#short fin mako
sharkboy-starmites · 8 months
Starmites and the kinds of sharks I think they'd be. Sometimes explanations are given.
Milady: leopard shark (the ground shark one, not the carpet shark)
Spacepunk: whale shark. Friend shaped.
Ack ack: shortfin mako. They look like they would have the same attitude.
S'up s'up: blue shark. He's blue.
Diggety: coral catshark. Just vibes.
Diva: great white. Great white have diva vibes and vice versa.
Bizarbara: angular roughshark. It looks scared.
All banshees: horn sharks or carpet sharks. I know this is really broad but shhhh. Shotzi specifically is a zebra shark.
Trinkulus: gulper shark. They're kinda ugly, but in a endearing way. (I can't think any shark is ugly they're all perfect okay)
Shak graa: giant guitarfish. OKAY this one is actually part of the rays and skates BUT it's a guitar. The cruelty!
Oragala: megalodon. I don't actually remember why this is it. Probably because it's extinct and oragala is a god? Kinda the same idk.
Mother/father: porbeagal shark. It looks like the guy who was father in the show I was in. @daweirdo-applhead. You but a shark.
Anyway, I'm a nerd.
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amemlususnaturae · 1 year
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pleistocene-pride · 11 months
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The shortfin mako shark also know as the blue pointer or bonito shark is a large mackerel shark of the genus isurus. The word "Mako" comes from the Māori language, meaning sharp tooth. The shortfin mako inhabits offshore temperate and tropical seas worldwide typically far from mainland coasts, it is a pelagic species which regularly dives to depths of 500ft. They are warm blooded endothermic predators and the fastest sharks alive today capable of reaching up to 45 mph in there pursuit of prey such as cephalopods, mackerels, tunas, bonitos, swordfish, other sharks, porpoises, sea turtles, sea birds, and dolphins. The shortfin mako is a sexually dimorphic species with males averaging around 8.5-10.5ft (2.5- 3.2m) in length and 130- 310lbs (60 -140kg) in weight while mature females reach upwards of 12ft (3.8m) and 1,200lbs (550kg).  They sport a cylindrical shaped body with a vertically elongated tail. They exhibit countershading, with brilliant metallic blue coloration dorsally and white ventrally. The line of demarcation between blue and white on the body is distinct. The underside of the snout and the area around the mouth are white. The juvenile mako differs in that it has a clear blackish stain on the tip of the snout. They are a polyandrous, ovoviviparous species with mothers giving birth to 4 to 18 live pups after a 15-18 month gestation. Males reach sexual maturity sooner at around 7-9 years compared to females at 19-21. Under ideal conditions a shortfin mako shark may live upwards of 30 years.
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dizzy-n-busy · 1 month
All the boys w/ their partners but make them fishes? (Art beneath the line break + hard launching my listener designs at you/lh)
Boy Toys/j
Charlie - Watchman Goby
Finn - Squid
Lucien - Bull Shark
Alphonse - Great White Shark
Seth - Short-fin Mako Shark
Auron - False Killer Whale
Faust - Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Jack - Wahoo
Boo - Manta Ray
Angel - Angel Shark
Sunflower - Dolphin
Casper - Pistol Shrimp
Rook - Beluga Whale
Starlight - Nurse Shark
Bestie - Blue Shark
fun facts; Pistol Shrimp’s and Watchman Goby’s rely on each other due to the fact that Pistol Shrimp’s are practically blind and Goby’s can’t fight — Sharks eat Squids — and False Killer Whales merge in small groups of those trusted ^^
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cuddly-princess · 9 months
The fastest shark is the short-fin mako shark, and it can swim up to 65 miles per hour (104.6 kilometers per hour)
That's really fast right?!
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skyf0ckz · 2 months
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Working on a piece for mermay! So here's a quick Mermaid Johnny <3 he's a short fin mako shark
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dragonthunders01 · 9 months
Spectember D14: The Future
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Has been 200 million years since life on earth changed, a destructive astronomical event wiped out most of the surface life, leaving only the deep-water fauna almost untouched, and they have tried to recolonize the surface little by little, many squids, arthropods, bony fishes and also a very ancient group of vertebrates that passed this cataclysm, sharks.
Sharks have had a constant story of survival over the last 200 million years since they evolved, passing the KPg with ease, and counting back their oldest relatives that had similar body forms, that gives another 200 million years. Although people often want to remark they are sort of “living fossils” that’s just relative superficial as many groups that came before always had peculiar and unique anatomies for being of different groups, and now with the extinction of the surface-dwelling species like lamniform, there would be another wave of new differently forms, preserving some features of their predecessors but changed for the anatomical differences of other groups.
These are the Damselsharks, descendant of lantern sharks (Squaliformes, Etmopteridae) that took over the surface and diversified, sort of adopted a shape similar to the extinct  Lamniformes and so had to adjust some of their anatomy to make it fit to the pelagic predatory role in the ocean, with a drop shaped body and a tall head, very big eyes result of their still prevailing deep water behavior, as well prominent pectoral fins that resemble the ones of a mako shark, short dorsal, pelvic and anal fins and a well developed C shaped heterocercal tail. Their jaws remain similar to their ancestors in articulation and position, but adjusted to tear and cut meat with new types of dentitions depending of their prey.
Many species have lost their bioluminescence but others preserved it, even further developing certain communication behavior that can help them to coordinate whole groups while hunting, which one of the most impressive examples as well the largest species of this family, the Shakopath, a 4 meter long species with characteristic bioluminescent arrangement around the belly and different sized long spots around the pelvic region, they swim in large groups of 20 individuals, patrolling the surface for any potential prey, either large squids that camouflage with their environment and often compete for food or can hunt one of these sharks in an ambush; although also they can preffer fishes that swim or fly over the water, many of the pelagic species crustaceans and even other species of sharks which are also long distant relatives of the Damnselsharks.
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So one of Shark Faunus Jaune sister's is a blonde Meroune from Monster Musume
(Change the pink to a Sandy-Blonde, and Indeed you Do!)
{Also Manako and Rachnera best girls. Don't @ me.}
RWBYJNPR are Visiting Jaune's Home
Nora: I didn't know you had an Indoor Pool!
Jaune: That would be My Oldest sister's Room. Her name is Anna.
Weiss: Why Does she need a Pool in her room?
Jaune: This is why.
Something Breaches the Surface of the Pool at terrifying speeds, aiming right for Jaune.
Jaune: *Lifting Anna* HI- Anna! HAH! caught you! This Time!
Anna: Hello Little Brother~ Beacon and granted you evermore strength than Working in the orchards, Hmm?
Anna-Ranth Arc. The eldest Sister of the Arcs. Her Faunus Trait Makes her effectively a Mermaid, the Tail of a Short-fin Mako in place of her legs. She wears a warm red-pink skirt, with what seems to be a similarly colored one-piece swimsuit. Her hair is mostly Sandy-Blond with red highlights.
Jaune: Yep! I gotta set you down now! I'll go grab your chair! *He tosses her to his side. She seems unfazed by it*
Anna: So~ All of you are the ones who Convinced my Baby Brother to stay away so long?
Ruby: Well, He ran away first! We've just been Keeping him Occupied.
Pyrrha: Yes. I have been Doing what I can to give him the skills a proper Huntsman Needs.
Anna: That's all well and Good~ Now just what do you think of My Dearest Brother~?
Ruby: He was my first friend at Beacon! We'd follow each other to the ends of Remnant!
Blake: He's been the doofus he's always been. Same goes for his Kindness.
Yang: He's cool enough. For a dork.
Pyrrha: He was the first person to see me for me, not the four-time tournament champion.
Ren: He is a dear Friend. He's practically a Brother I never had.
Nora: He's our fearless Leader! I'd break Anyone's legs if he asked!
Nora: I wish he would ask me to break someone's legs.
Anna: ...
Anna: And what of you, Schnee?
Weiss: He's ... I did not like him at first. But I've recently realized he has ... Certain qualities that make him a good friend.
R-BY-NPR: ...
Yang: Wow. That's the biggest Compliment She's ever given him.
Anna: ... Oh! I see now!
Ruby: *Whispering* What does she see? She's had her eyes closed this whole time?
Yang: She's using it as an expression.
Anna: You're in love with My Jaune-Jaune!
Pyrrha: WHAT!
Weiss: W-What do you mean?
Anna: Oh! How Beautiful! How Tragic! A Schnee and a Faunus! And not just any Faunus, but an Arc~! Forever separated by familial Values~
Anna: Unless They can forgo all they've learned, and trust each other~ Or perhaps it will end as Romia and Julius, dying for their love of one another, unable to stand the Separation~
Anna: *glaring at Weiss* Don't let it end up like Romia and Julius or I'll bring back to life to kill you again.
Weiss: ʸᵉˢ ᵐᵃ'ᵃᵐᵎ
Jaune: Hey Guys! Sorry I took so long! Her chair was all tangled up. She wasn't too intense for you, right guys?
Anna: *Back to normal, hauling herself into a wheelchair* Of course I wasn't~ For what purpose would I have to be nothing but courteous to your friends~? *They leave the room*
Blake: ... Was it just me, or did she get super hot when she did that?
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bugbxyjunk · 4 months
i cant sleep tell me bout them sharks
bull sharks can live in freshwater
whale sharks are the biggest shark currently alive (the georgia aquarium has 2 rescues!)
Greenland sharks got piss in ther flesh (also the slowest sharg)
Sharks and ratfish/all their silly group have been alive for over 400 million years (older than trees)
Sharks often dream of being 5 star chefs
There are nurse shark sanctuaries and u can swim with them!!
Sharks dont have bones (they gots cartilage)
Short Fin Mako sharks are the fastest sharks
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loveofbots · 1 year
I love the way you write misfire so much!!!! I think short fin mako! Misfire is literally perfect for him. Like I'm imaging him accidentally getting stuck on the deck of your boat out at sea.
Also my brain is empty only thinking about giving merformer! Misfire an energy drink for the first time. You let him have ONE sip of your monster and he chugs half the can in one gulp and makes it EVERYONES problem.
The first time you meet the captain of the scavengers is because he begged you to "never do what you did again. I don't know what kind of fish you gave him, or special bubbly land water you put in his mouth, but NEVER do it again. He was like a dolphin after playing volleyball with a puffer fish."
((also on the topic of merformers thinking about Megalodon! Grimlock and banana eel!Spinster.))
maybe the scavengers help fight pollution efforts by picking up litter off the bottom of the ocean. That's how the meet reader!!! Who's diving to pick up litter and nets and fish lines.
Misfire, the precious little boy, the ultimate baby girl, thinks reader WANTS these strange items and gives them to them as courting gifts but reader is OBLIVIOUS to his intentions.
He's the orange cat of the ocean.
Anyway I just thought I'd share my thoughts maybe they'd make you laugh or something
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Also I’m questioning if you did this because moray’s look constantly astonished by something
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I like that you gave Grimlock the prehistoric shark! I think Megalodon fits his dino ass well.
Scavengers being scavengers and in the process cleaning up the ocean, what a way to get along well with the reader!! This also may mean they have a little mermaid type of misconception about the land world, thinking forks are combs and stuff like that. Instead of the W.A.P. Being a ship of some sort, it could be like a home cave for them. Also nickel is a shrimp. They are sassy and clean creatures that deserve the world.
Also I’m making Crankcase a stone fish for no other reason than the fact they look like this:
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Grumpy ass mf
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what kind of shark is flattering to send to someone?
a card shark!
“I caught you in the act, Alastor! Thankfully for you, I couldn’t care less. Onto the shark facts!”
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“1. Fastest Swimmers: The shortfin mako shark is the fastest shark, capable of swimming at speeds up to 60 miles per hour (97 kilometers per hour). Its streamlined body and powerful tail enable these bursts of speed.
2. Cruising Speed: Many sharks swim at a steady cruising speed of about 1.5 to 5 miles per hour (2.4 to 8 kilometers per hour) when not hunting or evading threats. This allows them to conserve energy over long distances.
3. Burst Speed: When attacking prey, several shark species can accelerate rapidly. For example, the great white shark can reach speeds of 25 miles per hour (40 kilometers per hour) during a predatory strike.
4. Swimming Endurance: Sharks like the blue shark are known for their long-distance migrations, often traveling thousands of miles across oceans. Their efficient swimming abilities help them cover vast distances without expending excessive energy.
5. Tail Shape: The shape of a shark's tail (caudal fin) greatly influences its swimming speed and style. Sharks with crescent-shaped tails, like the mako and great white sharks, are built for speed and quick bursts.
6. Body Design: A shark's fusiform (spindle-shaped) body reduces drag and allows for streamlined swimming. This design is ideal for both sustained cruising and sudden accelerations.
7. Pectoral Fins: Sharks use their pectoral fins to steer and maintain stability in the water. Unlike bony fish, sharks don't have swim bladders, so their fins and liver play a crucial role in buoyancy control.
8. Osmoregulation: Sharks maintain buoyancy and manage salt balance through a process called osmoregulation. Their bodies retain urea, making them less dense than the surrounding seawater, aiding in buoyancy.
9. Endothermy: Some sharks, like the great white and mako sharks, are partially endothermic, meaning they can regulate their body temperature. This adaptation allows their muscles to work more efficiently, contributing to their speed and stamina.
10. Muscle Composition: Sharks have red and white muscle fibers. Red muscles are used for continuous, long-distance swimming, while white muscles are used for short bursts of speed.
11. Hydrodynamic Scales: Sharks' skin is covered with tiny, tooth-like structures called dermal denticles, which reduce water resistance and turbulence, allowing them to swim more efficiently.
12. Breaching Behavior: Some sharks, like the great white, can leap out of the water, a behavior known as breaching. This dramatic display is often part of their hunting strategy, using speed and power to catch prey.
These facts highlight the remarkable adaptations that allow sharks to be efficient and powerful swimmers, capable of both sustained travel and rapid bursts of speed when needed. They’d make very good mailfish.”
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death-mothblog · 8 months
Could you ✨pretty please✨ make a post about shortfin mako sharks?
Of course it's my pleasure 😊💕
So here you go
Shortfin mako shark
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☆๑.*・。゚The shortfin mako shark is a large, predatory shark that lives in the open ocean and reaches lengths of 12 feet (3.8 m) and weights of at least 1200 pounds (545 kg). With top speeds of 45 miles per hour (74 kilometers per hour), the shortfin mako is the fastest shark and is one of the fastest fishes on the planet. This species’ athleticism is not restricted to its swimming speeds. It is known for its incredible leaping ability and can be observed jumping to extreme heights (out of the water) when hunting☆๑.*・。゚
Fun fact:
Shortfin mako shark can reach speeds of at least 31 mph.
☆๑.*・。゚The shortfin mako is built for speed. Its body has a streamlined, bullet-like shape that minimizes water resistance, and its pectoral and dorsal fins are rather short, so they don’t create much drag—all features that combine to allow the sharks to slice through the ocean with ease. The scales behind the gills and along its sides are flexible; they can bristle upwards at an angle of over 60 degrees, and there’s some evidence to indicate that shortfin makos use these scales to manipulate the flow of water around their bodies, reducing drag still further. These adaptations help the shortfin mako reach speeds of at least 31 mph. Unverified estimates put the top speed of adult shortfin makos at 45 mph or more, and a juvenile shark was once estimated at 60 mph☆๑.*・。゚
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johtodoll · 1 month
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Mermay day 16: Short Fin Mako
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pleistocene-pride · 2 months
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Happy Earth Day. Xiphias gladius, better known as the swordfish or the broadbill, is a species of large predatory fish, and the sole living member of there family Xiphiidae. These fish can be found throughout the atlantic, pacific, and Indian oceans from the surface to depths up to 9,442ft (2,878m). This highly migratory species typically moves towards colder regions during the summer and warmer regions during the winter, feeding upon a wide range of pelagic fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Swordfish are not a schooling fish and often travel alone or in loose congregations, they may cruise at some 22mph (36km/h) and rely on there speed to catch prey, reaching up to 60mph (100km/h) in short bursts. Contrary to popular legend they do not stab there prey but rather slash at it with there sword. Swordfish are themselves occasionally preyed upon by killer whales, pilot whales, shortfin mako sharks, and possibly giant squid. Reaching around 10 to 15ft (3 to 4.55m) in length and 500 to 1,500lbs (230 to 680kgs) in weight, with female swordfish are slightly larger than males, they sport elongated and rounded bodies with tall fins and a distinctive sword like bill. Swordfish first hatch with scales and teeth but end up loosing both by adulthood. The breeding season varies according to the location, typically occurring in spring and summer in temperate zones and year round in tropical climates. During spawning a single female swordfish may lay 1 to 29 million eggs. Under ideal conditions a sword fish may reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 years of age and live up to 16.
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bam-stroker · 9 months
Fanfic masterpost
MISC. Fanfic
-AO3 only for users with accounts-
I’m Dying (Whirl was in fact NOT dying) NSFW 18+
Cyclonus/Tailgate/Whirl (Transformers)
Transformative SFW
Pacific Rim - what if Mako was nonbinary?
DCA Fanfic
Rest Stop In The Stars SFW
Hot sauce on the side NSFW 18+ taken out of main story
Tags: #rest stop in the stars #celestialgirlfriends #celestialboyfriends
-AO3 only for users with accounts-
Fins, Mermay 1 shot SFW
Tags: #mermay
Rock Around The Clock NSFW 18+ (COMPLETED)
B-Side Tracks, is where I post drabbles outside of the main story
Tags: #rock around the clock
Other AU's
I've written some short drabbles for @betweenblackberrybranches RLGL AU so here those are as well!
New Same SFW, Moon and Sun realizing their feelings for each other
Amphibious SFW, Silly movie night shenanigans
Stuck In The Middle With You SFW, An awkward work mishap
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cedarpawz · 4 months
Heyyooo can I get a short fin mako shark mood board plllsss
If requests arent open ignore this until.they r
sorry it's taken me forever to get around to this!! life has been pretty shitty these last few months. if you're still interested, was there a particular aesthetic or anything you wanted ?
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