#sent to us 📩
Heyyy, we're the Cosmos Collective! We're an OSDD system that's bodily in our 20s, and fictive heavy. We mostly made this to chill and connect with friends. :] <3
That being said there are some boundaries and all to discuss SO if you've read our DNI and still are still here then go ahead and read below! ^^
Masterpost of donations for Palestine (you can look in our fundraisers tag, too).
Masterpost on Bad Internet Bills (and how you can stop them).
Firstly, because we ARE bodily an adult, minors should be careful when interacting! We're an adult interacting with adult blogs; please filter tags and content where needed, and you can always just block us if what we have isn't your cup of tea. This is your internet experience; curate it the way you want to– and most importantly, stay safe!
Secondly, we are fictive heavy as of now; and a lot of us love our sources! We'll all be talking about them and posting it. Please be kind to everyone about this. If you're going to give any of us grief about it, we'll just block you. We don't want any trouble.
Also, we do tend to use tonetags a lot– this is moreso because we worry about communicating clearly and ensuring our tone isn't misread (and also because we need tonetags ourselves for various reasons)! Please try to use tonetags when communicating with us. :]
Tag dump!
C.C. posts: Us talking about things!
C.C. reblogs: all reblogs go here!
intergalactic meme hoard: Aaaaall the memes >:]
our art! ☆: We might post art and doodles here occasionally! This is where it'll go. :]
friend tag ♥︎: A tag for our friends, or things our friends tagged us in!
family tag ♥︎🫂: The same as above, but for our family system. :]
self-love and reminders ♡: A self love and reminders tag :]
save for the future ◇: Anything that we might save to look back on! This could be a recipe, a website, or just something to keep in mind!
important: If it's important and something that needs to be shared, then this is where it will go.
vents from the void ¤: Vent posts. We'll try not to do it often, but when we do it goes in this tag and is hidden under a read-more so it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.
system stuff ♤: Anything system specific goes here!
sent to us 📩: Anything that's been sent to us! :D
cosmic mailbox (asks) 📬🌌: This is for answering asks and whatnot!
friend art 🎨: Art that our friends have made that we reblog!! Anything not made by them goes under "cool art". :]
If we make more tags or if anything changes, we'll add onto this! But for now, that's it. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Please take care of yourself. <3 /p
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justmemethings · 2 years
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‘Why aren’t we interacting?’
😿 - I’m too shy to reach out 😥 - I’m a little intimidated by your writing length / style / formatting 😵 - I don’t know how to approach you ⌛️ -  You seem really busy 👥 - I don’t know which of my muses you’re interested in 📝 - It would help if you could feel my interest checker! ❓ - I’m not familiar with any of your current muses 📩 - I’ve sent you asks / written you starters, but you never replied to them 📤 - We have threads, and I’ve been waiting on your replies 💬 - I have a plot in mind for us, but I haven’t found the right way/time to reach out 💞 - I ship our muses, but I don’t know if you’re interested ✒️ - I usually interact through memes / open starters and you don’t post a lot of them 🥇 - You followed me first and I’m waiting for you to make the first move 🥰 - I’m following you because I love your writing and content and I just want to read your stuff ➕ - Other reason(s) -sender specifies-
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📩 Simblr question of the day: What is the longest you have played with one sim/household/legacy for?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~thank you for contributing multiple questions! (This is question 5 out of 10 that this specific anon sent)~
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dungeonzine · 3 months
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Thank you all so much for applying and supporting us! Application results have been sent out, please make sure to check your spam!
If you haven’t received an email from us within a few hours, please drop us a DM with the name and email you applied with. Thanks for bearing with us as we got all these out and apologies for any doubled Emails! If there’s any confusion about your application status please let us know.
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culturesofhyrulezines · 2 months
📩 Emails Sent! 📩
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All acceptance and rejection emails have been sent out! Please check your inbox and spam for an official email from us.
If you do not see anything, please do not hesitate to reach out and send us a DM so that we may further assist you!
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ask--eggman · 8 months
📩 Dr. Eggman Ask blog 🥚
Attention all!
It is I, Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius and the brilliant, smart and handsome soon to be ruler of this world!
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I know you all must be trembling with either excitement or fear, as you should be! An expected and understandable reaction to being undeservingly graced by my glorious presence. Especially because with this blog, you can finally be lucky enough to interact with me and ask me questions!
Ignore any rumors of this all being "propaganda" for the Eggman Empire. You don't need to be convinced to join. It's a no brainer, it doesn't take a genius mind like mine to know that you and the world will be much better under my rule! I simply state facts here. I promise.
Important things to know:
Blog is for adults 18+ only!
I'll treat you like the underlings you are, to teach you of your place beneath me in the future of my empire early. Some say that's rude. The nerve! They're simply the traits a real powerful and confident ruler should have! But of course I'm the only one cut out for it, so I shouldn't expect anyone to understand.
I'll be open about the glorious evil I get up to with my immaculate calculated schemes! Unless you ask for top secret information to use against me and try to stop me... You can't outsmart me, I can tell! And you will fail miserably!
Anyone with a distaste for my methods and hobbies - ignore anything evil you might've seen here. Pay no attention to any mentions of schemes and violence, only believe the posts about how totally brilliant, helpful and beneficial my rule and empire are.
You can expect violence of varying degrees. I'm sure you all know by now that I'm not above crushing my enemies and reveling in their defeat! What? They totally deserve it!
NSFT allowed. I know everyone wishes they could have a chance with me and must be very eager to hear all about it. ;)
All this to say that this blog is not suitable for small children - or big babies.
Feel free to fill out a brief survey after your visit. Your opinions matter to us! Unless you didn't have fun, then we don't care.
More extra notes from a silly little lackey of mine who serves as this blog's moderator below:
Games canon source Eggman, every game mainline to spin off, no exclusions. There's a possibility for occasional divergence due to slight inspiration from other official media but with a clear heavy game focus.
He will be canon accurate and nasty, rude, arrogant, condescending, a big jerk and unpleasant reactions and behaviors will be portrayed in an often comedic way. Keep in mind, it doesn't reflect the feelings or beliefs of the author - no hard feelings!
There's a chance not all questions will be answered. It's okay to resend once or twice just in case it wasn't sent. But just because it might take a while to get a response, doesn't always mean we didn't get it or you're not getting one.
I'm an adult and open to NSFT and fet!sh asks, very lax and don't judge. Will be tagged to the best of my ability. Eggman may do a combination of teasing and entertaining, or just be oblivious towards why you're asking, depends. Just be 18+. No minors at all!
Feel free to ask to tag.
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futabazine · 2 months
📩 Application Results Sent! 📩
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All acceptance and rejection emails have been sent out! Please check all of your inboxes including spam for an email from us.
If you still do not see anything, please do not hesitate to send us a DM so that we may further assist you!
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thebramblewood · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Shuffle your favorite playlist, whats your oc/sims' reaction to the first song that plays?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
Hi, Squatty! Thank you for thinking of me for today's question. I've sent it around to a few other inboxes too. ❤️
I think Helena would definitely like this song, and she would probably add it to her own playlist if it wasn't already in her library. I've always imagined her being mostly into singer-songwriter and indie folk type music (not that she has much time to enjoy it between first convincing herself she was the number one fan of Ulrike's synth-punk band and then being preoccupied with a little thing called vampire transformation).
To Lilith, it would just be background static or elevator music basically, definitely nothing to get her pumped up for a night out on the prowl. Caleb is a great music lover, and I don't necessarily see him keeping up with all the latest releases, but as a musician himself he's open-minded and can find something to appreciate in most things as long as they have a strong melody and solid musicianship.
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ruthplaysthesims · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
( p.s I'm [the SQOTD anon] planning on starting a separate SQOTD blog for these asks/questions, and I'm open for input on this :) ) ( p.p.s freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the # SQOTD ~ 💛 )
Anon! first of all I LOVE THESE QUESTIONS and I feel fortunate to be one of the lucky ones to receive questions from you. Let's have a look at my oc's dark secrets
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Carlos Morales: He knows where his father is and basically thre8tened him to never be involved in Carla's life as his love for alcohol had put them both in danger. or he was going to do something...
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Yumi Matsuzawa: She knows Megumi Ito [Kiyoshi's mom] is having an affair with Kado Akiyama. She spotted them one day when she was teaching a few children to ski. She saw them walking into the bathhouse together, holding hands..
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Tyson Blackwell: In high school, there was his particular teacher that made it obvious that she did not like having him in her class. She purposefully failed him, though he was one of the top students in his class. Being the petty boy he was, secretly hacked into his principal's emaail, sent her a fake email saying she was fired. She actually fell for it and was truly fired after not showing up for days.
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Amani Grant: She was Tyson's secret admirer in middle school. Never had the guts to confess and though she hadn't seen him since eighth grade (they went to different high schools), she's in for the shock of her life.
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Siddhartha Santiago: She may or may not be the reason Amani's college ex is in the hospital...
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Bianca Deaton: She has been secretly stalking Carlos' ex, Greta. How she knew about her, you ask? two words; ✨social networking✨
Anon, whomever you may be, I thak you for sending me asks like these! Looking forward for more OC related questions 🤗😄
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woitvn · 8 months
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Have you ever come across a message in a bottle? Addressed to no one and anyone who might find it. Waiting patiently, longing for someone to read it...
That's precisely how you think the author of the mysterious form at the bus station might have felt.
We would be delighted to meet you.
If you're interested, step into our world and enjoy the
experience we've created just for you.
No one in their right mind would ever interact with such a suspicious form. And yet, you find yourself unable to deny that it piques your interest. Perhaps you might even venture to respond.
What do you say? Are you in?
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WOIT is an upcoming visual novel under the adult dating simulator genre (+18)
Within the story, you'll encounter six characters with whom you can develop either romantic or platonic connections, all the while uncovering the mysteries of their alternate dimension.
Gore, Bullying, Swear words, Depression, Addictions, Obsessive love and Erotica.
I will not answer any questions unrelated to the game.
Check if your question has been answered previously with the Tumblr search.
Be patient and do not send the same question repeatedly in the same month.
If you have sent your question twice, and I do not answer, it could be due to several reasons. Your question is most likely a spoiler. It may also be that I have already answered something similar, or that it is within the topics already addressed in this post.
Constructive criticism is welcome. I will appreciate you writing tips and recommendations to help me improve the game.
NSFW (not safe for work) questions are allowed, but I won’t answer extreme kinks.
Fanart with OCs, fanfics and merchandise of this video game are allowed for personal use, dissemination and sale as long as the original material from which the characters come is credited.
I DO NOT allow tracing or coloring posts of my art. You can trace, copy or color my drawings for your personal study, but do not post it online. The only exception to this rule is the creation of OCs that imitate the style of the video game.
I DO NOT allow the distribution of replicas of the game.
I don't mind if you compare my characters to existing ones. You may also mix fictional worlds within your fanfics.
I would love it if you honored each of the character's sexuality in your fanwork.
There are multiple unlockable endings depending on the decisions you make throughout the game.
The game will be available in English and Spanish for PC (Windows and Mac) and Android. Versions for different devices and languages will be released on separate timelines.
The game is made with Renpy. The art is done using Krita.
Game newsletters will be shared through itch.io.
First demo link: https://woit-vn.itch.io/woit-vn
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pixelatedollhouse · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
( p.s I'm [the SQOTD anon] planning on starting a separate SQOTD blog for these asks/questions, and I'm open for input on this :) ) ( p.p.s freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the # SQOTD ~ 💛 )
This is a fun one! Think I'll share a little more backstory for Andy and Jeff, as I'm at a point in this save where it's unlikely I'd digging into their backstories, and I hadn't really given a lot of thought to those two back when I started. Not sure if that counts as obscure or out of pocket, but I'll take any excuse to ramble about my sims!
Andy: As the offspring of a PT, Andy theoretically has thousands of siblings, but unlike them she was the only one sent back to her homeworld of Sixam, where she was raised by her alien dad, Captain Collins, instead of her sim one. As a result of this, she chose to move to San Myshuno as a young adult to get a taste of the life she might have lived if she hadn't been sent back.
While she's very open about her status as an alien and will freely tell anyone about life growing up on Sixam, she's secretive of the fact that she only grew up there because she was sent back. I imagine that when Jeff was later abducted and became pregnant himself, she feared he and Alec would also send the baby back in favour of having a biological science baby, and was relieved when they happily kept it (second surprise baby and all!)
Jeff: His parents are very career-focused, so with them working long hours Jeff was put into a lot of extracurricular sports to keep him busy, and his Aunt Kass looked after him during the hours school and sports didn't fill. Jeff found that his success in sports was pretty much the only time his parents took much notice of him, which lead to him becoming very competitive in fear of losing that source of attention.
He was sent to a (in my head, an all boys) private/boarding school in his teen years, where he figured some things out about himself. Not having a close relationship with his parents lead to him confiding in his aunt first. Summers and holidays were always spent with her in the city, which brings us up to his first rotation.
His parents aren't unaccepting, but their desire to put their careers over being a family has led to Jeff breaking off contact with them, and looking up to his aunt as a parental figure instead.
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elderwisp · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you (p.s. I've been scouring simblr, and I've noticed people don't like how picky SQOTD feels, so please! Share around SQOTD asks, anon or not, I'm only one person and can't find and ask every person on simblr ~ 💛)
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is actually nighttime here so i'm like
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hmmm i would have to say the concert arc, i,,, HAHAH this is gonna sound derpy but in therapy we use the emotions wheel and it's assigned to different colors so i utilized that and assigned it to specific moments like:
green associated with jealousy but also a feeling of hope
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magenta inspires but negatively it can mean carelessness
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while blue is melancholic yet the slight change to indigo can mean fear
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idk it was a fun little exercise to practice and i was really happy with the results i'm now realizing these are also the colors of the powerpuff girls 💀 oke i sleep now
also! i gotchu, i sent a few out! :)
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sahcon · 10 months
SAHCon 2024 New Years Showcase - acceptances sent!
📩All Showcase acceptance emails have been sent out! Please check your spam/junk mail in case your mail client doesn't like large quantities of bcc emails!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us here on on Twitter!
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📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~thank you for contributing multiple questions! (This is question 10 out of 10 that this specific anon sent)~
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authorspirit · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~thank you for contributing multiple questions! (This is question 10 out of 10 that this specific anon sent)~
huh, interesting question! I do actually, depending on what type of simblr post. Most of my posts are put in my queue that is set to post in a specific time interval (so I'm usually not on tumblr when my curated posts go live).
I edit most of my posts, and depending on if it's for a lookbook, a sims picture, a build picture or gameplay pic, I will use SRWE or not (yes for first two cases, no for builds and gameplay), I almost always take screenshots with one of my ReShade on (my Marina reshade is for lookbooks, Joyce is for my silent pines save gameplay, and Dahlia is for my Sapphire gameplay and builds).
Usual process is: taking a screenshot with ReShade's shortkey, edit screenshots with Gimp, save in corresponding edit folder. Then delete all original unedited screenshots. Queue posts in specific edit type format. Keep edit folder until published on tumblr (and not just in queue). Delete edit folder.
I guess the most process-like posts are the lookbooks with all the CC to be linked. I use BetterExceptions to compile the outfits cc list (or Tray Importer) (✿◡‿◡)
For gameplay, if I have the Sapphire recaps I'll update the links where necessary. Otherwise I just have a specific format to follow (bold title and spacing) 'cause I like things organized and queue everything at once. ✍️(◔◡◔)
Also my wip builds pictures are no brainers. They're just screenshots straight from the ReShade screenshots folder. ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
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esrewindzine · 5 months
Thank you for all the wonderful applications! Now it's our turn to work hard looking through them all 🧡
Results will be sent by email, do look forward to it 📩
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REwind! is an upcoming Ensemble Stars!! childhood zine that explores the childhoods of various enstars characters.
REwind! the clock with us back to simpler days 🪁
Website 🔗 esrewind.carrd.co Information Document 📄 tinyurl.com/esrewinddoc Questions ❔ retrospring.net/@ESrewind
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