#short drabble i wrote during lunch time
ventique18 · 1 year
~ A Painting of You ~
Malleus falling in love with you, a human, and eventually losing you even after years and years of finding a way to let you live with him forever.
Him choosing to stay alive for the sake of your children. Him always painting you perfectly with the most delicate of details, year after year, so that he may always remember your memories together. Him one day growing frustrated because he feels like he's forgetting something about you. Is it a mark somewhere on your chest? Is it the luster of your hair? He doesn't know.
Until the day eventually comes when he drags the brush across the canvas in manic hysteria; painting large, blood-red blotches on what seems to be a portrait of your peaceful, sleeping face.
He had forgotten what you looked like.
Darkness. Suddenly all he could see is darkness. The memory of seeing you for the first time, the delight of wrapping his arms around you for the first time, the strangely happy tears of feeling your skin for the first time. All gone. All he can hear in the darkness are the sounds of himself crying, more than he ever did in his life, as the warmth of your hands turned cold in his.
He feels the world crumbling. He feels rocks and boulders and sharp fragments against his wings. He feels his nails tearing across something he doesn't understand. And then he feels something piercing through his chest.
Or is it relief?
Yes... Relief... Because suddenly, finally, he remembers. He remembers as you both sit under a tree with your little hatchlings. He remembers how it feels as he lay his head on your lap, how warm your fingers are as they brush his hair, how lovely the scent of your perfume is, how lovely your voice is as you hum him to sleep. The sight of your beautiful face before he closes his eyes.
He remembers. He remembers you.
"Sleep tight, my love." You hum.
He smiles.
"I'm sorry."
A teardrop fall from his eyes.
"Sleep tight, father."
And he rests for the last time.
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jane-0-doe · 1 year
“Bad Day” Drabble
TW: Mentions of Scars & Injuries, (Poor) Description of a Mental Breakdown
A/N: Thanks to the anon who pointed out I wrote smth stupid lol I appriciate it :)
A shaky hand searched for keys in a bag. It was covered in multiple scars — some were straight and fresh, and some were healed and star-shaped.
After some struggling, Izuku finally reached them.
Tears were already forming at the corners of his eyes, and he sure as hell wouldn't let them fall in public. Not again.
The doors swung open, hitting the wall behind them. Izuku didn't particularly care at this point; he was desperate to be in his safe space again.
He didn't give two shits about the neighbors either. They would complain about him and his mom living there anyway.
After entering the apartment, everything was a blur — locking the door, taking off his shoes, and throwing his backpack on the ground.
Izuku just wanted the pace his bedroom gave him after a long and tiring day at school.
When he first arrived at the education facility, it was pretty fine, as no one decided to budge him.
Then it went downhill when the time for math class came. His teacher, Miss Enshin, was in a bad mood today, so she gave him special attention during the lesson, laughing at him after he couldn't solve a math question made for college students.
Izuku learned it was for that age group because he checked it online after the class ended.
Later, during lunch, Bakugou and his goons found him. That encounter gave him a nosebleed and a first-degree burn across his forearm.
Fortunately, the bell rang, forcing his bullies to leave — but not before 'blessing' him with the knowledge they plan on finishing it after school.
As they said, they did. A few bruised ribs and a dislocated shoulder weren't that bad, though. They could have done worse — like they once did!
That time, the bullies gave him a few cracked fingers and a big, first-degree burn directly on his stomach, accompanied by a few deeper cuts on his arms and the back of his neck.
He ran to his bedroom as the tears started to fall. Sobs threatened to escape as he finally reached his destination.
After the doors were closed, Izuku started bawling. His tears fell like a waterfall while his shoulder shook during his wailing.
His body ached. His brain, his stomach as well as his heart did. It was a bit odd and he should mind it, but not right now. Maybe later.
His breakdown took around an hour because, after a while, he heard keys rattling downstairs.
It meant his mother was back, and as if to assure him, he heard her voice calling out.
"Izuku, darling, are you home?" Inko yelled, presumably from the kitchen.
"Yeah! Um, J-Just give a second!"
Izuku's breathing was still shaky, but he answered.
He collected himself off of the floor and made a run for the bathroom, where he locked himself.
Wrapping up his injuries and making sure he didn't look as if he just had a breakdown (which he did) took a concerningly short amount of time.
Practicing had its effect.
He unlocked the door and headed for the kitchen.
There she stood, smiling in a loving manner. His mother had her favorite pink apron on, meaning she was cooking.
"How was your day, sweetheart?" The green-haired woman asked her son.
He only smiled gently.
"It was alright, mom."
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random drabble #3
When you're throwing your guts up in the bathroom from having too many shots, and she's there to hold your hair and roast you the whole night through.
When you're staying up late to finish three entire art exam pieces but go to bed disappointed because you could barely keep your eyes open, to find your exhausted parents greeting you with finished pieces the next morning.
When you're out and about the town and the group makes sure they're not leaving you behind.
When you're staying in class during lunch cus you're never hungry these days, and he skips pizza day just to hang with you and make sure you're okay and at least drink some water or eat a banana.
When they drive to your house in the middle of the night and buy you mcdonalds after hearing how your heart got broken into a million pieces by some boy who didn't deserve you.
When they say "Congratulations" and "I'm so proud of you" and they really mean it, without malice or envy in their hearts.
When they ask if you've eaten anything today or tell you to keep warm cus the forecast said it was going to be cold later.
When she lets you have the last cheese fry even though she's obsessed with cheese fries but genuinely wants to enjoy them with you.
When they trust you with a secret.
When you mentioned you don’t remember the last time you had chocolate chip cookies in passing and they get you cookies the next day without you even asking them.
When he brings you your favorite drink and reminds you to take a break when you're too busy working.
When they get you exactly what you've always wanted but were too afraid to ask for your birthday.
When they know you hate birthday parties and celebrate by staying in and watching movies in your pjs.
When they text to ask if you got home safely.
When she remembered that specific detail you mentioned about yourself that one time and thought nobody would remember something so insignificant, but she did.
When he asks you for your opinion on something.
When they remind you to hydrate or to take your medication.
When you communicate what your love languages are and respect and validate each others' boundaries ♥️
Title: Different Love Languages I asked followers to send me prompts and I wrote the first things that came to mind in the form of short drabbles  🌻 ig: deesdoodleswastaken
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gaeasun · 2 years
I meant to ask earlier but for Twitch
1.What’s the lie your character says most often? 6.What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before? 13.When do they fake a smile? How often? 23.What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember? 26.How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? 53.Who would / do they believe without question?
thanks for adding the questions cause i do not know where this list is.
1.What’s the lie your character says most often?
Well. Being a combat medic. It would probably be something among the lines of "You're going to be ok." He doesn't know if it's a lie most of the time, it's the first thing he says when he gets to someone injured.
On a lighter note, second most common would be "I'm not tired!" courtesy of nights staying up to 3 am.
6.What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
Not exactly sure what this means, but I can't think of anything that Twitch would enjoy but keep to himself. He likes sharing things to make others happy too.
13.When do they fake a smile? How often?
Three time periods:
Before deployment- i have this headcanon that specialty troopers (like medics in this case) were running low in the GAR later in the war, and so those types had their training sped up, which is also part of the reason Twitch (and his accompanying batch) was deployed so young. Anyways, there is this thing called "flash training" that was used to train the clones in some amounts, where information is beamed directly into the brain through some holographic device. My headcanon is that to save time, greater amounts of the informational parts of training was "taught" by flash training instead of conventional methods. And you know how you feel foggy and fuzzy when you've been staring at a computer for too long? I bet there were side effects like that and worse. And finally, throw in the good old ADHD that Twitch has and hello trauma. Twitch often returned from these sessions feeling drained almost to the point of sickness, where his batchmates did what they could to take care of him and help him get through it. Even after he was deployed any severe confusion or mental fog reminds him of that time, so he avoids things like sedatives or alcohol that will make him feel funny. Yeah its during that time he keeps faking a smile for his batchmates even though he feels like garbage.
Post Umbara- Twitch doesn't smile for a bit after, and a few of the earlier smiles were fake.
Post Fives' death- yeah lots of fake smiles. He misses his ori'vod.
23.What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Not many situations to apply this too, but having to help restrain Tup during Ringo Vinda.
26.How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
That kind of happens in a short drabble I wrote awhile ago.
53. Who would / do they believe without question?
Any of Torrent Squad. There's this one drabble I can't find that takes place close to the end, where Kix is gone and Rex takes Twitch to the mess because he skipped lunch and Twitch asks Rex if he thinks the war will be over soon.
Rex lies and says yes. Twitch, for once, doesn't dig into the truthfulness of it.
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zlebooks · 2 years
𓂃 xiao + stupid in love .
part two of sorts to this drabble !! this can be read alone, i only wrote this bc some wanted to see y/n and xiao getting together 🫶🫶🫶
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xiao knew he was smart.
he maintains his grades in the top percentile of his class. and even though he rarely participates in recitations, he makes up for it with his excellent written outputs.
he's knowledgeable— he can recite the whole process of mitosis and meiosis on the top of his head. his analytic essays on poems and short stories are always returned with a 'great job!' written on red.
xiao knows a lot of things, but this doesn't mean he's aware of everything.
xiao at 13, did not know kazuha beat up some kids on his behalf. the mean kids had been talking bad about xiao behind his back, and the blond happened to be walking by and couldn't resist connecting his fist to their jaws.
the day after those events, when xiao quizzed the other for his bruised eye, kazuha only shrugs as he says he got it from falling down the stairs.
("your house doesn't have stairs."
"i wasn't in my house, silly. i fell down at your house after doing it with your mom."
"get the fuck away.")
xiao at 14 had no clue that zhongli, his upperclassman whom he looks up to the most, sees him as his little brother.
during lunch, zhongli would always drop by at his favorite underclassman's classroom to give him a fruit— it's always high in vitamin c but xiao always receives a different one each day.
the taller noticed how frequent xiao attends their club meetings with either a cold or a cough. being a concerned senior he is, he starts purchasing fruits potent in vitamin c on the way to school to give it to the younger during lunch breaks. 
("your face is so sour that even zhongli decided to give you a lemon." a certain blond friend says.
"it. isn't. sour. at. all." xiao says in between bites as he tries to remain poker faced the entire time.
"you're a monster.")
xiao at 15 had no idea who's been feeding the stray cat other than him. 
contrary to popular opinion, cats aren't afraid of the green-haired boy. he actually seemed to be a magnet for them— threatening his 'i'm intimidating, back off' persona every once in a while as a bunch of cats follow him.
he met a certain black cat on the streets one day, and every other day, he comes to its spot just to feed it.
however, on a particular afternoon, when he arrives at the riverside to give the black cat some food, he notices an opened canned tuna laying around, and a cat heavily invested in gobbling it up.
he shrugs, before laying down water beside it so the black cat can also get its share of drink. 
it doesn't matter who's feeding the friend he had made— as long as the little stray gets fed, he's absolutely fine with it.
(a particular senior who is allergic to beans coos when he learns that xiao has been feeding the cat alongside him.)
xiao at 16, has no clue why he has a bad case of indigestion.
he makes sure he never over eats, or eats too fast. and even with his mother's homemade tonic, his stomach keeps on juggling uncomfortably. 
for a while, he thought that the problem might be from the pork buns he buys on the way to school, but when he notices it only appears whenever you're around, he thinks it's because he doesn't like you.
his alleged dislike turns into something stronger– hate, perhaps. the funny feeling in his stomach seems to never go away, and now he feels hotter than ever, his temperature heating up as his thoughts are always plagued by you. 
this becomes a problem eventually— a huge one that he had to ask around what he can do in order to keep such an ill feeling on the down low. after all, while he might not like you, he still doesn't want to hurt your feelings, oddly enough. the problem starts to become even bigger, especially now that you two are seatmates. ever since the release of the new seat assignments, which inevitably puts you beside him, the symptoms start to worsen for xiao.
("is it necessary to feel this way when you hate someone?"
"what do you mean exactly?" a kind senior asks, his golden eyes shining brightly in contrast with their uniform's black vest.
"i can barely focus when they're around— i'm always at loss for words whenever we talk." xiao replies, muttering low as he puts his head on top of his fist.
zhongli widens his eyes in shock, but then he reverts to his usual self before the younger catches on. "perhaps you need to reevaluate your feelings; there is a possibility that you mistook such feelings for hate."
the younger shakes his head firmly, "that can't be. i'm pretty sure it's hate."
"are you sure of that, xiao? hate is a strong word." he asks in his rich deep voice and xiao affirms. 
zhongli silently hums as he takes a sip from his water bottle. no matter the outcome, this can be a learning experience from his underclassman. xiao is indeed smart— he's sure that the younger would figure it out on his own.)
(when zhongli recounts the events to a close friend of his, he earns a smack on the back of his head.
"why did you leave things at that, idiot!" a thin frail white-haired woman yells, but her appearance is an illusion as the weight of her hand feels like a ton of bricks being slammed against his head.)
xiao at 17, didn't know better than to approach his best friend of four years for advice.
"how do you know if you like someone?" he remembers asking and the relentless teasing that followed.
maybe he should have known better, really. xiao ponders as kazuha lists off the signs of catching feelings for someone. 
"don't forget about the butterflies in the stomach! it's what makes you shy."
xiao tsks, as if— he never gets shy.
although the moment you went close— too close— to him, he feels like he could have erupted like a volcano.
(kazuha hollers, "how'd you turn so red when y/n came up to you?" the blond wipes tears from his eyes. "you literally have it bad for them!"
"if you don't stop, i'm not the only one who's going to be red." xiao threatens, holding the plastic knife a little too tight.)
6 months later, xiao didn't know what to do when you suddenly confessed your feelings to him. 
he feels as if his feet attached itself to the ground; he could barely move, he can't even bring himself to breathe. 
"i like you."
you tell him out of nowhere while the two of you were left behind in the classroom to clean— he was sweeping the floor while you arranged the chairs. from the other side of the room, you suddenly get the urge to confess which left the other gaping. this alone becomes a huge achievement because xiao never gapes.
xiao thinks you should be charged with attempted murder. 
he thinks with the way you took away his breath and almost sent him into a cardiac arrest, you should be sent to jail. but then he disagrees with that thought— because how will he deal with his feelings without you?
for the first time in his entire life, xiao thinks he finally understands what kazuha meant by 'butterflies in the stomach.' because as he stares at your expectant eyes and upturned lips, he thinks he just felt a flap against the walls of his tummy.
and what his friend said to him came into fruition— he realizes what they meant. 
he likes you back.
xiao was never one for theatrics and yet he can't help but drop the broom he's holding dramatically before running over to you. 
coughing awkwardly and taking deep breaths he says, "i do too."
xiao thinks he knows everything now.
("really? 'i do too'? you do know you sounded like you're saying you liked yourself too, right?" a kaedehara descent teases, earning a tug on his hair.
"shut. up.")
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♥︎ please do not repost or translate without my permission . reblogs are heavily appreciated!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Dr Herbert West x AFAB student Reader
Wanting to fluster Dr West, you start attending classes wearing short skirts with nothing underneath. While he's lecturing to the class, you part your legs so he has a very nice view of you playing with yourself one handed while taking notes. You are careful to stay unnoticed by your classmates while teasing Herb mercilessly, noting that he has to eventually keep his crotch out of view. He asks you to " join him in his office for further tutoring. " smut ensues
@thedeathdoctor 💖
Now this is a truly delicious prompt that I can get behind! Hope you fucking love it! I had a good ass time with this one, not super long but hey these are supposed to be more drabble length anyway and I adore the flow of this one, hope it hits and hits hard! Let’s goooo-
Rating. Explicit. Length. 2.3K. Herbert West X FEM! AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Pining. Longing. Crushes. Professor/Student Dynamic. Exhibitionism. Masturbation. Semi-Public. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnilingus. Taunting. Teasing. Making Out. Biting. Dirty Talk. Man Handling. Vaginal Sex. Choking.
That Was…
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He had to know. He has to be aware of it. Because the alternative of him being totally fucking clueless to the effect he had on you was too infuriating to entertain. You would sit at the front and write and take notes and feel just frustrated, angry, that he was so distracting. 
He would be talking so quickly, going off on passionate tangents before catching himself, you found yourself transfixed, unable to look anywhere else. Meaning on occasion your notes were rather messy but who cared about the damn notes? When he was talking and teaching and as the title suggested itself, professing. You did all you could to soak up all he said like a sponge but this proved challenging at times. The intense expressions he could wear, how hard his eyes could look at times behind his glasses as he reprimanded someone who forgot the class work or couldn't answer a simple question or worse still, fell behind on the reading. You’d also stare at the ways his hands would tense, tendons and veins clear on the back of his hand as he wrote on the board, you wondered how those hands would feel on you, gripping your waist or your neck-
You couldn’t take it anymore.
It had been weeks bleeding into a month and more than that, the semester was almost over, you’d been pining and wanting and thought that maybe you should do something about it.
It was stupid and risky as hell but after thinking and obsessive for a while longer you deemed it worth it. You had a truly awful professor kink, had for as long as you could remember, this wasn't the first time you liked one of your teachers but this was the most intense so far.
You had cum near countless times to the nastiest things with him in the middle of them. You had one about you being under his desk during an exam and blowing him while everyone else worked in a room so quiet you could hear a pin drop. So you had a professor kink and an exhibitionist streak?
Everyone has something that gets you off.
And yours was wearing a short skirt and sitting on his lap at the edge of the fountain in the quad, being cock warmed by him while looking like you are just sharing lunch to the casual outside observer.
You wanted to be bent over and spanked on his desk in front of the class before he rails you stupid for all to see and grades your performance while he makes you clean his spent cock of the shared mix of you and him.
But while thoughts and fantasy is nice, that is all it was. Right? You thought it would just stay that, until one day gave you renewed hope.
Something that pushed you to it was pure happenstance. You were low on clothes, needed to laundry and didn’t have much to choose from and were rushing so you showed up in a decently short skirt and he seemed to take notice. 
Was it your stupid schoolgirl crush or did you actually notice him looking? Coulda have sworn his eyes lingered on your bare legs crossed under your desk for just a little bit longer than appropriate, which when you are a professor and the person in question is your student the time it is appropriate is basically zero. Meaning that the simple fact he looked long enough for you to notice meant something. Or that is what you told yourself at least.
Maybe you dressed a little more provocatively for a while and maybe he kept on looking and maybe you went home after class and masturbated thinking about how he looked at you earlier. 
You had a very hot idea in mind, it could totally pay off. Or backfire spectacularly. 
You were just horny and dumb enough over him to figure it out. 
So you showed up in the shortest skirt yet and if that wasn’t enough to grab his attention you did something else you never had. 
You passed by your usual seat that you took up front, instead opting to go sit in the back of the class. The rest of the class filled in and he started class on time as expected and until about halfway through, other than stealing a few glances at you, it was fine.
He was in a good rhythm with it, on track but then, you, being ever observant, had figured out by now when he would look at you. The next time he did you picked that as your moment to show the real treat you had going on today. Uncrossed and slowly spread your legs, still looking down at your notes, finishing writing your current sentence but when you heard the slight falter of his words you looked up. 
Your gaze locked with his, your lips curving up into a playful smile and the crease of his brow was more than enough to question what you were doing and you simply gave a casual shrug, looking unaffected and carefree as you felt the cool air on your naked slit. You had gone commando today and were showing off all for him. Sitting at the back of the class and picking your seat carefully meant he was the only one treated to such a view. 
It was hot. 
He had to clear his throat and look away, tried to look anywhere but you and that made you grin, made you feel powerful and sexy.
At first.
Then it was annoying he wasn’t looking. You wanted to wreck him, ruin him, force his hand. 
Speaking of hands that got yours moving. You took notes with one hand and your other hand slid under your desk and up your severely short hemline. Your fingers crept up your inner thigh and your fingers touched down, two fingers sliding up from your slick hole, collecting some of your natural lube and dragging them up to press down on your clit. You kept your eyes moving, making sure everyone else was distracted with note taking and once you were certain you looked straight ahead to see his eyes stuck on you. 
He was still speaking, almost on autopilot as he continued to teach and you were urged further on. For once you were not listening to him as he taught.
You touched slowly, circling your clit, spreading your legs just a little further, biting your bottom lip as you stared him down. 
It felt way too good. If you weren’t actively fighting it you would be moaning right now. You allow a slightly sharper inhale as you increase the pressure, your shoulders sagging, eyes rolling back for a moment as you lean back in your chair. The pleasure spiked, increased as you notice the sweat on his brow, the bob of his Adam's apple, he kept going, kept talking but he could not tear his eyes away.
You then moved your hand down lower, those same two fingers sliding inside of yourself making your thighs tense and your mouth fall open. 
You rock your fingers in and out slowly, can feel yourself leak around your fingers and you let your eyes fall closed, an easy rhythm starting when he clears his throat again and his voice cuts through your pleasurable haze.
Your hand is out from under your skirt the second he utters the first syllable of your name. Eyes wide looking at him as he asks, “Are you paying attention?”
The lie rolls off your tongue with surprising ease and steadiness considering your previous activity, your hand still holding your pencil, “Of course I am.” 
“Somehow I am not convinced.” His tone cut right through you, made your heart drop into your cunt but you tried not to let it shake you as he asked a question pertaining to the class but you were way ahead in your reading and answered quickly. You felt good, confident. He corrected you on a minor technicality. 
You were about to feel fucking stupid until he said, “Clearly you need some help. Meet me in my office after class so we can discuss what to do about this.”
You noticed then that he had moved behind his desk, conveniently hiding his lower half. 
Oh jackpot, you totally had him. 
You simply told him, “Of course, Dr.West. Whatever you think will help me.” 
He resumed and the rest of the class went back to listening and you cleaned your wet fingers that had been inside yourself while his eyes were still on you. 
Wide smile to yourself after removing your fingers from your mouth, he seemed to be barely holding it together. The end of class couldn’t come soon enough.
Once the class filed out you made your way down the stairs, came right up to his desk, he was busy with some papers and you gave him a moment before asking, “Soooo your office?”
He sighed and got up, “Yes, go ahead.”
You bit back a smile and did so, stepping around his desk and going into the adjoining door and into his office, you had been in here a few times previously. Had some truly nasty fantasies with this room as the setting. 
You heard the door close behind you and you turned, almost leaning against his desk as you faced him. You started, “So what did you want to go over?”
“You know damn well why you are here.” The bite to what he said had your thighs tensing, playing with your fingers behind your back. You asked, “Do I?”
“Yes. I am of course referring to that little stunt you pulled back in class.” He took a step closer, staring you down and you gave a small shrug, “Mmhmm, and what stunt was that Dr.West? Refresh my memory?”
He let out an angry sigh, hanging his head and his hand running over his forehead before gesturing to you as he started to explain, “I am talking about you coming to class dressed so inappropriately and you-”
You cut him off, finishing his thought with a cock of your head, offering up, “Fingering my soaked cunt in the middle of class?”
Such a dirty sentence leaving you so easily, looking across at him you said it so sweetly, the same way one might offer up a cup of tea as opposed to admitting to incident exposure and public masturbation. 
He looked shocked you said it so candidly, so openly. You laughed a little at his expression, it was funny, I mean you did touch yourself in class, you saying so was hardly anything compared to that, right?
“Speechless Dr. West? That must be a first for you.” The taunt put him in motion.
“What you did was one of the most uncouth, unhygienic, unprofessional-” With every one of those last three words he took another step forward, caging you in until he was practically pressed to you and his hands reached out, latching onto your arms and tugging you to him. 
He kissed you, deep and hard and it made your hands find the desk behind you for support as he stole your breath. You returned it and after a moment more he pulled back with a shaky inhale before finishing his thought, “-filthiest and hottest things I have ever seen.”
You can’t help yourself as you say with a smile, “And you call me unprofessional?”
He scoffed and shoved you so you hit the edge of the desk with a roll of his eyes, “Get on the desk.” 
You complied, sitting back on the desk, spreading your thighs, letting him see your leaking pussy as you asked, “Does the lesson start now then or-”
His hands were on your outer thighs and he was kissing you again, a push of his hips, you feel how hard he is through his pants, grinding on your soaked and exposed pussy. You moan into the kiss as his tongue slips into your mouth, an arch of your hips, grinding into him, desperate for more. Your hand closes on his tie, using it to pull him closer still and nips at his bottom lip making a broken groan spill from his own mouth into yours. God he had a good mouth, plush lips, you wanted to taste him endlessly.
You were far too into the kiss, breathless and surprised when he pulled away, you were going to protest until you felt his hands on your knees and he fell to his. His mouth drags up your inner thigh and your eyes drop down to him with a gasp. He was looking up at you, lips mere centimetres from where you needed him, where you were aching and throbbing, “You want a lesson hmm?”
A shaky nod and his hot breath fans over your wet heat, “Well it is my job to teach, isn’t it?”
No pithy reply could be given as his lips latched onto your clit and all thought flew out of your head as you moaned out loud once. A sharp bite on your thigh made you nearly yelp and he shh’d you, “Quiet during class, remember?”
His tone left no room for argument and his look could kill, you clenched around nothing, something he noticed and smirked at. You didn't want to get caught, it could cost him his job and so you said, “Ye-yeah I remember…”
“Good. Now pay attention.”  He leaned in, a firm lick over your whole slit that had you wrapping the end of his tie around your hand and using it to tug him closer as you ground yourself on his tongue. 
He made you cum in less than five minutes on his tongue. He had taken off his tie and gagged you with it, your short skirt flipped over your ass and you bent over his desk, him burying his cock in your tight slick hole. It was him having a hand around your throat from behind as he let out a soft groan of your name while he bottomed out that you realised you had a lot to learn from him. 
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happybird16 · 2 years
A short little soft and sweet drabble on something that happened to me a couple years ago! I couldn’t come up with a name for it.
Levi/ Gn reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Alcohol mention, that’s it.
Note: I wrote most of this on my lunch break today lol.
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On your first date, Levi didn’t drink.
It’s not something you’d really noticed at the time. Head buzzing, tongue thick with the taste of delicious red wine, you’d been far too enraptured by the man sitting across from you.
The tight, button up shirt had taken no prisoners. His sleeves rolled up to reveal firm lines of muscle and blue spider webs of veins. Conversation flowing easily, his eyes, dark and enchanting, had seemed to pull you in. You could think of nothing else.
Months later, countless restaurants visited in the passing weeks, you finally take notice.
For your as-often-as-possible dinner -and sometimes even lunch or breakfast- dates, you’ve settled into a routine of picking a place at random. As long as the reviews seem decent and the cleanliness seems up to code -Levi’s insistence, he hates food trucks with a passion- you try whatever place you can find from a random Google search.
It’s a small little pub today, out of the way and barely populated. It’s cute, decorated with hanging bare light bulbs and little wooden knick knacks. In fact, everything is made from dark wood, from the walls to the table and chairs. You like the nice, homey old fashioned feel of it, especially compared to the bland spartan setting most expensive restaurants have.
Sitting across from you, Levi immediately hands over the tiny ‘today’s drink specials’ menu that the waitress had left on the table. Staring down at it, the realization suddenly strikes you: Levi never drinks. Sticking to tea or water, he never so much as glances at the alcoholic section of any menu in all of the places you’ve visited.
You suddenly feel unsettled, staring down at the stiff off-white page in your hands. The laminated paper suddenly seems impossibly heavy.
Your mind whirls with possibilities.
Maybe he’s just a lightweight. It wouldn’t be too unexpected given his smaller stature, the booze quickly filling his veins and making him loose-lipped and lackadaisical. He could also be an embarrassing drunk, a prospect that excites you.
Or it could be for religious reasons, though he’s never spoken about such things. Or maybe it’s even family related, the result of a bad experience with an addicted family member. The thought makes you feel bad for casually drinking in his presence.
It’s not too big of a deal, if you need to stop for him. It’s not like you drink too often anyways. Normally just a glass of wine here and there to unwind, perhaps even an occasional cocktail to keep the excitement flowing through your veins during a girl’s night.
Though, it could even be as simple as Levi not liking the taste. You certainly remember disliking the acrid burn of booze when you’d first started drinking, the overwhelming taste making you cough and wheeze. A finicky man, it’s certainly a likely possibility.
Still, it feels odd to be drinking alone. Now that you’ve noticed, it weighs on you like an itch you just can’t scratch. The waitress will be back soon, but now choosing a drink from the page seems impossible.
Gaze straying to the man across the table, you can’t help the breath that catches in your throat. Now matter how many times you see him, the sight of your boyfriend always leaves you stunned.
Winter having recently arrived in a snowy flurry, Levi is dressed in a thick wool sweater. The fabric is tight, carefully fitted to curve around his smaller frame. You should feel at a loss, with less of his perfect alabaster skin bared for your gaze, but instead you drink in the sight eagerly. He looks so warm and cozy, comfortable in the plush fabric.
“Levi,” you start, voice cautious and steady. Headless to your own intention, you fiddle nervously with the menu in your grip.
“Hmm?” Levi grunts, glaring down at his own menu. Always a picky eater, it consistently takes him absolutely forever to decide on an entree, even if he always looks up the place beforehand.
“Do…,” you hesitate, unsure of how to word the question. “Is there a reason you don’t drink?”
Levi’s sterling eyes stray up to meet yours, wide in shock. “Ah,” he says, ears burning with a tinge of red. “You -er- noticed that.”
“Is it a family reason? Should I not be drinking in front of you?” You vaguely remember him mentioning a ‘shit-bag’ -his words- uncle, but you aren’t sure if alcohol was ever an issue with him.
“No no,” Levi assures with a wave of his hand. “Nothing like that.”
Levi’s words have done little to calm the lingering worry in your heart. “Why then? Is it me? Are you not comfortable…”
“No!” The word comes quickly, a bit too loud for the quiet ambiance of the establishment. Quiter, Levi continues, “I’m more comfortable around you than I’ve ever been with anyone.”
The raging anxiety eating at your insides finally calms, like a roaring thunderstorm fading into the distance. “Why then?”
The blush coloring the tips of Levi’s ears spreads, pink dusting across his cheeks. “It’s…embarrassing.” The words are surprisingly hushed, his silver eyes quickly darting away before meeting yours again.
“More embarrassing than that time you kissed Erwin?” It’s Levi’s most humiliating moment -according to him- one you dragged out of him late one night when he was particularly drowsy.
Levi cringes, face twisting up at the memory. “I shouldn’t have told you about that.”
“I’ll never let it go,” you chime in a sing-songy voice.
Levi grunts in response, pale skin darkening further. You have no doubt it’s spread to paint his neck and chest with splotches of pink. “You're going to laugh.”
“Really? Now I’m intrigued!” You can’t help but lean forward, enjoying the light pink dusting his face.
“It’ll be easier to show you,” Levi states with a heavy sigh, waving a hand to flag down the waitress.
Tucked up along the back wall of the little pub, it’s amazing how quickly she spots the signal, coming over almost immediately. “Hi again! Are you guys ready to order drinks?”
“Yeah. What did you want, sweetheart? The wine?” Levi asks, using the term of endearment he knows always makes your heart race.
“Oh!” You quickly glance down at the drinks menu again, slightly bent from your nervous fingers. “I’ll have the raspberry liquor hot chocolate.”
Levi hums at your choice, no doubt holding back a snarky comment about your chocolate addiction. “I’ll have a scotch on the rocks.”
The waitress takes her time to write down your orders on her notepad. With a hum, her gaze sweeps Levi before she asks, “Can I see your ID, sir?”
Never breaking eye contact with you, Levi quickly reaches into his back pocket to procure his wallet. Flipping the leather open with a smooth flick of his wrist and pulling the plastic from its sleeve, he hands it to her. “Here.”
The waitress takes it, glancing back and forth between the card and your boyfriend several times with a click of her tongue. She bends it, the plastic creaking audibly in protest, as she accesses the ID.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone get ID’d so hard before. Levi gives you an exaggerated grimace, eyebrows tilting up as if to say ‘see’.
“Uh…I’ll be back real quick sir,” stutters the waitress, before she quickly shuffles towards the back of the establishment.
“She left with it!” you note, struggling to keep your voice low in your surprise.
“That happens sometimes,” Levi explains, unperturbed by her quick exit. “She’s probably going to show it to her supervisor. They’ll both be back in a moment.”
“You get ID’d a lot?” you question. “I’ve never seen anything this intense before.”
“Every goddamn time,” Levi spits with a roll of his eyes. “I’m in my fucking 30’s and I’ve never not been ID’d. They always think it’s fake! It’s embarrassing.”
Struggling to keep to a quiet chuckle, you laugh, “That’s why you never drink?”
Levi nods his head before speaking, “It's always a whole scene. I feel like an out of place teenager the entire time.”
You can only imagine how anxiety inducing it must feel, his skin prickling hot with nerves and anger. Levi certainly does look youthful, in more than just his stature. Despite the fact that he’s often scowling, his face is smooth and free from any lines of age or worry. Still, you wouldn’t dare think him underage. “That’s hilarious! It happens every time?”
“Mhmm,” Levi confirms with a hum. “Maybe it’ll stop once I start growing grey hairs.” With the words, Levi gestures to his inky locks, shining even in the low light of the pub.
“If you ever do! Your mom certainly hasn’t. You could just be doomed forever.” Only having met her a handful of times, even in her 60’s Kuchel -who wants you to call her Mom but you struggle with it- seems youthful and vibrant. “Oooh, I bet they still size-check you at amusement parks!”
“Hey-” Levi chides, lips turning up in a barely-there smile. Despite the stiffness in his jaw, there’s very telling crinkles around his eyes that betray the fact that he’s enjoying your banter.
Unheeded, you continue, “This isn’t nearly as bad as discovering you’re bi by clacking teeth with your best friend.”
“Fucking-“ Throwing his head back, Levi sighs over dramatically. “Do me a favor and never remind Erwin of that.”
“Oh I definitely will.” Your words bring about a full, beautiful, fond smile. Now that his reason for not partaking is out in the air, Levi seems more relaxed, his shoulders loose and his face open. It’s a rare sight, especially in public.
Heart hammering in your chest at the sight, you love him, you can’t help but think. It’s not a new revelation, but certainly not something you’ve ever said out loud. Suddenly you feel like you're bursting at the seams to let the words loose. This isn’t the place though, not in some cliche little restaurant and certainly not in public. You’ll tell him later, when there’s nothing between you but bed sheets.
Eyes full of scorching warmth, one of Levi’s hands reaches across the table to clasp yours, the thumb gliding smoothly across your knuckles. “Thank you, for this. For taking it all in stride. I know I can be…tedious at times. Part of me was afraid that the sheer awkwardness would ruin things.”
You love him. You love him. You love him.
The words burn hot on the tip of your tongue, desperate to leak out, so instead you say, “Levi Ackerman? Afraid? As if!”
You can see why he’d been so tentative in the first place. Had this been the first date, or even the second, and you’d been less familiar with one another, the awkward silence while waiting for his ID to be returned would have been excruciating. It’s already been over ten minutes since the waitress left and still there’s no sign of her return.
Part of you wonders if it’s ever ruined things before, you know his height has been an issue with previous dates. Given his hesitation, you're willing to bet it has. “Were you just gonna not drink forever then? Was that the plan?”
“Maybe…,” Levi starts, lips pursed in almost a pout. “I’m sure there would have been some sort of holiday gathering eventually where it wouldn’t have mattered.”
You smile, struggling to picture him sipping cheap beer at your regular family barbecues. “So you’ll be ordering with me from now on?”
“If you're okay with dealing with the whole rigamarole, sure.” Levi shrugs, eyes dark and fond as they bore into your own.
“I bet you're a lightweight,” you tease, squeezing his hand in your own.
“As if,” Levi scoffs. “Though admittedly it’s been awhile-“
“Oh, here they come. You were right, she brought the manager,” you interrupt, spotting a sharply dressed older woman following behind the waitress. As they approach, you spot the white plastic of Levi’s ID clasped between two of her fingers.
“Would you mind if I cause a bit of a scene?” Levi asks. “Sometimes if I bitch the restaurant will end up comping my meal.”
“That sounds like fun!” This whole thing certainly was a bit much. You understand carding is necessary but jeez. To another couple, this could have been a real disastrous stall to an otherwise lovely evening out. “I’ll help!”
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duckprintspress · 3 years
How can I return to writing after a long hiatus?
This post is based on a conversation we had in the Duck Prints Press LLC Discord, and all contributors comments have been used/paraphrased/integrated into this post with permission. The people who contributed ideas to this post are: @nottesilhouette, @ramblingandpie, @arialerendeair, @tryslora, @deansmultitudes, @theleakypen, Owlish Intergalactic, myself (I’m @unforth), and one who preferred to remain anonymous.
Few things are harder than coming back to writing after a long period of not writing. Being creative takes a lot of energy, and starting after not doing so for a period of time takes even more energy. The writers on our Discord had a really productive discussion, where we talked about strategies we’ve each personally used to help us get our writing mojo back. None of these methods work for everyone, but if you haven’t written in a while, maybe one of these will work for you!
How to Revive that Creative Writing Spark:
doing sprints with a friend - knowing you’re all in it together can really help!
talking with writing buddies about what you’re each working on - the shared enthusiasm can be really helpful,
journaling, about daily life, or about dreams you’ve had - turning the dream into something coherent can be a great strategy (or, don’t bother, and just write it however crazily it took place!)
pick a random story you wrote in the past and read a chapter, paragraph, or 500 word segment - and look at it as a reader, say things you liked about it, praise it, emphasize the good things about your own writing.
transcribe a song with lyrics you find inspiring, or crack open a favorite book and transcribe a few paragraphs. You can even do it with something you’ve written yourself!
set a low-pressure, low-word count deadline - make it public, if you’re the kind of person that helps, or keep it to yourself.
sign up for a zero-consequence challenge, such as a bingo, or the Duck Prints Press #drabbledaysaturday prompts on Twitter - something where no one will mind if you don’t succeed, but you might find some inspiration.
create a small goal, either daily, weekly, or monthly - it can be a time frame (I’ll write for 5 minutes a day!) or a word count (I’ll write 1,000 words a month!) or even something tiny (I’ll write one sentence a day!) or a public sharing goal (post a ficlet a day!) and then do your best to stick to it, and reward yourself when you succeed.
open your ask box or otherwise solicit short prompts - for example, do a “three sentence” meme (”send me a pairing and a trope and I’ll write a three sentence fill”) or a story title meme (”send me a story title and I’ll write a little about the story I’d create with that title”) or an emoji prompt (”send me three emojis and I’ll write a ficlet”) or make your own fun one that will bring you joy (one of our writers created a “name two characters and I’ll make them kiss in six sentences or less” meme that helped them a lot)
participate in a prompt month, something with no consequences for failure but with prompts that can inspire daily ficlet.
write without editing, and just throw what you create out into the world - anything to get the words flowing.
challenge yourself to write a drabble day, no more and no less.
try changing how or when you write - get a nice journal and write by hand, or if that’s your normal, try writing in a word document instead.
write at different times of day, and see if it’s easier for you over breakfast, or after lights out, or during your lunch break, or by stealing a few minutes while you’re “on the clock” at work.
make an attempt at different formats of writing - if you usually write prose, try a poem; if you usually write really long things, try a drabble.
look out your window, or find a place you like, and just describe what you see.
do some free association exercises - for example, use a random word generator (I use this one sometimes) and then write literally whatever word comes into your head next - keep going until you fill the page, or until it starts to turn into a story, or just until you don’t feel like it any longer.
pick a random sentence (the person who suggested this often uses “Just write anything”) to be the start of a story, and “pants” your way through whatever comes next, without worrying about grammar, continuity, logic, or much of anything.
plan ahead - schedule your writing time and don’t let yourself put it off (rewards for success are always good!) and/or visualize exactly what you want to write ahead so you’re ready when you sit down.
if you get hit by inspiration, don’t put it off - even if all you do is scrawl a sentence in your phone or on scratch paper between other tasks, get it out of your head. Even a single sentence is a creation!
get out of the spaces where your usual things are - go to a park, or on a hike, or in your backyard, or even a different room in your own home, and bring a journal or phone or laptop, and see what strikes you.
pick That Thing You Haven’t Been Letting Yourself Write and ignore all the things you Think You Should Be Writing and just...write what brings you joy
fanfiction can be very helpful, especially in canon using canon-compliant ships/characterizations - there’s no need to do the heavy lifting. Even if you just write the characters going to a grocery store, or talking about what movie they want to watch, or arguing over take out - something short and sweet that’s just for fun, with no expectations for yourself or anyone else.
alternatively, if you’re the type who writes better for others and you’re feeling down - knock out anything, even something short, and post it, and take joy even in a single like or kudos. Knowing even one person out there loved what you wrote can really help.
Any or all of these may help you, but there’s one final one that I, at least, think is the most important of all - and that’s helped me most.
FORGIVE YOURSELF. You have work in progress up. It’s okay to leave them. You told someone you’d write something for them. It’s okay not to. You have a deadline looming. It’s okay to ask for more time, or to withdraw, or - in the end - it’s even okay to ghost. You think what you’ve made is bad. It’s okay if it’s bad. You’ll never be able to create when you’re raking yourself over the coals. Everyone in fandom has “been there” - has missed deadlines, has left challenges, has abandoned works in progress, have reneged on a promise to a friend to write something. Until you forgive yourself, you’ll never be able to create anything, and isn’t even a single sentence that isn’t on that Big Important Thing better than no sentences on anything?
Forgive yourself, and find that spark, inspiration, muse, whatever you want to call it - and write things that bring you joy.
We believe in you!
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angelikook · 3 years
Boyfriend Rental
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Pairing(s): Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, crack, fake relationship AU
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning(s): Profanities, mentions of sex
Summary: You have an absolutely great idea when your family who likes to pry into your love life holds a family gathering. But what happens when one of your cousins realizes that your boyfriend is not real?
A/n This was supposed to be a short drabble, but somehow it expanded and became a full-fledged fic. But because it was originally a drabble, I still wrote it drabble-style with short scenes. Unedited because I want to post it ASAP (I might edit it in the future).
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The phone rang a couple of times before someone picked it up.
“Hi, it’s Rent a Partner here. How can I help you?” a cheery voice spoke through the phone.
You took a deep breath before answering, “I’m in need of a fake boyfriend.”
“Unfortunately, we don’t offer online services at the moment.” Before you could ask what that meant, the voice continued, “Meaning, you need to come to our office in order to decide which service is best for you and to set things up.”
You sighed in relief. According to Google, their office wasn’t that far from your apartment.
“Do I need to set up an appointment?”
“Of course. May I know who I’m talking with?”
“Okay, miss. Since we’re fully booked this week, what if we set your appointment next week on Tuesday at 2 p.m.?”
You were pretty sure that customers were the one supposed to set a time in typical situations, but you let it go since you knew this situation wouldn’t be considered typical.
“Sounds great.” It’s not like I have work to do at that time, you added sarcastically in your head.
For a few seconds you could only hear the typing noise from a keyboard before the cheery voice spoke again, “Alright, Y/n. See you next Tuesday at 2 p.m.” And the call ended.
While waiting for your heartbeat to come back to its normal rate, you opened the text sent by your mom a few days ago.
Y/n! I have good news. No, it wasn’t good news for you.
Yunhee is pregnant with her third child. Yunhee was the cousin you hated, who for some kind of reason didn’t hate you back.
She’s gonna hold a party at the end of this month. It was going to be held in three weeks.
She wants you to come. And you didn’t want to come.
She didn’t say this, but I’m really hoping you bring along a plus one ;) Oh no, not the wink emoji.
In your genius mind, you had an idea to bring along Jimin, your best friend from work. But of course, life liked to play jokes on you.
“It’s in three weeks you say?” he had asked yesterday during lunch.
You nodded while shoving a whole spinach leaf into your mouth.
“For how long?”
You shrugged. “Probably a few days,” you answered once you had swallowed your food.
“If I recall correctly, your parents already know that we’re coworkers and coworkers aren’t allowed to date here.”
You whined as the memories of your parents meeting Jimin flood your mind. Your parents suddenly came barging into your apartment one day while you were having a movie night with Jimin. Knowing your parents, you instantly told them that you weren’t dating him and that the company forbade coworkers from dating.
“May I swear?” you asked.
“Go ahead.” Jimin slurped his coffee.
Just then, Jimin came up with a horrendous idea. “Why don’t you just rent a fake boyfriend?” he asked with his mouth full of rice.
No matter how slowly you walked from your office to Rent a Partner’s building, you arrived there in less than 20 minutes. You cursed at your ‘long’ legs and the relatively empty sidewalk. Well, could you really blame the sidewalk if you decided to have a dreadful appointment during working hours?
Rent a Partner’s building was decorated similar to that of a karaoke place. There was a reception desk in the middle with rows of doors in the sides. Even the lightning resembled a karaoke place with blue, purple, and pink neon lights. The only way you could tell that it was indeed Rent a Partner was the bold neon letters that spelled its name behind the receptionist.
“Good afternoon! What can I help you with?” You were met directly with the owner of the cheery voice that had answered your call a week ago.
“Hi. I’m Y/n. I have an appointment at 2.”
Apologetically, the receptionist said, “The person who’s supposed to meet you is currently having lunch. I’m pretty sure that he’ll be done in a few minutes. In the meantime, you can wait there.” She pointed to a bench beside the main doors.
Huffing, you plopped yourself onto the plush chair. If he was still having lunch at 2, why would the receptionist booked your appointment at 2? Such a waste of time that you could have used the time to talk nonsense with Jimin.
Speaking of Jimin, you didn’t have to talk to him directly since he was a phone addict.
Thus, you took out your phone from your bag and texted him.
Guess where I am? You typed before you hit send.
Humor me. The reply came in a few seconds.
You snapped a pic of the big letters behind the receptionist before sending it to Jimin.
Shit. You’re taking my advice for real? Jimin instantly replied.
I have no other choice. You can laugh however you want, but I’m still doing this.
I’m not laughing at you. Find a hot one, okay. And don’t forget to spill me the details.
Will do.
As if on cue, just as you shoved your phone back in your bag, the receptionist called you as a young man stood in front of the reception desk. You guessed that he was the one supposed to meet you.
A flashed a bunny smile and you immediately smiled back. He had a gorgeous smile.
He extended his hand towards you, in which you shook eagerly. His hand was warm and soft.
“Jungkook,” he stated. His voice was smooth and rich like honey.
“Alright, miss. Please follow me.” He turned around and walked away. His back was broad.
As you followed him into one of the rooms, you thought to yourself, he’s hot.
“So you need a boyfriend?” Jungkook typed away on his computer.
“Can you give me the details?” His eyes bore into yours.
“W- well,” you stuttered, great, “I have this family gathering in two weeks.”
“Family gathering, huh? It’s an easy task.”
“I suppose. But it will be held in another city.”
“Interesting.” Jungkook typed again.
“Yeah, so I’ll probably be there for a couple of days.”
“That’s the hard part. What will the family gathering be like?”
You shrugged. “I have no idea. Probably just eating, chatting, going somewhere together.”
“And where will you stay?”
“Since I’m not that well off, probably in my parent’s house.” A thought immediately went through your head. “Wait, how much does this service cost?”
“It depends on a lot of factors. The basic fee is 150 dollars per service per day excluding tickets, food, hotel, or anything your fake boyfriend might need.”
Your jaw dropped at his answer. “That’s so expensive. 150 just for service alone?”
“Yes. Service per day.”
“So if I’ll be there for three days?”
“Then it’s gonna be 450 dollars before additional services.”
Your eyes narrowed at the last bit of his answer. “Additional service?”
“Fake kisses and fake-” He didn't need to finish his sentence before you knew what he meant.
“You guys can fake intercourses, too?”
“We only fake the noises, but yeah.”
“Well, I don’t need that.” You shook your head at the thought. “What about the kisses?”
“10 dollars per kiss.”
“Are you trying to rob me?” you yelled in surprise.
“The kiss is not just a short peck, it’s a 10 seconds French kiss.”
“Well, we’re the best in this area of service, that’s why we have high tariffs,” the man said without guilt.
“Do you have any guarantees? I can’t just throw away 450 plus dollars just for it to fail.”
“We’ll try to fix it and if we can’t, we’ll return all of your money. Your fake boyfriend will find proof for your complaints and send it to us.”
You nodded in satisfaction. At least now you knew that you were mostly safe to go with the plan. There was only one question left, though. “Who will be my fake boyfriend?”
You definitely saved lives in your previous life.
You only had less than 20 minutes left until your train left. Yet, you still couldn’t find Jungkook in the busy station.
You clicked your tongue as your eyes glanced at the big clock above. It was one thing to be late for an appointment because of lunch, but it took an extra dedication to be late right before travelling.
You were about to get into the train when the young man came running to you with a duffle bag in hand. Just as you shamelessly checked him out, you noticed his weird choice of clothing.
You frowned. "Why are you wearing a suit?"
"You don't like it? I’m giving you a chance to tell your family that I just got off a meeting." He spread his arms to show his clothes clearer. His duffle bag almost hit a passerby who thankfully managed to dodge it while mumbling some curses.
You pulled his empty hand down. “Can you stop that? What happened to the man I met a week ago? Why am I stuck with a manchild now?”
A week ago, you talked with him about the plan. About how he was supposed to act, what your parents liked and disliked in a boy, what his backstory was supposed to be.
“My parents always want me to date someone who’s working in the business area.”
“Easy peasy.” Jungkook typed away on his keyboard.
Remembering Yunhee and her pitying stares at you, you added, “I want a successful boyfriend.”
“What else?”
“A sweet and caring one, but also outgoing and fun.” Myunghee, Yunhee’s sister who you hated a bit more, always bragged to you about her relationship. Not to mention the cocky smirk she directed at you when she thought you weren’t looking. “I want to have revenge.”
In the end, you both settled with Jungkook, a businessman who was working his way up to be a young CEO, taking his dad’s place. Young, successful, and loving would be the three words which described this alter ego best.
But despite your requests that time, you were still shocked to see this side of him. It was a drastic change compared to how he was during your meetings with him.
“You asked for a fun and outgoing boyfriend and I deliver,” Jungkook said as he followed you into the train.
“You can act normal for now,” you mumbled as you struggled with your suitcase. “We’re alone anyways.”
Jungkook quickly caught on and helped you put away your luggage. “Why is it so heavy? And big?”
“We’re gonna be there for three days.” You took a seat.
“Just three days.” He took a seat beside you.
“Well, I’m sorry if I need to bring all my skin care products with me.”
Jungkook laughed out loud. His broad shoulder shook with every breath he took. “Three days without skin care wouldn’t kill you.”
You raised an eyebrow, challenging him. “So what they say about boys using one product for everything is true?”
“It’s in the bros’ code not to be a tattletale, especially about stuff like that.” He winked at you before shrugging off his suit.
As his chest muscles flex, you couldn’t help but to stare. You could only hope that in the next three days you got to see what was underneath that thin shirt.
“You wanna touch?” Jungkook suddenly woke you up from your trance.
“What?” You finally met his eyes.
“If you’re curious, you can touch.” He smirked while folding his suit neatly. “It’s not like no girls have asked to touch them before.”
“And you don’t feel offended?”
“I know I’m hot. I’ve accepted my fate. As long as no one is harassing me, I’m okay.”
You sneered at him. “I think this is not an act. This is who you truly are.”
“And to that, I ask again, do you like it?”
Of course you liked it. He looked so hot, Myunghee would be jealous of you, but you weren't going to admit that. “No.”
“You’re lying.” With that, Jungkook reclined his seat and closed his eyes.
Turned out, meeting your parents was the easiest part of the whole fake boyfriend thing. While your parents’ nagging still bothered you just the same, they somehow understood that you were no longer a little girl. That you finally had a boyfriend and could live well on your own.
The house was still exactly like how you left it. Potted plants, trees, and blooming flowers decorated the front yard. The only difference was that it looked more like a small forest than a front yard, making the two storey house hidden behind it. When you left it to pursue higher education a long time ago, the house was still visible.
“Wow,” was the first word coming out of Jungkook’s mouth.
You felt the urge to explain the madness. “My parents are kinda obsessed with plants. But it wasn’t this much when I left.”
“They probably need someone, something, to take care of after you.”
“That might be it.”
Before you both got the chance to step into the house, your mom already opened the door and greeted you. “I was right when I thought I heard noises outside! Just come in while I’m calling your dad.” With that, your mom disappeared, leaving you and Jungkook alone.
“Well, that was a great first meeting.”
“Stop being so snarky. She just doesn’t know how to act after years of not meeting me.”
“You’re lucky you have caring parents.”
You smiled as you walked in with Jungkook. “I know.”
Not long after, you found yourself in the living room with your dad, mom, and Jungkook.
“I assume this is your boyfriend?” your dad asked, officially opening the dreaded conversation.
“Yeah, this is Jungkook,” you introduced him with a practiced speech. “Jungkook, these are my parents.”
Jungkook stood from his seat and shook both of your parents’ hands, saying, “Nice to meet you.”
Once Jungkook was back in his seat, your mom blurted out a question that you had anticipated. “How long have you been dating?”
“A couple of months,” both you and Jungkook answered.
Your mom nodded in approval. “That’s nice. But why haven’t you told us about him?”
Uh oh, a question that you hadn’t prepared to answer.
“If I recall correctly,” Jungkook’s clear voice sounded, “Y/n originally wanted it to be a surprise, right?” Jungkook glanced at you before putting on the biggest smile for your parents.
Your mom giggled. “If that’s the case, you really have surprised us, way exceeding our expectations.”
“Now, tell us about yourself,” your dad spoke up.
Over the next few hours, Jungkook successfully charmed both of your parents. But you still couldn’t breathe properly yet, you still had a party to attend the next day.
Just as you entered Yunhee’s house, you were met with her second kid vomiting on the floor. You grimaced to yourself as you faced Jungkook and tried to cover his eyes from the disgusting sight.
“I’m sorry for the sight,” you whispered.
Jungkook held your hand and pulled it down from his face. “I’ve seen worse. Don’t worry.”
“Y/n!” a shrill voice of Yunhee called on you while she was cleaning up the mess her son just made. “I’m so sorry for the mess. Youngjae has been sick for the past few days.”
You put on your best fake smile as you replied, “It’s alright.”
“Where’s your mom and dad?” She stood up from the floor and went to wash her hands without waiting for your answer.
Because you had basic decency, you followed her to the kitchen to answer her question, “They’ll come in a bit.”
As Yunhee dried her hands on a random rag, she noticed the man behind you. “Who’s that?” she asked with twinkled eyes.
In a totally not awkward gesture, you pulled on Jungkook's hand to make him stand beside you. “This is my boyfriend, Jungkook. Jungkook, this is my cousin, Yunhee.”
Jungkook held out his hand, which Yunhee promptly shook.
"Nice to meet you," Jungkook said in a fake deep voice.
Yunhee's eyes widened for a bit before she replied, "The pleasure's mine. By the way, you guys can go sit on the couch while we’re waiting for your parents.”
Touching a random apple on the dining table, you asked, “Who’ll come?”
“Probably just Myunghee and her boyfriend, you, and your parents.” In a hushed voice, Yunhee continued, “Sorry but I didn’t expect you’d bring your boyfriend.”
Knowing Yunhee and Myunghee’s relationship with you, Jungkook snaked his arm around your waist from behind. Instinctively, you held his hand in yours.
“Funny enough, we also didn’t expect we’d come. Both Y/n and I originally wanted to skip this family gathering, but instead we cancelled all our meetings and dates.” Jungkook pecked your neck which sent shivers down your spine.
With hands on her hips, Yunhee challenged you both. “What made you change your mind?”
“I want to see if Y/n’s family are equally as nice as her.”
“And what’s the result?”
“I can’t judge based on the first meeting alone.”
“Fair enough.” With that, Yunhee left you both, probably to fetch her kids.
You exhaled in relief, letting go of Jungkook’s hand who immediately let you go too. “Thanks for helping me out.”
“Just doing my job.”
Soon everyone had gathered. Yunhee and her family, Myunghee and her boyfriend, you and Jungkook, and your parents. A dinner and games night later, you found yourself being interrogated by none other than Myunghee.
"By the way, Y/n. How did you meet Jungkook? Last time we met, you were still shy and couldn't talk to anyone,” Myunghee asked while cuddling with her boyfriend on the couch, obviously mimicking your current position.
The entire room was filled with laughter while you grew annoyed at her comment. The only thing keeping you calm was Jungkook's fingers brushing through your hair.
"She's okay with people,” Jungkook answered before you got the chance to open your mouth. “Or else she wouldn't have dated me." Jungkook winked at the cuddling couple in front of you which sparked cheers from your family.
As if the last question wasn’t bad enough, Myunghee just had to ask another embarrassing question. This time, it was directed towards your fake boyfriend. “I know this is weird, but I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere.”
You visibly tensed under Jungkook’s grasp. There was no way Myunghee knew Jungkook. Especially not since they lived in different cities. The chances would be so slim. Almost impossible.
Then other thoughts surfaced. What would happen if the plan failed? Would Jungkook really return all your money? What about your reputation in your family? And would your parents be disappointed? Among all the questions you had, you could only answer the last one and it was yes.
Jungkook calmly replied, “Really? Where?”
“Aren’t you that guy my best friend hired as a fake boyfriend?”
Loud gasps, especially from your mom and Yunhee, could be heard throughout the living room. It was as if everyone stopped doing their things and paid attention to your conversation. You would have bolted out of the city and never come again if it weren’t for Jungkook’s strong arms around you, holding you tight against his broad chest.
Said man just laughed at your cousin’s comment. “I personally don’t remember meeting you. But I’m not too surprised if I have. My dad actually owns a company providing fake partners. As the future successor, sometimes I have to do research about customers’ satisfaction,” Jungkook answered with ease, as if he had memorized and said it multiple times. “To do that, I usually have to go undercover as an employee and be a fake, fake boyfriend. I think you met me when I was doing that. Your best friend was a lucky one, I guess.”
All the confusion in everyone’s face immediately cleared out and you could finally relax against Jungkook.
Following Jungkook’s explanation, your dad announced to everyone in the room, “Jungkook is the son of a CEO. He’ll have to take over his dad’s position one day. No wonder he’s learning about the ropes of business.”
“So Jungkook isn’t your fake boyfriend?” Yunhee asked.
You shook your head and lied, “Nope. He’s as real as he can be.” Deep down, you kinda hoped that the man hugging you was your real boyfriend and you didn’t need to lie.
“Wow, you’re so lucky.” Myunhee’s words were laced with jealousy.
Suddenly, your 450 dollars wasn’t a waste anymore.
“Thank you so much for helping me get revenge on my cousins,” you said once both of you had exited the train. Your body felt stiff in places, but your heart was calm and your face was painted with satisfaction.
“It’s just my job.” Jungkook shoved his hand into his bag’s pocket and fished out a piece of paper. He handed the paper to you which you accepted.
“What is this?” Your hand traced the gold emboss on the paper.
“A voucher for a free date.”
“I can read. Why are you giving me this?”
“To certain customers, we give a voucher for one free date.”
“Nice. But I don’t need it.” You handed the voucher back, but Jungkook stubbornly pushed your extended hand away from him.
“You might need it one day. It doesn’t have an expiration date. You can keep it and use it whenever. Just call my number there and we can plan the date.”
“How can you be sure that I might need it?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Because I’m sure you enjoyed my company.” With that, he winked and left, leaving you alone in the middle of the station with his voucher in hand.
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kybabi · 4 years
i could love you forever.
w/ miya atsumu :)
(a/n: ok this was supposed to be a short drabble but i wrote just a little too much oops :D anyways)
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when you were both in high school, everyone assumed you and atsumu were dating.
you did everything together. he’d peer over your shoulder as you read during lunch. the two of you would walk to the bakery a couple blocks away from school after class. you’d come and watch him practice if you had the time. you were basically a package deal.
but more than anything, you and atsumu bickered. relentlessly.
“i cant even explain to you how stupid you look right now.” “then why don’t you COME OVER AND HELP ME.”
“i TOLD you we should’ve studied the second book?!”“WHAT?! HOW IS THIS MY FAULT?”
“yeah, i think ‘tsumu’s right. and that is DEFINITELY saying something.” “thanks y/n🥰wait—“
even after high school, it never changed. the two of you fought about every single thing humanly possible, it seemed.
“god, you two are embarrassing. you fight like a married couple, jesus,” osamu muttered, side-eying the two of you. you could feel the judgment emanating off him in waves.
“SHUT UP!” the two of you turned to him and yelled in unison. then the glaring resumed, and you continued to berate him for leaving the refrigerator door open that morning.
living together was.. maybe not the best idea, in hindsight. but no matter how much you two loved to fight about the stupidest things, he was your best friend. you wouldn’t give that up for the world.
while he was an annoying little shit sometimes, you knew he cared about you.
after you had gotten dumped after previously been cheated on with the girl your boyfriend told you not to worry about, he came over and held you for hours while you cried.
you had gotten sick one time, and he brought you soup and cuddled you even after you protested, “‘tsumu, you’re gonna get sick.” he simply replied, “do i look like i care?” you smacked him. (lovingly, of course :D)
he knew your favorite snacks and picked them up on the way to your house for study sessions.
he had pressed you flush against his chest on the ride home one day, hand snaking protectively around your waist, after an encounter with a not-so-friendly man on the train.
the truth is, you don’t even know when you fell in love with him. you’ve known him so long, the years have just blended into nothing. you aren’t certain of much, but you know one thing. you’re in love with miya atsumu. hopelessly.
you’ve never felt this way about anyone. you’ve dated people in the past, their faces easy to forget, but it’s always been him. and for the past few years, you’ve been content to be with him, just the two of you. even if you still want more. even if he doesn’t love you in the way you want him to. as long as you have him, you can indulge in your selfishness for just a little longer.
but one day, that changes. because miya atsumu is going on a date tonight.
he’s picked out his best dress shirt, and his hair isn’t messy and ruffled the way you like it usually is. he looks so handsome, but he’s not yours. he hasn’t been on a date in years. perhaps you’ve deluded yourself into believing you actually had a chance. your heart stings painfully in your chest, and you’d rather be anywhere but here. you look away.
“i’ll be home in a couple hours, ‘kay?” he says, checking his hair in your bedroom mirror.
you laugh weakly.
“yeah, right.”
he turns to look at you, brows furrowed in confusion.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
you take a deep breath. frustrated tears are building up in your eyes, and his own eyes widen at the sight of them.
“just— never mind. forget i said anything.”
he stares.
“just go, ‘kay?”
your voice is shaky, lip quivering pathetically. you get up and try to leave, but he catches your wrist in time.
“hey. talk to me. please? what can i do to make you—“
“you can’t fucking DO ANYTHING, okay? i thought that i could watch you go and be in love with someone else, but i CAN’T, and that’s on ME. god, i’m so fucking selfish.”
atsumu’s eyes have widened comically at your outburst.
“NO, atsumu. please don’t make this harder than it already is. just let me talk, okay?”
“I JUST WANTED IT TO BE ME, OKAY?” you cry. the tears are streaming freely now. “i wanted it to be me,” you repeat, whispering sadly. “but—“
you don’t get to finish, because suddenly his lips are on yours, warm and firm. his hand is on your cheek, thumb drawing invisible circles on your skin.
“you don’t get it, do you?” he whispers, pulling away.
“what?” you whimper.
he laughs lowly, pressing his forehead against yours and nuzzling his nose against you.
“it’s always been you.”
he looks into your eyes, and you don’t think he’s ever looked so serious about anything before.
you laugh, sobbing pitifully, and kiss him gently. then you pull away and smack him in the chest.
“HEY! what the hell was that for?” he pouts, rubbing the spot where you hit him. you glare at him.
“why did you agree to go on that date, anyway?”
he sighs, intertwining your fingers with his. he smiles.
“to get over you, of course,” he responds. “not that it would’ve worked, anyway.”
you sigh happily.
“i love you, you know that?” he whispers.
“i know,” you laugh.
“y/n!” he whines, pouting stupidly.
you laugh, running your fingers through his hair and planting a kiss on his lips.
“and i love you, ‘tsumu,” you finally say, burying your head in his chest as his arms wrap around you warmly.
after a few minutes, you pull away, snorting at the wet print you’ve left on his nice shirt.
“what are you staring at, baby?”
he looks down at his shirt. you’ve left a mixture of tears and snot on his chest.
“did you just— Y/N?!”
he tackles you onto the bed and you squeal, laughing uncontrollably.
a few minutes later, you’ve settled down, his head on your chest. he looks up at you.
“i could love you forever,” he whispers.
yeah, you think. that sounds just about perfect.
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mtaptime · 2 years
Quick drabble I wrote down after thinking it up in the shower and wrote instead of cooking and eating food before my next online class. Based on a line Sophie says.
It was almost 2pm and Aadit still wasn’t home yet. Aadit had made lunch today, and while they were eating he noted that they were out of flour. Ayla had been busy working with the Council Guards for those ruins commissions, so Aadit had been baking a lot of snakeberry muffins for her to eat and grab on her way out. It made sense, and he’d left as soon as they’d finished up lunch.
Lunch had been one of her favorites too today, so Ayla ate way more than she should’ve and took a little siesta. However, when she woke up he wasn’t anywhere to be found despite the new bag of flour and some other groceries having been put away. Ayla stepped out of the house and looked around a bit. He wasn’t at the chicken coop, although their demands for an early noon snack slowed her down a little. He had no reason to be in the factory, and she’s fairly certain she locked it this morning anyways Looping around back to the front of the workshop, she sighed and leaned against the gate. Where’d he wander off to? They’re just outside of town, and the groceries were already put away. He’d been given the day off by Dawa so they could spend some time together—the latest commission needed parts that take time to process, so her day was freed up compared to usual She looked around and spotted a clue. Aadit’s sweater was hanging in the clothesline over at Granny Sophie’s ranch. That was odd.
 Aadit rarely ever took off his sweater. She’d fussed at him to hell and back about wearing it during the summer, but he’d still only roll his sleeves up while working. He’d only take it off whenever it was just Dawa, and eventually her, around. She walked over to the front of their little ranch home and waved at granny Sophie, who was knitting away at her rocking chair “Hi Granny Sophie,” Ayla greeted the lil ol’ lady, hands knitting astonishingly quickly for her age. “Have you seen Aadit? I haven’t seen him since I woke up from a nap, and I noticed his sweater is hanging on the clothesline.” “Is that so, dearie?” Sophie looked up, her head slightly bobbing in the process. “I’m sorry to have worried you then—I bumped into Aadit on my way out of town and he offered to help me carry the bag of powdered sugar I’d gotten from Martha as thanks for some eggs. He’d gone inside to drop off his groceries, so I thought he would’ve told you then. I suppose you were sleeping like a baby.” “Ah, that explains where he went though, but wh—“
“Did you want the logs over here Mrs. Sophie?” Ayla looked over and saw Aadit carrying a bundle of logs over his shoulder. He’d tied his hair back into a short ponytail, and without his sweater she could see the well-defined muscles in his arms clearly. Mmmmm, biceps.
“Oh, hello Angel,” Aadit greeted her as he set the logs down. “Sorry I didn’t wake you up to let you know where I’d be earlier. You were sleeping so soundly I didn’t have the heart to.” “Thank you dearie, right there is fine. If it isn’t any trouble, could you split at least a few of those logs? Emily is busy, and I’d like to throw some wood in the stove to cook a pie later.”
Granny Sophie continued rocking and knitting away, but Ayla could’ve sworn something seemed different about the look in her eyes. “And just Sophie or Granny is fine dear.” “Ah, sure thing Sophie.” Aadit said before grabbing an axe and taking a log over to the nearest stump to start chopping. Without either of them taking their eyes off Aadit, Ayla continued.
“So why is his sweater hanging on the clothesline, Granny?” “I accidentally spilled a glass of water on him.” Granny Sophie said while giving Ayla a knowing look. “I’d offered him some after he was kind enough to set the bags away and offered to help with anything else while he was here.” Ayla looked from the position of the rocking chair, to the pile of logs, to the stump where Aadit was chopping wood and raised an eyebrow. “You know that Dawa sells the logs chopped as well, and he’s happy to drop them off since he’s right next door.” Granny Sophie had a mischievous gleam in her eyes, one that Ayla had never seen before.
“I may be an old lady, but I do still enjoy my worldly pleasures like knitting and such. Would you like to pull up a chair and I can teach you how to knit as well?” Ayla glanced over at her husband. Sweat was starting to build on his brow and his arms glistened as he brought down the axe, over and over again. “I would love to learn, Granny Sophie.”
And the three spent the rest of the afternoon together.
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askbloatedbellyblog · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but those are stacks of plates around the birthday boy and do not look like they are there for everyone unless it's just him that eager to
My Top Posts in 2021
ONE more thing
On the last episode this season of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (which I wrote a fic about with Benimaru)
Benimaru is trying to prove that Rimaru has his senses by getting him in a trap by saying "Shion's cooking tastes like shit"
It does not go as planned.
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60 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 09:53:53 GMT
Hello! Uh- I was wondering if you could do another tamaki Amajiki belly headcanon but with stuffing and stomach grumbles? A lot of them too-
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Why certainly! I will never turn down more Tamaki (as long as I can still think of new things) since I love the hungry anxiety elf.
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First off then, fair warning I’m going to do two different types of stomach grumbles; One for hunger, and then one for post stuffing from eating too much. Both are important and are unique. I won’t even lie, that admittedly I do prefer the latter but the former can be a very nice lead in in a lot of scenarios.
So with stomach growls, (I admit I was kind of inspired by the Genshin post I made a few days ago because I think it’s applicable) I think it’s often that Tamaki’s stomach growls and loudly. There’s a varying decibel level to them along with kinds of them depending on the circumstance and how long he’s gone without eating. I think that Tamaki’s stomach growls often, especially during school.
He’s an eater and his powers are from his eating. He’s constantly having to eat new foods to use as for his power and as I’ve said in prior canons, I think that means he must burn through the food quickly alongside his training he does constantly. Honestly nearly everyone at UA would have to be in excellent shape thanks to their constant working out either through hero training or on the job athletics or normal PE and weight training. Add to that, that Mirio is always training and working out and in the Big Three with Tamaki (and Tamaki still in the top despite Mirio losing his powers for a bit), I think that Tamaki is forced to train and workout with Mirio constantly. I wouldn’t be surprised if post Eri that Mirio even becomes Tamaki’s personal trainer. But the point being is that Tamaki’s metabolism is roaring and him working out only makes it worse.
This leads to the assumption that Tamaki’s stomach wants food ALL the time. There may be times that he skips breakfast (which I’ll get to later but basically it’s because he binged the night before) and makes it worse, but I think most times he would try to avoid snacking in class because that’s only going to draw more attention to himself. So he’s left with lunch at school and probably a slightly larger than average (with maybe some additional help from Mirio and Nejire trying to feed him, which they very much would) meal either from home or the cafeteria. So in all seriousness, it’s likely that Tamaki’s stomach is growling constantly. Especially by the time school is over, I’m sure that it’s growling LOUD. Perhaps more than enough to just stop a conversation to stare at his stomach but enough that everyone in the room can hear it. At some point everyone would get used to it and the school may even let him snack a bit more between class but at that moment Tamaki is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
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85 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 20:40:43 GMT
Suneater’s Pants Problem
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(Once again I try to write a short drabble and then it is definitely not)
The patrol day at Tamaki’s internship started so well. As he changed clothes from his civilian outfit to his hero uniform, he was pleased at the progress that he had been making with Mirio in the weight room and training. He was always proud of it and took it as a symbol of Mirio’s hard work and being able to be stronger to protect his now powerless friend. His stomach growled loudly in protest from lack of being fed after their hard workout after Tamaki had to leave the gym directly to go to his internship with Fatgum.
He pulled on his black spandex compression shirt over his defined muscles, his athletic and toned muscles, though not as big as others more muscle bound than he (Mirio came to mind), bulged out from the stretched fabric. It brushed over his abs even as his empty stomach behind them groaned in need, the cobbled muscle still concave down to his narrow waist. “Can’t you be quiet for once?” He asked his own body as he rubbed his hand over his abs to try to signal that now was not the time. Kirishima walked into the locker room just as Tamaki was done putting on his shirt and about to put on his hood and vest. “Looking good there Suneater! So manly!” the redhead added, not so subtly checking him out. However, Tamaki’s stomach didn’t want to be left out and let out a mighty roar of hunger like a monster was clawing its way out. Both looked down at Tamaki’s flat stomach. Tamaki lowered his hood in embarrassment. “...Sorry... I didn’t get to eat.” This ended up being Tamaki’s famous last words.
Several hours later, after their shift was done, Tamaki groggily pulled himself into the locker room with a hiccup. It had been a slow day on patrol with Fat Gum and Kirishima had taken the opportunity to spill the beans that Tamaki was hungry. Not only that but Tamaki’s stomach agreed with the statement and let out a growl loud enough to even make Fat Gum worry. “Don’t worry there Suneater! We got you covered! You’re a growing boy, we’ll make sure you get plenty to eat!” Fat Gum said, slapping Tamaki on the back hard enough that he almost went flying. Kirishima was all smiles though there seemed to be a glint in his eyes that the anxiety ridden Tamaki worried meant something else, and he was right.
The pair had apparently made it their mission to feed Tamaki plate after plate of food at the local restaurants on patrol. Tamaki was pretty sure he had lost count as he just tried to keep up with everything that was shoved into his face. He knew there was more to it when he was full and trying to tell Fat Gum he had had enough, but Kirishima kept pushing for Tamaki to eat more. “You should have heard how loud his stomach was! It’s so manly, we got to make sure he eats just as manly an amount!” as he got Fat Gum to pay for another order.
But now the damage was done. Tamaki had had to undo his vest and utility belt to make room for his aching stomach, and was grateful for said vest and his hoodie to hide some of the damage the food had done to him while he was shoving food into his mouth. He just wanted to be done and home and rest off his protesting food baby that stretched the skin on his middle. His stomach was just as noisy as before but instead of growls of hunger, it was giving off sounds of protest. His stomach glorped and gurgled, with shifting food inside as it made its way down his digestive tract painfully obvious as he moved. He sat down with a huff and bent over to try to undo do his clothes in front of his locker. As he bent forward with a grunt, he burped unintentionally as he took off his robe then his tight fitting spandex pants that hugged his butt and legs and looped around the arch of his foot. His protesting and burbling stomach in his lap pressed down on his legs, making it painfully obvious just how round and bloated he really was.
Tamaki rubbed his belly to try to take the edge off or coddle it to let it know he was painfully aware of it’s protests. It wasn’t exactly his fault he ate so much. I mean it partly was because deep down he liked being full, bloated, heavy, and round; letting his inward gluttony come out. But he didn’t want it today! They just kept shoving food at him, especially Kirishima! Well at least that’s what he tried to say softly to his stomach as he worked up the courage to continue to change his clothes. Taking a deep but painful breath, thanks to his overly engorged middle, he took off his spandex shirt that had put in a good fight over his indulgence but had moved past being able to contain his bloated out abs completely and had ridden up to his stretched belly button. It was near hard as a rock before thanks to his training and now his middle was near hard as a rock from his eating. He grunted loudly as he pulled the shirt off over his chest and head and then pulled his arms out of the tight material.
Steeling himself once more, he grabbed his boxers and put them on, grunting again as he had to work around his bulging belly in his middle to slip his feet into the hole and then stand up. He was forced to have them low, under the swell of his belly. “One down…” he said with a huff, his dark bangs moving a bit out of his face from the puff of frustrated air. He tried to bent at his knees a bit to then grab his jeans and tried to balance as best he could to put on the jeans while standing since he was not eager to let his belly get in his way once again. He tried to use the side of the locker as a brace for balance and pull up the jeans and fit his feet through the holes. He let out a sigh that this procedure was substantially easier than putting his boxers on despite his lack of firm balance. He grunted again as he bent down to grab the waistline of the jeans to pull it up to his waist. The jeans always showed off his legs and butt, and had only gotten better at doing so thanks to Mirio’s constant training. He could feel them sliding over his muscular bubble butt. He felt relief like this eating adventure was almost over and he could go home and rest.
That is until he went to try to zip up the fly of his pants. His belly had grown enough aside from the first inch and half of his fly near his crotch and snatched waist that the two sides of the fabric refused to meet or be forced together, let alone their marriage at the button at the waistline. The blood drained from his face. Somehow despite having eaten himself to such a state before, it hadn’t occurred to him it would happen and he had tried so hard to prevent this from happening on his internship days. “Oh no, no, no, no…” he started to whimper to himself as he tried once again to zip up the remainder of his fly. He sucked his stomach in, much to it’s annoyance as he burped loudly at the pressure though it was directed at his muscular chest as he was quite focused on looking down even though he couldn’t see the results over his bloated belly. His stomach sloshed around hard as he sucked in again and then let it out. He sucked it in one more time getting up another inch or so of progress on the zipper but any progress he made was immediately lost and his zipper even conceded territory once he let out his inhaled breath and it almost looked like his stomach was even bigger than before.
He then made an ill-advised attempt to try to force his pants higher on his body by jumping up and down, his gut protesting at every shake. The firm and heavy organ seemed delayed as it moved up and down just a bit slower than the rest of Tamaki, making it slosh around like an overfilled barrel. He jumped and tried to pull the two sides of the zipper together at the same time as it only served to make the jeans ride up higher and hug his muscular ass even more. But as soon as he let go, the zipper would spread open like the parting of the Red Sea with his stretched pale flesh filling the gap almost immediately.
Tamaki gave up and sat down on the bench in a huff, dejected that he’d be forced to go home with his pants so exposed. Shirtless and with his belly in his lap he brought his head to his hands as he tried to think of something to do or at least get up the courage to finish dressing to then go out and face the world with his globe of a gut.
However, he never got prepared for that moment, for it was at that point that Kirishima opened the door to the locker room and found the bellied hero sitting there in anxiety ridden despair. “Dude! Look at that monster belly mound! You really do look like you ate the sun! That’s manly as hell,” he said, going up and rubbing Tamaki’s bloated and rounded abs with his hand and poked it to test that it was real. Tamaki let out a soft belch though was almost too dejected to worry about the intrusion of his personal space. “I...ate too much. Why did you keep having me eat?”
“Because you were hungry and you’re eating is crazy awesome and honestly kind of hot. Tell you what, we can get you some dessert on the way home, and I’ll help provide some cover for your belly by walking in front. Besides with your shirt on, I doubt anyone would even notice!” Kirishima said still more focused on Tamaki’s bloated belly than anything else.
“You’d do that for me?” Tamaki asked hopefully. “Sure!” Kirishima said, tossing Tamaki his shirt. “Though I got to say, you’re also looking pumped as hell. Those workouts are really paying off for you.” He commented while Tamaki put on his shirt and sweater and tried to cover most of his belly. It covered his opened pants but it was still very obvious that Tamaki was bloated as hell. Kirishima patted Tamaki hard on the back in a show of friendship but all that did was make Tamaki let out a belch that rattled them metal of all the lockers in the locker room. “Excuse me…” Tamaki croaked out as he wiped away some of the spittle that had come shooting out of his mouth thanks to the extra powerful belch.
“No worries dude! Now let’s think about what to get you for some dessert. By the way, just how much do you think you can fit in that thing? Something extra big?” Kirishima asked, trailing off as they left the agency locker rooms for their dorms, but still no doubt making some additional eating pit stops for them both along the way.
91 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 09:25:22 GMT
So about Tamaki in the S5 BNHA/MHA Premiere...
Look I realize that really was just Tamaki having a badly fitting sports top over his uniform, especially thanks to pockets but I mean come on!
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See the full post
96 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 09:06:11 GMT
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That second outfit was some inspiration but no longer fits at all
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Free! Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kirishima Natsuya/Matsuoka Rin, Matsuoka Rin/Food Characters: Matsuoka Rin, Kirishima Natsuya, Mikhail Makarovich Additional Tags: Belly Kink, Stuffing, Overeating, Burp Kink, Hiccups Summary:
Finally getting off his diet for a refeed and given license to pig out, Rin goes overboard after some nudging from Natsuya. Then still has to go to the gym.
Basically, I had an idea based on a silly image set based on a fat shark on twitter and ran with it for way more than I thought. 
106 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 01:39:52 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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saffronwritings · 4 years
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Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader
A/N: Hi uh I wasn’t expecting the response to my other posts and I guess I feel a bit more confident to post my stuff here now? Have this little drabble I wrote a while ago? Also I do not own the banner and if you want me to credit you let me know!! 
CW: none 
Kirishima and Kaminari had been talking together in the hallway for a minute. Usually they were sitting together with the rest of the Bakusquad during their lunch period. You were out in the hall with your other classmates from the General Studies class. There was no denying that you always had an eye for the electric spark that was Denki Kaminari. Your friends would endlessly tease you for your crush, even egging you on to confront the boy. However, with your shy demeanor and intimidation of the hero course, you kept the information far from their ears. The two of you kept sharing glances at one another which made your cheeks flush.
He kept catching you in the act of staring at him, which was hard for him to not smile when he did. The grin was tugging on his lips, but he refused to let you know acknowledged your stares. Kirishima had convinced Kaminari that you were into him even though at first, he didn’t see it. However, once his friend had mentioned your behaviors, he started to notice them over time. The way your cheeks would flush red when he caught you staring or putting your head down when you passed each other in the hallway.
“Earth to Y/N!” Your friend annoyingly announced trying to get you to pay attention to the conversation that was happening. Your cheeks proceeded to turn to the color of a tomato as your friends once again called you out for staring at your crush. “Oi Kaminari! If you’re going to distract my friend, do it properly!” She shouted towards the blonde across the way. That definitely got his attention and you immediately began to panic. You swatted your friends’ arm and starting to frantically whisper yell your frustrations at her.
What you didn’t expect was for Kaminari to boldly muster all of his confidence to stalk over to you and slam his hand next to your head. A yelp escaped your lips and you were forced to turn your head to meet his intense gold eyes. Your face darkened in shade when you noticed how close he was to you. His eyes bore into yours and you couldn’t bring yourself to break the eye contact. He lifted his other hand to grip your chin lightly, inching his face closer to yours. “I’m distracting you, am I?” He whispered, his lips practically ghosting yours. You could feel little shocks of electricity jump from his lips onto yours. Any semblance of forming words to respond to the blonde had vanished. He removed his hand gripping your chin and pulled something out of his pocket. He then moved away from you, grabbing your hand, and placing something in the middle of your palm.
“You should pay more attention to your friends, Y/N.” He muttered, winking at you as he kissed your hand. This sent tingles up your spine and you could feel the heat radiating off your body. With that, he swiftly turned around and headed back in the direction where Kirishima was standing. Even Kirishima had a look of surprise on his face with Kaminari’s bold actions. Your friends were still silent when Kirishima and Kaminari disappeared back into the lunchroom. You looked at the item he placed in your hand and noticed it was a piece of paper with his phone number written on it. You bit your bottom lip with a small smile forming on your face.
“Well then, anyway…” Your friend trailed off. However, needless to say, you were way more distracted than you were before that. Little did you know, that Kaminari was on the brink of short-circuiting during that whole escapade. He managed to hold himself together just long enough to express his growing feelings he had towards you. You had no idea the affect you had on the poor boy, but you were definitely excited to find out. 
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muwur · 4 years
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haikyuu x otome: masterlist |  prologue
» synopsis:  a haikyuu x reader au where you, the player, are bound for university in a metropolis several hours away from home. hope and excitement are replaced with dread as you come to realize that juggling life as a student and a part-time employee takes a toll. from demanding classes to a ruthless manager, life just can’t seem to give you a break. that is, until you meet a certain someone who reminds you how to live and follow your dreams. somehow, when you’re with them, time stands still. maybe things are finally starting to look up. if only you could stay in those moments for just a little longer. 
» disclaimer: i do not own haikyuu or any of the pixels in this post (i simply made collages out of them)
edit: it’s been brought to my attention that another HQ writer may have written something similar to this idea in the past and I was unaware. Though I haven’t seen this particular type of thing written yet, I don’t mean to claim this event idea as my own bc I feel a lot of events that ppl put up may have some overlapping themes n such (tho this idea would def be more specific and be cause for concern of plagiarism) and bc I would never want to steal ideas/not ask other writers first/not credit other writers (that’s not cool fam). If you have any issues with this event, pls bring them up w me, and if you know any other writers who’ve done smth similar, pls share w me their URLs! thank u for ur understanding :) I hope u can still enjoy haikyuu x otome :’)
» how to play:
I. you can refer here for the general rules of my blog. also, for this event (and it’ll say in the descriptions below), i’m only accepting one character per request. also the word count limits i wrote here may change as im getting started on actually writing requests lol
II. essentially a collection of x reader one-shots, drabbles, and smaus in which you are a busy college student whose only break seems to be spending time with friends who actually get you or the 15-minute lunch break during which you get to ignore annoying customers
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III. since this is otome-inspired, i have several options you can choose from. these options are essentially types of requests:
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» everyday is a new start 
» drabble about how you meet the character of your choice  
» it is not guaranteed y’all are gonna gel (get along) when you first meet,, warning: if the character is usually a bitch, i may write them as one LMAO jkjk but fr
» usually light, fluffy, and/or silly
» hmm tbh,,, idk word count,,, probs anywhere between 700-1k words (i edited this word count after writing my first thing bc HNNN)
» the only characters you can’t request this for is yamaguchi, tsukki n hinata,,, bc you meet them in the prologue AHAHA sry it’s nothing too spaicy since it’s just in the intro
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» it’s all in the little things
» one-shots about normal, daily interactions with the character of your choice
» in other words, these include what can go on in a day in the life of y/n and the character of your choice (after they’ve already met). in the city, the possibilities are endless
» give me a word (or several, cuz writing is hard lmao. also legit any word, like ‘orange’ or ‘nostalgia.’ i may choose only one or do a combination from your list :3) as a prompt and ill somehow make something of it lmao
» medium relationship development + exp
» 700-1.5k words
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» hmmm what should i get today?
» very short drabble with a character of your choice about various scenarios and thots i have in my head
» a complete surprise, totally random, may have no context
» may be serious, fluff, crack, etc. 
» if u choose this u basically told me ‘surprise me’
» 100-300 words, depends on my mood
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» when i see your name pop up on the screen, i can’t help but smile 
» short smau with a character of your choice 
» fluff or crack, ur choice or leave that up to me (if unspecified, ill just flip a coin)
» you can either give me a word(s) as a guide or leave the topic of convo up to me
» 2-4 panels
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» you’d be surprised how much can happen in a day 
» BMO has nothing to do with this, i just found a cute pixel of him
» spaicy relationship development, the scenes in which you actually make progress in the game
» one-shot with a character of your choice
» order from the following:
» macaron: when they realize they’ve fallen for you
» banana bread: when you realize you’ve fallen for them
» iced americano: when they feel a tinge of jealousy 
» hot chocolate: when they see you crying  
» matcha latte: when they have a longing to be around you
» cupcake: love confession (may be intentional or accidental)
» major relationship development + exp + sometimes confusion
» 1-2k words
» these will probs take me longer
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» all good things must come to an end
»  not as angsty as those bolded words above sound,,, unless you want it to be >:)
» drabble or one-shot with a character of your choice. the final interaction before finishing the game
» you have three options: good end (fluffy, romantic & the like), bad end (angst), or crack end (surprise)
» word count will be super variable, from 300-1.5k words
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IV. this forces me to write one-shots, drabbles, anything but hc’s, and also forces me to limit my word count. that said, this will take me a hot minute, y’all. word counts may change too bc i am,,, indecisive n untalented AHAHA
V. search for ‘haikyuu x otome,’ ‘haikyuu x otome special,’ ‘haikyuu x reader otome’ tags! i will tag each work under these c:
got it? have a request for me? send me an ask or submission! 
request example: ‘start new game with akaashi’ or ‘love challenge with yachi in the empty lecture hall at night’ or ‘continue story with noya. words: tired, mangoes, music’ 
feel free to ask me if ur confused about anything and have questions! thank you so much for reading <3 im excited for this heh
inspired by recent haikyuu otome teasers i keep seeing online and the fact that i dropped my summer class and am taking on personal projects (like painting my room LMAO i gotta manifest my inner buff daddee ushi to move shit in my room bc i kid u not everything is rlly heavy in here. and i also delved back into otomes on my phone,, does anyone else play midnight cinderella or mr love LOL talk 2 me)
haikyuu x otome masterlist
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tiltedmint · 4 years
Pairing: Kenma x reader
Genre: fluff!
>> In honor of my favorite Nekoma gamer boy’s birthday, enjoy this drabble I wrote after daydreaming about falling asleep with Kenma askljdas i love him
I don’t think I used any gendered pronouns, lmk if I did!
Kuroo wasn't exactly sure when the label of you and Kenma's relationship had shifted. Sure, he had seen you get closer physically to Kenma, but he just blamed that on your warm nature. He had received his own fair share of hugs and cuddles from you as they were a given in any friendship you had. However, you had never slipped your hand into his on a walk home from school as you did with Kenma one sunny evening. You had also never pecked him on the cheek as you moved to sit beside him during lunch. 
It had taken all of Kuroo's self control to stop himself from choking at the sight across the table from him. You easily slid into the seat next to Kenma and leaned over quickly to place your lips against his cheek. The gamer flushed pink of course and was a little shocked by your public display of affection, but his reaction was not severe enough for Kuroo to believe this was the first time you had kissed him. The move on your part was also practiced, not awkward or rushed. You had clearly done it before.
"Hey! Where's my kiss?" Kuroo had jokingly complained. 
You just laughed him off in favor of eating and Kenma didn't even spare a glance at his words. 
Kuroo had tried commenting on your hand-holding or snuggling or cheek kisses numerous times after his first observation, but neither you or Kenma had given him any straight or definitive answers. So he soon dropped it and chose to ignore the obvious signs that you two were definitely more than friends. You two seemed happy enough without the label.
Now, the atmosphere was cozy as the three of you lounged in Kenma’s bedroom after school. Kuroo chose to sit on the floor and focus on his work while you worked on the bed next to Kenma who was engrossed in yet another game on his Switch. You steadily worked at your last problem set until the final problem was solved. Shuffling the papers into a messy pile at the foot of the bed, you then moved closer to Kenma who leaned against the wall at the head of his bed. He only glanced at you quickly as you nudged his legs and made yourself comfortable between them.
With so much physical activity from volleyball, Kenma's stomach wasn't the softest, but it was comfortably warm against your cheek as you laid between his legs. Kenma didn't shift much from his previous lounging position. He only opened his legs a little wider to accommodate you and shifted his Switch higher up towards his face.
You let out a contented sigh and slowly dozed.
Kuroo had been engrossed enough in his schoolwork for the past half hour that he hadn't thought to look up at you and Kenma on the bed. But as he silently congratulated himself on a particularly hard problem, he happened to glance in your direction. The sight shocked him. You were peacefully asleep and Kenma had a contented look on his face, unbothered by your position on his stomach.
Kuroo felt a pang of sadness rush through at the progress you had made with your relationship with the introverted half blond in just a short year and half compared to his long years of hard work and determination. But the pang was short lived as it was followed by a spark of hope. Hope for Kenma and for himself. 
He could see the impact you had on his best friend over the past year and hoped you would continue to help the boy come out of his shell. After all, Kuroo was graduating soon and he considered you capable hands to leave Kenma in. 
The spark of hope for himself came from the fact that, no matter how begrudgingly, he had to admit that you were such a perfect match for his best friend. He hoped that one day, he would find someone as perfect for him as you were for Kenma. His constant observing of the two of you each day convinced him that soulmates existed more and more. 
>> in conclusion, I <3 Kenma :)) 
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ghostiesblog · 3 years
happy 100 followers!!!!!!!!! could you write a small flarrie secret admirer drabble? if not that’s totally ok!! congrats again!!!
Thank you anon!!! This is NOT a small drabble lmao I have no concept of doing anything in moderation. Might even edit it a bit in a while and post it on ao3. Thank you for the awesome prompt. Here ya go:
I'm not magical, I can't read your mind
Pairings: Flarrie | Warnings: none
There’s a rose on Flynn’s desk. There’s a rose on Flynn’s desk. And she has no idea who put it there.
Well- she does know who put it there, she knows that it’s Nick’s job this year to distribute the Valentine’s Day roses and messages, a school tradition that Flynn normally despises and mocks to no end. But someone must have bought the rose, addressed it to her and handed it in and Flynn absolutely cannot fathom who would do that for her.
Definitely not the person she wishes this was from. But now is not the time to think about that.
Almost frantically, she scans the rose for an attached message, or at least an indication about who the sender is.
Nothing. In fact, it looks like the cardboard tag has been ripped off, leaving only the corner with her own name, attached to a piece of string.
“Ooh”, Julie says, waggling her eyebrows, when she spots Flynn puzzling over her flower. “Who’s this from?”
“No idea”, Flynn says, dragging her thumb across the jagged edges of the destroyed tag. “No idea…”
Later in the hallway, Flynn tries her best to stealthily transfer the rose from her backpack into her locker. She fails, obviously, because she when she looks around she catches Carrie blatantly staring at her from a few feet away.
“What?” she snaps, irritably. Yes, Carrie has very clearly been trying to be nicer to both her and Julie, but Flynn is still weary of this new found peace.
She also might be a bit annoyed simply because she got a rose and it isn’t from Carrie.
Immediately, something in Carrie’s posture changes and her face scrunches up.
“Nothing”, she says. “Just wondering who’s stupid enough to send you a rose.”
Flynn feels like she’s been punched in the chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” she says incredulously.
“Don’t you hate valentine’s day?” Carrie asks and now Flynn is just confused. Why does she still remember that?
“It’s anonymously”, Julie chimes in unhelpfully. “From a secret admirer”
She sings those last words teasingly, like she’s done all the way through English lesson. Like she has any room to talk with the songs Luke and her write about each other on the daily.
Carrie raises an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed.
“Someone sent you a rose and didn’t even write their name? That’s so stupid.”
“It’s not-“, Flynn starts and then breaks off. Why does she suddenly feel defensive over this anonymous sender?
“Sounds like a coward to me”, Carrie says with a sickly sweet smile before turning away. “See you in music”, she calls and disappears down the hallway.
“What has made her revert back to demon today?” Julie says, sounding as confused as Flynn feels.
Flynn doesn’t expect any follow up after the rose on Valentine’s Day. It has been fun coming up with more and more wild theories with Julie and the band (the latest being that it’s a ghost who has fallen for Flynn when they saw her setting up the lightshow at the Orpheum), but to Flynn at least it is clear that that was the end of it.
So when she finds a small envelope on her desk the next morning, it takes her a bit to figure out what’s happening here.
Inside, she finds a small piece of paper with, curiously enough, words clearly written by a real typewriter on it.
To: Flynn
I’m sorry I’m a mess,
But you simply make me speechless.
I couldn’t let you go without a note,
After I trashed the first one I wrote,
So let me just say, though this is nothing new,
I seem to have hopelessly fallen for you.
When Carrie catches Julie and Flynn pouring over the poem during lunch while walking past their table, she scoffs.
“A bit cliché, don’t you think?”
Flynn scowls and hides the note with her hand. “Go away Carrie”
“The meter’s off”, Carrie says haughtily before stalking off.
“How did she spot that so fast?” Julie exclaims incredulously.
The next note shows up in Flynn’s bag while she’s working on a Spanish presentation with Nick and Carrie.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I like your music,
And your rapping too
“Now that’s just tacky”, Carrie says, while spying over Flynn’s shoulder.
Flynn rolls her eyes.
No poem today, just wanted to say that your smile made my day.
“They’re not even trying anymore, are they?” Carrie mocks.
With your gentle soul and your kind eyes,
You chase away the clouds in the skies,
Never met a person, so loyal and strong
And anyone who had you, would be a lucky one.
“Skies? This sounds ridiculous!”
Flynn curses the fact that Carrie keeps seeing these.
I’d write you a song, but no melody is beautiful enough to fit you.
Even Julie calls that one cheesy but for once, even though she sits right there with them, Carrie has nothing to say.
Flynn looks on confused while Carrie scribbles into her notebook with a pinched expression on her face, pen gripped so tightly that it looks like it might break any second.
“She needs to finish this new Dirty Candy song by tomorrow”, Nick explains.
“Yeah and I hate everything I write the second it’s on the page!” Carrie growls, clearly completely lost in whatever she’s dealing with.
I try to tell you every day,
But you just take my breath away
These rhymes seem silly and never enough
Forgive me, I am blinded by love
“Coming on a bit strong there.”
And she’s back.
Hi Flynn,
I think I’m giving up on the rhyming- It’s a bit strange, isn’t it? Also I swear I’m not a stalker! Just a girl who likes you a lot and is too scared to tell you.
You looked so pretty at the dance yesterday, and you were awesome as a DJ- you always are.
“Surely you must be fed up with this nonsense by now?” Carrie asks, when Flynn passes her on her way out of the classroom, the newest note folded neatly in her hand.
The thing is- Flynn is annoyed. But not exactly by the letters. Her secret admirer is sweet and earnest, seems to love music as much as Flynn and all of her friends do and the little poems always brighten her day.
What’s annoying is that she still can’t figure out who this mysterious person with a crush on her is. And that the person she wishes it was is intend on mocking the whole thing to the best of her abilities.
Every time a new note shows up, Carrie is there, ready to tear it into pieces with pointed words and vicious critiques.
Flynn tries to not let it affect her too much. Otherwise, Carrie has been perfectly civil, friendly even and it feels like a bit of their old friendship is restoring, slowly, piece by piece. And what she says about the letters is mostly directed at this person that none of them really know, not at Flynn herself.
It still feels personal, somehow.
I had a bad day today, but you were really nice to me. It made it all a bit better. Thank you.
It’s when Carrie one day snatches one of the notes right out of Flynn’s hand to call it “embarrassing”, “awkward” and “clumsy”, that something in her just snaps.
“You know what Carrie”, she says, loudly, almost shouting it even, “can you, for once, just keep your unnecessary comments to yourself?”
Almost immediately, Carrie’s arrogant smile falls and Flynn uses the moment of surprise to steal back her piece of paper.
“You’ve been so mean to this person. I don’t know what your issue is here but I need you to back off on the attitude. I might not know who this is from, so I don’t even know if I like whoever is writing these but I like the letters.”
Carrie looks absolutely shocked, completely frozen in place, her jaw clenched tightly. Good.
“Yes, they might not be perfect”, Flynn barrels on, “but they’re honest, and raw and so, so kind and I can tell that they come from the heart and isn’t that the most important thing?!”
Without waiting for an answer, Flynn picks up her bag that she leaned against the lockers when she discovered the note and brushes past Carrie. She knows she’s a bit too worked up, but it has been a trying week.
Only a few moments later she realizes that she saw tears forming in Carrie’s eyes.
In Spanish class, Flynn notices the glaring absence of Carrie in the seat in front of her and a little bit of guilt starts building up inside of her. She has no idea what’s going on, but something clearly is up so after their teacher finally lets them go, Flynn goes on to try and find Carrie.
The music room is one of the first places Flynn thinks of and sure enough, she can hear gentle piano notes and Carrie’s voice singing very quietly drifting through the slightly cracked door.
Before barging in, Flynn stops short when she recognizes parts of the lyrics. Is that- one of the poems she received only a week ago?
Slowly, she tiptoes into the room. What she sees is Carrie, cross-legged at the piano, bent over her notebook full of scribbles that she’s clearly reading from and that somehow contain parts of the poetry that has been a big mystery to Flynn and all of her friends for so long. Just now Carrie’s singing the words that are undeniable not just poems, but song lyrics, and she has added onto them and-
Flynn doesn’t understand anything anymore.
“Carrie!” she says, before she can stop herself. Carrie flinches and bolts away from the piano, the chair clattering down to the floor in the process.
“Flynn”, she breathes, looking terrified.
“I-“, Flynn stutters, “What’s going on? Is this some kind of prank?” She doesn’t think she could take that.
“No!” Carrie yells and immediately winces at her volume. “No, I would never do that to you”
“Then why-“, Flynn is getting more confused every second, “you wrote those? I thought you hated- the notes, I though you hated the notes”
To her horror, Carrie is now actually crying.
“I do hate the notes, I mean I feel so stupid, you hate Valentine’s Day and then I send you a rose, but I just- I like so much and I didn’t know what to do and I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t and then I wrote you those notes but they always sounded so stupid to me”
Carrie is full on panic rambling now and Flynn is barely processing all this new information that is thrown at her.
“I just couldn’t stop myself and then you said you actually like the notes? But I know you’d never like me, as a person, I mean I am awesome as a performer but horrible as a friend, let alone as a girlfriend and-“
“Carrie-“, Flynn tries to intersect, “Carrie!”
Carrie stops and finally looks at her, wide eyed.
“I do like you, as a person”, Flynn says. Her heart is beating out of her chest but she is not letting this go.
“I- what?” Carrie looks as confused as Flynn felt just a minute ago. “You do?”
“Yes”, Flynn says and now she can’t stop the smile on her face, “I really like you. Actually, I always wished those notes were from you.”
Carrie blinks. “You. Okay. Okay. Um- I really didn’t-“
Flynn laughs. “Deep Breaths Carrie.”
“I don’t really know what to do with this now, I’m not good at all this”, Carrie says, waving her hands around but she’s smiling too now, wider with every moment.
“How about a date? Milkshakes?” Flynn asks and she doesn’t even feel afraid anymore.
“Yes”, Carrie says, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “I’d love that.”
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