#she doesn't have a proper name yet though so for now her tag is her silly game name
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10.01.2022 [17/∞]
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Young and Beautiful
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch) x Reader
Synopsis: DS Y/N Warner uses DI Alec Hardy’s flat for some late night work
Word Count: 4890
Tags: fem!reader, fluff, smut, praise, sweet, very sweet smut, if your name is Becca look away
She didn't even bother to knock, not knowing or caring if he was in, she just slid open his sliding glass door and let herself inside. Then she plopped the case files on his sofa, pushed his coffee table to the side, and laid them all out in front of in her. He'd come round about an hour later, when all the papers lie in their own stacks across his rug, Y/N in the middle eating a slice of toast with a wild look in her eyes.
"Warner, what're you doing here?"
"There's something we're missing, there has to be, and I'm so close to it!" She said, her baby hairs frizzing wildly as her hair came loose from her ponytail. She either didn't care or didn't notice as she stood up, a paper in hand. DI Alec Hardy stood in his own doorway, flabbergasted to his DS rambling in his room at half past 4am. "I think it has to do with Aaron, it's got to be. His alibi doesn't make sense, he won't tell us where he was, and he knew Sophia well enough. At least more than some of the other persons of interest. I've tracked down the local cab company and one of the drivers says he remembers giving a bloke a ride late that night, said the lad was proper out of breath and not exactly chatty. I've already got him lined up to come in tomorrow for more information. As for the trace amounts of DNA in the victims mouth we don't have a match yet but the lab did say it wasn't as disintegrated as they'd initially thought which gives me hope! I've got -" 
"Warner!" Hardy shouted, interrupting her speech. "What the hell are you doing in my house half past 4?"
She gestured around her as though it should be obvious, "working."
"And you can't do that at your own flat?"
She giggled, and continued to ramble. When she was really tired, like proper one second away from passing out tired, like she was now, she couldn't shut up. It didn't matter if the person she was talking to didn't want to hear it or wasn't listening or couldn't hear it - having a deaf cousin worked to her favor in these instances - she would continue to prattle on about what she needed to, "no. My roommate's got her boyfriend over and they were proper loud. Could practically hear the bed rattling, and it wasn't doing me any good. You don't sleep anyway so I figured I could use the space to lay it out. I didn't think you'd not be home. Why're you dressed nice? Did you come from a date? Is that what this is? Is there some woman waiting outside?"
"No!" DI Hardy looked halfway offended at the suggestion. "I've just got back from work. Was gonna make a cuppa then keep going til you showed up."
She squealed and went for something on the floor, lifting it up then crawling to a different paper,"I take two sugars."
"I know your bloody order. Shouldn't you go and sleep?"
She waved a hand, "I'll sleep when I'm dead. What I really need is for the world to be open 24/7. If I could only call this bloke right now and half my questions could be answered. You know my order? That's sweet."
He scoffed, "it's not unique. Warner, when was the last time you slept?"
"Uhh, I slept a few hours on Tuesday. Why do you look all high and mighty? You don't sleep either, don't eat. You're practically a miserable little skeleton carting your life way through life."
"I am not -" he stopped taking. Partially because she hadn't stopped either, continuing to chatter about whatever her heart desired. And partly because he didn't know if he was going to refute the miserable part, the little part, or the skeleton part. Or if he even could refute it. He snorted, well he wasn't little. He was over 6 foot. And he could eat more, he knew that. But he often forgot about food until he had to.
"I know a fellow who took nine sugars. Can you imagine that! Nine sugars! You're drinking piss flavored juice at that point. Pardon mh French, sir. He was very strange... called himself Witchfinder as though you couldn't search on the web magic shops. Maybe we should start calling ourselves Crimefinders. Criminalfinders? That doesn't roll off the tongue, now does it?"
DI Hardy realized Y/N wasn't going to answer any of his questions in this state, so he shuffled over to the kitchen to make some tea. He took his coat off, tossing it on whatever available counter space there was with a yawn. He wanted to sleep, knew he probably had to, but he'd probably dream of something he didn't want to dream about. Lately it'd been odd mental pictures of his coworkers all hurt, Y/N choked, Ellie crying, hell even Brian made the scene with a glazed look in his eyes. He didn't know why he had these thoughts, he'd never considered himself a particularly caring individual over his coworkers. But it had haunted him off from sleep for the foreseeable future.
He made two cups of tea, disposing two sugars into Warner's as she said. Then he walked back over to his living room and sat down, elbows on his knees as he scanned her work.
"Thank you!" She said, grabbing her mug and take a large gulp of it. "What do you think of this, sir? He doesn't strike me right. Can't place it."
"The name is familiar," Hardy admitted. He went to his laptop and started typing away, trying to place the name. "Ah, he's been arrested for aggravated assault. Both charges dropped, looks like some brawls in the pubs."
"I s'pose that doesn't suggest he murdered a girl."
"Doesn't rule him out either, if he's willing to punch a stranger in a pub what would he do to someone he knows?"
She giggled and scrambled for her pencil, "I should write that down for my novel!"
"You're writing a novel?"
"Mmhmm, started it tonight. 'Adventures of Harner and Wardy.'"
Alec set his mug down, and took hers from her hand as well. "Alright, time for bed now."
"What? No! I've got more novel to write and crime to solve! We've not even started discussing the potential that Louise is lying about her husband's alibi. I mean really? She says he binged Big Bang Theory with her all night and I'm all for binging telly but of all the shows you choose that one? The laugh track is funnier than the actual show half the time - is this your bedroom?"
Hardy had helped Y/N to her feet and led her to his bedroom in the back. She was still rambling about the most irrelevant things when he guided her to sit on the edge of his bed. He didn't often make it, so he was glad to note that it was done up well. Warner hadn't slept in almost a full 48 hours and he knew that even with a brain as sharp as hers, it was dull as Katie's without sleep. He got on his knees before her, carefully untying her shoes and sliding them off her feet. He put them by the door and helped her out of her coat jacket.
"What're you doing?" She finally asked as he hung the jacket on the back of the door. "Are you hitting on me?"
"What? I -"
"Because if you are hitting on me that's totally okay, but I should warn you I'm getting sleepy so I might not be the best lay. But you are proper good looking so I wouldn't say no." She made a face, "my boss wouldn't like that would he? Noooo, can't call someone proper good looking. I'm not trying to be a knob, just communicating that you've got no problems in the looks department. None, like ever. Personality maybe but you took my shoes off for me so that gets you at least a few brownie points."
Alec felt like he was malfunctioning, his arm stuck out, frozen midair from her words. She just called him attractive. And not just good looking, but good looking enough she'd want to sleep with him! He'd never been used to such straight forward compliments and didn't quite know if he believed it. So he just worked on autopilot, helping tuck her into bed.
"Go to sleep, Warner." He flicked off the lights and closed the door. What the hell. What the hell. Alec blinked rapidly like that would make any of what just happened make any sense at all.
He stood awkwardly outside the door of the bedroom. Should he - is he- what's the proper procedure with this? He should know, he was married once, had enough sex to have a child! But it seemed all that knowledge left the moment Claire stole back the pendant, fizzling his marriage, his life, his career. Now he was left taking uneven breaths as the sun crept up, an employee who's attracted to him sleeping in his bed after 40+ hours of not sleeping.
He found himself back at his laptop, slowly typing out what to do when someone admits to fancying you. But the results were not his thing, videos of very forward men and women moving very quickly into other actions. Alec was not opposed to the action, sex. But he couldn't fathom how to get there. So he sat in his kitchen drinking old tea, and staring at his door.
An hour later he crept in to grab a different tie for work, and saw Y/N completely passed out. She was curled in a ball, cradling his pillow and lightly snoring. She looked content. It made him smile against his better judgment. He left her in there, scribbling a note on a piece of paper he taped to the bedroom door before he left for the station.
Y/N Warner woke up nearly 12 hours later. It was practically dark when she opened her eyes. She blinked away the sleep that threatened to creep in around the corners of her eyes, and propped herself up on her elbows to survey the scene around her. She didn't recognize the room she was in, blank walls and bland sheets. There was no personality to it. For a moment, she wondered if she'd gotten a hotel room and just had no memory of it.
Then she smelt a familiar, faint scent. She couldn't place it or really describe it other than she liked it, it was warm. Stupidly, she let her face fall into the pillow to inhale the scent. Oh my god.
She shot up quickly, realizing where she was. The memories of last night flooded her mind.
"Shit, shit, shit." A hand flew to her brow as she tried to process. She'd come here to work because her roommate was fucking her boyfriend into the oblivion. DI Hardy came back, made her a cuppa. She wouldn't shut up, kept rambling about the Big Bang Theory (why?) and Witchfinders (how?) before he guided her here. Then she - "no." She said audibly, she did not make a pass at DI Hardy in his bed, late at night and practically drunk on exhaustion. Her eyes flit around the room before landing on the one piece of decoration, a framed photo of Hardy and Daisy, his daughter. "No." She said again, as though it could stop her ramblings.
Y/N rushed out of the bed, scrambling to find her shoes before she saw them neatly lying next to the door. She was usually very professional, if not a little eccentric. But no one could fault you for being a lot when you were good at your job and solved cases. She brought justice to people, she knew she did. And she might have risked it all because she worked herself too far and hit on her boss. Regardless of how stupid attractive he was, that was still work place harassment.
She shoved her shoes on, forced her arms into the holes of her suit jacket and ambled out into his living space. There were papers everywhere. They covered the floor like a new rug, slouched over the chairs and clung to the walls by hall dead pieces of tape. She looked for her mobile, patting her pockets. Shit, she must have left it in the bedroom. When she turned she spotted a note on the door.
'At the office. Feel free to not come in.'
Oh she was dead. She'd lost her job forever, she would never work again. This stupid blasted career she'd worked so hard on gone.
She ran back and found her mobile among the sheets, shoved it into her pocket and ran to leave the home. Then DI Hardy stood awkwardly at the front door, bags of Chinese hanging from his hands and a weird not grimace not smile expression. He didn't look pleased to see her, but he didn't want to kill her. Good news, right?
"Sir, I am so sorry about last night-"
"Don't worry about it." He waved his hand, coming in to set the food on the counter. He got a lot of it.
"No, I can't not worry about it. I came into your home, made a mess, took your bed and propositioned you-"
"Warner, we've arrested a man for the murder of Sophia Garcia. It was Aaron Baker, his dad's golf clubs, just like you'd said."
Her mouth fell open, "shit, really?"
Alec gestured to the mess of papers while he spoke, "you'd mentioned something about the cabbie last night. When I went in I gave them a ring, and while there was a driver who picked up a grumpy lad it wasn't Aaron. Sounds like a Christie book but it was his twin. Aaron was cross town cleaning up the scene."
"Not good enough," Y/N said softly.
Alec nodded, "not good enough."
"I'm sorry, sir." She said again, her voice still quiet and meek.
He didn't answer her, just stared for a beat before gesturing to the food, "I didn't know what you liked so I bought two of everything."
"All this is for me?"
"You solved the case, Warner."
She shook her head, "I ... you let me sleep in your bed? I ransacked your house, I propositioned you, and you let me sleep and brought me food?"
Alec scratched the back of his neck. He did not like how often Y/N asked questions. It stressed him out, like he had to have an immediate answer to every single one when he figured his actions spoke. But she looked so confused. He just gestured to the food and went to grab plates.
She sat down in surprise, blinking quickly as she watched him come over. "Just a, uh, an egg roll and cho mein please."
He nodded and shoved two of both onto her plate before giving it to her. He didn't put anything on his plate. Y/N sighed and scraped off half of hers onto his.
"Eat, sir. Please."
He blinked, "wot?"
"I've known you for years and never seen you eat. Just eat the egg roll."
He stared at the greasy food. He can't eat that, he thought and was about to say as much when she shot him a dirty look. Tentatively, Alec took a bite of it. He cringed, he didn't quite love the taste but Y/N seemed pleased he was eating so he finished it off just for her.
When they both finished he cleaned up, and she stayed seated. Then he moved past her to the bedroom, undoing his tie and tossing it, along with his jacket, onto a chair in the corner. He started to roll his sleeves up round his elbows when Y/N waited by the door.
"Thank you, sir."
"No need-"
"Let me. Thank you, sir. For the food and the sleep and, uh, well thank you for everything."
"Of course, Warner. I take care of my people." Not typically this much care, but he didn't want to make her feel bad. He focused on sliding off his shoes, shoving them out of his sight.
Alec jumped - well, Alec never really jumped just blinked harshly and cocked the one eyebrow - in surprise. Y/N was now closer to him, her chest heaving as she stared up at him. She was shorter than he remembered.
"I-If I may, sir?" She asked, lifting a hand.
He had a feeling he knew what she was asking, but didn't know for certain. But all the same he nodded. He watched as her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned in, going onto her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
He hadn't been kissed in a long time, and the surprise of her initiating it made him stand there and accept her soft lips against his. When she broke, he could see the fear in her eyes as though she had done something wrong. Alec hadn't kissed in a while, and he felt the anxiety creep in that he didn't remember how. But the look in her eyes made it worth the fear.
He plunged forward, grabbing the back of her neck gently while his other hand came to cradle her jaw. Her skin was soft under his touch, melting as he held her. Y/N's hands came up to hold his jaw, scruffy and itchy in the most delightful way. Her mouth melded with his as his tongue licked along her bottom lip.
She cherished the way his jaw scratched against hers slightly, sighing when he broke to trail soft kisses down her jaw and the length of her neck. The scratch was enough to make her giggle like a schoolgirl, holding his shoulders. He shot back up, hair slightly wild but nothing compared to his eyes as he looked into hers deeply. He needed to be absolutely certain. There was no time for messing about and hurting anyone.
She smiled. He was so handsome to her, but in an understated way. She took the moment to run a finger on his sculpted jawline, along his freckled cheeks and down his crooked nose. No, not everyone might look at those features and call it handsome. But to her, he was everything. Smart, kind, and good-looking as sin. Her finger fell upon his lips, slightly open and let out harsh breaths as he searched her eyes desperately. Alec always wished he could read expressions better, he was terrified he'd make the wrong decision somewhere down the line.
But Y/N smiled, and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his nose before taking a step back. Then she toed off her own shoes, shucked off her own jacket, and began to undress.
He followed her lead, removing his shirt and pants. Eventually, they both stood in front of one another naked. Y/N felt that pang of anxiety in her chest at being bare in front of a man. She'd made it very clear to Alec that she found him to be hotter than hell, but did he feel that way about her? She wasn't ugly, she knew that, but she wasn't a showstopper.
And yes, she could see the surprisingly length of him hardening before him. But didn't every man get hard when sex was on the table?
Alec came forward and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her forward as his eyes took in every inch of her. He ran a hand along her stomach - an insecure area for her - and up between her breasts, before settling it on the base of her neck. The simple action left her breathless.
His eyes were still on her body before he brought them up to hers. She was struck by how deep his were, how warm and brown, they seemed to go on forever.
"Look at you," he said hoarsely, his accent suddenly get thicker. "You're gorgeous."
"You think so?" She felt stupid asking it. She should be confident, she should pose seductively and tell him to strap in the way girls do on the telly. But this felt real and raw, and raw didn't shy away from the insecurities. Insecurities laced with cellulite and hair, parts that feel too pudgy there and too concave there. Never quite where it needs to be, never "ugly" enough for the world to tell you you have a right to complain.
"'Course. 'Course, look at you. You think I'm g-good too?" He asked back.
Y/N smiled, "thank you for saying that, most men don't."
"Don't they?" Alec asked in surprise, figuring that was just a part of the experience.
She shook her head and let her gaze trace along his body as well. He was lean and tall, with thin legs and arms wrapped in gentle muscle. His stomach was slightly pouchy and soft, beneath it his length was already hard at the sight of her. She ran a hand up from his stomach to his chest, mimicking his actions, and let it stay on his heart. Beneath her touch it thumped violently. Then she looked up to see his face, her favorite feature. His eyes were warm and gentle even when they didn't mean to be. "All of you is handsome to me, all of you."
He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing, "you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And if it isn't too crass to say, I'd fuck every inch of you."
It was too crass to say, and even a little cheesy, but it made her blossom with a smile. She threw her arms around his neck and let herself fall into one of his all encompassing kisses she was starting to like the taste of too much. Alec's lips were firm but not overpowering as they engulfed her, setting a tingle from her toes all the way up to her head in a heady giggle. His hands held onto her waist, grasping the flesh there with a sweet intensity. His lips parted with a deep groan.
She walked backwards to the bed, leading Alec until he was over her. His arms were poised by her head, his neck brought down as he peppered open mouth kisses along her neck. She laughed lightly at his scruffy beard, moaning when his lips found the spot between her neck and shoulder that shot straight through her. Y/N writhed under his touch, heat searing her skin. His hands were everywhere, branding her, skating up her waist to grab a handful of her breast, down her back to cup her bum, and feather like fingers traveling over the top of her thighs to the place in between. She gasped as he ran a finger down her slit.
"So wet..." he murmured, not expecting her to be so aroused by him. He'd barely done anything for her, hadn't touched down there at all. Yet she was slick to the touch, heat and arousal. Alec loved the way her chest flushed, her eyes closed tightly as she savored his touch on her skin.
He ran his fingers down, keeping his touch light as he experimentally nudged around. When he found her clit she gasped, her whole body tensing and focusing on the nerves right there against his finger.
"So responsive," he murmured, starting to work gently against her clit as she took shaking, uneven breaths. Alec went to speak again, then stopped. Tess never liked when he spoke in bed, said it distracted her from her climax. So he'd learned to stay silent and focus on his partner's body, her mouth as she fought her body's reaction to grind violently against his fingers. He kissed her sternum, biting at the flesh gingerly. Despite himself, Alec growled into her as she bucked her hips to meet his ministrations.
"Keep talking," she said in a hoarse voice.
"Wot?" Alec asked, taken aback.
Y/N looked up at him, eyes heady with need, "your voice is hot. If it's okay to ask, please keep talking, sir."
Alec grinned his charming, crooked smile. He bent down to kiss along her stomach as he quickened his pace on his clit, driving her faster to a climax then she was used to. That deep Scottish voice rang our praises, some loud enough that she could hear them and clench her thighs, others murmurs against her flesh that made her head feel light and airy. She giggled at the thought of all the beard rash she'd have along her body from him. All the same he told her how well she was doing, how beautiful she was, how lovely she looked squirming underneath him.
Then, as her back began to arch and she could feel the orgasm just a hair's breadth away, he stilled. Y/N whined. Actually felt herself whine in protest. He chuckled, clearly meaning to edge her, using his large hands to keep her legs wide open.
"A-are you ready?" Alec asked, his usual confidence lost to the arousal he was trying to keep at bay for her. His hands were large and warm, holding onto the space between her hips and thighs with a firm yet gentle touch.
Y/N's eyes gazed down to his cock, hard and ready. It looked about ready to burst, but Alec squeezed her thighs to look up into his eyes. They were warm and kind. Asking for consent even in a position like this. It made her all the more sure of her answer.
She reached up for his face, grabbing his jaw and planting a warm kiss on his mouth as he started to guide himself inside of her. He was slow, letting her gasp and adjust to the length inch by inch until he was fully inside of her. Alec paused. She could feel her heartbeat everywhere, pulsing desperately for friction.
She nodded, kissing Alec again. She'd never had a kiss like that, so strong and comforting. Kisses were never her thing, she hadn't understood the fuss over them. Just two sets of lips pressed against one another, the taste of the day infecting it. But with Alec it was more than the cho mein or egg rolls, and it was more than chapped lips pressed against one another. It was full of desire, trying to communicate all that words couldn't. She drank it in fully, gasping against him as he started to move inside of her.
Alec was bigger than she expected and bigger than he was used to, and she wiggled her hips to the feeling of being stretched so full like that. He cherished the feeling of her gasps and moans, dipping to kiss every inch of skin near him.
"So beautiful, so gorgeous..." he thrusted in quickly this time and saw her body tense from surprise. "You're taking me beautifully, Angel."
Y/N could listen to his voice all day. Even before she realized he was far from an ugly bloke, she fancied the way his voice poured over her in sexy waves. Deep, guttural, it was honest and raw. He didn't lie, he didn't cover it with some pretense to be sexy. Even when his voice would break, small gasps from the sensations breaking up his sentences, she found it all the better.
Alec leaned back, not wanting to stop kissing her not wanting to miss the view. He'd pulled her hips down to the edge of the bed, him standing and her legs spread wide and resting on the small of his back. With a gentle pace that started to grow more desperate he thrust into her, watching her body flush and squirm beneath him. Y/N threw her arms up, arching her back to take him deeper. Alec was enamored with the way her breasts bounced with each thrust.
"So fucking beautiful," he grumbled, snaking a hand down to stroke her clit. He could feel that he wasn't going to last as long as he would have liked, but by the way Y/N let out little moans by his feather light touch, he figured she didn't mind all that much.
Y/N was in her own world, feeling his voice slide off her skin like oil as she chased her high. His denial of her orgasm earlier made this one all the more powerful. It seemed to slam into her, causing her to gasp wildly as Alec kept firm ministrations on her clit. Then he too reached his climax, grunting in a low voice before pouring out in a shocking spurt.
Then he pulled out, falling beside her as they both gasped for breath. Y/N quickly ambled out of the bed and used the restroom before she came back in, feeling like her limbs were absolute jelly. Alec brought her back to the bed, laying next to her. His hand held hers, thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand.
"That was incredible," he finally said.
"You could say that again."
"That was incredible." They both paused, turning to look at one another, before bursting into a fit of giggles.
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bunsandstuff · 16 days
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Lady Alsene Foutuveaux
Warrior of Light
OOC: Hello! My name is Val, some call me Bean too. Thank you for stopping by my blog. It started off as a place for my buns, but these days I've taken a liking to writing about my WoL. Thank you for having interest! Info on her is below! (Also MSQ spoilers ahead)
Alsene Foutuveaux 25 | 15th sun of the fifth umbral moon | Sharlayan | RDM
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- Early Life
She was originally born Alsen Foutuveax to her parents: X'veilhena and Trennont Foutuveaux. Her mother X'veilhena was one of Sharlayan's many gleaners, and it was through her work that she met Alsene's father Trennont, a Sharlayan researcher and archon. It was after this an a few years after that the two were bonded and had a son who they named Alsen. The boy had a few years of memories with his doting parents, but there was always something on the horizon, something the two of them were working feverishly toward, much to Alsen's annoyance. And one day, that seeking would take the pair to shores beyond, and thus was Alsen entrusted to the care of the Wilfsunnwyns. As time progressed and the moons they were promised turned into a year, Alsen became a permanent ward of the Wilfsunnwyn household. In Alsen's youth, the shy miqo'te became close friends with Moenbryda to the depth of being near siblings. By this extension did he become acquainted to Urianger as well, though with both as aloof as they were, their interactions were few in between. It was also Moenbryda who encouraged Alsen to become who he was, and thus transitioned and given the name Alsene by the same Roegadyn lass.
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- Warrior of Light
Becoming Hydaelyn's champion wasn't in the cards, nor was becoming the Warrior of Light. After she got old enough and saw the ever growing threat of Garlemald creeping up through Eorzea, Alsene became tired of the Forum's inaction. Following in her parents' footsteps, Alsene took up arms and set out to lend her hand in the fight to protect Eorzea and all nations against the Empire's threat. And after coming into the power of the Echo and meeting the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Alene's long journey began.
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- Relationships
Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn
Found Sister After being taken in by the Roegadyn's parents, Alsene and Moenbryda became very close. The two were nearly inseparable in their youth, and basically family. Up until Moen's passing, Alsene and her were in regular contact, gossiping and spending their little free time catching up with one another. Alsene still regards her as the greatest older sister she could have had.
Urianger Augurelt
Main Ship Despite not having much time to bond in their time in Sharlayan, the two grew closer after Alsene's introduction into the Scions. After one shaky hello, the two of them have retouched on their estranged prior friendship. After Moenbryda's passing, Alsene became more protective over Urianger given how much she knew he meant to her late sister. And in turn, little did she know, the elezen held the same regard for her. Making sure that his dear friend's sister did not come to harm. Their relationship is still unfolding and doesn't have a proper tag yet, but I will update it when I have a name!
Artoirel de Fortemps
AU ship During the main events in Ishgard, Artoirel and Alsene grew quite close. She aided him in learning how to help Ser Aymeric with restoring Ishgard. Their relationship began playful, but both of them knew that there is more lying under the surface. Even so, the Warrior of Light has a hard time accepting these feelings as a beacon to the people placing a strain between them. Their story is unfolding under the tag #Of Hearts and Oaths
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And that is all for now. I will update this as more comes, but I appreciate anyone who has read this far! Thank you!
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chimchiri · 7 months
Hiii chim, I'm sorry that you're going through a rough time, and I hope that things get better for you soon ;^;
also this is kind of entirely random but I've been following you for some months now, but it was only JUST NOW when I was clicking on your blog trying to think of a question, that I took proper notice of the sticker shop banner you have on your pinned (despite, seeing it all the time orz) AND SAW THAT YOU HAD SALLY FACE STICKERS ON THERE!! I didn't know that was something you like/liked!! :D But that's really awesome to see to me ahhhh it's one of my favorite games
also also I absolutely ADORE the design you made for Gilda, it goes SO HARD and it just looks so good I have to do a double take whenever I see her because, gosh, what she does to my heart is unfair >A<
I'm not great at coming up with questions, but, you mentioned in I think the last poll for Randy and Imani about the trope of fretting over ruining the friendship you have with someone when you catch feelings for them, so my first question is: who would have worse anxeity over their feelings for the other screwing up their friendship, between the two of them?
second question, of all the art you've done for The Tenderness She Gives (which, is a wonderful name for it honestly, it hits me in the heart so strongly), which has been your favorite? :3c
Ohh my god that's such a sweet message, thank you... <3
Funnily, the shop still isn't open. I wanna finish 2-3 more stickers before opening up again. But yes, I do love Sally Face and will definitely play when the second game comes out. I actually also drew a lot of fanart for it and probably will again once the next game comes out. The general tag list is here if you're curious.
And thank you regarding Gilda <3 as mentioned, I am really surprised she got such a positive feedback. I like her design but didn't anticipate people going nuts over her lmao. I saw way more tags/comments about her compared to other art.
Regarding Randy and Imani and that trope - god I'm such a huuuuuuge sucker for it... I imagine Imani as very curious and experimental in nature so I don't see her being that anxious about it. But then again, I think I love Randy falling for her pretty early on in their teenage years and covering it with jokes and over-the-top and thus not serious flirting. I can see Randy being anxious for years to not advance anything in their friendship because she can tell Imani doesn't have feeling for her. Yet - because I like to think Imani starts to get flustered once Randy is well-known secure in her job as deputy captain. Honestly I could see Imani need a nudge into the right direction from all other women fawning over Randy. As in, she probably only starts to see Randy's romantic potential once she actually starts paying attention outside of their friendly banter. (I imagine her head is always all over the place so she just doesn't see Randy in any intimate/romantic way before). But after that, she definitely also has anxiety over making a move. Not as much as Randy though.
As for the fave pieces.... I actually adooooore the two butches and have been cursing myself for not drawing them more.
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For Imani and Randy I really like the teenage doodle I made for the poll here. I just like their younger versions in the sketch <3
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Observations on ep 11:
I missed some details last week, so I'm going to try to be more observant today...let's see how I go.
Move on? 😦 Move in?! 😲
Loving the YOLO shirt 😂 I know it's the name of the bar but still...
YO SPITTING TRUTHS 😂😭 "I think my chances of winning the first prize lottery are greater than having an ideal boyfriend". I feel so called out...
Has anyone mentioned the iconic couple shirts that Yo and Plug are wearing in the credits?!
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Also, I need more April in the show. (And hello, Nonnie's tattoo!)
Yeah, I stand by what I said to @grapejuicegay in our dms -> Mew does not love Top anymore. If he thinks he does it's more that he's in love with the potential of what they had...but that's all but destroyed. Mew (and Top...and Boeing tbf) need to move on (Ah! The ep title!), I bet they won't though.
I need Dan to be happy... Where's Poppy? I need him to come in and sweep Dan off his feet.
Hello Meen! 🔥 She's gorgeous and so young. Oh oh! Dan could meet her and have a noona romance!
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Khaotung Thanawat what the fuck is your face (I will forever think this when he cries, thanks kk!)
Sorry to lay down some facts but you can't guarantee that anyone will stay with you after 3 months, 6 months, or a year. It doesn't matter what you've been through together, this is something you can never predict. And so that can't be the reason for not being with someone - and this goes for Yo as well as Boeing/Mew, because Yo was afraid that Plug wouldn't stick around.
And therefore, that's the correct question Mew - "Can I trust you, Boeing?" And it's not really about trust. It's about making a choice every day to be with that person regardless of what the future might hold.
Boston, Nick, and that random extra basically did that meme 😂
But also, I'm loving flirtatious confident sexy Nick. Such a development from when he met Boston.
Oh so many parallels are paralleling this ep. Boston telling Atom he can't fall in love 'just because he's the first man he slept with'...which is what Nick realises he did... Oh DELICIOUS.
I'm glad we got an explicit 'no one person can turn you gay, it's just who you are and always have been'. A+ show, A+.
Poor Atom, but I think he got enough comeuppance. Well done Nick, really.
Sand is cute with the kids but I have to just say this kind of teasing/fabricated truths messed me up as a kid. Why can we just say what really happens rather than make up a lie to make kids do what they should do? Maybe I was too impressionable (or gullible) but I used to freak out at anything that could have been bad for me if someone told me it was 'dangerous'. Anyway, back to the show...
Top what are you doing there?! You've not been invi-
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Hold on.... *wheezing* I can't... I... That's nine people now, NINE, who have worn this shirt. And how has no one tagged me about it yet?!
Wait no, I'm not over it yet. I can't believe that fucking shirt has shown up again. I can't deal with it.
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Yes, Top, yes I do... Because it means Top and Mew have matching couple shirts...much like Kawi and Pisaeng. smh
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Ok, back to the show proper. Mew, you know you have not given Top a chance. And he's right to walk away.
What is Boeing's agenda??
Ok, I see you black and white vests...with the heart of the bed frame between you...
Yes, Force. That's what I want to see. Love the vulnerability.
If I had a nickel and all that... Another couple talking about travelling the world together.
Oh I have totally seen this t-shirt before. But dammit I don't recall where. HIVE MIND ASSEMBLE!
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(And now I'm questioning if I've seen Nick's shirt somewhere as well... I take back what I said earlier, I want to be less observant).
Look, I've moved in with partners two times in my life with the main reason being 'it'll be cheaper/I'll save on the rent' and I can categorically say that I don't think its a good idea. MEW, DON'T. Move in because you want to, not because it's cheaper.
What in the Mew/Top/Boeing storyline is happening with the Ray/Sand/Boeing plot?! More parallels. Boeing is like the little leprechaun who wheedles his way into other people's relationships, casting a magic spell on one to stir shit up for the other.
Why is Ray doing this? Why is he so jealous? And did he just drink alcohol even though he's in rehab? Oh! Is he finally going to get the threesome he's been asking for?! 😂
Well...going by the preview for ep 12, I don't think so. But his jealousy escalated worryingly quick 🤔
Even though not as brilliant as last week, this show is still fantastic. However, I just can't get over how the Thai Communal Wardrobe is upstaging everything for me 😂
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bellaleighwrites · 4 months
Writeblr Intro
General Info
Hello! My name is Isabella. I'm in my 40s (a sentence that I'm going to have to change in 13.5 months, but leaving it for now). I've been writing for as long as I can remember. We won't talk about most of my early attempts. I could probably recreate the story I wrote in 7th grade word for word if I wanted to. But, the only reason to do that would be to torture somebody with it. And I don't have anybody I dislike enough to make them read that thing. Same as any of the poetry I wrote during my poetry phase in junior high and high school.
Currently, I work at the service desk in a grocery store. It's great for people watching. Of course, it's also good for making me want to never leave my house and not have to deal with people ever again. If I could get my ADHD brain to work long enough to look into classes, I really want to go into accounting or bookkeeping. The morning bookwork is my favorite part of my job honestly (other than most of my coworkers. I DO like them). I'm the oldest of 4 girls (though, technically one of them is actually a sister from another mister. But, her kids call me and my other sisters "aunt" and my parents "grandma and grandpa" so she still counts.) and have TEN niblings ranging in age from 19 down to almost 8. I think. I tend to lose track of the younger ones.
Anyway! On to my writing! Which is honestly the most interesting thing about me, anyway.
I am in the process of revising my first novel. It's an Urban Fantasy about a vampire who is trying to protect his girlfriend in a world going increasingly mad. He has reason to believe that his Sire is in town and gunning for his friends. He's been informed by the local seer that he will somehow be instrumental in preventing the end of the world. There is apparently a Necromancer loose in the city - and when you and most of your friends are dead, that is a bit concerning. And the firestarting abilities he thought he lost when he was turned have returned, and after 275 years of being dormant they're out of control. This is the first in a series. The book doesn't have a title yet, but the series is called The Vampires of Sangue Collina. Any posts about it will be tagged with #Sangue Collina.
I am also writing the first draft of a Historical Romance. a Regency-era second chance romance. Four years ago, Evelyn and Lucas fell in love. But, her stepfather intended to marry her to the son of an associate of his, using her dowry to pay off a gambling debt. Evelyn takes one night for herself and sleeps with Lucas before running away. Four years later, Lucas has a bad riding accident and in his moments of semi-lucidity the only coherent thing he can say is Evelyn’s name. So, his older brother tracks her down. When he finds her, he also discovers that she has had Lucas’s baby. He drags them both back to London. When Lucas finally actually wakes up and finds out about their child - and about the fact that her stepfather is still looking for her - he realizes the only way to protect them is to marry her. Of course he kind of hates her for what she did, and never mind her reasons. I'm 12 scenes in and really like most of what I have, even though I know that it DOES need a lot of work. I'm probably going to have to add in some flashbacks or something. Because the 12th scene is literally the first time Evelyn and Lucas see each other, and they don't have a proper conversation until the next scene. I need to do something about that. But, that is future me's problem. The tags for that are #You're still the one and #ysto.
And then there's my fanfiction. I write Bridgerton. Mostly Kate and Anthony. And it would take way too long to talk about all of my fics on here. I'll be posting later to talk about all of them. And with links to everything.
Anyway! I intend to post writing updates and snippets on here. I'll also be reblogging writing advice and I want to get better about reblogging other people's writing.
I am especially looking for fellow romance writers. Bonus if you also write historical romance. Much as I love my mutuals, it would be great to find people I can talk to about the specifics of my genre.
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aethermimic · 5 months
This is going to be a fun one, because a lot of this stuff is still up in the air with Oyuun. Let's explore together!!
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~ B A S I C S ~
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Name: Oyuun Kha
Nicknames: Looking for a catchy title other than "Warrior of Light," one Eorzean publication dubbed her the "Aethermimic," a title she's come to take pride in.
Age: Early to mid 20s
Nameday: 22nd Sun of the First Astral Moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Female 
Orientation: Demisexual
Profession: Scion of the Seventh Dawn, adventurer
~ P H Y S I C A L ~ A S P E C T S ~
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Hair: Light brown with a spot of blonde on her right. She likes to braid her blonde patch, and let the rest of her hair fall freely.
Eyes: A piercing amber
Skin: A pale peach tone. Her skin is a little rough from many years living a nomadic life in the Steppe. She's taken better care of it since she's come to Eorzea, but saving the world isn't exactly light on labor.
Tattoos/scars: She has quite a few scars, again from enduring the hardships of the Steppe. She probably also has scars from events in XIV's story proper, but I haven't figured that part out yet.
~ F A M I L Y ~
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Oyuun tends to be rather tight-lipped about her family, and efforts to get her to open up about the topic have fared poorly. (screenie credit: @/tsunael)
Parents: She was close with her mother, though doesn't speak of her much. She changes the topic when her father is mentioned.
Siblings: She's indicated that she's not an only child, but she hasn't volunteered any more than that.
Grandparents: She recalls fond memories of her grandmother, but she's clearly conflicted when the subject is brought up. They may have had a falling out for some reason...
 In-laws and Other:  She has an adventuring companion, Valtyra Eruyt. They originally met when Val found Oyuun recklessly braving things alone that she really shouldn't, and now Val sticks around because she's learned that following Oyuun gives a steady source of income.
Pets: Oyuun doesn't like the responsibility of owning a pet, so she doesn't have one. She'll happily feed/play with anyone else's pets though!
~ S K I L L S ~
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Abilities: As her nickname suggests, Oyuun has a particular knack for identifying aetheric phenomena, and replicating it using arcanima -- that is, she's very good at mimicking spells. She tends to have difficulty learning via traditional methods, but once she knows a spell, she knows it.
Hobbies: She enjoys sketching in her journal, whether it's the flora around her, or a vista in the distance. She has quite a few flowers pressed in her journal, too.
~ T R A I T S ~
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Most Positive Trait: Her curiosity. Oyuun has a ravenous mind, and wants to learn as much as she can about spellcraft, and most other things besides. She also enjoys teaching others when she can, though she has too little patience to ever pursue it as a profession.
Most Negative Trait: Her naivete and recklessness. Oyuun often doesn't think her plans through, preferring to take situations as they come. She's also far too trusting of people, though after the events of A Realm Reborn, that's changing...
~ L I K E S ~
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Colors: Earth tones; especially golden yellow and many shades of green
Smells: Pine, wood scents, the nostalgic smell of fresh buuz
Textures: Leaves, parchment, the feedback of a quill as it writes, leather
Drinks: Fruity drinks (lemonade, juice, etc), cold water
~ O T H E R ~ D E T A I L S ~
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Smokes: She's never tried. I don't think she'd like it, though.
Drinks: She'll have a drink every now and again, but she's not a fan of being too drunk. Perhaps she had a particularly drunken night she regrets?
Drugs: She's not interested. She might be okay with something that's the equivalent of IRL marijuana, but she wouldn't partake regularly.
Mount Issuance:  Her Grand Company chocobo, Khaliun!
Been Arrested: Technically yes -- by the Brass Blades at the Bloody Banquet. Charges were later dropped as the truth came to light, of course.
I was tagged on my main account (@/siesharp) by @iona-xiv and @tripl3cast, thank you for the tag and sorry it's so late!!! I'm not tagging anyone this time because I'm so late to the party but if you're reading this and want to do it, please do so and tag me if you want!
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viralesmater · 8 months
Character Info Sheet
name ; Elizabeth Anne Greene
name meaning ; Elizabeth has hebrew origins, meaning "God's Promise" or "God is my oath". Anne is French in origin, meaning "grace". The Greene surname has old Saxon (from the Old English 'grene') and Norse roots, common throughout England and Ireland.
alias/es ; Codename: MOTHER, or Liz. you can make up a nickname for her but there's no guarantee she'll like it.
one  picture you like best of your chara: gotta go with her in game pic with the long hair, i love her honestly.
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three h/cs you've never told anyone: HMMM let's see...
a lil tmi but she no longer has a period! her body has stopped aging, and with that her cycle no longer happens! even if it did, any tissue she would normally expel would be recycled by her body as biomass. by this logic, she's no longer able to reproduce the 'old fashioned' way, meaning Pariah was her one and only child.
i know i've said this before, but Liz has a big soft spot for children. she tends to watch after kids if they're separated from their parents/guardian, and protects them from Infected. she will lead them to their guardians or to the proper authorities when she finds them, and will be uncharacteristically gentle and kind to them.
I kinda like the idea that Redlight has some similarities to human Rabies, since its a zombie virus and it spreads through bites/bodily fluids. Redlight also increases the carrier's body temp and causes aggression, which is something rabies does! also Liz bit General Randal to spread her infection before she could spread it by touch.
three things your character likes doing in their free time ;
she's a bit of a people watcher, so that's what she does most days when she's not hunting for biomass. she also likes to window shop, mostly to see what's 'fashionable' so she can shift herself to match.
eight people your character likes / loves ; mmmm she doesn't have anyone like this yet tbh! well, no that's a lie, she kinda likes @iobartach's Miguel! she's more like a mentor to him at this point, but yeah she kinda trusts him! also her son, if she ever finds him! everyone else is on thin fuckin ice lol.
Collectively all ship partners, children, and OC friend connections ;
again, @iobartach's Miguel is currently the closest she has to a friend. her only child is Pariah, though I do have an au idea of her basically adopting a child that was abandoned. she doesn't really have ships atm but I'm not really focused on that right now, tbh.
two things your character regrets: hmm... she regrets some of the things she did when she was insane:
mostly that she didn't use her power at the time to search for her son, and taking Dana from Alex, causing him to go after her more.
two phobias your character has ;
Water! like Alex, she's very dense. her body being made of compressed biomass makes her incredibly heavy, and being underwater is very uncomfortable! also hydrophobia being a symptom of Redlight which I think is similar to rabies makes sense!
hospitals and everything to do with them! so needles and machinery included! she hates any and all sterile environments, and will avoid them if she can. they remind her of her time at Gentek and she'd rather not relive any of those memories.
Tagged by: Stole it from @iobartach! Tagging: anyone who wants to!
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makarovni · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @corvosattano and @adelaidedrubman to share some shit I've been writing this fine Wednesday. Thanks!! It was a toss up whether I shared a bit of Bianca's Nice Guys introduction or her first meeting with Driver, but I don't think I've written enough of the Nice Guys fic that even contains Bianca just yet so I won't be doing that one. However the Drive fic is really an effort bc if you've seen the movie you know the way he talks and behaves, and it's difficult to put into writing (I haven't and don't intend to read the actual novel bc apparently its pretty different so don't tell me to do that lmao), as is just having him go by the name Driver, so I'm still getting used to it and figuring things out. But it's something!! So take it!!
For a split second, their eyes meet, but just as quickly they dart away, and her eyes are back on her textbook. Driver returns to his food, just as good as he'd imagined it would be, and he's finished eating all but the ice cream fairly quickly.
Now that he's only eating the soft serve, he wants to approach the girl. His eyes are attracted to her phone, where he can see she's listening to some album with a cover featuring a girl in a bikini. Even though she's listening through earphones, Driver can hear it ever so slightly through the one that's not in her ear, and he's intrigued again.
"What are you listening to?"
Startled by his shadow over her and the sudden burst of conversation, the girl jolts a bit, but settles down when she realizes that it's just him.
"Oh, uh, I'm listening to Deftones," she replies in a soft, high voice, a small smile on her lips. "You like them?"
Driver smiles back at her. "I've never heard them before."
She tilts her head and picks up the free earbud, offering it to him. "You wanna listen?"
He nods silently, his smile widening, and he sits down next to her and puts the earphone in. The song that plays begins with a cymbal-heavy drum intro with breathy vocalizations peppered in, before the guitar and proper singing begin. The two listen together, as if they've been friends for years.
"I like it. What's it called?" He asks after the chorus concludes.
"Around the Fur," she replies. "It's the title track."
"It's good. Can I keep listening with you?"
"Of course." She nods, and tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
The two return to silence as they enjoy the sound of Chino Moreno's voice together– he eats his soft serve, she continues to skim her textbook and scribble notes, and he watches where she looks. It's a nursing textbook, which makes the fact that she's wearing scrubs make a lot more sense. Her handwriting is somehow simultaneously messy and neat, and she's writing something down about wound care.
"Are you a nurse?" He asks suddenly.
She jolts again, somehow startled by a simple question. "Um, yeah. I'm just working on some continuing education."
"That's cool," he replies, taking a quick bite of his ice cream. "What's your name?"
She brushes her fringe bangs out of her face and looks at him with big, brown eyes. "Bianca. You?"
His eyes dart around nervously, and he hesitates. He doesn't have a name, he can't afford to have one. But she has to call him something, right?
"Well….they call me, um…Driver."
"Driver?" Bianca asks with a giggle, taking a bite of her own ice cream. "Really?"
"Yeah. 'Cause I drive." He stares at Bianca, wondering why this doesn't make sense to her. It makes sense to him.
She snorts. "Okay, nice to meet you, Driver."
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thelavenderelf · 2 years
5 Song Tag Game 🎵
I was tagged by both @bostoniangirl21 and @miraakulous-cloud-district to list five songs to fit my fic Unstable . Thank you for the tag! <3
I'm not sure who to tag, so I'm tagging anyone reading this! (just make sure to tag me if you do it though because I'm nosey and like hyping people up)
It was so hard only picking 5!! I have a pretty big playlist dedicated to Unstable.
My choices will be under the cut because of the way I formatted it!
1 : "Unstable" by Anberlin
Taught me to trust now Yet you have no faith in yourself Why can’t you believe in what you know?
The whole fic is named after this song, so of course, I had to put it in here! This song to me sums up a lot of the feelings between Sylvana and Vilkas. This song to me is all about learning to trust in one another while trusting in themselves, and that is a huge theme between the two. I also mainly hear this in Vilkas's POV. The narrator of the song is asking for this person to trust them and let them in so they can help. It just reminds me so much of when Vilkas learns that she is the Dragonborn but doesn't want to be the Dragonborn.
2: "Freakazoid" by Silversun Pickups
Once again, I believe, believe, believe That you're paranoid and I'm a freakazoid So let's wait and see
This song really fits Sylvana and how much it terrifies her to completely open up and be vulnerable. She's afraid to completely open up to Vilkas and wants to run away the moment she begins to realize she has feelings for him, but something is making her stay.
3: "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode
Take second best, put me to the test Things on your chest you need to confess I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver
One of the upcoming chapters is titled "Your Own Personal Talos." Listening to this song in a sarcastic tone pretty much sums up how Sylvana feels about her position as the dragonborn. She finds it hilariously ironic that someone like her is a legendary Nord hero. It also encapsulates her feelings about Vilkas finding out that is she is the dragonborn. She's worried that he'll end up treating her differently because of it.
4: "Kanye's in My Head" by Boy Epic
Just like mama said I'm not good at making friends There I go again Should've kept my ass in bed
Mercer's in my head is more like it. Or Ulfric lol. This song really fits Sylvana's internal struggles with believing that she isn't a good person because of her past. I also love that the the lyrics mentions "mama" because oh boi is that a huge insecurity for Sylvana.
5: "Madness" by Muse
Yes I know, I can be wrong And baby, you're too headstrong Our love is Madness
This wouldn't be a proper playlist of mine if I didn't include a Muse song. This song is perfect for THE MOMENT when they realize their feelings for each other. Especially Vilkas. Like, I plan on building the friction up between these two until they can't take it anymore.
Honorable Mentions:
"IJSW" by Anberlin -- The fic was almost named after this song instead, but some friends of mine agreed that Unstable was a better fit. I think this song better suits a past relationship of Sylvana's with a certain red headed thief ;D
"Terrible Things" by Brick + Mortar -- This song perfectly fits the antagonist of Unstable who has yet to be introduced.
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crowsnest-creations · 2 years
Relationship History Tag Game
was tagged by @crypticcodexcreations so blame them if it's a trainwreck lol Rules: briefly (or not) describe what kinds of intimate relationships (platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise) your MCs have had PRIOR TO THE BOOK STARTING. Have they had their hearts ripped out before jumping into your fluffy romance? Are they aro/ace and have never been in a long-term relationship before?
Since I only have the one solid WIP that's what I'm doing. Get ready for a Stupid World dump! Although, I'm probably going to give it a proper name soon. Kiki: I'mma keep it real w u chief, she's been WAY too busy supporting herself n shit as an orphaned kid and college student. She had ONE remaining family member, who she *is* close with - a little sister. Other than that? She doesn't really have any attachments to anyone. Lafarallin: As elves are mostly enslaved by humans in his world, and he's the equivalent of like 14, he hasn't really had the chance to form any romantic or sexual relationships with anyone. He's friendly with the other elves in the sages' temple he was born in, but nothing particularly close. He's young and naive.
Onyx: Listen. She's a dragon. A young adult dragon. She has fucked before and she will fuck again. She's never had any real meaningful relationships - kind of a "bust a nut and off ya strut" kinda girl - but she's been around the block a few times. She's never held any interest in any beings other than dragons prior to the story, however, and magic is a great contraceptive. She has no real family ties or anything, either - dragons can be kinda brutal with how they raise their young. It's kind of a case-by-case basis thing, but still. She was basically on her own by the time she could catch healthy prey.
Murgakoth: She's very close with her orc tribe - they're a very "it takes a village to raise a child" kind of culture. Not everyone is related by blood, and they keep good track to avoid accidental inbreeding (though their DNA is kind of like a snake's - if they DO accidentally inbreed once, their genetics can take it so long as it's not continuous) but all the adults help raise all the children. Other than that? She's tried dating a few times, but she's more interested in the hunt than anyone around her age in the tribe.
Barir: He's definitely dated before. He actually did have a sweetheart before his accident, but he was assumed dead for long enough that she had moved on, and by the time he got out... Well. He's not really in a good state to date ANYONE at that point. He wasn't ready to settle down, though, as he hadn't known what he wanted to do with his life yet - good thing, too, can you imagine explaining his situation to any kids he could've had? "Sweetie, daddy's never going to come back. No, he's not dead, he's just got major trauma and anger issues and WILL destroy us all if we force him back into the underground city. I'm not even sure if he remembers you exist, honestly." Yeesh, good thing he wanted to wait to bone down until he knew where his life was going, that would traumatize a kid.
Tizedan: She's interested in possibly dating, but she knows her chosen profession (adventuring hero) is STUPIDLY dangerous. She's resolved not to date anyone who can't adventure with her - she doesn't want to leave someone not knowing what she might be doing or if she's okay. She's had a few guys try to take advantage of her seemingly naive external personality to bone her, but she's cut all their dicks off. Clearly, they were uncontrollable horny animals - and what do we do with those? Castrate them. Ziorvai'in: He's a dark elven prince. He doesn't date lightly, and he's not a fan of casual sex. He's got a lot of potential suitors lined up if he wants to, some trying to woo him in traditional manners, but he's turned them all down. And then he trained with monks for some time - yeah he's a kissless virgin lol. Though that's by choice - in his mind, the safety of his people comes first. For now.
Krr'Kiri: Gremlins don't really have a concept of "dating" per se. They're a very open relationship kind of people. However. They fuck. A LOT. Krr'Kiri has ABSOLUTELY fucked before. Casual shit, yes, but they have. And they have NO IDEA why other races are so shy about sex. Like seriously every known animal does it! Why be shy? They will never know. They kind of understand dating in a way, though, because gremlins will often decide on one to three (on average, sometimes more) recurring fuckbuddies and have children with them. They also have some way of keeping track of who's related to who, but lord help you if you try to figure it out. No one but the gremlins knows how they do it and they are. Remarkably unhelpful with their explanations.
Bein real, idk who all has done this, so I'm just gonna have an open tag for anyone who cares. Except @crypticcodexcreations, I'm throwing this back at you directly. Do one of your other wips coward lol
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ferromagnetiic · 9 months
His little stunt on her birthday still had her feeling some kind of way. She wasn't sure if she was amused or mad. Well, that was only half true. She was mad, but mostly at herself because she wasn't as offended by his bullshit as she should be. Why? Because she liked him.
Fucking asshole.
She was glad she'd managed to find out when his birthday was, surprised it was just a few days after her own!
Now, she wasn't sure what, if anything, to get him. Naturally, she falls back on her skills in the kitchen, making an assortment of sweets for him and the crew. She expects he'll react like he usually does, with some smart-ass comment. That's fine.
She's smiling as she directs him to a cake she made in the shape of a spiked collar with a dog bone shaped tag on it bearing his name. Is she being a bit of an ass too? Yeah and she hopes it makes him laugh if nothing else.
"Happy Birthday asshole."
            【 KID'S BIRTHDAY 2024. 】                     @summerxmelodies
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     If this is supposed to be a taunt, it's performing pretty ineffectively as one. From his perspective, he has been given a complimentary birthday cake. It's a nicely decorated cake. Probably tastes as good as it looks, too. He fails to see an issue with this. Though she might not have considered it, he does, in fact, possess a few spiked collars of his own that don't look entirely dissimilar to the final design. She has, most likely unintentionally, given him a punk birthday cake. He isn't insulted by it.
Still. She isn't entirely off the hook, since she still called him an asshole — which, in fairness, may be deserved due to the fact that he provoked her first, and yet he will only see the end result, and disregard the cause.
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     ❝ Ta, sweetheart. ❞ The term is saturated in irony, sarcastic to the core. He is surly and bad mouthed by nature, but that is presently about the extent of his foul behavior. 
Though he can sometimes be wary about accepting food from other pirates, he is pushing his luck today. Assassination through poisoning is a cowardly practice. He will give the little she-wolf the benefit of the doubt and assume she is not stooping to such levels — and even if she is, then she will be sorely mistaken if she believes he would die so easily.
     ❝ Spent a lot of time decoratin' somethin' that's just gonna get chewed up and eaten. ❞
          As he says this, he's already reaching for a knife to cut himself a generous slice.
It's unconventional, but this is as close to a compliment as she's going to get from him. He acknowledges that she put effort into this. He isn't apologetic for destroying it, but he at least is aware of the fact that this is something she spent her time on for his behalf. He wouldn't have mentioned it if he didn't think it looked well crafted.
Proper dining etiquette is not one of his areas of expertise. He will eat his slice with his hands, and he will get cream, frosting, and crumbs on and around his mouth in the process. It doesn't pose as any form of embarrassment to him. His bites are few and considerable in size.
She will most likely catch him taking his fingers in his mouth to clean off the leftover specs of crumbs before he removes another portion of the edible collar, this time taking the icing dog bone alone with it.
          He likes the confectionery enough to eat all of it, if that means anything to her.
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"Did you finally get married?"
That's how our visit with Kimmer's aunt, Jacquie, began today as we greeted her at the door of her building. We're to either side of her, guiding her onto the patio as Kimmer re-introduces herself and she re-introduce me. After which Jacquie looks from Kimmer to me then back to Kimmer again and says
"Did you finally get married?"
Why yes. Yes we did.
We are, however, trying to keep this conversation planted firmly in the present, trying not to force Jacquie into drawing from her past that's obscured by her dementia. She can't intentionally recall what's in her memory from her memory.
That's different, by the way, from saying nothing's in there. That's not true. This is an issue of recall, of not being able to access memories which we know she can't do at will. If, however, we tap into the right words, provide the right prompts...
The memory or that piece of Jacquie associated with that memory will make an appearance, so...
We stay away from sentences that begin with "Remember... ?" We stay away from sentences that rely on prior knowledge we know she has... but can't access.
We say we're married but that we've yet to have a proper wedding and, not to worry...
"You're definitely on the guest list" I say.
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We're seated now in the middle of the patio surrounded by lush green grass with butterflies exploring each individual blade. There's music playing from outdoor speakers tucked into various rooflines and, hand to God, it's all music from our own youth, a playlist that explicitly taps into music from the seventies and eighties. And, swaying amidst the sound of that music's embrace, there are trees all around and above us providing shade, making the temperature outdoors not too hot, not too cold, but just. right.
Once we're all settled in, Kimmer offers to cut Jacquie's hair, trim it a little, and then settles in for this bit of work on Jacquie's hair.
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Afterward, it's time for Jacquie's nails.
So Hair & Nails is how we kicked off the afternoon.
The next part though, is my favorite:
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You see, aside from the comb, scissors, and apron cape, Kimmer's also brought a bar of dark chocolate with her from Trader Joe's. She offers a coupla squares to Jacquie who takes them from her and begins to nibble. It seems, however, that maybe they're too hard, maybe? So Kimmer offers half of her own stash of remaining Trader Joe's butter cups which Jacquie eagerly takes, handing back the dark chocolate.
This is obviously a hit.
By 'n by, I ask her
"What's your favorite candy?" whereupon Jacquie holds out to me the last bit of the Trader Joe's butter cup in which she's delighting.
Yup. Definitely a hit.
When she's done, she points to the piece of Trader Joe's dark chocolate I'm holding in my hand and asks
"What are you doing with that?"
It's not a question, by the way. It's an accusation with the full authority of a Mom. I recognize the tone immediately and hand my chocolate over to her.
And she delights in that, too.
Oh good grief.
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Kimmer does a brief show 'n tell for Jacquie, showing her different and colorful clothes she brought that Jacquie might like to have... as well as a Madeline puzzle box with which Jacquie might like to play because Jacquie's always been about puzzles.
Our visit is a combination of things with which Jacquie might engage and words that might serve as memory triggers. After all, some of the clothes Kimmer brought for Jacquie were Jacquie's own from her belongings at home. I even saw her name on a tag stitched onto the inside of an orange dress next to the designer name.
She didn't want that one, though.
Again, we're trying to provide the right prompts that'll unlock the Jacquie inside if only for a few moments.
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By 'n by, a woman walks up to our table. She doesn't speak to us but a steady stream of sounds is coming from her lips. She's not babbling. It's more a repetition of Nananana. It's a steady stream, though, with the occasional pause accompanied by specific physical movements.
When she arrives at our table, she immediately reaches for the scissors which Kimmer deftly moves out of her way. And, in a lovely act of bait 'n switch, Kimmer moves the Madeline puzzle box in reach of the woman's hands.
"Would you like to try this puzzle?" Kimmer asks.
She would, by the way. And Kimmer helps her choose from all the different Madeline heads, all the different Madeline bodies, and all the different Madeline legs... placing them onto the appropriately shaped spaces on top of the box until there she is!
Madeline with a particular facial expression, wearing a certain hat. Madeline wearing a certain shirt and/or coat and maybe holding something. Madeline, wearing shorts or pants or tights... and a certain pair of shoes.
Once Kimmer helps the woman figure out this first Madeline iteration, she tags me in and returns her attention back to Jacquie who's absolutely amused by this turn of events.
Can you believe this woman? her body language says.
Call it our Ironic Moment Of The Day.
As Kimmer sits down next to Jacquie, I stand up and move next to the woman who's still reaching for puzzle pieces on the table.
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At this point, I arrange all the puzzle pieces into three rows for ease of finding: head/face pieces, body pieces, and legs/shoes pieces.
Once she sees all this laid out on the table next to the box, she begins to move pieces around on the table, freestyling it until she arranges a second Madeline iteration right there on the table instead of on the box.
"Okay" she proclaims.
Then she turns to Kimmer, looks at her, and says "okay". So Kimmer responds to her with a heartfelt
"It was nice meeting you!"
And then the woman walks away.
Actually, no.
She starts to walk away then stops. Turns around and steps a step or two towards me.
The first I'm aware of this is when she begins to stroke my arm because I'm turned back toward the puzzle pieces, considering them out of my own personal curiosity until I realize she's looking at me.
Stroking my arm to get my attention.
Since this is right on the tail of the fare thee well she just shared with Kimmer... I wrap her in my arms and tell her how nice it was to see her.
When she pulls away, she says
"Thank you."
Perfectly clear.
And then she goes about the rest of her day.
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Returning to our visit with Jacquie, I rejoin the conversation just as Jacquie's pointing toward the ground, saying
"I love my shoes."
They're slippers, actually. But I get her point: they look absolutely comfy.
While we're there, visiting with Jacquie, various staff members will cross the courtyard in different directions going about their duties. And Jacquie always waves to them while they're on the move.
And they always wave back.
Now, lest I give you the impression that we're masters at such random, disjointed experiences, keep in mind that whenever we're gobsmacked by something Jacquie says, whenever we've got nothing up our sleeves, no words or ideas with which to reply, our Go-To is nodding our heads and proclaiming in faux exasperation
"What're you gonna do?"
At which point one of us pivots to the next likely subject.
One thing that struck me about today's conversation with Jacquie was that she seemed keenly focused on asking what Kimmer's mom thinks. As in, she was quite taken by Kimmer's hair, even more red under the California sun, and asked
"What does your mom think about it?"
Or when Kimmer declared (once again) that we are, in fact, married and that a big, proper wedding is in front of us.
"You're on the guest list" I tell her. "Of course you could be higher on the guest list if you give me my chocolate back."
Kimmer busts out laughing.
And then Jacquie busts out laughing.
And then Jacquie asks Kimmer
"What does your mother think?"
The focus is striking because we accidently mentioned Kimmer's dad, Jacquie's older brother to whom she was very close. We accidently mentioned her husband's name. But neither of those mentions engaged her. Neither of those mentions dislodged her from the mental rails she was riding.
This time it was a laser focus on what Kimmer's mom thinks.
For the third time:
"I love your hair. It's so red. What does your mom think about it?"
"I haven't talked to my mom about it, yet."
"Well. I don't care what your mom thinks. I love your hair."
And there you are.
Our time with Jacquie.
It really was a lovely time. We were there for well over an hour before it was time to go. We didn't even realize that kind of time had gone by. We really didn't.
And no. We didn't keep up a relentless, full court press of words and maybe familiar things. There were silences. Bits of time, pauses in our conversation that were filled with the sights and sounds of the courtyard around us.
At one point, that simplicity was its own prompt, causing Jacquie to say
"It's so beautiful here. I could just..." At which point she gestures outwardly with her hands as if to encompass the entire scene.
And you know what?
I know what she means.
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Matthias Helvar x fem! Healer! Reader - Mine
A/n: I don't think I've finished a request fast... Looks longingly at all the other drafts that are requests. Fuck.
Warnings: Kind of sexual at some points, injuries, mentions of death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Request: Can I please request an soft, romantic oneshot of female!healer!reader and Matthias Helvar falling in love with each other, please? thank you so much!!
I do not own six of crows or shadow and bone or its characters! I also do not own this gif!
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Matthias had first meant her lying in bed.
He had been hurt and everyone was internally freaking out because the Fjerdan never showed any pain yet here he was lying on his death bed the screams of pain coming from his lips every now and then.
Blackness was looming over him, there was no light he couldn't feel Djel like he should have. Maybe his sins had lined up too high, or maybe Djel had abandoned him like Nina had. He didn't know what was going to happen, all he knew was that death was almost certain at this point, he could hear the wolves howling in the distance. They were coming for him - he was sure of it.
Something he didn't understand happened though. He was in the dark taking his last few breaths then a blinding light that must have been sent from Djel himself came barreling through the door kneeling right in front of him.
"Not today." The woman muttered as she hovers her hands over the top of his injury.
"I still need to get paid, so if you could you know - stay alive for me here that would be great." She grits her teeth together and suddenly the world is just light.
The only thing he can see through the blinding of the whiteness is her and her eyes telling - begging him to hold on for a little longer.
So he does.
Gasping for breath Matthias realizes there's no pain in his chest anymore, there's no blackness yet there's no overwhelming white either. There's only a soft glow at the end of his bed belonging to the woman he recognizes as the person who saved him.
"What happened?" He mumbles and his voice comes out groggy and part of him is ashamed that that's what he says when there's a beautiful woman sitting on the edge of his bed tending to his wounds. The other part of him wonders how he can be so bashful over a girl he's barely meant.
"You broke all your ribs so your chest was starting to disconnect when you were breathing. You're lucky I got there on time or else you would have been dead. You passed out after I healed you."
The healer doesn't move off his bed but closer actually and she moves so close she's levelheaded with him as Matthias sits up.
She brush's a piece of his blond hair away from his face and cups his cheek for a second and for a felting moment he's sure she was going to kiss him. But she pulls away before they can get any close and he's half glad because he was sure she could've probably heard how his breathing had how it speed up.
"Matthias." Finally he breaths out looking at the temptress with wide eyes.
The girl smiles and he stupidly puts up his head to be shaken but instead of taking it or laughing at him, she kisses him on the lips.
It's not for very long, it's very brief actually, and this is all crazy because he had just meant her (he doesn't even know her name!) Yet he can't get her eyes out of his head or the feeling of her lips against his and how he eagerly kissed her back.
She pulls away really fast but he still has time to commit everything to memory before she stands up leaving the doorway but stopping midway.
"Y/n, my name is Y/n."
He knew her name.
Nothing happened entirely after that, Matthias and Y/n grew close and became quick friends.
Friends who sometimes kiss. The former Druskelle was pretty sure that friends didn't kiss, even in Kerch.
"Matthias I swear to your tree god if you don't put me down I'm going to rip you to shreds!" Y/n screams at him as he carries her trying to get the Slat on time before she dies.
"You are hurt." He says simply in retaliation, as the girl fumes and struggles to get out of his arms.
"I'm a healer!"
Matthias just rolls his eyes and bursts through the Slat doors with an injured and a very frustrated Y/n.
"You can't heal yourself completely Y/n I'm not stupid." He whispers down into her ear as he takes them up the stairs going in (unintentionally) his room.
She hurriedly gets out of his arms face red from embarrassment and starts working on her wound. They both stay there in silence for a bit before he starts to get bandages and ointments to help her heal the rest.
He hands them over to her and she staches them out of his arms not even looking at him. She doesn't say anything either as she winces when she places the ointment on what's left of the wound. She warps it up and the silence is still on like a broken switch that can't go back down. Wolves that are hurt but can't howl in fear of their abuser.
"How did you figure it out?" She whispers quietly as she finishes warping up her wound. It's barely audible but he hears it because he always notices when she says something. Matthias doesn't know if he's ever been so aware of someone before.
Because she is so much more than just a friend to him.
"In Fjerda we were trained to see the signs when a Grisha hadn't been trained at the little palace." He pauses for a second, wincing internally because it was easier to kill Grisha who weren't as well trained.
"Oh." She says looking down trying to hide her eyes from him.
"That doesn't mean I think any less of you though, you... Your power is strong most Grisha wouldn't be able to heal people entirely in seconds if they hadn't trained at the little palace."
She finally lifts her head up to meet his eyes and he swears she's a heartrender because he can't breathe.
But before he can even look for a second longer she's at the doorway opening the door to leave him. Again.
"Is that it? Is that all that you think of me?" She demands him to answer her with the tone that she's using, yet it doesn't remind him of Brum or any of that. It only reminds him of her.
She shifted her body to face his and he shamefully looks away from the woman before him. Who was of course only wearing her undergarments?
"Kaz needs this for a job."
His head snaps back to look at her with fire in his eyes as her hands trail up and down his arms. He holds back a shiver and looks down at the serpent. He was her prey and she's ready to strike because he so memorized with her. Se must have bitten him with her poison because he wasn't backing down.
Fury fuels his veins at the thought of anyone touching her in that way. Probably he wouldn't get through the mission if he had to see it.
She places her hand around his neck and he's trying hard not to look at it because it wasn't proper but she was beautiful.
"Don't you have a job to get to?" He murmurs as he tries and to hold back his stare.
Her laughs rings out around them and her soft glow is back for a split second before it's gone in a snap.
Her other goes around to his back and she leans into his ear.
"Hold my waist." Her voice is commanding and he was addicted to her poison that made him do whatever she desired. And who could deny a strong woman that used that tone?
So he does and then she kisses him.
This isn't like their first time but it isn't their second time either. He has become accustomed to the way her lips felt against his own, yet he didn't ever want her to stop because every time it just got better.
She bites down on his lips before trailing her own down to his neck.
His breath comes out in pants as she trails further and further down till she's found his sweet spot.
"Vixen." He gasps as she bites down hard on his sweet spot before she gives him one gentle kiss before pulling away.
"I have a job to get to Helvar."
Then she's gone.
*Flashback over*
"No." He calls out to her.
"That's definitely not what I think of you."
This time he wraps his arms around her waist before leaning down to kiss her.
And this time it's him who kisses her and their lips shift together and move in sync before he pulls away. Both of them were breathless.
"I think of you as mine."
And she doesn't object to that.
Words 1467
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626
(If you want to be tagged just comment shadow and bone taglist!)
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tomatograter · 4 years
New to the fandom, Could you explain June? 💯 Love and support her. But homestuck 2 doesn't have her and I'm just confused?
June Egbert precedes the concept of homestuck^2! I’ve seen a lot of people be confused about this because they weren’t active on the fandom at the time the epilogues dropped, when reading her as a trans woman got a lot of discussion going and eventually lead to multiple confirmations.
So here’s an attempt at contextualization:
Throughout Homestuck, a few key ideas about Egbert’s identity and motivation to push forward with her hero’s journey are dropped like breadcrumbs. She’s meant to play the default straight-man protagonist. Her defining traits are ridiculously… generic, when compared to how all the other kids present themselves and stick to exaggerated bits. She’s a perfectly normal, regular suburban kid with normal, suburban issues. 
She may not leave her room a whole lot. She may not have a lot of real life friends in the neighborhood. She holds a comical irritation for the concept of birthdays, even though her father is extremely supportive, and is delighted to see his son grow up nice and healthy. There’s no reason for her to be so irrationally upset at cakes and gifts, and that’s what makes the setup funny! June doesn’t even know why she’s annoyed with half of the things that annoy her, what the heck.
But under all that playing around there is a sense that her life is so normal, so blasé, so unexciting and limiting and hollow and fake that she’d give anything to not be herself, even if only for ten minutes. This goes way, way back. It’s why June needs SBURB to happen.
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June lives as though her life hasn’t started yet. She’s stuck in the Tutorial stage. I would argue while most kids (and trolls) play SBURB to escape a shitty environment or the end of the world as they know it, June plays for a simpler reason: She needs to escape herself, and she needs to do it before it is too late. 
Being thirteen means crossing the homeric abyss between being a child with no care for the world sporting a generic hand-me-down identity and becoming a Teen (capital T) who needs to figure out how to cope with atrocious bodily changes while building the adult they’re meant to be AND deciding what the fuck they want out of life, and how they’re going to work to get it, forever and ever.
When you’re trans, and you don’t yet know you’re trans (or that this is a thing you’re even ALLOWED to be) the above feels a lot like serving a life sentence for an intangible crime.
You know what you’re supposed to do. You’ve seen it on tv, you’ve heard it from your dad, you know what are the normal trials and tribulations. You know you'll grow a few pimples and stubble and you'll need to learn how to shave, obviously, because it's basically a tradition in your family, and no one is really happy to be a teen. You know at some point you'll find a nice girl and you'll grow a hat out of your skull and then you will have to pay taxes and maybe you will have a baby daughter? You'd like it to be a daughter for no particular reason. And when you get a daughter you're going to name her Casey and she's going to be adorable and this is something you've dedicated a lot of thought to. Maybe its because you thought Nic Cage looked really cool with those long flowing locks in con air, the movie who featured a trans woman as a minor character for a few minutes (and she gets quite a bit of compliments, regardless of how the movie has aged), and he had a really exciting life, but goddamn did he love his daughter. There is no purer love than the bond between a father and his daughter. 
This absolutely has nothing to do with your father and you, or how you hold no excitement for becoming an adult man, or how your father's excitement for you becoming an adult man in your stead feels a little stifling.
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But i digress.
June spends her time on SBURB mostly hassling karkat, and readily following the instructions of zany, dangerous, COOL girls that seem to know what they're doing. June lets Terezi lead her to certain death without blinking. June lets Vriska dress her up as soon as opportunity presents itself. June thinks its really funny to trick this troll Who Types Really Oddly into believing she's Rose, and also into believing that she's a very silly girl. You may even say Homestuck employs a few of jokes pertaining to how her name looks like EGG !
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June has a ball playing this game until it starts to get shitty. She's never able to mend her relationship with her dad, as he's one of the first causalities. She has to spend a lot of time waiting around with jade on a ship until things get cool and exciting again, but she never stops growing during those three years. Its fine, though, because there's always more things to be done and more people to fight.
Until there aren't, and they make a new earth, and while everyone cheers and claps for the birth of a new planet June realizes all her excuses are over. Her friends begin to grow up. Rose gets married. Jade is living her best life. Dave has a not-boyfriend glued to his hip. Jane has a job. Jake is on TV for some reason. June doesn't want to leave home. June's birthday is around the corner again. Here come all the congratulations for becoming a strong lad for yet another year! Vriska is gone. Terezi is gone. SBURB is over. Wacky hijinks have been swapped for real-ass, boring-ass Regular life. We watch her unsuccessfully chase after the glory of days gone by when Rose presents her the possibility of going back into the game, when things were cool and mattered, or her flimsy decision to settle down with a nice girl she hasn’t really made an effort to know and become a father and be absolutely miserable for four decades as she asserts nothing is real, not anymore, and this is just how it is.
Depersonalization, depression and general apathy towards the world are all pronounced aspects of dysphoria that seem like unrelated incidents for someone who hasn't came out yet. June's trainwreck of a life post-game, specially her feeling of hollowness and chasing after anything that could fill it struck a chord with trans readers who left the epilogues to read HS again and discovered this has always sort of been here. June being a trans woman who doesn't have the proper vocabulary to express she is a trans woman makes a lot of earlier bits from the comic click into place, now in a broader context. We settled in the name "June" because it's what she imagines Vriska is calling her at some point, amid laughs, but even that was discussed for a lengthy period last year. What would she want to be called, what are possible tags for this, etc. But it was mostly for fun and games, because the prospect of the protagonist of a 10 year old beloved cult series being ACTUALLY confirmed as a trans woman just wasn't something that was done.
Until word got around to Andrew Hussie and he was reportedly so pleased with this interpretation of events he’d be making references to it, and some time later, a box of toblerones was left in a cave as a gift for fans to find. The first person to find a toblerone thought it would be funny to dedicate it to June, because now she was an ongoing reference that was fun to make. Instead of it ending there, Hussie logs on twitter for the first time in a long while to say 'Oh yeah, i'll make it happen' and that's when the whole thing exploded. I have a post detailing this made a year ago (with pictures!) so i won't keep you here.
In the year since, June has been vaguely alluded to in Pesterquest (in jade's end card, she's having her nails painted by rose.) Has been widely adopted by the community, those making their own fanventures and continuations, and the team behind Homestuck^2. In every way that matters, she's already thriving within the community that brought her to light a year ago. But her coming out in canon is something that will take time and a proper narrative arc to happen, one that is still being set up. We know it'll come eventually, the only question is “how”.
Not that the wind waits for anyone.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: After a Quidditch match, both George and Y/n sneaked out to grab a drink at the Three Broomsticks with their respective teammates. The tension between the two groups might end up causing more trouble than imagined.
Pairing: George Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: kinda angsty kinda fluffy
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @skarlettmikaelson
Warnings: blood, injuries, violence, concussion, language (?)
A/N: idk what to say apart from the idea of George losing his shit big time won't leave me alone and idek why (blaming it on that scene in the Order of the Phoenix in which George and Harry beat Malfoy the fuck up) so enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Well," McGonagall's severe eyes scrutinized all six of us from the other side of her desk. "who is going to give us" she briefly motioned at Snape, who stood by her side with an unimpressed yet disappointed look on his face. "a proper explanation of why Madam Rosmerta so kindly let us know that not only seven of our seventh year students were on Hogsmeade without permission,"
"But also making a scene and coming to blows." Snape finished, quirking a brow. "Do you know how lucky you are that Madam Rosmerta picked on the fact that you were students?" The potions teacher's eyes fixed on the three Gryffindors before inquiring, "Who started it?"
"Merlin's— There is a student in the hospital wing!" McGonagall exclaimed outraged. "You all ought to come clean about this one."
More silence.
"Mister Weasley, you seem to be unusually quiet." The Head of Slytherin pointed out.
"Well, you see, professor," George's head, which had until that moment been resting on his arms over the school desk, was tilted up slightly. "I've got a bit of a headache going on." He motioned at the back of his head, in which a patch of dried blood had glued his hair.
"Weasley, I must insist on you to go see Madam Pomfrey." McGonagall's tone, although remaining severe, softened a bit.
"Nah, 's not that bad." George gave Warrington a side look and forced himself to sit upright.
"I'm going to ask again." Snape spoke. "Who started it?" He weighed the possibilities before inquiring, "Mister Weasley?"
"Why me?!" George flinched at his own shouting.
"Do you want me to believe the state Mister Montague was left in was Miss Spinnet's doing? Miss Bell's, perhaps?" The Gryffindor girls grumbled under their breaths, catching the professor's attention. "What was that?"
"I said why us?" Katie questioned with a tinge of indignation. "Is it because we're Gryffindors?"
"Obviously." Snape spat, earning a roll from Mcgonagall, though she didn't oppose her colleague.
Alicia only laughed humorlessly and folded her arms over her chest.
"We can stay here all night, if you'd like it that way." McGonagall stated after around five minutes of just silence.
"Ugh, fine." George let his head fall in the comfort of his forearms again and groaned, "it was me— I started it. Can we go now?"
"What the hell?!"
"Miss Spinnet!" McGonagall scolded her, stomping her desk.
"Can we go now or not?" George's eyes met my shocked gaze briefly.
"Everyone but you, Mister Weasley." McGonagall stated.
"Wait, no." I tapped my foot nervously against the tiles and took at deep breath. "It wasn't him, it was me."
"Miss Y/l/n!" I refused to meet McGonagall's and Snape's face, so I left my eyes casted down, but I still heard the professors' quiet whispers. "What on Godric's name happened?"
Two Hours Earlier
After a Quidditch victory in Slytherin's favor, some of us had resolved to sneak out of the castle and go celebrate with a drink in Hogsmeade.
Turns out some Gryffindors had had the same idea, though the drink they were having was definitely not a celebration.
"Look who's here," Montague nodded in the Gryffindors direction, purposefully walking in their direction. "You're missing half of the team!" He chuckled, not stopping more than a couple of seconds. "Are they crying on their dorms?"
"Get lost, Montague." Katie Bell spat, earning faces from both Graham and Cassius. Alicia Spinnet flipped us off, and George limited himself to give me a small wave, which I returned with a little smile.
"How's the place this crowed?" Kevin questioned with a frown as we tried and failed to find an empty booth.
"No idea." I replied, taking a look around. "I'll go grab the drinks, you look for a place, yeah?" Cassius nodded and I made my way to the counter; I could feel Bell's and Spinnet's dirty looks on me while I ordered the butter beers.
"Celebrating, are we?" My head turned to meet George's form, leaning on the counter besides me.
"Yup." I shortly answered with a proud grin.
"You're missing your seeker." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "I wonder where he's at."
"You know where he's at." I quirked my brow when he played dumb, a smug smile dancing on his lips. "I'm very aware it was you who sent him to the hospital wing."
"It was actually a bludger." He pointed out, giving Madam Rosmerta the coins for a butter beer.
"Oi, what are you doing?" I attempted to shove his hand away, but there was no use.
"Smoothly buying you a drink?" He winked and I felt blood going up to my cheeks. "Just her drink, though." He added, looking at Rosmerta.
"No you're not— he's not." The owner of the Three Broomsticks gave us a look but ended up accepting my money instead.
"Aw c'mon, Y/n" George pouted while Rosmerta passed me the drinks. "I've just lost an important match, let me have a win?"
"You can buy me the next drink," I resolved, chuckling at the way his expression lighted up. "but only if you don't cause trouble."
"Pfft I'm too depressed to cause trouble." I could tell he wasn't joking, though he still made it sound humorous. "Need help with that?" He motioned at the four drinks I was attempting to grab.
"No she doesn't."
George visibly grimaced at the sight of Cassius but, instead of snapping at him, he only leaned on me and pecked my cheek after saying, "No trouble, see?"
"Piss off, Weasley."
"No need to be that rude." I spat, taking two glasses in my hand.
"No need to consort with the enemy." He responded, picking up the remaining jars.
We approached the spot our Quidditch team had taken and had a surprisingly uneventful good time, until Montague started to run his mouth.
"Look at them, they're so pathetic." He obnoxiously laughed.
"Look at whom?" I questioned, a bit lost in my thoughts to know what he was even talking about.
"Don't play dumb." He hissed. "As if you haven't been staring at that Weasel since we entered."
"Ugh, honestly Graham." I lazily played with my jar. "Can't we just enjoy the drink without focusing on the only three Gryffindors in the room?"
"You're one to talk." Cassius mumbled.
"Graham's right, you've been staring at him." I pinched the bridge of my nose. They've done this little number so many times that I was no longer embarrassed. "What was that kiss about?"
"What kiss?" Graham inquired.
"He kissed her."
"Oh my gosh—" I threw my head down to my forearms in desperation.
"Ew!" Kevin gagged dramatically. "Did you let a blood traitor kiss you with that filthy mouth?"
"You did not just say that." My tone held a serious warning as I looked up at our keeper.
"Great, he's staring." Cassius grumbled.
"Frankly, he could use a lesson." My eyes widened at Graham's words; at first I thought he was joking, but then he grabbed his wand with a wicked smirk.
"Don't make a bloody number." I whispered. "We'll get in trouble."
"Y/l/n, I'm starting to think you're not on our side."
"Montague, if you earn us detention—" my words were cut off by another statement of his.
"No one's gonna know if we're sneaky enough." I looked at Bletchley and Warrington for some back up but they both seemed to be on board with Montague's plan. "What about a little... cruci—" before he could finish the word, I kicked his chair, making him fall to the floor.
"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted, kicking his wand away after standing up myself.
"Y/n, calm down." Cassius said.
"He was gonna use the Cruciatus, so maybe no?!"
"Careful, Y/n." By then, Montague had already gotten up; Bletchley had to tug him back for him not to go against me. "If you get along with scum, you're scum."
I didn't fully realise that I had slapped him until I heard a few people gasping; all from sudden, I was very aware that I had attracted unwanted attention.
There was a moment of tense silence between Montague and me, quickly followed by him grabbing my hair and hitting my face against the table, too fast for me to do anything about it.
"OI!" Cassius pulled me away from Montague, my hands covering my most likely broken nose, debating on whether to hold it to stop the nosebleed or not touching it to avoid more pain.
"They're talking shit." Katie whispered, squinting her eyes at the Slytherins.
"Of course they're talking shit." I responded.
"I'd love to go there and shove those—" Alicia grumbled, tightening the grip on her glass.
"Don't." They both looked at me expectant and I only shrugged. "Y/n asked me not to cause trouble."
Alicia snorted when my eyes travelled to Y/n and Katie mocked me with a silly grin. "Awww, Alicia, he's in love."
"George Weasley is in love" Alicia faked a gag. "With a Slytherin."
"Oh my— you're two shut up." I felt blush creeping up my neck, though I couldn't help the smile twitching up the corners of my lips.
"I mean," Katie shrugged, sharing a look with our friend. "Could be worse."
"Could be Warrington." Before I could respond to Alicia, a loud noise was heard behind me. "Ooooh your princess just kicked Montague." Our chaser commented; we all turned around to look at the Slytherins. "This is gonna be fun."
"Why do I feel like they're talking about us?" I said with a laugh.
"Did... Did she just say 'cruciatus'?" Katie questioned, a tinge of worry in her voice.
"Damn! Okay, time to go." Alicia whispered, getting up right after Y/n had slapped Montague. Katie and I were already following her to the exit when a thud made us stop in our tracks.
"He did not—" Katie started.
"He did." Alicia replied; she was quick to double check on me, but I was quicker to stalk towards Montague. "George no!"
I came to the conclusion that we were already in trouble, so I might as well go for it and get Montague back.
Cassius saw that coming and held me back by my forearms, but Graham was being pushed against the table behind him in the blink of an eye.
It took us all aback the way George had stormed in scene; we stood there frozen for a hot second, until Bletchley realised Montague was trying to shake George off in vain while the Gryffindor threw blows at him whilst tackling him to the table.
"George! Stop!" Alicia yelled, coming to stand by my side, unsure of what to do.
"Get off him!" The keeper was the first one to try and remove George from Graham, whose face was starting to look as bloodied as mine. He did succeed for a split second, giving the Slytherin chaser enough room to get back at George.
I shook Cassius off the moment Montague jumped on George to aid the ginger, but before I could do anything, he was punching Graham again, though now he sported a swollen lip himself, along with a cut on his cheek, probably caused by Graham's rings.
This time, when Bletchley tried to shove him off Montague, he ended up with George's elbow digging into his stomach.
"He's gonna kill him!" Bell exclaimed, genuinely worried about the outcome.
"George!" I called his name, hoping it would have an effect, but the beater was too lost on the fight. "Wait— No!!" I tried to grab Cassius' hand when I saw him reaching for one of the heavy jars, but he was quicker to crash it on George's crown.
He hissed, losing balance instantly; his hands went to the back of his head, releasing Montague from his hold. My teammate took the opportunity to kick him off, but before he could try to punch George again, I reached to them, pulling the ginger away and not so accidentally stomping on my Montague in the process.
Just when everything seemed to have calmed down, I noticed Spinnet had thrown herself to Cassius.
Bell was struggling to tug her friend away, Cassius was being pulled back by a mildly hurt Bletchley, Montague was curled up in a ball on the floor and George and I stayed knelt not far from him while I checked his head.
It was only when Madam Rosmerta appeared with a towering, strong employee who managed to separate Spinnet and Warrington that it came to an end.
"Graham tried to use the Cruciatus curse on George, professor." I explained without meeting McGonagall's eyes. "And I stopped him."
"He— he what?!" The Head of Gryffindor yelled horrified.
"Miss Y/l/n, did you send Mister Montague to the hospital wing?" Snape questioned wearily.
"That was me." George replied before I could make anything up. "And Warrington broke a glass on my head."
"Spinnet tried to kill me!" Warrington shouted.
"If I had wanted to kill you, you'd be dead!" Alicia yelled back.
"Don't lie to yourself darling!" Bletchley hissed.
"Don't 'darling' her dickhead, I'll jump on you right here!" Bell spat, leaning over her table.
"Shut up, Bell!"
"ENOUGH!" McGonagall shouted. "Fifty points will be substracted from each of you. Your families will be informed of this, and needless to say you won't make any more trips to Hogsmeade."
"Minerva, I think Weasley has earned himself detention for the rest of the year." Snape commented.
"And so did Mister Montague and Miss Y/l/n." She responded. "Now off to sleep, all of you— except from Weasley and Y/l/n, you two go see Madam Pomfrey— no but's, Weasley."
"Yes professor." George sighed, getting up and following me out of the class and into the corridor. "You okay?" His voice was so soft as he fell into step with me that I had to refrain myself from kissing him.
"Nose's probably broken." I shrugged, stealing a look at his crown. "How's your head?"
"Hurts a bit." He was obviously playing it off, but I didn't say a thing about it. "I'm sorry for that little number."
"Nonsense! As if it was your fault Montague's a douche." I reassured him.
"So... you're not mad at me?"
"I'm only mad at the fact that I didn't get to punch him." I replied with a chuckle triggering a smile on his. "Plus," I chewed on my lower lip, hesitating for a moment before adding, "it was kinda hot."
George let out a shocked snort, his whole face redder than mine while words stumbled incoherently out of his mouth, preventing him from forming a coherent sentence.
"Don't do it again, though."
"Uh- yeah— NO- I mean, no- I-I won't— I don't do this often—" I giggled at his stammering and brushed his pinky with my own. He cleared his throat and took the hint, intertwining his fingers with mines. "You know, technically it was you who caused trouble so..."
"Can I still buy you a drink?" He sheepishly requested, his thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand while we reached the hospital wing.
"We're banned from Hogsmeade, though." I reminded him.
"Well, I might know a way of getting there without being noticed."
"I'm in then." I stated. "Only if you promise we'll stay out of trouble."
"Can't promise that." He squeezed my hand and let it go when Madam Pomfrey spotted us. "But I'll do my best."
"I'm sure you will." I tugged on his sleeve and placed a kiss on his cheek before following the healer's directions.
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