#service discovery
codeonedigest · 1 year
Service Discovery Design Pattern For Microservices Short Tutorial for De...
Full Video Link             https://youtu.be/bRZm5u6e9o8
Hello friends, new #video on #servicediscovery #microservice #designpattern #tutorial for #programmers with #examples is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel.
@java #java #aws #awscloud @awscloud @AWSCloudIndia #salesforce #Cloud #CloudComputing @YouTube #youtube #azure #msazure #servicediscovery #servicediscoveryinmicroservices #servicediscoveryinmicroservicesspringboot #servicediscoveryKubernetes #servicediscoveryinawsecs #servicediscoverypattern #servicediscoveryvsapigateway #servicediscoveryinaws #servicediscoverymicroservicesspringbootexample #servicediscoveryvsserviceregistry #servicediscoveryinPrometheus #servicediscoveryinmobilecomputing #servicediscoverymicroservices #servicediscoverymicroservicesjavaexample #servicediscoverymicroservicesspringboot #serviceregistryanddiscoverymicroservices #servicediscoverymicroservicesaws #serviceregistry #serviceregistrymicroservices #serviceregistryanddiscoverymicroservices #serviceregistryinspringboot #serviceregistryKubernetes #serviceregistrypattern #serviceregistryinazure #serviceregistryspringboot #eurekaserviceregistry #eurekaserviceregistryspringboot #consulserviceregistry #springbootserviceregistryexample
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nigesakis · 8 months
lord almighty they are doing crazy things to this guy's cerνix on ao3
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tathrin · 1 month
Hey, so do you ever stop to think about how the premise of Lord of the Rings being an in-universe book written by some of the characters who lived through that story means that they decided what parts and perspectives to use to tell that story...?
And when our authors weren't there to experience the events themselves, they have to rely on what they're told about them by the characters who were there, right...?
Okay so stop and think about the Glittering Caves.
We never actually go to the caves in the narrative. Tolkien LOVES describing nature and natural beauty, but we don't actually see the caves described "by him" the way we do other places. Obviously Gimli's words are Tolkien's, yes; but we only see the caves filtered through his words about them, after the fact.
When Gimli and Éomer and the other Rohirrim take refuge there, the narrative doesn't follow them. Obviously from a narrative standpoint this is to keep the focus narrow, and not to interrupt the battle-sequence with a long ode to the beauty of the caves, and to create tension in the reader who doesn't know if these characters are okay or not. Which all makes sense!
But think about it in terms of the book that was written in Middle-earth by the folk living there. Why DON'T we get to have a direct experience of those caves? Gimli obviously related several other parts of the story that none of the Hobbits were there to witness to them, and which were written into the books as Direct Events Happening In The Narrative (think of the Paths of the Dead scene, for one of the more visceral moments!). So why not the Glittering Caves?
Was it because they wanted to keep that narrative focus and tension, and so they didn't include his perspective on that part of the battle? Perhaps, that's certainly a possibility to consider.
But also consider: when we do hear about the Glittering Caves, what we hear is Gimli telling Legolas about the Glittering Caves. THAT is the part of that event that is considered of importance to include in the book: not Gimli's actual experience when he was in them, but rather the part where he relates that experience TO Legolas.
And I kind of just THOUGHT about that today.
And went HUH.
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Star Trek: Discovery ending after five seasons is not a victory for the trolls that hated it. They didn't make it happen. They didn't want the show to live beyond one season let alone five. They didn't bring it down, they just annoyingly happened to still be here when it ended.
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cypresstrees · 7 months
i know we like to joke about about laurence and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (getting his marriage proposal turned down by jane and then committing treason), but it just became even funnier bc i have rediscovered that in the original book, alexander keeps making jokes about moving to australia and in fact the last line is his mom telling him that bad days exist in australia too
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morayofsunshine · 3 months
what's really great about dungeon meshi is watching the first couple episodes and going "oh Laios GETS it he's SO passionate about biology and ecology" and then finding out that like half the main characters are also fantasy ecologists and Laios is the level of unhinged that actual Charles Darwin was when he went on his trips to the Galapagos
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lenievi · 8 months
TOS-tober day 16 (triumvirate prompts)
Favourite Spock headcanon.
No matter what is happening, no matter how stressed he is, no matter if he has time to eat or not, he will always, always shave. His mid-20s is a period he would really like to forget.
Spock didn’t move out of his quarters since he started to serve on the Enterprise. All bridge crew’s quarters/officers’ rooms are the same size, so it isn’t logical to move all of his things just because he’s moved up in ranks. His quarters are perfectly satisfactory. And it wouldn’t feel right to move into the room that used to be Una’s.
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poebrey · 6 months
it looks like the turns have tabled in disco s5 and now Book is the one with impulsive self-sacrificing self-destructive tendencies. good thing the love of his life is the poster girlie for how deep trauma begets deep self loathing
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virgo-79 · 5 months
Does anyone have a compilation of email addresses for all the pertinent contacts at MAX? I thought I had everything in screenshots but I'm missing a bunch. I already emailed the two women who were like the media relations people ( Alyssa and Andrea, I think? I don't recall last names at the moment.) I have snail mail addresses for the Zaslav Thing and for Casey B., but no emails. (I know dickfuck had his turned off or blocked or something.) Thanks, kids -- I know I have this somewhere but in typical fashion I can't parse my own organization system.
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codeonedigest · 1 year
Create Spring Cloud Configuration Server for Microservices | Setup Eurek...
Full Video Link      https://youtu.be/Exoy4ZNAO9Y        
Hello friends, new #video on #springcloud #configserver #eureka #servicediscovery setup is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel.
@java #java #aws #awscloud @awscloud @AWSCloudIndia #salesforce #Cloud #CloudComputing @YouTube #youtube #azure #msazure #configserver #configserverspringboot #configserverinmicroservices #configserverinspringbootmicroservices #configserverinspringbootexample #configserverspringbootgithub #configserverfirewall #configserverspringcloud #configserverspring #configurationserver #configurationserverspringboot #configurationserverdns #configurationserverinmicroservices #configurationserverstepbystep #eurekaservice #eurekaservicediscovery #eurekaserviceregistryspringboot #eurekaservicediscoveryexamplespringboot #eurekaserviceregistry #eurekaserviceinmicroservices #eurekaservicediscoveryexample #eurekaservicediscoveryspringboot #eurekaserviceregistryexample #eurekaservicespringboot
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theinwardlight · 2 years
To 'listen' another's soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another.
Douglas Steere, On Listening to Another 
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the-trans-dragon · 10 months
I'm not complaining exactly, but. Lol.
When reliable medical sources use the "assigned [sex] at birth" language...
I do appreciate it! When a medical article ignores transgender people, it lessens the credibility for me. If it says "This occurs more in women," I *know* what they are intending to convey, but theyre also telling me, "We studied cis people only." And as a trans person, I need my medical resources to account for my existence, y'know?
So when they say "More likely in people assigned female at birth," it's helpful! I now know that they know I exist, but...they're saying essentially the same thing, ei, "We studied cis people only (probably)."
I realize that there isn't better terminology for this stuff.
I have my own terms for these! And I am eagerly waiting for the medical community to figure out some terms too.
Currently I use "Estrogen-Dominant Hormone System" and "Testosterone-Dominwnt Hormone System." I came with those btw >:3 I'm rather proud of them!! You could also call it "Estrogen-Led Hormone System."
It isn't perfect, but it does ACTUALLY allow "cis women" and "trans people taking 'feminizing'* hormones" to exist in the same category, as opposed to saying "AFAB" and then trying to figure out how to handle any outliers taking 'masculinizing'* hormones.
*I don't really like this word to describe it. I'd personally call it "Estrogen-Dominant HRT" and "Testosterone-Dominant HRT." The latter might be a little redundant, but E-dominant HRTs vary widely, due to the option of using progesterone or androgen-blockers (and other meds that affect hormone levels); and simply calling it "Estrogen HRT" implies that it doesn't involve anything besides estrogen.
It STILL wouldn't INDICATE trans inclusivity, BUT. WHENEVER THEY GET AROUND TO INCLUDING TRANS PEOPLE it'll be very helpful.
It hopefully also accounts for intersex people (not perfectly; but it doesn't work perfectly for trans people; which is to say: it would function BEST as a stepping stone towards more comprehensive terminology).
Lastly, I think it would allow for some spectrums to be considered, rather than a strict binary. I think that, medically, it would be *infinitely* more valuable to consider "sex" in terms of "various hormones, in consideration of some 'normal' ranges and in consideration of the ratios comparing them with other hormones." Example:
ADHD meds and "females." ADHD meds have different efficacy throughout the monthly menstrual cycle. "Because of the way estrogen varies during the cycle." But I want *more* data.
Does estrogen alone change the efficacy?
Is it a combination of multiple hormones that fluctuate?
Is it because "Hormones A increased," or is it because "The Ratio of Hormones A to Hormone B increased?" Did the ratio increase? Maybe the other hormone experienced an even greater increase, causing the ratio to decrease.
I've tried to stitch together some sort of answer, but Im never satisfied with it. It's hard to integrate sources that use different ranges of normal, or that measure with a different unit, or that don't specify enough details to know how to combine it to another source.
I just want science to recognize trans people, and also recognize the actual complex science behind sex, rather than operating as if it's a simple binary with strict characteristics.
So I guess I AM complaining. But not about articles using AFAB/AMAB. I'm complaining about the unresolved limits, and exclusion of trans people.
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pikefied · 1 year
You're a Starfleet captain... 💔💔💔
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safyresky · 3 months
My mom makes me laugh. She's constantly asking me what the password is for various streaming services she sets up as if I know off hand like bitch, I don't KNOW the passwords, I just usually AM the password
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jheselbraum · 2 years
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thank you to everyone pirating shows and movies as a result of this past week
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lenievi · 8 months
TOS-tober day 19 (triumvirate prompts)
Favourite Spock moment.
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BARIS: You heard me. KIRK: I heard you. SPOCK: He simply could not believe his ears. (The Trouble With Tribbles)
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