#shirakumo oboro/reader
call-me-copycat · 2 months
I think I'd like to write more of the rooftop trio, if anyone's interested (・∀<)☆
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*Any of them, all of them, it doesn't matter to me (⁠^⁠^⁠)*
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luxthestrange · 3 months
BNHA Incorrect quotes#30 Duckies or Rabbits?
The U.A. days of teachers...
Teen!Hizashi: Ducks are better than rabbits-
Teen!Y/n: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks!
Teen!Hizashi: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey-
Teen!Y/n: We’re not talking about flavor, 'Zashi!
Teen!Hizashi: Flavour counts!
Teen!Oboro: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone?
Teen!Hizashi: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier?
Teen!Y/n: Okay, but-
Teen!Hizashi: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO’S COZIER?
Y/n: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box, and let them fight it out!
Teen!Aizawa: I- Jesus-
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Part 8 of:
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skyahri · 6 months
There For You |Shota Aizawa X Reader| HC
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Summary: Aizawa steps up after Oboro's death, but panics when things get a bit too real.
Warnings: TEEN PREGNANCY! AFAB reader. Set one year ahead for story purposes. Mentions of death. Implication of sex, but no actual smut.
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You'd known Oboro your entire life. Your mother's were best friends and had planned their pregnancies, so you were only a few months apart.
You two were close as could be - playing, having sleepovers, and studying together always. When his quirk manifested and yours didn't, he made a promise to always protect you.
When high school came around and you were both accepted to UA (him under the hero course and you in general studies), he kissed you for the first time.
That kiss was just the beginning of a wonderful relationship. He was doting and loving, just as he'd always been, but the connection was deeper now.
In his time at UA, he made great friends, ones that accepted you as a part of the package deal. Your group was a match made in heaven. You were happy he had such a wonderful support system.
You remember how excited he was when he was accepted to the Purple Revolution Agency with Aizawa for his work study. You praised him for his hard work and celebrated that night. If you had known what would've come of it, you'd have begged him to take any other offer.
Shouta was the one to tell you. You'd come home from school to a house full of pros and officers, confused as to what happened. He quickly escorted you outside and explained the day's events to you.
The news of his death was absolutely gut-wrenching, especially since you'd only recently found out you were eight weeks pregnant.
At the time, you'd panicked, horrified of the social repercussions sure to come. But now? Now you were thankful to have something left from him.
"Oboro... asked me to take care of you. Both of you."
Shouta was there from then on. Not that he'd been lacking in presence beforehand, but now he was more dutiful.
He shut down any attempts you made to push him away, assuring you that any support and companionship he provided to you was of his own free will, and not because of any promise he'd made to Oboro before his death. He did make a promise, yes, but even if he hadn't, he'd still probably be here.
Hizashi and Nemuri helped as much as they could, but choosing to be front-line heroes complicated things more than Shouta's underground work.
Once the baby came, a beautiful little girl you'd named Kumori, Shouta's life felt a little less empty.
He'd been so preoccupied with finishing school, starting his career, and supporting you, that he hadn't allowed himself the space to cope with the loss of his best friend. He'd been well aware of the void Oboro had left, but never really paid much mind to it.
But now he felt like didn't need to. Like all the grief had resolved itself and he instantly jumped from denial to acceptance.
Kumori became his pride and joy. He spent all of his free time with you and her. Aside from night patrols and the occasional assignment, he didn't have much going on, making things all the easier for your makeshift family to function.
He took her to the park and played with her. They watched movies together and usually fell asleep halfway through. On days he was busy, he'd always make sure to check in with a text, something you always appreciated.
When she started to talk, her first words were of course 'dada' and directed at him. It stirred up something unsettling with him. He apologized profusely, not realizing that he had inadvertently stolen Oboro's spot in her life.
"Don't be silly, Shouta."
Such a simple response to such an insanely complex situation. He wasn't sure how to take that kind of response or the problem at hand in general, so he decided to take a step back from you two.
That night, when he went home after his patrol, he stayed home. You texted asking where he was and if he was okay, and that only made him spiral more.
What was he doing? Taking Oboro's spot in your life. Raising his child, spending the night with his girlfriend, and having dinner with his parents.
How pathetic.
He didn't go over the next night, or the one after that. Before he knew it, an entire week had passed and he hadn't so much as responded to your messages. He couldn't. Not with the dread and guilt he was feeling.
There was a knock at his door. He looked at the time and groaned; nearly six in the morning. He got up and looked through the peephole, relaxing when he saw Hizashi's bright yellow hair.
"What are you doing here?"
He pushed his way into Shouta's apartment.
"Y/N has been going crazy blowing up our phones. Nemuri and I have tried covering for you, but I think it's time you're honest with me."
Shouta wasn't sure why, but he unloaded onto Hizashi at that moment. He spilled everything uncontrollably in a long, incomprehensible rant. This completely caught Hizashi off guard. H wasn't expecting anything other than an argument to ensue if he was being honest.
Shouta told Hizashi everything. How he practically lived with you, how he raised your daughter, how he felt like he'd taken advantage of such a loss.
It took Hizashi a few minutes to let everything sink in. He was confused at first. The way you and Shouta spoke about your relationship made it seem like he had more of an uncle-type role in Kumori's life. He was surprised to find out he was so involved. Of course, Shouta always claimed to be busy, but he and Nemuri had assumed he was lying to get out of things.
Shouta gave him an expecting look after a few minutes with no response. Hizashi apologized, too caught up in his thoughts to realize he'd totally zoned out.
"I think Oboro would be more upset if he found out you'd abandoned his kid."
"I'm being serious, Mic."
"So am I."
They stared at each other for a moment.
"She thinks I'm her dad. What kind of piece of shit steals their friend's life after he dies, huh?"
"You're crazy if you think like that, dude. Would you prefer she be all alone? Or his kid grow up with out a dad? He asked you to take care of them for a reason."
"It just feels wrong."
A smug smile crept its way onto Hizashi's face.
"You love her, don't you? That's why it feels so wrong."
Aizawa looked at his friend like he was sick in the head.
"What are you on about? Don't be ridiculous."
But the more the thought about it the less ridiculous it sounded.
He loves his life. He loves you and your daughter, something he's well aware of, but now he's questioning what sort of love he held for you two.
He'd never tried to label it before, but now that he was trying to, he found any other type of love to be unfulfilling.
"You need to leave."
He pushed Hizashi out, not leaving any room for him to argue.
Shouta took a breath to calm himself down before grabbing his things and heading out as well.
He made it to your house in record time, relieved to see only your car in the driveway. He knocked on the door and waited patiently.
When you opened it and saw him, you quickly reached out and pulled him in for a hug. He returned the gesture, holding you tighter than he had before. After a moment, you pulled away, and promptly punched him square in the chest.
"Where the Hell have you been?!"
Just like he did with Hizashi, he told you everything. All the thoughts and feelings that had been eating at him this past week, the guilt and anxiety that plagued him, and what Hizashi had said.
"When Oboro told me to look after you, I don't think this is what he meant."
"Believe it or not, we actually talked about this before he died."
Shouta looked at you bewildered.
"Not this specifically, Shouta," you laughed, "He told me if he ever died, he would want me to continue living. I think he'd be happy for all of us."
Oboro knew there was significant risk in his line of work. He didn't expect to die so young, of course, but it's all the same. He would hate for you to never love again. To be all alone in the world or lose all ambition.
"Please, never let my death be the end of you."
His words always lingered in your head. It's why you never felt any type of way about Shouta's involvement in your and your daughter's lives. It made you happy, and that's all anyone could ask for.
"So... what does this mean for us?"
You weren't sure how he'd take the question. He didn't seem too content with whatever it was racing through his head.
Shouta leaned forward and kissed you. When you leaned in and responded, he grew more confident. He put his hands on your face and you bunched yours in his shirt. He pulled away and looked at you.
"I think he was right. I think... I do love you."
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frickingnerd · 7 months
memories of who we used to be
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pairing: oboro shirakumo / kurogiri x gn!reader
summary: you visit your childhood friend's grave, unaware of someone lurking nearby...
tags: ua teacher!reader, former childhood friend!oboro, kurogiri watching reader at oboro's grave, angst with an open ending
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“it's been a while since i last visited you, oboro. i'm sorry i haven't been here in so long…”
you knelt down in the grass in front of your childhood friends grave, mustering up a pained smile. the flowers on his grave were still fresh. nemuri must've been here recently and made sure his grave was in good shape.
“i've started working as a teacher at UA! i know we all said we'd open our own agency, but… shota, hizashi, nemuri and i all ended up at UA again. i never thought i'd be a teacher, but now look at me…”
you paused and sighed softly. he couldn't look at you, yet you still talked to him as if he were here. even after all those years…
“anyways…” you mumbled quietly, then took a deep breath and raised your voice again. “i wish you could be here with us. i wish you could see shota as a teacher. really, he's doing such a good job with those kids. i'm sure you couldn't believe your eyes…”
you smiled softly, bringing a hand to the grave stone and letting your fingers trace over his name. oboro shirakumo.
“i wish you were here, oboro…”
you stayed like this for a moment, thinking back on the time in high school you had with him. when he was still here with you.
you were so lost in thoughts, that you didn't even notice the man standing a few graves further from you, who's eyes were on you ever since you knelt down in front of oboro's grave. a man clouded in black fog, covering a face that you'd recognize right away if that fog ever lifted…
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aizawazs · 2 months
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kywaslost · 2 years
omg hello! Can I get a scenario of Aizawa and Mic maybe going on a patrol and finding a child in an alleyway, like maybe lost and injured. So then they like take them to the hospital and then they find out that they’re related to Oboro Shirakumo?
I Can’t Believe He Lives On - Aizawa and Present Mic
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A/N: Omg hi!! I absolutely love this request! Sorry it took me so long, but I just finished finals today and now I have time to do a lot of writing. I hope you don’t mind but I made the reader a teenager. I feel like it fits my idea best. I hope you enjoy it!!
“Come on Shotaaaaa!” Hizashi hummed excitedly. “Shinsou’s out with his friends and Eri is spending the night with your class. We have the house to ourselves! We could go out to dinnerrrrr.” Hizashi cut in front of Aizawa as they walked across a rooftop, now walking backwards so he could still talk to his lover. “Or we could order takeout and watch a movie on the tv?”
Aizawa raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I don’t know Mic. I’m tired. I just want to sleep.” He dragged a hand through his long black hair. “It’s been a long day. I just want--” Aizawa stopped talking, then stopped walking, looking around with the same raised eyebrow.
“What?” Mic asked, now confused. He took a step closer to the other pro. When he went to speak again Aizawa cut him off.
“Shh.” Aizawa continued to look around. “Do you hear that?” Shota walked to the edge of the building, peering over the small wall that was there. “Someone’s crying.”
Hizashi followed his friend over to the edge, trying to see what he was looking for. “That could be anyone, Sho. We’re right next to an apartment building. Someone may just be having a bad night and left the window open.”
“No.” Aizawa’s voice left no room for argument. Then his hand shot out, pointing down at the end of the alleyway. “Look. Someone’s down there.”
Yamada followed the invisible path Shota’s finger left, and then he saw it. There was a kid, somewhere between 15-18 years old, limping quickly down the alleyway. They kept looking around in a panic, and that was when Hizashi finally registered the sounds of soft crying. “They look scared.”
That’s all it took for Aizawa and Yamada to jump down into the alleyway, not too far from where you were currently. Their sudden appearance startled you, and you made a startled sound as you frantically backed away from them.
“Hey,” Aizawa said calmly, holding his hands out to show you that he wasn’t there to harm you. “You’re alright.”
“We’re heroes,” Yamada added. “We can help you.” Now that he was closer to you, he could see blood dripping from your hairline. There were countless rips and holes in your clothes and more wounds scattering your body. “Oh, honey you’re bleeding.”
“Let us help you,” Aizawa quietly said. “Can you tell us what happened?”
Your back met the rough brick wall of one of the buildings. It was odd how it somehow soothed some of your wounds. You looked desperately between the two men slowly walking towards you. It was better than no one, you supposed. So you took in a shaky breath and muttered, “they have my brother.” You squeezed your eyes shut as tears finally made their way down your face. “They have the body of my dead brother.”
“Woah,” Hizashi rushed forward to catch you as you fell to the ground crying harder. “Ok, it’s ok.” He looked up at his lover. “What do we do?” he whispered. “They’re clearly too distressed to be thinking clearly, and they’re bleeding. They have a lot of wounds.”
“So we take them to the hospital,” Aizawa concluded. “We take them to the hospital, let them get treated, and then question them when they are better.”
Aizawa soon realized that his plan was easier said than done once they got to the hospital. Hizashi had carried you the entire way there, whispering comforting words as you bawled into his chest. But when they tried to admit you into the hospital, the nurse running the ER wouldn’t allow them to since they had no idea who you were. They had to file you as a John/Jane Doe, and that process took longer. Then they weren’t allowed to visit you in your hospital room until they could prove that they were there for official hero business.
Needless to say, it was a very long 24 hour battle with the hospital. On top of that, Aizawa and Yamada had to make sure Shinsou and Eri were taken care of while they were gone. But eventually they made it up to your room, quietly knocking before entering. You were awake, staring out the window. Your soft blue eyes drifted over to the two heroes.
“Hi.” Your voice was shaky and rough from misuse. Hizashi handed you a cup of water as he sat down with Aizawa next to your bed. You thanked him once you were done with the cup.
“How are you feeling?” Aizawa asked.
You shook your head. “They still have my brother.”
“What do you mean, little listener?”
“Can you tell us your name?” Aizawa needed to know who you were. “We’d like to inform your family of your condition and location.”
You shook your head yet again. “My only family is dead, and those people have my brother’s body.”
“Who does?” Hizashi asked, placing his hand on your own that rested against the hospital bed you were in.
“Those villains.”
Aizawa asked, “The league?”
You nodded.
“Can you please tell us your name, dear?” Aizawa was being gentle. “We’ve been working against the League for quite some time. Maybe we know what they want to do with you and your family.”
Your water eyes met Aizawa’s crimson ones. “My name is Y/N Shirakumo.”
The two heroes in the room swore their heart had stopped beating. Their lungs quit working and all they could hear was intense ringing in their ears.
“What?” Hizashi choked out.
“They have my brother.”
“Oboro?” Aizawa didn’t think he could even say his friend’s name. “Is that him?”
“Yes. He died several years ago, and now the League is using his body as a meat suit for one of their members.”
“We know.” Hizashi was crying now, his green eyes glossed over with tears. “Honey, Oboro was our best friend in high school.”
Aizawa muttered a low, “I was there when he died.” He felt like he couldn’t speak through the tears. But then he looked up at Hizashi, then to you in the hospital bed. “You’re his only family left, and I swear on my life that I am going to protect you. To keep you safe. Because you’re the only piece of Oboro left and that means you mean the world to me and Hizashi.”
“We’ll take care of you,” Hiashi smiled softly. He ran a hand through your hair, watching as you began to cry. “But only if you want us to.”
You nodded quickly. “You knew him. That’s all that matters to me.”
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Car Hookups
Pairing: College AU! Oboro Shimurako x Fem! Reader.
Summary: You and Oboro regularly meet up late in his car for sex.
Warnings: Smut, Car sex, Oral sex (make receiving), Intercourse (P in V), College AU, Casual sex, Protected sex (the second time I've remembered to use a condom in my works), Slight hair pulling, Reader sends Oboro a nude and Oboro jacks off to it, Masturbation, Oboro and Reader smoke weed, So sex whilst on drugs?
Writing Time: 40 minutes.
Word Count: 930.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 12.
Not the first time an imagine of mine has turned into a fic. Oh well. I love Oboro and would love to write for him more so please send requests for this boi! Car sex is hot so I'll definitely be writing this again, I can't believe I haven't before. I purposely didn't add Oboro's exact dick size here because it's supposed to be the reader's idea of the perfect size, which is different for everyone.
Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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It had become normal now, leaving your dorm late at night to run out and meet Oboro in his car for a dicking down.
This had become a regular thing for you two. Having sex in the middle of the night in his car. He would text you around 11pm asking if you was busy or available to meet a few blocks down from campus.
You had always said yes and ran down there to meet him. You couldn't quite remember how this started but it's not like you was complaining. Even if you knew that your roommates knew exactly what was up.
You weren't exactly subtle leaving in the middle of the time with just your phone and clothes on your back and coming back about two hours later with your clothes and hair all messy.
It was a great stress reliever for the both of you. You had been stressed out a lot with all the assignments you had and Oboro was the same but also with all the hero training too.
When you two would meet up Oboro was always in the driver seat smoking a blunt. He happily past it over to you when you got in next to him and you two would get high before the main event.
When you indicated you was ready, Oboro would eagerly pull down his pants and smile at you. His dick was beautiful, you thought. The perfect size, thick and veiny. Just looking at it made your mouth water and your pussy clench. You would get to work immediately, leaning down and putting him in your mouth.
Your head would bob up and down quickly as Oboro finished off the blunt, sighing the smoke up into his car slowly. You knew it was the best feeling for a guy ever. Smoking a joint whilst getting head. You was happy to be the one to give that kind of pleasure to Oboro.
You could tell Oboro was about to let go inside your mouth when he started gripping and pulling on your hair slightly whilst groaning loudly. You sighed as you pulled his erection out of your mouth and he whined.
You pulled the pretty much finished the blunt from his fingers, took the last puff and threw it out the window before climbing into the back seat.
Oboro was eager to join you. He would help pull your clothes off and lay you face down into the seats. He pulled the wrapped condom from his pocket and had you tear it open with your teeth before chucking the wrapper somewhere and pulling the rubber down his length.
Once you were both ready, Oboro would push inside and give you a night to remember. Lots of skin slapping and moaning. The windows would be steamed up in no time and the car would be shaking and grabbing the attention of anyone walking by.
You and Oboro would have to go multiple rounds in back. Just to make the most of the condoms and space you both had.
Oboro's aftercare is beautiful. He would light you up another blunt and cuddle you in the back seat. Even give you a small back massage because he knew how uncomfortable laying down on the back seat was. Also rub your head if you had head butted yourself due to the lack of space.
You'd definitely have to rub his head too, there's no way his clumsy ass didn't bang his head whilst fucking you in his car.
Oboro never failed to ask if you wanted to go eat before he dropped you back to campus, even though you always said no. He'd also if you wanted him to drive up closer to your side of the campus so it wasn't just a long walk for you. You'd say no again, because if he did that it would be a longer walk for him seeing as his dorm was on the other side.
You would walk back to your dorm with a giant smile of your face. It was dark so you was sure no one would notice the cum on your face and in your hair and honestly you was right. With how dead it was and how fast you was to jump in the shower afterwards, nobody saw your filthy 'freshly dicked down' look.
Before stepping into the shower, you send Oboro a photo of yourself. Completely nude, in front of the running shower and covered in cum which was now brightly lit from the bathroom light.
He took till after you was done in the shower to respond. You knew he was getting off to your sexy picture.
His text back was, "When are you next free 🙏🍆💦?"
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Girl im so humiliated asking for this but can we get a ProHero!Shirakumo x chubby fem reader smut..? Once again im so sorry i am so sorry i was ever born
You shouldn't apologize for liking Shirakumo!! He's a big baby, a golden retriever, he's so lovable
CW: chubby fem reader, good old fluff and smut
"Hellooooooo my beautiful little honey bun!" Shirakumo exclaimed as he entered your apartment, a cloud floating behind him. You jumped from your place on the couch, shrieking.
"Oboro! Jesus, what did I tell you about barging in like that?! You scared the shit out of me!" Shirakumo laughed, kicking the door closed and locking it, bounding into your apartment.
"Sorry, sorry! I just can't help myself! I get so excited seeing you."
"Well, can you try being a little less excited so that you don't scare me next time?" He stopped by the couch and held up his hands.
"Okay, okay, I'll try. I'm sorry, snookums. Forgive me?" You huffed, sitting up and crossing your arms.
"I dunno... you'll have to make it up to me."
"Oh!" He clapped his hands, sticking his arm into his cloud. "I actually brought some stuff over." He started pulling things out and setting them on the coffee table. "I got drunken noodles from that place you like, some drinks from the convenience store, a little cake from that bakery you wanted to try, aaaaaaand some sake, in case you felt like partying."
"Bo. It's almost 11pm."
"I was gonna go to bed."
Oboro pouted. "Awww, what? But I haven't seen you in a week! I wanted to hang out."
"I get that, baby, but it's so late. You should really sleep too. I bet you worked a twelve hour shift again, huh?" He gave a sheepish grin, dissipating his cloud.
"You know me so well, dontcha?" You shook your head, ultimately opening your arms to him. He smiled wide, crawling onto the couch and into your arms, sighing as he wrapped his arms around you. He nuzzled into your chest, humming when your fingers found his hair. "Missed you so much, pumpkin."
"I missed you too, silly billy." He huffed, squeezing your waist.
"I really, really missed you." You felt his hand palm at your hips and you smiled softly.
"Yeah? How much?"
"A lot. Missed you so bad." You hummed, cupping his cheeks and making him look at you.
"What'd you miss about me?"
"Everything," he sighed, moving forward to kiss at your neck. "Missed your smile, your laugh, your body."
"What'd you miss about my body?"
"Fuck, all of it. Missed your hips and thighs, your cute belly. Missed your boobies." You snorted.
"My boobies? What are you, twelve?"
"What? What's wrong with callin em that?"
"It sounds silly. Just say tits." Shirakumo rolled his eyes, moving his hand up your shirt.
"Fine. I missed your tits," he said as he squeezed your breasts, making you moan. "Happy?"
"I'll be happy if you suck on em." Oboro whined softly, pulling your shirt up over your breasts.
"Can you feed em to me?" he asked, eyes already hazy. You nodded, cupping your breast and moving it towards his mouth, gasping when he latched onto your nipple and began to suck. He moaned against your tit, eyes drooping as his tongue rolled around the perky bud. You let him suck on and knead your breasts for a while, watching him alternate between the two for a few minutes. You could feel him get hard against your leg, and you had to admit that it was making you wet.
"Hey," he breathed, pulling back from your breast, a trail of spit left behind, "can I taste you?"
You swallowed, nodding. "Yeah, if you want."
He mimicked your nod, coaxing you to lie back on the couch. He pulled off your shirt, peeling off your shorts and panties next. You watched him push your legs apart, his eyes gleaming when he saw your chubby cunt.
"You're so pretty," he whispered, leaning down, pulling your pussy lips back with his thumbs. He licked his lips as he admired the shade of your pussy, the faint sheen of slick that was building at your hole. He swallowed, dipping down to lick at your cunt, smiling softly when you shivered. His tongue slid down and circled your hole before moving up your cunt, lapping at your clit.
"Shit... feels good, Bo," you moaned after a couple of minutes of him eating you out.
"Yeah?" he asked, peeking up at you. "Ya like it?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, petting at his hair. "Wanna cum on your face." Shirakumo trembled at that, moaning before shoving his face back in your cunt, sucking at your clit. He ground his hips into the couch as he ate your pussy, licking up your growing wetness. Your legs tensed, thighs squishing against his cheeks as you grew closer to your peak. By the time you came, you were squeezing your legs shut, trapping Shirakumo against you, and god he loved it. He almost came from feeling you gush into his mouth, his cock throbbing in his pants. He eventually pulled away, mouth and chin wet because of you.
"Can we keep going?" he asked, itching to get his cock out. He sighed when you nodded, pulling off his jacket. He undressed in front of you, tossing his clothes to the floor before positioning himself between your legs. He stroked his cock a few times, pressing the head against your entrance, glancing up at you. You nodded, giving him permission to push forward, slipping his cock into you.
"God... You're so tight, Y/N."
"Yeah? Feel good?"
"Uh-huh," he replied, pulling out and pushing back in. "Missed this little pussy so much."
"I missed your cock," you moaned, reaching out to grab at his strong arms. "Missed having you inside me."
"Y-Yeah? Missed me that bad?"
"Uh-huh." You pulled him down to you, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Wish you didn't work so much."
"I'm sorry, baby," he sighed, pushing in deep before picking up speed. "I promise I'll do better. Won't work so much. Gonna spend more time with my pretty baby."
"You better," you moaned, kissing his cheek and jaw. Oboro groaned, tucking his face into your neck, moving faster, harder, fucking you the way you deserved. Your legs locked around his waist, keeping him close, his thrusts shallow. He placed open mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulder, licking your salty skin.
"You're so soft," he breathed, pressing his body against yours, his hand finding your stomach, palming at it. His touch made you moan, clench around him, cause him to stutter. His thrusts became ragged, uneven, and he hurriedly brought his hand to your clit to make you cum. He thumbed your clit quickly, making you pant and squeeze him harder.
"Gonna cum," you huffed, nails digging into his shoulders. "You're gonna make me cum."
"Then cum for me," he breathed. "Cum for me, please."
A few more strokes and you were tipping over the edge, back arching, sparks flying across your skin. You came hard, groaning gutturally, scratching at his back as he fucked you harder, chasing his high.
"Fuck, gonna c-cum. Where do you want it?"
"Where do you wanna cum, baby?" He swallowed, staring down at you.
"Your—on your tummy," he said hesitantly, waiting for your response. You smiled, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"Then cum on my tummy, baby. I don't mind."
Shirakumo whined, thrusting erratically for a minute before pulling out, jerking his cock over your stomach. He came with a soft groan, his cum spurting out onto your tummy, even hitting your tits. He stroked himself until he grew too sensitive, letting go of his cock with a huff.
"Shit," he breathed, staring down at the mess he made. He leaned down and grabbed his shirt, using it to wipe off his cum. Once you were clean, he tossed his shirt back to the floor, collapsing on top of your tummy.
"Feel better?" you asked, massaging his shoulders.
"Yeah... I really needed that." He kissed along your belly as you played with his hair, nuzzling into your plump flesh. "Missed you so much."
"I missed you too, baby." He hummed, tucking his chin into your belly, smiling up at you.
"So... can I stay the night?" You giggled.
"Of course you can."
He closed his eyes and did a fist bump. "Yes."
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skymar13 · 2 months
Just an idea… Aizawa x pro hero!reader with the reader being the sister to Oboro Shirakumo and both Aizawa and reader finding out oboro’s body is a vessel as “Kiriogiri” to the LOV.
I really enjoy this idea… havnt done Aizawa so you get a star. Not proof read because I don’t like rereading my own work but I will sooner or later.
Shouta Aizawa x oboros sister! Fem! Reader
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
You were confused, truth be told all three of you were. The safety comity specifically requested for you your husband and hizashi to be escorted to tartarus. You were annoyed truely you were. You had things to do and papers to grade.
“Excuse me but what exactly are we doing here? We’re busy people we don’t have enough minutes in the day to spend doing busy work” you rolled your eyes as you felt shouta grasp your hand signaling for you to stop whining.
“Loud Cloud, you’ve been specifically requested, for what I am not authorized to disclose.” The guard said with a touch of nervousness in his voice. You were known to be quite a blunt and let’s just say difficult person.
“Yeahyeah cmon [name] you know there’s gotta be something totally important if they want to deal with you!” Hizashi said in his usually loud voice with his pointer fingers.
“Yeah like they’d willingly face your wrath.” Shouta said with a barely noticeable smirk.
“I hate you both.” You said as you turned around the corner the guard pressed his key to the reader that opened another door. There were two more guards standing on the opposite side who requested any items you had. You and Shouta only had your phones keys wallets while Hizashi dumped out years worth of gadgets.
“Cleared proceed. Follow me.” The female guard said walking down another large stretch of hallway and at the end awaited the police captain the head of the prison and the safety comity lady.
“Hello Eraserhead, loudCloud and present mic. It’s wonderful to have you, but before you go in we must disclose some information about the prisoner we’ve brought you to see.” The lady said.
“Inside we have the infamous Leage of villain member kurogiri, he was formally known as someone all three of you were well acquainted with, now we must brace you for this particular piece of information” sherif relented and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. All three of us nod side eyeing each other as I grab onto shoutas hand.
After a pause he continues “we’ve found out that kurogiri is a nomu of sorts and the vessel is oboro shirakumo” I felt my breath get stuck in the back of my throat and eyes widen.
“My brothers been dead. That’s impossible.” I said my voice slightly raised.
“I saw him with my own eyes that cant be.” Shouta voiced barely above a whisper his eyes wider than mine.
“No way man he can’t be alive, it’s just not possible.” Hizashi yelled eyebrows etched into a deep pinch
“That’s what we thought too, but we’ve confirmed that is him.” Sherif confirmed. “We’ve brought you here today to se if you’d be able to tap into Shirakumo’s conciseness and bring him back” the comity lady sighed
My head felt dizzy and my hands started shaking I couldn’t believe it. ‘I saw him die, I caused his death.’ I thought u til I was pulled out by my husband grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly.
Without another word they opened the door to his cell. There were three chairs and a small table that had water bottles and tissues placed on it. They pulled Shouta aside while me and Hizashi took our seats. I stared at the figure in front of me behind the glass.
“They’ve rid him of everything Zashi, they took his eyes, his freckles, his smile.” My eyes watered as I took in his appearance. A figure you’ve come acquainted with as you’ve caught him before.
“I know” zashi said quietly and Shouta walked in sitting on the last seat quickly activating his quirk.
Hizashi was the first to speak. Begging oboro to give a response that he was still in there to no avail. Then Shouta tried he gave a heart breaking speech about his teachings and how much he affected his life to no avail.
“My name is kurogiri. I am here to assist to master Shigaraki” was all he said in response to them.
“Do you remember when we had began at UA, in our first year I wanted to give up? I tried to quit and drop out but you never let me! You said I had such a bright future as a hero, that I had a smile that’d heal the world.” I yelled into the glass. “Truth be told you saved me! You were my brother but before that you were my hero! I prayed every night that it was a dream or cried that I should have been the one to die that day not you. I won’t give up on you because you never gave up on me. I am a hero because you were mine. My hero.” I hadn’t even noticed that I was crying or that I had stood up until Shouta pulled me into his side. “I wanted to be like you for so long. I coppied your hair color and practiced my smile in the mirror, hell I even took your hero name. You’re still my oboro” I finished tears pooling on the ground
“My name is kurogiri. I am here to assist master shigaraki” was all he said in response.
“No your name is Oboro shirakumo. You’re my brother.” I whispered looking into his void of a face.
“[name] sit down it’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay” my husband tried to reason but I couldn’t my body wouldn’t let me do anything.
“We’re done here, we’ve tried everything it’s not going to work” Shouta yelled towards the door and the prison keeper opened the door.
I was still sobbing and for a split second I felt that oboro had came through I couldn’t tell you how or give any proof but I knew he did.
We arrived home after a silent car ride. I slid my shoes off as Shouta did his. We hadn’t said a word to each other. We both knew that if we did that’s we would end in tears.
I turned on the shower taking a quick body bath. After wards I laid in bed and silently sobbed into the comfort of the soft sheets. I felt the bed dip as the familiar body of my husband laid down besides me. After a minute he pulled me into him holding me silently but I felt his tears on the back of my neck and the short shallow breaths he let out.
“It’s going to be okay.” We both said at the same time making us giggle.
There was truth to my words. We would be okay, because I still had Shouta. And as long as I had him then I had a piece of oboro.
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circledotdestroy · 1 year
The Rooftop Trio with a Short (Fem) Reader (Thoughtdump)
When you all started high school, Oboro was already a giant and seemed to get taller every month. He approached you to introduce himself in the beginning of the year, he was invading your personal space and you were absolutely dwarfed by him. When he realized you were craning your neck to look at his face, he crouched down to your eye level to talk to you.
You two became friends pretty quickly, I mean how could you not, and it was constant shenanigans regarding how the two of you were going to have a comfortable conversation.
You stand on chairs, tables, and ledges; Oboro crouches or kneels on the ground; and the two of you stand many feet apart and shout at each other when Oboro is shaking from holding the positions for too long and there’s nothing for you to stand on nearby.
When you two become friends with Hizashi and Shouta, the Tom-foolery doesn’t stop. They’re not as tall as Oboro, but they are still noticeably taller than you, and they are ALSO still growing.
Hizashi is here for all of the nonsense. He goes out of his way to make short jokes and intentionally places things JUST outside your reach.
While Shouta doesn’t intentionally participate, you’re not safe from him making the height difference be known either. In the start of your friendship if you two are walking together, he will not slow down for you to catch up, especially during training. He also doesn’t feel like straining his neck by looking down at your face, so he will bend over, arms hanging, to look at your face.
Oboro and Hizashi will use nicknames, and might even assign you the “-chan” honorific. They also jokingly compare you to small animals.
Despite the jokes, you aren’t immune to more Princess-like treatment from them.
If you are all out together they make sure that you’re either walking in front of them or one of them is holding onto you. (They’ve lost you too many times in the busy street not to…)
If you’re carrying stuff and are showing any sign of being tired then Hizashi and/or Oboro will ask to take it— and then bicker with you if you’re too stubborn to accept help. Shouta will let you be for the most part, but the moment you try pausing for a break, he takes the stuff off you without a word and continues walking.
Shouta would just do little favors without saying anything about it. If something was on a high shelf, he'd grab it and then sit down. If you need someone to hold your drink, he’ll grab it without a word.
If you’re too short to see over people in the crowd then the first goal is to either lift you up or get you to the front. Same thing with taking pictures. Usually Mic is your strongest advocate of reminding everyone that you need to be seen.
During training, Oboro has definitely held you like Simba while riding a cloud at least once.
You all have a laugh looking through past photos and seeing how the boys end up getting taller as the months pass, but then there you are without a single change
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pairing: aizawa shouta x reader (oc- ish)
warnings: mha vigilante spoilers!/mha s5ish spoilers!, mentioned sexual themes, alcohol, trauma and angst😔
i’m back! so i didn’t write a summary cause i wanna let y’all get right into it… it is not proofread it is 6am i wanna sleep and i’ve been sitting here for 2 hours so my bad… i’m very excited for this one and since they made my boy oboro just dissapear into thin air??? i decided to give him some love (he’s still dead but like, oboro- centric okay🙄)
also, there’s not rlly smut in here but it’s implied so read at ur own risk!!
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Aizawa Shouta’s life was full of regrets. Some were small, quick mistakes that are forgotten easily. Others were heavy, forever burned in his mind, dragging him down. Some things you can’t let go. Moments full of guilt. His past is a heavy weight on his shoulders. Every single regret made him the man he is today.
There is one day, that will haunt him forever. A day that formed every future decision of him. Just at 16 years facing the cruel reality. If he had been faster, better, stronger… He was unprepared and naive. A life taken too soon, he made sure it’ll never happen again. Everything is planned through, rational. He had to push these kids hard if they wanted to stand a chance. He may be brutal, but he only does what’s necessary.
Maybe it helps him to accept his best friends death. That it wasn’t his fault, that he does the right thing. To move on and improve. He always thought he was good at that, being calm and collected and such. If only he’d stop holding himself back.
You’d never find someone like Shirakumo again in your life, that’s what Aizawa always thought. Still, there is one person hitting too close to home. He hated that. How could he let go of this terrible accident when there was such a perfect copy of Shirakumo constantly in his business. He didn’t want to see that all too similar smile, the rare cloud like hair he’s never seen before, or the bubbly personality that could always lighten the mood.
It hurts to think about.
When he was still in High School, she was a lot smaller. He hadn’t seen her often back then. Only a few times when he visited Shirakumo, but of course he knew his little sister. Family was always important to Shirakumo, something Aizawa could never fully understand. He didn’t hate his family, but he didn’t value it as much.
She was 4, maybe even 5 years younger. He didn’t really care about her back then. After Shirakumo’s passing he only saw her at the funeral and then luckily he didn’t have to face his dead friends family anymore. It made him so terrible guilty.
The next time was years later. She was in her last year of High School when he faced her again. If he was honest, he had forgotten about her but seeing how she had grown up to look like her big brother, of course he recognized her. It was more surprising that she remembered him too.
She seemed happy to see him again. It made him uncomfortable. He’d run into her more than often during patrol. She’d always come up to him and talk. It seemed like she wanted to get closer to him, for the wrong intentions, he quickly realized. He would never dare to even think about Shirakumo’s sister like that, and she was still in High School. So he pushed her away.
When he was still in High School, before the accident, Shirakumo told him that his sister seemed to have a tiny crush on him. He barely interacted or talked to her, he thought Shirakumo was ridiculous.
Well, after all those failed attempts at getting closer, he might’ve been right, a little bit. How embarassing. Despite him pushing her away they still stayed in contact. It wasn’t too bad to have someone who shares the same kind of emptiness. The loss of a loved one.
After her graduation, he barely heard from her, which he was kind of grateful for. She was nice, but she was hung up on her dead brothers friend trying to find comfort. They’d both have to live their life. Move on.
And that was it.
Well, not really. It should’ve stayed at that, because now he was in too deep. She studied medicine. She didn’t take the same path as her brother, for now obvious reasons. If that was her decision or their parents, he had no idea. He was happy for her. Still saving the people. Rescuing the ones in need. Some own kind of heroic.
He didn’t really know until he ran into her after a rough night on patrol. She was training to become a doctor, so she started as a nurse in some hospital in Musutafu. Aizawa was more than suprised to see her walking into the room, fixing him up. She looked rather suprised too. Scolded him to be more careful and then sent him off.
Somehow luck wasn’t on his side the following weeks, maybe even months. The villain rate increased rapidly so he had no choice than to come into the hospital more often than not. He’d rather fix up himself, if the wounds were easy to take care of. At some point she was getting tired of fixing him up, but still did it.
She is the spitting image of her brother, just more feminine and he hates it. He wants to hate it. But it gives him closure somehow. He was selfish, and he knew. They started to see each other outside of the hospital too, what a suprise. When she starts her morning shift, he ends his patrol, so sometimes one of them bought coffee since they were in the same area. Just a quick exchange and then they’d go off to do their job. Or sleep.
At some point she gave him her number and threatened him if he wouldn’t call when he was hurt and she was off duty. If it was still an attempt to get more of him, he wasn’t sure. Maybe it’s just her being herself, it is how she acts around other people too. Always friendly and trying to help.
And then the day came where he actually had to call her. He dreaded that day because it meant there were more boundaries crossed than he was comfortable with. But she insisted. He had to. For them.
It happened more often that he would end in her apartment, getting stitched up in her bathroom. That was okay. Friends helping friends.
Shirakumo’s death date came closer. The mood was always sour during this time. His birthday too. He wasn’t the best at coping. He’d just sit in his empty apartment staring at the floor, maybe visit the graveyard if he didn’t feel like a complete failure. Yamada himself said he was always an ass to be around during that time.
Not his fault Yamada is better with emotions than him.
It was around one week before the day. He felt so alone, which he would normally prefer, but this was different. Maybe he could see her, they’re so much alike, it would help him. He was certain. So he called.
He was in her apartment again, this time on the couch rather than the bathroom. She sat down beside him and no one said nothing for quite a while.
“Why did you call? Normally I only see you to fix you up.”
“…I miss him.”
She got up and quickly came back with a bottle of some liquor and two glasses. He doesn’t remember what liquor.
“I didn’t know this was gonna be a shit show today..”
“Don’t be.”
It should’ve stayed at that but he had to push, push for answers. She reminds him so much of him, it hurts. Always fixing him up, puttin him back together and listening to him sulking about Shirakumo even though he was her brother and not his.
“Why are you doing all this.”
“What… Oh Aizawa, I always found you admirable. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I know you don’t seem to be too fond of me, and I totally understand. I’m doing this more for myself, as selfish as that is.”
‘We both.’ he tought. He hated himself for sitting in this apartment. He should be the mature one. Two ‘adults’ sitting on a couch together and sulking for apparently two different reasons.
‘This is getting too much. I can’t do this.’
He doesn’t remember how long he’d been sitting there. The atmosphere was tense, and he could feel himself heating up from the liquor.
She broke the silence first. “Would you say something?” she sounded so desperate. He was desperate too, for closure. He needed something even if he didn’t want it. It was totally his mistake. Totally.
How could he end up in her bed that night. Something to add on the list on regrets.
He couldn’t fuck up more. His best friends little sister, his dead best friends little sister. He should be ashamed. She lies there, hoping for more than just a night of..whatever.
How could he do something like this to Shirakumo. He promised to keep away from her, tell no one about this, apologize- Hell, anything just so this never happened.
Somehow, he always found his way back. His mood only worsened from time to time because he said it’s enough one too many times. He patrols, passing her apartment building, and somehow, he rings the doorbell. Every. Single. Time. Of course she opens, and he’s all over her again just to quickly disappear the next morning.
He ends up hurt, and despite his better judgement goes to her apartment to get fixed up. He may take his shirt off so he can get treated, but hers is next. And every single time he tells himself: ‘Next time, I fix myself up.’
Somehow that never happens.
Then he starts to call her to come to his apartment when he’s having a hard time. But the difference is, he can’t run away. She happily stays in his apartment cooking breakfast before leaving around noon. It makes him uncomfortable.
She thinks of this as more, than just finding comfort. Maybe she doesn’t see why he is doing it and how he regrets it every time. She wanted this for what, years? She seems much happier. He isn’t a person to talk about feelings. He made it clear enough that they are not a couple or anything close to that.
And she’s aware. But there’s hope. That he gets attached to her. He reaches out so of course he wants to see her. She thinks of them more as friends but less than a couple while he thinks it’s clearly a mistake he can’t stop making.
She has some sort of sense to know it’s wrong. When they hastily pull of their clothes, he always sees that she’s pushing the picture of her and Shirakumo down, so he can’t see. It’s on a shelf right at the front door. And even if they go to her bedroom, the frame comes down every time he visits, cause he shouldn’t see.
And when she catches him before he can sneak off, she brings him to the door, where she pulls the picture up again. And there’s always this hopeful look everytime he leaves. He hates it.
He wants to hate it. He wants this misery to end. They won’t ever be together and he knows, she doesn’t. She wouldn’t understand. Because the worst is, she’s pretty yes, but she has so much resemblance with him. When she lays on her bed, he just buries his face in her neck or really anywhere, so he doesn’t have to face that hair, that look. He just can’t.
He doesn’t think she’s noticed yet. She seems quite happy with their arrangement.
It goes on for years.
hello! i’m back with the aizawa brain rot😔
so i’ve been working on this as a longer story but i had to start somewhere… would y’all wanna see more?
if yes, be prepared for angst😝
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song “chihiro” by billie eilish
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call-me-copycat · 4 months
Can you do Oboro confessing to his classmate reader
Hi! Thank you so much for the request, especially since this was the first Shirakumo request I've gotten! (´∇`)
I have a couple others I intend to finish as well, I just got extremely busy due to the graduation time of year ꜀(^. .^꜀ )꜆੭
That being said, I hope you like it! Thank you again for the request! ♡
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When The Clouds Part
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➤ Welcome - Introduction and Request Rules (Requests are open + Some info about me)
▶ Characters: Shirakumo x F! Reader
▶ Genre: Fluff, little bit of comfort
▶ Summary: The ask sums it up, but overall Shirakumo gets a little help deciphering his feelings towards you from his friends and plans on how he'll tell you how he truly feels
▶ Word Count: 7640
▶ Warnings: None :⁠-⁠)
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"Faster! I know you aren't getting distracted Shirakumo!"
Your class instructor hollered at your friend, as a small group of students in training darted across the obstacle course made for them. You were in the opposite group, waiting for your turn to run.
You studied your classmates timing and reactions, ready to use it for your own turn. Alongside that, you felt a shudder of fear run through your back as your instructor yelled at another student for tripping up.
The whistle rang, alerting group one to pause where they were for the teachers to score how far they got. You glanced at the group, seeing your first friend - Hizashi - near the end. It made sense, you never really saw him as the athletic one. Shirakumo surprisingly didn't get as far as you expected, and your teacher must've thought the same way as he berated him whenever he made his way back to the bleachers.
"Something going on inside that head of yours?" A swift smack to the back of Shirakumo's head had him wincing as he smiled sheepishly. "Because it's clearly not about the training today."
As you made your way to the entrance of the course, you prepared yourself to do the best you could. At least you weren't alone anyways, as Shota stood next to you - also not being the most athletic. So at least you knew you'd have a bit of a better chance than him.
As the whistle blew, you immediately darted across the course as fast as your legs could take you. Your focus was entirely on what was ahead of you, and you combined your classmates' failures in order to learn to avoid what they hadn't.
The first group sat exhausted on the bleachers, the hot sun beating down upon them.
"Man, this really is starting to feel like middle school gym class again, am I right?" Hizashi whined, his arms resting on the bleachers as he awkwardly leaned his head back towards the ones behind him.
With no response from Shirakumo, he turned his head back upright to look at him properly. "Oboro?"
A pout formed in his face as he noticed his friend staring intently at the second group moving through, nearly about to jump out of his seat like one would be when watching a sports match.
"Look, look! She got through the spirals! That caught so many people up!" Shirakumo exclaimed excitedly, not even tossing his friend a glance.
"Ugh, c'mon man." Hizashi only leaned his head backwards again as he rested, too exhausted to complain. He knew exactly who he was talking about, as you were the only person he seemed to pay attention to lately.
Jumping from his seat, Shirakumo began getting excited again. "She just passed Nanitchi, that's insane! He was the top runner at the beginning of the year!" He turned to Yamada, who was lazing about. "Did'ya see? "
"Uh huh."
Not noticing his friend's lackluster attitude, Shirakumo was already turned back to watching you before Hizashi fully could answer.
Curious, Hizashi opened an eye to glance at the group moving through. He saw you, blazing though the course as fast as a person like you could. You were good, but after hearing the way Shirakumo was describing you he thought you'd be further ahead. Alongside that, he noticed his poor friend Shota barely managing to get through the rope climb, one of the last few stragglers just as he was.
"Ahh, Shota..." Hizashi quietly mumbled to himself, holding pity for his friend.
To the side, they both jumped a bit as their teacher hollered once more as he had been doing this entire time.
"Oi! [Name]! I told you to pace yourself, now you're slowing down! I don't want to see that again! "
With his eyes still on you, Shirakumo tried to contain himself. "I saw her doing perfectly fine! Don't you think so too Hizashi?" He turned to his friend once more, but Yamada didn't care at this point. "He's being too harsh."
A disgusted grimace formed on Hizashi's face as he looked at the lovesick pout on his face.
"I think I'm going to throw up. "
Hizashi empathetically patted his worn out friend's back as they made their way to the locker rooms to freshen up before the end of the school day.
"You pushed yourself too hard, man. "
Shirakumo raised a thumbs up at his friend with a wide smile on his face, "You did a great job Shouta! I'm proud!"
Hizashi scoffed as he held open the door for the two boys, his hand in his pocket. "You didn't even look at him, what're you saying? "
"Yes I did, I watched everyone" Shirakumo rebutted back, a coy smile on his face.
"No you did not"
At that point the locker room had gotten too noisy being filled with all the boys in class, ceasing the twos' conversation. Once they left the room, Shouta was feeling a little better, but still very sore.
"I hated those wall climbs, they stunk." Hands in pockets, Hizashi was back to complaining as they made their way through the hallways to grab their items before leaving.
"I think they were a little fun to climb if you ask me." Shirakumo offered, strolling with his hands behind his head as they entered the classroom.
"Oh, are you talking about the rope climb?"
Immediately, Shirakumo's eyes were on you as he heard your voice, and his smile only grew wider.
"Oh I was talking about the wall climbs, did you like the rope climbs though?" He asked eagerly, not wanting to miss a single opinion of yours.
"I didn't like either-" Shota's whine was cut off as you chuckled.
"I mean, they weren't that bad, but I wasn't really a fan of either," bringing your hands up in front of you, the trio noticed they were covered in bandages. "Sensei was right, I shouldn't have gone so fast, otherwise I wouldn't have torn up my hands." You bashfully smiled, embarrassed at how you thought you knew how to get through the whole thing, without predicting making a mistake of your own.
"Ah, that looks like it hurts," grabbing your hand, Shirakumo held it carefully as he inspected it, his eyebrows furrowing, "Y'know, if you need climbing powder to put on your hands, I could always give you some!"
It was touching, but the subtle action of him barely holding your hand had your face warming more than you'd have liked it too.
He chuckled while the other two looked at each other knowingly, "Don't want you hurting your hands regularly now, you're going to need those!"
You laughed along with him, always enjoying the way he joked around with you. You looked up as soon as your laughter slowed and saw the time, realizing you had to leave.
You gently pulled your hand out of Shirakumo's grip as you went to get your bag, looking over at him and the others, "Well, it was nice seeing you for a bit before we leave, hopefully it'll be a little easier tomorrow, yeah?"
He hummed in agreement as he waved to you as out of the classroom, "Have a good one! And take care of those hands!"
As the classroom emptied, the trio grabbed their bags from the pile they threw them in together, untangling the straps from the others.
"I really don't feel like walking home today" Shouta sighed, his limbs aching as he hauled his bag onto his shoulder.
"Eh, it shouldn't be so bad tomorrow since we did this today - unless Sensei just wants to be a jerk for some reason."
Shirakumo chuckled, adjusting the strap on his bag, "What? You mean you don't want more obstacle courses-"
His joke was cut off as he gasped and immediately darted to your seat. "Oh great, he's lost it," Hizashi mumbled just loud enough for Shota to hear.
"She left behind her notebook! She's going to need this tonight to study!" Holding up the sticker-covered book for the other two to see, he quickly made his way through the maze of desks, "I'm going to try to get this to her! You guys can go on without me! "
His voice faded as he sprinted throughout the hallway, Hizashi sighing.
"You left me to deal with his pinning all by myself, y'know", he grumbled towards his dark-haired friend. Shota only shrugged.
Shirakumo sprinted as fast as he could down the hallways, leaping down the stairs in groups of steps and threatening to fall down as he hurried. Once he made his way to the main lobby he tried rushing through the doors, causing them to bleep until he backed up. He tore through his bag before finding his school ID and scanned it on the machine hooked to the wall, finally being allowed through.
Looking around the campus, he didn't see you anywhere. He promptly made his way to the bike rack and unlocked his bike, hastily hopping on (hoping he wouldn't fall over) before darting off in the direction of your house. He didn't know exactly where it was, but judging based on the few times he walked home with you, he at least knew the area.
As he peddled through the street, he shouted a hurried apology at the car he darted in front of, before deciding to take a detour through the park. Sometimes you walked through it anyway, and if you weren't then at least he had a better chance of finding you faster.
His bag jumped as his bike shook since he was riding on a bumpy surface. The dirt made it a little more difficult to ride through, but he wouldn't complain if it meant he got to see you.
Taking short looks around the park, he almost suspected you weren't there until he looked up and saw you in the distance, still making your way home.
As he made his way to you he excitedly shouted your name despite the distance meeting you from hearing him. He was suddenly caught off guard as his bike began getting more difficult to steer, the dirt changing to a softer soil. It was only made more difficult as you stood at the bottom of a small dip in the park where the ground got lower.
Panic flared his chest for a second as he tried to unsuccessfully break, and his heart nearly burst through it when he saw his bike was heading straight for you. Gripping the handlebars, he held on tight as he attempted to steer it any other way, the bike failing to follow along.
He did the only thing he could think of in the moment and shouted your name as loud as he could. You recognized his voice behind you and smiled as you turned around, eyes immediately growing wide as you saw his bike hurling towards you.
"[NAME]! RUN!"
You awkwardly jumped backwards and watched as his bike toppled over, causing him to slide on the ground until he was right in front of you.
Looking up at you from the ground, he stilled as he tried to play it off.
You looked down at him and there was a beat of silence between the both of you. Watching a smile slowly form across your face, he began to smile wider himself until you broke out in laughter, which he joined in alongside you.
"Are you okay?" You asked him as you still chuckled, reaching an arm down which he grabbed hold of.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, thanks for asking!" Chuckling with you, he awkwardly tried to wipe the dirt from his uniform - knowing his mom would have a fit if she saw how dirty it was.
Grinning at him, you reached a hand up and swiped your hand through his puffy blue hair to get some pieces of dirt out of it, and at that moment Shirakumo's mind shut down. You were so close, and the sun was setting at a point that painted a beautiful golden glow across you, and the trees were blowing their leaves gracefully across the park, and-
He knew it would be the perfect moment to confess. It was as if fate itself set up everything together for him to. He'd have to give his thanks later at a local temple or something.
Looking towards you, he suddenly felt frozen stiff. His heart skipped a beat and he felt his hands get uncomfortably moist. The once outgoing and boisterous Shirakumo, was now afraid to actually say what was on his mind for once.
All throughout his life, he never struggled with such a thing. He always danced in public whenever he heard a nice song, laughed out loud with his friends (despite Shouta begging him to be quiet), openly talked to every new face he met as if he were friends with them since childhood. No, it was never a struggle.
So to suddenly feel this new emotion... One of worry, one of love, a horribly sweet mixture of heartache... He'd have to apologize to Shouta, now understanding his perspective when it came to shyness.
"Shirakumo?" Your hand caught his attention, waving towards his face. Quickly he scrambled back and looked towards his fallen bike where his bag sat. He nervously rubbed the back up his head as he pulled it up from its position on the ground, "Sorry! Zoning out y'know... Hitting your head will do that!" he apologized, letting out a shaky laugh before quickly pulling out your notebook from the bag.
You smiled back, albeit a bit worriedly, "Oh, of course! Though, if you need an ice pack or something you're more than welcome at my house."
He couldn't help but mentally slap himself. Why would he say that?! Now you were worried, and that was the last thing he wanted to make you feel.
"O-oh, don't sweat it, I'll be fine!" The sun was going down, and the wind was slowing. You were also a little further away, remembering your trip home. He needed to do something. To choose something.
Swallowing, he gripped your notebook with a tighter grip as he held it behind his back. Speaking suddenly evaded him as he looked at you, silent confessions falling from his mind and hurling towards you with no impact.
"Well... It was nice seeing you! I hope you get home safe!" You smiled as you began to turn to finish your path home. Quickly, he called out to you.
"Wait! Um..."
Seeing your full attention on him once again made him feel like the world's biggest lovesick idiot. You only looked at him with wide, expecting eyes as he stood there silently.
Gasping in a short intake of breath, he began to tremble as he rethought about what it was he wanted to say to you exactly. He always thought of this moment, in fact he imagined it after every time he saw you. But you were here, really real and not how you were in his imagination. Real life was always so much more daunting than one's imagination.
"S-so... I have something to tell you..." Gulping, he wanted so badly to spill the contents right from his overflowing heart. He wanted to tell you every single thing he loved about you, he so badly wanted to inform you of everything he wanted to do with you, from going to the beach to inviting you to the roof with him and his friends during lunch, to having you ride with him on his clouds... There was so much, so much-
"I lo-" Whipping out your notebook and bringing it in front of him as he bowed with his hands holding it out towards you, he changed his mind last second. "You left your notebook! So I brought it back for you!"
Pushing a stand of your hair behind your ear, you squinted in the dim lighting the sun left behind, soon recognizing the familiar stickers adorning the cover.
"Oh! Thank you so much, I'll need this for that test tomorrow." Gently taking it from his hands, you looked over and smiled at him as you put it in your school bag. "Have a nice night! See you!"
He only hummed in acknowledgement, not trusting his voice at the moment. And he stayed in that spot as he waved you off when you walked away. And he stayed in that spot as he wondered if he messed up.
"You're seeing this too?" Hizashi whispered as he leaned towards his dark haired friend. Both were silently staring at their usually bubbly and energetic companion as he sat with his head placed right on the desk. His hands hung limply by his sides, and they both jumped as he let out a loud groan.
"I messed everything up."
The two boys quickly glanced at each other and gave a small shrug before settling on helping their heartbroken friend.
"Well, what did you even do? " Hizashi questioned as he reached into his pants pocket to pull out a piece of gum. "Besides, I'm sure it wasn't even something that bad. "
Slowly, Shirakumo brought his head up to look at the two properly, before going on to explain the previous night's events. By the time he was done explaining, he was yearning to throw his head on the desk more than ever.
"I should've just asked her to a movie or something! Why was everything suddenly so difficult... ? " Looking at his open hand he previously held clenched, Shirakumo gritted his teeth in frustration - though it was more humiliation.
"I dunno, the heart's weird like that sometimes man," Hizashi shrugged, not too keen on giving relationship advice, "If I were you, I'd just try to find something we both like to do and go from there. "
"Hmm... I don't really know what we have in common.. " It was at this point that Shirakumo truly realized how much he still needed to know about you.
"Why don't you just go somewhere nice to have fun or something? Try to get used to being around her so this doesn't happen again. " Straight to the point, Shouta was as blunt as ever.
"It's not that I'm not used to being around her! I think.... I think it's 'cause I'm scared of what would happen if she said 'no' ..." Moving his gaze to the floor, a worried expression took control of Shirakumo's face. "I don't know what I'd do with myself."
"Well, then at that point you don't really have any other choice besides confessing." Nemuri's voice interjected from the door of the classroom.
The three all turned to face her, and in turn she confidently made her way in. Stopping right in front of Shirakumo at his desk, she put a hand on her hip.
"You," She started, pointing a finger directly in front of his face, "Have a bad case of lovesickness my friend, and luckily for you I seem to have a bit of knowledge in this department." Nemuri explained confidently as she placed a hand directly on her chest.
"You need to work her up to you. Small acts of service!" She threw her hands up in the air, "Be a gentleman! Open doors for her, carry her things, buy her little snacks and trinkets... And then," Bringing a fist down onto her hand, Nemuri finished, "Find the perfect moment and confess everything that you feel about her! Let your heart take the reins and show her how much you truly love her, what you think of her, make her feel special! "
Placing her hands on her cheeks, Nemuri couldn't help but gush as she got more and more excited. "Ahh, to see the beginning of a highschool sweetheart relationship! It's so pure, it makes my heart throb!"
Shota and Hizashi only stood awkwardly in the background as Nemuri continued to rant to a very jumbled Shirakumo, both not having the slightest bit of knowledge when it came to romance. Still, they loved Shirakumo and would do whatever it took to make their friend happy.
It was the beginning of another day, and you looked forward to the trip your Sensei had planned for your class. To understand what it was like to be a hero on an average day, you all were split into random groups and sent to patrol small neighborhoods. It was to test your knowledge on observing small odd things out, and to ensure you wouldn't mindlessly walk about, but instead that you'd put effort into constantly staying vigil. Small neighborhoods never had anything happen to them, as most villain attacks happened in the city. This was simply a test of observation.
"Aren't you excited Nemuri? Trips are always fun!" Exiting the locker rooms freshly adorned in your hero uniforms, (for plot's sake let's say Nemuri has an outfit that'd be approved by the school) Nemuri could only hesitantly nod, not wanting to diminish your excitement. No one wanted to go on this trip, as everyone knew it'd be extremely uneventful.
Making your way to the buses, you and Nemuri met up with the trio.
"Hey hey! You ready to get rockin'?" Putting up a rock and roll fist, Mic chuckled as you parroted him and put one up as well. "So ready! "
Slinging an arm around your shoulder, you turned to see Shirakumo already next to you. "Well, hopefully we get put in a group together!" Swinging a pointer finger back and forth between the two of you with his other hand he continued with a bright smile, "You and me, we make an unstoppable team! "
Your face warmed at the extreme close proximity, not having seen him this close before. "Y-yeah, and Zashi, Shota, and Nemi!" Really, you couldn't think too sharply as your brain began to overheat with your cheeks.
Nemuri smiled mischievously, tapping the tips of her fingers together as she went over her plan she made with Shirakumo. This first part she simply asked was to gouge whether or not you'd reject any advances made, and based off your reaction, he was in the green.
"Wow Shirakumo, got your hands all over her don'cha?" A couple guys snickered to each other as they passed by, and your face warmed in embarrassment as you pulled yourself from his hold.
Huffing, Shirakumo hated seeing you upset. Before he could say anything, Shota surprisingly beat him to it.
"Mind your business, you don't need to make everything you see weird."
They teasingly put their hands up, "Look, we're just messing with you guys, nothing to gripe abou-"
"Then leave us alone. We don't want to hear your jokes."
The opening of the bus doors cut off the conflict before it could escalate, and as you passed Shota sitting in his seat on the bus, you gave his shoulder a squeeze.
"Thanks, I appreciate you."
As you made your way to your seat, Shota tried to hide his faint blush by turning to face the window, but was quickly snapped back when Hizashi threw himself into the seat beside him.
You took a similar seat next to the window, and to your surprise you watched Nemuri walk past you only to sit in the seat behind you - next to the quiet girl with the archer quirk.
Seeing your baffled expression, she awkwardly shrugged her shoulders. "I, uh, wanted to discuss Moji's quirk! We never talk so I thought I'd take the chance, y'know?"
You raised an eyebrow at her sudden behavior, but ultimately didn't question her. Instead, you welcomed Shirakumo as he slid into the seat next to you.
As the bus rumbled to life and began to set off, everyone began discussing who they might be paired with and what they might expect. You animatedly discussed with Shirakumo what pairings would be best, and he added on to your excitement, happy to have you talking to him at all.
Sitting behind the two of you, Nemuri uselessly tried to squeeze a word out of the girl she sat next to, but in the end she never looked anywhere but straight ahead to Nemuri's unease.
"I want you all in order now! We're in a residential area, so be respectful!"
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*Japanese neighborhoods are very, very different from American ones*
As everyone quieted and stood at attention, the teacher went on once more.
"Now, I need you all to remember who you sat next to on the bus, because that's exactly who you'll be paired with for this activity. "
He paused to allow the students to think about who they were next to, and whether they should revel or hang their head in disdain.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Shirakumo turned and made eye contact with Nemuri, who in turn winked and gave him a thumbs up. His face warmed as he smiled and gave one back.
Once everyone was beside their respective partner, they obediently made their way to the neighborhood they were to care for.
"Soo, think we're gonna find anything interesting?"
Walking casually beside you with his arms slung behind his head, Shirakumo clearly showed no belief that anyone would run into trouble.
You scanned the small neighborhood, looking at the walls, bushes that lined the houses, and at the flock of birds making their way into the air. It was quiet, uneventful. "Mm, probably not. " Crossing your arms you whined. "Ahh, this was what Nemuri probably was trying to complain about, huh?"
Turning to look at you Shirakumo tried to offer some reassurance, "Aww don't be that way. I'm sure we'll run into something cool!" Raising a fist into the air, he smiled. "I'm positive we'll be the ones to bring back the coolest story to the class! You and me, taking down the biggest villain this neighborhood has to offer! "
You laughed as he jokingly punched the air repeatedly in front of him, practically brimming with bright energy. It was refreshing to have someone like him around, someone to always reassure and lift you up.
The sun was beginning to set, and you knew your class would be held far after dark. That was when villains mainly come out, no? It was bright as it lowered, and you had to hold a hand up to keep the light from your eyes. However, you looked up when a shadow was cast over your eyes, and found it to be caused by a little blue cloud floating in front of you. You turned to Shirakumo, smiling bashfully as he grinned back.
Time seemed to slow as your boredom increased. You and Shirakumo continued walking ahead, and finally you found a turn on the path you could both take so the sun wasn't blinding you the whole time. The houses in this new area had more greenery growing, and in turn shrouded out the sunlight.
While the lack of light was nice for your eyes, it wasn't for your body as you began to shiver. Winter was closely approaching, and you could only hope your class wouldn't have to do as many outdoor activities.
"Y'know, I kinda like this assignment. Easy A+, just walk around a bunch with a buddy and you're all set!"
You smiled at his incessantly joyous attitude, wishing that you yourself could gain such an ability. For now though, it was more than enough to have him by your side. Eventually he began to whistle a jaunty tune he had picked up from a commercial, with you scanning the right side and him walking and scanning the left.
The neighborhood was a quaint one, little houses lined up in neat yet unique rows, and you thought about the people inside of them. How those very people in the houses you walked by were to depend on people like you in the future.
It was daunting, to have so much responsibility on your shoulders. At the beginning of your admission to UA, you had wanted to be a support or rescue hero. Less being on the main field and more on the sidelines. Less weight crushing atop of you, less damage made if you failed...
"Somethin's turning in that head of yours," as you brought your gaze up to Shirakumo, he stuck out a pointer finger and tapped your forehead a couple times. "Tell me what's on your mind, I'm curious. "
Your face warmed slightly, pushing away the self doubt that momentarily distracted you. The houses continued to pass by you, one after another, and as you comprehended just how many people were to truly rely on you, your heart stirred. The feeling was sickening, so many lives that were constantly in danger. And if you make a mistake? All those lives... Gone.
You both halted as Shirakumo slung an arm around your shoulder and stopped, bringing you to a stop with him. "Something not good I'm guessing, huh?"
His expression contorted as he furrowed his eyebrows in worry, and you hurriedly waved your arms as you tried to reassure him. "Really, it's nothing! Sorry, I was just getting distracted..."
Gazing at the rows and rows of seemingly endless houses, you pushed a stand of hair behind your ear. "It's just... There's so many people that depend on us... All these people in these houses are only a small fraction, I've realized."
Quickly, Shirakumo's expression softened. "Ah, that's what's going on, isn't it?" Confused, you took your attention off the neighborhood and passed it onto him. He retracted his arm and turned to face you properly instead once you turned towards him.
"It's just like at the beginning of the year, you're getting worried again."
He might've acted oblivious and ignorant most of the time, but you knew that was just out of fun. In reality, he was an extremely smart kid. Observation was one of his key things in particular, needed especially for someone with a quirk like his. And with how well you knew him and his group, it was no surprise he was able to read you like an open book.
The ground was now where your attention was turned to, not knowing how to continue. You plucked your fingers as you mulled over how to properly phrase your thoughts.
"It's just-" You sighed, exhausted. "There's so much waiting for us... I don't know if I can handle it all, I've always been a little slower than everyone in the class-"
You yelped in surprise as Shirakumo firmly planted both his hands on your shoulders, his own shaking. You had never seen him get this worked up before, it was odd. This whole situation was new to you, as you had never dwindled on your thoughts for this long before. It was routine at this point, just to follow in the footsteps of whoever was in front of you as you ran in the back.
"Don't say that now." His voice was firm, yet a slight waver could be noticed. "It's... It's natural to feel overwhelmed, especially when the stakes are so high." Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he looked up at you once more. "Tell me, why exactly did you want to become a hero?"
It was a question so many had asked you before. So many times that question was passed around to everyone in the hero department, it was natural to already have an automated answer. This time felt different, however. You thought a little harder about it.
"I... Want to help people." You started off unsure, yet as you continued, your voice began to get more firm. "I want to bring comfort to those who'd depend on me, just like how I felt whatever I watched heroes on TV as a kid."
You gritted your teeth hard as the memories flooded in. "It always filled me with inspiration, seeing them battle the villain and save the civilians... I always wanted to be someone to bring a smile to their face... I'm just worried I can't live up to that. "
Shirakumo's expression softened as a small smile tugged at his mouth. You were one of the main people he always looked up to throughout his time at UA, and as you spoke it only further cemented that fact.
"You have a good heart, and that's half the battle right there. Being a hero isn't just about skill or talent, it's about the drive, about having a good heart. It's about compassion and dedication. And you have all of that."
You sighed a bit. While you knew your intentions weren't the issue, it was nice to be reassured. You had the heart, and you yearned to reach your goal. But what use is a yearning heart when your skills don't match that want?
"I've heard it countless times... That even the strongest people would struggle to become a hero without the passion or drive. But," You looked up at the rising moon that began to light up the once darkened area around you. "What more is there to do when you want to catch up but you can't? I don't think I can do it, as much as I want to do it..."
Shaking his head, Shirakumo sighed. He knew you were worried at the beginning of the year, but you had progressed so incredibly much that he was in awe. So to hear that you were still struggling to see that... It felt defeating.
Yet, despite your doubts and fears, he could see the determination in your eyes. He could recognize the passion you held in your heart. And that's what made his in turn beat a little harder.
"There'll always be room for doubt, you think I wasn't afraid when I was starting out? Or anyone else for that matter? Everyone comes up to that same thought of yours... 'What if I can't?'..."
It was so odd to think about. To think of the boisterous, confident, content Shirakumo as scared. Scared and worried, just as you. Yet, it made sense. Who wouldn't be worried starting out?
He took notice of your interest and continued on. "Being a hero isn't always about being the best and the strongest, and even then those at the top still make mistakes of their own. Being a hero - it's all about standing up and doing what's right in the face of fear. That's what courage is, after all."
His eyes shimmered with passion as he spoke, everything eventually pouring straight from his heart. He needed you to know that you weren't the only one who was afraid. He needed you to know why he looked up to you so much.
His expression relaxed as he rested a hand on your shoulder once more. "Being a hero isn't a race against others, y'know. It's about you, becoming the best version of yourself."
You smiled, putting a hand atop his that rested on your shoulder. He smiled back in response, meeting your eyes. You've come so far, but your self doubt was blocking your vision from seeing how much progress you made.
"Believe me, you're progressing. You're learning, growing, every single day. "
Your expression formed into one of surprised acknowledgement. You were so stuck on focusing on what you can't, on what might happen if you can't, that you never realized just how much you could. And that in order to push past the risk of making a mistake, you'd need to do your best to train yourself on how to change your "I can't"s into "I can"s.
Your smile widened as you grabbed his hand fully now. "I see... It's all about progress, huh?" Looking up into the soft expression of his that he gave you, you felt something warm blossom inside of you. "I guess I was thinking about it in black and white, putting so much pressure on myself... I always remember you telling me I was thinking too hard about things." You teased him, causing a larger grin to form on his face as he lightly chuckled.
Shirakumo nodded approvingly, a hint of satisfaction and relief glinting in his eyes. "Exactly, that's the spirit! You're still learning, still growing. And you will mess up, and you'd probably wish you hadn't. But that's how we learn after all."
He leaned in a little closer to you, as if the two of you weren't close enough. Oddly though, neither of you were concerned about the distance this time. It felt comfortable, and warm. His gaze was steady as it focused on your eyes.
"Just remember, your worth isn't defined by your failure or your success. It's defined by who you are, by what's in here-" He took the hand that you placed on top of his and brought it down to be placed on top of where your heart was. Together, the both of you sat for a moment in silence, simply focusing on the feeling of it beating. It was the most beautiful thing to him.
"I see... Recognizing both the good and bad aspects of yourself.. recognizing that you're only human in the end. That we both are..." You looked up from where both your hands rested, a wistful, relieved expression taking hold. "I always tried following in your footsteps y'know, you've always been someone I looked forward to learning from and I suppose I was right." You lightly laughed, the sound filling the otherwise silent air around the both of you.
His eyes widened in relivation, not knowing that you looked up to him. It always seemed the opposite way to him. You were always the one with the better grades, the one who was always progressing more and more each day.
"I guess we both look up to each other then, huh?" He chuckled as he brought his hand that was intertwined with his in between the both of you. You couldn't contain the warmth that coated your cheeks once again. "Well... You care. And it shows. So thank you."
He couldn't contain the large grin from forming, and it lit up your whole world seeing him so stupidly happy. "Y'know, I'm glad we met. Out of all the different people I could've run into, I really hit the jackpot with you." You blushed a little harder and lightly hit his arm in joking with your free hand, the smile on your face giving it all away.
Suddenly, his expression began to turn a little more serious than before, and it drew your full attention. The grip he had on your hands only tightened a bit, and you were suddenly aware of the close proximity between the two of you.
"Ever since I met you, you always made me feel a little strange. I always felt a little different around you than when I was with everyone else, and I was never able to put my finger on it." His eyebrows furrowed, his mind concentrating on letting everything he was thinking pour out as naturally as he could get it.
Your heart beat a little faster, blood warming everywhere you could imagine as you began to tremble slightly.
"You're amazing, I promise! Out of everyone I met, you're the kindest, the most passionate, the smartest... " You watched as his gaze slipped off to the side, a blush tinting his face with a lopsided smile. Your face felt as though it was on fire. "What are you trying to say, Shirakumo?"
You could only hum in confusion as you tilted your head a bit. His attention was back on you, clear and concise.
"Call me Oboro, okay? You're too close to me to be calling me by my family name."
You tried mustering up a bit of confidence of your own as your shakily held eye contact with him. "Well, Oboro," It felt so odd. But it was a nice odd to have the privilege given to you. "What's all this about exactly? "
He felt as though his heart was moving his body and not his brain. Grabbing your hands felt so natural to him. Holding them up, he faced you directly, so close your noses could've touched.
"You're... You're amazing. You've always been progressing so much, and you're one of the smartest in the class," He spoke so fast he had to take a moment to heave one last breath.
"Not only that, you have such a passionate heart, it's what pushes me to keep smiling whenever I feel down." He was closer now, his eyes sparkling, twinkling with some unknown joy. "It's why I've always looked up to you... It's why... Why I fell in love with you!"
Both of you sat in stunned silence for a beat, simply looking into each other's flushed faces. It was the longest couple of seconds Shirakumo ever felt in his life.
Shakily, you brought your gaze down as you did many times before. Tremors shook your body, the source being your heart nearly tearing itself from your chest. Shirakumo only stood in place, awaiting any kind of reaction.
Looking down, he saw a droplet of something hit the floor under you. Then another. And another. Quickly, he panicked and grabbed your shoulders, bringing you up to face him. "A-are you crying?! I'm sorry if I said it too fast! Don't think you have to be obligated-"
A couple tears dotted your eyes, but...
You were smiling. Smiling the most he's every seen since he'd known you.
"I'm honored to hold such a spot in your heart, Oboro." You wiped your eyes a bit, but still looked happy as you did so. "You've always been special to me as well, always lighting up my day and helping to bring me back up whenever I was at my lowest. I'm more than happy to let you know that..." You took a deep breath. "That I love you, too. "
It was a moment he'd never forget. The moonlight lit up your features perfectly, and you looked the happiest he'd ever seen you. It was perfect. And the whole time, everything felt natural, the fear that gripped his heart earlier melting away into a syrupy, sweet concoction of love and joy.
You were close. And he was too. Together, you both absentmindedly leaned into each other without much thought, eventually ending as his lips met yours. He moved one hand to place on your waist, and the other to hold your cheek as he leaned in further, desperate for more. The hand around your waist pulled you in closer as you put your own hand on his chest to grip his shirt, drawn to his warmth.
It was quiet. Quiet and comfortable as the two of you got lost in each other. You both smiled as your noses bumped into each other, with him sighing into you as if it brought him immediate relief from some unknown tension. You only had so much room to breathe though, and as Oboro wasn't showing any signs of letting up anytime soon, you took the initiative to detach yourself from him, ignoring his whine.
Both of you were left panting and flushed, new to these emotions and experiences being discovered. Yet, as you looked up at him, you could only feel... Warm. His smile was like that of the sun, as it always lit up the area it was in - no matter how dark it was.
To him, as you looked up into his eyes he felt as though he could get lost in yours. The entire time since the failed confession, he was constantly fretting over how it could've gone, as to what he could've gained or lost.
It was always a risk. But looking at you now, he was glad he took it. It was just as he told you. Sometimes one overlooks how much they have working for their benefit and instead focuses on the possible chance of loss, deciding to not take a risk that could end in their favor.
He was elated to have you by his side, and he was going to keep you smiling as much as he could. It was the least he could do, after all.
You were the newest addition to their little trio, Hizashi and Shota both breathing out a sigh of relief at the sight of their lovesick friend no longer pinning and not having been struck down. It was the best case scenario, and in the end everyone was overjoyed for him.
Although, seeing as he was the most open and boisterous in the class, it did have its ups and downs. Such as when he would drag you all over the classroom to introduce you to your own classmates as his girlfriend, or to random students down the hall, even to some teachers. It was a habit of his, showing off everything that made him excited.
Even then, his enthusiasm only seemed to grow more with your newly established relationship. You didn't think you could handle another incident of him cheering for you at the top of his lungs during training again. Being tied with Shirakumo seemed to bring all attention onto you as well, but in the end you got used to it. He meant well, and intended to keep things bright and happy.
It was what he was best at, after all. With a smile as bright as the sun itself, it was able to part even the darkest of clouds to bring his light in.
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This one was quite fun to write! Thanks again for the request! (˶ᐢωᐢ˶)
Although I'm worried about the lack of Shirakumo fans out there... (⑉ ᷄ ⌳ ᷅ )ก
I hope everyone here has a lovely day! I'm still constantly working on requests, I haven't forgotten a single one! (⑉´ᗜ`⑉)
If you like my writing or my art (or just want to be tagged for anything in general), please let me know! I'll gladly tag anyone for anything they'd like to see (✌^∀^)
Fun fact: This was my first time writing a kiss scene, please take it with a grain of salt! Aromantic author here, I don't know much about romance but I'll still gladly write it ʅ(´д`)ʃ
Fun fact 2: If you scrolled too fast you probably didn't realize the title card I made (the one with the manga panels of Shirakumo) is a gif (︎‪︎‬︎‪︎‬︎✌︎︎ ˋ͈ ⌄ˊ͈)︎✌︎︎ ニヘヘヘ
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luxthestrange · 3 months
BNHA Incorrect quotes#28 They also hugged Aizawa
Class 1-A: This is Aizawa, Aizawa loves his personal space
Secretary!Y/n, Mic, Oboro & Eri hugging Aizawa tightly
Class 1-A: This is Y/n, Mic, Oboro, and Eri, They also love Aizawa’s personal space-
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part 7 of:
396 notes · View notes
Hi, there! 🥰
I'm really, really, really excited to announce you that I'm currently working with my beloved and talented friend @merrymonkey on an illustrated fanfic of Aizawa, starting from his U.A. days and moving into the present when he's the homeroom teacher of class 1A.
This is gonna be kind of long, we hope you enjoy the ride. 💖
Our Hero Academy
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 2k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the U.A.
On the first day of school, the UA’s enormous doors opened earlier than usual. Some teachers, the kindest ones, had come out to welcome the new students. Some of them already knew each other, having grown up in the same neighborhood and lucky enough to be in the same high school class. Such was the case with Hizashi Yamada, Oboro Shirakumo, and Shouta Aizawa.
While the first two talked quite loudly, drawing the attention of anyone who passed by, the last one was not only almost asleep but also remarkably quiet, he looked like a calm boy, someone who didn't look for trouble.
Starting with Hizashi, he was a tall and slim boy with blond hair, which he wore spiked upwards. His eyes were covered with some pretty cool sunglasses, and it was very common to see him with a large smile on his face. Hizashi had an eccentric personality, almost like a radio host. He even often posed when he talked and maintained a certain level of excitement or volume, regardless of the situation. Though he tended to be a jovial individual, Hizashi was capable of great rage, but that wasn't really common to occur, for he was the typical extroverted and popular guy.
Meanwhile, Oboro's light blue wavy hair was his charm, as well as his adorable and bright personality. He usually wore an expression of excitement. Very prone to making jokes and witty comments with innuendos, his energetic and goofy personality was similar to that of Hizashi, although Oboro never quite reached his friend's excitement. Due to his extravagant behavior, he was not the type of person who followed protocol and had little sense of shame, hence just as he was walking with his friends, he closed his uniform shirt as if he were in his room.
Finally, behind came the third of them, Shouta Aizawa. He was a slender and tall, tanned-skinned boy with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hung in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. His worn-out appearance made him often look fatigued, especially because of his tired eyes. He was a very stern and reserved person; actually, he often came off as cold and apathetic, someone who preferred to take naps in every possible place over any other activity. Although quiet, the young hero student was very vocal and bold when expressing his ideas, which lead him to only had two friends. Despite his apathetic traits, he genuinely cared about his friends and was willing to do anything for them. In fact, he had already done it, he had already gotten into more than one problem because of Hizashi and Oboro. Shouta often grinned and even made jokes about his friends' eccentric personalities. Although it was more common to see him serious or rather shy.
While Hizashi spoke, or rather, he shouted expressing his immense emotion, Oboro adjusted his uniform. To tell the truth, it seemed that he was getting dressed, because now he was buttoning up his shirt.
“Do you really have to do that while we walk among so many people?” Aizawa asked.
“I didn't have time to get dressed. If you hadn't held us up for wanting to rescue that cat, I'd have been able to do it, so now you suck it up." He said with a mischievous smile as he tried to find his belt inside his backpack.
“Do you think they assign us the same section? I want us to be classmates again." Hizashi commented when they were already walking through the main gates.
Aizawa listened to Oboro's answer until something else completely stole his attention. Sitting on a bench next to a window, a girl was waiting for the doors of the academy's auditorium to open so that the professors could give them the welcome speech.
He was not the type of individual who paid special attention to admiring another person's beauty, he had had beautiful classmates at high school, and he had even seen some very pretty girls entering the academy, however, none of them had got to awake something on him, as it had happened to Oboro and Hizashi and their numerous dates. 
Yet, that girl just a few steps away had taken his breath away. Aizawa cut the conversation with his friends because, for a few seconds, he couldn't do anything else but admire that short girl with long, wavy pastel pink hair tied in a braid. She had been nervously playing with a pink hair tie while waiting to enter the auditorium. Suddenly, a gust of wind made her look at the branches of a tree through the window, allowing Aizawa to see a bit more of her face.
Possibly due to Aizawa's piercing stare, she realized someone was looking at her, and turning around, she discovered him. Her lovely and expressive green eyes were now fixed on the young man's black eyes. His usual tired gaze switched to a wide-eye one by noticing an undeniable sparkle in the girl's look. Such interaction struck Aizawa to the core; it was so overwhelming, that he was about to break that eye contact. Luckily, he did not do it and did not miss the kind but shy and fleeting smile that the girl gave him. Shota couldn't smile back not because he didn't want to, but because he simply couldn't, he just froze. Naturally, when the girl saw that the guy didn't even react back, she looked away from him and had to force herself to think of something else; otherwise, the auto cringe would have made her leave the place.
"You okay, bro? Are you that nervous? Your face's red." Oboro said looking at his friend, but Aizawa just shook his head.
"Let's go in, the doors are already open." Aizawa replied without forgetting the girl's smile. 
He wasn't the typical guy who got a lot of smiles or kind looks, perhaps because his eyes were usually on the ground, or because his gaze was a tired one, not precisely a cordial one. Whatever the reason, it was not common for him to receive such a kind facial expression like that. All his life he was used to Hizashi and Oboro turning out to be the ones who stole peeks and received compliments. To tell the truth, Aizawa had never minded that since social interactions were not his thing at all.
Yet, he did not have time to think more about it, the professor who welcomed them had already started with his talk. He explained to the students how the academy worked and how they would be assigned to a class. That was how that day, once again fate wanted Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi to be together in the same class. Though that was not the only surprise. When they entered the room, Aizawa saw the girl again; apparently, the four of them would study together from now on.
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That was how they spent the first days at the UA. The professional heroes didn't give them a break, it was training after training, in addition to master classes, of course. Knowing and trusting each one's quick was a must to survive the UA classes; therefore, Aizawa was definitely not having a good time. Meanwhile, Hizashi and Oboro not only controlled theirs better, but they also felt comfortable with their powers and were confident that they would become excellent heroes. However, the shy young man constantly doubted his ability, and when possible, he trained alone so as not to slow anyone down. But that changed the second week when one of the teachers asked them to pair up for the next lesson in one of the many training camps.
"Okay, this is it! I'll ask Hoshino to work with me!" Oboro said, adjusting his uniform and referring to the pink-haired girl, who turned out to be very quiet and introverted. Even though she had all her classmates drooling over her from the first day, she was always alone and studying in her spare time in the library.
"Don't even dream about it, Oboro, I'll ask her," Hizashi replied. "You are very noisy, she won't want to be your partner." 
“What the fuck, Hizashi!? You scream instead of talking! Besides, you'll scare her, you're too aggressive."
"I'm not aggressive!"
"And you're not very bright either, why would the best of the class want to work with you?"
Aizawa, for his part, chuckled upon hearing his friends and continued tying his shoelaces. In the meantime, Hizashi and Oboro were so focused on arguing among themselves that they didn't realize when the girl approached where they were.
Thus, she touched the least expected person's shoulder and spoke.  “Hi... Hum, excuse me, would you mind if we worked together? I've seen your quirk and I think we could make a good team.” As determined as she was to train with him, there was a hint of shyness in her voice.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Oboro and Hizashi asked looking at how she had chosen Aizawa as her partner.
Although the two outgoing boys had come to her since day one to introduce themselves, Aizawa hadn't said a word, preferring to stay behind. So, her proposal was quite unexpected for everyone, especially for Aizawa, who looked at her as if hoping that she would realize that she was speaking to HIM and not to his friends.
"I see... you already have a partner, I'm sorry." Wishing that the earth would swallow her, the girl was about to disappear, she didn't do it only because Oboro was faster and prevented her.
"No, he doesn't have one! It's just that Aizawa's very shy." Oboro replied as Hizashi practically pushed his friend to his feet.
“Did you hear that, Shota? You'll be able to work with the best of the class!” The blonde said.
"Are you sure you want to work with me?"
"Come on, Shota, don't be so humble, your quirk's awesome!" Hizashi said pushing him to such an extent that the young black-haired man almost lost his balance.
That was how Aizawa and the girl ended up teaming up together. The mission they had been given to train was to enter the forest that surrounded the UA and find a hidden bomb as quickly as possible. For that, they would have the whole class, for the terrain was huge.
All the way Aizawa was wondering the same thing. "Why does she want to work with me?" The girl had passed the entrance exam with the highest score, and despite only taking two weeks of classes, all her teachers had already recognized her as the best of her generation.
“So, you erase quirks with your gaze…" The girl said, interrupting Aizawa's analysis. "That's so cool! You have one of the best powers I've ever seen.”
“The effect lasts until I blink. It's not very useful." 
"Have you tried using eye drops? That way your eyes will be moisturized, and you can train them for a longer use of your quirk. Maybe they'll be a little dry, but at least they won't hurt afterward."
Aizawa remained silent, contemplating the option that the girl gave him; truth be told, she made a lot of sense. After some minutes of walking in silence, the boy talked. “What about your quirk? Can you manipulate any kind of energy? If so, you have unlimited potential."
"It's not that easy." She responded by shaking her head. “When I transform energy, I use my own. The more energy I manipulate, the less I have left to fight. Also, it's not unlimited, quite the opposite. If I intend to control some type of energy, I first must know it thoroughly, know how it works, and what risks can come."
"That's why she studies so much..." Aizawa thought.
“If I don't know the type of energy, or if I convert more than what my body resists, things don't end well. It's happened a couple of times and it hasn't been nice." She confessed somewhat embarrassed. "That's why I think we could make a good team, you could give me a hand if things get messy." 
"You barely know me, are you going to trust me that much?"
"I saw how you helped your friend when we floated higher than expected."
The girl giggled remembering how during one of the first practices, Oboro used one of his clouds to float. He was just bragging; yet, thanks to the wind, the cloud flew higher and quicker. It was Aizawa who controlled the situation by erasing his quirk and helping him get back to earth. 
"Oh, you saw that..." He whispered just about to laugh. Not even Shota could deny how funny it was to see Oboro fall over Hizashi. 
"How not to? Your other friend, the blond one, kept yelling at the cloud guy to get off of him."
"Yeah, that's kind of common when it comes to Hizashi and Oboro."
"Well, we'd better hurry if we want to find that bomb first."
The dynamic between the two students turned out to be quite good, not only did they complete the mission successfully, but they also had time to get to know each other a little better, because by finishing before all the other groups, they had almost an hour free. Thus, sitting on some rocks on the banks of a river, Shota discovered that her family lived in the countryside and that to pursue her dream of becoming a hero, she had moved to the city alone. The academy had dormitories for students with similar situations, so she had no problem finding a place to live. That short interaction was enough for Aizawa to judge her as a nice and extremely sweet girl. 
Without knowing how or why, she quickly felt comfortable with Aizawa, so much so that she made a couple of jokes and even imitated him. Apparently, in that week the young heroine had analyzed him enough to discover several of his habits.
“You have a lot of free time in class.” The boy commented unable to avoid laughing just a little when he saw her imitating the way he yawned.
“The first week has been calmer than I imagined.”
“That's because you're talented. I barely approved the physical performance exams.”
Once again, the girl started to play with her hair tie, anyone could tell she was struggling to decide if saying what she was thinking or remaining silent. In the end, she mustered some courage and dared to say it.  “We could train together in the afternoons.” 
Aizawa raised his gaze and looked at her as if looking for any sign that he had listened wrong. “YOU are going to train with me? You, the number one in the class?”
“I also need to train, and I think we could complement ourselves. I mean... our quirks." She corrected herself while blushing. 
Aizawa was the first classmate she actively approached and, to tell the truth, it had been hard for her to summon up the courage to speak to him. Judging by his actions during those two weeks of classes, it was highly possible that he would say no. After all, Shota hardly talked with his two friends, why would he say yes to training with her?
"I mean, it's just an idea. But if you already train with someone else, that's fine." She said feeling how her face was turning even more red.
Noticing that he was making her feel uncomfortable, Aizawa reacted. “It's not what you're thinking. Honestly, I didn't expect you to want to team up with me. You caught me off guard."
Understanding that it wasn't that he was rejecting her, but that this was all very unexpected for him, she felt less embarrassed. “I'm not very good at making friends and many of our classmates already knew each other. Besides…. You seem like a very trustworthy person and your quirk is wonderful. I'm sorry, I think I already told you this a dozen times.” She said between a shy giggling.
The black-haired hero looked at her for a few moments. "She's really cute. No wonder why Hizashi and Oboro say it all the time." 
"Well, I don't want to put you on the spot. If one day you have some free time, we could train together, Aizawa.” She said getting up, it was time to meet up with the rest of the class.
"Shota, call me Shota."
“My name's Kaori. Thanks for working with me today, Shota.” She responded with a sweet smile.
Next chapter
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akemisalem · 4 days
Looking for a Beta Reader
Just as the title says, I'm looking for a Beta Reader for my current long fic, From the Start, and possibly for my other wips. My prior experience in writing is for screenwork and scriptwriting, so it's been a journey trying out long-form fiction, and I would like to get some feedback from a fresh pair of eyes!
Details are:
Looking for someone who can give constructive and honest feedback on plot development, character consistency, and overall writing style. I'm not afraid of criticism or too proud to make necessary changes.
I will mostly be writing EraserCloud/Shirazawa stories within the MHA fandom, so someone who is familiar with those characters and their dynamics would be ideal! But I'm open to feedback from anyone who enjoys reading fanfiction in general :)
If you're interested in helping me out, please reach out to me via DM so we can make something work! Thank you! ♡
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adminbryantsaki · 9 months
Christmas Time Is Here
(Alpha Shouta, Luna Hizashi, Alpha Oboro, and Eri with the reader as her mom.)
(I do not own My Hero Academia or any of the characters/references to the show or manga in this story. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: War, on the run, amputee, getting separated from loved ones, mention of possible loss/de*th, A/B/O Shenanigans, slight romantic gestures, mafia au/references, polyamorous relationship. WC: 2,261
“This message is for Y/n and her clan. I want your daughter, I believe her name is Eri and I want her quirk. As for your little spy here, they will be sent to my loyal physician to be turned into the next Nomu that will be added to my army. If you don’t turn your daughter over, I will let loose my Nomu and Gigantomachia on the city until you comply. Those are my terms and you have three days to hand her over or the city will be laid to ruin. Time’s ticking.”
You mulled the message sent to you by All For One himself over and over in your mind as you watched the snow fall gently outside the log cabin that was serving as your current base of operations. You had lost the spy that was loyal to your clan and your empire but it was worth it. they would be honored and their family would still be cared for since the whole family showed loyalty to you and your empire. Their sacrifice ensured that your daughter was safe. But you didn’t know if one of your mates that got lost in the chaos of the city was safe… or even alive. You were pulled out of your trance when Hizashi brought you a cup of cocoa and kissed your head gently. “He’s going to be okay. He probably got caught up in the panic and needs to find a place to safely warp gate here.” He reassured you and kissed your head again before leaving you be. You took a sip of your cocoa and kept looking out the window. Eri soon came walking into the room, holding a box of what looked to be Christmas ornaments with Shouta right behind her, holding a larger box that seemed to have the tree in it. He set the box down and went back for another box, coming back with what seemed to be lights. Hizashi began to unwrap the tree while Eri tugged at your arm. “C’mon, Mama. Come decorate the tree with us.” Eri spoke as she pulled you off the couch and over to where Shouta and Hizashi were unpacking the Christmas decorations.
 You sat down with your family… at least the ones that were here and began to set up the tree while Hizashi put on his Christmas playlist and let the cheerful music help lift the spirits of everyone in the house. This house was a safe haven that your empire had set up long before the League of Villains ever made their appearance. This place would be used in times that anyone in your clan and empire would need a place to lay low for however long they needed, especially if they had been threatened. In this case, Eri had been threatened and you wanted to get her safe. It was a bummer that this threat had come so close to Christmas, but you were glad to have someone purchase and place the tree and decorations inside the house before your arrival.
You had this set up because you knew something bad would happen after you sent spies into the ranks of the villains to learn All For One’s motive and why he was so desperate to get the quirk One For All and you wanted to be prepared in the case that the city went to hell and wasn’t safe anymore. You had planned on leaving on your own with Eri anyways, but when the threat was placed on her, you went into your fight or flight mode and you picked the more prudent choice of fleeing the city. You hadn’t expected Shouta, Hizashi, and Oboro to follow you out of the city but they were loyal to you and Shouta was the other guardian signed on to care for Eri.  Thinking about Oboro made you wonder where he was and if he even made it out of the city alive or if he got recaptured as you hung ornaments on the branches of the Douglas Fir that you had purchased. Even though you were in hiding, you wouldn’t hold back on making sure that Christmas was special for your family.
You helped put on the last few ornaments on the tree, watching as Shouta was cradling a particular ornament in his hands before he placed it on the tree, you saw the ornament was shaped like a cloud. He was holding back his emotions as to not worry Eri but she could sense that something was wrong with her papa. Eri walked up to Shouta and tugged at the hem of his black t-shirt. Shouta looked to her and knelt to her level, explaining to her that he was fine and that the ornament reminding him of his packmate Oboro who was still stuck in the city and he was worried about him. Eri nodded and hugged Shouta, telling him that she was worried about Oboro too. After the ornaments were on the tree and it was lit up, your favorite song came on and Hizashi pulled you into a dance to the beat of the song that was playing which made you smile, laugh, and happy overall as he remembered that the song was your favorite. Once the song was done, Hizashi took the mugs from earlier and went back into the kitchen to make a second round of hot cocoa for everyone with Eri following after him, saying that she wanted to help. You went to where Shouta was sitting on the couch, elbows propped on his knees and his hands supporting his head as he was staring out the window that gave a lovely view of the front lawn that was covered in a blanket of white and the forest that seemed to give the log cabin a type of protected feel that helped hide the safe house from the outside world. Snow was still falling and the weather predictions said that it would keep falling all week long. You put your hand on his back, he looked back to you and sighed.
“I’m alright. I just worry about him. He was still in the hospital room when we had to evacuate and we wanted to bring him with us but we got pulled away and caught up in a frenzied panic of people that were rushing to leave the hospital and escape the city… I’m worried that he didn’t make it out of the city and he was recaptured by those horrible people that hurt him before… that they would warp him even further from the man that Hizashi and I knew back in high school.” Shouta spoke. You leaned into him and hugged him gently, trying to provide the leader of your pack and your Alpha some sort of comfort since you could tell that he was distressed just by his scent. He returned your hug and held you close and kissed your head when there was a knock at the front door. Shouta pulled away, standing up and grabbing his knife before heading to the door and seeing who it was.  He looked through the peephole to see who was on the other side of the door and his eyes widened when he saw who it was. He unlocked the door and opened it to see that it was Oboro, beaten and bruised but alive.  He had managed to escape the city and find his way to the safe house all in one piece. He was panting and he fell into Shouta’s arms only a few moments after the door had been opened. Shouta caught him and called for Hizashi to come help get their friend to the couch and assess his injures. You ran to the bathroom to grab the first aid kid to tend to his wounds as he recovered.
He soon woke up and tried to sit up but was pushed back down gently by your hand placed on his chest. “Easy there, you’ve been through a lot. You’re glad you only have some broken ribs and one of your radius bones had been broken. I’m glad you’re safe otherwise. We were all worried that you had been recaptured.” You spoke as you peeked at one of his bandages to make sure it was secure enough. “But I made it here in one piece. Nothing for you to worry about anymore since I’m here now. We can be safe here and be a family together.” He told you and held your hand. You smiled and kissed his head before pulling a blanket over him and walking to the kitchen to make yourself some tea.
You stood in the kitchen for a little while until you hear Oboro hobble into the kitchen with Hizashi’s help, where he found you, waiting for the kettle to boil so you could make your tea. Hizashi helped him settle into one of the kitchen chairs before he left the two of you be to talk. “I know you were worried about me. Worried about if I was captured by that psychotic doctor again and what they would do to me, knowing that I had defected from his ‘master.’ You don’t have to worry any more, my love. I might be wounded, but I am here now, and they won’t ever get me. They would have to take me away from here after a good long fight. That’s if they even find us here. I have a strong feeling that they won’t find us here because of how secure it is here. You made sure to reassure us about that when we first formed the pack with you and we needed a place to stay low in any case of a threat. We knew what we signed onto when we mated with you.” Oboro reassured you as he held your hands and looked you in the eyes. You nodded and let him hold you for a while until the kettle began to whistle. He let you go reluctantly so you could make your tea.
You came back with your tea and set it down on the side table that stood beside the couch before helping Oboro back to the living room.
When you returned to the kitchen, He pulled you into his arms and you kissed him gently.
You straddled his lap and you felt his hands slide down your waist to rest on your hips. He gripped them slightly as he deepened the kiss, moving down from your lips and to your neck, hovering and nipping slightly at where his mate mark was branded onto your skin. You let out a moan and held onto his shoulders gently, minding his wounds. He kissed your mark gently before the giggles coming from Eri interrupted the two of you, making your face heat up and promptly hide into Oboro’s neck, smelling his scent of a brewing storm, freshly fallen rain, and clean linen. You didn’t think that you would ever smell his scent  again but you loved it. “Papa! Mama and Chichi were kissing!” You heard Eri tell Shouta. You slid off Oboro’s lap and helped him into the living room where Hizashi was setting up the TV to watch a movie all together as a family. Once Oboro was settled, Shouta pulled you to the side. “Have you thought up a plan?” He asked. “Yes. All we need to do is lay low until Oboro is healed. Then we will confront All For One, unless he forgets his demands and drops his threat, or he somehow finds a way to get Eri’s quirk without having her in his captivity.” You spoke. Shouta’s eyebrow raised when you mentioned the possibility of All For One getting Eri’s quirk without her being captured by him. “How do you know there is a possibility?” He asked in a hushed whisper. “Remember when…Kai Chisaki had her and made those quirk-erasing darts? The League of Villains at the time managed to grab some and from what I’ve been told, they were able to duplicate the dart. All For One can get her Rewind through that. We will just wait it out for now. At least until I get a report from one of my inside men that he’s got Rewind through the dart and not from Eri. I will do anything, even sacrifice myself if it means to keep her safe. She’s been through too much and I’ll be damned if she gets hurt by any other villain in the country, let alone the world.” You told your mate. Shouta nodded and kissed your forehead. “Laying low sounds good. We can rest… and even possibly get you pregnant with a clutch, huh?” He suggested with a smirk. “Not until All For One is taken down once and for all. I won’t bring new lives into this world with that monster still on the loose.” You told him. Shouta nodded and agreed to your wishes before the two of you joined your family and watching the movie. The end.
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