#she damaged my door once when she was trying to kick it down to get to me
roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 15 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You start to regret showing up for Noah's birthday party once you feel exactly how awkward things are between you and Bradley. But when you witness his jealousy and learn that his hurtful words were more lies than truth, you agree to at least hear him out.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, and age gap (18+)
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
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When Bradley managed to pull his head out of his ass long enough to invite you to Noah's birthday party, he hadn't anticipated what it would be like if you actually came. You texted him back on Friday, letting him know you would try to stop by. But now that he and Nat were setting everything up, Bradley was feeling anxious. 
Every time a guest arrived, he poked his head outside to see if your car was there, only to be disappointed. He wanted to see you. That much was plainly evident now. But he wanted to do way more than that. He missed you so much. 
"She'll be here," Nat told him as she held Noah. "There's no way she's going to be able to live with herself if she disappoints this little guy. Isn't that right, Noah? Now pout at your dad."
Bradley laughed as Noah and Nat both made sad, pouty faces at him. "You're right. Nobody could say no to that," Bradley said, blowing a raspberry on his son's neck until they were both laughing. 
Jake strolled in with two six packs of beer and looked around. "Happy birthday, Noah. Where's your babysitter, little dude?"
Bradley rolled his eyes in response, and just as he was about to say he wasn't sure if you were even coming, you opened the front door and met Bradley's eyes right away.
"Hi," you said softly, your arms filled with gift bags and treats as you shifted everything around nervously. 
"Princess," Bradley said before he could catch himself. His heart was pounding as you bit your glossy lip anxiously and turned your attention to Noah. 
"Happy birthday!" As soon as you said those two words, you had Noah's full attention, and he squirmed to get out of Nat's arms and run to you. Bradley watched you kneel and set everything on the floor so Noah could hug you. 
"See? He needs her here. And I don't think he's the only one," Nat whispered as she shoved Bradley toward you. But Jake was right there as well, and Bradley knew for a fact that Hangman was interested in you. He'd been not so subtly asking about you since he saw the photo of you on Bradley's phone at the Hard Deck. The photo of you wearing your purple crown. 
"You must be the babysitter," Jake drawled with a grin as he approached you on the floor with Noah. He was looking down the front of your little dress, Bradley just knew it. And when you looked up at him with innocent eyes, nodding and introducing yourself, Bradley was on the verge of kicking Jake out of his house. Because it looked indecent, the way you were positioned and the way Jake was easing himself a little closer still. 
Bradley cleared his throat loudly. "I'll just take these into the kitchen," he said, scooping up the gifts. And that's when he noticed you'd made a whole container of ants on logs wearing party hats made out of lettuce. Bradley wanted to throw you over his shoulder and take you to his room, make love to you, and never hurt you again. He met your eyes, kneeling just a foot away from you while Noah pawed at you. 
"Okay," you whispered. You looked far less pleased when you were looking at Bradley than you did when you were looking at Noah or Jake. He deserved that. He knew he did. He was lucky you even decided to come today to make Noah happy. 
Oh god, Bradley wanted to take back every horrible word he said to you, but he couldn't. The damage was done now, just as he had originally intended. And he had to watch as Jake helped you stand and run his fingers up your uninjured arm. 
"Hi!" called two of the moms of Noah's daycare friends as they walked in with their own kids, taking Bradley's attention away from you. He greeted them and their children, and ended up adding even more gift bags to his arms. 
Then Mav and Penny arrived. Bradley let Penny take his face in her hands and pat his cheeks, something he probably wouldn't let anyone else do to him. And then she kissed him and asked, "How's the dating thing working out for you?"
Bradley laughed sardonically. "I've pushed that to the back burner, Pen."
"Yeah. Mav told me that Meredith is giving you a hard time. If there's anything we can do...?"
"I appreciate it. I'll let you know."
When Bradley finally went into the kitchen to put Noah's snacks in the refrigerator and set down the gifts, he froze. You had already made your way in here. Your back was to him, and you were talking to Jake. Bradley could hear your laughter in response to something Jake said, and he had never been so jealous before. He was so used to coaxing that gorgeous sound from your lips himself. Those glossy lips that Jake was eyeing up, no doubt thinking about doing something dirty to them. 
Bradley's breath caught in his throat as you turned to glance at him over your shoulder with a bland look. He was so used to your flirtatious smile and bright, wide eyes being focused on him. God, he had taken it all for granted, and now you couldn't stand him. 
And if Bradley thought he had been jealous a moment ago when Jake made you laugh, it was nothing compared to the outrage he felt as he watched Jake touch your waist. He squeezed you gently, letting his fingers dig into the fabric of your floral dress. All of the gifts tumbled out of Bradley's hands and onto the table, and you sidestepped Jake's grubby little hand to turn and look at him. 
"One of my gifts is fragile," you said with annoyance, rooting through the pile to make sure it was okay. But Bradley was looking at Jake, and Jake was looking right back at him before his eyes dipped down to your ass. 
"Seresin. Let's go outside. Now," Bradley growled, pointing at the sliding glass door off the kitchen. 
Jake's little smirk grew as he said, "Sure thing, Bradshaw," and headed out. 
Bradley slid the door closed with a thud and rounded on Jake. "Don't touch her."
Jake laughed heartily. "You fucking her, Rooster? Damn, you must be. Or you were." He paused, and Bradley could feel his cheeks heating up. "Maybe it wasn't any good for her? Because right now, she's not looking at you at all, man."
Bradley ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek and clenched his fists. "Don't touch her, and don't talk about her. Don't even fucking look at her."
But Jake just cocked his head. "Hey, that's some great advice. And here's some for you. If you have access to a hot little piece of ass like that, you don't keep her tucked away in your house. You show that off. Let everyone know about it. That's what I'd do."
"Jake. Just stop." Bradley was fuming now, and also annoyed that he was letting Hangman get under his skin. But Jake was right; Bradley should have been showing you off when he had the chance instead of going on dates with the women from the app. Maybe then you and he would be in a place where he could be bold enough to ask you to stay with him in spite of Meredith.
"Why should I? Are you dating her?"
Bradley closed his eyes for a beat and let out a puff of air. "No."
"If you don't want her, why can't I have her?"
Bradley shook his head. "I never said that." 
You opened the sliding glass door and poked your head outside, and both men stood at attention for you. "The pizzas are here," you told Bradley. "Want me to pay the guy with the money behind the TV?"
Bradley cleared his throat and glared at Jake for a second. "I'll take care of it, Princess," he said, pausing in the doorway with you. He had missed being this close to you, close enough to smell wildflowers. Your expression was softer now, almost that of an injured animal. He wanted to apologize for hurting you, but he settled for letting his fingers trace your knuckles before he pulled out his wallet for the pizzas.
You didn't flinch. You didn't back away. But that look in your eye grew a little sadder, and Bradley knew he had put it there. "Princess," he whispered, softer this time, and your lips parted before you turned and walked away from him and outside to Jake.
You were a mess. You shouldn't have come to the birthday party. All you wanted was to see Noah and bring him some treats, but it was killing you to be around Bradley, pretending like you weren't crushed. 
And the second you had let your guard down, Jake started flirting with you. Which was fine. It didn't really matter. He seemed sweet enough even though he kept cornering you in conversation every time you tried to talk to Penny. You did manage to sneak away as Nat waved you over. But you could tell by the sympathetic look in her eyes that she knew Bradley had basically dumped you. 
"Hey, Natasha. It's nice to see you," you managed with a small smile. 
"I'm really happy you came," she replied as Noah ran up to hug your leg before returning to his friends. He had been hanging out with you more than anyone else, really. "And clearly so is the birthday boy."
"Yeah, well... I'm kind of attached to him, sadly," you said with a forced laugh. Then you asked the question that had been on your mind since you arrived. The one you were afraid to hear the answer to. "Hey, is Meredith coming?"
Nat's eyes went wide and she almost dropped her slice of pizza. "Hell no. Why would Meredith be here? In fact, I would go so far as to say that if she decides to show up, I will drag her outside myself and make her leave."
You were gaping at her. "She and Bradley aren't... talking? About getting back together? For Noah?"
Now she really did drop her pizza right onto the hardwood floor. "Who told you that?!"
Bradley had lied to you about Meredith. But why? What would be the point in that? And if he wanted to hurt you, then why did he invite you here today? Why was he looking at you like he missed you and calling you Princess instead of ignoring you? 
You bent and used your napkin to wipe up the cheese and sauce, and when you stood, Nat looked like she was about to rage. Without another word, she took off in Bradley's direction leaving you with so many questions swirling around in your mind. 
When you made your way back into the kitchen to throw the napkin away, you decided it would be a good idea for you to just sneak out the back door and head home. You once again felt drained and undesirable and disrespected. It didn't really matter how badly you wanted to be here for Noah if Bradley wasn't going to be honest with you about what was going on. You reached for the container of snacks for Noah and set it in the refrigerator, and then you turned to find Jake right behind you.
"Oh!" you gasped, jumping awkwardly. "I didn't know you were in here."
His smile was so charming, you could do nothing but smile back as he said, "Just came in for more pizza, but found something so much nicer instead." He touched your arm again, and you rolled your eyes.
"You're a shameless flirt," you informed him, as if he didn't know that already. 
"What? You don't like that?" he asked, taking a step closer.
You matched his smirk with your own. "Maybe I like a guy who can be subtle sometimes."
"Hey, that sounds like my good friend Bradshaw," he said, running his thumb slowly up to your shoulder. "But maybe he's a little too subtle? A little too reserved? You deserve to be set right on a pedestal. All out in the open."
You laughed. You couldn't help it. This was absolutely ridiculous. "No, I think I would prefer a throne. Like a Princess. In a castle," you told him, thinking about all the castles you and Noah had built out of blocks while wearing your paper crowns. Thinking about the times you and Bradley had been so comfortable together, talking on his couch.
"Okay," Jake drawled. "I like where this is headed. And if Bradshaw doesn't want you, I definitely do, Princess."
You opened your mouth to tell him not to call you that, but he was already leaning in and kissing you.
Bradley saw red. He never really understood that expression before. It never made sense. Until right now. It felt and looked like all of the blood in his body was obscuring his vision. And all he wanted to do was make Jake Seresin hurt.
Jake's hands were on your face and neck, and his lips were pressed to yours. Right in the middle of Bradley's kitchen.
Bradley just got finished being reamed out by Nat for being the world's biggest dickhead, so he was already on edge. Already looking to apologize to you and hoping you'd listen to him. But the sight of Jake kissing you was just one step too far, and he wasn't going to let this fly. 
With three swift steps, Bradley was right there, grabbing Jake by the shoulder and pulling him away from you. The startled look in your eyes, and the way you were still holding your arms tight to your sides had Bradley shoving Jake against the refrigerator. 
"I warned you, Hangman," he growled, but Jake just smirked and licked his lips like he was savoring the way you tasted. The fact that he now also knew how nice your lipgloss was had Bradley seeing double. 
"Bradley, it's okay. Stop." Your voice was soft, and then he could feel your hand on his back through his shirt. He turned away from Jake and focused his attention on you instead, unclenching his fists.
"Come with me, Princess." His voice was deep and raspy, and when he wrapped his arm around your waist, you spun away from him. 
"Bradley!" you demanded, a little louder this time. 
"Please?" he asked, and when he leaned down and kissed your forehead in front of anyone who might be looking, you let him take your hand and lead you into the bathroom. When he closed the door, you leaned back against it and bit your lip in silence.
"What the fuck are you doing to me, Princess?" Bradley asked, his tone pleading. "I can't even look at you, baby. I can't even smell you without hating myself even more."
"Good," you whispered as your gaze settled on his lips. "Where's Meredith?" you asked maliciously. "I haven't seen her all day."
He knew now that you and Nat had spoken. You knew he lied to you last weekend. "She's not coming, and you know it."
"Why did you lie to me about her?"
He swallowed hard. "Princess, I'm so sorry, I-"
"Why? I don't understand! And why do you suddenly care about me today? You told me I'm not right for you. You told me you needed someone better. You said you didn't want this." You gestured to yourself and looked away from him like you were ashamed.
Bradley gently guided your chin with his fingers until you were looking at him again. "I fucking lied about that, too. You're the only thing I want." He eased himself closer to you, desperate to feel your body against his.
You narrowed your eyes at him and pushed on his chest. "You can't keep doing this to me. Leave me alone, Bradley. I don't have time to mess around with you. I know how much you hated doing that with me."
"We weren't just messing around, Princess," he said softly as he backed away from you. He was silently begging you not to open the door and leave him as he swallowed hard. "It meant something to me."
Your eyes fluttered closed as you tilted your head back against the door. He watched your fingers grab at the hem of your dress as you looked at him reluctantly. "Bradley," you whispered. "It meant something to me, too." The anger was gone from your eyes now as you asked him, "Why did you try to hurt me like that on purpose? If you want me, why would you do that?"
"I'm just trying to protect you." He knew he was pleading, and he knew you deserved to hear everything. You also deserved a hell of a lot more than he could give you, and he didn't want to have an hour-long conversation with you in his bathroom during Noah's birthday party. 
"Protect me?" you asked softly.
"Yeah. I just want to protect you," he whispered, running his fingers along your bandaged arm. "Will you let me touch you, Princess?"
You reached for his hand, and Bradley let you take the lead. When you linked your fingers through his and gave a little tug, he went willingly. You pulled him close until you and he were breathing the same air, and he could feel your body heat.
"Protect me from what?" you asked softly, and Bradley had to brace his other hand on the door next to your head as you kissed the edge of his lips softly. "I don't need you to protect me. I need you to appreciate me. Show me some respect. I'm not stupid."
His heart was pounding at the feel of your lips on his skin. "I know you're not stupid, baby. I'm the one who can't get his shit straight. Not you. I'll tell you everything," he promised, panting slightly. "I swear. Just stay. After everyone else leaves, please stay. Let me explain? Let me be good to you?"
Your eyes were alert, examining his face, trying to make sense of everything. When your tongue darted out to wet your lips, you said, "Okay. I'll stay. But you only get one chance, Bradley." 
"I won't fuck it up. I promise. I've missed you so much."
This time you kissed him square on the lips, pulling him closer still by your linked fingers. The soft fabric of your dress was rubbing along his hand, and he knew he would give you anything you wanted. But he had to know, so he released your lips.
"Baby, what the hell were you doing with Jake?"
You paused before saying, "Just talking." 
Bradley shook his head at you. "No. Your lips don't need to be touching his if you're just talking." 
You sucked in a breath as he brought your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to each finger. "He kissed me," you whispered. "He called me Princess."
"No," Bradley grunted. "I call you Princess. And he doesn't get to kiss you. Especially not in my house. Tell me I'm better."
Your eyes flashed with sudden need. "You're jealous."
He nodded and kissed your pinky. "You're goddamn right I'm fucking jealous." The softest smirk touched your lips before Bradley leaned in and kissed you. "Am I better than Jake?"
You were smiling now, your eyes wide. "I can't believe you're jealous over me."
Bradley growled. "Am I better?"
"You're better, Bradley."
He covered your lips with his while you rubbed your hand gently along his abs.
"You're such a good girl. Too good for Jake."
"Bradley!" you moaned as he kissed you again. He couldn't keep his lips off you now. This was all he wanted to do. Just kiss you. But he needed to get out of the bathroom before he did something stupid again.
"I know, baby," he whispered against your cheek. "We're gonna talk later. Let's go back out there. And you can tell Jake that you're not interested in him."
You laughed softly. "You want me to go tell him that I'm not interested in him? Because you're jealous?"
Bradley just nodded again. "You go tell him, Princess. Now. And then later on we can talk more."
"Okay, fine," you whispered smugly, and Bradley opened the bathroom door. He watched you walk on slightly unsteady legs as you made your way toward Jake in the living room. Every couple seconds, you smirked back over your shoulder, and Bradley silently urged you on. 
Jake eyed you up and down and then met Bradley's eyes as you spoke to him. He looked annoyed now. Bradley felt elated. 
Bradley was jealous! He had lied to you about everything, and now he was jealous that you were giving Jake attention. This day was turning out so much better than you thought it was going to.
You took a deep breath, looked at Jake and said, "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression earlier, but I'm not interested in you. Not like that."
"Huh," Jake grunted. "Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed, Princess."
It sounded so wrong, hearing that nickname from anyone other than Bradley and Noah. "Please, don't call me that."
Jake's smirk, which was kind of cute an hour ago, was grating on your nerves now. You wanted Bradley to haul you back to the bathroom again, or better yet, his bed. His handsome face was all you could think about as you caught sight of him out of the corner of your eye. 
"You know, Bradshaw's alright," Jake drawled, and you turned back to him. "Just the slowest one to make his move on a girl. Don't wait around on him if you want more. He has more baggage weighing him down than anyone I've ever-"
You immediately cut him off. "Don't talk about Noah like that."
"Whoa," he said, chuckling and holding his hands up in surrender. "That's not what I meant. I mean the emotional kind. He's been through a lot. It slows him down, makes him hesitate. That's all I'm saying."
"Well thank you for your concern," you replied sarcastically. "But I think they are both worth the wait." You turned toward Bradley where he was talking to one of the daycare moms, and when you walked past him, you let your fingers trail along his lower back. He turned, and the look he gave you almost made your steps falter as you made your way into the kitchen.
If Bradley and Meredith weren't trying to work things out, if there was another reason why he tried to break things off with you, then you'd figure things out with him. And you wouldn't rush him. Because he couldn't stay away from you, and you couldn't stay away from him either. And you didn't want to have to try to fight it.
"Help me get the cake ready?" Nat asked when she saw you. 
"Sure," you replied, opening up disposable plates and getting four candles ready for Noah. You had to keep biting your lip at the memory of kissing Bradley in the bathroom. You were distracted, and Nat must have asked you something. 
"I'm sorry, what?"
She just shook her head. "I know Bradley is an idiot, but please, give him another chance. And you should stay away from Jake."
Had everyone seen him kiss you before? "I wasn't trying to-"
"When Bradley settles down, it will be for life. Meredith definitely stunted his ability to commit, but that fact still remains. Jake's got a different method, if you know what I'm saying. Not one to commit to a hairstyle, let alone a woman. So don't listen to him. Now, can you carry the birthday cake out to the living room?"
You just nodded slowly at her words and took the cake to Noah while Nat lit the candles. The room was full of people, and there were so many voices singing to Noah while Bradley stood next to you with his son in his arms. But it felt like just the three of you. Just like all the other times in Bradley's living room and kitchen. His deep voice warmed you everywhere as his fingers stroked up your spine when Noah blew out the candles. 
"Did you make a wish?" you asked, and Noah's exaggerated nodding made you laugh. "I'm sure it will come true."
Bradley kept glancing your way as you and Noah opened up one of his new toys to play with on the living room couch. You liked his eyes on you. You liked his attention. You liked knowing he was jealous earlier. 
"You want me to make you some coffee, Princess?" he asked, popping back into the living room as you and Noah raced cars across the floor. 
"No, we're busy," you told him with a smirk, looking up at him. "Aren't you supposed to be cleaning up with Nat and Penny?"
He took a step closer and said, "I just want to make sure you're not leaving yet?"
You shook your head. "You asked me to stay. I told you I'll stay."
Bradley grunted and went back into the kitchen, and a few minutes later, Penny and Pete came out. "You ready to go, kiddo?" Penny asked Noah. "You're coming with us for a sleepover." Noah looked up at her from his spot on your lap before he turned around to wrap his arms around your neck. 
"That sounds like fun, Noah!" you told him, giving him a squeeze back. You were going to miss him so much. You'd already been missing him like crazy after just a week without him. Hopefully Bradley would help you make sense of things, because you didn't want to have to keep missing him or his son. 
Noah gave you a kiss, and then Bradley handed Penny an overnight bag and scooped Noah up in a hug. "I love you. Be good for Penny and Mav." And then they were gone, and Bradley was looking at you on the floor in front of him.
Nat poked her head out of the kitchen as Bradley reached down to help you up with hopeful eyes. "How do you want me to wrap up the rest of this cake?" she asked, holding up a roll of aluminum foil. Then she looked between the two of you, and you stepped away from Bradley as she asked, "Wait, it's just the three of us left? Wrap up the cake yourself," she said, tossing the roll to Bradley and grabbing her bag. "Bye."
You watched Nat breeze out the front door without a backward glance. "What was that all about?" you asked, suddenly very aware that you were now alone with him.
He laughed softly. "She wants me to finish talking to you. Now, apparently."
"Well then, talk," you said, taking another step away from him toward the kitchen. "And don't make me cry again. If you do, I'm leaving."
He looked a little panicked, which made you feel like you were completely in control of things for once. He followed you cautiously as you went to investigate how much of the cake was left. Just when you turned toward him to reach for the roll of foil, Bradley set it on the counter and shook his head. 
"I can take care of that later, Princess," he mumbled, caging you in against the counter and kissing you softly. 
You moaned and reached for him immediately, kissing him back, he was still so sweet, and even less demanding than he had been in the bathroom. But then you jerked back, bracing your hands on his forearms. 
"What's going on, Bradley? You're still all over the place. Tell me everything," you demanded, your volume rising with each sentence as he looked abashed. "Nat spilled the beans about Meredith. Then you told me you lied to me. You got jealous about Jake. But you sent me away in tears a week ago. Just...what the fuck?"
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have never said those things to you last weekend. I didn't mean a single word of it. I was just trying to protect you."
"You keep saying that!" you complained, pushing on his forearms until he let you move away from him. "But you're not saying anything at all." You ran your fingers along your bandaged arm. "And I already got hurt."
"Princess." Bradley followed you across the kitchen to the table, but you pushed on his chest and shook your head. 
"Do not make me regret staying here right now," you whispered, and he took a deep breath. "Don't make me regret kissing you in the bathroom."
He stood up straight and ran his hands through his hair. His lips looked pouty and kissable. His cheeks were flushed like they had been earlier. But you were going to stand your ground with him.
When he didn't say anything, you pressed harder. "Talk to me." You watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed and looked at you intently, but he still said nothing. "I'm leaving."
"No!" gasped, reaching for you again, pulling you closer. You were going to protest again, but then he whispered, "I need you."
"For what, Bradley?"
His voice sounded soft, almost defeated as he told you, "Meredith wants custody of Noah."
Come on, jealous Daddy! Tell Princess everything! Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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brights-place · 5 months
Ngl i never knew you wrote for my inner demons
Could I request a pierce x daemon reader who was like on earth before he and his friends got there they kinda just live next to ava
He been kinda my favorite besides Rhys
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Pierce X Daemos! Reader
Pairings: Pierce X Reader
Warnings: Angst, Cussing, Fight scene, Pierce saying 'yes' A/N: *clears throat* AHEM AHEM! *clears throat again* Yes - Pierce doesn't speak much and it was known it was always hard to get him to speak up. - Noi though would bother pierce sometimes which worked but Noi would ask pierce if he had stories and would tell some when the others weren't around about him and his right hand when they fought in the battlefield - The both of them unstoppable with eachother as Noi would stare with sparly eyes at the blank faced pierce who explained a battle and how the both of them killed most of the defiers of Asch - Noi would ask Pierce questions yet when Noi asked if Pierce missed ‘his partner’ Pierce would say it was weak that he still would care for his dead partner - Noi frowned nodding listening to him as he said that they had to go now and check on Ava
- Pierce and the other daemos creature when they first went to ava's place smelled something familiar a scent of a fellow daemos but they didn't know where - The five of them wanted to investigate it but needed to follow the spirit - They forgot about the scent entirely after a few days and ere adapting with 'Eauarthhhh' - That was until the five of them saw you enter ava's apartment calling out to the girl "Ava wass up girlieeee- What the fuck" Your eyes were wide as they were still in their Daemos clothes as you were hit off the scent of magic and daemos blood as You paled the five of them standing up straight taking out their weapons - Asch eyes widened as leif spoke up "What the hell..." nearly dropping his sickles when recognizing the famillar face of the so called 'Human' - Soon ava came out of her room "(NAME)!" Y/n held eye contact with pierce the whole time as Y/N gave a shaky smiled "I'll come back another time... yeah yeah" - The five of them shared an stared before Asch tried to demand answers to ava who was confused until Rhys spoke up "That Human is-" Rhys got cut off by Pierce "Daemos..." - Ava was confused and denied it saying that you were like any other person - Everytime you tried to visit you felt like you were being watched which you were by the daemos men but mostly Pierce - You were obviously always try hiding beside Ava even though you were taller then her but it was awkward when maintaing eyecontact mostly with pierce - Ava asked pierce to hand you some treats that she made when she larnt how to bake to try do new hobbies so she made cookies and sent pierce off! - Pierce knocked on your door as you stared at him confused "oh- uhm pierce hello!" You welcomed him in with an awkward smile - He kept silent staring you down once he entered and sat on the couch while he sat on the one infront of you quietly - You were freaking the fuck out as he spoke up "You are one of us" you started to freak out more denying everything as he walked over and bent down to your height and held out his sword "How did you get to this place before us?" He questioned as you were waving your hands around telling him to stop - You decided to kick his chest as he was pushed away by the force
- nobody could move general pierce so when he saw you push him away with great strength his gaze hardened "You think I wouldn't have recognized my right hand?" Pierce stated as You looked away as you slowly sighed raising your hands and showing your f/c horns well horn your left horn was damaged and some part was cut off - "Pierce just listen" You started before he darted towards you with his sword "You have betrayed the prince it is my duty to eliminate all betrayers and enemies even if we were close" "I didn't betray you! you fucking left me out on the field!" "We thought you were dead" "WHO THE FUCK LEAVES THEIR PARTNER OUT ON THE FIELD?! WITHOUT CHECKING!" You shouted summoning a bladed fan weapon in both your hands taking a stance. - Your fans were coloured with f/cs and had elaborate patterns that glowed slightly as your horns and eyes glowed with pierces horns and eyes glowed in return
- Pierce glaring at you in return as you flicked your wrists as the fan slowly started to summon razor sharp projectiles to pierce who dodged them and hopped around your apartment the both of you shouting at each other well more like you shouting at him while he was slowly losing his patience - You quickly kick away from his attacks, and as he approaches again, you send your fan flying towards him. He raises his sword to block the attack, but the projectile manages to slip through his defense, scoring a direct hit. The razor sharp projectiles continue to fly through the air, which Pierce is able to dodge, but they still manage to cause several cuts. - "Pierce listen to me ACK- WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU AIM FOR MY NECK ASSHOLE?! I GET YOU LIKED MARKING ME BUT NOT WITH YOUR SWORD- HOLY SHIT WAIT!" You start to shout as he charges forward with his sword before pinning you against the floor the cookies ava got you long gone and probably fucking ruined - "Good job you win... You gonna kill me by hand" You glared at pierce as you stared at your former lover "This is the most I ever got you to speak" You snickered as he hardened his grip onto his sword "Do it" "Don't rush me" You glared up at him as you slightly made eye contact with him eyes softening - You stared at him as he slowly loosened his touch on his sword and laid his head onto your shoulder gripping onto you - As you froze for a moment before you clinged onto him tightly sobbing loudly as he kept quiet only shedding a singular tear as he held onto you in return Im so not sorry for this - Bright
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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demontonic · 4 months
Could you possibly do a WandaNat x FEM daughter reader where reader comes home with bruises from being bullied and tries to hide them but fails? And also that the reader is being cyberbullied please? Thank you!
Mothers Know Best
WandaNat x GN!Reader Mothers Know Best
tw: bullying
word count: 845
The air seemed to still once you entered your home, your legs sore and beaten as well as your hair tangled and ratty. You make a feeble attempt to smooth your hair down in the mirror by the front door, anyone who knows you however could tell you were shaken. Your arms were scratched all the up to your elbows from when you shielded your face. Mama Nat always suggested that she teach you basic combat to which Mother Wanda always declined. They both wanted to give you a normal household, keeping their abilities to a minimum to ensure regular development. In hindsight as Wanda begins to feel your overwhelming emotions, she starts to doubt her decisions.
Quietly sitting in your room, changed into a shirt with long sleeves and pj shorts, you try to process everything. Why has it always been so hard? Why was it always you? What was wrong with you? When would you stop feeling like this? Would you stop feeling like this?
“Of course you will love.” That sweet voice that had always been there when the monsters felt too real, or when you fell and hurt your shins. Her red hair came into view and the smell of vanilla and everything sweet filled your senses. You’re old enough to know about their enhancements without babbling on to everyone. Of course sometimes you hated the mind reading, but when you couldn’t face up to reality like now, it was a godsend.
“Just mean kids, a bad day, long walk home… I’m okay.” Lying right in front of Wanda was a stupid decision for anyone who dared. So when her hands grabbed your wrist and pulled your sleeve back you simply trembled. No argument or excuses to be made once her eyes zeroed in on the damage done to her precious baby.
“Who the fuck layed hands on you?” A voice you grew to both fear and respect rang like alarms in your ears. Your eyes catching on Nat’s fierce emerald pair, dread filling your stomach.
“I fell on my shortcut thr-“
“Through the creek.”
“Through the creek.”
Clearly they were tired of you defending your assaulters, it was common now. You believed that if you stopped caring they’d pick on someone who would give a reaction. Now being halfway through the school year your Moms have decided otherwise.
“Is that why you cry after getting phone calls? Are they bothering you at home now?”
“I don’t know who makes the-“
“You know the group who’s capable, that’s enough for me.” Nat took a seat behind you, cleaning off the thin scratches with a warm damp towel. Wanda sat in silence, hearing your mind race a thousand miles an hour. Her fingers brushed over your legs as she began to notice bruises, both old and some still forming.
“Tell us what happened, you know I don’t like forcing this information out of you.”
“It’s really not that big of a deal.”
“I either hack into the accounts that contact you and find their addresses, Wanda reads your mind, or you can tell us what happened.” Nat’s voice was stern, you could hear it falter as she tried to remain gentle but she succumbed to her instincts.
“It was a group of people from my art class, the teacher really likes my art so everyone calls me a teacher's pet. It only got worse when they found out I’m adopted. Today was just out of nowhere, I didn’t know they were following me. They kicked at my legs and shoved me into the bushes. That's why there’s… so much.” You ended with a hushed voice, gesturing to the visible marks.
“Those children are just that, children. They’re far less intelligent than you, emotionally and intellectually, you are different and they don’t like that.” Wanda brushed hair out of your face in order to lock eyes with you, cementing every syllable that came out of her mouth.
“So don’t let them work you up this much kid, in a few years you’ll laugh at them because they’re stuck working in fast food places.” Nat rested her hand on your shoulder while offering you a kind smile. You loved these moments, relished in them to be exact. You felt safe within their presence because you knew they’d do anything to maintain your happiness.
“You’re right, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it like that before.”
“Sometimes you just get caught up in the moment, just know that we’re always here for you- and! We love you, always.”
“Always.” Nat added as she kissed your forehead before standing and heading towards the door.
“Now I made some really good cookies that should be ravished while they’re still warm.” The three of you smiled as you followed Nat into the kitchen, the evening following as normal. A snack, tv shows, dinner and a movie. Tonight however Natasha and Wanda spent a few minutes finding the parents of these kids to make sure you’d never have to deal with them again.
I know it’s really short however I thought it best to keep this as like a drabble/scenario. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this cute little work, I am hopeing to produce better pieces in the very near future! In the meantime please do not be afraid to send requests and look through my masterlist!
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impuls1veworm · 1 year
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˚₊ ⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆ ₊˚ prompt: Hii could I request bonten members reactions when someone stopped there meeting and told them that Rindou's wife got shot in her shoulder and now they can't pull it out bc she can't calm down? Bonten looks at the reader (Rindou's wife) like their little sister.
A/N: Girl, I'm sorry this is like days late, I didn't even get an inbox notification. I'm glad I randomly checked my inbox today. I hope you like it. If you want more Bonten members, let me know. These are just the only ones that came to mind today.
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— Sanzu, Mikey, and Ran.
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Mikey knew he was not the best fit to be here. Any warmth or comfort he may have exuded once was long gone, replaced by a cold, aloof presence, not the most reassuring during a time like this. And, while Mikey did care for Rindou’s wife, thinking of her almost like a sister, the trauma of losing his real sister was hitting him all too hard as he walked through the doors of the hospital. The last time he was here for a sister figure, it ruined his life, sending him a downward spiral that he never could crawl out of.
Mikey didn’t let the panic clawing at the back of his mind show, though. Instead, his face held the same stoic expression it always held lately as he walked towards the first nurse he saw asking to be taken to you. She ushered Mikey toward the ER doors, taking him to one of the many rooms where you sat. Your top had been cut down the middle, exposing your back, as another nurse attempted to reason with you. You were actively shying away from their touch when you finally noticed Mikey had entered.
Mikey took a seat in front of you, taking hold of your hand that wasn’t linked to your hurt shoulder. “Be still,” Mikey demanded. You weren’t going to further damage your shoulder on his watch. He got a second chance at having a sister figure in his life, and he was going to keep you as whole as he could. If Mikey could wrap you in bubble wrap and force you to stay locked in your house all day, he would. Knowing you'd never do something like that, Mikey got out of his chair and walked to the corner of the room, making a few calls. The person who did this to you would be taken care of, but you didn't need to know that.
You weren’t going to be another Emma, and your perpetrator was going to be taken care of personally.
You were the only tolerable thing about Rindou. If it wasn’t for you Sanzu’s relationship with Rindou would be as hostile as it was when they were younger, but, over the years, you grew on him. While Sanzu had siblings that were still alive and well, they were dead to him. Any brotherly instincts he had were long gone until the two of you grew closer. Slowly, he felt that icy part of his heart melt as it cautiously welcomed you in.
So when he walked through the doors of your hospital room to see you try to dissuade the nurse from pulling it out, carefully moving out the way of her hands, Sanzu felt himself get annoyed. There was no reason to keep the bullet in there, and you were taking up his time by being stubborn. “Sanzu! Tell them I don’t need—” You let out a yelp, cutting yourself off when Sanzu gave your hurt shoulder a gentle squeeze.
While Sanzu didn’t want you hurt, he also needed a way to shut you up and get you to listen. The nurse gave Sanzu a look of disbelief, but he wasn’t paying her any mind. “Now stop being a brat, let them help you,” Sanzu said, throwing himself into a chair in front of you. He heard you give out a scuff in disbelief. He guessed you were hoping he’d be more sympathetic to your condition.
You kicked at Sanzu, attempting to hit him in the shin, but he quickly moved his legs out the way, snickering at you. He may have been acting as usual, but he could feel his dominant hand twitching. Itching to go find the person who did this to you and do more than just return the favor.
But, he'll take care of that once you get home to Rindou.
Ran had been in the city having a relaxing day off. It had been a long time since Ran had a real day off. He was tempted to even shut his phone off to not risk his mood being ruined, but he was glad he didn’t do it as he received a call he hoped he never would. He had gotten a call from the hospital telling him that you'd been hurt. It wasn’t critical, but you were being difficult, and he was the second emergency contact listed.
He quickly threw down a random amount of cash on his table before leaving the restaurant, barely getting the chance to eat his food. Ran could feel his heart pounding as he rushed to the hospital. You were like a sister and a best friend to him. You had been in his life longer than anyone, besides his brother, and he couldn’t handle the thought of you being harmed.
Ran didn’t want to inflate your ego, though. He paused outside your hospital room as he took a deep breath to calm himself. He ran a hand down his face and then smoothed his hair down before walking through the door. You were being defiant, not letting the nurse touch you. “Always got to give someone a problem,” ran teased, trying to lift the mood, so maybe you would be more cooperative.
You stopped pushing the nurse away and turned your attention to him. As your attention shifted to him, unloading your frustration from your pain and the situation as a whole, Ran looked away from you and locked eyes with the nurse. He gave her a small nod of approval, not stopping the conversation with you, and kept your attention on him as they worked on your shoulder.
He didn't need to worry about making any calls to people, knowing Rindou was already taking care of it. So, while Rindou did the dirty work, he'd sit here and keep you company as you were none the wiser to your husband's actions.
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aealzx · 1 year
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The first thing Raphael learned about the new Mikey was that he was way more chaotic than their own Mikey. If he hadn’t seen the little guy bulldoze through a meta wall on his own, Raphael would have even called him foolhardy. But having seen Lil Mikey’s skill first hand meant that when he took off running down the hall after a purple EMP wave knocked out the entire base and their own communications, Raphael only followed. Which caused his two brothers to do the same, Don rebooting his tech on the way.
“Uhhhhhh, what was that??” Mikey demanded, speeding up to keep pace with Lil Mikey.
“DONNIE!” Lil Mikey called out once more, both in response to his counterpart, and to try and locate his missing brother.
“That answers absolutely nothing,” Mikey protested.
“Relax Mikey. It was just an EMP pulse. The other Donatello probably doesn’t know we’re here, so wouldn’t see the harm in setting one off,” Don calmed, brightening when his headset crackled back to life. “April?”
“Don?” Mom April’s voice came back laced with relief. “Thank goodness. I thought you’d been captured. I was suddenly kicked from the system.”
“EMP pulse. We’re back online though, and the backup generator just booted up. Can you tell us where Leo and the other Donatello are from us?” Don explained, cutting to the important details since they were already moving.
“I was able to release Leo from here, but it looks like he took a wrong turn while I was disconnected. I’ll try to lead him to join you since he’s familiar with our tactics,” Mom April explained, being able to relocate Leo in the cameras and place him on the map along with the other four. “The other one is no longer captured either, the containment room is empty, but I can’t get a location on him. There’s a deadzone of broken cameras in the area around where he was imprisoned. My guess is he’s taking them out- Don, look out! They rebooted the mechs in the room in front of you!”
To Mom April’s credit, she did try to warn them. But to their credit, they had one more team member than usual. As the sliding doors creaked open slowly because of the minimal energy provided to them the group emerged on a modest sized combat team made from a combination of Bishop’s soldiers enhanced with alien tech from the Shredder. There were four piloted mechanoids, and about ten ground soldiers with blasters, all trained at the door the brothers were coming through.
To the enemy’s benefit of the doubt, Lil Mikey wasn’t from their dimension. As soon as he noticed the weapons trained at them Lil Mikey’s first thought was to get cover for them. And since there wasn’t any readily available he created his own. Golden orange chains crashed from his arms into the ground below and ripped the metal flooring up like a peeled banana, effectively blocking the blaster fire. That was all he was able to get done before a powered up whine sent a pulse of headache inducing energy into the room, causing Lil Mikey to yelp and clutch his head.
“MAN! That is SO unfair!” Lil Mikey whimpered.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get them,” Don consoled, already pulling a mirror from his bag of supplies to use to locate the devices without risking poking their heads out. It didn’t take long to find the upright duffle bag sized machine whirring away near a mechanoid’s foot. “Raph-”
“On it,” Raphael responded, having been looking over Don’s shoulder. Popping over the barrier they had Raphael threw bladed stars at the device before covering his head with his arms, just in case, and dropping back down. There was a satisfying clang, pop, and fizzle as the device was damaged enough to shut down. Yet along with it came the fizz of more gas canisters being broken open and tossed.
“Hey! No peeking!” Mikey chastised when a ground soldier coasted around the side, trying to sneak up on them. A stunt earned them a metal nunchuck to the shielded face, and a quick kick to the side to send them away again.
“Thanks!” Lil Mikey chimed once again, shaking his head clear before bringing his chains to life once more. While several of them whipped into the soldiers, either bashing them to the side or stealing their guns, Lil Mikey stepped out from behind the barrier. The chains from his arms came once more, thrashing forward to wrap around one of the mechanoids moments before Lil Mikey whip cracked it into a different one.
With the blaster fire having been minimized, Don and Raph darted out from either side of the barrier as well, tiny electric mines in their hands. It was almost child’s play to dodge they’re way in and out of the remaining soldiers, snaking in a quick punch or kick on their way. The mines were attached to the remaining mechanoids, electricity bursting upon contact and crackling up the machines to fry the circuits.
Raphael would have given them full points for that fight, except after a moment Lil Mikey let out a series of soft coughs and put his hands back to the oversized gas mask on his face.
“Try not to breathe in the gas if you can. It might be good for you to stay back if there’s any,” Don immediately switched more to medic mode, resting a hand on Lil Mikey’s back and leading him to the exit while trying to fan the gas away with his other hand.
“Dude, that was INSANE! How are you able to just throw a giant machine like nothing? Can I learn to do that?” Mikey cheered, rushing to catch up to the rest after having given the remaining conscious soldier a kick to the head.
“Probably because we’re made to be super soldiers,” Lil Mikey commented offhandedly, giving a few more soft coughs before taking a deeper breath once they escaped the gas cloud.
The words didn’t quite register correctly in the others’ minds, their bodies moving on autopilot for a moment while their minds caught up. 
“....What?” Raphael voiced shortly, not quite sure he understood that correctly.
“....Oh…,” was all Don could think to comment, filing that fact away for later analysis.
Mikey blinked as the construct in his mind quickly rearranged itself into an explanation that made more sense. If they were super soldiers, then they weren’t super heroes, right? “Khhk. Captain America, I’ve come to destroy you,” Mikey quoted, mimicking the static from a radio, then quickly dodging Raphael’s swatting hand.
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I was too lazy to try and make the image look any better =v=; not that great with getting the oomph in action shots yet
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teeth-n-ambitions · 6 months
This is something old I wrote a few years ago, maybe 2020? I've had bad writing block for a bit so I thought digging this back up might help. I was thinking about rewriting this but I think the original is still good as it is.
TW: lady whump, blood, brief nudity, possessive whumper, manipulation
Everything ached, Lila knew that much. Even her flickering eyelids were heavy. Light burning her eyes, she threw an arm over her face on reflex, sending a fresh wave of pain down to her shoulder. She groaned.
“Oh goodness, you’re alive.” Echoing footsteps accompanied the approaching voice. “I was debating whether to bury you or not.”
Lila rolled her arm to her forehead in lieu of sitting up. Black velvet cascaded down the stranger’s tall frame, swooping sleeves hanging just beneath her shoulders, with a dip in the chest and the skirt parting down the middle, exposing a slice of red matching the trim around the sleeves and neckline. The hem just missed the floor it floated over. An oblong pendant rested on her pale, near sickly, chest, red and glistening in the light. Unnaturally silky black hair ran down her back. Some of it landed on her shoulder when she dropped to crouch beside Lila.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
“I, uh—” Lila cleared her raw throat. “I’ve been better. What happened?”
“The wolves had gotten hold of you. I was on a walk and found them tearing your bag apart. You were like this when I got there. It seems they’d moved on from you already. Your pulse was quite soft.”
“Oh, well, thank you for saving me, miss.”
“Cassara. And you’re welcome. What are you doing this deep in the wood, little one?”
A thick fog swirled around within Lila’s skull. Hopefully she hadn’t injured her brain too.
“I can’t remember,” she said. Cassara hummed to herself.
“Figures.” Standing again, she brushed her hair behind her back once more. “We’ll have to get you cleaned up before doing anything about those wounds. Try not to move.”
“Wha—Hey!” Hooking her arms under Lila’s back and knees, Cassara effortlessly lifted her from the couch. The movement ignited a new burst of pain in her right ankle. She hissed.
“I know, I know,” Cassara soothed. “I’ll get you fixed up, I promise.”
“Fucking put me down!” Lila failed to twist out of the woman’s steadfast grip. “What are you doing?”
“I told you.” They entered a hallway behind a set of double doors. “All these gashes need to be cleansed before I can go about treating them.” Mounted on the walls, the candles’ light hit Cassara’s eyes as they passed by. Perhaps it was clouds in her mind, but for a moment Lila thought she caught a hint of violet in her irises. She abandoned her attempt to squirm away, a knot tying itself in her stomach.
At the creak of a new door, a welcoming humidity lapped up to Lila’s face, a wave against the shore. It wasn’t until it enveloped her that she realized how cold she had been.
“I requested a bath be drawn as soon as you began to stir,” Cassara said, gently depositing Lila onto a stool.
Fewer candles meant the light in the bathroom wasn’t as harsh as the previous room had been, and so Lila took the opportunity to finally see what the damage looked like. Her clothing was in tatters, with patches of skin peering through the torn material. Her trousers had gotten the worst of it, with half a leg missing entirely, though a few holes and dark stains littered her sleeves.
“Shit,” she muttered. Cassara clicked her tongue.
“Unfortunately that whole ensemble is done for, as is the case with the spare in your bag; the top alone had been completely torn in half.”
“Do you have my bag?”
“Sorry, no.” Cassara pushed her sleeves to her elbows and bent to Lila’s height. “It was beyond repair as well. Whatever you had in there must have been what the damn creatures went after you for. Lift your arm for me?”
Lila spasmed the moment Cassara tugged at her clothing, shoving the woman and kicking her legs out until she’d landed on her behind, skin hot, chest heaving in tune to her rapidly spiking heartbeat, eyes blown wide.
“What was that?” Cassara’s lips curled just a bit, her hands going to her knees.     
“Now you can’t wash with those rags on, can you? Hm?” The shameless amusement in her voice made Lila’s ears burn.
“I can do it myself!” She barked back. “I’m not an infant!”
“Then perhaps you should stop acting like one, darling.”
Lila’s nostrils flared, teeth sinking into her tongue. Were her throat not painfully dry already, she’d scream, but just swallowing made her wince. She opted to jerk her gaze in another direction instead.
With a sigh, Cassara returned to Lila’s side, again crouching to her level. Though cool, her skin was smooth against Lila’s, setting off an involuntary shiver as she took her chin between her fingers, turning her head to force eye contact. Her voice remained steady.
“Tell me your name, sweetheart.” It was too soft for the command it was. Lila’s muscles loosened just a little, scrunched features smoothing on her dirty face. It felt as if her heart sighed.
“Lila,” she answered in just as light a voice. The fog in her head felt more like cotton now. Cassara dragged her thumb across Lila’s chin, nail ghosting her bottom lip. Another shiver.
“If you want everything to stop hurting so much you have to let me help you. That’s all I’m trying to do. This would all be so much easier if you’d just cooperate. Can you do that for me, Lila?”
Cassara’s touches went without protest this time, save for a whine when peeling off a part of her top glued to her stomach with blood. She felt even filthier now that she could actually see the wounds themselves. A mixture of dirt and long-dried blood crusted over dozens of tears and slashes in Lila’s flesh, as well as some obvious bite marks around her ankles and calves. Her right ankle in particular swelled angrily. Thankfully her arms bore shallow cuts instead, with but a few random ones scattered around her torso. Reminded of Cassara’s presence by another click of the tongue, Lila crossed an arm over her chest, attempted to pull in her knees. Her face was only a few shades lighter than Cassara’s pendant.
“Now, now, there’s no need for any of that,” Cassara murmured. “You don’t have to hide from me.”
Lila yelped upon being scooped up again, growing redder still as they approached the bath. But the warmth rising from the water lulled her back into complacency. God, it was going to feel so good.
Her trance broke as soon the first cut met the water.
“Fuck, fuck, it hurts! Fucking stop it!” Her arms locked around Cassara’s neck, water sloshing onto the floor as she scrambled to avoid coming into contact with it again. Her cries were ignored in favor of lowering her further into the tub. Cassara hummed, plucked Lila’s arms from her neck. She plunged her arm into the water and held Lila down by her stomach.
Lila thrashed, aggravating her already sore muscles, until the biting sting consuming her entire being melted into a tingly numbness. Still, it was prominent enough that she hardly felt Cassara stroking her stomach.
“There you go, honey.” She tucked a lock of hair behind Lila’s ear. “Doesn’t that feel nice?”
Lila couldn’t bring herself to growl like she wanted to. She was too preoccupied catching her breath.
“I’ll try to make this as gentle as possible,” Cassara said, pulling the stool over to the side of the tub. “You just rest and let me work, alright?” Without waiting for an answer, she produced a washcloth, dunking it into the water before smearing it across Lila’s forehead. She took her jaw in her free hand when she flinched away.
“While I appreciate—” Deceptively dainty fingers tilted her head upwards, the washcloth swiped across her skin. “—Your help here—” To the side. “—I don’t think—” And the other. “—All this is necessary.” She gripped the rim of the tub to pull herself up. “I mean—” Only to be pushed back down. “—I don’t even know you.”
“You’re hurt, darling,” Cassara cooed. “The least I can do is try to lessen your suffering.”
“But bathing me?” Water poured from cupped hands onto Lila’s head. “That’s easy enough to do myself.” Fingers carded through her hair on both sides of her head, effectively pulling it from her face. “And I’m not sure I like you touching me this mu…ch…”
That’s what ultimately did it. Having Cassara’s nails against her scalp, hands massaging soap into her hair. Whatever remaining objections she had fizzled out entirely. Cassara chuckled above her.
“You were saying?”
Only a hum came in response. Lila’s eyelids fluttered shut. Finally. Cassara hoped she wouldn’t have to influence her anymore after this.
When the fallen layers of grime had clouded the lukewarm water brown, steam long gone from the air, Cassara tucked the ends of a towel beneath Lila’s arms so it would wrap around her body when removed from the bath. Bridal wouldn’t keep the towel in place as well, so instead Cassara held Lila’s chest to her own, an arm around her back and another supporting her behind.
Encased in the warm body in her arms, Lila's heart, pumping dutifully, pulsed right through her own chilled skin, vibrations echoing in her ancient ribcage. What she wouldn’t give to wrench it right out and grind it into a pulp directly over her mouth. Of course she considered it, when she found the poor thing in the first place, but no. No, she’d been smart to wait. She knew it as soon as she got that pretty face in her hands. She would take her time with this one. Have fun with her.
She’d have to put up with the resistance for a time, but that was no matter. It would fade. It always did.
Darkness veiled the room when Lila’s senses eventually came back to her. She grunted as she stretched her drowsy limbs, fingers splayed out on the silken sheets. They were cool against her palms, smooth when she scrunched them in her hands, with no stray fibers to catch on her nails. She couldn’t remember buying them, but god, she was grateful she did.
A familiar soreness greeted her when she sat herself up in the bed. Beneath the plush comforter, Lila’s legs lay clean and bandaged, a splint hugging her right ankle. She pushed back the sleeves of her nightgown to find light bandaging as well. Nightgown. When did she…?
 “Oh god,” she whispered. It really did happen. That creep really stripped and bathed her like some kind of doll. And her head—what did she do to her? How did she muddle her mind so badly?
 Regardless, her head was clear now. Still no memory before entering the forest, and no idea where said forest even was, but she had to get out before anything else could be done to her.
She could hardly tell what was around her, but she could just make out the faint outline of a window not too far from the bed. Not a single beam of light shown through it; was it closed? That was fine, she’d smash it if she had to. Sliding off the bed, she set for the window. But, in an overestimation of strength, put weight on her right leg, only for her ankle to fail her, and toppled to the floor instead. Splintering pain overwhelmed the joint so much that she had to grit her teeth not to cry out.
A wooden groan from the other end of the room, followed by footsteps marked with the glow of a candle. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no.
Could she roll under the bed? There’s no way she could crawl to the window in time before—
“Lila, sweetheart?”
Lila ran through every curse she knew in her head. Cassara held her candle around to where Lila lay on the ground, brought a hand to her cheek.
“How did this happen, precious?”
Lila snarled despite the pounding in her chest.
“Don’t you dare touch me.” She pushed up on her hands. “I swear I’ll kill you.”
Her pulse picked up at Cassara’s laugh.
“Aw,” Lila tried to scramble back as she approached. “I can see you’ve got your energy back.” She took Lila by the upper arm and hoisted her into the air, more-or-less plopping her back onto the bed.
It didn’t take long for Cassara to light the rest of the room, revealing a large vanity and an even greater closet, and, yes, the rounded window with the curtains drawn, a plush couch beneath it. She set down the original candle and pinched it out.
“I’ve sent for some water,” She said, taking a seat before the vanity. “I know you must be parched, but you can’t gulp it all down at once and make yourself sick.” She took a hairbrush sitting on the vanity, pulled her hair over her shoulder to brush it. Lila sat back up.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She fumed. “Did you drug me?”
“Not at all, dear.” Cassara remained entirely focused on her reflection. “But I did have to influence you to keep you from fighting me. If you would just do as I ask then I wouldn’t need to do so.” Satisfied, she returned the brush, leaned into the mirror to examine her eyelashes better.
“What?” In the mirror Cassara watched, waited for Lila to put the pieces together. It was adorable, how her eyes bugged and her skin paled. She could hardly suppress the grin threatening to break out when they locked eyes in the glass.
“You’re—" She gasped. Cassara flashed her fangs.
“A vampire?” She turned in her seat to face the bed. “It’s alright darling, you can say it. It’s not a dirty word.” Her smile was up to her eyes now. Oh, this was wonderful.
“What do—” Lila swallowed. “Are you going to kill me? Is that why you did all this? To make a better meal for you?”
“Maybe a little.” A pause. “You know,” Cassara made a point of rising slowly to her feet. “It was incredibly lucky that I was the one to discover you.” She waltzed around the bed, fingers running along the blankets. “Any other vampire may have been…” They came to snake up Lila’s leg, resting just above her knee, trailing goosebumps in their wake. “…Ill-intentioned.” She loved the way her chest struggled to calm itself.
“And what are your intentions?” Her eyes followed Cassara’s as she lowered to her level.
“To make you mine.” Another hand rose to cup her face, thumb swaying along her cheek. “All you have to do is be a good pet and behave.”
“Pet?” Lila jerked back from the hand. “Are you out of your mind? Look, lady, if you want to eat me, fine. But I’m not going to be your stupid dog. And will you stop—” She shook off the hand on her leg, kicked it away for good measure. “—touching me! What is your deal with that anyway?”
Without breaking eye contact, Cassara settled onto the edge of the bed, her bed, rested her hands calmly on her lap.
“You do know what they say about this wood, don’t you?”
Lila kept her mouth shut. She would lose her confidence again if she didn’t.
“Those who enter never return. Can you guess why?”
“The canopy is so thick that it’s always dark, day or night. Neither the moon or sun ever so much as peek through the leaves. Naturally, creatures who cherish the shadows tend to flock here. Know what that means?”
Cassara moved to crawl towards Lila. Lila sunk back into the bedding as she came to hover over her. Her heartbeat sped up again.
“It means that there are swarms of vampires all around us. If something else doesn’t get you, they will. And most aren’t as forgiving as I have been.” Her hair dangled above Lila, black curtains framing her head. Her knees dug into the mattress on either side of Lila’s body.
“So if you want to see the rest of your life, you best not cross the one that doesn’t want to exterminate you. I found you, I get to keep you. That makes this,” She clutched one of Lila’s hips, nails biting her skin through the nightgown. “This,” Then the same with her head. “And this,” From her hip she brought her hand to just where Lila’s heart would be, caged it with her fingers. “Mine. Every part of you, inside and out, belongs to me. You are mine to do whatever I want with. And I have no issue doing anything it takes to get that through your pretty little head. Do you understand?”
Lila nodded rapidly. Cassara pushed her nails deeper into her skin.
“Say it.”
“I understand.”
With a sigh, her features softened, moved her hands to cradle Lila’s face as she gently lowered herself to rest on her legs. Her thumbs rubbed over her precious cheeks.
“I’ll take such good care of you, little one,” She murmured. “No one will love you as much as I will. You’ll be so happy here. I just need you to be good for me, okay? Will you be good for me, pet?”
“Yes.” It was barely audible. Cassara pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.
“I know you will.”
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pyropsychiccollector · 4 months
Persona 3 Reload: Elizabeth Boss Battle
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While I could probably be called a layman to Persona - a newb, a greenhorn... I do empathize with anyone trying to clear this final, "secret" boss battle that is pretty grueling, if I do say so myself. (人◕ω◕);;; I drew up this "strategy guide" for my own remembrance, but if anyone wants tips or ideas, you can feel free to consult this. I'll just leave it up here. It's, generally, easy to follow and borrows from guides on the internet I've read. I didn't follow them to the letter exactly, and yet I managed to come out of this fight alive twice thus far... Make adjustments of your own if you need to; this is just what I cobbled together, and it works for me. Proud owner of 2 Omnipotent Orbs over here, and hope to get more in the future. ... Even if Elizabeth kicks my ass several times along the way. (人◕ω◕)
... But I digress. Here's my notes. I heavily advise using a calculator or scratch paper to keep a record of how much damage you deal to Elizabeth... You're gonna need to know when you hit certain thresholds. Also - I managed to beat her without maxing the stats of my Personas. Made things a bit harder for myself because of that, but I still mustered victory twice with stats and levels across the board. It's easier with higher leveled Persona's, so I advise grinding as much as possible. You don't need max stats... Just get them to where you're comfortable. You're in for one tough fight regardless if you're maxed out or not.
Also... Before going into Tartarus, I advise going to the fortuneteller at Club Escapade to get a Soul Fortune. You'll build up Theurgy much quicker, and the fight can be much easier for it. Do as you like~
The Rules
For this fight, you'll be battling alone... Once you leave your party members at the entrance, journey up to Floor 255 and down into the deepest parts of the Monad Door there. And you'll need to keep in mind to not equip anything that nullifies/absorbs/reflects Elizabeth's elemental attacks. You can use Personas that have such resistances, but be careful. If she launches an attack and you break her rules, she'll nuke you with Megidolaon and you'll have to start the fight over. Be mindful of your team and what stage of the fight she's in. You'll have 50 turns to bring her down to 0, but as you'll soon see... They get used up pretty quickly. Come prepared to hit her strong and hard - and definitely stock up on materials, you'll need the healing and status buffs/debuffs.
My best Personas for the fight (feel free to modify these to your own liking; this is just what I used):
Orpheus Telos
Salvation, Single-Target Boost, Spell Master, Firm Stance, Ice Boost, Ice Amp, Concentrate, Diamond Dust
Almighty Boost, Almighty Amp, Heat Riser, Spell Master, Firm Stance, Endure, Morning Star, Resist Ice
Enduring Soul, Morning Star, Spell Master, rest of moves up to your discretion
Chi You
Arms Master, Brave Blade, Charge, Firm Stance, Single-Target Boost, Resist Elec, Slash Boost, Slash Amp
Lucifer (only good for Phase 1; I have Debilitate on him, saves me Debilitator Sutras for Phase 3)
Items to stock up on (feel free to add or subtract from this list; these are what I most commonly used):
Empowering Sutras/Heat Riser Potatos
Debilitator Sutras
Items equipped:
Lucifer's Blade
Armor of Light
Shoes of Light
Amritite Necklace (shields you from ailments, highly recommend)
Necessary Theurgy:
Recommended Theurgy:
Phase 1:
Elizabeth can be a vexing opponent, but she does have patterns if you prolong the battle enough and observe her. For this first phase, she'll only attack twice each turn with a different Persona each round. Usually status buffs/debuffs, elemental moves, and physical moves. The order of elements she goes in are: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Light, Dark, Status Ailments, and Almighty.
To break it down a little for you - Helel can be used for those first four types; he absorbs Light and Dark, so when those turns come around swap him out. Helel is mainly used for Heat Riser and Morning Star. Orpheus Telos can be used any turn, and I use him for the Concentrate move, mostly - it doubles the damage of your next magic attack. Don't worry if you use Heat Riser on the next turn, Concentrate will still be active. During this phase, I will occasionally throw Lucifer out to Debilitate Elizabeth, debuffing her stats; this first phase is rather open-ended, just be mindful of what type of moves she's going to use next and how much damage you've dealt to her.
Cycle through Concentrate, Heat Riser, Morning Stars, and Theurgies to whittle her down from 20,000 to at least 13,000. There are elemental attack strategies, too, but I was alright using Morning Star Almighty damage, chiefly. And Theurgies like Trickster (save Armageddon for later, you will NEED it). Occasionally throw in Debilitate to hit harder; Lucifer is best used on turns after she uses Surt (fire), Thor (electric), and Alice (dark) (if Lucifer is equipped ON those turns, you break her rules because of his resistances. Be careful.).
Depending if you get her lower than 10,000, she skips Phase 2. Otherwise, get ready for Phase 2 after getting her below 13,000.
Phase 2:
Elizabeth will praise you for your efforts, and buff herself with Concentrate. This is your cue.
Switch to Messiah to endure and restore your health from her Megidolaon (or whatever Persona of yours has Enduring Soul; I highly recommend carrying one with Enduring Soul because it saves you a turn of healing up). Then, hit her hard with Morning Stars or Theurgy attacks to get her down from 13,000 to the 9999 threshold, you'll have three turns to pull this off; if you fail, she'll hit you with another Megidolaon and you'll have to start the fight over. Be mindful of how much SP you have, I certainly recommend leveling up as much as possible for this fight. Once she hits this new threshold, she jumps into Phase 3.
Phase 3:
Elizabeth praises you again and recovers her health back to 20,000. Frustrating, I know, but this is the home stretch believe it or not. If you skipped Phase 2, you might want to take a turn to use a Soma. ... Heck, you might want to use an SP recovery item anyway, if you're pretty low.
Otherwise, jump into Chi You. Do not forget this. Elizabeth will now be using two Persona each turn, but still get two attacks only; after she cycles through Fire/Ice, Electric/Wind, Light/Dark, she'll start varying it up (in my experience, she does ailment/electric next, but after that she has a new cycle to pay attention to). Chi You has no resistances to worry about, and as long as you watch for physical resistances on her end, you should be able to whittle her back down to the 9999 threshold. Just keep using Charge + Brave Blade, and heal yourself when necessary. Pop one or two Theurgies if you want (again, save Armageddon for later), toss Debilitator Sutras at her if you'd like to weaken her, and Empowering Sutras on yourself. Elizabeth's a glutton for punishment... so go ham.
Be very careful to not get her below 10,000 without switching to Helel. You need his Endure ability to survive her last Megidolaon. Or, again, if you have a different Persona with Endure just use what you're comfortable with.
Also: SAVE YOUR THIRD THEURGY FOR ARMAGEDDON. Feel free to use Theurgy moves, at most, twice before getting her close to 10,000 hp. Remember to keep in mind where you are on her health bar, the game won't tell you. Around the 11-12,000 mark, hold back on using Theurgy. Save up for the next one. Chi You should be able to whittle down the remainder, and once she's as close to 10,000 as possible, switch to Helel. Use Morning Star to get her below 10,000. Endure kicks in automatically for her last attack (her grand finale, as she calls it). At last, hit her with the Armageddon Theurgy. This always deals 9999 damage, and you need to save this for last because it can only be used once. If you use it up prior to this, you've lost the fight. Trying to attack Elizabeth normally after she's below 10,000 is a futile effort - she'll just heal back up, and cast Megidolaon on you eventually. You've got one shot, but if you've roughly been following what I did here... Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the post-battle chat with Lizzy~ You'll get no EXP from this fight, no materials.... Just a Platinum Bookmark for bragging rights.
If you talk to her at the entrance of Tartaros, she'll give you an Omnipotent Orb. That's your main reward for the Hell she put you through. ^_^ Unfortunately, you can't use it against her in any subsequent NG+ playthrough, but the orb does carry over to NG+. As stated above, Lizzy does not appreciate her elemental attacks not connecting... She will nuke you if you break her rules. Lizzy wants to play, so play nice~
If you stuck it out this long, I salute you. Most other guides are more professional and more in-depth, I suppose. But I figure not everyone has the patience to prepare perfectly for a fight with Elizabeth, not with max levels and stats for Personas... Those can take a while to grind. This is just how I managed it, and I'm throwing my ideas out there for anyone else struggling. (人◕ω◕)
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undreaming-fanfiction · 7 months
With This Ring (1)
Also posting here if you want to avoid Ao3 for some reason :) A Corpse Bride Steddie AU you didn't know you needed. Steddie Big Bang 2023 - project 202, brought to you by myself and two wonderful artists, @yellowsweater-bluevest and @mcdadarts.
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"So...a big day tomorrow?" 
Steve didn't even look up from the piano. He just chuckled, a mixture of bitterness and amusement that felt like his personal brand, a perfect description of his life. His fingers were moving over the keyboard in natural, long practiced strokes. "Something like that," he said. 
He noticed movement on his left as Robin walked to the window to check the blinds, to make sure they shielded her and Steve from any and all unwanted attention. It didn't matter that the only thing they could see were the woods around Robin's house, Hawkins had eyes everywhere. 
The shuffling finally quieted down and Robin leaned against Steve, patting his shoulder. “You’ve really improved, you know that? You’re much better than me now and the hesitation you had a few months back is gone. I don’t give praise just to anyone, but you should be proud.” She smelled like dried flowers and Steve huffed out a quiet laugh. Just like Robin to act all tough and snarky but keep all the flowers that she was given. 
“Thanks. Both for the praise and for letting me practice here.” He didn’t add that she might as well have been the only person who appreciated his playing, who saw how much it meant to him. Or that if his father knew about his hobby, he would have likely smashed the piano to pieces and if one or two of Steve’s fingers happened to be collateral damage, well. Two birds, one stone. Instead, he slowly brought his hands into a coda and stilled his fingers, let the melody linger in the air for a bit longer. “When is she coming?” 
Robin checked her watch and blushed, much to Steve’s amusement. “Any minute now.” 
“You know you have nothing to be nervous about, right?” When she didn’t respond, he nudged her side one, two times, until she wheezed and grasped his fingers. “It’s not like you have that stupid rehearsal tomorrow. And everything will go,” he straightened his spine, adopting a stern expression very closely mimicking his father, “according to plan.” 
That finally made her chuckle and relax. “And what a plan that is! Fantastic, magnificent, absolutely riveting. And if someone decides to show up, we’ll just finalize the details-”
The bell rang, stopping her rambling. Robin immediately left his side, almost skipping to the door as Steve watched her go, trying to fix her hair in the process. He felt a strange pull in his heart – he used to think it was jealousy, but now he finally knew what it was. Yearning. Seeing someone so happy, he thought that maybe one day, when all of this was over, maybe then- 
Once they made sure the door was closed, Nancy greeted Robin with a gentle peck on her lips and made her way into the living room. “Hi Steve. Ready for the big day?”
He laughed as he squeezed her hand in greeting. “Oh, absolutely, can’t wait to practice my vows and see both our families rejoice at the flawless performance.” 
“Steve, your sarcasm is showing.” Nancy rolled her eyes, but her smile betrayed the pretend annoyance. 
“Oh, is it? Sorry.” His fingers returned to the keyboard, grazing their surface. “Anyway, you have a date to get to and I’m here to provide an alibi. Would you like your favorite song to kick it off?” 
Before Nancy could react, Robin gently moved her to the side, hands on her hips, and cleared her throat. “Sure she wants to hear it. We’ve been practicing all day for the big occasion, right, Steve?” 
His laughter gradually faded into the well-known melody and he found himself humming along as Robin sang with all the dramatics and passion she could muster:
“Thanks a bunch, but I'm not getting married
Go have lunch, 'cause I'm not getting married
You've been grand, but I'm not getting married
Don't just stand there, I'm not getting married
And don't tell Steve, but I'm not getting married today”
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Steve Harrington’s life was perfect, that’s what everyone kept telling him. 
“The perfect house”, they scoffed as they peered into his living room, seeing the pristine carpets, the shiny displays of expensive statuettes and framed pictures. Of course they could afford housekeeping, of course they had the prettiest flowers in their garden – planted, watered and maintained in their perfection by a professional gardener. Of course Mrs. Harrington never allowed something as mundane and dirty as soil near her manicured nails. That was the image she always portrayed, even if Steve sometimes saw her watching the wilting leaves, her fingers reaching out before quickly withdrawing. 
“The perfect family”, they muttered as they observed the Harringtons leaving for yet another gala, another social function that allowed them to flaunt their wealth, their status. They were a sight to behold - the patriarch of the family, Richard Harrington, with his strong jaw, cold eyes and practiced booming laughter, the trophy wife, Mary Harrington, and her platinum blonde hair in stiff locks, the most expensive jewelry and effortless mingling...and Steve. The golden child Steve Harrington, the boy who could easily charm and entertain, who enchanted many a heart in his high school years, the boy who excelled in sports and took a junior position in his father’s company after school to prove himself. Perfectly respectful, maybe a bit of a rascal, but boys will be boys, they said. 
“The perfect future,” they spat out as they saw Steve leaving his father’s office, that charming smile plastered on his face, oblivious to the worries of common people. How far would anyone else have gotten if they had private sessions with Mr. Harrington, explaining to them the intricacies of their business? But of course, the boy did not understand how lucky he was. 
It was only natural for the perfect boy, now a young man, to have a perfect wife too. And how fortunate that there was a family in their town of Hawkins that fit the Harrington criteria – a traditional father, on the right side of the political spectrum, of course, a housewife with just enough brains to be charming but not too much, not to overshadow her older husband, and three kids. Not all of them agreeable, but the eldest daughter was bright, polite and while she was a bit too ambitious for Mr. Harrington’s liking, time and family focus would fix that small problem. Mr. Harrington believed that all problems have solutions.
Steve tried to follow the plan. He and Nancy Wheeler went to school together and it only seemed right that they eventually started dating, a studious, presentable girl and a popular jock. They did it all, romantic dates, parties – but not too many, just enough to remain the golden couple, family dinners and grand plans for their future...that is, until they broke up. 
He should have seen it coming. Their relationship had been on the rocks ever since Nancy’s best friend Barb accidentally slipped and drowned in the Harrington family pool during one of those rare parties. He’d tried to be there for Nancy, begged her to tell him what she needed, but as time dragged on, it became obvious that she didn’t know what would ease her pain. She was only sure of one thing - it wasn’t him. 
It was fine. He was hurt, of course, he blamed himself, tried to fix whatever was wrong with him, but in the end accepted it – he had to, especially after he skipped the second period and saw Nancy in an empty classroom, lips glued to a girl from his class, the passion so foreign, so different from what she used to be like with him. And even though the pain would not go away, not fully, the fear in their eyes and the instant jolt that made them leave each other’s arms, it made him understand. He just smiled at them and mentioned an empty service bathroom that would perhaps be safer, more discreet. 
It should have ended there – Steve informing his parents of their break-up, losing his first love but gaining two friendships at once. It seemed like a good trade to him, better than he thought he’d have. Perhaps he would meet another girl one day, one his father would approve of. But when Richard Harrington scoffed and said, “as if love had anything to do with marriage”, something cold settled in Steve’s stomach, something that felt awfully a lot like helplessness. His father decided what was best for him, without knowing him at all, his life a mere extension of the Harrington legacy.
Months of pleading led nowhere, and so did the reasoning, bargaining...Richard Harrington wouldn’t budge, and neither would Ted Wheeler. It would have been better for Steve to just leave, to live his own life elsewhere, but...
But Nancy had a bright future ahead of her. She was his friend and so was Robin, the second half of his soul he’d never known he was missing. So he made a deal with himself – he would stall the wedding, give just enough to keep his father if not happy, then at least satisfied, and give Nancy enough time to reach her eighteenth birthday, secretly apply for college just like Robin and Nancy and once the two of them were out, safe and out of reach of the town’s and their families’ bigotry, he would focus on himself. Maybe he’d move out and disappear, just like the girls would. Or he’d stay and face the music, living his own life to spite his father. 
So many options, so little time. 
And that was why he was currently at the piano, his fingers moving as if they had a mind of their own, producing melodies that felt like a second nature to him, the familiarity equally sweet and painful. He might have lost the first love of his life, but along with gaining a soulmate and a good friend, he’d rediscovered a part of himself that he’d never thought he would ever dare to pursue again – music. 
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Ever since he was little, Steve Harrington had loved music. From the sweet tone of his mother’s voice singing him to sleep, before the golden cage trapped her in more ways than one, to gentle strumming of a guitar coming from the woods, from kids that were free in ways he would never taste. He would never be allowed to join a band, that would tarnish his reputation, that and the one of his family, to stoop to being a public spectacle. But they couldn’t always control him, the school became his refuge, long before his King Steve persona, long before he had his heart broken and glued back together. The school was a place where he could be himself, at least partially. It was ironic, the building most of his peers hated became his favorite spot in Hawkins. And in it, the musical room and a piano, a beautiful instrument that could weave any emotion into its tones – melancholy, love, hope. It was complex and perfect for Steve. 
Complex and perfect…just like the boy that he saw once at the piano. It didn’t matter that he was wearing shabby clothes, too big for him, that he had the ugliest buzzcut and that there was a fresh bruise on his cheek. His long and gangly limbs hardly fit on the small stool in front of the piano, but Steve couldn’t stop watching his hands, the thin and elegant fingers flowing like water. 
Steve was mesmerized. He could have watched the boy play for hours, letting those beautiful tones wash over him, but then he took a breath that was too deep, too audible, and the boy froze. He looked like a cornered animal, jumping up to distance himself from the piano and knocking his knee on the bottom of the keyboard. And Steve hated himself for laughing, he really did, but he just couldn’t understand how someone could go from graceful to a ragdoll in two seconds. As the boy mumbled nervous apologies and rubbed his knee, Steve stopped him, taking a step closer. 
“That was amazing. Really, really amazing. Could you maybe…could you show me? The basics? If you’re not busy.”
It turned out that the boy’s name was Eddie and he wasn’t busy. He had plenty of time between classes, during lunch breaks. Being the new kid, and the new poor kid from a trailer park on top of that…that was a death sentence in Hawkins Middle School. Steve had learned so much about Eddie during their lessons – he would bring lunch, they’d eat together in the music room and chat about anything and everything. Eddie told him how he moved in with his uncle Wayne, how he felt like a burden and never wanted him to worry so he hid his bruises and kept out of harm’s way, kept out of sight and out of trouble. He said his mom used to play a lot in bars when he was a kid, took him with her and taught him whenever she could, staying longer and longer, maybe hoping that if they stayed past midnight, his father would get bored, turn to whatever alcohol he managed to steal that day and fall asleep before they got back. It didn’t always work, but hey, it was worth a shot. And Eddie was a fast learner. 
But he never had to hide from Wayne Munson, and if Steve had ever experienced warmth and understanding, it was from Eddie and his uncle. The man seemed older than he was, balding and with a face full of lines, but underneath his gruff exterior was a heart of pure gold. They didn’t have much, but he always prepared a quick meal for Steve and Eddie when they got too immersed in their dreams of music and grand future. He’d pat Steve’s shoulder and ask him about school, likes and dislikes, his goals and dreams. 
Eddie had dreams too, he wanted to leave Hawkins and play music, no matter what the form would be. Not just covers too, but his own songs and tunes. He loved all kinds of instruments, guitar mostly, but piano had always been his comfort. He played snippets of melodies for Steve that he composed himself, often asking for Steve’s feedback, for his ideas. Whenever that happened, Steve’s chest tightened and he felt a strange fluttering. Someone found him worthy of voicing his opinion. Someone asked him for it. For the first time in his life, he felt heard. He felt like a separate person from his family, from the expectations. In that music room, it wasn’t Steve Harrington, the golden boy of the Harrington family, and Eddie Munson, the neglected trailer trash. They were just Steve and Eddie, bonded over their love for music. 
And then it ended, like all good things do. 
Steve stopped seeing Eddie and they passed each other in the hallways of the Hawkins High, all blatant disregard and secret glances. Eddie’s hair had grown long and wild, he became loud and unapologetic. His instrument of choice became a guitar, he got held back once while Steve graduated. They moved in separate circles now, Steve focusing on sports and finding a part-time job, Eddie fully embracing being the town freak and then eventually leaving, disappearing one day without saying a word to anyone. Just as it was always meant to be, that’s what his father used to say.
Steve Harrington never meant to play the piano again, although he longed for the ghost of the touch of smooth and cool keys. He’d locked those desires deep inside himself, burying them along with the one friendship that used to mean everything. 
Until Robin Buckley came along. 
Robin’s family was fond of music and proud of it. Their collection of instruments was enormous and the first time Steve visited her house with Nancy under the pretense of meeting his girlfriend’s best friend, well, new best friend after Barb Holland had met her tragic fate, Steve found himself staring at their piano. The shard in his heart came loose and the longing was too much, too dangerous. 
But Robin saw him, of course she did. She gently took his hand and led him to the piano, sitting him down. “Are you going to be okay by yourself here?” she asked him and maybe the gentle press of his fingers against the keys was enough of an answer. The window next to the piano led into the woods outside of Hawkins and so did Robin’s, with plaid curtains that protected their exploring kisses and touches from unwanted eyes, all that while Steve found himself again in the familiar melodies and the memory of a boy with a buzzcut. 
In the quiet of the Buckley house, all three of them could be themselves.
Please see the beautiful art for this chapter by Moon Arin HERE!
Chapter 2
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murderbirds · 1 month
To claim my rightful place pt1
A pale boy with brown hair and broken glasses made his way inside the house. He opened the door slowly and as silently as he could. Unfortunately, the actual stepping in ended up being the problem as his limping leg made a lot more noise than he would have liked.
The boy froze at the sound of his father's voice. "Y-yeah?"
For once the man decided to check on his son, bottle still in hand. The kid tried to hide his notebook behind his back.
The adult looked him up and down, scowling. "You got your ass kicked again, didn't you?"
"N-no, I just- I fell-"
He grabbed the child by the hair and forced him to look up, fully revealing his black hair. "You know what I think about liars, boy." Ed swallowed and nodded, "was it about your stupid drawings again?"
He wanted to defend himself, to argue that they weren't stupid. He looked at the man's tightened fist around the bottle. The boy was smart enough to know that wouldn't end well though. If his father caught him lying again, he would do a lot worse than the bigger boys of the village. "Y-yes."
"Of course it was, you stupid little- just hand it over." Edward felt his blood run cold and his hesitancy was undoubtedly perceived. "NOW!"
Edward offered his notebook with shaking hands and the adult snatched it, flicking through the pages, "I honestly don't know what is worse, the fact that you still hold on to these fantasies of becoming a pokemon trainer despite being almost thirteen years old or the fact that you are so stupid you want the evil ogre to be your partner."
"It is not evil!" Edward was as surprised as his father by his own shouting. He didn't stop there, "the story is wrong! The old couple up the hill told me! Ogerpon was only trying to rescue its master from the loyal three! They were the ones who attacked- ah!" His father slammed the bottle against his cheek, causing the boy to fall to his knees, dazed.
"Stupid, stupid kid. This is exactly why your mother left us, because she couldn't endure such a failure of a son." He raised the notebook and let the bottle fall to grab his lighter from his pocket. "Maybe this will finally teach you to live in reality." He began burning the notebook.
"N-no." Ed's voice came weak as he still tried to focus. It was the smell of smoke and the bright flames dancing over his dreams that had him focus. "NO!" A spurt of adrenaline caused Ed to get up and grab the still burning notebook before running out of the house. He went as fast as his damaged legs would carry him, tears still in his eyes. He went past the village, past the river and deeper and deeper into the mountain. He was so focused on running away, he didn't notice the pages falling nor the new footsteps that began following him from the bushes. The preteen only stopped when he was forced to stop by a loose root, causing him to fall while cradling his now charred book.
He laid there, head on his arm for a moment as he cried. It wasn't fair. It was not fair! Every other kid in the village had a pokemon, even if it was a starly, all but him because his father couldn't be bothered wasting money and resources to take care of another creature. He barely did it to his own son. So Ed was forced to live in a world of fantasy, where he could actually be the pokemon master he dreamed of with the only pokemon he truly related to, the one deemed a monster by everyone else, shunned and despised despite doing nothing wrong. The boy really saw himself in Ogerpon's tale, even if no one believed it but him.
He was pulled from his thoughts and tears by the sound of rustling from the bushes. Only then did he realize the mess he had made, from the notes spread all over the grass to the pokeballs he kept with him, not to actually catch anything, but so he could pretend. He had a collection of them, one of which except a masterball and gs ball. The boy backed away towards a tree as his attacker revealed itself.
And then it did.
Jumping from the trees was a creature about the size of a child wearing what appeared to be a green cloak.
"Oger!" The pokemon hopped in place, holding one of drawings of a creature that looked a lot like it and Ed.
"It's- It's you," he whispered.
Ogerpon ran towards him and Ed yelped, cowering against the tree in fear. She blinked a few times before offering the charred piece of paper.
Ed looked at it, "t-that's my drawing."
"Ogerpon! Ogerpon!" She pointed at Ed's drawing next to her. He wore a jacket covered in question marks.
"Y-yeah, that's- that's me. I'm next to you cuz- cuz we travel together and-and help people as true heroes and pokemon masters!"
The pokemon hopped around in place excitedly before showing another drawing.
"H-here we are defeating an evil team. They are, like, groups of evil people that terrorize a region and champions and pokemon masters defeat them. A-and this," he opened his notebook to show her, "this is our rival. He is the son of the evil team leader, but he isn't actually evil! He is just- just flawed! And he wants to make the region a better place, and we eventually start traveling the region together and we end up falling in love and- and-" Ed spent the next hours telling Ogerpon of their journeys together and everything they would do. Suddenly, his leg didn't hurt as much and the blood in his forehead felt like it didn't exist at all. Hours went by of the boy rambling about his fantasies and the pokemon listening and paying attention.
Time passed and soon, night started to fall. Edward noticed how hard it was getting to actually see, and only then realized that it was evening. "Oh crap! Dad is going to kill me! I-I'm sorry but I gotta go!" He began collecting the different pages and pokeball until only his friendball remained on the grass.
Ogerpon was actually the one to pick the green sphere.
"Can you hand that over?" Ed asked.
The pokemon looked between the boy and the pokeball and then back to the ball before pressing it to her head.
"Ogerpon!" Ed shouted as a blue light covered the creature before the ball fell to the ground with no sign of the pokemon. It shook once before stars appeared around it, indicating the target had been caught.
The pre-teen's jaw had dropped by then as he picked the pokeball to look at it. He didn't have the time to process what had happened, however. It was getting late and he didn't want his home life to get any worse.
1 (you are here)- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7-8
Complete story
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karahofthedawn · 1 year
I loved your „You Owe Us One“ series! could u please consider making one more part where the twins have their shop and the reader is pregnant and how she tells them the news (or they find out before her because of the way she started to act u know with all the pregnancy hormones haha ) even if it’s just a short one please it would honestly make my day ❤️
Thanks for your kind words. 💜 I apologize for how long this took, but here you go!!!
An afternoon spat between the Weasley Twins and you can be easily heard from even the most bottom level of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Ron, who works here part time, cringes as he hears yelling then a door slamming. The guests are so enthralled with the cluttered and colorful surroundings that they don't seem to notice the chaos that was unfolding just right above them.
Fred comes storming down the spiral stairs, carefully dodging a woman carrying several puking pastilles in her arms. He reaches the counter and pulls out a box of damaged products that had been returned. One by one, he flicks his wand and fixes them with silent anger practically steaming off of his bright red face.
Ron exchanges payment with a customer while side eyeing his brother. A few of the boxes he had repaired had to be done again, due to him slamming them down on the counter.
Once they are alone, Ron asks playfully, "you're supposed to be fixing those, right?"
Fred rolls his eyes and continues with his project, his lips tighten from the words he forcefully held in.
Ron reaches over to take one cracked love spell bottle, when Fred snaps his head to the side and glares at him. "I'm just trying to help," the younger brother explains. "Come on, get off it. It's not my fault your weird relationship is in the toilet."
Fred freezes, his scarlet cheeks overpowering even the color in his flaming hair. He has every right to kick Ron out of the store. He could even fire him on the spot. Who knows, maybe he could even be an unknowing guinea pig for their next few inventions.
Before Fred can land on one, George stumbles between them and sighs loudly. "I don't know what's worse, her yelling or crying." He props himself up on the counter and rubs his eyes.
"I think I could deal with the crying at this point," Fred says aimlessly. "It's been a bit much lately, hasn't it?"
Ron pipes up first. "Crying?"
They both nod and reply simultaneously with, "yes."
"What's gotten in Y/N? She's always seemed level headed." Ron says with his brows furrowing. "You're not tormenting her, are you?"
"No," George snaps. "If anything she's torturing us."
"Really," Fred adds. "It's like someone has taken our girlfriend and replaced them with an unpredictable replica."
Ron laughs, "almost reminds me of mom."
George twists his face in confusion. "What are you on about?"
Fred shakes his head and drops a bright green box into the empty bin. Once he's finished with repairing everything, it can all be stocked back on the shelves.
"Don't you remember when we were little and mom got so angry at you for fighting over a broom that she snapped it in half?" Ron laughs and shakes his head. "Never understood the reasoning in that."
"I'm surprised you can even remember that," Fred says as he fixes another crushed box. "You were like, one."
"I don't," Ron admits. "But you two always bring it up. Don't make mom upset or she'll break another broom."
"Ah," George smiles. "Yes, that always gets a rise out of her."
"It does," Fred agrees, pushing himself up and turning to the shelf behind them. New items are normally placed here and the front window, just so guests can see their newest invention. "And she always makes the same excuse."
"Yeah, that her pregnancy with Ginny really messed with her emotions," Ron says with a shake of his head. "And to think that dad had to experience that six times with her."
The box that Fred was holding slips from his fingers and bounces to the floor. His younger brother rolls his shoulders back and begins checking out a customer, the conversation drifting into the back of his mind.
Not for the twins though. They both turn to each other with wide eyes and mouths slightly ajar. How could they have been so stupid? It was so obvious all along.
You are sitting in front of the toilet again, as you have been a few times a day for about two weeks. At first you thought it was something you ate, but the normal food poisoning curing spells haven't been effective at all. It doesn't help that Fred and George have been practically hovering over you.
You know they mean well, but your temper has been rather unpredictable lately. It's not like you haven't fought with the brothers before, but it's never been this turbulent.
After a wave of nausea passes, you push yourself up from the floor and stretch out your back by lifting your arms over your head. A door opens and closes, and you hear soft murmuring right outside of the bathroom. You swing the door open by its knob, revealing Fred and George a few feet away.
They stop talking at once and stare at you in a very peculiar way. You furrow your brows and cross your arms.
Fred nudges his brother, who steps forward. "We brought you something," he says and pulls a small clear orb out of his pocket.
"Oh." You eye the item, it's not something you recognize. "What is it?"
They look at each other, then back at you. George holds out his hands with the small ball laying in his palms. "Take it."
"If this is a prank, I swear to-"
"No," Fred reassures. "It's not. I promise."
You hesitate and search his face for any kind of smirk, but his eyes sparkle with a strange kind of excitement. You take the smooth cold object between your pointer and thumb. It sparks, then a cloud swirls on the inside. It expands the entire orb until it becomes a completely solid blue.
"I can't believe it," George says under his breath.
"I can," Fred laughs with his pupils glued to the little blue marble.
"Was it not supposed to do that?" You ask, rolling it around between your hands.
"Well it-" Fred hesitates and looks for his brother to continue.
"It did what it was meant to," George says carefully. "We just didn't know if it would or not."
You glance between the two of them with confusion written all over your face.
"It's meant to, well, it's meant to," George stammers out, but the words are stuck in his throat.
"Meant to what?" You urge and step forward. "Just tell me!"
He blinks rapidly and reaches to take your hands gently. "It will only turn colors if, if you're-"
"Pregnant," Fred finishes, leaving the room with an aching silence.
This was a joke. There's no way that you're pregnant, you were always so careful. Especially since you moved in with them above their shop. Protection spells every time before you'd sleep with either one of them.
"You're kidding." Your legs are frozen in spot as they approach both sides of you. Was this really happening?"
George clasps his hands over yours, enveloping the small orb like a clamshell. "This time, we're not."
A lump in your throat grows as you stare up into their freckled faces. "And you're not," you pause and swallow hard. "Upset?"
"Upset?" Fred says with a laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Y/N, we have never been happier."
You look at George who nods, the corner of his eyes swell with tears. "We will love him as much as we love you."
You choke on the emotions that bottle up your neck. You let out a sharp breath, the word "him" escaping your lips.
"The color is the gender," Fred explains, a huge grin spreading from him to his brother.
You fall against Fred's chest, George joining in from behind you. "We're having a boy?" You ask between sobs.
Fred hums and kisses the top of your head. Their arms tangle around you as tears of joy stream down their faces.
"And who knows," George whispers. "Maybe it'll be twins."
You all laugh at the thought. You know that no matter what life throws at you, that you'll be able to make it through. Especially with Fred and George at your side.
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crushculture03 · 5 months
Back Home
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The three had finally arrived in South Dakota, and once they finally pulled into Bobby's property, Val immediately jumped out of the car, excited to see her father. The brothers just look at eachother and laugh, finding her excitement cute.
Val hastily knocks on the door, she hadn't been back home in months and missed her dad. In true Bobby fashion, he opened the door with his pistol out in front of him, "Val '' he whispers and lowers his gun. He pulls his daughter into a tight hug, "Hey dad, I missed you'' she whispers as she hugs him back. "Not that I don't want you to be here but why are you here?" her dad asks, as they both pull away from the hug, before she can respond Bobby looks behind her, spotting the Winchester brothers, "And what are these idjits doing here? '' he says, his voice raising slightly.
"Well it's a long story but basically John Winchester is apparently missing and Deans is trying to find him and they need your help" she explains, "And why in the hell would i ever care about finding that asshole after what he did'' Bobby says, clearly upset. "Look Bobby, I know what he did but he's my dad and I'm worried" Dean steps in, Bobby rolls his eyes and motions for them to come inside.
"Now tell me what did this dumbass get into this time '' Bobby asks as he sits in his chair, "Well he went on a hunt and we haven't heard from him in a week '' Dean fills him in. "Ok well you have any idea where he might be?" he asks, "No but we have his journal, maybe it will lead us to him, we know he's on the search for the demon that killed our mom" Sam finally speaks up. "Fine, give me the damn journal and I'll see what I can do '' Bobby gives in and snatches the journal from sam. "Now leave me alone, why won't you, so I can focus on this? '' the older man says, causing the three to get up. ''Not you Val, we need to talk '' her father says, causing her to sit back down. "Look darling you gotta be careful with these boys, you remember what happened last time you got close to them, especially sam '' he says, causing Vals heart to drop.
How could she ever forget the day where everything went to shit, the day her dad and John became enemies instead of friends. "I know dad, I'm being careful, I didn't even know who he was when I saw him at a halloween party, it wasn't till he recognized my last name that all the memories I blocked out came back" she says as she nervously plays with her hands.
"Sweetheart, is there something you're not telling me?" he asks, moving from his chair to the couch to be next to her. "The night Sam and I reunited, I found Chris cheating on me" she mumbles, she was ashamed to tell her father the news. Bobby doesn't say anything at first, just pulls his only daughter into a hug, "What an ass, wish I was in California so I could kick his ass' ' he says, Val sobs in her fathers arms as the memories from that night come back to her. "It'll be ok sweetie I promise, he's just a boy you'll find someone better, you're amazing and smart, i'm not sure how you're even my daughter at times because you're such a smarty pants'' he teases, making Val chuckle before pulling away from him.
"You know you gave me the same speech when Sam left and I was heartbroken" she chuckles sadly, wiping any loose tears away, "Hey it's a good speech and still stays true to today" he defends, giving her a small smile. "Now go make sure those idjits aren't damaging my house while I look for their father's asshole ," Bobby says, Valerie nods and gives her dad one last hug before going to find the boys.
"You okay Val?" Sam asks as she rounds the corner into the kitchen, she jumped slightly at his sudden presences "You scared me sammy" she chuckles and walks to the sink to get some water. "Sorry Vallie" he chuckles, "but seriously is everything ok? You look like you've been crying" sam says, walking over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Yeah just stuff about Chris and just the past, this place brings back memories, especially from the summer of '99" she says, they both blush when the mention of that summer comes up.
"You remember any of that summer?" Sam asks, analyzing her face as she thinks, "Bits and pieces, how we first met came back to me when we were driving here but some of the other stuff is a little foggy". "I'm the same way, maybe being here and being around each other more will refresh our memories" he says, giving her a soft smile. "Wanna go out to the tree house? Remember I took you there on the first day you got here" she says, "Of course" he responds. She grabs his hand and just like she did all those years ago, drags him to the rundown tree house.
The two sit down in the same bean bag chair, only one survived all the years of being out in the elements. Val put her legs on sams lap, "Hey I'm not your leg rest" he giggles, "Sorry sammy but it's a tight squeeze" she chuckles. "I missed this you know" she says, laying her head on his shoulder, her actions cause sam to flush, "I missed it too, I can't believe we were on the same campus for almost 4 years and never once ran into each other" he chuckles as he leans his head on hers and tracing shapes with his fingers on her legs, something he used when they were teens. "It's crazy to me, I mean we were so close and then we forgot about each other, it's insane to me" she says, "something just came back to me" he mumbles and lifts his head off of hers, the suddenness caused her to look up at him. "What is it?" she asks, "You and I had our first kiss together in this tree house" he mumbles, his cheeks flushing at the memory, he remembers being so nervous on that day, he had the biggest crush on her at the time. She smiles as she begins to remember the memory...
Summer of 1999
It had been a month since John dropped the boys off at Bobbys and in the past four weeks Sam and Val had become very close, the two had started to develop a crush on eachother, but no one but Dean noticed it.
The day they had their first kiss together, was one of the hottest days of the summer, so the two decided to go to their place, the tree house. They sat across from each other, having light conversation about some stupid topic, when suddenly Val brought up the topic "Sam can I ask you something kinda personal?" she asks, as she plays with her chipped nails. "Of course, you know you can ask me anything, Valley girl" he says, taking her hands in his, trying to stop her nervous tick, "Well have you ever...ever kissed anyone?" she whispers, blushing heavily. He chuckles softly, a blush also paints his face, "I haven't, no girl has ever wanted to do that with me, dean gets all the girls' ' he responds. "Would you maybe wanna get it out of the way, like um kiss me?" she stutters, her heart beating out of her chest. "Vallie are you asking me to kiss you? '' he can't help the grin that forms on his face, "Yeah" she mumbles, looking down on the floor.
Sam moves closer to her and places his hand on her cheek, causing her to look up at him, he slowly leans closer to her, Val leans in to, her eyes fluttering shut. Sam closes the gap between them, softly placing a kiss on her lips, his heart beating out of his chest and the butterflies in his stomach going crazy. The same goes for Val, she couldn't believe this was happening, she was scared he was just going to laugh her off but it was the complete opposite. Sam was the first boy she had ever had any kind of feelings for and the fact he's her first kiss, was just mindblowing to her. Sam slowly pulled away and smiled, "I hope that was ok" he whispers, "It was perfect, could we um do it again" she whispers. Sam smiles and cups her face, pulling her in once more and kissing her.
Present time
"I do remember, I remember being so nervous at the time" she responds, "I was the same way" he says. In that moment both realized they'd do anything to recreate that moment that happened all those years ago.
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starlessskies94 · 7 months
Consequence (Joel Miller x OC)
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Summary: What if Joel survived his injuries from the Abby and Fireflies attack but ends up with really bad amnesia. He can’t remember his wife, Ellie, or the Outbreak; only before. How will his family bring back the man they once knew?
Pairing: Joel Miller x OC
Notes:I apologise its been so long since my last chapter, for some reason was struggling to get this one right but I'm satisfied with what I've ended up with...I personally think the first half of this is stronger than the second but now we can move onto the really juicy bits of the story and work our way towards the ending!! Hope you enjoy!! Please like and review!! <3
Chapter Twenty Nine
The building was empty as they forced their way inside. The roof had caved in, leaving the elements to claim back whatever it wanted. The floor was water damaged and rotten. The walls were green with damp moss and vines that engulfed any mark of man-made structures. And flowers had even started to bloom along the old stands that once held witnesses to face the injustices in the old world. Joel found there was a cruel sense of irony that even over two decades later there were still souls who thought injustices needed to be punished…only in this world they’d take on the role of judge, jury and executioner all on their own. Himself included. He didn’t know how to feel about the fact that Ellie seemed to be taking on those roles herself now…and it was because of him.
He watched with bated breath as she made her way ahead of him, kicking at the loose debris in her frustration of finding the building empty. “They’re not here! Fuck!” She hissed angrily. “Easy kiddo, we'll find her. Maybe Jesse and Tommy are havin' better luck, their side of town.” He attempted to reassure her... and himself if he was being honest. He already blamed himself for Ada getting captured in the first place. Those bastards had been searching for him and took Ada to use as bait. And now Ellie was hurting because they’d taken her mother.
They stood in the silence for a moment as Ellie looked around for any indication that the WLF had been here but found only debris and old shadows of a world long dead. Maybe now was the time to try with her… try to gauge what she was thinking…
“Ellie…” he tried but she quickly brushed it off as she fought through the broken building searching for supplies both of them knew weren’t there. She was avoiding him. Again. And Joel tried to ignore the dull sting of hurt he felt from it. “Ellie…” He tried again but he heard her slamming her way through the back room before storming out again. “Stupid…fucking door…nothing worth taking…stupid fucking roof and fucking water…god…damn it!” She slammed and kicked, throwing rocks at the cracked glass. Joel rushed to her side to hold her, comfort her. “Hey…hey...Ellie…easy okay…just…” He whispered in an attempt to soothe her. But felt his heart break when she pushed him away. “No! Fucking…don’t Joel! Just don’t…” He backed off hands held in surrender as he tried to tread carefully here. He didn't want a repeat of what happened when he and Ada had told her the truth back in Utah, he didn’t think could handle it again.
So instead he gave her space to breath, as she leaned back against one of the stands. Her hands shaking as tears rain down her face. And it killed him that he couldn’t hug her. Tell her that everything would be okay. He stood frozen in place as he watched her break down. Her sobs echoed in the empty space between them. Joel took a step forward and tentatively moved to sit beside her. “Ellie…” he uttered. “It's okay…just talk to me…”
She sniffled against the tears as she wiped at her eyes harshly, leaving them red and bloodshot. “I can’t…” She croaked brokenly. “Why not?” He asked.
“Because you fucking died Joel!” She sobbed and he felt his whole body turn cold at her words. He supposed he had. Even if it was just for a little while. And even when he’d woken up, he’d been a different person. He guessed to her and Ada their Joel had died. He sat beside her and said nothing. What could he say?
He glanced across at her as she stared at the floor, her hands still shaking, tears still escaping her eyes. “You fucking died and now you’re here and it’s like I’m talking to a ghost. It fucking haunts me.” She whispered, her nails picking at the skin of her thumbs until they bled. Joel resisted the urge to reach over and take ahold of her hands to stop her from doing it. She’d always fidgeted when she was stressed or upset. To the point he’d had to put bandages around her hands because she’d made them bleed so badly when they’d first arrived in Jackson. She’d been terrified that she wouldn’t fit in or that she wouldn't make any friends. He and Ada had done what they could to make sure she was settling in okay. But mostly she’d kept to herself.
He listened as she sighed and finally found the courage to look him in the eye. And Joel almost broke down himself when he saw just how red and sore her eyes were. “I was angry for so long… but when you came home I was a stranger to you and it seemed so fucking stupid to be mad at you for something you couldn’t even remember doing…I guess I’m just tired Joel…I’m so fucking tired.” She breathed softly as she slid down what was left of the stand and sat on the bench. It creaked slightly under her weight as she lifted her legs up and tucked her knees under her chin.
She looked so small. And he was tired of not being able to comfort her, he moved to take a seat beside her again. Nudging her side gently with his knee as she turned to look at him with those big green eyes, welling up with tears again. In the end he caves, reaching out for her and pulling her close in an embrace to comfort her.
“Oh baby girl…I don’t regret savin' your life. I will never regret that. But I’m sorry I took that choice away from you…I just wanted to keep you safe.” It's the best he can give and he hopes it's enough. Hopes it's enough to bring her back. Because he means every single word. Just like he did that night on the porch.
‘If somehow the Lord gave me a second chance at that moment... I would do it all over again.’ There is no doubt. Not even a speck of doubt in his heart. He hears her hiccup another sob but this time she doesn’t scream, she doesn’t pull away. She listens and so with his eyes squeezed shut, he takes a breath and knows he can’t lie to her again.
And so… he tells the truth.
“You wanted your life to mean somethin'…whose to say it doesn’t? Now? To me and your mom? And Dina…Jesse and Tommy…You may not have saved the world baby girl but you saved us. You saved me…”
“What do you mean?” She utters as she lifts her head to stare at him. And he knows he’s said too much now. There’s no going back. He has to tell her. As he does the guilt pulls at him when he realizes that he couldn’t even bring himself to tell Ada or Tommy.
“I wanted to end it…” he finally confessed. “When I got my memories back…I knew I needed to finish this once and for all. I was ready… I was gonna walk right in there and give myself up, I was headin' to Texas you know? I was gonna say my last goodbyes to Sarah and then that was it.” He feels her turn rigid in his arms as he speaks. But he tugs a little and rests his chin on her head and his heart warms at the sensation of her snuggling a little closer into his frame. “But then I found your mom and I knew I couldn't go through with it. I wasn’t ready to die…not yet. I remembered you tellin' me to get up…to fight back. It took me a while but…I’m listenin' now…I’m doin' it.”
She doesn’t speak after he finishes. Instead he feels her wrap her arms around his middle and hug him as she sobs into his jacket. He cradles the back of her head like he did when she was younger, like he did the day he found her after she killed David. And slowly he rocks her back and forth. He lets her cry, lets her break down. Because he can tell she’s been bottling it up for so long to protect everyone else. She may be older but deep down, Joel knows she is still only a kid. Only nineteen years old. And she will always be his baby girl no matter how old she is.
“I’m sorry…” She sniffles, its quiet. Barely there as she muffles the words into his jacket where she’s hidden her face in his chest. But Joel still hears her. And when he does he immediately pulls back and cups her cheeks. His callous thumbs wiping away the leftover tears that fall. “Hey now… don’t you ever apologize to me. You have nothin' to be sorry for.. you hear me? You had every right to hate me…”
“I don’t…I could never…” She hiccups again as she shakes her head. Gasping for air as she tries to fight away another sob that takes her breath away. Almost like she’s fighting to say the words. But she's determined to win.
“You’re…you’re my dad. And I could never hate you.” Joel smiles through his own tears that water in his eyes. Pressing a kiss on the top of her head as he hugs her again. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve this second chance with her but he knows he won’t waste it. He stands and dries his eyes as he composes himself as he reaches out to help Ellie to her feet.
This time she gladly accepts his help.
“Come on kiddo.. let’s head back hopefully Dina’s got some more intel over that radio.”
She smiles and nods as they both make their way out the broken building together.
By the time they made it out; night had already fallen. Jesse followed Tommy as they made their way through towards the town hall. They’d decided to keep their flashlights off while they made their way through. Having already noticed some patrols moving through the streets; either on foot or driving around across the broken roads. Keeping to the shadows, Tommy kept on guard as he led the way.
“So how’d you get past Maria?” He whispered without turning to face Jesse. The young man breathed a laugh through his nose as he smirked.
“I didn't, she told me to go.” He explained quietly. “Was worried about you guys, you'd been gone too long.”
Tommy internally groaned at the implication in Jesse’s voice. He knew he'd been gone longer than he’d promised but they hadn’t expected it would take so long to find Joel and now they had, things seemed to be spiralling out of control. Tommy knew they wouldn’t rest until they’d either killed Joel or they wiped them all out. Either way he tried to spin it, he didn’t see things ending well.
“Yeah I bet that’s gone over well with her…” he muttered lowly, but Jesse just smiled kindly, nudging the man to stop for a moment as Tommy turned to look at him.
“She’s worried. Mostly about you. A little pissed that you’ve been gone so long though. But she gets it…I think.” he said the words gently, knowing that the older man was already feeling guilty. He appreciated Jesse trying to be considerate. He’d always liked the boy, he was a good friend to Ellie. And was always one of the first to volunteer for anything the town needed doing. Whether it was covering people’s patrols or helping with supply runs, nothing was too big or too much effort for him and Tommy found he quite admired the boy’s kind heart. He reminded him of himself when he was younger. Before the military and the fireflies had gotten their clutches into him and tried turning him into something he wasn’t. He was grateful that Jackson was a place where Jesse wouldn’t ever have to go through that. He’d been raised well. And he knew when Dina was ready to tell him; he was certain he’d step up and be a damned good father too.
“We’ve been through worse.” Tommy replied with a sigh. They had. He just hoped this time wouldn’t be the last. “However, as I was passing through a ritzy part of town back in Salt Lake City, I came across this necklace. It sparkles a lot. I think it’s real gold.”
Jesse smirked as he continued to follow the older man.
“You think it’s real gold?” He asked sceptically.
“Oh, it’s real gold.”
“Let's see it.”
“I know what real gold looks like.” Tommy chuckled as they continued through towards the town center.
“If it’s legit, can we say it’s from all of us?” Jesse asked with a muffled chuckle as Tommy rolled his eyes at the young man beside him. “Ha! Find your own damn bribes.” he retorted. He heard Jesse breath a laugh through his nose as the two slowed to a halt as they took cover behind an old car, its frame broken and half-burned. The street was busy with WLF soldiers though Tommy didn’t recognize any of them.
They waited and watched as the patrols made their way passed. A whole group of them moved through towards the riverside where old water pipes had burst, reshaping the old downtown subway into a new water system. A few men seemed to be preparing a boat while others moved supplies to the truck before continuing further down what remained of the streets. Tommy watched with narrowed eyes as a very familiar face emerged from a side street. The braid hanging down her back gave her away instantly. Abby. She walked along beside a soldier towards the makeshift dock as she helped load the last of the supplies before climbing in, starting the engine and speeding off down the river. Tommy felt his blood run cold at the possibility of her getting away. He couldn’t allow it. Not when he was so close. There was another boat tied to the dock; if he moved now, he could just about make it and still have a chance of catching her up. But as he moved to stand; a hand harshly pulled him back.
“Hold it! Tommy, look it’s the town hall…” Jesse hissed in a low whispered shout, Tommy glanced at where he was pointing, the building was large but seemed to only be guarded by a skeleton crew this late at night. Looking back at the dock, he knew he had to make a choice.
“No, we're taking that boat.” He said sternly. The younger man blanched at his words as he looked at him in earnest. “But you heard them right? They’re talking about Ada…” He knew he was referring to the message they’d heard over the radio. And while it was possible they were talking about Ada, Tommy knew she’d be grateful to him taking the chance to track down Joel’s would be- killer. He shook his head defiantly as he shrugged slightly. “We don’t know that.” He uttered. “Who else is it going to be?!” Jesse challenged in return but Tommy was losing his patience and he didn’t have time to argue while Abby was getting further away. And more importantly, towards somewhere Tommy couldn’t track.
“Ada can take care of herself, she’s already taken out one of their guys. Abby is who we’re after…if we just follow-” “...What if she’s in trouble? We don’t know what they're doing to her…” Jesse interrupted as he shook his head, huffing in frustration but the older man couldn’t find it in himself to care. They were wasting time! And Tommy needed to move now, if he had any chance to catch her up. Ada would understand that. Of course she would. Wouldn’t she? Would Joel?
“She’ll be fine.” Tommy decided. “They wont hurt her while they’re trying to get ahold of Joel. And Abby is behind all of this. We take her out, then this is over. This is our chance.”
“Jesus Christ.” The younger man swore as looked at Tommy with disappointment in his eyes, but he knew he wouldn’t see it from his side. He hadn’t been there that day. Hadn’t seen the hatred in her eyes as she’d beaten his brother to within an inch of his life. Left barely breathing and a shell of his former self. Tommy still felt the pain in his ribs from being held down as they tortured Joel. Even now it still haunted him. And there was no way in hell Tommy was just going to let her walk away.
“The best way to help Ada and Joel is to go after Abby.” He tried as he looked at Jesse with a pleading stare; hoping that he’d relent and agree to come with him. But he saw the determination his Jesse’s eyes that reflected back at him. It was the same look he’d seen in Ellie’s when they’d first learned of Joel’s disappearance. He realized in that moment that Jesse wasn’t doing this for himself. He was doing it for his loyalty to Ellie and his respect for Ada. There was no getting him to change his mind.
“I really hope you get her…” Jesse uttered with a kind smile before he took off towards the direction of the town hall. Tommy nodded in respect for the boy’s resolve as he watched him go before taking off in the opposite direction; as he headed towards the last boat that was left docked. He didn’t know it would be the last time he would ever see Jesse alive.     
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gaoau · 10 months
Shiver – Snip-snip, Chop-chop, Stab-stab
A Mother's Instinct warnings — none. word count — 1.4k
prev. — next.
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Out of the three reactions his body had, he had always feared the shivers the most. When Yaku felt the bristles on his neck, he at least knew he could try and physically stop [Name] from harming herself by using common sense and a bit of bribing. When his stomach stirred uncomfortably, Yaku could simply pick up his phone, give [Name] a call, and console her for whatever had happened—although he preferred the art of hugging for that. But when the shivers trailed down his spine and made goosebumps erupt on his skin, he didn't ever know what to expect from [Name]'s brain.
The first time was during their second year, shortly after Summer break had begun. She had hit his phone up a few minutes before the sun fully set and asked, "On a scale from one to ten, how bad of an idea is it to pierce my own tongue?" The blood drained from Yaku's face in a split second, and not a moment later he was barking at [Name] through his microphone, educating her about nerve damage and the risks of being an idiot. Needless to say, [Name] did not pierce her own tongue that evening.
What she did do, however, happened early during their third year. Kuroo had become captain, they had warmly welcomed new first-years into the team, and [Name] was feeling like trying something different. She had gone through multiple changes throughout her high-school years, so trying something different wasn't a surprise to anyone. More often than not she would show up to school with a different hair color, or horribly cut bangs, or that one time she shaved the ends of her eyebrows for some reason; all which Yaku had anticipated due to the shivers.
She had developed a skill for destroying her body in the most fashionable ways. The whole team—and maybe even the whole school—knew this one idiot had become incredibly efficient at coloring and chopping her own hair overtime. In fact, after being pestered by Yamamoto about standing out, Kenma had turned to her and reluctantly asked if she would be willing to dye his hair for him. [Name] was beyond elated to see her recklessness helping someone else.
But not all of her spontaneous ideas ended in compliments from her classmates and one-sided chats at Kenma's house as she burnt his scalp with bleach. The sheer terror contorting Yaku's face at the feeling of not only shivers, but also a sickening stirring in his stomach was impressive. [Name] had a tradition of attacking her hair around two in the morning, so considering the sun still shone on the sky, chances of her hair suffering were low—but never zero—not to mention, she was crying.
"[Name], what in the ever-loving fuck are you doing?" Yaku swiped his fingers across the screen of his phone to send her a couple messages demanding answers. When he received no replies and the messages were left unread for more than a few minutes, Yaku decided to take it upon himself to check on his favorite dumbass.
[Name]'s mother greeted him with an affectionate hug, ushering him to get inside, insisting yet again to call her mom for once. He excused himself, kicked off his shoes, and walked past the kitchen, where he caught a whiff of warm vanilla wafting from the oven. Peering inside, he chuckled at [Name]'s father beating up some egg whites for meringue. The man smiled at him and offered a freshly baked plate of cupcakes. The [Surname]s loved him dearly, from doting parents to chaos child.
After tasting [Name]'s father's cupcakes—which he found amazing—he made his way to [Name]'s room. He sighed loudly before knocking on the closed door, pressing his ear against it to listen closely in case he could catch her crying. Instead, he only heard how she gasped, sucked in a breath, and scrambled around on the floor.
Yaku huffed through his nose, eyes closing. "[Name]?"
"Oh, fuck. Oh, shit. God, fuck, damn it. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—Ah, holy shit!" First, hushed whispers she was mumbling to herself. Then, a yelp of pain. "Please, don't come in…!" Her voice shook as she cried out.
"Well, I was going to ask, but now you're clearly crying and I'd like to know why."
"No, no, it's nothing! Go home! Dad's making cupcakes, take one on your way out!"
"Already ahead of you." Yaku grasped the door handle and twisted it, but didn't quite open the door. He awaited a reaction, which came in the form of [Name] squeaking out another pained yelp. "[Name], I'm coming in."
"Please, don't!"
But Yaku didn't care for listening and burst into the room. It was a sight to behold and it almost made his heart shut down completely. [Name] sat cross-legged by her trash bin, half of her hair held up with pins, exposing her nape and allowing a perfect view of her ears. Particularly, her left ear. Her left, bleeding ear. The smell of rubbing alcohol overpowered the previous, welcoming scent of warm vanilla from the pastries. Draped over [Name]'s lap was a very bloody towel, covered in strands of hair.
Yaku blinked. Once. Twice. And as soon as he could understand the sight in front of him, he slammed the door shut and rushed to shake [Name] by the shoulders. "[Name], are you okay?! What did you do?! What are you doing?!"
Tears poured out of her eyes as she let go of the scissors in her hand. Yaku hadn't noticed those scissors. He took a closer look and spotted a razor next to the trash bin, which he realized was filled with crumpled-up paper and chopped-off hair. "I gave myself an undercut…"
"I'm sorry?"
"Morisuke. I gave myself an undercut."
"Wha—what? But why are you bleeding so much?!"
"Oh…" She reached her left hand towards her ear, alarming Yaku with the amount of blood staining it. "I decided to pierce my upper cartilage. It… didn't go well, ow…"
Yaku inhaled deeply. "[Name]." [Name] locked eyes with him, her brows bending into a pitiful grimace, a pout upon her trembling lips. "Why?"
"I don't know! I just got out of the shower and saw the scissors and went snip-snip! And then I just impulsively stabbed a needle through my ear! I don't know!" Despite having blood-stained palms, she slammed her face into them and started sobbing.
Yaku couldn't help the laugh spilling from his lips as he peeked behind her to the mess she had made. There was an extremely uneven line separating her tied-up hair from her shaved skin, while terribly chopped strands poked in various directions. Impressive for someone that worked without a mirror; disappointing for being [Name]. It was a disaster.
"It's a disaster."
"I'm aware! Okay?! I know!"
Yaku chuckled once more, to which [Name] responded with a muffled groan as she continued to bawl. He settled behind her on his knees and let her hair loose before re-tying it higher up, leaving some loose portions to even out her horrible job. "I'll fix it for you. Then we'll patch up your ear."
[Name] whipped her head backwards to gawk at her best friend. Oh, the smiles Yaku could muster were more than a blessing. They could wash her concerns away and wipe her tears off in an instant. He was simply that amazing. Before he allowed her to say anything or stare any longer, Yaku forced her head to look forward again.
"Stop crying now. I'm gonna mess it up with you shaking like that."
"God, this is why I love you."
"Yes, [Name], I love you, too."
[Name] never knew a short sentence could loosen her muscles up and fill her with warmth. Her tears disappeared, replaced by a toothy grin which probably made her seemed adorably stupid. But it was fine. Yaku loved her, whether she was adorable, or stupid, or adorably stupid anyway.
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highlifeboat · 2 months
*kicks down door* So Nikolina and Angel? How'd that happen?
And tell us how it goes horribly, horribly toxic. Lol
(Poor Mel. All that judgement and their mom is just like "My rules/ethics don't apply to me, cause I can find a way to logic leap it to be fine" - like a true abusive parent)
Ah, well, y'know it popped up in discussion with a friend and, like most joke ships, it got a little too real. Now we're here. (I think I mentioned it else where but this is a very human AU centric ship cause.. it's the only timeline they exist in the same space together. Which is probably for the best.)
In universe explanation is that... It initially starts as Angel honestly just wanting to ruin a life. They've never really done the whole "breaking someone down in a relationship" thing, so for them it's like... trying out something new. They aren't really into women at all, but they just kind of picked someone they figured would be an easy target. Gender was irrelevant.
So they find Nikolina, and start worming their way into her life by feigning interest in her and things she likes. Now, believe it or not, Nikolina is not a well liked woman (shocker), so having someone actively taking interest in her is... something. She enjoys the attention Angel gives her, though, and turns out is maybe not as straight as she initially thought. Not that she'd ever admit that.
Now, little side fun fact about Nikolina, her and Melony share a desperate want for love and attention. So Angel "taking interest" in her and giving her that attention does something for her. And all this culminates into their relationship.
Eventually Nikloina introduces Angel to Melony like "This is my partner,. I expect you to give [them] the same respect you do me (this is not an option)". And Melony REALLY wants to know what kind of logic her mother has with this, but she's honestly not sure the argument is worth it.
It's worth noting that while Angel's initially just in it for the fun of breaking someone down, they do eventually find out Melony is with Cassandra. And Angel kind of has a B plot now of getting revenge on the Dimitrescus because Cass and her sisters got them fired a while ago... It's a whole other mess, but it does result in Angel deciding to move in with Niki so it's worth mentioning.
Once they start living together the relationship really seems to take a turn. They argue almost daily, over little things, typically passive aggressively, but it becomes more common for it to become loud fights. But when things are calm, they actually seem.. decent together. Nikolina does develop genuine feelings for Angel, along with an emotional codependency. She does love them, she loves the attention they give her, and it hurts when they're mad at her, but she's still stubborn and does not like to feel in the wrong. So they fight, and Angel threatens to take that love and attention away and Nikolina doesn't want that either. So she apologies.
And while Angel doesn't love Nikolina, they really love the control they have over her. The fact they can do so much damage just by becoming emotionally distant. They don't have to do anything physical to her, just the right string of words will fuck her up. For a woman that presents herself as strong and independent, Angel has to admit getting into her head was not that hard
In some... weird fucked up way, they're both happy. They're getting what they want/need out of this relationship, even if it's fake and they're constantly butting heads.
And Melony just has to witness it all.
She tried once or twice to be a peace keeper and cut their fights before things got too heated, but when it just resulted in her getting yelled at she gave up. She just tries to stay with Cass for as long as she can but there's still some part of her that feels bad leaving her mom in that situation.
Mostly because she does not trust Angel. Like at all. She isn;t sure why yet but they give her the creeps.
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k1nky-fool · 3 months
Least Sane Moments
Part 7/7
Vander x OC Minute
Pairing: M/F
Rating for part: Mature
Warnings: Violence, medical exploitation, morally gray decisions, several people and most don't deserve it.
Author's note: Thank all of you who enjoy this fic for bearing with me this long. It's definitely taken a long time to finish any fic, and I'm honestly just happy that I actually managed to complete at least one writing project.
Taglist: @gaybybirth @gatnalien @seas1mping
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Back at the Last Drop, Vander and Devoan were the only two at the closed bar. “Back so soon? I thought she'd need a lot more convincing.” Vander chuckled. 
“What? Who?” Devoan asked. 
“After we finish this, you have an untraceable ticket topside if you want it.” Mita told her.  
“After we finish this.” Devoan agreed, but Mita could see the way her shoulders relaxed. 
“Is Sevika ready?” Mita asked Vander, and he didn’t look all too excited about it. 
“She’s not exactly the conversing type, but I’ve got a feeling she’ll be ready.”  
The three of them scurried through the Undercity with Devoan’s direction. Mita was certain the plan would work, but she wasn’t sure to what extent it would be successful. She could die fighting the five-eyed. Devoan could be caught by some goon that Sevika missed. Vander could be attacked by someone while he collected the prisoners. But anything was better than letting this go on for any longer. 
“There it is.” Devoan alerted, pointing to a tall building that was exactly how she described it. It was a run down factory dorm building. The factory next door was falling apart at the seams, only a hare’s breath away from total collapse, and the dorm building was only standing tall because of the reinforcements that looked to be put there by prior occupants. 
“Wait for Sevika’s signal.” Vander reminded them. 
They didn’t have to wait long before they saw a man get thrown out of a window from the eighth floor. “Go!” Mita commanded, slipping her mask on, and climbing up to the roof where she knew the five-eyed would be expecting her. He would know that Sevika’s assault was a distraction. 
Once she’d gotten to the roof, she took in as many of her surroundings as she could. Glass skylights dotted the roof, and the water tanks were on opposite corners. The access door flew open. “You thought that would work?” Five-eyed laughed as he stepped out into view. 
“No.” Mita said plainly, pulling her swords off her belt. “I needed some way to get you alone for our rematch.”
I owe him nothing but my survival.  
“All the same to me.” He pulled his staff off his back and sprinted toward her. Mita knew she had to save strength. They were trained to give their all, but Mita had learned better. 
She dodged his first swing and caught his blade with her sword, throwing her weight into kicking in his knee, but five pivoted just in time to swing at her again. 
She kept dodging and catching, doing no damage to him other than an occasional scratch on his skin. She was kept at a staff's length, and her swords couldn't reach too far without overextending herself which had always been the problem. 
He'll catch on that I'm his distraction if I don't try to kill him.
She had to take a riskier move. Just then she saw her opportunity when he held his staff with both hands. One up and one down, so she swung her swords the same way, ripping the staff from his grip and flinging it far above them. He was left with only his knives, but Mita wasn't dumb enough to assume they weren't poisoned. 
Mita had him on the defensive with shorter weapons, so she started crowding him toward the skylight. 
When she managed to hook his wrist, she quickly realized the mistake, but even quickly was not fast enough. 
Five threw himself back, forcing Mita down through the glass first. The pipe below it hit her helmet and spun her, landing on her stomach on the floor beneath the light. Her vision was blurry, but she didn't have long to get up. 
When she looked up, the nature of the situation changed drastically. She'd landed directly in front of Devoan who was working her way down from the top floor. She was almost finished with the doors on the top floor. 
The light boots of the creature landed right between her and Devoan, and suddenly he wasn't interested in killing Mita anymore. 
“Keep moving, Devoan!”
She didn't think before she jumped up and hooked her swords on the pipe that knocked her head and she swung her inertia into his ribs and shoving him over the balcony railing. But he wasn't going down alone. 
Five caught her ankle and pulled her with him. She was lucky and hooked onto the scaffolding before she fell too far, but his weight with hers was painful to hold for too long. 
She forced his arm into the pipes below to hopefully injure him enough that he would let go. At least Devoan had gotten to the next level. Five got his wits back too fast, and he still had one dagger. 
I promise I will not die here.
Mita had no choice but to pull up and drop from the railing. 
He only had to bend one flimsy floor grate with his shoulder to realize that keeping hold of her would kill him. He caught the next railing enough to smack him far enough to hit the incomplete wall by the scaffolding. 
Mita channeled her speed into swinging a high speed kick to five's stomach. The wind was knocked out of him and he hit the floor on his back. 
And when the chance came, Minute didn't hesitate. Her sword fell swiftly. 
The slice on his neck gave him only seconds to think before all life left his form. 
It was over. 
I beat him. 
Mita had always thought that she wouldn't know when the final time she sheathed her swords would be. But the peace that came from the last time she ever made the movement settled deep in her heart in the same place Vander had taken home in. 
Only one more passage remained. She unlocked the mechanism on his bloodstained mask, and removed it from his face. 
She made her way down slowly as Devoan continued through the prison, unlocking doors one after the other. 
Mita pulled herself over the railing to take the stairs, but she suddenly realized why Devoan had started from the top of the building. Every container in the chemical storage had been punctured and was pouring down the stairs. 
She did want to burn the place down, so this really shouldn't have surprised her. As she passed doors, she realized that some were still locked and were muffling some kind of mechanical whirring. 
Mita peeked inside and was struck cold by what she saw. There was another girl in the cell, but she was bound to a bed with several machines hooked up to her veins, back, and face, with something expanding and shrinking with her chest, breathing for her. And she wasn't the only one. 
“Devoan!” Mita called out, but there was no answer. 
She moved faster than she had fighting to get to Devoan before the place went up in flames. Her speed sent her nearly flying past the girl in the office on the floor level. 
Mita barged in, cornering her in the office, but she didn't look particularly disturbed by it. “There are still prisoners here!”
“They're already dead.” 
“That girl was breathing!” 
“The machine was breathing. They're used to keep our organs fresh for dissection.” She stated crassly as she kept loading papers into a bag. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Mita demanded. 
“I might have a ticket topside, but without money, I’ll end up back here too soon for my liking.” Devoan shrugged, finishing up and gathering what she wanted and slinging the bag on her shoulder. 
“You wouldn't even try to save the girls up there.” It might have been a question, but Mita was beginning to realize that it wasn't. 
“There's no saving them.” She said, now more defeated. 
“You wouldn’t even try?” 
“What should I try, Minute?” Devoan erupted, now glaring at her with something between anger and despair. “Should I try taking them off the machines and watch them suffocate while they can’t breathe on their own? Or maybe I should try to take them with us and risk breaking the fragile mechanics after ripping them out of the floorboards? And even if I could get the machines and the girls out of here in one piece, how do you expect to take care of them? Most of them are less than a day away from death anyway.” 
Devoan was right. As cruel and heartless as it may seem, it was worse to bring them along. Either just let Devoan burn the place down now, or watch as seven young women died in her care. 
Then there was nothing else they could do. “Let's get out of here.” Mita let the girl pass, and she followed her out. 
Vander would be waiting at the Last Drop for Mita to come back, but Devoan was late for a meeting. Nobody would dare to stare at a creature as they walked past. Mita took in that this may be the last time she had no eyes on her. 
Devoan all but jumped onto the bridge, and her strides were fast enough to put her slightly ahead of Mita, and how could she blame her. Anything to get further away from the place that held her captive, even if the smoke rose all the way up through the Undercity, announcing to everyone that it’s time had ended.
“Where are we going?” Devoan asked without looking back. 
“Somewhere safe.” Mita answered. 
The looks in Piltover were different. There were stares, whispers, and side-eyes everywhere until they eventually came to the street that Grayson had written down for her. “Follow me.” Both of them climbed up a fire escape to reach a window. 
With a soft knock on the glass, it didn’t take long for Grayson to find them. “Minute, are you allergic to doors?” 
“Would you rather everyone in your nosy town know we’re working together?” Mita asked back. 
“Fair enough.” Grayson stepped aside to let them in through the window. “You must be Devoan. I’m Sheriff Grayson.” 
“Sheriff?” Devoan deadpanned, glaring at Mita. 
“Can you think of someone better to keep you off the Enforcers’ list?” Mita asked her, and Devoan shifted her uneasy gaze to Grayson. 
“My Enforcers don’t need to know anything.” Grayson offered. 
“Even if I’m planning to exploit all this illegal medical research in my bag to line my pockets?” Neither Mita nor Grayson were expecting anything like that to come from Devoan. 
“Depends on how you’re planning to do it.” Grayson said. 
“The guy has a student, right?” Devoan asked. “From the way he spoke, she didn’t know shit about anything, so I’ll take the research to her to get the rest of this drug fully developed in exchange for half of the profits. I just don’t want anyone to know that’s what’s lining my pockets.” 
Mita also looked at Grayson, waiting for her answer just as eagerly as Devoan was. “I can do better than look the other way.” She said. “So long as you don’t kill anyone or rob someone, I can help you get on your feet. What would you do with all this money?” 
Devoan didn’t hesitate. “I’m going to the academy.” 
“Then I’ll help you.” Grayson agreed. “You can stay here as long as you need, Devoan.” 
“Won’t your nosy neighbors wonder why you suddenly have a teenager living with you?” Mita asked Grayson. 
“I didn’t know what she looked like before, but looking at her now, it would be easy to mistake her for a family member of mine. I’ll tell them I had to take custody of my niece or cousin, and they’re too polite to ask for details on something like that. They’ll know she’s from the Undercity, but so long as she has me, they won’t go digging deeper.” 
Devoan was cautiously walking around the living room, slowly taking in her surroundings. 
"Did you get that Devoan?" Mita asked.
"As far as the council will be concerned, you're related to me somehow. It's not a secret to them that I'm from the Undercity, but they won't be told unless they ask. And nobody will know where your money is coming from." Grayson explained. "If attending the academy is really what you want, then I can help you get on your feet if you don't want to stay here." 
"I'll stay here for a bit." Devo said, "If you're alright with it." 
Grayson smiled, "The offer is always there. Even far into the future." 
"And, you're sure nobody survived? Nobody will come for me?" Devo asked. 
Mita sighed, "If anybody survived, they're too scared of you to come looking. You made sure of that with the fire." 
Mita could tell that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Grayson came to her rescue rather quickly. "Regardless of who survived, there's nothing I won't do to keep you safe, Devoan." 
“And you know where to find me if you need me.” Mita said. 
“Oh, Minute?” Devoan asked before she left. “Can you thank Vander for me?” 
“Of course.” Mita smiled beneath her mask and bid them both farewell. It had been a long time since she could just walk through the Undercity. She took her time, for once. It was late, but the brothels were always open. 
The woman at the front recognized her immediately and pointed her to the office near the back of the building. When Mita entered, Mystique jumped slightly, clearly not expecting her, but her eyes went to the five-eyed mask on her belt. 
“You owe me some money.” Mita said. 
“Both are dead, then?” 
“The five eyed is. The abductor has a fate worse than death in front of him.” She answered. 
“Given to the Enforcers. Cold blooded.” Mystique had a heavy sack in her drawer that she placed on the desk. “I added a little extra on top in honor of this being your last bounty.” 
“I appreciate it.” Mita moved to take the bag, but Mystique stopped her.
“Are my girls safe?” She asked. 
“As many as I could save. If any of the survivors want to come back, I’ll let them know there’s still a job here for them.” Mita answered, taking the bag as her hand moved back to her pen. 
“I appreciate it.” Mystique echoed, sending Mita on her way, but she was already leaving, eager to finally get home. 
And when she did, it was a bustle of relief as Vander and the kids shuffled around, getting the girls food, water, and any spare blankets they could find. 
“Mita!” Powder was the first to notice her entrance and she happily launched herself into her arms which caught Vander’s attention. 
“Hey, Powder.” Mita hugged her back as Vander approached. 
Mita, much like Powder, couldn’t hold herself back and wrapped her arms around his shoulders without saying a word. Vander held her like he knew they had all the time in the world. “Welcome home, Mita.” 
The words said by anyone would have felt like healing, but hearing them from Vander drained all the tension out of her. And she had something she couldn’t go without saying any longer. “I love you, Vander.”
Vander’s hold on her tightened. “I love you too, Mita.”  
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plscallmeeren · 4 months
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P E R S O N A L P T 2
Jessica Jones x Reader
Request: yes
Summary: you're a natural born fighter (martial arts, fire manipulation) who fought for money and enlisted in SHIELD to avoid jail, then got kicked out again. You now reside in Hell's Kitchen
Warnings: s mentions ig; unedited
Word Count: 1.3K+
Jessica stared at her phone. Your name was almost as daunting as the numbers beneath it. She didn't really need help. She never did, though. And somehow that would be worse.
(Y/n) (Y/l/n).
Her lips barely moved as she shaped your name once again. What a strange curve that one syllable was, what a sharp point, just like your tongue.
She groaned. This wasn't helping. Maybe she needed to remove you from her system? Entertain the possibility once, so that you could be forgotten forever?
Jessica dismissed the tempting theory, as she had so far. Too good to be true. Far too good.
But what else could she do? Her concentration wavered in every respect; she couldn't help but wonder whether you would judge her for her late-night drink, what sleeping habits you might have as she took notes of a case's.
(Y/n) (Y/l/n).
Damn it.
She picked up the phone.
You stared at your phone. One missed call from Jessica Jones.
How could you have missed it? Such an important thing, such a reverent moment. And why had she called? Had she needed help? Had something happened, and it was your fault not to have shown up?
"If you're ever in a jam even you can't handle - or don't want to handle - give me a call."
You picked up the phone.
It rang.
It rang again.
And again.
You cursed; the majority unheard of. You picked up the keys you had just put down and headed for the door, not one glance back.
Her business card crumbled in your hand, though you hardly noticed.
The door that advertised her agency was broken, clouded glass held together by stubborn duct tape. There were no signs of a fight from the outside, but who knew where she had even called from...
You pressed a palm against the lock, pushing with all your might so that the door spring open.
"Hello? Are you here?" you called, adamantly refusing your voice to waver. Where else would you look if she wasn't here? You had no idea where she went...
"How did you get in here?" a voice behind you asked, and before you knew what you were doing, you had spun around, hands outstretched as if to fight.
The name sounded so right, so fitting now that you knew it. Every inch of her screamed it - she was her name, nothing else.
"I- You called."
"Yeah, that doesn't answer my question."
"No, I- I called back, and you didn't pick up, and considering I told you to call me if you were having any problems... I guess I got worried." You stared at her, subconsciously checking to see if she was alright. Her cheeks flushed.
"Well, sorry, no need to save me," she said cruelly, inspecting the lock on her door for damage before turning back to you. "But I guess now that you're here..."
"Well. I don't know. I've been thinking about you," she whispered, trying to sound seductive and coming across far too needy. But surely, that would have you stripping in no time, right?
You didn't budge, and just like last time, it was her who did the familiar approaching, the brush of the hand against an inch of your body.
"I've been thinking, too," you said slowly. "It's quite the distraction."
"My thoughts exactly."
"What do you propose?" you husked, and a shiver ran down her spine when you placed a gentle row of digits against her hips, almost as if to keep her at bay.
"Get it out of our system, how does that sound?"
"It sounds good," you chuckled. "Too good."
She blinked slowly, then walked away. You were far too difficult to convince. And yet... and yet no one-night-stand made her feel the way she did when you came bursting in like some brute, just because she hadn't answered the phone. That was pretty nice.
You couldn't stop staring at her, feeling more and more ridiculous at having broken in as you did. Her shiny black hair curved around her shoulders, face pale but shining beside those dark eyes.
"I should go," you said steadily, though it seemed suspiciously close to a question, that traitorous intonation.
"You should," she agreed, and you told yourself five lies so that your feet would move. One, you would see her again. Two, she didn't like you. Three, she was playing, and you refused to be played. Four, there were others like her. Five, (the biggest one,) you didn't care either.
She waited only until the door closed behind you to pull the liquor bottle closest to her even closer. She stared at it. Maybe you would come back, bursting in again. She stared a little longer, then put it away. Not today, she thought, never wondering how long today could be.
Thursday night.
You wondered whether she would be there. You didn't care, though. Yes, she was beautiful and clever and mysterious, but those were just words. Nothing that couldn't be projected into nearly anyone.
She wasn't there. You couldn't hide the disappointment from yourself. You sat down, shoulders slumped and height stolen, beer for once not just for fun.
You closed your eyes. There she was again, Jessica. Jessica. Jessica. Not like you knew her. Maybe someone else did. Here, behind your lids, in a private theatre, she wore a summer dress and a big hat, and she was smiling. Laughing. Laughing like there was nothing else to do. Occasionally, the image shifted, and she would once again be wearing her leather jacket and grey pants, but always she was laughing.
She was laughing even, when your mind undressed her, at first not sensually, only exposing some cherished vulnerability. Not for long, however, as you imagined waves of her body, the mould of your palms holding her...
"Didn't see you there," her voice erupted nearby, and it took you a moment to understand you were not dreaming it. "Didn't take you for a daydreamer."
"Only when there's something worth daydreaming about," you replied easily, opening your eyes. She licked her lips, unsure whether you meant what she hoped.
"What's that? Your man-cave?"
"Oh, so I strike you not as a dreamer, but as someone who has a man-cave? How flattering."
"I give you only the truth."
"Now that, I believe." You held each other's gazes, for a moment, until you couldn't stand it. "Okay, admit then, that you secretly enjoy watching Next Top-model or whatever and listening to Fleetwood Mac."
"I'm not ashamed of Fleetwood Mac."
"I'd hope so, but thought I'd give you an easy one. What about the other."
She glared at you, proceeded to mockingly play with her nails. "Well, at times, I enjoy trash talking..."
"Knew it." She laughed. It was better than you imagined.
Beers came and went, and all the while conversation was good, fun. You didn't spare too many thoughts on what had happened last week.
"I'll be right back," she said eventually, taking off to the barely existing bathroom.
You sat silently for a minute. It was unbearable, knowing she was nearby, and yet not near enough. You sprang up, headed to the bathroom yourself with no eligible reasoning.
You opened the door, and there she stood, yet again. Surprised, slightly, but not really, just drying her hands.
You were practically cornering her in the tiny space, looking down at her; the dim light from the old glove highlighting only the accents of her features. You could have swooned for the first time in your life. Your hands found her waist - a lifeline, you told yourself.
"We've gotta stop meeting like this," she whispered, the smile audible in her voice, even if you couldn't see it.
"Yeah, we've got to."
Your lips were on hers and her hands were in your hair and every part was better and still.
Still it wasn't personal enough.
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