
Monet sat at her desk while Nina and Katherine sat across from her. She had properly washed her hands, but her shirt was still dirty, not that she cared. Nina looked nervous, and Katherine… Well, she didn’t look anything in particular. It was like the girl was functioning in an automatic mode, following instructions: walk, say hello, sit, stay quiet, nod politely, smile, answer the question, stay quiet again.
They had gone over most of the details about the summer program. Katherine was 16 years old, while the usual age limit was 14, which was why they were there. Nina was asking for special treatment, and while Monet had no problems with saying no to people, she felt herself caving.
“Mom, could I wait for you in the car?” asked Katherine in a low murmur.
Nina sighed, but before she could consent, Monet interrupted. “Come here, sweetie, let me show you something,” she got up, walking out of the office and gesturing for Katherine to follow. She kept a hand on the girl’s back while they walked, partly for comfort and partly because she wanted to make sure she wouldn’t bolt. Katherine barely looked up as they walked inside a bedroom then out onto the balcony.
It was a huge balcony with a view to the lake, a few comfortable armchairs and loveseats scattered around. There was a warm breeze brushing over them, and they could see pretty far, given that they were on the second floor and the house was on top of a slight elevation on the terrain.
“Why don’t you stay here, sweetie?” said Monet. Katherine was looking up, at least, right at the horizon. Monet started rubbing her back without even noticing. “Sit down wherever you want, enjoy the view,. Try not to pull out your phone the minute I’m gone, how about that?” she finished sassily.
Katherine chuckled briefly. It felt like a victory.
“I’ll tell your mom to come and get you when we’re done, okay?” finished Monet, waiting for an answer.
“Okay,” said Katherine. Monet kissed the top of her head before she left, god knows why.
Nina was waiting for her outside her office, standing by the wall. “Where did you guys go?” she asked, trying to mask her worry with a curious tone.
Monet kind of wanted to hug her. “I took her to the balcony. It’s a nice view, I think she likes it,” she said, gesturing for Nina to sit down again so they could talk. Monet sat beside her instead of behind her desk, for some reason it felt like the right thing to do.
Nina looked at her, clutching her purse on her lap before she started to talk. “Kate has been depressed for a while. Clinically depressed,” she said, averting Monet’s gaze. “She takes medications and goes to therapy but we’re trying- me, I’m trying to find some real activities for her. You know, so she can have something that brings a smile to her face again,” a single tear fell down her face and she quickly wiped it away.
“You want to cheer her up a little?” said Monet, kindly. She was almost crying herself.
Nina nodded. “To simplify it, yes. She used to like gardening, before- well, before she stopped liking pretty much anything.” Nina looked down, pausing for a moment before her demeanor changed, and she went back into efficient-mom mode. “I know she’s out of your age limit, but we live in an apartment and this place is so close, it’s just perfect. I’m really hoping the contact with nature will do her some good. I know she is a quiet girl, but she’s hard-working, I promise you, and she isn’t the kind of kid to get into any trouble either, I-”
Monet took Nina’s hands. “Hey, hey, relax. I’m not turning her down.”
“You’re not?” said Nina, so hopeful it was heartbreaking.
“Of course not,” said Monet, suddenly noticing how intimate this had gotten and stepping back into her loud self. “What am I, a heartless bitch?” she got up to sit on her usual chair before she did something stupid like kiss this wonderful, beautiful woman who she was sure would go to the moon and back just to see her daughter smile once.
Nina smiled, and Monet swooned. “That’s amazing! Thank you so much, Monet!”
“I’m thinking of something different, though. Maybe putting her with younger teens would be a little too rough. How is she with little kids?”
Monet decided to have Katherine as a volunteer. She was the only one with that title but Monet was the damn boss and she would make up as many titles as she damn wanted. The girl would help with the small kids, little toddlers that came to the camp for a couple of hours during the day to basically play in the dirt and learn that if you bury a seed and water it, it grows into a plant. The hardest part of the job was patience, and most of the time was actually spent playing more than working.
Nina brought Katherine every day before the start of the program so Monet could teach her the basics and prepare her for the job. It surprised her how much the girl actually loved getting her hands dirty. She particularly knew a lot about flowers, a bunch of mystical information and symbolism that didn’t make any difference in taking care of them. But was very interesting to hear nonetheless.
Nina wanted to stay close, at least in the beginning, so Monet put her to good use, having her help with any odd job there was to do. She seemed more than happy to be useful, the work appearing to lift a weight off her shoulders too, and Monet wondered how much of her day was spent worrying. Keeping people busy so their minds would be at peace was the whole point of Monet’s business, but having Nina around was especially good.
Once Katherine began loosening up a little, it was like a whole other Nina started to emerge. She was bubbly, had a unique talent to make people feel good about themselves, a contagious smile, and told the stupidest jokes, but perhaps Monet’s favorite part was that Nina was just so clumsy. She had a remarkable lack of body awareness, hitting her hip, elbows and shoulders everywhere, kicking things down, walking into people, tripping on steps she walked by every day. It was hilarious, and the best part was that every time Monet laughed at her, Katherine did too.
“I bet five bucks that your mom is gonna trip on that bucket over there,” said Monet one Thursday afternoon. She and Katherine were crouching down over a patch of dirt, preparing it with fertilizer and soil so all the kids would have to do was dig a hole and put the seedlings in. Well, Katherine was doing most of it, Monet was watching Nina moving boxes of snacks from her car to the kitchen.
Katherine looked up. “It’s not even in her path,” she said, but there was a smile in her voice. Monet was so proud of her it was insane.
“Do you or do you not accept the bet?” she asked pointedly, moving her head to punctuate her words.
Katherine shook Monet’s hand. “It’s on, there’s no way, she’s not that clumsy. The bucket is not even-”
“Oh, cra-nberries!” the loud yelp from Nina interrupted them both, the ridiculous substitute for a curse word escaping her mouth before she stumbled on her feet and feel on a puddle of mud.
Monet and Katherine burst into laughter, the younger girl sitting on the ground, holding her shaking belly. Monet got up to help Nina, who was wiping mud off her face while she also laughed. But Monet was laughing so hard it took away her force, and she just cackled while holding Nina’s hand for a solid couple of minutes before actually managing to hoist her up.
“You’re a mess,” said Monet, still laughing, patting Nina’s hair out of her face while trying to take some mud out of it at the same time.
Nina’s smile faltered. She was looking at Monet. They were so close. “Who put that bucket here anyway?” she said, sounding affected. Monet’s hand was still in her hair.
“You did, mom!” said Katherine, taking both of them out of the moment. “I owe you five bucks, Monet,” she was smiling wide.
Nina reached for Monet’s hand and squeezed it. Do you see how she’s smiling? She wanted to say. “Did you bet I was going to fall?” she asked instead, overdramatically.
“What can I say, you’re reliable, girl,” responded Monet, squeezing her hand back as if to say I see it, she’s doing good, miss Nina. You’re doing good. “Kate, baby, finish with those boxes while I help your mom and we’re even, deal?”
“Deal,” said Kate, promptly getting up and patting her dirty hands on the sides of her legs. Nina winced at the dirt that got on her shorts, involuntarily.
“Really, you’re worried about her clothes?” said Monet, already walking her towards the back of the house. “Look at yourself,” she chuckled.
Nina looked down, her previously yellow shirt and creamy shorts completely covered in brown. She let out a full belly-laugh. “I’ll probably have to shower in them before I put them in the laundry.”
Monet chuckled, directing them to a secluded part of the yard, reaching for a hose. “Actually…”
“Wait, no, no, no,” said Nina, raising her hands in a defensive motion. “Now, there’s no need for extreme measures.”
Monet laughed mischievously. “Trust me, this is the best way,” she said. It was true, this particular situation having happened more than a couple of times. Though that didn’t mean it wasn’t going to be fun. She unwinded the hose from its support, all the while watching Nina grow giddy and scared at the same time. “Now, don’t you run, Miss Nina, this hose is long as fuck and I will not hesitate to turn on the high pressure.”
Nina yelped and laughed, even before Monet did anything at all. “Alright. Please be nice.” She had her hands in front of her hunched body to shield herself, her face scrunched down in anticipation.
“I’m always nice!” said Monet, smiling innocently before turning the water on and pointing it a Nina mercilessly.
Nina laughed, yelped and squirmed as Monet washed the mud away from her with the cold stream of water. As she got cleaner, her clothes started to get see-through, clinging to her body, and Monet had to do a herculean effort not to stare. She knew she had a crush on Nina since day one, but she also knew she had no right to ogle at the woman, who clearly had no interest in her whatsoever.
“Okay, I think you’re clean enough now, but you have to rinse your hair before you can take an actual shower inside,” said Monet, handing Nina the hose.
Nina threw her head back letting the water fall through her strands while she combed them with her fingers. Monet’s gaze trailed down to her stranded neck, her see-through shirt, her nipples perked up against the fabric of her bra, hardened by the cold water.
She got too distracted to notice Nina’s crooked smile after she was done with her hair.
Nina swiftly pointed the hose at her, taking Monet completely off guard, making her gasp sharply and suck her stomach in as the cold water abruptly hit her chest. Nina was giggling like mad as Monet looked up at her with pure revenge on her eyes.
“Monet! Monet, be nice,” said Nina, taking a step back and holding the hose in front of her like a weapon, still giggling uncontrollably.
“Oh, I’ll be real nice, just give me that hose back,” she said, trying to take it from Nina but just managing to get wetter in the process. “Give it to me, Nina, you shady bitch!”
Nina kept slipping away from Monet’s grasp while she tried to outsmart her. At some point they began running around each other, Nina pointing the stream back at Monet until both of them were thoroughly soaked and had their cheeks hurting from laughter. But Nina ended up running into a patch of grass that was too wet and slipped up, losing her footing and falling down on her ass.
“Shit!” said Monet, running to catch her mid-fall, just to end up being pulled down on top of her.
They laid down in the grass, breathless from all the running around, thoroughly wet, the hose completely forgotten as their eyes met and all the playfulness went away from their smiles. Monet licked her lips, looking down at Nina’s mouth wishing she could just kiss her. But she couldn’t. A beat passed, and she was ready to get up when Nina surged up and captured her lips with her own.
Monet’s eyes fluttered closed as she immediately kissed back. She let out a satisfied hum, adjusting their angle while Nina’s hand reached to caress her cheek. It could have been a dream, their skins so cold just a second ago now getting hotter by the minute. Nina’s kisses were soft and she tasted faintly like vanilla, probably because she stole one of the snacks earlier in the day. Monet licked inside her mouth, wanting to taste more.
They kept kissing and kissing until Nina pulled back to sneeze.
Money chuckled. “Come on, you need a hot shower,” she said, sitting up.
“Ouch, I think I bruised my butt,” said Nina, also sitting up.
Monet barked a laugh. “Where haven’t you been bruised by now?” she said, shaking her head affectionately.
“I can think of plenty of places that can use a bruise or two,” said Nina in a low voice, and Monet’s brain short circuited. Nina leaned forward and kissed her again.
“Come on,” said Monet in between kisses, “we can do this once we’re dry, I don’t want you to catch a cold.” She forced herself to get up and help Nina so she wouldn’t slip up again.
“Can we? Do this again I mean?” said Nina shyly as they winded up the hose.
Monet smiled at her, nodding. “Do you want to just- or would you also like to maybe go out on a date with me?” she asked slowly, tentatively, assessing Nina’s reaction.
“Yes,” said Nina, looking incredibly cute even all wet and dirty.
“Yes which one?” Monet chuckled.
23 notes · View notes
How about having a grow light for weed in a room?
If you're looking for the Best LED Grow Lights and full spectrum grow lights for your living room, let us help you choose one. We know so we've hand-picked lights grow on the marketplace, that it's a big investment. No matter your growing demands, you can find a light here.
Below, you will find award winners, bestsellers, budget alternatives, supplemental lighting, lights for smaller spaces or large grow rooms, as well as the lights most preferred by our readers--in other words, the lighting additional growers like you are already using to get effects.
You may get more information about the best way best to get started growing cannabis inside from our free e-book (get it in the sidebar on the right), and out of our routine reviews of the best Grow tents, finest nutrientsalong with other top tools and equipment for your growing performance.
Why is the LED grow light for inside growing success?
Deciding on the ideal lighting for your area depends on a few factors. You need a light powerful enough to cover the region in which you grow, which may vary depending on if you have a dedicated area for seedlings and clones, or in case your marijuana grows to adulthood in 1 area.
Another variable is when you plan to supplement it with other lamps for flowering and veg, or whether you desire to have an lighting.
Then LED grow lights are very much your pals, if you're especially looking for stealth climbing or running costs.
At length, at least with LED grow lights you do not need to worry about replacing bulbs, coping with ballast, or running too hot. All those things were problems with HID HPS lights but they aren't a problem with LEDs.
Let's take a better look at the best LED grow lightsand to help you opt for the right light for the grow space we'll make certain to include details of policy area. And if you would like to check coverage areas at a glimpse, simply take a peek at the table over.
The Way to choose the best LED grow light
Here are a Few of the most important things to keep in mind when picking an LED grow light to grow cannabis:
The place you need to cover: The very first thing you should keep in mind is the area which needs to be covered. You can choose how many LED lights you will need, and which type of LEDs will provide the very best coverage to you. In order to cover more space, more lighting can be placed next to one another. The stages of the plant expansion: If you want a complete growth cycle, you can pick a full-spectrum LED grow light to help in all phases. Or lights have buttons and/or dimmers for each grow phase. The larger angles imply more protection while the lesser angles imply less dispersion and much more direct light. Your budget: Factor at the features that are necessary for you as well as the amount of money you are willing to spend--both up front and on running costs. An LED grow light could be expensive up front, but might save you money long term thanks to the much lower running costs. Choose full-spectrum LED grow lights?
The motive is straightforward.
Complete spectrum LED grow lights are a relatively new product on the marketplace and several growers aren't all that familiar with these new lighting systems. Most people think HPS and Metal Halide lamps or the fluorescent lamps are the best grow lights to utilize an indoor marijuana garden over, but they aren't. Full spectrum light systems have the benefit, because:
Sunglasses? Yes, we are serious. You wear them out, right? Protect your peepers from UV rays indoors too when you are running a full-spectrum LED light. Bear in mind, these lights are powerful!
Nutrients, plants want their own veggies and minerals. The nutrients you provide them do not just affect yield, they affect taste. Do not have bud. Choose your plants' nourishment.
Grow tent. Yes, it is a fantastic idea even if you're already growing in a cupboard or enclosed area. It's more easy to control the weather to your marijuana. You can protect them from stray light sources when they are supposed to be in the dark and you protect yourself from their light when you're supposed to be sleeping. Additionally, humidity is kept by it and smells, too.
Light meter. Maybe you think only advanced growers utilize them, but you may use one, also. When you are advanced, you know how.
Thermometer and hygrometer. Obviously you want to be aware of the ambient conditions on your grow tent. We picked on the most up-to-date model on the market. It will last you for ages.
Here are the LED Grow Lights for your Money: Our Editors' Choices for 2018
We selected our listing of LED grow lights depending on the results they attributes they provide and revealed.
We also have taken into account factors like consumer reviews, industry awards and a close look at which lights have proven most popular with our readers.
Finally, under our Top 10 Ideas, you will find some great budget options too, some supplementary lights for flowering, and a selection of mature lights for small spaces.
Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
Last year our Editor's Choice moved to PlatinumLED's Platinum Series P900. We still love it, it is a wonderful light. But for 2018 we're going together with the Advanced LED Diamond Series XML 350 instead. For 2 reasons:
The brand new Diamond Series is much better! No question. You still won't fail with PlatinumLED's P-Series lights, but using all the Diamond collection Advanced have surpassed themselves. We've noticed a majority of our readers prefer relatively smaller lights (600W HID equivalents and under), so we're following suit with our recommendations. OK then. What's so great about the Diamond Series XML 350?
Firstly, the sheer quality of the LEDs themselves: American-made 10W CREE XML single processor diodes (and Bridgelux blue and whites). These are the big upgrade vs. PlatinumLED's Platinum Series. We are talking super-bright, dependable, top brand LEDs.
As a result of its selection of chips, the full spectrum Diamond Series now boasts a 14+ wavelength spectrum (including UV and IR), to present your cannabis every kind of light it requires for big yields and dense, potent, yummy buds. It is possible to use it in every stage of the grow.
In addition, the XML 350 can replace a 600 to 800W HID light for an average draw of just 330W. Which means over 50% less warmth, no need for additional heating and big savings on your electrical bill.
Other attributes:
Daisy-chain around four units on one cord Patented heat sinks, whisper quiet fans, dust filter and air flow vents--to maintain LEDs working perfectly for longer Clone, veg and flower modes--colour select dimmable switches Modern layout--certain faults could be fixed without sending the whole unit off for repair 3-Year Warranty, 90-day Money Back Guarantee, hassle-free returns US Sales and Support staff Finally, let's talk coverage: The 10W CREE LEDs boast precision XML Collimator lenses for optimum coverage. That is more than enough for home growers in most U.S. states, as an example.
You're looking for, no problem, if the XML350 is not the price point or coverage. The Diamond Series has plenty of options, although the XML lights are the flagship lights of Advanced.
The Diamond collection XTE lights combine 5W CREEs and Osram LEDs. While standard entry-level Diamond Series lights use Bridgelux LEDs only. You will notice, however, that in all three instances all the LED chips nonetheless come from reputable manufacturers and are American-made.
VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 300W -- Our Readers' Favorite Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
The VIPARSPECTRA V300 continues to be pleasing a lot of consumers since it strikes the ideal balance of features for the money--in fact, one of our subscribers it is the Number 1 vendor!
What we think Viparspectra lights do this well is being affordable without too much compromise.
And it seems like you guys agree. In reality, VIPARSPECTRA has fully five lights among our Top 10 vendors!
In summary: Viparspectra is doing something right.
As for the V300 especially, this can be a cheap full spectrum (12 wavelengths, such as IR) light that may replace a 250W HID lighting while drawing just 136W.
The LEDs are good quality, Epileds chips and high-intensity 5W Bridgelux, using a lifespan of 100,000 hours. A 90° lens angle helps pay for a grow space of 2′ x 2′ suspended at 24″ and 1.5′ x 1.5′ in 18″ with no hotspots. And PAR when hung in 24″ is 300 at the center of the footprint.
Features include daisy-chaining, a 3-year warranty and a 30-day gratification or return warranty.
Finally, if you want an integrated timer, dimmable veg and bloom channels, a remote controller to program your light, slightly lower average draw at the wall and an excess half-foot of coverage, the VT300 only costs a small amount extra. It's ultra-convenient and gives you that extra little customizability to completely optimize your growing.
Read our entire review here.
VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W -- Readers' Choice 2nd Place Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
Second largest seller among our subscribers, the VIPARSPECTRA V600 is the larger brother of this v300. It comes with the features, plus the addition of bloom switches and veg.
In the heart of this light's footprint, PAR at 24″ is 530, 275 at 36″ and 784 at 18″.
Or the VT600-S has the same square shape and the same policy as the V600, but the best PAR values of three V600 choices.
VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 450W -- Readers' Choice 3rd Place Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
I guess you would need to call this one the middle kid.
Anyway, our third biggest seller, the VIPARSPECTRA V450 is a 400W HID replacement, drawing just 200W. It provides you coverage of 2.5′ x 2.5′ suspended at 24″ and two′ x two′ in 18″, and also the various PAR values are 415 and 655.
Again, it has veg and bloom switches. And there's a VT version, the VT450, a thinner more light that gives coverage of 3.5′ x 2.5′ in 28″ and 2′ x two′ in 20″ and PAR in 24″ of 396.
In our view, PlatinumLED's Platinum Collection of grow lights has been surpassed by Advanced LED's Diamond Series (see above), but the Platinums remain outstanding lights, are consistently popular with our readers and are widely available. So we're very pleased to highlight them here also.
As if we believe the Diamond Series currently has the edge, PlatinumLED is a reliable, based firm making excellent lights. They assemble from the USA and always uses quality components. Together with the Diamond Series Advanced have just taken the component quality up still another two or three.
Their lights aren't the cheapest. Nonetheless that reliability and quality makes them. And they are often cheaper than the Diamond Series.
0 notes
thuginfender-blog1 · 6 years
Best led grow lights 2018 reviews!
If you're trying to find the Best LED Grow Lights and full spectrum grow lights to your grow room, let's help you select one. We know it's a significant investment so we have hand-picked the best LED grow lights on the marketplace. Whatever your growing needs, it is possible to find a mild here to match.
Below, you will find award winners, bestsellers, budget alternatives, supplemental lights, lights for small spaces or large grow rooms, as well as the lights most preferred by our readers--in other words, the lighting other growers like you're already utilizing to get results.
You can get more information about how to begin growing cannabis inside from our totally free e-book (get it at the sidebar on the right), and from our routine reviews of this best grow tents, finest nutrientsand other top tools and equipment for your growing operation.
Get larger, better buds faster!
What makes the best LED grow light for inside growing success?
Deciding on the ideal lighting for your grow area depends on a few factors. You need a light strong enough to cover the region where you grow, and that may fluctuate based on if you've got a dedicated space for seedlings and clones, or if your marijuana grows to adulthood in one place.
Another factor is whether you desire to have an all-purpose lighting, or if you plan to supplement it with other lamps for veg and flowering.
If you're especially looking for low running costs or stealth climbing, then LED grow lights are very much your pals.
These things were issues with HID HPS lights but they aren't an issue with LEDs.
Let us take a better look at the best LED grow lights --and to help you choose the right lighting for the grow space we'll be certain that you include details of policy area. And should you want to inspect coverage regions at a glance, simply take a look at the table over.
Here are a Few of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing an LED grow light to increase cannabis:
The area you need to pay: The very first thing that you ought to keep in mind is the area which needs to be coated. By understanding this, you can choose how many LED lights you will need, and which type of LEDs will provide you the very best coverage. In order to cover more room, more lights can be placed adjacent to one another. The stages of the plant growth: should you need a complete growth cycle, then you can select a full-spectrum LED grow light to help in all phases. Or many lights have buttons and/or dimmers for each grow stage. The greater angles mean more protection while the lesser angles imply less dispersion and more direct light. Your budget: Factor at the qualities that are necessary for you and the amount of money you're ready to spend--both up front and on working costs. An LED grow light could be expensive up front, but can help save you money long term thanks to the lower running costs. Why choose full-spectrum LED grow lights?
The reason is straightforward.
Full spectrum LED grow lights are a relatively new product on the marketplace and many growers aren't really that comfortable with these brand new lighting systems. Most people think the giant fluorescent lamps or HPS and Metal Halide lamps are the best grow lights to use over a indoor climbing marijuana garden, but they are not. Full spectrum light systems have the advantage, as:
Sunglasses? Yes, we are serious. You wear them out, right? Protect your peepers from UV rays indoors too when you're running a full-spectrum LED light. Remember, these lights are powerful!
Nutrients, plants want their veggies and minerals. The nourishment you provide them do not just affect yield, they affect taste. Don't have poop-flavored pot. Choose your plants' nutrients sensibly.
Grow Airplane. Yes, it is a good idea even if you're already growing into a cupboard or enclosed space. It's a lot easier to control the weather for your marijuana with a cane. You can protect them from stray light sources when they're supposed to be from the dark and you protect yourself out of their mild when you're supposed to be sleeping. Additionally, it keeps humidity under control and scents, too.
Perhaps you think only advanced growers utilize them, but you can use a single, also. When you're advanced, you'll already know how.
Thermometer and hygrometer. Of course you wish to know the ambient conditions on your grow tent. We picked the most up-to-date model in the marketplace to reveal you. It'll last you for several years.
Here are the Top LED Grow Lights for your Money: Our Editors' Alternatives for 2018
We picked our list of LED grow lights based on the outcomes they showed and attributes they provide.
We have also taken into account factors such as consumer reviews, industry awards and a close look at which lights have proven most popular with our readers.
At length, below our Top 10 Ideas, you will find some excellent budget options also, some additional lights for flowering, and a collection of grow lights for small spaces.
Check Latest Prices on Amazon
Our Editor's Choice moved to PlatinumLED's Platinum Series P900. We love it, it is a great light. For 2 reasons:
The new Diamond Series is even better! No question. You still will not fail with PlatinumLED's P-Series lights, but using the Diamond Series Advanced have surpassed themselves. We have noticed a vast majority of our subscribers prefer relatively smaller lights (600W HID equivalents and below), so we're following suit with our recommendations. But don't worry, the majority of the lights we've selected--like this one--are also available in larger models. OK then.
These are the Large upgrade vs. PlatinumLED's Platinum Collection. We're talking super-bright, dependable, top manufacturer LEDs.
As a result of its collection of processors, the full spectrum Diamond Series now boasts a 14+ wavelength spectrum (including UV and IR), to give your cannabis every kind of light it requires for big yields and compact, potent, yummy buds. You can use it in every stage of the increase.
In addition, the XML 350 can replace a 600 to 800W HID lighting for an average draw of merely 330W. Meaning over 50% less heating, no requirement for additional cooling and large savings in your electrical bill.
Other features:
Daisy-chain up to four units on one cord Patented heat sinks, whisper quiet fans, dust filter and air flow vents--to maintain LEDs working perfectly for more Clone, veg and flower modes--colour pick dimmable switches Modern design--sure faults could be corrected without sending the whole device away for fix 3-Year Guarantee, 90-day Money-back Guarantee, hassle-free returns US Sales and Support team Finally, let's talk policy: That is more than enough for home growers in many U.S. states, for instance.
In case the XML350 is not the price point or coverage you're looking for, no problem.
The slightly cheaper Diamond Series XTE lights unite Osram LEDs and 5W CREEs. While standard entry Diamond Series lights use Bridgelux LEDs only. You will notice, however, that in all three instances all the LED chips come from reputable producers and are American-made.
VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 300W -- Our Readers' Favorite Check Latest Prices on Amazon
The VIPARSPECTRA V300 continues to be pleasing a great deal of customers since it strikes the right balance of features for the money--in fact, one of our readers it is the Number 1 vendor!
What we think Viparspectra lights do this well is being affordable without too much compromise.
And it seems like you guys agree. Since not only is that the 300W model our readers' Number 1 pick, the other lights at our Top 3 sellers are also from the Viparspectra Reflector Series lights--the 600W and 450W models being our Number 2 and 3 sellers respectively.
In reality, VIPARSPECTRA has completely five lights among our Top 10 vendors!
In summary: Viparspectra is definitely doing something right.
But back to the V300... In terms of the V300 especially, this is an affordable full spectrum (12 wavelengths, such as IR) light which can replace a 250W HID light whilst drawing just 136W.
The LEDs are great quality, high-intensity 5W Bridgelux and Epileds chips, using a lifespan of 100,000 hours. A 90° lens angle assists them cover a grow area of 2′ x 2′ suspended at 24″ and 1.5′ x 1.5′ at 18″ without hotspots. And PAR when hung at 24″ is 300 at the center of the footprint.
Other features include daisy-chaining, a 3-year guarantee and a 30-day satisfaction or return guarantee.
Finally, if you want a built-in timer, dimmable veg and bloom channels, a remote controller to program your lighting, slightly lower average draw in the wall and an excess half-foot of coverage, the VT300 only costs a small amount extra. It is ultra-convenient and gives you that extra bit of customizability to completely optimize your growing.
Read our full review here.
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Second biggest seller among our readers, the VIPARSPECTRA V600 is the bigger brother of the v300. It comes with the very same features, in addition to the inclusion of different veg and blossom buttons.
In the heart of this light's footprint, PAR at 24″ is 530, 275 in 36″ and 784 at 18″.
Again you may update for remote management programmability, built-in timer and much better policy--in this case, to the bar-shaped VT600.
Or the VT600-S has the exact same square shape and the exact same policy as the V600, but the best PAR values of all three V600 options.
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I guess you would have to call this one the middle child, size-wise.
It will give you coverage of 2.5′ x 2.5′ suspended at 24″ and 2′ x two′ at 18″, and the respective PAR worth are 415 and 655.
Again, it's separate veg and bloom switches. And there is a VT version, the VT450, a thinner more light which gives coverage of 3.5′ x 2.5′ in 28″ and 2′ x two′ at 20″ and PAR in 24″ of 396.
PlatinumLED Platinum Series So we are very happy to highlight them also.
Because even if we think the Diamond Series now has the advantage, PlatinumLED is a reliable, based firm making excellent lights. They always uses top quality parts and assemble from the USA. But, together with the Diamond collection Advanced have simply taken the high component quality up still another notch or two.
Like Advanced LED, their lights aren't the cheapest. Nonetheless that extra quality and reliability makes them well worthwhile. And they're often more affordable than the Diamond Series.
PlatinumLED Platinum Series P900 -- Editor's Choice 2017 Check Latest Prices on Amazon
All of the grow lights from the Platinum Series use radical full-spectrum technologies to maintain your grow plants and room cool while fulfilling all of their light needs.
The P900 includes 12 bands of light wavelengths including ultraviolet and infrared, the parts you can not see with the naked eye. This panel, and others like it at the multiplier lineup, is about as near sun since it is possible to get inside. However, this is not a one-trick pony. This panel is good for every single stage of growing cannabis.
Shifting included You are able to maintain it low-key for sprouting by hitting the "Veg" change, or kick up the intensity by simply turning the switch for "Bloom." The 90-degree angle of the LED working lenses sends down the light into the canopy of the plants. This encourages massive growth.
It may replace a 1000 watt HPS lighting at full intensity and just use 515 watts of power. The average price of energy in the US is approximately 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. Running a 1000 watt HPS prices you 12 cents every hour, and what you'll pay to cool it. However, conducting the P900 provides the exact same or better lighting quality and durability at half that cost.
After the P900 is suspended at 18-inches above the plants, its heart coverage reaches 3 by 5 feet. Its maximum protection is 4 by 6 ft. You could be asking exactly what those numbers actually mean to you. At various phases of growth, you are going to be raising or lowering the mild based on what your plants need. For instance, you are able to cover up to 4 by 6 feet. But at more intensive phases like flowering, you'll cover less area because you want more intense light. An adult cannabis plant takes up at least 1 square foot of space in a 3-gallon pot, or so the P900 can blossom between 12 to a maximum of 24 at a time.
This definitely is not a budget lighting system. But we like that the P1200 LED drivers operate anywhere in the world. PlatinumLED provides one of the better warranties on the market, using a 90-day money-back guarantee and 5-year total warranty.
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For one of the most advanced grow lights we've ever used, consider that the Platinum Series P600. This grow light is a hefty investment, but most growers will concur that premium results are worth a premium price tag. The build with this really is durable and easy to set up. It's among the best LED grow lights to purchase (see also: "Top LED Grow Lights 2018 & Reviews from the LED Grow Lights Experts" on Big Buds Guide), if you have the money to invest in your plants. The core policy area is about two feet by 5 feet, so it's possible to reach the "Bloom" switch for approximately 5 to 10 plants, maximum.
The Platinum Series combines extreme light and strong fans so your plants do not burn. The light is intense enough you could physically watch it penetrate the plants -- an impressive accomplishment. Further, these lights include something completely unheard of: A 5-year warranty and outstanding customer service offered by the business right. Together with the energy savings from an 800W HPS alone, this unit will cover itself before the warranty runs out.
Read our full review here.
PlatinumLED Platinum Series P300 -- Readers' Choice 4th Place Check Latest Prices on Amazon
For those who adore the P600 but don't have quite that big of a budget or dimensions of a rise tent, the Platinum Collection P300 is a great runner-up--and now the 4th highest seller among our subscribers!
This is certainly a more affordable LED grow light that provides lots of the very same benefits as the P600, however at around half the cost.
Its policy is about 4.5 feet by 3.8 feet at an 18-inch height, perfect for compact grow areas, or when used in combination with additional lamps for larger areas. This mild panel effectively replaces a 400W HPS mild, while only actually using 180 watts of electricity--which makes it an energy efficient alternative to a traditional light. It's just perfect for the little home grower. Just as the P600 represents the higher end of the market, this remains a serious piece of equipment--practically a steal for the remarkable coverage you get.
PAR worth This is a system that has a great high PAR output. What exactly does that mean? Well it means the panel provides off about 2 to 3 times the intensity of additional mature lights.
What's more, it has an 11 band spectrum that provides your marijuana plants the most nutritional value for example those desired from UV and IR. The light chips are all 3W LEDs, and as I've mentioned earlier, the best 3-watt panels possess an extra lens to focus the light a bit more. This panel comes with a 60-degree lens and secondary 90-degree working lens to provide more intensity for plant development.
The chips in this lamp are also replaceable and another reason for the slightly higher cost. As a consequence, you may always maintain that 400-watt outputsignal, even when a chip stinks. Just order the one chip and replace it when it arrives from the manufacturer. With a 5-year guarantee, Advanced LED provides security to their customers.
To find out more, have a look at our full inspection.
MarsHydro 300W -- Readers' Choice 5th Place Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
MarsHydro have 8 years in the company along with a growing reputation.
The MarsHydro 300W is very much one of their fundamental, entry-level full spectrum lighting--but a decent budget option.
First, the high-intensity 5W Epistar LEDs are far better than you'll get in some similarly priced lights.
Secondly, policy is adequate: 2′ x 2′ enough for 2 large plants.
Power draw is only around 132W.
Suitable for the entire grow--plenty of both red and blue wavelengths in the spectrum.
Finally, although those are created in China there is a service centre in California and US and European warehouses to ensure quick delivery.
The drawbacks:
No UV or IR wavelengths from the range No veg/bloom change or dimmers Hanger not flexible--however you can buy the adjustable one here This light remains a popular option, however, our recommendation is to consider among MarsHydro's newer models from the Reflector Series or Pro II Series. You will receive more intelligent, more even coverage and different veg and bloom switches, but still in a very inexpensive price.
Want to find out more? We've reviewed exactly the same but slightly larger MarsHydro Mars600 here.
MarsHydro Reflector 960 Watt LED Grow Light Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
The MarsHydro Reflector 960W fits much better in a tiny square 4' by 4' grow tent compared to many of the rectangular panels we've reviewed. We noticed some small singeing once we used the "blossom" setting, but there were no such issues with this "veg" setting--just one of the perks of a flexible spectrum. Those with other lights in consideration will likely prefer to use this one as a backup light, but it surely excels compared to less costly choices.
It was not in our Top 10 sellers. However, among our readers this was among the most well-known lights of its own size.
G8LED G8-600 Total Spectrum MEGA LED Grow Light -- "Greatest LED Grow Light" winner High Times Magazine's STASH Awards 2016 Check Latest Prices on Amazon
High Times Magazine named variations of this light a winner at its own 2016 and2014 STASH Awards (and the bloom-only variant was called "Greatest LED Light" at 2017). It gives 8-band wavelength plus IR and UV so it's there to pay the entire growth cycle of your weed and make sure it's powerful and yummy.
Coverage-wise, you'll get 4′ x 5′ at both flowering and vegetative stages, and penetration of 5′. So, essentially, this replaces an 800-1000W HID light, but draws only 380W at the wall. For maximum yields though, DormGrow proposes adding two or three those 90W all red bulbs in the flowering stage. They claim that running a light in full capacity and intensity, but adding some additional red wavelengths at flowering, is a more economical and efficient approach to utilize LED technology, when compared with the usual approach in which one lighting is used and some of the red LEDs are dimmed or turned off during veg. Evidently High Time agrees!
These lights stay cool enough to touch even when they've been operating for a whole 24 hours. The company backs their product up with a two-year guarantee serviced entirely by these, and they reach out for their customers to ensure everything is going smoothly.
Read our full, in-depth review here. (Need something stronger? Check out our overview of the G8-900 here.)
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Here's another manufacturer that's won over one High Times STASH award. In 2016, Kind LED won "Best LED Innovation" for its GH Series of supplemental bar lights.
This is a true 1000 Watt HID replacement. It calmly and professionally covers a footprint of 5′ x 5′while drawing only 630W, to give you outstanding bud quality and yield per watt, also substantial electricity savings.
As you'd expect, it runs really cool--with no noisy internal lovers or the demand for additional cooling on your living room.
Programmable But the significant innovation comes with all the fully-customizable and programmable 12 ring spectrum and in-built timer. And we mean "fully" customizable. You are able to exactly mimic the seasons and the sun's passage through the sky during the daytime--the XL1000's LEDs are truly dimmable. It is going to gradually "increase" and intensify and slowly "set". You can optimize for various strains of cannabis. And all this can be set up and controlled with a small remote control. In fact, you are able to control up to 100 lights at the same time with a single remote!
Kind back all of this up with lifetime customer service and a 90-day money-back guarantee.
We believe this is pretty much the gold standard of LED grow lights at the moment. And should you want something that strong, it's more than likely the mild for you.
Read a full review here.
Budget LED Grow Lights
Some of the lights are no-frills but bright and really do the job, while others pack in a great deal of features for a comparatively tiny price.
The matter with funding options is that there is always a trade-off someplace, but we believe these lights hit the best balance between doing and features at least one significant thing brilliantly.
Ledgle Grow Light 300W -- 420 Beginner Top 10 Seller Check Latest Bargains on Amazon
While this is a comparatively inexpensive full spectrum lighting, it has got a lot of value for the money--and it's one of our Top 10 sellers.
For starters, the LEDs are huge! They're 6-watts each and there are 50 of these, so this an intensely bright light which works particularly well for dense plants. The panel covers up to 2 by 1.5 feet when the plants are flowering.
The customization options are similar to those on more expensive panels. They include two buttons, one for the vegetative stage, and one for flowering. The spectrum covers 11 bands such as white light, UV, and IR. The two built-in cooling fans have a backup system to keep running even if one of the chips fails. Global Star delivers a 1-year warranty that includes parts and service.
0 notes
Life can be too much sometimes, and during those times, we need an escape. If you’re like me, that escape often takes the form of a book, video game, or something I can watch. However, life often places us in situations in which we aren’t able to drop everything and spend an hour making ourselves feel less overwhelmed. That’s where technology comes in. With the latest technology comes endless apps, games, and websites that can all be accessed instantly. I often find myself needing something to focus on that will take my mind off of whatever is bothering me but also won’t require my full concentration and won’t take too much time or energy to use. That’s where this list comes in! I’ve created a short list of apps, games, and websites that I use when I feel overwhelmed and need a break from life, work, and all the negativity on social media (and frustrating WordPress video features!).
Viridi (available on Android, iOS, PC, and OSX)
Viridi is a calming, real-time game that allows the player to grow succulents. It may sound boring, but it’s super relaxing and fun to get new seedlings, plant and organize succulents, weed the pot, and watch the daily progress of the plants! There’s so much variety in the plants available as well as the pot designs. The music is one of my favorite aspects of the game (aside from the tiny snail that’s always hanging out on the side of the pot) because it’s so soothing. Even when my plants don’t need to be watered or weeded, I find myself pulling up the app just to listen to the music.
One Line Sketch (available on Android and iOS)
One Line Sketch is a simple puzzle game that’s true to its name. The player must connect each square using one line. After all the squares have been connected, the image comes to life and reveals an everyday object! The music is extremely relaxing, the mechanics are simple, and the puzzles are just challenging enough to keep me focused. There’s something about seeing a blocky silhouette turn into a cute pixel-art version of an everyday object that makes me feel so much more relaxed.
Polyforge (available on Android and iOS)
Polyforge is a simple, relaxing game based on shapes! The player taps the screen to send a small triangular shape towards the larger shape in the middle until each edge of the shape is highlighted. Once the shape is complete, the level is complete! It’s very simple, the mechanics are easy to understand, the music is soothing, and the visuals are really nice! It’s such an easy and enjoyable game, and I love playing this just before bed.
Light! (available on Android and iOS)
Light! is an easy game with simple mechanics that involves guiding a small ball of light throughout several visually stunning levels and landscapes. The beginning of the game focuses on four different balls of light traveling through four very distinct areas. This establishes the stories of each light, and once each story has been told, the player is able to play a sort of “endless” mode. The visuals in Light! are absolutely amazing, and the music is even more lovely. This game is so soothing and relaxing, and I really enjoy playing it when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Monodi Little Star (available on Android and iOS)
Monodi Little Star is a bit like connect the dots but with more of a puzzle aspect. Rather than having the dots (or stars in this case) numbered, it’s up to the player to figure out in which order to connect them. In my video, I’ve only played the first few levels just to show the basic mechanics of the game, but the later levels get much more challenging! It’s so nice to read the descriptions of the planets and focus on creating constellations. I also love the connect the dots aspect because it brings back childhood memories!
Daylio (available on Android and iOS)
Daylio is a mood tracker app! It’s extremely customizable as far as activities go. It essentially asks for the user’s current mood and what the user has been doing since the previous update. It has features that show daily average moods, monthly mood charts, and which activities elicit which moods! It’s a great way to keep up with how you feel throughout the day, and I really enjoy using it. It’s nice to see how my mood changes throughout the day and which activities make me feel differently. I’ve been able to see which activities elicit the best moods from me so that I can focus more on doing things that make me happy.
Forest (available on Android, iOS, Chrome, and Firefox)
Forest is a productivity management app. Essentially, the user chooses a plant and amount of time for productivity. If the user exits the app to use another, the plant will die. If the user manages to stay in the app for the allotted amount of time, the plant will grow and appear in the forest. If you’re like me and can’t do anything without constantly checking your phone, this app is for you! Whenever I should be writing or meditating, I like to set a timer so that I have a reason not to check my phone (I don’t want to kill the virtual trees!), and I have something to look forward to when I’m finished!
The Thoughts Room
The Thoughts Room is a website that allows the user to relax. It’s a very simple website that plays relaxing, soothing music and allows the user to “pour out all burdens and heart-aches” into the “thought box.” These thoughts then fall into the stars and become stardust once submitted. This is so calming, and it’s so cathartic and satisfying to see your frustrations, pains, problems, and worries simply disappear into the night sky.
The Mighty
The Mighty a website dedicated to creating a community for those with disabilities, mental illnesses, disease, chronic illness, and so many other things. There are articles on anything one can imagine! Users are able to submit personal stories, so everything feels so inviting and, well, personal! It’s so comforting to know that others understand, and I absolutely love the pieces that come from The Mighty.
I've compiled a short list of calming apps, games, and websites for when things are too much. Life can be too much sometimes, and during those times, we need an escape. If you're like me, that escape often takes the form of a book, video game, or something I can watch.
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