#also wait there were more golden guards?
its-avalon-08 · 2 months
Hiiiii!! Can I request a daniel ricciardo x driver! reader? Like a grumpy! reader x sunshine! danny? with a hint of friends to lovers but the grid doesn’t know?
I was so excited to see someone open their request and can’t wait to read everythinggggg! Super grateful for the opportunity🫶 may you have a great time writing<3
Ps. It’s totally okay if this doesn’t get a response, I still look forward reading your other works ❤️
she's my grump
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the monaco grand prix was always a whirlwind. the air crackled with champagne and exhaust fumes, celebrities swarmed the paddock, and for danny ricciardo, it was pure electric. but amidst the chaos, his gaze always landed on you, his secret weapon – literally and figuratively.
you, (y/n) (l/n), were the engineer who made his car a sleek, purring beast. you were also the complete opposite of him. where danny was sunshine personified, you were a sly smile and a dry wit, a black cat in a room full of golden retrievers. being slightly reserved whilst dating the man with the biggest smile would seem odd to others, but danny loved you in all your light.
"alright team!" danny boomed, his energy radiating as he clapped his hands. "let's make monaco ours!"
you, in redbull uniform, raised an eyebrow. "more coffee, sunshine?" you deadpanned, handing him a steaming mug.
he grinned, taking a swig. "thanks, (y/n). you're a lifesaver." he winked, then lowered his voice conspiratorially, "just remember, if we win, that victory shoey is all yours."
you snorted, a small sound that always tickled danny's heart. "just don't splash champagne on me and make sure you don't scratch the car."
he chuckled, leaning closer. "don't worry, love. i wouldn't dream of it." the last word was barely a whisper, sending a shiver down your spine. you were dating for a few months now, a secret you both fiercely guarded. it wasn't because you were ashamed, rather it was to protect both of your personal lives. you had been friends for seven years and dating for one year. all the other drivers loved you and saw you as a little sister. being the polar opposite of daniel, everyone thought you were a match made in heaven.
the cityscape of singapore twinkled below, a kaleidoscope of neon against the inky night. danny, relaxed after a podium finish, leaned against the balcony railing, a beer balanced precariously in his hand. you perched on a nearby chair, fiddling with a stray napkin. six years of friendship, countless late-night talks, and a simmering desire that threatened to boil over. tonight, you were determined to make a move.
"crazy race, right?" you started, your voice barely above a whisper. you hated how nervous you felt around him, a stark contrast to your usual sharp wit.
danny chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. "yeah, those final laps were a heart-stopper. but hey, at least i didn't get sandwiched between bottas and verstappen this time."
you managed a smile. "true. though, witnessing your car-handling skills under pressure is always a treat for the eyes." a teasing lilt crept into your voice, the one that usually made him laugh. but tonight, he just raised an eyebrow, his gaze holding yours.
"so," you continued, feeling a familiar heat creep up your cheeks, "about that victory dinner tomorrow night..."
"yeah?" he prompted, taking a swig of his beer.
"well, i was thinking, maybe we could..." you trailed off, the carefully rehearsed words dissolving on your tongue. frustration bubbled within you. why was this so hard?
"maybe we could what?" danny asked gently, his voice laced with a hint of concern.
you squeezed the napkin in your hand, the flimsy paper threatening to tear. "forget it. it's stupid."
"hey," danny said, setting his beer down and turning to face you fully. his eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, were now soft and serious. "nothing you say is stupid, (y/n)."
you looked away, overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze. "except maybe what i was about to say."
a beat of silence stretched between you, thick with unspoken emotions. you felt a tear prick your eye, the frustration morphing into a strange mix of despair and defiance.
"look, danny," you blurted out, your voice shaky, "we've been friends for, what, six years now? we practically share a brain when it comes to the car. but lately... lately, things feel different."
he stepped closer, his presence a tangible warmth in the cool night air. "different how?"
you took a shaky breath. "i don't know how to say this. it's stupid, really. but..." you met his gaze, your voice barely audible, "i think i might be falling for you."
the words hung heavy in the air. a flicker of surprise crossed danny's face, then a slow smile spread across his lips. it was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen.
"you think?" he said, his voice a husky whisper. he cupped your face in his hand, his thumb gently brushing away the stray tear that escaped your eye.
"maybe," you mumbled, your heart pounding a frantic rhythm against your ribs.
before you could say anything else, danny closed the gap between you. his kiss was soft, tentative at first, then deepened with a newfound urgency. it was a kiss filled with unspoken desires, a culmination of years of unspoken feelings. you melted into him, the familiar warmth of his friendship now tinged with a passionate intensity that left you breathless.
when he finally pulled away, his forehead resting against yours, you could hear the ragged rhythm of his breath.
"i think i might be falling for you too, (y/n)," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion. "a lot more than maybe."
a laugh, shaky but genuine, escaped your lips. relief washed over you, mingled with a newfound sense of joy. in the neon glow of singapore night, under the watchful gaze of a million twinkling stars, you knew this was just the beginning of something extraordinary.
end of flashback
the qualifying session was a nail-biter. you watched from the pit wall, your fingers unconsciously tapping a rhythm against the table. danny caught your eye, flashed a reassuring smile, and then was off, a blur of blue and red. when he secured pole position, the team erupted.
in the celebratory chaos, danny spotted you amidst the throng, a lone island of calm amidst the cheering. he weaved his way through the crowd, his eyes fixed on you. reaching you, he bent down slightly, a playful glint in his eyes.
"ready to celebrate, ms. genius ?" he asked, extending his hand.
you smirked, a playful jab back. "only if it involves avoiding exuberant displays of footwear."
he laughed, a sound that always warmed your heart. "no promises, love," he winked, then surprised you. his hand, instead of taking yours, brushed yours lightly, his pinky extending out and interlocking with yours.
you knew what it meant. a silent exchange in your secret language. a small gesture, easily missed by others, but to you, it was a secret handshake, a whispered affirmation in the middle of the storm. your own pinky curled around his, a silent promise. being a black cat dating the biggest golden retriever
the race was a heart-stopper. strategy calls crackled through your earpiece, fueling your anxiety. finally, the checkered flag fell, and danny emerged victorious. the roar of the crowd was deafening.
as danny jumped out of the car, his helmet still on, he scanned the crowd. his eyes met yours, and a wide grin split his face. he sprinted towards you, the cameras flashing around you. but he ignored them all, reaching you and scooping you into a tight hug.
"we did it, (y/n)!" he shouted, his voice muffled by your silky hair.
you hugged him back tightly, a surge of relief and pride washing over you. in that moment, under the watchful eyes of the oblivious crowd, you knew your secret weapon wasn't just the science behind the car. it was the sunshine-haired driver with whom you shared a silent language, a pinky promise, and a love that thrived even in the whirlwind of monaco.
the other drivers, who had long suspected something between you two, exchanged knowing glances. lewis hamilton raised a knowing eyebrow at max verstappen. "looks like ricciardo found his lucky charm," he remarked.
max just grinned. "more like his secret weapon."
i hope you enjoyed! happy reading <3 do send in more requests! as for pre existing requests- im working on it! lots of love ava
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬, 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐮𝐫𝐬 ♡
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Day 31 : Trick Or Teat
【Synopsis】 : The dead of night, creatures hide. In the light of a fire, those same creatures can become more.
『Word count』 :  7.01k
-> Genre: Supernatural. Smut. Angst. Fluff.
Paring: Yungi x Reader | Seonghwa x Reader [Eventual ot8 x Reader] 
[Warnings] : Self hatred. Abusive family. toxic family. Cult-like religon. Myths and supernatural concepts. The reader is giving off Genderfluid in some parts [not me projecting whoops]. hints of sexual abuse. Blood. Gore. Dark themes. Blood drinking. Kissing. Swearing. All the boys have a corruption kink cause why not. Fingering. Seonghw has a bit of a superiority complex. Details of torture and killing people. Unprotected sex. Yunho and Mingi are little shits. Eheh
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Surprise!! This is the very first chapter and introduction to my new mini series I'll be writing. I know a lot of you have been wanting Vampire Ateez ot8x reader for a while, and I've been trying to find a good story, and i finally got one, hehe. Also, I wanted to make this fic extra long as well to say thank you for 4k followers. I still want to do an event, but I'm taking a little break first, so I hope this is okay for now.
Check out the mini series masterlist -> [Here]
Masterlist | Navigation | Kinktober List | Part Two
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The Destiny Castle was filled with darkness and death. Guard dogs, the size of cows and strange beastly noises echoing in the forest surrounding. And warnings to anyone that enters the ground will never be seen again. Well, that's what the priest of your village says over time and time again. Blabbering about how god left the family that lived in the castle many centuries ago when they invited night-crawling creatures inside. Ones that drink blood and care little for the human race.
You sighed under your breath for the fifth or sixth time this evening as the sermon read on the large dusted book in front of him. Your hands were beginning to ache from having them clasped together for so long. Why were you even praying? It's not like you believe any of this bullshit. Yes, granted, some of it might sound true, and you had doubts on multiple occasions whether this man in the sky was, in fact, real or not. But did you really want to stick around and find out? When you die and you go to hell, so be it. You weren't scared of where you ended up. You were more scared of wasting your life away. Not finding the adventure you so desperately craved. But your picture-perfect parents with their picture-perfect kids shall have no such dreams. No such idea of living other than to tend to the market stall and be married to yet another picture-perfect family.
You felt your mother's god-awful stare as she clearly heard you sigh yet again. You hated her the most. Always finding new and improved ways to punish you for "your sins." Like rolling your eyes or talking back to a man. Or worse, not showing any signs of being a good future housewife so when she's finally ready to sell you off—oh I'm sorry, give you away—to some rich Christian suitor to be your husband. You could be the perfect version of yourself for her.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
You hated that fucking word. A loud bell chime caught your attention, signalling that Sept was finished with his blabberings for the evening. So you stood up straight, your annoyingly over-layered dress before turning on your heels to leave.
"Oh wait, Dove. Come here, please." Your mother's overfaked and sugary sweet tone rattled in your ears. The use of the nickname Dove also annoyed you. Dove, meaning white pure bird that is trapped in a golden cage. Everyone had called you that since you were born, most people in the village not even knowing your real name, only know this nickname.
Why, you may ask?
Simple, your mother hated your name. You were named after your father's mother, who she hated. But it was tradition to name your firstborn after the father's mother, so here you were. Not only were you a disappointment to your mother, but you also bore a name that resembles hatred. Lucky you.
"This is Lucas Wheeler. He's Mary and Robert's Eldest son." Your mother's voice buttered up the introduction, leaning in with an absolutely disturbingly fake smile that everyone seemed to fall for. You turned your lip slightly, making a poor attempt to smile, which your mother did not approve of. "Luca, darling, this is my daughter."
His grin was wide and overexaggerated. His tunic was buttoned all the way up to his Adams apple, looking as if it was constricting his airflow. And his hair was perfectly brushed back. He was the definition of a good pure religious boy. A book nerd. You couldn't hide your disgust as he licked his lips, eyeing you like some piece of flesh. You knew what he was hiding. That filthy lust that men seemed to only be forgiven for. He has probably dreamed about shoving his cock in every woman that passes him and he was definitely only thinking about his needs while staring at you. Not marriage, not husband duty. No, the sole idea of finally getting his little dick wet was driving him crazy. And it made you want to chuck your guts up all over his clean shoes.
"You seem to have such a um, polite daughter here, Christine. She seems shy?" Lucas's mother, Mary spoke up trying to take a look at you but you kept your face pointed to the ground. You didn’t want to be there and you weren't about to fake a smile for a family you did not need to know. you wanted nothing more than to slip away and become invisible like you always did in these types of situations. But turning twenty has now made you in the public eye. Twenty and without a husband was rare. Normally women in your village were betrothed at sixteen and married at eighteen. But you have managed to wheezle your way out of it from your parents being too worried about your younger sisters. But you’ll be twenty-one soon and your mother, Christine was becoming impatient.
“She is a shy one. Sweet too. Micheal and I have been trying to find the perfect man for her, but her shyness seems to not be a lucky charm.” Your mother battered, throwing a sweet chuckle making Lucas’s parents laugh.
“Well, how about you both come over? Bring all your kids, for dinner. I’m sure my Luca would love to get to know her.” Mary pinched Lucas’s cheek making him push away slightly.
“Yes. I’d love to know more about your daughter. I’m sure we will be able to entertain one another while you get dinner ready.” his dark words made your stomach turn and flip. Now you were definitely going to be sick.
“It’s settled then. We will see you at sundown.” Your mother bid goodbye tugging you away by your arm out of the church, not letting you go for a second. Knowing you’d just run off the first chance you got.
Night came quicker than you would have liked and no matter how hard to tried to slip away your mother made sure that one of your sisters was always with you, ready to shout if you tried to bail. What was this some type of house imprisonment? You didn’t want to go, that was more than clear. But your mother couldn’t care less and your father well it was ‘whatever mother says goes’. so you were alone in the more honest terms. Your brothers were too young to know any different, your sister who is only two years younger than you was a cutout of your mother. And your little sister was daddy's little girl. She didn’t care about anything but her daddy.
What a perfect family you seem to have. Everyone fitted in somewhere but you. You were the experiment. The first batch of cookies to come out of the oven that no one touches cause they were too burned or not fully cooked.
“Come on we are going to be late.” Your mother's voice rang through the house, your sister's eyes not leaving you. She had muttered something before heading for the door. You had told her you just needed to put on some garments before meeting her downstairs. She was hesitant for a moment thinking this was a plan to escape but you had said that there was no time now and what would be the point. Sensing your defeat she left you alone. Finally.
You pull on some pants under your dress, hating having to wear such feminine clothing. It wasn’t that you were against wearing dresses or lace or even frills. It was more that sometimes you wanted pants. Was that so bad? You sighed putting all the clothes your sister had pulled out for you to try on, on the end of your bed. That was later you’s problem. You noticed your book laying on your pillow making you swear under your breath. Tucking it back under the sheets you wonder if your sister saw it. You hopped not, if she saw what you wrote or worse what you drew, she’d be telling the church to burn you at the stake.
You ran down the stairs quickly, not wanting to waste any more time, hoping that if you go over and get this night over with you can come back home and hide away in your room, wishing you were anywhere other than with this family.
This night seemed okay as far as talking about our lord and saviour over supper was. Mary was busy finishing up the final dish, letting Lucas and your parents laugh over a blessed bottle of wine. They had sent you and Lucas away to, get to know one another and Lucas had to perfect idea to show you his barn. A place where ‘he could be himself’. God, everything he says annoys you. Climbing the old rusty ladder, you stand in an empty hay loft. Your gut felt strange, like your body was warning you of something but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Until you felt a hand grip your shoulder softly but tight enough to make you freeze.
His breath was so close, pooling on your neck. fingers were ghosting along your corset strings making tears build in your eyes. Even though he was a little boy in your mind. He was much bigger than you and he could easily take advantage of you if you didn’t play your cards right. So you had to act. “And what might we get up to here hmm…”
His chuckle sickened you. “Well, we have some time before mother calls. So I thought we get to know each other. Just like our families wanted.” he pulled away, making a grunting sound behind you. You turned slowly to see he was sitting on a blanket that had been laid out on some hay. Was this disgusting excuse of a man really thinking he could charm you into sleeping with him? God, his ego was bigger than you thought. You giggled, waltzing around the small room pretending to think but in truth, you were looking for an exit. You could go down the ladder but he’d probably grab you before getting that low. Maybe over the side onto the beams. He won't be able to get to you then. But then you’d be trapped until you eventually have to climb back over. And you know he’s the type to wait you out.
A window. Probably leads onto the roof. Not practical but if you recall you did see a bunch of hay bails just outside so if you jump you’d be able to land on them. And a broken ankle or wrist was better than….”Where is your mind wondering, baby? Do I scare you?”
Your head snaps back to him, giving him a small smile. “Oh, no…no…” You step closer, looking him deep in his eyes. “you don’t scare me…baby…” You stood right above his laying figure, his legs spread, enough for you to place a foot in between them. A grim smirk painted his unpleasant features. he went to sit up and you used this as your now or never, kicking him right in the balls without another thought. His groan was loud, knowing if it weren't for how far you were from the house. Everyone would have heard.
“You little bitch!” You ran for the window, crawling out as quickly as you could. The top of your dress got caught on a nail ripping the fabric. But you didn’t waste any time to cry about broken material, looking for the hay bails. It wasn’t as high of a jump as you thought, sliding down the straw, making some of it get caught in your dress. You could hear Lucas groaning in the distance as you started to run. Run fast and run far.
You needed to go home. Quickest route is through the forestry back towards the centre of the village before turning off from the church. Jump Mr Smith's fence and climb the vines into your room. Simple enough. But it's dark, a little too dark and all you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears and rabid footsteps in the distance. The forest was thick. Trees tightly snug together. You almost tripped several times over branches and roots. Your heart was racing now, panting as your mind was becoming hazy. Need to get home. Need to get home.
“Ohhhh Little Dove, where are you.” Lucas’s deep sinister voice echoed through the dark forest. He was too close, you needed to stop. Hide. Maybe he’d go past you or head back. “Come out, baby. We were just having some fun.”
Quiet. Be silent. don’t move. Not a mucsle.
He called your name this time your real one making you gulp. His voice was maybe two or three trees away from where you stood. A twig snaps and you feel tears in the corners of your eyes. He was so close it was like you could still feel his breath. “Come on princess...” His hand wrapped the tree you were standing against and everything stopped. You closed your eyes thinking for a moment, trying to play thousands of scenarios of how you could get away. But nothing would work. He caught you. He danced the bend, slipping right into your view. Before you could run his hand gripped your throat making you freeze. “Don’t worry baby. I don’t bite.”
His words were short... sinister, like he had achieved his ultimate goal of capturing his prey. Your eyes widened going to spit back a comment but your words caught in your throat as you saw a figure suddenly appear behind Lucas. Tall, dark. Red eyes glowing through the night. Everything happened so quickly, the beast grasped Lucas the same way he had you, pulling him back with fright. “But I do…”
The creature's fangs pierced the disgusting man's neck making him scream out a noise that would make your blood curdle. His grip dropped from you, trying to scratch and fight off the larger figure. You took this moment to run, not even caring if the creature was going to kill him or not. All you knew was you needed to run. But you couldn’t run home anymore. There’s blood on your hands literally, Lucas’s blood splattered on you. If this wasn’t a perfect situation the priest was looking for to burn you at the stake you don’t know what is. “Hey, this way.”
You physically jump hearing a high-pitched voice cooe at you through the wind. It was a hooded figure, and normally you would of not gone with a stranger but in this case it seemed fair. You followed the person who seemed to be always a few steps ahead of you at all times no matter how hard you tried to catch up. It was only then, when you stopped focusing on the person to look around you noticed they were leading you to the castle grounds. Where myth reads vampires inhabit. That must have been what got Lucas.
A blood sucking vampire.
You stopped in your tracks not knowing to go back or forward. It’s not like vampires scared you per se. It was just. You were human and they are beasts. They would certainly eat you before you could plead your case. But one of them saved you right? That’s what it was doing? Not just finding two humans and deciding to have a late-night snack right….
“Hey over here.” The figure called for you again but when you looked up everything suddenly went black.
Your head was ringing. Heartbeat thumping slowly in your ears. Black splotches clouded your vision as you tried to look around. You were in a room. A Billiard room, to be exact. You have never seen a room of such a size. The bottom of your house most definitely fitting in this room alone. The leather under your fingers felt expensive, seeing the brown with bubbled texture. It was lavish, elegant—
"Beautiful, isn't it." A smooth voice swayed your attention, having caught you admiring the fine fabrics of the furniture. Your eyes locked with deep crimson ones. He was like nothing you've ever seen before. He was stunning, tall, and broad. You had to gulp at the sheer beauty of the man. But you knew he wasn't just a man. From his eyes, you knew he was a beast, a night crawler.
"Are you going to respond? Or are you more of a staring type?" Another voice scared you slightly. Looking to your left, you see another man, but he was sitting on the couch next to you. His black undercut fitted his features perfectly. He kind of sounded like the hooded figure that was helping you get away before...
"Definitely the quiet, staring type." A cheeky tone to your right. He was leaning on the pool table, his Cheshire cat grin painting his features smugly.
So there's three of them that live here?
"Now now, Woo, San. She's probably just scared." A shorter but beefier male suddenly stood next to the first one that spoke. He wasn't even looking at you, mostly paying attention to the two he called Woo and San. You were now sitting straight up, moving your gaze from each of them. As they were all in their own worlds arguing about why you might not be talking.
"You're bleeding, Tiny?" A voice growled behind you, startling you. You turned to see two very big men standing behind the couch. "When did you cut yourself?" He dragged his two fingers through your wound, making you hiss, pulling away from him.
He put one of his fingers in his mouth, closing his eyes as if he were savouring the taste. Once he was done, he placed his other bloody finger in the male next to him, mouth. The other man groaned his eyes, glowing a harsher red as he stared you down. "You taste delicious, Sugar."
You went to stand, trying to get away from them, but your legs gave out, making you fall forward in front of the high-pitched boy who still sat on the other couch. "Be careful, Dollface. Don’t want ya gettin hurt."
"Okay, let's give her some space. Wooyoung, take San down to the kitchens and see if dinner is ready yet. Mingi and Yunho can go set the table." The one that stood at the door, the first man directed all the men with ease. They will followed without another word, heading for the door. "And for the love of Lillith, Jongho, can you please find your lover and Hongjoong. I think they were still cleaning up from..." He looked at you briefly. "Dealing with that disgusting human."
You knew he was talking about Lucas, and that meant this Lover boy or Hongjoong had been the one you saw ripping through Lucas's neck. They all left soon after, leaving you alone with the dominant man. You managed to sit back on the couch, but you wanted, needed to stand. So you tried your luck again, and your knees buckled, making you slip forward, but instead of making an impact with the ground, two large arms were wrapped around your waist. Your hands gripped the creature's biceps, feeling his muscles taught and tense. "You do need to be careful, Darling."
Unlike Lucas's or any man, you've ever met really. These creatures don't seem to set off any of your alarms. You didn’t know if that was a bad thing or not, but you chose to brush it off, ‘cause in the end, you had never felt such kindness from anyone in the village. You were out-casted, unloved. You might as well be the witch they all wanted you to be. The kind smile that painted his features made your heart skip. He was indeed handsome. You finally spoke up saying who you were and the man looked at you with surprise before laughing. “Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Seonghwa. It’s nice to meet you…”
Your name rolled off his tongue so beautifully. No one had ever used it to address you before. It was almost strange, foreign even. “Honestly you could call me anything. I was never called that name sadly.”
Seonghwa hummed in response, still holding tight on you. In truth, he knows much more about you than he leads on. When he and the others go on hunts he had found you a year ago. Ironically you were having your nineteenth birthday. On your own of course. He remembers the way you spoke to yourself, wishing yourself a happy birthday while you drew in your book. Your feet were in the cool water of the watering hole in the forestry just outside the village. You went there almost every second day. And so did he.
There was something about you that caught his eye. Caught all of the boy's eyes. You were special but none of them could put their finger on it. So of course when they found you running for your life from a disgusting man. They couldn’t stand by and let anything happen to their precious little human.
Dinner was quick as you just sat there and ate in silence. The others were loud though, making it seem almost normal. Like everything that was happening was something you all were used to already. Seonghwa had told you about all the boys and what all their names were. It took you a moment to put names to faces but once you got it. It was easy. Seonghwa never left your side. Making sure you were safe and comfortable. You appreciated it, understanding it must have been weird to have a human walking around. But you quickly learnt that all the maids and butlers were human. They got paid and some even lived on the estate.
Everything the village said about vampires and creatures in general was so wrong. And secretly you always wanted it to be wrong. So you were glad they weren't purely just bloodsucking beasts. But every now and then that face you saw popped into your head. You still didn’t know which one killed Lucas. And on top of it, this Hongjoong and Yeosang—Seonghwa had told you his name—were nowhere to be found.
“Okay well, sun will be up soon. Let’s get ready for bed.” Seonghwa again spoke up, dying down the chatter. It was like he took on a motherly role in the house. It was cute.
“Come Sugarcube. Yunho and I will show you to your room.” The one named Mingi flashed you a smile making you smile in response. Bidding Seonghwa goodnight or would It be morning now? Mental note to look out for a clock. The halls were lavish and carpeted, matching all the rooms you’ve seen thus far. Everything was perfect, vintage and beautiful. Yunho and Mingi had caught onto your mind wandering and had stopped for a moment, seeing how far you’d walk without them near you. You were very cute to them. Like a clueless bunny, with wide innocent eyes.
“Hey, Tiny. Your room is over here.” Yunho’s far voice snapped you out of your thoughts making you turn around to see both large men. Their arms crossed, with big grins. Your face was redder than a tomato in seconds making them both groan at how you waddle back quickly. Cute. Too cute. “This is where you’ll be saying. We’ll try and get some of your personal things tomorrow.”
“Yeah, Hongjoong had said something about grabbing some stuff while your family are out tomorrow.” Mingi rubbed the back of his neck as you slipped past both men to look into the huge spacious room. Only hours ago you were about to be married off to some pig and live on his farm until your death to now staying with not one but eight vampires.
And what was worse. You couldn’t go back. Not that you’d want to that is. But still, all your life you’ve known one thing and now… “You okay Tiny? Not the style you like? We have like ten other rooms if you want to-No it’s okay it’s just…” You cut Yunho off before taking a seat on the olive green and black silk sheets that lay on the large king bed.
“Did…Did Lucas die?” You don’t understand why you were asking about that pig but you needed to know. You needed to know would your parents found his mangled body and thought the beast that did that also killed you. Or would they think you did it? Yunho sat on his knees in front of you, placing his large hands on your thighs in a comforting manner. His smile was soft and his fingers grazing on your exposed skin was gentle.
“No. Yeosang left him alive. But he won't be wanting to live with the way he looks now.” You don’t know if Yunho’s words made you feel better or worse.
“Hongjoong helped him drag him back to that barn. His parents found him and they are looking for you at the moment.” Mingi revealed, knowing you’ll just keep asking questions so there was no reason to hide anything from you.
“Do my parents think I’m dead?” Deep down you knew they’d be happy either way. Dead, alive. Murderer or innocent. Your family would plead their sob story about the monster you were regardless of the truth.
“No…Lucas told them you ran. They think you were a part of it. Luring him out there for your vampire lover to have a meal.” Yunho felt disgusted with himself for repeating what Hongjoong had told them your parents said. But what else should they do?
“Vampire lover….hmm.” You smiled, starting to laugh. That’s what they probably thought you were sneaking off to at random hours of the day or night. Both of the men looked at one another with confusion, letting Mingi sit down next to you.
“Something funny with that Sugarcube?” Mingi’s voice was so deep, velvety. It made your core tingle and heart race. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes, but still giving him a smile.
“My mother has wanted nothing but to pin some devilish thing on me and now she gets it. Something that said I did not serve the lord. Argh…” Tears ran down your cheeks “Fuck the lord. Why should I have to care what an old man did for humanity?! I just wanted to paint. Find adventure. Not marry and be a baby maker for some lowlife pig.” All your pent-up anger. All your disappointment. Every single thing you wished to say to your mother was pouring out, in front of two vampires you had only met hours ago now. It felt like a weight being pushed off your chest and you were no longer drowning. Mingi’s hand rubbed circles on your lower back making you fall into his embrace, letting him hold you while Yunho straightened up so he could hold you as well. They were beasts that could drain you in seconds yet they held you like they’ve known you for years. They listened as if they cared. They spoke as if you were the most important person in the world. why?
“There, there baby. It’s okay. You’re free now. You can do anything you want.” Yunho’s voice was quiet almost barely above a whisper. But still still heard him. You pulled away letting them still hold you but you could wipe your face. You can do anything? No one has ever said that to you.
“Well...I guess since this my first time of freedom…” You had both the vampire's attention now with your words. “I want a bath. One with lots of bubbles.” You’ve never had such a thing in your life only settling for quick showers or sharing bathing pools with your siblings. Not something lavish. Mingi laughed a deep hearty laugh. As if you couldn't get any more cute, there you went.
“I think that’s a perfect idea Sugar. We’ll get one of the maids to fix one up for you. And…” He placed his hands on either shoulder pushing you towards Yunho. Your face inches from him. Mingi inspected the wound of your shoulder blade noticing it was already closing but blood was still pooling out of it slowly. “Get this wound cleaned up…”
His tongue licked a strip upwards, following the wound. You hiccuped feeling a slight sting from him. Yunho however distracted you by giving you a kiss. Your eyes were wide and confused. He… he was kissing you. His soft lips moved slowly against yours. His tongue dipped around your bottom lip, testing the waters. Perfectly distracting you from Mingi cleaning your cut with his mouth. Your blood tasted unlike anything he had ever tasted before.
“You taste amazing… fuck.” Mingi mumbled against you while Yunho’s tongue slipped into your mouth as you groaned. Your mind was spinning like crazy, your hand finding place on Yunho biceps, digging your nails in his cold flesh.
“Y…Yuyu..” You tried to speak, finally making both men pull away, leaving you to gasp for air.
“Sorry tiny. Your lips were just too kissable not to.” Yunho chuckled licking his lips of the saliva you left behind on them. Your heart was pounding, feeling such excitement but also a tinge of fear…
“Tha… that was my first kiss..” You felt embarrassed to say so but you felt compelled to tell them. Which made both of them growl. Mingi’s fingers wrapped in your tattered dress hem while Yunho rubbed his hand over his face.
“Fuck. I was your first kiss baby?” Yunho felt so proud of himself.
“Damn Yunho the others aren't gonna be happy when they find out,” Mingi spoke as if you were no longer there.
“Wait why would the others care?” You suddenly felt small, seeing hunger in both their eyes. You had no idea what these men were planning, nor what they all wanted from you. It frightened you. But not as much as it excited you.
The bath was filled with bubbles, vanilla scent soap and soft music from a vinyl. You could have stayed in there for hours but when one of the maids came in to help you dress your wound you knew it was time to get out. The nice maid named Minnie had brought you some sleepwear, soft silk sleep shorts and a singlet. You have never felt such soft fabric before always getting hand-me-downs or second/third hand clothing.
“You look cute.” A gentle voice echoed from the door of your room. You hummed, blush burning your cheeks. Turning you see Seonghwa leaning against the door frame, bottom lip between his teeth as he eyed you, not even trying to hide that he was checking you out.
“Thanks…” You played with your fingers, standing there awkwardly as you watched Seonghwa close the door, slowly moving towards you. Like he was stalking you. No doubt Yunho and Mingi had run off bragging what they had done when you were busy bathing. God, if this was going to become a new normal you were going to develop a headache from your head spinning.
“I wanted to check on you.” For every step he took, you took one back, like a little dance until your back was firmly against the wall and his body almost flushed against you. “I heard Min and Yun had some fun with you.”
“I-..Yunho kissed me…Mingi he uh…” You felt so flustered, fanatically looking around the room feeling embarrassed about spilling what you had done even though you knew the two giants would have told everyone by now. He put his fingers on your chin, running his thumb along your bottom lip, pulling on it slightly.
“I was kinda hoping to be the first to taste you. But then again, none of the boys tend to listen.” His eyes were hooded, looking at you with such hunger. He could feel your heart race against the pad of his thumb. He can hear your blood pumping quicker than normal. And your eyes never left his. His face inched closer, and then some. Seeing just how close he could get to you before you’d pull away but you didn’t, not even flinch. “Have you done anything like this before?”
You shook your head no slightly. “Have you ever touched yourself, Bunny?” his question made your face become redder. This was filthy, dirty, something you were supposed to be sworn away. And man did defying god feel intoxicating. You whispered no, making him close his eyes with a sigh for a moment. So innocent, so cute… So his to taint. “Do you want me to touch you, Bunny?”
“Yes…” You whisper… He tucked a piece of damp hair behind your ear making you shiver as his fingers grazed your skin. His cold tips slide along your cheek, down to your neck, before pushing gently on your man artery feeling your hot blood pump under his digits.
“I could drain you dry right now. Or fuck you full? Maybe both? Hmm?” His lips brushed against yours but not enough to seal his lips on yours. No, he wanted you to do it, he needed you to do the first move. So he knows you do in fact want it. And you gave him exactly what he wanted, leaning up to lock your lips to his. His one hand cupped your face to deepen the kiss while his other, snaked down to play with the hem of your shorts. Your legs spread instinctively, giving him access to do whatever he pleases. His wet tongue danced with you making you feel all kinds of filthy.
You had almost gotten a man killed, ran away from home. Most likely been shunned for life from your village and on top of that kissed two men that both happened to be undead creatures you only just met, while another drank from one of your open wounds. If was indeed sins, you might as well be sent down to Lillith herself on a golden platter.
“Come on Bunny, let’s get you comfortable.” He pulled away picking you up by your thighs before walking over to your bed and laying you down on the plump mattress. His lips trail down your cheeks, then your jaw until he stops at your neck for a moment rubbing his nose along your jugular. “God I can smell your blood through your soft skin.” he sighs, drawing his fangs out.
“H-Hwa p-please…” You bucked your hips against his hardening length, spreading your legs further so he could get closer if that was possible. He chuckled, darkly. Fang pressing just hard enough to pierce your skin a little bit so a few drops of blood would spill out. He licked your blood up, trying not to get any on the bed sheets. Your whimpers were music to his ears, and your taste was heavenly. Now he’s wondering how else you taste in other places. “Fuuckk.”
The feeling of his fangs and the was his fingers play with your short made your head cloudy. His hand slipped into your shorts cupping your core making you suddenly aware what was happening. His mouth finally left your neck, kissing down the exposed parts of your chest. He was worshiping every part of your body sending your skin on fire. “Such a pretty bunny. I can feel heat pooling out of you. Do you find my devilish charms that intoxicating bunny?”
You squirmed, needed more. His index finger slide along your slit making your mouth open into an ‘o’ shape. Your eyes shut tightly, finally feeling some kind of relief that you were searching for. The pleasure was new, and strange, making you feel like you were in a whole another world. Seonghwa kept whispering sweet nothings to you as he slowly pushes a finger inside your drenched cunt. It was steady at first until he found a rhythm, inching yet another finger inside making your brows knot together. His name fell from your lips on repeat like some kind of broken vinyl, he knew he could get you close to your high without much effort given you have never felt such a feeling before. And with only a few more moments you were clenching around his digits, coming underdone while he stared at you intensely, watching every one of your features move and contort in the pure ecstasy he was gifting you. “Did that feel good baby? I can make you feel even better, all you got to do is say yes.”
“Yes, please Seonghwa. Please. Make me feel like that again. I wanna feel good.” You don’t know why your mouth started spilling such filth but you couldn’t care, not when you were so close to feeling a pleasure you have only wondered about in those lewd novels Miss Smith had down the path. She had let you borrow one and it had changed your life forever. Seonghwa got to work, pulling your shirt off above your head and tugging down the rest until it slipped off your ankles in one swoop of his wrists. You were completely bare for him. He could see all the sun-kissed spots. All the scars, and beauty marks. He could see the bruises of a handprint on your collarbone and other smaller ones littering your legs and arms.
Pathetic human. Digusting pig.
Fuck, does he wish that Yeosang and Hongjoong hadn’t kept him alive now. But then again giving him a swift death would have been too merciful. No, Seonghwa would want to keep Lucas in a cell, locked away for weeks. No food, barely any water. Watching him starve. Watch him beg for death. But Seonghwa would never give it to him. Lucas would welter away in the dungeon, cold, scared, and alone. Just as you felt when you were being chased by him. Just as you felt when he had put his hands on you. Seonghwa would make him pay.
“H-Hwa…” You sat on your elbows having seen the vampire's mind wander. Was he okay? Was he second-guessing his actions? Seonghwa was quick to disregard any of your fears as he shed himself off his shirt, before sliding off the bed to pull his pants down. They dropped to the floor with an audible ‘oof’. You didn't mean for your eyes to immediately gaze down at his fully grown erection but its angry red tip had caught your attention. Seonghwa didn’t mind one bit though, he admired your body in the meantime, letting you get a good look at him while he did the same to you. “That can’t fit inside me….”
Seonghwa laughed, physically laughed at your abrupt statement. “Oh don’t worry. It will.”  he yanked one of your legs making you gasp. He stood tall at the end of your bed, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He rubbed the tip of his cock along your slit, gathering up some of your cum to use as lubricant. The whole time his eyes never left yours. He wanted to see the pleasure pooling in your eyes when he entered you inch by inch. And as you bit your bottom lip, you tried your damned hardest to keep your gaze open. “That’s it, baby. Breath…”
The stretch was painful, to say the least. Even though Seonghwa had used his fingers on you, it still wasn’t enough to fully prep you for his girth. He rubbed circles in your hips, trying to settle the pain as much as he could, noticing your fingers had entangled in the silk sheets, with your knuckles turning lightly white.
“Ffuckk, hngmm Seong.” you mumbled, finally feeling him enter you fully, his groin flush against you. He stayed still for a moment, letting you catch your breath but man was it hard. The way you clamped around him, sucked him in for more. It made him want nothing more than to pound the living shit out of you. But patience. He needed patience. And luckily out of all the boys, he owned the most patience.
“Can I move Darling?” His words were a stutter, laying with groans and sighs. You nodded your head before responding with a quick and quiet ‘please’ letting him draw his cock until only the tip was inside you then smashing back in, knocking the wind out of you. You could no longer hold yourself up, falling onto your back. Seonghwa watched as your breasts bounced in time with his thrusts and how your thighs were clamped snugly around him. You felt amazing, looked eternal. And you were finally his.
He dreamed about what your cunt might feel like wrapped around his cock. Or how might your blood taste when you are in the middle of being fucked. Firty thoughts had always seemed to riddle his mind whenever he saw you and now he could finally get the answers. But one thing is for sure. He has no idea how he is possibly going to share you with the others. When he is going to be craving you permanently.
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soothsayerditty · 17 days
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wasn't supossed to be a post but i really like those! therefore huzzah! lambs based on fleeces be upon ye
i was gonna ramble about their desings but i ended up wrtiting short descriptions instead. read below if you dare!
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it is said that lord of fates' words are fate itself, unable to be changed.
they always have hounds of fate floating around them, even though they are skilled with a dagger. you never truly know what the future has in store for you,,,
their wool seems to always have red stains. their followers theorized that twas' their own blood.
but ichor isn't red.
(they were supossed to be more based on the jacob sheep but i only ended up using their horns for inspiration :P)
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leader of blue hearts is a lover! not a fighter. at least with their followers. they seem to favour the rite of lust.
ever since the bishops' death, they mostly spend their time throwing rituals at every available moment,,,what a kind leader!
but whenever they think they're alone,,, they seem to mutter strange words to themselves,,, purgatory , god tears , some strange sellers?
i guess i'll have to ask them later about it, i'm about to go on a mission!
(blue used to be the color associated with lust! it works. also they're based on the lincoln sheep. they;re cute.)
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diseased beast is a simple creature. openly displaying their intentions with their looks alone.
they're known as the local hunter. dropping acid on their enemies when they're not looking,,,
some consider it a cheap and an off-putting method. but they're not around long enough to spread their word.
sometimes the sound of silence is payment enough,,,
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seems like golden greed's fleece merged with their body. i don't think that's supossed to happen,,,
they tend to have their gauntlets on most of the time. always ready to strike anyone down!
afterall, everyone is just waiting to get the drop on them,,,right?
you can't trust anyone! these followers,,,those vendors,,,
even that damned seller! anyone,,,
(the gauntlets were supossed to be the godly kind, but there was too much yellow. so much yellow.)
(they were also supossed to have more jewelry on them buuuut i drew these in 1000x1000 squares and it would look like a mess from afar.)
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ah? it seems like a critter of curses is near.
they wield their cleansing fire and flaming shots with careful grace.
but the moment you let your guard down, is the moment you burn!
their fleece is made of any leaves they find on their crusades.
they're not much interested in running their cult. but they do come around to share their spoils and talk about anything that might've crossed their path.
even if that happens to be things that shan't be discussed with mortal minds,,,
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ghcstao3 · 16 days
still-military captain tav x civilian riley AU idea. bear with me
tav who has made a lot of enemies from his line of work—like, a lot. but that's a risk he's been taking for years now, had been taking even well before he had met and started dating riley, so unfortunately there isn't much he can do about it now—beyond making sure he really kills them the first time around, of course. and thankfully, thus far, it isn't an issue that has impeded on his personal life.
(though, maybe that's a cause of his and riley's home being so isolated, and their occasional trips and vacations always being taken somewhere just as obscure.)
unfortunately, however, eventually one of them does catch up.
he and riley are vacationing in middle-of-nowhere south america when tav is caught off guard and taken hostage by someone he'd apparently wronged. by association, subsequently, riley is also taken, though he manages to get away when a crony isn't paying attention. he knocks the crony down, wriggles out of rope bindings, and steals his gun—maybe he isn't military, but tav at least had the decency to teach him some defense.
but it's too late to retrieve tav, unless riley wants them both killed. so all he can do is shoot this one individual and make a run for it, crashing through the rainforest to get away.
riley would quickly learn that shooting a gun at someone is far different than shooting a target at a range. it's no surprise that a guilt would begin eating at him, but he had no choice. he has no choice, if he wants to rescue tav.
fast forward to the moment riley finally catches back up to his partner—he's now been through hell and back, battered and bruised not only from the harsh environment, but also from having encountered far more bad guys than he had anticipated. he's killed several men, by this time.
tav, even worse for wear and only half-conscious sees riley haloed by golden light as he finally approaches, and almost doesn't believe he's really there. his riley, who has never seen a day of real-life warfare in his life, standing here coated with dirt and blood and housing an animalistic look in his eyes. but it is him—tav's saviour.
thankfully their escape is much easier than anticipated, and tav has never been so happy to see civilization once they make it out of the forest.
tav knows he'll want to ask riley all about it at some point, but he'd at least wait until they were truly safe to do so—and until that feral glint subsides from riley's gaze.
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atinystraynstay · 3 months
Guardian Angel - Jeon Wonwoo
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Synopsis: Wonwoo is a mysterious individual. Not that he tried to be, but he always had his guard up. He didn't want to fall casualty to a world that could turn so cold. Can you be the one person that finds the secret passage into his world?
Pairing: College Student!Jeon Wonwoo x fem. reader
Genre: "I'm here for you" girl meets "I'm not good at opening up" boy
Inspired by @aaniag - thanks for tagging me in this post ♡ cannot wait to bring all of these into reality First Encounters Mini Series: #1: #2: #3: #4: Wonwoo #5: Jeonghan #6: #7: #8: Dino
Warnings: mentions alcohol consumption
Word Count: 3.7k
Being friends with Kim Mingyu came with a lot of perks. You always had an invite to the biggest parties on campus, knew someone who could walk you home when you had a bit too much to drink, and a constant study partner who would bring coffee to the study sessions.
On the outside, it is easy to assume you and Mingyu were a couple. And you knew one day, Mingyu would make a woman very happy. I mean, he was the poster child of what it means to be a Golden Retriever Boyfriend.
Yet, you have never been attracted to Mingyu like that. Of course, he treated you like royalty, but in some ways, he was showing you the way you deserved to be treated. Mingyu was always the one to give you dating and relationship advice, which was extremely helpful given he was able to give the male perspective. And vice versa, you were always there to hype up and encourage Mingyu to go after women he found attractive. Despite the confidence he exudes, he was a rather shy individual.
Your friendship with Mingyu was a prized possession in your life, and you never wanted to do something to risk. Even though you had a crush on his best friend, Jeon Wonwoo.
Unlike Mingyu, you knew next to nothing about Wonwoo. You often saw him every now and then when he was out with Mingyu, but the two of you never seemed to exchange words. There was just something about him that lured you in.
And you were hoping tonight would be the opportunity to change that.
For the past few weeks, you have been trying to gather intel on Wonwoo. Most of the time when you hung out with Mingyu, you asked about his best friend. It didn't take long for the giant man to put the puzzle pieces together. Instantly, Mingyu devised a plan to try to get his two favorite people together.
Midterms would be coming to an end on Friday, and he knew everyone would want to come out and celebrate. Rather than going to the bars, Mingyu suggested he hosted a house party filled with his closest friends. Both so everyone could be comfortable and enjoy themselves, but also so Wonwoo might open up more during the party. He wasn't the type of guy who preferred going out on the weekends. Often, his weekends were filled with either studying or playing video games. Mingyu was almost certain that a house party could get his introverted best friend to come out of his room.
After sending different outfit options to Mingyu, and each text was responded with "looks good," you decided on a black jeans and a black, long-sleeved crop top. You wore gold jewelry for the comparison, but also decided to wear your hair down for now. You did keep a white scrunchie around your wrist, in case you or someone else might need it throughout the night.
Your goal was to look presentable, but not too over the top. It was a house party, after all. Tonight would be a great opportuntiy not just to hang out with friends you haven't seen in a while, but also maybe know Wonwoo on a deeper level. While yes, you did like him, you were unsure of where his mind was at. Even Mingyu was clueless on Wonwoo's love life as it was a topic rarely they engaged in. Being friends with Wonwoo could always be the start.
With a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Berry Lemonade held by your hip, your free hand knocked on the door. You could already hear music and chatter coming from inside. Growing out of hopping from frat house to frat house, house parties were becoming more of your comfort zone. Maybe that's what it meant to be an upperclassman?
"Hi Barbie!" "Hi Ken!"
Mingyu quickly retrieved one of the bottles from you, making your load lighter. You could have managed carrying both, but that was Mingyu just being himself. He wrapped his free arm around you to pull you into a hug. "Woah, you're wearing perfume tonight? Must really want to impress someone."
Quickly, you pulled back from the embrace and slapped his chest. Your eyes narrowed on him before he broke out into a fit of laughter. Yeah, Mingyu definitely was not your boyfriend.
"You do look great though, y/n!" "Not half bad yourself, Gyu," you laughed.
The two of you ventured into the kitchen after closing the door. Mingyu's parties never got too crazy. He always knew who was invited, and it was always known nobody else unless an invite was extended by Mingyu himself or you asked if you could bring someone along with you. He just never liked the unpredictability of strangers entering his home. Wonwoo and him also despised the clean-up afterwards too when people didn't respect their home. That was one way to never get invited again.
Upon entering the kitchen, you were greeted with cheers. Both from the guys invested in the game of Flip Cup but also by the ones that noticed you. Seungkwan, Dino, and Hoshi were all grinning at you. Currently, it seemed like Seungcheol and Joshua were going head-to-head in a match with Dokyeom and Jeonghan waiting there turn. Vernon, Minghao, Jun, and Woozi were all spectating. All that was missing was Wonwoo.
Noticing you take a headcount, Mingyu grinned. He's gotten to know you all too well over the course of your friendship. "He's out back on the patio," he whispered into his ear.
He must have been able to escape with the guys distracted, and the bodies that filled the first floor of their college townhouse apartment.
"Y/n! Wanna take a shot?" Hoshi shouted to you. "Hell yeah."
A little liquid courage never hurt. Mingyu chuckled as he got to work preparing your mixed drinks for the two of you. Hoshi was eagerly pouring out shots for the 14 people. He must still think Wonwoo is in the room.
"Hey, where's Wonwoo?" DK finally asked once he finished his turn with flip cup. "Oh, I think he must have slipped outside," Mingyu quickly responded. "I can go check on him after," you offered.
It was not unusual for you to take on almost a 'mother' role. Like Mingyu, you liked being there for people. You liked when people felt uncomfortable around you or that you could help someone out, no matter how big the task might be.
"That's our eomma," Dino shouted.
You rolled your eyes playfully but couldn't wipe the smile off your face. It did really feel good to be seen in positive light.
Mingyu placed your red solo cups in front of you. You smiled at the sight of your mixed drink, knowing that it would help the liquor slid down your throat. You weren't the biggest fan of vodka, but if you had something to chase? You were golden. Plus, you were now able to take your drink and able to slip away to find Wonwoo.
"Alright fuckers, some of us are seniors. Top dogs, but we always have our pack to support us. " Hoshi began. Oh boy.
Promptly, DK started barking which encouraged the rest of the boys to join in. Sometimes you question why you are friends with them, but you knew they were all irreplaceable.
"I just love you guys so much." Uh oh. Looks like Hoshi has already had a bit more to drink than the rest of the group. "Here's the last few months before we become boring."
The shot glasses dropped down to the table before meeting all of your lips. You cringed a bit at the feeling of straight vodka hitting your mouth but quickly swallowed. With your free hand, you were able to rid of the taste with the mixed drink which made you immediately relax. You sighed as you could already feel how warm your stomach felt from the liquor entering your system.
"Go get your boy," Mingyu teased you in a hushed tone. "HEY! Secrets makes frenemies and I want us all to be besties," Hoshi shouted as he caught you and Mingyu talking. "Relax, tiger. I'm just telling her where I think Wonwoo ran off to."
Hoshi seemed to relax before instantly distracted by the next game Jun proposed. Mingyu sighed, knowing he was going to be on Hoshi duty tonight. Again. You patted his shoulder comfortingly before slipping away to the porch.
Keeping your drink above your head, so you wouldn't accidentally spill or drop it on anyone or anything, you navigated through the crowd of people. For someone who liked to keep parties small, there was always a large turn out for Mr. Popular. You offered friendly smiles at familiar faces, as you kept your eyes locked on the back patio.
As the people around you began to dissipate, you saw a figure sitting on the steps of the back porch. It wasn't much of a porch really. Just a set of wooden steps with a deck, but it was like luxury to any college student. It also is why people favorited Mingyu's spot for partying on the weekends.
You were able to easily identify the person outside just based off the broad shoulders. It has been quite a few weeks since you last saw Mingyu, but you liked seeing how long his hair has gotten since then. You always thought he looked better with a bit of length to his haircut.
Gently, you slid the back patio door hoping not to startle him. He did, however, whip his head around to see who was responsible but then immediately relaxed when he saw it was you. While you two were not close yet, he recognized you. Wonwoo also knew just how important you were to Mingyu, so you were never seen as a threat. Quite frankly, he just didn't know how to approach you since the two of you had not had a proper conversation one-on-one.
"Oh hi, y/n," he called out gently. His voice was always calm in his deep tone. It was oe of the things you adored about Wonwoo. His voice was calm to you like the ocean, and you always seemed to cling onto every word he spoke.
"Hey Wonwoo," you said in your usual tone, not wanting to be perceived as a threat. "Mind if I join you?"
His eyes slightly widened as he heard you. Only the guys ever really approached Wonwoo, so it was a bit surprising that someone would want to accompany him.
"Oh um sure."
Wonwoo scooted over from where he was sitting, offering his spot for you. You smiled appreciatively before fully stepping into the patio. You closed the door behind you, both to respect Wonwoo's privacy and to keep the house warm. It was apparent that Wonwoo had wondered out here for a reason, so you wanted to respectful and show through your actions you were someone he could trust. You also were not wanting to hear Mingyu nagging at you for causing the electricity bill to rise in the month of March.
Slowly, you made your way over until you sat down next to him. You set your drink but the edge, so if you accidentally spilled, it could go into the grass rather than the cute boy beside you.
"Enjoying the party?" Wonwoo asked in a soft tone.
It wasn't monotone. It was his usual deep tone. But as he spoke, you noticed that his gaze was seemed to be locked on the moon above the two of you. It was still a bit chilly when the sun was hidden, but you were comfortable. The alcohol definitely aiding.
"Yeah, actually. Much better than being coped up studying," you joked.
"Yeah, I feel you," he sighed. You watched the way he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. It was such a little thing, something he probably doesn't even think about it. Yet, you found it to be the most adorable thing. "You're in the political science program, right?"
Your heart undeniably did a little flip knowing that he remembered that detail to you. Maybe Mingyu has held up his promise and talked to Wonwoo about you, not just saying he had to make you feel more at ease. You nodded your head as you looked over at hi. It was just a habit of yours. You didn't expect him to look over at you, but you wanted to show him that you were present in the moment and ready to listen to whatever he wanted to say. Or even if you two just sat here in silence for a little. There was just something screaming within you that you he needed you tonight.
You just had no idea that he knew anything about you given that you only were on first name basis.
"Yeah," you spoke softly, unable to wipe the gentle smile on your face. "And you're in the computer science program?"
Wonwoo nodded, smiling a bit as well. Wonwoo never was the guy he thought people took interest in. Honestly, every day, he feels just blessed to say he has some of the best friends who want to drag him out of his bedroom. Most people might not even notice his absence. And Wonwoo did that subconsciously, just as a defense mechanism. He has been on the receiving end of bullying and life's unfortunate events. He just found himself isolating more as a way to cope.
"If you don't mind me asking," you began, biting your lip. "Why are you out here by yourself? Is everything ok?" "I think?"
You couldn't help but frown at Wonwoo's response. You were too familiar with the uncertain feeling and knew how troubling it can be. While everyone faces their own difficulties in life, you never liked hearing that other people are struggling.
"I just," he began to open it up.
Now you were the surprised on. Never before would you expect to be Wonwoo's confidant, but you knew it was a job title of upmost importance. You just hoped your surprised expression was not portrayed on your face. If Wonwoo needed someone to vent to, you'd gladly step up.
He glanced at you to see if you were listening. Satisfied to see your eyes on him with a soft gaze, he let out a shaky breath. For the first time in a while, he felt like he was able to confide in someone. He knew the guys were always in his corner, but he ever wished to worry them too much. To some extent, Wonwoo prided himself in his own ability to take care of himself.
It was just that he's been struggling for some time.
"Everything is changing," he chuckled almost out of self-pity. "It's just been hitting me that all of this," he motioned to the party behind him. "Will not be here in a few months. Hell, not even in a few weeks since we all graduate soon. I know I should be in there partying it up, living in the present but I cannot help but think of how we all won't be together like this and it makes me sad."
It was almost like looking into the future as Wonwoo described his inner turmoil. You and Mingyu, and a few of the other guys, were still had another year or two left in college. However, Wonwoo and the other guys would be graduating this upcoming May.
"Do you know where the other guys have decided to go?" You asked in a quite tone. You hope you weren't upsetting him by your questions.
Wonwoo slowly nodded. "Yeah, I think Seungcheol and Jeonghan are moving to the city. Seungkwan has talked about moving in with them once he graduates next year. Joshua and Jun have jobs lined up in their hometowns, so they'll be moving out probably at the end of May. Hoshi? I have no clue. He hasn't even applied to any jobs yet. And Woozi and I have been applying to graduate schools. He's leaning towards business and I think I want to go in a more software engineering route."
"Have you heard back from any schools yet?"
Wonwoo couldn't fight the smile creeping on his face. He knew you cared deeply about Mingyu's friends, but he never thought he would be looped into that circle. He always kept his distance just because it was just convenient, it's what he knew. It also kept him safe in a world filled with chaos and unpredictability.
"Yeah, I actually heard from two schools, so I'm trying to decide. One of the schools is here."
He whispered the last part. It spoke volumes to you. The thought of Wonwoo staying here meant that you might be able to make things work with Wonwoo. That is, if he was opened to the idea of you dating.
"Like part of me wants to run away from here," he explained.
While you weren't quite at the same stage as life, you understood the need. It was part of the reason why you chose to go away for university whereas all your high school classmates chose more local programs. You wanted a change of scenery, a new beginning.
"So much has changed since freshman year. I'm definitely not the same person I was. I've had my challenges like losing my mom a year and a half ago," he explained. "And all those hard times happened while I was here, so I almost have a need to move and leave the pain behind.
His casual mentioning of his mother's passing brought back memories. You remember how all the guys rallied behind Wonwoo. Some of them even skipped final presentations and exams in order to be there for Wonwoo at the funeral. You knew it wasn't in your place to attend the funeral, but you cooked a warm cooked meal for all of them. It was Wonwoo's favorite dish. It at least wanted to do a nice gesture, so Wonwoo knew he wasn't alone. You still remember dropping the dish off with Mingyu with re-heating instructions.
To this day, he has no idea how that dish arrived. He just figured one of the guys ordered DoorDash.
While Mingyu begged you to stay, so you could give it to Wonwoo himself, you didn't want to overstep. You knew grief takes all shapes and forms, os you thought the best thing you could do was give the space for Wonwoo to feel his emotions.
Little did you know he's been harboring those emotions this whole time, almost two years later.
'But then part of me worries about the younger guys. I don't want them to feel abandoned. I don't want the group to fall apart once we all move, and it feels like if I stay here then I can keep us together even while the other guys go off."
"Almost like you are the glue that keeps them all together?" "Yeah, I guess that's the best way to explain it." "But Wonwoo, what keeps you together?"
He furrowed his eyebrows as he fully looked at you. What an odd question. And based on his reaction, you felt the need to elaborate.
"I mean, it's great that you always look out for everyone. You're a real nurturer," you explained.
Wonwoo has never been described in such light before. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep the blush from overtaking his cheeks. He shrugged though as if it was no big deal.
"But what are you doing to take care of yourself? I'm not asking you to make a decision now to either stay or go because going to grad school is a big decision. Congratulations, by the way. That's incredible!"
How could you always see the positive side of things? How hasn't life damaged your spirit like it has for him? How could you see good in him when he often failed to see it in himself?
"I know it's easy to feel like you need to harbor your own emotions because it's easy. But Wonwoo, that shit can break you."
Woah. Who would have thought y/n could swear.
"I'm always going to be here if you need me, you know. I'm not just Mingyu's friend, but I could like to consider us friends too, if that is something you'd like. I'm always here if you need a place to vent, especially if it's away from the guys. I know they can be…" you trailed off.
You didn't want to offend Wonwoo as that was his core group of friends. You were just a side character brought in every now and then.
"A lot," Wonwoo finished for you.
You both shared a laugh as you nodded, confirming to Wonwoo that was the word you were looking for. Silence fell over the two of you for a moment. All that could be heard was the sound of people laughing from within the house and the crickets chirping in the backyard. It was peaceful.
"You know, I've always wanted to say more than hello to you, y/n. Thank you for letting me vent. I wasn't expecting for it all to just spew out like that," he confessed.
Looking at him, you nodded a blush had fully taken over his cheeks but a wide smile remained on his lips. He looked too adorable. The moonlight was highlight his facial features which left you starstruck. He truly was built like a God.
You scooted closer so you could wrap your arms around Wonwoo. He tried his best not to let his body go tense. Wonwoo just wasn't accustomed to someone showing him affection in such a physical way. To be honest, he couldn't remember the last time he actually had a hug.
Slowly, his arms wrapped around you to pull you in closer. You didn't mind his hold on you was a bit tight. He clearly needed it. Your head rested on his shoulder, which allowed you to get a whiff of his cologne. Teakwood and oak. It made your heart fluttered.
But what really sealed the deal was feeling Wonwoo's head rest on top of yours gently.
"Always here for you, Wonwoo." "Promise?" He whispered. "I promise."
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jinbugs · 4 months
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“Do you think you deserve it? To be punished?” “I think so, yes.”
A Pathfinder 2e Campaign Introduction Post!
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REVUN (@dovelydraws)
26 years old
A duel-wielding tiefling fighter. Easy-going freelance mercenary from Alephia, looking for a job that pays well and a little company.
FERRA (@artpepkin)
87 years old
A beastkin elven rogue from Chiei Thya. Playful vagabond who finds herself wherever the wind takes her. She's maybe gotten herself in a little over her head.
POLITES (@mossy-garden)
17 years old
A tiefling champion. Proud kingdom guard of Crimyria under the goddess Vildeas, who is willing and anxious to prove himself.
KWAN (@jinbugs)
39 years old
A human investigator. Cunning Po Lian scholar-official informant who is in pursuit of a dangerous secret, the centurion pearl. At any cost.
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Glitch (@eternalglitch), our game master, weaves all our loose threads into one coherent story.
One fun rule we’ve incorporated into this campaign: players CANNOT share their character backstories with each other outside of gameplay.
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It gives more mystery fun! It’s also driving us insane. Pray for us.
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(Map created by @dovelydraws, summary also written by Dove)
A lot has gone into the cultures and politics of each of the countries our characters come from. Enough so that it doesn't make sense to get into all of it on an introductory post! But perhaps later in a reblog.
As of the writing of this post, we have now played 5 sessions of the campaign.
Our party all met each other in the small seaside town of Plumeport, Crimyria. We were all brought together in pursuit of the same thing: a legendary man-eating boar, said to hold the power of immortality.
It is believed that consuming the flesh of this boar would grant eternal life, and even just a bit of its fur or blood can extend a person's life, for a time. The King of Crimyria himself has offered whoever can take down this boar a large sum of wealth and a small offering of its blood for personal consumption. He wants the job to be done in time for the Crimyrian Festival of Flight, in a couple months time.
The bounty on the boar's head has drawn adventurers from all over the continent, but none so far have been able to take it down. Many have lost their lives. While each of our party members have their own reasons for wanting to take on this job, Kwan has a very personal stake in their success.
He has, reluctantly, revealed that he once knew the boar before it obtained the power it has today. He has reason to believe it has swallowed something once known as a centurion pearl: a powerful artifact that caused the fall of a once great kingdom, and threw the continent into tumultuous conflict. Kwan is adamant that this power should not be handed over to any king. Once it is killed, they want to extract the pearl from its body to make sure it can never fall into the wrong hands.
So far, Kwan has only revealed this to Revun. Polites, meanwhile, works directly under the king and wants to succeed on this mission to make him proud. Ferra seems to only be interested in the money and adventure. Revun has also said they were in this for the money, but vaguely admitted to Kwan that they also had their own personal reasons to go after the boar, and if he truly believes its power is too dangerous, they will follow his lead.
Once faced with the boar, however, the party was unprepared and outmatched. It was massive, its eyes as large as their heads, emanating a golden glow. It moved unlike a normal animal, and seemingly bore a higher level of intelligence than it should.
After a deceptively strong start, Polites went down in battle, and they were all forced to run to ensure everyone's survival. Before retreating though, Kwan shot the boar with a strange arrow, claiming they would be able to track it again later.
The party camped outside of the marsh, unable to sleep while waiting for Polites to wake up. They discussed next steps- going back to the city to regroup, get proper healing, and perhaps find a sponsor to help them in their next try. They still have a few weeks to get things figured out.
And that's all, so far! We're all pretty stoked and making tons of art and written works, so keep a look out, we might publish a zine when the sessions start wrapping up. Bye-bye, for now!
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Fox is dead.
He knows he is. His life hadn't been over instantly when his body had been suddenly and violently grabbed and twisted beyond what he could take. He had lied there, after, for a moment longer, knowing nothing but pain and the sinking feeling that he was dying.
He is here, now, not where his body had been left to die, but somewhere else. Somewhere he does not recognise, but knows, still, almost instinctually.
It looks like a grand hall with golden rivers and silver skies, so large that he cannot see how far the walls actually go. He tries to see, but everything is simply too far away.
There are others around him. Fox can see them and hear them moving around, walking past him, stepping around him like they don't see him but still know he is there.
Fox tries to look at some of them. He can see faces, so, so many of them, and if he focuses long enough on one of them, he can see it more clearly for a second, but no more. It is like they are far away from him as well, too far away for him to actually see them.
He watches as they go. They all follow the rivers, each a different one, disappearing somewhere alongside them after a while. Fox knows, somehow, that he is supposed to also follow one of the rivers to somewhere, wherever it may lead him to.
He hears one of them, faintly, if he listens very carefully. It's like the river wants him to follow, but cannot make him do so. Fox also wants to follow, but cannot make himself do so.
He knows the reason as well. He knows that he has done mistakes. Many of them. So, so many of them. He knows some of those mistakes have been too grave for his brothers to forgive.
Fox knows he is not welcome anymore.
The river sighs, and then flows away from him.
Fox stands there, and watches as faces he cannot see walk past him and disappear.
He waits.
It is the only thing he can do, after all. Wait.
It's a strange thing, waiting there. Every time he looks somewhere and watches someone, and then looks away for what feels even barely a second, there is already someone else there in their place. He needs to not forget himself, if he wants to not get lost there. He figures that out pretty quickly.
It's cold, there. The rivers look warm and the skies look clear, but Fox cannot feel them. He cannot feel anyone walking past him. They are there, just like he is, but at the same time, it is like they are existing on parallel realities, and only getting a glimpse of what is going on behind the glass that separates them.
Perhaps it's just Fox who sees them. Perhaps no one else sees him.
He tries not to think about that too much.
There are a lot of brothers walking around him.
Fox can see their faces clearly. They do notice him too. Many walk towards him, if they see him, and some of them speak to him, if they get close enough.
Fox wonders if they notice him because the Force recognises them as the same, or at least close enough. If the Force recognises them as kin, even when Fox has been casted aside.
His brothers want him to come with them. They can still hear the river, calling them, guiding them forward to somewhere they are meant to go. His brothers try to take his hands and take him with them. Fox had not expected that, if he is being completely honest. He would understand it, if the others were thinking that he was just any brother.
But no. Some of them do recognise him, and still reach for him, even if they are not wearing the Guard red.
"Of course you can come with", one brother in 212th gold tells him. "The Commander always spoke very fondly of you. You are our brother. Of course you can come with us."
He reaches for Fox, and he makes contact, and even when his hand is warm, Fox's legs are stuck on the ground.
The brother looks at Fox with sad eyes.
"I'm sorry", he says. "You are our brother."
"I know", Fox tells him. "I know. Can you say hi to everyone for me?"
"Of course", his brother tells him, and then follows the river away from Fox.
The Guards, once they figure out that Fox cannot follow them, want to stay with him.
"You are our Commander", they all tell him. "We're not going to leave you here alone!"
They stay, all of them, as long as they are able to. They hold onto him, like Fox is their anchor, the only thing keeping them from drifting away with the river.
Fox lets them stay with him, for a while, but eventually he tells all of them to go.
"Don't worry", he tells them. "Others will come along. I'll be fine. Say hello to everyone for me, alright? Go now. I'll be fine."
There is always resisting, but eventually, they do leave. They have to. The river is guiding them forward, and they have to follow it. Fox cannot hear the river, and his brothers cannot guide him themselves to it.
Fox stands there, and watches them leave.
Stone is the first one to arrive after Fox.
It's strange, to look at him. He looks both like the Stone Fox remembers, and like Stone Fox doesn't quite recognise, Stone who is slightly older and has a new scar across his face.
It's still Stone, though.
Stone stays with him for a long, long time.
But eventually, he leaves as well.
"I'll be fine", Fox says, for the hundreth time. "Say hi to Thorn for me."
"I will", Stone promises. "I will."
After Stone comes Hound. He stays for a long time as well, and promises to say hello to Thorn and Stone.
After Hound comes Bly.
Bly puts his arms around Fox and holds him.
"It's not fair", he says, again and again. "It's not fair, this isn't how any of this is supposed to go! It doesn't matter if someone has called you a Dar'vod, you are my brother! That should matter more!"
"I know", Fox says.
"Why are you so calm about this?" Bly asks him. "You are stuck here! You should be with all of us!"
"Bly, please", Fox says. "I can't. Please don't...please don't remind me too much. Please don't."
Bly goes quiet. He still holds onto Fox for a long time.
Eventually, he has to let go.
"It's okay", Fox promises him. "Say hi to Ponds for me."
Thire comes last.
Fox knows more time has passed now. It's strange, to look at Thire, and see his youngest brother there, but also someone who is a lot older than Fox ever got to be now.
He looks a lot like Prime before he died, Fox thinks, but doesn't say it out loud.
He also thinks it's a good thing Thire looks so much older than Fox. Fox knows he wouldn't have been able to endure his little brother dying young like Fox had.
"We have a chance", Thire tells him. "There are a lot of people standing against the Empire. Bail and Breha are with them."
Fox almost starts crying then and there. It's been- he doesn't even know how long it has been since someone has said those names to him.
"They're," Fox swallows, and tries again, "they're alright?"
"Yes", Thire says. "They are. I let them take your body, you know? You're there with them."
It's strange, to think about what happened to him after his death. Fox has been here the whole time, not there.
He guesses whatever was left of him there was what was left of him to everyone else, as well.
Fox thinks about it for a while, and then turns back to Thire.
"What else has been going on?" He asks, because he already knows that Thire is going to be staying for a while.
So Thire stays, and he tells his stories, until he has nothing else to say.
He promises, like all of Fox's brothers before him, to say hi to everyone for him. He hugs Fox for a long while, before he finally lets go.
Fox watches him leave for as long as he can.
The Galaxy is big, and there is always someone dying.
Fox has accepted that to be just the inevitable way of life. Everyone and everything dies eventually, even the stars. He thinks he had heard that from someone while he was still alive.
Still, some deaths are more tragic than others. Some deaths are ones that Fox thinks shouldn't have happened, not at least in the way that they did, no matter the inevitable nature of death itself.
He has seen it all pretty much, by now. Many people have been crying when walking past him, but as far as Fox has seen, they have all always dried their tears before they disappear with their rivers. He has seen anger and despair, both in a way that suits normal lives and in a way that he recognises to suit lives that are ended by the brutality of war. They all seem to always get past it, though, before they continue their journey past where he cannot see them anymore.
Fox has learned that it is normal for there to be a lot of people around him, and for them to be in distress.
But still, he knows something is wrong.
Maybe it's the way the people just seem to appear, all of a sudden, all at once, instead of coming in many rivulets. Maybe it's in the way that people are now moving. Many are still walking towards, around and past him, like they usually do, but many, too many, way too many, are running around, shouting and screaming names, searching for faces with desperation and grief written all over their own, whenever Fox gets to look at them for long enough.
It feels less like a river now, flowing towards their ends, but like a wild rapids, like rogue waves being pushed around against shores that are too small and tight for them.
Fox looks at them more closely.
He has seen it all, by now. Adults, elderly, teenagers, even children. People die at all ages all the time.
But this? There are so many of them, searching for each other. All of them are crying. He sees so many small children, healthy looking, yelling for their parents, for their siblings, friends, anyone, and just as many adults doing the same, searching for their children and parents and anyone they know, and they just keep coming.
Fox tries to look at them, tries to listen at them for long enough to figure out what is going on, but it's even more difficult now, when there are so many faces and voices around him. Something terrible, he can tell, because there seems to be no end for them, and whenever he gets to hear more than one word from any of them, they all sound the same, like they all speak the same language in the same way.
Fox doesn't understand how that can be. How can this many people die like this, all seemingly at once, in one place? He has seen war before, but even the largest massacres had been nothing like this.
He listens to them more, and there is now something familiar in the way they all talk, in a way that suddenly makes Fox go cold, like he was dying himself all over again.
He knows it. He knows the way they are all speaking, he has listened to that very same way of speech so many times.
Suddenly Fox understands everyone around him searching and screaming very well, because he is doing the same now.
Not screaming yet, but definitely searching. He tries to look at all the faces, to see if he sees them, and he prays to something, anything, everything, that he doesn't find what he is looking for.
He doesn't need to look into the faces of people around him to see them, eventually, because in the sea of faces and voices on the other side of a misty window, he sees two more than clearly.
Fox understands the grief in everyone's faces now too.
He is definitely screaming, now.
No words at first, no. Just a sound that makes its way out of him without him being able to control it at all. He sees them hear it, because they stop, and they start to look around, their eyes searching the people around them.
Fox hasn't had to breathe in a long, long time, but now he feels like he is out of air anyway. He drags his voice back in, and pushes it back in where it can be formed into words, and he screams again.
"Breha!" His voice is tearing up at its invisible seams. "Bail!"
He looks at them, and that's the moment they look at him and see him, standing there, in the same place where he has been standing his whole time there.
Fox watches as they start running as well, still looking at him, and then they are there, and Bail is just a little bit closer and throws his arms around him.
Fox stumbles, his legs ripping away from the ground. He doesn't get to wonder about it for too long, because Bail is holding him now. He is warm, just the way Fox achingly clearly remembers him to be, and then Breha is there as well, her arms going between Bail's to hold onto Fox just as tight.
They all stand there, for a moment which length Fox cannot measure, in each others arms.
Breha is the first one to speak.
"Fox", she says, in a way she always used to say his name, and Fox is barely able to keep the tears that have sprung into his eyes from falling.
Her hand reaches up and touches his jaw and then his cheek.
"Fox", Bail says then, as well, and Fox cannot hold it in anymore.
He cries.
He is pretty sure they are all crying.
There is another hand on his face, now, both of them wiping away the tears still falling down.
"Fox", Breha calls him again. "Fox, my love, our love. Look at me."
What else can Fox do, than to do as she asks of him?
It is Breha and Bail, standing there, just like he remembers them, but not quite. When Fox blinks, there are definitely grey streaks in Bail's beard and hair, and there is a long, silvery strand framing Breha's face. More lines around their eyes when Fox looks closer, ones he doesn't remember seeing there before.
It doesn't matter to him, not really. He knows them, still.
It's a strange mix of emotions he is feeling. Relief, of finally seeing them again. Happiness, brought by being held by them again.
Sorrow, for seeing them both there, emerging from the chaos of grief, knowing that they are here with him now, because they are both dead.
"Why?" He asks, because he doesn't know what else to ask. It's one word, but they understand it still.
The same grief is on their faces as well.
"The Empire", Bail starts, and pauses for a moment, like speaking pains him, "has figured out how to build weapons of mass destruction beyond anything we could've imagined. We've been fighting against them for a long time now, and...we finally got caught. Alderaan is no more."
"I don't understand", Fox says. "That doesn't make any sense."
Except it does, in a sense that it explains why there were so many of them all of a sudden, all frightened, like they hadn't had any time to prepare for their deaths. But it doesn't, because Fox cannot, will not believe that there is a weapon that can make a whole planet and everyone on it disappear.
"I know", Breha says, soothing, like she isn't the one who has just lost her own life and everything else. "It's not all lost. Our daughter, she's out there. She has the key to stopping them."
"She will do it", Bail says, and he sounds proud, so proud. "She will. We know she will."
Fox believes them when they say it.
"Of course she will", he says. "She is your daughter, after all. If she is anything like you, she can do anything."
They look at him gently, then.
"Our daughter", Breha repeats. "Our daughter. Just because you weren't there doesn't mean she is any less yours. She carries you with her as much as we did."
"She takes after you very much as well", Bail says, and there is a sparkle in his eyes again as he speaks. "Determined and strong, just like you."
Fox cries again. They don't rush him to stop, just stay there with him and hold him until everything has been spent.
"I wish I would've known her", Fox says. "I wish I would've been there."
"We wish so too", Bail says. "There wasn't a day we didn't wish that you were with us still."
"But you are now", Breha says, brushing her fingers softly over the skin under Fox's eye. "You are with us again. We have all the time now to tell you everything."
That is the moment Fox remembers that he can move again.
He has to make sure. He lifts one leg, and takes half a step back, and then makes the other leg follow.
He can move, but he still cannot hear the river.
"I would love that", he says. "But I...I don't know where to go."
"Don't worry", Bail says. He reaches for Fox's hand, and takes it into his, firmly and securely. "We know. We'll show you."
Breha laces her fingers with Fox's as well, tying herself to him like a safety line on the outside of a ship. They turn to face the golden rivers, meandering towards their ends under the silver skies, and they take Fox with them.
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rfswitchart · 3 months
Obligatory Huntlow post for ASIAS anniversary
So, I might as well do an anniversary post for Any Sport in a Storm, shouldn't I?
Pop quiz: When did Willow Park fall in love with the Golden Guard? There's a lot of answers you COULD say for this. Maybe she started realizing it when they were in the Human Realm. Maybe she realized when he grabbed her out of the sky or was in the detention pit with him.....
You COULD say that.... but you'd be wrong. She realized it the moment Hunter stood between the Entrails and Darius. "Wait, how do you know that?" you might ask. Simple. Because as a writer of 25 years and someone who has had many crushes and relationships... I know that kind of body language and tone of voice well.
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"After all, it will be 52 weeks until 'Caleb's' next day off..." Note the way she SAID that. Sly, coy, definite tongue in cheek. The way she's looking over her shoulder back towards him. I mean COME ON, there's a heart shaped cloud just above her head. Hearts being between the two of them is a big tell for that. It's called THEMING. "Ok, but that's just one moment..." Au contraire, did you think I'd come into this with one example? Remember, I WROTE THIS ALREADY. Now, pop quiz #2: Why did Hunter, who had only ever met Willow ONCE know the difference between the real and fake one?
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After all, there is no way he could have known that after just one encounter. You can not determine a person's entire personality based on a sole encounter, no matter how much of an impression it left on you. The answer, again, is simple...
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Because they had been talking over Penstagram since ASIAS. Probably took a while due to Hunter not being used to typing and stuff, but I cannot imagine they weren't talking since that night. It also explains why Willow trusted him so easily during the scout invasion of Hexside. Because it couldn't JUST be the breathing technique that swayed her. After all, Hunter had lied and betrayed her and her friends before.
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...Again with the hearts. THEMING! Anyway, even if we discredit ASIAS and Labyrinth Runners, or how she totally went to kill Kikimora for trying to hurt 'him' (and stopped when she could have hurt him) and ran after 'him' specifically when 'he' was captured (remember, it was Luz, she just THOUGHT it was Hunter) Fine, let's forget all that then...
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Because even if you discount those things, she definitely had a thing for him while they were trapped in the human realm. How do I know? Ok, time to teach you kids about flirting 101.
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"I'm gonna borrow that book when you're done with it! ;)" She's not saying "I want to read that" because she's curious about Cosmic Frontier. She is saying "I want to know more about your interests," and saying it with a tone that says "I want to turn this into a date if I can." Even before when she's taking a picture and shutting down Amity's snarking on Hunter's costume, her body language, her words, her tone. They are all suggesting there's more than just 'friendship' there. When it comes to flirting, it is not WHAT you say, it is HOW you say it.
Also, while I'm on the subject. Willow is canonically Pansexual, she is not Ace. Also, she is not Demi/aromantic, she is heavily guarded and has trust issues from years of bullying and nearly everyone looking down on her or using her as emotional support. I have the same problem for the same reasons, and I know for a fact I am not aro. I am guarded because I've been hurt before, same as Willow. Hunter is the only one who ISN'T like that.
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He doesn't see her as weak and frail, he doesn't rely on her for stuff, and he wouldn't be caught dead hurting her or looking down on her. That is HIS captain, and he'll be damned if he won't see her as anything short of incredible. And boy did he let her know that, more than once.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Let's all appreciate these two amazing, powerful witches who really do compliment each other's lives.
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ramhaiba · 4 months
𝖧𝖺𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖵𝗈𝗐𝗌 (𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖯𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖬𝖾𝗀𝗎𝗆𝗂 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖, 𝕎𝕠𝕝𝕧𝕖𝕤
No warning in this chapter however MINORS DO NOT INTERACT SERIES TW: Gore, Stalking, Sexual themes, major character death
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You tried to be the perfect daughter, you really did but now you're sobbing your eyes out in your room. You won't lie, having the title of a princess has made your life drastically easier compared to those who are forced to address you as 'your royal highness." However, everything good must come with a price. And your price just so happens to be an arranged marriage with a prince you've never even laid eyes on.
What even was his name again? Something with an 'M' right?
Megumi Fushiguro?-- Yeah, that's his name. 
It doesn't matter, you've seen this story often played out by your friends and families. Wonderful innocent noble women or princesses get married off to some hideous obnoxious demons... also known as men who were given too much power.
So when your parents announced to you that you'd be married to the son of  Zenin family, your heart shattered. You knew this day would happen, but seeing it come to reality felt like unreal. You excused yourself  from the dinner table before your parents could see you cry.
You thought you had more time before that big announcement. Hell, you thought that maybe you'd even find a way out of an arranged marriage before your parents made up their minds. 
 The gentle sound of your bedroom door being knocked on caused you to slowly drag yourself out of bed. Before twisting the golden doorknob open, you wiped your eyes. There he stood, your personal royal guard, Yuuji Itadori, and right behind him was your lady-in-waiting, Nobara Kugisaki. He looked at you with such an empathetic expression, while Nobara couldn't even bear to look at you in the eyes, finding it too painful to see her dear friend in pain.
"I'm guessing you both heard of the news" You croaked, your voice a bit unsteady from crying.
"I'm sorry," Yuuji mumbled as Nobara bit her lip and nodded.
You turn your back on them  and start walking into your room, like always they followed you, only remaining a couple of steps behind you. You sat on your bed and rested your hands on your lap while Yuuji stood in front of you, while Nobara sat at the edge of your bed.
"I have no idea why I'm even crying, I knew this would happen one day. But I just... I just didn't expect it to happen this soon." you laughed painfully as  wiped your face.
"You're allowed to cry. This whole thing is overwhelming... " Yuuji sighed. "I don't even know why all women have to go through this bullshit." Nobara huffed, finally expressing her frustration as she crossed her arms.
"At least I get a shiny crown right" you sighed and then leaned your back against your bed and crossed your arms on your chest.
"Do you know anything about him? The guy you're supposed to get married to." Nobara asked, trying to find a bright side to your situation.
"I barely know anything besides that he's a part of the Zenin family. "You sighed.
"Zen-in... Zennnin. Where did I hear that name before" Yuuji hummed as he tapped his chin. His eyes lit up as he came to a realization.
"Gojo mentioned them before he said that they're really-- y'know what? .. Never mind! " Yuuji started laughing--a type of laugh where you try to cover up something by making it sound causal. You instantly sat up, glaring at the pink-haired royal guard. "Do you know something?" you questioned, raising your eyebrow.
"Me? No- nothing- forget I said anything" Yuuji stuttered as his eyes traveled all around the room to avoid making eye contact with yours.
"As your royal Highness, I command you to tell me the truth"
"Don't use the royalty card with me-"
"OH- I'm using the royalty card. Spit it out, Yuuji."
Yuuji let out a frustrated sigh as he ruffled his hair. "Gojo mentioned once that the Zenin family are known to be quite violent and what makes it worse is that they have enough power to do whatever they want--destroy whatever they want... And for Gojo to admit that a person- nevertheless- an entire family to be powerful... Well, it says a lot" Yuuji confessed as he looked up at you with a nervous expression. You start laughing uncontrollably, so hard that you hold your stomach, while Nobara and Yuuji look at you, both worried and confused.
"I am so screwed. " you sighed in disbelief.
Today's the day, you're going to meet your so-called fiancé, Megumi, so there you sat in your carriage, dreading every second that you travel closer and closer to the devil-like manor. 
"Frowning causes wrinkles," Nobara said, finding the silence to be too uncomfortable as she sat across from you. Yuuji nudged her, "That's not what she needs right now, Kugisaki" he argued.
"Hey! What type of guard nudges a noble woman! Gees is chivalry not a part of your training? Or do they hire any dimwit with the capability to hold a shiny sword?"Nobara huffed as she turned her head to look at him.
"Who are you calling a dimwit-" Yuuji argued. You let out a laugh and their heads moved to look at you.
"I'm really grateful, to have you both come with me...To be honest, I'd probably have a heart attack if I didn't have you guys coming with me" you sighed as you leaned back.
Nobara waved you off, "I'd do anything to travel, do you know how boring that old castle can be sometimes" she smirked as she crossed her arms.
The carriage came to a stop and the conversation instantly became silent until Yuuji mumbled
"Guess we're here..."
You didn't know castles could be this big until you stepped foot on the Zenin's property. You could tell your friends were impressed as well by their facial expressions.
"I'm guessing you're the princess of the L/N family? " A woman with dark hair and glasses walked towards you. Your first thought when you saw her was how fit she was, you didn't know women could appear so muscular yet feminine at the same time.
"Yes, that's me" you nervously smiled. The woman gave you a faint smile as she nodded her head, "My name is Maki, I'll be showing you to your room... and as for your friends..." Maki hummed as she clapped her hands, and quickly a white-haired boy rushed towards her. "He can take your friends to our guest rooms"
"Wait- we're not allowed to follow Y/n?" Nobara scoffed. You pat Nobara's arm "I'll be fine, Nobara. We'll meet up soon, okay?" you smile, trying to put Nobara's worries at ease. As Nobara opened her mouth, Yuuji interrupted her, "Kusagki, she said she'll be okay, let's go." Nobara sighed and then nodded her head in defeat as she walked away with Yuuji.
"Now, let's get you to your room, Your Highness " Maki turned her back and started walking down the halls, you struggled to keep up with her quick pace.
As you walked through a hallway that seemed to miles long, you noticed the numerous portraits. One appears to be more alluring than the others, a portrait of a man, with dark hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. You stopped in your tracks, feeling hypnotized by the beauty of painting. Maki seemed to notice as she paused walking to turn back to look at you.
"Already admiring your fiancé?" she teased as she stood next to you and looked at the portrait.
"So that's him..." you mumbled.
For a man who comes from such an evil family...he's truly beautiful.
"Okay, enough time staring at a boring painting, we can't risk being late on schedule" Maki announced
Your room was far from welcoming, it seemed as gloomy as almost everything in this castle. Maki went to go open your wardrobe, there appeared a single dress, it was beige with silk material and a corseted top.
Compared to everything else you owned. It was kinda ugly... you bit your tongue so you wouldn't voice your thoughts.
"Is something wrong?" Maki asked, tilting her head. "No...Nothing wrong. Thank you, Maki, I'll go get changed now" You put on a nervous smile for the girl.
"Great, I'll always be around in case you need something" Maki nodded her head as she left the room.
You looked back at the dress.
How could your fiancé pick you something like this? Maybe it'll look better when you put it on.
"What are you wearing? You look like a ghost in that gown" Nobara whispered to you. You were sitting at the Zenin dining table, with Nobara sitting at your side and Yuuji leaning on the wall behind you.
"He picked it" you mumbled
"Hopefully he doesn't pick the wedding dress as well" Nobara whispered as she rolled her eyes.
Suddenly the dining doors opened, and there he appeared, his hair somewhat messy, his eyes furrowed as he wiped away the sweat on his forehead, a sheath dangling on his side that carried his sword, he looked exhausted. He stares at the dining table.
"Where's the old man" Megumi huffed as he looked at the empty chair.
"Master Toji is busy attending to business at another kingdom." A servant spoke up.
"Of course he is" Megumi rolled his eyes as he prepared to exit the dining room.
"Megumi, are you not going to greet your fiancé?" Maki scoffed as she crossed her arms. Megumi stopped in his tracks and sighed, his respect for Maki causing him to retrace his steps back into the dining room.
"What's your name" he sat down, staring you down, seeming to rather be anywhere besides here, with you at the moment.
God, you're nervous, why are you this nervous?
He even better looking than his portrait-- plus- judging by the sword and sweat on his face, he must have been practicing. You doubt he even needed practice, already being naturally strong. God, he looks like he can tear you limb to limb and feel nothing afterward.
"Hello? Do you not talk?" Megumi asked, this time with an annoyed tone.
"Y/n. I'm happy to finally meet you, Megumi" you responded, somewhat embarrassed that you were lost in thought for that long. Megumi hummed at your response and tapped his fingers on the table.
"Well, Y/n, as long as you keep to yourself... We'll get along fine." he got up and marched out of the dining room.
The whole room went silent until Nobara finally spoke her thoughts
"Wow.. he seems friendly"
You had trouble sleeping, unlike your original home, the Zenin castle was located in a forest, thus, the loud sound of trees banging against your window, and the noises of weak animals crying in the night, often crept into your bedroom walls.
Finally, you felt your body give up to exhaustion, your eyes feeling heavy as the unwanted sounds fell mute to your ears.
Then, you felt a rough shake on your forearm. You groaned as you opened your eyes, it was hard to see the person who rudely awoken you from your sleep, only being able to make out blue eyes.
"Megumi?" you mumbled in disbelief.
"Get up," he said, his tone cold and nonchalant as always.
"I beg your pardon?"
Megumi clicked his tongue, "Please. Get up and follow me" he mumbled, annoyed.
You barely had time to even wrap a shawl over your nightgown before you were forced to follow your so-called fiancé. However, you stopped following him as soon as he stepped outside of the manor and into the cold outdoors, illuminated by the moonlight and occasional fireflies.
"Why did you stop walking?" he questioned, stopping in his tracks as he noticed you remained a couple of steps still inside the castle.
"You seriously expect me to go outside? It's already freezing inside." You argued, wrapping your shawl tighter around your body. Megumi sighed as he dragged his palm from his forehead to off his face, and then you watched him march back inside to open a wardrobe, there he tossed you an oversized dark fur coat.
"What is this" you stare at the heavy piece of clothing in your palm.
"You said it was cold outside, right? Wear it." Megumi scoffed. "Now, please, I don't want to waste any more time" Megumi added, motioning with his hands for you to hurry up. You mumbled curses as you pulled over the cloak around your shoulder, judging by the lack of perfume and the overall length of the cloak it was owned by a man.
You followed Megumi into a small clearing in the middle of the woods.
Did I really just follow this man just for him to murder me in the woods? You laughed at your thought, trying to deny how nerve-wracking your situation is.
"Are you going to tell me why we're here now" You sighed, as you watched Megumi turn his back on you, his eyes searching for something in the darkness.
"They'll be here any moment" he mumbled, his cheeks turning a slight red from the cold air.
And like just like that, you saw something crawl out of the darkness, claws the size of daggers, teeth so sharp that they could pierce through metal,
There was only one- no-- two of them
Two wolves, making their way towards you, they were gigantic, one fur as white as the moon, while the other as dark as the midnight sky. You were trying to retreat for your life but you felt Megumi's hands grab your forearms and force them to go behind your back, forcing you to stay in place, leaning into your ear, his breath fanning on the back of your neck as he whispered
"Are you scared, Y/n?"
"Of course I am- Megumi- Let go, I'm not fucking dying here" you shouted, noticing the wolves growl at your sudden burst of sound. You're trying to shake Megumi's grip off of you, but-- god- he's too strong.
"If you act like prey, they're going to treat you like one, Y/N" Megumi huffed, seeming unfazed by the wolves' presence.
You shut your eyes in fear as you felt the wolves slowly raise their heads, bringing their teeth so close to your skin that you could feel their drool, the only noise that you could hear was how fast your heart was racing. Then you felt the wetness of their snouts touch your clothes, at first you heard a growl. However, the relief of silence appeared the second they smelled your cloak. As you slowly opened your eyes, you watched as they disappeared back into the woods.
"Well done. Y/n." Megumi's hands gliding down your arms, letting you go.
If the wolves didn't eat you alive, Megumi surely would.
next chapter
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badgerbl00d · 1 year
one piece boys falling in love at first sight
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☆ characters: ace, rayleigh, marco
☆ up next: one piece characters with a jealous gf
☆ a/n: my last post generated a lot of new followers and requests! i'm so happy and am excited to start working on all the requests. i also will be posting a master list soon so thank u for being patient with me on that front haha. enjoy! &lt;3
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1k words
“Welcome aboard!!”
Cheers erupted from the crew, as they all swarmed the deck.
Joining the Whitebeard Pirates was always celebrated with an enormous party. 
The sun had started to set but it still beat down relentlessly on the ship and Ace craned his neck to try and get a better view.
You were all the crew had been talking about for weeks. 
Some thief who had managed to steal from the Whitebeard Pirates and get away with it. 
He remembers how Whitebeard laughed when Izo and Thatch came moping back from inventory, nearly pissing themselves when they were forced to admit they’d been got by an amateur. 
Whitebeard had ordered that you be tracked down immediately because anyone who stole from him with that much skill and audacity deserved a spot on his crew. 
After a few weeks of searching, Izo came back with you. 
From what he’d heard you weren’t easy to convince. 
There was alcohol being passed around and the spray of champagne bottles being opened left and right misted his neck. 
He pushed through everyone and began making his way toward the front.
He eventually bumped into Marco who’d secured a front-row seat, downing beer as your fellow pirates all came to get a look at you. 
“What’s the big fuss? Can’t get any damn sleep around here,” he groaned. 
Marco laughed, “Jealous that you’re not the shiny new toy anymore?”
Both men had given up on trying to get a look at you and decided they’d wait for everything to die down.
“Want a beer?” 
Ace nodded and readily accepted the cool can, chugging it within seconds.
“It’s hot as hell out here.”
Marco took another sip of his drink, “If you feel hot how do you think I feel.”
“Well you’re kind of fire too, you know, like- the whole phoenix thing is-”
“Yeah, yeah, but it’s different though.”
“I mean, you could argue that the blue fire is hotter than the red part.”
“Yeah, dumbass, but the point of my devil fruit isn’t fire.”
“Okay well, they’re close enough.”
The heat got the better of the both of them and they gave up their argument, both fairly moody at the heat and the noise. 
“When’s the food part starting.”
“Soon probably, apparently Thatch has the hots for the kid.”
Ace choked a bit on his drink.
“What do you mean? Like he thinks he’s hot?”
This caught Ace even more off-guard. 
Now he really wanted to get a look at you.
After another few minutes, the crowd relented, and people started making their way back to the rest of the ship. 
As the group of cheering pirates around you thinned, you felt relief flooding your senses. 
You took a deep breath and walked on board the Moby Dick.
It was massive. Now that you could actually see it, you realized just how intimidating of a ship this really was. Of course, you’d had a general idea since you did rob it blind, but still. It was different when you were a welcome guest. 
Ace took his chance now, and as the last of your welcoming party dissipated he made his way over to you.
As if on cue, you turned to look at him. 
The sun was positioned perfectly behind your head and framed you in a sort of angelic light, it poured up and over your frame from behind you, casting golden hues through your h/c hair. 
He stopped in his tracks, one foot still caught mid-step, trailing behind the other.
You were… pretty.
The slight breeze that had been brought with sunset, swept through your hair, leaving your face completely out in the open.
Your lips were slightly parted, had you been saying something?
He didn’t know, he was too enraptured with everything else. 
You stood tall, it was clear you had pride to spare.
Your tan skin glimmered with the same regal hue as your hair, and never in his life had Ace felt that something- someone had commanded his attention so thoroughly with just their presence. 
You walked toward him, Oh my god she’s walking toward me.
He was proud and he had abundant confidence in his worth but if he’d ever doubted that, it was now that he did. 
You extended a hand towards Ace, and as if moving through honey your movement was gentle and smooth, but certain. 
“Hi! I’m Y/n, I think I’ve seen your wanted posters before. You-”
Whatever else you said wasn’t registered by the freckled boy in front of you. 
His cheeks were red and his eyes set.
He was breathing deeply, hanging onto everything you did, drinking in the magnificent sight of you.
He instinctively reached his hand up toward his head to take off his hat and hold it against his chest.
Your voice was silky and hung in the air like cigarette smoke. 
The way you looked at him, your eyes intensely focused and direct, had his knees feeling shaky. 
Any ounce of ego left in his body from the first sight of you, drained out of him as you spoke.
His brain was flushed with sudden anxieties.
Had he come across as a creep? What if you took to the other guys? He was young and maybe you wanted something else? Maybe you didn’t even want a guy at all and your ambitions involving piracy had nothing to do with men! 
You looked at him with a puzzled look, your nose wrinkled slightly.
“Are you okay?”
Fuck, she’s so cute.
If he had been less out of it, he would have heard Marco’s cackling in the background.
“Real smooth, Ace!” Thatch yelled from the balcony outside the kitchen.
You laughed, She laughed!
Ace blinked back the muddled thoughts and premature anxieties that had started fuzzing his thoughts. 
You were giggling to yourself and seemed nearly ready to try and introduce yourself to the next person. 
Ace had a million things he wanted to say to you, but he had time. You both had all the time in the world. 
So he instead opted to tip his hat and flash you a smile. 
1k words
A quick stop, Roger had promised.
No more than two days, he’d said.
Everyone knew he was lying, and that they’d be landbound for at least a week, but no one was going to complain.
Almost no one.
“Roger, we should get going,” Rayleigh urged, but the Captain was three beers and ฿3,000 into a game of poker. They wouldn’t be leaving until morning.
Roger laughed loudly, earning stares from the bar's patrons. 
“What’re you in such a rush for?! There’re women and booze all over the island, go find some to your liking and quit complainin’!” He laughed again and Rayleigh gave up and decided he’d just head back to the ship for now. He’d send someone to pick up the captain in the morning. 
He didn’t mind the island itself. It was a spring island, and the clime sat at a gentle temperature, with easy-going winds. Tall grass covered the majority of the island and flowers were in bloom all over. 
Yellow daffodils and pink tulips littered the island, dotting the hills and fields with spots of color. 
He made his way slowly back toward the ship, taking more time than usual to enjoy the scenery. If he was going to be stuck here he may as well enjoy it. 
The sun was just about the set, and vibrant hues of orange colored the sky and with his hands in his pockets, he wandered through the hills back to sea. 
The island had no real port, there was just a bay where ships parked. There weren’t any walkways or built-in passages from which to disembark from the ship, you simply had to drop the anchor and paddle or swim to the rocky shore. The grass grew right up to the edge of the ocean, and he sat down in it, deciding he’d wait until it got dark. 
A soft rustling to his left caught his attention.
Tucked in the grass, was a girl sleeping, a book in her hands. 
She was wearing a white dress, and it moved together with the grass, back and forth, pushed by the wind.
A cool breeze ran through your body and with a slight shiver, you slowly blinked your eyes open, pushing yourself up onto your elbows, rolling onto your stomach. 
You flipped through the pages of your book, going back and forth a few times before deciding to close it altogether. 
You sat up, stretching your arms out over your head, letting your hair fall over your shoulders. 
Rayleigh was, for lack of a better term, entranced. 
He was completely hypnotized by the sight of you. 
He felt as though you’d materialized before him, a beautiful fairy or something similar.
He’d heard stories of sailors coming across women whose beauty stopped them in their tracks. Women that they thought about every night after those initial encounters, held a complete hold on their minds.
He thought that now he felt something similar. 
He felt awkward just sitting and watching you, and thought he might say something. 
A tug in his chest urged him to stand up and try and present himself, but he felt an irritating nervousness spread throughout his body.
C’mon, Rayleigh.
He was usually so… good at this. 
If he saw a pretty girl at a bar or a port or an island he would just talk to her. 
Everything after that came naturally. 
He was a Roger pirate for god’s sake, people around the globe feared him and revered him, and yet… and yet with every breath, he took to try and start a sentence he came up blank. 
The thirty seconds he’d spent trying to speak to you felt like an hour and he thought his heart might stop when you’d turned around to look at him. 
“Oh! Hello!”
He drew in a breath. 
The colored sunset light fell on your face and illuminated your features in soft hues.
Your eyes widened slightly at the man standing before you and you gave him an awkward smile. 
“Have you been standing there a long time?”
An accusatory look settled on your face, and your lips settled into a frustrated pout.
“I, um, yes,” he admitted, a blush creeping onto his face, “I wasn’t- I mean- I had just sat here to enjoy the, um-”
“Yeah, yeah, you creep, I get it.”
You laughed as you said this, and he relaxed a little.
“You’re not from around here are you?” you asked.
“What gave it away?”
“You seem surprised that someone was sleeping outside. It’s normal here, I swear I’m not some weirdo or anything. Our grass is known for being soft.”
He sat back down, slightly closer to you this time.
“What’s that?”
You sat closer to him, pointing to the log pose on his wrist. 
“It’s a compass. Pirates use it on the Grand Line, it works by using the magnetism from each island to route the way toward the next one.”
“You’re a pirate! You don’t look like one! Or act like one.”
“Don’t be so sure.”
You giggled, and he felt completely swept up by your presence. How quickly you started trusting him, the curiosity in your voice that only grew with each question he answered. 
You continued asking him questions, what being a pirate was like, why he was a pirate, and who else did he know that was a pirate. Had he killed anybody?
The more you talked, the more he started feeling like himself. His wittiness and sarcasm started slowly coming back to him, he was able to put aside his awe for your beauty in exchange for his usual flirtiness.
The dynamic between you seemed to shift back and forth between who felt bold and who felt shy. 
“Do you drink?”
“Do I look like I drink?”
Rayleigh laughed, and you joined him. 
Night had set hours ago, yet you kept talking as though you had all the time in the world.
You inched even closer to him, he sat with his legs crossed, and you sat on your knees, feet tucked underneath you. 
You were facing each other and you leaned forward, bringing your lips closer to his.
“When do you leave?”
He tucked some stray pieces of hair behind your ear, trailing a hand down your face.
You rested your head against his palm, looking up at him. 
“That’s too bad. I like you a lot. You’re more than a pretty face.”
Rayleigh smiled at that, “I haven’t heard that one before!”
In a burst of energy and eagerness you pressed your lips to his, and just as quickly retracted. 
He smiled again, bigger this time, and brought his arms around your waist, holding you in place. 
You pressed another kiss to his lips, still too quickly for him to reciprocate. 
He laughed and you felt proud at the blush you saw coloring his cheeks. 
“Tell me, pirate, are you busy tonight?”
“Not at all, pretty.”
“Would you like to be?”
“Very much.
1.2k words
“Why can’t you send Ace to do it?”
“‘Cause I sent ‘im to go get fish from the market,” Thatch explained, “And before you ask, I can’t go either ‘cause I’ll be here. Cooking.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll be back soon.”
Marco threw on a sweater and made his way into the town they were staying in. Thatch was all worked up and excited since they’re known for their produce and food quality.
Naturally, everyone had been sent out to get different ingredients for him.
Marco looked down at the short list he was given, ‘Apples’. 
‘Very concise,’ he thought to himself. 
It was midday and the sun was shining. It was fairly warm on the island, and it was covered in trees. 
There were several signs that pointed him towards the location of the apple farm your family owned. 
He found it with ease and walked around for a bit when he didn’t see anyone out front. 
Every tree was teaming with ripe apples of all kinds. Overripe ones littered the floor and there were some chickens walking around. 
He had been walking for no more than five minutes before he saw you.  
You were reaching up to try and grab the apples that were up on the higher branches of the tree.
You strained your arms upward, using the trunk of the tree as support, your long legs balancing on the tips of your toes. 
Your short dress slid up against your thighs, revealing a soft tan line. 
A few beads of sweat formed on your forehead and after your third reach with no success, you gave up. 
He could feel the pace of his heartbeat start to pick up slightly. 
You looked so calm and at ease. The line of your body as you stretched upward was tantalizing and he couldn’t look away. 
He didn’t want to scare you so he gently cleared his throat.
You turned around in a panic, knocking over a few of the apples in the full baskets that were on the floor next to you.
“Oh! Welcome! Sorry! Sorry- I’m the only one in today and I was trying to get a few more baskets full,” you explained to him. 
“No worries,” Marco said. His voice was deep and he sounded so laid back. 
You were still a bit too far to converse at a normal volume so you walked to him, caught off-guard by how handsome he was. 
He wasn’t wearing anything surprising, nor was he doing anything that was out of the ordinary but you could tell that he wasn’t from around here. 
His hands were calloused and he had a few visible scars spread across the visible parts of his skin.
“What can I get for you today,” you smiled at him. 
“I was sent out for apples! I suppose I’ll take two baskets pleas-”
Marco’s voice trailed off and he cut off his own sentence as he looked and actually made eye contact with you. 
Oh, god. 
He knew you’d probably be hot based on what he’d seen earlier but you were… unspeakably beautiful. 
Your cheeks were full and bright.
Your lips were a lively pink and your eyes caught the shifting glimmers of sunlight in them.
Your hair was pulled back into two messy braids and your loose strands of hair swept back and forth over your face. 
You were unbelievably flattered. 
Naive as you were to love and its complications, you knew what a tempted man looked like. 
An unfamiliar sensation tugged at your chest. You felt like the tendons and muscles around your heart were opening and contracting wildly. 
Your breath hitched in your throat and settled itself right on your vocal cords, you couldn’t say anything. 
You both held a hilariously awkward form of eye contact for several moments. 
Marco swallowed and cleared his mind, regaining his composure to the best of his ability.
“Two of these,” he said again, blinking his gaze down toward the floor as he gestured down toward the basket. 
You took a deep breath and nodded, grabbing another basket for him. 
They were heavier than they looked and after watching your two failed tries at lifting the baskets, Marco offered some help. “Oh, y-yes, please! Thanks,” you said, stepping back as he walked over and picked up the baskets with ease.
“How much do I owe ya?”
“Um.. j-just ฿15.”
“Fifteen?! That’s it?”
“We have, um, a discount going on right now... For handsome travelers.”
Why would I say that? Oh my god, why would I say that!? your cheeks started to rapidly heat up and you shuffled your feet nervously.
Your heart started beating faster against your chest when Marco responded, “How sweet. Take this as a tip then.”
He had a devilishly handsome smile on his face, and you looked at the money he was handing you. “Oh fifty is way too much- I can’t accept that, that’s more than the two baskets would normally be anyway.”
“Well, this is what I always tip beautiful girls.”
You laughed, trying to ignore the rising temperature of your face. 
How embarrassing to be this easily flustered. 
He smiled at you, clearly enjoying himself. 
“C’mon, I insist,” he closed your hand around the money and gently guided your hand back toward your chest. 
You pouted, feeling guilty that he gave you so much money.
“You’re sure?”
“Sweetheart, I’m a pirate,” he said, “There’s a lot more where this came from.”
His voice was full of confidence but he was so relaxed. 
It made your stomach twist.
The way he carried himself- you could tell he was dangerous, but he was so laid back. 
“A pirate?”
He nodded.
You put the money away, and played with the ends of your braids, unsure of what to say to him. 
He bent down, one arm on each side of you.
Your breath caught in your throat and you stood frozen still.
He picked up the baskets, one in each hand, from your sides.
“As much as I’d love to spend the rest of my day here, I’m afraid I have to report back soon.”
You nodded, sheepishly looking down at the floor. 
He smiled at you again, winking this time. 
He turned and started walking back toward the entrance.
You knew you’d probably never see him again and a kind of unknown anxiety made its way to your chest. 
“Wait!” you called out, running after him.
He turned around.
“Will... Will I see you again?”
This time a less nonchalant smile spread across the Commander’s face. 
“Oh, absolutely,” he teased, “I’ve got wanted posters in every town from here to North Blue.”
You pouted again.
So cute! Marco thought to himself.
“You know what I mean.”
“I can work something out.”
“What’s your name?” you asked.
“Marco,” he answered, “What’s yours?”
“Pretty name for a pretty face.”
You smiled. 
He couldn’t help but stare. 
It suddenly dawned on Marco the Phoenix, First Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, that he was positively, undoubtedly fucked. 
You stood in front of him, waiting for him to say something else. 
“You’ll see me again,” he said, this time with unwavering certainty,
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6. Don’t make plans for the next morning.”
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Clashing Angelic’s
Summary: How would Lute react to crushing/falling in love with someone in Hell?
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo Square: First Meeting
A/N: It’s been so long since I posted something properly and I know I said it would be Alastor but don’t worry I have two Alastor fic/headcannon stories in the works so I’ll hopefully be able to post those soon. I also have a longer overlord Huskerdust au fic in the works so a lot of my writing attention is going to that. I wrote this in the middle of class so if there are any mistakes I'll be able to fix them later.
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The way the two of you meet would be during an Extermination.
Lute would be searching for any Sinners that hadn’t taken the opportunity to hide while they still could or were new to Hell and hadn’t been informed what an Extermination was.
Then her eyes would land on you.
At first, she would think you were one of her own Angels who for some reason wasn’t in uniform before coming to her senses as she took in the telltale signs of a Sinner.
For a few seconds, she would hesitate, spotting you throwing her off kilter. In those few seconds, you would become aware of her presence, stopping whatever you were doing to stare her down for a few seconds.
What caught Lute’s attention the most and what hooked her in was how not a spec of fear could be seen on your face; your eyes instead blazing as you waited, almost daring her to try and kill you.
Of course Lute immediately took you up on that challenge.
Her wings spread out as far as they could reach, showing off their span before launching forward, her spear aimed and pointed at you as she got impossibly closer.
Though her Angelic blade never met your skin—much to Lute’s surprise—as you threw up what seemed to be an Angelic weapon of your own.
Lute couldn’t recognise it for the life of her. Looking back on it, she would blame it on the heat of the moment, never being met with a Sinner who had somehow gotten their hands on an Angelic weapon or who was that pretty. It didn’t help though that when buying it off an Overlord they had done their own tinkering to it.
The shock didn’t last long though. As soon as you started pushing on your weapon, trying to dig it closer to Lute, her senses came back to her and the current situation the two of you were in caught up to her.
No matter how pretty you were, she pushed all thoughts aside and focused on trying to dig her spear as far into your chest as she could, hoping to rid of you as quickly as possible so she could move on to the next sinner that needed retribution.
You didn’t make it that easy though.
With every thrust of Lute’s Angelic spear, you would block it with the blade of your own, never allowing her more than a few small cuts, deep red blood trickling out of them. But for every cut that littered your body, you made sure to return the favour with a sharper, more drawn-out one, golden blood making an appearance and beginning to stain the uniform she was made to wear.
The dance of Angelic weapons that the two of you seemed to walk was never-ending, a continuous walts of red slashes and gilded strikes. 
Neither of you would back down; Lute because she was an Angel and it was her duty to slay the Sinners that crossed her path on Extermination Day; You because it was your life she was after and to turn away could lead to a fate out of your control. Also, your street cred would be reduced to nothing if you ran away from an Angel, the lieutenant at that.
By the end of it, you were both covered in a mix of your own and each other’s blood. Red staining clothes while gold brightened the dim night as the day came to an end. 
It was only when a loud, almost roar-like screech filled the air, alerting everyone of what had just happened.
Extermination Day had come to an end, and you had survived even while fighting an Angel. 
No matter that the countdown had finished and a full year awaited until the Angel in front of you was technically allowed to kill you, you still kept your guard up. After spending years in Hell, nothing surprised you anymore, so if the Angel was to breach the agreement made by Heaven, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Lute only spared you with a look however, her spear still held up as she too knew not to turn her back on a Sinner, not when it was on their turf. 
Spreading her wings wide once again, with a powerful flutter she took off from the ground, racing up to the sky where hoards of other Angels were gathering. Lute made sure not to look back, not wanting to waste another second on you when you had effectively wasted a few hours of her Extermination, bringing her number of killed Sinners down. 
You didn’t bother to hide your staring, keeping your eyes glued to her until she grew too far away that she was nothing but a spec in the sky. 
Like any other Extermination, after all the Angels had vanished, you carried on with your day, having things to do and places to be.
Lute however couldn’t get you out of her head for many days–months–to come. Like a plague, you consumed her entire being, never leaving her alone for more than a few seconds. 
Not once did she bring you up to anyone, not wanting anyone to try and piece together the information that was keeping her so distracted. Only once was it almost weaselled out of her, Adam being too nosy as to why she wasn’t able to beat her prior year's record of Sinners killed. She was able to get herself out of that pickle. So to make sure it didn’t happen again, she kept her lips sealed as to anything including fighting a Sinner on Extermination Day.
She couldn’t help but look forward to the next one though, training just as hard to make sure she was up to par when the time came. Lute kept telling herself that if she reached a certain amount of kills in the first few hours of it, she would be able to create a small pocket of time saved just for you. 
Maybe this time Lute would even learn your name.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
Hun something else I want to ask is if you would do a hybrid dragon Yan..? Forgot to mention it in the last ask because I forget ideas a lot <3
-from the one anon who said to use 3 names you like :)!
P.s I’ll probably refer to myself as this forever now hun
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I'm sorry this took so long!! Here it is:
CW: mild violence, video game logic
Yandere!Dragon x GN!Reader
The winds in the mountains were cold enough to slice open skin and leave blisters.
Traveling up towards the sky was (Reader), a warrior known throughout the lands for their incredible feats, climbing up the snowy pass towards the dark splotch on their map.
The dragon's lair.
Only human in appearance, (Reader) had slaughtered almost every type of monster and fiend in the continent, sending fear through all living beings. They were rumored to be immortal, since they seemed to be capable of recovering from any wound they received, no matter how critical. Whatever life threatening hit they took, and no matter how certain their death seemed to be, (Reader) would only black out, waking a few hours later. A warrior without a past, without a home, who only lived to kill.
Slaying a dragon would be the last creature on the killer's list, having already defeated deities and apocalypse level threats. It wasn't that a dragon would be harder than killing a god; they just hadn't gotten around to it.
In the grand scheme of life, dragon slaying would be a side quest.
(Reader) doubted that the battle would be difficult in any sort of sense; aside from their incredible physical attributes they also had legendary gear such as "the Ring of Absolution" which was forged from the tears of a Golden Warrior. That ring alone made it impossible for enemies to block their attacks or use "break out" to parry.
Upon finding the cave and entering recklessly, (Reader) wished that someone had told them sooner:
That "when you're at the top, the only place to go is down.."
A blast of fire knocked their helmet off their head as the heat pushed them back. Shocked (and a little excited) the warrior raised their vampiric sword. Inside the cave, a giant red and golden dragon sat posed, muscles tense and eyeing the invader with intrigue.
"Who are you, to enter my home?" His deep voice sounded more confused than offended. And when (Reader) pointed their weapon at him in response, he chuckled. "Adorable little human, if you wish to live a long life, leave this cave now, and I shall spare you."
(Reader) shouted, igniting a glowing light around their body, then lunged, slashing at the beast.
To the dragon's surprise it hurt.
"Foul little thing!" He snarled, attempting to blast the human with another bolt of flames (this time not as a warning) but the fighter rolled out of the way, effectively dodging the attack. (Reader) thrust again, angering the dragon when he found that he could not block the sword, the blade passing his harder scales and hitting his soft flesh despite his guarding.
Amidst the rage and frustration a new emotion began forming within the centuries young being; respect.
There were no dragons he wished to associate with, there were no creatures that approached him of their own free will. He was alone. For a very, very long time. For he was not just a dragon..
He was Targov the Malicious.
A dragon of legend, ender of nations, killer of kings..
And his health was slowly being chipped away by the steel of a mortal.
(Reader) did not know who the dragon was, only that this was the closest location for a dragon nest.
"Small human.. I have a proposition for you."
The warrior paused, tilting their head as they waited for the dragon to continue.
"You have impressed me, and you have earned my admiration. So I offer you a chance at life eternal: become my mate, and ascend to a higher state of being.
You shall never want nor need for anything. I will be your willing servant for all of eternity."
It wasn't the first proposal (Reader) had received, yet it was certainly the first from a beast. They stepped back a fraction as though his words caused them to stumble. His request sounded so genuine that it almost killed their blood lust.
Disappointment and betrayal filled the dragon's eyes as (Reader) suddenly threw their sword like a spear, lodging it into Targov's chest, a feather's distance shy of his heart. But even that only further fueled the growing need he had for the mortal. And the obvious solution to the warrior's resistance was to make the choice easier for them.
Targov flew forward, but instead of attacking like (Reader) had predicted, he grappled the human in his talons and continued faster, propelling them both out of the cave and into the sky as he built speed.
The wind jostled the surprised human about like a rag doll as they rose higher into the atmosphere. Their ears popped painfully, but they could still hear the roaring laughter of the dragon.
"HA! Now what do you say, human?! Shall you be mine? Or shall I drop you?!" He held the adventurer loosely by the fabric visible under their armor in an attempt to frighten them. But what he saw next made his heart falter.
His eyes widened as (Reader) smiled triumphantly, raising a dagger while maintaining eye contact, and sliced off the part of their outfit Targov held onto, willingly allowing themselves to fall.
It was just a fall.
Yeah, it would hurt. It would hurt like a son of a bitch, but (Reader) knew they wouldn't die. They never did.
However, their near immortality was something that Targov didn't know about.
Before his emotions could fully form into separate feelings, Targov dove, recatching the little human, now with a more secure grip, and flew back to his home, his heart beating a billion beats per second once it restarted.
(Reader) was thrown to the floor by the dragon seconds before being blinded by a bright flash. The dragon was consumed in a bright white glow that illuminated the cave, morphing into a more human appearance, with deep golden skin and red hair. His horns and claws still remained, but as (Reader) could see clearly from his lack of clothes, was now mostly human. He charged towards (Reader), face twisted in his confusing mix of emotions. Anger, shock, hurt, feelings his adrenaline wouldn't give him time to categorize as he closed in on the confused human.
He hoisted (Reader) up by their neck.
"You'd really rather die than be mine?!" The enraged dragon screamed.
Struggling to breathe, the warrior grabbed one of his scaly hands while trying to smack his face with their dominant hand.
The glint of their ring caught Targov's attention, who recognized it instantly. He had been alive for a very long time, and killed many a god during his rebellious years. Sharp teeth sunk into (Reader's) fingers, the dragon biting their hand lightly, suddenly, earning a shocked cry from the struggling human. Targov dropped (Reader), pulling the ring off their finger with his fangs as he did so.
The warrior didn't notice their missing ring until they regained their composure and attempted to attack the humanoid dragon, who blocked their attack perfectly fine.
Targov wore the ring on his smallest claw.
"I see I was right about you.." His deep voice chuckled, but (Reader) couldn't tell if it was out of amusement or fury. "A fellow God killer.. who better suited to be my mate?"
He grabbed (Reader's) wrist, and despite it's low speed, the ring prevented (Reader) from dodging.
"Welcome home, my mate."
"Even if I have to break you, I will have you. And you will learn to love me."
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months
Alrighty! @number-one-shadisper-shipper and I binged the Knuckles series today, so time for thoughts! SPOILER ALERT.
I'll admit the show wasn't perfect. I've seen the negative reviews, and I kinda get where they come from. BUT! I did enjoy this show greatly! And I'm not here to complain. Time for some happy thoughts, y'all! 💙🤩
I think you need to have a love, not just tolerance, for the SCU in order to properly enjoy this show. I do have such, so I had a lot of fun with it.
There were definitely scenes from every episode that had me either squealing, laughing, crying, or flipping out. But my favorite was likely the first episode, because come on, we saw the Wachowski family! Most of them, anyway! While I missed Tom's presence, I was grateful for that comment from Maddie about him being "out of town," so he wasn't just gone for no reason.
The SECOND it showed our three space babies hanging out together in their room?! I SCREAMED. THE BOYS!!!!
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Tails sitting on his bed tinkering with one of his gizmos, Sonic rocking out to music with an air guitar, and Knuckles exercising from one of the ceiling planks. IT'S THEM!!! They're just hanging out, doing their thing, looking oh so much like brothers. And Sonic's narration at the beginning was GOLD. 🤣💙
Even though we didn't get enough of Maddie being a parent, we definitely got a nice chunk for it only lasting part of an episode. Maddie called Knuckles "one of our kids" (that had me SCREECHING). The angry mama vibes were GOLDEN. 🤣 The way she made breakfast for them, the "Boys, breakfast is ready!" I love the normalcy of it! Can't wait to see more in the future! (Her calling to them with "boys" is somehow just the sweetest thing and I'm melting.)
The poor mailman being like "I just wanna go home, man" 🤣
We were right, fellas, Knuckles had no idea what being grounded meant. 🤣 Although the way Sonic piped up with "Oh, I definitely know what it means," has me suspecting that Sonic himself has gotten grounded a decent amount before. 😂
Knuckles trying to talk back, and Maddie going, "ExCUSE ME?!" then just making those tiny, terrifying noises and Sonic being like "Bro don't mess with Mom when she's mad" (okay, he didn't say "mom" and that made me sad, but the mom vibes were 110% there so I'm here for it). 😂 And since Knuckles snuck out and later Wade said, several times, "Aren't you grounded?" seems to confirm that this entire show is basically what Knuckles does when he's grounded. 🤣 Although ... his comment about not being able to be grounded because he had no home made me very sad. 😭
I did not have an issue with so much Wade screentime! Sure, he isn't my favorite SCU character, but I love what this show did with him! I'd already seen his moments in the movies (like nearly shooting Robotnik in the face with an actual handgun). I like how they gave him actual family issues; a dad who abandoned him and his family, a realistic sister, a mom. Bad family memories. Awkward reunions. They could've made it a joke, but they didn't, and I greatly appreciate that. Especially since I've witnessed firsthand how painful family separations can be. 😔
All the emotional talks Wade and Knuckles had caught me off guard in the best way! The way they talked about their different family issues, the way they talked of betrayal from friends, and being left alone, hit way harder than I was prepared for. Especially that talk they had at the burger place in the middle of the night? Oof. Good talk right there.
Also, even though they took a "show don't tell" take with it, I loved how Knuckles relaxed more and more throughout the show. In the beginning, he couldn't rest, he couldn't sit back and have a genuine good time. But the more he hung out with Wade and his family, the more he learned. He learned about music and found "his jam" (that was literally amazing btw). He watched movies with Mrs. Whipple and ate snacks in the hotel room in Reno and watched more movies. He had his teenager moments of rolling his eyes and rebelling, but he was so well portrayed here, I loved it. I felt for him.
Despite the bizarre nature of the episode "Flames of Disaster," (we were cracking up so hard) I'm trying to glean bits of the truth of Knuckles's story from the crazy musical play that Pachacamac put on in Wade's dream. I mean, "Longclaw" and her tribe were there, and ... what the heck was that giant demon thing?! Iblis?! Does our Knuckles Wachowski have an actual history with freaking Iblis?!?! 😱🔥
I was deeply intrigued by the two main antagonists, especially at the implication that G.U.N. did seem to exist before the events of the first movie?! Did it exist, get disbanded after the Maria incident, then get reformed?! My brain is exploding. 🤯 I was even more shocked that they apparently died? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, the Wachowski kids don't seem to have much qualms about getting rid of the baddies for good as the game versions do. That was a terrifying phenomenon, what happened with the two rings. 🫣
And then the Buyer getting crushed by the giant glass ball 👀
Although in those last two episodes, I admit I was freaking out and legitimately near tears at Wade's seemingly having to "betray" Knuckles. Before the reveal that all was in good communication, all I could think was how relaxed Knuckles finally seemed, chilling in the hotel room, being excited about whatever Wade wanted to "show" him, questioning whether it was a song, him declaring that he was going to bring his favorite hat, 🥹 all I could think was of their previous discussions about betrayal from friends and family, and when Knuckles called Wade "my friend" right before the elevator doors closed, I just about sobbed. I was like "please, don't let him be betrayed, don't let him have come all this way and relaxed so much only to get 'betrayed' once again by someone he's come to consider a friend." 😭 We heaved a HUGE sigh of relief when it revealed he was aware of the trap the whole time. 😪
Maternal instincts went nuts when he got so badly hurt in that final battle 😭 I literally reached for the screen several times and was right back to almost weeping 🥲 And someone tell me I wasn't the only one noticing the parallel in that scene with Wade standing in front of his unconscious body the way Tom did with Sonic in the first movie. That, PLUS Knuckles's epic comeback, and his retrieval of his own power?!?! EPIC!!!!
The ending was abrupt, sure, but the pure joy on Knuckles's face after everything as he jumped up to high five Wade was just too sweet. 🥹
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So yes, even though I would have loved just a little more, a return to Green Hills, a reunion with Maddie, Sonic, and Tails, I adored this show. It was a wild ride, full of laughs, tears, excited screeching, etc. 💙💛❤️ I don't care what anyone says, nothing will make me hate it.
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misty-dreemurr · 10 months
Warnnings: death, implied murdere, blood, nondescript childbirth, religious themes, the creator and the reader are two different characters, mother is used to describe the creator but there are gender neutral, they/them pronouns used.
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THE imposter is dead, golden blood drips from blades of grass, soaking into the ground. Bright blue four-petal flowers with golden stems blooms from the pools of blood. Cradle to the bosom of the imposter's chest was a weeping child— an infant only a few weeks old.
That explained too much. Everything made sense now, Why the imposter— no the creator would cover their stomach when under attack. Why they kept to themselves and not engage, not fight.
The true creator was dead, and the real imposter sits on the throne.
The true creator was dead, but there child lives on.
This imposter AU where the creator was killed a few weeks after giving birth has been haunting me for days, below the cut is just more ideas.
Depending on where the creator was killed I have a few characters that would find the creator and raid the 'heir'
For Mondstadt, Diluc would raise the reader, keeping the truth of them a secret to all but Kaeya and Jean.
For Liyue, Zhongli would care the the reader. He of course takes care of the creator's body, burying them and leaving the grave unmarked. He believes that by raising the creator's child he is repenting.
Inazuma, Yae Miko would raise the reader, she would keep the child hidden as she secretly plans the downfall of the fake on the throne.
In Sumeru Alhaitham and Kaveh would take in the reader. Why? For no other reasons than I think it's funny.
For Fontain Neuvillette takes in the child. When he had found the body of the creator and their child it rained for months. ( since I don't know much about Fountain and the characters I didn't have much to add at the moment)
Snezhnaya the reader is found and raised by Columbina(and the other harbingers, but mostly Columbina) the reader is kept hidden from the outside. They plan to take down the imposter with the reader leading the battle when their older.
Every one plans to take down the imposter once the reader is older however some would rather have the reader their child live like a normal kid and not worshiped.
The truth about the reader is kept hidden from the public (with exceptions) no matter who is raising them.
Yae miko, Zhongli, and Columbina would tell the reader the truth about their 'mother' once there about the age of six-7 the rest would wait until the reader is 11-15 to tell them the truth
The reader's personality differs based on who raised them. With Diluc the reader is surprisingly cheerful, they often sneak out, and go on little adventures but always return home. (Although there were a few times when Jean and Kaeya had to bring them home )
The reader raised by Zhongli is quiet and reserved, they also have a kind and gentle disposition, and they are a soft-spoken individual.
The reader raised by Yae Miko is very studious, they are sarcastic and snarky. They are known for their silver-tough and quick wit. However they do like being alone often than not.
The reader raised by Alhaitham and Kaveh is creative. They are a bookworm with a penchant for creating things( mini clay sculpture, clothing, dances) this reader is always active and always willing to learn
The reader is raised by Neuvillette as too kind for their own good. This reader is a little naive, a little soft, and just a little bit ill-equipped for the life they got handed. They don't like loud noise, they don't like big crowds, but they do like magic and a good story. This reader for all of their faults has a strong sense of justice and wants every thing to be as fair as can be.
A reader raised by Columbina ( and the harbingers) is a dreamy doe-eyed child, they at first comes off as helpless, however, they are not. This reader is a playful flirt. Like the reader raised by yae miko this reader also has a sliver-tough. The are good at lowering people guards and getting information from them.
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I'm going to expand on this at a later date but for now this is all that I can think of. I tried to keep the reader gender neutral but if there is a few female prouned used please tell me so I can fix it
My ask box is opened
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
I'm going to self project here, but can I request Fenrys beating the living sh*t out of reader's abuser? I need this... as self-care ngl
I'm not sure why I spent so long building the backstory for Reader but it was fun and I kind of want to write a series based on it now? Anywho, Fenrys does a little more than beat up the abuser👀 I got carried away oops
Hope Reborn
Fenrys Moonbeam x Reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, slavery, just very canon-typical trauma beware
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During Adarlan’s conquest of Terrasen, you tried to escape to the Southern Continent with the man you had been in a relationship with, following his lead on a path he had charted for the both of you through the Perranth Mountains to head south.
It was outside the city of Perranth when Adarlan soldiers stopped you. Knowing that your attire immediately gave you away as Orynthian, you took your partner’s hand, ready to flee for your lives back into the forest. The pain of losing your home, your family, your culture, hadn’t broken you yet. But as the man you loved held out his hand for a couple coins, yanking you toward the soldiers’ waiting arms, you shattered. 
The one person you had left in this world, who you believed that you could trust, had sold you for a couple pieces of silver. He walked into the forest, never turning back. Never seeing the beatings, the unspeakable things the Adarlan soldiers did to you on the way to Endovier.
You became a slave in the salt mines, learning the language of Eyllwe from those imprisoned alongside you. One girl, a few years younger than you, was also from Terrasen. The two of you would talk and reminisce on the fields of pine trees and memories of Orynth. Her name was Celaena, and when she was taken from Endovier to the king’s castle, you weren’t sure that you could handle losing one more person in your life.
Months passed as you labored away in the salt mines, reflecting on the family and friends you’d lost, and the man who betrayed you. As you dared a look around the dirt yard, eyeing the guards as they taunted the other slaves with their whips, you became resolute in your plan for vengeance - against your former lover, against the guards, against the king.
So when you woke up that fateful morning to see the riots had begun, you grabbed your pick axe, cutting down any guard who dared to stand in your way as you ran for your freedom. You were one of the few who survived the riot, but at this point you were a shell of the human being you once were. You didn’t know light or love. You only knew survival. 
Learning your lesson from before, you stole drying clothing from a nearby village and began your journey southeast towards Rifthold. You found a life in the city as a barmaid in a tavern while you slept in an abandoned apartment, biding your time while you created a plan.
The perfect opportunity fell into your lap one rainy night, that you had no idea would change your life forever. You were leaving the tavern after a long shift, your cloak tugged over your head moreso to avoid any men approaching you than to keep your hair dry. 
A woman running down the street caught your eye, and you stopped to watch as she leapt into the arms of a man. Her own hood fell down, revealing reddish-blonde hair as the couple embraced for a long moment. You were about to turn away, eager to escape the rain when the woman turned, locking eyes with you.
A choked sob escaped you as you recognized her. Tanner, healthier, happy - but you would know those distinct golden-turquoise eyes anywhere. She must have recognized you too, for Celaena bolted towards you, pulling you in as you were hugged for the first time in years.
“How are you here?” she said through tears, glancing over her shoulder as three other people slowly approached behind her. 
You smiled, sniffling as you wiped happy tears from your eyes. “I got out during the uprising. How are you here?”
Celaena looked towards her friends, giving a slight nod to the two males in particular before turning back to you. “Will you come with me?”
That small piece of hope inside of you sparked at her offer, and you found yourself nodding, letting yourself be led into yet another unknown. You followed the group up to an apartment, where Celaena sat you down and explained who she really was.
Your world tilted on its axis as you were filled with more hope than you had since the conquest of Terrasen, immediately swearing allegiance to Aelin, your queen. You traveled with her group to Skull’s Bay, finding your purpose in preparing Terrasen for war against Erawan, and to reestablish your home.
It was in Skull’s Bay that you met Fenrys, the most beautiful male you had ever seen. You formed an instant connection, drawn to his jovial nature. He was incessantly kind and positive despite everything that he had been through, the perfect balance and glimmer of light that you had been searching for your entire life. 
And yet, all good things seem to be ripped from you. Fenrys and Aelin were taken from you, leaving a hole in your heart that could never be filled, never be rebuilt. If not for Rowan’s determination, his drive to find his wife, you might have been broken completely. But your new family gave you the strength you needed to find Aelin and Fenrys. 
As a human, you didn’t know if you were capable of having a bond, but what you felt for Fenrys - how you swore you could feel his pain, how he missed you while he was with Maeve - was as close to a bond as you could imagine. It wasn’t a spark of hope that flared in your chest when you reunited with Fenrys when he escaped Maeve, it was an eternal flame. You knew that you would marry this male one day.
When that day came, and you stood beside your husband as part of Queen Aelin’s Court in front of all of Terrasen, the last person you expected to see what the man you once loved. The man who sold you into slavery, standing to the side with the rest of the courtiers.
Rage filled you, at him, at Adarlan, at yourself, at the world for allowing a man so vile to not only survive, but seemingly thrive. You hadn’t realized how much your grip on Fenrys’s hand had tightened until your husband winced - but instead of pulling away, he lifted your hand to his lips. 
Pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, Fenrys’s onyx eyes found yours, drawing you from those dark thoughts. “What is it, my love?” he asked, voice so soft you could melt into it.
You swallowed thickly, forbidding yourself from giving that spineless excuse for a man another look. Taking a deep breath, you pulled Fenrys in for a hug as you murmured your confession into his shirt. “You know my first love? Who sold me to Endovier? He’s here. In the blue jacket.”
Fenrys stiffened under your touch, fae instincts taking over as a low growl formed in his throat. You swore you felt the temperature in the room rise as your husband honed in on the man like a predator. 
“What do you want me to do?” he whispered, voice lethally quiet as he held you close.
Looking up, you couldn’t help the genuine smile that brightened your features as you savored the feeling of this male, who you knew would do anything for you. This male who gave you the love you never dreamed was possible. 
“I don’t want you to do anything. I have everything I need, and more,” you whispered back, standing up on your toes to pull him in for a kiss. 
Fenrys gave you a wolfish grin, seemingly satisfied with your answer before he dared to look back into the crowd. His gaze flicked to where Rowan stood on the dais, the two in silent communication, before Rowan declared court dismissed. 
“I have some matters to take care of with Rowan, and I will be back shortly. Alright, my love?” Fenrys questioned, a kiss to your temple before you nodded, heading back to the sitting room where Aelin and Lysandra shortly joined you.
Time passed as you relaxed, enjoying chocolates and discussing books with your friends when Rowan stumbled through the door, Fenrys behind him. The two males had blood staining their shirts, busted knuckles quickly healing as they noticed your concerned expression. 
Clearing his throat, Fenrys brushed his blonde hair from his face as he strode towards you in an attempt at acting nonchalant. 
“Fen, love, what did you do?” you drawled, arching an assessing brow as you sipped your tea. 
“Nothing. Rowan and I had some matters to attend to, as I said,” he shrugged, reaching for a chocolate from the table in front of you. Understanding dawned, and you gasped.
Reaching for his bloodied hand, you pulled it towards you as you examined the wounds. “Fenrys Moonbeam! You did not hit that man, did you? I don’t need to worry about him anymore, love.”
Rowan snorted from where he lounged on the arm of Aelin’s chair. “He didn’t just hit him,” Rowan paused, green eyes focusing on you with sincerity. “And trust me, you will not have to worry about him ever again.”
Alarmed, you glanced to Lysandra in disbelief, your friend shaking her head as she lifted a chocolate to her mouth. “I wouldn’t ask them to elaborate if I were you,” she muttered, popping the dessert with a satisfied moan.
Rubbing your temples, you stood, wrapping Fenrys’s arms around you as you buried your head against his warm, toned chest. 
“Are you mad?” he whispered.
With a deep sigh, you looked up, brushing back his blonde curls behind his ear as you admired his glittering black eyes, all anxiety leaving your body. “Officially speaking, I don’t condone your actions. But I love you, and whatever I did in some past life to deserve someone like you...” You trailed off, drawing the back of your hand down his cheek. “Thank you for giving me hope, Fenrys Moonbeam.”
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yuesya · 4 months
Xiao straightens, and flicks his spear.
The downed form of the man-shaped demon before him fades slowly, crumbling motes of darkness drifting up and gradually vanishing in the air. It’s not dissimilar to the demons of Liyue that he’s familiar with –the demons that Xiao has spent so many centuries hunting and slaying in an endless, eternal cycle– but at the same time, he is able to discern the difference.
This demon was not one born of the restless grudges of fallen gods that refused to accept their own deaths. If anything, its origins seemed more… but no… no, that was preposterous. Surely it couldn’t be–
A monstrous roar sounds behind him; Xiao whirls around. There’s another demon left, struggling futilely in a pool of its own blood. The signature of its energy is far weaker than the one that he’d just fought, and all four of its limbs have been broken… and yet it’s still alive, and struggling to crawl forward on its belly.
Xiao exhales, raising his spear–
–and pauses.
There’s a pale hand that rests upon the bladed edge in a clear gesture for Stop. Xiao looks up sharply.
“You intend to let it live?” The girl –yet there is no doubt that this is no mere mortal girl– doesn’t say anything, but presses insistently upon his weapon. Please stand down, is her unmistakable, unspoken request.
The only reason why Xiao doesn’t point his spear at her in turn is because he knows that she actively fought the demons long prior to his arrival. It’s the only reason why there are humans who managed to escape this catastrophe.
Her appearance… Xiao does not recognize her. He admits that she looks similar to the snow women yokai of Inazuma, white hair and pale skin and clothed in Inazuman dress as she is. But she does not bear any powers of ice nor snow. If anything, the way the sword in her hand cuts through every obstacle without pause reminds him of the whispers of kunado-no-kami. But to his knowledge the last of them had died along with the Watatsumi Omikami that they served.
Regardless, Xiao does not intend to allow the current situation to go unanswered. If she was present here, fighting those strange demons that were decidedly not of Liyuan origin, then surely she knew how this incident came about in the first place.
“Explain,” Xiao says. He banishes his weapon, allowing it to dissipate into motes of golden light. “How did this situation come to be? Has the war in Inazuma worsened to such a state that it’s no longer able to contain malicious spirits within its own borders?”
The girl opens her mouth–
Xiao blinks, genuinely surprised and caught off-guard. Her words…
“That’s a dialect I haven’t heard for quite some time.” He doesn’t have a perfect understanding of what she’s saying, especially given that the last time he’d heard this was… during the time of the Archon War, perhaps?
Xiao tilts his head. Is he looking at a survivor of the kunado-no-kami? … So far from the shores of Inazuma?
I apologize. I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Luckily for them both, Xiao is also old enough to know of the dead language that she speaks and discern the general meaning of her words, if not the precise details. Although Xiao is a Liyuan adeptus who has never once left the land in the thousands of years he’d lived, he has encountered gods of other lands, so he is not unfamiliar with other tongues.
That she is apparently unfamiliar with the language that is spoken in the present…
“Thank you for your assistance,” the kami bows. Polite, graceful. Xiao folds his arms across his chest and waits for her to explain. “… I’m afraid that this also came as an unexpected situation to me. I didn’t think that there would be a long-distance transportation array, and the barrier should’ve… no, I suppose that’s unimportant.”
She shakes her head.
“I was investigating a matter that was entrusted to me by my cousin, and ended up being ambushed by cursed spirits. Four total, the last of which you just slew,” she nods towards the fallen demon beneath him. “There was also a curse user, but he doesn’t seem to have been transported along with us. Ah, he would be the one responsible for teleporting us here. He needs to die.”
The words are spoken calmly, serenely. Xiao is aware of the dissonance here, but it’s not as if he disagrees. The regrettable casualties and wanton destruction around their current surroundings speak for themselves.
“And the demon you wish to spare?”
“Demon?” The kami blinks, then instantly understands what he’s referring to. “Ah, Muta-san? I’m afraid I can’t allow him to die yet, he’s the one I’m supposed to investigate. Although, given his current state I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to interrogate out of him…”
“I cannot allow such threats to remain within these lands.” It is his contract, and the duty that he must uphold as one of Rex Lapis’ adepti and his last yaksha.
“I understand,” she nods. “We will depart as soon as possible. If I may ask a question of you, where… are we?”
“You are within Dihua Marsh,” Xiao answers. Pauses, upon the uncomprehending way she looks at him, and elaborates, “Located upon the Bishui Plains.”
“… Did Not-Geto teleport us to China?” the kami mutters. “An entirely different country?”
Xiao stares at her. “This is the country of Liyue.”
The kami falls silent. Then, proceeds to take out a small pouch from her sleeve, and procures a strange device from it –a rectangular piece of metal that lights up with an artificial glow when she taps at it. There’s a small frown on her face, before she wipes the expression from her face with a long sigh.
“By any chance, do you have a name for this continent?”
“… If you mean this world, it is named Teyvat,” Xiao says slowly.
Going by these questions… this is very likely not a kami of Inazuma who stands in front of him.
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