#sinking lily pads fic
d3adlyromb3ar · 6 months
✰ sinking lily pads
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— synopsis. he thrived in the sorcerer world, she was forced into it. how could two people that strayed so differently from each other become so close?
— pairing. gojo x oc!fem!reader (main), toji fushiguro x oc!fem!reader
— word count. 5.1k
— contents. mentions of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, angsty asf, injuries, blood/gore, depressing thoughts, dissociation, mentions of death, jjk violence/fighting
— notes. first post ♡
series masterlist
✰ chapter one. moon dair
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March 10th, 1999
The young girl had been gripping her Father’s pants, the fabric balling up in her tiny fist as she observed the group of people standing in front of her. All of them glaring down at her, some faces scowling, some with sinister smiles. She shivered underneath all their gazes, the pounding of her heart the only thing she could hear. The conversation above blocked out by her own fear. 
“We are holding up our end of the deal, now it’s time for you to do the same.” 
The girl’s Father sighed in relief, muscles untensing as he realized that his family were finally free. Finally safe. Well, at least the family he cared about. His gaze shifted down to the shaking girl beside him, his eyes narrowing at her tight grip on him. He reached down, gripping the girl’s hand and peeling it from his pants. The girl whimpered, trying to reach for him again, but he had crouched down and held her shoulders. Keeping her a safe distance away from him. 
Despite her glossy eyes, the way her bottom lip quivered– he stared at her with no emotion. No words were spoken at first, only the sound of heavy breathing as the young girl searched desperately into her Father’s eyes for an answer to the end of this nightmare. 
“Do you love this family?” He asked her, his stare intimidating as to warn her that there was only a right answer. 
The girl switched from eye to eye, her heavy pants filling the moments of silence. It was a simple question, one that could be easily answered. Of course she did. Despite the years of abuse, the torturous nights of correctment. Her heart would have room for her family, something that she couldn’t control. Even in the moment that she realized what her Father was doing, she still had room in her heart for him. For her Mother, her siblings. Everyone. 
“Yes Father.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for him to hear. 
“Then you’ll make us proud. You’ll do this family right by doing your part.” He told her, leaving no room for her to interrupt. 
Your part. 
The sound of someone clearing their throat had the girl jumping, forgetting that there was an audience. Sneaking a glance to her left, she shrunk into herself at the stares from the group. Her Father didn’t say another word to her as he stood upright, grabbing her shoulder and shoving her to the groups feet. The young girl didn’t have time to react, didn’t have time to utter a sound as she was already being gripped by the strangers hands. 
The whole ordeal, she hadn’t shed a tear. Her lash line desperately collecting them, holding them back as she tried to keep it together. Her strength vanished though the second she saw her Father’s backside getting farther away, the way he didn’t look back once. Despite her sick assumption that he wouldn’t turn around, she kept her eyes unblinking– watching his form all the way until he was no longer in sight. 
It was then, the first tear was finally shed.
She felt paralyzed in a weird position. She wasn’t sure whether to do it for herself, prove to herself, that she was worthy— that she could make her family proud. She also didn’t know if making her family proud would even matter by the end, clearly evident that they had left her and were never going to come back for her.
Had things really come down to it? Where she had to be the one that carried the burden of this impossible task, this wild deal. Was she really the one that could bring her family peace?
But at what expense, her happiness? Was she a filler for everybody else’s lives?
What was her purpose? She wondered.
Was her only purpose, proving to only the ghost of her family now— that she could do it?
The room she was kept in was dull— blank of any personality. The rationing of food was little, but she learned quickly not to complain to take anything that she got. The air was always thick with tension like she had to tiptoe around these people— these strangers.
It wasn’t often when people would speak to her, days going by without anybody even recognizing her existence. I guess in a way she was glad for that, as she also learned quickly that too much attention ended in bad endings.
Despite her age, she knew full well that she was being used for something greater than she could understand.
She had known that she was different all her life, her family, mocking and reminding her every day that she wasn’t like the rest. Rather than reassurance, she was taunted for it— for being different. For being powerful.
For that, she was powerful— one of the most powerful that would ever walk the Earth. Though, she didn’t know it yet.
It was on a rainy Tuesday after she received her minuscule lunch— that she recognized a young boy around her age sitting on a bench outside. Immediately he had peaked her interest, as she recognized, he was letting the rain drench him without a care in the world.
Who was he? She wondered.
The lack of children that wandered this place, it added to the magnetic pull she felt towards him— she had to know him.
But despite her curiosity, she stayed put in her room, only watching him from her window.
The boy was pale, jet black hair covering his head. She could tell he was built, which was odd, considering he was only a child— just like she was.
She was curious as to what his face looked like, what his expression was. But all the times that she would see him outside, sitting on the same bench, whether it was raining or sunny— she never got a decent look. Perhaps that was the push that she needed— the push to seek him out one day.
She had lost track of what day it was, her chaotic mind and her thoughts, taking up all her headspace.
It was fairly a nice day when she wandered outside, and, despite her allowed to do that— she was tense and on edge. She waited to be punished for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
A bad habit perhaps.
She didn’t try to quiet her steps as she approached the boy on the bench, giving him sound queues to know that she was approaching. She wondered if he heard her approaching, giving that he didn’t care to turn to investigate.
The closer she got, the more evident it became that he was lost in his own thoughts.
“Go away.” The boy mumbled, surprising the girl with how gentle his voice sounded.
Her curiosity ignored his comment, deepening her interest with him.
The boy must have sensed her lack of understanding, as he turned to see her rooted in the same spot. It was his turn to furrow his brows in curiosity, studying her watchful gaze.
He known of someone new arriving, wondering deep down if she had come willingly— or rather than. But he hadn’t found himself to care enough to seek her out— meet her. He assumed she’d be like the rest that had come and gone, never to leave their trace again. All while he stayed trapped here. But despite his inner voice telling him to walk away, he spoke to her again.
Her silence was intriguing.
“You’re new here.” He stated, not needing her confirmation.
The girl nodded, ignoring his discomfort and taking a seat on the bench next to him— but sitting far apart, almost falling off the edge.
The boy noticed her effort to not touch him, and whether it was because she was hesitant of him— or rather trying to respect his space. His heart couldn’t help but beat a little faster, kind gestures foreign to him.
“What do they call you?” He asked.
She thought for a moment how odd of wording it was to ask for one’s name.
“Moon dair.” She whispered, her tone unsure.
The boy tried to smile, but found himself exhausted to do so. All he could manage was a nod of recognition.
“Cool name,” he commented, “I’m Toji.”
The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, happy to finally put a name to the boy. 
The boy watched her face light up, and he wondered what the cause of that was. Did he dare ask? Did he care?
“You’re quiet.” He said instead. 
She made no reaction that his comment bothered her, suppose she was quiet. It wasn’t often she was asked to speak, or that she was spoken to. With her family, she was practically a ghost. Even now in this foreign environment, she didn’t feel the need to talk– nor did she feel like she should. 
“I’m not used to it.” She admitted quietly. 
Toji furrowed his brows, studying her expression as he noticed her small smile had vanished. 
“Not used to what? Talking?” He asked.
She nodded, shrugging her shoulders– fiddling with her fingers in her lap. 
“That’s weird.” He said, not caring about his bluntness. 
She frowned this time, crossing her arms. 
“It’s not my fault.” She defended herself. 
Toji chuckled, surprising her with the sudden sound. 
“Hey, that's the loudest I’ve heard you yet.” He joked, running a hand through his hair. 
She rolled her eyes and tried to hide her smile, admitting to herself that it was kinda funny. 
It was quiet for a bit, the relaxing ambience of the outside calming the two. The wind caressed their faces, as their hair floated in the breeze.
It was a comfortable silence, they both thought. 
It was the silence that gave Moon time to get lost in her thoughts.
“What are you doing out here?” She asked quietly.
Toji turned to her with furrowed brows, and despite his confusion– his expression was gentle. She could almost get a read of him, the longer she looked into his eyes. He seemed… tired. 
“I didn’t know sitting here wasn’t allowed.” He uttered. 
“You are, I just see you out here a lot,” She stated, “Guess I’m just curious.” 
Toji chuckled again, and he wondered when the last time he laughed so much– let alone crack a smile. 
“Oh, you’ve been stalking me?” He joked again, chcukling again when he watched her cheeks flush red in embarrassment. 
“N-no–I just– my window looks out to this bench so… I’ve seen you here before. A lot actually.” She stumbled over her words, trying not to seem creepy. 
It was too late though, she realized how weird her words sounded. 
While it was entertaining to see Moon so flustered, he couldn’t keep torturing her. 
“It’s quiet and calming here,” He told her truthfully, “A little escape from… things.”
She listened and tilted her head at the end, the vague answer peeking her interest even more. 
“Escape from what things?” She wondered. 
Toji looked away from her this time, instead focusing on the trees swaying from the wind. Truthfully he didn’t care too much about the view, he was just afraid that she’d see the answer within his eyes. He noticed her observant gaze immediately, and despite him oddly trusting her already– he knew better than to disobey his family. 
“Family drama.” He told her instead, risking a glance at her. 
Despite his unsure tone, she seemed to believe him and took her turn to gaze at the trees. He noticed her face losing its light, the mention of his family hitting a nerve within her. 
Why? He wondered. 
“I’m sorry, I get it.” She said instead. 
Toji leaned forward and tried to get a good look of her face, and he was shocked to find such a vulnerable expression upon her features. 
While his family drama wasn’t a complete lie, he felt a little bad that she was trying to relate.
“What happened?” He asked, curiosity eating at him. 
She took a deep breath before facing him again, but her eyes couldn’t hold his gaze for too long. He noticed. 
“I’m here. That’s what happened.” She whispered, relaxing her awful situation once again. 
Toji didn’t quite understand what she meant by that, but also found himself staying quiet as he felt bad. He didn’t want to push her, and didn't want to upset her further. 
Why do I care? He thought. Odd. 
“Toji. Come now.” A stern voice called from the building doors. 
She watched as Toji stiffened up at the sound of his name falling from the man. She couldn’t help her own body tensing up, feeling like she’d been caught doing something– when it was the complete opposite. She was doing nothing wrong, so why did she feel ashamed for sitting here. 
Toji sent her a look that she couldn’t understand in the moment, and watched as he said nothing else and left. Walking with his head down into the building, avoiding the harsh glare from the man. 
All too soon, she was left alone with her thoughts. Gazing at the trees, it didn’t feel relaxing anymore– and she wondered why. 
It felt colder all of a sudden, the wind biting into her cheeks. The bench felt harder, more uncomfortable than before. It wasn’t relaxing at all– but why now?
All these thoughts quickly got overpowered, the only thought running through her mind being Toji. He was the first person to recognize her existence, to show even a sliver of kindness. It was nice to finally talk to someone, without worrying about their judgmental stare. 
She didn’t know why she missed him as much as she did, she had just met him. 
It was easy to grow attached to the nice things in life when surrounded by bad. She figured. 
Where did you go Toji?
8 years later…
The feeling of her lungs burning, begging for untouched air was the first thing that came to her. The rubble of the fractured wall weighed down on her, her legs trapped underneath destruction. She whined in frustration, her mind hazy– her body exhausted. 
9 lives was an incredibly powerful technique, letting her cheat death even in moments where she shouldn't of. But of course, with the good always comes the bad. The outside perspective only saw the person coming back to life, but to her– it was the most excruciating feeling she’d ever experience. Yes, she would be alive once again– but she was forced to feel her body heal. All the hurt she endured to lead to her first death, she could now feel reversing– she almost wished she could die at this point. Her enemy hadn’t realized she had the 9 lives technique, unaware that the cause of her death would happen to them as well– a mirror defense. 
Slowly she was able to crawl out from under the rubble, using her growing strength to lift the wall off of her body. Her lungs squeezed painfully, gulping in the dusted air– desperate for breaths. Her body wracked with violent coughs as she was on her hands and knees, hunched over and retching blood clumps out of her system. It was quite a nasty technique– but it was rare that anyone was around to witness her healing process. 
8 lives left. 
The realization wasn’t as rewarding as she thought– quite the opposite. She was closer to her permanent death that she knew would eventually come. Her eyes stayed unfocused on the ground in front of her, her nose burning and her throat tightening with the harsh reality of it all. Although she was immortal to an extent, the mental toll of dying didn’t lessen as she hoped it would. She was stuck in this odd transition, her mind not catching up with the truth that she was indeed still alive. She didn’t feel connected to herself, she felt as if a part of her soul had truly been destroyed– as if a piece of her was left behind. 
Her phone buzzed within the rubble, the distorted sound snapping her back to the present. She reached under a piece of the fractured wall, pulling her phone out to see who was calling. 
The name lit up her dull features, before the phone gave up– the screen shutting off. She didn’t have time to answer, letting the broken phone fall back into the rubble. Not letting herself give him another thought, she stood finally– doing her best to guide her way out of the destruction. She knew he’d be confused as to why she didn’t answer, but she didn’t care– not right now. 
To her, the relationship between Gojo and herself– it was confusing. Despite her obvious distaste for the man, he continued to stick around. She thought he was incredibly annoying, getting on her nerves quicker than anyone she’d ever met before. She couldn’t stand him, just the thought of past teasing and mocking he had done, it had her blood boiling. She learned quickly that her efforts to push him away– they were pointless. It was evident that he didn’t listen to a thing she said anyway. Her pleads for him to leave her alone were practically said to deaf ears. 
Taking a deep breath, she felt frustrated with herself. Although she had just promised to not think about him– that's all she was doing. Even when he wasn’t around, he still managed to bother her. She didn’t like being so hateful, but after everything she had been through– she refused to let herself get close to anyone ever again.
She also couldn’t deny her raging jealousy she had for the white haired sorcerer. She was jealous of his upbringing, the way he had everything he ever wanted growing up. How he was born from riches, living in luxury to this very day– never worrying about the struggles to survive.
She continued walking, in no rush to make it back home. She didn’t want her peers to see her so disconnected. She was alive and well now, body healed– no evidence that she had ever gotten killed.
So why did she still feel dead inside?
“Why the sad face?” Geto’s voice had startled her out of her, not realizing she arrived back at the school. “The mission was successful, was it not?”
He sat all relaxed on the stairs, where he usually was after a long day. She assumed it was to watch the sun set, she really didn’t know.
She nodded, making her way over to him and sitting down on the stairs near him— but careful to not sit too close. Geto narrowed his gaze, always wondering why she did that.
“Then why the long face?” He pushed.
She sighed, letting her elbows rest on her knees— holding her face in her hands.
“Just tired.” She mumbled through her palms.
Geto hummed, but wasn’t buying it.
“Seems like you’re always tired, hm?” He pointed out.
She raised her head from her hands, glancing over to him with a really look.
“Maybe I’m just a tired person.” She came up with.
Geto just stared at her, slightly offended that she would think he’d believe these lies— and trust him. He knew she was a terrible liar— the worst actually. Yet, she continued to try.
“You know, it’s okay to not be okay.” He started, his features softer. “You don’t have to be so strong all the time. You’re still a person underneath being a sorcerer. You’re allowed to feel.”
Geto’s words had struck within Moon. She knew he was right but she didn’t want to admit that to herself. Sure, she could show how she was truly feeling underneath the act— but then she’d be vulnerable. Weakness only ends up with people getting hurt. She couldn’t do that.
She wouldn’t.
“I appreciate whatever you’re trying to prove here, but like I said— I’m just tired.” She told him, standing up and leaving to her room.
Leaving Geto on the stairs, missing the concerned look he sent her as she walked away.
What’s happening in that head of yours Miss Dair? He thought hopelessly.
She knew it would’ve been too easy to make it back to her room without anymore interactions. She had thought she did however, until she heard the all too familiar voice calling out for her.
The sound making her ears ring, the exhaustion causing any noise at all to make her wince.
“Look who’s found their way back home.” The white haired sorcerer called out.
It was funny to her that he referred to this place as such. Was it? If so— why didn’t she feel the same way?
She hummed in response, digging her hand in her pants pocket, searching for her keys.
“Heard the mission was a success. I’m impressed really, thought you would’ve struggled a bit more.” He told her, trying to get under her skin.
Instead of feeling offended from his words, she wondered how the hell the word spread so fast that she completed the mission. She had just gotten home— the only person she told and not on purpose, being Geto.
“Geto told you that, huh?” Moon asked quietly, not really interested in an answer.
“Told me, maybe I asked— who knows. All I know is that you’re alive and well.” He shrugged his shoulders, walking closer to her until he was at her doorframe.
One thing about Gojo: he didn’t respect personal space. Boundaries? Didn’t know it.
Her fingers finally grasped her key ring, pulling it out and swiftly unlocking her door. Without giving him another glance she entered her room, moving to shut the door with her foot— but of course Gojo snuck in before she could shut him out.
“Gojo, I’m tired— don’t want company right now.” She mumbled, throwing her bag down and shimming off her jacket.
He tilted his head down, letting his eyes peek over his glasses that sat low on his nose.
“Hmm, why does it feel like you’re trying to get rid of me?” He wondered, already knowing the answer.
Throwing down her jacket, she made her way to the small kitchen area— pouring herself a glass of water. Not realizing until now that her throat was incredibly dry, aching dully.
After taking a moment and letting the cool liquid soothe her throat, she glanced back to the lanky man.
She was caught off guard when she was met with such a concerned look. She only got a quick glance of his furrowed brows, the way he was almost studying her— that was until he straightened back up, putting back on his teasing expression.
“What are you thinking about Nines?” He wondered out loud.
A causal nickname that didn’t hold its true meaning anymore. It was then Moon wondered when she should tell him— or anyone for that matter, that she now only had eight lives left.
She chewed on her bottom lip, getting stuck in her head. Should’ve been an easy question to answer, but her mind wasn’t kind.
Gojo of course noticed, he noticed almost everything about her. The tics she’d fall to when stuck in her head, the way she could almost forget someone else was in the room with her. Her micro expressions that she thought nobody saw— he did. He always did. Even then, he found her the hardest person to read— thus why he was always asking the question.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked again, quieter— more sincere.
She ignored his attempt at flirting almost instantly, knowing he would try again and again to get some kind of reaction. She saw nothing significant about the pet name— he did it with practically anyone.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She whispered, turning her glass upside down and placing in the sink.
His six eyes followed her movements, glancing back up to her eyes.
“I asked didn’t I?” He teased, but frowned when you still hadn’t cracked a smile.
Not that you ever did anyway— but every now and then he could.
One thing that Moon despised, was being vulnerable in front of others– especially Gojo. Although there was something about his aura that made her want to lay everything out, really tell him that she was suffering in the hell that was her head– confess everything that kept her up at night. The doubts, the horrors that plagued her when she closed her eyes. But if she was anything– she was stubborn. She wouldn’t allow the words to pass through her lips– not without difficulty that is. 
“I…” She started, staring at a random spot in the sink, “I don’t know.” 
Moon heard the familiar sound of glasses folding, the metal scraping the sides of his pockets. Glancing up, she was met with the incredible glow of his blue eyes. She had to take a deep breath, blinking rapidly to avoid getting hypnotized. It was often she’d get lost in his eyes, the way they could almost speak for themself. If Gojo didn’t have words to speak– his eyes certainly did that for him. 
“Ah, but you do know. You’re just really bad at this whole… talking thing. Wouldn’t you agree?” He called her out, blunt as ever. 
She couldn’t bring herself to care– or be offended by any means. He was right, as always. She thought quickly that maybe that’s another reason for her hatred for him– he seemed to know her better than she knew herself. 
She hummed in agreement, walking past him to get to her couch. She felt exhausted the longer she stood– needing to sit down to relax her muscles. 
Gojo eyes her figure, all the way to the couch– before moving to follow and taking a seat next to her. 
Moon thought suddenly, the eight lives that she had left. Surely, Gojo deserved to know. Not because of his worry for her well being– because yeah right. The right that he know strictly professional– she worked with him. It was important he knew. 
The white haired sorcerer sat, body facing her– waiting patiently and quietly for her to speak. For someone for easily labeled as annoying– he was pretty silent at the moment. Only because he was so lost in thought, trying to figure Moon out if she wasn't going to talk. That was why he often found himself mute, too focused to strike up conversation. 
“Eight.” She whispered, finally breaking the silence. 
His blue eyes examined her expression, trying to understand such a vague statement. His brows pulled together, his tongue jutting out to wet his lips. 
“Huh?” He wondered, “Nines, what are you tal–” 
“You need to stop calling me Nines.” She told him, her voice louder than the last time she spoke. 
For a moment she watched his face grow more lost, his expression confusion. But with the long look at her pain stricken face– he knew almost instantly what she meant. His body suddenly tensed, and his hands felt colder. It was odd that the first emotion he finally felt was anger, his hands tightening into fists. His eyes narrowed at her, his jaw clenched tightly– almost positive she could see the flexing from her spot. 
He adjusted himself, leaning forward with his elbows supported by his thighs, still facing her small form. 
“So what the fuck happened on the mission?” He growled out. 
She swallowed, and stared at her hands down on her lap. She didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes– and she knew she would. His eyes were so expressive, it might as well be written in them. 
“Things happen, you know that.” She defended, still staring at her lap, “I have The Nine Lives Technique for a reason.” 
Gojo kept quiet, his teeth grinding together in attempt to keep his true thoughts inside. He nodded his head, despite him not agreeing or being okay with this situation. 
“Answer this for me then,” He started, his voice still stern, “Were you ever gonna tell anyone?” 
She looked up finally, surprised when she saw nothing but concern painted in his eyes– despite his angry expression. She felt guilty knowing her answer, but her intentions weren’t to hurt anyone– she just didn’t think anyone would care. She didn’t think anyone should care. 
She shook her head, too tired to voice her response. 
He lowered his gaze to his lap now, seeming to get lost in thought for a moment before he glanced back up– the anger slowly vanishing from his features. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, taking Moon by surprise with the sudden switch up. 
She glanced from eye to eye, swallowing through the thickness in her throat. She waved a hand to herself lazily. 
“I’m here, aren’t I?” She whispered.
Gojo was silent after that, her tone so unsure it made him uneasy. Yes, he saw her sitting in front of him– seeming to be in perfect condition. But it wasn’t the physical aspect that he was worried about.  
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He pointed out.
Moon narrowed her eyes towards him, hating the way he was trying to pick apart her brain. The way he was trying to pretend he cared so much. She couldn’t be easily fooled like that— not anymore.
She’d give him this, he was very convincing.
“I’m fine.” She rushed out, her voice tired yet stern.
Gojo couldn’t help the roll of his eyes, not understanding just how bad someone could be at lying. Despite her efforts, she’d never be able to lie to him. Almost everytime she did— he never asked her why she thought she had to lie.
He could feel the familiar twitch in his cheekbone, the frustration moving its way to his face.
“Get some rest… Nines.” He mumbled, walking to the door without another glance in her direction.
Moon opened her mouth to say something, but found herself silent until he had disappeared through the door. The familiar click of the lock and then the eerie silence of her room. The only sound being her slow breathing.
The sorcerer confused her with the amount of effort he put in to see her, talk to her. She couldn’t understand how someone could be so drawn towards someone else that clearly had a distaste for them. Did he see the signs?
She knew she was being difficult at best— but it was only the way she grew up that had her acting as such. She’d never let anyone hurt her ever again. People couldn’t leave her life, if she never let them in.
The thought should’ve been comforting, but it never was.
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— ending notes. feedback is appreciated 🤍
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ddejavvu · 9 months
Omg! I saw that fic you wrote based on friends tv series and i love it! Its so freaking cute!! Reading that fic remind me of another scene of friends tv series if you dont mind writing it?
Where chandler is having a bath and everyone just comes in at one point and start having conversations in the bathroom.
Maybe reader is like the therapist of the group and everyone wants her opinion on smtg and while reader is taking a bath, one by one just starting to enter and start having conversations with her and the rest until one of marauders (reader’s bf) start shooing everyone out so reader could have a peaceful bath?
i changed this a teeny bit, i'm sorry! but i've never seen friends so i think that's okay
"Y/N," Sirius is the first to interrupt your warm bath with James, meant to soothe his sore muscles after Quidditch practice, and lull you to sleep against his chest. Thankfully, James has poured a liberal amount of strawberry bubble bath into the water, so there's foam up to your necks.
"What's'a matter, Pads?" James answers for you while you try clearing the almost-sleep from your brain, but the man scoffs at him.
"Prongs, no offence, but I need help with makeup. And you're the last person in this castle I'd come to for that."
Before James can make an affronted retort, you pipe up, smoothing a soothing hand on James's thigh beneath the bubbles, "What do you need, Sirius?"
"Black or blue liner?" He shows off his outfit, then the two eyeliner pens in his hand.
"Black," You decide with a wrinkled nose, "Blue doesn't match your earrings."
"Thanks," Sirius grins, tossing the blue pen onto the counter and leaving with the black one, "Oh-! Sorry, Rem, go ahead."
Just when you'd been about to settle back against James's chest, Remus steps in, clearly having run into Sirius on the way out. James groans, but Remus incurs less of his wrath than Sirius often does, the price of becoming siblings as well as brothers.
"I left The Nightingale on your bed," Remus informs you, "Can I take Falling Leaves?"
"The smaller one," You nod, "Not the special edition. Sorry, Rem, I know you're careful, but I can't afford a chocolate stain on it."
He rolls his eyes good-naturedly, but he'll respect your wishes. After all, he's careful in lending out special editions of his books, too.
"Thanks, Y/N!"
"Remus," James calls at the retreating form of his friend, "Do me a favor: close the door behind you!"
Remus does so, and James hooks an arm around your waist beneath the suds. It's warm and slightly pruned, and you sink into it gladly, reclining once more against his bare chest.
"Now that that's over," He gripes, his hand travelling below your waist, fingers hooking into the pudge of your thighs, "We could..."
"Don't even think about it," You pinch his thigh, just above the dome of his kneecap, ignoring his yelp in response, "This bath is to fix your sore muscles, not make new ones."
"I'm fine," James insists, burrowing his nose into the nape of your neck where fine droplets of water cling to your wispy hairs, "Please, darling, I swear I can-"
"Y/N?" Lily calls, the sweet tone of her voice matching the strawberry scent heavy in the air, "I know you're bathing, I'm sorry, but it'll only take a moment."
James holds his breath, but you use yours to call, "Come in, Lily," And he releases his in a scoff, fingers finally abandoning your thigh.
"I was just wondering if I could borrow your green sweater," Lily hums, politely avoiding any eye contact with James's muscled shoulders as he drapes his arms over the sides of the bathtub.
"G'head, babe," You smile sweetly at her, "You going to Hogsmeade?"
"The whole dorm is," She nods excitedly, "You wanna join?"
You consider it despite James's hand plunging back into the water and latching tight to your hip. Finally you decide, "No, but I might end up joining you if James can't learn to keep his hands to himself."
"Hey!" He tears his hand away from you once more, spilling water over the side of the tub when he finds purchase against the edge, "If you keep letting people barge in here, we won't be able to do anything anyways."
"Excellent point," You nod thoughtfully, and James's exasperated groan brings a smile to Lily's face that she shares giddily with you, "Lily, if you happen to see Professor McGonagall on your way over, send her in."
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Whenever You're Ready
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Rita Calhoun x reader Warnings: language, some minor anxiety, major comfort, lotsa fluff. Covers a bingo square for @prentiss-theorem along with being a pretty self indulgent fic lol. rita come take care of me when?!
Rita Calhoun was not one to leave work early. She was one to stay in the office until her stomach was grumbling, finally pulling her away from her desk only to set up camp at a local lounge to work for another few hours before finally heading home.
But today was not one of those days.
Today she was home before rush hour even began, dropping her things by the door, stepping out of her shoes and padding down the hallway to strip out of her clothes and step into a luxurious shower. Once the grime of the day and the city was washed off her body she went through her full skincare routine, careful to make sure nothing was missed. After selecting a rather lacy lingerie set in her preferred colour of green she wandered to the walk in closet, lips pursed as she fingered through a couple of dress options for tonight.
She’d been waiting for this evening for what felt like weeks on end now. Thanks to work she’d had to cancel the last of your dinner dates, and what were supposed to be lunches were exchanged for quick coffee hand offs in courthouse hallways. She felt like she hadn’t seen you all month and the feeling was mutual; tonight was the special night to make up for it. She’s secured reservations at The Palm Court for cocktails and dinner and stopped by a few stores on the way home to pick up a bouquet of lilies, a few of your favourite treats and a couple of nice bottles of wine for the plans she had for after dinner, those of course, that involved not leaving the bedroom for the rest of the weekend. Ones that would reassure you of just how much she cared, how much she wanted you around and how much she simply adored you, ones that would calm her own worries.
The two of you hadn’t been together very long, it had started out casual, a coffee here, a dinner date there, one night of martinis that ended in the bedroom and you both became very aware that you simply couldn’t get enough. The following week you’d asked Rita to be your girlfriend, she’d instantly accepted of course, and that was seven weeks ago if she remembered correctly. It seemed like clockwork that no matter how good her relationships were going it was right around now that they started to fall back to casual, to not committed solely to each other anymore. She knew her work was part of it, that no one really understood what they were getting into, how many hours she actually put in, not to mention all the functions and galas that went along with it.
Which is why tonight had to be absolutely perfect.
She finally selected a dress, slipping it on over her head as she padded back to the bedroom, smoothing the skirt of it out as she went. It didn’t take long for her to work through her hair and makeup, leaving the curls from the day in, but brushed out so they were a little looser, pinning a couple pieces back so it was off her face. She was swiping on mascara when her phone buzzed on the basin, dancing dangerously close to the sink. Placing the tube back in her make up organizer she picked up her phone, swiping open the message from you.
‘Running behind. I’m so sorry.’             
‘It’s no worry, I can push the reservation, just let me know when you’re on your way.’
Across town you watched as three bubbles popped up while she typed, letting out a breath at the message reply before you dropped your phone back down to the bed and simultaneously collapsed back into the pillows.
You were running behind, but that was in fact because you had yet to even start to get ready.
You wanted to go; you really did. You missed Rita, you wanted to see her, but you were exhausted past any point you’d ever been before. The last three weeks you’d taken on an extra load at work, covering the beginning of a coworkers maternity leave while they searched for a suitable replacement. You hadn’t realized just how much extra work it would be on top of your already crammed schedule, and how many more face to face meetings and calls you would be doing. You hadn’t had a moment to yourself the entire time, all you wanted to do was lie facedown on your bed in complete silence but even the Wi-Fi router was too loud for that. You thought about your noise cancelling headphones, maybe just five minutes with them on would give you the energy to get up and dressed but they were in your gym bag by the front door. Your body ached and no matter how much you craved the quiet, you weren’t willing to walk that far right now.
Your eyes closed for a moment, trying to remember the name of the restaurant Rita had picked for tonight and tears welled up in your eyes at the sheer idea of having to be out in the city tonight, much less surrounded by people, chatter, clattering of dishes, music, it made your skin crawl. Taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself your eyes scrunched open, if you wanted to bail on tonight, you were going to have to do it now, you didn’t want to keep pushing it off to the point that Rita was waiting at the restaurant, you would never do that to her. So you picked up your phone again, your thumb hovering over her contact while you debated between continuing to text or if you were going to have the energy to call. Eventually you decided that if you were cancelling, you should probably be more personable, clicking her contact and putting it on speaker so you wouldn’t even have to hold your arm up.
“Hello?” Her voice softly rang through the room and your lips couldn’t help but curve into a smile as your body began to let out some of the tension you’d been holding on to.
“Hey.” You replied, your voice muffled by the duvet, “Rita, I’m so sorry but I am utterly wiped, I can’t even fathom the idea of going out tonight. I feel terrible ‘cause I know you made reservations and were looking forward to it but I just… can’t. Is there any way we can reschedule?” You were once again, fighting the tears threating to blur your vision, hating yourself for even thinking of cancelling.
“Darling you sound exhausted.” Rita frowned instantly at the dejected tone in your voice, “and it’s not to worry, they won’t charge my card, I can move it to next week?”
“Are you sure? You’re allowed to be mad.”
“How could I ever be mad?” She chuckled, “I know you’ve been overworked recently; I was just looking forward to some time getting to spoil you. I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” You let out a quiet sigh, “I did really want to see you.”
“Well, why don’t you just come over? Whenever you’re ready, we can do takeout instead. I would really like to see you.”
You chewed on your lip for a moment while you thought it over. You did really want to see Rita, when you said you missed her, you meant it. The mere minutes outside the courthouse were never enough to get your fill and you knew if you didn’t see her now it’d be at least a full week before you got the chance. You huffed softly, frowning as you thought about the commute to get to Tribeca and Rita spoke once again before your brain could fully scare you.
“Just let me know when you’re close to recharged, I’ll send a car over for you so you don’t have to deal with the subway or worry about hailing a cab.”
“You’re the best, you know that?”
“I do get told relatively often.” She replied with a smirk and you chuckled.
“Give me like, an hour? I should shower and it’ll take me at least twenty minutes to psych myself up for that.”
“Then don’t.” She shrugged, “there’s a reason I’ve got a huge tub here. I’ll even wash your hair for you, one less thing on the to do list.”
“Now you’re spoiling.”
“Exactly as I intended.” She smiled, “now, hang up the phone and enjoy your hour. I’ll see you soon.”
“Thank you.” You replied with a tired grin, hand reaching out to the phone as you ended the call, letting out a low sigh.
As predicted, you stayed face down on the bed for the next twenty minutes, finally pushing yourself up with a groan as you stumbled around the apartment getting ready to go.
Back in Tribeca Rita hung up the phone with a small sigh, as much as she had been looking forward to going out, the important part had been you and she could tell you weren’t up for it. Keeping you happy was higher on her list than being out in the city, besides, a night in would honestly be nice for her too, a little break from society and no risk of running into anyone she knew. She quickly finished what was left to do of her make up and was honestly thankful she wasn’t going to have to put a pair of Manolo’s back on, wandering through the apartment barefoot.
Out in the kitchen she poured herself a glass of wine, sipping at it as she flipped through the mail, sorting take out menus from the flyers she immediately tossed in the recycling. She sifted through the menus, thinking about dinner, it was still early enough she wasn’t hungry but it would be nice to have a couple of options to present to you later on. Her phone vibrated on the island, alerting her that you were ready to go and she replied that the car was on its way.
Twenty minutes later you were knocking on her apartment door, opting for prime comfort you’d changed into leggings, a soft tank and a thin cardigan wrapped around you, weekend bag tossed over your shoulder. Rita pulled the door open only a moment later, a soft smile on her cheeks as she greeted you, leaning in to kiss your cheek briefly as you entered the apartment.
“You look… gorgeous…” You managed to get out, eyes wandering her frame and she chuckled quietly.
“Thank you.” She kissed the side of your head.
“Sorry it was for nothing.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, ducking your gaze and she let out a breath, finger curling under your chin.
“It absolutely was not for nothing.” She insisted, “at the very least, it was for you and that was a priority last time I checked. I just hadn’t gotten around to changing.” She shrugged, softly, leading you into the kitchen, “wine?”
“Please.” You replied, eagerly reaching for the glass she was passing you, taking a heavy swig.
“Would you like to talk about it?” She asked gently, taking a sip of her own wine.
“No.” You huffed, “I want to forget about it. I’m just tired…” you trailed off, looking out the large windows at the city as it shifted from day to evening.
“Alright.” Rita’s hand squeezed at yours and you nearly tensed for a moment before relaxing, “how about dinner?”
“Honestly I’m not really hungry right now, I mean….” You faltered, “I am, I barely ate lunch but I’m almost past the point, ya know?”
“Well why don’t you just look through some options?” Rita asked, “we can order later, whenever you’re ready. If you were to eat what do you feel like?”
“Comfort.” You mumbled, dropping onto one of the stools.
“Like pizza?”
“Like homecooked goodness.” You replied with a huff, feeling embarrassment seeping through you, Rita was just trying to help and you weren’t exactly making this easy.
“Well that can mean a lot of things.” She chuckled softly, fanning out some of the menus in front of you, “Italian? Thai? Fried rice, burgers, I think this place has meatloaf? McDonald’s may not be homecooked but I think it’s pretty high up the comfort chain?”
“I dunno…” you shook your head, eyes darting between the menus and you could feel the overwhelming sense of panic beginning to soothe through you, tears creeping into the corner of your eyes again, “I just… I don’t know what I want, it’s almost like there’s too many choices. Oh god…” you dropped your head into your hands, trying to keep some semblance of control, “I’m so sorry. I’m in a mood, I’m going to be fucking terrible company, I should just go. It’s not you, I promise, I just need like…silence…”
“Darling… it’s fine.” Rita cautiously reached out, a hand gently rubbing circles on your back as the other swiped away the menus and pushed your wine glass closer to you, “take the bedroom.” She nodded down the hall, “you know how to work the tv if you want to zone out, have a nap, sit in silence, whatever you want for as long as you need. I’ve got some work I should probably catch up on, I’ll stay out here until you’re ready.”
“Are you sure?” You glanced up at her and she frowned at the misting in your eyes before she nodded.
“Absolutely. Take care of yourself before you worry that pretty little head with anything else, and you let me know if I can do anything to help.”
“I will.” You pushed yourself off the stool with a huff, scooping up the wine before looking up at your girlfriend, “thank you.”
“Of course.” She shot you a warm smile before you turned and made your way down the hall, the bedroom door closing with a quiet click.
Rita sighed softly, hating seeing you like this and partially hating herself for dragging you out of the comfort of your own home when you were down. She hoped that you had actually wanted to come, to see her, rather than just doing it out of sheer obligation and because she wanted you to. Picking up her wine glass she meandered into the living room, true to her word, she actually did have some work that could be done. Considering your request for silence, she opted to not turn the tv on for background noise and plucked her earphones out of her purse for music rather than risk disturbing you. She remembered the days of living with obnoxious roommates or working for the DA’s office as a junior attorney where no one had their own private offices, they could be extremely overstimulating and she wanted nothing of the sort for you right now.
Across the apartment you’d instantly burrito’d yourself in Rita’s bed, how comfortable her bed was happened to be one of the few selling points that had gotten you to leave your own apartment that day. The memory foam topper let you sink into it with ease, feeling like you were on a cloud as you wrapped yourself in the high thread count sheets and fluffiest duvet you could imagine. You popped your phone on silent, tossed it on the nightstand and reached for the remote, flicking on the tv to scroll through shows until you found something you liked, making sure the volume was muted, subtitles already on as Rita preferred. It didn’t take long before your eyes fluttered shut and you were happily dreaming, finally beginning to recover from the hellish weeks you’d had.
The moon was high in the sky by the time Rita looked up through the window, her head tilting in near confusion at how much time had gone past. She had finished her opening argument, questioning for three witnesses and then gotten distracted by a book of crosswords before her stomach had started to growl. Glancing down the hallway she could tell that you’d left the bedroom light off, but there was a light glow from a small lamp and the television and she wondered if you were ready to eat yet or not. She thought about what you’d said as she moved through the apartment, packing up her work things so they wouldn’t get missed on Monday and began to peek through her fridge and pantry. While she knew she wasn’t about to whip up some masterpiece, she did spy a box of Kraft mac and cheese and she knew she could at least manage that.
She set about her work trying to keep as quiet as possible as she did so, music still quietly playing in her earphones while she waited for the water to boil. Rita opened the fridge again, eyes darting through it in search of the other cheeses she had, wondering if any of them would add to the dish, make it feel more homey for you. She settled on a mix of gouda, jalapeno Havarti and goat cheese, grating and chopping them into smaller pieces that would melt and easily mix with the pasta. It was done before she knew it, portioning it out into two bowls and tucking the bottle of wine under her arm while she managed to get everything down the hall to the bedroom. A gentle knock on the door before your voice quietly called out and she nudged it open.
“Ohoho…” she chuckled softly, “darling, you look cold.” You were still wrapped tightly in the blankets, an extra one tucked right around you, holding them up to your chin as you watched tv, curled in a little ball.
“A little chilly, I guess.” You replied with a tired smile, “that smells good, what is it?”
“Nothing spectacular, but at least I managed to not burn the house down.” She replied with a smirk, placing the wine and food down on the nightstand before she crossed the room, sliding the window shut so the cool breeze couldn’t get in any longer. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I’d left it open.”
“It’s okay,” you replied with a yawn, pushing yourself up to sitting, “gave me the excuse to snuggle up.”
Rita refilled your wine glass before perching on the edge of the bed, her hand coming up to caress your cheek, “are you feeling any better?”
“Kind of.” Your eyes darted to the food, “but I am definitely hungry now.”
“Alright.” She chuckled, leaning in to kiss your forehead, “well, boxed mac and cheese is about the best I’ve got, but there’s some extra goodness added in there, I hope it helps.”
Reaching out behind her she picked up a bowl as you shifted on the bed to give her space to settle beside you. You had of course, been sleeping on her side of the bed, the smell of her shampoo lingering on the pillow lulling you into a state of relaxation. You accepted the bowl from her, letting the blankets fall from your frame and your body broke out in goosebumps in the chilly air, your cardigan from earlier laying abandoned on a spare chair and you couldn’t help but shiver.
“Well now there’s no denying that you’re cold.” Rita stated with a knowing look and you couldn’t do anything aside from sheepishly smile at her, “hold on, but dig in.” She prodded at your side, earning a shriek like giggle as you smiled at her, watching her cross the room to the closet before you finally scooped up a bite of pasta.
“Oh my god…” you groaned over the first bite, “this is incredible.”
“Oh please.” Rita’s laugh came from the walk in, “you don’t have to lie to me, it’s edible at best.”
“No, it’s amazing.” You mumbled over a second bite, “you may not be a whiz in the kitchen but maybe this is your calling.”
“Sure.” She barked a laugh back, eventually emerging from the closet in a pair of leggings and a worn tee, in her hands her faved maroon Harvard hoodie for you to help combat the cold air in the room. “All I did was add a few extra types of cheese, I wanted to try and make it more homey for you.”
“It’s more than that.” You smiled up at her, swapping off the bowl for the hoodie so you could tug it over your head before taking the bowl back as Rita settled back on the bed beside you.
“Mmm?” She raised a brow, picking up her own bowl of pasta, “how so?”
“We had plans, that we were both looking forward to and that you were ready for. And I bailed.” You sighed, “and instead of getting upset, or mad, or being overbearing and demanding to figure out what was wrong you just let me be me. Hell you did even better than that…” you glanced up at her with a small smile on your face, “you took care of me when I didn’t know how to articulate what I wanted or needed. Sure, this is a meal a ten year old could make but it’s delicious and heartwarming because it’s you that made it with the intention of making me feel better. Does that make sense?”
“Yes.” She smiled across at you, her hand cupping your cheek “and I’m glad it helped.”
“Anything you do will always help.” You ducked your gaze for a brief second before looking back up at her, “because I love you.”
“Oh sweetheart.” A warmth bloomed in her chest, happy tears threatening to fill her eyes as she leant toward you to steal a tender kiss, her thumb stroking across your cheek, “I love you too.” She murmured, pecking you once more before leaning back, “that’s why I was so worried about you. I know you’ve had a rough couple of weeks and I know how crazy that can get, I understand why you would want to isolate right now so I am incredibly thankful that you were willing to come over tonight.”
“As much as I wanted to be alone, being with you sounded even better.” You admitted with a smile, “part of me wanted to just stay home but something in my gut told me to come over and you couldn’t have dealt with it in a better way. You just… know me…” a grin took over your cheeks, “and I don’t care what you say this mac and cheese is fucking phenomenal.”
“Well, maybe it’s just made with love.” Rita chuckled, leaning in to kiss you gently again, your lips curving up into a grin against hers before you reluctantly pulled away.
The two of you relaxed into the headboard, letting out happy sighs as you finally had the chance to fully divulge into dinner. Rita flicked the volume up on the television, glancing your way to make sure it wasn’t too loud or disturbing before she returned to her food, her free hand squeezing softly at yours between bites. There was no doubt from either of you, this was exactly where you needed to be, exactly who you needed to be with, and it didn’t matter that dinner came from a box.
A Michelin star chef couldn’t have made something that comforted you as much as this did, they would be completely unable to make something that tasted as good as this did, because it was made with love, by the person that you loved more than anything in the world and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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sequinsmile-x · 4 months
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Stained Glass Windows - Chapter Seventy One
Life was complicated, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi friends!!
As always, thank you for the love for this version of them. They have such a special place in my heart.
We are now officially in Season 7 in this universe!
As always, please let me know what you think <3
Words: 2.8k
A full list of warnings for the fic can be found on the Series Master List.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“I don’t have to go.” 
Emily turns to face her husband, and she raises her eyebrow at him as she crosses her arms over her chest. She glances at Lily in her highchair, smiling at the sight of her little girl covered in oatmeal, and then she looks back at her husband and rests her hip against the kitchen counter.
“You have a case, honey, you have to go,” she assures him, her smile getting wider as he steps towards her and wraps his arms around her, “I’ve dealt with my mother by myself for decades. I can handle an afternoon.” 
“It’s not just a normal afternoon,” He sighs, guilt making his chest tight as he pulls her closer, his palms spanning the width of her back, “She’s meeting Lily for the first time, Em.” 
She presses her lips together and nods, leaning forward to press her cheek against his chest. She’s grateful when he holds her even tighter and she wraps her arms around his back, sinking into his embrace - the one place she’d always felt safe no matter what. 
After Lily’s birthday, she'd decided she was ready for her mother to meet her. It was a decision she hadn’t come to easily but it felt right. Elizabeth had been sober for 11 months. She’d been going to her meetings, she’d been making amends - as well as she could make amends. And when she recently asked if she could meet Lily soon, Emily realised the thought of it didn’t make her feel nauseous like it had for months. 
Things were still awkward at times. Elizabeth pushed boundaries like she always did, albeit with a little less tenacity these days, and Emily did the same. Their relationship would never be perfect, Emily knew that. She’d never have the relationship with her mother that she was striving to have with Lily and Jack, and anyone else who might come along. She had come to terms with that a long time ago. Long before she’d even considered being with Aaron let alone building a family with him. 
“I know,” she replies, pulling back to look at him, “But you have a case. It can’t be helped and I know that,” she runs her fingers through his hair, smiling softly, “Although, I will say going to Oklahoma to avoid my mother is a real Emily move.” 
Aaron pulls her closer, stamping a kiss against her lips, “Clearly you’ve rubbed off on me.”
She hums and sinks her teeth into her lower lip, pressing her body against his, lowering her voice, “If you didn’t have to leave right now I’d rub off on you a little more.” 
He laughs, the bright beautiful laugh she loves and he shakes his head at her as his gaze flicks over to Lily, “Em…”
“What?” She says, winking at him before she kisses him once more and pulls back, putting some space between them, “She’s 13 months old. She doesn’t know what s-e-x is yet,” she says, smiling as she purposely spells it out, the look on her face letting him know that she was making fun of him. 
“If I have my way she never will,” he grumbles, walking over and dropping a kiss on Lily’s head, grinning as she babbles at him, “Love you Lily-Pad, you look after Mommy okay?” 
“Mama!” Lily exclaims, slamming her hands down into her breakfast, sending oatmeal everywhere. Aaron only just gets out of the way in time before it splatters on his suit and Emily grimaces at the sight of the sticky little girl. 
“That’s going to be fun to clean up,” she says, her nose scrunched up as she turns to look at her husband, “You’d better get going.” 
“Sure you don’t want any help?” He offers genuinely and she loves him for it. It was times like this that she was grateful to be his second wife, grateful that he had learned from the mistakes he’d made when he was married to Haley. 
“You’re sweet,” she says, stamping a kiss to his cheek, “But you need to go. I’ll clean up Little Miss Oatmeal over there,” she says as she nods towards their daughter, “Call me when you land?” 
“Always,” he replies, kissing her one last time before he pulls away and reaches for his go-bag, “Love you. Let me know how it goes with your mother.” 
“I will. Love you too,” she says as she watches him leave the kitchen, “Stay safe.”
“I always do.” 
She scoffs at his reply and turns to look at Lily, shaking her head as she walks over, “Daddy is silly,” she says, picking Lily up and resting her on her hip.
“That’s right baby. Dada,” she says, heading towards the stairs, grimacing internally when Lily’s oatmeal covered fists wrap themselves around the material of Emily’s pyjama shirt, “Great day for Mommy to leave the wipes upstairs, huh?” She says, more to herself than the little girl on her hip, “Let’s go get you all cleaned up for Grandma.” 
Emily is just settling a freshly clean Lily onto her hip when she hears the doorbell ring. For the first time since she’d agreed to do this, she feels a flash of doubt lick up her neck, forcing her to blow out a slow breath as she subconsciously tightens her hold on her little girl. 
Elizabeth had always been so critical of everything Emily had ever done. There had never been any praise that wasn’t followed up by how she could have done better, every compliment sharp in its indifference. This part of her life, her marriage to Aaron, her experience as a mother so far, had been protected from that. It had been separate. Entirely hers. And for a moment it feels almost impossible to let go of that. 
She shakes it off and reminds herself that her mother knew she had boundaries, that if they were breached there was no coming back from it again. This was Elizabeth’s last chance, her only chance to get to know her granddaughter, and Emily hoped that she wouldn’t risk that for anything. 
“Okay baby,” Emily says, bouncing Lily on her hip just to see her smile, her daughter’s toothy grin something that never failed to make the world seem perfect every time she saw it, “Let’s go meet grandma,” she stamps a kiss against Lily’s forehead and then walks out of the nursery, “Shall we come up with a safe word in case we need to get out of this?” She asks, smiling as Lily babbles to herself, “Maybe Mama? Or ‘io?”
“‘io!” Lily exclaims, clapping her hands like she did whenever she tried to say Sergio’s name, her love for the cat neverending.” 
“Good call,” she says, kissing Lily’s head again as they make it to the front door, shaking her head at herself as she realises she’s trying to bargain with a 13-month-old, “Mommy really needs to get out more,” she blows out a slow breath and closes her eyes, giving herself a second, one more moment, where her life was untouched by the world she’d left behind. She opens the door and smiles when her eyes meet Elizabeth’s, “Mom. Hi.” 
She watches as a cycle of emotions passes over her mother’s face in a matter of seconds. Happiness. Pride. Joy. Sorrow. All tied up in a bow and covered with a smile Emily knows is fake before anyone who wasn’t trained to read behaviour would spot anything that came before it. 
“Hi,” Elizabeth says, her hands clasped in front of her as she stares at Lily, “Wow. She really does look like you. The pictures you’ve shown me really don’t do it justice” 
Emily’s smile turns genuine as she steps back into the house and lets her mother past her, “Everyone says that.”
“Well,” she says, clearing her throat, “Everyone is right.” They fall into an awkward silence, everything they had never said to each other hanging in the air between them. Elizabeth clears her throat, holding her hands out in front of her, “Can I…”
Emily hears what she hasn’t said and nods, “Yeah, of course,” she adjusts her hold on Lily, but before she can even attempt to hand her over, the little girl cries out, her hands tight in Emily’s shirt as she buries her face in her neck, desperate to get as close to her mother as possible. 
“Sorry, she’s teething and she’s nervous around…” Emily trails off, catching herself before she can carry on, before she says something that will hurt Elizabeth’s feelings. 
“Strangers,” Elizabeth finishes for her, her smile tight, “It’s my fault she doesn’t know me.” 
She sighs and rubs her hand up and down Lily’s back, not sure if she’s attempting to comfort the little girl or herself. 
“Why don’t we have a coffee?” Emily suggests, “She’ll warm up after a little while.” 
“Sounds good,” she replies and she follows Emily towards the kitchen, looking around the hallway as she goes, “It’s a nice house.”
“Thank you,” Emily says as they step into the kitchen, expertly starting the process of making coffee one-handed, “We love it.” 
“It’s especially nice for two people on government salaries.” 
Emily’s grip on the handle of the coffee pot tightens, and she’s grateful she has her back to her mother, that she can’t see the tightness in her jaw, “Mother…”
“I’m just saying,” Elizabeth says, “It’s very nice.” 
She sighs and turns to face her, “Mom, I know what you’re not asking and yes I used some of my trust fund to buy this place,” she says, raising her hand as Elizabeth tries to speak, her eyebrow raised as she cuts over her before she can, “And no I did not sign a prenup. I bought this place for my family to live in. And you don’t get to have an opinion on that. You actually don’t get to have an opinion on anything to do with my life.” 
There’s another moment of tense silence between them, matching dark eyes boring into each other as Lily babbles quietly to herself, the only other sound the drip of the coffee into the pot. Eventually, Elizabeth clears her throat and presses her lips together, as if she’s physically holding a response back before she nods out the window, drawing Emily’s attention towards the large playhouse in the yard that she had bought for Lily’s birthday. 
“The playhouse is smaller than I thought it would be.”
Emily covers a laugh with a cough and shakes her head, her mother’s ability to switch gears in a conversation second to none. She turns to the coffee machine and grabs the pot, ready to pour it into two mugs, “Well Lily loves it. Jack too.” 
Emily suppresses a sigh at the confusion in Elizabeth’s voice, “My stepson,” she says, “We share custody with Haley.” 
“Of course,” Elizabeth says, a rare embarrassed edge to her smile, “You’ve…built quite a life for yourself, Emily.” 
She smiles, the first full genuine one since her mother had arrived, and she nods, “Yeah,” she says, holding Lily impossibly closer, “I really have.”
She rushes out of the bathroom when she hears her phone ringing, her alarm just set on her watch as she grabs her phone and answers it, smiling at the sight of Aaron’s smiling face on her screen. She’d recently changed his contact photo to a close-up of his work badge to tease him. She loved his goofy, slightly out of character, smile on it - something that was only made more entertaining by how much he hated it. 
“Hi honey,” she says as she answers, sitting down on his side of the bed, her back against the headboard, “How are you?” 
“Tired,” he replies, his voice gruff as it comes down the phone, his exhaustion clear, “How did it go with your mother?”
She blows out a breath and closes her eyes, “Fine. Mostly. She made a comment about the house which I nipped in the bud,” she shakes her head, “She also suggested we get Lily on a list for a preschool as soon as we can and told me she has connections.” 
He chokes on a laugh, “What did you say to that?” 
She hums and checks her watch, “I told her we were planning on sending her to the local school,” she replies, unable to stop smiling at the memory of the look on her mother’s face, “That kept her quiet until she left,” she sighs, “But it was good. She was…good with Lily. Better than I thought she would be.” 
She couldn’t figure out how she felt about it. She didn’t want to get carried away, her relationship with her mother was still delicate, prone to falling apart at the slightest thing, but she couldn’t deny it was nice to have someone else in her daughter’s life who loved her. It hurt a little to watch Elizabeth sit on the floor with Lily, gladly taking all the toys the little girl passed her and chatting along with her mostly non-sensical babble. She didn’t know if Elizabeth had ever done the same with her when she was small but she doubted it. She couldn’t picture it and it made her furious that her mother had learnt her lesson too late for her. 
She just hoped she’d learnt it in time for her little girl, even if she couldn’t have done it for her own. 
“How’s the case?” She cuts him off, not wanting to get into it with him over the phone. She wanted to wait until he was here, until she could press her face into his chest, his embrace the safest place she’d ever known - the place where she knew he’d guard all her secrets.
“It’s a rough one. The unsub is blinding them with acid.” He sighs, sounding weary. He knew her well enough to understand what she was doing, but he let it pass, “Is it wrong if I say I wish you were here?”
She giggles and sighs contentedly, “No, part of me wishes I was there too,” she sinks her teeth into her lower lip, “The bed is too cold without you.” 
He laughs this time and it eases something in her chest, pride warming her from the inside out because she’d cheered him up, even for a moment, “Good to know I have my uses.” 
“You have plenty of uses,” she replies, but is cut off from saying anything else by the ring of the alarm on her watch. 
“What’s that?” 
She switches the alarm off, “Oh, I put one of those melt-in-middle desserts I love in the oven. It’s ready.” 
She knows if he were here, if he was sitting next to her, he’d see through the lie. She’s grateful that he doesn’t seem to now, his initial response a groan.
“Please tell me you’ll at least have some of the berries in the fridge with it?” 
She giggles as she stands up, “For you, honey, anything. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
She blows out a slow breath and pushes her phone into her pocket, giving herself a moment before she walks back into the bathroom. She walks over to the counter and picks up the pregnancy test she’d placed there just a few minutes ago, allowing the nervous anticipation to roll over in her stomach before she looks down. 
The disappointment is sharp, forcing her to swallow thickly as she pushes back emotions that feel nothing short of ridiculous. She’d only had her IUD removed a few weeks ago, and she knew it was unlikely she’d be pregnant already, but treacherous hope had made her take the test against her better judgment. She’d got pregnant easily enough every other time easily enough, so it hadn’t seemed entirely beyond a possibility that she would this time too. 
She wanted it so badly it hurt, and she knew Aaron did too - which is why she hadn’t told him she was taking the test. She wanted to surprise him, to present him with a positive test and tell him they were having a baby. It was something that had been taken away from her when they found out they were having Lily, the reveal that she existed something that a doctor had blurted out to them, and then again when Emily miscarried. The pregnancy already gone by the time she knew it was there. 
She jumps a little when Lily cries from the next room, the sharp sound of it pulling her out of her haze. She looks at the test once more, as if the result would have miraculously changed.
She shakes her head at herself before she dumps it in the trashcan and turns to leave the room without looking back. “Mommy’s coming, sweet girl.” 
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deadlyflames · 1 year
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Day 7: Free Day
Born to Run ~ Swanfire Enchanted Forest AU Fic
Based on this post
The Swan Princess
In the private royal gardens, one lone swan floated on the man-made pool. King David had several similar pools made throughout the castle within the past 10 years. Some were inside for the winter months, while others were in the private gardens so the swan could enjoy the warmer months outdoors.
The pool was made of white polished marble, with tall pillars and a roof to provide shade from the hot summer sun, along with an ornate fountain in the centre. Lily pads and coy fish had been added to the pool for stimulation and atmosphere, but the swan became less and less impressed with these additions as she grew older. These days, she lived for the day’s end and the approach of sunset. She ruffled her snow-white feathers in anticipation as she watched the sun slowly sink beneath the horizon.
When the last remnants of sunlight faded away, a bright glow enveloped the swan’s form. Water splashed up on its own accord and swirled around the swan, and in a shimmer of light, the white feathers melted away to reveal a young woman standing in the pool.
Princess Emma took the silk robe that was waiting for her at the side of the pool and wrapped it around herself as she emerged from the water. For the sake of her privacy, her parents would give her this period of grace after the sun had set. These few minutes of solitude, when she could soak in the twilight and breathe in the fresh night air with her human lungs, were minutes that she treasured.
But she couldn’t stay out there forever. A princess, even one with her affliction, had responsibilities. Especially on this particular night.
Stepping into her slippers, Emma begrudgingly made her way towards the castle, just as her mother came out to greet her.
Snow White was still regarded as the fairest in the land. Even after years had passed since she had become queen, her beauty and grace were untouched. The elaborate gown she wore was encrusted with jewels which shimmered in the night, and it whispered along the floor as she walked towards her.
“Emma!” Snow wrapped her arms around her daughter, squeezing her for a bit too long and a bit too tightly. “How was your day?”
Emma skewed her lips into a pout as she pulled back from the embrace. “Same as any other day.”
Snow’s bright smile didn’t falter, but it did seem to crack in response to her daughter’s dismissive tone. Not to be deterred, she turned back and motioned to someone behind her. A servant stepped forward with a large present in his arms, artfully wrapped and adorned with a bright red bow.
“Well, I know I already told you this in the morning,” she said, and her hopeful expression made Emma feel a twinge of guilt for her curt words. “But happy birthday!”
Emma looked at the gift and could already guess what it contained based on its size and the timing. Her parents had given her a new archer’s bow before the sunrise, meaning this present was something connected to tonight’s festivities. Not wanting to hurt her mother’s feelings any further, she offered a hesitant smile before untying the bow. As she expected, the wrappings revealed a splendid periwinkle gown. One she was likely expected to wear tonight.
Despite the dread that was rising in her gut, Emma plastered an ecstatic grin on her face. “It’s beautiful mama,” she replied, running her fingers along the fine gossamer fabric. “Thank you!”
Emma’s attempt at covering her unease hadn’t been as convincing as she had hoped. Snow was many things, but delusional wasn’t one of them. Taking her daughter’s hands into her own, she gave her most imploring look. Not many could resist the earnest compassion and sweetness of those big green eyes, not even a girl who shared those same eyes.
“I know this isn’t how you wanted to spend your evening,” she said with understanding. “But I hope you can enjoy yourself tonight. There will be dancing and a feast. I’m sure you’ll get more than a few offers to dance.” Snow White beamed while Emma resisted the urge to grimace. “It’ll be fun.”
Emma sighed heavily before swallowing her apprehension. Nodding along to her mother’s assurance, she took the present from the servant’s outstretched arms.
“I’ll try,” Emma promised as she and her mother made their way through the entrance that connected the ballroom to the expansive royal gardens. When she entered, her face was bathed in the warm glow of a thousand candles. She turned to her mother and performed a quick curtsy. “I’ll go get ready.”
Emma made her exit from the resplendent ballroom, where the final preparations for her 17th birthday celebration were being made.
It was a celebration that Emma was not looking forward to in the least.
For her, these balls were events where she would be paraded before a mob of gossiping aristocrats and nobles. Their curiosity would be assuaged when they caught another brief glimpse of their mysterious princess. The sheltered girl never appeared at court or even during the daytime, but when they saw her at the ball, they would know she was still alive and not being held in a tower somewhere.
Queen Snow White and King David did an admirable job of hiding their daughter’s curse from the world, aside from the most trusted servants, guards and some close friends. However, rumours tended to sprout like weeds in spite of best-laid plans.
Whispers had spread throughout the Enchanted Forrest about the Cursed Princess. The heir to the throne, who had been put under a spell when she was a babe. Her step-grandmother Regina, known as the Evil Queen, had exacted her revenge on Snow White by cursing her only daughter to be a beast during the day and a girl at night.
Emma wished those rumours were true. Being a beast would be much more interesting than being stuck as a swan. Maybe that’s why Regina made her a waterfowl. Somehow she knew it would be painfully boring.
“They’ll gawk and stare. I’m sure some might make awkward small talk,” Emma complained, adjusting the sleeves that were patterned with silver roses and vines “‘What have you been up to?’ ‘When will we see you at court?’ ‘Have you been well?’ Not that they care, I think they just want to confirm their theories or dig for more gossip.”
Emma had been laced into her corset and had her long blonde hair pulled back into an elaborate bun, with a few sweeping curls framing her face. A more subtle tiara had been placed on her head since she couldn’t stand wearing a heavy crown of jewels, especially tonight.
“There’s going to be some scheming duke or count or whatever who will try to seduce me. That’s always fun,” she sneered. Potential suitors had been lining up to claim her since she was 13. After all, as heir to the throne and the daughter of the ‘fairest in the land’, she would make a glorious prize. She’d have to endure simpering noblemen of all ages vying for a dance and bragging about themselves in an attempt to enthral her. It would make for an exhausting night. She turned to her baby brother with a wry smirk. “I’m just saying, you’re lucky you’ll be asleep.”
Leo looked up at her from the plush rug where he sat surrounded by toys with his mouth slightly agape. His baby blue eyes were wide and curious and showed that he was completely oblivious to her plight. Emma found her little brother to be a great listener when she needed to vent, which seemed to be all the time. It was helped by the fact that he couldn’t repeat anything she said to their parents, since he only knew how to say ‘mama’, ‘dada’, and occasionally ‘Em’.
Emma was stalling by hanging around her brother’s nursery, wanting to avoid the ballroom full of guests who were awaiting her arrival. But her mother or her father were bound to come looking for her if she made them wait much longer.
“I guess I’ll have to face them sooner or later.” The princess heaved a sigh before offering the little prince a playful smile. She curtsied daintily before plucking her brother from the floor. “May I have this dance?”
Leo babbled happily as she twirled with him in her arms, the layers of shimmering fabric swirling about her heels.
“That’ll be my favourite dance of the night,“ Emma stated as she placed the baby back into his crib.
“Well, I hope that’s not true,” a familiar voice called out behind her. Emma whipped around to see her father standing in the doorway. “The night just started.”
“I was just about to come down, Daddy,” she said hastily, smoothing out her dress.
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” her father laughed, coming up beside the little prince’s crib and tucking the baby in. “I think the princess gets to be fashionably late to her own party. But, we should let Leopold get some sleep.” He straightened and held out extended the crook of his arm for her to take. “Shall we?”
Emma nodded, ducking her head to hide the frown on her face as she looped her arm through her father’s.
“You look beautiful, by the way,” David said as he led her out of the nursery and towards the ballroom. When Emma didn’t give a response, he chose to prod her rather than ignore her melancholy. “You don’t seem very excited.”
That was because she wasn’t. When she was little, she had been so thrilled to attend her first ball. Since it was held after sunset, for once she could actually meet people, instead of being hidden away as she was during the day. But she couldn’t stand the way people stared at her like she was some sort of pitiable wretch or some oddity on display. It didn’t help that everyone was so uptight and two-faced. Someone would be complimenting her one minute before snickering behind her back the next. The parties had become a chore to get out of the way before she could spend her night as she wished.
With Emma’s stubborn silence, her father was prompted to try again. “I know you don’t always like these things, but-“
“Then why do we keep throwing them?” Emma huffed, fed up with pretending to be happy. “It’s my birthday. So, why can’t I celebrate how I want?”
“I understand, Emma,” David said calmly, slowing his stride as they continued their walk. He didn’t want to enter that ballroom without an attempt at lifting his daughter’s spirits. “I didn’t grow up with all these extravagant balls. I’ve never gotten used to all the pomp and circumstance. But I think it’s good for you to go to parties like this. It’s a chance to meet people. To make friends.”
“Friends I would only get to see if there’s a ball,” she grumbled under her breath. “Or if there’s a hunt being held at night for some reason.”
David stopped in his tracks, causing Emma to jolt to a stop as well. He turned so that he faced her head-on, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. Emma met his searching stare with a pout and her arms over her chest, sensing that she had earned a lecture with her comment.
“Emma, I know living with this curse isn’t easy,” he said, his normally light tone shifting into one of earnest solemnity. “Every day, I wish I could find a way to make things better for you. But we can’t just shut you away from everyone while we look for a solution.”
Emma’s gaze shifted to the wall, pointedly avoiding her father’s searching gaze. She knew he was right. As much as she disliked these parties, being hidden away indefinitely like a secret shame would make her feel even more like a freak. At least on a night like tonight, she could pretend she was an ordinary girl. Well, as ordinary as it was to be a princess having a ball thrown in your honour.
“Besides, tonight could give you the answer you’re looking for,” he continued cryptically, causing Emma to scrunch up her nose in confusion when she met his eyes again. “A ball is the perfect place to find your true love.”
An unladylike snort passed through her lips at that statement. The deadpan look she gave her father caused a smile to twitch on his lips. “Somehow, I doubt my true love is down there.”
That particular hope had been extinguished after years of disappointment. Emma had been wishing to find her true love since she was a child. She grew up hearing stories about the unstoppable power of a ‘true love’s kiss’. Before she was born, her father woke her mother from a sleeping curse with that powerful kiss. Emma dreamed that one day she would find the person who who help her break her own curse.
However, love had alluded Emma despite her best efforts to find it. Her parents would describe this instantaneous connection that they developed within a few days, this spark of attraction that ignited a blaze when they saved one another on the troll bridge. Emma never found that connection.
“You’ll never know if you don’t look,” David responded. He offered his arm once more, blue eyes sparkling with amusement in the candlelight. “Maybe someone will surprise you.”
Emma doubted it, but her father’s optimism still brought a grin to her lips. Squaring her shoulders and puffing out her chest, she looped her arm through his again and mentally prepared for a night of misery. “Let’s get this pony show over with.”
David smiled as they marched into the ballroom. “That’s my girl.”
The Runaway Theif
There were pros and cons to sneaking into an exclusive royal ball.
Pro. There were plenty of unsuspecting wealthy nobles, who would be occupied with the festivities and wine. It made them easy prey for the nimble fingers of a seasoned pickpocket. No one expected to get robbed while rubbing elbows with the monarchs.
Con. Being caught meant being thrown into the stocks or worse. The severity of punishment depended on who caught you. Queen Snow White was widely regarded as kind and just. The worst she would do to a humble thief would be to throw them out of the castle. Other aristocrats would sooner take a hand or a head rather than let a pickpocket get away unscathed.
Pro. The food was mouthwatering and abundant. After living on stolen scraps for the past few days, having access to a royal banquet would be a nice relief for a hungry man’s aching stomach.
At this point, the pros outweighed the cons.
Neal Cassidy was a man of few means, but he was also an opportunist. As difficult as it would be to sneak into a royal ball, the payout would be worth it.
The effort was made simpler by some premeditation. The whole kingdom had been abuzz with the news of Princess Emma’s birthday and the ball that would be thrown in her honour. It was good business for the high-end tailors, as plenty of nobles had money to burn on new dresses and doublets for the event. Posing as a delivery man, Neal managed to get his hands on a nice set of clothes that would be suitable enough to help him blend with the other attendees.
Looking the part of a noble didn’t guarantee his entry, since no one would make it through the front gates without an invitation. So he wouldn’t be entering through the front gates.
Less than four years had passed since he escaped from Neverland, and the skills he had developed in that centuries-long nightmare were still engrained in him. Scaling a castle wall was nothing in comparison to climbing a jagged cliff face with lost boys laughing and hollering from above and below as you tried not to fall to your death. And that had been just a part of Pan’s twisted obstacle race.
After the sun had gone down, and the castle was aglow from within, no one paid mind to the dark shadow crawling its way up the outer walls.
Slipping into the ballroom from a back door in the castle gardens, Neal was taken aback by the sheer splendour around him. The room was lined with large white columns accented with gold. The massive chandelier that hung above glimmered like it was made of diamonds. Noble women in beautiful gowns, being swept across the marble floor by their dance partners.
Neal took a steadying breath, soaking in the opulence that was not meant for lost boys or thieves before he got to work. Sleight of hand was a skill that you had to pick up quickly on the streets of London, in Neverland, and in the slums of the kingdom. With a careful misdirection, you could swipe a diamond ring or a golden broach and the owner would be none the wiser.
The difficult part was not getting carried away and not stealing too many items in such a short amount of time. That was something Neal had trouble with, especially when surrounded by so many stuffy blue bloods covered in jewels that would help keep him fed for a month.
Neal spent the night flattering inflated egos and pocketing treasures that were sure not to be missed in the long run. He was loitering around the buffet and sampling the strange foods that the upper class enjoyed (Who would eat a peacock?) when his eagerness came back to bite him.
“My necklace! It’s fallen off!”
A younger woman whom he had charmed a few minutes ago was shrieking in despair as she felt her bare neck. An older man marched up to her as she panicked, with a dour frown that brought out the wrinkles in his face.
“By gods, Carissa! You would lose your head if it wasn’t attached to your shoulders! Heavens know that would cost me less! Why are you always so careless?!”
“It wasn’t my fault, daddy! The servants here have sticky fingers! One of them must have taken it!”
Neal thumbed the golden string of emeralds in his pocket as he covertly shuffled away from the commotion. He slipped behind a pillar into a hall untouched by the torchlight, meanwhile, the Lord and his daughter continued to bicker and roped some poor servers into searching for the necklace. With the fuss they were kicking up, others were bound to notice that they were also missing jewelry. That would drum up a manhunt and he didn’t want to be around when that happened. Neal kicked himself for not taking more of the ridiculous and abundant food when he had the chance. 
He looked frantically for the nearest exit when a blur of golden curls caught his attention.
The din of music and people's voices faded into a quiet hum. After that, he couldn’t look away if he tried.
A girl in a silver gown raced behind another pillar, pressing her back flat against the stone. She was a few yards away from where Neal was pressed against his own pillar, but she didn’t seem to notice him. Her eyes were tightly closed and her chest rose and fell with heaving gasps as if she had been trapped underwater and was now finally coming up for air.
She was young, maybe a few years younger than him. Done up in a silver corseted dress, embroidered with roses that glittered in the dark hall. Her blonde hair was pulled into a bun aside from a few strands that framed her face.
And it was one hell of a face. Neal would swear she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 
Neal was transfixed as he watched her entire body seem to sag in relief against the pillar. She released the deepest sigh he had ever witnessed. Extending her neck, she rested the back of her head against the stone pillar and turned her face up to the ceiling. Slowly, her eyes opened and the smallest breath of laughter passed through her lips.
For the first time in a very long time, Neal wished he could sketch. He hadn’t drawn anything in years, but he wanted to capture that feeling on a page. That moment of freedom.
Neal’s breath was caught in his throat when her attention was finally turned towards him. Despite the urge to look down in embarrassment, he continued to stare. The girl peered at him for a brief moment, before pointedly turning her gaze back to the ceiling. She didn’t ignore him for very long, but it felt like hours until her eyes slid back towards him. After a beat, she gave him a glare that seemed to say ‘What the hell are you looking at?’. That was enough to bring Neal’s attention to his shoes.
When he had the nerve to look up at her again, the girl was still staring at him. Neal felt bare beneath the intensity of her eyes, and he wondered if she could tell he didn’t belong there. Or maybe she was just as intrigued by him as he had been by her. Maybe they were both outsiders in this place.
They stood in silence, both watching the other while the bright ball continued at their backs.
The girl kept her eyes on him as she pushed herself from the pillar and started walking towards him. Neal was certain his heart would burst in his chest when she actually reached him. But she never got the chance to get that far. A hand latched onto hers, whirling her around and pulling her attention away from him.
And just like that, the spell he had been under snapped like a string pulled taught.
Some young aristocrat had a smarmy grin on his face and had the girl’s hand pressed to his lips. Neal couldn’t hear what he said, but he could see the muscles in the girl's back becoming tight and her free hand was balled up into a fist. After a brief exchange of words that Neal couldn’t make out, the noble dragged her toward the centre of the ballroom.
She didn’t look back.
Strangely, all the other dancers dispersed as the couple went straight for the centre of the dance floor. The young noble snapped his fingers to get the attention of the musicians and demanded that they play a waltz. The girl looked like she wanted to ram her elbow into his teeth.
“Who is that?” Neal asked aloud as the girl was pulled into a stiff dance. He hadn’t asked anyone in particular, but people in this type of crowd were always eager to impart gossip.
“The young Lord LeGume,” an older woman answered from behind her ornate fan. “A scheming little upstart who thinks he can charm his way into the royal quarters. He’s a scoundrel from what I hear. He deflowered the daughter of the Duke of the Frontlands, but he left the girl pregnant and disgraced. I suppose he has his eyes set on a much bigger prize.”
“What about the girl?” Neal asked the woman. She seemed knowledgeable and loose-tongued enough to give him the answer he actually wanted.
The woman seemed aghast by his question, looking at him as if he had grown another head.
“That is Princess Emma!” She said with her hand pressed to her bosom, shocked by his lack of awareness. “Were you raised out in the woods?”
The princess.
Neal felt his body seize up with mortification. He had been gaping at her like an idiot and had been stupid enough to think they had some sort of kinship. She had probably been marching over to him to slap him or order that he leave the castle or have him thrown in the dungeons for his rudeness.
“Well, it’s not as if she’s ever at court,” a different woman said in his defence. “No one ever has the opportunity to see her, let alone the ability to recognize her.”
“She’s quite a lovely thing,” an older man chimed in, watching as the princess was pulled in close by the Lord Legume. Neal could see her grimace as the young noble’s lips came close to her ear. “I wonder why the king and queen hide her from us.”
“I’ve heard that she’s is quite mad and they can only take her out for occasional outings.”
“Well, I’ve heard she was cursed by the Evil Queen.” The woman beside Neal whispered. “She becomes so hideous under the light of the sun that no one can stand to look at her.”
“Well, I’m sure she’ll make a fine wife all the same,” the older man said, leering at the princess as the hand at her waist began to slide lower. “Plenty would take a mad or cursed princess for a kingdom this great. Besides, there’s no need to see her in the day. A wife’s main purpose is fulfilled in the bedroom after sundown.”
“Reginald! Honestly!”
Neal decided that he had his fill of the gentry for one night. He might as well escape this place while all these vultures were distracted by the princess and her groping suitor.
However, before he could take a single step towards the door, the music screeched to a halt and a collective gasp erupted from the crowd.
The princess had shoved the lord away from her, so hard that he stumbled back several steps. Whatever he had been whispering in her ear, it was enough to have the princess stop the dance before the song had ended. She was gritting her teeth and casting the boy with a livid glare so fierce that he flinched away from it. However, Princess Emma’s ferocity was not enough to stop Lord Legume from putting his foot in his mouth.
“They should keep a thing like you in a cage!” He screeched. “You're practically a rabid animal?”
Apparently, Neal had been right about one thing that night. Princess Emma really had wanted to ram her elbow into the other man’s teeth. There was a heavy thud as she forced the sharp corner of her elbow into Lord LeGume’s face. Blood gushed from his mouth as he fell back to the floor, while the princess rubbed her reddening arm.
In the heavy silence that fell over the ballroom, the sharp laugh that came out of Neal’s mouth seemed to echo.
Princess Emma paid no heed to the nobles, servants, and guards that stared at her in shock. She didn’t even look at the king and queen, who were sitting gobsmacked on their thrones. She simply marched out of the ballroom with her head high, shoving her way past the other guests.
Neal figured this was as good a time as ever to slip from the ballroom unnoticed.
The Serpent in the Garden
Emma didn’t stop running until she reached the palace gardens. Falling to her knees at the side of her favourite pool, she gathered the gossamer skirts of her gown into her fists. She wanted to rip the dress to shreds or punch more of those snotty sycophants in the teeth. Hot tears burned at the corners of her eyes as a scream of frustration ripped its way through her throat.
“Oh dear. Seems it’s not a very happy birthday to you.”
Emma whipped around to see who had invaded her place of refuge. Her heart jumped in her throat when she saw the lizard-skinned figure that stood behind her. The wide blackened grin and serpentine eyes caused a shiver to crawl up her spine. Emma had only seen him once when she was a child, but she would recognize him anywhere.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hey could you write coops being all cute and coupley in front of the team and then all of them being like “yea yea we get it you’re in love” (but really keep doing it because we love that you’re both happy)? ❤️
The temperature is dropping fast here, so I figured it was time for a little holiday spirit. This was combined with asks for Cub lovin' from an outside perspective and the Lions teasing Coops like in this fic as well! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
“C’mon, Pads, why don’t you shove your face a little further into his neck?” James teased, sinking into the armchair closest to the fire with a grin and a fresh cup of eggnog. “I’m sure there’s an inch or two you haven’t found yet.”
Sirius glared at him over the collar of Remus’ sweater, though the edges of his eyes crinkled as laughter washed over the room. “He’s just jealous,” Sirius said with a light kiss to the hinge of Remus’ jaw, earning himself an amused look. “Wishes it was him.”
“As if,” Lily snorted. She settled into James’ lap and slung her legs over the armrest, then gave one of his curls a tug that mirrored the skip of his heart at her familiar weight on his thighs. Her skin was warm from the fire when he slipped a hand under her thick sweater to rest at the small of her back; her red-painted lips curled into a smile. “You did good, Black, but I think we can agree Potter won the jackpot.”
Sirius raised his head to rest his chin on Remus’ shoulder, wrapping his arms around his waist. “Agree to disagree, Evans.”
“At least none of the rest of us have matching sweaters,” Kasey countered mildly with his head in Nat’s lap as she braided small strands on his hair. “You four are downright sickening sometimes.”
“Jealous,” Remus whispered, drawing a snicker from Sirius that was muffled by the thick knit.
Dumo had finally fixed his secondhand record player—a passion project, he had called it as long as James knew him—and light music floated throughout the house as the fire crackled merrily and cast the living room in a reddish glow. At least half the team was piled into the small space, but it was surprisingly quiet; they were all drowsy from the potluck dinner and the last practice before the holiday break.
James flexed his sore feet in his fuzzy socks and grimaced, then relaxed as Lily combed her fingers through his hair. She still smelled like butterscotch from the cookies they baked and brought as their contribution—he made a mental note to get the picture of her and Harry at the kitchen counter printed and framed as soon as possible.
Honestly, he thought as Sirius nudged Remus’ ear with his nose until he laughed under his breath and ducked his chin. It’s like you two are trying to live a Hallmark movie.
“Parents coming up this year, Loops?” Talker asked around a yawn.
Remus looked over in surprise, away from the light kisses his cheeseball of a husband was scattering over his cheek. “Hmm? Oh, yeah, they’ll be up ‘til New Years.”
“Nah, they’re gonna pull a Home Alone and see how he does.”
Talker shrugged, unfazed by the sarcasm save for the half-smile pulling at his mouth. “I’d put my money on him. Tough kid, that one.”
“Yeah, real tough,” Remus snorted.
“Reg’s coming down, too?” James asked.
Sirius glanced up with a smile. “He’ll be here next Tuesday. His last exam is the 20th.”
“Poor kid,” Remus said as Talker made a noise of sympathy.
James craned his neck back toward the kitchen, never loosening his hold around Lily. “Hey, Knutty, your partner in crime is coming home to help you torture us for the holidays!”
There was no response. Olli sat up from his place splayed out in front of the fire with a groan and squinted into the kitchen, then rolled his eyes with a fond shake of his head before flopping back down. “Harzy’s tormenting him with a cookie cutter, and Tremz is eating the dough. How did a nice boy like him get tangled up with those two, again?”
“Someone should probably save him,” Lily remarked without making even a twitch to get up. James kissed the sliver of bare skin between her sleeve and shoulder and she winked, dropping one on his cheekbone in return. Even after nine years, the brush of her lips still made his stomach flip-flop.
“And you have the nerve to call us embarrassing,” Sirius said drily. James stuck his tongue out and Sirius pulled a face right back at him.
“You two cannot be in the same room together,” Lily half-laughed. “Re, I think we married five-year-olds on accident.”
Remus scrunched his nose up. “D’you think it’s too late to return them?”
“Yes,” James and Sirius chorused, causing a fresh wave of laughter to ripple through their friends.
“Tremzy, leave baby goalie alone,” Kuny said sleepily as he leaned back against Nado’s legs from his spot on the floor. “Want snowman cookies before nap.”
“He loves me!” Logan’s disembodied voice called back.
“No, I don’t!” Leo laughed. “Now stop eating everything, you’ll make yourself sick!”
“But it’s good!” Logan protested.
There was a light snap of a towel and James buried his laughter in Lily’s upper arm. “Out of my kitchen, all of y’all.”
Y’all, James mouthed to Talker, who hid his smile in his hand as his shoulders shook. Finn and Logan trooped out a moment later, looking thoroughly admonished—they snuggled up on the smaller couch, though James noticed the gap left between Logan’s feet and the arm rest. He wondered if they were doing it on purpose, or if it had simply become a habit over the past two years. The thought warmed him to his bones.
They sat in relative silence, enjoying the fire and each other’s company as snow fell heavy outside and quiet murmurs buzzed through the house. A storm had been brewing all day; he hoped the flurry wouldn’t get too bad before it was time to head back. Harry was out cold in Katie’s old nursery, but he never liked being away from home for too long. Then again, James didn’t think any of them would mind a few days to spend together. Dumo and Celeste always invited people to stay over after parties.
Leo padded out of the kitchen a moment later, wiping his floury hands on his thighs before sliding right into the free space and folding himself against Logan with a hum. “They’re so cute,” Lily said, barely above a whisper. He nodded, resting his head on her collarbone; her hand settled back into his hair a moment later and he ran his thumb in small circles over her hip. “I’m glad they found each other.”
“Ditto,” he mumbled.
The conversations lulled after that; the earlier drowsy haze slid fully into naptime territory and James felt the shift in the warm air. Dumo and Celeste were still putting the kids to bed, but it seemed the day had finally caught up to them all. Kuny’s light snoring picked up within five minutes, and Finn began to blink slower and slower until he nodded off with Logan curled up under his arm—Sirius yawned and tucked his face in the crook of Remus’ neck once more.
In the time it took for James to cast a cursory look around the room, Talker fell asleep as well. Kasey and Nat traded three kisses before he shifted onto his side and closed his eyes. A heavy, comfortable feeling blanketed James’ brain and he leaned his head into the bend of the armchair, close enough to nuzzle his cheek against Lily’s shoulder, but far enough that she could easily snuggle into him.
Families would start arriving soon, holiday chaos would reign until James wondered if this was the year he finally said Christmas was a scam and meant it, and practices would be back before they knew it. But there would be days of snowball fights and big family dinners and gathering everyone for pickup games, of gifts and troublemaking and a million mistletoe kisses from the most beautiful woman in the world.
He would watch the Cubs wend and weave in their own special way; he would see his best friend spend his very first holiday season as the second-happiest married man in the world. He would certainly get to snap a photo of Talker’s face when Noelle showed up three days early to surprise him, and drive Kasey and Nat to the airport to pick up Alex as they nearly vibrated out of his car in excitement.
But for the time being, James could close his eyes and let the snow fall outside. The future would have its own surprises. In the present, he would fall asleep surrounded by the best family he could ask for.
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
can you do a young sirius black x reader fic where the reader gets kidnapped and tortured by death eaters and sirius rescues the reader and comforts and takes care of the reader?
Hii! Thank you for the request, I didn’t go much into the description of getting tortured (sorry). I hope you like it! xoxo
One Where He Rescues You  [ S.B ]
Word count: 1.6k
[ Warnings: GN reader, kidnapping, bruises and blood, violence, bathing, non-sexual undressing, kissing, words such as “baby” and “pup” ]
A bright white light was seen flashing under the door where you sat, ankles and wrists bound by tight itchy rope. Your eyes downcast, fighting to stay awake to see what the communion was.
You heard the frantic yelling of men, thudding footsteps and the yanking of the doorknob. You let out a long sob, your tears mixing with the thick red blood. You have no strength to even try and scramble out of the ropes, your wrist and ankles burning with bruises.
A silent curse was sent at the locked door, Sirius looking around with worried eyes. His eyes slanted in anger, hair sprawled out in thick mounds. His eyes caught your wounded figure, a sad smile on his face as he let out a silent cry knowing you were okay.
You blurred for a moment before you saw his body in front of yours. He took your face in his gentle hands, you let out a painful whimper, his hands grazing your open flesh.
"Oh baby, Shh it's okay, it's okay," Sirius coo's, tears in his eyes as he fiddled with the rope. He throws them to the side, wiping his eyes with his sleeve as he takes a shaky breath. "You're okay, I won't let them hurt you anymore," he states in a hurry, eyes flashing to you.
You see James come bursting through the doorway, seeing Sirius hunched over your tired body. James lets out his own relieved breath, turning back to the hallway as he flashes a curse towards an unknown death eater.
"Are they okay, pads?" James calls out, moving his wand as he steps more in the hall. Sirius calls back quickly, more focused on getting you safe. When your eyes start to close and you don't respond to his simple frantic questions, he starts to worry.
"No no, keep your eyes open pup," He rambles, his hand in your hair before lifting you up into his chest. You can't even cling onto him, your arms too exhausted. Sirius curses to himself as he sees you pass out, moving out to the hallway as James and Sirius escape through the back.
When you awoke, you were safe in your shared bed. You feel an ache in your wrists and ankles, stern bandages wrapped around them to hide them from view. Your fingertips rise and touch your scarred face, touching the band-aids that shielded them. You let out a loud sob, sensitive from the aftershock.
Sirius walked through the door with a glass of water, seeing you awake and scared. He jolted over to you, placing the cup down as his hands gently held your face.
"Oh baby, Shh it's okay. It's all over now," He coos, trying to wipe the running tears. He sits on the bed, bringing you to his chest as his hand rubs your back gently. "You're okay, you're okay,"
With the constant reminders of your safety, you let out relieved sobs and breaths. Clutching onto him for dear life, your body aches. You pull away with a sniffle, tears drying on your reddened face. You take a long look at Sirius, glad to finally be reunited with him. You notice his own glossy eyes, obvious tears stained on his face.
"I'm sorry," you cry, holding his face in your cracked fingers. You hold back the tears, breaths heavy and deep as you try to calm down. Sirius takes a sorrowed look, shaking his head.
"Don't apologize, s'not your fault," he says, a small smile ghosting his face. He was so relieved to have you back, he wouldn't know what he would do if you didn't come home with him.
"You came and saved me," you mumble, his smile contagious as you lean forward and press a long kiss to his lips. It wasn't a heated sweet kiss, it was just a small reminder that you both still had each other.
"I'll always come and save you," Sirius whispers, his lips coming to kiss your cheek. He pulls you back to his chest, his nose buried in your hair. He pushes back a cry, trying not to startle you.
"Can we have some tea?" You asked, your throat dry and swollen. Sirius kissed your head before lifting you with ease, holding you in his strong grip, he was too afraid to let you go. “Of course, Marlene gave me some herbs for this. It’s supposed to help numb the ache,” Sirius explains, carrying you out to your shared kitchen.
“Will James and Remus visit? What about lily?” You ask as Sirius props you up on the counter, Sirius pulls away just a bit, his hands on either side of you.
“I told them to come by tomorrow, I want you to rest up first,” Sirius explains, his hand coming up to tilt your chin. He leans down and plants a sweet kiss on your mouth, not minding the slight taste of dried blood.
“You’re so pretty,” he says, giving you another kiss. He didn’t want to waste the time he had.
“I’m bandaid up, how can you even tell?” You ask while Sirius starts to buzz around the kitchen, filling up a kettle as he places it on the burner.
“I don’t need to see you to know you’re pretty,” Sirius says, using a quick charm to instantly heat the water. You scrunch your nose, not understanding. Sirius laughs, kissing your forehead as he mixes in the herbs. He gets out two cups, filling them to the brim. Steam rolls from the new position, making you sigh at the familiarness.
“Alright, drink up,” he chimes, passing you the cup. You hold the warm mug, blowing on before bringing it to your lips. The smooth texture soothes your throat instantly, making you hum and lean back against the cupboard.
Sirius watches with love, rubbing your thigh before taking a drink as well.
“I wanted to wait for you to wake up before I bathed you,” Sirius says, watching as you finish the healing tea. You nod, arms wrapping around his neck as he picks you up once more. He takes you to the bathroom, setting you down once more on the closed toilet seat.
“Do you want some bubbles?” He asked, turning on the faucet as hot water filled the tub. You nod, reaching for the pink container as you pass it to him. Sirius smiles, kissing your knuckles as he opens and splashes the mixture in the bath.
“Alright, I have to take these off,” Sirius warns, motioning to your bandages, you look towards the side, afraid to see your bruised skin. “I know pup, I’ll be quick and then we can get you all nice and clean,”
Sirius takes a breath to calm himself, crouching down so he can take off the bandages on your ankle. He kisses your knee, undoing the white fabric. He does the same to the other ankle, clearing his throat. Sirius felt angry at the wounds, only wanting to harm the person that did this to you.
Sirius moves to your wrists, being gentle as he unravels the bandages. Your eyes scan your raw skin, an uncertain expression on your face. These wounds would leave scars and the thought scared you.
“Sirius, m’ so ugly,” you say, tears in your waterline as you look at your wrists. You peer down towards your ankles, seeing the same exact wounds. Sirius shakes his head, tilting your head up so you can focus on his eyes.
“No pup, just another thing to love about you. Shows me how strong you really are,” Sirius explains, love in his eyes as he rubs away a tear. He hugs you firm but soft, making sure to not apply too much pressure. He rubs your back, letting you express grief for a moment.
“I love you, Sirius,” You mumble into his shoulder, kissing his shirt before pulling away. “I love you too pup,”
“I’m going to take the band-aids off, it might hurt but I’ll be quick,” Sirius says, rubbing your shoulder before bringing his hands to the big bandaid on your forehead. He tears it away making you wince and tug away from his touch.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he expresses, tugging another one off with a quick swoop. You sigh, nodding as he finally pulls off the last one. “Okay, you’re all done. Let’s get you undressed and clean,”
He undressed you quickly, eyes scanning your skin to make sure there aren't any other wounds he missed. With his conclusion, he pulls you up and plops you gently into the bubble bath.
The warm water instantly makes you whimper, sinking into the tub as you let the water clean and soften your aching skin. Sirius brushes your hair, placing kisses on your face.
He picks up the movable shower head, cleaning your hair as he soaks it for cleaning. He applies some shampoo (the expensive kind, since Sirius Black could only supply you with the best products), his fingertips pushing into your trigger points on your skull. You groan in relief, leaning completely into him.
Sirius chuckles, washing out the shampoo as he grabs for the conditioner. He apples it graciously, letting it sit as he works on cleaning your skin. He picks up a soft cloth, washing with the bubbles to clean you from dirt. He was very careful around your wounds.
“Thank you siri,” you mumble, the detachable showerhead washing through your hair once again. Sirius cleans away the conditioner, kissing your wet cheek. “I’m only taking care of you pup,”
“Do you want to rest in the bath for a bit more?” Sirius asks, massaging your aching shoulders. You nodded, shoulders relaxing from his generous touch. “Yes please,” you whisper.
“Okay, I’m going to go pick out some comfy clothes and make you a small snack,” Sirius says, lifting your chin up so he can give you a small departing kiss. You nod, pulling him back down for another kiss before he disappears out to the kitchen. You smile, sinking back into the tub as you feel a sense of protectiveness.
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sciderman · 4 years
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Was going through some old writing files (of which there are hundreds!!) and stumbled across a high school AU I was writing a while ago! (an actual one! not a tantalising dream-sequence involving cheerleaders, though we all know I love those...) 
I don’t know if I’ll resurrect it, but there’s a bit of fun to be had - Peter’s anger issues are something that I’d like to see explored more in spideypool fic, and I just... I love high school AUs okay... 
Read some of it under the cut! 
“What’re you in for?”
“Something stupid.” Peter grumbled.
“Love it.” The boy said, grinning. Peter noticed a missing tooth. “I hid a frog in the student counsellor’s desk. You should’ve seen him scream.” 
Peter was quiet, but his lips quirked. 
“Immature”, he eventually said. 
“The guy’s a dickhole. And,” the blond rocked on his chair, buzzing, “technically, I saved a life.” 
Peter raised an eyebrow. 
“Saved the frog from one of the labs. They were gonna slice him open. Imagine you’re just sitting on your lily pad one day. Chilling. And then some jackass scientist scoops you up and cuts you open. Starts prodding inside you. Gross.” 
“Okay, yeah, gross.” 
“My name is Wade, bee-tee-dubs.” 
Wade. Peter remembered. He’d only joined the class at the beginning of last semester, and sat near the back of the class. He hadn’t recognised him by his face because he’d always had his hood up. Not that Peter had ever paid enough attention to his peers to remember them by face anyway.
“Uh.” Peter said, eyeing the hand he was being offered as a greeting. He didn’t return the handshake, but he responded with a simple “I’m Peter.” 
“Cool.” Wade nodded, looking at his feet, heels bouncing off the linoleum floor. His shoes were scuffed and worn. 
A moment of silence passed. Both boys turned their attention to the floor, as though it were suddenly the most interesting feature of the room. 
Peter side eyed his company, in the moment of quiet. There were shallow craters on the boy’s face, Peter noticed, like chickenpox scars that hadn’t fully healed. Wade definitely seemed conscious about it, with his hood being nearly always drawn, and his shaggy hair that often covered his face. 
“Peter Parker.” The principal called, peering through the door at the boys. The principal glared at Wade, who put up his hands in response. Clearly Wade was a regular. 
A wave of smugness came over Peter, who leant in close to Wade. 
“I broke Flash Thompson’s arm.” Peter whispered, before standing up to enter the principal’s office. For a second Peter saw Wade’s face light up, like that was the coolest thing he had ever heard. 
“Mr Parker, I recognise you’re going through a tough time – And I’m sorry.”
Peter sank in his chair, eyes fixed on a hole puncher sat on the desk.
“I understand you must be going through a lot of emotions at the moment, but you,” the principal wrung his hands, “you hospitalised one of your classmates. Eugene Thompson –” 
The principal’s voice faded in and out of Peter’s attention. As usual, he stood alone on Planet Peter Parker. 
He thought about Aunt May. Her eyes, pink and puffy. Thin hands trembling as she held them by her mouth, recounting all she remembered about that night to the police. The police, who with empty looks, mechanically took down notes. Jaded. Like a family hadn’t been just destroyed. Like a good man hadn’t just been murdered in cold blood. 
Peter's uncle was a humble man. Simple, but good. He wasn't ambitious, or gifted, or clever. But he was wise. 
Clever. Wise. Peter hadn't understood there was a difference between the two. 
He took him for granted, Peter admitted to himself, as he cried that night, and the days following. He cried for the first time in months. Months of distancing himself from the world, before the world decided to stage a head-on-head collision with him. 
“Peter? Peter, are you listening?” 
Peter at last looked up, and with the movement, a tear managed to escape his eye. He brought the heel of his palm up quickly to wipe it away. 
“Look, son, I want you to see the student counsellor tomorrow.” The principal said, taking down a note. Peter scowled at the pen, as it scribbled. “It will help, Peter. I want you to see the counsellor every Tuesday and Friday, last period. We’ll keep track of your healing process.” 
Peter took the note when it was offered to him, and pocketed it without a word. He turned to leave.
“Peter. I didn’t dismiss you.” 
Peter sighed, turning back, red-eyed and tired. 
“I’m sorry about your uncle. But when Eugene returns, you will apologise.” 
Peter swallowed, voice quiet when at last he spoke. “I didn’t mean to hurt him.” 
Whether that was true or not, Peter was still undecided on. 
The school day dragged at an excruciatingly slow pace. Peter couldn’t hear the teacher. All he could hear, all day, were the whispers amongst his peers. Right now, Peter wished the walls he built to keep the world out were soundproofed. 
“Did you hear? He put Flash in the ER.” 
“Puny Parker? No way.” 
“He’s an absolute freak.” 
“He’s probably really screwed up right now, guys. I think his like, Uncle died or something.” 
Peter snapped his pencil. 
“Can I be excused, miss?” 
Peter ran as fast as he could out of the school doors, gasping in air as deeply as he could. He was at his breaking point. If everyone in class saw him crying, he’d really never hear the end of it. He’d be seeing the school councillor until he graduated. 
The air was cool but his face was scalding hot, tears streaming down his cheeks. He buried his face in both hands and screamed. With all the effort he could afford he tried to steady his breathing. In and out, in and out, until he started to feel lightheaded. 
He could’ve broken the school doors off its hinges. He could have slammed his fists so hard on the walls, until they crumbled, or he did. 
He threw a kick so hard on a nearby trash can that it flew across the courtyard.  
He hated this school. He could’ve tore it down right where he stood. 
Peter turned so fast his head nearly knocked off his shoulders. Wade stood, back against the wall, casual as anything. He had a cigarette in hand. 
“You’re an animal, dude.” Wade said, blowing out a cloud of smoke. 
Peter’s mouth hung open, finding it difficult to find words. He brought up a sleeve to wipe up his face. 
“I, just. I –” 
Peter swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I hate this place.” 
Wade nodded, a calm demeanour about him that almost served to calm Peter by osmosis. 
Peter Parker was always a very rational boy. Quiet. Reserved. He never lost it like this. He’s never –
“I heard – about your uncle.” 
Peter’s eyes were exhausted from crying, he couldn’t afford anymore tears. Peter’s entire body felt it was going to sink through the earth. And Wade could see it. Wade could see it on Peter’s face. He looked to Wade for mercy. To let him fall off the planet’s surface. 
“Listen, if it were me I’d – I’d kill him. I’d kill whoever did it.” 
Peter was quiet. Wade’s words felt like an electric jolt, sobering him up. 
All the hollow words of consolation had left him numb, but this rang through Peter’s ears. 
Eventually Peter found his voice again. 
“You’d kill him, but you’d save a frog?” 
“Yeah.” Wade said, as if it were obvious. “The frog didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Silence followed. Peter couldn’t look up from the ground. His hands formed fists at his sides. 
All the way home, Wade’s words replayed in Peter’s head. I’d kill him. I’d kill whoever did it. 
The police were apathetic. Crimes go unsolved. And that made Peter’s blood boil hotter than it ever had. The thought that someone – out there – would be getting away with it. 
That Aunt May might always carry that hollow, broken look in her eyes.  
Later that night, Peter threw on a red hoodie, pulling the drawstrings tight. He snuck out his bedroom window, like he did every night. 
News reports tell of an escaped robber cornered in a building downtown.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part II
Summary: Working for Lily is going well for Sy, but he wants her to meet a special lady in his life, and manages to get her out of the house.
Pairing: Syverson/OFC
Word Count: 5,698
Rating: PG - Language, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Angst
Inspiration: An old fic I wrote and wanting to write a Sy fic.
Author’s Note: Thank you to @wondersofdreaming​
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“You've been getting here more early than usual.” Lily commented, handing Sy his usual morning coffee as he arrived on the property. “You fly here like Superman or something?”
She teased him as she sat down on the brand new porch swing that Sy had built with the scrap lumber from the porch and siding.
Sy laughed and leaned back against the porch railing. “No, I've been staying at the Sunway Motel in Celina.” He confessed, crossing his ankles. “I've been too tired to drive back to Austin most days, I don't want to fall asleep at the wheel or anything. So, I've been crashing there to keep it safe, and it just makes getting back here a sight easier, than a three-hour drive.” He told her, shaking his head.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lily frowned, offended to hear it.
“Well, I don't want you paying that out of your pocket.” He replied, frowning back at her. “It's not a big deal for me.”
“I do technically pay you to stay there, Sy.” Lily answered, shaking her head at him.
“True.” He nodded, staring at the tips of his boots. “But, I also have a Military paycheck.” He informed her. “Again,” He sighed, pressing his lips together. “I didn't want you paying for something I can pay myself. You buy enough things as is.”
“Well, I would have offered to pay for it.” She started, folding her legs. “But, I also would have offered you one of my guest rooms.”
Sy blinked at her, he hadn't expected that from her, it seemed a bit toward. That thought made him paused, blinking at himself. Did Austin 'Fuck and eat you out til you can't walk' Syverson just have an abstinent thought.
Holy fuck, I did! He thought, staring at her.
And it wasn't because Sy wasn't attracted to her, because he very much was.
She was a beautiful young lady. The way her eyes lit up, every time she smiled, even when she was being shy. She came just to his shoulder. Her hair looks so silk and soft, that it took everything in Sy's power not to reach out and caress his fingers through it to find out just how pillow-y soft it was. She was dainty, but had curves in all the right places, for Sy to hold onto her. He bit the inside corner of his lip, thinking about gripping those hips of hers and kneading them in his big mitts, to rub up against that plump, heart shaped ass, to grab or bury his face in those matching breasts.
Sy cleared his throat and took a deep gulp of his cooling coffee, praying his growing erection wasn't too obvious to her.
What a way to ruin it, Syverson. He berated himself, trying to rein himself back in.
“Anyway,” She said, breaking the silence and getting up off the swing. “The offer stands, if you want it.” She told him, and went back inside.
He stayed there long after she had gone upstairs to her office to start her own workday, even after his coffee cup was empty. He turned around, setting the empty cup on the railing and watched the sun slowly climb higher into the sky, before sighing and getting back to work, siding the back portion of the house; thinking he might start working on the roof next. Since Spring was due soon and the weatherman said it would be a cold and rainy one.
“I'm going to be late tomorrow.” Sy said, that afternoon.
“Okay.” Lily smiled, taking up his empty lunch plate and turned towards the sink. “Everything okay?” She asked, turning the faucet on to do them and the ones from breakfast.
“Everything's great.” Sy smiled, leaning back in his chair and grinning.
“I've never seen you smile so big, since we met.” She teased him, chuckling.
“I made a friend in Baghdad.” He explained, giddy. “She's finally over here in the States, so I need to pick her up at the airport.” He was excited about getting Aika again, even more so for Lily to meet her.
“I want you to meet her.” He added.
Lily's stomach clenched hearing him talk about whoever she was, a bit down to find out he apparently had someone special in his life. “I look forward to it.” She said, focusing on the plate in her hand.
“Great!” He beamed, getting up from the table. ���I'm sure the two of you will be two peas in a pod!” He said, heading out the back door to finish his work.
“Totally.” Lily sighed, frowning to herself.
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The next day, Lily was a complete wreck about meeting Sy's friend.
She had tossed and turned all night, barely getting any sleep as she kept thinking about the meet. She knew the woman was going to be gorgeous, why wouldn't she be, if Sy had been so excited about her being in the States and she was able to capture the attention of his ocean blues. Eventually, Lily got out of bed, tired of not finding a comfortable position and peace of mind to fall asleep. Besides, knowing her luck, she'd be subjected to dreaming about meeting the lady and all her, super model glory.
So, she padded down to her office and flipped on her computer, deciding to get her day started early and finish the few projects she had going on with a couple of clients. But, not even that helped her forget about the situation, if anything it made it worse, her leg impatiently bouncing to the tune of her agitation and self-pity. Running a hand through her hair for the hundredth time, before putting it back up, yet again, she huffed and stood up, pacing the floor of her office, from the window to the door, and back, biting her fingernails and mumbling to herself.
“Why would you even have the remotest chance with a guy like Austin Syverson?” She berated herself, yet again. “Good lord, look at the man! He's an actual man and you've never even kissed a boy. He's the whole package and you're just full of baggage. This is definition of friend zoned, and you bloody well know it!”
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Sy had driven back to Austin after leaving Lily's place the night before. He was so excited to retrieve Aika from quarantine. It felt like an age since they last saw each other, but not as long as it might have felt, if he hadn't had Lily for company and the work on the farm to do, day in and day out.
“Fuck,” He huffed, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel. “I really hope the two of them get along.” He mumbled to himself, fidgeting in his seat. “Maybe, I should have told her about Aika. What if she's allergic to dogs, or doesn't even like them?” He questioned, suddenly doubting himself. “I know she likes horses, but a dog isn't a horse, and the horse isn't on her property.” He glanced at his mobile phone in the passenger seat, questioning if he should just call Lily and tell her he's bringing his dog to the farm, for her to meet.
“No.” Sy shook his head, brushing it off. “It'll be fine. This will be great! They'll get along perfectly and it'll be a happily ever after.” He nodded, pushing himself to be positive as he pulled into the facility to pick Aika up. “Captain Austin Syverson, here for my dog, Aika.” He told the lady at the front desk, then signed the release paperwork, while they brought her out to him.
“Hey, girl!” Sy called, as Aika charged for him. “Oh, I've missed you so much, bug!” He said, rubbing her erect ears and scratched down her back, making her back leg go wild. “I've got someone special I want you to meet.” He said, getting the German Shepherd into his truck. “You're going to love her.” He smiled at Aika, who licked his scruffy cheek.
“And she's probably going to spoil you rotten.” He chuckled, pulling out of the parking space.
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“Oh shit.”
Lily gulped seeing the kicked up dust cloud on the driveway, as Sy's truck approached the house and felt her heart stop, knowing at any moment, she would be meeting his special lady in a matter of minutes. She had been trying all morning to put on a brave and supportive face, not wanting to make herself look like a fool in front of them. “I can't do this.” She gulped, running into the bathroom upstairs and vomited into the bowel several times, before quickly brushing and rinsing her mouth out.
“Afternoon, Lily!” Sy yelled, getting out and giving her a wave as she stepped out onto the porch, he was positively beaming. “You ready to meet her?” He asked, gripping the handle of the passenger door.
“Yep!” She called back, forcing a smile. “As I can be.” She mumbled under her breath as Sy opened the door.
A bark filled the humid air and a big German Shepherd jumped out of the truck, jumping on Sy a few times, before noticing Lily and bee-lining for her.
“Oh.” Lily gasped, surprised that Sy's special lady, was a dog. “Hey.” She grinned at Aika, bracing herself has Aika put her paws on her chest. “Aren't you a beauty.” She said, scratching her erect ears and relieved beyond all belief.
“See, I told you the two of you would get along.” Sy said, stepping up on the porch, relieved as well.
“That you did.” Lily agreed. “What's her name?” She asked, looking up at him.
“Aika.” He replied, scratching Aika all over. “I found her as a stray during my last deployment, she was just a pup. So, I took her in and took care of her. She's been stuck in Quarantine since before I got back, and they just released her today.” He explained as Aika bolted off the porch and zoomed around the front yard.
“You don't mind me having her here, do you?” He asked, biting the corner of his lip.
“Are you kidding?” Lily laughed, watching Aika disappear in the tall grass. “She's more than welcomed here.” She assured him, with a sweet smile. “Any time.”
“She's not really used to grass.” Sy laughed, as Aika attempted to pee on every blade she could. “You might get a few holes as well.” He added, knowing the Shepherd's like to dig.
“Please, I doubt anyone will notice.” Lily giggled, looking around the neglected yard.
Sy went to work on his latest project on the property and Aika spent most of the day running around the land, investigating what Sy was up to or lounging on the floor in Lily's office upstairs. Lily sighed and rubbed her face as the phone downstairs in the kitchen rang. She pushed back in her office chair and carefully stepped over Aika, to pad down the small set of stairs that led directly into the kitchen from the upstairs.
“Hello?” She chimed, pressing the receiver to her ear with her shoulder, waving at Sy as he passed the kitchen window and rounded the side of the house, then frowned, when no one answered her greeting. “Hello?” She repeated, a little bit louder. “Are you there?” She asked, checking to make sure the call was connected properly.
“What's wrong?” Sy frowned, stepping into the kitchen as the receiver fell to the floor at their feet.
“Nothing.” She squeaked, quickly bending to pick it up. “Just being clumsy.” She told him, hanging the phone up.
“Well, who was it?” He asked, tilting his head at her strange behavior.
“I don't know.” She replied, shrugging her shoulders and ran a hand through her hair, not turning around to look at him. “They never said anything. Must have been a wrong number or something.” She told him, heart thundering in her chest. “I need to finish my work.” She said, then rushed upstairs, leaving Sy staring up after her.
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“I talked to your neighbor, Billie Marlowe.” Sy said, tugging a cloth out of his back pocket and wiped his face and head with it.
“Oh?” Lily replied, stirring a bit of honey into her tea.
“Yeah, he said, his daughter, Skylar, would be competing in a barrel racing competition this Sunday, in Dallas.” He told her, studying her carefully. “I was wondering, if you had thought about, maybe, going with me?” He asked, licking his lips.
Lily froze, the container of liquid creamer hovering over her steaming cup as she stared across the table at him, eyes wide. “I-”
“Oh, come on.” Sy pressed, brow creasing. “It's my treat. I'll drive and everything. It'll do you some good to leave the house.” He tried coaxing her. “Just for an hour or two.”
Lily continued to stare at Sy, her hand growing sweaty around the plastic container, before she set it down, her shoulders slumping as she did. “All right. Only for a few hours, then we come back. I have a deadline.”
Sy burst into a grin, his blue eyes bright. “Great.” He said, rubbing his hands together. “It doesn't start until eight and her competition doesn't start until eight-thirty. So, we'll have plenty of time.” He told her, excited to go to the fair with her.
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Three days later, Sy got Lily in the car and they drove forty-five minutes from Celina to Dallas. The first few minutes in the car was quiet, until Luna's nerves got the best of her.
“When was the last time you went to a fair?” She asked, looking at him.
“Oh, man.” Sy huffed, frowning out the windshield as he considered it. “I think I was sixteen, it was an end of the year thing for my Junior year at high school. I didn't go to my Senior one, since I was getting ready for basic training.” He told her.
“What about you?” He asked, glancing at her.
“You've never been to one?” Sy snapped, shocked.
“Nope.” She shook her head at him.
“Not even for school?”
“I was home schooled.” She explained. “My dad thought they were a suck and waste of money.”
“That's the point.” Sy laughed, shaking his head. “Wasting money on artery clogging food and probably unsafe rides. It's a rush, but mostly from all the sugar.” He grinned at her, amused.
“You'll love it, I swear.”
“I'll take your word for it, Captain.” Lily smiled back, hoping he didn't see how freaked out she was.
They finally reached the fair grounds and a place to park, Sy got them all access bracelets, so giddy as they entered the fair grounds. Lily took several deep breaths as the crowd around them thickened and stuck close to Sy. She really didn't want to ruin Sy's fun at the fair, he had been jabbering about it since she agreed to go with him, telling her about the all fun rides and food. He was like a little boy, reliving his first fair experience, and she knew it had been over ten years since he had been to one. So, she put on a brave face and tried to smile, every time he glanced at her.
Which was every few seconds.
Sy and Lily got on several rides to kill the half hour until the barrel-racing competition started under one of the big tents set up in the huge field. She rather enjoyed the Ferris wheel, just her and Sy in one seat, spaced out from everyone else on the ride. She did think she was going to throw up on the sudden drop ride, but managed to keep it down, making Sy laugh at her as he saw her face from the corner of his eye as the two of them got off the ride.
“You all right?” He chuckled, resting his hand on the small of her back.
“I think, my stomach is somewhere between my brain and my toes.” She chuckled, despite herself.
“It'll even out again.” Sy laughed with her, rubbing her back.
“Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls,” the fair announcer came over the intercom system throughout the fair. “The Barrel-Racing Competition is due to start in ten minutes, in tent number six! So, find your seats now!” He informed the herd of fair-goers.
“Oh, we should head out that way.” Sy said, pulling out the little fair map and directed them towards the tent. “Why don't you find us a place to sit and I'll go get us something to munch and sip on.” He told her, at the tent's entrance.
“It'll take two minutes.” He told her, squeezing her shoulder, then disappearing into the crowd that was trying to funnel into the tent.
“Fuck, Austin.” Lily gulped, starting to tremble as she turned into the tent and looked for somewhere to sit, before finding a place in the second row, near the exit.
Sy weaved around the countless people in the main walkway of the fair, before spotting a food vendor with something he thought Lily would love to try out and headed that direction, to standing in line. He was only in the line for a moment, when he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see who it was, breaking out into a smile.
“Mr. Marlowe.” He greeted the farmer, sticking his hand out to the other man.
“Please, just call me Billie.” Marlowe replied, smiling up at Sy and shook his hand.
“Sy.” Sy answered. “You must be excited to see your little girl compete.” He said, as they stood side by side and progressed through the line.
“That I am.” Billie beamed, like the proud papa he was. “I am surprised at you though.” He added, pulling off his John Deere hat, ran his hand through his short, salt and pepper hair, and rubbed the over-tanned skin of his neck.
“Why's that?” Sy frowned, shaking his head.
“I saw Ms. Lily with you.” Billie replied as they got to the counter. “My farm has been in my family for four generations. I knew the couple that lived at Ms. Lily's place, when I was a lad. They passed away and their kids didn't want to be farmers, so they sold the place and Ms. Lily bought it a few years back. In that time, I have never seen her leave the property. The closest I've ever seen was when she fetches the mail, and she does that in a jiffy.” He laughed, stepping up to one of the two cashiers, while Sy went to the other.
“What do you mean?” Sy frowned, then gave the cashier an order for two elephant ears, a coke for himself and a Dr. Pepper for Lily.
“Oh.” Billie frowned, realizing Sy had no clue.
“'Oh', what?” Sy pressed, annoyed.
“You don't know about Ms. Lily being Agoraphobic?” Billie asked slowly, blinking at Sy with a shocked look. “I thought you knew. Practically everyone in Celina knows about it. My boy, Travis, who works at the Celina supermarket, even gets her groceries for her and delivers them, and everything.”
Sy floundered, his mouth opening and closing for a moment. “I didn't.” He sighed, clearing his throat. “I just thought she was a home-body.” He said, shaking his head. “Well, I suppose she is a home-body, it's just a bit more complicated than that.”
He felt silly, all of the signs were there, right in front of his oblivious face. He had never seen her leave the property in the weeks he was there working. She was always, either, in the house or on the porch, the furthest from the house he had ever seen her was the mailbox. She got clearly anxious about any mention of leaving to go anywhere, and her car hadn't moved since the first time he saw it in the dirt driveway. Everything made so much sense to him now, with the sudden realization he had left her, alone, in a tent full of complete strangers.
“Shit!” He barked, taking the food and drinks and rushing back to the tent. “Are you okay?” He asked, as soon as he found her in the crowded stands.
“Other than starving, I'm all right.” She replied, looking up at him.
“You're sure?” He asked and sat down beside her, he could see the tremble in her shoulders. “You're shaking.” He pointed out, his brow creasing with concern.
Why did I push her into this! He berated himself mentally.
“I'm just cold.” She frowned back, which wasn't a complete lie, it was rather nippy out and she had left her jacket in the truck.
“Oh.” Sy gulped at her, setting their snacks down on the empty bench in front of them and peeled off his Five Finger Death Punch hoodie. “Here.” He said, handing her the toasty warm garment.
“Thanks.” She blushed, pulling it on.
The comforting warmth of the fabric settled around her, wrapping her up in Sy's scent of dark vanilla, the fresh cut pine boards he had been working with, fresh air and patchouli, from his beard oil. The tremor vibrating through her body instantly subsided as she huddled herself up inside Sy's hoodie, suddenly feeling safe, safer than she had ever felt in her life before, the murmur of the crowd vanished and everyone melted away, but Sy.
Sy smiled at her, watching as she stopped shaking. “Are you still hungry?” He asked her, picking up the heavy paper plate with the lumpy and sweet pastry dough on it, covered in butter, cinnamon and brown sugar.
“What in the world is that?” She frowned down at it.
“It's called an Elephant Ear.” He chuckled, letting her take the plate from him and picked up his own. “It's delicious.”
“It's as big as one!” She chuckled, balancing it in her lap and pushed up the oversized sleeves of Sy's hoodie, not wanting to get it messy as she tore a piece of the dough off and popped it into her mouth. “Mmm.” She melted, licking her coated lips. “That is sinful.” She moaned, smiling over at Sy, who simply folded his and took a massive bite out of it.
“I told you!” He mumbled around his mouthful, grinning ear to ear.
“I might have to learn how to make these.” Lily said, tearing off a bigger piece and licked her fingers clean of the cinnamon and sugar combination.
“Oh, don't threaten to spoil a man!” Sy laughed, gently touching his shoulder to hers.
“Hey, here she is!” Lily called out, pointing to the girl entering the center of the tent atop a horse. “They look so good together!” She grinned, beaming with her own dose of pride in Skylar and Juniper.
Lily lifted her hand and waved as Skylar looked out over the crowd, she spotted Lily and waved back at her, smiling. Skylar got herself and Juniper into position, taking deep breaths to try and settle her jittery nerves and focus on her task ahead. Skylar was given the signal and she was off, speeding as fast as she and Juniper could go towards the first barrel in front of them. Lily scooted towards the edge of her seat, her half eaten elephant ear forgotten in her excitement. Skylar seemingly sailed through the cloverleaf pattern she had to make around the barrels and back to her mark.
The crowd clapped as she went out, letting the next rider and their horse take their turn at the competition. Lily finished off her elephant ear and sipped at her Dr. Pepper, eyes glued to the beautiful horses and focused riders as they went around and around the barrels, kicking up dirt as they went.
“I really hope she wins.” Lily said, looking at Sy, only to realize he had been watching her the whole time, and not the racers. “What?” She squeaked, eyes wide. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No.” He smiled back, then chuckled. “Well..” He picked up the paper napkin he was given with the elephant ears and gently brushed off a line of brown sugar and cinnamon that Lily had on her cheek. “Just a little sugar.” He told her, softly.
“But, other than that, you're...” He paused for a moment. “Perfect.” He whispered, breathlessly.
Lily gulped and her cheeks warmed, biting the inside of her lip and fidgeted inside Sy's hoodie. “Thank you.” She mumbled back. “For the..” She motioned to her cheek, shyly.
“Of course.” Sy nodded, a tender smile on his lips. “But, I hope she wins too.” He added, turning back to the event.
“All right everybody, it's time to announce the winners for first, second and third place!” The announcer said, standing in the middle of the racing area, a microphone in his hand and a big cowboy hat on his head, as his boots shined with their spurs.
Lily crossed her fingers, making Sy chuckle at her.
“In third place is,” the announcer said, lifting a clipboard he was holding. “Paige Whitley with thirty-four seconds!”
The crowd clapped and whistled as the girl came up and took her ribbon for third place, then stood to one side of the announcer.
“In second place is, Ainsley Ortega with twenty-eight seconds!”
Another round of claps, whistling and yells from the crowd as she took her place beside Paige. There was a moment of pause and the suspense was starting to drive Lily stir crazy as they waited for him to announce the first place winner.
“and the first place winner of the Dallas Heritage Fair is,” He paused for a dramatic affect. “Skylar Marlowe with twenty-one seconds!”
“Yes!” Lily shouted, her arms flying up as she bounced in her seat, overjoyed. “She did it, Sy.” She grinned at him, throwing her arms around his neck, in her moment of overzealous excitement, forgetting herself.
“She did.” Sy grinned, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her back.
He unconsciously turned his face into her hair and took a deep breath, smelling her Lavender and Rosemary shampoo in it. They stayed like that, in a timeless bubble, before they recalled themselves and pulled apart again.
“I'm sorry, I was excited.” Lily blushed, brushing her hair behind her ear.
“Same.” Sy replied, clearing his throat. “I should get you back home now, it's been two hours.” He said, picking up their empty plates, napkins and soda cans, standing.
“I-” Lily froze, watching him dump them into a trash bin nearby. “I don't—mind—staying another hour, if you're not.” She told him, a hard lump in her throat. “I mean, there's so much of the fair I haven't seen, since it's my first time, and you spent a pretty penny on our access bracelets.” She said, lifting her arm, the sleeve of his hoodie slipped down her arm, revealing her red bracelet.
“Be rude and a shame to waste it, don't you think?” She asked, staring at him, shyly.
Sy studied her for a moment, weighing what he knew of her now, but she looked and seemed all right, for the most part, just her usual shy and withdrawn self. “If you want too, Lily. Then, I'm more than all right with staying and showing you the rest of the booths.” He said, his voice soft and—protective.
“I would like that.”
Sy smiled at her, gently, then offered her his arm, which she took. He escorted them out of the tent, with the rest of the fair-goers. Sy took her around the fair ground, stopping at booths that Lily showed interest in. He paused at one booth, seeing all the stuffed animals that were hanging around it and pressed his lips together, before glancing at her and deciding to give it a shot, wanting to win something for her, so when she saw it, she'd remember the fun she had at the fair; and think of him.
It was a shooting game booth, giving the player a minute to hit as many targets as they could, each target was worth a certain amount of points and moved quickly. But, Sy wasn't at all worried, this was his element, his military career made something like this easy. So, he took up the bee-bee rifle that the booth runner gave him, slotted it against his shoulder and held it through pure muscle memory. He patiently waited for the signal for him to start, watching the painted metal targets move on their tracks.
“Ready!” the booth runner called, standing to the side. “Set! Go!”
Sy's body instantly tensed and he started firing, his movement was sharp, quick and calculated, hips and shoulders pivoting as he hit each of the targets, only missing two in the full minute he had. Lily stood beside him, fully impressed by his skill.
“Seven hundred and forty-nine points.” the booth runner read off the scoreboard at the back of the booth. “That's the highest score yet!” He said, impressed himself. “You have a pick of whatever you want, sir.” He told Sy, motioning around to the stuffed animals, some were super teeny, while others were nearly Lily's size.
Sy surveyed the selection of stuffed animals, before a certain one caught his attention and smiled at it, it was perfect for why he wanted it. “That's the one.” He said, pointing out the medium sized, curly furred and light tan, teddy bear.
“A perfect choice, sir.” the booth runner praised him, taking it down and handing it over to Sy.
“Here.” Sy smiled, turning and holding it out to Lily. “He's for you.” He told her, gently, as his heart thundered in his chest.
Lily slowly took the bear from him, it was silk soft and plush, it felt nice under her hands, making her instantly smile as she stared down at it. She was touched that Sy had gone through the trouble of winning the game to get her a prize, no one had ever done something so kind, sweet and thoughtful for her before, it made her a bit emotional.
“Thank you.” She whispered, hugging it to her chest and looked up at Sy. “I love it.” She assured him, seeing the concern in his blue eyes that she wouldn't.
“Good.” He beamed, his heart still thundering, but it felt light and hopeful. “I'm glad.”
It was nearly dark by the time Lily and Sy finished their tour of the fair grounds and headed back to the house. Lily convinced Sy to stay for dinner before he headed back home, wanting to thank him in someway for taking her to the fair and showing her such a good time, something she hadn't had in as long as she could remember.
“Your cooking never fails to amaze me.” Sy chuckled, popping the last bit of his biscuit into his mouth. “It's the definition of a great home cooked meal.” He praised her, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his lean tummy through the fabric of his shirt.
“Well, you have the appetite of a Viking.” She giggled back, blushing at her plate.
Sy laughed again, his own bearded cheeks coloring. “True enough.” He agreed, smiling brightly at her.
“Thank you for taking me today.” Lily said, speaking softly. “I really did have a lot of fun.” She confessed, shyly twisting her napkin in her hands, and thinking of the teddy bear that now took up a prized spot on her bed, upstairs.
“I did too, I'm glad you agreed to go with me.” Sy nodded, tilting his head at her. “Did us both a great deal of good to get out and do something fun.”
“I should let you take off, before it gets too late.” She answered, after a brief moment of silence. “I know it's a long drive.”
Sy cleared his throat, biting the inside of his lip, he didn’t want to bring up staying at the motel down in Celina, so the drive was easier to make and gave him more hours in the day to work on the seemingly endless list of projects that needed to be done, to get the farm back into running order, again. He didn’t want them to argue after such an amazing day.
But, he knew she was right.
“Thanks for dinner.” He said, taking his plate to the sink, wanting a reason to linger a second longer. “Good night, Ms. Lily.” He smiled at her, as they stepped out onto the porch. “I'll see you in the morning.”
“I'll be here, with coffee and breakfast waiting, as always.” She replied, standing barefoot on the smooth and solid board of the porch.
He chuckled, bidding her good night again and got into his truck. As he drove to the motel, he recalled all the smiles she had given him throughout the day and the sound of her victorious laugh, when she beat him at the ring toss game, but sweetly gave him the bracelet she won, making him glance at the macrame, blue and gold turquoise beads weaved with black thread and tied with a slip knot, that hugged his thick wrist. His skin tingled as it remembered the gentle touch of her dainty fingers as she slipped it over his hand to his wrist and tugged it secure.
Sy wasn't a jewelry person, other than his watch and his dog-tags, but for as long as he lived, he vowed to never take that bracelet off.
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d3adlyromb3ar · 3 months
✰ sinking lily pads
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— synopsis. he thrived in the sorcerer world, she was forced into it. how could two people that strayed so differently from each other become so close?
— pairing. gojo x oc!fem!reader (main), toji fushiguro x oc!fem!reader
— word count. 3.6k
— contents. heavy child abuse, torture, neglect, abandonment, angsty asf, injuries, blood/gore, depressing thoughts, suicidal ideation, dissociation, ptsd, mentions of death, jjk violence/fighting
— notes. sorry for the late updates, life's been busy but here ya go <3 enjoy!
series masterlist | previous chapter
✰ chapter five. this is who you’ve become, a monster
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The odd thing about slowly spiraling into the realization that you're losing your soul— is the pure reminder that you still have one.
It was unsettling. Confusing. Completely frustrating to even accept that such thing would occur.
Hadn't I gone through enough? Moon wondered.
She had suffered through enough for someone's lifetime— why was it that life kept throwing obstacles her way. Testing time and time again if she was worthy of living in this world.
She knew she'd only grow worse as the days passed on, and that should've been a thought that terrified her— but somewhere within her, she felt she deserved the pain.
"I can't help but wonder it is you're thinking about Miss Dair. Nerves?" Geto had asked from her right.
She sent him a weak smile, one that seemed believable enough.
"Not exactly. I've just been thinking about the future, where I'll be in a couple years. Months. Days." She listed off, staying true to her word and trying to be more honest with her friends.
Odd, it still felt weird to call them friends. Of course that's exactly what they were to her— but she still had an instinct to push them away. Keeping them strictly classmates.
"I can see why that would keep you so distracted. It's kinda scary to think about, hm?" Geto admitted to his own fears and anxieties.
"Not me. I know exactly where I'll be and who I'll be in the future." Gojo stated confidently.
You rolled your eyes, while Geto almost did the same, instead asking him.
"Oh yeah, and what's that?"
Gojo lowered his glasses to the edge of his nose, meeting eyes with both Moon and Geto.
"I'll be with you guys, of course. Oh— and obviously I'll still be the strongest."
Geto and Moon looked at each other, soft smiles showing for a moment before the two broke into little giggles.
The trio walked in a comfortable silence for a little while longer, until Gojo suddenly shoved some bills in her hand.
Moon looked at him in question.
“I just remembered there’s a sweet treat shop around here, was wondering if you could go get me something?”
Moon couldn’t help the smile on her lips. Leave it to Gojo to have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone ever.
She also just couldn’t say no.
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Hmm… surprise me.”
Moon nodded, breaking off from the two and making her way towards the sweet shop— one she knew of already. Besides, her and Gojo had been to this sweet shop many times— years ago.
Moon picked out a few things, making sure to use up all the money he’d given her. Being sure to fill up the bag with lots of sweets— given that this mission might be a longer one than usual.
She thanked the employee, making her way outside. Before she could start heading back towards her friends, she bumped into someone’s shoulder— causing her to drop the bag of sweets— luckily nothing spilling.
She was apologizing before thinking.
“My apologies, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
She didn’t even look up to the person, bending down to grab the bag. That was, until the person had grabbed the bag for her. She wasn’t at all interested in this person, that was until she saw the strong, veiny hand grab the tan colored bag.
It hadn’t clicked as weird that the person still didn’t say anything, instead standing upright— waiting for her to as well.
Moon straightened back up, her eyes finally meeting with the stranger. With a gasp, she realized that this wasn’t a stranger at all— in fact, it was a little more haunting than that.
Toji stood tall, physique blanketed in a black sweater, a smirk on his lips as he gazed down at her.
“Long time no see darling.”
Moon shuttered, as she hadn’t heard his voice in so long. Although as years had passed since the last time she saw him— his voice was so much deeper and rougher. His hair was longer, still looking as unkept as it had been. She wondered for a moment if this even was him— but the scar on the corner of his mouth was all the proof she needed.
“You… you aren’t real…” She whispered to herself, thinking this was just a hallucination.
Toji was dead. That’s what the Zenin’s told you. He was dead. He had to be dead.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m very much real.”
Moon had to control the familiar burn starting within her nose, the threat of tears from his words.
‘Sorry to disappoint you’ He had said.
Moon wanted to scream at him that it was quite the opposite. To think she ever wanted Toji dead, the mere possibility making her sick to her stomach. When the Zenin’s had informed her of Toji’s death, she was devastated. Crippled from the information. He was the one thing that was keeping her together while she was stuck there. He couldn’t possibly think that she thought any other way.
Although standing in front of him now, where had he gone? Did he escape? How was he hidden from her all those last years, where she suffered with the Zenin’s alone?
“I don’t understand…”
“No, you wouldn’t really. It’s a long story I suppose, but I don’t really care to tell you about it.” He was cold.
Moon wasn’t shy of this kind of behavior from him, but he was colder than he’d ever presented himself as.
“Besides, I’m here on business sweets. I don’t have time for a reunion.” He muttered, “You’re looking good though, see you have been doing well. Living that sorcerer life, huh?”
His words seemed kind, but it was everything but that. They were back handed, clearly noting how the years hadn’t been kind to her.
Moon didn’t know what to say. She was closer to crying than she’d been in a long time. She felt her mask slipping through her fingers.
Toji tilted his head in amusement at her stunned expression.
“You this surprised to see me?”
She kept staring at him like she was looking at a ghost, unable to accept he was really standing here.
“I thought you were dead.” She whispered finally.
Toji just stared at her, eyes narrowing in on her face— almost studying every one of her micro expressions.
“You thought wrong.”
Her hand twitched at her side, desperate to touch him— feel that he was really there. But he seemed so, different, so much more harsh than she remembered. She didn’t think he’d appreciate her touch.
She swallowed, choosing the change the subject— even though she wanted to sit down and talk with him, going over every moment they missed since they last saw each other.
“You said you were here for business… what do you mean by that?”
He tilted his head, an amused expression on his face.
“Curious, aren’t we?” He commented, “I don’t think that’s important for you to know.”
It was her turn to squint her eyes, studying him now. He was being so vague and mysterious— why?
“I need to get going now.” He announced, handing her the bag of sweets.
She took it hesitantly, her eyes glued on his smug look. He just looked like he knew something she didn’t.
She didn’t know why she was all of a sudden getting a horrible out in her stomach from his presence— especially after he used to be such a light in her life. Years ago that was, but still.
She nodded in thanks before turning quickly to head back to her friends, not even giving him a goodbye. She was quickly halted in her escape, Toji’s hand grabbing onto her arm harshly.
“Hey,” She glanced back at him, “Let’s meet up later, yeah?”
She could only stare back at him, his touch on her arm making her go back into a stunned silence— confirming that he was indeed real. Her Toji was standing right in front of her. Her heart was beating quickly in her chest as she glanced down to his hand wrapped around her arm.
She swallowed before nodding, unable to speak from her small state of shock.
At that, he released her arm, stepping back with his eyes still on her— before he turned and walked away. Disappearing into the crowd of people walking across the street.
She didn’t watch his figure for too long, turning and quickly making her way back to Gojo and Geto, desperately trying to calm her racing heart.
The stares from people she passed went unnoticed, the confused glances sent her way as people saw her panicked state— her pace almost matching a sprint.
Moon couldn’t accept who she saw. She had to, but her mind was at war. Everything she believed— crumbling before her eyes. The lies, the stories— how much of what the Zenin’s told her was true?
She wanted to feel relieved from seeing Toji alive, but instead she felt sick. She felt messed with, her mind a game board for the Zenin’s to fiddle with. She hadn’t prepared herself to be forced back into the mindset— the mindset when she had heard Toji was dead.
It was the blurry memory of the years that passed after that, the horrid nights. The sweaty men visiting her at the late hours— the violation of it all. It came crashing into her, as she didn’t have any walls up. Nothing strong enough to keep the past from haunting her yet again.
Without Toji to cling to, it was hell— and to think he was alive the whole time made her sick. Had he hid away from her? Had he escaped without her? Why wasn’t he there?
Why wasn’t he there? Why wasn’t he there?? Why wasn’t he there???
She flinched backwards, her face colliding with a sturdy chest. If she was in her right mind, she would’ve smelled the familiar scent.
“Woah Nines! Where are you in a rush to?” The white haired sorcerer joked.
Moon went frozen in his hold, his hands on the sides of her arm to hold her upright— they felt foreign to her all of a sudden. The memory of the filthy men consuming her.
Gojo noticed her scared expression, his brows furrowing as he leaned down closer to her.
“Nines?” He tried again.
Her eyes shot up to his, her eyes wide and full of fear— her look making Gojo sick to his stomach. Never did he want her to look at him like that.
“Hey hey, you alright?”
Moon’s eyes danced from eye to eye, forcing herself to be familiar with his hypnotic blue orbs.
It was Gojo. It was only Gojo. She forced herself to remember.
Gojo couldn’t stand seeing her like this, his own anxiety bubbling within him.
“Moon, look at me,” He gently grabbed her chin, tilting her head up to level his face, “What happened?”
Her body shivered, the wave of warmth unexpected from his gesture. Her body relaxing slightly at his presence suddenly. Her bottom lip trembled as she fought her hardest to keep the tears from exposing themselves.
Gojo watched while he held his breath, patient as ever as he waited for a response. Although he never got one, instead she crashed herself against him. Burying herself into his embrace so desperately. Almost as if she was trying to hide from the world.
“Hey, Moon… it’s okay. I’ve got you… shhh.” He cooed, one of his hands cradling the back of her head while the other pressed tightly to the small of her back. “You’re okay. You’re okay… I’ve got you now.”
As much as she wished to slap herself out of this pathetic state, she only clung to his jacket with desperation. Her face buried into his chest, her tears drenching the fabric.
Gojo was confused— unsure of what brought on this reaction from her. However, he didn’t need an explanation right away. If it was comfort she so needed, he’d provide her with just that. If only she knew of how far Gojo would willingly go for her. He’d do anything she so asked.
The amount of power she held over him was terrifying— but he let her.
The only indication he got proving that she was crying, was the small jumps her body did every so often. Her sobs silenced by his chest, and by herself trying so hard to stay quiet. His heart throbbed within him, he himself hurting for her.
What came with the empathy, also came the rage. The primal desire to hunt and destroy whatever had caused you such pain. He was protective when you were in such a state, especially when you clung to him like this. He felt like he could destroy the whole world in the blink of an eye if it were the cause of your pain. He’d do it in a heartbeat.
As he thought before, you had so much power over him. It chilled him to his core.
Moon activated her cloaking technique, the ability bleeding onto him— and soon they were both hidden from the world.
Gojo felt the surprisingly pleasant buzzing sensation from Moon’s technique being used. Cloaking was quite useful in battles against enemies who didn’t know how to counter it— all the more useful when Moon could make others invisible as well.
Although he didn’t dwell on the pleasant buzz for long, instead curious as to what brought out this fear within her. This deep fear that made her want to hide.
“Moon, you gotta tell me what’s going on? You’re kinda scaring me.” He whispered, petting her hair down in the back of her head.
Moon pulled back, avoiding his concerned eyes as she pulled him gently to an empty alley. Gojo allowed her to lead him.
Only then when they were hidden away from prying eyes did she release her cloaking, the familiar ache in her head from use.
Gojo’s brows were drawn in, his expression soft as he stayed patient but it was clear he was eager to know what the cause of her distress was.
Moon sucked in a shaky breath, her hands trembling at her sides, her fingers fiddling with the ends of her uniform.
“I haven’t been completely transparent about my past.” Her voice was shaky, strained with fear. “For that, I’m sorry.”
Gojo was quick with the shake of his head, taking a step forward towards her.
“Moon, don’t you dare apologize.”
“It’s only fair you know. All my weird behavior. The stuff I…” She trailed off, her thoughts wandering back to their conversation days ago, “The things I hinted at… you deserve to know everything.”
Gojo held a pained look, not liking her need to reveal her past. Not that he’d mind. He’d be willing to hear her out whenever and by the ear she needed— but he couldn’t help but feel like she was forcing herself to bring up her past when she didn’t want to.
“You don’t have to tell me anything. Only if you want to.” He told her, holding her gaze with intensity.
Suddenly he wanted her back in his arms. His body felt colder without her touch.
“I want to.” Her voice was calm, her eyes holding his so deeply it had Gojo stirring up old feelings he tried to bury down.
He swallowed through a tight throat, nodding to her as his only response. 
She walked closer to him, causing Gojo’s hands to twitch at his sides. He wanted to hold her, needed to.
“You know I come from the Zenin Clan. Not blood but, that was my home for a while.” She told him, her voice barely a whisper. Like she was afraid of someone hearing. 
Gojo nodded, listening with unease. 
“I met someone there when I was young. They brought me comfort and we quickly became friends. He was one of the reasons I held on for so long– kept me sane.” Her lips couldn't help but quirk up from the memory of her and Toji so small.
Meanwhile, Gojo’s eyes narrowed. He? 
“He?” He hadn’t meant to voice his thoughts, but he was curious– jealous. 
Moon glanced up and read his expression. 
“His name was Toji.” The name felt bitter off of her lips, which saddened her. It hadn’t ever been like that– felt like that. 
“He was a Zenin?” 
“Born into the clan, yes.” She answered before chewing her lip. 
Gojo knew she hadn’t made her point yet, the storytelling only building up to something he probably wasn’t prepared for. 
“I saw him today.” She mumbled, Gojo barely catching it. 
His brows furrowed and he wondered.
“Was that why you were upset?” 
Moon nodded, the memories of the reunion only moments ago flashing in her mind. 
“Did he hurt you?” His voice was colder, more detached as he became protective– possessive. 
Moon closed the distance and grabbed onto his arms, forcing him to gaze into her eyes. 
“No, not physically at least.” Her words hadn’t comforted him like he hoped. “He was just… different from the last time I saw him. Just shocked me.” 
His eyes softened at her vulnerability, her willingness to be so open and honest. All because she wanted to. It warmed his heart as much as it pained him to know about her past. 
“I know it’s stupid to be upset about that but… he is the only good thing I cling to when it comes to my past.” She rushed out, while Gojo was now leaning down and looking into her eyes. 
“You need to stop apologizing. It’s okay to be upset. You’ve been through a lot.” He reassured her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms, her body relaxing from the sensation. 
She nodded and crushed herself to his chest, her arms looping around his lower back. She could feel his one second of surprise before he was caging himself around her. Finally, his body felt warm again. 
“Thank you.” She breathed.
“Don’t.” He mumbled into her hair, the memory of younger Toji’s voice echoing just as Gojo had said. 
With what she thought would bring unpleasant emotions, the moment only brought her comfort. A healing of her younger self. She didn’t think it was possible, but by his side it felt like it.
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
👀 what are you working on? Is it for Christmas? Snippet, plz?
Ha! Here’s my reminder that I need to work on my Christmas fics.
But no, this one is not. This is just a story I’ve been obsessing over. It’s now named One Last Time (Never Enough) thanks to @thequibblah
Out of context snippet? I don’t know if this will give you any idea what the story is about, but ask and you shall receive.
two years after
"Prongs, you're being reckless."
James scoffed, and turned back to face the mirror. He had his shirt off, and was dabbing his shoulder with a wet flannel to clear away some of the blood before he tried to heal it. He winced slightly at the touch of the cloth to his open wound. “That’s pretty rich coming from you, Pads.”
“I’m serious, mate.” James looked at him with raised eyebrows in the mirror. “Don’t even make the joke. I’m not in the mood.”
“When are you ever not in the mood to make that joke?”
Sirius crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe. “When my best friend is trying to get himself killed in this stupid war.”
“I’m not trying to get killed.” James pulled out his wand and began stitching his wound back together.
“Yeah, well if you’re not careful, it’s going to end up that way anyway.” Sirius went quiet as he watched James trying to reach the wounds behind his shoulder with the point of his wand, wincing as it split open a bit more. Sirius sighed. “Here, let me get that for you.”
Sirius pulled out his own wand, and in a few minutes, the skin was cleanly knit back together. The slight pink of new flesh was the only sign that anything had been wrong. “Thanks, mate.”
“Of course. Just—” Sirius sighed, running a hand down his face “—is it about Lily? Are you acting like this because she—”
“Stop it, Pads. I don’t want to talk about her.”
“Yeah, well, I think you need to talk about her before you do something you can’t recover from.”
James flipped around and faced him. “I said enough. I don’t—” James swallowed hard, suddenly fighting back tears he hadn’t expected. “I can’t talk about her, alright?”
Sirius sighed. “Alright, fine. I just—” Sirius shook his head, swallowed, and James thought he might be fighting back his own emotions. “Don’t get wounds we can’t fix, alright? I need you around.”
James nodded. “I’ll try to be more careful.”
Sirius left, and James turned back to face the mirror. He leaned against the counter, fingers curling around the edge of the sink as though it was the only thing holding him upright. It might have been the only thing since his legs seemed to be made of jelly. He stared into his own eyes in the mirror until he squeezed them closed, left seeing a pair of emerald green ones and a swish of red hair. If he concentrated, he could almost hear the tinkling bell of her laugh, and he could almost feel the touch of her hand on his shoulder, and he could almost— Almost.
James sent up a silent wish that this blasted war would just end soon.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
An unfair race
I finally finished this! This fic is kind of a follow on to Endless Nights. Note: That fic is rated M and contains some sexual content, but you do not need to read it for this to make sense. I wanted to combine Finn talking with Heather, and an aspect of the discussion after that fic, where we talked about athletes in particular using exercise as a coping mechanism, and how this can sometimes turn unhealthy.
Some content warnings for this one: over exercise (if you'd like to skip the explicit description of this, skip to after the first stars, although there are a couple of mentions throughout), food mentions, self-depreciation and mentions of coming out/being outed.
Rating: T
If you feel I missed any content warnings or need to change the rating, please drop me a message!
The characters in this fic are from the sweater weather universe and belong to @lumosinlove
Finn’s entire body ached as his feet pounded against the path once more. His form was sloppy now, shoulders too hunched over and his strides falling without any real control. He forced himself onwards, breaths coming in fast pants, the straining muscles of his quads screaming desperately for more oxygen. And yet, his brain still whirred, obnoxiously loud thoughts pushing their way back to the forefront each time Finn managed to grasp a few blissful quiet seconds. He’d lost count of the number of times he’d passed the statue of the girl and her ducks, the smile on her face that he normally found so comforting becoming more and more irritating with each meeting. As he came to the gates of the park, Finn contemplated going home, but even just the reduced speed had brought the taunting thoughts back with a vengeance. One more go.
"H, has her jacket on. Has everybody got their game faces ready, boys?" It had been at least 30 minutes since James had made the joke as they all tumbled from the locker room, yet the sound of bright laughter still rang in Finn's ears.
He watched as Heather tugged her suit jacket more tightly around her, their eyes meeting for the third time in short succession. Fuck. Finn pushed his tongue against his mouthguard, sinking his teeth into the hard plastic. Later, self-inflicted as the need would be, he would complain about the new one he’d have moulded, each guard always feeling slightly different. For now, the rhythmic clench of his jaw was soothing.
Finn forced a breath through his nose, trying not to react too visibly as Heather dipped her head once more to add another scribbled note to the small, black book she carried everywhere. He forced himself to look away, knowing his constant glances were giving away his unease. Whilst Heather didn’t come to every training session, not even most, it wasn’t that uncommon to see her hovering around the edges of the ice, and ordinarily, only the very newest of the team paid any attention to her beyond an initial greeting.
“Earth to O’Hara!”
Finn held up his hand in apology, shaking himself back to the training session. Kasey’s eyes bored into him. It wasn't his usual intense stare, but something more concerned and Finn waited for the inevitable question. After a long few seconds, Kasey's eyes dropped to the puck, passing it back to Finn to take another shot.
The numbers on the clock inched forwards, slow and heavy like the sweet sticky molasses Leo was so fond of. Still, when Coach finally dismissed them for the day, Finn found himself wanting to take another lap. If he could get his thighs to burn enough then his head would race a little less, and it wouldn’t be too suspicious; Finn’s record of being last on the ice was surpassed only by Sirius. Before Finn could really consider it, Leo was next to him, knocking their shoulders together.
“Hey,” Leo cocked his head slightly, hair ruffled from the mask he’d recently pulled off and his pale skin glistening with sweat. He looked as beautiful as ever. Illogical as it was, it somehow made the dull ache in Finn's chest worse. "Everything good?"
"Yeah," Finn tried for a smile. "Busy brain today, that's all." There was no point brushing the question off completely; Leo was scarily observant. He and Logan often joked that he had eyes in the back of his head. Finn had no doubt he had caught the many pucks he had missed over the last hour.
"That sucks," Leo said, scepticism leaking into his voice. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Finn followed his glance behind them to where Logan was tussling with Jackson, loud rumblings of French intertwined with their laughter. "Or Lo, perhaps?"
"I like it when he looks like that,” Finn sighed.
"Mmm, me too” Leo hummed, his features softening. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that change of subject though, Sir. You don’t have to talk to me about it, but please don’t bottle it all."
Finn slumped into his stall, smiling as Leo lifted his hand to press a kiss to the knuckles. “I’m dealing with it.”
“Baby,” Leo started, his next word morphing into a stunted exhalation of air. His eyes closed briefly, his shoulders squaring before he relaxed them. He opened his mouth again, the sentence uttered clearly not what he’d originally planned on saying. "I'm going to take my padding off and head to see Lars. I think Loops is sticking around so I can get a ride with him if you two want to go home?"
Finn thought back to the quiet look of concern on Logan's face after he'd got home from his run the previous evening, and to the creased lines of worry at the corners of Leo's eyes earlier. "I think I might go and see Heather," he shrugged.
"Thank God," Logan appeared, wrapping his arms around Finn's waist. "Your runs were getting ridiculous."
"You didn't say anything?" Finn turned in Logan's arms, to rest his chin on top of his head.
"We were going to give you one more day. Leo wanted to speak to you this evening, only I had faith.”
"Oh, fuck off," Leo laughed. "You were just avoiding the conversation."
“I’m offended that you would even suggest that,” Logan burrowed into Finn’s chest. The sweat soaked gear they wore didn’t smell great, but neither of them seemed to care.
Moody huffed as he veered around them, his arms filled with tape. “No canoodling in the locker room.”
“As lovely as this chat has been Finn, if you really did just come in to catch up then I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’ve got a couple of sessions this afternoon, and a mound of paperwork to complete,” Heather shifted in the forest green bucket chair. They were new since Finn had last been in here, replacing an ugly leather thing that Heather had always complained was too stereotypical. She’d removed her jacket now that she was back in her heated office, the item hung on the back of the door where it rightfully belonged.
Finn, freshly showered and changed, sat cross legged in the chair opposite. He reached forward to grab more pretzel sticks from the bowl on the table between them, puckering his lips as his tongue protested another injection of salt. “You know there is something I could do with your opinion on.”
Despite the reaction being minute, Finn saw the tiny upwards quirk of Heather’s lips. “Go on,” she encouraged.
“It’s dumb,” Finn muttered, drumming his fingers against the arm of the chair.
“Thoughts don’t have moral value Finn, it’s what we do with that’s important.” Heather pulled a handful of tissues from a box on the table, holding them out. “Tap away, but please spare the upholstery.”
“Sorry,” Finn grimaced, cleaning his hands of the salty residue.
“No need to apologise, I’m just still a bit precious about the new furniture.” Heather smiled. “Why do you think your issue is dumb?”
“It’s -” Finn tugged at his sleeve. “I can just never be happy with what I’ve got can I? I spent 8 years saying that if Logan could just love me back then I’d never complain again. And now I’ve got Logan and Leo and I’m still not happy.”
“What’s making you unhappy?
Finn breathed in deeply, scrunching his eyes shut. He’d spent weeks stuffing the pain into the tiniest box he could in his brain, and now here Heather was asking him to just - talk about it?
“Finn, look at me?” Finn did as he was asked, lifting his head to find Heather’s kind eyes. “I’m going to reiterate something I’ve said before. You can say anything you want here. It doesn’t matter if it’s selfish or unkind or if you think it’s stupid. Unless I think you’re a danger to yourself or anybody else, then nobody is going to hear about it.”
Finn bit his lip, wiggling his toes beneath his legs. “I get jealous,” he rushed out. “I get jealous of Cap and Loops and Potts and Lily and all those other couples who just get to hug and kiss and tell the cameras how stupidly in love they are.” He paused, the panic of having told somebody matching the relief, but now the words had started tumbling out he couldn’t stop. “I get so angry about it. Sometimes, for the tiniest second, I hate them. All of them.” he whispered, barely able to admit it. “And then I just feel worse. Because I love them too and it’s not their fault. Cap and Loops didn’t even get a choice in the matter. How messed up is it to be jealous of somebody that got outed?”
“Emotions are complex. It is possible for you to have sympathy for Sirius and Remus, whilst still feeling jealous that they now can be more open about their relationship.”
'I don't like it," Finn huffed. The sentence had come out mimicking a toddler having a tantrum. Finn wanted to act like one too, to throw himself on the floor and scream.
“Have you spoken to Leo or Logan about it?”
“No,” Finn frowned. “It would just make them sad and I don’t want them to pressure them. I don’t want them to know I think such horrible things.”
“Okay,” Heather nodded. “Imagine one of them came to you and told you everything you’d just told me. What would you say to them?”
“Wait.” A distressed noise fell from Finn’s lips. “Do they talk to you about this too? Both of them make a comment here or there, but we talked about it not long ago and we agreed that we weren’t ready.”
“Finn, you know I can’t tell you about what I discuss with Leo or Logan.”
“It was worth a shot,” Finn shrugged.
“So, what would you say?”
“I’d say they are entitled to be jealous. I'd say it’s not fair we don’t get to do everything the others do just because the world is homophobic and close minded and can’t imagine the three of us could love each other exactly the same as every other more traditional couple. I’d say that I know they don’t hate Cap or Loops or Potts or Lily, they hate the situation and that’s completely understandable. It fucking sucks and they can be angry about it." Finn drew in a hulking breath, Heather's outline a little blurred through his wet eyes. Each word had sent an aching pain through his body, similar to when he ran, only now he felt like was chasing something cathartic rather than running away.
"Earlier you said what you had to tell me was dumb," Heather said. "Can you explain why you think that it's dumb for you to feel that way, horrible even, but if it were Leo or Logan their feelings are valid."
"Maybe it's not dumb," Finn looked down at his hands, tracing over the freckles there. "But that doesn't change the fact I don't like having those thoughts. Especially when I don't want to act on them. I’m okay with waiting to tell people about us, if we ever do. They're not ready. I'm not ready."
"That’s something we can work on. Helping you to reframe those thoughts, I mean.” Heather slipped her notebook from where it had been tucked beside her and made a note. Finn leaned his elbow on his leg, tucking his chin onto his fist, trying to make his attempts to see the page surreptitious. Capping her pen, she gave a small chuckle, “I’m just leaving myself a reminder of what we’ve discussed. You can always ask what I’m writing, I’m not trying to keep secrets from you.”
Finn sat back, the book no longer quite so interesting now that it wasn’t forbidden. “So? That’s it?”
Heather hummed. “For today. I think you’ve got a lot to think about already. I’ll schedule some more sessions with you over the next few days, okay? It’ll give me a chance to get some new pretzels.”
"Thanks," Finn laughed, then gestured at the empty bowl. "For the pretzels. And the talk."
“That’s what I’m here for,” Heather said. “I’m just going to ask one thing of you before I see you next. Please try to keep your evening runs to a reason-”
“Who snitched?”
“There was no snitching, as you call it. We’ve just known each other for a while now, Finn. And as an employee of the Lions whose job it is to make sure you’re at top playing ability, I don’t want you to injure yourself. As your psychologist, I want you to have healthy coping mechanisms and exercising to that extent is not healthy.”
“I know,” Finn unfolded his legs, stretching them out. They’d gone stiff after being sat on for so long, the sensation coming back with an uncomfortable tingle. “I’ll try to keep the runs in check, promise.” His gaze fell on the closed door, steeling himself to leave. He stood, sending Heather one last smile. It was safe in here, but his boys were out there.
“See you soon, Finn.”
Stepping out of the office, Finn closed his eyes, giving himself a second to compose himself. A rustle of movement to his left caught his attention, startling a little at the sight of Leo and Logan. They sat on the floor, Leo’s hand resting on Logan’s knee where they were hunched to his chest.
“Sorry,” Leo scrambled to his feet, his arm outstretched to let Logan pull himself upright too. “We didn’t want to wait too far away. In case, well, I don’t know, you needed us.”
Finn joined them, immediately finding Logan attached to his side, his familiar warmth exactly what he wanted right now. “I’m okay,” he assured. “I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it with you guys just yet. I need a bit of time to process, but just you being here makes things better. I’m going to see Heather a bit more too.”
“Proud of you.” Leo flanked him on the other side, taking his hand. Finn didn’t get to be in the middle often, Logan usually claiming the spot, and he felt like he had a kind of shield. “We just want you to be happy. And safe.”
“Can we go home, please?”
“Ouais, home,” Logan agreed.
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Teenagers Part 1
Harry Potter AU 
Summary: Request fic:  Regulus had never noticed you before. You are the opposite of him in almost every way. It also doesn't help that you are the sister of the one person that Regulus is most annoyed by. Now its time to learn if opposites really attract?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
Song in Chapter: Take it like a man by Cher
A new school year…
You were more than thrilled going back to school. This year was going to be bittersweet. It was James and Sirius’ last year at school. Knowing that your brother and best friend would be leaving soon was enough to make you dread going back but you decided to not think about it. You would think about it the next year when you had to make all new friends. The less you thought about your friends leaving, the better off than you were. In your years at school, you had grown incredibly close to Sirius, Remus, and Lily. You were close to James anyway so not seeing your brother every day was going to be horrible the following year.
I’ll be happy this year.
You muttered to yourself as Sirius and James came running up behind you.
Sirius yelled your name before throwing his arms around you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Sirius, you saw me five minutes ago.”
You coughed as he dramatically patted your head. James, Remus, and Lily finally caught up and was chuckling at the scene. They were so used to Sirius trying to drive you crazy that it was nothing new.
“Pads, can you not crush our sister?”
James asked with a smirk. Lily nodded.
“Yeah, Sirius, she is turning blue. “
Sirius quickly put you back on your feet and petted your cheek. He was giggling hard at the annoyed expression on your face.
“Better now?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“You are going to be the death of me one day. People are going to keep thinking that you are my boyfriend.”
You bent down to pick up the book that Sirius knocked out of your hand. Sirius muttered a quiet apology as he wrapped his arm around your neck.
“It's fine. I’m used to it.”
Sirius smiled again.
“What’s wrong with me as a boyfriend?”
You motioned to Remus.
“Well nothing except if I am dating you I am also dating Remus which makes this one weird love triangle where I feel like I am dating my brothers. We aren’t that creepy are we?”
Sirius and Remus were both dying laughing at that comment while James shook his head.
“No, we aren’t that creepy. I would, for the record, be okay with the three of you in some weird triangle. At least I know my sister would be taken care of.”
Sirius grinned and patted your head again.
“We take care of her plenty enough.”
“He’s right, James. I feel like I have three older brothers. That could be the reason guys are scared to date me.”
You said with a smile as Sirius’ attention went elsewhere.
“Why is my brother staring at us?”
Sirius asked. Your eyes went in the direction of where Sirius was looking. Regulus Black stood with his little band of Slytherin “tyrants” (as James called them). Sure enough, the younger Black brother’s eyes were locked on Sirius and yourself. Evan and Barty leaned forward and whispered something to Regulus.
“He may not be looking at us.”
Sirius frowned. There was no denying that Regulus’ eyes were locked not only on Sirius but you.
“He’s actually looking at Y/n.”
Remus commented. You frowned. Regulus didn’t even know who you were or at least he pretended not to. It didn’t matter that the two of you were in the same year...neither of you spoke to the other. You didn’t really count him telling you to “move” in third year as talking.
“Looks like he’s lost.”
James said. Sirius hadn’t said another word but carefully watched his brother’s face. There was something different about that expression and Sirius wasn’t for sure what it was. Regulus didn’t show many expressions so seeing his brother looking like he had been hit by a book at the sight of you was rather amusing.
“If he had a crush on Y/n I am going to strangle him.”
James growled. You burst out laughing.
“Calm down, James. He doesn’t even know who I am.”
“Oh, I’m sure he does.”
James muttered as Sirius finally gave up and waved at his younger brother. Regulus scowled at Sirius before turning and tugging Evan and Barty with him.
“I guess he doesn’t miss me.”
Sirius said, sounding a little sad. You sighed. Part of you was still furious with the Black family for how they did Sirius. They didn’t realize how wonderful of a boy that he was. You wrapped your arm through his.
“Come on, let's go find a place on the train. Forget them.”
Regulus sat down beside Evan. His mind was stuck on his brother and the girl that was with him. Regulus wasn’t oblivious to the fact that his brother had a bit of a “hoe phase” going on but you, whoever you were, seemed different. There was something about the girl that Sirius had his arm around that really didn’t scream “I am Sirius Black’s type.”
“Who was the girl with my brother?”
Regulus finally asked. Evan looked up with a scowl.
“You know her.”
Regulus crossed his arms over his chest feeling annoyance building. While Evan had been his best friend since childhood, there were times that Regulus wanted nothing more than to punch him.
“Yeah? Well, I wouldn’t be asking you if I had the foggiest idea who she was now would I?”
Barty grinned from his place on the opposite bench.
“She is Y/n Potter. James’ sister...you know that git who stole your brother.”
Regulus’ mouth dropped. The last time that he had really looked at you...you were different...childish. Now you were...Regulus didn’t even know what word to use but the strange feeling in his stomach told him that it was something good.
Evan finally spoke again.
“She’s had one hell of a glow up over the summer. I can’t believe that I am saying this but she is pretty. She used to remind me of a baby squirrel.”
“A squirrel?”
Regulus questioned. Evan nodded.
“She was always so nervous looking. Now...if she wanted to tie my ass to a chair and give me a lap dance. I really wouldn’t mind. She would have to lose the Gryffindor tie and put on one of mine though.”
Evan smirked when he noticed the expression on Regulus’ face. He had never seen Regulus be the least little bit interested in another girl. Now here he was looking like he wanted to fight for your honor.
“I suggest that the three of you just leave Y/n Potter alone. It won’t end well.”
Severus’ monotone voice said as the boy stepped into the compartment. Evan laughed.
“Just because you are scared to stand up to Potter and his goons don’t mean that we aren’t. Come on Sev, even you have to admit that Y/n is a lovely girl now. Have you seen her ass? A perfect handful.”
Severus rolled his eyes and sat down without further comment. Regulus turned back to Evan.
“Maybe you should ask her for a date if you are that desperate for her attention?”
“You saw her first.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Just because I look at her doesn’t mean that I want her.”
The next morning Regulus woke up with a groan. He had tried to keep his mind off of you the whole previous evening but found his eyes glued to you. To his delight and displeasure, your eyes never flickered in his direction one time.
It also didn’t help that you were in his dreams that night. The whole night your sweet smile was locked on him. Even if you didn’t say a word you were looking at him. No one else but Regulus and he loved every bloody second of it!
Getting involved with her would be stupid….wreckless. Mother and father would be furious. She’s a blood traitor. Her whole family is...I don’t need that.
Regulus muttered as he got dressed. It didn’t matter how many times that he repeated that mantra to himself when he closed his eyes...it was your face that he saw.
Sinking into his place at the Slytherin table by Evan, Regulus silently started going through the motions of acting like he wanted to eat. There were plenty of things for him to think about...school, quidditch, tests...but you were the first thing. Was this what a crush was supposed to feel like because Regulus honestly had no clue.
Finally getting brave enough, he looked up at the Gryffindor table where you sat beside Dorcas Meadows laughing over something Marlene Mckinnon was saying.
Merlin, her smile is pretty…
Regulus thought before internally screaming at himself to stop.
“Hey, Reg, look, it's your woman.”
Evan commented with a smile. Regulus immediately elbowed Evan in the ribs.
“Shut up.”
Evan’s attention went back to the Gryffindor table when Sirius plopped down beside you.
“Something tells me that you need to get a move on if you want her before your brother runs off with her. By the rate he’s going, he’s going to try to marry her.”
Evan commented with a sneer. He had little patience with Sirius and now with the knowledge that Regulus had an interest in a girl for once...Evan wanted to make sure that Regulus got what he wanted for once.
Regulus rolled his eyes as you moved your hand over and landed on Sirius’ plate. He watched as you quickly pulled your arm up looking at the sticky syrup from the waffles that his brother was eating. Regulus couldn’t hear the conversation but it looked like you were giving Sirius the “what for” for having his plate so close to you. Sirius gave you a feeble shrug before taking your hand in his and licking your arm.
Regulus thought as you picked up a book and smacked Sirius with it.
That works…
Regulus enjoyed watching you do what he had wanted to do to his brother for ages. When your eyes looked in his direction, Regulus froze. You offered him a small smile before turning back to the conversation with Marlene.
What the hell is going on with me?
You couldn’t help but smile at the expression on Regulus’ face. You had caught him looking at you several times but tried to not let him know that you were aware. It was nice seeing a cold glare on his face. Although you had never spoken a word to Regulus and really had no authority to judge him, he always seemed so cold and angry. You were honestly unsure if he knew how to smile. Now here he was staring at you with a stunned expression on his face.
“He’s a cute boy.”
Marlene commented. You looked up.
Marlene glanced over your shoulder to make sure that James, Sirius, and Remus were locked into a deep conversation about a prank before speaking again.
Dorcas and Lily both smile.
“He’s been watching you all morning.”
Dorcas added. You blushed and found yourself unable to look at the Slytherin table for a moment. Finally getting brave enough, you looked over again. Regulus had taken off his robes and sat in his black jumper talking to Evan. You rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Evan Rosier. The boy was a git!
Regulus, however, couldn’t have been more lovely. You smiled at just how much he and Sirius resemble each other in addition to their subtle differences. For one, you loved Regulus’ curls. He had apparently let it grow out over the summer and with the longer hair, Regulus reminded you a bit more of his brother. Another difference was Regulus’ eyes. His eyes were darker than Sirius and had more of a “James Dean daydream” look where Sirius was all “devil may care.”
“He must be bored.”
You replied, taking a sip of your drink. Dorcas glanced over her shoulder at the boy.
“Regulus always seems so sad and angry. Maybe you could cheer him up?”
“Like he would want anything to do with me. Besides have you all met my brother? James would fall off of his unicorn if I let Regulus within 8 inches of me.”
Lily smiled.
“He is a big boy. He’ll get over it.”
Marlene leaned closer and wrapped her arm through yours. You couldn’t help but look over at Regulus again. He sat tapping his fingers anxiously. Even his hands were nice-looking...you were in a lot of trouble!
“Here’s what you do...you simply tell him that if he wants your heart then he needs to take it like a man.”
Dorcas nodded.
“Oh, that’s a good one, Marlene. She’s right, Y/n. Before he fights for you, he needs to show you that he can.”
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“You two just ripped off a Cher song.”
“She has good advice and clearly Dorcas and I are on the same page.”
Marlene said with a smile. You quickly gathered your things to head off to class.
“Maybe he and I can go on a date to that new skating rink down in hell.”
You said with a laugh. Both Marlene and Dorcas gave you offended gasps.
“Hell doesn't have to freeze over for a Slytherin and a Gryffindor to be compatible.”
“It will for that one.”
You replied before bidding everyone a fair well and leaving the great hall.
Arriving in Potions, you were never more grateful to get to a class that you really had to focus on. The less that you had to sit and think about the morning's conversation with your friends the better off you would be.
“Good morning, Ms. Potter.”
Professor Slughorn said with a cheerful smile as you stepped into the room. He had been adoring you since the year before when you cracked one of his zany puzzles.
“Good morning, Professor. Did you have a nice summer?”
“Oh, yes my dear. I hope you did as well. I saw Lily and she said that the two of you spent a lot of time together.”
You nodded.
“Yes sir, she’s one of my best friends.”
Professor Slughorn nodded with an approving smile. You couldn’t have asked for a better best friend in his eyes.
“That’s wonderful, my dear. If you will just sit down there, please. I am pairing everyone up with a partner this semester. I’m sure yours will come along shortly.”
“Thank you, sir.”
You replied as you dug your new potions book out of your bag. It wasn’t until Slughorn said Regulus’ name did you look up before looking down.
Of course, he’s in this class. Why not? Merlin help me if he gets sat next to…
“Mr. Black if you will sit with Ms. Potter, please. I am pairing the two of you up this semester.”
You screamed in your head, knowing that your face was blushing bright red. Regulus sat down beside you and was dead silent. You peaked at him through your hair. He sat with his hands in front of him on the table. Eventually, you would have to look up at him but right now you didn’t know how quickly that would be.
What if he actually didn’t like you and was just staring because he thought that you were dating Sirius or something? That would be some cruel joke for you. You would be getting all emotionally distraught and downright nervous for no reason.
Dorcas and Marlene’s ripping of Cher lyrics came right back to your head.
Boy, if you want my heart. You gotta take it like a man. Before you fight for us. You gotta show me that you can. So when the lights go dark...I wanna know you understand that if you want my heart you gotta take it like a man...
“You do know how to talk, right?”
Regulus’ voice pulled you from your thoughts. Ah, that’s what his voice sounded like...you loved it already. You couldn’t help but wonder just what the fuck was going on with you? Since when did you get all giddy for some boy that you didn’t know?
You took a deep breath before looking up at Regulus. He looked bored sitting beside you but it looked like his own cheeks were slightly pink.
“Yes, I know how to speak.”
You replied. Regulus anxiously tapped his fingers on the table in front of him.
“Good because it would be one hell of a boring semester if you were mute.”
You automatically frowned.
“I didn’t hear you saying anything.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“You’re sassy. Lovely.”
You put your book down in front of you feeling the annoyance build but at the same time, Regulus calling you “sassy” was hilarious.
“You don’t know the half of it.”
You snapped back. A small smile played on his lips. Was he testing your patience or was he trying to get hit with a book the way Sirius did?
“You are friends with my brother aren’t you?”
You nodded.
“We aren’t dating.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
Regulus replied. Internally he was thanking whatever lucky stars that he had shining in his direction. He didn’t have to worry about his older stupid “better looking” brother for once.
“Sorry, that’s usually the first question that most people ask.”
You said, feeling your face flush. Regulus smiled.
“Tell people to mind their own damn business. It works wonders.”
Before you could respond, Professor Slughorn called the class to attention. Both Regulus and yourself turned to face him, ending the conversation that was taking place. You tried to listen to what Slughorn was talking about was busy congratulating yourself on not looking like a total fool.
Boy, will Dorcas and Marlene love this...
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sequinsmile-x · 9 months
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Stained Glass Windows - Chapter Fifty Nine
Life was complicated, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi friends,
As ever, thank you so so much for your love on this fic. It means so much.
This one is a reprive from the angst of the last few chapters. Just some fluff and fun for our favs <3
Words: 3k
A full list of warnings for the fic can be found on the Series Master List.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily blows out a steady breath as she secures her earring in place, the sound of her daughter’s cries from the next room making her tense. She hears the deep rumble of Aaron’s voice through the wall, the muffled words of comfort he says as he tries to get Lily to settle, the cold she’d picked up from daycare making it even harder than usual to get the little girl to fall asleep. The usually happy little girl was irritable, a permanent frown on her face, that made her look so much like Aaron it made Emily ache, and a cough that broke her heart. 
She sighs as she looks at herself in the mirror, critically eyeing her appearance. Even now, all these months later, it was difficult sometimes to get her head around how much her body had changed because of her pregnancy. Her hips were slightly wider, her stomach wasn’t as flat as it had been before, stretch marks that were slowly turning silver painted across her skin, and her breasts were still a couple of cup sizes bigger than they used to be because she was still breastfeeding. There were times when she’d look in the mirror and not recognise herself, her body and her life so different to how it had once been. 
“Doesn’t Mommy look pretty Lily-Pad?” 
She smiles as she turns to look at her husband. He was standing in the doorway of the master bedroom with Lily on his hip. The little girl had her head resting on his shoulder, her tiny hand fisted in his shirt, with a frown on her face. As soon as she sees her mother she starts to wiggle in Aaron’s arms, clenching her fists out in front of her as she desperately tries to reach for Emily, grunting and whining as she demands her attention.
Emily’s life was different beyond measure, but she wouldn’t change it for anything. 
Emily clears her throat as she steps towards him, smiling as she takes Lily into her arms, pressing her lips against her slightly too warm forehead as she settles her on her hip, “I really look okay?” 
Aaron closes the gap and stamps a kiss against Emily’s lips before he steps back, smiling as he looks her up and down. She was wearing jeans, a new pair she’d agonised over just a few weeks ago, a crease in between her eyebrows as she plucked at the material, trying desperately to settle it in a different way over her hips. The wrap shirt she was wearing, was dark red. The colour and soft material complimented her skin tone, and he couldn’t help but let his eyes linger over how amazing her breasts looked in it. He looks up at her face sharply when she clears her throat, her eyebrow raised as she smiles at him, an edge of amusement to it that makes her eyes sparkle. 
“You look amazing,” he replies,  “Absolutely gorgeous.” 
She presses her lips together to try and stop her smile from getting wider as she blushes, his compliment warming her from the inside out. 
“Thanks, honey,” she says, but her smile fades as Lily coughs. Emily shushes her soothingly and runs her hand up and down the baby’s back as she looks up at her husband, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as anxiety flares in her chest, “Maybe I shouldn’t go.”
He suppresses a smile, knowing she’d mistake it for him making fun of her, because of how wholly predictable it was. She had been anxious about going out for weeks, ever since Penelope had finally pinned her down for a date, and he knew the moment Lily started to get sick the day before girl's night that his wife would struggle with it. She was an excellent mother, something he always knew would be the case, but there were times like this when her insecurities shone through. When she’d half convince herself that she was no better than her own mother if she even considered going out for a few drinks with her friends when their little girl had a cold. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, placing his hand on her hip, rubbing firm circles with his thumb in an attempt to comfort her as she holds Lily even closer, “It’s your bachelorette. It would be weird if you didn’t go.” 
She rolls her eyes at him, “We’re already married,” she grumbles, something she’d repeated a lot in the last few days.
He does smile this time, leaning in to stamp a kiss against her lips, “I do know that,” he says, kissing her again, “I was there,” he winks at her as he pulls back and he reaches out for Lily’s hand, his smile getting wider as the little girl wraps her fist around one of his fingers, “So was this one.” 
Emily can’t help but smile as she thinks of their wedding, the simplicity of it perfect and exactly what she’d wanted. “Part of me kind of hoped Pen would forget I promised to do a make up bachelorette in return for eloping,” she says, scrunching her nose up, “Is that naive of me?” 
“Yes,” he quips, and she scoffs, a sound he muffles by kissing her again, “Garcia never forgets anything.”
She groans and adjusts her hold on Lily, turning her head to look at her daughter, her heart clenching at the pitiful look on her face, and guilt fills her lungs, “She’s sick,” she says, looking at Aaron again, biting the inside of her cheek in an attempt to control her turbulent emotions, “She needs me.”
“She does,” he says, not wanting to lie to her, or to imply Lily didn’t need her, “But it’s a few hours, Em. You need time with your friends and I’ll be here with her. I do know how to look after her,” he winks at her, his smile wide and loving, “It’s almost like we’re father and daughter.” 
She sighs, “I know,” she says, closing her eyes as she blows out a breath, “I know you know what you’re doing, you’re an amazing dad but…it’s hard.” 
“I know it is sweetheart,” he says, pulling her in for a quick hug. He kisses her forehead, smiling against her skin as she leans into it, “But you’ll have fun, and then tomorrow you and Lily can snuggle on the couch all day if you want.” 
She nods as she pulls away, “You’re right,” she looks at his watch and blows out a steady breath, “I should get going, Pen is probably already tracking my phone.” 
Aaron smiles as she continues to stand there, making no move to hand over their six-month-old, and he squeezes his wife’s hip, “Want me to take her from you?” 
“Yes please,” she says, seemingly not in control of her body, unable to relinquish her hold on her daughter, “This is so stupid, I go to work every day.” 
“It’s not stupid,” he says, lifting Lily out of her arms, grateful that the baby doesn’t protest it too much, and settling her on his hip, “This is different. But we’ll be fine.” 
She smiles tightly at him and leans in to kiss Lily’s cheek, “Be good for Daddy, okay,” she says, running her knuckles down her cheek. She looks up at Aaron, “There’s plenty of-”
“Milk in the fridge. And in the freezer if we somehow get through all of that in the few hours you are gone,” he says, raising his eyebrow as he cuts her off and she clears her throat, “Didn’t we have this conversation when she was 8 weeks old and you went out for the first time?” 
“Right, sorry,” she says, smiling sheepishly before she leans in to kiss him, “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” he says, lifting Lily’s hand to make it look like she was waving, “Bye Mommy.” 
She smiles as she walks away, looking back over her shoulder as she heads out of the bedroom, “See you later.” 
She wonders if it will ever stop feeling like she is leaving part of herself behind.
“More shots!”
Emily grimaces at the burn of the liquor down her throat as she puts the empty shot glass down, shaking her head slightly as she looks at her friend. 
“Give me a second, Pen,” she says, reaching for her beer and taking a sip, chasing the taste of the absinthe away, “Some of us haven’t drank like this in well over a year.” 
“It’s your bachelorette party,” Pen pouts, pointing at the obnoxious pink sash she’d forced over Emily’s head when she arrived, but JJ clears her throat and raises her eyebrows at her exuberant friend, “Okay fine,” she says, taking a sip of her cocktail, “So, JJ, what can you tell us about your fancy new job? We’ve barely seen you in months - it’s like you haven’t even been in the country” 
JJ smiles and shakes her head, a flash of something going through her eyes that Emily can’t quite place, “I can’t tell you anything, Pen. You know that.” 
Pen sighs and shakes her head, “So much for absinthe being truth serum,” she looks at Emily, “What about you?” 
Emily furrows her brow in confusion, “What about me?” 
“What’s new with you? You and bossman planning on having any other adorable babies for me to spoil?” 
For a second, a fleeting moment, she feels empty. Her brain and body reminding her that she should be pregnant right now, that if things had been different, if she hadn’t miscarried and hadn’t had such a tough labour with Lily, she would be. It still hurt, still gutted her and carved a hole out in her chest whenever she thought about it, but she was slowly moving forward. The fractured pieces of her heart were welding themselves back together, cracked and mismatched, a pattern on her very being she knew she’d always carry with her. 
She takes a second to recover, sipping her beer to cover it, and smiles at her friends, hoping neither of them see through it. 
“Lily is only 6 months old, Pen. Give me a chance,” she says, glad her voice doesn’t shake, “But yes, we would like more at some point.”��
“Well, you’d better,” Penelope says as she stands up, intent on going back to the bar, “You make cute babies.” 
Emily chuckles and nods, her heart swelling with love as she thinks of her little girl at home, “I really do.” 
JJ laughs and takes a gulp of her own drink, her eyebrows furrowing as Penelope stumbles off to the bar, “I’m going to go supervise to make sure she doesn’t buy the bottle.” 
“That’s a good idea,” Emily says, smiling and shaking her head as her friends walk away. 
She takes the opportunity to pull her phone out of her pocket. Her smile widens when she sees she has a text from Aaron and she opens it to reveal a picture of Lily fast asleep on his chest, her cheek squished against the soft material of his t-shirt. 
Sang her to sleep. She might be faking it to get me to stop though. 
She chuckles as she types out a response, shaking her head as she presses send, love for him and their little girl thrumming under her skin, making her feel as giddy as the alcohol she’d consumed. 
Like mother, like daughter I guess.
“Your friends left you all alone? That seems unfair.” 
She looks up and spots a man standing just a few paces away, a smile that was almost a smirk spreading across his face as she puts her phone down. 
“They’re just getting drinks, that’s all,” she says politely, hoping he’d take the hint as she purposely doesn’t open up the conversation any further, “They’ll be right back.” 
He takes a seat opposite her, the scent of whiskey and smoke rolling off him like a bitter cologne, and she tightens her smile as he leans in, purposely leaning back as he does so. 
“You’re getting married then?” He asks, his Irish accent making his voice stand out against the loud din of the bar around them. He looks her up and down, his gaze lingering on the sash she was wearing and she forces out a laugh. 
“I’m actually already married,” she says, holding up her hand, hoping the matching rings on her finger will deter him.
“Oh,” he replies, smiling at her, his blue eyes sparkling, “When why the sash?” 
“I was pregnant when I got married,” she replies, looking over at the bar, trying to catch sight of Penelope and JJ, “My friends wanted to throw this for me because we never had one before my wedding.” 
“You have a baby?” He asks, leering at her in a way that makes her have to stop herself from physically reacting, and she nods, “Kids are great aren’t they, I have a little boy-”
“Em,” Penelope says, cutting the man off as she appears out of seemingly nowhere with a tray of shots, “Whose your friend?” 
“My name is Ian-”
“He was just leaving,” Emily says, cutting him off, smiling at him in a way Aaron would say was her ‘political’ smile, something she’d learnt from her mother at an early age, “Thanks for keeping me company.” 
The way he chuckles is enough to let her know he senses her tone and he stands up. He winks as he looks back at her, “If things ever so south with that husband of yours you should come find me.” 
She purposely ignores him and turns back to her friends as he walks away, grimacing as soon as she’s no longer looking at him, “What a creep.” 
JJ laughs and Emily looks at her questioningly, forcing her to settle down, “Em, come on, I love you, but before Hotch that is exactly the kind of guy you would have gone for.” 
She scoffs as Penelope puts another shot in front of her, her cheeks burning as she denies it, even though she knows her friend is right.
“No, he is not.”
He hears the car door slam and her staggered footsteps up the drive and onto the porch, so he opens the door before she can ring the bell and wake up Lily. He can’t help but smile as he sees her, the lightness to her that she hadn’t had when she left, the slightly dazed smile on her face as she walks towards him, all but collapsing against him.
“Hi honey,” she says, smiling up at him, the smell of liquor on her breath reaching him before her sloppy kiss can, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he replies, wrapping his arm around her as he looks out to the driveway, waving gratefully at Will who had driven her home, “Let’s get you inside.” 
He closes and locks the door behind them and leads her to the living room, shaking his head lovingly as she slips her hand into his back pocket, trying to subtly grab his ass as if they weren’t alone and in the comfort of their own home. 
“Did you have fun?” He asks as they settle onto the couch, a glass of water he’d already poured for her on the coffee table. 
She nods as he helps her slip off her shoes, “So much fun,” she slurs, leaning her head back against the couch, “We drank a lot,” she says, as if she needs to clarify, “And it was just like old times. A guy even flirted with me.” 
He frowns, dropping one of her shoes onto the floor as he looks up at her, “What?”
She giggles and sits up straight grasping his chin in her hand and pulling him in for a kiss, “You have nothing to be jealous about, honey,” she says, patting his cheek, “You’re the only guy for me and I wasn’t very nice to him.” 
He covers a laugh with a cough, the surge of jealousy fading as she speaks earnestly, and he finds himself feeling some kind of pity for the poor guy who’d attempted to hit on her despite her lack of interest. 
“Well, I’m glad to hear it,” he says, passing her the glass of water.
“Was Lily okay?” She asks, sipping the drink as he hands it to her, “I missed her,” she says, looking over at a picture of the little girl on the wall, “I kept looking at pictures of her whenever I went to the bathroom.”
He smiles at the admittance, something that she was unlikely to say to him when she was sober, “She was fine,” he assures her, “She went to sleep a couple of hours ago.” 
She nods and rests her head against the back of the couch again, her eyes drifting closed, “We make really fucking cute babies,” she says, her words slurring together as she yawns, “We should make loads of them,” she hums softly, “It would be a crime not to.” 
It warms something deep inside of him, the casual comment about another baby that had almost become taboo in their house since the miscarriage. 
“It would be,” he agrees, smoothing her hair back from her face, “And when the time is right, we’ll have another baby,” he says, pausing as he waits for a response that never comes. He frowns as he leans in closer and realises she’s fallen asleep and he shakes his head, practically already able to feel tomorrow’s ache in his back as he plans how to carry her upstairs. 
A sharp cry breaks through the silence in the house, crackling through the baby monitor on the table, and he chuckles when Emily doesn’t even stir. 
He stands up and blows out a steady breath as he lovingly shakes his head, “This is going to be a long night.” 
Just because of who I am as a person and the fact I've been real mean in fics before, I feel the need to clarify Ian will not be in it any more than the small cameo in this chapter haha. It just felt like the right place/time to acknowledge that he still exists, but that he and Emily's lives haven't overlapped in this universe.
As ever, please let me know what you think!!
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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Raising The-Boy-Who-Lived
(Part 1)
Decided to write a wolfstar raising Harry au, which may turn into a long fic, which is why I’m publishing it on tumblr so it doesn’t seem so intimidating.
Sirius stared blankly at the ruined house of Godric’s Hollow. The roof was half destroyed, the windows smashed right out of their frames, and the entire place was submerged in darkness.
“James... Lily... Harry...” Sirius almost couldn’t bring himself to enter, desperate to put it off for as long as possible. But something compelled him into moving. Hope compelled him.
The front door was off its hinges, one push nearly sent it crashing to the ground.
Sirius could see him. There, on the landing, lying face up and motionless.
“No...” he breathed, running up to James’s body. Maybe he was just stunned. Stupefied. Anything but...
“No no no NO!” His breaths turned to wails. There was no doubt about it. James was dead. “Please, please don’t do this, please...” He was blinded by tears and he couldn’t move. He couldn’t move from his best friend’s side.
How could this have happened? Just a few hours ago he and Remus had come round for Halloween, before Remus had to return to the pack of werewolves that Dumbledore had stationed him with, a task he was not looking forward to. But they’d all had a laugh, drinking, eating, playing with Harry. They’d all expressed their disappointment at Peter not being able to join them.
Sirius held James even tighter as his breath hitched.
Peter... That bastard... That traitorous, cowardly, sneaking, lying bastard... Sirius shook in anger. That man would pay for what he did. The pain Sirius wanted to inflict upon him, more and more until he begged for death, and...
Sirius stopped. Something caught his ear. A cry. Crying.
A baby crying.
“Oh my god, oh my god, Harry!” He forced himself away from James and ran in the direction of the crying, towards the nursery...
Where he found Lily.
“Please, no...” he had to support himself on the doorframe as he stared at the second body, sinking to his knees as he held her hand tightly in his.
“Lily, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” he sobbed under his breath.
The room had gone silent when he entered, but he suddenly heard noises from the corner of the room as Harry began crying again. Sirius immediately went to him, pure relief quickly replacing his grief as it flooded through his body at the sight of the child alive and well. He picked up the crying baby, and held him to his chest, expecting him to break at the smallest touch, a mirage shattering in front of him.
But Harry was okay. There was a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt but other than that he seemed okay.
“Sweet boy, sweet, sweet boy...” Harry began to calm down, exhausted as he was from crying. “It’s okay, I’m here now. I’ll protect you. No one’s going to hurt you, no one will ever hurt you.” Sirius had to get Harry out of here. He didn’t know what Dumbledore was planning, but he couldn’t guarantee that Harry would be allowed to stay with him.
“No one will take you away from me,” promised Sirius firmly. “I’m your godfather. I’ll look after you.” Sirius didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want to take Harry away from his parents forever. But Dumbledore would be quick to find out. Sirius had no time to lose.
He bent down towards Lily and kissed her on the forehead.
“Your son is safe...” he whispered against her ear, reluctantly standing up, Harry in his arms, and crossing the threshold underneath the doorway back into the hall.
When he returned to James, he allowed himself to sit next to him for a moment. He didn’t like James’s unseeing eyes staring emptily at the ceiling. Sirius gently shut them for him.
“Goodbye, Prongs.” His voice broke. He never imagine he’d be saying these words. “You were the best friend anyone could have asked for. Thank you.” Sirius heard a loud CRACK! from behind the house. Someone had apparated into the garden.
“Shit...” Sirius gave one last look at his friend, and turned to leave. The now sleeping Harry still tucked under his arm.
His motorcycle was stood outside. He only had around five seconds to charm the side car, in order to make it safe for Harry to lie in as they made their escape. He couldn’t risk carrying Harry himself while driving. So he slipped Harry onto the padded seat, careful not to wake him up, and placed an invisible barrier around the entire area to ensure there was no way for the baby to fall out. Sirius also made sure the inside was protected from the cold and the wind.
He could see the light of a wand within the house. He had no more time to waste, and he jumped onto the front seat of the motorbike, kicking the stand away and launching the engine into life. There was no doubt that he’d be heard immediately by whomever was in the house, but by the time they reached the front door, it would be too late.
Sirius and Harry were gone.
~ So now he was on the run. He was on the run with an orphaned baby, and nowhere to go. He couldn’t go back to his flat. It wouldn’t take a genius to put together the sound of a motorcycle engine and a disappearing baby to work out that Sirius had taken Harry. Dumbledore would be banging his door down within the hour.
Sirius’s first thought was to go to Remus.
But oh Merlin. Remus wouldn’t yet know... he’d have to tell him the news. Not only that, but he’d have to tell Remus that they’d changed secret keepers without telling him.
Remus would hate him. What if he blamed Sirius for getting James and Lily killed? If they’d never changed secret keepers this never would have happened, and it was Sirius’s idea in the first place.
No... he couldn’t think like that. It was Peter’s fault, it was all Peter’s fault.
And where the fuck was Peter right now? In hiding no doubt. Ran off as soon as the deed was done, the cowardly bastard. Sirius was so angry he almost turned the motorcycle around to go after Peter himself.
But then he glanced at the sleeping baby beside him, and he calmed down. He was angry, yes. Hurt, betrayed, furious. But Harry was his priority right now. Nothing else mattered. Everything else could wait. He just needed to get Harry to safety.
But first he had to find Remus. Which would involve entering a forest filled with feral werewolves. How would he do that? And how would he do that without putting Harry in any danger?
The forest was all the way in Wales. Dumbledore had put Remus there, knowing  that he was the perfect man for the job. He’d fit right in with all the other Welsh werewolves. Remus didn’t want to. He didn’t want to go back to his homeland to live his life as a monster. Not where he’d grown up as a little boy. But Dumbledore was adamant.
“They’re Welsh-speaking,” Dumbledore had explained. “You’re the only person who can infiltrate them.” Eventually Remus had reluctantly agreed. Sirius was rather satisfied in thinking that he was on his way to get Remus out of there. Away from the forest. Away from the other werewolves. Away from Dumbledore’s orders, and the Order of the...
The Order. Sirius couldn’t go back to the Order, not now. But shit... he couldn’t just abandon them.
‘Now’s not the time,’ he thought. He’d think through the logistics with Remus when they were all safe.
~ It took hours to reach the forest. Harry hadn’t woken up yet, which was a relief. But Sirius acted like a mother hen when they had landed. He finally had time to properly check Harry over, making sure he had no other injuries besides the lightning shaped scar on his forehead. But no. He seemed fine. He was sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of how drastically his life had changed in the past few hours.
It was dark. Dark, cold... and scary. He hated the thought of Remus having to live here. Out in the open, sleeping on the ground, at the mercy of the harsh Welsh weather.
How was he going to find him? He could be anywhere in the huge forest. And how could he find him without alerting any of the other werewolves? And he couldn’t possibly take Harry with him. But he couldn’t leave him out here on his own either.
He really hadn’t thought this through.
But wait... he suddenly remembered a passing instruction that Dumbledore had given Remus.
“Make sure you wake up early. Before it gets light. Before any of the other werewolves wake up. If I need you, I shall be there at those hours and I shall send up red sparks into the sky. Meet me outside the forest when you see them, and don’t let anyone spot you.”
What time was it? Judging by the sky, it was on the verge of getting light. It couldn’t have been any more than around four or five in the morning, and the days were getting shorter.
Sirius raised his wand and send up three consecutive sparks, and waited.
It was around five minutes later that he spotted movement, and very soon he could make out the tall figure of his friend. This was it. He had to tell him everything. He took a deep breath, and readied himself.
“Sirius? What the hell are you doing here? And what... why- why do you have Harry?” At Sirius’s delayed reply, fear shot across Remus’s eyes. Sirius studied him for a second, taking in the shabby clothes he’d been wearing when he’d left Godric’s Hollow, barely a day ago now, and the pale skin which was already looking sallow. Sirius couldn’t compose himself for long though, and he felt himself breaking down.
“Moony, I’m sorry. But they’re gone. James and Lily are gone. He got to them. He got to them and it’s all my fault.” 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
okay so we all know remus LOVES long haired sirius (and who can blame him) but as someone who has long hair myself, i can't say it's all sunshine and roses. could you write a fic/small scenes/hc about remus learning to live w someone with long hair (hours in the shower, all these random hair products cluttering the bathroom, hair EVERYWHERE, etc?)
Yes! I love long-haired Sirius, but I 100% agree with you. Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Re, do you have a—”
Wordlessly, Remus held his wrist up.
“Oh. Thanks.” Sirius’ surprise was audible as he slid a hair tie off Remus’ collection and kissed his forehead. “Love you. By the way, have you seen my scrunchie?”
Remus paused, then glanced over the top of his book and cocked an eyebrow. “Sorry, Olivia Newton-John, but I haven’t.”
Sirius flicked his ear lightly with a smile. “Fuck off, Lily gave it to me to borrow the other day and she’ll kill me if I lose it.”
“Should we look for your leg warmers, too?”
“Fuck off.”
“What the fuck?” Remus muttered as he dug through the drawer of their bathroom sink. “What the—honey?”
“Yeah?” a distant voice called down the stairs.
“What the hell?”
He grumbled under his breath and dumped a few colorful bottles on the edge of the sink—absolutely none of it smelled like Sirius’ cologne, but Remus was fairly sure he had changed his shampoo recently…
Footsteps padded in the hall; two seconds later, Sirius poked his head in with a frown. “Did you call for me?”
“Yeah, I—” Remus gestured helplessly at the collection, unsure how to proceed. “What?”
Sirius rolled his eyes and blew a perfect lock of inky hair off his forehead. “Not all of us can roll out of bed looking fluffy and soft, mon amour.”
“You can!” Remus protested as Sirius disappeared once again.
Sirius lifted his arm to make room for Remus before settling back into the pillows again—not once did he look up from his phone. “Why were you in the shower so long?” Remus asked as he turned a page and his frozen toes began to warm up.
“You were in there for, like, half an hour at least.” The side of Sirius’ mouth dipped down in a pout. “Oh, there’s the lip. What happened?”
“My hair got all messed up from salt water, and it took forever to get the knots out. I didn’t even get all of them, see?” Sirius ran a hand through the underside of his hair and winced when it got stuck. “Fucking Florida.”
“Here.” Remus sat up properly, legs crossed, and made grabby hands at him. “Gimme.”
“I used so much conditioner on this thing. It’s not coming out.” Sirius’ whole face turned sad. “I’m going to have to cut it.”
“Nah, I can get it.”
Sirius looked suspicious, but he rooted around in his nightstand and handed over a comb all the same. “Don’t yank.”
Remus scoffed in indignance before gently taking the problem section of Sirius’ hair and feeling for the knot. “That’s a tough one.”
He bit his lip and carefully began working from the bottom up, wracking his memory for Lily’s advice when she made him braid her hair at games. Start slow, be gentle, use the end pick if you have to for tricky spots. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Ten minutes later, Remus was ready to snap the comb in half in frustration. “It’s not moving, is it?” Sirius asked.
“I got most of it, but the center is really tangled. I’m sorry, love.”
Sirius shrugged one shoulder. “It’s alright, I had to get it cut anyway. It’ll make cleaning the shower drain a lot easier.”
“I can cut it, if you want me to,” Remus teased, earning himself a pillow to the chest.
Sirius was a very, very patient man, and for that, Remus was grateful. “Are you done?” he asked, clearly amused.
Remus continued running his fingers through the freshly-cut sides in awe. “It’s so soft.”
“And short.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “You sound sad.”
“No, no, it’s just—” Remus shook his head, but didn’t look away from the dark curls flowing over his fingers. What used to fall past Sirius’ chin had been cropped to his ears; it was still wavy, and far from a buzz cut, but after months of the previous length it was rather shocking to remember what he used to look like. “Wow.”
“Are you going to keep petting me, or can I have lunch?”
Remus reached up to feel the top, and his jaw fell open slightly at the silky texture. He couldn’t imagine why he had ever grieved the loss of Sirius’ long hair when this was his prize. “Five more minutes.”
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