princessdimondheart · 2 years
Tells | Ghost x Secret Wife! Reader
Pairing: Ghost x f! Reader
Warnings: blood, wounds, pregnancy, 🥺
Edited: No
A/N: I really wanted to do my own take on this idea. Hope you like it.
Character banner ©️ Me
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Johnny wasn’t sure how he hadn’t realized it before, after being introduced to his Lieutenant’s wife. There were small, subtle tells that gave away Ghost having a significant other, but he never put the pieces together. Honestly, Johnny was a little upset because he’s in the SAS- he should be able to see things like this. 
The first time he noticed something was strange with Simon was when they were gathering their gear right before going to another mission. They were placing the last of their equipment into their bags. Simon had not put his black skeleton gloves on yet so his wrists were exposed. Johnny didn’t notice anything different until Simon rolled up his sleeves like usual. And there it was. 
A hair tie. 
He didn’t think much about it. Maybe he found it laying around the base. No. That would be weird and there weren’t that many women frequenting the same places as Simon anyways. 
Could he be using it to snap at his wrist when or if he got anxious? Nah.. Ghost stays focused on missions. Johnny doubted Ghost would let anxiety pull a fast one on him in the field. 
Oh! Simon is definitely growing his hair out. Johnny wondered if his balaclava was comfortable with long hair. So he pointed it out. 
“Growing your hair out L.t.?” His lips curled into a little smirk. 
Simon looked up from the full magazine in his hands. Only his eyes gave away his confusion. “No? Why?”
“Your hair tie.” Johnny nodded to his right wrist. “Never took ya for a purple-wearin’ kind of guy, sir.”
Ghost blinked at his Sergeant and then glanced to his aforementioned wrist. Sure enough a bold purple hair tie was bound to his lower arm. Simon was sure he had removed it before leaving home earlier that day. 
“Oh… must have forgot.” Simon spoke absentmindedly. He was remembering his wife. He had gotten home before her and when she came he helped her remove her ponytail, completely forgetting about the hair tie once their kisses got the better of them. 
Simon didn’t say anything else, so Johnny shrugged it off and continued filling his bag with ammunition. Not even two minutes after he forgot what they were talking about when Captain Price called them over. 
The next time something was different with Ghost, Johnny wasn’t even the one who noticed it first. It was Gaz who pointed it out. 
After a long and hard mission, Task Force 141 had finally arrived at base. The team desperately needed showers, so right after hoping off the helicopter everyone went straight to their barracks. 
After their most loved showers everyone went to the mess hall for some real food and not the field MREs they had been eating for the past few weeks. There Kyle had already gotten his portion of food and was digging in. Soap and Price were sitting across from him too, but no Ghost in sight. Simon came in almost halfway through their dinner and sat next to the young Sergeant. The food on his tray was not being eaten. 
That’s when Kyle smelled it. A fruity smell was wafting from the freshly showered SAS powerhouse next to him. Ghost smelled of fresh cut pomegranates and some other fruit notes. It took him by surprise. Kyle would have normally pictured Ghost as a strict standard-issue soap kinda user, not a fruity one. 
“Did they change the regular soaps, sir?” Gaz took the risk. 
Johnny had finished chewing and looked up at his L.t. and Kyle with a questioning look. Then he leaned forward on the table to take a sniff. 
“Is that pomegranate, L.t.?” Johnny chuckled. He’d take any chance to tease his superior. 
Ghost gave them a subtle glare. He had hoped no one would have noticed his mistake. He’d been in a hurry to leave home and well…
“I grabbed the wrong bottle.” He deadpanned then turned to Price, who was shaking his head in disapproval at the two, to ask about any new leads. Clearly, the conversation was over. 
The third time was when their mission went FUBAR. Ghost and Soap had gotten separated from Captain Price and Gaz when their enemies tried to ambush them. In the chaos Soap was shot in the leg, but with Ghost’s help, he was able to escape and hold out until it was safe enough for them to head to the rendezvous point for extraction. 
Now that they were relatively safe, Ghost was searching his packs for supplies to help Johnny with. Johnny wasn’t particularly paying too much attention to what he was doing since he was bleeding out and moaning in pain, but he definitely noticed when Ghost used a tampon to plug the gunshot wound in his thigh. 
“Fuckin’ hells, Ghost! Where’da fuck yous get a bloody tampon from!?”
“It’s an essential tool for survival.” He honestly had no idea how that slipped into his med pouch. Johnny guessed it was so if Ghost had said it. 
Next time they were somewhere in Africa, most definitely melting with the heat. A great bonding experience for the two of them. Their only relief was a slow moving breeze. Soap and Ghost were staking out one of a known terrorist cell’s many compounds. All was quiet for now. 
“Johnny?” Ghost didn’t move from his position, eyes dead on his scope. 
Johnny looked over. “Yeah, L.t.?”
“Once we’re done here, I’m taking you somewhere important. Keep your schedule clear.” Simon’s deep voice sounded out softly. 
“Oh… alright.” He didn’t know what to say. “Okay. Definitely, Simon.” 
He looked back towards the compound. Simon had glanced at that moment to see his little smile. His eyes crinkled. 
True to his word, after their stakeout mission was completed, Simon hauled Johnny into his car and began to drive them to who knows where. All Johnny knew was that the drive took several hours from their base in London to wherever they were in the countryside. 
They were nearly at their destination when Simon pulled them into a long driveway and pressed a button controller on his shade that opened the metal gates. Going through, the road was surrounded by open pastures on both sides. When Johnny looked around more closely he noticed a few horses, and, was that a cow? They were grazing on the lush grass. Was his L.t. taking him to a farm?
“Where are we, sir?” He had to ask. 
“You’ll see, Johnny.” Simon had slowed down so as to not spook any of the animals grazing. 
Two minutes later and the car pulled up to a nice two-story cottage home. It was made from stone and appeared to be like a fairy tale type of house. Johnny quite liked the look of it. He noticed that the lights were on. 
Simon opened the locked door, then took off his skull balaclava. It was clear that he was comfortable enough to forego it. “I called ahead, so dinner should be ready soon.”
Dinner? Who’s made them dinner? Johnny didn’t question him and just nodded. Simon stepped inside, none of the wooden boards squeaked when he walked in them unlike when Johnny stepped on them. His steps alerted the person in the kitchen. A delicious smell was coming out in soft waves. The person poked their head out to see who was there. They weren’t worried because they knew that only Simon had the extra key. 
“I’m home.” Johnny noticed a softness in his voice that he hadn’t heard before. Simon’s large frame was blocking his view of the person. A dog suddenly burst from the kitchen barking at Simon before realizing who he was. It sat down when he started to pet him, his butt wiggling with the fast beat of his tail. Cute. Then the dog, a German shepherd, turned to him and started sniffing him with caution. Johnny let him sniff his hand and after a bit he licked his hand and wagged his tail. Approved. 
“Welcome home, Simon!” The person’s voice was distinctly feminine. Johnny had moved closer to Simon and the kitchen, so when the woman fully came into view he saw her right away. 
She went in for a hug and that’s when Johnny noticed a small, yet significant distance between the two. She was pregnant and her baby belly was making it a little harder to hug her. But that didn’t stop Simon from embracing her as tightly as he could. When her hand came up to rest against Simon’s shoulder, Johnny noticed again the large diamond on her ring finger. 
“L.t.?” The two lovers separated to look at him. 
“Johnny, come meet my wife.” Simon gave him a knowing nod which Johnny instantly returned. 
He almost couldn’t believe it. His L.t. had brought him home to see his little family. Johnny almost choked up upon realizing the significance of Simon trusting him with this information. Right then and there, Johnny gave Simon a mental promise to help keep his family safe, no matter what.
“Oh! The baby is kicking! Want to feel ‘em, Johnny?” Simon’s wife asked. 
“Oh, sure! If that’s alright with you?” She took his larger hand in answer and placed it near the top of her baby bump. A few kicks hit his hand. They were rather strong kicks too. Definitely a football star, or another SAS kid, in the making. 
“Woah!” Johnny exclaimed. Then, turning to his L.t. who was watching them interact, his mouth turned into a wide grin. “Does that make me their uncle, Simon?”
“Don’t push it, MacTavish.” His wife giggled. 
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dialoguestetatet · 6 months
Enemies to lovers, but he never hates you. He's so in love with you it hurts. He's never rude to you, just a little arrogant, teasing, and flirtatious. He wants you to be only his. He scares away every boy who has the audacity to be near you. He snarls at every girl who tries to approach him, so you wouldn't think that he has an interest in anyone but you. You, on the other hand, are boiling with anger. This bastard. This jerk. How dare he make your heart beats faster. How dare he make you blush after some stupid remark about your appearance. How dare he stand here so tall, so strong, so handsome, so sexy, and look at you with such love and adoration. How dare he kiss you with such passion after another fight and make an absolute mess of you. How dare he come to your apartment in the middle of the night. How dare he make love to you, worship you, make you scream his stupid name. How dare he stay with you and make you the best breakfast in the morning. How dare he make you so happy and loved that from now on, you feel safe only in his arms.
Windbreaker: Sangho Choi, Wooin, Hajun (Joker), Owen Knight, Vinny Hong, Hwangyeon Choi, Hyuk Kwon, Harry Shepherd, Ryohei
Lookism: Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo, Han Sinu, Olly Wang, Xiaolong, Kim Goo, Gun Park, Ma Taesoo, Hudson Ahn, Seongji Yuk
Get Schooled: Na Hwajin, Lee Junbin
Guard Pass: Jason, Son Do-Hyun
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hoe4hotchner · 16 days
Between Man and Dog [A.H]
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙰𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙺𝟿 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟷.𝟹𝚔 𝙲𝚆: 𝚐𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜, 𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 (𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢), 𝚓𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕. 𝙿𝚕𝚘𝚝: 𝙸𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝙺𝟿 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍.
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           The sound of paws padding against the hardwood floor filled your apartment as Jaeger, your German Shepherd, trotted up beside you. He nudged his head into your hand, seeking the attention he knew you’d give him. Jaeger wasn’t just a work partner; he was your best friend, your constant companion - though that had become a bit more complicated ever since you started dating Aaron.
           You looked down at Jaeger, smiling at how content he was to just be near you after a long day of catching criminals. His large frame leaned into your leg, and despite his tough, disciplined nature on the job, he was a softy at heart. Except, of course, when it came to Aaron. As much as Jaeger respected him in passing, there was always a hint of protectiveness - and maybe a little jealousy - whenever Aaron was around especially when he was too close for Jaeger's liking.
           The door clicked open, and in walked Aaron, his familiar suit and tie a contrast to the more casual atmosphere of your home. As soon as Jaeger heard the door, his head perked up, ears alert. He didn’t bark - he knew Aaron's sounds and scent by now - but that didn’t stop him from moving in between you and your boyfriend, planting himself right at your side like a furry barricade of slobber and teeth.
           “Hey,” Aaron greeted, smiling as he made his way toward you, but his eyes flickered to Jaeger, already predicting what would happen next.
           “Hi,” you said warmly, stepping toward him.
           But before Aaron could get too close, Jaeger’s large head bumped against Aaron’s knee, guiding him ever so slightly away from you with an evident purpose. You stifled a laugh as Jaeger gave Aaron what could only be described as a disapproving look, sitting tall and proud like a bodyguard on high alert.
           Aaron sighed, though his lips tugged into a small smile. "Still jealous, huh, buddy?"
           You grinned, reaching down to ruffle Jaeger’s ears, before quickly leaning over the dog to place a peck on Aaron's lips. "I think he’s just making sure you’re treating me right. You know how he is." You winked.
           "Yeah," Aaron chuckled, shaking his head, "he makes it clear every time I get within five feet of you."
           You stepped closer to Aaron, finally closing the distance, and as you did, Jaeger gave a low huff as if to say, Alright, but I’m watching you. He didn’t budge from his spot, though, not until Aaron wrapped his arm around your waist.
           "See? It’s fine," you teased Jaeger, giving him a playful nudge with your foot. "You can let him stay."
           Jaeger merely grumbled in response, his dark eyes watching Aaron like a hawk. But despite his antics, there was no real malice - just a big, protective dog who wasn’t quite ready to share his favorite person with anyone else.
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           The next day, you were called out on a case with the unit. Jaeger was in his element, moving through the wooded area of a local park with precision, sniffing out a trail as part of his search. You were focused, keeping a steady pace behind him as he worked, your hand gripping the leash guiding him with confidence and familiarity.
           What you didn’t expect was to see Aaron and the rest of the BAU team show up on the scene as you emerged from the woods. You hadn’t realized your units would be working together today.
           Aaron spotted you almost immediately, his brow raising in mild surprise before his usual expression returned. "I didn’t know you were working today," he said as he approached, walking up alongside you.
           "Surprise," you replied with a small smile, but before you could say anything else, Jaeger’s head snapped up, recognizing Aaron.
           And, as if on cue, the German Shepherd made a low growl and planted himself right in front of Aaron, effectively blocking his path. It was the same routine as always - Jaeger asserting his territory, reminding Aaron that he was still the alpha in this dynamic. And that you were his, not Aaron's.
           Aaron chuckled under his breath, clearly amused. "Good to see you too, Jaeger."
           Jaeger, the most stubborn protector, merely stared at him, his tail flicking with just enough attitude to make his disapproval known.
           "Sorry," you said, shaking your head with a laugh. "He still thinks you’re up to something."
           Aaron gave a small smile, though he kept his distance, clearly knowing better than to test Jaeger’s boundaries at the moment. Especially when he was working "I’ll win him over one day."
           You raised a brow, a teasing grin spreading across your face. "Good luck with that, Hotchner."
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           The case was moving along, but so did the tension. Aaron, along with a few other agents, had gone deeper into the woods after narrowing down a lead from one of the civilians. You were nearby with Jaeger, keeping your distance but ready to move if needed. The situation was dangerous - there was a suspect, armed and unpredictable, kidnapping children left and right. Everyone was tense as the clock ticked closer and closer to what inevitably would be a hard conversation to have with the victim's parents.
           As you waited, keeping an eye on your surroundings, a sudden crack rang out through the trees - the sound of a gunshot. Your heart dropped. In a moment of weakness you forgot to direct Jaeger and the moment the sound hit, his instincts took over.
           Before you could stop him, Jaeger jerked forward, pulling the leash out of your hands in one swift motion. You stumbled, calling after him, but it was too late - he was already running straight toward the sound.
           "Jaeger, no!" you shouted, scrambling to your feet as you ran after him.
           Jaeger sprinted ahead, his powerful body moving with purpose as he rushed toward where Aaron had gone. Your heart raced, panic bubbling in your chest as you realized what was happening. Jaeger was going after Aaron, and not to protect you this time, but to protect him.
           By the time you reached the clearing, you saw it - the suspect was down, disarmed by Aaron, but he hadn’t been alone. Another figure had appeared from behind the trees, aiming a gun straight at Aaron.
           But Jaeger was faster. With an intense, determined bark, Jaeger lunged forward, knocking the gunman off his feet and sending the weapon flying. In one smooth motion, Jaeger stood over him, growling and barking, his teeth bared as he held the man in place.
           Aaron was stunned but otherwise unharmed as he looked at Jaeger with wide eyes, the realization of what had just happened sinking in.
           You rushed forward, out of breath but relieved beyond words. "Jaeger, heel," you called, Jaeger backed off immediately, though he kept a watchful eye on the man beneath him, low rumbles still emerging from his throat.
           Aaron stood up, dusting himself off as he glanced at Jaeger, then at you. "Well... that was new."
           You couldn’t help but laugh, though it was tinged with relief. "Yeah, looks like Jaeger finally decided you were worth keeping."
           Aaron’s expression softened as he looked at Jaeger, who, for the first time, wasn’t glaring at him with suspicion but rather like he was saying, You’re alright now.
           With a small smile, Aaron knelt down, extending a hand toward Jaeger. "Good boy." He grinned.
           Jaeger hesitated for a moment, then, with a low, yet affectionate rumble in his chest, he stepped forward, nudging Aaron’s hand with his nose.
           You smiled, shaking your head in disbelief. "Guess you’re finally friends."
           Aaron stood up, giving Jaeger one final pat before turning to you. "Looks like I owe him one." Jaeger wagged his tail as if to say, Yeah, you do.
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moondirti · 3 months
I have to ask about the sheep reader bc my god your brain is so wrinkly and now the images won't leave my head ahhhh love your writing so so much
hybrids. manipulation. brief smut. referenced neglect
it was that or cult leader price which i feel like has been done before so,,, idk man. something about sheep girl! reader being gifted to him by a hybrid averse neighbour, trussed up in the back of their pickup, soft belly up, eyes quivery and wet with tears. though he does not need an addition to his flock — certainly not one that would require extra care — he notices the abrasions sectioning your bare patches of skin (consequence of crowding in with the more animal individuals of your kind), and chubs up upon realising how easy it would be to soft-soap you into submission.
all it takes is a bit of kindness. he herds you into his home, bathing you in a galvanised steel tub with shampoo made for human women. his hands are large and rough, work-worn, but they weave into your wool gently as to not tug on the knots that have accumulated with neglect. you bleat in the novel attention, peering up at him shyly when he works the soap down your back, cupping between your legs to make sure he gets the dirt spoiling your privates.
freshly clean, you’re a pretty thing. round in the most mouth-watering places, teeth healthy upon inspection, plump lips perpetually cast in a pout. price goes so far as to tell you while he detangles your hair with an animal comb, petting your bare cheeks to feel the way they warm. loveliest lamb i’ve ever had the pleasure of caring for. set to be my favourite, at this rate. the most special.
that’s what the collar he buckles ‘round your neck seems to argue, too. fashioned himself out of full grain leather, dyed pink, antique buckle making a sturdy hook for the bell he will eventually procure.
you give in like he’d brought a meat tenderiser down on your flesh. pull apart like a well-cooked feast, unspooling all your ripe sentiments on his lap. as he sups on lamb chops — seated on his arm chair with you by his feet, making you suck his fingers clean — he tells you what to expect in your new home. the schedule, the other animals, your place within it all. you will not be given this treatment daily, yet it does not mean he loves you any less. most winter days, he’ll lay a bed of straw in the barn, assuring you that it’ll be away from the rams and their meddling horns, and come to check in on you when you can. that way, you’ll make friends who can keep you company while he’s busy.
and the way you nod, nose twitching under his heavy palm, hesitant but so trusting of the only kindness you’ve ever known — he can’t help but skip a few steps. promises you that if you get along with everyone well enough, if you’re good, he’ll reward you with a nice bath, trim, and private meal weekly. it’s the right thing to say, too, because your hips jut excitedly at the suggested luxury. just one taste of it and you’re so easily conditioned.
he can’t imagine how eager you’d be if he were to give you more. more; like fondling your doughy pussy as he is so tempted to do, kneading until you’re sloppy and soaked through your wool. like giving you a taste of climax, fingers foraging expertly within your walls, stretching your hole out to eventually supplant them with his cock. you’d move so well underneath him, fluffy and malleable, legs moved up and out of the way to press against your teats. if he knows anything, he knows sheep acquiesce to handling like butter to the knife. he could bend you, tie you, pick you up in whatever way he sees fit, and you’d take it. all he has to do in return is make you squirt messily onto the soft grass, and pump you full of his seed until you cannot clean yourself out without the help of his hand and a hose.
all in due time.
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shelbgrey · 5 months
Ok but imagine this:
The allison and mark situation happens, so when derek finds out he tells reader (who is marks gf at the time) and they go to seattle amd fall in love and when allison and mark go there they see them being all in love.
This just spoke to me
Every rose has its thorn
Paring: Derek shepherd x Reader, Ex!Mark Sloan x Reader.
Summary: after Addison cheats on Derek and Mark cheats on the reader, both Derek and her go to Seattle. After they both got drunk and had sex one night the two relized the feeling they have for each other, by the time Mark and Addison come to Seattle Derek and the reader are dating and in love.
MasterList ML2
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It sucks when your whole life gets turned upside down. A group of friends being torn apart because of an adulterous act. Derek had come home one night to see his wife Addison Montgomery in bed with his best friend Mark Sloan... Mark Sloan just happened to be the boyfriend of y/n L/n. Both Addison and Mark cheated on Derek and y/n. Ruining their relationships forever.
Y/n felt terrible, her heart ached. She felt like she should have seen it coming, she thought she should have seen the signals. She was mad and heartbroken when I found out Mark cheated on her with Addison. Most of all, she was angry at Addison for cheating on Derek. Derek was y/n’s best friend and seeing him that heartbroken hurt worse.
Derek hated both Addison and Mark. Not only did they ruin his relationship and marriage, but they also hurt y/n as well. Derek was so upset that he decided to leave town. He was tired of the lies from Addison and Mark. He just wanted to move on. He knew he couldn't if he stayed there. That's when he and y/n made the move to Seattle together.
They both got drunk the first night they were in Seattle. Derek and her went to this small bar that was across the street from the hospital. Y/n never got drunk, she didn't like drinking but that's just how the night went. And too bad it took them being drunk to realize there was something between them.
Once they got drunk Derek started noticing things about her he had never noticed before. He started to see her in a new light. It made him see how beautiful she was. His feelings for her grew the more drunk they got.
“God I hate him” y/n rambled about Mark. “I wish I never fell in love with him”
Derek listened to everything y/n had to say. He hated that she loved a man like Mark. She deserved so much better. Derek couldn't wait to show her how much better he was for her…
“I hate her too” y/n sighed then looked over at Derek, there was just something there she hadn't noticed before. They always had some kinda connection, but always played it off as being best friend
She noticed his smile, his blue eyes. She always considered him a platonic soulmate, but maybe... Just maybe there was something more. Derek looked over at y/n. Her lips looked so soft. Her hair was perfectly curled. She stood out like a diamond, She was beautiful. Derek had never thought he would feel this way towards her. But as the night went on he realized there was something inside of him that was growing for her. He realized that he was falling in love with her. He had never felt this way before for anyone.
They both sat there wondering what would have happened if they chose each other instead of Mark and Addison. Derek always wondered what it would be like if y/n chose him over Mark. If y/n had chosen him, Addison would never have broken his heart. Would they have settled down with each other and had children? Had a family? The thoughts were racing through Derek's mind while he continued to stare at y/n. He wanted to make his move.
“Why are you looking at me like That?” she chuckled drunkenly.
Derek didn't realize that his lustful gaze was showing. He felt his cheeks burn red from embarrassment. He cleared his throat. “because your beautiful”
She blushed and looked away. “your just saying that”
Derek wanted her to know she was beautiful and he wasn't just saying that. He moved closer to her. “no. I mean it. You're so beautiful. I've never told you that before. But I'm gonna tell you now. You're gorgeous…”
She don't know what possessed her, but she placed her hand on his jaw and pressed her lips to his. Derek was absolutely shocked when y/n pressed her lips to his, that she had initiated it first. He pulled away, staring into her eyes. “Mark is stupid for letting something as amazing as you go” Derek whispered, he had been wanting this for so long. Derek immediately placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close to him. He kissed her with all the emotion and longing that had built up inside of him. He wanted her and he was going to get her.
Her lips parted and gently brushed her tongue against his lips, running her fingers through his hair
He kept kissing her deeply as he ran his hands up her torso, towards her neck. Derek couldn't wait to explore every inch of her.
Y/n slowly pulled away, resting her forehead against his as she tried to catch her breath and tried to focus my drunken mind. Now all logic was throwing away, she inched her face closer to his again, nudging her nose against his, hovering her lips over his. She couldn't get enough of the intoxicating scent of his cologne. Her eyes were fixed downward,watching his hands roam the outline of her body.
Derek's hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. They were both losing reason and logic. They were caught up in the moment. Derek felt their warmth building between them and it was turning him on, He wanted more. His hands wandered up her back now and they slowly ran through her hair. The smell of lavender wafted up to his nose and he was lost in her.
Before things could get too far, y/n pressed her hands to his chest, stopping him. “you wanna get out of here?”
Derek quickly nodded. “yeah, let's get out of here”
As soon as they got back to the trailer, her lips were back on his, the kiss was messy and rushed. Y/n quickly pushed his jacket off his shoulders as he pushed her backwards towards the kitchen counter. She moaned against his lips, running her fingers through his hair. Getting them lost in his soft, perfect hair.
Derek was absolutely stunned by her boldness. This was the moment he had been longing for all this time. He was ecstatic that she was finally showing him this side of her. He threw his coat to the side with the rest of their stuff and began to kiss her with more passion. His hands roamed from her back down her body, giving her ass a squeeze. He was feeling her up the way he had wanted to since the moment he met her.
He couldn't help but want more. His hands squeezed her butt and his lips kept on exploring hers while he moved her back towards the bed. His body was pushed against hers and he leaned her back. There was no going back now. Y/n fell backwards on his bed, pulling him down with her. She moaned softly, tugging on his hair as his lips and the scruff on his jaw brushed against her neck.
Derek loved her reaction, the moans she let out were sending shivers down his spine. Her touch felt so good on him. Derek could feel her body pressing against his. He was enjoying her just as much as she was enjoying him. He wanted to kiss every inch of her. He finally had the chance to make her his and he wasn't going to let her slip away from him.
“D-derek” she moaned softly.
Derek loved how his name coming from her mouth sounded. Hearing her breathless voice gave him everything he needed to continue on with her. His hands ran up and down her body and his lips traveled across her neck and down to her shoulders. His mouth was finally exploring her body in ways that he had wished he could do for so long. His scruff was rough on her soft skin. His lips were gentle and tender. His touch was so hot and passionate. He loved the way she tasted and smelled, every inch of her was perfect to him.
They were running on nothing but alcohol, bottled up feelings, and passion. Their clothes were gone in seconds and they fell into each other's temptations.
--------(1st pov)--------
The next morning I woke up with a hangover, my head was pounding. I looked around and noticed I was in Derek's bed and not my own. I peaked under the covers and we were both naked. Derek was still asleep, I slowly sat up and grabbed his red shirt from last night and covered my bare chest with it. I sat there processing the whole night, I didn't feel regret or anything, but when something feels so good, how can it not be bad. “Derek, wake up” I said, nudging his naked shoulder.
Derek's eyes slowly opened and he sat up from the bed, stretching and yawning. He turned his head in my direction and he froze when he noticed his shirt covering my chest. His eyes grew wide, but there was a smirk on his face.
“So... Umm…” I looked down shyly. “we umm... Last night, didn't we?” I asked softly.
Derek laid on his back, smirking to himself. “yeah… Yeah we did”
I moved my messy hair out of my face. “we're no better than them,” I mumbled, thinking about Addison and Mark. They slept together, they were in the wrong, but what about us?.
Even if I was right or wrong, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief from last night. The bond we formed last night was undeniable. I had wanted him for so long and we finally had our chance. Mark and Addison may have won the battle, but there was this feeling that we were gonna win the war.
I fell backwards in the bed, laying on my back next to him. I rubbed my face processing everything. I didn't regret it one bit, but I wished it happened at a different time. “God... I just had sex with a married man” I mumbled, covering my face.
He rolled over on his side, facing me. He kissed my shoulder with a smirk on his face. “Separated... I'm not with Addison anymore” he kissed my cheek then looked at me with those pretty blue eyes. “and I gotta say... That was the best sex I ever had…”
I uncovered my face and turned my head towards him, smiling. “Dito”
Derek smiled. “Do you... umm... regret what we did last night?”
“No... Do you?” I asked softly.
Derek shook his head in a no. “I wanted to do that for so long.” he leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine for a soft loving kiss.
Derek pulled me close, kissing me deeply with no regrets between us. My heart fluttered as he kissed me passionately. This feeling was so new to me, but definitely wanted. His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me against his chest. The scruff on his jaw hitting my chin and cheeks. I smirked against his lips and placed my hand on his jaw, feeling the scruff that peppered his jaw. I pulled away from the kiss and rested my forehead against his, I rubbed my thumb over his cheek gently. “like this...” I mumbled, referring to his scruff. When he was with Addison he was always clean shaved. She liked it that way, I didn't matter if he wanted to let it grow.
“You like it?” his eyebrow raised with a smirk on his face.
“Yeah... It's sexy”
When he was with Addison he definitely shaved daily. But he was trying keep his scruff now. He liked the way he looked with a little bit of scruff now. He kissed my cheek slowly. “I'll keep it for you then” he smirked again.
I smiled, pulling him down for another kiss and slowly ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled away from the kiss gently. “we need to get ready for work...”
“yeah... First day” Derek chuckled and kissed my nose before climed out of bed.
~~~~~~~~(few months later)~~~~~~~~
I had to admit Seattle was just a better place to be than new York. No one knew us except Richard Webber, he still didn't know about our relationship and that was okay. As the months went by it was made clear that our firsr night here ment everything. We just fit too well together, even if that sounded cheesy. Being beat friends in the past nothing much changed except we were now kissing, cuddling, and having quickies in the shower.
Mark had tried to call me numerous of times, I hadn't awnsered once. I wasn't ready to talk to him, but I think I was ready to forgive him. I had moved on and was happy with Derek, so there was no reason to hate him. Addison is a different story. I couldn't believe it when she showed up in Seattle.
“Addison... what are you doing here?” Derek asked.
I couldn’t even looked Addison in the eyes. I kept my head down and my anger bottled up.
“you would have know if you had botherd to return any one of my phone calls” Addison turned to me. “or awnsered the phone when Mark calls”
“I have nothing to say to him” I said bitterly.
“of course not, your too busy screwing my husband” Addison shot back.
“that's rich” I snapped back. “you were too busy screwing my boyfriend”
Derek grabed my arm, rubbing it affectionately. He stared at Addison with betrayal and anger. “is there something you need? What are you doing here?”
Addison had a smug look on her face as she looked Derek up and down. I couldn't help but feel territorial, but at the same time insucre. I always thought Addison was prettier than me.
“your hair is different” Addison said, dodging the subject. She went to reach for his hair, but I pushed her hand away. Derek smirked slightly, but it disappeared and he turned back to Addison. “a lot of things are different”
“it's longer” Addison continued. “what's your problem?” I asked annoyed.
“what are you doing here?” Derek asked again.
“Relax, guys, I'm here for work. I'm helming the T.T.T.S. case you guys admitted last week. And after Richard's briefing...” Addison said, rolling her eyes.
“bullshit” I said. I didn't believe a word that came out of this woman's mouth. “I swear to God, if you brought Mark with you...”
“it's cute...” Addison started sarcastically. “That whole wide-eyed "ooh, he's a brain surgeon" act you have going on... It's sweet. Which is what you were going for, right? The anti-Addison”
I shook my head, staring daggers into her. She smirked like she had the upper hand now. I didn't know it was possible to love and hate someone so much. Addison was always like an older sister to me, I looked up to her and wanted to be like her. Not now she betrayed me... But in a sences I betrayed her too.
“let's go” Derek said in a hard tone and grabed my hand. I looked into Addison's eyes and showed her nothing but hurt as Derek pulled me away.
“why is she back!?” I yelled at Derek.
“I don't know! Why are you yelling at me?” Derek snapped back as he paced back and forth in his trailer. I don't know why we were taking this out on each other, it hurt we resorted to this.
“I don't know!” I sighed and sat down on his bed, rubbing my face in frustration. I think we weren't yelling at each other, just yelling in general. We were both frustrated.
Derek sighed and gave me a gental expression. “you know her coming here means nothing, right?”
I looked up at him, I trusted him but I just had to ask. “nothing between us changes?”
His blue eyes stared into my soul. I loved his eyes, I could just drown in them. “nothing changes... Hell, I'll devorce her”
He held his hand out to me and I took it. “I promise” he said softly and knelt infront me where I was setting so we were eye level. “we're not gonna lose each other... Not again”
Then Mark came back...
Unlike when Addison showed up, I was just hurt to see him. I hadn't thought about him since me and derek started dating, but when I saw his face all that hurt and betrayal came rushing back.
The first time he visited Seattle he was on the ground and thanks to Derek I was the one that had to stich him him up. Richard sent me and Mark to the ER and Richard was chewing Derek out for the punch. That's when Richard found out about Addison and Mark's affair.
“you look amazing” Mark said as I got out the supplies to stich up his cheek. I ignored him as I tried to keep my anger and disappointment bottled up.
I cleared my throat and placed a towel on his shoulder and tried to get a decent angle to stich his cheek.
“here” Mark mumbled and to my dismay he pulled me in between by my hips so I could be closer. “thats better” he smirked.
I sighed and dropped the tweezers. “you think your funny?”
“I think I'm adorable” he smirked. I rolled my eyes and stiched up the gash. I sighed using the technique mark taught me long ago.
“I missed you... I really do” he said as I placed a bandaged on. I tried to stay silent but Mark wasn't having it. “will you please say something?”
I slammed the tweezers on the tray with a loud clink then turned towrds Mark. “What do you want me to say? I don't want you here and and sure as hell don't want Addison here”
Mark looked down staying silent. “I'm sorry”
I rolled my eyes tired of his sorrys. I did miss him and hell I unfortunately still cared for him, but every time I looked at him all I can think of is him in bed with Addison.
I gulped and looked at him as I felt the tears form. “I'll see ya around Mark”
“bye...” he said barly above a whisper.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Mark and Addison from a far, confused on what they were seeing. They just couldn't understand how fast y/n and derek fell for each other. Addison scolded herself for not seeing the signs earlier, but when she looks back she could see the way Derek looked at y/n.
“Derek never looked at me the way he looks at here” Addison said in a monotone voice.
Mark crossed his arms, staring at the new couple. He feeling so many different things it confused him. He wanted to fix his friendship with Derek, but everytime he saw his arm around y/n he just wanted to break it. Then on the other hand his heart broke seeing y/n smile and derek and not him, but he loved her enough to feel some sorta relief he didn't totally break her and she was happy.
“y/n looked at me like that... Every day we we're together” Mark said. “and I screwed it up big time”
Addison glanced at him, part of her felt fear Mark regreted being with her. It ment she lost two men she loved. She felt selfish for feeling like that, not only did she lose a husband she lost her closest female friend. This whole situation was a mess and she knew it.
Mark glanced at her, his blue eyes showing nothing but pain. “if I could turn back time I would in a heart beat”
Mark still loved her, but he loved her enough to let her go. At least he knew he could trust Derek not to hurt her. “let go of your pride addie, if you think Derek will leave n/n your crazy”
Addison raised an eyebrow at him, like she thought he was some kinda hypocrite. “well, y/n isn't leaving Derek for you”
“yeah... And I just need to learn to deal with that” Mark sighed, giving y/n and derek one last glance before leaving.
477 notes · View notes
koiiiji · 8 months
✧˖° — windbreaker men & their nasty, perverted habits
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
✧˖° all characters aged up ° ˖ ✧
idk why app let me add only 10 pics, so pls sorry, i added mostly rare characters✌🏻🥹😭
HANDSY! vinny
who is always seeking for your attention and physical touches unintentionally. vinny isn’t a big fan of showing feelings on public but he would keep his hand when hugs you by the waist suspiciously close to your ass or boobs. when you two in private, be prepared for a lot of ass spanks and vinny’s nimble hands to be all over your body under the shirt.
SPYING! jay jo
filthy motherfucker who would rather die then admit that he want to fulfill some sexual tension. so he would do everything, but not initiate sex - spying on you while you in bath, or his favorite, when you taking shower and and he can watch how streams of water flow down your hair, down your back, going lower and lower, and clouds of steam create some kind of obstacle, not allowing to fully enjoy the view, but still leaving an intimate picture that he is watching as if mesmerized, from behind a half-closed door
WHINY! min u
min u sometimes moan as a joke when you in hangout together, for example when you slap him on a shoulder after another joke, or when he accidentally hits his hand on a table or corner in your presence. AND he is super vocal in bed, like super super… even if he is on top, his voice go wild sometimes, when he's already euphoric and you're both chasing your second or third orgasm.
noah thinks about sex in general and sex with you almost 24/7. she not thinking about it only when training and cycling, even in her sleep she saw dreams about having sex few times. she thinks about poses you two can try, about how you would look like under her or on top, or how it would look like in the mirror reflection, or if you try handcuffs, or if…. it’s always on her mind. she likes to experiment, as long as you comfortable with this, but even if you not, she would try to talk about it and comfort you into her experiment.
HORNY! harry
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here is a little bit different from noah. harry just wants to have himself inside you, make love with you, hold you, rearrange your insides, all kinds of words that describes fucking. he is not thinking about experiments or things he want to try, he just want to be inside you. especially, he likes after training or after race sex, when he is still full of adrenaline and came to you to relieve himself. it doesn’t matter to be rough and aggressive sex, no, he hates to give you pain. yes, sometimes he likes to be a little bit rough but mostly he stops himself unless you saying him opposite, so mostly it’s just such a passionate sessions of making out, preparing, sex, and after care when he’s already calmed down, rubbing your back and humming softly.
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pervert. even though you two in relationship don not wonder that you won’t find your underwear after sleepover at his place. and if on this weekend you decided to stay at your place, don’t wonder if you won’t find pair of thong in your closet, this nasty whore definitely woke up earlier and took pantie to his pocket. it is not necessary for him to do something with them, but hwangyeon will definitely wrap them around his dick and will jack off, so when he finishes he will took photo of your panties covered in his cum and send it to you. you will phone him right after receiving photo and yell for stealing your new pair.
BREEDER! sangho
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sangho likes the idea of having wife and his own small family. just him, you and your swollen tummy where will his own child come from soon. (and no annoyingly loud siblings) he likes to be on top, in control, and the idea of impregnate you makes him feral. thought about your fertility, and that he is actually able to make you a child, makes him feel that strange sensation in his lower abdomen, as if a knot is being untied. of course firstly you two had a talk about it, and both probably agreed on having protection initially, but god damn, sangho always cumming harder after imaging you having his child.
892 notes · View notes
d4yl1ghts · 6 months
-Anthony Bridgerton:
only you
unfair (1)
unfair (2)
-Benedict Bridgerton:
happy with just the two of us
late escapes (1)
late escapes (2)
-Colin Bridgerton:
hope for the future
-King George:
-Simon Basset:
new desires
Grey’s Anatomy
-Alex Karev:
-Denny Duquette:
i’m the one with an irregular heartbeat
-Derek Shepherd:
-Mark Sloan:
be careful
Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker:
-Han Solo:
there is good in the bad
The 100
-Bellamy Blake:
The Hunger Games
-Finnick Odair:
i’ve got you
-Peeta Mellark:
opposites attract
summer love
The Maze Runner
welcome to the glade
The Vampire Diaries Universe
-Damon Salvatore:
-Klaus Mikaelson:
-Stefan Salvatore:
it’s okay
416 notes · View notes
sagesskies · 4 months
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʙᴜʟʟʏ
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✒ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀꜱʜɪᴘ
☏ - ɪꜱ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɢᴜʏ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴀ ʙᴜʟʟʏ??? ʟᴍᴀᴏ… ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴀɴ ᴀꜱꜱʜᴏʟᴇ……. ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇɴꜱᴀᴛᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɢᴀʙᴇ ɢᴜʏꜱ ꜰʀꜰʀ
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ: ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ɴᴏɴᴄᴏɴ, ʜᴏᴍᴏᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ, ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ, ᴘᴏꜱꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ, ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴄʏ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ, ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ꜱᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ (ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ), ʙᴜʟʟʏɪɴɢ, ᴜꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟᴜʀꜱ, ʀᴀᴘʜᴀᴇʟ ᴄᴀᴍᴇᴏ, ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏꜰʀᴇᴀᴅ, ꜰᴇᴇʟ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱʟɪᴅᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀꜱᴋʙᴏx ᴛᴏ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ɪꜰ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ
Yandere Best Friend who was the king of the school, ruling over his subjects with an iron fist. They kissed his feet, and in turn he'd shove them into lockers when he felt grouchy and have them fetch his cigarettes so the teachers wouldn't know they were his. 
Yandere Best Friend who was once your best friend. Your ride or die who would have your back even when he acted like a complete ass sometimes. Sure he was wicked and cruel, but never to you. 
Yandere Best Friend who always kept you close, closer than Harry, closer than Hannah. He would pick you up from your house, he would eat at your table and welcome you to eat at his own. You would spend nights in his room, never on his bed, of course. But he'd take the initiative and set out an inflatable mattress for you, which was more than he'd ever do for the other guys who he'd leave to sleep on the cold hard floor.
Yandere Best Friend who you absolutely despised. Seriously, just the sight of him was enough to ruin your day. This wasn't petty envy– okay, well maybe it was. Just a bit. You hated how your parents blindly adored and praised him (“Why can't you just be more like Richard?”), you hated how you were known first and foremost as his best friend, Richard's cheerful little lapdog. You hated how you spent so much of your life at his beck and call, because what else were you supposed to do? Ignore him? Fuck. Even as kids, that would be social suicide. 
Yandere Best Friend who liked you more than you thought you did. He was always weirdly drawn to you, in the same way a starving dog would be to a rare bone thrown it's way. Hungry, possessive, and greedy. You reasoned it as something like imprinting, you were his first real friend. Not a mindless follower in awe of his assertive charisma. But somebody who he initially perceived as an equal. You say initially, because at this point he sees you less as an equal and more of an extension of himself, like a nice watch he can't bear to take off. 
You only truly discovered how deep this went when he learned you and Harry were sleeping together. 
Really it was Harry's fault. 
You were supposed to go have dinner with Richard's family at their place, a monthly tradition both your parents established when you two were young and have since kept up without fail. But then he yelled for you outside your window, and, well… he was still wet from his shower and you could never resist him when he was wearing his letterman jacket. 
That was when it started, you think. The first little clue in Richard's very own Nancy Drew mystery that has led him to slamming your bedroom door open on a Friday night while your parents are out of town.
“Jesus, ever learned how to knock?” You place a hand to your chest and act shocked, like swinging the door open like a battering ram wasn't a regular occurence. 
Usually Richard would respond with teasing, jokingly apoligzing for startling your poor, weak heart or for attacking your sensitive ears with such a loud noise. You never liked it, but you heard it so much at this point that it stopped bothering you a long time ago. 
“What the fuck is up with you and Harry?” 
‘You and Harry’. Three words you used to be afraid hearing in one go. You still are. Whenever somebody would say, “I saw you and Harry,” you would force a smile on your face and respond with, “Really?” 
But this is a different question. “What is up with you and Harry?” 
Your mind can only come up with one answer as to why Richard asked this question and that alone is to send you into panic mode. 
But you simply raise your brow, “Uh, nothing? Is this about the brownies? Sorry if I gave him extra but you didn't finish your share so if it's anybody's fault it's yours–” 
“This isn't about your shit brownies [Name]—” 
You gasp, once again pressing a hand to your chest, making sure to exaggerate your expression, but not too much, just enough to look convincing, “How dare you! You said you loved them—”
“Well I lied, idiot,” Richard's gaze hardened, he crossed his arms as he stood over you while you sat cross legged on your bed, “And don't change the subject!”
You raise your hands in faux-surrender and try to look like your feelings have been hurt, “I wasn't! You shit talked my brownies– which I'm not gonna forgive by the way— and I just defended them like any normal person would.” 
“So yeah, Richard, we are staying on subject! The subject is simply about my amazing brownies and your crappy taste buds.” 
Richard’s nostrils flare in exasperation. He curses under his breath while he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a polaroid picture which he then shoves at your chest. You look at the picture, and you can't restrain yourself from releasing the ensuing gasp. 
It was you and Harry, in Harry's car at night parked near the lake on the outskirts of town, making out under the cover of darkness. 
“Woah, holy shit– Harry's gay?!” 
“You're making out with him in the picture–” 
“Nahhh, that's not me bro! I was out… fishing with my… great uncle.” 
“Your great uncle died two years ago.”
“Well, I have another great uncle, and he's in tip top shape. Asshole.” 
“You have the same baseball hat you're wearing in that picture.”
“...No I don't.” 
Richard stares at you, then silently points to an identical hat on your bedside table.
“That's not mine. I borrowed it from Steve.” 
“Fucker, I gave you that for your fifteenth birthday.” 
Richard always knew something wasn't right with you. 
Listen, he didn't believe in whatever bullshit Father Callahan spewed from his mouth. Gay guys were freaks of nature, sure, but they weren't sent by the devil. 
But you were an exception. Shit, with the way you made him feel maybe you were a little succubus made to take him off the righteous path or whatever. 
Ever since you guys were kids he's always felt this uncontrollable desire to have absolute and complete control over your entire being. Richard doesn't know to describe it as anything other than an almost instinctual impulse, the universe telling him that you were meant to be his when he was still too young to understand. 
Still. He thought that you would have standards. Richard could see the common sense in wanting to bone, whenever he got to get it on with Hannah he was in bliss even if she wasn't you, but for you to choose Harry. The spoiled little wuss Harold Kelly, instead of him? 
He treated you better than the rest, but he had limits. Limits you overstepped. It's only fair that you're going to get punished. 
“Ahaha… uh, are you sure that's me and Harry in that picture…?” 
Richard clicks his tongue. When would you understand that there was no use denying it? 
“That is literally Harry's exact plate number on that car.” 
Your shoulders slump, and Richard feels a mix of dread and satisfaction at the resigned expression on your face. Satisfaction because he won. Dread because his worst fears have been confirmed. 
“Who took the picture?” 
Richard snatches the photo away from you, “Made that little freak Greg Werner stalk you two,” He sneers and takes a step closer, “Bet he got a lot of fap material from that. Scrawny little guy like him, there's no question he's a fag. You would know, wouldn't you? You're just like him after all–” 
“Okay, fine! So what if I am?” You jab your index finger into his chest, his green eyes widening as they focus on it, “What I do in my private time is my business and none of yours. My life is barely even my own, and it's all. Because. Of. You! So don't you fucking dare take what little personal pleasure I have away from me.” 
With each word you speak, Richard's heart aches. It's a sharp, cold pain like a knife is being stabbed into his does. There's a silence when you finish, taut with your resentment and Richard's hesitant regret. He wants to say something, but what could he say? That it wasn't his fault? That he was sorry? That he didn't want you to leave him? He felt like he was watching a beautiful bird he had nursed back to health and kept safe from the dangers of the world start flapping its wings and fly, far, far away from him. 
“Get out, Richard,” You turn away from him, “If you want me to leave your group and fuck off then I'll do so gladly.” 
“No.” Richard grabs your arm. 
“Wha- what do you mean no? Richard let go of me.” 
Richard weighs what is important to him on a scale in his mind. You, or his status. 
You were his best friend. Even if you were starting to slip away, to college, to Harry, out of his sight and out of his life, you were the only person he wanted to keep in his life. The only friend he could see himself going out for drinks with when he was older. 
You were his first love. His only love. The first subject of his shameful adolescent dreams that left him awake at night, sweaty and spent on his bed. Once he had contemplated running away with you, changing names, and living a life free from the close minded small town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere the two of you grew up in. 
But he had a reputation to maintain. A father who he had to satisfy with the standard accomplishments a father would expect of his son. He had a girlfriend whose father was the town's mayor. A town whose watchful eyes praised him as a good, upstanding young man who was destined for greatness. A star athlete who was going to play in the big leagues and finally place the town on the map. 
In the grand scheme of things, you were just another teenager in his shadow. 
You were destined to be remembered in history as merely another name in his autobiography. Richard Shepherd's childhood best friend. 
However Richard's stomach curled at the thought of that. You and him, separated. No longer within the same circle, but in different worlds entirely. 
The scales tip in your favour.
What happens next is a blur. You're shoved into the mattress of your bed and pinned down. You try to escape and Richard cows you into submission with a punch to the gut that nearly has you hurling from the force.
Your clothes are ripped from your skin, your protests go unheard, your body is a tool. Richard too has stripped himself, he spreads your legs. He grabs you by the chin when you close you try to look away, “Unless you want this to hurt more you're going to look at me when I do this.” 
So you look, and you cry, and you weep as you feel his cock invade you. It's not a dry insertion, but God it still hurts. Richard gasps when he sheathes himself fully inside, his eyes are blown wide and his mouth hangs open like he's seeing stars. His fingers dig into your waist, and he bites his lip, his face tells it all and even in this position you can't help but smirk. Feels better than Hannah's, doesn't it Richard? 
That's the last thought you remember having before Richard goes wild. 
You do it on your bed, against your desk, pressed against the cool surface of your window. Richard cums multiple times inside you, he even cries at one point, screaming words you can barely remember in your fucked out state as tears streamed down his cheeks. 
Richard makes you scream his name as he moans out yours. He asks if Harry kissed you before and when you're too tired to respond he slams his lips into yours and practically eats away at your mouth. 
Eventually he finishes, pulling out of your worn out hole, with a wet plap. Your body shudders as you release a long, shaky breath. 
“You’ve ruined me,” Richard pants, his blonde hair is sticking up, he’s covered in a light sheen of sweat, and his green eyes are blown wide open as he tries to compose himself, “I… I can’t- Hannah could never…” 
He stares at you as you lie below him, equally sweaty, your neck and shoulders are littered with hickeys and bite marks, and you’re on the verge of passing out. The rims of your eyes are red, and your face is moist with tears. Your lip is swollen from Richard’s teeth digging into them, nearly tearing them off in his fervour. 
You look like you’re about to die. 
He looks more alive than he ever has before. 
Richard looks like he wants to do it again. 
Yet his eyes are filled with fear, and you want to laugh, but your throat is crying out in pain.
“You’ve ruined me.”
Yandere Best friend Bully who keeps you on a shorter leash now. He doesn't do anything in public. Okay, that's a lie. But he makes sure he doesn't get caught. And despite being the classic stereotype of a small town jock, complete with his hot cheerleader girlfriend and powerful inner circle, he's not an idiot. He doesn't do anything to out you, or even leave any hints to your sexuality. He doesn't even tell Harry he knows. No, this is his little secret. Your little secret. Just like the old days when the two of you had a secret fort deep in the woods behind his father's farm. 
Yandere Bully who knows he can't keep you around his group, even to be the new punching bag. The guys would be too grossed and the girls.. well he didn't really care what they thought actually. Same went for the guys, to be honest. What mattered was the words they would say that would be whispered and spread like wildfire around the school. 
Richard likes keeping the school homo around
You think he fucks the fag? 
Why else? I don't see any bruises on the fucker’s face 
Yandere Bully who can't bring himself to hurt you. Is he disappointed? Yes. Is he furious? Yes. Does he want to beat somebody’s head in till the anger goes away? Oh, no doubt. But if he were to ever hit your handsome face then he'd hit himself over the head with a brick a hundred times over. 
Yandere Bully who resorts to being rough. He uses you like you're a lowly hooker, here to give him happiness and send him flying high to heaven with pleasure. He pins your wrists above your head. He smacks your ass. Digs his nails into your solid muscle till you bleed. He litters your skin with harsh, red bitemarks. 
You would cover it all up the next day by saying you spent the night with a girl. You never say, you never do, so nobody questions who. He used to be jealous, resentful of whatever bitch was able to lay her needy hands on you, but now he only smirks at the sight of the miserable pout on Harry's face. 
Yandere Bully who doesn't spare Harry either. Bumping into him in the hallways. Stomping on his foot during football practice. Flirting with his girlfriend by the lockers, a smirk on his face while his eyes are on Harry, quietly fuming while his girlfriend giggles and twirls her hair bashfully. His humiliation of Harry is what makes the other guys join in. They jeer at him, mock him by asking if he liked getting cucked, and start slowly respecting him less. That is, till you step in of course.
Yandere Bully who ignores the bitter complaints of the other guys, angered by the humiliation they suffer at your hands, and watches as resentment stews inside him as you scold Harry, hands brushing a stray chestnut lock away from his eyes while he smiles sheepishly, his ears burning red after being graced with your touch after so long of being deprived of it. The two of you looked natural, you looked happy, really happy. Real happy, with a real smile to boot.
Yandere Bully who sometimes wonders, during nights when he has you in his arms, your back facing him as you avoid his intense gaze by placing yourself in front of the wall, what exactly your feelings for Harry entail. Did you just want to fuck or did you like Harry the same way Hannah liked Richard? 
Yandere Bully who sometimes wonders what he feels for you. He likes you, more than Harry, and certainly more than Hannah. But sometimes he wonders what's the difference between liking somebody and desiring them. 
One day he looks at you the morning after a raunchy night in your bed and the sun pours in from your window, your brows furrow and a frown forms on your face. You bury your head in your pillow, and Richard decides that whatever he felt for you was completely beyond his comprehension. 
Yandere Bully who should have known that Harry would start poking his nose eventually. He couldn't understand what you wanted from Harry, but he knew that he and Harry wanted the same thing from you: You in your unsullied entirety. 
Yandere Bully who one day finds you alone in a room with Harry. He looks through a small gap in the doorway, and Harry is on his knees, drying your leg with a towel. The group was staying at Harry’s lakeside cabin during the summer, and you had all come back from swimming in the lake. Harry looks up at you from beneath his eyelashes, a seemingly innocent smile on his face while you narrow your eyes at him, a smirk curling at your lips. 
Richard does a sharp intake of breath at your laugh, floating through the air like a gentle, silvery breeze. Your head rests on your hand while the other plays with Harry's damp hair, “Jesus christ, it was freezing though,” You shudder at the memory of it, “I felt like I was gonna turn into a popsicle.” 
Harry giggles, fucker actually giggled, “Bet you'd be a hot popsicle though.” 
“What the hell— A hot popsicle? You mean sexy?” At Harry's shy nod, you throw your head back and laugh, “So what, you're gonna drag your tongue over me and lick every inch of my body?” 
Harry's ears start to burn red, “Well… I wouldn't… I wouldn't mind doing it even if… you aren't a popsicle…” 
Before you can even respond, Richard swings the door wide open and the two of you snap to attention, Harry jolts and quickly scrambles to his feet and you practically leap off of the bed.
“Richard! Buddy! Pal! Amigo!” Harry exclaims, “What're you doing there at the door? Come in, come in! We were just talking about… uh—” 
“The temperature,” You supply seamlessly with a firm nod, “I think my balls froze off in the lake man, they're numb as hell.” 
Harry gapes at you for a moment before shaking his head with fervour and then nodding with the same amount of intensity, “Yep! How about we go on a walk after lunch? Absorb some good ol’ vitamin D, whaddya say Richard?” 
Richard narrows his gaze at the two of you, his eyes flickering to Harry who beams like an idiot dog, then to you who sports a similar ‘ignorant’ smile. 
“Bring it up with the others,” Richard mutters in gruff tone, “[Name] go tell them to start making lunch, Harry stay behind would you? I have to talk to you about something.”
“About what?”
“Ah, okie doke!” Harry smiles, not a single thought behind his blue eyes, “Seeya later [Name]!” 
You hesitate for a moment, chewing your lip in thought, but a sharp glare from Richard is enough to have you roll your eyes and head out, “Don't take too long unless you wanna be eating our leftovers.” 
“So is it about the upcoming game? The Bears have got nothing on us man, don't you sweat–” 
“Harry, you buffoon, that was obviously just a guise,” Richard closes the door shut, “I want you to stay away from [Name].” 
“Huh? Why?” Harry cocks his head to the side, “Is something wrong? Did [Name] do something?”
“It doesn't matter,” Richard waves his hand like he's swatting flies away, “I don't want you anywhere near him. Not even within an inch.”
“You can't just do that Richard,” Harry protests, but Richard is already turning away from him. 
“I can,” Richard narrows his eyes at him, green against blue, “And I will.” 
Before his fingers can even brush the metal of the doorknob, Harry grabs Richard's shoulder and spins him around, “No, Richard, you can't.”
There's an unusually serious expression on Harry's face that Richard never thought he'd see till Harry would reach his thirties, that is, if they were to even remain in touch. 
Harry was a coward, plain and simple. He cried like a bitch when he watched scary movies, he was deathly afraid of the dark, once on a previous trip to the Cabin there was a spider in the bedroom and he simply stood on the couch pointing and screaming at the insect as his own girlfriend was the one who took it outside using a glass cup and a piece of paper. 
When they first met, it took only three minutes for Richard to cement himself in Harry's mind as a person to listen to, to respect, and obey. And it was something that wouldn't change, till just now that is. 
“I know you've been doing something to [Name],” Harry stares him down, for the first time in his life it truly registers in Richard just how tall Harry is as he stands nearly half a head above him, “And whatever it is, I want you to stop.”
Richard sneers, “Look at you. Harold Kelly. The town pushover finally grew some balls, huh?” He shoves Harry away, “But if you think I'm going to listen to you just because of that then you really are as big of an idiot as everybody says you are.” 
Harry shakes his head, “You're hurting him, you know?” He meets Richard's piercing gaze without flinching, “You keep pushing him like this and he's going to snap eventually.” 
“Why do you care? What is he, your little girlfriend? That why you didn't bother stepping up when your girlfriend had her mitts all over me?” 
“He's my friend Richard, and friends care for each other,” Harry frowns, a disappointed look in his eyes that makes Richard want to sock him across the face (Who is he to look at him like that?), “You'd know that if you weren't so selfish.” 
“What are you trying to say to me Harry?” Richard takes another step forward, smirking when Harry instinctively backs away, “If you're saying I don't care about [Name] then you're dead wrong, because nobody will ever care for him in his life as I will, not even you Harry. You wanna know why? Because you don't understand him, nobody does. Nobody except me, and that's why even if you two are flirting and going at each other like the little fairies you two are, the only person who will stay in his life forever is me.”
“You know?” Harry's voice is quiet, whatever bravery he mustered up is gone and he's back to the wuss Richard pushes around in his free time. 
“Of course I do, nobody knows him better than I do after all, this is no exception.” 
Harry's mouth hangs open slightly, and Richard snickers at the expression, smirking at his undeniable triumph over the other, “I won't say it again Harry, leave [Name] alone. If you don't, I'll tell the school you've been raping him.” 
The threat makes Harry flinch, “No… you wouldn't.” 
“You know better than to think that Harry.” 
“E-even if you did, nobody would believe you!” 
“Harry people have seen [Name] with your hickeys and bite marks, it wouldn't be so hard to convince them you're gay and Lucy is just your beard. Besides,” Richard drawls in a sing-song tone, “I have pictures~” 
Harry's visage is consumed by an expression of defeat and hopelessness, “This is wrong Richard, you're ruining his life.” 
“Please, if anything the only reason he has this life is because of me,” Richard scoffs, ignoring the twinge in his chest at Harry's words, “Now, if you'll excuse me.” 
Without waiting for a response, Richard enters the dining room, and takes a seat beside Hannah and across you. 
“What took you so long?” Hannah looks up from her plate, a bored look in her eyes. 
Richard peck's her on the forehead, lips stiff, “Harry and I were talking about football.” 
“Geez,” Hannah rolls her eyes, “All boys talk about is sports and cars, tsk.” 
“Don't forget the girls,” Peter jokes. 
Hannah wrinkles her nose, “Eugh.” 
You send him a narrowed glance, a silent question hung in the air between the two of you. What happened? 
Richard merely smirks, it widens at Harry's arrival. You look at Harry hopefully, only to visibly deflate when he sits beside Lucy at the other end of the table. 
You turn to Richard again, eyes hardened, “What did you say?” You mouth. 
Richard shrugs. You curse under your breath. 
Yandere Bully who you can't stand anymore. At this point, could your life really be called your own? Richard always had his eye on you, day and night. He would spend his entire day with you. Even staying behind after practice to shower with you. He would eat at your table during dinner and stay over the night, you would be caged in your own bed, struggling to sleep while his hot breath fanned against your neck. 
Fuck. Even Tommy would send you pitying glances when you would visit his house. Tommy! The kid you would pin down while Richard tore up his drawings in front of him. 
The last straw is Harry. Lovable, cowardly, foolish Harry. Harry who avoids your gaze and practically flees when you enter his vicinity. Harry who tells you that he can’t see you anymore. That he shouldn't. That what the two of you are doing is wrong, it always has been. 
You can't take this anymore. You have to get away. From the school. From the town. From Richard fucking Shepherd. You could tolerate it, barely but you could tolerate it. But then Harry broke your heart and suddenly you don't have a reason to tolerate what Richard is doing to you anymore. 
Yandere Bully who expects to be offered full-ride scholarships to ivy-league colleges, but when scouts arrive they ignore him in favour of team players like Harry. You know this because the same night after Harry proudly announces he got a scholarship to the University of Michigan, he fucks you in the backseat of his car without a single shred of mercy, cursing under his breath the entire time. Talk about envy. 
Yandere Bully whose expression can only be described as devastated when you break the news over dinner that a college in the city has accepted you, over his parents congratulating you and your parents tearful smiles, he looks like he's about to cry and scream at you all at once.
Yandere Bully who that night, in the barn on top the stacks of hay, when he thinks you've passed out he hugs you, actually hugs you, as sobs rack through his frame. He begs you not to leave him, and you feel almost guilty for not opening your eyes and assuring him that you won't. But you don't, because even you're not so cruel as to give him such an empty promise. 
Yandere Bully who never sees you again after graduation. He tries to get you to stay, he even threatens releasing the pictures, but your only response is a shrug. 
“Will you miss me?” 
You scoff, “Will I miss you? Richard, there's nothing to miss. If anything, I should be asking you that question.” 
“What's that supposed to mean?” 
“I think you know exactly what it means.” 
“Enlighten me then.”
“You love me.” 
“You're delusional.”
“Wow, look at the pot calling the kettle black,” You chuckle. 
“I'm not gay [Name].” 
“Then why were you so mad about Harry then?’ 
“Because he was a fag.” 
"Well, I'm a fag too, but you certainly treat me better than you ever treated Harry.” 
“That's because you're different.” 
“I'm special.” 
“Whatever you wanna call it.” 
“I'm special… because you love me.” 
“I don't love you.” 
“But will you miss me?” 
“You're going to come back.” 
“And how are you so sure?” 
“Because I said so.” 
You smile, “Don't count on it, Richard.”
Yandere Bully who breaks up with Hannah eventually, after she catches him cheating on her with a relative of yours who was staying in town. What can he say? She had your eyes. 
Yandere Bully who only has the old baseball hat he gave you for your birthday to remember you by. It's either you forgot to pack it or you left it behind on purpose. Even if it hurts, he prefers the latter. At least it meant he mattered to you in some way, even if it's in a negative light. He always wears the hat, even if Raph teases him for it, all he has to do is knock the little shit in the head and he shuts his mouth about Richard's fashion choices.
Yandere Bully who writes letters he never sends, words written in a rough scrawl confessing truths he was too afraid to admit, that he's still afraid to admit to this day. 
Sunflower gave birth today, a colt with a coat the colour of chocolate. We named it London. I think dad has been thinking of going there, but I don't think he ever will. 
Have you gone to London? I hope you haven't. We wanted to go there together, didn't we? You wanted to meet Harry Potter and I wanted to… well I didn't want to do anything there. I think I didn't mind where I was, I just wanted to be with you. 
I wish you came back. I wish you never left. I wish you stayed with me in this shitty town and worked with me in my family's shitty farm. I know it's cruel, and I know you don't deserve it, but neither do I okay? I deserved a life with you and it's unfair that you got to leave and I'm still trapped here
Sunflower misses you, I think she got more sad when you left and hasn't changed since. She keeps whinnying like she's calling out for you and it bothers all the other horses because they can't sleep, and when they can't sleep then I can't sleep, and you know I fucking hate it when I can't sleep so could you just come back and spare me further trouble? 
I got rid of the pictures. You don't have to worry about anything. I just need you back here. So I can sleep. 
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☏ - ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴍᴀɪʟ: ᴍʀ. ꜱᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ.
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tvseries-writings · 8 months
We care about you
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Maya x Carina x reader (Amelia is reader’s bff)
Prompt: Reader has a car crash with Carina’s car and she feels so guilty that she refuses to go to the hospital and it’s not the best choice.
TW: car crash, seizure
When you open your eyes, your first thought does not go to the probable concussion you gave yourself, nor to the poor light pole you knocked down. No, your concern becomes the car: the Carina's very expensive and beautiful Porsche that you have just crumpled against a stupid pole that you could very well have avoided, had the road not been wet. Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the driver's door, yours, suddenly opening.
"Miss, miss can you hear me? Y/n?"
Vic's face appears in front of you, and as soon as he notices it's you, her gaze changes from a calm and placid one to one quite panicked.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to call Maya and Carina?"
Vic unbuckles your belt, intimating you to stay still while she checks you over. She feels your legs, asking if you can feel them. You nod. By the feel of the pain in your ribs, you probably have one or two cracked if not broken ribs, blood is pouring out of your nose since the airbag exploded in your face, and most likely the deep cut on your forehead indicates a more serious concussion than you would have liked but you don't care. The only thing you care about is the car, and right now you really have no other concerns besides.
"Were other people involved?"
"No, just a poor pole. But I don't think it will complain. We need to get you to Grey's Sloan. Montgomery, Warren! Give me a hand, we-"
Relief floods you as soon as Vic confirms that no one else besides you was involved in the accident. You know full well that it could have been worse, yet you refuse to go to the hospital, you won't let anyone waste time because of your stupid mistake. Carina's car...you destroyed it, the Italian loves that car and you literally crumpled it for her.
"Y/n, you know you have to go to the hospital. Maya and Carina would kill me if they knew I didn't take you to the hospital...please don't make me carry you or call them."
You shake your head, immediately regretting it as soon as you do when a twinge in your head makes you squint in pain.
"No, Carina is going to kill me as soon as she sees what I've done to her car..Vic, you don't understand. She loves this car more than anything, she went to pick it out with Andrew as soon as she got to Seattle-" a sob involuntarily escapes your mouth as your body is shaken as more follow. Tears line your cheeks and though you want to stop them, you really don't have the strength.
"Y/n, Carina loves you more than a stupid car...she won't care if-"
"No Vic, you don't understand, I don't want to go to the hospital, please, please, I can't look at Carina and tell her that I destroyed one of the things that reminded her of her brother. Please Vic, take me home, don't take me to Grey's Sloan. Please."
You plead with her and see her struggling internally with herself, even turning a glance over her shoulder where Ben and Travis, having heard it all, are struggling in the same dilemma as she is. Then, Vic shakes his head and you decide that you have just chosen which battle to fight, at least for the next few minutes.
"I'm sorry y/n but we need to get you checked out and Grey's Sloan is the closest. I'm really sorry."
You shake your head, tears continue copiously to line your face, and the adrenaline slowly begins to fade, making your head feel lighter and your chest feel heavier.
"No Vic, this is not your choice. I am conscious and aware of my actions, legally you have no right to transport me anywhere unless I have harmed other people."
You use your best lawyerly tone, the same tone you use in the courtroom and see them exchange a look and then nod.
"You're right, legally we can't force you but we can call Maya and Carina, y/n."
You grit your teeth; this was an option you had not calculated but, instead, you come up with an idea that is better than the others and will probably save you from going to the hospital. As they say, if Muhammad does not go to the mountain then the mountain will go to Muhammad.
"Thank you for coming."
Amelia shakes her head, a look of disapproval quite legible on her face.
"Well, when your best friend as well as roommate for a good six years of college calls you and tells you she's been in an accident, it's hard not to check in on her."
You smile at her, and before you can try to speak, she's asking you rapid-fire questions.
"Have you lost consciousness? Have you had any dizziness? Altered vision?"
Amelia pulls a small light from the breast pocket of the lab coat she is still wearing before pointing it in your eyes.
"I'm fine," you close your eyes, instinctively turning away from that blinding light.
"Mm yeah, no. You're not all right. Now be still and stop saying you're fine."
Amelia holds your head still, probing multiple places for some kind of bump and glancing at the gash on your forehead.
"This cut needs stitches and you need a CT scan. Oh and you still haven't answered my questions, don't think I forgot."
When Vic notices that you don't answer, she does it for you.
"When we arrived she was unconscious and was unconscious for about three minutes while we were there and soon after she recovered she had trouble recognizing me so I wouldn't rule out visual changes."
Ladies and gentlemen, the traitorous bastard Victoria Hughes.
"Hospital, now. No discussion. I remind you that between the two of us, I am the doctor and also one of the best."
You sigh, shaking your head a few times or at least trying to, as Amelia holds you firmly in place.
"I don't even think about it Amelia, not-"
You stop suddenly, a high-pitched ringing in your ears not allowing you to hear whatever Amelia is saying and then, your pupils rotate back and your body is suddenly shaken by convulsions and everything goes dark.
It is Amelia who takes you to the hospital, with Warren by your side as they check your vitals all the way to Grey's Sloan while Vic and Travis brush all speed limits in order to get their captain's girlfriend and great friend to the hospital as quickly as possible.
After administering Diazepam, fortunately the seizures have stopped and Amelia is squeezing your hand, as if to let you know she is with you.
"Everything will be fine, stay with me y/n. It's all right okay? It's all right. I'm here, I'm here with you."
In less than five minutes, your unconscious body is quickly brought through the doors of the emergency room at Grey's Sloan.
"Female, 25 years old, car accident. Unconscious for three minutes, probable head injury. She had a seizure episode before entering the ambulance; diazepam was administered. She has been stable ever since."
Vic says, before leaving you in the hands of Dr. Teddy Altman, who rolls her eyes as soon as she recognizes the woman lying on the stretcher.
"Y/n? Do Amelia, Maya, and Carina know?"
The neurosurgeon sighs, shaking her head and slipping on gloves and a sterile gown to carefully examine how severe your head injury is.
"Damn it, Schmitt, call Dr. DeLuca. Warren, alert your captain. I can't believe you guys didn't say anything, those two will kill you."
Warren swallows before nodding and pulling out his phone.
"What was I supposed to do? This idiot didn't want to and I remind you she's a lawyer, she knows her rights very well. We need to do a CT scan on her, Schmitt did you reserve the room?"
"Y-yes Dr. Shepard and Dr. DeLuca is coming. I told her that her partner had been in a car accident but I didn't have time to tell her that she was okay that she had already shut me down."
Teddy pinches her nose between her index finger and thumb, sighing in exasperation.
"Schmitt, did you even check that she wasn't operating?"
The resident looks at her embarrassed before shaking his head.
"No ma'am, I-"
The boy doesn't have time to finish the sentence that a worried Italian doctor enters the emergency room, nearly bursting through the doors.
"Where is she? Is she okay? Teddy tell me she is fine-"
The Italian woman suddenly stops, noticing only then your pale, unconscious body on the crib in front of the two doctors and the resident.
Caria quickly approaches you, stroking your forehead and being careful not to graze the cut before turning to Amelia as they move to the exam room to have you scanned. "What happened?"
Although she is addressing the neurosurgeon, her eyes do not leave your figure, and her hand does not detach from yours.
"She lost control of the car and drove into a light pole, the airbags deployed, which caused her to have a massive nosebleed, and a head injury. She had a seizure episode before we brought her in."
Carina gasps as she hears the last sentence.
"Has she woken up since then?"
The Italian closes her eyes, aware that this is not a good sign and praying that you have not suffered more damage than she initially expected.
As they prepare you for the CT scan, Amelia and Carina being the only ones in the room, Carina decides to ask Amelia one of the questions that came to her mind as soon as she noticed the neurosurgeon standing next to you, slightly sweaty in the face and aware of all the information from your journey from the accident site to the hospital.
"Why were you with her in the ambulance?"
"She called me; she was afraid you would be upset about the car and didn't even want to go to the hospital. She said she would report us if we took her, I doubt she would have done that and I would have done it anyway but you know, Vic and Warren weren't too keen on taking the risk. And then he called me so that they wouldn't take her to the hospital and they wouldn't call you or Maya."
Carina shakes her head as she and Amelia tuck you inside the machine, before exiting the room.
"You idiot, I don't care about the car. All I care about is that she's okay."
"I know Carina, I tried to reason with her and then...well, she had the fit. It will be fine Carina, she is a fighter. She will come back to you. She loves you too much to leave you."
Carina nods, chasing back tears as she looks at the monitors in front of her, waiting for the results of your CT scan.
The Italian gasps as she feels two powerful arms embrace her and hold her close.
"It will be okay love, Warren told me what happened. She will be fine, otherwise how could we give her a good telling off for how much she was considered?"
Maya kisses her wife's shoulder, also looking at the monitors despite not understanding anything written on them. They both sigh, looking at Amelia waiting for good news.
When you open your eyes, for the second time that day, you realize you've fucked up again. The cold white walls of the hospital room you are in are proof of that. You try to move your head to the side, to look around, but a twinge in your neck puts you off. You recognize Maya's warm grip in your right hand and the Italian's wavy hair caressing your stomach as the latter sleeps peacefully.
You give the fireman's hand a squeeze and a gentle caress to the Italian's face. Carina wakes up, crinkling her eyes and looking at you surprised, happy and worried at the same time.
"Bella, how are you feeling? Are you okay? I'll call Amelia..."
Carina speaks frantically, not even realizing she is speaking in Italian, and as she reaches toward the button to call the nurses, to the right of your bed, you fuss her wrist, turning a smile to her.
"I'm fine and before you call anyone else I...I have to tell you how sorry I am Carina. I'm so fucking sorry. I know how much you cared about that car and I'm so sorry, I wanted to try to fix it before you knew it...although I don't know if it can be fixed and-"
Carina hears the beeping sound getting louder and louder; she turns to the monitors and when she sees how fast you are breathing and your heart rate, she knows you are having a panic attack.
"Bella, love, it's okay. It's okay love, I'm not mad. I don't care about a stupid car, Andrea will always stay in my heart; I care about you, Bella. The car will buy back but you worth more than anything, do you understand?"
You keep breathing fast; the throbbing pain in your head does not allow you to think clearly, and unfortunately, Carina's words come to you so muffled that they have no effect on you.
The chaos around you makes Maya suddenly wake up; it takes the blond firefighter a few seconds to figure out what is going on and to join his wife in trying to drag you out of the panic attack.
The blond climbs onto the bed, sitting right behind you and holding you in her arms despite you trying with all your might to free yourself. Carina, on the other hand, kneels in front of you, taking your hands in her own.
"It's okay love, it's okay. Breathe, listen to my heartbeat" Maya whispers in your ear, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
"Follow my breath Bella; that's it, good, keep it up."
In less than ten minutes, the incessant sound that resonated in the hospital room is replaced by a soft, steady BIP. Your chest hurts and you rub it hard, to ease your pain, before a hand forces you to stop.
"Hey, hey, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this up. Do you want me to call a nurse to give you something?"
You nod, closing your eyes and waiting for the nurse to arrive. Carina reaches out to press the button before immediately returning to hold your hands. Maya continues to leave kisses on your neck and face as you continue to keep your eyes closed.
Contrary to what you expected, it is not a nurse who enters the room but Amelia.
"Hey rock star, you're awake. What's wrong? Do you have a headache? Dizziness?"
You nod, opening your eyes and looking into her eyes. A small smile ripples your lips as your best friend walks over to your bed and hugs you.
"You had me worried idiot."
The neurosurgeon pulls away from the hug before giving you a weak punch on your right arm.
"I'm sorry."
Amelia shakes her head as she sticks something into your IV.
"This is a painkiller, not too strong but it should ease your pain. Call me if there is any problem. I'll be back later to check how your head is; I know you have a hard head but it's always best to be cautious."
Before you can even insult her for the joke she just made, Amelia sneers her way out of the room.
"What an idiot," you shake your head, rolling your eyes. Your body begins to relax as the medication kicks in.
"So will you tell us why you didn't go to the hospital right away? You know how dangerous a head injury can be and you still decided to not go to the hospital right away. It was stupid and reckless and you can't, you CANNOT do that with your health. Ever again."
Maya looks at you sternly, with her ‘’Captain's look’’, as you and Carina call it.
"I'm sorry Maya, I know you are angry and I understand why but my only thought was only the car and the fact that I had destroyed one of the things Andrew had given Carina."
Maya holds you close and Carina joins your embrace.
"No physical thing or not, none, will ever be worth as much as your life y/n. And don't ever have a seizure over it again, am I clear? A car will never be worth as much as you are to you and me, ever. I don't care if I have to throw it away, I don't care if I have to buy another one. I care about you and your health so don't ever pull that crap again because if you had the crisis while you were alone, at home, after getting dropped off there, then it could have ended really badly and I, we, need you to understand that Bella."
Carina strokes your face gently; some tears line her face and you promptly wipe them away. Maya leaves a kiss on your cheek, holding you close.
"Car is right love, you really scared us today and when I think about the fact that we could have lost you I..." Maya shakes her head, her voice breaking and you turn to her, pulling her into a kiss.
"I'm sorry Maya, I'm so sorry I...I won't do it again."
You hug and hold each other tightly, you know you fucked up but now that Carina has calmed you down the relief you feel is priceless; therefore, you enjoy the embrace and that warmth you love so much as the medication slips you back into sleep.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry, I know it is not the best so excuse me… I will try to improve. Have a great day!
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Derek Shepherd x reader - let me help
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Hiyyaa could you possibly write a fic with Derek Shepherd where reader is in an abusive relationship and he always takes care of her bruises etc. But she always pushes him away and tells him not to do anything abt it. Then she starts closing herself off and one day shows up severly injured, and Derek had no choice but to interfere.. - Anon💜
TW: abusive relationship
Derek had been down this road over and over again, you turning up at the door to his trailer asking if he can help with some bruises and if you could stay the night.
And just like the past year, this was no different, you came a few times a month.
“You fall again?” He asked.
You shrugged a little and let Derek tend to the bruises and small cuts on your face, and he stayed quiet for a minute.
“You can’t keep doing this (Y/N), something has to be done.”
“Derek don’t get involved.”
“So you’re asking me to just sit here and wait for you to come to my door black and blue again?” He asked.
“Derek just leave it okay? Don’t do anything.”
He sighed and sat down on the chair and he looked at you with a frown on his face.
“What’s it going to take for you to leave this relationship?”
“Just drop it.” You snapped.
You tossed everything in the bin and you pulled your jacket back on and he stood in front of the door, arms crossed over his chest.
“You’re not going back are you?”
“Derek get out the way.”
“Derek move!” You snapped.
He looked at you and clenched his jaw as he stepped away from the door to let you leave.
“Just let me help you, please.”
You said nothing as you left and he sighed heavily as he watched get in your car and leave once more.
He sighed to himself and went back inside.
Except instead of seeing you at work the next day, you weren’t there.
He did see you the following day, and when he went to talk to you, you chose to ignore him, and you began to distance yourself from him.
You never came to him to fix your injuries, you didn’t message him or call him to let you know that you were okay.
And he was starting to get worried.
He tried to catch you in the elevator, or on the stairs so you would talk to him, but you wouldn’t, you’d simply run away or begin to talk with someone else.
Then one evening, as he was sitting outside he saw your car pulled up and he stood up.
“(Y/N)?” He asked.
He watched as you got out, but you never came around.
He walked around and he saw you sitting against the car, beaten to a pulp, hands trembling and breathing heavily.
“Jesus Christ..”
He helped you up, and he helped you inside, sitting you on his bed, he began to clean your wounds.
You had tears silently falling down your face, and he didn’t dare say anything, he just cleaned your injuries and helped you like he always did.
Then he sat next to you and carefully wrapped an arm around your shoulder, and you began to cry even more.
“Hey I’ve got you..” he whispered.
He held you tightly, and you sobbed into his arms for hours until you finally fell asleep.
Carefully laying you down, the doctor covered you up and he looked at your phone blowing up with texts and calls.
He couldn’t do it anymore, so he grabbed his phone and called the only person he knew would be able to help him.
And they both met outside your apartment.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” Mark asked.
“You’re just going to have to trust me, police are already on their way.”
“How long we got?”
Derek shrugged and mark nodded, both of them knocking loudly on the door and they waited for it to open.
When it did, Derek didn’t even speak he pulled his hand back and punched your boyfriend in the face, knocking him to the ground.
“What the hell?!”
“That’s for (Y/N).” Derek growled.
He pointed to mark.
“Watch him.”
Stepped over your boyfriend Derek began gathering everything of yours he could find and fit into bags, clearing all your things out.
He broke your boyfriends phone and he carried on, handing bags over to mark to set outside so he could carry on packing.
Every time your boyfriend tried to get back up, Mark shoved him back to the ground.
Derek wasn’t going to let you be hurting again, not by a long shot and he was going to make sure the person hurting you was put away for a long time
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I'm rewatching Wandavision and can we just take the time to appreciate Agatha's acting skills when she was fooling Wanda. That takes TRUE dedication. Because personally I wouldn't have lasted through all that.
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dialoguestetatet · 7 months
Windbreaker characters (separate)
Can you buy me pads
Takeda Kaneshiro; Noah Austin; Vinny Hong (Hong Yoo Bin); Deokbong Kim (Monster); Wooin; Shelly Scott; Gyuchan (Monster crew); June (Junsu Lee); Sangho Choi; Hyeok Gwon; Owen Knight; Minu Yoon; Ryohei; Sung Kwon; Hajun (Joker); Harry Shepherd; Dom Kang; Hwangyeon Choi
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Why does it look like they're texting each other? 😭 I tried to include as many characters as possible 😥
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wlw-imagines · 9 months
Behind The Curtain - Amelia Shepherd/Reader (Grey’s Anatomy)
request: Could you do a oneshot with Amelia Shepard where they both work at the hospital and are secretly dating. One day Arizona or Meredith or somebody catches them making out and then teases them about it the rest of the day. You're writing is fantastic! Thanks for reading this :) - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed!! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing
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Keeping your relationship with Amelia secret had been pretty easy for the two of you.
Whilst you were rarely seen venturing further than paediatrics ward, Amelia was similarly tied down to Neuro, being a neurosurgeon, and to whatever various tasks kept her occupied elsewhere in the hospital. Therefore there was never any need to cover anything up about your long-term relationship.
It had begun as a late night fling, early on in your careers at Seattle Grace - you had both finished a shift at the same time and walked into each other as you were buying a coffee.
She smiled sleepily, her eyes bleary as she gripped the coffee cup, “Y/L/N, right?”
You nodded at the correct name, and also in recognition of the woman in front of you, “Amelia.”
“Coffee? At this late hour?” She smirked, a twinkle growing in her eyes.
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “I could say the same for you.”
Amelia shrugged and started walking at your side, “I won’t get any sleep any time soon anway, what’s your excuse?” She raised an eyebrow as the two of your left the cafeteria.
“Same.” You shrugged, before turning back to face her and fully reigstering the look in her eyes. You took a slight risk, hoping it was the correct one, “Want to come back to mine? We can talk about how shit life is and commiserate together?”
“I’m less of a talker, more of a do-er.” She caught your expression of a raised eyebrow and shook her head, “Not like that!”
“Hey, we can do whatever you want to do.” You laughed, “I can make us more coffee at home? Stronger coffee.”
“Okay. I’d like that.”
You were fortunate really because whenever you were around one another your love was probably too obvious and your relationship was something that you felt didn't need to be known by everyone yet. So, the longer it could be kept a secret, the better. There would be no complaints of favouritism in surgery and no teasing during late night shifts, it was just straight up easier.
And while normally the distance between your areas of expertise was in your favour, sometimes, on the rare occasion, the paediatrics and brain surgery teams would collaborate. It was at time like these that it was much more difficult to keep your hands off each other.
The day had started with Arizona rushing towards you, a stressed look on her face reserved for only the worst cases. "We have a nine year old girl coming in with serious unspecified head injuries. I've paged Lady Shepherd so she is on her way up, you'll be following the case with me." She rushed out, no time to pause.
"Wait, I... Lady Sheph- Amelia is being given the case?" You asked, your heart hammering slightly once you heard the name.
"She is our in-house neurosurgeon so, yes. She is. Do you have a problem with that Y/L/N?" The woman quirked an eyebrow up at you, giving you one of her looks that you could hardly ever interpret so you just stuttered away.
"N-no, not at all. That's fine, it's great. Good for her." You stumbled through some random words that didn't even really make sense in the situation before you were interrupted by your girlfriend walking through the doors.
There was just something about her in authority and her scrubs that turned you on and that was why you were better off separated. So you found yourself relatively lucky to not be included in the team that went into surgery.
You avoided the viewing platform. But even when you were stuck outside doing paperwork you still found yourself too distracted, your mind wandering off too many times, thinking of what you would do to the woman once you were in the safety of your own apartment. 
It was going to be a long day.
You had waited until the surgery was finished until you snuck into a call room. Amelia had been walking past when you attempted to (subtly) pull her into the  room with you. You immediately closed the door and pinned her up against it, making an attempt to lock the door before Amelia flipped the tables and pushed you against the wall. The look in her eyes immediately brought back memories of how your relationship had initially begun.
"What are you smiling about?" She asked, pulling back with a confused look on her face.
Leaning forward, you kissed her nose and hummed slightly, "I love you, is all." 
The smile remained on your face as you leant slowly in. Your lips connected and the kiss only became more passionate as the pent up frustration of long, hard days and not seeing each other as much as you needed to built up. You weren't even in there to hook up like you always used to, you just need to be close and be together.(Although, shirts were beginning to be unbuttoned...)
You were vaguely aware of footsteps approaching but you were too caught up with Amelia and had just assumed they had passed. That was until you heard a small gasp coming from the doorway.
Amelia and you pulled away from each other as quickly as you could, your girlfriend stumbling back and almost falling over had it not been for you grabbing her waist and wrapping your arms around her to prevent the fall.
Once she was secure you turned your head back to whoever had interrupted with a smile that was as innocent as you could make it before clearing your throat, "Arizona... Hey."
"Well, I was not expecting this...” A small grin spread across her lips and she let out a gleeful laugh, “Actually, you know what I kind of was. Y/N's been acting strange." Arizona smiled with an evil twinkle in her eye, "I can't believe you guys haven't told me!" You quickly shushed her before pulling her into the call room and closing the door behind her. "I love you guys but at least buy me dinner first..." She joked, earning a light slap on the arm from you.
"What are you doing?" You asked, running your hand through your hair and starting to fidget.
Arizona paused, "I was going to take a nap... in the call room. Because that's what-"
Your girlfriend looked at her watch and shrugged at you, "Look at the time, I've got to go." Amelia, spoke up from the corner, sliding out the door without another word.
You went to walk after her but turned to Arizona who was still standing there with a smile on her face, "You scared my girlfriend away." You pouted.
Arizona just wrapped her arms around you and rocked you side to side, "I'm so proud of you!"
"Shut up."
"But you're both so cute."
"Shut up!" You pushed her slightly, laughing.
"And you've finally found someo-"
You gave her one last look before opening the door, "Okay, I'm leaving now!" You said, walking out.
"Love you." She yelled after your disappearing body.
"Love you too." You yelled back before adding on, "And don't you dare tell anyone!”
"Y/N," You jokingly rolled your eyes when confronted with Arizona leaning on the nurse desk with a big smile on her face. You prepared yourself for the teasing that was inevitably about to come and pretended to be more interested in the paperwork in front of you. The teasing over the past week had been neverending, "Listen, I know I've been making fun of you and your girlfriend all day and I just wanted to let you know that I support you 100%. I promise that I won't let anyone know of your little secret, okay?" You visibly relaxed and looked back up at her.
You smiled, putting your hand over hers, "You know, you didn't need to tell me that. I trusted you from the beginning but thank you all the same."
She nodded and went to leave before turning back to you, "By the way, I've given your girlfriend a little gift - you may want to go up and say hi. She's in the nursery."
Confused, you frowned slightly but didn't question it as you nodded and made your way to the other side of the ward, where all the newborns are kept.
You stepped in front of the window looking into the nursery and felt your heart skip a beat to see Amelia cradling one of the babies. She caught your eye and her eyes twinkled slightly as she looked down at the baby in her arms. You sighed blissfully and stepped into the room.
"Are you terrorizing the children?" You asked, looking around at the other 3 cribs, each holding a tiny, delicate baby. You stepped closer to Amelia, putting an arm around her lower back and looking down at the baby.
"They're our kids without any home, or parents." Amelia whispered, rocking the baby slightly before shifting the pink blanket to cover her head and little waving hand that had fallen out when she was trying to reach up to your girlfriend. "I kind of thought you were just going to end the sentence at, 'they're our kids' and then you would have a lot of explaining to do."
"Surprise!" She sarcastically cheered before one last rock of the baby. Between the two of you, you managed to safely get her back into her cot and tucked up in her blanket before sneaking out the door.
You both stood in each other's embrace for a while, just soaking in each other's love and company.
"Y'know, maybe it's good that people know about us - especially Arizona." You mumble, longingly staring at the bundles left in the nursery, "if it gets us perks like getting to cuddle cute babies during work then I'm so up for coming out to everyone." You joked.
Amelia just nodded, "Me too." You looked up, slightly surprised as it hadn't really been something you had discussed yet. "Hey, you want to stay at mine and get chinese tonight?"
"Do you have the house to yourself?" You asked with surprise, since these are the only times you get to stay round and even then it is like a military mission. "No, it's a full house tonight. I'm introducing you to them."
"Babe, you realise I know your friends and they know me. We're part of the same friendship group."
"I know, but I get to introduce you as my girlfriend." She grinned and began walking back down the corridor, back to work before yelling over her shoulder, "Plus I get to show them pictures of our children!"
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
Left Unsaid
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Amelia Shepherd x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, angst (happy ending!), sex, fingering, explicit language, surgery times (duh), (let me know if I missed anything!) Word count: 1.8k
Summary: You used to be Dr. Shepherd's favorite resident, but something had happened in the last month that drove you further apart than ever. Will it get resolved (hint: yes, it does)?
“You, out!”
You stood, flabbergasted, in full scrub, suctioning blood out of someone’s brain-deep head wound. The OR had gone deathly silent, and if they could’ve seen your face under your surgical mask, they would have seen you blushing bright red.
All you’d done was ask a question. All you’d wanted to know was why Dr. Shepherd had gone after the brain bleed at the angle she did, because it wasn’t the angle you’d expected. You were a surgical resident. Asking questions is what you were supposed to do.
“Dr. Shepherd, I–”
“Uh-uh. You? Out of here. You’re distracting me, Y/L/N. And if you can’t focus on saving this man’s life, you don’t need to be in here.”
Frustrated and more than a little embarrassed, you handed off the suction tube to another resident and quickly burst through the doors and into the scrub room, washing your hands furiously. You felt like crying. You didn’t know what was going on these days.
During your intern year, you’d gotten really close with Dr. Shepherd. She’d sort of take you under her wing, said you had the right mind and hands for neuro. You worked well together, almost read each other’s thoughts sometimes, it seemed. But the last month or so, she’d all but banished you from her service.
You knew part of it had to be Webber’s new initiative for “well-rounded surgeons,” a new protocol where residents were cycled between attendings at random, with no favoritism or preference allowed. But even when you were assigned to neuro, Dr. Shepherd always put you on the other neurosurgeon’s service. She hardly talked to you at all.
You wondered if you’d done something wrong, something to completely ruin the mentorship–no, the friendship–you’d felt like you were forming with Dr. Shepherd. Not only did you miss her company, miss working with her, but you missed neuro.
You spent the rest of your day on neuro doing glorified scut alongside the interns. Humiliating. And when you finally went home, you wanted nothing more than to collapse on the couch and order Chinese food. But a text from your cohort group chat reminded you that tonight was the annual Surgeons for Surgeons benefit gala. And unless you wanted to be fired, you’d have to show up, bells on, ready to mix and mingle and convince Seattle’s rich and famous to donate to the program that connected Seattle-Grace with its partner hospital in Nairobi.
You stared at yourself in the mirror before leaving. Thanks to a very artful layer of makeup, you looked a little less exhausted than you really were. And you had to admit, you looked good in a suit.
By the time you and your friends arrived at the gala, things were in full swing. Wine, music, twinkling lights, the whole shebang. You were determined to have fun with your friends, despite whatever weird stuff was going on with Dr. Shepherd. You’d had a few glasses of wine, had danced with a few other residents, and had generally avoided Dr. Shepherd, even though once or twice you’d caught her watching you. Let her feel bad, you thought. She was out of line.
But when you were on your way back from the bathroom, a hand shot out of a hallway and gently grabbed your arm.
“Jesus, Dr. Shepherd,” you complained, straightening your suit as she crossed her arms and looked at you, leaning against the hallway wall.
“Sorry,” she muttered. “You just…” She threw up her hands. “You’ve been avoiding me all night. I didn’t know how else to talk to you.”
You raised your eyebrows. “I’ve been avoiding you!?” You scoffed. “Dr. Shepherd, you haven’t talked to me in over a month. I went from being the de facto neuro resident to being bottom of the barrel in your OR. So forgive me if I’m not jumping at the opportunity to chat with you.”
Dr. Shepherd looked at the ground. “I know. I’m sorry.”
You sighed. “Look, I don’t care if we’re friends, okay? I– I would have liked it. I like you. But my career comes first. And whatever’s going on with us got in the way of that today. So whatever I did to upset you, I’m sorry. Okay? But I love neuro. And I’m good at it. You don’t have to talk to me ever, outside of work, but you cannot keep me from surgery.”
You started to walk away, but she stopped you.
���Y/N!” she called, grabbing your hand and holding it for just a moment too long. You were taken aback by her use of your first name. She always called you Dr. Y/L/N. “I don’t want that.”
“Okay…” You shrugged. “So put me back on your service.”
“No, I mean…” She exhaled sharply and stared at the ceiling. “I don’t want to be friends with you.”
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t sting. You liked Dr. Shepherd. You really liked her. You thought she’d liked you. You thought that in another life… But it didn’t matter now.
“Message received,” you said, avoiding her eyes.
“God, that’s not what I meant. I’m fucking this up.” She looked at you almost like she was in pain. As if there were words she just couldn’t get out. “What the hell,” she finally mumbled, then grabbed the sides of your face and kissed you.
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. But her lips felt so good against yours, her hands warm and soft against your skin. This was what Dr. Shepherd had wanted with you, why she’d been avoiding you. And, if you were honest with yourself, it was what you’d wanted to, you’d just been too scared to let yourself admit it.
You wrapped your arms around her waist, pressing her into the wall to deepen the kiss. She whined into your mouth, her tongue fighting for entrance, and you knew–by the arousal shooting down through your very core, the wetness pooling in your underwear–that this would not end here tonight. Amelia’s arms snaked underneath your blazer, searching for skin.
“Why do you have so many clothes on?” Amelia muttered breathlessly, painstakingly unbuttoning the collar of your dress shirt, then continuing on to the lower ones.
“Whoa!” You grabbed her wrists, pushing them away. “We’re in a public hallway, Dr. Shepherd.”
She huffed, pulling you by the arm into the closest room, which turned out to be some poor soul’s vacated office at this event venue. She slammed the door, taking her own turn to push you against a surface. It took your breath away.
“Don’t call me Dr. Shepherd when we’re about to have sex,” she said, trailing kisses down your neck.
“Fine, Amelia,” you retorted, and she smiled into a kiss. She liked a little sass in a woman.
With one hand, you rolled her nipple between your fingers. With the other, you moved slowly down her body, gently pulling up her dress to slip a hand into her underwear.
She gasped as you brushed lightly over her clit. “Fuck,” she breathed, throwing her head back. You smiled, happy to have a little power. Amelia might have all the power in the OR, but you had all the power here. You could tell by the way her hips rolled toward you, by the way she leaned heavily on the desk at her back–she wanted you bad.
She breathed heavily, squeezing your arms as she pushed her hips into you, desperate for the friction, the pressure. You grinned wickedly and removed your hand, licking her arousal off your fingers.
“Y/N!” she protested, glaring at you.
“Hmm.” You pretended to be thinking deeply, circling the rest of her vulva so that you were close, so close, to where she needed you, but not quite there. “You know what? I bet this feels a lot like being knee deep in a surgery and then being pulled for no reason at all.”
“I said I was sorry! Please, Y/N.” You had her squirming and writhing and you were getting drunk off her desperation.
You pushed two of your fingers into her warmth, already so wet, so ready for you, and she moaned. “I mean, I guess, if you insist.” You smirked at her, loving to see her lose control. She was always so in control at work. It was honestly something you admired about her. But right now? All you wanted was to see her coming apart.
There was a part of you that wanted to tell all the residents, to tell everyone that you were fucking Dr. Amelia Shepherd. But there was another part of you–deeper, softer, more you–that wanted to keep her all to yourself. Because some part of you knew that it wasn’t just sex, no matter how much easier it’d be if it was.
Amelia’s breathing grew ragged, her walls pulsing around you and you knew she was close. You circled her clit with your thumb, and she thrust her hips up into your touch, chest heaving, legs shaking. And when she finally, finally hit her peak, you scooped your arm around her back to hold her up, keeping your rhythm steady until she came down, resting her head on your shoulder, a thin sheen of sweat on her face.
“Fuck!” she breathed, lifting her head to grin at you and tuck your hair behind your hair. “Your hands.”
“That’s why I’m such a good surgeon.” You winked at her.
“That’s why you’re good at a number of things, apparently.” Amelia pulled her underwear up, straightening her dress.
“Well,” she shrugged. “Should we go back in?”
You scoffed. “I’m certainly not.”
“Are you kidding me!? There’s a fucking lake in my underwear right now. I gotta go home.”
Amelia smirked, pulling you down by your collar for another kiss. You couldn’t take much more of this. You needed her. Or a vibrator. Or a dildo. Or something.
“You want help?” she asked, playing with the hair at the nape of your neck.
You blushed. The tables had turned all of a sudden, and she was the one with the power now. “Yeah,” you said quietly. “Yeah, that’d be… that’d be good.”
She laced her hand in yours, squeezing it. “Take me home, Dr. Y/L/N.”
“What if someone sees us!?” you hissed, looking both ways out the office door.
“We’ll slip out the back.”
“Sneaky.” You nodded. “I like this side of you.”
Glancing furtively around, she leaned forward and sunk her teeth into your neck, taking you by surprise. You gasped.
She pressed her lips against your ear. “I’ve got a lot of sides you haven’t seen yet.”
God, you couldn’t wait to see them.
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shelbgrey · 6 months
Kiss me in the dark(Derek Shepherd)
Paring: Derek Shepherd x Kepner!Reader
Summary: April Kepner's older sister is still a virgin and unlike her sister no one really knows. She shares the same morles as her sister but really she'll only sleep with someone she loves. She loves her boyfriend Derek but hasn't really gotten the chance to do anything until recently.
Warnings: SMUT, no plot just smut, fingering, Praise, gentle sex, loss of virginity, Derek being an absolute sweetheart.
MasterList ML2
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As soon as we got into his trailer his lips were on mine, holding my face gently. as the kiss got more heated I felt his hands start to roam my body.
My eyes widened for a second feeling my stomach do flips I placed my hands on his chest and slowly pulled away. he noticed this, and placed a small kiss to my nose.
“we don't have to. only if-”
“shut it” I softly joked, cutting him off as ran my fingers through his perfect hair. My hands slightly shook as they fell to his belt. I kissed his lips trying to cover the fact I was struggling to unbuckel it. He softly pulled away and placed his hands on mine stope me.
He chuckled slightly. “hey, hey, slow down” I looked up at him with puppy eyes. He smiled lovingly and caressed my cheek. “we'll take things slow” he whispered kissing my cheek.
He smiled softly and took my hand and lead me to his bed. I felt so innocent and shy compared to his confident poster.
I stood still for a bit and looked around his tiny trailer. As I looked around a felt him come up behind me and brush my hair to the side. He started leaving soft kisses up and down my neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.
I felt him stop as he noticed my nervous poster. He turned me around softly and held my face in his hands making our eyes lock.
“what's wrong, Sweetheart?” he asked kindly, looking down at me.
“mm' nothing” and it was the truth. I didn't feel uncomfortable, nor felt paranoid or scared, I trusted him completely. I just simply felt shy at that moment, he smiled at and stroked my cheek softly with his thumb.
“your so beautiful...” he whispered as his hands fell to my ass. I stuttered feeling more shy under my boyfriends gaze.
A soft wine left my lips as I felt him pick me up caring me to his bed. he crawled on top of me, laying me down on the bed as he did so. he rubbed small, comforting circles into my hips, letting me know he was there and I could trust him.
I felt his hands settle on my thighs, slightly letting them wander up my shorts, “do you trust me?” he asked softly.
I felt body trembled, but seemingly in the best way possible. My body was practically in flames from his small, teasing touches. I nodded needing more of his touch.
“use your words, or I can't do anything” he said as I got lost in his blue eyes.
“yes..” I whispered and gently played with the dark hairs at the neap of his neck. He thumb stroked my cheek and his head titled to the side rasing and eye brow. “Yes, what Honey?”
I swallowed nervously not knowing how to say nor did I know what he want to here. “I trust you... please touch me Derek”
that was all Derek needed before he snapped, and his lips once again collided with mine. My hands went to his chest and I gasped into the kiss, noticing how much harder than it was than the first. but nonetheless, I was enjoying the hell out of it. especially when I felt his tongue slip past my lips and began to explore every part of my mouth.
He broke the kiss for a swift moment, “if you want me to stop... tell me and i'll do it, okay? i don't want you to be uncomfortable.”
I quickly nodded, not even really processing his words, I just wanted more of him.
He pulled away slightly giving me a serious look “I'm serious y/n” he said softly.
I nodded softly playing with the dark hair at the neep of his neck. “I will...”
My hand fell to his and our fingers laced together. I felt my chest heat up as he leaned down and pressed a delicate kiss on my lips as he placed our laced finger on the bed next to my head.
he started to press light kisses on my neck. I sighed, I had never felt a sensation like this. He bit down lightly and I let out a small whimper at the feeling. he moaned quietly at the sounds that were leaving my lips. He didn't sound disappointed.
“you like that, Baby?” he cooed teasingly in my ear, nibbling a bit on it, causing a shiver to go down my spine. that was all he needed before he continued to work on my neck, leaving small love marks on the smooth flesh.
“Der.. more.. Please” I pleaded, still not really knowing what I needed more of, but I just I needed more of him. he chuckled in my ear, and placed one last kiss on my jaw before gently lifting me up and laying my head on his pillow.
“what do you want more of?” he asked, hovering over me. His blue eyes stared into mine with a smirk.
“I-i don't know... just-more”
It was kinda funny, because I was begging and I truly didn't even know what I wanted. I knew it would make Derek's thoughts go wild, and I could feel his cock harden at the look on his face as he leaned in closer.
“you want me to touch you more?” he asked trailing his hand down to my outer thigh, “want me to make you feel good with my fingers?”
I felt my heart almost exploded from his words, and I felt my panties suddenly dampen.
“please Derek” I shuddered, wrapping my arms around his neck. he smirked and placed a small, but reassuring kiss on my lips.
I felt his fingers gently trailed over my thighs, going down my shorts, the feeling made me whimper. he pinched at the delicate skin, and I sighed out of content as his fingers inched closer and closer to where I needed him the most.
“are you okay?” he asked and placed a delicate kiss on my lips.
“I-it feels good...” I whimpered to him.
“don't worry, baby. gonna make you feel amazing,” he said kissed my neck once more, and his fingers finally found my clothes bundle of nerves, and he pressed down gently.
I let out a gasped at the sensation, my hips instinctively bucking up as I tried for more friction. he began with small circles on my panties, and he had already made me a sounding mess by the time he was attempting to push them aside, and run a finger up my slit.
“I've barely even touched you and you're soaked... what's got my beautiful girl so worked up?”
I blushed at the question making me hide my face in his chest from embarrassment, and he chuckled lightly.
“hey, don't be embarrassed. I think it's adorable.” he smiled lovingly.
he kissed my lips again, his tongue finding its way back into my mouth as my chest heaved from the overwhelming pleasure.
without warning, he slipped one finger in. it made me gasp into the kiss, partly from pain, the other from pleasure. He moaned at the sounds he was pulling from me.
soon enough, he was fucking me relentlessly with his just one finger, and I rocked my hips back and forth, just chasing a build up that I had never even experienced before.
“your being so good Honey, fucking my fingers like this.” he whispered, making a small whimper escaped my lips once again.
he kept going, even at one point, slipping another finger in to stretch me out a bit. I practically screamed at the feeling, the overwhelming sensation almost becoming too much to handle.
“can I take this off?” he asked tugging at his shirt that covered my body.
I nodded and he swiftly pulled the shirt off my body, and beginning to suck on my nipple lightly. He chuckled at the sudden halt in speech, and kissed my breasts soothingly as he felt my pussy clench around his fingers.
“I can feel you clenching around me baby... are you gonna cum for me?" he asked, coming closer to my face. I quickly nodded, the coil in my stomach progressively becoming looser.
“Derek, I'm gonna cum.” I warned him, and he simply hummed at my obliviousness. “Der..” I gasped, a wave of pure pleasure washing over me, sending what felt like electricity through my veins as he fingers went even faster.
“There you go, Baby.” he said softly.
My thighs trembled violently as I came on his fingers, and I had to hide my face in Derek's shoulder to muffle the scream that elicited from my lips.
As I saw stars, Derek kept going, this time focusing on my clit more than anything. those same noises leaving my mouth hadn't stopped, and before I knew it, that same feeling over came me again. I started to rock against his hand as I came, clinching the sheets on his bed.
I felt my whole body shake as Derek took his hand away, and he licked the rest of my release off of his fingers. he hummed as he stared into my eyes.
“you tast so good” I could feel his cock now painfully hard on my thigh, practically pleading to be released.
I smiled quietly as tried to regulate my breathing. I had never had an experience like this before, and I couldn’t believe that I had just lied there and actually enjoyed it
“you alright?” he asked brushing a few pieces of hair out of my face.
I smiled kissing his lips softly. he placed his hands on my cheeks deeping the kiss as he rubbed his hand up and down my hips, I sighed calming down as his touch soothed me. “do you want more? or... are you done for the night?”
Of course I wanted more of his touch, I wanted so much more. I wanted everything I just had, and even more than that if even possible.
I looked up at Derek with puppy eye “more... Please.”
he raised an eyebrow at with a comforting smike, “are you sure?"
I nodded my head threading my fingers through his hair bring him closer, “please Derek."
And with that, he started kissing my shoulders and neck every now and then to calm me down. He could tell that I was nervous about him seeing me in such a vulnerable moment. he slowly slipped my shorts and panties down gently, throwing them off to the side of the bed.
I laid back down, watching as he began to take his own clothes off. when he was finished, he hovered over me again, his hands gently traved my naked skin, drawing small circles into it. I felt his blue eyes scan my whole body and I started blush as I instincly covered my body with his sheets.
“hey, please don't cover up. you’re so beautiful.” I let out a quiet whimper still keeping my body covered up by his dark sheets. Derek looked up giving me a look of permission, slowly peeling the sheet away.
“so beautiful” he said kissing my chest. I trusted and loved Derek. He always made sure I was safe and comfortable. He handled me with care like he had always done.
He smirked, and gently kissed my lips. he began to kiss all over me, sucking and nibbling at certain parts, leaving me to whimper and tremble some more. his hands traveled everywhere, especially when it came to my breasts. he played with them between his fingers, showing extra attention to me nipples as he whispered sweet nothings. I sighed from pleasure and carded my fingers through his dark hair when he kissed them, and began to play with them with his tongue.
suddenly, he leaned up, and took us in for another heated kiss, “I can’t wait to ruin you, baby"
maybe if any other scenario or if he wasn't my loving boyfriend, I would’ve panicked and ran for the hills. but, this time, his words simply made me clench my thighs together. he felt it, and looked over. he let out a low chuckle, and shook his head.
“is that what you want? want me to fuck you?” he asked rubbing my cheek as a smirk was plastered on his face.
I felt nervous for this part, but I couldn’t even be bothered to think on the fact that I was still a virgin. Derek knew it as well and we had the conversation before. And he said wait until I was ready. That's always been the plan and he simply wasn't going to let me freak out, or feel shy or embarrassed.
I nodded my head frantically, and he teasingly rubbed his cock on your swollen clit. I leaned up to kiss him this time, forcing my tongue in his mouth, which baffled him as he continued to rock his hips into mine.
“look at you making demands...” he moved some hair from my face, “damn... you’re so beautiful.”
There was a beat of silence, only the sounds of your heart beating in sinc. “der..”
He hummed in response, locking his blue eyes with mine as I started to stutter under his gaze. “W-will you...um...”
He gave me a comforting look “will I what, sweetheart? say it.”
I blushed and glanced over for a moment, I felt my face burn again, but he grabbed my chin, and forcing our eyes to lock. “say it.”
Ihuffed, growing more needier and needier by the second, “Derek please.... Fuck me”
that’s when he kissed me again, but this time, it felt... different. it didn’t feel as if he was just trying to fuck me. It was like his normal loving kisses. Like the first kiss we ever shared. he simply just wanted a kiss. A kiss that says he loves me.
he aligned himself with me and looked up at me with reassurance in his eyes. “are you sure?”
I quickly nodded, “yes, please.” I shot him a loving smile, despite the very thing that was about to happen. but, I felt my smile suddenly faltered when a small thought popped into my head.
He must have noticed the shift on my face, and stopped automatically with a concerned look. “what's wrong Honey?” he asked stroking my cheek.
“does-will it hurt?” I asked softly. he softly smile,as my voice was just so fragile and curious. but, he leaned down and softy kissed my forehead,
“just for a few moments, but if it’s too much... you can let me know and i’ll stop, alright?”
I couldn’t help but to smile back at him lovingly, as his voice was so gentle and hypnotic. “okay...”
And with that, he aligned himself one more time, and his hand moved to my hip down as he slowly slid his tip inside. that burning sensation started, the one that ginny had described. and for a moment, I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle it. a small hiss feel from my lips at the intrusion, and Derek caressed your cheek as held on to his arms.
“s-slow at first... please?” he looked at me with a reassuring smile.
Derek chuckled, “that was my plan.” he kissed my forehead softly. “I'll be as gentle as possible”
He began to dig his hips deeper, his cock making its way slowly more into me. I whimpered with every movement, but Derek was there whispering soft praises and reassurances in my ear.
“tell me how good it feels, darling.”
“so good... Fuck, Derek...”
And at one point, a string of curses even left my mouth, leaving Derek a groaning mess, as my shyness and innocence was slowly dying out underneath him.
“never knew such a innocent girl like you could say such nasty things...” he whispered, kissing my neck, sucking on it a bit.
Finally, that now familiar burning in my stomach took over, and I started squirming underneath him as I  unraveled in his arms. a loud scream left my lips, and Derek started planting open mouthed kiss to muffle the noises.
“God you look so gorgeous when you cum...” he groaned.
with just a few more thrust, Derek pulled out, cumming all over my stomach.
he rested his head on my chest few moments catching his breath as I mindlessly played with the damp strands of his hair. he placed a few kisses around my Breasts then up to my face, and slowly got up. he picked up my panties off of the floor, and leaned me up to put them back on.
“Let's get you cleaned up sweetheart” he said slipping his boxers back on.
I obliged by getting up. but, I underestimated everything for a moment, as you my aches, as well as my whole entire lower body. I tumbled and Derek caught me before I hit the ground. “I got you” he whispered.
He quickly scooped me into his arms, and carried me into the bathroom. He ran a hot bath and got one of his t-shirts to sleep. He gently lowered me into the bathtub then situated his body behind mine. “you did so good for me, Baby” he said softly, kissing my neck.
I leaned my back into his chest, as I tried to keep my eyes open. Derek gently kissed my cheek and continued to clean me up. “just relax, I got you” he whispered.
After he massaged the aches away and got me changed he gently picked me up in his arms once again caring me to his bed that now had fresh sheets.
“I wasn't too rough was I, Honey?” he asked as I cuddles to his chest. I looked up and smiled dispute my burning cheeks. “it was amazing” I whispered right before falling asleep in his arms.
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shintaru · 3 months
Windbreaker | Cuddling head canons pt.4
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 & pt.8
⚠️ ~ not proof read and slightly NSFW
m.list ♡ taglist
Harry Shepperd ~
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He loves cuddling because he gets to hold you in his arms.
Alternate spoon, he doesn’t care as long as you both get to hold each other.
Loves resting his head on your chest and ass
likes burying his head in the crook of your neck when you’re facing him on his lap
If you’re sitting on his lap with your back against his chest, he will rest his chin on your head and wrap both arms around you holding you tightly
Hyuk Kwon ~
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Gets handsy when you both cuddle, his hands will slowly slide up your shirt or skirt add more here
He always wants you sitting on top of him when he cuddles with you whether you are facing him or your back faces him he doesn’t care
will burry his face in your chest
loves cockwarming after sex and cuddling as you both nap
Has an obsession with your thighs he will lay his head in between your thighs any chance he gets. When he does this while you’re both in bed he will wrap his arms around your waist and just rest like that
Monster ~
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Is awkward about cuddling at smother, he doesn’t know exactly what to do just bear with him and you’ll both figure it out
gives the best bear hugs
Will only lay his head in your lap. He worries he will smother you because of his size so he won’t lay on you most of the time.
When he does lay on you is when you are on your stomach, he will move your legs apart slightly to rest his head in between your thighs on your ass, with his arms wrapped underneath your back .
When you sit on his lap he will rub and gently squeeze your thighs (feel like he would be a thigh guy)
Thank you for the idea @hannahmystery126
dedicated to @inosukehana @cozyunderworld & @jesusownsme
check out my master list for more windbreaker content
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