#server is popping off today
joeyclaire · 5 months
me Smirking due to my Contempt
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daily-xb · 2 years
Ren’s bigger replacement crown came late in the mail, Xb found it. Bdubs seems to have still gotten the sizing wrong tho
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day 91: Its just a little big
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yusukenui · 1 year
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yunoclips · 9 months
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Nerd!Haechan x reader
happy new year ;)
nsfw included
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He remembers the first time he saw you. The sun was shining way too brightly and the heat was sweltering. It was a normal day on campus for Haechan. Following his normal routine of eating , studying and then getting to class. Leaving his dorm as quietly as possible trying his best to leave his roommate, Jaehyun undisturbed. Jaehyun was someone that valued his hours of “beauty sleep”. 
He remembers the last time he accidentally disrupted Jaehyun’s sleep. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. But none the less he manages to exit successfully. Everything goes as planned. He gets to class without any interruptions. Interruptions are actually something that he rarely ever encounters considering he doesn’t have the most active social life. 
Haechan has no friends—Not counting the ones he has online waiting for him in his overwatch server. 
But he has no actual friends. The ones that you can go out with. The ones that let you crash at their place just because. The ones that keep you company when you’re lonely.
And while that might sound sad to any other person , it actually doesn’t effect him. Well at least that’s what he believes. He has good grades , a decent place to stay , food filling his belly and a computer than can handle everything else. Who needs friends when you already have the essentials. 
Besides friends can drag you down. If he had friends he wouldn’t be able to get to class on time and sit in his favorite spot like he’s doing now. 
Some people would consider him a Nerd, and he doesn’t blame them. He gets to class on time every day , always participates , never hands in an assignment late , gets perfect scores and to top it all of he wears these thick rimmed black glasses. Being called a Nerd is expected and he doesn’t mind it at all. 
As usual class goes by quickly, with no interruptions of course. Haechan steps out into the sweltering heat once again. Using his hand to shield the sun that blinds his eyes , he starts walking to his next class. Everything goes smoothly with no interruptions. Until he feels something fall out of his back pocket. He turns around quickly and bends down to grab it but when he looks up he stares at the first interruption he’s had in a while.
There you were standing in the middle of the campus looking absolutely dumb founded. The light of the sun reflecting off of your skin perfectly. Your hair was beautiful , bringing out all the profound features of your face. Your body was mesmerizing. He knows he shouldn’t be looking at you like this but he can’t help it when he finds himself staring at your tits. Eyes wandering to your thighs. Every thought that he shouldn’t be having suddenly bombards his mind. 
He tries his hardest to look away but something about you is so captivating. Maybe it’s the way you looked so confused. Holding the campus directory out , switching between looking down at it and then looking up to try and pin point your location. If he was a normal person he would’ve walked up to you and offered help. But he isn’t normal. 
So he turns around and walks to class quicker than he normally would. That day he was 10 minutes early to class. 
The next week was full of interruptions. If it wasn’t bad enough that he couldn’t get the image of you out of his mind. You just so happened to be in the same statistics class as him. 
Even more distractions for him. Today was the day he finally decided to stop allowing you to cloud his mind. He was just gonna keep his head down and do his work like always. You didn’t even know he existed. How could he be so obsessed with someone that doesn’t even know he exists. 
His plans were actually starting to work. He managed to actually get some useful notes down on his paper without pausing mid sentence to daydream about how you would look ontop of him. But as the saying goes — all good things must come to an end. His bubble is popped instantly the moment you walk up to him. 
“Hi, my name is y/n” You had this disgustingly bright smile on your face. It wasn’t disgusting because it was a bad smile , it was disgusting because it was so precious that it should be locked away in a safe and hidden from the world. Not just exposed like this in front of so many filthy people. 
“ I know this is probably a rude way of introducing myself. But I’m actually quite new to campus.”
How pathetic he must look right now, he thinks to himself. His mouth is hung open and his eyes are drilling holes into yours. Instead of responding he just stares. Not thinking much of it , you continue 
“Your name is Haechan right? It’s nice to meet you !”  
Taking his limp hand off the desk you intertwine it with yours and shake it before softly placing it back down. 
When you touch him he feels something inside of him jump. He doesn’t know if was his heart or his cock. Or both. 
Still not receiving any response other than a mindless stare, you keep going. 
“I actually came to you for a reason.”
There it goes. What a fool he would be to think you would actually come up to him just because you wanted to be friends. Of course you needed something. 
“I was talking to our professor just a minutes ago. I had to explain to him that I was considering dropping this course. Math isn’t one of my strengths and I just can’t deal with the added stress right now. He interrupted me though and told me that there was actually someone in this class that could help me out a bit. Nd now here I am.” 
You pause taking a moment to try and read his face. Trying to pick out any kind of reaction but you weren’t receiving any. 
“You know , it’s totally fine if you say no. I know this is again , kind of rude and abrupt. If you can’t help I won’t be mad or anythi-“
“No!” He says a little too loud. So loud that a few of the students that were close to him turned their heads quickly just to check if something was wrong. 
“Shit, this is why you don’t have any friends. What kind of response was that?” Internally scolding himself. 
“I-i mean no, it’s totally fine. I would be honored to help you. I-i mean not honored but glad. Honored sounds kind of creepy. A-am I making this weird , fuck you probably think I’m crazy. I promise I’m not it’s jus-“
Cutting him off , you put your hand on his shoulder and give him a comforting look. 
“It’s okay. It’s actually kinda cute.” 
Cute. You just called him cute. Something inside of him jumped again , this time it was definitely his cock. 
“So how about this Saturday at 1 ? We can meet in the park a few blocks down. It’s supposed to be really nice out. I can bring snacks and a blanket. It’s the least I can do considering you’ll be helping me out with something so short notice.” You finish with a smile painted across your face. 
All he can do is nod. Still stuck in a trance , he forces his self to answer. “Y-yea , Saturday is good. I can do Saturday” 
“Great ! See you Saturday Haechan”  
And just like that you disappear. The rest of Haechan’s day was absolutely unproductive. 
When he got home that night, he sprawled across his bed staring at the ceiling in darkness. That same night he jerked himself off with the hand you shook.
Removing his trousers with haste. The little glob of spit wasn’t enough to prevent friction. His hand was moving fast, faster than any other time. He was working so hard that his arm caught a cramp. 
His stomach was burning , knots of pure pleasure —and humiliation— forming. Coaxing himself through orgasm after orgasm. His head started to fog , he could hear his own heartbeat ripping through his ears. Mouth hung open in a silent scream. Thighs twitching , toes curled.
Only when his cock started to burn from the friction, did he finally stop. He fell asleep with his cock still in his hand. The only thing he could see in his dreams was you.  
The rest of the days leading up to Saturday went by like a blur. When the day finally came Haechan found himself sinking in desperation. For some reason the time leading up to your 1’o clock meet up was incredibly slow. He had made sure to take a nice shower with his good body wash that he spent way too much money on. He did his skin care routine , making sure to add an extra step. He even ironed his clothes , something he never does.  
He got to the park 10 minutes early. Although he’s always an early person for no real reason , this time he needed those 10 minutes to prepare himself.
How was he gonna greet you? Was he gonna stumble over his words like an idiot or speak in confidence? How did he look , was his shirt crisp enough? Did he smell fine? 
Just as he started to question himself more you walked towards him. That beautiful smile planted on your face , carrying a few bags and blankets. He was in a trance , and just like that everything he spent 10 minutes thinking about instantly disappeared from his mind. 
You finally reached him and plopped everything down. Leaning in to give him a hug you noticed how stiff he got. Maybe you should’ve asked first , you say to yourself. But little did you know , that small gesture alone sent blood rushing straight to his cock. 
“Fucking hell, get it together.” He says to himself. 
“Hi! I’m sorry for having you wait like this. The bus was taking longer than usual” genuine sorriness lacing your voice. 
“N-no , it’s fine. I wasn’t here that long”. And just like that a loud wave of silence washes over. He’s just staring at you like you have a spider on your forehead.
“Maybe the hug was actually way to much…” You say to yourself. 
“Well… How about we take a seat. I’ll open the blanket.” Breaking the silence. You bend down to start setting up. Shortly after you start, you see the other side of the blanket being spread open. Looking up , you see Haechan bent down to help you. How nice. 
The rest of the studying session goes smoothly. You come to learn that Haechan was indeed , very smart.  You understood everything he was saying , with the exception of some hardcore things. But you weren’t worried , there was always room for another session with him. 
After two long hours goes by , you sit up and pop a few grapes in your mouth. He seems to get the message and turns on his back, leaving the textbook forgotten. 
“Let’s take a break.” You propose. 
“Okay” Lifting himself up to face you , he continues. “I like breaks , breaks are cool.” 
He was so cute , you chuckle silently to yourself. 
“How about we tell each other one thing about ourselves. It can be anything.” 
“O-okay” hesitance evident in his voice. 
“I’ll start… I have this obsession with Kiwis. I know you’re probably thinking that I’m being over dramatic but no. I genuinely cannot go a single day without having one. It could be the middle of the night and I would literally wake myself up just to grab a kiwi , then go back to bed. It’s really weird I know… Actually you’re the first person that I’ve told. I guess today is your lucky day” Finishing off with a giggle. 
He feels like a pervert when the sound of your giggling goes through his ears and runs straight down to his cock. 
Clearing his throat , trying to calm himself down. He starts to speak. 
“My name isn’t Haechan. I mean it is Haechan but my actual name isn’t. It’s Donghyuck , but only my mom calls me that.” 
Donghyuck. What a nice name. It rings in your ears like the sound of wind chimes. 
“Donghyuck.. I like it , I like it a lot actually. Would it be fine if I called you that ?” 
At that moment he became even more obsessed with you than before. If that was even possible.
“Yea. I’d like that actually.” For the first time in a while , his heart is filled with warmth. 
“Well...Donghyuck. This was really nice. I should get going though , it’s getting dark out here and I don’t wanna get caught at the bus stop. How bout we do this again next week? Same place, same time ?” 
“Yes.” Answering almost too quickly. 
“I mean , yes that’s fine with me. Same place, same time.” 
Giving him a nod with a smile accompanying it , you get up. He follows after you, helping you pack up the snacks and the blanket. After you finish you give him one final hug. Leaning up to whisper in his ear. “Thank you again , Donghyuck.” 
And before he gets the chance to react you walk off. Leaving him there in shock with a painfully erect cock in his pants. It takes him 2 minutes to finally move and pick up his backpack from the floor. When he starts walking he almost trips over something. He looks down and it was your perfume. The same perfume that you use in class everyday. The perfume that smells like flower petals with hints of sweet fruit and a pinch of spice. The same perfume that he smelt when you whispered in his ear.
He leans down to pick it up. Staring at it for a few seconds he decides to just put it in his bag. Any normal person would’ve just quickly given it to you considering the bus stop was literally down the street. But Donghyuck is not a normal person. 
That night when he gets home , he does something so perverted. Something he’d never tell a soul about. He pulls out your perfume and sprays it all over his stuffed bear that he won at a raffle. Not even taking the time to get naked , he humps the toy with sloppy, inexperienced thrusts. His glasses fog up from the warmth of the room. His face is sweaty and sticky. He had drool seeping out the corners of his mouth. Mind gone completely blank. 
He came so hard, that he blacked out. 
When he regained consciousness two things were coursing through his mind. One of those things was him praying that his roommate didn’t hear him fucking himself silly. The other thing being that he was in trouble and it was all your fault. 
For the next couple of weeks , the two of you had these study sessions. They had went well and you were actually starting to understand the class. You and Donghyuck got closer too.
Ending every session with a fun fact about yourselves turned into full conversations about anything that crossed your mind. You would talk and he would listen. Thoughts of Donghyuck started clouding your head , even when you two weren’t together. 
Maybe it was because he never judged you for any weird thing you’ve said. Or maybe it was because he would let you talk your heart out — something nobody has ever done , and he would just listen happily. It could’ve also been the way he looks completely heart broken every time you leave him , like he’s worried you will never comeback.
 He’s also pretty attractive as well, soft black hair, beautiful skin, beauty moles that were spread so perfectly across his face and those thick rimmed black glasses. 
When you walked up to his seat in class that day , he assumed that it would just be for another study session. 
“Hi , we’re still on for saturda-“ 
“Do you wanna go out with me?” Cutting him off quickly.
“Like on a date.” You continue. You wait for a response but it takes a while. Maybe he didn’t understand you ?
But Donghyuck definitely understood. He understood so well that he thinks he’s dreaming actually. When the words “go out with me” flowed out of your mouth , his ears started ringing. He forgot how to breathe for a quick second. And for some odd reason he feels tears well up in his eyes. But before you think he’s trying to deny you , he forces himself to respond. 
“Are you asking me out ?”
“Yea I am actually” 
This can’t be right. The girl of his dreams asking him out , this has to be some sick joke. 
“Are you sure you weren’t talking to the person behind me , cause that would make sen-“
“No. I’m asking you, Donghyuck Lee, out on a date with me.” 
The tears were starting to fall now. Not of sadness but instead of Joy and utter happiness.
“Y-yea. I would be honored to go out with you, Like on a date of course.” Bringing his hand up to quickly wipe his cheek before you notice how pathetic he is. 
“Great ! I was thinking Friday , 5’ o clock ? There’s this really good looking burger joint around here.” There goes that beautiful smile again , so bright and big.
“Friday sounds good. I like Friday's …” 
“Good,” Pausing to take a good look at his face, you noticed his eyes were a bit watery. How cute.  “I’ll see you friday then , Donghyuck.” And just like that you disappear once again. 
When Donghyuck gets home that night , he cries in his pillow. He cries because he finally understands what it feels like to not be lonely— something that he’s been for so long. He cries and then humps his stuffed toy once again , until the only thought running through his mind is you. 
Friday came quickly. You two had met up a small little diner in the corner of town as promised. Everything was going perfect. The evening filled with jokes and you laughing at Donghyuck as he was having a mini panic attack after spilling ketchup all over his shirt.
The conversations were flowing so smoothly , it was like you two had known each other your entire lives. 
And yet again as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. 
It was time to head back home but instead of taking the bus like you usually would you and Donghyuck decided to just walk.The entire walk was filled with you two telling each other things that nobody else knew. You felt this weird sense of comfort when you spoke to him. Almost like he was the only person who understood who you really were.
When you approached the front of your building you felt a wave of sadness wash over you. This was truly an amazing night.
“I usually don’t do this after the first date but… there’s just something about you Donghyuck.” For the first time since you met him , you felt nervous.
You were staring at the ground beneath you. You took a few seconds to recollect yourself. What was the worse that could happen? This is Donghyuck. Your sweet , understanding , shy , silly Donghyuck. 
“Donghyuck.. do you maybe wanna go out with me? As like… my boyfriend?” 
Boyfriend. The word boyfriend rang in Donghyuck’s ears. His breathing started getting shallow and his knees buckled a bit. A rush of euphoria washed over him , his mind was racing and his heart was beating out of his chest. The tears welled up in his eyes and started to roll down his pretty face like a waterfall. 
“Y-yea , I’d love that actually” Pausing to sniffle and wipe his face with the sleeve of his shirt. 
“I’d love to be your boyfriend.” 
“Are you okay hyuck ? You’re crying…” There was genuine concern in your voice. 
“N-no I’m fine. Just really really happy.”
What a dork. He was so infatuated with you that he started to cry when you asked him out. You found it endearing that he enjoyed you so much. A smile painted your face. There was an intense silence that enveloped the two of you in a box. It was as if you and Donghyuck were the only people on earth. Basking in each others glory. 
Staring into his captivating eyes you start to inch in closer to his face. Finally planting a soft kiss on his lips. He had completely stopped breathing. When you pulled away he looked absolutely stunned. Cute.
You give him a final look before turning away , walking to the entrance of your building. His eyes following you in silence.
Before you opened the door you turned around to say one last thing. 
“Goodnight , Donghyuck.” And just like that, you disappear. 
After you left him , he stood still in front of your building for 10 minutes. The world was revolving but Donghyuck was absolutely stuck. He needed time to comprehend what just happened , he had to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. 
That night when Donghyuck got home , he cried for a bit. Then he got on Overwatch to tell his buddies that he’d be gone for a while. Finally he sprawled himself out on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Occasionally bringing his hand up to rub over his lips, as if rubbing them would take him back to the moment you placed your soft lips on his. As the night got darker , his eyes got heavy. When he finally fell asleep he had a smile on his face and dreamed of you. 
Everything was perfect. 
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rachalixie · 7 months
my love, mine all mine
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a/n: happy valentine's my angel @astraystayyh and my star @forlix <333 (this is not my best work but be kind to me i wrote it in a rush because i wanted it to be READY FOR YOU TODAY)
hyunjin setting up the perfect valentine's day for you
warnings: fem!reader, 2.3k
genre: fluff, est. relationship
you wake up on valentine’s day the same as you do any other day - a little grumpy, a lot tired, and above all wanting to close your eyes for just a few more minutes. 
it takes you longer to admit to drag yourself into the shower and get dressed, but you give yourself credit for doing it before noon; you weren’t a morning person by nature. 
you didn’t feel any particular way about valentine’s day - you’ve never had a valentine, never been in a serious enough relationship to where you felt it needed to be celebrated. you had whispered this to hyunjin a few days ago, cuddled into his chest at night, but beyond that you hadn’t really thought about it much. 
it seems that hyunjin had, though, seeing as your living room floor was covered in red rose petals. a single, small. pink gift bag sat on the coffee table and you couldn’t help the jaw-aching smile that you were wearing. there was no sign that he was still there, his shoes were absent at the door and the absent-minded humming he habited wasn’t reaching your ears. he must have used the spare key to come in and set this up before work, and the idea of him coming over to do this and letting you sleep in on your day off was so sweet you thought you might get a toothache from it. 
you walk to the center of the room to open the gift, on your tiptoes to avoid stepping on the sweet smelling petals scattered on the carpet. your mouth drops into an O shape when a single piece of paper is revealed at the bottom of the bag. 
put these coordinates into your maps, it reads, and you frown in confusion. you do it, and an address pops up that you’ve never seen before. you assume he wants you to go there, but why? he was at work, wasn’t he?
your short walk there leads you to a coffee shop just a few blocks away from your apartment, a small family-owned one that you had been meaning to try for weeks. it’s cozy, with paper hearts and flowers decorating the place and chalkboard menus advertising sweet sounding valentine’s lattes. 
“this is for you,” the server at the counter tells you as you approach to order, holding out a paper cup and a neatly folded paper bag. you take the items from her, inspecting them carefully. the cup has earl gray tea latte scrawled onto its side, and the bag contains a mouth-watering pastry dotted with bits of almond and chocolate. what is this?
“how much do i owe…?” you look back up at the server as she turns to return to stocking the pastry case, and her ponytail swishes as she faces you. 
“it’s taken care of,” she winks at you, smiling. “someone really loves you, huh?”
“yeah,” your heart swells as you take a seat in the corner of the shop to enjoy your breakfast. “he does.”
you sip on your tea slowly, people watching as the thought of hyunjin rushing here after stopping at your place to give them your order warming you from the inside out. an elderly couple comes in next, hand in hand as they place an order. a young man stops by, holding a bouquet of flowers and blushing as he asks for two strawberry-chocolate mochas. 
several people later, you stand up to recycle the cup and empty paper bag, walking out the door as you take your phone out to send hyunjin an aggressive thank-you text.
“wait!” the server calls after you, and you stop in your steps as she jogs to catch up with you. “i forgot to give you this.”
she stretches her hand out towards you, a small gift bag identical to the one you’d found in your apartment dangling off of her fingers. 
“oh, thank you,” you say, blinking at the bag as she disappears almost as quickly as she came. 
get in the car, it reads. you glance up just as a sleek black sedan pulls up next to you, the tinted passenger side window rolling down to reveal seungmin. 
“what is this?” you pop your head into the window, sending a glare at him as if that would make him talk. if there is anyone who will keep a secret to the death, it’s kim seungmin. 
“the note says to get in the car,” he rolls his eyes, unlocking the door so you could slide in next to him. “we don’t want to be late.”
“late to what?” you ask, but he ignores you in favor of turning the music up. it’s playing a song from your favorite artist, one that you know seungmin doesn’t listen to. 
he rolls the car to a stop on a familiar street downtown and he finally smiles at you as he unlocks the doors again. 
“we’re here,” he says, then exits the car to hop around to your side to open the door for you. “enjoy the rest of your day, madam.”
“what a gentleman,” you tease him, taking his hand as he helps you out of the car. 
“for the woman of honor? it’s my pleasure,” before you could ask him what he meant by honor, he’s hopping back into his car and driving off. 
this is weird. right?
he had dropped you off right in front of your regular nail salon. as you’re waiting by the door, conflicted over whether you should go in or not, one of the technicians opens the door, waving at you to come in. 
“hi,” you greet her, “i was, well. driven here? but i don’t have an appointment.”
“of course you have an appointment,” she grins, white teeth flashing at you. “for right now. come right this way!”
she leads you to a chair, and your favorite tech exits out the staff room in the back and sits across the table from you. 
“hi beautiful,” she says, and the familiarity of her tampers down the overwhelming feeling that had been creeping up on you. “full set, right? what color?”
“oh, i wasn’t really prepared…” you think of your dwindling bank account and grimace. “maybe just polish? dark red, though.”
“oh don’t worry,” she winks at you before getting her materials set up at the station. “it’s been paid in advance.”
as she gets to work on your nails, you can’t help the all-consuming rush of affection that surges through you. when had hyunjin had time to plan all of this? 
you thank everyone profusely once she’s done, marveling at your new set of nails. you’re not as surprised this time when the girl who had waved you in earlier hands you a small, now familiar gift bag. 
the next stop leads you to a hair salon, one that you’ve never been to if only because it was so expensive. designer products lined the walls for purchase, plush leather seats were placed in front of lit up floor to ceiling mirrors - it was like a palace. 
you’re the only customer there, which surprised you. it was valentine’s day, didn’t others want to get their hair done too? 
you couldn’t complain though, especially when the hair stylist asks you what you wanted done and listened to you with rapt attention. the lack of anyone else there was a welcome surprise. 
the stylist washes your hair, the water she uses somehow the perfect temperature for you. her fingers move in expert motions, relaxing you and making you melt into the chair. 
she walks you over to her station and gets started on blow-drying your wet hair, and man approaches with a basket full of makeup. he wordlessly brushes it on, making gentle swiping motions across your eyelids and cheeks that almost feel like hyunjin’s eyelashes fluttering against your skin. 
they work in amazing synchronization, so in tune with one another that you’re a little overwhelmed by the time they finish. 
“you look divine,” the man compliments, high-fiving the hair stylist over your head. 
“like a princess,” the woman nods, turning you towards the mirror and - oh. you do look amazing, soft waves framing your face and neutral tones accenting your eyes. 
“thank you so much,” you gush, marveling at how the blush and highlight adorning your cheeks turn brighter when you smile. 
“it’s our pleasure,” the makeup artist replies, patting your shoulder. “you were wonderful to work on. come back anytime.”
“let me guess,” you can’t help the smile from leaving your face. “it’s taken care of?”
the man nods as the hair stylist hands you the gift bag you were already expecting. 
this time it tells you to cross the street, and a quick glance shows a small row of shops. there’s a tiny number scribbled on the corner of the slip of paper, and it matches up with the number on top of one of the shops. it was a small boutique, less flashy than any of the places you've been directed to all day. 
this stop is more of a quick affair, a young girl greeting you like she knew you and ushering you into a changing room where a shoe box is waiting on a stool and a garment bag hangs on a hook. you unzip it to reveal a beautiful red dress, flowy fabric falling like waterfalls off of the hanger. 
you put it on and it fits you like a well-worn ring, complimenting your figure like it was tailored specifically for you. the heels are a perfect fit too, and you almost feel like cinderella waiting to meet your prince. the girl is waiting outside when you step out, and you feel the urge to hide from her when she fixes you with a scrutinizing look.
“how do i look?” you ask her, and her face breaks out into a beam towards you. 
“you look phenomenal,” she gushes, twirling you around so she could see every angle. “he chose so well, the dress compliments you perfectly.”
“my clothes?” you turn back to get them, but she stops you with a hand on your elbow. 
“don’t worry about them, they’ll get back to you,” she walks you towards the door. “he’s right next door - don’t be late!”
you take a deep breath as you exit the shop, your fingers wringing together with unexpected nerves. why are you nervous? hyunjin had created the perfect day for you - finally seeing him would be the icing on the perfect cake. you push through the nerves as you push open the door, and you cant help but gasp in wonder when you take in the interior. 
it looks like an abandoned storefront, remodeled to make a whimsical scene. there’s strings of fairy lights lining the brick walls, creeping around green vines that make the space look like something out of a storybook. rose petals, the same ones from this morning, line a trail towards a small table in the center of the room. candles shone on top of it, two glasses of freshly poured wine glinting in the firelight, and next to the table is a man who’s been waiting eagerly. 
it’s hyunjin, standing tall with a deliciously fitted suit framing his body and a single rose held in his hand. you walk towards him, your heels clicking on the floor as you try not to trip in your rush to fall into his arms. 
“you did all this? the whole thing?” you ask, willing the tears to stay in your lids as to not mess up your freshly done makeup. out of all the things you’ve done today, getting to stand in the circle of his arms is by far the best part. 
“of course i did,” he rubs a hand up and down your spine, letting the tips of his fingers trace across the zipper there. “i wanted to make this day perfect.”
“i loved it,” you pull away to look him in the eyes. “i love you. i would have loved it if you showed in sweatpants up with takeout too.”
“i know,” he looks at you with an overwhelming amount of fondness brimming in his eyes. “but you’re special. i wanted to do something that showed you how special you are.”
“you’re a real life prince, did you know that?” you lay a light smack on his chest, so overfilled with happiness that you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
“well, if i’m a prince,” he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek, then to your forehead. “then you’re my princess.”
he pulls something out of his pocket and fastens it behind your neck, and you look down as a light weight settles between your collarbones. it’s a necklace, a dainty H hanging off of a chain, a single stone nestled in the middle of the pendant. 
“this is too much,” you pout, much too pleased to actually throw a fuss. you know he loves you, and you know how he loves.
“nothing is too much when it comes to you,” his voice is fragile and honest, and you can’t help but kiss him, giggling when you pull away and he chases after you.
he holds out the chair closest to you and pushes it in for you, dashing to the other side to sit down himself. he drops his hand to the table, upturned with his fingers splayed, and you take the message to intertwine your fingers with his as you take a sip of the sweetest wine that has ever touched your lips. 
he doesn’t let go of your hand for the entire night. 
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
💖 2024 Steddie Fic Recs 💖
@thefreakandthehair and i were talking about how so many of the fics we can name off the top of our heads are from right after the show came out because we were still actively making rec lists back then, so:
in no particular order i present to you an incomplete list of fics i love that were published or completed within the last two months
short fics (<10k)
Found God In A Tomato by @beetlesandstarss 5.7k | rated M | fluff, text fic
syrupy sweet strangers to first date fic. without spoiling anything, eddie is a flustered cutie and steve is a fuckin' menace who's lucky he's so hot
he tightened he grip by @steddieas-shegoes 1.3k | rated E | crack not treated remotely seriously
Mickala beloved your commitment to the bit makes me wanna commit myself to you 💍
Slide It In by gayhandshake 1.8k | rated E | multimedia crack
another truly impeccable work of crack fic, i laughed so hard at the first image that i made it the icon for my private discord server
what's that sound? (there's a funny man at my door) by @jewishrat420 4.8k | rated M | spicy six text fic
laughed out loud at this fic so many times i really don't know what else to tell you. as a matter of fact, i went to look at my bookmark note to see what else i had to say about it when i read it, and my note just says "fucking hilarious i laughed out loud like 6 times" 💀 did not do not will never know what else to tell you except that the phrase "the goyim of gender" just randomly pops into my brain once every four or so days now
medium fics (10-20k)
In the Kitchen or the Tulips by @teddywesworl 44k | rated E | telepathic soulmate AU
this fic said "watch me flip this trope inside out like a freshly cubed half of an avocado" and then DELIVERED. i finished this fic and then stared at the side of my husband's head for long enough that he looked over and went "wtf are you doing" lmao hush baby i am contemplating the implications
they're going to send us to prison for jerks by @greatunironic 16k | rated E | social media AU
okay firstly the premise of this fic is so specifically and delightfully unhinged; love that i'm not the only one who looks at a random tiktok account and manically whispers to myself "there's a fic in there somewhere." secondly the execution is a 10 outta 10 outta 10 outta TEN
long fics (50k+)
Sneaky Link by @morningberriesao3 152k | rated E | onlyfans au
the sex is HOT the boys are dumb as goddamn ROCKS what more do you need? oh, what's that? you do need more? sick because this fic also has: the tags "cum slut eddie munson" and "everyone is gay (because i say so)", chrissy the homophobe slayer being the cutest little spy, and jason getting his ass whooped, like, spiritually. on a spiritual level. physically unharmed but that boy's soul is missing teeth do u understand what i am saying
it was love, love alone read by @reena-jenkins 21min | rated E
am i technically reccing my own fic on my own fic rec list? you bet your sweet ass i am, i don't even care how tacky that is reena's performance is hilarious and deserves to be listened to at least 40 more times while doing the dishes
relax (lay it back) read by @flintandfuss 1hr 10min | rated E | yogi dom steve x sub eddie
listen if i'm already being gauche then i gotta include my internet wife's belated birthday present to me, like i gotta. morally and lustfully obligated.
Schiava by @teddywesworl read by aheada_lettuce 1hr 30min | rated E | kas!eddie AU
said it once already today and i'll say it again, i cannot believe one of the best reading voices i've ever heard belongs to a person i mentally refer to as fucking lettuce LOL anyway this read is incredible and i have listened to it Times(tm)
and lastly, if you want more recs (like, 348 more specifically), you can browse my full list of public st bookmarks here
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a-very-tired-jew · 5 months
Finally got an anti-Zionist definition of Zionism
An Israeli was brave enough to pop into the Dropout Discord’s Palestine channel today (May 5th, 2024) and ask what definition of Zionism they were using. While most people all had the same base of “Jews having their own state in their homeland” every single one of them goes off the rails with their own respective definition and conspiracy.
The first person said this:
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Fig. 1. First person responding to the Israeli gives their definition of Zionism.
Notice that they say Zionism is the idea that Israel is uniquely and solely the rightful homeland of the Jews. This implies that there’s a malicious intent in Zionism towards non-Jews within Israel. This person has likely never heard of Kahanism, but in their mind Zionism and Kahanism are likely the same.
Here’s the second person to respond:
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Fig. 2. Second response uses refers to anti-Zionist. Jews and their supposed definition.
Now, I know a bunch of anti-Zionist Jewish groups and people and I have never heard this particular definition. I’ve only heard this from extreme antisemites who hide behind the guise of being anti-Zionist progressives and actual terrorist groups trying to create a false antisemitic conspiracy narrative. However, this is my own personal experience and this could be the case, as the user says this is what is said in their circles. And if it’s true then it’s a conspiracy driven alt reality version of things as it denies all evidence to the contrary. There are whole levels to this that ignore the non-Jewish Israelis, the rights that they have in Israel, their representation in the government, and so on.
and the third person to respond is someone I’ve talked about before. This is the Jew who claims they were indoctrinated and all their elders are brainwashed and just need to “open their eyes to the truth.”
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Fig. 3. Third response from a user who expands on Fig. 1. User’s definition and adds their own conspiracy.
I want to point out that this token Jew who believes others are indoctrinated actively believes the Israeli is making it so only Jews can be citizens. This is not any policy I can find, nor is it something I’ve seen even talked about outside of the most extremist elements. I think they’re referencing the 2018 stuff about Jews having the right to self determination, setting Hebrew as the National language, and government endorsement of settlers. But that’s far from the Israeli government and Zionism stating that Israel is for Jews and only Jews, and active programs to remove non-Jews. It’s something that, once again, would only come from antisemitic groups who want to generate strife through a particular narrative.
These are the definitions that they’re working with and/or believe. It’s no wonder you can’t actually talk to these activists because these definitions are laced with rhetoric from terrorist groups and antisemites. There’s traces of Jewish supremacy, world control, and other tropes throughout, and what’s sad is that a self confessed Jewish person believes it. Not only do they believe it, they’ve been extremely vocal in the server about it. They have so much to unpack that I can’t imagine what brought them to this level of conspiratorial thinking regarding Jews and Zionism.
It takes a lot of work to get people to see their conspiracy theories for what they are and that they’ve been misled. It’s easier to fall into them than to crawl out of that hole and realize you’ve been radicalized. That takes time, self reflection, and often a big “oh shit” moment, which may or may never happen.
At this point I’m just documenting how radicalized the people in the Dropout TV Discord are and how many of them believe in antisemitic conspiracies and downright falsities. Maybe they’ll do something about it one day, but I doubt it.
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boozenboze · 1 year
Take A Sip But Don’t Spill It TF 141 x Male reader Summary:After joining the Military at 16, and becoming an irreplaceable hacker, M/n ended up leaving the Military after an incident with his old team. 4 years had passed since then and the man had acquired a job at a well known bar in a downtown area. During the 141’s mission, they were in need of a hacker due to the new mission they had been called to. After a lot of digging, Laswell was able to find the location of the once known soldier who went by Tech.
Fun fact: M/n (you) joined the Military at the same age and time as Gaz :)
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
“Hey can I get another shot over here!” A voice rang through the bar as the bartender approached. His fancy attire made his e/c eyes pop under the mood lights throughout the bar. The man poured the shot before returning to the main area where he would greet people. The man wiped of a few tables when a woman walked in, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. The h/c haired male then went to the front and stood inside the cocktail lounge.
“Hello what can I do for you today?” The man asked as he grabbed a glass.
“Yeah can I get a shot of whiskey and vodka mixed together?” The blonde asked as the h/c haired man looked at her confused
“Ma’am I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The server said looking the woman in the eye. “Mixing a dark and a clear liquor together will make you feel s-“
“Just give me the drink.” The woman cut the server off looking annoyed
The server was heavily annoyed but went ahead and made the drink. He gave the drink and the woman put her payment on a tab. She walked away and went by a group of girls who seemed to be her friends. The server sighed while preparing some more glasses to be put to use.
“You said that he’d be here Laswell.” Price questions, skeptical if they had come to the right place. Soap and Gaz looked at the fancy looking building with sparkles in their eyes. Laswell and the 141 had been searching for a certain someone. M/n 'Tech' L/n, ex hacker and very skilled man. He was the best in his time, being the same age as Gaz when he joined the Military. He gained his code name because of his skills, and his fast working coding. That's the purpose of the 141 and Laswell being where they are now. After a lot of digging, Laswell learnt that Tech had a job at a popular bar.
“To say this guy was in the military, it’s quite shocking that he works at a place like this.” Gaz said as Soap chuckled
“Maybe he’d give us a discount.” The Scot replies playfully as Ghost sighed at their antics.
“Listen up, we came here for one thing, we convince this guy to help us, get into those bastards system and go our separate ways. Clear?” Price said as he looked at everyone with a serious demeanor.
“Yes sir.” The men and Laswell then made their way inside. The place had a nice interior and exterior design, you wouldn’t have thought it was a bar.
“This place looks fancy…” Gaz said as he looked at all the neon lights that’s changed color every so often. The smell of liquor and beer was the most prominent scent and it gave them all an itch to have a drink.
“Ok let’s split up, I’ll go by myself, Gaz and Price you two stay together. Ghost and Soap, same to you.” Laswell said as she looked at them all.
“Yes ma’am.” Soap said sarcastically as he began walking in another direction, Ghost followed close behind him. Gaz and Price moved to where some of the seats were before sitting down. They tried to look like any regular guests, not wanting to foil their current task.
Laswell approached the bar, seeing at least 2-3 bartenders at work. She was looking for a specific man, with h/c hair and e/c eyes. She approached a stool and sat down, waiting to see who would serve her. A good 8 minutes went by before a well dressed bartender approached. His suit looked fresh and crisp, having no wrinkles whatsoever. His h/c hair was well kept, and looked neat as well.
“Welcome to ******* I will be your server for today.” The man asked as he wiped off the inside of a glass before placing it down. He didn’t look at her until he placed the glass down and looked up. A look of surprise could be seen on his face upon seeing Laswell.
“Um…what can I get for you..?” The man said, shock still on his face as he approached the bottles.
“Just a beer would do.” Laswell said as she watched the h/c haired male prepare the beer. He looked pretty calm to say the least, but shock was still clear on his face.
“How’ve ya been M/n?” Laswell questions as she took a sip of the beer. Her eyes locking with M/n's e/c eyes, as he let out a chuckle.
"Alright...for the most part, people here can be quite shitty. But hey, I digress, how have you been Kate?" M/n asked as he looked at the dirty blonde woman. Laswell smiled at him but her facial expression turned full blown serious as she looked at the ex-soldier.
"I'd be fine...if the enemy wasn't stealing information from the Military's data base." Laswell said while looking M/n dead in the eye. M/n looked at her in shock and confusion, if that was happening right now why was she at the bar. Shouldn't she be working on finding the fuckers who were stealing their intel?
"Kate...shouldn't you be working on finding the bastards, and not be drinking at the pub?" M/n asked as he took Laswell's finished glass of beer before setting it aside and crossing his arms. The veins in his arms and hands were visible and those who were close enough to see were drooling over him.
"I have located them..., but we need a guy who has had experience with coding and well, hacking." Laswell said as she looked M/n in the eye. The e/c eyed man looked nervous now, was she trying to recruit him into the mission?
"I-uh Laswell i'm not in the military anymore.." M/n said as he walked to the employees only room. Laswell followed close behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder, making him turn around.
"You can be, plus M/n there's a 50% chance that this mission won't go smoothly without you, I know you've been off the field for 4 years but that doesn't change the fact that you used to be a soldier. A great one at that." Laswell said to M/n trying to convince him, "I know that somewhere in that stubborn head of yours Tech is still there, and that your skills are something you of all people could never lose."
"Laswell I-" M/n was cut off by Laswell saying
"We need you M/n."
M/n looked at her for a few moments before going inside of the employees only room. Laswell stood there, now hearing some approaching footsteps behind her. The rest of the group were now standing behind her, wanting to know what was happening.
"So..what'd he say?" Soap asked as he looked at Laswell, his gaze occasionally shifting to the door that M/n had walked through.
"Nothing, i'm just waiting to see if he'll consider helping us.” Laswell said as she stared at the door with hope in her eyes. M/n walked out the room with a bag that contained his laptop and a few other gadgets.
“Alright, hurry up so we can get this done…” M/n’s voice dragged when he saw the 4 men behind Laswell
“I-Uh…who are they?” M/n asked as his gaze shifted between the men and Laswell. He was quite interested and also intimidated by the me.(Mainly Ghost)
“Task Force 141, but you can introduce yourselves later we have a mission to do.” Laswell said as she looked between M/n and the others. She could see the way Soap was staring at Tech’s attire, and even the others had to admit that the s/c skinned male looked good.
“Eye’s on the target, get in position.” Price said as he looked through the scope on his sniper. He had his eyes on the main man that they were after, the same guy who had been stealing their intel. Gaz and Soap were inside, hiding and making their way through the building. They took down any enemies that would possibly get in their way as they kept moving. Ghost and Tech were on the rooftop, Tech doing what he did best as Ghost sat their sniping down any enemies that were getting to close to Soap and Gaz.
The sound of typing could be heard as Tech hacked into the buildings systems. He shut the lights off in the lower half of the building and short circuited the automatic doors. Tech worked fairly quickly as he began messing with the computer bases that the enemy was using. Every time Tech hacked into the enemies devices they would get flashed by a bright light that stunned them for a period of time.
“You seem pretty good at that Tech.” Gaz said over his radio as he did a takedown move on an enemy.
“I’m in the zone right now don’t disturb me.” Tech said as his fast typing remained the same. Ghost glanced over at the other man who was still nicely dressed. Tech had insisted that he’d be alright without any proper gear, considering that he wouldn’t be getting close enough for the enemy to be able to shoot and try and attack him.
Something that had immediately attracted Ghost to Tech was his hands. Tech may not have been taller than Ghost himself but the veins in Tech’s fast moving hands were something Ghost failed to not look at.
The mission was coming to an end, Soap and Gaz had cornered the main man behind all the stolen info, and they were now detaining him.
“Nice job sergeant.” Ghost said as he looked over at Tech who had shut down his computer. The man stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles, his veins popping out more as he did.
Ghost found himself staring at Tech’s hands for far to long before saying.
“You work out a lot?” Ghost asked as he and Tech made their way down the building that they had set up on.
“I do, not that much though. I usually just do it to stay toned ya know?” Tech said as he and Ghost descended the buildings stairs. Ghost hummed, realizing that he usually didn’t make small talk with people he didn’t know. Tech must have been different from most if he somehow got Ghost wanting to talk to him.
The two then stuck to silence as they went to regroup with the others.
“You did good out there M/n, great job.” Laswell complimented as she walked to M/n’s side.
“Heh, thanks….Laswell.” M/n responded nervously as he sat in the back of the truck that they had arrived in. Gaz was driving, listening in on Tech and Laswell’s conversation.
“Imagine how this thing would’ve ended if we didn’t have your help mate.” Gaz said as he looked at Tech through the rear view mirror.
“What made you quit anyway?” Soap jumped in, looking at Tech with curiosity in his face and tone.
Tech was now quiet, as if he had been sworn to silence as to way he drafted from the Military. The tension in the truck was high, so…thick to the point that it could be cut with a knife. Price cleared his throat, attempting to break the silence as he glanced over at Tech who was now holding his pistol. He seemed to be relishing how he used to always use the gun before his sudden departure.
“So uhh….would you like to join again? The Task Force I mean.” Price questions, his voice holding a serious tone while he continued to look at the road before them. The sound of the ac and the tires were again the loudest thing.
“I mean…I don’t know. I’ve been off the field for 4 years now…” Tech said as he glanced outside of the window. He recalled the day of the incident in full detail. Having endured 5 gunshot wounds, and still having the spirit to finish hacking the enemies lockdown system so he and his team could escape. You could have imagined how betrayed and hurt he was when he heard his team talk and execute on the plan of leaving him behind. That was something that stuck in the back of his mind since he left, and the fact that Price was trying to offer him a spot in the Task Force scared him a bit.
“You’d be a great addition to the team, and, look I don’t know what happened back then that made you quit but guess what.” Price said as he sat up and glanced at everyone in the truck, all of them besides Tech knowing what he was about to say.
“No one fights alone.” Price concluded, earning a nod from everyone in the truck besides Tech. The words seemed to have struck something in Tech as his eyes lit up for a moment.
Even if the words were or weren’t true, they did instill some type of hope in Tech’s spirit. He now had a choice to make.
Join the Task Force 141 or Don’t
A/n-Heyy…. How y’all doin? Expect to see more of me again 😁😅. Also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
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squoxle · 4 months
Secret Obsession 𓆩♡𓆪 P.WB 18+
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✰ pairing: pervy!professor!wonbin x camgirl!student!fem!reader | ✰ wc: 4.6k | ✰ cw: MDNI!!! heavily sexual content…literally porn bro | ✰ plot: since your first year of college, you've had a side gig to earn extra cash. during one of your streams, you meet an interesting new user catches your attention.
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You watched the comments as they appeared on your stream.
"Please take off your shirt for me, baby. Oh my god...ur so sexy. Take it off for Daddy. Turn around so I can see it from the back."
A part of you enjoyed the attention you received from your little side hustle, but the real reason you did this was to fund your education--or more realistically...your housing.
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You leaned back on your bed, spreading your legs as you reached your fingers down to toy with your wetness.
"Fuck baby. ur so wet. i wanna see u abuse that little cunt."
A notification popped up on the side of the screen alerting you to perform a paid request. Someone was paying 80 dollars to watch you finger yourself. That was a hefty amount to say that your viewers were already paying a subscription--and you were gonna end up doing that anyway.
You first inserted one finger to get you started before slipping a second finger in. You pulled them back and forth, grazing your g-spot every so often.
"I wish I was fucking u with my dick rn. Faster baby, please. I'm already so close."
You felt the buzzing from your remote-controlled vibrator beside you. "Oh, I guess someone really wants me to use my toy, huh?" you chuckled lightly. You knew that paying to control the vibrations on your toy costs $150 for 10 minutes.
"yes, please. I wanna see u cum all over your sheets."
You reached over to grab the smooth toy before pushing it into your pussy. You didn't have enough time to stretch yourself, but your viewers liked to hear you struggle. "Ngh!" you groaned.
"If you squirt I'll give you 100 dollars. Cum for me baby. God ur so fucking tight. Let me fuck u one time plz."
The squelching sounds of your wet pussy coupled with your soft moans filled the room as a creamy substance coated the toy. The vibrations intensified causing you to tightly close your legs. You felt your pussy clench around the toy as you came closer to your high.
"open ur legs baby I wanna see u fucking that cunt. i would eat your pussy till you cry. ur moans make me so fucking horny."
Another notification popped up, requesting that you use the rose toy on your clit while you keep using the vibrator. It was 50 dollars, not much, but it was a simple request. Your chest heaved as you pressed the toy against your clit.
Your legs trembled as you climaxed. Fortunately, you were able to secure that extra hundred as you squirted.
"Okay, guys," you said as you slowly caught your breath. "That's it for today."
"aww. please can you just cum one more time."
"I really have to go right now, but I'll be back soon," you smiled. Even though your face was completely hidden you still gave your usual expressions. You waved as the viewers left your server one by one.
The last one there was someone new. This was the same guy...or girl that had been giving you all of those paid requests.
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Username: Darkomen302
They had a mysterious vibe about them and you wanted see if there was any inkling to who they were on their profile. Every now and then, a client caught your eye. So this was nothing new.
Their age was listed as "old enough to be here" which meant that they had been verified, but chose to keep that detail anonymous. The bio was even more useless. "I'm the demon you can't stop dreaming about."
No profile picture, no name, no age...this was unlike anything you ever experienced.
A fairy-like tone chimed from your laptop indicating a new message from your secret admirer.
"How much for a private call?"
"It depends on what you want to do," you replied.
"Okay, well I want to watch you play with yourself."
"That'll be $200. I can add it to your subscription if you want."
"What do you mean?"
"I can just update your account. You'll have to pay a little more though."
"That's okay, I'll take it."
You watched as the banner on his account changed from silver to gold, indicating that he had upgraded his account.
"That was fast," you thought to yourself.
"I wish I could call you right now, but I have somewhere to be," they messaged.
"That's alright. Maybe we can do it some other time."
"How about tonight?"
Their eagerness was slightly off-putting, but you've dealt with stranger clients.
“Okay, sounds good. How about somewhere around 9 o’clock my time?”
“What time is it for you now?”
“It’s 2:15pm right now.”
“Oh, well it looks like we’re in the same time zone. See ya then,” he sent a winking emoticon before going offline.
You closed your laptop and got dressed for your first day of class. When you researched your anatomy professor, not a single picture came up.
This wasn't entirely off-putting given that he was a new professor.
Living on campus definitely had it's perks. You were just a few steps away from all of your classes, which meant you didn't have to get up as early to be on time. But it also made you lazy for the same reasons.
You pulled your bag over your shoulder as you walked into the classroom.
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"Good evening, class. My name is Wonbin Park, but you will address me as, Professor Park," he announced as he wrote his name on the board. "Or Mr. Park, Dr. Park, Professor P. It's fine with me so long as it's formal."
"No fucking way," you whispered to yourself as you thought back to the first time you unintentionally met your professor...
"Oh my god, he's so fucking hot," you heard one girl whispering to her friend next to you.
"Have some fucking decorum," another student spat at them. "You can talk like that after class...no one wants to hear that stupid shit."
"We're not even talking that loud, relax," one of the girls spat back at him.
"So? I'm telling you right now that if the genders were reversed you'd be saying some shit like that's so disgusting, guys are dogs."
"Whatever," You watched as the girl rolled their eyes at his remark, but he wasn't wrong. They could at least wait till he's not around to talk about him.
"As much as I love to see some good peer interaction, I'd prefer if I could teach today's lesson without the distractions. It makes it kinda hard to focus, not only for me but for others in the class," he smiled as he looked over to your section of seats.
"As I was saying," he turned back to the board "This is just an introductory class to anatomy. A brief overview of what you'll see in some of your later courses like biology and microbiology."
You wrote a few copious notes about the content covered in class. Mainly the contact information, grade system, late work policy, and exam dates. Stuff you thought was too important to forget. You didn't really like asking questions so this should be helpful.
"Alright, everybody. Let's have a little social lesson. I have a cup of popsicle sticks up here by me. Grab one stick and this little prompt sheet. Then go find your partner to mingle with for the next 10 minutes and come back here so we can do one more round," he said walking behind his desk.
After everyone had pulled a stick there were still a few left over. So the professor offered to join the game for the last round before class ended.
"God I hope I get to be his partner," one of the girls who sat next to you whispered, clasping her hands together.
Ironically, you were the one who got paired up with him instead of her. You scanned over the list, thinking of a reply to each of them.
What's your name?
How old are you?
Where are you from/hometown?
What is something that makes you stand out?
What's your major?
Do you have any siblings/pets?
What's your favorite food/drink?
Do you have any hobbies/special talents?
"How about you ask the first question," he smiled.
"Umm...I don't really know which one to ask first," you chuckled shyly.
"Okay, then I'll start. What's your name?"
"_____ _____."
"Now, it's your turn to ask me a question. Since you already know my name, you'll have to pick something else."
"Hmm...how old are you?"
"22," he replied before you proceeded to fill out the rest of the sheet with his answers.
"Can I ask you a question that isn't on this paper?"
"Umm, sure...depending on what it is."
"I'm just curious to know how you became a college professor at such a young age.
"Well I started college pretty early and I took quite a few AP courses in high school which gave me a head start."
"What made you want to teach anatom--" you were cut off by the timer on his phone. The real questions you wanted to ask him would have to wait until later. This wasn't really the time or place for a conversation like that.
"Maybe we can talk more during my office hours," he smiled before signaling everyone to go back to their desks and gather their things.
"Before you guys leave, come by my desk to grab a copy of the syllabus. It's short and will serve as your guide throughout the semester. Please look at the syllabus before you contact me with any questions because you might already have your answer," he said as shuffling sounds filled the room of about 50 students.
You were the last one in line to grab your copy, you didn't really like pushing through people, so going last was a safe option. You still managed to catch a glimpse of the same two girls from earlier giving the professor blowjob eyes as they took the paper from his hands.
You couldn't deny the fact that he was obviously attractive, but these girls were a little over the top, to say the least, and you were certain their subtle actions would escalate in the following classes.
You took your paper and smiled softly as you met his eyes. There was something about the way he looked at you that made your heart skip a beat.
But you refused to be anything like those other girls. Plus you never really needed any extra credit activities. You were smart enough to pass on your own.
Lucky for you, this was the only class you had for today. Which meant that you could go straight home after this 2-hour lecture.
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As soon as you made it back to your room, you remembered that you had to do another live stream for your female viewers today. So you prepped yourself for some classic pillow fun.
"Hey, ladies. D'you miss me?" you asked as you came into frame. They often liked to watch you change, which was difficult because you had to keep your face out of view.
"I've been waiting for this all day. I wish I could help you undress."
You stretched your body to pull your shirt over your head, revealing your bra--that you planned to keep on, especially since you were wearing a brand new panty set. You always let the ladies be the first to see.
"The way I would throw you onto that bed and eat you out till you beg me to stop. I'd kill to be your roommate."
You moved the camera to face your bed as you straddled your fluffy white pillow. Just as you began moving your hips back and forth against the plush fabric, your comments were blowing up with requests for you to show your boobs.
"play with your nipples for me, baby."
Even though you didn't really want to take off your bra you did it anyway.
"Oh my god! Fuck yes! ur tits are so perfect."
*Bing* your laptop chimed as a text from your new friend popped up.
"Are we still on for tonight?"
You obviously couldn't respond in the middle of your stream so you just ignored it until a eye-catching comment caught your attention.
"Darkomen302 has joined your stream..."
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You continued the rest of your stream, as usual--getting off before thanking your viewers. You were curious as to what all this Darkomen user wanted to do.
"Yeah, we're still on. Sorry, I couldn't respond earlier...I was in the middle of a stream."
"Oh, I saw. You did pretty good by the way."
"Thanks lol. So did you want to just get started now?"
"Yeah sure, just let me finish up something real quick."
"Okay," you texted before closing your laptop.
It had been about 10 minutes before you came back online. You checked your student emails as you waited for a message from your secret admirer.
An email from Professor Park just came in about his office hours and other windows of availability...
Good evening, Miss _______.
It was really nice getting to know a little bit about you today. I'm glad we got paired up. Below are my preferred office hours, but you can contact me anytime using either my work email or personal phone number. (Mon-Thu 4-5pm) (Fri 4-5:30pm) (Sat-Sun 10-11am)
Make sure you stay on top of your assignments and take good care of yourself. I hope you have a good rest of your evening. Can't wait to see you again next week.
Sincerely, Professor Park.
Email Sent: Today 18:21pm
"Okay, well how about we go out for dinner tonight around 8--unless you're busy. In that case, we can just reschedule. Nothing too formal. I just have a few more questions," you responded.
"Sounds great! You can meet me in my office. I'll be working a little longer today."
Before you got a chance to respond to your professor a videocall notification from Darkomen302 popped up on your screen.
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"Sorry, if I seem a little pushy. I just couldn't wait until later. I kinda have something planned tonight," they typed.
"That's okay. I'll make sure you finish quickly," you smiled. "Just tell me what you want me to do." You were wearing only an oversized t-shirt and the same panties from earlier.
"Okay, well can you sit back a bit. Just so I can get a better view of your pussy."
You did just as they requested, sitting back to spread your legs in front of the camera before circling your clit.
"Did you want to turn your mic on? It might make telling me what to do a little quicker," you suggested. A part of you was eager to at least know this user's gender. Mainly to give you an idea of what you were dealing with.
"Yeah, sure. But I can't talk too loud."
"That's fine," you said as you continued to toy with your clit.
"Can you hear me good enough?" he asked as he switched his mic on.
"Mmm yeah. I can hear you perfectly," something about his voice seemed familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint it just yet. "Did you wanna turn your camera on too? That way I can watch you cum too."
"Don't worry. You can keep it titled down just so I can see your dick," as often as you did this, having a little extra visual stimulation always made things better.
"Okay," you heard a bit of shuffling before his camera finally came on. You watched as he stroked himself through his pants.
"Oh my god, that looks so good," you hummed as you slid your fingers down to gather some of your slick.
He gripped his hard dick through his hands as you stroked his ego telling him how much seeing his clothed dick was getting you excited.
"D'you wanna see it?" he asked as his hands travelled to his belt.
"Yes, daddy. Please show me," you watched as he pulled out his hard veiny cock. You jammed your fingers into your pussy, coating them in your juices as you pumped them in and out.
"Ugh, fuck baby. Fuck that pussy good for daddy. I wanna see you cum for me," he groaned.
"Ngh, I want you to imagine fucking me like a good little slut," you said before pausing to spit on your slit. "Tell me all the nasty things you want to do to me."
"I wanna throw you over my desk and fuck you until you beg me to stop," he hummed as he began stroking his dick. "And after I make you cum all over my dick, I wanna put you on your knees and fill your mouth with my cream," he pumped faster.
"Mmm yes, fuck my throat and claim me," you reached for your dildo. This was getting more exciting than you thought.
"I wanna jerk off between your tits while you wear my glasses," you were quickly approaching your climax as you watched him beat off with those veiny hands.
"I'm so close," you moaned.
"Just hold out for a little longer. I'm almost ready," he moaned as he tugged at his dick some more. You listened to his eager whimpers as he came closer to finishing.
You slowed down a bit to give him some time as lewd sounds filled the room. For the first time, you wished he was here to really please you. To rip your pussy apart and fuck you just the way he wanted. Using you as his little fucktoy.
"Ngh~ Are you wearing a bra?"
"Show me your tits," he spat. "Right fucking now," his aggression was turning you on so much right now that you didn't even blink before pulling your shirt up to expose your tits.
"Ugh, fuck!" he swore. "You're so fucking hot. Ahh fuck! I'm gonna cum," he moaned as white cream shot out from his tip. You watched as it dripped down his fingers.
He continued stroking himself as he waited for you to finish.
"Fuck," you hummed. "We should do this more often."
"Yeah, you definitely help at relieving a lot of pinned up stress," he chuckled softly reaching across his desk to grab a tissue.
"And I didn't know you wore glasses."
"Only when I'm working."
"Sorry, but do you mind if I ask what kind of job you have?"
"No, that's fine. I just teach at a university."
"You seem kinda young. How old are you?"
"Well, I can't answer that question for obvious reasons, but I'm younger than 30. This might sound kinda weird but you actually remind me of one of my students."
"Oh, do I?"
"Yes, the first time I saw her was in the bookstore. I helped her grab something from the top shelf, and she dropped it on the ground when I handed it to her. Then we both reached down to pick it up, and I bumped into her from behind which made her moan a little. Next thing I know, we're fucking in a single-stall bathroom. I never saw her again after that...until I started teaching of course. A little bit before that was when I stumbled upon your streams."
Either this was the biggest coincidence ever or Darkomen302 was your professor.
"Oh wow, that sounds like something out of a movie," you chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess so. Well, I gotta go now. We should definitely do this again though. I had a lot of fun with you."
"Same here," you smiled before ending the call.
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You thought back to the first time you saw him today in class. A flashback of his face decorated by the golden sun rays popped into your head.
It was everything from the way he spoke to you to the way he scanned your body with his eyes that told you exactly what was on his mind. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way.
When you felt his hard cock press into your ass, all common sense left your mind as lust took over. You locked eyes with him before tilting your head in such a way to tell him that you wanted to go somewhere private.
Yes, this was stupid. Yes, this was reckless. But you wanted him more than anything in that moment.
You thought back to the way he lifted you onto his hard veiny dick and shoved every inch deeper into you. You could hear his breathing pick up as he fucked you harder and faster.
He gripped at your body as he pleasured himself. He helped you ride out your high by stimulating your clit before you dropped to your knees and swallowed every last drop of his seed.
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You fastened your chain as you finished getting dressed for your date with your professor. As instructed you headed straight to his office to meet up with him.
*Knock, knock, knock*
You knocked on his door before he called out, "Come in."
You walked in sheepishly, not entirely sure why you felt this way all of a sudden. To be fair, it felt like the universe kept pulling you together in different ways.
"I'm glad you came," he smiled.
"So when were you gonna tell me that you were a teacher," you asked as you stood in front of his desk.
"Heh, it was kinda hard to do that with your tongue down my throat," he replied. "I didn't even get your name until now," he smiled.
"Hmm...I guess you're right."
"Are there any other questions you'd like to ask me?" he asked as he stood up.
"Yes," you began. Though a million questions raced through your mind, only one managed to come out. "Do you like pasta?" you cringed at yourself, trying your best to hide your emotions, but it was of no use. He could see it all over you.
"Pasta?" he laughed. "Of course I do, but I had that yesterday and I'm kinda in the mood for a steak. I know a really nice restaurant we could go to."
"Umm, I--"
"Don't worry. They sell plenty of pasta," he chuckled, slinging his crossbody bag over his shoulder, before walking over to you.
You watched his movements in shock, your mouth slightly gaped open. "Well, come on. Let's go," he smiled, patting you on the shoulder before opening his office door. "I'll take you in my car."
You rubbed your thighs together as you sat next to him in the passenger seat. You couldn't take your eyes off of the bulge in his pants. You knew he wasn't fully hard at the moment, but you couldn't shake the thought of his dick in your mouth.
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When he pulled up to the venue you almost thought it was a hotel from the outside. You followed him in to see an extremely formal dining setting. For a second you felt a bit underdressed as you sat next to Wonbin in the red semi-circle booth, but that all disappeared when you felt Wonbin's hand grip your thigh.
Your eyes jumped up at him. Instead of responding, he just gave you a look with his eyes. Lustful and sirenic. This was a look you knew too well.
"Good evening. My name is Andre, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Would you guys like me to start you off with anything? Maybe some bread? Or water?"
"Umm, how about some chardonnay?" Wonbin replied, still stroking your thigh.
"Alright. And what can I get for the lady?"
"Mmm," you struggled to hold back a moan as he reached his fingers between your folds, pressing against your clit.
"She'll have the same," Wonbin smiled as the waiter wrote down your order.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go start working on those drinks now. The menus are right here whenever you're ready to order something else," Andre smiled before tucking his notepad into his apron.
Just as the waiter walked far enough away, Wonbin pressed into you again. "Agh," you bit your lip.
"You're already wet," he smirked. "You must've been thinking about some nasty things, huh?" he continued, massaging your clit.
"Here you are, sir," Andre returned with a frosted bottle of white wine sitting in a small tub of ice and two champagne glasses. "I'm not sure if you wanted the whole bottle or not," he started.
"Oh, yes. This is perfect. Thank you," Wonbin said as he placed the items on the table.
"Alrighty, well just let me know if you need anything else."
"Of course," Wonbin smiled as Andre walked away again. The waiter also left behind a small tray of fresh and frozen grapes. Wonbin picked one of them up and teased your clit with the icy fruit, coating it in your wetness.
He then popped the cold fruit into his mouth. He picked up another one which slipped out of his fingers and onto the floor. "Oops," he smirked, before sliding under the table.
"Mmph!" you yelped, covering your mouth as you felt his tongue lap at your pussy. "Mmm," you stifled your moans as he sucked and tongue fucked you.
You felt him pull back and blow cool air on your wet lips before climbing back into his seat with the grape in his hand. "I got it," he smiled.
You barely even heard what he said as you looked at him with desperate eyes. Just like earlier, your expression spoke louder than your words as you practically begged for what happened next.
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"Follow me," he whispered before standing up and heading to a section toward the back of the restaurant. You hesitantly followed him to a red curtain that concealed a hidden V.I.P. section.
There he brought you to a private room. "This'll be a little more comfortable than a bathroom," he smirked.
He locked the door behind you as you stood in the center of the room, just waiting to be destroyed.
"One more time wouldn't hurt," you though to yourself.
"Make as much noise as you want, baby. Nobody can hear you," Wonbin huffed as he pumped into you. The lewd sounds from your pussy, mixed with your breathless moans.
"AHH," you screamed as he clamped down on your tit, sucking it hard enough that you were sure to wake up with a mark.
After this, you were completely done with him. Right?
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he spat as you moaned into his ear. He doubled down and started fucking you so hard and fast that you just went completely silent. Your mouth gaped open as the sounds of your skin slapping together took the place of your moans.
You did not want to become the girl who fucks her professor.
He turned you over, placing you on your hands and knees as he plowed into you from the back. You whined as he stimulated your clit while fucking you. You could feel his whole body engulfing you as he fucked you senseless.
"Yeah, baby. Just like that," he groaned, ripping his dick out to spit on your pussy before forcing in two of his fingers. You squirted a little as he stimulated your g-spot.
He pushed you down onto your side, lifting on leg over his shoulder as he fucked you some more.
"God, you're pussy is so fucking tight," he hummed.
You could get in so much trouble...and he could lose his job. Was it really worth it?
"Ngh," you hummed as he slowed down to give you long, hard, and deep strokes. He pulled out to spill his cum all over your stomach as you laid there with your pussy throbbing from the constant fucking.
He leaned down to kiss you on your cheek as he glided his dick between your folds.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @addictedtohobi @chaenqen @nikisvanillaccola @hynjinnn1 @melobin @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @blooqz @adoresohee @billiondollarworth @youaremystarlight @wonbinisbabygurl @neotechclub @seesawh @cherihani @cartimitsuya @iceprincesgf @skywaslavender @mei-sunshine52 @sunnynearthecoast @ylukl5 @cake1box @bahraini-aphrodite @hwadejectedyoung @wonbinkisser
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Ella Toone
“Jesus Christ love I didn’t know you could hit like that”
Rage room 🙂🔥
rage room II e.toone
"baby! i love ya so much but please hurry up." the mancunian groaned, twirling her keys around on her pointer finger. "el we are literally not booked in until three and it's only eleven thirty." you laughed at her impatience from the bedroom.
"yeah but we're gettin our nails done and then goin for lunch and then the rage room at three. we're on a tight schedule here woman chop chop!" the midfielder clapped, popping her head through the doorway with a raised eyebrow.
"sorry! i'll hurry up love." you made a point to bend down and lace your sneakers in slow motion, ella leaning against the door frame with a long and annoyed groan.
"i'm getting grey hairs here man." your girlfriend huffed with a shake of her head, smacking your hands away and kneeling down lacing up your shoes for you.
"sure babe you can borrow my jordans, thanks for askin." ella mocked sarcastically as you grinned. "sure love you can borrow my prada sunglasses, thanks for askin." you quipped back as the smile was wiped from her face.
"fair point. come on then!" she took your hand and pulled you to your feet. "baby!" ella moaned as you dug your heels in just to annoy her further, trudging slowly across the living room.
"you're such a fuckin wind up!"
"thank you for today el, its been perfect." you smiled sincerely, sat across from your girlfriend at your favorite japanese restaurant, leaning across and meeting her lips in a sweet kiss. "anything for you and that gorgeous smile baby." ella flirted charmingly as you shook your head.
"if only you were this smooth when you asked me out the first time." you teased as ella's cheeks flushed bright red. "you promised to stop bringin that up!" ella whined burying her face in her hands.
you'd transferred to united from bristol city two years ago and ella had been enamored by you from the moment you stepped foot into the locker room with a shy wave, a little taken aback by how forward and friendly the entire team was.
her best friends very quickly picking up on the developing crush she'd been relentlessly bullied into eventually asking you out on a date. though with half the team well aware of her feelings and the lingering fear of rejection she'd been a nervous wreck.
the words got jumbled up together and her attempt to ask you just for coffee wound up with her asking you to buy her a coffee and you leaving with a confused nod, showing up the next day with a flat white in hand for her and a very embarrassed number seven who hurried to correct what she'd meant.
"babe its a crucial part of our epic love story, i can't pretend it didn't happen." you grinned as your food arrived and you both thanked the server. "teach me please?" ella asked eagerly holding up the chopsticks in hand.
"el, love we tried this last time." you smiled sympathetically but unable to say no to her pleading eyes you walked her through it, the brunette eventually dropping them to the table with a clatter and a list of swear words dropped from her lips.
"fuck this." ella grumbled, snatching the fork you'd made sure to order for her and stabbing the california role before shoving it angrily into her mouth in one go.
"what?" she asked with a frown, mouth still full of sushi. "you know babe sometimes i miss when we weren't so comfortable around each other."
"so obviously the walls are off limits! they are cement though so i wouldn't recommend to hit them anyway because the shock of the bat hitting it could break your hand." the worker shrugged casually as you and your girlfriend shared a look.
"thats mostly everything. have fun ladies!" he shrugged, stepping out and closing the door as music filled the room. "ready baby?" ella grinned, moving forward and tugging your glasses down over your eyes.
"go!" ella cheered, swinging her bat at a stack of as you pumped your fists and the music got a little louder. you watched on with a grin as your girlfriend wreaked havoc, letting out a war cry and hauling a few plates at the wall.
"go on baby, your turn!" ella encouraged with a wave as you lifted your bat and swung at an old computer monitor barely knocking it over. "nah you can do better than that! think about that prick from ya old job, the one we used to scream into the pillows about!" ella remembered, clicking her fingers.
a sudden rage filling your body you let out a war cry of your own and swung at an old tv sending the glass screen flying in hundreds of tiny pieces around the room.
"jesus christ love i didn't know you could hit like that." ella whistled in shock. "baseball?" you gave her a wolfish grin holding up a mug as she perked up and readied her bat.
"ya know we should really bring mary here babe, she has a lot of rage."
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oldguardleatherdog · 15 days
The Night Before the Tribute In Light September 10, 2003
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One month ago today, this long-forgotten photo suddenly popped up in the photo app on my laptop. I took this photo with my Sanyo clamshell phone on September 10, 2003, 21 years ago tonight, from Hudson River Park in Manhattan.
Don't ask me how it survived all these years or where it's been stored all this time or how in the world it could have found its way to me from the long-dead storage servers of a long-defunct cell phone carrier. We're in the penumbra of The Anniversary, and time is out of joint.
I had been back in New York for about a month (after getting violently run out of the place I was staying by a fellow who is now one of my closest friends), homeless and living in that roach-infested HIV crack-house shelter at 96th and Broadway that I describe in "The One Decent Thing I Ever Did" (it’s archived on this blog), and you can imagine my state of head and spirit at this moment, the night before the 2nd anniversary of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center that drove me from my home in Lower Manhattan, four blocks east of the site.
I was sitting on a bench in Hudson River Park on the West Side of Manhattan, somewhere near Houston Street, maybe ten or fifteen blocks north of World Trade. I hadn't noticed these beams of light as I walked, and I think they might have just been activated while I was sitting there. As I recall, it was a full moon in Virgo, and I was positioned just right to snap this shot. I had *no* idea what this was all about, as I recall, but I thought the image was so striking and affecting that I wanted to capture it.
As it turns out, this was the tech run-through for the first September 11th installation of the “Tribute In Light”. Here’s Google’s AI summary of this remarkable memorial:
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So there I was, just two years after the blast, stunned by this sudden, mysterious apparition rising from just south of what was still a giant, messy hole in the ground. I was still not fully myself at that time and would not regain my full memory or sense of who I was until the following January (therein lies a tale!), and as I recall I was just numbly stunned, not knowing what to make of it.
As I write, I’m getting the physical sense memory of that moment: the dog in me (my medulla oblongata speaking) feels his hackles rise, it’s not what I expect to see filling the hole in the sky, is it another attack? Do I bark at it, sound an alarm, run towards it, away from it, why is there light there, is this some unholy ruse, another trick being played on me from that big smoky hole where nothing but poison has spilled out for the longest time?
My phone rang. It was a fellow that I had met and hung out with in San Francisco while I was stranded there, and I was stunned to hear from him, especially at that moment. “Hi Dave… well, right now I’m on the riverfront looking at the damnedest thing… [I just wanted to make sure you were ok] hey, thanks for checking in… yeah, take care bud.” I closed the phone and started walking south along the riverfront, toward the light beams.
When I got there, I saw the massive banks of klieg lights assembled in their arrays, a strange and unfamiliar (unwelcome) echo of the shapes and the placement and the footprints of the place I loved so well.
The faces of the artists who surrounded the lights were intense, focused, sober. I still didn’t quite know what was going on, but there was profound reverence in the air, on those faces, at that place, as the beams of pure white light soared upwards, past the point of naked-eye discernment, unending, likely petering out tens of thousands of feet off that spoiled piece of ground, perhaps piercing the ionosphere, did they get clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration for this? Are pilots being disoriented by these columns at 45,000 feet? Do they touch the feet of God?
And I kept walking south, my back to the light,
Down to the oldest part of the civilized island,
Past the Battery, the bronze bull, the buttonwood tree,
The Port of New York dead ahead,
The Staten Island Ferry terminal, ramshackle, ancient,
Entry restricted by terror tape and armed sentinels
No two uniforms alike, a panoply of enforcement,
Heavy weapons at the ready, so jarring in my neighborhood,
And the working dogs with the keen snouts, the trained muzzles,
Jumping up to paw at the brown bag in the soldier’s hand
Is that peanut butter? Apple? Hunk of cheese?
Let’s play! You’ve been so serious, so worried,
You smell sad and scared, are you lost? Let’s play!
Even Cerberus needs break time, belly rubs, treats!
For the first time in weeks, I smile to myself
As I round past the ferry, those strange lights at my back.
Hope I can sneak past the turnstile downstairs,
I won’t have to hike back up three hundred blocks
To that awful low place. Did you know roaches bite?
They shit on you too. Try to sleep, fully dressed,
Watch cap pulled low on my head, long sleeved shirt
Buttoned up to the collar, heavy pants tucked in boots,
Gloves on my hands, one more night without food
Half-bag of speed takes my mind off the pain
Sleep comes in fits if at all. – On the train
Dreading the stop: ninety-sixth street and Broadway.
Tomorrow, this city will jack itself off
In performative weeping and gnashing and cursing
Oh, how we loved them! I snort in derision,
You didn’t lose nothin', you pieces of shit!
Let the dead bury the dead. Beams of light
Don’t feed this refugee reeking of ashes -
What, do I smell bad? So sorry to stink up
The place where you’ve laid out the feast for your friends
Who still have their jobs, their high homes in the towers
Behind the glass doors where your larders are stocked
With the food that you bought with your government money
That flooded your midtown Manhattan apartment
With all the new clothes, electronics, the sausages
Fresh from Enrico’s, Zabar’s, D’agostino’s,
Bought with the Victim’s Fund money you stole
When you filed your claim. “OMG, it was awful!
“I couldn’t get up to the fifty-fourth floor,
“I had to find shelter on Upper Park Avenue.
“Power was out. I was homeless that night!
“So glad that my friend who was shopping in Gramercy
“Gave me the number to call for my claim
“September 11th was horrid! I told them
“I couldn’t go home for two nights! Oh, thank God
“The claim got approved with a wink and a nod
“And no one’s the wiser – I’ve never been south
“Of the Plaza Hotel! That all happened on Wall Street,
“Who goes down there? Jesus Christ, are you kidding?
“That’s four miles away! Christopher, are you coming
“Or what? Reservations at Nobu won’t wait
“For you or for me, so quit primping!”
The pain
In my stomach, relentless. My gorge won’t stop heaving.
Am I gonna make it? Damn, *ouch!* What the fuck…
The tooth that I hoped would hold out just gave way,
Fuck me. Another huge hole in my grille.
When I made six figures and lived in a high-rise,
Fuck buddies laughing on Saturday night,
Nobody told me that one hundred minutes
And two hijacked jet planes would make such a difference.
No one will laugh with me now – my best friends
Are yelling and angry, how dare I show up
Sweaty and toothless, a walking reminder
Of September tenth. No, I’m not gonna feed you.
Now, twenty years later, they’ve retooled their memory:
“Animal! Damn, dog! We’ve missed you, you know,
“Wow, you’re alive! You look fabulous! Listen,
“I never gave up on you. Give a call
“When you come to the City. I want you to meet
“My beautiful husband – he remembers you too!”
Twin beams of light where the Towers were anchored,
Okay, not exactly precisely those spots,
But who’s gonna criticize? Look and recall
How majestic they were. Yeah, the new One World Trade
Is cool, I suppose – no one mentions the absence
Of Two World Trade Center. Insurance, you know.
Not enough money or civic ambition,
And Bloomberg discouraged it. Why add a target?
“Don’t you think sixty or seventy stories
“Are more than enough? Hell, let’s just get it done.
“The sooner we finish construction, the better.”
*There will never be lumens of adequate volume
Sufficient to seal that hole in the sky,
But the hole in my heart I will finish, I tell you.
Walk with me as I go forward. Tomorrow
I’m back in the studio. Tonight, we can play!
You smell like apples and – damn, is that chocolate?
(our light beams shine upward forever)
"Good boy!"
Animal J. Smith San Francisco, California September 10, 2024
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waxingrunes · 10 months
I understand if you’re too busy to answer this or don’t want to, but i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind telling us some of your non-explicit headcanons or just some traits you think wolfstar have in general? Your explicit ones are sososo hot but today I'm feeling low and need some comforting. Yiur blog is just a safe space for me but I totally understand if not! I love your work <3 all my love x
There are so many nondescript hc’s I have that this has the potential to turn into a formal essay with cited sources, so I’ll go for more of a generalised dump of info I have for each in a hope that it lifts some of your fog Anon. Maybe bullet pointed because it’ll be easier to read than my usual untidy form of communication. Hope you feel lighter soon.
• will lick a yoghurt pot if there’s no clean spoons. There’s the option to go for fruit instead, but he wants the yoghurt and by god he will get his yoghurt
• is a fucking terrible driver, gives Remus and any passenger white knuckles due to speed issues and not using a lower gear when taking corners
• is however, in complete control when on a motorcycle; very hot, very controlled and will take his passenger’s safety very seriously
• professionally trained in ballroom and ballet, the latter which he is sometimes mocked in jest for, even by Remus, until he one time caught him stretching elegantly on the floor one morning with his upper body laid flat between long, toned, wide spread legs, ‘morning moony’, a healthy blush on his cheeks
• private crier, doesn’t cry easily
• goes quiet when angry as an initial defence but it doesn’t take long for him to start dropping breadcrumbs of sarcastic comments; can also be snobby and bratty, perhaps sometimes will get nasty and direct (bringing up things he shouldn’t to score points in the heat of the moment)
• suffers immeasurable guilt (helped by the point above) but is always masking a weighted feeling of guilt no matter what he’s doing, so much so it’s manifested into quite a serious anxiety problem in the wrong crowds
• he fidgets a lot, not in a chaotic way, just always has to have his fingers busy with something
• likes the smell of gasoline
• once had to talk himself down from throwing a child in a dustbin
• loves the colour red; blood red and cherry red to be precise but secretly loves dark blue even more because it’s what looks most handsome on Remus despite him not wearing it often
• sighs a lot
• pretended he couldn’t speak English to get away with jumping a queue
• hates the smell and taste of liquorice (unless heavily strawberry/cherry/raspberry flavoured)
• on one particular messy night out he got so impatient waiting at the bar, he reached over and grabbed a discarded bottle of alcohol the server had left open and swigged it
• digs his nails into his skin when anxious and is often reminded to relax the tension in his joints
• stargazes often
• once linked his pinky finger with Remus and asked him to pinky promise not to tell anyone what he was about to tell him, since which a tradition of trust was born where Remus will offer his pinky or the last two fingers for Sirius to hold or squeeze when he’s feeling unsure in public, or in any situation where verbal reassurance isn’t appropriate
• gets a weird thrill at the sound of cork popping from a bottle
• collects beer mats and keeps them in a drawer, thinks about making them into a display
• got tired of kids playing ball against the wall of his place (after repeat offences and him asking very nicely for them to stop) one day so went out, retrieved the ball and threw it so hard against of the cars it set the alarm off
• owner of said car came running out the house and Remus blamed it on the children. Never had the same issue again
• has a wildly sweet tooth and will always drop one or two packets of sugar into any warm beverage
• stares into space and gets involuntarily caught on someone’s face one too many times which makes them uncomfortable from the ‘Death Stare’ phenomenon when in reality, he’s lost in lala land
• can cook, is actually a proficient cook, but will not cook for anyone but Sirius, James or Lily
• will crack his knuckles, wrists and neck absentmindedly, all of which makes his company squirm because it’s often very loud and ‘pop-py’ but Sirius fucking loves it
• stays very calm during an argument but can shout louder than most and when he does, ears ring from the silence that follows
• prefers tea over coffee
• will eat liquorice any time he wants to piss Sirius off
• cries more than Sirius, but still a private crier
• always has to be the old boot in Monopoly
• loves words that are vowel heavy or double voweled because those are the ones where the scraps of Sirius’ lost French accent surface the most
• has a gentle touch, is aware of his size and nature of his lycanthropy, therefore always somewhat reserved
• loves socks, has a collection of ‘dad socks’
• has the messiest writing out of all the Marauders but loves handwritten things, owns three very different fountain pens for very different purposes
• is polite, but as he’s aged doesn’t tend to ‘fake smile’ a lot, feeling no need to fill uncomfortable silences for the sake of others
• has a chair he favours and often dozes off in it. Most of the time waking up to Sirius on top of him
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gayoung-lover · 9 months
naive ๋࣭ ⭑ chocol
an older woman flirts with you at the club, but you're too naive to notice her advances
| cw: drinking, smoking n clubbing | wc: 6.6 k 🫶 yeah, it's lowkey long 🫣
Today, you were reluctantly going to a club, a place you have never particularly liked—the noise, the atmosphere, the cramped space, and the overpriced drinks were never your idea of fun. However, it was a special occasion—Bada's birthday. Amidst Bada's pleas, the girls begging you, and the weight of peer pressure, you knew you had to go.
A question lingered in your mind: what did people wear to a club? This was only your second time going to one—so you were indecisive between picking a black mini skirt paired with a pretty white shirt and a slightly revealing pink bodycon dress; the latter felt like a bit too much, so you opted for the former. As you got ready, a sense of nervousness settled in your stomach—you were not particularly fond of getting drunk, however, if you did not get at least a little tipsy, you were going to end up being the babysitter for seven inevitably drunk girls. With the final touch of lipstick, you got a notification on your phone.
bada<3: i’m outside [10:34p.m.]
bada<3: tatter and sowoen said they were taking an uber, so it’s just me [10:34p.m.]
y/n: okayyy, i’m coming [10:35p.m.]
You quickly grab your purse and walk downstairs, exiting your apartment complex. Bada was leaning against her blue car while you were locking the door, you greeted her with a smile and she waved at you. The click-clack of your heels on the pavement echoed through the parking lot as you approached Bada, who opened the passenger door for you before settling into the driver's seat.
"Hello, birthday girl!" You exclaimed with enthusiasm. "How are you?"
Bada started driving, giggling at your comment. "Ready to get fucking drunk."
"I bet." You replied quickly. "After all, it's your birthday."
As she stopped at a red light, Bada glanced at you, raising an eyebrow. "Promise me you're going to have fun tonight, okay?" She extended her pinky.
Interlocking pinkies, you nervously smiled. "Pinkie promise."
"Get drunk, flirt with girls, dance, take ten shots for all I care." She rattled off a list, her hands returning to the steering wheel. "Just have fun. I'll keep an eye on you and the girls. I can't get too drunk, after all, I'm driving you back home."
"Alright, I'll try. I swear." You assured her. "Minus the flirting. I get too nervous around pretty girls for that." 
She drove through the city until she parked her car in front of the most packed club on the street. At the entrance, the bouncer apparently denied entry to many—while this might be a concern for most people, but Bada had already booked a VIP table in advance. Approaching the front of the line, you and Bada showed the bouncer your IDs, and without hesitation, he let you in, prompting a few complaints and groans from those waiting in line.
Upon stepping into the club, the loud music initially overwhelmed your ears, and the vibrant lights took a moment to adjust to. The girls were already at the VIP table, drinking a few beers, eagerly waiting for Bada and you. 
"Bada, what do you want to drink?" Kyma shouted over the music, handing you a beer. 
"I'm getting some bottles." Bada replied as you took the beer from Kyma's hands. "What do you all want to drink?"
"Just get whatever you like." You said with a small smile.
Popping open the glass bottle, you took a hesitant sip, as beer's initial taste was always unpleasant but grew on you after a while. Bada caught a server's attention and placed an order that showed her expensive taste. Amid laughter and attempts to have a conversation over the music, the bottles arrived at the table, accompanied by "Happy Birthday" signs and bottle sparklers, your table became the center of attention, filling up with Bada's chosen bottles. Bada, with a smile, started pouring shots, positioning a bottle near your mouth and counting to five as you obliged—chasing down the sour taste from the alcohol with a chaser, prompting cheers from the girls. 
"That's my girl!" Lusher exclaimed, hugging you.
You and Cheche began dancing, shyly moving your hips to the rhythm of the music. Reluctantly, you had to admit that you were actually enjoying yourself. As you finished your beer, Tatter handed you a drink, though it seemed like she poured more alcohol than a mixer, because by the time you were halfway through it, a wave of happiness and confidence washed over you. You were cautious not to drink too much, as you were not used to the sensation. However, when the entire table began chanting, urging Bada for another round of shots, the temptation was too strong to resist. 
"Let me pour you another." Bada insisted, and you nodded. She was holding your cheek and letting the vodka fall into your mouth. Her tipsy state led to her spilling liquor on your jaw. "Fuck, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry." You replied with a smile. "I'll go to the restroom to clean myself up."
"I'm coming with you." Tatter said, taking hold of your hand as you maneuvered through the crowd.
You and Tatter got to the restroom, surprisingly finding it less crowded than anticipated. Grabbing a piece of paper to clean up your jaw, you took advantage of the moment to reapply your lipstick while Tatter used the restroom. You took more than usual because of your shaky hands and because your attention shifted as a girl with orange hair entered the room. She looked expensive, dressed in an all-black outfit complemented by a thick silver chain and her adorned fingers with several silver rings. 
As Tatter got out of the stall, she washed her hands and exclaimed. "Let's go!"
Smiling, you started to walk, so you could leave the bathroom but stumbled near the girl with orange hair. She placed a hand on your shoulder and uttered in a firm voice. "Be careful, doll."
Turning around to thank her, you noticed she had already entered a stall. Tatter, now turning around and giggling, said. "Didn't you notice?"
"Notice what?" You inquired. "The girl?"
Tatter smiled as you returned to your table. "She was checking you out like crazy."
You protested, covering your face. "No, it's not like that!"
Amidst the lively club, the girl from the restroom quickly faded into the background, forgotten by you and Tatter. Drink in hand, you joined in the fun—as you danced with the group, tightly pressed against your friends, taking Instagram stories, videos, and photos, which you would probably regret when they sent them to the group chat. Clubbing was actually fun—the thought lingered as Bada held you by the waist while dancing, the two of you always mistaken for a couple due to your closeness.
"Having fun?" Bada asked with a smile.
"Yeah!" You replied. "And you, birthday girl?"
"Me too." She responded. "Let's see who ends up the drunkest."
"I'm betting my money on Kyma." You declared, but the vibration of your phone interrupted. "Hold on, someone's calling me."
Bada nodded and patted your waist as you walked away. Exiting the club, you were hoping the caller had not hung up, you checked your phone to discover it was your ex-girlfriend—well, someone you never officially dated. 
Intrigued, you answered, holding the phone to your ear. "Hello?" You greeted her. "What happened?"
The voice on the other end ended up going off about your presence at a party, criticizing your outfit as too revealing and telling you that you had disrespected her. To make matters worse, she started bad-mouthing Bada and insinuating that you should go ahead and date her if you were so close, saying that you probably cheated on her with Bada. In another circumstance, you might have cried, but the alcohol coursing through your system made you feel brave. 
"Yeah?" You retorted. "Enjoy getting blocked because I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore." The voice pleaded with you not to block them. "I'm done with you. I don't give a fuck."
You hung up, and as you turned around, you noticed the same girl from the restroom smoking a cigarette, pressing it against her lips, and exhaling the smoke. Your face flushed with embarrassment as you realized she overheard everything.
"Is everything okay, doll?" She asked politely, taking another hit of her cigarette.
"Yes, don't worry." You reassured her as you tucked your phone into your purse. "Sorry you had to hear that."
Tilting her head, she glanced at you up and down. "Well, your boyfriend is dumb for letting you go like that; you're such a pretty girl."
"Ah, nothing like that." You shook your head, smiling. "But, thank you."
"I'm Gayoung, but most people call me Chocol, and what's your name, sweetheart?" She introduced herself, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction. "Does the smoke bother you? I can throw it away if you want." She gestured to the cigarette.
"Y/N." You said with a soft smile. "No, it's okay. You're about to finish it anyway." You could not help but admire her rings—they sparkled beautifully in the light and looked luxurious. "Can I look at your rings?" You inquired.
Gayoung placed the cigarette between her lips and extended her hands towards you. You ran your fingers over her rings, noticing the brands—Vivianne Westwood, Salvatore Ferragamo, Prada, and a Miu Miu one that caught your eye. 
Looking up, you found her smiling proudly. "You like em’? They're pretty, huh?" She remarked, tossing her cigarette to the ground and stepping on it. "Now, imagine them pressing up against your jaw."
Your focus remained on the rings, and you completely overlooked the last part of her sentence. "They're so gorgeous. I love the Miu Miu one."
"You do, doll?" Gayoung asked, a bit puzzled by your unmistakable indifference to her comment. Perhaps you were not into girls? However, she was certain you were at least bisexual, as she saw you dancing with the tall girl. "Let's make a deal." She suggested and got closer.
Despite attempting to read your body language, Gayoung observed your lack of reaction to her proximity or gaze. She leaned in close to your ear, and you maintained your joyful demeanor, showing no signs of nervousness.
"A deal?" You said, still confused. "What do you mean?"
Close to drunkenness, everything seems blurry to you. Unaware of your proximity to Gayoung, you again stumbled a bit while trying to balance yourself. Gayoung helped you by grabbing your waist, and again, no reaction from you, it struck her as odd. Most girls would have succumbed to her charm the moment she called them pretty and yet, here you were, unfazed, not even blushing.
"I'll give you my ring if you give me your number." She proposed. "I really want to get to know you."
Puzzled, you bit your lip, attempting to comprehend her offer. Gayoung was struggling not to make a move after seeing your lips. "Why would you give me your ring in exchange for my number? Your ring is expensive."
She smiled at your innocence, wondering if you were faking it. "Don't worry about it. So, deal or no deal?"
Considering the situation, maybe she just wanted to be friends. "Yes, it's a deal."
Gayoung let go off your waist and removed her ring. "Give me your hand." You complied, and she delicately placed the ring on your finger, making you smile. "Now, your end of the deal."
"Give me your phone." You requested, and she pulled it from her back pocket. Unlocking it, you teased. "No password." Giggling, you added your phone number to her contacts. "What should I put as the name? Will you remember my name if I just save my contact as Y/N?"
"Save it as doll." She suggested, and you typed it, handing her phone back. "But, of course, I'll remember your name."
"Thank you for the ring." You smiled. "Send me a text so I can save your contact later! I'm going back inside—my friends are probably worried.”
"I'll send you a message later." She replied, grabbing another cigarette from the box. "But promise me you'll reach out if you need anything…"
You tilted your head. "I'll text you!" Then you pondered—why would you need anything from her? "But, why?" 
"In case you need a ride." Gayoung responded, winking at you. "Or if you want to do something."
Oblivious to her advances, you replied. "Oh, no—Bada is taking me home." As if assuming she knew who Bada was.
"The tall girl?" She inquired, and you nodded. Gayoung wondered if Bada might be your girlfriend and decided to ask about it. While she might be many things, she was not about to keep flirting with someone in a relationship; she respected that. "Is she your girlfriend?"
You sighed and giggled. "No, she's my best friend! Well, I'll text you later, Gayoung."
The way you said her name nearly gave her a heart attack. She needed you—your beauty, your smile, and your eyes were unlike anything she had ever seen. However, you appeared too innocent, too naive, not noticing a thing. She decided to drop a bolder comment, hoping you would catch it. "Then, I hope I can get that spot sooner, doll."
You smiled, showing your teeth, and entered the club. Gayoung lit up her cigarette, staying outside, contemplating if you would even consider something with her. She thought you seemed much younger than her.
The remainder of the night was blurry. Now, you stumbled into your room, gripping the wall for support as you were still dizzy—you did get drunk. As you kicked off your heels, your feet ached, and your head throbbed, you realized waking up was going to be hell. You took off your clothes, leaving them carelessly on the chair, so you could change into your pajamas. After washing your face and brushing your teeth, you collapsed onto your bed, phone in hand. Glancing at the group chat, which had already got over two hundred messages, you noticed Gayoung's number above all. Quickly adding it to your contacts, you sent her a quick text.
gayoung: This is my number. I am Gayoung.  [2:30 a.m]
y/n: hi! just got to my apartment [5:12 a.m]
y/n: i’m so tired, hope you’re sleeping well  [5:12 a.m]
y/n: btw thank you for the ring :) [5:12 a.m]
y/n: text you later!!  [5:12 a.m]
While you were sound asleep, Gayoung woke up early and reached for her phone. Upon seeing your messages, her heart quickened, reminiscent of a high school student seeing their crush tagged them on a post. Gayoung sent you a message, aware that you were likely still asleep, acknowledging the toll yesterday's drinking had probably taken on you. 
gayoung: Good morning, pretty. [7:21 a.m]
gayoung: Hope your head does not hurt when you wake up. [7:21 a.m]
She proceeded with her morning routine—had breakfast, went to work, and upon returning home, finally had the opportunity to check her phone.
y/n: hi gayoung [12:13p.m]
y/n: i just woke up :( [12:13p.m]
y/n: my head does hurt but i don’t have any medicine lol [12:13p.m]
y/n: how are you? [12:14p.m]
gayoung: Did you sleep well at least? [1:22 p.m]
gayoung: I am doing fine. [1:23 p.m]
gayoung: You don’t have medicine?  [1:23 p.m]
As your phone dinged, you reached for it, as you had a habit of responding quickly to texts. You already had taken a shower and dressed up in a matching lilac shirt and shorts set—you were sitting at your desk doing some of your freelance work. Grateful for the opportunity to work from your apartment—you appreciated the ability to manage your schedule, whether it was responding to texts, taking calls, listening to music, or watching something, you had the ability to do everything at your own pace. 
y/n: i did sleep well  [1:24 p.m]
y/n: i don’t :( might go later to buy some [1:24 p.m]
Immediately, Gayoung began writing. You could not help but notice the formal tone in Gayoung's writing.
gayoung: I don’t know if you want, but I can go and drop off some for you. [1:24 p.m]
gayoung: How does that sound, doll?  [1:25 p.m]
gayoung: Do not feel pressured to say yes. [1:25 p.m]
You found it impossible to refuse her offer. You were genuinely grateful for her generosity in giving you her ring, beyond that, she seemed too kind, and you felt a genuine interest in getting to know her better.
y/n: i accept hehe [1:26 p.m]
y/n: thank you so much, gayoung [1:26 p.m]
y/n: (y/n has shared her location with gayoung) [1:26 p.m]
y/n: hope you’re not a creep haha [1:26 p.m]
gayoung: Very funny joke, pretty. [1:26 p.m]
gayoung: I’ll be there as quickly as possible. [1:27 p.m]
y/n: i’ll wait for you :) [1:27 p.m]
Rising from your desk, you grabbed your makeup bag. Applying a touch of liquid blush, curling your lashes, using a bit of brow gel, and adding a hint of lip tint; then you did two braids in your hair—you wanted to look presentable. You check yourself in the mirror before returning to your desk to save all your files for later. Walking into your living room, you opened the curtains and lit a vanilla-scented candle. Despite Gayoung mentioning she was only dropping off some medicine, you wanted to ask her if she wanted to come inside. You were glued to your phone, checking it anxiously as if your life depended on it. The last thing you wanted was to keep Gayoung waiting outside your building, considering she would need your entry code. Finally, she called, and you answered.
“Hello, I am outside.” She said—her voice husky. "I brought you something else, though."
"I’m coming down." You replied, hanging up.
You get out of your apartment, and walk down the stairs to the front door, finding Gayoung waiting with two bags in hand. She wore an all-black outfit, this time pairing it with red sneakers and a red windbreaker. With a smile, you opened the door, and she smiled back.
“Come on in.” You invited, noticing her confused expression. “Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you want to come in?” You giggled.
“Are you sure?” Gayoung inquired, and you nodded. She followed your lead into the building.
"Thank you for coming." you expressed gratitude as you opened and closed your apartment's door behind both of you. “You can sit anywhere you want.”
Seating herself on the stools at your kitchen bar, Gayoung left the bags on the counter. “Thank you for letting me in. I brought you some medicine and a warm miso soup.” She said, getting the soup container out of the bag and handing you the medicine.
You smiled. “Oh, thank you so much. Do you want some water, tea, juice, anything?”
“A glass of water, please.” She requested.
Serving two glasses of water, you handed one to Gayoung. Taking the medicine, you shook your head at the sour taste. “How much do I owe you?” You said as you stood on the other side of the kitchen bar, placing your hands on the counter.
She chuckled. “Nothing, doll. It’s nothing.”
"Gayoung!" You exclaimed, placing your hand on her shoulder. "First, you give me your ring, and now you buy me medicine and food."
"I said it's nothing." She insisted, making eye contact with you, and you could not help but notice the moles beneath her eyes.
"Oh wow, your little moles are so pretty." You remarked.
"Yeah? Well, I think you're very pretty." She replied, and you turned around, attempting to hide your flushed cheeks. No matter who it was, whenever someone called you pretty, it made you feel nervous.
You grabbed two bowls and two spoons, setting them on the counter. "Do you want to eat with me?"
She nodded. Gayoung had bought the larger portion of soup in the hope that this would happen, and she was very happy that it did. You sat beside Gayoung, both of you grabbing the soup bowls and beginning to eat.
"Tell me about yourself." She requested. "Anything you want to share."
"Anything? Let me think." You said, taking a spoonful of miso soup. "Well, I graduated college two years ago, I work from home, I like baking, I love doing my makeup and dressing up, and I enjoy working out and dancing." You took another spoonful. "And you?"
Gayoung smiled, swallowing her soup. "So, if you like dressing up, the nickname 'doll' really fits you." You smiled back. "I also love dancing—I actually own a dance studio. I collect designer jewelry, as you've noticed from my rings, and I enjoy cooking."
You giggled at her calling you a doll again. "Ohh, that's amazing." You said, looking at the ring she gave you. "So, this was a part of your collection?" You asked, placing your hand in front of her. She took it, planting a kiss on your skin, giving you goosebumps.
Gayoung noticed your reaction. "Mhm, but it looks better on you anyway." She said, turning to face you. "Can I tell you something?"
You nodded, a bit nervous. Was she being too kind? No one had ever done something like this after just one day of meeting—she gave you her ring, bought you food and medicine, complimented you, and now a kiss on the hand.
"Well, I thought I was being too obvious, but I guess you didn't notice anything, so I'll just tell you directly." She said, taking a deep breath while still holding your hand.
Confused, you wondered what you had not noticed—perhaps she wanted to leave your apartment, or did not want to come inside, and was trying to find a polite way out. Furrowing your eyebrows, you waited for her to speak.
She smiled, feeling a bit nervous as this was the first time she felt genuinely attracted to someone who did not immediately reciprocate. "The moment I looked at you, I thought you were very pretty." Gayoung said, making another small pause. "I gave you my ring because I liked you."
"Huh? Like, actually like me?" You blurted out, your reaction making her feel a bit uneasy.
"Yeah, I just feel like you're worth getting to know. I do like you. I mean, we still don't know each other, but if you let me, I'd like to take you out on a date." Gayoung said, letting your hand go—waiting for your response. 
Now you feel stupid, very stupid. Gayoung had been flirting with you the entire time. You recalled her comments about her rings pressing against your cheeks, the remarks about wanting to be your girlfriend, and the comment about your "boyfriend" being dumb for letting you go. It all made sense now; she was flirting, and you were too dumb to notice. The realization made you feel special—a beautiful and attentive girl was asking you out on a date. This was the first time you had been asked out—you were usually the one making the first move.
"Of course, I would like that." You said, smiling. "I feel so dumb, sorry. I never noticed you were flirting with me until now."
She chuckled. "I was practically shouting it, and you never caught on." Gayoung smiled. "You're too naive, I guess."
"Well, this is the first time I've been asked out. So, it's clear why I didn't notice." You confessed.
"Huh, what about your ex-boyfriend? The person who called you at the club." She asked.
You sighed. "It was a girl." You clarified. "We used to be together, but we were never in an actual relationship, and I got tired because I had to do everything to keep it afloat."
Gayoung arched her brow. "So, she was just fooling around?"
"Yup, she only liked the attention of it. The moment I told her how I felt about the situation and left her, she kept contacting me, saying she wanted me back and stuff." You confessed. "But she is too immature—she even accused me of cheating on her with my best friend. But, at least she is blocked now."
Gayoung leaned back, placing her hands on her knees. "Well, if you don't like messing around with immature girls, that's why I'm here. I should ask about it too—are you into older women?"
"Maybe. Can I ask how old you are?" You giggled, blushing as you realized Gayoung was older.
"36, pretty." She responded. "But, I promise I'll treat you right."
"In that case, I gladly accept your offer, Gayoung." You said, smiling.
Gayoung stayed over for a bit, taking the initiative to wash the dishes, and in return, you sent her home with a bowl of sliced fruit. Her kindness had left an impression, and you discovered how intriguing she was. You again got a notification on your phone, it was Gayoung. 
gayoung: Hello, I just got home. [5:32 p.m]
gayoung: Thank you for the fruit. I’ll eat it in a bit. [5:32 p.m]
gayoung: I had a great time with you, doll.  [5:33 p.m]
y/n: thank you for coming, gayoung  [5:33 p.m]
y/n: i also had a great time!!  [5:33 p.m]
y/n: i still can’t believe i was so dumb lol  [5:33 p.m]
y/n: i am soo stupid… every time i have to interact with pretty girls i die inside, you luckily meet me when i was tipsy, so i was feeling brave  [5:33 p.m]
gayoung: I even thought you didn’t like girls.  [5:34 p.m]
gayoung: But, I am glad you gave me the opportunity to take you out on a date.  [5:34 p.m]
gayoung: I already know where I am taking you, do you want it to be a surprise?  [5:34 p.m]
y/n: tell me  [5:34 p.m]
y/n: well no!! i want it to be a surprise  [5:35 p.m]
y/n: no one has even taken me on a date before [5:35 p.m]
y/n: just let me know the dress code haha [5:35 p.m]
gayoung: Is tomorrow at 5pm okay? [5:35 p.m]
gayoung: Wear whatever you want, you’ll look pretty in anything. [5:35 p.m]
gayoung: I’ll pick you up and drop you off. [5:36 p.m]
y/n: can’t believe a girl like you always calls me pretty… [5:36 p.m]
y/n: it makes me blush [5:36 p.m]
y/n: i can’t wait for tomorrow!! [5:36 p.m]
gayoung: As long as I am alive, I’ll keep calling you pretty. [5:36 p.m]
gayoung: Also, don’t even think about paying anything. [5:37 p.m]
gayoung: Leave your wallet at home, doll. [5:37 p.m]
gayoung: I have to leave, I am fixing some stuff around my apartment. [5:37 p.m]
gayoung: Talk to you later. You can call me if you need anything. [5:37 p.m]
y/n: okaayy [5:37 p.m]
y/n: talk to you later :) [5:37 p.m]
You spent some time at your desk, doing your remaining work, but your thoughts drifted towards what plans Gayoung might have in store and thinking about what to wear for the occasion. For dinner, you enjoyed the remaining soup, while watching a movie. As bedtime approached, you changed into your pajamas and reached for your phone to share the news with Bada.
y/n: going on a date tomorrow [10:23 p.m]
y/n: i’ll give you details and everything when it happens [10:23 p.m]
bada <3: SOMEONE ASKED YOU OUT???? [10:24 p.m]
y/n: lol fuck you [10:24 p.m]
y/n: yup, i’m going on a date [10:25 p.m]
bada <3: HOPE YOU HAVE FUN  [10:25 p.m]
bada <3: YOU DESERVE THIS  [10:25 p.m]
bada <3: I AM SO HAPPY TF [10:25 p.m]
y/n: gotta text her  [10:25 p.m]
y/n: i’ll give you all the juicy details tomorrow!!  [10:26 p.m]
As you slipped into bed, you decided to send Gayoung a goodnight message, that way, you could leave your phone on the nightstand.
y/n: good night gayoung :)  [10:31 p.m]
y/n: i’m so happy for tomorrow [10:31 p.m]
The next morning, you woke up nervous. While preparing brunch, you could not stop thinking about your upcoming date. You were sitting on your kitchen bar, ready to eat breakfast, when your phone rang—it was Gayoung.
You answered. "Hi, good morning. What's up?"
"Hello." She responded. "Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you're still okay with me picking you up."
"Of course." You giggled. "I'm excited." You added, taking a bite of your food.
"Well, I'm heading back to work." Gayoung said. "See you later, pretty."
"Have a good day. See you." You said, smiling through the phone.
As Gayoung hung up, butterflies fluttered in your stomach—no one had ever treated you with such kindness. After enjoying brunch, you begin your routine—taking a long shower, doing skincare, and brushing and blow-drying your hair to curl it. Seated at your desk, you applied your makeup, assuring every detail was perfect. Moving on to your outfit, you opted for a white blouse paired with a black dress adorned with ruffles, styled with a black jacket, paired with a delicate silver belt, and boots with heels. For accessories, you placed a silver hair clip, Gayoung's Miu Miu ring, a necklace, and your earrings. Aware that getting ready would be time-consuming, you were surprised to find that it was already 4:45 P.M. After looking at yourself in the mirror, you quickly grabbed your essentials so you could put them in your purse—lipstick, keys, and, hesitating for a moment, only your ID instead of your wallet, remembering Gayoung's earlier words.
Gayoung was standing outside of your apartment, she pressed your contact and began calling you.  "Hello, pretty. I'm already outside." She said. "If you're not ready yet, I can wait."
"I'm coming downstairs." You replied before hanging up.
Taking a deep breath, you left your apartment, walking down the stairs to the front door, as you opened it, you saw her standing next to her black car. Dressed in a denim jacket, jeans, a crop top, and boots, she looked so good.
You smiled, and she returned the gesture. "Hi, how are you?"
"Okay, first of all, you look so pretty, you're truly a doll." She complimented, making you blush. "I'm fine, and you?"
"Thank you." You responded shyly. "I'm doing well."
She led you to the passenger side, opening the door and even buckling your seatbelt for you—she was a true gentleman. Placing your bag and phone on your lap, you noticed the luxurious feel of the leather seats—she was undoubtedly a girl with expensive taste.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"That's still a surprise." She chuckled. "It's close by, don't worry." As she approached a red light, she took a moment to look at you. "If I'm driving too fast, tell me, okay?" You nodded in response.
"Gayoung, can I ask you something?" You said, looking at her.
She nodded, continuing to drive. "Tell me, even though I'm not looking, I'm paying attention."
"What if after the date, you don't like me?" You asked.
Gayoung didn't immediately answer; instead, she reached for your hand, placing it on the stick shift and wrapping it around it, so she could hold your hand while driving. This action made you blush intensely—a warmth spreading across your cheeks.
"Don't worry about that, trust me." Gayoung reassured you. "Just enjoy it, don't worry about what I think, okay?"
She pulled into the parking lot of an Italian restaurant—it was unfamiliar to you, but bustling, suggesting it was a good place. After parking, she opened the car door for you, extended her hand, you took it, and, hand in hand, you entered the restaurant. Gayoung informed the hostess about her reservation, reserving a private spot—ideal for a date. She took the seat across from you, and an involuntary giggle escaped from your lips.
"What happened?" Gayoung asked, leaning in.
"It's just surreal, being on a date with you and how genuinely nice you are." You responded. "It feels like a dream."
"Ah." She mumbled. "Well, then we are both dreaming." Gayoung could not help but find you adorable, questioning why no one had ever taken you out on a date before. 
A waitress arrived and handed you both menus, promising to return shortly. You skimmed through the options.
"You can order anything you want. I recommend the pasta, though. It's freshly made." Gayoung suggested.
You looked at her. "I was thinking about the pasta alla gricia and having a cherry lemonade."
"Good choice. I'm ordering lasagna." Gayoung responded. "I thought you might go for wine or something like that."
"No, I don't really drink." You chuckled. "You met me basically drunk, but I swear I rarely drink."
"I see." She tilted her head. "So, that's why yesterday your head hurt—you're not used to that." You nodded as the waitress approached to take the order, leaving you and Gayoung to continue your conversation.
"Do you drink, or do you just smoke?" You asked, continuing the conversation.
"I might have a drink or two, but I don't like getting drunk. I also rarely smoke; I only smoke when I'm at clubs or a party, so I can get away from the loudness for a bit." She responded.
"So when you were outside at the club, it was a coincidence we talked." You commented. "I was outside because I felt my phone vibrating—otherwise, I would have never gone outside."
"Yes, but I'm glad it happened." She said, smiling. "I wasn't even going to the club in the first place because I had to be in my studio at eight in the morning, but my friend wanted to have a few drinks."
"Do you teach classes, or do you just own the studio?" You asked.
"I do teach too—dancing is a big passion of mine. I will never stop dancing." Gayoung responded. "It has allowed me to take part in amazing opportunities."
"That's the coolest part, you work in something you love, and it pays well." You answered. "I get paid well too, and I get to work from home."
Gayoung reached out for your hand and held it. You momentarily broke eye contact, and she noticed. "I can't stop thinking about how pretty you look and how your smile warms my heart. I'm so glad you accepted my silly deal." She said, caressing with her thumb the ring she gave you.
"Honestly, if I wasn't so naive to all your comments, and you would have asked directly for my number, I would have given it to you. You're my type." You answered.
"Your type?" She questioned.
"Yes." You giggled. "Kind of masculine vibes, your style, your tattoos, everything." You looked at her. "You're my type of girl."
"You're my type of girl too." She responded. 
The waitress brought out the food and drinks, placing them carefully on the table, and you began eating and talking. The conversation flowed perfectly, and Gayoung shared a few stories about her time teaching dance classes, how she ended up owning a studio, and what the business is like. You, too, shared some stories about yourself, your time in college, and a few of your other hobbies. After finishing your meal, Gayoung ordered a tiramisu to share, and both of you enjoyed the dessert—after that, Gayoung paid the bill. Leaving the restaurant, Gayoung again opened the door for you and buckled your seatbelt, though you found yourself wanting to spend more time with her.
Sitting in the driver's seat, Gayoung was about to start the car when you looked at her. "Gayoung, would you like to go back to my apartment and watch a movie or something?"
"Sure, doll." She responded.
Driving back to your apartment, time seemed to fly, caused by the anticipation of being close to her in the intimacy of your apartment. Once she parked her car in front of your complex, you typed in the door code, inviting her in. Walking to your apartment, you unlocked the front door for her.
"Welcome back to my place." You giggled. "Make yourself comfortable on the sofa while I serve some water and grab a bag of snacks."
Gayoung settled onto your sofa, taking in the details of your apartment she had not seen before. "Can I pick the movie?" She asked.
"Yes!" You agreed as you grabbed a bag of chips and took out two glasses to pour some water.
As you approached the sofa, you set the two glasses on the table in front of it. Returning to the kitchen, you grabbed the bag of chips, then walked back and sat on the sofa. Your eyes met Gayoung's, and you both exchanged smiles.
"What movie did you pick?" You asked.
Gayoung did not immediately respond; instead, she reached out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I can't believe how beautiful you are. I know I've said it a bunch of times, but I can't help it." She admitted, ignoring your question. You responded with a smile, gently biting your lip in response to your nervousness.
Supporting your weight with a hand behind you, you urged her. "Gayoung, keep calling me pretty things. I like hearing them."
Drawing nearer, Gayoung began to caress your cheek. "I'm not the type of girl to ask this on the first date." She confessed, creating a pause that sparked hope that she would ask the question you wanted her to make. "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded, and she gently placed her finger over your lips, tracing them softly. Gayoung smiled as if she were admiring a piece of art, sending shivers down your spine. Moving even closer, her hand descended to hold your chin, brushing her lips over yours.
"You look so pretty blushing, doll." She remarked, returning to her flirty behavior.
Just as you were about to respond, she pressed her lips against yours. It took a moment for you to reciprocate; her lips were soft and pillowy. The kiss was gentle and tender, your lips moving together in sync. As you separated, you could not resist giving her a quick, sweet kiss in return.
"Come here." She said, signaling for you to come closer. "Give me another kiss."
With a warm smile, you complied, moving closer as she wrapped her arms around you loosely. "Another kiss?" you inquired, and she smiled in response.
"Yes, pretty." She smiled.
You kissed her again, your hand gently holding her cheek. You could feel her smiling, and the warmth of it made you feel slightly weak. As you separated, she gave you a kiss on the forehead.
"Do you want to go out again tomorrow?" She asked. "I think I'm addicted to you now." She chuckled.
"It would be my pleasure, Gayoung." You replied, snuggling against her chest.
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Watching u <3
I've been working on this for a while. Off and on since late June. Believe it or not, I have actually been having ideas throughout my entire hiatus, it was just a case of not being able to really write anything down...
This is probably darker than some of my other stuff, I just feel like I should say. Please do not read this if you're uncomfortable with this. Thank you, and have a good day/afternooon/night.
Warning(s): yandere behaviors, explicitly fem reader, death, some sexist stuff (it's not as bad as it probably could be but it's there), incel Idia I know he isn't in canon please don't be mad at me for making him one in this fic, delusional yandere Idia, non consentual kiss, blood hemorrhage mention, unwanted comments about reader's body, implied past trauma, doxxing, breaking and entering
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It was a long day of boring classes for Idia. Today was one of those days he was forced to actually attend class in person... ew. He hated it, being around people for that long. But he had a test today, and apparently the professor didn't trust him enough to do it remotely from his dorm room.
Luckily though, Idia had something to look forward to. At the end of the day, when he gets back to his dorm room, almost exactly... something he looks forward to all week will finally start.
What is this thing he is so looking forward to?
Well, what other than your weekly livestream, of course!
He loved everything about you.
He knew everything there was to know about you. He even knew your name, despite you hiding your identity behind a fictitious catgirl persona~
(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). He loved that name of yours. It felt like honey in his mouth as the words spilled out of him... calling you by your real name without you knowing~
Idia considered you a friend- no, even MORE. He wasn't friends with you, no no no no no! You were his lovely little girlfriend! Cute and submissive and everything... ohhh, he loved you so much. Hearing your voice... listening to you... answering you like you were right next to him... donating to you every time you streamed, copious amounts of money... participating in chat every now and again, to have an actual dialogue with you... he didn't like talking with other people, oh, but he ALWAYS made an exception for you.
You two have even started chatting outside just your streams. He's a mod for your streams now, as well as on your personal server... you were a bit apprehensive about that at first, but don't worry, he convinced you!
One time, you confided in him about some... serious issues you went through irl. It was so cute, imagining you in that situation.
Oh, you've been through so much together... you're practically dating at this point! Oh... but maybe he should actually ask you, just to make sure you know you're dating him. Just in case. Just in case.
Idia happily logged onto your stream, anxious to watch you... and to pop the question later~
But as he logged on... he... he heard you... say... something...
"Sorry I wasn't able to stream last week... something came up in my real life!" He saw your semi-3d avatar smile, responding to your real expression, no doubt. "I know it sounds crazy, but somehow... I'm dating someone!"
At first, Idia decided to optimistically think about how, maybe you're referring to him... but, as the pre-stream chitchat continued... it became obvious you weren't.
In a fit of anger, Idia unsubscribed and blocked you on absolutely everything.
...but then, he thought of something. A nice plan... one that would hopefully make you dependent on him... you'd dump whatever loser you're dating right now... and he would be your only source of comfort.
He unblocked your accounts on his main... and then, he logged onto an alternate account, one that doesn't connect back to him in any way; sorta like what you tried to do with your stream persona, but actually unconnected, unlike yours.
He sent you a message from his sock puppet...
Your stream ended for the day, and... you were confused to see a message from an account you didn't recognize. You thought that maybe it was just a fan deciding to message you, as you get that a lot, but once you accepted the message request to see what they sent...
[xNDRWRLDx] : this u?
...you saw... a picture of yourself... one a family member of yours posted a few years ago... you tried your best to make sure that your online persona didn't connect back to your real life at all, so... how... how did this person get this picture?!
As terrified as you were, you chose to ignore this message. About an hour later, you received another.
Despite your thoughts, screaming at you to not give this person the time of day... that last message just set you off. You decided to respond.
[xNDRWRLDx] : ignoring ppl is rude
[xNDRWRLDx] : u know that, right?
[xNDRWRLDx] : or is ur thick skull not able to comprehend that
[xNDRWRLDx] : lmao yeah, thats prob the case
[xNDRWRLDx] : u could get a much higher paying job if u quit streaming & decided 2 use ur tits & ass 2 ur advantage
[xNDRWRLDx] : getting railed all day would b easier than streaming. u wouldnt have 2 pretend u have a personality beyond "uwu im a girl who plays video games arent i cute??"
You suddenly saw a string of numbers appear on your screen in the next message from this person. Is that your IP?!
[n3k0-ebi] : who tf are you??
[xNDRWRLDx] : o right, u said smth abt not being comfortable w/ talking abt stuff like that
[xNDRWRLDx] : lmfao weak much??? cant even take a joke
[xNDRWRLDx] : wat a pathetic excuse of a human
[n3k0-ebi] : whats your angle dude
[n3k0-ebi] : are you just trying to make me mad on purpose? it wont work, so just leave me alone.
What could this person know? Just what you look like in real life?? As much as you don't want people to know, it... it isn't that bad. You're not going to pose like that. You're not even going to give this person the time of day anymore.
[xNDRWRLDx] : look familiar?
[xNDRWRLDx] : just saying u would look adorable laying under me w/ ur mouth agape & drooling w/ ur eyes half shut <3
[xNDRWRLDx] : maybe if u send me a pic of u looking like that i might consider not sharing wat i know w/ ur entire audience
[xNDRWRLDx] : ur choice bitch
You log off for the night, not giving any more thought to this person's likely hollow threats.
The next day, you woke up, not realizing what happened over night.
You took a nice, relaxing, early morning shower...
Strangely enough, as you left your washroom, you could have sworn you'd seen a strange, blue light outside your hallway window. Probably just your eyes playing tricks on you... or light reflecting off something...
You make your way to your living room, and sit yourself down on the couch, comfy in your bathrobe and hair towel. You turn on the tv so you can half watch whatever comes on, and focus the rest of your attention on browsing Magicam.
...that's a lot of notifications.
You decide to look through your mentions first, and... you see a post from that account that was messaging you last night. It details your full legal name, your address, your partner's name, your parent's names, your homeland, every personal detail you could think of was listed in this post.
In a sudden moment of not thinking, you decide to message them.
They... they just sent you... a picture of you coming out of your shower... and then another, of you sitting here on the couch-?!
[n3k0-ebi] : what the hell is wrong with you?!
[n3k0-ebi] : you fucking doxxed me?!
[xNDRWRLDx] : i told u it was ur choice didnt i
[xNDRWRLDx] : u chose 2 not send me that pic i wanted
[xNDRWRLDx] : so really its ur own fault <3
You look out your living room window... but you don't see anybody.
[xNDRWRLDx] : ur not responding?
[xNDRWRLDx] : rude
[xNDRWRLDx] : little missy cant think of anything to say huh
[xNDRWRLDx] : idk wat i expected lmfao
[xNDRWRLDx] : typical 4 a female pretending 2 know stuff cant even hide ur identity properly
[xNDRWRLDx] : wat an idiotttt
The next month is a chaotic one.
Being stalked by so-called "fans"... yourself and your family members being sent weird letters and death threats... your regular workplace firing you... your family and friends cutting ties with you... your partner breaking up with you...
...why did this all have to happen...?
Is this your fault...? Maybe if you had just sent that picture... no, no don't even think about it. That person probably would have done this to you anyways...
Oh, you... you have a notification. Since what happened last night, you haven't checked any of your notifications, but... this one... it's from someone you trust...
Idia was absolutely enraged. He could barely even believe what just happened. You have nothing. He is the only person in the world offering you comfort and support, and you just... YOU JUST WRITE HIM OFF LIKE HE'S NOTHING?!
[Gloomurai_] : hey, is everything OK w/ you?
[Gloomurai_] : i just saw you havent rlly been online since what happened
[Gloomurai_] : not that i blame you obv
[n3k0-ebi] : hi gloomy
[n3k0-ebi] : things haven't been great... lol.
[Gloomurai_] : i heard youre single again btw
[Gloomurai_] : that must suck
[Gloomurai_] : i hope this doesnt sound too forward but uh
[Gloomurai_] : is there anything i could do to help?
[n3k0-ebi] : definitely not, but thx for offering
[n3k0-ebi] : it's enough to just know you're there :)
...but, all of a sudden, the anger leaves him. Everything leaves him. All rational thought is gone from his head... and he smiles.
"Ortho... tell the vice leader he'll be in charge of Ignihyde for a while."
"What-? Big brother, why would you-"
"I need to go home for a bit." Idia closes the chat log, and stands up from his chair. "I won't be gone long. I just need to... make a copy of a file on my pc back home and bring it back here. That's all."
Ortho didn't entirely believe his brother...
...it's raining.
It's dark, stormy, the dead of night...
And most importantly, you're alone.
You used to like being alone. Not so much now, now you just feel... unsafe.
What with all the death threats, general threats, your home address and real face now being known... you don't feel safe in your own home anymore.
It's not a pleasant feeling, yet it is one you've felt before. One you never hoped to feel again. It's such a terrible feeling, knowing you might not be safe, in the place that you very well should be...
There's a knock at the door.
You are NOT going to answer it.
There are a lot of things that can happen in the exact moment of danger. Time feels like it slows down, and you have to make a choice... fight or flight, your natural instincts.
The door is kicked open and you drop down to at least somewhat hide yourself thanks to your couch. Maybe that pepper spray you lost last month is under there??? Hopefully...
And then... you hear a voice. A strangely familiar, sickly sweet voice.
"Ohh (Y/N)~" It calls out... "Where are youuuu~???"
That voice... you know that voice... you've been in a voice call with that voice before... that voice...
It's Gloomy... someone you thought was your friend...
"(Y/N), I know you're in here. Just show me where you are already. I-I won't hurt you~!!"
You frantically run your hand along the floor under your couch, looking for your pepper spray. You can't help but hope it's under there...
You hit something that rolls out from under your couch... it's exactly what you're looking for, but it also shows him exactly where you are.
A blue glow comes closer as the long, flaming hair drapes over your couch, the tips barely touching you as you lay on the ground. Then you see his face... piercing yellow eyes, and a terrifying, sickening smile full of sharp teeth...
"There you are!"
You scramble away from him in a panic, taking short glances at where the small canister rolled...
"There's no need to look so scared, (Y/N)." He smiles. "It's me, Gloomurai, Gloomy, Idia, your boyfriend."
"W...w-what... the hell... are you talking about...?"
"Are you fucking stupid? I think it's really clear what I said, isn't it?" He scowls at you... not just any scowl, it looks like he completely despised you... before quickly returning to a sickly sweet, and clearly fake smile. "I'm your boyfriend. You're my girlfriend. We've been dating for a long time, and I'm going to be taking you home with me now! I love you so much!"
"W-we've talked a few times... a-and I guess we're friends, but... but we aren't dating!!" You yell, clenching your fists tightly. You're absolutely terrified, but you don't want to just agree with him. There's no way in hell you're going to validate this...
"Yes we are. Do you not remember? Is your single braincell working overtime trying to understand what you already know? Aww, cute kitty..." The intruder suddenly pulls something out from his pocket.
He thrusts the object at you as you avoid it by crawling on your hands and knees as fast as you can towards your small canister. You stand up in the best defensive position you can, being sure to hide your spray from this creep.
"Ugh. Why are you so stubborn?? It won't hurt as much if you just stay still!!" He rushes towards you with the object, it's clear to you now that it is a syringe...
You spray him directly in the eyes as he screeches out in pain.
You run for your front door, hoping you can get away while he writhes in pain... but you feel something prick into your neck... and being flushed into your veins...
"YOU BITCH. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!" He screams at you as you collapse. What is this... what in the world would work this fast...?
"...wh..." You try to ask what this is, before you feel a sudden metallic taste in your mouth, and blood begins to pour out...
"You don't need to know what it is. It's better if you don't know." The intruder shushes you. "I love you so much. I love you. We'll be happy together... me and a better version of you... I'll recreate you perfectly."
...he kisses you on the lips. He wipes your blood off of his face as he pulls away... when you realize he's wearing gloves.
"It won't be long before you hemorrhage all your blood... this stuff works really fast~" He smiles. "At least you'll look pretty as you die."
Idia's life entirely went back to normal after that. In fact, it's been a year since what he did.
Your body was found, but evidence to his crime was not.
Idia is a model student at NRC, despite almost never attending class in person. His grades are phenomenal, he hands in all his assignments in time, and he's going to get a good job when he graduates...
And... in his spare time... he's programming.
Idia is programming an artificial intelligence, based on a certain someone he used to know.
His lovely girlfriend.
"Don't worry... we'll be seeing each other again soon... I'm sure of it. I'll do everything I can to make it true... I love you, (Y/N)."
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sarcastictissy · 8 months
The QSMP has only been in prison for a few hours. Here's what we know so far:
Niki, Pac, Foolish, Pierre and Phil managed to escape during the mining and was sent to solitary confinement
They all left therapy more traumatised
Abuleoir is back and is a janitor (janitoier) (also Fit feels threatened for his job)
Etoiles managed to acquire a backpack
Cellbit is a ghost??
Everyone is killing Badboyhalo
Tallulah went flower picking in a dungeon
Etoiles played the diabetes card to get more apple juice
Chayanne was sent to solitary confinement for killing Quackity
FitPac goes strong, even in prison
Antoine is doing Antoine things (meditating mid air)
Quackity and Phil have decided they trust everyone except Foolish
Pac said he's kiss, marry and kill Fit (he responded with "oooh, dangerous")
Foolish has been downed multiple times by both Leo and Pepito
The Tazercraft song (Pac e Mike) started playing during dinner
Aypierre misses Max :(
Missa and Wilbur are meant to share a cell, which Phil responded with "That's fitting." (Bonus points since neither logged on today)
ElMariana met Pepito (and like half the server)
Phil stole some peaches, Etoiles stole dark metal. Pop off Phil, pop off.
ElMariana and Quackity spent the night in solitary (I sure do wonder what they'll get up to!)
They all lost their minds during the dungeon
Cellbit and Baghera have a cell and they're "sleeping" in it (👀?)
ElMariana said he'd fuck Foolish (no surprises there)
Antoine said he'd fuck cucurucho
They're all gonna die on day 3 apparently
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cattimeswithjellie · 4 months
Liveblogging Skizzleman Stream VOD, 6/7/24
Skizz Stream 06.07.24
06:05 Skizz opens the stream with a birthday you-yo for himself. He gives shout-outs to donos, they are coming thick and fast because this is a birthday stream.
10:50 Skizz attempts to login to Hermitcraft, gets the invalid session message that pops up whenever you’ve had the Minecraft window open more than 24 hours. Skizz does not seem to have ever seen this error before and attempts to get back into the game without restarting the launcher. It fails again, someone suggests that the Hermits have permabanned Skizz for his birthday. Skizz restarts the launcher.
14:20 Skizz successfully joins the server, appearing inside Level 1 of his pyramid. He jokes about the permaban and is immediately derailed by a $1000 dono. While he is stuttering over the donation, Joe Hills crashes into the pyramid and sings him Happy Birthday in Spanish. He’s followed immediately by Doc, who sings Happy Birthday in mixed English and German, and then by Scar, who sings Happy Birthday in English but makes up about half the words. Doc teases Skizz about not making his hours quota on the server and suggests that if Skizz does not file his reports, Impulse will be mad at him at the next Hermitcraft corporate meeting.
19:00 Doc encourages the birthday donos to continue rolling in and tells Scar to leave because he is ruining the hype vibes. (Scar is standing on top of the dark maze, almost invisible and not saying anything, so the vibe ruination is not immediately apparent.) Skizz insists that Scar is not ruining the vibes, whereupon Scar flies down off the maze with an enormous and unmuted burp. Skizz and Doc react to this with the delighted disgust of third graders at the lunch table. Doc brings up yesterday’s Twitter story of Scar getting his off-road wheelchair stuck in a field. Skizz has not seen this story, but Joe says they should get Scar a riding lawnmower.
20:20 Skizz shows off the shutter shades he got from Mission Possible. Doc is skeptical, but Joe is all about the green glasses, for obvious reasons. He calls Skizz a percussionist, but Skizz says he is only a drummer. Scar asks what the difference is, and Skizz explains that percussionists should be able to play marimba, xylophone, bells, and similar instruments while drummers don’t. Scar chimes in “So it’s all about banging stuff!” with the sort of glee that suggests he knows exactly what he is saying. Skizz happily affirms that it is, indeed, all about the banging and says that’s right up Scar’s alley. Joe, who is also streaming, giggles nervously and Doc mutters a “Jesus Christ” that may or may not be prayerful. Joe says that this is why he doesn’t want VODs of his streams.
22:00 Skizz shows off a bit of his dark/snow/drowning/lava maze and declares with certainty that nobody could survive it in its current state. Scar says he definitely could and jumps into the snow portion through the side wall. Doc says that Skizz should not be giving people test runs because you don’t get test runs in real life. Scar escapes out the top of the snow portion somehow (he is not onscreen) and greets Cleo, who has just arrived.
23:00 Cleo appears in her MCC Pride skin and gives Skizz a cake for his birthday. Skizz places it and eats several pieces while relating a story about the time Impulse’s son, who was very young at the time, made him a Minecraft cake for his birthday and presented it to him in-server. Skizz, not knowing how to eat a cake, left clicked on it and broke it to bits in front of the child instead of eating it. The assembled Hermits agree that this has probably scarred the kid for life. Doc, who is the parent of a young child, sounds like he is in real physical pain from the story.
24:15 Skizz asks what everyone is up to today. Doc tells him that strange things are happening on the server and questions him suspiciously about whether he stole one block of diamond ore from one of Doc’s machines. Skizz claims innocence, as do Scar and Joe, though Joe confesses he thought about replacing all the diamond ore with lapis ore and claiming that if you leave diamond ore exposed to the elements, it will rot. He asks if someone swapped them with lapis and Doc says no, just deepslate. Joe, clearly extremely disappointed, says “Oh. That’s not funny. Lapis is way funnier.” Doc agrees and says he knows it wasn’t Joe because Joe would’ve done something much more bizarre. Skizz compliments Joe about how he really has his moments and Cleo, with the incredibly longsuffering air of a survivor of most of Joe’s “moments,” agrees.
25:30 Doc mentions that a pig died because of the diamond theft, which really gets Cleo’s attention. She accuses Doc of using the passive voice to soften the fact that he killed her special pig. Doc and Joe and Cleo are all discussing this loudly but we cannot hear much of it because Skizz breaks away briefly to address chat. Donos are still rolling in at a fast pace and Skizz promises that he’s going to go back and catch all of them in just a couple of minutes. Doc, who is clearly stream sniping, thanks one of Skizz’s donors for a large gift sub while Cleo attacks him with a sword. Doc admits to killing her pig but claims he was in emotional distress because someone broke his redstone. Cleo reiterates that this pig was special because it was the one she sent to hell and it survived. Doc contends that the pig had no name and was just randomly sitting there, like many pigs he has killed over the years. Joe interrupts to say that if a pig went to hell he thinks it probably would’ve gotten a name because even the most minor characters in Dante’s Inferno seem to have names somehow. Cleo is ignoring him and spelling out exactly where the pig was (in a boat? At a dock?) but she is sitting low in the mix on Skizz’s audio and it’s hard to hear exactly what she’s saying. She is very emphatic about it though.
26:30 Skizz tries to pull together the threads of the narrative with limited success as Doc reiterates his claim of emotional distress leading to pig slaughter. Cleo asks Skizz to be her lawyer. Skizz is enthusiastic about the idea, as Scar suggests they need Bdubs for “short claims court.” Doc tries to explain that Cleo was dismissive of the emotional pain Doc felt when someone touched his redstone, and so he killed the pig so she would understand what it felt like to lose someone. (In the background, Cleo points out that the redstone wasn’t even broken, because the block that was replaced was being used as a building block and was not essential to machine function.)
27:10 Skizz asks Doc about his state of mind during the slaughter and Doc, suddenly realizing that he is talking to opposing counsel, decides it is time to clam up and demand a lawyer. Cleo mocks him for making a full and open confession in front of witnesses before demanding a lawyer, while Skizz makes a motion in limine to a nonexistent judge to have the defendant declared mentally unstable. Doc says he has watched many videos on YouTube and knows he is entitled to an attorney. (It’s hard to say if this is true since there is no indication of whether a criminal or civil proceeding is being contemplated, or indeed whether any of the hermits involved understand the difference.) Doc accuses Skizz of walking like a lawyer, and Joe offers the advice that if someone tells you they are the opposition’s lawyer that means they are not your lawyer and you should stop talking to them. Doc displays a very confused understanding of his Miranda rights and the other Hermits continue to mock him for claiming them after the confession and not before. Doc claims to be appalled that all of this criminal behavior is being discussed on Skizz’s birthday stream, then declares himself to be “The Teflon GOAT.”
28:30 Skizz reiterates his willingness to be a lawyer in the case, and Cleo reiterates the fact that they have hired Skizz and Doc cannot have him. Doc retaliates by saying he will hire Joe and then they can talk to a sock puppet in court. Joe accepts the job but insists on being paid in sand. Doc agrees. Skizz laughs evilly with Cleo and says they will have the Doc/Joe team for lunch. Joe responds by saying it’s too bad Skizz already filled up on CAKE. Cleo claims she has witnesses, and Doc claims that Ren cannot be compelled to testify due to spousal privilege. (Apparently Ren is now Doc’s husband.) Scar says he didn’t know Doc got married and says that’s nice. Skizz tells Cleo they need to confer and stop talking outside of court, then tells the others that there will be no more questions or interrogations until they meet in open court. Cleo tries to say something and Skizz shushes them, being a man of either extreme bravery or extraordinary foolishness. Cleo doesn’t stop talking and Skizz goes full Muppet-style trying to shut her up, which works in the sense that it makes her laugh. Skizz assures her that this is the kind of lawyer he intends on being, and Cleo laughs until she starts coughing and has to mute. Doc laments the fact that he is stuck with the public defender, with Joe immediately punning about Pupplet Defender. Doc tells Joe that if Joe were a lawyer he would absolutely be a public defender because Joe is weird and would love to do it. Joe does not know how to take that. Cleo suggests that it not a compliment, though Doc insists it is.
30:45 Skizz makes a movie reference to Liar, Liar and then tells everyone that he’s had fun but he really, really needs to talk to his chat and catch up on his donos. Scar says that Skizz hates collaboration and walks disconsolately out of the pyramid to begin slapping a salmon head sitting on a jukebox. Skizz joins him and they invite Doc to join in as well. (Technically this consists of Skizz screaming “GET OVER HERE AND SLAP IT!”) Doc demurs, citing lingering trauma from salmon-related food poisoning. Skizz says this is all he wants for his birthday, but Doc insists he cannot. Skizz says if Doc loves him, he will slap the fish. Doc approaches, but begins making gagging noises and backs away again. The salmon-slapping noises are quite loud. Cleo suggests that the best way to have a private meeting with no Doc eavesdropping is to make this noise. Doc says he would rather bathe in a tub of poisonous spiders than slap the fish. He flies away.
32:40 Skizz turns to Scar and tells him that all he wants for his birthday is a death message in chat saying that Scar killed Doc. Scar immediately flies away. Joe and Cleo express great appreciation for Skizz’s plan, with Cleo claiming that all she ever wanted was for Doc to die horribly. Doc logs out at the exact right time for it to be clear that he was stream sniping and has finally caught up to stream delay. Everyone is disappointed. Cleo starts to talk to Skizz about killing Doc, then realizes they shouldn’t talk to their lawyer about extrajudicial murder. Skizz assures her they have attorney client privilege, but Joe correctly realizes that his presence could destroy the presumption of privilege and heads out. He gives Skizz a number of Joe Hills specialty fireworks for his birthday, insists that they are flight duration 3, and then flies away using one with predictably painful results. Skizz attempts the same thing and Cleo cheers that he farts rainbows. Cleo leaves.
34:45 Skizz returns to the pyramid and begins to address chat, only to be interrupted by Scar singing “check your mail, check your mail, check your mail.” Skizz promises that he will, then spends several minutes catching up with donos. He receives the link for Rusty_Courage and Persefida’s GIGGS Phasmo collab animation and assures a viewer that nobody ever needs to apologize for not being able to sub or donate.
39:38 Skizz goes to check his mail, accidentally using another one of Joe’s fireworks to fly. He receives a Ruber Sea Pickle, presumably from Tango, which is specifically labeled as a gift so he will have to put it up on the wall in his base. Cleo falls from a high place but says they are fine. Scar, also clearly stream sniping, drops off a gift of item frames when Skizz can’t find any.
43:00 Skizz leaves the maibox and sleeps, waking to find Scar haunting his mailbox to indicate that he has additional mail. Skizz finds mail from Scar, a coupon for the sand and gravel store along with a jukebox and a disc that plays the advertisement Scar made for his Star Wars themed shop. Skizz is clearly charmed and impressed. He wants Scar to teach him how to do that.
45:15 Skizz stops by Bop ‘n Go to repair his elytra, then heads for the sand and gravel shop. He leaves while the Bop song is still playing, disappointing his chat. Although the Death Scar initially appears to be its normal self, closer inspection reveals that it has been turned into a giant emoji sphere (thanks to Jevin.) Skizz, not fully understanding the cache function of the Bobby mod, is very confused. He visits the gravel shop, admires it, kills the inevitable mobs that spawn in any Scar build, and buys some gravel. Scar tells him in chat that the price for gravel is 12 diamonds per shulker rather than the posted 20. Skizz uses his coupon to buy a box of gravel.
52:30 Skizz leaves the gravel shop for the sand shop and catches up with donos again. A donor asks how he juggles streaming and a full time job. He suggests “A lot of cocaine,” then immediately insists multiple times that he is joking. He says it is very difficult and not necessarily very healthy, but suggests that as long as a streamer has a thick skin and an understanding that it’s very hard work, and that they listen to their body, they can get by. Another donor asks why he calls Tango ‘Top.’ Skizz says it’s from Rocket League, but that he also thinks very highly of Tango, so Top is an appropriate name.
55:00 Skizz actually enters the sand shop. Scar tells him via chat that shulkers of sand are 15 diamonds, and Skizz buys one. Chat complains that they cannot see in-game chat because of Twitch chat overlay. Skizz moves the chat box around on the screen to solicit chat opinions on the best place and size for it. Chat has a hard time achieving consensus. Skizz puts it back in the same place but slightly smaller.
58:30 Skizz addresses a viewer asking how to grow his drumming channel. He says you must be at peace with the fact that there is no magic formula. Collaborate as much as possible with other YouTubers in similar genres.
59:30 Return to the pyramid, inventory organization time. More dono shout-outs, and Skizz spends approximately 90 seconds walking aimlessly up and down his stairs.
1:02:30 Skizz fails to find ink in his chest monster. He sees that Tango has signed on and goes to visit the factory. Cleo raids into the stream. Not finding Tango, Skizz returns to the pyramid, gets chased by Tango, chases Tango, and engages in a sky battle that ends in an inglorious crash landing at the factory. Tango plays a custom music disc of Happy Birthday to the tune of the Hallelujah Chorus while slapping Skizz on the beat. Scar drops by and attempts to HotGuy Tango, but does not achieve Velocitay. Tango calls him a tryhard.
1:06:00 Scar and Skizz begin rummaging through Tango’s storage system. Tango only objects when Scar gets into the redstone guts of the factory and begins singing in a suspiciously innocent fashion. Tango shows off his piglin extermination system, complete with pressure-plate activated scream.
1:08:50 Scar remembers something he wanted to talk to Tango about, then remembers he either doesn’t want to talk in front of Skizz or in front of several thousand chatters. Skizz plays dejected and says he will leave. He flies away, then returns and successfully HotGuys Scar. Scar, who does not have a bed, is dumped off at Spawn. Skizz and Tango collect the bits and gloat over the kill. Skizz gathers up Scar’s elytra and rockets and goes to find Scar, only to realize he is not sure where Spawn is. Scar gets killed by a Vindicator at spawn.
1:11:10 Skizz finds Scar and returns the elytra while Scar claims that his failed Hotguy was more impressive because it was a blind shot over the rafters and into the factory. Tango arrives as well, wearing Scar’s hat. Scar calls him a Rancher. Tango agrees. Scar trolls Skizz over Mission Possible (Impossible) (Kimpossible), then shouts that he still needs to talk to Tango about record players while flying off. His departure angle is a bit low, causing him to slam nonfatally into the side of a hill. He corrects himself and flies away while Tango and Skizz laugh and make George of the Jungle jokes.
1:13:00 Skizz claims that he needs to go to work, Tango says that he shouldn’t really have to because it is his birthday you-yo. Tango says he went to the gym that morning, but admits it was just a preliminary meeting. He and and Skizz start talking about hockey, til Scar reappears and demands his arrows and ender chest. Scar asks Tango a technical question about custom heads as music players and Skizz flies back to the pyramid.
1:15:30. Back to work… except Skizz needs food and rockets. Skizz flies back to the shopping district while catching up on donos. He admires Joel’s new honey shop, then heads for the rocket shop and gets Hotguyed by Scar, who then logs out. Skizz collects Breadstick to return to the shopping district while lamenting the bad etiquette of not returning someone’s wingies to them after Hotguying them.
1:19:45 Skizz arrives back at the shopping district and collects his bits. Tango had been looking for them as well, but was misled by Skizz’s claim that he was “at the rocket shop” and had looked at Cuboom instead of the flight rocket shop. Skizz jokingly regrets being so polite about returning Scar’s elytra. He says Scar is “in barney” and vows revenge.
1:21:00 Tango makes fun of Skizz for still riding a horse, and Skizz decides it’s time to buy an elytra. They don’t know where they elytra shop is, but chat points the way. Tango steals the elytra from the barrel before Skizz can buy one, Skizz retaliates with vociferous movie quotation. Tango suggests that maybe there should be police on the server to keep order. Skizz buys an elytra and some golden carrots. He is running out of money. Tango mocks him for not selling more wood. Skizz says he has lowered the price of mangrove to 8, but people have stopped buying. Tango and Skizz both have a lot of permits unshopped. They realize they each have a wool permit they can use at the wool shop and Skizz rides home to get it.
1:27:15 Breadstick is returned safely to the corral. Skizz puts his new spare elytra in his shulker box and finds his permit for green wool. Tango has light blue. Neither of them understand the Wolves of Wool Street concept, but they assume they can put their permits on the wall of the shop and collect their profits. They return to the shopping district.
1:28:55 Skizz finds Wool Street and puts up his permit. He has already accumulated four blocks of diamonds in profit from the shop. Skizz and Tango open every trap door in the Terracotta shop facade. Skizz suggests that instead of just opening all the doors, they place many more trapdoors around the facade. They admire the cuteness of the Fresh Animations dogs.
1:33:00 Skizz lays out his plan for trapdoors, insisting that he wants to go juuuuust to the edge of not funny and stopping before that. Skizz cannot differentiate between spruce and dark oak, but Tango and the chat help. They go to the wood shop and decide to make a chat group, but both of them create and neither of them join. Tango eventually joins Skizz’s group after some frantic moon landing. Skizz experiences a serious and fundamental misunderstanding about the prices of logs in Doc’s shop, insisting briefly that a shulker of logs is three sand rather than three shulkers of sand. Tango is longsuffering.
1:37:00 Skizz resorts to using cherry wood from his own backstock, but is embarrassed when he can only make 33 trapdoors and they are all pink. Tango offers for a second time to go get wood. Skizz reluctantly agrees, then gets lost in the nether trying to follow Tango home. He shows off his own portal, then returns to the shopping district.
1:40:00 Decoration of the Terracotta Shop begins. Tango expresses sudden reservations and Skizz mocks him for having cold feet. They place a dozen trapdoors, mostly randomly.
1:41:05 A creeper blows up directly behind Skizz, narrowly missing taking out the entire Terracotta Shop. It makes a sizeable creeper hole just in front of the shop. Skizz says he’s starting to feel bad. Tango asks if he needs a hug. Skizz clarifies that he feels bad about what they’re doing. Tango says he feels bad, but not bad enough to stop. He is worried that it’s not funny enough. Skizz places a single froglight in the bottom of the creeper hole. He sees what Tango has done while he was in the hole (place another 15-20 trapdoors) declares that it is terrible and that he’s going to tell Bdubs what Tango did. Tango tears down what he made, while Skizz begins placing more trapdoors. The trapdoor situation is entirely random at this point.
1:43:15 Skizz exclaims that he knows what to do and flees the scene, cackling. He returns after a minute, and he and Tango try to figure out which trapdoors they actually placed. Chat reminds Tango (Skizz is not reading chat) that there are trapdoors on the floor. He begins picking them up while Skizz places down additional trapdoors. Tango slaps him right through the front door and out of the shop, then finishes picking up the doors. They leave the shop only minimally pranked.
1:46:00 Skizz and Tango leave through the wool shop. Skizz relays a question from chat about why Tango is not streaming today. Tango pauses for a moment, declares “Explosive diarrhea,” and immediately flies away. He is still in the group, however, and admits he actually should be working on a video but was distracted by birthday shenanigans. He leaves the group and Skizz returns once more to the pyramid. He catches up on donos again.
1:48:30 Back at the pyramid, time to work! Skizz notices the froglights that Joe used for climbing inside the pyramid earlier and thinks they are an obscure prank. He declares no pranking in the pyramid, and earns a cheevo by taking them down.
1:50:25 Time for the Bop Song… or for slapping a fish. Skizz slaps the fish, then looks at some fanart by JustHydra. He talks about an exciting dragon fight on the Skizzlecraft server. He reads a birthday poem from a fan and tears up a little. He decides it’s time for a Ted Lasso rewatch soon and catches up on donos.
1:58:14 Actually time for Bop Song. Skizz kills squid in the river to get dye, then uses his new sand and gravel to make black concrete. He talks about Cobra Kai and catches up on chat and donos.
2:06:30 Skizz begins placing black concrete around the lava portion of the maze.
2:09:20 Skizz forgets he is in freecam and has a brief out-of-body experience.
2:14:00 Catching up with chat. Skizz talks about how he is unqualified to talk about social anxiety issues at pride events, but suggests that chatter should go along with somebody who they are very comfortable with to provide support if the crowds get to be too much.
2:16:15 Another freecam jumpscare, right into the lava pit. Chat suggests a poll on how long before Skizz dies to his own maze again.
2:20:30 Skizz backs up into lava. He catches fire but does not die.
2:22:00 Poll suggests 77% of chat believes Skizz will die in his own lava.
2:23:00 Skizz fights a spider in the pyramid, then tries to figure out where it came from and mob-proof it.
2:29:30 Skizz decides to put black banners on the wall of the maze and leaves to go buy banners. He gets outside the pyramid before chat reminds him that he is the holder of the banner permit. He goes into his base and looks at the banner permit, then does a classic facepalm. He makes a loom but must sleep and kill more squid before he can make any banners.
2:36:00 Having decided that the best way to proceed is black banners with red downward-pointing arrows, Skizz pauses the game to look up how to make them. He “borrows” some poppies from Gem for dye and kills more squid.
2:40:10 Skizz attempts his first banner. He forgets how to do it. After some trial and error, he gets the colors he wants and begins working on patterns.
2:45:40 Skizz runs out of black ink, goes to kill more squid. He catches up with chat and advises a chatter to introduce a new person to gaming by first understanding what sort of person you are working with and what sort of learning process they vibe with.
2:49:00 First banner is completed. The banner copying function makes the second banner considerably faster.
2:52:00 Banners are placed in the maze, declared “not great, but not bad.” Skizz catches on fire again but does not die. Test run time is declared.
2:53:30 Skizz turns off the texture pack, strips naked and does a test run of the maze. He’s forgotten to turn off jump boost, invalidating the magma block jump. He drops to a half-heart at the berry bushes but survives to eat. It is time for the Skizzleman Fart Song.
2:59:20 Motion sickness warning as Skizz leaves his cubito bobbing in the top of a water stream while he sends a text message. He leaves the stream to go let his brother in the house.
3:00:50 Skizz returns to wrap up the stream. He was not able to finish the snow maze, so he skips to the lava drop to test that part. He successfully makes the jump and does not die in the lava. Chat experiences mixed feelings. Skizz realizes that he cannot get out of the hole at the bottom of the lava and will eventually have to starve to death, but that is a problem for Future (Hungry) Skizz. Skizz raids into Ginger_Crush and signs off.
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