#she is also transfem uwu
benetnvsch · 1 year
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Cringetober Day 3: Unnecessarily Complex Outfit, and by outfit I mean wings and hair
Anyway, meet Tori 'Torpedo' Triax! One of my oldest still active ocs!! I made them... summer 2018 iirc? trans'ed her gender a few times , threw her in a bunch of stories, killed her in most of em, turned her into the Entire Ocean in another the usual! They're usually wildly OP but honestly idc cuz she's cool and deserves it
they are also Kitson's (ex-)girlfriend in a lot of the universes and they're silly and care for and understand each other more than anything in the world but would also kill each other in a heartbeat (in half the universe they're in they succeed) and yea :) they stay silly
design wise she has her collar and wrist accessory are from her dad as well as two blue tattoos on her arms and her silly necklace is from kitson and is their initials together (like,, K + T -> pointy looking R... yeaaaah)
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dazzlerazz · 10 months
Getting real tired of "we genderswapped this male character but now she's small and skinny with no muscle and has no cheekbones uwu"
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trans-androgyne · 3 months
People saying "AFAB transfems" will further muddy the waters about the oppression "actual" transfems face baffles me, because...where are the AFAB transfems? Oh, they're an incredibly small minority in the community, and often it's an important label intersex people use because they can't relate to perisex trans people's journeys of transition, due to how their bodies are medicalized and don't fit into the sex/gender binary? Like no matter what the discourse, ultimately, people are getting their knickers twisted about a very small group of people. The majority of the queer community will still think of transfem as "a person assigned male who transitioned into a woman" just as the majority of people view lesbian as "woman who exclusively likes women" even though lesbian communities have a lot more nuance than that (transmasc lesbians, nonbinary lesbians, bisexual lesbians, etc.) The side effect of the obsession with these boxes is people view it as a threat when someone doesn't fit into this box. They think, "I refuse to completely destroy my box just so you (a faker) can fit into it." When again, you can retain these broad, widely understood definitions of these labels! while also giving room for a variety of experiences.
Not to mention, most AFAB nonbinary people aren't going to identify as AFAB transfem just for kicks! This is the group I'm part of, and I know we just adore hating on the Theyfabs (there are real conversations to be had about privilege, power dynamics, but there's no denying that much of the discourse is thinly veiled misogyny), but there is no way being AFAB transfem will "catch on" with us. Because again, you've seen this hot garbagefire of a discourse.
And I saw someone mention an AFAB person who pretended to be transfem and spread incredibly harmful information in their spaces. But like, that wasn't an AFAB transfem, that was an AFAB pretending to be an AMAB transfem. Because they would've been kicked out of the space much earlier if they identified sincerely as an AFAB transfem, the identity isn't the problem here, it's the behavior.
I'm willing to believe more often than not, people who identify as AFAB transfem have genuine, sincere reasons for doing so. And you'll get a lot further listening to their lived experiences than painting them as chronically online uwu idiot teenagers who don't care about what words mean, blah blah. I've already found one story from an AFAB intersex transfem who underwent a masculinizing puberty, and others assumed she was a trans girl on puberty blockers. And it's a safe bet that any perisex people I see identifying this way will have a similar nuanced experience.
Excellent analysis that puts a lot of my thoughts into words, nothing to add
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boywifesammy · 9 months
little game inspired by a year wrap up post by @preseriesdean :) saw posts from @lovetransaction & @imnot-evenhere so here’s mine <3
Rules: list your top 5 creations you made for this year. Creations can include any type of fic, any type of art, webweaves/comparatives, meta/headcanon posts, gifsets/edits, fanvids, playlists - anything that contributed to the fandom. These don't have to be your most popular - just the ones you love best.
kitchen fork samifer fanvid - my first amv type edit! i haven’t edited in a longgg long time but this idea just took me by the throat and screamed to be realized. hell trauma arc is my fav sam plotline hands down and i loveee love love the implications & fan material about it so i wanted to contribute :)
we don’t talk about it (deanjohn) - MY FAV FIC that ive written!! :) i love love love this fic & im super satisfied with how it came out. i experimented with a 2nd POV bc i saw some other deanjohn fics use it and i think it fits perfectly. its also angsty smut which is just soo. ugh. i love angsty smutty deanjohn & i think i created something equally haunting & enticing with this one.
smoke-soaked leather (wincest) - my first spn fic! it’s a slowburn casefic that’s set during s1. i focused on dean’s self worth issues here. i wanted to write in his self harm in a way that’d be canon accurate while also focusing on how its actually serious self injurious behaviour. i think i did a good balancing act here, plus im proud of the case fic it came together nicely uwu
rend apart the flesh of my soul (wincest) - woundfucking smut baybeeee!!!! this is purely hedonistic (but also angsty because of course it is) but its one of my favs. sooo visceral and gut wrenching in a very sexy way. gotta love early szns for its insanity.
closeted transfem dean hc - my ramblings about dean through the series if he was mtf. angsty ending bc in this hc she never does come out or accept herself. i constantly think about this hc and im in the process of writing a fic about it that will hopefully be out next year !!
tagging @sicksam @rottingsam @hellhoundlair @transboysammy :) show me ur stuff!! (and if uve already done this, tag me in the comments so i can see :>)
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im transfem/nonbinary and honestly the whole cutesy uwu anime girl puppy girl aesthetic is making me feel ill. i recently got harrassed by a cis woman chaser who saw the transflag in my bio and started talking to me in this really weird overly cutesy way and started flirting with me, i told her im taken and not interested and this is weird and she said something like "oki u silly transie, if u ever need a girly to do something for you im here, cuz nornal girls are boring" and then the next day she sent me some image of some anime girl w/ the caption "im not like other girls, i have a massive cock" and asked "this u?" and she was so weird and gross and overly cutesy. and like the fact im trans is part of me and im proud of it but i want to be seen as me, as a person, as smthn beyond arbitrary boxes. thats why im nonbinary, i dont wanna be forced into some made up vague perception of how i have to be and instead just be me and do my own thing. i dont label my sexuality either but im pretty sure im like pretty aromantic. greyromantic or whatever its called. and my sexuality i kinda tie together with my romantic attraction, so its often incredibly odd to me how prevalent sexual language and stuff is online and how weirdly its treated as smthn normal, especially in more queer communities. and when i feel terrible and get support online, ppl will say ooo ur pretty ooo ur cute dont be sad and downplay it when i need someone to talk to qnd need to be acknoledged beyond how i physically am, it makes me feel rlly objectified and like my only value is in the fact that i am trans and how i look, and its my only thing and the only way ppl refer to me and boil me down to. but i dont want to be some cutesy meme girl, i want ppl to acknowledge me and what i do and like and love and enjoy and hate and dislike and think and say, i want to be seen and understood regardless of and beyond my transness. because im a raw, living breathing human person thats infinitely complex, and i just wanna be me and do what i enjoy. i dont want my personality boiled down to superficial aspects of me that exists solely because outside society needed a label for it to ostrasize or fetishize it. im sorry for the long rant its just rlly frustrating, especially when you try to find communities and its just so weirdly sexual and condescending and objectifying 😭
hey unfortunately, i do not have the mental capacity to be able to read all of this and actually respond to it, i just lose 80% of the ask once I'm finished reading, so I'll just say: damn fuck that cis bitch.
While i get that after your experiences this "aesthetic" might make you feel ill, i really don't see why i should be told this.
I do not choose the way i present to other people because it's what i feel i should look or act like, i act however feels good to me. the reason my blog looks like this is because, put simply, i like it.
I may not be just a puppy, girl or gay, in fact the most accurate way to describe me would be "thing that should not be alive as far as anyone knows, but it persists, it's also a puppy that is a girl, a robot, a void and divine flesh"
but i go with my current aesthetic, username, and whatever else because they're the descriptions I'm most confident in, they make me feel nice, i love them.
I am quite literally a tranny girl faggot that acts like a puppy sometimes.
Sometimes i feel like I'm a shattered vessel built of divine flesh that's empty and yet so completely full.
Sometimes i wish my flesh melted away, permanently fusing me with the outer shell of a mech.
None of my identities are fully separate or stable, but they also feel distinct enough that i only choose one at a time (and even then sometimes they can split apart).
I don't act like this because i wanna be "haha silly cute trans girl that's an adorable puppy and is so so overly sexual", it's just what i act like, in general, if I don't worry about pretending to be someone else.
I guess put simply: if you don't like me: fucking leave, block me, get rid of me, i won't hold it against you, I'll continue to do what i like, the way i like doing it, because this is my blog.
i forgot where i was going with this post, y'all just get this really long one i guess.
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velvetvexations · 3 months
"transmascs arent obsessed with porn or forcemasc but transfems are obssessed with porn and forcefem" is also such a weird take based on "amabs are sex pests and afabs are uwu innocent" (you can also see this bioessentialism in how she states transfems are into History and STEM and Politics and transmascs are into babygirls and ukelele music and broadwya and definitely not science or anything Difficult or About Real Issues)
someone's never been outside their echo chamber and met anyone who doesnt fit their stereotypes
yeah like I was being kinna serious they really really need to just fucking talk to people
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givesmeyourteeths · 10 months
hi there :3
i'm Squibby, my real name shall nevèr be known by the internet :3
you can call me pretty much any nicknames you can come up with, i like nicknames uwu
she/her or it, just pick either one
Transfem dragongirl (maybe. i'm still trying to figure the trans part out). Pre Hrt sl don't get your hopes up, i'm still ugly :3
if you want to chat, my DMs are always open
i like making new friends but i don't really like starting conversations. i can do that, i'm just not good at it
my asks are also open
this blog isn't really for anything specific, i just post and reblog whatever i want. A hood chunk of that just happens to be horny so you could still consider this at least a partial horny blog i guess
I'm gonna try marking my original posts with #becca posting :3
The face is very much part of it
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eggybubblegum · 11 months
decided i should make an introduction post since I've started getting actual followers lately lol
Hi~! I'm Lucy, a dumb and slightly horny internet catgirl. I'm into a lot of things and play a lot of games, generally if its indie and not a shooter there's a high chance its at least crossed my radar.
I'm a transfem and use She/Her, am also pansexual and poly (open relationship as well uwu). I'm 18 years old, MINORS DNI.
Will add things to this post as I see fit :3
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solittles · 7 months
absolutely *enamored* with irving’s daemon being a swan I just need you to know that. and jfj’s cheetah Gender=X 😭😍
i think it was @stolperzunge s idea <333 because swans are traditionally seen as feminine and gracious, but also mighty and scary because of their size and their tendency to bite!! but yeah, i love fabien so much, his and john's relationship is very complicated 😭 read more abt fabien(ne) here uwu
listen, i'm a jfj gender: fag to transfem truther!!! she has so many secrets, so what's one more?? 🥺 alexandria is her genderqueer babygirl daemon!
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Aight now that my aspec blog is finished I’m gonna actually do an intro post.
I am Dustpan. I’m a transfem autistic aspec panromantic nerd. I am, at the time of writing, 20+ years of age. You may refer to me as “Dustpan”, “Dust”, “Dusty”, and basically any variation of that. I enjoy mathematics, physics, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and most sciences. I’m hella leftist (we be anarcho communisming up this place), I’m hella queer, and I have a wonderful aroace girlfriend who for some godawful reason goes out of her way to do her best and loves me as much as and in the ways she can. You probably know me for my “you’re queer as fuckin’ hell” post which the aforementioned girlfriend decided to blaze because tumblr is a pvp hellsite.
Please leave me alone if you are in any way transmisic, homophobic, aphobic, racist, sexist, ableist or otherwise bigoted. We get it, you hate people different to you, you can leave. Authoritarians and fascists are also not welcome, y’all’re cringe as hell and can go jump off a microwave.
I don’t do much on the internet that I feel like sharing here but I occasionally do pixel art, so I might post that, please criticize it if you have criticisms I want to grow uwu.
Uhhh how do I end this type of post?
No that’s not right, despite it fitting with the beginning
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Kenny Rant
This got really long. I’m sorry.
I wanna talk about Kenny because he’s my favourite. And he’s a silly little guy. I may be projecting a teensy bit but Im just going to scream into the void and you can listen if you want.
Kenny is Cartman’s best friend. Kenny is Butters’ best friend. These can coexist.
Kenny is not saving Butters from Cartman. 2 Reasons:
1. Butters is not an uwu boi who needs protecting. He’s an asshole who’s a little too trusting sometimes.
2. Kenny is not some flirty strong dude-bro. He’s an asshole and a quiet kid who’s just happy to be included.
That’s not to say that I don’t ship Bunny. I do (sue me). but more like a teacher who seats two kids next to each other because they’d be cute together, than as an actual canon ship.
Another thing real quick is Kenjorine. I do wish people would give Marjorine more of Butters’ personality, but someone’s take was that in the episode “Marjorine” Butters never wanted to be Marjorine, therefore she’s just used as a love interest for Kenny, is objectively wrong. Yes Marjorine was Cartman’s idea. Yes Butters was hesitant. But no one can deny how happy Butters looked as Marjorine and the fun she had. Is Marjorine hyperfeminized? Yes absolutely, and it is annoying. But headcanons are okay! Transfem Butters who goes by Marjorine, Genderfluid Butters who can go by Marjorine, etc, yes go for it! But claiming Marjorine is NOT Butters and JUST a love interest for Kenny? :/ Its all fun and games here. Let people have fun and games.
Anyway, back to Kenny because no one understands him like I do.😔
(again, yelling into the void these are my opinions. you can characterize him however you want he’s not real)
KENNY IS NOT A FLIRTY WHORE. He is kind of a pervert who probably had unrestricted internet access and found porn waaaaayyyy to early. But that does not mean he’s a total slut who will sleep around with anyone and everyone. On a similar note, he’s also not mr. popular either. He’s a quiet kid. He doesn’t talk a lot and often fades into the background. He enjoys hanging out with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman. I can only think of one time he willing chose not to hangout with Cartman. He enjoys it! He loves going along with they’re crazy shenanigans! He loves to be included. Because if he’s not included, he’s forgotten about. He dies all the time and no one remembers. He misses out on so much. I’m sure he feels really left out sometimes. (If you like the someone remembers headcanon), does anyone ever catch him up on what happened after he dies?
Imma leave that question there and move on. Kenny is obviously a wonderful brother who cares deeply about his family. However I really wish the show touched more on his relationship with Kevin. Do they bond over shared trauma? Or grow apart because of how similar Kevin is to their father? I like to think that they’re close. But they likely aren’t.
Slight switch. Another characterization I see a lot is that Kenny is a crackhead or similar. I really don’t think Kenny would do a lot of drugs. He lived in a household that had a meth lab in the back yard and his parents were almost always drunk or high. I don’t think he would want that for himself. I know there’s that one episode where he gets high on cat piss and daffodils or something. That’s there. It exists. I know. I would like to think he would have some character development between 8 years old and the typical 16-21 years he’s usually aged up to. I don’t know though, it was never mentioned again. You’re entitled to your own opinion but I just don’t think he’d stick with it.
I think imma stop here. Theres more I could say and I could probably make a whole other post on Mysterion alone but I’ll only do that if it’s asked for.
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cumulohimbus · 7 months
Dear fellow transmascs, trans men, afab nonbinary beings, and anyone who is not directly impacted by transmisogny; (*Note: we won't get all the terminology right here probably, but we don't keep up so much on current discourse about labels and acronyms--we apologize if some is outdated, we did our best.)
We know sometimes it's hard to not feel hurt, and in some cases personally smeared by other beings talking about the impact of transmisogny and transmisogynoir. Sometimes these messages are interwoven with comments about shitty (white) transmasc/afab enby beings, and we understand the urge to protest: "Are we not also at risk of discrimination and violence for being trans?"
Well, yeah, sure. And there's already a word for that: it's just "misogyny". This being is not so scared of being saddled with unlawful charges or even flat out murdered by police, because we expect that, despite passing okay-ish, if police were to clock us as trans they're going to just treat us as uwu weak woman.
We have noticed a common pattern with transphobia/transmisia.
For transmascs & afab enbys, transphobia/transmisia often seems to manifest in being dismissed and not taken seriously. "You're just a lesbian." "You just have depression and anxiety and you're overreacting." "You must have penis envy." It's patronizing and invalidating, absolutely. We cannot just be what we say we are; we will forever be the weaker, submissive, maternal ones. Some of y'all get so incensed at this that you participate in "pragmatic denialism", i.e. the mindset of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". You swing so hard at masculinity that you perpetuate unjust and demeaning patriarchal social structures. This being has been there before--early on in our transition, because it was the only way we felt like we could have any sort of autonomy. And we've moved past that now; we very much hope you learn to do the same.
A former religion teacher of ours once mailed us a four-page handwritten letter about how she was praying for us because we must be so mentally ill to think we're trans. She could accept us if we were bisexual, but we "have a vagina", therefore we "are a woman".
But she didn't silence our voice and try to cut us off from our entire community. She didn't threaten (or perpetrate) violence or calling law enforcement on us. She didn't call us an "it" (I mean, it/its pronouns are fine for us these days, but you know what we mean). She didn't paint us as a sexual deviant or predator. She didn't brand our very existence as obscene. We were wrong--misguided--but never obscene.
For transfem and amab enbys, transphobia/transmisia carries extra layers of complexity. Many deal with a number of the same things we've described above I'm sure (the not being taken seriously, especially if they do not go to great lengths to present themself as femininely as possible, which we find extraordinarily infuriating). But then there are those who do take transfem and amab enby beings seriously, and in doing so also label them as abominations. Because who would willingly demote themself to womanhood and femininity? There must be some sort of predatory motive...
To try to summarize these patterns of transphobia:
Transmascs/afab queers = are and will always be women = misogyny Transfems/amab queers = were men who 'chose' to demote themselves to womanhood (and therefore must have some dangerous ulterior motive) = transmisogyny (a type of misogyny where victims are seen as men simply playing pretend as women; it denies transfem beings their womanhood AND punishes them for their femininity because femininity is already inferior to masculinity)
All this is to say, please don't divide the community more. Please just listen to the experiences of trans women and amab queer folks; ask how you can be supportive if you're able. And do yourself a favor as well: throw away your puritanical beliefs about obscenity. Obscenity is largely a whole crock of bullshit. My religion teacher would have been equally, if not more correct about us if she had deemed us "sexually deviant" instead of merely "mentally ill", and you know what? We own our weird kinks; they're not hurting anybody else (unless it's consensual ;p ).
For those that read all the way to here, there is nuance we surely skipped over for the sake of this post not being wordier than it already is. We encourage you to analyze the words we have said, and not put any in our mouth which we have not said. The things we have left out would require an entire textbook.
Transfems and amab queer folks (and also intersex folks!) feel free to add on anything as you see fit; my sword and shield are yours.
-Cumulohimbus, et al.
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threadsun · 1 year
-JDA here-
I read you said something like your main Oc has some stuff in common with Doe or something like that I- Can I please, please, PLEASE ON MY KNEES RN, can I please see them? Or can you write some info about them??? LIKE IM SO CURIOUS NOW !!
-also the abbreviation (jda) was cool, thanks uwu-"
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Yesssssssssss I get to talk about my fucked up lil freak!!!
Okay okay okay so I'm absolutely shit at drawing and I don't think I currently have any of the art my partner's drawn of him but I can try to give you some facts about him!
ngl I tried to write out their whole backstory and everything but it got too long and hard to follow ^^' especially since it changes somewhat based on AUs
So I'll try to give you some facts and people can ask more questions if they wanna know more about him >:3c
Generally known as Zander Cohen (or Z for short)
Known as Kitty Cohen for work
Sometimes known by various other names, especially for his... less than legal activities
Hebrew name is Ezra ben Yael
Most people default to "he" if they know him as Zander and "she" if they know her as Kitty
But they go by he/she/it/they/whatever
As long as you're not thinking too hard about which one you use, he's happy. Just use whatever pronoun comes to mind first at any moment, even if it's the same one every time
Yeah, sure! She'll have one of each, thanks!
She considers herself transfem and transmasc because she was raised as both a man and a woman
Generally their gender is just... intersex/queer/creature
Or like... whatever's funniest or most convenient in the moment (especially when it comes to flirting, he'll be whatever gender you find hottest~)
He can change his body at will, but naturally he was born with an intersex variation and considers that important to his identity
If you want specifics for horny reasons: he's got tits, pussy, and dick (it's half way between a clit and a dick, really)
He's sterile and has patchy facial hair that he usually shaves
Bisexual and slutty about it
Very t4t and nb4nb, but he'll flirt with/fuck/date anyone really if they catch his fancy
Switch verse and very kinky
Half human, but fully golem
His human mother and golem father did some weird sex magic, which ended with him being stillborn and then brought to life with magic
His golem dad fucked off before he was born, but his dad's dad stuck around. He's also a golem who usually takes the form of a cat, and his name is Grandpa Moon
Zander is made of clay, and his life is given to him by the word "אמת" carved into his skin, like all golem. His happens to be on his lower back, like a trampstamp
He can't be killed in any way other than by deactivating him by erasing some or all of the word
He can, however, feel pain and will take a long time to heal from injuries and murder attempts. His best way of healing is pouring boiling water on whatever's injured and moulding it back into shape while it's soft
His body is a lil fucked up cause he doesn't fully know how human biology works, so his insides are not the right organs in the right order. It causes him chronic pain and various disabilities
Usually he keeps a human form that's curvy, chubby, and strong. He has freckles and curly hair that both reflect his mood. When he's upset, the freckles fade and his hair goes limp and straight. When he's excited, the freckles look like stars and his hair floats. When he's in love, his freckles and curls start to look like hearts, as do his pupils
He can change his form at will, and make himself look however he wants. Usually he just does this to tweak his appearance to make himself more attractive to people because he's very vain. He also uses it for kinky sex stuff, unsurprisingly
He has a golem form that comes out when his base instincts are activated. That form is about 10 feet tall, with sharp claws and jagged teeth with serrated edges. His eyes are covered in a black film that makes him only able to see vague shapes. His senses of smell and hearing become sharp enough to sense the blood in someone's veins
His golem form also has various shapes carved into it, almost like tattoos, that glow orangey-red like hot coals
He doesn't remember the things he does in golem form once he gets back into human form, if his golem form was triggered by his protective instincts
Being a golem, if he loves someone then he's magically bound to protect them with his life. If he thinks they're in danger, his golem form comes out and he can't stop it
Uhhhh can't off the top of my head think of more important facts about him being a golem but I'm sure there's more
He's a sex worker, but the specifics depend on AU. Anything from full service to burlesque/stripping to online sex work
They were raised partially in a circus. They learned lots of skills there, including picking pockets, picking locks, using a bullwhip, sword swallowing, and various other sleight of hand/illusion sort of stuff
Charisma and charm are his weapons of choice, and he'll flirt his way into and out of trouble
She's autistic!! And also severely mentally unwell but like that's a separate thing
It's... borderline illiterate. It dropped out of school really young, and never bothered to learn to read past the basics
He's got a big ol' gap between his top two front teeth
They have committed murder before
He's been engaged twice and married once, he's married to @threadmoon's OC Nik (they/them)
He and Nik are polyamorous. Usually they'll only date people together (except women, Nik isn't attracted to women so that's all Z >:3c), but Z sleeps around plenty on his own too
She's got a minimum of 12 serious exes (there's 12 that have full stories) some of whom she's still friends with and some of whom she'd kill if she had the chance (and one she did kill...)
It likes to eat raw meat, it's not picky about what animal the meat comes from, humans included :)
He's usually just kind of silly and flirty and doesn't take much seriously, but when he gets angry he goes feral. His teeth and nails are his weapons of choice
He can get very obsessive over his partners~ Once you've got his love, it's very hard to lose, and he'll do anything for you~
They're sooooo normal, I promise, come closer—
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suburbanflats · 2 years
OKOKOK WAIT. Tell me bout!!! Spudow and/or Chompzilla :3 🌱
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TWO OF THEM I LOVE spudow and chompzilla my beloveds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll go with spudow first :} (< supposed to look like his smile) then my girl
22 + nb any prns + aroace lots of platonic attraction and romance favourable spudow's the classic gentle giant type, super friendly and sweet. loves hugs and uses lots of :3 and !!!! and uwus. they're also around 7 or 8 feet tall which is Pretty Damb Big, esp for a potato mine he's very friendly with all of the heroes!! just naturally has a nice presence y'know super sweet pal will totally pick you up and carry you home if your legs start to hurt ALSO HE LOVES PLUSHIES AND SNUGGLES AND SUCH 26 + transfem she/her it/its + aroaceflux lesbian chompzilla is basically a kaiju chomper, super massive and is pretty ravenous. she's not much of a chatter but is still super outgoing, she's more of a growler than anything surprisingly it's very close with wall-knight despite their pretty different personalities and large age gap. green shadow found it a bit intimidating at first but i like to imagine chomzpilla purrs and :) c'mon how can you be scared of a purring chomper
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tell me more about the nightmare squad! what kind of ships, tropes and relationships (platonic or uwu) does it have? any prejudices?
so the basic premise of the nightmare squad is a group of highschoolers that come together based on similair intrests to investigate their towns spooky shenanigans, it connsists of 5 characters:Quinn Archard (they/she), Sol Monet (he/him), Jamie Whitlock (he/they), Rowan Williams (any pronouns, and Ana Valen! (she/her)
Quinn joined because of their intrest in true crime
Sol's mom and younger brother were killed years ago and the police said it was a drunk driving accident but he thinks thats bullshit so joined to possibly get some answers
Jamie's obsessed with the idea of ghosts and spirits
Rowan works for the school newspaper and adores horror movies
Ana also works for the school newspaper and shes mainly in charge of notetaking for the group
It doesn't really have any romance however they do have a very found family dynamic that i adore
Quinns pretentious as fuck im not even gonna lie like slight edgy middleschooler vibes, the type to go up to someone wearing a band shirt and ask them to name 5 songs
Sol just wants answers bro he didnt want to be dragged into this but he was and theyre all his family now whether he likes it or not (oh oh he also has a twin sister! and and before one of his moms died he had lesbian moms and his currently alive mom is transfem) (and hes autistic bc yes) (oh and hes french!)
Jamie is very british and honestly their specific brand of weird probably gets to be a bit too much for Sol and Ana (those two bond over being extreme introverts)
Rowans just a sunshine who must be protected at all costs i adore him disjsjjsjs
Ana's a bit of a wallflower, shes the adopted introvert to Rowans extrovert
and okay this takes place in a fictional town me and my friend came up with where theres alot of mysterious murders, unsolved deaths, spooky drownings, and supposed ghostly activity which gives a bit more insight as to why they decided to form the nightmare squad
i actually didnt think about if they have any prejudices HOWEVER i do feel like its important to note that Quinn is black, Rowan is mexican and filipino, and all the characters (except for Sol, a cis boy who chooses not to label his sexuality) are all queer in some way!
basically just queer highschoolers investigate spooky stuff and form a found family bond
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Hiiii Shadow I know I've asked your pronoun headcanons before but I can't find it + I wanna see if there's updates
Do you have some for Katherine?
(Btw have some headcanons in exchange: I headcanon Katherine as some genre of transfemme and I think that when Jimmy came out she freaked out and took her on her first girl shopping trip. That's when Jimmy got her ears pierced <3)
I do have some for Katherine! And it's totally ok you can ask as many times as you want I love talking ab my headcanons <3
Funny enough I also headcanon Katherine as transfem! To me she's transfem, princessgender, and pinkgender :D she's also a demiromantic lesbian and uses she/they/cute/fairy/curse/uwu. She mostly uses the uwu pronouns cause they think it's funny to hear ppl say it aloud.
I also love that transfem/transfem solidarity they TOTALLY would just go out and do that. They are besties your honor :)
If you want s1 headcanons I got those too! S1!Katherine is a fairycoric bisexual and uses she/they/fairy/sparkle!
(kinda off topic but she is also autistic to me :3)
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