#send me a number answers
ragzonacamrencruise · 23 hours
Could you do Azutara and the soulmate au for the send a ship prompt?
soulmates au is #1
hehehehe okay let's do this!
this is an universe where the first words spoken to you by your soulmate gets tattooed anywhere on your body.
Azula never really believed in this soulmate stuff everyone was always talking about. Maybe it was because her mom realised her dad wasn't her supposed soulmate and left with another man who she thinks is. Well, if you ask Azula, she'd fume that her mom should've figured it out before she had two kids. No, really, what kinda universe would like for a 6 year old and an 8 year old to be motherless?
So, it comes as a surprise to Azula when she turns her head to the seats next to her. She's always been a cricket geek. Don't ask her why, she doesn't know. It can be a nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat thriller sometimes, and she likes it for the excitement, maybe. She'd always come to this stadium whenever the Fire Ferrets are playing. And she'd always book this row of seats to watch from. It had better vantage over the whole ground and she liked the distance too.
The stairs beside her seat meant, she could up and leave whenever she wanted, if the match was getting quite boring or if she realises her team is losing. But today . . . today is different.
Today she looks to her left and across the stairway, and sure enough, there's this moron of a fan who's wearing blue from top to foot and is screaming his lungs out at the ground whenever his team, the 'Pole Waves' is losing or winning. The weird thing that stands out is his quirky pony-tail.
But that's not what gets Azula's attention. This screaming, pony-tail guy leans forward and backward now and then and that reveals glimpses of the most gorgeous girl Azula's ever laid eyes upon. Sure she could use a little make-up to boost her prominent features, but from this distance, Azula's pretty sure that up close, the girl would sure be dazzling.
From the glimpses she's been getting, Azula bets that the girl is embarrassed by the screaming, pony-tail guy. Surely, they've come together. A petty resentment bubbles up inside Azula's chest. Not because she's jealous. But because she doesn't believe in soulmates and she has no idea what the universe has in store for her, if it decides to act up. She doesn't wanna get her hopes up with that pretty girl, who she's only gonna see this one time and probably never gonna see again.
She averts her eyes from seat across the stairway. And good thing she did too. Because the Pole Waves just hit a 6 and the ball is coming straight to Azula's face.
Azula, being Azula, extends her arm out in a cat like reflex, catching the ball in her hand, efforlessly.
The whole stadium erupts in cheer for the Pole Waves, and people around Azula erupt in cheer for her, amazed at the way she caught the ball. She looks at the ball in her hand. It feels gross and wet. Her face takes up a disgusted look before she throws the ball towards the ground, in order to resume the play.
And the next thing she knows, she's flinching from a sudden shrill sound in her left ear.
Okay, so, Azula's pretty sure that she just went deaf.
She looks to her side and her eyes instantly find the pony-tail guy with an excited look on his face, looking expectantly at her. The guy spent too long yelling at the ground that he almost forgot what it is like to talk normally, Azula assumes.
Her face is still warped, trying to recover from her ringing ear, when the girl she spent most of the tournament stealing glances at, comes up behind the pony-tail guy (did he say Sokka was him name?! No, she's pretty sure it's Succa-), and the girl grabs his arm and pulls him away, muttering something in his ear, that Azula guesses is supposed to ask him to behave himself.
Azula leaves for her home then, having had enough of this debacle. Her team is losing badly anyways.
She doesn't know how. She doesn't know why. But when she looks to her left side across the stairway near her seat in the stadium, Azula's eyes fall helplessly on the same girl her eyes fell on weeks ago and her stomach does this curious back-flip. It's like a weird sort of deja vu, Azula thinks, but somehow she also remembers both the events as clear as glass.
She shakes her head and tries to watch the game. But her wandering mind doesn't stop flying over the details. Azula had spent the better half of an entire week after the last match to forget about the girl with the brilliant blue eyes, brown locks of hair that fall on her shoulders like waves, and her loud as fuck companion (Azula gave up on remembering his name and just calls him 'Pony-tail guy' in her head).
But, Azula never thought she'll be seeing that girl again, considering how she's seen a lot of beautiful girls but never had the chance to see them again. But this . . . this feels different somehow. She doesn't want to think about it, but it's all she can think about. Maybe she also thinks about how the girl would look up close, or how full the girl's lips are-
Wait- The girl's lips are full, right?!
Azula's eyes immediately shoot to her left, unable to resist herself anymore. But she almost reels back in shock when she finds the other girl staring straight at her, hypnotic blue eyes locking on to Azula's golden brown orbs for not more than 2 seconds, before she averts her heated gaze to whatever the pony-tail guy is screaming about.
There's a significant distance between them, but Azula's body reacts to the silent interaction (if she can even call it that) as if the blue-eyed girl was standing right in front of her. What will Azula do if the girl actually stands before her and stares at her like that, Azula doesn't like to spend too much time mulling over. This is hard enough as it is.
The rest of the match, Azula feels eyes on her. Blue ones, to be precise. But she almost nails her own eyes to the ground in front of her, trying not to look back to her left. She even finds herself getting distracted by the game for a little while. After all, that's what she came here to do, didn't she?!
At recess, the pony-tail guy moves to the stairway towards the area where snacks are sold, and he immediately recognises Azula, much to Azula's resentment.
"Hey! You're the girl who caught the ball last match!" He calls over to her. Azula looks at him awkwardly, giving him the fakest smile she could muster. He pays no heed to her unease. "I'm Sokka, remember?! We met last match!"
Actually, she remembers him as 'pony-tail guy', but he doesn't need to know that.
"Yeah . . ." She trails off, not really wanting to have a full-blown small talk. "I remember."
"Cool!!" He beams. "I'm here with my sister. Wanna come join us?!"
Okay, so they aren't together together. They're siblings. Geez, she should've known better. Also, who joins a stranger on their first time meeting?! Second time meeting but it doesn't really count.
"I . . . uh . . ." Azula doesn't know what'll happen to her if she ever has a proper conversation with the blue-eyed girl. Her brother seems to sport the same eye shade too; must be a family event.
The overly-excited brother seems to catch on to Azula's hesitation. "Hey, it's okay. I get it! You don't have to if you don't want to. Have a nice day!" He chirps and gives her a wide smile before heading his way to the snack stands.
Azula's eyes land on the pony-tail guy's sister as he leaves and she looks . . . wait, pissed?! Why does she look pissed off?! She's glaring at her brother's retreating form and Azula's body shudders at the look on the girl's face. She looks extremely fucking hot when she's pissed and Azula doesn't know what to do with this information.
Blue eyes fall on Azula suddenly, and Azula panics and turns to the ground in a hurry, not wanting to look at the girl when her mind is starting to fill with unholy thoughts.
When the game ends, Fire Ferrets gaining victory quicker than she anticipated, Azula walks out of the stadium at top speed, not wanting to dwell there any longer.
It's the blue-eyed girl.
She's here.
From this angle, only the blue-eyed girl's wild, wavy, brown locks are visible and yet Azula recognised her in a jiffy.
Azula's pretty sure she hasn't seen this girl in this coffee shop. She would know cuz this is the shop she comes to regularly and never once had she seen this girl here. It's all very suspicious. It's already the third time her eyes are finding the girl in like two months and Azula's getting worried that it's the universe playing tricks on her.
She averts her eyes from the line before the coffee shop counter where the blue-eyed girl is standing at.
No, she thinks. She wouldn't let the universe dictate her life. She's already had enough of it through her mother. She has her coffee order on the table she's sitting at and that's all she needs to look at. NOT the counter.
Maybe the girl and her loud-as-fuck brother are new to town or something. Yeah. That could be it. All Azula needs to do is wait till the girl leaves the shop and then continue on with her life like nothing happened.
Azula looks at the counter slyly, through her lashes, trying to see if the coast is clear for her. But unfortunately for her, the blue-eyed girl turns around from the counter, having received her order, and steps out of line.
Maybe it really is Azula's unlucky day or something, when the blue eyes that's been haunting her from day one, falls directly on her in a sharp glance and Azula's stomach jumps up to her mouth.
The girl stops dead on her tracks, coffee almost spilling from her hand. Azula's heart skips a beat when the girl stares at her with her lips falling open slowly.
But it only lasts a second more, before blue eyes frown deeply and rush out of the shop in a hurry.
Azula blinks at the blank space left at the girl's wake.
She really needs to get her health checked.
Azula gets a ticket far away from her usual seat. She does NOT want to run into that damned girl again. Azula would never ever admit to the way her stoamch flips every time they have a silent interaction though.
She walks into the stadium for a much awaited relaxing match, a little strange with getting a different seat from her usual one. And she made sure that the Pole Waves were NOT playing this match, so the chances of running into the girl and her pony-tailed brother are almost zero.
She melts into her seat, excited for her team.
Azula's in the middle of watching her team win deliberately, when she hears a sharp voice near her.
"Are you stalking me?"
She whips her head around, almost missing a whiplash. And the moment she does, her eyes fall on wavy, brown hair and stunningly deep, blue eyes that's all too familiar; and her heart jumps to her throat.
The moment she recognises who it is, there is a sudden sharp pain in the nape of her neck. Her eyes are locked on the girl's hypnotic ones, but she can't help but get distracted by the pain she's feeling on her neck.
She hisses softly, her palm flying to her neck and catching hold of her nape, trying to ease the pain. But the girl in front of her is having none of it.
"I'll call the cops if I catch you trailing me next time." The girl says, before turning on her heel and walking away briskly.
Azula stares after her, still wincing from the pain on her neck.
What just happened?!
Azula spends almost fifteen minutes trying to angle her phone in a way that would photograph the back of her neck. She's in her room, trying so hard not to think of the girl and how the hell she found her in a stadium full of people.
And damn this cursed pain.
Her neck is sore, and Azula's pretty sure that a bee stung her or something. She really needs to see what's going on in order to plan the best course of action.
She gives up after fifteen minutes though. It's tiresome to twist and turn your hand in order to take a picture of the back of your neck. Then suddenly, and idea hits her. She's seen hairstylists do this and it really is the best course of action.
She runs to her dressing mirror and opens the front camera in her phone. She holds the phone behind her neck and the reflection of the front camera's image falls on the mirror in front of her and-
Wait a damn minute-
Is that a tattoo?!
She gasps and drops her phone in shock.
No way . . .
She picks her phone back up and holds it behind her neck again, not believing her eyes.
It's a tattoo, for sure. It says, "Are you stalking me?" in neat, cursive, black letters and the skin around it is tender and red. But that doesn't stop the faint blue glow that's emanating from the etching on her nape.
It looks . . . beautiful.
The reality of the situation sinks in Azula's brain.
Sure, she knows the significance of this. It's been literally told to her a million times by million different people, what happens when the first words are spoken to you by your soulmate. But she never really wanted it to happen to her, and the fact that it happened with the girl she's been dying to get out of her head is completely insane for Azula.
And imagine the look on the girl's face if Azula goes and proclaims this revelation to her.
Keyword: IF.
Azula's scaning through the different varieties of milk kept at the shelves of Walmart. She's been here for five minutes and still hasn't arrived upon a choice.
And that's when she feels herself getting yanked by the arm all of a sudden. She yelps at the quick tug, stumbling along the store out of balance, trying to pull her arm away from the deadly grip.
She feels herself getting dragged to the back of the store to where the restrooms are. The door opens and shuts and Azula feels a sharp pain on her back as she gets slammed against the closed door of the surprisingly big Walmart bathroom.
She hisses in pain, closing her eyes and throwing her head back.
Her collars get yanked forward and her hazy vision focuses on the person in front of her. Her eyes immediately widen as she realises it's the blue-eyed girl standing close to her, breathing hot air against her face in short gasps.
"Didn't I tell you not to stalk me?! I don't even need the police to take you down."
Azula flinches from the proximity, her heartbeat through the roof. She rests her hands on the girl's hips, readily available for her to hold.
And what's this whole thing about Azula being a stalker?!
Azula was literally buying milk. The whole thing is just confusing as fuck to her, so she takes a deep breath. She contemplates the situation for a whole minute, staring at her supposed soulmate in question.
Then she speaks in a firm, soft voice. "I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate."
The blue eyed girl stares at her. "What?"
"I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate." Azula repeats herself, thinking that the girl didn't hear her properly.
"No way-" The girl cuts herself short and suddenly winces in pain.
Azula's brow raises as she notices the girl's hand fall away from her collars and clutch her chest. "Ow!" She exclaims.
A faint, golden glow erupts from the girl's chest and Azula can't help but notice that the colour is so pretty bouncing off of the girl's deep, blue eyes.
The hand still clutching Azula's collar is now doing it for a different purpose. The girl is completely bracing herself against Azula and she can't help but think that she wants the girl to do it more.
She's trying so hard to soothe the pain, but Azula knows exactly how that pain feels, as she experienced the same thing mere days ago. It's especially hard if someone hasn't had a tattoo experience before.
"Don't fight it." Azula quips, not really knowing what to say or do.
When Katara looks up finally, Azula notes that she's completely in a state of shock, still trying to make sense of whatever is happening. Her delicate, brown fingers catch hold of her blouse and removes the top button carefully.
When she pulls her shirt collars apart, revealing her chest, a small gasp escapes both of their throats.
The faint gold-tinted glow is wrapped around fine, neat, and precise, black, embedded writing that says, "I'm Azula, and I'm your soulmate."
The blue eyed girl's delicate fingers run over the tattoo that conveniently sits right on top of her chest bone, as if to proclaim that she's Azula's property and no one is supposed to touch her other than Azula herself.
She won't admit it, but Azula likes that idea too much to the point where she wants to kiss the tattoo on the girl's skin over and over again, claiming the blue eyed angel for herself.
The girl stares at Azula, eyes wide with shock.
Then like a whirlwind, she exits the bathroom, leaving Azula blinking at the empty space she left at her wake.
Katara's pretty sure she's going crazy. It's not even been a whole week since her soulmate was revealed, and she already feels like the whole world is conspiring against her to make her meet the girl at every chance she gets.
Katara would never admit that the stalker's name feels exquisite, rolling off her tongue. She's spent countless hours staring at the glowing tattoo on her chest. It strangely matches the stalker's eye colour and Katara doesn't know what to do with this fact.
She's been trying to avoid anything and everything that is even remotely related to the soulmate situation. It didn't take the humans long to commercialize this whole thing. Anywhere you turn there's a shop that asks you to buy stuff that your soulmate might like.
It's exhausting.
Especially when Katara wants nothing to do with it. She's been dreaming of having her soulmate and ever since she was a little girl, she's been planning their wedding and whatnot. But she certainly did NOT expect a freaking STALKER to be her soulmate.
It crumbled every expectation she's ever had about the whole soulmate situation.
Now, walking rapidly in uptown Republic City, she's determined to avoid any and every commercial shop that is intent on selling her stuff that offers to make the soulmates happy. She's already taken a different route, walking in uncharted territories just so that she might not have to deal with street vendors.
One in particular is this balloon guy. He's been pestering her for full five minutes now, asking her to buy a balloon for her soulmate just because she has the glow surrounding her that only happens to people who've found their soulmates.
"Make them happy today!" He calls out loud towards her, bombarding her with a face full of balloons.
"No, thank you!" She tries to clear out the balloons in front of her face, blocking her vision.
But she isn't quick enough as her foot, unfortunately, finds the step to the sidewalk and she's falling.
She's falling hard and fast, until suddenly, she feels a steady grip on her arm and she's not falling anymore. She jerks forward, her whole body launching in the opposite direction due to the inertia it wants to stay in. But the grip on her arm is firm. A moment later, she's being pulled up.
She's so incredibly grateful for the person who caught her, cuz without them, she would've totally ate dirt.
"Thank you so much for-" Katara's eyes suddenly find the person who helped her and the words die down in her throat.
It's her.
The stalker.
She's looking down at her, casually holding a blue balloon in one hand and Katara with her other. She has this smug smile on her face, as if she knows something Katara doesn't and Katara just wants to slap it away.
"YOU!" Katara exclaims, eyes wide and nose flaring in rage. "This was all your doing, wasn't it?!"
The stalker's eyes narrows ever so slightly. "What?"
Katara's at her wits end here. This is getting waaayyyy outta line and Katara is pretty sure she didn't ask for any of this. "You arranged for that balloon guy, didn't you?!"
Azula's eyes lift up to look over Katara's shoulder and sure enough, the balloon guy is standing there, silently witnessing this happen. All it takes is one harsh glance from Azula and he's running away from them at top speed.
"He was selling balloons for soulmates and I thought something was up." Azula addresses Katara. "So, I bought one."
"Wha-?!" Katara is cut of yet again as she tries to step forward, forgetting that there still is a step to the sidewalk and she ends up falling right into Azula's strong, and ready arms. This time, Azula takes a precautionary step to wrap her free arm around Katara hips, so that she doesn't try and fall on her face again.
The act puts them both closer than Katara would want. But she doesn't yet realise it that it's what she needs.
"And here you are." The stalker emphasizes her point. "Falling for me right on my doorstep."
Katara perks up. "Your what?! NO. YOU are stalking ME."
"Yeah . . . I'm stalking you . . . In my own house . . ."
"Huh?!" Katara frowns comically. "Your house?!"
"Yeah . . . This is my house." The stalker points to the huge mansion behind the gates at the sidewalk. "Wanna come in?" She asks her. "I'm Azula Sei'naka by the way."
"Yeah, no kidding! You've already tattooed that on my chest, didn't you?!"
"It wasn't my fault! You really think I want to have a person like you as my soulmate?!"
Katara blinks at her, offended. "A person like me? What's that supposed to mean?!?!"
Azula wastes no time. "It means that you're obnoxious and entitled."
"Oh-" Katara pauses. "I thought you were offending my ethnicity . . ."
"What? No." Azula's face scrunches up. "Why would I do that? That's lame. I would only intentionally hurt your personality."
"Bold, coming from you, you stalker!"
"I didn't stalk you!" Azula exclaims. "I don't even know your name for god's sake! And you're supposed to be my soulmate! The universe really is trying to test my patience."
Katara's eyes suddenly fall on the balloon clutched in Azula's hand. "That's . . . actually my favourite colour."
Azula pulls back her head. "Yeah . . . I figured." Her golden eyes scan Katara's costume from top to bottom. "That's why I bought it."
Katara takes a step back from Azula's immediate vicinity, giving them both a little room to talk instead of getting distracted.
"Look," Azula begins, already having had enough of this. "You can bicker with me for all eternity, I don't care. But you can make this easier for the both of us and cooperate. I don't think the universe is gonna let you go until you actually talk with me properly. Trust me, I would choose otherwise, but I don't think we're in control. Maybe there's a reason we're paired up."
"Okay . . ."
Azula takes in a deep breath. "So . . . you wanna come inside?"
Katara nods.
if i'm ever this inactive here again, come and kill me with a rock. hehehehe.
but here you go! i've been gatekeeping this for long enough and y'all deserve some azutara in your lives :)
if you see any typos, no you didn't 🙈
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thecolorblockcurator · 5 months
✨Art Ask Game✨
What painting would you want to live in?
Have you ever seen an art piece or installation in person- that moved you so much you cried?
What artist do you wish people knew more about?
What art work or artist got you interested in art history?
Share a photo of your favorite renaissance artwork
Share a photo of your favorite rococo artwork
Share a photo of your favorite impressionist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite pre-raphaelite artwork
Share a photo of your favorite art nouveau artwork
Share a photo of your favorite post impressionist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite art deco artwork
Share a photo of your favorite surrealist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite abstract expressionist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite Modernist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite contemporary artwork
What museum or gallery do you want to visit?
Have you ever been to a museum’s archives?
What is the coolest or most memorable art exhibition you’ve ever been to?
What is your favorite book - non fiction or fiction about art?
You suddenly have all of the money, space, inspiration, & time to start learning a new medium - what would you choose?
Would you rather make & sell your art for others to connect with, or keep your art private & just for yourself to enjoy
What is your advice for creative block?
What do you find more visually interesting, color or texture?
You can only use one color in your artwork for the rest of your life- what color (and its shades) would you use?
Share the hex code your precise favorite color or color combination.
What art medium is the most challenging for you?
Share a piece currently working on- in any medium. If you’re not working on anything share an idea for your next project
When decorating your home- Would you rather find a bunch of eclectic art from an antique store, or paint a mural on your wall?
What is your favorite thing you own that was made by an artist? (Could include prints, stickers, painting, sculpture, handmade ceramics, portraits) share a photo of it!
Share an art piece that you’re really proud of.
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
answering a couple of strike-outs from my top 100 music asks in a batch! i highly recommend this first one especially, but the rest will go under the cut!
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55- the shade by Metric (asked by @trainerbob23) a strikeout; this is actually for one of my original projects (currently on the backburner) but i love it so i listen to it a lot
HOWEVER... that project is also a sci-fi story about escaping into space on a boat, so i could make it about magicapple or starstruck dee quite easily.
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With eternal love, the stars above, all there is and ever was I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, I want it all A blade of grass, a grain of sand, the moonlit sea, I'll hold your hand I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, I want it a l l
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42- phenomenon by JVNA & LICK a semi strikeout. 🕰️ while this is technically on my clockwork heart playlist, it's for the vibes only. the lyrics don't really click for me
When every hope inside me dies You take my hand, show me the light With you I feel like finally living on You're one phenomenon
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84- haven by Novo Amor strikeout. just a song from Life Is Strange 3, which we played at the beginning of the year and i was very emotional about and subsequently binged the entire album a lot!
I'll be late, but I could make it all up to you I'll count down the days, don't say that you wouldn't too 'Cause I heard the rain, as I felt you coming loose And I heard my name, it broke my head in two
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99- once in a while (ft. alina renae) by Corticus (asked by @pick-a-number-star) cw: some swearing in this one, couple of f-bombs strikeout. technically this is a song for me myself to relate to, so i could try to put it onto starstruck dee, but... she doesn't have the same life experiences i do in the slightest, and i really feel it's about that 😂
Don't get me wrong, yeah, my head is spinning And sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind I love my life and everyone in it But sometimes I feel like they're missing these signs And I'm done doing this shit, I'm so over it
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goldenpinof · 5 months
Wait have you received your parcel from dnpshop or not? (I mean the catboys one)
✨️ no ✨️
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
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Her name is Onyx she is sweet. Hope you appreciate her!
ah, the spirit of caturdays past doth visit me... hello onyx, what a pleasure to make your acquaintance!
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madrabit · 4 months
omggg for bojance 36, 29 because i need exposition............ also 27. you know why
Uhh, yessss, I'm very happy to talk more about BoJance!! And yes, obviously I do know why 😂 (sorry for taking so long to answer tho!)
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Since they are three guys, there are a lot of places they have had sex (the studio, the laundry room in their apartment basement pffppfpfpfpf), but I think I'd split it, cause there are varying levels of craziness.
So, BoNace: the gym.
BoJan: a cinema bathroom
Jance: St. Luke's backstage area
And for all three of them together: Kris's flat (don't tell him tho, he'll go crazy). Might not be the most risky or public, but definitely the craziest for them.
29. First date? (Give as much or as little detail)
They spend a lot of time together, even before becoming their power throuple, so it's really gradual, but as soon as they cleared the air and officially started dating, they had a nice little date in a sushi steak club. (I won't tell you where, cause that would be spoilers, but it's probably not where you expect it to be pfpffppf)
36. Who's the more protective?
Ngl, I think they are all very protective, but in different types. If we take it very literal and it's about a situation, then I think Bojan would probably be the first to throw fists if someone said something stupid to either Jan or Nace (especially since he probably wouldn't get taken seriously, cause he do be tiny), but Nace would immediately try to be a mediator (and make absolutely sarcastic and cunty remarks dressed in nice words), while Jan just stares unnervingly without blinking.
But in general, I think Jan might be the most protective one out of the three, cause he manages their socials most of the time and reads all the stuff ppl say about them. And as we know, there are a lot of things being said that are just unnecessarily mean and hurtful even if they are meant as a "joke", especially towards Bojan. So I think he would definitely would try to keep that from both, no need to throw that onto someone who clearly should not be bombarded with hate.
That doesn't mean Nace is less protective tho, since he also doesn't like seeing Bojan (or Jan) sad,cause lets face it, anxious and sad puppy is no fun. But he would definitely deal differently with it than Jan would. So maybe the point of them all being very protective of each other in different ways is still very applicable here, they just have different ways to express it!
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silverskye13 · 4 months
Unrelated to anything but if you've sent me an ask in the last several weeks and you're wondering if I'll ever get to it, I am genuinely trying. There are a lot more asks than I'm used to in my inbox.
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rose-colored-b0y · 2 months
20. What underwear are you wearing right now and how long have you been wearing it?
I’m currently wearing a black pump jockstrap, I’ve been wearing it since I got out of the shower so about 6 hours??
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insufferablemod · 7 days
helathcare system plz...
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you keep me crawling by aurora,,,,, please tell me im not just projecting
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I need three to five business days to recover from this song
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maygirlsposts · 4 months
4,14,24,37,39 and 40 for Piper and Leo!
@scarareg Thank you so much for your ask!
leo x piper is kinda my self-indulgent secret ship heh, it's nice to talk about it sometimes hgjfkl;
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I think they would love watching stupid movies (romcoms or unnecessarily sentimental and cheesy) together not bc they like them but so that they could make fun of the lines/scenes together like best friends do (bc ofc they are best friends first, lovers later). leo mimicking them in his stupid way, and piper giggling and rofling about like a buffalo the way she can't before others. they are the kinda couple who would enjoy everything they watch together.
but their ultimate fav, repeat to 10000x movie list till they have memorized every line is HTTYD, cuz yeah, leo-hiccup, toothless-festus, and ig piper is a lot like astrid? AND DRAgons!!! so yeah their go-to, top-of-head movie when they are lazy to try something new
(the only thing they never watch is tristan mclean movies lmao)
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Neither, but on hectic days when they are super tired, both of them catch the sleep bug and fall asleep.
if Leo is first to wake up to find the movie is over, he'd pick up piper and carry her to their bed, taking care she doesn't wake up (watching her sleep is secretly his fav thing, yk cuz of piper's cute way of sleeping: "inhaling through the nose, exhaling with a little puff through the mouth" and "her hair looked like it had become a nest for a friendly hamster")
on the other hand, if piper is first to wake, she'd prob simply arrange some pillows for their necks and go back to sleep, snuggling into him bc no chance she is getting cold lol
which brings me to the next choice!
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
ggfhjk i love this question specifically for this ship cuz Piper is 100% the little spoon!
iirc (forgive me my knowledge of HoO is getting rusty! seriously, it's time for a full reread T_T) both piper and leo are the same height, right? maybe as adults, leo gets a late growth spurt of a couple of inches over her (which is annoying cuz leo is finally taller but secretly she likes it, cuz perfect for a side snuggle)
even otherwise, piper is always, subconsciously snuggling into his side cuz he is so hot warm. even if he hasn't used his fire, there is always some residual warmth in him all the time, which she has got used to searching out for. say, if leo gets up in the middle of the night to drink some water/got a brand new design idea in his head he just has to jot down NOW,,, by the time he returns to bed, piper is completely rolled up in his side of the bed, searching for him in her sleep (he loves this habit of hers! it also probs makes him feel better about his fire too)
iirc, his mom's warehouse caught fire in the middle of winter, right?? ig he'd slowly come to like winters better, bc of piper snuggling more into him during winters agfhjk
and iirc, he likes to sleep with a hug pillow, right? his old hug pillow has been replaced by piper!
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
on leo's side, hephaestus will be very suspicious of the daughter of aphrodite (cuz of his own experience with her) but talking to piper, he will be slightly mollified abt her… yet, his advice for Leo always will be to trust his machines more than the human specimen of his girlfriend (ofc leo won't take it seriously)
//toa spoilers/// now josephine and hemithea are his foster mothers i am sure piper would get along with them super well as well <3
on piper's side, leo has already met Tristan in Lost Hero and knows him as piper's friend, so he'd be pretty much chill with what pipes does and who she dates,, he might try to give Leo The Talk as his duty as her father, but Piper would kick her dad out before that ever happens (Leo just being the awkward bean like during the whole helicopter ride in TLH lol)
oth, leo would be mildly (understated) scared of Aphrodite. if they ever meet her (by chance) he'd keep fidgeting and tapping 'i love you' on his jeans till piper clasps his hand and taps back 'it's okay' but i think aphrodite won't be as scary as leo imagines in his head; she'd probs find him amusing and intrigued that her daughter actually prefers leo over jason.
40. Who is the skilled shopper for holidays? Who always waits 'til the last minute to get all of their gifts? (Which one gets stressed out easily)?
piper! she won't--but she would use her charmspeak to bargain for the best prices in those overly expensive, money grabbing malls, something that leo always finds terrifyingly awesome lmao,, piper gets excited for holiday shopping and stuff whereas leo tags along obediently (and use his magic toolbelt to stove away the shopping bags lol)
leo always forgets all of the important days because of his adhd (extreme even by demigod standards) and piper, having known him for long, understands this and never gets mad or anything but he'd always feel guilty about this and makes up for it in a completely random surprise gift he handdesigns for her. Of course, piper loves his stupid (affectionately) and most times, completely non-functional (cuz Leo himself doesn't know what they do loool but they are always weirdly complicated) gifts so much! like say a music box that goes moo! but bake out fresh cookies lmao
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ragzonacamrencruise · 20 days
Hello, you're very talented. Have an amazing day!
omg hello bestie!!!!!
this is such a kind message to wake up to!!!
thank you so much and i hope you have an amazing day too!! hell, i hope you have an amazing rest of your life!!!
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lunicho · 1 month
ik it's late but would u guys hate me if i cleared out my inbox.... like if i deleted everything in it (probably with the exception of a few things that i feel like i could actually answer)
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Remembering the time i went for an extended interview for a company and during the team lunch portion i learned that 3/5 of the people on that team had parents who worked in the same company. Anyways i didnt get the job.
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kervl-klear · 5 months
Military theme OCs Question prompt.
1. What do they think about their home nation? How likely is it for their country to betray them?
2. If an opportunity came up, how likely is it for them to betray their country?
3. What do they think about military? Do they like or hate the system? Why?
4. What is the worst work environment they have to worked in during their service?
5. What do they think about their supervisor at work? How often are they being praised/scolded and how do they react to it?
6. What are they like before joining the unit? How does their work change them?
7. What do they think about themselves and their skill set, are they satisfied with their current abilities? Do they find their skill to be a blessing or a curse?
8. What do they think about peace? Had they lost faith in it?
9. What’s their spending habits? Is the salary they earned sustainable for them?
10. Are there any specific kind of skill they wish to have? If there are, what stop them from getting it?
11. What do they think about sacrificing your life in the war mentality? Do they also have that mentality and do they acknowledge it?
12. What do they think about themselves, do they think that they are a good person? Why?
13. Do they have a plan for retirement? Whether they have a plan or not, what will they do once they are retired?
14. What would most likely be the reason for them to be laid off from their unit? And what would they do if they really are laid off?
15. Do they think they made the right choice choosing the job they are currently doing? Why?
16. What’s their opinion on espionage and intelligence industry? Why do they hold said opinion?
17. If someone were aiming to work the same job as them, what would they tell that person? Will they support them?
18. What’s their opinion on paramilitary service(mainly mercenary)? Why do they hold said opinion?
19. What do they think about legal system and law enforcement? Do they have any part of law they wish they can change? Why do they want that change?
20. If they are told that their current job is bad for their health mentally and/or physically, how would they react?
21. What kind of stress they enjoy the most? If they don’t like stress, why?
22. If they are soldiers or was soldiers, why did they join the military? If not, why didn’t they join the military?
23. What do they think about the stereotype for each branch in military and do they agree with it?
24. What is the worst injury they sustained during their service? Does it affect them in long term?
25. What is the fail rate and success rate in their mission? Are they the type who let agents die for high mission success rate or prioritize agents’s life and choose to retreat when things got out of hand?
26. If they are forced to take a day off, what would they do and how would they react?
27. Back before they got the job they are currently doing, what was their opinion about that job?
28. What do they think about their body count? Are they proud or ashamed of it? If they work in the unit that doesn’t need to engage in combat, what do they think about the body count culture of the unit that does?
29. How competitive are they in their career and how much are they willing to sacrifice for rank climbing?
30. What do they think about their uniform(whether service uniform, dress uniform or combat uniform)? Do they like wearing it?
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madrabit · 4 months
Hello! You are the resident queen of Bo(Jan) so can I please request 22 for them ? :)
Oh god, idk if I deserve that title, but I 100% accept and appreciate it! 🥹 and ofc you can request that! I'm sorry it's taken me so long, tho. I promise I'm still writing the prompts, so everyone who sent me one will get it! And feel free to send me more!
Send me a ship and a number and I'll write you a kiss 🩷✨️
22. ... in a rush of adrenaline
Bojan always liked football.
He loved watching it, even played for a club as a child and was sad when he had to stop. Football made him feel excited. He could loose himself in a game, could feel like a little kid again as the players sprinted over the field, so close to scoring goals. It made him think about his own time playing. He was part of the little league, nothing exciting, just a bunch of under 12 year olds running after a ball, faceplanting the grass more often than they actually managed to kick or score a goal. But for him it had been everything.
The first time he really felt the rush of adrenaline was as he ran towards the goal, no one in his way. He had scored with ease, the goalkeeper not able to hold the ball, even if he hadn't been distracted by some relative calling for him. The cheering of not only his teammates but his parents, his father, made him feel so incredibly proud. The tingling feeling made his heart beat out of his chest, made him feel alive and his pulse was droning in his ears.
Over the years, the way how he got this feeling changed. During the winter of his thirteenth birthday he had taken up snowboarding, changing the kids ski for a snowboard, the rush he got from zooming down the mountain, his own capability the only thing preventing him from crashing was different to the feeling of playing football, but it was good. The following summer his parents had taken him and his sister to the sea and Bojan had finally gotten the chance to try surfing again, this time much more successful than the previous visits.
He had taken up more and more hobbies, his week stuffed with activities until a sudden timeshift in his Judo practice and him, Martin and Matic forming a band had put a stop to his little blooming soccer career. It was hard giving it up, but the thrill of being in stage, hearing the (albeit still rather small) crowd cheer, while he was singing his heart out and his friends were playing until their hands hurt, was the only thing better than chasing after a ball.
He had still sometimes played with his friends, kicking around a ball and when Bojan had randomly found a group of guys playing football on one of Nace's and his morning jogs through their little neighbourhood park in Highgate, he had been excited.
The guys had been quite accepting when he had approached them and it didn't take long for them to meet up semi regularly. Sometimes in the evening, other days just barely past noon. After the first few times, the others had joined in and soon the whole band had spent at least one day a week watching Bojan run after a ball to his hearts content. But not only that, sometimes his friends would join in as well, making him even more excited than just playing with a group of random strangers.
His head snapped into the direction of the voice calling his name. Jure was charging at him, followed closely by one of the guys playing on the different team, trying to take the ball away from the blond drummer without using an elbow or tripping him. The man, James, was persistent though, managing to take the ball and leaving Jure behind as he changed directions.
Bojan felt his pulse starting to pick up, blood rushing into his ear as he sprinted after James. It took a bit of work and about all of his skill to get the lead back, immediatelly turning in a sharp twist that almost made him loose his balance. Without hesitation, he made is way to the makeshift goal, dodging one of James's friends, Robert, who caught up with him unfairly easy, clearly having a very noticable height advantage, but Bojan kept the ball, firmly blocking every one of the tall man's attempts at getting it back.
A few more strides and Bojan would be close enough to take a shot, would be able to score and get the last point he and his band needed to win. Instead of a time limit, they had set a point goal, a much more achievable way of playing either multiple games in succession or have a longer, more drawn out match. That the team that lost the most games would be paying for the first few rounds at the pub they frequented after meeting at the park, was making things even more exciting.
Not that Bojan was really interested in that. The feeling alone made him giddy, the thrill of the game made his heart race in his chest in excitement and he could barely contain the sheer energy buzzing through him during.
Everything happened way too quick for Bojan to notice, his movements almost instinctive, muscle memory that he hadn't forgotten even if he hadn't been playing for a good while now.
He dodged another one of James's friends, a broad shouldered, tall man, ducking under the guy's arm to keep his momentum. And before anyone else could try to get in his way again, he took the shot, kicking the ball just right, the angle working perfectly.
Joy rushed through him as the goalkeeper couldn't catch, falling to the ground while the ball flew over him, untouched and unbothered in its path until it dropped to the ground and stopped moving.
Bojan let out a little happy scream, his eyes darting around the field and landing on Jan.
The dark haired guitarist was standing a few meters away, a big grin on his face and suddenly Bojan felt his heart speed up even more, could hear his blood rushing in his ear, his hands shaking. He was moving without realising it, running into Jan's direction.
Jan barely had enough time to react before Bojan jumped him, clinging to him as the shorter man wrapped his arms and legs around the slightly older like a vice. The speed with which Bojan had hit him almost made them topple over, would have made then fall to the ground, sprawled out on the slightly wet grass, but Jan managed to catch him, already prepared after having seen Bojan's excited face. Hands landed on the singer's ass to hold him up securely, even though Jan knew that the strong thighs wrapped around his waist were more than capable of holding him up on their own.
Bojan leaned forward, crashing their lips together in a heated kiss that the taller man very eagerly reciprocated. His lips parted as he felt Jan's tongue dart out, licking over his bottom lip and drawing a soft little moan out of Bojan. The sound got lost in the kiss and as he let a hand wander to Jan's hair, running his fingers through the soft, dark strands and messing up the little bun Jan had made earlier, the taller squeezed his butt.
"I scored", Bojan giggled as he pulled back a tiny bit, before he connected their lips again into another kiss, feeling Jan smile as well.
"You did, yes", Jan said softly, hoisting Bojan up a little more as he felt the smaller man slip a bit. Bojan gasped softly, his blood rushing through his body, heart skipping a beat, adrenaline still making him shake a bit. Even though Jan fondling his ass certainly added a lot. He tightened his legs around the guitarist's waist, pressing himself closer and was just about to deepen the kiss again, as someone called out to them.
"I wanna do another round, so stop eating face and let's play some more", James said, jogging over to get the ball and making his way with it over to then again, kicking the ball before him.
"You just don't want to admit defeat yet", Jure chirped as he snatched the ball from the British man, running away with it in the direction of the goal. James let out a surprised yelp, charging after Jure, who just quickly passed the ball to Nace.
"You better prepare to pay up later!", Kris, who had been lounging at the edge of the makeshift soccer pitch, said, then he got up and dusted off his pants, ready to join in this time.
Slowly, Jan let Bojan slide down, pressing a last little kiss to plush lips. The singer grinned at him, his body already buzzing with energy, ready to cjase after the ball again and Jan couldn't help but give him a little slap on the ass as the he turned to jog away.
Bojan laughed, his steps feeling lighter than before, and he was sure the next visit at the pub would be a rather cheap one.
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