#she’s just an racially ambiguous woman
sailorgundam308 · 5 months
Quick modern AU Karlach idea…
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wolfisland · 8 months
im gonna be honest i might actually start blocking ppl who post about karlach in weird ways like if you wanna die on the hill of her being a stone butch top then die because unless youre black i want nothing to do with you, its foul.
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chushanye · 3 months
a non-comperehensive list of everything that made me go insane in nsbu e1:
The character cards- the way theyre used and bent, stained with coffe and burned. Also how the art emphasizes real features like pimples, braces, big ass glasses, wrinkles etc. Ify describing Vic as "racially ambiguous" and how incredibly accurate that is for action movie casting. Ify's voice for Wendell. Liv's conversation with her teacher being painfully relatable if you come from a small town- eveyone telling you you're "better" and need to leave and you just kinda wanna stay. "You're gonna bury us all." Rekha. Everything about her and everything she is. The description of Usha's clothes. "I've been calling people about it." "Yelling." Russell being incredibly hot is real to me. Ally being super aware of how he hasn't been challenged and making it a point to emphasize how the first time he was in a woman's body he felt paralyzing fear that he can be hurt. Him being charming and konely. Ally's obsession with making all their characters wear thongs. Jacob being at the table. His brain was blessed for making Dang because he is an incredibly believable guy. Wallace's reluctant agreement that Dang's alien is real because he doesn't want to make him feel crazy. (was that relatable to anyone else or just me) Every part of the aesthetics of Dang - the grown out fried hair beung my favorite detail. Izy playing an incredibly emotional middle-aged woman who applies lipstick over her mouth and starts sobbung when a teenager lies to her. The teenager and the middle-aged woman being work bestiesm Izy being SO ready with the combacks as Jack. Coockadoodledo bitch. Paula attempting solidarity with Wallace. The teenagers being liars. Brennan's fucking teeth-imitating-veneers impression when exotic fruits man was wtalking. The storyboards. Every bit. Everyone's chemistry. the way that the coworker energy felt realm the way that i swear I can draw a parallel between each one of these characters an actual person I've met. 300000/10 please add your own things
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 months
The failmarriage hatesex fic is growing a second chapter which is very funny to me because Paul/Irulan was a ship I was actively not interested in. But apparently I just needed to unlock the Secret Good Ship Dynamic in my head that makes it compelling to me personally.
Calm, cool, collected ice queen Irulan, effortlessly manipulating things from behind the scenes? Boring to me apparently. Irulan who is frustrated, furious and scared, desperately trying to find a lever to exercise some control over her situation but extremely aware of the fact that she is trapped on the space cocaine death planet under the control of a man who has recently become the most powerful person in the universe and seems rather inclined to violence? Fucking catnip.
And then combine that with Paul being cold and kind of mean but never physically violent, which leaves the threat implicit, which is often scarier (and Paul is always most interesting when he's scary), and leaning into that ambiguity of never exactly knowing how self-aware he is about how much power he has over her.
And then the final element being that Chani is not there. Which seems counterintuitive because I am Chani's #1 defense lawyer. But the thing that I always found unappealing about Paul/Irulan was the idea of the blonde offworlder princess supplanting the indigenous woman canon love interest both in terms of narrative focus and as Paul's primary or ideal partner. And I could never quite make the threesome dynamic work in my head with the book characters because I could never figure out why Chani would ever like or trust Irulan, especially after the whole, y'know, feeding her birth control without her knowledge or consent FOR YEARS thing (which is horrifying enough on a person to person level, but add in the racial/colonial dimension to it and f u c k i n g y i k e s d u d e.)
But ironically once Chani removes herself from the situation--for completely justified reasons--her place in the narrative becomes irrefutable. Because Paul and Irulan both know that he wouldn't give her a second glance if Chani were still around; that he's only fucking her because she's there; that he is just using her as a stand-in for the person he'd rather be doing this with, and she's an inferior replacement as far as he's concerned. Chewy chewy chewy.
And the cherry on top is Irulan belatedly figuring out that she maybe possibly has a tiny bit of a humiliation kink, and the only person who's ever clocked it is Paul. RIP girl but he is gonna be SO fucking annoying about that.
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caliburn-the-sword · 3 months
how come ONLY mal's parentage was ever important enough to have BOTH her parents name dropped in the movies, and not only that, both MAJOR antagonists and not just sidekicks or goons?? cause like. i get that carlos and jay aren't that much of main characters as the girlies, but c'mon after mal and ben, evie was more or less THE main characters. like. when mal was getting all angsty over her dad i whole heartedly believe that evie would've been "hey i get it. yk my dad ________ was also super absent in my life. i understand you <3"
anyway here are my theories on the unknown blank parents of some of the VK's, in order of how much i believe it to be true. shoutout to @piraterefrigerator who heard me out on this and let me bounce ideas off him to try as i tried to figure out who was whose parents
now, we all know that the evil queen is the gold digger of all gold diggers. now, i believe that unlike most other villains and their henchmen, the second that snow white became queen, all of the evil queen's staff would've started serving snow white, snow white is beloved, and none of the evil queen's staff actually had anything to do with her vendetta against snow white OTHER than the huntsman, who i actually don't believe is on the isle since he was good and maybe?? died?? i can't remember
while the evil queen has a killer reputation like the rest of the parents of the core4, since she has no loyal army, no threat of magic to hold over peoples' heads once they all escape the island (i believe she was a potionsmaster/alchemist rather than someone with innate magic like maleficent or jafar), and we don't really know HOW those core 4 ever actually came to power, but we do know she came to power last out of those 4 on the isle since the maleficent exiled her for 10 years
... the place that i'm going with this, is that the evil queen MAY have seduced jafar to be able to share in his power on the isle. but to prove this, i'm going to have to dive into jafar as an individual
the only 'romantic' subplots we ever see jafar in are when he's pursuing jasmine. jafar may have soley wanted to marry jasmine for legal purposes (becoming sultan) and the pedo implications were a complete accident on disney's part. and since he has no claim to that throne through jasmine anymore once he was defeated
his plan getting with the evil queen COULD have been to take back her kingdom and become the king of that kingdom once they escaped the isle, especially because we NEVER actually see jafar complain about aladdin or jasmine, whereas maleficent wants to take over auradon, the evil queen gets pissy over snow white, and cruella harps on about the dogs. not only that, the evil queen is also the ONLY formerly royal woman on the isle that we're aware of in canon
i think. jafar would have ditched eq the second that maleficent banished her because he's more afraid of maleficent than he would have feelings for the evil queen, and he took jay since he wasn't in the immediate blast range (jay isn't eq's son) which is how that all worked
i also think that evie might be one of the only girls that jay doesn't flirt with??? i could be wrong. since i haven't read the first book in a few years
but like. evie is quite racially ambiguous, so while i don't think that makes or breaks this theory, i do think it supports it
a crackpot theory for another candidate of the evil queen's baby daddy is
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but that's a furry, and evie has no furry qualities
lady tremaine and her daughters are, you guessed it, also gold diggers, and i think that they, like all villains on the isle, would have clawed onto whatever power they could, especially given that they had none of their own legions, magic outside the isle, any reputation that they could stake their lives on (in the grand scheme of things, making a girl clean the house isn't all that grand compared to people that tried to conquer kingdoms)
now. we never see the tremaines in descendants so i'm inclined to believe that they look exactly as in the animated/live action cinderella movies, aka european descent, but dizzy herself is portrayed by a wasian actress
while the descendants casting was more or less raceblind for the vk's, i'm still inclined to believe that dizzy is actually the daughter of shan yu, which effectively would grant that evil stepsister a bit of a leg to stand on in the isle
now, carlos has NO magic, and is also noticeably paler than his mother. which means his father could be any white disney antagonist, which is *check notes* a lot of them. cruella is a nepo baby, so i don't think she would've been a gold digger like others on this list. especially because, as "the bitch that wanted 101 puppies dead for her fur coat" i don't think she needed anything for her reputation as the scary crazy bitch that wants 101 puppies for her fur coat
... narrowing down her baby daddy's identity to "possibly white" and "not magic" does not narrow it down by much since i don't have any other personal taste i could attribute to her, other than perhaps hunters
the candidates are, in most to least likely, are:
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because i think only a catnapper would get behind cruella's batshit dognapping plan
however, there is also this guy:
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cause i think she would appreciate his hunting of an exotic animal
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this guy, because i think she would like the idea of a fox fur coat
this guy, because he does animal abuse and cruella would get behind that
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or, my most crackpot theory yet:
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"but cal, that's a wolf!! and cruella fucking hates dogs!!"
i could argue that cruella wanted to skin that guy for a coat and was gonna get him while he was a asleep, failed, and then raised carlos to believe all dogs are bad because fuck that guy in particular. also, carlos DOES run fast enough for the sport team as like. their canonically fastest player, despite him being a little computer nerd. that boy has never run in his LIFE. so like. you could attribute having a wolf father to him being a fastboi
harry hook
as for harry, i honestly think his mother is a milf. because those good looks had to come from SOMEWHERE
also, if we're following punnet squares, harry has light coloured eyes and hook has brown eyes, so one of hook's parents probably had blue eyes, and i imagine either hook's mother or his grandparents on that side of the family would have to have blue eyes. for simplicity's sake, i'm gonna assume that it was his mother so that i can narrow it down
harry ALSO doesn't have magic, so i'm running with the assumption that his mother has blue eyes, maybe dark hair (unimportant), and no magic, and is presumably white. one woman that fits the bill is mother gothel
i will be referring to this post quite a bit
i need to start this by saying, there is a popular theory that jafar swapped out his actual child for aladdin's son, and jay is actually the son of aladdin and jasmine. i think that this is a stupid ass theory, because the barrier had already been up on the isle for 4 years at that point, and if jafar had managed to SOMEHOW get off the isle, travel all the way to agrabah, swap out their similarly aged children, do you not think he would have just STAYED off the isle instead of returning with his new son to stock the store??? he wouldn't need to stock the store if he WASN'T ON THE ISLE is all i will say. also, you don't just genetically inherit your parents' ability to steal, it is a learnt skill. jafar learnt how to do it, and then taught jay, plain and simple
however, unless jay is more than 9 months older than evie but less than 12 months older than her, then his mother would be some other woman, especially because the two were raised completely separately. i DON'T think that the evil queen is jay's mother, but i still think jafar would've gone as close to royal as possible since we know he values economic status
there aren't many female villains, so the main candidates for this would've been yzma (kuzco's royal adviser, very close to successful to stealing his throne), or the other tremaine evil stepsister??? since that was a reasonably wealthy family considering their inheritance
as for yzma, i don't think she has any inate magic of her own, just alchemy, which accounts for jay not inheriting any magic like mal. yzma is also, i assume, an albino latina, but whether jay has a european mother or a brown mother i don't actually think that matters too much since he's fairly ambiguous
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sidenote, i always knew that booboo stewart was indigenous but i didn't know he was also asian omg
now for the son of jafar, obviously they couldn't be raceblind when casting him and had to find someone not white for the role. and hollywood treats brown people as quite interchangeably and just casts whoever as whoever (see the oscar isaac joke that in the 'a priest, rabbi, and imam walk into a bar' joke, he can play all three), but i'm using this as my proof anyway that jay is (possibly) a son of yzma
uma is unfortunately at the bottom of this list, because i actually have no idea who her father would be. like sure, it would be easy to just go and say "well the only other Black villain on the isle is facilier so it must be him" but he is SO present in celia's life and has such a good relationship with her that i refuse to believe that he would in the same beat be completely absent in uma's life. unless there are other disney villains that got racechanged in the descendants universe that we're unaware of, i actually have no idea who uma's father would be, ESPECIALLY because the only comment ursula ever makes on men is in poor unfortunate souls, but that was more her gaslighting ariel than her actual proper view on men and romance. the only thing i can say is that since ursula is in squid form on the isle naturally despite the magic ban, but uma is naturally in human form, i definitely think that uma has a human father rather than a father from an undersea kingdom. if any uma stans want to weigh in here, please go for it because i'd love to hear who you think is uma's father
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nightcolorz · 3 months
ok armand's backstory is super tragic in the books but the show makes it even more devastating with The Implications. imagine marius leaving armand (his slave who he abused ever since he was a child) for the Evil Satan Cult and instead turning bianca (white rich woman)and choosing her as his new companion. makes me sick insane etc
OH MY GOD YES IM ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS!!! In the books Armand is also technically Marius’s slave, but the way it’s portrayed from Armand’s perspective encourages u to forget about that. But the way the show highlights how Armand was a slave and shows how it influences the way Marius treated him annnndddd made Armand a person of color adds such a disturbing layer to an already disturbing dynamic. (Which i love lol)
I loooveee that u brought up Bianca bcus the whole dynamic with Bianca is sooo fucked up and no one ever talks about it. In blood and gold Marius explains that he was lonely and wanted a vampire companion, who he originally wanted to be Bianca, but he felt super mf guilty about this bcus Bianca is a young well off bright white girl and by turning her into a vampire and taking her for himself he’d be depriving her of her chance at a prosperous life and humanity. And the way Marius gets over angsting about how badly he wants Bianca but how he can’t take her cuz it’d be fucked is by BUYING ARMAND!! Marius buys Armand bcus he considers him *less of a person* than Bianca and therefor someone he can use and abuse without any guilt. So now that Armand is a person of color, that dynamic It’s basically like, “I can’t harm this sweet white girl even tho i want to so bad, that would be horrible!!! Wait, Oh my god yay!!! A brown boy <3 I can do as many terrible things that I want to him because he isn’t human to me <3” like holy shit that is sickening. And it’s such a nail on the coffin how once Marius decides to discard Armand bcus he’s not worth saving to him he immediately turns Bianca and decides that she’s his companion now, like oh my god.
making Armand a person of color was honestly one of my favorite (if not my fav) change that amc made with the characters. In the books Armand is always portrayed as having this ambiguous social oppressor that causes him to be seen as less then human or less worthy of inherent respect + dignity as other ppl, especially in his human lifetime, and it is so prevailing throughout his life that Armand is used to being treated like he’s nothing, so Armand being a person of color just makes sense to me. Not only that, but his entire backstory where there is so much emotional weight put on how Armand was stripped of his cultural identity and his birth name and his connection to religion by being sold into slavery so he’s lost the ability to understand who he is ?!?!? Like it’s kind of insane to me sometimes that all of the aspects of Armand’s backstory in the show that are very much racial trauma happened the exact same way in the books 😭. It makes a little too much sense lol
thank u sm for the ask I love angsting about Armand’s backstory more then anything!!!! ❤️❤️
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desertdollranch · 1 year
As 'Barbie' becomes the only billion-dollar blockbuster solely directed by a woman, one doll maker in the Bay Area is hoping to break barriers of her own.
When 3-year-old Jillian Mak asked for her first doll last year, her mom, Elenor Mak, couldn't wait to get her one.
But her excitement turned to disappointment the moment she set foot in the store. 
"There were rows and rows of Caucasian dolls [with] blond hair and blue eyes," she said. "And then, on the very side, there were these ethnic characters that looked ambiguously Asian, Latina. You just weren't sure."
She ended up buying the closest thing she could find, a doll with big green eyes and dark brown hair. But the idea that in 2022 she couldn't find a single accurate Asian American doll, in San Francisco of all places, was hard to wrap her mind around. 
"Dolls are not just a toy that's in passing," she explained. It's the child's first imaginary friend. It's the child trying to make sense of the world."
That's when Elenor Mak decided to do something about it. She started by doing an online search for "How to make a doll?"  
Then, she searched for an Asian toy maker. For the next few months, they researched everything from eye shape to skin tones to hair color.  
"We would go out in the sun and look at our black hair and compare it to these samples," she said. 
While there were a few Asian American dolls by big-name companies like American Girl, she thought they were "too stereotypical."
"We talk about how she loves sports," she said. "It's not a traditional association."
She named her doll Jilly Bing — Jilly for her daughter's nickname, and Bing is the Chinese word for cookie. One of Jilly's accessories is a hat that flips into an egg tart.
"We wanted kids to have fun and delight in learning about different Asian foods," she said.
Maria Teresa Hart, the author of the book 'Doll,' said being able to see yourself in them is critical. 
"We have all of our feelings and assumptions about society are all contained in these toys and children are smart they do pick up on that" she said. "They may not be able to articulate it as well as we can, but they do understand what is being shown to them."
Elenor Mak is now planning a whole cast of "lovable characters" she said will reflect the entire Asian American experience, including bi-racial dolls. 
Jilly Bing, which sells for $68 online, seems to have struck a chord, the dolls began shipping on Aug. 1, with hundreds of pre-orders. 
But the only customer that really matters is the one living in her house. 
When asked what she loved most about Jilly Bing, 3-year-old Jillian exclaimed: "Everything!"
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Lestat & Gender: "I am she, she is me."
Scrolling the tags and sighing, cuz I just KNEW people were gonna take this line out of context, as proof that Lestat's the woman/wife/mother/femme-fatale (which @dwreader had to explain cuz folks just don't get it X X), blahblahblah. I've already said my whole bit on Lestat as the patriarchal father/husband, and the dandified matador/killer (a la Bruce). But I just wanna remind y'all that THE SAINT IS NOT A CITY.
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Either the fandom's got a bunch of new Lestans posting who missed the discourse from S1 about the meaning behind Les's monologues from the books; or y'all just have frightfully short memories.
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He's NOT talking about stupid effing New Orleans; and he's NOT calling himself a woman. He's talking about LOUIS. Louis' motherland! Louis' culture! Louis' ancestor's bones! Louis' grave soil! Louis's HOME--Louis' back at home, and Louis IS his home.
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But here y'all go, always centering everything on Lestat's yaasification, and ignoring the Louis-shaped elephant in the room.
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Lestat's been talking about Louis to his nameless Millennial Fledgling this whole time. Everyone knows who Louis is--and what he means to Lestat. This is CRUCIAL for Loustat going forward in TVC, when Lou's held as collateral against Lest by Akasha and Rhoshamandes.
But for some reason Lestans are hella quick to separate Lestat's identity from Louis every chance y'all get, then wanna whine & complain about the QotD movie pairing Lestat with Jesse, or AR tryna pair Les with Tom, Dick & Harry.
And YES, I will die on the hill that this whole anti-feminine discourse about AMC!Louis is couched in racial prejudice and biases--a trap that even Black fans who are pro-Louis fall into, while ignoring the struggles of effeminate/feminized gay Black men in their own effing community (X X X X).
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But this is BY FAR more endemic in spaces predominately occupied by straight white women, who utterly fail to relate to their direct antithesis: gay Black men (X X). So of course they'll leap on every chance they get to glom onto long-haired blonde white drama queen Lestat as their spirit animal, even when he's LITERALLY TELLING Y'ALL that he himself identifies himself with LOUIS.
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(Lestat's toxic color blindness is a whole 'nother conversation, omg. X X X)
Lestat says "she" because it's conventional speech to refer to places--especially continents, countries, and cities--as female, denoting motherhood and wives--places as people that take care of their own, as a mother would her children and/or spouse; a la the Statue of Liberty, personified virtues, and most abstract concepts we've inherited from Greco-Roman gender inequality about women as home-makers (HOUSEWIVES) being barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen. It's not even an exclusively English phenomenon. NOLA, like any city, is referred to as a "she."
So yes, to an extent, Lestat is channeling LOUIS; waiting at home for his spouse to come back and TAKE CARE OF HIM again. But Lestat is NOT a home-maker. He's living in a nasty AF shack, with only his music for company (and we know his tour's all about TVL & Akasha & Marius & Claudia & Louis). He treats his own Millennial Fledgling (his BLOOD CHILD) like trash; setting him on fire "IN LOUIS' HONOR" and not even knowing his name--he's NOT tryna be no one's MOTHER. He couldn't even bring himself to be Claudia's effing FATHER when she was literally burning alive two feet away from him, FFS.
But it's not about the brick & mortar or the PLACE itself--it's about the PERSON it's attached to--cuz Lestat always knew that Louis would eventually come back to NOLA--come back HOME--and FIND LESTAT WAITING FOR HIM THERE.
But AMC leaves it deliberately open-ended and ambiguous what Louis says to Lestat during their hug, and we don't see Lestat in Dubai, or any implication that Loustat is remarried/a couple again. Louis' putting down the torch, to stop accepting everyone's effing dregs; "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...the wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Cuz Lou's decided to finally start learning how to live on his own for the first time in his entire life; for himself, not other people--AND realize that he doesn't need to rely on his husbands to fight his battles for him. "I own the night!"
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henneseyhoe · 1 year
I Think She Like Me.
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Oc x BLACK!FEM!reader
WARNINGS: smuttt, masterbation, gay shit, smoking, sexual confusion.
Summary:your girl crush wants you more than you thought.
Ps. This is my first girlxgirl smut so please give feedback and advice if y’all can! Also some of this is unedited but it’s late so I’ll do it later Lmfao.
Look at her. She was so. Damn. Fine. The way she applied pink tinted gloss to her already two toned pink lips had my thighs clenching, wishing she was in between them instead to halt them from closing, my very own honey flooding her tongue as she made it her mission to lick up every drop that spilled from this pussy, which she claimed belonged to her.
Just gawking at her like this made me confused. I was confused looking at her and her beauty, but something in me said I didn’t have to understand to admire, and I was fine with doing that without dissecting my feelings towards her, or any other woman for that matter.
“You got a staring problem” I hear from besides me, making me look back down at the assignment papers I was really supposed to be focused on. I heard Marlo sigh. “I’ve been talking for five minutes and all you can do is stare across the room! Who you thinkin’ bout’, shordy? Me?” My bestfriend teased, poking at my stomach. I chuckle and swat his hand away, pulling my crop top down to cover the place he poked.
Marlo wasn’t a fan of being ignored, especially by me. He demanded attention all the time like the extra drama king he was. You’d think he wouldn’t want any more attention with how racially ambiguous and confusing he looked as a whole, but I stood corrected.
“Cut it out. I’m just…thinking of ideas”
“What kind?”
I glare at him, getting ready to say something smart, per usual. “The kind that’ll get us both an A, nigga” He kisses his teeth, us both laughing because he knew he wasn’t gonna do any work that was helpful anyway. He was never any help during these group assignments, but I was use to it after two years of friendship. If it didn’t have anything to do with the frat he pledged to, or girls, he wasn’t interested.
“You know you ain’t shit for not helping me”
“Ain’t shiiiit?” He held his chest, gasping. “I provide the supplies, mamas. Ion need to help if I’m spending money”
“Yeah, yo ass need to buy us an A so I don’t have to work either” I shook my head, and he shrugs.
“Speaking of buying A’s, here comes bird chest and her AyE kAy aYes” he joked, making fun of the group of girls walking towards us, specifically pointing his insult at his ex, Alicia, and her new C cup titties.
I kept my giggles to a minimum and lowered my gaze to avoid any unnecessary looks from any of the girls that’d have my heart ready to jump out from my throat and onto the table in front of me. Obviously that was unsuccessful, Raven greeting me with a soft spoken “Y/N” while walking by me with a sultry sway, her dropping a paper besides my hand and sliding it into my main view before she made her way out of the cafeteria with the rest of her friends.
“Well damn, I’m invisible?” Marlo grumbled, his eyes following Raven just as intensely as mine. It was obvious we were both looking at her ass sitting up in that skirt. I took it upon myself to control my urges and turned away first to avoid any questions, picking up the flyer in front of me. Reading the paper that was just given, my eyes skimmed over the words to get the gist of what was going on, but before I could even finish, the paper was snatched out of my hand by Marlo, a devious smile on his face.
“Ouuu! Y’all havin a sleepover, how cute is that? A bunch of girls in ya’ girly little bras and laced panties, braiding each other hair and painting toes all night” his tone got more perverted as he went on, a disgusted groan leaving my mouth.
“You’re a pervert” I say, snatching the paper away and reading the rest of it. He laughs and peaks over my shoulder to read the rest of the paper. “It’s at Raven’s house? Matter fact, I think imma come” He smirks, but I shoved the paper back in his face before he could settle on that idea. “No boys allowed! Have fun beating your dick to the thought tonight though” Getting up from my seat, I excuse myself from the conversation by walking away. Marlo sucks his teeth and stands from his seat, walking the opposite direction of me.
“Aye! Raven!” Marlo shouted, the girl stopping dead in her tracks. Letting out a sigh, she turns to him, a sassed hand placed on her hip. She could smell the bullshit a mile away. “Why do you always find me? What now, Marlo?” She asks, having no time for his daily shenanigans he always attempts to pull her into for some odd reason.
“You ain’t call me last night. Wassup wit’ that?”
“I gotta talk to you everyday now?”
His lip arched up and he looked at her up and down. “Ian askin’ you to cupcake wit�� a nigga, I’m just wondering why you ain’t call”
“Cause I didn’t have to…” she shrugs, looking around, waiting for the perfect time to exit. Marlo chuckles with no humor. “That’s how you act after you put the pussy on somebody?” He boldly mentions. Raven took all disrespect to him even approaching her, but talking about them fucking in public? A big no-no.
Raven squints, ready to bite his head off for mentioning their little “moment” together. “I told you not to tell nobody, and yet here you are, talking about it freely”
“I didn’t tell nobody, but why you don’t want nobody to know we fucked? It ain’t even that deep”
“It is! I don’t need everybody knowing who getting this pussy, and you not about to have my name out here” she huffs, frustrated that she even had to explain that to him. “I knew I shouldn’t have fucked wit’ ya’ ass! Y’all niggas chat more than women” she fussed.
Marlo kisses his teeth, waving her off. “Man, cut the bullshit. You probably got a nigga and don’t want word to get around”
Raven laughs, shaking her head. “Ain’t nobody worried bout no nigga, irritating ass. Now lemme get to my class ‘fo you make me late” Her accent became more pronounced the more irritant she got.
she turns to walk away, but Marlo was stubborn and was planning on bussin her down again by the end of the day, so he pulls her right back to place. With undeniable anger, Raven jerks away from him, her hot head traits popping out like never before. Too bad for her, Marlo was also quick to get loud.
They argued. Back and forth. Marlo’s Brooklyn accent over lapped with Raven’s Creole one, a loud, hot mix of cajun and tajin that would have never lasted in a relationship.
“You know what- I got sum fa’ you!” Raven said, her hand held up to the boys face. He immediately stopped talking, his head tilted and his eyes in a squint. “Whatchu got for me, ma? Huh?” He asks, his tone threatening, but Raven was unfazed.
“You’ll see when I’m fuckin’ ya’ friend” She smiles. Her statement was both a threat, and a promise, and Raven was a woman to always keep her word.
“…Excuse me?”
“You heard me” She stepped closer. Marlo only had one friend that Raven knew, and he knew that friend wasn’t on no freak shit like that. Or so he thought.
“That sleepover tomorrow night? I’m gonna fuck your best friend”. Marlo stood there, unimpressed with the threat. “Okay. You have fun with that, Raven” and with that, she walked away, leaving a salty Marlo in her dust.
“Listen up, ladies! First task of Raven’s super summertime slumber party, we gotta take our shots. And no pretending, I’m willing to smell breath after this to make sure!” Raven announced, the girls laughing and taking their shots as soon as they were served to them. Everyone was packing into the kitchen to get their own drinks of choice, downing them with small “eck”s and “yuck”s leaving their mouths.
I shivered as I took my shot, patron being my choice of liquid death.
“Oh, you got balls” I heard from behind me as I finished my drink. I cleared my burning throat and turned, Raven giving me a soft smile as she took a small sip of her drink.
I paused, looking around to make sure she was talking to me. “Yeah, you” She confirms.
“No chaser?” She asks, grabbing at the punch bowl on the table next to her and pouring herself a little more of whatever spiked drink she had in her red solo cup.
“Yeah, no. I don’t do chasers” I answer, my energy becoming more reserved like I wasn’t just shaking my ass to the yinyang twins a few minutes ago.
“You like the taste of it without a chaser?” leaning closer to me, I feel her hand brush against my lower back, softly pushing me aside to grab a piece of chocolate that was offered out for everyone to take as they please. I nod, watching her take a bite of the Hershey kiss, then lick her lips to rid them of the droplets of alcohol and chocolate that didn’t make it into her mouth. I could only hope she knew what else she could do with that damn tongue.
“What else do you like? The smooth or the burning feeling?”
“Both..I like how it feels going down” I answer, and she smirks.
“I like how it feel going down too”
She hums, eyes trailing down my body. It was like she was only using the conversation as a way to freely steal glances. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was checking me out. “..Nice top by the way” Darting her eyes back up to mine, she takes another sip of her drink, then simply walks away.
‘What the fuck?’ I questioned myself. If I didn’t have my thighs clenched so tightly right now, I probably would have already had dampened my panties by now.
Minutes later and there was music blasting, dancing, card games, but most importantly, and my favorite part, a blunt rotation. The blunt was passed around more than twenty times by now between me, Raven, and five other girls who decided to partake.
“I think I’m feelin it!” Tinesha gasps, smiling to herself. I chuckle at her reaction and take a strong pull from the blunt, passing it to Raven right after. She happily takes the blunt from me, her soft fingers caressing mine simultaneously to her taking the spliff from me.
I attempted to ignore all over her subtle, yet not so subtle movements and comments towards me. I felt like I was tripping for even thinking she was coming onto me. Maybe it was the shots and this blunt.
Weed smoke surrounded all of us, the taste of herb and alcohol parading my tongue. I blew smoke into the air and smiled, the girls around me cheering me on.
I felt my body relax in the couch as the minutes ticked by, the heat of Raven’s body next to me giving me a sort of comfort as I tried to find calm in my current space. I could physically hear my heartbeat in my ears now, and I was thinking about how bold I had to be to actually come to this sleepover, but it must’ve looked like I was geeking instead of panicking.
“You feelin it yet?” Raven asks, her leg making its way over mine. I felt her run her freshly done toes up my shin, her touch sending sparkling tingles through me. It was like my brain went into panic mode, my first thought being to jump up. Was she really coming onto me?
“We should go change for tonight!” I declared suddenly, the girls attention falling onto me. If I were them I’d look at me like I was crazy, but seeing that the weed was louder than a frat house, nobody saw a problem with my sudden urge to end the night. “Ouuu, yes! I bought us all these cute onesies to wear tonight for pictures” one of the girls exclaimed, standing up and running off to the living room to grab the clothing.
“I actually need to take another shower, so imma take this outfit change as an excuse” Tinesha spoke up, one other girl agreeing. A shower is just what I needed to cool me down. “I’ll take one too” I said, wiping my sweaty hands in my jean shorts. “I guess I’m taking a shower too” Raven says, smiling.
Like I said before, a shower is just what I needed. The bathroom was huge, and the shower alone was bigger than any I’ve ever been in before. The water was hot, just how I liked it, and the water pressure was enough to send me to heaven. It honestly almost did when I was rinsing off with the detachable shower head and accidentally put it too low, the water grazing my clit ever so slightly, but it was still enough to make me let out a stifled moan as my knees buckled.
I had to quickly get out of there before I started something.
Wrapping a towel around my body, I grabbed the clothes that was given to me and exited out of the fogged up bathroom, walking through the long hallways of this house that was quite literally made for a princess. The house was huge, no doubt. Five bedrooms, a bathroom in each, outdoor pool, basement AND attic, even a kitchenette to compliment it all. I’d love to live in some big ass castle like this, but obviously it wouldn’t fall into my lap easily, and I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. Raven though? Born a heiress to both her parents fortune. Her mother was an accountant, and her father a successful realtor. She had it made.
I knew because I may have done some snooping on a few girls upon deciding whether I wanted to pledge AKA or not.
‘Damn, does this place end?’ I asked myself as I picked a random room to change in, assuming not all of them could have been occupied. Twisting the door handle, I walk in, but immediately stop in my tracks once I realized it was occupied, specifically by Raven.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I’ll go to another room-“
“No, come in! I don’t bite, I promise” she smiles, holding the towel up to her body.
“Y-..you sure?”
“Yeah! The rest of the rooms are occupied too so you might as well” I nervously chuckle. “All of them?
“All five, baby” She confirms, giggling.
I clear my throat and hesitantly walk into the room, my heart beating like a drum in my chest. “Close the door, silly. I don’t want just anybody seeing my goodies” she says, flipping her 26 inch bundles off of her shoulders.
I slowly close the door behind me with my foot, my arms clutching my clothes close to me. I had never been alone with her before, or any woman like this. Not this close, not this naked. I felt hot, and not in the heated way.
Easily slipping off her towel as if she wasn’t naked underneath it, she begins moisturizing her body with what I presumed to be oil. My hands fly up to my face at lightning speed and my clothes fell to the floor, a light gasp leaving my mouth at how it happened so quickly. I couldn’t tell if she was being promiscuous or if she was just that comfortable with me. Something told me it wasn’t the second option.
I heard her let out a shallow sigh, like she was tired of my reactions. “Raven I-“
“I want you to look….” She interrupts and I tilt my head, my hands still covering my eyes.
“I said, I want you to look. You want to anyway. Cmon..” she pried. my breath was shaky as I slowly let my hands down, the girl continuing with her previous actions.
I had never been this open with women before, it shocked me how she was so free. Just last year I was convincing myself that I was straight. I was wrong. I don’t know what I am, but looking at the scene in front of me, it definitely ain’t that.
She rubbed oil over her torso and arms, her hands smoothing over her collar bones before making their way down to her titties. Round, brown, perky, pretty. She had tits models would die for. Her nipples were hard, standing at attention as her fingers caressed over them, her plump lips letting a moan slip right passed them. The touching was constant, her hands never leaving her body with her left hand sliding towards her freshly waxed pussy.
You could immediately see the glow and sheen the oil gave her lips as she used her entire hand to spread the oil over her before taking her middle finger and sliding it between her lips for a split second, a smirk growing on her face as I watched in almost a controlled state, not missing a beat.
“You wanna watch?” She asked. I didn’t even have to answer before she climbed into the bed and laid on her back, her ass slightly hanging off the bed with her legs spread wide, giving me a clear show of everything she had. Umber on the outside, rose pink on the inside. I couldn’t even help the jumping of my clit, my slick coating between my thighs as it had no barrier to stop it.
Ravens fingers danced around her slim body, one of her hands still working on tweaking her nipples as the other did as it pleased with her pussy, a singular finger playing with her pink button. She rubbed in circular motions with her jaw slack, breathy sighs leaving her mouth and moans following after. She could feel my urge to fall to my knees, but she gave me no permission.
Her juices her slowly pushed out of her as she clenched around nothing at all, her fingers tracing down to spread a little of what was urging to touch the sheets under her. She only rubbed faster from this point on. Her toes curled, and her moans picking up. her hips bucked upwards, and her legs shook. She came so gracefully with a constant lull of her head, her fringes falling into her face once she picked her head back up and looked at me.
“You like me…don’t you, Y/N?” She spoke suddenly, controlling her breathing.
“…yeah” I answer, nodding.
“So..can I make you cum tonight?”
“Yes, please” She smiles.
“Come lick me up and I’ll make you cum as many times as you want then”
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
Jason Todd fic Masterlist
I am accepting ✨fic prompts✨
The Hand that Feeds Bit Me First
Ongoing Jason Todd x con artist female OC fic. A friends to lovers/slow burn story exploring every era of Jason Todd comics, from Robin to UtRH to Current era. Comedy, Hurt/Comfort, Angst. OC is a regular Gothamite with a more sense of humour then common sense.
Jason had known Louise for years. She’d been his getaway driver, his alibi, a co-conspirator. He had bailed her out of the trouble she got herself into more times than he could count. With a straight face she told Batman she had never even heard of the Red Hood, while he was passed out on her couch. He confirmed to many an HR department that she definitely worked for him, uh-huh, five years in accounts? Absolutely, best accountant he’d ever had. He held her hand at her grandpa's funeral. Boyfriends and girlfriends came and went. Heroes and villains, dubious costumes and harebrained schemes. They remained.
For the Hell of it (AO3 link)
Tumblr Masterlist
Completed Jason Todd x civilian female OC fic. Friends to lovers slow burn, slice of life overall, with occasional forays into hurt/comfort. Warm and fluffy. OC is a racially ambiguous woman studying at Gotham U named Andy.
She leaned her cheek against his back as the bike took off. Before she met him she would have been shocked at even the idea of getting onto some man’s motorbike to go wherever he decided they were going. But she didn’t feel threatened by Jason, not in the least. She felt safer around him than she had in a long time. “Okay?” he called over his shoulder as they slowed to a stop at some lights. “Okay!” She wondered if her instincts were leading her astray. She wasn’t stupid, the 200 pounds of man between her legs was obviously very dangerous. The scars on his knuckles were impossible to miss. But he treated her so carefully, so gently. Like a little bird in his large hands, delicate heartbeat fluttering a mile a minute. She could blush at just how much she liked it.
The Crime Lord & The Crime Lord, Part 2, & Part 3. A bittersweet love story set in a world where the Red Hood never stopped his campaign to control Gotham’s underworld.
Kid Fic: His Heart & part 2 & Part 3: Christmas edition, part 4 & part 5. In which Jason has a one year old baby girl with his long term girlfriend. Mostly fluff surrounding a doting Dad!Jason.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
I love your thoughts on Astrid and I think a lot about whether her initial ambition to become powerful for the sake of power turned into the ambition for power so no one else has power over her. I truly do not think she begrudges Wulf his faith any more than she begrudges Caleb his new life though I would not be surprised if both are sources of some pain for her. (in a way the three of them remind me of trees. Caleb lost a part of himself but that allowed new sprouts to come forth. Wulf found faith that allowed the damage to be lessened by giving support to the damaged part of the tree. And Astrid is the one with neither who grows around the damage in the only direction she ever knew though it costs her much more in the long term than the other solutions)
Hi anon,
So I think I say this whenever I get similar asks - completely valid to have your own headcanons, but (and this is foreshadowing for the rest of this ask) I am not much of a people pleaser and I will openly disagree, as I'm about to, and this might be a conversation better had in DMs or replies or something because doing so via anon gets to be a lot of back and forth.
I really respect people who relate to Astrid as a survivor of abuse who finds some measure of peace and who simply acknowledges she, Eadwulf, and Caleb all found separate ways to move forward. I completely understand that can be very meaningful and would never take that interpretation from them.
With that said, I happen to personally prefer a view of Astrid who is capable of that bitterness. I like the possibility that she is not just ambitious (which, that on its own is often considered sufficient to lambast female characters; see the Suvi Kedberiket discourses surrounding Worlds Beyond Number) but also very angry, and at times bitter, and at times resentful.
I think a lot of fans struggle with the gray area between unambigously heroic women and unambiguously villainous ones, both because in that gray area is a complexity women in fiction are frequently denied, and also because it requires a look at specific emotions women aren't supposed to have. Women can be sad; they can be traumatized; and they've been granted such qualities as "determined" or "can use a sword" or "leaders" but I think people really still struggle with anger, and especially anger that is not specifically directed towards abusers (like Beau or Yasha or Vex) nor righteous (like Keyleth) but petty or even simply irrational.
I like Astrid as a woman who might hold a grudge she knows intellectually is unfair but who feels it anyway. I think about how she wanted to kill Trent in the moment, and that Fjord (someone whose story is very much about both forgiveness and the legitimacy of grudges and a desire for power) validates her for it even though it's true that Caleb's method of exposing Trent's crimes is probably more effective. I like her as someone who is incredibly intelligent and who probably has an idea of what the "good" thing to do is and still feels a lot of ugly feelings and possibly always will, even though she has found a much healthier way forward. I don't know quite how this interrogation will go, but it is interesting that she's in hiding in Zadash and has apparently not openly broken with the Assembly.
It's funny, because this is on some level what many people want for much of Bells Hells - they want them to be angry at the gods for neglecting them. It's just...they also want that anger to be righteous. And sometimes anger isn't. Anger is often petty and detrimental and yet still very real. What appeals to me about Astrid is that she is very much a complicated person who does straddle a line between ally and antagonist and is permitted a depth and messiness and moral ambiguity that many fans deliberately try to excise from women (and, for that matter, characters of color/in-world racialized characters and many queer characters). So I do like an Astrid who clearly cares for Caleb and for Eadwulf and does not treat them poorly, but does perhaps nurse some privately-held grudges.
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yns-world · 2 years
art imitates life, life imitates art
part ii of the euphoria au!outer banks series
part i part iii part iv
title: art imitates life, life imitates art
pairing: euphoria au!rafe cameron x reader
summary: lexi's interpretation of your relationship with rafe was very...interesting.
words: 2.3k (this is the first long fic i've written in literal years...i'm not even exaggerating either 💀)
warnings: toxic relationship, slight dv, mentions of murder, attempted murder, rafe cameron as his own warning, euphoria craziness
a/n: it makes my heart overflow with so much love and appreciation when i saw everyone's reactions to the first part of euphoria au!rafe 😭😭 i can die a happy woman knowing that someone said that i wrote rafe in a canon way 🕊️
fem reader, racially ambiguous, any size reader
italics = scenes in the play
Y/C/N = Your Character Name
R/C/N = Rafe’s Character Name
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Lexi peeked behind the curtain, astonished at the full auditorium. She still couldn’t believe the number of people who showed up. Seated near the front was Maddy and her gang. While Cassie and Nate sat further away in the middle. Rafe and Y/N sat a few rows behind Cassie and Nate.
Lexi walked on stage, her nervous jitters noticeable but she still kept a smile on her face.
“Our Life is a lot more complicated than adults would make it seem. We’re going through our most important developmental years, this is the time where our personalities shift and form. This is also a time where we experience our most memorable relationships.”
Actors that represented Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N entered the stage, laughing and walking in sync. 
“Is that supposed to be us?” Maddy scrunched her face in confusion. “I don’t even look like that.”
Lexi continued her narration.
“During these fleeting high school moments, we solidify friendships and create new ones.”
While the three girls are talking in the prop hallway, a tall, blonde actor treaded on the stage, making an exaggeration of biting his nails. He kept his gaze down and bumped into Y/N’s character. 
“The girls swore that they would never let a boy come between them, but it seemed as though Y/C/N had other plans. It’s almost as if her plan all along was to let a boy come in between her and everyone else.”
Maddy’s and Cassie’s characters were visibly heartbroken and betrayed as Y/C/N gazed lovingly up at Rafe’s character, not paying her friends a second glance. 
Cassie turned her head to glimpse at Y/N but Y/N kept her eyes glued to the stage.
“But was the relationship worth it? Y/C/N cut off her friends to have more freedom with her new boy toy-- or so she thought.”
The backdrop changed to a classroom and Y/C/N’s phone rang and rang until she finally picked it up and put it on speaker.
“Where the fuck are you?! I’ve texted you 57 times! Why aren’t you answering me?!” R/C/N spat accusations left and right, but Y/C/N just rolled her eyes before hanging up mid-sentence. 
A couple chuckles were heard in the audience, some even from Cassie, and Rafe visibly tensed. His jaw was clenched and his grip around Y/N’s hand was tighter, almost to a point where it hurt. 
“You call it love, but I call it Stockholm syndrome. You’re not the sweet, innocent angel that everyone believes you are. Sometimes I think R/C/N could’ve been normal if he hadn’t met you.”
The scene switched to Y/C/N’s room, where Y/C/N and R/C/N were in the middle of another fight. 
“You’re so fucking crazy R/C/N! I wasn’t even flirting with him! And don’t you EVER call me a fucking slut, you psychotic piece of shit!” Y/C/N jabbed her finger in R/C/N’s face with each word. R/C/N tried to smack her hand away but Y/C/N reacted quicker and slapped him across the face. 
The scene went silent and the actors remained in their places. R/C/N’s hair fell over his face, covering his expression. Y/C/N didn’t move an inch. 
A hush fell over the audience. Some dared to sneak a glance at Rafe and Y/N but one look at Rafe’s fuming face scared them back into place. 
“This is absolute bullshit. This is what she fucking invites us to? She’s supposed to be your fucking friend.” Rafe started his heated rant and Y/N knew all too well what came afterwards.
“Shh baby, it’s okay. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She never had a boyfriend before, what would she know?” Y/N brought Rafe’s hand to her lips and planted a reassuring kiss on his knuckles. She then reached her hand behind his head and began massaging his scalp to ground him.
After a few beats of stillness, Y/C/N broke out of her daze and carefully approached R/C/N.
“I’m sorry, baby. I was scared.” Her voice was soft and calculated. 
R/C/N slowly raised his head to look at her and was frozen to his spot. He didn’t try to move when Y/C/N brought her hand to rest on his red cheek, the same hand that hit him. 
If anything, he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes. 
“Puppy Love” by Paul Anka started playing in the background. 
They called it puppy love
Oh, I guess they’ll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so
Silent tears rolled down R/C/N’s face. 
I cry each night
My tears for you
My tears are all in vain
“You made me hate myself. Sometimes I wish I would’ve just dated myself.” R/C/N whispered, his voice thick with tears. He still leaned into Y/C/N’s hand.
Y/C/N wiped his tears with her free hand and leaned up to plant her lips on his. The light focuses on them as their kiss lasts for a few moments, before the entire stage goes black.
The audience is quiet, still trying to process what they just saw. Y/N glimpsed at Rafe out of the corner of her eye and his gaze was focused on the floor. Tears stung in the corners of his eyes but he was quick to wipe them away; but not quick enough for Y/N to notice. 
“Rafe….” For the first time, Y/N didn’t know how to comfort him. She had no words to offer him. She retracted her hands off him and placed them in her lap; she was scared to touch him, to break him further.  
This isn’t who she was, right? This is just a show of theatrics. None of this was real. 
Various degrees of self-awareness, disgust, and sadness flashed across Y/N’s face in a matter of seconds until she wore a common face of fury. 
“That Lexi bitch had no right to make a play about real people, she didn’t even fucking ask.” Y/N thought. “She has no fucking clue what the fuck she’s talking about.”
Just as Y/N was about to get up from her seat, Rafe grabs her wrist and pulls her back down.
Rafe applied more and more pressure onto Y/N’s wrist as the seconds passed. The two were dead silent, staring back at their reflections on stage. 
Is this how the world saw them? Was this really them? 
Maybe out of ignorance, or maybe out of pure denial, the couple was glued in place, unable to move a single muscle. But their rage was a silent one, a terrible storm waiting for the perfect time to strike.
The lights return back on stage, this time lighting up Lexi who stood on a prop football field. 
“R/C/N and Y/C/N certainly had an unusual form of love. It was a deadly love, a love that could kill you if you weren’t too careful. Interestingly enough, no matter how much R/C/N showed his devotion, it was never enough for Y/C/N. She was always looking elsewhere.”
The light shined over Y/C/N flirting with some random football player. They cracked jokes and Y/C/N laughed a little too loud and a little too hard. She threw her head back and placed her hand on his firm bicep.
“God, you’re so funny! I never knew you were such a jokester.” The football player reveled in the attention, getting high off her compliments. 
Simultaneously, a light shined above Lexi, who stood on the other side of the stage, by the fake bleachers. Next to her was a furious R/C/N, who had a brick in his hand.
A heavy blanket of silence fell on the audience, a silence so loud that you could hear the actors breathing into their mics. 
Everyone knew what this event was referring to, but no one dared to speak a word of it. 
Instead of the usual anger that Rafe wore throughout the entire play, a cheshire-worthy smirk graced Rafe’s lips, a low chuckle erupting from his throat as he waited for what's next. 
He locked eyes with Lexi, daring her to say the next words. 
Lexi was about to fold under his scorching stare, a stare that only saw red-- but she had a show to run. 
The show must go on. 
Lexi cleared her throat, and spoke each word while maintaining full eye contact with Rafe.
“Nature versus nurture, a debate as old as time. In this case, was R/C/N always this crazy or did Y/CN create this monster? Was R/C/N born this way or did she groom a killer?”
As soon as that last word left her mouth, Rafe was already out of his seat and half-way down the aisle before anyone else could react.
“Y/N, put a fucking leash on your mutt!” Maddy jeered. 
Initially, Y/N was going to try and stop Rafe but Maddy’s comment put a halt on that plan. Instead of trying to put a lid on the atomic bomb that is her boyfriend, she let him roam free. Rafe always was her greatest weapon. 
“What good did leashing your boyfriend do for you? Oh wait,” Y/N laughed, turning to Cassie. “You lost your boyfriend to your best friend.”
“Let me at this whore!” Maddy struggled against her friend’s restraint. 
While Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N were thrashing it out in the seats, Rafe was already on stage and cornering Lexi. 
“You think you’re real smart, huh?” Rafe wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed her against the wall. He brought his mouth to the side of her head and whispered in her ear. “Do you wanna know how I killed that son of a bitch?” 
Lexi’s eyes were turning red due to a lack of oxygen, and her attempts to claw at his hand were futile. 
“I had him in my hands, just like this.” Rafe applied more pressure to her throat. “I squeezed until his eyes popped out of his sockets.”
But before he could go in for the final kill, Nate pushed Rafe off of Lexi, who collapsed onto the floor and tried to catch her breath. 
“You’re a real fucking pussy, Cameron. You’re nothing but Y/N’s bitch.” 
Rafe shoved Nate back.
“At least I’m not fucking the whole school. Who knows what kind of STDs you got?”
That was all it took to rile Nate up. The two boys threw punches that rang through the entire auditorium-- everything was audible, the fist-to-face contact, the cracking of jaws.
While the boys were breaking each other’s bones and the girls were clawing each other’s faces off, the police were called and arrived at the scene. After a few attempts to break up the fighting, all the perpetrators were escorted outside, placed far enough apart and with plenty of enforcement to prevent another altercation.
As the police were taking statements from the witnesses, the main group sat on the curb of the school-- bloody, bruised, and beaten. Each person lost in their own thoughts and regrets until Y/N finally spoke up. 
“How did we end up like this? We’re unrecognizable.” Maddy and Cassie remained silent, only sending each other glares.
“It’s all his fucking fault,” Nate gestured at Rafe, who sat a few feet from him. “You should’ve never come to this fucking town.”
“Rafe’s not completely at fault.” Lexi defended. “You still would’ve slept with Cassie regardless if he came to East Highland or not.”
“I don’t want to hear you fucking speak, you sick bitch.” Y/N groaned, holding her head in her hands. The conversation fell into a beat of silence before Cassie spoke up.
“In a sick way, this is like a bonding moment for us.” Cassie noted, looking at the group.
“What. The. Fuck. Cassie.” Maddy was so over Cassie’s bullshit, but Cassie continued.
“No matter what happens, we’ll always come back to each other, It’s like we’re all connected.”
Rafe scoffed while Nate just shook his head.
“This crazy bitch.” Nate muttered under his breath.
“Who wants to get something to eat?” Y/N asked, still holding a tissue to stop her bloody nose. Her question was so out of the blue that everyone thought they hallucinated it, until she repeated herself.
“I’m starving. It’s up to y’all, but I’m getting some food.” Y/N extended her arm to her boyfriend-- who had a black eye and bruises littered all over his face-- but he was quick to help her up to her feet. 
“I’m going.” Rue answered, appearing out of nowhere. 
“Me too.” Jules added, wrapping her arm around Rue’s shoulders. “Why not?”
Maddy looked at her friends and shrugged. “Fuck it. Let’s go.”
As the group began walking away and discussing possible food options, Cassie, Lexi, and Nate rushed to catch up. Meanwhile, Lexi strayed a few paces behind everyone else.
She took in the sight in front of her-- a group of teenagers, surely flawed, yet they still have so much to experience. 
Cassie is right. Lexi thought. We are all destined to be intertwined, for better or for worse. 
Lexi would be sure to start working on the sequel of her play when she got back home.
a/n: if you enjoyed reading, please consider reblogging and tipping, they help my account more than likes :)
DON’T BE A GHOST READER!!!!! let me know your thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc in the comments!!! i love talking with y’all <333 
like i mentioned in the previous post, don’t hesitate to send me any ideas/requests for rafe or euphoria au!rafe <3 (just read my request rules in my pinned post before you do)
i have an idea for a sequel to this specific oneshot but idk….lmk if y’all want me to write it 🤭 (spoiler: the sequel might include the euphoria au!pogues….but y’all didn’t hear that from me 👀)
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ae-neon · 4 months
Wait, rhys can forgive nesta because "illyrian at heart". I did some logic:
Rhys forgive Elain = Elain has no illyrian heart
Rhys couldnt forgive Nesta = Nesta has illyrian heart.
So does that mean
Rhys dislike illyrian = Rhys dislike Nesta = Rhus couldn't forgive Nesta = Nesta has illyrian Heart
He dislike illyrian when he, himself half illyrian? Not surprising but it make me thing Rhys is a High-Fae-boo (idk inspiration from try hard people wanting to be korea = koreaboo)
P/s: Please, any mathematics major, let me know if my logic is wrong
In a way yes, they all are because despite how cool and exotic sjm wants us to see the bat bitches being ⚔️ ILLYRIAN ✨ as, those benefits are exclusive to TheGoodOnes™
They get to be deadly warriors and have special clothes and sooo many siphons and huge dicks wings and they get to be ambiguously poc for white women to feel spicyyyy about
But only them and only those superficial things.
Despite being characterised by their less fortunate years, Rhys became HL at 30 and brought up Cassian and Azriel to be his overpaid helpers immediately.
That means (Amarantha years excluded) they have been the richest and most powerful people in their court for more than 400 of the 500 they have been alive
The reality of being "lesser Fae" or lower class/ bastards/ poor/ being part of a culture that glorifies war and harms it's ppl, has not really played as big a part in their lives as what sjm insists
They don't live in it, they don't deal with it, in fact, they benefit from it
They are free to not just feel their internalised racism, but allowed to physically, emotionally and mentally set themselves apart. Above.
And they spread it to their non-illyrian "family"
These men and the women they teach to mistrust and fear and hate Illyrians are the government, they have and will continue to have influence over the lives of the Illyrian ppl as a whole for CENTURIES if not FOREVER
Feyre, the High Lady, is taught to think of those people (almost third of the population, a racial minority and the poorest + most underprivileged people in the whole court) as savage brutes when the only Illyrians she personally knows are Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel themselves. She should at least love some Illyrians and their culture since appropriating it was such a big part of her healing and growth
But instead of frustration and sorrow spurring her into action to help raise Illyrian women from their oppression/ helping set up a more standardised living conditions for non-nobles/ even meeting the nobles to learn their culture and begin to find some way forward - she sighs, curses them as proud savage brutes and carries on flying around velaris in her culture vulture wings
I don't think sjm was really going for anything other than a vague "Nesta is nasty and tough, she'll be fine, I just don't like her" when she made Rhys say that but god does it reek
I don't think Nesta should be celebrated as Illyrian, even in a "good" way. She's not Illyrian. Her very nature is ominous to their culture and we should respect that. (I love Nesta but at the end of the day she is an extremely powerful high Fae who is sister to the HL, and a white woman, she won't die just because they call her a witch)
Part of this is why I wanted Cassian (who despite his problematic attitude and position, is the closest culturally to Illyria) to end up with an Illyrian woman. Centring a brown Illyrian woman as a love interest would be the closest this garbage series would ever get to acknowledging those women as important people and not just plot devices.
So, really the statement "Nesta is Illyrian at heart" or whatever he said, is like everything else surrounding the Illyrians: lazy and not well thought through, and just racist.
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I'm on a roll with the s/j/m hatred tn so I'm going to compile a masterlist of all her shitty lgbt/poc representation and why it sucks booty cheeks. it should be noted that none of this is meant as shade on any of the characters themselves... I actually happen to like quite a lot of them
EDIT: there are some nice additions to this post in the notes you can check out
LGBT rep
Aedion (Bi/Pan)
Literally known as “Adarlan’s Whore” (a nickname that references both his allegiance to the king and his tendency to sleep around)
His only same-sex relationship is with a vaguely-mentioned unnamed lover from the past (it’s not even said straight-up that they’re a man, but I’m assuming they are bc they’re mentioned to be a commander of the Bane)
He’s shown being attracted to women and only women for two and a half books. He’s a womanizer retconned into the slutty bisexual stereotype
His liking men & women is compared to prostitution
It’s insinuated in koa that he slept with an ex while he and Lysandra were fighting (because the cheating bisexual trope is such a new & creative one!)
Helion (Bi/Pan)
He’s always trying to have 4somes with three of the main characters
Realistically he’s probably one of the most powerful/interesting High Lords but this gets sidelined in favor of him flirting with eVeRyOnE
All we really know about him is his name and the fact that he’s a bit of a manwhore… very 2-dimensional
He has an affair & a child with a married woman… just the Slutty/Cheating Bisexual Trope (Volume 2) :/
Mor (Lesbian? Possibly bi?)
She’s never shown in any real relationships (with men or women)
She had tragic off-screen relationship with a mortal queen a few hundred years ago
We get literally no hints that she’s gay throughout the series, she just randomly mentions she likes women at the end of book 3
She gets no happy relationship, she stays closeted to spare Az’s feelings (as though he’s not a grown ass man), she’s retconned into her sexuality most of the way through the series… just shitty shitty rep all around
Hasar (Lesbian)
She’s a villain, and a shitty one at that
Lesbian rep from a side character in one novella that half the fandom didn’t read? What’s even the point?
Thesan (Gay)
A very minor character & his unnamed “lover” who serve no narrative purpose whatsoever… thanks for nothing sarah
Emrys & Malachai (Presumably gay)
Oh look! More minor, background mlm that might as well not exist for all they do for the story :/
They are cute though, I’ll give them that
POC rep
First (and only) black main in ToG
She dies to fuel the white protag’s character arc… a very tired trope
She was actually a pretty well-written, likable character up until her brutal murder, which made it that much worse to hear about her organs strewn all over the room
Described as “plain” (particularly in contrast to the white women like Aelin & Lysandra)
We know she’s POC because of where she’s from, but the way her features are described suggest she could still be white
Dark hair, gold eyes, “tan” skin
She really just fawns over white-boy Dorian every 2 seconds before dying a violent death to fuel Dorian’s arc…
…Aaaand I’m sensing a pattern here
Much of her character (especially in QoS) is reduced to her beefing with Aelin (and thus being villanized by the narrative) because of jealousy over Chaol 
Simply described as having “tan” skin (again). I think sarah is allergic to calling people brown
She is also described as plain compared to white protagonist
She has a (presumably middle eastern) family that only wants her to stay home and be a baker/someone’s wife
Once again very racially ambiguous to the point where she could even be white, with “tan/golden” skin, golden hair, and golden eyes
She almost immediately ties her literal life force to a white man she hated like a month ago. Seriously, can WOC not fawn over a hunky white man for once?
She defeats erawan in the end — considering she’s been a character for such a short time, this just feels more like a deus ex machina the anything really set up by the plot
Not going to fully rehash what I said above but generally… he has great potential, but is basically not a character
He’s portrayed as very nice and reasonable, if young and naive, yet he literally only exists to get manipulated/robbed by the main characters
He seems like such a sweetheart. He deserved much better than Riceman and Feyrug doing him dirty like that
I’ve heard rumors of a High King/Queen F*ysand plotline in later books…if that happens, Tarquin will likely be bending the knee and forgiving the people who fucked him over just a short time ago
He’s described as very caring and loyal (yay!) which seems to always get him taken advantage of (damn!)
He’s portrayed (especially in ACOWAR) as someone we’re supposed to dislike when all his actions are perfectly reasonable
He’s literally retconned out of being white when it’s revealed Helion is his father instead of Beron. I’ve seen ppl get mad at “white-washed” fan art but it’s hard to expect much else when his original character description was straight red hair, amber eyes,  and “tan” skin (holy shit agAIN)
The people of the White Fangs from TOG
They’re described as having black hair, black eyes, and “tan” skin
They live isolated in the mountains (away from civilization) and are described as “savage” and warlike, always raiding villages in the mountains and stealing women away from their homes… 
Cain, who’s from these people, dabbles in dark magic/religion nobody else understands
This is feeling, intentional or not, like a horrible Native American caricature. Idk maybe that’s just me
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jojikawa · 2 years
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙤: 𝘾𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 | 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚
Author’s note: This is a POC FRIENDLY blog. I am a black girl and I want to write more fics that don’t leave the reader racially ambiguous. This is self-indulgent and I’m just sharing it with you. Jojo is far from realistic. So, I don’t need to be either. Please don’t leave hate! Thanks!  This is a DARK romance so there will be toxic relationship themes, NSFW themes, descriptions of violence, and gore. There will also be unintentional sexism and racism from the characters toward the reader. The reader is canonically black in this AU but it is written for people from all walks of life to enjoy.
dividers by firefly-graphics
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Authorities arrived shortly after to the bloody crime scene. They were too late. The entire suite was covered like a bloody massacre and the discarded bodies of the zombies were now ashes in the sunlight. Articles of your clothing that got ripped off in the fight were scattered about. It was initially thought to be a kidnapping but the evidence made it clear that you were dead. Perhaps, it was Jack the Ripper making his rounds again and he was lucky enough to stumble across a woman like yourself.
News of your death got back to Erina. It broke her heart to hear that you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You had always taken care of her like a sister. It was painful to think about but easy to accept given the state of London right now. She hoped that you too could rest easy—with Dio.
Dio’s method of capturing you didn’t exactly go as planned but he didn’t mind at all that most of London believed you to be dead. The conditioning could finally begin. No one would look for you either. 
Dio, the man turned monster, would do everything in his power to make you just like him. Ruling the world just wouldn’t be the same if you were lagging behind. He had the ability to make any woman tremble at his presence, throwing themselves at him but he preferred you instead. It’s debatable if that is a good or bad thing in this circumstance.
The entire night, you were plagued with a terrible nightmare. You were being chased by a shadowy figure, running until your lungs felt like they were being set on fire. Just to be cornered and have your soft flesh pierced by claws and torn apart. Your attacker didn’t have a face.
When you woke, it was in a cold sweat. Your body felt weak and it ached all over. The only comfort you had was an expensive-looking bed with very high-end sheets. You also felt extremely…thirsty. “Where am I…” You whispered to yourself. The windows of the room were sealed shut. There were no lit candles so it was completely pitch black…yet you could see? You were able to pull yourself out of the bed and navigate with ease. 
You didn’t waste any time going to the door. It was the way out, of course. Once you reached the door, you reluctantly touched it. Was this a dream? No, this was reality. You tried to open the door. It didn’t budge at all. You even tried to force it open but it only resulted in the handle being broken. You were…surprisingly strong now.
‘I have to get out of here…’ You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked down at your hands. Your nails were overgrown with the ends being sharp points. They were claws. 
Your clothes were ripped and barely stayed on your body but there was hope. The clothespin you would use to secure your dress was still intact. It helped you pick the lock. The door seemed to be unlocked now but for some reason, you still had a hard time opening it.
It all started coming back to you. You were suddenly attacked by Dio and he kidnapped you. He used the scary mask on you and now you were just like him. This door also seemed to be sealed or blocked in some way. You guessed that this was his way of keeping you from escaping. 
You waited around, anxiety levels through the roof as you wanting for anything to happen. Just anything. If you were quiet enough, you could hear the distant screaming of women. It was something you immediately tuned out. It was something that you didn’t want to accept, thinking it was just you being dramatic from your nightmares.
Until the screaming became louder. 
You heard the sound of your heartbeat in your ears as it seemed that the shrieking woman was just outside of your door.
“Oh? It seems that the knob has fallen out of the door. I wonder how that happened.” 
The muffled voice you heard was your vampire suitor, Dio. A moment of silence passed before you saw his fist come through the door, destroying the lock and allowing it to function once again. In Dio’s other hand was a woman, dressed in what you recognized prostitutes to wear. You knew this from seeing them on the street at night. He dragged her by her hair and threw her before your feet.
“This isn’t a sight that I expected to see.” Dio rubbed his chin as he eyed you. Your transformation seemed to go nicely but it wasn’t yet complete. “You went from being the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen to someone that I can mistake for a grandmother.” The man chuckled at his own dry jokes. You were initially shocked and startled but then became confused. What was he talking about? Was he calling you old?
“I-I don’t understand.” You half whispered, more focused on the whimpering woman in front of you. “You need your first taste of blood.” Dio walked over to the vanity dresser in the far corner of the room. There was a blanket over the mirror that he removed. “See for yourself, dear.”
You didn’t move an inch. You didn’t want to go near him, so you looked in the mirror from afar. His backhanded comments seemed to hold some weight. Your eyes were the ones of a predator with the points of sharp teeth that protrude outside of your mouth. Your skin was wrinkly and sagging as if you aged at a rapid rate.
You gasped at the sight, no longer recognizing yourself. Dio smirked. “You can return to your youth by feeding on that woman.” This immediately made you shake your head. “No, I can’t do that. I’m not going to kill her.”
The prostitute used this opportunity being far from Dio to run. She sustained minimal injuries and was gone quicker before you had even noticed. 
But Dio noticed.
“I’ll get that.” He sighed to himself, leaving the room to fetch her. It had only been a second before he returned. Not even the woman realized what was happening. 
You could feel the heartbreak within your chest again. “No, Dio, I’m not going to kill a person.” You squeezed your eyes shut, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry again. The thud of Dio throwing the woman to the ground echoed through the room. Her whimpering was replaced with the same gurgling sounds you knew from the zombies. He dug his sharp claws into her throat.
“(y/n).” Dio called.
“No, Dio!”
Dio approached you, guiding you from your side of the room to where the dying woman was. The two of you kneeled down in front of her. You still refused to open your eyes. “You can do this.” He said. “I know you can. You’re not just a normal woman anymore. The power of the mask has made it so that you now walk as a lion among sheep.”
His body was pressed up against yours from behind, ensuring you wouldn’t be able to run away once you opened your eyes. “This woman is scum and those who are scum are not fit to live.”
Slowly but surely, you opened your eyes. The woman had copious amounts of blood dripping from her throat and her legs were now…broken. Contorted and bent in ways legs shouldn’t be. She couldn’t run anymore either. With all that you’ve seen, you didn’t think to scream. All you managed to do was cry.
“Do you finally see what you’ve made me do?”
“I didn’t make you do anything.” You spat, jerking yourself away from him, only for him to bring you back. “But you did.” He teased, hand gingerly rubbing your shoulder. “All you need to do is have your first taste.”
You had begun to hate Dio. Your feelings for him were always conflicted but as you aged from a girl to an adult woman, you realized that he only ever acted in self interest. 
The smell of the blood was getting to you. You were hungry…thirsty…just so thirsty. 
The woman in front of you was no longer a woman. Your pupils turned a bright red and you now only saw her as a pile of flesh. You could see her heart beating within her body, pumping blood through her veins as it spilled onto the floor.
“Okay.” You complied with Dio, relaxing your body. This made him release you but still sticking close behind. You meekly crawled over to the woman with him following you. Her pupils retracted at the sight of you. She could finally die now.
Or so, she thought.
You shied away, retreating into Dio’s chest. Although surprised, he cherished this immensely, embracing you automatically. “What’s wrong, dear? Are you shy? I never would’ve known. I find that rather attractive.”
Out of anger, you stood on your toes to reach him, sinking your razor-sharp fangs into the tenderness of his neck, draining him in the process.
He grunted in pain, trying to pry you off but you wouldn’t budge. You felt his claws penetrate your skin, drawing blood and your former youth returning to you with every second.
When you finished your meal, you peeled yourself off of his bigger form, leaving him visibly scrawnier than before. At the sight of your fiery eyes and the blood dripping from your chin, Dio didn’t know whether to be impressed or angry with you. 
He would’ve been angry if the realization didn’t hit him the way it did just now. He thoroughly enjoyed that experience. Being his lover’s first taste.
You didn’t know what came over you. His smug attitude and way of speaking were just too annoying. You wanted to humble him and give him a taste of what he was inflicting on others. It was believed that you achieved that until you saw the lewd look he held on his face. His smirk grew into a terrible grin, using the woman from before as a means to restore what you took.
“All these years later and you still surprise me with your actions.” His muscle and physique filled itself in once again. “I’ve suddenly just decided the kind of mating rituals that I’d like to take part in with you.” 
Dio’s fingertips brushed over his wounds. Despite feeding from the woman, they didn’t seem to heal. He did this on purpose as he saw your infliction of pain on him as a given gift. Something he would wear as a badge of honor. 
You never expected Dio to consider your act of violence as a “love bite” but it was clear that he would take anything you gave to him that would resemble affection.
No matter how twisted he thought it to be. 
Dio hummed to himself before approaching you once more. He brought you to your feet and held you by your chin. “Now, how shall I mark you in return? Everyone must know that you belong to me.” He spoke absentmindedly as he inspected your face and neck accordingly. “…but the last thing I want to do is scar your perfect skin.” His fingers rubbed your flesh tenderly. He admired that with the slight slip of the hand, he could easily ruin your face. Real beauty isn’t meant for this world so it can be soiled if one is neglectful.
There were no initial feelings you had for draining Dio of his blood. It was simply out of anger…but the way he treated you afterward felt a bit genuine. Odd? Yes. You resented him. That much was clear. Yet, he didn’t commit violent acts upon you in retaliation. You almost felt closer to him. There was no unbearing hunger or a thirst that made your skin itch. Dio clicked his tongue before removing his hand. “No matter. Come with me, there is something I must have you see.” The man motioned for you to come with him. Reluctantly, you followed him. You saw that you seemed to be inside of a castle. It was cold and dimly lit with eerie sounds coming from what seemed like nowhere. 
“Dio.” You called, quietly. It was sudden but his walking ceased instantly. “Yes, Darling?” You could hear the smirk on his lips. Your eyebrows knitted together. “How did you live? What happened the night of the fire?”
Dio chuckled, turning around so that he could pier down at you with amber eyes. “I used the mask.” 
“B-But you need blood, don’t you? I remember what you did to me. Did you get hurt?” 
“I always forget that you were the smart one.” Dio’s low tone made the hair on your body stand. Oddly enough, you weren’t afraid of him. Even if you remained a human woman, you wouldn’t be scared of him either. Dio was still just…Dio. You’ve always known him to be more on the unlikable side but this side of him was still alarming nonetheless. “Did…” You paused for a moment, eye widening once you had begun processing the information. “…did you have anything to do with the fire?”
Dio chuckled deeply. He turned around to face you. Your beautiful angered expression was illuminated by the moonlight. He was convinced that you had the looks of a goddess. “I’ll tell you what happened, my dear. As long as it puts your mind at ease.” Without even realizing it, his hand raised itself to your face. He wanted nothing more than to touch you in ways that he would never let any other man have the chance of doing. No one else was worthy. 
Before his hand could reach your face, you firmly grabbed his wrist. “You did, didn’t you? You set the fire. You killed George! He was your father!” You raised your voice at him. With every word, Dio’s face went from one of confidence to one of sheer anger. “He was NOT my father. You don’t know anything!” He hissed, ripping his wrist from your hand. Dio quickly turned away, hiding his face from you. It was only for a moment there he felt like he sounded like his father, shouting at his mother all over again. You were almost taken aback by his booming voice. It vibrated your ears, even if he barely yelled.
But it still didn’t scare you. “He raised you, Dio! How could you?” You pressed on, wanting a true answer. You wanted to see his face. Whenever Dio knew he was wrong, he would never look at you. Dio froze letting you push past him so that you can stand in front of him once again. “George may not have been your biological father,  but he was much better than Dario. You know that! Why would something like that cross your mind!?” 
He couldn’t stand this. He couldn’t stand you yelling at him. You’ve never spoken to him like this before. He was always used to your easy going nature. You were never one to treat him in such a way. He saw the anger on your face wash away. It became full of pain. Tears welled up in your eyes before effortlessly streamed down your cheeks. “Y-You monster.” You choked out, lowering your gaze. 
Oh, that’s right. Dio never spoke to you about his plans to take the Joestar wealth. No—that was supposed to be a surprise from human Dio. He would put you and your mother in a nice home and fund that tea company that before you always claimed to be out of your reach. You didn’t know of his new plans after discovering the power of the mask either. As far as you were concerned, this had all come from nowhere. He broke your heart when you two were only children and now he’s ripped you away from the one goal in life you wanted to achieve. Admitting to killing George was only rubbing salt on the wound.
“I had no choice. He stood in my way. Jonathan did as well.” Dio averted his eyes. He didn’t want to see you cry. He was a horrible person but under all of his newfound power was still a man that was deeply in love with you. Dio was a man who’s true love was held back by the shackles of his time period…and his personality. “And that is why I will dispose of him for wounding me in that fire the way he did. And then I’ll set my sights on the world.” Dio paused for a moment, harshly grabbing your wrist and began walking. “I have bestowed upon you a great deal of strength that is unmatched to anyone else. You are who I’ve deemed worthy of its power.”
You let yourself be pulled along, too shocked to resist from processing this situation and the news you’ve just gotten. Dio was much crueler than ever. You couldn’t help but blame yourself. You made Dio behave and this is what’s happened after you leave him to his own devices. The thing is that no one could’ve ever seen an outcome like this.
Dio brought you to a large room in his stolen castle. It had a large chair by a fireplace. You could already feel the warmth it gave off despite it being at the end of the room. It was almost comforting. In the distance, there was a white vase of fresh roses sitting on an end table in the distance. In the middle of the room was a woman. She trembled in the presence of Dio, tears streaming down her face as if it were nothing. She held a baby in her arms, clutching it towards her in an effort to get it away from…something. Your senses were invaded by the metal smell of blood and putrid rotting flesh. Upon looking upward, you saw the horde of red eyes peering down at you.
Dio let go of your hand. He smoothly walked over to the vase where the roses were. “Dio, what is this?” You questioned, not trying to show the growing pit of fear in your stomach. The man didn’t answer you right away. You hoped that he wouldn’t try to force you to drain this woman. Or worse, she would be attacked by the monsters on the ceiling. Dio picked a seemingly perfect rose from the dozen in the pile. He patiently inspected it before finally acknowledging you. “It was as children, I viewed you as a princess. I wanted to be your prince. Years later, the night you came to visit my father, I saw you again. That is when I knew you were my Queen. I wanted to be your King.” Dio held the rose close to him,  turning around and slowly strutting towards you. “And now that I am a God, you will be my Goddess.”
Dio held the single rose towards you, insinuating for you to take it. His act of kindness would’ve been sweeter if he hadn't forced you to become a vampire. “I don’t want to be your Goddess. Let the woman go. She has a baby! Have you lost your mind?” You swatted his hand away and gestured towards the terrified woman. Dio’s face briefly turned into one of disgust before he quickly extinguished his growing anger. “Such beauty. So exotic.” Dio gently moved strands of your hair behind your ear. He used his claws to cut the stem of the rose and tucked it in your hair. “And as my Goddess, you must make the decisions as any Goddess should. You may choose what I do with this woman. A woman of worship certainly needs her worshipers.” Dio gave you space, the woman’s eyes now locked onto you. This situation was so distracting that you didn’t remember to remove the rose he just put in your hair. “I want you to let her go then.” You commanded firmly. Your attitude caused Dio’s blank expression to become smug. “Oh? Let her go? There’s no guarantee that she won’t be harmed the moment she leaves the castle.” Dio chuckled darkly. You narrowed your eyes at him. “What do you mean?”
“Right above you is my army. Do you remember the corpse in your hotel room? The one that got up and moved despite having no throat?” His amber eyes boring into yours. Once you realized what he was implying, you covered your mouth. This was absolutely horrifying. 
“Are you using the mask on them too? Would you be using the mask on this woman?” As you spoke, Dio noticed your attire. Your black dress was worn and tattered from your initial encounter with him. He would surely be getting you a new one. “No, I decide who’s fit for the mask but your opinion is very important to me. This woman can either join my army or you can simply just kill her.” Dio circled you the same a wild animal would its prey. When behind you, he rested his hands on your shoulders, subtly nudging you closer to the event. “I said let her go.” You reiterate. The pit of anxiety waged war against your stomach. Fear and sheer nervousness. It was clear that Dio was only giving you the illusion of choice. 
The woman’s eyes were pleading but she gained the courage to speak. “Please, do what you must but don’t hurt my baby!” She shouted at you, squeezing her eyes shut as more tears spilled out. “She may join the army or she will die.” Dio spoke softly into your ear. It took everything in you to not turn around and slap him across the face. Your vampire suitor released you, walking over to the woman before placing his fingers on her head. “It will only take a moment.” 
“I-“ You began to speak before the lady cried again. “I’ll join your army, just don’t hurt my child!” She screamed. You gave her a sad look. You shifted your eyes to Dio. He grabbed a chunk of the woman’s hair, pulling it harshly as he picked her up. “Shut your mouth, you wench. You are in the presence of a Goddess! You are not allowed to speak!” 
“Dio stop!” You ran over to help, pushing and pulling his arm to have him let the woman go. He immediately met your wishes, ceasing to harm the innocent mother. The baby began to cry loudly at the commotion. “Use the mask on her, just stop doing this, Dio!”
“As you wish.” Dio smiled deviously. “But I won’t be using the mask.” In a flash, Dio slipped his fingers into her skull as if it were soft butter. Audible “drinking” sounds can be heard. Her skin turned a sickly grey color and you could only watch in horror! 
“Stop, Dio! I command you to stop!” 
And he did. Dio was done. The baby continued to cry. 
“My dear, I believe it’s better if you go back to your chamber.” Dio blocked your view of the woman. “But the baby!” You cried, trying to push past him. He wouldn’t budge, only wrapped his arms around you. He reveled in this experience. He loved how your body felt against his. So small but fragile. The only thing he could think of you as was a small bunny or even a timid kitten.
Dio enjoyed a comfortable silence as you muffled your cries, hearing the now zombified woman devouring her own baby. 
A true taste of Heaven.
Dio ordered the former woman out of his sight. He had the gore cleaned up and requested that you have a seat on his lap. He needed to speak with you about something important. In Dio’s lap, he noticed that you were much more sullen than he expected. Perhaps his methods of conditioning you were too harsh? Well, harsh or not, he thinks it’s necessary. 
“Do you know what I think we should do, (y/n)?” He asked, rhetorically. The one thing he hated most was seeing you cry even if he enjoyed the physical contact. He eventually wanted you to feel genuine happiness with him. “We should get married. It’s something I’ve always desired, you know.” His sharp nails lightly traced your cheekbones, just anticipating a smile on your face. He wished that he could effortlessly make you smile the way he used to. Back then, he was just a flawed boy but you were the perfect girl. 
You…didn’t reply. It was like you were as hollow as a dead tree. Emotionless beauty could never go underappreciated but it somehow felt more like…rejection?
Nonetheless, Dio continued. “And there’s no need to worry about getting ready all by yourself. I’ve handpicked your own worshiper that will carry out any duties of your desire.”
You instantly perked up. “Dio, you better not have turned any other innocent people into monsters for this horrible fantasy of yours!” You tried to push yourself off of him but his strong arms only secured your stay. “Oh, my dear…you must speak more quietly. The last thing we want is you straining your sweet voice now.” Dio placed his hand on your cheek. He expected to feel the warmth he had grown accustomed to but now you were just as cold as him. 
“Bring out the girl.” Dio commanded with a frown and voice firm as steel. Just as quick as he commanded it, a zombified servant brought a girl. She had tanned skin and her hair was a light shade of brown. You figured that she couldn’t have been much older than 16 years old. “I made sure she was young so that you can mold her into what you want; teach her everything you know. And she reminded me of you when we were her age.” 
“Dio-“ You opened your mouth to speak but you sucked in your breath when you felt Dio’s hand secure itself around your throat. He lightly squeezed his fingertips into the base of your neck. “I want the wedding to happen tonight. I don’t want to have to kill the girl because she can’t do her job.” He could already see you trying to hold back the tears in your eyes. Immediately, he released you. His smug expression faded and he suddenly felt like he couldn’t bear to look at you anymore. “Just go put on the dress already.” He muttered, his arm loosening from your waist. 
He just couldn’t stop making you cry, could he?
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Tag list: @z3r0art ❤️
i apologize for any typos that could be immersion-breaking! my Grammarly wasn't working so it didn't check my writing. I can't find anything wrong with the writing, so my editing might not have gotten it all.
I'm going to focus on the next batch. Part 1 of JoJo is so small and I need to prepare for Dio's return in JoJo part 3 !!
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femoso-seben · 7 months
Ok since you answered to my comment that you would do a 3rd part then can I ask for a third part of "Working With a Legend" but now it's Ghost and Price working with her and experiencing it for themselves why she is such a legend
You don't have to if you don't want too!
I hope you have a good day!
Sorry for the late reply luv I was a little stuck on the story and bogged my school. Laswell walks in and you get up walking over to the table, waiting for the next easy mission. You see everyone looks at the photo of a man, racially ambiguous, brown if you will.
“This is Lazarus—” Laswell points to the photo. You let out a long sigh and a string of curses. Everyone turns to you, intrigued by your behavior.
“You know something,” Ghost said looking down at you.
“Lazarus… don’t bother trying to kill him.” You wave your hand walking back to the couch and lying down.
“Why?” Price asks.
“Because Lazarus isn’t a person.”
“What does that mean?” You look up and focus on them before laughing and closing your eyes.
“Lazarus is a title, I’ve killed the last four of them, someone always new takes over.” You explain Lazarus is a criminal organization, one that you know very well. Under the thin layer of society, a crime world exists.
“Do you know where Lazarus is?” Laswell asks, you raise your head and slightly nod. “We aren’t going to kill Lazarus we need information from him.”
“You’ll lead the mission,” Price said to you and you nodded getting up and stretching out. “Ghost and I will accompany you.
Great… the two officer ranks….
You all board a military heli you would rather do a commercial with everyone else, and blend in with the crowd but you can’t complain about a nice military heli that can get you far.
“What’s our first move?” Ghost asks, looking at you.
“We’ll find their little paws.”
“What?” Price said leaning in.
“Lazarus is a crime thing, you need to find their little paws and tails before finding the rat… you two should change to fit the tourist part.” You explain and look out at the city below you.
Dubai is a beautiful place, a place with no natural culture and slavery. You walk out and begin looking for the shady-looking person, the little rats that run this city. Your eyes caught on a little boy, who looked homeless.
You walk up to them speaking Arabic, the child looks at you wearily before you pull out a small metallic card with the Lazarus symbol. The child nods and gestures for you to follow, and you do so.
Price and Ghost follow after you and soon you are at a nightclub where tourists are dancing and influencers posting photos, in all a perfect place to traffic people. There sitting at a table was Lazarus.
“Here you go, I’m gonna get some alcohol,” he tells Price before walking off. Something felt wrong and you were pretty sure they could feel it too. You get your drink, vodka in strawberry juice. You look around and see Lazarus’s bodyguards.
You slowly make your way towards these men and take them out, dragging them to the back and striking them in pressure points. you reach into your back cuffing their hands and legs together. Soon it was just Lazarus.
You make your way back to the table to find the three men in a heated discussion. You sat down at the table and smiled at the new Lazarus. He looked at you rather annoyed by your presence.
You reach into your bag and put four bullets onto the table a small veil threat. It took this new Lazarus a minute to realize what this meant. “L likes to send their regards.” You said in a feminine tone like you're a hired woman to do so.
This man instantly begins to sweat and try to get up but it wasn’t easy with both Ghost and Price sitting on either side of him. He looked around and found out all his guards were gone, you took care of that.
The three of you took him away to a more private place. Away from prying eyes. They interrogated, and you sat back and watched as the man squirmed and shouted slipping into Arabic every other sentence. You sit back and open your work phone, the US government didn’t say you're exclusive to them, you gaze down at your phone and see a new buyer.
It was rather fortunate that you were in the right place for this mission, the death of a Saudi Prince, a familial struggle, if you may have. You get up and slink off going to your weapon stash, changing outfit you hail a cab for the exclusive party. You have a strong suspicion this job was also in play to eliminate you in the process. You look down at the little bottle of poison and hide it in the heels of your shoes. You put on enough makeup to look like you belong at the party.
You moved in stayed long enough to look like you belong, and found the cup the prince is drinking from. You gaze around to see if anyone is watching him. Several people are watching him, besides his guard a mysterious person, that one was meant for you. You walk up to him striking up a conversation flirtling a little bit acting like a foreigner. Enough for them to let their guard down. You quietly maneuver them into a corner knock them out, and set them on the ground as if they are drunkenly sleeping.
You added a small bit of poison into the prince’s cup, he’s a man, he wouldn’t be thinking about being drugged nor about protecting his cup. You used the crowd to hide yourself the way the crowd flowed back and forth tricking the camera. You even gave a drink to another person, and yourself before leaving. At most, you were there for an hour.
“Where were you?” You look up to see Both Price and Ghost looking at you like you are a deadly viper, you give them a coy smile and wave your hand dismissing them.
“Did you get what you need?” You ask them. They shook their head.
“Then let me.” You walk past them there Lazarus is covered in blood, they are playing dirty and violent. You quietly spoke to Lazarus, bringing up your history and who you were. The veiled threat of the four bullets in between your fingers.
He spilled.
You kill him leave four printless bullets in his lap and walk to the two.
“Let’s head out.”
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