#sees otp hurt and immediately gets protective
Issues with watching GH
If you want to watch the episodes of someone who hasn't been in there in Seasons, all you have to rely on are videos on YouTube. And I have seen every video they have on there for the Rivera twins (it's a bit limited and I know they left out a lot). Searched up Griffin Munro because I need a photo for something and this popped up.
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Okay, I've seen a photo of Carlos on a Hospital bed before but it was horrible quality and it was from a distance so I just hoped that my eyes were messing with me. I DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT WAS HAPPENING HERE. WHO HURT HIM? WHAT DID THEY DO? I don't care about spoilers at this point. Tell me what they did to my husband. Don't tell me to calm down. You know damn well if that was your OTP on that bed, you would be losing your shit too.
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But, most importantly, who's hands are those? They better be Griffin's. Only Griffin is allowed to touch him. And, of course, Joseph. But, as far as I know, Joseph didn't return until after Julian-
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peaches2217 · 2 months
I have so many varied and fun WIPs I could work on but my brain continues to scream “BE WEIRD ABOUT CHILDBIRTH! SURELY YOU WON’T WEIRD ANYONE OUT IF YOU KEEP WRITING ABOUT CHILDBIRTH!” and I’d like it to sTOP
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royboyfanpage · 6 months
roygarth headcanons and motifs?
Okay I wanna just give a disclaimer that I am not a Garth expert, I've only really read him in Titans comics (though I did read Tempest 1996 specifically for this ask), also Roygarth isn't my OTP, I do ship it but it's not something I've thought about in great length, so my apologies if I've gotten Garth's character wrong or if my interpretation of the ship is different to yours/OOC. Also I've not made any in depth ship posts before, I'm more of a passive observer of ships, so apologies if this sucks ass generally.
For it to work in canon, a very strong aspect of it would have to be communication. Roy doesn't always pick up on when he's done something that's upset someone, and Garth can become quite vocally angry if someone upsets/hurts him. I really wish that the progress they'd made in Titans (1999) #16 was expanded on in later comics because I think if they got past that initial barrier of miscommunication they could have such a good relationship. They're actually pretty similar in some ways, they both love very strongly and are fiercly protective of the people they love, but there are differences, too. Roy's very much an immediate reactor in a lot of cases, he reacts immediately when something upsets him and forgives just as fast, whereas Garth can let things fester/build over time and then eventually lash out in a much angrier way, so communication is definitely the most important aspect.
I don't think that they'd ever be the perfect honeymoon couple, there are always gonna be some things about both of them that drive each other insane. I can't see Roy completely dropping all the teasing, and I also can't see Garth suddenly becoming totally okay with it because Roy's explained he's only kidding. However, I do see it becoming more of an exasperation rather than actually pissing him off, and if they were to get closer I could see it becoming more mutual, good-natured teasing. I also think that they'd get better at resolving arguments too, and that they wouldn't escalate as far once a mutual level of trust's been built up. I think Garth kinda has an expectation that people are out to get him sometimes or that they underestimate his worth, so once that's been addressed and Garth's assured that Roy has no ill-will or negativity towards him then he'd be less likely to lash out and more understanding that that's just Roy's way of showing affection.
It's absolutely a slowburn relationship that would take a lot of time to develop. They're not gonna wake up one morning and realise they love each other and should date. I think, if anything, Cerdian would be a really good way for them to actually fall in love with each other (let's say for the sake of this, Cerdian's fine and Garth and Dolphin split up). I think being able to bond over being parents would absolutely open new opportunities for their relationship, and one of the things Roy looks for in a romantic partner is how well they get along with Lian, so another parent would definitely be a good choice of partner for him, especially since Garth already adored Lian even before Cerdian was born and he and Roy had their talk in purgatory. Plus them co-parenting Lian and Cerdian would be adorable.
I still think that the nicknames would persist, but they'd definitely become more terms of affection as they entered a relationship. Maybe not Gill-head specifically since Garth's explicitly stated he doesn't like that one, but other affectionate fish-related ones for sure. Also they'd keep calling each other Speedy and Aqualad affectionately.
Aaand from a more fanon-y perspective, I think Roy'd definitely be the one to initiate much of the physical affection. I 100% see him as a hugger, so I can imagine him just pulling Garth into hugs or dragging him over to the sofa to cuddle. Garth I can see as more of a spontanious kisser. Both of them go bright red whenever the other surprises them with affection. Also they should do the percabeth underwater kiss.
Anyway this is a family
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spaceratprodigy · 4 months
For the ship asks: 3 and 36, your choice!
@kyberinfinitygems — [ OTP Prompts ]
More Cybill/Iris for the soul! >:]
@grimreapersbutt answered these with me 🖤✨ thank u again bestie mwah
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
At first it's Iris! She is a very physical person, very lovey and very expressive about it. By the time they have their first kiss and it hits very hard that they are in love with each other, once she can have him it's all over. That man is going to be spoiled rotten with her love every chance she gets.
Cybill matches her energy very well, he is just as mushy gushy as she is, but it takes him a while to realize he's allowed to be that way.
From being in his vault, he has some preconceptions of what is socially acceptable, and being with Iris pulls him out of that. He becomes just as expressive as she is and much less worried about what other people think.
I cannot stress enough that once they are together, the jaws of life cannot pry them apart. Literally a package deal, do not separate. They may or may not become a bit shameless over just how affectionate they're willing to be anywhere and everywhere. Hoo boy. But they very much enjoy so much soft intimacy as well. Catch them standing around holding hands, being all close, Cybill resting his head on Iris's shoulder, whispering sweet nothings to each other, finding so so much comfort in each other.
Being together genuinely helps both of them so much. Obvs there is so much to get into there regarding their stories before they meet and once their paths becomes one. But plenty of friends have read what we have of their PDF so far and can attest to just how deeply their love for each other runs and the lengths they are always willing to go to to take care of each other.
36. Who is more protective?
That's the million dollar question isn't it? They are both really fucking protective of each other, not to mention how protective they are of June and Henry.
Realistically, Iris is the stronger one of the two of them and is more capable of doing the defending. But, to revisit what was mentioned above, Cybill's time in the vault has left him with a certain mindset regarding traditional gender roles within a marriage. He'll feel like it's his job to be The Man Of The House, and is likely to throw himself into danger to protect his family.
As protective as he is, it still doesn't change the fact that my sweet baby boy isn't the strongest lad and is a popsicle stick of a man ✌️😔 and, such is often the way, he needs Iris to help protect him. Which she does, and always will. She loves him, she would do anything to keep him safe. If he gets hurt, she will always be there to take care of him, patch him up, kiss him better.
That isn't to say he should ever be underestimated. In both of their cases, they can be pushed hard enough to the point you'll find out just how fucking vicious they can be. Yes, for each other, absolutely. If their sweetie is in immediate danger, there will be no hesitation to keep them safe at whatever the cost. But when it comes to the babies, if June and Henry are threatened in any way, you aren't living to see the light of day. Would you rather be torn apart by the lifetime's worth of pent up blind rage mama bear or her feral little rat husband who will probably tear you to shreds with his bare teeth and eat you 🔍🤨 either way, they're probably going to have both Overreacted™️ and walk away drenched in blood.
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shrinkthisviolet · 12 days
Iris and Wally for the character ask thingy? :)
Iris West-Allen
favorite thing about them
She’s so tenacious, I love her for it! And her strongest superpowers are her belief and investigative skills—I find that inspiring
least favorite thing about them
Her “three list” in s1
favorite line
“It’s okay. A girl’s gotta be her own hero every now and again” and “All the information I have on Black Hole will be immediately released…so tell your friend to stand down.” That’s our girl, standing on business!!
Iris & Cisco, my sunshine twin babies 💞
Westallen, Westhallen, Barriscowest!
random headcanon
She and Caitlin became friends post-s1 via bonding over losing their fiancés. Caitlin found the grieving process much easier this time around—not because the loss hurt any less, but because she had someone who Got It, who knew exactly how she felt and didn’t try to placate or soothe her. Iris, for her part, was ALSO glad to have someone who let her feel her feelings without trying to placate or soothe her—it felt good. They smashed more than a few things together to let out some of the pent-up grief…and by the time Iris was ready to move on with Barry, by the time she and Caitlin had that talk, it came from a woman who knew exactly how Iris felt, exactly what her hesitations were, and encouraged her to go for it anyway
unpopular opinion
Apparently even liking her is an unpopular opinion lol but here’s one: song i associate with them
song i associate with them
Seeing Green by Nicky Minaj!
favorite picture of them
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Look at her!! Adorable 🥰 and this is one of my favorite hairstyles of hers
Wally West
favorite thing about them
How considerate he is! It’s not a trait the show often showcases, but he worries about Iris enough to go to the hospital and sit by her bedside even after they fought, he’s racing specifically to raise money for his mom’s medical bills, he wants to be a hero to help people (not just because he thinks it’ll be cool to have powers—when he thinks there’s a chance of him not getting powers, he specifically says “So you think, just let it go? Give up on wanting to help people?”), etc. He’s got a bigger heart than people give him credit for!
least favorite thing about them
I love him, I do, and I don’t fault him for being mad that Barry proposed to Iris out of fear (nor do I blame him more than Barry, as some morons do), but…he should’ve confronted Barry privately about that. Maybe with Iris, but not with everyone else
favorite line
“I'm fast, really fast. I might even be the fastest man alive. And when I'm running, there's no greater feeling in the world. I can move through the city like a guardian angel, protecting people who need me.” Speaks to that need for speed that he’s been chasing since s2…and calls back to when his biggest disappointment of not having powers was feeling like he couldn’t help people!
Wally & Barry and Wally & Iris ofc
Wallylinda/Wallinda!! They’re canon in my heart idc
Hmm well I don’t like Wally/Jesse, but I like them platonically, so…does that count 😅
random headcanon
Wally is absolutely the fun uncle who indulges Nora and Bart’s every whim, no matter what Barry and Iris have to say about it. Nothing too unsafe ofc, moreso things like sneaking them sweets late at night, or letting them stay up past bedtime…or taking them for a little time travel spin in a fully controlled environment, Barry, I’d never let anything happen to my niblings!
unpopular opinion
People being more mad at him for revealing that Barry proposed to Iris out of fear than they are mad at Barry for proposing that way in the first place is absolutely wild. Obviously Wally should’ve confronted Barry privately, not in front of anyone, but don’t act like he was more in the wrong than Barry
song i associate with them
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic!
favorite picture of them
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He's so confident and happy here 🥰
character ask game!
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The Problem with Rayllum
Here is my promised salt post about my issues with how Callum and Rayla's relationship and individual characters were written in season 4. I know a lot of people really enjoyed the season, so please feel free to skip. I have no idea how long this is going to be since I intend to ramble until I've gotten all the Big Feelings off my chest. I still love the show (arc 1 will always be one of my favorite stories), and I adore these two and their precious relationship... it's one of my top two OTPs of all time. I want to see them happy, but I also want their characters done justice.
First off, a lot of my issues could potentially be resolved by what happens in season 5 onward, and I truly hope this is what happens. I want to be able to look back on season 4 and see it as part of the whole picture, even if I seriously doubt it will ever be one of my favorite seasons (right now it's for sure my least favorite). I went in with a lot of hope and faith in the writers, and I'm going to be watching season 5 with a lot more caution.
For starters, Callum. This sweet boy was dealt a devastating blow that fundamentally changed him as a person, but 4x01 makes it abundantly clear that he's still deeply in love with Rayla, to the point that he can't even be happy on his own birthday because of how achingly he misses her. When she abruptly reappears in his life, his reaction is realistic. He's cold and distant and makes it clear he does not want to talk to her. If anything, he seems annoyed that she showed up. But as he says later on, the two emotions he immediately felt were happiness and anger. We see the former at the very end of the finale, but basically none of the latter. Instead, he spends the entire season icing Rayla out, turning down her multiple attempts at getting him to talk with her. And I can't help but wonder why. Does he not want to get angry at her? Because boy, he needs to. He has EVERY RIGHT to be furious with her, for leaving him behind and never letting him know she was okay and then randomly popping up in his study in the middle of the night without so much as an apology (more on that later). This is what I expected and hoped for going into season 4... that he would snip at her for a while, leading up to a confrontation where all the Big Feelings come out. He needs to let himself be angry, to shout and scream and let out two whole years of hurt, because I'm not convinced Rayla understands just how deeply she wounded him. But instead, he just seemed... indifferent, if not mildly irritated by her, ignoring her flirtacious remarks (or icily shutting them down) and turning away her efforts at a conversation.
Speaking of Rayla... GIRL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHY DID YOU JUST NOW DECIDE TO COME BACK!?!?! I'm honestly flabbergasted by how they approached Rayla this season. Through the Moon and "Dear Callum" were such lovingly crafted looks into her psyche, and all that just fell flat on its face. I still really loved seeing her this season, but they did not address the fallout of her decision at all, and she seemed more or less unchanged by it. In "Dear Callum," she expresses her belief that she very likely may not come back, and despite how desperately she longs to stay, she cannot return until she knows for certain that Viren is dead and therefore Callum is safe (that's another issue... she says she was after "revenge," but TTM and "Dear Callum" show that her main motivation was protecting Callum). But she never found Viren, or any proof of his demise. So why come back? Why go two whole years and then randomly decide to give up? The first words out of Callum's mouth after her name are, "Why are you here?" She offers no explanation beyond, "I came back." Girl why? What happened? Why did you change your mind, when your self-appointed mission isn't complete? Especially when, as far as I can tell, she doesn't understand that what she did was wrong. That's why, despite acknowledging that her leaving was painful for Callum, she doesn't apologize. Because in her mind, there's nothing to apologize for. She did it because she loves Callum, therefore it's right. But then again, why apologize to Ezran and not to Callum?
That's another reason I think Callum needs to fully express his anger at Rayla, not only for his own healing but to show Rayla how wrong she was, that he may be safe physically, but his heart has been shattered beyond repair. That he's no longer the same sweet, open-hearted boy she left behind entirely by her own doing. She seems to have some awareness that she tossed their relationship away ("We had something so special"), but for the most part expects to pick up where they left off, hinting at wanting to cuddle him and go on walks alone and receive his attention the way she used to (kind of strange, considering how terrified she was in her letter that he would hate her for this). Ezran even acknowledges how much she's trying to get things back to they way they were. But she can't, not without understanding the gravity of her actions. I need season 5 to demonstrate how Rayla's journey changed her, because right now it seemed to have very little impact. Again, most of this can be fixed by future seasons, if they take the time to explain just what happened to Rayla during her time alone and what motivated her to suddenly return. And I'm decently confident it will, since clearly there's going to be a lot of Moonfam drama going down.
As for the Rayllum relationship, I was initially upset that there was no romance, especially with how it was hyped up in the marketing and after reading so many wonderful fics. After sleeping on it, I realized that's not my problem with it. It makes perfect sense that they wouldn't be ready to snuggle and kiss again yet. Most of my issues stem from the points addressed above, that Callum treated her so coldly instead of telling her how he felt and that Rayla expected to resume their romance without an apology or explanation (and dang, it was painful to watch him reject her, like a knife in my heart). A lot of their interactions were just... weird, as Soren put it. She sweetly tells him he was the best thing that ever happened to her (while he sleeps), then just... leaves and doesn't show up again until that night. Why? Where'd she go? What was she doing? She didn't think it might traumatize him to leave again while he slept, right after she came back? Lucky for her it didn't... which is even more weird. Callum doesn't even acknowledge Rayla's absence, or that she ever came back at all, upon waking up. She could've left for good again. That could've been the last time he ever saw her, and he's completely unfazed. Again... so, so weird coming from the lovelorn boy in 4x01. But one thing I just can't accept, that future seasons can't smooth out, was that when push came to shove, Callum let her go. Rayla sees Viren. Her worst fear, that impossible fear that drove her to abandon Callum for two years in the first place, is realized. Viren is alive, and this time, Callum knows it too. It makes sense to me that she'd go after him... this is her chance to complete her mission, to protect Callum once and for all. What doesn't make since, what I seriously doubt ever will, is that Callum lets her. This time, he knows she's right. He saw Viren with his own eyes! She's not chasing after a ghost, but a very real and very much alive dark mage who she nearly died fighting before. Yes, I think he was right to give her his blessing to fulfill her mission, but not in letting her go alone. Without him. He just got her back after two years! Two years of not knowing if she was dead or alive! Two years of misery and pining and feeling like his heart had been torn from his chest, and he just lets her do it again! This was his chance to prove to her that she was wrong, that they're stronger together, that they always have been. That she can't keep leaving him and breaking his heart, even if she thinks it's what's best for him. Particularly when there's a very good chance she could die. Callum has always called her out on her self-sacrificing tendencies in the past, but this time, when it matters most, nope. He lets her go without any argument. And then, he breaks down and sobs over her blade, believing she died in her efforts. Which was very sweet of course, and a much-need reassurance of the depths of his devotion to her, but honey??? You let her go, you let her run off alone to what would've been an impossible battle. What did you expect? I fear that had Rayla not gotten the coins, she would've continued chasing Viren and company instead of returning to the group, making it all for nothing. She's right back where she started.
There you have it. Most if not all of my salt over Rayllum in season 4. Thankfully, the season ended with Rayla wrapped in Callum's arms again, and the implication that he's ready to talk to her. But as much as I ravenously desire them to get back to the sweet, romantic, pitifully-in-love couple they were before, I need them to TALK. I need it to happen ON-SCREEN. I need Callum to vent all that heartache and betrayal, and I need Rayla to apologize, really apologize, and assure him that whatever they have to face in the future, they will face it together. I don't want Callum to forgive her while she thinks there's nothing to forgive, I don't want him trapped in an endless loop of abandonment and heartbreak, and I don't want Rayla left pining after the love of the man she's so hopelessly devoted to while he lets unspoken emotions continue to fester.
Let Callum voice his hurt. Let Rayla own up to her mistakes. Let them talk. Let them work through all the pain between them. Let them save each other's hearts and grow back into the precious love they've found. Please do my Rayllum right again.
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years
Hugoooooo aannnd Uteeeee ! ! !(I mean I want to heard about how do you think about Yuto&Yugo. )
OH BOY! I have many feelings about these two!!
How I feel about this character:
I absolutely adore this sweet idiot, while he is very funny at times as a kind of comic relief character; Yugo has a lot of depth outside of that. He is a very sweet and caring kid, he knows very well that he acts before he thinks and owns up to it. With everything that goes on in the series, his behavior is justified, he's upset and angry about losing Rin. Someone very special and precious to him, Yugo is allowed to feel what he does and act on his strong emotions. He is just such a good character, everything he does is emotionally driven because he just has a huge heart to compensate for lack of brain cells. Yugo is sweet, dumb and funny, it adds some charm to his character!
All the people I ship romantically with character:
Rin!!!!! Of course! appleshipping is very wholesome! Rin meant the WORLD to Yugo! His reaction when Yuzu assumed Rin was Yugo's girlfriend is one of the sweetest scenes, him blushing and rocking side to side was just precious. Yugo adored her to the moon and back and went around anywhere and everywhere to look for her. Their dynamic is just too sweet, the way Yugo even cared for his d-wheel so much because they worked so hard to build it together is just another reason they're so perfect. Yugo has and only will ever like Rin.
my non-romantic OTP for this character:
Yuya!!!! The idiot and idiot duo. Best friends. Same braincell. These two would just get along so well, always smiling and laughing with eachother. They would have the most wholesome duels for just the fun of it. They deserved to have some interaction in canon, because just that scene when they were syncing during the duel was not enough. If they directly interacted they would just spider-man meme point at eachother and instantly become friends, Yuya would've been more than happy to help Yugo look for Rin.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
A better reunion between Yugo and Rin would've been nice. Like the parasite thing was depressing, and then bam he never sees her again because she goes into the machine for Ray to be awakened. It was way too sad of an ending for those two and they deserved so much better. The whole thing with Rin always beating Yugo should've been an emotional build up within Yugo to beat Rin in their duel, Yugo wins and Rin becomes free of parasite control and they hug tightly. Rin tells Yugo thank you with tears in her eyes, she'd tell him he did a good job! Cue Yugo sobbing and holding Rin tightly because he never wants her to disappear again. Then Yugo can go look for Yuri to duel him and kick his butt for kidnapping Rin.
How I feel about this character:
My second favorite of the Yu's! Immediatly at his introduction, I basically just went "Who is this emo child waltzing around, he is amazing" bam its a different version of Yuya. I thought his design and behavior were interesting, he was very angry but also it was sad to hear him apologize to Yuzu and to say he doesn't want to hurt her. You know he carries that guilt about Ruri and its rather sad. Yuto is such a good boy and he deserved way better than what he got. But at least within Yuya, he smiles and communicates with him, their bond through the series is very good. Yuto is very clearly a good sweet boy that went through way too much that he did not deserve. Protect him at all costs.
All the people I ship romantically with character:
Ruri!!! Im a big fallenangel shipper. I know there are people that don't like it despite it being one of the most canon couples aside from Yugo/Rin. The series made it very clear in the short flashbacks that they mutually had feelings for eachother. Yuto literally started crushing on Ruri immediately and was so awestruck; its freaking adorable. And that scene when he gets shy when Ruri rests her head on his shoulder??? CUTE! im cliche okay, they're very fluffy together. Plus the fact that Yuto falls for his best friends sister is rather precious, thats good stuff right there. Yuto really adored Ruri, and it was so sad to hear him say things like he didn't want to hurt her. What happened was not his fault.
my non-romantic OTP for this character:
Yuya! The other best friend pairing, their interactions through the series is very wholesome. Yuto really showed his true personality through the time he is within Yuya. Yuto is a doofus very much like Yuya who was scorned by war, but he smiles because of Yuya and even has funny comments here and there at times. Their bond is very very good, they understood eachother very well.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
OH BOY! for starters it would've nice if Yuto and Yugo didn't have their miscommunication at all that lead to Yuto being absorbed into Yuya. That's one of the things that really upsets me in this series, Yuto is angry and out for revenge, all he knows is the face of the person who kidnapped Ruri and he sees Yugo. It makes sense for their to be that mistake, but Yugo literally blames Yuto for the same exact thing he's mad about it.
Yuto the one maybe more prone to using common sense would've heard Yugo blaming him for kidnapping Rin and thought ?? wait a minute, no! You kidnapped Ruri!! Its very much both their faults for not stopping for a second to understand this huge red flag in the situation and not just duel. Boys, use your brains and take a second to chat. They would've learned somethings not right and they're both innocent. Yuya could've also helped calm them both down. So instead of Yuto "dying" he and Yugo actually could've gotten along and teamed up together against Yuri...the real mastermind.
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
Okay I’m finally here! I wanted so badly to read it when you posted but I was so freaking tired I crashed 😭 But I’m here with another rant/essay of thoughts and emotions haha I feel like with every chapter I write more and more 😂
Getting a glimpse into Conrad’s head in any fic itches my brain nicely, idk I just love him?? Anywho, the way you write his like emotions and his anger/frustration? I’m here for it, he deserves to be a little upset instead of just shutting himself down to protect himself 🥺🖤 BUT him tracking Dean down and punching him before the ass can even get a word in?! Yes!! Thank you omg, protector Conrad getting his emotions out AND making sure Dean knows he’s not welcome anymore? no and then he comes home and tucks us in??? After beating a guy up?? God I’m feral for him I need therapy 😂
Him and his moms? (Bc lbr Susannah x Laurel is the real otp here 😭🖤) I tear up every time Susannah’s cancer gets brought up bc of personal stuffs so like Conrad crying on her and letting himself feel bc he didn’t mean to hurt us while his mom was sick?? My eyes were sweating I wanna give him cuddles and back rubs and forehead kisses 🥺😭🖤🖤
Steven would be that person tho “oh don’t worry I watched the cooking channel I can do this!” And then fucks it all to hell 😂 I love him, I feel like Steven and I would be those besties that are complete idiots together because we share half a braincell 😂
And Connie calling us my girl?!?! AND baby?!! That shit gives me butterflies omg 😭😭 im so lonely lmfao ahh the whole living room scene has me in a choke hold I love him, just ahhhhh the domesticity of caring for your lover after he beats someone up for you 🥺🖤
The almost kiss on the beach had me swooning too 😭 Fucking Steven and cockblocking us 😂😂
No but who tf does Thérèse think she is???? “Sorry I stole your bf I was jealous but I ended things with him” like good for you but stay away lmao like that trust would be so damaged!!! Thérèse and Dean really do deserve each other 😤😤
Okay but us hitting Dean? And just being a feral cat about him not shutting up? Yes please?! Couples who beat shitty exes up together are top tier 😂 (I know we’re not a couple yet but in my heart Conrad’s already my husband 😂🖤) AND AGAIN the of checking over each others wounds?!!! I love them, your honor. 🖤🖤
Okay but Connie immediately wanting to take off and beat the shit out of Dean, while the love of his life’s injured??? But his tunnel vision is just like “gotta kill this guy”?? Like you idiot I don’t want Jere to take me to the hospital I want the person that makes me feel safe there 😭😭😭
Overall I love how theres a bunch of little moments showing how we love each other but it doesn’t feel forced or too fast? Like obviously Conrad and her just wanna kiss (damn you Steven) but also they’re comfortable just existing together too because they both know they care?? Does that make sense? Is that even what you were going for? Idk but that’s how I’m feeling it rn, maybe it’s just my craving for love that’s reading in too deep 😂😂
AHHH 😭 Anyway thank you again for another glorious chapter, I love it, I adore you, and I’m so so excited for more! I can’t wait to see the moms reactions to their tattoos (and for getting into a fight and getting injured 💀😂) and just for more shenanigans in general with everyone 🖤🖤😭
ok so i totally agree, dean is a RAT he deserves whatever happens to him ik i wrote the damn thing but i stand w it🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
no but fr someone needed to humble dean and thérèse both like they’re so annoying. i didn’t want thérèse to have a giant monologue just explaining why she did what she did bc honestly people like that don’t rly say all that much irl, they’re just looking for ways to get back in ur life and mess it up again tbh and she was just annoying too like
and i mean i didn’t wanna say it myself but yes the main characters here ARE susannah and laurel, glad we cleared that up. they’re literally so cutesy and wonderful i love them sm
STEVENS SO FUNNY STOP- hes literally hilarious i love him sm
no honestly i love the living room scene too it’s so cutesy and domestic i thought those two needed a tiny little cute relaxed moment before it all went down tbh💀💀
and i agree, if someone called me baby??????????
that’s all i have to say. next question.
no everytime i write an almost kiss im literally on the edge of my seat as well like should i make them kiss or should i wait🤨🤨
REAL. we’re not officially w conrad yet but we bascially are married w two dogs and an adopted son (steven) so we don’t even need to go through the formalities anymore
no fr like ily conrad but now is not the time, you better get in that car and drive to the hospital.
YESS IT DOES MAKE SENSE IM SO GLAD YOU NOTICED!!!! i didn’t want to make this one too like fast paced or too like oh everyone gets what they want happily ever after like i feel like you don’t need to be constantly making out or talking w someone you care about, even just spending some time w them is more than enough like just having these tiny cute little moments is so lovely
YESS IM SO EXICTED TO WRITE MORE ON THIS ONE sadly i don’t think i can post another part until like friday night / the weekend bc schooo started again today (kms) and it’s gcse year (double kms) but im so happy you like it, i love love love these conment things so much you have no idea🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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cinnamonest · 4 years
I feel like I’ve found my kin, I fell in love with Kakashi when I was like 8 LOL. Can I request some general yandere Zoro headcanons btw? I loved/still love him too 😶
Yes you may ahhh!!!! I love Zoro so much. I love writing for fandoms like this bc shounen anime are... Well, shounen, they're aimed at dudes, so they tend to not have as large of a female audience so there's not a lot of content out there. I love Luffy and there's like zero girl-targeted content for him. I swear I've spent so much time looking for wholesome, decent LuNa (my otp im sorry i just hhhh) doujins that aren't super male-oriented, and there's like... 2. For a 900+ episode anime. 2.
I also love the concept of a yandere in a situation where they CAN'T kidnap you, they're limited by their circumstances, so they have to kind of adjust or go insane. It's an interesting dynamic because it eliminates the norm for yanderes.
I think I mentioned this but I'm not 100% caught up with one piece (I mean, who is?), so I'm just keeping it simplistic and going with kinda basic Zoro and nothing with specific character developments or any spoilers other than his backstory
Yandere Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Tws: all the usuals -- yandere, noncon, kidnapping
He meets you while he's lost. I'm sorry I just. Zoro gets lost in the middle of some place they're docked, and you're just such a sweetheart, you see this guy clearly not knowing where he's going, and offer to help him. He's kind of taken aback by your softness and sweetness.
He's not easily made aware of his own feelings. He's a rough and tough sort of guy, and he has dedicated himself to swordsmanship so much that he's neglected to focus on himself and his interpersonal relationships, and he's not really self aware at all of his own feelings, very out of touch with his emotions.
Obviously, even if he tries to shove it down, Kuina weighs heavily on his mind in relation to you. He's another man that has known loss and it's dealt its damage on his psyche. He can't lose another person who's dear to him again.
This results in him becoming insanely protective, one of the most protective yans out there. He's easily one led into paranoia delusions regarding your safety. However, he's an honest and reasonable guy and can be level-headed when confronted. If someone (not yourself, as he thinks you're naive, but maybe another girl like Nami or Robin) tells him he's being overprotective and exaggerating about your safety, he may actually have a moment of self-realization and admit to it. He's capable of being reasonable enough to see it once it's pointed out to him. However... this doesn't stop him. He tries, really, he genuinely tells himself that he needs to stop. But his instincts just kind of take over. It's an impulse, to stop you from doing even the most slightly dangerous things.
Once you join the Straw Hat Crew, he just kinda... clings. It's a silent presence, but he's always there, constantly seems to show up wherever you are. Unfortunately, you can't really... get away from him per se. You're kinda limited to one ship, at least as long as you're out on the sea. Your only option for respite is going to your room or bathing, otherwise, he's gonna follow you, even if he's not saying anything and (very badly) trying to feign indifference, pretending you just happen to be going the same way all the time. He doesn't really know what to say, he's not good with these things, and often he's acting without really thinking too much about it. He won't usually strike up a conversation, he just... is there. Watches. May awkwardly ask a question or make a passing comment.
One scenario I imagine is you jokingly picking up one of his swords and wielding it around giggling and he just flips out, takes it from you and yells at you not to do that, are you an idiot? Do you want to trip and fall and have that impale you? Do you realize how easy it would be for you to slice your arm open by accident? It's startling to both you and anyone watching -- even for someone who gets yell-y as easily as him, it seems like an overreaction. He'll apologize but insist it's a safety thing, really.
And he really tries to hide his more... aggressive nature, because he thinks it will drive you away -- he's a blunt, tough guy with a short-fused temper, and he thinks that's definitely not something women like very much. He tries not to yell at you, not get mad so easy, keep his calm better around you, and might even be nicer to others so that you don't think he's mean. And for the most part, he can manage that. Except when it comes to a very specific, very problematic blonde crew member. His little conflicts with Sanji get worse, to even a point that he's snapping at him so frequently that even Sanji himself is a bit bewildered and caught off guard by it. The others notice they fight a lot more often... and Zoro always seems to instigate it, picking quarrels over the littlest things. In reality, he's afraid of the other's... sleazy nature. He can't have you falling for that bastard. He even starts to get jittery when you're in the presence of Franky, Usopp, hell even Luffy of all people. It's noticeable, and everyone kinda worries for him.
He kicks himself for it as soon as he does it, but he finds himself insulting you nonetheless. It's a terrible habit. He gets so awkward and flustered that it's second nature for him to say something snarky or even rude when you talk to him, and he immediately is just mentally screaming at himself for doing so. This will get a bit better with time, though, if you two talk more often.
Now, even if you can fight, you're never gonna really get the opportunity. In battle, he's clinging to you and protecting you at every moment, even if it costs the others some unnecessary wounds. It's highly uncharacteristic of him, and they notice. He won't leave your side, insisting that you're a weak fighter and that he has to take care of you. You just don't get it, you overestimate yourself, you underestimate your enemies, you're a girl. What, Nami and Robin? Well, they've been at this much longer than you, and they had rough upbringings. You're different. You're soft... fragile. You just can't see it. You're lucky he's here to protect your dumbass.
Due to your setup, well, he can't really kidnap you per se. He undoubtedly would if you two were somewhere else, in another life or another setting, but that's not really an option, and even as a yandere, he would never go so far as to kill or abandon his crew. So, he's stuck with just... slowly, slowly mentally deteriorating.
Now, he's not capable of kidnapping, he's not smart enough to really manipulate you into anything (although he WILL tell you that some of the other guys are out to use you), so, he's left to be the guard dog he inevitably becomes to you. If you avoid him, he'll just follow you. If you don't talk to him, that's ok. If you confront him, he'll just insist he has no idea what you're talking about, and you'll start to feel like maybe you're just paranoid. The others... don't really know what to do, to be honest. I can see Nami/Robin potentially confronting him, but in the end, they can't force him to change his behaviors, and they can't afford to lose him. This results in, gradually, everyone slowly kind of accepting your dynamic onboard. They feel bad for you, really, but... in the end, Zoro's just more valuable to the crew. Sorry. They're not gonna get rid of him, but they don't want to get rid of you either.
If you leave? It may just be one of the very very few things that could ever cause him to leave the Strawhats. It would tear him up, really, it goes against his dreams, his pride, his loyalty, but in the end... his loyalty is first and foremost to you. He'll follow you if you leave. It's a bad move on your part, because this gets rid of the only thing standing between you and kidnapping. Which, at that point, surely will happen. Like his other behaviors, he'll feel bad, he'll try and stop himself, tell himself it's wrong, but you'll end up bound in some dark basement nonetheless. He's one to take a very simple approach. Find you alone, sling you up and over his shoulder and carry you off before anyone can come.
Rejection doesn't faze him. No matter what, he'll remain by your side. Even if you never love him in return. It's just his nature, he's a guardian through and through.
In the end, he'll be right there by your side, scaring off any competitors, clinging to you like glue, ever in your presence like a shadow, forever. Whether you want him to or not. He's just an inescapable force, an unmovable object, and you're wasting your time trying to change your fate.
Now, he's very flustered with anything sexual. Highly embarrassed, lots of shame, and doesn't talk much about it. It just kind of happens. He doesn't talk much during, mostly grunts and the occasional fuck when you clamp down, occasionally asking you if you're ok, if it hurts, if it feels good. It's one of the only very soft sides of him. In the end, he really, truly loves you, and doesn't want to hurt you, he wants you to feel good and just love him. It's a very different side to him, one no one else has ever really seen, it's the most vulnerable he himself has ever been with another person.
He feels shame for it, but initially he'll definitely be one to steal your things, sit outside of your room at night, listening to you through the wall, try and get glimpses of you bathing or dressing. He really, really feels guilty, and he's one that will, once you're comfortably restrained and never going anywhere, just sit down and list out every nasty little thing he's ever done regarding you, just to get it off his chest. He understands if you react badly, and he'll apologize, which is a bit ironic considering how much worse kidnapping you is.
He'll apologize for that, too. He's actually one to do so a lot. He's normally a proud guy, but with this? He knows it's wrong, he knows it's fucked up. He knows he can't stop. And he'll be sorry to the moon and back. Just never sorry enough to stop.
He's actually a pretty vanilla guy. Hand-holding missionary type. And, despite being so embarrassed over it all, oddly romantic about it. It's one of the only things he's ever soft and gentle about, it's almost unbelievable to you that he's capable of being so gentle and slow with anything. But he'll kiss your forehead, really take his time with it all, make you cum on his fingers before ever actually fucking you. Hold your hand, look into your eyes. It would be honestly incredibly sweet if it weren't... you know, taking place in some dark sealed off room after dragging you there against your will.
If he's particularly mad, he can get rougher, but he'll apologize after. It's a lot of harsh grabbing, biting, it leaves bruises that he'll rub over softly, whispering an apology, even if a little part of him likes the way it looks on you.
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drunkkenobi · 3 years
hey there demons
Tonight, BuzzFeed Unsolved ends.
On one very good hand, Watcher exists. Ryan and Shane are business married and committed to making videos with each other for a good long time. I get to see them (almost) every week on Watcher Weekly Plus and/or in one of their weekly series videos. I’m truly spoiled for content from the two goofs who have consumed much of my fandom life for the last three (!) years. Plus, it’s good that BFU go out on a high note, and that it stops interfering with their new plans. I’m so excited to see where they go now that the BuzzFeed obligations are done.
On the other, deciding to watch a video about the Gardner Museum Heist in late May 2018 changed my life. And I’m sad that after tonight, it will be over.
Some of you already know this, but my journey into this fandom was not something I planned or even wanted. RPF fandoms were my original home when I was back on the livejournal a thousand years ago in college. I met many friends, some of whom I’m still friends with today. But in 2011, the worst thing that could ever happen to one of my favorite celebrities happened: Ryan Dunn, of Jackass fame, my first RPF ship, and whose message board I was a mod at, died. After that, and the heartbreak that was all my favorite bandom bands breaking up, I was done with RPF for my own health. I never begrudged it, of course, but I was protecting myself. 
Fandom in general was different too after Livejournal finally became totally unusable. Tumblr has its uses, but it’s much harder to make friends in my experience. Easy to follow funny, like-minded people, but not easier to get to know them without a lot of real effort. And my twitter is locked, so everyone I know over there are people I’ve known for years. So while I was still a very fannish person, I was doing a lot of it on my own. I have countless unfinished WIPs from different fandoms over the year as I fell deep into new and old canons alike. (A couple did get posted to AO3, but without betas or anyone I know reading them.) And there’s nothing wrong with that. I still had fun, consuming fic and fanart and daydreaming about my OTPs like everyone else. I figured this was just how it was now.
On March 30, 2018, I broke and dislocated my ankle.
It’s a dumb story, I fell on wet grass at a friend’s birthday party and I wasn’t even drunk. But that event kicked off the single worst year of my life. While I could still drive with my injury (it was my left ankle), I couldn’t do much outside of going to work. That meant missing my main social interaction every week, going to my local pop culture trivia night. (the bar it was at was not ADA compliant). I had gone to that trivia night every week for 8 years. It was my favorite thing in the world and I was good at it. I was one of the best players and the joy and pride and friends it brought me were immeasurable. To not have that to look forward to hurt almost as much as my ankle did. But I’d get back to it as soon as I could do stairs again, I had that to look forward to.
Until it was announced the bar it was hosted at was closing in two weeks and the host, whose career was taking off as a local morning radio DJ, didn’t have the time to find it another home. It was ending, the literal same day I got out of my cast and into a walking boot.
I did make it to that final trivia. But that loss still guts me, even now. 
It was around this time that I watched my first episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved.
Some of my twitter friends were watching it and I was desperate for something new and easy to play in the background while I was stuck on an air mattress in my mom’s living room. I liked it immediately, although I stuck to True Crime for awhile. I’d been really into ghost hunting shows back in college but had grown tired of them, so I was wary of that side of the show. But eventually, I decided fuck it and watched Bobby Mackey’s, one of the more notorious haunted places in America. I thought it was so novel. Who the hell made a ghost hunting show when one of them didn’t even believe in ghosts?
I devoured the series over the next few weeks, watching out of order and without Postmortems until I went back and watched those too. I was giddy with that new fandom excitement, especially over all the very fun and beautiful fanart I was seeing on my dash. The demon Shane stuff was my favorite, I loved that concept, what a brilliant idea for a story. 
So, I went to AO3. But I was still resistant to diving back into RPF, so I stuck to the demon Shane tag, hoping that was fantastical enough to keep that overinvestment at play. And that worked for awhile. I even started writing my own version of the demon Shane trope, whittling at it while my ankle finally began to strengthen. I was still mostly going at it alone, although my irl friends were lovely enough to listen to me blabber on about “my boys”. 
Then, one night on tumblr, I saw a link to a discord in the shyan tag. I was nervous, I’d never used discord and I was a lurker by nature at this point. But I was desperate to find people to talk to about these two goofballs. So I joined, fully expecting to lurk and dip after a few weeks. Spoiler alert: I did more than lurk. And now, countless fics read and 300,000 words written later, I’m still here.
For all the things I am grateful to BFU and Ryan and Shane for, for making me laugh, for being an even brighter spot a few months later in 2018 when my dad was dying, for entertaining me all through the pandemic and beyond, for launching Watcher on my birthday (really appreciate that one), nothing compares to the gratitude I feel for the community I’m apart of now. 
Having so many friends to talk to nearly every day for the past three years has been invaluable. Whether we’re talking about the boys or something else entirely, it doesn’t matter. We’re ghoul friends, bonded, just as much as the bravest believer and the funniest skeptic are. And they are why saying goodbye to the funniest ghost hunting show on YouTube won’t be devastating. It will be sad, bittersweet, but it’s not the end. Not for them or for us. 
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5 and 29 for Silver Shamrock (James x Clover) ?
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
I see Clover as the type to needlessly throw himself into danger for the sake of protecting James, so I can see him getting hurt fairly often and James having to carry him to safety calling him an idiot when though he knows Clover can't hear him. He'll hover like a worried hen until Clover comes to and James will start off angry demanding to know what he was thinking and that he needs to be more careful before breaking down and admitting he was scared and doesn't want to lose Clover who would firmly tell James he would rather die then see any harm come to James.
The only times Clover would carry James (more like support him as he stumbled along because let's be real James would be too heave for Clover to carry) would be on nights when James stays up way too late working and falls asleep at huis desk. Clover would go to check in on him and help a groggy James to his feet. James would tiredly argue with Clover saying he has more work and Clover would just agree and assure him he can work he should just eat but would take him to his bed and James would immediately pass out.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
In the bad timeline where Volume 7/8 happened as CRWBY claims they do (denial train CHOO CHOO) James is told that Clover died and his entire world freezes. The words don't immediately process in his mind. He can't believe what he's hearing because it's Clover he always manages to make it through. He can't just be....gone. Can he? James would be in hardcore denial. He would refuse to believe it, insist maybe their is a way to save him still. Even after he accepts Clover is gone, he will still sometimes start to address Clover and freeze when he remembers he's gone.
Send me a number and OTP
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aeempress · 3 years
Apritello Express Evidences, part 1
Greetings, Apritello enthusiasts and attention! Here comes a loong post is written by totally nerd. You've been warned. Here we go.
The thing is that Apritello is a double-edged sword. The series shows us established friendship of these two, give us a lot of content with them. We can see development of relationship through interaction between the characters, their reaction about the situations they are put in. We can sense their synergy and bound through the show.
Donnie and April have incredible chemistry, and both options, brotp and otp seems fine to me.
But let me tell you why I ship them.
Apritello is the kind of pairings, which consists of small details, hints, that's hidden, but if you're sharp and attentive one, you will notice that. Apritello has a strong foundation: the best friends trope.
And from the very beginning, it works as planned.
When I start watching show, I could say that April and Donnie are best friends. It is worth noting that April is like an older sister to the other brothers, more of a sisterly figure than a friend, but with Donnie she behaves somewhat differently, namely, as best friend. Obviously, she sets him apart from his brothers, although girl tries to pay attention to all of them equally. And Donnie behaves as well.
Dee's battle shell designs for April needs as well as his. His shell transform into comfy spot for taking ride for April. Special and only for her. Because his bros are not supposed to use it (at least, he carries no one on his back), Donnie carries them by his techno-bó or his limbs.
This tiny detail shows his special treatment to her. April is a very, very special occasion to D. Don does care about her comfort, he accept the way she is. Donatello does not try to prevent her from participating in their affairs because he respects her decisions and is pleased that April can be shoulder to shoulder with him.
D is glad to be at her service.
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Yeah, Dee's still playing cool, he has image to perform as tough and coolheaded guy. So Don doesn't show his intentions, interest and feeling to other people (he's tryin', but fails). Because his actions matter. They are always small, hidden, but meaningful.
April, in return, trusts Dee and depends on his tech, even knowing what his inventions are the opposite of success (usually).
Go on. Look at Donnie's facial expressions and body language when April is near.
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Donnie seems more relaxed when she's around, happier. His emotional response is always different from his brothers ones.
Oh, and look, he wanted to be first to give her a high three.
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They worry about each other. Look at Don. He does worry about her way more than his brothers. Yeah, they all want to protect her, but Donnie is more expressive.
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Mayham has no particular sympathy for the brothers: he is afraid of Raph and behaves aggressively, he is indifferent to Leo and Mikey. Mayham immediately takes a liking to April. And then the details come back: he let Donnie touch his neck. The most vulnerable place for any living creation, for a second. Let him to study an important vial without any hesitation. Mayham depends on April trust for Donnie. When everything goes wrong for Don, the little doggie comes to his rescue, just as April would have done. Is the hint transparent enough?
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We can see links with "A mystic library", wherе Donnie begins to look for solutions to save April's pet. Yes, this may seem like his next leap, "sit down, I'm smart, and now I'll solve all the problems, watch and learn," but Don says one phrase that opens up the veil of the second plan, what happens behind the scenes. "My illiteral colleagues and I was conducting a mustic research, with a life of the beloved pet, hanging in a bounce".
Strange wording, Donatello. Beloved pet? Not yours, as we can see. I can say, that everything in this sentence is true, but Donnie and Mayham has something more.
Continue. Next episode "Origami tsunami". Interactions are kept to a minimum, as April herself appears for a maximum of 5 minutes in the series itself. But devil is always in the details, dear friends.
When April was attacked and hung up, the only one who excitedly called out to her was Donny. Raph is furious that the thieves have escaped, Leo is frustrated that their plan has failed, and Mikey is worried about the salami.
Yeah, we didn't see his worries about her when she fell, because Donnie is on the mission and must be coolheaded turtle, and second, he's calm because now April life is safe and sound, out of the danger.
Dear passangers, Apritello Express arrives to the next station - episode "War and Pizza".
Bare facts:
1. April has Donnie's number on an emergency call.
2. "Anything for you"
3. Donnie is the reason why Alberto knows April's name.
No one calles April by her name (except for Donnie, while phone call, but Alberto wasn't nearby) it was "Captain O'Neil" by her chief, her badge seems blank. And yeah, you can say, that's just economy of budget, but I assure you: in the first episode we were shown the name of the delivery guy. The animators were not lazy bones and wrore "Stewart" on his badge. So if something isn't there, then it either shouldn't be there, or it really isn't, that's how this show works.
So, the reason explained in the episode. When Al has short circuit, parts of its new code flashed through its mind.
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Info about April was in its memory, in its code. Alberto was a lame animatronic, and it seems somewhat outdated. I do really doubt about Alberto is being something smartass machine with complicated AI like Freddy's Pizza's ones. Quite questionable. Donatello fix Al's brain and wrote code, synchronize with his remote control. He put information about Cap O'Neil into animatronic's head. All this pictures are kind of massage: "You was created for birthday celebrations. You are machine, and there concepts of "life" and "birth". Do great party for this birthday kid and April won't be like this". Or, something like that.
So Alberto did - do a memorable party. And he do what his creator programmed him to do, but in his way.
4. In other words, Alberto was a tool to impress April. Don flaunts himself in front of her, stating how he did the upgrade while doing the upgrade, even though April is fully aware of his tech wizard. And his abilities supposed to help Cap O'Neil to finish the birthday party, so she will stay at her job, not fired. All thanks to Donnie and his upgrade Alberto. (Or not)
By the way, Donnie was the last to leave April in ruined "Alberto's". And it's not an isolated case, it is a pattern.
5. They understand each other without words.
First, Donny came at her at the speed of light. Second, she hadn't even finished speaking before Dee was taking Al apart. Third, their chaotic, well-coordinated work? Donnie was a distraction (although he wanted to just take a break from the battle or let Alberto's guard down, while April just knocked him out). Donnie and April are great team, and sometimes the DonniexApril team is much more precise, coordinated, and interdependent than the DonniexBrothers one.
D&A feel each other and anticipate each other's actions, their skills complement each other, creating an incredible synergy of their interaction. They act as a whole, while it's not always possible with his brothers, even though they're family and know each other the way more Donnie know April. And Dee hasn't trained with cap O'Neil.
Donatello didn't show his crush for April. No puppy, loving eyes, no lovey-dovey speeches, no planning schemes (at least, the audience don't see one) . He just want her attention, but stays cool and hidden. D is already her BFF, but still.
The same thing is claimed in 5B episode - Mascot Melee. Donnie has no problems with interaction with idol of his childhood - Atomic Lass. She'd put Leo in a stupor, but Donnie? He playfully challenges her to a dance duel. Yes, he adores this character, who may have become his measure of the attractiveness of others to Donatello, determined his type. But still, he's playing all cool and confident guy, he's really smooth with girls, so you will never see a puppy loving eyes from him. Only two things can betray him at this point: his voice and his body language. Remember, how's soft his voice became for Atomic Lass? Now I want you to remember the scene before, in turtle tank, when April sent guys a meme.
D is the first to respond to the message, despite the fact that Mikey is sitting closest to the screen. And the responding is a little too emotional for this situation, don't you think?
And this face of his. And he comments it. He likes her sense of humour.
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The only difference between April and Atomic Lass is that the first one is a real girl who is a friend of their family, practically a member of it; and the other one is just a fictional character. It is easier to say about love for a fictional character, because it brings less problems for a teenager, especially when he is living with three brothers and a father who likes to tease as well. Donatello needs to be careful and outline the area of emotions he could show, so that he does not get hurt.
Now, dear passangers, we are returning to the previous episode, shall we?
Donnie presents to his brothers his precious Turtle tank, but she's gone, and it's really necessary to find out, who has taken her. And the first person to suspect is April.
Something is odd, don't you think? Yeah, Raphael has taken tyre for their "Midnight special", Leo claimed that Donnie's stuff is common, but they are D's beothers. It's natural for family to borrow(stole) stuff of each other. But this trend was not observed in April. She would never steal anything from Donnie, much less steal anything from him.
Actually, there is a good, logical and solid explanation here. April was number 1 in Donatello' suspect list, because he simply told her about Turtle tank. His brothers didn't know he were working at Moon buggy, except Mikey (Orange helps Dee get the vehicle from Repomantis), but they didn't know what exactly Donnie was working for. They didn't know he build the Turtle tank, he kept it a secret, to surprise his brothers. But April knew.
- Alright you! Where's our turtle tank?
- Hi, DONNIE. You have 9 seconds to say, why are you just broke my door.
- Someone's stole Donnie's turtle tank.
- Haha-ow, I see. As your best friend, you naturally suspect me.
- She gets it!
- Oh-ho, don't give me that! You're the only one could taken it!
The only one, because she knew about it.
As Splints said in this episode - "April is not a snitch"
Donatello does trust April and share with her both, sorrows and joys. But we are not shown this directly. We do not see the action itself, we do not see their calls and conversations on the phone late at night, we only see the consequence. We have no choice and take it as a given.
And the way she cooled him down? Fast, efficient, and Donnie seems to used to it. Moreover, she slapped everyone, but still, she throw Don out of window the last. However, why such a large time delay between him, being slapped and him, was throwing out of the window?
And my favourite scene. It was obvious that Donnie had taken the hardest hit (judging by his scream and the way he was putting his knuckles back in place). Don then claims that their inner circle is secure, Mikey tries to make amends for everyone, and April agrees, blowing them a kiss and closing the window. Cute and mean, isn't it? (You're cute! but mean! why do I always go for your type?! - ep. War and Pizza)
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Nota bene: Donnie wouldn't apologize to April. Tough, not caring badass boy image, remember? Even to best friends. It's hard to him to express his feelings by using words, he cannot do it in proper way. But he has Mikey, who is so alike inner him. Michelangelo apologizes not only for himself, but for D mostly, because D starts suspected April.
Let's continue: the episode 8B: Hypno Part Deux
• Donnie put "Donnie's blocker" at April's phone to protect her.
It's common thing that your friend install some programs or apps on your device. But you will always ask your friend to do such a favour, and you will always know about what, when and where were installed on your phone.
And April didn't know Donnie had done something with her phone. It was a real surprise for her, to see blocker with "Donnie says no-no-no".
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And you know, the interface of his app. The way he tell this current phrase. Donnie could put a huge banner "THE APP YOU WANT DOWNLOAD TO IS A REAL PIECE OF GARBAGE", as usual antiviruses do. But no, voice interface. It makes the app more personal and thoughtful. Because when Don made gifts for his brother, the program was voiced by a computer-generated female voice. Yes, the tank's interface is voiced by Donatello himself, but his voice sounds more like Google than the real Don. And, we talking about HIS BABEY, for a second. Bit still, the point remains.
• Also, Dale.
Dale is nerdy boy in purple, wow, how convenient for making a parallel with certain purple turtle.
But thing is, April doesn't like Dale. He's clingy, remora guy, who has a little obsession with April, even he's not harmful, still, such behaviour freaks girls (and not them only) out. Her classmate is usually tell her what April O'Neil is "his favourite person" and he loves her. There is little that is attractive about this behavior.
So, there is nothing new and unpredictable here that Dale was rejected. Because April didn't, doesn't and won't like him because of his lame personality and strange behaviour. Our girl in yellow do right thing: she clearly sets personal boundaries and does not allow any dubious personalities to invade them. So that's the reason she refuses to go on a date with him at the end. He's weird, obsessed, and she doesn't like him.
Donatello, as far as I concerned from different versions of TMNT, was always a little obsessive with some things. And, you know, putting a blocker inside your best friend's phone seems a little weird, because it's, in simple words, violation of privacy and personal space. And there are people who may regard this as stalking or sorta.
Yeah, for the most part, he gets away with it, not only because April's focus is in a different area, but also because their bond is stronger than April's with anyone else at school.
She has known him for years. Donnie is her best friend. I can't say that it's fine to her when Dee violates her personal space - her phone, but April can accept Donatello's personality in general.
And he does really have good intentions. Donnie installed this blocker, developed by himself only for one reason: to protect personal space April from fishy apps from nowhere, from being hacked and etc. Don knew her too well, how much she depends on stupid apps that will distract her. He also knew well, that he can't be with her 24/7 to fix problems with April's phone, so Dee put a part of himself to prevent any harm in the future.
And again, "Donnie's gifts"'s vibes. Donatello genuinely cared about April, because he wrote, coded, developed, designed, and dubbed it, turned on the database, and installed it all on April's phone. 'cause, you know, writing programs in general is a bit of a hassle, but writing an antivirus is much more difficult, because viruses are changing, and questionable applications are finding ways to bypass. Do you feel how much effort Dee put in for her?
But Donatello didn't mean to fix April, as he tried to do with his brothers. Purple turtle accepts this girl the way she is, and tries his best to play smoothly with April, by adjusting, not being passive aggressive jerk. It's his outstanding way to show his caring nature, soft side.
Remember, small but meaningful actions.
Maybe, Donnie also can foresee that April may be forced to download some suspicious program, but still, it work: he managed to prevent April being hypnotized, even if couldn't be physically with April at the this moment - Dee was working for Repo Mantis, building dog's paradise for Todd. That's why, by the way, Leo and Raph were dragged into this whole situation. Mayham would teleported literally anyone to help his hostess. Donnie just wasn't at the Lair at the moment.
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And on this note, we'll take a break for now. Stay tuned, expect parsing of the series, there's a lot to discuss.
Part 2
Part 3
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homeformyheart · 3 years
*cough cough* 40. for the uh the LT route? :)
i am so so so sorry this took so long but inspiration suddenly hit around 10pm and finished it 3 hours later. i hope whichever anon you are gets to see this, since it's been months 🥺.
author’s note: this one hurt and takes place long after the events of the current books (and long after my canon relationship storyline). i hope the switching of tenses isn't too jarring, but it's sort of needed here given the POVs. enjoy! copyright: all characters, except the oc detective, are owned by mishka jenkins @seraphinitegames. series/pairing: the wayhaven chronicles – adam du mortain x f!detective (lyra kingston) x nate sewell (LT route) rating/warnings: 14+; angst based on/prompt: OTP angst prompts // 40. “I’m still not over you.” (in bold) word count: ~1k summary: after months spent trying to bury her feelings for nate and adam, lyra gives in before giving up.
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nate glanced up from his tome at the large grandfather clock, the antique façade indicating that it wasn’t quite late enough for bed. he held back a sigh – time seemed to move slower these days.
he used to count down the days, when the only way to tell time was to follow the watch schedule and listen for the bells. sometimes it made the endless days at sea a little more tolerable.
other times, it was complete torture.
to know that life was passing by and yet being unable to move forward with it. he had never hoped to experience anything like that again.
and now time is one of the few things he no longer has to worry about.
time in essence, is the quintessential part of human existence that he has no right to claim.
instead, it speeds past him.
pushing the world around him toward newer heights and frightening changes, the awe-inspiring advancements never failing to strike him with renewed hope and fear.
it’s not that time is accelerating the world around him, but that he is no longer able – or perhaps willing – to go with it.
but today – and yesterday, and the day before, and so on, and he’s sure it will be the same tomorrow – he wishes he could fast forward by a decade or a century. maybe more since he’s not sure how much time it will take for the deep-rooted ache in his soul to heal.
maybe it will take nine hundred years.
his longest and dearest friend comes to mind. adam is staring out into the darkness, unmoving in body and in spirit. for a split second, nate wonders if that’s what he needs – the ability to lock away the hurt and let the centuries grow protective ivy over it.
he chases the notion away with a shake of his head, knowing that the hurt was just collateral damage for opening himself up to the possibility of a truly special kind of love with lyra.
adam tenses and nate dutifully returns his gaze to the words in his lap. a brief apology and easy forgiveness said to each other in passing months ago should’ve been enough to mend the rift between them.
but nate knows too well that time doesn’t heal all wounds. he knows the origin of the saying is locked away somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind, but he’d rather not think about how much he’s lost because of time.
it doesn’t heal, but it does provide distance.
a human-sized distance he desperately wishes didn’t exist.
* * * * * lyra’s done nothing but put unit bravo out of mind for the past few months, working diligently with agency researchers and hoping that space and time would force her feelings to pass.
for the most part, she thought she succeeded. it was easy enough to bury her head with work. in the windowless rooms she practically lived in, it was even easier to lose track of the days that turned into months.
but time still has a way of simultaneously moving too slow and speeding up when she least expects it.
and for brief moments, she thinks she understands her mother a bit better.
shut out an old life and it distracts from the pain.
she supposes there’s no need for the agency facility to track time in human hours, considering most supernaturals don’t need to sleep and everyone generally works around the clock.
truthfully, she enjoys the hourless days, her watches and old personal phone buried in a duffel bag somewhere.
except in those moments where time decides to remind her of its hold over human life and pull her down the road to memories shoved behind a door with loose hinges, creaking in the wind.
time, the friend who never calls except when they need something that takes too much, shoves memory after memory in her face and reminds her of all that she turned her back on – without a word of explanation.
just her leaving behind a couple of two-word sentences hastily scrawled with nate’s favorite pen and all of her things put into storage.
it’s a not-so-gentle reminder that time won’t let her forget and that the memory of a person is not beholden to their material possessions.
she knows this to be true when seeing a thick tome makes her long for those nights spent curled up in the library and walking by the training rooms takes her back to those combat lessons.
lyra presses her eyelids down to ease the stinging in the corners. the tears were supposed to stay behind with her things, that was the deal.
she wipes furiously at her cheeks while walking briskly towards the exit. she lets pure instinct take her down the familiar winding and hidden road through the woods, stepping out of her car just before the turn that would bring the warehouse into her sight.
she can feel their presence as she steps closer to the outside entrance, its dilapidated façade still the same and yet it now mirrors the ache in her chest.
the ache carries her forward until she’s speeding through to the inner doors, desperately seeking an answer to questions she’s still too afraid to ask.
but it isn’t fear that has her throwing the door open and panting to catch her breath, oblivious to the conflicted emotions swirling in front of her.
“i’m still not over you.”
the words ring loud and true in the otherwise quiet living room, both vampires attuned to her rapid heartbeat and pointedly avoiding each other’s gazes with practiced ease.
adam makes to leave, fists clenched tightly at his side and the movement helps nate find his voice.
“who were you speaking to, lyra?”
her name tumbles with hesitation from his lips, the tender familiarity of the sound is one he hopes to remember in its purest form, when he used to punctuate it with darling.
acknowledging the distance between them might begin to taint it but he says it anyway, his heart leaping slightly at the glimmer of hope in her eyes before dread quickly draws it back into place.
nate’s warmth and adam’s steadiness immediately draw her in and lyra grips the doorframe a little tighter in futile resistance. she knows now without a doubt that no amount of distance will lessen the pull.
but maybe time will.
after all, time is a human construct. creating the space to heal, to grow, to learn, and to love.
and vampires have all the time in the world.
* * * * * taglist: @kelseaaa; @anotherbeingsworld; @wayhavenots; @gingerbreton; @gloynporslen; @sosolenoo; @writer-ish; @alyssalauren; @takemyopenheart; @pearlsandsteel; @babycracker; @mevnraels; n sewell: @missameliep;
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shania-twain · 3 years
What’s your top 5 favorite Rollisi moments?
I apologize, as this ask was sent days ago and I'm just now getting around to it because ya know, life, and because I took my sweet time thinking over these scenes.
It's a long one, under the cut!
1. The Scene (the kiss). This kiss has everything. It’s unexpected yet long overdue. It’s tender, it’s loving. There’s swaying. There’s standing on tip toes to reach Tol and there’s bending down to reach Smol. There’s water, city lights, a romantic atmosphere. There's tears (barely) but it's an excuse to touch faces! There's cheek caressing, there's longing, lingering stares, there's hesitance in transitioning from best friends to lovers. Light banter, nervous laughter. THE UNFINISHED SPEECH. I know I'm all over the place with this but SO ARE MY FEELINGS. So much has led up to this moment and I must say, the payoff was excellent. Perfect first kiss.
2. The Fight. Dare I name the one fight they got in that caused them to be labeled “toxic” by haters? I do dare. Why, one may ask? *shakes out piece of paper* Though they are fueled by their lack of sleep and unsaid feelings for each other at the time, there’s still some bite to Amanda’s bark on her part. She’s clearly upset over him leaving her, feels abandoned. Perhaps this is a feeling she’s used to from her own family trauma, but Carisi leaving the precinct particularly hurt not only because she has strong feelings for him at this point, but because he was the only one that ever was there for her in a way no one else was. I think she came to rely on him more than she may have even realized and that all spilled out in that small fight in the squad room. And he was so taken aback, obviously thought she was happy for him but of course she’s going to tell him she is because she doesn’t want to hurt him. The fight is so natural, happens unexpectedly but develops organically. The main reason it’s my number two? Giddish and Scanavino’s best acting, imo. And I’ve only seen the actual scene about three times because it makes me semi uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable watching people argue. It was so intimate and clearly turned personal, it almost feels wrong to be watching them go at it (in a bad way. Heh). But I think that’s a testament to the acting! A+++ scene! I dream of writing a fight scene as well as this one!
3. The Hospital. Truly, this episode was packed with Rollisi moments from start to finish. I love every moment we get with them individually (hand grab, anyone? Or when he makes her LAUGH at such an emotional moment in the hospital. I could go on about this scene in detail but I’ll stop). My favorite moment of the episode is actually the last scene of them. After Rollins gets rid of her father's (ex) wife, she’s so proud of herself for doing what she feels is right and that reflects in her face when she smiles at Carisi. It’s so simple and subtle, but there’s so much love in that look. Kelli is a master at giving these loving looks and perfect expressions. It’s also a wonderful contrast to how she used to look at Carisi in the beginning - from season 16, when she thought he was a bit of a goof. Now she looks at him like he hung the got damn moon. We don't get to see Carisi's face here, but I imagine he's looking quite amused at her, maybe even charmed by her a little bit. I'm also obsessed with the way Amanda's eyelashes flutter down when he moves closer to her. Flirting over Amanda's bedridden father? The ✨romance!✨ Swoon!
4. The Elevator. This used to be number one for me, until we got the goodness in season 22. There’s something very special about this hug. It’s not even a hug, really. It’s clinging, desperate, need that one particular person and only this person kind of thing. It’s, of course, devastating that Rollins had to go through the whole thing with Bucci and possibly leaving her children without a mother, but like I said, something special about the way this led to letting the audience see who she really trusts as she let’s herself fall apart and into Carisi’s arms. Sure, she trusts her squad, but she also wants them to know she’s ok at all times. Even tells her own therapist this once or twice. She even *begins* to tell Carisi she’s fine, her usual response when asked if she’s alright, but then the second he says her name, it’s like a switch is flicked and she’s sobbing into him. DON’T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT SCANAVINO. He’s always there when she needs it. He’s patient with her, kind, takes her into him with absolutely no hesitation. This scene happens episodes after their fight in the squad room. It’s clear there is no more lingering tension between them in the elevator scene. It’s the way he says “I got you” not once but TWICE, as if he needs her to hear it. Needs to make sure she understands that he’s there not just in the moment, but he’s got her always. No matter what happens between them or with their jobs — and this comes back around in his wedding speech, as well. 🤧 But also, fave part of that scene? When he holds her tighter, leans his head against hers many times, and then closes his eyes. Cannot stand to hear her sobs, or see her in any kind of pain. Oh, my heart. My heaaaaaaart.
5. Rain check. Lots of great acting here. Is anyone surprised? No, but there’s a bit of a range of emotions in this particular scene and it’s acted so beautifully, I could write a whole paper. I’ll try and keep it brief (ha, yeah right). I don’t think Amanda would ever have a problem getting a man anytime anywhere, but I do think it was a big deal for her to ask this man out. I think maybe her intentions at the time may have been less than trying for a relationship, but she was open to trying something with him. I also think it was a big deal because it felt very planned. The outfit felt planned, the way she made him laugh, the hair toss an attempt to flirt. Though she also had this vulnerability about her that only exists with him. She’s putting herself out there, she’s saying that she’s willing to try and I think that is a big step for her, even if she was only open to a FWB situation (that totally 100% wouldn’t have worked bc *feelings*). Carisi, however, rejects her. You can see in his face that he’s so reluctant to do this but he does. Obviously, he’s had feelings for the woman for so long but is protecting himself. Almost like he knows she may think she’s ready to try something with him, but he also knew it wasn’t their time yet. Also, after he tells her he can’t, the immediate disappointment Amanda has? Heart-wrenching, tbh. She looks so upset and gets off from sitting on the edge of his desk so fast. Like. BABYYYYY.
Honorable Mentions: Threats! I’m kind of cheating here, but there’s nothing like an OTP that will kill for the other. I’m -of course- talking about Carisi’s “if Rollins gets shot over this, I’m gonna take ALL of them out.” And also Amanda’s message to Mesner: “if you go after Counselor Carisi or anyone in my family again, it will be your last day on earth. I’ll kill you myself.” Ooh, there’s something so secks see about being violently protective over your significant other. I don’t condone it irl, but let me have the ✨drama✨on tv.
Thank you for this question! I had fun going over some great scenes!
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years
I think your writing is amazing! I've read most of your stuff on AO3 & just finished your love notes story, which was so sweet 😭
If you're accepting prompts, how about bonrin with 7 or 20 from the "50 things to imagine your otp doing" prompt list? I do love that good hurt/comfort
Thank you so much! I’m so happy you enjoy my stories, and I had a lot of fun with that one. Blushy Bon is one of my favorite things, and Rin deserves all the sweet notes <3<3
I absolutely accept prompts :D
*reads the prompts and promptly gets heart eyes * How about 7 and 20? They work so well together!
Fandom: Ao No Exorcist/Blue Exorcist
Pairing: Bon/Rin
Prompt: Comforting after a nightmare, and hiding your face in their neck to block out the world.
Bon was studying, or he would have noticed the moment Rin’s breathing stopped being all soft and steady.
It was common for Rin to fall asleep when they had study dates. Bon always ended up studying longer than his boyfriend could, and typically that just meant that they’d do about an hour of their homework together, and then Rin would either read a manga, play a video game, or sleep.
It was obvious right from the start that it was going to be sleep today. Konekomaru and Shima were studying with them, and the chants they had set to play seemed to knock Rin right out.
Rin tended to slouch forward when he slept. His head would always tilt to the left, his mouth would pop open, and he’d release breathy little snuffles that weren’t quite a snore, and mostly sounded like he had some sort of allergy that gave him a stuffy nose.
He’d also drool copious amounts.
Where once the sight of sleeping Rin had filled Bon with unspeakable annoyance and anger, it now brought a surge of something protective and tender in his chest. Especially since Rin had curled up on his side with his head in Bon’s lap.
Playing with Rin’s hair while he read was strangely relaxing, especially with the chants. He was tapping his pen in time to the background music, flipping through the pages in search of the last bit of information he needed, when the peaceful moment was broken with a tiny whimper.
It was a quiet noise, but it was out of place enough to draw Bon’s attention. His gaze dropped to his snoozing boyfriend, and he could see Rin’s eyes twitching under his lids. His expression had gone tight, and his breathing didn’t sound slow and steady anymore. It sounded stressed. Too quick and a bit shallow, almost like he was scared and couldn’t catch his breath.
The protective and tender thing in Bon’s chest roared to life as he realized what it had to be. A nightmare. His sweetly sleeping boyfriend was being attacked by a nightmare. He had no idea if it was because of trauma, some chemical imbalance, or the demonic heritage, but Rin had terrible nightmares, and he had them a lot.
Rin whimpered again. He sounded small, terrified, and pained.
“Hey,” Bon called softly, trying not to acknowledge the immediate panic that always rose when Rin was suffering a nightmare. Rin was never easy to wake and the panic made it hard to focus on waking Rin up calmly and not upsetting him more than he already was. Whatever had him was scaring him, possibly hurting him, and Bon wasn’t going to let it continue. Not when it didn’t have to. He might not be able to stop all the bad things in their waking life, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let a dream hurt his boyfriend.
Rin whimpered a little louder. His tail thrashed through the air, and he shoved an arm forward, nearly clocking Bon on the jaw. He caught the flailing fist and reached down to cup Rin’s cheek. His features were starting to twist as his demon side came out from the fright of whatever he was dreaming.
“Rin,” he dodged another blow, and now the others were aware that something was wrong, but Bon didn’t notice, “Rin, Sunshine, can you hear me?”
Rin started to cry.
Horror shot through Bon like a bullet to his gut. His body jerked forward, tugging Rin closer in panic.
“Please— NO!”
Forget waking gently.
“Rin!” He nearly snapped the word, worry making his throat too tight to be gentle. “Wake up!’ He pat Rin’s cheek, shaking him a little as Rin’s tail and hair ignited. The flames were uncomfortably warm, which meant he only had a few moments before Rin started catching things on fire, namely, him.
Waking with a sob, Rin shot up and stared around the room like he didn’t recognize it. The flames were flaring over his body, as he gasped, and that was when he noticed Bon. He sobbed again and flung his arms around Bon’s neck.
“Shh,” his arms wrapped around his boyfriend, a frantic sort of panic churning his stomach as he tugged Rin closer. “I’ve got you, babe. You’re safe. I’m here.”
“Ryuuji—” Rin hiccuped, trembling as he curled himself against Bon, climbing into his lap and clinging like it would be painful to put any distance between them. He tucked his face against Bon’s neck, his breaths shuddery against Bon’s skin, his tail tucking around his legs in fright.
Rin was practically burrowing against him. He was pressing his nose, eyes, mouth, and as much of his ears against Bon as he possibly could. It was something that didn’t happen too often, and that just made him firm his hold on Rin and tilt his own head over his boyfriend. Rin was trying to block out his senses or drown them with Bon. Whatever that nightmare had been, it was a bad one.
Bon hefted them both off the ground and onto the bed with a soothing noise, rubbing circles into Rin’s back as his boyfriend tried to press his face further against Bon’s neck. He could feel Rin taking frantic little breaths, inhaling his scent and trying to calm himself with it.
Shima’s eyes were huge. “What’s—”
Both his friends were gawking at them in shock. He leveled a glare at them. He’d pummel either of them if they did anything to upset Rin right now. ‘Shut up!’ He mouthed, still rubbing Rin’s back as he pushed and slid himself further back on the bed. He didn’t stop until his back was against the wall.
Rin started mumbling into his shirt, half-broken words he couldn’t make out as he trembled in Bon’s arms. He wouldn’t move his face. It felt like he was trying to hide himself. To keep everything else away. What the hell had he dreamed?
Their audience was still gawking, and Bon didn’t have the patience for it. “Can you guys give us some space?” He kept his tone gentle, but he leveled his hardest glare so they’d know this wasn’t actually a request, it was an order.
Konekomaru got the idea first and scrambled to his feet. He made it halfway to the door before he realized Shima hadn’t followed. He returned to Shima, grabbed his shoulder, and tugged until Shima was getting to his feet and following him out.
“Okay,” Bon said once the door was shut, “it’s just us now, babe. You okay?” Rin shook his head, still refusing to move his face from Bon���s neck. He could feel tears making his skin damp. “What can I do to help?”
Rin mumbled something he couldn’t make out.
This was another reason to hate nightmares. They made Rin feel small and vulnerable. They made him feel like he wasn’t safe, and it wasn’t like he’d had a chance to protect himself from whatever had happened. He’d been asleep. You couldn’t fight a dream.
Bon would certainly have punched Rin’s nightmares by now if you could fight a dream. He’d kick the hell out of them.
The chants were still playing, though they were quiet next to the loud, hitching breaths Rin was taking, so he did the only thing he could think of. He held Rin close, rocking a little from side to side, and began to murmur along with the chants. He tucked his head over Rin’s, closing his eyes and focusing on keeping his own breathing even as he cuddled his boyfriend.
Several long minutes or more later— time lost a bit of meaning in moments like that — Rin tilted his head slightly, just enough to free his mouth from Bon’s shirt.
“It… it was that night,” he whispered like it was some kind of confession.
Bon didn’t need to ask to know what Rin was referring to. Only one night had been horrible enough to earn that description. Nothing could pass the night Shirou died.
Rin sighed and curled closer. “But worse?”
How the hell had it been made worse? Damn dreams. Couldn’t they give Rin a few minutes peace? He already carried the guilt of that night everywhere.
“You don’t have to tell me about it.” He shifted their position a little so they were reclined. It took him a moment to find the blanket and tug it over them. Rin stayed curled up against his chest, head resting on Bon’s shoulder. “But I’m here if you want to.”
Rin tangled their legs together and wrapped his arms around Bon’s middle in a tight hug. “It wasn’t just dad this time.” Rin’s fingers dug into his back. Bon hugged him back just as tightly. “He was torturing you and Yukio. There was so much blood, and you were screaming. Yukio wasn’t breathing, and—”
“That didn’t happen. We’re here. We’re fine.” He didn’t want Rin focusing on those horrible images. They’d be harder to forget if he did.
He hated when the nightmares used him to hurt Rin.
Rin hid his face again. “I know, but it was so real.” His words were muffled against Bon’s shirt, but still clear enough to understand.
“It wasn’t. This is real.” He pressed a kiss to Rin’s hair. “Want me to call Yukio for you? Let you hear him?”
Rin shook his head. “No. Don’t wanna bug him.”
“He’d understand.” Especially if he knew it had been a nightmare. They all knew how horrible nightmares could be.
Rin shifted a little, freeing his face and tilting it up towards Bon. His eyes were red from crying, and a little red from his demonic side. “No, this is… this helps.”
Bon shifted one hand to Rin’s hair and kept the other wrapped firmly around Rin’s back. He teased the slightly blue locks gently, rubbing at Rin's scalp in a way he knew his boyfriend found calming. Rin succumbed to the soothing sensation and relaxed against him. His tail gave a weak thump, finally untucking itself from Rin’s leg.
"We're just gonna rest here for a bit," Bon decided, keeping his voice low, "then we're gonna get something really unhealthy and tasty for dinner, and we're gonna watch that anime you love."
Rin tried to hide his face, but Bon could still see his small smile in response to that suggestion.
"No homework?"
"Yes homework. After dessert."
Rin laughed. It was a little wet, but it was still a laugh. "And here I was hoping you'd forget."
"Not forgetting is kinda my thing. Don't worry," he nuzzled his cheek against Rin's hair, "I'll help you with it."
Rin sighed in a jokingly dramatic way, and shifted so he wasn't curled in on himself quite as much. It was a good sign that the nightmares hold was beginning to fade.
“Can we have ice cream?”
Even without the nightmare, Bon would have a hard time saying no to those big blue eyes. “If that’s what you want.”
Rin’s tail gave a happy thump against the bed. Bon would text Konekomaru and Shima in a bit and let them know everything was fine. He’d text Yukio the dinner plans and ask him to stop by at some point so Rin could see he was fine. He’d help Rin finish his homework, and probably eat far too much junk food.
But for now he would hold Rin until he felt safe and strong again. ---------- A/N: Like most of my stuff, this went a little longer than I meant xD Thank you SO MUCH for the ask <3 Check this story out on AO3 here
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afairytalestray · 3 years
Tuggoffelees 1 and Black&White Family 2
I can’t believe I’ve gotten to Part 3 of this series and I’m only now mentioning my favourite ship of all time! Tuggoffelees, my OTP, my beloved. As always, all hcs in this series will be pre-canon, if we accept the musical as the present day canon. Here’s my take on how Misto’s relationship with Tugger and with his half siblings develops :) (consistent tense usage? I don’t know her) (masterpost here!)
Tugger was totally enamoured by Mistoffelees from day one. They didn’t meet until after Munkustrap and Demeter’s ball (the one after Bomba/Demeter/Misto’s arrival in the Junkyard, which Misto skipped due to still fearing the other Cats), when Tugger happens across Misto dancing and practising his magic in a quiet corner by himself. For the first time in his life, the Rum Tum Tugger is rendered speechless, and just sits and watches in silent awe for like half an hour until Misto realises he’s there. Misto is initially very wary of Tugger, having heard about his flirty and flighty nature, but Tugger is so warm and genuine in his admiration of Misto’s abilities that he struggles to see what the stories were on about. The two immediately bond. They both have very great fears of violence and abandonment by family members/Macavity, which allow them to feel comfortable with one another and understand each other on a deep level better than anyone else in very little time. 
Misto, despite his own massive crush, is extremely oblivious to Tugger’s true feelings for him for a long time; after all, in what universe would the most popular and attractive Cat in the tribe see weird, skittish little him as anything more than a friend? But Tugger thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and despite his fickle tendencies, is doggedly determined when he decides on something. He can’t put his finger on what exactly Misto makes him feel right away, but he knows that it’s good. He at first only recognises it as a weird and confusing desire to spend all his time only with him, and only after someone else points out that he’s not been up to his usual flirty shenanigans in a while. He struggles to explain it; since he’s one of the only ones Misto is able to talk to at that point, he’s one of the only ones who sees him for the fun, warm, and high-key sassy tom he is behind the shyness. It took a very long (and naturally embarrassing) talk with his father to help him work out what exactly he was feeling, and at Old Deuteronomy’s advice he resolved to pursue a serious relationship with Misto. It takes a while, partially because Misto seems to be immune to all Tugger’s best moves (read: oblivious to their real intention and therefore assumes he’s joking), and also because Tugger gets all heart-eyed and tongue-tied whenever Misto smiles at him - the usually suave rockstar Cat becomes a pile of goo.  After all his moves fail, Tugger is at a loss of what to do. In the end, he manages it completely by accident.
Misto is a perfectionist and extremely prone to over-working. Tugger’s insistence on being close by/helping him practise is the only reason he doesn’t wipe out basically all the time. Tugger finds him one evening when he’s pushed himself too far, exhausted and aching and barely able to walk. Tugger’s den is closer, so he picks him up and carries him back there - Misto is asleep long before Tugger lays him down on the blankets. He’s kinda mad - half at Misto for ignoring his own limits, half at himself for not being there to help him - but struggles to stay angry with him when he’s very clearly in pain. He confronts him the next day, which confuses Misto, who’s not really used to having people care about him the way Tugger does. Misto questions why it’s bothering Tugger so much, which prompts him to angrily blurt out that it sucks so much to see someone you love hurt themself like that and not seem to care. He doesn’t realise what he’s saying until he’s said it. It hangs in the air awkwardly for a few moments before Tugger throws caution to the wind and launches into a full confession of his feelings for him. He gets on a roll and doesn’t stop until Misto kisses him (in so learning that that is the best and only guaranteed way to shut Tugger up). From there things develop very quickly. To exactly no one’s surprise they become the youngest mated pair in Jellicle memory at the next ball. Old D bawls like a kitten he’s so happy. 
Tugger and Mistoffelees grew very close very quickly, which did wonders for Misto’s confidence and both of their self-esteem. It did, however, also strain Alonzo and Tugger’s already rocky relationship to near breaking point. Alonzo, having learned of Misto’s story and his mother’s death, feels incredibly guilty for turning away from him. He becomes jealous of how quickly Tugger was able to get close to Misto while he still struggles to even get him to talk to him, and thinks Tugger is an obnoxious bad influence and warns Misto against him. Tugger is normally fairly easygoing and happy to let rumours roll off him like water off a duck’s back, he even sometimes enjoys them and encourages them if he thinks they’re amusing. However, this he takes personally, and very seriously (as he will with any disparagement of his relationship with Misto, or suggestion that he doesn’t take it seriously). Tugger feels very protective of Misto, knowing very well the pain of being on the receiving end of his eldest brother’s rage, and of their blossoming relationship; he asserts that Alonzo should have gone after Misto when his mother attacked him, and that it’s Alonzo’s own damn fault he doesn’t have a relationship with Misto and it’s got nothing to do with Tugger. It becomes a very sore point of contention between the two of them.
Once Misto is more comfortable in himself and who he is, he begins to slowly build a bond with his half siblings. He becomes more comfortable with Victoria quickly, they both enjoy hanging out without really communicating, just enjoying each other’s company in peace. Victoria is deaf. She can lip-read, but Misto is very determined to learn sign language, and when he gets reasonably competent at that it becomes their main method of communication.
Alonzo is a lot trickier, the poor guy still feels so guilty. Misto holds no resentment towards him at all, he’s really happy Alonzo doesn’t hate him and totally understands why he couldn’t see him back then when everything was still fresh and painful for him - he doesn’t blame him at all. But he can’t seem to get that into Alonzo’s head. Every time it comes up all Alonzo can think about is that if he had just been more mature/compassionate/accepting back then Misto wouldn’t have gone through everything he did. 
Alonzo now desperately wants a relationship with his little brother, but his guilt makes it so he struggles horribly at communicating with him and is awkward around him, which in turn makes Misto nervous and uncomfortable (even more than he generally was at that time), which makes it even worse for poor Lonz. He becomes very protective of Misto as he feels like it’s the only thing he can now do for him (if he didn’t do it before then he’ll sure as hell make up for it now). This, unfortunately, tends to result in him getting into fights. He and Tugger have been and always will be chalk and cheese, but he also argued with his mother and now refuses to speak to her. When Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer arrived in the Junkyard, freshly escaped from Macavity and seeking refuge, it really freaked Misto out, and Alonzo immediately took a very hard stance against them and wouldn’t give them a chance. He got into a physical fight with Bombalurina that had to be broken up by Munkustrap when she wouldn’t let him close to her den (where Misto and Demeter had holed up). He has now begrudgingly accepted the twins, but keeps his guard up around them. 
As his and Misto’s relationship improved, the awkwardness ended up dissipating completely and the two became quite close. The protectiveness, however, never did go away. It toned down a lot, but at any given moment Alonzo is always ready and willing to throw hands for his little brother and sister.
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