#shiros salt
octochick · 11 months
Bagi didn't 'not suffer enough'
Roier is just being an asshole
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
worst trope is found family separating as soon as the antagonist is dealt with.
#yes this is about voltron and it's also about guardians of the galaxy#what james gunn did to gamora in GOTG3 is criminal#i understand why they did it but to end with her GOING BACK TO THE RAVAGERS?#fail end.#seriously#and it doesnt even make sense bc ofc the high evolutionary isnt going to be the last problem they would deal with#in just a few years they encountered 5 people trying to destroy the universe and who were incredibly difficult foes#youre finna tell me there will never be a situation like that for the rest of their lives?#gtfo#and mantis' end was dumb too not even sorry#i can tolerate drax and nebula's ends.#but everyone else?#stupid#even peter's ending was fucking moronic. bro can pop in on the weekends he doesnt need to be a live in nurse for his grandpa#it's just such a major letdown and sucks everytime a director/author decides to split up the found family permanently#at least with voltron you can rationalize it by saying 'oh they never really wouldve hung out with eachother if they werent forced to for#voltron and werent forced to fight a war together.' and i can see it bc none of them DO hang out together before voltron#they barely even hang out AFTER they become voltron#keith and shiro hang out bc of the adoption/fostering/mentoring thing. lance and hunk MIGHT hang out bc they were already teammates#it's important to note that we never really see hunk and lance being bffs. theyre just friendly to eachother.#this becomes even more apparent once hunk and pidge actually become friends. it's very obvious hunk was just being friendly to lance.#just friendly.#(take this with a grain of salt bc ive only watched the whole series one time. i refuse to acknowledge anything after se 2.)#so yeah it does make more sense theyd all go their own ways but not even the small friend groups stay together at the end!#pidge and hunk are in completely different galaxies from eachother. same with keith and shiro#lance is isolated from all of them bc post se 3 writing team genuinely hated him and failed him as a character.#but GOTG3? they CHOSE to band together time and time again. they CHOSE to be a team. they CHOSE to be family#for every single one of them to say 'nah fuck that i want to be on my own bc uhhh reasons!' is a lame ending.#period.#gotg3
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seliipi · 28 days
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Voltron Season 8 Salt #1 (as well as ongoing salt from the usual people)
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morethansalad · 1 year
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YeShinbera Asa Wot / Ethiopian Chickpea Fish Stew (Vegan)
This is a unique Ethiopian dish. YeShinbra Asa Wot, which directly translates to “chickpeas fish” in Amharic, doesn’t actually contain any fish at all. The name only refers to the texture of the dish that resembles fish. It is customarily prepared during special event as well as the fasting seasons.
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breezycheezyart · 2 years
I love your art!!! But I always noticed something, how come you always draw shiro with the black and white hair style and never the fully white?
Ah, thank you, Nonny! And I actually did draw him with white hair a couple of times. But as canon went on, I didn't really like what it symbolized.
Because in order to get the white hair, he basically absorbed Kuron/Ryou, who was his own person. It felt wrong to me.
So, I draw him as the character I first fell in love with, S1-S2. Kuron/Ryou with the long hair/facial hair then different haircut and outfit is another character in my mind so I can separate the two.
On another note, the black hair in contrast to Allura's white hair lends to the yin yang of their designs, which I really like ^_^
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void-tiger · 2 years
Sorry this is late but you are so right in the tags (the memes for post se8 au one)!!! Like Kuron didnt deserve any of that shit both in canon and story wise. Like there is doomed by the narrative and then there is whatever this was, like freaking Haxus was given a moment of silence and Allura reminding Zarkon of his shit was treated as more morally wrong then this. And just half the reason i have this au is because i want Jiro to be angry about this like he deserves. Like he did nothing wrong but my good he should have, he deserves to bite people. He 100% deserve to be angry at Shiro and Allura (and Keith. Keith was the one most assertive that he was Shiro, Keith was the one that basically got him killed. Jiro is taping up Keith and Haggars and a bunch of other people's pictures on a dartboard and throws darts at it as stress relief as we speak)
Ohh I am SO angry at Keith.
“The Black Lion Roared! It claims Keith as BP!”
NO, fools. The Black Lion wants to save the damn clone who quite literally threw his bayard away—at Allura; if anyone was “next in line” it should’ve been her. We all know it. Mir practically animated it that way in addition to him wiping the floor with them but nobody actually got hurt. HELL even while possessed he gave them TIME to Get The Fuck OUT. And Allura had to blow up her castle to fix Lotor’s Major Fuckup, anyway. He could’ve easily crippled the paladins or Voltron by killing them Right Then or taking the bayard or Black Lion with him.
He didn’t. He’s literally playing 3D chess in a split second—while possessed—and he largely goes unsung, anyway.
He keeps the showdown against Keith largely in Keith’s Favor and deliberately missing shots and destroying the cloning facility (rip to the clones. They are innocents in this too.) and. Keith still nearly gets himself killed, anyway.
Black Lion’s the one to save Jiro when he’s finally close enough in-range for the Lion to sense him—despite them not having a true Lion-Paladin bond.
Black Lion saves Shiro (and Green Lion saves Pidge) VERY early on.
Black Lion saves Shiro again—while being the most damaged by that S1 Fight against Zarkon and Haggar—by teaming up with Keith very briefly (then has to go offline again; they need a Castle Pickup.)
Black Lion saves Shiro by uploading him—you mean to tell me a Teleporting Lion who clearly adores THIS Paladin and does not come back online until Every Single Character (save Coran) tries bonding with it would just Lose his body like that? NAH. That’s NOT how the scifi tropes for transporters or transporter delays/accidents even work.
As horrific as it is, if the issue was really Shiro needing a body verses Black Lion wanting to save a clone trying so hard and loving so much, too, um. [gestures at It’s Raining Men errr Shiro Clones.] Black Lion had options. I am not a fan of this particular fanon fix. Those clones deserve a chance to live, too. BUT it does point out the even more obvious flaw in what actually happened canonically.
Buuuuuut, Monsantos didn’t care about that. They just wanted their Officially Bastardized Version Of Keith to be their grimdark edgelord BP self insert. (Oh, and make Allura their Narrative Tool to do it.)
…soooo…yeah. Jiro deserves to be fucking pissed at Allura, Shiro, the paladins, and especially Keith.
Shiro has every right to be upset with Jiro. (Misdirected, sure. But, imo he’s allowed to be imperfect without getting villainized for it, y’know? Trauma and processing trauma and healing isn’t tidy whatsoever.)
(And Allura should NEVER have been used by the writers for what happened. Or framed as “just as bad as the galra! Teehee!!” in s8, apparently—I staunchly refuse to watch it.)
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faarkas · 2 years
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tagged to do this template by @denerims @cptcassian @arklay (thank you for the psd leah ily <3) @aartyom and @nuclearstorms SO I DID TWO <3
not tagging anybody because it seems like everybody has been already, but feel free to do it!!! I WANNA SEE !!!
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yeonban · 1 year
Soma is actually scary bc how does he keep on perfectly reading everyone he meets and zooming in exactly on their sorest of topics in the most brutal way possible. He's like a vulture. A butcher to the slaughter
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octochick · 11 months
anyways cellbit didnt deny when she said he doesnt considers her family <3
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There’s a knock on his door.
Keith freezes. There’s never a knock at his door.
“…Yeah?” he calls out cautiously, dog-earing his book and setting it down on his mattress. Shiro doesn’t knock, Shiro just calls out from wherever he is. Or texts him. And it’s not like Keith even has friends over, because he’d have to have friends to have them over. Shiro is also, as it turns out, equally as uncool, and never has company.
The door handle turns, and Adam pokes his head through the crack.
“You busy?” he asks.
Keith blinks. “Oh. Hi.”
That makes sense. Adam is here a lot. Keith has kind of forgotten to count him as company, actually. He kind of just appears at random times. Keith is half convinced that Adam is actually some kind of hologram Shiro has created to argue with, mostly because imagining that is really funny.
But he’s never come to Keith’s room before.
“Hi,” he says back, smiling slightly. “Shiro had to run out to handle something because the Garrison would delve into chaos without him, apparently. So he’ll be gone until after dinner.”
He looks at Keith expectantly. Keith stares back, eyes big, because he has no idea what the hell to say to that. Like, he’s correct, Shiro is the one and only thing holding the stupid school together, but Keith’s not quite sure why Adam has come to announce that to him.
“So are you free?” Adam repeats.
“Oh,” Keith says, startling a little. This is a — Adam is seeking him out. Intentionally. Planned. The fiancé of his foster — father? brother? mentor? Keith should ask more questions — has made plans, and they include Keith. Keith is being considered as someone to be hung out with.
“Yeah,” he says, voice cracking. “I’m free.”
“Cool,” Adam says, nodding. “C’mon.”
Keith scrambles off his bed and to the door, not wanting to give Adam time to change his mind. Not that it matters, or Keith cares about hanging out with him. Or anybody for that matter. But he’s curious, so.
“What are we doing?” Keith asks, jogging after him. Adam is a power walker. There’s not a lot of space to power walk in the small apartment, but Adam manages to leave him in the dust anyway. More fuel to Keith’s hologram theory.
“Well, obviously I love your brother more than the moon and stars,” Adam says matter-of-factly, striding over to the kitchen and opening counters.
Keith blinks. Well. That’s one question answered, he supposes.
“But I’m worried.” Adam sets down his armful of supplies; a small mixing bowl, chopsticks, a knife, a cutting board, and an array of vegetables. “Takashi tries very hard at everything he does. It usually gets him quite far. But cooking?” He shakes his head, grabbing a strainer and a head of cabbage and stepping over to the sink. “I don’t know who cursed him, but he’s physically incapable. And you’re thirteen. You’re growing. You can’t eat boxed noodles and peanut butter sandwiches all day. It’s bad for you. Come here.”
“I eat a lot of fruit,” Keith offers, feeling strangely like he has to defend Shiro, or something. Not even necessarily against Adam. Perhaps against the Allegations. “He’s very big on oranges. And mandarins. All citrus, really. There’s a lot of it.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “That is because Takashi read a book about scurvy when he was fourteen and is now terrified of it, because he is a goober. He’s also afraid of squirrels, if you’re wondering. He found out that some of them are carnivorous and never recovered.”
A tiny, barely there smile quirks his lips. Keith bites the corners of his mouth so it doesn’t get any ideas, then steps hesitantly towards the kitchen island, across from Adam. He watches him scrub the leafy vegetable, careful to get in all the nooks and crannies, then pat it dry. He moves to set the cabbage down and then seems to think better of it, leaning back against the sink.
“Get me the salt,” he says, gesturing to a bowl on the counter with pursed lips.
Keith narrows his eyes at it suspiciously. “Why?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” Adam observes.
“You answer very vaguely,” Keith returns.
Adam barks a laugh. Keith finds himself pleased at the reaction.
“I’m going to scrub the cabbage with it,” Adam explains. “It’ll draw out the moisture and take out any leftover dirt, too.”
Satisfied at the answer, Keith grabs the salt bowl, bringing it over. He moves to go back to his spot but Adam stops him with a wet hand around his wrist, gently guiding his hands towards the cabbage. Keith wills his shoulders to relax.
“One hand open to support it, one hand in the salt bowl,” Adam instructs quietly. “Grab a handful and start rubbing it in.”
Hesitantly, Keith grabs the offered cabbage, hyperaware of how his shoulder brushes against Adam’s bicep when he moves; how he doesn’t move away, but he’s not crowding, either. Just…close.
“I can actively feel my fingers pruning,” Keith says in disgust.
Adam snorts. “Yeah, they do that.”
Step by step, Adam guides him through chopping vegetables, measuring spices, mixing sauces, and handling the stove until Keith is working his way through a basic stir-fry like a pro. He’s more shocked than he should be when he tries his first bite of it and likes it.
“You have managed to avoid being cursed, too,” Adam says around his own bite, pleasantly surprised. “I was worried that living with Takashi would curse you by proxy. But this is good.”
“I mean. It was stir-fry. We chopped and we fried. Hard to fuck up,” Keith points out.
“You’d think. When I tried to do this with Shiro, the pan was charred so bad we had to throw it out. I don’t even know what he did. I was right there. It’s like he destroyed it by rancid vibes alone.”
Keith hides a smile in his noodles. Adam notices anyway, and grins.
“Sounds about right.”
“You’re good, though, kiddo,” Adam says, and his hand is heavy on Keith’s head. “You’re good.”
Keith swallows the sudden lump in his throat. His face gets red.
He leans into the touch.
other parts in this universe
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Would you be willing to do relationship hcs with any of the following from Blue Exorcist? :0
Juzo Shima, Satan, Shiro Fujimoto, Yuri Egin, Mephisto?
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like the headcanons.
Fandom: Blue Exorcist
Characters: Juzo Shima, Satan, Shiro Fujimoto, Yuri Egin, Mephisto Pheles x gn! Reader (separate)
General dating headcanons for the Blue Exorcist characters.
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Juzo is an interesting balance between a super caring partner who would never hurt a fly and someone who would fight entire wars if you asked him to.
In the same vein, he’s more than willing to do anything you ask of him, even if it’s something as simple as getting rid of a bug.
A really good listener. Anything you want to talk about, he’s setting aside whatever he reasonably can to put all of his focus on you.
I feel like he can be a bit overprotective at times, even to the point of smothering you but if you ask him to back off and let you do your thing, he’ll respect your wishes.
Juzo just doesn’t want anything to happen to you. He’s already lost a lot of his friends and family to demons, he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you too.
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Satan’s a challenging one to write relationship headcanons for, mostly because the only “relationship” we ever saw him in was his obsession with Yuri. So I’ll try to write these as accurately as possible without making them completely toxic.
Very willing to learn from you and listen. He’s a curious being after all and, while the number of people he trusts or cares about is very small, he does value their opinions.
Definitely the kind of person (can I call him a person if he’s a demon?) to cherish quality time. He can be a bit clingy sometimes, but he just wants to spend time with the person he cares about most.
He’s also very into gift giving but be warned, his gifts may be a bit erratic at first. He’s sort of like a stray cat that’s taken a liking to you. You might end up with dead bugs and sticks beside your bed.
All of that being said, a relationship with Satan is almost certain to be toxic in some way shape or form. He’s never had a “normal” relationship and doesn’t know where to start since he doesn’t see anything wrong with his way of thinking.
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Shiro is a lot like Juzo in that he’s got two sides to him in a relationship. And I don’t mean this in a bad way!
On one hand, he’s the most caring and protective partner you could hope for. He’s always paying attention to what you’re talking about and will do his best to support you in everything you do.
On the other hand, he will tease you mercilessly and play minor pranks at every possible moment. It’s one of his love languages.
Having said that, he respects you deeply and will always back off with his teasing if you’ve had a bad day or ask him to stop.
He’s also amazing at helping you relax after a long day. He’s drawing you a relaxing bath, adding some decorations (if the Vatican didn’t want him using those exorcism candles and salt for baths, why did they work so well for just that?) and cooking your favourite meal. It’s really the least he can do.
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Yuri is a very caring partner. She was able to show kindness to Satan, even after everything he did so she’s certainly capable of caring deeply about someone so close to her.
She loves spending quality time with you. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as you’re able to sit together.
As part of this, she loves twining one leg around yours while you’re sitting together if that’s something you’re comfortable with.
She didn’t have the best childhood, so she does sometimes have doubts about your relationship. Just give her some words of reassurance (or acts of affection if words aren’t your thing) and she’ll be feeling better in no time.
Yuri would love it if you’re interested in exorcism. She’s got a lot she wants so talk about, especially regarding demons not being as bad as everyone makes them out to be, so please let her ramble about her thoughts.
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Mephisto is an interesting case. If you’re in a relationship, that means you’ve caught his attention. And that means he’s going to protect you with all of his demonic powers.
However, sometimes he can seem as though he’s only with you because he sees you as a curiosity.
If this ever gets too much or you’re doubting the sincerity of your relationship, just tell him and he’ll set aside his piles of paperwork to talk to you about his behaviour.
He loves entertaining you with his magic, as well as going on fun dates. Mephy Land is always a hit and, since he owns the place, you’ll never have to pay for any of the food or rides.
He’s surprisingly attentive when you’re talking about your day. He wants to learn more about humans and their behaviours and what better way than to study the person he cares about most.
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klance-dreams · 7 months
Okay but please imagine Keith’s reaction to seeing Lance after he’s finally spent some time at the beach again? In his natural element, bronzed like a literal god, burnished from the sun? freckles like constellations?? Lance with wavy, curly salt water-hair, eyes soft and relaxed.
+ Keith meeting back up with the paladins after too long away with the blade. 👀
He loves space of course, but even after his time in the quantum abyss, he’s still not used to the way all warmth & body heat was constantly leached away. Despite his memories of cursing his time in the relentless summer heat of the shack, he’s found himself beginning to miss the hot scorch of the desert sun against his skin.
The blade gave Keith a rare opportunity for downtime that somehow happenes to align with an impromptu holiday/break that Allura has planned for the paladins on a sunny, earth-like planet filled with tropical islands, flora & fauna.
To Keith’s surprise, Lance was the one to call and invite him to join them; sunshine already infused in his voice at the idea of seeing a beach again.
For Keith, the mere thought of getting to see Lance in his natural element? He wouldn’t miss it for anything.
He promises to Lance on the spot (he would promise Lance all the moons and stars if he could) to meet him there later in the day.
When he gets there, everyone has already been enjoying the sun & surf for hours. Pidge is sunburned and squinting at the glare against her datapad, glasses reflecting at a sleeping hunk whose legs have been covered by a crude sand castle. He’s spooning a large collection of fruits that look strangely similar to the ones Keith remembers from earth.
Shiro and Coran seem to be playing a complicated Altean beach game that Keith intends to avoid; Allura lays out on the sand, the mice resting in the shadow of her hair.
Keith thinks someone might have called out a greeting to him, but he can’t be sure, because the second he sees Lance? All thougts leave him, head empty.
It’s too soon to blame the redness in his cheeks on the sun, but he can feel how hot his face has gotten anyway.
Lance is sitting in the sand, waves lapping his ankles. His hair is wild & curling behind his ears from the salt water breeze.
The sight of him alone is enough to warm the cold ache Keith has been feeling.
Sand sticks to the bronzed slope of his back, glittering like flecks of gold, effervescent in the bright sun for Keith’s eyes to follow.
His shoulders are broad and already tanned and freckled where Keith knows his own would be red and sore.
His eyes sweep over the scar on Lances back, and the ones on his arms and sides that Keith wasn’t there to protect him from.
But here? With the blue of the ocean to rival his eyes? Lance looks untouchable.
Looks like a god, burning bright and warm and full of life, and when he turns around at the sound of Keith’s name being called out, Keith’s breath catches in his throat because this sight?
This is one he got to see in the quantum abyss. It was one of the visions into his future that he held onto like a lifeline, like a treasure.
The image of Lance’s smile, a true joyful smile, playing behind Keith’s eyelids and keeping him sane on the worst of those nights spent stranded in space.
Lance, eyes dancing bright and smile brighter as his wide mouth forms Keith’s name on a joyful laugh and he hops up to throw his arms around Keith in a hug that feels like /home/ in a way Keith hadn’t known before Lance.
For one delirious moment, the déjà vu is so strong that he’s afraid he and Krolia never made it back at all. That they were still stuck out there in the cold emptiness of the abyss. The way the vision blends with the Lance he has in front of him makes Keith want to hold on tight and never let go.
Especially when Lance leans back and their eyes meet and lock, electric.
Keith still hasn’t even said a word, but Lance only smiles brighter and knocks their foreheads together.
Says, “hey samurai, it’s been too long”
One traitorous hand drifts up against Keith’s will to trace the new freckles dotting Lance’s cheeks, which flush the lightest pink at the attention or maybe the intensity of Keith’s gaze as he floats into Lance’s orbit, pulled to him like the moon to the sun.
Lance’s leans into the hand Keith cups against his cheek, and finally, finally their lips meet; Keith’s cold and chapped and Lance’s, warm and soft, tasting of the ocean.
When he has to pull back to catch his breath, he finally murmurs back a warm and gravely, “hey sharp shooter,” lips pulled up into a crooked grin and eyes tracking the way Lance melts into him at the nickname like always.
They stay like that for a while, catching up on what they’ve both been up to when Lance says offhand, “hey where’s Kosmo?”
Before Keith can answer, they’re both knocked into the surf by 200 pounds of excited space wolf.
Keith wants to be mad, but the way Lance pops up from the water sputtering makes him grin through the hair plastered to his forehead.
Lance takes one look at Keith, waist deep and fully clothed down to the fingerless gloves, mullet drenched, and bursts out laughing at the sight
and Keith can’t even be mad. He pretends to be, crossing his arms and ‘sulking’. He tries to blow his bangs up and out of his eyes before he remembers it won’t work and that sends Lance into tears. Keith sits back watches Lance laugh for a minute, committing the sight to memory.
He’s gonna get revenge on Lance for laughing, but first he needs to level the playing field.
Lance’s laughter slowly winds down as he watches Kosmo run off to greet the other paladins, laughing again when the wolf shakes water all over Allura and Hunk.
While Lance was distracted, Keith had taken his shirt and gloves off, tossing them back onto dry sand and adding his soaked jeans to the pile for good measure.
Keith was slicking his hair back from his face when Lance turned back toward him and froze at the sight, suspiciously quiet.
// …tbc? transferring twitter treads. original thread here!
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catsushinyakajima · 13 days
I’m sitting by a trash can at the bus stop waiting for the bus for the past TWENTY minutes and I am also late to class (my own fault for going to the gym instead of heading to class early :/) SO ANYWAYS-
Voltron headcanons (realistic and college AU, also inspired by my own college misery):
- they’re all stem nerds. All of them. I know a lot of people HC them as liberal arts major which is great! but they are canonically astronauts (one part of canon that I like)
- Lance would be the kind of guy to be like “WE GOTTA HIT THE GYM EVERYDAY THIS SEMESTER RAHHHH” and then dip the second midterms start. Every single semester. Without fail.
- Keith found lectures useless since he could just “read the textbook”. He never showed up to a single class except for exams and somehow passed. He only stopped the habit when multiple friends scolded him for it.
- Coran would be in twenty different clubs. Correction: he would be PRESIDENT of twenty different clubs. No one knows when he joined them. The clubs range from archery to competitive coding to mental health awareness. (“Hey Coran are u free tonight?” “No sorry, the Roleplaying Ancient Romans club is having a bake sale tonight” “the what-)
- hunk would do a LOT of volunteering. He’s probably cook for shelters but I can also see him tutoring underprivileged kids in engineering :)
- Pidge would have a surprising amount of school spirit. Not bc she likes the college or the sport. She just wants to hate on the other teams. Also if her tuition is going to the football coach’s salary, she might as well be passionate about it.
- Allura is a triple major. Maybe even a quadruple major?? She’s the girl you see constantly stressing about their schedule. “Okay so should I take this class…that makes me have eight classes total all back to back” “WHAT” “what if I did a minor in psychology?” “Allura how tf are you going to fit that in there”
- Shiro is a TA (teaching assistant) for calculus or physics or something. Because the world hates him it’s an eight am class where the professor teaches wrong content and then dumps twenty hours of grading on him. “So you find the derivative under the curve” “Professor that’s not-“ You will never see him without a coffee.
- Hunk has beef with the Dining halls. They don’t season their food and they don’t even have much to begin with. On the other hand, Lance practically lives there. He’s making the most of the meal plans he paid for.
- At least he sticks to tastier things. Keith, who also practically lives at the dining hall, will eat salt and pepper chicken four times a day (“it’s protein”)
- it’s how Keith and Lance have had most of their meals together. Notably, also alone.
- aside from living at the dining hall, Keith also lives at the gym. This explains why he’s never at class.
- pidge has a car on campus. It’s Matt’s car or whatever. Not only can she not park for her life, she also can’t stop getting parking tickets. She uses the tickets as wall decor for her dorm.
- Lance skateboards. He’s pretty good at it. He’s only fallen twice, and both times had been in extremely public settings. Once was in front of a bus stop with fifty people. He tried teaching Coran how to skate and Coran accidentally slipped and launched the board towards the main road.
- Pidge plays clash royale in class. Shiro roasts her for it but then secretly also plays word games in class
- on top of having four majors, Allura also has four internships??? Everytime she posts about something that seems relaxing, it’s misleading. She’ll post herself getting drinks and SIKE it’s a networking event. She’ll be going hiking SIKE it’s a colleague bonding trip. Girl cannot take a break.
- Keith hates frats. Even educational ones with job opportunities. Even if he knows all frat boys aren’t shitty, he refuses to budge on his stance
- Shiro is the kind of guy you’d be talking to and ten people come up to him to say hi. Everyone knows him. Even if he doesn’t know them.
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void-tiger · 2 years
please tell me more about the fic where Ke/th doesnt get to be a paladin again, i keep seeing shit like how the team abandoned/failed Ke/ith and should have apologized to him when it was literally the opposite (i am sorry but the team almost DIED because K/ith fucked off to run off with the Blades, werent for Kuron entering Black they would have actually died, i do not understand how anyone can see this and say the team was in the wrong/Ke1th was in the right, and still be considered a team player let alone a team leader is beyond me. Really really sorry about salt in your askbox)
No worries! (Although, disclaimer: I had to set aside my voltron fics for a bit ‘cause I can’t work on them without getting salty, and too much salt is bad for you. So they’re…curing, I guess. I’ll stop with the bad salt jokes now XD)
But short answer? Keith’s their comfort blorbo, and it’s incredibly easy to have that become “can do no wrong ever it MUST be EVERYONE else!” and…not recognize that kneejerk bias. Ask The Real Fandom Olds TM who’ve participated in fandom culture since the 80s and 90s and that’s a key issue with Current Fandom and especially younger fans (ie, probably our generation and younger.) Add in that a lot of us online trend (in my antidotal experience) towards having untreated anxiety or depressive symptoms and/or undiagnosed neurodivergent brain wiring that an individual might’ve not quite learned how to cope with yet (and many come with emotional regulation symptoms) in addition to…human brains really just Don’t stop developing until mid20s regardless of someone’s birth gender and brain development is particularly chaotic and…well.
That’s a recipe for a volatile fandom, and since the VLD Characters in particular were geared towards Teens or Teen Nostalgia? [Comfort Blorboing Intensifies.]
Now, in one fic series Idea, Keith DOES become the Red Paladin again, but he has to work for it. Really work for it. Like, the Team is still incredibly hurt that he left and never really apologized for ditching them before THAT Scene where Jiro is forced to step in s4. I think I have in my notes somewhere [coughs] prolly a random post or very buried DM to a friend that Red Lion finally outright takes Keith for a joy ride (much like Blue and Black did with Lance and Shiro) and literally has him bouncing around in zero g and gforces until Red’s really willing to accept him back as Paladin. (Also it makes me feel better.)
[tags: blackbox verse, rewrite the stars, blackbox, veeladee fixit. Note that some of the older posts especially I’ve probably discarded. But I do my best worldbuilding thinking aloud, and hey. It’s fanfic. Who gives af about spoilers? Not me.]
But, in Blackbox verse, I wanted Jiro to have his very own Lion…and the Sincline Meteor is right there. Plus, y’know. Fixing-fixing. Making as much work as I felt like since it was intended to be a series, anyway.
Buuut, that’s not the fic idea you asked about.
The one you asked about is actually a Redo of The Black Paladin’s episode following alteanroyals’ prompt of “what if Shiro’s the one who fights the clone, and the clone gets to just come home. Have his own name.” Because, c’mon. The visuals would’ve been incredible, and Josh Keaton and Studio Mir adores Shiro and Jiro even if the EPs and arguably NONE of the writers (even the better ones trying to patch job before bailing out) gave a shit about Jiro as his own character.
So. Back to Keith.
He actually tries flying Black Lion, same as the (egh) canonical episode…and…
WHOOPS. He gets lasers shot at him for his efforts (hA HA~)
Allura steps in, and has a battle of wills against Black Lion, then realizes that what has Black so torqued is Keith tried to dominate the Lion. (Imo? The only reason why Keith could fly with Black in s2-4 was because of the bond they both had with Shiro. “Help me help you.”) And well. Allura’s learned a thing or two: trying to dominate a Lion does NOT work. She learned that for herself with White Lion, she’s now realizing that’s why Black Lion accepted Shiro as it’s Paladin over Zarkon at all. So Allura changes tactics, senses Shiro’s Quintessence still inside Black Lion nearly two years after he vanished, and calls the others in. They do a reverse-balmera ceremony via their voltron bonds and pull Shiro back out—in his OWN body, tyvm.
And well. Remember how it’s technically a “Shiro vs CloneShiro” prompt? Yeah, they fight. (I’ll try not to have them totally wreck the place. All Shiros are Good Shiros.) And when Black Lion comes for them now that the Lion can get a clear shot? Red Lion also comes.
Because Keith isn’t the only character who holds the needed qualities for a Red Paladin. (Reactive instincts, laser focus, loyalty, but often emotionally volatile.) Jiro does too. And unlike Keith, Jiro stayed even when he “no longer” had a Lion to fly from his POV, and he struggled with the rest of the Team to adjust to Lions that no longer suited them in the wake of Shiro’s Absence. So Red chooses Jiro and flies to him. (Black would’ve saved Jiro, too, even though Jiro wasn’t Black’s true paladin. But seeing a Lion accept him, and further proof that he’s not just a poor copy but his own person and even a Paladin in his own right?)
[gemini fic, shiro vs jiro]
Basically, in starting writing and continuing to ruminate on ideas, I realized that Gemini works best as a single fic, so having Firm Consequences make more sense. Other tidying up?
-Allura and the Paladins take the Castle and immediately head out for the Altean Colony while Shiro (and Black Lion at Black’s literal insistence) go after Jiro. (And with Shiro here to lead and analyze + Convenient Recap/Alternate Explanation, Pidge is able to shut down the virus far earlier before it makes the Castle truly dead in the water.) Haggar never gets her claws into them.
-Keith formally leaves the Blades. He had a family, and he turned his back on them. Those relationships won’t be what they were before (ie, symbolic in losing his Red Paladinship), but this time he’s willing to put the work in to repair their trust in him. Meanwhile, the Blades never were going to help him find his mother intentionally no matter how many times he sacrificed his life for them, and his life and the lives of all the other Blades ultimately meant very little to Kolivan and the Blades as an organization. He surrenders the knife to Krolia, and walks away if Team Voltron will let him stay. It not, he can do better good with the Rebels. (Infiltration was Pidge’s thing, anyway. He’s the showy diversion maker.)
-Lotor returns to Orionde. But when he faces the Ancients and White Lion again, he stops attacking and running from his sins. He sacrifices his full life force, and the Drained Alteans revive fully restored. The tragedy his family caused and he ended up perpetuating ends with him. (That does leave…y’know. The Galran Empire without an Emperor. But hey. IF I finish this fic, that’s potential sequel material, baby!)
…anyway. Point is, Keith Antis put a bad taste in my mouth, but the point of “Keith loses Red” wasn’t to punish Keith (okay…maybe a little. But that was still mostly Black blasting lasers everywhere. For catharsis.) The point was, “There are consequence, and while some relationships can be repaired or make new ones with the same people after you’ve hurt them, others can’t. You lose them. It’s important to put in the work, but it’s also important to accept loss and endings, especially after you’ve fucked up.”
And well. I felt that Keith Losing Red, Jiro Gaining Red made things narratively tidy.
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lillypad910 · 1 year
Can I request a oneshot where reader gives Keith a spoon full of salt (like this https://youtube.com/shorts/cWHPVXMZdBQ?feature=share4 ) as a prank, but he just say that everything is ok just because he doesn't want to hurt reader feelings? And then even If this was just a silly prank reader realizes that Keith loves and cares about them so much?
Thank you for my first request!! I hope I did this justice! I knew exactly what the spoon of salt prank was before even looking at the clip and I’m so happy to get to write it with a character! You didn’t specify a gender so I didn’t use any pronouns so it’s completely gender neutral! Thank you again!!
Keith Kogane x Gn!Reader
Word count: 463
Short but sweet!
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You were in the kitchen on the Castle of Lions, Hunk stood next to you as you both prepared the meal for the rest of the paladins. You had gotten tired of that green food goo a while ago, so you and Hunk decided to try something new, to experiment a bit.
As you stirred the bowl of soup in the pot, an idea struck you. “Hunk,” you turn towards your larger friend, “hear me out.”
It took no time at all once your shared your devious prank with Hunk, before the spoon was covered in salt and dipped into the soup to cover the evidence.
Walking out of the kitchen with a spoon in hand, carefully, you made your way into the lounge area where the other paladins were sitting. Lance, Allura, and Pidge were all grouped together, talking about who knows what, voices giggling to themselves as they minded their own business.
Keith and Shiro were sitting on the other side, talking about the black lion. You walk over a bright smile on your face. “Keith?” You stop by the two and Keith looks up at you. “Yeah?” He looks at you, eyes happy to see you. “Would you try this for me? I’m trying to decide if it’s good.” You give him your best sing song voice, eyes glittering with hope.
Without batting an eye, Keith nods, “Sure,” he opens his mouth and you put the spoon closer to him for him to swallow the scoop. Almost instantly a reaction occurs as his nose slightly scrunches up. “Is it good?” You ask, trying not to laugh and break your cover. His lips pinch as he swallows, eyes twitching. “Yeah, babe, it’s-“ He smacks his lips, obviously struggling from the sudden lack of water in his mouth, “it’s good.”
“Do you think it’s needs more salt?” “No!” He practically cuts you off before correcting himself, “no, babe, it’s perfect just how it is. I’m sure everyone will like it.” He smiles at you, just happy to see your cute little smile get bigger.
It was at this moment you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. You knew he was saying it was good just to make you feel good about it, not because he actually liked it.
His head tilts at your laughter. “Everything ok? Did I say something funny?” He asks. “No, no, you didn’t.” You try to stop your giggles before pulling him into a hug by his shoulders. “You’re too sweet, Keith.”
You knew Keith cared about you, but you didn’t know how deep that care went. If it was Lance with the spoon, he would have told him it was the grossest thing he’d ever eaten, but he didn’t. Because it was you, and that makes you happy.
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babiebom · 1 year
Would I give them head?
A/N: I am so sorry for this I'm writing it at 3 am and I couldn't get it out of my head. I've been giggling for the past 10 minutes like a 7th grader. Also if you are reading this let me know if I should do something special for 50 followers. I know it's not a lot but I am so grateful! If yes let me know what I should do!
Tw: sexual content. Not explicit but it like look at the title. Cursing.
Genre: headcanons nsfw
Wc: idk it depends on which person. Probably 2+ for each.
This is including almost every male stardew character(obviously no kids) plus ridgeside plus expanded but not all because I cannot remember every single character and I don't wanna research rn.
Duh no doubt about it
He is the love of my life (well one of them)
I would give him the best head wymmmmm
Yes boy deserves it
Golden retriever coded guys deserve good head idc
Love sad men it's a yes
Kinda wanna make him cry because it's so good.
Maybe I can cure him
Sorry it's not that I dislike him he's just not my favorite?
Maybe once as a treat but no other time than that
Yeah he's the doctor for a small town
I gotta
Maybe he will stop billing me everytime I die
I am not attracted to this man he is more bestie coded to me
If he asked i would allow him a handjob I guess
Maybe he gets a Lil handjob as a treat because his food is good
He kinda-
But not enough idk....
The reason I am writing this r n
The answer is no but the thought of doing it made me cackle
Absolutely not
Fuck you old man
I hate this lying ass bitch I give you a kick
No sorry
He prolly smells like fish and salt and I am not fond
Love him tho stinky man
would give him the sloppiest toppy known to man
He deserves it he needs it i want it pls bless me
I could beat Jodi's ass if it comes to it idc
I find him quite cute overlooking his slight classism.
Also for standing up to his mom for himself love that him
I'd rather give Robin head
He deserves no head for being crappy stepdad
As much as I like him he probably does not shower
Also he is for the marnie's only
I wanna punch him so bad
Mr Qi
I don't find him attractive
But at the same time I find him mysterious and the might just be enough to convince me
no what is wrong with you
Prolly tastes like battery acid
He also gives off racist vibes
He's chill he can get some head
Maybe for a discount
Im equating Joja to Coke and I like coke
So only if he promises to give me a discount on stuff I want
Another love of my life
It was unexpected for me to love him but he is so cute to me
Yuperoni pepperoni
We love a man who is talented
Could easily convince me to give him head if he plays the piano for me ngl
I love but also hate him
He also gives off bestie vibes
I feel like he needs it:(
I do however wanna smack his bald head
Not in a mean hateful kid of way I just wanna smack it
Dilf Ngl
Maybe its because of his name idk
Answer is yes
It was here where I started looking up characters bc i felt bad for leaving them out
No thank you I will not
Don't know much about him but I think hes cute so yes
His hair is cool
Again don't know much about him hopefully he is not a child
But yeah he's cute so he gets a Lil head from me
If he takes a shower yes
Otherwise no
I like his hair and I think he's cool for being an electrician
I know nothing else about him
Yeah he's cute so he can have some head
Im so sorry for not knowing im too busy simping over Seb and Phillip ngl
Im not attracted but unattracted to him so sure
He reminds me of family
Like his face
As I have said before I love a mysterious man
Love a man with a sword
I have no idea what this is
But I guess??
Have no reason to hate him so sure
He looks stinky :((
I also feel like his wife would beat my ass
He is for the Lola's only
I also feel like he wouldn't be able to feel it
Mr Aguar
I do not enjoy his face
Simply because im assuming his food is good
I'll say sure simply for free food
So sorry
But no
I will give him a platonic handjob
He deserves it bc he's a butler and probably does not get a day off with this family
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