#sign in device
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Valkyrie is a complete PR nightmare. I know it, in my heart.
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k9emote · 2 months
question!! i see you mentioning AAC on a few posts, what does that mean? is it a form of communication?
TERM: AAC stands for Augmentative & Alternative Communication. This terms includes ANY form of communication that isn't simple verbal speaking
FORMS: Some use devices where they press buttons or type something out and it says it out loud for them, some write on paper, and some use sign language (Us!!!)
these ^^^ are only a few examples !
Most commonly the people who use AAC are those who struggle with any form of expression or speaking. This could be medically mute, selectively mute, autistic, overstimulated individuals, anyone ! AAC is for anybody who wants/needs a different form of communication. 🤍
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studying at my colleges library and looked to the right and realized i was sitting right across from their infernal devices on display. love spotting them in the wild
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essektheylyss · 5 months
we're all checking what cookies a site is trying to include when it gives you the pop-up encouraging you to "accept all" cookies, right? that's a thing people are doing? because dear sweet fucking jesus some of the things they stick into that list blatantly are.... absolutely absurd. I don't even care if you're still accepting them after you read through the list if that's what you wanna do but at least KNOW what you're allowing. holy fuck.
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catboygirlboss · 9 months
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i was struck with inspiration
forgive me as im not the most knowledgeable on torture devices, but i did do my research! i tried anyway lol
and there was a thought process behind most of these placements. i hope the taurus brazen bull doesn’t need explained lmao
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ayyyyy the battery i *accidentally* stole from school still spicy when i lick it <333
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clownrecess · 1 year
Everyone deserves a comfortable way to communicate. If oral speech is the most comfortable for you to use, use it. If high tech AAC is the most comfortable for you to use, use it. If low tech AAC is the most comfortable for you to use, use it. If sign is the most comfortable for you to use, use it. If you prefer communicating in a different way, use that.
You are not a burden, or annoying, or anything else for having different communication needs.
Your words are beautiful, and I love them.
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tarmac-rat · 6 months
Bitches really will disobey direct military orders to stand down amid the signing of a peace treaty in favor of setting up a corrupt black market smuggling ring deep in the heart of the free state of California, becoming unfathomably rich while at the same time sitting on a literal ticking time bomb that could spell the political end to the New United States of America as we know it, and will then say "can't help being a Virgo >:3".
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bitchmael · 25 days
my most correct & controversial black sails opinion is that nothing happened to silver before the show. the unending horrors aren't real, he's not running from anything. bc he isn't a person. he's a name without a story attached to it, an empty signifier. a sign with nothing behind it. john silver exists as long as and only as long as he's in a story, and he has no story to tell about his life before he stabbed that cook, because there isn't one.
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
'live up to your name' au where og knight of blood and iron javier gets "killed" in the middle of the plot but instead of dying he's transported to modern south korea, waking up in a random alleyway with no injuries whatsoever. and because he's a protagonist no matter what universe he is in, despite being deeply disoriented and confused when he sees a group of thugs harassing a guy he steps in and chases them off with no problem and barely any mention of cutting off limbs. and then after making sure the guy is okay he very sheepishly asks him if he could please help him because he was lost and had no idea of where he was or how he got there
and kim suho who just saw a gorgeous but obviously foreign stranger in awesome cosplay chase off his would be muggers with what looked like a real ass sword and is currently high and smitten in "oh thank god i didn't get my week's work salary stolen" endorphins and is about to have the weirdest week of his life innocently says "yes of course"
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burstfoot · 8 months
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octoooo · 8 months
My laptop is having a crisis so have some phone doodles
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Sabibun laying under Catyuu is inspired by this post
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sophsicle · 1 year
Is wolfstar in a 'not talking to each other' phase rn? And if yes will it stay like this for a long time??😭😭😭 (my heart just broke i need some hope)
i mean
they live together so
they cannot simply avoid one another
at least not for long . . .
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canopicfemme · 2 years
the whole choir learns sign language to be able to communicate with ricky. mischa picks it up the quickest and for a while he and ricky had inside jokes that they’d sign to each-other all the time. the rest of the choir is convinced that the ricky & mischa sometimes make fun of them in sign language.
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years
how to aid people with hearing loss 💛
hi friends 💛 earlier this year, it was confirmed that I have a genetic condition that I inherited called Otosclerosis. it's a type of bone deformity that affects the way sound enters your ear, leading to hearing loss. now, I've had hearing aids for about 4 months and they've greatly changed my life. so, i wanted to offer some tips about ways you can make the lives of hearing impaired people easier, or even just what we find hurtful/painful to hear (haha that's ironic)
the list might get long, so info is under the cut :)
depending on the environment, we can't "keep it down". at work, with hearing aids in, and especially without them in, I'd often have to ask people to speak up. the same goes for if I am at home and someone is speaking to me in a different room. if you ask someone with a hearing impairment to "keep it down", chances are they can't or else they will be unable to hear. instead, why not offer a more private space where it will not only be easier for them to hear, but it will also be an environment where they won't disturb others.
depending on the hearing aids you own, you can't use headphones all the time. my hearing aids are in-ear, meaning the headphones I have cannot be used at the same time. additionally, with hearing aids in, if you use over-ear headphones, it can push your headphones deeper into your ear and cause aching and pain.
hearing aids are expensive. we don't get them if we don't need them. my hearing aids cost over 4 thousand dollars. i was 23 when I needed to purchase them. that was with a discount due to an insurance provider. my workplace, at the time, did not offer me insurance. this was only due to an external insurance provider I purchased knowing I would need insurance.
being young and having hearing aids is normal. do not claim that a young adult/teen/child with hearing aids is overdramatic, lying, or seeking attention. they are so expensive, painful, and uncomfortable to explain that I can assure you that no young person wants to go through it.
if you have a genetic hearing condition, it may not show up until later in life. that doesn't mean it isn't genetic. around the age of 24 is the most common age range for Otosclerosis to become present in patients.
even if hearing loss isn't genetic, don't blame the individual for their hearing loss. it probably is not a result of "listening to loud music" or "going to concerts". often times, it's several underlying factors, and blaming someone for their disability is really upsetting to someone as, I can promise you, they don't want to have it either and feel enough shame, difficulty, and guilt over it.
if someone with a hearing impairment asks you to repeat something several times, please don't get mean. we legit can't hear you. just try leaning in and speaking up. I swear to god we're trying and it's insanely embarrassing for us to even need to ask.
please be patient. we're just trying to navigate a disability in this life. :')
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someexistite · 25 days
MUTCD Compliance in Need For Speed Rivals
Released in 2013, Need For Speed Rivals is one of the Need For Speed games of all time. Being a racing game, the roads are a big part of the game. But, how well do those roads hold up to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)?
I decided to answer this question because no one else cares enough to. This long, grueling process took over two weeks because I didn't feel like writing this Tumblr post for two weeks.
Let's start where I began.
Why is "valley" not capitalized? How did no one catch this mistake at the sign making shop?
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Also, that I-4 sign is so very wrong. That is not how you inform someone which highway they are currently on. Below is a much better option.
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Just slap one of these on the roadside and you're saving money on overhead signs.
Why is there an arrow? The exit isn't there. It's way up the road. Why is the arrow there?
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It's up ahead as well. With enough stupidity, someone could sue the Redview County DOT over this.
So close.
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For the most part, I love the sign. While having more than one arrow is not advised, I can ignore that for getting the rest of the sign correct. They even got the exit number sign on the right, like it should be (because the exit is on the right)! However, why is it an exit only? There is no lane that must exit. In fact, there's barely a lane. The exit lane lines just kind of end at the concrete and don't go to the actual highway lanes, so there's no obvious way to get to the exit.
Also what is that physical gore sign up there? Where did they get it? Did they make it themselves? It is so very incorrect. I don't even know where to begin, so I won't.
I'm not even going to question this.
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The local DOT must be sponsored by an overhead sign company because there are so many overhead road signs that really don't need to be overhead.
Not only is this a blatant waste of metal, but who the fuck is this sign pointing to? There is no lane there. Why does this sign exist?
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Also why does every sign have its own illumination? I know California is like that, but still.
You know what, I'll accept this.
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It's a bit close to the road, but I'll let it slide.
This sign is fairly small and low.
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Difficult to see at 70 MPH.
Why is "STOPPING STANDING ANYTIME" both smaller than "NO PARKING" and not the correct font?
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Also, the "EXPECT DELAYS" electronic sign is very dusty and hard to see.
The lane does not end.
This same sign is down the road again.
There are black and yellow striped pylons separating one of the lanes for some reason.
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Redview County is in ruins.
There we go! A Correct sign!
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"EXIT RIGHT" is unnecessary, but other than that, it's pretty good! This is what that Kingfisher Road sign should've looked like. The Exit sign is even in the correct place! Very good.
Why does one sign say "Drive" but the other only says "Dr"?
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Also, how does it go from West I-4 to East US-24/SR-12? Also also, the Interstate just kind of ends with no signs to state so.
Nonstandard sign, as per usual.
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ok im bored now
i have like 40 more screenshots to go through
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