#she HAS seen the first episode and when she did she pointed to wrecker and went “THAT'S the one you like??”
stars-n-spice · 6 months
I started watching TBB with my mom...
So my family's got this tradition where every Friday we eat pizza because my mom is an absolute pizza addict and needs it every week.
It's been like,, idk, eleven years of us doing this?? And I think once the Mandalorian started streaming we would have Pizza Fridays and also watch whatever show was streaming at the time; Star Wars, Marvel, Cobra Kai, etc...
Recently we haven't watched anything because I watch Bad Batch on my own but when I was talking to her about it she brought up wanting to watch it too. At first, I was like,, "Seriously??" because I didn't think she cared all that much about my silly animation shows, but she was serious. However, she wanted to start at Season 3. I was like, "Weird choice, but alright. We can work with that."
My younger brother who also enjoys the show hadn't been able to watch the new season either so I was like,, "okay why not?" I need him to see it so I can scream about it to someone physically, y'know?
We watched the first four episodes last night and I kid you not,, fucking five minutes into it my mom was like,, "They LOST their kid?? What a bunch of losers."
It was so uncalled for and I cannot wait for her to find out they lost her for a SECOND time :')
She was like, "No wonder they're called the Bad Batch, they're bad at their job."
Tried to defend them by saying, "Hey, cut them some slack they lost their mom of the group and the smart one," but she just went, "Erm, actually-"
She enjoyed it though and said it was fun. And my brother was so distressed over the time skip I thought he was going to cry.
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faceofpoe · 7 months
Let's talk about that scene in the brig after they go back for Omega in the pilot. Crosshair's been getting more and more worked up - he's just finished blaming Hunter for ignoring orders and getting them locked up when Omega comes to sit with him.
To this point he's criticized Hunter's leadership but hasn't yet broken with the squad. He's not happy but there's still a general "in it together" vibe he's grudgingly following along for.
And then his "you can't help it" conversation with Omega is cut off by the guards ordering him out of the cell. He doesn't move - Hunter puts himself in the middle and, "We stay together." Once they show they're willing to use force, he gets up and cooperates.
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Is he demonstrating that he's still a good soldier, unlike the rest of them?
Or is he falling on something of a proverbial sword (what ends up being his own sort of protracted torture version of Plan 99?) to stop this moment from escalating, and counting on the whole 'they'll come back for me' thing when he gets up and walks out?
Faced with only the few blasters left in the room vs when they're first intercepted in the hangar, would they have normally taken their chances fighting their way out this time once the barrier is dropped?
Except now Hunter has thrown this curveball priority in with this damned kid?
If Bracca "aim at the kid" ruthless weaponizing of what he's seen is Hunter's first priority/ 'fire the engine they're hiding in' Crosshair is peak 'hyperactive inhibitor chip' Crosshair, then this post-chip (??) Crosshair is a reversion to his baseline attitude of Omega - which is simply that she has no business being in this fight/in this squad at all.
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Part of what makes the whole "you weren't loyal to me" thing so delightful is how sticky it is. You've got a skilled sniper willing to kill gunning for you, what are you going to do?
But what would they have risked for him upon grasping the full implications of the inhibitor chip, upon seeing what it does to Wrecker, if Omega weren't adding this whole new dimension and dynamic to their decisions?
Anyway, my musing is that this scene in the brig is when Crosshair actually went along with Hunter in prioritizing Omega over leaping into action that would put her at risk, and this is at the root of all of his episode 1.15 bitterness/1.16 sticking with the Empire/having stuck with the Empire after having the chip removed(after Bracca??) more so than just a vague 'you should have found a way to save me from the chip/from myself/reunite us once more.'
Making the progression in season 3 from "there is no we" to "did they teach you Plan 72?" the key to unlocking Crosshair's side of reconciliation. When Crosshair opted to stay behind on Kamino, he was still in full "just because you're a clone doesn't make you one of them," mode with Omega in their second side-by-side scene that mirrors the brig.
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They chose her, who isn't even one of them, over him, after he fleetingly chose her too for Hunter's sake.
When they cross paths for the first time on Tantiss, "there is no we/I'm not them" - he's still viewing her as this foolish sidekick his one-time brothers saddled themselves with. But he's also trying to optimize what he views as her chances for success, at the cost of his own hope for freedom. Her safety matters to him, Plan 88 - for her own sake, or perhaps more likely, for Hunter & co's sake (hearkening back to their first stuck-in-prison/averting the fight theory).
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But then we get their third side-by-side scene once her plan has dead-ended.
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Acknowledging "we," neither of them could have done this alone; acknowledging her finally as one of them; perhaps even acknowledging that he still could be, too (see: their flawless execution of Plan 72; the continued cooperation in the next ep; continuing to prioritize getting her to safety over what he views as their best shot after she tosses the credits at him).
(We don't leave our own behind, even when your squad is now a dog you didn't want and a girl you've been noisy-sighing at for the past several hours).
Anyway all of that to say BOY am I looking forward to episode 5 and the messy messy situation they're all in now and the messy messy conversations they need to have.
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nika6q · 7 months
Tech and Phee
So, I just read a bunch of arguments against this ship. And I don't really want to try to persuade anyone to feel either way. I just have some thoughts.
First off, I don't think Wanda Sykes works in this part. Personally I like to picture Sharon Duncan-Brewster. Also, I don't disagree that she comes off as a bit abrasive when we first meet her. But so did the Bad Batch, like waaaaay worse. It would be weird if she was some demure uwu girl.
There's actually a lot of parallels between them. They both make I'm seldom wrong, I'm always right comments. They have similar disregard for danger. They both have an intense (to the point of endangering themselves) love of knowledge and investigation.
They have both made communication blunders. I'm referring to the dreaded "it's called a conversation" incident. It's not fair to always expect women characters to be perfect so that the male character can work through their shit. This was still less hurtful than Tech's blunder with Omega. It's okay to make blunders. It happens to both men and women, and NT and ND people. We autistics can't expect NTs to immediately understand how to perfectly interact with us anymore that they can expect the same from us. It's not going to be perfect from the start. But they both have the patience and focus to get through that.
The build up. Ok, before the Pabu, I didn't see it. I don't think he did either. He clearly blue screened during the "head to these coordinates" shoulder touch. I think this is the "holy shit she is flirting" blue screen realization. I think after that it clicked for him, like ooooooh that's why she acts like that, okay. Suddenly, we see him smiling at her and interacting in a different way. Especially the "hold on scene". We've seen Tech carry Echo by him holding around his neck. We see Wrecker in this episode carry the old man the same way. It would have been very appropriate to carry her that way too. But no. He grabbed that lady around the waist without hesitation.
The goodbye. Again, this is just my read on the scene, but why was he hanging outside the ship? I think he wanted to say goodbye but didn't know how. Phee comes over (as he probably expected which is why he was out) and he just shutdown. This isn't a situation he's been in, it's not easy, he doesn't know how to function here. I don't think he was staring at his screen because he wanted to ignore her, it's because he fucking shutdown. I've addressed the "it's called a conversation" above, but I'll add that she didn't get pissed or shitty. She finally sees that he's not willing or able to have this conversation and she ends it with a goodbye and a kind smile. As she leaves, his look isn't a "thank God that shit's over" look. It's a longing look. Maybe he still has to work out his feelings. But there is something there.
This is as much build up as a show this short can fit in. There is literally not enough time for more. Considering the amount of storytelling they have to get to, it's actually quite a lot (IMO).
Again, these are just my thoughts. I'm not trying to invalidate if other people read it differently and don't ship it.
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antianakin · 4 months
I watched that scene in V for Vendetta when V kills Delia, and it occurred to me that there isn't quite the same scene throughout TBB S3. Despite the heavy redemption themes for Crosshair and Emerie, I don't think I heard either of them directly acknowledge their wrongs and apologise to their (live) victims. I didn't hear Crosshair admit fault for shooting Wrecker on Kamino, trying to incinerate the squad on Bracca, or kidnapping Hunter and using him as bait. Never mind to Howzer for his squad's arrest and death in captivity, or the people of Ryloth for his assassination of Orn Free Taa. Or to the next of kin of at least two women I remembered he killed during his Imperial service.
I never heard Emerie apologise for using the kids and clones as pincushions to draw blood, abducting and imprisoning them. Has everyone forgotten that she was there regularly while Crosshair was strapped to the bed and being experimented on?
The point is that while both characters did heel-face turns and performed deeds to atone for their pasts, the lack of apology is deafening. Howzer was portrayed as the asshole for not seeing Crosshair's heel-face turn because it should have been ''obvious'' how Crosshair treats Omega. I see it as the characters who should have broken the fourth wall and read the script to bypass the drama that would have occurred if an apology had been forthcoming. The "hard" part was done; Crosshair lost his hand; what more do you idiots want? I would have chalked it to the cancellation had I not seen something similar running around Season 1...
It's one of those aspects that gnaws at me with Disney Star Wars. What I call the externalisation of evil, paired with the lack of accountability. Evil happens because people were forced or duped to act on its behalf, but because these people are not "true" believers (as seen by their redemption), they need not be held accountable for their actions while serving evil. Their acts in service of the "superior good" balance the scales and bypass the need for accountability.
And for a "kids" show lauded as the most "adult" of the TCW-era animation, I have to ask, is this really the lesson to teach kids? Because in real life, no one can read your mind and hear your apology mentally. And some can fake it and be unrepentant in the end. The victims of your wrongdoing have the right to confront you, hear your apology, and decide to absolve or condemn you. "I am not here for what you hoped to do. I am here for what you did"- V
"Is it meaningless to apologise? Never I'm so sorry" - Delia's last words to V
I find myself less upset about Emerie because Emerie was introduced so late that not only do we not see her doing anything THAT horrific, but there wouldn't have been a lot of time to really work through any kind of redemption arc for her. Within her first few episodes, we do see her soften towards Omega a bit, so they DO set up that Emerie isn't all she appears to be which allows for her to have stronger reactions to things like the Force sensitive children in the vault later.
My issue with Emerie, which is likely partially due to the cancellation cutting off some of what they might have planned to do with her, is that we have ZERO EXPLANATION for her. Why does she exist, was she just a defective clone who came out female and so the Kaminoans sent her away or did one of them intentionally try to create a female clone for some reason? Why did they send her to Hemlock, how was Hemlock connected with the Kaminoans to begin with and connected SO early that he was able to acquire a clone before the Jedi and the Republic even knew they existed? Why did Hemlock accept her and what has he been doing TO her this whole time? What is her relationship with being a clone if she was presumably separated from the rest of them for her entire life and not necessarily raised as a clone the same way as even TBB would've been? How does this impact her relationship with the clone prisoners on Tantiss as well as Hemlock?
Her redemption arc feels both half-assed and like... just half-assed enough because Emerie is basically a blank slate the whole time. We don't know anything about her or her motivations for anything and so there's nothing to really make me feel like her quicker change of heart goes against anything we know about her. She's never shown to be particularly unkind or malicious, just... somewhat disconnected from the clone prisoners and inclined to just accept that Hemlock's work is necessary. Because we know so little about her aside from that she's been with Hemlock since she was extremely young, it works for me that she's mostly just kind-of disconnected about the things he's doing to the other clones until she manages to make a personal connection that sort-of changes her perspective. She does not personally capture or hurt anyone to my memory, she never seems to be intentionally trying to cause pain to anybody, there's no malicious intent behind her actions that she has to work around and make up for. There's not even any real prejudice and anger towards the clones themselves that is causing her to be okay with what Hemlock is doing to them. So just her recognizing that a change NEEDS to be made is enough for me with Emerie, I don't feel like I needed more of an apology in order for her "redemption arc" to make sense because she's barely a fleshed out character as it is.
Crosshair on the other hand, DID owe an apology to a lot of people. I HATE the way they handled his interactions with the rest of the squad and with Howzer in particular. I HATE the way HOWZER has to apologize and Crosshair never does. It's fucked up and wrong and such a badly done redemption arc and I honestly can't even blame that on the cancellation because it's early enough in the season that they likely already had that built in before they had to make any changes. There's also already been TWO SEASONS before this to build up to Crosshair's change of heart that I think got mishandled as well. He got so little screen time in season two that his change of heart that turns him against the Empire doesn't feel believable to me at all.
My biggest issue with BOTH of these characters and the way their stories were handled was the distance from the ACTUAL CLONES.
This is an issue I've had with the show from the beginning. It's billed as a show about clones, but the main characters are SO separated and distant from the real clones that none of their development really has anything to do with the clones and it makes it feel like it never really WAS a clone story at all. Crosshair's story would've been more compelling if it had been about his bigotry towards the clones and his development had come specifically from learning they were good people and he was wrong about them. Emerie and Omega's stories should've been about them finally being able to connect to the other clones that they'd been forced away from their whole lives and figuring out what it truly means to BE a clone. The Bad Batch's story would've been more compelling if it had had more focus on what was actually happening to the clones immediately after Order 66 and the desperation and tragedy of trying to save them in a world that cares about them even less than it used to.
Instead, Crosshair's story seems to be about realizing the Empire sees him, PERSONALLY, as expendable and THAT'S what makes him realize it's bad. The fact that the Empire sees him as no different than the other clones doesn't really allow him to see the CLONES in a different light or connect to them better, it just destroys his loyalty to the Empire because he's not considered special anymore. Emerie only turns against the Empire after she sees what's happening with the Force sensitive children, the torture and captivity of the clones doesn't seem to bother her at all. Omega's development for the last two seasons has had nothing to do with her identity as a clone and a lot more with her identity as a "soldier". Echo is the only character with any real connection to the other clones and the moment he starts to voice that, he gets written off and becomes a recurring cameo character instead of a regular main ensemble member. The moment he decides to more fully be a part of a clone-centric storyline, he can't be a part of the Bad Batch's story because the Bad Batch is inherently NOT A CLONE STORY.
And this is the biggest problem with this show. It's selling itself as a clone story and not actually following through on it and it causes this weird dissonance within the narrative because I don't think this show ever truly knew what story it was telling. It hurts every single one of the characters.
This show would've been a LOT better if they had just let it be a story about, say, four random bounty hunters who worked as a team. Or even, god help me, four Mandalorians from different clans or houses or whatever who are BARELY managing to stay civil with each other. It would've made the stories with Crosshair and Emerie feel a LOT easier to stomach because we aren't sitting there wondering why they aren't reacting to what's happening to the other clones around them. It might've made the stories easier to WRITE, too, because they wouldn't have had to keep trying to force a connection between these characters and the clones that so clearly just isn't there.
Maybe these "redemption arcs" would've been better done and made more sense if these characters weren't clones.
But then again I remember how well done Ventress and Kallus's "redemption arcs" were and I think that maybe it wouldn't have mattered at all.
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arcsimper5 · 5 months
I am very sad Wrecker didn't really get much development overall. And there are other things I would like to have seen. And Tech.
But anyway.
So consider this version I'm going to (possibly, when my emotions have calmed down), write.
Buckle up, folks. This is gonna be a LOOONG one.
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During Plan 99, Wrecker's neck injury is much more severe than first thought.
It is limiting his movement for some time, and AZI warns him that, without a bacta tank, it will take time and rest to heal properly.
Cue Hemlock turning up and their escape (during which time some of the damage is made permenant by the stress), and Omega being taken.
He is already dealing with not being 'strong enough' to pull up the entire railcar and save Tech (which Echo insists was impossible), because he was born and bred to be the strong one, and if he can't be that, what is he?
Flash forward to season 3, and when he turns up with Hunter to the Durands, he's visibly struggling, but only the audience and Hunter really recognise it.
He's hunched. He's stiff. He's more hesitant. But Hunter is hyper focused.
Wrecker is suffering from his injuries, but is doing so in silence, because Omega comes first, and Hunter is still his older brother and his sergeant. They'll find Omega, then they can rest.
During the visit to the old lab, his injuries flare up. Hunter loses an eye to the slither vines. They know they should be more careful, they know they were reckless, but Hunter cannot bring himself to care.
When the surprise reunion happens, Omega pauses for just a little longer when she sees the state of Wrecker. His armour, his posture, the way he falls to his knees to embrace her instead of picking her up because, despite how he wants to, so so badly, it hurts too damn much.
Her guilt only grows when she sees Hunter missing an eye, and realises how much they went through to try and find her. She apologises to Hunter for not listening to him at Cid's, for getting herself captured, saying that she was only trying to protect her squad.
They have a group hug, interrupted by Crosshair appearing silently behind the, uttering his trademark 'How touching,' paralleling the first episode where they find Omega in the brig.
They pull their blasters, Omega panics and runs to Crosshair, standing in front of him, explaining they escaped together. Hunter and Wrecker are still suspicious.
Onto Pabu.
Wrecker's injuries are bandaged, and he is insistent that AZI has had a proper look and he just needs to rest up.
Hunter asks him when Omega leaves why he lied to her. Wrecker shrugs and says he didn't want her to worry.
Omega finds Crosshair, he's still shaky and practicing. When he spots Hunter and Wrecker, he remarks how much they've been through, and how much they've changed.
Omega reminds him that they have too.
Crosshair finally has a talk with Wrecker about his injuries. They repair their relationship a little by admitting they're both scared of losing the one thing that made them 'special', a steady hand and true strength.
Echo arrives. He remarks on how run down everyone looks, Hunter wants to get straight to a meeting, but Echo insists on getting food first.
He expresses how grateful he is that Omega is okay and unharmed, and becomes visibly distressed when she talks about Clones being experimented on.
He looks to Crosshair and asks 'you too?'
Crosshair is hesitant, but nods. He tells Echo what they did to him, adding that he doesn't want Hunter and Wrecker to know.
Echo urges him to get support from his brothers, but he point blank refuses, insisting he will be able to get it under control. Echo is unconvinced, but agrees, beginning to repair his relationship with Crosshair.
On Barton IV, when scoping out the noises outside, when Hunter shoves Crosshair, Cross snaps, asking him how he failed to notice how much Wrecker is struggling.
Hunter retorts that Wrecker 'doesn't struggle', says Crosshair doesn't know them any more.
Crosshair reminds him he's spent the past 6 months with only Omega for company, and that he knows her better than Hunter, and that she is scared for Wrecker too. He accuses him of failing her, and that he can't even see how much she's hurting because of what happened to them.
After dealing with the Wyrm, Hunter let's out a long sigh, looking back to where Wrecker is moving towards them and finally seeing just how hunched and awkward he is when he moves.
Crosshair remarks that he seems to be able to see better with only one eye. Hunter chuckles and they squabble in a friendly manner.
During the mission with Fennec, Wrecker is injured further, struggling to carry their target with them, and Hunter begins to become very concerned.
When they get back to Pabu, he orders Wrecker to rest, Wrecker insists he's fine. Crosshair disagrees. They get into an argument. Crosshair takes Wrecker down in a hand to hand fight easily.
Realisation hits. Wrecker agrees to rest. Hunter feels guilty, apologises to Wrecker, who shrugs it off and hugs him.
When the Empire shows up and takes Omega, Wrecker's injury is exacerbated by the explosion. He's weak, he's seriously injured, but he keeps pushing.
They break Rampart out, but he struggles to carry him, struggles to throw him, struggles with everything.
Hunter comes to realise that his brother might never be the same again. He begins considering leaving him on Pabu while he and Crosshair go to get Omega from Tantiss.
By the time comes for him to consider it, it's too late.
They make the jump to Tantiss, the shuttle crash takes more out of him, and the fight with the massive creature nearly kills him.
By the time they get to the hangar, he's a shadow of his former self. When the debris falls on Hunter, he's in too much pain to lift it.
He can only watch as Hunter loses his other eye to the troopers, and Crosshair is knocked out.
He gets taken down too easily, unable to fight any more.
When they are tortured, he can barely resist, all of his energy failing. His strength, the one thing he was made for, is gone.
He's tired. His muscles are wrecked. He's had no time to recover, no medical treatment. He's beyond repair.
Despite it all, he pushes through to help Omega, he is faced with a CX trooper around his size, but for the first time in his life, brute force won't work. He just doesn't have the strength.
He doesn't dive through the window. He baits the CX trooper into charging him, and darts out of the way just in time. The trooper lands on his head, snapping his neck and killing him instantly.
So the final fight comes down to them fighting the CX troopers , but in a way they are not experienced in.
Hunter has to use his other senses. With his sight gone, he needs to trust his hearing, his spatial awareness, the electrical pulses he can feel.
Wrecker has to use his brain to trick the troopers, knowing he can't beat them 1v1 any more.
Crosshair's weakness is close quarters combat, but he fights through, desperate to chase down Omega.
Finally CX2 is the only one left. He talks about emotions being their weakness, and undoes his helmet, assuring them they will suffer an emotional response.
It's Tech. Wrecker all but collapses, just on shock. Hunter let's out a sob and similarly falls. Crosshair attacks.
He tries to get through to Tech, saying he knows he's in there. CX2 just laughs sharply, telling him he will lose, again, because that's what they always do.
No matter how successful they were, they were never meant for longevity. They were always destined for short, sad lives, and he's going to make sure of it.
Wrecker marches towards CX2, Hunter and Crosshair calling him and trying to stop him, unable to. But he just walks up and hugs him, crying as he murmurs how sorry he is for not being strong enough to stop him falling, for not holding on.
Tech's memories begin to return, telling him in a strained voice that Hemlock needs to be stopped, that Project Necromancer is a plan to keep the emperor alive forever, to cement his rule for multiple lifetimes. The only person with the knowledge to do it is Hemlock.
He needs to die.
They chase after Omega, Wrecker limping behind with Hunter. As the confrontation happens, Tech kneels down in front of Crosshair, getting him to rest his blaster on his shoulder, a callback to TCW S7 arc. Crosshair says he doesn't think he can make the shot.
Tech reassures him he's never missed one when it mattered most. Tells him to trust himself.
Crosshair takes the shot as Omega stabs Hemlock.
Then takes one clean headshot. Hemlock is dead. He doesn't fall. He's there. Dead. Crumpled. Gone.
Knowing they have no time, they get into Hemlock's shuttle, flying away towards Pabu.
Omega is shocked and overjoyed to see Tech, but devastated that Hunter has lost his sight.
They reassure her that everything will be okay.
They arrive on Pabu. Echo hugs Tech, tells him he's an idiot, expresses how sorry he is he was experimented on. Tech reassures him, they exchange a meaningful handshake.
Wrecker has a cane now, his body still recovering. He has a limp, it's obvious he's suffered permanent damage. Crosshair helps Hunter over to where Omega is. He still has a tremor, his hand still aches, but he's there, with his family.
They talk about the future, about how they are free now, to do whatever they want. Tech comes over and tells Crosshair it's time to go.
They all look at him, confused. He explains they're going with Echo to join the rebellion. They've been a part of the Empire, they know what they're up against, they need to fight. It would feel wrong not to.
Omega hugs them and they promise to be back soon. Hunter and Wrecker relax with Omega. Fade to black.
Hunter still catches Omega before she goes. Only this time, Crosshair and Tech are waiting with him, having come to pick her up in their ship. Batcher is acting as Hunter's seeing eye dog, giving him his freedom back to a certain extent.
They reassure Hunter they'll look after her, that Echo is waiting for them. Wrecker appears behind them, chastises Omega for trying to leave without saying goodbye.
Conversations about rebellion and how the fight is going. Omega hugs Hunter and Wrecker and goes to get onto the ship.
Hunter, Wrecker, Tech and Crosshair all share an embrace. He murmurs about her being their little girl. They all smile and agree. Only she's not so little any more.
As Hunter and Wrecker watch the ship take off, the Bad Batch theme plays full force once more.
Their legacy lives.
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rebelwriter99 · 5 months
Well those were some remarkably accurate predictions!
Tantiss did get blown to bits. Everyone did escape. (Because they had to they hadn’t had a big win in more than an entire season to justify it!) And they DID make it an hour long episode! I was so relieved the second I saw the runtime.
But WOW were a lot of things a surprise. Nala Se doing what she did I feel like I should have seen coming. It was a fantastic character arc conclusion for her, especially that line about Kamino. Rampart being there I didn’t see coming, but also a very well earned conclusion for his character (if you’ll take my meaning).
Omega! Honestly the only predictable character on screen at this point. Except perhaps Echo. Of course she released the Zillo beast-that was set up really nicely. Everyone immediately knowing it was her was delightful and probably the only time I remember laughing all episode because boy was it heavy from there.
The Batch themselves and what happened to them were a huge shock all episode. Crosshair finally voicing what I’d known since S1 and became blindingly obvious post S2 was a fantastic moment. I’m so glad it got said out loud, and I’m so glad it was him that said it. They haven’t been Clone Force 99 since the end of S1 E1 and the loss of Crosshair to the Empire. Their success rate on missions has consistently dropped since then, even more so since the loss of Tech. They were a unit, and they’re missing pieces. They’ve never been whole since the fall of the republic, and then had to operate in a galaxy they weren’t trained for. They’re not the same anymore-they needed to own that.
The three heavy duty action scenes the batch were involved in were all callbacks to previous scenes. The hangar stand off-against what are essentially operatives designed to combat them specifically-is a call back to the first appearance of imperial cross. Crosshair sees the operatives and knows they can’t win. He’s unfortunately right. And wow I did not see Crosshair losing his shaking hand coming at all. I understand practically why the writers did it, and I know I’ll be thinking long and hard about it, but I literally screamed out loud when it happened.
I think all of the batch finally understanding and experiencing what Crosshair lived through was important. The batch met their match in Hemlock. Crosshair was never really an enemy in S1, and Rampart was too stupid. To Tarkin, they were a fly in the ointment of the bigger picture. It was nothing personal. He’s Echo and Rex and the rebellions problem-not theirs. But Hemlock? The experimental scientist who wants to own what they hold most dear. Yeah. They needed to really know him. I knew when Wrecker got injured last episode that if they won it would be by the skin of their teeth-and I don’t think a single character bar omega got out unscathed.
The batch’s rescue is perfect. Regs volunteering and going to rescue the defective clones? This really is a new galaxy. We’ve moved on from Cross and “he’s just another reg”. And it’s Omega and Echo returning the favour. The Batch have gone into a research facility to rescue their own and gotten captured for their trouble twice now. (Not including Echos rescue in clone wars-where they avoid capture but get a tad stuck). This was the third attempt in TBB. Still got captured. But it’s Echo and Omega together who get to rescue the people who got them out of their similarly horrible situations. The parallels abound and I loved it!
And that last confrontation. The rain? The shape of the buildings? That exposed platform? This was Kamino all over again. Except this time, however injured, however changed they are, Hunter and Crosshair are together. For Omega. They’ve both failed to stop her being taken by Hemlock before-they’ve both watched a ship fly away with her on board. This is another third attempt. They both get their do over. Except this time they’ve learned to trust eachother, and they’ve been forced to adapt. The clone’s humanity has always been their strength-and this is one of the most perfectly written, perfectly animated scenes in the series. I knew Cross was going to have to make a shot he didn’t want to take. And I knew he’d do it. But Omega telling him what to do, telling him she trusted him not to hurt her, broke me. It was all leading up to this. And that she hugged Cross first. I was crying before this scene. I will have to rewatch and hope I can actually see next time I was sobbing!
And Hemlock got his slightly gruesome end. Thank the FORCE.
And Pabu at the end. You can feel their disbelief that the trauma is over. That they can have peace. And the epilogue is perfect. I wish we’d got to see older cross and wrecker too-but their character arcs were already handled earlier. This is Hunters scene-it was always going to have to be. For him to truly be at peace, he has to feel OK watching her fly away. He’s spent three seasons clinging on-how he’s happy to let go. And Omega gets her choice. That precious thing all the clones are chasing. She got to have a childhood, grow up, and choose.
I’m so hopeful that Omega at least will reappear-especially if she’s hoping to join the rebellion! Maybe she’ll meet Hera again-that would be amazing. (I’m nothing if not a rebels fan)
I know Bad Batch is a series I’ll be coming back to again and again to rewatch, and I know I’ll see new things in it each and every time, but for now-Thank you Clone Force 99. You’ll always be our ‘dad batch’ of deviants. It was a wonderful wild ride.
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waywardsou2 · 5 months
The Cavalry has Arrived Analysis
Here it finally is, the long-awaited analysis of Season 2 Episode 15 of The Bad Batch. Apologies for the wait.
I would just like to say that this is long, like 4500+ words long, so I understand if it's hard to get all the way through, I'm going to post it on my Ao3 as well if that makes it more bearable to read. And also, it might be easier to understand if you watch the episode alongside it, but I understand if that is too much effort. Anyway, let's begin!
(Disclaimer I did have gifs and screen recordings I wanted to share but my laptop is being a bitch so you get screenshots and sourced gifs instead)
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The introduction is missing its colour, the same way their armour is now missing its colour, I think that represents the chage they all went through at this point and the change that was to come.
Props to Wrecker’s perseverance.
2:22 “I knew Clone Force 99 would attempt to recover Omega, their failure is inevitable”
He is so sure of himself when he says this, Hemlock’s ego and over confidence was ultimately his downfall, he believes he has everything figured out.
2:26 “What I am working on is beyond your understanding, something so vital to the Emperor, it makes me, indispensable, unlike yourself”
The way Emery speaks of Hemlock makes me think he took her under his wing or took her for medical purposes (she may have been the first Omega) and she was loyal to him out of obligation. She is a Clone as well; I think like Tech she was built for advanced medical/scientific intelligence.
The timid nature of Ava and Sami makes me think they are either extremely young and have been here for a while or have both attempted to break out just like Jax did and they are afraid of being punished again.
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Wrecker doing all he can despite the pain to make it to the base. He deserves more props!
If you’re dumb like me and didn’t realise – Project: Necromancer is what keeps Palpatine alive until the events in Rise of Skywalker
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Omega knew that even if she was seen, the Zilo Beast would be the ultimate catalyst for the destruction of Tantis. Without having freed the Zilo Beat I doubt they would have been able to all make it out.
Despite all of Hemlock’s planning I don’t think he had a backup plan for the kids using the droid tunnels to escape and unleash the Zilo Beast as well.
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The troopers that finds the kids in the vent are Clones which shows how far the dismissal of Clones has travelled. They already got rid of so many Clones that even on a secret base there are enlisted civilian troopers. Also, the fact that it’s a reprogramming facility full of Clones being inhumanely tested on would have made sense that there were less Clones serving there because seeing what was going on might have spurred on more deserters.
10:32 “Omega. She released the Zilo”
I love how Echo just knew that it was Omega based on how she had been on their missions and the influence the rest of the Batch must’ve had on her. He knew that the trail of chaos would somehow be hers. Presious.
[Personal note: I like the lack of Jedi in The Bad Batch, don’t get me wrong they are cool and all but it’s nice with them not being the center of attention for once]
When Crosshair is using the binoculars to look at the search patrols his hand begins to shake but it only starts shaking when he looks at them. I think that may be from the anxiety that he has undoubtedly developed. He’s remembering the fear of when he first broke out of Tantis base. He also inhales quite sharply, and it isn’t a tsk of annoyance, it’s the sound you make when something frightens you but you are trying to swallow it.
12:33 “Wake up Wrecker, Clone Force 99 died with Tech”
[ok so we are just saying that now?!?!?]
It’s a blunt and harsh statement but it doesn’t necessarily make sense in the flow of the conversation, he also directs it at an injured Wrecker, why would he do that? I think it’s because he’s frustrated and scared, he’s in a stressful situation and he’s venting his emotions. He doesn’t ever do that so he’s doing it at a time of heightened emotions. I think because of his trauma on Tantis, being back here is a huge trigger that he simply has an irrational emotional response to. It also shows how hard he is taking Tech’s death. Because like, why would he just blurt that out? He wouldn’t unless it was the underlying reason for his stress on top of the situation, they are presently in.
12:42 “I’ve been inside that mountain; I know what we’re up against. If we all go in, we’re not all making it back out. Omega needs you both. So, I’m doing this alone. It’s…it’s what I deserve”.
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Hunter and Wrecker look at each other when Crosshair says “Omega needs you both” they immediately understood what he was implying, but I think they were also concerned that Crosshair was talking in such a way that meant he didn’t feel Omega needed him. But they’ve seen the contrary during times without him and on Pabu briefly. The way Omega reacted around him in the collapse Tipoca city and when he chose to stay away from them and when she was with him on Tantis. It’s obvious to everyone but him how much she cares about it.
It also highlights how Crosshair perceives himself, he doesn’t think he’s needed by his siblings and he doesn’t think he’s redeemable after what he has done, he doesn’t think they have missed or would have missed him if he were to be gone and he most likely doesn’t think he is useful anymore because of his tremors affecting his ability to be the sniper he once was.
He doesn’t see how much they all still love him. He is still their brother.
13:00 “Don’t even think about Plan 99 Crosshair, Omega needs all of us and so do those Clones”
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Hunter jumps in right away to remind Crosshair he is still of value to them as a Clone and a brother, he may not say it directly but he wouldn’t have phrased it that way if that wasn’t what the underlying tone was.
By mentioning the other Clones as well he if further cementing that Crosshair has value beyond that, they need him as well.
13:13 “We do this together”
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Wrecker further emphasised his use and value as a person by saying this to Crosshair. He is still their brother, and they are still a team, with or without Tech.
14:31 “The Zilo got out this way, so can we. What’s wrong?” “I’m not good with heights, I guess I’d make a poor soldier” “My brother Wrecker hates heights too, and he’s the strongest soldier I know. Just stay focused on what’s ahead, not what’s below”
Omega reaffirms the Jax’s fear instead of shutting it down, she builds him up by saying that a person she admires has the same fear he does, showing that he can still be strong despite his fear.
15:30 “Of course they will. Do it”
More proof that Hemlock believes he has everything under control despite actually having nothing under control.
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I believe the back shot of that trooper’s head is Tech. If you look at the placement of his left ear compared to his right “ear” (our left, our right) the angle of his ear doesn’t match the placement of his other one, I believe that what we think was his ear on the right was actually the edge of Tech’s goggles.
Look at the way they move when they step out of the capsules, they move shakily and jarringly, they sort of look like Zombies right? And what project are they apart of? Project: Necromancer, what is necromancy? The process of bringing something back from the dead. (I feel like this was obvious but I only noticed it the second time around)
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This seems to be a very practiced technique, but not one I’ve seen Clones use before, so I’m going to assume it’s something they’ve practiced and developed themselves. The way they move allows them to have eyes in every direction all at once. The rear Clone moving first each time so they can shuffle forward whilst still being able to look in every direction at once, this also means it’s a fresh set eyes every rotation so that if the last one missed something the other one might catch it.
They are staying in a tight formation so that no one is left out in the open and they can look out for one another. This seems to signify the closeness of them in more than just physicality, I think it also shows that not only are they still a well-oiled machine in terms of a team, but they have each others back as brothers as well.
18:09 “We need to fall back. Go, I’ll be right behind you”
Notice the difference of how he says this and what he says, this isn’t a sacrifice, it’s back up, it’s a calculated way to let them escape whilst still allowing him to follow them, one strategically placed shot and he’s out of there. He’s not sacrificing himself like he wanted to in the forest.
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Despite his tremors he is still able to shoot the pilot, dead centre in the chest from 75+ meters out. It also shows that his tremors are not only an anxiety thing but a nerve damage thing, because his hand didn’t shake in this intense moment like it would have if it was entirely an anxiety.
Wrecker is fighting the hardest out of all of his brothers at some points I would say. He has a serious chest injury so bad his armour cracked and still he tries to carry Hunter away from falling debris and when Crosshair is kicked across the floor he still tries to get up and save his brother. Not only is he strong by nature he is mighty resilient. And with the electric spear that is thrust right into his chest over his wound, that has to be enough volts to kill him at this point and yet he’s grabbing onto it WITH HIS BARE HANDS and trying to pull it away.
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Crosshair sees his brother in trouble and INSTANTLY tried to reach for his gun to shoot his brother’s attacker.
His hand instantly starts shaking when the CX trooper stands on his wrist, not does his hand shake but his entire arm starts shaking as well, its not just a tremor, it’s a trauma response. He is frightened, clearly and rightly so and still he reaches for his gun, desperate. The tremor then shakes his whole body when the Necro Clone is beginning to cut his hand off. He shakes violently.
19:30 “You should be more careful with your shooting hand”.
It may be a coincidence, but would the Necro clones really have time to pay attention to which shooting hand was each of the Clones? IDK this is more of an out their observation than an acute theory.
Sami reaches for Omega, scared of the blaster fire, its clear that she trusts Omega a lot now. I’m guessing there may have been fighting or a shoot out when/before she was taken to the vault. Omega holds her hand to comfort her!
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Echo is just so chill about the other kids, despite the situation they are in and his prior knowledge of him hes calm, collected and his face even visibly softened at the sight of the timid children.
[Personal note: My brother pointed out that despite everything Emery is still quite blunt and blank – I think that’s because she was raised in an environment that didn’t allow her to develop fully in an emotional sense]
Hunter hasn’t made an audible sound of pain or discomfort past a groan this entire series, he seems to have high pain thresh hold. However, during this scene he’s clearly grunting at the pain, and knowing Hemlock and the threats and methods he used on Crosshair, this is most likely a more painful process than it has to be. When it stops Hunter is clearly out of it and loopy, but he is still fighting so hard, straining at the restraints with everything he has left, when it stops, he slumps considerably.
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Hemlock is a sadist; he’s fucking smiling during all of this
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Hemlock could have let Crosshair bleed out from his hand but instead he patches him up, knowing that even if he didn’t survive the conditioning again at least he would suffer for all the trouble he caused. Hemlock wanted him to live just a little longer to inflict as much paint as possible until he died.
23:36 "We'll survive, but you wont"
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Hunter the badass he is talking smack despite being in pain
When the conditioning started up again, he actually screams, he was not prepared and was clearly struggling this time around.
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The clones despite being free look really tired and worn out, they are most likely an older generation of clones and the must be hella resilient to still be kicking after their many attempts at conditioning.
Echo asks where their brothers may have been taken and the Clone at the front looks down and right – this means he’s recalling a memory/emotion before he answers.
He says “conditioning” really hesitantly. He’s remembering that place he’s afraid no afraid of.
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Hemlock said “A glaring weakness in Clones is their loyalty to one another” I think that’s where he is the most wrong because it’s not their downfall, it an honourable trait and its why the Clone’s will always be better than the storm troopers. They are always willing to fight for one another.
[Personal note: Why the hell did we never get a full explanation on what Omega’ purpose was, we got some science her and there but never a full answer, that is so frustrating]
29:32 Echo doesn’t tell Omega to stay put or to hand back he says, “We’re on our way” The don’t treat Omega like a kid anymore. They treat her like a soldier because they know she is capable, and she has been through so much it further proves that fact.
33:00 “You’re forgetting one thing, I have them”
She trusts her brothers, unwavering, she is there for them and she knows they will be there for her, this warms my heart to an unimaginable degree
[Personal note: There is something so delicious about watching Wrecker yeet himself out of the restraints and fucking up the whole machine and one of the CX troopers. Especially since less than 10 minutes ago he was out cold, not to mention in a shit tonne of pain]
Wrecker sees Hemlock walk away with Omega and uses that adrenaline and rage mix to his advantage to fight back. He is much more hurt than the first time he was under pressure of that spear, but he fights back, and wins this time.
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Wrecker looks so fucking mad, he’s usually a massive teddy bear with super strength but he’s not even Wrecker anymore, he just pure rage in Clone form. And he watches as Hemlock walks out with Omega and just loses it, he dives at the CX trooper with full force to give his brothers time to leave. This man deserves a medal.
Hunter is delirious and probably just woke up from being passed out and he speared that CX trooper directly in the chest into the wall. The strength that would have taken is something he shouldn’t have had in his state, the powers of adrenaline are quite remarkable.
34:50 “I’ll find Omega, you should stay here” “Not a chance”
This shows how far Crosshair has come, not only in the few hours this episode has taken place in but over the course of the entire series. In Season 1 he wanted absolutely nothing to do with Omega and was quite harsh towards her, and now Season 3 where he is severely injured and refusing to rest until she is safe.
They are brothers till the very end, they hold onto each other lending the other the last bit of strength they have so that they can find Omega.
[Personal note: the amount of force Wrecker must have used to slam the CX troopers head into a solid wall, especially in this weakened state of his makes me wonder how much he has been holding back in the past]
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It’s clear to see how much pain Wrecker was really in now he has finally stopped, and the adrenaline is fading. He most likely has several broken ribs, it’s a wonder he hasn’t punctured his lungs
Crosshair and Hunter are making sure they shoot for the same target, with Crosshair’s disadvantage and Hunters delirious state it can’t be guaranteed that if only one of them aimed for a target that they would hit their target. Which is why they both shoot Scorch (the fucking traitor)
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Hunter knows Crosshair is going to be mediocre at best with his shooting hand. I assume that they have been trained to use both hands when shooting but everyone has a dominant hand, and Crosshair doesn’t have his anymore. Hunter allows Crosshair to rely on him, despite what I just said Hunter still trusts him.
Omega signals’ what she needs to do, Crosshair knows that he needs to shoot, he was built for this but he doesn’t trust himself anymore, he doesn’t want to risk hurting her.
Hunter tells Crosshair to make the shot, Crosshair hesitates, he can’t risk it, he can’t risk shooting her or shooting Hemlock and Omega going over with him.
“She knows what to do Crosshair. Wait for her, and take the shot” Now he doesn’t waver, he doesn’t hesitate, he’s out of time to do that, its now or never or they may not get to Omega in time and lose her all over again.
Hunter trusts Crosshair, he lets Crosshair use him as a stabiliser giving him the only aid he can, he doesn’t discourage him from the shot, saying “I’ll do it instead” he knows Crosshair can do this. He is undoubtably scared just like the others, but he has to stay strong for his siblings.
In the close up of his hand it shows how steady he is, he’s ready and he can’t wait, he has to do this now. He’s not using his preferred hand, the rain is obscuring his vision, he has just been under some heavy torture, but he manages to shoot this shot dead on.
Omega hits the deck immediately waiting for the barrage of shots she knows will follow.
6 shots, not only do they push Hemlock closer towards the edge to make sure they finish him off once and for all but it gets him away from Omega. I think this also symbolises a shot for each member of the Batch, they all went through so much at the hand of Hemlock they are going to make this count.
I think the internal thoughts were something like this: a shot each for Omega, how dare she be put through all that she was, she’s just a kid. (I’m counting their double shot as one combined shot) Hunters next two shots were for Echo and Crosshair. Crosshair’s next two were for Hunter and Wrecker and the final blow was for Tech. The finishing blow that made Hemlock fall, just like their brother did.
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Omega runs to them but slows down when she sees how much they are struggling, most likely she wanted to dive bomb hug them Wrecker style but didn’t after seeing their conditions. Hunter, and I think even Crosshair smiles at her, they are so relieved she is safe, finally.
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She looks smiling at Hunter and then at Crosshair but her face falls when she sees Crosshairs hand (or lack thereof). Crosshair doesn’t even look at it, not to silently say “I know” or “It’s ok” he looks at Omega and keeps looking at Omega, like she’s the only thing that matters right now. They can talk about it later, he doesn’t even acknowledge it, like its not important. The only thing that matters to him right now is her.
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Omega lunges for Crosshair, sobbing, she probably blames herself in some way, that if they hadn’t all gotten into this mess he would have never have lost his hand. She’s probably over come with lots of emotions suddenly now that the heat of the moment has died down. She also might be emotional over the fact that despite his lack of a shooting hand he still hit the mark perfectly, she is proud of him.
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Look at his face. He seems surprised like he expected Hunter to get the first hug, he probably wasn’t even excepting to get one at all. After the initial shock and Hunter being pulled into the hug as well, only then does he reciprocate. He closes his eyes, and his face softens, emotionally taking what just happened and enjoying one of the only hugs he’s ever had in his life (I would probably go as far as to say that this is his first real hug).
And when they are walking off the bridge he puts his arm on Omega’s shoulder, this is the most affection he has displayed all series and he’s doing it willingly.
The transition from the remnants of a stormy sky to the clear beautiful sky of Pabu symbolises the change and contrast between the events. The dark and stormy sky showing the horror and trauma all of them had faced on tantis not long ago and the change to the light sky signifies the end and their new hope for a life that they have chosen on Pabu and can now finally have.
[Personal note: Off screen I think Emery and Echo would have gotten along well together. I also think her, and Tech would have been close given the chance]
43:06 “Whatever we want kid”
He sighs as he says this, he relaxes but he also realises, they really do finally have the full autonomy they should have had from the start. He is physically able to relax for the first time in his life knowing he’s a Clone who has done his part and his existence is now his life.
Crosshair and Wrecker do the same. They all look at each other a silent confirmation of “it’s over this is the beginning of the rest of our lives”
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She turns on the light and sees Hunter, but she doesn’t exactly seem surprised, she nods her head like she’s saying to herself she expected this to happen.
Her head band is Hunter’s old bandana. I feel like this is symbolic in the same way you “Pass the torch” onto the next generation. He wore it whilst he was fighting and now, he’s traded it out for another bandana and Omega has taken up the bandana because its her turn to fight.
45:20 “And we want to keep you safe”
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He’s protected her through so much during Hemlock’s time, he still sees her as a kid, but he also sees her as a person. He understands the importance of choice because not so long ago he didn’t have any of his own. He doesn’t like it, but he understands it.
45:30 “You’re our kid Omega, always will be”
Just reminding you of this statement because rewatching it ripped my heart into tiny pieces.
I think that Omega told Wrecker and Crosshair she was leaving prior to getting to the cave, I know she would have wanted to say goodbye to Hunter as well, but if she had he would have never let her go. There is no way she left without saying goodbye to the others and I am dying on that hill. I also get the feeling that she knew the Hunter would find her along the way at some point so she wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye anyway.
This is more of a little head canon of mine but how would Hunter have known that Omega was leaving if they were not in the same vicinity, maybe such as living together in the same house. And that’s how he heard her sneak out in the dead of night.
Hunter looks like he wants to get up and grab her, hold her so she can’t leave. But he doesn’t, it’s the barest movement and I can tell he wants to desperately, but he doesn't. Like I said he knows the importance of her being able to make whatever choice she chooses now.
46:17 “Off you go”
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She wasn’t looking for his approval, I’m sure deep down she wanted it, but she knew she likely wasn’t going to get it. But I think its symbolic of their relationship that he gave it anyway, he recognised it was time for her to go and he was going to make sure that she doesn’t doubt the faith he has in her.
46:30 “If you ever need us, we’ll be there”
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They have well and truly hung up their armour but despite that fact, if Omega even hints at needing help from her family they will come running, guns blazing.
I like to think that Wrecker gave Omega Lula, despite it being pretty well established that Lula was basically Omega’s, that he still went to the effort of telling her to take it with her. And I also feel like Crosshair gave her Tech’s goggles saying something like “He deserved more time with you” or “He deserves to keep flying” something along those lines.
And that’s it, that is my complete analysis and thought process whilst watching The Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 15 ‘The Cavalry has arrived’ If you got to the end, I really hope you enjoyed reading this, it’s a big commitment so I thank you for sticking to this point.
Below are some other posts that i used to help add fact to my theories plus just some good takes I think you should look at
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photogirl894 · 7 months
Crosshair + Names
I've had these thoughts floating around in my mind since last week because of one big moment that happened in the very first episode and I finally just wanted to share them.
**Spoilers below the cut if you haven't seen the first 3 episodes of TBB season 3**
When it comes to using someone's name, that usually means you have some level of respect for the person or, depending on your relationship with them or the kind of person you are, it can portray how close you are with said person.
Now, let's look at this in the case of Crosshair and the Bad Batch.
There are only 2 names he uses frequently:
Hunter and Wrecker.
Not to say that he doesn't respect Tech or Echo, but I just get the feeling he's not as close to them as he is to the other two. We never hear him refer to either of them by name throughout both Clone Wars and Bad Batch.
He clearly does have a closer bond with Wrecker, given how much Wrecker liked to tease him in Clone Wars and the friendly competition they had. Crosshair was even seen teasing him back in that same CW episode, hinting Wrecker will never top him! A lot of us know friendly teasing is a form of love or showing someone that you care. You feel comfortable enough to have fun and be funny and involve them. We see this with both of these two, especially with Wrecker hitting Crosshair in the face with Lula 🤣
Then we get to Hunter. Crosshair addresses Hunter by name frequently throughout the show and I honestly feel he's always had an immense respect for him. At one point, it seemed to go both ways with Hunter hyping up Crosshair more than the others in their first CW episode. Even after Order 66 and Crosshair questioning everything Hunter did, he still would call him by name. Even when he believed his brother had abandoned him, that level of respect never went away. He knew what his leader was capable of and what he could do. I honestly think that's also why he's the most hostile to Hunter through everything in season 1. I think Crosshair was closest to Hunter and his "betrayal" hurt Crosshair more than anything else. That's why there's so much animosity and tension between them because they once the closest of brothers and when bonds like that are broken, then their whole worlds come shattering down.
We even got almost a bonus with Mayday, who, as we all know, helped bring about a major shift in Crosshair’s character development. Mayday was the first stranger to ask for Crosshair's name whereas everyone else addressed him by his number. Then Crosshair didn't even hesitate to call him by name. He never called him "reg" or "Commander" or anything else, which proved to me the amount of respect Crosshair had for him and man, did that pay off in the end as it was what helped him turn against the Empire.
That then leads me to this...
Throughout all of the Bad Batch, he referred to Omega as just "a child", "the kid" and "the girl", never once referring to her by name. This always indicated to me that he didn't care much about her; he saw her as a nuisance and possibly, his replacement. And he certainly made known his disdain for her with remarks like, "She's calling the shots, now?" and "This is what happens you let a kid call the shots". Even though this didn't stop him from saving her life on Kamino at the end of season 1, it was still clear he didn't think much of her or respect her enough to call her anything but a kid.
Jump to the beginning of season 3 where they're both on Tantiss, time has passed and we see Omega is visiting him most likely on a frequent basis. He tries talking her out of breaking him out along with herself and to just forget him.
"Complete the mission".
She refuses because she will not give up on him and we've seen that strong resilience from her countless times, which Crosshair is not used to. Not after multiple people in the Empire have been talking down to him like he's nothing and calling him "expendable" for who knows how long.
Then...the moment I've been waiting years for that made me cry and the reason behind this post...
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This is such a huge step for Crosshair as he's seemingly coming to accept Omega for who she is and has finally developed a newfound respect for her. Which he also shows profoundly in the third episode of season 3 when he lets her take charge and follows her lead ultimately to their escape from Tantiss.
This is why I'm a firm believer that Crosshair shows his respect and admiration for those around him by how he addresses them. Like I said earlier, not to say that he doesn't respect Tech or Echo; I certainly think he does, but he just isn't as close to them and his relationships with them are different than his relationships with Wrecker and Hunter. He's playful and defensive with Wrecker and he admires Hunter...and now he's forged a new bond with Omega that I can't wait to see develop more in season 3 🥰
I hope all of this made sense and sorry if it was kind of all over the place and maybe a bit repetitive 😅 Just something I wanted to share!
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jedi-hawkins · 6 months
Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 9 Watch Thoughts
spoilers (duh)
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Ahh Crosshair helping and getting thanked, I'm so soft.
They're brothers being brothers again, I'm going to cry.
Batcher I stg why are you letting her go in there??
I noticed when the batch are standing together, there's still a space between Crosshair and Hunter. maybe symbolic of the space still between them (?) but I think this is somewhat resolved, even ouchier is I'm pretty sure that's where Tech usually stood. (apologies for bad quality)
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Ahh! so that was Fennec's contact (why'd they frame it so spoopy last ep?)
Way to go Omega, good job keeping the front up 😂
Mother is confirming my personal theory! M-count gives you potential but you still need to be trained to be a Jedi (high m-count + no training = not necessarily Jedi, lower m-count + training = Jedi)
Ah! she said the line from the trailer!
Although I believe Ventress is genuinely testing Omega, I think she came up with this "test" just to troll a little
Wrecker I swear, thanks for the encouragement but babes 😂
Ventress is so hot
That jaw grab got me a lil 🥵
Tech mention I'm crying. And Crosshair holding Tech's datapad
Separatist Assassin, wouldn't it be in the files that she was a Sith or is that still a secret?
Oh this second test is just to get rid of her, she had to be trolling a little with the first.
That space between Hunter and Crosshair is still there (?)
"There's a Weeping Myre Tree." Jen, you did us so dirty with that tweet.... you had me sweating. She's just having fun watching up burn at this point. 😡
Stern Wrecker has me 😫
Oop- the way she snatched their weapons
Ahhh watching the boys fight as a cohesive team just makes me soft
Damn the way she just slapped Wrecker, poor baby
Crosshair's yell I'm dead
Her legs around his neck me too girl (and her little heel stomp was just like "stay")
I love our boys and they are very capable fighters, but it's so obvious Ventress was pulling her punches
Gah damn, the way she copied Hunter's 'grip the blade and throw' technique
Cross with his rifle, but is his hand any better?
Ohh the little foot flip and toss 🥵
"We're not big on following orders" He said it!!
YELLOW BLADE!!! And it's the same hilt as her red sabers! (a- did she lose a saber? b- did she get a new kyber crystal?)
Ayoo miss why you choking Wrecker?? (for the dramatic scene when Omega reenters?)
Crosshair just laying ragdolled on the ground... sweetheart I'm so sorry 😂
"We were pawned in the same war, and we all lost." MOTHER 👏🏼 IS 👏🏼 SPITTING👏🏼 FACTS 👏🏼
Why is she being so vague? Does Ventress not know that Palpatine is Sidious? I feel like she would know especially now since Emperor Palpatine looks and sounds exactly like the weird guy in the robe that used to boss Dooku around.
Damn she laid our boys out
"We do" So why not just drop the "S" word and call her a Sith? I know squad 99 didn't work with Jedi regularly, but they were under Cody's jurisdiction, and they had to have heard the word before (whether from Obi-wan himself, or in debriefings, or even war stories passed through the barracks)
"We were just getting warmed up" Wrecker, I love you but PLEASE, she got y'all good 😂
Omega's little hand wave at "people can change" I don't think it was in Crosshair's direction, but it was framed like it was
Op- she gagged Crosshair with that. 🫢
Isit just me or does Ventress' shoulder plate look like the slillouette of a B1 battle droid?
Ventress being Omega's teacher would be oh so good (and Obi-wan would tease the shit out of her for it)
Omega automatically did the hand thing and I don't think she's ever seen a force-sensitive doing that. Natural instinct?
Oop- spotted. Ventress' little glare at Wrecker through the scopes I'm dead 😂
"This is different than being a soldier." YES MA'AM
I know Omega is frustrated here and people may bash her for being 'whiny' but I honestly appreciate the writers letting us see her in a more child-like frustration.
I honestly love that Ventress has seen both the light and dark side of the force and now has come into her own. She's almost looked relieved that she was able to call the creatures to her, kind of like an "I'm still worthy moment."
"Did you summon that?" "Not intentionally."
Ventress with her hair wet and slicked back oml
Crosshair co-piloting!!
Omega with wet hair! (NOW GIVE US HUNTER)
Okay my theory about the kraken, Ventress called it's food source, so it followed, but then it got curious about their boat. It wasn't trying to attack them, it was bumping their boat because it was trying to figure out what they were. Then Ventress cut off a tentacle (yes to rescue Omega, but I think the creature was just exploring) That spooked it, then the Marauder swings in and starts shooting at it. When the Marauder flies off, a tentacle kind of flicks in a 'yeah get out of here' kind of way. It doesn't immediately eat Ventress when it has her (does it even eat humans?), it brings her close to it's face to investigate and she takes her time channeling the Force. The animators specifically focus on the creature's eyes and the changes in it (pupils dilating). To me, it seemed like Ventress was communicating with it like "I'm sorry we startled you, we mean you no harm." Then the creature sets Ventress down so gently (it doesn't drop her) and goes on it's merry way.
Crosshair is the one on the ramp to get Omega!!!
Ahh! he reaches out to help Ventress too. He offered her his hand and she took it!! 🥰
I'm surprised we didn't get a comment from Ventress about Batcher.
Wrecker being the big brother we all need and taking Omega off to eat after a long day just makes my heart so warm.
The way Hunter and Crosshair are both standing with a hip popped is killing me. (again, sorry for bad quality) 😂
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"You're lying" So perceptive, Crosshair.
Ventress is so smart and she sees how much the Batch cares about Omega, hence why she lied. AND Hunter and Crosshair know Ventress is right that if they acknowledge Omega is Force-sensitive, that means she goes away and they're not ready for that.
Her warning is so foreboding... (A Harbringer?) Next week is a double feature and I think that's when we'll get the Empire over Pabu.
Crosshair is so attentive to Ventress, I'm already shipping them (don't get me wrong, I'd fight Ventress for Crosshair, but they seem like they'd be a good match in-universe)
"I've got a few lives left." She's so cat. Just like Crosshair.
Hunter x Fennec // Crosshair x Ventress (I'm already thinking about my two batch husbands and their grumpy in-cannon girlfriends that want nothing to do with them)
"I've got a few lives left." Ugh she's so cat, just like Crosshair.
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AHHH!!! This episode was so good. We got to see our boys fighting again as a unit. We got to see Ventress (which, during clone wars she was always just a 'mech' character for me. Didn't love her, didn't hate her, but this episode solidified her on my favs list. Her line of "We were pawned in the same war and we all lost." Just DAMN she hit the nail on the head and I don't even know she knows she did. If you made it through this entire post, scrolling back I didn't realize how insanely long it is, thank you!! 💕
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renton6echo · 8 months
Day 1 of 30 Days of The Bad Batch
Season 1, Episode 1: Aftermath
Alright. Let's dive into, probably, my favorite episode of the series so far. It's just such a great opening to the characters and the story. What a way to open a series right at Order 66. I just knew we were in for such a rollercoaster from the start of this show. Really, Order 66? That's where you're starting off the show? Force, have mercy on us all.
The biggest gem of this episode is that it's the only one we get where we get to see Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair just be a squad together. If I had my wish, I would have liked to have seen more of that before Crosshair and the rest of the batch split off. It was harder to see what the loss of Crosshair did to the team on an emotional and military tactics level. We didn't get much in the way of their team dynamic apart from Crosshair just being known as the surly, grumpy one. While I do love all the theories around how it was likely Echo who stepped into the role that Crosshair had like like being the peacekeeper between Tech and Wrecker's, it would have been nice to see more of that so we had an idea of what the Batch lost.
I've put my live musings of the episode under this thread for the sake of my followers. Sorry, not sorry!! Ya'll knew what you were getting into following me 👀
Not sure if anyone else is interested in doing this but if you're also re-watching TBB before the season 3 premiere be sure to tag all your musings in the #30 Days of The Bad Batch so I can read them!!
@floundrickthewayfarer @saturn-sends-hugs @the-bi-space-ace
First off, Captain Grey, I wish we had gotten to know you more before your chip activated because you seem like a sassy and salty man. I'm sure you and Rex swapped lots of stories.
Wee Kanan. I remember watching this the first time and having just finished Rebels. I saw and heard Kanan and literally said, "Oh, shit. Please no!! This is so mean." Good times. Good times.
So at what point did they realize they could use Echo's scomp as a melee weapon? It is so badass.
Oooff. That shot of the large canyon separating Kanan and Hunter that symbolizes the break between clone and Jedi *chefs kiss*
I really wish we had more scenes take place in TBB's barracks. So many fun details to dissect.
Will never get over Tech's matter-the-fact "My exceptional mind." Legend.
LOL. Echo's put-out expression when Wrecker notes how ugly Palpatine is! I've never noticed that.
Wonder how well the clones are informed in intergalactic politics. Echo seems to have a real knowledge of the larger political nuance more than the others. He is the first to openly question clones as soldiers of the Empire versus the Republic. I assume the Kaminoans would not have spent a lot of time educating clones on political structures and more on just being compliant with the system they were born into. For most clones, the transition from republic to empire is more or less just a name change, but Echo clearly takes issue with the implications.
Battle simulation time! Honestly, I could watch a whole series of clones just bantering and comming each other in battle. Such a fun, creative way to learn about characters and see them interact with each other. Wrecker and Tech sniping at each other is the best thing ever.
ALSO, Hunter why you whistling at them? You got comms for a reason you dramatic punk.
The implication that Crosshair also cried after seeing a fully stocked armory is just...I need that footage.
I never noticed that most, if all the weapons the Onderon insurgents have are Republic-issued.
Omega liking the batch's smelly barracks? Yeah, she's one of them.
Freaking Tarkin. I'm assuming he was just going to fry all their brains to make the whole batch compliant. Ugh. Poor Crosshair.
Oh, Shock troopers. Worst jobs with the worst rap. Do you think we will get to see Commander Fox in the last season? 🤞🏽
"You were down!" Echo has the best sense of humor.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 6 months
Okay, collected my thoughts and saw some memes, ready to present: season 3 episode 8. Spoilers below !!
Right, off the bat, I have to admit I wasn't really happy with this one. I knew there had to be at least one, but ough. This was not enough to chew on until next week.
I'm happy Phee's back!! I just wish she had done more. Happy to know she thought of Tech as (her) databank though!!!! That was kinda cute, like he reminded her of stuff :(( adorable.
But!!! I kinda assumed that with Fennec, Bane would show up too?? Bit disappointed because now it means we have ANOTHER bounty hunter episode- which is, like, fine. had this one gone better.
I miss echo.
The banter between Wrecker, Fennec and Hunter did make up for the lack of.... usual pizzazz, I have to admit. Fennec was ruthless 💀 she had myself and my mother appalled (especially when she closed the ramp while Hunter was Still Standing on it. Like. Girlboss but oh????) I did enjoy the broke joke 😭 the section was good, just.. a bit lacking??
Maybe I'm being picky with it. It didn't feel very story driven (considering it's the last season I thought they'd truck along with Wolffe's story and have more results quicker?)
The little moments with Crosshair and Omega are cute, I'm glad they're healing after Tantiss :( Crosshair scrunching up while he says he's fine really got to me, poor dude has Seen Shit. i hope he talks to someone about it :(
But, again, i felt it was lacking?? Like, it was great that they had that moment, but did it... really need a whole episode? Especially, again, during the Final Season?? I just think it's something we as an audience could enjoy brainstorming, and give the actual show the stage for plot point development, idk
Going through this ep and then thinking about the next few ones, I'm worried. We're halfway through the season and things have been a bit.. too calm. The double ep we got last week was pretty action packed(albeit during the second ep, first one was mostly build up)
which I'm scared is gonna end up being the case during "Identity Crisis" and I really hope that's not what happens!!!! I want them to be independent episodes, not one building up to the other. Again, I'm being picky with it. I'll enjoy it anyways.
But, seriously, this episode wasn't NEARLY enough for me to chew on until next week. I'm gonna be over it by tomorrow, when I run out of memes to look at (and I stop obsessing over the Minute Long Scene with Phee.) Which is a bit disappointing, but I'm holding out hope for next week!!!
Anyways thats my two cents, let me know what you thought !!!! :))
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Things my family said after I forced them to watch the Bad Batch Clone Wars arc with me because it was my birthday:
This was the first time ever that my mom watched Bad Batch and did not ask me who Wrecker was or why I have a crush on him lmao
My mom: "Why do they age like that?" - "They white-washed the clones." - "Oh."
A clone would pop up on the screen and my sister would go, "Crosshair?" or like,, try and get their names right and then get all happy when I said she was correct
Tech spoke and my mom burst out laughing and looked right at me - "He seems very familiar."
"Crosshair has HAIR?!?" <- one of my sisters who has seen these episodes repeatedly because I always watch them
My brother asked if Rex was going through a breakup and if that's why he's blonde - then he asked "Oh, he's Anakin's bro though, right?" And when I confirmed it he was he went, "Oh, nvm. That makes sense." Which ???? Hello??
He ALSO asked if it was canon that Hunter was very hairy??? Because in his mind,, if he was really hairy that's why he has good senses - like how the hairs in our ear pick up sound or something??? And then said if he made fanart of Hunter he would make him very hairy. Which,, I completely approve of and want to see more of.
Every time one of the Bad Batch would do or say something one of my siblings (out of the four I have) would say something along the lines of - "Autism." Or "Oh my god they're so autistic." - They said this the most with Tech and Wrecker though, but Crosshair was a close third.
When Crosshair did that little shot with putting the Firepuncher on Tech's shoulder my sister was impressed - "Oh, that was smooth."
And then everyone made fun of Hunter for taking off on the grappling hook, firing at the Poletec and missing (My mom: "Yeah, shoot at it so it drops you a hundred feet from the ground, that's real smart"), and then fucking falling off of it
When Crosshair was goading Rex about Echo my mom was like "Why did he come if he's going to act like this?" And I told her, "He's a little bitch." And she burst out laughing.
Then when Rex, Crosshair, and Wrecker were fighting my dad was like "😧 so violent!"
My mom didn't believe Rex in thinking Echo was alive - she kept going, "I don't know..." and then they opened the stasis chamber and she was like "😮 omg he was right."
They all collectively felt bad for Echo after seeing him for the first time - "Oh, THAT'S why he looks like that 😦. That's inhumane." <- my sister who would make fun of him every time he saw him
He'd turn around or something and show off all the holes and they would flinch and cringe :(
Then my brother and sister started talking about accessorizing him and putting flowers and stuff in those holes :( which I thought was sweet
And my mom kept yelling at Tech to "UNPLUG HIM ALREADY!!!!"
My mom kept saying that someone needed to get Echo some pants - "Mom, I don't think they brought pants on the mission." - "So? Anakin has like three layers! He can give him some clothes!"
She also kept saying "me duele la cabeza" every time Echo touched his head
My sister called Hunter a "femboy" after he did his little head roll he does after taking out those droids - which,, uh,, okay?? sure I guess???
And my brother called either Crosshair or Hunter gay at one point for like,, no reason I mean,, obvious reasons but I cannot remember when or why he said that
They kept asking why they didn't get shot at all and kept giving the droids shit about being useless
My mom about Tech being like 🤓☝🏽: "Why does he do that? Does the finger do anything?? Does it get the information out faster??" - My brother: "It's his antenna." - My mom: *bursts out laughing*
every time Mace Windu was on the screen they would complain about his design - "Why'd they make him look like E.T?" <- my dad
They did not like Admiral Trench at all - thought he was gross
They thought Wrecker and Crosshair one upping each other was funny
Also also - My Mom: "Crosshair can shoot again?" <- she watched s3 with me (without seeing any prior bad batch episodes) - "Yeah, he doesn't have trauma yet." - "Oh."
"It must be so fun to be a part of a group with zero brain cells." <- my brother about the Bad Batch
It was funny because they'd ask questions of like "how" and "why" literally seconds before the characters themselves would ask the questions and then go like "THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING ANAKIN!!"
There was probably more shit they said but that's all I remember off the top of my head.
Also here are some things I noticed that I hadn't before:
Crosshair is a fucking DIVA. Holy shit?? It's so weird to go from s3 Crosshair to TCW s7 Crosshair because they feel like two different people. For some reason he seemed really young to me? Like I know that the Bad Batch are all technically supposed to be the same age and Crosshair is just the "youngest" but for some reason he REALLY seems like the youngest in TCW. Like to the point where he seems ACTUALLY a few years younger than the rest of them. Like if all of them are supposed to be 26(ish) he felt like he was 24 or something because he was being a little teenage brat like,, holy shit.
Like you have Hunter kinda acting like his interpreter and explaining his behavior and whatnot and then you have Wrecker who is always looking out for him and ready to square up and fight for him whenever Crosshair pushes buttons, and it just really makes it seem like Crosshair is truly the youngest. And not even like in terms of "coming out the tube last" or whatever, but like,, in a regular family dynamic he seemed a few years younger than the rest of them.
Idk if that makes sense,, but like,, he was acting like a teenage brat or something and it made him seem so much younger than he is??
After Rex gives the speech to the Poletec to convince them to join the fight, Crosshair goes "UGH" and Dee Bradley Baker put so much sass and disgust into it - I was fucking dying,, holy shit.
Also my mom and brother pointed out that Wrecker flips over the gunship with ONE hand and I wasn't able to function for a good while. Max.exe stopped working because I realized they were RIGHT and oh my god oh my god oh my god-
I mean,, I say "we" but maybe it was just me - but like,, I remember when Echo took off his helmet in s3 when he was infiltrating Tantiss and everyone collectively lost their shit
Idk - I think my family thought I was crazy because all of a sudden I started to shout "HE'S HAD EARS THIS WHOLE TIME?!?" in the middle of an episode
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So I just rewatched "Entombed" and I enjoyed it a lot more this time round.
(Post will contain some spoilers)
It's still not one that I love, but I had a better time watching it now that I've had time to sit on it. I think my main problem with it the first time round was that I had certain hopes that just weren't met and rather than accepting it for what it was, I accepted it as a failed attempt of what I wanted it to be. I normally try to avoid watching things with that attitude but clearly that didn't work out so much last week.
I definitely don't think it's perfect but it is a lot of fun and I can appreciate it more now.
I'm just gonna leave a few more bullet pointed thoughts down below to add on to what I said last week.
I still wish we had gotten more Echo content this episode, but I do understand a bit better why he is the way he is this episode (or at least, what makes sense to me looking back at it).
Hunter and Echo looking really exhausted this episode is actually really interesting and I do hope we touch more on that in other episodes.
Wrecker is adorable but we all knew that. 🥰
Didn't bring this up last week, but can we appreciate the planet design? We haven't really had a "spooky trees" aesthetic but I like it. 👻
I still believe that the rockfall was a genre stereotype moment that they used just to get 3 of them out the way for one scene, but it didn't make me annoyed like it did last week.
I found myself lowkey obsessed with the dust animation this episode.
Going backwards a bit, why are none of us mentioning the fact that Phee was pushing around the lowest rock dial thing by herself but when Tech did it, he had to enlist the help of Wrecker? Basically, I'm convinced Phee could probably knock someone out cold because she is stronger than she looks.
Every time I see them hanging off of things I feel bad for Echo. Poor guy's got his entire body weight hanging off one hand. 😭
So this weird mech thing has a stone that activates it. When it's in one slot the creature is dormant. When it's taken out the mech activates. When it's put in a different slot the stone melts and the mech self-destructs.
Weird design but okay.
It looked cool so I'll let them off on whatever weird activation system they decided to install in this thing.
I love seeing Omega interacting with other women in her life. She's surrounded by men all the time but having Phee around gives her a little bit more freedom to have time outside of her little bubble with her brothers.
Also, I've seen some complaints that this episode undoes Omega's character development. I personally don't think it does. At the end of the day, she's still a child and this episode let's her be the kid she never truly got to be on Kamino. ❤
And I feel like Hunter's insecurities about losing Omega and his struggles with watching her grow up are going to become much more prevalent later.
I feel like I had more thoughts than this while watching it but I don't remember what they were. 😐
Overall, I just embraced this episode for what it was this time round: a fun Indiana Jones style adventure. Nothing overly complex or deep. Just fun. And while I loved that in episode 4, for some reason I had a problem vibing with ep 5 when it first came out. But I enjoyed it a lot more this time round.
I'm not sure this episode will ever be one of my favourites, and it'll probably stay pretty low on the ranking for me, but seeing as there is no episode of TBB that I hate, I'm okay with that.
Less than 12 hrs to go until episode 6, "Tribe"!
Either we finally get more Echo next episode or we don't. Either way I will become incredibly annoying so prepare for that! 🤣
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becauseimanicequeen · 6 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Two Worlds ep. 1
This is technically my second watch. However, since I wanted to make posts about my random thoughts on each episode of this series, I decided to start over. So, here are my random thoughts on this first episode:
The logo for the series is really pretty with the red and blue creating that infinity symbol.
I always appreciate some fantasy/supernatural aspects. It was actually one of the reasons I wanted to watch this series, along with Max and Nat being in it.
Khram will always have a special place in my heart for the sole reason that he’s an artist. Yes, I’m biased like that.
Khram being more interested in painting than that girl talking is so me.
That girl getting pissy for Khram being more interested in painting shows they’re not a good match. I don’t care that they haven’t seen each other for two weeks. Painting is clearly his thing. She could take a seat next to him and watch him paint. How fascinating wouldn’t that be?
I love that Khram’s dad is an artist as well.
Naked Phupha. 5 minutes into the series, and we’ve already gotten some bare ass.
Khram referring to past Phupha: “That little brat?” I wonder how small Phupha was when they met as kids. Either way, he’s really grown up, hasn’t he?
I love feisty Khram. Nat always has a knack for playing feisty.
I also love the pretty nature shots.
The first time I watched this episode, I thought that the man sleeping against the tree was Phupha. But it turned out to be Thai.
A person who appreciates art will always have a special place in my heart.
Phupha looks so gorgeous in blue, btw.
That hug from Khram, after Phupha practically said he was lonely, was so sweet.
Phupha literally said: “Draw me like one of your French girls.” At least that’s what I heard.
Shirtless Phupha.
Practically naked Phupha.
The way they’re looking at each other…
Fucking mosquitos. Ruining that moment is illegal.
However, we did get Khram rubbing repellant on Phupha’s body. So, I might forgive the mosquitos.
Okay, to be a bit more serious… Why is Phupha bringing up the legend about the “portal” in this scene? Is it because he knows it’s true? Is it because he knows what’s going to happen? Or is it just a foreshadowing of Khram entering the other world because of Phupha?
That kiss!
I love the chemistry between Khram and Phupha. Their openness and vulnerability with each other… Beautiful.
(Btw, I don’t care about shipping culture, so I don’t mind actors changing “partners”. And in this particular case, I’m really enjoying Gun and Nat together.)
The way Khram is lying there on his bed, thinking back to the kiss, while smiling is so cute.
Phupha: “I’m most myself when I’m with you.” He’s falling hard, isn’t he? And, even better, it’s reciprocated.
These boys are making me emotional (I’m partially blaming my current migraine for this).
Phupha giving Khram that necklace is pretty much the same as giving him an engagement ring (at least in my mind).
How can these two be so hot, funny, and cute at the same time? I’m getting whiplash here.
Props to the girl who broke her engagement (or soon-to-be engagement) with Khram after learning he’s in love with Phupha. However, considering this is a BL, I have a bad feeling it won’t be that simple. I’ve seen too many BLs where female characters have been reduced to evil and desperate wreckers to believe this is the end of her and Khram. I hope I’m wrong about this.
I’m sorry, but Max is hot as a baddie.
Hey, Jao, don’t you point that fucking gun at Khram!
Honestly, I don’t think Phupha’s dad would raise him and take care of him all these years only to kill him as soon as the truth of Phupha’s real dad came out. And if he was behind Phupha’s death, there has to be some other reason for it, right?
This was a good start to the series. I’m already enjoying the chemistry between Khram and Phupha, Max being a baddie, and the beautiful nature shots.
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hawthornsword · 2 years
Today, on Bad Batch! (Episode 2x6)
A wild Jedi appears! (Is this the first time Omega has seen a Force user?)
Hunter is told "the trees have a plan" and just rolls with it. Very cool, Hunter. Very cool. Proud of you for not arguing that that was ridiculous hocus pocus. Proud of the writers for not using the annoying "leader doesn't listen the advice around him to his detriment and has to learn a lesson" plot device/trope.
Wrecker speaks wookie! Because again, he isn't actually as dumb as he seems. He's an expert in technical skills like explosives and got the same education as the other clones. He had to have passed all his classes or the Kaminoans wouldn't have considered him a viable soldier. He isn't dumb. If he was dumb he would have gotten himself or others killed by now. The others trust him. And the others understand a bit of basic wookie, but Wrecker's the only one who tries to speak it. Sure, his accent is probably terrible, but I just like that he clearly really likes the wookies and is excited about participating in their culture.
Echo smiles!!! 😍
Anyway, I love how they don't even really hesitate to take Gungi home and help the wookies. They hesitate and doubt about so many things that they know are bad plans or anything that could get them on the Empire's radar, but not this.
They aren't even mad at Omega for wandering off. At this point they know she's gonna do it and they trust her anyway.
And it doesn't matter that they know going in that the empire will likely be there. The wookies were their allies. They trust them. They care about them. And Gungi's just a kid. They don't wasting time debating it other than a basic check in with one another. The Batch know what's important and have their priorities straight.
And then the kids don't get themselves into stupid trouble either. They both did a really good job during the battle, and also Gungi is doing a good job of still behaving like a Jedi, even though he's been on the run alone in hostile territory for over a year. I'm so proud of you baby!!!
Yeah, I get frustrated when characters do stupid stuff like have pointless arguments or repeat mistakes that real competent people wouldn't waste time with, so I'm just full of good feelings about this episode since they didn't do any of that when they easily could have and I kinda expected them to.
Now then .... Where is Cody. Is he all right? Is he safe?! Has he found Rex or Obi-Wan yet?
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TBB episode 11, s2
I've seen other people do these and I wanna jump on the bandwagon, so:
-I am not an engineer or anything, so take my word with a grain of salt, but I am pretty sure a ship is not supposed to be smoking and sparking like that
-that music...I had flashbacks to subnautica, but it's in space this time
-Nala Se???
-no, it's some other asshat
-I sincerely thought that they killed Lama Su in the season finale when the two troopers pointed their guns at him and the door closed
-Yeah, fucking tell her! Dump that bitch! She is doing the exact thing Mokko was doing!
-Excuse me sir, do you have a fucking death wish??? First, you go into a skirmish with a broken leg and barely come out on top in that fight, then you willingly drive a death trap in a race that has claimed lives, then you jump into the abyss with zero information on what's down there and now you are going to go alone to the bridge? While you know that something big has killed the crew?? You idiot.
-Data extraction? Would have been useful to have someone help you with that. Maybe even someone with a scomp for an arm? Huh?
-I can see his hairline from under the helmet, I am swooning
-I had a very morbid thought of that door slamming back down with Hunter still in the doorframe.
-I don't want any droid in star wars to ever do that again *looks suspiciously at my roomba*
-For a moment I thought Wrecker was gonna end up in that thing's mouth
-I need a gif with that wide-eyed Tech
-Aww, Wrecker and Hunter covering Omega from the blast <3 best dad/brother
-Tech, basically:
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-I saw that hand Tech, I know you wanted to explain in surely gruesome detail how the Zillo digested the humans on board. And thank you Hunter for stopping him.
-Again, Tech is the king of underestimation
-AWWWW, the way he grabbed Omega and shielded her from the explosion! I need a gif now!
-And helping her up on the stairs! What a good big brother!
-And forcing her into the seat before he secured himself! Tech is really outdoing himself this season, isn't he?
-Although that makes me very worried that the creators are really pushing that Omega&Tech relationship as if they want to make us cry if something really bad happens to him
-Echo???? And Rex??? And Omega is so happy at the thought of seeing her mum again!
-Also, the way that Hunter was leaning on Tech's chair and reading the screen? I don't know, it did something for me
-Also, was I the only one thinking it might be Cross in that new commando armour with the gold details? But the moment he spoke I knew it wasn't him
Overall, a great episode! I know that some people might call it filler again, because it's a retrieval mission, but like, we are getting insights into cloning! And the batch is finally considering leaving Cid! And Nala Se! And Lama Su! So much new, good stuff has happened! I love it!
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