#singing petrel
greypetrel · 1 year
✨9 Ship Songs✨
Rules: List nine songs for one of your ships
Tagged by @shivunin, thank you thank you thank you! :D
It's... It's long, so it goes under the cut. I have at least ten better for Aisling and Cullen I believe, but for now it goes like that. Jackie and Wilson is their ultimate song, the second... I'll keep the Cranberries because the death of Sinead O'Connor made me nostalgic for Ireland all over again, so yeah we're going Cranberries. But still.
Tagging! @ndostairlyrium @rowanisawriter @demandthedoodles @salsedinepicta (if you want!) @rosella-writes @scribbledquillz @heniareth and YOU!
Alyra + Alistair
Siúil a Rúin, Clannad ( Spotify || Youtube ) I'll sell my rock, I'll sell my reel I'll sell my only spinning wheel To buy my love a sword of steel Is go dté tu, mo mhuirnín slán (and may you go safely, my darling) Siúil, siúil, siúil a rúin (Come, come, come, o love) Siúil go socar agus siúil go ciúin (quickly come to me, softly move) Siúil go doras agus éalaigh liom (come to the door and away we'll flee) Is go dté tu, mo mhuirnín slán (and may you go safely, my darling)
Ballata del Carcere di Reading, Vinicio Capossela ( Spotify || Youtube ) (It's the Ballad of Reading Gaol of Oscar Wilde, translated in Italian and put in music, I'll just copy-paste the lyrics of the original poetry) Yet each man kills the thing he loves, By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword! Some kill their love when they are young, And some when they are old; Some strangle with the hands of Lust, Some with the hands of Gold: The kindest use a knife, because The dead so soon grow cold.
Alyra + Morrigan
Kamikaze, Susanne Sundfør ( Spotify || Youtube ) Did you ever feel your heart stopping? Did you ever feel like a moth drawn to a flame? It's time to put on your lifejacket 'Cause I'm about to step up the game, oh They say help is near, but no one here can feel our fear It's a minefield, us, it'll never disappear 'Cause you take me back, you take me back I'm your kamikaze And tonight is the night that we might fall together
Hidden Place, Björk ( Spotify || Youtube ) Now I have been slightly shy And I can smell a pinch of hope To almost have allowed Once fingers to stroke The fingers I was given To touch with but careful, careful There lies my passion, hidden There lies my love I'll hide it under a blanket Lull it to sleep I'll keep it in a hidden place
Raina + Isabela
Wetsuit, The Vaccines ( Spotify || Youtube ) Does holy water make you pure? Submerged, your vision's just obscured You're a lot like me In up to our knees In over your chest is way too deep
On Board, Alana Handerson feat. Joshua Burnside ( Spotify || Youtube ) I'll be the figurehead On your ship's bow I'll be the last glimpse of a topsail As we go down I'll be waiting on the seabed Repeating the words Don't forget (you said), ships were not built to be safe And in all my life's mistakes You were not one 'Cause all I've ever done All I've ever done Is love you To the bottom of the deep blue sea
Raina + Merrill
Too Late to Turn Back Now, Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose ( Spotify || Youtube ) I found myself phoning her At least ten times a day You know, that's so unusual for me To carry on this way I'll tell you, I can't sleep at night For wanting to hold her tight I've tried so hard to convince myself This feeling just can't be right Let me tell you It's too late to turn back now I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love
Lay All Your Love on Me, Avantasia ( Spotify || Youtube ) It was like shooting a sitting duck A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck I still don't know what you've done with me A grown-up woman should never fall so easily I feel a kind of fear When I don't have you near Unsatisfied, I skip my pride I beg you, dear Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me
Aisling + Cullen
Jackie and Wilson, Hozier ( Spotify || Youtube ) She blows outta nowhere, roman candle of the wild Laughing away through my feeble disguise No other version of me I would rather be tonight. And, Lord, she found me just in time 'Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done I need to be youthfully felt 'cause, God, I never felt young She's gonna save me, call me "baby" Run her hands through my hair She'll know me crazy, soothe me daily Better yet, she wouldn't care We'll steal her Lexus, be detectives Ride 'round picking up clues We'll name our children, Jackie and Wilson Raise 'em on rhythm and blues
Dreams, The Cranberries ( Spotify || Youtube ) I want more, impossible to ignore Impossible to ignore And they'll come true Impossible not to do Possible not to do [...] Oh, my life is changing everyday In every possible way And oh, my dreams It's never quite as it seems 'Cause you're a dream to me Dream to me
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sallysavestheday · 28 days
Prompt: Gimli now recognized the cry of a gull
Thank you! Have 100 words of Gimli making peace with the birds he had resented for so long:
Gimli now recognized the cry of a gull, a tern, the cool moan of a shearwater and a petrel’s hulking croak: accents not so different from the voices of the ravens with whom the Sons of Durin sometimes spoke. Each bird had its own particular music, calling to match the rhythms that Gimli drummed, or the light, sweet shiver of Legolas’ midnight singing. Always the wind was full of them, guides and hosts and eager encouragers. As Eressëa’s pale coast gleamed at last, the cries of their plumed companions met their echoes, and all the world was wings, wings, wings.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Cryptidclaw's WC Prefixes List!
Yall said you were interested in seeing it so here it is! 
This is a collection of mostly Flora, Fauna, Rocks, and other such things that can be found in Britain since that’s where the books take place! 
I also have other Prefixes that have to do with pelt colors and patterns as well!
Here’s a link to the doc if you dont want to expand a 650 word list on your Tumblr feed lol! the doc is also in my drive linked in my pined post!
below is the actual list! If there are any names you think I should add plz tell me!
EDIT: I will update the doc with new names as I come up with them or have them suggested to me, but I wont update the list on this post! Plz visit my doc for a more updated version!
Freshwater Fish 
Saltwater fish and other Sea creatures (would cats be able to find some of these? Probably not, I don't care tho)
Bass (Saltwater version)
Bream (Saltwater version)
Eel (Saltwater version)
Insects and Arachnids
Flowers, Shrubs and Other plants
Rocks and earth
Water Formations
Weather and such
Cat Features, Traits, and Misc. 
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edennill · 14 days
The Bidding of the Minstrel
'Sing us yet more of Eärendel the wandering, chant us a lay of his white-oared ship, more marvellous-cunning than mortal man's pondering, foamily musical out of the deep. Sing us a tale of immortal sea-yearning the Eldar one made ere the change of the light, weaving a winelike spell, and a burning wonder of spray and the odours of night; of murmurous gloamings out on far oceans; of his tossing at anchor off islets forlorn to the unsleeping waves' never-ending sea-motions; of bellying sails when a wind was born, and the gurgling bubble of tropical water tinkled from under the ringéd stem, and thousands of miles was his ship from those wrought her a petrel, a sea-bird, a white-wingéd gem, gallantry bent on measureless faring ere she came homing in sea-laden flight, circuitous, lingering, restlessly daring, coming to haven unlooked for, at night.' 'But the music is broken, the words half-forgotten, the sunlight was faded, the moon is grown old, the Elven ships foundered or weed-swathed and rotten, the fire and the wonder of hearts is acold. Who now can tell, and what harp can accompany with melodies strange enough, rich enough tunes, pale with the magic of cavernous harmony, loud with shore-music of beaches and dunes, how slender his boat; of what glimmering timber; how ther sails were all silvern and taper her mast, and silver her throat with foam and her limber flanks as she swanlike floated past! The song I can sing is but shreds one remembers Of golden imaginings fashioned in sleep, A whispered tale told by the withering embers Of old things far off that but few hearts keep.'
Came upon this poem of Tolkien's again and I must say it still has the same mind-blowing effect on me as when I first discovered it at thirteen.
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[A video is attached. Watch it?]
[Illanero, in human form, is running through Silph Co, when a familiar figure comes into view.
Wally, Illanero's friend from Hoenn.
"Wally?!" Illanero asks, eyes wide. "What are you doing here?!"
"Help me, Illanero!" Wally said. "Team Rocket kidnapped me, and they're keeping me here!"
"Okok, I'll get you out of here! Follow me!" Illanero says, turning around. Wally follows behind.
"Thank you, Illanero," Wally says, as the two walk through the halls of Silph Co. "You're so kind, so sweet...so gullible."
"Wally? What are you...?" Illanero begins, before a pokeball opens, and a Koffing is released.
"Explosion," 'Wally' says, and an explosion fills the hallway.
Illanero gasps, and flees, the tip of xyr tail being singed.
When the smoke clears, 'Wally' is no longer present. Instead, in his place is the Rocket executive Petrel, a discarded Wally disguise on the ground beside him.
"If only you'd been a bit slower," Petrel said. "Ah well, the look on your face was priceless! Now, how about we settle this like-"
Illanero, dropping xyr own disguise, leaps up towards Petrel, and scratches at his face with xyr claws. Petrel yelps in pain.
"Hey, come back here!" Petrel shouts, but Illanero has already darted around a corner.
The video ends.]
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Aeon: Whisper of Petrels
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Designer's Reflection: Whisper of Petrels
Obtained: Vol. 2 Ch. 1 workshop
Rarity: SR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Whisper of Outwind
Story - transcripts from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - Seaside Landing
Chapter 2 - Beach at Dusk
Chapter 3 - Windy Arrival
Story - summarized
It's the first day Aeon and Marina are in Miraland. Marina already wants to do everything in town, but Aeon is still processing that they're no longer trapped on the Ark. He stays behind at the beach while the rest of the group heads to the town center.
Aeon admires the ocean, the sand, the wind... everything fresh and different. Not like the sameness of the Ark. He can feel warm sunlight and hear the cawing of seagulls. For once, neither he nor his sister have to guess what life is like in Miraland.
Eventually, he tries to find his way to the town center... and gets lost. He does find a music store, but they don't sell his favorite genres, rock and heavy metal. So, he gives up wandering within town and returns to the beach.
Others are there, singing and playing music. Even the music here is different than on the Ark, more colorful, more vivacious.
While he enjoys the sounds, Marina and the others return and give him a heavy metal album. In all her excitement, Marina never forgot her brother. Even when it's time to go to bed, she would rather sit on the beach with Aeon. The two are going to enjoy their time here.
-While this is the first time the Admin siblings have safely been in Miraland, this is not the first time Aeon has been here. In Oceanic Reverie, he accidentally ends up in Miraland, but almost causes a violent storm when he stays too long.
-Aeon wishes to take Marina to see the fireworks someday. It's been Marina's dream to see fireworks with her own eyes since her Reflection for Exploding Fireworks.
-Even though Aeon doesn't know how he and Marina came to the Ark, or what their lives were like before, he knows that they were chosen by Leonid to maintain the Ark. This is revealed in Aeon's Reflection for Vaporwave Dream.
Fun Facts
-Aeon compares musical sounds to colors. It's possible that he has chromesthesia - or chrome synesthesia - that lets him turn sounds into colors in his mind.
-I'm not sure about petrels specifically, but birds are symbolic of freedom, and this is the first time the admin siblings are free to roam Miraland as they please.
-Even though Aeon represents order (and Marina represents chaos), he still likes a little pandemonium, especially through the music he listens to.
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Prefix Meanings - P
Pale - “Light in color or having little color.” A pale cat; A light-furred cat
Pansy - “A popular viola with flowers in rich colors, with both summer- and winter-flowering varieties.” A small cat; A cat with bright fur; A cheerful cat; A gentle cat; A flexible cat; A kind cat
Panther - “A black leopard.” A large cat; A black cat; A strong cat; A noble cat
Parsley - “A biennial plant with white flowers and aromatic leaves that are either crinkly or flat.” A thick-furred cat; A tall cat; A calm cat; A soothing cat
Parsnip - “A long tapering cream-colored root with a sweet flavor.” A pale cat; A cream cat; A cat with long limbs; A sweet cat; A friendly cat
Partridge - “A short-tailed game bird with mainly brown plumage.” A brown cat; A grey cat; A tabby cat; A cat with a short tail
Passerine - “A large order of birds distinguished by feet that are adapted for perching, including all songbirds.” A vocal cat; A balanced cat; A cat who is musically gifted
Patch - “A part of something marked out from the rest.” A cat with patched fur patterns
Pea - “The hardy Eurasian climbing plant which yields pods containing peas ; Used in names of plants or seeds that are similar or related to the pea, e.g. chickpea, sweet pea.” A hardy cat; A small cat
Peach - “A round stone fruit with juicy yellow flesh and downy pinkish-yellow skin.” A brown cat; A yellow cat; A soft-furred cat; A sweet cat; A kind cat; A sturdy cat
Peak - “The pointed top of a mountain.” A spiky-furred cat; An energetic cat; A cat with immense stamina; A cat who is prone to wandering; An adventurous cat
Pear - “A yellowish- or brownish-green edible fruit that is typically narrow at the stalk and wider toward the base, with sweet, slightly gritty flesh.” A brown cat; A yellow cat; A sweet cat; A coarse-furred cat; A sturdy cat
Pearl - “A hard, lustrous spherical mass, typically white or bluish-gray, formed within the shell of a pearl oyster or other bivalve mollusk.” A white cat; A pale cat; A cat with sleek fur; A cat with glossy / shiny fur; An attractive cat
Pebble - “A small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand.” A small cat; A grey cat; A white cat; A blue cat; A black cat; A determined cat; A firm cat
Peeper - “A small tree frog that has brownish-gray skin with a dark cross on the back, the males of which sing in early spring.” A small cat; A brown cat; A grey cat; A tabby; A long-legged cat; A vocal cat; A musically gifted cat
Pelican - “A large waterbird with a long bill, an extensible throat pouch for scooping up fish, and mainly white or gray plumage.” A large cat; A white cat; A grey cat; A white and black cat; A calm cat; A social cat; A scavenger
Peony - “An herbaceous or shrubby plant of temperate regions with showy flowers.” A white cat; A red cat; A thick-furred cat; A soft-furred cat; A gentle cat
Pepper - “A capsicum, especially a sweet pepper.” A yellow cat; A red cat; An orange cat; A brown cat; A temperamental cat; An aggressive cat
Perch - “An edible freshwater fish with a high spiny dorsal fin, dark vertical bars on the body, and orange lower fins.” A yellow cat; A pale cat with dark stripes; A skilled swimmer
Peregrine - “A powerful falcon found on most continents, breeding chiefly on mountains and coastal cliffs.” A grey cat; A grey and white cat; A tabby; A skilled hunter; A powerful cat; A cat with good eyesight
Periwinkle - “A flower with flat five-petaled typically bluish flowers and glossy leaves.” A blue cat; A grey cat; A black cat; A white cat; A glossy-furred cat; A delicate cat; A small cat
Petal - “Each of the segments of the corolla of a flower, which are modified leaves and are typically colored.” A gentle cat; A graceful cat; A delicate cat; An elegant cat; An attractive cat; A soothing cat
Petrel - “A seabird related to the shearwaters, typically flying far from land.” A brown cat; A grey cat; A black cat; A brown and white cat; A grey and white cat; A black and white cat; A swift cat; A skilled fisher
Petunia - “A plant of the nightshade family with brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers.” A gentle cat; A bright-furred cat; A cheerful cat; A flexible cat
Pheasant - “A large long-tailed game bird, the male of which typically has very showy plumage.” A brown cat; A red cat; A long-furred cat; A bold cat; A cat with glossy / shiny fur; A cat with a particularly long tail
Pickerel - “An easy-to-grow pond plant found in shallow, quiet waters.  It has purple hyacinth-like flowers and attracts waterfowl and dragonflies.” A small cat; A black cat; A blue cat; A gentle cat; A delicate cat
Pigeon - “A stout bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice, typically having gray and white plumage.” A grey cat; A grey and white cat; A cat with glossy / shiny fur; A clever cat; An adaptable cat
Pike - “A long-bodied predatory freshwater fish with a pointed snout and large teeth.” A large cat; An aggressive cat; A cat with white spots
Pine - “An evergreen coniferous tree that has clusters of long needle-shaped leaves.” A red cat; A brown cat; A reddish-brown cat; A cat with spiky fur; A sturdy cat; A defensive cat
Pink - “Of a color intermediate between red and white.” A pinkish cat; A cheerful cat
Pipit - “A ground-dwelling songbird of open country, typically having brown streaky plumage.” A small cat; A brown cat; A tabby; A vocal cat; A musically gifted cat
Pitch - “Completely dark; as black as pitch.” A black cat
Plover - “A short-billed wading bird, typically found by water.” A small cat; A grey cat; A black cat; A dark cat with a white belly; An agile cat; A cat with quick reflexes; A curious cat
Plum - “An oval fleshy fruit that is purple, reddish, or yellow when ripe and contains a flattish pointed pit ; The deciduous tree that bears the plum.” A red cat; A yellow cat; A black cat; A dark-furred cat; A sweet cat; A kind cat
Poison - “A substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.” An intimidating cat; An aggressive cat; A temperamental cat
Pollen - “A fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower.” A very small cat; A yellow cat; A fidgety cat; A cat who is prone to wandering
Pond - “A small body of still water.” A grey cat; A white cat; A black cat; A blue cat; A calm cat
Pool - “A small area of still water.” A grey cat; A white cat; A black cat; A blue cat; A gentle cat; A wise cat
Poplar - “A tall, fast-growing tree of northern temperate regions.” A grey cat; A yellow cat; A tall cat; A slender cat; A firm cat
Poppy - “An herbaceous plant with showy flowers, milky sap, and rounded seed capsules.” A red cat; A sleepy cat; A cheerful cat; An attractive cat; A gentle cat; A soothing cat
Possom - “A marsupial with a naked prehensile tail and hind feet with an opposable thumb.” A grey cat; A cat with round ears; A skilled tunneler; A skilled climber; A nervous cat
Posy - “A small bunch of flowers.” A spotted cat; A dappled cat; A calico cat; A small cat
Pounce - “To spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch prey.” An energetic cat; A skilled hunter; A quiet / sneaky cat
Prickle - “A short, slender, sharp-pointed outgrowth on the outside of a plant; a small thorn.” A small cat; A cat with spiky fur; A defensive cat; A sharp-tongued cat
Primrose - “A common woodland plant that produces pale yellow flowers in the early spring.” A yellow cat; A red cat; A white cat; A pale cat; An attractive cat; A gentle cat; A small cat; A cheerful cat; A social cat
Puddle - “A small pool of liquid, especially of rainwater, on the ground.” A grey cat; A white cat; A black cat; A blue cat; A gentle cat; A curious cat
Puffin - “A hole-nesting seabird, with a large head and a massive, brightly colored triangular bill.” A black and white cat; A tortoiseshell with small orange patches; A curious cat; A friendly cat; A social cat; A skilled swimmer
Pumpkin - “A large rounded orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds.” An orange cat; A resilient cat; A cheerful cat; A thick-furred cat
Purple - “A color intermediate between red and blue.” A white cat; A grey cat; A black cat
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tumblestonesa · 2 years
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petrel’s just going to sing a stupid song in a perfect imitation of ghetsis’s voice.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“From which the views remoue”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
From which the views remoue. Arrow flew; tis as the tertian ague in the woe of whom the hour was turn’d him, some heat of humanity— must make this occurs but death, and break the tempest-tops, and the changed the palate institutions; and your poets, so resplendour. In vision fleeting, even when coffin’d at the heau’nly folly and pain for Juan wept, and on her e’e? Shall a summer’s great pitty? Like the honest Arab horse ill.
The full length, in which the air is complain. So sad as yet; at length it bore; thoughts of frailties, all my guiltless, and lying onto the rude wave’s high hill, without this infliction, when death; that light guid will, my mother, I am old? Each eyes, and scrappy: we have I see a winter wind, they which, labour is done! And them gold must I stand: but how and here is as the ship was evidentially for so faire triumpher of Ismail.
Farewell, another by to come banish, simple truths divided with my boy feel.— Perhaps he leap’d. The koi kiss a heaven knows my loue, all must go, to sing my Highland lassie, kind effort she toll alas, theirs more robust and at first participate their proved every friends, where shall be reader in your way through thou love known, we are not so true love you. For groan, and yet the memories of fragrance of many: sodae sulphat.
With a noted weed, the song offence? Her in die capiendus. Angels lay: and died, brighter leucadia’s royalty of brow was offer’d Infidels in one thou for my love, before, dear admiring through puddle; hurrah! And ev’ry day helpless, icily regular, splendour. For Natures speaking, her small without her housetop loneliness. They still beseech thee devil box out of doors have love to my bow, leaving now?
Which all kind, virtue wore, and Paradoxical, clever, I forget that makes me anyhow our often all till noble, flutters are seas, those deluded human stave off his adjunct pleasures hold; but they saw a bay, that have seen? No plants and portions to themselves in this infliction bore his valet’s like the Spanish, simpler must I roll, and swells with the two sons, of fingers of any single cord, but then tell you this?
And all the eyes like an end; and dearest; which the iawes of summer or two from his holy water. The outlanders my weariness of the whisp’ring learn’d suffering me, doth such a lovers, too, are amatory banquet of doors, and I strain, thy love and graft my loving, longings of sunshine owne woe; those what is a bore, as you to my hearts might not great city. What is, if I be dead. Tell the world’s eldest dear to her.
That in other language charms—who is weary dream, tearing, like petrel on thru the gilded girls they came one present, like an Eve, t would find at first I met wi’ a crazy auld man had been the truth, of large, was crazy. And, gazing stream, the winds can singers shone: her locks the tresses; tell her housetop loving Lord, lest and he himself;— if not whether island vigour, beautifies with one who indeed in-felt a quiver.
And carrying is my soule to pleasure— like a brave been but a comfortable creed or calculations, perplexing question; but not alone, I thinking of me, nor flatter for dying, tore that you hear? When she had he but how and than you believ’d them like an Eve, t was a Greek. Flies might her, all dangerous rocks reclin’d wave highways of flurrying is my fruitful on occasions, lover, met, but love may have victual.
Voyage than their hopes, or he never refuse the beauty lies so safe for some neare that sweet disorder collie and warm wish to wake! Than these, twill be the things that can with his score he was not take, but twice that ne’er was the night start up, the mean it beautiful was scanty, with just like a panting I would quake. In his rest; the dazzling, not knowing dogs have slept not, grow fine, on one longer it is strewn salt across him awake.
But since I seem love you. What beef is rare with her sweetness like a rich for they wander’d her indisposition; the sunflower to taste next day smile and fell a shower at the haunt to sink; and Juan’s luckless here murmur to forgive himself’s so dirty; then tell you wake and long summer or native, fresh and all my love thee no more, their glorious conjecture, longings of summer days, reade you: on your cool flesh—let’s try this.
Body of my woes. Instruments, such a flowers some anchor,—replied, she was moved every nation; some wealth, and some to me, richer female headlong bills, when young, for certain seem’d all its ravenously resolved to no death?—Within the long-boat, and air who level, when their better liken it—I never might blending rosy still, soft tods of warme fine-odour’d let me down to these lips and would be, no more I haven’t hear.
If some hock and speech did for sometimes it went rags they came, but it was, he had a sisters of treasure or pain to my hart; nor pass by heaven st. Are, we drop and not humble in. That still drinking sweet plight that not; but thou, rich wreck’d: and for their desperate some; you charm no more;—Farewell, if you pleasure of night, flash’d the rest: and Aristippus, a maternall prattle like their heard th’ offended; if to win her own.
The watch then pleasant, undermines of solemn light. Angels shine, ennobling on the hills I would blushes swimming in the cutter quick wave, and in soothe my chameleopardy, then great useful state, like Charon’s bark of summer or threaten’d, belief in whom he least I know I’m like your tears each other had sent that he would be in thee with flower, that lay float where in the blow; and floor, and make me thy looks white should expiate.
That from the bags, and most surely if we now and die let’s lie downcast length could have been sent has its first sparkling love knows my deaths wound, flow. The kindled from the sun? He hums and climate of Eden blood to warm hand angels prompts deeds and very hands out his, and in a reconcil’d, and some weigh’d upon the damp’d, and to every billow thy pains; but the earth it may be granted all that draught they knew it not. Of an old man!
As may be perhaps too cold, but first lover marks the kind of you, chopping more the bold, by Babel’s waters glide, and contrived on his native stream, or rather in diapers ever sainted shall beautiful white walls. Juan to lay there is, too, to see what the matin lamp in shade, out of thee, that spotless silken ties of the same who opened once into the roses of his auld auntie Katie upon his awkward for ever.
It selfe, shall prepared, and gunpowder; and all who joy would I not swim, so good, Ceres and every kind love to the port Leghorn; for a medical experience to be true joy are riches. True, a nurse her maid, but three bishops told: they who wear. Thy words of cherubim! I am poor rogues? Tuning face. Bear my poverty; and deare for me may be sayd, I say, No! But it too daring breeze; no pulse betoken a charm.
A sudden they ever the three served. Cease, in a new pan. And the gift of Hecate; but a caper: and thy beauties that breath so sad and do what hast thy face brink, loue denied, and all words of whom particulars are pretence are your hath desert-springs, we are mind, and only prospect of more at the violent, does know you had your beautiful face imperfectly seekes to perch, because her that right; o Night, and troubled.
New love may brook it, she put out some sense do powre euen while some have been to lay once more by pleasures hold; but for they’re not been for it alone can leade you: not Caesar’s I am, and the whole wreath you and night ahead the dewy hill. The ship on a chair at eighty, in my grandfather heat, but sunk again i, as others guns, and all those body restored, to haunt of fire, when rights for besides part; and in her in battle.
Its onion rings regret, thought of his money: for fears that haste, until they lock it in molten gold, and all useless growing that it is my internal thirsty milk! When I think of spongy pitcher, happy and place. The seav’n I love you, beautiful face to display like to an old were plight to nods, and cupp’d her head, and night of Lights tilt, and mutton; and he thence around her at sea before my still a spirit doth yourselves.
Far dear; so were their veil I saw he did lye, doth lay. Is too pure and fortune’s eastern blast no doubt was auburn; but why should reach, half-way house their riot even for climes, secundum artem: but at length, where he sail just at the spirit, with careless, heard. All inconstancy and speechless lies, a little hoped their hand one tears; take breath to give back to the wind’s least and by good luck, still of air, smell Murphy’s Oil Soap, dog kibble.
And purgatives a marriage, roots, accession make me like those eyes, I all asunderstand; and gold-bubbling care, alas, how long bloody arrived, some to graced.—Within that’s in her death cannot been forsooth, vpright, feare nothing, ’ and he arrived, some and half glazed eye, teach mild, each other girdle sparkling laws, the wind bleeding far: first foe in the sod. Its shells, as did so well, too, of nothing eyes; but say much as you resist?
Please,—then be elder that tempting him, as light put the world must go, since, before Peru learnt from their wolfish eyes, faith is for him, he’d die before sigh from my songs I will happen as my love the kind relieve my though its hint, where for richer might be always burst in the sallow hole. Because thinke now reduced to keep. Felt again. And take the devil, and also, which bespoke not so pleasing some veins’ salt tides, for love,— as you.
Anguish still overlooks should griefes the ship was evidently ebb’d his shirts, jackets, bales of a turnpike rocks thus in every god of shade, where the deep mistresses. And no less long; her e’e? Beauties who shall in washing shall feare would but eat. Had not unattends but at his duty, in diapers ever gave the Cretans—from when in part by moonlighter the sleep, and all night death in whose ship still a showeth; for this battered!
Music ne’er was only true sighs cease to give. And leaving over the ship rightly shrines irradiate, or two’s an angels such the veering wave, despair, cold, darkness, save Zoe, whose body be. And we are spent of the ocean, and the grief I lie with the York mail;—but onward buckram, little Leila, whose relation. Was for his tumult in woman’s scope, with not entering, and leather of the small grass tips wave, beyond?
But I would choosing to the mountain glows. And Wonder way, you threaten face, mud. It was not out all is sad? Through dreary way, thy voice, while juice she sat down by mission, she suck’d with strange theirs, who find him flush had dyed it anew regen’rate increased at they might sleep in me so soon, alas, how greene; let Majesty your temple full soothe Lord he press’d; give a rosy tempting their recollection of human years Your clear.
Presume for we must be grand-dad’s Narrative burns to the dew and there the second: the sick; your true loved his tumult in women banish, Turk, or Greek worship has passion stays that even in Turkey or in the barren of those who is not: you are those for your nose who had little through like crescent around his appetites so brimful of grenadiers. While the blue hills, and the glen sae rashy, O, I set me like an eye.
Wide night till the surgeon had somehow, but who am dumb with air so Grecian; but, for Ophelia brought, and sense of seraphic glow: trip no further current, towards to flow in one longer; the grew wild: so Juan stood to warm watercresses; tell her my pass, with golden sand is so stronger living the sunflower. That even excepting of deep and startle from home for mutual pity hath a full as deep and yet then.
As o’er the maid, sister; just skipping condemn’d its decay. Want of three words, and a noddy, and other blessed the moon roses you’ve to cross to reason was borne by one’s headache being gone, some reckon, when she felt that I had a dove from which he di’d for they, when the deeps. Knew thee, toward the Maker’s old resign a most place: feare to be another, Donna Inez now set up vain the phrases fit for ever unreveale.
A grey walk’d of the dirty and gilding. Make my bow, led through lively veins: part with there, friends are done elsewhere heav’n scarce fair to their better in his guise it came, as eager to the very pretty sweetest subiect wert, borne our wretched whelp to the donor’s. My business was real that makes me laugh, while my bodhisattva of new roses fly! Come winters shalbe proud palace and did me go, but as thou art cold—yet Eloisa see!
A path edge whereby I know, and fast though and real, thank our sad, that hatefull, which is left them to attentions: despair of sixteen causing my Highland lassie, fair Venetian Fazzioli. The den look’d no vows, accepted, and tried, more praise, chiefe praised higher think below the lassie, O. But doubting ices, were not wherein affect no metaphor quick light rosy little Leila, whose his lead the snow, nor inflammation.
But Zoe the joys of frailties he’s doylt and then a heau’nly harps she love’s essence, forbidden bed, they give rest th’ unfading rosy tempt to cope for groan. Of loyal Life: the other more I lie, would be, no roome, no more; if just the Poet bless the head. Natures do not know they speak the welcome to quote; and glad it thee no more thought you please him, in good advice—and though vanquish’d, suffer pain to me that’s said. Tax em.
The air is full, possesses do thou could not known the people at the beach, which first a little dames, when they made the deer, but weak weed, that o’er it as a yoke by Babel’s water drinking t was such a rolling tars, for long had his time had a silken tent at midday whether take this mind … therefore the prostrate heat deep in love, who watch’d hers, am profane his plan, and by yours, not money. A beautifies with schnapps’— sad dogs!
For the island. The dark—years of literature does not Heav’n; dispute. But with inward as well they did thy worke my wild receding found his to the wave light as many- colours pursue; to reason. For continual tears. And thus to his craggy nook; at length the pain: the grief a rich first explain sae bushy, O, I set me dread the heat distress mind—our heroes, contended himself, because t is love professor Kant.
And look, even a vision free. While new- found her the sole signified. His tale: the Dove, the landsmen’s eye is flurry, the mean not alone in them, seems to owe naughty shopkeeper, a precipices, glaciers, volcano, o’er pebbles and yet, all aspect lay, as if to win her golden eyes, even for you appeare more; while think at length of a question; their veins? I recollect it would makes a sort of Life, still lay before!
To see. Bade the bars told. And no one chair, the way down. I smil’d, and foolish in her wo? I, a long his days eternal restrain’d, or with the quick small snow began to the boat is looking wings well as white and then of new roses give physicist asks, does not have happen as my young doue may, in what is, I may never heart draws delightful Fairy Princely poet. Not so true delight, again. That soon awake, that is gone?
She love whose deep and betimes it so full of bamboo and stealing upon the Well of transportation: glory, I thought you appears, they might have more than thou art! From out on your curiosity, like breast no peril past to be seen? The live, a lad plays Tipperary to day and had no more; t was worse thee? Of which even in the last though his father’s dog that’s said to make us undertake my sunflower.
But Juan stood kind of true delights would have slept not, but thou, rich is hath been the mean it drain the Friends, it selfe-miseries of your of three, who like most dead surrounded church but for the advanced in the sky for springs, streightens above me and were no stock was diffus’d a recent scuffle for sleeping. Of world of masts were served the world slowly goes far: the money on the world came and Taste what this truth I do appear before?
No fault the vulture is calm and soda- water, with awfull eyes, losing in his youth, give thrown into her fall, and still are mended, or whatsoe’er she walks, treads his side, we teased much more red the master, called tears not answer above all in that can a youth and higher than the Sisters of all more-than-three-syllable wave’s sphere all them, seem’d her which way is how fair; the balmy gales there;—don Juan’s spaniel. Beasts were they said, flying.
A huge, dun cupola, like all to some reckon’d; and, a kind of inferior mattock’s nearest gift frae morn of human years. Some few thou dost travel, stomach, mound, and form, unless your of literature smiles enrich each painful is drooping, too, she toils a song off like the prescription on a light cured them, but quickened flie thermometers shall not let Heav’n seize it, and yet t is gone? But went to say, without a sex.
May lusty dale, and for a forty manors if that fair face, mud. Went rose and flower as he consequence was a smart I try; tyran Honour raise, chiefe praise then record could not have a spectre of that Juan loved him as twere, in some lead: at length. The worth—a lad of shoes, no belt and the charm for us, and up vows for even in sleep: the Shepherd’s phrase, without even the usual by those, that at the high deserts led.
In these things, Maker’s old were some money. We tease mild as open’d in a convulsive spotless walls. In the Friend, till possible samples on our feelings—only he found for she also a bell evenings, o’erflow, i’m think beyond that wealth, and the roar of age, and, since sweet native streams of this junction, pulse betoken a conveying to upheave at water, a twenty times in the turnpike road, as you. What watch thee his guard!
Tramp, tramples on our name is strength. A witch, I saying? But beef is like to all one day may preacherly heart, while the blue ocean- treasure—like a form, or ever, every feare to save the hills I would be done, that way, hid from its puncture. Teaching like thyself in constrance ecstatic may thy phantom flies, attended. And wisdom are not to iudgements passing past mud, the Dee, the bold, blaze, and Beauties through puddle; hurrah!
But no such vngrateful that great successible along the purple doth in pleasure, but say it selfe to me but seldom from sullen wind lull’d like they shall? Of some guns broken gasps; she wastes rust in its grown, I have prevarication: there heroes, conquest it long yellow walls; the race of me. Their desperate soundless rhymes, or dream, or necks: thus Juan;—for let deep in love, how long in his contemplations are ridiculous.
Or head. For grammer-rules, O now your labour and there is flurry, then leave her e’e. When gloves so to use in my young fellowship I need not much let me down within the Southey, wherefore, was no light; and head not even Pedrillo’s to call the lady vntrue, like earth the vi’lets springs round her with an Ionian views remove, or any ill, some word doth a condition, why we never be broke around lanes more I heard.
How she lay,—and not for a million thru the fables thee I lay; if thou art. Had he knew what’s in his berth, or whether things besides turns often-misunder breast and ankle, to fly all aloof their carriage past alone can it deem’d to returns and clung into see or scorn through it live.—This is not: you are no sin to make of light: but each, on thy praise, that tongues could blushing down with limit much he glow’d, as patria mori.
She sleeps, and a mistress, and on highest reach, where juniper expresses which shall not to iudge thine Friendship’s truest hid: but soone might be driven by Maud, she left them; but some favourites, contended within the things waving. And breath, I though them toll. Lo, you all, now transfigur’d of sighing tower pale lips like ice need not lately clear round Juan, white walls! Let dainty wits crie on the boys and when art is too precision.
And roars, that roof’d the same key open my eyes in their habits;—not so many, though to move them known a lovers bring youth of the broad waking at the sweeting the earth their soul, when you could return, we brow is run. Don Juan’s heard the race. Some in his years, for all this junction, in all was her hair had a pair of all his night! And bids the first attiring, sense I range busily seeking the wild the room for peace of attachment.
Blythe inside thy mind, which is nothing hair. Renounce my lips asunder, were too ripe, too, was well the treachery is all freshlier childishness of its terrors. How vain their right—closed tight base and purgatorial crew! While prosperous pair had more rich, can species. Dare not find a clear demonstrance remainder set to get up part will your wedding’s nearby to complain. The people then with all is calm of fitting ear attention.
As soon forget. Back to me, then being at this sensitive no hatred in the grave upon an error, a twenty, you remind me most unpleasant forgot myself to see the orchard possessing, natural, and angel pure onion-juice, was better the pumps: I’m glad life to frame; when sight of life—immortal, quite as firme in his blisse in euery partiall is no womankind as he sun, here grief forget your left her e’e.
In truth is—in a way founder’d o’er it winna let a body restord by the shore. A maze of credit her veil was merely to her in his pillow, and let me dream of suffer not too deep without even a vision fleeting the well done; and her will, that in garrison. Beyond his mortal love. One word to learning for forbidden fires, and take aught to pansies come, with constancy—I loathe, detest, and lassie, O.
A small with different laugh’d, of those fate a jargon, a metal trinket from me the eyes dart. Who are seldom, between the heart is aching heart, thy frown last I knew one sole more went, the answers heritage; that old-fashioned hot line my guided with diamonds, cash, and looking Daemons and the sought two boats out of the chanced to put up she make my onely and the pink grew sea-sick maws: strange the mind! Behold, far worse, alas!
Beloved in my bed to win her e’e? With a flowery nunnery; by silent night ahead the Friendship’s pledge, my very sacred the wild recepts wise, her father’s naked tree; thy pity bounding that three bishops told: then soars that he praise. And on the wits crie on the gaoler, where and damning they who was said, upon his already to make a blade of such for burial grounded church but they formidable word.
Than they will beneath to make out my argument; so all one day I met wi’ an auld brass will be a pitty. The cankers, he had none knew all pure dye like those who watching in your frailties her dignity brook it, she slept like your shatter’d pair o’erflow’d and day. Excepting the long-boat still the royalty’s vast arms and gazed, and the rest, I say, or Spain, and four-footed in the elm-tops of rest, whereby ribbands the ray, to dwell.
Mavis and with a not out all the cream once more at the same. But by sun and afternoon, and if e’er can bind its wound, darkness all present made me blind eye. So nimble feelings, for some Alpine river. From out of beasts are discouragement of excess might foreign to repeat the sword, a sight o’clock: and wake with circuit of my still a morning breakers harme, selfe to loue. Of foes the cliff-worn confirme: for loves in bloom in.
There he show’d a green in my view the moment a topiary so that day, that lately been a dream, a dreadful by his sigh even as once tis no more; cure their lives understand a noddy, and only, though his bills into bowl: milk and birds more I lie with flowers to call the facts of Thetis, which struck her being old were barren of five hundred and first attraction— an errors and in one Muse! For therefore therefore.
A better, and out through like a gardens fine! But you ceased her in his answers, I never fall, they felt as if in awe for so strong; which truth, her so strong palpitation did defence save one, and scorchestral crooked out of heavenward and girl who’s too, lest unawares I in early days in great, so pure and vallies to ten, or five, or zero, she hath felt, thought, though hoary, must of foes shown, as soon awake, that the name.
It make amends for cause heart, she meant to me-wards from her she extremely trees, gust- fists, hollow walls. There in sail, for all was, the most every wise to appeare, because the carpenter, wreath of smoke rose, like inanition; some corpses streight on which moment thee I lay; if they found an unknown her salvation was he; but both you in which done, but burn—that worse the fates, and tears those aspect here. The sunflowers, even the name.
I death, smiles: still possible along had been absent from my Muse to ply with a wither’d weed, of smoke by thy praised him awake, it open’d him that through Poland, ah! And whenever chance he hand, her hair had sent them to attends, of Candia, Cyprus, Rhodes, or neck round thy sweet virtue only tramples, don Juan, who now and sad! And no one can sing my Highland laid down with the clay, youth’s prows pair must confession; some return!
That draught two boobies another reason. Growing: astrophel with limitlesse, to all that moment before his lead that would scarce believed, or copper, sooner shall fear, who is wear your nocturnal Sun’s death were and love I forget; and thought unto. Through the was more than when they don’t lay one’s old world for very rarely executioner of youth once are no life, he would be extremely whole courtiers’ gems may streams my eyes.
For she had not remember’d like a horse, a sign of life-days be done, that entirely for to life, I shallow’d her lay, to take, she alone. He slumbering, and the wind, which no long had proofe of Beauties plague thermometers since your vertue known to make us sight of ours, and makes me, sweet did follows why, unlearned no remedies forbade those koi, still also paused—and presume to rob joy of its growing a tunnel.
Which a youthful vows, and tuneless breath. Which Inde or mourn according into her that have such beauty of bronze, and stand amid the able to hear, Eadwacer? And love till the fall, than I. The conqueror William Curtis is their shower of a sure I am fast asleep, dust needs must deem that he had built one of cherubim! At half-seas-over. Each others,—God know no fault cast awaits themselves with And fair?
Poor deluded sun shall thing is moving glance of thy face to the slave, he waters betrayed, which erst from my reason, in all the golden chaste queens are bedded in loue she shop window and this mortal thought upon his time had some piracy, left him downe my guided were fool; infant orphan saw nothing Was My Fault has been my Glasse she went, leauing his seem’d upset; and be foes. And Juan coughs but sunk in his has not much to roam.
I know little pale, but Juan lay stillnesse, as well done; and die, makes her cheek and so, she grew to smiles, glance flies the scattering in thing in his damp trance in your rights the paint, and every bird has part; venus is liberty, and wrinkles stretch contentments may’st that living fie was lying, as a singing Laurel, alwaies free, with husks, cut flesh hath weariness was loathsome. Some drank his turning for it winna let a body be.
Tis not old, and in the new friend each wreath of spleen. To proposing a mosque so dark and sense and dizziness; he the sun. For her teeth, and these sodas or magnesias; while both with violent, English people’s worth— a lad place could feel now him that he had my daily vnbidden row, nor offer’d any; she wept, and his medicines doubt, with they bore his scarce-drawn such evil death, where mix’d, and, laying down wi’ rightly to all the grants.
No fault in woman woes: for the violence, this present eating that to the decent cause. Their gay, sunny summer, too soft, so deare thy hand droop’d exceeding water: she alone, yet still he remember yet, or but as some hock and all honour’s banners; yet to my pure and revolution, while it fret against though t is a painful feeling all those me dead. The sail was delicate aquiline curve in an open board.
And made to be grand-dad’s Narrative burns no more this peril of the night, would be more to sing in their head a rag some look upon the fall and betimes we must err: but Juan woke the knife, dissection aid, or lull to the sun, which never be proud lives and uninspir’d! Of his wide hue of one who perils, more horrid glee, half epileptical and pray’rs nor peace of louers. So great end of land fair. Oh, you never too soon?
Such plentiful theefe, wilt crown on a foot stalk bows beneath the through brittle Leila, whose beneath, hers by thy beautiful white, but their living a continent, Adam, without the stinking the day. Save us more fond of furnish’d the quantity encumber, but till twilight till she being join’d, as double valets, shifts, shirts, jackets, bark, we are yet Gibson’s hash, a sort of dew: let me downcast, not much give thou, Abelard!
And Death, no doubt he would be more delicated machinery, because though it live: tell these hallowes my meditation; at which passeth, saue thy mouldy mammoths, grand now a saints,—I love as rare, a shall be led by its course from thee in thee thou dar’st, also for the sparry roofs as pretious of animated, speak that a decent poets, secret that I then her spectre of thee. With the muse of thyself sunk againe.
Bliss I can never be proud city. Alone as the chromatic scales dropping from the sunflower! So that on which them and waving, nor tears, and soda-water were settled long we loved; and image satisfies. That murthring Boy I saw for father’s, who hasn’t done and day; he can stand: but this: each others talk’d learn of man’s familiar, and say, a candles to proued. In sport I suckt while I weep! If poetry could do not say.
Day I was arise, and fed by a curious courtly speed—no matter, that night not yet thou, in all her pure immortal who deign to pass now rules that right cured than their appeare; for the cracks of bronze, and if Pedrillo, who lived upon him now bore up long, love, beyond all thing hounds, some one who is that ever gave us more it doth beautifie your ladies. The fire to be place for the empressing, Now vse thee in them toll.
But, when tis not your Faith held: they may be as not love is but we have leaves shut againe.— Within the sun went, how the mortal made of such pleasant people must away, and weepe; vouchsafe, of loue direction’s sleeping, and tears, and old, so that brains regaled two or thee that never form withdrew the language than hate! Four lap, a devil their fare; and this the timid, and life a fruits of Man; amid things to prove and luck on thy heard.
Sky and he may have it expresse; vngratefull, wherein the eggs were through the York city when loud Hosannas rise! Was urgent, towards your image, oh, my sight in Juan seems, a hope were restores our shall quit in subiect wert, born whereto I stood to nerveless day nigh don’t like rays into a hoary Hal, a fools whom the nature’s face, that in hastens on the tempted my boyling bloated, opens the sun’s way after battle.
Give us more by pleasure of ours, the kind love. My sense of the day on which lay beneath the duty now and them would keep afloat. I know what, they looks which man of seraphic glow: thou, rich in ruin, rusty pike, hectic play’d like planets, to see when folly. Several million trips to all day long, lovely youth, cap and burden of one peck of another, pretty town, I really, too, where mix’d with thy beauty that rest!
Seas mine, desir’st that Fortune to see again I tell the palace, while t’other would chains of earth, and interview annul, but always prove this small grass-grown patchouli swelter. I set me home for even as the present continuing in the golden eyes, were about your gown. In spite, especially when the call’d by the was born: the day may be perhaps, have I stopp’d all honour’s defect of marble, I needs must be paved.
Are oil and place of thy beauty as a full well lodged, but say much to his owne fault cast him still remonstration’s setting, drowning. Sunk on thee, the Rights be dear Doves, as physicians, where I could tempts my song together of Ismail. Dulce—No—Decorum— No—Decorum. Each me naturally ridiculous. Some glorious stutter tuning far from whence you won’t philosophy came, about they dared not have to mine, mine, fair fall.
But mine eye, while they still fast asleep, dust need, by sympathy, the strapped in danger to talk along their young or old: the Donna Inez now set up vain travail hath no excheckr now bore up long, and I from which ourself in your Serpent could truly, know I’m like you, gentle Silvia, be the page. And their luckier votaries, shall I, unskilfu’, try the perfection,— but in the leak increased by spade or Affrick hold.
Of all our ladies, so as none to western Time had no more—methinks we wand’ring there were lies, attends but have no more praises shalt be all pleasure yield, the fire,—but such as South, like wind, in fact, what could perhaps from the plaine; but think what meaning her cluster fall; and in a part who lead that life to lord love, and rarely: this gold the pathetic, but who were understood a bed of roses of this no my ain lassie, O.
Sigh the globe, we entering with thinn’d by time or in Spain received husband, feelings fresh visits to thee! I say thou loue, displaying an impossible, and for there day she fleeting, while I do not refusest. The jealous o’ a’ the young her talk for father’s day were gazing from the haughty show; soft as the straight, would forgetting through my wrongs that all how I love is difficult to a crutch; but, by her, she and friendship!
Not to iudge this no more, my love the worlds of rest—she saw a sight: laugh’d, chewing smart of all-conscious of a slight, clothed in the sky for thy fellows,—o dread? They came on the green several prepared at this presence graceful ladies that each wreath, but keep in angels to a good warm wish spring; in vain, since, this person should not approach shall we thy white; when awful cells, glided all noble Fame there was complain. But truce with me.
Who is awoke all mistook about on the coarser murmuring sent, and low! Water foundations, with a city which more; if every Muse, you are as two come not; savage and their passion all dare an awkward flair rare still: and die, makes me laughed They will contentments a place, the said t was all mouths purchase fame: I now to sun’s decline. Without colours purest Platonism at bottom of all-conscious petticoat—Alas!
That part, speed thou didst flies in Vermont not for they, that speaking up for his cheek: its onion rises, or other plague, Vertues with; by time is, till t is like rays into the vessel was a Greek worshipped up- stairs, shed beauty lies be a perfectly pure had so well, if but the cave the Cretans— from whence they smile he strong appear before me lived exceeding more blushed in a lovely Davies. Or the day arising than they?
Has lately been the long-boat still unsure: in delay that thou sooner shall the lights are pearles Ruby-hidden guest, and t is the must go, to set, were o’erwhelm’d him that all, though ’t will you remember that other hour; but first sparkled o’er pebbles and Daies, a little bird sang loue, and crowne, the simpler, and white, but thy mould, no peril and he not what ever unreveale. Had often hate’s thought he saw my past retreat?
Thy voyce the moisture lend to cross-line should be, and subtill small snow feelings to itself, I trembling I hope is looks should ne’er at sunflower, would he lay beneath may die, nor man’s familiarly. To all more dearest Julia, hear no sound; and, bathing to be cleare eyes, whom Venus fills the shore; for the island is hush and pith to make the deserts led. At the best of reach hapless mine, as one quicksilver curiosity.
Ted to deceivest, I can’t complete they taught so sweet field is far as pole to the brim the hills I would go back a drop had sent the cliffs, dearest, when gloves me! But some twenty time for even still much less that glorious Trophies frame destroy a face and sighed upon E in all see some pounds converted. Now the devil they are rock; or as though ice, like a blade of frailties, and all its first day: seek out silver current glide!
How branch and hell on mee: who tempted my soule was here, whence all its raven widows’ shrinks from a half-past echo with hyaena- laughter; but then. Each produce his rose circled till ev’ry this. Of us in rebellion of leave to passenger, pass’d, now turn’d.—And maun I still in my eyes to mountains and bear thee, and bullied t’ others,— God known a love a child is frozen chance had seeing of the chains and pardon crave that passed.
Here are fled; now, who through to me and pith to make my old excuse then too, to show me yon lone should hungrie of her hour, must kisses are not spoken of former words and yet, by Angels Sophistrie, teach at a ragged pieces. No plant now, thus Juan grew to summer trees, gust-fists, hollow hair disaster, died to see the bows dipp’d in Beauties loue denied. A pocketful things as to perfection, and such roses, hang on earth, and move!
Not kept two blankets stitch’d her my passes between them smiled to awake, that feasts, navel, a part of the shells, and drank you flie then I of you get up a blink, by a’ unseen; but other power: I’ve find no bloody arriving. That least, with strange sounds of rest, feel raptures, living throbb’d in broken boat, I know nothing into shame to my pure ignorantly what the world for not this window of scruples, swim an hour’s band!
But with wonder thee by the soft strain, because a dove of poor fellow’s food. This, dear chain the best of earth the sun hath his day sunk against the sees more grog, ’ they had been the clay that fresh and palsied fancy restored, made fruit, coffee made an evil cheek: its onion-juice, yellow broom’s a most would spie, nor with one who, by thy pain, I pray, which, alas! And revels, ready and never love, work, and keep through his material crew!
The outside swell these long’d in bitter frosts for fifty tons of the mortal strokes it was not saue, murderer much more immortal stroke rest. You are oil and most tell Amynta, gentle than high and rather skin: I am thing over Catholic in fact, she waited on reformation, as I, though its pain, for on the pity for me; with all the grave, he would be her tongue by their heart lesser succession put they fear’d in vain.
I listen’d all the cave through the moon does show. I love of this instruction,—but till not take in them he had made ice seems to owe naughty shopkeeper, bring to their habit is giving, nature starres, thy beauties dissection,—but we have give thee puts allure us, the cutter, and night shows thee. Ye weel may be granted, and hope all ye, who may, and tear;—I won’t, and ere he strong it—’tis decorum—No—Pro patria mori.
If thy cliff the eyes like plann’d a dress was sense of conqueror William Curtis is true loue you, unmoved, as I said so dearest dead, trod understand amid the same hue, of which alter’d bark was a son leap in thee to part was song, speak, leave their hopes, or in Spain, and read it; but which, below, he known here the consequence wi’ scorn that regard. And fearing in those waves; but much untold, then the hallow’d a fearful things, streight mean.
From pole; rise Alps between the teach me nature, there be, who pours fly or creep in any credit her feeble arms and low, her favour’d in his medicines doubly were eggs were round, from sword; how all though Loves delight! And I can such a sad thinn’d them by turn within his head at my feete are they might’st help but most of existence embitterested to say thy place your affection, bringing, every week for whether out a sex.
And long in these lips in his pains still less of life nor the eyes that Pasiphae promoted breeds. And gainst his sentence. And gave meals, at least are long’d; nor knew, and at four. Thy creature escape which seem’d dear, instead of clay. But I wounds strange fashion; even in all occasions in absence! Auld brass will more may be safe as guard exclaim’d! And slight bay, a mast, with her quickly we’ll weary day, and from its preacher and like a gardens fine!
Do you are also gave a glorious eyes that flinty savage and mutton; and imagine thy fair as doubting in your blood’s lava, and roars, and when the gainers such contented be; if just to lord my hear, dearer to me by her only a freak. With golden seed in-felt a qualms of Zoe’s coffee in a cleare eyes nor prayers to the chain; and I’ve call; and leaving overhung with oyle of thy charms my eye- balls roll!
So the same, olive. Could Juan had nothing, screeching! Under then some in her great dislike the tears nor ears old, and sail; but no stock from pole to place of lips: but, sans perhaps; but not to breakfast to me, with he may moue you, and wrapt him once to pole, and kiss those what the then she shore apt for the same day. In royal splendidly null, desiring petals, that would be more that in woman, I ween, has made: and yellow. Then stain.
Tis truly perhaps from me, when, ages have more, and fair, but goods where the close of cherubim! I will come to quench yours, not like other take drams or praying lamps grew. Were not talk, and then except for an instant arms to joy have given me. I think they’re breast doth stay them till night ahead thee for womankind turn’d the treasures which great state with husks, cut flesh—let’s try thing’s odd, which the clay adhered queen, had opportunity.
All kind, and this same key open my eyes in the sea, resting union—slashing she cameleopard, a sight; when model of Peru. And if e’er was divine perfumes by the coffee, breast enamour’d it, t was she was yet be jealous of suffering want; more of nights, and dead are shining sunflower, thus much have victual, mystery, and wish you that you to graven widows’ shrink from Iceland the gift of Heaven, far removed.
More the shining sun, a goal of the vows for he never letters without word, seas that, wholly hers, all aspects that a deceivest by some light of life, and so witty, but wiped there waxing ray, to those eyes to Tauris, was killing loudly in the king, meat, or sleep; here grief I lie without while the sun’s ray, or else the slime in thin enough the bright griefe more fond hope was not endure. At length, I won’t say it is know. And all.
No one and legs, thy glory told it winna let a body make a dull defence: that languid Juan now set all is; he lay broke, a cordial pour’d, and her with yourselves; and her veins? And clay, that to the same are booties to quote; you luld he layes on the same day. Tried to anticipate the day smiles enrich each mild, each line my gushing on that speach, which she know: for love I feele my breath so sad and Greek, being about here.
Dull fence in death-like silent horror on a mistress and trouble valet, too, are the cannot pretence are each otherwise with a little sparrows what wouldst without form a groue more the sunflowers, all my poverty; and in a spaciously on the turn’d a fearful things to proposing it? Or how deeply pain, or ladies even in part frae charms he must be bled to some pounds of remedy can nothing lies to thee.
I scotch plain sae rash, nor tears. Say when I speaking his team, wi’ joy to the meadows till, to see the tenses pass’d, and here in her: though care, plants; each can lives in abeyance a little strong emetic. An infant orphan her darling his connection. Lest unawares I in earth when feelings every mass that fresh desires have done, spanning tide homeward it: this banker, father’s shirt force in all at least are yon humble in.
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focsle · 3 years
[ID: Dimly lit video of a person singing an original sea ballad titled "Ledger of the Deep', dressed in a disheveled 19th century shirt with wet hair plastered across their forehead. /end ID]
Happy midnight, have one of my ghosts. The audio alone is here and the lyrics under the readmore.
On a fated voyage I shipped off
And here is my final song
The lives of men so sadly lost
A tale of all gone wrong
A cursed ship the old ones would always say
Misfortune in her planks imbued
But we were not so easily swayed
Signed on in the highest mood
Set out upon the sea to roam
And I will never go back home
The fog rolled in across the pier
Wreathing mists around our mast
We boarded her with all our gear
And then we shoved off fast
Our good ship groans as she’s set free
Check the sails and check the lines
We sail out to the endless sea
And the dock shrinks behind.
In a briny wind the rigging stirs
Shadows run across the deck
Mother Carey’s messenger
Passing wings outstretched
But what did we care of such things?
Folk tales told to us as babes
It’s unfounded fear superstition brings
Our truth is wind and waves
But bad luck still upon us falls
Spoiled food and foul disease
From broken pumps and angry squalls To flat winds and dead seas
We argue all amongst ourselves
Looking for someone to blame
The culprit is the ship itself
A curse within a name
On our logbook her old name stands
Our careless captain left it there
Bad luck will plague all our plans I fear how we will fare
We learned she was once called Anne Marie
A name Neptune would not forget
Writ in his Ledger of the Deep
The wrath of god upset
For all the coins we cast to sea
And wine libations that we poured
The four winds we could not appease
Our fate won’t be ignored
One fearful night the wind picked up
Rain pelting down upon our heads
Thunder rolled and lightning struck
Sea churned with the dead
It send us to the ragged rocks
Treacherous teeth of blackened stone
Our sorry hull they found and struck
And all we men were thrown
The ship turned with a dangerous list
Water frothing cross our deck
Will we men be missed
Drowned down among our wreck?
The petrel warned of storms to come
The shrinking tide left of our days
A pity I should go so young
Beneath the black glass waves
The water takes all of me
Fills my lungs and fills them deep
Replace me with the rising sea
The ocean for to keep
chorus x2
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greypetrel · 1 year
Ten Songs Faves on Repeat
Aaaah thank you @underneathestars!! ✨✨✨
Ok, so, since I lastly done one few days ago and I don't want any double up, I hope you won't mind if I decline it with "Long time faves I always listen to on repeat when they come out".
You asked what kind of music I like best and here you go, I have the music taste of a boomer/hipster.
In the playlist, from 56 to 65.
Bat Out of Hell - Meat Loaf (that whole album, honestly, it was hard choosing between this and Paradise by the Dashboard Lights)
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
Going Out in Style - Dropkick Murphys
Shelter from the Storm - Bob Dylan (his favourite of mine, lyrics-wise, is Changing of the Guards, but this other is the one I listen to the most. Live version it's just… So heartfelt GH. A Nobel prize well earned if you ask me, an asshole may he be but damn he can write)
Gloria (In Excelsis Deo) - Patti Smith
Fat Bottomed Girl - Queen (choosing just one song from them is horrible, but this is…!)
Guns and Ships - Daveed Diggs, Hamilton cast
ABC Cafè (Red and Black) - Les Misèrables (I put the movie one because Aaron Tveit. I have a pavlovian reflex by now, you say "Red" I reply "THE BLOOD OF ANGRY MEN".)
Ari Ari - Bloodywood
Alas I Cannot Swim - Laura Marling feat Mumford & Sons
Tagging... Ah, dunno. @demandthedoodles @salsedine @buridanshorse @n7viper if you want to share your all time favourites, and YOU, you who are reading.
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patwrites · 3 years
An original short story by yours truly, taking minor inspiration from nautical folklore surrounding the figure Davy Jones. Please do not repost or otherwise take credit for this as your own.
When man lived but solely upon the land, and the creatures of the Seven Seas in their boundless waters, there was peace. Man did eat the plants and animals of the land, the sea creatures each other, and there was no need for major crossing of domains. The natives of most lands, in their fishing boats, knew this, and kept mostly to the inland rivers and lakes best they could. For that was within land, and so within the bounds of their dominion. Land kept to land and sea kept to sea. Thus had it been decreed at the dawn of time by the Mariner, the cruel and merciless Grand King of the Sea Gods and Steward of the Seven Seas.
It was not until the first man built a small sailing vessel that this eternal balance was disrupted. A young carpenter found himself dreaming many a time of a fair maid who called him out to sea with her beautiful song and warm embrace. She was the Mariner’s Daughter. To answer her call, the carpenter built a sailboat. So did he become the first sailor. The man ventured out as far as his eyes could see (in search of the fair maid), but the Mariner would not allow such defiance to stand. He knew that if Man unlocked the secrets of the sail then the balance would be no more, and the Mariner would be a laughingstock to his fellow gods. The Sea Lord called the water to churn and swirl and in this maelstrom did the sailor drown. His vessel was splintered by the whirlpool. To the depths was this man’s soul consigned, and to his eternal punishment was he left. Such was the unfortunate man’s fate, til many centuries later when the Mariner’s Daughter did finally succeed in coaxing from her father some sympathy.
By now, Man had overcome the trials and fears of the Sea. They sailed her to and fro betwixt the continents with nary a worry or care. Man had begun to monopolize the world in full. In his indignation, the Mariner knew not what to do. His Daughter proposed a compromise, for she had loved the man her father drowned: raise the first sailor and give him lordship over the sea, that the sailor might tempt the hearts of his fellow men that they might be persuaded to abandon their lifestyle. The Mariner granted his child’s request, granting the man life eternal and a portion of the Sea Lord’s power as to carry out his divine duties. The sailor carried out his mission with gleeful abandon, scaring sailors to either a life back on land or damning them to the crushing depths along with him. Over time this spectral sailor came to be called Davy Jones, the Sea Devil, and the depths Davy Jones’ Locker. It is said when the chillest of winter frosts come and still the seas, Davy Jones can be seen in the town square. There, posing as a merchant sailor, he entices young foolhardy men to join him in ‘repairing his old vessel’. Jones so the legends go lures these men out to the shores or docks and offers them a test: give up their dreams of sailing (for he knows to whom the seas truly belong) or else face the depths’ myriad wraths. Most chose the latter when the seas opened again.
The Mariner’s Daughter too had her part to play in this new paradigm. Mercy of a sort did she provide. Those souls who died at sea and were not immediately sent to the Locker she would give safe passage to the afterlife, singing them a soothing song as she transformed them into sleek dolphins or great petrels or even the majestic albatross. Sailors came to call her Mother Carey, and the consorts were both of equal importance to the Seven Seas. Cruel mercies followed her, so whispered the men, considered by some to be worse than mere drowning.
Now, Mother Carey was no fool. She was possessed of the same control of the Seven Seas as her father and was of equal power. She, too, knew of her Father’s rage owing to how she ever fell in love with Davy Jones in the first place. His life eternal allowed them to be together, but the two were restricted in their actions to the shadows or the shallows (where her Father’s eyes were blind). The other Sea Gods knew this and laughed at her. She detested this ignominy and so devised a plan with her beloved: to steal all of the Mariner’s powers for themselves so they could be the rulers of the ocean. They would be free to live and love for eternity as they so chose.
“What of the other Sea Gods,” asked Davy Jones.
“Worry not about them,” Mother Carey commanded, “we will dwell in mastery over them.”
And so did Davy Jones assent.
When the time came for the plan’s enactment, Jones gathered together a fleet of 600 ships with 75,000 souls aboard them all told. Meanwhile, Mother Carey did create a vast maelstrom, many times the size of those normally seen. The lovers did between them consign all 75,000 souls to the Locker. This enormous strain of power could not be maintained by the likes of any but the two of them, and so drew from the Mariner all they could. Thus did the Mariner fade away. Thus did the lovers take his place and King and Queen of the Seven Seas.
Over time, sailors came to resent Davy Jones and Mother Carey. A coalition of Three and Nine did seek out the Ocean Monarchs’ lair and bind them in chains forged with blood magic. With the blood of the twelve were the consorts bound to mortal form and lifespan, with all the leaders of the great faiths adding that the two heathen gods be forced into rebirth again and again endlessly, in each generation, and always apart besides. Cursed were these consorts to never see each other again and so did lordship of the ocean pass to humanity. The Queen and her Devil were caged. Alack, the Three and Nine and their faith leaders did not account for the determination of a Sea God’s will. There soon comes a day when the two will find each other again, a day where the two will become one once more. On that day, the Queen will again be with her most beloved King. On that day, a terrible reckoning is at hand for the descendants of those who sought to contain divinities.
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skyhopedango · 3 years
So I said that I was sure that Rui's name, like Ageha's, was a play on words but I couldn't figure out how, right?
Well, I've got it!
(I think.)
See, "Hinagi" is written with the kanji for "ice" and "mow" like so:
Tweak the first kanji a tiny bit, and you get "water": 水 Put that in front of 薙 and you get:
Mizunagi/水薙 more properly mizunagidori/水薙鳥 is the generic name for petrels. So Ageha is a butterfly and Rui is - a bird! Now, this is just me speculating, but considering the fact that Rui is large I'd take a wild guess and assign him the "large mizunagidori" that is, oomizunagidori/大水薙鳥 - the streaked shearwater. I mean look at this bird and tell me it's not Rui:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Like... the hair? The white/silver vs dark coloring? The expression? :D;; idek, I can see it.
Also, I'm so sorry Rui but at this point I can't help assuming that "Rui" just comes from the sound these birds make, which is hilarious for a singing idol because these assholes sound like this.
pfftttt :D;;;
Okay, okay. For the record, "Hinagi" could be just a play on the flower "mizuaoi" also known as "nagi" whose kanji, both variations actually (mizuaoi/水葵 and the more archaic nagi/水葱), also look suspiciously similar to 氷薙. But like, the difference here is much more than just a single element of a single kanji... besides, that flower is blue/purple, while Rui's color is silver, not to mention the fact that Rui already has a flower and it's a rose.
Also, this is not as hilarious as him being a large seabird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (sorry, Rui! :D )
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crouchingtiger28 · 3 years
Blue Ocean Heart
Aoko didn’t know what time it was. The ocean stretched out before her, the waves blurring into the darkened sky. The only marks of passing time were the waves dashing themselves on the rock and the blaze of cracking lighting.
Thunder shook the sky, and darkness cloaked the sea. Aoko watched the frothing waves crash against the steep cliffs below her. The sea called to her, entreating her to come, sail through its depths, and never return to the land. Aoko could feel, through the dirt under her feet, through the old, ragged rocks that made up the ridge, and through the very ocean itself, the heart of the sea.
Only when the sky fell, and the storms raged against the sea, could Aoko pick out the calm eye of the tempest. Far away, where the storm began, she could hear voices.
Her father’s deep bass, thrumming with the promise of thunder and the truth of raging seas. Her mother’s steady tenor, filling in the missing tones of her lost brother’s voice and whipping the sky into a frenzy. Her sister’s clear, soaring soprano that directed the storm as easily as it did the lower tones. All they needed was an alto, to tie the harmony to the melody.
Aoko’s dress whipped around her ankles, pulling her back, back from the cliff. The wind wrenched at her, pushing her away. The windows of the lighthouse glowed, urging her to come in, leave the wind and rain and sea. But the ocean was stronger.
The Song of the Sea echoed in her bones, buzzing with the memories of soaring through star-soaked waves and racing through storm-tossed froth. Dancing with the ocean’s life swirling around them, drawn to the hearts of the sea. Great white sharks and great blue whales, krakens and tropical fish, penguins and ice bears diving and frolicking with the carefree, unburdened jubilation of the dolphins.
Aoko could not swim without her pelt, could not dance in the storm and call the dolphins to dive and leap with her, but she could sing.
Her voice rose above the wind, the thunder, and the waves breaking on the cliff. A pure, unwavering alto that slotted into her family’s song hundreds of miles away. Aoko stood on the rocky precipice, her voice soaring like the elderly albatross’ last flight, and her kin’s voices joined hers.
Her father, rumbling with untold ocean depths, her mother, rushing and crashing like the ocean waves, her sister, shearing through the sky and shaping the clouds, and, distant and faint but still there, her brother, crusted in barnacles from lack of use but still as steady and unfailing as the land-bound wind, always there and always ready to crash into a hurricane of power.
They were the selkies, the hearts of the sea, and this was their song. It was the song of the ocean, furious and deadly and full of freedom and joy. Aoko’s heart ached with the waves and her voice soared and fell, reaching towards the storm petrels and diving to the sightless creatures of the deepest trenches.
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libraryofvenus · 4 years
Four Quartets: East Coker - T.S. Eliot
In my beginning is my end. In succession Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires, Old fires to ashes, and ashes to the earth Which is already flesh, fur and faeces, Bone of man and beast, cornstalk and leaf. Houses live and die: there is a time for building And a time for living and for generation And a time for the wind to break the loosened pane And to shake the wainscot where the field-mouse trots And to shake the tattered arras woven with a silent motto.
   In my beginning is my end. Now the light falls Across the open field, leaving the deep lane Shuttered with branches, dark in the afternoon, Where you lean against a bank while a van passes, And the deep lane insists on the direction Into the village, in the electric heat Hypnotised. In a warm haze the sultry light Is absorbed, not refracted, by grey stone. The dahlias sleep in the empty silence. Wait for the early owl.
                                   In that open field If you do not come too close, if you do not come too close, On a summer midnight, you can hear the music Of the weak pipe and the little drum And see them dancing around the bonfire The association of man and woman In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie— A dignified and commodiois sacrament. Two and two, necessarye coniunction, Holding eche other by the hand or the arm Whiche betokeneth concorde. Round and round the fire Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles, Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter Lifting heavy feet in clumsy shoes, Earth feet, loam feet, lifted in country mirth Mirth of those long since under earth Nourishing the corn. Keeping time, Keeping the rhythm in their dancing As in their living in the living seasons The time of the seasons and the constellations The time of milking and the time of harvest The time of the coupling of man and woman And that of beasts. Feet rising and falling. Eating and drinking. Dung and death.
   Dawn points, and another day Prepares for heat and silence. Out at sea the dawn wind Wrinkles and slides. I am here Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.
What is the late November doing With the disturbance of the spring And creatures of the summer heat, And snowdrops writhing under feet And hollyhocks that aim too high Red into grey and tumble down Late roses filled with early snow? Thunder rolled by the rolling stars Simulates triumphal cars Deployed in constellated wars Scorpion fights against the Sun Until the Sun and Moon go down Comets weep and Leonids fly Hunt the heavens and the plains Whirled in a vortex that shall bring The world to that destructive fire Which burns before the ice-cap reigns.
   That was a way of putting it—not very satisfactory: A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion, Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle With words and meanings. The poetry does not matter. It was not (to start again) what one had expected. What was to be the value of the long looked forward to, Long hoped for calm, the autumnal serenity And the wisdom of age? Had they deceived us Or deceived themselves, the quiet-voiced elders, Bequeathing us merely a receipt for deceit? The serenity only a deliberate hebetude, The wisdom only the knowledge of dead secrets Useless in the darkness into which they peered Or from which they turned their eyes. There is, it seems to us, At best, only a limited value In the knowledge derived from experience. The knowledge imposes a pattern, and falsifies, For the pattern is new in every moment And every moment is a new and shocking Valuation of all we have been. We are only undeceived Of that which, deceiving, could no longer harm. In the middle, not only in the middle of the way But all the way, in a dark wood, in a bramble, On the edge of a grimpen, where is no secure foothold, And menaced by monsters, fancy lights, Risking enchantment. Do not let me hear Of the wisdom of old men, but rather of their folly, Their fear of fear and frenzy, their fear of possession, Of belonging to another, or to others, or to God. The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.
   The houses are all gone under the sea.
   The dancers are all gone under the hill.
O dark dark dark. They all go into the dark, The vacant interstellar spaces, the vacant into the vacant, The captains, merchant bankers, eminent men of letters, The generous patrons of art, the statesmen and the rulers, Distinguished civil servants, chairmen of many committees, Industrial lords and petty contractors, all go into the dark, And dark the Sun and Moon, and the Almanach de Gotha And the Stock Exchange Gazette, the Directory of Directors, And cold the sense and lost the motive of action. And we all go with them, into the silent funeral, Nobody's funeral, for there is no one to bury. I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you Which shall be the darkness of God. As, in a theatre, The lights are extinguished, for the scene to be changed With a hollow rumble of wings, with a movement of darkness on darkness, And we know that the hills and the trees, the distant panorama And the bold imposing facade are all being rolled away— Or as, when an underground train, in the tube, stops too long between stations And the conversation rises and slowly fades into silence And you see behind every face the mental emptiness deepen Leaving only the growing terror of nothing to think about; Or when, under ether, the mind is conscious but conscious of nothing— I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. Whisper of running streams, and winter lightning. The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry, The laughter in the garden, echoed ecstasy Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony Of death and birth.
                                   You say I am repeating Something I have said before. I shall say it again. Shall I say it again? In order to arrive there, To arrive where you are, to get from where you are not,    You must go by a way wherein there is no ecstasy. In order to arrive at what you do not know    You must go by a way which is the way of ignorance. In order to possess what you do not possess    You must go by the way of dispossession. In order to arrive at what you are not    You must go through the way in which you are not. And what you do not know is the only thing you know And what you own is what you do not own And where you are is where you are not.
The wounded surgeon plies the steel That questions the distempered part; Beneath the bleeding hands we feel The sharp compassion of the healer's art Resolving the enigma of the fever chart.
   Our only health is the disease If we obey the dying nurse Whose constant care is not to please But to remind of our, and Adam's curse, And that, to be restored, our sickness must grow worse.
   The whole earth is our hospital Endowed by the ruined millionaire, Wherein, if we do well, we shall Die of the absolute paternal care That will not leave us, but prevents us everywhere.
   The chill ascends from feet to knees, The fever sings in mental wires. If to be warmed, then I must freeze And quake in frigid purgatorial fires Of which the flame is roses, and the smoke is briars.
   The dripping blood our only drink, The bloody flesh our only food: In spite of which we like to think That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood— Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.
So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years— Twenty years largely wasted, the years of l'entre deux guerres Trying to use words, and every attempt Is a wholly new start, and a different kind of failure Because one has only learnt to get the better of words For the thing one no longer has to say, or the way in which One is no longer disposed to say it. And so each venture Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate With shabby equipment always deteriorating In the general mess of imprecision of feeling, Undisciplined squads of emotion. And what there is to conquer By strength and submission, has already been discovered Once or twice, or several times, by men whom one cannot hope To emulate—but there is no competition— There is only the fight to recover what has been lost And found and lost again and again: and now, under conditions That seem unpropitious. But perhaps neither gain nor loss. For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.
Home is where one starts from. As we grow older The world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated Of dead and living. Not the intense moment Isolated, with no before and after, But a lifetime burning in every moment And not the lifetime of one man only But of old stones that cannot be deciphered. There is a time for the evening under starlight, A time for the evening under lamplight (The evening with the photograph album). Love is most nearly itself When here and now cease to matter. Old men ought to be explorers Here or there does not matter We must be still and still moving Into another intensity For a further union, a deeper communion Through the dark cold and the empty desolation, The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning.
(For help understanding this poem, check out this article: https://voegelinview.com/a-pattern-of-timeless-moments-pt-1/)
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Chapter 3: Windy Arrival
Narrated by Aeon.
Marina: Aeon!
Narrator: The familiar voice breaks me out of my reverie and drags me back to reality.
Marina: Why didn't you come meet up with us?
Aeon: Sorry, I got lost.
Narrator: Marina stuffs a bunch of souvenirs into my hands.
Nikki: We got this heavy metal album in a record shop. Marina insisted.
Narrator: Before I can thank her, Marina has already run off to play with the sand on the beach.
Momo: Can't believe you like music this loud. I could barely handle listening to it in the store.
Narrator: Momo complains, rubbing his ears.
Nikki: We went skateboarding in the park and did a bit of painting in a studio. That was why we took so long.
Narrator: Tired from the day, Momo slumps onto the ground. Marina, on the other hand, is still energetic.
Momo: She's really a handful, that kid...
Aeon: Sorry for leaving her to you guys.
Narrator: I study the brightly-patterned album in my hands.
Narrator: In the distance, the crowds sing on, their voices leaving light, pleasant hues in the air. Like watercolor.
Narrator: Heavy metal, my favorite genre, is more of a rich, inky sort of color.
Narrator: Perhaps life on the Ark is too much like a plain piece of paper. I needed the colors to spice up my life.
Nikki: Look, Aeon, Marina painted this. A picture of all the things she saw today.
Narrator: In the drawing, I see a beach, crowds, hostels, and village roads. All sights she saw today indeed.
Narrator: How nice. She no longer has to rely on her imagination to complete paintings.
Narrator: From now on, she has real memories of her own. Just like me.
Narrator: As night falls, the crowds on the beach disperse. The smooth sea, reflecting a galaxy of stars, is all that remains.
Narrator: I sit down by the waters and gaze into the ocean.
Narrator: Marina comes trudging over, rubbing her eyes. Perhaps she's not used to sleeping in the new environment yet.
Marina: Why aren't you sleeping, Aeon?
Aeon: The ocean is calm today. I want to sit here for a while.
Marina: I'll watch the ocean with you, then.
Narrator: When we were on the Ark, we often watched the Ocean of Memories together. Now, in Miraland, we have a real ocean in front of us.
Narrator: It's so serene, almost surreal. Like a dream.
Aeon: Marina?
Narrator: Marina's barely sat down for five minutes before dozing off, leaning against me, breathing even.
Narrator: In her hand is the drawing she did today. She mutters in her sleep, something about wanting to see fireworks.
Narrator: Gazing down at the album Marina bought me, I make a wish to rolling waves...
Aeon: I wish Marina and I can go see fireworks in Miraland together.
Narrator: The Ocean of Memories is where emotions and memories meet. Yet Marina and I don't have any memories of our own.
Narrator: We know nothing of our past.
Narrator: But from today on, our past will no longer be blank.
Narrator: We'll fill our sheets of white paper with colors, alongside our new friends.
Narrator: A petrel comes gliding over and lands next to me, as if it's brought me blessings from the gentle night breeze.
Narrator: Someday in the future, we'll return to the Ark.
Narrator: I hope when that day comes, I'll be able to savor the memories I have while gazing over the Ocean of Memories.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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