#she broke down into tears saying how the illness made her so slim she looked dead already. like idk idk idk this feels all so wrong
deadrlngers · 2 years
people really say that us, as a society, don't have a problem with fatphobia and then some kind of influencer/singer will go on ig live and say "well at least cancer made me lose weight hehe". like what the fuck
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Hello Sorrow [Chapter Seven] Ignite [Karl Heisenberg]
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Tag List: @courtenbae​ @unlikelyllamanerd​ @mylani3110​ @imtherain​ @wrr000​
Irina sat in bed, resting against the headboard with her knees pulled close to her chest, considering her options. She had been doing this for hours before the sun rose over the valley in the east, and even now she had no clear concept as to what to do about her arrangement with Heisenberg.
He swore he’d find her if she tried to run. The thought never occurred to her though; she was much too afraid to hide from him. Besides, the village wasn’t big enough to disappear in. The four lords controlled each of the territories bordering the village with the only entrance being to the south, up a snowy mountain trail, to which she considered hiking. But she was too ill-equipped and short of time to do so.
If she could not run or hide from him, her only option was to honor her agreement. In her heart, she knew there was no other way. Besides, Irina saw no harm in bringing him resources; she only wished to know what he needed them for.
Then, there was the matter of what he planned to do with her once he had all he required. Was he going to kill her? Perhaps he would. But not at this time, she imagined. The fact he asked her to get the resources for him implied to Irina that he seldom left the factory.
Giving him a little at a time might be an option she could exploit. But it was too soon to tell.
She sighed. Sitting on this wasn’t making her feel any better. Leaving her warm bed, she gathered some fresh clothes and took a short bath, redressing before she went outside. The sun was high above the clouds, but the weather was frigid. She tightened her torn coat around her body and took the note from her pocket, looking it over again.
Where would she even find some of these items?
Irina hummed. Perhaps the workshop. Leonardo Lupu might be able to help her. She ambled towards the maiden statue and went through the large blue gate in front of his house, knocking on his door.
His daughter Elena answered.
“Irina!? This is a pleasant surprise,” she greeted with a smile.
Looking over Irina’s unkempt appearance, her smile faded.
“What happened to your coat? It looks as though it has been through a grinder.”
She had no idea.
Irina faked a laugh. “I tore it on the washboard; the ridges are worn.”
“And the blood? Where you hurt?”
She had almost forgotten. Raising her arm, she pointed at her other wrist, covered by the sleeve of her blouse.
“Nicked myself on the ridges,” she lied.
Not certain if she believed her or not, Irina cleared her throat.
“Sorry to hear that,” Elena mentioned. “Ours is worn too. Father plans to make a new one.”
Irina hummed. “Where is Mr. Leonardo? I wanted to ask him a question.”
“He’s out, I’m afraid. A tractor broke down on the road ahead and he went to see if he could fix it,” she explained.
I suppose I could look elsewhere, Irina thought, pouting. But where will I find spare chainsaw blades?
Elena puckered her brow. “What did you want to ask him?”
Should I?
Irina saw no harm in telling her.
“I was hoping to ask him about taking some spare scrap from his workshop,” she retorted.
Elena snorted. “By all means, take as much as you like. I’ve been asking him to get rid of it all for some time now.”
“I appreciate it,” Irina said with a smile.
Bringing up her hand, Elena went back into the house, returning with a small key.
“This will get you through the gate,” she mentioned.
Irina grinned. “I’ll bring it back once I’m done.”
She took the key from Elena and wandered over to the large gate at the side of the house, leading into the backyard. Once it was unlocked, she slipped inside and took a look around. Scrap laid in heaps on the snow-covered ground; some rusted and beyond repair.
It was a start.
Irina decided to browse through the workshop first; it sat at the corner of the yard; the door wide open. She eased inside, squirming her nose as the dust in the air irritated her nostrils. Her allergies infrequently bothered her; a little dust and animal dander sometimes made her sneeze, but as of late, since she was locked in a room with dust mites and god knows what else, her tolerance must have weakened. Her eyes teared up.
She’d have to rush.
Clearing them, Irina took the shortlist from her pocket and began her search. She found 3 of the items just inside the workshop: the chainsaw blades, square sheets of perforated metal, and steel hex bolts. Enveloping them in a torn flour sack, she used manila rope to keep them together, and shoved the cardboard box of bolts into her coat pocket, then carried them outside with a grunt of annoyance.
How was she expected to carry all this? The sheet metal alone was too much to tote the distance she had to walk.
Irina huffed and searched the backyard. There had to be something she could use. And there was. Leaning against the gate was a rusted wheelbarrow. She rushed over to it and looked it over. Besides a giant hole in the bucket, it seemed usable. Rolling it over to the workshop, the wheel squeaked and stalled a bit, but at least it moved.
She loaded the scrap, careful not to put too much weight on the side with the hole, then searched for the remaining items on the list. Because she didn’t know what a reactor vent was, and because Heisenberg refused to explain it to her, Irina skipped it and went on to the next item. It took her a bit to find, having to dig it out of a scrap pile, but she checked the small vent fan from her list. It was rusted and she doubted it would work, but because it was on the list, she tossed it into the wheelbarrow.
Before she left, she tossed in a muddy red LED light to replace the one she broke in his factory and rolled the wheelbarrow out into the street, locking the gate back.
When she returned the key to Elena, the young woman gave her a plate of homemade bulz –a crunchy pan-fried dish with a creamy stuffing – that she had leftover and waved to her as she rolled the squeaky wheelbarrow down the muddy road.
Irina followed the path back to Heisenberg’s factory, resting a few times; her hands rattled from the vibration and her back ached from being hunched over so long, but she made it back to the front gate before the sun began to set.
Standing on the other side, she considered leaving the material and returning to her house but decided against it. She had no idea how he’d react. But how did she get him to open the gate?
“Lord Heisenberg,” she shouted. “Are you there? I’ve brought the materials you asked for.”
A loud screech made her jerk in fear as a speaker above the gate came to life.
“Irina … welcome back. I’ve been waiting for you,” Heisenberg declared.
The gate squeaked and slid open, allowing her entrance. She rolled the wheelbarrow up the path, heading towards the front door.
Heisenberg was resting against it, waiting for her, watching her struggle to push it up the wet grassy knoll.
“Having trouble?”
She gave him a heated look, then realized in embarrassment that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Her eyes darted to the bucket of the wheelbarrow, watching the materials bounce around as she rolled the cart into the barn area of the factory.
Why was he not wearing a shirt? It was frigid as hell outside.
Irina took her snack from the wheelbarrow and ate one as Heisenberg rummaged around through the materials she brought. She sighed in delight; the cheese melted in her mouth and the charred crust on the outside gave it an unbelievably satisfying crunch.
God, Elena could cook so well.
“Not a bad haul,” Heisenberg stated.
He hummed, undoing the manila rope and pulling back the flour sack. “Though I see you did not find everything I asked for.”
“Might have been easier, if you had explained what it was,” Irina retorted, speaking with her mouth full.
She refused to look him in the eye.
“It looks like the cover on a fan, not hard to figure out.”
Irina grunted in annoyance. He was such an asshole. She knocked her boot on the floor, waiting for him to dismiss her.
He sauntered over to her, and stood in her view, taking the LED and tapping it against her hand.
Irina met his eyes, her face heating up at how close he was to her. God, she could feel the warmth from his body.
“You did well enough,” he mentioned with a grin. “Good news is, I still have use for you.”
How reassuring.
She took an uneasy breath, watching him in interest as he took one of the rounded snacks from the plate, shoving it into his mouth, cleaning his finger. Her heart pounded in her chest.
What in the hell was that?
Heisenberg hummed. “Not bad.”
He took the plate from her and went back over to the wheelbarrow, dragging it by the handle into the next room.
She took an eager glance at him. He wasn’t a bad-looking man; too much of a smart ass though, and a monster.
“Are you coming?”
Irina grunted. “Can’t I go home?”
“By all means,” she heard him say. “But you might not make it back before nightfall.”
She huffed a sigh. He had a point, though she’d rather take her chances in the dark than stay in that room again. Her nose itched thinking about it.
“I think I may be allergic to you,” Irina shouted.
She followed him through the doors and into the cargo bay, where he was unloading the sheet metal.
“Boo fucking hoo,” he retorted.
Irina rolled her eyes. “Can I at least have a proper bed to sleep on?”
“You can have mine, now come the fuck on, or go home,” he snapped, moving into the lift.
She knew better, but she was far too tired to care and followed him into the lift. The chances of him killing her while she slept were slim, or so she hoped.
What better chance to test her worth?
He said it himself, he still had use for her. And at that moment, something in her ignited.
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reogou · 4 years
peonies | bokuto.k
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pairing: bokuto kotaro x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warning/s: 2-3 swearing (?)
au: florist!au, implied soulmate!au
word count: 2.5k
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble about a bokuaka fanart i saw but then i don't freaking know why this became a 2.5k fic... a big thanks to @kuraomi for helping me edit this! also, i can't put a read more on mobile so im very sorry-
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The sweet fragrance of the flowers greeted Bokuto as he stepped inside the flower shop, the door closing behind him. The small bell above chimes, making the dark-haired boy from the counter turn around to see Bokuto standing in front of the door, looking so devastated. His brows were burrowing, a pout evident on his plump lips while his eyes look so so sad. The two sighed in exasperation, but with different reasons. Akaashi already knows what's coming to him.
"AKAASHI!" And there it was, Bokuto's loud whining, looking like he's about to cry. The back door opens abruptly, Konoha's head popping out of the door, a scowl forming on his face.
"What the hell? Stop yelling Bokuto! You're disturbing the other people!" He hissed, glaring at the owl head before closing the door, resuming to his previous work. Akaashi could only groan in silence when Bokuto came running towards him, already tearing up.
"Akaashi! She broke up with me!" And he wailed. "She said I was too childish and too weird for her liking! That she couldn't handle me anymore!" 
As much as Akaashi dislikes Bokuto being too loud, he just let him be. After all, he knows the pain he is going through right now. The feeling of being rejected is just too painful, especially for Bokuto since he knows that he is sometimes too much to handle, and he won't even deny it. 
"How can she say that to me, Akaashi?! I t-thought we were gonna be together forever, and that we'll have a grand wedding. We even planned out how many children we want! We even agreed on six children!" 
"There's no such thing as forever, Bokuto-kun." Konoha spoke from behind them, who just got out from the back door while carrying a bucket of freshly cut Lilies. He placed the bucket down together with the other flowers in the shop and looked at Bokuto, hands on his hips. "I told you two weeks ago that she isn't the one for you. She's been cheating behind your back and stealing money from you. What do you expect?" 
Bokuto even cried more when he remembered how he found out that his ex is a gold digger, stealing money from him by using his card that he gave her just to deposit it and buy things for her boyfriend. She even stole his favourite collections of golden pins that he collected for 10 years now. 
"My precious collections!" Bokuto shouted before crying even more on Akaashi's shoulders. Akaashi could only pat his senior's back comfortingly and looking at Konoha, who only sighed and nodded his head.
"Fine, fine. I'll take care of the counter." Even though Akaashi could hear the distaste from Konoha's tone, he knows that he also wants to make Bokuto feel better. Smiling at his co-worker, Akaashi pulled Bokuto away from him.
"Bokuto-san, let's go to the back door first, okay? You should drink water to keep you hydrated or else you'll pass out." Bokuto could only nod his head and let Akaashi guide him towards the back door, leaving Konoha alone in the counter. 
Man, what a pain. He should've dumped her the first time he caught her stealing. His heart is too soft, that's why he's always targeted by people who have ill intentions, Konoha thought, ruffling his hair and letting out another sigh. When the bell chimes, alerting that someone came in, Konoha put on a professional face and greeted the new costumer warmly.
"Good day, welcome to Fukurodani Flower Shop! How may I help you?"
You looked at the man in front of you, a small smile appearing on his face. Although the smile was obviously a fake one, you let it slide since maybe he was having a bad day. Maybe he encountered an annoying costumer?, you thought. Nevertheless, you still repaid his warm greeting with a smile, bowing your head a little as a sign of respect. 
"Hello." You greeted back courtly, letting your eyes roam at the interior of the flower shop. The atmosphere feels like home, even though it was just your first time visiting this place. After all, you just moved with your family 3 days ago. But even so, you can't help but feel welcomed here. There's just something about this shop that made your heart skip a bit. Is it weird that you felt like there was a link being tugged inside you? 
"Is there anything you need help with?" The guy at the counter spoke, his hands drumming on the marbled counter. He ran his slim fingers through his dirty-blonde hair, the same color as his eyes. He has a average build. You can tell that he is the type of guy who often goes to the gym to maintain his built. 
"Ah, would you mind if I look around first? Is it okay?" You asked. 
"Sure. You're free to take a look around the shop. Just call me if you need anything or if you already decided on what to buy." 
With that, you roamed around the shop at your heart's content, trying to find the right flower for yourself. 
Now you know why Fukurodani Flower Shop is so popular in your area. They deserve it. Just by looking at the freshly cut flowers and plants around you is enough evidence to prove their popularity not only around you area but also all over your city. 
A glass door caught your eye, the beautiful colors of red, yellow, green and many more shining brightly under the sunlight of what seems to be a greenhouse. Without taking your eyes off of the beautiful scenery in front of you, you called the guy at the counter, asking for permission.
"Hey." You spoke. Konoha lift his head up from trimming the flowers for a bouquet and looked at you, eyes glued to the glass door in front of you. He chuckled. He already knew what you want. After all, people always asked if they could go inside the green house just to see the magnificent view of the beautiful colors of the flowers and plants. They never really allowed anyone in, in fear of ruining the budding flowers inside. But it looks like he's making an exemption today.
"You wanna look inside?" His voice was filled with amusement, attention now solely focused on your face as you gaze inside the green house. When you heard his words, your head turned around to look at him, almost immediately.
"Yes." You answered, voice firm. Konoha only chuckled and shake his head a little before nodding at you.
"Ok. You can come in," He said. ",but don't ruin anything, alright? You'll have to pay if you do." 
"Of course."
And with that, you let yourself in inside the green house.
Meanwhile, at the back door, Akaashi managed to somehow calm Bokuto down. The dual-color-haired guy is now sitting on the chair in front of him while his other co-workers are doing their own thing at the other side of the wide room. Komi walked towards them, while Washio was just sitting at the table across them, cutting the wrappers that would be used for the bouquets. 
"What is it this time, Bokuto-kun?" Komi looked at Bokuto, who was still sulking in front of them. He looked at Akaashi instead, waiting for an answer from the black-haired junior. "What happened to him, Akaashi?"
Akaashi looked at Bokuto for a second and then gazed back at Komi. "Bokuto was dumped by his girlfriend." 
Bokuto expects Komi to laugh at him but to his surprise, the brown-haired guy only shrugged his shoulders off, not really bothered by it. 
"What?" He asked, noticing the way Bokuto was eyeing him. "You expect me to cry with you too?" Bokuto shook his head, not taking his eyes off of his friend and co-worker. 
"No… i thought you'd laugh at me or something…" He whispered, but it didn't go unnoticed by Komi. 
"What? Why would I laugh? Am i a jerk to you?" Komi asked in disbelief, clearly shocked at the owl head's accusation of him. 
"Well, you do laugh at him whenever his partners break up with him. So I can't blame Bokuto for assuming that about you." Washio interjected, although his eyes never left the wrapper that he's currently cutting. 
"I-," Komi was about to defend himself, that he's not that kind of guy. But then he realized that what Washio said was true. There's no point in defending it. " Well, I suppose I do." Komi laughed, his right hand rubbing the back of his head while the other was placed on his hip.
"But this time is different. That girl was the worst out of the worst of your exes. I can't even understand why you fell for her. That girl stinks of trouble." Komi said.
"I guess you're true." Washio agreed.
"The problem with you Bokuto-san is that you fall too easily." Akaashi said, eyes now on Bokuto's sulking figure. "And because of that, people take advantage of you. You have a soft heart. Too soft." He added, emphasizing the last words.
As Akaashi scolded him, Bokuto only looked down at his hands and played with it, not saying a single word. 
It is true. He was fooled easily. Too easy that even he himself is scared of it. Just a slight show of sweetness and care towards him is already enough to make him fall for someone. He knows that. He knows. But he isn't that dumb or stupid. He knows when and who are just faking their love or care for him. It's just that… he loved them. What could he do? He just wanna love.
But they betrayed him.
But even if some people betrayed him and made him a fool, that doesn't stop him from loving and searching for the right one. After all, try and try until you succeed, right?
"You know what, I think it's best if you clear your mind for a bit and cool off, Bokuto-san. Forget about what happened this morning." Akaashi said, placing his left hand on Bokuto's shoulder. He then grab a wrapper from Washio's stack and handed it to Bokuto, a small smile adorning his face. "How about you pick up flowers from the greenhouse make a bouquet for yourself, Bokuto-san?"
Bokuto could only nod, taking the wrapper in his hands and standing up, grabbing his apron and putting it on before opening the door that's connected to the greenhouse. As he reach for the knob and turn it around, the fresh smell of flowers and plants greeted him, calming his mind somehow. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea at all. 
Bokuto started picking up fresh flowers from the aisles of peonies, although he doesn't know why. His arms moves on it's own, plucking stems from stems and arranging it. Peonies have so many meaning, from romance to good fortune, and happy marriage. But sometimes, peonies can also mean bashfulness. 
Speaking of romance, Bokuto remembers how his mother always tells him that there's someone out there who's always waiting for him and is destined to be with him forever. She said that when he finally meets that someone, a strong force will push him towards that person. Like a rope tugged inside his heart. She also said that the feeling would overwhelm him, that it's too intense to the point that he doesn't know what to do. Up until now, he doesn't really know what she meant. 
So he keeps on searching, and searching. But he always ends up being the betrayed. 
Holding the bouquet of peonies in his hands, Bokuto walked towards the big table in the middle of the green house, the wrapper that was given by Akaashi placed in his other hand. When he reached the wooden table, he started working and arranging the flowers before wrapping it with the wrapper. As he was about to finish his masterpiece, he froze on his spot and realized something.
He forgot about the ribbon.
"Argh!" Bokuto groaned, his lips turning into a pout as he frowns at his own stupidity. 
But was it his fault though? Technically, Akaashi was the one who handed him the wrapper without the ribbon. So it was Akaashi's fault… but that doesn't sound right. Because he was the one who forgot to ask Akaashi about the ribbon. But isn't it Akaashi's role to give him the ribbon? Since he was the one gave him the wrapper? But then he was the one who's gonna use it? Shouldn't it be his responsibility?
Still stuck with his own thoughts, Bokuto picks up the loose bouquet on the table and started walking towards the exit. He was too deep in thought that he didn't see the brick lying on the ground, making him almost trip. Luckily, no damages were done. He was able to balance himself and catch the bouquet before it fell on the ground. 
Although he didn't expect the scenery he'll see in front of him.
There you are, squatting in front of the pile of peonies, inhaling the scent that the flowers gives off. Bokuto doesn't know, but he suddenly felt like he was out of breath. It felt like something was restraining him from taking oxygen inside his lungs, his head fogging for no reason. 
He feels like… he was drowning. 
The feeling is too intense, too strong for his own liking. 
God, what is happening to me?
A sudden tug at his heart made him jolt, sudden realization downing on him.
Is this… it? Has he already found the 'someone' his mom always talked about? Heat rose on his cheeks and neck, making his face red to the point where the redness reached his ears. All of a sudden, he felt shy.
Has he always been like this? Too scared to even say a word to someone he just met? Someone as beautiful and majestic as you? 
As if feeling his gaze boring inside your soul, you lift up your head, eyes meeting his golden ones. It was as if his feelings and emotions were passed unto you, because you suddenly jolted, standing up as your face slowly started heating up, making you flustered.
As if on instinct, Bokuto handed the bouquet of loose peonies to you out of surpise. He even bowed down, his face so flushed you could almost see steams coming out of his ears. 
"C-congratulations! You're our 54th costumer today! Please accept this flowers as a prize!" He blurted out suddenly. Too sudden that you were taken aback at his actions, making you step backward. 
"I- uhm… I- wha-" Your words came out as gibberish. You can't even understand what you're trying to say, for you were too shocked and surprised at what's happening.
Wait, what the fuck is really happening?
You have no absolute clue about what was happening. All you know was that your heart is beating to damn fast that you couldn't almost breath properly, the tug on your heart as you look at the man in front of you, and of course.
The smell of peonies in your hands. 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Witchers Pack Chapter Four
You all finally reach kaer morhen, but what will Vesemir have to say about Geralts new pack?
Warnings:Swearing, Maybe a little angst, fluff!
A/n:Sooo I lied in my WIP I said this would be the final but it will be the next one, with everything I want to add to finish this fic off I wont fit it on one post in tumblr so yes this is the second to last chapter. I hope you enjoy xx
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @chynagirl13​ @iloveyouyen​
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A Witchers Pack Chapter Four
Geralt sat by on his side of the bedroll he was content leaning back onto the sturdy leather bag he was resting on, for the first time in a while he was truly at peace reassured with the knowledge that tomorrow his pack would reach kaer morhen. They would be safe and cared for behind its walls. He smiled down at the small pup in his arms, Rebbeka looked up at him her face split into a wide grin at nearly four months old she recognized him and Jaskier, she was a sight to behold. Her features were becoming defined now ,she was beautiful. She held Jaskier’s coloring pale skin tho she held a tint of red across her cheeks, above that two serene blue eyes that seemed to be look right through you, surrounded by two thick lines of dark lashes and a thick patch of chestnut hair that held the hints of a curl. But her features was all you tiny pink lips that naturally rested in a pout ,high cheek bones slim soft jawline, her nose was upturned slightly giving her the look of a noble, or princess...Geralt preferred that to noble,  she was still dainty she wont be tall or broad tho she did have the pudgyiest cheeks he had ever seen on a child he smiled poking one lightly making her frown a little and wriggled babbled at him effectively telling him off hummed in response.
"Oh thats what you think? is it? well now that you have had your say I think its about time you went to sleep now don't you pup...look even your mother and papa are sleeping. You are to young to be pulling all nighters...what would she say if she found out I'd let you stay up with me" he tilted the precious bundle tipping her up as he nodded to you watching as she followed his gaze and smiled babbling again before looking back at him blinking cluelessly. You'd actually put her down to bed a few hours ago then curled up for a quick nap...That ended up being you turning in for the night you laid on your side facing him your quiet snores filling the tent your head was just poking out of the small nest of blankets he made for you nightly, you curled on your side near his thigh a large pillow resting below your head another was placed below your tiny bump cushioning the precious cargo you carried, his chest warmed a little when he cast his gaze on you. He had done the impossible, him a sterile witcher by some confused alpha breeding frenzy loophole had sired not one but two pups. A litter. A small littler but a litter none the less. He closed his eyes dragging in a deep breath, picking up your scent, it was more intense and thicker with a slight change underneath.The beginnings of your pups scents the sort of undertones of them. They were going to have deep natural scents, maybe of freshly turned earth or pine needles.
He had nearly had a heart attack when he found out you were pupped again, it hadn't been like last time either this time you knew immediately before either him or Jaskier had a clue. You began feeling unwell when Rebbeka was ten weeks, not sick just low... drowsy and lethargic all you could manage to do was feed Rebbeka eat and sleep, for the first few days Jaskier was worried you had caught a virus when this continued for weeks Geralt had been worried but you kept brushing them both off after nearly two months Geralt was beginning to think the worst, that you had gotten a terrible sickness. He had tried to force you to see a healer or a mage, again you brushed him off. You had a feeling you knew what was going on, but wanted to wait until you was certain ,you knew how much it meant to the witcher. Finally though you had snapped Geralt had gone to far trying to take Rebbeka from you as you tried to feed her wanting to give her goats or cows milk in case you were ill and could infect her. Safe to say all hell broke loose, you all but bit him when he had suggested such a thing as he reached to take her from you hissing at him to 'try and take her from me!' as you held her closer as she fed readying yourself to claw at him a little feral...Omegas were touchy about providing for their pups and it seems your current hormones wasn't helping, it was then you had decided to tell them the news that you was certain you was pupped again...You had missed two cycles you wasn't sure how but you said you just knew. Geralt and Jaskier didn't believe you at first and took some convincing but by the time you was fourteen weeks he heard it two fast little hearts beating so fast it was more of a hum.He shook his head when he remembers when he first noticed it, it was in a tavern he'd received dirty looks when he had spit his drink all over Jaskier. The sound hit him like a brick wall he had stilled staring at you ignoring the Betas complaint of having ale sprayed up him. moving closer he slipped his hand under where Rebbeka was sleeping on your lap to rest his sweaty shaking palm on your tummy, eyes wide his lower jaw trembled Jaskier had stopped his bitching watching closely. You had just smiled at him
"told you so..." he sucked in a breath closing his eyes resting his head on your shoulder listening, honing in on the fantastic sound of the life he had put inside you.
"Oh my god he did it didn't he?....he pupped you...that's- this is unheard of! another pup so close to Rebbeka!" Jaskier's statement started with disbelieve then became a high pitched squeal of excitement when he finally registered what was coming. Another pup, for him to fuss over and sing to. Geralt pulled his head up you could see his eyes held unshed tears not that you would ever tell anyone.
"No Jaskier no not one....Two....theirs two of them....A litter I'm having-we're having a litter" you froze looking from one to you other. Jaskier paled and stayed stock still going into a mini breakdown.
"What? that's....Geralt are you certain?" he nodded to you smiling kissing your lips quickly once you pulled away Jaskier snapped out of it eyes panicked.
"TWO? YOU MEAN WE'RE GOING TO HAVE THREE TINY PUPS TO WATCH OVER AND RAISE AT ONCE?!" the tavern fell quiet everyone looking at the bard who had stood up one hand in his hair the other holding his ale as he basically screamed it
"Yes Jaskier she's having two pups..." Jaskier nodded a little and sipped a small mouthful of his ale and placed the mug down and shook his head with a small chuckle.
"...Nope sorry" he dropped back heavily fainting on the floor you gasped craning your neck clutching Rebbeka you your chest making her whine as you woke her Geralt grunted, ignoring the way the tavern roared with chorus of laughter and slurred congratulations. Geralt didn’t move to help the unconscious man he sat back down waving him off
"Geralt.....Is he going to be okay?" you asked still trying to peer around the table to see Jaskier he sighed
"he's breathing....so probably, give him a minute." you nodded uncertainly then rocked the pup in your arms cooing her back to sleep.
Geralt was pulled from his thoughts as the pup had managed to wriggle an arm free of her blanket waving it about in his face, he knew what she was trying to do, she liked poking him in the eye and pulling his hair. He chuckled hoisting her higher making her miss her target and quickly closing his lips around her fingers 'biting' at her she laughed as he did pretending to eat her then pulled back giving a kiss to her hand and made his way up her arm to her neck blowing a quick raspberry to it making her squeal and laugh. He pulled back with a kiss to her cheek.
"ssh ssh don't wake you mother... now come on its time for sleep little one, I'm not having you start that sleeping pattern again." he said referring to her week of being nocturnal it was hell for everyone, especially you who had to change with her to keep her fed. Laying her on the bedroll in front of him he made quick work of tucking her arm back in the blanket and laid down curling around her moving to pull out her rabbit toy that she slept with letting her pull it into the blankets with her resting a tiny cheek on the soft velvet he smiled running a finger across her forehead. This was his little trick to making her settle and true to form in a few moments she was fast asleep. Finally hearing that Rebbeka was asleep you peaked your eye open barely awake.
"So that’s how you do it?" you yawned and blinked sleepily at him and he smiled
"You were up?" you shook your head at him and shuffled closer curling around your sleeping child.
"No I heard her laugh....woke me" he nodded and placed a kiss on your forehead
"Go back to sleep we will be home tomorrow" you blinked slowly nodding still half asleep, you snuggled back down into your nest curling into him a little more then before circling Rebbeka blushing as you felt Geralt cover your shoulders with the heavy fur blanket.
The next afternoon you found yourself on the road again following Geralt on the well worn path leading higher into the blue mountains. You listened to Jaskier prattling on to Rebbeka as he carried her making the child squeal and laugh every now and then. You sighed rubbing your tender breast as much as you hoped she would need a feed soon you quite enjoyed having Jaskier take her for a while, she was getting bigger and with your little bump it was getting more and more difficult to hold her all the time now, well your bump and the fact you were always so damn tired. You slowed down as the path began a steep incline you panted as your body became heavier with each step but you made it all be it getting a concerned look from Geralt as you made it to the brow of the hill. You looked at the beta of the group then froze as your gaze followed Jaskier's. The trail you was on sloped down to the left  then rose in the distance up to the gated entrance. Embedded into the rocky outcrop was the....Kaer morhen...The famed witcher strong hold, tho it still held the scars of its violent past in the stone ramparts it looked strong, stable and imposing. Safe. You blinked gasping as you looked upon the keep it was... There was no words for the moment you laid eyes on it, you felt a warm relief fill you as your eyes scanned the witcher school you swallowed, you couldn't tear your gaze away trying to seal in the details from all the stories, you'd read them as a child legends, you thought tall tales of scary witcher’s to scare children into behaving....That is what you thought until you met Geralt and even after meeting him you still didn't really believe this was a real place. Your home was so far that it was hard to truly believe that Witcher's were real let alone had a fortress in the mountains that had fallen to men.
"That’s...This is were we are staying? Geralt?" Jaskier spoke the question that had been trapped in your throat as you still stared mouth agape...A home..A real home with a hearth and a bed and...Safety true safety where you could all relax, no one on watch waiting for bandits or monsters you wrapped your arms around yourself nervously, that’s if you were aloud to stay. You were moved a few steps away from the edge of the path by Geralt’s insistent hovering arms as he spoke to the bard.
"Jaskier away form their....And yes this is my home...The only one I know we will stay for a few years" you snapped out of your thoughts as he said that you turned to him, moving to fast as you tried to blinked away the black spots waving your arms out as your eyes darkened. Geralt was quick to capture them and support you holding you until you was steady on your feet then held your hips moving you as he pleased.
"Years? Geralt we cant keep you here that long what about contracts?-" he hushed your anxious with a small smile then hoisted you up on to roach not moving from his spot before you, sending you a stern look as you tried you wriggle down. You huffed a sigh and took the reigns from him resigning yourself to riding the rest of the way.
"Yes years, until the children are older....Then we will venture out a little further. In the mean time I will take contracts no more then a few weeks away." you looked down to your small bump one hand going to it running across the taught skin absentmindedly twiddling the loose thread in the horses tack you took another look at the witcher school as Geralt watched you carefully noting a change in you as you avoided his eyes.
"What is it?" he spoke gruffly you shook your head sniffling moving to wipe a few stray tears then met his gaze with a forced smile
"Nothing ...Its silly don't mind me...Hormones and all that" he narrowed his eyes and placed a hand on top of yours his hand dwarfed yours and you felt the heat on your tummy.
"Omega...Whats wrong?" you sighed casting a longing look to the fortress.
“What...What if they don't believe us....Ger-Geralt Its never happened before....What if they make me leave? cast me out with Rebbeka?! I-I cant do that... Go it alone and then what happens when these are born?...What if they make you choose?" you poured out just some of your feelings to him, he tilted his head with a quirk in his lips.
"You are not going anywhere, Vesemir will understand please trust me on this omega...You wont be cast out or told to leave.." he moved to look at a weary Jaskier who moved from one foot to the other cradling Rebbeka he was also worried of being turned away. Geralt took a breath seeing the uncertainty was mutual between the other two members of his pack.
"Either of you, your family my family and now his...Theirs and we protect our own...All alpha witcher’s have a true mate...Yes it is rare for a witcher to find his mate, but that’s normally due to us outliving them or dying before their birth, not because there wasn't one...The fact that I found you...Both of you and made a pack is a blessing, something to be treasured and they will understand. They will not separate my pack, and if it makes you feel better if they try we leave. Together and find somewhere safe to stay of our own..." he looked back to you eyes soft seemingly amused by your fears.
"But it wont come to that...I can tell that you don't believe me...The only way to settle these fears is when we speak to him so lets not waste time." he moved quickly around roach and continued down the path.
The knot in your stomach got tighter and more sickening as the witcher school got closer you rocked Rebbeka in your arms fussing over her as she held a small wooden rattle Jaskier had brought her moving it enthusiastically back and forth making the light sound, you moved quickly shielding her head as she got close to hitting her forehead you giggled as she looked at the toy closely taking in the small carvings that they had both added to it, a small wolf and little bird. You smiled she was lifting her head a lot now concentrating on Things. Your thoughts were interrupted as you all stood at the small incline of the path to a lowered drawbridge. You gulped as a older man walked out below the gate to the bridge he moved slowly as if not believing what he was seeing, you clutched Rebbeka tighter to your self whimpering under your breath.
"Geralt..." Geralt looked up at you squeezing your calf stopping and turning to you, he noted the way your pulse had picked up and nervous quiver of your bottom lip. "It's okay that's Vesemir, he probably wondered why I wasn't back yet... I'm normally back by winter but we have missed it this year, he may have thought the worst...Please calm down trust me"
"I do....but I don't- I don't know them" he ran his hand up your leg and placed a hand gently on Rebbeka's head making the pup turn to him and smile reaching out for her father dropping her rattle in favor of grasping at his fingers trying to move them to her mouth he gave her a soft look and slowly untangled her from him moving to lay his hand across your bump closing his eyes listening to the humming of his own growing litter as he did so. He pulled back looking up at you capturing your gaze with his own.
"You think I would bring you here..My pack here? if they was any doubt in my mind? that I thought for a second you would be rejected.... This is my home....They are my brothers and Vesemir the only father I have known" you smiled down at him nodding to him.
"Let me down" he moved quickly helping you down from roach setting you down beside him looking over Rebbeka who was contentedly trying to look around he moved again and continued leading roach across the wooded bridge you and Jaskier quickly scrambled up behind the alpha walking alongside you casting you an unsure glance. You came to a stop before the older witcher. He was an alpha to you could tell by the deep scent and the way he held himself ,he commanded respect but not in a arrogant sense, it was more a case you wanted to listen to him he looked like a reasonable man. He looked kind he had a fatherly feel to him, his hair was pulled into a style much like Geralt's and his eyes were the typical amber hue, tho his hinted at a more bright yellow tone rather then your own alphas orange gold tone. the man moved forward clutching Geralt in a tight hug patting him on the back he pulled back smiling at your alpha
"Your alive? Geralt we began to think the worst!" Geralt smiled
"We the others are still here?"
"Yes spring is taking a while to set in and the migrations are going to be later so they have stayed longer this year, they will be glad to know your here....And not alone I see" Vesemir looked beyond Geralt to you and Jaskier, he froze as he cast his eyes on you.
"G-Geralt why?..Whats this?..An omega? you brought an omega here? what would make you  bring an omega back to-" he stopped as he scented you properly...You was bonded to Geralt. Vesemir stared at you wide eyed shoulders slumping shocked he looked to Geralt then yourself and back again, you moved from one foot to the other holding Rebbeka tight to your chest almost trying to hide her in your cloak holding your breath wide eyed waiting to see what would happen
"Mate's....She?" Vesemir's voice wavered as the words were lost in his throat. You felt Jaskier move closer the need for his packmates reassurance to strong to overcome. Geralt took two steps towards you bringing his mentor towards you.
"Yes...My true mate...My omega y/n.....And this is Jaskier my brother....My beta and finally our pup Rebbeka, she is the reason we are so late getting back....She was eager and arrived early." Vesemir swallowed dryly looking from one to the other and finally moved forward peeking at the bundled child.
"G-Geralt I don't know what to say...You found your mate and...you made a pack...How? and the child? Is she of your blood or?" Vesemir looked between you and Jaskier then your pup.
"Jaskier is her blood...But they are both her fathers..Both raising her... Jaskier he is her Papa, Geralt is her father...But-" you said moving forward almost frantic trying to clear up some confusion Vesemir cast the bundle a small look...He would admit he wanted to see the child, but from the way you was clutching at her he would hold back his curiosity for now. You was frightened and skittish, so was the beta probably waiting to be thrown out. He opened his mouth to reassure you but stopped short as Rebbeka chose that time to fuss making Vesemir scan her quickly with a concerned look
"Is she Cold?" you moved her running your pointer finger over her top lip watching as she struggled to latch on her tell tale sign of hunger.
"She's hungry" Vesemir nodded to you and moved to the side making a sweeping motion for you all to enter.
"Then we should go inside in the warm come...I wont be having the pup freeze out here" You and Jaskier shared a look at the last comment, the old witcher sounded... Somewhat protective of her, slowly made your way under the gate sticking close to each other trying to ignore the glances the older witcher was stealing at you both. Soon you was lead to a large type of sitting room with a huge roaring fire and some comfy chairs in front of it with scattered pillows and plush blankets. You took a seat on the pillows by the fire Jaskier beside you digging through the small bag holding Rebbeka's things it held mostly toys and clothes there were a few essentials to but not many. he moved pulling a tiny thin teddy it was a rabbit her snuggles that she recently couldn't sleep without he placed it to the side knowing she would want it after her feed. Geralt and Vesemir watched on as you was quick to place her at your breast and feed her.
"So....Would someone explain how this all came about?.....And why your omega is pregnant again?" you looked to him then Geralt who was the first to start explaining.
"I met....Was followed by Jaskier and he sort of...clung to me, he found me when I was passing out of kaedwen last spring, going into Redania after a few months my lesser had attached to him and he has been pack ever since... we turned back making for Kaer morhen for winter and was making our way through Sodden and heard of a contract...Seemed easy enough a supposed witch cursing the village, I expected to find the usual an old widow and a early wave of influenza... The village had nothing of value...No strategic position no real witch would be caught dead there" Vezemir looked uncomfortable as Geralts gaze landed on the small omega , he could guess where this was going and he didn't like it
."As I came up to the town...I...We felt her scented her at first I thought it was a trap beginning the think there actually was a witch but no...I found Y/n she had been living in an old granary on the outside of town, my lesser latched onto her immediately I knew she was my mate it was....It reminded me of waking from the trial of the grasses, that instant change like I have been sleepwalking my entire life until then...She was, I don't have the words to describe it but I cannot ever let her go...I will not" Geralt took a deep breath scenting you again as you looked down at Rebbeka smiling feeling the golden orbs stare at you softly. Vesemir cleared his throat nodding taking everything in
"A granary?Out side of the village?"Geralt snarled making you and Jaskier shrink at the chilling sound... You went to speak but Geralt’s growling response beat you to it.
"Yes when she presented they cast her out...Treated her like a fucking animal...They didn't understand what she was, she wasn't even aloud to buy hunting gear to fend for herself just gave her rotting food and left her in isolation...You know the attitudes to omegas have changed.She was the contract." you snapped your head to him gasping you hadn't known that.
"W-what? they-they hired you to?" you trailed off eyes staring off into space the shock of it rendering you speechless
"They thought you'd caused the new alphas turning to be painful, they worried you might lure him out to you and endure his wrath. So they lied calling you a witch to bring in a witcher to deal with you...I only found out the day after your heat when I saw the lord... He told me everything, about when you presented... How they cast you out the things they had done, threatened you with..He wanted me to kill you and I refused...I don't think I have ever punched a human so hard in my life" you slowly brought your eyes up to him you had known something had happened but didn't ask, you didn't want to know at the time you just wanted to leave, to wrapped up in a prospect of a new life.
"You...You attacked him?" he shook his head grinning
"Not really....Tho I would be surprised if he could ever talk again... his jaw snapped and quite a few teeth went flying...He will live, just a little less comfortably now." you nodded a warmth spreading through you at the thought of your alpha sticking up for you... Protecting you. Vesemir cleared his throat turning to Geralt, choosing not to comment on his handling of the lord, he doubt he would have faired any better in that position, in a way he was proud of Geralt for not gutting the man."I suppose she fell into a heat as all omegas do in these instances" Geralt snapped his gaze from you to his Surrogate father
"Yes....She didn't understand any of it none of the village explained it to her..I...We bedded her and I lost myself to my lesser ordering Jaskier to...Well you can guess the rest....then we found out down the line Jaskier had succeeded...Rebbeka was early" Vesemir nodded taking a sip of his ale and waved a hand over you and your packmates.
"And you had him have her again?" you moved Rebbeka in your lap letting her latch on to your other breast
"No...Jaskier has not.... Not since that night....Something happened, Geralt did not mate me the night we met ,he didn't want to force a bond and...I didn't know what was happening...It was only after that I found out what I was before that..My home told me I was a siren or some form of succubus...A monster...A whore by nature..Geralt and Jaskier explained to me and I decided that I wanted to be claimed but it was to late once I was pupped he did not want to touch me. After the birth he was...Different over the first two weeks he was peacocking typical male behavior. Then he snapped and we...He had a....well erm" you looked to your alpha going red getting hot just thinking about exactly what had happened and Vesemir chuckled at you thinking that his student had just fucked you rabid,
"And he ravaged you" he said chuckling as your cheeks brightened
“Well that and he ..he had...” you looked to your mate slowly Vesemirs amused gaze fell as Geralt spoke.
"I had a rut Vesemir.... A true rut and I knotted her as I bonded...Mated her properly and she is carrying my pups." Vesemir froze snapping his eyes to Geralt shaking his head slowly looking at you as you finally pulled the pup away from your chest moving to burp her, wanting to ignore this part of the conversation.
"No...It can't...Thats impossible" Jaskier spoke up this time shrugging handing the pup her rabbit as you laid her across your lap she whimpered reaching for her father,Geralt sighed and plucked her from you cradling her gently leaning back in the chair hushing her.
"Thats what we thought to....But an unmated omega that had just had a pup has been known to send alphas into heat, and it may have been the fact she is his true mate that aloud him to...You know...Trust me I was there...He knotted her was stuck to her for nearly a whole night"
"No other has touched her...You know I would have scented him on her if they had....They are mine Vesemir" Vesemir sat quietly, taking in the information it was...None of them were lying he could hear it in the strong beats of their hearts, the was no waver of skipped beats just the constant thrumming of their life blood.
"So...You return with a pack, a pup and two on the way?....How far are you?" you flinched under his gaze
"A-About three months at the moment just over...Rebbeka was two weeks at the time and is now four months"you twiddled your fingers.
"So...we have anything from three to eight months to get this place ready for another two additions..." you gasped turning to face him as Jaskier opened his mouth.
"W-We can stay?...All of us?" Vesemir scoffed rolling his eyes at you both and leaned over Geralt's lap taking in the pup, then moved to hold her settling the sleepy child in his arms, it had been so long since he had seen one cooped up here most of the time.He smiled as she looked up at him he moved to run a knuckle over her face then closed her eyes not finding him interesting in the slightest making him scoff.
"..A headstrong little thing....And of course your staying...All of you...You thought I'd make you leave...don't be so absurd turn away the only grandchildren I will ever have?, I would never turn away family...If your Geralt’s family then your mine to." he fixed you both with a look as he rocked the tiny pup in his arms.Geralt scoffed smugly 'told you' visibly relaxing himself.
"And you will find the others will feel the same...Geralt there are cribs and supplies in the storage room by the old nursery, probably out dated and there might not be many clothes surviving but we can make due." you looked at the witcher's funny as Geralt nodded.
"Nursery? cribs? I thought this was a witcher school?..." Vesemir looked at you with a sad smile
"While many Witchers are children of surprise....Some were abandoned as tiny pups around the hills and woods in kaer morhen, the path here is hidden to most as you noticed so we used to sweep the near valleys but children were found regularly wandering, or swaddled hidden in the undergrowth. We had to accommodate them, just like we will do now...You will always have a place here this is your home now all of you" you smiled in relief holding Jaskier's hand tight. Home. You sniffed wiping your eyes willing the tears back. A family and a home was all you had ever dreamed of and now you had both. Geralt slid to the floor between you both and pulled you in resting both your heads on his shoulders sighing as you both held him tight.
"See...I told you...Both of you, now how about we go get something to eat then move a crib to our room." you pulled back laughing nodding eagerly as you all stood following Geralt and Vesemir to the great hall on one end was the largest fireplace you had ever seen in front of that was a long table separating the room in two halves piled with fresh food and wine there was two men.Witcher's. At the table who both turned to the door as Geralt opened it drawing the males attention
"Geralt! Not dead I see..See Lambert I told yooo-wait a minuet what is that? Vesemir? are you- is that a pup?!" Geralt growled at them whisper shouting.
"Shut up, she has only just got to sleep!" you and Jaskier watched as the new males sniffed the air.
"An...Omega?...She holds your scent...G-Geralt what have you done?" he sighed motioning for you and Jaskier to take a seat. you sat close to Vesemir wanting to be near your pup. sitting quietly as Vesemir and Geralt explained the situation as you and Jaskier picked at the food. The other males sat in silence for a few moments as Vesemir talked them down from their frantic skepticism, finally the message sunk in.
"So...She is your mate....And you had him pup her for you she had a kid and that made you jump off the deep end and knot her making two more....That may or may not have our mutations....Why does all this shit happen to you?" the first witcher Eskel said slapping Geralts. Geralt looked a little sheepish rubbing the back of his neck looking to you then two Jaskier feeling the bard's pout from here.
"And then we have Jaskier my beta and a brother...None of this would have happened had it not been for him...He is the one who ran head first into her, he lead me to her...The reason I found her,the reason we have Rebbeka and ultimately the reason I now have two more pups on the way...I can't thank him enough" everyone looked to the now red bard.
"I-it was nothing... I just sort of broke in to her house-shack thing." you smiled knowing although embarrassed Jaskier had needed the acknowledgment for his own piece of mind, to solidify just what he meant to the pack. You knew you and Geralt loved him dearly and would both be lost with out him...even if he did irritate the alpha to no end you would never part from him you owed him everything. "Y/n...C-can I hold the pup..." you looked up to the witcher you now knew as Lambert then to Vesemir who was struggling to eat and support the shifting pup you smiled nodding. Geralt leaned back watching as the younger Witcher approach the pup as if it was a sleeping dragon, slow quiet steps then tentatively moved to hold the child changing his arms position a few times before even making contact with her making his brothers chuckle. Finally Vesemir handed the child to him swiftly, leaving no choice for Lambert to even think about it. He sputtered nervously standing dead still then chuckled.
"HAH!.look at him standing there looking like he shit himself....Oh Geralt have a look! his knees are shaking!" Eskel said laughing at the poor man.Geralt smirked as Lambert thoroughly enjoying watching him squirm.
"You know you can move with her Lambert....she isn't attached to y/n go sit down...She wont bite, nothing to be scared of" Lambert blinked at the sleeping child and took a shaky breath.
"I...I can't move...No here take her I don't like it....Please I'm going to drop her or-or hold her wrong or something.....Please anyone take the pup" he said slowly twisting around terrified of moving with her, he leant over to place her in Geralt's hands who moved his arms up out of the way.
"No sorry, your going to have to take her to y/n around the table.." Eskel laughed as Lambert paled looking around at you who was trying so hard not to laugh and succeeding... barely.
"Come now Lambert it's just a wee pup nothing to be scared of" Eskel added making the witcher feel worse
"I doubt you'll be any better! My hands are sweaty Geralt?!" Geralt finally relented laughing taking Rebbeka from him only to thrust her into Eskel's lap making him go stiff as a board.
"Geralt- what no take her- I don't bloody want her!" you winced at the volume and within seconds Rebbeka was awake looking around panicked and whined scrunching her face ready to cry.
"Oh my- h-hey sweety oh hell....no no no-don't cry its okay It's fine...Just ignore me...shh come on don't cry be good for uncle Eskel...shh shh that’s it be a good girl no..no-noooo don't do it" he moved quickly rocking her trying to ward off the imminent wailing she wobbled her bottom lip eyes going glassy making the others laugh as Eskel panicked waving his fingers at her making her grab one letting out a whimper she brought the captured digit and brought it straight to her mouth making the witcher cringe as she pulled it suckling then closed her eyes trying to fall back to sleep, he pulled back flinching as she whined as soon as his finger began slipping free.
"Ew...Okay how do I detach her? y/n?" you giggled at his disgusted face as your pup snuggled back into his arms satisfied and falling back to sleep.
"You don't....That’s it your stuck until she lets go or wakes up...If you move she will throw a fit" he blinked looking down at the child sighing pulling a face as she sucked harshly on his finger again.
"You think that's a face all witchers pull?"Jaskier asked you tilting his head at the scene you looked
"You know I think it is..." Geralt furrowed his brow confused looking at Eskel
"I never did that" you and Jaskier nodded
"You did...When she did the same to you...And the first time you changed her....When it went up her back...Thats the face"
"Definetly the same face." Jaskier agreed the other witchers laughed imagining Geralts face when having to clean that up.
"And I can't wait to see that with the new pups....The great white wolf struggling to change a baby..."you blinked slowly at Lambert.
"You're staying here?" he smiled nodding then shrugged
"Well...I will leave in the next few weeks but I'm determined to be here for the birth's on my other nieces and when they are old enough they will have to have teachers, we don't know what powers they will be born with so..." Eskel nodded finally gaining control of his cringes.
"Yes the first and possibly only birth of witcher children,Hell I wouldn't be surprised if we had witchers from the other schools coming to see them... I for one will not be missing my nephews births so will be close until they are born then I will head out....we have even more of a reason to return to kaer morhen each winter now." you smiled placing a hand to your belly. You flicked your eyes down concerned. Mutations. they might have mutations you almost forgot about that, they might be born witcher's they were a first. the only ones of their kind. you sighed
"Don't worry, we will be equipped to teach them everything, Eskel here has a stronger affinity for magic I was a swords master but can also teach them the beastiary. so can Geralt and Lambert. But you must be prepared for them to have some witcher qualities, none of us know what they could be but we will be hear for them." you nodded to Vesemir you believed him you trusted him, and Geralt they would find a way you all would. Finally Geralt rose from the table.
"Jaskier lets go get the crib and set up the room, I’m sure we have a tin bath up there as well. Would you like to come look through the clothes...there might not be many" the beta nodded getting up you followed them to the door then stopped with a giggle.
"Eskel...you should come to if she wakes up and we're not here she might panic" Lambert bellowed a laugh as Eskel paled
"W-what you mean walk...and hold her...At the same time." you nodded staring unblinking. He heaved a deep sighed and rose moving slowly walking, well more creeping across the hall making Lambert holler louder
"Not as easy as it looks is it!?!" Geralt smirked crossing his arms over his chest as Eskel came closer shaking his head as you left the hall towards the old nursery.
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thgfanficinspo · 4 years
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Fear of the Water - Chapter 12
Millet and Cash have encountered each other on one of the endless cement boulevards. The pavement is uneven and cracked, and there are a handful of those muddy sinkholes strewn about. Great place for a showdown.
Millet runs from Cash at first. She’s slim and slightly muscular and fast as the wind; she could probably outrun him. She doesn’t have much in the way of weapons: a small knife with a blade as long as my thumb (which is all but useless) and a spear. She broke the head off of it and uses as a knife; she uses the shaft of the spear as a long-range weapon.
Cash chucks a spear in her direction; it misses by only an inch or two.
He starts to give chase. When he’s close enough, Millet suddenly whips around to face him and strikes him in the head with her staff. He stumbles; Millet whacks him again in the back of the knee, knocking him to the ground.
But Cash still has his wits about him. He uses the knife in his hand to stab her in the calf. She falls as he stands. He thrusts his knee forward and hits her in the face, breaking her nose. She coughs out a mouthful of blood and a tooth on the ground. All seems lost for her – until she punches Cash right in the groin. He stumbles backwards.
Millet forces herself to her feet and uses her staff to beat him back toward one of the sinkholes until he stumbles in. He fails to pull himself out the way Annie did and dies of suffocation a few minutes later. Millet gets double the sponsors she had already, and Teff, one of the victors from her district, showers her with gifts of food and clothing. People start chanting Millet’s name both on the rooftop where the party is and in the streets below.
Seven tributes left.
Millet was already a favorite when she entered the arena, but Seegred and that boy were long shots at best. And Cash and Euphemia were top contenders. With more than half their allies gone, the surviving Careers are becoming less and less likely to win. Seegred and Millet are nearly tied in the betting pool of who will win.
No one’s quite sure about Annie. She’s partially sheltered thanks to the mat she wove. She finds enough food to keep herself from starving. She defeated Gad, another favorite more than twice her size, without any weapons, but she’s “cracking a bit,” as Caesar puts it, which lowers her odds. She never stops singing that song.
Tributes crack every so often. The most recent to do so was Titus of District 6 in Johanna’s Games, who started eating his fellow tributes out of some mixture of hunger and insanity. Insanity. They threw that word around the moment Titus bit into a dead boy’s leg, but nobody’s said it about Annie yet. Tributes go into shock all the time and yes, she appears to have it worse than the others usually do, but there’s a good chance she’ll snap out of it.
The party goes ahead anyway, though it’s only for the seven tributes now. Millet’s sponsors and mentors are over the moon, as one might expect. Seegred’s sponsors are cheery, too, since she just killed someone a day ago. Things are looking good for these two young women. In fact, they’re vying for the top spot in the polls.
No one really seems to care that Cash is dead since Shine is still in the running. She’ll inherit all of her partner’s funds. And Cash was boring, anyway.
This is shaping up to be one of those years where a Career doesn’t win. It’s not unheard of – a non-Career usually wins every two or three years – but the change of pace is still exciting.
Of the non-career districts, 11 has the best odds on paper. A lifetime of labor and repression makes them physically and mentally strong, and angry and determined. They don’t win that often, though.
Most of the other districts are equally screwed: their industries have no application in the arena, and the tributes are usually poor and downtrodden children without much of a real chance. It’s generally agreed that no one under sixteen will ever win, so younger tributes’ odds are automatically lowered. I was the only victor under sixteen to win, and like everybody says, I’m the exception, not the rule.
I wake up to funny noise. I think it’s thunder at first, since it’s always raining here, but it’s growling. From an animal. Many animals. The sound gets closer.
Maybe I’ll run? No. I’ll stay here. I’m too tired to run. Too tired to do anything.
Let the animals come. I’ll stay here. I’ll stay here.
My mother, she butchered me My father, he ate me My sister, little Ann-Marie She gathered up the bones of me
And tied them in a silken cloth to lay under the juniper Tweet, tweet! What a pretty bird am I!
The animal is a lot of animals. Dogs. Mutts that look like dogs. Black coats and bright orange eyes. Big sharp teeth that are so big and sharp that they can’t possibly fit in a dog’s mouth. Bodies built all square and muscular like the fighting dogs back home but bigger and scarier.
They are chasing a boy. A boy with black hair and baby fat still on his cheeks. He has a pack. Looks pretty full. Maybe from District 6? District 10? Doesn’t matter. Not sure who’s left anymore. No one is left anymore.
The boy is bleeding from just about everywhere. A big chunk of flesh dangles from his upper arm like one of the dogs tried to tear it off but couldn’t finish the job. I think I see his bone.
He stumbles and falls as he runs, only to get up and stumble again and again until the mutts are on top of him. I watch from my perch as they tear his flesh. It makes a funny noise as it rips.
My mother, she butchered me My father, he ate me My sister, little Ann-Marie She gathered up the bones of me
And tied them in a silken cloth to lay under the juniper Tweet, tweet! What a pretty bird am I!
It’s not a nice thing to see but I can’ tear my eyes away. I’ve never seen somebody’s insides. He’s just a hunk of meat. So am I.
I heard in school that there’s a limit to how much pain the human body can feel. It’s not endless, which I think is nice. And sometimes if it really hurts too much, you just pass out because you can’t process it.
My mother, she butchered me My father, he ate me My sister, little Ann-Marie She gathered up the bones of me
And tied them in a silken cloth to lay under the juniper Tweet, tweet! What a pretty bird am I!
A cannon goes off, and soon the mutts tire of their meal and move on. I climb down and run over as fast as I can to loot the body. I start taking everything I can reach, things I urgently need. Boots, socks, knife, pack.
I can feel the hovercraft somewhere behind me, waiting to take the body, and I return to my nest to go through the bag. I still take a long time to lay it out because everything has to be in order before I can eat or drink because everything has to be in order before I eat or drink because everything has to be in order before I can eat or drink and everything has to be in order. The sun goes down and the rain starts up.
My mother, she butchered me My father, he ate me My sister, little Ann-Marie She gathered up the bones of me
And tied them in a silken cloth to lay under the juniper Tweet, tweet! What a pretty bird am I!
Bandages, a pack of raisins, a salve, a half-empty canteen of water, a knife.
I drink the water as fast as I can and set it out to collect rain. I’m happy because starvation is better than dehydration and now I won’t be dehydrated. I wasn’t really dehydrated before because of all but I really don’t want to die like that, and now I’ll have two water bottles to drink from during the day when the sun is out.
The boots don’t fit me right but the socks are dry and ill-fitting boots are better than no boots.
I make another mark on the wall by the other marks for the other people that are dead. Seventeen. Is that right? I guess it doesn’t matter.
I smile and wiggle my toes inside the dry socks inside the dry boots and I think how happy I am to have two boots again because I lost one in the sinkholes so I only had one so I was uneven and both sides have to match and I almost took off my second boot because both sides have to match but I made myself keep it on even though both sides have to match because one boot is better than no boots but now I have two so I don’t have to worry.
My mother, she butchered me My father, he ate me My sister, little Ann-Marie She gathered up the bones of me
And tied them in a silken cloth to lay under the juniper Tweet, tweet! What a pretty bird am I!
There are sixteen raisins, which is good because sixteen is a square number like four. So I eat four raisins and I have twelve yet and I can eat three more times because I have to eat them in fours because it has to all be square and both sides have to match.
Annie keeps a tally on the wall beside her. Anytime a cannon goes off, she uses a pointy rock to scratch a tally mark into the stone wall.  
She repeats her song over and over all day long until her throat is dry and she has to drink all of the water she’s gathered. She spends the rest of the day lying very still. Then she sets her bottles out again and lets the rain collect overnight.
She sometimes goes into these sort of frenzies and will spend an hour scrubbing her hands and arms raw. Luckily, these have only happened at night so far, so she can wash herself down as many times as she likes without worrying about dehydration or heat stroke, which have become major concerns for some of the tributes.
Things seemed to be speeding up when the boys from 1 and 6 died in two days, but they grind to a painful halt once Axle’s body is carried away. Nothing interesting happens for three days.
The surviving Careers are forced to leave the Cornucopia every day because the blistering sunlight heats the metal and essentially makes it an oven. Around sundown one day, there’s a torrential downpour that results in a flash flood that washes away the remaining food and supplies. But the flood isn’t enough because no one died or fought.
It’s no surprise when the Gamemakers decide that a feast is in order. Something to get things going again.
We’re at the endgame now. That’s almost comforting. I don’t want Annie to die, but I do want this to be over.  I want to stop hearing that  damn song  playing over and over in my head. I keep all the windows open at night  so I can hear the noise from below. It’s usually enough to drown out the song.
I open the windows in the bedroom when see my patron after the party. I don’t have to explain why I need background noise; he’s all for it because he thinks I’m an exhibitionist.  I’m not an exhibitionist, but I am whatever the client wants me to be. So for a few minutes I’m an exhibitionist.
He passes out as soon as he’s finished like most men do,  so I don’t expect to get my customary payment of a secret. He wakes up every hour to pee though – something to do with his prostate that I really don’t want to know about – and strikes up a flirtatious conversation.
“I hear you’re something of a collector,” he says as he fixes himself a drink.
“Oh?” I lift an eyebrow. “And what do you ‘hear’ that I collect?”
“Information. Secrets.” He hands me a glass tumbler identical to the one he holds, right down to the murky grey liquid inside. “A funny thing for a victor to collect.”
“You forget my first and favorite collection,” I say. “Conquests. Rich, handsome, important people like you.”
He chuckles. I think he’s actually convinced himself that I don’t mind being whored out, that maybe I even like it. Fine. At least he’s not weeping with guilt like some patrons do when we’re finished. I can’t stand that. Why buy me in the first place if it’s such a strain on the fabric of your morality? I’ll never make sense of these ultra-rich people.
“What sort of secrets do you like?”
“The juicer the better,” I say.
He takes a sip from his glass and frowns in thought. “Did you know I’m a perfumer?”
“I did. Don’t tell me your secret ingredient, though, that’s much too precious to share.”
He chuckles again. “I worked with the president’s gardener for a time.” I wonder if this is the same gardener that my other patron told me about, the one that fucks his identical twin. “And a few botanists. This was decades ago, long before you were born. We were engineering the roses in the president’s garden to have a stronger smell. Too strong, if you ask me. I prefer subtler stuff.”
“But it’s what the president wanted. These are the same roses he pins on his lapels, mind you,” he says. “They reek. And I couldn’t understand why until I met him myself. He’s got something wrong with his mouth. Open sores that never heal.”
“So he uses the flowers to cover the blood smell,” I say. “That’s not as exciting as I’d hoped.”
His eyes light up. “Oh, that’s not the secret,” my patron says. “The secret is how Snow developed those sores in the first place.”
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ladyfogg · 4 years
May I? - 10/?
May I? - 10/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Screenshot by @ spacetailor
Faith hurried to Engineering, tying her hair up into a messy bun. Going to battle stations was not what she had in mind when getting ready for the evening. She had thrown caution to the wind, mostly, and put herself out there with Data, despite her anxiety.
It paid off, but now the Enterprise was in danger and there were more important things to deal with. She'd lament about their almost kiss and failed date once the danger passed. 
As she sprinted to the lift, another violent hit shook the ship and she stumbled in her heels. "Stupid death traps!" she snapped, kicking out of the constricting shoes. They flew into a corner as she continued on, barefoot.
Engineering was chaotic when she arrived. Geordi was at the warp station, hands moving wildly across the screen. Other Engineers ran around following his orders while Carver manned the shields.
"Carver! Don't you dare let those shields drop below thirty-percent. We need to get the warp core back online so we can get out of here!" Geordi snapped.
"I'm here, Commander," Faith said. "How can I help? What do you need?"
"Diaz, help me with the warp core," he ordered as she took the seat next to him. "Something is preventing us from getting out of here and I can't find the cause."
She wasted no time trying to help him find whatever was blocking them. Another violent shake forced her to brace herself on the console.
"Mr. La Forge, status report!" Picard's voice came in sharp. "Why aren't we moving?!"
"I'm trying, Captain! Warp functions are offline. We're trying to bring them back."
"Try harder! Get us out of here, Geordi."
Geordi swore, slamming his hands down. "Damn it! That last hit knocked a conduit loose."
"Rerouting power to the remaining ones now," Faith said. "Commander, I isolated the problem! Warp power controls were disabled from all Engineering stations."
"To where?"
"No idea! Trying to compensate and restore them now." Faith's console beeped. "Damn it! I can't get them here."
"See if you can reroute to Engineering One. That's where it should go once we do a full reset. I'm headed there now."
"I'll do what I can."
Geordi left his seat and Faith slid into it, taking over main warp control. The room shook and several screens on the walls overloaded, breaking and sending glass flying everywhere. Faith ignored it.
Seconds later, Carver called to her. "Shields have dropped to forty-percent. We can't take too many more hits!"
"Do whatever you need to keep those shields up!" Faith ordered. 
"Warp is more important," he argued.
"I know that, Carver! If I can't get warp functions we're sitting ducks. I need as much time as you can give me."
"Move over, I'll handle it." It wasn't until he put a hand on the console that she realized he had abandoned his station.
She smacked his hand away.
"Geordi told you to man the shields! He asked me to deal with the warp drive. Get back to your station, Ensign!"
"You're an ensign too! I'm his assistant. I know this warp core."
"Seriously?! Now is not the time! Get on those shields! That's an order!" Why was he arguing with her? Didn't he just see and hear Geordi's commands before he ran off?
"Don't talk to me like you're my superior just because you're sleeping with the walking calculator!"
Faith saw red. She abruptly stood and whirled around to face him. "Suck a dick, Carver! We are in battle and if you wanna have a pissing contest, I swear on my pretty floral dress I will win. But now is not the fucking time! Man those shields or get the hell out of Engineering!"
His eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock. "Y-You can't talk to me like that!"
"I just did!" She sat back down and continued the bypass sequence. "Ensign Sawyer, relieve Ensign Carver from the shield station. Give me everything you got!"
She heard Ensign Sawyer say, "Aye, sir!" before the young man pushed past Carver to do as she said.
Hm, kind of like the sound of that, Faith thought.
The ship was hit harder than before and more pieces of machinery broke. Sparks began to fly but Faith's eyes never left her console. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw smoke.
"Barclay! Put that out!" she spat.
"Already on it, Faith," Barclay said.
"Diaz! What's taking so long?!" Geordi's voice came through over the com pad. 
She was close. So damn close. The system had rebooted and was loading. "Almost got it, Commander! I need twenty more seconds!"
"Shields at twenty-seven percent," Sawyer called. "Weapon systems just went down!"
"Someone get them back up!" Faith ordered.
Another hit came. Just ten more seconds...
"Diaz!" Geordi snapped.
The warp controls turned green. "Done! Now, Commander! Now!"
The core engaged and a second later, they were rocketing through space, away from the battle. Faith remained posed for combat, jaw clenched as she watched the enemy ship grow further and further away on the cracked sensor screen until…
" We made it! We're out!" Geordi announced.
Red alert was turned off and Faith sighed with relief, collapsing in her seat. Her fellow Engineers cheered and a few even clapped her on the shoulder, congratulating her efforts.
Faith turned around to assess the damage. It was bad but most of it seemed to be superficial. Several people were helping others to sickbay. Quickly she could see that there were no fatalities.
"Ensign Diaz, report to the Bridge."
She hit the com pad. "Acknowledged. On my way."
As she stood, she looked towards the others. Those who remained seemed to be waiting for her instructions. "Sawyer, stay on those shields and see how much you can repair. I don't want to be vulnerable when we drop out of warp. Barclay, monitor warp functions and make sure it doesn't get rerouted again."
Her eyes met Carver, who was at the weapon station, face red and jaw clenched. She strolled over to him. 
"Something you want to say to me?" she asked with a glare.
He swallowed thickly but maintained eye contact. "I'll be reporting you to Commander La Forge."
"I'll spare you the trouble since I'm headed to the Bridge now," Faith declared. "We could have died because you wanted to throw a hissy fit. I may not be the best on this team, but I'm still on this team . Remember that."
As she walked past, she paused and leaned in close.
"Fyi, I'm not sleeping with Data. But even if I was, it's none of anyone's god damn business. Keep my personal life out of your thoughts."
Satisfied she had said her peace, she made for the turbo-lift. It wasn't until she was alone that the weight of the situation came crashing down. The familiar stirrings of an anxiety attack began and she shut her eyes.
"Halt!" she ordered the lift. It stopped and she took a deep shaky breath before exhaling slowly, repeating the action three more times before she felt she was secure enough to keep going. "Continue."
She wiped away the stray tears that threatened to fall, pulling herself together. A few seconds later, she arrived at the Bridge and the doors opened.
Her eyes immediately went to Data's station and her heart relaxed as she saw him untouched and unscathed, looking as perfect as ever. 
Geordi greeted her at the lift with a smile. "Well, done, Diaz. Well, done."
"Thank you, Commander. Sawyer is restoring shields and I have Barclay monitoring warp to make sure this doesn't happen again."
"Good idea." 
She was aware the other senior officers were looking at her, but her focus was only drawn away from Geordi when Captain Picard approached. 
"Ms. Diaz, Mr. La Forge, Mr. Data, in my ready room," he said, motioning for them to follow him. "You have the Bridge, Number One."
Faith caught Data's eye as he joined them and offered him a small smile, which he returned. 
She had never been in the captain's ready room. It almost felt like she was being called into the principal's office.
"Ms. Diaz, have a seat," Picard offered her a chair as he took his own. "You look dead on your feet."
"Do I?" Faith looked down at herself and it was only then that she realized she was a mess. 
Her dress was covered in soot and scorch marks. The broken glass from the screens had made small cuts on her arms and legs. Her bare feet were cut as well and she noticed a drop of blood fall from her cheek to her chest.
She was hit by a wave of dizziness as the last of her adrenaline faded. "Oh dear." She swayed but was caught by Geordi and Data. Picard half-stood to help but sat once he saw they had her. 
They helped her sit. Geordi took the seat next to her while Data stood by her side.
"Are you injured?" Data asked.
Faith shook her head. "I don't think so. Not badly. I think everything just caught up to me. I'll be okay."
"That was some fine Engineering work, Faith," Geordi said.
"Thank you, sir," she said. He had let her go but Data's hand remained in hers, his other resting on the back of her chair. 
"Let's discuss the matter at hand. The odds of an unknown enemy suddenly attacking the Enterprise an hour after we disabled a makeshift transmitter are slim to none," Picard said. 
"I agree," Data said. "The timing is all too convenient. Whoever made the transmitter must have been contacting the ship that attacked us."
"We're heading to the nearest starbase for repairs immediately, but this investigation just became more urgent. I've been in contact with Starfleet but they can offer no solutions at this time. They are concerned that the flagship of the Federation was seemingly boarded by a secret enemy. I want the three of you to figure this out fast ."
"I'll pull whoever I can from Engineering to start dismantling the transmitter and studying it," Geordi said. "It's construction is too unique to be random."
Picard nodded. "Make it so. Lieutenant Worf is already organizing a full security sweep of the Enterprise from top to bottom. We will find whoever is responsible."
He turned his gaze on Faith. "I am handing full control over his investigation to Commander La Forge. In the meantime, I'm making you Second-in-Command. Assist him with whatever he needs...Lieutenant."
"I'll do my—" Faith paused, registering what he said. "Sir?"
Picard smiled. "I am promoting you to Lieutenant. Today proved you're more than capable and ready. If it wasn't for you, I doubt we would have gotten very far. Mr. La Forge and I had discussed this a while ago but it was only recently the discussion resumed. Now is a good a time as any."
Faith looked at Geordi who gave her an encouraging smile. "You've earned it, Faith."
"Thank you," she said, looking back at Picard. "I won't let either of you down." She suddenly remembered what happened with Carver and her excitement quickly disappeared. "Uh oh."
"What?" Geordi asked.
She winced. "There was an...altercation with Carver, sir. He refused to stay at the shields and said something inappropriate and I may have said something I shouldn't have, especially as I'm now his superior."
"What did he say?" Picard asked.
"He insinuated I was given special treatment because I slept with…" She paused. "...with a superior officer."
"He said what?!" Geordi exploded.
Picard held up a hand to silence him "What did you say in return?" he asked Faith. 
Faith felt her face grow hot. "I...told him to suck a dick."
Picard planted his face in his hand while Geordi snorted, his anger on hold as he tried to hide his amusement. He failed miserably.
"I'm sorry! I know it was unprofessional but we were in danger and he was being a…" She stopped herself. "It won't happen again."
"I should hope not," Picard said. "I'd rather not have my officers yelling such things at one another."
Geordi's shoulders were still shaking as he held in his laughter. 
Data looked confused. "I do not understand the reasoning behind telling someone to perform fellatio, or why Commander La Forge finds this so amusing."
At this Picard held back an amused smile. Faith was utterly embarrassed. "It's, uh, a rather crude way of telling someone to shut up," the captain explained.
"Ah. I understand," Data looked down at Faith. "I am sure you had a good reason to say such a thing. Especially since he was spreading false information."
"Commander La Forge will handle the proper disciplinary action for Ensign Carver. Now," Picard stood and adjusted his uniform. "Mr. Data, escort Lieutenant Diaz to sickbay and then to her quarters. Mr. La Forge, return to Engineering and assess the repairs we need. Dismissed."
Faith's head was spinning and this time it wasn't because the adrenaline had worn off. Data helped her to her feet while Geordi led the way out of Picard's room. 
As they stepped onto the main Bridge, Riker shot her a smile. "A little overdressed for an enemy attack, are we?" he teased, both he and Deanna giving her and Data knowing looks.
"Yeah, well, my date was interrupted by torpedoes so I didn't have time to change," Faith muttered. She felt Data squeeze her hand.
"Or put shoes on apparently."
"You try running in heels, Commander, and see how far you get."
There were a few chuckles from the rest of the staff, including Picard who took command back from Riker. Geordi took the turbo-lift to Engineering while Faith and Data took one to sickbay. 
"I am glad you are not severely injured," Data said once they were alone. 
"I'm glad you're not injured too," she said, leaning into him. She rested her head against his chest and took a deep breath. 
"I assume our dinner did not count as our first date."
Faith chuckled. "No. No it did not. Though I am very disappointed our kiss was interrupted."
"Would you like to try again?"
"Maybe later. When I'm not covered in grime and blood, and we're not riding the turbo-lift. But I appreciate the offer."
"I understand."
The lift came to a stop and they exited, heading for sickbay. They weren't the only ones going in that direction.
Dr. Crusher and her staff were swamped with patients, all injuries ranging from minor to severe. Beverly passed them as she ran by, giving Faith a once over. 
"I'll get to you as soon as I can," she said. 
They watched her go and Faith sighed. "I can handle this myself if you want to go. I'm sure you have somewhere more important to be."
Data cocked his head and stared at her curiously. "What could be more important than making sure you are taken care of?"
Faith felt her cheeks grow warm. "Charmer."
"I did not say it to charm you. It was merely an observation."
They stood off to the side. Data still held her hand, the other placed on her lower back. The weight of it gave her a focal point, something to keep her thoughts from racing.
It took time for a bed to become available but once it did, Data helped her onto it. Faith was beginning to feel the pain that came from being in a battle. Her neck was sore from whiplash and her cuts were starting to burn with irritation. 
"That's pretty deep," Beverly said when she finally approached them. Gently she took Faith's face in her hands and turned her cut cheek towards the light. "Do you know what caused it?"
"Glass from the monitors."
Beverly passed her tricorder over Faith. "Thankfully I'm not picking up any fragments of glass in any of your wounds so I don't need to do anything invasive. The dermal regenerator should work just fine. Anything else?"
"Just minor scrapes," Faith said. 
Beverly nodded and pressed the hypospray to her neck. "This should help tissue regeneration for those smaller cuts, as well as any pain or discomfort. Let's just take care of your cheek and you'll be right as rain."
One zap from the dermal regenerator and Faith's face was cut free.
"There, all set," Beverly declared with a smile. "You should be good as new by the morning."
"Thank you, Dr. Crusher."
"You are very welcome. And I was very happy to see your message this morning."
"Yeah, well, a certain android had a very persuasive argument."
They both looked at Data who had been standing diligently by her side. "She is referring to me," he chimed in.
Beverly chuckled and Faith saw her eyes linger on their still joined hands. "I gathered as much. You're free to go, Faith. Get some rest."
"Thanks. Doctor."
It wasn't until Data led her back to her quarters that Faith realized he was being awfully quiet. She unlocked her doors and pulled him inside with her, expecting him to resist or take his leave. He did neither. When the doors closed, their hands separated for the first time since they entered Picard's office.
"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked as she turned to face him. "You're unusually quiet."
"I am processing."
"Processing what?"
"Several hundred things at once," Data said, watching as Faith loosened her messy bun. "This is the second time I have witnessed you with blood on your face. I do not like the image."
She smiled. "You worried about me, Data?"
"In a sense," he said. "My lack of feelings do not permit me to worry."
"If it makes a difference, I also would not like to see you injured or dismantled."
Faith was exhausted and needed a hot shower. "I should clean up. You're welcome to hang out for a bit if you'd like to talk once I'm done."
Data smiled. "I would, thank you." He sat on the couch to wait for her.
Faith left to wash the dried blood and soot off her, saddened that her new dress had been ruined. She had spent hours agonizing over whether or not to dress up for dinner and while it had been the right move at the time, going into battle gussied up was not something she wanted to repeat in the future.
She cleaned as fast as she could so she wouldn't keep Data waiting. When she finally emerged, she wore an oversized shirt and sweatpants.
She paused in the doorway, her face breaking into a smile. Data had not moved from the couch. He remained exactly where she left him. 
Faith crossed the room, suddenly shy. This was Data, her friend. There was no reason to be nervous and yet her heart was threatening to escape her ribcage. And she wasn't the only one who noticed.
"Are you feeling alright, Faith?" he asked as she took the seat next to him. "Your heart rate has spiked significantly."
"I'm fine." At his doubtful look, she chuckled. "And I really mean it this time."
They sat in silence, neither seeming to know how to proceed. Faith was a jumble of emotions, her head spinning from the failed date, to the battle, to the argument, to the promotion...all on an endless loop. She was unaware her breathing had picked up until Data put his hand on hers. 
When she looked at him, he gave her a reassuring smile. "The danger has passed."
She sighed and slumped against him, shutting her eyes as she focused on her breathing. Data's arm came around her shoulders, his other hand still holding hers like it had before.
"I do not know what to say to offer comfort," he admitted. "I have talked you through your anxiety previously but I understand these are different circumstances."
"You don't need to say anything, Data," Faith said in a hushed tone. "You just being here is more than enough."
"Because my presence makes you feel safe?" 
She recalled her words from that morning and smiled. Had it really only been that morning? A lot had happened, and changed, in the span of one day. Such as it was aboard the Enterprise.
"Yes, Data. I can't explain why, but you make me feel safe."
"I am honored to provide you with such comfort, though I lack the emotional capabilities to understand how."
Faith pulled away to look at him. "Data, let me ask you something," she said. "If you don't have any semblance of emotion, how is it you are able to care?"
"I only wish to see my friends happy."
"Exactly," Faith said. "If you had no emotions, if you were incapable of feeling anything, you wouldn't try so hard. You wouldn't care so much." She squeezed his hand. "You would not be sitting here right now."
"Captain Picard ordered me to escort you to sickbay and your quarters."
"Did he order you to hold my hand? Did he order you to stay with me even if I let you leave? Did he ask you to sit in the dark waiting for me while I cleaned up?"
Data processed her words, eyes dancing from left to right as they fixated on hers. She had spent enough time with him to know when he was calculating. So she waited for him to reach his conclusion. 
"No, he did not."
"So why did you?"
"Because I…" Data paused. "I...do not know."
Faith reached out to lay a gentle hand on his cheek. "Because you felt like you should. Because you wanted to. Because you care. "
Data's eyes continued to search hers and when she saw his gaze drop to her lips, she stared at his as well.
"May I kiss you now, Faith?"
"Please do."
Her hand dropped from his face while both his cradled hers, holding it as if she were fragile. She supposed to him she was. She didn't feel like she was. Not right there and then. Not when her eyes slowly closed and his lips finally touched hers. Not when her body erupted with a flurry of emotion she was not prepared for.
He did not move, only pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss which lasted a mere few seconds. It felt like a lifetime to Faith and when he drew back, her eyes fluttered open. 
They stared at one another, enraptured. 
Faith gently placed her hands around his wrists, silently urging him to stay right where he was. She didn't have the luxury of a perfect memory. She needed time to study the way he looked as he stared at her through the dark, the lights of hyperspace flying past her window.
"Was that sufficient?" he asked, voice even softer than usual.
Faith smiled. "Yes, it was. Do it again."
Data kissed her again, the same soft press of lips, the same calculated precision. And she felt the same flood of emotion. Then his mouth started to move. It was subtle and ever so slow, but it sent tendrils of desire rocketing through her body, where they settled into her gut and tugged. 
All at once, it became too overwhelming and it was she who drew back this time, panting softly.
"Wow." was all she could manage to say.
"I assume that means you enjoyed our kiss."
"Yeah. Yeah, that's a safe assumption."
"I did as well." Data released her face, hands running down her arms until their hands were joined. "However, it is late, and we will have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I suggest you go to sleep." 
"Sure, kiss me like that and then leave. I see your game, Data. Keep me wanting more," she teased, the edges of sleep making its way into her voice.
Her body was fatigued beyond belief and though desire still remained present, she knew he was right. Tomorrow was a brand new day and a brand new promotion; she needed to be at her best.
Data raised his eyebrow. "I do not believe engaging in sex would be wise this late in the evening."
Faith laughed. "I was teasing," she assured him, letting his hands go as they both stood. "But don't think I've forgotten about that 'fully functional' remark. We're definitely going to talk about that at some point. I have questions."
She walked him to the door. He paused before leaving, placing a kiss on her cheek. 
"I will see you in the morning."
Faith smiled and watched as the doors opened for him and he stepped out into the hall. "Good night, Data."
"Good night, Faith."
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xxew-pineapplezxx · 5 years
Comforting you after a loss ~Hyung Line
So lately I haven’t really been feeling like posting, why? My aunt just passed away. I’ve been fighting depression over the last few weeks and it’s kind of made it hard to post anything. I to help myself and anyone else going through, I decided to make this. I hope it brings you peace like it’s bringing me...
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You stood looking out on the balcony. You couldn’t really fathom what you were told. Your friend, someone who had been there for you. Someone who had shared everything with you, was gone. You just wish you could’ve talked to her before that day came.
Jin walked out to meet you. When you didn’t look his way he moved behind you pulling you close.
“I know right now is some major shit,” He started but stopped when you started shaking your head. You turned around to face him.
“How is it that she thought it was okay to just take her own life? She didn’t even think about any of us!”
“Babe I know it’s going to be tough but don’t be angry at her.” He tried his best to stay calm while you told him how you felt.
“How the hell can I not be angry with her? Huh? I mean she was selfish. She didn’t think about anyone else but herself at that moment! She left me!” You couldn’t help but scream as you stared him in the eyes. It was obvious, the pain that sat in yours and it killed Jin.
“I want to make you feel better…” He softly spoke, moving his hands to your shoulder. “How can I help you feel better?”
“Can you bring her back?”
“You know that would be the first thing I would do if I could.” You moved into his chest holding him close. You couldn’t help but sob as you thought about you dear friend. You could only cry.
And all Jin could do was hold you.
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“No!” Yoongi heard you scream followed by a few things breaking. He quickly jumped up and rushed to the room to find you sitting on the floor, a cut on your leg from glass and your head between your head. He slowly moved towards you, pushing some of the glass out of the way and sat down.
“Babe,” He began, softly touching your arms to get your attention. You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face. You opened your mouth to say something but ended up crying again, throwing yourself on him.
He felt his heart break seeing you like this. What was the matter? Why were you so upset?
“Baby talk to me, please…” Yoon begged making you look at him. You sniffled and let out a shaky breath as you looked at him.
“I just found out that my dad-” You got choked up again as the tears came to your eyes once more. “ I have to go back home, Yoongi. I need to be with my family.”
He looked at you, nodding his head but still not quite understanding why you needed too. But he knew one thing.
“I’ll go with you.” He turned to get up but you grabbed his arm.
“You can’t go. You’re about to go on tour and you have a bunch of recording to do. You need to stay here with the boys.”
“I need to be wherever the girl I love is. You don’t get to go through this alone. I’m going to be right here with you until the end.”
You looked him in the eyes not saying anything. You didn’t deserve such an amazing man but yet you got him.
“You have to promise me one thing, though.” You started wanting to make it clear about him coming back home. “ If it ends up being a thing where I’m home longer than expected, you bring your ass home.”
He was silent not wanting to agree but knowing that it would be the best way for him not to lose his job.
“Fine, but I’m going to stay with you as long as I can. We’re going to make it through this together.”
You smiled at him, lips trembling slightly. You couldn’t help but move back into his arms taking him in as tears started to fall again.
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You walked in the hotel room, letting your heels hit the floor. Hoseok followed behind you letting out a great sigh as he turned on the lights and kicked off his shoes. You both were just coming back from a funeral for you Aunt. You hadn’t said anything since earlier that morning. This broke Hobi but what could he do? Well other than just being there for you.
You walked in the bedroom and just closed the door. You wanted to be alone but at the same time you wanted to be held. Your aunt was like a second mom to you. You didn’t know she had passed away until you got the call telling you to come home. You didn’t even get to say goodbye.
Thinking this only made you burst out in tears. You fell to the floor bringing your knees to you chest just as Hobi walked into the room. He watched you closely, his own eyes tearing up. He walked to you and sat down beside you. At first, he didn’t want to touch you. He wanted for you to have your space. But the other side of him wanted to pull you close and block out everything that is hurting you.
You beat him to it though. You moved into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. He only embraced you as you continued to let the tears flow.
He cleared his throat, rubbing your back in circles. He wanted to say something. He had too say something.
“Babe,” He started not saying anything for a few seconds to see if you would respond before continuing. “I know what we did today was hard. No one wants to say goodbye for the last time. It sucks that you have to go through this and I honestly wish I could fix this. I hate seeing you hurting… I hate seeing you like this.” He himself couldn’t hold back anymore. You both were now holding each other and crying. You for the lost of your aunt, him for the pain you were facing.
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You sat across from Namjoon as you waited in the hospital. You have heard that your grandfather had fallen ill and the chances of him making it was very slim. Of course your family was hoping the outcome was going to be different. No one was ready to lose someone so dear to them.
Just as you opened mouth to say something the nurse came out, followed by your grandmother. Just based off how she looked,you already knew what they were going to say. You looked at Joon, your eyes began to swell up with tears. As if he could read your mind, he moved over to a chair near you and took your hand into his own.
Your grandmother began to talk,”He looks peaceful. Seemed to have to pain as he went.” She said just as different ones started to cry. “ He said not to be sad. He wanted you all to know that he loves you and to not be sad.”
You stood up and walked down the hall without a word. You didn’t want to cry in front of them. You just needed to breathe and have time to yourself just for a little bit. But you already knew that Joon wasn’t going to give that to you.
You turned and as if on cue, Joon was walking down the hall to catch up to you. He grabbed your hand and you pulled him out of the hospital. When you guys got out you went and leaned against a wall, looking up at the sky as your eyes filled with tears.
“I can’t believe he’s gone…” You whispered shaking your head. You still was in shock but you knew this would happen. He had been sick for a long time.
“You know I’m here, right? Every step of the way.” Joon moved close to you, placing one hand on the wall beside you head and leaning his head on yours. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around his waist as tears began to fall. He pulled you into his chest kissing the top of you head.
“We’re going to make it through this. I’m here for you, baby.”
“Can we get a puppy?” You mumbled then looked up at him. “A puppy would really help in this situation.”
Joon smiled looking down at you. Your eyes bloodshot red and your nose and cheeks red as well. Of course he would let you get whatever the hell you wanted. You were his baby girl and he always spoiled you.
“Yeah, we can go look at some today.”
You looked him in the eyes before leaning up and pecking his lips. “I have to go check on my mom. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Y/n” He kissed you once more then allowed you to move as he just watched you walk by. It was going to hurt to see you crying but he was willing to help you through this whole thing.
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Up from the Depths
Title: Up from the Depths
Rating: G
Word count: 2059
Warnings: None.  
A/N: A while ago, @squishingvenus requested that someone write a siren/mermaid AU. That prompt inspired this little fic. You should also check out squishingvenus’s own version, Ocean’s Song.
 The dread pirate Wanda Maximoff was feared across the seven seas. She was a force of nature against powerful royal ships and seemed to have an uncanny ability to predict her foes’ moves before they made them. But she was not stronger than the ocean itself.
One day a sudden storm offered a demonstration of that fact. The sky turned black in the middle of the day, and the wind began to toss her ship like a toy. An island was in sight, but the wind kept blowing them farther away. Wanda and her crew tried to right the ship. They lashed themselves to anything secure, but it was not enough. A great crack of lightning tore the hull apart, and everyone was thrown overboard.
Wanda swam desperately toward where she had last seen Pietro. After several agonizing moments, a wave broke to reveal his blonde head. His eyes were closed, his form completely still in the water. She picked up her pace to reach her brother, but the wind and waves fought her every stroke.
She could almost grasp his hand when a gust of wind blew him away. Wanda cried out her dismay. Her strength was flagging, and she feared her twin had no hope when a slim, human-like shape rose through the water underneath him.
The creature that appeared above the frothing surface of the seafoam was a deep red. He draped Pietro’s arm around his shoulder and swam with him to the shore. Fear enveloped Wanda at the being’s possible intentions, but as soon as Pietro was safely beyond the waves’ reach, the man-shaped fish creature returned for the next unconscious crew member. Soon he had saved them all, and he finally returned for Wanda, who was still struggling against the towering ocean currents.
When he deposited her on dry land with the rest of her shipmates, he looked at her sadly for a moment and was gone before she could even thank him. Pietro was the first to wake, coughing up lungfuls of seawater. Wanda threw herself into his arms, relieved beyond words that he would survive. Her crew gradually recovered and made their way to the port on the other side of the island.
It was fortunate that this was one of their home bases, where they had provided many supplies from their capturing of the royal ships’ ill-gotten gains. The residents of the port were happy to repay them by building them a new ship and resupplying them.
In the weeks that followed, Wanda almost imagined that she had hallucinated the strange being who had saved them all. Once their ship was finished and they were able to return to the sea, life resumed its normal rhythms. She and her crew continued to earn their reputations as the fiercest pirates in the known world, striking fear in the hearts of the royal navy and bringing joy to the small islands where they freely gave of their loot.
A couple of years later, on a very different day from the day of their shipwreck, the sunshine glittered on the water and blue of the sky was unbroken above them. No other ships were in sight and the crew was still celebrating its last capture, so all were relaxed, drinking and casually casting nets over the side of the ship to catch some fish.
Wanda and Pietro led the cheers when they pulled in the first batch of fish. Salted and smoked, it would keep them for weeks. The nets were thrown out again to complete their haul. After a leisurely half hour spent waiting for more fish to pull on the nets, something much heavier almost pulled them out of the crew’s hands. With a mighty struggle, everyone managed to pull in the catch.
Wanda was astonished to see the barely remembered being from her dreams. He was breathing heavily and tears were falling from his eyes before they closed completely. She saw that his right fin was deeply cut where it joined his tail, almost completely separated. The rest of the crew was dumbstruck, even Pietro, all of them already being unconscious during their rescue. But she urged them into action, directing them to help her get him untangled from the nets and carry him to her bathtub. She didn’t even know if he could breathe air or understand their language. By instinct she felt for a pulse in his wrist. It was there, but it seemed too sluggish to be healthy.
Wanda filled the tub as quickly as possible. Once he was completely submerged, she could see gills in his neck flutter open and closed. Next, she ran to find something to stanch the bleeding in his tail. Wanda found a roll of bandages in her supplies and wrapped it securely around the cut. She supposed the only thing left to do was wait for him to wake up.
After several hours, Wanda saw the man sitting up and leaning against the side of the tub, looking around him only a bit dazed. He did not appear to be struggling to draw in breath outside of the water. While he was turned away from her, Wanda took advantage of the opportunity to study him a little more closely. His entire body, from smooth scalp to tail, was covered in hairless red skin. The lower half of his body was covered with scales that flashed crimson and silver, matching the glimmer of the water.
As he finally turned to face her, she caught herself saying, “Hi,” without thinking.
She winced, but he only smiled gently at her. She found herself disarmed by his expression, despite his strange appearance. A matching smile was drawn to her own face. Perhaps he could understand her after all.
Her surmise was proved correct when he said, “Hello.”
Wanda blinked at him a bit, and he smiled more broadly. He shifted, so that he faced her more fully. “So you can speak my language?”
“Yes, my people speak all the languages of all the lands that touch the seas.” His light accent caressed the syllables perfectly.
“And you saved me and my crew a few years ago?”
“Yes, that was I.” His smile collapsed as he tried to move and gasped, looking down at his injured tail. He looked back up at her. “My tail appears to nonfunctional right now.”
“It’s poor repayment for saving our lives that our nets hurt you.” Wanda knelt on the floor, grateful for the cushioning her ample skirts provided, so that they could eye to eye. “I’m sorry.” She wished him to know how sincere she was.
The man shook his head in denial. “It was an accident. I will heal quickly.” His grimace and the blood still leaking from his bandaged tail belied his words. “Besides, it was my own fault that caused my injury. I typically do not swim so close to your ship.” He frowned more deeply as he realized his error.
“Typically?” Wanda recoiled a bit, crossing her arms defensively. It served her right to trust a complete stranger. “You’ve been following us?”
He looked away from her for the first time. “Yes, your exploits have reached our people. You are considered a threat to us, so we conduct surveillance on you.” His hands clenched around the rim of the tub. “That is the only reason I was close enough to rescue you on that day.” He directed his gaze back to her again, an apologetic tilt to his lips. “So we are somewhat equal.”
Wanda thought for a moment, raising an eyebrow at him. She did not appreciate people spying on her. “And what was your conclusion as to whether my ship poses a danger to you?”
He clearly sensed her displeasure because he became sheepish again before meeting her eyes squarely. “We have never been able to confirm that you are truly a danger to us, as you are to the king’s ships.”
“We’re not. We don’t bother anyone who does not bother us.” Wanda took pride in never going after weaker or peaceful vessels. She only sought to get a little bit of revenge on the royal ships that had wronged her and to be free from their control.
“I have observed that,” he murmured. “We only wanted to know enough about you to protect ourselves. My people are few in number, and we have been gravely hurt by humans in the past.”
Wanda could understand. That was ultimately the reason she was a pirate. Her home was gone, and only her brother remained to her. The royal army had decimated her country before leaving it to ruins. “As long as you don’t get in my way, I don’t mind.” He sank back gratefully against the side of the tub, obviously glad that she was not going to question him further.
During the natural lull in the conversation, Pietro came in. He looked between the two of them, frowning at Wanda kneeling on the floor. “He’s awake?”
“Clearly.” Wanda gave him a look. “He’s been following us.” Pietro immediately bristled, and she laid a hand on his arm. “Don’t worry. I have an understanding with, uh…” She frowned at the occupant of her tub. “What’s your name?”
“Vision and I have an understanding,” she repeated.
Pietro still regarded Vision skeptically, but he subsided. “Alright. Just be careful.”
“I always am, Pietro.” When her brother was gone, Wanda smiled at Vision. “Do you need anything? Are you hungry?”
“No, my tail should heal in a few hours. I will cease to bother you, then.”
True to his word, he was completely healed by the time the sun was setting. The crew helped lower him into the water. Everyone hung over the edge to watch him take a few experimental strokes. With a final wave, he disappeared beneath the gentle waves.
A few weeks later, the ship had just dropped anchor in a new port. Wanda stayed behind to go through the final tasks of docking the ship. Pietro had offered to stay with her, but she had sent him along to the inn with the others. She always appreciated these few moments of solitude.
Just as she was going through her final checklist a familiar head popped up in the water in front of her. “Good afternoon, Wanda.”
“I thought you had determined that we weren’t a threat to you.”
“Yes,” he admitted, ducking his head. “But my people do not need to know that. I have come to enjoy the freedom of swimming through the seas and following your ship. There is so much of the world that I have not explored.”
Wanda smiled slowly. “Well, I have been thinking we have traveled too long in the same waters. We need to expand to a wider territory.” Vision grinned up at her. “If you wait there, I’ll go down to the dock in a few minutes.” He nodded.
For the next several hours, she sat next to him with her feet in the water while Vision leaned his elbows on the dock. They talked about everything under the sun and sea. Wanda was somewhat surprised that Pietro didn’t come looking for her, but she supposed even he grew too absorbed in the tavern atmosphere to notice her absence. When it was time to turn in for the night, they agreed to meet the next day.
The same pattern continued over the next several months. Sometimes Vision would rejoin his people, but when it was his turn to follow her, they would meet and talk throughout the day or night.
On one such night, with the silvery moonlight gleaming down, reflecting off the water and casting an ethereal glow around them, Wanda and Vision rested in the shallows together. They were sitting close enough that their hands sometimes brushed as they gestured. At one point, Vision noticed that a piece of seaweed had gotten stuck in Wanda’s hair. He reached out to gently untangle it. Once he removed it, he couldn’t resist continuing to stroke the soft strands. When Wanda smiled invitingly at him, he was emboldened further to trail his fingertips along her jawline.
She leaned into his touch, and he responded by lowering his head to kiss her. Wanda kissed Vision back, and they lost track of time under the swirling stars.
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jinterlude · 6 years
To the One Who Nursed a Broken Heart:
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» gif credits: Boy In Luv MV
↳ Pairing(s): Kim Seokjin x Reader (Female OC)
↳ Genre(s): High School!AU, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before!AU, Romance, Humor, Best Friends Turned Lovers Trope, Angst, & Fluff
↳ Warning(s)/Rating: N/A / PG-13
↳ Words: 3.3K
↳ Summary: 5 letters. That’s all you have ever written throughout your life…well…your life as a high school student. 5 different fellas came into your life and has made a memorable impact in your heart that you honestly needed to unleash those feelings. So, you grab a pen, some paper, and envelopes and simply write. You write how it is because of them that you experience that love comes in different forms. Some noticeable and some you need to take a magnifying glass to. You’re honestly and truly thankful towards them, and the best part is that they will never know about your hidden feelings…right?
«  Last Letter | Next Letter »
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You quickly wipe away any remaining tears, letting out a few sniffles. You take a deep breath; your eyes fluttering shut as you do so. Then, slowly, you exhale. You release all the pent-up adoration for Junhong from your body. Why? Well, those feelings are not necessary for the next person. It’d be quite disrespectful if you’ve focused on your love for Junhong while reading the letters about the person who essentially saved you from the darkness.
It is never easy going through any form of heartbreak, but it is especially difficult when it is your first one…
Your eyes are glossy and puffy. Your cheeks are stain with red. You honestly feel that you’ve cried every single tear that’s stored in your body, but your emotions beg to differ. In just a span of one week, you’ve lost the love of your life, flunked your biology test, and apparently your sister from another mister is dating someone that you absolutely loath. Like, you never wish ill of anyone, but you can care less if her boyfriend’s run over by a truck. That’s how much you hate his guts.
And your best friend knows and respects your opinion of him. She just asks that you remain civil whenever he’s around, and she’ll ask him to do the same.
One of the many disadvantages of a close knit of friends. There aren’t many of you guys, so you can’t afford to cause a rift.
Especially now…
Not a day goes by that you don’t think of Junhong and hope that he’s living his best life in the United Kingdom. But you’ll be lying to yourself if you don’t mention the fact that you wish he’s living his best life with you.
What a bittersweet feeling…
Letting out yet another sigh, you glance at your alarm clock.
           “2:36 PM” It reads.
You make a face as you reach out for your phone. Up until now, you’ve been a bit MIA. You’ve ignored every single text message and call from your friends, that it’s honestly concerning.
[25 missed calls – That Handsome Doofus]
[43 missed calls – The Pain in the Ass I “Love”]
[54 text messages – That Handsome Doofus]
The corners of your mouth curve slightly as you can’t help but be amused. You find it a bit theatrical that one of your best guy friends has taken upon himself to bombard your phone.
With the amount of notifications you’ve received from him, it seems like he’s making sure you’re still alive and that this is still your phone number.
Hm. Maybe you should change it just to mess with him.
What a great friend you are.
Unplugging your phone, you sit up from your bed, leaning against the wall. You unlock your phone and tap the message app. Just as you open your chat with that arrogant fall you call a friend, a light knock echoes throughout your bedroom. Then, you hear your mom’s voice say,
           “Sweetie, Seokjin is here to see you.”
You roll your eyes. Of course. He’s always been the irrational one between you two.
           “Alright,” You swing your legs and place your feet on the carpet, “Tell him I’ll be right out.” You say, standing up, unaware of your mom’s sheepish smile.
           “Yeah…about that…” Your mom trails on, opening your bedroom door enough to reveal a rather anxious Seokjin.
You purse your lips, exhaling deeply. Your gaze homing in on Seokjin. This might be a new record for him. He usually gives you about five minutes before invading your bedroom.
Wow. You must’ve worried him like crazy.
You quickly say, “thank you”, to your mom before gesturing to Seokjin that he can come in.
Not wasting another moment, Seokjin rushes inside, shedding his jacket and carelessly tossing it to your lounge chair.
           “What the Hell, Y/N?”
You roll your eyes, waving away his question.
           “Well. It’s nice to see you Jinnie. What brings you over to my humble abode?”
           “Oh…I don’t know…maybe it’s because you worried all of US to death!”
Your body flinches at his harsh tone. Okay. You deserve that.
           “I’m sorry, Jinnie, but I just needed some alone time.” You sigh, taking a seat on the foot of you bed. You then pat the spot next to you, signaling Seokjin to come sit next to you. Naturally, he does with no hesitation whatsoever. That’s one of his qualities that makes you cherish your friendship with him. He does almost everything that you ask. With certain things, like going on a date with a friendly acquittance, he needs a huge amount of convincing. Sometimes you’re successful. Other times, you owe him a lunch date or two.
You’re honestly quite thankful for him. He’s the strength during your dark times.
Not even Junhong can hold that special title. And that’s why you feel a bit of guilt being alone with Seokjin in your room.
Junhong has told you to move on when the time is right, but how can you? More importantly, who will help you move on? Last time you checked, your candidates are pretty slim.
Oh…but…how blind you are…
Releasing another heavy sigh, hoping to break the awkward silence, you shyly glance at Seokjin. You observe his body language, noting how relax he seems. His brows are knit together; tiny creases ever so visible on his forehead. The corners of his lips are curved upwards. This pinkish hue looks natural on his cheeks. And…has his Adam’s apple always looked profound?
You can’t…
You just broke up with Junhong…
You don’t want to betray him by admiring your best friend.
You will never betray Junhong.
On the other hand, with Seokjin, he enjoys the fact that you’re checking him out. He’s handsome, so why not? But, at the same time, he can’t help but feel like an asshole for being incredibly happy that you’re single again. When he has learned that you’re dating Hoseok’s friend, he has become sad because he wanted that opportunity to date you. He has wanted that chance to explore his blossoming infatuation with you but obviously, that never happened.
So…naturally…like any other guy friend will do…
He buries them deep down in the darkest depths of his heart and learn to be happy with just being your friend.
As long you’re happy, then he’s happy.
He has helped you with every fight and worry that you’ve experienced with Junhong. When you’ve released countless of tears, he’s there to wipe them away and soothe your thoughts. He has become the calm that every storm needs.
That’s Kim Seokjin.
But now? He wants to explore something more. He needs to take this chance, especially with his Senior year approaching.
He doesn’t live with regrets.
Mustering the much needed courage, Seokjin takes one final deep breath and exhales.
Then, he turns his attention towards, smiling softly as he sees you mess with the hem of your t-shirt.
           “Y/N?” He finally speaks, sweeping his tongue across his bottom lip, moistening it.
You hum in response. Your eyes trailing from your “interesting” shirt to Seokjin’s gorgeous face. Come again?
           “Would you slap me if I were to ask you out on a date?”
           “Like…a friendly date…?”
           “No. Like an actual romantic date where I might be courageous enough to kiss you on the cheek.”
Your eyes widen. Your jaw practically drops to the floor. That’s something you aren’t expecting to come from his mouth.
But again…you know he’s known for his unpredictability. So…
           “Uh…” You begin but soon feel his finger on your lips.
Seokjin flashes his signature, heart-fluttering smile, and says,
           “You don’t have to answer me right now. I know you’re going through a heartbreak and will give you time to readjust to the single life,” He suddenly stands up, “I just want to ask before I forget or become a complete coward.” He smiles softly; his gaze glowing with adoration. He then walks over to your bedroom door and opens it. He peeks over his shoulder with this grin that causes your heart to race.
           “I’ll see you at school, princess.” He says sweetly before walking out of your room and pass your mom, “See you later, Mrs. L/N.”
Your mom nods, watching him disappear down the stairs, before walking inside your room with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen in your entire life.
           “Ooh…so are you gonna go on that date?” asks your mom with an intrigued gleam in her eyes.
Oh my goodness…
           “I don’t know mom. He’s just a friend.”
           “Well, it seems like he’s doesn’t want to be “just” your friend, sweetie.”
           “Which is weird since he’s never expressed interest in me before.”
Your mom’s grin grows wider, “Or… He just respected your relationship with Junhong patiently waited for his one chance.” She states as she walks towards your bedroom door, “Think about it and maybe give him a chance. Who knows…maybe he’s just what you need to be able to love again?” She adds before walking out, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Is he what you need?
Thanks a lot mom…
A loud, frustrated fueled groan escapes your lips as you flop back on your bed. You reach for one of your pillows and cover your face with it, hoping to smother yourself.
Your mom just had to say that…
But, she’s right. Seokjin’s just what you needed in order to get out of your slump. A few weeks after that visit, he’s taken you out on that date. Oh, God. You remember how big of a nervous wreck you were in the afternoon. Your closet has been emptied out as your clothes laid on the floor. Your vanity mirror has looked like a tornado zoomed right through it. You even called up two of your closest friends. Your sisters from different misters as you call them. That’s how desperate you’ve become, so you can look quite gorgeous for your handsome best friend.
Though, now as you recall that night, you realize that those theatrics weren’t necessary. You honestly tease yourself as you continue to read the letter addressed to Seokjin. You write how much he frustrates you to how he makes you crazy in love. You can’t believe that this journey has been one giant crazy ride.
Just like any other ride…
It has come to an end…
You let out a long and deep sigh, mentally preparing yourself to handle yet another heartbreaking moment. Though, nothing will beat the pain and tears you’ve felt when you’ve written Junhong’s letter. Well. Actually. Scratch that. There’s one letter that is almost on par with your first love’s letter but luckily, Seokjin’s letter isn’t it.
When you move on to read his letter, you’ll need to take a breather because, besides experiencing a heartbreak, nothing beats the good old “what could’ve been?” feeling. That feeling of that you’re an almost with someone but eventually have become strangers.
That feeling stings the most…
           “Okay. Okay.” You utter as you scan Seokjin’s letter, finding the spot where you’ve left off. Your eyes scan sentence after sentence, taking in the array of emotions once again.
Then, you finally land on a word, signaling your mind that you’ve reached your destination.
A faint sigh escapes your lips. Your eyes blink a few times, hoping that action will prevent any tears from forming. You don’t feel like crying more than fives times today.
But, of course, your emotions have a mind of their own. They sometimes listen to you but other times, they don’t.
It’s fun being a girl!
With one final deep breath, you read the beginning paragraph, reading a few sentences to yourself.
           “I can’t believe that we completed yet another school year together! I remember my mom wanting to throw a graduation party for you, but you turned it down. Weeks have gone by, and I have yet to hear a peep from you. Maybe it’s my turn to spam your phone…”
You stop as you feel tears pool in the brim of your eyes. Yet you can’t help but smile. You have always known that Seokjin is going to go on to do great things with his life.
You hold true to that saying.
If you love something, then let it go. One day, it’ll come back to you…
Panting, you exert any remaining adrenaline, that surges through your body, as you hope to catch Seokjin before he officially leaves for college.
Weeks prior, you have left him text message after text message, but they went unanswered. Then, when it’s his turn to reach out to you, your family has decided to take a week trip to your grandparents’ house.
Talk about bad luck.
Now, just as you got home, you receive a voice mail from Seokjin, saying that today is his last day in town before he officially goes away to college.
So many questions and scenarios bombard your mind. Do you want to try long distance with him? Will he forget all about you once his college life picks up? Will you end up heart broken by the man who’s spent almost a year nursing it?
It’s selfish to want him to change his mind, but you know that, in good conscience, you can’t do that to him. He has been nothing but sweet and loving to you so, as much as your heart will hurt, you have to let him go.
Just like Junhong has done with you…
After what seems like an eternity, you finally turn the corner and see a familiar backside leaning forward over a car. You see that the trunk is open, so you know that you at least have a few minutes to say your piece and kiss Seokjin one last time.
           “Jinnie!” You shout, jogging up to him.
Seokjin’s ears perk up; his mind registering the voice of the one person he cherishes with his entire heart. A faint but sad smile appears on his face as he positions a box against the trunk of his car.
Then, he stands up and turns around. His face light up like a kid in a candy store. He holds out his arms, waiting for you to come crashing in.
           “Hey princess.” He greets happily, engulfing your body into his. He rests his cheek against the top of your head, ignoring the warm sensation. Don’t you love dark colored hair on a hot Summer’s day?
He pecks your temple before breaking the hug but keeps his arms wrap around your waist.
           “I was scared that you weren’t going to make it.” He confesses sadly; his expression dropping a bit.
You plaster on a smile, not wanting to make him any sadder than he already is.
           “I’m sorry. I just got home from my grandparents’ house when you left me that voice mail,” You glance up, “If anyone should be scared, it should be me. I was legit afraid that you’d be long gone by the time I had got home.” You say. Your expression dropping as well.
An airy chuckle escapes his lips as Seokjin pulls you in for another hug.
           “Well, I’m glad that you’re here now. I’d think I would be absolutely crush, if I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to my princess.” He mumbles into your hair. He inhales in your sweet scent, wanting to memorize your aroma while he’s away at college.
You smile into his chest while your heart tightens. This is going to be extremely difficult but at the end of the day, you’re doing what’s best for him.
He needs to leave with nothing to hold him back.
You don’t want to hold him back.
It’s time…
You pull away just enough to get one final look at his handsome face. You eyes study every single facial feature, wanting to remember his beautiful eyes, gorgeous plump limps, and cute nose. How his ears turn bright red whenever he’s embarrassed. How his eyes become animated whenever he passionately talks about an interest of his.
You remember him as the way he is now and not when he’s upset and reluctant to leave you.
           “Can we talk?”
           “Oh…that’s not a phrase any boyfriend wants to hear.”
           “I know... but you and I both know that we have to end things between us.”
           “No we don’t.”
You exhale deeply, closing your eyes briefly before opening them.
           “Seokjin, you know I love you to the sun and back, but you’re going away to college today. I just don’t want to hold you back.” You try to convince him, but you notice his jaw tighten.
He’s upset.
           “How are you going to hold me back? If anything, you’re my reason for wanting to do my absolute best!”
           “How?! Knowing you, all you’re going to do is worry about me or perhaps become jealous over the fact that you’re no longer to keep the other boys away!”
           “And?! What’s so bad about that?! Honestly Y/N, you should be worried if I no longer care!”
Jesus Christ. This is getting you nowhere. This petty argument is the last thing you want your relationship experience to be. Ideally, you’ve wanted to end it amicably. Obviously, that’s not happening.
But you don’t condemn him for it. Your heart soars knowing that he wants to make your relationship work, but you know that – eventually – it will sizzle out. And you don’t want to lose your best friend.
           “Why are we fighting, Seokjin? This is not how I wanted us to end things.”
Seokjin rolls his eyes, scoffing. He crosses his arms over his chest as he’s released you from his loving hold minutes ago. He stares off into the distance. His jaw still clenches.
He doesn’t want to lash out on you again as he has come to realize that you’re right. His jealousy can get pretty bad to the point that it’ll consume his thoughts.
Don’t get him wrong. He does have absolute trust in you, but he’ll miss you too much that it only fuel his jealous fits.
You don’t deserve it, and he doesn’t deserve it.
He hates it when you’re right. Since the first day, you guys have become friends. You’re always right whether he likes it or not.
Darn it…
His expression softens. His eyes flutter shut for a moment. A slow release of breath can be heard as he directs his attention onto you.
You simply stare, unsure what’s he going to do next. Then, you feel his soft fingers against your cheek. You lean into his warm touch; your eyes glowing with nothing but love.
           “Why do you always have to be right, princess?”
           “Because you adopted the whole “being wrong most of the time” so naturally, I became the one who’s always right.”
           “For the last time…you’re right.”
           “Aren’t I always…”
Your fingers touch your lips as you can faintly feel the tingling sensation as if he just kissed you. Slowly, a warm smile graces your face as you’ve reached the end of the letter.
After you guys have shared one last kiss, he entered his vehicle and drove away. Unknown to you, Seokjin glanced in his rearview mirror, wanting to take one final glimpse at the girl he’s leaving behind.
You remember standing near his house until his car’s no longer in sight. You recall feeling pleased with yourself that you at least manage to say goodbye and end something on happy note.
Until last year, Seokjin has kept his word of texting and calling you, just as friends of course, every single day. Then, like any other student, he has gotten busy and the calls just stopped.
However, you’re luckily enough that you’ve gotten some advice on how to handle the next letter recipient.
Your bottom lip disappears as you seal away Seokjin’s letter and place the envelope on top of Junhong’s.
Then, after debating for about ten seconds, you reach a light sea green colored envelope. You let out a long and loud sigh as you read the code name for its’ recipient.
           “To the One Who’s a Complete Stranger…”
This should be fun…
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A/N: Okay, I find it amusing that Seokjin’s section is 300+ words longer. I’m so sorry Junhong ;-; But every time I write for Jinnie, his angst scenes require a longer scene. Poor him tbh...
Anyway...any guesses on who’s the next person? ;)
Don’t forget to leave a like/reblog/comment/send in an ask on your thoughts! I love hearing them! :)
- Kim
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mellicose · 6 years
Character: Campbell Bain x OC (Candace)
Rating: Mature, for eventual sexuality
Word Count: 8286
Warnings: mentions of emotional abuse and depictions of mental illness. (they are in an asylum, after all.)
Summary: Campbell and Candace have been flitting around each other like fireflies in the dark halls of St. Jude's for months. A simple conversation gives Campbell the courage to take their relationship to the next level.
I already wrote a small piece about this budding ship, and it stayed with me until I couldn’t help but to flesh out the characters and give them some happiness. I don’t know why, but I really, really love this pairing. I hope you like it too.
Ao3 Link
He sat at her feet in the few minutes before lights out. She ran her fingers through his thick hair, and he was completely still, willing her to continue.
“Your hair is so soft,” she said. The scent of soap drifted up to her. “How do you get it so silky?”
It took a few seconds for him to be able to speak. “Um, I don’t do much. Just wash.”
She giggled. “My hair’s an absolute pain in the ass,” she said. “Dry as a bone, and frizzy.”
He looked up at her. Her wavy hair was in a loose bun.
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“It’s pretty,” he said. He reached up to curl a tendril around his finger.
“A pretty pain in the arse,” she said, squeezing his hand. “I’ve gotten so desperate I’m putting Jergens on the ends.”
“Is that why it smells like cherries?” he said, sniffing his hand.
She shrugged. He sat on the arm of the overstuffed chair. Someone nearby balked at the nurse’s aid about his medication. He pulled off the elastic holding her hair gently and raked her hair free. It soon billowed around her face in a dark cloud.
“If you could have any three wishes, what would they be?” he said. She sighed as he massaged her scalp.
“This curiosity wouldn’t be because we watched Aladdin last night?” she said, and smiled.
“I will neither confirm nor deny,” he said. Her hair was glossy, and soft. He couldn’t begin to understand the subtleties of a woman’s vanity. But he knew that she came from good people. Her being at St. Jude’s was meant to be a punishment for the shame she caused her family with her breakdown at university. “Tell me.”
“Honestly, I don’t know. What about you?” She kicked off her worn leather slippers and curled her toes. Both her fingernails and toenails were bare, but clean and neat.
“I asked you first. I’ll say after you tell me yours.”
“Let me think, then,” she said, leaning into his side. The nurses milled around with the patients, but they watched closely.
He took her hand and laced his fingers through hers. “You most probably used to do all sorts of fancy things, like manicures, pedicures, and facials,” he said.
“That came out of nowhere,” she said.
“We were just talking about your hair,” he said, and played with a curl. “Same thing, kinda.”
“Before, I could afford all that, and get a blowout weekly,” she said. “My actual hair was a closely kept secret,” she said conspiratorially. “Mother hated it. Always. You can’t imagine how many times I thought she’d yank it right out my head while combing it in primary school.”
“That’s horrible. What’s a blowout?” he said.
“Going to the salon to get it washed and blow-dried into a silken mane, like yours,” she said.
“But I like your hair,” he said. “It’s the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen.”
“Slim pickings here, though.” she said softly, and withdrew. She had endured years upon years of verbal and emotional abuse from her adoptive mother. Despite her crippling bouts of depression, she managed to still get grades decent enough for a good university. Her father - her own flesh and blood - sat back and let it happen for the sake of peace in the household … until she broke down and tried to take her own life three times in two days. He found her on a bench by a canal on a rainy afternoon, bleeding into the soaked bench and repeating the words “I’m tired. So tired. Tired.”
Even after that, her father was still married to the woman. And that woman put her in St. Jude’s.
“No. You light up this dark place,” he said. The jagged, too-pink scars on her arms made him shiver.
“Shh,” she said. “No fibbing.”
“It’s not a lie. I promise,” he said earnestly, and knelt in front of her. She’d gone pale and tight-lipped. He didn’t want her to have another episode. The last time, it took her a week to fully come back to herself. Every time, he missed her more and more. Gladly, every time, they got shorter.
Her eyes drifted slowly to his face. They swam in tears.
“Tell me your wishes,” she said again. He didn’t like the sluggishness in her voice. Any more symptoms, and he was yelling for Isabel.
“First one: no more mental illness,” he said.
She sniffed. “No good. It’s like wishing for no more death. Genie can’t grant it,” she said.
“You’re being far too sensible,” he said, squeezing her hands. Her head drooped a bit lower, and her beautiful hazel eyes began to go a flat brown. “Okay, fine.” He put his hand on her cheek. She looked at him again. “Eh … eh ... to get us out of here. Forever,” he said.
She remained silent, but she was still with him.
“A really nice car to drive away in,” he said excitedly. “One that didn’t need petrol. It would go as far as we needed to go, no matter what.”
She smiled. It was painfully slow and barely there, but he would take it.
“One more, Aladdin,” she said softly. The sound of her voice gave him strength. If she could still talk, there was still hope.
“To give you three wishes,” he said. He kissed her hand.
“Okay, you two. Enough with all that,” a nurse’s assistant said.
“Now you’ll have to really think and tell me yours,” he whispered in her hair. The woman took one look at her and called Isabel. He squeezed her hand again. “Please. I’d love to know them.”
“Fly,” she whispered back. “Far.”
“That’s way better than mine,” he said, reluctant to let go of her hand as Isabel walked briskly to them.
“Alright Campbell, time for bed,” she said. The nurse’s aid handed her a prepped syringe. Isabel put it in her pocket.
“But you have to think real hard about the other two. I can’t wait to hear them,” he said to her. He pressed his lips against her temple.
“Off you go. She’ll be fine. She just needs some rest,” Isabel said, rubbing his arm. He nodded and took a step back. The two women picked her up, and walked her to the women’s dorm. He hated the way her feet dragged, and how her normally ballet-straight spine sagged with an unsurmountable despair.
“Fly,” he repeated under his breath. He wished she could fly too.
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jaaswolfen · 6 years
Format Ch4
Hello hello! Wolfn here with anew update. It was so long, But I hope you enjoy it!
As always, thanks to @yuukazuto for inspiring this piece of work, and everyone else who work in fanart, fanfic, and the such to keep this ship alive.
Read it in AO3
The following days were torture for the Korean, in more ways than one. The mission had gone public, for the better or the worse. And while MEKA was aware of D.va’s involvement with the newly (re)founded Overwatch, it did not mean they approved of unauthorized tempering with their technology. That blow was taken by D.va herself, claiming that she did the tempering herself, and that was purposely done as to leave no evidence whatsoever of her involvement. Which worked. Kind of. She had gotten an earful of her team and friends, but ultimately knew just how much of a wild card she was sometimes and resigned themselves to saying it was “just D.va being D.va”. Nothing was mentioned to them about her relationship with the hacker. And while it broke her heart to lie to her team again, she knew it was for the best.
Secondly, she had to answer to Overwatch herself. Of course, the fact the two of the more prominently figures in the institution, that being Angela and Winston, were aware to some extent of her shenanigans played in her favor. But there were others, particularly on the more traditional side of Overwatch that were at cross with her actions. Torbjorn was not a happy man. Well, he was never happy, but even less happy with what had happened. Claiming that Hana was indeed not ready for a place in the organization, and that she should face the consequences of her actions. Once the emotional high left him, Commander Morrison also took a more professional approach to the incident as well. “Professional” meaning he was deciding whenever she should kick D.va out and execute Sombra, or, execute them both altogether. Thankfully, the older Amari was quick to shoot that idea down, on the grounds that they both were guilty of using similar tactics as mercenaries. And who knows, maybe one of them had used the hacker’s services themselves.
Worse of all, Hana had been prohibited to enter Sombra’s resting room. This sent the pilot into a frenzy almost immediately, but was subsided just as quickly as it appeared when it wasn’t Morrison, but Angela who alleged that it was ill advised to have her absorb so much shocking information at once.
The truth of the matter was that they had to make a choice. Not an easy one at that, but a choice. What had happened to D.va was absurdly tragic, but she nonetheless betrayed the trust of plenty of her teammates. And even though Sombra had saved one of their own, was one right enough to forget of her previous wrongdoings?
Winston knew that something like this could spell tragedy, so in an effort to clear any lingering questions, he summoned a post-mission meeting to all and everyone who wished to attend. Unsurprisingly, pretty much everyone confirmed as soon as they could. And before he realized, what was intended as a meeting became a trial.
Factions were quickly formed in the base. The younger generation, led by Lucio, firmly believed that both D.va and Sombra had already redeemed themselves by virtue of their actions. And that there was no way in hell that them “Heroes” would leave to die someone who had saved one of their own. They also believed that Sombra could prove herself even further once she was fully healed, and some even dared to say she could one day form part of the team.
The complete opposite, leaded in part by Torbjorn and Morrison believed firmly that while Hana had been a valuable assent, proven to be too much of a risk to continue serving under the name of Overwatch. And instead should return to the MEKA force back in Busan, if they would have her. And Sombra, while a helping hand this one time, was still a criminal and a terrorist. And should be prosecuted and punished as such. Which would mean life in prison, or even worse.
Surprisingly, a third party was formed as well. This led by the Older Amari. She, alongside others like Mc Cree and Genji, claimed that things were not as black-and-white as everyone claimed, and that both deserved a chance to prove their case. But doing so safely and with the necessary precautions taken. They would never question D.va’s loyalty to the cause, but love made us do stupid, stupid things. And this they knew maybe better than anyone.
Hana, now fully healed up, stood anxiously with her arms crossed over her chest. Her determination irradiating from her slim body. It was just a couple of days since the incident, but she already looked ready to pick a fight with whoever dared to look her way. On the opposite side of the room, stood Zarya. The Russian was imposing as always, but ever since the arrival of their unfortunate guest, her mood seemed fouler than usual. Alongside her also stood the swede, if only opaqued by the fury of the one besides him. Little by little, the room began filling up. And indeed everyone had confirmed assistance except the usual. That being Orisa who returned to Numbani, Brigette who was yet to join Overwatch in their base, and Bastion who…
Well, his opinion as a team member was valued, but the language barrier imposed quite the predicament.
They all stood in silence as the last member entered the room. Tensions high as all factions huddled together, wordlessly announcing their thoughts on the matter. Once McCree graced everyone with his presence, Winston’s baritone voice called everyone’s attention.
“Everyone, thank you all for coming in such a short notice.” He called. “I’m sure you all have your own personal duties to attend to, but today’s matter is something that needs to be discussed.” He stopped. Quickly glancing around the room, pretty much everyone knew exactly what today’s meeting was about. Even those who didn’t hear the complete story did not miss their enemy just chilling in their infirmary.
“Today there are two subjects that are to be discussed. First: the consequences for Agent Hana Song, A.K.A. D.Va for her actions leading to the mission in Monaco, and whenever she is fit to continue as a member of Overwatch.” He started. Everyone casted their sights towards Hana, yet she stood firmly. A twinge of guilt crossed her chest, but was completely drowned for what came next.
“And Second: The course of action regarding the ex-Talon agent Olivia Colomar, formerly known as Sombra, based on her actions leading to the same mission previously mentioned. Since both incidents go hand in hand, I ask of all of us present to speak in an orderly fashion, and address the matters in that same order.”
Immediately, Lucio raised his hand, and it wasn’t Winston, but Athena who acknowledged him.
“Yes, agent Dos Santos?” She asked.
“Ok. So the deal with Sombra I can get. But you all still are giving Hana a hard time? She already came clean with you guys!” He claimed. Hana was about to stop him, before Torbjorn answered from the other side.
“So what? It doesn’t change the fact that she lied to us all. She is not a child anymore, and she needs to pay her dues, whatever Commander Winston and us decide!” He claimed. This turned several heads towards him, and some others couldn’t help but nod in agreement. To this, it was Angela who intervened.
“It was not her responsibility alone. She felt confused, scared and alone. If anything, it shows that we were not trustworthy of her, and not the other way around. What about us others that were aware of their relationship and kept it to ourselves? What about Winston? Or Athena? Or me?” She called.
“Bah! If everyone here had a tenth of Winston’s intelligence the world would be a better place! And Athena is a robot. And robots follow orders. It’s just a matter of making sure it can’t pull a stunt like that again!” He claimed again. 
“I am an Artificial Intelligence Module created by Dr. Winston. I can assure you Agent Lindholm, I am far more than a mere ‘Robot’.” The voice came from the ceiling. He didn’t grace her with an answer.
“And me? Don’t you trust my judgement? My medical opinion?” Asked Angela.
“You, child?” He stopped. His eyes wondered unconsciously to Ana. To the patch that decorated her eye, and the reason behind it. “You have been wrong before.” He said nonchalantly, adverting his eyes. Angela’s widened, and her pale skin took to a fiery red. It was a rare sight to catch the good doctor angry, and Torbjorn’s words made her livid. While not all knew of the implications of what Torbjorn had just said, those who did could not help flinch a bit at the hidden meaning. Before Angela could lash out, Jesse took the opportunity.
“That was a low blow Torb, even for someone as “low” as yourself.” He chuckled. Jesse still did not understand the concept of “Time and Place” for jokes. At the silence of his audience, he continued. “Fine then. What about everything else hmm? All of the missions, all of the missed opportunities?” He walked around the room and came face to face with Hana. “You know exactly just how much damage her mech could do, yet she has never dared to even point the damn thing at us. She had literally a bomb capable of tearing down buildings for months stationed right here and yet she never used it.” He lit a cigar, and rested his arm around the Koreans shoulder. “My opinion? Lassie is as trustworthy as any of us. She had her partner, like any of us. She screwed up, like any of us. And yet she always puts the team above everything.” Not like any of us. He wanted to add. But he was trying to defuse the situation, not blow it up. To this, Hana smiled. She didn’t like the situation. She didn’t like that the team was split like this, but she was grateful that Jesse and the others had her back.
To this, Winston once again took the lead. “Ahem. Yes, I do believe that if she wanted to harm us she had had plenty opportunities to do so. But I wish to remind you all that we are to discuss D.Va, the past mission, and Sombra. And Not past incidents regarding the team. Is that clear?” He said as he turned towards Torbjorn. This one only grumbled, but ceded the point. Angela seemed less angry as well, but you could see the mixture of anger and guilt on her face. Others, like Zenyatta and Ana took the stand, but ultimately it was Wintston’s call. He was their commander, and treated his words and experience like such. Both the old Overwatch and the new one. Everyone had a fair point, and he needed a swift resolution.
“Regarding what Angela said, it is true that others, including myself, were aware of the situation. I personally took the proper actions in order to keep Overwatch activities confidential and everyone’s safety to the best of my extent. D.va has been a member of our team for quite some time, and I dare say she has added nothing but good things since her arrival. Therefore, I also believe that D.Va’s loyalty is something we cannot question. Anyone objections?” A low rumble of mumbles went around the room, but no one dared to speak up. Ana and Soldier, the only ones that would be able to speak up to Winston kept silent. Torbjorn let his frustration show, but refused to continue the train of thought, and Zarya simply checked her nails and readjusted her gloves, completely uninterested in the Korean.
“Right. Well then, we will take this matter settled then. However,” he turned to Hana, “The fact that you did lie and use Overwatch resources for other activities is undeniable, and there will be a disciplinary action to be decided. Is that clear?” That improved Torbjorn’s mood significantly. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the Korean, but he had been used and lied to for far too long. Internally, Hana wanted to argue, just for the heck of it. But there were more important matters to settle, so she managed a professional “Yes Sir” and that was the end of that.
Winston took a deep breath, and prepared to address the elephant in the room. “With that settled, it is time to address the second theme of our meeting today. Athena, if you please.” He asked. As per his request, a hologram appeared in the middle of the room. On it, the complete file of one named “Olivia Colomar” with the pseudonym “Sombra” written right above it. On it, a flash of pictures, documents, and clips from several encounters with the hacker on the battlefield appeared. Glitched images and blurry security footage accented just how difficult was to record anything regarding the person in question. And some could even go as far as to argue that the person on the images was a different one each time. Except for the obnoxious tone of purple that served as a dead giveaway. Afterwards, a brief image of the scene in Monaco appeared. As well as a rather graphic image of the aftermath.
“Around 21:00 Hours Monaco time, intel of what it seemed to be a Chemical weapon arriving in Monaco was leaked to us by an anonymous source. Because of the small timeframe, an impromptu team consisting on Agents Soldier 76, Mc Cree, Pharah, Mercy, and D.va were dispatched in order to destroy the cargo and eliminate the Talon forces surrounding it. This would be an oversight of our part, since the so called “leak” was, in reality, a trap set by Talon.” The images turned to a video recording of a nearby security camera depicting the harbor. “During the operation, the modifications made to the self-destruct mechanism in D.Va’s mech malfunctioned after a surprise assault by Akande Ogundimu, better known as Doomfist. This trapped our agent inside the still self-destructing mech, and with the surprise elements of Talon Agents Widowmaker and Reaper, they attempted to use the mech’s power against us.” Once again, the hologram in the middle of the room turned, now to depict a text message, written in a particular shade of purple. The text read as follows:
Don’t let them go, It’s a trap.
I’m on my way, pull them back.
Murmurs appeared once again in the room, but Winston’s voice silenced them in a polite fashion.
“As you can all see, this is an encrypted message sent by Sombra around 25 minutes after the leak was sent, and 20 minutes after the team parted towards Monaco. Thanks to this, Agent Reinhardt and I were able to arrive as backup for rest of the team, but because of the situation we were not able to reach agent Song in time before the explosion occurred. Luckily for all of us, Sombra did. And she managed to take Agent Song to safety moments before the explosion.” And with this, he changed the image to an aerial shot of the Harbor, now a crater filled with scrap metal and water. After allowing everyone a moment to observe the scene, he then took a deep breath, and change it again to a photograph of Sombra after the explosion. D.Va just closed her eyes and looked away, but the image was forever burnt in her memory. Loud gasps could be heard in the room, and even Zarya had to swallow hard at the scene.
“This. Is the moment after the blast. In saving D.Va, Sombra took the blast full force, and only survived thanks to Doctor Ziegler’s prompt aid, and a genuine miracle.” He took a moment to thank the heavens for that, and to let everyone take that image in. “But by all means she should have died that day. And was prepared to give her life forfeit in order to save out agent.”
A thick Russian accent interjected Winston’s voice. “And the Enemy?” Zarya asked. Winston turned to her and answered.
“Unlucky, the main perpetrators of the ambush managed to escape via dropship. Everyone who got caught in the explosion was either deceased or unable to continue fighting. Local authorities arrived shortly after our departure, but official data tells us that there were…” No survivors.
“They left her to die..?” Mei whispered.
Winston nodded his head solemnly. No one dared speak after that comment.
He then continued the explanation for the rest of the team, but it all became word salad for Hana. There was nothing she didn’t knew about that day. She had replayed the memory time and time and time again. But she needed to move on. For her. For Sombra.
“In strict theory, this was a huge achievement for us. We were able to stop the ambush, cut enemy lies, and strip Talon of one of their greatest assets. Yet it is a bittersweet victory if any. We fell into an enemy trap, and almost lost one of our best agents. If it wasn’t for Sombra, we would have five less agents now. I want you all to think of this before you decide how to proceed with Sombra.” Winston called. Angela walked besides him, in order to continue his train of thought.
“She is now at a physical level enough to engage in some physical activity, and records show both her skills in and outside the field are outstanding. But her mental state is still greatly unstable. If we were to release her into society again, there is a high probability she will end up in Talon’s clutches. If that was to happen, I have no doubt that we would all suffer the consequences. Including herself.” She said.
“Is it possible to for her to regain her memories?” Mei asked.
“We are… Unsure, to be honest. The damage is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, but we theorize that a backup of her memories exists somewhere.”
When she said this, something inside Zarya woke. “A backup? Like a computer?” she asked.
“Yes… Well, basically what she has implanted in her body mostly resembles a computer, but there are other factors we need to take on account. We are unsure if said backup even exists, or how it can be accessed.” She continued. Zaya entered deep in thought. If something like that existed, then she could get her answers herself, without having to rely on that liar of a woman. And depending on what she would find, it may become a great asset to have in the future.
But she would need to find it first. If the rest of the team got their hands on it, who knows what they might find. If they found about Volskaya and her underground deals, would they make her fight her motherland?
No. She would not allow it. She would get her answers first. No matter what.
“Where is this backup?” She asked. This time, it was Winston who answered.
“We do not know. We have been assured is not within Talon, but would they know of its existence, they will surely aim to acquire it first. Therefore, this information stays inside these walls, and will be treated as top secret information. Am I clear?” A resounding Yes was as good as an answer he was going to get.
Winston nodded, and unraveled the plan. “Team! This is what we are going to do. Dr. Zhou, you, Efi and I will continue working in Sombra’s neural system.” Mei nodded frantically, letting him know he had all of her help. Winston appreciated the gesture.
“Agents Genji, Mc Cree I want you two to investigate this backup. Use your own information webs and see what you can find. Anything regarding Sombra is good, but we mainly want the Backup. Work alongside Agent Hana on this, and leave no stone unturned.” Jesse tipped his hat, and by the time he was finished Genji had already disappeared.
”Cpt. Amari, Dr. Ziegler, Agents Lucio and Zenyatta, you two are to assist in trying to help Sombra get her memories back and monitor her mental status. Depending on what she remembers, it could spell trouble. Specially for you Zenyatta. Be extra careful.”
“Please, worry not Dr. Winston. She will be made whole in the warmth of the Iris.” He answered.
“Everyone else! You will continue to operate as normal.  We still have missions, we still need people. And please be careful from now on regarding last minute intel. Today we are all here. I’d like to keep it that way.”
Hana could not believe her ears. They were actually gonna help her? They were gonna help Sombra? “So that means…” she called to Winston.
And Winston answered, a small smile on his features. “Yes, she can stay. And she is not our prisoner. However, you will be responsible for her at all times. That means no missions. And please, don’t sneak out the base anymore.” He said, perhaps a little bit more exasperated than he needed. Hana rushed him and tried to tackle him with the biggest hug she could muster. She couldn’t believe this was going so well. Even Lawn-Gnome kept his mouth shut! Oh boy, she owed him big time for this one! Little did she know, that favor was already payed for.
Winston fondly returned the hug, and with the other hand, dismissed everyone. Hana bolted outwards, rushing towards the Infirmary. And eventually everyone left. Their orders were clear and after such a display, the felt compelled to do something. The moment Hana arrived, she became family, and seeing her like that, it just made everyone feel a little bit better.
  But in the room, now all alone, stood Zarya. An uncharacteristic chill growing on her spine. And after debating for a moment, pulled her communicator, and imputed a very specific number.
“Доброе утро, Volskaya Industries Main Desk.”
This number was the direct line to Volskaya Indistries CEO, Katya Volskaya.
“I Need Katya on the line now. Its Important.”
“Of course. Who is speaking?”
Zarya hesitated for a second, before finally speaking out.
“A Friend.”
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megcapulet · 6 years
Relapse || Mez
Who: Megan and Oz
Where: Penthouse/ hospital
When: Tuesday 26th June 2018
Notes/ Warnings: Megan takes ill again and Oz rushes her to hospital.  
tw:medical    tw:hospital
Megan was utterly exhausted as she drove home. Stopped at yet another red light it was beginning to feel as if the entire city's traffic system was conspiring against her. Suddenly she was aware of a sharp pain in her chest again. It had come on and off all day but never lasted for long however this time it seemed to be hanging around for longer than she would have liked. Finally arriving at the Tower Megan parked her car and took the elevator up to the penthouse. As she stepped out of the doors she couldn't catch her breath at all and stood leaning back against the wall and her eyes closed as she tried to steady herself, her breath coming in pants.
Oz finally felt as if things were returning to normal. He and Megan hadn't quite had a full scene yet, at least not his version, but they were getting there. He finished up for the day and put away the last of his files before heading to the elevator. Sometimes it was frustrating to live in the same building he worked but on days like this it was wonderfully convenient. He pushed open the door and looked over at Megan, leaning against the wall, far too pale. "Megan? What is it?"
Megan barely lifted her head as she heard his voice. "I....I just need a moment," she gasped, panic starting to well within her. "I'll just...." she slid herself down the wall so she was sitting on the floor. Bending her legs up she rested her forehead against her bent knees trying desperately to remember the correct position for heart attack victims from her training all those years ago and assuming that position would help in this case too.
Oz bent low to touch the back of her head. "Megan." he stated her name more than he asked it as his mind raced, calculating distances and times. Within seconds he picked up his phone and called his driver. He scooped her up carefully and carried her to the elevator, pressing the button for the garage. Within minutes he was sliding them both into the back seat of his town car. "Just breathe my beauty, just breathe."
Megan was finding it difficult to focus on anything. She knew she had to breathe but the pain in her chest made her wince and that stopped her wanting to take a breath again. He was there, Oz was right beside her she did know that much and the only conscious thought she had was that he would keep her safe. She offered no resistance as he lifted her from the ground though her muddled thoughts did register slight surprise as he took her into the elevator and not into bed. Once in the car she did her best to follow his instructions and breathe but her eyes kept screwing shut as each sharp pain cut through her like a knife. By the time the car slowed she just wanted to sleep and she was struggling to keep her eyes open.
Oz kept his eyes on her face as the driver handled his job. They arrived in the hospital in mere minutes but by then Oz was whispering, "Just stay with me ... stay ... please Megan ... just stay with me." He didn't get out of the car as he stopped, letting the driver fetch the attention of the medical personnel as he focused on the woman in his arms. As the door opened, the look in his eyes was so painfully desperate, the nurse actually hesitated for a moment before reaching for Megan.
Megan couldn't understand why he wanted her to stay. She wasn't going anywhere, she just wanted to sleep and he kept talking so she couldn't. As arms reached for her Megan's hand curled around his so she could stay with him. A bright light kept flashing and she was vaguely aware of some shouting but nothing she could put her finger on as she was suddenly lying down and being whisked through the hospital. A mask was placed over her face and her brain said oxygen. It became a little easier to breath and her chest didn't feel quite as tight but the exhaustion she had been fighting all day took over and she finally gave in letting her eyes draw closed.
Oz followed her out of town car, refusing to let go of her hand until the doctors eventually insisted that he step away. He settled against the wall and watched as they worked on her. Finally when her condition stabilized he was allowed to go sit next to her. Once again, she was in the hospital, looking far too small and fragile in the hospital bed. He did not try to hide the tears as they traced his cheeks.
Megan woke to the steady beep of the heart monitor and the horrible feeling of the oxygen mask over her face. The pain, she quickly realised, had gone and again as she turned her head she saw Oz sitting right by her side. Pulling off the mask she gave him a weak smile, "Hi." She could see the dried tear tracks down his cheeks and that almost broke her. How could she keep putting him through this...even though it was not something she was choosing to do?
Oz looked up from their entwined hands as Megan moved. "Hello my beauty. Are you feeling better?" He asked softly as he reached up a hand to brush back soft strands of hair. "The doctors will be back soon I'm sure. Apparently you have been quite naughty and not taking care of yourself enough. We're going to have to change some of your rules I think my beauty."
Megan nodded at the question as she moved her mask aside again, "Much better Master." Her eyes fluttered closed at his gentle touch but soon opened again in surprise at his words. "I've done what I was supposed to. I have taken my medication every day and I was feeling a lot better. Today was just very stressful....and so was yesterday, in fact it's just not been a great week. I am sure I will feel better again soon." The end of his statement whirled around her head as she asked, "Change which rules?"
Oz nodded, "Good. I am glad to hear it." He murmured with a soft brush of his fingertips over her cheek before he cupped her face. "We'll get to those later. I'm afraid you will find them a bit strict to begin but you will settle." He murmured quietly before leaning in to kiss the curve of her lips. Then the door swung open and medical personnel hurried in to check her.
Megan 's eyes narrowed and she gazed at him in confusion, not sure what he was thinking but before she could question him the room seemed to fill with doctors and nurses. Her cardiologist had been called in and was studying the ECG printout along with a few others. "Your rhythms have settled again your heart rate is back to normal." He began to ask Megan questions about when the pain had started and how long she had had it before a decision was reached. "I am going to give you another tablet which you take three times a day for the next three days, that should help to relieve any lingering effects of this episode. You keep taking your normal tablets as well and you will find these new tablets may make you quite drowsy so no driving and I would advise taking a few days off work. I'll have the pharmacy dispense your new medication and once you have it you are free to leave unless there are any questions." Dr Lorenzo looked between the two of them and Megan shook her head and happy that she did not have to spend the night in hospital with Oz not getting any rest again.
Oz listened and felt his frustration build as Megan relayed that she had felt the symptoms build. If she wouldn't take care of herself then he would have to stop trusting her word. That alone was frustrating. "Thank you Dr. Lorenzo. We appreciate your time and help." He stated with a genuine nod of appreciation. He pulled out his phone and called his driver again to relay the good news and arrange their pickup. "I will go to the pharmacy to collect the new prescription. Please remain here until I return."
Megan watched as Oz called his driver and gave his instruction to her but there was no softness to his words and she couldn't help wondering if he was genuinely frustrated with the situation. If this was going to happen again was he really going to stay with her and that fear began to bloom within her again. She sat on the edge of the bed waiting for his return and wondering whether she should call Drew yet or if word of this would get out to him soon enough.
Oz returned with the simple white paper bag in hand, which he held out for Megan to take from him. "Come ... hospital policy says that you must travel by wheelchair." He murmured gently as he held out a hand to her to help her off the bed and then into the conveyance. He was struggling to control his temper in the moment and determined not to say anything to his beautiful claim until they were alone. "I have messaged Drew. He will be coming to the penthouse tomorrow. You will be calling in sick." he ordered crisply but quietly.
Megan lifted her head as the door opened and he came back with her new medication. She took the offered bag and while she was quite sure she could have walked she knew he was right about the policy and climbed into the wheelchair. Megan was struggling to read his mood as everything he said seemed clinical and cold but she also knew that it was quite late and he must be tired. The news that he had already tected Drew was a surprise and she turned to look at him.  “There’s no need to disturb….” her words fell away and she turned back to the front with a muttered, “Yes my Lord.”
Oz looked at her sharply, "Good girl." he murmured quietly as he wheeled her to the entrance. There were only a few reporters there, given the time of day, and he managed to hustle the lovely brunette into the backseat before settling in beside her. His arm circled her slim shoulders and rested there. He felt the soul deep kind of tired.
Megan felt her stomach clench at the abrupt look from him and she began to wonder if he was cross with her rather than her condition. She felt herself tense and panicked as he manoeuvred her through the hallway but as he wrapped his arm around her in the car she felt calmer and began to doze as they made the short journey back to the Tower.
Oz felt her nod off against him and he had to work hard to quell his internal panic and residual anger over the day's events. As the car stopped in the parking garage, he unbuckled her seatbelt and slipped an arm under her knees before lifting her from the seat. He carried her to the private elevator and within minutes they were on route back to where the night had begun so horribly many hours before.
Megan began to stir as the car stopped but she was still very drowsy and more than happy to let Oz carry her to the elevator. The white paper bag clutched tight in one hand she opened her eyes with a groan as she realised they were travelling up to their home. "You must be tired, I can stand," she said gently.
Oz sighed as she spoke. "My beauty. Kindly shut the hell up." he grumbled quietly. He was working very hard to control his temper but if she continued to say ridiculous things, that control would snap to an end.
Megan stopped talking straight away. Staying quiet was quite obviously the best thing to do in this instance and that she could manage. As they reached the penthouse she forced herself to stay as she was, in his arms until he told her otherwise.
Oz stepped into the suite, her purse and other items still scattered at the front entrance. He kicked off his shoes but ignored everything else. He carried her through the open space until he reached the bedroom. He seated her on the edge of the bed. "To take these medicines, do you need food?" he asked somewhat brusquely as he stripped the younger woman out of her clothing with gentle hands. In a rare turn, he slipped a clean one of his own shirts over her small frame. He satisfied something primal in him, he couldn't help but feel satisfied as he rolled up the sleeves so she had use of her hands. He adjusted the pillows. "Sit back. You are allowed to leave this bed to use the facilities and that is all. I am going to make some food and then you are going to call in sick and go to bed. No part of this statement is negotiable. Do you understand me Megan?"
Megan chewed at her lower lip as he carried her through the space and into the bedroom. It was on the tip of her tongue to argue she could walk but even his walking seemed jerky and screamed of his annoyance. The sudden question about her medication drew her from her haze and she opened the bag to check. "Yes, with food," she muttered, putting the bag down on her bedside table. She offered no resistance as he undressed her and tried to hide the surprise as he immediately put one of his shirts on her. The whole situation was confusing her greatly but then he spoke again and the ice in her stomach reappeared. It was late and she was more than ready to sleep but she could see where this was going. "I feel much better, I can go to work tomorrow and if you really want me to see Drew I can go over at lunchtime or after work. There's no need to put anyone out."
Oz met her eyes and his jaw clenched hard. "Megan. This is not negotiable and I will not be arguing with you. If you do not call in sick, I will embarrass you by calling in myself and locking you in here tomorrow. Do /not/ push me right now. You promised me you would not do this to me again. You /promised/. Now I am going to go make you something light to eat with your medication and you can sleep."
Megan swallowed hard at the look on his face. She could and would have conceded easily enough to making the call but the way he made it sound like her fault had her seeing red. "I didn't do anything. You make it sound like I wanted to spend the evening in pain. I can't control this!" Her voice was raised by the time she was finished and her chest was heaving as she moved forward, up on her knees as she looked at him, torn between wanting to cry or run away from the whole thing.
Oz gestured toward the bed. "You will sit back right now." He smoothed a frustrated hand over his face. "You are lying. I heard you tell the doctors how many days you have been feeling these symptoms, how long you have been neglecting what your body needs, telling me you were fine, you were lying to me and maybe to yourself. But I will not tolerate this any longer Megan. If you won't take care of yourself, if your words cannot be trusted then I will deal with the situation. You control it by taking care of yourself and you didn't. You promised me and you let me down."
Megan did as she was told and sat back against the pillows, her gaze never leaving him. His words cut deep though. She hadn't intended to lie to him. It was all little things that she could explain away and she didn't want to cause him to fuss. By the time he finished speaking tears were streaming down her face as she choked out her words, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you. I didn't want any of this......I just didn't think about it. I just felt a lot better and didn't.....I just didn't think." She reached for a tissue and roughly wiped away the worst of her tears as she reached for her phone ready to make the call to her work.
Oz felt such pain at her tears. These weren't the tears he enjoyed - the ones intermixed with sexual pleasure and the sweet taste of her submission. She was hurting and he hated that she was hurt. However, he also absolutely livid. "Well it is time for you to start thinking. You are not taking this seriously but I am. If you are not careful, you will not get to the hospital in time. If you won't do it for me or for yourself, then I will take steps because losing you because you have decided our life together isn't worth it ... well that's not a fucking option.”
Megan knew that he was angry but as he spoke she could feel the intensity of it. She had never seen him this furious and the urge to throw herself at his feet and beg forgiveness was very strong. However he had made it very clear that she was to stay on the bed so she remained rooted to the spot. The warning that one day she would not get to the hospital in time made her sick to her stomach and it broke her heart that this was clearly something that he had been thinking about. Reining her tears in a little she sobbed, "Our life together is what makes it all worth living. I love you, I don't ever want to lose you and I'm sorry. I'll do better I promise, I'll be better."
Oz leaned in, wrapping his hands around her sweet face and met her eyes, "Do not make me lose you. Do not do this to me /ever/ again. I will never forgive myself if you died like that Megan. It would destroy me for the rest of my life ... do you understand what I am telling you?" he growled as he met her bright eyes overflowing with tears.
Megan could feel the tears choke in her throat as he spoke. His words hurt far more than any kind of physical reprimand would and she had never regretted her actions quite as much. Tears streamed again, less hysterical than before but she still had no chance of stopping them. "I understand, I'll tell you I promise. Even if I think it's nothing I'll tell you." She hated the thought of being wrapped in cotton wool and never being allowed to do things but that would be far preferable to the way she felt now and the hurt she saw in his gaze.
Oz sat himself on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. The anger slowly started to dissipate although he wondered if the nugget of pain would ever truly fade. "Never again." he whispered softly as he wrapped his arms around her and his own tears started to run.
Megan felt herself release some of the guilt she felt as he pulled her over. His words were so soft she could barely hear them over her own breathing but she echoed them, "Never again." Resting her head against his shoulder her tears hadn't stopped entirely and as she tipped her head up and saw his it broke her heart again. She didn't know whether to react to them or not but chose to give him a moment where she stayed quietly in his arms, very much there and alive to recover. There were no more promises to be made that night, she meant every word she had said but it was growing late and they were both clearly tired. "I should make that call," she murmured after a few more minutes.
Oz released her reluctantly and dusted away the tears that had stained his cheeks. "I ..." his voice was thick and heavy so he paused to clear his throat. "I ... will go make something for you to eat with your medications."
Megan gave a slight nod and watched him go. She obediently ate her snack and took her medication before settling down for the night, cuddling into him more than she usually would have given the conversation but wanting to feel him close to her.
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wavbleu · 4 years
Noen eubanks: Friends with a benefit
"I dont know if my mom will let me come over Noen." I say into my phone then plopping onto my cushioned bed, "Just ask, We known each other for years and she even lets me over for dinner, its worth a shot.","And if she says no ill just kidnap you and hold you for ransom."
You chuckle uncomfortably at the very dark joke . you bit your finger nails trying to plan out the conversation ahead of time, what to say, what to do and her likely responses.
I let out a deep sigh before i told him that i was gonna go tell my mom the crazy idea of having a sleepover with a boy, "Bye dork" He'd say before quickly hanging up. I sat my phone down on my dresser and took another long and very deep sigh.
One part of me was like "she will most definitely say no! Are you stupid!" but a very small portion of me was hopeful, i know you may be thinking "Its not that big of a deal" but it actually is, I've been wanting to spend more time with Noen ever since he moved states to go to school, this is the only time he's gonna be in state for the year, this is my only chance to have him in my arms again.
I stayed on my bed, looking up at the rotating ceiling fan, watching it continuously spin counterclockwise, trying to gather the courage to ask my strict catholic over protective mother if i could spend the night at a boys house.
"Hey mom.." Id say walking into my moms very zen bedroom, candles lit and dream catchers hanging. She seemed to be finishing up a prayer.
She got up off her knees, dusting herself off then turned her attention towards me, I felt sick, my throat became lump, my palms grew sweaty and oily, i began fiddling with my fingers in an attempt to calm myself.
I was either gonna be rejected and beat with a wooden spoon or she would empathize and let me go.
Everything i had planned in my head went out the window, it felt like i forgot english.
"Uhh.." I say hesitantly, then muffled "can i go sleep over at Noens house?" My mom squinted her eyes trying to make out what i just said. "What did you say sweetie, stop mumbling."
I then repeated myself in a slightly higher tone "Can i sleepover at Noens house?" , "Sweetie your gonna have to speak up-" cutting her off,  "Can i sleep over at NOENS house."
The room went dead silent, i felt like throwing up, instant regret formed on my face.
well great.
"Sure i dont see why not." She shrugged.
My eyes widened, i was dazed on how she agreed with no strings attached. or so i thought.
"You have to call me every 2 hours, and call me before you go to sleep. Don't sleep in the same bed, doors should remain open, no dirty music no scary movies, you must be a foot apart at all times. No drinking or smoking, no leaving his house"
My mouth hung open at the dumb rules she gave, "Mom, im literally 18 years old." ,"Why are you treating me like a child!", "Its fine you don't have to go." she says leaving the room, heading towards the kitchen, i followed behind her trying to convince her to let me go with less restrictions.
I quickly grabbed her arm making her look at me, I give her a small sob story for some empathy points. "Please mom this is the last time i get to see him for the rest of the year, i want to enjoy this." I bit my lip as the room went silent again, i cross my finger behind my back hopeful.
"Hm..." she sat and thought for a bit, my eyes filled with hope and optimism, "Please say yes" Repeated in my head like a broken tape recorder.
"no." She says opening the fridge nonchalantly.
I pull up to Noen's house and grab my backpack from the backseat, "Remember the rules." My mom announced, i press my lips together to form a smile to show compliance .
I walked to his front door jittery and excited i was finally gonna see him again!... for the last time.
I turned around to see my mom still staring at me.
I knocked 3 times, then waited for the response, Noen's Mom answered the door and her face brightened when she saw me there waiting.
"Your mom actually said yes?, what a shocker." She chuckled, Ms.Eubanks is a teenager stuck in a mom's body, she understands everything I go through because she grew up the same way.
She kinda hated my mom, she always said she was no fun and very boring, but honestly can i argue? She doesn't let me go to any carnivals or theme parks because shes afraid that "Ill catch a demon." on one of the rides.
Ms.Eubanks stuck her head out to say hi to my mom, out of politeness, my mom honked her horn in response, then signaled her to come over, probably to inform her the crazy and controlling rules she set in place.
I walked into there house, its always so clean because Noen and his mom are extreme neat freaks, its so clean you could probably eat off the floor without having anything in your food.
Noen walked out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist, he look startled when he saw me, because he panicked and ran back into the bathroom.
I had sat my bag down besides the door and went inside his room, his room is neat and clean, and its the perfect balance of hot and cold, not too hot to a point where you cant wear a sweater without melting, or to cold making you shiver and throw 10 blankets on to achieve normal body temperature. It was right in the middle.
I laid down on his rather soft bed, beginning to zone out into the ceiling again.
He walked into the room clothed and was blushing lightly, "I didnt know you were gonna come so early.","I cant believe your mom even said yes." He said lying down at the rear end of the bed.
"She gave me so many restrictions." I sighed, realizing i already broke 2 of them.
"What are they?" sitting up onto his knees, i sat up with him.
"We are already breaking a rule." ," I cant be within 1 foot with you or be on the same bed as you." i say looking down, he took two fingers and pushed my chin back up "Its fun to break rules" He would give me cheesy grin.
You stared into each others eyes for few minutes, your cheeks fading into a pale pink. The sexual tension built up like bricks every second you gazed deep into each others eyes. His gaze moved down to your rosy pink lips, to your slim and slender neck, to your narrow shoulders to-
"God your mom is crazy." Noen's mom said opening the door, cutting the silence and the tension, we turned towards her and smiled awkwardly.
"No scary movies? What kinda rule is that." She murmured in complete disgust, "Anyways im going to go run a couple of errands and ill stop for wing-stop and snacks on the way, i didn't have time to prepare since you came earlier than suspected.","No funny business, the condoms are in my drawer" His mom would wink at him then shut the door.
"MOM!" he would say slightly embarrassed.
"Sorry for her" He runs his fingers through his hair, his breath quickening, he's so cute when he's embarrassed.
"I wish my mom was like yours." I spoke joylessly, "I don't even remember the last time my mom actually called me beautiful." I put my head down again trying to cover the wave of tears that was about to come through my eyeballs.
"Well i think your gorgeous" He said with a soft and friendly smile, hesitant, going in for a light and airy kiss, i was confused and uncomfortable at first but then the kiss began to feel passionate and meaningful. My heart would flutter as the kiss continued to become more compelling and heated.
He came in closer carressing my silky hair tugging it backwards, making my head jerk up in response. He went in slight tongue, our tongues danced to a non-existent song before he pulled away to plaster purplish marks down my neck.
His surprisingly strong grip went from my hair down to my soft stomach, to my hips, placing more soft purple marks all of my neck and chest.
The rules my mom set in place were threw out the window and shat on.
I pulled off my shorts sexually and seductively, leaving me in a black thong, he took a quick second to examine my body, which made him really hard.
I began to straddle my self onto him, rubbing my clothed clit over his hard boner, i let out a soft moan as my pussy became impatient and wet. He grabbed onto my full hips as we both moaned in harmony. He slapped my ass supportively then threw his head back in pleasure; before completely flipping us over.
Noens pov:
She towered over me, a sexy stare like that is dangerous game to play, she slid off my shirt and placed love bites on my pale white skin, turning it blue.
I pushed her head down to my boner , that was desperately wanting to be pleased. She looked up at me with those innocent cute eyes and fluttery lashes.
"It hurts.." I complained playfully, then bit my lip as her hand pulled down my boxers, she seemed nervous, i didn't want to pressure her to do something she didn't want to do.
"Hey you don't have to do it if you don't want to." I empathize, "Its fine." She said with a gulp.
She pulled out my cock, beginning  to slowly stroking it. She had to use two hands because one hand wouldn't fit around it.
i moaned in pleasure as she sucked on my sensitive tip, and stroked the rest my of my dick, Her mouth was to tiny to fit any more.
Every time she attempted to go deeper she would spit up more saliva and gag, tears formed in her eyes and her mascara was messed up and drippy.
She sucked, licked and flicked my dick, considering her being half a virgin shes really good at handling dick.
"sit on it." I erotically say before she took orders , sliding herself on me, she let out a long and soft moan.
She whimpered as she rode up and down onto my dick, "Your to- big" She would complain, "Shut up and take it." Id reply to her whiny self.
"Im gonna go faster, alright ?" I tell her, she nodded in agreement.  i slapped her ass cheeks leaving a bright red hand print then gripped a large chunk.
I started pounding into tight pussy, making her cheeks clap in response, Her slutty screams filled the room, her big titties bounced on my face.
My dick went in-and-out of her at a very speedy  pace, her pussy gripped so tightly around my dick which was beyond pleasurable. I let out rough and sexual moans as i felt myself come closer to my finishing point, "Im gonna cum!" She yelled repeatedly, "Say your a dirty little slut and ill let you finish." I tease, i watched her face go red from embarrassment.
"Say it." I say aggressively, slapping her ass cheek again.
"Im a dirty little slut." She whimpered.
"Fuck yea you are," I repeat over again before i bust deeply inside of her releasing all of my warm liquid into the slut, her legs began to tremble and shake as she hit her finishing point a little to hard.
"Shhh.. calm down." I say comforting her running my fingers through her hair, she let out little breaths and laid her self down on my chest, i kissed her forehead gently to let her know its all over.
"I love you." i quietly whisper into her hair as she she drifted off to sleep.
should i write more long chapters or stick to the short ones.. or should i do both?
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gaytheorist · 7 years
I Will Always Be With You (Harry Potter Fanfic) ch3
Chapter 3: Photo
A black slim figure was seen at Privet Drive that evening, walking towards a house with the number four at the door. Once in front of the house, Severus Snape knocked and waited for an answer while looking around for any signal that could tell him that the boy was being treated badly, such as drops of blood or things alike, that may not trigger someone's eye if they are not looking thoughtfully, sadly, he couldn't find any, the garden seemed perfectly taken care of, even when it had clearly snowed copiously the day before, so he would need to step inside to confirm his theory, he was hoping that there would be some clues outside, that way he would have only had to pick the child and leave.
The door was answered by Petunia Dudley, nee Evans, who Severus could recognize easily because she was Lily's sister and she hated him almost as much as he hated her. His hatred was easily shown on his face, but when he spoke he sounded much calmer and polite, that way she would not be able to deny his entry to the house, "Good evening, I hope I do not disrupt your household, but I would very much like to come in" Severus said, "I came to check on your sister's son, Harry"
Petunia paled at the sight in front of her and was very vocal about her opinion on her sister's freaky friend coming to her beautiful house "I will not allow someone like you inside my house, you freak, you snatched my sister away from me and make her a freak, you won't do the same with the boy, we are in the process to make him normal!" Severus was very much prepared for this kind of insults but, the fact that these people really thought that magic could be beaten out of someone disgusted him and made him remember about his own father.
When the woman stopped ranting he took his wand of its holster very discreetly and aimed it at her "let me in before I do something" he said and saw how Petunia opened the door fully to let him in "Vernon!" she yelled, hoping that her husband would do something with the freak and kick him out.
The big whale of a man stood up from his armchair and approached the dark and slim man in a violent manner, raising his fist and yelling no sense in which you could barely distinguish some curse words that drew Dursley's attention. Severus, in return, stunned the big man and levitated him back into the living room, of course this spell work on a muggle could be a serious problem if Vernon had not been violent but, as this was not the case, it would count as self-defense to the ministry and his memories would be enough to prove it. He left the man on the floor in the middle of the living room, scaring both, mother and son, who were occupying the sofa.
At this point, Severus Snape looked towards the eight-year-old, who look obese and spoiled, calmly, as he didn't want to scare the boy further, it would not be wise to do so, he needed answers, he asked, "where is Harry?" the boy raised his hand and pointed towards somewhere in the hallway, Severus sighed and walked towards it, then he heard it, an almost soundless thud against the cupboard under the stairs door.
Harry had been listening to the conversation from the very beginning, the man said he had come to check on him, was he going to take him away? What if the place where he is sent to is even worse? Those thoughts hunted him while the conversation was still going, suddenly everything seems calmer and he had to bend a bit further to be able to hear it properly, when he failed to do so he punched the door slightly in frustration, without knowing that this had drawn the attention of the potions master.
Severus breathed shakily trying to calm his rage at the view of a locker on the cupboard's door, Harry was kept there against his will. He opened the little door, he crouched down to see the interior better and found a kid that looked about five or six years old, dressed in oversized clothes that looked dirty and ripped, who was desperate to move as far as possible form the open door.
Lily's son was scared and confined, his best and first friend's son was being abused, he bit his lip, trying to hold back any emotion that may scare the child further, Instead, he offered a little friendly smirk, showing kindness in his eyes, a kindness that many failed to see, and then, after putting on some privacy spells to make sure the abusers didn't hear anything, he spoke "Hello Harry, I am Severus Snape, I was friends with your mum and she has asked me to take you with me to a safer place, your mum and dad loved you very much and they would like you to have a happy life" Severus stopped there, trying to see if the little child was understanding him.
He was going to speak again when he heard a small voice "aunt Petunia said that mum and dad didn't love me and they killed themselves in a car accident…" Harry said, he was confused, he wanted to believe the things that the dark, kind man was saying but he had to be sure, he needed proof of the man's connection to his parents, he didn't have to wait long before he got his reassurance, "Harry, your parents loved you so much… they would do anything for you, she lied to you but I would never do that, look, I bring this with me" Severus pulled a photo of him and Lily together the day they received their letters to Hogwarts, the picture was a magical one so you could see them both smiling and waving their letters.
Harry looked at it while tears started to fall, he noticed it moved and looked up at Severus with a question on his mouth but it was cut up by the explanation "it's magic, I will explain you later" the man said without knowing how much did mean to Harry the fact that someone was going to take the time to explain him something new, at school he was mostly ignored so he didn't have that experience.
"can… can we leave?" those were the words that broke the silence, they were shyly enunciated but it was good enough for Severus who had much more patience with little kids than with his students. Severus nodded slowly and offered his hand to harry who got outside of the little space.
Severus helped him up "take your toys and things that you want to keep, don't worry about clothes we will fix that later" when the kid handed him two broken toys Severus looked confused "this are my toys… can you keep them safe?" the little man spoke, Severus took the two soldiers and put them in one of his pockets before lifting the privacy spells and the stunning spell, then he stood in front of the living room where the abusers were, "we are leaving, but I will be back to make you pay" Severus then took Harry's hand and walked outside.
Once outside he explained briefly how were they going to travel to the kid, explaining how Severus needed to pick him up, which the boy didn't seem to mind at all, and how it would feel like a small tube, also he explained that it was completely fine to feel ill afterwards so the kid didn't feel guilty if he did throw up. When Harry was comfortable in Severus' arms, Severus thought that the kid was too light and clingy he didn't mind the clinginess but the weight concerned quite a bit, he rubbed the little's back before apparating to Hogwarts.
THIS FANFIC IS ALSO IN FANFIC.net, AO3 and Wattpad!! (Same title, same author)
Fanfic.net Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12669926/1/
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12361260/chapters/28117602
Wattpad Link: https://my.w.tt/UiNb/Aad6hhI52H
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18silverwolf · 5 years
Theo Raeken Imagines: Imagine 31: Lying Poisons The Heart
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(A/n: This Imagine was requested by BeautifulMax2001  Hope you enjoy it.)
Max Stilinski is Stiles twin sister who has long blonde curly hair and blues eyes. her height is 5'6 and wears glasses and slim thicc.  Max has a close relationship with Scott and Lydia who are like a brother and sister to her.  Max's best friend is Liam however Liam is dating Hayden and Max and Hayden don't get along at all.
Max and Theo have been dating since the first day Theo arrived in beacon hills. You were currently sitting with the pack on the couch in Scott's house. Waiting for Scott and Stiles to hurry up and tell us what was going on. Suddenly they came into the room.
Max's POV:
"what is going on?" Lydia asked "Theo Raeken is working for the Dread Doctors" Stiles said Lydia and everyone looked at me, However when I heard those words I snapped my head up and looked at them. "Wait what you are telling me that my boyfriend is helping the dread doctors torture and experiment on innocent people?" I asked standing up. "Max everything is pointing towards Theo" Stiles said. I walked out of the house and went to find Theo i need to hear it from him, I need the truth.
20 minutes later: Still Max's POV:
After leaving Scott's house I drove towards Theo's house. A soon as I arrived at Theo's house I saw his Truck parked in the driveway. I got out of my car and walked up towards his front door and knocked only for Theo to answer the door.
"Hey babe what's up?" he asked as he opened the door wider and allowed you to walk into the room. "Is it true Theo? Are you really working for the Dread doctors?" I asked as I crossed my arms and looked at him "look Max I don't want to hurt you and I know that what I have to say next is going to hurt you but I need you to know that everything we have been through the past few months was all true nothing was a lie" he said "God damn it Theo just answer the question" I said as I was trying to hold back tears.
Please God please be it all a lie please tell me my lover isn't not on the wrong side I thought to myself.
The next words that came out of his mouth made my heart break into a million pieces that not even glue could fix.
"Yes" he replied as he looked down. "We are over, don't talk to me don't come near me" I said as the tears I was holding back fell freely down my face.
I walked passed him only for him to reach out and try and grab me before he could I ran out and ran towards my car getting in and driving away never looking back at the boy I once... Loved.
A few weeks later: Narrator's pov:
Max has been locked away in her room. Only letting three people in to talk to her one being Lydia her best friend / sister Scott and her dad Sheriff Stilinski.
She didn't want to talk to her brother in fear that he was going to lecture her about him being right about the boy she once trusted.
However today she was visited by Lydia and Scott who wanted to inform her that they were going to be sending Theo to hell.
Max didn't say a word hell she didn't even blink when they told her this information she started blankly at her bedroom door. Once Scott and Lydia didn't get a reaction or response from Max they walked out of her room and back down to the living room where the rest of the pack were.
Skip to summer time: Max's POV:
Once Theo and I broke up the pack sent him to hell but I didn't want to be a witness to sending the boy I thought I loved to hell.
But that was in the past right now I was sitting at a bar with a fake id saying that I was 22 years of age. But that wasn't the case. You see after everything that went down with Theo I decided to numb the pain by going to bars and getting drunk and then sleeping around with men.
Except tonight wasn't any different fight now I'm sitting at the bar drinking my 10th drink of lemon lime and bitters mixed with vodka.
When a good looking guy came and sat beside me. He order a drink and looked over towards me and smiled. I acted as if I wasn't interested however I definitely was interested.
"Hi my name is Douglas, yours is?" He said breaking the silence "Max" I replied bluntly "well Max, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a bar like this?" He asked as he took as sip from his drink "To forget about a few things".
He smiled at me and replied "aren't we all" he said. A few more drinks later we ended up in a cab and on the way to his however once we were in the cab he smashed his lips to mine and pulled onto his lap. Only breaking the kiss to ask me one simple question "how old are?" He asked as his lips were swollen.
I wasn't going to tell him I was 16 years old so I lied "I'm 22" I replied before slamming my lips back to his. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance so I teasingly declined which only made him squeeze my ass which took me by surprise and I opened my mouth for him to enter.
Once we arrived at his house he pinned me up against his front door our lips never leaving. He finally opened the door to the house. The next thing i know We are in his bedroom completely naked and I smirked at Douglas before pushing him onto the bed, before getting on top of him and kissing his neck, sucking and biting his neck looking for his sweet spot when suddenly he let out a loud moan which turned me on more.
I smirked against his neck before leaving a trail of kisses down from his neck and down his chest, down to his stomach leaving a hickey on his v line. before moving down towards his penis, i decided to tease him. I kissed all the way from his base to the tip of his penis. "Stop Teasing Max, and do something" Douglas said frustrated. I smirked before taking him in my mouth. I hollowed my cheeks as i took him into my mouth, I started to bob my head up and down while swirling my tongue around the tip of his dick.  
By Now Douglas was a moaning mess, "UGH Max I am going to cum" He moaned out. I decided to stop giving him a blow job and went back up and kissed him. "Damn Max why didn't you let me finish in your mouth?" "What fun would that be?" I asked as i smirked at him. He flipped me over and started to kiss my neck but before he could leave any marks on me i flipped him back over and slid him in side of me. He was Huge, I sat there for a minute with him in side of me.
after a few minutes I started to rock back and forth on him. He grabbed my hips and helped me move faster. Suddenly we were both a moaning mess. "Max I'm going to cum" he moaned as He moved my hips so our hips met. "me too" I replied as I started to pant. we both came at the same time, I felt his hot liquid inside of me. I pulled him out of me and laid down beside him.
End of smut
A few weeks after Back at school:
Liam, Stiles, Scott, Lydia and I were all sitting in the library when a good looking guy walked in. He was walking over towards us when I noticed who he was Douglas. I looked at him wide eyed because i haven't seen him since the night I left his house after our one night stand, He looked at me as well.
This was sure going to be Awkward. "Liam Just wondering if you have finished your history assignment?" Mr Garrett Douglas said. He flicked his eyes towards me but I avoided all eye contact with him.
"Who is he?" I asked pretending to be curious "That's our new history teacher" Liam said, I just nodded. "Okay well i gotta go to the art room so i'll catch up with you guys later" I replied as i gathered my things and walked down the hall. I wasn't looking where i was going and bumped into someone. "Omg i am so sorry" I said as i looked up only to be meet by Douglas.
"We need to talk" Douglas said as he pulled me into a empty classroom. "So what are you doing here?" Douglas asked "Well you see I actually go to this school, I lied about my age the night that we... well you know" I replied awkwardly, Douglas looked at me not saying anything, "Let's just forget about that night like it never happened" I said as i bit my lip while looking at him "I agree" He replied as he nodded. He left the classroom, leaving me stand there.
later that night I was sitting with Liam on the Bleachers when he said something that made me widen my eyes. "So you slept withe Douglas didn't you?" he said "Um what no" I said "Don't bother lying to me Max I know you better then anyone" he replied while he raised an eyebrow at me "okay fine i slept with during the summer okay" i replied.
Suddenly Liam brought up a topic i never thought i would have to talk about ever again. "We have to bring Theo back he's the only one that knew the dread doctors better then everyone" He said i just nodded not knowing what to say.
later that night I was sitting on the couch next to Lydia at Scott's  house  while Scott, Stiles were talking to Douglas in the kitchen when Suddenly Liam and Hayden walked into the house, but they had a person behind them someone I thought I would never see again Theo.
I stood up and Theo went to make a move towards me however Douglas stood in between us and stood in front of me in a protective stance. Theo looked at me confused but he backed off. I looked down and walked up stairs to Scott's room. I needed to get away from everyone just for a second and clear my head. I never thought i would have to face Theo again and seeing him again.
I was sitting on the floor with my head in my hands with my back against Scott's bed when someone sat down beside me. "So is he your new boyfriend?" the voice that i recognised as Theo's asked. "No" I replied "But you have slept with him right?" He asked "yes but how did you know that?" I asked as i lifted my head from my hands and looked at Theo. "because i know you better then anyone and by the way that he was protecting you down stairs was a dead give away." he replied. I just nodded and looked at Theo.
"look Max i know i lied to you about not working with the dread doctors and that but i never lied to you about the love i had for you and i understand if you cant forgive me but i want you to know that i love you and i always will no matter what" he said as he laced his fingers with mine, i looked down at our hands and i started to remember what it was like when i was with him. "Maybe after everything has settled down we can work things out" I said as i pulled my hand away from his. I stood up and left the room and sat down beside Lydia who whispered "Are you okay?" I just nodded at her as a reply.
Later that week:
We figured out who was behind the Ghost Riders "Its Douglas hes been behind it the whole time" Scott said "Wow Max you really have bad taste in men, you always choose the bad guys" Liam said "Shut up Liam" "Yea Max you really do have bad taste in men" Stiles said i looked at everyone "Wait how do you all know?" I asked "We knew from the minute Douglas walked into the library and then when he was protective over you when Theo came back it just proved our suspicion" Scott replied "Great" i replied as i rolled my eyes. Theo just looked at me and Smiled knowing that eventually i would forgive him.
The end
Hope you guys enjoy this imagine it is 2253  words.
BeautifulMax2001 i hope you enjoy it sorry that it took a bit longer then i thought it would Thank you for requesting this imagine.
SW out... Peace
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jewelphan · 7 years
Daffodils Equal Death
Summary: It was at exactly 2:37 a.m. on a Tuesday morning when Dan realized he was in love with his best friend. It was approximately twelve hours later when he discovered the consequences of it.
Dan has hanahaki disease and tries his best to deal with it
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: lots and lots of angst, throwing up (kind of?), sad ending (nobody dies though)
It was at exactly 2:37 a.m. on a Tuesday morning when Dan realized he was in love with his best friend.
It was approximately twelve hours later when he discovered the consequences of it. It was certainly a surprise when Dan started to suddenly cough up bright yellow daffodil petals. A very, very uncomfortable surprise.
At first he thought he had hallucinated the whole thing, but as the minutes ticked by and the petals that had puddled at his feet weren’t disappearing, he started to panic. Dan’s body started shaking and his legs began to wobble, which caused him to collapse onto his knees. He took a quick, shaky breath and started to gather up the petals into a pile. He didn’t need Phil to see what had happened, especially when Dan wasn’t even sure what had happened.
When Dan had managed to scoop up all the petals he shuffled his way to the bathroom, careful not to let any of the soft, paper-thin objects fall to the ground. As soon as he managed to make his way to the bathroom, he dropped all the petals into the toilet and flushed them down, erasing any evidence of the event. Dan was pretty sure that flushing a bunch of petals down a toilet couldn’t be good for the plumbing, but at the moment he had bigger issues to deal with.
After Dan flushed down all the petals, he sat in the bathroom for a few more minutes trying to settle himself into a calmer mindset. His body was still shaking slightly, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. What he did care about, however, was what the fuck had just happened. And instead of rushing to the hospital like any rational person would do, he decided to look it up online instead.
Dan managed to get himself out of the bathroom and into the lounge where his laptop was sitting on the table. He opened it and took a deep breath, hesitating for much longer than he should have. Dan wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to know what was happening to him, but he knew he needed to know. With that thought in mind, he opened his web browser and typed “coughing up flower petals” into the search bar.
Dan clicked on the first link that showed up, to which was titled “Hanahaki Disease”.
The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love.
Dan’s stomach flipped uncomfortably as he read. And as he continued to read he felt as if he was going to throw up, and this time it wasn’t going to be flower petals. He learned that the disease was apparently not even supposed to exist except in fiction, which didn’t make any sense considering Dan was currently experiencing it. He also learned that he would die from it if it wasn’t removed by either surgery or having the feelings returned. And Dan knew for a fact that Phil wouldn’t return the feelings that Dan had only started to experience less than a day ago. But he didn’t want to surgically remove the flowers either because apparently that meant he’d lose the feelings along with it, and Dan didn’t really want to forget what it felt like to truly love Phil. So even though the chances were beyond slim, Dan had to try to get his best friend to return his feelings.
Dan slammed his laptop shut and got up from where he was sitting. He was beyond stressed and he needed something to calm himself down so he went into the kitchen and began to brew some tea. Tea always seemed to calm him down in stressful situations. He leaned against the kitchen counter while the water was warming up and tried to just not think. About flowers. About love. About anything.
Suddenly Phil poked his head around the kitchen door. “Are you making tea? Can you make me some?” Phil asked sweetly.
Dan looked up and blinked a couple times. A surge of nervousness flowed through him and he was sure it was noticeable, but he tried to play it off. “Oh-um, sure.”
“Thanks!” Phil exclaimed. “Maybe we could watch something when it’s ready? I’m kind of bored.”
Dan forced a smile despite the flower petals that he could feel crawling up his throat. “Sure.”
As soon as Phil left Dan coughed up more flower petals, he hadn’t seen Phil since this whole thing had started, but now that he had he felt like he was going to overflow with both emotions and flowers.
As soon as Dan’s coughing fit had stopped (he was extremely thankful Phil hadn’t heard) he scooped up the petals and crumbled them up in a paper towel before throwing it away. Once again erasing any evidence that it had happened. He composed himself much quicker than he had earlier in the day, which was probably due to the fact that he knew what was happening to him this time around. Not that it made it any more tolerable.
By the time he finished composing himself he realized that the water was already boiling. He got two mugs out of the cupboard and made both him and Phil a cup of tea. He mentally prepared himself and took a couple of deep breaths before walking into the lounge where Phil was.
Dan found Phil sitting on the couch and handed him his tea before taking a seat beside him. “So, what did you want to watch?” Dan asked, thankful when the flowers in his throat appeared absent.
“I was thinking we could marathon Death Note, we haven’t seen it in a while,” Phil suggested.
“Sounds good,” Dan muttered, taking a sip of his tea, washing down any petals that were trying to make their way up his throat.
After quite a few hours in a comfortable silence between the two roommates, Phil finally decided to break it.
“Hey, Dan?”
Dan hummed in response.
“Do you ever think about romantic relationships?” Phil asked casually.
Dan’s heart leapt and he gulped. “Sometimes, why?” He answered, trying to keep the same tone of voice as Phil.
“It’s just, I’m reaching that age where a lot of people are already married--with kids even and I feel strange being single.” Phil continued.
Dan nodded as if he understood (too afraid to use his voice), urging Phil to go on.
“I was just wondering if you would be okay if I started dating people? Y’know, just, putting myself out there.”
Dan’s breath hitched and his heart clenched. He felt like he was about to puke up an entire field of flowers, but he managed to swallow them down and answer Phil. “I’m not sure why you need my permission, but I guess you have it,” Dan said, his voice strained. Despite the words that were leaving his mouth, it was far from what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell Phil he couldn’t. Tell him that if he dated anyone it had to be Dan. But he didn’t because Dan wasn’t that selfish, and despite everything that he was currently going through, he couldn’t bring himself to take away any happiness that Phil may find in his life, even if that happiness comes in the form of another person. A person that wasn’t Dan.
“I know I don’t need it, but it’s nice to have it. So thank you,” Phil sent Dan the kindest smile and Dan wasn’t sure how much longer it would be until he broke. Phil turned back to the television and played the next episode.
Dan stood up quickly and mumbled a quiet “bathroom”, thankfully Phil had heard and nodded his head in acknowledgment. Dan practically bolted to the bathroom, nearly falling on his way. The moment he got to the bathroom he started to throw up flower petals. They fell out of his mouth like a waterfall, petal after petal being violently coughed up. It went on for about a minute until Dan’s throat suddenly tighten and an entire daffodil, stem and all, came out of his mouth. It was an extremely painful sensation and thankfully after the flower managed its way out of Dan’s mouth, everything stopped. Leaving behind a pile of petals and tear stained cheeks in its wake.
So there Dan sat, in a pile of tear-and-sweat stained petals with a beautifully disastrous daffodil that lay atop it all. Dan was physically and mentally exhausted and he could barely breathe. His lungs burned and his eyes felt rubbed raw.
It took Dan nearly ten minutes to even begin to get up. But when he finally did, he began to carefully pick up all the petals (including the daffodil) and throw them in the toilet. He flushed them down and was thankful when it didn’t get clogged.
After he got rid of all the petals, he went over to the sink and washed his face off. His eyes were red and it took a lot of cold water to make him look even remotely presentable.
After another ten minutes or so, he finally deemed himself neat enough to go back to the lounge.
When he got back, and Phil had asked him what took him so long, Dan just said he had a stomach ache and Phil hadn’t questioned it any further.
After that day, things got surprisingly better. Dan still coughed up petals, but it wasn’t as bad as he had expected. In fact, some days he didn’t cough up anything at all which he was extremely thankful for. He almost felt normal again.
But then Phil went out one day and came back with a girl. She was beautiful, even Dan couldn’t deny that. She had long blonde hair, green eyes, and her face was littered with freckles. And at first, Dan actually felt fine (much to his surprise), it was just a girl. But then both Phil and her started acting cute and sappy. They cuddled up on the couch and Phil kept peppering her face with little kisses and Dan felt sick to his stomach. He couldn’t take it.
He ran to the bathroom for the first time in weeks and coughed up mountains of flower petals, including quite a few full daffodils (which he hadn’t done since the day he got the disease). It lasted so long and Dan started losing his ability to breathe and it got so bad he nearly passed out. But it eventually stopped and Dan felt like he had just barely survived drowning. It was at this moment that he remembered that this disease could (and would) kill him if he didn’t do something about it. It was also at this moment that it truly sunk in that Phil had a girlfriend. And he realized that if that was his reaction to simply seeing her with Phil, it would get much worse in the future. It would kill him.
So he made a decision, one he would probably regret one day, but it was the only thing he could do to save his life.
So after he spent nearly a half hour composing himself, he walked out of the bathroom and back into the lounge. He didn’t look at either Phil or the girl when he got there. “Hey, I’m going out. Do you need anything while I’m gone?” Dan asked.
Dan took a quick glance at Phil and noticed his eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion. “I don’t think so, but where are you headed?”
“Just to buy some things and get some fresh air. I’ll be back in a few hours.” Dan answered.
Phil still looked confused, but he mumbled a quick, “alright, be safe.” anyway.
Dan grabbed a coat and his wallet before heading out the door. Not stopping for a moment, for fear of changing his mind. Dan called a taxi over and was thankful when it arrived quickly. He told the taxi driver his destination and tried not to let his nerves get the best of him.
Finally, he had arrived at the place that he should’ve been at weeks earlier: the hospital. Dan remembered reading that there were only two ways to get rid of his condition. Option one being to get Phil to love him back, and option two being to surgically remove the flowers growing in his lungs. Dan thought that he could’ve lived with Phil not loving him back, that maybe the disease he had wasn’t as severe as the internet said. After all, this whole thing was supposed to be fictional. But he was wrong, and this was the only way for him to survive, even if it did erase the love that he felt for Phil.
With that in mind, he walked into the hospital and tried his best to explain his situation. Surprisingly, they seemed to understand--the disease was apparently not as fictional as the internet claimed, but still very rare. And after Dan told the doctors that he had been living with it for over a month, they seemed very concerned for his health. Apparently, the flowers should’ve grown much faster than they had been and it was a miracle Dan was even alive at that very instance.
The doctors agreed to take him into surgery almost immediately. One of the doctors had apparently had a patient with the same disease as Dan and agreed to do the surgery on him. Dan was rather glad that the doctors weren’t going in blindly with this and was very lucky that one of them had actually operated on a patient exactly like him before.
They gave him some kind of drug to knock him out and he blacked out almost immediately, only to wake up a couple hours later with a pain in his chest. It took him a moment to get his bearings, but when he did he remembered why he was here, he quickly tried to think of Phil as anything more than a friend. But there was nothing there. No feelings for him whatsoever.
But despite the feelings being gone, the memories remained, and his heart ached at the things he could remember. There was an empty feeling within him that used to serve as a container for everything he felt for his best friend. He wanted to reach out and take all of it back, he wanted to still be in love with Phil, he yearned to feel it all again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t manage it.
And the worst part about it all was that Phil didn’t even know, and he never would.
a/n: I am so sorry... kind of
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