#she didn't even get to properly say goodbye to her son
ririblogsss · 6 months
what if Danny give no fu-ks
Ok hear me out, Dannys obsession has never truest been confirmed by the show itself (that I remember) I've seen a lot of people say his obsession comes from wanting to help / protect people. But what if he feels as though that he is now doing more damage than good, after all there are a lot of people getting hurt as colateral damage from the chases he has to go on. Or simply when he has to run away from getting captured.
What if one night he was up late and saw a post about a tragedy that happened because he slipped up (it wasn't even his fault, but he still blames himself for everything). And then he starts looking at all the bad comments against him ignoring all the good ones saying how much Danny Phantom has helped Amity. Because Danny is still human and confirmation bias is real. Imagine how he felt the moment he realized that he was causing people to get hurt instead of keeping them save.
Image the desperation clawing at him with the realization that he has never been able to fully manage his obsession. it makes him sad, desperate, angry.
His entire self is filled with too many emotions at the sametime he isn't even able to identify them and catalogue them properly like Jazz taught him.
and then everything stops and he feels nothing.
Completely and utterly numb.
Like his whole reason to keep going suddenly disappears.
And it has.
He gave up on his obsession and now he has to make / get a new one.
But it's not that easy.
This drastic change could've ended any ghost as they run on (live off) emotions.
Luckily because he's a Halfa, so that has given him the upper hand. Unfortunately it makes it so that he is completely devoid of any emotion.
Months go by and people immediately notice changes, the more drastic one is that Phantom went missing, and eventually a lot of ghost that where coming in looking for him stop. Amity Park is no longer populated by ghosts, and slowly the GIW started to retreat from Amity going to another place following a lead that says there are more ghost activities up north.
But those changes aren't the only ones noticeable. Dannys classmates and teachers can vouch that Danny has changed. Most say he was always quite , and others say he looked down right depressed. Danny didn't do much in classes not that he paid attention before. Its just this time it seems that its not out of being sleepy or anxious about another ghost attacking the school instead Danny looks like he coundn't give less of a fu-k about anything.
He never smiles anymore not even when his favorite subjects (mechanics and space) are brought up. Not even a quirk of a smile. The school decided to contact his parents about Dannys new behaviors. That includes skipping classes, not handing in work, not doing the assigned work in class ect....
And its not like his parents havent noticed, they've had more time in their hands since they aren't using hours of the day/night going out hunting anymore. and they have witnessed their son become a shell of himself. They don't know what to do, and they don't want to worry Jazz about it because she's at collage and needs to focus on her studies.
So when the school contact them and told them that the behavior is the same in school they decided major changes needed to happen. Starting with a change of environment.
Maddie and Jack decided that Amity park was too big of a city with too many people. They could nearly see the stars at night because of the light pollution, hence they decided to move next door to Alicia, Maddie sister, home in SmallVille.
They decided it was the best choice, Danny would be surrounded by nature and he could do online classes that would go the pace he wanted. The move was immediate, the day off they packed everything sold the house and moved.
They only stopped to say goodbye to Danny's friends. A small bye and hug later they were on a 7 hour road trip to their new home.
When they got there the old resident handed them the keys of the home and told them to ignore the their neighbors 'The Kents' as they often made a lot of noice and had group gatherings every month.
The one thing Jack and Maddie forgot to double check was if the house was an actual house or a farm house. Sounds similar, but completely different as they now had 2 cows, 16 chickens, 1 rooster, and 3 pigs to take care off.
Danny was put on duty of taking care of the animals, such as feeding them on time and making sure they were healthy. Jack and Maddie made more of the heavy weight as to re building broken fences and fixing the questionable roof.
(The first thing Danny did when meeting all the animals was name them. After all this was about all the interaction he was going to do.)
Danny didn't have time to think about his lost obsession or his lack of emotions as he was now too busy making sure each animal was taken care off.
Marcy and linda (the cows) were danny's favorite they were very gentle and he felt that they could understand him when he spoke to them the stories of his vigilante past.
On the other hand The Chickens were a nightmare, Glinda was cool as she never chased him down. But Matilda and Bethany were a nightmarish duo spiteful too when he was seconds late to the finding time. Mark the rooster was chill he mainly acted as of he was part of the group that needed protection.
Marice, Betty, and Miss Piggy were the chillest of the bunch never gave Danny any trouble when feeding them and always made a point that they loved their new mudbath installation that Danny made for them on his first 2 days on the farm.
A month after arriving at the farm house Danny noticed that mark was missing. Danny looked everywhere around the property and saw him from afar, at the road. So Danny did the sensible thing anyone would do when spotting a run away pet, and that is call their name at the top of your lungs whilst running after them.
naturally Mark the escape artist run the opposite direction. By the time Danny caught up to him Danny didn't recognize the house he was infant off. So with Mark comfortably in his arms He swears he can see a smug look on marks face. Danny turned away from the house to start his walk back to the farm, but he was met with a kid his age looking at him with distrust.
"Ehhh look kid Im sorry to have crossed the properties border but Mark here" Danny made a point to acentuate Mark in his arms "Runaway from me this morning and I've been trying to catch him ever since, anyways I need to go feed the girls"
The kid starred at him for a second "OMG your from the new family in Mr.duncans farm right? in Aver ST.?" and wow the kid was like a ray of sunshine.
"Yea-" Danny could even finish his sentence before the kid cut him off by starting to talk a mile a minute about how he was so exited to meet people his age that lived near by and how farm chores were harder that normal house chores.
"Jon, give him time to respond. Im Damian this is Jon" Danny jumped he hadn't noticed the second kid at all
"Oh yeah... sorry about that what's your name?" The kid (Jon) slightly less enthusiasm, a bit embarrassed if his tone of voice was anything to get by.
"Danny, Im 15" he responded before he started walking away after all he did need to get in time to feed the chickens unless he wants to suffer their furry. Danny shuddered at the memory that popped up in his head.
"Wait!!! I just thought we could be friends cause we live close by u know" Jon said catching up with Dannys steps. Damian was following from behind.
"Sure kid I don't care" Dannys voice was monotone much like it had been for months.
"Hey were not kids for your information, Im 14 and Damians 16 soon to be 17, so if anything you night be the actual kid!" Danny chuckled slightly it was more similar to releasing air from his lips than a laugh.
Soon a quite and enjoyable science encompassed the group as they went to Dannys home.
"Hmm... you're hold on Mark is adequate and the your determination for getting home in time for feeding is acceptable" Damian spoke up after a while of the passive silence.
"yeah and what is It to you" Danny was slightly urked by Damians default setting speach. He told him as such.
Jon blanched before erupting into giggles that sent him to lay down on the grass uncontrollably laughing. Damians right eyebrow quirked up in what Danny assumed was amusement.
Thus a new friendship grew that day.
They often gathered at Dannys or Jons yard to have picnic in the weekends (as Damian and Jon has school in Metropolis on week days) and hangout with the animals. Danny found out that Damian was a vegetarian and that he had various animals at home. One time he brought his Great Dane Titus, who bodied Danny on sight to give him kisses.
Also Damian was Damian Wayne as in bruce Wayne, Batman sugar daddy. When he said that, Jons milk flew out of his nose and Damian choked on his cucumber wrap. Even Titus gave him a judgemental stare.
Slowly Danny started to smile more, laugh every so often. And things were feeling so much better after not being able to feel anything for a while.
Jazz, Aunt Alicia and especially Maddie and Jack felt so relived to see that Danny was slowly coming back to them.
Danny to this day backs the fact that Mark knew something and planned the whole thing.
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susagnon · 4 months
Saying their goodbyes: Shouto, Katsuki
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Nee-san spoke first, “Please be careful, Shouto. I... I’m so sorry for being such a useless older sister. I wish, I cou-"
"I will. And you're not useless." That felt insufficient. Shouto tried moving his hand over his sister's head, like he had seen Asui doing with some of their classmates when they got upset. "Please teach me how to make soba properly, when I get back."
At this, Fuyumi's eyes turned watery.
Shouto faltered. Then he froze.
Natsu-nii had pulled him into a hug.
Perhaps not wanting their sister and mother to hear, Natsu-nii said into his ear: “Punch him in the face. Pummel his ass." And with an even lower voice, his brother whispered: "And if there's any possibility… please drag him home.”
Shouto flailed. Then he remembered what he did, when okaa-san had asked for his permission to hug him during one of his first visits, and put his hands lightly on Natsu-nii's back. For few seconds, his fingers gripped his older brother's sweater tightly.
Shouto turned to their mother. She had lagged behind his siblings slightly.
He knew that the loss of Touya-nii back then, had completely shattered whatever small parts of their mother had been left, that hadn't already been broken by their father. But Touya-nii had killed so many people. And his flames were so strong, surpassing those of Endeavor's.
Shouto didn't know what to say to his mother. But he had to say something, so he settled on, "Okaa-san, I won’t let our family hurt any more people. I promise.”
“I know. I’m sor…” His mother stopped. Instead, she reached out to wrap his left hand between her own smaller ones. “Thank you, Shouto. I’m grateful for having you.”
Shouto swallowed hard. His hand stayed in between his mother's palms, until the heroes were signaled to move out.
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“You will win.”
“What do you take me for?! Of course I will!”
For that, the hag decked him over the head.
Katsuki was about to let his mother know, that she hit like a ninety-year old. But before he could, his old man caught his gaze. Something in his father's eyes made Katsuki close his mouth again.
With her hands on her hips and her chin tilted up, his mother said: “Absolute victory. That's what you've always spouted. And absolute victory requires making it back. Preferably, in one piece. Although I don't expect that - no, I'm not underestimating you. But I'm also not an idiot. And neither are you."
At this, Katsuki averted his eyes. The hero students involvement in the PLW was still kept secret from the public. Aside from Icyhot, none of the students who got hospitalized had been allowed visits from their families.
Katsuki knew from his old man, that his mother had stood in front of the hospital every single day, until they learned that their son had been released and escorted back to his dorm.
During phone calls, he had tried to downplay his injuries. It wasn't because he agreed with the Commission's dumbass decisions.
It had been futile anyways. Katsuki saw from the expression of his mother's face, when she first laid eyes on him after UA's emergency shelters went into effect, that she had guessed the severity of his injuries right away.
His mother combed her hand slowly through his hair. Katsuki fought against the urge to tilt his head towards her.
"So. I expect an absolute victory, where as much of you makes it back as needed... to take the decking that you’ll get for being disrespectful to your mother. Got it?”
“…yeah, yeah. Just watch me.”
The hag gave his hair a slight pull.
And so, Katsuki's schoolmates, teachers, and anyone else in their vincity, got subjected to an encore of the Bakugou-screamo-musical, until it was time for the son to leave.
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buzzcutseaswn · 1 year
the finale is so disappointing to me because it feels like they just took 3 whole seasons of work on the characters to just throw everything unfinished on the last episode and call it the end. if it really is the final season, why not give them what they deserve?
don't get me wrong, I loved the team scenes, the believe sign moment, the way the boys took Nate back, the women's team... but their individual endings? damn, where do I start?
they spent the whole s3 developing the Tish predictions, made a whole ass episode about the signs just to give Rebecca her "happy" ending with 3min left to the episode, with a guy we don't even know the name of. Rebecca deserved so much more development on that mother arc, her lightning, somebody actually showing her appreciation.
and don't even get me fucking started on the tedbecca fake outs, and the useless parallels between the two throughout the show. what was the use to their soulmate storyline if in the end they were separated anyway? and all the little things to hint on a possible endgame too when they could have used all that time to perfect other plotlines?
another one is the way Jamie tried to use the fact that Keeley sent him the leaked video to "claim" her when she never showed romantic interest in him this season. then he and Roy just fist fought over something that was not their decision. what the fuck happened to Jamie's s3 growth?
and the roykeeley of it all, getting back together, then not being together at all?
Beard got married to his abuser and not a single person thought about helping him out. not even his best friend.
and the one that pissed me off the most: Ted going back to Kansas, all alone, to watch 5th grade football matches forever, absolutely not being fulfilled with any of it; the way they implied that he got back together with Michelle? a woman that made him feel like he was too much, encouraged him to move an ocean away, far from his son, to get her space and then date their couples therapist?
all the interactions with Ted felt forced, out of character. Rebecca poured her heart out to him, gave him all the options, begging him to stay, got a first class ticket to say goodbye properly. he knew how hard it is for her to be open, to verbalize her feelings, to ask for what she wants. he didn't say a word. what did she get from being vulnerable?
the boys did a whole performance to say goodbye, put all the effort into something they all thought he would enjoy. what reaction did they get?
I don't feel a sense of closure at all, and I am so very frustrated they didn't do the characters I love so deeply justice. the loss I feel is heartbreaking. what a sad ending to a show with so much potential.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 6 months
Back to the Swamp rundown!
Disney Channel's YouTube account just released a new TOH chibi tiny tale.
And it's a crossover with Amphibia!
Here's my summarization of the events.
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It begins with Luz meddling with the good 'ol portal door.
I'm not sure what she's expecting to accomplish, but Eda and King evidently found it interesting enough to watch. Eda even brought popcorn!
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But whatever Luz did, it worked!
I have no idea when this is supposed to be occurring within the series timeline by the way. Luz is wearing season one outfit, has access to the portal door, which is also not destroyed.
So, season one, right?
But Eda has her post "Let the pain be shared" silver eye... And her season two dress for that matter!
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Ah well, onwards to adventure! Eda is all for it!
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King is a bit more... concerned, but comes along too.
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Doesn't stop him from being mystified about the wildlife, though.
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I guess Luz was trying to get back to The Human Realm?
Because she seems utterly shocked by the sudden realization that man-sized insects means that she can't possibly be on earth, lol.
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But luckily for the denizens of the owl house, they've landed in Amphibia! By Wartwood! Right in front of the Plantar family home!
While Anne's friends Marcy and Sasha were visiting no less! What luck!
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Anne and Luz formally reunite and introduce their respective families/friends to one another. It's very cute.
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Sasha and Eda evidently decided that they just had to have an arm wrestling competition.
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Sasha uses the powers gifted to her by the Calamity Box in order to win, lol.
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But Eda gets the last laugh!
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Then Marcy and King play a board game together.
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Annnnnd she also uses her Calamity Box powers to win.
Girls, you do realize that's considered cheating, right?
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Hooty also makes an appearance.
I guess he was wondering where everybody went?
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Polly proceeds to use him as a jump-rope, lol.
I'm surprised that Hooty isn't more into this, but maybe he was genuinely worried about the people who live inside of him and didn't appreciate being used a kid's plaything after braving the unknown in his best effort to find them. Lol.
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Meanwhile, Luz is showing off her sick glyph skills!
...Which I just realized, probably shouldn't work in Amphibia.
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Ah well, we wouldn't have gotten this nice moment where she and Anne show off their magical powers to each other otherwise!
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After all is said and done, our heroes settle down to have a meal.
I'm reasonably certain that they're eating bugs. Yum, protein.
Hop Pop and Eda are doubtlessly exchanging tips on parenting orphans and their other-dimensional friends, lol.
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Throughout this whole adventure, the portal door has been... shrinking?
Because... the writers needed a reason for Luz and Co to have go back to The Demon Realm suddenly?
XD That's my best guess, as I don't recall there ever having been a time limit when it came to using the original portal door. It was kinda OP like that.
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Anywho, Luz and Co need to leave immediately. Anne and Luz are quite sad to see one another go.
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King really wants to make sure to say goodbye to everybody properly!
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To the point he was a little too preoccupied to notice the portal door closing on him.
Also: Hop Pop faints because he thinks he just saw a little kid get decapitated, lol.
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Meanwhile, back in the owl house, Luz is sad that she had to say goodbye to Anne. Eda comforts her, it's a sweet sight.
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What isn't such a sweet sight is what King looks like minus his skull.
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Although King himself is rather nonplussed about the whole thing.
Like mother, like son. Lol.
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Luz is completely and totally horrified by the sight of King...
And that's the note that we end on!
Overall, cute little short.
And as a bonus...
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XD This is officially canon now.
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princessdarth-vader · 4 months
cant stop thinking abt the ratgrinders' like... parents after this ep. trying not to be disappointed at the kill all enemies approach to this combat. i understand we have a different experience of the campaign to the pcs. but what i hope for is brennan taking a moment to focus on the families and loved ones of these kids who were manipulated and forced and used for porter's means. Who had their free will taken away from them, and their anger used against them.
Like, after all is said and done, we see a gnome couple; maybe they were sort of friends with the Thistlesprings, since Ruben's whole deal before being emo was like, that vibe. Maybe they knew their son had changed, was angrier and more sad, but they gave him the space to respect it. And Wilma and Digby see themselves reflected in the Hopclap parents' faces as they mourn their son, who they never got to properly say goodbye to. They didn't even realise how far gone he was.
If Sklonda, seeing the grieving parents of another sharp and ambitious rogue, determined to be the best, desperate to prove herself, realises that that could've been her. Wondering what she would do if it were Riz who had his own rage used against him, and ultimately dooming him to be the villain of the story.
Do the church mourn Buddy, who was let down by every adult in his life? Who learned to follow and obey before he learned free will. Will they even care, since he turned his back on them, when faced with the choice of oblivion or rage? Or will his parents quietly swallow their grief, and privately hope that, maybe, he got a second chance to find Helio again.
Imagine losing your kid to rage. It becomes hard to talk to them, to forgive them, because of that rage, but you don't understand it. You try and try to get through to them, but all your conversations end in fighting. You resent them, because you don't know what you did wrong. And then, before you can understand, and before you can apologise, before you can tell your kid you love them one more time, they're dead. They died at school, because of teachers they were supposed to be able to trust. And you learn that the rage wasn't natural, that they were used. It's not fair.
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snow-143 · 1 year
Water Coloured Tears | Jeon Jungkook
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one- pilot (1.7k words)
Jeon Jungkook. The man that everybody wants, the man that knows this and loves the attention. On campus everybody knows him as Kook. However, I know him as Kookie, or I suppose my Kookie if were being critical. 
He's never told anyone this and neither have I. A well kept secret that only we know here. Of course when I go back home for holidays everybody asks about him, how he's getting on and if were still close. 
The truth is we haven't spoke since the last day of high school, but I keep up the act, answering their prying questions with a soft smile on my face. He's doing good, I usually answer. I'm not lying, from what I can tell he is doing good, amazing even if you look at it from the college dream perspective. 
No one ever asks how I'm doing, they're just curious about the towns golden boy who disappeared the second school was out. Never returning during any breaks from college life. He simply just up and left. Not even savings a second to say goodbye to anyone, except for me. 
I cant tell if this was worse or better, it kind of gave me a false sense of hope, he said goodbye to me and no one else, surely that means something. It didn't. 
In a way I'm kind of glad that they're only curious about him, you see when they ask how he is I don't have to lie, it may not be a full truth but its not a lie. If they asked how I am though, the smile would be far too forced, a toothy one that I am all too conscious of. 
The first time I was returning home I had over thought my replies far too much, only to realise no one cared anyway. I was always Jeons best friend, the hopeless girl who would follow him around with hearts in her eyes, much like a lost puppy. Never my own person, never anyone to be concerned about. Even my mother loved Jeon more. He was the son she never had. The golden child she had always wanted. 
I suspect that she knows I don't talk to him anymore, the depression I fell into after he left was far too telling. Yet she still asks about him, still insists on me taking extra food back to college with me in case he isn't eating properly. She always packs all of his favourite foods, never mine. Never anything I ask for. 
It was a shock to  me when I realised he went to the same school as me. I was overjoyed. Thinking that it must have been fate, destiny had brought us back together. 
That hope died along with my lingering feelings for him when we bumped into each other and he acted like I didn't exist. Just some random girl on campus who couldn't watch where she was going. 
I still remember the pain in my chest when he scowled at me, I could distantly hear some girls snickering at my audacity to bump into 'the Jeon Jungkook'. But it was all muted out by the sound of his heavy footsteps walking away from me. Walking right into the arms of the prettiest girl I have ever seen. 
Her name is Jennie. I've come to learn that she's not only gorgeous but also smart and the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She's honestly perfect. God. I'd date her if I could. But she's only got eyes for Jungkook. 
If I'm being honest, and get over the childish resentment I have towards the idea they'd be the perfect couple. The thing with Jungkook is that he never dates. Not even someone like Jennie. 
He's completely open about this, letting every girl he starts something with know that it wont go any further than a friends with benefits situation, they always think they'll be the one to change him though. 
He cant really be blamed when they get their hearts broken, he was upfront from the beginning, they just refused to listen. I wouldn't say they can be to blame either though, everybody I've ever known has loved Jungkook, its almost impossible not to. I suppose I know this better than anyone. A living and breathing example that you cant be close to him without falling for him. 
But now here I am, resenting everything to do with him. I wasn't upset at him for leaving, I understood that, but everyday of summer that I didn't hear from him buried me deeper into my hurt and anger.
He still had a phone, it didn't have to be the end of our friendship. Seeing him again just cemented this. He was so cold to me, I suppose I get it. He has a new life now, new friends. I guess I'm so hurt because he was all I had and it turns out I was nothing to him. 
I had learned to be content with this. Keeping everything and everyone that has anything to do with him far, far away from me. It was a difficult task but a one I felt I had to do for my own sanity. Yet it was all in vain. All the friends I could've had, all the parties I could've attended, all lost for nothing. 
Because now here I'm sat in my stupid art class next to no one other than Jeon Jungkook. How cliché, being paired up with you childhood best friend who you were madly in love with. 
We've been assigned to take candid picture of our partners and make 5 pieces out of them. all with different emotions in mind and all in different mediums. We've been allowed free rein on this project. However, we will be deducted points if our professor doesn't think our pictures are spontaneous enough or don't show enough emotion. She also is expecting all our pieces to match up with the others, so in total  she wants 10 pieces that represent both of our styles but can also all go together as one project. She's given us all a polaroid camera each, its honestly all so perfect. 
This would usually be my wet dream. I'm allowed to do whatever I like on 5 completely separate projects. But the brooding presence beside me is damping the whole experience for me.  
I'm quite surprised when she tells us this will be our last project of the year, giving us 5 months to complete it. She informs us that it will be 60% of our final grade and she wants us to go big for all 5 of the pieces. 
I can tell other people are stressed by this from all of the muttering around the room but I honestly couldn't think of anything better. 5 months to express myself through my art anyway that I like. I can already feel the ideas rushing to me. 
From an artist perspective I can kind of see me being paired with Jungkook as a blessing. If I have to channel all my emotions into my art I can't think of a better person to do it through. However, as the petty person I am I couldn't be more annoyed. I can tell he's pissed off too, he still has the same habits, I could read his body language with my eyes closed. 
It kind of hurt, I cant lie, I know why I'm upset but is it really so bad for him to be paired up with me? Is he scared I'll ruin the pretty little reputation he's maintained here. It's honestly baffling how much one person can change. He never care what people thought of us before but now he cant even bare being paired up with me. He used to beg our teachers to put us together at school. 
He finally looks at me, a scowl evident on his face, I don't want to be paired up with you either, dickhead. 'I'll ask if there's anyway we can swap.' 
It's strange, the way my heart hurts at this, much like when he first left, or when he ignored me. It's silly, I didn't want to be paired up with him either. 'whatever.'
I'm already packing my things up to leave the class room when our professor starts talking again. 'Oh and one last thing, under no circumstances are you allowed to switch partners. I want this project to be as authentic as possible, I chose people you aren't friends with on purpose, I want you to learn about each other and to show that in your art. I want it to tell a story.'
It's like she's staring directly at me and Jungkook, 'For fuck sake.' Is all I hear him say before I leave the classroom. 
'Hey, wait up.' Jeon grabs my arm, forcing me to face him. I haven't looked him in the eyes since I first bumped into him. The temptation to walk away from him just like he did to me is immensely strong. 'We should at least exchange numbers for the project.' 
He sounds far to annoyed to my ears and it ticks me off even more. 'You're such a cunt.' Ripping my arm away from him I go to make my exit again. Call me dramatic but this is the first time we've talked since he left and I cant help but be a little bit pissy with him. God, he even deleted my number. 
'What the fuck is that meant to mean.' Oh, he's seething . Good. 
'Are you serious right now?' 
'No.' he deadpans. god this boy infuriates me. 'Of course, I'm serious. What is your problem.'
'You're my problem. You and your stupid better than thou act.' It comes out as a laugh. An angry one. 
'Look, I don't know why you're so mad at me, but you're going to have to get over it if were going to pass this class.' It's a reasonable point ill give him that. But really, he doesn’t know why i’m mad at him? That HAS to be a joke.
Sighing I decide to compromise, 'Just message me on Instagram, or did you delete that too?' It's petty I know, but I had to get it out.
'I'll message you later.' Completely ignoring my childish remark, he begins walking in the opposite direction. Being the one who gets to walk away yet again.
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a/n: and it begins 🤭
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ouatsnark · 8 months
CaptainSwan is Anti True Love? DEBUNKED
"When C$ can't really stop being the anti true love to Snowing's true love: In 3x11, when Snow went to say goodbye to Emma on her own, Charming stayed behind. He was sad, too. But he didn't rush her or anything. He just waited, and there was a dark curse literally on its way. In 7×02, hook had to go and drag Emma. Not even giving her enough time to properly say goodbye to her son (let alone his other mother) And nope, I don't buy the "because she wasn't able to let go otherwise", he literally interrupted all the emotional interactions between Henry and his moms." - Signed, a Regina Apologist
Welcome back to another installment of WTF did that Regina Apologist just say!???
I had to laugh at that first sentence there. Maybe there were other posts made on this but I was only sent this one. So. Yeah. This one instance is all they can pull out of their ass to claim CaptainSwan is the anti-Snowing? When CaptainSwan is over here paralleling all of Snowings major true love moments? Mmmmkay someone has selective memory.
But lets debunk this.
Portals vs Dark Curses
Yeah they could see a big ass cloud of dark curse heading their way, right? What about the portal? Was there a timer above it flashing? Cause if so I missed it. I mean... could it possibly be... THEY DID NOT KNOW WHEN THE PORTAL WAS GONNA CLOSE, YOU MORONS.
I know guys. Logic is hard. And if you used logic then you wouldn't have any argument at all.
Hook didn't give Emma enough time to say goodbye?
What in the actual ...? They had plenty of time. There's two scenes of them saying goodbye for pities sake! TWO SCENES. Did you want a third? Actually, there's not enough time in the world for a mother to say goodbye to a child but goodbye is part of letting that child go to find their own way. Truth is they had to catch a portal home. And before you claim Regina is the better mother, please spare me. She was a grown woman following her adult son around because she was pathetic and didn't have a life of her own.
I love how Hook gets the blame for Regina not saying goodbye to Emma like Regina doesn't have two legs and a voice of her own. Sorry, luvs, but your queenie just didn't care enough and neither did Emma. That is sign #99 that they don't mean that much to each other outside of Henry.
And I am going to need a list of all these "emotional interactions" that Hook interrupted between Emma, Henry and Regina. Sounds like a bunch of fanon to me.
Oh and just so you know...
CaptainSwan's moment in 3x11 actually did parallel Snowing.
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Oopsies. Someone goofed. How embarrassing for you.
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can you give u more hc about Hanzo family? please
yiiiiiisssssss okay here we go
Kaede was a healer with the Shirai Ryu, born and raised like every other clan member
He left bc he didn't like that the clan kept killing people for reasons that he didn't understand and his healing was used only as an afterthought. He didn't want to be part of that and decided that he was going to take his skills somewhere he could actually help people.
Eiko went with him despite loving the Shirai Ryu bc she was pregnant with Hanzo and wanted to have a family that was whole more than she wanted to be a warrior. They were let go with the understanding that they could come back if they ever wanted to
Hanzo was a preemie, only by a month, and Eiko likes to joke that he's been impatient since before he was born
Hana and Ryuji are Hanzo's much younger siblings and they were born a few weeks late
The moment Hanzo met his siblings he declared himself their protector, and he adored them more than anything. He'd fight his parents over the chance to change their diapers, it was very weird
Leaving his siblings behind when he joined the Shirai Ryu without saying goodbye, is his biggest regret
Hana actually grew up to be an actress, and a very skilled one too, acting in both Japanese and British/American films. Even though Hanzo doesn't watch movies very often, when he found out he started collecting dvds and posters from every film she'd been in as a way of honoring her and supporting her from afar
Ryuji took over the blacksmithing business their mother had run and now makes and repairs tools and weapons using traditional Japanese smithing techniques and as little technology as possible.
Hanzo only found out about that due to an Insider piece (part of their Still Standing video series) that Takeda showed him, where Ryuji's shop was featured. Privately, Hanzo thinks Ryuji and Kuai Liang would get along well
Kaede regrets his last words to Hanzo, having realized his mistake when he woke up to find Hanzo gone the morning after their fight. He couldn't reach out to the Shirai Ryu for news bc they had moved location due to a fire (not very far, but far enough) and he no longer knew where they were. By the time he found out it was too late, the massacre had already happened
Kaede spent weeks in the ruins of the Shirai Ryu burying everyone and then went home and constructed an altar to his son in order to mourn him properly. He was never really the same afterwards
When Kaede hears rumors of the Shirai Ryu being refounded, he assumes it is a lie or a trick, bc he knows that he buried everyone, he saw his son's body (its implied in mkx with Johnny's almost revenancy that when Quan Chi resurrects someone he just makes them a new body, so the old one is left behind). There's no hope in him that Hanzo could have lived
Iemme know if y'all want more!
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mi-rae07 · 1 year
Jeong Yunho : Sacrifice
Pairing : Jeong Yunho (Ateez) and named character (Kim Yeona)
Synopsis : Yeona is a terrible mother to her son, she always has been. But can she one day fix all that she has done to her son? Will he forgive her? Or is their story going to end in blood and ruins?
A/n : I’ve poured my heart into this, so this better not be flopping (yes, I’m actively threatening ya’all. I’m kidding, lol). 
Mentions of self-harming, blood, etc. 
Song recc : Džanum by Teya Dora.
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Yeona let out a breath as she threw the packed lunch box onto the table her son was currently eating breakfast at, him looking up at yeona with a small smile before saying softly
Yejun : thank you, eomma.
Yeona looked at him with bored, cold eyes before turning around, walking up the stairs to her room without even saying a goodbye to her son who had to go to school within a few minutes. Yejun sighed, looking back at his plate of burned omelets before clenching his hand against the fork. He knew his mother didn't love him, he knew she blamed yejun for everything that had gone wrong with her life. His father divorcing her and giving more love to yejun than her, yeona losing her job as a model because of the pregnancy and the differences it made to her body. And hence why she never looked at him with love, or care, as yejun would see the other mothers in his school look at their sons with. It had been 15 years since he was yeona's son, and no matter the amount of marks he'd scored, or the competitions he'd won, his mother was never satisfied.
Because if he got so much as a 98 for a subject, his mother would beat him up.
Yejun blinked his eyes to get rid of the tears that had formed in them, knowing there was no use in any of that.
For his mother would always hate him, no matter what.
Yeona wiped the sweat off of her forehead as she continued to sweep the house of the person she was currently working for, feeling her back already split open from the pain. But she had to work, because she had to earn money for her son and herself. Because no matter what, she was still responsible for Jeong Yejun.
??? : what sort of a work are you doing?
Yeona looked up as a senior maid stood in front of her, eyeing the floor she was currently cleaning. That was when Yeona looked around, realizing that instead of cleaning properly, she had smeared more mud around the garden floor. Shit, yeona bowed before saying
Yeona : I'm sorry, miss. I just have a back pai-
Yeona flinched at that, her eyes lowering to the floor. She hated loud sounds.
Yeona : I'm really sorry-
??? : you're fired.
Yeona : w-what? No! no no, miss, I have a son to feed and no other good jobs-
??? : I do not care, kim yeona. You're fired, you can get out now.
Yeona was about to say something when the maid turned around and left, leaving yeona with no other choices as tears filled her eyes. She really was going to have to search for another job now.
Yeona stepped out of the house she used to work in with her cheap handbag, her eyes filled with despair. She used to have everything once. Beauty, fame, money, she was everything she had wanted to be. How did her life switch up so fast?
Yeona flinched as her phone suddenly rang, quickly pulling it out as she answered
Yeona : yes?
??? : this kim yeona-shi, right? Jeong yejun's mother?
Yeona : yes, that is me. Is…something wrong, teacher?
??? : yes, your son has gotten into a fight with a bunch of other boys at school, miss kim. And we're afraid he might have to face expulsion.
Yeona dragged her son back inside their house harshly, ignoring his pleads and cries as she felt tears of anger burn against her eyes. All that she had done for him, and he had gotten himself expelled from school? How the hell was she going to find another school for him now?
Yejun meanwhile was struggling to so much as walk, the wound in his leg weakening him as seconds passed. He felt dizzy from the pain, but fought it back as he said slowly
Yejun : e-eomma, it hurts.
Yeona finally pushed him inside the living room harshly, causing yejun to stumble on his steps as he looked up at his mother with scared eyes. Yeona glared at him, her eyes throwing draggers at her son as she said
Yeona : well it should! Do you know what you have done, jeong yejun?
Yejun looked away, his fists clenching beside him. It wasn't his fault, those boys had been bullying him for the past few years and only today did yejun try to fight back. And he had already gotten expelled.
Except he knew his mother would never understand any of that.
Yejun : I'm sorry.
Yeona : are you? Are you really? I have wasted so much, of my money on you, yejun. I've wasted my entire fucking life on you! And now you go and ruin the one thing that could've saved the both of us from this hellhole!
Yejun : eomma, I got hurt too. I-
Yejun flinched at that, his eyes now betraying hurt. His entire leg was now bleeding from the cut he had gotten earlier, the pain unbearable. But then again, he didn’t really expect his mother to understand or take him to the hospital.
Yeona : you took away every ounce of my happiness when you came into my life, yejun. So I had thought, well, maybe he would understand that and try to make up for having been born. But no! you instead make my life TEN TIMES HARDER!
Yejun felt each of her words stab right through his heart, his eyes tearing up. Yeona let out a breath and held her son's shoulders, banging him against the wall as she screamed at the top of her lungs
Yeona : YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE JEONG YEJUN! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME. My husband, my career, my money, my fans, my happiness, my peace, MY ENTIRE LIFE! You ruined it for me.
Yejun let out a whimper as he stared at yeona with tears streaming down his cheeks, his lips trembling. Yeona stared at him as if he was the most cursed being in the world, and god did that shatter yejun.
Yeona : is it fun? Is it fun toying with your mother like this, yejun?
Yejun : eomma, I did-didn't mean to-
Yeona : does that take it all back? Will that get me back everything I lost?
Yejun : I tried, eomma. I tried to…tried to be better for you. I'm sorry I failed.
Yeona chuckled dryly, pulling away as she said
Yeona : of course you failed. You're my son, you could only ever be a failure with a mother like me.
Yejun : no, oh no no, don't say that-
Yeona : NO! no you're right. Of course you failed, I should have always expected it from you.
Yejun felt his tears fall on the floor drop by drop, his leg almost going numb with the pain now. But he couldn't feel it much anymore, his heart hurt even more.
Yejun : eomma, I'll…do something better for you someday. I-I promise I will take you out of this place and give you-you back everything I took from you. I just need time-
Yeona : you think you have it in you to be successful with the way you are? We're destined for this shit, yejun.
Yejun : eomma, I'm…I'm sorry.
Yeona : yeah? I'm sorry too, yejun-ah. For not having aborted you when I could have.
Yejun stared at his mother with shocked, tear filled eyes, his nails digging crescents into the palm of his skin.
Yejun : eomma-
Yeona screamed as she took a nearby vase before smashing it hard on the floor, causing yejun to flinch at the loud sound and step back as a sob fell from his lips.
Yeona : are you crying? After all you have done, YOU'RE FUCKING CRYING?
Yejun quickly wiped his tears with trembling hands as yeona said, cruel as ever.
Yeona : you're the reason for all this, yejun. So I hope you live a life just as bad as mine, filled with nothing but emptiness and despair. I hope you never have an ounce of happiness in your life, and I hope you could die with no one and nothing by your side. Just like how I will one day.
Yeona turned around and walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind her with a loud bang. Yejun finally fell on the floor, sobbing as he clutched his heart in pain. What had he done? Why was only his life so bad? Why did he make everyone around him regret ever having had him? What was so wrong with him?
Yejun leaned towards the shattered glass bits on the floor, picking them up as he threw them into a nearby dustbin one by one. And every time he took a glass piece, he made sure to press it right into his palm, feeling his head go dizzy from the pain.
But this was what he deserved. And so by the time he was done, yejun was lying on the floor covered in blood and tears, his eyes closing shut.
Yejun's eyes slowly opened as it adjusted to the sunlight, groaning as he felt his entire body ache from sheer pain. From the wound in his leg that was still untended to, to the cuts in his palm and from lying on the floor all night. But despite all that yejun sat up, his face blank as he realized.
His mother had come home later in the night and had seen him lying here, bloodied. And yet she did nothing, she didn't even wake him up and put him to bed. Instead she had gone out in the morning without bothering to even make breakfast for him, leaving him there to just die.
"I'm sorry too, yejun-ah. For not having aborted you when I could have"
Yejun chuckled sadly, his eyes filling with tears as he limped up to his room. And soon enough he sat on his desk, pulling out a piece of paper and pen before starting to write a letter to his mother.
And while he wrote the letter yejun thought of the days yeona had held him close to her during winter when he was younger, wrapping her coat around him and walking coatless instead during the snowstorm while carrying him in her arms. He remembered the times yeona had gone to work in the morning without having her own breakfast, but always making sure yejun had gotten his breakfast and lunch properly. And then he remembered the amount of times he had seen his mother passed out on the couch at 3am, her hands torn from the amount of labor she had done.
But he also remembered the times she had beat him up when he got less marks, or got 2nd place for a competition. He remebered his mother throwing away the trophies yejun had won anything other than first place for, saying it was useless. He remembered the times she had told him she wished she could reverse time and just abort him when she could, blaming him for everything her life was now.
Yejun thought of his life that wasn't really his. He had no friends at school, no one he loved and no one who loved him. Was a life like that even an actual life? For whom was he living? He had lived all this while thinking it was a debt that he had to pay to his mother. But now, after all the things she had told him yesterday night. Was even that, necessary?
And when yejun finally kept the letter aside and climbed up to his bed with the shawl his mother had always once worn, a shawl that was made of rich fur, the one that the old supermodel kim yeona could afford, he thought of all the things his life could have been. A happy family, a sibling, friends at school?
But even as he climbed up the chair and then finally kicked it off after a few breaths, he thought he couldn't have had a better life than this. He loved his mother, she was the only person in his life. Apart from his father, who had been with him for a few days every week, buying him things he would later give off to charity. He didn't really want a father like that, because he was the same man who had abandoned his mother, years ago. He hated his father.
And so as yejun finally felt his eyes closing for the last time, he thought of his mother's beautiful face, and her smile he rarely saw. And he thought,
There is nothing I could never sacrifice for my own mother, even my own life.
Yeona entered the house, feeling her head burst from the lack of sleep she had gotten. She did not come back home last night, after all. She needed money to take yejun to the hospital in order to treat his wounds, and for that she had to work for the entire night, despite it being freezing outside. But it didn't matter, because she had finally gotten the money to take her son to the hospital now.
Yeona walked into the living room, finding it uncanny that the house was utterly and entirely silent. Even if yejun was usually a quiet person, wouldn't he make small sounds, atleast?
Yeona walked up to yejun's room, each step she took increasing her anxiety. But it all burst as soon as she opened the door to his room, because the only remaining life in her heart disappeared completely at the sight in front of her.
Yeona dropped her purse as she stepped back with a shaky gasp, her heart tearing apart at the sight of her son hanging dead in front of her. Yeona fell on the floor, her brain still not comprehending the sight in front of her as she crawled to her son and held his legs in her shaky hands before whispering
Yeona : n-no. no, no! yejun-ah, yejun-ah no you can't…you can't do this to eomma.
Yeona's tears fell as she felt no movement from her son, her heart feeling heavier than it ever did her entire life
Yeona quickly crawled up to her purse before going back again to yejun, pulling out the few notes of money she had acquired before saying
Yeona : see? See, eomma-eomma brought this so that I can take you to the hospital. So then why would you-why…
Yeona sobbed as she looked up at her son's bloodied palms, quickly standing up as she pulled her son down to her and hugged his cold body on her lap.
Yeona : no. no NO NO!
Yeona pulled back and pushed the hair out from her son's forehead, her hands trembling as her tears fell onto yejun's pale cheek one by one.
Yeona : I know-I know I'm a bad person, I know I'm a terrible mother BUT HOW COULD YOU KILL YOURSELF OVER SOMEONE AS DIRTY AND RUINED LIKE ME, HOW!
Yeona sobbed as she held her son's body closer to her heart, not even being able to breathe as she screamed at the top of her lungs, calling out her son's name all in vain.
Yeona : I have no one but you! I HAVE NO ONE YEJUN!
Yeona flinched as she heard the door to her house open, quickly holding yejun closer to her as she shielded him away from whatever that would come at him. Yeona looked up as a few neighbors rushed into the room, their eyes widening at the sight in front of them.
??? : oh no no. no yeona-shi.
Yeona : he's fine. My son is fine!
Two of the neighbors came closer to her, holding yeona's arm in pure pity as they said
??? : we're so sorry, yeona-shi. We're so sorry this-
Yeona turned back to face her son, holding his cheek as she whispered
Yeona : right? Yejun-ie? You're okay, hmm? You're fine, no?
The neighbors felt tears in their eyes as another one stepped forward and said
??? : yeona-shi, we need to take yejun away from here to the hospital. The more we keep him here, the more the police will be doubtful.
Yeona shook her head sternly, sobbing as she held onto her son tighter
??? : we're sorry.
The neighbors stepped forward as yeona shook her head desperately now, a few of them slowly lifting yejun away from her as yeona wailed and tried clawing onto her son desperately.
Yeona : NO! NO YOU MONSTERS GIVE HIM BACK TO ME! He's…he's my son!
Yeona fell on the floor as the neighbors carried yejun outside, the others telling yeona she should come with them to the hospital as well. Yeona wailed as she stared after her son's dangling arm, his words ringing through her head as she screamed.
"I tried, eomma. I tried to…tried to be better for you. I'm sorry I failed"
Yeona still remembered the first word yejun had said, it was eomma. It was when yeona was crying in her living room after she had just lost her job at the agency, the public shamming her for it. That was when yejun had crawled up to her, holding her leg as he muttered the only word he could say at that time over and over again. And although yeona had never told anyone about it, yejun's that one word was what had kept yeona from killing herself that night.
She also remembered the first time yejun had walked up to her in his little baby steps. That was when she had accidentally burned her hand while cooking food. And yeona had completely forgotten about the pain as she cooed and lifted her son up in her arms proudly.
She remebered his first everything's, because how could she forget it. He was always the shining sun in her life, and she was the reason it had dimmed to the extent that he was completely gone now. She was the reason she was sitting against the hospital chair now, her entire body numb and her face blank.
And she heard footsteps rushing up to her, the smell of expensive cologne filling the air as the people around her stood up.
Yunho : what did you do to my son, you monster?
Yeona looked up as her eyes landed on the man who had abandoned her years ago, his teary eyes glaring right at hers as he screamed
Yeona looked away from yunho, her entire face blank as she whispered
Yeona : I killed him. He's dead because of me.
Yunho let out an exasperated breath, falling on the floor as he sobbed in pain. His hands covered his face as he cried into it, every second of this killing him.
Yunho : he was only 15, yeona. He-he was…how could you.
Yeona felt tears stream down her eyes as yunho's cries filled the hallway, the people around looking at the both of them in pity. Pity, a word yeona was so used to by now. There was only one person in this entire world who had never pitied her, and that was her own son. 
But she had killed her son, he was lying in that hospital bed because of her.
Yeona couldn't bear seeing her son dead and still another time. And so she had returned home as soon as the doctors had ruled yejun's death as suicide, telling others that they could now bury his body as they wished.
Bury? Bury the body of her son? Throw mud on him and watch while the others did the same? Yeona would rather die. And so she had left, knowing yunho would do the ceremonies that was required. After all, yeona didn't have the right to do any of that. Did it make sense for the murderer to bury the victim with tears in their eyes?
Yeona opened the room to yejun's room, the silence inside killing her. She turned on the lights, the sight of a small but organized room coming to her sight. Yeona looked around with blank eyes, her eyes finally landing on a sheet of paper that was kept folded on yejun's desk. Yeona walked up to it, opening it quickly as she read through it
On today's special day, I want you to be the happiest ever. Every day you used to say that happiness left your life the second I was born. You told me appa left you because of me, so today I want to change things. I want you to be happy, and live as if I never existed. You told me you never looked at me with love, but I always loved you, and admired you as the best mother I could ever have asked for.
I always wished I could be better for you, just as you have been the best to me. You always sacrificed your things for me. May it be your food, or clothes, or money, or anything else, you've always left things for me. I on the other hand have only ever received them, never being able to give it back to you. So I thought that if I studied hard now and made enough money in the future, I could give you the things that you deserve. But as you said, I failed.
As you said, it is my destiny to never succeed, as I don't have it in me to be able to get the things that I want. So if not that, then why am I alive? If I can't ever give you back the things you once gave to me, then why not just take myself off of the picture completely so you can stop spending things on me? That's how I came to this conclusion of mine.
But this isn't your fault, it is my choice. A choice I have taken to provide you with half the life that you once lost because of me.
I hope one day you will think of me, I hope in heaven you would finally hold me one day and kiss me. The best gift I could give you today is leave your life as you've always wished I was never born. So here it is, the gift of my sacrifice.
I love you mama,
Happy birthday to you.
Yeona sobbed as she covered her face with her arms, her hands clutching the letter tight. She hadn't even known, she hadn't even known it was her birthday yesterday. And this, was a gift? If yejun had to think his death would be a gift for his mother, how bad had yeona been? What sort of a mother was this cruel to their own child?
Yeona cried as she read the letter again and again, her tears staining the letter as the ink slowly spread. But even then she didn't stop, yeona kept reading it until she was dizzy. And she was about to again when her phone suddenly rang.
??? : this is, kim yeona-shi, right?
Yeona : ye-yes.
??? : I am…was, yejun's class teacher. And I heard what happened today, so I wished to call to offer my condolences to you.
Yeona said nothing, she couldn't.
??? : although he did get expelled, yejun was a really good student. He was good to his classmates, always helping them with anything they required. He was excellent at his studies, always scoring first. And he was an amazing singer, always conquering everyone's hearts with that beautiful voice of his. He would have grown to be an amazing man, miss kim, I am sure.
Yeona bit her lips, feeling her tears fall even harder as she realized she had never heard her son sing, even once. And now, she never will be able to.
??? : I hope god gives you the strength to move through this, yeona-shi, even though loosing a child is a very harsh thing. And, I wanted to say one this last thing. Your son, loved you with his entire heart. He would always talk about you when asked about his favorite person, saying you were the strongest most beautiful human being he had ever seen. He said his only goal in life was to satisfy your needs just as you have done for him.
Yeona clasped her mouth with the back of her hand, clutching the phone tighter in her hand
??? : we were all really proud of yejun. And I'm sure you always will be too.
Before the teacher could say anything more yeona cut the call, throwing her phone away as she cried her heart out. She still remembered the trophies yejun had brought home, yeona throwing it away and saying that he needed to be better. Except she hadn't. instead when yejun was fast asleep, yeona had gone to the trash, cleaning each of his trophies before putting it up in her attic with a proud smile on her face. They were still there, she was sure, not a speck of dust on them. For yeona cleaned it every day, and she would continue doing it until she died.
There was no one she was more proud of than her own son. And now, he was gone. All, because, of her.
Yeona stood up, walking up to yejun's desk as she took a pocket knife that was lying nearby. She walked to the living room, reading the letter over and over again until she finally sat on the floor against a wall and brought the knife close to her wrist. Yeona slowly dragged the knife through her arm, slicing through as blood trickled down. But it wasn't enough, she needed more pain.
And so she kept slashing her arms, one over the other again and again. Until she felt someone scream her name out. Yeona looked up with blank eyes, the sight of yunho rushing to her with worried eyes coming to her view.
Yunho : what the fuck are you doing, kim yeona!
Yeona stared at yunho as he threw the knife away from them, leaning on the floor next to yeona as she said, her voice blank
Yeona : I wanted to feel…something, anything.
Yunho : are you sick in the brain, yeona? Your son died today, and you're self-harming yourself because you want to feel something?
Yeona : my son? The son that I killed?
Yunho looked away, his eyes still worried as he let it scan through yeona's cuts.
Yeona : why are you here? You-
Yunho : because I expected you to do this, yeona. Because I knew, you would do this. You cannot die, kim yeona. Even if you want to, you can't. because you killed yejun, you don't think you deserve to pay some punishment for it?
Yeona : I-
Yunho : death, is an easy way out of this. And you and I both, do not deserve that. We're going to live our lives until the end of it, bearing the pain and guilt of having killed an innocent life by both our actions.
Yeona stared at yunho, feeling her eyes water. He was blaming himself too? Yunho sniffled, shaking his head as he whispered
Yunho : we deserve this, and this punishment, the both of us will carry. Yejun did not deserve any of this, he deserved much better parents. We failed him, the both of us did. And so, we're going to face the afters of it.
Yunho held yeona's bloodied arm, making her wince as yunho said
Yunho : this? Cannot happen again. You will not take death as a path, yeona. And neither will I, I promise you that. And I need you to promise me as well, that we will take all this, together.
Yeona : yunho.
Yunho : no, yejun gave up his life for you, what would it be if you killed yourself as well? I will not let you disgrace him like that. So stand up, stand up so we can go to the hospital and get your arm treated.
Yeona : why are you doing this for me? Why now. Why!
Yunho : because I left you! I left you when you needed me most, I took the easy way around! I am as responsible for yejun's death as you are. So you're going to stop me from letting this pain overtake me, and I'm going to help you do the same.
Yeona stared as yunho got up, extending his hand for yeona to hold as he said
Yunho : this, is the sacrifice that we must make, yeona-ya.
Yeona looked at yunho's hand for a few seconds before finally holding it, using it to lift her up as the memories of her once beautiful young boy filled her mind. His memories, her cure. His pain, her nightmare. And his sacrifice, her life.
Yeona : the sacrifice we must make.
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prncewilhelm · 2 years
I saw on your twitter that you finished gåsmamman and i need to know your thoughts about the finale! i was so....that was it?? like i needed at least one more episode after it lol, i get that it's supposed to be kind of an ambiguous ending but i didn't feel satisfied u know
while i enjoyed the finale a lot, i definitely do not feel entirely satisfied with it as a complete ending for 6 seasons – like we didn't even get the chance to breathe with the final shot before the gåsmamman logo came up! given what happens to sonja and lukas, i get that it's supposed to be abrupt but i would've loved a little bit more afterwards to process it all. i would've loved to see the other characters process it, even just time spent longer on the reactions of their faces... it was like, boom (lol) this whole huge moment happens and then it goes to linus for 0.2 seconds and then THE END and i'm there triple checking the google drive like, is that it? just a little bit more would've been great – something to allow the audience to sit with it for a beat before being jerked away.
major spoilers under cut for the last few eps of gåsmamman so be warned! just want to talk about an aspect in greater detail.
i guess the one thing about the finale that continues to stump me is the decision to have zac trade linus in – i just find it hard to believe that he would've done that to nina, given how much she loves and cares for her younger brother and how he's looked after him for years, i don't feel like she would've ever forgiven him had she found that out? like, how did he think he would get away with that? i know that he was desperate and trying to protect their son and nina and the whole point of the show is people doing desperate insane things to protect their family – it just felt like a little bit of a character assassination, because zac surely had to have known that linus was always going to be in physical danger with that deal – he'd spent long enough in that world to know that "you promised not to hurt him" was empty. i guess you can argue that he was just blindsided by his need to protect his family, but it just makes me a little frustrated.
i know that sonja killing him was a way for them to show that she had ultimately turned into anders (eg: him killing his own daughter's husband, fredrik and therefore irredeemable), but i do wish the truth of the situation had come to light in that last moment w sonja and the kids when linus exposes it to nina, because i feel like sonja's reasoning is a lot more justified than anders' was – like, i would kill someone too if they'd handed linus willingly over to someone to get tortured. i don't think sonja would've ever been able to come back from killing zac – especially not in her family's eyes – but i also think zac never would've been able to come back from it either had he stayed alive.
all in all i loved the show. it was dramatic and heightened and ridiculous at times, but i found myself really caring about the characters – the performances were all pretty impressive too. and ultimately, i liked the outcome for sonja (and god i am so glad linus' beard and shitty back tattoo from her fantasy of the future was not real cause hell) i just wish the aftermath had been extended ever so –just so we got to properly say goodbye to the characters we've sat with for 6 seasons like, emil's reaction, barry's reaction etc etc. there's only 2 works on ao3 under gåsmamman so i can't even find someone else to satisfy it for me 💔💔
anyways sorry this is super ramble-y but, you asked for it! here to chat about the rest of it whenever!! hope you have a wonderful day.
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deathfavor · 11 months
@ofluminance said: FORGED / for hanma!
glimpses of the past drabble scenes FORGED for a scene from my muse's past that they think made them stronger in the long run
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NOTE: Hanma genuinely doesn't feel like there's any 'special' incident that's made him stronger in any way. Hanma just...is. But this is more like a moment of confirmation to himself that he recalls that kind of dips into his self-reliance and reckless indifference to his own situation that he carries on later in life.
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Hanma isn't surprised when he watches the front door swing shut without so much as a goodbye; he's nine and he's already used to nights being left alone. Maybe he should cry or rage. Other kids probably would. He doesn't. He's seen this happen dozens of times before The only thing noteworthy tonight is the fact he's just been released from the hospital after a fight gone bad. If you could even call it a fight. Hanma doesn't really think it counts as one, but it had been his first taste of defeat.
He'd beat up a boy several years older when he was starting fights and causing trouble just to feel something. Hanma had laughed at the older teenager too when he'd been sobbing on the alley floor nursing his wounds. Little had he realized the teen was part of a rather vicious gang of much older kids. But Hanma had even laughed then when he'd found himself cornered that night by the gang of teens seven years older than him because it was fucking pathetic. He'd stopped laughing when it hurt to much to breathe properly, let alone laugh, but his eyes hadn't stopped gleaming. He'd still stared defiantly even when he could barely move and had to drag himself out of the alley to the sidewalk. People had panicked; Hanma hadn't.
No one had visited during his hospital stay. Hanma didn't mind.
Now he was home after his stay at the hospital and his mother was already leaving. He didn't really care. He didn't need her comfort. She wouldn't offer any anyways. That was fine. He didn't care either. He didn't yearn for her love or attention the way most other kids on the streets just wanted someone's attention. Even in the face of his suffering, he doesn't need it. If there is one lesson Hanma has learned through this ordeal, it was confirmation of the fact that he doesn't need anyone. He can take care of himself. It isn't a bitter or sad thought, just an idle confirmation to himself. If he could handle this, then everything else should be easy.
Hanma slides off the couch and walks over the the fridge, letting the dim light fill the dark kitchen. He could cook - his grandpa had shown him a recipe he really liked before his hospital visit. But that was a lot of work and he didn't feel like it. Plus they probably didn't have the ingredients in the house since his mother hated cooking. So Hanma grabs the leftovers that appear most appetizing and pops them into the microwave to warm up. Once that's done, he carries the food into the living room and puts on a movie that he's probably too young for, but the blood and gore don't faze him. Maybe he's a little fucked up, but it'd be more surprising if he wasn't.
His grandpa calls, and Hanma has to fight the urge to roll his eyes. He's fine, no he doesn't need to come over, no he's not sure where his mom went or when she'll be back, yes he'll remember to change the bandages. When his grandpa says to stay out of trouble, Hanma only giggles and says goodnight before hanging up. ( Maybe he feels a tiny bit bad for his grandpa's tired sigh, but it won't stop him. Like mother like son in being disappointments. ) Instead he puts on another movie and feasts on the carnage until he gets tired. Then he makes his way to his bed and passes out until the next afternoon.
When he wakes, it's just another day of trouble.
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greenxprof · 1 year
Flashback + meeting Red
( memory archive... | accepting )
Pidgey sang their morning song once more, a beautiful day rising from the horizon. The sun rose slowly, rays of light breaking through the young child's window.
Voices were heard downstairs, before eyes could even open. Familiar, deep and old, the voice of a Grandfather who rarely spent the morning home to begin with.
Curiosity woke the child up, and lead it downstairs to peek at today's event. Maybe his grandfather would stay for the day, maybe they would visit the kid's mother once more?
But upon arriving down, faces the kid's never seen before. A young woman with hair like a tree bark, and a tall, strong man with a red cap resting his hand upon her shoulder.
The kid prepared to turn back, but something else showed up before they could leave.
A small boy, around the kid's age most likely. He clung to his mother's dress, droopy eyes avoiding the sight of adults, shy and retracted.
Both kids saw each other, and suddenly the world seemed a little less scary, a little less boring.
"Ah, you're awake." said the grandfather, turning to the child who just showed up. "This is ▊▊▊▊▊! She just turned five. Daisy's younger sister."
The two unknown adults giggled, and the woman gently pushed her son forward. They announced his name, Red.
Red shrunk further, too shy to approach this new kid he just met. The kid thought a boy should be more courageous, and so they stepped forward, thumb pointing at their own chest.
"Hey Red! From now on, you're gonna be my friend!" said the kid, leaving Red no choice.
The Grandfather seemed unhappy about the child's behavior, shaking his head apologetically at their brand new neighbors. They seemed amused, though, happy to see their introverted son had someone willing to befriend him.
The child approached, grabbing Red's hand without a care in the world. They had bright orange hair, tiny freckles around their face, and the eyes of someone who didn't want to hear no.
"Let's go play outside!"
And they did. The child cared not for Red's quietness, lack of words, shy movements, unsure eyes. He barely knew how to play properly, and the child thought this was odd.
Odd, so odd the child had no choice but teach Red how to play like a proper kid.
But, odd and shy, Red seemed like a good friend, the child thought. Not the kind of kid that would make fun of them, that would say bad things about the way they'd behave... Red looked like someone who would be willing to hear all about that they had to say.
When the sun hit the peak, Red's parents left the house, goodbye to Grandfather and Daisy. It's time to go, they said, but the child puffed their cheeks before pointing an inquisitive finger at their new friend:
"We're gonna play more tomorrow. I'll come get you after breakfast!"
It might have been the kid's imagination, but Red's lips tilted upwards in a shy smile of approval. Whichever's the case, Red played with them the next day. And the next, and the next...
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megamattzx · 5 months
Preview to Shroud of Memories...... not looking forward to the build-up to this one........
Goku Jr and Celia arrived at the last area of air capsules. All other escape pods had been launched from the station. Desperately looking, Goku Jr saw there was only one left. They had fought so hard to get this far, they couldn't stop now. "There's only one left," Goku Jr told Celia calmly. He was tired from doing most of the fighting. He didn't have enough energy to put up a proper fight. "I'll check if it's working properly." After saying that he went to check on the capsule's condition. Which seemed to be good. He had to make sure it actually was.
Celia walked towards the control panel, watching her love attempt to make an effort for them to escape together. However, she knew better. The prophet said the love he was with wasn't her. She had been on the brink of death. She saw brothers take final stands, and everything else that he foretold. She knew her true fate now. If Goku Jr was going to live, she had to die. She knew he would try to stop her, despite his exhaustion. She then started to tap on to the control panel, overriding the control panels to where he wasn't able to open the capsule until it landed back on Earth.
Unaware Celia was dabbling with the control panel, Goku Jr had finished checking the pod. It was safe to use. "It's safe to use," Goku Jr said. "We'll have to cram up in the pod though for both of us to fi-" before he could finish, he suddenly heard the door to the pod close behind him and it was sealed shut. The Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain quickly pressed against the glass. "Celia, what are you doing!?"
Celia remained quiet for a bit. "Only one of us can make it out....." She said somberly, causing Goku Jr's eyes to widen. "It has to be you. You have to save our worlds.... And your family....."
Goku Jr tried banging on the glass, but his exhaustion prevented him from being able to destroy it or even damage it. "Celia, what are you talking about!? We're in this together! It's us against the world! I can protect us both...."
"There's no other way...." Celia said. "Promise me that you'll still fight to save everyone..... Please Goku..... Do it for me......"
Goku Jr looked down as he fought back tears. "Yes...." He finally said and his sadness could be heard easily. "I promise..... Celia....."
Celia smiled at him, one final time as tears fell from her eyes. "Please.... Remember that I'll always be with you in your heart....." Celia gently pressed her hand against the glass. "Goodbye, Son Kakarot Goku Jr...... I love you..... Always....." After which she then pulled her hand away and started walking to the lever to launch the pod. One of Kakarot II's soldiers then spoke when he found her.
"Freeze!" The man said. A gun pointed at her. "Step away from the panel. You have three seconds to step away....."
Goku Jr tried to tap on the panel in order to open the pod, only to realize she overridden it to wear until he landed back onto earth. Out of desperation, he tried to call out to her, banging his fists against the glass. "Celia, please do as he says, just open the door! Please just let me out! I can still fight! Please Celia! Oh God no! Celia, just open the door! Please Celia! Don't pull the level Celia! Please Let me out! Celia!"
Celia knew the station would be destroyed by hakai energy, meaning she would be brought back.but she didn't back down. Slowly pulling the lever. She was too exhausted to fight back so she was likely going to be killed by the gunshot.
"Three...." the man said as he drew closer. "Two.... One....." It was then Celia pulled the lever. "No!" The soldier yelled, pulling the trigger.
Goku Jr watched hopelessly as all of this went down, completely powerless to stop this as he watched Celia collapse onto the ground and her ki fades as her life was slowly beginning to be extinguished. The lever fully pulled as he breathed heavily and tears began to fall from his eyes as his voice let out an agonizing scream. "CELIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" He cried out in pain and sorrow as the pod was launched.
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lyaenidae · 1 year
A couple of days home (pt 2)
Kiana called her best friend to ask if her and Seiji could stay over for a little while. She knows it's the best for her to just not be in the same house as Itsuki for a while. They're both hurt and could end up saying things even more hurtful than what has already been said... Of course her best friend welcomes her to stay as long as she needs, but Kiana says she'll look for something else quickly, she is craving some time to herself right now...
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She's still very thankful for the helping hand and goes straight back to the house to pick up her stuff and her son. She uses the back gate and the door, hoping not to run into anyone. Unfortunately for her, in the meantime, Kenta, Sakura and Isui have arrived and she crosses paths with Itsuki's son. He asks her if she wants to sit down, and she says yes, not wanting to make the situation more tensed than needed.
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"How are you Kiana ?" asks Kenta. "Oh, you know, beaten down really... Your dad really didn't give me much of a choice, did he ? He never loved me the way he loved your mom, you see. And I always feared that he wouldn't love Seiji as much as he loves you two..."
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"You know very well that's just not true. Don't question the love just because it's not shown the way you'd like it to be... I don't think it's very fair to make him the only bad guy here. You knew what was going on a while ago and you decided to bury your head in the sand just as much as he did." says Kenta, trying not to get mad but he just can't help it, it's his dad we're talking about.
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"You just don't understand Kenta, it's adult stuff we're talking about. You don't resolve everything by just talking about it like in a movie, you know ?" she says, getting annoyed. "Maybe not, but you sure as hell don't go anywhere by not talking about anything, I know that much."
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"You don't know much about your dad and me." "I know my dad, and like it or not, I know a bit about you as well. I don't think either of you is a bad person for what is happening right now. But I definitely think this situation shouldn't have went on that long. And for that, both of you have to take responsibility. And I definitely think you could have waited a couple hours to decide to move out, at least give Seiji enough time to see his nephew age up and say goodbye to us properly..."
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Unable to find anything to answer this, knowing he's right, she just gets up and gets into the house to pack. Kenta, not one to hold a grudge, even helped her take her suitcases outside while Itsuki and Sakura were having a moment upstairs.
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Indeed, Sakura found her dad trying not to succumb to the need of hiding under the covers to cry his pain away. She sat on the bed next to him and asked him if she could do anything to help.
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Itsuki's eyes fogged up a little again out of love for his children. He knew they were the best parts of him, but it was always so heart-warming to see it. He tried to reassure her, but she's the one who ended up cheering him up, giving him a new mindset of what was to come, not looking back.
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That seemed to help quite a lot and after a nice hug, they were able to go back downstairs for Itsuki to finish making Isui's birthday cake.
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The birthday party went on as planned, Sakura being overly happy about her brother being home to witness her son aging up, Itsuki relieved to have some of his children around him at least.
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Only one thing was quite sad, Isui's other uncle wasn't there to celebrate with them... Seiji did leave a little gift for Isui though, before he left.
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And our youngest little kiddo turned into the cutest toddler, very much attached to his Mummy but now expecting more from life, ready to be as independent as possible already !
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And of course, at the end of that day, before sending him back into the wild, Itsuki made a point to check on Kenta, see if he needed anything and if he was doing alright all by himself.
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solitarylurker · 5 years
quick write-up in no particular order on my feelings for Star Wars: TROS just to get the initial stuff out; will write a longer piece tomorrow
this whole damn film is a travesty of wasted potential
Rey bombed her narrative arc on all levels to the point where i don’t think anyone can save her
she utterly fails to accept the darkness within herself and Kylo, retreating entirely to her golden child “light side only” mentality, which basically renders all her growth in TLJ utterly meaningless; this has the unfortunate side effect of making it appear she only ever loved the figment of “Ben” she imagined in her mind, rather than the very real Kylo who actually did love her and showed compassion and care for her and murdered his former master for her (her not learning to accept both her own darkness and Kylo’s is such a tragedy; it seems she can only “love” Kylo when he behaves how she wants, rather than learning to accept him as he is and help him reach his full potential, as he does in return for her)
she fails to bring back the person who “still could return” and fails Leia’s last wish, which is mind-bogglingly saddening; it’s unbelievable that JJ tried to pretend Rey’s “belonging” was just finding a found family and learning about her parents--as if it hadn’t been expressly set up in two previous films (one directed by JJ!) that Rey’s “belonging” is Kylo
the beautiful chemistry between Rey and Kylo was utterly decimated and reduced to a flat “good/bad” dynamic which truly cut me to the core in a way i wasn’t expecting
the film itself couldn’t seem to breathe and kept adding ridiculous characters no one needed (D-O??? why???)
i actually really liked Zorri, which shocked me as i don’t normally like characters added in the third act; i desperately wish i could have had three films with her, or even two films with her 
Ben being completely abandoned by the Jedi and his family was heart-breaking and didn’t resonate nearly as well as TLJ on this front, though i did appreciate the moment with Han, even if it didn’t its emotional beat properly
i did appreciate that Rey was actually kind to C-3PO, who has always been my favorite droid of the originals
Poe and Finn’s little bromance was rather fun and endearing, and it really makes me wish Rian had gone ahead and let them have the TLJ B-plotline together so their friendship could have been highlighted more, making this film’s dynamic more earned
literally nothing was earned in this film; all the emotional beats missed the mark and nobody seemed in-character or capable of being consistent for more than two seconds (even Kylo had eye-roll worthy moments, which is utterly unthinkable given how much care he was given in the first two films)
all the themes of the film land flat and miss the mark, as expected
ultimately i feel a deep sorrow for the wasted potential of what this story could have been, what it could have meant, and what it could have accomplished for the 9-film saga
probably write a more in-depth post tomorrow, if i’m up to it
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cactus-stories · 3 years
Teen!Bruno Madrigal x Foreign Fem!Reader 「Chapter 1」
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This is probably gonna be a short fic instead of a one-shot, I wanted to start it on their teenage years, but will probably make the rest of the story pass by after the birth of Luisa, Isabela and Dolores!
Read it on AO3
Bruno Madrigal. You've heard this name so many times since you and your family moved to Encanto, it wass as if the guy was the only talk on the village. Be it via hushed whispers, disapproving gossip or even revolted screams, everyone always had something to say about him.
Being knew in the village meant you hadn't met the Madrigals yet, curious about their powers and what they would look like! The only one you've seen so far was Señora Alma, the lady being kind enough to introduce you to a few of your neighbours.
Now, a week has passed and you still haven't had the time to meet many people, more focused in helping your parents get habituated.
"That Madrigal boy is a magnet of bad luck! You and your family better stay away from him!" your neighbour commented one day, as you were helping your mom hang some clothes to dry outside. "Came to my son one day telling him he was gonna be in pain, and wouldn't you know? The very next day he broke his arm!"
Your mom hummed along, not really paying much attention to the older woman. She seemed to have taken a liking to you, already joking about how you and her son were the same age, nudging you into talking to him as much as you could.
"But why would it be his fault?" you asked, confused. "Did he break his arm or something?"
"He wouldn't dare, he's skinny as a stick, that one! It was his bad luck! If he had kept quiet it wouldn't have happened!" she seemed enraged about it. "Alma needs to do something about that boy, or else he'll keep spreading his curses around!"
The conversation didn't seem to be going anywhere, so you decided to tune it out, the older woman ranting about the boy to your mom, while you hummed to yourself. Finishing your task quickly, you blew your mom a kiss, waving to your neighbour and deciding to finally check out the village properly.
Crossing the bridge that connected one half of the village to the other, you heard the soft clicks of tiles tapping against each other, following the sound for a bit, stopping in front of Casa Madrigal, smiling softly at the sweet aroma of passion fruit in the air.
"Hii! You're new here, right? Mamá told us about you!" a red haired girl happily skipped next to you, colours lightly shifting around her as she spoke. "I'm Pepa Madrigal! But you can call me just Pepa!"
"Hi, Pepa!" you waved at her, introducing yourself. "It's nice to finally meet one of the famous Madrigals! Your family is pretty popular, huh?"
She laughed, linking yor arm with hers as she talked about her gift and how it usually got people's attention, walking towards the house and guiding you to the kitchen, where a brunette girl sat, munching on a piece of cake.
"Julieta! Look who I found right in front of our house! It's the new girl!" gesturing for you to sit down, Pepa took her place next to her sister, still happily chatting as she served you a piece of cake. "I was telling her about our gifts!"
"Ai ai, Pepita! Mamá told you not to go running your mouth already..." the girl said, jokingly, turning to you. "She's not overwhelming you, is she? She does that sometimes."
"No, no! I have no problem listening to you guys, really!" you waved your hands in front of your body, gesturing for Pepa to continue her story as you finished your piece of cake.
After a while, you noticed the sun starting to settle down, getting up and quickly thanking the girls for the chat, telling them you had to be home soon. They waved you goodbye, inviting you to come over any time, happy to have made a new friend.
As the days passed, you got closer to Pepa, accompanying her on her errands, talking about yout life before going to Encanto and laughing at her stories about her family, they were always very nice to you, but you still hadn't met the infamous Bruno, being told that he was either in his room or already left the house every time you came over.
On the other hand, it seemed like the villagers had even more to say about him than before, and it was starting to get in your nerves. Pepa and Julieta told you very few things about Bruno, but they were all positive, and you didn't get the hatred the people of Encanto had towards him.
You knew it made his sisters sad, hearing them complain about how it wasn't Bruno's fault what he saw on his visions, and they were your only friends there, so it was starting to get you down too. After passively listening to another of your neighbour's rants once more, you decided to go for a walk so you could cool off.
Her son didn't get the hint, apparently, rushing to your side as you walked towards the village's market, waving the cast on his arm, his mom too prideful and irritated to let Julieta take care of it.
"You've been awfully close to the Madrigal's lately, huh?" he started. "Did you get the weirdo to see your future already?"
"I'm sorry, who?" you cocked an eyebrow, turnining to look at him with an irritated look.
"You know, Bruno!" he reminded you, indignantly. "The one who broke my arm!"
"You broke your own arm out of sheer stupidity, Nicolas, Bruno was just trying to warn you." turning to one of the food stands, you looked at what they had for sale, still annoyed at the guy next to you, gesturing to his cast with your head. "And then you keep the pityful look, even after Julieta offered multiple times to help you out with that."
Nicolas let out an indignant huff, opening his mouth to complain once more, before looking behind you with a slightly frightened expression, and quietly gesturing for you to leave. You cocked your head, turning around to see a boy around your age, his skinny frame towering over you, a large green poncho almost engulfing him. He looked like he wanted to tell you something, but before he could even start, you were already warning him.
"Sí?" you locked your eyes on his, still annoyed. "I swear, if you heard me and are gonna try and tell me another puta historia about Bruno, I will not hold myself from doing something I might regret later."
"Well, I'll try not to be too egocentric." the guy in front of you gave you a short smile, before extending his hand for you to shake. "Bruno Madrigal, nice to meet you."
'Puta mierda'
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