#sh stiles
safehavenedits · 1 year
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ilovewriting06 · 5 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 11
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I snarl down at the grinning face of Kate Argent before raising my claws ready to slash out her throat when she chuckles, spitting up a little blood, "Her birthday is February 2nd by the way."
I falter slightly and she laughs her sadistic little laugh, "Yeah, what's her name? Lola isn't it?"
I let out a growl and she smirks, "She's yours you know, biological and all that jazz. Congrats."
I pull back in surprise, craving answers and Kate takes my moment of distraction to stab a wolfsbane laced dagger through my torso. My eyes widen as I gasp in pain before I'm being pushed to the ground. I hiss and choke out a cry as the blade is twisted in a full circle as Kate's face appears above mine, "Don't worry dear, I'll tell you everything you want to know, but it'll be on my terms."
I weakly try and push her hands away before she pushes herself up, using the handle of the dagger as her only leverage. I arch in pain as black starts to cloud my vision telling me I'm about to pass out. I frantically look for someway to leave a message when I make eye contact with the camera and try my best to leave a message. I take gasping breaths as my vision fades in and out and the last thing I see is Gerard Argent looking down at me with a sneer before glancing up and looking, presumably at Kate, "Tell her, and then kill her."
Stiles POV
"What do you mean she's missing?!"
"Stiles, calm down."
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down Scott! My fiancée is missing, my mate Scott, and I can't fucking feel her and it's freaking me the fuck out! So someone, tell me what the hell is going on and where the hell my fiancée is?!"
I feel someone lay a hand on my shoulder and I instinctively fling my arm back effectively knocking the hand off of my shoulder before spinning around to seethe at Dad, "Don't. Touch. Me."
He holds up his hands and backs up slightly before speaking, "Hey, sorry, sorry, but you need to calm down Stiles. Let Lydia explain and then we'll figure out what to do."
I take a deep shaky breath before sinking down to sit on the bottom of the stairs, "Okay, okay," I look up and meet the gaze of a worried and guilty Lydia, "What happened?"
Lydia's frown deepens and I notice how she's slightly shaking and her bottom lips quivers, "I-I don't know what happened, we were at the mall, just window shopping you know?"
Allison lays a comforting hand on Lydia's arm, "Deep breaths Lyds, we need you to tell us what happened so we can find Y/n. Do this for her."
Lydia takes a deep breath and nods once before her eyes harden as her guilt turns to determination, "We were at the mall since we both had a free day and it has been quiet on the Gerard and Kate issue for awhile and we had just finished eating when she said she needed to run to the bathroom. I offered to go with her but she said no, that she would be right back because she only had to pee and then she asked me to look for the one candle scent that Stiles loves. I watched her walk towards the bathrooms and then she never came back. I went and looked for her and all I found was what looked like blood splatter on the wall, it looked like someone's face was slammed against it and their nose started bleeding."
I clutch my hands into fists as I check in on our bonds to see if I can feel her but it's still silent. I take a deep breath before dropping my face into my hands and fighting back tears as I whisper, "Pain, so much pain and anger."
Everyone turns to look at me and I rub my hands down my face before sniffling as I sit up straight, "The last thing I felt from her was sudden, it was anger, a lot of anger, and then unfathomable pain, right before terror took over for a split second before she disappeared. The bond is still there and I haven't went fucking crazy yet so she's still alive. It feels like the bonds when she's asleep so I think she was probably knocked out."
Everyone lets out some sort of whimper or whine, including the humans, before the door is flung open and Melissa comes rushing through demanding, "What happened?! Why did I get the 911 text, who's hurt, who's missing, or who do we have to kill?"
She stops in the entryway as she takes in everyone and I can see the moment it clicks that the only person not present is her daughter. She sucks in a breath before her eyes settle on my and I can see the fear in her eyes which has me choking back more sobs as she asks, "Stiles, where's my daughter?"
I bite my cheek trying to gain control before swallowing and then standing up, "We don't know." Her eyes widen as she comes to stand in front of me, "What do you mean you don't know? Can't you feel her or do your weird voodoo mate shit and find her?"
I shake my head slowly and whisper, "N-no, I...I can't, I'm sorry Melissa but I can tell you that she's still alive."
Her eyes widen even more before dropping into a glare, "Sh-She's alive?! That's it?! Aren't you her mate and supposed to know this crap?! What the hell were you even thinking letting her go out alone when two fucking psychos are on the loose and clearly after blood?!"
I swallow her words as they cut deep before answering, "She wasn't alone, she went with Lydia. I thought-I thought she would be okay to get out of the house for a couple hours."
Lydia shrinks back as if she had been slapped, and I can't help but sympathize because I'm feeling about the same x10 right now. I lick my lips out of nervousness, praying that Melissa is done shooting bullets but it appears they're going unanswered today.
"Lydia! You sent her out with Lydia! The least threatening one in the pack and you send my daughter out with her? What the hell is wrong with you Stiles, you're supposed to stop her from doing stupid stuff when there's psycho killers on the loose! What were you thinking? Hell, were you thinking at all?!"
I flinch back before looking at the floor as Scott jumps forward, "MOM! Stop! Are you thinking? You know no one can tell Y/n what to do besides look at him, he's beating himself up right now without you coming around and adding fuel to the fire. He's more connected to her than any of us and as soon as he felt her bond go silent he went batshit crazy, it took Boyd, Erica, Isaac, and me to keep him from running out here full on white eyed and sparked out."
I glance up as Melissa's anger falters and Scott continues, "Jesus Mom, she's his mate, his world, take what you feel right now and multiply it by 1000, that's what he feels like right now. Just, calm down before you send him into another spiral, because although his eyes are really frickin cool, he's really freaking scary."
Melissa turns to look at me and I look away to avoid eye contact before stumbling back as I'm slammed into before being wrapped in a rather tight hug, "Oh God Stiles, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry and scared and you were who I took it out on. I am so sorry, honey."
I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a tight hug as she sobs into my shoulder and I fight to hold back my own tears because I know if I start crying now I'm not going to stop.
I tap my fingers against the desk as dad scrolls through the security tapes from the mall looking for any idea as to what happened and where she went. We're 103% sure it was Kate and Gerard but we still don't know specifics.
I perk up as Dad stops fast forwarding through the tape when he sees Y/n and Lydia in the food court and from there we bounce between the cameras until she disappears into the bathroom. Luckily there is a clear shot to the bathroom door to make sure no one steals anything and we watch as a blonde quickly slip through the door less than a minute after Y/n and I can feel my eyes flash white as I let out a pretty impressive snarl, "Kate."
We watch until they exit through the bathroom door together and then slipping out of a back door on the backside of the mall. Dad switches cameras again and I watch as a pretty brutal fight breaks out until Y/n has Kate pinned down and has the opening for a final blow before she falters. I lean forward and furrow my eyebrows wondering why she faltered before scowling and wincing as she's pushed off Kate and the dagger that had been embedded in her flesh is twisted. I close my eyes and look away not being able to stomach the pain on her face, at least until Dad gasps, "Stiles."
I look at him before he rewinds the tape and points before slowing it down, "Watch."
I flinch as the dagger is twisted and pushed on as if it isn't impaled through my mate's stomach. I watch as Y/n's eyes dart around somewhat frantic before she makes direct eye contact at the camera before moving her hand in multiple different signs that I vaguely recognize but have no idea how to interpret.
I grit my teeth out of irritation before I remember where exactly I had seen those signs before. I scramble for my phone before dialing the only person I can think of that would know what the hell Y/n was trying to tell us.
Lydia strolls through the office door less than ten minutes later before moving to look at the screen, "Okay, what do you need me to try and interpret?"
I replay the tape again and can see the tears as she sees her best friend get stabbed before she gasps. She narrows her eyes before rewinding the tape for a few seconds as she looks at me, "It's sign language, we learned some of it so we could talk to each other during school. We only really ever got the basics and the alphabet figured out but she's spelling something out, I need a piece of paper and a pen."
This time Dad is the one that scrambles to pull a notepad out of his desk before plucking a pen out of his pen holder and all but shoving them at Lydia. Lydia takes them before she rewinds the tape for approximately another eternity before she hands the paper to me, "I think it's for you."
I look down at the paper and my breath hitches at the three words scribbled on the paper, 'she is ours.' I slam the paper down on the desk causing Dad and Lydia to jump before I angrily seethe, "Of course they were the ones to fucking take Lola."
Lydia looks at me with concern and confusion in her eyes, "What are you talking about? Lola's safe at home."
I point at the note before running a hand through my hair, "Y/n and I had a hunch that the baby she miscarried, wasn't actually miscarried."
Lydia furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
I let a sad smile slip out before pointing at the screen, "When she faltered, when she could have killed Kate but didn't, I think Kate told her what we had suspected...Lola is our biological daughter that was somehow taken from Y/n, more than likely transferred to someone else."
She stares at my in shock before asking, "Is that even possible?"
I sigh before nodding, "Yeah, I went to Deaton about it and he said that it is possible but you would need another woman to carry the baby to full term and a witch to actually transfer the baby from one womb to the other. It was only ever used in dire situation, like the original, biological mother is dying and the baby is moved to another woman to carry the baby."
Lydia gapes, "You mean to tell me that some sicko magically moved a baby out of Y/n's womb, causing her to fall into grief because she thought she miscarried the baby, into another one?"
I nod and she scowls, "What kind of fucking sicko would do that?!"
I raised an eyebrow and she deflated, "You...you don't think Kate...?"
I blanche at he suggestion before I shakily nod, "I-it...the timeline would work. If we're right and Lola was transferred to-to Kate, oh God that makes me sick, it would make sense as to why they dropped off the map for all those months."
I look to see Dad scowling, obviously paying attention as Lydia asks, "Is-is Lola related to Kate somehow?"
I let out a relieved sigh and shake my head, "No, not possible. She was simply just a carrier. Y/n and I had already made Lola, she was 100% our DNA and they couldn't change that. Kate would have only carried her and then gave birth to her, but no relation and she wouldn't have the same motherly love that Y/n would have had. Well, Y/n/n has it now, but no, no relation to the Argents, thank fuck."
Surprisingly Dad is the one to sigh in relief, "Oh thank God, I can't stand the Argents, except for Allison, and sometimes Chris. I'm still a little mad that he was going to shoot you when everything went down with the nogistune."
I go to respond before I jump up so fast my chair almost flips before turning to Dad and Lydia with wide eyes, "She's awake!"
A/n- Well, some mysteries are slowly getting solved, now they just need to find Y/n before it's too late. Let me know what you think!
Tag List: @ah-blossom @gabby988 @zanypaintermoon
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Like, it was so well done, but I HATED IT!!!
And ALL OF THAT, and Lydia would've been FINE!!
It was always about THEM!
It was always about setting the trap.
And they DIDN'T LISTEN!!
Because they CARE!!
The fact that Scott makes it just SECONDS too late, but he still dashes over and catches her before she falls.
The fact that Kira and Isaac just look on in horror, not even sure how to process what just happened.
The fact that he can't even take her pain away, and he can't even feel like he helped, because there's nothing to take away.
The fact that Lydia screams Allison's name at the top of her lungs and just collapses, broken and shattered because she KNOWS.
The fact that Allison says "it's okay" and that "it's perfect" because she's dying in the arms of her first love.
The fact that she doesn't even get to tell him that the silver arrowhead is what did the Oni in.
The fact that her dad runs up, minutes late, after he told her to WAIT FOR HIM, to see her dead, in Scott's arms, and he just stumbles and almost falls and can't even fully process that he just lost the only family he had left, and the one family he always tried hardest to protect.
The fact that Scott was honestly never really fully over her, even with everything with Kira, because she was his first love too, and he had to watch her die in his arms and he could do NOTHING.
The fact that this will just give Stiles one more thing to feel immensely guilty over, because the demon that was inside of him killed one of his closest friends, his best friend's first love, and his first love's best friend.
The fact that this is the first pack member that we've truly lost on this show. Because we've had deaths, and we've had losses, but NEVER someone like Allison. Never someone in that inner circle. Never someone that was a true member of the pack.
And it f*cking HURTS.
And the pack is never gonna get over this. Not really.
And I don't know how we're gonna fight the Nogitsune with a loss like that.
I really f*cking don't.
The only thing that will save us is pure anger and vengeance.
But the gaping hole it will leave behind...that's not going anywhere any time soon.
I knew she was gonna die at some point in this show, because I know enough about the plot of the movie to know that she's dead when the movie happens.
But it wasn't until this episode that I realized it was gonna happen so soon.
And I wasn't ready.
Even though I called it...
I wasn't f*cking ready.
F*ck this show.
I am so not okay.
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(F*CK THIS SHOW I SWEAR TO F*CKING GOD!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( )
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edsheeranspo · 1 year
Today was such a good ana day I woke up and weighed myself and i was 118 like whattttt and then i had like water and whatever and i wast 123.5 at the end of the day Ok so today I ate half of half of a cucumber (11 cals), 1 gram cracker(59 cals) and a cup of black coffee (0 cals) a pink zero gatorade (0-10 cals idfk it says theres 2 servings and 0 cals in each serving but then it says 10 cals per bottle) it filled me up tho <3 and I just had a couple baked home made french fries like 30 cals. And my aunt that lives with me keeps asking if ive eaten like 1s every week and she asked today and i had to get my bracket put back on at the dentist so ive been using that as a excuse, and i rode my bike to racetrack today and then burnt like 50 cals doing that but now im gonna do a workout and omggggg my dad was like "you look skinny what have you been doing?" and i was like "i do?, no i don't haha i wish" like omgggggggggg im so happpyyyy even though i still think i look fat in the mirror the scale been dropping so idc ;p i overate by a couple calls 110/93 calories today 50 burnt inna bike ride and ima edit this when im done with my workout. edit: i did most of my 36 min workout but my mom came and knocked on my room door soo i didnt hear her cause i had headphones on so she got really mad and took my computer but i did like 3 marm ups and i only had 9 mins left so idrrrc but i do lol anyways -200 cals
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ok but like maybe stiles stilinski with a spoiled rich reader maybe who has vibes like lydia?¿? maybe w number 21 ?¿? possibly…
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omg, this is literally the longest fic I've ever written for this blog, I really hope you guys enjoy it!
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Stiles Stilinski x Fem! Rich! Vampire! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, maybe slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 6.0K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - No one expected you and Stiles to start dating. Come on, a rich vampire posing as a high school student who could’ve been a real life Cullen? Fuck no. But, it happened, and Stiles fucking loves you - and your fangs - probably more than he should, and he wants to try something.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - foul language and smut || I was forced to watch twilight and this is what happened I love it || kinda sub stiles || mentions of mates || scent glands || marking || mentions of Wattpad & fanfic || i got WAY too into this shit man- || stiles did research || biting kink || blood kink || multiple rounds || oral || face sitting || cum eating || creampie || unprotected sex ||
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“So, tell me again how this happened?” Coach was baffled as you sat in his class, your hand in Stiles’ as the topic interrupted your lesson in your economics class. “Like, the dating part. How the heck did you end up with her, Stilinski?!”
You cleared your throat, raising your hand. “I uhm… we’ve been dating for a while, Coach.”
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“Yeah, I know! I just didn’t believe it until I saw Stilinski trying to kiss you when he thought I wasn’t looking! Come on kid, you’re that desperate?!” Bobby groaned, pressing his face into his hands. “Why is it always the nice ones who get with the… the Stiles?”
You laughed. “I don’t know who you’ve talked to, Coach, but I am not nice.”
“Yeah, she’s not!” Scott said, twirling his pencil before you glared at him. “Nice. Sh-She’s not nice.”
“Oh, shut up, McCall! You’re just mad because Stiles likes hanging out more with me than you,” you stuck your tongue out at him, letting out a soft humph as you cross your legs under the desk. “And he’s mad I took his boyfriend too.”
“Y/N, we weren’t-”
“Hush darling, Scott and I are talking,” you say, smiling widely at him as you kiss his nose. “Thank you baby.”
“This isn’t happening,” Coach groaned into his hand before the bell rings, a giggle falling from your lips. “Right? This isn’t happening?”
“Oh it’s happening!” You laughed, standing as Stiles cleared his throat.
“Y/N, baby, I have practice today.” He said, Scott coming behind him and sticking his tongue out at you. “I’m sorry.”
You pouted, pretending to think. “Why don’t you just skip? I’ll buy the school new lacrosse gear.”
“I’m right here!” Coach yelled, but quickly got up. “I would be interested in new lacrosse gear though.”
“Yeah, see? Come on, let’s skip.”
“No! We have the quarter-finals this week, he can’t miss. Y/N, he can’t miss,” Scott turned to you, hoping that he could persuade you with those stupid puppy dog eyes. “Come on.”
“Oh I forgot about that,” coach mumbles, glaring at the wall. “Okay, he’s gotta come, but the school would like new lacrosse gear.”
“Here, how about this,” you say, shaking your head as you fix your skirt. “Stiles goes to practice and I’m on the field.”
Coach scoffed. “On the field? Doing what?”
“I don’t know,” you hummed, leaning on the table as you pulled Stiles closer. He followed obediently as you licked your teeth, humming. “Play lacrosse?”
Scott scoffed. “Play lacrosse?”
You tilted your head, crossing your legs. “What, like it’s hard?”
Coach starts to laugh, nodding. “Okay! Okay, you’ll be on the field! Stiles, lend your girlfriend some clothes, we’re getting new lacrosse gear!”
Coach walked out as you giggle, Stiles staring at your smile and the sharpened canines that he fucking loved to stare at.
Scott starts to walk out, pausing to look back at the two of you. “Stiles, you coming?” 
“I-In a minute, Scott,” he smiled back at his friend before looking at you who positioned yourself on the desk with crossed legs. “I’ll be there.”
He hummed as he walked out, Stiles letting his hands settle on your hips as you parted your legs so he could slot himself between them. “Hey, my darling.”
You giggled, pushing back his hair. “Hey, honey,” you whisper back, smiling as you nuzzle your nose against his with a soft sigh. “Do you… do you think I’m too mean to Scott?”
“You’re not mean,” he says, laughing. “You and him have like… an ancestral rivalry. He’ll get over it.”
You giggle, pulling him closer for another firm kiss, groaning as your tongue pushed into his mouth, your hand pulling his head back by tugging on his hair. He groaned loudly as your tongue circled around his, humming as your head pounded. You could hear his heart beating incredibly fast, his arteries pulsating, and by hell’s name, you could smell the horniness drifting off of his body, along with the smell of dog because of Scott.
Even newly turned, you could still control yourself with Stiles as of yet. You both had had sex a few times, more than a few actually, but that was before you were actually aware of his… human-ness. You were born a vampire, now in your final years of highschool as you aged regularly and your family was kept alive by blood bags supplied by the numerous hospitals your family owned.
Your instincts never got in the way because of how well fed you were, but this was different. You could feel everything; his heart, his arteries, his veins, fuck even his cock pulsating. Your heightened senses caught everything, groaning as you attempted to pull him closer, another loud groan falling from his lips as you pulled him closer, a choke filling your ears making you pull away, your fangs grazing his bottom lip making him hiss.
A shiver runs down your back as he lets out a soft groan, laughing slightly as he licks his lip. “You alright, Y/N?”
You hummed, not really paying attention to his words as you stared at his lip dripping with that delicious coppery liquid, leaning forward to lick against his lip and a loud groan left his mouth as you sucked on his lip, desperate for that taste. It was different though, his blood tasted sweet, unlike blood bags, animals, and even humans for fucks sake.
“Y-Y/N,” he whispered, groaning. “I-It kind of hurts.”
You gasped as you pulled away, staring at his slightly swollen bottom lip as he smiled down at you, pushing back your hair. “I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head, humming so that you would look at him. “Hey, Y/N, don’t worry about it,” he says, his smile growing as he leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to your lips. “I’ll be a blood bank for you any day.”
You inhale sharply, shaking your head. “Don’t say that. Y-You don’t know how dangerous that is.”
“Why?” He asked, tilting his head. “I know you can control yourself.”
You scoffed, pushing him back. “Did you not see what I just did? If you wouldn’t have said something, I would’ve kept going.”
“But I did say something,” he says, quickly stepping forward and holding your hips again. “Just because I said it hurt-ed, doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, shaking your head. “Hurt-ed?”
He hummed, nodding. “Hurted. It’s the past tense.”
You shook your head, laughing. “No it’s not, the past tense is still hurt.”
He rolled his eyes. “Not anymore, it’s hurted now.”
You giggle, shaking your head before sighing. “I’m gonna go write that check, okay? I… I think I’m gonna go home, too.”
His brows ruffled, quickly blocking you from jumping down. “Why?”
“Because it’s not safe for me to be around so many people,” you responded, humming as you quickly went around him. “Come to my house after school? We need to talk.”
He quickly caught your hand, one you could’ve easily avoided, but he shook his head. “Y-You’re not breaking up with me, right?”
You giggled, smiling sadly with a shake of your head. “Just meet me at my house, alright?”
He cleared his throat but nodded, inhaling deeply before slowly pulling you in for a soft kiss. “I love you, Y/N, I love you so much.”
You hummed softly, nodding. “I love you too, my darling.”
He swallowed as you walked out, pulling out your checkbook and writing a number with a lot of zeros on the main line before crossing out the rest, signing and doing the rest of the things before passing by Coach and pressing it to his chest. “Let me know if you need more, alright? I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“What? Where are you going?” He yelled out as you waved back at him.
“Have something to do at home! I’ll see you!” You yelled, looking back with a smile. “Good luck, Coach!”
He mumbled something as you walked out, quickly making your way back home and parking outside your secluded mansion that truly could’ve been out of the movie. It didn’t take you long to get up to your room, quickly getting caught by Kirshe, one of the vampire elders that your parents were friends with. “Y/N, are you alright?”
Of course she knew what you were feeling. “O-Oh, I’m fine,” you responded, humming with a slight smile. “Just some… relationship problems.”
She paused, her golden eyes trailing down your body before flashing a bright red. “He doesn’t know he’s your mate, does he?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Not only that, Kirshe.”
She hummed, taking a deep inhale. “And he’s human too, isn’t he?”
You inhaled deeply, nodding. “Taken in by a pack of dogs.”
Kirshe laughed. “Oh, it’s always the best of us, my love. He’s… why are there problems now?”
“I tasted his blood,” you giggled, shaking your head with a scoff. “It’s just like the stories describe it. Addicting, sweet… perfect.”
“Do you want to turn him?” She asked, making you shrug. “Does he want to be turned?”
“I don’t… I don’t know.”
Back at the school, Stiles was going crazy. “Do you think she’s going to break up with me?”
“She would never,” Scott responded, scoffing. “She’s too in love with you.”
“You’re just mad because you thought she was hot,” Stiles grinned, putting on a shirt that hadn’t been near Scott. He knew how much you hated the smell of wolves. “Right?”
“Oh shut up,” Scott scoffed, shaking his head. “Where did she go anyways?”
“Home.” Stiles said, humming. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I can smell how horny you are.”
Stiles laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah, I uhm… we were making out earlier. She was… sucking on my lip after it started bleeding.”
Scott froze, quickly looking at him. “What?”
“You’re overreacting so much,” Stiles said, shrugging. “We’ve had sex before.”
“But she’s never sucked your blood, right?”
Stiles could feel his cheeks heat up, about to say something before Scott groaned loudly. “Dude, the smell got stronger! Holy shit, does that turn you on?!”
“Fuck yeah it does!” Stiles said, thankful the two of them were the only ones in the locker room. “Dude, when we like, get heated, she runs her fangs along my neck, holy shit, it’s so hot.”
“And you want her to suck your blood?” Scott paused, staring at him. “You want her to turn you?”
Stiles paused, staring down at his bag before inhaling deeply. Is this what Bella Swan was feeling when she was with Edward Cullen?
“I want to be with her for the rest of my life,” Stiles said, grabbing his bag before smiling at Scott. “If it’s this one or one hundred, I don’t care. I want her, forever.”
Scott inhaled deeply before sighing, shaking his head with a slight smile. “You’re really in love with her, aren’t you?”
Stiles smiled, all sarcasm gone. “Yeah, I am.”
“What about your dad?” Scott asked the inevitable question, inhaling deeply. “I-I’m not trying to like… ruin anything, but if you get turned… what are you going to do to him?”
Stiles smiled, shrugging. “He’ll be my dad. Always. What he wants to do is up to him.”
After that, he waved goodbye and quickly drove to your house, way over the speed limit to get there faster. As soon as he pulled up, he smiled when he saw you on your balcony, staring at him like you knew he was coming - which you probably did.
He quickly got out, waving up at you as you giggled. Normally your family was there to greet him, but they were obviously gone as he walked inside and up to your room.
He doesn’t knock, mainly because there was no point, slowly walking behind you as you stood on your balcony. His arms go to wrap around your waist, leaning onto your body as he pressed soft kisses to your neck, your hand going to hold his jaw as you exhaled deeply. “How was practice?”
“Good,” he mumbled, shrugging. “Missed you. I changed into something that I hope doesn’t smell like Scott.”
You giggle, nodding. “And it doesn’t, thank you.”
“So uhm…” he whispered, humming against your neck as you moved your hands to settle over his. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Well, you read up on vampires when you met me, right?” You hummed, smiling as he nodded into your neck. “Did you get to the part about mates?”
He paused, his hands tightening around your waist. Did you find your mate? He had read up about them, but never really retained the information because no one ever spoke of them, but obviously for pure blooded vampires like your family, of course they existed.
“I-I… I did,” he whispers, pulling you closer. “There wasn’t much about how it works for bloodborne vampires.”
“Would you like for me to tell you how it works?” You asked, smiling up at him.
“Wh-Why would you tell me if I’m not your mate?” Stiles whispered, slight annoyance in his voice before you started laughing. “What?”
“Stiles, you’re so lucky you’re hot,” you turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You’re my mate.”
He paused, staring down at you blankly. He was your mate? Why?
When you started laughing, he realized he must’ve said it out loud, your hands cupping his face. “Why not? I think it’s fitting, don’t you?”
“Th-That’s not what I meant,” he didn’t mean to stutter, it always happened around you though. He groaned loudly as your fingers dragged down his neck, sparks following your touch as you smiled up at him. “I meant like… how are we mates?”
You paused, pursing your lips. “Kirshe said mates are decided by the gods where in past lives their love ‘changed the fate of the world’,” you mumbled, inhaling deeply as you stroked his hair. “Do you think we could’ve changed the fate of the world, Stiles? In our past lives?”
He inhaled deeply, nodding as he leaned his forehead down against yours. “I know we could’ve,” he whispered back, pressing his lips softly against yours. “Because I love you more than anything else in the world.”
You smiled widely, letting out a loud laugh as he picked you up and turned the both of you around to go back into your bedroom. He slowly laid you in the bed, crawling over your body and laying down next to you to pull you into his chest. You sighed heavily against his chest, stroking his shirt before pulling it down slightly to see his exposed skin. You could hear his heart beating, his valves and ventricles pumping, his lungs inhaling and exhaling, his diaphragm expanding and deflating - fuck, at this point, you hated that he was human at this point.
You hummed, looking up at him as your fingers trail over his exposed collarbone. “Yes, my love?”
“I-I was wondering… if you could uhm… turn me. Like, actually turn me… into a vampire like you,” Stiles said as you started to sit up, staring at your face pinched up as you inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“Stiles, why do you want to be a vampire?” You asked, staring at him like he was crazy. “You would watch the people you love die over and over again. You have the choice to grow old and-”
“And what about you?” He whispered, taking your hand in his. Besides his dad and Scott, you were the only person alive right now that he cared for, especially after he was impacted by Void. You stuck with him even after that, how could he let you go now? “You would watch me grow old and wait for me to be born again? Huh?”
“That’s not what I meant, Stiles-”
“I want to be with you,” the brunette filled in, staring at you with those whiskey colored eyes. “For the rest of my life, and I want it to be where you don’t have to watch me die in the end. I want to spend… the rest of my life young with you.”
“But in turning you, I’d watch you die too,” you whispered, inhaling deeply as your eyes watered. You had thought about this before, turning him, but then you thought about what he would go through. You were the first bloodborne vampire ever recorded, because of course the Court took note of every vampire turned, but you were the first one born of two Elders who didn’t think they could get pregnant. You knew what vampires went through when they’re turned, but what would Stiles go through? Turned by a bloodborne who was their mate? “You have to die to become a vampire, Stiles. I would have to kill you.”
“Then kill me.” He sat up, holding your face in his hands as he smiled at you. “I’ve died before, what's another time?”
“Not like this, Stiles,” you whisper, gasping as he wiped the tears from falling down your cheeks, leaning forward to kiss against your skin. “The turning of a mate isn’t something that just happens. It takes days, months, rituals, I have to mark you, we have to be married for fucks sake-!”
You couldn’t finish, gasping as he pressed his lips to yours, pulling you into his lap with a loud groan. “Well then mark me. That’s the start, right?”
You gaped at him, his stupid smile as he stared at you. “You know that means I have to bite you, right?”
“Yeah, it’s like those werewolf stories on Wattpad.”
“You were on Wattpad?”
“It was a dare, moving along. Does it like stay a bite mark or does it like turn into a tattoo?”
“I don’t know, a bloodborne has never marked anyone before,” you say, but your eyes narrow at him. “The hell are you reading where it turns into a tattoo?”
“I don’t know, it turns into their initials,” he shrugged, but paused. “Do I get to mark you too?”
“You want to mark me?” You say, smiling with a slight bounce making him hold back a grunt. “You can mark me right now.”
He smirked, staring at you as you slipped off your shirt to expose your shoulder. “Didn’t you say there’s a process?”
“Not for marking,” you respond, but pause. “But if you mark me, we have to get married soon, because I have to turn you in the span of a few months. Or maybe not because I'm bloodborne, so it could be different.”
“What if I don’t get turned?”
“You turn into a lust crazed monster until I do turn you, but it’s more lethal because since you’re so obsessed with sex, your mind doesn’t process the turn until your body is on fire. Well, it feels like it’s on fire.”
He pursed his lips. “So for the rest of eternity we’re just going to be a rich family hidden in the woods? Like the Cullens?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You’re just gonna ignore the fact that you’ll turn into a lust crazed monster?”
He grinned. “Well, who am I lusting for? You, right?”
“Well yeah, you have my blood in your veins, so of course you lust after me.”
“I see no problem in that.” He responds, ignoring the fact that his body might not register the turn.
You laughed, shaking your head as you pulled his hands to your back to unclasp your bra. “Well, you want to get this mating thing started, don’t you?” Your fingers move to trail down his chest after he unclasped your bra, your skin cold to the touch until his warm hands flattened against your back. “When you first bite, it’ll taste odd until that zing runs up your back. Then, I’ll tell you when to stop, alright? As soon as you stop, your mind might get kind of hazy and you’ll probably be really horny, alright?”
He laughed. “More horny than I am now? Impossible.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, tugging on the hem of his shirt to pull it off. Immediately, he pulls away and raises his arms for you to take off his shirt, your eyes staring at his mole covered chest. You inhale shakily as you finally meet his eyes, your hands pressed against his warm chest as he pushed his face into your neck, pressing firm kisses to your neck as you pulled him closer before kissing his ear. 
“Are you sure you want this, Stiles?” You whisper, holding his face as you pull away. “It doesn’t have to happen now.”
He smiled up at you, shaking his head as he continued to press kisses to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. “For the rest of eternity, remember?”
You smile, inhaling deeply as his tongue flattened against your neck making you lean your head to the side.
“Where do I bite?”
“Anywhere,” you mumbled, your mind hazy as you inhaled the smell that was so uniquely him, whiskey and mountain air combined with pine that made you walk straight toward him when you moved to town. “Anywhere you want.”
He pauses, pulling away to tilt his head up at you. “So it doesn’t have to be on your neck like in the stories?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Of course not. Anywhere you bite, like you said, it turns into initials surrounded by a slight imprint of your bite.” 
He pauses, letting his eyes trail over your bare torso as he slowly moves so that you were actually seated in his lap. “Can I do it…” he lets his eyes trail over your skin, humming as he pressed a soft kiss to the space of skin a little lower to where the end of your clavicle was. “Here?”
“Why there?”
“Because,” he whispered, his eyes almost darkening as he let his tongue flatten against your skin, getting it wet with his spit as you groaned, tilting your head back. Your hips automatically roll into his, a loud groan falling from his mouth as he pulls away for a minute. “You gotta show it off, don’t you? Gets you to wear those low cut shirts I fuckin’ love.”
You gasped as his teeth finally sunk into your skin, your body basically on fire as he groaned against your skin. Like you said, it tasted weird at first, coppery and tangy until it flooded his mouth, the smell of the perfume you wore that he learned wasn’t actually perfume shifting into taste instead of the layers of smell you always smelled like. It was sweet and fruity, like strawberries and cherries with sweet cream and that white angel cake, tangy from the berries and sweet from the pastries.
Fuck, it tasted so good. His teeth were deep in your skin, the only cooling part of your body where his teeth sank and drew blood, his hot body making yours feel even hotter.
You could feel your mind get hazy, your eyes rolling back as he tried to suck harder, a loud groan falling from his lips as his hands pawed at your ass, your hips rutting into his almost automatically before you tugged on his hair. “St-Sti, not too much, you could get sick.”
He basically whined, only pulling away by the tug of his hair before licking over the bite mark left on your skin. He panted, watching it as though it would change into the black tattoo-ink like color he was truly expecting it to turn in an instant.
You giggled, quickly catching his jaw before pulling him up to look at you. “It’s not going to happen until I mark you first, my love.”
He stared up at you, eyes a dark chocolate color, lips slightly stained and his tongue tinted a darker red. “Oh.”
You giggle, leaning down to press firm kisses to his skin, never stopping your firm thrusts of your clothed hips against his own, tongue trailing around his skin scattered with moles. “Where do you want it, baby?”
“Where everyone can see,” his hands were shaking from excitement, the taste of your blood sending electricity through his body, tongue flattening against your shoulder and holding back the urge to sink his teeth in again. “Wherever you want it to be, as long as it’s on show.”
“So…” you whisper, letting your tongue trail down the side of his jaw, pushing against the moles under his ear. “Like, here? Or… lower?”
“A-A little lower, please,” he whispered, words breathy as he focused on your hips rolling into his, hard and your hot cunt sliding against his hard cock. He could feel your wetness through your shorts and his jeans, hissing as you leaned forward and kept your hips there, releasing your weight just a bit to keep his cock slotted between your folds. “Fuck, please.”
You hummed, your tongue flattening on the pulse filling your ears until going to the side of his neck. “Here?”
“Mhm,” he merely hummed, nodding into your neck as his hands shakily grabbed your hips. “D-Don’t stop your moving hips, please.”
You giggle, your eyesight basically blurring as you stare at his neck, that one mole catching your eye before you inhaled deeply and felt your canines extend, a comical shing filling the room as you sunk your teeth into his skin. You could barely focus on his cock rubbing against your clothed cunt, one of his hands slipping in between you both to tug your shorts and underwear to the side, pushing his fingers into your leaking cunt and his fingers thrusting into your cunt. You were so tight, so so tight and wet, two of his fingers easily pushing into you and rolling his fingers inside of you.
You were so distracted with the taste of his blood, pushing in and out, in and out, but it was nothing compared to how good he tasted. He tasted like caramel, underlying with nutty butterscotch and whiskey, maybe a slight bit of salt that balanced everything out. You groaned loudly, eyes flying open as he pulled his finger out, the sound of him unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them to pull his cock out of his boxers and push his tip into you making you moan loudly against his skin.
Oh it was almost as though you couldn’t stop, your head pounding as you felt his veins pumping and heart beating, a soft gasp making you pull away, cursing. Was it too much? Did you take too much from him?
“Why did you stop?” He whispered, staring up at you with hazy eyes. “I liked it. I-I loved it. It felt like lightning-”
“L-Like lightning was traveling down my spine and filling my veins-”
He paused, staring up at you as you looked down at your skin, smiling when you saw the initials MS surrounded by the faded gray bite mark. “Mieczysław. Fuck, I love that name, I love your name.”
“I love you,” he whispers back, smiling as you giggled down at him, his face pressing against your skin before kissing his initials. “I love you so much.”
You smile as he slowly pushes you onto your back, his eyes a dark chocolate brown as he pulls out just for a minute, pulling off his pants after kicking off his shoes and tugging down your shorts and pretty panties. Your eyes rolled back as he flattened his tongue against your wet slit, flicking his tongue against your puffed up clit before sitting back on his feet and pumping his cock. You could see his cock covered in cum, inhaling deeply as you looked over at his discarded boxers, a splatter of cum making you giggle.
“I made you cum in your pants, Mieczysław?”
He groaned as he pushed back into you, staring at the creamy ring he started to leave around your entrance that kept sucking him farther and farther into you. He groaned, his mind fully attentive to your cunt basically swallowing his length, whimpers and squirming finally starting when he left the last few inches. His eyes flickered up to your face, a groan falling from his lips as he saw his initials on your skin, your face pinched in pleasure and eyes rolling back as he thrusted into you sharply to watch that creamy ring settle on his base and your hands flying to his forearms.
“Fuck, fuck Stiles!”
He shook his head, holding your hips with a grunt. “No baby, call me by my real name,” he said, cursing softly as he started to thrust his hips, watching your body bounce with each thrust, your tits moving and his eyes trained on the mark he made. You were right, he was so fucking addicted to the feeling of you around his cock, more lightning traveling up his spine as your nails dug into his forearm, blood making your eyes flash red. “You always say it so fucking nice.”
He watched you groan loudly, moving so his chest pressed against yours and moving his arms to support him. He watched your mouth move to his forearms, your tongue flattening against his skin and licking up all of the blood, his mouth moving to your head to press kisses against your hair, groans falling from his mouth with each thrust before you moved to stare up at him, pulling him down to kiss him, that same coppery tang disappearing and fading into the same whiskey flavor you had been addicted to.
“Mieczysław,” you whispered, gasping as his thrusts got faster, whining as his hand pushed down to circle against your clit torturously before his other hand gripped your thigh, digging his nails so deep into your skin he drew blood. “F-Fuck!”
He groaned as he pushed his fingertips against your skin, covering them with that crimson liquid before pushing them into his mouth and slamming into you one last time to cum inside of you, the gushing of his cum making you cum from the almost inflation like feeling. It didn’t take you long to push him over, though, staring at his already healed forearm. You smiled as you began to roll your hips, desperate as his tip kissed your cervix, pushing deeper and deeper at this new angle as you moaned loudly, holding his chest and staring down at the mark with your own initials on his skin.
It fueled your movements, staring down at the cum smearing along his pelvis, whimpering as you bounced on his length. “Please, please, fuck!”
“You need my help, don’t you?” He teased, lifting his hips to roll into you at the same time you pushed down, your eyes rolling back as he pushed even deeper inside of you - something you truly didn’t think could happen. “Right?”
“Yes! Yes, yes!” You pleaded, gasping as he forced his hips up into you, thrusting over and over again at the same speed you were bouncing on his cock with even more force than you could ever imagine. You were so lost in pleasure, his warm hands holding your hips as you tried to stay sitting up, your body finally registering the fresh human blood in your veins. It had been a while since you had anything other than bagged blood or animal blood, and as a result, your high was gone and inevitably coming down until he slammed his hips up into you, your eyes rolling back as the knot in your stomach snapped and a loud moan of his name - his real name - left your mouth.
He groaned underneath you, his cum gushing out of your cunt as you slowly got off, staring at his still hard cock. You giggle, smiling as you pumped his cock and licked the cum sliding down his shaft, groaning as he bucked his hips up into your mouth. You kept it in your mouth, moaning loudly as you bobbed your head, pumping what you couldn’t fit in your mouth and staring at his face.
You didn’t register his human features, not anymore, his blood pumping and his lungs filling with air or exhaling air, only the fact that the cum on his cock tasted so fucking delicious and your fingers cupping and squeezing his balls which made his hips buck and you pull back to feel his cum flood your mouth. You groaned, sucking on his pretty tip and your hand fisting his cock, swallowing the salty liquid before pulling away.
Your mind was full of lust as you slowly crawled up his body, his hands immediately catching your hips as you hovered over his face. His eyes were hazy with lust as you grinned down at him. "You're such a good boy, honey. I think you deserve a treat."
He groaned loudly as you slowly released your weight, holding the sides of his head as his hands hold your thighs, your hips rolling into his mouth as his tongue pushed into your cunt, basically pulling all of the cum from your pussy, your eyes rolling back as one of his hands pushed between your thighs and straight into your cunt.
His flexing fingers guided the rolls of your hips, moans falling from your lips as you attempted to cover your mouth before a finger pressed to your clit and his teeth grazed your pussy. You whined loudly, your stomach twisting as you attempted to chase that high, his fingers pushing into you to press against that place that made your stomach go tight and your eyes roll back, curses falling from your lips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck Mieczysław!”
He hummed against your cunt, the vibrations making you shiver as he slowly lifted you from his face and push you down so you sat on his cock. He slowly pushed into you, a shiver going down your back as he held your face, pulling you up for a firm kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you, Mieczysław,” you whisper back, smiling as his lips quirked up into a smile of his own, sighing heavily. “Do you feel okay?”
“Yeah, I feel great,” he smiled, shrugging. “Really horny.”
You laughed, nodding. “We can keep going,” you whisper, smiling as you lay against his warm chest. “Just… let me lay here in your warmth for a minute.”
“Will you miss it?” He whispers, stroking your cheek as he stares down at you. “M-My warmth.”
You inhale deeply, nodding as your hand rubbed against his chest where his heart was, the beating already slowing down. “Yeah, I will,” you shrug though, giggling. “But we’re the first of our kind, my love. I’m hoping you’ll keep it.”
“Then I do too.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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© asterias-record-shop
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heartbreakgrill · 1 year
stiles stilinski: breakable heaven; pt 2, "it's new, the shape of your body. it's blue, the feeling i've got."
description: situationship x stiles stilinksi.
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"so, you didn't even fuck him?" danny leaned forward in his desk, whispering pathetically to y/n, who was seated in front of him.
stacking her textbooks onto her desk, y/n twisted around to face her friend. "sh!" she looked around with paranoia, hoping no one heard danny's loud mouth. she rolled her eyes back towards danny, "quiet down, idiot. no, we didn't fuck."
"why?!" danny groaned, planting his forehead in his hands, "you had the perfect opportunity!"
y/n shrugged, "i just wasn't ready. i still barely know the guy."
"you don't need to know his favorite color to have sex with him. it's supposed to be casual, remember?" danny reminded.
twisted around to face danny still, she crossed her arms over the curve of the top of the chair, "i know, i know. but, ugh, i don't know. i just want to know a little bit."
he replied, "just a little bit, though. you don't want to get too attached."
"yeah, no, of course," y/n trailed off, focusing her attention back to the front of the room as the teacher demanded the students' to listen.
y/n pulled her phone from her pocket as it buzzed. underneath her desk, she responded to stiles' text.
stiles stilinski: nah, literally. i understand the books weren't finished, but they didn't have to end the show the way they did.
y/n: i kinda liked how dany went off the rails, but it was way out of her character development. i'll have to text you later, class is starting, and i'll be busy the rest of the day. see ya!
stiles stilinski: no problemo, have a lovely day!
y/n quickly shoved her phone into the side pocket of her bookbag. she sat up in her seat, doodled across the top of her notebook with a new pen, and attempted to focus her eyes on the chalkboard as the teacher wrote out the lesson title.
but her mind was focused elsewhere.
"y/n," stiles moaned against her lips as his body pushed up against hers.
she grasped at the hairs curled at the nape of his neck, giggling slightly at his neediness. "yeah?"
stiles sighed, exasperatedly, "you're...so...pretty."
y/n grinned, interrupting their kissing. stiles pulled his head back slightly, "what? did i do something wrong?"
she shook her head, meeting his brown eyes, softer in the dim lighting. "no, you're perfect.”
stiles had drove her home after the hangout at danny's. he insisted on listening to taylor swift and continued to intently ask her questions about anything and everything.
when he dropped her off, he waited at the curb, jeep idling, until he saw he safely enter her house. it made her heart skip a beat.
then, when she closed the door, reality came crashing back down.
y/n showered, went to bed. she was coming off of her high, and she was remembering all of the awful details of the past summer. stiles became an afterthought.
she made the mistake of looking at a few photos in her phone. missed stiles’ text telling her he got home safely.
she texted him when she woke up. he immediately replied, assuring her it was okay for her late response. he made one comment on something insanely random, but they delved into a conversation about it.
it got cut short, as it was saturday, and y/n had to go straight to work. it was insanely busy i’m the restaurant she waitressed at, so y/n didn't get a chance to check her phone all day. she hoped, though, that stiles would text her. of course, she hoped sam would, too. but that was always a hope a heartbroken person carried, right?
even if they knew, logically, it made no sense. it wasn’t right.
stiles, he did message her. they continued to text, back and forth, all weekend long.
y/n didn’t agree that casual sex needed to exclude any and all forms of friendliness. the only thing that needed to be removed from the situation was feelings, beyond anything amiable. and that was easy as pie.
after class, y/n had a free period. and that was the last class of the day. so, she dumped some of her books off at her locker, and decided to head home for the day.
on her way out to her car, she texted stiles back.
y/n: how’s your day going?
he didn’t respond right away, which he normally did. but, she knew he was in english, and the new teacher was pretty strict about phone usage.
y/n opened the driver’s side door, tossed her book bag in, and went to slip into her seat when she heard her name being called. she looked to her left and saw stiles jogging across the parking lot.
y/n furrowed her brows, tilted her head, “shouldn’t you be in english?”
stiles came to a halt before her, hands on his hips, “what? oh, um-“ he looked behind him, as if the answer lied towards the lacrosse field, “i got let out early?”
that sounded like a question. “hm,” y/n smiled slightly, “you’re skipping class.”
“oh, you’re one to judge,” he shot back, “what’re you doing right now?”
“going home. i have a free period!” y/n defended, motioning back to the school building.
“mhm,” stiles nodded, “sure.”
y/n stared at him for a moment. she lifted her phone up, “i just texted you, by the way.”
stiles pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket, “oh, oh, here…” he typed out his response, and clicked send, proudly.
y/n smiled appreciatively, “i’m eager to hear your response to my riveting question. anyways, if you’re gonna skip class, do you think it’s a good idea to hang out in the parking lot?”
stiles leaned against the car beside y/n, “oh, probably not.” he looked like there was something else going on, and there was. y/n just didn’t know about all of the supernatural threats surrounding the school on any given basis. “but, i saw you and wanted to ask…”
“what’s up?” she stood up, eager.
stiles rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous tick, y/n noticed. “are you free tomorrow night?”
y/n nodded, probably too quick to respond, “yeah, absolutely.”
“okay, cool,” stiles pursed his lips. a beat of silence passed, and y/n tilted her head, encouraging him to continue. “oh, well, maybe i can finally meet your dog?”
“smooth,” y/n poked his shoulder, “text me when you’re leaving school. i’ll send you my address.”
stiles grinned, “really? cool, cool. i’ll- see you then.”
y/n climbed into her car, and stiles closed the driver’s door for her. she waved before pulling out of the parking lot.
stiles fist pumped the air.
he met back up with scott, allison, and isaac by his jeep. they were skipping class because the alpha pack in town was causing a load of harmful trouble. just another chapter in the book of the supernatural.
“what was that about?” scott asked, secretly for his friend.
stiles, pretending to be casual about the situation, placed his hands on his hips, shrugged. “nah, nothing. just made plans to chill tomorrow night. no big deal.”
scott didn’t want to pressure his friend. he simply nodded, smiling kindly. “sounds good.”
stiles shrugged, again, though scott could see right through him.
he could see right through his sarcastic, solid exterior, straight to the scared teenage boy with the giant heart he wore just under his sleeve.
and he knew, already, things were gonna get messy.
y/n took an everything shower when she got home at her free period. and, by everything- she did everything. shaved, exfoliated, scrubbed every pore on her skin, wrapped her body in masks, conditioners, body washes, hair treatments, a teeth whitening kit. everything.
she tried to present her makeup and hair casually, but y/n still put enough effort into both to make herself look better than average. she was dressed and ready to go as soon as stiles messaged her that he was leaving school. she replied with her address, and proceeded to pace the length of the front room of her house until he arrived.
y/n’s dog started barking, in response to a short knock from the front door. she shushed winnie, who was up in arms about the person outside; ears perked up, eyes alert. all german Shepard, guard dog-esque. y/n patted winnie’s head, calming her slightly, before unlocking and opening the door.
stiles stood there, posture hunched slightly, in jeans and his usual t-shirt combo. his palm was cupped in front of his mouth, as though he was smelling his breath. he met y/n’s eyes, coughed awkwardly, and quickly wiped his hands on his thighs.
“oh,” he cleared his throat, again, “sorry. uh- hi. sorry. just- smelling my breath!” stiles cringed at his own words and glanced at his feet. he scratched the back of his neck.
y/n giggled, “oh, my goodness. just come in.”
she stepped aside, motioning him into the house. winnie took this moment to run up to stiles, panting like she’d run a marathon. stiles responded with excitement, ushering the old girl inside while patting her fur and gushing with baby talk.
“oh, you’re so cute- oh, yes you are, yes, you are. you are gorgeous, sweet girl,” stiles crouched to winnie’s level. “this is winnie, right?”
y/n nodded appreciatively. he listened to her when she talked. “yep. she’s very happy to meet you.”
“i’m very happy to meet her- oh, yes, i am!” stiles accepted the kisses winnie offered.
“now you’re breath might smell!” y/n laughed, gently pushing winnie’s face from stiles’ mouth.
stiles stood back up straight, though winnie continued to nudge him with her snout.
“you can take your shoes off,” y/n instructed. stiles followed suit, kicking his converse off towards the side, with the other shoes.
stiles moved further into the house, peering around the corner, into the living room, then on the other side, into the kitchen. “are…your parents home?”
y/n met his eyes and smiled gently. “no,” she shook her head. “they’re out of town this week.”
“so, you’re all alone? in this giant house?” stiles walked through the kitchen. outside the big picture windows was nothing but woods. she lived only a few minutes from school, but, “in the middle of…nowhere?”
y/n giggled, again, looking out the window, too, “yeah. i used to be scared, but you get over it. they’re out of town a lot.”
she didn’t know why stiles became worrisome. she didn’t really notice the creases deepen in his forehead, or the constant thought that would now exist in his mind. she didn’t know about the supernatural. she didn’t know of the massive threat looming right over her throat every single day.
“that’s…” stiles met her eye. she frowned slightly because he looked freaked out. he covered up his concern, “you should throw a party. yeah, that would be sick.“
she shrugged, “yeah, maybe. i don’t know, that’s a lot of work. i’d be stressed the whole time. wouldn’t be able to enjoy myself cause i’d be worried about people fucking up the house.
“well, that’s why you have me. i can co-host. we can worry together,” stiles nudged her with his elbow.
she looked up at him, shoulder brushing his, goofy grin on her face. “okay, yeah…i’ll take you up on that offer sometime. maybe next weekend. after the game?”
stiles gave her a thumbs up, “nothing better than getting shit faced after being hit with lacrosse sticks for three hours.”
y/n laughed, loudly. she wrapped her hand around stiles shoulder, leaning in as the noise rang from her throat. people were usually sick of his sarcasm after being around him longer than 24 hours. she seemed ever-appreciative of it. his bareskin tingled beneath her fingers. he sweat a little, breathed a little heavier.
feeling no sense of self control, stiles grabbed her by the hips, pushed his lips up against hers. he pressed her back up against the kitchen island, nearly tossing them both to the floor from his rush. she yelped, slightly. but she managed to balance herself, squeezed her eyes shut, and wrapped her fingers up in his hair.
they continued moving against each other, lips sloppy together. stiles had little to no experience, save for the few times he had made out with a girl. but, his expertise ended there. he’d, obviously, read- watched- a lot about that. there were a few tricks he’d been keeping up his sleeve. and this was finally his moment.
he situated his hands back on her hips, as they’d wandered up her torso. using all of his strength, stiles lifted y/n up onto the kitchen counter. she gasped, surprised by his muscle. she met his eyes, pupils blown out, mouth swollen, hair in disarray. once she was situated on top, stiles moved back in for her lips.
y/n fought the smile crawling out of her mouth. she focused on his shoulders, his arms, his chest. she reached the bottom of his shirt and began to slowly, painfully, pull it over his head. stiles quickly helped her toss it across the kitchen.
his lips aimed for her, but she took the upper-hand by steadying his shoulders. she first kissed the nape of his neck, which caused his breathing to completely shorten. she smiled as she felt his heart thump against his throat. as y/n nipped her way up and down his neck, rolled his ear lobe between her teeth, stiles moved his hands back to her body.
every once and a while, he’d shudder under her touch, let out a little breathless moan. at the same time, his fingers would clench whatever piece of skin he was touching. at first, her hips, then her sides, then her breasts. she moaned at this accidental movement, and stiles smiled to himself.
stiles gently pulled her shirt up and off. she dropped her head back to his neck, intending to continue her battle there. but, stiles cupped either one of her breasts in his hand, gently squeezing again. he felt goosebumps tickle all up and down her skin, and saw them rise on the curve of her breasts. he didn’t know where his confidence was coming from, but he leaned forward, and kissed the hills on her skin.
y/n’s forehead dropped to stiles’ shoulder, sweet sounds escaping her lips. he delicately swept his fingers around the edge of her bra, to the back, where the clasp was. before he could try to undo it, y/n pulled back. the way she looked at him- stiles swore he could fall apart from that gaze.
“as much as i’m enjoying this, i’d rather not fuck on my kitchen counter,” y/n steadied her hands on his shoulders.
stiles grinned, stepped back, helped her land on the floor, on her feet. before she could move past him, stiles dipped his head low, grabbed her jaw between his hand, and kissed her fiercely. y/n’s knees knocked together.
and she led him to her room.
when he left, y/n showered, again. she was sweaty, and he lingered on her skin like frostbite. showers always made her feelings irrepressible, like they were being sucked out of her lungs by the water.
she cried.
and it wasn’t befause stiles was terrible at sex. no, he was good. he’d made her feel good. he drew movement from her she didn’t know was possible.
it was everything else.
it was sam. it was the endless summer she had felt come to a stubborn, painful close. it was the ugly feeling he had left lingering on her skin.
she didn’t she’d ever get over it- him. he’d be etched into her like stretch marks. he pulled her apart, stretched her thin, and punched holes everywhere he could. left a brutal, bruising mark.
all because he was too scared to try.
she wanted to call danny afterwards, to tell him all about. to ask for solace from him in her confusing heartbreak. but, it felt too burdening.
stiles texted her when he got home, shortly after she got out of the shower. she thanked him, she didn’t know why, but she thanked him. she was grateful. he made her feel worthy. hell, he’d spent half the time in her sheets worshipping and praising her body, her lips, at her hips like an altar.
it was almost overwhelming. but it felt good. he felt good. everywhere.
he thanked her back with some witty, thoughtful message. she wanted to text back, but a conversation felt like too much right now. she needed to rest her weary heart.
besides, this was all casual…right? she wasn’t obligated to text him back. it didn’t matter if she did. she didn’t care if she did.
“and then what happened?” danny slammed his hands down on the table between them, leaning his face close to y/n’s.
the smack of his palms resounded throughout the library, garnering hushes from the independent study instructor, and glares from the other students. y/n looked around, embarrassed, before shoving danny’s face away with her own hand.
“shut up!” y/n shushed him herself. “don’t have to tell the whole school how i fucked stiles stilinksi!”
she said it in a whisper, but danny still heard it. he cheered, loudly, jumping up and out of his seat. y/n stood, too, grabbing his biceps and trying to calm him down. she shot apologetic glances to her fellow classmates. coach blew his whistle, causing danny and y/n to whip their heads his way.
“that’s it! if you can’t study independently, you can’t study at all! get out, go home, go to the alley by the gas station and buy drugs, i don’t care! just don’t stay here!”
he ushered them out the door, and they barely managed to grab their things before the library was shut tightly behind them. y/n smacked danny across the chest, but he barely winced.
she pumped her legs, hard, moving down the hall away from him. danny followed, quick, singing, “she just had sex! y/n finally had sex!”
stopped at her locker, y/n rolled her eyes, and tried to quiet danny down. “literally- danny! i won’t tell you anything if you don’t shut the fuck up! please!”
danny groaned and leaned up against the locker. nevertheless, he shut the fuck up. “please tell me more before i combust!”
y/n waved him off as she shoved some books into her locker. “we had sex. it was good- like, really, weirdly, mysteriously good.” she emphasized the word, shooting danny a confused look.
his jaw was dropped, “be for real. right now. no way- stilinksi? stiles stilinksi?”
y/n nodded with a look of surprised assurance. “i know. and- like, sure, he’s not at all experienced. but, he somehow knew what to do. plus- oh, my god…” y/n trailed off, gesturing to the floor with head, her eyes widened.
danny’s mouth opened further, if at all possible, “no fucking way! no way. i refuse to- how big?”
he put his hands out beside each other in the air, about three inches apart. y/n shook her head, offended. he opened the space further, until y/n nodded, smirking.
danny slapped a palm over his mouth, “holy fuck! stiles stilinksi-“ he said, shocked, before he repeated, “stiles stilinksi,” impressed.
“i know,” y/n shrugged. she shut her locker.
danny began walking towards the exit, y/n falling in step beside him. “you lucky bitch. so, do you think it’ll be a regular thing? are you gonna do it- him- again?”
danny held the door open for her. she stepped through with a shrug. “i would fucking love to. but, i don’t know. he hasn’t said anything since. we’ve just been texting about other shit.”
“like, what?” danny inquired.
y/n pulled out her phone, where a fresh, unread text from stiles sat patient. “like, right now, we’re discussing his favorite band. music, in general, i guess.”
danny scoffed, “be for real.”
“bitch,” y/n shoved him, “what?”
“discussing music,” he tsked his tongue. “that’s how it always starts. before you know it, you’re married in the burbs with a baby and a dog.”
“shut up,” y/n shoved her phone back into her pocket, self conscious about responding, now. “you know i don’t want that. i’m not interested in dating. i’m moving away in less than a year and- and…”
she trailed off, but danny knew what her distant look meant. “sam,” he filled in the gap. “i know,” he touched her arm lovingly.
y/n looked up at him with her sad, puppy dog eyes. “fucking- ugh. i hate him.”
“i know, babe,” danny comforted. “at least you don’t have to see him. at least he’s off at college.”
“it’s sad, though,” she opened her car door and dumped her backpack inside. leaned up against the side of the vehicle, she elaborated, “i saw him almost every single day, over the summer. and then he just- i don’t know.”
“tells you he loves you while breaking up with you? i do know. he’s a fucking pussy. and you deserve better. he was manipulative as fuck, anyways,” danny waved off the issue at hand. “i don’t know, just…i don’t know. stiles is weird. i don’t really know him that well. he doesn’t seem like he’d fuck you over, but it’s just that tricky line of friends with benefits. it almost always leads to someone getting hurt.”
y/n picked at a piece of dirt on the side of her car, focused on danny’s words. “i think we’re both smart enough that we won’t let that happen. we both know what we want from each other- sex. strictly. nothing else. it’s black and white.”
“oh, love,” danny patted her shoulder, “nothing is ever black and white.”
danny bid farewell, hugging his friend tightly, with a saddened gaze shot her way. she was distant, stuck in her head, thinking over her words.
it didn’t matter. it really didn’t. she didn’t want anything from stiles, but sex. she didn’t want an attachment. so, she simply wouldn’t form one.
it didn’t matter if they were discussing music. it didn’t matter if she knew what made his cheeks crinkle into a smile. it didn’t matter if she was learning his favorite colors depended on the seasons, or that his dad was his role model. it didn’t matter.
she had boundaries, and she could keep them.
she could.
couldn’t she?
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derpylittlenico · 3 months
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Stiles: sh ut up, bitch
Stiles: ...oh wait, that was me
73 notes · View notes
janedoeswriting · 6 months
The Way The Wind Blows (Stiles x OC)
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Description: Rhiannon finds herself trapped within her guilty pleasure tv show— Teen Wolf. Now, she must choose which path to take… one that leads back home, and another that follows uncertain adventure.
Tags: extreme slow burn, frienemies to lovers, fix it fic, canon change, actions have consequences.
TW: smut??, angst, fluff, sexual harassment, anxiety, depression, obsession, domestic violence, manipulation, etc. Just please do not read if you are sensitive to difficult subjects.
(Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd)
Rhiannon tried not to look at the clock. The time grew ever closer to midnight without sympathy. The television lit up the room in flashes of light.
Familiar characters spoke. Their voices were the only sound, other than Rhiannon’s sigh. She had school in the morning. Binge watching Teen Wolf wasn’t exactly a good idea. If she didn’t go to sleep soon, she’d be screwed. But these days, watching an old favorite TV show was the only thing keeping her mind distracted.
Wind outside rattled the window. A storm was on its way in. The wind wasn’t uncommon in a place like Florida. A tropical storm warning had been issued earlier that afternoon. Rhiannon checked the clock. 12:05 am. She pursed her lips and continued to watch the screen.
Gradually, her eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Her body sunk deeper within her cozy bed. Her cat’s purring and warmth lulled her like a lullaby. The television continued to play as Rhiannon’s breathing slowed and she fell into sleep.
A crack of thunder so loud it shook the house caused Rhiannon to jump. Her heart raced, and the lights in the street went out. Rhiannon looked to the TV only to find it had shut off, along with all the other lights in the house. Her cat scurried underneath the bed.
Rhiannon groaned and fell back into the sheets. A strange feeling washed over her— as if she had just woken up from a really good dream. One that she couldn’t remember.
Almost as quickly as Rhiannon thought it, the street lamps flickered back on. The tv lit up too, but instead of the home screen or Teen Wolf, a static screen lit up her room. Rhiannon sighed. The buzzing noise was incessant. She got up and approached the screen.
A strange humming sound behind the static noise caused Rhiannon to slow her approach. Her eyebrows furrowed and she hesitated. The humming was getting louder— like the deep guttural voice of an animal. But it was methodical. Almost as if the voice was singing. Her cat hissed from under the bed.
Rhiannon stepped forward and stretched her hand to the screenHer body moved in a trance, and something like an anchor tied to a line pulled at her gut. All she knew is that she had to touch it.
Her fingers pressed against the warm screen. She was zapped by static electricity, and jumped back. That was the last thing Rhiannon remembered before she woke up.
Before everything she had ever known turned upside down.
Stiles was growing more and more frustrated with Scott's blatant disregard for what was right in front of them.
"I'm telling you, Scott. That's not normal."
The blue jeep flew down the road. The fresh rainfall slickened the pavement and reflected the lights illuminating the road. The sound of the tires whsshed down the street.
"Deer don't just run into windshields. Especially when the car isn't even moving," Stiles continued. Scott nodded, but Stiles could tell his best friend's mind was elsewhere.
"Stiles, it was clearly confused. Maybe it was sick." Scott said as he looked out the passenger window. Scott was still upset that his tattoo, which he'd painfully sat two hours for and spent money on, had healed. He held his arm with the ghost of the feeling that it was still there.
But mostly, it had to do with a girl.
"Or maybe it was terrified, huh? Did you think of that?" Scott didn't even try to disguise his lack of interest. "Did you see the way Allison looked at me. Did she look like... Did she look like she missed me?" Scott asked hopefully.
He was still rocked by Allison and Lydia's sudden appearance out of nowhere, and then the events that followed. A deer crashing through the girls' windshield. Mr. Argent and Mrs. Martin rushing to the scene with worry. A deputy showing up and taking a report, and a tow truck carrying Lydia's car off. Scott recalled Allison's face gazing at him from the passenger seat as Mr. Argent pulled away.
It was a look of sorrow. And maybe even pity.
He rubbed his arm again. "No, Scott. I was a little busy thinking about the giant deer that killed itself on Lydia's car." Stiles said sarcastically. Scott sent him an exasperated look. "It didn't kill itself."
"It could have." Stiles murmured, shifting in the seat as his mind whirred. Driving usually always helped calm his mind, but after that night's events it only seemed to make his ADHD worse.
They drove down the familiar road. Stiles' eyes instinctively caught on the nature preserve sign and road leading to it. Nine months before, Stiles had parked there, and the two of them had stumbled into the forest. That night changed their lives forever. Whenever Stiles drove by it now, he couldn't help but turn and look.
"Stiles!" Scott exclaimed. Stiles' head snapped forward and he swerved. In a blur, they narrowly missed hitting someone standing in the middle of the road. Someone who had come out of the woods. Stiles slammed on his breaks and they spun to a stop. The jeep's headlights shown on the figure before them. It was a girl. She was tall and thin. And completely naked. Her body was covered in dirt and mud and leaves. Her brown hair was matted around her head in a wild tangle with small twigs and leaves poking out. She was shaking profusely.
For a long moment, Scott and Stiles stared at the girl in shock. They turned to each other at the same time and made surprised eye contact and then turned back. Her head rose, and cobalt eyes squinted in the light. One of her hands blocked her privates, and the other arm concealed her breasts from view.
Stiles fumbled for the door handle and his seatbelt, and ended up falling out of the jeep. Scott followed in suit, but much more gracefully. By the time Stiles had gotten on his two feet, Scott was already digging around Stiles' trunk for something.
Stiles stepped forward cautiously. The girl didn't flinch or step away. She turned her face away from the light and looked at him.
"Hey.... Are you okay?" Stiles said softly, doing a great job of maintaining eye contact without slipping to the distraction of a totally naked girl in front of his face.
"D-.....," the girl started. "Dylan O'Brien?"
Stiles blinked at her and shook his head with furrowed brows. Finally, Scott came up behind with a blanket. "Here." Scott said gently and wrapped the blanket around the girl. She quickly slipped it around her body, holding the large wool blanket tightly around herself. Stiles noticed that she was shaking like a leaf. The grey blanket only seemed to make her blue/grey eyes even brighter.
"You're.. Tyler Posey," she said, and silence stretched before she asked, "Am I being pranked?"
As soon as the words left her lips Rhiannon realized how silly that sounded. What kind of a prank would get her stripped down naked and leave her in the woods, only to be rescued by two famous actors?
"No, I'm sorry," Scott said slowly. "My name is Scott, and this is Stiles."
There was another long moment of silence in which the boys watched her in confusion. Scott looked to Stiles and without speaking, Stiles stepped away to the jeep. He turned on the radio and called through the scanner into the police station. "We need an ambulance to the entrance of the nature preserve, now."
Stiles turned it off before he could hear his father on the other end saying "Stiles, get off the radio." But no sooner did he say that did Sheriff Stilinski bark orders and run out to his cruiser with his jacket in hand.
Rhiannon couldn't help but scoff at him in disbelief. "Scott? Like Scott McCall? Now I know I'm being pranked. Where're the cameras?" She said while turning about to look for wherever the hidden cameras were. This was one hell of a prank to put her naked in front of two of her celebrity crushes.
"This- This isn't a prank." Stiles said in confusion, but Scott held up his hand to signal for Stiles' caution and silence.
"Where did you come from?" Scott asked gently. He could hear her heartbeat racing. "What's your name?"
Rhiannon was still looking around for cameras. She did a 360 degree rotation, but came up blank. "Come on, the gigs up. This was very funny," she said, adding a laugh at the end. She'd kill whoever's idea this 'prank' was. The boy's concerned faces only turned her laugh sour in her throat.
"Okay, okay you guys are good actors. I get it..."
But the looks on the boy's faces were only getting more and more serious. Rhiannon was beginning to grow frustrated and even more confused than she already was. "Okay, this isn't funny anymore. Where am I? Why did I wake up in the woods?" She said, trying not to lose her cool in front of them. But tears were pricking at the corners of her eyes and she swallowed the lump forming in her throat.
"We're in Beacon Hills. It's going to be okay, an ambulance is on it's way." Scott said soothingly.
Sure enough, sirens sounded in the distance-- growing closer and closer. "Do you remember your name?" Stiles asked, stepping forward. But Rhiannon stepped back as her body ran hot in a flash. Her face flushed red and she barked, "And, what? I'm supposed to believe you're Stiles Stilinski? This isn't funny! Please stop."
Scott and Stiles looked at each other in confusion.
"You know what? Give me my phone! I'm calling my mom." She demanded. "We don't have your phone..." Scott said and tried to step forward like she was a rabid animal needing taming.
"Stop!" She exclaimed. Scott froze in place.
Stiles sucked in a breath heavily and stepped forward. "Listen-- everything is going to be okay. I know you're confused right now. So are we. You can use my phone to call your mom as soon as the ambulance arrives." The sirens couldn't have been more than a block down the road now. Rhiannon met Stiles' eyes and breathed in slowly, calming herself down. "Fine." She said.
"Can you tell us your name? We just want to help." Stiles said.
Rhiannon hesitated, but ultimately told him. "Rhiannon. Like the Fleetwood Mac song. But everyone just calls me Rhi."
"Rhi. Alright, It's nice to meet you Rhi. I'm Stiles." Stiles said, cracking a slight smile. Finally, the ambulance pulled up in front of them, flanked by two cop cars.
Paramedics and Sheriff Stilinski rushed forward. Scott pulled away and spoke to his father. He seemed to be trying to be quiet, but Rhiannon could hear them. The paramedics approached the girl with rehearsed scripts meant to calm and protect, but she secretly kept her attention on their conversation.
"We found her just- standing. In the middle of the road. I think she came from the woods. She's disoriented, and maybe in shock."
"Alright. Leave the diagnosis to the doctors. We need to figure out what's going on." Sheriff Stilinski said, and turned to his son and the strange girl wearing only a blanket. The other deputy approached and pulled Scott to the side for a quick statement of what had happened.
"This is my dad. He's--," Stiles started. He spoke to her like she was a china cup teetering on the edge of a table. Rhiannon cut him off. "Sheriff Stilinski."
"Hi... I don't know if we've met--," he started. Rhiannon shook her head. "We haven't."
He pursed his lips and nodded. The paramedics approached. The doors of the ambulance were open. They carried a reflective hypothermic blanket with them. Rhiannon nodded and walked towards them, understanding that she needed immediate physical exams.
As Rhiannon answered all the paramedics questions and followed instruction to sit down in the ambulance, she met Stiles' eyes as he spoke urgently to his father. A moment passed as their eyes locked. It broke after a few seconds when the ambulance doors shut and they began their exam and the ambulance pulled away.
Thirty minutes after the ambulance left the scene, Stiles drove down Scott's street. He was back to rambling at a million miles a minute. This time, Scott couldn't disagree much with the claims that there was something going on.
"We need to go to the hospital and ask her questions tomorrow. Figure out what happened." Stiles said.
"No, we need to leave her alone. She was probably lost or hurt. Maybe she hit her head, or sleep walked, or escaped Eichen House," said Scott. "She knows something, Scott."
"What makes you think that?" Scott responded. "Because, she knew my last name. Which I never told her. And she knew my dad, who she's never met." Stiles said. "Your dad is the sheriff, and your the sheriff's son." "And how did she know your last name?" Stiles retorted. "I don't know....," But as Scott struggled to come up with a retort he realized he didn't have. How did she know who he was? "She called us both by different names when she first saw us. She probably mistook us for other people." Scott said.
"Well we definitely aren't whoever Tyler and Dylan are. But she recognized who we were. She knew our names. Almost like she remembered us." Stiles said, passionately recalling that look in her eyes.
Scott didn't know what exactly to say to Stiles. "Listen, we can read her statement after your dad gets one from her. Let's start there before we go around harassing my mom's patients."
"How would you know if she's one of your mom's patients?" Stiles asked.
"Knowing this town, she would be." Scott said. Stiles inclined his head with resigned concurrence.
Rhiannon's head was throbbing. The entire situation had so thoroughly exhausted her she didn't even know her left from her right. Her mind whirred just as much as the world around her was. Bustling paramedics and an ENT, police officers, doctors. When Rhiannon was finally given a clean hospital gown and told to shower, she thought she would collapse.
The water quickly turned hot. The closed door and noise of the water crashing against the tile opened something within her that had been temporarily shut. A sob ripped through her chest like she hadn't done in weeks.
She stepped under the water and the sobs kept coming. The tearing pain in her chest, the way her throat contracted as she struggled to breath. They must have heard her because a knock sounded at the door. "I'm fine!" Rhiannon shouted. She wouldn't have been able to get the words out if she hadn't been so desperate to be alone. She silently continued, sitting down on the tile floor of the shower and wrapping her arms around her knees. She must have been there a while because a soft knock sounded and Rhiannon jumped.
She realized she was almost falling asleep, staring at the water flowing down the drain in the numb aftershock of her crying.
"Are you okay in there?" The kind voice asked. Rhiannon opened her mouth. Her voice felt distant and strange-- like it wasn't her own. "Yes... Just a few more minutes!" Rhi called back. She uncurled from her position and stood on creaky legs. She took the soap and lathered her body, scrubbing off any evidence of dirt or smell from the forest. A chill went down her spine, and for a moment she was there again. Calling for help with no hero in sight. The full moon illuminating the forest through the leaves. Shadows lurking between the trees--carrying unknown predators. In the distance, a stretch of flat wood covered in moss.
Rhiannon scrubbed harder. Then, she scrubbed her scalp. She pulled the twigs and leaves from her hair. Used the conditioner and her fingers to gradually detangle the knots. Until all she could smell was body wash and cheap shampoo and conditioner. A small collection of twigs and leaves were caught at the drain, but the water ran clear.
When Rhiannon put on the blue gown and looked into the mirror she wondered if she were in a dream. She looked down and counted her fingers- five on each hand- and then scoffed to herself. She'd learned that from Teen Wolf-- having extra fingers means you're in a dream. This wasn't Teen Wolf. It was a dream. It had to be a dream. Either that or Rhiannon was going out of her mind.
She stepped out of the bathroom to a warm-looking hospital room. It was quiet and clean. A lamp illuminated the space from the side table. The door opened and a nurse walked inside. She was tan-skinned and had brown hair and large brown eyes. And Rhi recognized her. This time, Rhi swallowed and didn't say anything. The woman approached her with kind eyes and a soft motherly smile. "Hello. You feelin' warmed up?" She asked.
Rhiannon nodded and just stared at the woman. It was strange to see her. To be here. A memory from earlier flashed before her mind. As she was being ushered into the emergency room the sign of the hospital read 'Beacon Hills Memorial'. The police officers who flashed in and out of her vision had badges that said 'Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department'. Mr. Stilinski's face flashed before her eyes as well. Rhiannon thought she was remembering that too, but it really was Mr. Stilinski at the threshold of the door. More people, an FBI agent and a doctor, stood at the door with him.
Rhiannon turned to the woman. "Ms. McCall," she said. The woman looked somewhat surprised but nodded expectantly. Rhiannon continued. "I have to answer their questions don't I?"
Ms. McCall smiled and nodded, but her expression was now one of empathy. "Yes, I'm afraid you do. They'll keep it fast," She added with a pointed look at the sheriff. Ms. McCall guided Rhi to the bed and helped her in with gentle hands. "Can I get you some water?" She asked.
Rhi nodded and smiled with grateful eyes. The doctors had already examined her thoroughly when Rhi got there. It was a blur, and she had been covered in dirt. They tested her vitals and for signs of hypothermia. She came out of it unscailthed, but was told she would be given an IV after her shower.
Mrs. McCall gave her a glass of water and she sipped it while the woman worked, and while the police and doctor asked her questions.
What was her name?
"Rhiannon Penelope Watson."
How old was she?
"I'm fifteen. I turn sixteen on August 18th."
Mrs. McCall looked up, and made eye contact with the Sheriff. They continued with the questions.
What year were you born?
Rhi hesitated. For the first time, Rhiannon realized that maybe she should lie. If this was just a dream, then it wouldn't matter anyway. That instinct ran through her in a jolt. "I--..." She hesitated, but continued. "I don't know. I can't remember."
The police paused and the doctor scribbled fervent notes. They continued.
Do you remember your parents' names?
Rhiannon hesitated again. "No.... I know them. I can't-- I-I-I can't--," but the doctor interrupted her faux struggle. Rhiannon very well knew her parents names. But the realization that they might not be here... Tears even pricked at her eyes, but those may have been real. The Sheriff spoke. "It's alright. You're going to be okay, Rhiannon. We're going to help you."
And it sounded a lot like Stiles. The boy's voice and face flashed in her memory. It all felt so real. This felt so real. She looked down at her arm, where Melissa had finished preparing the IV. "Relax your arm. You may feel a slight prick but only for a moment." Melissa's hands were steady, but Rhi could feel her pity almost palpable in the air.
Weren't you supposed to wake up when you pinched yourself? The sharp stab of the needle certainly felt worse than a pinch.
What is the last thing you do remember?
So she wasn't dreaming. Rhiannon recalled that in order to stick to a lie, one must tell as much of the truth as possible. And if she was having some sort of mental breakdown or an onset of schizophrenia, then she should probably start telling the truth. "I remember waking up. On a big tree trunk. I didn't have any clothes. I started calling out but nobody was there. I don't know how long I was walking around for, but I saw a flash of light. I followed it. It was so cold. I realized I was in the street when your son almost ran me over," Rhiannon said, gesturing to Mr. Stilinski, who grimaced.
"He and Scott were there. They told me it was going to be okay... But it's not okay. I'm crazy, aren't I?" She said
The crushing weight of it hit her shoulders. She was crazy. Melissa, who had finished with the IV, reached for Rhi's hand. A lump in Rhi's throat caught and a tear escaped onto her cheek. Melissa turned, concern etched over her face.
"Can I be alone with Ms. McCall?" Rhi asked. They turned to her in surprise.
Mr. Stilinski nodded and said, "Of course." The FBI agent seemed to begrudgingly leave, and the doctor said, "We can finish questions in the morning."
Finally, the door shut behind them. Rhiannon wiped her tear quickly and looked down at their intertwined hands. Mrs. McCall pulled a chair forward and sat. Rhiannon met her intense gaze.
"Mrs. McCall. I've been thinking... I don't really-- I don't really know when I am."
Melissa's confusion and pity rose, and it showed on her face. Rhiannon squeezed her hand. "Tell me-- What grade is Scott in?" Melissa's brows furrowed and head shrunk back in surprise.
"My son? Honey--," she started, but Rhiannon interrupted.
"Please." And Rhiannon was sincere. Her eyes pleaded, and she waited in desperation for Melissa's answer.
"A-.. He's an incoming junior." Melissa said.
Rhiannon looked down, mind racing at the information. What did that mean? If he was a rising junior then Melissa knew about the supernatural. This was-- Rhiannon counted in her mind-- season three, then. Maybe even before season three, because if Rhiannon's memory served her correctly, Scott had no tattoo on his arm. Just great. Melissa saw the expression on Rhiannon's face. "Rhiannon, are you okay?" Rhi nodded, and looked up when another realization struck her. "That means you know. You know... about Scott....About what he is. That he's a werewolf."
Melissa drew back, letting go of Rhiannon's hand now. There was a moment of silence and appraisal, "Who are you?" Melissa wasn't exactly defensive, but she was bordering on it.
"Listen to me. Please-- I need your help. I'm not from here." Rhiannon said, her mind still whirring but her energy rising. Melissa's head slightly shook. "Beacon Hills?" she asked in bewilderment.
"No. Well, yes, but no. I'm from a different world."
Rhiannon drew up. "I need to get back home." --
Stiles didn't manage to miss his father's thwack upside the head. "What in the world were you doing? Driving around at night almost running over traumatized young girls?!"
The anger in Mr. Stilinski's voice was palpable. Stiles exasperatedly said, "Well I didn't know she would be coming out of the woods into the middle of the road!" The hospital hallway was practically empty now that the FBI agent went home for the night and the doctor disappeared down the hallway with physicians assistants and nurses in tow.
Mr. Stilinski still pointedly made a face at Stiles to keep his voice down. Stiles hushidly said, "Is she okay?" The worry on his face wasn't concealable. Mr. Stilinski pursed his lips and nodded, that look of pity returning to his eyes.
"She's going to be fine. Woke up in the woods. Doesn't remember her parents, or when she was born. It might be hard tracing this back to wherever she came from." Stiles found himself looking to the door of the room as his father spoke.
"She was probably walking for miles alone with the state she was in when you boys found her. We gave her the night to rest." He said. Stiles turned back to his father, who was beginning to walk down the hallway. "Where's Melissa, then?" he asked. "She asked for her to stay."
Stiles walked along with long, boustrous strides to catch up with his father. His exasperation was palpable in his tone of voice when he asked, "Why?"
"I don't know. And it's none of your business." Mr. Stilinski said in a firm tone that said he knew Stiles was up to no good poking around where he didn't belong (this was a common tone used in regards to Stiles).
"Leave the poor thing alone to get some rest. And leave the investigation to us." Mr. Stilinski added. "Investigation?" Stiles asked with piqued interest. "Into who she is. She can't remember her family, or the year she was born. She has no clue where she's from or how she woke up on a stump in the middle of the woods."
"A stump?" Stiles asked. Sitles faltered in mental scrutiny. "Know anything about that?" Mr. Stilinski asked, knowing his son's antics in the woods.
"No." Stiles said, and he was telling the truth. He'd never seen a stump in the woods. And Stiles had certainly seen a lot of the woods of Beacon Hills. A memory struck him. "Dad. She's probably from Beacon Hills."
"And what makes you think that, other than the fact that she was roaming around the woods at night?" "She knew your name before I told her. It's probably like muscle memory or something, you know?"
"I've never met her." Mr. Stilinski said, as if Stiles was being absurd.
"You're the Sheriff, dad. She probably just remembers your name from the news or something."
"Right... Maybe that means she can regain her memory back eventually...," said the Sheriff trailing off in thought. There was a long stretch of silence between them, and the Sheriff stopped and looked at his son.
"Hey. Don't you have school tomorrow? You should be in bed right now."
Stiles grimaced at his father's recollection. "I was worried." Stiles admitted.
"How many times have I told you that you don't have to worry about me?"
"I wasn't worried about you."
"Oh, about the girl you almost ran over?" Stiles rolled his head back in annoyance. "It was an accident. And I didn't hit her!"
Melissa rushed out of Rhiannon's hospital room and the door slammed shut behind her. The hallway was bustling with people and sirens sounded from outside. Rhiannon watched from her bed as an emergency sucked Ms. McCall into action.
Before Rhi could even get a word out edgewise about getting help, a code had sounded and the bustle of an imminent emergency tore Mrs. McCall away. Her mind was buzzing, and all she wanted to do was sleep, but Rhiannon stood with the IV stand in hand and walked over to the hallway window. She used her finger to peak out through the blinds at the scene. She'd looked out just in time to watch as two stretchers were rushed down the hall. Melissa was speaking to someone-- who Rhiannon immediately recognized through the bustle as a bloody, disoriented Isaac Lahey. Right behind them, a dark skinned girl bleeding profusely exclaimed in pain. Braeden. They were both blurs as they approached Rhiannon's room.
Rhiannon retreated instantly. The blinds snapped back into place and she stumbled back to sit on the edge of the hospital bed as the crowd passed, screams of pain and medical orders sounding with it. Rhiannon's mind raced.
Blood, sweat, and pain lingered in the hallway. She recalled this moment. It was from the first episode of the third season. Rhiannon thought she was going to be sick. And then, she was. Right there on the linoleum floor, she vomited. The chaos in the hall was too loud for anyone to hear. Rhiannon rushed to the sink as fast she could with an IV drip in tow. She vomited again into the sink. After a few moments of retching and swallowing her own flem and spit, Rhiannon leaned back against the wall of the bathroom. She looked up at the ceiling with tears streaming down her face and a ragged breath.
Rhiannon wasn't cut out for this.
The pain was too real to be a dream.
It was too intricate to be a prank.
A television flashed before her mind. Static screen. A humming voice.
She shot up and made eye contact with her reflection. The TV had been acting strange, and she'd touched it. And woke up here. Rhiannon played with the possibility of the impossible. I mean, sure, she'd daydreamed about falling into the worlds of her favorite books or movies or shows. But those were just daydreams. Wild fantasies to distract from her daily life. They weren't real.
Something surfaced in her mind. A tunnel. Like sliding down a glowing water slide face first into a bright white light. Rhiannon gasped. Finally, she played with the idea. The idea that: What if this was real? What if somehow, by some sick crazy miracle, she had fallen into the world of her favorite TV show. She stepped out of the bathroom and peaked out. The hallway was beginning to calm down. She whirled back. Her mind seemed to turn on, now. Like a bulb that had been on dim turned all the way up. Every possibility shot within her brain, back and forth. If this was real, and she was really inside Teen Wolf, then she was doomed. The dread that struck her felt like a blow to the stomach.
She whispered the horrific reality aloud, "I'm gonna die."
NOTES: Thanks for reading! Any questions or recommendations? Feel free to ask! As I finish more chapters I'll link the chapters all together and make a masterlist. I'm also thinking of including a playlist with my inspo for the story/characters on the masterist for those interested. This chapter was kind of slow but it'll be paced similarly to the show with some gaps and changes in plot.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Harry Potter next gen: Severus Snape version
Alexandria Eileen Prince
Faceclaim: Mikey Madison
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Daughter of Severus Snape
Her mom died giving birth to her
Slytherin through and through
When Severus first got news that he was having a child, he wanted the "Snape" name to end with his father and himself, so he made arrangements and changed his surname to "Prince" and promised himself that his child would have a better life than he did
When Alexandria was born, Severus was already a death eater and a spy for the order, but Severus made sure that the knowledge of his new family was hidden away from other death eaters, including the Dark Lord himself
The only people who knew of Alexandria's existence at the time were Dumbledore, McGonagall, Narcissa, Lucius, Charity, Aurora, and Remus (Remus was accidental)
Alexandria is called Alex, Dria, Alexa, mini Sev, and little bat for short, and as nicknames
She is a daddy's girl
Doesn't know a lot about her mom other than what everyone she knew has told her, which was that she had her mom's smile and that she was her father's everything until Alex came along
When Severus is busy, everyone (except Dumbledore) pitches in to help raise Alexandria
Narcissa and Lucius spoiled her rotten along with Charity and Aurora.
She and Draco grew up together and loved each other like brother and sister. Along with Charity and Aurora's child of course.
Has her father's love for the Dark Arts and Potions
Sees Minerva as a grandmother figure
Is often annoyed by Harry Potter and his stupid life-threatening adventures
Her patronus is a bat
She is a massive bookworm
Loves poetry and art
Is a very intelligent woman
Inherited her father's death stare and sharp tongue
Knows more spells, hexes, and curses than anyone in Hogwarts
Has a lot of respect for house elves and treats them kindly
Has a rivalry with Hermione and Ron since she always outsmart them in more ways than one
Ron and Alex play wizard chess against each other and see each other as worthy opponents (Alex always wins)
Severus taught her self-defense to protect herself against non-magic attacks
Knows non-verbal and wandless magic
Gobstones champion
Has a black named Nyx
Hates being Potters babysitter
Will not hesitate to scold Draco if his insults go too far
Knows a little bit about her father's past, but not a lot other than that he was bullied by a group called "The Marauders." And that he had a best friend who abandoned him (she knows who the members of the marauders are)
She watches over her father's health and makes sure he eats food three to four times a day and gets proper rest.
Does not like Sirius at all and will not hesitate to hex him into next week but has minor respect for Remus.
Has a soft spot for Cerys Lupin and Luna Lovegood
Many students fear her because she is Severus's daughter
Mistress of sarcasm and has the mind similar to Stiles Stilinski from teen wolf
Has an animagus form, which is a raven
Will not be caught dead on a broom or on the quidditch field, but she will go to Slytherin quidditch games for her house and to support Draco and Caelum
She and Caelum have a strange friendship but a friendship nonetheless despite her father's distaste for "the spawns of Black and Lupin"
Does a lot of experiments with spells and potions that sometimes end in an explosion
Knows German, Russian, Polish and French
Feels like the mother of the group
Is constantly done and amazed with everyone's stupidity
When she found out that her dad was a death eater, she was afraid of him until he explained everything further. She then understood and wanted to help in any way she could (babysitting Potter and watching Draco and Aster was not what she expected)
Master of Occlumency and Legilimence, she helps Harry with Legilimence after her dad stopped tutoring him
+ Charity x Aurora's daughter
Aster Trinity Sinistra-Burbage
Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie
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Daughter of Charity Burbage and Aurora Sinistra
She is Ravenclaw
When Aster was born, both Charity and Aurora named Severus as her godfather
Alex and Aster grew up together and became attached to the hip and also each other's soul sisters
Has a love for astrology, astronomy, divination, and Herbology
She loves nature and gardening
Aster and her moms live in the country away from the city of London
When she was born and Severus held her for the first time, Severus was afraid his appearance would frighten Aster, but actually she smiled when she saw him
Her pronouns are she/they/them
Her patronus is a dove
Aster and Draco have a godchild rivalry since they both love Severus and want to be his favorite (believe or not, he doesn't have one and loves them both equally)
Aster slacks off on her homework sometimes since it's mostly things she already knows, but Severus makes sure she does it anyway
Loves dancing and knows ballet
When Charity died, Aster held anger for Severus and Alex but eventually understood and came to peace with what happened
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
If Cora was Stiles' age, wouldn't she have been in his grade before the fire? He knew of Derek and the Hale family but it just seems like Cora was written in last minute.
on this episode of heather versus the teen wolf timeline: cora hale.
here is what the timeline establishes:
all of season 1-3B takes place in 2011.
the hale fire was six years prior to the start of wolf moon. stiles is speaking hyperbolically when he says it was 10 years ago. we know it was six from what derek tells scott in magic bullet.
derek: six years ago, my sister and I were at school, and our house caught fire.
it's established that cora was 11 at the time of the hale fire in 2005. this comes from frayed during her and peter's conversation.
cora:  you've known me for seventeen years! peter: i knew you for eleven, leaving the last six unaccounted for. and i'm not particularly fond of things unaccounted.
she's 17 in visionary.
visionary takes place during the fall 2011 semester of the main pack's junior year.
in comparison to the others:
allison turned 17 in the tell which takes place at the end of january 2011. allison says she was held back due to all the moving around. she's the oldest in their cohort.
lydia turned 17 on march 19th in party guessed during season 2 on the worm moon. we know it was her 17th birthday due to the conversation lydia and natalie have about lorraine's ashes in time of death in season 4 which takes place during the spring semester 2012 of lydia's junior year.
natalie: because she wanted you to do it... when you turned eighteen. don't ask me why. but, since there's only a few weeks 'til that, i suppose now is as good a time as any.
stiles would've turned 17 in april according to his official birthday of april 8th.
scott didn't turn 17 until september as is official birthday is september 16th.
malia turned 17 on november 28th making her the youngest of their cohort.
other odds and ends:
theo was in the fourth grade with stiles and scott making him their age. his birthdate is incorrectly listed as 1998.
jackson was born june 5th so he turned 17 between seasons 2 and 3A.
malia was 9 years old at the time of the car accident that killed her mother and sister which puts it in 2003. 2 years before the hale fire.
now while we can acknowledge the real reasons why cora's timeline is so shaky is because they winged a lot of it but what's the fun in that? here on buckybarness dot tumblr dot com we do teen wolf academia.
now one does wonder how scott, stiles, lydia and isaac didn't know cora but there could be viable reasons for that.
i discovered that the law changed in california in 2000 to raise the kindergarten enrollment age to 5 years old by september 1st. prior to this if a child turned 5 on or before december 2nd they could enroll.
they all would've started kindergarten in 1999.
this might be why scott and malia are in the same school year as lydia and stiles rather than being in the year behind.
if they'd had the foresight they should've had allison turn 18 in season 1 and have her a legitimate full year older than the rest because like she's only 3 months older than lydia so it seems a bit odd she's so embarrassed by turning 17 when she has a birthday so close to lydia and stiles. for someone turning 18 and being a sophomore due to being held back? that'd be embarrassing to someone in the american school system.
now cora could've been born in late 1993 to early-mid 1994. she could've been a grade ahead if she was closer in age to allison than to scott. i do strongly suspect that talia and corrine had overlapping pregnancies and being pregnant at the time is one of the reasons talia coerced corrine into keeping her pregnancy with malia.
the tates could've had malia start school later than the rest because she would've been 4 at the start of the year rather than 5 even if the law at the time allowed it. she just joined the rest as juniors when she returned to society because it made sense to keep her with the friends she'd made and she was 17.
if cora was in the grade above she could've been in middle school while the others were still in elementary school or maybe both malia and cora attended different schools due to zoning.
maybe they were homeschooled.
we'll never really know but it's interesting to think about.
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Things I would’ve liked seeing in the teen wolf movie:
-Laura being the birth mom of Eli & the story of how Derek ended up adopting his nephew
- Scott as a veterinarian following deatons steps but he decided to relinquish his true alpha powers to Derek when he realized he really isn’t cut out to be alpha because he never wanted to be a werewolf but with therapy realized he wouldn’t mind being a beta because it’s much calmer and if he stayed in the area wouldn’t become an omega. Making Scott happier maybe he finds himself a gf/bf
-Alpha Derek encouraging his pack by leading by example became a mechanic and a consultant (also show more mechanic Derek 😭😭)
-Grown fbi emissary stiles with little magics & werewolf strength. Happy & dating Derek with a newly fixed jeep
-Stiles and Lydia reestablishing a good friendship after the break up and the whole thing with the Jeep
- CEO & fashion icon Lydia using banshee powers to find out when corporate Headhonchos die to bet on stocks that will increase pack funds a little but not make it suspicious. still being on top of her game ceo wise excluding her powers
-Seeing more of Lydia’s powers.
-Jackson and Lydia sass offs (but with Margo/Elliot from the magicians dynamics and not whatever they did in the movie)
-Jackson and Ethan wedding👀 or at least cute domestic life
-Liam in meditation classes & a financial analyst, in charge of pack finances (+Liam and Hayden together and maybe have a kid)
-If Liam has a kid Mason to be the godfather
-Peter as a stockbroker so Lydia doesn’t have to dirty her name & maybe some art galleries around the world for when he needs to step away from stocks to not be suspicious.
-Issac happy with a French husband who treats him amazing back in beacon hills & neighbors with Derek & regularly does community bbqs. i’d like to think that Isaac would become an amazing social worker for how badly social workers handled his case.(Maybe a little bit of father figure Chris cuz he took care of him and grieved with him after Allison)
-Chris argent allowed at pack bbqs and functions because he’s proved himself over and over and the pack is the only ppl who can also understand the lost of his daughter
-Peter and Chris regularly attend therapy and grief counseling and sometimes together
-Peter and the sheriff do lunch sometimes and we get stories about all the on goings of become hills cuz they like to gossip like old ladies
-Malia back in beacon hills after traveling the world and has become a pilot and constantly brings gifts for the pack ( maybe she introduces 2 poly partners)
-Kira back from the dessert with a mastery of her powers and maybe a journalist now
-Jordan retires as a cop to get his powers under control & becomes a fitness instructor to keep active but have a more chill pace job. I’d like to think that he recommended meditation classes to Liam.
-Erica and Boyd alive well and happy with some kids(let me be delusional)
-The hale house remodeled to fit all the pack when they visit
- I liked John & Mason as sheriff & deputy. ITs Mason following stiles steps in his own way
-Mason get a cute bf
-Deaton left town to go work with his sister but stays as a hale pack ally /mentor of emissary! stiles
-Cora being a cool aunt, ufc fighter 👀
-Discount kira can stay but she’s just introduced as a part of Satomi‘s pack and not as discount Kira and maybe kira occasionally mentors her
-Eli is adorable as is, maybe give him some friends and show his interactions with his pack and how they spoil him to death 
-Some low-key Chris, Peter, and Melissa dates
-Give the sheriff a girlfriend
-Show the sheriff being a grandpa
-Derek regularly cooking and bringing lunch to the sheriff for stiles
-Kira and Scott getting back together would’ve been cute
-Would’ve rather Allison stay dead for storyline consistency and the emotional development and growth of all the characters. But if she’s sticking around then I would’ve liked for Scott to fill her in and they be friends. She gets to visit Isaac and we get to see that reunions reaction and they’re both happy for each other. we get to see her and her dad reuniting and him fumbling over explaining his current relationship with Peter & Melissa. And maybe she leaves Beacon Hills with Malia to learn more about herself & the world. And when she’s ready to come back she becomes a self-defense teacher. NO HER AND SCOTT DATING HATED THAT.
-For Malia and Parrish to have not been a thing because why🤢
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safehavenedits · 1 year
Noah: Don't change the subject. Stiles: What's the subject? Noah: Me.
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takaraphoenix · 4 days
I was randomly clicking through videos on YouTube and I made a discovery I had to share because I’m so confused on how to feel about it. But! Alec Lightwood and Stiles Stilenski are a thing on YouTube. Like as a pairing.
I am squinting so fucking hard at my screen because what why what.
There's a lotta brOTPs I could see in an Sh/TW crossover, but ships less so, but this ship of all. What. Not even judging but just genuinely deeply baffled.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Excuse me??
You wanna explain that a little bit more please and thank you??
That said, I'm grateful that he got Isaac to turn and snap out of whatever the h*ll those things did to him.
And OMG seeing my poor baby cry...it's been a while since he cried like that. I almost cried myself. Poor baby. :( :(
I love Isaac so much, I feel so bad for him.
It's, like, some fancy remix now.
I don't necessarily hate it, but I kinda miss the classic bop of the old intro music lol.
Does it stay like that, or is it specific to this episode in particular for some reason?
Whatever. Not that important lol.
OMG that whole scene with Stiles, Scott, & Lydia just confusing the utter crap out of Scott's dad let's goooo. I love our little team.
And the way Noah was trying so hard not to laugh in the background OMG. He's so proud of his son and his friends. XD
When Stiles winks at him and Noah snorts and then tries to cover it as a cough I CAN'T. He loves his son so much this is the freaking best I'm so glad he's in the know now. It makes things soooo much better. XD <3 <3 <3
Also...Kira passed the test. She corroborated their story. So...not evil, but WHAT IS SHE?! Someone tell me please.
Also also, as much as I hate Scott's dad...he's got a point. If Barrow is working for someone, we have WAY bigger problems on our hands.
It took me a lot longer to be able to watch this episode than I was hoping, but now I'm here and in full force.
Season 3, Episode 16.
Let's freaking go. <3 <3
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(That wink and moment between him and his dad was seriously so cute I CANNOT. XD <3 <3 <3)
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Melissa x Teen!reader - mother to you
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Could I please request a Melissa McCall x orphan reader who is in the pack, struggles with depression, and Melissa notices the depression symptoms and helps the reader through an episode, with the reader not being used to maternal love and Melissa being that maternal figure? If that’s ok <3 - Anon💜
You had stopped by the hospital to check up on Stiles, you knew he’d come here earlier but you hadn’t seen your friend all day and you were starting to get worried about him.
“Mrs McCall, have you seen Stiles?” You asked.
The woman looked up and nodded her head.
“Yes, he’s fine don’t worry, he’s just sleeping right now.”
“Ah, okay. Can you let him know I left some work for him with his dad?”
“Of course I can.” Melissa smiled.
You gave her a small smile and stuffed your hands in your pockets as you awkwardly looked around before shrugging your shoulders a little.
“I’ll be going now.. thanks again…”
With that you walked away and Melissa frowned a little as she watched you leave.
Your hoodie was dirty, and you were trudging slowly out of the hospital, avoiding anyone that came a bit too close to you.
She didn’t see you for a few days, but Scott told her that you were doing well, though you were skipping some classes in school.
You were crashing in an abandoned building when you heard walking around, and you could see the lights from a few flashlights shining about the area.
“Are you sure they’re even in here?”
“Yes Parrish, I know (Y/N), they’re prone to this neighbourhood.”
Sighing, you picked up your bag and walked around from the boxes you were camping behind and raised four hands as you avoided the sheriffs gaze.
“We’ve been looking for you for hours.” Stilinski sighed.
“Sorry…” you mumbled.
He walked over and lowered your arms, guiding you out of the building and towards the car where he helped you into the back seat.
He spoke to Parrish for a moment before he walked back over and sat in the back of the patrol car with you.
“(Y/N) this is the third time in two weeks you’ve ran away from the home, Stiles told me you sent him and Scott a message saying that you were going to leave town in the morning.”
“Yeah.. and…?” You grumbled.
“Where were you going to go? Do you know how dangerous that is?”
You gave a small shrug and looked away, and Stilinski sighed as you looked at you.
You looked exhausted, like you hadn’t slept in weeks, you were covered in dirt and he heard your stomach rumble through the silence.
“When was the last time you had something to eat?”
Again you shrugged.
“Didn’t you eat at the home before you left?”
“No… they padlocked all of the cupboards and the fridge because kids kept sneaking food…”
The sheriff frowned but nodded his head.
“I’ve got to take you to the hospital for a check over, but we’ll figure something out while we start an investigation against your home, okay?”
“Yeah whatever…”
You were quiet the whole ride to the hospital, and you said nothing as Stilinski led you inside.
You lightly clutched the back of his jacket, letting him know that you hadn’t run away while giving yourself some comfort that whole you were holding his jacket he wasn’t going anywhere.
You weren’t paying attention to anything he was saying to the woman behind the front desk, you were too busy staring at the floor.
You looked up to the Sheriff and let go of his jacket so he could turn around and he placed a hand on your shoulder.
“They want to keep you in for a few hours, okay? I need to go because I’m still on duty but I’ll check up on you after my shift ends okay?”
You just nodded and watched as he left and the nurse smiled at you.
“Give me a minute I’ll find you a room. Is there anyone I can call for you?” She smiled.
You shook your head and waited for her to turn back to her computer.
When she had you slowly started to backup towards the entrance, and turned around only to freeze in your spot, face to face with Melissa.
“Were you really gonna leave without saying hello?” She chuckled.
You said nothing and she sighed a little bit.
“Noah told me he was bringing you in. What’s going on?”
Again you said nothing and she gestured for you to follow her so you did.
She quickly spoke to the nurse that was supposed to be dealing with you, and she led you to one of the empty rooms and let you sit on the bed while she closed the door.
She pulled the chair over in front of you and sat down.
“What’s going on? No one else might have noticed but I sure have. The messy clothes, uncaring attitude, you look like you haven’t slept for a few days at least, and Noah said he could hear your stomach growling in the car. What’s going on sweetheart? Talk to me.”
“There’s nothing going on… it’s fine…”
“Is it though? Because I know you like your clothes, I once watched you wash a hoodie straight away because stiles spilled some soda on it. Let me help you.”
You said nothing and simply turned away from her, laying on the bed as you stared at the opposite wall.
Melissa sighed, and you heard the door open and close, as far as you knew she wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.
A few minutes later the door opened and closed again and Melissa walked around, setting a small bag in front of you.
You looked up at her in confusion.
“I brought some dinner in, but I didn’t get a chance to eat it. It’s just some curry and some snacks as well, and I got you a soda from the vending machine. If you don’t want to talk that’s okay, but will you at least eat?”
You nodded your head and sat up, taking the food from her you grabbed the paper plates she had brought up and split the food in half, handing her half and taking half for yourself.
Melissa smiled to herself and sat down on the edge of the bed with you as you ate in silence.
“I’m.. struggling…” you whispered.
“With what sweetheart?”
“Everything I guess…”
Melissa nodded her head and set her plate to the side, shuffling around a little bit so she could face you properly.
She reached out and held out her hands and you furrowed your brows a little before slowly raising your hands and placing them in hers.
She gave your hands a gentle squeeze before smiling at you.
“It’s going to be okay, we’ve just got to take it one step at a time, okay?” She whispered.
“We?” You asked back.
“Yes, we. I’m not going anywhere, okay? Neither is Noah, Scott or Stiles. But if you don’t want the boys to know then just me and for legal reasons Noah, okay?”
You gave a small nod and she stood up, grabbing your bag she slung it over her shoulder and tossed the trash away before gesturing for you to follow her.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you back to mine, I’ve been given the okay by the sheriffs department to so, if you’re okay with that?”
Again you nodded and followed behind her, you weren’t used to this.
You weren’t used to someone being so nice to you, so caring. She was acting motherly towards you, and you weren’t used to that.
Melissa of course knew this, and she wanted you to know that no matter what she was also going to be a mother figure for you, and she was going to treat you exactly like you were her own
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thyfggfy · 10 months
We are continuing my self-indulgent little project with the fandom's favourite blorbo-Derek Hale
I am not going to beat around the bush here.His outfits 90% of the time are pretty lame .From a production standpoint it makes total sense .Why bother putting Tyler in something cute when the script demands for him to be half-naked 5 minutes later , you know?
However , I do think that Derek goes through a solid style evolution when it comes to his colour scheme and a few other elements .
During the first two seasons we see him wear primarily greys and blacks
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There are a few exceptions from the rule.He wears a white t-shirt in the pilot
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a brown one in season 2
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and if you really feel like taking a dig at me , I guess you can also count the times when he wears standart denim
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But overall it is pretty bleak and from the flashback episode we can see that he wasn't allergic to colours
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So we can assume that something must have happened during this time period. (We knowww what happened , but for the sake of this post we are pretending to be a bunch of film students who haven't watched a lick of tw).
In season 3 we see Derek finally starting to get his sh*t together. He tries to be a better alpha , rebuilds his support system and slowly but surely gets on the path of overcoming his trauma.That is reflected in his wardrobe that seems to become significantly more bright and colourful.
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You can also notice that his iconic leather jacket starts to make less and less frequent appearances .
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which can symbolize that he is stripping away his armour.Fitting , considering the fact that this is the season where he gives up his alpha status.The one thing he worked so hard to reinforce in the previous season.
In season 4 his character arc concludes . In that season we see him wearing (you might need to sit down for this one) jackets that are not black
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Let that sink in.
Outside of that his style remains pretty consisted with what we've talked about so far.
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I realize that this might not be fashion related (quite the opposite actually) , but I feel like it is appropriate to point out that when he finally confronts Kate he is fully naked
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signifying that he is no longer afraid and that she has no power over him.
Season 6 doesn't diviate from the established points either
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neither does the movie
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We will finish this post with the only other outfit that is memorable in the fans' eyes and that is the thumbhole sweater .
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and this time around I have to fully agree. This is cute as hell.I want one.
Parts: Jackson ; Liam ; Mason ; Theo ; Scott.1 ; Scott.2 ; Stiles.1 ; Stiles.2
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