#she sneaks food cause she doesnt want me seeing her eat and it makes me feel so fucking horrible that ive done this to her
smellyprincetm · 2 years
i feel so embarassed about my body and my eating habits whenever im with my sister, cause we used to eat loads of stuff together and share the same size, but now we cant anymore simply cause i lost weight and avoid food at all cost
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hoonhrt · 4 years
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: pairing — best friend enhypen! x reader 
: genre — fluff 
: a/n — i’m posting in this in the meantime as i am still writing a jake au rn so sorryyy if this is trash im writing this at 1 am LOL 
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・:*:・゚☆ lee heeseung 
cares for you sm 
lends you his notes when you need 
lets you lay your head on his shoulder on the bus 
youre the only person allowed to watch him preform 
shoves you alot??? 
forces you to play games with him which makes your head hurt cause he is so loud 
asks you to buy him snacks, says he will pay back but never does 
wants you to confide in him for all of your problems 
always texts you to make sure youre taking care of yourself but in a teasing you 
“go drink a glass of water rn or else youre going to d word of dehydration and you havent seen me become an idol yet :( so pls go drink some water.” 
・:*:・゚☆ jay park
bully #1 
ALWAYS begs for your notes after classes cause this mf is always sleeping in class 
seems a little cold at first but is actually so caring 
comes over whenever you dont show up to school 
buys you food, literally never lets you pay for anything 
criticize your fashion but thats cause he doesnt want you looking like a fool especially since youre his best friend ;/
keeps your best interest at heart for almost all the decisions he makes as you play such a big role in life 
you guys go on late night drives and roam around the city with a playlist he made just for nights like these for the both of you 
lets you borrow his accessories 
“jay why is your hair like that” “shut up your eyebrows are uneven”
・:*:・゚☆ jake sim 
people thought he liked you because of how much he cares for you but nope 
tells you pick up lines and you shut them down real quick 
pretends that didnt hurt 
gives the best hugs ever 
your parents love him more than you 
helps you with all of your homework, basically tutors you for free 
expects you to show up to every single one of his soccer games (which you do) 
always packs extra food for you just incase 
“if you were a transformer... you’d be optimus fine” “jake i dont even like transformers”
・:*:・゚☆ park sunghoon 
bully #2
literally makes fun of you so much, your friendship seems questionable to others 
enjoys seeing you struggle 
lets you wear his jackets during his practices 
also expect you to show up to every single one of his comps, youre his good luck charm but he will never tell you that 
loves when you show up with big signs that say “PARK SUNGHOON BEST SKATER” 
very protective over you, doesnt like seeing you hurt 
shoves you alot pt 2 
likes playing with your hands 
“did you even try to use the 3 brain cells in your head for this?” “i literally hope you fall in your face during one of your performances “HEY”
・:*:・゚☆ kim sunoo 
you guys are inseparable
talk the most shit about the people at your school LOL 
always encourages you to break out of your shell and be more outgoing, always reminding you that he right behind your supporting you 
you guys share everything, clothes, make up, accessories, lockers 
you made him a friendship bracelet and this mf almost cried 
gets into heated arguments with you and than feels bad 
hugs hugs so many hugs 
your source of happiness 
BEGS to do your makeup and hair 
“you know the new girl is already dating someone from class b?” “no way youre lying!!” “nope, i found out today in history, she hasnt even been her a week and she already has a man??” 
・:*:・゚☆ yang jungwon 
the most responsible yet irresponsible person youve ever met 
acts like your mom sometimes 
loves taking care of you 
will scold you about not doing your school work but realizes he forgot his own 
makes weird faces at you like wtf jungwon you good 
your parents want him as their actual son 
carries around a first aid kit for you 
lets you wear his gloves in the winter 
just loves being around you all the time 
“did you eat today??? go eat. do you want me to come over and make you food???”
・:*:・゚☆ nishimura ni-ki 
bully #3 
teases you about EVERYTHING 
never answers his phone so you guys cant have nice cute little planned hangouts 
you two sneak out of your houses and go to the playground to swing on the swings 
holds your hand when youre nervous 
loves teaching you dances even if you arent that good 
steals food from your fridge 
you guys make up secret handshakes 
ni-ki loves giving you hugs 
“you cant even reach this im not even holding it up that high this is so embrassing for you” “CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK”
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queenmolina · 3 years
bobby was in the system 
i’m going into detail about how i imagine it just because that’s what anon asked me to do - if you think this might be upsetting then i advise you to stop reading here <3
i’m going to preempt this with some disclaimers
- i’m british so my pov of the system will be wrong, i’m not even going to try and translate it
- i’m not picking out sad/tragic things to be deliberately upsetting for the sake of an angsty backstory, this is just genuinely how i choose to imagine it happening 
- this is a compilation of my friend and i semi-projecting onto our shared comfort character. im more than happy to share this because i really like this take for bobby, but please be sensitive in any comments you might make in (more for other people’s sake - im comfortable to discuss any of the content)
bobby doesn’t remember his parents. he lived with them for a time and from what people have told him, they were a really happy family. his mom was a therapist and his dad was an author. there are photos of the two of them smiling happily at the camera - some even had a small, baby-faced bobby bouncing on their knee, though they called him robin. it’s on all of his certificates, all of the documents. his name is robin. it doesn’t feel right
when he’s three, bobby’s parents pass. he thinks it must have been some kind of accident - to take them both in one go - but he doesn’t get offered any explanation. he’s almost immediately fostered into a family but there’s so many kids there that it’s basically a foster home. he’s one of the youngest and is immediately babied by all of the older kids which is where he starts to be selective about physical affection/contact with other people
he stays there until he’s six. all of the kids there get moved about when their ‘parents’ (it’s what the kids were told to call them but it never really applied) decided they actually weren’t cut out to look after a dozen children and threw in the towel
six year olds are a bit middle of the range in terms of how quickly people foster/adopt them but bobby’s gained a bit of a reputation for being ‘tricky to manage’ because he’s so fussy - he’s not fussy, he just wants people to stop mollycoddling him and give him some peace and quiet. he stays in a foster home for a year until eventually a couple take him in. but it doesn’t last long - they say bobby acts out and all of a sudden he’s back on the front step with his shopping bag of possessions and they’re passing ‘robin’ back as though he’s a library book and not a child
from the ages of eight to twelve, he gets passed back and forth from one place to the next. some are better than others, obviously. there’s the malone’s where the only other kid is their 17 year old biological daughter who thankfully doesnt much care for ambushing bobby like some of the others had. there’s the harper’s where bobby’s surprised they even passed the social worker visit because the house is a tip - but the carers are nice and he has his own room. there’s the vegaro’s who he even allows himself to hug when he had to leave. the rest of them aren’t even worth remembering. they never lasts, even the nice ones always go wrong. he’s back in the foster home every time he begins to get settled
when he’s twelve, the rate at which he gets fostered slows again. he sidles along with the older kids who seem to have given up hope and spend their days causing trouble or sneaking out of the home just because they can. bobby doesn’t go with them for a few months - until he realises that it’s fine. no one will care if he disappears for a few hours. will they even care if he doesn’t come back at all?
on his thirteenth birthday, one of the carers helps him gather his stuff from his bunk and shove it all into a bag. he’s fed up of trying to find a real home so when a woman shows up to take him, he doesn’t even try for a smile
it’s his aunt. his biological family. she has the same soft features as his mother in the photos and the same dark, pin-straight hair. somehow it manages to hurt more when she wrinkles her nose at his attempts of a conversation
her husband is nice. jerry, his name is. a portly man with a receding hairline and a frequent habit for offering bobby a sip of his beer. he’s not related to bobby by blood but it’s nice to feel like someone’s on his side
his aunt hates him. she doesn’t say it out loud - not when bobby’s in the room - but he sees how she looks at him. he hears her arguing with jerry about him sometimes and saying nasty things about his mother too. she and jerry seem to fall out a lot
she leaves one day. and doesn’t come back.
for once, bobby doesn’t get sent back to the foster home. if anything, he feels more welcomed once his aunt had gone. he and jerry feel like family - a little strained but bobby thinks that must be how all families feel. they watch tv together and even share hobbies. jerry even bought him a guitar, something brand new and for bobby and not second hand. bobby was worried he would have to give it back when the time came for him to return to the home but that wasn’t something to worry about right now. he meets jerry’s friends and family and for once, bobby feel like he has a family of his own
this is also the longest he’s ever stayed at one school. he thinks he might be making friends (he can call them friends this time, they’re not allies. they’re friends)
when he’s fifteen, jerry passes. he hadn’t been very well, it had been getting worse. bobby had seen that it was coming and had half-packed a bag before it had even happened
his new friends from school come to the funeral and sit with him on the front row of pews. alex - who was a foot taller than the rest of them - cowers a little from all of the attention. luke pulls at his sleeves and collar, clearly uncomfortable in the fancy get up, but he offers a sad smile whenever bobby catches his eye. reggie isn’t sure what to make of the whole thing but he can see that bobby’s upset and their shoulders knock together whenever reggie wants to remind him he’s not alone. at one point, bobby even takes reggies hand in his. he would be embarrassed or uncomfortable at the contact except he’s lost his family and he’s probably going to lose his friends too
instead of going back to the group home, he’s asked to move in with jerry’s mother, althea
she has a pretty big house and a garage which she converts into a space for bobby to hang out. he’s still unused to having his own room so to have two feels a little overwhelming. he invites his friends over to fill the space and when luke asks to start a band, bobby allows him to convert the garage into a makeshift studio. althea doesn’t mind, in fact she encourages it.
bobby isn’t the best at putting his thoughts into words but he can put them into action so when the boys start having trouble at home, he makes one thing very clear: the studio is their home. the studio belongs to all of them and if they ever need a place to stay, they should stay here. this is their home, where they’re loved and looked after. bobby tells them this in fewer words but he hopes they understand
(he’s not sure why the boys are so upset about their home lives - bobby would do anything to be with his parents. that is until he sees alex stifling hot tears or luke choking up over his test results or reggie knocking on his bedroom window at two am, desperate to escape the noise. then he gets it)
luke moves in and bobby starts carting his dinners to the studio to eat. althea pretends not to notice that there’s another boys clothes in her laundry loads and just starts doubling bobby’s food portion to make sure they both get enough
then it goes wrong. and bobby loses another family.
althea teaches him things to keep him distracted. she shows him how to knit, teaches him more tagalog, more recipes. it does nothing to make him feel better but he could never tell her that. he’s grateful for every moment she spends with him. she didn’t owe him anything and yet she took him in. the least he could do is try to smile and forget about his boys for a moment. for her. 
she’s the one that encourages him to keep creating music, to make them a legacy they can be remembered by. it doesn’t work out that way in the end and she’s the only person that understands how the guilt weighs him down quite so much
years later, when he’s told that he’s going to be a father, his first thought is to run. he can barely cope with being responsible for himself, let alone another person. but it wasn’t his choice, she was going to have the baby. he was going to be a father
carrie is three when her mother leaves. it feels like another cruel twist of fate, like a knife in his gut. he always wondered when it would be his turn to go. he’s 29 and maybe he should’ve gone 26 years ago with his parents, or 14 years ago with jerry, or 12 years ago with his boys. but he would not let carrie have his struggles. so he cries to althea alone and puts on a brave face for his daughter
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prompt-master · 4 years
I- I'm sorry to ask cause I feel you have a lot of stuff to do, But I can see all the survivors (thh) caring for each other when one's sick,, and was wondering if you had any specific hcs. I live for sick fics/sick hcs
Do NOT be sorry lil fella 💛💛!! You should never feel sorry for sending me good ideas and topics! I'm not sure how to organize this because theres a lot of direction to take this and this could get really long. I think I'm going to with seperating by survivor, who will be the sick one, and listing a few headcanons!
Naegi Makoto
Gets carried around a lot, especially by Hina and Hagakure.
He's the kind of guy to push himself while sick without telling anyone so they don't find out either until he crashes or Kiri's detective skills catch him in the act
He loves to sleep against the others when he's not feeling well but he won't ask for it unless delirious
Asahina sneaks him sweets behind the others back because she understands only eating bland sick food can be kind suckish.
Fukawa will completely ease up on insults while he's sick and try to help from a distance because she gas a garbage immune system
Typically him being sick causes the most worry because he's kind of the glue between them all
Kirigiri Kyoko
The quietest when sick
Clings to Naegi in her own way, she just wants to be around him.
Typically gets bad coughs
Has Hina tie up her hair for her when she's sick. It's always such a nice relief
Hagakure is always willing to give his jacket to the girls when sick because they're always in damn skirts/shorts so it makes them chilly af when sick
Continues to try and be useful, but everyone just wants her to relax
They end up making a day off just for her so everyone can relax together
She really appreciates all the care...she may not get sick often at all but they still care so much. You'll notice a little smile on her face when no ones looking.
Togami Byakuya
Bad headache means he can't read well. He ends up having either Fukawa, Naegi, or Kiri read for him. This really helped Fukawa's stutter improve.
You know he's sick when hes not wearing glasses and his hair is messy
Will wear just a button up instead of the jacket and tie.
He's the most embarassed about being sick and will try to just lock himself away, but everyone always catches him because they're worried
Very very grumpy and irritated. He complains about every little thing but...you can hear him mumble a thank you under his breath
Hagakure stays with him telling him stupid stories so Togami can jokingly mock him for them
Asahina decides FINE she will be nice to Togami just this once
Naegi always has the best luck getting close to Togami and caring for him without trouble. No Togami does not like Naegi what do you mean. No Togami is absolutely not enjoying Naegi caring for him
He's so used to just popping a fever reducer and moving on so he kinda sucks at handling it, but he will not show that ever.
Enjoys a nice cold shower when all feverish.
They spend a long time trying to convince him to like wear sweatpants like a normal sick person but he'd rather die
Asahina Aoi
She just wants to lay down with someone so badly
Does she end up in Kirigiri's lap? Yes. And what of it?
She's pretty easy to figure out when sick, she's open about how bad she feels
A little whiney but can you blame her?
Gets sniffily and really annoyed when one nostril is completely clogged
Plays board games with Naegi and Hagakure while resting against Kirigiri
Lets her ponytail down
Feels more emotional than usual when sick, she just wants to curl up and sleep and its easy to make her cry
Curls into Hagakure's jacket
Doesn't eat as much which really concerns everyone
Fukawa will bring her easy to eat food because she doesn't like watching her just laying there miserable
Very shivery
Togami doesn't do much, but he does leave her things like cold compresses, pills, and a blanket so that Naegi can give them to her
Gets coddled by those caring for her but she loves it
Gets home sick when shes given sick foods
Fukawa Toko
Gets sick the most often
She has terrible luck and ends up sneezing a lot which leaves her switching between Syo way too much
Shakes like a damn leaf
Asahina coddles her the most, she's completely fretting
She usually ends up in bed by herself only letting Komaru and Togami in. The others understand she feels more comfortable alone so they knock and leave her things
Naegi gives her food and books he thinks she'd like
He also gives Syo a doujin he found on the street. He figures she'd get more enjoyment out of it than him...
Kirigiri always just takes one look at her and says "go lay down"
Fukawa always huddles under like 5 blankets. Shes completely buried, you can't even see her head. Under it she has a fake crystal ball that Hagakure gave her that lights up. It helps her with her fear of the dark
It's moment like these that...Fukawa remembers that Komaru is NOT her first friend. Komaru is the first person she truly has healthy romantic feelings for but...she has so many people that geniunely care about her, even with her bad habit of pushing them away.
Hagakure Yasuhiro
The most homesick. He just wants his mom man.
Very very very whiney. He complains SOOOO often
They have to make sure he eats well because otherwise he'll survive on junk food thats easy to open
Will cling to the shoulder of anyone nearby. Anyone.
He does kinda get on their nerves but then they'll remember that hes just feeling crummy and try to help him feel better like hes done to them in the past
The good thing is he's usually pretty easy to take care of. His mom was a nurse after all so he'll just tell you what he needs for help
But be warned because then once youre helping hes going off on several conspiracy theories and scams
LOVES how being sick means he doesnt have to work
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honeypirate · 3 years
Easy Living part two
Part one
Obi Akitaru x Fem!reader
Obi Akitaru falls in love with the girl at the rock show
Also ducks survived the cataclysm
Song one
Song two
Song three
Song four
Song five alternate version
Obi didn't see you outside of the office where you were doing paperwork. He thought you were avoiding him but you interacted with him during office hours so he couldn't really convince himself at first. You had said you were too tired to eat with everyone and just wanted to rest, which is how you got out of family dinners and could sneak in and eat after everyone leaves.
After a week and a half of this, he plans to find you and talk to you. Oh how he missed your jokes and your presence. You get back from your physical therapy and he meets you at the door “come with me” he says and takes your good hand “we’re going out”
You get ice cream, and just walk the town for a while. You figured he would want to talk soon but to be honest you havent quite dealt with your feelings yet. You didnt know what to say. Hey sorry Captain I’ve been avoiding you a little so i could squash all the romantic feelings i have for you since you only want to be best friends. No hard feelings? Also I feel like a failure because Im useless right now?
No. You couldn’t be that honest, but you would be honest enough
He stops by a bench next to the trees that have started to bloom in the warm spring air. You sit beside him, a little farther than usual and he sighs “talk to me. Please” he says softly and you swallow “about what?” you ask, your voice a little shaky and nervous. “y/n” he sighs “okay, i’ll just ask. Why have you been avoiding me after we had tea?” he leans his elbows down on his thighs and looks over at you.
You swallow hard and look down at your toes, giving your ice cream cone you were nursing a lick to buy some time.
“Obi, i’ve just been really tired. It wasn’t you. I promise. As you said, we are best friends forever. Please dont think im avoiding you i promise im not really. It’s just so hard to not use my arm, i cant do my job like i need, i feel like im useless. And youre my Captain! i dont want to be less than you deserve as a team member”
He brushes your hair back behind your ear and you gasp, looking from your toes into his eyes. “I’m your friend first remember? And so here I am, asking you as a friend, please dont think you have to avoid me. I dont think less of you because youre injured, youre not broken or ruined, youre just hurt. And you’re perfect the way that you are at any moment so dont even start with thinking you’re less than anyone. Youre incredibly strong and smart always. Let me be there for you. Right now as a man and not as your captain. Okay?” you feel your heart rate beat erratically in your chest and you kick yourself form coming along. Those perfect things he said to you from the perspective of a f r i e n d. God you loved him so much it hurt. Hurt because he doesnt love you back. More than a best friend anyway.
You do your best to go back to normal, you talk to him more, forcing yourself to attend dinners and joke like normal, ignorning the growing cracks in your heart.
A few weeks later, after a mission you werent allowed to go on, Obi announces a celebration “Since we just had a successful huge mission, we will be celebrating and inviting the companies we have friends in. so the 5th, 7th, and 2nd, will all be attending.” you dont deny that youre excited. You love celebrations because it meant the best barbeque plus you cant wait to talk to Hibana and Konro.
That night after your physio you talk to Maki and Vulcan, planning to take care of the entertainment for the night. Vulcan on the drums, Maki on the electric guitar, and you on vocals. You spent the next few days preparing and getting all the music sheets for them from songs you all put together. A list of 8 songs that everyone would enjoy, or so you hoped.
Your arm didn’t have to be in a sling anymore, it was healed but the muscles were tight and the scar tissue hurt. you had to work through that but your physical therapist said you would work that slowly and it would be almost 100% again.
When the day arrived for the celebration you felt nervous as hell. “Are you excited to do this?!” Vulcan says and pats your good shoulder and you laugh “I’m nervous and excited” Maki squeals as she does a sound check on her guitar “this is going to be so cool!”
When you guys move out to the stage, you get everyone’s attention by tapping the mic, a squeal going through the speakers before Viktor adjusts some settings on the computer.
“Hey guys. We put together a little entertainment for you all. Hope you enjoy it” you look around at everyone as they make their way over to the stage. Obi’s eyes were wide and he was grinning ear to ear, you didn’t tell many about this so it could be a surprise and you knew that was a good choice with the look in his eyes. He made his was to front of the crowd, whistling loudly as Maki began to strum.
Vulcan hits the drums as you begin to sing
“Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know-it-all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
With the birds I’ll share” after the first verse your eyes flick down to Obi and he has the biggest smile you’ve seen. It makes your heart flutter as you wink at him as you sing the chorus
“With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'
With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'”
The end of the first song everyone cheers loud and you feel proud as you laugh with the excitement and atmosphere. Obi is your loudest cheerleader.
Vulcan leaves the drums to stand by the keyboard for the next song as Maki plays the chords.
“You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere all bright and new” your eyes flick down to Obi and you smile softly
“ I have seen no other
Who compares with you”
Some people hold up lighters and those with fire abilities hold some fire up and sway side to side, the atmosphere is light and easy, a moment where no one is thinking about infernals and government problems.
You sang the four softer songs Maki chose first before taking a water break then going back on stage to finish strong with four songs you were excited about since you knew they were some of your and Obi’s favorites.
You look down at Obi when the music starts and the recognition in his eyes makes you grin. You know most people in your company know this song because of Obi. “You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You say you wanna go for a spin
The party's just begun, we'll let you in
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'”
You feel your body feel with pride when the crowd sings the chorus and you realize more people know those song then you thought
“I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day x4”
The cheering at the end of this song makes you laugh before you take another drink of water and move on to the next few songs until you end with the last two you were excited about.
“Okay everyone. Two left” you smile at the boos that are scattered “ We’re glad you liked this show and hope you had fun here. There’s extra food so if you’re hungry make sure you fill up” You wink at Obi again as you begin to sing the song as he whistles loudly when the guitar begins, throwing his fists in the air doing his devil horns.
“This is a thing I've never known before
It's called easy livin'
This is a place I've never seen before
And I've been forgiven
Easy livin' and I've been forgiven
Since you've taken your place in my heart”
This one was one of your favorites and you got into it dancing around on the stage. When it ends you laugh and smile as they cheer. “Okay guys. I dedicate this last song to the companies here tonight thank you all for making this not a complete failure. I was nervous but now.. this has been a dream come true of mine honestly. Anyway. For you” you look down at Obi and he nods and then whistles again when he recognizes the song
“A company always on the run
A destiny, oh it's the rising sun” the crowd cheers and you get goosebumps
“I was born, a shotgun in my hands
Behind the gun
I'll make my final stand, yeah
That's why they call me” you look down at Obi and he sings with you
“Bad company
I can't deny
Bad, bad company
'Til the day I die
Until the day I die”
Your voice fades out and Vulcan and Maki finish their notes and the crowd goes nuts. You bring Vulcan and Maki up and you hold hands and bow before waving and exiting the stage.
A few pats on the back and many people telling you how great that was was a little overwhelming and Obi could tell. He pushes through the crowd and takes your hand “gotta borrow this rock star for a moment excuse us please” he says and takes you with him behind the stage where he could let you take a breather.
“Looked a little overwhelmed with the loving crowd” he says and leans against the side of the wall behind the stage. “Just a bit. Thank you Obi” he hasn’t stopped smiling and his eyes are filled with stars for you. “I didn’t know you could sing Little Duck” he says and you chuckle “there’s a lot you don’t know about me Obi” you say with a smirk and drink of your water bottle. “And I love discovering new things about you.” he says softly and you feel your cheeks flush under his soft gaze “is that right?” You ask in a flirty tone and you cock your head with a smile. “Yes. It is” he says and you stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, soft smiles and a warm feeling growing in your bones.
“Hey y/n I brought you some food since we missed out” Vulcan says and hands you a plate “you’re a lifesaver Vulcan thank you!” You say and take it with a grin. Obi kicks himself for not thinking of that and scowls at the weird jealousy he feels spike in his heart at the way you smiled at Vulcan. He shakes his head and excuses himself to go talk to Hinawa.
“That was weird” Vulcan says and you raise an eyebrow in question, mouthful but he understood you “he looked at me like I just flirted with his girl. How weird is that?” You laugh and your cheeks dust slightly pink “I’m sure there was something else on his mind, we’re just friends” you say and take another bite of your barbecue, moaning a little about how delicious it is. Vulcan just shrugs “that was really amazing. Great idea y/n! It was so fun. If you ever wanna jam again I’m down” you smile and nod “I’ll take you up on that sometime”
“Are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?” Hinawa says, acting like it’s annoying him that he has to have this conversation to hide the fact he finds it entertaining that his Captain is so blind. “She’s been my best friend for so long. Wouldn’t I have had feelings for her before today?” Hinawa sighs “are you sure you haven’t?” Obi feels like his mind expands as he connects the dots. “Well damn” Obi says with a slight smile teasing the corners of his mouth and Hinawa shakes his head.
After that night you didn’t see Obi outside of work for a week. It was weird. Like the tables have turned and now you don’t know why he’s avoiding you. He calls you into your office and you feel a little worried.
“You wanted to see me sir?” You said as stood at attention in front of his desk. Outside of this room you felt like he was your Obi but every time he calls you into his office you feel completely different. The atmosphere he held in that room for you, powerful and commanding, you were intimidated and slightly turned on but you never would allow yourself to think of that.
“I wanted to check in on how your therapy is going” he says, his face was stoic and level, but you see there’s something in his eye, something has changed. “It’s going well Sir” you raise your arm and show your limited range of motion “she says I’ll be back to good and cleared for duty soon, since I’m well enough now to have more frequent appointments.” he nods and makes a note on his small pad of paper. “Are your ignition abilities okay? Do you need training there?” You shake your head “no Sir. My abilities haven’t been effected” he nods once and then smiles, a soft smile that shows way more emotion from him than your used to “that’s all. I’m glad you’re doing well. Dismissed” “thank you Sir” you salute and then turn and leave, feeling extremely confused at the emotion you saw in his eyes.
You chew your lip as you pace the walkways of the company, pacing and thinking, (more like overthinking amirite) and trying to decide if you should talk to him. You somehow end up in the tallest room of the building, looking out over the town and the sunset. You get a flashback to your first day as a fire fighter, walking back to the truck with your team you were in the back of the group by Obi and he stopped to look at the sunset for a moment. “Remember y/n, take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. It’s always taken for granted” that’s what he said to you that made you admire him. The original seed your feelings grew from. You smiled and turned, running down the steps to try and find him, to tell him.
“Hey Arthur have you seen the Captain?” You asked when he was the first one you saw “oh yeah. He just left with the girl from the flower shop” you raise your eyebrows “left with Margret? Why?” He shrugs “I don’t know. Probably a date. She seemed really happy” you laugh once in shock “huh” you say and he just shrugs, going back to his pretending to be a knight with his plasma blade as you walk out of the room.
You pace the halls again until you eventually give up. You won’t tell him. He’ll never know. You hope he’s happy with Margaret, she seems like a lovely woman.
Every day being around him sucks, you wish you could take some time off to go away for a little bit so you wouldnt have to see him, wouldnt have to feel the pain anymore. It made you look forward to your physio appointments but even those are ending soon, only two left before you're cleared. Dont get you wrong, you are excited to be cleared to work again, paperwork was beginning to annoy you, but you were going to miss the excuse to get out every once in a while so you wouldn't have to see him anymore. At least until you have gotten over him.
He notices you pulling away, avoiding him again. He doesnt understand everything was going so well. He was planning this big confession and spent forever with the florist planning the perfect bouquet and getting her help on what girls would like in a confession, he has the whole thing planned out but now you wont even look at him uness you have to. He’s so frustrated! When did communicating with each other get this hard?
You get back from physio and he meets you at the door again, this time hiding his emotions and just giving you a look that tells you to follow him. He takes you to the same empty room you were in yesterday, at the very top of the company. “Captain?” you ask softly, your eyes on the ground and your hands gripping the strap of your bag that is across your chest hard enough to lighten your knuckles. “Little duck” he whispers softly, his voice held something you couldn't place, something you never heard from him before, and when you realize what it is your eyes meet his. It was pain.
“My little ducky” he says softly “why?” you feel your walls break, your hard work to build them up and forget about your love for the captain turned to ash as you cover your face with your hands, tears burning your eyes. “I.. I just” you swallow hard and pull yourself together, you wont cry in front of him. You sniff and grit your teeth, dropping your hands and controlling the emotions on your face “I hope you are happy with Margaret” you say and look behind him, knowing if you saw his pain you’d for sure cry.
“What.. who the hell is margaret?” he says and you furrow your brows as confusing fills your mind. You look to your feet “Arthur said you’re dating Margaret, the florist” he laughs “her name is Margaret? I thought it was Molly, that’s awkward. But no, I am not dating the florist. Why would you believe aAthur? He thinks he's a knight ninja king or something”
“I uh, i gota go” you say and turn to leave but he takes your hand, pulling you to his embrace. “No you dont” he whispers and gently holds your head to his chest. “Tell me. I need you to tell me what is going on. Right now on this roof we are going to tell each other everything we’ve been hiding, starting with how you have been avoiding me again” you feel your eyes burn again, this time because of how frustrated you were with your stupidity..
“I feel so stupid i dont want to say” you mumble into his chest and he laughs “my precious ducky, please tell me” he says softly and you pull back, deciding to look into his eyes when you tell him the truth. “I couldn't deal with being around you knowing how much I love you since I thought you were with someone else. It hurt too much to see you. I thought i lost my chance”
He laughs softly “how could i fall in love with anyone else when the best woman is right in front of me?” you look up at him with a shocked expression and you almost turn to look behind you to see if there was anyone else there but you controlled yourself. You just cleared your throat and asked “what?” he laughs and cups your cheek, his strong callused hands holding you gentler than you could have ever imagined after seeing him crack a jar of pickles when he was opening it.
He leans down to your ear and whispers “I love you. I've loved you since the beginning. My little ducky” you gasp and turn your face to connect your lips to his. You melt into him as his strong arms wrap around your waist, lifting you to his chest as he kisses you deeply, his tongue swipes at your lip and you meet him with your own, making him hum in approval as you runs your fingers across his short cut hair on the back of his head, the shaved hair tickling your palms before you move higher to get his longer lengths in your fingertips.
You didn't even remember him picking you up until your feet touch the ground again. “You love me?” you ask when you pull back, right up against his lips and he sighs softly, pressing his forehead into yours. “I love you y/n” he says and you feel your stomach flip as a slow grin spreads over your face before your hands move to his shoulders as your bag falls to the ground and you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist as he catches you easily with a laugh
You kiss his lips again, overcome with happiness, pecking them a few times quickly before peppering kisses around his face “i love you” you whisper between kisses and he laughs as he holds you tight, his heart fluttering to know you feel the same. You pull back and smile down at him “i'm sorry i was such an idiot” you whisper and then hop down from his arms. “you’re not an idiot sweetheart. If i found out you were dating someone else and not me, that would hurt. I would have to avoid you for a while too. I dont want you to be with anyone else but me” he says and you blush, your heart melting as you take his large hands in your own “so when ya taking me out on a real date big guy?” you ask with a blush and he smiles “since you asked, sweetheart, that’s kind of the reason i was with Maggie to begin with” “margaret” “yeah margaret. She was helping me plan the perfect way to confess to you, i had this whole pan. So this friday, you and me, 7pm. I have a reservation downtown and will be getting you the best bouquet of flowers you ve ever seen so get ready” you laugh a little awkwardly “sorry for ruining your plan” you say and he smiles, kissing your forehead “you haven't ruined anything. you love me, nothing is better than that. Plus this means i can kiss you sooner than i was hoping” he leans down and presses his lips to yours softer than before shooting tingles down your spine “and it’s so much better than I imagined” he admits and you grin “then dont stop” you whisper and he smirks “anything for you sweetheart” he says before his lips are crashing into yours again
“So whats this about a duck”
Shinra asks at dinner and you groan as Obi laughs hard. You look pointedly at everyone there “okay but this does not leave this table and if it does i will beat ALL of your asses, so its more incentive for one of you to not say a thing because imagine how the rest of you will feel about the one who spilled” they all nod with a laugh and Hinawa rolls his eyes, knowing you’d never dare to beat his ass.
“Back when Obi and i were greenies” you look to him and he has a shit eating grin on his face as he lays his hand on your knee under the table. “We were just normal fire fighters, so calls like getting a cat out of a tree was nothing new. But this was a call about a duck. I answered the phone and it went a little bit like this” you put your hand to your ear like a phone
“thank you for calling the Fire Defence Agency, my name is Y/n how may i help you today?”
your voice changes to sound like an older gentleman “yes, my duck is stuck, please help.”
voice is yours again “your duck sir?”
“Yes. Herbert the duck. He cannot fly. Come immediately. 2836 the street name rd”
“Then he hangs up. Obi and i were the only ones there since we were greenies and had to man the phones during lunch hour so we roll out and get to his house and sure enough a duck is stuck on top of this mans roof” you hold your hands up and try to shape it out for them “he had this house where the top was sort of curved like this just above his front door” you bring your hands up and around in an arc. The truck we have doesnt have the laddder but it’s not too high so Obi puts me on his shoulders and as i go to grab this little bastard he screams in my face and pecks my eye” Obi is laughing remembering it “hush let me finish” you say to him with a smile
“So this damn Herbert the duck, my eye is watering and it hurts and i'm cursing up a storm as Obi laughs his ass off and tries to hold me steady. i get a hold on Herberts back, holding down its wings so i can easily lift it into my arms and as i pull it towards me he pecks my OTHER EYE” Obi is holding in cackles, he knows whats coming and can hear the mans voice as clear as day in his head “then Obi brings me down and im crying uncontrollably, my eyes burning as this duck watches me smugly hand him over to his care taker and then the gentleman goes”
You change your voice to mimic the mans again “watch out, he’s a pecker” Obi is laughing so hard along with Vulcan and Shinra, the rest chuckling along with.
“And i'm standing there, eyes leaking unctronably from being pecked in both eyes, and he just takes his duck and walks inside his house. I had to go to the doctor and get vaccines for all these diseases that ducks apparently have.” Obi catches his breath and wipes his tears “you should have heard her on the way back from the doctor, two eyepatches on and going on a tangent about how ducks should have gone extinct and left the geese since they are much cuter. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole drive home”
You slap his arm playfully “you saw that picture at the museum they look so cute and kind!” he smiles and holds your hand “I wonder how Herbert the duck is doing” he asks and you smile “probably not as well as I am” you smile around the table at your team and friends, all smiling and still chuckling softly imagining your story.
“I can’t believe that one of the first things you liked about me was my tangent about ducks” you say as you crawl into bed beside him. He laughs and wraps his arms around you, hugging you to his chest “you were so cute and funny. I knew I needed to keep you around me because you made life fun and wonderful because that’s who you are” you kiss his cheek as he continues, rolling over and holding you “I knew I wanted to have you forever but I was too dense to realize I loved you” he nuzzles into your neck and lays on your chest, his weight and warmth comforting. “I love you” you whisper and he kisses you neck softly “I love you sweetheart”
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
Favorite Foods Of Some Horror Characters! [P1]
I have no explanation for myself BUT i really like food so i was like “let me use my limited space in my primitive monkey brain to produce a headcanon list on one of the only things I know anything about; food.” Lemme know if you want part 2 👀
Update: part 2 is a go! Check the end of the post for it if you like!
Michael Myers :
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- he doesnt really have a favorite, having scrounged off of the shitty stock food the inmates were given at Smith’s Grove and the occasional dog, but when they had potlucks the patients were allowed to have home cooked stuff from some of the people who brought it
- there was a male nurse he remembered who always brought a big dish of Macaroni and Cheese with beef and tomatoes in it, and Michael was one of the only people who actually ate it. In fact, most of the time it was gone before anyone else could get any cause hes a Big Boy
- overall that might be his favorite, but it turns out he just really likes anything home cooked and might drink an entire pot of chicken noodle soup that you’ve just made if left unsupervised
Jason Vorhees :
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- so after some discussion with my lover @zovatm, we concluded that it was most likely that Jason would like home cooked foods for a number of reasons. Like most stay-at-home mothers in the 60′s, 70′s and 80′s, Pamela would've most likely had an annotated cook book fit to meet her baby’s tastes because she loves her son very much and would definitely put those shiny star stickers next to the ones he liked the most and write little alterations to enhance the dishes a little bit
- according to Zova people from New Jersey (we’re fairly certain that it takes place in New Jersey but can remember) are also more likely to have a taste for dinner foods, to which i concluded that its most likely that he likes really hearty foods like pot roast and shepherd’s pie, preferring there to be a little more potatoes in each of the previous
- he likes things with substance because he too, like Michael, is a Big Boy who eats like hes stil growing. It makes sense considering there has to be some way he retains that bulk, and its not magic i can tell you that shit. (Ive concluded that the jason’s workout plan is to eat a fuckton of food meant for like 10 grown ass men and bench press a tree for 50 reps)
Freddy Krueger :
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- this man had no regard for his health in the physical life and doesnt to this day, meaning that he defintely consumed and did things that would eventually speed up his death if he hadn't, yknow, gotten trapped in a burning building
- so, ironically enough, he probably really likes fried foods. They're full of calories and would give him clogged arteries if he was alive, therefore they bring him a sense of innate joy and spite when scarfing down a fried porkchop or a fried chicken tendie
- alternatively hereally likes junk food and stuff with a lot of grease in it like burgers and fries or smoked ribs. He doesn't make any of these foods himself because he's a bit pyrophobic, but will 100% sneak pieces of the food yo’ure making if you're the one doing the cooking. How can he resist himself? It just looks so good!
- (he cant eat too much though, otherwise he either feels queasy or just falls asleep as soon as he gets into a chair. He’s not nearly as big as the two former slashers and you can see it both in his appetite and how he’s phsycially not really build like that.)
I decided to do part 2, so if you liked these you can check out some more if you’d like! I’ll do a part 3 soon as well =w=
[ P2 ] : https://og-danny-dorito.tumblr.com/post/621858898492686336/favorite-foods-of-some-slashers-p2
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brewing-mischief · 4 years
You know I'd really like to read a deh fanfiction where Connor and Evan run into each other really hard, get knocked unconscious by the force and then wake up in the hospital in each other's bodies.
The doctor's say they both have amnesia since they're all "who are you people" to their 'families' and cant seem to remember their names.
"What's your name"
"Evan is fine, he came in with you and is talking to a doctor right now. What is YOUR name?"
The boys figure out they switched bodies but dont say anything to avoid looking more crazy to their families. I think itd be cool to read about how both of them get a little taste of what they need.
Connor gets to go to therapy (Dr.S is assuming that the amnesia is the reason Evan has gained a different personality. Thinking that since he has forgotten his trama his brain has built a new personality off of different core memories creating an Evan that is less full of anxiety? Idk I'm not a psychologist. Im thinking later Connor would slip up revelling to much of his actual life which leads Dr.S to believe that Evan has DID and that Connor is a new personality formed from the incident. He would think Connor's memories are actually a creation of a world Evan would have liked. His parents still being together-even though he knows it wouldn't work out in the long run which caused the 'dream' to go dark. Connor is like "I have no idea what you're talking about but if your chill with dealing with me I'm good" Dr.S continues to treat Connor as though 'Evan's fantasy' AKA Connor's real life is reality because he believes that this 'fantasy' is holding Evan dormant.) <- [This of course is just DR.S's psychological interpretation. Realty is that its just a bodyswap. However if you like that theory of Connor actually being a personality of Evan go right ahead a write that. I'm not stopping you]
Connor also gets to eat normal food like Pizza and tacos and anything that isnt some weird Vegan fat-free mess Cynthia makes
Connor gets he's space. Hes not constantly beaten down on by his parents for every step he takes. Heidi is incredibly chill. She's very worried about his well being but shes not invasive like his parents are who just want to tear him down. She continues to reiterate that she loves and supports him which allows Connor to slowly drop his walls.
With these supports in place Connor slowly begins to stop smoking/cutting (I have a feeling he may have also stopped at the begining because he respects the fact that this isnt his body and doesnt want to damage it but it is HARD) however most of his needs to cut/smoke are in his head. Which is awful because addiction is hard to quit. But he doesnt have to deal with physical withdrawal symptoms. (Headaches, nausea ect.) Which helps
Connor also stands up to Jared real quick so Jared learns to get his priorities straight or he finds himself left behind
Evan on the other hand has a whole family unit. He finally gets attention 24/7 which is great. Larry is a little harsh with him because hes Connor but it's less than usually since 'Connor' has no idea what hes talking about and doesnt give him a fight anymore. Cynthia is constantly hovering over him with scrapbooks to jog his memory. Zoe just tries to keep her distance but shes always in the background just staring at him trying to figure him out. The whole family is serriously just thrown off about how nice/figitty 'Connor' is. He's tripping over his words and apologizing as much as he breathes.
Evan does go through Connor's physical withdrawal because Evan is not about smoking. He suffers. The first day he keeps craving something but doesnt know what. He tells Cybthia who tries to help him match/satisfy it but nothing works. The next couple of dayd hes serriously sick/agitated. That's when Larry realised 'Connor' is going through withdrawls and is like "oh wow. Ok" and he starts being nicer. He is still somewhat stuck in the "what does it matter, Connor is going to go back to normal soon enough and it wont matter what he does right now" but Evan is being the perfect son so he cant really stay angry. He actually begins to bond with him again.
Evan just gets attention. He gets to sit down and have dinner and talk with people. He gets that family support hes been craving. He doesnt have to worry about being a financial burden because the Murphys are loaded
Evan would probably try to get close to Zoe but she pushes him away like nobody's business. Eventually she would cave and mabye do his nails or something but something about it feels off. Connor likes doing his nails and rn 'Connor ' seems to be very against the idea because "nail polish is for girls, what if people see it and think I'm a freak ect." So now shes even more suspicious about this whole amnesia thing. It wouldn't change her brother this much, would it?
Idk how Evan would think about everyone at school. Because they see him, they notice his existence but it's mostly out of fear and hatred. I feel like that would leave him a little bit panicked.
Anyway, after a week or two Connor goes over to his house to visit Evan and see how everything is being managed. Zoe sneaks a peek on them and notices something. Shes met Evan once or twice before so she didnt really make the connection until now when she can see them both. But 'Connor' is behaving like Evan, and 'Evan' is acting like Connor. Something is definitely off. She confronts them and without much of an argument to steer her off course they eventually give in and tell her what has been going on. She joins their team of figuring out what happened, how to go back and later in the story where the climax drama happens IF they should go back.
The IF drama is basically both parties know they have to go back but also dont want to....
It's just, Connor likes the freedom and trust Heidi gives him. He misses his sister but he also whitnessed his parents loving Evan more than they ever did to him. And that makes him furious because that means he was/will never be good enough for them. He takes this out on Evan since he knows Evan likes his family. He feels like Evan stole them from him even though he knows that's not true.
Evan wants his mom back. When he goes to visit 'Evan' hes a complete stranger to her and that hurts like hell. Plus He doesnt like being hated at school and furthermore he needs his therapy again. But the Murphy family is just so perfect. He has a father figure and a Mom whose always around and Zoe (who has become less of a crush through the experience and more a friend) and he doesnt have to listen to Jared being mean to him/claim they only hang out for car insurance. He has a strong support unit here and hes become more confident from the love they feed him.
So it's just this complicated mess of emotions.
I dont know how it would wrap up since they both have to go back but I think itd be really great to see these boys get better because their circumstances/situations switch. After all Tragedy is only a tragedy becuase the hero is in the wrong story. (I think I read that in a post talking about how Macbeth and Hamelt would have ended happily if only the two main characters were in each others stories since Macbeth would have killed the uncle real quick well Hamelt would have stopped to think instead of jumping in feet first. They made a good point and I want to apply that theory to this story)
Anyway those are my thoughts. Tag me if you write it
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irwen-s · 5 years
age regression ask: baby joohyun has separation anxiety and completely breaks down when wendy is away. it makes her think wendy doesn’t want her anymore and the thought of being alone absolutely terrified the poor baby. Wendy has to leave for a schedule overseas and the members try to make the baby feel better by dressing her in Wendy’s t shirts and letting her sleep in Wendy’s bed but nothing works until wendy comes home
oh, but writing this hurt me too. 
the day of seungwan’s overseas schedule, joohyun wakes up to an empty bed, her last memory being of a lingering kiss to her forehead in the dark hours before sunrise. theres a dull ache that seems to squeeze her ribcage just the slightest bit, but joohyun decidedly ignores it as she drags herself out of bed, getting ready for her own day’s activities.
she’s quiet the whole morning, quieter than usual, and although no one says it out loud, the reason is obvious to everyone. though her members do it when she isn’t looking, joohyun can still feel the concerned glances they sneak at her, and it makes her all the more sullen, all the more tighter in her chest.
everyone goes their own ways for their separate schedules. joohyun is with seulgi for today, just a brief photoshoot that joohyun gets through with gritted teeth and a professionally blank mask contoured with heavy makeup. sensing her mood, seulgi takes over as the main speaker for the both of them, at the same time making sure to keep an arm wrapped around her when she can, as if she’s afraid joohyun will completely slip away without an anchor.
it doesn’t make her feel better. by the time they get home, joohyun is wrung out, feeling like she’s been slowly suffocating the entire day. she disappears down the hallway and her door shuts with a faint click. seulgi can only give sooyoung and yerim a small, helpless shrug at their worried looks.
around time for dinner, it’s almost unsurprising that joohyun doesn’t emerge from her room. the three of them exchange glances with one another around the table before sooyoung silently stands and goes to check on her. 
she knocks once, twice, tentatively calls joohyun’s name, but theres no answer. finally, with a resigned “unnie, i’m coming in,” sooyoung slowly opens the door. 
light from the hallway floods into the dark of the room, but its in the reflected colors from the projector against the adjacent wall that sooyoung makes out a small, familiar figure curled up at the foot of the bed, half-lidded eyes fixated on the film that’s playing.
sooyoung opens her mouth, but then closes it again, uncertain. taking care not to make any sudden movements, sooyoung slowly sits down against the bed, thigh brushing joohyun’s knee.  
for a few minutes, neither of them move, and sooyoung stares at the film even though she isn’t really watching it. she isn’t sure what to say. she can hear joohyun’s quiet breathing next to her.
but eventually, her patience is rewarded, and the bed dips with movement before sooyoung feels joohyun climbing into her lap. her arms automatically wrap around the smaller girl as she tucks her head underneath sooyoung’s chin, and theres a shaky sigh against the side of her neck as joohyun slumps limply against her.
just to confirm it, sooyoung softly whispers an inquiring, “hyunnie?” as she cards her fingers through joohyuns hair. theres an answering noise muffled into her skin that causes sooyoung to soften and tighten her protective hold. 
sooyoung rocks her quietly for a bit, rubbing soothing circles against joohyun’s back while her gaze rests on the projector screen. now that joohyun has ended up regressing, she knows the next few days aren’t going to be easy for four of them. she just isn’t sure what exactly to expect. or what any of them can really do besides waiting for seungwan to return.
sooyoung takes a breath, shutting off the projector with the nearby remote. “come on, hyunnie, lets go eat dinner,” she murmurs, and she stands from the bed with joohyun securely in her arms, who whimpers in weak protest against her. sooyoung doesnt stop moving even when she feels joohyun petulantly kicking her feet. “i know you’re not hungry, but you can’t skip, baby.” 
by the time sooyoung returns to the dining room, joohyun is slumped against her shoulder in defeat, sucking on her thumb for comfort as yerim dashes to fill another bowl with food and seulgi clears a spot at the table for the two of them. sooyoung sits them both down in the chair seulgi pulls out for her, then carefully lifts joohyun up to situate her with her back against sooyoung’s chest. 
it’s a lot of movement. joohyun looks a little overwhelmed for a second, but they’re all familiar people to her, and so she only makes a soft, anxious noise that seulgi is quick to soothe with gentle murmurs of reassurance. sooyoung bounces her in her lap until she settles down. 
yerim, seated next to them, holds out a spoonful of soup toward joohyun. “hyunnie, can you open your mouth for me?” she asks softly, but joohyun lets out a small whine, shaking her head and turning her face into sooyoung’s shirt. 
there’s guilt in all of them from having to force her to do things, but concern overpowers it all. sooyoung knows joohyun isn’t in the right state of mind to be rational, which means they all have to be for her. 
“hyun,” sooyoung whispers, giving her hand a small squeeze. “you have to eat at least a little. seungwannie would get worried if you didn’t.” 
its the right motivation. but joohyun’s eyes still water with the mention of the only missing person, even as she reluctantly opens her mouth. the dinner table is quiet as yerim feeds her and sooyoung and seulgi watch on with careful attention. 
after she’s fed the last spoonful, joohyun sticks her thumb back in her mouth and closes her eyes. her shoulders tremble as she begins to cry quietly. 
“i’ve got her,” yerim quickly says, taking joohyun into her arms from sooyoung’s lap. she tucks joohyuns head against her shoulder as joohyun sniffles weakly against her neck, cheeks wet with tears. then she gets up, moving away from the dining table to go rock her to sleep.
seulgi and sooyoung watch her leave before beginning to clean up.
for the next few days, seulgi is in charge of keeping seungwan up to date on joohyun through text. it’s mostly seungwan badgering her with question upon question over how joohyun’s doing or if she’s eaten or if she’s sleeping well, all of which seulgi tries her best to patiently answer.
seungwan also sends her photos, videos, and voice messages of herself which she says are for joohyun, but when she had tried showing joohyun one of them, it had done the complete opposite of what it was intended to do. 
“why did she start crying again?” seulgi asks, bewildered and anguished, as yerim bounces an anxiously whimpering joohyun in her arms, softly cooing and dabbing at her cheeks with a tissue. 
sooyoung pats seulgi on the shoulder reassuringly, her other hand pinching her nose as she furrows her eyebrows in contemplation. “i don’t think she understands why she can see seungwan-unnie on a screen, but she isn’t here in front of her,” she eventually guesses with a sigh. 
the three of them spend practically all of their time at home, taking turns caring for joohyun as they wait for seungwan to finish the last red velvet schedule before their official break. joohyun has never been a difficult little to handle, but the complications of this particular dilemma cause her regressed quirks to become especially complex in a way they haven’t been before. 
for one, joohyun is even quieter than when she’s big. she cries silently, to the point where, after a particularly bad accident a few years ago, the members know she can end up choking on her tears if no one is there to pay attention. she’s too small to even talk. most of her time awake is spent suckling on her paci as she’s cuddled against one of the members, too anxious and tired to be fully conscious. 
its worrying, this time around. its as if joohyun is just being pulled deeper into her regressed state the longer she goes without seungwan. 
“lets let her sleep in seungwan-unnie’s room,” yerim proposes the next day, after a fitful night spent struggling to soothe joohyun to sleep in her own bed. sooyoung readily agrees as seulgi’s face lights up with an idea, and she dashes off down the hallway, returning a few minutes later with an armload of items that evidently belong to seungwan. 
“manen,” sooyoung grins as she takes the stuffed animal from seulgi’s arms, and joohyun peeks at it from where her face is tucked against yerim’s neck.
there’s a muffled noise that comes from behind her paci as she makes a grabby hand toward the familiar cartoon squirrel. sooyoung coos, acquising and bringing manen close enough so joohyun can hug it with one arm, pressing her face into the soft fur and seeming to breathe in its scent. the sight makes all three of them immediately soften; even regressed, joohyun still has the same odd, yet endearing characteristics. 
“wannie’s clothes too,” seulgi finally says, drawing sooyoung and yerim’s attention back to the bundle of stuff in her arms. “we can change hyunnie into one of her shirts and wrap her in wannie’s other things. stuff that smells like her.” 
“that’s a good idea,” yerim says. “sooyoung-unnie, help me change her?”
and really, for a while it does seem to work. joohyun makes soft gurgling noises from behind her paci as she brings the sleeve of seungwan’s hoodie up to her nose, eyelashes fluttering in contentment. her feet kick lazily for a bit as she rests against seulgi’s chest, quiet and subdued as seulgi begins humming her to sleep. 
but she still wakes up a few hours later, feebly shaking her head and hiccuping with quiet cries as her nose runs. and she still whimpers pitifully while her tiny body is wracked with harsh sobs, trembling despite whose arms she’s gently cradled in. 
it hurts to watch, to feel so powerless to help soothe her. seungwan’s texts come in fits and bursts that are obviously made in the sparse minutes between her busy schedule, and seulgi can feel the pure, growing distress in each of them that is mirrored by the members at home—by joohyun the most. 
“she’s going to get sick if she keeps this up,” yerim whispers worriedly to seulgi, after joohyun has cried herself to sleep again in sooyoung’s arms. “she doesn’t do anything but cry and sleep. and she’s hardly eating.” 
“what else is there to do,” seulgi says helplessly, pressing her hands against her eyes until they ache. “she only wants wannie.”
the worst thing, though, is that joohyun doesn’t throw fits. she doesn’t thrash around or throw a tantrum like most small children. joohyun tips past her breaking point quietly.
she just gives up. 
by the third day, they know something has changed overnight. joohyun is silent in seulgi’s arms like usual, but she’s also a paler, feverish shade, and her half-lidded eyes are dull and glazed over. she slumps lifelessly against seulgi’s chest, barely moving save for her shallow breaths. when her chest is suddenly wracked by a harsh coughing fit and her paci almost falls from her mouth, seulgi frantically calls for sooyoung and yerim, who both come rushing into the living room.
they feed her some medicine. joohyun is too tired at this point to even try putting up a fight.
when seulgi bathes her that night, joohyun is woozy with exhaustion as she leans tiredly into her touch. the water is lukewarm against her clammy, sickly warm skin. its only once seulgi is about to pull her out of the water and wrap her in a towel that she realizes joohyun has fallen asleep. 
on the fourth day, joohyun sleeps throughout the entire morning and past noon. 
“its been over twelve hours, we need to wake up her up and let her eat something,” yerim murmurs. she sits down against the side of seungwan’s bed, gently cupping joohyun’s cheek with a small smile. “hyunnie?”
when joohyun doesn’t stir, yerim lightly tickles her neck, then taps her shoulder and gives it a small shake. but there’s no reaction. and the smile slowly slips off yerim’s face.
“she’s not waking up,” yerim whispers nervously, before sooyoung quickly appears by her side, shaking joohyun’s shoulder a little rougher and calling her name in a louder, frantic voice. seulgi bites down on her tongue and tastes a hint of blood in her mouth, frozen to the spot and unable to look away.
its after a few tense seconds of increased shaking and eerie stillness that joohyun finally lets out a small cough, head lolling to the side. her eyes flutter open just the slightest bit, foggy and disoriented; she’s barely conscious. 
“oh, oh jeez,” yerim wheezes in relief as sooyoung hurriedly moves forward to hoist joohyun up into her arms. seulgi steps out of the room to wipe at her eyes as they fill with tears. 
“we can’t tell seungwan-unnie,” is all sooyoung says in a tight, choked voice, lightly thumping against joohyun’s back to help her cough, help her breathe. “she’d panic.”
seulgi wakes up from her fitful nap in the late evening, sitting up from the couch as her hand automatically reaches for her phone, only to remember that she left it in her room. when she fetches it from beside her bed, her mouth is open in a tired yawn as she opens her notifications, only to freeze with wide eyes at the text messages and several missed calls on her screen.
“oh,” seulgi says in a stunned voice, and as if on cue, she hears the front door being unlocked and sliding open. when she scrambles out into the living room, she sees seungwan shrugging her coat off in the same move to kick off her shoes, hair disheveled and face flushed from exertion. 
her gaze swings toward seulgi, eyes wild and frantic, and seulgi swallows heavily. “where’s she,” seungwan asks in a low voice. 
they both turn at the sound from the hallway. yerim is standing there with joohyun cradled against her chest. 
it takes a few moments, but when joohyun’s half-lidded eyes finally begin to recognize what she’s seeing, they quickly water and spill over with tears, and joohyun’s mouth finally opens in the loudest cry in days. 
seungwan doesn’t waste a second longer. her demeanor completely flips as she takes her from an all-too-eager yerim, cooing soft reassurances as she bounces joohyun up and down in her arms. “i’ve got you, hyunnie, wannie’s here now. wannie’s got you.”
joohyun’s cries are loud and heart-wrenching, but in comparison to the frightening state of silence of these past few days, it’s honestly a welcoming sound. seulgi rubs at her eyes as sooyoung slings a comforting arm around her shoulders. 
there’s a strangled noise as joohyun chokes on a sob and almost dry heaves, clutching desperately onto seungwan as she noses against her skin. seungwan remains calm and composed, continues to hold joohyun through it all. “its okay, let it out, hyunnie,” seungwan gently murmurs, planting a soft kiss against the side of her head. 
sooyoung tugs yerim closer to her, then guides the three of them toward the front door. “lets give them some space,” she murmurs. “besides, we haven’t been outside the dorm in ages.”
the last image they see before the door closes is of seungwan slowly rocking joohyun in her arms around the living room as joohyun breathes tiredly into her neck, finally at ease.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
[Violet Fan]
Arno x Jerico
I used Google translate so if anything Wonky y'know why
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Often times parties were a sign of richness and greed.
An special event to celebrate something perhaps too.
Arno,always attracted to these kind of events found his way in.
The colossal Palace was brightly lit with chandeliers hanging from the ostentatious ceilings ornamented with gold and contrasting the white walls.
"Why this big of a party?", he asked himself.
The french Man bumps into someone,they drop their purple fan.
--Oh my most sincere apologies madame
He picked the item up and handed it to the person.
Their eyes meet, its a beautiful woman, porcelain skin and sharp features,big green eyes.
Her eyes were most peculiar, arno felt his breath hitch, he swore they were shining under her cute Hat decorated with sunflowers,Like emeralds under a candle.
Her hair in a bun covered by said hat with a few loose strands of hair.
Her attire was most peculiar, It looked familiar yet New to him.
18th century gown with earthy colours, another dress or something with some kind of turtle neck stamped with sunflowers.
--Oh dont worry--she said in a subtle accent he never heard before-- im too clumsy too
Then a Man,taller than arno looked at this mysterious girl, and spoke to her in a foreign tongue.
--hir kazwiv--(yes father) she answered back--Im sorry but I have to go
And so like that the Man and that enigmatic Lady dissapeared Into the crowd.
Who was she? What language was that?.
--You really outdid yourself this time Ray!
Jer pulled down on the Mans sleeve.
--Dont give me that look we still have to wait 100 Years more to reveal ourselves.
The Man sighed,he loved her daughter dearly but he had to admit that sometimes she was too much to handle.
--That doesnt mean you shouldnt let me have fun!besides he only gave my fan back!.
--ah mr Karuma Von terra and ms. Jerico Von terra,glad you could make it, is france too much to handle?
Ray wants to roll his eyes so bad,but he shakes his head and forces a smile-- not at all
--we Will discuss our arragement with you mr.von terra , let your daughter enjoy her stay at the Palace and have fun , oh and heres the keys to your bedroom ms.Von terra
Jer quickly takes the keys and puts it in her dresses inner pockets,terrans fashion was way out of this centuries reach.
Ray cant say anything before his daughter runs away from his grasp.
Both men walk alongside the other.
--Sadly mr Morgan couldnt make it,being a doctor took a toll on him,however he did say he Will come by to say hello.
Ray nodds
--Children huh?
The terran Man smiles --Yeah, rowdy bunch,however jerico seems to be having fun, shes a Smart kid,sadly until our reveal to the world isnt done I am afraid I cant let her get into trouble,we cant delay this any longer
His companion nodds and guides him to an Office.
Meanwhile,her daughter was talking with some of her father acquaintances.
She politely excused her leave and decided to find some more food to munch on.
The crowd seemed thick and busy.
Arno was looking everywhere for that girl, so much he started to sweat and he rested against a wall.
A soft breeze reached his face and when he Turned to see what was causing it, he felt dumb.
--too warm?--It was that woman she was looking for.
--Im afraid so...., Arno Victor Dorian
--Jerico Von Terra
He softly grabs her spare hand and kisses the back of it.
Her cheeks flush and she lets him hold her hand for a bit longer.
They Keep eye contact for a bit too, and suddenly, realizing that it was in fact too busy for their liking.
The french Man noticed that something was wrong,jeri seemed twitchy and unconfortable.
--Everything okay mademoissele?
She can only shake her head and thats when he realizes shes overwhelmed by the huge crowd.
He nodds and puts a hand on her Lower back trying to find an exit.
There, a stair that leads up to the guest bedrooms.
He pushed her closer to him as they passed the gatherings of people,helping her up the stairs.
Once on the upper floor she makes a signal to arno, he follows up to her bedroom.
Its spacy with decorations on the walls and ceilings,flowers And a big bed, he thought that maybe three people could fit in there.
Jerico sat on the bed, the Man sat with her and grabbed the fan from her shaky hands, using it to cool her down.
She hasnt spoke and whatever was left for him to do was to hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder and then down to her bicep to push her against his chest while still fanning her.
--Thank you
She whispers pressing her head to his chest.
The frenchmans cheeks flush red and tightens his grip around her.
He hasnt felt this way since....since elise,rest in peace.
His heart healed from old wounds a long time ago, and suddenly he felt it Flourish again at the sight of her.
--Anything I can get you?
He asked.
--Maybe water,and could you tell a servant to inform mr von terra that im here?
--Hes your father I suppose?-- she nodds- very Well miss ill be right back....
Arno leaves giving her back the fan, asking for a glass of water and telling a maid to deliver the message to jericos father.
Now the night went on , so did the party.
Altough Ray did not approve of arno being alone with jerico in her room,he trusted his daughters judgement for once.
Jer was looking out the balcony, arno comes from behind and squeezes her shoulder--How are you feeling now belle? (Beautiful?)
--alors vous demandez à tout le monde comment vont-ils?(so thats how you ask everyone how are they?)
--seulement ceux qui me semblent jolis(only to those I find pretty)
--And you find me pretty?
--oui (yes)
Arnos hand holds jericos as they lean into the other,his spare arm hugs her waist and Jers falls loosely around his Lower back.
Their lips press togheter for an instant,before parting away and then again meeting the other.
He felt like not letting go, he didnt want to leave tonight.
He felt his heart explode in Many colours as the vitraux in the cathedral when the sun hits it.
--Stay?--she asked softly as their foreheads pressed togheter.
--How long Will you stay?I cant say goodbye now
Jer felt her chest warm, and pressed a soft kiss on his lips again--A month maybe,but I do wish to see you again monsieur dorian...
Arno lifts her up like a bride and carries her back to the bed where he promptly lets her back rest and hover above her, letting his head fall on the crook of her neck to then cuddle her in said bed.
--Then ill stay
Jerico smiles , hugging him tightly.
Arno knew almost nothing about her,but this whole night felt right.
--bonne nuit chéri(good night sweetheart)
--bonne nuit mon prince( good night my prince)
And they were just getting started.
Every afternoon while Ray discussed the affairs that had brought them there, jerico and arno would sneak out to eat something at the most beautiful cafes in france.
Walk among the shore, and travel the markets.
When the clouds were present and the rain fell mercislessly upon france, they would be found in bed, cuddling eachother in the dark as the fireplace cracked.
And slowly,jer started to reveal who she was.
But not things like,what she liked, what interests she had,wich books she read,he found out about that the first week they spent togheter.
No, where she came from,why so much mistery upon their arrival.
She was a princes from a Place yet to be discovered,or to be revealed to humanity.
He had to spend a whole day processing all the information he was given.
And, yet that only made him want her more.
But love grew and the month fled away fast.
Both lovers were scared of separation, they couldnt be appart for long.
Ray,who had loved as strongly as his daughter did, decided to let her stay in a Palace in the outskirts of france in wich arno would move in a couple of weeks after.
Jer had the opportunity to leave france whenever she wanted.
But seeing that her love for arno was too big,as were his, it seemed that it would be a long time before that would happend.
Now,in a hot summer day, jer was under a tree, Reading when she felt a breeze.
--Mon amour...--her boyfriend said using the same purple fan who helped them meet to cool her down- May I get a kiss?
Jeri giggled at the dorkiness of arno, and nodded, kissing him softly.
They were not letting go any time soon.
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You and Me
https://jpncis09.tumblr.com/post/190725282440/you-and-me please read this before continuing.. 
My muse is Jack Sloane and my crush. . . 
. . . 
You almost jumped out of your skin when theres a knock at the door and then Jack hangs up the phone. "It's unlocked." You shout.
"Youre as bad as Gibbs." She complains walking in and closing the door behind her.
"Hello to you too." You put a few fries in your mouth and fold you legs in front of you, leaning back into the couch. She sits down across from you in the arm chair.
"I don't care that youre bi, I'm bi." It took a few silent minutes of you refusing to talk for her to finally speak.
You nod, reaching for some more fries and putting them in your mouth. Not ready to give anything to her conversation just yet. That and you feel like youre about to cry from everything that has just happened in the past two hours. Why does everything have to happen at the wrong times.
"You gonna just eat or say something?" She seemed flustered. Fidgetting with her hands, kept crossing and uncrossing her legs. If this was any other scenario you'd find it quite funny and adorable. Ok, you do find it adorable.
"Eat. Because being Bi doesnt explain your behaviour." Your mouth twitches and you curse to yourself. Jack saw it and she knows the game you're playing or hiding from.
"Elsa guessed, didnt she." Jack leans forward and grabs a fry from your dinner and you raise a brow at her challenge. She knows your rules about not stealing your food. The first time she stole something from your plate during a lunch break you swatted her hand away with a squawk about 'Joey doesnt share food!' and she laughed. But you noticed the sneak attacks she made while she thought you werent looking and one day you just ended up ordering an extra side of fries and she laughed.
But the mention now of Elsa's name brings you back to the harsh reality at hand. Apparently that name now hurts to hear out loud, you feel guilty and in an unfamiliar territory. "Hey, you ok?" Jack moves to get up but you hold out your hand.
"Stay." Jack sits back down but with a very concerned look on her face. You've never said no to Jack's contact before. "Jack, why did you come tonight?"
"Because the team was going out for-"
"Don't." You know she's avoiding the question, trying to play it off. "I'm a psych major remember." She huffs out a laugh at that. You know all the tricks, espeically hers and that avoidence was just sad.  
"Because I needed to see you. Apologise. Clearly I hurt you." She waves to the tear rolling down your cheek. You quickly wipe it away.
"Yes you had a part in that but it's not what you think." You grab the burger and take a large bite out of it. Not ashamed of the way you eat in front of Jack. Hell, she's a more messy eater than you are. Plus your emotions are about to let loose and having a mouth full of food seemed like a good choice.
"Want to talk about it or eat it away?" She tries so hard to lift the mood and it almost works.
"Eat sounds good. Not sure I can talk right now." You swallow the last bit of burger and grab a few fries.
"I'll be here when you can." She gets up. "Sorry to ruin your night, I'll see you monday." She grabs her handbag and car keys.
"Why didn't you go to Gibbs place after the bar tonight?" You stop her in her tracks half way to the front door.
Jack turns. "Needed to see you." A sad smile on her face. She leans against the doorway facing you.
"Why?" You take another bite of your burger, keeping your eyes on her.
"Thought you didn't want to talk?" She pushes off the doorway and walks towards you, stopping short of the couch, still giving you space.
"I dont." You swallow. "Doesn't mean you can't." You munch on a few more fries.
"Think it's much of the same conversation." She shrugs. She's trying so hard to hold onto her resolve but you can see it cracking and you feel your walls starting to slip away.
"Jack I think Elsa broke up with me." Your wall crumbles and you burst into tears, you aren't sure where they come from, its mostly confusion youre feeling. You bury your face in your hands and don't see Jack scramble to your side but you feel her when her arms wrap around you and tug you close.
"I'm sorry, im so sorry." She buries her face in your hair and your gut churns. You shouldn't feel like this just after a break up but having Jack so close. It feels right and you think back to what Elsa said. The tears start to fade and you calm down your breathing down. "Was it because of me?" You can't speak, you don't want to talk about it, you aren't ready to admit about it because you don't know what it is. But your head betrays you and you nod. "Im sorry." You think you can hear Jack start to cry and you pull back to see tears run down her cheeks.
"Hey." God, seeing Jack cry breaks you. "None of that." You wipe her tears away and she smiles at you.
"You can cry but I cant?" She reaches up to wipe the stained tears on your cheeks.
"Seeing you cry, it hurts." You swallow, nervous. Feelings bubbling to the surface, feelings you were so unsure of. The moment you saw Jack on your first day at HQ you felt butterflies. Everytime she smiled and when she laughed, you couldn't help but smile. You'd never felt these feelings before for anyone. Mostly confused you moved these feelings aside to get on with your job and didn't let yourself think about it. Just enjoyed the friendship that started to form and then you found Elsa and the feelings were buried so deep that it wasn't until tonight that they reappeared. That and she clearly had a thing for Gibbs.
"Hurts me to see you cry and think I caused it." She disentangles herself from you, but you reach out just in time to catch her hand before she can get more space. Maybe Elsa was right and you hate yourself for it. For leading her on without knowing you were.
"Can't help who we fall for." You see shock cross Jack's face and you laugh. "Once Elsa pointed it out, the feelings I buried so deep resurfaced. Thought you were into Gibbs." She squeezes your hand.
"I mean. That ship sailed long ago. We are good friends now." Jack smiles, you can see a memory flash through her eyes.
"Is it over?" You tug at Jacks hand, pulling her back to the present. "I can't be in the middle, espeically if it invloves Gibbs."
Jack shifts, you are trying to read her but somethings changed. She drops your hand and you try to get it back but she leans forward and you suddenly realise what she's doing. She's above you, arms on either side of you, resting on the arm of the couch behind you.
"You sure?" You just nod and her lips meet yours.The world goes silent and all you can feel and hear is her. Jack has you on your back on the couch and she's above you, letting her body weight rest on you and you love it. Wrapping your arm around her waist, making sure she doesnt move and you moan into the kiss. The kiss turns into several and you can't get enough of each other.
You both have to catch your breath. Jack tries to crawl off you but your arms are locked around her waist.
"At least let me roll onto my side." She laughs and you loosen your grip so she can roll onto the couch beside you and youre so thankful for the width of the couch you bought. Perfect amount of room for the both of you but you still tug her close. "For a person who ju-"
You kiss her again, and stopping her from talking is now one of your favourite things. "Someone had eyes for someone else until they saw I had a -" You go quiet and move to sit up. All the emotions from tonight are getting too much. You were distracted by having her so close that you pushed everything out of your mind.
"I'm such a horrible person." Leaning your elbows on your knees and burying your face in your hands.
"Hey." Jack wriggles around on the couch so she can tug at your arm so you look down at her and seeing her face makes you smile, its just that simple. "She gave you an out. She saw it, you aren't cheating, we aren't going to do anything else tonight. If that makes you feel any better." Jack laughs softly.
"Slightly." You lean down and aim to kiss Jack on the forehead but get her lips instead and smile. "Cheeky."
"Always." Jack says against your lips and tangles her hand in your hair. "So much for discussing later." You both laugh at that.
"You bring it out of me. Move back." You nudge against her cheek and roll back down beside her on the couch. You nuzzle your face into the crook of Jack's neck and she wraps her arms around you, bringing you in close. You're surrounded by her and you take a deep breath.
"Thank you for talking to me. Sorry I -" She stops and you laugh into her neck. "Shut up." You kiss her neck and she hums.
"Think I found a spot." You put another open mouth kiss in the same spot and suck slightly.
"If you don't want to do anything further tonight, I suggest you stop that now." She tightens her hold of you and you leave another kiss there before turning and inhaling her hair.
"You smell so good." You mumble.
"So do you." Jack kisses the side of your head and you two settle into silence. It's not long before you feel Jack's hold of you loosen and you look up and see Jack's fallen asleep.
You wriggle slowly, not to wake her and move up the couch to get your head ontop of a pillow and pull Jack into your chest. She snuggles into your side but doesn't wake up. You think back over the night and how drastically its changed. You can't help but feel bad for Elsa but she gave you something so special, you just hope it doesn't fall to pieces. Thinking it might be a good idea to go see Elsa at work tomorrow instead of calling her. It's such a strange situation but then again nothing in your life has ever been simple or worked out the way you planned.
"Your heart is racing, hon. Just breath." Jack rises up and you look up at her. You smile at the nickname, so endearing, like you've been together for years not minutes.
"Sorry, but now that you're awake, let me get up and switch off the lights." Jack nods and rolls onto her side so you slip free and do what you said.
"No bed tonight?" Jack smirks are you slid back down onto the couch, tugging a blanket from the back of the couch and placing it over you both. You hold out your arm and she snuggles back into your chest and wrap your arm around her, running your fingers up and down her arm.
"You and my bed, now that's destined for many late night fantasies." You chuckle as Jack raised her head back up, looking at you with a raised brow. "A girl can dream."  Jack wriggles up the couch and kisses you, long and slow. "Few on this couch too." You feel Jack laugh against your chest as she settles back down beside you.
"And I thought I was the naughty one." She runs her fingers up your side and you flinch. "Ticklish are we."
"If you continue, I will kick you out." Jack's hand stops and tucks back under your butt. "Smooth." You drop a kiss to her head and settle back down, trying to will on sleep but fully aware of the woman attached to your side.
. . . .
I know its not the best but my imagination is on fire. 
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mars-the-4th-planet · 5 years
The Quantum Virus - Final Victory
Chapter One
Four andalites, with two missions. One sort of secret, the other extremely secret. Two did not even know about the extremely secret one, but what are you gonna do?
Yup, it's me, Marco. I am probably the last person who should be telling you how this all went down but I might as well include my perspective right? After all I don't want to be remembered in the history books as the monkey boy who didn't have anything to do or say.
And yes, future bored kids reading textbooks will call me monkey boy. You can't convince me they won't.
Anyway, the andalites showed up. At first we were all like "oh ---- yeah, we're saved" cause we thought they were here to actually save our butts right? Wrong. This was a one-way mission to take out the head of the invasion of earth. They were gonna kill Visser Three. Which is cool I guess, good luck with that. Can't wait to meet the new Lord of the Slugs- that's not copyrighted, right?
But they fail pretty hard, Visser Three survives, and that is when we find out about their super duper secret master plan whipped up by the biggest nerds in the andalite species. That's right, weapons of mass destruction! One of the few horrors of war me and my ragged fellow animorphs have not been on the receiving end of. Yet. Right now it looks like that might change, but... We can talk about it later.
So, you know what a Quantum Virus is. You don't need me to explain it. (Not to mention I am not at all sure what it is.) But a couple of the andalites sneak into the yeerk pool complex (one of the worst places to sneak into I might add) with the plan of dropping an anti yeerk virus into the liquid of the yeerk pool. Problem is, it might kill us humans too. Thanks Mr Andalite! Boy do I appreciate you gambling my entire species like that.
Me and this (honestly kind of cute) andalite girl sneak down there too, with a plan to stop the andalite guy who has the virus. But we were just a little too late, he drops it into the water and chaos ensues.
At first, for like a few seconds, it is all normal. (in that horrible, yeerk pool sort of way) Then, an alarm goes off. An another. Apparently yeerks are dying in the pool so fast that nobody is even sure how many are dead so far. Distress signals are transmitted into holograms, brought up straight from the yeerks in the pool. What is bizzare is, nothing looks any different. If not for the yeerk technology I would have no idea if it worked yet or not.
So like a minute later... The yeerk pool is just, dead. There are no live yeerks in it left as far as the yeerks outside of it can tell. Nobody seems to know what happened or why except for us obviously. Everybody is panicked, a hork bajir says something about the Visser, I assume warn the Visser or get the Visser. All the hosts start getting packed into cages. But while that is happening, the controllers start screaming and clutching their heads. They start losing control of their hosts. I play along too, screaming and holding my head and thrashing on the floor like an idiot. Maybe I even overplayed it because I got some funny looks but it didnt matter because none of the controllers were in a state to fight anyway. The hosts start getting away, and helping each other get out. More and more controllers succumb to the virus. It is slower than in the pool, but over the next five to ten minutes all the controllers are free from their yeerk masters. Still none of them know what happened but human and hork bajir alike are going as fast as they can to free each other. Me and everybody else get the hell out, I still pretend I am a freed host like the rest to not draw attention to myself.
So that is how my Tuesday went, how about yours? Did you catch the whole thousands of people claim they had an alien living in their head thing? Did you see the helicopters fly over my town? Did you hear about the NASA explorers who got shot by hunter-killer robots while trying to analyze the yeerk pool facility?
That was just two days ago. We haven't heard from the Chee but I am guessing they will let us know how things are going for the yeerks in space or if Visser Three actually survived.
I am guessing he did. That slug is practically a cockroach. And I know a thing or two about cockroaches.
Well, I am still alive so I guess the virus does not kill humans after all. Yet, anyway. Me and the other animorphs have been spending time with who makes us happy. For me, that is Estrid. Can we talk about Estrid instead? Yes we can, because I am the one writing this log.
Estrid, is brilliant. And funny. She's got all the charm of Ax but even more unfamiliar with earth stuff. It's almost nostalgic to hang out with her. Like when Ax was first trying to do things with us. Except unlike Ax, Estrid is a cute alien girl. And holy moly I swear on the sixth season of Buffy being good that she likes me. She likes my jokes. She doesnt laugh at them, but she likes them IN A WAY. That is more than any human girls would say.
"Estrid, that is not food. That is a video game controller."
"I know it is not food, I am not stupid! I am putting. ting. In my mouth so that I may impress. Press. Immmmm. Press. You."
I laughed a bit at that. "How is that supposed to impress me? I'm curious."
"I saw a picture of a human on a computer. Pooter. Who was female and put one of these in her mouth. All the males seemed very happy with her, based on my analysis. Sis. Of the text based responses. Text is a cool word."
"Text is a very cool word. But I don't want your spit on my games, please."
Estrid smiled at me in her human morph. Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Where, then, do you want my spit? Spi-tuh."
That took me a little by surprise. I felt my cheeks flush slightly. "How much time have you spent on the internet for the last two days?"
"Seven hours, nine minutes, and forty-three seconds."
"That was rhetorical."
Estrid smiled more at me. "I know."
God, I am crushing hard on this alien right now.
She put the controller on the coffee table and stood up. "Marco, the wireless entertainment device was unsatisfactory to taste. Let's go eat something?"
"Estrid we just--okay." how can I say no to her? She is going to eat me out of house and home, I swear. Worth it though. Dad may not agree.
We go into my kitchen, and start looking for more for her to eat. We don't really store a lot of food here. She ate most of the light snacks. All of MY snacks in particular. Still worth it. I had to resort to bringing out my secret candy stash to deter her from eating my dad's stuff.
Estrid began chomping down chewy peanut butter candies, pausing only to chug some soda. She immediately figured out earlier how to open a soda can. I didn't even have to explain it, and she says they don't have lids like that on the andalite world. Estrid is just so smart that she can easily understand alien technology. She keeps beating me in all stragety video games. Actually can we delete that last sentence? And can we add that she repaired a computer someone threw out that was so broken it wouldn't come on? And rigged up her own internet receiver without having to pay a dime? Thanks. Estrid is incredible, maybe she can give me fast and free internet next.
Tomorrow we are going to go on an actual date. Our first one. Let's hope this doesn't turn out like some kind of romantic drama cliché.
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kitty-bandit · 6 years
I love hearing about you delinquent au! Can’t wait to read it
How about a sneak peek, Anon? (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
Lavi shoved his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt. The late September days were still warm, but nights turned surprising cold. He wished he’d brought his favorite scarf as he stood next to the raffle table. Excited shouting came from the packed bleachers, and he looked up just in time to see a few players celebrating in the endzone. He sighed, sitting next to Lenalee in one of the empty folding chairs behind the table. “I should’ve listened to Yuu. This is kinda boring.”
“That’s why I bribed you with food.” Lenalee smiled and greeted another group who stopped at the table. After taking their money and handing them tickets, she turned back to Lavi. “It’s been almost two hours and I am ready to leave.”
“Where is your partner, anyway?” Lavi asked, peeking into the bucket with the ticket stubs.
“Please do not call him that,” Lenalee said, rubbing her temple under the dark purple knit hat she had worn for the night. Her hair was plaited into two pigtail that hung over each shoulder. “He went to get another roll of tickets from the supply closet. We’re almost out.”
With a chuckle, Lavi leaned back in the chair, the metal scraping against the cement sidewalk underfoot. The table was set up near the entrance, close to the ticket booth—specifically placed so no one could miss it as they entered the field. “What is the raffle even for?”
“I thought you could read?” Lenalee teased, pointing the the sign on the table. “We’re giving away a mini fridge. One of the student’s parents donated it.”  As another group of students passed the table, Lenalee smiled and waved.
Lavi’s good eye widened in surprise. “That’s actually not an awful prize.” He leaned forward peering at the sign. “Maybe I should buy a ticket…”
“Five bucks gets you one ticket, twenty gets you five,” Lenalee recited, as she had been all night.
Lavi winced at the prices. “Too rich for my blood.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Speaking of rich, I could go for some of that overpriced food you promised me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Lenalee, grinning wide.
“And here I was hoping you’d forget.” She shook her head before something caught her eye. “You’re in luck. Link’s back.”
Lavi looked up and spotted the Lenalee’s number two, as it were. The vice president of the student council looked more the part than Lenalee did, and that was an accomplishment. Link’s blond hair was plaited tight and neat, the long braid swinging as he strode towards the table. He looked completely out of place in his dress shirt and sweater combo, especially as he passed another group of students decked out in sweatshirts and jeans. His khakis looked stiffer than his personality.
“This is the last of the tickets,” Link announced, setting the bright red roll to the side. He looked at Lavi, who had stolen his seat, disapproval in his russet eyes.
“That’s fine—there’s barely an hour left in the game and sales have slowed a bit.” Lenalee stood, straightening out her light coat and grabbing her purse from under her chair. “I’m going to take a break. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”
“Fine,” Link replied, taking back his seat as soon as Lavi had vacated it. “Don’t linger. The table really should have two people working it at all times.”
Lena smiled as she bit back a comment. “Of course.” She grabbed Lavi by the elbow and dragged him off towards the bleachers. As soon as they were out of earshot, she sighed, the noise sounding more angry than any breath had the right to be. “He sure has some nerve saying that after he left me there for nearly thirty minutes.”
Lavi didn’t fight her pull, stumbling along next to her as they headed up the steps. “He should really see a doctor about that stick lodged up his ass.”
She managed a quick laugh, her fake smile turning into a genuine one. “If only it wasn’t permanently stuck.” She spotted Kanda and Alma at the top of the bleachers huddled close to each other. When Alma spotted them, they waved, grinning widely.
“You managed to escape!” they said, making room for Lavi and Lenalee on the bench.
“I told Link I would be gone for ten minutes, but I’ll stretch that to thirty.” Lena wrapped her arm around Alma as she sat down, sitting as close as she could to keep warm. “Lavi and I are going to the concession stand. Did you two want anything?”
“Yes. I want to leave,” Kanda grumbled, tucking his chin into the folds of his jacket.
Alma rolled their eyes. “Don’t listen to him. We’re having fun.” They rested their head against Kanda’s shoulder, pink painted lips stretching wide over their face. “Something warm would be nice. It’s colder than I thought it would be tonight.”
“I think we can manage that.” She nudged Lavi, elbowing him in the side. “Ready to get some sub-par, overpriced food?”
They walked back down the metal bleachers, avoiding the crowded walkway and headed to the nearby concession stand. As they stood in line, Lavi checked the menu tacked on the wall next to the small order window and balked at the prices. “Yeesh. Are you sure you can buy stuff for everyone? This is more expensive than I thought.”
She pulled her wallet from her purse and held it up as if she was brandishing a sword. “Komui gave me his credit card for tonight, so we’re living large on chili cheese fries and king sized nachos.”
Lavi grinned, rubbing his hands together as he studied the menu board again. “Now that’s what I like to hear.”
When they reached the order window, Lenalee listed off their choices—hotdogs, chili cheese fries, nachos, and a hot chocolate for each of them. By the time their order was ready, they had their arms full as they precariously balanced each item. Lavi winced as he juggled four hot chocolates in his hands.
“This is the definition of hubris, isn’t it?” he asked, carefully following Lenalee back up the bleachers. Every step was a challenge to keep the chocolate in the too-thin paper cups and off his fingers.
“Don’t talk. You’ll lose your concentration and spill,” Lenalee replied, carefully balancing all of the food in her hands. Her stacking technique was impressive, and Lavi would have congratulated her if he didn’t have to worry about spilling hot cocoa all over himself.
When Alma noticed their burdened states, they hurried down to help with the final leg of the journey. “Ah, careful!” they said, taking two of the cups from Lavi’s hands before heading back up the stairs.
“Why did we pick the highest seats on the bleachers again?” Lavi asked, setting the last two cups on the bench to help Lena distribute the food.
“Because Yuu doesn’t like people sitting behind him,” Alma reminded them, grabbing one of the hotdogs and settling in next to Kanda again.
“So, it’s my fault?” Kanda asked, frowning as he grabbed his hot chocolate from Lenalee and sipped it angrily.
“Hush and eat your nachos,” Lenalee said, pushing the flimsy paper container into his hands. Once the food had been distributed, she sat down, only to sigh again. “I forgot napkins.”
“I’ll get them,” Lavi said, setting his food down on the cool bench and heading down the bleacher stairs. He heard Lenalee’s faint call of ‘thank you’ mixed in with a sudden cheer from the crowd. He looked up at the field again, having missed whatever play had happened to cause the ruckus. He hopped down off the last couple of steps and turned to walk towards the concession stand when something under the bleachers caught his eye.
Just under the bleachers was Allen, reaching into the back pocket of someone’s pants. Lavi watched as Allen slipped their wallet out with ease, pocketing the cash inside, and then returning it as if nothing had happened. He did it again and again, systematically grabbing any wallet or purse within reach and cleaning the money from the billfolds. Lavi stared in awe, watching Allen’s swift, nimble fingers steal hundreds of dollars in cash from the unsuspecting parents watching the football game. That same feeling bubbled up in Lavi’s stomach—the one he’d felt when he’d witnessed Allen pinching those candy bars from the convenience store weeks ago. Nervousness mixed with admiration, and a healthy dose of concern. Lavi had never stolen anything in his life, but watching Allen do it almost felt as if he was an accomplice—too dumbstruck to say anything or try to stop the crime in progress.
As Allen pocketed the last of the cash, he looked up and met Lavi’s frozen gaze. He stiffened for a brief moment before that same smug smile pulled at the corners of his lips. Lavi felt his heart rattle against his chest, cheeks flushed against the cold breeze blowing against them. He didn’t know what to do, and as much as he wanted to run away and forget what he’d seen, his feet were glued to ground, like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming semi.
Then, before Lavi could move or say anything, Allen approached him.
Lavi swallowed, throat tight as he watched Allen close the distance between them. He was wearing that same oversized sweatshirt Lavi had first seen him in, and a black knit stocking cap to hide his shock white hair. Lavi didn’t doubt he’d come to the game for this exact reason—to steal from the crowd. And from what Lavi had seen, it was easy pickings.
Allen stopped just in front of Lavi, looking up at the redhead with a calm smile. He reached up and pressed a finger to Lavi’s lips, his skin cold and chapped from the wind. “This is our little secret, right?”
“I, uh—” Lavi began, lips moving against Allen’s finger. With his stomach tied in knots, Lavi nodded, his heart flipping in his chest and nearly jumping right out of his mouth. “Sure.”
Allen pulled his finger back, his smile softening. He tilted his head, looking Lavi up and down, as if he was assessing something—though the redhead wasn’t sure what. “You’re Lavi, right?”
“Thanks.” He winked, brushing past Lavi and merging into a large group of students heading towards the exit. “See you later.”
As Allen disappeared into the crowd, Lavi’s heart continued to beat like a drum in his ribcage. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
What the fuck was that about?
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vivilice · 6 years
Regret (1)
No warnings
Genre: romance, Otherworldy, fantasy, LGBT+
A wind swept paper petals up towards the sky. A grand castle surrounded by a red sky lay in silence. The servants and stewards of this place all have a fabricated hearts. Only three residents carry a body of flesh and blood. A human with eyes of God and one arm. Who carries a promise with the two others. A dragon who has been around the longest and watches the other two from afar. Who carries his hobbies with vigor. A demon born from resentment which took a paper rose as his vessel. Who keeps the title of Devil and would rather spend time with the two others than those from outside.
The living room was dimly lit. Rosell sat on the windowsill one foot dangling down and with crossed arms. He looked outside at the rain. Hell was soaking with sound of roaring thunder in the distance. It was pleasant to hear. Really making the comforts of home more cozy.
“Wow, it’s thundering like crazy out there. I wonder if it’ll come closer.” A bright young woman sat down beside the Devil. Her peach skin illuminated every time a bolt of lightning lit the sky. Her long unruly blond hair fell nicely on her shoulders. Her smile warmed the Devil who she called brother everytime he looked at it. 
A nice scent came sneaking in on them. It came directly from the kitchen which was placed beside the living room. A young looking man came strolling in. He wore a blue dress with a nice fluffy jacket, an apron and oven mittens while carrying stew. A long blue and white tail closed the kitchen door behind him. His slitted eyes screamed mischievous and his grin was painted a bright red.
 “Food’s served.” He sang. The young woman, who was named Dina Ravenwood, who sat beside the Devil got up and darted to the dinning table. The man with the dragon’s tail, named Ikle Raveice sat down beside her and served her a portion of his cooking. He looked at his younger brother who still sat at the window. “Come eat with us already! I made your fav stew, you know.” Rosell Chartam Ibaraki, the Devil of the Fabricated Hell, stood up and sat down beside Ikle.
The little family sat and ate. Chatting about Dina’s school, about demonic affairs, about fashion and then. Dina,“Oh yeah! Today in religion I got in a heated discussion with two of the boys from the other class.” Ikle sniggered, “Wow, pro’lly ‘cause they had their own version of the Devil and such, huh? Not like anyone know the right answer right?” Ikle said, elbowing the Devil. Dina laughed and stuck her tongue out for her dragon brother. “Why are you booing me I’m right!” Ikle’s use of an old meme earned him another elbow.
“Actually,” Dina began after she had stopped laughing. “We were talking about resentment toward God and how The Devil...is driven by only that, hate.” Hearing Dina say that Rosell could only keep eating. 
A shadow fell over Rosell’s features and he stared out of the window again. Ikle gulped loudly and gestured for Dina to change subject. Dina however, was quite nosy.
“Rosell? I argued against them because I know better, right.” She continued. Without hesitating Rosell answered, “Nah, they’re pretty much right. But you know that too. If it wasn’t for that god-for-nothing, i’d-“ Dina, “You’d what?” Silence feel over the room. “Isn’t that quite dumb?” Rosell turned his head, seething anger started to rise. he clenched his fists.
Dina’s face was stern and Ikle could only sigh. “Dina.” Rosell began, trying to keep his voice calm. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You know what he did.”  Dina was relentless, “I know he killed them. But didn’t you kill his forces too?” Rosell became angrier, he almost said something until Dina said, “Didn’t you want to be able to be left unrestrained? Is this your anger? You didn’t know any of them! Neither the circumstances surrounding why God saw it as a necessity to... ok I won’t defend mass murder. But... you hate a guy you never really met. And for what? The resentment your predessecors formed you from?” 
Silence filled the room after Dina spoke. Suddenly, a loud humm broke out. Rosell turned his head and was met with the biggest “I told you bro!” Face from Ikle. 
All the anger which had been built up suddenly dissapeared as if a witch had swung her staff. It dawned on Rosell.
She was right.
Ikle looked at Dina who returned the look. Then back to Rosell who stared at his plate Suddenly, Dina couldnt take her brother’s silence anymore. 
“Uhh, Rosell? Sorry, I just wanted-“ Dina didn’t get the chance to finish. “You’re right.” “Huh?” It blurted from Ikle. Rosell rested his chin in his hand and looked troubled.
Rosell, “You’re absolutely right.”
Footsteps rang out throughout the Heavens. A colorful seraph darted around God’s abode to try and find the lord. Finally, after opening the absolute last door in the whole palace the angel found God.
A big white coat, with splotches of dried paint, floated around a being with a dimmed aura. With colorless hair tied loosely by the neck, held by a huge bead. A young man rotated his body to show a patchwork of vitiligo on his skin. Big round glasses surrounded his eyes which were two differen colors, one blue one and one purple. He broke into a smile, “Miza!! What is it?” The seraph stood straight and answered, “Young lord Bell, I-I believe I found Strezia’s daughter!!!!”
Colorful eyes widened and the smile became bigger. The God jumped into his angel’s embrace and celebrated with gusto, jumping up and down. “Are you for real?! Then what are we waiting for? Hurry and let’s go already!!!”
The seraph staggered and tried to readjust themselves, “Bell,uh Bell. Remember. It’s the human realm we are going to. You need to hide your aura!” Baltazar, the God of The World of Allure smiled, “Well, I think I will need your help... you know. My art block and all.” The seraph called Miza didn’t answer. Only giving a knowing nodd and then the two were on their way.
“What do you mean you can’t tell me?!” Baltazar almost started crying. The lady behind the counter  couldn’t help but fidget while Baltazar got closer and closer up in her face.
“Bell... calm down. They can’t just give out the information like that.” Baltazar turned to look at Miza, “But, but. Then how will we...” “Excuse me, sirs?” Both turned to the lady, who was in charge of the orphanage register. “Like I said.” She began. “I can’t just give out addresses at random. And since you can’t prove that you’re related to this woman, then it doesn’t look good for your search...”
Baltazar’s face turned gloom. It was like all the color around him died out and became grey. 
“But there might just be a way.”
Instantly, Baltazar’s face brightened up. The woman behind the counter turned in her seat and began pressing keys on her computer and click around with her mouse. 
“You see... five years ago. A woman related to miss Ravenwood came to search for her as well. She left her business card. It’s all I can give you as of now.” She reached for a file and pulled out a small dull business card.
Baltazar took the card and thanked the lady profusely. Then he darted out the door with Miza dangling behind him.
“So... huff, huff what now?” Miza inquired. Baltazar stopped on a sidewalk and turned to Miza, “Hold out your hands. I need some inspiration.” Miza held out her hands and they both closed their eyes. After minute standing like that, earning the two weird looks from pedestrians they knew where to go.
Penelope power walked down the lane in centrum. She kept looking at her watch and walked faster and faster. She had done it so many times that even her stilettos gnawing at her heels wasn’t a bother anymore. Just slap on some patches and then she would be fine! Oh well, she also had to call Dina and wish her luck on her test and then there was that new apartment opening and then. Umpf!
Penelope, “watch were you’re going!” Staggering back from the impact Penelope surveyed the person in front of her. Messy, oversized coat, bleached hair, smudged glasses, and ... heterochromia? Without noticing Penelope had begun to sneer at the jaywalker. “Uh... I’m! I’m so sorry.” The man begun to bow up and down. So much that Penelope felt nauseous just looking at the other, she asked him or was it a her? To stop.
After the person stopped Penelope made her way to leave until her wrist was grabbed. 
Big mistake.
Penelope had practiced martial arts since grade school. She was quite proud of her hand palm block and wrestled the attacker’s hand backwards. A pitiful scream was released and people around the two stared in disbelief. This attacker had to be a man. In Penelope’s opinion it was always men who gave the most ear-piercing scream.
While Baltazar’s soul was about to leave his body, a new guy appeared. “Wait, ms Ravenwood!” Penelope looked at the newcomer. With disdain she said, “Who are you and why do you know my name?” The new guy straightened his back and answered with a slight tremble, “Please, we uh, we wish to speak to you. About Dina.” With those words Penelope let Baltazar go.
“You’re Dina’s father’s acquaintance?” Penelope asked and sipped her free coffee, the two others had brought for her.
The attacker was named Baltazar and the other one, who Penelope had thought to be man, Miza. Both sat opposite from her inside a coffee shop. 
The two nodded and Baltazar began, “Yeah, we got your business card at the register. We really didn’t want to bother you... or maybe, just bother you about Dina.” He shrugged helplessly.
Penelope sighed, “I see. Next time don’t jolt me like that. I nearly got a heart attack, you know!”
Both bowed their head to apologize. 
“Well, never mind anymore.” She said to make them stop. “I just need to know if you have any proof of your relations. You must know I just can’t send any stranger over to my niece.”
Miza had an aha moment and rummaged around in her purse. “Is the person on the right familiar in any way?” She asked, while pointing to a picture of two people she pulled out of her purse.
Penelope’s face dropped. 
She asked for the photo and studied it close.
  “It really... is her. Marie...” Penelope said, caressing the picture with her free hand. Her eyes got glassy.
“I see. Only two copies exist of this one. That’s what Marie told me... very well then. Tell me what you want with Dina and then I’ll tell you we’re to find her. But i warn you!” She said, pointing with a stern finger. “If i hear you tried anything fishy, i’ll find some means to drag you two through Hell! If not Dina’s brothers does it first!”
Baltazar held up his hands and broke into a big happy but nervous smile, “We! just wanted her to know about her father and maybe get closure to questions she may have...”
Penelopepaused. then she smiled and then wrote down an address. “She lives with her adoptive brothers. Get along with them and then you’ll get along with Dina.”
The building in front of God and his seraph were quite foreboding. Vines crawled up the walls and held the building in a tight embrace. The leaves were so dense it was hard to know which color the house originally held. 
Baltazar started to sweat. He strolled nervously up to the entrance and was about to knock when he heard incoming footsteps. 
“I’ll be back later dolls, I just need to...” a young blondie opened the door and was met by Baltazar’s stupefied look. Miza straightened her uniform and looked directly at Dina.
Baltazar, “May you be... miss Dina Ravenwood?”
Dina closed the door somewhat and hid behind it to shield her.                     “That depends on... What business you two may have...”
Baltazar fretted And didn’t know what to say. His divine power revealed her identity, however he couldn’t just reveal his true form to her. She may be the daughter of a seraph but she shouldn’t get scared.
“Ah! I’m so sorry. Let me introduce me and my companion. I’m Baltazar Farver and this is Miza.” Miza bowed slightly to Dina, “How do you do.” She said.
Dina opened the door some more to look better at the two oddballs on front of her.
“We! Uh, we are acquainted with you dad and we wish to tell you about him and maybe get to know...you?” Dina’s eyes lit up, then she became more apprehensive.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth.” Baltazar looked at Miza in defeat. Miza took the hint and coughed slightly, “Miss Ravenwood. We only have this picture of your mother together with your father.” She gave Dina the picture. Dina’s blue eyes shone like small stars and she looked at the two more brightly. 
“Thank you so much!!! Please, come in come in. I’ll be happy to know you! My brothers are not home yet but they’ll be home soon!” Miza and Baltazar breathed out in relief. They began to step into the small house.
An array of demonic aura appeared on the floor inside the hall the moment the two divine beings stepped inside. It forced God and the seraph to reveal their true selves. Baltazar looked at Miza in horror. The array and the sudden change in atmosphere revealed that they were no longer in the second realm. They had entered Hell, the third realm.
Baltazar had a look of horror spread out on his face. Slowly, he looked at Dina who had sprung back after the array had activated. It held Baltazar and Miza in an iron grip making the two unable to move. 
Dina was frozen to the ground. She looked at the God and the angel for a long while. Unable to say anything. 
Meanwhile, piles of questions weighed down on God’s mind. Why was a human child living in Hell? No, why i Strezia’s child living in Hell? Does her aunt know? Is she a prisoner to an evil demon? Will demons gather now that two from the first realm had appeared?
Baltazar’s train of thought stopped abruptly. He was let down along with Miza and the two looked with surprise at Dina. Dina stood still. And then she lifted a finger to her lips. She then gestured to the two to follow her.
Dina poured three cups of tea with an apologetic look. The two heavenly beings were astounded. Dina had been adopted by two demons who now acted as her guardians. She was apparently also dating another demon and was quite happy with her life.
“And that’s really it.” She finished, “Look, I don’t want to hurt you and I’ll be more than willing to hear about my father. I’ve always wondered what happened.”
Miza had on a face of grave seriousness, “Miss Dina. Our presence here... It might cause some... people. To find rather... what do you say? Complicated. We don’t wish to engage in any hostility with your brothers.”
Dina smiled with relief, “That’s good to hear. I’ll make sure you’ll get out of here safely. But please, meanwhile. Make yourself comfortable.” Baltazar quickly took her up on her words an munched on a cookie he had been offered. Miza shot him a menacing look and Baltazar realized he probably took it a little too well. being in Hell and all.
He sighed and smiled. He’d better get on with it, “You see your father-“
“WHATSUP SLUTS! BIG BRO’S BAAAA.....aaaack.” A boisterous woman kicked open the door to the living room. Her voice was as dark as a man’s. She stopped immediately when she saw the angel and the other divine who sat with Dina.
Everybody turned to look at the newcomer.
Sweat began to form on the lady’s forehead and she cleared her throat, “Haha, welcome dearies.” she had completely changed her tone to a more fairer one. 
“Oh Dina, I didn’t know we would have guests. I would’ve dressed for the occasion.”
Dina abruptly stood up, “Ah! Sis! Eh, these two know about my dad!” The lady blinked, “Really?” Suddenly her demeanor changed and she slowly got over and sat beside Miza. “Well, if you have something to tell about Dina that I don’t know. Then I would like to hear as well. The names iklea.” She held up her hand for Baltazar to shake. 
“Hello there, the names Baltazar.” Miza quickly shot Baltazar another look. And he retracted his hand. While giving the sister an apologetic look. 
Wait. didn’t Dina only have brothers? Balthazar thought.
Iklea looked like she tried to hide her displeasure. Looking thoughtful she sat with crosses arms. “Well, anyways. Didn’t you want to talk about Dina’s dad?” She asked, quite annoyed.
Baltazar cleared his throat, “Yeah! uh, yeah. Sorry.” He then began to tell about Strezia.
“Your dad’s name was Strezia. She was one of the most creative seraphs in my court. Oh, I have a picture.” Baltazar procured a picture of a beautiful fair-skinned lady. Her body was totally covered in a white uniform, with dried paint on. Her hair was even longer than Dina’s and her eyes were piercing as if she was looking directly at the viewer. Her eyes were the same as Dina’s.
“Uhh. Mr, Baltazar?” Dina asked hesitantly. “Isn’t this a picture of a woman?”
Baltazar blinked, not once but twice before Miza shot him another glare. “Oh yeah, you father was actually a woman.”
Dina looked slightly surprised. She looked at Iklea then back at Baltazar. “My father? Was a woman? And an angel at that?” She was sounding rather sceptical. Balthazar didnt blame her. But the God did wonder. hadn’t she been living with demons!
Baltazar, “Well, its not hard to change gender when you’re an angel. Or a demon for that matter. And I know for a fact that Strezia loved to explore the nuances of existence.”
Iklea smiled and put an arm around Dina, “Reminds me of someone i know.” She winked. “Excluding the shapeshifting part.” The siblings grinned at each other. 
Miza looked at the picture and sighed, “Strezia was like an elder sister to all of us.”
Balthazar looked fondly at thepicture too, “When she told me she had fallen in love with a human woman I tried to warn her.”
Dina, “Warn her? About what?”
Baltazar looked down, “Humans don’t live forever... I was afraid she would get hurt and then... Look, Strezia wasn’t aware that your mother was pregnant. If she knew...” Baltazar could feel tears forming. He quickly wiped them away.
Dina’s face was frozen, “Mr, Baltazar? Sorry I’m asking but... my father, you address him in past tense could it be that...”
Dina didn’t say anymore. Baltazar lip quivered. He tried to pull himself together. Miza put a hand on Baltazar’s back. Dina took Iklea’s hand and Iklea squeezed it back.
Shadows swept the halls of the Fabricated Castle. The light from the mosaic windows danced around and found a silhouette which appeared at the end of the stairs leading to the main hall. 
Red eyes surveyed the foyer and the gaze went towards the living room. 
Hearing unfamiliar voices the silhouette took on a more human appearance with a nice blazer and matching pants.
He opened the door and first saw his sister Dina and then Ikle, “I’m back.” He said, then stopped in the doorway. When the guy opposite of Dina turned around something deep inside of Rosell sank.
Voices. Voices which had been hidden away since he met Dina returned. 
Kill. Kill. Revenge. Chance. Take it!
“Ross-!” Dina yelled and got up. Iklea, who really was Ikle, hurried to make  Dina stop before she finished the name. 
Rosell’s eyes were fixated on Baltazar. 
The God he had spent centuries getting to. He now sat in his living room. Free from his court’s protection.
He had never been this close. So close yet...
Balthazar, “Hello, you must be Dina’s brother. I’m Dina’s father’s Uh... acquaintance.” The God got up from his seat, turned to Rosell and smiled.
The dread dissipated.
Rosell, “Dina’s?”  
Rosell looked at Dina and Ikle who were about to burst.
He then took a looked at the seraph, who was also present in the room.
It seems like... there was some explaining to do.
Dina’s elder brother took off his coat. A small smile formed on rosell’s lips.
“Where are my manners. You can call me Ross.” 
“Ross” held out a hand for God to sake. Baltazar returned the smile and shook the other man’s hand, “I’m Baltazar.”
Ross, “I know.”
Baltazar felt dread roll down his body. 
Rosell, “You hurt me, my lord. I may be a common demon. as you might have guessed from the array at the entrance. Currently disguised as a human for Dina’s sake. But I know my way in this world. And the people one has to know about” He looked directly through Baltazar. 
“Surely, you must have been aware that this is Hell when you arrived, right.” 
Baltazar nodded. Unable to say much more. 
Ross let go of Baltazar’s hand, “Now, tell me. What have I been missing?”
Ross, “I see, that explains a lot.”
Dina, “It does?”
Ross, “It explains why you got the eyes of God.”
Baltazar almost spilled his tea, “She’s got my eyes???” This statement prompted a  facepalm from Miza.
Rosell shook his head, “Not yours per see. More like, what priestess in the old world prayed to be able to see through you. To see things that normal people wouldn’t.”
Miza took a sip from a teacup. “You mean she can see magic beings?”
Rosell scoffed, “No, not at all. She still believes my tail is some weird furry statement i have going. Dina turned to Ross, “Ross please!” She then turned to the divine pair and confirmed, “I’ve always been able to, since I was small.”
Miza sighed and tried not to show her disdain for the demon, “That must’ve been difficult. Your peers must have found you rather peculiar. We are terribly sorry we did not know of your existence earlier. We should’ve been able to help you.” SHe glanced at “Iklea” and “Ross”, “Much earlier.”
Ross glared at the seraph who gladly returned the gesture. It was so intense that Miza could only try to drink from an empty cup and act like she didn’t notice the cup was empty.
Dina, “Not at all! My childhood was... but then I met Ross and Iklea. Since then.. I’ve been rather content. I even decided when my business in the human world is finished. I’d actually like to stay permanently here with my boyfriend... if he still likes me in the future that is.”
Iklea broke into laughter, “HAH! He better. ‘Else I know of a few heartbreaking words to tell him.”
Nobody in the room liked the obvious wink Iklea sent towards the group.
“But back to my dad....” Dina tried.
Baltazar’s face dropped, “Yeah! Right!”
“As I said, Strezia fell in love with a woman named Marie Ravenwood. She stayed together with Marie for some human years until one day... She came home. Locked herself in her room and didn’t show her face for quite some time... Miza.” Balthazar gestured to the seraph, “Found out that ms. Ravenwood had cut ties to her. And then thirteen years ago... you mother. You probably know know what happened.”
Dina gulped and looked down. Ross sat beside her and watched her every move.
Dina’s mother had died giving birth to her. Her mother had cut all ties to her family because of improper conduct. She would rather give Dina up for adoption than let her parents know of her daughter’s existence. As Dina had been told by her aunt.
“I felt it when you mother died.” Balthazar continued when DIna confirmed she knew. 
“Her connection to Strezia made all of Strezia’s closest feel it too. I knew something would happen so I... I forced myself into Strezia’s room. But she was gone. A few days later. Strezia’s light disappeared from this existence...” Dina felt cold.
“Nobody knew what had happened to her as she had thrown away her halo.”
Dina sat frozen. Her shoulders trembled. Dina got up and went out the door. Ross got up too and followed after her. Balthazar could only stare as he was at a loss at what to do. It had been twentyfive years ago and he still remembered the day as if it was today it had happened.
Iklea sighed, “Don’t worry, she... just have to swallow it. They’ll be back. After she gets it out.”
Baltazar felt her pain. A girl who had never met her parents.. and for both of them to wind up dead. Truly sad. 
Baltazar closed his eyes. His empathy gave birth to an inkling of inspiration. He used it to see where the two had gone. ‘
A gentle hand calmly patted a young weeping maiden while rocking her back and forth. A good man consoling his little sister. Whispering reassuring words to her.
After a while Iklea went too and the three of them soon got back.
Baltazar got up from his seat, “I’m sorry that you and Strezia never got to meet. But I’m happy nonetheless to finally being able to meet you. I-“ “Wait a moment.” Ross said.
Baltazar stopped. 
Ross, “I think I know what happened to Strezia.” 
Miza got up instantly.
“You do??? What happened? What do you mean?”
Baltazar looked hopeful at Ross. However, Strezia’s soul had moved on. She wouldnt turn up alive, even if balthazar wanted it. Still, Baltazar wanted closure so he prompted Ross to tell what he knew.
“Some time back. An angel went on a rampage throughout some shopping districts in Hell’s capital. Many high demons came to stop her but her attacks were relentless. She didn’t even try to protect herself. Charging head on.”
They all listened attentively. Nobody were sitting anymore, holding their breaths.
Ross, “She stirred up such a huge incident that the Devil himself showed up.”
Baltazar felt stiffened. He always got trembling fits every time the Devil was mentioned. he tried to gulp down the unease.
“He tried to subdue her.” Ross continued. “But when he went for the killing strike she suddenly threw her sword and met the attack with open arms. He refused her the kill and stopped immediately. But, something in her eyes drove her to steal away his sword, Redwoo, and then she... ended it herself.”
The atmosphere which surrounded the room lay heavily on the people inside. 
Baltazar felt weak and wanted to scream and cry. He blamed himself. His inefficiency. He was supposed to be God but he couldn’t even help one who had been so close to him. 
The loss of Marie was so big that Strezia didn’t even want to be in a world where Marie wasn’t there. A tragedy befitting of such a beautiful love. If this had been a tragedy. 
Baltazar flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head to see Dina with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for coming today.” Her voice was weak and trembling. She fought hard to keep the tears at bay. Baltazar only felt worse when he saw her. He then embraced the girl. And thanked her too. Holding back tears.
She never knew them. But she wished she had. Still, she couldn’t help but feel sad for two people who had loved each other and tried to protect each other. Angels’ life span far surpasses that of a human. With a baby on the way, Miza concluded it must’ve been because Marie wanted to spare Strezia the heartbreak of outliving her child and wife. Nobody knew for sure.
“Thanks for having us!” Baltazar beamed. He stood outside of Ross, Iklea and Dina’s house. Miza and him were preparing to go back.
“I’m so happy I came to meet you Dina! And your nice elder siblings of course. Even though I thought that you had two brother to start with... but well, it’s really been fun! Though, maybe a tad bit sad.” Iklea stood and supressed a laugh. Ross only elbowed her.
Baltazar clasped Dina’s hands, “I might be God and have business other places but I would really like it if we kept in contact with each other! You’re really bright and I’m sure Strezia would’ve been so proud of you. So I hope that I can come and visit again. You know, to tell you more and stuff!”
With a returned beaming smile Dina answered, “Yes of course! I really want to know more as well. And you’re really interesting my lord. Even Ross and Ikle- I mean Iklea liked you. And I’m sure they don’t mind.” Dina looked back at her siblings they both nodded in agreement.
“I’m just... I’m just sad that my dad didn’t know about me...” Baltazar patted Dina’s head, “Yeah, it could’ve been different.”
Dina shook her head, “It could’ve. However, I’m happy as is.” She then turned to look at her siblings. Baltazar was truly happy for her.
Miza and Baltazar then said goodbye and disappeared towards the first realm.
“I’m sorry Rosell.” Dina said sheepishly. “I didn’t realize he was God until later...”
“It’s ok. I’m glad you made him stay.”
“You... are?”
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moss-sprouted · 2 years
tw dont read if you cant handle graphic descriptions of violence and abuse
i refer to abusive people in my life with just their pronouns and i cant do names and i dont wanna see them or talk about them and since my uncle has made me his punching bag for his mental health issues after reassuring me he's on my side and then turning around and threatening to bash my head in and making a gesture to come towards me while hitting a while when all that had happened was i got woke up by his mother when she came into my room while i was sleeping, and then when i attempted to go to the bathroom thats half connected to my bedroom at 9 am he was randomly in there and i let out a sound of frustration and wasnt able to close my door properly and it frustrated me more but that justifies him telling me he called the cops on me(he didnt) threatening to have me removed from this house even though he doesnt live here and calling me a dumb stupid bitch who's head he wants to smash in while his mother defends him and screams at me and somehow im supposed to handle that at 9 in the morning with very little sleep and not have horrible panic attacks which i did and Now i am not even allowed to be triggered by the thought of him and im supposed to forget about it because he's apparently going to apologize cause my grandma thinks well of course he would when he has never apologized once for anything he's ever done besides cry and hug me without my consent like when he screamed and yelled at me during my birthday when all my other family wasnt in town and my grandma had went into the hospital and i was scared and he was telling me the whole time that im a coward for not calling the hospital to check on her and that if she dies she dies and then doing the cry non consensual hug thing and then not even a day later trying to steal the battery to brand new fucking bike and i told him to get out of my room and i said i was uncomfortable about it but he got mad i yelled at him for sneaking into my room in the morning and then is telling my grandma in the next room loudly he's gonna smash the birthday present he gave me like he never apologized for any of that, has continued a pattern of abuse and using me as a punching bag and finally he's threatening actual physical violence for something so mundane that im supposed to just get over it and not be fucking terrified and traumatized by him? he was telling me a month ago he'd help me get my life together and help me get out of this house and do everything he can and then he's randomly threatening to bash my fucking head in and im supposed to not treat him like the other two people who have actively traumatized me?? like this keeps me up at night since it happened and i cant sleep peacefully and im having random panic attacks and feeling fearful in my own house cause he doesnt fucking even live here and comes over without any warning and uses the bathroom that is literally Connected to my bedroom instead of using the one connected to his "beloved" mothers and he eats my fucking food and hes always using our washer and dryer and im already constantly terrified he's going to start a fight with me over anything and scream at me but now i have to worry maybe he'll become physically violent?? its not like he hasnt before though it was usually me being a pissy teenager who would push him for screaming in my grandma's face but like fucking wanting to pee and not be woken up is aparently cause to have my face BASHED IN
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b0stonmanor · 6 years
since yall kept fuckin asking heres 1-155. Go ahead and see how fucking lame I actually am
1: Full name: Madison Lyn (I’m not putting my last name on the internet lmao)
2: Age:19
3: 3 Fears: heights, elevators, being alone for the rest of my life 
4: 3 things I love: cats, coffee, sleeping
5: 4 turns on: (I’m gonna make it nonsexual okay): body mods, humor, good vibes, nice laugh
6: 4 turns off: (gonna make these nonsexual too): rude, nasty, conceited, takes days to reply lmao
7: My best friend: girl: @bohoangel guy: @bostonnanner
8: Sexual orientation: pansexual
9: My best first date: haven’t had a best one yet, need someone to change that lmao
10: How tall am I: 5′8
11: What do I miss: lots of things and people both too many too name
12: What time was I born: 2:06am
13: Favourite color: blue
14: Do I have a crush: still crushin on my last man
15: Favourite quote: either some vine or “I’m here for a good time not a long time” I have way too many favs
16: Favourite place: my room, best friends house, or beach house
17: Favourite food: buffalo chicken or alfredo
18: Do I use sarcasm: of course not 
19: What am I listening to right now: music ;)
20: First thing I notice in new person: smile
21: Shoe size: no
22: Eye color: hazel
23: Hair color: naturally brunette currently red
24: Favourite style of clothing: gothic, pop punk or hippie/boho
25: Ever done a prank call?: I havent personally 
27: Meaning behind my URL: I needed to change my url of 8 years and I wanted something short and easy to remember but I also wanted it to be a band so it would fit my blog and surprisingly this one wasnt taken
28: Favourite movie: I have way too many 
29: Favourite song: again way too many
30: Favourite band: AGAIN way too many
31: How I feel right now: I feel fucking exhausted 
32: Someone I love: okay now Im sad 
33: My current relationship status: okay NOW Im crying but single
34: My relationship with my parents: welp my dads dead and my mom and I are okay
35: Favourite holiday: Halloween or Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: no tattoos yet and I have my nose pierced and first and second holes pierced on my ears
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: too many
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I was 12 that should be enough
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No. In fact I could never hate him and I dont think I’ll love anyone like I did/do him.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: eh sometimes
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? last text over imessage yes
42: When did I last hold hands?: I have no idea
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I dont do anything really so not too long
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: dont out me
45: Where am I right now?: my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: @bohoangel
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: both
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: nah
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? @bostonnanner
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: eh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I mean idc but it’d just be fucking weird cause they’re kissing in front of me 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: plenty of people lmao
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I’ll do yesterday since today hasnt really happened. But it was fathers day and my heart was hurting so bad cause I miss my dad more than anything and really wish he was still here
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: my fuckin soulmate bitch
57: What do I think about most?: in all honesty, my ex
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can do this smile thing that nobody else can do and it makes me look like a frog
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: probably
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front
61: What was the last lie I told?: that I was a child of God
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: video chatting but I dont mind either
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: fuck yes and fuck yes
64: Do I believe in magic?: I’m a god damn witch bitch
65: Do I believe in luck?: I believe in karma
66: What’s the weather like right now? according to my phone its currently clear and 61 degrees
67: What was the last book I’ve read?: I have no idea
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: eh
69: Do I have any nicknames? Maddie, Mad, Mads
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I had a staph infection in my foot that went back and forth across my foot and then up my leg (doctor said if my mom didn’t bring me when she did I would’ve died cause it would’ve gone to my heart)
71: Do I spend money or save it?: spend it 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? ye
74: Favourite animal?: cats
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: I have no idea
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: oh shit I’ve never thought of this
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: good question
78: How can you win my heart?: Be Italian 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I honestly have no idea
80: What is my favorite word? bitch
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I get asked this way too much
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: probably some hippie bullshit
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I’ve had relatives in jail but I dont think anyones in jail rn
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? theres too many lmao
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? probably if I’ve smoked or drank or have done anything bad but only if my mom was asking
86: What is my current desktop picture? its just basic 
87: Had sex?: nah
88: Bought condoms?: nah
89: Gotten pregnant?: nah
90: Failed a class?: nah
91: Kissed a boy?: ye
92: Kissed a girl?: ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: nah
94: Had job?: ye
95: Left the house without my wallet?: ye
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: nah
97: Had sex in public?: nah
98: Played on a sports team?: ye
99: Smoked weed?: ye
100: Did drugs?: nothing hardcore just smoking weed
101: Smoked cigarettes?: nah
102: Drank alcohol?: ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: I’ve tried
104: Been overweight?: no answer
105: Been underweight? also no answer
106: Been to a wedding?: ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: ye
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ye
109: Been outside my home country?: nah
110: Gotten my heart broken?: of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?: ye
112: Broken a bone?: ye
113: Cut myself?: ye
114: Been to prom?: ye
115: Been in airplane?: ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: nah
117: What concerts have I been to?: pink, metallica/volbeat, warped tour 2016,2017,2018, jingle ball, some birthday bash, I cant remember if I’ve been to any other ones lmao
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: not entirely 
119: Learned another language?: not fully
120: Wore make up?: ye
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: I’m a child of god
122: Had oral sex?: nah
123: Dyed my hair?: ye
124: Voted in a presidential election?: not yet
125: Rode in an ambulance?: couldve a couple times but my parents decided to drive me
126: Had a surgery?: nah
127: Met someone famous?: I guess? 
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: who doesnt do this
129: Peed outside?: ye
130: Been fishing?: ye
131: Helped with charity?: I think so
132: Been rejected by a crush?: who doesnt get rejected
133: Broken a mirror?: probably
134: What do I want for birthday?: lots of things
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: I have no idea
136: Was I named after anyone?: No but I have the same middle name as my aunt
137: Do I like my handwriting?: ye
138: What was my favorite toy as a child?: I have no idea
139: Favorite Tv Show?: American Horror Story, Bob’s Burgers, The Office, or Drunk History
140: Where do I want to live when older?: New Hampshire
141: Play any musical instrument?: I can play the violin and piano and can also sing but idk if that counts lmao
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: its barely noticeable but literally right under my left eye (like right at the edge of my dark circle lmao) I got attacked by a dog and it bit me in the face and I had to get stitches but I bitched out and had it glued instead lmao
143: Favorite pizza topping? cheese
144: Am I afraid of the dark?: depends where I am
145: Am I afraid of heights?: ye
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?:nah
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: haha yeah
148: What I’m really bad at: everything
149: What my greatest achievements are: I fucking graduated from high school. Like I would never wish what I went through on anyone ever not even my worst enemy. It was worse than hell
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I honestly dont remember 
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: lots of stuff
152: What do I like about myself: my eyebrows
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I cant say @bohoangel cause I’ve known her since 5th grade so I’ll say @bostonnanner even though we met on omegle years ago lmao
154: Something I fantasize about: lots of things
155: Any question you’d like?: literally whatever anyone wants to know
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where it all began.
*part 5*
The next morning came too quick and also with your own drums playing a song in your head.
“Morning sunshine” michael yells walking into your room , “can you not shout please Jesus” you pled , “someones cranky tis morning” he smiles “ill put the tea on so”
“thank you” michael you say drinking down your tea, “it was nice to see you let your hair down last night” poll smiles,. “i could say the same about you” winking at poll, “were more alike then i though” poll laughs. “but i can handle my hangovers” she sneers, “its been along time since ive drank” you laugh.
“well you will be drinking again tonight” tommy appears, “are you trying to kill me” you smile “whats tonight did i forget something”. “the family have a dinner in london tonight and then a few drinks the whole family so be ready for 5″. 
“poll ive notting to wear for london i cant go you say panicking”, “here tommy gave us all some coins needs us looking good im guessing there is business but thats for tommy to know and us to find out” she smiles, “did you and tommy have fun last night “she sings, “last night no more than i did with you all why” you tilt you head, “i saw him leaving your room late” ,”poll” you interrupt “ i fell over and he put me to bed i think thats all that happened its blurry but tommy doesnt see me like that” you laugh.
“god your as clueless as he is” she laughs, “i havent seen tommy this relaxed in a very long time ali he did notting but smile and laugh with you last night who else he is ever like that with aye come on” she sneers, “poll it was the drink thats all you hum anyway im off to work” you smile.
work was long and boring you found yourself watching tommy alot you couldnt remember if anything had happened.
*you knocked on the door*
Tommy can i come in? Yes.
“hey i need to leave early ive to find a dress for tonight if that ok of course” you smile, tommy just nodded, can i ask a question tommy? he just raised his brows ,”did anything happen last night between us” you smiled, no he just kept on reading, “ok then i said that too poll i told her im not your type she had me worried”, “notting happened because you were too drunk not because i didnt want too he looked right into your eyes. your face went red and you just left.  
did tommy just say i was his type or is just messing with me why did it give me butterflies could i like tommy.
“hey poll can you zip up my dress please” you shouted from the other room, “let me” ada appears, “jesus ali who are you trying to impress” she grinned. “noone why is it too much they said to look nice”you smiled, “no its beautiful” she smiled “there you go all set”.
all the boys were around the table disscusing god only knows they all stopped and stared as us girls crowded the room, you could feel tommys eyes look you up and down.
“right the girls are going in that car”tommy points to the one behind.
The drive to london was fun and full of chat poll had sneaked bottles of whiskey for the drive.
“Were here” poll smiled, “oh my its so fancy ive never seen anything like this” you laughed, “your a shelby now ada laughed we see alot”,
“ok one thing” tommy smiles “they dont allow single people in this resturant only married so here “ he smiles passing out rings , i look at michael but ada grabbed him “not been married to one of my brothers” she laughs, “here mrs shelby tommy” laughs let go he grabs your hand making your whole body shake.
“here mr and mrs shelby this is your table” he walks us to this beautiful table.
“so whats this about” arthur asks,”cant we just have a family dinner for once” tommy grunts, “no actually we cant usually it means business “he spits back, “look we have all been under alot of stress and i just want to show how much i appreciate everything” he said “thats all now drink up and shut up”, “christ he has gone soft” arthur laughs.
after awhile we all shared stories like a normal family.
“this one time you started laughing to yourself michael was convinced he could ride this crazy stallion in my dads yard so 1 day i said fine its your funeral and michael got on this crazy thing and off down the field the horse went all i could see was michaels feet and him screaming ill never forget it” , “ill never touch a horse again” laughing look he pulls his trousers up that what the fucker did to me he grins, “mother gave me some lecture after that he smiles i was grounded for my birthday and all”. “your birthdays were the best your mother would bake the best cakes , michael always appeared with a bun on my birthday you smile.
back when i was sweet and innocent he grinned, ill bake you a cake this year john giggled, “ive tasted your cooking i wouldnt eat it” esme laughed “and i tasted yours and your meant to be a women” john sings back causing esme to slap his arm.. 
tommy and michael disappears for a bit.
“that was the best food ive ever had no offence” poll you smiled “same here” ada laughs “ungrateful fuckers” polly laughs.
“right so the real reason were here tonight” tommy and michael appears, “ali your now family and when i told the familly you have never celebrated you birthday they said we wouldnt have it so this is for you” they smied as a cake came towards the table.
“its not my birthday you started counting on your fingers fuck i forgot my own birthday” you laughed, “i dont know what to say” you smiled, “blow the fucking candles out” arthur laughed, “heres to alison shelby raise your glasses, fucking everyone arthur makes everyone in the restaurant as well making you laugh,
right to the pub arthur stands up, thank you all you say giving everyone a hug,”happy birthday wife” tommy sings in your ear making you stand straight,
the pub was massive and such a beautiul sight, you spent most of the night laughing and dancing with the girl and the occasional man.
sitting down at your table,  “im having such a good night” you smile ,” i can see that” tommy spits ,“might find yourself a man” john laughs “dancing like that id leave esme for yeah” he laughs you punched his arm, “esme has better moves” you said laughing. you noticed tommy left and is now standing at the bar.
“tommy thank you for today honestly” you grin, “no skin off my back” he smiles, “will you dance with me” you ask, “i dont dance you have plenty of partners anyway” he spits , “have i done something wrong you sing at him cause last i checked im single right” , “just dont like seeing dirty old men touching you is all it makes me think of all the horrible hands that have touched you before he hums alright love, “tommy ive never have hands touch me for love only for pain” you spit, “are you a virgin”he frowns, “yes i am like i said im not your type you go “to walk away , he grabs your arm, “ali all i want is too show you what he feels like to be touched with love god knows that but your bad for me” he hums,
“bad for you how” you spit back , “your making me soft” he blurts out,  “god for bid tommy shelby shows he has a heart” you hit back ,when i saw your scars last night i wanted to track down your father and kill the basterd his face goes cold, you saw my scars how the fuck, you begin rasing your voice, i helped you to bed rememeber he smiles, then tommy shelby show me what love feels like just us lets go right now you said. 
“why now” tommy looks confused “because tommy tomorrow ill be sober and back in small heath and right now i wanna kiss you and maybe its the drink talking but without it we will just keep staring at each other and thats it right so thats why now” you smiled,
tommy grabbed you face let go then , grabbing your arm leading you out of the club.
hey guys sorry its a short one i love this one hope you all liked it dont forget to message me and tell me what you think good or bad would love feed back xx 
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