#sh lydia
safehavenedits · 6 months
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woodsmanwife · 5 months
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I love to share, message me, tell me what you like!
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ilovewriting06 · 5 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 11
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I snarl down at the grinning face of Kate Argent before raising my claws ready to slash out her throat when she chuckles, spitting up a little blood, "Her birthday is February 2nd by the way."
I falter slightly and she laughs her sadistic little laugh, "Yeah, what's her name? Lola isn't it?"
I let out a growl and she smirks, "She's yours you know, biological and all that jazz. Congrats."
I pull back in surprise, craving answers and Kate takes my moment of distraction to stab a wolfsbane laced dagger through my torso. My eyes widen as I gasp in pain before I'm being pushed to the ground. I hiss and choke out a cry as the blade is twisted in a full circle as Kate's face appears above mine, "Don't worry dear, I'll tell you everything you want to know, but it'll be on my terms."
I weakly try and push her hands away before she pushes herself up, using the handle of the dagger as her only leverage. I arch in pain as black starts to cloud my vision telling me I'm about to pass out. I frantically look for someway to leave a message when I make eye contact with the camera and try my best to leave a message. I take gasping breaths as my vision fades in and out and the last thing I see is Gerard Argent looking down at me with a sneer before glancing up and looking, presumably at Kate, "Tell her, and then kill her."
Stiles POV
"What do you mean she's missing?!"
"Stiles, calm down."
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down Scott! My fiancée is missing, my mate Scott, and I can't fucking feel her and it's freaking me the fuck out! So someone, tell me what the hell is going on and where the hell my fiancée is?!"
I feel someone lay a hand on my shoulder and I instinctively fling my arm back effectively knocking the hand off of my shoulder before spinning around to seethe at Dad, "Don't. Touch. Me."
He holds up his hands and backs up slightly before speaking, "Hey, sorry, sorry, but you need to calm down Stiles. Let Lydia explain and then we'll figure out what to do."
I take a deep shaky breath before sinking down to sit on the bottom of the stairs, "Okay, okay," I look up and meet the gaze of a worried and guilty Lydia, "What happened?"
Lydia's frown deepens and I notice how she's slightly shaking and her bottom lips quivers, "I-I don't know what happened, we were at the mall, just window shopping you know?"
Allison lays a comforting hand on Lydia's arm, "Deep breaths Lyds, we need you to tell us what happened so we can find Y/n. Do this for her."
Lydia takes a deep breath and nods once before her eyes harden as her guilt turns to determination, "We were at the mall since we both had a free day and it has been quiet on the Gerard and Kate issue for awhile and we had just finished eating when she said she needed to run to the bathroom. I offered to go with her but she said no, that she would be right back because she only had to pee and then she asked me to look for the one candle scent that Stiles loves. I watched her walk towards the bathrooms and then she never came back. I went and looked for her and all I found was what looked like blood splatter on the wall, it looked like someone's face was slammed against it and their nose started bleeding."
I clutch my hands into fists as I check in on our bonds to see if I can feel her but it's still silent. I take a deep breath before dropping my face into my hands and fighting back tears as I whisper, "Pain, so much pain and anger."
Everyone turns to look at me and I rub my hands down my face before sniffling as I sit up straight, "The last thing I felt from her was sudden, it was anger, a lot of anger, and then unfathomable pain, right before terror took over for a split second before she disappeared. The bond is still there and I haven't went fucking crazy yet so she's still alive. It feels like the bonds when she's asleep so I think she was probably knocked out."
Everyone lets out some sort of whimper or whine, including the humans, before the door is flung open and Melissa comes rushing through demanding, "What happened?! Why did I get the 911 text, who's hurt, who's missing, or who do we have to kill?"
She stops in the entryway as she takes in everyone and I can see the moment it clicks that the only person not present is her daughter. She sucks in a breath before her eyes settle on my and I can see the fear in her eyes which has me choking back more sobs as she asks, "Stiles, where's my daughter?"
I bite my cheek trying to gain control before swallowing and then standing up, "We don't know." Her eyes widen as she comes to stand in front of me, "What do you mean you don't know? Can't you feel her or do your weird voodoo mate shit and find her?"
I shake my head slowly and whisper, "N-no, I...I can't, I'm sorry Melissa but I can tell you that she's still alive."
Her eyes widen even more before dropping into a glare, "Sh-She's alive?! That's it?! Aren't you her mate and supposed to know this crap?! What the hell were you even thinking letting her go out alone when two fucking psychos are on the loose and clearly after blood?!"
I swallow her words as they cut deep before answering, "She wasn't alone, she went with Lydia. I thought-I thought she would be okay to get out of the house for a couple hours."
Lydia shrinks back as if she had been slapped, and I can't help but sympathize because I'm feeling about the same x10 right now. I lick my lips out of nervousness, praying that Melissa is done shooting bullets but it appears they're going unanswered today.
"Lydia! You sent her out with Lydia! The least threatening one in the pack and you send my daughter out with her? What the hell is wrong with you Stiles, you're supposed to stop her from doing stupid stuff when there's psycho killers on the loose! What were you thinking? Hell, were you thinking at all?!"
I flinch back before looking at the floor as Scott jumps forward, "MOM! Stop! Are you thinking? You know no one can tell Y/n what to do besides look at him, he's beating himself up right now without you coming around and adding fuel to the fire. He's more connected to her than any of us and as soon as he felt her bond go silent he went batshit crazy, it took Boyd, Erica, Isaac, and me to keep him from running out here full on white eyed and sparked out."
I glance up as Melissa's anger falters and Scott continues, "Jesus Mom, she's his mate, his world, take what you feel right now and multiply it by 1000, that's what he feels like right now. Just, calm down before you send him into another spiral, because although his eyes are really frickin cool, he's really freaking scary."
Melissa turns to look at me and I look away to avoid eye contact before stumbling back as I'm slammed into before being wrapped in a rather tight hug, "Oh God Stiles, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry and scared and you were who I took it out on. I am so sorry, honey."
I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a tight hug as she sobs into my shoulder and I fight to hold back my own tears because I know if I start crying now I'm not going to stop.
I tap my fingers against the desk as dad scrolls through the security tapes from the mall looking for any idea as to what happened and where she went. We're 103% sure it was Kate and Gerard but we still don't know specifics.
I perk up as Dad stops fast forwarding through the tape when he sees Y/n and Lydia in the food court and from there we bounce between the cameras until she disappears into the bathroom. Luckily there is a clear shot to the bathroom door to make sure no one steals anything and we watch as a blonde quickly slip through the door less than a minute after Y/n and I can feel my eyes flash white as I let out a pretty impressive snarl, "Kate."
We watch until they exit through the bathroom door together and then slipping out of a back door on the backside of the mall. Dad switches cameras again and I watch as a pretty brutal fight breaks out until Y/n has Kate pinned down and has the opening for a final blow before she falters. I lean forward and furrow my eyebrows wondering why she faltered before scowling and wincing as she's pushed off Kate and the dagger that had been embedded in her flesh is twisted. I close my eyes and look away not being able to stomach the pain on her face, at least until Dad gasps, "Stiles."
I look at him before he rewinds the tape and points before slowing it down, "Watch."
I flinch as the dagger is twisted and pushed on as if it isn't impaled through my mate's stomach. I watch as Y/n's eyes dart around somewhat frantic before she makes direct eye contact at the camera before moving her hand in multiple different signs that I vaguely recognize but have no idea how to interpret.
I grit my teeth out of irritation before I remember where exactly I had seen those signs before. I scramble for my phone before dialing the only person I can think of that would know what the hell Y/n was trying to tell us.
Lydia strolls through the office door less than ten minutes later before moving to look at the screen, "Okay, what do you need me to try and interpret?"
I replay the tape again and can see the tears as she sees her best friend get stabbed before she gasps. She narrows her eyes before rewinding the tape for a few seconds as she looks at me, "It's sign language, we learned some of it so we could talk to each other during school. We only really ever got the basics and the alphabet figured out but she's spelling something out, I need a piece of paper and a pen."
This time Dad is the one that scrambles to pull a notepad out of his desk before plucking a pen out of his pen holder and all but shoving them at Lydia. Lydia takes them before she rewinds the tape for approximately another eternity before she hands the paper to me, "I think it's for you."
I look down at the paper and my breath hitches at the three words scribbled on the paper, 'she is ours.' I slam the paper down on the desk causing Dad and Lydia to jump before I angrily seethe, "Of course they were the ones to fucking take Lola."
Lydia looks at me with concern and confusion in her eyes, "What are you talking about? Lola's safe at home."
I point at the note before running a hand through my hair, "Y/n and I had a hunch that the baby she miscarried, wasn't actually miscarried."
Lydia furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
I let a sad smile slip out before pointing at the screen, "When she faltered, when she could have killed Kate but didn't, I think Kate told her what we had suspected...Lola is our biological daughter that was somehow taken from Y/n, more than likely transferred to someone else."
She stares at my in shock before asking, "Is that even possible?"
I sigh before nodding, "Yeah, I went to Deaton about it and he said that it is possible but you would need another woman to carry the baby to full term and a witch to actually transfer the baby from one womb to the other. It was only ever used in dire situation, like the original, biological mother is dying and the baby is moved to another woman to carry the baby."
Lydia gapes, "You mean to tell me that some sicko magically moved a baby out of Y/n's womb, causing her to fall into grief because she thought she miscarried the baby, into another one?"
I nod and she scowls, "What kind of fucking sicko would do that?!"
I raised an eyebrow and she deflated, "You...you don't think Kate...?"
I blanche at he suggestion before I shakily nod, "I-it...the timeline would work. If we're right and Lola was transferred to-to Kate, oh God that makes me sick, it would make sense as to why they dropped off the map for all those months."
I look to see Dad scowling, obviously paying attention as Lydia asks, "Is-is Lola related to Kate somehow?"
I let out a relieved sigh and shake my head, "No, not possible. She was simply just a carrier. Y/n and I had already made Lola, she was 100% our DNA and they couldn't change that. Kate would have only carried her and then gave birth to her, but no relation and she wouldn't have the same motherly love that Y/n would have had. Well, Y/n/n has it now, but no, no relation to the Argents, thank fuck."
Surprisingly Dad is the one to sigh in relief, "Oh thank God, I can't stand the Argents, except for Allison, and sometimes Chris. I'm still a little mad that he was going to shoot you when everything went down with the nogistune."
I go to respond before I jump up so fast my chair almost flips before turning to Dad and Lydia with wide eyes, "She's awake!"
A/n- Well, some mysteries are slowly getting solved, now they just need to find Y/n before it's too late. Let me know what you think!
Tag List: @ah-blossom @gabby988 @zanypaintermoon
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asclexe · 3 months
mpretend i posted this two days ago when i saw beetlejuice but
they gave musical lydia so much girlish whimsy. i do NOT remember her being so silly in the movie
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
i will always stand by the fact peter and james fully took remus' side after the prank
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Like, it was so well done, but I HATED IT!!!
And ALL OF THAT, and Lydia would've been FINE!!
It was always about THEM!
It was always about setting the trap.
And they DIDN'T LISTEN!!
Because they CARE!!
The fact that Scott makes it just SECONDS too late, but he still dashes over and catches her before she falls.
The fact that Kira and Isaac just look on in horror, not even sure how to process what just happened.
The fact that he can't even take her pain away, and he can't even feel like he helped, because there's nothing to take away.
The fact that Lydia screams Allison's name at the top of her lungs and just collapses, broken and shattered because she KNOWS.
The fact that Allison says "it's okay" and that "it's perfect" because she's dying in the arms of her first love.
The fact that she doesn't even get to tell him that the silver arrowhead is what did the Oni in.
The fact that her dad runs up, minutes late, after he told her to WAIT FOR HIM, to see her dead, in Scott's arms, and he just stumbles and almost falls and can't even fully process that he just lost the only family he had left, and the one family he always tried hardest to protect.
The fact that Scott was honestly never really fully over her, even with everything with Kira, because she was his first love too, and he had to watch her die in his arms and he could do NOTHING.
The fact that this will just give Stiles one more thing to feel immensely guilty over, because the demon that was inside of him killed one of his closest friends, his best friend's first love, and his first love's best friend.
The fact that this is the first pack member that we've truly lost on this show. Because we've had deaths, and we've had losses, but NEVER someone like Allison. Never someone in that inner circle. Never someone that was a true member of the pack.
And it f*cking HURTS.
And the pack is never gonna get over this. Not really.
And I don't know how we're gonna fight the Nogitsune with a loss like that.
I really f*cking don't.
The only thing that will save us is pure anger and vengeance.
But the gaping hole it will leave behind...that's not going anywhere any time soon.
I knew she was gonna die at some point in this show, because I know enough about the plot of the movie to know that she's dead when the movie happens.
But it wasn't until this episode that I realized it was gonna happen so soon.
And I wasn't ready.
Even though I called it...
I wasn't f*cking ready.
F*ck this show.
I am so not okay.
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(F*CK THIS SHOW I SWEAR TO F*CKING GOD!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( )
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survivoirs · 1 year
I will never get over the Iconic Moment of Alec coming out to his parents and some of the most important members of the Clave at his own wedding.
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hysteria-things · 6 months
PHOTO ALBUM (part two)
read part one here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft!dom chris x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: when you and chris finally have alone time, you guys want to make the most of it.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, fluff, swearing, p in v, sleepy sex, a little praising
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 715
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: the second part for @whoreforchrissturniolo request😜
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marylou opens the front door and smiles wide, you and chris walking into his childhood home and placing the car seats on the ottoman. “how are you doing, sweetie?” she greets with a hug, chris unbuckling the twins so braeden and lydia can stretch.
“i’m doing good.” you reply. “just tired.”
“tell me about it,” she says lowly, chris coming to your side. his mother talks to the babies, taking both of them out of the seats and holding them in her arms. she is a pro.
“thank you again, mom. i’m sorry we keep coming over like this, especially when dad’s at work.”
she scoffs, refusing to take her eyes off of her grandchildren. “don’t be silly. go get rest; i got this.”
occasionally, you and chris would come over to his parent's house in the morning to have them watch the kiddos while you guys get some extra sleep. it helps tremendously, since the amount of sleep you guys get is about four hours.
because of the eye bags, it does look like you guys got punched in the face.
once you plop onto chris’s bed, you get under the covers and snuggle instantly, eyes already half closed. “your mom is a lifesaver.” you mumble.
he giggles, facing toward you and taking your hand to peck it. a peck leads to him kissing up your arm, then neck, then to him on top of you with your arms wrapped around his neck. your lips move in sync. it’s slow, but it’s full of need.
ever since the kids were born, you guys have not had time to have sex, which is understandable. right now, you guys are exhausted, but you can’t stop now.
he pulls away, groaning when you reach your hand into his pants and pump his base. “fuck.” he whispers, feeling him getting harder under your touch.
you hum when he pushes your hand away, untying both his and your bottoms before pulling them down. he goes in and kisses you again, this time inserting his tongue into your mouth.
soft moans and pants leave your mouths, keeping in the back of your heads to not be so loud. you guys are supposed to be asleep, after all.
gasping, you grab onto chris’s arms. you haven’t felt him in a very long time, so adjusting to the size again will be difficult. he leans to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. “you’re taking it so well, baby. just a little more, okay?”
you whine, chris taking one of your hands and interlocking his fingers with it above your head. once he thrusts softly into you, your eyes flutter closed. you throw your head back, taking in what you haven’t felt in almost a year.
“damn,” he grunts, leaving kisses on your neck and collarbone. he missed this.
“you feel so good.” you whimper, gripping tighter onto his hand that’s holding yours. he moans in response, licking his lips to focus on how well you wrap around him.
you open your eyes, his already staring back at yours. your noses graze each other, mouths open wide with heavy pants escaping them. because it’s been forever, your orgasm already started to build.
his cock moves deep inside you, a high-pitched moan louder than the others falling past your lips before you cover them with your palm. clenching hard, chris’s hips jut. “you’re squeezing so fucking tight. is someone close? hm?”
“y-yes.” you exhale. “i need to cum so bad. i-i miss cumming around your cock.”
those words cause a groan, his hips moving slightly faster to also get to his climax. “sh-shit.” he stammers. “that’s right. cum around my dick like the good girl you are. there we go.”
legs trembling, you continue to moan as your release smears down his shaft. multiple grunts and ruts of the pelvis later, the feeling of chris’ cum oozing inside of you has you thanking god that you recently got back on birth control. you love the babies, but you certainly don’t need another one at the moment.
he lays at your side, arms wrapping around your waist and nuzzling deep into your back. you were tired before, but that got you guys falling asleep in seconds, enjoying the peace while listening to each other’s heartbeats.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @sturniolotriplettoplover @stars4matt @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @luv4kozume @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @catalina-island @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @pinkfarts @slut4mattsturn @thesturniolos @vickeyzloserz @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @bellasfavbisexual @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @crazychrisl0v3r @maggieflms @strtuniolo @mutualsafe @riasturns @sturniolowhore @antpile00 @ashley9282828 @stingerayyy2 @sturnsjtop
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ok but like maybe stiles stilinski with a spoiled rich reader maybe who has vibes like lydia?¿? maybe w number 21 ?¿? possibly…
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omg, this is literally the longest fic I've ever written for this blog, I really hope you guys enjoy it!
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Stiles Stilinski x Fem! Rich! Vampire! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, maybe slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 6.0K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - No one expected you and Stiles to start dating. Come on, a rich vampire posing as a high school student who could’ve been a real life Cullen? Fuck no. But, it happened, and Stiles fucking loves you - and your fangs - probably more than he should, and he wants to try something.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - foul language and smut || I was forced to watch twilight and this is what happened I love it || kinda sub stiles || mentions of mates || scent glands || marking || mentions of Wattpad & fanfic || i got WAY too into this shit man- || stiles did research || biting kink || blood kink || multiple rounds || oral || face sitting || cum eating || creampie || unprotected sex ||
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“So, tell me again how this happened?” Coach was baffled as you sat in his class, your hand in Stiles’ as the topic interrupted your lesson in your economics class. “Like, the dating part. How the heck did you end up with her, Stilinski?!”
You cleared your throat, raising your hand. “I uhm… we’ve been dating for a while, Coach.”
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“Yeah, I know! I just didn’t believe it until I saw Stilinski trying to kiss you when he thought I wasn’t looking! Come on kid, you’re that desperate?!” Bobby groaned, pressing his face into his hands. “Why is it always the nice ones who get with the… the Stiles?”
You laughed. “I don’t know who you’ve talked to, Coach, but I am not nice.”
“Yeah, she’s not!” Scott said, twirling his pencil before you glared at him. “Nice. Sh-She’s not nice.”
“Oh, shut up, McCall! You’re just mad because Stiles likes hanging out more with me than you,” you stuck your tongue out at him, letting out a soft humph as you cross your legs under the desk. “And he’s mad I took his boyfriend too.”
“Y/N, we weren’t-”
“Hush darling, Scott and I are talking,” you say, smiling widely at him as you kiss his nose. “Thank you baby.”
“This isn’t happening,” Coach groaned into his hand before the bell rings, a giggle falling from your lips. “Right? This isn’t happening?”
“Oh it’s happening!” You laughed, standing as Stiles cleared his throat.
“Y/N, baby, I have practice today.” He said, Scott coming behind him and sticking his tongue out at you. “I’m sorry.”
You pouted, pretending to think. “Why don’t you just skip? I’ll buy the school new lacrosse gear.”
“I’m right here!” Coach yelled, but quickly got up. “I would be interested in new lacrosse gear though.”
“Yeah, see? Come on, let’s skip.”
“No! We have the quarter-finals this week, he can’t miss. Y/N, he can’t miss,” Scott turned to you, hoping that he could persuade you with those stupid puppy dog eyes. “Come on.”
“Oh I forgot about that,” coach mumbles, glaring at the wall. “Okay, he’s gotta come, but the school would like new lacrosse gear.”
“Here, how about this,” you say, shaking your head as you fix your skirt. “Stiles goes to practice and I’m on the field.”
Coach scoffed. “On the field? Doing what?”
“I don’t know,” you hummed, leaning on the table as you pulled Stiles closer. He followed obediently as you licked your teeth, humming. “Play lacrosse?”
Scott scoffed. “Play lacrosse?”
You tilted your head, crossing your legs. “What, like it’s hard?”
Coach starts to laugh, nodding. “Okay! Okay, you’ll be on the field! Stiles, lend your girlfriend some clothes, we’re getting new lacrosse gear!”
Coach walked out as you giggle, Stiles staring at your smile and the sharpened canines that he fucking loved to stare at.
Scott starts to walk out, pausing to look back at the two of you. “Stiles, you coming?” 
“I-In a minute, Scott,” he smiled back at his friend before looking at you who positioned yourself on the desk with crossed legs. “I’ll be there.”
He hummed as he walked out, Stiles letting his hands settle on your hips as you parted your legs so he could slot himself between them. “Hey, my darling.”
You giggled, pushing back his hair. “Hey, honey,” you whisper back, smiling as you nuzzle your nose against his with a soft sigh. “Do you… do you think I’m too mean to Scott?”
“You’re not mean,” he says, laughing. “You and him have like… an ancestral rivalry. He’ll get over it.”
You giggle, pulling him closer for another firm kiss, groaning as your tongue pushed into his mouth, your hand pulling his head back by tugging on his hair. He groaned loudly as your tongue circled around his, humming as your head pounded. You could hear his heart beating incredibly fast, his arteries pulsating, and by hell’s name, you could smell the horniness drifting off of his body, along with the smell of dog because of Scott.
Even newly turned, you could still control yourself with Stiles as of yet. You both had had sex a few times, more than a few actually, but that was before you were actually aware of his… human-ness. You were born a vampire, now in your final years of highschool as you aged regularly and your family was kept alive by blood bags supplied by the numerous hospitals your family owned.
Your instincts never got in the way because of how well fed you were, but this was different. You could feel everything; his heart, his arteries, his veins, fuck even his cock pulsating. Your heightened senses caught everything, groaning as you attempted to pull him closer, another loud groan falling from his lips as you pulled him closer, a choke filling your ears making you pull away, your fangs grazing his bottom lip making him hiss.
A shiver runs down your back as he lets out a soft groan, laughing slightly as he licks his lip. “You alright, Y/N?”
You hummed, not really paying attention to his words as you stared at his lip dripping with that delicious coppery liquid, leaning forward to lick against his lip and a loud groan left his mouth as you sucked on his lip, desperate for that taste. It was different though, his blood tasted sweet, unlike blood bags, animals, and even humans for fucks sake.
“Y-Y/N,” he whispered, groaning. “I-It kind of hurts.”
You gasped as you pulled away, staring at his slightly swollen bottom lip as he smiled down at you, pushing back your hair. “I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head, humming so that you would look at him. “Hey, Y/N, don’t worry about it,” he says, his smile growing as he leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to your lips. “I’ll be a blood bank for you any day.”
You inhale sharply, shaking your head. “Don’t say that. Y-You don’t know how dangerous that is.”
“Why?” He asked, tilting his head. “I know you can control yourself.”
You scoffed, pushing him back. “Did you not see what I just did? If you wouldn’t have said something, I would’ve kept going.”
“But I did say something,” he says, quickly stepping forward and holding your hips again. “Just because I said it hurt-ed, doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, shaking your head. “Hurt-ed?”
He hummed, nodding. “Hurted. It’s the past tense.”
You shook your head, laughing. “No it’s not, the past tense is still hurt.”
He rolled his eyes. “Not anymore, it’s hurted now.”
You giggle, shaking your head before sighing. “I’m gonna go write that check, okay? I… I think I’m gonna go home, too.”
His brows ruffled, quickly blocking you from jumping down. “Why?”
“Because it’s not safe for me to be around so many people,” you responded, humming as you quickly went around him. “Come to my house after school? We need to talk.”
He quickly caught your hand, one you could’ve easily avoided, but he shook his head. “Y-You’re not breaking up with me, right?”
You giggled, smiling sadly with a shake of your head. “Just meet me at my house, alright?”
He cleared his throat but nodded, inhaling deeply before slowly pulling you in for a soft kiss. “I love you, Y/N, I love you so much.”
You hummed softly, nodding. “I love you too, my darling.”
He swallowed as you walked out, pulling out your checkbook and writing a number with a lot of zeros on the main line before crossing out the rest, signing and doing the rest of the things before passing by Coach and pressing it to his chest. “Let me know if you need more, alright? I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“What? Where are you going?” He yelled out as you waved back at him.
“Have something to do at home! I’ll see you!” You yelled, looking back with a smile. “Good luck, Coach!”
He mumbled something as you walked out, quickly making your way back home and parking outside your secluded mansion that truly could’ve been out of the movie. It didn’t take you long to get up to your room, quickly getting caught by Kirshe, one of the vampire elders that your parents were friends with. “Y/N, are you alright?”
Of course she knew what you were feeling. “O-Oh, I’m fine,” you responded, humming with a slight smile. “Just some… relationship problems.”
She paused, her golden eyes trailing down your body before flashing a bright red. “He doesn’t know he’s your mate, does he?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Not only that, Kirshe.”
She hummed, taking a deep inhale. “And he’s human too, isn’t he?”
You inhaled deeply, nodding. “Taken in by a pack of dogs.”
Kirshe laughed. “Oh, it’s always the best of us, my love. He’s… why are there problems now?”
“I tasted his blood,” you giggled, shaking your head with a scoff. “It’s just like the stories describe it. Addicting, sweet… perfect.”
“Do you want to turn him?” She asked, making you shrug. “Does he want to be turned?”
“I don’t… I don’t know.”
Back at the school, Stiles was going crazy. “Do you think she’s going to break up with me?”
“She would never,” Scott responded, scoffing. “She’s too in love with you.”
“You’re just mad because you thought she was hot,” Stiles grinned, putting on a shirt that hadn’t been near Scott. He knew how much you hated the smell of wolves. “Right?”
“Oh shut up,” Scott scoffed, shaking his head. “Where did she go anyways?”
“Home.” Stiles said, humming. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I can smell how horny you are.”
Stiles laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah, I uhm… we were making out earlier. She was… sucking on my lip after it started bleeding.”
Scott froze, quickly looking at him. “What?”
“You’re overreacting so much,” Stiles said, shrugging. “We’ve had sex before.”
“But she’s never sucked your blood, right?”
Stiles could feel his cheeks heat up, about to say something before Scott groaned loudly. “Dude, the smell got stronger! Holy shit, does that turn you on?!”
“Fuck yeah it does!” Stiles said, thankful the two of them were the only ones in the locker room. “Dude, when we like, get heated, she runs her fangs along my neck, holy shit, it’s so hot.”
“And you want her to suck your blood?” Scott paused, staring at him. “You want her to turn you?”
Stiles paused, staring down at his bag before inhaling deeply. Is this what Bella Swan was feeling when she was with Edward Cullen?
“I want to be with her for the rest of my life,” Stiles said, grabbing his bag before smiling at Scott. “If it’s this one or one hundred, I don’t care. I want her, forever.”
Scott inhaled deeply before sighing, shaking his head with a slight smile. “You’re really in love with her, aren’t you?”
Stiles smiled, all sarcasm gone. “Yeah, I am.”
“What about your dad?” Scott asked the inevitable question, inhaling deeply. “I-I’m not trying to like… ruin anything, but if you get turned… what are you going to do to him?”
Stiles smiled, shrugging. “He’ll be my dad. Always. What he wants to do is up to him.”
After that, he waved goodbye and quickly drove to your house, way over the speed limit to get there faster. As soon as he pulled up, he smiled when he saw you on your balcony, staring at him like you knew he was coming - which you probably did.
He quickly got out, waving up at you as you giggled. Normally your family was there to greet him, but they were obviously gone as he walked inside and up to your room.
He doesn’t knock, mainly because there was no point, slowly walking behind you as you stood on your balcony. His arms go to wrap around your waist, leaning onto your body as he pressed soft kisses to your neck, your hand going to hold his jaw as you exhaled deeply. “How was practice?”
“Good,” he mumbled, shrugging. “Missed you. I changed into something that I hope doesn’t smell like Scott.”
You giggle, nodding. “And it doesn’t, thank you.”
“So uhm…” he whispered, humming against your neck as you moved your hands to settle over his. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Well, you read up on vampires when you met me, right?” You hummed, smiling as he nodded into your neck. “Did you get to the part about mates?”
He paused, his hands tightening around your waist. Did you find your mate? He had read up about them, but never really retained the information because no one ever spoke of them, but obviously for pure blooded vampires like your family, of course they existed.
“I-I… I did,” he whispers, pulling you closer. “There wasn’t much about how it works for bloodborne vampires.”
“Would you like for me to tell you how it works?” You asked, smiling up at him.
“Wh-Why would you tell me if I’m not your mate?” Stiles whispered, slight annoyance in his voice before you started laughing. “What?”
“Stiles, you’re so lucky you’re hot,” you turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You’re my mate.”
He paused, staring down at you blankly. He was your mate? Why?
When you started laughing, he realized he must’ve said it out loud, your hands cupping his face. “Why not? I think it’s fitting, don’t you?”
“Th-That’s not what I meant,” he didn’t mean to stutter, it always happened around you though. He groaned loudly as your fingers dragged down his neck, sparks following your touch as you smiled up at him. “I meant like… how are we mates?”
You paused, pursing your lips. “Kirshe said mates are decided by the gods where in past lives their love ‘changed the fate of the world’,” you mumbled, inhaling deeply as you stroked his hair. “Do you think we could’ve changed the fate of the world, Stiles? In our past lives?”
He inhaled deeply, nodding as he leaned his forehead down against yours. “I know we could’ve,” he whispered back, pressing his lips softly against yours. “Because I love you more than anything else in the world.”
You smiled widely, letting out a loud laugh as he picked you up and turned the both of you around to go back into your bedroom. He slowly laid you in the bed, crawling over your body and laying down next to you to pull you into his chest. You sighed heavily against his chest, stroking his shirt before pulling it down slightly to see his exposed skin. You could hear his heart beating, his valves and ventricles pumping, his lungs inhaling and exhaling, his diaphragm expanding and deflating - fuck, at this point, you hated that he was human at this point.
You hummed, looking up at him as your fingers trail over his exposed collarbone. “Yes, my love?”
“I-I was wondering… if you could uhm… turn me. Like, actually turn me… into a vampire like you,” Stiles said as you started to sit up, staring at your face pinched up as you inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“Stiles, why do you want to be a vampire?” You asked, staring at him like he was crazy. “You would watch the people you love die over and over again. You have the choice to grow old and-”
“And what about you?” He whispered, taking your hand in his. Besides his dad and Scott, you were the only person alive right now that he cared for, especially after he was impacted by Void. You stuck with him even after that, how could he let you go now? “You would watch me grow old and wait for me to be born again? Huh?”
“That’s not what I meant, Stiles-”
“I want to be with you,” the brunette filled in, staring at you with those whiskey colored eyes. “For the rest of my life, and I want it to be where you don’t have to watch me die in the end. I want to spend… the rest of my life young with you.”
“But in turning you, I’d watch you die too,” you whispered, inhaling deeply as your eyes watered. You had thought about this before, turning him, but then you thought about what he would go through. You were the first bloodborne vampire ever recorded, because of course the Court took note of every vampire turned, but you were the first one born of two Elders who didn’t think they could get pregnant. You knew what vampires went through when they’re turned, but what would Stiles go through? Turned by a bloodborne who was their mate? “You have to die to become a vampire, Stiles. I would have to kill you.”
“Then kill me.” He sat up, holding your face in his hands as he smiled at you. “I’ve died before, what's another time?”
“Not like this, Stiles,” you whisper, gasping as he wiped the tears from falling down your cheeks, leaning forward to kiss against your skin. “The turning of a mate isn’t something that just happens. It takes days, months, rituals, I have to mark you, we have to be married for fucks sake-!”
You couldn’t finish, gasping as he pressed his lips to yours, pulling you into his lap with a loud groan. “Well then mark me. That’s the start, right?”
You gaped at him, his stupid smile as he stared at you. “You know that means I have to bite you, right?”
“Yeah, it’s like those werewolf stories on Wattpad.”
“You were on Wattpad?”
“It was a dare, moving along. Does it like stay a bite mark or does it like turn into a tattoo?”
“I don’t know, a bloodborne has never marked anyone before,” you say, but your eyes narrow at him. “The hell are you reading where it turns into a tattoo?”
“I don’t know, it turns into their initials,” he shrugged, but paused. “Do I get to mark you too?”
“You want to mark me?” You say, smiling with a slight bounce making him hold back a grunt. “You can mark me right now.”
He smirked, staring at you as you slipped off your shirt to expose your shoulder. “Didn’t you say there’s a process?”
“Not for marking,” you respond, but pause. “But if you mark me, we have to get married soon, because I have to turn you in the span of a few months. Or maybe not because I'm bloodborne, so it could be different.”
“What if I don’t get turned?”
“You turn into a lust crazed monster until I do turn you, but it’s more lethal because since you’re so obsessed with sex, your mind doesn’t process the turn until your body is on fire. Well, it feels like it’s on fire.”
He pursed his lips. “So for the rest of eternity we’re just going to be a rich family hidden in the woods? Like the Cullens?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You’re just gonna ignore the fact that you’ll turn into a lust crazed monster?”
He grinned. “Well, who am I lusting for? You, right?”
“Well yeah, you have my blood in your veins, so of course you lust after me.”
“I see no problem in that.” He responds, ignoring the fact that his body might not register the turn.
You laughed, shaking your head as you pulled his hands to your back to unclasp your bra. “Well, you want to get this mating thing started, don’t you?” Your fingers move to trail down his chest after he unclasped your bra, your skin cold to the touch until his warm hands flattened against your back. “When you first bite, it’ll taste odd until that zing runs up your back. Then, I’ll tell you when to stop, alright? As soon as you stop, your mind might get kind of hazy and you’ll probably be really horny, alright?”
He laughed. “More horny than I am now? Impossible.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, tugging on the hem of his shirt to pull it off. Immediately, he pulls away and raises his arms for you to take off his shirt, your eyes staring at his mole covered chest. You inhale shakily as you finally meet his eyes, your hands pressed against his warm chest as he pushed his face into your neck, pressing firm kisses to your neck as you pulled him closer before kissing his ear. 
“Are you sure you want this, Stiles?” You whisper, holding his face as you pull away. “It doesn’t have to happen now.”
He smiled up at you, shaking his head as he continued to press kisses to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. “For the rest of eternity, remember?”
You smile, inhaling deeply as his tongue flattened against your neck making you lean your head to the side.
“Where do I bite?”
“Anywhere,” you mumbled, your mind hazy as you inhaled the smell that was so uniquely him, whiskey and mountain air combined with pine that made you walk straight toward him when you moved to town. “Anywhere you want.”
He pauses, pulling away to tilt his head up at you. “So it doesn’t have to be on your neck like in the stories?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Of course not. Anywhere you bite, like you said, it turns into initials surrounded by a slight imprint of your bite.” 
He pauses, letting his eyes trail over your bare torso as he slowly moves so that you were actually seated in his lap. “Can I do it…” he lets his eyes trail over your skin, humming as he pressed a soft kiss to the space of skin a little lower to where the end of your clavicle was. “Here?”
“Why there?”
“Because,” he whispered, his eyes almost darkening as he let his tongue flatten against your skin, getting it wet with his spit as you groaned, tilting your head back. Your hips automatically roll into his, a loud groan falling from his mouth as he pulls away for a minute. “You gotta show it off, don’t you? Gets you to wear those low cut shirts I fuckin’ love.”
You gasped as his teeth finally sunk into your skin, your body basically on fire as he groaned against your skin. Like you said, it tasted weird at first, coppery and tangy until it flooded his mouth, the smell of the perfume you wore that he learned wasn’t actually perfume shifting into taste instead of the layers of smell you always smelled like. It was sweet and fruity, like strawberries and cherries with sweet cream and that white angel cake, tangy from the berries and sweet from the pastries.
Fuck, it tasted so good. His teeth were deep in your skin, the only cooling part of your body where his teeth sank and drew blood, his hot body making yours feel even hotter.
You could feel your mind get hazy, your eyes rolling back as he tried to suck harder, a loud groan falling from his lips as his hands pawed at your ass, your hips rutting into his almost automatically before you tugged on his hair. “St-Sti, not too much, you could get sick.”
He basically whined, only pulling away by the tug of his hair before licking over the bite mark left on your skin. He panted, watching it as though it would change into the black tattoo-ink like color he was truly expecting it to turn in an instant.
You giggled, quickly catching his jaw before pulling him up to look at you. “It’s not going to happen until I mark you first, my love.”
He stared up at you, eyes a dark chocolate color, lips slightly stained and his tongue tinted a darker red. “Oh.”
You giggle, leaning down to press firm kisses to his skin, never stopping your firm thrusts of your clothed hips against his own, tongue trailing around his skin scattered with moles. “Where do you want it, baby?”
“Where everyone can see,” his hands were shaking from excitement, the taste of your blood sending electricity through his body, tongue flattening against your shoulder and holding back the urge to sink his teeth in again. “Wherever you want it to be, as long as it’s on show.”
“So…” you whisper, letting your tongue trail down the side of his jaw, pushing against the moles under his ear. “Like, here? Or… lower?”
“A-A little lower, please,” he whispered, words breathy as he focused on your hips rolling into his, hard and your hot cunt sliding against his hard cock. He could feel your wetness through your shorts and his jeans, hissing as you leaned forward and kept your hips there, releasing your weight just a bit to keep his cock slotted between your folds. “Fuck, please.”
You hummed, your tongue flattening on the pulse filling your ears until going to the side of his neck. “Here?”
“Mhm,” he merely hummed, nodding into your neck as his hands shakily grabbed your hips. “D-Don’t stop your moving hips, please.”
You giggle, your eyesight basically blurring as you stare at his neck, that one mole catching your eye before you inhaled deeply and felt your canines extend, a comical shing filling the room as you sunk your teeth into his skin. You could barely focus on his cock rubbing against your clothed cunt, one of his hands slipping in between you both to tug your shorts and underwear to the side, pushing his fingers into your leaking cunt and his fingers thrusting into your cunt. You were so tight, so so tight and wet, two of his fingers easily pushing into you and rolling his fingers inside of you.
You were so distracted with the taste of his blood, pushing in and out, in and out, but it was nothing compared to how good he tasted. He tasted like caramel, underlying with nutty butterscotch and whiskey, maybe a slight bit of salt that balanced everything out. You groaned loudly, eyes flying open as he pulled his finger out, the sound of him unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them to pull his cock out of his boxers and push his tip into you making you moan loudly against his skin.
Oh it was almost as though you couldn’t stop, your head pounding as you felt his veins pumping and heart beating, a soft gasp making you pull away, cursing. Was it too much? Did you take too much from him?
“Why did you stop?” He whispered, staring up at you with hazy eyes. “I liked it. I-I loved it. It felt like lightning-”
“L-Like lightning was traveling down my spine and filling my veins-”
He paused, staring up at you as you looked down at your skin, smiling when you saw the initials MS surrounded by the faded gray bite mark. “Mieczysław. Fuck, I love that name, I love your name.”
“I love you,” he whispers back, smiling as you giggled down at him, his face pressing against your skin before kissing his initials. “I love you so much.”
You smile as he slowly pushes you onto your back, his eyes a dark chocolate brown as he pulls out just for a minute, pulling off his pants after kicking off his shoes and tugging down your shorts and pretty panties. Your eyes rolled back as he flattened his tongue against your wet slit, flicking his tongue against your puffed up clit before sitting back on his feet and pumping his cock. You could see his cock covered in cum, inhaling deeply as you looked over at his discarded boxers, a splatter of cum making you giggle.
“I made you cum in your pants, Mieczysław?”
He groaned as he pushed back into you, staring at the creamy ring he started to leave around your entrance that kept sucking him farther and farther into you. He groaned, his mind fully attentive to your cunt basically swallowing his length, whimpers and squirming finally starting when he left the last few inches. His eyes flickered up to your face, a groan falling from his lips as he saw his initials on your skin, your face pinched in pleasure and eyes rolling back as he thrusted into you sharply to watch that creamy ring settle on his base and your hands flying to his forearms.
“Fuck, fuck Stiles!”
He shook his head, holding your hips with a grunt. “No baby, call me by my real name,” he said, cursing softly as he started to thrust his hips, watching your body bounce with each thrust, your tits moving and his eyes trained on the mark he made. You were right, he was so fucking addicted to the feeling of you around his cock, more lightning traveling up his spine as your nails dug into his forearm, blood making your eyes flash red. “You always say it so fucking nice.”
He watched you groan loudly, moving so his chest pressed against yours and moving his arms to support him. He watched your mouth move to his forearms, your tongue flattening against his skin and licking up all of the blood, his mouth moving to your head to press kisses against your hair, groans falling from his mouth with each thrust before you moved to stare up at him, pulling him down to kiss him, that same coppery tang disappearing and fading into the same whiskey flavor you had been addicted to.
“Mieczysław,” you whispered, gasping as his thrusts got faster, whining as his hand pushed down to circle against your clit torturously before his other hand gripped your thigh, digging his nails so deep into your skin he drew blood. “F-Fuck!”
He groaned as he pushed his fingertips against your skin, covering them with that crimson liquid before pushing them into his mouth and slamming into you one last time to cum inside of you, the gushing of his cum making you cum from the almost inflation like feeling. It didn’t take you long to push him over, though, staring at his already healed forearm. You smiled as you began to roll your hips, desperate as his tip kissed your cervix, pushing deeper and deeper at this new angle as you moaned loudly, holding his chest and staring down at the mark with your own initials on his skin.
It fueled your movements, staring down at the cum smearing along his pelvis, whimpering as you bounced on his length. “Please, please, fuck!”
“You need my help, don’t you?” He teased, lifting his hips to roll into you at the same time you pushed down, your eyes rolling back as he pushed even deeper inside of you - something you truly didn’t think could happen. “Right?”
“Yes! Yes, yes!” You pleaded, gasping as he forced his hips up into you, thrusting over and over again at the same speed you were bouncing on his cock with even more force than you could ever imagine. You were so lost in pleasure, his warm hands holding your hips as you tried to stay sitting up, your body finally registering the fresh human blood in your veins. It had been a while since you had anything other than bagged blood or animal blood, and as a result, your high was gone and inevitably coming down until he slammed his hips up into you, your eyes rolling back as the knot in your stomach snapped and a loud moan of his name - his real name - left your mouth.
He groaned underneath you, his cum gushing out of your cunt as you slowly got off, staring at his still hard cock. You giggle, smiling as you pumped his cock and licked the cum sliding down his shaft, groaning as he bucked his hips up into your mouth. You kept it in your mouth, moaning loudly as you bobbed your head, pumping what you couldn’t fit in your mouth and staring at his face.
You didn’t register his human features, not anymore, his blood pumping and his lungs filling with air or exhaling air, only the fact that the cum on his cock tasted so fucking delicious and your fingers cupping and squeezing his balls which made his hips buck and you pull back to feel his cum flood your mouth. You groaned, sucking on his pretty tip and your hand fisting his cock, swallowing the salty liquid before pulling away.
Your mind was full of lust as you slowly crawled up his body, his hands immediately catching your hips as you hovered over his face. His eyes were hazy with lust as you grinned down at him. "You're such a good boy, honey. I think you deserve a treat."
He groaned loudly as you slowly released your weight, holding the sides of his head as his hands hold your thighs, your hips rolling into his mouth as his tongue pushed into your cunt, basically pulling all of the cum from your pussy, your eyes rolling back as one of his hands pushed between your thighs and straight into your cunt.
His flexing fingers guided the rolls of your hips, moans falling from your lips as you attempted to cover your mouth before a finger pressed to your clit and his teeth grazed your pussy. You whined loudly, your stomach twisting as you attempted to chase that high, his fingers pushing into you to press against that place that made your stomach go tight and your eyes roll back, curses falling from your lips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck Mieczysław!”
He hummed against your cunt, the vibrations making you shiver as he slowly lifted you from his face and push you down so you sat on his cock. He slowly pushed into you, a shiver going down your back as he held your face, pulling you up for a firm kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you, Mieczysław,” you whisper back, smiling as his lips quirked up into a smile of his own, sighing heavily. “Do you feel okay?”
“Yeah, I feel great,” he smiled, shrugging. “Really horny.”
You laughed, nodding. “We can keep going,” you whisper, smiling as you lay against his warm chest. “Just… let me lay here in your warmth for a minute.”
“Will you miss it?” He whispers, stroking your cheek as he stares down at you. “M-My warmth.”
You inhale deeply, nodding as your hand rubbed against his chest where his heart was, the beating already slowing down. “Yeah, I will,” you shrug though, giggling. “But we’re the first of our kind, my love. I’m hoping you’ll keep it.”
“Then I do too.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 3 months
Please help my best friend's family afford a new car and medical bills
UPDATE 7/15/24: We've raised 15% of our goal!! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated!
G has been having additional struggles since I made this post. Testing revealed that she has warning signs for Multiple Sclerosis, which one of her sisters has. Their family also had a sewage pipe burst and contaminate one of her brothers' bedrooms. She's still in a lot of pain, and struggling mentally and emotionally as well. Thank you all so much for your prayers and shares.
UPDATE 8/28/24: G's family had to move out of their home temporarily due to black mold growing following the sewage pipe bursting, but they are back in their home now. G is in so much pain that she is looked into getting a wheelchair, and is currently working on getting surgery scheduled for her spine. They are still struggling, but they are surviving.
Hiya y'all. I wanna tell you a little bit about my best friend.
She's very private online, so I'm not going to share her name, especially since she doesn't know that I'm making this fundraiser, so we're gonna call her G. G is the hardest working person I've ever known. She's in her young 20s and is the oldest of seven children in her family, supported by their hardworking mother. She's been working for her family's sake for her entire life, throughout custody battles, a plethora of genetic health issues, and the financial burden that being a single mother of seven brings on. She is an incredible artist and writer, and is an art teacher as well as running a YouTube channel. She's funny, intelligent, and is one of my favorite people in the world.
About three weeks ago, G and her mother were rammed from behind while driving on the highway at night.
Their minivan was totaled, leaving them with two sedans in the family, and G has a spinal injury. She is in severe pain all the time, and is bedridden as she risks paralysis of her lower body. She will be unable to work for at least the summer, and it's unlikely that she'll be able to work during the fall semester either. While she is receiving medical treatment that is paid for by the offending driver's insurance, her progress is slow to nonexistent.
Her family managed to get a new minivan, but it cost them $20,000 that they didn't have. Today, her brother's sedan burst into flames in a parking lot, harming no one but torching the car and everything inside. G is distraught and struggling heavily with her mental health as well as physical.
I wish I could help support them financially, but being unemployed myself I have very little that I can give, so I'm making this fundraiser instead. I've asked her several times to consider making a gofundme, but she's been hesitant, so I'm making one in her stead. Please consider donating, I know it's a bit of a cliche but every dollar helps, and if you can't donate please consider sharing. Thank you for reading.
125 notes · View notes
retroellie · 10 months
Looking out for you
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Summary: When the whisperers are knocking at your door, a war is just waiting to happen. However, this war goes far beyond just a war this time.
A/N: Hey :) i wrote this a while back but i just decided to finish it. I was going to write a smut for it but honestly i was not in the mood for smut today, so here's a little fluff/angst for your day <3 Also i miss y'all so much!!
Warnings: regular TWD content, mentions of miscarriage and death
Word count: 3.5K
Tomorrow is the day, the day you will experience the place you once called home become a battlefield, the people you love become soldiers, and the world feels as though it is ending once again. You didn’t want this war, no one did but the whisperers wouldn’t let up. They were a tough group, very different than any group you have ever been up against but your people were even stronger, you have all been through hell and back.
You would not let the whispers destroy your home without a fight, none of you would. You all have experienced loss too many times, Glenn, Rick, Jesus, Carl… the list goes on. You were all angry, ready to pounce on anything that came too close. You all knew it needed to be done but you didn’t want to, you were against it. You had been fighting for so long, so hard that you were exhausted. You think you're becoming depressed, more depressed than usual.
The other wars you fought were different, no one depended on you, you weren’t too close to anyone. Sure they were your family but if you died, you’d just be another name on the wall at Alexandria. This time it was different because you had someone who depended on you, you had people who depended on you. You had Lydia, rj and Judith, the entire community of hilltop all looking at you but most importantly, you had Daryl.
You guys had made it official before Ricks disappearance, it wasn’t anything too romantic but the night started with you two checking around the walls of Alexandria and it ended with Daryl tongue fucking your face. You both had been close with each other, looking out for each other and making sure the other was safe. So it was almost like you two had already been dating, the kiss just made it real for the two of you.
But he was why the war this time was different, if you lost him… you couldn’t recover. You swore the sun would stop shining, water would evaporate and never come back down, buildings would burn and your world would completely stop. You thought it would be bad to lose him but oh… if he lost you. He had already planned on going with you, you weren’t going to leave him by himself again, he refused. Even if you didn’t lose each other, you would still lose something in this war.
You had a bad feeling about this, you knew it would bring great loss this time around and grief wouldn’t be too kind to you. So here you were, in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep, only the patrols were wide awake… searching for any movement to sound the alarm. You were sitting on the porch stairs, watching as the wind blew through the leaves of the trees. It was a cold night, so you lit up a cigarette to keep you warm.
It was the first time that you were able to think, the silence of it all leaving you alone with your thoughts. You were terrified to say the least, you had never felt this way about anything, not like this. You could tell everyone was on edge, even Daryl. When you saw the look on his face when he came through the gates with Lydia, he tried to hold back his fear but you knew. That was the first time you had ever seen Daryl scared, which automatically set deep fear within you.
“You’re gonna freeze out here.” A voice said, startling you.
You turned to see who it was, but slowly calming as you saw it was just Daryl. He tried to give you a warm smile but you were far too scared to even acknowledge it. You turned around, back to where you were looking before. You forgot how beautiful fall months could be, the leaves had already started to turn into beautiful shades of red, yellow, orange and brown.
You just shrugged, taking a long drag of the cigarette before exhaling. You didn’t care if you froze where you were now, the beautiful view making you feel at peace for a moment. You could hear Daryl shift behind you, seeing him from your peripheral. Daryl sat down next to you, the wood of the porch creaking as he did so. you wondered if you and Daryl did survive this, what would happen next? What enemy would you have to fight after this? How would the next fuck up start and were you even ready for it?
“Sorry, I haven’t been here for you, just so much going on.” He said, watching as you took another long drag of your cigarette.
He wanted to be here with you, desperately but as of right now everyone is looking up to you two for answers. Carol was a wreck, the king was now coming to terms with his cancer, Maggie wasn’t here, Jesus was dead, Tara was dead… it was only you two left now, you two made the shots now. Neither of you wanted this though, All Daryl wanted was to run away with you. To New Mexico… he even had a plan for it.
“‘S okay, I get it.” You said, passing your cigarette over to him.
Daryl took it, taking a long drag of it. He could taste your chapstick on it, the taste bringing back memories of the night spent pleasuring each other. Daryl could sense your nervousness, your fear or whatever you want to call it. You were usually quiet, you allowed others to talk and you would listen, Daryl swore he had been the only one to hear you speak more than 2 words but your quietness now felt off.
He knew you and he knew you well, he knew that you hid your emotions and that you hated talking about your feelings. But the thing you hated most was awkward silences, they were the loudest thing to you. You couldn’t even enjoy the silence because the awkwardness blocked it out, you hated them. So you allowing one to happen right now, hinted to Daryl that something was wrong.
“Rj today wore my vest, it was ten t…” he started, not being able to finish before you dropped a bomb on him.
“I’m scared Daryl.” You said, turning your head to face him for the first time.
Daryl felt his heart throb, you were doing something you hated the most and you were doing it with tears in your eyes. You’re staring at him and he’s staring back at you, the cigarette in his hand blowing smoke into his eyes but he never once looked away. He could see it on your face, pure fear.
“What?” He asked dumbfounded as you blinked slowly at him.
“I know what you're trying to do, trying to ease the silence but you can’t Daryl because you’re worried, it’s written all over your face” You started, reaching out for the cigarette. “So no Daryl… I’m not okay, I’m fucking scared.”
You took the cigarette, breathing in its air, allowing the toxic air to burn into your lungs. Daryl continued to watch you even after you had started looking up at the trees once more. He wasn't sure what was next to say, should he question you further or should you both just suffer in silence. Daryl hated that he couldn’t do anything for you, especially now. Everyone was scared, Everyone... and if you were scared then there was no hope for anything.
Daryl had left you alone a lot lately, allowing you to figure shit out alone and he felt terrible for it but this wasn’t the first time he left you alone. When Rick died he disappeared, you would visit him for a couple days but then you’d go back to being alone. It’s not that he wanted to leave you ever, things just got in the way. So you being terrified was bound to happen at some point, not being able to lean on someone else would eventually catch up to you.
Daryl looked down at his hands, seeing how they absentmindedly fidgeted together. You had that effect on Daryl, you made him feel like a scared teenager in love sometimes. He never quite knew what to say and how to say it, sometimes words would get lost in his head when he was near you.
“You uh… you want to talk about it?” He asked, stuttering out his words.
You weren’t the only one bad with feelings, Daryl could physically not get the words out but he so desperately wanted you to know he was there for you. He wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to say in this situation or if you would even want to speak about everything happening, again Daryl hadn't been around for you recently, he hadn’t been there for you.
“Not really…” you admitted, taking another drag of the cigarette. It had become a small bud at this point, but you once again passed it to Daryl. “But I will because you're my boyfriend and I won't leave you in the dark… not now.”
Daryl couldn’t even bring the cigarette up to his lips this time, he just stared down at the burning end of it. There was another awkward silence but it only lasted for a minute or two. You needed time to form your thoughts and calm your mind before you told him what had been aching in your mind for days now. You brought your arms together, wrapping them around your cold body as you rubbed warmth into yourself.
“What if this is our last fight?” You asked, biting your lip as you tried to hold back tears. “I mean, we’ve already lost so many people. Jesus, Tara, Henry…enid.”
Your breath hitched when enid's name fell from your lips, she was a little sister to you and losing her felt like it was the end of the world. She reminded you of Carl, so strong and knew exactly who she was. She was the last thing you had of Carl and now she was gone, you couldn’t bare to see her on that pole… it almost killed you.
“It’s only a matter of time before I lose you too, so what if this is it? What if we fight tomorrow and you end up getting stabbed or bitten… or you lose me.” You couldn’t stop the tears now, they flowed from your eyes as you looked over at him.
“We’ve fought before Y/N… this is just another hiccup.” He tried to reassure you but it didn’t help, it only made the anger build up in your heart even more.
“No Daryl… this is different because it’s not just us this time.” You said, trying to explain but it just didn't want to come out the way you wanted it to.
“What? Judith and rj? I mean Judith knows how to fight and rj won’t..” he started but you stopped him once again.
“Daryl… I didn’t mean them.” You said, wanting to let it all out of your system before it ate you up alive.
He was staring at your cigarette still in his hands, you were about to drop a huge bomb on him… even bigger than what you’d already dropped on him. You couldn’t lose him without him knowing though, he needed to know. You sighed, wiping your tears away from your eyes before setting your hands in your lap.
“I think I’m pregnant.”
Daryl choked on his own spit, his face drained of blood and he dropped the cigarette. What the actual fuck, was all he could think. He had dreamed of getting you pregnant, so many times he lost count but it can’t be happening now… not now. He just stayed silent, it was the only thing he could do because he had no idea how he felt. He wanted to run away, he wanted to scream, he wanted to cry so he just stayed as still as he could.
“I thought maybe it was a stomach bug, I was throwing up every time I smelled food and I couldn’t keep shit down but then I realized I was late 3 weeks…” you explained, curing yourself up into a ball to make yourself as small as possible. “I know my mom was like this when she was pregnant with my siblings so I’m just putting two and two together.”
Daryl felt like the world was closing in on him, to add onto his shitty couple months he’s had you drop this on him. It’s not like he didn’t want kids with you but god damn he really wished he'd wrapped it up right now, so many bad things could happen to you right now. He wanted to kiss you, he wanted to make sure you knew he was here but he couldn’t. He was stuck frozen but his eyes had started to burn, from the smoke or from the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Shit…” was all he could muster up to say.
You chuckled at his reaction, watching as he slowly freaked out. You knew you were ready for a kid, you had been ever since you meant Daryl but it was the wrong time. You didn’t know if you could fight, the risks of you getting killed or you losing the baby was high. The whisperers didn’t fuck around, you knew what was going to come from this war. It wasn’t just you two now, you had someone depending on you and it wasn’t just Daryl or the others. With this is was different because the others can survive if you didn't, but this baby... it quite literally depended on your survival.
“Shit is right… you got me knocked up by Daryl Dixon.” You chuckled, wiping your tears with your sweater.
You both just sat in silence, allowing your words to consume the both of you. You felt you couldn’t breathe in this moment but at the same time you felt you could finally breathe, this overwhelmed you more than it did Daryl. You knew what risks could happen, the risks that Lori had and she died because of them. This world was cruel, it wouldn’t allow you to be happy, it wouldn’t let you be happy with the man you love and your child in your arms.
You never wanted to be a mother, you rejected that life but you can see it now. You crave it now, you crave coming home after a long day to see Daryl and your child passed out on the couch. You crave to walk into your child’s room, seeing Daryl reading to your sleeping child, then coming to your room to make love to you. You would have never thought you would want this but you were tired, you wanted to settle down with daryl. The silence was still hovering heavily in the air when you came back to earth from your thoughts.
“Daryl… please tell me what you’re thinking. You know I hate when you don’t talk to me…” You begged for him to speak, to tell you it was okay and that you had nothing to worry about.
“Think you should stop smoking.” He stated, as if he didn’t hear you.
You couldn’t help but get frustrated with him, you didn’t mean to, you just did. Maybe it was the hormones or the weight you were feeling but you wanted to scream at him. People would die, good people and you were both putting yourself at risk because of some petty drama with the whisperers. You were ready to leave this all behind you, you wanted to run away and all Daryl can think about is your health?
“Seriously? Daryl…” you sighed, face heating up. “People are going to die, we are risking our lives with this war and all you can think about is my smoking habit.”
You set your head in your hands, curling into a ball so hopefully the earth would consume you. You hated this feeling, the fear and the anger that you held in your chest. It weighs you down and you wanted it to stop, you wanted it to stop so badly that you could feel yourself tearing yourself apart just to ease it. Daryl looked calm now, his hands still fidgeting but he was calm… you hated how calm he looked because how could he be calm?
“Yeah, I’m looking out for you… just like I always have.” He replied, his voice laced with reassurance. “Y/N, have I ever not protected you? Have I ever left you? Left you without coming back?”
You looked over at Daryl, he was already looking back at you. His eyes were calm, like calm ocean waves that you could fall into if you weren’t careful. Daryl needed you to know he was here and he wasn’t going anywhere. He needed you to know, he didn’t care if he had to pound it into you or keep you up all night craving it into your skin… you needed to know. You shook your head, sure if you were to speak you would start sobbing. Daryl smiled, moving in closer so his legs were touching yours.
“Exactly, I never have and I don’t plan on doing it now.” He said, bringing his hand up to wipe your tears away. “People will die but they will die fighting for the future of Alexandria and hilltop, our future y/n. They are the ones who are going to give our kid a chance, it’s sad but it’s what has to happen.”
His hands were cradling your face, slowly caressing your cheeks as tears continued to stream down them. Seeing you like this, so broken down, had Daryl’s eyes prickling with warm tears.
“I will make sure we see another day, bunny… I promise that, okay?” He reassured, watching as you nodded, making it known you were trusting him.
He brought you into a hug, you melted into him. You couldn’t help the sobs that you let out, grabbing onto him with dead life. You were so scared but his words soothed your fears, now your tears flowed out simply because you were so in love with him. He always made sure you were okay, no matter what was wrong he always knew how to make you feel better.
You had hope of seeing another tomorrow, you could see you two going into war now. Hand in hand as you fought, fought harder than you ever had. You were going to see another tomorrow, you promised it. You were going to be selfish for the first time in years and you were doing this for you, you were going to survive for you. Daryl’s hand soothingly pet your head, massaging your scalp as you let your tears flow out of your eyes.
“We’re gonna be okay bunny…” he whispered, leaving small kisses to your hair line.
You nodded once more, taking in his words as you cuddled into him. You stayed like this for a bit, allowing the moment to take you in with loving arms. You broke away from the hug after the moment had felt like an eternity, you looked at him with tear filled eyes as they continued to pour out of your eyes. Daryl kept his hands on you, his hands slowly rubbing circles on your skin
“Daryl.” You said, almost in a whisper.
“Yeah?” He replied
You felt so many emotions, so many overwhelming emotions so it wasn’t surprising when you wanted Daryl to take you to bed and love you like it’s the last time. Your fear of the war still lingered even though it had been dulled, you still wanted Daryl to bore his words into your skin so you’ll never forget it. It would honestly just give you an excuse to forget everything.
“Whether we make it or not…” you started, watching as Daryl’s eyebrows furrowed, wondering what would come next. "I want you to take me to the bed room... and fuck me like it's the last time."
Daryls taken back by this, one minute you were in a tear-filled rant and now you are asking to be fucked. Daryl took a minute to realize you were being serious, seeing the lust that had taken over your eyes. Your tear-streaked face looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, he couldn't say no to you. Daryl smiled, standing up and handing you his hand.
"Anything for you..." He put it simply, watching you reach your hand out to connect to his.
The night was far from over, filled with "i love you"'s and the sound of the both of you moaning. You made sure if one of you hadn't made it, the other was carved into your skin. Obviously, Daryl knew this was not going to be the last time you were together, Daryl was a fighter and he made sure nothing ever happened to you, that mindset wasn't going to stop for him now. 
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safehavenedits · 1 year
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ceeseepalette · 7 months
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Help Mohammed & his family evacuate the Gaza Strip & to get basic human needs
Aid Ahmed’s family in evacuation.
Please donate to Mahmoud so he can rebuilt his bakery! He's almost to €15,000. Can we get him there before the end of the week?
Reham is a 27 year old pharmacist in gaza who has lost her pharmacy along with her loved ones in this genocide. her fvndraiser is almost at the halfway point.
Yusuf and ibrahim are two little boys from gaza, currently displaced in rafah. they are cared for by only their mother since their father died. please, spread the word and donate even a little if you can. they are CHILDREN and deserve a better life.
A physics graduate. his family of 7 is displaced in rafah. since october 7th, the occupation destroyed his father’s workshop and agricultural land, and turned the back of his home into barracks.
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gay-face · 4 months
back on my beetlejuice sh* again. I AM SO HYPED FOR THE SECOND MOVIE so I did something kinda cool. Yes yes i have unfinished projects but come on man....Lydia 😩😍
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Ok, I have the cutest request of Bradley and Mrs. Bradshaw taking care of goose and lydia (maybe when Mrs. Bradshaw is pregnant with James) and they both wake up in the middle of the night with a stomach bug (because it always happens in the middle of the night with kids 😂) honestly, I just think they are the best parents ever and even when the kids feel so sick their parents just make them feel better.
(So much puke in the poor Bradshaw household 😆 But writing about my favorite little family definitely cheered me up after a challenging day!)
Despite the fact that it was almost three o’ clock in the morning, you were snapped out of a deep sleep instantly at the sound of your daughter’s voice, thick with tears and a sense of childlike urgency.
Rubbing your eyes with a yawn, you sat up slowly, gingerly cradling your seven-month pregnant belly as you reached over to turn on your bedside lamp.
“What’s wrong, baby?” you asked, looking down at where your three-year-old was standing next to your side of the bed, tears streaking down her pale cheeks.
“My belly hurts, Mommy,” she whimpered, clutching her stomach in obvious discomfort.
It was only when you had fully rubbed the sleep out of your eyes that you realized the front of Lydia’s pajamas were stained with vomit and that she looked a little green around the gills.
“Oh, sweetie, did you get sick?” you murmured soothingly, not wanting to make her more upset. Pushing the covers back and swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you eased yourself up slowly, the ache in your back from your third pregnancy throbbing slightly.
Lydia nodded, tears spilling over and trickling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Mommy!” she sobbed. “I throwed up!”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay, honey,” you assured her gently, bending down so that you could lift her up into your arms. You didn’t even think about the vomit that was coating the front of her pajama shirt. Since becoming a mother, those things just didn’t phase you the way they used to.
At that moment, Bradley, who you always swore could sleep through an earthquake, suddenly shifted and stirred, bereft of the warmth of your body lying beside him. “Mmm, honey?” he groaned tiredly, opening his eyes slowly. When he saw Lydia crying in your arms, his eyes opened wide and he sat up immediately. “What is it? What’s wrong?” he demanded, pushing the covers back and practically jumping out of bed.
“Lydia got sick,” you explained calmly, feeling your daughter’s forehead with the back of your hand. She felt a little warm, but not too feverish. “I’m gonna go get her cleaned up,” you added, brushing her hair away from her forehead and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Let me help, baby,” Bradley insisted, not wanting you to work any harder than you had to, what with you just having entered your third trimester.
“Daddy, my tummy,” Lydia cried quietly as Bradley lifted her into his embrace, her small arms wrapping around his broad shoulders.
“I know, angel, I know,” Bradley whispered, rubbing small circles on her back.
“I don’t feel good,” she whimpered, looking even paler than she had just a moment before.
“Bradley,” you warned, knowing exactly what that meant.
Bradley knew exactly what that meant, too. Without a word, he hurried Lydia off to the bathroom, holding her as she managed to vomit in the toilet this time around, crying the whole time.
“I’ve got you, baby. Daddy’s got you,” Bradley reassured her, sitting on the floor of the bathroom with her and holding her in his lap.
“I’m going to go strip her sheets,” you told your husband, running a hand through your hair. “Can you get her out of those pajamas?”
Nodding, Bradley held Lydia close to his chest and rose from the floor, following you towards her bedroom. Just as you were assessing the damage, which thankfully seemed confined to her bed and a few unfortunate stuffed animals, you suddenly heard your five-year-old son’s voice calling to you from his bedroom.
“Mommy!” came Goose’s miserable cry.
“Oh no,” you sighed, making eye contact with Bradley as he attempted to pull Lydia’s vomit-covered shirt over her head. He just grimaced, both of you knowing what was happening here.
“I got it,” you said, slipping out of Lydia’s bedroom and walking across the hall to your son’s bedroom. “Goose? Are you okay, honey?” you asked, turning on the light in his room.
“Mommy,” he whimpered, clutching his stomach where he stood in the center of the room. Clearly he had tried to get up to make it to the bathroom, but the puddle of vomit on the floor indicated that he hadn’t quite made it in time. “I’m sorry, Mommy! I tried not to!”
“Oh, honey, you don’t have to say sorry,” you rushed to reassure him, carefully stepping around the puke to wrap your arms around him and pull him close to you. “Not feeling too good, huh?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair.
Goose shook his head, wrapping his arms around your leg. “My tummy hurts, Mommy,” he told you. “Can you kiss it and make it better?”
“Oh, my love, I wish I could,” you told him regretfully. “Unfortunately, I can’t make this better with a kiss, but I’m going to be right here, okay? Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
Goose nodded with a little whimper, and you took his hand and led him to the bathroom, where he promptly proceeded to get sick again, just as Lydia had.
“We’ve got two down for the count, huh?” Bradley asked, appearing in the doorway of the bathroom with Lydia on his hip, having finished changing her into a pair of fresh pajamas.
“Looks like it,” you nodded, massaging your swollen belly with one hand as you rubbed Goose’s back soothingly with the other. “I heard the stomach bug was going around Goose’s class. I guess they both picked it up.”
“A bug?” Lydia gasped, her sweet little face twisting into a look of horror as she clutched her belly.
“It just means your tummy isn’t feeling so good right now,” Bradley said quickly, kissing her forehead and rubbing her stomach with a gentle hand. “No real bugs.”
“I’m tired, Mommy,” Goose said, rubbing his eyes once he was finished getting sick again.
“What do you two think about sleeping with me and Daddy tonight?” you suggested, running a wash cloth under some cool water and pressing it to your son’s flushed cheeks. You knew you and Bradley wouldn’t be getting any more sleep tonight anyway, and it would be good to be able to keep a close eye on the kids.
“Yes, please!” Goose nodded, clinging to you once again.
Lydia nodded vigorously in agreement, burying her face in Bradley’s neck and closing her eyes in exhaustion.
The matter settled, you and Bradley brought your children into your bedroom and helped them lay down under the blankets, checking once again to see if either of them were showing signs of a fever. When you stepped back and rested a hand on your lower back with a wince, Bradley immediately rushed to your side, massaging your lower spine with firm fingers.
“Baby, lay down. I’ve got this,” he whispered to you, his lips brushing against your temple. “Just stay with the kids and I’ll clean everything up, okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded, too exhausted to even think about putting up a fight. There wouldn’t be a time when you were ever not grateful for how amazing your husband was.
It ended up being a rough night. After cleaning up the kids’ bedrooms and throwing their soiled sheets and pajamas into the washing machine, Bradley returned to bed, where Lydia claimed her spot atop his chest. Goose remained by your side, wedged against your large baby bump. The stomach bug being what it was, however, the two of them were up constantly, either being carried to the bathroom or vomiting in the pails you and Bradley had brought into your room as a back-up.
Some time around eight in the morning, Bradley glanced over at you, bleary-eyed and exhausted. Lydia was fast asleep on top of him, her mouth hanging wide open and her small hand fisted in his T-shirt.
“Haven’t pulled an all-nighter like this in quite a while,” he grinned tiredly, carefully reaching over so as not to disturb the kids and gently brushing his fingers against yours.
“Guess we needed the practice with another little one on the way,” you teased, resting a hand on your bulging belly, your other hand resting on Goose’s back where he slept beside you.
“Hmm, could have done with a little less puke though,” Bradley joked, chuckling softly. His fingers lightly brushed through Lydia’s hair.
“Now that my morning sickness is passed, we were a little too low on the vomit quota in the Bradshaw household,” you giggled, feeling giddy from exhaustion.
“I think we’ve more than made up for it now,” Bradley smiled, dropping a kiss on the top of your daughter’s head. “I just hate to see them suffer,” he murmured soberly.
“Me, too,” you nodded, stroking your son’s back tenderly. “You’re a pretty great dad, you know,” you added with an affectionate grin.
“Well you’re a damn great mother, so I have to keep up,” he winked, brushing a finger against the back of your hand.
You smiled at that, leaning back against the headboard and resting your eyes. “Just don’t you go getting the stomach bug on me,” you warned teasingly.
Bradley laughed at that. “Can’t make any promises, honey.”
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ponyosmom35 · 3 months
Homelander x fem oc
established past relationship
synopsis: Lydia sees Homelander for the first time since he'd let her go at a starlight riot and he pays her a visit later that night.
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of abuse, slight fluff
link to masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/ponyosmom35/733401347573088256/simon-ghost-riley?source=share
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He stood outside her apartment door and sighed, his mind heavy with thoughts as he mustered the courage to knock.
A few moments passed before she answered the door, surprise etched on her features as she saw him standing there in a casual disguise, a far cry from his usual superhero persona.
“John?” she asked in shock as she stared at his outfit, simple blue jeans paired with a black zip-up and a hat. “What are you doing here?”
He chuckled sheepishly, his hand instinctively running through his hair as he looked at her. His nerves were on edge, but he tried to maintain a casual air.
"I, uh... I needed to talk to you," he said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Can I come in?"
“Depends, are you gonna kill me? Rip me limb from limb like you promised?” she asked, crossing her arms.
His expression darkened for a moment, a flicker of annoyance visible before he collected himself. He took a deep breath and shook his head.
"No. I'm not here to hurt you," he said through gritted teeth. The fact that he even had to assure her of that stung a little, but he pushed it aside. “I wouldn’t—” He cut himself off, sighing angrily.
She stepped aside and allowed him to walk inside. Watching as he observed her decorations, his mind wandered back to when the pair lived together for all those years. He’d always wanted a home with her, one that was in the middle of nowhere—a place where they could just be themselves.
“Haven’t seen you in civvies since that night we left the tower and flew to Paris,” she commented.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips at the recollection. That night seemed like a distant memory, a brief moment of peace in the midst of their tumultuous lives.
"Yeah, that was... nice," he admitted. "Flying over the city, seeing the lights of Paris..." He trailed off for a moment, getting lost in thought before snapping back to reality.
“Why are you here, John?” she asked as she sat on her couch, taking a sip of her wine.
He took in a shuddering breath, his hands clenching into fists inside his pockets.
"I'm... I'm getting older," he confessed, as if the words were being ripped from his lips against his will. "And it's... it's scaring the hell out of me."
He paced across the room, his eyes meeting hers briefly before looking away again.
“Why would it scare you? That’s completely natural,” she reassured.
He sat on the coffee table a few feet from her and held his head in his hands for a second, taking the hat off. She could tell he hadn’t been sleeping and sighed. He let out a harsh laugh that sounded more like a scoff than anything, bitter and frustrated. He looked up at her, eyes filled with a mix of anger and vulnerability.
"Natural? For a human, maybe. But I'm supposed to be more than that. I'm supposed to be... perfect. Invincible. I'm goddamn Homelander, and I can't afford to show weakness. To age."
“Aging isn’t weakness, it’s a strength,” she said, watching as rage took over his face. He opened his mouth to respond, and she cut him off. “It shows that you’ve had time to grow stronger, mature. It shows you’ve lived a life worth living.”
He huffed, a mixture of anger and frustration filling him as she tried to spin it as something positive, something good.
"It's not like that for me," he snapped back, his voice edged with irritation. "I don't get the luxury of growing wiser with age. Every gray hair that appears on my head? It's a goddamn reminder of my limits. Of my mortality. Of my vulnerability."
“John, there is nothing wrong with being vulnerable. You’re not made of stone; you have a heart, and there is no shame in letting that be known,” she said, grabbing his hands. “It's what made me love you.”
His eyes widened in surprise as she spoke those words. "Love you." He hadn't heard her say that in what felt like forever. The admission hit him like a punch to the gut, and a flicker of hope ignited in his chest, only to be quickly smothered by his anger and insecurity.
He pulled his hands away from hers, clenching them into fists.
"You don't get to say that to me, not after everything," he hissed, his voice filled with bitterness.
“I’m sorry,” she said, retracting her hands from his.
He stood up abruptly, his jaw clenched tight as he continued pacing the room. His heart was racing, torn between anger and longing.
“Is that really why you’re upset? Or is it because you think the world will forget about you as Ryan grows up?” she asked.
He stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing at her accusation. How did she always know exactly what to say to get under his skin? To dig deeper into his insecurities?
He stayed quiet for a moment, his gaze fixed on her as irritation and frustration bubbled within him.
"Don't you dare act like you have a clue what's going through my mind," he snapped, his voice laced with anger.
“I know you better than you know yourself, John. That’s why you came here, even after everything,” she said softly.
Those words hit him hard like a punch to the gut. She was right. He hated that she was right about everything. Even after she had betrayed him, left him, he couldn’t shake the need to be near her, to have her understand him.
He let out a frustrated growl and ran a hand through his hair, his eyes avoiding hers.
"Shut up," he muttered, his voice lacking any real bite.
“I know you think that you’re doing what’s best for him, but have you ever considered that subjecting him to the life you’re trapped in isn’t the best idea?”
He turned to her sharply, anger flaring in his eyes once again.
“What do you know about what’s best for him?” he snapped back. The audacity of her criticizing his parenting, after all the hell she’d put him through. It was infuriating.
“I don’t; he’s not my son, he’s yours—and you’re leading him down a path of darkness and misery just like yours.”
His face twisted into a snarl as her words hit home. Deep down, he knew she was right. He knew that the life he was subjecting Ryan to was anything but healthy. But he had convinced himself that it was necessary, that he had to be tough on him to make him strong and invincible like himself.
He stepped close to her, his eyes boring into hers.
“And what do you think would be better for him, huh? Letting him grow up weak and soft and vulnerable?”
He reared back as if slapped in the face.
“You want him to be a victim. You want him to be weak and helpless, just like you were.” The words came out as a sneer, filled with contempt and anger. He couldn’t believe she was honestly suggesting that.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes and crossed her arms. “If you think I’m just a helpless victim who you saved, then why are you here? Why do you care about what I have to say? I betrayed you, I lied to you, and yet you still come here! So just spare me the fucking bullshit and leave!”
He flinched at her words, the truth behind them cutting deeper than he expected. She was right, again. He did care about what she had to say, even after everything that had happened. Why did he keep coming back to her? He clenched his jaw, struggling to maintain his aloof facade.
He stepped closer, his voice low and intense.
"You don’t get it, do you? I come because you're the only one who understands me. The only one who truly knows me."
“Wow, how sweet, that warms my heart,” she said sarcastically. “John, I don’t care about your problems because you aren’t the same man I fell in love with! You kill people for nothing, you care more about being loved than being a hero. You would’ve ripped my heart out if I ever got in the way of that! Please just leave me alone; it’s hard enough seeing your fucking face plastered all over every surface of this city! You’re a man in over his head, and you’re spiraling. I can see it clear as day.”
Her words stung deep, like knives stabbing into his chest. He could hardly believe this was the same woman who had once loved him, supported him. Now she saw him as a monster, a broken and spiraling mess.
His expression twisted with anger and hurt.
"How dare you. How dare you talk to me like I'm some kind of lost cause. You're the one who left me. You betrayed me, and now you act like you have the moral high ground."
“Don’t you dare say that to me! You left me first! I was there every fucking day. I worshipped the ground you walked on! I listened to every complaint, cleaned off every speck of blood, wiped every tear, and you took me off the team! You isolated me and refused to think of anything other than yourself—you say you loved me, but I was just a fucktoy and a therapist for you. So don’t you dare talk to me about betrayal when you broke me first!”
He winced as her words hit him like a wave. Her pain and anger were palpable, and he could feel the truth of her words. He had isolated her, taken her for granted, treated her like she was replaceable. But he couldn't let go of his own anger and pain. It was easier to blame her than to face the reality of his own actions.
He winced as her words hit him like a wave. Her pain and anger were palpable, and he could feel the truth of her words. He had isolated her, taken her for granted, treated her like she was replaceable.
He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his palms as he struggled to keep his own emotions, the fear and hurt and guilt, under control.
"I... I didn't mean..." he trailed off, his voice trembling slightly.
“What, John?” she demanded, tears streaming down her face.
He looked at her, his heart breaking as he saw the tears. He wanted to reach out and wipe them away, to tell her that he never meant to hurt her, but the words got stuck in his throat.
He swallowed hard, his voice quiet and shaky. “I didn't mean to... I never... I loved you. I still love you. You have to believe me."
“I do believe you,” she said. “I know you saved me after Soldier Boy - I was nearly dead and you took me to the hospital.”
He nodded, remembering that night all too clearly. Seeing her bruised and bloodied, on the brink of death. The fear he felt as he carried her to the hospital, the desperate hope that she would pull through.
"Of course I did," he said softly. "I couldn't lose you. I couldn't... I couldn't have you die thinking I didn't care."
“Why did it take almost dying for you to see me?”
He looked away, unable to meet her gaze as the guilt and shame washed over him. He had been so wrapped up in his own power and image, in being a hero and dealing with the Supes, that he had lost sight of what really mattered. Of her.
"I... I don’t know," he admitted, his voice quiet. "I was so blinded by everything else, by the Supes and The Seven and... I guess I took you for granted. I thought you'd always be there, no matter what..."
“I would’ve been there,” she nodded, “but things are different now.”
He nodded, knowing she was right. Things had changed irreversibly between them. There was no going back to how things used to be.
He let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair again. "I know. And I... I know it's my fault. I screwed up, big time. I took you for granted and then I treated you horribly. You have every right to hate me."
“Yeah, you did, but you wanna know the worst fucking part?” she asked.
He straightened, bracing himself for whatever she was going to say next. He had a feeling it wasn't going to be pleasant, but he nodded for her to continue anyway.
"Yeah. Tell me."
“I could never hate you.”
Those words hit him like a punch to the gut. She could never hate him? After everything he'd put her through? He wanted to scoff, to tell her she was being stupid and naive, and to snap at her for even thinking such a thing, but instead he just stood there, stunned and speechless.
"Why? Why can't you hate me?" he managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Because I love you - you fucking idiot! Even now!”
His heart skipped a beat as she admitted it out loud – she still loved him. Despite everything, despite all the hurt and the pain and the betrayal, she still loved him. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or devastated by that fact.
He stepped closer to her, his expression a mix of shock and vulnerability. “You... you still love me? After everything I’ve done to you?”
“Because you have a goodness in you, I’ve seen it. I know that you’re not the monster you’re trying to be. You never got the chance to grow up like a normal boy, you were experimented on and tortured your entire life - forced to be perfect. It would drive anyone to insanity.”
He stared at her, dumbfounded. She had just pinpointed his deepest fears and insecurities, laid them bare in front of him. He wanted to deny it, to laugh and tell her she had no clue what she was talking about, but he knew deep down she was absolutely right.
He let out a shuddering breath, his voice thick with emotion. "You're the only person who sees all that. Everyone else just sees the Homelander, the symbol, the hero. Not... not me."
“You were created to be a weapon for Vought, used however they want. You’ll never break out of the chains while you’re surrounded by all of those fucking yes men, John! Nobody will ever stand up to you because they think you’ll kill them - and you might,” she admitted. “Things won’t change until you find people who can tell you no.”
He felt a pang in his chest at her words. She was right again. Vought had indeed created him to be their weapon, their tool. They fed his ego and fueled his ambition, letting him believe he was invincible. He clenched his jaw, hating how right she was, how she saw straight through all his bullshit.
He took a step closer to her. "And... do you think I could find someone who'll tell me no?"
“I’ve never had an issue telling you no, or telling you that you’re wrong, or being fucking stupid because I used to know that you wouldn’t hurt me - but I can’t say the same for anyone else.”
He chuckled softly, a hint of genuine amusement in his voice. "You're the only one who could ever get away with talking to me like that."
He paused, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his face. He sat down on the chair across the table. "And you’re right. I wouldn't hurt you. I could never... lay a hand on you - not again never again."
“I wish you would’ve let me help you back then. I think things could’ve been different if my love had just been enough for you,” she said sadly.
He swallowed hard, feeling a pang of regret in his chest as he heard the hurt in her voice. He knew she was right again. He had pushed her away, shut her out when she had just been trying to help him. His ego and his need for power had blinded him to what he really wanted - her.
"It... it wasn't that your love wasn't enough," he said quietly. "It was my own weakness that made me lock you away - I thought that if you stayed in the tower nobody could ever use you against me - you’d be safe. But I just did to you what the doctors did to me - I am sorry.”
“That is exactly why I love you - because you have a part of you that wishes to be good, if only you stopped trying to kill my friends,” she joked.
He let out a huff of laughter, the tension in his shoulders relaxing slightly. She always knew how to disarm him with her humor, even in serious moments like this.
"Yeah, well, can't make any promises on that last part," he said with a smirk, his voice laced with sarcasm.
She sighed and stood, walking around the table and behind the chair he sat in. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her head into his neck. She missed him, despite everything he’d done she fucking missed him more than anything. He felt a shiver run down his spine as she wrapped her arms around him, her head buried into his neck. It felt so damn good, and yet he couldn’t help the pang of guilt and shame that bubbled inside him.
He took a shaky breath, his hand coming up to gently rub her arm. "I missed you... I missed you so damn much," he said.
“I miss you too,” she said before pulling away. “Listen, it’s been a long day. I think I should get some rest.”
She cleared her throat, not wanting to let things get carried away.
He nodded, forcing himself to keep his emotions in check. She was right, they were both exhausted after such an emotional night. "Yeah. You're probably right," he said, standing up from the chair.
He hesitated for a moment, staring at her. There was so much more he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do. But he knew he had to let her go, at least for now. "Good... goodnight."
“Goodnight, John,” she said gently as she watched him walk to the door and let himself out.
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