#she's not much older than roxy after all. she never had a chance to know this stuff
monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
I thought of this before in passing but it's really just hit me that oh my god if any of the current animatronics knew Foxy well enough before everything that happened, and Roxy didn't know about that stuff, then a good chunk of them would have been lying to Roxy by omission this entire fucking time
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shslpunkdrabbles · 2 months
Symbol Chapter 0.1: Spades
(A look into the life of the Spade Cards and lifestyle)
“Well, since we have a grand 3 challengers here with all different ideas on what to play, I get to decide what the game is. So the game will be… Tycoon! It’s my favorite game, after all, but it doesn’t mean I’m guaranteed the win. You just have to make sure to get rid of all your cards before everyone else, and if you rack up enough points, you win!”
“But.. this means we’re all against one another..”
“That makes it way harder! Why couldn’t we just challenge you one by one??”
“I was so ready for my own game, but you.. You’ll take advantage of this! It’s not fair, right??”
“Mm.. That’s true. It’s normally a 1 v 1. So, I’ll propose this: you three can be a team, and focus me down. You can tell each other what cards you have, ensure I don’t have a chance to play, do whatever you want to do to make sure I lose.
“If you win, you guys can figure out who shall be the new Leader of Spades together~”
- - - - -
The Spades Section of the Symbol City. A place full of neon bright lights, soothing music, and bustling entertainment buildings. Out of all the four sections, this one was the place to be for fun. Restaurants big and small, clubs of different genres for different folks, arcades from classic to 4D, and so much more. Various Servants with heads of Spades wandered together with the residents, ready to assist anyone who had questions and concerns with anything. The city lights look like stars in the pale blue landscape, the moon never seeming to set to give the sun a turn, but it still felt so warm and bright. If you were bored in this part of town.. Well, you were just a boring person, weren’t you?
One of the biggest clubs in town was the FNF, run by one of the Leader’s very own Trump Cards. This club was full of the best music, and hosted countless singing competitions and karaoke nights. The drinks were fruity, as well as the workers there. There were also private rooms for private games, and you can even stack up winnings to get yourself some prizes, which can be saved for another visit. Wins aren’t rigged against the customer, since this was all fun sport, but..
“Ahhh~! Gotta hurry! I’m gonna miss their challenge!”
A blue hair playboy bunny rushed around the club, quickly checking if everything was running smoothly. Customers could barely catch a glimpse of him from how fast he was running; his super speed was a power given to him by the Leader themselves. His blue-highlighted black bunny ears whipped in different directions, trying to see if there was any sort of issue that needed his help. There weren't normally any issues when he was in and out the club, but you can never be too sure.
[You don’t have to worry so much, Keith.] A female robotic voice spoke up, spooking the bunny to a halt. Keith looked over to see his older sister, Roxanne, who was standing behind him with her trusty clipboard in hand and male Servant by her side. She, too, was dressed in a playboy bunny outfit, yet she somehow looked more modestly dressed than him. [I can handle the club while you’re gone. You should worry more about being on time.] A choker around her neck glowed whenever it spoke, despite her lips not moving. 
Keith pouted at the slight jab at his tardiness. “It’s not my fault! Someone kept using all their points to challenge me, so it went way longer than expected! They lost it all, and I had fun, but now I’m running behind!” Yes, customers can use their earnings to challenge Keith directly, in hopes of winning even bigger, more enticing prizes. However, they’re no easy wins, and he always dominates the challenge with a perfect score. People know this, yet they continue to challenge; either the grand prizes are just so tempting to win, or his cocky and teasing behavior makes them want to wipe that smirk off his face. 
His ears stopped darting about and drooped, meaning his “scan” of the club was complete. “Ok Roxie! I’m passing control over to you! Keep me posted in case anyone tries anything funny. And don’t let that chick stare at your butt anymore! I’ll fight her if she dares try to go third base with my sister.” Keith glared at Roxanne, who was blushing beet red and bonked him with the clipboard. Rushing over to the exit, he raised his hand to his earring, ready to transform out of his uniform.. Until someone blocked his way. He groaned in annoyance and said, “I’m off the clock, buddy. Talk to Roxanne if you need something.”
“Ah c’mon, just real quick.” The sneaky guy grinned as he towered over Keith, but the Trump Card was far from fazed. “You said last time that you would accept my lil game, yet you’re tryna pull a fast one on me yet again. It’s a quick game, nothing we gotta set up with anything fancy.”
“Me, pull a fast one? You’re the one that has a tab that hasn’t been paid off yet!” Keith retorted. “You were already warned that if you didn’t pay your tab at the end of the week, you’d be forced to clean this place until it’s paid in full.”
“I know, I know, but that’s what my lil bet is for.” The man flicked a coin in the air, catching it without breaking eye contact with Keith. “Just one game of Heads or Tails. If you win, I pay for everything tonight. I win, and the debts’ gone.” His grin grew as he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Keith’s. “And don’t worry if you lose. We can always double or nothin’, heh heh~..”
This bastard and his coin.., Keith thought, sucking his teeth in. There was always annoying customers like him, and he always challenged people to coin flips just to get out of trouble. Keith was all too familiar with it, especially with how this guy knew how high to flip the coin in order to get the side he wanted. He could just ban the guy from the club, but at this point..
“Fine. Flip it.”
The man’s eyes widened in excitement. This was going to be such an easy win, and knowing how stubborn Keith was about losing.. Hoho, the things he’s going to make this bunny bitch do~! “Alrighty then! After I flip it, just say what side you want while it’s in the air. Good luck~” Doing two casual flips, he snaps the coin high into the air with his thumb, still not breaking eye contact with Keith. “So? Heads or Tails~?”
“Heads.” Keith answered instantly.
The man caught the coin and slapped it onto the back of his other hand. He didn’t even have to look at it to know what it was, and boy was he excited. “Y’sounded pretty confident there, lil bunny boy. Unfortunately for you, it was–”
…. Wait.
“.. huh? But.. it was supposed to be..”
This time, it was Keith’s turn to grin almost sinister-like. “Get your suit on. You work in 10 minutes.”
- - - - -
While the FNF was the most popular club within Spades, the Sweet Delights was the most popular cafe there. It’s mainly known for its wide variety of desserts and all things sweet, but their sandwiches, various comfort drinks, and small meals can rival most restaurants there. Not to mention the five beautiful maids that serve the customers with a bright smile on their faces.. Well, if you don’t do something that’ll have them death glare you to the ground. This bubbly yet cozy atmosphere attracts people from even the other Symbols, keeping it consistently busy until closing.
“Puuuddiiiing! Is the Smores Cheesecake ready yeeeet?” One maid with the poofiest pigtails popped her head into the kitchen, calling out for the bluenette maid baking with various Servants. All were hard at work in catching up with the different dessert orders, but none were stressing from the busy business (not like the Servants could visibly show stress, but if “Pudding” was fine, so was everything else). “I’m sorry for rushing, by the by! They’re my last table, and there’s something I HAVE to record for Miss Cremie! It’s about these magical mecha girls, and–”
A bonk on the head cut her off from blabbing, causing her to cower and whine. A maid with short pink hair growled, her face flushed in embarrassment. “Shortcake, if you don’t shut your trap, I swear to god..” “Miss Cremie” (or Creme, her ACTUAL alias) looked over to all the desserts going through the last bit of decoration, her irritation turning into concern. Stepping into the kitchen, she leaned closer to the bluenette and whispered “Leroy, are you okay? If you need a break, I can take over..”
“Hm?” Leroy, who was hyper focused at the before mentioned cheesecake, snapped back to reality and looked over to “Creme” with wide eyes. Some chocolate syrup was on his cheek and fingers, and his apron was slightly more messy with various creams, but he didn’t seem to be stressed out. If anything, he looked as if he was perfectly in his element. 
Once he realized who was next to him, he smiled and grabbed a nearby rag to clean off his hands and cheek. “I’m fine, Sophia. We should be done with everything in just a bit. The kitchen will focus on sandwiches and crepes afterwards, once the desserts are kept warm..” he lightly booped Sophia’s nose, “.. or cool for the night~” Giggling at Sophia’s flushed face again, Leroy put on the final touches to the cheesecake, before carefully placing it into a to-go box. “Here you go, Poppy. You’re free to leave once you get your table cleaned up. Oh, and your red velvet cupcakes are waiting for you in the cooler~”
“Yaaaay! Thank yooooou~♡!” Poppy instantly recovered into her bubbly self from the mention of her work reward, and she grabbed the box with excitement, trying not to bounce too much in her step as she rushed to her customer’s table. The maids used fake aliases at work, since it felt a little weird to be addressed by their actual names by random customers. However, they used their real names when in the kitchen or break room, as well as outside of work. Poppy and Sophia, as well as two others named Vivian and Nova (also known as Matcha and Mocha) were hired by Leroy and he found each of them at their lowest. They all feel indebted to him, but he sees them all as good friends that helped him adjust more to the Symbol City.
Since he came from the outside..
“How are Vivian and Nova holding up?” Leroy asked Sophia as they both began cleaning up the kitchen counters. “Have they decided who is going to stay and help you out for the night?”
“Vivian’s gonna stay and work.” Sophia answered. “She’s taking a nap right now during her break, so once she’s up, Nova will head out.” She grabbed a box of opened strawberries and glanced over to the bluenette. When he nodded, she took a berry and bit into it, smiling at the freshness. “Most of our usuals have already finished their meals and left, and we haven’t had any creeps come today, so I wanna say it’s gonna be a smooth night.”
“That’s good. Don’t be afraid to call me if someone tries to start any problems, okay?” Leroy placed the remaining dirty dishes to the dishwasher, where a Servant nodded and got to work in washing. He looked over to the clock and subconsciously played with the hem of his maid dress. “He should be here soon.. I should wash up and change.”
Sophia looked puzzled at Leroy’s statement.. Then furrowed her brow at a thought. “Wait.. is that guy coming here? The friggin’ giant that looks like he hasn’t grown out of his edge phase?”
“.. Pfft!” Leroy couldn’t help but snort at Sophia’s comment, then waved his hand in denial. “No no, not Tsuri. I meant Keith! Ore-.. Our Leader is going to be challenged today. It’s going to be broadcast in a bit, so we want to watch it.” He waltzed over to the pink maid, who had sighed in relief at the confirmation, and held onto her hands, a sneaky glint in his eyes. “Y’know, you don’t have to be mean to him just because you’re jealous, Sophi. You know you and the other maids are my utmost favorites, right~?”
“Wh-?! J-Jealous?? Of him?! Hell no!” Sophia flabbergasted, her face turning red for the third time that night. “I-I just think he needs to get that stick out his ass! He’s always so serious and annoying! I feel it’d kill him to literally smile. .. then again, trying to imagine him smiling puts a shiver down my spine..” 
Seeing Sophia actually shiver at the thought had Leroy giggling again. He couldn’t help himself and kissed her cheek; a habit he had when he was with the other maids, as well as the few others very important to him. Keith.. Tsuri.. Leroy shook his head and let go of the pink maid in order to fix his dress, ignoring the literal smoke steaming out of Sophia’s ears. “Well, I should get going. Vivian, Nova, and your treats are in the cooler as well, so you can grab them once you’re done with your shift. Please let the other two as well.” 
With a tap on his collar, a light beam swirled around Leroy’s body, and the blue maid dress was replaced with a pale brown sweater dress, black tights, and boots to match. After a quick check up on his face and hair, Leroy grabbed two boxes from the cooler and waved goodbye to the maids, deciding to meet up with the other bluenette instead of waiting.
At least, that was the plan, until someone randomly hugged him from behind.
“.. Keith, I literally almost slammed these boxes into your face.”
“I can’t help iiiit!” The perpetrator, Keith, couldn’t help but snicker at Leroy’s slight annoyance. Even with the almost attempted threat, he didn’t let go until he gave Leroy a bigger squeeze. He then swerved in front of Leroy, taking the boxes and grinning the biggest child-like smile. “You’re the most huggable person ever to exist! Plus, you came out right as I was turning the corner, so it was too perfect of a time to getcha from behind!”
Leroy huffed at Keith’s immaturity and flicked his forehead, getting a “Beep!” in response. “I know, but I still prefer if you make some sort of noise before hugging from behind, just to let me know it’s you. That’s what a gentleman does.” Although he wanted to stay stern, Leroy felt himself falter a bit once he heard Keith’s depressed “bee…” It was hard to stay mad at him, so he smiled and kissed the spot he flicked. “I guess, to make up for that spook, you can carry those treats, and lead me to the broadcast. It’s going to start soon, isn’t it? Just be careful while carrying those. They might mess up if you move too wildly.”
Keith’s bunny ears popped up (he was no longer in his bunny outfit, and was instead in an oversized hoodie, loose shirt, and baggy pants, but his ears can still magically appear out of habit), and he smiled bright again, nodding eagerly. “It’s gonna be so cool! I heard Oreo’s letting three different people challenge him at once! I wonder if they’re gonna be able to beat him– Oh!” 
A bright light beamed up to the sky, and multiple holographic tv screens opened up, facing various angles for everyone around to see. A Spade Symbol flew around the air before transforming into a young looking robotic teen in bright blue. “Heya! Howdy! Hello! Can everyone hear me nice and clear???” They shouted, floating speakers projecting their voice, hover boots keeping them afloat. “It’s Chiyo, back at it again with the intense, blood-pumping, super ultra epic commentary for the game of the day! We have a SPECIAL challenge today, as we have not ONE, not TWO, but THREE CHALLENGERS! Let’s see if any of them can take the throne from our beloved 3 of Spades: OREO!!” 
“It’s starting! Lemme get a thingy!” Keith balanced the boxes with one hand while the other multi tapped his earrings, and not a minute later did a Servant appear in front of them, inside a hovering convertible- like car. It opened the door and helped the two inside, before driving to the sky, heading to a roof with the best view. 
Being able to fly in such a fancy car was a luxury few had access to, and the two Trump Cards always took advantage of it to get the best views of the city. The Servant parked and awaited its next orders, but the two weren’t focused on that. Their eyes stayed glued to the screen, seeing their Leader and the three competitors sit apart from one another, their cards showing only on screen, next to their profiles. The first competitor’s profile had him look confident yet cocky. The second looked very serious, glaring at the screen. The third couldn’t hide their nervousness she must’ve felt when entering. And the Leader..
“Oreo has the best poker face ever, I swear.” Keith whistled. It probably helped the neutral appearance since Oreo’s hat and hair covered his eyes, but the constant smile he had threw people off everytime. Was he actually happy? Was he plotting something? Was he hiding anger or frustration? Nobody could ever know.. Except for his Trump Cards, and that was honestly the best power yet. “Do you think those three are actually gonna work together to take Oreo down?” Keith asked Leroy. “I feel like that’s the only way they’d win.”
“It would..” Leroy shook his head, “But I don’t think they will. Even if they followed through and managed to beat him, they’d still have to decide who the Leader would be. Look at their faces too.” Leroy pointed up to the screen. While Oreo was difficult to read, the competitors wore their thoughts right on their sleeves, eyes shifting between one another. “It’s not just about beating Oreo; they want to be the Tycoon in the end because it may guarantee their spot as Leader. I doubt any of them would want to be Cards, if the Tycoon were to actually offer that. Their clouded goals are going to keep them from winning..”
Leroy looked over to Keith, and was startled by the stars sparkling in the bunny’s eyes. He felt his face heat up from the stare, which he quickly shook his head and stared back at the screen. He missed Oreo win the first round, and the second round was about to start. Dammit, he was usually good at hiding his surprise.. “Th-that’s just what I noticed. I could be wrong, though!” he stuttered, twirling a curl in his hair in embarrassment. “You.. aren’t looking at the screen, Keith–”
“Leroy, you’re so friggin cool!” Keith interrupted, unintentionally making the car shake from his bouncing. “You’ve gotten so good at reading people’s expressions! That’s really important when playing games like this! I need to work harder to catch up to you two!” He smiled genuinely, which made Leroy’s cheeks heat up more. 
Not like the compliments upset Leroy.. In fact, it made him really, REALLY happy. Caving into the good feeling, he leaned his head against Keith’s shoulder, who instantly adjusted to make sure they were both comfortable. They’ve been working together for over a year now, yet the positive attention he would get from Keith.. It always made Leroy’s chest flutter. 
“Keith..” Leroy whispered, “.. Oreo’s gonna win this, right?”
“Heh heh, of course he is.” Keith nodded. “I bet my everything on it.”
They both looked up to the screen. Oreo won the second round. Just one more round left, and the only way he could lose is if second place beat him. He had a hand full of pairs, a 4 stack to start a revolution, and a 3 of Spades; his signature card.
“Yeah.. I don’t doubt he’ll win, too.” Leroy smiled. “Good.. I get to stay as a Card with you.”    
- - - - -
“Th-This is bullshit! How’d you have that good of a hand every time?! You fuckin’ cheated somehow!”
“I knew trying to work with you two was a mistake.. Why did you guys lie about your hands?! You guys never played the cards that I needed you to play in order to win! We just had to beat him, remember?!”
“N-No.. I-I don’t want to die.. Please don’t kill me, please!!”
“Are you three done?”
“I don’t cheat in my games. I’ve never had to, I never will. I told you guys that you could work together to beat me, but you couldn’t even manage that. All you had to do was try to beat me, that’s all. But you each wanted to be the Tycoon. To be honest.. That was a bit boring. I’ll figure out what to do with you three later~”
With a loud snap, each competitor was escorted by a Servant, all yelling, cursing, and crying the way out.
“Sigh.. Keith and Leroy should be home soon. Mmm, they made donuts today, I believe. I need a treat sooo bad.”
W h o o o o o o . . . .
The “hat” tugs on his arm. 
“Hmm.. you sensed it too, didn’t you, Namu? Something’s coming.. I can’t wait to see what we have in store today~♤”
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taiyoooh · 2 years
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Redesigns for the rewrites plus more finalized mainline Winxification of Fate the Winx Saga characters. I’ll still have the main cast age as they should have, but they’ll expressly follow the Italian education system, so their version of high school lasts 5 years. The Specialists take a gap year in Season 4, and continue on for another 2 years at Red Fountain. 
I’m also having the schools of Magix implement a sort of higher education system so graduates can do more university level things and they can even do it at any school participating in the program for interdisciplinary studies. They do have to teach/TA a course. The Winx are participating in the new program for various reasons, but mostly to try to stay together as long as they can. The Fate the Winx Saga characters will be appearing in Season 6 so they don’t clutter Season 4 and 5. 
Notes about each character here though. 
Roxy - Redesigned to look more like a base fairy form than Believix which she apparently doesn’t actually have despite the music playing. I designed one years ago, so this is a reworking of that. 
Krystal - I’ve seen a lot of people choose green or yellow as her main dress color, but I rather liked the blue from her volleyball outfit. Slight grape and Greek motif. 
Nereus - Very lazy of Rainbow to just palette swap him and Tritannus. I know they’re twins, but come on. In the rewrites, Valtor left a lot of traps in the oceans of Andros, to catch and transform mermaids and tritons without him actually being there. He and the Trix stabilized them so they still remained even after he exploded. Nereus accidentally triggers one while exploring, and goes missing for m o n t h s during Season 4. Tritannus realizes how much he does love Nereus during his absence and grows resentful of his family, particularly Ligea, Tressa, and Aisha, for being unable to find and heal him for so long. The coral scepter couldn’t heal him all the way, and they had to wait for Aisha to get back to Andros to force Nereus to swallow fairy dust (he grew a mucus layer that prevented it from actually reaching his skin). He’s recovering but never did get to eat a lot while cursed, which is why he’s so emaciated. 
Fate - Fairy of Sparks. That is a 4Kids reference. She is a resident of Domino who got trapped in Obsidian along with the rest before she had a chance to go to Alfea. She’s still adjusting to the new world and the fact that the baby Princess is now older than she is. 
Photina - Fairy of Light Rays. The daughter of a prominent member of King Radius’ court on Solaria. Very haughty. For a while she looked up to Chimera. Biggest f in the chat for Photina. 
Terra - Fairy of Earth. One of Flora’s cousins. It didn’t make sense for Miele to suddenly be high school age in Season 6. She was like, 8-10 in Season 3. She struggles to accept her powers because of the teasing and bullying of her weight. Think more of the AtlA earth bending than plants for Terra. 
Alma - Fairy of Thoughts. As in her source material, she struggles with constantly hearing thoughts. The cowl built in her fairy dress also helps her focus it. She doesn’t like making eye contact because that raises the “volume” of thoughts she hears. 
Layla - Fairy of Rain. Big brain move huh? She is pretty athletic but prefers to make music, particularly with letting rain droplets hit different surfaces for different sounds. 
Beatrix - Witch of Mimicry. She can copy abilities fairly easily, though for some things like the Dragon Flame, it won’t be as strong as the original. She super wants to be part of the Trix’s coven.
Selina - In the Season 4 part of my rewrites, Bloom learns that Earth is actually one of several refugee planets for witches and other magical beings who want to go into hiding. Selina is one such expatriate from Solaria, whose parents sent her to Earth following the destruction of Domino. Daphne put some very strong anti-tracking and anti-detection spells on Bloom so the Ancestral Witches and their coven wouldn’t be able to find her. Eldora also couldn’t sense her, but she could sense Selina, and tried to convert her into a fairy rather than let her be a witch. Stifled, Selina chose Asheron over Eldora so she could have some agency over her life.
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buttmuncher91 · 3 years
a lot of advanceshippers love to say such bs about Drew even to this day. Drew is not my favorite character & it’s fine to prefer advanceshipping over contestshipping and I kinda like advanceshipping , but some of the things they say are ridiculous! This is not bashing on all advanceshippers or advanceshipping in general, this is just some quotes (not exact) I’ve seen that I’ve had problems with.
”Drew is a jerk! Ash would treat her right!“
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Both would treat her just fine! Drew watches out for her & tells her when Harley is tricking her, saved her friends & brother when she was busy, saves her friends, cheers her up when she’s down, & they both calmly talk to each other when alone.
Besides, there are some things to point Ash being a jerk to her too! Ash yelled at her because he was butthurt he had no boat to get his next gym badge & skips out on watching some of her contest when May even watches him battle regular trainers.
And it’s not like May is an innocent angel herself. She yelled at Ash & Drew for no reason, had her torchic attack Ash, & forced Ash to agree to let her travel with him by bringing up her bike.
I know May & Ash have developed a lot sense than, but so has Drew & y’all are just stuck viewing him how he reacted at the beginning.
”May hates Drew & loves ash!“
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She doesnt hate Drew. At the very worst, she sees him as a friend & has seen him that way by “Who, What, When, Where, Wynut.” Like I said we seen them talk a lot when they run into each other & heck, she even ditched the group, including Ash as he was talking to her, to talk to Drew when she saw Drew. So tell me again how she loves Ash way more than Drew lol!
And in ”Spontaneous Combustion“ May blushes at Drew after he waved and walked off. May never blushed around Ash, even when some weird couple accused her of being Ash’s lover. And there was nothing in that scene that indicates her getting red met something else. She wasn’t sick, doesn’t look mad, didn’t do anything embarrassing, etc... so it looks as if she really likes Drew.
”Drew is a flirts with any girl & would cheat on May, but Ash would never cheat on her!”
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You people have nothing to back this up. Drew had fangirls gushing all over him? May being Norman‘s daughter and probably because she’s referred to as hoenn princess, has a lot of fanboys! In fact, Ash is more likely to cheat on May then Drew dispite him being oblivious, as Drew showed 0 interest in his fangirls & ran from them. If he was such a flirt, he wouldn’t run from fan girls, but would try & you know, FLIRT with them. Drew also showed 0 interest for other girls, & only teases May. You advanceshipper fanbrats (not saying all advanceshippers are fanbrats just the advanceshippers who think this) only pretend he is to make up reasons for May to reject Drew.
”He only likes May for her rack, & wouldn’t care for her if it was flat!“
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Talk about reaching. Drew only stares at her FACE! He never stared at them, & the anime gave her chest 0 focus. He isn’t just some creeper. Despite not being interested in her, he treated Breanna nicely & she was flat. He may just have puppy love/a crush on her, but saying he’s just trying to win her because of her rack is complete bs!
”Think about it, Drew & May would make ugly babies!”
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Based on what? Cuz Drew has green hair? As someone whose least favorite color is green (okay, okay dark/forest green is pretty), I think this is a stupid claim. Even with a weird hair color, there’s a chance the child could be cute, & really beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hair color is NOT even close to a huge factor to what separates not ugly to ugly. And they don’t have to make babies if they do get together. They can just choose to adopt to help out those who need a home or just happily be with each other with no children at all.
”Drew is in less episodes with May than Ash, so advanceshipping is better & will be canon!”
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🤦‍♀️Misty has the most screen time with ash. By this cruddy ”logic,” Misty & ash (so far) are canon. Yes, misty has much more screen time with ash than May. Misty had all of Kanto, Orange Islands, AND Jhoto with ash... as well as a cameo with ash in Hoenn, and TWO separate cameos in Alola. And at this point, May could have spent more time with Drew. It’s been 4 regions that Ash hasn’t even thought of 1 of her Pokémon after all this time. I’m no pokeshipper, but let’s be real here.
And most of the time Ash & May are on screen, it’s them focusing on their goals/Pokémon. They cheer & encourage each other too, but it’s mostly friendship stuff. Could something happen later on between them to spark love? Sure. But nothing in the anime ever pointed to that. And you can literally say that with Ash and... ANYONE! Like Ash could grow up, met back up with Roxie & they could fall for each other.
When Drew appears on screen, you mostly see hard evidence for contestshipping, weather on Drew’s side, May’s side, or both. Yes, there’s evidence on BOTH sides that they like each other. At best, advanceshipping looks one-sided on May’s side. And even then, it mostly looked that way in the beginning of AG. There’s way more evidence that May likes Drew & vice vesa than with ash & May, even with “less contestshipping hints!“ A lot of hints for shippings are overblown. Not just advanceshipping hints, but poke/pearl/negai(actually never mind, negai is under looked & over hated)/amour/etc... are over blown & it’s just ash being his usual nice/childish self. With Drew, it’s obvious he likes her as how he constantly stares at her, teases her, gives her red roses (& says they’re for beutifly), etc... While I think I covered how May likes Drew enough already. And yes, this could just be a kiddy crush for the both of them, but in the end there’s still harder evidence that Drew & May like each other.
Plus there are a lot of canon fictIonal couples who had less screen time with each other than other characters. Naruhina, ichihime, Hinny, gochi, etc...
“Drew never saves May’s life, unlike Ash!”
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So? May never even tried to saved Ash, like she did with Drew!
Ash has also saved: Angie (who has a more confirmed crush on ash), Dawn, Pikachu (3x I can think of), Chinchar, Lillie (or at least attempts to help a lot of times), Celiebi, Erika’s Gloom, Serena, Misty’s sisters Pokémon, a ton of CotDs & their Pokémon...
And what of those who saved Ash? Misty, Sabrina’s... family photographer, Gary, Iris, Clemont’s father, Zeroara dude, a ton of officer jennys, Pikachu, a lapras, Paul, Drew (ya keep on hating him if it werent for him Ash Brock and Max would probably be dead in that crate Jessie, James & Meowth trapped them in so not even advanceshipping could happen).
“Rivals can’t be dating!”
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Where did you get this bs? Even in the pokeani IN THE AG SERIES this has been proven false. Watch Pasificlog Jam again. Who put you in charge of how couples should work anyways? If a writer wants to have rivals hookup in their story, than they have that freedom to have the rivals hookup regardless how upset you get over it.
“Ash & May kissed in a banned episode, so advanceshipping is canon not contestshipping!”
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Come on guys, they’re 10. The anime creators aren’t gonna have two 10 yr olds kiss on the lips. Its really creepy some person came up with this. No, it’s not creepy cuz I don’t like advaceshipping (I actually like some aspects of it). Again, it’s creepy because they’re 10. If they were like 13+ yrs old, it‘d be okay, but NOT 10. Plus, even Japan is very sensitive when having kissing on the lips happen with kid shows. Even with adults, they censor it/show something else as the kiss happens & just imply it happened. Expecally how they view kissing on the lips in the first place, they ain’t having 2 ten year olds kiss.
And there would be NOTHING to imply that they where going to kiss. Around this time this episode that they kissed claimed to happen (episode 357), Ash & co. where heading to fortree. Nothing ever was implied from the both of them even want to kiss each other. They just where supportive friends of each other with no hinting there where secret feelings or developing feelings from ether of them. Theres also nothing beyond that episode that implied the kiss happened. Because if it did actually happen, I’m sure something like that would impact the next few episodes, but nope no mention of any kiss nor do ash & May act any differently around each other in 358 and beyond. So even if it did happen, it was going to more than likely sink the ship, like it was some akaward thing they did because they were “under the mistletoe“ & afterwards just agreed to be friends & forget about it. The pokemon anime was always about friendship, adventure, and Pokemon themselves, never romance.
Also episode 357 is “Take This House and Shuppet!” not “A Kiss Under the Mistletoe!“ The Japanese episode is the same as the English barring names & episode number.
Were do you get such a sorce for this info? “my friend’s japanese friend who talked to the director of the AG anime & saw it!” or some other ridiculous unreliable garbage like that? Give me actual sources with interviews from the writers talking about this supposed banned episode. Bet you can’t, unless it’s fake & unreliable. If it existed, it would have floated up by someone from Japan. After All, even if for 20 mins that episode should’ve existed if it was just banned. Like “Electric Soldier Porygon” was banned completely & only aired one time in Japan. However, there are places that you can watch the episode despite it being completely banned due to putting a lot of children in the hospital from seizures. That was older than the supposed advanceshipping kiss episode as ’Electric Soldier Porygon’ is a Original Series episode in Kanto the 38th episode. No one can find this supposed advanceshipping episode nor is it even listed in the banned episode list. It should be harder to find this older banned episode than it should be to find this supposed banned kiss episode.
“Why should May choose Drew over Ash? Ash is like a literal god!”
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What? Yes, he’s befriended every legendary & come back though poketears, save the world so many times, has arua abilities (he rarely uses), & whatever else, but it’s not like he seems that BA or whatever. Ash not aging seems over focused on, when in reality NO ONE is aging. It took him 7 regions to win 1 league (a questionable one at that), can’t remember Pokémon he seen before & sometimes forgets what he learned, & needs saved by others sometimes. Some god, can’t even rescue himself. Besides, who knows what Drew has done on his adventures. Drew has also saved Ash, Brock, & Max from trouble, isn’t Drew awesome saving someone ”like a god!”? Drew also has beat him in a battle as well, is that y’all’s problem?
And where is Ash’s voice in all this? It’s like this in all this anti-Drew bs. “Drew is just this terrible creature who possesses all 7 deadly sins & is the creation of Giratina & thus May hates & so does everyone else! However... blessed by Arceus himself, we all just know not dense Ash Ketchem is waiting to sweep May off her feet & save her from the demonic spawn that is Drew who is lusting after her bewbs😡” (<-original ideas, do not steal jkjk). Like there’s NOTHING to indicate ash wants her. And do you think this of May as well? Like do y‘all think May is just this perfect, sweetest, most divine woman in the pokeani that only Ash “blessed by Arceus“ is the only guy that should be blessed by such an angel? 🤣
Look, I like Ash & I like May. But even with my favorite characters I wouldn’t go as far as to think so highly of them that it makes Helga’s obsession with Arnold look like nothing. And just because Ash is more amazing with more feets & whatever, doesn’t mean May has to love ash or that Ash has to choose may because Drew doesn’t measure up to him.🤷‍♀️ Just think about it, should Timmy’s mom go with Dinkleburg? After all, he is smarter than Timmy’s dad, has more money & is more successful than he is. And Wandesemo is more popular, not stupid, & mostly competent unlike Casmo. Should Wanda dump Casmo for him? Of course i understand wanting the best person to end with you’re favorite character. But that’s not how love works & in the long run isn’t fair to both Ash & May (& Drew, but I know you haters don’t care about that).
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j-casper · 4 years
Penelope Garcia x (trans ! ftm) Luke Alvez
aka, how they got together (in Luke’s point of view)
warning: gender dysphoria, (brief mention of) transphobia
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He cuts his hair for the first time with kitchen scissors when he’s eleven.
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There’s something wrong with him, he concludes weeks before when his mother sat him down and told him about puberty, about the changes his body would go through.
Only—he didn’t want to go through these changes.
A nauseous feeling settled in the pit of his stomach when he realized that the thought of puberty, of the things his body would soon go through, unsettled him and, not only that, but...it scared him.
Scared him like when his father shouted at the top of his lungs at his mother when they argued.
Scared him like the time he snuck one of his cousin’s toy cars to his own house to play with it in the secret of his room.
Scared him like the time that he asked for a lightsaber for Christmas only to get his mother’s intimidating stare in response.
He didn’t have a word for his feelings beside scared, didn’t have a word for the reasoning behind his disgust for his body.
That was until...him, Matthew—his new next door neighbor with his shaggy brown hair and built form.
His parents wrote off his admiration for the new neighbor as a crush, teasing him and prodding him every time his wide, awe-filled eyes trailed after Matthew.
It wasn’t long before he realized that he didn’t have a crush on Matthew...no—he wanted to be like Matthew.
He wanted short hair and a built form and a confident swagger.
He wanted to wear khaki pants and button down shirts, along with black dress shoes and a chain around his belt loops.
He wanted a deep voice and scruffy facial hair.
He wanted to be a boy.
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His fingers ran carefully through his long hair, his other hand gripping the scissors he had sneaked out of the kitchen.
It’s 12am in the morning and he’s alone in the bathroom, staring in the mirror hopelessly at the person inside.
Tears ran down his face as he carefully bought the scissors up to his hair, his eyes tightening closed once a strand of hair is placed inside.
The cut piece of hair falls on his shoulder and he resists the urge to tremble, eyes opening as he gathered more hair between the blades.
Slowly, his hair creates its own pile on the cold bathroom tile under his feet.
At the end, his hair is short and terribly uneven, but, for once, his head feels light.
Tears gather in his eyes as he places down the scissors, his hands gripping both sides of the sink as he stared at his reflection.
“Luke,” he whispers softly, the name he always wished he had when he learned that he would have been named that if born a boy, “my name is Luke.”
Luke allows a single tear to run down his face before he leaves the bathroom to go back to bed.
He climbs in and ignores the pink walls and dolls scattered around the room, and allows the silence of a sleeping house to lure him to sleep.
(He can’t find it in himself to regret his choice when met with his mother’s intimidating stare and his father’s loud, angry shouting at the sight of him the next day.
He’s never felt more free.)
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He gets his first binder at the age of fourteen, a gift from his older sister for his birthday.
She practically has to pry him away from the mirror when he first tries it on and can only proceed to stand there, running a lightly trembling hand over his newly flattened chest.
She’s the one that reminds him to take breaks from wearing it, the words “little brother” leaving her mouth affectionately and part scolding when she does so and he almost cries.
He doesn’t think he has any tears to waste anymore after crying over his father’s refusal to respect his identity and his mother’s judging state that would follow him, silently disapproving of every choice he makes.
He starts Testosterone when he’s seventeen after years of therapy.
The first shot hurts but he doesn’t flinch.
He’s been waiting for this moment his entire life, even if he didn’t know it at one point.
Besides, before long he’s used to the shots and is instead left to beam in delight as he notices the changes his body goes through due to it.
His voice deepens, his body hair thickens, and he even begins to gain facial hair.
He’s happy, he realizes one day as he gets ready for the day, toothbrush stuck in mouth as he pauses in front of the bathroom mirror.
He’s so happy.
By the time he joins the BAU, he’s older and a bit wiser.
His name is legally changed to Luke and his gender is accompanied by a little M on his legal paperwork.
For all intents and purposes, he passes with his (permanent) flat chest from top surgery years before and the years he has been on testosterone.
He’s happier.
He smiles and beams and jokes around.
His sister jokes that he’s a lady killer, charming and flirting; yet, Luke doesn’t really allow himself to get close to anyone romantically.
At the end of the night, he goes home to Roxy and that’s enough for him...until he meets her.
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Penelope Garcia.
Technical analyst for the BAU.
Self-proclaimed nerd.
A woman who sassily comments to Luke upon the second time meeting him that she has an amazing boyfriend and Luke ignores the pain in his chest at the thought of the beautiful woman in front of him being taken as he instead smiles, doing what he does best next—continues to be charming (as his sister would say) and attempts to make a conversation only to get shut down.
He tries to pretend that he doesn’t care about her cold and distant attitude.
He pretends that it doesn’t hurt with how she treats him differently than everyone else, but not in the way he wants.
He smiles despite how much Garcia’s actions hurt and he ignores the fact that a tiny voice in the back of his head nags that she knows, that she’s treating him like this because he’s trans.
It’s nothing personal, he reminds himself, recognizing a hurt individual when seeing one, but hell if he doesn’t feel like it is.
“Come on, newbie,” Garcia drawled as she sipped slowly on her drink, eyebrow raised playfully as she teased him, “what’s your secret? We all have one.”
Luke laughed, taking a small sip from his beer before answering, wide smile spreading to his face as he teased back, “wouldn’t be a secret then, would it?”
It was his first time having a drink with the team and his mood brightened when they all laughed at his response to Garcia’s teasing.
Luke relaxed, untensing his shoulders at the teasing, not realizing how tense he was until then.
At the thought, his eyes shot to Garcia as Rossi dived into a story, his eyes meeting hers for a split second before looking away quickly.
He turned towards Rossi, but watched Garcia out of the corner of his eye.
Did she say that on purpose because she noticed how tense he was?
He shook his head as soon as the thought passed through his mind.
There was no way.
This was Penelope Garcia and to her, Luke is just an annoying coworker and not a friend.
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“Do you hate me?” He whispers one day in Garcia’s vicinity, so quiet that he’s sure that she doesn’t hear him.
They’re alone in her lair, and once again he allows her coldness to get to him despite vowing to himself not too.
Her head shoots up, her eyes meeting his.
He can’t recognize the look in her eyes.
He stands straight, hands stuffed in his pocket.
“I don’t hate you,” she admits at last, blinking rapidly and her face looking almost...offended?
Luke shook his head.
“Yeah, I figured, but you know,” he flashed her a small grin and gave a little shrug of his shoulders, his body relaxing at how genuine she looked to be.
Her eyes bored into his for a few more seconds before she hastily looked away and to her monitor.
“I don’t hate you Alvez...far from it,” she admits at last, quietly.
Luke practically beams.
Garcia groaned playfully, “stop smirking, Newbie.”
Luke laughed, dodging her slapping hand as he practically rushed out of the room.
Outside the door after shutting it behind him, he pauses, chest heaving and smiling growing wider.
She didn’t hate him.
Thank god.
Garcia...Penelope...is leaving.
She’s leaving.
Leaving the BAU, the team, everyone...including him.
There’s always a silver lining though.
This silver lining came in the form of Emily Prentiss, casually reminding him that Garcia would never date a coworker.
His heart seems to pause when he realizes that they’re no longer coworkers.
They’re no longer coworkers.
He might have a chance.
He steeled himself, standing up straight and remembering everything he has ever been through.
His childhood.
His family.
His life.
He catches Garcia’s eyes from across the yard and he smiles.
Now or never.
He asks her out for dinner, and she says yes.
She says yes.
He goes home excited, whooping out loud once in the safety of his apartment, fist pumping in the air.
Roxy jumps excitedly at his enthusiasm and the sight of him, and he laughs.
“Guess what girl? Dad has a date.”
He’s afraid that his face will soon hurt with how much he’s grinning but he doesn’t care.
He has a date...with Penelope Garcia.
He wears his best button down shirt paired with dress pants, and carefully he loops his belt through and places on his tennis shoes.
Nice, but casual.
Before he leaves his apartment to pick her up, he wipes his sweaty hands on his pant’s legs.
He’s ready.
Penelope Garcia is a vision.
She’s always a vision, Luke concludes, but even more so today now that he’s seeing her through the view of a date rather than a coworker or friend.
Luke nervously smiles, hands pushing the flowers in his hand towards her.
“For you.”
“Why thank you kind sir,” Penelope grins, gently taking them and invites him inside.
He watches as she places the flowers in a vase and he chooses then to speak, “you look beautiful” and she did.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Newbie,” she shot back, “so where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
The air outside the restaurant is cold.
“So, that was pretty amazing,” Luke teased as him and Penelope slowly walked to his car and he opened the door for her.
Penelope grinned, “it wasn’t bad.”
Luke laughed, “bad? glad to know that me spilling water on my shirt amuses you.”
“I mean, it did,” Penelope giggled, avoiding Luke’s playful glare.
“Woah, nice to know my humiliation amuses you, chica,” Luke moaned dramatically as he cranked up the engine, smiling widening when Penelope’s laugh grew in volume.
Without even thinking, his right hand shot out to lay on top of Penelope’s own on the armrest, causing her to freeze, laughs abruptly stopping.
“I had a really great time tonight,” Luke admitted softly, grinning.
Penelope paused before admitting just as softly, “me too.”
Luke slowly leaned across the middle console and Penelope did the same, hearts thudding as they slowly grew closer and closer before pausing, faces centimeters away.
“May I?” Luke asked.
“Yeah,” Penelope breathed out.
“Yeah?” Luke asked, smiling.
Penelope nodded her head, “yeah” before her lips crashed again his, all other thoughts but those of Penelope Garcia leaving his head.
“I need to tell you something,” Luke admitted after their third date, this one being in Penelope’s apartment and involving a movie and popcorn.
Penelope turned her body towards his, giving him her full attention.
He shifted nervously.
“I’m—” he trails off, brows furrowing as he tries to figure out how to word everything correctly.
Penelope’s hands took hold of his, squeezing them softly and Luke shakingly exhaled.
“I’m trans, Penelope,” he admits quietly, stomach dropping and his breath catching in his throat as he awaits her answer.
Penelope’s brows furrowed, “as in a transwoman or a transman.”
“Transman,” he admits, “that’s why I don’t really talk to my family beside my sister and her husband and kids. My parents didn’t take it too well.”
Penelope’s hands tightened around his.
“Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me,” Penelope told him at last, grinning softly.
Luke grinned back hestitantly, “you’re okay with it?”
Penelope sighed, mock offense due to him asking her this written across her face, “I love you, Luke Alvez, no matter your identity or pronouns or anything else...even if your ego is too big.” Her voice playful as she eased his concerns.
“Good,” Luke joked back, relief settling in his chest, “because I’m bisexual too...wait,” he blinked in shock, mouth falling open a little as he registered what she said, “you love me?”
Penelope blushed.
“I love you too, Penelope Garcia,” a wide smile splitting his face.
Penelope sighed, “you better, Newbie. I’m a catch.”
“Well, so am I.”
He dodged her playful slap and sprinted across the room, laughter from both of them filling the air as she chased after him.
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A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words
Fluffy Jemily Oneshot. 
Summary:  Based on a prompt about couple's posting photos on social media, aka: JJ and Emily spend a lovely day with the kids.
Pairing: Jennifer “JJ” Jareau / Emily Prentiss 
Word Count: 2108
Read it on AO3
Emily Prentiss is not very good with social media. That’s not to say she doesn’t have accounts, she does, she just doesn’t use them all that often. Reasons for this will vary depending on who’s being asked. Rossi is likely to explain this with a conversation they once had about Emily preferring hand written letters from her friends to a DM. Penelope believes the aversion is because she won’t take the time to actually learn how to use the platforms, despite her offering tech support. Derek thinks it’s because she likes her privacy and isn’t particularly interested in sharing every aspect of her life on the internet. Spencer’s explanation involves too many statistics.
JJ, however, loves Instagram. She isn’t too bothered with Facebook or Twitter, but Insta? That’s the social media platform for her. Not only does she have so much to capture on camera; her family, her friends, the beautiful scenery she stumbles upon on her jogs, she likes the simplicity of sharing these images online like a digital scrap book.
She began private Instagram accounts for both Henry and Michael when they were born, cataloguing their childhoods in a unique way that meant by the time they were old enough, they would be able to take over the accounts. It was novel, she realised, but it seemed like a really cool and contemporary way to document their childhoods.
While she isn’t particularly interested in posting photos online, Emily adores taking photos. She’s usually the one suggesting a photo opportunity, often snapping selfies of her and the team when they’re at Rossi’s, or asking one of them to take a cute photo of her and JJ, because they dressed up and look too good to not immortalise on camera. She’ll often whip out her phone to take pictures of Henry and Michael playing together, or JJ snoozing on the sofa. Her favourite type of photo is a candid shot, so she takes them of the people she loves as often as she can, always carefully and tactfully walking the line between being in the moment, and wanting to capture the moment.
One day, the had decided to take the kids out on an activity trail, one of those ones where you go on a hike and the children have a treasure hunt to do along the way. It seemed like a fun way to spend some much needed quality time together whilst also getting the boys to burn off some of their near endless energy. JJ had prepared a packed lunch for them all so that they could sit in the picnic area and eat lunch halfway through the trail. Thankfully the weather looked like it would stay dry, a couple of clouds scattered across the sky but nothing that seemed too drastic.
Packing the car with all the essentials, the little family set off on their adventure for the day. It didn’t take long to drive to their destination, and once they’d parked up, JJ and Emily grabbed a bag and a child each. Collecting a treasure map from the kiosk at the beginning of the trail, they let the boys run ahead to try and find the first activity.
They walked in comfortable silence behind Henry and Michael, who weren’t too far ahead, hand in hand, just enjoying the fresh air and each other’s company.
Spotting the first challenge, Emily watched as Henry read the instructions to Michael, stopping to spell out the words he didn’t know until he could work out what it said.
JJ smiled down at her children, so proud of Henry for being such a good big brother. Turning to her wife, her heart swelled, her life was so full of love, she couldn’t believe it sometimes.
Noticing that JJ was looking at her, Emily turned her attention to the blonde, meeting her smile with her own.
“How long do you think it’ll take them?” Emily asked, nodding her head over to the two boys who were searching around the trees for their next clue.
“The longer the better, I’m enjoying this.” JJ replied, taking the opportunity to pull out a bottle of water from one of the bags and take a long drink. She casually offered it to Emily, who took a sip before handing it back, and watching as she screwed the lid back on.
Pulling her phone out, Emily began to snap some photos of the boys who had finally found the clue they were looking for. Unable to resist the opportunity, the brunette took a couple of steps back, raising the camera so that JJ was in the shot. The result was a lovely photo of JJ, facing the boys, framed with the beautiful trees and shrubbery of the forest. The light was catching on the blonde’s hair, causing it to almost sparkle, JJ was honestly breathtaking. Why she chose to share her life with Emily remained a mystery to the older woman, but whatever the reason was, Emily knew she would never question how she managed to get so lucky, or what she did to deserve this family.
A little while later, with the boys successfully finding the next three clues, it was finally time to eat. Coming across the clearing, they took a seat on one of the wooden benches, unpacking their rucksacks and digging in. Emily couldn’t help herself, taking more action shots of the boys as they happily chomped on their sandwiches and sipped from their juice cartons.
There was an ice-cream stand at the edge of the clearing, and as the kids had eaten all of their lunches, JJ had gone to treat them all to a cone. Returning with the goods, she handed one each to the boys, laughing as then enthusiastically thanked her and took no time in devouring the sweet treat.
“I didn’t really fancy a whole one, so I hope you don’t mind sharing.” JJ said, carefully licking along the side of the chocolate ice-cream before reaching it out for Emily to grab.
“Sounds good to me!” Emily replied, leaning down to take some of the cool cream from the cone, not bothering to take it from her wife’s hand, humming as it slipped into her mouth and down her throat.
Once the ice-creams were all but gone, the boys stood up to play a quick game of tag. Intently watching them run around, squealing with excitement, JJ didn’t notice she had ice cream on her chin. Emily knew exactly what to do when she saw the streaks underneath JJ’s mouth, once more pulling her phone out and capturing the blonde on camera.
JJ spun to face Emily, who was laughing at how adorable the photo she’d taken had turned out.
“What’s so funny?” JJ questioned, still blissfully unaware of the marks on her face.
“You uh, you missed your mouth a bit there Jayje.” Emily puffed out between giggles.
Gasping JJ threw a fake glare at the brunette, grabbing for the phone to see for herself. Gasping again, she threw a hand up to her chin using her sleeve to wipe at the mess she had seen resting on her chin in the photo.
Continuing to laugh, Emily took her phone back from JJ before she had chance to delete the photo. Making a mental note to post it in the BAU group chat later, Emily placed her phone down on the table and reached out to still the blonde’s arm, pulling it down and replacing it with her own.
“I got you,” Emily said, wiping away the remaining ice cream from her wife’s chin, still unable to contain her giggles.
“There, I got almost all of it.” She stated, matter of factly.
“What do you mean, almost all of it?” JJ exclaimed, her eyes shooting up to meet the older woman’s, challenging her with screwed up eyebrows.
Rather than replying, Emily leaned forwards, poking her tongue out for a quick taste before sucking on the final bit of ice-cream that was stubbornly stuck to the corner of JJ’s mouth. Tasting the chocolatey goodness on her lovers mouth, she couldn’t help herself, claiming JJ’s lips with her own, slowly enjoying the way the chocolate was complementing the taste of the other woman’s lips.
So engrossed in the sensation of kissing JJ clean, Emily hadn’t noticed that the younger woman had sneaked her own phone off the table. Before she could object, JJ took a cute photo of the two of them kissing. The sound of the pretend shutter brought Emily to her senses, forcing her to break away from the blonde to see what was happening.
JJ sat there with a grin from ear to ear at the questioning look on Emily’s face.
“What? You’re not the only one who gets to take photos,” JJ offered, turning the phone so Emily could see the picture of them kissing.
“I guess it’s kinda cute?” Emily stated, still unsure as to why on earth JJ had decided to take the photo, but secretly thrilled that it had happened.
Before they could discuss anymore, they heard their sons shouting for their mommies, encouraging them to hurry up so they could finish the trail. With no objection from the women, they quickly cleaned up, forgetting about the photo that had just been taken.
Arriving home that evening after a long day of running around, climbing on things, chasing each other, and a lot of laughter, it wasn’t long before the boys were in bed, each clutching at their prizes from the treasure hunt.
Pouring a glass of red wine for them both, Emily waited in the lounge for the return of her wife, making herself comfortable on their sofa, swiftly pulling her phone out to pass the time. Deciding to have a rare scroll through Instagram, she found herself smiling fondly at a selfie of Penelope, Luke, and Roxie, double tapping to express her approval. The next photo was one Derek had posted of Hank with a football in his arms, he was getting so big now, Emily could hardly believe it, she liked it and scrolled again. She was greeted with a photo of Henry with his arm around Michael’s shoulder, both boys boasting with their medals from the treasure hunt. Her smile reached her eyes as she just admired the photo of their sons.
Realising there was more than one picture posted, Emily scrolled to the left, enjoying the next picture of the boys both crouching to look at a clue intently. Taking a sip from her glass, she scrolled once more and almost choked on her wine as she saw the photo of her and JJ kissing on her phone screen.
It was at this moment JJ made her presence known, clearing her throat to grab Emily’s attention.
“Whatcha doing?” She asked with a mocking tone to her voice, knowing full well what Emily was doing, she’d been stood in the room for a good minute, watching her wife scroll through the photos of their sons.
“Uhh, Jayje, did you... did you mean to post this?” Emily reached the phone out to show JJ the picture in question.
Taking the phone and the wine glass from her wife, JJ gently sat down beside her, placing the glass on the coffee table and pulling her legs up so she could sit facing her.
“Yeah, why?” JJ asked, looking at the photo and smiling to herself.
Surprised that JJ wasn’t embarrassed by the photo being shared publicly, and by how calmly she’d responded, Emily wasn’t really sure where to go from there. Clearly it wasn’t a big deal to the blonde, and knowing that it was intentionally posted, Emily relaxed a little bit.
“Huh, I don’t know... I just thought that it was an accident.” Emily looked into her wife’s eyes, smiling as she saw the unfiltered love swimming in them.
“Baby, I want the world to know you’re mine.” The blonde replied.
And with that, JJ slipped into Emily’s lap, leaving the phone where she had been sat. Placing her knees either side of Emily’s thighs, she locked her hands behind her wife’s neck and brought her forehead to rest against the other woman’s.
Emily’s hands instinctively clutched at JJ’s hips, pulling her closer. She slipped her thumbs under the edge of her lover’s top and began tracing slow circles against the silky skin there.
Lifting her chin so their lips were almost touching, Emily couldn’t help but gulp at the intensity of JJ’s stare.
Just before their lips connected, Emily breathed in.
“Jennifer Jareau, a picture's worth a thousand words, but here are four: I am forever yours.”
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felismiscellaneous · 3 years
Casonverse Expo
ok so after you see this you Cannot save it. the whole thing about the casonverse is that its solely “oral” and memory based. i cannot write down “rules” to it or anything. this post Will be lost to time and youll just have to deal with that
ok so. we begin. our story. w/ an explanation on how ectobiology has been going on earth c. basically, every once in a while to increase genetic diversity, a babeh between two of the original founders is created randomly, and said founders get to decide if they want to adopt that babeh or not.
now its been a very very long time on earth c and all of these bitches are immortal. yep. every single one. even the non godtiers, they get an immortality boon for winning the game. you know whats also a boon? all of the players getting revived. yep. every single one. because this is my au and i can do what i want.
anyways as i was saying basically at some point a babeh between john and karkat is made and this time theyre like “yeah ok well adopt this one” SO. they be goin there. and the ONE TIME they decide this is the right time the baby is fuckin BROKE. the internal organs of trolls and humans dont mesh very well when the genes are combined in the ectomachine, and this baby is basically just dying very slowly. this baby isssss Casey! well, shes not named that by her parents, but well just call her Casey for now.
john and karkat do their fuckin best to keep this thing alive but her tiny baby body is completely dysfunctional. and doesnt last very long. This is Traumatizing for Everyone Involved. anyways!! a pretty long time after that we have Cason and Jones. they were spawned at the same time. Jones is rose and kanayas horrible ectospawn, and Cason happens to be another equally horrible spawn between john and karkat! they decide to adopt this one, and fortunately it lives. This was Their First Mistake.
but before we get into Cason, lets get into Jones. Jones is,,,, very socially awkward. in fact, she often comes off as creepy to everyone else. this makes her very clingy towards her mothers, who arent That terrible at parenting. theyve got quirks, but theyre good for her. Jones doesnt really have any friends, except this Totally Cool and Not at All Dangerous cult she gets dragged into! this is the second secret shes ever kept from her mothers. the first is that shes the one who keeps bringing snails into the house. Jones likes snails, but shes not good at taking care of them. she just keeps bringing them into the house and feeding them her snack. her snack is rat poison. snails like and digest rat poison safely. snails! she likes them.
ALSO APPARENTLY SHE CAN SEE GHOSTS???? yeah lets get into that. see, Casey becomes a Regular Ghost after she dies. not a dream ghost, just a plain ol ghost. and anyways, shes around the same age as everyone else if not a year older due to Ghost Rules now, and Cason is the only one that seems to be able to see her. and then theres Jones. Jones is absolutely stunning to Casey and yes she falls so hard in dokis. but Jones is trying to ignore the fact that she can see ghosts. it makes her feel like even more of an outcast. ooooo drama! anyways those two have their own background plot going on about fighting eldritch gods or something idk.
LETS GET BACK TO CASON. see. Cason. is The Worst. like, genuinely. ever since he was a kiddo, he was a completely spoiled brat from day one, and spent his childhood Looking Down on People for multiple reasons. for one, hes the son of TWO FUCKING FOUNDERS AND RAISED BY THEM, two he got away with EVERYTHING, and three i think its just in his nature. Cason prides himself in being knowledgeable and better than everyone else, but he is not like Other Egomaniacs((tm.))
Cason doesnt necessarily care about being liked, even if he WAS a great manipulator, or being the best at Everything. he couldnt care less about sports or popularity. all he wants, is Control. just like hes had since day one. This is Terrible for Everyone Involved.
but most terrible for anyone, is Tippie Piyjon. Tippie is terezi and nepetas ectospawn, which, really started it all. now, terezi and nepeta are not horrible people, or even necessarily horrible parents, but theyre just not suited for it. Tippie raised herself on romance novels and the like, especially after being sortve taken in as a goddaughter by karkat almost immediately after she was born. and, because of this, she got to meet Cason very early on. there was hardly ever a day where the two werent around eachother, whether they liked it or not. in school, at their own house, wherever. now, being around Cason of all people all the time, meant you knew exactly how he operated.
and well, Tippie figured that, maybe, if she was just good enough, she could change him. and Cason used that to his full advantage. the two became moirails, which was Fucked Up for Everyone Involved, and grew ever closer. now Cason, being Cason, was Extremely Emotionally Abusive to Tippie. she had to do what he asked, whatever it was, even if it wasnt morally right, she had to stay by his side, she couldnt cry in front of his parents, she had to get good grades so he wouldnt look bad, so many damn things she had to do. even if he never once laid a finger on her, her mental health was, slowly but surely, chiseled down.
every attempt at defying him was met with such coldness, or hed act more warm towards her, so surely she was doing something right and had to keep going. just had to be good enough. hell get better eventually. Cason earns the title of #1 Gaslighter Extraordinare. the only place she found any solace away from him was grubscouts, which she joined on her own terms when she was very young, and at the time was a camp counselor even! this lasted. for so many years.
Cason is nineteen whenever i depict him, and Tippie is seventeen, but very nearly eighteen. eventually, she cant take it anymore, and snaps at him. usually this doesnt last, and he would manage to calm her down eventually, but shes fucking Tired of it. he hasnt changed. not even a bit. well. Cason cant have that, now can he? the first time he lays a hand on her, he slaps her across the face. Big Mistake. though terrified, Tippie lashes out, and claws Casons left eye out, making a terribly deep gash that would leave him permanently blind in that eye whether or not he got treatment.
this scares the SHIT out of her, and Tippie runs off, for the first time, to her mothers. as she cries, she recounts how terrible everythings been and how she didnt mean it and shes sorry and- theres nothing to apologize for. its very clear, that they shouldve stepped in sooner, shouldve noticed something was wrong. meanwhile, Cason crawls home to his own dads, who are rightfully spooked seeing their son with a horrifically bloody face and a gouged eyeball. they only had a second to try and comfort him, before he snapped at them, showing a bit of his true nature to them for the first time, and also, terezi showing up behind him. after a thorough explanation which was mostly just a few stern, if a little tearful words, Casons parents are completely mortified. karkat quickly kicks him out in an act of raw emotion. no chance to grab clothes, or for john to interject, Cason is left outside, alone, and with absolutely no power left. what will he do?
theres also other characters but theyre like babies so they dont have much characterization and also arent very important to the story. but here they are ig:
owen, jade and daves child. hes like, 3. he likes sticks and playing in mud. hes 3 what more do you want from him
siyren, aradia and feferis kiddo. shes like, 6. she likes ballet, arts and crafts, and being snooty
damien, eridan and solluxs kid. hes 10, likes calling people slurs over xbox, and overcompensating since his parents waited so damn long to adopt him after his slimebirth
killer, who named himself, aradia and sollux kid. hes like 11 or something. he likes being edgy and has the same issue as damien. in fact, all but siyren have this issue
toga bitch, who i have currently yet to name, aradia and eridans kid. shes 12. she likes earth rome and chilling in public fountains. a burgundy whose violetkin
wemon wemon, who is also currently unnamed, feferi and eridans kid. hes 13, the oldest. he likes earth lemon demon and horror special effects
carrie, feferi and solluxs kid. shes like 11, likes dance dance revolution and earth 9s
rosie, calliope and roxys bab, whos a baby. jane is also her mom
ben, tippies far future carapacian bf, who likes boring shit like birdwatching and scrapbooking. malewife supreme. a very soft dude, and just wants to help his gf w/ her trauma and join her grubscout troop on earning badges. just a great, if boring guy
notkonyyl, just as unnamed, a notcanadian oliveblood who enjoys going to the gym, frequenting bars, being cool, flirty, and defending her moirail to the death
notkuprum, haha unnamed, is a human, and the moirail to notkonyyl. he likes things like being annoying, flirting with everyone taller than him ((most people)), the nintendo switch, and defending his moirail to the death
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fanfictionaries · 4 years
Love’s in the Little Things - SherryBaby14′s Prompt Challenge
Prompt: Steve and a musician. Like she plays the piano and writes her own music; does small gigs here and there. They meet while he’s at one of her gigs, would bond over music. Sex on he Piano. Something intimate, soothing and musical.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female reader
Summary: A little story following the progression of Steve and a musician falling in love. With a little added extra at the end! 
Warnings: Smut, Love-making, FLUFF! A tiny dash of Angst, Mentions of death
Words: 6.3k
Author’s Note: Thank you @sherrybaby14 for this lovely prompt. I got the opportunity to join my two passions together - writing and music. Stick around till the end of the fic for a little bonus tidbit (written and performed by yours truly)! 
Also - I switched the timeline around involving some character deaths to suit my own person story needs. 
“You realize this is the fifth time he’s been in here this month. If you don’t make a move now, he may never come back,” said Roxy, pouring you your pre-performance liquid courage.
“Oh please, Rox. He’s just here with his friends. I highly doubt he’s here to see me,” you scoffed, knocking back the shot. The alcohol burned as it trickled down your throat, the effects immediately going to your head, giving you a light, fuzzy feeling. In reality, the shot wouldn’t hit your blood stream for at least a few minutes, but the placebo effect also did wonders for your confidence.
It didn’t matter how many times you did this – got up on stage in front of people and performed for them – it was still nerve wracking. Older musicians always advised you that it would get easier with time. One day you’d feel more comfortable on stage than you did off. Well, five years and you were still waiting for that day. Therefore, the last thing you needed was the ridiculous notion that Captain America was coming to a little dive bar to hear you perform. It was too much pressure.
“I’d consider that true if it weren’t for the fact that he only ever comes in here when you’re here.” Roxy, one of your closest friends and the bartender at your regular paying gig location, eyed you and then the group of gargantuan superheroes in the far corner. There were three of them tonight. Sometimes there’d be more, a few more guys and the occasional girl, but no matter what, it was always those three. You were pretty sure you knew who they were – it was hard not to. There was Sam (The Falcon); he was usually the chattiest out of the three, flirting with women and loudly cracking jokes. Then there was the moody one, Bucky you thought his name was; he was quiet but seemed good-humored and kind behind the eyes. Lastly, there was Steve. He was somewhere in the middle. Livelier than Bucky, but not nearly as attention seeking as Sam. And, for lack of trying you couldn’t help but notice the way he watched you with rapt attention every time you performed. You figured it was just him being a polite audience member. Or at least that’s what you told yourself. What could Captain America possibly want with a dive bar musician?
“Coincidence at best. Besides, how could he possibly know what nights I’m performing? They line-up isn’t posted,” you reasoned, checking your makeup in the mirror behind the bar.  
“True, but who’s to say he didn’t come up to the bar one night and ask for the monthly line-up? And who’s to say I didn’t give him a copy with all your performance nights highlighted?” Roxy proposed, looking away from you to polish a glass and place it on the shelf behind her.
“What? You didn’t!” you exclaimed, chancing a glance at the super soldier to see his eyes trained on you, before looking away bashfully to his friends, who immediately began to give him a hard time. Or at least you assumed that’s what they were doing based on the teasing punches and boyish looks they gave you and then him.  Your gut flipped. Maybe Roxy was lying to get on your nerves. That had to be the only plausible option.
“Alright—” began the DJ, Matthew, stopping the music and bringing everyone’s attention to the stage “—tonight we have a regular to the stage. If you’re an alcoholic then you’ve seen her here plenty of times, and if this is your first time joining us, welcome but what took you so long?” A smattering of laughter flitted across the bar. Looking back over, you found Steve smiling politely at the joke. God he was handsome…
“Give it up for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”
Applause filled the air as you walked to the stage, exchanging niceties with Matthew before sitting down to the piano. You breathed deeply, trying to quell your nerves, but that night they seemed to be on overdrive. Heart rate elevated, the alcohol in your stomach burned. Closing your eyes, you placed your fingers to the keys and let the familiarity of them calm you. You could do this. Going into a simple chord progression, you began the intro to your first song. It was a simple little number, nothing too controversial, too fast, or too slow. Just enough of a pep to grab the people’s attention, without being assaulting to the ears. It was fun and you always found it livened the room up nicely. By the time it was over, your nerves had cooled a bit, but your hands still possessed a subtle tremor. So, diverting from the normal path, you did a cover for your second song. A tried and true rendition of Falling in Love with Love by Fred Astaire. The chords and words were familiar like a childhood blanket, the song bringing you back to watching your mom and dance in the kitchen as a child. It was when you moved into your original work again, a sweet little thing about sunny mornings and fresh spring mountains, that your eyes caught Steve’s as you looked out into the crowd. The dim fluorescents of the bar lights illuminated him like a spotlight, swirls of dust floating around his figure in the musty bar air. Illuminated in hazy golden light, he looked as though the heavens had opened up to present him just for you. Flaxen haired and clear, blue eyes, he looked reminiscent of another time. And you guessed, he technically was. But he looked at you like a man seeing a beautiful piece of artwork for the first time – his gaze so intense, so openly earnest and honest, you couldn’t help but stare back.
You didn’t look away the whole time.
After your set, you found yourself sticking around – something you almost never did. But you knew you couldn’t just flee from the establishment like normal. Not when you performed for one person and one person only that night. After about twenty minutes you began to wonder if you had been wrong. Maybe the connection had been in your head. No, it definitely wasn’t in your head. Maybe you should just go up to him? After all, this was the 21st century. Women approached men all the time. But then again, he was from a different time. What if he found it insulting? Or too forward? You were still debating the pros and cons of the situation when a tap on your shoulder brought you out of your musings.
Looking up and expecting to see Roxy or maybe even Steve, you were surprised to see his friend.
“Hey, I’m Bucky. I just have to say, great performance tonight,” he said casually, extending a hand.
You took it tentatively, shaking his hand. Confused as to why he was talking to you but not wanting to be rude you gave him a small smile, “Thanks. I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you Bucky.”
“Listen, I’m gonna cut straight to the point. I need a favor from you (Y/N).” Bucky proposed, running a hand through his slicked brown hair.
Intrigued, you leaned against the bar top behind you, “Okay, I’ll bite. What can I do for you?”
“You see my friend over there?” He pointed across the bar to Steve, who was currently looking anywhere but at the two of you. “Well, I’ve got a bit of a problem, because he keeps dragging us to this bar every weekend and as much as I like it here, I just want a quiet Saturday night in, ya know? Now, he’d never admit that he told me this, but he thinks you’re pretty much the coolest thing since sliced bread – which is a high compliment as he was actually there for the invention of sliced bread.”
“Is that so?” you asked, trying to suppress the wave of giddiness his words created.
“Yea, he looks great for his age, right?”
“So, what’s the favor then?”
“Well—” he began, drawing his face into an exaggerated eyeroll “—for some reason, while the man is completely unfazed by jumping out of exploding buildings, he can’t build up the courage to come and talk to you. So, your favor to me, would be to just look over there and wave him over so that I can go home and watch The Great British Bake Off.”
“The Great British Bake Off? Really?”
Bucky shrugged, “It’s heartwarming and educational.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to him. But what about your other friend? Mister Tall, Dark, and Goofy?” you asked, looking to Sam who was currently attempting to tell your golden-haired man some kind of story that required an enormous amount of arm movement. The comment earned you a guffaw from Bucky.
“Him? He’ll be fine. He’s already got the bartender’s number. I think they’re leaving together after her shift is over.”
Jaw dropping in shock, you looked to Roxy and pointed to Sam in question. She shrugged, an excited smile on her face as she turned back to her customers.
“Alright,” you agreed, shaking your head. “Go enjoy Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. I’ll take good care of your friend.”
“What?! That can’t possibly be true. I feel like you’re lying to me right now.”
“No, it’s the honest to God truth. Bing Crosby came right up to me and shook my hand,” said Steve, large hands wrapped around his beer bottle as he told you probably the coolest story you’d ever heard.
Sitting back in your chair heavily, you let out a huff of air, “Wow…I mean…wow. I guess being a war hero really does come with some perks.”
“I don’t know if I would call myself a war hero…”
“Oh, so he’s modest too. Tell me, is there anything you’re bad at?” you asked, teasingly.
“There’s plenty of things I’m bad at,” scoffed Steve.
“Okay, name some. What is the great Captain America bad at?” You lifted an eyebrow in challenge, unable to keep the smile from your face as you looked at the man in front of you.
“Well, for one thing, I can’t flirt with a pretty dame without help from my friend—”
“I think you’re doing a pretty good job of it yourself right now,” you interrupted, giving him a wry grin from across the small bar table.
Cheeks tinging a light shade of pink, Steve took a moment to drink from the bottle in his hand before continuing, “I can’t dance. Seriously, all I do is sway. I have trouble tying a tie. It always comes out crooked, no matter how many times I do it. Oh! And I’m a horrible singer. Couldn’t carry a tune to save my life – unlike some people.”
It was your turn to feel the heat form on your face, “I’m sure you’re not that bad.”
“Well, I’d show you, but I doubt anyone else here would appreciate it,” said Steve. At his comment the two of your looked around the bar to realize there wasn’t anyone else there to bother with his singing.
“What?” you asked incredulously. “What time is it?”
Checking his watch, Steve’s eyebrows lifted almost all the way to his hairline, “Three in the morning. Doesn’t this place close at two?”
“Yea, it does. I can’t believe Roxy didn’t kick us out.” Pulling out your phone you found a text from the woman in question.
You seemed a little too patriotic to interrupt. Have fun and lock the door on your way out. ;)
“I guess we should probably get out of here, huh?” you suggested, standing and grabbing your purse from the back of the chair. Steve stood too, taking his bottle and your glass to the bar and disposing of them appropriately. Walking across the stage, you went to turn out the lights on the far wall when you stopped. Looking at the piano in front of you, you turned back to Steve.
“While we’re here, do you want a free concert?”
“Depends…what are you playing?” asked Steve, rounding the bar and coming to sit on the bench next to you.
“Anything you want. I’m open for requests,” you announced, brushing your fingers across the keys and playing out a small arpeggio.  
“How about one of yours?” Steve suggested, surprising you.
“Really? Out of all the music in the world, you wanna’ listen to mine?”
“Of course, it’s my favorite. Haven’t missed a show all month.”
Too early. It was absolutely too early for your phone to be ringing. But there it was, laying on the mattress next to you annoyingly loud. You contemplated throwing it across the expanse of your small loft, but ultimately decided that you were in no way financially able to afford a new phone. So instead, you swiped your thumb across the screen and held it up to your ear.
“Hey! (Y/N)!” Steve’s chipper voice rang through the line, bringing you out of your sleepy stupor.
“Steve, hey, what’s up?” you asked, trying not to sound like you just woke up. Unfortunately, you were unable to suppress the yawn that escaped the back of your throat.
“Oh jeez, I didn’t wake you up, did I?” You could already hear the apology on the tip of his tongue.
“No, no. I’m always up at this time. It’s—” you looked over to the clock on the wall “—Five thirty. Five thirty?!”
“Sorry. I’ve been up for hours. I guess I didn’t realize it was still so early,” Steve apologized. You could hear the distant bustle of city life behind him; why was everyone in D.C. such early risers?
Sighing internally, you concluded it was probably better you get up now. You were due at your day job soon anyway. Sitting up and swinging your legs out of the warm cocoon of blankets, you stretched out, bringing life to your body, “It’s fine. Really. You get to hear me make coffee though. I desperately need coffee.”
The soft, nervous laugh on the other end of the phone made you smile as you padded barefoot to your small kitchen. “I will gladly listen to you make coffee, if it makes up for the fact that I woke you up,” said Steve, his words causing butterflies to form in the pit of your stomach. You had to stop for a moment, hand paused on your kettle as you tried to keep your head. When you failed to respond right away, Steve went on, “Anyway, I just called to tell you, that I had a really great time the other night.”
“Me too,” you replied, placing the kettle on the stove and turning it on, before grabbing the coffee from the cupboard.
“I was wondering if you wanted to do it again. Preferably sometime soon?”
“I don’t think the manager will let us stay so late after closing again. Even if I do technically work there,” you teased, grabbing the French press and filling it with a few spoonfuls of coffee.
“I don’t know, I bet you could convince them to let us stay. You seem like you’d be able to talk any man into doing just about anything,” Steve teased back.
“Really, is that so?”
“Well, I don’t know. Maybe not any man – maybe just me.”
It was a nice, sunny spring day. Summer was just around the corner and midafternoons were beginning to warm up considerably. You were on your lunch break, iced lemonade in hand as you walked through President’s Park with Steve. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear in response to the light breeze, you glanced down to make sure that the skirt of your sundress was still in place. The last thing you needed to do was accidentally flash him on your first official date.
“Obviously performing at the bar isn’t your only job if this is your lunch break. Tell me about your day job,” said Steve, walking idly next to you, hands in the pockets of his khakis.
“I’m actually a music teacher,” you answered, taking a sip of your lemonade.
“Really?” asked Steve, a hint of pleasant surprise in his voice.  
“Yea, I guess you could say music pervades every part of my life,” you answer with a laugh.
“Do you like it?”
“I really do. Enough to do it for the rest of my life at least. I mean – performing is fun, but I don’t know if I could do it for a living. I’m much happier teaching kids how to read music or play an instrument.” The two of you came to a small park bench and sat down under the shade of a large tree.
“So, no dreams of being big and famous?”
You scoffed, shaking your head, “No. Absolutely not. I don’t think I could handle the pressure.”
“Yea, it definitely isn’t easy,” Steve sighed, looking down at the ground between his spread legs. At his comment, you realized how insensitive you must have sounded. For a second you had completely forgotten than he was Captain America – a famous household name. To you, he was just Steve Rogers, the man with a warm smile and a genuine aura that emanated throughout and around him.
“I think it was my music teacher in high school that really made me want to be a teacher,” you said, changing the subject. “She was always encouraging me to pursue my music and creativity. Which was great to hear when no one else in my life seemed to care much at the time. Who was your favorite teacher growing up?”
Steve seemed to perk up at your question, looking out into the expanse of the park as he pondered his answer, “Probably my art teacher. I always liked to doodle and draw, but he was the first person to tell me I had talent. After that, I actually took a few classes at the local college. Nothing too fancy, but I learned a lot about techniques and different mediums.”
“So, you’re an artist?”
“Well, I don’t know if I would call myself an artist…”
“There you go again being modest. Tell me, do you make art? Do you put pencil to paper or paint to canvas and makesomething with it?” you asked in a guiding manner.
“Yea, I guess—”
“Then you’re an artist! I bet you have a pencil and sketch pad on you right now. Am I wrong?”
Steve looked at you in bewilderment, before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a small notebook, “How did you know?”
“Because, you’re an artist! And, I may have seen the outline of it earlier when we were walking,” you admitted.
“Were you checking out my ass?”
The question caught you off guard, leaving you gawking at the surprisingly forward question. Steve laughed at you, indicating that he was obviously teasing, and you slapped him playfully on the arm.
“Maybe I was. It’s a nice ass,” you teased back. “Now show me some of your drawings. You’ve seen all of my creative genius; I want to see yours.”
“I have a better idea. Why don’t I draw something now and you can be the judge of whether it’s accurate or not?”
“Okay—” you looked around, trying to determine what would be the best thing for him to sketch “—that’s even better. How about that flower bed over there?”
“Nah, I think I see something much prettier,” responded Steve. Looking back at him, you found him already sketching away, pencil to the paper of his notebook as he glanced between it and you. He was drawing you. “No, no. Look back over that way,” he instructed. “The light was catching you perfectly.”
You did as he said, directing your gaze back towards the flower bed, the soft sound of pencil scratches mixing with the chirping of birds, and murmur of people walking by. Stealing glances at him out of the corner of your eye, you watched as he worked. Brow knitted in concentration, jaw relaxed, and soft pink lips parted, long, straight lashes brushing his cheekbones every time he blinked; it was in that moment you came to realization that you could watch him like this forever.
“Hey, no peaking,” he pouted, catching you staring when he looked back up at you for reference. You looked away, training your eye on a couple of squirrels chasing each other across the lawn. Perfectly content, you sat listening to him work until his voice broke the silence.
“Okay, all done.”
Turning back towards him, you scooted down the bench till you were hip to hip, peering into his lap to view his hard work. The sight took your breath away, a soft gasp moving past your lips as you stared at yourself in graceful strokes of graphite. He was right. The lighting had been perfect. Somehow, he managed to capture the rays of sun catching the side of your face, illuminating you like you glowed from the inside out. You held a small smile at the corner of your mouth and your eyes held a wistful romance to them as little tendrils of hair danced around your face. He even sketched some of your sundress – scribbling the lace and little pattern of peaches at the neckline. You were beautiful. He had made you beautiful.
Speechless, you stared at the sketch and then back up at Steve who looked down at you with an apprehensive expression. You beamed at him before gushing, “It’s amazing Steve. Thank you.”
Maybe it was a bit too soon. Maybe you should have waited till the third date, or even the second, but something just felt so right in that moment. Lifting up, you pressed your lips to his, the soft warmth of his mouth comfortable and exciting all at the same time. Brushing your lips against his softly, your heart fluttered when he did the same, kissing you back tentatively. When his large hand came to cup your face, you melted into him craving the feel of his firm hand against your soft skin. Surprisingly gentle for his size, but not for his demeanor, he kissed you like you were a flower and he a gentle breeze, caressing your petals with a tender confidence.
Pulling away, you found a softness in his eyes and in his smile that made your heart clench. It felt so strange to be already so enamored by a person you had just met. But you couldn’t help the lightness that coursed through your body when it came to him.
“You know, you really don’t have to keep coming to all of my gigs. You’ve already got the girl,” you half-joked to Steve as he swung your guitar over his shoulder and lifted your heavy amp with ease. Two months. That’s how long you’d been sharing early morning phone calls and lunch-time walks through the city. Peppering in the occasional dinner date, Saturday matinees at the theatre, and him attending every single one of your gigs, things were really beginning to click. However, you couldn’t help but shake the familiar monster of apprehension and doubt.
You knew perfectly well where your feelings stood with Steve, but did he feel the same way?
You’d been hurt in the past. Partners that left you guessing and clawing for any type of validation and affirmation that you were important to them. Countless hours spent worrying and wishing that they’d just show up like they said they would, and without complaint or snide remarks. Therefore, when Steve actually showed up, it felt obligatory – like he was doing everything right not because he wanted to, but because he felt like he had to.
“Do you not want me to come?” Steve asked as the two of you left the bar and headed down the street to your building.
“No—yes—I mean, of course I want you to be there. I just mean, it can’t be very fun for you to be in a smoky bar listening to me play the same ten songs over and over again. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to be there when you don’t want to be.” You couldn’t believe how stupid and insecure you sounded as you said the words, but at the same time you needed to say it. At the very least it would be an out for him to take, no matter how sad it made you seem.
“Hey.” Steve stopped you, grabbing you by the wrist and turning you towards him. “I’d listen to you play a rendition of Pop Goes the Weasel over and over again for the rest of my life, if that’s what you were passionate about. I love your music and I love listening to you play it. You’re my girl. I’m gonna’ be there to support my girl.”
Moving your hand, you intertwined your fingers with his. Unable to find the words to express to him how much his proclamation had meant to you, you simply nodded as tears of relief and happiness began to well in your eyes. Silently, he disentangled his hand from yours and reached up, thread his fingers in the hair at the nape of your neck. He pulled you into him, bending down to kiss you sweetly, but firmly. His kiss was a promise and a reassurance that he was there, and he wasn’t going anywhere. The flutter of your eyelashes as they closed pushed a single tear down the side of your cheek, the warm wetness of it rolling until it reached the line of your jaw. Steve pulled away from you, using his thumb to wipe the stray tear from your face.
“Stay the night with me tonight?” you asked, the words leaving you like a physical need.
Steve’s eyes widened in response, before searching your face for any sign that you didn’t mean what you said. But you did.
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
The room was lit by only moonlight as you slowly undressed. Each article of clothing removed, revealing more of your body and more of your soul to the man in front of you. Reverently he sat at the edge of your bed, shirt and shoes already removed, as he watched you bare yourself to him. Once completely free of your clothes, you were overtaken by a wave of insecurity, wanting nothing more than to cover yourself, but the sound of Steve’s voice broke you of the urge.
“Come here,” he whispered, eyes shining in the darkness.
Tentatively you stepped towards him, toes digging into the plush rug sat under your bed. He guided you onto his lap, his hands ghosting over the skin at your sides as he took you in. Steve looked at you the way he looked at you the first night you spoke – like a man seeing a beautiful piece of artwork for the first time. The heat of his gaze made you both unbearably aroused and unbearably uncomfortable. Wrapping your arms around his neck you kissed him, a mesh of lips and tongues that left you breathless and wanting. Moving your hands down his chest, you felt the unyielding muscle under warm skin. Like a Greek god, sculpted by the greatest minds of the renaissance, he was gorgeous. The feeling of his mouth connecting with one of your nipples stole the breath from your lungs, making you keen with desire as you arched into him.
He continued to lavish your chest, switching between breasts as he kissed, licked, sucked, and nipped. Within no time, you were putty in his hands, a garbled mess of pleasure and want. When you thought you couldn’t take any more, he flipped you over, placing you gently onto the mattress and pulling away to remove the last of his clothing. Standing in front of you, stripped and vulnerable, you had the lucid thought that you had never seen anything so beautiful in your life.
Climbing over you, he kissed his way up your body, leaving little bites and marks from your hip bone to your neck. You felt the hot, weight of him at your center, causing your hips to buck in response. A small whimper escaped you as he slid his length up and down your folds, grinding into you as bit down on your lower lip. Hot and wet and hard, he eased into you slowly, watching your face as he did. Eyes endlessly light blue, he stared into your soul as he panted heavily at the tight feel of you around him. Impossibly full of him and only him, you took deep breaths as you adjusted to it. Pulling your arms from around his back, he pinned your hands to the pillows behind your head, threading his fingers with yours as he pulled out of you slowly and pushed back in. The sweet friction was enough to make you sing.
Steadily, his pace picked up speed as he rocked in and out of you. And while neither of you had said the words, he made love to you like they had been uttered a thousand times before. Your sweat-slicked bodies glided over each other as he fucked into with a devotion unlike any other. And you did the same, your hands and lips amorously worshipping his body as he brought you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. Fingers plucking and hands strumming, it was as if the two of you were making music of your own, playing each other like instruments in the moon-soaked bedroom. The sweet sound built and built, an orchestration of harmonious balance rising higher and higher until you both reached the peak of your crescendo, only to fall blissfully from it in a lilting melody.
Laying in the aftermath of your song, you couldn’t help but think the words: I love this man.
“You really should eat something,” you said once again, pointing to the tray of untouched room service breakfast.
“I told you. I’m not hungry,” Steve snapped, moving in front of the mirror to tie his tie.
You sighed quietly to yourself. It had been a hard week. For both of you. This was not the first time Steve had been short with you today and you expected it would not be the last. Then of course, you couldn’t blame him. You were going to a funeral after all. Grabbing your cup of coffee from the tray, you wordlessly excused yourself to the bathroom to finish your makeup. Once in the crippling silence of the surrounding white tile, you braced yourself against the bathroom counter and took deep, calming breaths. You could do this. You had to be able to do this. For you. For your relationship. But most importantly, for Steve.
And you were trying, really you were, but nothing had prepared you for this. Although, you doubted anything really could. Supporting your boyfriend through the death of a past love was not an everyday scenario. He was trying to keep it together; you knew he was. You could see the sadness in his eyes and on his face when he thought you weren’t looking. But you were always looking. It was not easy watching him mourn the loss of another woman. It brought up all the ugly insecurities you tried to mask and move past. In no way did you blame him either. Peggy was an important part of his life – a part that you would never fully understand – and he had loved her. You respected that, but it didn’t stop the evil thoughts that crept into your mind. The ones that whispered things like he would never love you like he loved her, that this loss would make him realize that you were nothing but second best, that he would realize that you weren’t good enough. Shaking the nagging voices away, you unzipped your makeup bag and began pulling out the items you needed.
Steve cared for you; if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have asked you to be here with him. He wouldn’t have flown you all the way to London with him for this funeral. He wouldn’t be depending on you for support and companionship. All of this you knew, but every jab and harsh word left you feeling more and more doubt. Of course, this was not Steve’s fault. He was grieving and if that meant you had to be strong for the both of you, then so be it. You would put your hurt aside and put on a brave face so that Steve could be the weak one. He deserved, at the very least, that.
Brushing on a bit of mascara and pulling out a sensible lip color, the sound of a light knock brought your attention to the exit of the bathroom. Steve, in black suit and tie, stood in the doorway, hair neatly jelled and tie crooked. He pointed to the askew item of clothing in utter defeat, a hopeless expression on his face. You set your lipstick down and crossed the room to him, reaching for his tie and undoing it before going through the familiar routine.
“I’m sorry.”
Too engrossed with the movement of your hands, you didn’t look up when you answered, keeping your voice light and casual, “You have nothing to be sorry for.” You finished the knot, straightening it snuggly against his Adams Apple and giving the length of the tie a little pat. He caught your hands before you could bring them down to your sides, holding them in his own and bringing them up to lightly kiss your fingers.
“Thank you for being here with me. I don’t think I could have done this without you.” His words were honest and sincere and meant the world to you. The fact that even when he was falling apart at the seams, he still cared enough to keep your emotions in mind, held more weight than any cynical thought your brain could create.
Standing on tiptoes, you held his face in your hands and looked into the depths of his blue eyes, “Today is going to absolutely suck. It really is. And I’m so sorry that it has to happen. But I’m right here. Anything you need, I’m right here. I promise.”
Steve nodded, his eyes becoming misty and red. Silently, the two of you exited the bathroom and grabbed your things. You, a coat and purse; him, a coat and a slice of toast.
You were just out the door, Steve following behind when you felt the soft brush of his fingers as he tucked in the tag of your blouse. The act though small and seemingly insignificant, was like a whispered proclamation on your skin. A murmured promise of I love you.
A year and a half and blissfully content, you lounged in your bed, staring at the expanse of Steve’s naked back as he stood in front of the kitchen sink. Muscles rolling and flexing, he scrubbed at the dishes from dinner.
“How is it, that I always end up doing all the cooking and cleaning when this is your apartment?” Steve asked teasingly over his shoulder as you stretched out in satisfaction across the bed, sheets still wrinkled and twisted from your after dinner ‘dessert’.
You laughed, rolling over and smiling lazily in his direction, “Because you’re a much better cook and you love me.”
Steve chuckled, a short, barking sound you had come to know as sarcastic, “I don’t know what me loving you has to do with getting stuck doing the dishes every night.”
“Shall I play you a song to make the job easier?” you asked, reaching over the foot of the bed and pulling up your guitar from its careless place on the ground. You pushed yourself into a sitting position against the headboard and began to strum a series of chords.
“Mmmm, I guess that’s a fair payment,” Steve responded warmly.
“I knew you’d say that!” you exclaimed happily, starting into one of Steve’s personal favorites.
A half hour later, dishes done, and Steve now laid on the bed with his head propped up on your outstretched legs, you were still playing. Languidly, you plucked and strummed through all the songs you knew until you found yourself playing something you hadn’t planned on showing him yet. He picked up immediately on the unfamiliar progression, turning his head to look at you.
“I haven’t heard that one before, what is it?” he asked, running his fingertips tenderly up and down your bare calf.
“Just something new I’ve been working on,” you answered sheepishly, continuing to repeat the first few chords.
“Something new? What’s it about?”
Your profession took him by surprise, a delighted smile spreading across his face as he looked up at you, “You wrote a song about me?”
“Maybe,” you answered, nudging his far shoulder with your toes.
“Is it a sad song?” he asked playfully as he turned his head to stare up at the ceiling.
“No, it’s not a sad song.”
“Oh no, is it an angry song?”
You giggled, “Definitely not.”
“A happy song?” he questioned once more, knowing full well that that was the answer all along.
“Yes. It’s a happy song. A very happy song,” you stated, looking down at him and wondering how in the world you got so lucky. “The happiest song, actually.”
“Well then, play away.”
And you did. You played, pouring every ounce of love and adoration into the melody and lyrics, as Steve listened quietly, looking at you like the world began and ended with that one song. You played knowing that you had never been happier than in that moment, and you played knowing that life could only get better from there on out.
To listen to the song written for Steve, please follow this link: https://soundcloud.com/user-144129307/steves-song
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
Puppy Love
Bit of a weird entry and a challenge to write - but it only seemed right with a prompt like this, to write from the perspective of one of Tai and Qrow's "children".
Day 4: As Parents @taiqrowweek
Rating: T
Words: 5,300
Summary: Every dog in the shelter dreams of the day they'll be set free of their metal prisons to join a pack all their own. Despite being so  inadequate he wasn't even honored a name, he dreams just as hard; though, with each adoption, that place he wishes to be seems to be getting further and further away.
And then, one word changes everything.
Ao3 Link: Puppy Love
The best day of his life happened exactly eight weeks and four days after he was born.
It had started out as usual. He woke up to the sound of the rest of the kennel-bound dogs starting up a ruckus as the keepers of their metal prisons walked down the line, cleaning cages and checking water and food bowls. After that, the big dogs were let out in small packs so they could play in the field. He never got to go; he was too small. Instead, he stuck his tiny head between the bars and said hello as they passed.
Most of them paid him little mind. Hades and Zeus, the Doberman twins, jeered his way. Roxie stuck up her nose, sassy as ever. She told him once her poodle pedigree made it impossible for her to converse with peasants. Whatever that meant. He made sure to duck his head back in if Captain was with them – the coonhound liked to snap at him.
Still, there were a select few that always took the time to say hello. Like old Benji, always limping over to give him a sniff. Or the energetic husky, Skystorm, hunkering down on his forepaws as if they might actually get a chance to play. Or the motherly Lady Lucy, who would fuss over him like he was one of her long-gone pups. She never tired of telling him how much he reminded her of her ‘clever little Dodger’.  
“Why he could even get cats to work for him!” She told him today as she passed. “Cats, can you imagine?”
Polite as always, he said, “No ma’am. It sounds incredible though.”
“You’re gonna fill his head full of air with stories like that Lucy.” Benji laughed.
“Nonsense! Stories build character. Who will he ever know who to aspire to be like otherwise?”
The dog in the lead of their pack growled out, “You wasting your breath on that orphan.”
“Hunter, don’t be so rude. He’s just a pup!” Lady Lucy cried.
“Oh sorry, am I not coddling him enough?” Hunter swung his head around. He only had one eye, the other lost in a fight, but the single red orb seemed to freeze him in place. “You’ll have to get used to it, brat. No human’s gonna take a stubby runt like you.”
“You’re just nasty because no one’ll ever adopt you.” Skystorm barely dodged fast enough to avoid the rather vicious bite the alpha tried to deliver.
He heard the argument continue well down the hall until he could no longer make out the words. Not that he wanted to anymore. He pulled his head back in, walking to the back of his cage and laying on his bed of rags, intending on settling in for his after-breakfast nap. But he couldn’t get Hunter’s words out of his head.
As young as he was, even he had heard the talk about how great a home was. Some of the dogs here even came from one themselves – and those who hadn’t had tales from something they’d heard. A motley mesh of things like ‘leftovers’ given underneath the dinner table that left everyone slobbering just thinking about it. Of playtime chasing all sorts of fun toys. Of walks to the beach where he could dig to his heart’s content. Of endless belly scratches and ear rubs.
He’d dreamed of it all at least a dozen times. Imagined how soft his own bed would be or how large a yard he’d have to run in. But most of all, dreamed of the family that would take him in and never let go. He wanted it more than anything!
But, was Hunter right? He had never been treated like the other dogs here. They all had names and skills. He wasn’t a working dog. He couldn’t retrieve and he couldn’t herd. He wasn’t a fancy one either, like Roxy, who was convinced she’d have a life again as a show dog. He didn’t have a Doberman’s ferocity or a husky’s vigor or a pit bull’s strength. If he couldn’t provide for his pack in any way… then why would they want him at all?
He buried his nose into his paws, but it was a long time before he fell asleep.
When humans came, it was time to perform.
A lot of dogs barked and yowled and produced up a racket for attention, but his voice wasn’t powerful enough. So, instead, he stuck his head between the bars and let his tongue loll out, entire body shaking as he wagged as hard and excited as he could whenever the people passed on by. It often earned him a pet.
Today it was a big family of seven, and the nice, stout woman who had long nails gave him such a good scratch behind his ears, it left his hind leg shaking.
“Oh aren’t you precious?” She cooed. “You would look just great in my purse.”
“Gale, we’re not here for a lap dog.” One of the men of her pack chastised.
“It doesn’t hurt to look!”
His ears fell flat as she breezed on by.
They were there for some time, looking from cage to cage. They even had the caretakers take a few out, to do a “walk test”. Roxy was prim as ever, trotting like she was putting on a show. Skystorm raced them. Zeus kept trying to bump Hades aside. No one came back to his cage.
And, worse yet, they chose the best of them all.
He couldn’t help but whine as Lady Lucy was led out with her papers all signed. The setter’s long ears raised up, looking to him. “Now none of that. You keep that tail up little one! I’m certain you’ll find your way soon.”
He tried to find strength in that encouragement, but all he discovered was the breaking of his heart as the door down the way slammed closed. He turned away, padding back to his rags and flopping over.
This day couldn’t possibly get any worse.
He lifted his head, looking back.
Standing there, in a bright, pleated dress, was one of the smallest humans he’d ever seen. Even when he stood up and walked towards her, she didn’t tower over him like most humans did. She was his size.
Her eyes went wide, a huge grin spreading on her face. “Hi puppy!” She giggled and, when he came close enough, she didn’t even wait for his trick, instead sticking her hand through the bars. She gave him a few uncoordinated, slightly rough, pats to his head. “Good boy!”
“Ruby!” A shout echoed down the hall as a man sprinted into view. He was overly tall, with legs that were spindly like a bird’s. He snatched the girl up into his arms, lifting her well out of reach. “What did I say about running off like that, pipsqueak?”
The newcomer was almost immediately joined by two more.
“You found her? Oh thank gods!” The other male of the pack said. He was almost as tall as the first, but wider built all around. It was like looking at a Labrador standing next to a greyhound. Alongside him, being held by her hand, was another young girl with wild hair. It reminded him of Benji – the briard’s fur was always in his eyes too.
“Daddy, lookie!” It was hard to tell who Ruby was speaking to, as both the men looked down at him at the same time.
It was the bigger one’s whose eyes lit up. “Oh, what a precious little guy!” He knelt down, clicking his tongue, holding his fingers out. “Come here Yang, just like this.”
The other little girl, bold as can be, pressed her fist against the bars.
Right. Tail up. Time to act.
He bounded forward, wiggled low and stuck his head right through, lifting it upwards until he could feel their fingers against his snout.
Yang giggled immediately, rubbing her knuckles along his skull. “He’s funny!”
“He sure is. Be gentle now.”
“No. No way.”  The bird man groaned. “We agreed on a dog. And we don’t even know how big this one is gonna get.”
The other man got that spot behind his ear. Oh yeah, that was the stuff. “He’s a corgi. They’re about the same size as a beagle, only chubbier.”
“Yeah well, he’s still a puppy. You really want to deal with pee puddles all over the house?” He asked as he set Ruby down.
The littlest one stomped her foot. “But I like this one!”
“But Rubes, they’re a lot of work and I’m sure there’s a lot of – now don’t give me those doe eyes kiddo. Tai, help me out here!”
Tai, in all his wisdom, turned to his pup and said, “Want to pet him Ruby?”
“Yeah!” She toddled on over, where he showed her how to do the really good scratches.
This was the life.
Leaving the girls to it, Tai rose to his full height, winding an arm around the bird man’s shoulders and tucking him against his side. “It’ll be fine Qrow.”
“You’re such a traitor.” Qrow grumbled.
“I know, I’m the worst.” He conceded, pressing his lips against his temple.  
There was a long, slow sigh. “I guess then we’re getting-” He squinted at the paperwork that hung from his cage. “Puppy Two? What kind of name is that?”
“Maybe he goes number 2 a lot!” The older of the girls said.
Ruby’s nose wrinkled up. “Eeeew Yang!”
“You know,” Tai started thoughtfully, “If there’s a puppy one we could get him a friend and- mghpfa!”
Qrow cut him off by shoving his hand in his face. “Just go sign the paperwork already!”
Even when the door came open, and he was lifted up out of the cage, he wasn’t quite sure it was real until he was being taken out of the facility altogether and the big, wide world was in his eyes. Then it was speeding past his eyes, as the large machine he had been placed in moved at speeds he couldn’t comprehend.
“Oh wow! What was that? Oh, and that! Did you see that?” He asks the girls as he hopped between their laps, trying to look out the window.
“Yang, try to keep hold of him!” Tai called from the front seat of the contraption. “He’ll get hurt if he falls.”
Suddenly, a grip stronger than a choke chain was around his middle and he found himself firmly pinned down. He wiggled about, but there was no give.
Ruby pat his backside. “He’s got a funny butt.”
Well now, that was just rude.
There was a guffaw from Qrow. “Speaking of Mr. Funny Butt, s’pose we better name him.”
His ears perked. A name? Just like the other dogs had? He wouldn’t have to be known as mutt or pup or orphan anymore? He wagged his clipped tail excitedly.
“Oh, oh! I was thinking Cerberus.” Tai offered. “Doesn’t that sound intimidating?”
“Dad, that sounds dumb.” Yang was wiggling her fingers along his side, prompting him to roll over and – oh, tummy rubs really were everything the other dogs said they were.
“Ouch. Well little missy, you got a suggestion?”
From his upside-down position, he saw the way the man looked back, then to the bird man sitting beside him.
Qrow glanced up from the lit-up square he was holding. “Don’t look at me! I’m not the one teaching her.”
“I wanna name him Strawberry!” Ruby cut in. She had grabbed hold of one of his paws and was squishing down the pads. It felt kind of weird.
Tai turned back to the window. “That’s a good one. We’ll think about that one sweetheart.”
Yang started to flap his ears around, which made it a little hard to hear Qrow when he spoke up again. “How about Dos?”
“Dos?” Tai echoed. “Like dose of medicine?”
He stuck out his tongue. Most of the choices had gone right over his head. But he did know what medicine was. The sickly dogs told him to beware if a human ever used that term, because that meant they were going to force feed him something gross.
“No. D-O-S. It’s an old Valian language. It means two.”
“Alright well, uncle Qrow has decided to be unhelpful, so keep ‘em coming girls.”
Similar to the way the anticipation would overwhelm the shelter whenever a human walked in, his new pack seemed to have the same habit of yapping over one another.
“Blackie!” Ruby called.
Then, Qrow. “Don’t like that one? How about Ni?”
Tai, snipping back, “We are not naming him knee!”
“At least call him roundhouse.” Yang’s voice was getting a little shrill.
“No! No martial arts moves!”
Ruby, again: “Palm strike!”
“Yeah sis!” The slap of the girls’ hands made him jump a little.
“Okay you two are banned too. We’re naming him Cerberus.”
Oh, he knew this cry! He pulled his head back, howling with them.
In the wake of the noise, silence followed, all eyes on him. He looked around, confused. Why had they stopped?
Then, all at once, the four of them started to laugh. He knew it was the human’s way of wagging their tails, since they lacked them and all. So, he wiggled and yipped, feeling more like he belonged then he ever thought possible.
Eventually, Qrow’s game won out. The name, his name, was chosen just as the contraption rolled to a stop.
“Hey, how about this one? Zwei.”
Tai drummed his fingers along the circle he was holding onto, looking up with a frown. “I hate how much I like that.”
“Hah! See, and you were making fun of me.” He twisted around, looking back at them. “What do you think rugrats? Is Zwei a keeper?”
“Yes!” Ruby chimed in.
Yang gave it more thought. “Zwei as in…” She smooshed his face, tapping their noses together, “Zwei’re you so cute?”
“…I regret everything.” Qrow looked like someone just stole his nest. Beside him, Tai doubled over, barking with more laughter.
From that day on, he was part of the pack.
Four months and eight days after his adoption, any lingering doubts he had left about his place among his newfound pack were completely abolished.
“Come on Zwei,” Ruby whispered to him as she opened up the back door, giggling behind her hand. He’d come to learn that was a sign that they were going out to play.
So he rushed around her feet and into the backyard, paws immediately sinking into the muddy trail that had been caused by a passing storm. It was still rather dreary overhead and he could scent the petrichor coming from the surrounding flora. His packmate ran past him, heading around the shed with the same sense of purpose she got when she was stealing treats out of the cupboard for the two of them. Were there some back there too?
“Wait for me!” He called, bounding after her in excitement. As he came around the back, he found what had captured Ruby’s attention so. Behind the shed was a lake-sized puddle, caused by the way the land dipped ever so slightly. She was already ankle deep in the water, gathering up globs of mud and setting it on the grass in a pile.
When he approached, she told him, “I’m making mud pies!”
Oh, that was a type of food! Tai had made it before. It had been something really sweet smelling that he wasn’t allowed to have.
He hears Ruby’s giggles when he practically sticks his nose right in, taking a deep breath. Just as quickly, he pulls away with a huff of displeasure. Definitely not for eating.
“Mud Pie Zwei!”
He perked up at his name, only to hunker down as the next handful of mud is deposited on his back. When Ruby dips her hands back in, he hurries away before she can load on more. He could feel the thick of it weighing down his fur and the wet of it sliding down his haunches. It wasn’t pleasant at all, so he shook himself to fling most of it off.
“That was gross!” He barks, which only seemed to increase her laughter.
Well. Two can play it that game.
He leaps with as much distance his little legs can provide, landing in the puddle with a big splash.
“Zwei!” Ruby shrieks, her dress now covered in wet spots and mud.
He wades towards her, taunting back, “What are you gonna do now?”
If he didn’t know better, he would have thought she truly understood him what with the way she responded by scooping her hands in the water and throwing it at him. In retaliation, he races around her, little waves kicking up in his wake. At the edge he pauses, lowering down on his forepaws until his chin brushes the water, waiting to see what his packmate would do next.
“Oh, it is ON!” She hollers, charging for him.
“Bring it!” He challenged right back, darting to the side and ducking around her when she tries to make a grab for him.
It begins a game of chase; one he’d already grown quite familiar with and one he was certain to lose. Ruby was bigger and faster than him, spirited like Skystorm had been. The rest of their pack didn’t appreciate that level of liveliness like he could. He was always happy to engage her, finding new, creative ways to escape her clutches before she ultimately snatched him up. Today he was trying to zig-zag the same way he saw that little black snake move in the garden; until his pack alpha crushed it into black smoke under his boot, that is.
It seemed his new trick was his best yet, because Ruby was having to scramble after him. “Hah, can’t catch me!” He called back at her, dashing for the tree line.
“Zwei don’t go in the – ah!”
He heard a yelp and the feet coming after him abruptly stopped.
Then, a more terrifying noise boomed over his senses, “Zwei! Come!”
He slid to a stop so fast, he somersaulted over his paws, landing on his back hard enough to make the air in his lungs whoosh out. He tilted his head back, looking at the upside-down view of his secondary alpha, his near permanent frown more pronounced than usual. He hadn’t even heard him approach! What kind of hunting skill was that?
“What were you thinking?” Qrow demanded of the young pup he had under his arm. “I’ve told you a thousand times not to go into the forest!”
Ruby wiggled valiantly in his grasp to no avail. “We weren’t gonna!”
“Ain’t gonna believe that when you already broke the ‘no going outside today’ rule.” He looked up, then pointed down aggressively. “Zwei, I said come!”
Obediently, he rolled over, slinking forward with a pitiful whine that sometimes got him out of trouble. “We were just having fun, honest.”
Qrow had never been quite as movable as his other alpha though, only scooping him up under his other arm and storming back for the house. “Gods you’re both a mess. I’m throwing you in the tub.”
“Nooooo!” He howled with Ruby.
Beyond a gripe about ‘thinking more before they go running into mud’, the alpha largely ignored them, hauling them upstairs. He paused only long enough to peek into one of the bedrooms. A little lump of blankets on one of the beds trembled every now and again and a loud hacking started up.
Some of the tension on his scary face finally melted, his voice a gentle timbre when he speaks, “How you doing firecracker?”
“M’okay.” She snuffled back from her hiding place.
“Okay. I got to get these escape artists into the bath – but holler if you need anything alright?”
“I will.”
Zwei’s ears dropped when her hacking started up anew. It had been just a small thing this morning, but now she sounded worse than some of the dogs back at the shelter when they got plagued by kennel cough.
He didn’t have long to dwell on it, as Qrow continued on his way, kicking the bathroom door shut with his foot before setting them on the bathroom rug. “Alright, clothes off.”
Rather than listen, Ruby crossed her arms and sat down stubbornly. He walked the few steps it took to join her, plopping down as well.
Their alpha sighed, stepping over them to get the water started. “Kiddo, work with me here.”
An agitated hand ruffled through his hair until it seemed more like a puffed-up cat tail. “How about for a scoop of strawberry ice cream?” Rather than answer, she held up two fingers. “…Who taught you this level of swindling? Fine! Two it is. But no telling your dad.”
“Deal!” She hopped up, throwing off one of her layers and dropping it with a wet plop on the ground.
“Hey wait!” Zwei stomped over to Qrow. “What do I get?”
Apparently it was to be picked up and dropped into the tub. The water was just enough to cover his paws. He scrambled for the edge of the basin, too small to actually make it over. He wasn’t left alone for long, Ruby eventually climbing in beside him, all her normal, colorful furs gone. The water eventually rose up until it touched his chin, and he had to paddle a bit to get around – not that there was anywhere to go.
Zwei didn’t really like baths. The water was warm, but the ground underneath his feet was hard to stand on, causing him to slip and sometimes water would go up his nose when that happened. Then there was the shampoo. It was some really awful smelling, awful tasting stuff that would get lathered into his fur. The stink of it would overwhelm him, his own, better scent being cancelled out by the gunk. Even when he rolled it out into the grass, it persistently clung to him for days.
So no, he didn’t like baths. He especially didn’t like Qrow’s version. He was too rough. His fingers would score through his fur like he was trying to rip it away and he’d push the undercoat in all the wrong ways until it left everything kind of hurting. Today was no different.
“Ow, ow, ow!” He wailed. “That’s too hard!”
The scrubbing, if possible, got worse. “Quit bellyaching, we’re almost done.”
“He’s kind of a baby, isn’t he?”  Ruby asked from her side of the tub, trying to turn her bubbly head fur into sticks just like a porcupine.
“I am not a baby!”
“Oi, don’t jump Zwei!”
“You know, this is a lot of racket for a bath.” The final voice was new, but familiar.
His tail started to wag immediately, slipping out of Qrow’s grip so he could hop and get a look at his other alpha. “Welcome home! I missed you!”
“Hi daddy!” Ruby greeted.
“Hey there.” Tai said, stepping into the bathroom. He peered down at his mate inquisitively. “Need help?”
The response was a jovial laugh as the man rolled up his sleeves and settled down beside him. Zwei felt a little jealous when he attended to Ruby. “Were you causing trouble for your uncle?”
“Nuh-huh. I behaved!”
Qrow snorted, resuming his torture. Ignoring Zwei’s calls of displeasure, he instead spoke to his mate. “You find the medicine?”
“Yeah. Gave it to Yang before coming in here. Tip your head back honey.” Tai poured a small pitcher full of water down Ruby’s head, using his hand as a shield to keep any from falling into her eyes. As he scooped up more of the bathwater to douse her again, he continued, “We’ll have to keep an eye on her fever. We might want to let her sleep with us tonight.”
“No fair! I wanna sleep with you guys!”
As his chin was lifted up, Zwei huffed out, “Me too.”
“Tell you what Rubes,” Qrow said as he took the pitcher that was handed over to him, going through the motions with him now. “Why don’t you and I have a little sleepover of our own? We can set up a fort in the guest room and everything.”
Her face lit up. “Really?”
Zwei’s ears fell. Of course the alpha would do that – Ruby was so obviously his favorite pup. Looks like he was stuck downstairs. Alone. Again.
“Yeah. We can even bring the little scamp here.”
He blinked back as Qrow looked down at him. Wait… did he mean…?
“Just don’t have an accident and make me regret it, you got that mutt?”
He did. He did! His whole body practically vibrated with the force of his excitement, jumping out of his grasp so he could lick his hand. “I’ll be good, I promise!”
Qrow drew his hand back immediately. “Ack gross!”
Tai’s boisterous laughter echoed, before he reached out for his pup. “Come on Ruby. You’re done.” He lifted her up and out of the tub, wrapping her up in a towel and walking out of the room. “You want me to help you pick out an outfit?”
“I want my combat skirt!”
“Alright, alright…”
It wasn’t long before Zwei followed her out, draped in a towel of his own and brought downstairs. A fire was made in the hearth to combat the chill settling in as the day waned on. Eventually, that’s where he found himself stretched out in front of for his midday-play nap, stirring only when his pack moved about.
Nothing managed to rouse him completely until a commotion started up in the next room and he awoke to a day much darker than before. Ruby and Yang were on the couch, the latter curled up in a miserable ball as they watched their colorful moving pictures on the television.
He got to his feet, stretching out with a long yawn, before he trotted over to the kitchen. His alpha pair were both there. Qrow was sitting on the counter by the sink, sipping an amber liquid in a short glass and watching his mate as he fussed about the stove. Whatever Tai was making smelt absolutely delicious, like chicken and rice kibble but more refined and fresher. Mouth watering, Zwei slunk underneath the dining table chairs and emerged just into their sight. He sat himself down at the edge of the rug, making sure not even a claw touched into the ‘Never Ever Cross While Alpha is Cooking’ section of the kitchen.
“Can I have some?” He beseeched lowly.
Tai looked over his shoulder, smiling brightly. “There’s my good boy! Up!”
He sat up on his hind legs, snatching the morsel that was tossed to him in his jaws. He savored the scrap of chicken slowly, licking his chops once he’d swallowed it.
“Good catch!” His alpha praised him, before turning back to his work. When Qrow started to shift off the counter, he pointed a knife towards him. “And where are you going? We weren’t done.”
It seemed his mate thought they were, with the way he scoffed. “Look, if you want to ground her so bad, you do it.”
Zwei had come to realize that breeding pairs were very strange. Or perhaps maybe just his were; he certainly couldn’t make heads or tails of their lack of pheromonal compatibility. More critically was in how little they ran the pack like a unit. It made for a rather confusing predicament when Tai would let him nestle on the armchair – but Qrow would absolutely not tolerate it. He had to wonder if his other packmates ever felt the same.
Tai’s sigh was tinged with a rarely heard frustration. “It’s not about the punishment, it’s about who’s giving it. I can’t keep punishing the girls for rules you lay down.”
“Why not? You’re the dad here.”
“You really think Ruby hasn’t figured out that when you’re the only one home, she can get away with whatever she wants?”
Qrow snorted, downing his drink and setting it on the counter he’d vacated. “She’s six Tai. Not exactly in her prime to be a master manipulator.”
“No.” He set down the knife, turning to him fully. “But that doesn’t mean she’s dumb.”
Coming to the conclusion no other treats were coming his way, Zwei laid down on the rug, head between his paws, mostly tuning them out as they carried on. Maybe he should just take his post-nap nap. He was just starting to drift, when one particularly loud shout had him jolting out of his daze.
“Oh so I just don’t care, is that it?”
“I didn’t say that! And keep your voice down.” Tai shushed. “I know you love them, Qrow. I just… don’t understand why you want to turn them against me.”
His mate jerked back a bit, as if struck. “What in Gods’ name are you talking about?”
“Can you really not see where this will eventually go?”
With a long exhale, Zwei settled again, listening to them with only half an ear. This wasn’t the first growling match they’d partaken in, but he wasn’t worried by it. For the outcome was as certain as the sun would be rising tomorrow.
“I don’t see what the big deal is.” Right on time, Qrow’s tone shifted as did his body. Away. Vulnerable. If he had a tail, he was positive it would be tucked between his legs. “It’s not like you have anything to lose.”
Tai tilted his head, as if trying to figure if the words truly came from him. “Okay, what are you talking about?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t matter.” He tried to retreat, only to be stalled by a hand suddenly on his shoulder.
“No. Come on don’t-” A sigh. “Do you really think the girls will just cast you aside just ‘cause you have to be tough on them sometimes?”
The answer was so soft, even Zwei had to strain to hear. “Been thrown out for less.”
“Oh Qrow.” Before the thinner man knew it, Tai was pulling him into what Zwei could only describe as a ‘standing snuggle’. It looked warm and inviting. “There is nothing in this world you could do to make us stop loving you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do know that.” And then Tai said something Zwei would never forget: “Family isn’t a competition where the prize is love. Love just is. You don’t earn it by performing your best, you’re just given it from being here and caring about us just as much as we care about you.”
There were a few more things that were spoken, but the fight was over for sure when the mating pair started licking each other’s mouths. Overzealously, as usual.
But the call for peace, joyful as it was, did not impact Zwei as much as his pack leader’s words. For they washed over him with a great ferocity, reaching in and cleansing him from the inside where Hunter’s dark words still resided in his heart. The fear that had footed there that he would not be wanted finally came loose, strand by strand, until it was hanging by nothing but a thread.
It wasn’t until that night, with Ruby’s head nestled into his back and his nose tucked against the welcome warmth of Qrow’s side, that the final root broke as the words finally hit home.
There may be a lot he lacked, but no amount of skills compared to the simple act of just being there. The one thing he knew with absolute certainty was that love was something he could give this family without end.
So no, he wasn’t fierce like a Doberman. Or noble like a shepherd. Or even charming like a poodle.
He was just Zwei. And that’s all he needed to be.
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juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years
Quiet Talks
Whumptober 2020 Day 7: I’ve Got You Prompt: Support
Summary: Silver and Dr. Iplier have a chat - in the middle of the night in Roxanne’s apartment, after Silver nearly bled to death. (continued from “When the Dust Settles”)
Warnings: Referenced injury
Read on AO3 (Full Whumptober 2020 series)
Silver half-wakes up, too tired to open his eyes. His side throbs with dull pain. He’s in a bed, under a soft blanket, and he’s dressed in sweats instead of his super suit. There’s two voices talking near him, and if he concentrates, he can focus enough to understand them.
“Oh shoot, you’re staying, right? I only have this bed and one couch, um…”
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t plan on doing much sleeping. I’m gonna keep an eye on him since I don’t have any equipment to tell me if he ends up in distress.”
“Alright then, I guess…do you want coffee, or something?”
“Coffee would be great, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No, it’s – I mean, are you kidding? You saved his life, the least you deserve is a coffee!”
“It’s my job to help people, and Silver’s my friend.”
If the conversation continues, Silver doesn’t hear it. He’s too tired to keep track, the bed he’s in is too soft and warm. He falls back asleep in moments.
When Silver wakes again, his mind is clearer. That’s the only thing that’s changed; he’s still in bed, still in sweats, his side still hurts. This time, he lets his eyes open – and remembers a moment too late that Dr. Iplier is probably in the room, and that he’s probably not too impressed.
“You’re awake, huh?” Dr. Iplier asks, quiet and stern.
“Yeah,” Silver mumbles, looking over at him. He’s sitting by Silver’s bed – Roxy’s bed, technically – in a desk chair. His arms are crossed, but his expression is calm.
There’s a silence. Neither seems to know what to say. Silver’s memory is hazy, but he does recall letting Roxanne call Dr. Iplier after he refused to be taken to the hospital. After all the trouble Silver’s gone through trying to keep Roxanne a secret, one bad injury forced him to reveal her to Dr. Iplier. There was still daylight when Silver got hurt, now it’s pitch dark. Pitch dark aside from the tiny desk lamp on Roxanne’s nightstand that Dr. Iplier must’ve turned on. Silver and Dr. Iplier stare at each other, and Silver tries to figure out what to address first.
“No one knows I’m here,” Dr. Iplier finally says, “I told Host to cover for me but I didn’t tell him where I am.”
Silver nods. That’s a good thing, that’s smart of him. And Dr. Iplier doesn’t even sound as angry as Silver thought he would. But then again…that could just mean that Silver’s on death’s door and Dr. Iplier doesn’t want to upset him.
“How…How bad am I?” Silver asks. Dr. Iplier frowns.
“You’re not gonna die,” he says, “Whoever stabbed you did a number on you, though. When I got here, you didn’t have a lot of time left. Roxanne said you wouldn’t let her get a hospital.”
Silver feels like a kid being scolded. He sinks into the pillow, nervous.
“Dark chewed me out last time I ended up in the hospital,” Silver reminds him, “He went on about how risky it was for one of us to get treated by humans, how they could find out what we are–”
“And this was the safer option?” Dr. Iplier asks, an edge to his voice.
“I thought so at the time,” Silver admits, “I mean…you came, didn’t you? You didn’t tell anyone about Roxy, did you?”
“No,” Dr. Iplier sighs, “I’m not…Am I the only one who knows?”
“No. Ed and King do, too.” Silver runs a hand over his face, exhausted from more than his injury. “They’re good at keeping secrets.”
“So are you, apparently.”
“So are you.”
More silence as the pair look at each other. Dr. Iplier finally sighs and shakes his head.
“Look, just, risk the hospital next time, alright?” Dr. Iplier asks, “Dark might chew you out, but he’s not gonna kill you. But if he found out about Roxanne–”
“Why do you think I try to keep her a secret?” Silver snaps. He sighs. “I mean, I know what you’re saying. But Dark…Doctor, Dark doesn’t seem to like you much either, but he at least respects you. He’ll listen to you and follow your advice.”
“Sometimes is more than none. Dark doesn’t respect me at all. Neither does Wilford. I don’t…I don’t have any ground with them. What am I supposed to do but keep my head down? I’m sorry you got dragged into it, but if I had to do this again, I…I don’t think I’d make a different choice.”
A long pause. Silver doesn’t talk about things like this much, not even with Ed or King. He doesn’t often talk about the balance of power in Ego Inc. But he knows Dr. Iplier understands; he’s been around longer than Silver has. Dr. Iplier purses his lips.
“You’re out of the woods now,” Dr. Iplier finally says, “But it was pretty bad, Silver. And if you’d died, you might not have come back.”
“You can just say I’m unpopular,” Silver quips. Dr. Iplier snorts.
“Hey, I’m being serious here, doofus,” Dr. Iplier says, trying not to smile. He schools his expression with effort. “Silver, you really could’ve died while I was trying to fix you, or while I was on my way here–”
“But I didn’t!”
“But you could’ve,” Dr. Iplier snaps, “I know you, Silver, I know risk doesn’t faze you, but please just think for a moment. Just…understand that you were really damn close.” Dr. Iplier sighs, and when he speaks again, the fight has left his voice. “I know we don’t talk much when you’re not in my clinic, but I do care about you, you know.”
“I know,” Silver says, voice soft, “You…We’re family.”
Dr. Iplier grins.
“Hey, I already have one kid, I don’t need another.”
“No way, I’m not your kid!”
“I’m older than you, though.”
“Not by much!”
“By like five months; that’s pretty decent, Silver.”
The two are laughing now, though Silver tries to quiet himself, knowing that Roxanne must be trying to sleep.
“Oh, hey,” Silver says, “Is Roxy…I mean, how’s she doing? After everything.”
“Long answer is that she’s sleeping on the couch after worrying about you all night,” Dr. Iplier answers, “Short answer is that you’re gonna be the one sleeping on the couch once you’re better.”
“Ah, sounds about right,” Silver mumbles, blushing a little, “I sprung a lot on her today, huh?”
“You did,” Dr. Iplier affirms, “But really, she’s just glad you’re alright.” He smiles lightly. “She loves you a lot.”
“Yeah,” Silver says sheepishly, blushing even more, “I love her, too.”
“Also…” It’s Dr. Iplier’s turn to look sheepish. “Your name is Gabriel?”
“Ah, yeah…Did Roxy say it?”
“Mhm.” Dr. Iplier smiles again. “It suits you.”
“Thanks.” Silver smiles back. “I think I came up with it? It could’ve been the fans, I don’t know.”
“Well, I think it’s nice.” Dr. Iplier yawns. “Ugh, I think I need more coffee. Roxanne said I could make more if I needed, I think I’ll take her up on that…”
“Why can’t you just sleep?” Silver asks, “I thought you said I was out of the woods?”
“You are, but you never know.” Dr. Iplier rubs his eyes. “There’s no equipment here to monitor you, so I’m not taking any chances.”
“Oh,” Silver says quietly. It feels nice to be so cared for, so looked after.
“I’m gonna make myself more coffee,” Dr. Iplier says as he gets up from his chair. He affectionately squeezes Silver’s shoulder and grins. “Try not to die while I’m gone, alright?”
“I’ll do my best,” Silver replies, grinning back. He reaches over and squeezes Dr. Iplier’s wrist, returning the kind gesture.
When Dr. Iplier leaves, Silver realizes he’s exhausted, too. Without a conversation to keep his attention, his body wants to go right back to sleep. It helps that Silver feels safe, knowing that he’s not in danger, that Dr. Iplier’s looking after him. The pair of them aren’t that different, he realizes. They’re both willing to risk so much to help others. Silver’s going to have to make this up to Dr. Iplier somehow – and the thought almost makes him chuckle, because he knows exactly what Dr. Iplier would say to that. That it’s just his job, that Silver doesn’t have to worry about it. It’s not gonna stop Silver from making it up to him anyway, though.
Silver’s smiling when his eyes drift closed.
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
Pick 14 OC’s
1. Roxy (WWE) 2. Michelle (Riverdale) 3. Renee (The Flash) 4. Rika (NOES) 5. Carrie (Gotham) 6. Helena (AHS) 7. Rihannon (HP)
8. Amara (Marvel) 9. Meghana (Descendants) 10. Esme (Descendants) 11. Marianna (TW) 12. Suzanna (TWD) 13. Mandy (ST) 14. Ashlee (AVTED)
1. Would you rather date 5 or 12?
Suzanna. I feel like Carrie might kill me if I pissed her off....
2. A man wearing a thong and boxers on his head comes up to 8 and demands their money. Their reaction? Amara would taken aback and just look at the guy weird. “Earth has some strange customs.” She mutters as she hands him some Asgardian coins.
3. 6 comes home and finds that 2 has broken into their house and is stealing their possessions. What happens? Ah hell...literally. Michelle,I’d run. 
4. Would 13 ever have sex with 9? lol their is no way they’d meet,but if they did I mean Meghana is a Demi God so probably. 
5. What would 5 and 10’s lovechild look like?  Well She or he would definitely have dark hair,and striking Romanesque features with bright eyes. In a word,stunning. 
6. What would 7 never ever admit to the world?  Other then not telling Muggles she’s a witch...I’m not sure.
7. Do you think that 1 is sexy/cute? um yes lol
8. Is 9 or 14 more likely to commit murder? Ashlee,I mean she kills Deadites all the time. 
9. What is the last thing that 14 would ever wear? Anything too frilly and princess like. 
10. Why would 13 hate 7? I have no idea...maybe jealous of her because one she knows magic and also she can have the men in her life at the same time!
11. Is 4 a virgin? No
12. What would 2 get 3 for their birthday? Michelle would probably get her a gift card to a Restaurant or a jewelry store. 
13. Does 9 go to church? No,doesn’t exist in Auradon. 
14. 12 and 1 go scuba diving. What happened? Skipping,because I have no idea. 
15. Would 6 survive a zombie apocalypse?
Dang wish this question had been for 12...but Helena would be fine,chances are her Husband made The Apocalypse so....
16. Who’s taller, 4 or 14?
I think Rika.
17. 5 and 8 get in a fight. Who surrenders first?
The Carrion Crow vs The Valkyrie...That would be some battle! I can only seeing Carrie surrendering first because Amara has powers. 
18. Does 13 trust 3 enough to drive with them during a heavy rainstorm in heavy traffic? yeah sure,just don’t let Mandy drive. 
19. Could 8 ever win a swimsuit competition? YES
20. What scares 7 more than anything? Losing her loved one’s,especially to He who shall not named...
21. How long could you stand to be around 10? A good while,she’d be fun. 
22. Your old high school enemy comes up to you on the street and punches you in the face. What would 13 do? Mandy would beat the crap out her. 
23. What would 2 say/do when extremely drunk? I’m just going to put this gif here...Remember Michelle starts off with Jughead...
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24. Would 1 ever crossdress? like wear a suit? Sure I guess.
25. 1, 8, and 14 are playing tug-of-war against 7, 9, and 12. Which side would win? Roxy,Amara,Ashlee VS Rihannon,Meghana and Suzanna. 
If Amara couldn’t use her powers I’d say Meghana would win for her team because she is the daughter of Hercules. 
26. 11 and 3 are arguing. Who resorts to violence first? Marianna she is a Wolf...Good luck Renee. 
27. Does 9 or 4 have a worse temper? Meghana,She got pretty pissed after Hades broke up with her. 
28. Who would you least want to meet in a dark alley, 14, 11, or 6? Helena,Definitely... 
29. If 10 got drafted for the army, would they go for it or dodge the draft? She’d dodge it like a thief in the night ^_~
30. What is 13’s worst memory?
Billy’s death.
31. Why would the government be after 3? Because of her connection to Reverse Flash. 
32. You run into 2 on a busy street? What is the first thing you notice about them?
Her Gothic attire
33. Would 11 ever get cosmetic surgery?
34. Does 5 love or hate themselves?
She does to an extent,but I feel like she regrets some of her past actions and who she associated with/dated. 
35. 13 gets hit on by someone of their own gender? Their reaction?
Ok,I mean she’d be flattered but she doesn’t really swing that way. That I know of....
36. What is 14’s worst habit or addiction?
This might change,since I haven’t written her into a story yet. But I think Ashlee has a tendency to think she can go it alone,she’s very stubborn and doesn’t forgive easily either. 
37. What kind of movie would 11 go see? An Action movie
38. Does 10 still live with their parents? Technically Esme lives at a boarding school,so no. 
39. Does 6 dance?
Yes,usually to entice Michael or to entice someone to their side. Helena is also very good at swing dancing as well. 
40. 3, 5, 12, and 14 are playing poker. Who is the most likely to cheat?
41. What would be the main thing standing between 1 and 10’s love?
the fact that there in 2 Different stories, Michelle is with Juggie and Esme is with Charming. Michelle would remind Esme too much of what she was trying to escape from the isle. 
42. Is 2 or 4 more mature?
Rika,she is older. 
43. Does 1 or 8 have a bigger ego?
Amara,though Roxy does know a thing or two about ego’s,dating wrestlers...
44. Would 12 rather drive a small, environmentally friendly car, or a huge Hummer with bad gas mileage? A hummer,because at that point it wouldn’t matter. A vehicle is a Vehicle in The Apocalypse,though she’d prefer a Motorcycle.
45. Does 6 care about their appearance? Yes,she’s spent years not being able to see it as a Ghost,so now she can be quite fussy at times. But given who she’s dated in the past that’s not surprising....
46. 5, 7, and 14 go into a haunted house. What happens?
Carrie wouldn’t be phased she’s seen worse,so has Ashlee but she hopes there’s no ACTUAL evil dead here,which would be what Rhiannon would try and find out. 
47. 13 is walking along and gets pulled aside by a prostitute. Do they accept the offer? omg what is with these questions...poor Mandy lol honestly living where they do she’d probably be used to it,she’d just brush her off and walk away. She has Billy,she doesn’t need to PAY for it. 
48. Does 10 have or want kids? No she’s too young,though I’m sure Chad will want an Heir at some point. 
49. How will 13 probably die?
omg! Easy answer probably by a Demogorgon!
50. Why was 6 picked on at school?
Helena was actually...because she was different then the other kids,an orphan Witch,no one dared pick on her after she met Dandy though. 
51. For what would 11 worship 4?
Marianna would look up to Rika because she’s “fought” a dream demon and survived,even though she’s only human. 
52. 3 and 14 are running against each other for president. Who do you vote for?
Probably Renee she seems a bit more level headed then Ashlee but then Eobard might become Vice president...I suppose it’s better then Ash! lol
53. 1, 8, 12, and 14 gang up on 5. How long does 5 last?
Quite awhile and this must be when Carrie is bad again,otherwise Amara would have no reason to fight her. 
54. Who would 11 rather take to the prom, 2 or 9?
Mari would take Shelle to the prom,she’s a bit more low key.
55. Would 7 ever wear a leopard-print miniskirt in public?
56. Who has a more normal weight, 4 or 10?
I have no idea,I suppose Esme.
57. Why would 13 be arrested?
For Beating up someone or stealing or underage drinking/smoking.
58. 3, 6, and 11 go to the movies. What happens?
Renee would be watching it,Helena would be bored and Mari would try to enjoy it but would get irritated at the group of people talking to loud and kicking her seat,that she’d promptly get up and tell them off. 
59. 13 is trying to escape from a burning building, but sees 1 trapped in the corner. Would they try and save 1?
Yes bad girl or not she’s still not going to leave someone to die.
60. 14 and 8 are exploring an abandoned tomb, when 14 suddenly falls through the floor and barely manages to avoid the spike traps. How would 8 save them?
With her powers,she’s levitate Ashlee back up. 
61. Would 2 rather marry 6 or 14?
Probably Ashlee.
62. Does 10 smoke or drink?
:: Nope.
63. The house is about to explode, and 9 can only save 3 or 12. Who do they choose?
Suzanna...Hopefully Renee could get herself out or Thawne could come to her rescue. 
64. Would 11 ever deal drugs?
:: No, never.
65. Did 13 graduate high school?
she’s still in school
66. 7 tries cooking a new icky looking dish and invites 4, 9, and 13 to dinner. Who eats the dish? Mandy,she don’t care. Its better then nothing,she’s not as picky as she used to be. 
67. Would 3 ever pierce their tongue?
:: No
68. What about 9 annoys 14?
That she’s a God yet she can’t fix The Deadite problem...
69. Does 1 or 5 sleep more?
70. Who does 14 like most out of 2, 8, and 12? Who do they like the least? Suzanna,they can relate to each other more,though I feel like Suzanna would be the mother figure,Amara would be the cool big sister and Michelle would be like Ashlee’s twin or BFF. 
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russian-romanova · 5 years
all is right before the storm, part one. | bucky barnes x reader
series masterlist
series playlist
part title: one ; an introduction and a meeting
pairing: 1940s!bucky barnes x reader
word count: 2.5K
warnings: none yet! 
notes: first part of a series! I’m horrible at introducing these stories, so please forgive me. it’s a little bit on the short side for what I’d like to be shooting for in terms of this series. feedback would be super appreciated!
part summary: you arrive for your family’s yearly reunion, only to be overwhelmed by your relatives and incredibly intrigued by the neighbor boy taking out the trash.  
                                                 +      +      +
You first met James Buchanan Barnes by pure chance. 
The circumstance was somewhat unusual, and never how you imagined meeting your soulmate would be. How exactly you had imagined meeting, you had no idea. It didn’t take place at your parent’s house after you moved out, and he certainly wasn’t taking out the trash. Maybe the most romantic stories are the unexpected ones, though. 
You arrived at your parent’s house in Massachusetts after riding on train after train from New York. For as long as you could remember, everyone in your family would drop everything on June 11th to celebrate together being a family. It had always been important to both your mother and your father, who had both had at least one sibling die at a younger age. Family was wordlessly a priority, and you never found a reason to argue. 
There were good things and bad things about being the last one to arrive. Good- everyone else was in a chatty mood, almost all of your siblings (save for George because of his leg) could help you carry in your things, and the house already smelled like one of Ruth’s pies. Bad, however- siblings never let other siblings forget who arrived on time. 
“Lots of good pie last night, did you hear?” Your younger brother Jack Jr. had pointed out. “That’s what happens when you get here early.” You wanted to poke fun right back at him, but you were trying to be as compassionate as possible to him. It lingered in the back of your mind that although it fell upon the day of the family reunion, that Jack was the main reason you were here. Tomorrow he would be leaving, going off to join the hundreds of other boys ready and willing to fight the Germans across the sea. It was all too soon, in your opinion. He was your younger brother, and you would miss him dearly. 
Although the reason for your gathering was clear, it was unspoken. Laughter remained abundant, and things continued on as normal. Four of your sisters -- Ruth, Samantha, Helen, and Marjorie -- were talking in the kitchen as Ruth’s dessert for that night’s dinner cooked. Your father, your two brothers, your sister Jean, Ruth’s fiancé Dick, and George’s new wife Roxanne were playing cards. In Roxie’s case, you supposed, it entailed simply watching and joining in on the conversation. Your mother was taking a nap, which you know she deserved even though it left you to read alone. 
“You know you can read in the kitchen, right?” Ruth had helped you find a lawn chair and get you set up in the front lawn. 
“You’ll distract me! Besides-” You pushed the chair apart, bringing it from folded to a place you could finally sit in. “I like it outside.” Ruth mimicked a scoff as you sat down. “Don’t come crying to me when you’re dying of heatstroke.”
“Shush, I’m just trying to read!” You exclaimed jokingly, pulling your book to the side to look at her.
“Well,” Ruth put her right hand firmly against her hip. “If you decide to come gossip we’ll be in the kitchen.”
“Oh yes, because that sounds so much like me.” You muttered sarcastically, leaning back in your chair. Ruth watched you push your sunglasses in front of your eyes before turning and walking away. 
The sun was warm and felt rewarding after being cooped up for travel. Moments like these were the kind you lived for, you realized somewhere in the back of your mind. Feeling free and happy, engulfed in the words of a good book and your dress splayed out making you feel a little like a model. You made a mental note to remember this exact minute the next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed. 
You heard a door opening from the distant somewhere, but paid little attention as your book consumed your thoughts. Footsteps echoed as someone walked down their sidewalk towards the street, and you curiously glanced up to see a man walking with a bag of trash in his grip.
He finished his journey by a tree in his yard, opening the silver lid of the trashcan placed next to it and using the other hand to lift it in. With little better to do, you watched him from a distance, keeping your head down as you pretended to read. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up, and his forehead was beaded with beads of sweat. Seeing the heat reflect off of someone else only seemed to remind you of the warmth and sun beating down on you, and you turned your eyes back to your reading. 
“Big party?” The young man spoke up after a moment. You looked up, a little surprised, to find blue eyes meeting yours, a soft smile adorning his face. 
You smiled back, reaching to pull off your sunglasses. “Family reunion,” You corrected. “Parents, seven other siblings, somehow there’s buckets of others.” “You’re one of Betty and Jack’s kids?” He laughed a little, leaning a bent arm on the mailbox nearby. 
At the mention of your parents, you grinner wider, and more naturally. “Yes, I am! You know them?” 
“We’ve spoken from time to time, yeah.”
Taking a momentary pause, you looked the unfamiliar boy up and down. Your neighbors growing up had their share of children, but you felt you would have remembered the dark-haired boy, at least enough to put a name to his face. “You must be new to the area.” 
“No, my mom’s been sick.” He gestured naturally with his head in the direction of the house next to yours. “I’m just visiting for a while. She’s fairly new, though.” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Your eyebrows turned up, regretting bringing up the bitter subject. There was no way you could have known, but you could see in his blue eyes that it was a bit of a painful subject. He nodded slowly, softly agreeing. 
After a silent period, you spoke up in an attempt to break the silence. “I’m Y/N.”
He seemed glad to have something else to think about. “Bucky,” His hand was outstretched as he walked past your new garage, crossing into your parent’s yard to shake your hand. The two of you held contact for more than was likely necessary, but you hardly noticed as your eyes focused on the features of his face. You were hardly breathing as you realized that this boy was even more attractive up close. 
“Agatha Christie, huh?” He searched for conversation. Your eyebrows furrowed in momentary confusion. “Your book. ‘A Body In The Library.’ That’s Christie, right?” “Oh! Oh, yes.” You stupidly looked down at your book as if having forgotten that it was there, which you quickly felt awkward about. “Agatha Christie, yes.”
Your stumble hadn’t seemed to phase him, and he casually put his hands in his pockets. “I haven’t read much by her, but my sister has read ‘em all at least half a dozen times.” 
“They’re very good,” You squinted one eye a little as you looked up at him. “I’d say you could borrow it if we weren’t both visiting.” 
Bucky chuckled. “Well, maybe I’ll just have to save up my pennies and buy my own copy.” 
“I suppose,” You stood up, silent as you both listened to a red car chug by, watching the young man inside pass sternly. You searched for something to save the break in the conversation. “Unless you’d like to make the trip over to Brooklyn to get it.” 
He chuckled in astonishment. “You live in Brooklyn? Doll, I’m from Brooklyn.”
“No kidding,” Your mouth fell open into a gasp, closing only after a laugh met his chuckle. “We’re practically neighbors.” The connection was small, but enough to make you a little giddy. It was a small world, you supposed. 
“Practically,” Bucky repeated, tilting his head a little as he smiled at you. You looked back, meeting his eyes with a small smile of your own. It felt as though you stood there for minutes, although all too quickly Bucky looked behind him. “Well, I’d better get back inside.” 
“Right. Tell your mother I hope she feels better.” You added politely, although neither of you made a move to walk away. 
You cleared your throat, smiling to the ground before Bucky turned to walk back to his house. You watched him walk away through your eyelashes, a smile creeping onto your face and a thought growing in your mind. 
Your face turned up, watching his figure move slowly away, his confident walk towards his own house forcing you to quickly build confidence of your own. You had an idea that should probably have been better discussed with your family, but in your mind, the chance was now or never. Ask him or never speak again. You hardly knew him, and you didn’t want to risk it. 
“You should come over for dinner.” You blurted out. “You could bring your mother too. My brother is going off to join the air force tomorrow. We’re having a feast.” Bucky turned around to meet your gaze once more. “You know, I might take you up on that.” With a final smirk, he turned to walk back inside his mom’s house. You watched his walk away, clutching your book in your hand before rushing inside, practically jumping up the stairs to get inside. 
“We need to make sure to have plenty of food,” You said as soon as you walked in the door, your sisters seated on two benches set at 90 degrees at the small table. A few of the older ones not engulfed in their conversation already looked up. “I just invited a very cute boy and his mother over for dinner.” 
They looked at you for a moment longer, before glancing between each other. “We know,” The oldest Ruth smiled at you. “We were watching you two flirt.” 
“Flirt? We hardly talked!” You defended yourself habitually. “You couldn’t even hear us talking anyways.”
“Body language, Y/N,” Samantha spoke up. “It’s all about the eyes and arms, and the way his feet are-”
“We were just getting to know each other, that’s all!” You moved to the counter, setting your book down before silently pushing your sisters over on the bench around the table. “He’s visiting from Brooklyn as well and his mother is sick.”
“Good memory for someone who was just getting to know the man,” Samantha laughed. 
“What’s his name, Y/N? What’s his name?” Your youngest sister Marjorie spoke up. 
“Bucky.” You looked at her, smiling at her words that weren’t at least an accusation. 
“Bucky,” Ruth echoed smugly. “Bucky what?” 
You shrugged. “I don’t know.” 
They laughed in their various ways. “How don’t you know?” Marjorie spoke up. “I thought you said he was cute.” 
“What! I never- I didn’t-” You fumbled for a moment, and Helen took that as an opportunity. 
“You said, and I quote, ‘A cute boy and his mother’.” She crossed her arms. 
You pushed your hands together out of nerves. “No, I said ‘a boy and his mother,’”
“Well,” Ruth brought her water glass up to her lips, smirking. “I mean, he was cute, wasn’t he?” 
A ding of a kitchen timer was the only thing able to save you. “Oh, Ruth, you wouldn’t want that to burn.” Your voice had a bit of a teasing edge to it. Ruth slid out over Marjorie on the end of the seat whilst sticking her tongue out at you, prompting you to do the same. Your conversation fell silent as you watched Ruth slide her hands into oven mitts and walk behind the short kitchen divider to where the oven was. She bent down to open it, and you turned back to look straight ahead, your eyes falling through the window to the yard outside. Most noticeably, the few drops of rain that were beginning to fall on the porch, darkening the white paint. 
“My chair is still out there!” You cried out, and the other girls followed your gaze.
“That rain had better stop before dinner,” Ruth poked her head up from behind the oven. “We’re not prepared to eat in here.”
That hadn’t even occurred to you, but you didn’t want your lawn chair to be soaked through for the rest of your visit. Springing up, you pushed open the door to be outside. The sidewalk was slowly becoming soaked as the rain fell harder and more frequently, already darkening the red and white stripes of your chair. Muttering to yourself about how the sky didn’t even look like rain before, you pulled your chair into your arms and ran as fast as heels in the grass could take you towards your family’s garage. 
Despite being dry with your father’s car and woodworking supplies, you knew you couldn’t linger for long. Your eyes scanned the area outside the open door, looking for the quickest past back indoors. You could use the side door and have to run through the grass the whole time, or take the longer route and make it to the sidewalk. The longer you took to decide, the harder the rain seemed to get. Your eyes went right, and then left, and all of a sudden froze on the mailbox Bucky had leaned against. 
The rain momentarily was forgotten. You moved your position with a new idea in your mind, peering through the water to see the blue mailbox, the rain slowly dripping down. “Barnes,” You whispered aloud to yourself, reading it over once more to be sure. “Bucky Barnes.”
(if you’re interested, feel free to ask to be added to the series taglist!)
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fatedbutblinking · 6 years
hp next generation│characters
Teddy Lupin
Hair that changes often—currently a bright, electric blue; olive skin
Kind and considerate
Respectful and sweet
Humble and appreciative of Harry Potter and their family
Deeply in love with Victoire—for a lot more than her looks
Victoire tells everyone it was Teddy who fell for her first, just because he told her he loved her first, but Teddy secretly knows that it’s Victoire who fell first
Made Head Boy for his high academic achievement (including a nailed Outstanding in Defence Against the Dark Arts)
Out of all the Potter children, he is closest with Lily Potter; she used to ride his back when she was younger and make him personalised, singing birthday cards
James Sirius Potter
Around 180 cm; classically handsome face; strong jawline; thick, dark brown, untidy hair that glints auburn in the sun and he constantly runs his hands through; irritatingly clear skin; prominent hazel eyes; cocky smirk
From first to third year, he conceitedly thinks that Allie likes him just because she said thank you to him after he told off some boys for pulling on her hair; this turns out to be false, as Allie starts going out with Dylan Thomas
The most arrogant out of his family members, his best friend and cousin Fred coming second
His nana started calling him “Jamie,” to which his friends started mocking him for
This led to James coming up with nicknames for everyone else, some sticking and some only for mocking (e.g. Allie, Freddie, Roxie—but not Dom because she’d kill them if they did)
Typically a player but knows when to settle down into a relationship—reliable and loyal if he’s really interested in you—if you’re just a one-time shag, he’s still nice to you though
A lover of Quidditch, pranks, making others laugh—he’s the class clown
Naturally smart; has a lot of potential to be great—especially in Potions and Alchemy—but starts off not diligent or focused enough
Cares for his family and friends—perhaps too much sometimes
Immature class clown turned just as funny Head Boy without wanting the latter
Gets others and himself into trouble all the time
Constantly curious—to the point where it, also constantly, gets him into trouble and detention with McGonagall
Free and confident being who he is, which Allie admires
Childish, stupid, hyper and more arrogant when drunk
After being turned by an infamous werewolf in the middle of his sixth year, he starts smoking excessively—”The more I do with my mouth, the less chance I’ll have to tell someone I’m a monstrous killer. Unless you, Allie, would like to help me instead?”—Dom, who used to be an addict in her fourth year when she hung out with Slytherin boys, persuades James to stop
When he becomes a werewolf in his sixth year, he decides to quit the Quidditch team so he won’t ruin it for anyone if he can’t play; he doesn’t tell Fred his reasoning—he can’t tell anyone he’s a werewolf or might be expelled for possible danger by certain Ministry workers—and Allie is forced to take his spot
McGonagall secretly finds James one of her favourite students, despite telling him off constantly for his pranks
Loves his dog Paddy
Bisexual or pansexual—“As long as they’re good-looking,” he says, cracking a cocky smirk.
The ultimate 21st century cool guy—really hot, intelligent and with no preference for partners’ sexuality
Very straightforward like Dominique—doesn’t know boundaries at times
Secretly kind
Super selfless
Finds it amusing that he actually likes Professor Malfoy, his new Alchemy teacher
Professor Malfoy finds it funny that he likes James too
Though predicted Outstanding in his Alchemy mock exam, James runs out halfway through the lesson to confess his feelings to Allie
“What’s with your son, Potter? He’s unbelievable.”—“Merlin, what’s he done now?”—“He ran out halfway through the lesson, finishing 75% of the exam—which is impressive enough as he should’ve been at 50%—and got 73% right! If your son doesn’t run out of the room during the real exam, I’m sure he could get an O.”
Albus Severus Potter
Only just taller than Roxanne
Almond-shaped, bright green eyes; neat black hair; thin-faced with knobby knees; thin and of average height
Listens to Radiohead and other Muggle bands
Angsty teen shut-the-fuck-up type
Used to be bullied for being so different from the rest of his family; girls dig the bad boy thing (though Albus isn’t bad and doesn’t act like it on purpose)
Like a sassy young Harry from Order of the Phoenix
Rolls eyes a lot
Nobody can tell what he’s thinking
Witty—self-deprecating humour
Lily Potter
Gryffindor—without a doubt
Around 162 cm with pale, white, freckled skin, vibrant brown eyes, straight, bright ginger hair; she eventually gets glasses due to her worsening eyesight—“At least I’m not as blind as you, Dad.”
Very curious and interested; cheery; talkative; honest; adventurous
Wants to have fun but is studious too—for sure not as extreme a pranker or partyer as James
Often argues with Albus as they’re both really stubborn; James can be seen laughing the background
Strong-willed and quick-witted
Admires Rose as an older sister
Ships Albus and Scorpius more than anyone
Rose Weasley
Wavy scarlet/vermilion hair; light skin with minor freckles, as she doesn’t spend much time in the sun
Loves reading and the library
Prefers to keep to herself/be independent
Loves to point things out for others
Her fatal flaw is being too honest that she sounds condescending/rude, especially when she’s angry
Only impulsive when angry;
Never procrastinates
Extremely intelligent/book-smart
Slightly arrogant and snobby
Short-tempered and stubborn
Says she doesn’t care about appearances until Scorpius finds out about her contact lenses after hiding under her bed
Hugo Weasley
Shorter than most; boyish good looks; curly brown hair (an undercut when he was rebelling); lanky; long-sleeved shirts and jeans
Loves music—singing, acoustics, angst/soft/indie tunes
Quiet but frank when passionate or needed
Highly intelligent
Quietly opinionated
Named attractive by girls but he doesn’t care for them—only his studies and music
Doesn’t laugh; deadpan
Not very close with Potter-Weasley-Granger clan
Dislikes James for treating him like a child, being frivolous and always partying
Dislikes Dominique for being intimidatingly rude
Alice (Allie) Longbottom
Around 158 cm; sweet-faced; doe-eyed; wavy dark-gold/caramel-blonde medium-length hair; long eyelashes; rich, doe, dark brown eyes; thick-knit cream and orange jumpers
A bad habit of hers is biting her nails
Doesn’t get drunk until of age but is said to remain nonchalant and the same after several drinks
Though she complains she hates it because it’s illegal, she secretly enjoys being the designated driver in the flying car—there’s no other way for her to fly, as she’s dreadful on a broom like her dad
Clumsy when she’s younger
Open-minded; the right amount of honesty; not rude
Tones down James and Fred by telling them if their pranks are going over the line
Considered the worst Quidditch player/broom-rider ever since her first flying lesson where she spun around the school for hours uncontrollably
One day when Fred is injured and can’t play a match, James convinces Allie to and she manages to help them win—by distracting the other scared players with her super-fast flying
A louder, sweeter, more humble version of Albus
Shy when with new people, but later—if quiet—she’s only observant
Wishes she had a large family but eventually finds that the Weasley-Potter-Granger clan are just as caring
Her mother, Hannah Abbott, the school matron, is dying—lethargic, pale, cadaverous, bony, tired hair 
Her parents weren’t sure they could have a child due to Hannah being ill (having a blood curse)
When Hannah dies, Allie becomes very depressed because her family is down to just her and her dad; she feels guilty that she didn’t spend as much time with her mum as she did with her dad
Allie sees Scorpius crying in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom after his mother died too from a blood curse; this leads to a close friendship and slight jealousy from James, who at this point has just realised he loves Allie
Thinks she needs to excel at school because her dad works there—wants to impress her dad and make him proud
In her seventh year, she hears about a chance to intern at St Mungo’s; wanting to be nearer to family, she applies and gets accepted
She visits her grandparents at Christmas, which is why they sort-of remember her
Neville only hears about the internship when McGonagall talks to him about it and is heartbroken that his daughter didn’t tell him—this was because she knew he’d say no
She impulsively decides she wants to be a Healer
James and her get into an argument about this
“You don’t care about being a Healer. You just want a reason to see your grandparents, to be nearer people who care about you. What you don’t realise is that, although plenty of us aren’t related to you, we love you too.”—James
“You want to be a Healer? You’ve never talked about this ever!”—“Well some people can’t decide what they want to do when they’re five, like you or Fred!”—“I don’t know what I’m doing, Allie! Merlin...what’re you going to do if your grandparents pass away? Will you quit being a Healer? Do what you love, Allie. Don’t do what you think other people want.”
After James becomes a werewolf, she sticks by his side; she even becomes an illegal Animagus to help him—she is a hare, like Luna Lovegood’s Patronus, and finds herself somewhat unuseful as she’s so small
Lysander is her first kiss
Boys consider her pretty in the “cute” way; adults describe her as “lovely”; Fred describes her as “the type of person that calls other girls beautiful”; James describes her as “beautiful. That’s it.”  
Her three current and past love interests are James, Dylan Thomas and Nicolas (a hot Beauxbatons exchange student), the first becoming her husband and the latter two ending up together
Zabini mocks this, telling Allie she “turned them gay.”
James murdered him on the Quidditch pitch the next day
Fred Weasley
187 cm; very tall; well-built; short, cropped raven hair; light freckles
Goofy like James
Needs to focus on his studies more and does in last two years of school, after failing multiple OWL exams and getting a Howler from his mum 
From then on, he is given a tutor, Chloe, who is a year older than him, in Ravenclaw, pretty and half-Asian
Fred falls in love with her, though is scared she thinks of him as an immature guy and doesn’t tell her until the Christmas of his sixth year where James and Ally are invited to the Slug Club party and he’s left alone to study; On the way back from the bathroom, Chloe decides to ditch the Slug Club and stay with Fred late into the night
Loves/is passionate about Quidditch more than anything; wants to play professionally
After James is turned into a werewolf and some people become slightly scared of him and find him unreliable, Wood has no choice but to choose Fred to be Quidditch Captain
Fred knows he’s second best to James, as he always is, and 
Always seen laughing with James
Always sleeps and snores in History of Magic
Infatuated with Ally for a period of time but never confesses himself
Instead, they become very, very close friends, Fred being the first person who finds out how Allie feels about James
Roxanne Weasley
Around 165 cm; long, rich dark auburn hair; flawless, freckle-less mocha skin
Admires Ally
Sickeningly sweet; polite; formal
Lies so people don’t get hurt
Low self-esteem
Loves watching Quidditch, not playing, making her different from her mum and dad
Secretly very loud, opinionated and 
Not an attention-seeker but wants to be noticed by somebody outside of her family
Dominique and her end up having a lot in common, including being constantly annoyed at Fred
Crushes on Lysander, the popular, smart guy, but ends up with Lorcan, the outcasted, artsy guy
Louis Weasley
“Hot Louis”
Looks more like his mother
Always relaxed
Close friends with Lysander
*To be continued*
Dominique Weasley
Gryffindor but almost a Slytherin
Tall and skinny; long, strawberry-blonde hair often kept in a pony-tail; light tan from the hours spent playing Quidditch; dark blue eyes that flicker with every sarcastic thought
Somewhat jealous of her older sister Victoire but doesn’t hold too much resentment towards her
The best female beater on the Slytherin team in years; she only tries out for the team after a year of being a hilarious, swearing, honest Quidditch commentator
Admittedly a hypocrite
The badass, devil-may-care type
Extra asf
Finds Herbology boring, despite everyone loving Herbology because of Professor Longbottom
Gets kicked out of Beauxbatons for using magic inappropriately after her mum sends her there to discipline her
Rough relationship with her mum
She is surprised to learn that her dad dressed as a bad boy during school, as he now worships grades and do-gooder ideals
Victoire Weasley
Beautiful; tall and willowy, like a model; sapphire-blue eyes; long, pale-blonde hair (that she cuts shorter later to be “taken seriously by Aurors”); forever clear, pale skin (apart from the light freckling on her cheeks and nose)
Sweet; caring
Made Head Girl
Curious, but not rebellious, cunning, stealthy or adventurous like her sister
Graceful but not stealthy
Plays it safe, but not compliant
Deeply in love with the kind, sweet, yet misunderstood Teddy—a boy whom she helps recover from depression by showering him with friendship and love
Molly Weasley
Wavy gingery-brown hair; icy, pale blue eyes; very skinny; tall; very freckled skin
Head Girl after Victoire leaves
Caring but not doting
Bickers and argues a lot with everyone
Tends to hang around her family members or teachers
Highly intelligent due to determination
Well-spoken; know-it-all
Acts like she can control everyone around her
Is disliked or not preferred by the older kids in the Potter-Weasley-Granger clan, but the young ones like her for babysitting when she’s free
Admires how Ally cares for everyone, tries to keep them out of trouble, without making them hate her
Admired by Rose
Lucy Weasley
*To be continued*
Lysander Scamander
Cool and collected
Well-known by everyone; popular
Follows in his father, Rolf’s, footsteps
Handsome; neat dirty-blond hair; “dreamy” cornflower-blue eyes
Brightest wizard of his year
The classier, more organised out of the twins
Blunt and honest but tries to hold back
Aware of his achievements
Arrogant; “Yeah, I know.”
Like a classier, quieter version of James, which Lily hates at first
Nevertheless, Lily and him end up together after the both of them consistently visit Hagrid (Lily does this because she doesn’t have many friends and hangs out with Hagrid; Lysander does this because he loves Care of Magical Creatures)
Lorcan Scamander
Quiet in speech, but loud in every other aspect
Badly-dressed—clothes the wrong size, the wrong colour, but still manages to make it looks somewhat stylish
Not-so-secretly handsome
I’ll-be-who-I-want kind of personality
Longer, messy dirty-blond hair; kind, doe silvery eyes; smiley
Loves art
Creative, confident and selfless
Great at giving advice
Called “weird” and a “hippie” by some 
Scorpius Malfoy
White-blonde hair; pale blue-grey eyes; tall and lanky; sharp cheek bones; intimidating due to height but an actual cinnamon bun;
Your genuine he-who-listens-and-won’t-judge mate
Determined to make Rose like him
Persistent and passionate about things he loves
Loves Christmas with the Weasley-Potter-Granger clan more than with him and his dad alone, as being alone with his dad reminds him he doesn’t have his mum there too—which is why he always brings his dad along to the Burrow, which can be slightly awkward
Thinks of Allie as a big sister
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themockingcrows · 5 years
Two Fates, Two Kingdoms Ch. 18: Brother of Moonlight
Characters: John Egbert, Dave Strider, Jake English, Rose LaLonde, Roxy LaLonde, Dirk Strider This chapter is SFW! AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2606711/chapters/48093772
After washing the struggles of the road off, there's family to meet and reconnect with and stories to tell as Dave re-positions himself into the role of beloved baby brother that had been empty for so long. With all the familial re-connections happening at once, what are the chances that there are still some secrets being kept?
    The baths Dave had spoken on were a grand sight indeed, and thankfully reclusive enough from the rest of the people of the castle that they weren’t interrupted. The same chilly stone that housed the castle and a lot of the foundations of the city below blossomed with warmth as Dave led the Prospitian duo along a few twists and turns, then finally down a stairwell that was soon filling up with the welcome kiss of steam. In one room there was running hot water from taps that fed into troughs that kept filling over and spilling to a chute below to drain away. Dave calmly removed his clothing and peered over his shoulder to see if the brother’s would follow suit or not. To his surprise they followed suit, jingling and jangling awkwardly to get out of the new items and set the clothes in with Dave’s and the fresh set he’d brought with him. As to whether those older clothes would still fit him properly was yet to be seen, but since he’d gained no new height, it would probably fit well enough.
    The first room seemed to be for the main washing, stools sitting among places carved by the stone that was hot to the touch with buckets and dippers aplenty along with soaps and oils. This wasn’t the bath for the kitchen staff after all. This was for Dave and others in his wing, which usually would consist of Rose and occasionally other family members when he was younger. The same crystals lit along the ceiling and walls, soft glows of lavender and white blending with the steam and the sweetly scented soaps to make a dreamy atmosphere as they all took a spot and washed away the stress and travel. Dave offered the brothers an option to shave which they took readily to get rid of accumulated stubble, while he himself busily trimmed at his hair to even the ends out and shorten it just a bit to a more manageable level.
    The second room was devoted to the bath itself, a high edged bath that looked like a small pool, with a second space offset partly into the wall that was steaming heavily. The stone was smoother, polished to show the grain and natural subtle shifts in color that the natural stone held beneath their feet and palms.
    “This one’s plenty warm. There’s a cool spigot to use if you need cold water,” Dave explained as he pointed. “The far tub is the hottest one. I wouldn’t stay in it very long if I were you, though.”
    “Pshaw and pish, Dave my lad. You’re speaking to felows from the land of the heat and sun! This should prove to be perfectly comfortable,” Jake insisted as he strode past unabashedly to go straight into the hotter water. He hopped right in, lasted about ten seconds, then stood up with a harsh gasp. “CHEESE AND CRACKERS BUT THAT’S FUCKING HOT.”
    “What did you expect when someone says ‘that’s the hottest one’ and says they wouldn’t stay in it very long?” John asked, coming closer to investigate as Jake sat down slower to enjoy the burn and adjust comfortably and Dave clambered into the bigger tub.
    “I expected it to be hot by a Dersite’s standards, not hot-hot,” Jake complained. “It feels quite nice once you go in slower and the burn stops. But I see why staying too long wouldn’t be a good idea.”
    John took his time getting into the hot water, wincing and cussing more than once before he sat down opposite Jake with a heady sigh and sank down even further. “Ohhhhh but this is nice.. Dave can I convince you to walk my back later? Or my shoulders at least? If I can get out of here that is, the castle feels like a cube of ice compared to this..”
    “You get used to it,” Dave shrugged, dipping his head a few times and slicking his hair back behind his shoulders and out of his eyes in a smooth motion. “Besides, I’ll make sure we find some other items you two can wear. Shoes, for one. Some kind of robe as well surely. At least nobody’s trying to make you hurry outside for anything.”
    “Outside doesn’t exist anymore,” insisted John. “Shhhh, it’s bath time. Only hot water now.”
    “We have to leave eventually, if we want to introduce you to the rest of my family,” Dave chuckled. “And eat.. And see Dirk again. I don’t care how busy he is, there’s questions I have that need answered quickly.”
    “Perhaps we’ll see him come meal time and you can spring some things on him then?” suggested Jake. “Surely even a fellow as hard working as him pauses to eat now and then with the family.”
    “You’d be surprised. But, yes, that’s an option. If not then I can hear it from the others what to do. Or I’ll just go to his chambers tonight and smack him with a pillow.”
    “No caution for the king, I see,” John smirked. “Then again you had next to none for a prince in Prospit, so I’m not that surprised that you’d not act differently towards your brother when a stranger didn’t deter you.”
    Be it the bath or the by now fond memory it was hard to say, but a soft flush had crossed Dave’s cheeks.
    “Hah. Definitely different with family. I doubt you’d have acted differently to Jake were he to suddenly have become king, right? Or would it have been all that different in Prospit?”
    The pair exchanged a curious glance, brows lifted in nearly a mirror image of each other before they glanced over. Were Dave not limited to the one eye he’d swear he was seeing double thanks to them. Save for the eye color and subtle differences in height and shoulder width, body mass, the brothers could be twins when their scruffy black hair was wet. Especially when they grinned at him like that.
    “Mmm.. I guess you’re right. I don’t think I’d have stopped trying to prank him, or teasing him.”
    “But,” offered Jake, “to be fair, I don’t know if I’d ever have truly become king. I’d sooner have fled and let Janey take over all the same, follow adventure elsewhere, follow some maps from old legends in books and see what I could find on my own that others may have missed. Spend my days hunting and my nights camping out ‘neath the stars. ..Being cooped up with the rules and regulations and that crown hanging heavy on me with the weight off an entire country.. I don’t think I’m capable of that, no matter what father says.”
    “I think you’d have made a decent king.”
    “Decent, not great,” Jake pointed out to Dave. “There’s a difference. Your brother appears to be doing the greatness thing, same as Jane no doubt will do the greatness thing as a queen someday when father passes.”
    “So you’ve truly no intention of going back,” Dave marveled, coming to the edge of where the tubs conjoined to rest his chin on his hands and hum.
    “There’s not much waiting for us there any longer, not while father is alive,” said John. “I had hoped…” he trailed off quietly, looking down at the slight ripple on the surface of the water. He’d hoped to get to go home again someday, even if only for visits to his siblings if his father wouldn’t have him back on any good terms. But things were just not meant to be so, it would seem. He cleared his throat and let the moment pass without either of the others prodding him. The topic was a sore one and quite the fresh wound after all, and it affected each of them.
    “When we’re done here, where are we going first?” Jake asked, changing the subject to give John some reprieve.
    “I think it’d be best to see Rose first. ...I hope she’s kept her hair short,” Dave mused.
    “Why would it matter how long her hair is?”
    “Well, you see, we used to look quite similar. Very similar. We could pretty much switch places if we wanted to, before her bust grew in. It got harder to do then, but it was still possible,” Dave explained. “She looks quite nice in a set of trousers.”
    Jake lifted a brow. “Planning on switching places, then?”
    “Oh, no. I don’t think we’d be able to anymore, not since.. Well. There’s more differences now in a lot of directions. But it would be nice to be able to show you two what I mean when we’re side by side. I suppose her hair wouldn’t matter, since my own is longer now.”
    “Decided against trimming it all off?” John asked with a grin. “You’d look handsome with short cut hair.”
    “Of course I would. But for now.. I don’t know. This length I can work with for a while longer. I’ll hack it off at a later date, when I feel like it,” sniffed Dave. “I think once the novelty of controlling my bodily autonomy wears off,” he said in common, uncertain of the phrase in Prospitian and even then just barely getting the point across.
    “No rush far as we’re concerned. Scootch over there, Dave, I’m hotter than a boiled hen and probably twice as steaming, I need that cooler water!” Jake finally grunted, standing up with a rush of steam before edging modestly as he could around Dave to get into the bigger tub with a relieved sigh. John soon followed suit, both brothers adjusting to the cooler water quickly and then trying to go further still to prepare for the air of the castle they’d be facing. Not wanting to waste a second of it, the time in the bath stretched long as seemed civil before Dave led the way to towels to dry with.
    While John and Jake simply pulled the tunic and pants back on that they’d deposited earlier, feeling refreshed and comfortable in a way they hadn’t been since leaving Prospit, Dave was suddenly dressed in more decorative clothing of his homeland. The tunic was intricately decorated, a deep red with rust colored shining threads shimmering like a soft flame when he moved just right, the buttons dark as coals with the leggings to match. He’d never brought the boots along with him, nor did he bring a set of slippers, leaving Dave barefoot as the others as they padded back upstairs and to his chambers so he could deposit the soiled items within.
    Rose’s room was easy enough to find when using Dave’s as a guiding tool, though it felt as if the stone in her part of the wing was a darker hue than that of Dave’s. He knocked gently at her door before glancing to his companions, speaking softly.
    “I don’t know if she’ll be in or not. She may be elsewhere, or resting, or not wanting to be bothered or-”
    Rose herself opened the door, question dying on dark painted lips as she took in the scene in front of her. Dave, hair long and still damp tied back at his nape, collar at his throat, weathered features tired but undeniably him, flanked by two bronze skinned giants in different collars. He hadn’t been kidding about their similarities. From the nose to the jaw to the brow shape, it was uncannily like looking at a Dave who was wearing makeup and a high collared dress rather than a woman neither of them had ever met before. She felt familiar in a pleasantly welcome way.
    “I-. ...Dave?” she asked, brows finally furrowing. “Is that really you? Am I having a spell, or am I really seeing this?”
    “A spell? You better have been staying healthy while I’ve been away,” Dave said, reaching out to take both of Rose’s hands, bringing them up to his own cheeks so she could lay hands on him. “Yes, it’s me.. See? All here.”
    She spared another glance to John and Jake over Dave’s shoulders, looking them up and down. All here indeed. Jake grinned and gave a hearty wave.
    “Oh, she’s lovely Dave, you were right.”
    “Well at least they’re.. nice. What in the world..? When did you get here? How did you get here? And who are these two and why are they in the castle?!” she asked, questions halting when Dave released her hands and smooshed her cheeks with his palms instead so her painted lips pursed like a fish.
    “I’ll answer everything in a second. Where’s Roxy? Maybe I can do a two-for-one meeting,” he chuckled.
    “Archery practice, you’d probably get shot for interrupting before she realized it was you,” Rose managed to get out, though her words were a little slurred from the strange position her mouth was being pushed into.
    “I’ll get Roxy later then. At dinner if nothing else,” he said, leaning in to press a kiss to either of Rose’s cheeks when he released them before hugging her tightly and spinning in a quick circle with her. “Come, let us in for a little bit? I’ll explain, and we can catch up.”
    Rose glanced to her room, the tea set within freshly delivered, and sighed.
    “Something tells me I’ll be needing far more tea, and a few more cups at least.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    “So you survived all that, then made it over a mountain, survived a fucking troll, and got taken down by a loose lipped inn keeper?” Rose marveled, holding her cup with both hands. Dave sat opposite her, savoring the rich flavors of the blend he remembered most fondly, low lying berries and roots and intense sweetness, while the Prospitians were cautiously holding the small cups with their large hands and trying to adjust to the flavor with some semblance of grace. It wasn’t bad per say, but it was definitely different. The conversation was mostly taking place in common so as not to exclude the guests, but occasionally things had been said quickly in Dersian to either reassure his sibling or explain a concept quicker.
    “Right? It was like we had all the luck in the world and it finally ran out,” he said with a smile.
    “..Does it bother you?” she asked suddenly. “The eye I mean. I can’t imagine how you’ve dealt with it so far..”
    “I mean. It is what it is. You adjust, or you don’t, and I adjusted best I can,” he shrugged. “I knock things over sometimes, or I miss steps. But I’m getting better with it. I’m stronger than then too, I don’t faint or get headaches as often.”
    “But they’re still there,” Rose pressed a bit.
    “Yes. They might always be, same as my eye might always be the way it is. Time will tell,” he shrugged, glancing to John and Jake briefly to both check on them and find an out for himself in the conversation.
    “It’s true, the last faint he had was earlier actually. Your brother apparently shook him a good deal,” John said more than a little stiffly. “Aside from that, he’s been doing quite well for himself all things considered.”
    “You’re still wearing a collar,” Rose pointed out.
    Dave sat his cup down and clasped the item with both hands as if reassuring himself it was indeed still there and wasn’t about to suddenly come off. “Yes. I am. And I will be for a while longer, till it feels… okay to take it off,” he continued.
    Rose lifted a brow at John and got a shrug back, a shake of the head. This wasn’t his territory. Dave had full autonomy again, he could remove it any time he wished. The only thing was that he hadn’t wished it off quite yet and wasn’t sure when he’d be ready to, a hard concept to wrap his head around personally. If he could wave away his own new collar he would in a heartbeat, finding it uncomfortable already to deal with. He couldn’t imagine Dave wanting to keep his on longer after how long he’d been wearing it.
    Deciding not to push it further, Rose took a sip of her drink. “Are you here to stay, then? Or do you plan on disappearing again?”
    “I’m here to stay. I don’t think I’m interested in straying afar for quite some time,” he admitted. “I’ve had enough adventure for a while..”
    “Do you plan to return your friends?”
    Dave made a face. “Rose, they can go if they please. I’m not their keeper. ...Though I admit, it would mean the world to me if John stayed.” He sat his cup down and leaned back. “It’d mean even more if Dirk allowed us to marry honestly, but I’m not holding my breath just yet. I already know there’ll be a fight involved over it, and I’m prepared to fight. I did not make it this far to be told I can’t marry someone I love, damn it, even if it takes a while for it to be possible.”
    “I can’t imagine politics would be too kind to us,” admitted John, reaching for Dave’s hand to give it a fond squeeze before stroking the back with his thumb. “Princes of enemy kingdoms wedding, even if one prince abdicated?”
    “Two princes,” Jake said merrily, finishing his tea. “May I have another cup, miss?” he asked, gesturing to the pot rather than immediately pouring himself something fresh. “And would you like yours topped off?”
    “Yes, please,” Rose said, offering her cup out for Jake to refresh the liquid inside before pouring his own. He grinned and offered to the others as well, though only Dave took him up on the offer. John was still dealing with his own cup’s contents after all. “I think I see why Dirk was upset, however. You kind of brought a big problem to our doorstep. Abdicated or not, you chose our kingdom of all places to hide. Our castle. There’s a chance your family will fight harder to get you back, try to talk sense into you. Or outright blame us for your leaving.”
    “Well, we did leave because of Dave,” John said. “Though there’s a chance Jake was going to leave on his own if things had continued as they were at home.”
    “It’s kind of cute that you’re planning your wedding day already, when you’ve been home.. What. A few hours now?” Rose smirked playfully. “Not even getting approval from the family, not even asking if I’d be your maid of honor. Pity. I will be, by the way, whether you like it or not.”
    “Try not to upstage the bride, is all I ask. He’s got a temper on him,” John chuckled.
    Rose grinned at him, then turned her gaze on the annoyed looking Dave. “Oh, I like him. Approval gained, best wishes for a healthy family and all that.”
    Dave sulked, but didn’t complain much. “No swapping either then, you’ll get to wait your turn for a turn in the dress.”
    John almost spit into his tea. “Wait, what?”
    Dave lifted a brow at him. “I was kidding, but was the idea that fluster inducing for you? I’ll have to keep it in mind then for the future. I’d never have guessed, considering my time with Jane.”
    “With Jane?” Rose asked, confused.
    “Ah. Before I was given over to John, I was his sister’s. She wanted more of a lady in waiting than I was able to be, though I did well as I could,” he shrugged. “Everything was so… yellow.”
    “Do you have any plans now?” Rose asked of John and Jake. “You abdicated, but I don’t know how formally since you more or less disappeared into the night. What do you plan to do if we’re blamed with kidnapping? What if the war ramps up harder?”
    “We’d try to talk sense to our father,” Jake offered. “...And if that failed to work, I’d try to fight through and talk sense to my sisters.”
    “And if that fails? You turned your back on your country to come to ours,” Rose pointed out. “I doubt they’d trust you any longer, no matter how pure your intentions.”
    Jake sighed and swirled the liquid in his cup.
    “...And this is why I don’t think I’d have done well as a king. There’s so many trails and strings and lashings to sort out just to get to the meat of the matter: that at this point it’s a familial dispute, but if pressed the entire force of a war would come down on our heads.”
    “You said you’d fight through and talk sense to your sisters. Didn’t they let you go before?”
    “More or less. They understood it was to help Dave, that it was for the best at the time, even if they didn’t approve at all. Jade will have to follow whatever orders father gives, and Jane.. well. Jane’s not in a position of power right now.”
    “...And if she were?” Rose asked. “Were your sister on the throne, do you feel the war would stop?”
    “On our side? Yes, if Derse stopped pressing at our throats. We’ve been fighting for so long none of the reasons even matter anymore it feels like, it’s just a drain on resources and lives.”
    “Our princess was murdered long ago, and you say the reasons don’t even matter,” scoffed Rose, eyes dark as she took another sip from her cup, the outline of her lips clear and easy to match up to each time. “I doubt you’d be saying the same were your prince murdered in cold blood.”
    “There’s a funny story about that actually,” John said. “The fact of the matter is, from Prospit’s view? Our prince WAS murdered. He left, we never heard any news of a wedding, and he disappeared. All we got was an attack from Derse, and the war started. We never saw your princess, or if we did there was no mention of her or any other Dersian emissaries along with her. Just our missing prince and an attack from Derse!”
    “The ruined carriage at the border said otherwise, I’m sure. But that doesn’t make much sense.. Two stark differences, and two missing royals on the eve of a wedding.” Rose sat her cup down with a sigh. “In a way it sounds… romantic.”
    “Romantic? Murder is romantic. I’m not sure how to feel about that,” said John uneasily. “If not dead by either country’s hands then by bandits, surely. Perhaps no bodies because of wildlife.. How is that romantic?”
    “Two young lovers reaching to one another until the last moment, potentially? Finally being in true love’s embrace, only to have it all fall apart. A tragedy, but a romantic one,” she sighed. “A bit melodramatic however, I’m sure I could improve it with a bit of workshopping with Roxy.” Perhaps add a lively wizard into the tale, see how magic could improve the situation. Pentaghast the Wise could stroke his beard while surveying the two young lovers being attacked an-
    “Oh. Wait, we had a book,” Dave realized. “Karkat gave us a book, in Skaian. It was strange, from before Skaia was fully formed it seems? A man referred to as a golden treasure and a woman referred to as Moonlight. They had a farm and a happy little life, it was quite charming.”
    The distant look left Rose’s eyes and she perked up. “Do you happen to still have this book? I’d quite like to see it actually, it sounds interesting.”
    “It’s all in Skaian, but I think it’s stuffed somewhere in my bag,” he said. “It was slim enough I wanted it with me.. But. Sure, if I can find it I’ll hand it over to you.”
    Practically sparkling, Rose leaned forward on her elbows. “Have you read it all?”
    “No, like I said, it’s all in Skaian. Old Skaian. It’s confusing, like Prospitian and Dersian was blended together and new things were shoved in here and there. I mean, it makes sense with the kingdoms being so close together, but still.. Ugh, what a headache.”
    “Mmm, delightful. I’ve wanted a break from my manuscript, and I’m a little more used to dealing with things in Skaian, getting a good look at it would be a nice change of pace,” she said, finally setting her cup down, done with tea for the time being.
    “Why would you be more used to dealing with things in Skaian? And what manuscript? You still writing with Roxy?”
    “Yes, and that’s why I’m used to dealing with things in Skaian: we work with a publisher there, under pen names,” she said with a smirk and a flourish of her hand. “We’ve already put out two hits! The third is under way.”
    “I-. ...By the Gods, that’s why it was familiar,” Dave said, rubbing his face. “I’ve met your fans. Or some of them at least. One of your books was in castle Prospit’s library, my moirail enjoyed it too.”
    “Your. ...Your what?” Rose asked, confusion clear on her face. “Mwa-....?”
    “Moirail, it’s. ...It’s hard to explain, it’s a thing from her culture though. It was this weird comforting thing, just being near her though. Like I’d be happy to stay right where she was all day in the fabric scraps.” At another confused look, Dave hurried to add, “She was the head seamstress.”
    “Okay, that makes more sense than you just wallowing around in fabric scraps like some kind of tragic little urchin. And I’m glad you had a friend. ..Well. More friends,” she said, gesturing to John and Jake, who gave her another grin. “The fact that not all of your time in Prospit was hellish is soothing to know, and from how you described some things earlier, some of it even sounded.. almost fun.”
    “Almost is the key word,” Dave agreed. “Rose, thank you so much for the tea. I’m a bit antsy to go find Roxy though. Can we talk more later on?”
    “Of course, it’s not as if I’m about to run off to Prospit or anything. It was good to see you, to catch up. A bit of time to process things would be good,” she chuckled. “I’ll be sure to visit by tonight if you don’t find your way back to me or are being kept busy by Dirk.”
    Once Dave stood, he crossed around the small table between them to hug Rose tightly around the shoulders again, rubbing their full cheeks together affectionately. She turned her head before he could escape and left a soft black outline of lipstick on his cheek, prominent as a brand on the pale flesh. He didn’t wipe it away or seem bothered at all, apparently proud to wear some sign of his family again for the time being. That, or he’d just forgotten the mark could be passed so easily to begin with and was ignorant of the lip marks entirely.
    “You said Roxy was doing archery practice, right? Would she still be there?”
    “No doubt. If she’s not still out there then she’d be in her room working on her chunk of the manuscript, or bathing or something.” She glanced to the window with a soft hum. “If you hurry you’ll catch her outside. We’re getting closer to supper time as it is, and no doubt that will be an affair chock full of bullshit if Dirk’s in one of his moods. No doubt he will be. I wonder if he’ll even show for supper.”
    “I’m sure he will, there’s no way he’d willingly sit out while we all got the chance to talk at the same time now that you’re home.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Finding Roxy proved as easy as Rose had promised. The blonde was in the middle of peppering targets at different heights and locations with arrows, her shot uncannily good more often than not. She was wearing trousers and a fuschia tunic tied up at the same hip that held a quiver, while the other one rested on her back at an angle for practice with quick grabs from both locations. More arrows rested in a box nearby for her use, ready and waiting for her to reload. She’d just stopped to catch her breath, sweat on her brow and hair mussed from exertion when she spotted everyone approaching.
    As expected, she noticed John and Jake first, sticking out as they did, and rounded on them with an arrow notched and aimed between the two of them at shoulder level as a threat. Two seconds later she spotted Dave and let the arrow loose without meaning to, sinking it into the wood of the wall far beyond them.
    “Dave? Dave?? What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK, how’re you- Wh-??”
    With Roxy disarmed for the time being, Dave hurried forward at a jog to hug his sister tight, the bow clattering to the ground as she swept him up in a return hug and turned in a few quick spinning circles fast enough his feet left the ground. John and Jake, however, kept their distance after observing the arrow’s likely original path and how deeply it’d sunk into the wood.
    No thanks.
    Another quick round of explanations, this time while cuddled close in a tight hug the entire time, and Roxy sighed and guided them to sit down on the dark grass without releasing her grip. John and Jake had shuffled off to investigate the targets in order to give them privacy, the Dersian too quick for them to keep track of properly anyway.
    “I can’t believe it.. You could’ve sent a warnin’ before coming all this way you know, right? There had to be some way to do that, to maybe let us know. We could’ve met you somewhere. I would’ve figured out where you were.”
    “It was too dangerous, and by the time we left it was too sudden,” he explained, savoring the hugs and eventual petting he was getting. While he might have fussed about it in the past, it was more than welcome now like some wonderful drug that kept soothing him over and over into a welcome stupor.
    “I’m sorry I almost shot those two.”
    “One. You only have one arrow notched.”
    “I know what I said, Dave, my draw speed is wild fast now,” she said proudly. “Sorry I almost shot you!” Roxy called to John and Jake in common with a wave to catch their attention.
    “With shots fine as these, I accept the apology,” Jake said. “Might I do a few shots as well while we’re here? I don’t know if I’m quite the deadeye as you, Miss, but I fancy myself a marksman as well.”
    “Sure, but not with my bow. There’s extras for training against the far wall, past the arrow bin,” she gestured with her head rather than let go of Dave or stand up at all. Shhh, only baby brother cuddles now. “You need a bow too?” she asked John.
    “Er, no. I’m not that good a shot. I’m more of a warhammer man, or a sword.”
    Roxy tipped his head and glanced him up and down, focusing on his arms and chest for a moment before humming and shrugging. “Alright, I believe it.” To Dave she leaned in and whispered to his ear in Dersian. “What a catch. Is the other one single, or are you just hoarding hot guys for some reason?”
    “I’m not! He is!” cried Dave with a laugh.
    “He’s what?” asked John, frowning a bit. Oh boy, a joke he wasn’t in on? What was he the butt of now?
    “He’s saying you’re cute and that he’s not which is a dirty lie,” fibbed Roxy, shoving Dave’s face against her shoulder with a smirk to muffle any of his potential complaints.
    “Oh. Well, you’re not wrong,” said John with a playful grin.
    Jake had fetched a bow and checked the tension for a moment, then gauged about how badly it would wind up hitting his unguarded wrist before selecting an arrow. He eyed up a far target and took aim quietly, drawing the string back to his ear in a well practiced gesture before loosing the arrow and letting it zing to the target. It smacked home just left of center, opposite of Roxy’s own off centered cluster to the right from overcorrecting. He seemed pleased enough with the shot however and grinned, nodding in satisfaction.
    “Not bad.”
    “Not bad? That’d still be a kill shot if you wanted it to be,” Roxy pointed out, finally letting go of Dave and letting him breathe after  pressing a dark lipped kiss to his clean cheek, evening out the sisterly affection display his face had turned into. “Rip into the right places at least, even if it wasn’t instant.”
    “Oh I know it could still be. I’d rather be on point however, for the times I don’t want a kill shot to happen,” Jake said simply, leaning on the bow slightly once he’d planted one end into the ground. “There’s much more merit in halting something than ending something when you don’t have to end it.”
    Roxy pursed her lips and nodded a bit. “I suppose so. Wise words. ...Ah, actually, can we pick this back up later? I just noticed how late it’s getting and I kinda reek. I’d like to wash up before dinner. You are coming to dinner, right? All of you? Not gonna hide off in some corner of your room swapping secrets without me?”
    “I’m pretty sure Dirk would shit himself if I tried,” Dave said with an easy smile, standing up to dust himself off finally. “I’m looking forward to the food.”
    “Did you not get enough in Prospit? You do look pretty skinny..”
    “I used to not,” he admitted. “Before I wound up with John’s family. And I lost weight when I got hurt, too, but it’s comin’ back. They were making sure of that,” Dave added with a fond look towards John who gave him a look just as warm back.
    “Good. Be prepared to have your ears talked off, Dave, because there is SO much we need to catch you up on from home!”
    “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    While dinner seemed to be a dressed down affair, John and Jake allowed at the family table near Dave’s side and everything else quite normal, it was obvious to the Dersites that the supper was special. It was no secret that everything on the table was a favorite of Dave’s from the appetizers all the way down to the drinks and desserts that would come their way after the main meal was done. Roxy and Rose had freshened up and were dressed casually save for each wearing a few special earrings and necklaces that meant a lot to them to celebrate. Dirk, at the head of the table, was similarly casually dressed but more restrained.
    In fact, he hardly seemed to be eating at all, Jake noticed. Whatever wound up on his plate was cut up many times, mashed a bit, pushed around, and then left. He occasionally wiped his mouth with a fine looking handkerchief, deep purple with silvery detailing like moonlight on the corners. The others were eating the bulk of the presented items, and with great gusto in the case of the traveling trio, each getting seconds of everything.
    “Dave, I’m starting to wonder if one of your legs is hollow. Where are you putting everything?” chuckled Jake, taking a bite of some kind of tart jam meant to be eaten with the salt cured fish and smoked meat.
    “Wouldn’t you like to know all my secrets? In fact, both of my legs are hollow when it comes to these things. Dessert is the only thing allowed in my true stomach. All three servings,” Dave said resolutely. He’d be full as a tick by the end of the meal but a fatter, happier tick wouldn’t exist in the land.
    “I don’t blame you, we haven’t had some of these things since you went missing,” Rose said. “..Aside from your birthday, at least. It seemed appropriate then.” At least now the food was a celebration again instead of being tinged with a bitter note of mourning.
    “It didn’t feel right to just let supper go as normal,” Dirk said. “It nearly did, but luckily we had some of the items in a state they were able to be prepared in time.”
    “Lucky us,” Dave hummed, cutting another bite to savor with a dreamy face. He’d since wiped off the lipstick marks, but looked no less aware of how much he was loved than earlier.
    “Lucky you indeed.. Do you plan to carry the luck with you later, when Prospit comes seeking their princes?” Dirk asked, abandoning his plate visibly for now in favor of sipping from his glass. “Or do you plan on using your luck to make the country suddenly okay with your wedding the enemy.”
    “Former enemy,” Jake said pleasantly. “We abdi-”
    “I wasn’t speaking to you.”
    “...Oh. Yes. Ahaha, my mis-”
    “You keep doing it. Be silent.”
    “...Yes, Sire,” Jake finally said awkwardly, looking down to his plate in a hurry as if his own father has chastised him. He glanced back up almost immediately though, studying Dirk closely. What was it about him that managed to get that reaction?  Was it the tone of voice? Was it the way he’d said it as if knowing he’d be obeyed from the beginning? They had to be near the same age if not the same age outright, even with the shorter stature ignored there were a lot of similarities between them when compared to their siblings.
    How was the gap between himself and this Dirk Strider so wide when it came to kingsmanship and how could he close it? Perhaps he’d be able to go ask later, after supper. Sneak a few questions in while wanting to speak sibling to sibling as the eldest of their families. Put in a few good words for John while he was at it, to keep smoothing the idea of the pair of them being together since they were so devoted.
    “I plan on speaking my case, in the wedding thing. If the facts aren’t enough.. I’ll do as I please, or I’ll leave to do as I please,” Dave said stubbornly, not looking up from the tabletop for a moment. When there was silence, he glanced to Dirk. “Wasn’t expecting me to say I’d leave so soon?”
    “You’re right, I didn’t think you’d guess the right answer that fast. Though, the other answer would be to keep the thing secret and let you do as you please while fending off offers for marriage from eligible bachelorettes and bachelors the land over.”
    “I’ve hidden enough for a lifetime. I’m done hiding things,” Dave said, thumping a fist on the tabletop. “I’m a prince of Derse and damn it I’m allowed to do one or two selfish or foolish things in my life at this point, I’ve more than earned it by doing my time in such circumstances.”
    He turned to John and smiled, but looked a bit sad.
    “Could you accept that, John? Having to leave again, if things got bad?”
    John was quiet for a moment before setting down his fork. He reached for both of Dave’s hands and squeezed them with a grin. “Of course I could. Home is wherever you are, now, and if you need to go then it would be time to move house.”
    “And your traveling companion,” Dirk said. “...Jake, was it? Would you be fine with that? Being abandoned in Derse after abdicating your crown for him?”
    Dave flinched as if just realizing what he’d done and leaned hurriedly around John to look at Jake.
    “I’m sorry, I hadn’t even considered th-”
    “Shhh, don’t worry Dave. If that happens I’d likely set off on my own as well! Explore and adventure like I planned to,” he said brightly, unbothered. “It would just mean Derse was more of a temporary stop than anticipated. The world is vast, and once I learn and understand more about what lurks in Derse I’d love to learn more about what lives elsewhere and how the people live there. Perhaps even far across the water!”
    Dirk stared at him, steel edged and unreadable, as if considering the merit of what he said versus what he might secretly mean. Hunting for some ulterior motive or alternate meaning to the happy sounding declaration that just wasn’t coming forward. A crease appeared between his brows suddenly and he frowned, but didn’t push the topic further. Instead he wiped his mouth discreetly with the dark purple handkerchief once more and leaned back in his seat.
    “Right. I think I’m going to retire for now, and continue this tomorrow when I’ve time,” Dirk finally said after a moment or two of quiet and confused stares his way from his family and guests. Leaving the handkerchief behind, Dirk stood and wished everyone a pleasant night, then turned on his heel and headed off out of the room.
    “Oh. Sire, wait, you forgot your-!” Jake said. Such a pretty thing and he seemed to use it quite often, odds are he’d miss it if he left it behind.
    Finally, he had an excuse to follow this man and get some conversation in if he’d have it. What had that frown been about, anyway? The angry look? Had he even been angry, or had he just been making that face for some other reason? He was practically unreadable and it was maddening.
    When Jake caught up to Dirk, having abandoned the table to jog after him, he had caught the king at the end of a hall having a coughing fit. Bereft of his handkerchief he was covering his mouth with his bare hand, shoulders heaving from the force of it. Jake slowed and offered the handkerchief over carefully, offering his best smile.
    “Sire? ...Dirk? Are you well? You left this behind and-. ...Oh. Oh, Gods, what..”
    Another hard hack and red trickled between Dirk’s fingers, his pale face taking on a gray tinge save for his eyes, burning with.. what. Hate? Anger? Something else? Jake looked closer at the handkerchief in his hand and finally noticed the small darker patches here and there on it, deep stains on the already dark fabric that barely stood out unless you were looking for them. Without even thinking, too used to assisting Dave at this point, Jake hurried forward and scooped the royal off his feet like a new bride, leaving him with his hands still clutched over his mouth to stem the blood that was escaping steadily between his fingers and down to his shirt.
    “Gesture which way to your chambers and I’ll get you there faster than two shakes of a lambs tail!” Jake promised, looking around before hurrying off in a probable direction, soon guided by movements of Dirk’s torso and legs in his arms to let him know left or right.
    This was going to be a bit more intense than just a talk about family matters, he felt. What a night.
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screamfairy1996 · 5 years
Saying Goodbye to My Angel.
Axel woke up from yet another nightmare where Roxas blamed him for his death and screamed that Hikari doesn`t deserve a coward like him as a father. Roxas asked where was he when that monster cut and fucked him so much he bled. Roxas in the dream said he should have left him when he had a chance. Roxas screamed that he hated Axel and that he deserved better than be with a shitty Alpha. Axel rubbed his red eyes and merely huddled under the blankets. Then suddenly, the baby monitor . Axel sighed .Their nine month old daughter is crying again. She must be hungry or needs changing again.
He walked out of his room and walked to Hikari's nursery to hear his little girl crying and wailing in her crib, the nine month old was crying at the top of her lungs and flinging her arms everywhere. Axel walked over bent down picking her up and began rocking her gently. Axel picks up the the formula and placed near her lips. Hikari sucked on the bottle for a minute before pulling back and spitting on Axel`s face. She cried out loudly. Axel sighed in frustration. His face was covered in milk, some even got in his mouth. Axel spits out the bitter taste. Now He knows how Hikari felt when tasting the formula.  He sniffs her for odor. Nothing. He checked her diaper and she was clean. So why was Hikari crying.  “Oh.” Axel thought. She`s sick with a stomach flu and needs the medicine the doctor prescribed him.  Axel carried the screaming baby to the kitchen. He placed her on the rocker while preparing for her medicine.  Hikari calms down while the rocker moves slowly in a rhythm that made the baby stop crying instantly. It took Axel to find the medicine. He picks up Hikari again and placed her on the high chair.  Axel then placed a bib on her, knowing Hikari could vomit anytime. Axel opens the bottle and pours the liquid into the dispenser. Axel then placed the dispenser near the baby`s mouth. Hikari coughs for a bit before swallowing the bitter taste. “Good girl.” Axel cooed. He gets up to cabinet to look for baby food. He finds the Gerber sweet potato and moves to fridge where a warm bottle of milk reside. He prepares the two items and placed them on the table. Axel grabs a spoon and begin to feed Hikari. Hikari absolutely loved sweet potato, so it wasn`t a problem for Axel. Once he`s done feeding his daughter, He gives Hikari the bottle and much to his surprise, She actually takes it from him. Axel smiled sadly. She has no idea, that her mama is gone and he knows she`ll ask questions about him when she gets older. Axel fights off tears as he picks up Hikari and grabs a rag to put it on his shoulder, Axel pats Hikari`s back for a few seconds before she burps and pukes on the rag. Axel then spends the rest of the morning, eating breakfast, changing Hikari`s diaper, and getting ready for the funeral. Axel was dressed in his suit while Hikari was wearing a black dress and shoes. Axel stares at himself in the mirror. Reno should be here by now. A car`s honk confirms it. Axel sighs before grabbing Hikari and her diaper bag and leaving the house. But not before, locking the house.
One hour later.
The church where the funeral was taking place, was rather grim and dark. Rather fitting to this sad day. Axel sat in the couch, watching his friends. Xion and Sora were crying together, holding one and another, while Riku and Kairi watched in sadness. Demyx,  Larxene,Reno,Rude,and even ole Xigbar was here. Three of Roxas`s high school friends were here as well, but of course, his own family didn't`t showed up. They didn`t even called when Roxas went missing or fly over to identify the body. Axel noticed Saix leaning to the door. They haven`t talk much since Axel graduated and moved to Japan with Roxas. They kinda drifted apart by the time Axel got together with Roxas. “What`s he doing here?” Axel thought as he watched Saix talked to Xemnas. “Great, He bought Mansex here, too.” He groaned in his mind. Axel sighed, bouncing Hikari who was chewing her toy.  The parishioner opens the doors and come in. “Casket`s ready for viewer.” Axel`s tears came back and the crowd allows father and daughter to walk toward the casket which laid Roxas. A large portrait of Roxas stood next to the casket.  Axel looked at the open casket. Roxas was dressed in formal wear. His face was still adorned with bruises but he still looked beautiful to Axel. “Angel.” Axel whimpered sadly. He clutched Hikari tighter. He fell on his knees and caressed Roxas`s cold face. “Roxas.... my....angel..... Sometimes I just wish you were here so I could tell you how much I need you and how hard every day has been without you.  It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without you.  As I go on living without you, I go on without a huge piece of myself.  All I know is that I'm lost without you. Counting the seconds until we’re together again, doesn’t heal my loneliness. I miss you so much Angel.  You were the one I loved. I miss you.” Axel broke down crying, holding Hikari. “Hikari missed you so much.  She`s crying for you. Why? Why did you leave her? Hikari loved you.... Hikari needed you.  She was crying all the time and she got so sick. I didn`t know what to do.” Axel cried. Hikari babbled something.  “We missed you already. We love you so much.” Axel gets up and tells Hikari. “Say goodbye to Mommy. Mommy`s with the angels now.” Hikari touched Roxas`s face and cooed. Axel sniffed and choked on his sobs as he sits down with Hikari, sobbing but before giving Roxas a loving kiss on his lips. Axel held Hikari tighter and cried so much tears while his friends went to pay the respect.  A few minutes passed and soon everyone is seated while the priest comes to the microphone and tap the microphone. “Today, We have gathered today for the life of Roxas McCartney. A young life brutally torn apart by depravity, by cowardice, by lack of regard.  This boy has left behind a mate and a child who`s not even a year old.  His mate and the father of their daughter. Axel Flynn is here to give his eulogy along with Roxas`s two childhood friends, Sora and Xion.  The three with Hikari in Axel`s arms come up and to the podium. Axel and Hikari.
Axel took a deep breath. “Thank you all for coming. It`s nice to see familiar faces. Axel looked at Saix. “I first met Roxas back in his final year of middle school. He was so shy and when I first saw him, He was this angel and he was so beautiful.  I walked to him and said. “Name`s Axel. Got it memorized?” Weak chuckles filled the room. “We became best friends and I looked after him and Xion like they`re were my siblings. Eventually, our friendship got stronger over time and I fell in love with him. I confessed after a few months of knowing each other and He returned. Then, after another few months of dating , I was about to graduate early and Roxas was in his freshman year. We got a little too closer and Roxas eventually got pregnant with our princess. He thought I would leave him once I finished school but I never wanted to leave him. And to be honest, I was terrified.  I was turning 17 and was gonna be a dad. But I`d never run out on my Roxy.  Roxas then made the choice to drop out just so he could be a full time mom to our sea salt.  He was a great mom. We made the decision to move to Japan to give our daughter the life she deserves. Not that helped Roxas.” Axel mumbled bitterly.  He kissed the top of Hikari`s head. “We were great parents . We love our baby girl very much. We endured sleepless nights to care of this princess.  When Roxas first went missing,  My heart were torn, I was so scared for my angel. God knows my angel didn`t deserve any bad thing. He was the sweetest and purest boy and my beloved soulmate. Roxas, I`m so sorry, I failed you. I looked everywhere for you and I failed as a protector.  I wish you knew how much it destroyed me when you died and left me and Hikari behind. Yes, I am thinking about you right now and I miss you so much.  Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me. I hope that one day that I can live happy again with Hikari but right now, I can`t. Do you know something else?  The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your lifetime with. I wanted to ask you to marry me and expand our family but our dreams and hopes have been crushed. It hurts when you have someone in your heart, but you can't have them in your arms. Letting you go wasn't the hardest part. Still loving you afterwards was. I love you, Roxas. My beloved angel.  I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I love you. My Roxy. Me and Hikari love you so much. Axel cried softy as he step down and Xion joins in with tissues in her hand.
“Roxas and I have been friends since we were little. We looked after each other and supported one and another. I was happy for him and Axel. I love their daughter Hikari. Roxas was a good mommy to her. He always put her needs above his own. Roxas was a sweetest and kind boy who always smiles.  Roxas was a great friend. A strong and loving person, real, bold, compassionate ,generous, sweet, gentle and exceedingly affectionate because he cared. A loyal friend and great listener. He`s forgiving and sees the good in everyone. Roxas, I love you like a brother. You`re my big brother. You were a good mother to my niece and she`s is so lucky to have you as her mother.  I`ve had such a good time with Roxas. We defended each other from bullies and I went out of my way to kick some jerk who was making comments about him. Roxas,   Only a true friend would be that truly honest and that`s you. I love you. I miss you.” Xion broke down in sobs and Axel leads her, comforting each other. Sora takes a deep breath and went to the microphone.
“I met Roxas when we were only little kids. I was a brother to him. I did everything I`ve could to get the bullies off his back but they always persist and  One even called me “A Knucklehead McSpazatron.”  Riku and Kairi shakes their heads at Sora`s statement, laughing. “Roxas always forgives his bullies and always stood up for me. He even let me babysit Hikari who adores her Uncle Sora.” Sora fights back sobs. “I miss you so, baby brother and I`ll look after Hikari and Axel for you, I promise and I love you.” Sora got down. He then breaks down crying and Riku and Kairi rushes to comfort him.
After the priest`s speech. The casket was closed, much to Axel`s discomfort.  The priest called for the pallbearers to come and take the casket to the cemetery. Axel was surprised to Saix getting up and assisting. The crowd walked slowly in a gloomy and cloudy day. There were tears, crying,and pure silence. Few of the guests held doves in their hands.  They stopped at he burial site. The coffin was lowered in the hole while Axel cried ,tears to pain. Axel hands Hikari to Xion before collapsing in his knees and went full on sobbing. “Roxas....my....angel.” Axel stuttered in great pain. He hears someone knelt beside him and laid a hand on his back. Axel lifts up to see Saix looking at him with great sympathy and pity. Axel weakly looked at him with a broken look before returning to crying again. The doves were released and flow over the cemetery. In the gravestone, read “Roxas McCartney. Beloved son, friend,brother, and mother. May you always be in our hearts.”  Axel got up after crying his pain out. A hour has passed and the crowd looked the coffin with great sadness. Saix kept a eye on Axel. He noticed someone and growls with anger. “What are you doing here?” He demanded.
Chase comes in, hands in his pocket. “Just heard happened to Roxas. Such a shame.” Chase sighed. Axel didn`t even notice Chase. He was staring off into space.
“Explain yourself.” Saix demanded, baring his teeth.
Reno jumps in, glaring at Chase. “This asshole is on a trip. I told him to stay the hell away from Axel or else, there will be hell to pay.”
“You`re a piece of work, you know that, Chase? Showing up on the worst time.” Rude said.
“So this is the dude that gave Roxas and Xion a hard time during high school?” Xigbar asked.
“Yeah, A perverted scumbag who invades girls’ privacy. He tried to sneak in the girls` locker room many times.” Kairi said.
“Thinks Omegas are lesser beings.” Riku seethed.
“Peeked at me, undressing and tried to feel me under my skirt.” Xion shuddered.
“Spread rumors about Roxas sleeping with other guys behind Axel`s back and told everyone he`s the school`s whore and slut shamed him on the internet.” Sora spats out. “He`s the reason, Roxas and Xion are being called sluts at school. He`s the reason, that Roxas dropped out of school, when he got pregnant because Chase was getting too violent.” Sora added.
“Why are you even here?” Saix demanded at Chase who shrugged.
“I heard Axel made a mistake of leaving poor Roxas all alone with no backup.” Chase said.
“Chase, don`t do this.” Sora pleaded.
“He left him all alone while him and the bastard kid of theirs went for a nice walk while Roxas was being kidnapped. Who knows. Maybe He left to strip naked for money.’” Chase laughed,
“It`s not funny,” Xion scolded.
“Axel, are you sure, she`s yours. Roxas could have slept with anyone before you.”
Axel growls. “You watch your mouth.’‘
“That little breeder whore probably went to you after the deadbeat father ran out on him. Are you even sure, she`s yours? Axel was probably not the first guy, he screwed. That little bastard-” Chase was cut off by Axel running to him and punching him so hard . Saix didn`t even try to stop Axel.
‘‘Hey, Saix, tell that bitch to cool his jets.” Chase said, holding his bruised jaw.
Saix could`t take Chase`s degrading bullshit anymore and went to him. “ You're a fucking lying son of a bitch, Chase, all right? And I fucking hope you go to hell.” Saix glared.
“Don`t make this worse, Saix.” Xion pleaded.
Shut the fuck up, Xion, you fucking stupid slutty skunk cunt!” Chase taunted.
“Get out of here, Chase, you`re out of control.” Sora butts.
Chase turns around to face Sora. SHUT THE FUCK UP, SORA!!! You whore! Fucking skinny, dick-sucking omega whore!!!!  You`re annoying, you know that? I really do. Because all you do is fucking prance around school with that hot chick Kairi and bragged about that useless ruffian. I`LL TELL YOU, WHAT!!!! All you`ve done is be super annoying to everyone and always follow Riku around like a fucking dog!! Riku doesn`t want to be with a slut like you. Sora turns his head down. “YEAH!!!’’ Chase finished.
The crowd stood there in silence.
Chase looked at Axel who was glaring at him with such hate. “You know, speaking of rumors. I heard this red trash no good Alpha dick Axel falsely accuse two dumb asses Drew Rodgers and Floyd Wilson and kicked their asses. Then the wimpy little slut Roxas then bitched at him. You think Axel is a good mate?” Chase sneered. The crowd glared at Chase’s obnoxious behavior. Chase then continues. “Then, That day, He got poor little Roxas brutally killed by letting that man sneak into his house.” Chase’s voice gets louder. “Axel got his mate killed. He killed Roxas.”
“Shut up, Chase.” Demyx muttered
“He got Roxas killed. He killed Roxas.” Chase continues.
“Chase, Shut up.” Demyx repeated
“Axel got Roxas killed. He killed Roxas.” Chase repeats
“Come on,  Chase. Shut up!!” Reno yelled.
“AXEL GOT ROXAS KILLED. HE KILLED ROXAS!!!!” Chase starts yelling.
“Stop it, Chase!!” Xion cried.
Chase just repeated which made Axel angrier and heavy breathed.
“You can`t talk about people like that, Chase,” Sora scolded.
Chase just saying it.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHASE, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” Saix exploded, slamming his fist into the wall.
Axel advances on Chase and started to beat the fucker up. Axel kept punching Chase out of anger. Soon, Saix, Riku. Reno, Rude, and Demyx went over to pull the angry Alpha off the scumbag. “SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!! YOU DON`T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!” Axel screamed in rage. “ YOU DON`T KNOW ANYTHING!!!! YOU DON`T CARE...’’ Axel stopped and panted heavily.
Security comes in after hearing the commotion. Riku explains the situation to them from which the guards take Chase away.  Xion went to tend to Axel while the crowd tries to settle the tensions. Soon they proceed to watch the hole while the song in the radio held by Demyx, starts.
I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd Need you there when I cry And the days feel like years when I'm alone And the bed where you lie Is made up on your side When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too When you're gone The words I need to hear To always get me through the day And make it okay I miss you I've never felt this way before Everything that I do Reminds me of you And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor And they smell just like you I love the things that you do When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too When you're gone The words I need to hear To always get me through the day And make it okay I miss you We were made for each other Out here forever I know we were Yeah, yeah And all I ever wanted was for you to know Everything I do, I give my heart and soul I can hardly breathe; I need to feel you here with me Yeah When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too When you're gone The words I need to hear Will always get me through the day And make it okay I miss you
“I miss you so much.” Axel whimpered,watching the hole being covered by dirt. Soon, the crowd leaves, expressing their sympathies and condolences to Axel and Hikari. Ezra once texted Axel that while he is unable to join them. Him and his family express their deepest apologies and wishes him and Hikari the best of luck. Soon Xion and Sora stayed behind to stare at the gravestone with Axel.
One Month Later.
Axel sat on the couch with Hikari in his lap in his new home. He didn`t want to leave the old one but it hold too many memories, not to mention, that place is where Roxas was kidnapped. His friends pleaded him to start fresh but Axel soon cut off contact again. None of them ever really understood on what`s he been through. Axel`s entire well being was extremely pale and ghost like. Axel sniffs and picks up a picture frame of Roxas from the glass table. He stares at it. Hikari who just learned to walk on her own, noticed the picture. “Mama?” She babbled. Axel`s breath hitches upon hearing Hikari hearing her first word. ‘What?” Axel asked his daughter., The baby babbled once again, “Mama?” Axel gritted his teeth. He can`t do this anymore. All this pain and agony. It`s too much for him to bear. Maybe Hikari`s better off without him. He can`t get her to stop crying. She`s been fussy and won`t take formula. Axel lost count on how many days he missed sleep. His eyes were bloodshot red. Axel gets up and rocks Hikari to sleep as he walked back to her room. He places Hikari in her crib,tucks her in, and gives her a kiss goodnight on her forehead. He walks to the bathroom, he sat on the floor. Axel finally cracked. Just lying on the floor, crying and wishing that Roxas would came back. He hugged Roxas`s old shirts in fear for living all his life without Roxas. His only love. Then a thought came. He wouldn`t have to go through this. He`d never suffer again. Hikari won`t have to put up with a coward like him.  He could be with his angel again.  Axel got up to punch the mirror to which it shatters. He grabs a pill bottle for antidepressants and gets five pills. Axel picks up a broken shard. Axel then sits on the bathtub.  He swallows the five pills. Axel then placed the shard near his left wrist,  He dragged the shard quickly across his wrist and arm leaving a deep, crimson line in his skin. Axel didn't even flinch as the blood began to stream out of the cut, dripping down his hand. He did the same process to his arm. Soon the bathtub was covered with blood, but Axel was smiling. He was gonna see Roxas again. “I`ll see you, soon. My Love.” Axel thought before he drifted into the tub.......
Saix walks toward the dark street all alone. Axel hasn`t been responding to anyone`s calls. He hadn`t seen him since the funeral. He soon finds the place and uses the spare key, Reno handed him in hopes He can get to Axel. “Axel?” He called. He looked around the dark room, hoping to find him. He goes upstairs. “Axel!” Saix called through the hallway. Nothing. He sees a light in the room. He opens the door sightly to see Hikari sleeping in her crib.  Saix then noticed the bathroom door open ajar and He went to check on it.  For a moment Saix froze up, eyes wide and in horror as He sees Axel lying on his tub and in his hands was a small, bloodstained broken shard. He runs to his friend, checking for a pulse. It was weak but normal. Saix noticed a pill bottle lying on the floor. “Axel, what have you done?” Saix thought as he grabbed towels to apply pressure to Axel`s wounds and called 911. Axel was getting pale. He opens his eyes to see Saix through his blurry vision. “Since when did he care?” Axel thought as he drifted into sleep.....
Axel later woke up in a hospital.  
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THoE Chapter 1
Here is the full first draft of the first chapter of The Hounds of Edrus! I’ve posted this before but keep taking it down, so hopefully I’ll keep it up this time....
Please leave any comments you have on how this could be made better in the next draft!!
The thing about prophecies was that they were more like puzzle pieces than any sort of coherent thought; a mess of imagery and metaphors that needed to be translated and pieced together, even though there was always something crucial missing. That was why Roxie thought it was extremely stupid to do this ritual year after year to try and force a prophecy. The chances of her being able to make sense of any sort of prophecy the gods granted her in return were slim to none. She knew that.
She knew that, and yet here she was, dressed in the dusty orange robes she was forced to wear every summer, with her green eyes smudged with kohl and her face covered with sharply defined lines of orange paint, with her dark hair tied back in a long braid and adorned with small bells, all to perform some dumb ritual that was virtually pointless. But as long as the elders asked her and Eli to do it, as long as they believed that the power of twins would bring them good fortune and more answers than they knew what to do with, she would participate.
Hell, as long as her brother asked her to do it, she would.
Because unlike herself, Eli seemed to love the ritual. She figured it had something to do with the fact that he wasn’t the one who had to smell like incense for the next week. Which was absolutely stupid because as twins they should have been treated the same, but because she was the bard of the family, he didn’t have to smell like burnt herbs every time the elders decided they wanted to find an answer on how to end the drought.
“Roxie?” A voice startled her out of her thoughts. She spun to find Eli in the doorway of her changing room, leaning against the door and smirking. “I called your name like five times.” She stuck her tongue out at him. Because she was a very mature adult.
Usually, looking at her brother was like looking in a slightly distorted mirror. Since they were twins, they looked almost the same. They had the same light green eyes, the same bronze skin, the same general build and face shape. But on ritual days, looking at him was like looking at a stranger. Where the black around his eyes somehow looked right in place, hers contrasted too much with the lines of orange across her face, making her look more like a pumpkin. Where Eli normally wore neutral clothing, ritual days required him to wear deep blue robes with small, silver bells attached and washed him out. And then, of course, where he usually never cared about his hair, his wild curls had been wrestled back, nestled firmly underneath the white and blue mask he’d slip on once the ritual started. Ritual Eli was nothing like Normal Eli. If she didn’t know better, she’d actually assume they were two different people.
“We’ve only got a couple minutes ‘til we need to start.”
“I know.” Of course she knew. No matter how used to attention she was, it was always hard to get up in front of a crowd of onlookers to give an offering to the gods in hopes that she’d be granted a prophecy she didn’t even really want. “I just don’t understand why it’s such a big deal.”
He sighed. Roxie understood his frustration, at least. She’d never fully understand what was going through the elders’ minds, no matter how many times Eli tried to explain it to her. “They’re just trying to help.”
“Aren’t there better ways to help? Researching magic, looking into curse breaking, anything like that? Something that doesn’t involve placing the hopes of an entire country on a prophecy that a 17-year-old girl may or may not have?”
Eli sighed again. “It’s been 150 years. Don’t you think they’ve tried everything else?”
It had been 150 years since the drought had started, 150 years since the traitorous mage Sabrine had cursed the land, 150 years of the mages of Edrus being imprisoned and forced to work their lives away to try and reverse the curse.
“Magic evolves, doesn’t it? That’s what Mom always tells us.” She knew it was a stupid argument. She had pulled the exact same card on him the year before. And the year before that. And probably before that, too, but she didn’t bother remembering that far. She knew his answer word for word before he even opened his mouth to reply. “Magic can’t evolve if all the mages are locked away, I know, I know.”
Eli glanced at her, something almost afraid in his eyes. It was a look she knew all too well. Every mage in their village had worn it at least once. But still, she hated seeing it on her brother. She wanted to say something, anything, to comfort him, but he turned away before she could.
“Come on.” His voice became muffled as he slid the mask over his face. “You wanna get this over with, right?”
“Right.” She followed after him, down the long, narrow hallways of the temple, brushing her fingers against the cool, white marble. The temple had sat in Ayrith for as long as anyone could remember, built long before the village of Ayrith by settlers from Afrea. That was the one good thing about the rituals, she thought. After Ayrith had been founded, the Kingdom of Edrus had forced the settlers to worship the Edrusian gods, and the old temple had fallen into disuse. Having these stupid rituals gave the old building a purpose beyond a fancy storage shed.
She followed Eli up the long, spiraling staircase that led to the second floor, her heart thumping. Once they got up to the second floor, it was only a few steps until they were at the balcony overlooking Ayrith’s main square. Once they got there, the ritual would begin. The ritual that would supposedly bring her visions of how to end the drought. For some reason, it made her stomach twist.
Prophecies weren’t unusual to her. She’d been having them all her life. So that wasn’t the problem. What was? What was it that was making her guts twist and wrench within her? What was it that was making her feel like the floor would crumble out from under her at any second? She reached out, grabbing a hold of Eli’s hand. He didn’t miss a beat before squeezing back.
“Ew, stop acting like the older sibling.”
She could hear him snort a laugh behind the beastly mask he was wearing. “You’re only 7 minutes older. That doesn’t count. Besides, you’re the one that wanted to hold my hand.” He laughed harder as she ripped her hand from his and slapped his shoulder.
The distraction had been a nice change of pace, but they both fell silent as they stepped onto the second-floor landing. It was easy to hear the dull roar of the crowd below from so close to the balcony. How many people had come from the neighboring villages to watch some silly ritual? How many of them would leave disappointed?
“Scared?” Even if Roxie couldn’t see Eli’s face, she knew him well enough to know that he was smirking at her.
She huffed. “You wish. I’m way better in the spotlight than you.”
“And yet I’m the one who’s gotta be center stage.”
There was a moment of silence. She could feel waves of tension rolling off of her brother and reached out, taking his hand again and giving it a harsh squeeze, relaxing when she felt him squeeze back. It always felt better to her to be the one comforting him.
“Let’s do this.”
The crowd fell silent as the twins walked out onto the balcony, taking a small bow before sitting cross legged on the floor, clasping their hands in front of them. There was no room for the crowd to sit down, but they all clasped their hands together and bowed their heads over them.
Roxie took a moment to drink it in. The square was filled with people, packed together, all there to watch the two of them. It was almost intimidating. Ayrith was a small village, only a couple hundred people at most. All of them knew each other’s names. Now, looking out into the crowd, she could only pick out a couple of familiar faces mixed in with a sea of strangers.
With a deep breath, she let her eyes drift closed.
“We humbly ask you, O Gods of the Sun and the Moon, to accept the gift we offer.” The words of the prayer spilt from her tongue as easily as her own name. Part of her wondered if she had already learned the prayer before she even knew how to say her name. “We offer a gift for a gift. Please grace us with the answers we seek, a way to bring the rain.”
Eli clapped twice.
The crowd followed suit, almost deafening in comparison to the normal quiet of the village. She stood, backing away and letting Eli move forward toward the balcony’s edge. Honestly, she had never understood why Afrean gods decided they wanted songs and dances as offerings, but it was better than killing a virgin, at least.
Behind her, the elders prepared their instruments. They were all traditional instruments of Afrea, delicately crafted from dark wood and silver strings, embellished with carvings that she didn’t understand. As they struck the first note, Eli began to move.
If there was anything that she knew about her brother, it was that he was one of the most graceful people she had met, though years of dance training would do that to anyone. It was almost shocking watching him now, though. The boy dancing in front of her, all graceful turns and perfect movements, was a far cry from the boy she knew who would stumble and trip over his words and his own feet the moment he got flustered. It was almost amazing.
But she was only allowed a moment to watch him before she had to focus on her own part of the offering.
The words flowed out of her mouth like a river, carefully arranged to not distract from Eli’s movements. She knew the lyrics like the back of her hands, though she didn’t know what any of the words meant. Her father had been Afrean, but he hadn’t taught either her or Eli the language before he disappeared when they were 11. Still it was a pretty enough song, and distracting enough. Before she knew it, it was over.
Once again she took her place next to her brother, both of them dropping into small bow. The crowd bowed back as the twins turned and took the couple of steps back into the temple.
Eli pushed the mask back up onto the top of his head. He took ahold of the collar of his robes, trying to fan the sweat off of his face. “You’re so lucky you don’t have to do that in a mask. It’s so fuckin’ hot under there.”
“Don’t be a baby,” she snickered, pushing him with her shoulder. He stuck his tongue out at her. “No one would be able to hear me if I wore a mask. Even if I want to.”
She grabbed the mask from his head, despite his objections. No one was really sure what material it was made from, but the white was still cool against her skin, despite Eli’s claims that wearing it made him hot. Where her face paint, made to replicate the Sun Goddess, was all angles and sharp lines, the blue paint decorating the mask’s long snout was as curved as the horns jutting from the top of its head. It was made to look like a dragon, one of the many forms the Moon God had been said to take.
“Elijah, Roxana.” Roxie handed the mask back to her brother as footsteps approached them.
Philip, one of the village elders, stood in front of them, smiling gently. Sometimes Roxie thought that was his default expression. It was rare that he was ever seen without a smile on his face. That was probably part of the reason Eli took such a liking to him, seeing him as a father figure.
But a quick glance at her brother showed that Philip was the only one smiling now. When Eli spoke, his voice was tight. “It’s time?”
“It’s time.”
The walk to the inner sanctum was long and silent. The twisting feeling had returned, and Roxie once again felt like the walls were closing in on her. Based on Eli’s apprehension towards Philip earlier, she wondered if he had felt it too. If he had felt like something might actually happen this year.
The inner sanctum was the innermost room of the temple. For the ritual, the small room was decorated with silks hanging from the ceiling and walls, colored in reds and golds and pinks. The floor was littered with soft, colorful cushions and a small table stood in the middle of the room, holding nothing but a matchbox and a metal bowl, painted a bright teal, that held incense inside of it.
Eli sucked in a breath, but gave her a small smile. “I’ll be right here when you wake up, okay?” With that, Philip put a hand on her shoulder, gently leading her towards the middle of the room. She sighed as she sat down on the cushions, watching Philip move.
He lifted the matchbox, taking a single match out and striking it against the box. As the fire came to life, Roxie took a steeling breath. It was time. Time to see if the gods would be helpful for once in her life. Philip glanced at her, the smile gone from his face. She nodded despite the fact that his face felt like a bad omen. He nodded back and dropped the match into the incense bowl. It only took a moment for the room to fill with the scent of herbs and some other things she couldn’t quite place, things that she was sure had some abstract name that made no sense. But it was part of the ritual, no matter how much she hated smelling like burning herbs for a week afterwards. The incense was said to bring about prophecies, so it was necessary, since prophecies tended to be fickle little assholes who came and went as they pleased.
Sleep pulled at the edges of her mind, darkening her vision. Her pulse, which had been racing with apprehension, began to slow. Behind her, she could still faintly hear Eli and Philip talking softly, and why this incense had no effect on them when it put bards to sleep almost immediately was beyond her.
Everything went black.
When Roxie opened her eyes, she was standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The wind was screaming, crying for help, but she knew there was nothing she could do. Even though she could hear it, she couldn’t feel it. Nor could she feel the grass under her bare feet. She was there, but she wasn’t there. This wasn’t where she was meant to be, but it was where she was destined to be. Everything was wrong, yet exactly how it was supposed to be.
The sky was dark. Pitch black, not a single star or cloud in sight. Down far below her, the waves tossed and turned, discontented and angry. She couldn’t see the color of the dark water, but the foam was a sickening red. Sitting over the waves, hanging in the sky, was a glass box. Eli was kneeling inside of it, a fist pressed against the side. As he beat against the side, screaming soundlessly, Roxie could see his fear, his desperation. But he was safe in there. As long as he stayed, he was safe. Nothing would happen to him. Nothing could touch him. Nothing would ever hurt him again.
Why couldn’t he understand that? Why was he still fighting so desperately?
The glass cracked. She wanted to scream at him, to tell him to stop and not to break it. Her mouth fell open, but nothing could come out. Eli looked at the crack for a long second before rearing back and hitting it with as much force as he could muster.
All at once, everything came to life. The box splintered into a million pieces, falling into the sea. Roxie felt the scream she had been trying to force out rip itself from her throat as her brother fell, his body limp and lifeless, a bloodied sword lodged in his chest. The sky broke open, blood raining down over her. The sound of the wind changed, turning from a howling scream into a woman’s voice, repeating the same words over and over.
The wheels of fate have begun to turn.
The wheels of fate have begun to turn.
The wheels of fate have-
She screamed for the voice to stop.
Until she felt the familiar cloth of her brother’s robes in her fingers, she didn’t realize she had been reaching out. Just as promised, he was right there when she woke up, his hands rubbing comforting circles into her shoulders and his face twisted with worry.
Usually, prophecies were broken and messy things that she couldn’t make out. But this on was easy to understand. It basically spelt everything out to her.
The only way to break the curse was for her brother to die.
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