#she has a name now?? MOOD LUZ MOOD
ordinaryschmuck · 21 days
Full Family AU Part 14
Luz laid on the floor of her bedroom, coloring more of her drawing while kicking her feet up in the air.
"I have a sister who looks exactly like me~!" she sang. "I have a sister who's name is--"
Luz looked away from her drawing and saw Camila poking her head into the room. "Hola, Mami!" Luz chirped. "Can I come down now?"
"Well, maybe, if you want," Camila said. "I just wanted to let you know that neither me or your father are in the mood to cook tonight, so Papi went out to pick something up for all of us."
"That's okay!"
"As for me, I'm going to try and focus on doing a bit more research on...things. So I need you to do something."
Camila then opened the door more, revealing Vee clinging to her leg. She's still human and wearing the yellow dress from Luz's drawing, but now Vee looked a lot less skittish than she she was before. She was still clinging to Camila like a lifeline, but seemed a lot lighter now, emotionally speaking. She still had Manny's jacket over her shoulders, though.
"Could you play with Vee for a bit?" Camila asked. "Keep her company while I work."
"Sure!" Luz excitedly said. Camila urged Vee to go inside and the disguised creature did her best, stumbling and wobbling her way over to Luz that made her chuckle a bit. "You're not good at walking."
Vee blushed. "Sorry..."
"It's okay, I can teach you!" Luz proudly stood up. "I've been doing this my entire life."
"I wish," Camila said with a grin. "It was a nightmare teaching you to walk. Anyways, have fun, girls. I'll just be in the other room if you need me."
She walks away, the door still wide open.
"Alright," Luz said to Vee. "Walking is simple. You just stick your foot out and put it back on the ground. Just a little further away from you. Like this!"
She tried demonstrating her walking by taking long strides, making a circle around Vee while practically stomping her feet.
"See? It's easy! You try!"
Vee stared at Luz for a bit longer and looked down at her own feet. Carefully, all while keeping her balance, Vee tried copying Luz's movements. And while she still stumbled a bit, she eventually started mimicking Luz's stride.
"Wow, you're a natural!" Luz exclaimed. "Soon, you'll be a walking champion!"
"Cham! Pi! On!" Luz cheered.
Vee started to giggle a little bit, but was surprised by the noise as if she never made it before. Unfortunately, due to the shock, Vee tripped over her new feet, falling face first into Luz's drawings.
"Oh, my gosh, Vee!" Luz crouched down next to her, helping Vee up into a sitting position. "Are you okay?"
Vee sniffed. "Sorry..."
"Oh, that's okay. You did great for a beginner. And I've been tripping my whole life too. Papi says it's because my brain moves faster than my body."
"What does that mean?"
Luz shrugged. "He also says it's good to recali...Recalla...Re...call...eee...brate? I don't know what he actually says. It's a big, big word. But whenever my dad says it, he has me do this."
Luz stood up and started shaking her body around. Her arms flailed, her head wobbled, and her legs kicked around for a bit. It freaked Vee out for a bit, but once Luz started making a funny noise as she let loose her tongue, it made her giggle some more.
"Come on," Luz told her. "You try."
"Um...Okay." Vee stood up and tried to do the exact same thing as Luz, even making the noise. They both kept this up for a few seconds longer before they started to wobble a bit. "Dizzy..." Vee groaned.
"That's how you know it's working...!"
They both plopped onto the floor with little "Oofs." After a while of staring up at the ceiling, Luz started to laugh, with Vee joining in with some more light giggles.
"That was fun!" Luz sat back up. "Now, with our brains recallalalala-tated, wanna color with me?"
"I don't know." Vee sat up too. "She didn't seem to like what I drew."
"The, uh, the big lady? With the glass on her face? Cami...Camill..."
"You mean Mami?" Luz asked, to which Vee nodded in response. "Yeah, Mami's happy face and fake happy face are two different things. She thinks they're not, but they are. Ooh, but if you need help learning how to color too, I can definitely do that too!"
She takes a crayon and a new piece of paper, already starting her next "masterpiece."
"Papi taught me how to draw, I can teach you what I know."
Vee hummed in thought and crawled over to sit next to Vee, looking over her shoulder as she drew. And once more, she felt that warmness in her heart as she did.
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mewpathy · 1 month
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Been having a TON of brainrot from TOH again and my old mlp next gen habits kicked in sooooo... yeag
More ab her under the cut bc WOOOO BOY i have SO MANY THOUGHTS ON HER
So! I think I should begin with just the fact that she is, for lack of a better term, a anomaly. Grimwalkers have never been recorded to reproduce- on top of her being a weird mixture of not really human and not really witch... Uncanny valley for both species yk?
Hunter and Luz were in their mid-20s when Luz got pregnant with Lunala,, which was a shock for both. More Hunter than Luz lmao she was cruising. At the time the two had just started up a cultural exchange of sorts with the human realm so on top of the stress of new baby... yeah it was a time.. Doesn't help that halfway through Luz's body was like- smth,, smth aint right and so while not on bedrest, she did have to tone down her activities and now, with medicine advancing, many theorize that the left over Titan magic in her is the only reason she survived.
Then out popped Lunala! Lil freak of a girl. Hunter cussed out the fact hes a clone bc bby girl gots her wack goofy ahh cousin(?)s blue eyes- Phillips last F u lol- the yellow from Mama only started coming out when she turned 4-ish. On top of that, she got the staple four digits with pawpads all Grimwalkers have and EXTREMELY horrible equilibrium and thermoregulating ability. She is bundled up 24/7 and cant walk without her cane. Messed up gal.
Due to the irregularities of magic during her formation her bile sac cannot filter magic properly- some days she'll be equal to a fully grown witch and others she'll be bedbound due to her own bile sac essentially leaking the excess out of her when a usual one would get rid of the "used up" magic via normal ways- another reason why she uses her cane. On top of this, the excess magic (if she hasn't used any in a while) starts to drip out of her mouth, being almost acidic. A fine line she has to walk between literally spewing acid and being poisoned by her own body. She survives tho! Also her teeth too big for her gotdamn mouth,, queen of braces
BUT OH HO HO. THIS DOES NOT STOP HER FROM BEING A LIL CREECHER. A GOOFBALL. A MENACE. She looks /TERRIFYING/ when happy/scheming but genuinely means well- taking her Mama's words to heart- "It becomes bullying when no one but yourself is having fun" and essentially tries to make others laugh/be in a good mood,, unfortunately a lot of people find her to be unnerving- only really finding a few good friends in Ophelia- Willow and Amity's adopted daughter-, King, Collector, and a school friend Ricardo- a human on the Boiling Isles via the cultural exchange program.
Outside of other's around her age, she gets along with her parents and family wonderfully! Lunala can be very quiet when she wants too and has found a particular gift for essentially reading people and being able to help them- magical therapist if you will. On top of exploring the human realm with her Auntie Vee (Who has become a cross country explorer and nature conservationist), she has a hell of a time helping her Dad practice for his games or his most recent pailsman carving, or helping her Mama document the entirety of the Boiling Isles or be a proof reader for her Mama's books. Fun stuff!
Her pailsman- Manny- is named after Luz's dad, after seeing pictures her Abuela left out. Manny and Lunala are two peas in a pod- with both being seen as unnerving. On top of that, Manny being a King Cobra gives a slight hint to Lunala's... less than spectacular anger. She doesn't get angry often but when she does her bile sac works overtime with the amount of adrenaline she gets from her anger, which, of course, leads to the acidic overspill and very... unsightly view.
As she gets older, and learns to control her anger more, she'll become a terrifying politician both in the Boiling Isles and in the human realm and hobbyist child psychologist.
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lollytea · 1 year
in a hypothetical toh/Peter pan au (bc the parallels are interesting to explore) The Collector is probably the closest equivalent to Peter (eternal child who's repressed all their troubles in the name of Fun and Whimsy and has an ambivalent approach to morality) (though keep in mind I'm not a scholar and it's been a while since I last interacted with a pan adaptation. You're the more knowledgeable one here feel free to correct me)
And then Wendy's closest equivalent as the viewpoint character who learns the main lesson about growing up and moving on and while not losing the part of yourself that made childhood seem so wonderful would probably have to be Luz (though obviously if we're going for this lineup then the peter/Wendy dynamic would have to be decidedly not romantic. Probably lean more into the "mother" thing from the book or Luz and Collie's like. Babysitter and baby dynamic)
Though again I'm very interested in what you, Lollytea, local Peter Pan scholar and toh enthusiast has to say and whether or not I'm off the mark on these ideas. P.S I feel very seen w/ u obsessing about an early 1900s western children's Isekai (/j) bc I did the exact same thing w/ the wizard of oz.
Okay okay okay okay okay okay this is a huntlow AU for my little huntlow brain but I decided to develop the universe a little and give some info on where all the main characters currently are and what they're doing.
Yes absolutely the Collector is this universe's version of Peter. The island adores them for mysterious reasons and their mood and temperment has complete control over the elements. All his whims and dreams and fantasies become a reality here so the place is very chaotic. I'm imagining that the island has the same starry sparkly aesthetic as the BL in S3.
The Collector is heaps of fun and the Lost Boys love hanging out with him and going on adventures. However....he's also prone to tantrums and his tantrums can have devastating consequences so.....none of them are really his true friends either. They're afraid of him, they tiptoe around him, they try to keep him happy.
His only real friend is King, a Neverbeast whose species is as ancient as the Island itself. King has a depthless cavern of power that he just....hasn't really developed yet. He might be a few centuries old but he ages similarly to the Collector. Just a pair of babies. Boys will be boys.
Luz is the most recent Lost Boy in a whole village of Lost Boys. You know how they had that epic village in Hook (1991) Yeah that shit was so cool, I'm giving them one of those. Anyway Luz's reasons for taking the Collector's offer are very similar to her reasons for choosing to stay in the BL. Fantasy as a form of escapism, struggling with the conventional education system and also grief and her mom trying to get her help that she doesn't want. It lands her here.
Amity is a girl who used to be frequently visited by a fairy named Willow when they were both little kids. However, Willow's friendship influenced Amity's overzealous imagination. She was drawing pictures of and writing about fairies and the stories her friend told her about Neverland and this got her in trouble with her parents. Cracking under the threat of more severe punishment, Amity got into a huge fight with Willow, ending in her declaring "I don't believe in fairies!" before slamming her window shut. This is the most cutting thing you could possibly say to a fairy.
Now, years later, Amity is residing in the world she tried so hard to forget about all those years ago. You see, she was at the age where her parents were preparing to send her off to finishing school and were having discussions about future arranged marriages. But Amity is not ready for that just yet. She wants to be a teacher!! She wants to be an inventor!!! So she runs away to Neverland where she can live out her dreams for a while until she's ready to return home.
She's currently running a "school" for the Lost Boys and is affectionately referred to as "Miss Amity", while also tinkering in her spare time. She feels very comforted by the order and control she has over her life now.
It's Luz's arrival that throws it all into disarray. Luz doesn't agree with Amity's style of teaching and though she doesn't deliberately try to interfere, a lot of Lost Boys do end up gravitating towards her, preferring her strange anecdotes and insane hyperfixation infodumps to Amity's lessons. This ends up putting the two of them at odds.
Gus is a Lost Boy....with a gift!!! The Collector was initially drawn to Gus because of their fascination with his primative human "Magic" tricks. Cards, coins behind the ear, cute silly stuff like that. He chose to go to Neverland because the stress of his Dad's high expectations was getting to him and he wanted a bit of a break (a case of miscommunication between father and son).
However, after being spirited away, Gus became Neverland's official Magician, knighted by the Collector himself. And by that I mean the Collector went "Haha I like you. I wonder what you could do if you had real magic!" and then proceeded to snap their fingers and gave Gus powers beyond his comprehension. Like waaaaay too much power. Gus is currently struggling to control his new magic and it tends to come out in uncontrollable bursts and its actually more of a curse than a gift. But he's pretty optimistic about his ability to eventually master it. And also the Collector refuses to change him back so....[shrug]
Willow and Gus? Besties. They're kinda like Peter and Tink in that Willow's favourite place to chill is atop Gus' shoulder or in his pocket.
She does not tell Gus about her secret romantic rendezvous with a certain pirate because that pirate tried to kidnap her once and Gus is very protective of his best friend.
Eda is.....a lot.
Okay. Originally a rebellious but insanely intelligent human girl, Eda and her sister were preparing to take on the world together. They were both aiming to attend the same university on a scholarship, but due to circumstances, the opportunity was only available to one of them. Eda's sister Lilith, panicking about all her dreams being ruined, wound up doing something she'd regret.
She snitched. She told a representative of their dream school of one of the delinquent acts Eda committed. Things quickly got out of hand. One person told another, things getting warped and exaggerated and other people who knew Eda personally began chiming in with their opinions of her. Some things were true. Others were not. But the most hurtful thing is that everybody was willing to believe all of it, because that just seemed to be the person Eda was. All of a sudden, it felt like the whole world had turned on her.
Life became very difficult Eda, she felt isolated and detested. She felt like a monster. This resulted in her running away to Neverland, but she carried her outcast feelings with her. She continued to stew in her own self loathing but that had terrible consequences.
Neverland is unpredictable. Its wishy washy. Its very attuned to imagination and dreams. Because Eda felt so strongly about being a monster, she gradually became a monster.
The Owl Beast is like the Crocodile to Belos' Captain Hook. She sees him as a reflection of the way she was treated back home, while he views her as everything vile and disturbing about this wretched island. Plus when he looks in her eyes, she reminds him of somebody he used to know. Somebody he hates with his whole heart and soul. He needs her dead. She needs him dead.
A huge part of Luz's goal in this AU is uncovering the mystery of the Owl Beast and eventually bonding with her and maybe even helping her return to her human form.
Anyway so yeah thats what's poppin on the island if anybody was interested. We can have our fun with this stuff, incorporate it however we want. I'm very focused on huntlow being silly tho. It's fun to me.
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OOC: Introduction Post
Mun Info:
Name: Rosy @gayowlsntitans
Age: 20
NSFW/Kink account
Proship (ships/supports pedophilia, incest, etc)
Tickle Headcanons:
Worst spots are her ribs, pits,feet,especially her arches,knees,( nibbles especially here or her toes) but her ears are a melt spot for her,and her belly
She won’t admit it, but her favorite Lee is Luz, her favorite Ler? Also Luz
When she’s in Lee moods she acts just like Ghost, sprawling out in your lap Witt her arms up, stretching to raise her top,especially with Luz she’ll poke her repeatedly or try to get Luxs attention (cause she cannot ask for tickles)
Can’t ask for tickles and can barely say the t word unless you tease her enough.
EVIL LER!!! But can switch between being nice and evil to Luz and mainly Luz. Has three sides of ler: The mean girl we saw in s1, sweetheart, and her inner Odalia.
Will use her abominations and any tools she finds on her victims. But her abominations are her favorite.. and her nails
Because she’s the youngest she’s learned how to tease from Ed & Em, and is quite good at driving her lees crazy with them! Her favorite however is “tickletickletiiickle!!!”
That’s all for now, but will update as I go.
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stuckonmain · 1 year
Return (Pt.21)
TOH Hunter/Golden Guard x reader
 Masks and Bets part twenty-one.
Yes, I am updating this finally. More info on the hiatus in the author's note lol
Series Masterlist
Hunter was in a not-good-very-bad mood.
  Luz looked around nervously. “I... saw something or... someone. But it was probably just in my head…Any sign of...him?”
  “Oh come on! It's not like a swarm of ghosts will inexplicably appear if you say his name!” Hunter snapped. Although…well, maybe they would? “ ...I think.” …whatever. “Anyway, if Belos WAS here, he's long gone now.” Hunter continued, waving at the very Belos-less patch of forest.
  “Well, he better stay out of our way. This mama's HUNGRY FOR VENGEANCE!” Camilla exclaimed.
  “Oh hell yeah!” Lane grinned, throwing an arm around Leo.
  Leo looked uncomfortable. “Uh…thanks.”
  Hunter sighed, tugging his costume tighter around his waist. 
  Halloween suddenly felt like a million years ago.
  (Just another great thing Belos had ruined.)
…Whatever, it didn’t matter. He had to find you before Belos did. That was what really mattered.
  “It’s so weird seeing red grass again.” Leo said as the group walked towards Boonesborough. 
  Grass? He was thinking about GRASS?! What about you?! 
  “We don’t have time for grass.” Hunter grunted, crossing his arms. “Belos is out there, and you all know he’s gonna do something- a-and he has a head start! We have to keep moving until we stop him!”
  But instead of listening, Willow summoned a wave of vines to cheer Gus up.
  “Seriously?!” Hunter screeched as she rode away. 
  “Jeez kid, are you good?” asked Lane.
  “No! Of course not! Belos is here a-and everyone is just- just messing around!” Hunter exclaimed. In the corner of his eye, Amity played with abomination goo uselessly as if to prove his point.
  Leo shrugged. “Well, they’re homesick…”
  “Homesick?! Well you know what Belos is gonna do while they’re homesick?! That’s right, he’s gonna- he’s gonna… Hunter swallowed. “What if he does what he did to me to…to (Y/N)?” he whispered.
  Leo squeezed his shoulder. “Well, we’ll stop him before he does. But look, we’re still moving, and your friends just need to…y’know, unwind for a moment. This is heavy stuff.”
  Hunter sighed. “I know! But we’re so close…”
  He turned on his heel and stormed ahead, half-aware of Leo and Lane staring after him.
  His face burned. They just didn’t get it.
  “(Y/N)? Do you have friends?” said Collector, sitting at the foot of my bed.
  “Huh?” I grunted, rubbing sleep out of my eyes.
  “Friends. ‘Cuz King tells me about his friend’s Luz and Eda, and since he’s sleeping, I decided to ask you, Older Sibling.” they explained, flopping onto my legs.
  I scowled. “No. I don’t have friends. They disappoint me.”
  “They do?”
  “Nah…that was a Creep reference.” I sighed, closing my eyes again.
  “What’s Creep?”
  I yawned. “It’s this…this old app for videos. It shut down a few years ago.”
  “So do you have friends?”
  Why wasn’t he just letting me sleep?!
  “Sure, Collector. Sorta. I used to. Back before they disappeared into a portal or got turned into fucking puppets.” I said bluntly.
  “What’s ‘fuck’? Belos used to say that back before I beat him at tag, and you say it a lot.” Collector said, resting their head in their hands. 
  “It’s…um…a nice thing to say to people.” I said, beginning to smile as I begrudgingly climbed out of bed. “C’mon, lemme show you.” 
  “Okay!” Collector grinned, taking my hand, and I led him out of my room, and into the hallway where Odalia Blight’s post was.
  Just as expected, Odalia Blight stood in the hallway of the castle. Collector had, unfortunately, recruited her to play their- and my- mother in the big game of house that he was playing.
  “Oh Motherdalia!” I said in a sing-song voice as we approached. “Fuck you!”
  Odalia scoffed, rolling her eyes.
  “She doesn’t look happy…” Collector said unsurely.
  “She just expresses emotion weirdly.” I said, nodding definitively.
  “Oh, okay…if you say so.” he smiled. “Fuck you!”
  Odalia looked nervous, but said. “Uhm….lovely, Collector!”
  “See?” I said proudly. Collector smiled.
  Back in my room, I began to make my bed.
  “So do you have friends then?” Collector said, sitting on the ornate vanity.
  “Uh…Well, sure, I guess.” I said, putting a new pillowcase on my pillow. 
  “Like who?”
  “Y’know…uh…Hunter. And Luz, you’ve heard about her from King. And uh…Willow. I kinda had a crush on Willow to be honest.” I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. 
  (I wasn’t sure if I still did, but she was really cool.)
  (Actually I was pretty sure Hunter kinda had a crush on her too.)
  (Which was weird, because I was pretty darn sure we both also had crushes on each other…Although actually, no, that wasn’t right. ‘Crush’ did not accurately describe my feelings for Hunter, because I didn’t like him because he was cool or hot or something. I liked him because…because of everything. Because he was my partner in crime, my right-hand man, my sailormate, my go-to person ever…
  Because he was a solid half of my world. That was why I liked him.)
  (Not that it mattered, since he was in The Human Realm and I was here and I’d probably never see him again…)
  “What’s a crush? And are you crying?” said Collector, staring at me all wide-eyed and curious.
  “...Noooooo…?” I said slowly. I wiped my eyes on my pillow. There. Now I wasn’t crying!
  “And a crush is like…wanting romance with a person based on shallow things like how they look or how ‘cool’ they seem….you know? Like how Willow got a haircut and suddenly I thought ‘Oh my titan she’s so hot’ regardless of what I’d thought about her before. Or something. I dunno. I was socialized weird.” I shrugged.
  “How so?” asked Collector, swinging his feet back and forth like a schoolgirl.
  “Well….from age one to eleven I was raised by these people named Sparrow, Adam, and Nico…” I began, wringing my hands. (I chose to leave out how, incidentally, two outta three of them had been…me clones, technically.) “...Then from eleven years old to fourteen, I trained to be a scout…and then when I was fourteen, Lilith Clawthorne decided to take me under her wing…and now I’m sixteen-ish I think, and I have…uhhh Motherdalia.” I finished, cringing at ‘Motherdalia’ as if it tasted bad to say. (It kinda did.)
  “Is that weird?”
  “Kinda, yeah. For a witch, I guess.”
  “But you’re a grimwalker?” Collector asked.
  I wrinkled my nose. “Uh…yeah. Yeah, that’s true. I guess I was destined to be weird then, huh?”
  Collector bumped my shoulder against their own. “Hey, so are me and King! It’s why we all make such a great team- a titan, a grimwalker, and me!”   I really wanted to snap at them for that, but the way he looked so hopeful and childlike make me hesitate.
  “Uh…yeah. Yeah, I guess so, Collector.” I said, smiling a little.
  “We’re the coolest team ever, aren’t we?” He yawned, flopping onto me.
  “...Yeah.” I smiled half-heartedly. “I guess we are.”
  It was hard to hate the kid, I was coming to understand. Because despite all the shit he’d caused, they were, at their core, clearly just a kid. A troubled kid, sure, and one who I was still kinda mad at, but it was shifting into less of an ‘I-want-to-kill-them-dead’ kind of mad, and more into an ‘they-need-to-go-to-time-out-and-I-wanna-be-the-one-to-send-them-there’ kind of mad.
  Still…they weren’t my friend.
  I missed my friends.
  I missed Lilith, Willow, Luz, and especially Hunter. I missed Nico and Sparrow and Adam, who I remembered now mostly in full. Which was ironic, considering now none of the memories helped me find them- whatwith how the Isles were practically unrecognizable. 
  Titan I missed my friends.
  “Aunt Eda!” I hissed as King and I led her down the Hallway that night.
  “Yeah kid?” Eda said amusedly, clearly not taking me very seriously.
  “You havta stop leaving, Collector still thinks you’re in beast mode.” I sighed.
  “Yeah.” King nodded. “And you know you’ll just get puppeted if he knows you’re in control…”
  A shadow passed over Eda’s face, and probably mine, too.
  It was a reminder of Lilith’s fate. She had visited me once and The Collector had seen and now-
  Now I liked to visit the Archive Room a lot more often than I did before she joined their ranks.
  Eda sighed, smiling ruefully. “I just wanted to visit Raine.”
  I winced. “...I know. …I’m sorry.” I fiddled with the dumb heart-shaped sleeve cuff on my shirt. “They’re a good witch, your Raine Whispers.”
  “Hell yeah they are.” Eda grinned.
  “They saved my life, I think. In a way.” I mused. 
  Come to think of it, I kinda owed Raine Whispers…everything. If they hadn’t reversed the effects of Terra's tea…then I’d have probably been brainwashed forever…
  “Sounds about right for them.” Eda smiled, ruffling my hair.
  I chuckled, shocking her off gently. “Well, I’ll leave you two to your mother-son bonding time- I’mma go to the Archive Room.”
  Eda messed with my hair a final time, before patting me on the head.
  “You’re a good kid, (L/N). I’m glad Raine saved you, however they did- tell me the story when you get back! Unless it’s boring.”
  “Thanks Aunt Eda- you got it.” I grinned, hugging her and King. “Good night guys.”
  And with a final wave to my family, I headed off to the Puppet Room.
Author's note: Guys, I am so sorry for the hiatus. A lot has changed since I started writing this book, so to be honest- for a bit there I just felt weird writing it. And bored.
  Because I started drafting this as a thirteen year old girl. And nowadays I'm driving, skateboarding, singing, and crushing on girls while being seen as just a normal teenage boy. And writing this felt like continuing to be that thirteen year old girl. ...Sometimes it still kinda does. And on top of it, I figured the ending was self explanatory, so writing it felt painfully boring. So I took an accidental hiatus, just to give myself some time to figure things out.
  And what I've figured out is that I feel bad that I haven't finished this yet. Firstly 'cause of you guys, of course, but also because...well, I cared about this project once. And y'know, I wanna see it finished too. Like I said, I've worked way too hard on this for dumb things like giving up.
  So if you guys are still there, here is the next chapter of Malleable Metals. Can I guarantee that the chapter after this will be updated quickly? No, I cannot, but I'll definitely try. Can I guarantee that it will be updated at all? Yeah. If not this week, then next week. If not then, than later. Summer's coming, I'll have more time soon- and dammit there's only two-ish chapters left according to the plot outline I wrote in middle school! 
So TL;DR- Thanks for reading. I'm a shit author, but y'know, I'm also enjoying life for the first time ever- it's pretty radical. This ride is almost over, and I am so grateful to have you with me on it. 
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goatlilly · 10 months
Why I think Luz is Autistic—
I’ve heard a lot of people citing Hunter from the Owl House as Autistic, and while I have no intention of ruining anyone’s enjoyment of this character and this particular head-canon, I always thought this take was odd. Having interacted with many Autistic individuals during my life, my brother and Uncle included, as well as a few of my close friends, I never really saw it in Hunter. Sure, he’s a bit socially awkward and doesn’t always understand the other kids his age, but that’s about as far as the symptoms go before the argument sort of stops making sense. Maybe Hunter is Autistic, but I think it’s criminal that everyone talks about him being Autistic without mentioning another character in the Owl House that exhibits far more symptoms of the disorder than he ever has in the show. Any guesses? I’ll give you a hint—her name is Luz.
              You heard me right. Luz Noceda is autistic—or at least I think she is. I know Luz has already been confirmed to have ADHD, and those symptoms are definitely present, but just because she’s already neuro-divergent in one way doesn’t mean she can’t be in another. Luz has always been known to be quirky. She hyper fixates on her witch obsession without ever losing interest, is constantly missing important social cues from others, misreading the mood in a room or other people’s intentions, and most importantly has never once seemed bothered by anyone else’s unusual behavior. Luz sees people for people and nothing else. She doesn’t attribute labels to others and never seems to be bothered when others call her weird—in fact, Luz seems to take it as a compliment.  The autistic individuals that I know are extremely interested in other people and have no problem thinking highly of others for characteristics that many neurotypical individuals would never notice about another person. They get completely absorbed in their hobbies and interests, eager to share them with anyone and everyone they bump into without seeming bothered that others don’t share their passion. Luz loves the Azura books, and when others insult them to her face it never seems to bother her. However, when someone does finally share her passion, that person being Amity, Luz is over the moon about it. And speaking of Amity, Luz doesn’t ever really seem to pick up on Amity’s feelings towards her until they’re stated directly to her in the Hooty episode. (We all know the one.) Despite Amity constantly showing clear interest in Luz, Luz doesn’t seem to realize this prior to the episode where the two of them become a couple, and completely misreads Amity’s mood when the two of them are on the ride Hooty made for them in the basement, not realizing how happy she is at all and jumping to rip everything down.
              Any one of these things on its own isn’t really enough to say Luz is autistic but put together they create a character who seriously reminds me of many of the autistic friends I’ve had. Maybe I’m wrong, but I have a good feeling about this. And compared to Hunter, who while being somewhat socially behind others of his own age is extremely adept at communicating with individuals who are older than him, Luz interacts with pretty much everyone the same, needing to check in constantly with others to know where they’re at. She’s very understanding, but so are most autistic people I’ve met. Just because she’s something of a social butterfly and gets along with others easily doesn’t mean she’s always completely on the same page, and she usually needs to be caught up on what others around her are feeling to get there. Anyways, that’s just my take on her. I’ll stick to it for now, but feel free to share your thoughts with me and let me know if I’ve missed anything important about her character.
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gaybananabread · 2 years
For AugTickleTober: perhaps 25, with Luz as the lee and Amity as the ler?
I got into a huge Lee mood writing this, so I'm gonna go die now. Enjoy!
Lee: Luz
Ler: Amity
Summary: Luz has been pushing Amity's buttons, so she presses buttons of her own.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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"Heeeey Amity~" Luz had been messing with Amity all morning. Normally, she wouldn't have a problem with it, but Titan, today was bad. She "borrowed" an abomination and tried to make it into a suit for "ultimate hugs". She just got abonimation goo everywhere.
She stole a few books to make a training course, but a misplaced fire glyf ended with a lot of water and smoke. She apologized, but started to sing-song her name every ten minutes.
Amity was up to here with her.
"Aaaaaamityy~" She snapped her book shut, summoning an abomination about as big as Luz. Getting the message, Luz tried tried run, but the abomination grabbed her and held her still.
"You have been bugging me all day. I've tried asking, but you won't tell me. I've tried reasoning, ignoring, bargaining, everything! Now, it's time for me to push your buttons." She poked Luz in the belly, and the human understood.
"W-wait! Amity! I'm sorry, won't do it again, promise!" If Amity didn't know better, she might've let her go. But she did. She knew she liked it, and she knew Luz wouldn't stop. "Yeah, no."
Ten wiggly fingers descended on her torso, and she burst out laughing, not even trying to hold back. Luz tried to squirm, but the purple goo held her firmly in place. "AHAHAHAMITY!" She decided she was gonna be mean. "Luuuuuuz!"
She moved to Luz's sides, poking the left one with just one finger. "Hey Luz, is this side ticklish?" She giggled, nodding. The. She went to the right side. "What about this one?" Luz kept giggling, hiding her face. "They're both ticklish? Well, guess I gotta tickle them both! Don't want one to feel left out."
She started squeasing along both sides, drawing more happy laughter from Luz. She had given up on escaping, just sitting there and taking it. Honestly, she had been trying to get her girlfriend to do this all day. Might as well enjoy it to the fullest.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoy this. Do you, Luz?" She squeaked, dissolving into more happy laughter as she went back to squeasing her sides. "Come on, I need you to speak clearly."
Luz shook her head wildly. "IHIHI CAHAHAN'T! YOU'RE TIHIHICKLING MEHEHE!" Amity tsk-ed. "Excuses. If you don't answer me, I'm going going your ribs." Luz's face went bright red. Her ribs were her death spot, and knew that Amity would 100% keep her word.
"YEHEHES!" Amity sent her a smirk. "Yes what?" Luz groaned. "IHIHI- BAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAMITY!" Two hands were clawing at her ribs, vibrating between every bone, sending ticklish shocks throughout Luz's entire body. "You took too long. I got bored."
The constant change in feeling on her ribs was torturous. She couldn't decide if she loved or hated it. Tugging and thrashing, she tried again to escape her goopy prison. She failed miserably.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO!" Amity shrugged. "I guess incould stop. But only if you say 'I'm adorable and love being tickled'." It was extremely unrealistic, but would be fun to watch her try.
"IHIHI'M ADOHOHORABLE AHAND- GAH! AHAHAHA!" Amity had sent some of the abomination goo up to her armpits, willing it to wiggle around and tickle her. If they didn't do this so often, she wouldn't have done that much. But they had, and it took a lot to properly tire Luz out.
"NOHOHO FAHAIR! CHEHEHEATER!" She let out a  drama-tized gasp. "A cheater! If I'm a cheater, than I might NEVER stop tickling you! No matter how many times you say it!" Luz could barely think straight, and talking with her brain was almost impossible.
"NOHOHO! NOHOHO MOHORE TIHICKLES!" She could see that Luz was reaching her limit. She went back down to her belly, only using one hand. Luz was still giggling up a storm, but it was enough to let her speak.
"Ihihi'm ahahadorable and lohohove- ahaha! Lohove beheheing tihihickled!" Amity stopped as soon as she finished the phrase, releasing her from the goo. She was slowly lowered to the ground, giggling the whole way down. Amity went over and hugged her, rubbing at her torso, trying to numb the ghost tickles.
"Next time, just ask. I wouldn't have been so mean if you would've asked me for tickles." She nodded, snuggling into her girlfriend's warmth. Amity summoned over some pillows and a blanket, setting them up on the floor into a makeshift nest.
They got comfortable, cuddling up with eachother. Falling asleep in eachother's arms wasn't a bad way to end the day.
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softguarnere · 2 years
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 9: An Inconvenience
Summary: Then the word reaches them: tonight.
A/N: A stormy day, but tumblr actually let me upload the moodboard, God bless 😌🙏🏼 I managed to make some progress in my term paper, so here's an update that I've been anticipating for a while. This chapter plus the next two have been giving me brain rot for months, so sharing them has me feeling like I can breathe a sigh of relief 🤭
Warnings: mentions of war and death
Taglist: @liebgotts-lovergirl @mrs-murder-daddy @latibvles @lieutenant-speirs
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England, 1944
The verdict is in: those who hadn’t already thought Sobel to be an inept leader lose faith the second that he gets Winters transferred into Battalion Mess. Hopes had started to sway after Luz’s little prank with his Major Horton impression, but the court martial against their favorite officer sends them all over the edge – the kind of edge that they can’t come back from: a mutiny among the NCOs.
A mutiny they get extremely lucky with. Sobel gets shipped off to a jump school, Winters returns, and Lieutenant Meehan of Baker Company gets put in charge of Easy. Most importantly, Zenie doesn’t have to watch any of her friends get taken out back and shot for their bravery and audaciousness. Whatever or Whoever they all believe in must be working overtime.
Lieutenant Meehan is a good leader. Very fair. Shifty tells her that he thinks their company goes back to normal under his leadership. Zenie is inclined to agree.
As normal as they can get, anyway.
The longer they’re in Aldbourne the higher their tensions climb. Like a plane, inching higher, higher, higher into the sky until the green light comes on. Paratroopers drink like it’s the last drop of alcohol they’ll ever taste. Fights break out in the pubs. Girls are picked up. Hearts get broken. It’s all a blur of hurry up and wait while they wonder what’s coming.
The whole of Easy Company seems to breathe a sigh of relief when they get the orders to move out in late May. The night before they leave, a few of them who are quartered in the stable carve their names into its wood as a sort of farewell. After everyone else has fallen asleep, Zenie rolls over in her bunk, flips open her pocket knife, and carves hers up near the roof. Zena B McGlamery. The first time she’s written it in a while. Now no matter what happens to her, someone, one day, might look at this and know that she was here, just like all these men who surround her. She will have left her mark.
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Uppottery is a different kind of blur – of orders and plans and preparations and studying. The mood shifts from restless to excited as the realization hits them that it’s finally happening. Luz gets plenty of practice with his Colonel Sink impression as he takes to quoting the man’s, “Three days and three nights of hard fightin’!” the way that people back home quote Bible verses when they have seemingly nothing else to say.
“Don’t seem like a problem,” Shifty says that night at dinner. He seems sincere enough, in that completely and honestly earnest way that he has of expressing himself. He shrugs. “I reckon a man can make it through just about anythin’ as long as it’s only three days.”
Popeye cracks a grin. “As long as we throw everythin’ we got at ‘em, those Krauts ain’t gonna last even one!”
His proclamation earns cheers and laughs of agreement. Somehow, Zenie finds that she laughs the loudest. If she and everybody else had that much gusto, then maybe the Virginian’s estimation will prove to be correct. All they have to do is make it from the plane to the ground, stir up some trouble to take German attention and resources away from the beaches, and stay alive. Simple. It’s the moment that they’ve spent years preparing for.
Then the word reaches them: tonight.
The airfield becomes a flurry of activity. Once again the tension climbs higher, higher, higher, with no sign of release in sight.
All around, men are streaking their faces with paint to darken them so that they won’t reflect in the moonlight. Some are staring watery-eyed at letters that they tuck close to their hearts before pulling their gear on. Prayers can be heard in between the sounds of laughter and barely controlled chaos. Joe Liebgott is giving people mohawks.
“Hey Tommy,” he calls out as she passes. He gestures towards the hair of the man sitting under his scissors. “You want one?”
For the second time since commencing this whole charade, she’s faced with the choice of cutting her hair. Sure, Liebgott has trimmed her hair for her throughout their time in the army, but this is more than a trim. Suddenly she’s a child again, sitting on the back porch watching Granny trim Matthew's hair and telling her, "But never yours, Zenie. That's where you keep your knowledge. That's where you keep your strength." Ironic, how cutting her hair to run away had taken the most strength and courage out of anything she had ever done in her life. But to cut it again?
She watches the paratroopers around her, all securing their equipment and darting around with adrenaline. She’s one of them, until the end. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Liebgott catches the change she flips him with ease as she takes a place in line. "Do your worst."
And she would let him do it, if it weren’t for Shifty nodding to her as he passes by.
She steps out of line and falls into step with him. “Where ya goin’?”
“Gotta sign my life insurance policy. You signed yours yet?” The question is much deeper than the one that he presents. The real one is written in the curious look he gives her: can a person committing fraud commit even more fraud without getting caught?
Zenie waves it off. “Nah. I figure if I die, they won’t be too keen on giving my family any money. Someone’ll probably send ‘em a letter of condemnation instead. If, you know . . .”
Shifty frowns and she immediately feels bad for joking about it. In her defense, she’s already accepted things as they are . . . For the most part, anyway. That little crease appears between Shifty’s eyebrows in a way that tells her that he’s puzzling through this.
“But your family should get the money somehow.”
Making sure Mama gets the money would be nice. But her father would probably get ahold of it somehow. Magician that he is, he would have no trouble making it disappear to God knows where. He would probably blow through it before Mama could even think about getting Zenie some sort of marker up in the Bird Town cemetery by Granny. If she doesn’t hate Zenie for what she’s done, anyway.  
My family doesn’t know I’m in the Army, she had explained to Shifty once in a half-truth. She hadn’t been able to tell him why at the time, but the fib must make sense to him now.
“Zena,” he says her name – her real name – quietly so that no one around them will hear it. Her heart beats so uncontrollably at the sound of it that she’s sure it’ll bring everyone’s attention to them, but no one seems to notice. “If somethin’ happens to you –“
McClung brushes past them, cutting him off. “Hurry up, slow pokes! We’re gonna be late to the feast!”
For this night only, they’re treated like kings. Steaks, potatoes, milk. Even ice cream for dessert! They all make the most of it, vaguely aware that this might be their last meal, although everyone has the decency not to point this out.
Toye snickers as he digs his spoon into his ice cream. “As long as they don’t make us run Currahee after this.”
Running Currahee. Sobel. The spaghetti. It all seems like so long ago. All that time to prepare her for being here, today, for this jump.
There is no running Currahee after their last supper. Instead the tension that’s been steadily building all day deflates like a popped balloon when it’s announced that the jump is cancelled.
Despite the cocktail of excitement, resignation, and adrenaline pumping through her veins, Zenie breathes a sigh of relief as she sheds her gear and heads off to watch a movie with the others. So much for tonight being the night of nights.
She’s just about to step into the tent with the movie screen when someone shouts for her.
“Tommy!” Sergeant Lipton’s light hair weaves through the crowd as he pushes his way toward her. He’s a kind man, and always looks at each in their company with solemn eyes that seem to take in everything. Absolutely inscrutable himself, though. Now that he’s trying to catch up with her, Zenie wishes more than ever that she could figure out what’s going on in his head.
She offers him a salute that he waves off.
Okay, so she’s not in trouble then.
“Been looking everywhere for you.” He brandishes an envelope and holds it out to her. “Got stuck in between some of my mail. And we all need some words of encouragement from home before we go.”
Bobby’s usually neat slant adorns the outside of the envelope in letters that are darker and spaced closer together than usual. The envelope feels thicker than the other ones that he’s sent her in the past. It’s rushed, just restraining itself from frantic, the way that he used to write on his homework in between serving tables at the diner.
She nods her thanks, expecting the end of it.
Lipton eyes the letter in her hand. “You didn’t fill out the life insurance policy.”
There’s no question mark at the end of his words – it’s a statement of fact. How does he know? Then again, how does he know any of the things he always seems to have knowledge of?
“No, Sir.”
“There’s no one back home that you want that money to go to?”
She wants the money to go to her mother. But there’s no way of sending it to her without giving herself away. After all, Tommy Driver’s father’s name appears on every form she’s filled out up until now. Asking a Lily McGlamery to receive money in the event of her death might raise some eyebrows.
“There’s no one that I can send the money to.” Before he can gain the upper hand by asking something she might not be able to answer, she tries to explain it away with a conclusion she’s reached on sleepless nights of waiting. “If I die, it won’t be an inconvenience to anyone. They won’t need money to fill my space.”
A frown tugs at Lipton’s mouth. His eyes dart back to the letter in her hands. “I’m not entirely sure that’s true. I think that someone would miss you.” When she doesn’t respond, he turns to go. “Maybe just reconsider it, Driver. After all, the money doesn’t have to go to a direct family member.”  
He leaves her by herself to consider it. A direct family member. She could leave it to Bobby, maybe. He could make sure that the money goes to her mother.
Quiet – the first quiet that she’s experienced since coming to Uppottery – settles over her little solitude as the movie inside the tent starts up. She stands, alone, outside of it, a slight breeze whipping at her hair as she watches Lipton retreat. Silence has never been her friend. It’s always allowed her too much time to get inside her head. Especially back home, in her room – a reminder of siblings that have gone, family that have passed, and friends that did not exist.
Before it can consume her, she tears open Bobby’s letter. She’s watched everyone else get letters from loved ones. Watched as the men soaked up their words and carried them like a badge that will fortify them through the big jump. Hell, Tab even got sent a gun by the cops in his town as a gift. Part of her, she can admit now, was jealous in knowing that she wouldn’t have that.
Well, now she does. Good old Bobby.
Multiple pages slide out of the envelope. But it doesn’t seem like Bobby has all that much to say. Because the top page is a short note written in his rushed, anxious handwriting:
Dear Tommy, it begins. Please don’t be mad. I swear I didn’t tell anyone.
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lotusthewriter · 1 year
And you're angry (and you should be)
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: T
Relationships: Romantic Hunter/Luz, Hunter & Camila
Characters: Hunter, Luz Noceda, Camila Noceda, Flapjack; other characters are only mentioned
Summary: Everyone notices the way Luz has grown quieter and distant, so Hunter tries to be there for her. Yet he would never have expected it to be so serious.
Word count: 5.240
A/N: This was kind of a mash up of ideas I had and it ended up being extremely long 😅
PLEASE be careful because this story tackles self-harm (cutting). Other trigger warnings will be detailed below. There's nothing graphic here, not that I ever write anything explicit in any of my stories, but it can be triggering to some people. Take care of yourself. <3
TRIGGER WARNINGS - self-harm (cutting), injury, depression, implied/mentioned past abuse, scars, mental health issues, self-hatred, and self-blame
Hunter and Luz are not siblings. Hate will be blocked.
P/roship DNI.
He’s nearly done when he hears the same tired but mellow words:
“Aw, Hunter, you don’t need to set the breakfast table every day…”
“It’s fine, Camila,” he says easily, no longer slipping up her name. “I like doing it for you guys.”
She smiles, full of fondness. “You’re such a gentleman.”
Hunter blushes. “Thanks.”
Camila takes a seat while the boy returns to the coffee machine. Despite her yawning, she already wears her work uniform and her hair is neatly done. The woman hums as Hunter fills a cup with coffee.
“Mmm… that smells delicious,” Camila observes.
“Yeah, I hope so.”
The teenager heads to the table with the cup, handing it to her.
“Muchas gracias,” Camila grins, taking the object like it’s a precious jewel.
Hunter can’t help standing there awkwardly as she takes the first sip. He knows the last times he made the coffee were disastrous, but he’s almost certain that he got it right for once.
Luz’s mother makes a very satisfied noise.
“Oh my, this is perfect,” she compliments, so genuinely that Hunter can’t contain a dumb, relieved laugh.
“G-Good to know! I’ve been meaning to, uh, learn how to make human food. For you and Luz.”
The woman is visibly proud. “You’re on the right path.”
Finally, Hunter places the coffee pot on the table after getting some for himself. Hunter doesn’t enjoy all human food, but he likes coffee. He was first introduced to it on his first morning in the Human Realm. Hunter has always been a light sleeper, so he usually wakes up before everyone else, besides Camila and sometimes Vee. In more recent times, Hunter awakes even earlier so he can set breakfast for everyone else. But above all to help Camila out, who looks after six teenagers all on her own. She does her best to adapt to their differences. Hunter always catches her exhaustion, yet she keeps smiling to take care of them.
Besides all that, Camila is Luz’s mother, so he seeks her approval but hopefully not in an unhealthy manner. He wants to be good both to her, and to Luz herself. Basically, this is the least he could do for the woman.
Now, Hunter and Camila drink coffee on opposite sides, facing one another. The latter’s mood seems to have been lifted by the former’s gesture. He smiles at that.
Camila hums again, but thoughtfully.
“I don’t think I ever asked… How did you and Luz meet?” She wonders, smiling in curiosity.
Hunter almost chokes but silently, thank the Titan.
“A-At school, obviously, haha!” He clears his throat, memories of the boiling sea resurfacing. “I was… mostly on my own, when I met her. Luz was… my first friend.” (In a way.)
Despite his tension, Camila doesn’t pry. If anything, her grin widens.
“It makes me so happy that Luz found friends that connect with her,” she says. “That understand her and like her just the way she is.”
Although she doesn’t go on deeper details, Hunter can sense some melancholy in her words. Either way, Camila’s gratitude doesn’t fade.
“I’m glad you have friends, too, Hunter,” she adds. “You’re so considerate and kind… I can tell why Luz likes you.”
At the wink she gives him, Hunter’s cheeks heat up again, as if he’s been exposed. But really, he’s so obvious. He’s never had… anyone like Luz his whole life. Despite that, Hunter replies simply with a bashful smile (secretly hoping Camila is right).
His coffee buddy suddenly frowns once she glances at the clock hanging in the wall.
“Ai ai, where’s Luz? She’s going to be late!” Camila exclaims, almost leaving her chair when Hunter stops her by immediately standing on his feet.
“I’ll go get her.”
She doesn’t object, instead she gives him a trusting look. Hunter returns it with a nod and a determined smile, then he’s off to the stairs. He immediately reaches Luz’s bedroom, as slowly as possible as to not make any noise.
The girls sleep peacefully…
Hunter, however, doesn’t find Luz. She must be awake, then.
The next logical place is the bathroom, a light coming from under the door. He feels stupid for not noticing earlier, but that doesn’t matter.
It seems… quiet. Very quiet.
He lightly knocks on the door.
“Luz? Are you there?”
Hunter hears a tiny gasp and some quick shuffling. Before he even gets to ask what she’s doing, Luz opens the door wide.
“Hi! Morning!” She smiles but… it doesn’t feel right. “Sorry, I kinda lost myself there.”
Luz isn’t in her pajamas, instead she’s very much ready for school, even holding her backpack with one of her arms.
“It’s- It’s okay,” Hunter reassures her regardless. “I just wanted to know if you were okay.”
“Oh, yeah, totally. I’m totally okay.”
He frowns in suspicion and concern, silenced by Luz’s sudden, “Right, school!”, soon she’s already downstairs, leaving Hunter speechless.
“Careful, mija, you could choke,” Camila points out, voice distant from him.
“I’m fine, mom!”
Hunter doesn’t join them just yet. He takes a quick peek inside the bathroom. There’s nothing odd to be seen. The boy hums, thus leaving and seeing the Nocedas again.
“Oh, there you are,” Camila states when he returns.
“Mamá told me you made the best coffee she’s ever had,” Luz prefaces, “and I second that.” She winks at him.
Hunter does blush shyly, yet his mind is full of questions. Luz must’ve stayed a long time in the bathroom since she was ready for school, and excused it with “losing herself” in there. The girl appears to be… hiding something.
She was doing something there. Something she’s not telling him or Camila.
Hunter, of course, doesn’t point this out now. He lets the two of them enjoy breakfast as he also has his share. Eventually, Camila and Luz leave, the latter smiling in the way that makes Hunter’s chest pound. The first time that happened, he thought he was going to die. Willow, Gus, and Amity were the ones who explained it to him, and Hunter only gradually realizes how much he… likes Luz. As in, like like.
But again, this is not the focus.
Luz has grown distant; she’s no longer the bubbly and cheerful girl he met long ago. She’s quiet, tired, withdrawn. Everyone can see the way her smile never meets her eyes, the way she spends more time alone than usual, and the growing dark eyebags exposing her poor sleep.
Hunter doesn’t approach her the way Willow, Gus, Amity, and Vee do. The four of them are familiar being her friends, after all Luz has known them better than she knows Hunter. After Belos’ mind, he only saw her again right before the Day of Unity. He hasn’t been her official friend for so long.
They have gotten closer, yes. Luz even switched places with him so Belos wouldn’t hurt him. Other than that, they’ve never had a full interaction. He hasn’t had the opportunity to hang out with Luz, just the two of them. Hunter usually sticks in with Willow and Gus, but lately he’ll find Luz distancing from them, and Hunter wishes he could follow her. Yet Hunter always hesitates. One, they’re barely close friends. Two, he likes her but he’s not sure if she feels the same. Three, Luz has hidden herself inside a hard shell, never coming out of it. He doesn’t know what to do to help her.
The only thing Hunter has with her is their quiet talk in that small restroom, the first time they were finally alone since Belos’ mind. Luz already looked so hurt, emotionally speaking as well. She almost cried just by imagining everyone finding out about her secret and hating her for it.
Hunter has his own weight to hide, too, but even then… he can get by. He always wanted to visit the Human Realm, to feel the non-boiling rain, to feel the sun in his skin, to smell the trees, to take the dirt in his hands… Obviously, he hates imagining what could’ve happened to everyone in the Isles, like Darius or the Owl Lady. Still, Hunter has been adapting well to this new world. He engages with everything, and has learned so much.
Everyone there has their own personal turmoil, but they can rely on each other, no matter where they are.
Luz… can’t.
The more time passes, the more detached she becomes.
She needs someone.
Hunter isn’t really good at it.
But he can try.
No, he will try.
The gang is having a movie night, an animated film Gus was really excited to watch. They’re huddled on the couch, sharing popcorn, openly reacting to the movie together. Their palismen will join in to steal their food when they’re not looking. Sometimes the teens have a deep discussion about the movie right in the middle of their watch. It’s fun.
Yet in the meantime, Hunter finds Luz in the corner, her brown eyes devoid of any emotion. She hasn’t eaten anything, she has rejected popcorn and snacks whenever she’s asked. He can’t focus on the movie, either, as he’s unsure what to do about his friend.
That is, until Luz stands up, and argues she’s tired so she’s going to bed. Everyone is concerned, they’ve all been since the film started, but they don’t question. They give her a good night nonetheless, and Luz just waves indifferently before she walks away, her head lowered.
Gus, Willow, and Amity briefly whisper to themselves what they could do about Luz. They’ve tried everything and she still won’t open up to anyone. Hunter only listens, trying to come up with any solution. The film goes by without anyone noticing, not that it matters, of course.
Hunter knows he cannot stand still anymore. Luz needs their help. She needs to know that it’s okay to rely on them. To rely on him.
When he sees Flapjack, Hunter feels as though a light spell illuminates his head. He rushes to the kitchen without any explanation, much to his friends’ confusion. They find him making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Luz’s usual breakfast or night snack every time they have trouble falling asleep. The older teen also makes sure to grab the not-so hot chocolate that he made for them tonight.
“You guys think what we should do next,” Hunter suggests, “while I make sure she eats something, at least.”
Gus, Willow, Amity, and Vee nod determinedly, the same way Camila does. Which is quite a relief considering they’re all very much aware of Hunter’s feelings for Luz, and they certainly don’t back down on their teasing whenever Luz is out to school.
Either way, the other four stay in the living room while Hunter carries the small plate and the hot chocolate with him upstairs. Flapjack is on the top of his head, comfortable in his hair like it’s a nest. The boy assumes that Luz must be in her room, though not asleep. He truly hopes he’s not stalking her, he just wants to check on her and see if she can eat something before bed. Hunter doesn’t want to make her talk. He just wants to take care of her.
But in the dark corridor, the bathroom is lit. The door isn’t closed this time. Luz has her back to him, sighing deeply as if she’s held it for too long.
Hunter hesitates, not wanting to scare her since she doesn’t acknowledge his presence at first. He only clears his throat quietly, making Luz turn around with a slightly startled look, but in the sense that she’s been deep into a black hole and has just returned to reality.
“Oh, hi,” Luz mumbles, masking her pain with a little fond smile. She then notices the food. “Did you make that?”
“Y-Yeah, since you didn’t eat a lot during the movie… we don’t want you getting hungry, right?”
“Right…” Luz blushes, taking the plate and sitting right there on the corridor, not sharing much eye contact with Hunter. She takes a silent bite out of the sandwich and mutters, “Thanks.”
Hunter doesn’t smile as he kneels in front of her, realizing she’s wearing the sweater he customized for her, full of Good Witch Azura elements. Hunter doesn’t understand those books that well, but Luz is certainly passionate about them, and he surprised her with the sweater, colored purple and yellow gold. To think it used to be an old sweater that she had wanted to get rid of…
Luz eventually faces his magenta eyes, smirking in a teasing manner, but it only looks sad.
“What?” She asks.
Hunter blushes, then crosses his arms as they’re shaking slightly.
“I’m…” he swallows. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
Luz’s face starts crumbling.
“I mean, I’ve been worried for a while, we’ve all been. Most of the time, you’re… sad ,” he points out, not meaning to chastise her. “Even when you’re smiling, even when you’re laughing, you’re still really sad…”
She doesn’t try to excuse her way out of this. Luz just listens, holding the remaining half of her sandwich, her eyes not locking a gaze with Hunter’s.
“I- I know why you’re sad, or at least some of it,” Hunter continues. “You’re allowed to be sad. It’s okay to be sad. It just hurts me seeing you hurt like this and I’m not able to help.”
Luz lets go of her sandwich to rub her face. Her eyes.
She doesn’t make a sound.
“Obviously, if you want to be alone, I respect that,” the boy insists. “But if you need someone… I’m always here.” He approaches a little more, lowering his voice, “You can trust me, just like I trust you.”
That’s what convinces Luz to look up. She’s mostly covered in shadows, away from the light, but Hunter can still see her exhausted expression showing something akin to hope. He’s the one who smiles for them both. Finally, Flapjack chirps and quickly flies towards Luz to show her his affection. She even lets out a giggle. A real one.
“Thanks, Hunter,” Luz whispers.
Hunter just nods and grins, supportive.
Luz slowly finishes her whole night snack and Hunter waits until the very end. She hands him the dirty dishes, only to stretch her arms and yawn dramatically.
“I’m going to bed now,” she tells him. “Long day…”
“Okay. Sleep tight.”
Except the girl doesn’t leave just yet.
Luz is moving her arms back and forth repeatedly, while making repressed noises. Is she nervous?
Hunter isn’t fast enough to ask, as Luz hugs him, tipping on her toes to reach his shoulder. Nor is he able to wrap his arms around her, because she lets him go rather rushedly.
“Good night!” Luz releases, soon hurrying to her bedroom and closing the door.
The taller teenager stands there for… hours, probably.
He doesn’t move an inch. He could drop the plate and the empty cup.
Not before Flapjack snaps him out of it by “biting” his ear.
“Ack, okay! Okay! Ugh,” he glares at the cardinal, for one second.
Hunter truly did not expect the hug.
And how quick it was, and how nervous Luz acted…
If he thinks too much about it, he’ll never leave the corridor. Before he does, Hunter realizes the bathroom light is still on. He turns it off without thinking too much, and he goes downstairs just to tell the others what happened. He only becomes a tomato when he gets to the hug part, due to the knowing smirks everyone gives him. As for their next action, they’ve considered exploring more of Gravesfield to learn about the portal and the history behind the town. Obviously, for now they’ve decided to plan it better starting tomorrow, once Luz is out, so they all go to bed, deciding to watch the film more properly another day.
Hunter, as usual, takes more time to sleep than Gus. But this isn’t just his regular insomnia, it’s all Luz in his mind. The warmth of her hug…
He just truly hopes that Luz feels comfortable around him with the more difficult things. She doesn’t deserve to suffer in silence like that. She doesn’t deserve to hurt alone.
He sighs at all the good and the bad feelings in his gut.
“I need some sleep…” the blond witch groans to himself.
Strangely, he can’t even tell when exactly his eyes close.
Hunter does remember dreaming about warmth.
And love.
Luz hasn’t come to Hunter to talk.
But she does start noticing him more while they’re around other people.
Silently, the younger girl will smile at him only.
Hunter returns the gesture.
That’s pretty much what they’re doing lately.
That’s a good thing! She knows Hunter is there for her now, and she’s grateful for it.
It’s a crucial step. The right path.
They have more alone times, although quick. Luz talks about her daily life without any tension. It’s nice. She’s loosening up around him. Hunter retributes, then they have more lighthearted conversations.
Luz doesn’t look so sad anymore.
Maybe things will be fine.
It’s been two weeks or so since that night.
Today is a weekend, everyone is out to help Camila with groceries. Hunter was pretty much put on time out by Camila, yet at the same time she told him he could make Luz some company. The younger Noceda hasn’t gone on grocery trips as of late, because everyone wanted to give her time to wake up and slowly sort out her day. Hunter wouldn’t contain the blush once Camila winked at him with an entrusting look, silently telling him to be with Luz. His friends share the same support.
Thus, it’s only Hunter and Luz at home this morning. He doesn’t think he’s ever had such an opportunity before. She told him she was going to bake brownies, insisting she didn’t need help since brownies are easy to get done. Consequently, Hunter can be found in the bathroom upstairs, doing everything to make his light blond hair look good. It’s grown a little, and he doesn’t want to make that mess again, so he decides to get the combing cream Camila bought for him.
He opens the mirror cabinet, and while he does find the cream…
He finds red, too.
It’s a small razor blade, so small that Hunter can take it with his fingers. Even if it’s sharp and it might cut his skin, Hunter doesn’t find it very painful. Instead, he looks very closely…
The metal is supposed to be shiny gray, yet it’s stained with…
It falls on the ground, the sound too loud to his pointy ears.
Hunter rushes as fast as he can to the kitchen, which smells like chocolate and butter.
“Oh, hey! The brownie still needs more time to–” Luz looks back, growing concerned. “Hunter, what’s wrong?”
He’s panting and sweating, pretty much panicking. Luz looks so normal, so casual…
But Hunter knows the truth.
“Luz,” he risks seriously, “let me see your arm.”
He doesn’t even sound demanding, only desperate.
It has to be a lie, Hunter doesn’t want to believe it.
Yet Luz hugging her sleeved arm, cowering in fear of getting yelled at, is the only answer he needs.
And he feels a stab right through his heart.
Hunter is too shocked to take a step forward. Luz’s brown eyes fill with tears.
“I…” she manages. “I-I…”
Once she begins sobbing, Hunter is out of the trance.
She only hides from him.
“Luz,” Hunter tries again, “it’s okay, I’m not angry with you.”
The girl keeps crying.
“I’m not angry or disappointed, I swear,” he insists. “I just want to–”
“Why?” Luz raises her voice. “ Why aren’t you angry?”
Even if his heart aches, Hunter inhales.
“Because you deserve help, Luz.”
“No, I don’t!” She yells. “This is all MY fault! I trapped you here, I hurt all of you, so I’m the one who should be hurt!”
“That’s not true.”
“I put everyone in danger, worse, I don’t even know if Eda, King, Raine, the entire Isles are even ALIVE!” Luz’s tears are burning with rage. “It’s NOT FAIR!”
She’s sobbing miserably, the only sound heard in the empty house. Hunter watches, hands shaking. Magenta eyes so wet the tears can’t stay inside.
Luz is hiding her face in her hands. She’s been holding all of this in for too long, and she never had any support.
Before he can break down too, Flapjack has come to the rescue, letting Hunter know what he can do. With this, the boy shuts his eyes, takes the deepest breath, then…
Luz is suddenly silenced, stiff.
His arms aren’t engulfing, but they’re tight. They’re not at all awkward. Hunter is truly, genuinely hugging her, and he’s not letting go. She hasn’t moved or talked at all.
That’s his cue.
“... You saved me, Luz.”
Somehow, she tenses even more. Still not making a noise.
Hunter reaches her brown curls, running his fingers through them.
“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you,” he resumes. “You always see the good in others. Even me, the Golden Guard. You opened my eyes, you- heck, you gave me Flapjack! I never thought I’d get in touch with wild magic, I never thought I could have friends, I… never thought I could be me .” He sniffs. “And you faced Belos all on your own just to protect me. I could never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, Luz. You literally saved my life.”
She starts relaxing, until two other arms tighten around Hunter, clinging to him desperately. Luz cries again, her sobs tiny and vulnerable. Hunter just soothes her in silence, knowing he’s said everything he had to tell her.
Flapjack manages to squish himself in the hug to comfort Luz, too. Their hug is only interrupted when the oven pings, and Luz is the one who lets go. She dries her face with her sleeve, the Owl Lady’s jacket, to grab the oven glove and take the brownies. Luz appears to use a fork to check if the snack is ready, and it appears to be since she places the brownies on top of the stove.
“We just gotta wait for it to cool down, okay?” Luz tells him, giving him a sad, broken smile.
He knows better than that, of course.
Flapjack is still sitting on her shoulder, nuzzling against her cheek. Luz snorts at his cuteness, but her hands seem to tremble as she tries to hide it from Hunter. They clutch the region of her lower arms as if they hurt.
Hunter steps up – but not meaning to cross any boundaries – to put a gentle hand behind her back.
“Does it hurt?” He whispers, even though nobody’s home.
Luz only nods without saying anything.
“Can I… see them?” He wonders. “You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to.”
Still… she does.
Luz’s right arm is red, but the cuts are no longer bleeding. They’re mostly red lines that fill her lower arm. Her left one is the same.
Hunter’s heart shatters, his hand almost touching the cuts, only to retract his fingers.
Except Luz takes his hand and squeezes it, telling him that it’s okay to touch the wounds.
Although he has her permission, he still tries to be as light and gentle as possible while his scarred fingers soothe the cuts. Luz doesn’t flinch, even though they look like they’re burning her brown skin. Hunter’s thumb rubs each of her arms, all of her cuts.
He knows pain, but this kind of pain? Self-inflicted pain? Even if Hunter is a Grimwalker, he never felt like punishing his own body. The only thing he did to change it was cut his hair, which could still be fixed with the proper haircut. He knows that self-injury will leave scars.
He thought the only scar Luz had was the one above her left eye. Not these. And that’s because he doesn’t know about her mental scars.
Luz looks guilty, probably noticing how concerned Hunter is.
“I didn’t mean for it to go this far, I swear,” she explains as if she’s going to get yelled at. “When I started it, I thought I wouldn’t keep it up. But I was tired and- and angry at myself for everything that happened, and suddenly I was hurting my arms like it was a daily habit I always had.”
Hunter doesn’t question it, but he feels something inside him sting just imagining how long Luz has been doing this.
“No one was supposed to find out,” Luz continues. “But I didn’t think it through, again ”– he winces at the word choice –“and now I just made you upset.”
“Luz… of course I’m upset that you’re hurt. But again, I’m not angry with you for being hurt.” He carefully holds both of her hands. “I know what it’s like to be in pain and not see a way out of this. I know that isolation seems like the better option. That’s why I told you, and I’ll keep telling you, that you don’t deserve to hurt, least of all alone.”
She doesn’t look entirely convinced, as the guilt still reigns in her mind, but Luz’s eyes do look less… heavy, if that’s the right word. And most importantly, she’s not masking her sadness around him anymore.
He stares back at the red, stinging cuts.
“We should try treating them,” Hunter suggests.
“I already disinfected them…”
“Yeah, but we could do a little more than that, to lower your pain.”
Hunter offers her a hand, to which she takes with reddened cheeks. He takes her to the same little restroom they were right after they arrived in the Human Realm, the only place they felt safe in.
He knows humans are different from him, and he also knows he’s not exactly a witch, but Camila has taught him the basics to first aid. Hunter wastes no time to bandage both of Luz’s arms, after gently putting some ointment on her skin. Once again, Luz doesn’t flinch at all during the process, which is alarming to him considering that even he would let out pained protests, as someone who’s dealt with injuries his entire life, treating them all on his own.
Maybe Luz doesn’t react to it because she believes she deserves to hurt.
She stares at her bandaged arms, like she’s trying to figure out the answers to the universe.
“W-What are they going to do when they see these?” Luz asks. “What am I going to tell them?”
Hunter goes beyond and cups her left cheek, wiping a falling tear.
“I know they would do anything to help you feel better,” he reassures her, “and they would never force you to talk. You don’t have to tell them, Luz, at least not yet.” He hums. “I could talk to them for you, too, if you’d like.”
Luz melts into Hunter’s hand, her own reaching it.
“... I’ll think about it,” she mumbles.
He smiles. Flapjack chirps.
“You want to eat some of those brownies?” The magenta-eyed teen suggests.
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
Flapjack chirps again.
“No Flap, I don’t think you can eat those,” Hunter rolls his eyes.
Luz giggles maybe for the first time today. “He already eats everything he wants, doesn’t he?”
“Well, he shouldn’t .”
The cardinal makes a wounded animal sound, much to Luz’s big sparkling eyes.
“He’s such a wittle guy,” she squeals, like she would give all of her possessions to Flapjack.
Hunter grins like an idiot seeing her and Flapjack bonding. His palisman is really attached to her, maybe more than anyone else in the house, which only makes everything more obvious, and it only makes Hunter look more of an idiot. But that’s not really a bad thing, he supposes.
He realizes brownies are actually the best thing he’s ever eaten, so they end the whole thing in at least half an hour. Hunter, of course, apologizes for ending Luz’s brownies so quickly, but she just snorts.
“Don’t worry, I made them for you,” she reassures him. “Thought it’d be a thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”
Hunter’s cheeks flush red. “O-Oh. You didn’t have to.”
“I had to, actually.” Luz’s grin is small but meaningful. “Knowing how far you go to make me happy… you really care and it means the world to me.”
“... you mean the world to me.”
Luz’s eyes widen a little.
“I-I mean-! I mean…” Hunter groans in embarrassment, internally cringing at his tone just now. “Luz, you are great, okay? Not just GREAT, you’re… you’re incredible and- and brave, and you always work so hard even in the hardest moments… Which is why I, um…” he holds his own hands. “I want to be there for you, always. Especially the hardest moments. Because I…”
He doesn’t think he’s ever said this out loud, not even to his own uncle when he was younger. Hunter doesn’t recall Belos saying the words he wants to tell Luz right now.
“... I…” he gulps. “I love you.”
Luz’s eyes are bright like stars, like the light spells that became her brand. Hunter feels his entire face heating up, as well as his ears.
“Y-You don’t have to feel the same, we don’t have to- to change anything about us, it’s fine,” he quickly reassures. “I’m still unsure about a lot of things, I still don’t know how to feel about myself, but I do know that I feel alright just by being around you. That’s really more than enough for me.”
Even Flapjack seems awestruck by the sincerity in Hunter’s words, while Luz… tears up again.
“Luz?” He says in alarm, about to apologize when…
She hugs him again.
“I love you, too,” the girl says, muffled by his sweater.
Hunter sighs in fondness, squeezing her in return.
This hug doesn’t last very long, nor is it too rushed. Luz seems to be tired but it’s the good kind of tired. They end up on the couch, the house smelling like chocolate and home. They’ve turned on the TV to some random show. They’re holding hands, glued to each other. Hunter will make stupid comments every now and then, to which Luz always replies, until he realizes that she only hums and never expands on it.
When he finally looks back, Luz has fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Hunter smiles affectionately, hearing her peaceful breaths, feeling her warmth against his pale skin.
The front door opens, yet Luz doesn’t even bat an eye at Camila’s voice calling for the two of them. If anything, Luz just clings closer to Hunter, and he only blushes harder when her mother and the others find the two alone in the living room.
Camila looks like she’s going to cry of joy and take a picture of them, Vee smiles supportively, and Gus, Willow, and Amity are proud, yet of course teasing. Hunter just gives them an awkward thumbs up.
The gang puts away the groceries, doing their best not to make a lot of noise, while Hunter also decreases the volume of the TV. Luz breathes in and out without a care in the world. He puts an arm around her to settle her better. She mumbles something incomprehensible but pleased.
Hunter feels like he could be here forever.
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kiwi-thekit · 2 years
Hi everyone!
Name: Kyo
Pronouns: they/she/it + any neos
gender: bigender
little age: 2-8
agere: flip
Sexuality: bi/demi
I have Epilepsy, ADHD (type 2), Depression, Glaucoma, Port-wine stain, Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Hi Im Kyo and I like writing, reading, animated shows, and STEM! Even though I am decent at writing doesn't mean I don't appreciate some constructive criticism now and then.
LGBT Headcanons
fluff and angst? x readers
agere character HC
Vents and HC for characters (sometimes) I will put TWS and ⚠ at the begining
Just a warning for agere I will write about content made for older teens and adults (Enstars, Danganronpa, Genshin, etc.)
I may do mood/stimboards (one day but I'm trying to get the hang of it)
agere character fics ( i want to get out of school first so I have time)
Anything ped*
K*nk Agere
Whitelist(+ who I can write the best)
Right now what I can write media wise is
Bungo Stray Dogs (ADA +pm dazai and chuuya)
MHA (denki and Ochako)
Jujutsu Kaisen(Megumi)
Twisted Wonderland (Floyd, Ace, and Kalim)
Ensemble Stars(Mika and Nazuna)
Dear Vocalist (yes I'm aware it's dead)(A' and Judah)
Genshin Impact(Kazuha and Albedo)
Owl House(Luz and Willow)
Ninjago(Kai and Jay)
Project Sekai(Rui and Akito)
Dead end: Paranormal Park(Norma)
Your Turn To Die(
Inanimate Insanity(nickel, paintbrush, and fan)
Danganronpa Dispair Time(Xander and Niko)
SDRA(2)(hibiki and Satsuki)
I may add more later...
Mori + minors (kenji + kyoka + elise)(Bungo Stray Dogs)
Tori and Eichi (tori makes me uncomfortable and unless its LGBT I cant write Eichi)
Momochi (menace to society in all the wrong ways)
I hope everyone has a wonderful day or night! (dang i need sleep)
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Hi I see the universe Steve saves Colli and what about version
Tumblr media
In this universe because Matty lies to Has and Gus takes Luz to school and Colli will be in the middle of it now
Hi again, @importantnightwerewolf! 😘
Thank you for the request!
This Universe's Colli is not going to have a good time in this. Poor baby.
Drabble: Tales From The Multiverse - Detention
Matt wasn't impressed upon seeing Luz' round ears. The brown haired boy's beloved little brother Colli, who accompanied him to Hexside, also had round ears, after all. 'Colli's ears are cuter!' Matt thought as soon as Luz lifted her hood. Speaking of Colli, he removed his hat.
There was a collective gasp from the HAS. "Awwww, look at all this fluff!" Luz was quietly cooing as she put her eyes on Colli's otherworldly fluffy lavender hair. The small starboy with a kind heart smiled sweetly at her.
Unfortunately, things began to get worse as Luz was thrown into detention thanks to Matt. "Matty, why did you do that?" The sadness in Colli's voice broke Matt's heart. He knew that he messed up! Before he could say something, Gus managed to get himself and Matt thrown into detention too. And with them, a certain immortal and eternal child.
Colli was terrified! His small body was trembling. "Oh, Colli! I'm so incredible sorr-" Matt was about to hug his little brother, only for him to get snatched and put into a weird blue bubble-esque thing. "MATTY!" Colli floated down to him and tried to free him.
"You can fly? What are you?" Gus asked wide eyed. The celestial boy took a deep breath. "I'm The Collector. Even though, my name's Colli now." Colli revealed his true identity. He felt that he could trust Luz and Gus. Speaking of Gus, he managed to free Matt. As the four of them were about to escape, Colli got hurt by the worm creatures as he protected everyone.
If Matt wasn't unconsious, he would be pissed! Luz and Gus didn't fail to notice Colli's dark blue blood. Principal Bump was furious as the detention room got destroyed, but his mood changed to sympathy as he noticed Colli's injuries. He never meant anyone to get hurt, especially not an innocent child!
The End
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musicals-n-cartoons · 2 years
Thanks to Them Reaction
Couple of days late, but here is my ninth Owl House reaction!
Before the episode
Ok, I confess, I saw the leaked 6-minute preview. I know the crew asked not to put it online, but I'm just weak to new information. Now, the promos and that preview gave the impression that Luz and Hunter would be the main characters, and the other 4 kids were more for comic relief. But then some of the later promos made me think that the other four actually do have their own plot (and Hunter will be there!), while Luz was angsting in school. And a spoiler-free review said that Camila is the MVP of the show! That's exciting. Okay last minute predictions: Luz angsting about staying in the Human Realm, Luz and Hunter grappling with their secrets, with their decision to tell the others being the climax, Camila telling Luz to follow her dreams, they fight Belos again, and if I have to pick an animal, Luz palismen will be a snake.
Ok, time to press play.
The episode
King again :(
guess they really are starting immediately from the end of "King's Tide"
aww, everybody wants to be helpful!
Luz and Hunter are overacting tbh, but "helping find Collector" and believing that you are a clone of a witch hunter were more credible reasons than I was expecting for these two to hate themselves.
oh, the first parallels between Luz and Hunter and the Wittenbane bros. Bingo!
an ominous Belos appears! where do you think you're going, buddy?
Camila put the guys in the basement away from the girls, traditional I see
but why did Amity and Willow attack the alarm
that's a lot of photos on the wall
turning the theme song into a summer montage was a clever way to save time, and it was probably only going to be used once anyway
"hi! I'm bi!" you know, I was thinking that they should have Luz say she's bisexual in this season (especially after a specific Reddit thread about the idea made me mad), but I didn't think Disney would let them say a word that contains the word "sex" in it. turns out, I'm dumb: they can just shorten it to "bi" for the same effect
ooh a shot of Camila's wallet, yeah, caring for six kids would not be cheap
so they can use palismens as a source of magic
I wonder if Luz is jealous of her friends' abilities to use magic
Spanish learning! that's another bingo
it's neat that they created a little clubhouse
also, top student Vee! but Amity's bitter, ha
and a Duolingo reference, classic
"mother of six"
Amity wants to do something proactive
Willow is getting into photography, cool
these five are hanging out while Luz is busy at school, this must contribute to Luz's isolation thing she got going on
Flapjack finds a mysterious box
it's a map!
whoa there Luz, being a little suicidal there
she still got her sense of theatrically at least
two dudes interested in Luz, I'm suspicious
but I mean, people eventually wanting to become friends with Luz was always inevitable, just sucks that Luz is not in the right mood for it
I'm still suspicious of this hayride thing
a deer missing a face, I wonder what Belos is up to?
Hunter's sewing!
and he likes wolfs
that's true, Hunter doesn't have anything tying him to the demon realm like the others, so it makes sense that this is the happiest he has ever been
Gus's getting into sci-fi
ooh, Camila backstory time
no wait that was Luz, here's Camila
her husband named Manny, got it
Luz is here to ask her mom why she doesn't hate her. oh Luz! don't you know the story of the Prodigal Son?
Camila can't really stop Luz's self-hating tendencies, but she can offer her comfort. I should remember to talk about how Luz gets her love communication skills from her mom later
oh Belos is puppeteering those animals
Luz is again busy, this time by hanging out with her mom at the vet clinic
"maybe he already knows" is Gus hinting that he knows about the grimwalker thing?
Belos!? run Hunter!
the gang goes on a exploration montage without Hunter or Luz
new new management, thank god, that creep must be gone
it's that goth friend again!
yes! goth/Vee I knew it! not that I have anything against the cheerleader ship, but I can't help but think that people are just projecting Lumity onto Vee; when the whole point of Vee is that she's not Luz
but wait, does this mean that Vee didn't keep up with her camp friends? that's sad
wow it's like an entire summer vacation show (à la Gravity Falls or Phineas and Ferb) just happen off-screen, I wonder whose fault is that
Luz is making theories about her palismen just like us. I like the idea of an octopus
oh, she made the glyph spark! is my bingo square activating?
I know that this is a serious moment, but I just can't with Luz's little gasp!
mask confidence! but ask for help please
why did I say comic relief, this special is three times the length of a normal one, of course it can handle two different plotlines, what was I thinking
luz call that possum a little angel! she is really showing her animal lover side in this special
"family now" the prophecy is fulfilled, they really do consider themselves like siblings
bro parallels again! but it's Hunter with the Belos horns, interesting
Camila, it's cool, sci-fi is mainstream now. or more accurately, everything is nerdy now
the Hecate to Luz's Azura, guess Amity embraced the fact that she's the Hecate now
"villainous Lucy", wow, subtle
oh she does that hand thing every night
pls don't break up
Hunter's haunted
Hopkins cameo, guess this means he's not going to lead a mob against Belos
"make us cry!" no don't make us cry
is this Caleb lore new to Hunter or did he already learn it from those history books?
you need a name goth pal, but you're absolutely correct
Luz don't do this
I'm thinking that Hunter is following Belos-induced hallucinations
aww, Vee is with Camila
whoops, need to throw out the trash, pause
wow, there are only 12 minutes left
should Camila really be watching this?
"woodland creatures" this is one more piece of evidence for my beastkeeper!Luz headcanon
oh, she just staying in the Human Realm, I was fearing a breakup scene
I knew it, Belos is corrupting Hunter!
oh no, Belos is corrupting Hunter
luz is so smart, she's detecting phenomena via indirect means
ha, privacy schmivacy
oh this place is echoing "Witches before Wizards" to me
brown abominations? makes sense if Amity is summoning from the earth
they killed Flapjack! those theorists were right
Belos would've straight up drowned if it weren't for Camila
who's taking bets that belos just walked into the in-between?
damn, Camila just prevented Luz from announcing her plan to stay in the Human Realm in the best possible way
"no more hiding", will third time's the charm I guess. I know there's the rule of threes, but amity's a saint for putting up with this
on a lighter note, aww, Amity reused Luz's asking-out speech!
Reaction to other reactions
it's true, Willow never was the voice of reason. Luz actually is
oh, their name's Masha, I missed the nameplate the first time
huh, rewatching the historical society scene and Masha said "thank goddess"!
also, I appreciate the irony of pairing a they/them with a shapeshifter
the owl house's trending number 1 at 7000 notes, not shabby
huh, Camila has been researching on how to parent lgbt+ youths, does that mean my bi Camila headcanon was jossed?
I do have to agree, what exactly is Belos planning to do in the Demon Realm
huh the dates of puritan colonialism are wrong, that's a weird mistake to make
wait, the fanfic trope of Eda flirting with Camila is now possible, wild
someone suggested that Belos could be trying to make himself human again with witch magic, possible
Belos using his corpse-hijacking ability on a titan, now that's an idea!
oh, so that's where those new kids went, they were running the hayride puppets. I misjudge you two
huh, Camila and Luz's hair are getting curlier over the seasons
a lot of people are also saying snakes for Luz's palismen
that's right, the biggest disappointment is that Vee never gets to interact with Luz. oh, well, fanfiction must suffice
Predictions for the next episode special
Some people said that the second special might be from the boiling isles inhabitants' pov during the hexsquad's forced vacation on Earth; that sounds interesting, but I'm not sure that's what's going to happen. The show has always been more interested in Luz's pov than Eda's you know? My theory is what's going on in the Demon Realm will remain a mystery to the gang and audience until they find someone to give them some exposition. I give it 50/50.
I do wonder what Eda and the other adults are doing.
King is probably either imprison or desperately coming up with new rulings for the Owl House Game.
You know what would be fun? If everything looks like a normal day at the owl house, except it's the Collector playing the role of Luz, and everybody is on the edge of their seats. Or alternatively, it's a grotesque parody of the Owl House.
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spyrkle4 · 2 years
This week’s Owl House ep made me go from “I’m cancelling Darius” to “ok Darius has some rights” in 22 minutes wow XD
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
That roleswap au for king and the collector is actually so interesting and cool. like wow. I love it a lottt and i wanna know id u have any extra ideas for it or if that was all. (also yk how king had an arc trying to find his father? would there be something like that for the collector or no)
Original post here.
Yes! The Collector has an arc analogous to King’s ‘who and what was my dad, why did he disappear on me and who am I?’ arc in Season Two. This is an arc exploring, addressing and wanting to make up for their morally grey actions (namely their role in the Titan genocide), the sheer power and irresponsible behaviour of their past self as a whole, and how to reconcile all of that with who he is in the present and the mature, heroic person he aspires to be.
“Echoes of the Past” and “Edge of the World” are title-swapped in the AU, I think, because Season Two episode three has them visit Titan Trapper Island and the other becomes the one with King and his island.
So, in Season One we know that the Collector used to be a god in terms of his power level, had much the same naively careless, selfish, flippant personality they had at the start of the show, and therefore did some dodgy stuff without realizing how harmful it was. But the worst example of that we have is persecuting and trapping the Owl Beast and that hatchet is mostly buried at the start and fully buried in an early Collie-centric episode. As far as we know, his actions never had more severe or far-reaching consequences. Associating real murder with this kid who sleeps with stuffed animals and thinks making bread puns with Luz is the height of comedy is just impossible.
“Edge of the World” begins with a news broadcast about Belos and King and ‘the Titan’s plans’, which the Owl House family scoff at. Collie has already said in “Young Blood, Old Souls” that they saw live Titans and know that the very dead one they live on retaining the ability of communication is bullshit, but now they casually mention an old friend named Bill who might still be alive and will back them up on that. Luz and Lilith jump at the chance to help people - if someone other than ‘the Owl Lady’s weird delinquent kid’ can verify that nobody can hear the dead Titan, they could prove Belos is lying to his subjects to control them! Lilith individually is also interested in the rich history of a whole different civilization to be learned. Collie is on board and thinking more in the short term excited to see how Bill is doing; even if he’s dead, the Titan Trappers are probably still around, and it’ll be so fun to introduce their new friends to their old friends’ descendants! Eda is wary because she knows, but hasn’t really talked to Collie about it due to discomfort with deflating their joyful mood and damaging their faith in people, that it seems like most of the Collector’s “old friends” were just using him for personal gain. But her kids beg her, so she agrees. Off to Titan Trapper island they all go, including Hooty. They bring the Collector’s tablet to prove it’s him (their last physical form looked different) and in case they know how to fix it, or can unlock their power with their own tablet, though it’s already broken. Between prospective reunions, showing Eda, Luz and Hooty around his old stomping grounds and the slimmest possibility of restoring his god status, Collie has high hopes!
The Titan Trappers do indeed recognize the Collector. They warmly welcome “the Grand Hunstman” and their company with gifts and a feast. Collie explains the name is a nickname they gave him for being the best at playing the Trappers’ favourite game: Titan chase! Before they can elaborate on what this game involved, they’re distracted catching up with Bill, who seems genuinely interested in them and their life even after learning he’s no more powerful than he looks now. Meanwhile Luz is supportive but more interested in debunking Belos’s Titan claims. She, like Hooty and Eda is more cautious of the Trappers, but Eda is barely concealing hostility and tries to keep up with her kid. She smells a rat. This is way too good to be true. Bill inspects the cracked tablet and he and Collie dig deep into magical research.
Meanwhile, Lilith and Hooty go with Luz to look for Titan info to leverage against Belos, Lilith more focused on historical and cultural knowledge. They finds the skulls. Child skulls. They’ve seen King, so they has a frame of reference for the sizes.
Holy shit. Titan chase was genocide.
Collie led a genocide.
Bill figures out a magic-freeing ritual might just be possible, by channeling it through the two points of connection with the Collector’s former prison and exposing him to the flow. Problem is, they’ll need Titan blood to activate the ritual. And Belos is guarding the last surviving Titan. Collie is content knowing it’s possible and remarks that Belos has plenty of King’s blood fuelling his machines and stuff (as Luz observed during “Young Blood, Old Souls”) and it’ll just be a matter of stealing some of it. Then they can play all the cool superpowered games they used to and more!
Bill seems weirdly upset about this and reminds the Grand Huntsman that they still need to resume their long-paused game of Titan chase. It was so much fun, doesn’t he remember? The Titans are all cheaters and bullies anyway, like the bully that trapped the Collector in the first place. King is his very own son! Surely it would only be fair to kill him in revenge? The Collector remembers that he did find slaying Titans a lot of fun, but, well, it’s hard to explain, but it just doesn’t feel good anymore. King hasn’t really done anything bad, as far as he knows. If he has, it’s ‘cause Belos ordered him to and he thought his dad wanted to, and Belos is the meanest of all and Collie listens to Eda all the time, so he kinda understands. Everyone nowadays thinks the Titan is a god. But Collie knows they were normal people in their minds and hearts; and they’ve learned they are, too. It’s wrong to hurt people who haven’t done bad things, isn’t it? It’s wrong to kill people even after they’ve done some bad things. He and King are both people and that takes all the fun out of Titan chase. In fact… Bill tries to deflect before he can finish that thought, but they do it anyway.
What… what was the point of Titan chase in the first place? Why did the ancient Titan Trappers come up with it? What did they want the Titans’ power for?
A flashback sequence with his new perspective confirms that they were exploiting him and it all along and doing serious damage to the world around them (the authentic versions of rose-tinted memories of fun and games seen when he first recalled the Trappers). Struggling to process this, the Collector takes the tablets and backs away in revulsion and terror. Bill completely loses his patience and orders the Trappers to capture the Collector. The new plan is for them to hold him by force until they have the Titan blood, whereupon they’ll perform the spell but intercept the flow of magic. Bill himself will absorb the full extent of the magic and, as a god in his own right, restore his civilization to its former glory. And then, well… he won’t need the magic’s helpless, useless last vessel anymore. He omits when he relays the objectives to his people, instead spinning it as them ‘helping’ their confused, misguided god and ‘liberating’ him from their corporeal prison. Eda, hating that’s vindicated, tells her son to run and fends them off.
This is when Luz intervenes, spiriting the Collector to safety. On one hand, she loves her sibling figure and wants to protect them and is logically aware he didn’t understand his actions. On the other hand, her emotional side: “You killed all the Titans? Why did you kill all the Titans?”
Her frantic questioning tips Collie from panic into a full breakdown. He sobs that they lied, he thought it was a game, he thought they were all having fun, but it wasn’t fun, was it? It was never a game. Nothing was ever a game! Not Titan chase, not Eda and Belos’s hide-and-seek; everything’s always been big and real life and death and people getting hurt, and they were too caught up in the fantasy to realize it. And how much else did people lie to them? How many more of his old friends were just using him? They don’t know what’s real and what’s fake. The guilt is crushing like the bottom of the boiling ocean and he hates themselves for being naive and selfish enough to be complicit in atrocities on a scale an adult mind, let alone a child’s, struggles to process. There’ve been so many lies and misunderstandings, he doesn’t know who he is at all. Luz calms herself down and tries to reassure Collie that it matters that he didn’t have bad intentions and it’s going to be okay. It doesn’t do much.
Eda and the Titan Trappers both find them. A battle breaks out with protective big sister Luz, mama Eda, Aunt Lilith and Uncle Hooty fighting in all their in glory. But the Trappers’ numbers and unfamiliar style of magic and weaponry wear them down. During the fight a blast grazes Collie, leaving a small pink burn scar on his right cheek (parallel to the darker blue stars on his left one and King’s left broken horn) symbolic of his mortality and vulnerability and how it’s forced his personal growth. He is sick and tired of being the reason people are hurt. They don’t know who they are, but they know who they aren’t.
He stands up on a rock formation and announce to the Trappers, his sheer presence commanding their attention, “Stop! I’m not the Grand Hunstman anymore! I’m not your god! I didn’t even know what it meant that I was a god! [voice hitching] I was just trying to be your friend… but I didn’t know what that meant either. [hardening] Now I do. And I know more about power than you adults do. I know it’s wrong to kill people because of how they were born and to be even more powerful and call it justice! I don’t deserve your worship and you don’t deserve my power, or my friendship.” They rip off their necklace with their pre-imprisonment colour scheme and throw it at Bill’s feet. “This is over. We’re going home.”
Luz activates the Titan’s finger teleportation mechanism to escape on and Collie uses Luz’s ice and plant glyphs to destroy the finger. Returning to the Owl House, Hooty reveals they at least have the two tablets, which he swallowed while Collie’s speech was drawing everyone’s attention. The utterly exhausted Collie collapses into Eda’s arms. The episode ends on a note of uncertainty and innocence and ignorance, including the audience’s, shattered.
Jesus Christ, that was long. So the Collector’s subplot in Season Two is unpacking and coming to terms with all of that on top of needing to let Luz go. It’s… rough. He also gains a lot of skill in using glyphs, so they can be helpful in battles now having decided they can’t unleash his magic until he can trust themselves with it. He’s a fast learner and actually remembers how the ancient witches would do glyph magic. Those long, baggy sleeves? Full of glyphs.
“Echoes of the Past” follows on from “Hollow Mind” revealing Belos and Hunter’s origins by revealing King’s. I can’t figure out how to integrate King into the overarching plot really, but I know by this episode he’s pretty far down his ‘redemption’/abuser-escaping-and-defying arc that needs to somehow not just be a copy of Hunter’s. And Luz is determined to help him make that final step now she understands even more how despicable Belos and his parenting of both Hunter and King is is, and how urgent it is to defeat him. Collie is invested because a) he empathizes with King due to their similarities, i.e. being manipulated and exploited to enable atrocities for happening to be innately powerful organisms; and b) he desperately wants to atone for that whole genocide he led and helping to ensure the safety and happiness of the last known living Titan seems like a way to do that. Eda, like in canon, finds sending the kids to a distant, apparently safe location they could hide away in very convenient.
Though I don’t have a proper plot for this yet, I know King’s side is that he’s starting to doubt if what Belos says the Titan says is true, in a ‘Belos doesn’t realize it and means well but the connection might be patchy or something’s lost in translation from the Titan language or something’ sense, because apparently his dad doesn’t want him to have his recently developed friendship with Hunter that makes him happier than he’s literally ever been before. So he grudgingly teams up with Luz and the Collector, who are secretly planning to gently ease him into ‘your life is a lie’, to travel to his place of birth from his earliest memories, in the hopes of learning more about his father and species’s nature, culture or language from anything he or other Titans might’ve left behind there. What he gets is Belos and/or the antagonistic Coven Heads we didn’t get much of in canon coming to take him back (ironically weaponizing Titan’s blood tech he helped create), since Belos remembers that island. And thanks to Phillip’s forgotten notes, his very own ‘MY LIFE IS A LIE I AM NOTHING’ breakdown! It’s rough. This is when the false and real backstories for the previously seen broken horn are shown. We and the heroes also see all his scars and learn more of what Belos has put him through, a snippet of which along with Belos privately making it clear he purely cares about King’s power and it’s him, not the Titan, who has “big plans” for him on the Day of Unity, was observed in “Hollow Mind” (parallel to the Collector scene). But Luz and Collie are there for him. King, like Collie did his necklace and Hunter his cloak, discards his horn caps, crown regal robe for good. He keeps the underclothes because he isn’t comfortable with baring his scars yet.
Another big thing that happens in this episode is that the Collector saves the day. He and Luz are out of glyphs, Hooty is incapacitated and even King is too emotionally distraught/in shock to act at a critical moment and gets subjected to a countermeasure Belos of course devised against him. They put their faith in him, and he delivers, putting his knowledge of a really advanced spell into practice with King’s gladly offered battle-spilled blood. In the process actively risking his life. It’s the most simultaneously competent and heroic thing they’ve done so far. We have another ‘oh yeah Collie is a motherfucking GOD older than most existing continents in this world’ moment, only in a good way this time. But like how “Edge of the World” in canon ends on a overall loss, the spell is still unable to free King (to be Titan-proof, a restraint’s basically gotta be anything-proof) and when the villains retreat he’s taken with them.
Collie blames himself for this, and Luz and Hooty getting hurt before he remembered something useful. The episode heightens their already inflamed sense of personal responsibility - which brings them full circle from being all power, no responsibility, just like canon King - by both proving he has the knowledge and experience, and now the will, to make positive change and yet in his current state lacks the wisdom and raw power to always execute that perfectly. Few feelings are worse than knowing exactly what you need to do and how to do it, but just not having the ability to. This leads to their decision to finally unleash all their sealed magic in “King’s Tide”. It… doesn’t work as intended.
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beatonen · 2 years
Kinda long post and a little spoilers ahead
So, I've been rewatching The Owl House today, because after that new episode (Reaching out) I needed a moment, and I have been thinking of a few things:
First of, I love that Luz and Lilith really went from "I don't like your whole... 'deal'..." To "She really IS cool aunt Lilith!" I love it. There is no words to describe how much I love this.
I also love that Luz is Eda's kid now. Like it's just common knowledge throughout the Boiling Ilse. "Eda's going to kill me!" "Eda's kid?" "MY student/child" *chef's kiss*
What I also find interesting, and what I mean is I spent half an hour in the shower thinking about this, is how, so far, Amity has shown no interest in any other kind of magic besides abomination? And yet, her parents are pushing HER towards the Emperor's coven?
We saw in today's episode that Emira uses illusion and at least healing magic. Edrick uses illusion, beastkeeping and potion magic. And yet, Amity has only ever used abomination magic.
So I'm wondering, why Odalia and Alador keep pushing Amity to join the Emperor's coven? Why not the twins? It is true that we haven't really seen the relationship of the twins with their parents, so maybe it was offered to them first and they went "nah"
We also know the twins are talented witches, I mean, in the episode back in season 1, (I forgot the name of the ep) Eda and Luz go to the knee to train, so Luz can get her second spell, but finds the Blights already there, and Amity says that she's training to try and beat the twins' score on an exam. And the twins says it can't be done.
So are they just that good? Did they cheat? They surely have the potential to go to the emperors coven if they DIDN'T cheat. So why stick in the illusion track?
Anyway, it left me in a 🤔🤔🤔 mood.
I probably have more to say that I can't remember right now, but I just wanted to say that Reaching Out is my fave episode of all time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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celestiainstars · 2 years
Sneak peek of my upcoming long Lumity fanfic
Today (August 28th) is just 5 days until the release of Through the moving camera obscura (my new long Lumity fanfic)
The story will be a Lumity slow-burn enemies to lovers Angst/Fluff rated T. Everything is already planned and it's 49 chapters long.
Pitch: Every action has its equal and opposite reaction. Newton's third law. For every dream there was a nightmare and for every nightmare there was a dream. Life made Luz learn that lesson. But things might change when her favourite book launch an online contest to find the perfect Azura, for the upcoming TV Show. Maybe everything she went through in the past was for this dream to come true.
Here's a sneak peek :)
It’s official, The Good Witch Azura will have its own TV show on WBO Max. The show will star the young rising star of the Boiling Isles, Amity Blight, and will be directed by the famous Adrian Graye Vernworth.
‘Several castings across the world will be set to find the perfect match for the characters’ explained the author Mildred Featherwhyle ‘As well as an online contest to allow any Azura fan to enter the project!’ 
Luz mouthed the words ‘Online contest’ several times and smiled widely. 
“I can’t believe it!!” She silently shouted, squealing like an old kettle. “An Azura TV show!!!!” 
Of course, she would enter the contest, it would be a dream if she could just sit on the set and watch the magic come alive. She woke up the next morning with excitement, the first thing she did in the morning was to check her mail. But nothing more. Of course, she just entered her name and her mail. There would be a lot of people to enter the contest, it’s just common sense if she didn’t receive something right now. And it was okay, it was totally fine. That didn’t prevent her to check her mails every hour, though. It was the first exciting things in her life since… well since forever. Especially after the camp where everything went grey. But that was okay. Really. Everything was fine. She was fine. Surely nothing could darken her mood for the next coming months. No. Nothing.
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