#simple ask; get an essay in response
nicholas-wolfwood · 2 years
What are some of nick’s fears? :3
Oh boy, this'll be fun to answer! This boy's a walking basket case of trauma, despite the macho attitude he uses to try and hide it.
While most things slimy and bug-eyed that you normally wouldn't see on Gunsmoke (frogs and squid, to name a couple) gross him out, he's not genuinely AFRAID of them. Deep water, on the other hand, DOES make him legitimately anxious, since he's never been in water deep enough to learn how to swim.
Of course, with how messed up of a childhood he’s had (abuse, molestation, violence, being turned into a child soldier), he’s got quite a few triggers when stressed as well, but I’m not sure if these could as FEARS, since he’s not explicitly afraid of these things, they just trigger a reaction to times where he WAS afraid. These can include nightmares, sudden movements towards him, being touched, loud noises, flashes, etc. but these aren’t consistent and more often than not won’t elicit an outward reaction from him.
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As for the more specific, deep-seated fears that wake him up at night?
His fear of death. Particularly a violent one. Living on Gunsmoke, and having been raised in a death cult of assassins, he knows that even as a supersoldier the possibility of a gruesome death is around every corner, and for someone like him it’s almost certainly coming sooner rather than later. Being a religious person (despite his... lax nature as a priest), Wolfwood is convinced he’s going to hell when he dies, and his death is going to be a painful one, but if it means keeping his loved ones from dirtying their own hands, then he’ll deal with it. That doesn’t mean the idea doesn’t terrify him, though.
He's afraid of people with control over him. Knives, Legato, and Chapel in particular; that sense of helplessness he's been drowning in since he was taken from the orphanage, knowing they could destroy him and his family on a whim, and knowing if he doesn't follow orders, then he's not the only one that will suffer the consequences.
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This leads to another one that is fairly universal, but a very REAL one for his position; the death of his family. One of his biggest motivators is the safety of his family (the orphanage) and loved ones, which is often used against him by the people above. It's led to him crossing almost every moral line he has, including executing innocents (including other children), betraying his friends, and allowing himself to be turned into a killing machine by a death cult of child soldiers. He knows if he steps out of line, his family will be butchered, and he'll be forced to watch.
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Another intense fear of his concerning his family is their rejection. Wolfwood is fully convinced that they would hate him for what he's allowed himself to be turned into, for what he's had to do to ensure their safety, and is TERRIFIED of being rejected by the only family he's ever known. This is to the point where- even if he had free reign to visit them safely, he wouldn't risk it and only sends the occasional care package with no return address. As much as he misses them, if they never see him again, then they can't tell him he's no longer welcome, right? This applies to most people he grows close to, but it's especially intense for his family.
And finally, rounding all that up is his fear of FAILURE. Particularly in his mission to protect Vash and get him ready to take out Knives and prevent the genocidal maniac from completing his goal of wiping out the human race. This, obviously, includes himself and his family, as well as everyone he's ever cared about (including Vash himself because if he fails, Knives will likely kill him too). The end of the world would be considered a pretty universal fear as well, but he knows all too well how REAL this possibility is. If he says one wrong thing. Makes one wrong move. Makes one too many mistakes, then the deception he's build up as a triple-agent will crumble, his family will be killed, he'll be executed, Vash will be defeated by Knives, and the human race on Gunsmoke will be annihilated, and he’s running out of time. 
But no pressure.
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nemmet · 8 months
Nem what do you think of the movie scooby-doo ! Shaggy's showdown (2017)
i love it, definitely a favourite of mine!! it has its pacing issues and the animation is a little rougher than usual, but it more than makes up for those things with the story, setting, monster and character moments!!
i love both this film and the phantosaur for the focus & little character arcs they give to shaggy in terms of his confidence!! his instant bond with tawny is so sweet, and it's interesting to see how he grapples with the dapper jack legend. speaking of dapper jack, he's one of if not my favourite scooby movie monster. everything about him from his design to his backstory is so fascinating and well thought out!! the twist regarding him gets me every time!!!!
the side characters are also great fun - i especially love buddy g, his sister who is trans because i said so, their parents and the guy who does every job around the ranch. and the gang themselves have some super fun moments to boot - shaggy's natural talent at being a cowboy, fred's complete lack of talent at being a cowboy (press f for his sprained ankle), scooby letting buddy g ride on his back, daphne getting so excited over her cowgirl outfit, and velma's ICONIC hatred of el kabong.
just a super fun movie all around with a uniquely wholesome energy to it, helped by a strong cast and a great mystery with a fun twist!!
in conclusion:
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rainbow-arrow · 5 months
Heyy small question to your (amazing, stunning, beautifully written, cool, brillant,..) fanfic WATO since I haven’t watched the actual show in years all I do is read fics nowadays😩 but like…where’s gorilla?🫣
ah thank you.
you can ask the same thing about untitled too lol 320k words and no mention of that man. hm. curious. (ngl i think i genuinely forgot about him)
in an actual answer, it's mentioned (or implied) in a chapter not yet published (or maybe got cut from what did make it bc i forget he's a character more often than not) that both Nathalie and gorilla were arrested for basically being accomplices to Hawkmoth's crimes. This fic was planned Before season four even finished, yet alone season five even began airing, so Gabriel didn't get Marinette to lie to all of Paris that he was a good guy, no fucking way would i have thought that up.
Gabriel died died (was killed? even Adrien is unsure, he wasn't there), Nathalie and gorilla were arrested for be accomplices to his crimes and Emilie was brought back not by not the miraculous but medicine that could've been been used at any point.
but also like. no one wants to talk about it. Emilie feels guilty for being absent for so long in Adrien's life (please don't ask about the timing it upsets me greatly, there's no fUCKING WAY it had only been nine months since origins to season five. IF CHAT BLANC TOOK PLACE ON MAY 2ND--), and for all the miraculous holders it was just a very stressful time. Shadowmoth being defeated was a relief to everyone except Adrien, but he's bottled that up real tight (until, well, Luka comes along but you've seen that).
Fun Bonus: it's in chapter twenty-five where Adrien talks more about what really happened/how he feels/is supposed to feel about it all. Luka's complaining about Jagged and they're talking about names, it's a fun lil chapter I hope to get to one day (they say, having only been working on chapters 25-32 this past month)
tldr answer: prison
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gay-dorito-dust · 30 days
Hi!! If you know the reference where the person A says the moon is beautiful without noticing the Person B saying yes beautiful while staring at Person A (//∇//) can I have that with the batboys? I know it’s corny lol thank you!
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I hope this was what you envisioned but idk.
‘The moon is beautiful tonight.’ You said.
Jason who’s eyes never left you for a single second, seeing no point in staring at anything else when everything he’s ever wanted was right next to him, smiled at your need to bring attention to the beauty of other things others may walk right past by without a second thought.
‘The moons always has been beautiful, and it will only grow more beautiful as time continues.’ He replied.
You looked over at him, only to see that he was staring at you fondly and with a dopey smile spread across his lips, and immeditly felt very exposed by the way he looked at you as though you had intricately hung the very moon and stars above by hand. It was a look you weren’t use to being on the receiving end of -having only heard of similar looks being talked about in books or seen in movies- but now that you were you were at a loss on what to say or do.
‘You really mean that?’ You asked, finding a loose bit of fabric on your clothing extremely interesting all of a sudden.
‘I’d gladly say it a million times over if it makes it more easily believed.’ Jason said as he moved closer to you until your shoulders were touching, he then gently grabbed your hand away from fiddling the loose bit of fabric of your shirt and intertwined your fingers together, not once had his eyes left your person the entire time.
You smiled at him as you leaned yourself into him, leeching off of his warmth as you tried to go back to looking at the moon, but found it hard once you were made aware of the fact that Jason was staring directly at you as though he found something much more interesting to focus all of his attention on. ‘It’s hard to not believe it when your eyes look at me like that.’ You told him.
Jason tilts his head. ‘Like what sweetheart?’
‘Like I’m special.’ You replied.
Jason then chuckles before kissing the top of your head softly as he then rests his head against the side of yours. ‘I could write an entire essay on how special you are to me and still it wouldn’t be enough, so yeah you are special, more than you could possibly imagine.’
Dick smiled as he propped up his head in his hands as he watched how the moonlight practically illuminated you in your entirety.
It was almost as if a spotlight had shone down on you, making Dick unable to look elsewhere but you and that gorgeous smile that blossomed across your face, not that he needed to be forced to look at you when he could be doing so for the rest of his life if he was allowed that simple luxury.
‘The moon sure is beautiful indeed, can barely take my eyes off them.’ Dick said softly in response.
You then looked over at Dick, only to see him looking at you in a way that made your heart flutter and your face become warm. ‘You can stop looking at me now.’ You tell him.
Dick leaned against the railing with a cheeky smile. ‘Why? I was enjoying the view.’ He replied.
‘Oh so I’m the view now?’ You asked, putting your hands on your hips.
‘You always were the view babe,’ Dick said, ‘a view so beautiful I could barely take my eyes off of and I’m lucky enough to get to see it as often as I do.’ He adds as he pushed himself off the railing and walked towards you and held you by the arms.
‘You’re a sap.’ You laughed, feeling your cheeks grow even warmer.
Dick watched as you laughed and took the time to mentally engrave this moment to his memory, from the way your mouth opened to laugh, to the way your whole face practically light up and the way you stood out amongst the rest of the bright, vibrant lights. ‘Yeah but I’m your sap.’ He retorted as he held you against his chest as you both soaking in the moonlight together, all the while only ever looking at one another.
Was speechless, the words he had preplanned earlier within the day to say to you had long left him as he could only admire you as you basked in the moonlight and looking ethereal amidst the artificial city lights.
This was a state he often found himself in whenever you were just standing there and it was a little embarrassing for him because it only made him think of how obvious he had been about his feelings this entire time. However he couldn’t exactly blame you for being the epitome of perfection and beauty simply just by existing, Tim didn’t know it could be possible to feel this strongly about someone but here he was, unable to speak his mind in your presence without admiring your every feature as though he was seeing you for the first time again.
You furrowed your brows when you didn’t hear Tim say anything, becoming worried that he might’ve passed out from the lack of sleep he’s had recently and went to look over at him, only to see him looking at you with a wide eyed expression and flushed cheeks.
‘Tim, are you okay?’ You asked, moving towards him.
‘The moon is extremely beautiful tonight yes, even when they are within close proximity.’ Tim blurted out and you stopped when it hit you that he wasn’t talking about the moon, but more so about you and now you were both stood in silence and extremely flustered.
‘That’s, that’s really sweet of you Tim.’ You said, breaking the prolonged silence between the two of you as you felt butterflies within your stomach and a warmth spread throughout your chest.
‘It’s- I was only speaking the truth.’ Tim scratched the back of his head as he looked away from you for a split second before looking back at you, gauging your reaction as a positive one and took the chance to shuffle closer to you.
Tim had been in dangerous situations before but being this close to you, sharing a heartfelt moment between the two of you was enough to have him unable to think properly, his emotions were running rampant within him as his heart was unable to remain at a steady and consistent pace the more he was near you to the point he couldn’t help but be hyper aware of it.
‘Well I appreciate you being truthful,’ you tell him, flashing him a smile that almost ended him with how sweet, kind and loving it was, ‘it’s one of the many things I like about you Tim.’ You add as you then rested your head on his shoulder as poor Tim could only stand there stiff as a bored, but that didn’t matter as a smile grew across his lips and rested his head atop of yours, not wanting to say anything else incase it ruined the perfect mood.
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ellaa-writes · 5 months
konig and the reader are roommates; best friends with a slight attraction to each other. reader decides to go out clubbing with some girlfriends, showing off her tight dress to konig before leaving— which ultimately arouses him hardly ;))
konig let’s his dick get the best of him and goes through the readers pantie drawer (#pantiekink) and goes back to his room, jerking himself off to the reader’s panties.. and boom reader comes back early and catches him.
(show your post about writers block, though you could execute this idea perfectly)
So sorry this took so long to write. This ask was sent back in November. I got a little carried away while writing this. Love this prompt so much! Thank you for sending it in and hope you enjoy :) (not proofread) PART 2
After a long week of writing essays, listening while your professors drone on and on and spending every waking second studying or working your part time job. Simply to say you were beat and exhausted. Wanting nothing more than to stay in, catch up on some z's and possible a few episodes of your new favourite show.
But atlas you received a last minute text from your BFF.
I'm picking you up at 8, better look cute.
Throwing yourself back on your bed, letting out a loud huff. Knowing damn well you won't be able to say no to her. A soft knock against the frame of the door brought your attention back to reality.
He was tall, brooding and all to yummy, as your friends say. Your roommate König stood in the doorway, taking up all the space. His head reaching right to the top of the frame.
"Hey, didn't here you come in." you said sitting up. You kicked your shoes off and began typing back your response.
"Got plans?" he inquired. Leaning into the frame, crossing his over his chest. Making every muscle tighten and bulge just how you like it.
"Hmm, Kate's dragging me to some bar most likely." you replied to him. "I better get ready now, knowing her she'll show up early." it wasn't a surprise that your friend group loved to show up at your place. They all loved to sit around and ogle your roommate.
After answering an ad in the university student paper, you found yourself being shown around a decently sized 2 bedroom apartment only a block away from campus. It was too good to be true and too good to pass up. The landlord explaining that the first room was already rented out. You didn't mind sharing with a male, he seemed more than tidy. And you needed away from the awful university dorm rooms.
First meeting König, that was one for the books. After hauling your belongings up the 3 flights of stairs. Of course the elevator would break the day your were moving in. Struggling to get the key in the door, only to be greeted by a 6'7 and 270 lbs man standing bare cheated in the kitchen. You damn nearly fell over. Needing a moment to catch your breath.
Kate went on and on for weeks about him. Telling you if you didn't make a move she will. You had to remind her she had a long term boyfriend and you were seeing someone at the time, which soon fizzled out.
"I don't understand why you never say no to her." he tried to rationalize. You pushed passed him on your way to the shared bathroom.
"It's better today yes than listen to her complain." you told him back. Shutting the door before he could say anymore.
You took a quick shower, making sure to shave every nook and cranny. Layering yourself in body butter and making sure to spritz extra perfume. You choose to leave your hair straight, and simple makeup.
Tapping your foot against the aged wood floor, having a hard time decided between a short tight black dress or to go more casual in shorts and a cute top.
"Go with the dress." König voice reached you from your door. Startling you out of your thought, causing you to drop the dress onto the floor. König walked right in, bending down to the floor and retrieving the skimpy black dress. Still on his knees he held it up for you to grab, his head was so close to your core which was now pulsing with desire. You cheeks were flushed as you snatched it out of his grasp.
"Thanks.." you said hesitantly, turning away from him. He left you in silence, closing the door on his way out. You pulled out matching pair of lace lingerie, the ones you buried deep in your dresser. A gift from Kate, you've never worn them so todays that day you do.
You took a deep breath before stepping out into the shared common area, König's attention was on the football (American soccer) game. The click of your heels drawing his attention away. You stood their, twirling your fingers around. Shrinking under his lustful gaze. König cleared his throat, adjusting himself in his pants.
"How do I look?" you asked bashfully, the heat of your blush rising up from chest and across your face. "You look...." he was lost for words, the way the dress hugged every curve. "You look beautiful." he stood from his seat, the fabric over his crotch pulling tight against his throbbing cock. He knew he shouldn't be having these thoughts about you.
But he couldn't help himself. From the moment he set eyes on you, he was entranced.
"Give me a little spin." he commanded. Taking two long strides, taking your hand into his and giving you a little twirl. The giggle that came out of your mouth went straight to his cock.
The apartment buzzer rang through the space, pulling yourself away you rushed to the com system. "I'll be right down." you yelled through it. Hearing a mixture of garble coming from the other end.
"I'll probably be home late, if not I might crash at Kate's. I'll try not to wake you." the words rushed out of you as you ran around grabbing the last minute items before shuffling out the door.
König didn't get a goodbye in, or a have fun. The pit of jealously boiling up in his stomach stopped him. He watched from the livingroom as you bundled into Kate's car, watching the tail lights disappear down the street. He turned his attention back to his football game. But he couldn't focus, the ache of his cock kept plaguing his thoughts.
Usually he reserved himself to either his or the shower. But he couldn't help himself, pulling out his throbbing cock. It was already hard as a rock, the tip angry and leaking just a bit. The first few strokes had him holding his breath. He needed more, abandoning his spot on the couch, dick exposed to the air. He found himself in your room. It was smaller than his, everything was messily thrown around. He made his way right to your panties drawer, digging in the back to find the black lace panties you hid.
He came back empty handed, the thought of you wearing them under the dress had his cock leaking down the front of his pants, making a mess. He settled on a satin pair, purple in color with a small rose in the front.
Seating himself back on the couch, panties wrapped tight around his member. Stroking himself with you panties, using his knuckles to muffle out his wonton moans. He was too focused on the duty at hand. He didn't hear the door unlocking and the soft click of your heals.
You walked down the hall towards the shared living area, seeing König still on the couch. Pulling the straps of your heels off you let the loudly clank to the floor. You were a little iratated but also thankful that the night didn't go as planned.
König's head shot around, eyes wide in horror to seeing you standing behind him. If you didn't know better, it was like you caught him in the middle of something. The closer you got, you understood why.
Konig had your favourite pair of panties in his fist. His leaking tip poking out the top, as fast as it happened he through a pillow over his lap to block your view.
Stumbling backwards you rushed out some apologies. Babbling on about giving him some space.
König didn't want space at all, he wanted you. His hungry eyes watching has the hem of your dress rose up your thighs, just about exposing you ass. He stood quickly, following you into your room.
"I'm so sorry." you kept repeating. The heat of the embrassment flushed on your face. König stood there, cock out as he tried to get you to look at him.
"OMG!" you screamed, quickly averting your eyes. "Doll look at me." he tried to get you to face him but you couldn't. "Can you please put it away at least." he found your question amusing. "Why? Does it scare you?" he asked back. You scoffed at him, but deep down it did just a little.
Yes you've seen a handful of cocks before but none of them compared to König's.
"No." you said quietly.
"Why don't you touch it a bit, it won't bite." he took a small step towards you. Your stained panties still in his hand.
LMFAO ok he got a little pervy at the end. I kinda want to make a part two now.
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anemptypuddingcup · 3 months
Your distraction.
Luffy x Female Reader.
Smut short.
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Contains: Reader nearly burning herself out. Reader overworking herself and not wanting to stop. Luffy distracting Reader from her college work. Luffy forcing Reader to take a break. Luffy being playful. Pussy eating. Repeating position changing. Indecisive yet sloppy Luffy. There’s probably slight overstimulation in this. Another destressing Luffy fic bc I genuinely need to get my stress out one way or another.
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“Oi? Baby?”
Luffy trails down the hallway and sees a slight beam of light peering from out of your room. Out of slight curiosity, he walks over to your room and peeks in without much of a single second thought.
He slowly peeks his head around the doorframe, his eyes peeking in and peering at you while you sat there in your bed and typed away at your laptop. Your body was obscured deep in his larger hoodie and joggers, comfortable clothes that he’s desperately been looking for the past few days. Your eyes were growing dark with bags and heavy with sleep, a tired groan leaving past your lips as your body begged for you to just take a little break away from typing just for a little bit.
Luffy could tell that you wanted to stop working, but your stubborn yet smart mind couldn’t stop. There was too much work to be done at hand and none of it was gonna get done from you just sitting on your ass and not doing shit all day. Piles of work was all on your single laptop and all of it prevented you from taking even so much as a single break from it.
You didn’t want your attention to break and you didn’t want any distractions in your way. This included your concerned boyfriend Luffy, who just wanted you to take a minute to breathe to yourself and get off your laptop just for a smidge. He stared for a few more seconds before pulling his body from behind the wall. His feet slowly trailing his body past the doorway and into your room, allowing him to stand before you while you didn’t break eye contact or halt any of your movements.
“Dumplin’? Are ya alright…? Ya haven’ left ya bed in a good while…is that work really that important?” He asked you, hopping onto your bed which causes your body and your laptop to bounce alongside a few other things on your bed. You didn’t answer him and instead continued working, wanting to speak to him but not wanting to lose focus on your current essay that you were working on.
Luffy peeks his head down at your bright laptop screen, watching as words appeared on screen while you typed on the keys. He looks back up at you and huffs out before crawling behind you, his stronger arms wrapping around your body and beneath your breasts while he kept his legs spread out on either side of you. You huff out softly and finally stopped typing, making Luffy perk up as he watched you slowly turn around to him.
“Can you let go of me love? I’m trying to finish this assignment, It’s due tomorrow.” You asked, your eyes and tone of voice oozing with drowsiness as you looked up at him. “Uh uh.” Luffy responded playfully, shaking his head while a small smile crept across his face. Your brows furl in response and you try to pull away and break out of his tight grasp.
“Come- Come on Luffy! I can’t work like this!” You said, your voice straining as you struggled to pry yourself from his warm yet overpowering hold on you. “Then don’ work! Simple an’ easy!” He chuckles, his hand groping at one of your breasts which causes you to yelp out and blush deeply in response. “Luffy! Goddammit! Let go of me!” You demanded, your voice now raising and you began to grow irritated from Luffy’s stubborn behavior.
He lets go of you and you finally pull yourself from his arms, causing you to fall onto your bed face first. You lift your head and reach your arms out to your laptop but Luffy grips your hips tightly before pulling you away from the brightening device. “Luffy? Luffy! AH!-“ You yelp out as he yanks your body back to him, pulling you towards him while he gives you a mischievous smirk.
You clawed and gripped at your blankets, trying to pull yourself away from him but failing to do so. “I said you need a break! So m’gonna give ya one!” He said, his fingers now gripping and pulling at your joggers and making them slide off of your hips easily. “No! I need to finish this! Let me finish it! Please Luffy!” You begged, a bit of desperation in your voice as you dig your nails deep into the fabric of the quilt.
Luffy doesn’t answer you and holds your hips tight while stretching his arm around your body to constrict and hold you in place. You groan out and squirmed around in his tightening grasp, a yell leaving your throat as you thrashed around angrily. “Quit actin’ like that, that work ain’ that goddamn important!” He huffs out angrily, grunting a bit as he pulls you closer to his frame.
You fall limp and loose in defeat with an angry pout on your face as Luffy pulled you to him, your body sliding across the bed as you stared down at him with scornful eyes. Luffy sticks his tongue out and unwraps his arm from your body, allowing him to pull your hips up to his face and admire the view of your ass in your panties.
He finally gets both your joggers and panties off of your hips and he quickly shoves his face into your pussy, a moan leaving you as you felt him immediately slurping and lapping at your slit. You mewl out shakily before shuddering against your bed, your back arching at the sudden pleasure while you buried your face within your arms. You gripped the sleeves of your hoodie tightly and hum out sweetly.
“Ahhh~ Hah fuck~” You moan out so angelically as you felt Luffy spread your cunt open even more before he slid his tongue past your entrance. You gasp out sharply as his tongue kisses your g-spot, pleasuring you while you lied there and squirmed a bit against him. He hums out as his hand reaches up and squeezes at one of your cheeks, massaging the doughy flesh of your ass as he indulges in your taste.
“Ahh~ Luffyyy~ Baby please~” You moan out his name, yearning for him to stop pleasuring you so you could get back to working on something you didn’t even want to do. Your brows furl and your body trembles while you gripped at the sleeves of your hoodie tighter, your eyes rolling up as your body grew more needy for him and his touch. As much as you wanted him to stop, your body wanted him to keep going for you.
This is what your body wanted, this is what your body’s been needing after working so hard for so long without and sort of relief to your stress. Your mind slowly began to disassociate itself and grown cloudy, nothing but the thought of Luffy pleasing you had filled your mind.
A slap to your ass causes you to flinch and gasp out before you finally felt his slurping at your pussy stop and cease. You sigh out shakily and begin to sit up but Luffy’s large hand pushes you back down onto your tummy and onto the bed, making you groan out sharply. “Luffy? L-Luffy?…” You turn over onto your side and look up at Luffy, his eyes staring down at you while he began pulling down his shorts and briefs.
“Ya stay right where ya are, m’gonna fuck that stress right outta ya~” He breathes to you, his hand pulling his hardened cock out for you to see. You shuddered in response and watched patiently as his tip began dripping pre out onto your thigh, the warm and lewd fluid making your body heat up with excitement and slight nervousness. A shaky breath leaves you as Luffy flips you back over onto your stomach and presses his body up against your back, setting his weight onto your body and leaving your body to grow hot and sticky beneath him and within his oversized hoodie.
You feel his cock press up against your lower back and you immediately tense up, resting your head into your pillow while you waited nervously and impatiently for his next move. You feel him slide his sticky head against your slit, lubing it up with his pre and leftover saliva before he’d finally shove himself inside of your pussy. You gasp out sharply and mewl out as you felt his cock immediately kiss your cervix, his large hands slide underneath the hoodie and feel against the soft and smooth skin of your tummy before sliding up to chest.
His fingers pinches at your nipples and you whimper out to Luffy in ecstasy, your face beginning to scrunch up in pleasure whilst he began moving his hips against your ass. The bed begins to rock in rhythm with his thrusts into your cunt, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy and massaging your velvety walls whilst he played with your breasts.
He couldn’t help but to smile at the sound of your moans hitting his ears, he missed pleasuring you and helping you feel better…the nostalgic sound of your pretty moans made him even more confident and hellbent to knock that stress right out of you.
“Luffy~ Oh L-Luffy~” You moan out his name so adorably, your voice all cute and desperate for him as your body yearned for him to give you more of that satisfaction and pleasure. His cock smooches your g-spot so easily yet so wonderfully, your pussy squeezing around him uncontrollably as it begged for his cock to continue feeding you that delicious euphoria of pleasure.
If anything, you felt yourself starting to grow feral on his length, needing him to help remove that anger and frustration you’ve been holding inside for so long.
Luffy rolls over off of your body and pulls you onto your side, his hand holding your inner thigh and pulling your leg open while watched his dick go in and out of your pussy so easily like a hot knife melting butter. Your arm held your pillow beneath your head and your hand was hovering up against your mouth, obscuring your sweet moans while they grew so much louder than before. Your eyes were fluttering and your face was giving off a look of ascension to heaven, a heavenly feeling that your body hasn’t felt but been wanting for such a long time.
Luffy enjoyed staring at your slutty face, it made him happy that you were enjoying this little break he decided to give to you. Without him you would probably be still working on that little laptop of yours burning yourself out.
Your moans began to grow into gasps and your toes began to curl as Luffy began to thrust into you a little deeper. He buries his face into your neck while his other hand continued playing with on of your breasts, multitasking on your pretty body while you whined out and squirmed a bit.
Luffy presses smooches to your neck and trail his tongue along your salty skin, making you moan out while shudder against him before you turned your head to face him. You open your mouth and stick your tongue out to him, begging him nonverbally to kiss you whilst he played with your body. He smiles and presses his lips against yours before he spills a groan into your lips, softly sliding his tongue down your throat while drool began to spill past your lips and down your chin.
He kisses you for a good while whilst his hand fondles at your breast, groping the soft mound of flesh while you mewl out into his lips. He pulls his lips away from yours, huffing out while a sticky string of saliva disconnects from both of your lips. You both breathe out heavily and you moan out shakily to him as he thrusts harder into your cunt.
Your pussy was soaking and sticky with slick, it was even more sticky now due to his touching and kissing against your skin. You were already creaming slightly around his length, a ring of your essence circling at the base of his cock. Just looking at how messy you were made Luffy hiss out, fuck if you weren’t beautiful he didn’t know what else was.
“Ya wanted my dick didn’ ya? My baby gal jus’ wanted dick deep in ‘er pussy yeah?~” Luffy asked, his voice in a teasing tone as he stared down at you with a seductive yet mischievous little grin.
“Y-Yeahh~ F-Fuck~”
“C’mon~ Say it like ya mean it~”
“Y-Yeah! Yeah I wanted your dick Luffy!~ I-I wanted you to fuck my pussy s-so badlyyy~ I-I just didn’t wanna say so b-because I-I was working so hard and d-didn’t wanna stop!~” You admitted, your eyes rolling up as your mind began to grow high off the pleasure of Luffy’s cock filling you up. You began drooling a little bit and your moans had grew so light and airy, it was hard to hide the fact that you wanted him to give you more.
Luffy chuckles at your confession and pulls you over onto his hips, lifting your body up and pulling you onto his frame whilst shoving his cock so deep inside of you. You exhale sharply and moaned as your eyes shuts tightly, his cock kissing you deep and now giving you a little tummy bulge in your lower abdomen. His hands grips your hips and begins moving your ass up and down on his cock, watching as your arched your back and sucked his cock deep inside of your hungry pussy.
You bent over and groan out shakily at the sudden change of position, your brows furling and your moans growing loud as you felt tears brewing in your eyes. It was starting to get so hot and sticking within your hoodie, your hands clawing at the sleeves while you bit your lip.
“Ohhhh Luffy~ Please keep fucking me~ Fuck it feels so fucking good~” You whined, your hands reaching up and playing with your own breasts as your hips finally began to move on their own. “Fuck yourself on that dick baby, take m’fuckin’ dick in jus like that~” He groans out, his brows furling as he watched you take his cock in your pussy. You lift your hips up and down, taking his dick deep while moans unconsciously left your lips. You could feel your pussy growing more needy and it was hard to hold in much of that feral feeling at this point.
The mattress began to creak and rock a bit as you arched your back a bit more, your hands digging into the sleeves of his hoodie while you felt one of his hands trailing down to your clitoris. He rubs sloppy circles against your sensitive pearl and he groans out heavily as his cock began twitching within your walls. “Fuck m’close~ M’so close dumplin’~ Ya gonna let me cum and fill ya pussy up? Hmm are ya?~” He moans so needily, his nails now scratching against your hips while he begins to pound up into your pussy.
You mewl out and nodded your head quickly, biting your lip while his nail left good and pretty scars on your hip. “Yes! Yes Luffy please cum in my pussy! I need it s’badly!~” You begged to him with emphasis deep in your voice, wanting to feel that feeling of his hot and sticky seed filling up your womb.
Indecisive with his position, Luffy sits up and pushes your face down into the mattress, your eyes widening as his cock practically nudged hard against your cervix. You gripped the quilt tightly and cried out in pleasure, the sticky and lewd sounds of Luffy fucking your sloppy pussy made you even more hot and aroused than you already were.
“Fuck! Luffy!~ You’re gonna make me cum!~” You groan out shakily, your pussy tightening around his length while he held on tight to your hips to help hold you still. Luffy bends over against your body, his chest touching up against your back while he huffs out into your ear. “Cum then baby~ M’not gonna stop ya~ Cum on my dick~” He growls into your ear, his tone and breath hitting against your ear making you whimper and shudder against his body.
You bury your face into your arms once again and hum shakily before slowly shutting your eyes. Your body focused on the pleasure his cock provided and you could finally feel your lower tummy growing hot and tightening up as if it wanted to finally release. Your hips and back began to grow sore but you gasped out just as your body began to tremble again.
A slightly pained whimper leaves your lips as you slowly lie down onto your side without realizing it, with Luffy lifting up your leg and holding it up in the air while he continues to fuck your pussy. You were struggling to cum for Luffy, you didn’t know whether it was the stress or something else yet you struggled to finally release on his length and be free of that stress.
“L-Luffy- I-I can’t!- I can’t-“ Little hiccups left your throat as you struggled to tell him what was wrong and he quirks a brow whilst a heavy groan left his lips. He moves down and give you another kiss, thrusting deep into your pussy which help with the orgasm with his cock kissing against your g-spot deeply.
You began breathing heavily and you finally began moaning shakily which finally indicated the arrival of your orgasm. Faster breaths left you as your chest rose and sunk faster than usual, your body hyperventilating as it was ready and wanting for the sweet release of stress. You wrap your arms around Luffy’s neck and keep him close, your kiss still sloppy and deep as your orgasm started tipping over the edge “Mmgh!~ Mmh!~” Your back arches unconsciously and you squirms beneath him, your hands gripping his shirt so tightly while you finally felt yourself ready to release.
Luffy’s huffs out against you, his eyes half-lidded as his brows furrowed from the pleasure of your pussy choking his cock. Wrapping your legs tight around his hips, a gasp leaves your lips as you threw your head back and broke the kiss between both you and him. Your eyes roll up once again as your body and mind hits pure and deep ecstasy and euphoria.
“I’m cumming! I-I’m g-gonna fucking- Fuck!~” You didn’t have enough time to finish your sentence as you squirt out into Luffy’s cock, your sticky cum coating his lower abdomen while you released so much out of your pussy. Your moans and gasps were loud as you came, your body squirting so much while Luffy watched in slight awe. His lips presses sticky smooches to your neck, licking against your salty skin and indulging in your taste while you were experiencing a rather hard orgasm.
Luffy hums out and licks his lips, enjoying the view of your slutty body giving out on him and losing its energy. “Fuckkk, ya were so fuckin’ pent up~ All that stress filling up ya pussy…” Luffy cooed, pressing continuous smooches to your skin while you lied there still and breathed heavily.
“Mmmgh~ Luffyyy~” You mewl out his name so sweetly and wrap your arms around him tightly, pulling him in for another kiss while still dealing with your orgasm. Luffy gives you another sloppily kiss and chuckles, staring into your eyes while he admires your cute little fucked out face. “See? I told ya you needed a little break. Ya didn’ wanna listen t’me though~” Luffy giggles, teasing you for your stubbornness before you’d whimper out in response.
“Well…I…I wanna go again.” You say softly, not wanting to admit that you enjoyed the break and wanted to go again. Luffy quirks a brow and listening in close to you. “Hah? Whatcha say baby? I couldn’ hear ya.” He asked playfully, pressing a hand to his ear and moving in closer to you. You pouted and turned away and he chuckles before giving you another kiss.
“We can go again baby~ We can go as long as ya wanna~” He whispers to you, pressing a smooch to your neck which makes you gasp out sweetly. You turn over and reach your arms out to him, your face still pouting to him cutely while you waited for him to fall into your embrace. He smiled and slowly wraps his arms around you before falling into your arms, humming out before he’d press his lips against yours again.
“It’s okay baby, I’m gonna help ya feel better~”
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thankskenpenders · 9 months
And now for something new
So, here's something I was never planning on doing, but I just couldn't shake the idea... Thanks Ken Penders is gaining a sister blog featuring an entirely different comic franchise!
Introducing... Thanks Steve Ditko, a blog where I read the Earth-616 Spider-Man comics, starting all the way back in the '60s! It's gonna be much more casual and less thorough than how I run things here on TKP, though, which I'll explain in a sec.
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If seeing me post weird bits from old Spider-Man comics sounds fun and you need no further info, then just head right on over to Thanks Steve Ditko. But for longtime TKP readers, I know you probably have questions...
Number one: Why?
Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero, and with the Spider-Verse movies kicking ass and my excitement building for the new Insomniac game, I've been in a Spidey mood. Inevitably, a thought occurred to me: Maybe I should actually read the comics that everything else is built off of and see the wildly varying contributions of all the original creators, rather than filtering them through big budget adaptations. If I can power through One Piece and all these other manga with hundreds of chapters, it can't be that hard... right?
And, well, after a few issues I quickly realized that my options were to either clog up my other accounts with random Spider-Man panels for years, or to just make a side blog. And so the side blog was born.
Two: Will this blog replace Thanks Ken Penders?
Okay but prove it
To allow the two to exist side-by-side, Thanks Steve Ditko will have a different format than what Thanks Ken Penders developed. Rather than an in-depth guided tour that critically analyzes every story beat of every issue, TSD will just be a place for amusing panels and brief thoughts as I casually read the comics at my own pace.
If you've seen me make a few tweets about reading Spider-Man recently, I'm basically just moving that to a dedicated Tumblr. It's a place for me to dump these things so that it doesn't fill up my media tab on Twitter for the next decade. (You know, assuming Twitter is still around in a decade.) There will be many issues where I only post two panels that I thought were funny. There will be issues where I don't have anything to say at all. Maybe I'll reach a run that I just cannot get into, and I start skipping around more. Who knows!
This may sound similar to what I thought this blog would be before it blew up. Aside from the simple fact that there's already mountains of Spider-Man commentary out there and therefore less of a void for me to fill, one of the main steps I'll be taking to avoid repeating the past is not enabling an ask box on TSD. I do not need people to ask me to go into ten times more detail on everything. I do not need to write seven essay-length responses to questions about Spider-Man minutiae every day. I do not need a place for people to chide me for not covering certain scenes, issues, or ancillary series.
It also won't have any kind of update schedule. I'm trying to keep it very casual. I'm reading these comics at my own pace, and if I feel like sharing a moment or commenting on something while doing so? It goes there. That's it.
(On the subject of format changes, I'm also listing the issue, writer, and penciller in the body of every post. This is a thing I wish I'd done on TKP so that people didn't misattribute every weird Archie Sonic panel I post to Penders.)
Three: So when will TKP come back from hiatus? You said it'd come back after you finished SLARPG!
I don't know! Sorry. I have a couple things on the backburner right now for TKP, but I'm not sure when I'll get back to proper updates where I read more comics.
I wanted to bring TKP back this year, and that's still possible. The main hurdle is that I want to reread my own archive (again) as a refresher, which is, uh. A lot of posts. I've developed a high standard for myself on here, and I feel like I wouldn't be doing my job right if I forgot half the ongoing subplots and character arcs and didn't bring them up in my analysis. Especially when I'm discussing the work of an author as obsessed with continuity as Ian Flynn. Unfortunately, the nature of this blog means that every time I go on another long hiatus for Life Reasons I have even more comic continuity to catch up on than last time.
(This is a big part of why I'm making Thanks Steve Ditko an extremely casual blog instead of promising to become a Lore Expert on 60+ years of Marvel.)
Mostly I've just been very burnt out this year after having finally finished a video game that took almost eight years to make. I haven't really had the energy for any creative projects, including TKP. But I feel a little bit of a spark here with Spider-Man, so I'm chasing that feeling to try to get back into the swing of blogging about comics - no pun intended.
So, basically, bear with me on this as I start this low-energy side project. But hopefully folks will enjoy Thanks Steve Ditko as its own thing, too.
Look forward to goofy shit like this
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chericherixo · 6 months
Quidditch [fluff]
(mattheo x reader)
Words: 752 Summary: Mattheo invites you to his game, hoping you can come and watch him in action.
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You and Mattheo had been bickering all class and now you were finally released by the bell. Unfortunately, Mattheo caught up with you and re-greeted you with a stupidly cute smile.
"So.. are you going to the quidditch game tomorrow?" Mattheo asked, and you sighed and figured the easiest thing to do would be humor him.
"Oh- um, if I have the time. I have a lot schoolwork I need to catch up on."
"What if you got all your work down tonight? Then would you come?" You furrowed your brows, wondering why he cared so much that you come to the game.
"I don't know, it's supposed to be freezing and-"
"Please." His face turned serious, "I mean- You wouldn't want to miss out. It's Slytherin and Gryffindor, it'll be pretty intense." He laughed nervously.
"I'll think about it." You smiled softly,
"Ok, cool." He continues to walk with you, acting nonchalant now but seeming pleased with your response.
As you neared your common room, he waved goodbye and headed back in the direction you came from, presumably to practice down at the pitch.
------ The Next Day ------
You sat at the desk in your dorm, frustrated over an equation that should've been simple. You had been working at your school work for hours it seemed, and your lack of sleep was getting to you.
"I'm headed out! You should take a break sometime soon, yea?" Your roommate said from behind. "Maybe even go to the quidditch game? Could be fun."
"It's freezing out there," You argued,
"That's what spells and sweaters are for." You rolled your eyes and smiled,
"Just go have fun in Hogsmeade, I'll see you later." Your roommate sighed and walked out. You looked back down at the jumble of numbers and letters on your paper and felt a headache coming on. Normally you'd just take a nap for a few, but you suddenly had an overwhelming urge to go to the game.
You thought of Mattheo and the way his face lit up at the possibility of you being there. You didn't know why he seemed so desperate for you to see his game, not like you hadn't been to previous ones before.
At this, you turned off your desk lamp and walked over to find things to layer and keep out the cold.
After an efficient amount of clothing had been put on, you grabbed your hat and gloves and made your way out to the field and pitch. It was freezing, although it was kind of nice to be out of the stuffy atmosphere of your dorm. The game hadn't started yet and in fact, you made it just in time as you were quite surprised to find out.
Amongst the crowd of people in your section, you felt out of place, not having a friend to enjoy the game with you. The more crowded it became, the more you kicked yourself for coming and not using the time to study or finish an essay.
You were about to leave the stands when you saw the players flying out. One in particular was looking around the stands, and his gaze seemed to stop right at you, though he was too far to tell. But then, he gave a little wave, and when you made sure it wasn't meant for anyone else, you waved back. His shoulders raised a few times in his laughter.
You smiled to yourself and reclaimed a spot in the stands, not caring about the people anymore.
You watched him intensely throughout the game, following his jersey as he played the best he ever had. After it was over, the Slytherin's had won and you cheered and ran down from the stands as quickly as you could. You didn't know what had come over you, but as soon as you were on the field, you wanted to run up and hug him and tell him how well he did. You stopped in your tracks when you saw him running at you.
He ripped off his helmet when he got close enough, revealing a wide smile that warmed your heart.
"You came."
You smiled, "Yea, I mean- I didn't have anything better to do-"
He cut you off with a hug, holding you tightly like he was going to lose you.
"I'm glad you came."
You didn't respond but hugged him back just as tight and smiled into his shoulder. Maybe you could like him just a bit if you tried.
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xotaemintol · 3 months
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☘︎ “the sun will be shining the flowers still are blooming, then leaves will turn again, but time will be frozen for us.”☘︎
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Plot: You and Jisung are college students and after becoming partners for a project in your psychology class you finally get the chance to talk to each other. (Romantic slow burn, includes fluff, smut, and slight drama) PART: 1/5 (word count: 3317) RATING: 18+ semi slow burn (yes there will be smut) Pronouns used: SHE/HER TWS: NONE
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You walked through the halls with your laptop tucked underneath your arm and your phone in your hand. You had another twenty minutes before your last lecture of the day started, but you needed to get there. But you needed to speak to your professor about the paper you submitted last night. You sent him an email, but he didn't respond and the paper was worth more than 20% of your grade for this semester, and you couldn't let the simple mistake of forgetting to put it in the correct formatting ruin your current grade—especially since you need this class to graduate. So you power-walked through the halls hoping you'd be the first in the lecture hall. When you saw that his door was still closed, you smiled and ran the rest of the way—pulling the door open happily and sighing in relief when you saw it was just him.
"Good morning, Ms. Y/LN. You're quite early today, aren't you?" Said Dr. Lee in a cheerful and surprised tone; you laughed a little as you closed the heavy door carefully and rushed to his desk, "Sorry, I just needed to ask you about my paper," You responded, "I made a mistake, and the formatting got ruined as I was submitting it, is there any way I could resubmit it after the lecture?" Dr. Lee, with the sleeves of his gray sweater rolled up and his medium-length black hair just as unruly—yet neat as always paused for a moment, tapping the pen between his fingers on the his large wooden desk as he lowered his gaze at what seemed to be an endless stack of ungraded papers from the last written exam. Dr. Lee has always been the most relaxed and easygoing professor; if not for him being married with his looks, he'd be more popular amongst the horny college girls trying their hardest to pass with a easy C-. But, luckily for them, he's always understanding.
"Well, Y/N, you know I have a lot to do today," He said with a slight gesture to the papers in front of him, "So I probably won't get around to grading those essays at all this week, so I'll do you a favor today." His response made you smile. You knew you didn't have to worry; you couldn't be more relieved if you tried. "Ahhh! Thank you, Dr. Lee! I'll get it resubmitted as soon as I get to my dorm!" As he nodded and laughed, you began to rush to your desk in celebration, but before you could sit down, he stopped you, saying: "Y/N, do you think since I've done you a favor, you could do me one?" You immediately turned around to him with wide eyes, your mind dove straight into the gutters as he stood up and shoved his hands into the front pockets of his cozy gray sweats; he walked around his desk and leaned against it, crossing his leg over the other as he waited for your response. Nervously, you said, "Uh...well, I wouldn't mind," as you hoped that he wasn't saying what you were thinking. Your response made him smile wide; pulling his hands out of his pockets, he clapped them together loudly and stood straight, saying: "Great! Come over here for a second."
You looked around the lecture room nervously as he rushed back to his desk, feeling a little uneasy as you slowly approached him. Dr. Lee said jokingly, "Come on, hurry it up, Ms. Y/N."You took a deep breath and returned to his desk, standing at the side of him nervously as you awaited what he'd do or say next. "Do you know Park Jisung?" His question caught you off guard, and you were so shocked that you thought you misheard him for a second—why was he asking you about Jisung? You've never spoken to him once, and it's not like you could anyway. You only have this one class with him, and he's always quiet unless he has to speak. Sometimes, you see him when you're eating lunch or at the library; you've caught him at the gym once or twice, but you've never actually spoken. And it's not just you; he doesn't talk to anyone except his dorm mats—even though he doesn't speak to anyone, he's at the center of every girl's conversation. Every girl you've been friends with has had a crush on him, he even gets baked goods, cards, chocolates, and flowers well after Valentine's Day. Almost every girl has his birthday memorized, and they regularly give him gifts on his birthday. You think it's a little much, but you can't judge, despite your lack of gift-giving and interest in attempting to strike up a conversation with him—you have a crush on him too.
But still, you couldn't figure out why he was asking you about him. "Of course I do. We don't talk, but I've seen him around; why?" Dr. Lee sighed and peeked over your shoulder to look at the door, "I figured..." Dr. Lee rolled his eyes and leaned against his black swivel seat as he thought carefully about what to say next. "I'm sorry, but is something wrong?" You asked, "Is he okay?" He looked at you with raised eyebrows and laughed a little. "He's fine, I was just asking." You nodded, feeling confused and intrigued, but decided not to question him any further; you didn't know why he'd think you and Jisung were friends to begin with, so you brushed it off and once again began to walk to your seat. "Oh, one last thing, Y/N." You turned your head to him and raised your eyebrows as you softly hummed, "Do you think Jisung is attractive?" Your eyes went wide as you stared at him with a baffled expression. "You can be honest. You don't have a boyfriend, and Jisung is attractive to you, right?" Feeling embarrassed and confused, you nervously laughed and nodded a little.
He's not wrong—Jisung is extremely attractive, he's quiet, intelligent, tall, and shy, and you've heard he's a fantastic dancer. "I mean...yeah? But why are you asking?" Dr. Lee nodded and grinned, saying a quick "No reason." Before getting up to open his door, signifying that it was now the five-minute mark. Going up to the top row, you sit your laptop down and plug up your phone, waiting for the room to fill with its usual faces before class starts. One by one, people entered and sat in their regular seats. At this point, you would've been running down the halls to make it before the door closed so you wouldn't have seen Jisung walking in with his headphones and round, frameless glasses sitting on his nose. You smiled a little as you looked at him, reflecting on your conversation with Dr. Lee made want to laugh, he had hit the nail on the head perfectly about you finding Jisung attractive—his pretty, plump, and full lips fit his face perfectly, his nose just as gorgeous as his eyes and it makes him completely irresistible. His outfits always make you think of what type of boyfriend he'd be.
He always dresses casually, but he makes it look so good. Today was no different either. His black turtleneck and matching black pants that fit him just right looked unbelievably comfortable and warm. Even though you were far away, he looked like he smelled so good, and that alone gave you butterflies. As you continued to stare, he sat down and placed his heavy-looking bag on the floor; as he turned to the side and reached down to go through it, you thought it was a little odd but cute—as he continued to go through his bag you watched with a slight smile. But your smile quickly faded, and your eyes darted away as he suddenly looked directly at you. Maybe you were staring a little too much? You thought that he must've felt your eyes on him or that he had noticed from the corner of his eye, so you decided to stop staring—you didn't want him to think you were some weirdo. As the last person comes in, the door is closed, and like always, Dr. Lee begins his long, playful good morning ramble. Usually, you listen closely, but no matter how much you try to distract yourself, your mind drifts, staring blankly ahead with Jisung at the front of your brain.
You grin a little as you imagine what talking to him would be like; he's never occupied your mind so much before, but now you can't stop thinking about him. And you were so entertained by the thought of him that you didn't even notice Dr. Lee calling you until someone beside you tapped your shoulder. "Ms. Y/N, are you feeling okay?" Dr. Lee asked; you looked at him confused as you sat up in your seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the amount of attention on you, "I'm fine, sorry, I was just a little distracted." You answered awkwardly; for some reason, instead of brushing it off and kindly reminding you to pay attention, he shook his head and clicked his tongue in disappointment, "Y/N, do me a favor and come sit down here," He said, "I need you paying attention because this lesson is imperative for your final grades and so I want everyone to pay close attention." You looked at him even more confused than before; he had never made anyone move when they weren't paying attention—granted, it's not often that someone is very blatantly ignoring him, but still, it was shocking that he was making you sit closer as if you were failing his class. But without a fight, you nodded to save yourself the embarrassment, and starting moving down to the second row.
But as you reached the fourth row he stopped you Dr. Lee stopped you and said "Actually, could you sit beside Jisung?" You stopped and looked at him him; strangely, Dr. Lee was grinning as if he had told a joke that only he was in on. "You don't mind, right, Mr. Park?" This time, you looked at Jisung, who sat motionless with his eyes looking straight ahead as he shook his head, "Great, please take a seat, Y/N." Your stomach felt so uneasy as you reached the only empty section. Of course, no one else would be sitting near him in the fourth row; he always sits right underneath the air vents and right beside the window—plus, they keep a distance so they don't seem like weirdos, so as you sat down beside him you prayed that it wouldn't get awkward. Even though you don't talk, you don't want to ruin your chance to be friends with him.
"Thank you, now! Let's move on to our next subject; seeing that this is psychology and can get a little dark sometimes, I thought we should talk about something pleasant." As you glance at Jisung from the corner of your eye, you notice that he's also sneaking a glance at you, and the moment you see him, he quickly looks away, and his cheeks begin to turn pink slowly; unfortunately for you, this causes an eruption of butterflies and endless swirls in your stomach. "Today, I want to talk about the beauty of love; how many of you have been in love before? Raise your hands." As a few hands raise, you look back at Dr. Lee, and he's looking right at the two of you, "Jisung? Y/N? You two have never been in love before?" He asked with a slight laugh and his hand raised, "Don't be shy, I know one of you has," from the corner of your eye, you notice Jisung raise his hand; this makes Dr. Lee smile even more, "Y/N?" Sighing, you raise your hand and play into his little game, but once again, your mind starts to drift as you wonder what type of girl Jisung would fall in love with. You never really thought about it, but now, as you imagine it, a girl like him comes to mind.
For a while, there was a rumor that Jisung had a girlfriend because he had become friends with a girl, because she was really pretty everyone swore they had to be dating. You had heard from a friend who heard from a friend, who heard it from a friend, who heard it from some guy who heard it in the men's dorms that Jisung liked her, and that's why he became friends with her. "Amazing, now you all might be wondering why I'm asking this, right?" Dr. Lee pauses, "Well, about 70 percent of people don't end up with the love of their life, and are you curious about why this is?" As Dr. Lee continued to explain, you sat beside Jisung with sweaty palms. Your stomach felt so tight, and the slightly musky smell of citrus, Calderwood, and flowers coming from him made that feeling double. He smelt so good that you could start purring. You hadn't noticed how much time had passed until Dr. Lee suddenly clapped his hands loudly and sighed, "As much as I would hate to spring a new project on all of you suddenly, this is worth 40 percent of your grade and it will be your last project of the semester," Taking a deep breathe you focus your attention on him and cross your legs, "But, because I'm so kind I'll make it a group project, you can pick your partner so please do so now and I'll explain the rest." You turned your head to the right, watching as everyone quickly asked their friends to partner with them; everyone was quick to choose a partner they knew could get the job done quickly while you sat awkwardly, waiting for a chance to get up and find a partner yourself.
You were so busy watching everyone else that you didn't notice Jisung looking at you, not seeing how his face turned red as he prepared himself to speak to you. "Uhm, Y/N..." The sound of Jisung's voice almost made you jump, it was so smooth and deep—the soft pulse you felt between your legs made you want to scream. You try your hardest to contain yourself as you turn your head to him; you were surprised to see a pretty, red blush on his face, it only made you swoon even more. As he spoke he didn't altogether avoid making eye contact with you, he looked in your eyes only a little as he shyly asked. "Uhm, do you want to be my partner?" You couldn't hide your smile as you nodded happily. You could see him trying his hardest not to smile as he looked away and cleared his throat...you never took him as the shy type.
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Class was over just as soon as it began and your palms were sweating profusely as you awaited the perfect opportunity to ask Jisung for his number, slowly you collected your belongs and pretended to look for things as he spoke to Dr. Lee—you felt so nervous, despite knowing that he'd say yes you were still so on edge. And when he finally began to walk away from Dr. Lee you were so anxious that you immediately jumped out of your seat and began to rush down the rows of seats, politely saying excuse me to the group of people standing around as you brushed passed them.
But suddenly stopping you Dr. Lee said "Oh, Y/N, I need to talk to you about the paper you submitted." As he walked around his desk.
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I sigh as I walk through the loud bustling hall, my phone had died just minutes before class ended so I couldn't put my headphones in to drown out the sound of the unnecessarily loud talking—my best bet was to get back to my dorm as fast as possible to avoid the usual stares and unsolicited flirting. It would be nice if I could just get back without having someone corner me into giving them my number or taking theirs, I managed to get through a whole lecture without being hounded and I even got to talk to Y/N. Sure I didn't say much, and maybe I was a little quiet and awkward, but I still talked to her. I smiled a little thinking about her, I didn't expect her to agree with being my partner—usually she just asks to work alone and Dr. Lee always lets her. So I can't help but feel a little special about her saying yes.
I've always wondered what she thought about me, she never seems to pay me any mind and has never tried talking to me once—we've had the same classes for almost three years now and even when I see her outside of school she always seems to be in her own world; or just avoiding mine. Sometimes I notice her looking my way but it always seems to be a coincidence and she always looks away the second I look at her, when I talked to Chenle about it he was confident that she had a crush on me but that was two years ago...now he thinks that I'm just imagining it and I can't blame him. I've had this same crush on her for three years now and the most I can say is: "We made eye contact today." But what am I supposed to do? I don't want to make her uncomfortable by approaching her, I always imagined being more confident in myself and going right up to her; in my mind it's the same thing over and over again.
I see her leaving class and instead of standing there breathlessly, I approach her smoothly. In my head I'd say something straightforward but romantic, "I just couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are." And she'd swoon, Ive always imagined that she'd have these beautiful stars in her pretty eyes as she looks at me—just imagining a smile on her gorgeous two toned lips with that shiny coat of lipgloss gives me butterflies. I could hardly stand sitting next to her, the way she looked at me when I called her name...not to mention how good she smelled. I thought I would melt if she actually said anything to me, I couldn't imagine how I would've reacted if she asked me instead.
I roll my eyes as I finally begin to leave campus, I can already tell that I'll be hung up over that one interaction for the next few weeks...how will I handle actually working with her personally? I mean I'm supposed to spend a whole two weeks with her and- "Jisung!" I stop hearing my name being called, "Jisung!" As I look over my shoulder my eyes go wide at the sight of Y/N running towards me. The sun hitting her beautiful brown skin makes her look so unreal, I can't help but stare as she rushes towards me. It feels like I'm dreaming. "Sorry," She said as she tried to catch her breathe, "I...realized that we don't have each others numbers." She said with a laugh, I could feel those same butterflies in my stomach as she looked at me with her shiny brown eyes. God...she's so damn pretty. "Oh, sorry..." I responded, "My phone is dead but I can give you my number." She nodded with a gut wrenchingly beautiful smile and reached in her pocket, only when she pulled her phone out and gestured it towards me did I notice how shaky her hands were. Chenle won't believe this…
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taeraeszn · 1 year
OMG HIII ♡ can i place a request for a zb1 reaction to you asking for kisses and cuddles after a long day? i feel like they’d have such cute reactions😭
when you ask zb1 for kisses and cuddles
hi anon ty for requesting!! i hope it's okay that i changed gunwook's and yujin's to just cuddles since their still very young :) the rest of the members are both kisses and cuddles!
also, i thought some would be a bit repetitive so i changed some of them a bit! i hope your okay with that <3
warnings: the teeniest bit of suggestiveness (kissing/making out), mention of food, but nothing else from what i see. but pls lmk if there are any you want me to add!
kim jiwoong
today couldn't have drained you enough, you were tasked with so many things to do during work that you couldn't even count on your fingers
by the time you clocked out you were already exhausted, yawning as you grabbed your things
the only thing you needed right now was some affection from your bf jiwoong and thankfully he was still camping at your house by the time you arrived!
you had always told him that he could come whenever since you gave him an extra key to your place
he heard the door open and you were so relieved that jiwoong was there. you quickly threw off your shoes and ran to your boyfriend, not allowing him to even say hi before you engulfed yourself into his embrace
that one hug was enough to relieve you of your entire day. jiwoong let out a slight chuckle and moved your hair strands to the side
"tough day?" he asked. you nodded then sighed, "so tough. can you just cuddle and kiss me now?"
without responding using words, jiwoong pressed his lips against yours
you cupped your hands against his cheeks lightly then moving them to wrap around his shoulders
jiwoong's hand rested on your side, gripping at them softly
"we can just stay like this if you want." he mumbled
"yes please."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
you were sitting in your bedroom desk for god knows how long
it was supposed to be a simple essay that would've taken you an hour to finish but it ended up becoming so many hours of typing due to all the research you had to do beforehand. but even at the end you were unsatisfied by what you had created and knew you burnt yourself out hard on this
the only thing you needed for comfort was hao. it was twelve in the morning but you knew he was awake since he'd occasionally message you at this time
you rang him up and he picked up right away, you asked for him to come over and you didn't even get a response, the phone just hang up
and not even ten minutes later he's at your front door
"baobei!" he greeted, you let him in and he sat on your bed. you joined him and just as he was about to say something..
"cuddle me." you said. he let out a chuckle as he threw his head back
"what?" you sunk yourself into his chest then giving his cheek a sweet kiss
"cuddle me." you repeated. he returned the favour and wrapped his arms around you
"now can you tell me why you called at twelve?" he asked, pecking your forehead
"i needed comfort after my essay i was doing for hours." he finally understood and gave you another kiss but on the cheek this time
"i'm here for as long as you need me to be, baobei."
sung hanbin
you were sitting in your backyard, just reading after the extensive planning you had with hanbin for zb1's anniversary party
he assigned you to plan the party since you had experience but considering that this was for his group, you wanted make it incredibly special
beside you on the table was the notes you had written down for all the activities that would be available for the boys to do as they also wanted to do a livestream to celebrate
just then, the door behind you slid open to reveal your boyfriend hanbin!
"i was looking for you." he began then making his way towards you, "you must've been burnt out today from planning today."
you chuckled, "tell me about it! but then, i wanted to make this party something memorable for years to come."
the atmosphere fell silent afterwards but in a comfortable way. it was then that you stared up at hanbin again
"bin...can i hug you?" his face perked up, with him giggling
"of course." that allowed you to hug him as you could relax in his arms after the long day
"and perhaps some kisses?" you asked, looking at him for confirmation.
"you know i would never say no to that." he sealed your lips together softly in the quiet aroma surrounding you two
all the stress you previously had alleviated just from hanbin's warmth
seok matthew
matthew was not expecting to come home to see an frustrated you sitting on the couch. he slowly approached you and tapped your shoulder, "hey is everything okay?"
though you were happy that matthew came home earlier today, you weren't in the mood to speak as today burnt you out
"yeah, i'm fine. but i just want to be alone for a bit matt." he could tell from your tone that you needed some time alone from how it didn't sound like the regular you
"uh, yeah that's okay. just let me know when your ready to talk." he reassured you, then leaving to your shared bedroom
as a few hours passed of you sitting alone, you realized just how much you missed matthew's touch and presence
you made your way to your bedroom and slowly twisted the knob to reveal matthew sitting on the bed while on his phone
he looked up and seemed relieved to see you, "hey."
you nodded and sat next to him, "hi...i'm sorry for earlier, my co-workers were being absolutely terrible today so i needed some time to calm my mind down."
he rubbed your back lightly, "i understand, we all have those types of days."
as you two stared at one another, you rested your hand on his, "matt, is it ok if we can just chill for a while here? like just cuddle and kiss in each other's company?"
he smiled and put his phone away, "you don't even have to ask baby!" he basically threw himself into your arms as he left a sweet kiss on your lips
kim taerae
taerae's parents were planning to come over to your shared apartment to finally meet you and needless to say that you were working your ass off to clean the apartment
while taerae was out practicing in the wakeone building, you spent hours cleaning every spot of your place, making sure the living room and kitchen were spotless, as well as your bedroom
not just that! but you also were prepping food to give to his parents as a welcoming gift for them visiting
you didn't realize just how much of a toll this took on you and by the time you finished plating the last meal on the dining table, you were too exhausted to move and went to your couch to rest
by then, taerae had just returned home and shouted your name
"(name)! is everything ready?" he asked. you sat up and nodded but he noticed your eyes that began shutting on you
"babe are you okay?" he rushed towards you
"yes, i'm fine. i was just cleaning and prepping the food which must've exhausted me." he then saw the dining table that was filled with his parents favourite dishes
"oh my, baby i appreciate you doing this but you need to also prioritize yourself."
you then grabbed his hand, "tae, is it okay if we can just cuddle and kiss, i need some reliver."
he didn't even ask twice before wrapping his arms around you and kissing you, and just like that, all the stress from earlier evaporated
"don't worry. you did a great job, my parents will be happy to meet you."
shen ricky
your parents had asked for extra help in their restaurant as it became the season where everyone flocked to visit and the amount of workers couldn't be able to handle the many customers
you agreed but being in the kitchen made your stress worsen, with the demanding orders and no time to rest, you were tired
ricky was informed beforehand of this by you and you had to cancel your planned date with him, but this didn't stop him from seeing you
as you were clocking out, you were shocked when you saw ricky on his phone beside the front entrance, pressumably waiting for you
he looked up and saw you in the apron, then chuckled, "look at my little chef."
you grinned slightly, "yeah." you unwrapped the apron and held it. ricky could sense that something was up though
"was today a lot for you?" you knew your boyfriend could always sense how you felt and you nodded
"do you need anything, a drink, something to eat-"
"i want you." he blinked, looking puzzled, "huh?"
"i just want cuddles and some kisses to help me from the stress." you corrected yourself
ricky then giggled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder
"then let's head home shall we?"
you leaned into him more, "let's go!"
kim gyuvin
gyuvin begged you to join the members on a road trip so you couldn't say no and went with them. this road trip was to the countryside where they would chill and become their regular self's again unlike their idol self
the first day was just the ride there so you didn't mind that. also because gyuvin was all over you in the car, not letting any other member be near you
but the second day was when you arrived there and the members had already pre-planned everything they would do there and the sights they wanted to see
but as the day progressed, you were so tired and just wanted to head back to the place you guys were sleeping at
luckily some of the other members felt the same way and hanbin decided to take you guys back
back in the place you were staying in, you were pulling out the matress to sleep on when gyuvin walked on
"whatcha doinnnn~" he said, you giggled, "going to bed."
"what?!" he exclaimed, you had already got the pillows and blanket and laid the blanket over yourself, then rested your head on the pillow
"hey, we're still doing some games in the living room like jenga! you should come join us!" he continued, still trying to persuade you to get out of bed
"gyu, i appreciate it but all i want is to rest after our long day."
he pouted but didn't push you any further, instead he joined you under the blanket
he then looked around to make sure the other members weren't going to walk in, "can i cuddle you for a while?" you allowed him and he basically trapped you into his embrace with his legs locking you in
"love you." he randomly said, you poked his cheek, "love you too gyu."
park gunwook
you were leaving the academy after studying for nearly four hours just for the upcoming college entrance exam
it was absolutely tiring you out but you wanted to get into a good university to make your parents proud
you were heading down the steps to the door when you were startled at the sight of someone just standing by the front door
as you gathered the courage to get a bit closer, it was gunwook!
he seemed to have been waiting for you as he looked up from his phone and grinned
"you weren't replying to my messages." you shrugged as you made your way towards him
"we aren't allowed to have our phones on." he could tell from your tone that you were tired, and he knew just the trick
"want a hug?" you were going to say no but then realized that you really did a hug to relieve yourself from all the stress
"yes please..."
he pulled you into his arms gently as you inhaled his scent
after a while he pulled away and looked at you with his adorable smile, "c'mon, i'll walk you home."
"but isn't your house further away?" you asked, he shrugged
"who cares, you matter more to me." you intertwined your hands together and walked to your house
han yujin
your volleyball practice after school got extended to 2 more hours though you were already exhausted from the non-stop orders from your coach to try again after you messed up
you had also promised yujin that you would come over that day but that was already out of the picture
you were worried as for how he'd react to you cancelling your home date but nonetheless pulled through practice seeming as if you were unbothered
when you were all finally dismissed, you rushed to grab your bag and open the exit door of your gym to reveal yujin standing there
"yujin? how did you know..?" he giggled and walked closer to you
"well...you didn't come at the time we planned, so i assumed your practice got extended and then you didn't pick up my calls so i came here."
you scratched the back of your head, "yeah, sorry this happened. i wasn't expecting it to be extended."
he held his hand out, "let's go?"
you were filled with gratitude towards your boyfriend who went out of his way to see you this late at night despite school being tomorrow and so you asked for something simple
"can we just...hug? i feel like i want that the most right now." you shyly said, looking down at the leaves. he chuckled and wrapped his arms around you
"like this?" you leaned into his hug more, "yes. thank you yujin"
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cobaltperun · 16 hours
Genius (12 - Finale) - I'm Alive
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Cairo Sweet x female (G!P) Reader
Summary: It was such a cliché, a reunion she didn’t expect to ever happen, let alone six years after she last saw you. It was supposed to mean nothing, a bit of nostalgia, maybe a brief catching up while waiting for class, it was supposed to be a small wave of nostalgia, not a tsunami that disrupted her entire life. You were her opposite, and as hard as she tried she couldn’t resist your pull.
Story masterlist / First part / Previous Part
Word count: 1.7k
-When you call on me, when I hear you breathe, I get wings to fly, I feel that I'm alive-
I am a shadow. Born and raised in the light, though dark remains my natural habitat. I am a shadow that was given freedom, released from the one who cast me. My greatest achievement? Using that newfound freedom and giving myself a shape beyond a dark figure without a face, without a voice, or identity.
I thought of my home as mundane, mediocre, I wished to leave it behind, searching for something more meaningful. I believed I had accomplished nothing, instead wasting my youth on normal, on boring. Valedictorian, though I am, I found that to be boring, average, not worthy of being called a great, let alone the greatest achievement of my life.
I sought affirmation, I sought recognition of my talents, a love so strong it would transcend conventions, and I found none of that. Instead, I found betrayal. I sought excitement, and instead found stability, support, and someone who built me up, improving me and letting me improve her and us in return.
And we traveled the world. Leaving our lives behind and with little more than a backpack of bare necessities, we traveled. At first, inspired by 'Around the World in Eighty Days' we visited our first destinations, traveling as tourists, and then we changed our minds.
We stopped traveling from place to place, we stayed, we lived there, experiencing the culture, the differences from what we were used to, and the journey around the world became a journey through 10 countries, one month for each one.
That is my greatest achievement, opening my mind to the world, to different values and cultures, learning and embracing the parts that resonated with me the most, and understanding the others. And I wrote about it, pages upon pages flowed through me and onto the screen or paper, and from that a tale was born. 10 stories about life, about will, about what it means to be human and free, each through the eyes of multiple people I met, combined into one.
My greatest achievement is finding my purpose.
You finished reading Cairo’s Yale essay on her greatest achievement and looked up, smiling widely at your girlfriend as she impatiently awaited your response.
“So?” she asked, and you hummed, leaning back on the sofa in the simple hotel room, you glanced outside, seeing the beautiful beach as the Sun began rising. You two deserved a bit of a vacation after the past year, because, well, it wasn’t that you just traveled and lived, you worked in those countries, so, you were taking a bit of a break now that Cairo would apply for Yale. “Y/N?” she warned you playfully as she moved from the sofa next to you to straddling your lap.
You grinned, your hands dropping to her thighs as she leaned in and kissed you. “You want to make out or do you want me to tell you about your essay?” you laughed when she pulled back for a bit.
“Can’t see why we can’t multitask,” she whispered in your ear and bit your earlobe gently.
“I can try,” you kissed her neck several times, making sure not to leave marks, since she needed to go and have a talk about her book with the publisher that was interested in it. “I think you are brilliant,” you told her, and groaned as Cairo, of course, didn’t have to worry about marks on your neck and her nails left tiny red lines along it while she kissed just beneath your ear. “Fuck, Cairo! You know I’m an awful critic when,” you pulled her collar aside and latched onto the skin of her shoulder since that was fair game. “we’re making out!” you complained earning a laugh from the girl on your lap.
“You are an awful, lovestruck, critic in general,” she teased, a low moan slipped past her lips as she pushed her body against you and hugged you tightly.
“Mhm,” you agreed, you absolutely agreed, but she was just as bad. “Remember when I recorded playing an out of tune guitar? You know, when it sounded like a sin against music?” you reminded her and smirked when she blushed. “You said, and I quote ‘It’s perfect’ just because I was making you feel really good,” you dragged your bottom lip up her neck before kissing her. Her mouth opened immediately, and you felt her tongue inside your mouth. “In all seriousness, I think you won. You did it, you overcame it all,” you said, no longer making out with her, instead you were just leaning your forehead down on her shoulder while she hugged you. “You were stronger than everything that happened in that school,” you ran your fingers through her hair, soothing her when she tightened her hold on you. “You’ll get in, I have no doubt in my mind, that’s how good your essay is,” you assured her, completely confident in that being the outcome.
~X~ Five years later ~X~
A smell of wild roses engulfed her senses as she brushed her hair, humming a tune of your band’s new song.
“You are, against all odds, somehow still tone deaf,” came Winnie’s biting remark from the bathroom and Cairo felt her eye twitching at her best friend’s constant teasing. “How can your Biker Girl even handle the sounds you make?” Winnie came out of the bathroom and leaned on the wall.
Cairo had a bit of a lecherous grin on her face and Winnie immediately put her hand up.
“Nope, no way, none of that, I do not need that image tonight,” she stopped Cairo before she could even say that you did, in fact handle the aforementioned sounds in a certain way. But Cairo figured she could show some mercy to Winnie, seeing as the two of them were getting ready for a fairly big concert of your band, the biggest one so far, in fact.
“She sure made it,” Cairo smiled, remembering how you managed to scramble together a band and slowly but surely gain popularity and make it work in the end. A lot has happened since the two of you came back from your one-year break. Cairo just published her third book, Winnie had several art exhibitions and was gaining quite a reputation in graphic design, and you not only had your own band but also worked as a songwriter.
While she went to college you focused on your career, and she was immensely proud of you.
“Okay, get that lovestruck look off your face, your face will get frozen like that,” Winnie laughed and shoved Cairo jokingly, only for Cairo to shove her back until they fell back onto the bed, laughing like they did all those years ago when they were teenagers.
“Come on, I don’t want to be late,” Cairo sat up, a grin still on her face as she went to finish getting ready.
The bright stage lights, clear night skies above you, the screaming crowd in front of you, and in the midst of it all you saw Cairo standing near the stage, and you heard her louder than anyone else as you sang. The drums and guitars overpowered the crowd as people sang along with you and you had to force yourself to look away from her.
The band was still a bit young, so you were mixing in some covers to get to that three-hour mark and right now, to close things off, you were singing ‘Shapeshifters’ by Hands Like Houses, a fairly fitting song for you and Cairo if you could say so yourself.
“We will be unbreakable! Let's take it all as a reminder we'll never need, every place we dance, in a way, we never leave! We're toe to toe, side to side, beneath the stars, we will be unbreakable!” you sang hyping the crowd up as you played the guitar in your arms. And then you calmed it all down and looked at Cairo once more, and knowing what part of the song was coming up she stopped cheering and just smiled at you, her eyes filled with love. “From up this close, I can't see a thing, aside from you in front of me. I can't recall a night this clear, a better light to lead us here, no brighter diamond in the sky than those embedded in your eyes!”
You finished the song and thanked the crowd, one more concert finished successfully and with the crowd more than pleased with your performance. You just took a moment to take it all in, see how far you’ve come, you and Cairo, and Winnie as well, but Cairo especially. She truly overcame it all, coming out stronger than ever before, and you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with her, watching her blossom again and again, with each new book, each new achievement, each new thing that brought her happiness.
“Go get your girl,” Rick, your drummer laughed, and you just rolled your eyes, but you weren’t about to complain, Winnie would go back to the hotel with them, you and Cairo on the other hand…
You jumped off the stage and Cairo ran up to you and jumped into your arms, and you spun her around, grinning at the clothes she chose to wear. “Wanna ditch this place?” the two of you already planned this, which was why your precious motorcycle was parked next to your band’s van.
“Mhm,” she kissed you while you still held her, and soon enough the sound of the motorcycle engine roaring as you drove down the highway, taking a break from the big city became the only sound the two of you heard. The scenery around you changed, and you felt Cairo tightening her hold on you. Before she began writing her next book, before you made plans for a tour with the band, before work once again took up your free time, you would just take time and have fun together.
Away from everything else, just the two of you, the way it was long before you even fell in love with one another.
A/N: Short, but I really didn't want to drag things out, I thought there'd be more to write, but this just feels complete as it is. If I knew, I would have just combined chapters 11 and 12. Anyway, there goes another story, unlike with Lost I don’t intend to write side stories so, unless someone requests it, I am saying goodbye to Cairo. It was more fun than I expected and thank you all for reading! Oh, and, there's going to be a poll, yes, I am being evil again. Sorry 🤣🤣
Story masterlist / First part / Previous Part
Taglist: @deimaisgail @bee-keeping @marvelous-disaster @jmwetterlund @tekanparadiae
@alexkolax @ioveyouyouloveme @aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh @autorasexy @lifeforsimp13
@puta1 @minnyyminny
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realizinau · 3 months
I'm really interested in your AU (which made me write a whole fanfic bout it, only if that's okay—)
there's a question that got me curious after reading bout the SC roles in the orphanage, how do they deal with a difficult kid?
for example; there's a specific kid that they're really worried bout, that kid won't eat much, refuse to join activities, and if they did join (after being forced) they hardly keep up, won't communicate and always look tired due lack of sleep, and hardly share their hobbies, emotions or thoughts with anyone. what would they do having to deal with such a kid?
(and yes this ask plays an important role in the fanfic since I wanna get their reactions right)
Okok I assume you don't want to wait eons for me to possibly draw an answer so I will bestow this knowledge upon you as the mod, hope that's alright :) This might be a long one my bad
Kickin and Hoppy tend to try to motivate and cheer up rather than talk. They're not really the "emotional talk" type, if they feel it's necessary they'll get one of the other critters who are better equipped to speak with the person
They more or less try to nudge others into things or being engaged with activities, if they don't seem interested they'll join the activity with them and try to help keep them interested. They'll also make games out of simple activities to motivate others, like they'll challenge kids to an eating race to get them to eat their breakfast, stuff like that. They'll also spend 1 on 1 time with the person if they're not wanting to do anything, just to keep them company
Picky and Bubba usually sit the child down and have a talk, they'll want to offer advice or help them work through whatever is going on. They also keep eyes on troubled kids, just to make sure they're caring for their needs properly and not doing anything harmful. Otherwise they'll try to keep the child on the right path with suggestions
Crafty and Bobby have gentler approaches. They'll try to lead into asking the child if they're okay, mostly just sticking around them and watching them to get a sense of whatever is going on before speaking with them. They'll gently nudge them to play or to join in an activity, but eventually they'll pull the child aside. They'll invite the child to vent, even if not much is said they'll try to provide comfort and support anyway. Crafty specifically will invite the child to draw with her, just to keep them company
Dogday is very direct. He wants to know what's wrong and how to help. He can be a little pushy, but he tries to reign himself in, he just cares a lot and doesn't like seeing others upset. He wants to know what's going on so he can offer advice and support, and he also wants to try to cheer them up, make them feel a lil better, help them look on the bright side a bit
Catnap is super attentive. He's Playcare's guardian and he takes that responsibility seriously. He's very observant, he'll watch the child and stay nearby to get a sense of what's going on before acting. Sometimes he's quite indirect in helping, he'll ask another kid to invite the troubled one to their game. Other times he'll nudge the child into the right direction himself, or he'll just quietly keep them company
He tends to talk to children before they go to bed. He'll hang out with individual children and read them stories to help them settle down, but during that time he also tries to get a sense of whatever is bothering them. He asks questions gently, he'll listen if they want to talk, and he'll offer comfort/advice accordingly. He tries to be a calming presence more than a forceful one so he's not generally super pushy
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haveyouanytime · 21 days
hi there! can i request college!au with vincent renzi, in which he is law professor and he has this responsable and smart student (legal age ofc) who steals his attention? can it have dacryphilia too?, if you’re comfortable writing that 😅 please
professor + dacryphilia with vincent renzi | minors + ageless blogs dni! cw: cunnilingus, teacher-student relationship (reader is 18+, uni student), crying = dacryphilia, bit of plot
౨ৎ daily click to help palestine 🍉
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You were an all-star student. You were on top of everything, steadily making a name for yourself as a reliable, outstanding student and future lawyer. Some of your peers liked to call you Elle Woods, majorly for your beauty being a major asset of yours. But part of your exceeding academics was dedicating time to go to your professor’s office hours. 
Some more so than others. 
Mr. Renzi was the professor for your criminal justice course, and you had expected to stop by his office once in a while to have him look over your essay and work to see what you can improve on. 
What you hadn’t expected was for him to be so… beautiful. 
The first time you saw him in class, you forgot to take notes. You simply watched him as he taught, his intelligence was so seductive, and it just so happened to be paired with a voice like velvet and eyes that made your heart speed up when they met yours. 
Unbeknownst to you, Vincent felt the same. Ever since that alluring first day of you simply watching him in your second-row seat, he always found his gaze gravitating towards you as your pen scratched along your paper, as you chewed gum, sipped from your water bottle, tucked your hair behind your ear, or made eye contact with him. 
You went and visited him the first time about two weeks into the semester, wanting him to look over your first essay. There was an undeniable spark, but you simply brushed it off as a mutual educational acknowledgment. Anything you could do to not linger much on how much the simple brush of his hand against yours send electricity through your body.
Vincent once was going to ask you if you wanted to join him on his walk to his office, but that was the first time he saw him. You walked out of class, beelining with a large smile towards the open arms of some boy. Your laugh was bubbly and bright as he kissed your cheek, calling out his name. When his lips met yours, Vincent simply turned and walked away, cursing himself for not thinking about how obviously you wouldn’t be single-- you were pretty, smart, kind, and many more qualities that would have a line of boys waiting for a chance. He ran his fingers through his hair, internally kicking himself for letting himself get so unprofessional and daydreaming of his younger student, for being one of the men in line for a chance. 
Well into the semester and after plenty of visits, you were more than a familiar face in Vincent’s office, instead one he looked forward to seeing. The visits had long stemmed past the looking over essays and now were small talking sessions between you and your professor. 
This particular day, Vincent had you in his office, noticing how frazzled you seemed. 
“You have a lot on your plate?” He asked, rolling his dress shirt’s sleeves up to his elbows. His suit jacket was hanging from the back of his seat, the comfort of his office and your presence giving him the leisure of being a little less work-appropriate with his attire. 
You softly laugh, joking through the truth of your overwhelming schedule and workload, “More like it’s flowing off the table.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Vincent nodded, his brows furrowing as he gave a small chuckle to your light joke. “Especially since I’m partly the cause of that.” 
“No, no, I love your class, and being here with you is like a dream. It’s an escape.” You softly smile, shaking your head. “I have no need to mourn or worry when I’m here.” 
His ears perked at your word choice. You were meticulous, so the choice in wording wasn’t a simple passing phrase. “Mourn? What is there to mourn?” 
You hesitate, quietly sighing as you run your fingers through your hair. “My boyfriend broke up with me.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear.” He cooed, 
Saying it aloud seemed to make you think of all the things you had to handle at once-- two different final group presentations, four different essays, processing your breakup, feeding yourself, feeding your cat, working part-time, endless research… 
You didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt warm tears land on your hands that rested atop your lap. You let out a shaky breath, more tears falling before you could compose yourself. A quiet whimper slipped out, and you hid your face in your hands as you couldn’t help but softly sob.
“Shh, shh, mon biquet.” He shushed, standing from his desk and walking over to your seat. He knelt in front of you, reaching to move your hands away from your face and wipe away your tears with his thumbs. He whispered, his brows furrowing at the sight of you crying in front of him. “My lamb.” 
He watched as the warm tears slipped from your eyes, his hands cupping your face as your gentle eyes met his. Putain, he thought, you’re even pretty when you cry. A soft noise slipped past your lips as you softly cried, sending an electric jolt through Vincent. The tears on his face made him want to comfort you, but also imagine how those noises would sound if you were underneath him. Would your soft whimpers sound the same as he felt the warmth of your skin? Would your tears encourage him to draw more and more pleasure from your body? He felt his heart race as he leaned in, kissing the teardrops that were caught on the apples of your cheeks. 
Your breath hitched, unknowingly sending more of the electric feelings through Vincent’s bloodstream. The pecks on your cheek were only a whiff, but you were like a drug he was already fixed on. 
“Shh, mon biquet,” He whispered, his kisses traveling from the tears on the apples of your cheeks down to your jawline. “Let me make you feel better.” 
“Professor…” You whispered, your tears still rolling as your heart began to race. You instinctively rested your hands on his chest, your hands trembling at the immoral act occurring between you and your professor. 
“Tell me if you don’t want me to,” He softly spoke, pulling away and placing his hands over yours that rested atop his chest. His eyes met yours as his brows furrowed slightly, a moment of vulnerability from your usually stoic professor. You held his livelihood in your gentle hands-- both occupationally, but also just as a man kneeling before a woman.  
“Please,” You whisper, your eyes fluttering shut as your lip trembles, “Make me feel better.” 
He couldn’t help but groan at your words, leaning in and connecting his lips to yours. He kissed you in a way that made you dizzy, a way no boy your age would be able to accomplish. It was feverish and hot, but also gentle and caring. He pulled away to lead you to your feet, your soft lips ghosting over his as you leaned in, wanting more of his unmatched kisses. 
He smiled, giving you more kisses as he held onto your hips, pushing away his papers as he lead you to sit atop his desk. You softly gasp into his mouth, registering that he’s slowly pushing up your skirt. You blush as he kisses along your jawline, remembering you didn’t wear undershorts today, settling on just black underwear. 
Vincent didn’t mind, adjusting you so you sat on the desk so he could pull your underwear down your legs. He settled between your legs, kissing to the top of your blouse before kneeling down to begin kissing down your pubic bone. You blushed and bit your bottom lip, trying not to squeeze your thighs shut out of embarrassment and smother your handsome criminal justice professor. 
He settled as he finally reached your cunt, his fingers spreading you open to see the wetness that had formed just from his kisses. He smirked to himself, leaning in and placing soft kisses onto your clit. Just a little stimulation like that, and he heard soft moans of pleasure from above. They were a little muffled, and he looked up to see you hiding your mouth behind your hand. 
Taking it as a challenge, he wrapped his arms around your thighs, fully allowing himself to dwell in your warm cunt and give you enough pleasure to be unable to hide your noises. 
His age showed in his experience, bringing you to your orgasm after barely two minutes into the affair. “Proff- oh, God-- Professor…!” You gasped, feeling your climax forming in your abdomen. 
“Let it happen, my lamb.” He murmured against your clit, coaxing you even closer. Just as you cried out, practically biting down onto your hand to try and stay quiet, he slipped two of his fingers into your warmth. You couldn’t silence the moan that slipped past your lips, your legs pressing lightly against his head as the overstimulation made the pleasure reach a peak in your body. 
You quickly learned, however, Vincent was not a one-and-done type of man. He kept you on that high as long as he could, even going as far to push the peak higher and higher as he coaxed a few more orgasms out of you, all while chuckling and murmuring praises against your skin. Your lip trembled as your legs tensed on either side of his head, your breath shaky as the overstimulation brought back the warm tears in your eyes. You mewled, tugging at his hair to wordlessly plead with him, sniffling as a few warm tears slipped from your eyes. 
“Just like that, mon biquet,” He groaned, his hands tightening their hold on your soft thighs as he watched you cry, “One more, I promise.” 
You whimpered and moaned as he lead you towards another orgasm, this one being the farthest you’d traveled in terms of pleasure. His fingers worked at massaging your walls, his mouth suckling and placing kitten licks onto your clit. He worked you farther and farther until he felt the familiar tense around his fingers, your will giving up as your thighs trapped him between the plush muscles. 
You writhed against the desk as you clenched your thighs together, his promise a stretch of truth as he worked you through your last climax. Your thighs relaxed and he gently pulled away, both of you panting as the room was hot with sex and rounds of overstimulation. 
“Thank you, professor.” You softly spoke, feeling shy as you pushed down your skirt to hide your exposed pussy. “I… I wasn’t expecting that.” 
“I should thank you.” He grinned, standing from where he knelt between your legs. He straightened his clothes, trying to be subtle in the way he fixed his erection. He wiped his mouth with his hand, “I, er… haven’t had a meal like that in a while.” 
You shyly smiled, standing from the desk and placing a quick peck onto his cheek. He grinned, his hands moving to hold your waist again. “We should plan another… ahem, one-on-one tutoring session again. Come again on Thursday, the same time, if you would like another lesson.” 
“Of course, professor.” You smiled, blushing at the idea of another sexual endeavor with your handsome criminal justice professor. 
“Please, call me Vincent.” He grinned, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out the little black fabric, handing you back your underwear. “Anything for my best student.”
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— sssssoooo anxiousssss
Bakugo x black!reader
TW: Swearing, slightly suggestive
Note: this was originally supposed to have 2 other characters… but bakugos got way too long😭 might make another version with them anyways tho. Enjoyyy🫶🏾
⇶ Katsuki doesn’t consider himself as someone who becomes nervous easily
⇶ Aside from his constant angry outbursts and screaming, he’s pretty well put together
⇶ That’s essentially the case for everyone and everything outside of you
⇶ When he first met you, everything about you made him uncharacteristically nervous
⇶ He couldn’t keep eye contact, couldn’t speak to you, couldn’t handle the way you smiled at him, etc.
⇶ Eventually, he overcame nearly all of the anxiety you made him feel, especially when you started dating
⇶ But one thing that he will never get over, is any form of physical contact with you
⇶ It’s not that it necessarily makes him nervous, but any sort of physicality with you does things to him that he can’t explain
⇶ He’s already got a soft spot for you, everyone knows that
⇶ From the way he nearly melts when you flash a smile at him and say his name, to the way he’ll be yelling at someone one second and calling you his angel the next
⇶ But your touch genuinely makes him weak
⇶ Physical touch is his predominant love language as is, but you take it to new heights
⇶ Can never just have one kiss from you, he needs more than that
⇶ A simple kiss on the cheek makes him lose his mind, he can’t help but ask for a real kiss
⇶ And another after that, and after that, and that one too… until he’s full on making out with you
⇶ Unless you’re around family, time and place simply doesn’t exist to him
⇶ Katsuki will smother you in affection no matter how many people you’re around, and doesn’t care if anyone thinks it’s a gross amount of pda
⇶ Katsuki absolutely craves you, and wouldn’t last a day without being able to feel you in some way
⇶ On rougher days, or when he’s just not feeling good, all he wants is to be a tangled mess of limbs with you in somewhere warm and comfy
⇶ And Katsuki is by no means a begger, but if it comes down to it, he will beg for you to just kiss him, even once
“Baby, you’ve been working on that stupid fucking essay since I got home, take a break. Come ‘n’ lie down with me,” Katsuki groaned, lightly tugging your arm in a childlike manner.
Katsuki’s been complaining about wanting you to lay down with him for the past 2 hours, and says he can’t go relax without you. He’s doing everything in his power to try and get your attention off your school work and on him.
Kissing you, feeling up your sides and legs, running his fingers through your braids, and more that you couldn’t be bothered to remember at the moment. You brushed him off every time, with a simple ‘not now’ or ‘just wait’. He’d be lying if he said his feelings weren’t at least a little hurt.
“Katsu, this is my final for this class, and it’s due tomorrow afternoon and I’m just starting. I can’t just take a “break” with you just because you’re bein’ all whiny,” You told him, a tinge of irritation slipping through your words as you tried to stay calm with him.
You knew that even if he did make it seem like it was about him, it was in your best interest as well. He hates to see you overwork yourself, and as tempting as cuddling up with your boyfriend to recharge sounded, you couldn’t afford that right now.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just lay down without me,” You said for what felt like the millionth time, making Katsuki kiss his teeth in response.
“First of all, I am not bein’ whiny,” He argued. “Second, you need a break anyways, so I don’t understand why you can’t lay down with me.”
You side eyed him, and he stared right back. You rolled your eyes at him, turning your attention back to your essay.
Katsuki let out a long, dramatic, groan as he buried his face into your neck, blond locks tickling your jaw and cheek. Then suddenly, he had an idea.
“Look, you only have like three pages left of your essay,” He started. “If you come lay down with me, I’ll finish ‘em for you.”
His proposal was convincing, and did pique your interest enough for you to stop typing.
“… Really?” You asked him, making him pull his face out of your neck.
“Mmhm,” He answered, a smug grin forming on his face.
He knows he won.
You kissed your teeth as you glanced at your essay document.
Katsuki just has to get what he wants.
⇶ He simply won’t take no for an answer when it comes to getting affection from you
⇶ And if he tells you it’s just a real quick kiss, or you’ll only cuddle for a few minutes, don’t believe him
⇶ He’s got an addiction for you and once he starts, he won’t stop
⇶ But he’s such a sweet talker, you fall for it everytime
⇶ Not that you’re complaining… you’d be a complete liar if you said you didn’t love it just as much as he does
⇶ And he handles you so well, you never even know why you were opposing him to begin with
⇶ Calls you pretty, gorgeous, “a fuckin’ angel”, whispers sweet nothings in your ear, runs his hand through whatever protective style you have, or just gets his fingers tangled up in your curls
⇶ Kisses you breathless, and when you pull away for air he just moves to kiss around your face, then moves down to your neck and chest, feeling your skin grow warm
⇶ Katsuki is rough by nature, and that translates into his kisses in the best way possible
⇶ Presses his lips to your skin in a slightly harsh way, and truthfully, he’s just as out of breath as you are, turning pink and panting everytime he pulls back, then going back to leaving open mouth kisses, making your brown skin glimmer as he leaves behind a light film of saliva
⇶ It’s sort of gross to really think about, but it feels so good in the moment that you don’t even care
⇶ Please return the favor, he’ll absolutely melt in your hands
⇶ Don’t worry about getting lip gloss marks on him either, he wears them proudly
⇶ If you straddle his lap to kiss him and put your hands on his shoulders, you’ll be able to feel him shaking
⇶ Plant kisses all over his face while you compliment him, he’ll be so nervous that he won’t even be able to look at you
⇶ Katsuki just loves you so much, he doesn’t know what to do when you’re all over him like this
⇶ And if he does manage to look at you, you’ll feel like he’s staring into your soul, and he’ll take in all your features before telling you he loves you
⇶ It’s too much, but he can’t get enough of you
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Love in the Big City: Book Club Schedule
Okay, besties, here we go! Turns out a lot of you are into this nerd project so we will in fact be doing a little tumblr book club for LITBC! Here's how it will work:
We will begin on Sunday, February 4, and discuss a different section of the book each week.
On Sundays, @bengiyo will post a list of discussion questions for whatever part we're reading that week. You can use these as prompts for thinking, actually write and post responses to them, or just ignore them and do your own thing.
We will all write or share whatever we like during the week, using the hashtag [#litbc book club]. Everything from simple reaction commentary to full on essays is welcome. It's also fine not to post anything yourself if that's not your thing, you can participate by reading and sharing other people's posts.
Each following Sunday, I will post a roundup of everything people wrote during the week so we'll have them all collated in one place, and Ben will then post the next round of discussion questions.
This means we are going to be on the following schedule for reading and discussing:
Part 1: Sun, February 4 to Sat, February 10
Part 2: Sun, February 11 to Sat, February 17
Part 3: Sun, February 18 to Sat, February 24
Part 4: Sun, February 25 to Sat, March 2
With the final round up posted on Sunday, March 3. Of course, this is Not That Serious and if you fall behind you should still join in whenever you can and I will add your posts in later! Also, please note for your own planning that Part 2 of the novel is the longest, nearly double the length of the other parts.
For those who asked about where to acquire the book, the good news is it's very popular and generally easy to find translated in English. A lot of libraries carry it, and you can also find it at local bookstores, on Everand, on bookshop.org, and of course, Amazon.
For those who are seeing this for the first time and wondering what the heck I'm on about: go here for background on why we're doing this book club ahead of a couple upcoming drama and film adaptations. And if you want to be tagged into future posts please comment in tags or replies so we can add you to the list! We will also use the tag [#litbc book club] for all posts related to this going forward, so you can just track that tag if you prefer. [Note: if you want to be tagged please check your settings to see if other blogs are allowed to tag you. If you asked to be tagged on the first post and you're not in the list below, it's because tumblr wouldn't allow me to do it.]
Tagging here those who have signed up so far: @alwaysthepessimist @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @blalltheway @brifrischu @colourme-feral @dekaydk @dramacraycray @emotionallychargedtowel @fiction-is-queer @hakusupernova @hyeoni-comb @infinitelyprecious @littleragondin @literally-a-five-headed-dragon @loveable-sea-lemon @my-rose-tinted-glasses @neuroticbookworm @poetry-protest-pornography @profiterole-reads @serfergs @so-much-yet-to-learn @starryalpacasstuff @stuffnonsenseandotherthings @sunshinechay @thewayofsubtext @troubled-mind @twig-tea @waitmyturtles @wen-kexing-apologist
Excited to get started with y’all in a few weeks!
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jackdaw-kraai · 1 year
The thing I think isn't talked about enough in all these conversations about "AI art" is how, even if you work out all the kinks, even if you get it to the point that it works perfectly according to the most lofty goals set, even if all that came true... AI will still disappoint when set next to even just a moderately skilled human artist. Not because of any technical flaws with the product, but because of its fundamental limitations as a tool.
AI, as we understand it right now, without all the grandstanding and doomsday predictions and near-mythological qualities we ascribe to it, works on binary. Down to its core, stripped to its studs, it works on binary code, and you see that reflected in the design. Every choice it makes, every result it produces, is a result of a million, billion "yes or no" questions asked of it that chain together into a coherent response. Endless amounts of "TRUE or FALSE" results spat out when data is fed into it, that string together to form a conversation, or an essay, or a painting, or a comic. At least, when trained on enough data to weigh the odds in favor of what the creators want it to do.
If you ask ChatGPT to tell you something about romance, it filters its endless data banks for what that training data it was given matches your request and what results in those tests were rewarded by its programmers and which were discouraged and based on all that, it begins making TRUE or FALSE choices with the odds weighed by that data. That's how all AI we currently have fundamentally work, and that, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. It's a tool, and tools are hard pressed to be evil. What it is, however, is vastly inferior to the process of a human writer for one simple fact: when asked a question, we have more options than to answer it TRUE or FALSE.
If you ask a human writer to tell you about romance, they too will draw upon all the memories they have stored away of what they know about romance and base an answer off of that. But they will also draw up all the knowledge they have on astronomy, to compare the feeling it creates inside to that of hydrogen fusing, and that of medicine, because it burns so bright inside that it feels like your rib cage feels like it should be alight from the inside until it looks like an inverted x-ray image. A human writer will visualize the way love feels and draw connections an AI couldn't fathom, because it was never trained to do so. And more than that, if a human writer tells you about romance, they won't tell you just about romance.
They will tell you about how romance happens.
They will tell you about what romance between a young Polish woman and a young Polish man living in what would one day be the powiat of Bieszczadzki on the border with Ukraine, but for now are just the Bieszczadzki mountains, in the spring of 1914 would have looked like. And they will tell you about how it looked like all the months afterwards as the young man is drafted into the army and their home is ravaged by WWI as the Bieszczadzki mountains become one of the most bitterly contested regions in the Eastern Front during the war. They will tell you about how romance, how the love blooming from it, cannot fix the damage wrought by senseless battles fought by powers so much greater than the two of them, but how it carries them through the war nonetheless.
And what's more, they will know enough about the history of Poland to parallel the growing love between these two young people with the growing, not-yet-formed modern state of Poland that will once again rise from the ashes of the war after having previously been partitioned by greater powers into non-existence.
A human writer will not only have the knowledge to do that, they will have the skills and manner of thinking necessary to form the thoughts that will lead to such a story and make it into something incredible. An AI, no matter how well you train it, no matter how good you make it at emulating a writer's style, will not be able to form the same thought process. Not because it is flawed, but because it simply isn't built for that.
An AI cannot experience nationalism or patriotism for a country, an AI cannot reason out how people might have lived in the absence of credible historic evidence when it runs up against a gap in its data, an AI will not understand the link between fragile, young love blooming in adversity and a country struggling to be reborn in spite of the greater nations around it that wish it would remain dead. It cannot do this, because it isn't based in "TRUE or FALSE" questions. It's based in the painfully human experience of complicated emotions, difficult thoughts, and yes, even deeply flawed ways of looking at the world that nonetheless are beautiful exactly for having those flaws.
An AI, at its core, with where the technology is right now, is a machine of averages. Even if we polish it to peak performance, that will not change. At peak performance, it will still give you an average of all the possible answers it could give, it will be technically flawless, and it will never be anything even close to a fraction of the lightning in a bottle that a writer with categorically shit technique can capture if their heart and mind are put into it.
And let's be honest here and step a foot outside of the bubble of speculation, just for a bit: AI will never, ever, give you an answer or story that pushes boundaries or makes you think like even the most technically incompetent but passionate authors are able to.
Because in order to push boundaries, in order to deliver a message, you have to be willing to make people uncomfortable. You have to be willing to be messy and raw to the point that your story bleeds. And even if we polished AI to perfection, even if, by some miracle of a completely new and fresh coding base, it could do all those things... the humans pulling the strings of the machine would never allow it to do so. Because if their machine produces stories that push boundaries, that have things to say, that make people uncomfortable, it's not going to be profitable. It's not going to be advertiser-friendly. It's not going to please the stock market. And let's be honest here, in the end, that's what matters to those people.
AI cannot write the stories that people want it to, that they truly want it to, because in the end, the stories we want to hear are not the stories it can tell. The stories we want to hear are, in the end, painfully human, in all the best and worst ways possible. And if you want a human story, if you want to have something like that lightning in a bottle, AI can never be more than a tool in making them instead of the maker itself. A potentially useful and innovative tool, but nothing more than that.
Because if you want human stories, no one but a human will be able to write them. And no one but a human will be able to read them and understand what's being said.
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