#she's so charming and magnetic it's kind of unbelievable
moviesbabe · 8 months
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Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina (1954)
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Hello!! Could you write an angsty Fred x reader scenario, based on Melanie Martinez's song "Pacify Her"? Basically reader it's completely in love with him, but Fred doesn't realize it since he's in a relationship with Angelina Johnson (who does know about reader feelings, and bothers her on purpose). If you don't like the idea, ignore me hehe 😊❤
Hi Anon! Okay I have to admit, this one threw me for a loop but my gosh I actually love how this turned out. Hope I did your request justice! 🖤
Pacify her.
Warnings: Reader is delulu. Mentions of infidelity, unrequited love, slightly deceptive and devious behaviour from reader. Sorry Angelina. Unreliable narrator, plotting.
Word count: 1.3k
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Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours. But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?
Loving Fred Weasley was as easy as breathing. He was funny, charming and unbelievably handsome, the kind of person people are naturally drawn to. He'd drew you in like he had so many others before you, becoming best friends so naturally that it felt like two magnets pulling together, unable to pull apart even if you wanted to. He was easy to like and even easier to love, a change that shifted so subtly that you'd never been able to put your finger on the moment that you'd started seeing him differently. But that's all we was and all he would ever be, your friend. You longed for more, longed to have him see you as you saw him, to have him feel what you felt and to stop the cruel and twisted emotions that came with unrequited love.
But then one day he did; he opened up, felt that pull to another person, wanted all the things you'd hoped for with him for so long only it wasn't for you, it was for Angelina.
She was beautiful, smart and incredibly talented on and off the quidditch pitch. Looking back now it was obvious why Fred liked her, blatantly so, on paper she was a natural fit for him, yet you would never find peace about it nor be happy for them as long as you tried. He was yours first.
He had always been completely oblivious to your affections, only further proving that he only saw you as a friend and nothing more, no matter how hard you tried to make him see; a fact that killed you deep down inside. To make matters worse, you and Angelina did not get along, at all. Once upon a time you might have been considered friends, but that was long in the past. You were the only girl in the inner friendship group, his best friend, natural competition for all potential girlfriend just by your standing in his inner circle. You were the one that the girls didn't trust, they didn't like your friendship with him; probably because you were so clearly in love with him.
For the sake of Fred's happiness, you'd tried to push down your feelings, to be at least cordial with Angelina even if it tore you up inside but the universe wouldn't allow you to fall with dignity, instead it seemed intent on smiting you wherever it could. You’d become almost numb to love now, numb to the pain and distraction it caused, pushed it down until it lay dormant inside you. One day it would escape from the prison inside you, the day that Fred Weasley told you he loved you.
Angelina knew how you felt about Fred, it was obvious from the looks she gave you, the roll of her eyes when Fred laughed at your jokes, the way she'd always try and physically put herself between you and Fred, being overly touchy and smothering whenever you were near, only to give you a smug little smile that he never seemed to notice. The way she whined constantly when she didn’t get her way, like an overgrown toddler that didn’t know how to communicate. It was childish, stupid and getting on your nerves.
I can't stand her whining
Where's her binky now?
Watching them on the quidditch pitch was like enduring purgatory with no hope of paradise on the other side. Her hands all over him and the secret whispers that made his cheeks heat up redder than his hair, it was all for you. Purposefully done just to hurt you, to punish you for having feelings for her boyfriend. But he was yours first.
Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
Her whining only got stronger once he’d made plans with you to visit the kitchens after hours, something you often did to kill the hours on a boring evening. She whined and clung to him with a pout whilst he tried to reason with her, a pointless effort you thought. Why was he with her? Why joy did he get from her companionship? Did he actually have feelings for her or was he just stuck? Unaware that he could have had you, a much better fit for him, someone that could love him for exactly who he was, in exactly the right ways.
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words
The cracks started appearing only a few months into their relationship, your eagle eyes missing nothing. Her whining and near constant pout had been incessant, all because Fred and George had invited you to the Burrow over the summer holidays, an annual tradition that had been established years ago. You’d goof around down by the lake, fire off fireworks on the warm summer nights, perhaps steal a beer or two from Arthur’s stash and eat the best food you’d ever eaten for the whole week curtesy of Molly. Of course she was unhappy about that, trying to persuade him to cancel, to change his plans and go to meet her mum and dad. When he didn’t fall in line immediately, she became pretty unbearable to be around, if she wasn’t already before. Fred started looking tired, worn down, his restrictive relationship becoming a burden.
And loving her seems tiring
So boy, just love me.
Summer came around quickly and your visit to the Burrow was well underway, surrounded by the family you loved, the boy you loved. You had hardly stopped laughing since the moment you arrived, immediately met with warmth and love. The hug Fred gave you lingered for a while, his warmth, the sweet scent of him and the softness of him lingering all around you for what seemed hours.
Until the letters started coming.
George had sighed, silently protesting the unceasing flow of letters sometimes multiple times a day. Errol was exhausted, completely depleted after two days of flying back and forth, usually with less than soft landings. Fred hadn’t said anything outright as he’d sat and replied to her but you could tell he was getting frustrated, his usually playful demeanour beginning to wane.
It’s late night, perhaps early morning when you both sit on the floor in his and George’s room, the light of a little lantern illuminating the space between you as George lies fast asleep in his bed, oblivious to your little gathering. You’re wearing Fred’s sweater, the early morning chill creeping in through the small, unavoidable gap in the window. You’d like to say that you hadn’t been prepared for it, forgetting your sweater, appearing to forget about the tiny but impactful crack but in reality your sweater lay unneeded at the bottom of your bag.
Fred sighs, resting his forehead on his bent knee as you sit crowded together between the beds, his shoulders resting on George’s bed frame.
Your eyes flick up to him, worried about the heavy sigh until your eyes follow his gaze, looking at the building stack of unopened letters that sat on their shared desk, all from today.
You don't love her
“Tell me,” you say gently, giving him the option to finally be truthful with you. He looks up at you for a moment, holding strong until you see his resolve break, shoulders dropping.
“It’s just not easy, not like it should be… not like it would be with you.”
“Then be with me.”
Time stops as you stare at each other, the words finally spoken out loud after so many years. Cards finally laid out on the table.
The last letter he sends Angelina is a definitive end to their correspondence and to their relationship.
Tired, blue boy walks my way
Holding a girl's hand
That basic bitch leaves finally
Now I can take her man
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Love Pandemic
Title: Love Pandemic
Pairings/Characters: Ron/Hermione, Lavender, Paravti
Summary:  A disease is sweeping through Hogwarts. Students are falling in love here, there and everywhere, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Not even one very cynical Hermione Granger.
Prompts: For QLFC - you don’t know who your soulmate is until you touch them
Warnings/Notes: AU, but canon compliant components for HBP. PS. I quite like Lavender and Parvati, but I am trying to capture their personalities from Hermione’s ‘no-nonsense’ POV. Mentions of disease and pandemic in a non-realistic meaning.
Originally published: August 15, 2021 on Fanfiction.net, ao3 and Tumblr
Reposted: N/A
Hermione barely managed to suppress her scoff as the giggles and whispers from the breakfast table floated into her ears. Lavender and Parvati, the school’s seasoned gossips, were talking about unconfirmed rumours again. 
This time it was Justin Finch-Fletchey, who had apparently become another victim of this month’s soulmate pandemic. 
It was all anyone was talking about these days — it was contagious if what Lavender and Parvati said was true. Romances were popping up all over, and it couldn’t possibly have been because everyone their age was developing hormones. No. It had to be some totally unrealistic things that — even in the wizarding world — could not be possible. 
How daft was everyone to believe such nonsense? So what? Justin had apparently gotten himself a boyfriend with someone in seventh year. Just yesterday Dean Thomas had been seen snogging Seamus Finnigan. That didn’t make it strange. Teenagers had been snogging each other in the closed-off corridors for decades. People were now only just starting to notice. That was all. 
“Neville said he saw it happen before his eyes,” Lavender said, loud enough for the whole Gryffindor table to hear her. “Justin was walking along to his next class, minding his own business, and the Ravenclaw seventh year — I don’t know his name — wasn’t watching where he was going. He knocked Justin to his feet, and when he offered a hand for Justin to get up they just… stopped.”
Hermione rolled her eyes, doing her best to focus her attention on revising her essay that was due for Transfiguration in fifteen minutes. 
“Stopped?” Parvati whispered. “You mean like… love at first sight?”
Oh, please.
“Yes!” Lavender squealed. “Exactly like that. It was like they were instantly in love, just from talking to one another. They walked off hand-in-hand after that, claiming that they were meant to be. They were… soulmates.”
Parvati inhaled sharply. “Really?”
Lavender nodded solemnly. 
“Can’t say I fancied him much myself, but I guess that’s another boy to tick off the list for us.” Parvati sighed.
Unable to take anymore of the nonsense, Hermione set her quill down hard. It clattered along the table, rolling to a stop by a bowl of scrambled eggs.
“Have you ever,” Hermione said through gritted teeth, “thought that maybe they hadn’t ever seen each other before, then when they did, they realised they were attracted and that was that?”
For a moment, Lavender and Parvati stared at her, blinking. It was Parvati who spoke first. 
“Exactly,” she said. “Soulmates.”
“No. Luck.”
“You’re an unbeliever, Hermione,” Lavender accused. “You don’t believe in soulmates?”
Hermione reached for her quill again and dropped her head, scratching out a whole sentence near the end of her essay. “No. It’s a ridiculous notion. How can you find your soulmate by running into them?”
“You don’t just run into them,” Parvati huffed. “You just have to touch them. You know, brush against them, or something. That’s how it happened for others. My sister, Padma, she found her soulmate by their elbows brushing.”
“Right,” Hermione said. “Of course she did. And tell me… how do I catch this disease?”
“It’s not a…” Parvati nudged Lavender in the ribs, and the girl closed her mouth. “Well, when it happens to you,” Lavender said instead, “You’ll know it’s true.”
“Of course I will.” Hermione picked up her essay and stuffed her quill into her bag. She scrambled to her feet, glaring at the two girls who seemed to have the inability to think logically. “Well, when it happens to me, I suppose I’ll know when I meet my… soulmate. Until then, I must get to class and I suggest the two of you do, too.”
She stalked away, knowing full well that both Lavender and Parvati would already have their heads together, gossiping about her. Or, maybe she would get lucky and someone else had already ‘touched’ their ‘soulmate’ and the news had already reached them. Both were magnets for such things. 
She was halfway to Transfiguration when it occurred to her that she had not seen Ron and Harry all morning. She’d been too busy worrying about finishing her essay that she hadn’t waited for them to crawl down from their room, rubbing their eyes from sleep. 
It was unlike them to appear for breakfast, but also highly likely that they were trying to finish off the essay as well, after leaving it for the last minute. 
She just rounded the corner when she spotted a crowd gathering out the front of the Charms classroom, blocking her path. 
Frowning, she went toward it. Had someone set off one of Fred and George’s products? They were nothing but a nuisance these days. She could set up her own shop with everything she’d confiscated in the past month alone. 
Ron was in front of her, giving her a look halfway between amusement and surprise. 
“Ron? What are you doing here?” Hermione questioned. “We don’t have Charms now…”
“No. Harry and I were on our way to Transfiguration. We were doing last minute homework… you know us… and… well, you know that whole rumour of this soulmate pandemic thing going around?”
Hermione’s eyes narrowed. “Yes,” she said dryly. “Heard of it.”
“Well…” Ron laughed. “I think it’s true.”
Hermione opened her mouth to admonish him, but in that moment, the crowd parted and she was distracted. Because walking towards her was Harry. Holding hands with… Ginny. 
“Harry?” Hermione said. 
“I told you,” Ron said, and he was more cheerful than she’d expect considering Harry was holding hands with Ron’s sister. “I think it’s true. Ginny was lining up for Charms and Harry merely brushed her to get past and then they both kind of just stopped… looked at each other… and snogged.” He laughed again.
Hermione frowned. She watched Harry and Ginny for a moment, both wearing completely ridiculous smiles. She then looked back up at Ron, her expression sympathetic. “But… well, Ron… I think they’ve kind of liked each other for a while. Maybe they just —”
“You weren’t there, Hermione,” Ron said. “It was like they couldn’t control it anymore!”
Hermione decided to take a different path. “And you’re okay with it?” she said.
Ron shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe if I hadn’t just witnessed it with my own eyes, it would be weird, but it’s just… a disease, isn’t it? It’ll get better…” He side-eyed the happy couple. “Won’t it?”
Hermione smirked. “I don’t know. They say it’s soulmates. Soulmates are for life.”
Realisation dawned on Ron, and the smile quickly vanished. 
“Oh, Ron,” Hermione said. “It’s untrue. There’s no such thing as soulmates. It’s just… Harry and Ginny. You’ll have to get used to it.” She reached out a hand and touched his arm in comfort. He’d been intentionally ignorant to the obvious feelings Harry and Ginny had for each other. 
It happened instantly. Her fingertips had barely grazed him when he was suddenly illuminated in light. Ron, her friend, was… different. 
She stepped back, shocked by the sudden warmth through her fingers and the strength of her feelings she’d done well to keep at bay until now. 
If the look on Ron’s face was anything to go by, he was experiencing exactly the same thing. 
“I —” She had no idea what to say. She just stared. She’d touched Ron many times before. Just yesterday, their shoulders had brushed. But now…
“Merlin, it is contagious,” Ron breathed. He seemed unable to take his eyes from her. In fact, he moved closer. 
Hermione shook her head, lost for words. It couldn’t be. It was just a silly rumour that had started, an excuse for teenage romance. But the evidence — the warmth seeping through her body, her pounding heart — was overwhelming. 
She was a victim of this stupid disease that was taking down the whole school. And she… she liked it. 
And she was happy that Ron was her soulmate. It could have ended much, much worse for her. 
He smiled at her, and she smiled back. And then she stepped closer to him, drawing his mouth towards hers as if it was something he’d been wanting to do for a while now. Only this time, neither of them had any control to resist. 
They were soulmates. She could feel it, could sense it with every part of her. They were meant to be together.
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
Queen’s Favor (Mysme Jumin/MC AU 10/?)
Summary: Being a maid would be much easier if the cat would just let her do her job.
AU - Instead of joining the RFA via random text, MC is hired on as one of the maids assigned to Jumin Han’s penthouse. Nothing else about the setting has changed, the messenger and the RFA still exist, only the MC’s position has been altered.
His grin was just as amused as it was beautiful and frankly she had the immediate urge to shove her plate of food in his face just out of an instinctive self defense measure. 
"I can't believe this..." She groaned right on through her fingers. If she didn't open her eyes ever again she theoretically didn't ever have to believe it.
A voice way more charming and soothing that it had any right to be cut through her attempt. "Babe, don't worry about it! I would have insisted on paying for it anyway. I'm sure you'll find it at home."
She peered through her fingers and yes, he was as gorgeous when mostly obscured as when fully viewed. Also, he was struggling so hard to smother some kind of laughter that she couldn't decide if she should be flattered or offended. Was there a combination? A happy middleground between the two?
"I've been downgraded from princess to babe."
He winced, and placed a hand to his heart. "My heart would stop if I ever tried!" After a moment, he seemed to decide to try again, expression softening once more. "I just want you to relax. You can't find something if you're too flustered to think about it."
That'd be much easier to agree to if the person who saved her from an embarrassing end didn't just have to pay for her lunch, and she couldn't even get the haircut she'd been planning on. It's embarrassing enough to misplace her wallet at home and not realize it until she was nearly to where she'd need to spend from it, but having someone like the one sitting across from her be the one to catch her do it was...
What kind of terrible luck did she have?
She sighed and waved her hand finally, slumping back in her seat. No use worrying about it any further. Mortifying though it may have been, just being upset about it wouldn't make it reappear.
"...I'm paying this back double next time." She still had her pride, even if it was in shambles.
"Oh~! So I've already earned a second date!" He grinned, altogether too pleased with himself. "I'm on a roll today."
Well, she could have just paid him the money directly but-
Now she'd just feel rude trying to correct him.
She scoffed, finally, shaking her head. "I wouldn't be too flattered. If you knew the kind of company I've had recently..."
His smile was way more charming than it had any right to be, given how cheeky it was. "Oh, I'm better than anyone else you've met lately? Flatter me more, babe."
"I think you're flattering yourself just fine on your own."
He tutted, touching a hand to his chest and ducking his head, as if she could actually buy the sad act he put on when she was halfway certain birds would come and settle on his shoulders if he went outside and sang. "If not me, than who?"
She tapped her chin with her fingers and arched a slim brow. "Every other woman in this place?" They were all certainly staring pretty closely at him. It was kind of hard to miss, since he'd left her sitting facing all of them while he sat opposite of her.
He flashed her a devilish grin just as the food arrived, and it was for the best the food interrupted him, because she'd hate to have to smack her dazzlingly pretty rescuer right after getting conned into agreeing to a second date with him. She made sure to pay special attention to the food she didn't pay for, rather than let him be a cad right in the middle of lunch.
It was actually pretty good, for being food she bummed off of a stranger after almost dying.
She sighed, planting a hand on her chin, and glancing out the window of the restaurant. Where in the world had she misplaced the wallet in, anyway? Her apartment wasn't really that big, and she'd been so tired last night after hiking halfway across the city and back that she hadn't gone around and done anything creative before bed. Now she had to back track all the way to her house and scour the place to find it, before going all the way back just to get her haircut.
Her day off wasn't made of infinite hours.
Maybe it was better just to abandon the haircut and let her shoulder-length hair grow out? It's not like Elizabeth really targeted it so that it'd be a problem-
"I'm really gonna have to start giving myself compliments to feel better if you feel this bad about the date."
She blinked and looked back over at him. "Who ever said this was a date? You've only been talking about a second one."
He leaned forward with a conspiratorial grin. "If that means I get to see you three times, I accept the correction."
She leaned right on back, elbows on the table. "You know, just a minute ago I was implying I was desperate for a date..."
"Look at that, I'm incredibly desperate for a date." He said it without missing a beat. Without even a shadow of shame.
Therefore, it's only fair that she laughed in his face, because what else was she supposed to do? He was, surprisingly, not deterred. His grin was just as amused as it was beautiful and frankly she had the immediate urge to shove her plate of food in his face just out of an instinctive self defense measure. Mortal women weren't meant to experience that kind of wattage of beauty so close.
But, no, no she wasn't about to give up yet. Two could play this dirty game, oh yes.
"You know..." she chewed her lip, put on her best sultry voice, and tabbed the look on his face that briefly appeared in response for...later. "Now that I think about it, if we're talking about being desperate...every time I come back home from work, I can't help but wish I had a boyfriend there to draw me nice, long, hot bath we could share together...because I'll be absolutely covered in cat hair."
He sneezed directly in her face.
But also, it was self defense, because flirting with someone as pretty him quite that close to her face was more than a simple girl like her's heart could take. He had both impressive dedication and reflexes to immediately shift gears from shifting uncomfortably in his seat to his weird cat sneeze allergy, though. Allergies still didn't work like that, though.
Despite the underhanded trick, once he managed to regain his composure, he shook his head and gave an almost dainty smile. "Well. If Romeo and Juliet can survive being on opposite sides, then-"
"They didn't survive, though."
For a man who'd just saved her life, paid for her food, and...honestly, just put up with her for the past hour or so, his smile was amazingly patient. If she didn't know better, she'd think he really was actually desperate for a girlfriend.
She did know better, however, because she had a working pair of eyes.
She twirled a fork in her fingers, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "Alright, I'll make you a deal." Because clearly she's the one in the negotiating position here, and not the one embracing her crazy cat lady future prematurely and spending her days all alone cleaning up a ludicrously expensive penthouse whose closets made her apartment feel claustrophobic. "You explain why on earth you're so desperate for a girlfriend, and I'll...consider going on those dates with you."
Ah, yes. She'd successfully negotiated herself from two or three dates with a dazzling movie star looking man into 'possibly nothing'. How was she not already as rich as Jumin Han with skills like hers?
His laugh was good-natured, despite her...everything, and he swept the fingers of one hand through his hair in a little flourish. "That's an easy answer, babe. I'm actor."
It was so good she hadn't reached down to take a bite of the food as she'd been considering, because she'd have probably choked on it or spit it on him, and honestly they'd shared more than enough bodily fluids today as it was. It wasn't exactly a surprise, though. It was more...how much it wasn't a surprise. Him being an actor made perfect sense, given that it looked like he'd leapt right off of the movie screen, makeup still intact, and onto the city streets. The only unbelievable part was why he was wandering around a poorer end of town and just happened to come across her right before she got herself killed.
That was just-
what even were the chances?
His smile was bashful all over again - that bashful but proud thing he did, where he pretended to be shy about praise but really just preened over it. "Is it really that much of a surprise? I mostly do stage and musicals at the moment, though, it wouldn't surprise me if you haven't heard of me."
She pursed her lips then, squinting at him, "okay, but that didn't answer my question. Being hot and gainfully employed should make you a magnet, not a loner."
She had a feeling that sparkle in his eye was all about the fact that she'd called him 'hot', even though that was not the point of her statement, but at least he didn't say anything about it. Instead he sighed mournfully. "Aaahh...well, strictly speaking, I'm not supposed to have a girlfriend, you know?" His hand pressed to his chest. "But my heart needs to beat alongside another heart! Right or wrong, I was born for romance, and for love!"
He was born to be in drama was what.
The fork in her hand tapped her lips then, brow arching once more, this time considering. "Hmm...so no one wants to be the hidden mistress of the beautiful and glamorous actor."
He brought that wink out, like heavy artillery. "Y'know, I've got a coupon for a public relationship special offer in my pocket."
She waved her hand, conveniently blocking his face partly from her vision. Which, as previously established, didn't really diminish his unearthly attractiveness. "Oh, I couldn't possibly bear to take any more charity from you."
"Aaahh..." He sighed and shook his head. "Success is such a lonely life. Even so, let me at least walk you home after this. I couldn't bear to turn on the news tonight if I don't."
She honestly couldn't tell if that was shade or flirtation.
Probably the latter, all things considered.
Did she really negotiate herself out of follow up dates with a gorgeous and successful actor with a hero streak and a penchant for just, excessively complimenting her? She's pretty sure that she did, and honestly...that was too embarrassing for her to try to follow up on or confirm, so instead, she just focused on the lunch that she blundered her way into not paying for, and there was little in the way of conversation for the rest of the meal.
True to his word, though, he stood up just...immediately when she did.
She'd forgotten how tall and...princely he looked standing up.
Also why was it this man was always somehow in her personal space?! She took a quick step backward, and studiously ignored if her cheeks reddened at all. "...Well, if it'll make you feel better, I guess I'm obligated to let you walk me home. Just try not to...look at my place. Honestly, just wear a blindfold when we get there, maybe cover your ears. There's a guy that's always spoiling for a fight and will probably try to stab you immediately if you accidentally make eye contact, if the couple down the way aren't in a screaming fight they're probably screaming obscenely instead, and also there's just a lot of trash so you'll probably feel better if you don't look at all."
"...Every word you say is worrying me more."
She sighed and waved her hand dismissively, heading for the door. "It's really not so bad if you get used to it."
"That's making it worse, babe!"
Despite it not being a date, and him being such an outrageous flirt - and that she honestly didn't need an escort - he fell into the role of being a gentleman escorting his lover back to her place after an evening out in a way that had to feel so natural simply because he was an actor and had practice pretending that kind of thing. She assumed. No way a director would waste that face on a horror movie.
When she glanced up at him, he happened to be smiling thoughtfully down at her, and she broke into an immediate coughing fit, body clearly rejecting the close proximity of charm. Or maybe the glitter that she spotted here and there hidden on him - left over from some scene he played, maybe? He patted her back. For being some random stranger that saved her from getting flattened, he was really quite thoughtful. Or she was starved for non-feline attention. She wouldn't completely rule out that possibility.
He declined the blindfold.
Knife Man wasn't present, however, so it didn't end in violence. His expression still looked like he was witnessing a murder. Well. To be fair, some fancy actor like him probably lived somewhere much more like what her employer lived in than where she did. But that was fine. She might not have a glamorous job, but as long as she kept the house clean and the cat happy, she'd make pretty good money forever. Which meant, eventually, she'd have a way better place to live, too.
"Anyway, this is my stop and look at that~!" She turned toward him and spread out her arms, as if it were a big reveal that she was, in fact, still not dead. "I didn't get hit by even one truck on the way."
"I'll consider that a job well done." The look of horrified disgust melted into a much more pleasant smile once his gaze turned back to her.
So. This was where they parted ways, and the pretty actor fellow went off to his...whatever high society life, and she likely didn't bump into him again until she saw some movie poster with him on it.
She hesitated a moment, chewing her lip, and then drew in a breath. "Well...I guess you know where to find me now, but...if I'm gonna repay you after all, I should have some way to contact you, right?"
His phone was in his hand with a surprising combination of grace and speed. "It's fine, I'll give you my number. I saw you still have your phone, right?"
"Hm-?" Oh, right, yes, that made sense. After only blinking for a moment - really she was just caught off guard by how well prepared he'd been for that - she dug out phone. "Okay, so...let me give you mine first..."
"Before that, though." His smile quirked up into a playful smirk. "There's one last thing I need to know."
Her apartment number? Was that really necessary? It wasn't like the complex was that big.
"Your name, Princess."
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telli1206 · 4 years
The Wedding Date
Snow White is getting married. Let the week-long festivities begin! Evie can’t wait to celebrate her sister’s upcoming nuptials. There’s only one little problem: she’s supposed to bring a date, and she hasn’t told her mom yet that she’s a lesbian (ok, she’s afraid to tell her)! She’ll be damned if she lets Snow’s wedding be the moment that her mom finds out her secret and ruins Snow’s special day. So to avoid the issue, Evie convinces Jay to join her and pose as her date/boyfriend to keep her mom off her back. That should be easy enough to fake for a week, right?
Also posted to AO3:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/23281867
Chapter 1 - The Arrival
“I swear Evie, if you play one more gushy love ballad sappy mush song I’m going to stop right here and drop kick you out of the car!”
Evie giggles and reaches to turn down the radio. After four hours cooped up together in a car, it’s clear tensions are getting high.
“Relax Jay. Are you really getting your panties in a bunch over some love songs? We’re heading to a wedding, I’m just trying to get in the mood. You’re such a killjoy, honestly.”
“In…the mood? I love you, doll, but you know we’re not the ones getting married, right? I mean, you’re cute and all, but I’m just not ready to settle down yet.” Jay can’t help but chuckle at his own masterful sense of humor.
Evie sighs and rolls her eyes at Jay, and he takes it as a victory. He knows she tries to push down their flirty banter like she doesn’t think it’s funny, but she secretly loves it.
“You know you’re lucky you’re cute, right? I think you use that smile and your big strong muscles to distract from your obvious lack of charm.” Evie’s smile right now must be as wide as the berth she thinks she has to taunt Jay.
“Ouch, Eves. You wound me.”
He grabs his gut like he’s been punched but is still being cautious to keep his other hand on the wheel.
Quiet breathy laughs eventually die down into a comfortable silence. Looking over at her friend, Evie smiles to herself. His hair is pulled back into a neat bun, and he looks much more presentable than usual in the black skinny jeans, fitted white button down, and open black herringbone vest that she had picked out for him to wear. He looks downright dashing.
The less than presentable Jay that she first met pops into her head, the one that lived in sweatpants, always with a tangled mess of untamed long, dark hair that would constantly sweep into his face and eyes.
The first time he approached her at college orientation almost three years ago he had tried his best tactics to make her swoon, dropping obvious pickup lines that Evie found both annoying and eye roll inducing, his hair continuously tipping into his face as he tried to be smooth. The memories of awkward flirty Jay cause a tiny chuckle to bubble up into her throat.
“What’s so funny Princess? Would you mind letting me in on the joke?” Jay says, giving her a sideways glance.
Jerking her out of those thoughts gives her an idea. Jay’s not going to like this, but she really can’t resist.
“Jay, do you remember the pickup line you used on me the first time we met?”
Jay shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “What the hell made you even think of that? You know that’s NOT my proudest moment,” he groans, trying to keep his eyes on the road.
Evie lets out a little giggle. She’s trying her hardest to not start laughing, but damned if Jay’s flirting fails aren’t her favorite form of entertainment.
“C’mon. What did you say I was?” Her smile twists as tears start to well up in her eyes. Her face is getting red from holding back.
Jay sighs. “A magnet.”
“Oh yes, a magnet,” Evie snickers lightly. “Because you were…attracted to me?”
That’s enough to send Evie into a fit of laughter, her chest already heaving from holding her breath. She wipes away some tears with the back of her hand, careful to be precise so as not to ruin her makeup.
“Ok, ok, I know. I never used that line again did I? And my flirting has gotten better, you have to admit. I haven’t heard any complaints since,” he says with a quirk of his brows.
Evie groans playfully, giving Jay’s thigh a loving pat.
“It doesn’t matter anyway. I got the best friend out of it, didn’t I?” She grins warmly at him. “It was worth any cheesy pickup line you wanted to throw my way.”
Jay smiles at her, nodding his head in agreement. “Despite what I thought at the time, I’m glad we ended up as friends too,” he chuckled.
Evie lets the laughter die down again before she speaks, her tone a little more serious. “You know I owe you big for doing this, right?” Jay looks at her, surprised, and shakes his head vigorously. “You’re really saving me here.”
“You owe me? For what? A week of fun, no school, and loads of free food? With the wedding bash of the year to top it all off? I should be thanking you Eves. This is totally going to beat crashing in my cramped apartment our entire Spring break.”
“Thanks, but all that’s hardly worth the price of helping me lie to my mom, if you ask me,” Evie mutters, almost under her breath.
“Oh, please,” Jay says. He puts a hand on her shoulder and rubs it reassuringly, “It’s not your fault your mom is obsessed with this ‘finding you the perfect prince’ idea. I just wish you didn’t feel like you needed to hide the truth from her. She should be happy for you. Want you to be happy. She’s your mom, it should be as simple as that.”
“It never is with Grimhilde,” Evie sighs. “And anyway, Snow’s wedding is not the time or place to confront her with the reality of her having a daughter that’s looking for her ‘perfect princess’ instead of a prince. Let’s just…make our relationship story convincing enough to get through the week and I can deal with this again at a more…appropriate time.”
“Sure thing. Any idea when that will be?” Jay glances at Evie’s expression out of the corner of his eye. Even through his joking, she can hear the faint hopefulness in his tone.
She just sighs loudly. “Can we just worry about our story for now?” Jay concedes, but still airs his frustration with a single loud huff. 
“Ok then,” Evie nods. “So, my mom knows how we met, but how did we start dating?”
“Let’s say…I charged the bleachers after we won a game, and I asked you out in front of the whole crowd. Does that sound good? That way I look romantic and heroic and sexy,” Jay smirks, waggling his eyebrows for emphasis.
“Fine.” Evie puffs. “I have no idea how that makes you look sexy, but I guess I can work with it. Then…that had to happen about 11 months-ish ago? Give or take. Close to a year. I’m pretty sure that lines up with the last time you came home with me and my mom saw you.”
 “It’s been that long since I’ve come home with you for the weekend?” Jay hints with surprise. “I would think your mom would want to see me more. I thought I really won her over.” Jay can’t help waggling his eyebrows teasingly.
Evie looks up at Jay through her thick lashes, an obvious smirk painted across her perfect red lips.
“You know she adores you. She never stops asking why I’m not with you yet. I couldn’t bring you with me for a while because…I just, I really didn’t want to remind her that you even exist. If she saw you she’d just keep nagging me about you and giving me tips to win you over.”
Jay can’t hide his shit-eating grin. It’s just so unbelievably satisfying when he has that kind of effect on people, even if it’s just Grimhilde.
“Well we’ll give her a show that will just make her day. Actually, her week. Her precious little Evie on the arm of a handsome college football jock. What could be better than that?”
If Jay’s smile got any wider, Evie fears it might just freeze that way.
“Well, if you’re asking me, I could think of a couple of things,” she giggles. “But my mom will be SO happy, and that will keep her off my back. So for that, I can’t thank you enough. Seriously, Jay. Thank you. You’re the best.”
She reaches for the hand in his lap and gives it a squeeze, smiling when she feels Jay’s hand tighten around hers. He smiles back but keeps his eyes forward as he turns the car down a long driveway.
“Of course, Princess. When will you get that I’d do anything for you? Forget about your mom. It’s going to be fine. She’ll be happy, and we’ll have a blast this week. Let’s just chill and enjoy it.”
A bright orange sunset distracts them both as it breaks through the trees lining the road. The driveway starts to open wider, revealing a massive castle, tinted pink and yellow through the sky’s array of colors. Beautiful floral arches decorated in delicate pinks and blues line the front of the courtyard, with groups of wedding guests filing in through them. The twinkle of hanging lights drips overhead, bathing the front of the castle in a luminous glow.
“How…gorgeous.” Evie breathes.
Jay nods in agreement and smiles. “Showtime.”
“Shall we?” Jay walked around to Evie as she gets out of the car and extends his arm to her.
Evie stands up and tries to smooth any wrinkles out of her dress. The royal blue and white lace halter she designed especially for today couldn’t have come out better in her opinion. It fits like a dream, and the material seems to hold up well even after sitting in a car for hours. She smiles, happy enough with her appearance, and hooks her arm under Jay’s. “Thank you.” She says with a wide grin. “Such a gentleman.”
They walk arm in arm up to the courtyard. looking up in awe as they pass under the floral arch. Evie can see elegant rounded bar tables set up around the courtyard, draped in silky ivory tablecloths and adorned with bowls of floating lilies. Servers with trays are passing out champagne as guests chat and giggle amongst themselves, their bubbly drinks in hand.
Evie slows her wandering gaze when she spots Snow, standing front and center in the courtyard. She looks radiant in a baby blue sundress and pale-yellow pumps. Her hair is tied back neatly in a red ribbon that perfectly complements the faint red stain coloring her lips. She smiles brightly as she greets each guest, extending one hand for shaking while keeping the other intertwined with the handsome man at her side. He’s dressed impeccably in khakis and a pale-yellow blazer. His shining blue eyes and neatly waved brown hair are familiar to Evie. It takes her a moment, but then she realizes just how much her former high school classmate Chad Charming resembles his older brother.
To Snow’s left is someone Evie knows all too well. 
There’s no denying Grimhilde’s beauty. Despite a few wrinkles and clear frown lines that mar her creamy complexion, the high cheekbones, bright, dark eyes, and slender frame of her youth are still evident, allowing her to age gracefully into a very handsome woman. The elegant navy sheath dress she’s wearing only helps to enhance her pretty features.
If only she could just smile a little more, Evie thinks. Her lips are almost always pursed into a thin, tight line. Not a frown, but something no one would mistake for a smile. Her expression is mostly neutral, maybe with a faint hint of boredom, as she nods to each guest that approaches Snow and Christian.
Snow turns in her direction, and when she spots Evie she can see her sister’s eyes light up. She waves both hands above her head, almost frantically, as if she can’t see that Evie is looking right at her, eliciting a giggle from her little sister.
“Oh Evie, you’re finally here! Get over here - I need a hug!”
Evie gives Jay a tug and starts walking Snow’s way, and she can see Grimhilde turn to whisper curtly in her sister’s ear as they get closer. She can faintly make out her mom quietly saying “a lady doesn’t act like that.” But Snow just keeps her smile painted on and mostly ignores the comment. She’s clearly excited to see Evie, and it warms Evie’s heart to see how happy her sister is.
“Oh, I’ve missed you SO much! I’m so glad you’re here!” Snow says as she wraps Evie in a tight hug. Evie wraps her arms around Snow’s waist and happily squeezes her back.
“I’ve missed you too! You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world! I’m so, so happy for you Snow.” Evie turns to the man at her side. “And you too Christian. Congrats on landing such a great girl like my sister.”
“Thank you, Evie.” he smiles warmly at her, then turns to look into Snow’s eyes. She meets his gaze and lets their fingers intertwine again. “I really am a lucky guy.”
Evie grins wide at them both and squeezes Jay’s arm, the motion drawing Snow’s attention to him. “And is this your new hot college football player boyfriend I’ve heard so much about? I’ve been just dying to meet him!” She says with, tilting her head toward him with a wink.
“Yes! Snow, this is Jay.”
She smiles as she reaches out to shake his hand and he takes it. “It’s such a pleasure, Jay. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you. Evie goes on and on about you so much, I feel like I already know you.” She leans forward to offer a light air kiss next to his cheek.
Jay pulls back from the kiss and smiles back. “The pleasure is all mine, Snow. Evie talks about you a lot also. It feels like we’re already friends.” Jay jokes as he flashes her a toothy grin. “And congratulations to you. I feel so honored to be here to celebrate your wedding with you. Both of you.” He says, turning to Christian.
“Thank you, Jay. Snow has filled me in about you, too.” Christian said, flashing a wider-than-normal smile, as if he’s trying to hint that he’s in on the secret. “Based on everything I’ve heard, we’re honored to have you here with us. You seem like a great match for her Evie.” Christian turns to Snow with a wink as he shakes Jay’s hand.
Obviously done with being neglected, Grimhilde takes a large step towards Jay, close enough to his and Christian’s handshake to cause them to retract their hands, and Christian to take a half-step backward.
Grimhilde ignores the stumbling she causes, keeping her eyes on Jay. She flashes him a disarming smile, but despite her gaze only being on him, she chooses to address Evie first.
“My darling Evie, how I’ve missed you,” she says, reaching her arms out towards her. As Evie takes her hand, she finally turns her head in her direction, pressing their faces cheek-to-cheek in a not-quite-kiss. She pulls back to examine her daughter carefully, giving her outfit a long look over. “Your dress is quite lovely dear. You look like a perfect lady.” 
Evie heart flutters from the unexpected praise. “Well thank you, mother. You know, I designed it mys-”
“Jay!” Grimhilde chirps in a very high-pitched tone. She’s already turned completely back to him, eyes away from Evie. And just like that, the moment is gone. 
“It’s so nice to finally see you again. I can’t tell you how happy I am that Evie was able to snatch you up. I warned her time and time again that she better catch your eye soon. I’m sure a handsome boy like you doesn’t stay single long,” Grimhilde notes with a wink.
Jay takes Grimhilde’s hand in his, holding onto it gingerly. “It’s very lovely to see you again, Ms. Grimhilde,” he says in his most charming voice, bringing her hand up to his lips to offer a gentle kiss. “And let me say, I’m very proud myself for having snatched up Evie. She’s one of the most breathtaking beauties at our school, and it’s clear where she gets her stunning looks from.” 
He offers a quick glance over to Evie, who is smiling sickeningly wide to hide a snicker from escaping her lips. Jay is laying it on thick.
But with the way her mom is smiling from ear to ear, it’s pretty obvious his charms are working. Grimhilde pats Jay’s hand over hers before he pulls it away. “You better hold onto this one, dear,” she says with a side eye glance to Evie. “There will be plenty just waiting in line to steal him away.” Grimhilde continues to stare into Jay’s eyes, to a point that makes it almost unnerving.
Snow quickly clears her throat to break the awkward silence. “Ahem! It looks like they’re ready for us to eat inside. Shall we?” She gestures towards the entrance to the castle with her free hand. Evie can see her give Christian a gentle tug to start pulling him along quicker, obviously to get them all moving.
As the doors swing open to the front entrance, Evie is taken aback. The decorations are just as ornate as outside, with thousands of twinkling lights hanging above, now joined with a number of large, clear vases filled with white and pink lilies suspended from the ceiling. More tall bar tables, now cloaked with white floral tablecloths, were gathered in the center of the room, flanked by a large bar with attendants on the left, and a decadent buffet featuring an array of appetizers and desserts on the right. 
Evie was speechless. Her sister never missed a single detail when it came to planning events. She shouldn’t have expected anything less from her sister when it came to her own wedding.
“Snow, this is absolutely AMAZING,” Evie breathed. “You have really outdone yourself. It’s so beautiful in here! And so much food…”
“Ohhhhh, man. This must be heaven.” Evie’s head whipped to Jay. His eyes were glued to the buffet, wide as saucers. For goodness sake, she could even see some drool on the corner of his mouth. Evie rolled her eyes, Jay was so predictable.
Snow practically glows from the praise. “Well, don’t let me hold you back! Go, eat! Enjoy the food. Christian and I need to finish greeting our guests. Will you join us for a bit longer, mom? I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to meet you.” She puts her hand on Grimhilde’s shoulder to turn her back towards the other guests.
Grimhilde smiles lightly and nods. “I hope you both enjoy the evening.” She offers a big smile to Jay, then lets her gaze drift back to Evie as she turns away to follow Snow.
“Well what are we waiting for?? I’m starving.” But before Jay can bolt towards the buffet, Evie has him by the back of his vest.
“I’m going to wait here, dear. Can you bring a plate back for your girlfriend?” She says, dramatically tilting her head and batting her eyes at him.
“Of course, dear.” Jay replies with a sly grin. From behind them he can see Grimhilde still glancing their way. “She’s watching,” he whispers to Evie, barely moving his lips. She blinks her eyes in acknowledgement, and then flutters them closes as Jay leans over to deliver the tiniest peck to her lips. Satisfied with their short display, Evie releases her grip on his vest, and he turns swiftly to make a beeline for the buffet line, quick to grab 2 plates to start throwing rolls on them.
Evie just shakes her head and smiles. Wanting to say her hellos, she looks around for any other familiar faces. 
She spots Chad standing alone at a table, nursing a beer and munching lazily on some shrimp cocktail. She tenses for a second…the thought of saying hello to him makes her wince. Chad’s normal banter with her is usually flirty and can often get borderline creepy. She’s definitely not in the mood to be undressed with his eyes while trying to force petty small talk.
Luckily, she spies her cousin Doug walking through the door out of the corner of her eye. Evie’s smile spreads wider than ever, and she can’t contain the excited squeal that escapes her lips.
“Doug!” She shrieks, practically skipping over to meet him at the entrance. He smiles wide when he sees her and holds his arms out as she happily jumps into a tight hug. Her heart warms in his embrace; she has really missed him. 
“It’s SO good to see you Eves!” He’s smiling from ear to ear, but his eyes look around her and notice something’s missing. “Did you come alone?”
She pauses, trying to choose her words. She didn’t mention to Doug her plan to bring Jay, mostly because she was afraid to. Doug is constantly pushing her to tell her mom how she feels, even though he knows what the consequences might be. He doesn’t think it’s fair that Evie has to hide part of who she is because of her mom. He won’t like this.
“No…Jay is here with me.” She smiles stiffly and leaves it at that.
“Oh, you brought a friend as your date too? That’s great! I brought my roommate Carlos with me, he should be in in a minute.” He smiles as he sees Jay approach them with plates of food.
“Doug! Good to see you again, man.” Jay smiles and nods his head as he hands Evie her plate. 
Doug is about to reach out to shake his hand, when Jay suddenly pecks a kiss to Evie’s cheek. He hesitates and looks at Evie, who’s still smiling and stiff.
Jay grabs his partially outstretched hand to shake it. Doug, still stunned, jolts himself out of his thoughts to shake back. “It’s good to see you too, man. I was just telling Evie here how nice it is we both brought friends as our dates.” He pauses as Evie and Jay share a look. “It’s nice to be able to relax, and not worry about caring for a date…right?”
Jay looks away for a moment and scratches his neck. Evie bites her lip and looks down at the floor.
“Ok.” She sighs. “Please don’t freak out. Jay and I are still just friends, but I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend this week.” She puts a hand up to stop him as she sees Doug straighten up, ready to protest. “I just want to keep my mom off my back, ok? Coming out at my sister’s wedding is not exactly great timing. This is Snow’s week, and I want it to stay that way, ok?”
Doug holds his tongue as he looks at Evie, her eyes pleading for understanding, the hand she put up now pressed against his chest. He sighs and drops his shoulders.
“You’re right. It’s not a good time.”
Evie slowly cracks a smile, dropping her hand. “So, you’re ok with this?”
Doug smiles at her. “Yeah. JUST for this week though. And you know I’ll be right back to bugging you to tell her the truth right after this is over. You got it?” 
He points a finger right at her nose as she laughs and swipes it away.
“Fine, I know. But thank you.” 
Jay drapes his arm over Evie and pulls her close to his side, tipping her plate and almost knocking over her food. But Jay just smirks, glancing up at Doug.
“It’s gonna be great, bro. We’ll still be hanging out like friends, all casual. Just try to ignore us when Eves and I start to make out here and there, ok?” He takes his other hand and gives a playful pinch to her cheek.
Evie gives him a frustrated look and tries to shift under his arm to catch her plate and straighten it better so she doesn’t drop it. “Jayyyy. You’re supposed to be my gentleman boyfriend, remember? Stop sounding so skeevy. Come on, let's grab a table so we can set these plates down. I don't want you dropping my food with your awkward flirting moves."
Doug just chuckles as he follows them both to an empty table. Jay and Evie set down their plates, and they all start to look around the room at the other guests. Doug shifts his glance over to Evie. “So who have you seen yet? I need to swing by Snow and Christian to say hi. I saw your mom was with them too. Anyone else here yet that I know?”
She gestures behind them with the tiniest bob of her head. “Just Chad back there if you feel the need. I’m going to wait on that until I absolutely have to. I’ve got my hands full with my own creeper guy, don’t need to spend my time with another just yet.” She grabs at Jay’s side and he retracts from her with a laugh.
Doug scrunches his face in mild disgust at the thought of going alone to greet Chad. “Yuck, I’ll pass, thanks. I’m sure we’ll have to talk at some point, no need to rush that.” Doug snickers and shrugs his shoulders. “Besides, I saw Audrey pull up with her parents, I’m sure they’ll be walking in shortly. Then Chad’s attention will be full with Audrey for the week anyway.”
Evie looks to the entrance when she spots a flash of bright pink, Aurora’s signature color, and sees her and Phillip stroll in, drawing glances and whispers as usual. They’re hard to ignore with their perfectly golden hair, dazzling blue eyes and stunning smiles. Audrey joins their side, looking just as perfect in a full and flowy light pink dress, her chestnut locks styled in wide curls.
While they have everyone’s attention, Evie’s eyes are catch a head of dark purple hair. She continues to stare as it moves up from behind Audrey. When they finally come into view beside her, Evie is frozen, mesmerized by the person in front of her. She can feel her mouth go dry.
It’s a girl, about her age, and she’s STUNNING.
In the most conventional way, her slim, perfect figure, girly hips, intensely beautiful green eyes, and pouty dark pink lips are enough to excite Evie and draw her in. But as enticing as she is physically, there’s something else about her that keeps Evie from looking away.
She doesn’t seem to be much like the proper girl next her. She stands stiffly, uncomfortably, pulling at the tight pale purple dress that she's wearing. Evie can tell this isn’t her normal style, even just by looking at the white high-top sneakers she chose to pair with the dress. She keeps toeing them together as she raises an eye to Audrey, who sneers and kicks at her toes when she notices the fidget. She can see an almost smirk trail across the girl’s lips at the thought that she irritated Audrey.
Damn, she might be in love with this girl already.
“Eves? Are you hungry? I think you’re drooling, Princess,” Jay giggles.
She simply points her finger, trying to gesture toward the girl with Audrey. Fuck, she needs to use words to find out who she is. Why won’t words come to her?
Doug, she pleads in her head. Please oh please understand my stupid wordless gaping and tell me who she is.
“The girl? Who is she?” This, right here, is why she’s so grateful for her cousin. She nods, still at a loss for words.
“All I know is she’s a student at my college. I think she’s Audrey’s cousin.” He pauses for a moment to get a better look at her. “The only times I’ve seen her on campus, she’s either been with her or outside the Creative Arts building. I’ve seen her a few times on a bench by the front entrance. She just sits out there and doodles in this huge sketchbook.”
“Eves, stop staring. I’m serious now, you’re being a little creepy.”
She snaps her head up to Jay, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry. She just seems really…interesting.”
She glares at the boys when they break out into snickers. “Right, I can see how, interesting, she is from here too.” Jay’s face is red as he looks over at Doug, both trying to hold back from laughing more.
“Oh, Doug, Evie!” Audrey sing-songs. They all stop and turn to look at the girl. She’s waving at them and suddenly dragging the girl over quickly by her arm.
“Is it possible for her to sound even squeakier than normal?” Evie whispers to Doug while she plasters a fake smile to her face.
“I guess so.” He mutters. “Why is she trying to sound so sickeningly sw…ohhhhh.”
She’s smiling blatantly at Jay, barely looking at Doug and Evie as she approaches.
“Audrey, how nice to see you.” Doug deadpans.
Audrey leans forward and wraps Evie in a quick hug, then pulls back to look at her while peeking at Jay out of the corner of her eye.
“Evie, won't you be a dear and introduce me to your...friend?" Evie raises an eyebrow at her and hesitates, glancing at Jay. Audrey huffs, clearly annoyed. Finally, she turns to Jay herself and sticks out her hand.
"Audrey Rose, such a pleasure to meet you.” 
Evie clenches her teeth and steps up next to Jay. “Audrey, this is my boyfriend, Jay,” Evie says, looping her arm through Jay's as she delivers her introduction.
Fuck, if she wasn’t so desperate to meet Audrey’s cousin, she’d LOVE to just slap that flirting smile right off her face.
“Nice to meet you.” Jay smiles warmly, taking her hand. With the back of her hand facing up, it was clear Audrey was looking at Jay to kiss it. Instead, he turns it and offers a casual shake.
Audrey purses her lips, not quite hiding her frustration. She tries to recover, shaking back her curls and turning her lips back up into a smile. 
“Well Jay, I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other this week. I can’t wait to see what we uncover the more we get to know each other.” She gives Evie a glare, then winks at Jay. 
Evie just tightens her grip on Jay’s arm and holds her smile. Jay feels her tense and drops Audrey’s hand in favor of placing it over Evie’s.
“Of course. Evie and I can’t wait to spend time with everyone. Together. It should be a great week.” He smiles, squeezing Evie’s arm.
Audrey looks at his hand on Evie’s and lets her smile drop. Before she can respond, she’s startled by a snort next to her, and turns to glare at the beautiful girl she’s still gripping with her other hand.
“Sorry.” The girls says, but snorts again, quieter this time. She turns away with a smirk and glances at Evie. 
Their eyes meet for a moment, and her smile takes Evie's breath away. She can feel her heart tighten in her chest. She's never felt such, longing for someone so quickly. 
"Audrey, won't you be a dear and introduce us to your...friend?" She tries to say without sounding like she’s pleading.
Not one to ignore formalities, Audrey straightens her posture and returns a bright smile to her lips. "Of course! Allow me to introduce my cousin, Mal. My parents like to call her my honorary sister. We basically raised her at the Rose house." She sweeps a hand towards Mal in a gesture like a grand introduction.
Mal, in return, quirks a half smile and gives a tiny wave to the group. "Hi."
Audrey snorts loudly. "Mal, that's not how a Rose offers her greetings." She folds her arms and glares, as if waiting for Mal to correct her mistake.
Instead, Mal tips her head at Audrey and snorts right back. "Good thing I'm not a Rose, then, huh? Honorary sister status doesn't mean I have to act like you, does it?"
Audrey starts sputtering, her face growing red with anger. She yanks Mal by the wrist and tries her best to smile at Jay, Evie and Doug. 
"Well I'm sure we'll see you all very soon, but we haven't had a chance to say hello to the Charmings, and I know my parents are waiting for us. Good evening." She pulls Mal with her, making her stumble over her feet as she tries to wave goodbye first. She manages an eyeroll Evie's way as she's dragged along. 
Evie just sighs longingly as she watches them go. That was far too short of an introduction for her liking.
"Smoooooth, Eves."
She whips her eyes to Jay, surprised. "I'm sorry?"
Doug's laugh makes her turn back to him. "Evie, you obviously have a thing for Mal. You are SO into her."
"I wasn't that obvious...was I?" Evie bites her lip. She knows the answer to that, she just hopes she's wrong.
"Oh no, only to people with eyes," Jay quips, laughing. He puts an arm over his shoulder. "Princess, you are SO fucked."
Evie groans. "I know! She's making me really... feel things. I just met her and all I can think about right now is how badly I want to get to know her more," she sighs. "I NEED to keep it under control though, especially with my mom around. Please, you both need to help me. Stop me if I start acting all lovesick when my mom's around. Pinch me, smack me if you need to. She CAN'T catch on, otherwise this week will turn into hell for me!" She glances back to where Grimhilde is standing with Snow and is relieved to see she's making no acknowledgement towards her. No evil glares her way means she likely missed the whole exchange.
"So where would I be smacking exactly?" Jay says, waggling his eyebrows. He just laughs when Evie narrows his eyes at him. "Don't worry, we've got you, Eves," Jays says, wrapping his arm back around her. Doug looks at both of them and nods in agreement. "Can we eat now though? I'm starting to waste away. Can't you hear my stomach?" He grabs it and tries to make his best pouty face.
Evie rolls her eyes and leans into his side, giving him a little hug. "You poor baby. Of course, let's eat."
 Jay dives into his plate like he hasn't eaten all day. And to be honest, that’s almost true. Chips and candy are not exactly a meal, and that can only hold you over so long when you've been in a car for half the day.
He needs to remember his manners though.  Evie grabs his arm to hold back his next forkful of food. "Dear, we're in public. Maybe finish chewing the first bite of your food before you shove in another?" She smiles, trying to be sweet and polite. He remembers what a stickler Evie's mom is for proper manners, so he lowers his fork slowly and grabs his napkin to lightly wipe his mouth off while he finishes chewing.
"Doug? Aren't you going to eat?" Jay asks curiously when he notices that Doug is still standing beside them without food, watching them eat.
"Yeah, I'm just waiting for my roommate. He was parking the car, but I can't believe it's taking him this long," he says as he continues to scan the door, looking for him.
"Finally.” Doug's eyes light up as he spots someone walking in. “Carlos!" He shouts, waving his hand and gesturing towards their table.
Jay follows Doug's eyes to see who he’s yelling to. "Holy hell." Jay whispers as quietly as he can.
Can a boy be pretty? Because Jay’s pretty sure he’s looking at the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
He’s never seen anything like him. The shock of soft white curls on his head that faded into black roots, the star-like freckles that dotted his face, his wide, dark eyes, and his full lips were all so…distractingly attractive.
His clothes were cooler than anything Jay would ever think of wearing, and damn, could he ever pull them off. A fitted white t-shirt peeks out from under a red blazer covered in metal studs, black skinny jeans are basically painted on thin legs, and black lace-up boots finish the look.
"Ooooh, I like his style." Evie muses.
"I like his, everything," Jay mumbles, a little louder than he wanted to. Evie looks at him with a raised eyebrow, elbowing him in the ribs. Jay grabs his side with a quiet "Oomph!"
"Close your mouth. I don't need my mom to see you openly panting over a guy when you’re supposed to be with me."
"I'm not," he lies. "He's just, cute."
Evie snickers loudly. "Yeah right."
Jay puffs, and Doug gives them an odd look before he turns back to Carlos and smiles. "Finally! What the hell took you so long?"
Carlos shrugs. "I'm sorry. You won't believe where they had me park the car. Let's just say it's good we'll be here for the week, because it might take more than a day to get back to it," he snickers.
Dammit, even his laugh is adorable.
"Evie, Jay. This is my roommate, Carlos." Carlos smiles warmly as Evie reaches out her hand.
"So nice to meet you Carlos! Any friend of my cousin's is a friend of mine," she says with a wide smile.
"Thank you, it's nice to meet you." Carlos says, almost quietly.
He turns slightly to Jay as he reaches his hand out too. While Carlos is facing him, Jay notices the slight hunch in his shoulders, making him think Carlos might be a little uncomfortable. Jay wonders if Carlos isn't really used to much socializing.
"It's a pleasure, Carlos." Jay says with a huge grin on his face. As their hands touched, he could feel a tingle in his fingertips. He definitely wanted more contact with this guy, he was sure about that. He could feel Evie's eyes on him, and he knew he had to keep his composure. For now, at least.
But a little flirting couldn't hurt, right?
Jay manages to pull his gaze from Carlos over to Doug as their handshake ends. "Are all the boys at your school this cute, man? I'm suddenly tempted to transfer," he says, throwing a wink back at Carlos over his shoulder.
Carlos looks stunned for a moment, as if he doesn't catch what Jay's suggesting. The realization must settle in quickly though, as Carlos suddenly looks down, and Jay notices a delicate pink flush travelling from his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears, brightening his pale skin and making his freckles stand out even more.
And fucking fuck if that's not the most appealing thing Jay has ever seen. He could swear this guy is getting cuter by the second.
Evie steps between them, and Jay wonders if she noticed how flustered he was getting. He knows if he was being obvious she’d probably feel the need to step in, so she can stop anything that might not look proper from happening with her mom around.
"You'll have to excuse my boyfriend, he's bisexual and VERY friendly. Don't worry, hon, I'm more than fine with it." She says, smiling at Carlos, who looks at her with a slightly shocked expression. "Really, it's ok! It's ok to have a little fun, isn't it? I know, he can be a little too much to handle, can't he?" She turns to Jay and grabs his face with one hand playfully, squishing his cheeks. Jay pulls away with a laugh. "He can be too much of a flirt for his own good sometimes."
Carlos' smile relaxes at that, and he laughs quietly. But Jay notices that Doug doesn't look amused. Actually, he's definitely glaring at Jay, and Jay is a little surprised at how callous it seems.
Finally, Doug turns back to Carlos, putting a hand on his back to gently push him towards the food.
"If you don't mind, we should really get something to eat. Come on 'Los."
Jay watches them leave, still a little stunned at Doug's reaction. "Was it something I said?"
Evie just shakes her head. "And you thought I was fucked," she giggles.
  Once everyone finishes eating, Snow and Christian get up to address their crowd of wedding guests.
Christian takes a small step forward. "Snow and I would like to thank you all very much for coming. We're so grateful that you're willing to take this time out of your week to celebrate our marriage with us." He reaches back to take Snow's hand and gives her a loving smile. "Since we're sure you're all exhausted from your travels, we're going to have the staff direct you to your rooms to retire for the night. You'll see once you get there that we'll have a list of the activities that we have planned, and the times and places to be if you'd like to join us for each. We'll have a breakfast spread out early tomorrow before we head out for our first event, so please feel free to get up on your own schedule to grab something to eat."
Snow turns to everyone and smiles brightly. "We are so excited to share this week with every one of you and start the festivities! Sleep well! We'll see you all in the morning."
Evie and Jay wave to Doug and Carlos as they're directed down a different hall to their room. As she expects, she and Jay are sharing a room. She was sure Snow would plan that to keep up appearances as a couple. As soon as they enter the room, Jay walks over to the huge bed to flop onto it. The long day of travel polite conversation have definitely taken their toll on him. He's more than ready to crash for the night.
Evie, on the other hand, is clearly in awe of their quarters for the week. She walks around the room slowly, taking in the ornate details of the canopy bed, painted ceilings, and heavily decorated bathroom with golden sinks and a large clawfoot tub. She can hardly believe how beautiful everything is.
Looking over at Jay, she sees him squished into the soft bed, eyes already closing. The sight helps the feeling of exhaustion she was ignoring to creep back up, and she plops down onto the mattress next to him.
"Holy shit," she says, wrinkling the sheets between her fingers as she wiggles her body on the pillowy comforter. "I think this is the most comfortable bed I've ever laid on in my life."
"Tell me about it," Jay says, sighing deeply. He flips over to his side, facing Evie. 
"So, do you want to be the little spoon or big spoon?" He says with a smirk. Evie turns on her side to face him with an arm under her head to prop her up, and rolls her eyes as dramatically as she can, making Jay laugh out loud.
"I want YOU," she says loudly, "to be on the other side of these pillows.” She starts to grab every pillow off the bed to pile between them. "I don't want to wake up to anything poking me if you start dreaming of Carlos."
Jay chuckles. "Well that's fine with me. Believe it or not, I don't want to wake up to YOU trying to feel me up if you start dreaming of Mal."
Evie exhales loudly in frustration, dropping the pillow she was holding to sit herself straight up on the bed, scooting her body back against the headboard. "This week is going to be SO much harder than I thought." Jay looks up at her, clearly confused. "I mean, faking this for my mom was going to be a little bit of a challenge," she argues, gesturing between the two of them, "But now I have to fake it AND try to pretend I'm not ridiculously attracted to the most beautiful girl I think I've ever seen in my life."
Jay chuckles as he traces his fingers across the sheets, and then looks up at her. "Yeah, that definitely throws a wrench into things."
Remembering her other dilemma, she gives Jay a sideways glance, raising one eyebrow. "AND I'll have to deal with you now."
"Me?" His eyes widen as he points a finger at his chest. "What did I do?"
"You're kidding, right?" She gives him a wry smile as he shakes his head. "Jay, I've already had to stop you from blatantly flirting with Carlos when my mom was in the same room, and you only JUST met him!" 
Jay just shrugs. "But that's just how I am, isn't it? I'm a flirt. Your mom knows that. It doesn't mean anything."
Evie sighs. "Ok. One, my mom doesn't know you flirt with guys , so you'll have to keep that in check. You know how old-fashioned she is. If she can't handle gay from me, she's not going to be ok with you being gay either. Especially since you're supposed to be madly in love with me." She emphasizes by pointing her own finger right at her face. Jay scoffs, but finally offers a slight nod of agreement.
"And two, there's NO way this flirting with Carlos isn't going to mean anything to you." Jay's eyes widen as he looks at her. He starts to open his mouth in protest, but Evie interjects. "No. Just listen. I have literally never seen a guy that was more your type. He's painfully adorable, shy, and way too easy for you to fluster. You can't tell me you don't want to say and do things to him just so you can see that blush over and over again." Jay pauses with his mouth hung open, but instead of protesting he just turns his head away and stays silent.
Evie giggles lightly at her victory, shaking her head at Jay. "Listen, I'm not saying to stay away from Carlos. Hell, I know there's no way I could do the same if you asked me to with Mal. We just have to be careful. When my mom’s around, we're head over heels for each other, ok? Mal and Carlos are going to have to become a stealth operation." 
"You got it Princess, I can do that." Jay laughs. "Besides, it's not like I haven't snuck around before," he says, punctuating with a waggle of his eyebrows.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it, Romeo." She grins at him and pushes herself off the bed. "Listen, now that we have our game plan, I think we should get to bed." She pads her way over to the bathroom, stopping to grab her bag. She looks back at Jay and sees him lay back onto the bed, already dozing off with his face buried in her makeshift pillow wall.
"We've got a very interesting week ahead of us."
Credit to @bunny-lou​ for the story idea! Her original story idea is posted here if you’d like to read it! 
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lynsunrise · 5 years
Sanditon, Sidney, Charlotte,my love
As time passes I feel like I just have to do something to emphasize the influence that Sanditon has on me. I simply feel that the time has come when it’s nearly a crime to be silent and not to tell how I feel about it. It is just my personal humble opinion. The way I feel. And. It is so hard to express one's feelings when they are so passionate but I want to try my best. That’s the least I can do to express my gratitude to all those people who brought Sanditon to life.
There are some spoilers in my text. I say this because to upset somebody is what I am most afraid of at the moment. So I have seen four episodes so far.
Let me then begin with the first episode. I will base my praise on my impressions that are as if carved in my heart and are always before my eyes. The moment when someone falls in love… I have read a few lines from an interview of the wonderful Theo James and I can remember that he was saying about that we always wonder how it happens, how does it happen – falling in love. Maybe Sanditon with its amazing cast and story can draw the curtain aside a bit and let us take a closer look at the one of the greatest mysteries of life that will never be solved. And thank God it will not.
The very first episode when Charlotte enters the Trafalgar House and sees that picture. What is it then that’s happening with us as well? I can say that I want to have the same picture on the wall in my home, a copy, to be able to adore it and feel constantly inspired. That picture of Sidney Parker is magnificent. Especially those eyes. They caught her eyes at once. It isn’t simply a picture of a “very good-looking” young man with that air of fashion, elegance, it is so much more. We cannot tell yet what but we know it. That person from the picture looks at you finding out everything about you but not saying anything about himself. In an interview there was said that Theo James makes Sidney Parker have the mysterious atmosphere when you never know what he’s really thinking and it is truly amazing because I keep thinking even of that picture and I think I can see a beautiful soul of the man but clouded with thick mystery. He knows everything about you, penetrates your heart, you know nothing about him but are drawn to his aura. 
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And then the beautiful loveliest Charlotte meets Sidney, a real human, that very one from the picture. And the way she feels, the way she compares the real human to his image…
Here I must say that Rose Williams is just like a rose that began to grow inside my heart right away from the moment I saw her for the first time  because I didn’t know about her before Sanditon.  
Her loveliness is disarming, totally. Her intelligence, naivety, sincerity, her pure soul are everything! Charlotte is so unique. So unique. The brightness of her reacting to the world around her is adorable. Every smile is a gift.
And then she sees Sidney from the distance at first and then he comes closer and jumps out of the carriage and we all see the tall handsome man of such a statuesque beauty that it takes one's breath away. He is so alive! Lively, bright, witty, a bit sarcastic, abrupt but the most charming and attractive of all.  He is also gloomy, moody, pensive, thoughtful. He is sincere, he is elegant.
We can also see it at the ball, at the beginning. But we can only guess what is going on inside his soul. We see how unbelievably magnetic and handsome he is, like a burning dark flame, a dark fire that is impossible to avoid and so hard to see through. But at the same time his soul is so absolutely honest, boyish in a good way (when he at once begins to talk to Charlottte when answering her question), this combination of genuine interest and somber cloud around him. A self-made serious reserved man and a fiery passionate young one – two in one. This is a completely romantic combination.
Definitely. We are so lucky to be able to enjoy watching Sanditon. We, romantic people. Sidney Parker is the definition of the mysterious nature of the man, exactly the one who can thrill. Those expressive eloquent dark eyes and expressive eyebrows and that dazzling smile are capable of melting down an iceberg. Charlotte Heywood is the definition of a free heart, loving heart and her loveliness and sincerity are remarkable, and she is so beautiful ant true to her soul, I cannot imagine anyone else in this whole world playing her instead of Rose Williams. Such a Jewel, treasure, oh my God! And I cannot imagine anyone else on Earth besides Theo James playing Sidney Parker.
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I keep returning to the second episode when we see Sidney appear on that busy street, and the atmosphere suddenly changes. Now I am able to think only of romance. He is there, talking to Tom, and we see how different the brothers are, and I cannot help noticing that in spite of all he has been through that hardened his outer shell of the heart there is always something so adorable and boyish in good ways in his whole atmosphere. Something so genuine. I guess he is the kind of person that “When he loves he LOVES, he cannot love by halves” and I suppose it is the same with Charotte. So I am so thrilled and excited about what might come next. And when she was apologizing to him because of her words at the ball I was staring so intensely at them, and when she said “think too badly of me” he was as if relieved because he maybe was beginning to feel too moved by her or so, and there he found a way to distance himself but I may be mistaken. I see in him something so adorably vulnerable and painfully vulnerable too, especially it was easily seen in his eyes, written on his face at the end of the painful and beautiful episode 4. The way he was looking at her, so shocked I shall never forget. His eyes when she said the word “slavery”…I felt a pang in my heart.  He was so hurt. So hurt. If only he could then explain everything to her but it couldn’t be.
So far, the episode 3 gave us the most blessed happy moments of theirs. And I can say that I have already watched each a hundred times. The beginning is a masterpiece, we see that picture again and this time it is like Charlotte's confidant in what she saw at the coves and there is something in her eyes…I do not even know how I should name that emotion. Something so secret, subtle, tender, infatuating. When the passion was far more hidden but by being so it was unbelievably strong, genuine if we speak about Love... This scene. Something like a rare diamond that by being discovered shined dazzlingly. Something so truly human, beautiful, mysterious and inspiring. True sensibility, it is so powerful, so charged with sensualism. When she shares the secret yet unknown to herself with those eyes of Sidney…
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This is most romantic, teasing for the heart and amusing how they meet during that day. And then that accident where they get to know each other better and be amazed once again. Then the splendid witty dialogue of theirs. I am swept off my feet by its chemistry and intensity. Incandescenting. Beauteous. You look at them and smile and screw up your eyes because they are bright like the Sun. And other moments…And of course that stroll along the beach. Unforgettable. The impression from this scene will never vanish from my heart. Especially that smile, “Admiral Heywood”…. Also the voices… I cannot find enough words to express how I adore this beautiful delicious British accent. Especially when I hear the voice of Theo James. Actually I am listening to all actors with the utmost admiration, the language is like a sweet melody. English is not my native language, and I try my best to express my great admiration for it.
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I enjoy, savour every dialogue, every line, scenery, costume, glance.
There is such a wide variety of beautiful things for eyes to notice, look at and admire, examine.
The landscapes and even the weather, even the coolness of the air, all is perceivable. You close your eyes and in a grey cold windy evening imagine walking along that sandy shore. And if Charlotte is walking there shivering with cold, the contrast between the cool air and the fire of a kiss is head spinning and breathtaking, and no cold can compete with the fire of that kiss…If it could be there, near the sea... But it is just my fantasy…the way the film influences my thoughts…
When I am watching Sanditon I feel absolutely “safe” because I know I feel the presence of this solid Script like a guardian standing behind it. And I know we are in good hands. This is such a relief. When you can rely on the perfect script.
I also adore the brilliant splendid sense of humor that we can see coming from many characters, it is as if they are radiating it without even intending, it is the way they are. For example when Tom Parker pretended to be seriously impressed by the impropriety of Arthur's conduct at the table when the latter took the famous pineapple…And Charlotte and Mrs. Parker couldn’t help laughing, smiling. It was adorable. 
The sincerity I can see in every scene. True adoration, surprise, infatuation, admiration.
I feel that I will rewatch the series over and over again to be able to discern all possible details not only in human emotions but in the historical atmosphere of the Regency period. Through the series I will understand it better and feel like living in it for a moment. Studying all the wonderful details. All is created with such historical accuracy, care, love and knowledge!
Those eyes of Sidney when he said “Forgive me” in the third episode are forever in my heart.
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These beautiful lines, this amazing script. My head is full of the dialogues from the film, each intonation, each lowering of the voice is imprinted on my mind as if a design on wax. Sanditon imprinted a kiss of Love and fascination on my very soul. On the core of my heart.
Thank you!
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donutsandbagels · 6 years
It all began on Monday last week, when @introvertedpedant  told me that she was able to purchase one ticket for Saturday, and suggested that I check the website regularly because a few tickets were becoming available. Well, on Thursday night I was able to purchase the last one available for Saturday’s matinée! My hands were trembling, and I started to pace my apartment up and down. After about 20 minutes of pacing I calmed down (thanks to some grappa) and purchased plane tickets, train and hotel. At 4:30 am on Saturday I left for the airport and arrived in London around 11 am. After a quick breakfast I took the tube, got off at Embankment, and while crossing the bridge on a freezing sunny day I saw it: the National Theatre!    
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I was already overexcited and directed myself to the ticket office. And finally it was in my hands: my most precious possession! 
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It was early for the play, so I thought I would spend some time exploring the city. Turns out I could not make myself leave the theatre’s area. I felt compelled to stay. And it was the right decision! It was freezing outside, but I saw the “stage door”, so I started pacing up and down in front of it (lots of pacing in the past days LOL), until when… I saw him. Coming from the river side, orange hood popping out of his jacket, brown boots and a few locks of grey hair flowing out of his blue beret. My heart stopped. Our hero was walking pretty fast – and looking somewhat disoriented (and UNBELIEVABLY ADORABLE) – along the building. I followed him, keeping a certain distance, still in disbelief about what I was witnessing. When he went inside I snooped on him through the glass door:
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The way he walked, the way he moved, the way he leaned toward the reception desk when he got inside... I don’t know if I am too biased, or too obsessed, but I swear he’s so unbelievably adorable, so simple and charming, unpretentious, fascinating, spontaneous, magnetic... You can add a whole page of synonyms because he really is all of those things. Following this shocking moment, I felt like crying. It’s his fault. He’s too perfect.        
Well! After a while I entered the Dorfman
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where I met @introvertedpedant : we were both very agitated and we encouraged one another to be strong during the play and - most of all - remember to breathe! LOL I was seated in the pit, 8th row. Good seating.
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So, the play. I can’t be impartial because you know why, and also because I was paying attention only to him. Say he was standing motionless on the side, I would be looking at him, not at poor Cate who, center stage, was reciting her part.  
What I loved about the play: the stage setting in the garage with the big Audi on one side, the clothes swapping (Stephen looks terrific in everything he has on - women’s lingerie, black maid dress with white apron, blonde wig with white headpiece) and the roles swapping. I really don’t think there is anything I didn’t like!  
As for the actors’ performances, CB was excellent at playing her part and delivering her lines, but Stephen’s performance felt really on a different level. It was like the words SD was saying, line after line, were creating the character. Reflecting on it some time after the play, it made me think about that Charlie Rose tv interview he did in 2000 with Jennifer Ehle (I call it “the gesticulating interview”): 
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"if you really say the lines, if you really speak the words as opposed to kind of glancing onto (...); the more you get into a bigger space, the more you have to become the words (...); you do have to say the lines with the rhythm, and there is a kind of truth inherent in that"
I would describe what I saw as a process in which language was materializing itself into the voice and form of “Man”, the character played by Stephen. If I close my eyes now, and think back about the play, I am sure there were moments in which I have witnessed perfection - I know theoretically it shouldn’t exist, but hey, there it was, in front of my eyes..   
After the play, I met again with @introvertedpedant and together we headed to the café to have a drink together. The story now revolves on @introvertedpedant , who cleverly noticed Conor Lovett in front of her queueing for drinks and asked him about How It Is (Part two), the play that has been announced for September in Cork. Conor was very nice and told us that hopefully they will be able to bring it also to London in March 2020 (let’s keep our finger crossed!).  
After we got our drinks (for me it was a big glass of Chardonnay, I needed some alcohol after all the shocks I had endured until then) we sat at a table to discuss the play we just saw. However, this did not really happen. Because… SOMETHING CAME IN THE WAY !!!
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Yes, that’s him, HIM!!! Again, thanks @introvertedpedant for noticing him, because I was totally oblivious.  
You can imagine, we were panicking. Should we go speak to him? No, we cannot interrupt him, it’s rude. But we have to speak to him! We cannot lose this one-time opportunity! After a few minutes of internal and external debate about what we should do, my hero  @introvertedpedant took control of the situation and bravely went up to him. I duly followed. As @introvertedpedant will tell you, Conor Lovett kind of spotted her then introduced her to Stephen as the lady who had asked him about How It Is (Part Two).  
When it was my turn… gosh, I was not nervous at all. What? Nervous?!? I was much more than that!! I was stuck. Literally.  
Exhibit A: Initial situation (around the table: SD, CL, two women, @introvertedpedant  and me)
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Exhibit B: as soon as @introvertedpedant went back to our table, the situation changed as follows:
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You can see very well the unfortunate position of “me”. 
At that point I had very little control over myself. I didn’t realize that I needed to move, take one little step ahead. No, I was too busy awkwardly excusing myself for interrupting and blathering “thank you for making our lives better” to Stephen and then “no, really, thank YOU” when he thanked me (aww he’s so kind). The problem was that he had to twist his neck and eyes just to look at me… and I was even wondering why he was giving me that look LOL 
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He gave me a little smile when I told him “Sorry but I had to tell you, in person!!” (I must have looked like a hopeless fool). Then I asked if he could sign my WWHSTEO booklet – of course I couldn’t find my pen… so Stephen searched in his jacket’s inside pocket and used his (HOW ADORABLE). He asked me “What’s your name?”. At that moment I realized : OH MY GOODNESS STEPHEN DILLANE IS USING HIS VOICE TO SPEAK TO ME !!! So, I told him my name (bending ahead and speaking in his hear like a prompter OMG) , he asked how I spelled it then proceeded to spell it himself E-L-E-N-A? “Yes, perfect!”, I told him, again bending over and talking in his ear. OMG WHY?! WHY?! I am still so ashamed... 
[/insert purely fangirl note]:  
 I had read from other fans who’d met him that he looks even more handsome in person than on the screen, and I can guarantee he does. Doesn’t even look his age. If only I could have touched him. In an ideal world I would have given him two very Italian cheek kisses. Just like that:
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[/end purely fangirl note]
I have so many feelings about this experience, I think about it constantly. And if I calm down from the excitement of seeing, meeting and talking to him, I can say that what impressed me most about Stephen was his performance in the play. He didn’t exceed my expectations simply because my expectations were tremendously high. I was actually scared about what my reaction would be. Stephen’s performances in movies and tv affect me so deeply that I really feared how I would react to a live performance. I wasn’t even sure I would be able to handle it. Fortunately, I was able to get a grip on myself. For the whole performance, my eyes were fixed on him, my ears open, my senses heightened.  I don’t know how much it’s me with my fondness for SD and how much he really is that good. Biased as I may be, he was truly spellbinding. If I think about what I felt the moment he entered on stage… I want to bang my head into the wall because he was so good and I want to see him again.
You remember that interview that he did for Fugitive Pieces, where he says that, differently from film and tv, theatre gives him more narrative power and is a much more integrated experience?
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Well, I say: please give this man all the narrative power he wants.
You won’t be disappointed. 
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pinkanonwrites · 6 years
Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
I love punk and now so does Mirio. Enjoy! @yena-sama
Three blocks from the gates of UA, tucked in between a convenience store and a quirk consultation office, is a tiny little music shop called “The Beat Box”, a comfortably cramped little slice of heaven packed to the brim with obscure CDs, collector vinyls, and musical score books for the amateur to most experienced.
But Mirio didn’t only go to this shop due to the convenience of location and span of collection. No, Mirio went to The Beat Box because one of their most regular employees was unbelievably, ridiculously, irrevocably charming.
The first time he entered the store was the first time he met her. She was standing on a stepladder right next to the doorway, hanging a red-and-black guitar up upon the wall just above the door frame. A little bell jingled above the door as he stepped in, and she looked down to him just as he looked up to her. Mirio wasn’t used to having to look up at anyone.
“Watch your head there, hun.” You extended a hand and fluttered your fingers just above his head. More as a motion of warning than of contact he was sure, but he still felt the tips of your fingers brush just against his hair. “Wouldn't wanna clock you or anything.”
“Ah! Thank you!” He smiled, shuffling away a step or two. “That’s a pretty swanky guitar you've got there!”
“Not just any guitar. This beauty's a Mosrite Ventures II Slab Body, same guitar Johnny Ramone played.”
“Cool! I don’t really know what that means, but it sure looks impressive.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little at the blond’s unwavering optimism. “It means I’m a big music geek, and should probably get back to work.” You hopped gently from the ladder and landed at his feet.
Whoa, he’s a lot taller from down here. Broader too.
“Anyway,” You had to stop yourself from shaking your head to keep your mind from wandering. “Welcome to The Beat Box. CDs are down here.” You gestured your arms in a wide circle around you. “Vinyls are upstairs, books are on the back wall. Gimme a holler if you’ve got any questions.”
“Yeah, I will! Thank you!” And with that he began trawling around the store, head turning again and again as he tried to take in as much as he could at once. He didn’t seem to be looking for anything in particular like most of your customers. In fact, he sort of reminded you of a little kid going to the aquarium for the first time. Cute.
You grabbed a box of new releases from the counter and shuffled through the CD aisles along with him, trying to give him enough space that he didn’t feel like you were tailing around. He seemed interested in some of the posters on the wall, and you were nearly about to tell him about a few of the artists when another customer hollered you over from upstairs, tapping their foot and looking ready to fight with you over the authenticity of your vinyl collection on hand.
After a lengthy and frankly exhausting discussion you had been able to shoo them out the door (without a purchase, figures), but the blond boy was already gone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On the other end of this interaction, Mirio found himself magnetically fascinated by you. There was just something about the way your eyes lit up when you started talking about guitars and this ‘Johnny Ramone’ guy. You had an interesting sense of style, too. Lots of black and white and piercings, checkerboard patterns and safety-pinned flannel, but nothing about you was even the slightest bit unfriendly. You seemed to exude this warming kindness that hung onto Mirio even as he left the store. He wished that he could’ve found something to buy, just to talk to you one more time. Guess he’d have to come back.
Mirio held onto your little interaction all the way back to school, back to bed, back through the weekend and into the next week and before he knew it he was at the door of The Beat Box once again, pushing it open with a delightful little ring! and scooting inside and…
You weren’t there.
There was an older gentleman seated at the front counter, feet propped up on the glass surface as he flipped through a magazine. He only nodded at Mirio as he entered before turning his attention back to the pages. Upstairs there were a few customers pawing through records, and there was even a kid with his mother checking out one of the guitars, but you were nowhere to be found.
“Excuse me?” Mirio sidled up to the counter, where the man lowered the magazine just enough to see him. “Is there a girl that works here? Lots of piercings, knows about guitars?”
“... You an ex-boyfriend or somethin’?”
“N-no! She was just, you know, really helpful last time. I wanted to see if she was… here… again. Wow you’re right, that can sound really creepy in the wrong context.”
The man chuckled, lowering his feet and slapping the magazine down on the countertop. “You’re a funny guy. As long as you ain’t harassing my staff we ain’t got a problem, kid. Don’t think she’s in today though. Better luck next time.”
“Ah, thank you.” Nodding, Mirio moved towards the door to leave, when suddenly… there you were.
“Hey! Blondie!” You chirped at him, sending a pang through Mirio’s heart. “Glad you’re back around! We always love getting some fresh blood in this ol’ place.” You shuffled up to the counter and wordlessly the man there reached underneath it, handing you a three-ring binder without even looking up from his page. “Thanks, Akira-san.” You turned back to Mirio and waggled the book at him gently. “Forgot my notes. I usually work Saturdays but I’ve got a big exam this week. Have a good one!”
“Y-you too!” Was all Mirio managed to say before you were gone again in a whirl of torn, black clothes and jingling metal rings. Looking back towards the counter, the man (Akira?) had his nose back in the magazine, a cheeky little smirk across his face. He glanced up and met Mirio’s eyes.
“You gonna buy something, kid? Or are you only here for the eye candy?”
Any attempts at a thoughtful response were dashed out by Mirio’s frantic sputtering, which only caused the smile on Akira’s face to grow ever wider. Cutting his losses, Mirio made a beeline for the door, with a flustered ‘HAVE A GOOD DAY!��, hoping his cheeks weren’t quite as flushed as they felt. Welp, guess he’d have to come back again.
Third time’s a charm, right?
At least you would think. But three visits turned to four, to five, to seven, and now here Mirio was, trip number nine. And still he had made no progress in talking to you. It didn’t help that at least two more of those visits Mirio was greeted not by you, but by Akira, who took great delight in teasing Mirio about his consistency.
But trip number nine! That would be the one, Mirio was sure of it. He even brought Tamaki and Nejire for emotional support. Though Nejire wouldn’t stop smiling at him like a kid who had just caught their older sibling sneaking home after curfew, knowing that this particular bargaining chip would work in any number of situations.
“It’s not like you’ve got nothing to talk about!” Nejire teased, elbowing Mirio in the side. He just gulped, eyes flickering between the CD he was pretending to look at and you, leaning over the counter and chatting with another customer about their purchase, moving your hands around in big, bright gestures as you talked. “Just ask her what kind of music she likes!”
“Don’t you think she hears that question a lot?” Tamaki asked.
“Well then, ask what kind of music she’d recommend!”
“She probably hears that one a lot too.”
“You aren’t helping, Tamaki!” Nejire swatted him on the shoulder. She put both hands on Mirio’s back, pushing him eagerly towards the counter. “Now go get em’, tiger!” Mirio nearly stumbled, but he managed to catch himself on the counter’s edge.
“Hey Blondie!” You were smiling at him, and Mirio’s heart did a backflip off the inside of his ribcage. “Fancy seeing you around here again.”
“Haha, yeah! Guess I just can’t get away!” He scratched at the back of his neck, eyes cast down at the countertop.
“... Sooooooo, can I help you find any-”
“MUSIC!” Mirio burst out, and the two of you flinched back in shock simultaneously. His cheeks bloomed into a remarkable shade of red, and he stumbled over his words frantically. “You know a lot about music, and I don’t. So you might have some good ideas for music? That I’d like. For me. Yeah.”
You didn’t respond right away, which nearly sent Mirio’s brain into panic mode. But you giggled, reaching under the counter and pulling out a CD case.
“I kinda hoped you would ask that.”
“Yeah! Akira told me you’ve been here a lot but you haven’t bought anything yet, so I figured you might appreciate some suggestions.” You turned the CD case over in your hands a few times as you spoke. “I lean into a lot of punk-inspired music, and there’s a lot of subcultures to the original genre. So I went with something a bit lighter, more towards new-wave. Help you dip your toes in a bit.” Holding the CD out to him, Mirio took it carefully from your hands. The photo on the front was an up-close shot of a woman’s face, wearing stark eyeliner and bold, red lipstick. Reading the band name, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Heh! Blondie.”
“Yeah, I figured it was appropriate.” You looked away from him, one hand tugging on the ends of your hair. “I hope… I hope you like it.”
Had Mirio been even the slightest bit less put together than he already was he probably would’ve keeled over, the force of the metaphorical cupid’s arrow to his heart nearly turning him into a puddle. Thankfully he was able to hold himself together by the edges, though he knew he was probably smiling like an idiot. “How much?”
“It’s on me. As long as you come back next week and tell me what you thought.”
“Yeah! Yeah, definitely! I’ll definitely do that. So… See you next week?”
You laughed again, quietly. “Yeah. See you next week, Blondie.”
“My name. It’s Mirio.” His heart was doing laps in his chest now, rattling up his insides something fierce.
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Mirio.” You held out a hand, and he took it with a dreamy expression.
“Yeah…” He was so lost in you that he didn’t notice Nejire and Tamaki until they were practically right behind him. When Nejire tapped his shoulder he jumped, pulling his hand away as he did. With a final wave and a smile the three left the little shop, upon which Mirio immediately crumpled to the sidewalk in a blushing heap. Tamaki was quick to haul him back to his feet, nearly equally as flustered, and Mirio practically draped himself over the other’s shoulder as they began the trek home.
“She gave me a CD!”
“I know, Mirio.”
“And a nickname!”
“I know, Mirio.”
“And she asked me to come back!”
“Yes Mirio, I was there.”
36 notes · View notes
Long Blonde Hair Ideas
Golden blonde swirls always look enchanting and also cute. Simply visualize all those clusters of the passers-by, wondering what a fairy tale you have actually left! You will certainly develop an incredible impression with your appearance anywhere, even when you go with a walk with your pet. If you are trying to find the picture of a cutie, this long wavy hairstyle could become your top. Make some loose thick curls all over the length, put the upper part into a reduced braid and twist it a few times. Leave some complimentary falling curls on both sides, and also here you go-- the cute hairstyle is ready!
It seems to be that blonde girls have obtained a light, ethereal, tender appearance. They are even contrasted to angels as a result of their ease and also unearthly appearance. Whether you have dark blonde you are an embodiment of feminines and lightness in the eyes of males. With just the appropriate colour of blonde shade, you can absolutely alter your appearance and become a princess. 
Blonde women always rock on any type of occasion, as well as you can be one of them. Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Scarlett Johansson, and lots of various other well-known stars have the blonde colour of hair. And also confirm that this shade is one of the most gorgeous.
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All the blonde colors get incredibly prominent this year, so we have actually determined to speak a little bit regarding them. Also the essential changes of appearance. If you are a lady with a black or brownish hair, such a colour transforming might be laborious. Due to the fact that you will certainly need either to function a lot to gain some loan for an actual expert of shade blending. Either make a massive looking for the appropriate directions of how to get that terrific blonde tone.
If you currently have the valuable blonde hair and you desire the drink of your appearance, look into some fantastic stylish hairstyles for long hair. We make sure that you will certainly love them beforehand and hope that these charming hairstyles ideas will certainly make you the queen of every celebration and also occasion! Let your blonde hair excite everybody around!
Charming Hairstyles for Long Blonde Hair
Blonde looks the most effective on medium as well as long hair. Long blonde hair is a reborn trend from the past, from the 70s. When the fashion world was ruled by boho-chic. Natural blonde nude sparkles like a ruby on long hair; it glares and also twinkles.
It can not constantly coincide, it brings the individuality to any female. Each lady gets her own blonde colour. To obtain a truly special as well as natural look simultaneously, call a professional in a hair salon. And also the result will exceed your assumptions.
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Additionally, long hair allows you to have fun with different hairstyles. You can crinkle your long locks with a thin iron or intertwine your hair waterfall. Yet make the fishtail as opposed to the common as well as monotonous tail. Decor can make your day-to-day appearances uncommon. As an example, the floral decor will certainly highlight your womanly look. Such a hairstyle may be your normal day-to-day hairstyle or a periodic one-- every little thing depends on you.
A hair tinting in brilliant shades that are made properly creates the photo of a one-of-a-kind glamour chic and elegance. As well as additionally highlights the paleness of the skin as well as the illumination of the eyes. As well as there is barely a male whose eyes would not have stopped on a beautiful blonde. The only point that you should wait is a lot of gazes: you will obtain a genuine wave that would certainly knock you off. If you do not like to be in the centre of everybody's interest, take care with tinting your hair blonde.
Amazing Haircuts for Long Straight Blonde Hair
Ash-blonde looks great on both, long and short haircuts. This magnetically lovely colour brings in the eyes of anyone, who sees it. Nevertheless, only a very seasoned colourist can give you an absolutely stunning design. That is so hard to achieve. So how can you obtain clean, great, ash-coloured hair?
First of all, you need to lighten the hair effectively, attempting to protect its wellness. As well as then do tinting in the ash-blonde design. The modern technology of coloring needs to be selected by the hair-stylist. Independently, depending on the initial color, type, and condition of the hair. Sometimes, especially when a client desires the improvement to be a cold ash blonde, being a redhead. It may be required to do a long, multi-step treatment of passing away, utilizing a mild innovation without damage to the hair.
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By maintaining the hairstyle simple, you can achieve an astonishing outcome. The long sleek straight hairstyle that represents an ash-blonde shade in all its charm. It can conveniently choose any kind of outfit and fit any celebration. Prepare to catch admiring glimpses while you are strolling on the road.
Hairstyles for Long Blonde Hair with Bangs
Many Hollywood starlets and amazing leading models have actually already picked a blonde shade. We assume there is no shock: this fantastically beautiful shade gives a woman with such a hair tone. Both elegance and also elegance. It will fit the feminine ladies that prefer a charming as well as an airy picture. And also will be especially great for brown-eyed girls with distinctive face attributes.
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These rich tones of blonde will certainly make you a genuine femme fatal. If you enhance them with the ideal make-up as well as style. To make a full appearance that will shine with full harmony is a hard task. So if you are a new person to the style globe, you can ask a stylist for help.
They generally state that a cold variety of hair colours look the best with the very same colours in clothes & lipstick. You may surf the Net and find some lovely examples of appearances that will comply with the ideas and also tricks of the style enthusiasts. As for hairstyles, long blonde hair combined with bangs provides its owner some room for imagination. Ponytails, half braids, buns, pigtails, to call a few.
The Best Long Size Hairstyles for Blonds
Absolutely nothing functions better than cost-free falling blonde curly locks. These photos with magnificent blonde shades reveal beauty as well as charm. You can be sure that your daily picture will certainly be great, as it is supplemented by your long light coloured hair that shines with its golden highlights. In addition, you can ignore the complicated hairstyles and do not trouble on your own with those hard-to-do and advanced pigtails or buns. Feel in one's bones that you will certainly look magnificent wearing a basic long length hairstyle of blonde shade.
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Trendy light blonde hue and its shiny highlights will certainly offer any woman an extravagant deep glow that will draw in the eyes of any kind of passer-by. This is an exceptionally attractive, delicate colour with a golden shade that can go flawlessly with any kind of body skin tone, eyes form, as well as wardrobe.
Additionally, this trend obtains a whole lot of interest from the young people, since of its brilliant as well as unique message. This is the idea that any kind of teenager wants to send out to the globe-- he/she is one-of-a-kind and also unbelievably rather! Long blonde hairstyles that shine intensely like the diamonds highlight this suggestion the most effective. 
Split Hairstyles for Females with Long Blonde Hair
If you are tired of straight hair, the split hairstyle will end up being the area of light for you at night world of boringness. Layered hairs that mix with each other look softly, stylish, as well as they will constantly be trendy. By the method, women long hairstyles have actually constantly drawn in males, as this is the picture of feminines. Some people claim that long hair is a treasure of a woman, yet it demands a whole lot of interest. So a girl whose hair is long must prepare to spend a great deal of time styling her hairstyle.
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Girls with blonde hair colour have a distinct mild appeal as well as remind attractive fairies from fairy stories as well as legends. The image of a magic fairy ought to be matched by the proper style of garments, certainly. Long blonde hair with unpleasant and light layers will certainly look incredibly beautiful with garments of grey, black and also other contrasting colours, which will highlight the hair colour elegantly, without creating a shading conflict.
If you are most likely to persuade a person to do something, try to be either a fairy, tackling your favoured gown of light shade, or pick a two-piece suit, that will certainly turn you right into an attractive lady-boss with a bit casual beauty. Believe us, this will knock off your dialogist, regardless of the individual or organization partnerships you have with him.
Long Wavy Blonde Hair Ideas
Golden blonde swirls always look enchanting and also cute. Simply visualize all those clusters of the passers-by, wondering what a fairy tale you have actually left! You will certainly develop an incredible impression with your appearance anywhere, even when you go with a walk with your pet. If you are trying to find the picture of a cutie, this long wavy hairstyle could become your top. Make some loose thick curls all over the length, put the upper part into a reduced braid and twist it a few times. Leave some complimentary falling curls on both sides, and also here you go-- the cute hairstyle is ready!
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Hairstyles with volume are the ones which make a woman appear like a queen. They are elegant as well as appealing and function well on every occasion. When you have long blonde hair, as well as you remain in search of some amazing hairstyle ideas, you are conserved due to the fact that this is precisely what you require. Long crinkled locks that are pinned on the crown and embellished with white roses will impress every male around you.
Attractive Hairstyles for Women with Long Blonde Hair
Below we would love to reveal you among the best blonde variation-- smokey blonde. One-toned hair looks uninteresting as well as level. Smokey blonde is an actual rescue for the style maniacs, who are tired to see that average yellow hair! Smokey blonde represents light hair with darker roots, unlike ombre, where the focus is placed on the hair pointers. Specialists note that the transition of colour from the origins to the suggestions of hair can be performed within 2 or three tones, that will create the all-natural result of regrown hair after typical hair colouring.
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The smokey blonde can be made in a much more contrastive style, where the primary colour is a light blonde, as well as the roots,  are coloured brown and even black. This variation of blonde is except everybody however, as it highlights any type of facial blemishes due to the comparison. Only actually strong girls would try such a hairstyle on her long locks, however, if you are a fan of uncommon colour decisions-- this option may be for you!
New-fashioned colouring for long blonde hair
It deserves noting that this new-fashioned colouring allows a specialist to play with colours, creating attractive highlights and making the appearance soft as well as Honorable. Likewise, the major benefit of the smokey blonde is its flexibility as well as the possibility to use a fantastic selection of shades that may offer a whole lot of entirely various photos. Furthermore, the toughness of this colour mix is extraordinary! Some professionals recommend to forget tinting for the next three and even five months, and the impact will be just increased!
Stylish Long Blonde Hairstyles for Ladies
If your hair is healthy and balanced as well as all set for the colouring, you might try a platinum blonde, which is very trendy nowadays! It belongs primarily to the classification of the hairstyles for catwalks, yet many trendy stylists successfully execute this tinting technique on the hair of their clients, who like developments and also are not terrified of experiments. One can say that chilly shades match only the Nordic beauties, but this reality is already negated-- you may wear every little thing that you like!
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A platinum blonde that is made by a knowledgeable master can be unquestionably compared with the piece of art. Certainly, such tinting in many cases requires a completely discoloured base, yet modern-day tinting modern technologies permit to do this with marginal damage to the wellness of the hair. Nonetheless, it is still not recommended for girls with thin, broken and also compromised hair. If you determine to get this colour, get hydrating masks and also nourishing oils too: they will certainly recover your long hair after tinting. You must also use items for coloured hair frequently, particularly coloured shampoos, which will certainly assist to maintain colour and avoid showing up yellow shade after a number of hair washings. As well as, try to ignore hair dryers and curling irons, because hair needs only mindful mindset after such colouring.
Braided Hairstyles for Long Blonde Hair
Every person recognizes that when it pertains to feminine appearance, absolutely nothing can be far better than braids. Braided hairstyles are extremely girlish, exclusively lovely as well as gorgeous. To obtain such a womanly outlook within a number of straightforward actions, divide your hair into two straight parts, make some slim pigtails from the top part and also weave them into the sidelong waterfall pigtail.
Long Blonde Hair For Laid-Back Clothing
This kind of hairstyle will fit laid-back clothing much better than the main ones; nevertheless, the modern-day fashion enables us to do nearly whatever with our hair for job as well as wear whatever you desire. Your manager can admit every little thing with the exception of the negligent attitude to the working process and also completely careless perspective to your look. Well, he might see absolutely nothing negative in the second aspect, yet.
You can not forgive on your own if looking negative! Some creative ladies have created the braided hairstyles for any kind of proprietor of long hair to resemble a princess with just a number of actions! Look just how lovely blonde braids look, and also you may get motivated!
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In case you are a fan of uncommon looks as well as intricate hairstyles, and you have a long time in the early morning to make them, right here it is-- your fairy tale intertwined hairstyle. With all these pigtails perfectly blended into each other, you will obtain your appealing "the elf princess" look. Such appearances reveal the simplicity and also softness of female's character. Blonde curled locks that are intertwined and also twisted develop an attractive structure with some decor if you would put it in your hairstyle.
We wish that our gallery influenced you to tint your hair blonde or at the very least offer you some visual delight. Return for the new section of inspiration, please!
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dannejavi · 6 years
Tales of Dusk: The Drinking Night
"So, mutt. Tell me about the Hale vaults," basking in the afterglow of sex, Lorna reclined on Derek's chest, as waited for his knot to deflates.
"Hale lineage runs as one of the oldest in the supernatural community, and my family wasn’t the only one. There is several of these vaults placed all over the world owned by other Hales members. They keep our heirlooms, valuable belongings and precious artifacts," Derek explained as caressed the old witch's wrinkly torso.
"Hmm, I suppose you can open them..."
"The vaults are protected by ancient enchantments, very difficult to break. It has a lock that only the claws of a Hale shapeshifter can open to ensure that their belongings are well protected. So, yes, I can open them. Why the question? Do you wanna see what's inside?" Derek smirked, teasing Lorna's earlobe with his tongue.
"Perhaps,” her smile was mischievous. “Where is located the closest one?"
"Since there are multiple branches of the Hale Family, there are also multiple vaults throughout the world. The main one is located in Beacon Hills, underneath Beacon Hills High School."
"Too risky to get back there," the witch pondered.
"There is another one in North Carolina, in a private plot of land near a nearby shanty town" Derek explained, nuzzling Lorna's neck.
Lorna smiled. "Great. You going to take me there. I wanna know what sorts of artifacts your family has been keeping hold all these centuries. Wouldn't you know what’s in it, would you, mutt?"
Derek shook his head. "I know its location but never been there"
"So, North Carolina is our next move" she gasped when Derek's knot finally deflated. Pushing the witch on her back, Derek spread her legs open and eagerly licked her vulva.
"You never did this before. You know there isn't any sperm left, my uterus absorbs every drop"
"I know, but I had an urgency. It felt right"
Lorna snickered. "You are more of a mutt with each passing day. But that's enough," she pushed Derek off, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You are here for my pleasure, and not the other way around"
"Pick up my clothes and then dress yourself up. Today is drinking night. Did you not forget, did you?
Derek did as commanded, and responded while pulled up his jeans.
"Of course not. Drinking nights are my favorite" his grin was large and malicious.
After covering her decrepit body with a long grey tunic, Lorna stepped closer and tapped Derek's cheek two times, speaking authoritatively. "Good. Now you go and put this stunning beauty you have to work. All that fucking got me thirsty"
Smirking, Derek pulled on his leather jacket, grabbed the Silver FJ Cruiser keys and headed towards the door.
The bar isn’t any different from several others they had visited along the Californian dusty roads. Its rustic decoration made the place looks provincial, with drunk patrons, a few hot chicks and loud buzzing to complete the scenario.
Derek spotted his next catch, a young and pretty blonde girl with a nice pair of breasts almost jumping out of an opened flannel shirt tied front, a lean waist and curvy hips accentuated by a washed off blue daisy dukes. The typical all American girl, but the kind of who goes to roadside bars searching for trouble.
She may have found, Derek thought.
Maybe she was the daughter of one of these old drunkards, maybe she was on a cross-state trip with a bunch of girlfriends that have decided to stop by. Whatever it was, it didn't matter.
Walking like a predator lurching after his prey, Derek flaunted his sexy self-confidence attested by his incredibly gorgeous looks. He was an Alpha, after all.
He took a seat by her side, glancing all nonchalant like the type of guy who knows what he wants when he wants. Derek has a preference. Some girls are easy to lure out. And they always fell into the type he was pulling out.
Charming. Cocky. Lady-killer.
She glanced over at him, smiling timidly as tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
Derek smirked. He knew that gesture, the previous ones had done that exact same move. How predictable.
He could tell she was clearly interested, even if he hadn’t said a word yet. It was his manly features, Hollywoodian good looks on working that had that effect upon them. It never failed.
Derek asked for two beers. He offered her one as gave a long sip of his own, tilting his head back, showing off the sturdiness of his neck.
He could hear the girl’s heart skip a beat.
“Thanks” she blurted out, drinking her beer, her eyes scanning him with increasing interest.
“My name is Derek,” he said.
“Allana,” she responded.
“A pretty name for a pretty girl,” it was corny, Derek knew that. But despite his willingness tonight, he wasn't much for well-made casanova lines. He wanted to get back to Lorna as soon as possible. Also, Derek knew he could drop the corniest line ever, it would take just a flashy smile to make the girl follow him wherever whatever.
“It suits you”
He noticed the way her blue eyes wandered up and down his masculine form, could smell the lusting taking over every organ of her hot body.
Derek had gained some muscles over the passing weeks, adding to his already unbelievable, rip physique. The way his biceps stretched the leather fabric, how the dark blue jeans hugged his thighs nicely. Derek could practically hear her blood rushing down to her vulva.
They talked for about five minutes. Allana told him some things about herself that Derek doesn't bother to remember. He wouldn't need knew that, after everything is done.
Derek’s grin was charmingly enigmatic. He praised the silkiness of her skin, leaning in to kiss gently the long line of her throat, brushing lips right under her ear and scraping his stubble purposefully. He sensed her body shivering and arousing spiking up to the moon.
When she looked at him, Derek had a magnetic, dark glowing in his inscrutable green, predatory eyes.
When they get back to the motel, Derek just kicked the door closed, lifted Allana’s lightweight and tossed her violently into the bed in a single movement.
“Eager, aren't you?” she giggled, her words full of uncertainty. But it quickly dissipated when Derek got rid of his leather jacket and henley, exposing the glory of his perfect physique for her lustful demand.
He jumped over, ripping apart the fabric of her shirt. Allana’s protests were suppressed as he gropes her wrists and forced them up toward the headboard while dominated her mouth with harsh kisses, greedy lips and probing tongue.
Derek pressed down on her, pushing his boner against her pelvis. For a moment it was savage, passionate until it’s too late, and Allana’s wrists were magically bound to the headboard by invisible ties.
The kissing becomes hungrier, feral, and she yelped in pain when Derek bite her bottom lip, drawing a thin line of blood.
He pulled back, smelling her emotions shift from aroused to frightened. Then, Allana could see something more in Derek’s eyes, something that wasn't there when they met at the bar. She saw death.
She gasped when Derek lifted himself off of her, standing in the foot of the bed like a psychopath.
“Derek… What is this?” she asked, struggling in the bounds. “I don’t like this. Release me”
“I’m afraid this won't be possible, dear” purred raspy voice as a creepy figure of a cadaveric old woman came out from the shadows.
Hunched over herself, Lorna’s walked towards Derek, showing off her disgusting presence to the frightened girl. Allana soon noticed her wrinkled skin that seemed to stick to the bone, resembling a dead withered corpse, strands of white drought hair framing her long cadaveric face.
“Who are you? What kind of sick game is this? Derek?” Allana yelled out.
“Her screams…” Derek glanced at Lorna, ignoring her desperate pleas.
“Don’t worry. I put a cloaking spell on the room. She can rip her vocal cords apart, no one’s gonna hear a thing”
Tears gathered on Allana’s eyes, a chilling shiver ran up her spine as the witch scanned her with veiled, cataract glazed eyes.
“Hmm, interesting. You always pick them blondes,”
“Is this a problem?” he asked.
Lorna shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Derek, who’s this woman? What’s happening? I thought-”
“You really thought a gorgeous buck like Derek would sex you up, uhn?” Lorna cut her off, sliding emaciated, bony hands up Derek’s muscled chest.
“His craving for young sluts like you has ended a long time ago, bitch. He’s mine now!”
Derek grinned when Lorna’s hand trailed her down his chest and stomach, squeezing the bulge in his jeans. He leaned in, taking the witch’s disgusting mouth in an urgent kiss.
Squirming on the bed, Allana watched terrified the sick couple necking each other. She screamed her lungs out, a futile attempt to be rescued from the devious nightmare that was about to start.
“Should we begin now?” Derek asked, his tongue swirling around Lorna’s.
The witch snickered. “Yes, mutt. It’s drinking time”
Between swears and cried pleas, Allana struggled on her restraints. Derek and Lorna had her suspended in the middle of the room by magic, her arms stretched above her head bound together by invisible ties. She was naked as they had ripped out all of her clothes.
Several cuts on her inner thighs allowed the blood to freely drip down along her legs into a large bowl under her bound feet.
Still conscious, bleeding out like a pig, the girl was forced to watch Derek and Lorna fucking each other brains out.
Lying on their sides, Derek held Lorna’s left leg up in the air using his left hand, fucking the witch with heedless abandon. Lorna’s elderly body jerked at each impact of Derek’s hips, and Allana closed her eyes to not witness the repulsive act.
“Do you hear it, my dear? That’s the sound of Derek’s cock plunging my pussy,” the old witch moaned out, raspy voice describing the slurping noise of Derek going in and out of her. “Open up your eyes and watch it for yourself. It’s a grand sight to behold”
The girl started to sobbing, her skin getting more and paler, a twisted image of deteriorating youth that Lorna very willingly loved to drink from.
“You don’t have an idea how good he feels inside me,” she said, a wobbly voice from the force of his thrusts, as Derek eagerly licked the wrinkly folds of her neck. The witch let out a raucous laugh, bucking back to match him. Reaching her left hand back, she carded fingers through his hair, pulling him close.
It was insane, the way that witch’s frail body jolted with Derek’s ministrations, powerful strokes that seem too rough, capable of snap her in two.
Allana’s breathing was failing, her lungs trying to pump oxygen into her system. But along each inhale, her nostrils burn with the grimacing mix of musky and rancid smell that impregnated the air every time Derek and Lorna have sex.
“Yes, mutt. Give me your filthy cock,” she moaned, squirming under Derek’s hold.
While the Alpha kept focused on his task, she pulled out a half-empty whiskey bottle from underneath the pillows. But it wasn't alcohol that lay in it, and the realization hit Allana like a truck as she watched the witch popping the bottle open and taking a long swig of the red liquid sloshing inside.
She was drinking blood.
Grunting out in ecstasy, Lorna was relishing in the savagery of Derek’s dominance, the rush of pleasure at every plunge of his 10 inches cock, the slap of his heavy ballsac on her. She heard him growl and bottom out, as his knot swelled inside her at same time streams of semen flowed in like a steamy heated floodgate.
“Fuck! That’s it!” Derek groaned, feeling his nuts tingling.
They shuddered together, as Lorna’s infertile uterus absorbing Derek’s Alpha vitality. As the orgasmic wave subsided, Derek watched Allana agonizing like some kind of slaughtered farm animal. Unfazed by the sight, he took the bottle from Lorna and took three long gulps, as Allana’s life flow away with the blood in the bowl, leaving a spasming, dying body behind.
"She was a brave one, I admit. Took a hell to finally succumb. At least she died completely terrified. Imagine what she’s going to taste like, pure fear” Lorna caressed Derek’s naked flank as his knot throbbed inside her pussy.
He settled the bottle on the nightstand, whispering close to Lorna’s face with a dark, hideous smirk.
“I can't wait to drink it with you,”
She let out an excited shrieking, grasping his black hair and claiming his mouth in a bloody flavored kiss.
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Physically ill from my feelings, I'm overwhelmed and anxious and angry and deeply sad, but also happy, unbelievably so. Her smile, her laugh, her charm, her drive, her very soul, absolutely captivates and amazes me. Even through heartbreak and pain she's still absolute sunshine personified, magnetic and bright, warm and kind. Somehow I've been given the absolute honor of being hers, and being able to call her mine. I've found a love unlike anything I've ever known, I've never felt so understood, so loved, so wanted. I've never felt so comfortable, so content. How could anyone not want to see me that happy? How could anyone not be thrilled to hear I've found someone who makes me so incredibly happy?
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extrology · 7 years
EXO’s Perfect Types
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Includes mostly Mars & Eros for Sexual Attraction;  Venus, Juno, Companion for Romantic attraction.
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Sexually - Aquarius & Pisces -: literally cotton-candy-like eyes and smile. So sweet you just never want to let go of it. Prefers chubbier girls with beautiful hair, dreamy and unique fashion sense. Somebody cute and a dreamy.
Romantically - Aquarius, Scorpio & Gemini -: This man loves dimples more than anything. Trust me. Darker, mysterious eyes would get him hooked. Appreciates original style, charming and ambitious personality. Well sexually he’d be attracted to someone with a bit of fat in the right places, but for dating he’d prefer a skinny girl. He’s looking for creative, ambitious and charismatic girl so they both would lead fun and fulfilling lives. Would love coming back home and talking about each other’s days, supporting each other in everything they do and most importantly not being overly dependent on each other and leading fulfilling lives.
Offs: probably not too fond of hyperactive or hella sassy and hard to get attitude.
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Jongin (Kai)
Sexually - Capricorn & Pisces -: Would like a mix of traditional and artistic girl. Dreamy eyes + defined and prominent eyebrows? Classy and strict style + fun and colorful patterns? Melancholic eyes + traditional and strong outfit? Just mix and match. As he’s not head over heals for girls (work/friends first) he’d most likely find this mix extremely interesting and would be eager to find out more.
Romantically - Capricorn, Libra & Cancer -: Charisma, softness and order. The holy trinity he seeks in his s/o. Would like a traditional soft looking girl with maybe more defined eyebrows or a more defined nose. Would die for a cute smile. Probably likes a girl with nice casual & clean style: t-shirts, shorts, jeans, adidas sneakers + flower patterns and girly colors. In his s/o he’s looking for a charismatic fluff who’d also be a sweet and loving.
Offs: Over-energetic, loud, insensitive, attention-whore
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Sexually - Cancer & Sagittarius -: This man can appreciate a nice figure. Breasts & Hips guy. Doesn’t care too much about in-between. He'd love a childish/mischievous and innocent look. Big sparkling eyes would most likely drive him mad. Nice smile and roundish face would also be a bonus.
Romantically - Cancer, Aquarius & Libra -: Would find dimples especially cute, would want a tall-ish girl with nice curves, feminine but also someone who’d express herself through unique clothing style, sociable but not too out-there for attention. He’d love a girl with positive, creative and loving outlook to the world. He’s looking for a creative, soft and charismatic girl. A social butterfly most likely. A cute flower  you’d love to show your parents if you were a guy.
Offs: too aggressive, all-over the place kind of woman, masculine, hardcore feminist would be a huge turn off
Kyungsoo (D.O.)
Sexually - Cancer & Sagittarius -: Pretty much the same as Suho. Breasts man. Would love a cute, shy and a bit childlike character. Would find a curious and adventurous woman charming. But I somehow don’t see him as the guy to sleep with whoever attracts him.
Romantically - Pisces, Cancer & Aquarius -: This is man appreciates a woman with beautiful hair. Big beautiful eyes would instantly catch his attention. Would like girly, dreamy style. Unbelievably soft and cute but creative, with an artsy soul. He’s looking for a very feminine woman, in touch with her feelings, also a giving soul and just an artistic fluff overall. I can imagine his wife to be a stay-at-home artist mom. As she’d love her family, taking care of her husband almost as much as she would love to be creative and show her individuality through her work.
Offs: Aggressive, overly clingy, stubborn, insensitive, self-centered, rude, career women
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Sexually - Pisces, Aries & Taurus -: Prominent eyebrows/forehead, passionate, lively eyes, sweet smile, smooth and fine hair, feminine, romantic style with some bold elements (maybe showing some more skin, shorter skirts/shorts). Nice figure would be a huge bonus. Somebody who’d play hard to get would look especially intriguing.
Romantically - Taurus, Aries & Capricorn -: Eyebrows. Your eyebrow game has to be on point to catch his attention. Strong feminine features, classy or minimalistic fashion style, mischievous look. He appreciates a beautiful smile as he’d love to make his girl laugh. He’s looking for a pretty traditional and stable girl to run the house and take care of herself but she also should have a spark and love for spontaneous adventures also she should appreciate his humor
Offs: I doubt he’d get a long with very artsy and dreamy personas, he’s more down to earth. Not having a sense of humor would also be a huge no-no.
Jongdae (Chen)
Sexually - Cancer & Virgo -: Hair. Shiny, fine hair. Straight, curly hair. This man loves beautifully styled hair. (messy hairstyles are a no-no though). Prominent face bone structure is his magnet but would not mind a softer look as well. Would be attracted to a tidy, sweet looking woman. Someone who looks like she has her life figured out, confident with big doll eyes. Clean, neat style + soft colors with a fuller figured woman would be a killer.
Romantically - Libra, Gemini, Pisces & Sagittarius -: He’d love a super exciting, lively and charismatic girl. Would probably notice girl’s figure and dimples first. He finds it unbelievably attractive. Would prefer someone skinny and with a beautiful smile as s/o. Let’s be honest he’d love seeing that smile all the time. He’d be more into casual, comfy styled clothing. In his girlfriend he’s looking for someone like him! Super charismatic and bubbly, curious and adventure loving with a creative mind. I imagine them having fun and being absolute chatterboxes all of the time. They’d think of weirdest activities to do and never get bored. Aaah what a fun couple
Offs: Probably wouldn’t be fond of somebody stubborn, overly aggressive, negative, wouldn’t find rudeness charming.
Yixing (Lay)
Sexually - Libra & Sagittarius -: Eyebrows and Dimples man. Small feminine faces, adorable smiles, an overload of charisma and energy would be the end of this man. He would love a real chatterbox who’d enjoy exploring, learning new things and would be full of life. He would most likely prefer a minimalistic casual-sporty style. Think of amusement park date clothing style - colourful, playful, comfortable and simple.
Romantically - Virgo, Leo, Capricorn & Scorpio -: a very traditional girl but with powerful, mysterious aura and strong look. Especially notices girls’ hair and figure. Would be fascinated by an independent woman with ambition and structure in her life. So I’d say a classy outfit and perfectly styled hair would catch his eye. Also loves when a woman is hard-working, tidy and organized. He’d love to support his wife and to be a power couple together! Would admire each other’s work, support whenever one or the other would feel like giving up and countless compliments~ He’d be such a sweetie and would love the fact that his baby is conquering the world and making her dreams come true.
Offs: A mess, clumsy, lazy woman
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Sexually - Cancer & Scorpio -: Roundish, cute face, very noticeable eyes, great posture, soft voice, beautiful hair. Would like an average/healthy body. Not too skinny and not too chubby. Would be attracted to a girl with cute but mysterious aura. I can see him into minimalistic classy or casual clothing style. Keep it feminine and cute but don’t make it the most important part of your look. Your eyes should be. Make those eyes pop.
Romantically - Capricorn x2, Cancer -: He’d love a typical waifu. Very motherly and traditional. He’d fall for somebody caring, loving and giving herself to the world but also somebody who’d like order, structure and would have some ambition. Unconditional love + taking care of the house and that xxl sized boy. Most likely would prefer a woman with classy-minimalistic-girly style. Would love it if his s/o looked innocent and cute so he would appear as the protector and your hero. His family’s consent is very important to him.
Turn-offs: very independent women, lazy, somebody who’d complain and whine
Sexually -Pisces & Taurus - : This man loves and appreciates a good figure. A woman with a beautiful hourglass body, glamorous hair and perfect eyebrows would make him drop all his marbles. Classy + dreamy/romantic outfit would be the final nail in the poor guy's coffin. He loves women who know their worth but are still feminine and have a soft charm.
Romantically - Taurus, Libra, Cancer - : A real beauty. Overflowing with charm, down-to-earth, charismatic but not too all over the place. He finds a hint of confidence charming but not too much as he’d love to keep you under his wing and be the protector. Loves Romantic and cute style. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind his s/o being a bit chubby as it is usually considered feminine and soft. Also eyebrows, Eyebrows and eyebrows I cannot stress it enough. He loves a pair of beautifully groomed eyebrows. Would actually like somebody clingy. He probably would love the constant attention and the feeling of being needed.
Offs: attention whore, hyperactive, scary/intimidating/powerful aura, snobby, untidy, rude
Check your Ascendant/Venus/Mars/1st house/Dominant
Having different sign but the same element is also a great match
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Snake Skin
It’s been twenty years since she was one of them. Twenty years since she was that Alice. Sure, she’s seen him around since then, but their interactions had been brief. A snide comment, a disgusted look – at least she hopes it was disgusted. She hadn’t spoken to him or even been alone with him for so long. 
They didn’t end on good terms. Hell, they didn’t even end on civil terms. How could they have when they were destined to end up on opposite ends? He wouldn’t leave them, and she wanted more. It was as simple as that. Except it wasn’t. Not by a long shot. She had tried not to think about it, even after all these years. And it mostly worked. After all, she was always good at accomplishing the things she set her mind to. Except the irony was, destiny seemed to be repeating itself. Now with her daughter and his child.
Their romance reminded her so much of hers and his. There was so much resemblance that it terrified her. His son was the spitting image of him, it was unbelievable. His charm, his intelligence, his conflicting inner turmoil between the life he so desperately wanted and the life that he seemed destined for. The similarities between them were too much, and sometimes she had no choice but to relieve their past. Out of all the people, her daughter could be ended up with; it had to be his son. But then again, Jughead wasn’t a bad person. She wasn’t against it, despite what Betty thought. She was just scared. After all, if he was anything like his father – which he was – then it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened.
If only Betty could see that there was a choice they were going to have to make soon. One that would decide whether their relationship would survive. She hoped that Jughead would choose the right one, and not make the same mistake as his father. But with the way things were going, it didn’t look too hopeful. She wished her daughter understood why she acted like she did. 
She didn’t fault her daughter for it though. She understood the appeal, the love, the devotion. She had felt it too at one point. But the heartache that comes with that kind of love isn’t worth it. Especially if it comes from one of them. The Southside Serpents were dedicated, fiercely protective of their own. They weren’t as awful as people – namely her – made them out to be. But it was a trap, something that you get sucked into and never want to leave. It’s loyalty; its ability to make you feel as though you’re a part of something, a part of a family isn’t something that you can break away from. But she did, and she’ll be damned if she lets her daughter get sucked into it too. She’s already failed one daughter; she can’t fail another.
Only in the back of her mind can she admit that she misses it sometimes. She misses them; she misses him. The thrill, the excitement they – he – used to bring her. She was invincible back then. With him by her side, she felt as though she could conquer the world. There was nothing they couldn’t overcome. Except there was. In the end, as much as she loved him, as much as she would have done anything for him. He still chose the Serpents over her. And it was then when she realized that she couldn’t do it anymore. She couldn’t be second best to them. She tried to ask him to choose between her and them but asking just made him fall further away from her. What finally did it was the night she was arrested. She took the fall for them, and no one was there for her, not even him. He made his choice and at that moment, she knew, she knew that she couldn’t do it anymore.
From then on, she tried her damnedest to cut ties with them, with that life, with him. Because she was worth more than second best and not even he could convince her otherwise. It was hard, cutting ties with him, trying to build her new life was so hard. But she was determined. Only in the depths of her mind was she able to admit that there were times where she succumbed to her desires. There were times she crawled back to himbecause she couldn’t stay away. And after every time, she told him – and herself – that it was a mistake. He was magnetic, he was something she craved, and without him, it felt like there was something missing from her life. But most of the time she was able to ignore it. She shoved down so far buried that it rarely flared up. Over the years, she’s learned how to ignore it, to repress that longing for him, for that life. But that night by his car, all the bottled-up emotions came bubbling back up to the surface, and she couldn’t help but feel the throbbing yearning for the life that could’ve been, for him. He was right too. And she hated it. Despite everything she’s done in the past twenty years, she will always have a part of them – of him – stuck in her. Because they were her family, her life. She has the tattoo to prove it. The jacket too, it was somewhere in the attic because despite cutting ties, she never could throw that thing away. The jacket with his crest on it, marking them as a part of something that no amount of distance or repression could erase. And she hated it. She hates him, for being right, for standing there looking smug. But most of all, she hates him because she can’t hate him. She tries, she tries to hate them, to hate him but she can’t seem to do it. After all, snakes don’t shed their skin so easily.
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rosiep66 · 7 years
"THE DARK KNIGHT" (2008) Review
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”THE DARK KNIGHT” (2008) Review In 2005, director/writer Christopher Nolan rebooted the Batman franchise with the highly successful movie, ”BATMAN BEGINS” that starred Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader. Both men have reunited three years later for a new story centered around Batman’s conflict with his greatest nemesis, Joker in this sequel called ”THE DARK KNIGHT”. There has been a great deal of attention surrounding this movie. Many have not only praised it, claiming that it is better than the 2005 movie. But most of the word-of-mouth have centered around Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker, especially after his tragic death some six months ago. When ”THE DARK KNIGHT” was finally released, many critics and fans expressed the belief that the positive word-of-mouth had been justified. Not only have many judged Ledger’s performance as the best in his career, others have claimed that the movie is probably the best Comic Book Hero movie ever made. I do not know if the Joker featured Heath Ledger’s best performance. As for the claim about ”THE DARK KNIGHT” being the best comic book hero movie . . . I do not agree. I am not saying that ”THE DARK KNIGHT” was a terrible or mediocre film. Frankly, I believe that it was one of the best movies I had seen in 2008. Most of the movie featured an excellent story scripted by Christopher and Jonathan Nolan, and David S. Goyer, in which Gotham’s organized criminal element has found itself threatened by the law ever since the end of the Falsone family in ”BATMAN BEGINS”, thanks to Batman (Bale). A former inmate of Arkham Asylum named the Joker (Ledger) approaches the crime bosses, which include Salvatore "Sal" Maroni (Eric Roberts), with an offer to kill Batman for pay. At the same time, Batman and Lieutenant James Gordon (Gary Oldman) consider including the new District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) in their plan to eradicate the mob. Both feel that he could be the public hero that Batman cannot be. Harvey Dent happens to be dating Wayne's childhood friend and object of romantic desire, Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal). This conflict between Batman, the Joker and their allies escalates to a tragic and well-directed dénouement that leads to Rachel’s death. And it is here where I believe that the movie truly faltered. ”THE DARK KNIGHT” could have ended with Rachel’s death, followed by the Joker’s manipulation of a grieving Harvey Dent into madness and his eventual capture or death. Instead, the Nolan brothers and Goyer allowed the Joker to escape and continued the story with Dent’s vengeful hunt for those he considered responsible for Rachel’s death; and the Joker resorting to a Green Goblin scenario involving two ferryboats packed with explosives. The Joker informed the passengers on each boat that the only way to save themselves was to trigger the explosives on the other ferry; otherwise, at midnight he will destroy them both by remote control. All of this occurred during the movie’s last half hour and quite frankly, it was a half hour I could have done without. I found the entire ferryboats sequence so unbelievable and contrived. It seemed as if Nolan teased us with the possibility of seeing the uglier side of the average citizen . . . and wimped out in the end, because he would rather stroke the moviegoers' egos with some "nobility of man" bullshit by allowing the passengers to resist blowing each other to kingdom come, instead of telling the truth about human nature. Very disappointing. It would have been more interesting or darker if both ferryboats had been destroyed, or . . . have Batman prevent the passengers from blowing up each other at the last minute. With this last scenario, Batman would have saved the people, but the Joker would have proven a point. A fan had pointed out that Nolan used the ferryboat sequence to leave a sliver of hope to the audience about humanity's capacity to do good. If this was Nolan's aim, it was a message that has been done to death by moviemakers and television writers for eons. The problem is that screenwriters and moviemakers have developed a habit of giving the public this so-called "sliver of hope". They call themselves pointing out humanity's ugliness and then they pervert the message by allowing them to come out of the mouths from villains like the Joker, before the latter is eventually proven wrong. It just seems like a cop out to me. Which was why I found the whole ferryboat sequence something of a joke. Sure, human beings are capable of doing some good. But in that particular situation? I rather doubt it. If there is one trait that humanity possess, it is a talent for self-preservation. It would have been more realistic to me if the boats had detonated or Batman had prevented this before anyone on one or both of those boats and activated the bombs. Granted, Batman/Bruce Wayne would have been disappointed in Gotham’s citizens, but he would have learned a valuable lesson about the very people he called himself protecting. Even better, I would have preferred if Nolan had never added that sequence in the first place. As for Harvey Dent’s hunt for those he deemed responsible for Rachel’s death . . . I would have been more satisfied if Nolan and his co-writers had ended the movie with Dent’s eventual slide into evil in that hospital room and saved his transformation into a twisted vigilante and arch villain in a third Batman film. This would have prevented the movie from being unnecessarily a half hour long. And it would have saved the talented Aaron Eckhart for the third film as “Two-Faced” Harvey. It would have also spared moviegoers from that ludicrous ending in which Batman and Gordon decided to allow the former assume blame of Dent's crimes in order to save the reputation of the D.A. I am still stunned by this little plot development. What were the Nolan brothers thinking? Why was it so necessary to save Dent's reputation in the first place? Did Batman and Gordon harbored such a low opinion of Gotham's citizens that they had to treat the latter like children? The performances in ”THE DARK KNIGHT” were basically superb. Christian Bale beautifully captured the growing dilemma of Bruce Wayne’s desire for a normal life with Rachel Dawes, juxtaposed with his role as Gotham’s costumed vigilante and his growing power over the city’s criminal element, thanks to his alliance with police lieutenant James Gordon and the new District Attorney, Harvey Dent. There is one aspect of Bale’s performance I did not like – namely the growling tone he used, while in the Batman persona. I did not care for it in ”BATMAN BEGINS”. I cared for it even less in this film and the next one released in 2012. I have noticed how many have expressed the view that Maggie Gyllenhaal's portrayal of Rachel Dawes was better than Katie Holmes in the 2005 film. Personally, I did not see much of a difference in the quality of their performances. Both actresses gave good, solid performances. But . . . the screenwriters’ portrayal of Rachel in this film disappointed me. They had turned her characters into an object. She was Bruce Wayne's prize for giving up the Batman persona, as soon as he could get Dent to assume the role of Gotham's "hero". She was Dent’s love interest, Girl Friday and reason to go on a vengeful rampage. And for the Joker, she was a means to get at Batman, once he realized how the latter felt about her. There were times when Rachel's character seemed almost irrelevant and a sad decline from the legal and moral dynamo that Holmes had portrayed in ”BATMAN BEGINS”. Heath Ledger as the Joker. What can I say? The man was brilliant. He made Jack Nicholson’s Joker look like chump change. Honestly. One of the reasons why I have never care for the Joker character in the past was due to his over-the-top persona. Cesar Romero’s Joker has never impressed me, regardless of the numerous insane clown laughs he had utilized. Nicholson’s Joker was too over-the-top for my tastes. As one can see, I do not have a love for overly theatrical characters, unless they are done right. Granted, Ledger portrayed the Joker as over-the-top. But somehow . . . I really do not know how to describe it. Somehow, he managed to infuse some kind of control in the character’s insanity – not only with his behavior, but also with a talent for emotional manipulation and the views he had spouted to Batman and other characters. Do I believe that the Joker was Ledger’s best performance? No. I believe that the character was one of his two best performances, the other being Ennis DelMar from 2005’s ”BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN”. Do I believe that Ledger deserves an Oscar nomination for his performance, despite his death? Hmmmm . . . yes. He was that good. I do have one quibble with Nolan's treatment of the Joker. Where was the character's backstory? The Joker spent most of the movie spouting false stories about his scars and background. I supposed this was Nolan's way of trying to make the character mysterious. I simply found it frustrating. The other truly superb performance came from Aaron Eckhart as Gotham’s new District Attorney, Harvey Dent. One of Eckhart’s virtues was that he managed to form an excellent screen chemistry with Maggie Gyllenhaal. Frankly, I found Dent and Rachel's romance more believable than her relationship with Bruce Wayne. Eckhart projected a great deal of magnetism, charm and intensity into his portrayal of Dent. But I was more impressed by the way he expressed Dent’s descent into vengeful madness, following Rachel’s death. Granted, this turn of his character occurred in the movie’s last half hour. Although I disliked the movie’s last half hour, Eckhart’s performance in it almost made it bearable. Almost. Gary Oldman, Michael Caine (Alfred Pennyworth), Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox) and Cillian Murphy (Dr. Jonathan Crane/the Scarecrow) all reprised their roles from the first film. All four gave solid performances, but only Oldman’s role as James Gordon seemed bigger. I found Gordon’s fake death somewhat contrived and manipulative. Aside from the creation of the Rachel Dawes character, everything about the two Batman movies directed by Nolan have adhered to the Batman canon. Which is why I found it difficult to believe that Gordon was dead. Alfred’s role seemed to have diminished from the first film. Freeman’s Lucius Fox is now quite aware that Bruce is Batman and seemed to be acting as the latter’s armourer, as well as Wayne Enterprises’ CEO. The only problem I had with the Fox character was his opposition against Wayne/Batman’s development an advanced surveillance system that can listen in and track the movement of any of the thousands of cell phones in the city. I found the whole scenario contrived. As much as I had enjoyed Cillian Murphy’s portrayal of Dr. Crane/the Scarecrow in ”BATMAN BEGINS”, I found his less than ten minutes appearance in ”THE DARK KNIGHT” a waste of the actor’s time . . . and mine. Composers Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard returned to score the sequel. I must admit that I had been impressed by their work in ”BATMAN BEGINS” and had expected another exceptional score by them. Unfortunately, I barely remembered the score. I understand that they had rehashed the original score for this movie and added a new theme or two. But it all came off as unmemorable for me. ”THE DARK KNIGHT” had the potential to be this summer’s best film. But there were some aspects – the portrayal of Rachel Dawes’ character, Zimmer and Newton Howard’s score, the portrayal of some of the minor characters and the contrived writing that dominated the movie’s last half hour – that I believe had ruined the movie’s chances of achieving this potential. Fortunately, the virtues outweighed the flaws and in the end, ”THE DARK KNIGHT” managed to remain first-rate and become – in my view – one of the better films of Summer 2008.
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happy-meo · 8 years
Masquerade 2.2: The Reunion (Jimin x Reader)
Will things have changed after 10 years?
These 2.somethings will consist of little drabbles related to the characters in Masquerade II. (Mostly, Red Mask, because he is a complex character and there is still a lot to tell about his story, but the other characters will probably get their own drabbles eventually too ^_^)
If you haven’t already, please read Masquerade II first !!
Summary: The continuation of Masquerade 2.1 (<- please read before this drabble). Jimin journeys to his high school reunion, albeit unwillingly, to deal with the demons in his past. Will he be able to battle them head on or will he be swallowed up like before?
Jimin x Reader ft. other characters ;)
High school reunion au
Fluff, some slight smut, & some slight angst
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           "I can't believe you have work..." Jimin exhaled. "I need you there with me! This is going to be horrible."
           "I'm sorry, sweetie." You cupped his face, knowing he had been dreading this day for a long time now. But last minute, the lead of your show came down with a sickness so you were called in to fill in for her, even though it wasn't your day to star. You couldn't turn it down and forsake the show. "I believe in you, Park Jimin. Hold down the fort until I get there okay?"
           "Okay." He pouted, but you kissed him to placate him.
           "I love you." You grinned, trying to ease him. "And who knows? They may have all matured like you kind of started to."
           "Gee, I love you too." He rolled his eyes.
           You giggled and kissed him again. "Be good until I get there, please. Just stand by the refreshments and stuff your face."
           He exhaled. "Break a leg on your show."
           You smiled and grabbed your purse then with a last apologetic look, you left.
           Jimin groaned, lugging himself around the apartment you two shared, debating on faking an illness so he could get out of going. But he knew you would see through it immediately and drag him there regardless.
           He had whined and complained as much as he could since he received the invitation. He even told you his embarrassing past that he had never divulged to anyone in hopes that you would sympathize with him, but adversely, it only fueled your determination to have him go. You had said something about "showing off", but he didn't feel confident enough to flaunt at all. He had avoided reconnecting with anyone from high school because it reminded him about times that he would rather forget, but with one measly piece of paper, all his efforts went down the drain. You had convinced him by banning sex until he agreed to go, which was insanely unfair, but he knew that you were only doing that to force him to face his inner demons. And that this reunion was the only chance he would get to do so.
           Nervously, he parked his car in front of the hotel where it was being held. He handed his keys to the valet and before he could compose himself, someone called out to him.
           "Is that...Park Jimin??"
           He bit his lip and turned to greet the group of people warmly.
           "Yes, it's me, Park Jimin!" he chuckled, trying to be as lighthearted as possible.
           "Oh man! You look good!" They chimed. "And wow, what a car!"
           Jimin smiled and nodded, recognizing their faces. They definitely were people in his high school class.
           "Let's head in dude!" One of the guys slapped his back and threw an arm around his shoulder chummily.
           Jimin gulped and followed the crowd of his old classmates, who were chatting happily. Everyone seemed to have stayed in touch because they were asking pretty detailed and personal questions.
           "Hey guys! Names please." The secretary of your student council back in the day greeted the group.
           "Check it out, Secretary. It's Jimin!" One of the guys beamed and presented you, as if he was showing off his son or something. "He used to chubby and small, but look at him, so built and fit! Still a bit on the short side, but he looks great!"
           Jimin smiled awkwardly, not enjoying the attention for once. He wasn't sure whether to be offended or pleased by his classmate's comments.
           "Park Jimin? You mean the playboy of our high school?"
           "Yeah he's right there, see?"
           "I told you he looked good."
           "He must definitely still be a playboy with that look."
           People inside murmured excitedly as he stepped forward sheepishly.
           "Yeah, it's me." he scratched the back of his head.
           The old student council secretary smiled warmly, and checked off his name on the list. "It's good to see you, Jimin. You and your guest will be in Table 9."
           "Thanks." Jimin bowed and walked in.
           He hadn't felt intimidated like this in such a long time. He headed straight for his table, throwing off his coat. He recognized the people he was seated with as some of his old dance club members so he greeted them cheerfully. Once he took his seat, they all began catching up and time passed relaxingly.
           But just when he thought that everything was going well and that maybe it wasn't such a big mistake to come, he felt arms wrap around his neck from behind. He knew it wasn't your touch so he tensed up, wondering who in hell was embracing him so openly.
           "I've been waiting for you Park Jimin." A female whispered into his ear and he stood up abruptly, alert and flustered.
           The entire table hollered excitedly.
           "Playboy Jimin is back at it! Ow ow!"
           Jimin frowned and turned around to see who it was that was teasing him. His eyes widened when he came face-to-face with the woman he had randomly slept with out of spite for the Temptress; the first victim of his descent to Red Mask.
           "Let's dance, Jimin." she smirked as she grabbed his hand tightly, dragging him to the dance floor.
           He stood there, exasperated as she pressed her body against him. It was painfully obvious she was trying to rile him up and seduce him, but he felt indifferent to her advances. Stepping away to create distance between their persons, he sighed.
           "What exactly are you doing?"
           "I thought we could pick up where we left off back in high school." She twirled his tie and fluttered her eyes flirtatiously. "I've been wanting to reconnect with you for some time now. I've heard how great you were at pleasing women, and I wanted you to jog my memory of our time in the classroom."
           She licked her lips and leaned her face forwards towards his. Jimin furrowed his brows and grabbed her shoulders to halt her movement.
           "I'm sorry." he plucked his tie out of her grip. "But I have a girlfriend, and I wasn't ever and still am not interested in you."  
            She burst into laughter. "Really? Who are you lying to now? You don't have a girlfriend or standards. I mean, who could love a playboy like yourself? You were even notorious in your college and word got around to mine." She hummed and reached out to touch his face. "Or are you rejecting me because you're still mad that I spilled our little secret?"
           Jimin exhaled, pulling her hand away from his cheek. But before he could emphasize that he was telling the truth, the ruckus by the entrance interrupted them.
           "Damn. Check that girl out! Did she go to our highschool?"
           "Dude, if she did, I totally would've banged her!"
           "Did she come to the wrong place?"
           "Who cares? I'm going to talk to her."
           "But man, she's so hott. Can you really walk up to her casually?"
           Jimin glanced over curiously and immediately perked up when he saw you waltz in, as gorgeous as ever. Surprisingly though, you hadn't worn the outfit you originally picked out for the event. And boy was he glad you had decided to be bolder with your outfit choice. Instead of a simple, elegant black dress, you wore a skin tight, long, red dress with a high slit to expose your toned legs.  There was a gold plate around your neck holding up the fabric and a gaping hole to expose just hints of your bra-less breasts.
           In your case, you figured the more seductive attire would make up for abandoning Jimin in his time of need. And besides, you knew you needed to flaunt yourself a little. You wanted Jimin to feel confident again, especially in a place where he felt most vulnerable. If there was anything you could do to ease his worries, it was to put your charms to use. Luckily, that was your forte.  
           "Excuse me." Jimin pushed the woman in front of him aside, much to her dissatisfaction, and swooped in beside you before any other guy had the guts to approach.
           "Hey, babe." He kissed your cheek. "Perfect timing."
           You smiled and patted his tie gently, hearing the relief laced in his voice. "Been rough, huh?"
           "Unbelievably." he breathed. "Aaand here they come now."
           "Jimin! My man!"
           Some guys he had never seen before came up and attempted to perform some handshake he didn't know. It ended up as floppy hands and weird wailing noises that didn't match the rhythm; all for the purpose of appearing close with him.
           "How have you been?"
           "Good, good." Jimin answered hesitantly, knowing exactly what their objective was.
           "And who is this pretty thing you've got on your arm?"
           "This is my girlfriend, Y/N." Jimin introduced and you shook their hands amiably.
           "Pleasure to meet you guys." You smiled infectiously.
           "How much did he pay you to come with him?" They half-jested.
           You glanced at Jimin, trying to get a sense of how he was feeling about the situation. You saw he was a bit uncomfortable and tense, so you squeezed his hand gently to reassure him.
           "He pays me in fantastic sex and expensive dinners, like any boyfriend should, right?" You grinned genuinely and everyone immediately stopped laughing. A small smile splayed on Jimin's face, amused. What had he expected from you?
           "Oh yeah. I heard he was a bit of a playboy in high school. Bet he hasn't told you that." One of the guys nudged you playfully, still trying to sway you.
           Your lips curled up and shrugged. "Oh I met him in college. I know pretty much every person he's slept with."
           You leaned over and whispered. The guys crowded closer, magnetized to you already.
           "But I'm also not so innocent."
           You winked seductively, and Jimin visibly saw them fall weak against your charms. You truly were a dangerous woman.
           "Well, let's get you some dri--" Jimin tried to interject, wrapping his arm around your waist.
           "I'll get you one! What would you like?" one of the guys volunteered hurriedly.
           "A nice glass of champagne would be nice." You smiled sweetly, and they all scrambled towards the table to grab you one.
           While they were off bickering, you chuckled and kissed Jimin deeply. He was taken aback by the sudden forwardness, but welcomed your affection happily.
           "What was that for?" he hummed.
           You wrapped your arms around his neck, grinning cheekily. "Aren't you glad I'm yours?"
           He laughed as he caressed your cheek, staring at you fondly. "I'm actually a bit scared to be honest. How far do your seductive charms go?"
           You chuckled and whispered into his ear. "Would you like to see?"
           Jimin gripped your waist tightly. "Let's save that for later, hm?"
           You moved daringly closer to his face to softly claim, "I decide that."
           His eyes sparkled with glee. The banter between you two always made him feel like home, and he loved how you could tease him wherever and whenever shamelessly.
           "I like that outfit choice by the way." Jimin grinned as he stepped back to admire you fully.
            You twirled around playfully and smirked. "You know how much I like red."
           He bit his lip seductively as he pulled you by the waist in order to plant a chaste kiss on your lips. "I would've never guessed."
           Chuckling lightly, you ran your hands through his hair as you looked at him lovingly. It still amazed you that he was all yours. But your alone time was interrupted when the guys returned and a bunch of champagne glasses were thrusted at you simultaneously. You unlatched yourself from Jimin, giggling, and chugged a few glasses coolly.
           Jimin stepped back, permitting the crowd of his classmates to surround you as he watched you enjoying yourself, amused. He was really grateful that you had come, despite probably being exhausted from your performance. You kept him level-headed, and your presence was a living reminder of how far he had come. He smiled to himself happily, feeling a wave of contentment wash over him.
           But then suddenly, something completely unexpected happened.
           The sea of men parted to make way for someone that froze him where he stood. Without a doubt, it was Temptress walking towards his girlfriend, marching towards you. She hadn't changed much from his memory. Her face showed a few signs of aging, and she wore thicker make-up than she did back in the day, but she still had a gifted body, and an air of seduction about her.
           But it was odd.
           Although she looked almost the same as she did in high school, his heart no longer raced when he stared at her. He no longer felt magnetized to the way she combed her fingers through her hair or the way she strutted so confidently forward. He didn't even feel anger. It was odd... but he felt nothing.
           He had worried about this encounter for years, and spent weeks being chilled with anxiety over being in the same room as Temptress once again. Then most of the reunion he made sure to avoid being in the same vicinity as you. But what was this? His heart flipped at the thought that he was no longer bound by her words, by her actions, by her name, by her existence. He felt relieved; a sense of freedom embracing him, as if a heavy burden had just been lifted. He had truly moved on from his past.
           "Yah." Temptress stood in front of you, boldly sporting a strapless dress, which seemed to be clutching onto her breasts for dear life.
           You blinked, wondering who this woman was. You noticed the men gawking at her nervously and in awe.
           "Yes?" You replied, standing up straighter.
           Jimin swallowed as he watched. Why had Temptress approached you? Was she going to fight you? Did she not like that someone else was getting all the attention, all the men? What should he do? He worried frantically.
           But his brain completely flat-lined at what he witnessed next. Unexpectedly, Temptress pulled you forward and locked lips with you aggressively.
           "Holy shit!" The guys bellowed excitedly.
           Jimin's eyes widened as he saw you push away almost instantaneously, also flabbergasted. The men cheered enthusiastically at witnessing two hott women kissing in front of them. Jimin's heart thumped in his chest as he scurried to pull you away from her, hiding you behind him. Never in a million years had he expected that to happen.
           You were shaken up behind him, touching your lips with a stunned expression.
           "That was my girlfriend you just kissed." Jimin defended.
           "Park Jimin?" Temptress perked up, recognizing him immediately. "You...and her?"
           You grabbed onto Jimin's hand, standing beside him, as if to reassure her that you two were in fact together.
           "Oh wow. I'm so happy for you." she smiled warmly. "You truly were my greatest student."
           "Is that her?" You whispered into Jimin's ear, and he nodded subtly.
           "I'm sorry for everything I said and did to you back then. I was really messed up...I still am." she scratched the back of her head. "And I'm glad you didn't end up like me."
           Jimin furrowed his brow. "But you came with someone."
           "Oh that guy." Temptress snorted. "I didn't want to look lame, coming alone. I hired him to escort me. I don't even know him."
           Jimin blinked. "Wh-what...?"
           "Yeah..." she blushed sheepishly. "I've been wanting to apologize for awhile now. I was so insensitive, and I took advantage of your naivety and toyed with you. I thought I was entitled and amazing, like I was doing you a favor by doing those things with you, but I devalued your feelings and hurt you. So, I'm sorry...."
           Jimin glanced around as a bunch of eyes were waiting for his reply. You smiled and squeezed his hand encouragingly. He really didn't expect this at all.
           "Um it's okay. It's the past." He found himself saying surprisingly. He had envisioned the many things that he would say to Temptress if ever he had a chance to, and needless to say, all of the conversations he had imagined weren't nice at all. But now, he faced her and he didn't have a single mean thing to say. What had he even been so mad and worried about? "But I don't know if I can forgive you for kissing my girlfriend."
           Temptress blushed.
           When did she learn to look embarrassed and timid like that? Jimin was overwhelmed. He didn't remember this side of her at all. She was always so sure of herself and so poised.
           "I'm sorry. She was just so beautiful, stunning, and confident. It was so alluring. I couldn't help myself." Temptress confessed.
           "Aww, thanks." You cooed, quickly dropping your guard at her compliments.
           "Well yeah umm..." Jimin coughed, trying to maintain the upper hand. "But you still shouldn't go around randomly kissing strangers..."
           He caught you glance at him with an amused expression. He knew you were thinking that he had no right to tell someone not to kiss strangers randomly, when he had done so plenty of times himself. But that was beside the point here, he was trying to look tough and angry.
           "Well...if you and she don't mind...would you be willing to share...her?" Temptress squirmed, eye-ing you intently. "I really...haven't been so taken and attracted with someone in such a long time. And I mean, you've become so handsome yourself, Jimin. I'd be honored."
           Jimin grabbed your hand tightly and stepped in front of you, blocking her eyes from raking down your body ravenously. "Sorry, I don't plan to share her. She's mine alone."
           "I envy you." she smiled sadly, accepting his rejection of her suggestion with an audible sigh. "I spent so much time hating on love...that I let a lot of good guys slip away. Now I have no idea what it was that got me so worked up about empty sex that I ended up swearing off any sort of emotional connection. I'm glad you found it despite being widely known as a playboy back in high school and through college."
           "Thanks...I guess..." Jimin awkwardly stated. "...for everything too."
           "No really." You chimed, beaming widely. "Thank you for everything."
           Jimin glared at you, knowing you were taking a jab at his skills in bed. Temptress blushed and grinned at your sincerity, making Jimin want to cover you up immediately. Did she really just fall for you? The woman he had scorned and hated on for years. The very woman that had tainted his purity and shown him the cruelty of falling for the wrong person. That same woman was envious of him, and was vying for you, the person he loved. It was difficult to wrap his head around the peculiar turn of events.
           "Well at least save a dance for me, Jimin's girlfriend." Temptress winked playfully.
           "Y/N." You grinned. "And will do."
           Jimin pulled you away from the crowd, feeling as if his legs were about to give out at any moment, plus he didn't want to think about what would happen if you ended up liking Temptress too. Regardless of how things unfolded, he had faced his past head-on and realized that he had overcome it. None of his classmates held anything against him nor did they think ill of him anymore. Temptress apologized and although it was a little mean of him, it was great seeing her jealous of him, jealous of him having love, of him having something she couldn't get. Smiling to himself, he knew he had done something right, and that was not letting go of you.
           After that, the night progressed relatively well. He finally loosened up and was able to catch up with more of his old friends. He spoke candidly about what he did and used to do as a career, even telling everyone about how you two met and ended up getting together. Needless to say everyone was impressed by your unique love story.
           And while he conversed, you spent your time dancing, gathering as much gossip as you could about how Jimin was back in the day. As you promised, you saved a dance for Temptress and you were able to get to know her a little better. Surprisingly, you two got along really well. She wasn't as bad as Jimin had portrayed her to be; she was actually a kind person underneath her intimidatingly bodacious appearance. Much like you and Jimin, she had just made plenty of wrong decisions that spiraled her into a dark place regarding relationships. You had been there and done that, so you truly empathized with her.
           All in all, it seemed to have been a successful reunion for everyone, and you could tell Jimin was in high spirits once again. You had missed him being so, since he had been clouded with worry and anxiety the weeks leading to the reunion. He hummed happily as he drove back home, and you watched him endearingly.  
           "Jimin." You called.
           "I was totally down for a threesome by the way."
           "Seriously?" he choked out, coughing frantically, at the sudden confession.
           "Yeah. I mean, if she TAUGHT you what you know now then she must be really be something." You explained lightly.
           "She didn't teach me everything!" he huffed defiantly.
           "Mhm." You half-hearted hummed.
           "She didn't! And I don't like sharing!"
           "You've never had a problem in the past." You eyed him skeptically.
           "You're different. I don't like sharing you." He pouted.
           You blushed and chuckled at his words. You loved how protective and possessive he was over you; it was cute and it fluttered your heart more than you'd like to admit.
           "Do you still have feelings for her?" You inquired.
           "No, absolutely not."
           "Are you sure?"
           "Of course. I wasn't worried about seeing her because I thought I'd fall for her again. I was more afraid about being less successful than everybody else. I was afraid she would still be above me, still have power over me, would still make me feel small and worthless. I was afraid to be average again..." he squeezed your hand. "But I realized something."
           "What? That with me and Temptress combined, you would become average?" You teased.
           Jimin groaned, "I'm trying to be romantic here!"
           "I'm sorry sweetie. Keep being romantic." You chuckled as you kissed his cheek to appease him. "What did you realize?"
           "I was going to say... until you ruined the mood... that I realized that with you, I'm never going to be average again, because together we're extraordinary."
           "Aww that's so cheesy. Who are you and what have you done with my Chimchim?" You grinned.
           Jimin blushed and kept his eyes glued on the road, embarrassed.
           "Can you pull up over there?" You pointed randomly.
           "Why? You need to pee?" he questioned.
           "Want to have some hott car sex?" You suggested flirtatiously.
           Wildly and abruptly, Jimin swerved to the side of the road.  He parked the car and stared at you exasperatedly.
           "What did I say about talking dirty when I'm driving?! You know it's dangerous!"
           "Well, can I talk dirty now that you're not driving?" You smirked as you crawled your fingers up his arm seductively.
           "No. Wait until we're home." he grumbled rebelliously as he turned back to grip the steering wheel.
           "One kiss?" You pouted. "I did a good job today and I want a reward!"
           Jimin sighed, "Alright. One kiss, but no funny business, okay?"
           "Kay." You giggled and unbuckled your seatbelt eagerly.
           Before he could protest, you crashed your lips onto his and began palming him through his slacks roughly. He groaned and tried to push you off, albeit lightly, in fake resistance. You smiled, knowing he couldn't refuse you at this point. You broke the kiss and he fluttered his eyes open, a bit dizzy from the surprise attack.
           "Park Jimin. Don't ever let anyone tell you or make you feel like you're average." you whispered to him intently. "You're fantastic at everything. Except for cooking...certain things, but you're improving."
           "Thanks." Jimin rolled his eyes, but you gently placed your hands on his face, forcing him to stare at you.
           "I mean it. You're a wonderful boyfriend, a fantastic lover, a great friend, and beloved boss. If those things didn't happen back then, we probably wouldn't be where we are right now. You wouldn't be the Jimin in front of me, and it probably wouldn't be me escorting you to your high school reunion." Your lips curled up affectionately. "So don't let the past haunt you anymore because you've built such a great present and future for yourself."
           Jimin smiled gratefully, "Will my future have you in it?"
           You grinned, "Will you keep me in it?"
           He nodded, laughing as he leaned forward. "I plan to keep you for a very, very long time, love."
           Sweetly, your lips found each other and perfectly melded together.
           You would've gone further had it not been for the cop car that pulled up behind you guys. Immediately, you parted yourselves and pretended to be on your phones.
           "Is everything okay here?"
           "Yes, sir." Jimin smiled as soon as he rolled down the window.
           "We were just looking for directions Officer..."
           You paused as you looked up from your phone to find none other than Jeon Jungkook, grinning widely at you from the driver side window. Immediately, you gasped giddily and beamed at his presence.
           "Oh my lord. My little Kooks --You're one hott cop!"
           "Why, thank you Noona." he chuckled and bowed playfully.
           "Hey, hey. No googly eyes at my girlfriend." Jimin scolded.
           "I know, I know. Rule #1." Jungkook grinned. "I recognized your car and license plate while I was on patrol. Knowing you two, I figured I'd come see the action, you know."
           Jungkook winked.
           "You little." Jimin pinched his cheeks harshly. "You've been wanting to see us in action since day one."
           "Hey, I'd learn a lot, you know, if I got a demonstration instead of an explanation."
           "Oh trust me, Kooks. You're quite gifted. You're good." You gave him a thumbs up.
           "YOU WATCH HIS MONITOR?" Jimin bellowed.
           "I watch EVERYONE'S monitor!" You argued.
           Jimin hesitated. "Who's bigger?"
           "Oh my god. I'm not having this conversation Jimin." You rolled your eyes.
           Jungkook giggled as he tapped Jimin's car lightly. "Well, I have to get back to work. Rule #13 hyung."
           Jimin cracked up and fist bumped Jungkook. "You're right."
            "Have a good night!" Jungkook saluted you two suavely.
           "Night!" You waved and he soon disappeared back into the road to complete his patrol. Not long after, Jimin pulled back into the main road, continuing the route home once more.
           "What's Rule #13?" You questioned.
           Jimin chuckled, "You'll like this one."
           You raised an eyebrow curiously.
           "Rule #13: It's not about the package, it's about the delivery."
           You and Jimin laughed hysterically all the way home.
           Once you arrived at your apartment, you scurried past him to get inside first. He curiously glanced your way, wondering why you had rushed through the door. But you simply smirked.
           "Well Mr. Park," You threw your jacket onto the couch and posed. "Would you care to show me how you deliver that package?"
           Jimin's eyes darkened as he licked his lips. Roughly, he grabbed your waist to pull you against his body, your faces just mere centimeters apart.
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Off Limits (Skam - Chris x OC) Part 1
Pairing: Chris x OC
Requested by anon. I turned this into an OC thing because I'm trying to distance myself from the reader inserts. But you can just overlook the first name and simply imagine it's you. I will probably physically describe OC at some point, since you requested she's William's sister, I figured they'd look alike.
Synopsis: Mara Magnusson has always had everything she ever wanted in life, except for one thing. The boyish charm of her brother's childhood friend had wrecked her poor heart and ruined her for any other guy – you can trust her, she has tried. She could see the way he looked at her, though she knew there were rules about not hitting on your best friend's little sister. Luckily for her, there were no restrictions when it was the other way around.
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: From now on I won’t be able to spend my entire days writing like I did with Play Me, so to make sure you won’t have to wait too long between each chapter I decided to write short chapters (yes, Yours Truly has finally decided to become a reasonable person) Enjoy this little foretaste!
>>> Part 2
Other Chris x OC fic: Play Me
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Some things are simply not meant to be. Even when people maximized their chances by doing everything in their power to achieve their goal, it wasn't always enough. Like in this maddening scene in Titanic where Jack can't get on the floating door, and after everything he has gone through to be with Rose, he just dies. Well, maybe this was a little bit dramatic, chances are you won't die in real life, you will just be really, really frustrated because all your efforts are thrown into the trash. But she was drifting from the subject.
Somehow, Mara's brother had befriended the one guy who was simultaneously the absolute worst and the best thing that has ever happened to her. William and Chris were inseparable friends since- since always. As far as her memory goes, Chris has always been in their lives. He was like family to a certain extent – and that was precisely her problem.
Mara didn't want Chris to be family, Mara wanted Chris to wreck her body, to put it nicely. Not getting what she wanted was a foreign feeling for the only female Magnusson child. William and Nikolai had always been in competition and the weight of the entire family's future laid on their shoulders since they were kids. Mara had a form a freedom that her brothers would never truly grasp or experience, and that gave her power. Being the cherished only daughter of rich parents was a perk she appreciated too.
Therefore when she hit puberty and when he body morphed into a more womanly shape, drawing the attention of her male counterparts, she was already fully equipped to deal with this new found magnetism. Used to get what she wanted, familiar with her brother's way of life (was it weird for Mara to feel part of the Penetrators after assisting to so many of their meetings at her and William's place?) and not shy in the least, she embraced her new body and the benefits that came from it. Self-confidence was basically a birthright in the Magnusson family and blowing people away with their good looks was tradition. And like lightening, a Magnusson never stroke twice on the same spot, that is to say, they didn't do dating.
Another, more likely, explanation than the lightening theory was that both William and Mara had mad game when it came to everybody except the one person who mattered. For a while now the young girl watched her brother chase after a girl from her class, Noora, and she didn't know how to react at first. She knew Noora was a kind, smart and genuinely good person, and that made it even more unbelievable – that William of all people fell for someone who might actually be able to make him happy.
Mara, knowing better than to mind her brother's business, silently rooted for them, discretely spying of them from the corner of her eye whenever she could and trying not to give it all away when William dared mentioned Noora outside of school.
“The smile is betraying you,” someone said and plopped down next to Mara on the bench.
It was Christoffer – and his infamous, girl-swooning, heart-melting smirk that worked on everybody but Mara, who witnessed the very birth of 'Penetrator Chris'. He was sitting one leg each side of the bench, his back to William and Noora who tried and failed at being subtle at glancing toward each other from across the room. Mara had his full attention, but she kept her gaze locked on the paper on the table that she had to finish before next period.
“It would only betray me if they bothered to look my way but they can't even detach their eyes from each other,” Mara replied and shrugged, not even looking at Chris.
“Someone needs to tell them to just go for it. Everybody knows anyway,” Chris added.
He then grabbed Mara's papers so she would stop working and finally look up. The way her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed gave away how annoyed she was at that, but he wasn't sorry in the least.
“I don't think that's true. Noora hasn't told her friends from what I've heard. Vilde is still constantly rambling about how dreamy William is!” Mara couldn't help the eye-roll that followed. 3
“Ouch,” Chris said, clasping his hand over his heart while still holding Mara's homework in the other, out of her reach. “Must be really shitty to not be good enough for your girlfriend to tell her friends about you.”
“They're not together!” Mara said before poking Chris' side and quickly stealing her papers back from him when he lowered his hand to cover his side. “Noora is being smart! I wouldn't tell anyone either if a notorious heart-breaker was suddenly running after me and I somehow returned the feelings.”
Chris put his elbow on the table and used his fist as support for his head while he thought about what Mara just said. He seemed to seriously ponder the issue. Mara had always disapproved of the Penetrators' ill treatment of girls while also knowing that her brother and his friends weren't fundamentally bad people. Her status of member by proxy of an exclusively male group of playboys with commitment issues set her apart from the rest of the girls. She often wondered if it wasn't unfortunate for her to be born female. Never filly accepted by the other groups of girls, she was too close to the Penetrators to be trusted, and yet she couldn't claim to belong to the boy's group either. As time flew by, Mara developed an immunity to loneliness. She liked her solitude, she grew independent and self-reliant. And above all, she cherish was few friends she had, and that included Chris.
“I can't find anything to argue with that,” Chris eventually declared. “But it's getting old seeing them drool over themselves like this. Although I've got to say Noora is holding herself together rather gracefully-”
“-a contrario to Will,” Mara finished in a sigh.
Both of them directed their gaze toward William, whose face was twisted in a fond smile only Mara had been the receptacle of until Noora came into his life. She wasn't mad in the least, she was happy for her brother, and glad some of his attention was on another person than her for once – it allowed her a little more freedom of movement.
“Look, I really have to finish this before class begins,” she then said, pointing to her half-finished homework. “So if you don't mind-”
She didn't finish her sentence but instead gestured Chris to walk away. It was a long shot, the guy literally never did anything he didn't want to or decide to do by himself. As expected, he didn't initiate any movement that would lead her to think he'd leave, instead he leaned over the table to get a closer look at her work.
“What is it? I'll help you if I can...” He suggested, earning a playful smile.
“Careful there, I might think you're finding excuses to spend time with me,” Mara teased him, her lips forming that mischievous smile that matched Chris' smirk.
That was the story of Mara's life. Chris and her flirted harmlessly with each other since they were fifteen, and no one ever said anything, not even William because he trusted them and knew it was just their way to communicate. Mara had no recollection of when exactly it lost its fun and harmless dimension and turned into passive-aggressive desperate pay-attention-to-me flirting.
There was no doubt that Chris would not take the first step, whether it was out of respect for William or because he was too stubborn to admit he actually had a fully-functioning heart, thus reducing his reputation of emotionally detached player to dust. The solution was simple really, there wasn't a thousand different ways to deal with this issue: Mara would have to take matters into her own hands.
So far she had never settled for anything in her life; when she wanted something she did everything in her power to obtain it, one way or another, and Christoffer Schistad was no exception to the rule. She was determined to not be the only one struggling to keep it together when he was around, that was unfair and no fun. From now on, Mara would make sure to be both Chris' worst nightmare and his greatest fantasy.
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A/N: The rule stays the same: If I get reviews, you get next part ;) c’mon folks, motivate me, my inbox in here!
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