#she was so offended but I told her we could share but she seriously wanted to have one
scorsesedepalmafan · 2 years
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When your sibling asks you if they can “have” one of Alfred’s characters
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
I’m obsessed with Levi, absolutely smitten. Thank you for sharing him with us.
If you feel up to it could we get a snippet of someone maybe a rival vampire trying to plant doubts in Levi about the reader. Maybe accusing them of cheating on him and using him, only for Levi to laugh in their face because he knows how devoted and loyal they are to each other.
Just like the opposite of the miscommunication trope. Please and thank you🥺👉👈
I'm so happy you like Levi ^_^ This is just a little thing, but I thought it turned out cute and it's nice to do something lighter after the last one omg :D
Vampire (Levi) x female mom reader
Word Count: 1k
W: sfw vampire fluff
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“Ugh,” Levi’s cousin Ivan and leader of his clan in Russia grimaced looking down at Meryl over his glass of blood, “don’t you have a nanny?” 
Levi nudged him away from the baby sleeping peacefully in the crib he’d put in his office so she could be nearby. He’d wanted to give you a spa day and he knew you weren’t yet comfortable with the nanny, so he happily offered to keep his favorite cinnamon roll with him.
He also wanted you out of the house when his cousin arrived. He didn’t like males seeing you and he knew how frivolous vampire’s could be. Their lives were long and got boring, rare jewels intrigued them, if only for a time. He’d sent you surrounded by a handful of Amazonian vampire bodyguards, so he felt confident no one would bother you. 
“(Y/N) and I have decided to keep her caretakers to a minimum,” he said, “she’s already been exposed to so many different germs and people, there’s no reason to add anymore.” 
Ivan snorted. 
“So she’s got you babysitting her brat?! Cousin, are you a fool?” 
Of course in his time, the idea of a vampire Clan lord carrying around an infant was preposterous, let alone one that was not his son, specifically. Many vampire mothers immediately gave their children to wet nurses so they wouldn’t look weak carrying a drooling baby around. 
Levi growled at his cousin, prompting him to lower his voice so as not to wake the baby. 
Ivan hissed lightly back, his eyes flashing. Vampire lords didn’t like being told what to do. 
“Who is this trollop anyway?” he snapped, though a bit quieter, “I’ve never seen you so wrapped around anyone’s finger.” 
Levi looked a little wistful. 
“Just an angel I came across in a fish store,” he murmured, his eyes resting fondly on Meryl. 
Ivan raised an eyebrow. 
“Fish…store…? And you’ve taken in her bastard? You’re babysitting it? Levi, I know losing Karen must have been hard but-”
Levi’s face hardened and his voice boomed. 
“Don’t say her name in my presence!” he snarled. 
Meryl cooed that she was waking up and started to whimper realizing she was alone. Levi looked distraught and hurried over to her, picking her up and bouncing her in his arm. 
“I’m sorry baby bat, did I wake you?” he cooed, and she gave him a gummy smile, doing her “daddy is picking me up” dance in his hand. 
Something about the happiness on Levi’s face when he looked at Meryl and how innocently she completely trusted him incensed Ivan. 
“This is absurd Levi. No one can be this happy! How do you know she doesn’t have some lover on the side and she’s just using you? Tugging a vampire lord on a leash?! She’s probably making another one of those things right now! Aren’t you concerned with how this makes the family look?!” 
Levi tipped Meryl’s head to his chest so she couldn’t see before he bared his fangs, transforming his face into a more animal version of itself as a warning. 
“Now you sound absurd, cousin,” he ground out, more offended that he’d say such a thing in front of his darling baby than taking it seriously, “(Y/N) is a devoted mother and wife. I won't listen to you slandering her in front of our child.”
Ivan snorted and crossed his leg with annoyance, spinning his blood around. 
“Goddess, modern romance is so disgusting,” he retorted, turning his face away from the tooth achingly sweet sight of Levi tossing Meryl in the air to make her giggle, “If it were me, I’d never see the thing.” 
“That’s why you’re a cold, lonely bastard,” Levi chuckled, “and I have a warm, beautiful family.” 
Ivan rolled his eyes. 
“Until she backstabs you like your mother,” he snapped. 
Levi growled more loudly. 
“I told you not to mention her,” he snapped, flipping Meryl over his shoulder by one foot so she wouldn’t see his anger and making her laugh out loud. 
“Ugggggh,” Ivan let out the longest groan ever at her pure joy as Levi pulled her back to his chest and found her one of the toys strewn on his desk to play with. 
“I’m back my loves!” you sighed as you walked into Levi’s office and breezed past the vampire sitting in one of Levi’s overstuffed chairs. You tossed your purse lazily on his desk, then tipped up on your toes and gave Levi a kiss, then smooched Meryl. 
“Feel my face,” you beamed, taking his hand and putting it on your freshly worked over skin, “they did some kind of laser thing to it! It’s super soft!” 
He grinned down at you, taking the opportunity to circle your cheek with his fingers. Maybe it was softer than normal, it always felt soft to him, but he was happy you wanted him to touch you. You'd been seeking out his touch more and more, each time delighting him more than the last.
A bit of a tug in the back of your mind reminded you the other vampire was still there and you glanced over your shoulder at him. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” you asked, looking him over. He looked a bit like Levi, as well, but with wheat blonde hair cropped short and bright blue eyes. 
“Uh…this is my cousin, Ivan,” Levi said with as little enthusiasm as possible, “he’s in town for the wedding.”
He was eager to see you since you’d been gone all morning, but he still didn’t like males looking at you, disappointed your spa treatment ended early. For Ivan’s part his mouth dropped and his eyes grew big. He hopped up from the chair and crossed the room, looming over you. 
He took your hand and gave it a kiss, smiling down at you with the eyes of a predator behind baby blue irises almost flashing green with envy. 
“Levi told me many things about you and I thought he was exaggerating, but he wasn’t lying when he said you are truly lovely. Now I think I understand his fascination. I look forward to seeing more of you, my dear,” Ivan purred, “Levi loves to throw parties so I’m sure there will be plenty of occasions for us to get more acquainted.”
You blinked up at him and extracted your hand from his. 
“Er...good to meet you,” you said, wondering if it was a generational gap thing that made him sound so weird to you. Many of Levi's vampires had odd dialects hinting to their time of origin.
Levi bared his teeth and handed Meryl to you, practically shoving his cousin from the room. 
“I’ll see you later, cousin!” he growled, slamming the door behind him.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Jack’s Birthday Edition
this is so short i’m sorry
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,643 others
yourusername happy our birthday to my soulmate, my ex husband, and most importantly— my other half! we’ve been stuck together like glue since the first day of kindergarten and i don’t know who i would be without you. growing up with you is obviously the best thing to ever happen to you, because you turned out to be a pretty sick ass human being (you’re welcome)!
i remember back in kindergarten when we first found out that we have the same birthday and were so excited because we were so close. we decided that it means we had to be best friends forever! sorry that i later upgraded my best friend to the better model (i’m not sorry)!
in all seriousness, howdy rowdy, i’m so thankful to have you in my life. you made our move to michigan less scary than i thought it would be, and i wouldn’t have survived if not for you. you’ve always been so special to me. i’m so proud of you! i’m so proud of what you did this season, and i’m proud to call you my brother.
part of jacky’s birthday present was some wonderful news, and he has kindly demanded that i share it with everyone! when i am changing my name after mine and trevy’s wedding, i will also be changing my middle name to rowden. it was mom’s idea! she said she loved the idea of twins having the same middle name, and since we do have the same birthday, and i’ve been inducted to the family, i asked her if i could change my middle name. to my delight, she said yes! (he cried when i told him, which made me cry, which made mom cry, which made quinn and luke cry, so the family was really a mess tonight!)
p.s happy birthday to my favorite rookie, wyatt johnson! please score on quinn next season <3
i love you with at least 90% of the atoms in my body❤️ happy birthday!
tagged jackhughes
view all 186 comments
jackhughes i love you, too soulmate❤️ your post won’t be as sentimental! (we didn’t cry!)
yourusername bitch <3
jackhughes yes <3
trevorzegras (yes they did)
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras (nobody asked)
_quinnhughes you choose some amazing pics, sissy
yourusername you should listen to the advice on the last one!
_quinnhughes jack is not a baddie
yourusername it’s our birthday! we’re baddies, you jurassic bitch
_quinnhughes best friend contract!
yourusername birthday clause!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes ✨suck it✨
njdevils we thank you for these jack photos🫡
yourusername anything for my fans <3
_alexturcotte hey um… y/n, our love, WHY WAS I CUT OUT OF THE SEVENTH PHOTO
yourusername you pissed me off last week
yourusername calm down, you big baby
jackhughes fight! fight! fight! fight!
colecaufield @_alexturcotte ✨suck it✨
user33 happy birthday!!!
user18 i always forget sissy is a stars fan
trevorzegras must be nice
jackhughes she doesn’t let us forget
_quinnhughes she doesn’t let me specifically forget
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes cry. babies.
user09 i cry every time y/n reveals more childhood stories
lhughes_06 i’m offended i wasn’t in the childhood pictures
yourusername in my defense… you were infant so we weren’t cool like that yet
_quinnhughes yeah, moosey, gosh
jackhughes somebody’s self obsessive
lhughes_06 i hate all of you
yourusername those teenage hormones of yours are wildin
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i hate you most
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 don’t talk to your mother that way! it’s mother’s day!
user54 i want what y/n and jack have omg! happy birthday!
john.marino97 what? no photo creds on the first pic? (ps happy birthday hughesy!)
yourusername psa to everyone: johnny m wouldn’t leave jack and i alone one night at the hotel and he stalked us and took the first picture! but i love it, so no harm 0.5 foul!
john.marino97 0.5 foul?
jackhughes @/john.marino97 congrats, man! you got off easy!
john.marino97 thank you?
trevorzegras @/john.marino97 now you’re catching on!
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keldae · 5 months
9. Totally platonic (as sarcastic as you want to take that one...) 11. In public - - for whomever strikes your fancy. =D
(not gonna lie, this was from 2016 so I don’t even remember what the original prompt list was. I thiiiiink snuggling? So we’re gonna roll with that!)
As arduous as the days on the road were, the evenings tended to be enjoyable, even with the threat of the Absolute and the cultists approaching Baldur's Gate. It was a time to rest after the day of hard travel, and enjoy a meal with people who had become close friends. It wasn't uncommon for a dice game to break out (which usually resulted in Astarion or Wyll cleaning everyone else out of their gold), or Devi playing a little bit on her newfound violin, or Halsin telling a story from years past. Even Withers seemed to enjoy the evenings, tolerating Arabella pestering him with questions with seemingly-endless patience.
This particular evening saw Devi chatting with Karlach as both women shared a bottle of wine they'd looted from Moonrise Towers. It certainly wasn't what the upper class would have approved of – gods knew Astarion had turned his nose up at it – but it suited Devi's Lower City tastes perfectly fine. She took a sip from the bottle, grinning as Karlach enthusiastically told her a story. “Listen, Gortash might present himself as some hotshot Lord now, but even he can fuck up, and did back in the day. Insulting a visiting Lady from Waterdeep?”
“I can't believe he referred to her as a maid!” Devi laughed. As she passed the wine back to Karlach, she took a look around the campsite. Halsin, shifted into his bear form, curled up with Scratch and the owlbear cub, who still needed a name… Wyll, patiently teaching Shadowheart how to dance, under Astarion’s watchful eye… Jaheira, lounging by the fire, reading a book… Lae’zel, inspecting her armour for any needed repairs…
And Gale, sitting near Jaheira, also with a book in hand. In the firelight, his orb tattoo was almost invisible. He looked calmer and far more at ease than he had before the assault on the Towers, now that he didn't have Mystra's orders hanging over his head. Devi felt her heart twist a bit at the reminder of how close she'd come to losing him.
As if sensing Devi's gaze, Gale looked up from his book. Their eyes made contact across the fire as his face softened in a smile. Gods, how could that man get even more handsome than he already was? Devi felt herself smile back at him, grateful to all the gods (... even Mystra, she supposed) that her wizard was still alive for her to love him.
“Oh, you two have it bad for each other,” Karlach laughed, bringing Devi's attention back to the tiefling. “Ya know we were all betting on when you were gonna figure it out, right?”
“Wait – you were betting on us?” Devi incredulously asked. “... Who won?”
Karlach’s grin widened. “Withers, believe it or not.”
“Our walking skeleton is invested in my love life?” Devi blinked as Karlach hooted with laughter. “That's disturbing as all hells.”
“You don’t wanna know about some of the questions we were gettin’ from the Harpers and the tieflings at the inn, either. Lots of the tieflings remembered you two making eyes at each other in the grove and wanted to know if you’d gotten in his robes yet…”
“The tieflings were asking?!” Devi groaned as Karlach guffawed. “Oh, hells–” She suddenly squeaked as she felt a giant’s invisible hand wrap around her torso and start to drag her backwards, in a gentle yet inescapable grip. When she looked around, she saw Gale sitting straight up, holding a hand out toward her; she could sense magic crackling around him, almost as clearly as she could see his smug grin as he pulled her closer.
Now no longer obligated to share the wine bottle, Karlach laughed merrily. “Hey! I wasn’t done hogging your lady’s attention, wizard!” Clearly not seriously offended at having lost her conversation partner, she took a swig of the wine, watching Devi float around the campfire toward Gale.
Gale’s ears went red, even in the firelight, but his grin just got wider. “Perhaps not, but I grow lonely over here. And Astarion isn’t quite as pleasant to snuggle as Devi is.”
“I certainly do not snuggle,” Astarion interjected, glancing over from the dancing lessons with a raised eyebrow, ignoring Wyll’s snort of laughter while he guided Shadowheart through a spin. “Unless I am particularly intoxicated, in which case I’ll warn Gale that it takes quite a bit to get me drunk, and I like to nibble.” He glanced over at Devi as she was magically pulled around the campfire, giggling. “Although now I’m rather curious if she likes to nibble as well–”
“That is for me to know,” Gale primly said, “and for you to only hypothesise about.” He set his book down, then extended both hands to catch Devi as she landed on his lap; giving her a kiss on the cheek, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his smug grin becoming a soft smile. “Hello, love.”
“Hello to you too, handsome. Miss me?” Devi laughed and wrapped her own arms around Gale’s chest, soaking in his warm presence.
“Immensely. I find that I require cuddles from a pretty half-Elven thief with the cutest slightly-drunken giggles to make my night complete.” Gale smiled, his dark eyes soft with affection. “Have I ever told you that you are adorable?” he asked, his voice lowering so only she could hear him.
“Adorable?” Devi tilted her head at him, thinking. “Don’t think anyone’s ever called me adorable before.”
“No? Everyone else in your life has been remiss – because you are beyond adorable.” Gale kissed her nose, and chuckled when she wrinkled it instinctively. “See? My point is proven. Adorable, and clever, and beautiful beyond what mere words can describe.”
“My charming, handsome wizard.” Devi beamed and gave Gale a light kiss on the lips, then adjusted her position on his lap until she could rest her cheek on his shoulder. Gale had to shift her slightly to reclaim his book from where he’d set it down; once that had been retrieved, he opened it back up, holding the book with one hand while his other arm wrapped comfortably around Devi’s hips, holding her close to him. “Good book?” she asked after a moment’s comfortable silence, as Karlach took her bottle of wine to go sit with Astarion and interject somewhat-helpful commentary on the dance lesson (earning a groan from Wyll and an indignant raised finger from Shadowheart).
Gale hummed in confirmation. “It’s a book on the creation of antidotes for poisons,” he murmured. He adjusted his hold on the book and started reading in a soft voice, his volume not carrying much further than Devi’s pointed ears. “‘I was sitting in the Elfsong, sipping my usual hot cocoa, the heat soothing the pain in my scale-less hands…’”
Still feeling a slight, pleasant buzz from the wine, Devi snuggled into Gale’s chest, her fingers lazily tracing a pattern on his chest through his purple tunic. This, she thought to herself as she felt Gale’s arm tighten around her, was a perfect night. If it wasn’t for the Absolute and its cultists, she could have stayed like this forever.
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ventingfanfics · 2 years
At the Movies
It’s about the third time that your hand went to Shuri’s thigh. Before there could be a fourth, she grabbed your hand and pecked your knuckles.
“Behave,” she said in your ear. 
You blushed and laughingly insisted that you were merely trying to keep her warm. You had noticed her shivering in the theater. A part of you felt bad because it was your sudden idea to go to the movies, but you hadn’t considered that you both weren’t dressed warm enough. 
Shuri didn’t mind, however. She was game to do pretty much anything you wanted. Date night had started with her chosen excursions and then you wanted to step up to the plate. You had to insist that she let you pay for your snacks at the theater in addition to the tickets. 
“If it’s too cold, we can raincheck,” you added, whispering back to her. 
She shook her head and hand dismissively before grinning at how sweet you were. “I’m feeling pretty hot now,” she replied with a smirk as she eyed you.
“See,” you gloated. “It worked.”
She laughed and returned her attention to the movie. You figured she wasn’t as hot as she claimed. Nonetheless, you kept your hands to yourself. 
The both of you watched the end credits as the information it provided was interesting to you both. It was one of the things you shared in common. However, Shuri was ready to leave sooner than usual. She reached for your hand and briskly strode out the place.
In the car, she was a bit quieter, though she listened attentively as you revealed your impressions of the movie. She smiled at your assessment and how expressive you could be with your opinions. 
“What did you think?” You turned the question back to her, just as curious as she had been in your response. 
“It was alright. Someone was distracting me.” 
Your initial instinct was to laugh, but you panicked instead. Had you offended Shuri with your touching? What if she didn’t like that? After all, she basically told you to stop. Maybe you went too far. 
“I’m sorry, I normally don’t do that, I just…” you apologized, feeling your heart pound, and your skin overheat. You even felt a wave of nausea hitting you. 
A look of confusion filled Shuri’s features as she kept glancing over at you. She now understood that you took her comment seriously. “Y/N, baby. You don’t have to look so upset. I was trying to be funny.” 
You exhaled. To say you were relieved would be an understatement. “Oh, thank God,” you said, laughing. “I thought you thought I was a perv!”
“You are. But lucky for you, I like it.”
When you laughed, so did she. You were going to see just how much she liked it once you got home. 
As soon as the door shut, you were backed against it with Shuri squeezing your hips. She looked like she could devour you. Stars were in your eyes as you gazed back at her just as deeply. Your lips couldn’t touch fast enough. Her kiss was slow but passionate. You tugged her closer, so your bodies felt molded. Each stroke and caress of your lips and tongue caused another burst of energy within you. You were going to need all the energy you could get for what your girlfriend had in store. 
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
A plan set in motion
Evil trio x reader, yandere cullens x reader
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You sat with Victorias head on your lap in your room as the tv played. The four of you had gone further into Seattle and changed motels but Vicky still wanted you to room with her.
You had come to find that the group was pretty nomadic. They preferred to travel than to stay in one place. This was a lifestyle you could see yourself liking, you had always wanted to explore.
“(N/n) which of these guys would you date?” Victoria questioned out of no where while pointing at the tv the two of you were watching
“Why?” You questioned with a puzzled look
“Well if I’m gonna help you find a mate, I need to know your type of guy” she said nonchalantly
“Who says I need a mate” you asked confused
“I do” she announces “having a mate will bring out your happiest self, it’s like you’ve finally found a piece of yourself you always needed. I want that for you”
“I’m pretty happy here” you reassured as you went to play with her hair admiringly
“Just humour me” she says playfully
“Fine” you sigh out “I guess id go with joey”
You pointed to the darkly dressed boy on the tv screen. He was a bounty hunter who tested the limits of his team and questioned authority.
“Oo someone likes a bad boy” Vicky giggled out
“Shut up” you throw a pillow at her face
She pulls an offended look before hitting you back. The attack only stopped when the door opened and James with Laurent walked in
“Sorry to bother you ladies” James said as he sat down, Victoria instantly joined him and he put his arm around her
Laurent came to sit next to you, he ruffled your hair affectionately and you laughed gently.
“What’s up” Victoria asked with a kiss to James’s cheek
“We wanted to discuss you, y/n” Laurent said as he turned to look at you with a serious look
“What about me?” You asked before a panicked thought crossed your mind “your not sending me back are you?!”
“Of course not” Victoria reassured while Laurent gently stroked your hand
“We wanted to talk about what the cullens did to you” James clarified
“I’ve told you everything, I promise” you say quickly
“We know, but there’s some stuff they’ve done to you that you don’t know is wrong” Victoria said “we just want to make sure you know what they did”
“What do you mean?” You asked fearfully
“They shouldn’t have binded your chest” Victoria says with disgust in her eyes “they were trying to keep you younger, if you were a human it could have seriously hurt you with how tight they wrapped the bandages”
“It’s fucking disgusting” James scoffs out angrily
There’s a moment of silence as you contemplate what they said, you knew the cullens were abusive but some things they did to you went completely over you head.
“We want to help you” Laurent breaks the silence
“You’ve already helped me, I’m away from them” you said with relief on your face
“But they will never stop looking for you” James said and you felt an anxious feeling build up “even now they have connections looking for you”
“What do we do then?” You asked and James and Victoria share a look
“We kill them” Victoria states
“Impossible” you dismiss the idea “many clans have tried and failed”
“But many clans don’t have they’re prized possession with them” James corrects
“And with the human pet they have, they’re vulnerable” Victoria says with excitement
“How would we even do this?” You question doubtfully
“We make the cullens think James is after the human” Victoria explains “they’ll rush her off and prepare for a fight which gets her away from lover boy and has the family separated”
“I’ll then lure the human away with threats of killing you, that gets her to a location away from the other vampires where I will drink her blood and kill her” James carried on “this puts Edward in a vulnerable spot but also while the others are on a wild goose chase looking for the girl, we pick them off one by one”
“We start with Alice, so she can’t see the rest of our plans” Laurent pipes up “then Victoria will target Rosalie and I will take on esme”
“With the women gone, it puts the men in vulnerable positions because of the mate bond” you say as the plan pieces itself together
“Exactly” James says with a proud smile “I will take on Edward and Victoria will handle Emmett all while Laurent kills off Jasper”
“What about Carlisle?” You ask fearfully
“We leave him for you” Vicky says with a smirk
“I won’t be able to take him on alone, I’m too weak I was never taught to fight like the rest” you confessed
“We will be there to help, we just need his precious daughter to distract him until we get there” Laurent explains “but you will kill him, it’s your right”
“We’ll train you to fight” Victoria reassured “and we’ll make sure you get to be the one to kill him”
“I don’t know if I can” you say sadly, not because you cared for Carlisle but because your fear of the patriarch paralysed you
“Aren’t you angry?” James questioned with confusion “these people humiliated you, abused you and exploited you and you don’t feel rage over it?”
“Of course I’m angry” you defended yourself “I’m furious, but anger doesn’t make me a better fighter”
“But we will” Victoria jumps in “we will teach you to use your anger, to make it your power”
“Take this revenge and know for the rest of eternity that you won against those sick bastards” James encourages “know that you fought back and won after they disgraced you over and over again”
You feel motivation and rage fill every pore. You see they’re eyes on you and feel happiness come to you. They want to help you, to protect you
“Are you in?” James asked expectingly
You imagined tearing Carlisle head from his shoulders, lighting ablaze his pot like body and watching it burn.
“Yes” you nod your head “I’m in”
And with that, your revenge had formed into a plan
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doom-dreaming · 9 months
The More The Merrier: Ch. 1 - Revelation
“There’s a rumor going around that we’re a couple.”
The comment comes out of nowhere, but Kelly is used to the way her brother’s mind works, so she doesn’t ask for clarification. “Whoever started it obviously doesn't know anything about us. Besides, you’re not my type.”
“Didn't know you had one.”
“Sure.” She shrugs. “But not many people on this boat fit the bill.” She’s expecting the conversation to stop there. It doesn't.
“So, who does?”
Kelly levels a flat glare at him. “You'd give me shit about it if I told you.”
“Would not.”
Oh, John was in rare form. Honestly, secretly, Kelly's happy to see him like this. She holds out, knowing he’ll go for the bait. “I’m not saying anything.”
“Bet I can guess.”
“Knock yourself out.” Hook, line, sinker.
He pauses. Cocks his head. “...what about me isn’t your type?”
“Too quiet.”
“You want loud?”
“I want conversational.”
He looks mildly offended. “We have conversations. We’re having one now.”
“We’ve known each other for forty-five years.”
“...fine.” He moves on. “I don't see you going for anyone who's not a Spartan.”
“Conditional,” Kelly corrects. “But you're mostly right.”
He falls silent, studying her as if he’ll be able to see an answer written somewhere on her face.
“Don’t think too hard, you might hurt yourself,” she deadpans.
He huffs the closest thing to a laugh Kelly’s heard from him in a long time, but doesn’t speak again for several minutes.
Kelly returns to what she’d been doing, content to let him puzzle it out. It was good for him, he needed a trivial distraction. And while it was true there were a handful of people onboard the Infinity that Kelly could reasonably classify as “her type,” chances were slim that John would actually guess any of them, much less—
“...Palmer.” It isn’t a question.
Kelly’s head snaps up so fast her jaw pops.
John, irritatingly smug, sits back and crosses his arms. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“How the hell—”
“We’ve known each other for forty-five years,” he parrots, cutting her off. “You should ask if she and Lasky are looking for a third.”
Oh. Rare form indeed.
“Word around the ship is that Roland’s the third,” Kelly mutters. “Must’ve seen whatever you and Cortana had going on and thought it looked fun.”
John refuses to grace that with a reply. “...should ask if they’re looking for a fourth, then.”
Kelly snorts. “Lasky wouldn’t make it out alive. Not interested in him though.” A few seconds of silence pass. Unfortunately for Kelly, it’s more than enough time to start seriously considering making this bad idea a reality. “Maybe I should take her out for a drink. See what happens.”
“Worst she says is no,” John quips.
“Well, we already know she’s into older men. Maybe she’s into older women too. A girl can hope, yeah?”
“Hope for what?” Linda crosses between them as she enters the room.
“Kelly’s asking Palmer out for drinks.”
“Sounds fun. Am I invited?”
“...he means on a date, Lin.”
Linda fixes her sister with a stare that could bore through hull-plating. “I said what I said.”
“Wait, are you trying to poach my potential girlfriend?”
“No. I was thinking we'd share.”
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Third chapter of Intertwining Threads of Gold, based on a prompt by @time-for-a-grandkid-round-up.
Mirabel becomes the matriarch.
Isabela continues to try and help Mirabel, failing to gain the assistance of the rest of the family. Things come to a head when she manages to catch her sister alone.
Comments are always appreciated.
Previous part of ITOG.
Next part of ITOG.
Intertwining Threads of Gold III
“Hey, can I talk to you?”
Luisa opens one eye. She closes it, shifting against the grass under the sun, then smirks as she points a finger to herself. “Who? Me?”
“Yeah, you.”
When she gets no response, Isabela rolls her eyes. She kicks Luisa’s legs aside to clear space and sits down beside her sister, ignoring the younger’s huff of annoyance that her afternoon nap has been ruined. And that she could have simply chosen to sit elsewhere.
Not that Isabela doesn’t share in that annoyance.
Of course, it eventually came to this.
She’d rather it be anyone else that she has to speak to. Seriously, anyone else. But if there’s any chance Isabela is going to get Mirabel to open up, she needs Luisa.
Fucking Luisa.
And Isabela has put this off long enough. So as much as she hates this and hates Luisa, the fact ‘she doesn’t want to see Mirabel going down the same path she did’ kind of outweighs that.
“You are closer with Mirabel than I am,” Isabela started.
Luisa looked confused as she sat up. “It’s not like you to say that, but I’m glad you’re finally admitting it.” Isabela rolled her eyes again. Luisa only smiled more. “Yeah, I’m closer with her. What of it?”
“Does she… I don’t know, does she seem off to you? Like different to how she normally is?”
“No,” Luisa scoffs. “It probably just feels like she acts differently to you than she does me because we don’t like you.”
“Luisa! I’m serious!” Isabela snapped. “Something’s not right. Mirabel’s acting weird. Did you see the new dress? It’s not her colour or her - not even a single fucking piece of embroidery on it, and she doesn’t even care!”
“She’s too polite to say anything. And she does care. I was the one who held her after she opened it.”
“Well, she’s not above saying the whole matriarch thing isn’t right. When we told her, she was begging against it - hell, threatened to kill herself over it. Then spends two weeks without saying a word to anyone and suddenly she’s bowing before Abuela in agreement?”
Isabela pauses, letting Luisa process.
Maybe there was a reason to not including Luisa earlier by the adults; whatever it was, Luisa looks offended that things have happened without her.
“It really isn’t clear if this is a good or bad thing as someone who isn’t close with her. So, as much as I hate it, I need you. And I know you’re not gonna want to help me, but you would want to help Mirabel, wouldn’t you?”
Luisa thinks for a moment, then gives a shrug.
“I’d know if something was wrong with Mirabel.” Her face hardens then. “But there isn’t. She’s clearly happy - aside from the dress. So why are you trying to find drama that isn’t there? Why can’t you just be happy for her? Why won’t you let this go?” She stares down at her sister, searching her face for something. Isabela doesn’t get the chance to answer herself, as Luisa gasps with wide eyes in realisation. “You’re jealous.”
“It all makes sense now. All this interrogating and making our parents feel bad and having everyone doubt themselves - how did I not see it before?” She asked out loud, hitting her own head.
Isabela was baffled into silence.
Luisa carried on ranting, but it was all going over Isabela’s head. Partially because of the ridiculousness of it all, and partially because her attention was side tracked.
Several steps away, Abuela was leading the way home, alongside Tío Bruno and Mirabel, flunked by a couple councilmen.
Said new dress was eye-catching amongst everything, though not in a good way.
The colour, which Mirabel had called cornflower, was no real compliment to her complexion. Even Isabela (with no care for colour theory) could say that her sister looks better in deeper colours - she just looks washed out now. The dress itself was no resemblance of Mirabel’s usual porcelain doll-like (detailed, hand-stitched, slightly old fashioned) wardrobe. The dress was covered in butterflies in some shimmery type of fabric, varying in shades of pale blue. And it’s definitely missing the flare-out effect that Mirabel likes in her skirts.
Isn’t it ironic that the seamstress is wearing a store bought dress?
Something bubbles in Isabela’s stomach. She remembers the disgust at wearing things that weren’t her. All the pink and the roses and—
Fashion aside, Mirabel is her usual self. She’s too far away for Isabela to actually hear what’s being said, but she can see that after every answer, Mirabel turns expectantly to either Abuela or Bruno. As if saying, ‘was that good?’ and ‘can I go home now?’ and—
Isabela’s view is blocked by Luisa, who hasn’t stopped talking, suddenly moving to point at Isabela’s chest.
“You want this whole matriarch thing for yourself! And the only way to get it is have Mirabel step aside for you and get the adults change their minds because they think she doesn’t want it.”
She shook her head, glaring. “That is bullshit, hermana, and you know it.”
“I should’ve known you hadn’t changed,” Luisa was saying. Too busy talking, she probably hadn’t heard the woman at all. “Still the same selfish, entitled bitch you always were.”
And as much as Isabela wanted to punch Luisa in the face for that, she knows she needs her help.
“I am not asking you to do anything for me,” she groaned. “I am asking you to make sure Mirabel is okay because you’re the only one she’ll talk to.”
“What? And hear whatever lies you’ve fed into her?”
“Just speak to her! If something’s wrong, then I was right, if not you can—”
Luisa grasped Isabela’s hand, slowly bending it back. The older hissed, but couldn't really do anything to stop the strongest.
“I’m not hearing anymore of this,” Luisa growled. “Go bitch elsewhere about something else. And keep the fuck away from our sister, or I will leave your body so broken Mama won’t be able to heal you.”
“Luisa, I swear to God—”
“I mean it, Isabela. I will not let you ruin this for her.”
With that, Luisa dropped her hand and stormed off to join the others.
Any plans of confronting Mirabel herself were firmly abandoned now. Luisa was like a mother jaguar, constantly prowling around, watching out for her defenceless cub.
What? Isabela has been spending a lot of time with Antonio recently; nobody else wants to spend time with her. Even Dolores had grown sick of Isabela’s whining and was now avoiding her entirely.
Antonio hadn’t noticed anything going on with Mirabel, beyond the new dress, which he was a fan of - though some of his animals weren’t. He had promised Isabela that he and his friends would keep a lookout for Mirabel and let her know if anything happened.
It was still more than the rest of the family.
Camilo wasn’t much help either. He’s brooding about the whole thing.
“Yeah, no kidding,” he had muttered, in response to Isabela explaining how this matriarch thing was doomed to fail. “And somehow the grown-ups think she’s the most qualified. Ironic because she’s the least. You need three skills for this job - confidence, leadership and socialising. And Mirabel has none of them.”
“If she is so unqualified, why would the council have agreed with us?” Isabela had challenged.
“She’s the only Madrigal who has no backbone.”
Isabela ignored it for the most part. Camilo is just upset that he wasn’t considered the top candidate; given the ‘three essential skills’ argument, it does seem weird that Mirabel was placed before everyone else. And there’s the fact that he (and Luisa) weren’t asked to sign away their rights like she and Dolores were for Mirabel. So he’s been very snappy with the adults, especially his mother.
But a part of her does begin wondering why exactly was Mirabel chosen? She understands the family’s motives and reasons - she was there for those discussions - but what of the council? It’s something that sits in the back of her mind.
Lacking the help of the family, Isabela was on her way to try and recruit Mariano - she needs someone to actually help her and he’s the only person Mirabel might speak to, who isn’t part of the family. And that’s when she found Mirabel setting the table for dinner, with no Luisa in sight.
…Because she’s still working.
Isabela doesn’t know exactly how much time she has, but she’s not going to wait and find out.
“Morning, sis!” She calls.
“Evening, Isa,” Mirabel corrected.
“Right, right, same thing,” Isabela muttered, walking over, and instantly hitting her leg off the table. That’s the fourth time this week. “Shit! I swear Luisa moves this fucking thing closer to the door every day just to fuck with me!”
Mirabel leaned over to straighten a fork that Isabela had slightly nudged out of place in the process. “I don’t think she does it intentionally.”
“That’s because you don’t get the pleasure of dealing with Luisa’s bitchy side.”
“Language. And don’t speak about people that way.”
Isabela pulled out the chair closest to her and sat down, mentally cursing when she realised it was Luisa’s. But she wasn’t going to move now.
“You know, we haven’t spoken in a while… Wanna sit down and tell me all the gossip?”
“I kind of need to be on my feet,” Mirabel said, tilting her head to the table she was still making her way around. “And I don’t have any gossip. Nobody tells me anything and you consider what I know already boring.”
“Well, we can just talk. Have you done, I don’t know, anything interesting recently?”
“Oh, I did finish reading a wonderful book on Princess Élisabeth of France—”
“You got this new dress a few weeks ago,” Isabela pushed, tapping the edge of the plate thoughtfully. “There must be a good story about that.”
“It was a present. There’s not much else to it. The book was by—”
“From who? Why?”
“Abuela thought it was high time I have a colour of my own. Tío Bruno picked it with her help while I was at school. That’s all I know. About the book—”
“You have a colour of your own.” Isabela pointed out. Mentally noting Mirabel’s determination not to discuss this dress. “You’re also the one who’s been preaching for the past ten years that it was a completely different and separate colour to Mom’s.”
“Well, yes.. they are…” Mirabel struggles to explain. Her eyelid fluttering against her hand. “But, I mean, my teal and Mama’s turquoise are, admittedly, a little bit similar.”
At least Mirabel is trying to hide her eye-twitching; Luisa just seems to think nobody else can see hers and leaves it. Thank God Isabela missed that gene of her father’s.
“Do you like it? The new dress? The cornflower or whatever it was called?”
“The colour? It is certainly different.” Mirabel chuckled, ruffling the skirt with her hand. “Cornflower is an odd choice for me. Not that I’m complaining. I appreciate the gesture and, of course, I wasn’t there at the time to compare with fabric swatches. Now that I’m not hiding away sewing all the time, I might actually get some sunlight. I burn but maybe, given time, I’ll tan a bit too. Or at least, that’s what I’m told. I’d rather stay in here.”
Isabela nodded along, though all she was obtaining from this conversation was how Mirabel was avoiding it. Granted, her sister’s clever, more than most of the town - in any case, more than Isabela herself - but she’s a terrible actress.
“It’s not just the colour. The whole thing. It is… very simple and plain for you.”
“Oh, I haven’t had the chance to embroider—”
“I mean, it’s not you.”
Mirabel blinked.
“You wouldn’t have picked it.”
She waved Isabela off, beaming. “Perhaps. But, you don’t pick out your own Christmas presents. And you still love and accept those, don’t you?”
“It’s not Christmas though.” Isabela argued.
“It was still a present,” Mirabel said.
The older dropped it. The dress was minor. Shocking, but minor. It wasn’t what she had come to ask questions about in the first place.
She can’t waste her time either. She doesn’t know when Luisa will show up.
“You know,” she started, whispering, “I don’t think you like that dress. I also don’t think you want to be the matriarch.”
Mirabel squeaked, quietly. “What? I-I don’t even know what you’re talking about, Isa.”
“Don’t you?” She asks. She turned to her sister. “You don’t look or act like someone who wants this glorious future. More like you’ve just accepted it. I know it must have felt awful when we told you and nobody really listened to how you felt. We didn’t mean to make you think you didn’t have a choice in this. I’m serious, you don’t need to do this—”
“I do. I want to, that is.” Mirabel said. She paused, but not long enough for Isabela to get a word in. “What has got you so worried about this?”
“Um, because I was just here?” The older questioned, getting impatient. “In this same place, not that long ago? About to be forced into something I didn’t want? I almost married Mariano and ruined my life until someone stopped me! Oh wait, hang on a sec, who was that again?” Mirabel looked unimpressed with the dramatics, but Isabela couldn’t pull back her frustration. “Oh yeah, right, that was you!”
Mirabel just made for the courtyard.
She stood up and following instantly, catching a vine around Mirabel’s ankle and curling it up to her knee when she reached the stairs.
“I am done talking to you, Isa.” Mirabel said.
“No, you don’t get to walk off. If this was the other way around, you’d be a stubborn, little pest. I’m not stubborn or little, but I do have the power to keep you here.” She couldn’t help but smirk a little. “So we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice, either way you aren’t leaving until you start talking.”
Mirabel merely tugged pathetically at her leg. “Let go of me.”
“Nope,” Isabela replied. “I’m not gonna let you ruin your life.”
“I am not ruining it. I want to do this.” She argued, before muttering “¿Por qué son tan fuertes?” under her breath.
“I’m gonna be honest, sis, Bruno’s rats have better acting skills.”
“Speaking of honesty, it doesn’t concern you what I want to do with my future. Is it so much to ask for you to stay out of this?”
Isabela didn’t answer. She can’t help but think back to her confrontation with Luisa. Is that all the family see her as? Some stupid and jealous woman, trying to stir up drama? She knows that’s not how Mirabel meant it, but…
Her vines tighten their grip in her anger, thorns starting to grow on the surface.
Mirabel yelps, pulling her hand away from leg immediately. She looks a little teary-eyed as she watches the red dots leak, but she shakes her head, trying and failing to appear unaffected. “I waited years for my opportunity, whatever it may be, to do my part in this family. I want to do this.”
“Oh, okay then,” Isabela sighs, sarcastically relenting. “You don’t have anything to fear, do you? The councilmen will love you, they agreed to have you for a reason: to walk over and do whatever the fuck they want with you, that’s why! The only thing you are doing for our family is preventing one of us from wasting our time and gifts as their useless and worthless pawn!”
Isabela regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.
She hadn’t meant them, not a bit. And especially not like that. But like the thorny vine that’s clearly dug its way into Mirabel’s lower leg, blood is actually dripping onto the tile underneath, her anger has just boiled over.
“Hey, hey, hey sis,” Isabela said, quickly walking over. “Uh, fuck… I didn’t mean it. It’s not true. Okay? I was angry, not with you. You know that, right?” She smiled a bit, nodding, hoping it was putting Mirabel at ease.
But Mirabel isn’t even looking at her.
She reaches a hand out, holding onto her sister’s shoulder. She can feel her trembling.
Isabela doesn’t know what else to do. “Sis, I swear I didn’t… I didn’t mean to—”
She doesn’t have time to react before she is pulled away by the adults.
Isabela isn’t exactly sure who exactly shouted at her, maybe it was a few of them. All she knows is that her father and Tío Félix are quickly dragging her away as subtly as possible; Bruno is just watching in the doorway, awkwardly in the middle of feeding some of his rats; and Pepa is stood behind her brother, trying to shoo a curious Antonio away from the scene.
Her mother is already at Mirabel’s side, kneeling down beside the girl, cupping her face in her hands. “Mirabel? Mirabel, mi amor, it’s okay. Let’s get you out of these vines.”
“What do you think you are doing?” Her father whispers at her, reprimanding. “You are an adult, Isabela. You know better—”
“She was clearly on edge before I did anything.”
“Then why didn’t you just tell one of us and leave her be?”
“I wanted to get her to talk. I didn’t mean to… hey, you don’t get to say that. None of you would have believed me if I told you— let me talk to her! Let go of me!”
“No,” Félix said. “It’ll be better for both of you to spend some time apart. Luisa will be back soon and make sure Mirabel’s okay, if you’re concerned.”
“Fuck Luisa! Mirabel is my sister too! It was an accident!” She snarls.
Agustín is trying really hard not to raise his voice at Isabela. A vein almost popping out in the effort. “You need to be quiet, Isabela. I don’t know what you think you are doing, but you aren’t helping her.”
“And neither are any of you! I’m trying to tell you that something is wrong! She doesn’t want to be the matriarch!” Isabela screeched. “And I’m not jealous or stupid or whatever else you think I am! It’s not my fault that none of you care! It’s not my fault that you are all fucking hurting her!”
The last thing Isabela sees is Abuela stood in the doorway, Dolores and Luisa behind her.
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jahayla-parker · 1 month
The Master Part 11
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Revelations Lead to Solutions
“Olivia?” Tom asked, brows furrowed in confusion as he took in her presence at his door.
Olivia smirked seductively as she leaned against the doorframe. “Hey,” she winked. “I was thinking you might want to share this bottle of red with me?” She proposed, lifting up the wine bottle she’d carried over with her.
He slowly stepped back to let the woman into his apartment. “Have you heard anything new?” He asked as he made his way to his couch.
“About?” Olivia asked, stepping into his kitchen to search for a corkscrew.
“Y/n,” Tom replied, “obviously”. He knew it came out a bit harsh and bitter, but truthfully he was. He’d been asking Olivia about y/n every day since the incident and yet she’d still not told him what he’d done to upset y/n. Allegedly because y/n hasn’t said anything to Olivia either yet. But he wasn’t sure he believed that at this point.
Since his back was to her, Olivia rolled her eyes. She quickly uncorked the bottle, tossed the corkscrew back where she’d found it, and slammed the drawer closed. “Nothing, but that’s why I’ve got us something to drink,” she hummed as she made her way out to his living room.
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“What are you doing?!” Tom gasped, throwing himself backwards to scoot away from Olivia. He’d been venting about how much he wanted to figure out what he’d done to upset y/n when suddenly Olivia leaned over and tried to kiss him.
“Oh, umm,” Olivia bit her lip. “It’s the alcohol?”
He eyed his untouched glass and the barely touched glass in her hand skeptically.
“Alright fine,” Olivia sighed, setting her glass down on the coffee table. “I like you, I mean, how could I not,” she whispered, explicitly looking him up and down. She set her hand on his chest and began to lean forward again.
He grabbed her wrist and pushed her arm off of him before he stood up. “Olivia, I don’t see you that way,” he pointed out. “I’m sorry if that’s harsh,” he sighed, “but I assumed you knew I am in love with y/n”.
“Seriously?!” Olivia screeched, abruptly standing up. “Even after getting her out of the way, you still can’t see what’s right in front of you?!” She asked judgmentally as she signaled how good she looked in her tight black cocktail dress. “I get you want to show your fans you’re charitable and would date a ‘regular person’ and all, but,-“ she said, making air quotations with her fingers as she said ‘regular person’.
“Bloody ‘ell! What did you do?!” He shouted, eyes narrowing with anger. “Did you say something to her?! Is that why she was so upset?!”
Olivia rolled her eyes. “Oh relax, I’m just helping you out. All I did was tell her the truth”.
“Which is?!” He pressed despite having a feeling he already knew. Especially given what y/n had said to him the last time they’d talked.
“That now that you two fucked, you’d come around to realize how boring she is and move on to someone more akin to your lifestyle, and she should get out before that happened,” Olivia shrugged.
His fists balled up at his sides. He was fuming and barely keeping it contained. He couldn’t believe this. She’d been the reason for all of this?! He was no longer offended that y/n had believed he would do such a thing. After all, evidently it was her best friend who’d convinced her of such. And surely y/n thought it was because Olivia cared about her. This only made him angrier. “You’re supposed to be her mate! How could you do this to a friend?!”
“Oh that detail?” Olivia laughed. “That’s not a problem, I took care of that too,” she promised.
He narrowed his gaze as he shook his head in disbelief.
“Come on Tom,” Olivia sighed, stepping closer to him. “We both know that in Hollywood, true friends don't exist”. “It’s all about what you can get out of one another, and I don’t need anything from her anymore, so,” she shrugged with an uncaring half-smile. “Now, come on, let’s move on already and,-“ she began, licking her bottom lip as she neared him further.
“Get the hell out of my flat!” He commanded loudly as he stomped to the front door. “Now!” He barked as he swung the door open.
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Tom ran his hands down in face in frustration. He knew y/n had been avoiding him, but she’d truly outdone herself today. He had even arrived to set early in order to catch her so they could talk. Only, she hadn’t come to her workstation even after they started filming. He didn’t have any scenes he had to do for another hour or so after she was supposed to arrive. Yet, she never showed. He’d spent all of his extra time this morning talking to his cast mates in hopes they’d know where she’d been hiding. Yet, Tati, Mark, and Sophia had all been of no help. Somehow they hadn’t seen her around set so far today either.
“There you are!” Harry shouted, sprinting over to Tom.
“Mate, whatever it is, not now,” Tom sighed. “I can’t find y/n at all!”
“No, listen! I already told you what Olivia said last night, I have to clear things up, Harry,” Tom complained.
Harry sighed and nodded. “I know mate, that’s why I was looking for you the last twenty minutes!” He huffed.
Tom realized Harry’s face was red and he seemed out of breath. He set his hand on his brother’s shoulder supportively. “What do you mean? Have you seen her?” He hoped out loud.
Harry grimaced. “No, but I know where she is,” he mumbled hesitantly.
Tom squinted, brows knit together as he stared at Harry expectantly. “Is she sick?” He guessed, already thinking of where he could go to get some soup to bring to her apartment to help her feel better.
“Not exactly,” Harry murmured.
Harry sighed loudly and pulled Tom to the side of the hallway so people could pass. He knew his brother wasn’t going to like his answer. “I asked the producers if she was ill… and… well, turns out she’s headed to the airport,” he whispered slowly.
Tom blinked repetitively. “…what?” he breathed.
“She quit yesterday afternoon,” Harry explained. “For ‘personal reasons’,” he said, answering the question he knew Tom would be wondering.
“Shit,” Tom muttered. “Come on!” He shouted, grabbing Harry’s hand and pulling him down the hallway.
“Woah! Where are we going??” Harry groaned, trying to keep up with Tom’s hurried pace.
“We gotta stop her,” Tom answered. “Let’s go get my girl back”.
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Y/n sighed to herself as she slowly made her way to the security line. She felt bad for leaving. She’d never left a project early before now. But did she really have a choice? She couldn’t face Olivia. And her heart hurt every time she saw Tom. She doubted she’d last another two weeks. Part of her debated about whether or not she should try to talk to Tom about having caught onto Olivia’s manipulations. But while she hated what Olivia did and knew not to trust her anymore, she still believed the insecurities that Olivia had played off of.
“What?” Tom groaned as Harry caught his arm and pulled him back to the van just as he’d stepped out.
Harry chuckled lightly. “You forgot these mate,” he pointed out, handing Tom the face mask and sunglasses the he’d grabbed for him to use as a disguise. He knew his brother needed to get through the airport as easily and quickly as possible and fans or paparazzi spotting him would hinder that. But he also knew his brother was not thinking clearly as he was in a fury to get to y/n before she boarded. They hadn’t purchased a ticket, so ideally he’d catch up to her before she made it through security, but he knew Tom would be willing to buy a ticket if needed. Which meant it was good Harry always carried their passports on him in his camera bag whenever they were out somewhere when if not in the UK, even if Tom was simply working on set that day- such as today. But, he also knew due to his panicked state, his brother would forget to take measures to hide his identity when rushing into the airport. And clearly he was right, because he’d already told Tom of these items when driving them here and he’d obviously forgotten.
“Right,” Tom mumbled, eagerly taking the items from Harry. He quickly lowered his hood of the jacket he’d fortunately left on the service van a month or so ago. He slid the mask loops around his ears and pinched the strip along the bridge of his nose to ensure he wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. He nearly poked his eyes with the arms of the sunglasses as he hurriedly put them on. “Thanks mate, let’s go!”
Y/n locked her phone and slid it into her pocket for the moment. She used her now-free hand to unclip her Apple Watch from her right wrist in order to get through security quickly. There were only maybe ten people before she’d reach the conveyor belt and need to offload her items, so she might as well prepare now. Just as the band popped off her wrist, she heard someone shouting her name.
It sounded like…
No, it couldn’t be.
Y/n hesitantly turned towards where the voice was coming from as her name was once again shouted across the airport. Her eyes widened and heart sped up rapidly as she caught sight of Tom racing towards her. Or, well, she assumed it was Tom. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie, and his face was covered by a surgical mask and sunglasses. But she knew his voice. And as much as it hurt to remember, she knew his body; even if currently covered in a baggy jacket. She tugged her carryon bag to the barricade tape and slid under it to exit the line, letting those behind her move forward. “Tom?” She asked quietly as she slowly walked closer. Her eyes caught sight of Harry jogging a few feet behind Tom. She was right, it was him. Tom was here. But why? Surely he hadn’t raced to stop her from leaving Barcelona. Had he? She didn’t want to hope. But she couldn’t help the way her heart soared when he slid to a halt before her and grabbed her hands.
Tom momentarily let go of one of her hands as he tugged his mask down and shoved his sunglasses up so he could see her more clearly.
“To-,” y/n cut herself off as she looked around the terminal and remembered they were surrounded by people. “You shouldn’t be here,” she whispered, unable to get herself to pull her hands away from the hold he had on them. “The paparazzi is going to show up any minute and you’ll be-,” she warned.
He shook his head and huffed. “I don’t care,” he admitted as he panted. “Please,” he gasped, trying to catch his breath. “Don’t go, don’t leave. Let me fi-,” he huffed, “-fix-“.
“Tom,” she cooed worriedly. She squeezed his hands tenderly as her eyes scanned his flushed face. “Breathe. Okay? I got out the line,” she reminded him in a gentle voice. “Just catch your breath, please”.
He nodded and took several deep breaths. His eyes never left y/n though, afraid she’d disappear if they did.
“Are you okay?” She asked warmly.
“No,” He confessed with a sigh.
She frowned and looked behind Tom briefly. “There’s a water fountain over there, why don’t we-,” she began to suggest, her concern over his condition increasing due to his words.
He shook his head and squeezed her hands firmly to get her to look back over at him. “That’s not why I’m not alright,” he said, his breath steadying some. “I have to talk to you, please.” He sighed. “I know you don’t want to talk to me, so don’t”. “Just please, I beg of you love, let me talk?” He pleaded.
She responded with a sympathetic smile and nodded slowly. She wasn’t sure if this was a good idea or not. But, he had come all this way.
“I heard what Olivia said to you,” he frowned. He squeezed her hands desperately as if a plea for her to believe his next words. “It’s not true. None of it, please believe me y/n/n. I would never do that. Especially not to you, babe.” His voice broke as he whispered the pet name. “Y/n, I’m so madly in love with you. I don’t care if you’re famous or not, you’re everything to me. I know Olivia got into your head,” he sighed. He felt his eyes start to water, but he forced himself to keep it together enough to continue his speech. “But she’s a bloody liar, and quite frankly a bi-,” he cleared his throat as he cut off his insult. “She doesn’t matter. You matter. Please, you have to understand that I love you as you are, I-,” he paused. His blurry vision lowered to her trembling bottom lip and he shook his head. He changed tactics and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. He smiled, a stray tear cascading down his chiseled jaw as she began to kiss him back with just as much if not more energy.
“Please stay,” he begged breathlessly as they pulled apart.
She silently nodded, her forehead resting against his as she caught her breath. Her cheeks were wet from Tom and her own tears by now.
He grinned widely. “Will you be mine again? I’ll do whatever-“.
“Can you please just kiss me again?!”
He chuckled and rapidly nodded his head. He placed his hands on her damp cheeks and eagerly crashed his lips into hers. As she kissed him back her fingers tangled in his hair. He blindly lowered his hands to her armpits and hooked his arms around her upper back. He gleefully lifted her off the ground, making her giggle; her laughter vibrating against his lips.
“I love you,” y/n exclaimed proudly as she rested her forehead against his once again.
Tom grinned. “I love you too, darling!” He smirked and lifted y/n high up into the air, laughing as she shrieked briefly before erupting into cheerful giggles.
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
DECEMBER NIGHTS - dandy mott x fem!reader
CW: killing & blood references, slight harsh language
SUMMARY: it’s christmas eve, and our beloved dandy’s attitude takes a turn for the worst when both him and dora start an argument with one another. he storms out of the house in his fit of rage, causing you to go out after him and show you’re lover how we should all be treating each other at this happy, festive, and loving time.
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“Oo! It’s a cold one out there tonight!” Dora exclaimed, returning back into the house after previously shovelling some snow in the garden.
You took a look out the window, noticing that Dora wasn’t lying whatsoever. You smiled as you watched little snowflakes fall from the sky, landing softly onto the ground.
Dandy lay on the sofa nearby, grumbling at how he couldn’t open his presents just yet. He hated Christmas Eve. Getting to sleep was impossible. The excitement of all the surprises he’d soon be getting kept kicking in, practically making the poor dear totally desperate at this point.
He glanced towards where you were standing, also noticing the cold weather outside. Dandy barely managed to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the sight of snow. Just last week, he’d adored how frequently it was snowing this month. That was until he’d caught a horrific cold and found himself stuck in bed for the next few days. Sneezing, sniffling, and constantly coughing viciously throughout his time being ill. He recovered quickly, of course. With Dora’s homemade soup and you’re running around after him, he was better in no time.
He then moved his eyes to take a good look under the Christmas tree, scowling at the unopened presents laying underneath. Both you and his mother, Gloria, knew better than to put all his presents in the playroom. It didn’t take a genius to figure out how quickly they’d be torn open. They were for Christmas, and Christmas only.
“Miss, would you care for a quick snack? I’d be more than happy to fetch you some candy canes and s’mores?” Dora smiled at you.
“Oh that would be lovely! Yes, thank you.” You told her politely. She rushed off to the kitchen, preparing you’re batch of sweet treats.
Dandy only scoffed, slightly offended that Dora hadn’t even offered him anything. Not that it was that big of a deal. If he wanted something THAT much, he could easily kick up a fuss and his mother would insist that Dora get him what he wanted right that second.
Dora soon returned with you’re snacks, setting them down on the glass table.
“Enjoy!” She said, just getting ready to leave the room.
“You never asked if I wanted anything.”
Both Dora and yourself stared at Dandy who was now sat with a massive frown on his face.
“Dandy, you know i’ll share with you!” You told him happily, holding out the plate of candy canes.
He pushed them away, looking back to Dora.
“Boy, you know damn well if you want anything you’re just meant to ask. I made enough for the both of you, so stop you’re complaining.” Dora scolded him.
Dandy quickly leaned forward closer to Dora, his temper slowly starting to break.
“You’re the maid. If you offer one person, then you will offer the rest. It’s simply just having manners, Dora.”
“Hah!” She laughed. “Manners? Oh, you ain’t seriously gonna talk to me about manners.. are you? And I don’t need to offer you! Because everyone in this house knows you’ll demand for it anyway!”
“Guys..” You warned.
Dandy furiously stood up from his spot on the sofa, marching towards the exit of the room. “Shut up, Dora! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!”
You heard him stomp his way downstairs, heading straight for the front entrance. You ran to go get him, but the door had already been slammed shut.
Dora watched you leave after him. “That boy is one rude little shit..” She grumbled under her breath.
You tried to see through the snowy blizzard, roaming around the street just a tad bit away from the Mott household. Before you left, Dandy’s car hadn’t moved an inch. So you knew he was just out in this cold weather, alone.
A car passed by, the headlights shining brightly. As it drove off, you saw the shape of a man standing close by.
“Dandy?” You called out.
The man was quick to whip his head around, shivering pitifully. “Darling? Is that you?”
Well, that one was voice you certainly recognised..
You felt a wave of relief pass over you, approaching you’re cold beloved and beginning to feel unsatisfied with his lack of warm clothing.
“Oh Dandy.. you must be freezing! We need to go back home, love.”
“No!” He snapped. “I don’t want to go back and see her. She’ll hold this against me like she does with every other little thing I do wrong!”
You reached out for him, pulling you’re lover closer. “Sweetheart, please. It’s Christmas Eve. We don’t want to miss tomorrow, hmm? All those lovely presents under the tree.. just waiting for you to tear them open.”
You noticed the now intrigued look on his face. His eyes darted from one place to another as he shivered. The vision of a perfect Christmas with the two of you sneaking it’s way into his mind.
“Dandy, this is a time where we should all be happy together. Not arguing nor holding grudges. Come now, we’ll leave and get into more comfortable clothing. I doubt you want to catch another cold.”
He cringed at the thought of becoming ill again and took you’re hand, happily walking back to the mansion.
You heard him giggle softly. “Y/n, when we arrive back home, can I open one of my presents?”
“Dandy, Dandy, Dandy.. what am I going to do with you?” You smiled.
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baddygab-bi · 1 year
1. Anyone legitimately wishing death to her was maybe overstepping a little, like I get the anger completely, but let’s not do stuff that would allow her to play a victim card. That said…
2. What is this apology?? Firstly, she posts this with a picture of herself (?). Like you can’t just post the text, you wanna show yourself off too.
3. “And maybe it was insensitive after all” what did you think it was? I’m cis and was offended by it because I have a shit ton of trans friends and I’m also just not a shit person. It was very obliviously insensitive.
4. “It’s not how I intended it.” The emoji she used in the story following the words “Good one” (😅) was an interesting choice. I’m not up to date with all my emoji meanings, but this seems like one she purposely choose. IF she posted it and meant “good one” in a mocking way or you intended to post it to… I don’t even know… Bring attention to something stupid… Wouldn’t you make your position super clear? I don’t think there’s any possible way that spreading that post would be a good thing, but IF you were doing it to bring negative attention, you should bring damn negativity to it. “This is disgusting! Shame!” Clearly she had an intention that now she’s worried is gonna bite her.
5. She doesn’t follow the account. That means the image was either one she saw from someone else or she’s liked stuff like it, so it came up on her feed as a recommendation. If she didn’t mean what we all think she meant, then where did that picture even come from? I don’t know about you, but my FYP and recs are pretty well tailored to me. So, if this was a “misunderstanding” how did she even come to see this post?
6. I’m a working professional actor. I just had a conversation with an influencer trying to turn actor. The influencer is a major republican with offensive views — Yes, everything you think — and I literally told him that if he wants to seriously work, he needs to stay quiet because his views are wrong and offensive and can get people killed. He hated that. Said it took away his freedom. Actors are fully aware they are in the public eye. Everything you post is thought about because you know people will see it. She’s trying to cover her ass because she knows she’s gonna face backlash and if this spreads, it could truly impact her chances of finding more work, because our industry doesn’t put up with this bullshit. We don’t stand for hate. We don’t want people around who promote hate. If you have beliefs and views that are disgusting and you have a large fanbase, you better lock that shit down. Never voice even a bit of it. The second you start sharing those views, you’re putting lives at risk. She will cry on her live stream. She’ll claim anything and everything she can to save her job.
7. “I’m sorry to those who felt offended” She didn’t apologize for the post. She also didn’t acknowledge why people were offended, just that people could feel offended. I studied law, language is a big part of things and she is walking a line that sounds good on first pass, but then you realize she said nothing. If she was actually apologetic she would say so. She didn’t.
Sorry, this is all making me super heated because as an actor and just a good person I can’t stand people who have power to influence, promoting stuff that can ruin people, can hurt people, can kill people. It’s not a joke. This wasn’t a mistake she made and is trying to play victim of by throwing it on us. This is a big deal.
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countessofravenclaw · 4 months
So, I am unhinged enough apparently to write material for part 7 of S2AU, when I haven't even started part 6 yet.
So, this just some material which has been floating in my head and keeping me from focusing on things I am supposed to be focusing on. So here's a snippet
“What is that?” Isla walked behind Marco in their office and ran her hand on his shoulder. “Doesn’t look like shared price fluctuations.”
“It is not,” He flipped a window open on the tablet, “I was looking into an eye doctor appointment.” 
“Eye doctor?” Isla looked at him, “Have you had difficulty seeing?”
“I am not sure,” Marco shook his head, “So I thought, I'd better check it out.”
“Yes, do it” Isla nodded before sitting down on the desk. “Better now. Glasses would suit you.” 
“I will look like a joke, but it is better to look before you fall. Especially since aging sight is usually genetic, but I can’t know, since my parents never lived to suffer from it. Good to know, for Gastón as well.” Marco put the tablet down, “I didn’t tell you that I talked with Tomas yesterday, right?”
“No,” Isla looked up, “Did he have something to note?”
“Actually, we talked about the gravestone. Now that it has been 20 years soon, I think it’s time to properly get it taken care of. Maybe I actually should go visit the grave.” 
“After the schools are done?” Isla questioned. 
“Could be. Gastón’s hasn’t been there in ages and don’t you want to strong arm Mía and Elise about something. You always talk about it. Easier in person.”
“Well, we could go visit Cordoba during the summer,” Isla nodded, “We can’t avoid that place forever. I need to call my mother anyway, we haven’t talked in a while because I don’t know how I am supposed to explain everything that has been happening to her.” 
“You haven’t told them?”
“Not yet. Mom would worry and Mía and Elise would make thousands of jokes about how we can't stop collecting children. Did you tell Tomas?” 
“I did mention it.” Marco nodded, “He didn’t have much of a reaction. He never does. But Isla, you need to tell them about Luna. We can be honest with each other. This is not going to get solved by summer, so if we go, she’ll be coming along.”
“I know. I’ll call Mom tomorrow, so I can relay the news.” Isla got up and went to grab a file from the bookcase, “…Actually…”
“What?” Marco looked up at her, “Isla, your mother will be extremely offended if you don’t tell her. Are you planning on just showing up with an extra teenager, that they know that there is no way we could have had? The assumptions will range from them thinking that she’s Gastón’s girlfriend, which will make things awkward, to all sorts of other things.”
“No, it has nothing to do with my mother. I’ll talk to her.” Isla flipped a folder over in her hands, “Just came to mind when we were talking about Luna. So, I am not fully sure what I heard—”
“That is never a good sign.” 
“Stay with me. Apparently, she and Matteo have some sort of history.” 
“Matteo, seriously? Did not see that coming.” 
“But when you think about it, isn’t she exactly the sort of a girl Matteo would need? She’s so sunny and brightens up every room she walks in. With everything he’s been through with Alexander, although Sofia did tell me that they might be on the road to mend.” 
“Maybe,” Marco sighed, “but don’t get too excited. They clearly aren’t together anymore. Plus you don’t actually know, and Gastón won’t tell you a thing if you ask.” 
“I wasn’t going to ask,” Isla shrugged laughing, “Just thought, maybe good to keep an eye on the situation—” 
Isla’s phone started ringing.
“Oh, it’s Calvin.” She looked at the screen, “I thought he’d be on shift.” 
“Maybe they’re bored at the station,“ Marco suggested, “tell him that we insist on that dinner.”
“Of course,” Isla nodded and raised the phone to her ear. “Calvin, what do I owe the pleasure? Before you say anything, Maroc and I insist on strong-arming to that dinner, we never get to see any of you and since you’re here… Okay, I’m listening.”
Isla quieted for a moment as something was said to her from the other end of the phone. 
Marco was scrolling through a few of his latest unanswered emails, while Isla was taking the phone call. 
He looked up when he suddenly heard distraught gasp and saw his wife collapse on the couch, a discombobulated and glassy look in her eyes. 
“Isla! What’s wrong?” She was trying to say something, but no words came out of her mouth. She was gripping her phone in a way that her knuckles were turning white.
Marco looked at her face. Something that her brother-in-law had said had gotten her into this state. 
“Calvin, it’s Marco. What is going on?” He grabbed the phone out of Isla’s hand.
“I’m so sorry, but there is no other way. I wanted you to hear this from me.”
“Hear what?”
“Uhm, we responded today to a call at Blake South College.”
Marco looked at Isla again. the panic she was under, was getting to him now too. There was only one reason why Calvin and his company would have been called to Blake. 
“Please tell me I am wrong about what you are going to say.”
Uuu, so Gastón's parenst are Lutteo shippers. I'm sorry, they would be. Matteo's their second son.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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63 | Peter Pan
Pairing: Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader
Wasteland Masterlist
After I follow Y/N outside of the school, the two of us walk across the street towards the library and sit on the steps out front. "You're back," I then remark as she looks down at the ground beside her feet.
"Guess I couldn't hack it in that group," she shrugs.
"Is that the truth?" I ask, wondering what it was like spending time with people quite literally the opposite of The Wanderers. "Or did you leave on a whim again?"
"I'm beginning to sense you all think I have issues with ditching people," she shakes her head softly, trying not to smile as though it wasn't true. 
"You have a pattern of leaving and returning, Y/N, just like a boomerang. And I'm pretty sure you could relate that to abandonment issues..." I try to say gently without offending her.
"Seriously, can you just cut to the point of why you wanted to talk to me?" Y/N scoffs, brushing off the truth in my words. I don't really know much about her, just what Wakasa and the others have told me, but from what I do know there is definitely something she does not want to share. "How come you didn't tell the others where I was going?"
"Cause after you left I made up my mind, too. I want to join that group as well. I can't sit around here all day and worry about whether I'm going to overcome the night. They stay up every single day and I am so fucking tired of it. I want to be part of something different. Something that'll make me feel like I'm really alive, not just breathing," I explain to her.
"Koko, that's not a good idea," she shakes her head. "That group is fucking evil. They've done so much shit I can't even begin to explain it."
"I'm sure they have," I shrug, "but, like I've said, I made up my mind. I want to do something with my life since we're going to be here for possibly the rest of eternity. If doing terrible things keeps me alive, then so be it."
"Seriously?" she scoffs before shaking her head at me in disagreement. "And what would Inupi say about that, huh? You can't just turn your back on him like that."
"You were the one who already left! What the hell are you even saying? Besides, he's weak. This whole group is holding both of us back. You know that, it's why you left. I need to get rid of him," I sigh. As worked up as she makes me, I manage to keep myself calm so she doesn't find out I'm lying about having this all planned out. The truth is, I hadn't given it much thought since she last left but now that she's alive, I'm dying to know what being there was like.
"You can't just kill Inupi," Y/N then says rather loudly, forcing me to shush her like a child.
"What?!" she answers. "It's fucking true. He's like your family!"
"It's the only way, Y/N. I'm sick of this place. If you're not going to help me then fine but don't you dare get in my way!"
"Please don't do this," she pleads once more with widening eyes. "You don't have to do this."
"I've already made up my mind. What should you care? Once you find your friend you'll be out of here anyway, right?" I roll my eyes. But instead of giving me an answer, she walks away without another word. "See what I mean?!" I shout after her. "You're a fucking boomerang!"
Y/N tosses up her middle finger as she crosses the street without bothering to give me a moment's glance. 
DAY 25
The following afternoon Inupi and I go out for a walk around the surrounding area together. Up and down the streets we look for a body that might match Y/N's description but after two hours we have no luck. On our slow walk back to the school, Inupi starts to get on my nerves.
"So what do you think about Y/N being back?" he asks, causing a vein to stick out on my neck.
"What do you mean, what do I think? I think she's going to leave the second she gets what she wants out of us. Just like last time after we saved her damn life," I roll my eyes.
"No... That's not it," he hums, thinking aloud.
"Look, I don't really want to talk about it, okay?" I grumble.
"You know the reason why she left, don't you?" he continues to ask. I grip my gun, pissed off that he keeps bothering to ask.
I turn around, glaring at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" I scowl.
Inupi looks down at his feet. "I think you do. And I think, for some reason, you're not telling me," he asks hesitantly. My fists clench tightly, my anger boiling over inside of me. God, I really could kill him right now.
"Oh, and why would I not tell you? Do you think I'm hiding something from you? You're the one I've been with this whole time, not her," I snap, my voice full of venom.
"Because you're afraid," he says, looking back up at me.
"Afraid of what?" I ask him, confusion in my voice.
"Of her," he replies simply.
"Oh please," I roll my eyes. "In this world, there's far more to worry about than a girl who reappears every now and then."
 "Koko," he calls out to me softly. He's no longer looking in my direction but through my anger, I can't tell that his tone has changed.
"The hell would I have to be afraid of her for? She runs away from her problems instead of dealing with them like I do. That's not scary, that's stupid," I ramble on. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. It's like the words are coming out of my mouth before I even realize what they mean.
Inupi starts to walk ahead of me, slipping around a corner into a dimly lit alleyway. He's done arguing with me. Instead, something else is on his mind. Ahead of him is a dead body with several parts missing, as though it had been chewed off. He calls out to me, but just as I turn, he trips over a stubborn branch sticking out of the ground and falls to the hard ground. Ignoring the dead body beside him, I rush to his side.
I call out to him, hoping he is okay, but there's no response. Inupi had hit his head on the pavement below and was now lying lifeless with a large gash on his head, beside another dead body.
My anger immediately fades into shock when I realize what had happened. Tears fall from my eyes, holding his lifeless body, knowing that I had just lost the closest person in my life.
I can't remember how long I sat there, holding him. All I know is that it was well into the night before my tears finally stopped flowing and the stars came out to shine upon me. Some of the blood on his head was dried up or pushed away from my tears, but the large gash was still there.
His eyes were closed, and I knew he wouldn't be opening them again. I slowly backed away from him until my back hit the opposing wall. My mind raced with thoughts of what had happened here today. Quietly, I then left to get some backup from the rest of the group and Y/N to verify the other body. After all, there was no way I could cart them back to the school by myself. And some time away from Inupi's body would do me some good.
Wasteland Masterlist
Taglist: @pikagirl2001330 @romaka344
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Fuck it Friday
tagged by @monsterrae1 to share something for Fuck it Friday. Thanks for the tag! Tagging whoever wants to play along, @tkwritesdumbassassins @outtoshatter (no pressure) or anyone else who wants to play along.
Posting an older wip that I should totally work on at some point…
Title: If I See You in My Dreams
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: MReyder as always
Tags/warnings: first draft. Reyes has prophetic dreams and it doesn’t always end well for him or his family historically.
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Keema stared at him for a moment, hesitating before joining Evfra and the others.  “Sholaon?” She asked quietly.
He shook his head, biting his cheek instead of speaking.  Sara and half of Scott’s team was still in there and Scott didn’t need him too.  Reyes just needed to convince his feet to move and be productive doing something—anything—that wasn’t here. 
Gently patting his jaw with her hand, Keema gave him a pitying look before she entered the small medbay. She purposefully left the door ajar instead of letting it close behind her. 
“Scott Ryder—I hope you are well,” her greeting carried out into the hallway, spoken loud enough for Reyes to easily hear. 
“Keema,” Scott’s voice was a bit soft but still distinct. “I’m okay.  How are you.”
“I am good Scott Ryder.”
“Do I have to remind you it’s just Scott? Again?” 
Keema laughed. “At least once more Sholaon.”
There was nervous laughter that sounded like Scott’s.  “So how did you know we needed your help?  You got here so fast that it couldn’t have been the distress call.”
There was a pregnant silence with neither Evfra nor Keema answering. “Yes how did you know how to find Meridian?” Jaal—the smug bastard—asked.  
Evfra cleared his throat.  “We were forewarned and it is good that we got here in time to assist.  Had the Kett taken Meridian it would have been difficult to unseat them.”
“Yeah it would have,” Scott agreed. “But seriously.  Who alerted you?  I didn’t know you guys had such good kett intel.”
Reyes could feel the awkward silence and visualized Keema and Evfra debating what to tell his lover since Scott didn’t seem to be in the know. “You should ask our mutual friend,” Keema finally said. 
“What?”  Scott’s question was pure confusion while a woman’s voice Reyes sort of recognized asked, “Who’s your mutual friend?” 
More silence.  Reyes rubbed at his face tiredly, 
“Forewarned.  You said you were forewarned.”  His lover sounded like he was deep in thought. 
“Yes.  As I have been told you humans have a saying that forewarned is forearmed.”
Scott snorted. “Of course he’d say that.”
There was a few titters from what sounded like Peebee and Liam as well as a growl from Jaal.  Why was he the one angaran who didn’t like Reyes on sight? Had he offended Jaal in a previous life?  
He didn’t need to stand here listening to this.  Scott was up and talking.  He’d… he’d find Reyes later or Reyes would just message him to stop by Kadara when he had a chance.   Reyes slunk away down the slightly tilted hallways and out onto the surface, using the same emergency hatch exit he’d used to climb aboard the Hyperion.  Finding his people, he started directing them to help with the cleanup of the remaining kett forces.  They needed to make sure none escaped.
Quickly becoming buried in the work of organizing and coordinating between the Kadaran forces and the Resistance, hours slipped by and night fell.  Reyes was nose deep in a compiled local map projection and talking with the scouting groups when he became aware that someone was standing behind him. 
“Red-5 keep your heading. Take Red-3 and Blue-8 with you. There’s a tangle of the Scourge ahead so keep your speed down and reply back every five.”
“Acknowledged.  Reply back every five,” the pilot said. “Red-5 out.”
Dimming the map so it wasn’t blinding him, Reyes looked over his shoulder to see Scott had managed to escape the infirmary and was leaning against a stack of crates.  He was wearing a soft looking Initaitve hoodie with his arm in a sling but his legs were still encased in armor and his boots that were pretty scuffed up.  His vida looked tired, eyes bruised and skin pale as he studied Reyes with eyes that were gleaming electric blue in the reflected light from the map. In his hands he had two mugs that steamed invitingly and he held one out to Reyes. 
“How are we doing?”  Scott pointed his chin towards the dimmed map. 
Reyes shrugged and took a sip of the coffee which must have come from the Hyperion. “Mop up.  It’ll take a bit.”
Scott frowned, eyes following the movement of fighters on the map.  “How many kett are the still finding?”
“More than a few.”  There had been a surprising number of kett fighters that had scattered after the Verakan had been scuttled by the Architect.  There wasn’t much left of the Archon’s flagship but they’d had to push the other dreadnaught into crashing into the Scourge and that ship had time to try and evacuate so they were hunting all the escape pods and fighters that had been ejected before it’d blown. 
Silent, Scott was still looking at him.  “What?”
“Evfra said that the intel about the Archon heading to Meridian came from you—before I sent out that distress call.”  He said it as a statement not a question.
“Yes?”  Reyes deflected. “You needed help.”
Scott’s lips twisted as he pressed them together in displeasure. “How did you know?  You knew before.”
“Are you accusing me of something?” Reyes asked mildly, not admitting to anything.  He was curious what was going on in his vida’s head. 
“I’m not.  I just find it interesting how you’re able to know these things.  It’s almost like…”
“Like what?”
“Like you can see the future.”
Reyes scoffed, nervous and trying to deflect.
“Don’t,” Scott said sharply, setting his mug down and approaching Reyes until there was less than a handbreadth between their chests, eyes searching Reyes’ face.  “You’re scared. Of what I’m not sure.”
“I’m not scared of you,” Reyes admitted softly, shoulders slumping. “I… it’s difficult to talk about.”
“How you got the intel?” 
“No—well yes.”  Scott was scowling now but he was reaching for Reyes to draw him in closer, free arm wrapping around his waist to close the gap between their bodies. 
“You know you can tell me anything right?  That what you tell me stays between us?  I may be Initiative but you and me… we’re… we’re what? Boyfriends?”
“Partners,” Reyes disagreed immediately trying not to make a face at being tagged Scott’s boyfriend. “Boyfriends implies we are just trying each other out.”
“And we’re not,” Scott agreed. 
“We’re more than boyfriends… at least to me,” Reyes admitted softly. 
“Good to know I’m not the only one.” The scowl disappeared but there was still a worried wrinkle around the eyes. “But seriously Rey, you can tell me anything.”
“What if this changes how you feel about me?  What if it’s… something that makes you think differently of me?”  He hadn’t been this anxious about telling Keema as he’d been too terrified at the time of Scott dying. 
Scott shook his head in swift denial. “I think there’s very little you could say that would change how I feel about you… which… I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.  I know it hasn’t been that long but I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“Mi vida,” Reyes couldn’t stop himself and he was kissing Scott, hands coming up to cup around his face to get a better angle after setting the coffee down. Scott went willingly, mouth opening under Reyes’ as they shared breath. It was like coming home and it settled something in Reyes as they moved against one another.  Scott was alive and here in his arms, out of danger and in love with him. 
His dreams were coming true. All of them and it wasn’t the ones bathed in pain and blood. 
Pulling back to breathe, Reyes leaned his forehead against Scott’s with his eyes closed.  “Sometimes… sometimes I see things.”
The arm around his waist squeezed and released but still held him. “What kind of things?”
Reluctantly, Reyes opened his eyes.  This close, Scott’s eyes were the sapphire blue of twilight and focused fully on him. “Possible futures… and sometimes the past.”
“Really?”  Scott didn’t sound like he disbelieved Reyes but instead like he was processing. “Like how?”
Shrugging, Reyes tried to put a bit of distance between their bodies but Scott didn’t let him escape. “I dream every night… and the closer it is to the present the sharper it gets as there are less possible outcomes.”
“And it comes true?”
He could only nod, trapped by Scott but unwilling to pull away again. 
“Huh.”  Scott looked thoughtful, gaze unfocused as he processed Reyes’ confession.
“I thought for the longest time that I wouldn’t get to meet you.”
“What?”  Scott’s eyes sharpened and the arm tightened again. “What do you mean?”
Biting his lips, Reyes tried to explain. “I saw…something terrible happening.  War and so many deaths—genocide. It was why I joined the Initiative.  I thought it would take me away from you.”
“How long have you been seeing me in your future dreams?”
“Since before I can remember.”  Scott had been there forever except for the almost two years before the Hyperion had entered Heleus after he’d awakened from six hundred years of cryo which he thankfully didn’t remember any dreams from. 
Scott stared at him. “You’ve… you’ve been dreaming of me that long?”
Blushing, Reyes dropped his eyes to look down at Scott’s chest. “You’ve been the love of my dreams forever.”
Scott shifted and that band-like arm released him so that it could catch his chin and tilt it so he had no choice but to look at Scott so he closed his eyes.  He didn’t want to see the shock and horror he was sure he’d find. “Rey—look at me please.”
“No.  Mi vida please I mean that I’ve—“
Scott shut him up by kissing him again.  When he spoke it was against Reyes’ mouth. “You’ve been in love with me that long?”
Nodding dumbly, Reyes didn’t resist when Scott went back to kissing him, tongues tangling. Somehow, he ended up stumbling backwards into a stack of crates, Scott’s body pressing firmly into him like he wanted to climb under Reyes’ skin. Trapped between Scott and the hard surface, Reyes could only cling to his vida. 
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Scott whispered against his mouth. “I think you would only have to ask me and I’d do anything for you.”
“Never that,” Reyes said horrified. “Mi vida—“
“Love you,” Scott interrupted.  “So tell me… what do you see in our future. A bed?”
Caught flat-footed, Reyes looked around them.  There was nothing but stacked crates and anyone could wander by at any time. Scott snorted and then was laughing, his weight still pinning Reyes against the crates. 
“It doesn’t quite work that way,” Reyes grumbled. 
“Oh it doesn’t does it?  Because I definitely see a bed in our future.”
“Where?”  Reyes gestured. 
“I do have a suite on the Hyperion… with a very comfortable bed… and possibly a shower,” he said wrinkling his nose.  “We’re both kinda gross and I don’t know about you…”
That was when Red-5 did his five minute check in and made them freeze. “Red-5 no kett sightings. Continuing on our heading.”
“Acknowledged,” Reyes said into his comm before flicking it back off. “I need to continue coordinating.”
“But later?” Scott arched an eyebrow suggestively. 
“Later.  Give me an hour or two?”  He should have the majority of this done by then and he could hand off anything that wasn’t. 
“Fine,” Scott sighed leaning in for another brief kiss. “But only an hour or two and then I expect you in our bed.”
Backing up with a mischievous grin, hair disheveled from where Reyes’ hands had been tangled in it, Scott purposefully gave a long leer at Reyes. “What’s mine is yours? What’s yours is mine?”
Laughing, Reyes could only nod in agreement. “Yes mi vida. Let me get this finished and I will join you.”
“Can’t wait.  Don’t make me hunt you down again.”  Scott disappeared in the maze of packing crates with a wink.
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written1nthest4rs · 1 year
Just reblogged the only 4 posts I ever made regarding the situation with em1grate and m1llionaires. I didn't know their new blogs until about 8 hours ago. I legit thought they were gone and leaving me alone but it seems that isn't the case. For the last day or so they've been accusing me of stalking them, and talking shit about them when I haven't. You can scroll back on my blog. I have nothing to hide. It's the #the puppeteer // mun tag if you didn't know. And I've been informed that ever since that incident they've been watching my blog, vaguing about me every single day, and even sent screenshots. Now, keep in mind. I originally found out m1llionaires had me blocked bc they were interacting with a mutual. I was curious who they were so I clicked their name. Found I was blocked. I went ok and carried on with my life.
Flash forward a week later, I find out that m1llionaires was h0rrorwood, who got all butthurt cuz I said not to follow me if you don't like my faceclaims. And I never told her bf to block her. I wanted him to say something to her cuz she vagued about me right after I made my post about the fcs issue.
I was gonna leave it there but it kept going (you can scroll my posts from earlier today. They're every single screenshot I had about it.) So I blocked him too and moved on. Now I'll admit I was a bit petty. I posted lyrics to Slaughterhouse, and Massacre The New American Dream, as well as reblogged several pics of palaye supporting LGBT, including trans people. But I eventually stopped and moved on with my life.
Flash forward to a few days ago, and the whole thing with nevermoreunihq starts up. Now, I'm not racist or ableist. I'm gonna say this rn before anybody jumps to conclusions. I do not wish to change my characters or rp characters who do not share the struggles I do, out of respect for the people who do. I don't feel confident enough that I'll get it right and I don't wish to offend anybody. This stranger things blog, inactive from August, chimes in only reading half the post, calls me racist and ableist. Not willing to listen. (These screenshots are also below.) I go into their dms and try to clear the air like an adult. They still are unwilling to listen so I blocked them. Then saw they got an ask from an anon and wouldn't you know. It was the same people with the FC drama. My post about nevermoreunihq, and my response to their post was deleted from here but it still exists on that stranger things blog brokenmvses. Go ahead take a look. As well as the Anon.
After that happened I decide to take a break. It wasn't good for my mental health. I was already dealing with a lot at the time of this happening. Then I get a DM from m1llionaires. (Screenshot is also below from the last day)
I shrug it off, screenshotted it and blocked them. Then I find out just who m1llionaires is. And oh boy. I find out from my sources that m1llionaires had been accusing me of stalking them for the past week, despite me not knowing their URLS until earlier today, and I checked both blogs to see what I could see what had been said. Now at this point, I'd made the new blog and sent dms out to a bunch of people with the new url so we could continue to interact. I found out that someone had ratted out my new blog to my stalkers. They sent me Anon hate but I didn't respond to it. I merely blocked it, hid the blog completely, and changed the URL.
Now here's what's going through my head. One person must've said something or was actively looking for my new blog. If it was the latter, you got too much time on your hands and you're clearly obsessed. If it was the former, somebody ratted me out. Now I told one person I didn't fully trust. And get this, they're mutuals with m1llionaires. So of course my first thought was "seriously? After I defended you after you attempted suicide? I did nothing to you." So I block them on both blogs. Then I got screenshots of a portion of a callout from em1grate.
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The only thing that's true here is that I told people not to follow me if they didn't like my fcs. I wasn't sent the full callout bc it's apparently very long and I can't view the account cuz it's password protected.
And at this point I'd had my pinned post up for a WHILE. Then I get sent this.
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I was never attacking you. I was proving a point. You're just trying to incite hate towards me by playing the victim. IDC if the original post wasn't about me. You vagued about me after I blocked you and told people not to follow me if they don't like my fcs. It's in my rules now because it has to be said now that if you don't like somebody don't follow them.
You need a life. I got better things to worry about in my own life than to worry what goes on in yours. I never actively sought you out. I didn't post about you at all until today. I never looked for you. And now you've brought this on yourself.
Now, as a conclusion. These two are stalkers. They've been stalking my blog since they made their new ones and have been vaguing about me nonstop since when I nearly forgot about them. Consider this a callout, will you? This is how you do a true callout. I am sick of being pushed around by you when I did nothing to you. I'm sick of being bullied. If you see this post, report m1llionaires and em1grate.
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A Lost Empire
AO3 link • FF.net link
Kohaku took her job very seriously. She was an assigned protector for Prince Senku. When he got into trouble (and he always did), she was there to get him out of it. It did help to know what the situation was, though. 
“Prince, what does the scroll say?” she asked from her position behind where he was sitting. 
The prince in question was holding a scroll from his father, the emperor, and staring into the fire with a serious look on his face. He flinched when he heard her voice, looking at her with wide eyes. 
“Well, lioness,” he said, rising to his feet and stretching, “it looks like here is where we part ways.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Very funny, Prince. Where are we going next? Does your father have some diplomatic work for you?” Prince Senku hated diplomacy stuff, but he did it if his father asked him to. 
“I’m ten billion percent serious,” he said, but his smile looked fake. Forced. “I’ll be setting off on my own.”
She stood quietly for a moment, wrestling with the urge to just hoist the man over her shoulder and carry him back to the palace. 
While she stewed, Senku held out a second smaller scroll towards her. “Before I go, this one’s for you. From your sister, I think.”
Kohaku took the scroll but did not open it. She…had been hoping this day never came. 
Senku watched her, raising an eyebrow when she didn’t open it. “What, don’t want me to read over your shoulder?” he sneered. 
She looked around. They had been on their own for a while now. Any courtiers or servants had been dismissed. There was…no one else to ask. And Ruri had sent her the letter directly, so she knew it was important. 
“Prince,” she started, then steeled her nerves and bowed deeply. “I can’t read. I hate to ask this of you, but could you read it to me?” She hoped he wouldn’t be too offended by the request. He was reasonable most of the time, but she was asking him to do a job a servant might do. 
“You…can’t read?” He sounded baffled.
Kohaku felt her cheeks burning. 
“Why did you pick to be my bodyguard, then?”
She knew what he meant. He was a scholar, a mathematician, a scientist. His world and his work revolved around words, writing and sharing and teaching. But he seemed to be a bit mistaken about how the palace guard worked. “I was chosen to be your bodyguard because I can’t read. For your privacy and safety. If I ever learned, I would be dismissed immediately.”
Senku scowled. “I don’t believe for a second that my father allowed that to happen.”
She straightened up and fiddled with the tie on the little scroll in her hand. “Captain Hyoga assigned me personally. I assumed his orders were from the emperor.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? I wouldn’t have cared. I’d have taught you myself.”
She scoffed. Senku was smart, but he’d never had to work (or try to keep) a job a day in his life. “I wanted to keep my job.”
Senku brought his hand up to his face, covering his mouth. He seemed to be thinking very hard. “Okay. Well, I’ll read it for you, and then I’m going, alright?”
She nodded, already resolved to follow Senku at a safe distance if he tried to leave her behind, and handed over the letter. 
“Ah,” he said after opening it and reading for a few seconds, “looks like she got married.”
Kohaku almost fell over in shock. “W-what?! To who?!”
“Uh, some guy named Magma.”
Kohaku did fall to her knees then. “Oh, no, what happened to Father? He’d never agree to her marrying Magma. And Chrome! Chrome wouldn’t stand for this. Are you sure it says married? Not engaged?” If she was just engaged, Kohaku could sneak in and spirit her away. She might do that regardless of Ruri’s marital status. 
He held the scroll out. “You can check for yourself.”
“I just told you I can’t read!” she snapped. “You don’t need to rub it in!” She then realized she had snapped at the Prince and folded into a deep bow. “My Prince, I’m so sorry, I did not mean any disrespect.”
He sighed. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll read it again. Maybe I misread.” There was a pause, and then he said, “Oh, she isn’t going to be married to Magma. My bad. Apparently he tried to fight your dad for her hand and lost. And…your probation is lifted? What?”
Kohaku practically melted in relief. “Oh, thank the heavens.”
He eyed her. No surprise there—Kohaku usually tried to mask her emotions. It felt more professional. “This Magma guy…a bad dude?”
She scoffed. “A jerk. Ruri is sick, and he’s said within her hearing that he just wants to marry her for her property and then kill her off.”
“And your dad didn’t…I don’t know, get the headman to kick him out or something?”
She laughed. “My father is the headman. Magma is our cousin, so he was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, I think.”
Senku looked at her skeptically. “I’m surprised you didn’t kick his ass, lioness.”
She grinned, wide and almost feline in its smugness. “I did. That’s why I was at the palace looking for work—Father put me on probation and banished me. But Ruri didn’t have to marry Magma, so I’m okay with it.”
Senku considered her. “That’s right, you’ve only worked for me for half a year now, haven’t you?” He looked off into the trees. “And most of that time you’ve spent with me, doing research outside the palace.”
Senku had been prepared to bolt as soon as he read his father’s hidden message—run, and trust no one—but his conversation with Kohaku had opened his eyes to a few things. 
One: Hyoga was probably a traitor, and possibly the other guards as well. If the man had ignored the emperor’s wishes about what his son wanted in a bodyguard, what else had he ignored or fabricated?
Two: Kohaku literally couldn’t read. She hadn’t tried to check the letter when he’d lied about Ruri marrying Magma, and she was just a terrible liar in general, so he didn’t think she was faking illiteracy. That meant the only way she could receive messages was by word-of-mouth, and she didn’t leave his side at all, so he didn’t think she was secretly coordinating with the rebel sect. She wasn't the kind of person who tried to do underhanded, sneaky things, either, or even understood them, so it was entirely possible that she had been contacted and just didn’t understand the directives. She was just…very unfortunate in her timing for working in the palace. 
Three: her father was a man of some power. Senku saw the wisdom of laying low, but he wasn’t about to let any rebellion corrupt what his father had worked so hard to build—an empire that encouraged learning and was trying to feed everyone in its borders. And then meant he needed people to help him. And the letter did say her probation was lifted…
He looked over at her. She was standing up and brushing dirt off her knees. She was usually quiet and very quick to act if she felt his safety was being threatened. Strong, determined, and sometimes a bit snarky. He’d enjoyed their time together, traveling the empire. 
But could he trust her?
“Kohaku,” he said, and she jumped to attention with wide eyes. 
“Yes, my Prince.”
Well, that was going to have to go. “From now on, just call me Senku.” He kept talking even though it looked like she had questions. “My scroll was from my father. There’s been some trouble at the capital, and long story short, my father is no longer in power and I’m no longer a prince.”
Kohaku stood there with her mouth open. 
He raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to catch flies, lioness.”
Her mouth snapped shut. “But, sir…”
“Sen-ku. It’s not hard.”
“I don’t…”
“I’m going into hiding for the time being,” he continued, rolling up the message from her sister and retying it. “I need a place to regroup and plan a counterattack.”
“Come to my village,” she said, and he was impressed at how quickly she offered. “My father respects Emperor Byakuya a great deal and would gladly help him or his son.”
“Can he keep my identity a secret?”
She thought for a moment. “Yes, but we shouldn’t tell anyone else. We can say you’re…hm, a scholar from the palace?”
“That works for me. Lead the way,” he said, gesturing them onwards. 
They’d rescue his father and get the empire back, ten billion percent. 
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