#sending you love and don't forget harry loves you a lot
kittarts · 10 months
Hey. I’m a trans nonbinary person who is a HP fan, and thanks for being transparent and acknowledging that JKR sucks while also still holding a space in your heart for what HP was to you in your youth. It feels so difficult to find people like that online? The common consensus has become to condemn entirely and while that’s understandable, there are people who still love this series because it helped them through tough times and made them feel less alone. I think that’s worth noticing. Not everyone who still likes HP is automatically transphobic, nor are they someone who condones JKR’s awfulness on the many other things she unfortunately has an opinion about, and it seems like people forget you can separate the art from the artist—yes, even if said artist is still alive and kicking. Sorry if this ask is a lot. I don’t mean to start or engage in discourse. I just wanted to thank you, so again, thank you. Love your art.
I really appreciate you sharing your feelings on it! :) you’re not the first one to send me something similar actually. 
Social media really shrunk my worldview, and it wasn’t until I started having these conversations outside of the internet that I realised those condemning others are actually the smaller majority haha. They’re just loud, and therefore they’re scary. 
I can go to a friends house right now and have this discussion without fear of them hurting me. 
I think it’s important for people to be given the space to decide how they feel about these things. To set their own boundaries.
To be an adult and say “Jk did this. And I’m not okay with it. Therefore I won’t be consuming any more Harry Potter” or to say “Jk did this. And I’m not okay with it. But I grew up with these films and they’ll always mean a-lot to me”. These two things can co exist, and neither side is evil lol. It’s literally just about deciding what is and isn’t okay for you. 
Adding on; I'm referring to enjoying the films from your youth, don't financially support her in any capacity. I would like to think this goes without saying, but just to make sure.
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I absoltely loved the newest mob boys post and there teenage daughters can you do the mob boy’s reaction to their teenage daughters getting pregnant after sneaking out (poor Donnie’s daughter 🥲) (sorry for the spelling erors English isn’t my first language) thank you!
Love this idea for the Mob! boys, and yes, poor, poor Donnie's little girl
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER! Donnie's one will be dark as fuck, please do not read if anything to do with pregnancy is a trigger to you!
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Mob! Leo
She's still grounded
it's been 2 months but she found her with a goddamn boy- not just /with/ a boy but in his *bed*
livid wouldn't even begin to cover how Leo felt
it took all his daughter's strength to hold him back from beating the living daylights out this teen boy who defiled his daughter
but something is different now
she's been quiet, not protesting when he gives her chores or sends her to bed. not even asking to have friends round when she knows she's grounded
he goes up to her room to talk, maybe she's been punished enough?
"Hey" she says softly, knocking on the door "what's up with you? you've been...distant"
she turns to face him, sat on her bed, and when she sees the gentle look on his face she can't contain it anymore
bursts into tears
"y-you know- you know Harry? The- the-the boy you found me with?..." she makes out between sobs
his mind returns to that night and he goes quiet. Angry again
"I'm sorry, daddy. I'm really sorry"
he doesn't get it at first, then she points to the trash can
he glances over and see's the pregnancy test box empty
he understands
the way Leo sees it, he has 2 choices: 1 scream. scream until his lungs bleed and she hates him forever or, 2 be there for his crying kid
he chooses the latter
he puts a stiff arm around her and she nuzzles into the crook of her father's neck, still inconsolable.
it's difficult to hide the shame, the disappointment, the anger....He had such big plans for her, now adding a kid to those plans? forget about it...
but he gets this one chance to show her that she can come to him about anything
it's going to be a long next few months...
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Mob! Raph
His not-so-baby-anymore little girl is the light of his life
like, he's the proudest dad you can find
adores her, beyond words
so when he goes to tell her dinner is ready (without knocking, because it's his house and he can do what he wants) and finds her curled in a ball on her bed, crying and holding a positive pregnancy test... He loses it
screaming, punching the door, more screaming, ripping posters off her walls, did I mention he was yelling?
lots of "how could you be so stupid?" and "I raised you better than this!"
after about 20 minutes he calms down
it's nothing the daughter of this hot head isn't used to by now, but it's still scary for her
it's the look in her eyes that calms him the most- the look of fear as she clutches her stomach
a maternal sign
she wants the baby
"This motherfucker who knocked you up, he gonna stick around?" he asks
"I don't care if he does or not, fuck him! I've got you, don't I?"
a big sigh from Raph
"you've got me, kid"
he's not happy, how could he be?
but he knows she'll make a great mother
and he loves her too much, and is way too much of a pushover when it comes to her to be mad for too long
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Mob! Mikey
He guesses she's pregnant
the morning sickness is a dead give away
he is Pissed, with a capital P
drags his daughter back to her room, any dolls or stuffed toys are ripped apart with his bare hands
"And this?" he hisses "What sort of mother had a ballerina jewellery music box? You're a child having a child! A stupid child at that! Insolent, pathetic and careless!"
none of this is yelled, his tone is almost a whisper
his daughter is crumpled down on the floor just weeping, waiting for storm Mikey to pass
"I thought I raised you better, I really did"
He leaves the house at that point, just walks straight past her as she sobs and goes to his brother's
they calm him down, a lot actually
remind him there are "options"
when he gets back to the house, he does say sorry
he knows he flies off the handle a little too quickly
he says he'll stand with her no matter what she chooses, but he knows what he would prefer for her to do
she sleeps in his bed that night, he holds his little girl and they whisper to each other until they both pass out
their relationship has always had rough patches like this but nothing they can't get through
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Mob! Donnie
He knows
he always knows, he knew she snuck out, her knew she slept with that boy, he knows everything
so when she comes home to a seemingly empty house and goes up to her room, she;s in for a surprise
the room is liner with plastic sheets, like shower curtains, everywhere
the floor, the walls, there's a table in the middle of the room with a sheet covering something...
not something- someone
it's him, the boy, the one time hookup...
"oh fuck" she whispers
"oh fuck, indeed" Donnie's voice comes come behind her
"What did you do, dad? Is he dead?"
he smirks at that, which is dangerous. Only the worst kind of things amuse her father
"Dead? No. He wouldn't be worth the clean up. He just has a little... Procedure. To make sure he doesn't ever fuck up your life again"
she's confused, then he pulls out the positive pregnancy test you threw in a mall bathroom trash can last week.
How??? How does he always know?
"Now, darling..." He begins
((He never calls you darling, unless you're in deep shit with him))
"Are you going to be a good girl, and do what needs to be done? Or are you going to make daddy angry and disappointed all over again?" He leans in closer "I know which one I'd pick"
"I-I-I want the baby, dad" it's barely a whisper, mostly it's a plea
he tuts and shakes his head
"Wrong answer"
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cjkie22 · 10 months
A non-exhaustive list of why you should listen to hit dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees:
their music is really amazing. you'll love it.
especially if your Spotify wrapped was on the pov: indie side of things
and even if it wasn't.
songs for every emotion
absolutely beautiful lyrics
sometimes these lyrics make sense. sometimes they don't. that's part of the fun.
songs about platonic love !!!!!
songs for the queers! the aros! the aces! the enbies! the trans community!
my dad likes them. doesn't sound like a lot, but it's an achievement.
(more underneath the break)
iain (bass/vox/lyrics) has "ginger" tattooed on the back of their head. if that isn't iconic I don't know what is.
on the note of iain, they were the first person i was aware of that used they as a pronoun, and that changed my life
they have a discord server! it's a really lovely community. i am not biased in the slightest. (discord.gg/sandbox) (https://discord.com/invite/thesandbox) (i will personally send you an invite i don't actually know what the link is)
they should DEFINITELY be on the heartstopper soundtrack
if I'm remembering correctly in the tiktok where they said they should be on the heartstopper soundtrack, they also said 3 out of 4 of them were in some way queer. seems like a good thing to me.
they opened for you me at six earlier this year. it was my first time seeing them live. and WOW.
I met some of my best friends through this band. I'm not joking; big shout out to the mojo dojo castle house, I'll never forget that weekend.
they're hilarious on the internet
you might cry at several of their songs for a million different reasons
BearBerry records
they have a tumblr blog @/bearsintreesofficial (iirc). I'm not gonna tag them but
BiT gigs are a safe space. I may have almost fainted at my last one (new cross inn, August 2023) but I've never met so many kind strangers and genuinely lovely people
merch is super comfy and really cute.
it gives stardew valley and animal crossing (trust me I'm right)
after the new cross gig (sweatiest gig in the world), despite surely being exhausted, callum (uke/keys/vox) took my bereal and i got my mini lesbian flag signed by them all
I turned out not to be a lesbian, which possibly makes it funnier, but the flag is stuck on my wall still
cryptids would LOVE their band
there's also a community minecraft server for discord members
BiT postcards !!!!
gosh and the bit stickers
they covered stick season on an Instagram live
they also do the funniest twitch streams
iain and the mountain
the raccoon email address
george (drums/production) is elite. the drum fills in doing this again? iconic. also has a specific really cool shirt I want to steal
wedding. dress. tiktok.
callum doesn't wear shoes on stage. apparently this was common knowledge but it sure surprised me at new cross.
the austrian soft drinks advert
iain make up looks
callum plays the flute. I want to say classically trained flautist but i may be wrong.
none of them have EVER bribed any members of law enforcement
their songs are very tattooable
talking of tattoos, nick (lyrics/guitar/saw him play the uke on stage once) has L + R tattooed on his forearms (iirc). absolute genius and I am stealing it when I get more of my patchwork sleeve done
iain releases solo music to under the name pet yeti. it's ethereal. callum also plays flute on one of them.
trumpet joe
the four of them never look like they are dressed for the same event
someone once edited the bears in trees wiki page to say that Ryan Ross was in their band
silly geese
that time we got singing? poetry? performance art? of THAT harry potter fanfiction
according to tiktok, iain and nick once had to sneak into their own show because they were underage
I have a video in the depths of my camera roll of them covering Mama by My Chemical Romance on a twitch stream
all of them give me gender envy at different times
their newest single (bart's bike) features banjo
patreon content
yelling it gets better with a room full of people was a healing experience.
modern baseball and fall out boy adjacent in my brain
if you like bears in trees you're automatically hot and really cool
they did a song with noahfinnce and its really super good
callum also featured on a myriad song which is also really super good
bit songs feel like coming home. they feel like hot chocolate and a blanket on a cold night. they feel like a warm hug. they feel like surviving and falling in love with life again and overcoming the worst things. they feel like victory, because you didn't think you'd make it to adulthood. but I'm 20 now. and I'm still here. I've almost graduated uni. and that's what bears in trees feels like.
all of their songs!!!! amazing!!!!
please feel free to add to this list. I'm taking suggestions.
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reidslovely · 1 year
Ok now let us INNNNN on some CEO Peter x reader ! How they meet. What is their dynamic. How they end up together??? Pretty pls pls 🥺🥺
since you said please i guess...
I see them meeting in the lobby of Parker Industries. And because I'm nothing but cliche he's coming on his day off for a client meeting and she's standing in the lobby shuffling through papers obviously lost. He's staring at his Apple Watch and the collide, him sending her towards the floor. He shoots arm out and catches her, staring at her wide eyes as he basically pulls her back to her feet, arm around her stomach as he held her.
"I am so so sorry. I was looking at a message."
"I am so so sorry I was looking at this map and I was.."
They spoke at the same time. Peter's face remained flat but there was a smile in his eyes. He thought she was..gorgeous, he shook his head and cleared his throat.
"You're fine don't worry about it. Can I help you." He pointed at the map of the building in her hands. She nodded looking up at him with big eyes, and handing him the map.
"My mother has a meeting with Mr. Parker over a biotech research for her collarbone damage due to cancer. It's a whole thing, and I'm super late."
"You're in luck because the CEO is also super late to this meeting." Peter chuckled. "Mr. Parker..nice to meet you."
"Oh my god." She says reaching her hand out shaking it. "I'm (y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you...also." she stuttered through her greeting. Peter nodded and handed her map back to her.
"I'll walk with you. Follow me."
I do think that the two have a slight age gap. Peter being around 30-33 and reader being about 25-27. Which makes him kind of skeptical for a bit because Peter's never dated someone younger than him outside of Gwen being a year younger than him and even if it's not by a lot and both are in similar places in life he worries that she'd find him to be old and boring. But she doesn't, she doesn't really pay any mind to the age gap besides teasingly calling him 'old man' here and there in their relationship.
At the start they definitely have a grumpy/sunshine dynamic even if Peter isn't that grumpy he's been out of the dating pool for a few years and he's just kind if skittish which makes him seem grumpy. He's the reason for these big nice parties but he only talks to the people he knows and clients he's built relationships with. She's the one running around greeting people asking if they're having a fun time and he just admires her so much for it. She inspires him and brings him out of his little dark room he's built for himself which helps everyone get to know him a little bit better and see that he's not only a kind person, but also really funny. He's also just so so so soft for her. Peter can be intimidating if needed and he knows how to play that well and when to play it. But whenever she's around he's so soft, it's like all the bad things in his life become muffled. She feels the same about him, she thinks he's the smartest man in the world. She knows he is, and doesn't hesitate to remind him when he is forgetting that himself. As their relationship progresses for Peter he feels like he got a second chance at love, and she feels like she's really fallen in love for the first time.
They start dating pretty quickly actually for Peter being so skittish, Harry gave him a jump in headfirst speech that urged him into asking her to be his girlfriend. And when he did it he felt like that nerdy high school boy again, but when she said yes he knew he made the right decision.
They go on the nicest vacations, he definitely wants to see the world with her. But he also loves just being in their Forest Hills home having domestic moments. He likes the way she'll come into his office while he's working and sit on his lap playing with his hair. His goal is just to spoil his girl, any thing she wants he'd give it to her no matter the cost. If she asked him tomorrow to give up everything and just disappear with her he'd do it, and she'd do it for him.
He also totally gives her a job at Parker Industries let's be real. All she wanted to do was be his assistant/receptionist, and when the spot opened he immediately offered it to her because no one better could keep up with him. And honestly..it's true.
I don't know there is a lot about them, she's gonna need a cute nickname though. I'll get back to y'all on that.
have a ceo!peter coded photo:
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vivihar · 21 days
oh my days i actually adore severus and tom because usually when you find a severus ship they either change him completely, make it the cliche ‘sunshine x moon’ or make him big and scary *cough* harry potter films based ships *COUGH* but i LOVE the way he’s still how he acts ??? if that makes sense ?? they aren’t watered down or built up they’re how they act and honestly i like how it goes from severus being obsessed with tom to tom being obsessed with severus…you may have converted me…
You have no idea how much this made me happy 😭 I usually have little panic attacks every time I post about them because I feel like I make them too much ooc and well I don't usually think over my posts that much before I push the send button, only with vibes, and after it I get that feeling I made them ooc and people would hate me for it. (Damn a long yapping of my insecurities over a ship 😭😭)
And yes I know what you mean which is the reason I don't really like a lot of ships in fandom,, it's kind of sad what they do to chars for their tropes. Annywwways
I try to make them in character as much as I can because that's their enjoyable part. I hope I'm succeeding with that.
İ also usually forget that people don't see my brain and the reason they're all lovely isn't because they fell in love at first sight, it's their comfortable friendship they build with time so my posts are just two of them being friends for years and now Tom tries to make Severus his lover and Severus is just amused by his acts and unless he makes him angry he goes with his acting (because he finds it funny lol)
Anyway thank you for saying that. I'm the only one who posts about them so I always feel bad if I'm making them too much ooc because I don't want people to hate them already when I'm trying to make it popular 😭😭
And I'm 🤭🤭🤭🤭 giggling right now, every time someone says they like this ship I just feel like I'm in heaven. I hope you will keep liking them in future 😙
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yellowloid · 1 year
my experience at am's show (rock in roma, ippodromo delle capannelle - 16/07/2023)
SO you know the drill by now this is the compulsory recap post i need to write because i'm terrified of forgetting about things and i also have so much more footage this time around (i basically recorded the whole concert while in paris i kinda did but idk i had much less stuff it was my first time so i was just too overwhelmed ajfnwidjsj). you knew it was coming i just needed to sort my thoughts out and i know some of those things have already been said but idc i'm writing them down anyway + i rewatched all my videos so i have a lot to say so LET'S GO
• first of all i want to preface this by saying that it was +40° degrees in rome and gates were opened at 3pm. opening bands started at ~6:30 and am came on stage at 9:40. needless to say everyone was cooking under the sun and slowly losing our collective minds i swear i've never drunk so much water my entire life and still felt like i was shrinking
• it was also my first proper concert standing in a pit + i was lucky enough to have tickets for the closest section to the stage and kind of a decent view despite the fact that i'm literally 5'2
• still i confirmed my opinion that i very much prefer seated tickets (not a big fan of standing in a crowd i must admit) ESPECIALLY when it comes to summer concerts because there was literally NO AIR just weed smoke and most importantly sweat i swear i couldn't breathe. we were fairly close to the stage but at what cost
• i wasn't particularly excited about the opening acts (as i wasn't for inhaler back in may) BUT i have to say they both slayed so hard??? willie j healey was so fucking cute and thoughtful with the crowd (we were under the shadow of the stage but the more far back section of the pit was directly under the scorching sun his whole set and he kept asking if they were okay) and the hives hyped up the crowd so fucking much??? their stage presence was incredible everyone loved them
• the breaks in between opening acts and am were filled with the festival replaying the same harry styles/rosalia/*random italian trapper* songs over and over again and at some point the crowd was about to riot because FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TURN THAT SHIT OFF not even joking when i say we heard the same hs song at least 30 times i swear dante alighieri used that as inspiration to write his inferno
• everyone was sweaty dirty tired and kinda fucked up from the sun and by the time am was about to come on stage i was contemplating my chances of not passing out and praying to god clinging to the bit of energy i still had in me to hold on for just an hour and a half more
• just making it clear this wasn't in any way their fault they came on at the time they were supposed to and everything turned out fine it was just. concerts in rome in the middle of july are.........something
• BUT ANYWAY after hours of us slowly decomposing it was finally time for am!!!!!!!!!
• they opened with sculptures and honestly THANK GOD because (maybe unpopular opinion? idk idc argue with the wall) that is just how it should be. not a big fan of brianstorm as an opener
• alex introduced teddy picker by saying "haven't you heard? teddy is back!"
• he also introduced the view with "let's go back to the very beginning" at which my heard did a bit of a !!!!
• after the view and before 4/5 he randomly went "feeling professional... 🎶 tonight 🎶
• he was feeling sooooo silly the whole show (<3) but he really went crazy with the spoken antics during 4/5
• he clapped his hands as he sang "with coloured old grey whistle test👏 lights👏" which weirdly scratched something just right in my brain
• "and that's unheard of... here in roma or anywhere else for that matter... nobody's done that!"
• he changed the lyrics and went "the only time that I stop laughing is to breathe or steal a kiss" and then proceeded to send a kiss to the crowd
• "four stars out of five... why don't you put that in your [pile]? / four stars out of five... ten times out of nine"
• "four stars out of five... that's right... that's why i like it! 😜" at the very end, said in the most adorable tee-hee way i can't even begin to describe it
• the piano interlude before high was sprinkled with the saddest series of "why... why... why..." ever uttered by man 💔
• after high he said " fantastic! ... what a night"
• "i wanna tell you about a girl that i made up... 💁‍♂️ ages ago 💁‍♂️" as an introduction to arabella
• i'm sure you've seen the video going around but during arabella he noticed a fan was (i think?) crying and asked "are you okay?" before resuming his singing
• "the horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes...... ‼️RRRRRRROMAAAAAAA‼️......... as arabella"
• after the song ended he thanked the crowd by going "good work everyone... jolly good. grazie"
• he thanked the crowd a lot, said grazie/grazie mille a lot, and frequently said roma instead of rome (idk why i found that cute but yeah <3) and his way of rolling his r's when speaking italian was just too adorable i wanted to put him in a blender and drink him as a smoothie
• the version of do me a favour that they've been playing lately sounds slightly softer than the original and i'm all for it. it amplifies the vibe of exhausted resignation that lingers in the lyrics and it just sounds so devastating i love it
• he lifted the mic stand during the song +  pretended to break something in half during the "to start to break in half" line and yeah. that was also what he was doing to my heart
• no he did not have a mullet he just arranged his hair in a way that made it seem like it for a split moment. why did i see people on twitter hoping for the mullet........DON'T GIVE HIM IDEAS
• "tremendous.... thank you 💅"
• also about that rumour going around of him pointing at louise during the "may i call you her name" - he literally acted out the whole line, pointed to himself, then at a random hypothetical you, then sidestage; he was not pointing at anyone specifically + why would anyone want that song dedicated to them lmao like. did the people saying it's romantic read the lyrics or
• also you know who else was in the general direction of him pointing? that's right everybody. mr jamie cook himself. maybe he uses he/she pronouns and alex wants to call someone jamie's name. have you considered that
• okay i'm sorry enough with the bullshit
• he said something during cornerstone and right before dancefloor that i caught on video but i can't really understand what he says so i'll probably end up posting those bits to see if we can figure out wtf he was on about
• "crawling back to you..... ‼️OH‼️ ever thought of calling when you've had a few"
• "🎶 ~rooomaaaaa~ 🎶.... thank you for having us everybody, what a beautiful audience.... soooo predictable i knowwww what you're thinkiiiing"
• he was so obsessed with crooning "roma" every chance he got <3 the silly <3333
• "lone ranger riding through an open space... THANKS A LOT in my mind when she's not right there beside me"
• now a list of random things he does at nearly every show that i still found very endearing:
- the "squeezed me very tightly" bit which is always so 💞💞💞
- "NO! you can't call me her name" with the NO said in the most 'child throwing a tantrum but make it cute' way
- the way he directed matt during the mirrorball intro and matt going 'y'all hear sumn?'
- "5......0......5......"
- him swaying his hips in a way that made everyone's knees buckle in a 10-mile radius
• about the interactions with the others: he didn't interact with them that much, i think he didn't even scissor with jamie during the body paint outro :( BUT we got the directing matt bit before mirrorball + a shout out to tom rowley
• i think in paris i noticed it less because i was seated, or maybe i just noticed it in a different way because i got some different songs (star treatment with the green/purple lights, pretty visitors with the red ones), but still - the lights are incredible and the fact that they create different lighting games for each song (like the blue ones for body paint or the golden ones for am songs) is so cool and fascinating i was mesmerised
• about the crowd: i made the mistake of getting into a telegram group of people who were going to see them and most of them were such casual fans they even believed the fake setlist that was going around a while ago as a joke on twitter 😭 the one with songs like the jeweller's hands. my brother in christ that's never going to happen
there were people going like "if they play r u mine i'm gonna die" and like bruh i appreciate the naivety but it's so painfully obvious they're gonna play it at least have a bit of creativity with your wishful thinking 😔
generally speaking the crowd was really REALLY hyped for am classics and wpsia/fwn oldies, while they were mostly completely dead during the car tracks it was disappointing to say the least. once again i was the only one popping my pussy
• BUT LET'S TALK ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS. i was so fucking scared they wouldn't play cornerstone and perfect sense but mostly the latter bc it's much less likely to be played... and it meant so much to me to hear them live, i didn't get either of them at the paris show so i just. ugh. they're in my top 5 am songs if not my absolute favourites and they just mean so much i fucking needed to hear them
• AND THEY PLAYED THEM BOTH. they did it for ME. cornerstone had me so emotional and i'm not joking when i say perfect sense had me ugly sobbing while singing along
• i just. i love that song so much. he just looked so small on that stage singing such vulnerable lyrics, and even tho the crowd was mostly dead (rude if you ask me) he still finished the song by sending a kiss and saying the nth "grazie mille" and i just wanted to hug him so bad i was literally devastated i love him so much
• we also got the jet skis/star treatment/iwby mashup!!!!! most of the tiktok fans had no idea what was happening and kept singing the original lyrics while i once again popped my pussy rapping along with him. i'm so glad he decided to do it and i got to hear it live!!!! it just sounds so damn good ugh
• the setlist as a whole was everything i could've wished for i was so satisfied with it
• the show ended with him sending and catching kisses and just smiling so much i just wanted to tear him to pieces what who said that
• as usual they all sounded and looked INCREDIBLE and alex was just.......... ugh. the most gorgeous of boys. he's so beautiful it makes me SICK. the crowd was literally hypnotised by him, his charm and stage presence is CRAZY and everyone just can't help but stare at him in awe and reverence because his aura is just something else. no one does it like him fr. leaves me speechless every single time
• they're all so fucking beautiful and talented and seeing them feels like a fucking out-of-body experience every single time
• i miss them like air I MISS HIM LIKE AIR....... the pcd is hitting hard and i honestly have no idea wtf i'm gonna do with myself once tour is over and they yeet themselves out of the public scene for god knows how long i don't even want to think about it
• long story short i love them so much it literally hurts it's not even funny and i already want to see them again </3
• also bonus: after the show ended there was a HUGE traffic jam due to the fact that 35k people were trying to leave the place all at once SO we spent the next two hours (TWO HOURS) stuck in the parking lot exhausted dirty sweaty and still dying in the heat bc it was literally 1am but it was still so hot it was hell. then danza kuduro came on the radio and it was so random that was the last straw to send me k.o. for good
• overall crazy experience but yeah i love them so much i want to see them again sooooo bad </3 PLEASE COME BACK </3333
• so yeah that was my experience at rock in roma i hope you enjoyed my ramblings xx
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consistentsquash · 6 months
5 Meta recs for Friday!
Happy Friday!!! <3 I read some really good meta on one of my fav author's writing process yesterday. So Meta Recs Friday! :D
My Writing Process by @squibstress
My name is Squibstress, and I am an unrepentant pantser.
This post is super poignant and really funny. It really shows fandom esp writing fic can be a lonely hobby and a social hobby at the same time. Also it's a super insightful look at not just the writing process because it's also about how the author thinks about the readers/reading experience.
I love, love, love the thoughtfulness Squibstress has for making reading more accessible. This is something you really only get in fandom. This extra attention to detail because it's a community and fandom is a garden <3 Personally I use a screen reader a lot and I can really tell the difference between fics which are going the extra mile for accessibiity on that.
Also TIL one of my fav authors is a pantser :D
Snarry-a-thon Recs by @danpuff-ao3
This is an incredible rec lists effort. Danpuff is making rec lists for Snarry-a-thon one of the longest running HP slash fests ever <3 Normally I don't have rec lists for meta posts but I feel this is such a brilliant meta level list. It's an amazing look at HP slash fandom evolution and also Snarry evolution. Insane levels of genres/tropes/characterization coverage! If you want to get a big picture Snarry fandom fic history this is the rec list for you!!
About Laugh and Forget (1) by @saehaerys
I am a big sucker for meta esp for fic meta for my fav fics. Laugh and Forget is a really dirtyhotbadwrong and super intense House of the Dragon/ASOIAF darkfic. PforPheobe's writing gives me serious Master and Margarita vibes because of that combo of darkness/humor/intense emotion. I have a Big Crush on their writing. Like I am not even a het incest reader but they sold me with their super dark emotional stories.
A bit under a year ago, one day in February, I had a horrible idea that Jaehaerys had coveted Saera and in his terrible covetousness he messed it all up, sending her away for cold repentance, and she fled from his face in mischief and utter disillusionment of their bond. It became increasingly unbearable for me to regard this passage of faux history.
I love fics written by authors with 100% commitment and love with their biggest Canon Feelings/Character Feelings inside it. This fic totally has that vibe. Really raw and super emotional.
The Lightning Struck Tower: “It is My Mercy, Not Yours That Matters Now” by @ashesandhackles
I really love the canon analysis meta from AshesandHackles. Honestly I am not a big reader of HP meta because it's a pretty old fandom and I feel like I don't really see a lot of value in meta at this point. But Ashesandhackles is brilliant at analysis and I feel like I just find new things to love about my fav characters and their parallels when I am reading their meta.
Harry recognises the flaw in the ending chapters of Deathly Hallows, and wins the Elder wand with an Expelliarmus too. Interestingly, it’s a spell Harry learnt by observing Snape in Duelling Club with Lockhart.
This one has incredible, incredible analysis of Snape, Harry and their relationships with Dumbledore. This is definitely not a shipping meta but I feel it's like 10x more powerful than a shipping meta because it just uses the canon to show the similarities/difference between the characters.
Re: Metrics by eldritcher
This is a funny and poignant personal post on writing stats/fandom stats.
Participating in fandom while refusing to buy into fandom's current metrics is a difficult position to take, because it's led to edgy questions now and then re: what keeps me in fandom since my metrics are pathetic (not my wording; my cousin deems anything below five-hundred kudos pathetic). 
Artists/authors have a lot of emotional connection with stats for lots of valid reasons. I feel bad when my fav authors are worried about stats but also I totally get it. Eldritcher is pretty idgaf about stats except comments because they love being super chatty and meta on comments. But also it's totally impossible to ignore other stats sometimes. The meta has an interesting point. If you are somebody who cares a lot about your progress, then you got to measure something. But like what's the right thing to measure?
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pebblysand · 16 days
Hi! Thank you so much for writing Castles, it’s the Harry Potter post we’re story I always wanted to read. I love your characterization of the Potter kids, I especially love your take on Lily Luna, do you have a headcanon of what happens next with the kids, regarding their careers and personal lives, or do you want to leave it open to interpretation?
aw, thank you so much ❤️. so glad you enjoyed!
so: yes to both. i've obviously spent a lot of time thinking about the kids so i do have my headcanons (as far as the castles universe goes) but i'm also more than happy for people to have their own. IMO, i'm not the gold standard here. anything that happens in my head that i chose not to put in the fic is not castles-canon. you can totally have your own versions of this.
having said that, here's what i think:
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(moodboard from my outline. yes, they're all ridiculously hot.)
you already see this at the end of castles, but i think james joins the WWW family business, but opening up an "events" side of things, which he runs. he's 100000% a nepo-baby who uses his parents' fame to build up his address book and be the star of the show, lmao. but... we still love him hahaha. he's got a good heart 😅. i sort of see him as the david guetta (lmao) of the wizarding world. i think he likes to entertain people, allow them to have fun and forget their worries, etc. he's very into quidditch but like his father, he's not really interested in making it a career. it's too much hard work/investment. i think james is generally more interested in having fun than in... working 🤣. i also headcanon he lives at his parents' past 30 because it's just convenient. he's that kid who's always asking for money to invest in a potential business venture - has 50 new ideas per hour (not all conclusive) - and ginny's always kind of kindly but firmly bringing him back down to earth. harry would give him the entire contents of his vaults to open a solid-gold-cauldron business 🤣.
personal life:
friendships/family: as described in the fic, he's got a lot of friends, he's a people person, and someone who loves to bridge wizards and muggles. he truly cares about people - i think he's got a bit of teddy's hufflepuff side in that. he's got great relationships with his parents and his siblings, beyond the standard, mild-rivalry that is normal in kids that age. i think he gets on with al because underneath their obvious differences, they have the same sense of humour. i think he feels very big-brotherly and protecting towards lily, and they have good banter. he also massively admires her.
love life: this is hinted at in text but james has a bit of a rough time in his mid-to-late 20s. i headcanon that he gets a Serious Girlfriend pretty early on (probably around 18/19), who he madly falls in love with. i kind of think underneath the whole chill/party vibes, james is a hopeless romantic so when he falls, he falls hard. he's got his parents example in his head of what relationships should look like, and obviously harry and ginny have such a strong relationship, that he wants that for himself, and gives it his all and thinks it's Forever. that girl ends up cheating on him and i think he takes it pretty fucking hard, especially because this happens while lily is in mongolia, all of which sort of sends him spiralling. you kind of see that between the lines in chapter 24: the partying, the sleeping around, etc. kind of like his mother... kind of like his father, too, possibly, had he not met mia. as said in text, there's a lot of press about him, and it's not always nice. without the nazi-costume wearing (i don't think james is stupid enough to do that kind of shit) i headcanon him a bit like prince harry in his early days. in a weird way (as is also hinted at in castles), i think lily coming back re-anchors him. they play video games and have each other's back and heal together, in a way.
later, i headcanon him meeting someone else, maybe in his late 20s and early 30s. i think he's pretty cautious at first, due to past experiences, but she is The One. i headcanon she's a squib or something, or the muggle sibling of a wizard, someone non-magical but who is aware of the magical world, perhaps a doctor or a nurse, someone very out of the spotlight, who's not really interested in who he is or who his parents are, who's there for him, but also understands the pressures he's under. i don't know if they have kids. i can't decide. i strangely headcanon that maybe she doesn't want them? like, she's this doctor who loves children and loves helping people but also feels like she'd rather dedicate her life to others than to have her own. i think james would be happy either way, she's pretty much his world and he loves her enough for that not to matter. or, maybe they have one later, in their late-30s early 40s, once their careers and lives are really established? i'm not entirely sure.
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(yes this was done with AI. you would not believe how hard it is to find black-haired guys with green eyes that aren't trying to be harry potter himself online 😅)
career-wise: oh, al becomes a professor. obviously. i sort of see him do a PhD in muggle history, then specialising in the study of war and parallels between muggle and wizarding history. i think that's the way he manages to wrap his head around and understand what happened to his family. he's in a perpetual search of meaning and patterns, understanding how history repeats itself. i think that sort of study reassures him and provides him comfort, knowing that it's not just him, not just them, that there's meaning and purpose behind all of it. i see him teach (i think he's a great teacher, like his father) - maybe in hogwarts or maybe in a post-grad setting, i'm not 100% sure. i kind of lean towards the latter cause i don't think binns is ever giving up his seat 🤣.
i also see him as rather CASHCOW-involved. like, i think studying war like he does makes him want to do something. he's not necessarily the flashy, loud kind of brave, but he is still very brave, and very opinionated. i do think he's also very close to his mother and cares a lot about the things she started with #metoo and the book, so perhaps he gets involved in that side of things.
personal life:
friendships/family: i think his relationship with his family is pretty much established in castles, i don't have much else to add. he's independent, sure, but still very close to them all. i think he's the kind of person who, unlike james, has a small but very tight-knit circle of people around him, and that suits him fine. he has a few but very close friends.
love life: oh, scorpius is the love of his life. that's it. they have the kind of relationship we all dream of: easy and supportive and loving. i think the main difficulty they probably have is scorpius struggling to come out to his father a bit, but i reckon that happens eventually. i 10000% headcanon them having kids. i think they adopt. i think al has his mother's faith in people and the future, and so it makes sense he would want to pass that on.
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(my CHILD!! my war hero!!)
career-wise: i think that's hard. for her. coming back. i headcanon her taking care of the museum for a while. i think she's back and forth to mongolia quite a lot in the early years as well, because she cares about the people she left there. she probably works at the shop, or with james for a bit as well, helping out. i do think eventually (maybe a few years later - she is almost 20 when she comes back to england, so maybe when she's 23/24), she takes her NEWTs, and albus helps her study. i think that brings them closer. i could see her getting into politics later on. being a wizengamot member or something, not someone who's ever going to really get into power, but more of an agitator, someone who says the hard things and truly tries to change the world.
personal life:
friendships/family: all of this is pretty much established in the fic/above so i won't come back on it. i will say that sadly, because of POV constraints, i couldn't quite explore her relationship with her mother, but i think they have a pretty good one (as much as mothers and daughters can - lol). i think although it's hard, she has a lot more support coming back and healing than harry and ginny ever had.
love life: this sort of ties in to the above but i think lily is someone who values friendship and platonic love a lot more than most people, and a lot more than society does. i'm not sure i entirely headcanon her as ace/aro, but i do think she's someone who doesn't really need romantic love to be happy. she cares and loves very deeply, but she doesn't need to be in a Relationship like most people do. i do think she's generally attracted to men, and i think there are a few lovers in her life that are very, very important to her, but she never feels the need to put a label on it or be someone's Person. she is the world's Person.
in a weird way, though, i do headcanon her having kids. i almost see her as having them and raising them in a commune sort of setting (lol), with friends and people she truly cares about. i headcanon the father to be someone she... loves, even they're not in a conventional sort of relationship. i think she's happy, though. i think lily's happy.
Teddy Remus Lupin:
i never made a moodboard for teddy, i think because his face constantly changes lol. i either see him as becoming a musician or a wandmaker. i couldn't decide, so i hinted at both in the fic. you can pick one lol. or, maybe, he starts out with one with the other as a hobby, then switches things around when he gets bored. i think he's just a creative person, who loves making things. i think romantically, he's probably with victoire, they have cute babies.
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i sort of headcanon naran as moving back to england eventually. it's heavily hinted at in castles but, in a strange way that most immigrants will recognise, mongolia is her home but it's also... not her home. she says it to harry in chapter 23, she's in between spaces, neither truly english nor truly mongolian. most of her formative years are spent in england, and i think, a little bit like ron who, after the most urgent rebuilding is done, quits the ministry, she, i think, moves back to london, probably in her mid-twenties. i do think she's back and forth a lot, very involved, but ultimately, her home is lily. i'm not sure whether she marries or has kids, that's up to you.
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
Hey everyone,
this is a short George Weasley fanfic. Sorry, I haven't been posting. I will try to get back on track. ❤️ Anyway hope you enjoy 😘
George Weasley x potter!reader
Comfort Letters
Warnings: None (I think)
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Dear love,
How are you feeling? I hope the Dursleys aren't giving you (and Harry) a hard time. Things are fine here. We just pulled a prank on Ron today. I think it was pretty good, even though we got chased round the house afterwards! We also had another Idea for the joke shop, although we will need your help.
But what about you? What are you doing to stay out of boredom? I mean, apart from missing me. Hang in there, I know it's hard. But soon you can come to us and then you'll be at Hogwarts again. Just don't forget to be ready! Now head up, gorgeous. Please don't stop smiling, you know how much I love your smile. (In case you forgot, almost as much as I love you) I miss you soooooooo much. And love you even more.
Lots of love
Your boyfriend, George
P S. Will you please let Errol take a nap and have some food, before you send him off again. Otherwise he might not make it home! Thank you.
P.P.S I love you (Just thought I'll say it again)
Hope you like it. See you tomorrow 💕🩷
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floralembarrassment · 2 years
I have a very sad thought but you know how regulus is raising harry knowing French? What if canon events occurred but instead of jily, jegulus dies protecting harry. What if when harry meets fleur for example he has to awkwardly say that he cant speak french, even if in another universe he was brought up with it all the time.
Oh you said very sad thought and my brain went oh how about this scenario... this one is for you anon.
I'm sorry I can't (1/1) (post jegulus golden trio)
"But Harry I thought you knew French?" Ron said as Fleur tried to ask them for help navigating the castle. Harry looked out the window of the great hall. It was was raining and he was thankful he could get lost in drops because he didn't realize he would be holding back a few welling in his eyes.
"I do... I just- I can't speak it." Harry stammered. He didn't have many memories of his parents, but his Papa's voice was burned into his brain. His lullabies were what still calmed him on his most desperate nights and really, you don't forget the language you were born with and spoken to in your first year. Of course, he was never allowed to speak it after but he never could bring himself to connect with the language without thinking of his family anyway. A lot of it came back to him too after Hagrid had gifted him a scrapbook full of pictures of James and Regulus happy with Harry. There was also a small portrait in the back of it where both Regulus and James spoke to him, he could hear their voices and while it was everything it was also beautifully and harrowingly emptying to know he could never have them back.
"It's okay Harry, you don't have too." Hermione put a kind hand on his shoulder and kicked Ron under the table.
"Maybe ask Francois, yes in the yellow tie. He is from France actually," Hermione pointed and out and shooed Fleur away.
"Sorry Mate, I uhh I didn't realize..." Ron said leaning across the table. "No no, it's alright. I um... I think I'm gonna go send a letter to Sirius. I'll catch up with you later." Harry said standing quickly and giving them both a weak smile. Harry knew Sirius would be able to help him feel better, since he too couldn't bare to utter a word in French any longer but for different reasons. He could, however, tell Harry stories about James and Regulus and that always left them both feeling a bit better and more connected to those they love so much.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
YES! I love ‘nothing happens but something is happening’ and am dying to see your recs!
Omg thank you so much for indulging me, honey love 🥺💜 convo based on @floydig’s og post!
Bright Side by @floydig (T, 2k)
It’s been one year since the war, and Draco is on probation. He lives in a shitty muggle flat in the middle of nowhere in California and delivers pizza.
Still Life, orphaned (M, 3k)
Secretly, between the shadow and the soul by @teacup-tai (T, 3k)
The thing about surrender is that once you accept the unavoidable rhythm of change, the surprising uncontrollability of life, and the astonishing inevitability of feelings, it is easy.
Even the Night by @tackytigerfic (M, 3.4k)
Featuring lots of cigarettes, a Midsummer sky, close encounters in a bath, and plenty of fireworks.
Interlude by dynamic (E, 4k)
Harry doesn’t know how to be a stranger to Draco Malfoy.
oxygen [Fic & Art] by @maesterchill (T, 4k)
Draco doesn’t smoke. Except when he needs to breathe.
The Slytherin Urn by @ICMezzo (E, 4.6k)
Nothing turns Harry on quite like redemption.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by DorthyAnn (T, 5k)
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
Still Warm, Still Warm by @tsauergrass (G, 5k)
Harry is up to something. Why else would he keep giving Draco presents?
Blue Sky Is Living Here Today by ignatiustrout (G, 5k)
Draco's a father, Harry's in love with him, and it's really hard to take things slow.
Intelligence by aideomai (T, 5.8k)
“I don’t believe it,” Ginny said, voice low with venom and fury. “Did you know?” “I knew there was a spy,” Hermione said.
Stay (With Me) by @dorthyanndrarry (M, 6.5k)
Harry and Draco have been seeing each other casually, whenever they bumped into one another at Galas and Balls and other social events, always keeping one another at a careful distance. But one step forward seems to remove all space between them, sending them crashing together with an almost inevitable gravity.
Along Came Potter by huldrejenta (T, 9k)
Potter shows up at Draco’s flat. Then he shows up again, and again, and again.
Clear As Mud by scoradh (M, 9k)
Set post-war and post-Harry's-conscience...
Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly (T, 9.7k)
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (NR, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
The Year of Non-Magical Thinking by whiskyandwildflowers (E, 13k)
"I don't know what I'm going to do, Potter. I'll think of something. So will you. But this is my journey to self-actualization," Draco managed to smirk. "You can fuck off and get your own."
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by thistle_verse (T, 14k)
Draco has finally found the perfect, rare piece to complete his collection. The only problem is that the item belongs to Harry Potter, the last wizard on earth Draco wants to ask another favour from.
With Hands Full of Dusk by @corvuscrowned (E, 15k)
Harry thought he'd found what he was searching for after the war. But as the quiet life he's earned begins to unravel at the seams, he finds himself searching instead for an elusive, mythical creature found only in lore and legend - with none other than Draco Malfoy as his companion.
World's Edge by RurouniHime (E, 15k)
In the harshest environment on earth, Harry finds that escaping is harder than simply running.
Turn and Face the Strange (time may change me) by @punk-rock-yuppie (T, 16k)
Draco and Harry and how their relationship—and themselves—change over the course of eleven years.
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 (E, 19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
A Room Up There (And You In It) by @the-starryknight (T, 59k)
When Preservationist Draco Malfoy was assigned to work on Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, he was excited to delve into the gorgeous Black family antiques. His excitement quickly ended when something in the House decided it did not like his presence one bit.
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dvstlah · 4 months
Harry James Potter
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Harry potter x reader
A imagine of Harry potter ♡
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You looked across the transfiguration room, your gaze fixed on the green-eyed boy you liked so much. Lost in thought, he couldn't help but stare at it.
He had changed a lot during the holidays, he had become taller, his hair fell messily on his head and not to mention he was much hotter.
He sighed as he looked around the room, muttering to his friend Ron. He caught your eye, so you quickly looked away and went back to work as soon as he caught you looking at you.
Later, after the transfiguration, you go to the Gryffindor common room to study, do homework, or read. Either one was fine.
You were busy studying with Lavender, who had last minute potions homework to do, so you helped her for a while.
-This is just the antidote for common poisons!- You created. -It's not that hard. Maybe if you stopped looking at Ron so much, you'd do better- You smiled.
You were feeling a little bored, so you decided to people watch a bit.
Lavender was talking about potions and such, babbling in his ear.
You weren't focused on potions, you had your eye on Harry again, you sighed dreamily. -Y/N? Y/N! Hey, are you listening?-
Lavender waved her hand in front of her face. She looked like you. -The chosen one, huh?- She poked you. -Hypocritical.- She laughed at you.
-Mhm is the only one and he is beautiful.- You responded so
dreamily while her eyes were focused on him.
-Well calm down, Ron is sexier.- She winked at him. -Surely you've seen his maintenance skills, and not to mention his sexy red hair... the shape of his hair... and his biceps too... have you seen them?-
-Harry is hotter.- You challenged her.
-No, Ron is. 100%-
You soon had a fun argument with Lavender about who was sexier.
Unfortunately, Seamus Finnigan passed by, thoroughly enjoying this debate and being the boisterous Irishman that he is, blurted out -Do you like Harry!?-
And suddenly all eyes were on you, you can't complain, you're fabulous. You awkwardly caught Harry's attention.
Harry just smiled at you. Oh, how you would love to wipe that smile off his face.
Damn you, Seamus! Later you would plan his murder. How to do it? The muggle way, maybe with a knife or a gun. Or should you just shoot her through the ceiling while wearing a spectacular black dress?
Later, when everyone had gone to sleep, you went to the owlery to send a letter to your mother, completely forgetting that you hadn't sent her a letter this week.
Harry was also sending a letter, looking quite suspicious. "Sirius." Dress the recipient of your letter.
-Do You like me?- It snapped you out of your thoughts.
You snorted. -What makes you think that?- You
he replied, suddenly interested in the thread hanging from his shirt.
-Oh, I don't know, maybe the way Seamus screamed?- He smiled sarcastically.
-Do you think that's Draco Malfoy with that damn smile?- You thought to yourself.
-You had that look on your face like, 'Yeah, I like you, but you don't like me', so what are you going to do about it? -
You didn't expect the next one, he hugged you. Unfortunately, his arms were pinned to his sides, so you couldn't move or hug him.
-I like you too.- Harry said. -Perhaps you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?-
Asked. -I'd love for you to go.- He followed with a cheesy wink.
You nodded, perplexed by everything that happened.
-Good evening Y/N- He kissed your cheek and walked back to the common room.
You thought you wouldn't kill Seamus in the end since he was the reason Harry knew you liked him. So you decided to set his hair on fire at some point, just to embarrass yourself.
That night, after you calmed down, your dreams were filled with a certain green-eyed boy.
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☆Part one of three
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discobrainrot · 2 years
did you say to ask for more harrykim hc? bc i want some more!! it can be canon or au (any of your choice) im not picky
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You're getting Canon Kim and Harry this time, but if someone sends me another (without specifying) I'll probably do Swap AU stuff!
1. It's not just Harry who's in love with Kim - it's Harry's Skills.
Whether they're something that occurred because of Pale Exposure or a symptom of something else, they're a part of him. His Skills are how he experiences the world. It's just as much them romancing Kim as it is him.
So when Harry falls in love, every Skill falls hard and fast, too. The INT Skills, particularly Logic, are taken with Kim's mind. The PSY Skills admire his dedication (to his passions, to the RCM, to his partner), and Volition is relieved that they've been drawn to such an (outwardly) stable force.
The FYS skills got it bad - Shivers sees how Kim fits into Revachol's greater puzzle like a missing piece. Electrochemistry has... a lot to say.
But the MOT Skills? Oh god. They're obsessed. Kim is cool, calm, and collected. He loves machines. Even with his eyesight, he's still a damn good shot. He's so suave. They. Want. Him. So. Bad.
At the end of the day, Kim is romancing one person in 25 parts. It's all-encompassing, and at first, it's strange. But after a time, he can't imagine being loved another way
2. Kim didn't expect Harry to stay interested in him.
Look, I can't picture Harry as anything other than a scatterbrain. It's partly because of my scatterbrained way of playing the damn game, but it's my headcanon, and I'll cry if I want to.
So, when they first met, Kim watched Harry flit around Martinaise like a speed fuelled (or until-recently-speed-fueled) bumblebee. He buzzes around, finds something, pursues it for a while, then sets it down and forgets. Kim watches Harry blow past his old partner without a word and worries that he might be in Jean's place one day.
Well, almost Jean's position. Maybe a worse one. It's not a stretch to imagine Harry getting distracted or bored of Kim. But this is the happiest he's felt in a long time, so he decides to ride it out. Take the joy where he can. He'll deal with the hurt when it comes.
But then Harry doesn't get bored of him. Instead, he wants more. And more. And more.
And then Harry stays over at Kim's place on weekends.
And they're investing in more board games. And Harry knows just the way Kim likes his coffee. And he makes dinner whenever he comes over. And, oh, Harry's lease is almost up, so he might as well move in. And he buys posters and photos to hang up. And he paints "This Is Something Beautiful" on their bedroom wall. And Kim knows he won't get his deposit back, but he doesn't fucking care.
And then it's been a year, and Harry has some of his old memories back, but mostly he's been making new ones. And anyone who matters to them knows what's happening, but no one says a word. And they don't hold hands in public, but the look Harry gives Kim lets him know how badly he wants to. 
And then it's been a few more years, and they move to a different apartment. And the heaters don't work, but that's okay because they keep each other warm in the winter. And Harry holds Kim close as they dance in the kitchen. And Kim's vision is getting worse, and Harry's got a bad heart, but they live the best lives they can. And they plan a wedding that they know they'll probably never have.
And Kim pretends he doesn't hear the city as she speaks into his heart.
And Harry pretends he doesn't hear Kim cry when he realizes they can't stop what's coming.
And then it's been so many years that their grey hairs outnumber all the others. And Harry doesn't talk about La Retour, but Kim sees how much he thinks about it. And he holds Harry's hand in public because it feels like the world is ending anyways. And the corners of Harry's eyes crinkle when he smiles, and it still makes Kim's heart swim even after so many years. And Harry still sees a halo behind Kim's head.
And they dance between detritus and rubble as an old radio plays. And they remember their kitchen. And they say the names of old friends. And far away, someone smiles and says theirs.
And La Revacholiere holds them in her broken arms and cries. And they hold her in their lungs. And they cry with her because of their loss. And they cry with her because they've survived.
And they love.
And they love.
And they love.
3. Harry has, like, big I'm A Bottom energy, right?
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jonathanbyersphd · 5 months
jonathan 8 14 21
Hi, thanks for the ask
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Act like he's the devil and forget his name... No but seriously I really don't like when they view Jonathan through the lens of someone's 'accessory' like Will's brother, Nancy's boyfriend, etc. Because he's his own person
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
s1 - The boy is 10 years early to grunge (go off king) (in reality he's poor but u get it) s2 - RomCom sweater era (he's very Harry Burns coded in s2) s3 - Jonathan Byers' interpretation of a Yuppie (which is like not a yuppie at ALL but he tried. Selling out to the man era) s4 - California boy who doesn't want to be noticed (like he's got the patterns but they're much more subdued than argyle)
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Oh, this is a difficult one. Personally, I LOVE making him snarky and sassy like comedic Jonathan has been MIA lately and I think he has this rep of being so serious and like no he's traumatized but he's still jokey.
Hmmm, I think something that I really struggle with and takes a lot of energy is translating more of his thoughts/actions into words. I think it's just very difficult for me to know why he's doing something, have it be in character and then explaining it. (I know this makes very little sense)
Send me a character ask
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isleofdarkness · 11 months
I would love to know absolutly anything and everything sbout Harriet. I’m so sorry that work was bad, sending good vibes and Correct pillow temperatures your way:]
I mean, on the bright side, I did get to meet this extremely talkative husky. The husky was doing that... I don't want to call it barking, more like yelling, you know- at me while I was cashing out the owner, so that was fun.
So, Harriet
She wrestles crocodiles specifically for the way Ginny and Diego react. Ginny always tells her not to because she doesn't want Harriet to get hurt, but the second Harriet does it she gets to see Ginny get so gay she forgets to breathe. Diego just cheers her on and that's very fun. Wrestling crocodiles is fun just because of how those two react.
She taught her maccaw curse words in literally ten different languages. Saorise has even figured out how to curse in appropriate languages based on who's in the room- Harriet's father gets Gaelic, Shan Yu gets Mongolian, Facilier gets Creole and New Orleans French, etc.
Harriet is one of the few Isle kids, outside of the Thirteen, who knows about the whole Endless thing. This is because Maverick woke her up at three in the morning yelling through her mind link about Riah being about to die, so she and Ginny ran to the caves just in time to see Riah drain the life out of six people. Maverick had to explain because Harriet can take a lot of things in stride, but she needs a bit of an explanation for a ten-year-old permanently destroying the souls of six people.
She told Cthulhu to go fuck Himself and called him an absolute twazzok. Maverick laughed so hard she cried and Anthony yelled at her for nearly an hour about "Can we please NOT piss of the eldritch beings during an interdimensional crisis?!"
She is entirely immune to Maleficent's green eyes of terror and agony thing. It's not even that she's good at hiding her reaction, she just doesn't feel it. The look has been turned on her so many times that she's now immune.
As far as Harriet is concerned, Uma and Gil are as much her siblings as Harry and CJ because her brother loves them, so that makes them part of the family. They both see her as a really cool older sister.
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best--dress · 1 year
This post was prompted by a very thoughtful post, by a gay man, about women who write fanfic (and original fiction) about gay men - I’m not responding on top of his post bc I cannot find it for the life of me, but also because I don't want this in any way to be interpreted as "yes, but". I'm going off on tangents of my own, different directions, talking about my own experiences that aren't necessarily related, and I don't want to take away from his words ~ but I do mention it for context as to where my tangent started.
I've noticed a lot of fic writers & artists in the Carry On/Simon Snow fandom are lesbians or bi women (I'm a bi cis woman, and writing this solely from that perspective). [sidenote - is this fandom inherently different because the Simon/Baz pairing is canon? (although for a lot of us, it serves as wish fulfillment for a Harry/Draco pairing)]
The author of the post mentioned above said that women writing m/m slash are engaging in a form of fetishism. I'm not going to argue against this! But I am going to go in a different direction and examine my own experiences -
I'm curious about where we see ourselves in Simon/Baz and similar pairings. What am I getting out of this? These words from adrienne marie brown resonate with me here:
are you, or people who look like you, included in your fantasies? (pleasure activism, pg 224)
I can’t remember where I read this - please send me the reference if you know it! - but there's an idea that adolescent girls have such ardent love for boy bands and male idols because loving them is a safe way to live out romantic impulses, without getting hurt. An adolescent girl engaging in a romantic relationship with an adolescent boy introduces a power dynamic - boys hold more power than girls in the real world. An adolescent girl engaging in a one-sided idolization of a male celebrity is (maybe?) engaging in romance with herself.
So this leads me to entertain the idea that writing and generally swooning over fictional m/m relationships is a way for women to explore a different power dynamic, one that isn’t available to them in the real world, a power dynamic in which the subjects have equal power in the realm of gender to each other and MORE power in the realm of gender than women do. (this is super simplified and doesn’t take into account intersectional identities; race disability etc; but hopefully you get the general idea of what i’m saying :)
And then I ALSO question, for me personally, why isn't there a f/f pairing that captures my heart as ardently as Simon/Baz? Outside of the Carry On universe, the one thing that comes to mind is Emily and Sue from apple tv's Dickinson. (I mean, I'm glad at least I came up with something! But they don't have my whole heart the way Simon and Baz do.) I think part of the answer here is internalized homophobia (let's not forget those times the word "lesbian" was used against me as a slur on the playground in middle school).
what do you want to be turned on by? can you even imagine it? (also pleasure activism, pg 224)
&& quick disclaimer that this shouldn't be taken as criticism of anyone. this fandom is superbly kind; I think you're all gorgeous. <3
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