#sir my good manners are the only thing stopping me from exploding with shock
oh-my-chocolate · 6 months
laurence: temeraire is a fully realized individual :)
laurence, when another dragon is also a fully realized individual:
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laurence: on my way to the dragon training grounds where the dragons are trained! boy i wonder who will train these dragons
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dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Just a heads up, the sensitive content in this chapter will be marked "<<<<<<" as the beginning and ">>>>>>" to signify the end. The racial slurs used in this chapter were targeted towards African Americans (and still are) and I chose these because I, myself, am African American and used them as a sort of “default” for any POC readers. ⚠️Please, never use these towards anyone. Whether it be in a “joking” manner or not. They are hurtful and were created to be that way⚠️ I wrote this chapter the way I did to bring awareness. Proceed with caution. Much love ❤️
Warnings: ⚠️racial slurs⚠️, violence, mentions of guns and dying/death
Word Count: 3707
Chapter 3: The Frankel Footage
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Shaking himself out of his shock, Five stood from his seat and hurried after his brother, grabbing onto his arm and stopping his strides. “The hell is wrong with you, Luther? I just told you the world’s gonna end in ten days!”
“Yeah, well, you’re always saying that.” Luther nonchalantly spoke before moving away, but Five intervened yet again.
“And so far, I’ve been right.” He hissed as Luther sighed and shook his head.
“Look, you want to go save the world? Knock yourself out, alright? I already got a job.”
“Wait, you work in this shithole?” The boy furrowed his brows.
“Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place,” Luther only received a nod from his brother, so he clarified. “I’m his body man.”
But this only made Five even more confused. “What’s that? Like, a masseuse or something?”
“Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr Ruby.”
“Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby? The gangster who shot Oswald.”
Despite Five’s concern, Luther proudly smiled a smug smile as he glanced over at his boss. “Yeah. The one and only.”
“Well, it finally happened,” Five sighed. “That gorilla DNA has finally taken over your mind-”
“Hey, watch it, alright? Jack’s a good friend-”
“And you’re Number One. Numero Uno. Remember?”
Luther clenched his jaw and shook his head. “There is no Number One. Not anymore. Not in 1963,” When Five stared at him in disbelief, Luther sighed again. “Look, I’ve been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?”
Five scoffed. “I get it, alright? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I’m sorry, okay? But I’m asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you.”
“It doesn’t need me,” He slowly spoke to draw out his words. “It never did.”
“Luther, honey,” The waitress from earlier approached the two. “Jack’s about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help?”
“Ah, shit,” He groaned and began walking away. When Five tried yet again to stop him, he whirled on him, his lips pulled into a thin line. “Listen. You’re the genius who said we should jump, right? You’re the one who got us stuck here. And you’re the one who brought Vanya. So, if there is a doomsday coming, she’s probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you. That’s (Y/N)’s job, being dragged around into your messes-”
“I don’t drag her into anything.” Five swallowed, blinking rapidly.
“Yeah? Well, she wasn’t stuck as a thirteen-year-old and constantly worrying about her kids until you showed up. I’m surprised she isn’t sick of you yet.” And with that, he stomped away to his boss. This time, Five let him go, his words sending a pang through his chest as he thought back on it. Grabbing his drink, he sighed and shook his head.
“Dad should’ve left him on the moon…” He muttered, taking a sip of his drink before moving to leave his seat. When he felt his jacket snag on something, he looked down to see an object in his pocket. Taking out the tape, he frowned and turned it over.
Date: 11/22/63
This world was unfamiliar to (Y/N). She knew she had to have been somewhere in America, but she didn’t know where. The cars, fashion and stores bringing the street she walked to life told her she had to have been in the sixties. But she didn’t want to believe it. Surely Five hadn’t time travelled that far? She had to have been dropped during some type of sixties-theme festival. But the voices suddenly beside her quickly prove her doubts wrong.
“What do we have here?”
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a lost little colored girl.”
Tensing, (Y/N) continued her way down the sidewalk, slightly speeding up her pace, but the men fell into step beside her with ease, flanking her sides.
“You’re on the wrong side of town, girl.”
“Yeah, we don’t like coons around here.” One of them hissed right in her ear. Her eyes welled up with tears before the other shoved her forward.
“Gon now, get!” He ordered as if she were a dog. She realized that’s how they had seen her. An animal. Nothing more. Tripping on a crack in the sidewalk, she fell to the ground, smacking her face on the concrete. She choked out a sob as the two men cackled. And to make matters even worse, she felt the pitter patter of raindrops start to freeze her skin.
(Y/N) gasped out in shock when the men spit two wads of saliva in her face. She knew she must’ve looked a mess with spit and tears sliding down her cheeks and blood oozing from her nose. She hiccupped on her sobs and began to stand, much too tired from her previous fight with Vanya and literally being dropped from the sky to successfully do so. The men backed her up against a wall and one fisted the front of her vest before a voice called out.
“Take your hands off of my child!” Whipping around, the men were half expecting to find another target, but (Y/N) coughed and sputtered nonsense upon the person her gaze fell upon.
Before her was Grace, but… she wasn’t robotic in any sense. She could tell by the raw anger etched into her features. She took a brave step forward. “I said. Take your hands. Off my child.”
And that was another thing: her accent. (Y/N) was immediately comforted by the stern southern accent the woman shared with her attackers. It was a voice she never thought she needed. The two looked between Grace and (Y/N) with smirks. “You mean this lil ol’ jigaboo-”
“Is my daughter. Now you let her go before I call the police.”
“Woman, I don’t care if you call the police-”
Grace took it upon herself to step closer and grab the child by her arms, yanking her into her warm embrace. (Y/N) immediately latched onto her, quivering in her hold. The men scoffed and shook their heads, beginning to walk away. “Make sure to keep that thing on a leash if you’re gonna have it out, ma’am.”
“Oh, fuck off.” She growled before turning and walking back in the direction the girl came from. As they walked past the alleyway, Grace took out a handkerchief and began wiping the girl’s face clean of what the raindrops hadn’t already washed away. “It’s alright, hun, they aren’t gonna hurt you anymore.”
“T-Thank you.” (Y/N) sobbed and gently held her nose in pain. Grace crouched in front of her and gently held her face in between her hands.
“Don’t thank me, darlin’, it’s how everyone should be treatin’ you ‘round here… Where are your parents? I could take you to ‘em.”
(Y/N) thought for a long moment, watching as the rain soaked Grace’s hair and clothing. The woman didn’t seem to mind as she watched the girl before her swallowing thickly. (Y/N) skimmed over her current choices. She didn’t have any choice.
“I don’t have parents. I-I don’t remember them…”
“I’m tellin’ you, Reggie, she’s highly intelligent for a child her age.” Grace proudly presented (Y/N) to the man she had grown fond of over their time working together. (Y/N), however, was frozen in her spot. Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The man whose death she had wished upon for years, whose death had finally graced her existence, was back in her life. She flinched at the disapproving look on his face, much too acquainted with it by this point in her life. “And she’s very respectful. Talented, too, this girl can speak several languages.”
“You seem rather fond of this child.” The man observed as Grace squeezed her into her side.
“She’s my pride and joy.”
“And you cannot remember anything of your past, child?”
“N-No,” (Y/N) shook her head and stared down. “Not a lot. J-Just my name and birthday.”
Reginald hummed and stared her down with an unreadable expression. When she met his eyes again, he was crouched down to her level, his monocle clutched in his fist. “(Y/N), was it?”
“It would be an honor to have your presence within my home, along with your mother.”
“O-Oh, that’s okay-”
“I insist. Besides, you have been living with her for almost half a year, correct? It is highly unlikely that she will share a home without you.”
“He’s right about that, hun,” (Y/N) glanced up at Grace, who was smiling warmly at her. “I’m not leavin’ you.”
(Y/N) could have cried.
And she did.
One year later, (Y/N) had been living quite the comfortable life with Grace and Reginald. She had been introduced to the ape, Pogo, for the second time since Grace first started working with him. As much as she loved being around the chimp, it brought back so many memories. She almost felt silly, looking after him sometimes knowing he had done the same for her in the original timeline.
Her relationship with Reginald was nothing she ever expected. He was gentle, well as gentle as Reginald Hargreeves could get, he cared for her, spoiled her, even. She wouldn’t have to ask for anything half the time. If he were to overhear a conversation between her and Grace about a dress she oh-so wanted, it would suddenly be laid out on her bed the next day. She usually had a say in dinner meals every Thursday and Sunday and Reginald listened intently whenever she would voice any discomfort or concerns with her living conditions. (Y/N) never had a real father, but she assumed this is what it was like to have one. She never wanted to let go of it.
For her birthday in 1963, she was surprised that he had actually gotten her a present. As she entered the parlor, she was met with the tiniest bark and an even tinier golden retriever, bounding up to her. She gasped and stopped low, letting him jump into her arms. She let him lick her face and giggled in the joy it brought her.
“Your mother said you would like it. Though I would never allow dogs in my house, I have come to understand that there are rules I must bend for you, my child.”
(Y/N) turned to her father. Yes, father. Reginald, also growing quite fond of their father-daughter bond formed between them, decided to adopt the girl. As much as his beliefs and his deep distaste for children protested. There was just something about this child. Or perhaps it was Grace’s insisting, reassuring him that he would make a wonderful father. (Y/N) was very hesitant at first for her own reasons she never shared, but eventually came around to the idea of being his daughter again.
This was the same Reginald Hargreeves who locked her in a dark room for five days straight, but also an entirely different man. Perhaps it was her fascination with the differences, or maybe she just wanted a real father for once.
“Thank you, Dad.” She softly smiled, the man nodding in response.
“But this is your pet, (Y/N). It is your responsibility. I will not find it in my study, in my bedroom, you are to train it yourself-”
“Can you-”
“And no, I will not help you pick out its name.”
The girl softly groaned and looked back down at her new puppy. Looking into its eyes, she smiled softly at a distant memory as a small child.
“Welcome to the family, Mr Pennycrumb.”
(Y/N) groaned when she felt the sunbeams of the early morning sunrise hit her eyelids, coloring her black vision with the stinging fire of orange. Rolling onto her other side, she stretched her blanket over her head. They were yanked away the next second, causing a whine to leave her lips. “Mom… Five more minutes.”
“I let you sleep in long enough, hun, it’s time to get up. You have a date with Preston this afternoon.” Grace gently pulled her daughter to sit up, giggling quietly at her look of disgust.
“Preston? Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously, let’s get goin’.” Grace patted her leg and walked to her door, waiting patiently. (Y/N) sighed and rubbed her face, letting her feet slide into her slippers. As they descended the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast, Reginald could hear his daughter’s sleepy complaining from his place at the table.
Setting his utensils down, he turned his head in their direction. “My child, how many times throughout each week must we have to repeat this conversation?”
“Until it starts making sense.” (Y/N) stepped into the dining room, now in her robe, and crossed her arms over her chest. Reginald sighed and stood from his chair at the table.
“You are one of my greatest accomplishments,” He began towards her. “There is no doubt in my mind that you would make a fine successor. I do not believe you will need a husband. In fact, you would be better off without another individual holding you back from what you are truly capable of.”
“But?” She raised a brow.
“But… I have grown to know you more than I expected… and I know that you would need someone to help manage your finances you inherit once I am gone. Preston is a fine young man who was born into this life, made into this life. He will take good care of you.”
(Y/N) knew there was only one person in this world who would truly take good care of her. But he wasn’t here, and she needed to play the part as the amnesiac adopted daughter, so she huffed and nodded. “Fine… I’ll go…”
“Thank you-”
“But only if Mr Pennycrumb can go, too.”
“Very well, but you will not be gifted another animal if you lose it.”
The outing wasn’t entirely bad. (Y/N) didn’t mind the picnic or the art museum, it was the company that made her blood boil. Preston is anything she would have expected out of him. This had been their seventh date, tenth of the ones he planned. (Y/N) sought out any opportunity she could to cancel on him to save herself from the unbearable three hours she would have to spend with the kid. He was arrogant, smug, selfish, narcissistic, and overbearing. Of course, this was not the Preston he presented to her parents. No, to them, Preston was ‘a fine man with a bright future ahead of him’, or as Grace would put it, ‘a delight to have around’. He laughed like a drunk, talked like a husband, and smelled like a man. All at the age of fifteen. (Y/N) had to remind herself on several occasions that she was mentally the older out of the two and to not stoop to his level when he got under her skin.
“Don’t you think, (Y/N)?” The voice brought her attention back to the boy beside her. She looked up from the grass they had been strolling through. When she hummed in question, he amusedly scoffed and side-step closer to her. “Never mind. I should have known you wouldn’t have been interested in politics.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” The girl raised a brow. At her confusion, he laughed and gently tapped the side of his head.
“You’ve always got that head of yours in the clouds. Or turned behind you- like right now.”
(Y/N) turned her head away from where she had been looking over her shoulder. “What? Sorry, Preston, I’m a little preoccupied today.”
“With what, exactly? You don’t seem to be the type of girl to have very many issues. Nothing to worry about.”
“And you wonder why I don’t listen to you.” She sighed as her puppy ran in between her legs, rolling in the grass once he was a few paces in front of them. Preston frowned in distaste and shook his head.
“You should really keep that thing on a leash, sweetheart.”
She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, clenching her teeth as she folded her hands behind her back. “Really now?”
“Really. You know, I’m not very fond of dogs, so I’m not sure how it’ll work out once we’re married. I think we should get one after we have kids, you know? Just so the kids could grow up with it.”
(Y/N) quickly turned her head to the left, pointing out across the street. “Preston, would you look at that?”
“Look at what?” He gullibly looked in the direction, (Y/N) quickly checking the area before almost silently singing her tune. From her shadow, her clone formed and robotically walked behind the two. She quickly switched spots with it and ordered the clone to walk with Preston before scooping her puppy into her arms and rushing off in the opposite direction. Once she was behind a diner far away from their date location, she let out a sigh and gently patted her dog on the head.
“Were you sick of it, too?” She chuckled. Resting the back of her head against the brick wall she leaned on, she let out a slow breath and began to relax. The sound of guns cocking had her head snapping up so fast, she swore she could have dislocated it. Just down the end of the line of stores were three white-haired men, one in a milkman uniform, training their guns on her. (Y/N) didn’t waste a second tucking her dog in front of her and spinning around, charging down the opposite direction as bullets whizzed past her. She dodged them the best she could, jumping a few feet in the air at the ones that threatened to take their place in her feet. It was like a dance; the twisting, spinning and jumping, and she was to perform this dance until one of those bullets killed her if she didn’t find a way out soon. Sliding to the side of a clothing store for cover, she gently shushed her pet as she caught her breath.
The three sets of footsteps eventually found their destination and rounded the corner with skilled quickness, shooting at the girl until she was nothing more than a bloodied corpse on the ground, bullet holes lodged in almost every inch of her body. The three men nodded to each other and turned around, making their way out from behind the stores.
(Y/N) had already been down the street from her house by the time her attackers found the clone in her place. She couldn’t have been bothered to check herself for any wounds, too worried about Mr Pennycrumb’s potential bullet wounds. But the pup was perfectly, happily nuzzling into her arms and wagging his tail. This left (Y/N) to ponder.
Who the hell were those men?
“Is it on?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know? There’s an ‘on’ button. Just- There’s something over- that jigga-ma-thing, whatever.”
“I hit the jigga-ma-thing!”
“Okay, well, just- Give it to me. I know how to do this.”
“Alright, here, here. Hurry up.”
“Okay, alright, let’s see…”
Lila didn’t look up from her task of painting poor Elliott’s toenails, his bindings he received after threatening the trio with a gun preventing him from moving too much. Which was beneficial to her, as it kept her from ruining the paint job. She softly smiled as she listened to the argument between the elderly couple on the film Five and Diego were intently watching. “They’re so cute,” She commented. “I love old couples. I’m always so proud of them for not murdering each other.”
Ignoring her, Diego turned to his brother from his seat on Elliott’s counter. “Why are we watching this?”
“Shush.” Five replied, eyes trained on the film before him, searching for any clue to the approaching apocalypse, brows furrowed in concentration.
“Yeah, I… I’m Dan Frankel. And…”
“I’m Edna Frankel.”
“...Edna Frankel. We are in Dallas, Texas, to see the president. Today’s date is November 22, 1963.”
Five nodded as everyone’s attention was brought to the projected screen before them.
“That’s six days from now.” Lila spoke as Elliott thrashed about more against his bindings. Diego sat forward in interest.
“Holy shit. This is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy’s about to get shot. How do you have this?”
“Hazel died to get me this footage,” Five answered. “It must be the key to stopping doomsday.”
“Hazel…?” Diego frowned, remembering the man he spent hours searching for and planning to kill to avenge the death of Eudora Patch.
“Long story.”
“What’s doomsday?” Lila looked up at the boy.
“Longer story.”
“What exactly did he say to you?” Diego asked as Lila turned her head back to the film.
Five shrugged. “Well, he was killed before he could explain. But whatever he wanted us to see, it’s on this film.”
“This is very exciting.” The old man smiled before the sound of gunshots and screaming could be heard, the camera moving around in blurs due to the shock of the old woman filming.
“Oh, my god!”
“Oswald…” Diego whispered, setting his knife down as Five leaned in closer.
“The president!”
When the camera was steadied to record across the street, Five and Diego both stiffened in their spots at what their eyes caught. “Oh, no…” Five breathed and moved behind the projector, rewinding the film and scooting the cart backwards to zoom in closer. The room was silent as Diego stood to his feet and Five rounded the cart before standing beside his brother, directly in front of the film. “This can’t be…”
“Okay, you gonna fill me in now, boys?” Lila glanced between the two. “What the hell is this shit we’re watching?”
But she was ignored yet again.
“No, that’s impossible…”
“Clearly, it’s not.”
“What… What is it?” Elliott muffled past the gag in his mouth.
A beat of silence went by before the two Hargreeves whispered in unison,
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @isawachickeninatree
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warlockfemale · 3 years
Happy Birthday @jovialjuggernaut-draws I am so sorry that this is so late!
Bruce’s colors have always been muted.
He knows because he was told by a doctor after one of many tests. His parents had both smiled widely and told him just what an exciting thing it was. How he had a soulmate out there someplace and waxed poetry about just the sort of things Bruce would notice once he’d found them. He is one of the 30% of the world with someone made just for him that would be found out once his skin touched theirs.
What they hadn’t told him was how only 6% of the world consisted of people with soulmates that had one one another. What would have devastated Bruce once became a relief because he wasn’t destroying another’s life by making them step into the darkness with him. He was happy to date around and allow whoever had been burdened with him to go on with their own life.
And now he was staring in shock into eyes greener than anything Bruce had ever seen before in his life.
“Shit!” Edward Nygma agreed. He stepped back, cleared his throat, and swiveled around. “Girls! I’ve changed my mind!” Bruce’s mind had frozen into a blue screen so all he could do was stare at the green clad (god is this how so many people usually saw the world?) trio stride out. As if Edward had an important dinner date he was almost late to while Bruce’s entire worldview was trying to stop tilting. He was sure the entire gala was staring at him or Edward at that point, wondering just what Gotham’s most popular billionaire had done to put the robbery to an end so fast.
“Bruce? You doing ok?” Hands started patting him all over. “Bruce? You’re looking really pale here.”
* * * *
Bruce wasn’t brooding. He was analyzing the situation from all angles after debriefing it in the batcave to all persons that might get affected. Dick still refused to answer his phone so Bruce asked Wally to tell his son to check the text. Jason apparently thought there was nothing to worry about (and started laughing) and Alfred seemed less concerned about Bruce’s soulmate being a criminal and more worried about how Bruce was reacting.
Bruce wasn’t brooding and to prove it he went to answer the door soon as the bell rang.
“Delivery for a Mr. Wayne!” Nina Damfino grunted as she shoved a heavy green wrapped box into Bruce’s arms. Unlikely to be an explosive since she’d delivered it and Bruce doubted he could get away with chucking the thing away onto the lawn. So he regrettably started unwrapping the thing; hoping that Edward was watching and wincing at the unnecessary mess made of the custom paper. Taking a deep breath (and hoping that Riddler hadn’t somehow bribed Ivy into giving up some pollen) Bruce opened the box.
What. The. Fuck.
Those were Bruce’s statues. The ones depleting Zal and Rudabeh, stolen from the museum they had been on loan to years ago.
Bruce slammed the door shut in Nina’s face.
* * * *
Of course someone had noticed what was going on. Bruce hadn’t been able to stop himself from gawking at just how many different colors the world had now. Or maybe Riddler had bragged to the entire city about it. Either way Bruce was suddenly bombarded with reporters from the society page. One of them had the gall to ask when the wedding was.
“I have a preteen son,” had been Bruce’s statement hoping that could clear things up. “He is my first priority.”
In hindsight that might have been the wrong thing to say.
* * * *
“So I’ve changed the rules a little. My riddles will lead you to criminals and this time they won’t be me!” Jason was practically vibrating in place from mirth as Bruce stared fixedly at the letter laying on the table. Gordon was giving Bruce A Look.
“Word on the street is something happened at the Wayne gala.”
“Riddler donated back some of the art he stole. Wrapped with a bow.” And with a two sheeted riddle that pretty much translated into one giant insult that the museum’s director was still trying to puzzle out. Jason had thought the entire thing was great after the director’s snub at the “newest Wayne charity case”.
“I heard.” The wall really needed to be repainted.
“Batman I need to know if this is going to explode into something I’ll need to worry about.” That had been Dick’s exact words when he’d come into the cave last night.
“I’m looking into it.” Alfred had already started to make pointed remarks about manners and facing life’s problems. “Now ‘You don’t have to look for a night on the lawn’-”
* * * *
“You know Riddler tried to bribe me into sharing information about you today at the library.” Jason tilted his chair back onto the back legs as if he had not just nearly given Bruce a heart attack with his words. “Don’t worry, I held out for a triple scoop sundae before letting him know your favorite color.”
“Jason, he's a dangerous criminal!”
“Eh I grew up with worse.” Bruce breathed in deep trying not to let Jason see just how troubled that fact always made him. Jason usually said things like that off hand, just another fact about the world. The sky was blue, Selina liked to steal things, and Jason’s childhood until now had consisted of trying to survive. “His eyes aren’t mean. And you’re soulmates.”
“I cannot tell you how little that reassures me,” Jason grinned and tipped his chair back into place the little brat. Bruce ruffled the boy’s hair as punishment earning a fake glare and slap at his hands. “But really Jason, you need to stay safe.”
“Uh huh. Think I could take on the Riddler.” Not reassuring. “I also made sure to be in sight of Barbie at all times.” Much more reassuring since Bruce had personally seen Barbra flip two grown men over her head at once. Another grin, bigger this time. More of a smirk that had Bruce raising an eyebrow. “I also told him that you liked flowers.”
“Jay lad please tell me-”
“Sir there seems to have been a delivery for you.” Alfred’s face was carefully blank, a sure sign of just what Bruce was going to find at the door. “If you do not mind.”
“Don’t worry!” Jason called out happily as Bruce stared in disbelief at the sudden garden now growing on his steps. “I made sure Ivy wouldn’t be out for blood!”
* * * *
“Ah detective!” Edward’s green suit might as well been the only spark of color in the diner as Bruce entered it. As pressed and clean as always while the man himself gave a small toast with his coffee cup. “Glad you could make it! And you solved my riddle! Very good!”
“Riddler.” Bruce sat down at the diner bar taking in Edward’s appearance. “What is it now?”
“Is that any way to talk to your new partner?”
“If you think this game-”
“Oh please,” Edward waved his hand like a magician retrieving their rabbit. “You might think Bruce’s secret is safe but I am a genius. He’s helped fund the Justice League.” Edward leaned in, eyes darting around the near empty diner as his voice lowered. “He’s funding you. I have to play on the side of angels for the only one in the universe that can understand me?” He stood up, throwing cash upon the bar and a grim smile on his face. “Now let’s get to chasing down those criminals. Quick crime question. Who was the biggest thief in history?”
Bruce stared at him, then the newspaper resting under Edward’s coffee cup. “Atlas News? Where is this going?” Edward’s face lit up, eyes gleaming as he didn’t even bother trying to hide his utter delight.
“The game, my dear Watson, is afoot!”
“Awwww.” Nightwing cooed into the communicator from his perch as Edward stumbled out the door. It was not adorable, Bruce reminded himself sternly, for a grown man to go scampering out the way that Edward did with such a look of utter pride on his face for having “bested” Batman. They both had a job to do and he was yet convinced that Edward wasn’t just trying to play another game. “Just for the record. Batgirl says you’re an emotionally repressed coward.”
Batman never sighed. In public.
* * * *
“Why hello there Mr. Wayne. Fancy seeing you um… here. At home. Working in your study.” Sometimes it was easy to forget that Riddler’s over extravagant self praise and mocking towards others covered up a socially awkward man. Alfred’s rather pointed eyebrow raise before the butler closed the door let Bruce know just how little the household held his own social skills. Perfect match Jason had cackled madly last night. One never shuts up and the other just grunts.
“I have a secret.” Bruce managed to grind out as he stared at the area above Edward’s ear. He could do this, he’d managed to disarm a bomb with Firefly setting things on fire last month. He has given this speech several times into the mirror and once to Alfred. “It is a rather large one and will affect any… relationship that I may have.” Bruce chanced a look at Edward’s face and was slightly alarmed to see the man’s lip’s twitching. “You deserve to know and if this makes you decide that a-”
“Unless your secret is that you’re Batman I don’t expect-” Edward trailed off as he stared at Bruce’s face. The green clad man’s face went blank as Bruce went through all the contingency plans for when this went bad. “You’re Batman?” Edward burst out laughing, hands flying to the desk to keep himself upright as his body shook hard. Bruce’s hand flew up to sturdy the man just to be swatted away. “I knew it!”
“You couldn’t have known I was-”
“No, no. Not that. Well, somewhat.” Edward’s eyes really were a bright green, brighter than any other color as he bent forward to give a quick peck to Bruce’s lips, one thumb rising up to trace the small scar on the corner. “I always knew you were the only one who got me.”
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But again, he was just a little too late...
Hello!! I’m back and finally gathered the motivation to finish this! Here is one of the Izumi angsts that I keep on going on about!! It took me ages, but I decided that since I don’t think my motivation will let me make this any longer, I might as well bring it to a suitable end and post it for you to see :)
I hope you enjoy, I spent a little too long on this one (the other Izumi angst is a little longer but a bit more on the proper angsty side, so there’s that one to look forward to when it’s done!)
Warnings: mentions of death, destruction, panic, and death.
Tagging: @kiriderp @chaotic-trash-can @theshisthings (if anyone else would like to be tagged in any of my writing posts so you can see them, please let me know and I will happily do so!😊)
“Oi, Jeanist, slow down!! What the hell?!”
An exasperated Hawks yelled as he clung onto the side of the car seat, his body pressed closely against a very squashed Rumi, who was sprawled rather awkwardly over an even more squished Ryuko.
“Dude! Say something, for god’s sake! What’s going on?!!” Rumi shouted, trying to correct her posture but failing miserably. “I know that ya like to conceal stuff and hide things so people don’t worry but-”
“-this is getting rather concerning, Tsunagu.” Ryuko interrupted the rabbit hero, speaking the thought that was running through all of their minds as the blond man drove at incredibly high speeds down the highway.
“What’s going on?”
No answer.
Still no answer. The tall man’s hands clenched tighter around the steering wheel, his breath wavering slightly.
“-ALRIGHT! Bloody hell, Ryuko....” Tsunagu blurted out a reply, his hands shaking slightly as he tried to steady his voice. “....w-we just. I need- I need to get there....”
Ryuko sighed and her eyes softened slightly as she heard the vulnerability in the older man’s voice. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell, it’s just....I’m worried.”
“We all are....” Keigo chimed in informatively.
Tsunagu nodded his head and sighed. “I know, I know. It’s fine, Ryu, it’s my fault, I should’ve at least said something.”
The dragon hero chewed her lip and looked out the window, thinking back to what happened.
They’d all been waiting to be called for a mission of any sort and were interrupted by a hero message alert, simply informing them about an accident that had happened somewhere. This happened a lot and would notify heroes that were nearby so that they could be on standby for if aid was needed.
Now, all was well, until Jeanist read the message and received another immediately afterwards that contained information that the others were unaware of.
Ryuko observed as the man’s face went paler than ever as he read what had been sent to him, and she didn’t even have time to react or ask before being flung quickly into the back of his car along with the other two and told that it was ‘an emergency’.
“It was that alert, wasn’t it?” She muttered, not wanting to know the answer as she feared the worst. “Wait- Shinya, what about Shinya, where is he?”
Tsunagu winced at the harsh sound of the woman’s voice and prepared to answer but was cut off by Rumi as she gave her thoughts of what Ryuko had just said.
“Isn’t he on patrol around that area with Kamui and Mount Lady?” She questioned, yelping slightly as the car took another sharp turn and sent her flying straight to the other side of the car. “Augh...The message said it was only a small villain attack but it’s mainly the building that got demolished....though they said there were some casualties and injuries and such...”
Tsunagu’s chest grew tight and he started shaking even more at the thoughts that raced through his mind. ‘Oh god....no please.....please be safe...oh please, I beg you....’
“....look at the time...” the blond man whispered, his voice sounding even more vulnerable than before.
What was so special about 4:50pm?
“What- what’s up with the time?” Rumi asked hesitantly. Looking over Ryuko’s arm as she checked the time. “It’s 4:50, what about it?”
“Izu-” Tsunagu stuttered, his breath hitching as he felt that familiar feeling creep from his stomach up to his throat yet again. “Izumi finishes her school at this time. Hana....Hana looks after her and takes her home....but- but the area. This- argh!”
The car swerved sharply as the blond man narrowly avoided a massive crevice in the road. They stopped moving and looked at the sight in front of them.
They were there. They were at the area that they’d been told about but were shocked to see that the building had completely vanished. It was not there. It was as if someone had plucked it from the ground and taken it elsewhere.
“Holy shit...” Keigo muttered, his wings slumped slightly at the sight that he saw.
Rumi’s ears did the same, as they drooped against her face in a shocked manner while she took in the imagery of the rubble filled, dusty concrete space in front of them.
Ryuko clutched onto the seat in front of her tightly and could feel as Tsunagu’s shoulders dropped, her own breath wavering as she looked out the window.
Police cars and ambulances were scattered around the scene, many heroes could be seen trying to clear the rubble. Despite feeling like such an empty space, there was carnage everywhere.
“Oh god, Tsunagu, please tell me that my suspicions are wrong...” Ryuko quietly spoke, her hands letting go of the seat in front of her as she moved to open the door. “Please....tell me that what you were worried for isn’t what I think it is...”
The blond man drew in a sharp breath and fumbled for the door handle, pushing it open. The other three watched as he stumbled out of the car and exchanged concerned looks before following him in his actions and hurriedly getting out of the car themselves.
“Oi!” Hawks called out, trying to get the older man to slow down as he watched him run towards the police officer that was standing amidst the rubble. “Jeans- Tsunagu, for gods sake, slow down!”
The blond man was too caught up in his worried thoughts to notice the yelling coming from the other three that were following him. His head was so heavy. So loud.
‘Oh god-’
His stomach felt as if someone had set it on fire....a familiar feeling...too familiar.
‘Please, no-’
He felt tears prick at his eyes as he reached the shorter police officer who was looking up at him in quite a terrified manner.
“Where are they.”
The smaller figure looked up and squeaked at the surprisingly threatening tone of the fiber hero’s voice.
“U-um, sir? Pl-please wait, don’t-”
“Let me through.” Tsunagu interrupted, no longer trying to mask the harshness of his voice.
“I’m sorry, I-I really can’t let you do that right now, sir. You can’t-”
“Let me get through, and let me see what’s going on.” He loomed above the other man, his long and thin figure casting a dark shadow onto those who were in front of him.
“Jeanist, sir, please I can’t just-” The police officer cut himself off as he saw the hero’s eyes.
Bright teal orbs glowing with adrenaline, rage and dread, staring straight back into his own. Their light intense enough to mortify the soul that shook in fear within oneself.
This was enough to completely terrify and intimidate the officer. He obeyed the tall man’s demand and dropped everything he was doing as he stepped back hesitantly in shock, unable to look away.
“C-carry on, sir!”
Taking this opportunity, Tsunagu rushed forwards and weaved his way through the piles of rubble, jumping over some of them and kicking some out of the way as he neared the centre of the attack.
Tsunagu snapped his head up at the thoughts that started flooding his mind as he stared up at the huge chunk of concrete that seemed to loom ominously over him.
‘You’re so slow- too late, always too late...’
He shook his head and took a step forward. ‘What would your family think? It’s not like they’d care about you any-’
“Shut up!” He blurted out, feeling his eyes sting from the tears that refused to fall. “Shut up....goddammit, Tsunagu, you’re an idiot.....Shinya....Izumi.....shit...”
His mind felt as if it would explode at any moment. He blamed himself, he always had, but the dread and fear for what he’d find was too much to bear...he couldn’t breathe.
‘So slow-’
“Oh god...”
He stumbled around the massive boulder and shuddered at the sight he saw. The sight that was hidden from everyone else.
‘Too slow-’
“No no no-”
He felt a pair of warm hands gently grasp his shoulders from behind as he watched two younger heroes run towards him in a manner of which to prevent him from going any further towards the usually comforting and familiar flash of red that was wrapped around the kneeling figure that lay ahead of him.
‘Too late.’
Tsunagu felt his heart shatter as he looked at what was in front of him. The tears started to fall and his voice faltered as he tried to call out to his husband, his child, his family...anyone....
“No...th-that’s not right....no...”
“Hey, I don’t think this is a good idea...” Mt Lady spoke quietly as they approached the taller man, her eyes darting back to where Shinya was curled up on the ground.
Kamui shakily looked up at the blond man and took in the fear in his face.
“Let...me...go...” Tsunagu weakly demanded, his voice fading slightly as he tried to shrug the winged hero’s hands off of him.
“I can’t, Tsunagu....holy shit...you two...what happened?” Hawks stuttered out, his own words failing at the sight in front of him, his grip still firm on the other’s shoulders.
“I- I can’t say it.....not here....not now...” Shinji whispered as he tried to steady the tall figure in front of him, his own eyes saddened by the harsh truth of what had happened, blinking rapidly to try and clear away the tears that had already made themselves present. “Jeanist, please......please wait a moment, this isn’t a good idea....”
“Let me go...” Tsunagu’s hollow voice croaked out again, yet this time it seemed to get louder...more desperate....
“Wait! You need to calm down, it’s not safe!” Yuu exclaimed, her voice still trying to be soft. She grabbed onto Tsunagu’s arm and shook it gently, trying to bring him back to reality and make him pay attention to them. But it didn’t work.
His throat tightened as he stared at the crumpled figure of his husband on the ground, his heart racing as his thoughts grew deafeningly louder. He couldn’t hear the others. He couldn’t feel the reassuring hands of the three that held him back from behind...or the hesitant words of comfort from the two that blocked his path.
“Let me get to them!”
All he could hear was the pain of his own thoughts and the silent screams that came from his husbands mouth...the muffled wailing that only he seemed to be able to hear...
“For gods sake, please calm down-” Ryuko’s steady voice cut through his thoughts and snapped him back to reality, making him realise that he still hadn’t gotten any further, and that Shinya was still there, curled up on the cold ground.
“Please! Let me see them!” Tsunagu cried out, his voice still straining to the point where barely any sound would come out. “My family, let me get to my family!”
Hawks pivoted around to face the struggling blond and sharply dug his fingers into the older man’s shoulders, trying to make him come to his senses. “For pity’s sake, Jeanist, you know this is a bad idea! You need to calm down, ‘cause out of all people, if you lose control-”
“I need to see my child.”
“Where is my daughter?”
The two younger heroes that had been with the ninja hero at the time of the incident shared a worried glance and thought back to the moment that Shinya found out what had happened...the fear on his face...the heartbroken scream he let out when he saw....
“Tell me...”
When he saw......
“Let me see my child...”
“Hakamata-san.....” Yuu started, her voice cutting off as more tears welled up in her eyes.
“Let me go....”
“Please....you need to calm down....please listen to us....” Shinji finished what the blonde woman tried to say.
“Don’t touch me...” Tsunagu’s eyes clouded over yet again, his heart racing as he tried to fight against the others.
“You know bloody well this isn’t a good idea!” Rumi hissed as she tried to help Ryuko grab hold of the tall man’s shoulder.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Tsunagu yelled out, his voice finally making enough noise to startle and frighten the others, the tears streaming down his face even more than before.
“For God’s sake-”
“No- we can’t, you know this-”
“We’re trying to help, for fucks sake-”
At the sudden loud mention of the fiber hero’s name, the silver haired man’s head snapped up and turned towards the commotion in a weary manner.
Locking eyes like the first time they met, the two anguished heroes shared a gaze. Two parents...partners....family....feeling the same despair and pain as each other as they knew...they knew what they both would have to accept.
“.....Tsunagu?” Shinya called out weakly, his voice barely making a sound as he reached out for his husband. “.....you’re here?”
The others watched as the smaller figure reached out to them, their eyes darting back to the man they were holding.
Tsunagu’s face seemed calmer than it was before, still distraught and pained, but calmer. He seemed to breathe slower and his shoulders lowered as he locked eyes with the other man.
“Shinya...” Ryuko started, her voice filled with concern and worry. “Shinya, are you-”
“Let him go...” The silver haired man interrupted the shaky dragon hero, his voice still quiet despite the boldness of his words. “Let him through...”
“Let him get to me...let him see her...” His grey eyes seemed to pierce through the air sharper than his own body when using his quirk, despite how dull and hollow they appeared.
Seeing this, the others shared a hesitant glance before letting go of the distraught Jeanist, their hands lingering slightly to let him know that they were all still there for him.
Stumbling forward slowly, Tsunagu reached out to Shinya, his knees buckling beneath him as he fell into the shaky arms of the other man.
“I-I....I can’t....Shinya, I’m sorry...” he started, his tears rolling steadily down his face.
“Don’t....don’t apologise to me, Tsu, we are both sharing this pain....” the silver haired man whispered, rocking the child in his arms ever so slightly as his own tears fell down the sides of his cheeks. “Just....look at her....look at them both.....look....look at her face, Tsunagu, her face-”
The blond man whimpered as the other man shook in despair, holding his family closer to his chest as they took in the peaceful features of the two that lay in his arms.
The small child that was bundled up in Shinya’s arms stared up lifelessly at them, her usually bright and happy teal eyes, now dull and empty. Her light silver hair was dishevelled and dirty, matted by the dust and rubble that was laying around them. Her tiny little body, laying there, broken and damaged...in a way that not even the most heartless creatures could stand and look over....and the imagery of her childhood, stripped away forever. Her life...cut shorter than anyone could ever deserve.
A different pair of kind and caring arms were wrapped around the resting child. Ones that did not belong to Shinya or Tsunagu, but to a certain hero whose own life had been interrupted by the sudden incident.
Hana’s face seemed to carry so much focus, despite being devoid of life and hope, and her eyes still carried their usual determination. She had always been willing to die fighting for those she loved, however it was never meant to be this soon....not with Izumi...not with her trying and failing to protect her own niece.
“What....what happened....” Tsunagu muttered, burying his face deeper into the top of Shinya’s head and taking the other man’s hand gently in his own, squeezing it in the same reassuring way he would’ve done when their family was alive.
“They were walking home...” Shinya croaked, his voice getting smaller as he held his sister and his child’s body closer to him. “They were just coming home, but they got caught- they got caught up in- Tsunagu, I can’t-”
The taller man attempted to comfort his shivering husband but couldn’t stop his own tears from intensifying.
“Tsunagu....Hana...she tried so hard...” Shinya reached down and fixed a stray strand of hair that was poking out from the fairy hero’s head. “My sister....she....she’s gone.....she.....she tried so hard to protect her...our petal, our little Izumi...”
He trailed off, tears falling onto the red scarf that he had wrapped around the two that lay in his arms.
“Our child....our baby....” Tsunagu breathed, continuing from his husband’s unfinished sentence, his own voice sounding more broken than ever.
“Why....why did this happen?” The smaller man asked a question that he didn’t really want the answer to, yet he asked desperately anyway.
“Shinya...” Tsunagu turned away in pain, looking back at the other heroes he had dragged with him. He felt bad. He didn’t mean to yell at them or push them away...but the blind panic he felt had washed over him like a tidal wave drowning out the signs of those who were trying to help. But now he saw. He could think, he could see, he could hear them clearly once again.....but it was too late for that......and it was too much, too loud, he knew too much of what he wish had never had to know.
He watched as Ryuko crumpled to the floor in anguish, barely being held up by the usually strong bunny hero, who’s ears were now pressed against her face, both being comforted by the winged hero that stood by their side. Keigo’s head hanging low as he felt his heart fill up with a familiar sadness that he knew all too well.
“Why did this happen to us?”
Shinya’s words rang through the air as clear and sharp as the cold winter air that they used to play in as a family, throwing snowballs at eachother and watching as Izumi jumped into the massive piles of snow, only to come out shivering and asking for warm hugs and to be wrapped in her favourite blanket. Those memories that could never happen again.
The fiber hero looked back down into his husbands eyes and saw the pain once again, seeing the desperation from deep down within Shinya’s soul.
He took a deep breath and tried to reply as steadily as he could, keeping the other man’s gaze locked to his own.
“Because she’s our daughter....and anything that happens to us will only ever result in pain for those we love the most....”
Shinya felt more tears run down his face as he listened to the familiar and somewhat still so soothing voice of his husband, sharing the truth of what he had already known.
“That’s how it’s always been for us...all throughout our lives.” Tsunagu continued, closing his eyes as he felt his tears blur his vision over and over again.
“It’s all our fault.” Shinya quietly mumbled, brushing the dirt off of their child’s face as he cried.
Looking up, the silver haired hero saw a flash of blue in the distance, and watched the horror seep into the familiar secretary’s face as she looked upon the bodies he held in his arms, falling to the ground as she saw Hana’s broken figure, and wailing when the reality that her partner was actually gone had fully sunk in.
“We’re her parents....and because of that, now she’s dead.”
Shinya felt Tsunagu’s embrace tighten and watched as his husband place a gentle hand against Izumi’s face.
“Our child is dead...Tsunagu.....our child.....our petal....our sunshine....”
The words that escaped Shinya’s lips stuck daggers into both of their hearts as the felt the shared pain of losing a loved one once more.
“Our baby...” the taller man whimpered, his head no longer able to be held up high, resting on the others own shoulders.
The pain they shared was more excruciating than any injury or near-death experience they had ever felt, all combined together. For they had once felt the joys of being a happy family, becoming parents to a whole entire new life that saw the happiness in everything. For the first time in both of their lives, they had felt true peace, and true happiness. But once it was taken away from them, the light they saw in those moments, would never shine again.
“She’s gone....”
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burgerkang000 · 4 years
Email for better love lives
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im doing the read more thing, cuz u know scrolling ugh
@beyoncesdragon @aixy-hpsa (if anyone else wanna be tagged, let me know!!!)
This is a Yunho fic!
You met San at a compulsory public speaking class, where only you both had to attend for grades; it was filled with nerds who came voluntarily. And your bond begin with bored out glances at each other and loud sighs exchanged. And after that you guys hung out a lot, went to get coffee while doing homework, caught rides with each other, and waved whenever your paths crossed.
You met Yunho when San wanted you to meet his friends that he wouldn’t stop talking about, which made you slightly jealous; you yearned for a bond like that. You pushed that thought away, nothing good comes with jealousy. And while San and his friends would go about their own business, you would stick to the side-lines, not knowing what to say or do, even though they try their best to include you.
Yunho would be the one to keep you company, actively telling you about his day and attentively listen when you were asked about yours. He would also help you study and take you out to grab coffee when San would be too busy.
Anyone would be a fool to not fall for Yunho, with his smile that make his eyes crinkle at the corners, teeth on display, fluffy hair. Who wouldn’t fall for him, at least you could keep it inside, and no one had to know.
“Look at Yunho in this picture, he looks so handsome” San shows you the pictures from your quick break before the exams to the arcade. You take a glance, damn. You know that the moment you open your mouth, you’re screwed.
“I don’t like it when you’re vague” 
“Yes Yunho is cute” That’s all you plan on saying anyways, but you had to panic, because what if San thinks you’re not commenting on it too much and picks up that you’re crushing on Yunho? Ok, so you were overthinking.
“Too cute that it’s impossible he exists, I mean I see him every day but it’s not like I believe he’s real, there is a limit to being cute and all. I mean a recreation of a Greek god- I mean he should be a Greek God himself-”
You were cut short by San’s exploding laughter and as you voice your confusion to him, he still laughs until you violently shake him-
“Yah! Why are you laughing?”
He finally calms down enough to tell you-
“Just say you have a crush on him”
You open your mouth to deny-
“Admit it~” He says scrolling through his phone again.
You huff out, San was your best (read: only) friend, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him, so you nod the tiniest bit, and San grins from ear to ear.
“I mean, I didn’t see it coming, but when you started rambling off like that, it was obvious.”
You sigh.
“You tell this to anyone, I will personally murder you”
“Sure sure”
And after that, he thankfully let you change the topic.
Ever since then, whenever you’d meet Yunho, right after that, you’d whip out your phone to text San; something vague like-
“He’s wearing a red sweater”
“He dyed his hair blue!”
“Kill me”
And then you’d go home and text San about how a person; a human, cannot simply be so beautiful, and ramble off about him.
“But sir, I don’t have an email” You tell the professor, who has just asked to submit your assignment by mail.
“Don’t whine to me, and make one, is there a student your age without email? How do you have social media accounts?”
“I don’t have them” you reply
“Just make one, it’s extremely useful, and won’t take much of your time” He said, in a brushing off manner, guess he doesn’t believe you.
You nod and sigh as you leave to the next class. If you can’t whine to your professor, you can whine to Yunho. Who listens to the whole thing like the god damn angel he is, and as you open your phone to create one, he gently coaxes it out of your hand, asks you if it’s okay if he creates one for you instead and when you nod he turns his attention to the phone, while you’re just dumbly staring at your hand, where Yunho’s hand made contact with yours.
“Look, I sent my self a mail using yours, lets chat on mail for a while, you can get used to it” He says, you nod, and talk for a while, and then Yunho had to go. You wave at him while he leaves and you text San.
“What’s your mail?”
And when you finally get it, you send him a mail.
[Image attached]
Later that day you get a reply from San saying that you’re too dramatic and an email from Yunho, which you didn’t think much about the time. He was the one who wanted to talk in mail, so you open it and-
And you realise you accidently send it to him too.
*cue freak out*
“So I must have send it to him too-” San blinks at you for a while and then-
Laughs at your face saying random things like
“This is gold”
“Never in my life- never”
At this point, you think he’s just spewing English vines that he’s been watching a bit too much to be considered healthy. And now you’re overcome with sadness, and as soon as he notices, he starts apologising and you bow you head, you think you look like a rag doll, and then cry. And san runs circles on you back, occasionally tucking strands of hair behind you ear and wait till you finish.
After a good while of snot- running type of crying, puffy eyes and ringing ears, you start to ramble, a habit that got you here in the first place.
“I don’t think I’m ready for rejection, I mean I was perfectly fine watching him from the side-lines. Heck I would watch him get married and I’d probably say nothing, like I’m not dying inside, proceed to get married, I’m crying tears of happiness-”
“What makes you so sure that he’s going to reject you?”
“I don’t know ok? But this isn’t a movie, he sees me as a friend and I had to go and catch feelings for him.”
San sighs.
“So, what’re you going to do now?”
It was hard, but you finally managed to blackmail San to help you avoid Yunho situations.
“And how long do you plan to do this?”
“Until my plane ticket and Visa to Alaska are approved and I change my name to Veronica Fall”
He looks at you, and the look speaks for itself, you’re being dramatic. You raise your arms in mock surrender and flop on top of the bed.
“Tomorrow everyone is hanging out, Yunho will be there, you coming?”
You pointedly grin at his cheeky expression, and he mimics the way you had surrendered just a few moments ago.
You stare at the response you had given to all the missed calls from Yunho.
I’m busy
Sorry, I was showering
I’m going to be busy for a while.
And you watch as the three dots move, and then stop and then move again, you feel as if your heartbeat moves along with those dots, stopping when it disappears, and then finally a response.
We need to talk, I gave you your time, and it’s not fair.
You feel like this is a new side of Yunho you haven’t seen, an assertive one. And you realise, just because you’re a coward, doesn’t mean that you can leave Yunho in the dark, even though you have fears of Yunho leaving you, getting awkward; deep down, you know, that Yunho, he’d never treat your feelings as something useless. And that makes you feel more in love.
And who knows unrequited love may not be so bad, maybe, just maybe; for Yunho it might not be so bad.
After sending the last text, you get up to clean the place, take out boxes littered about, and books and papers all lying about that you haven’t cared to put away. You do the dishes, and tie your hair into a pony, you’re distracting yourself from the real problem of facing him, for now you let yourself do it; later, you can scream at yourself.
And a right when you reach for the broomstick that you had tucked in deep behind the storage room; you hear a knock at your door.
You don’t think much about it, until you open the door. Low and behold; Yunho was standing at the doorway, a determined look on his face and he walks past you into the house.
You can’t help but think; geez, come on in. But you’re just salty.
And he opens his phone and shows it at your face, too close to read, practically in between your eyes, its touching your nose too. And you’re the dramatic one.
“Explain; explain this email, that was, I figure, supposed to be sent to San, explain why you’ve been avoiding me and my calls, and wherever I go right after I replied to this, I’m not going or letting you go until you do.”
And his voice cracks at the end bit, but you don’t notice, you’re in a bubble of thinking; thinking how to phrase this, just overthinking; maybe.
And moments which feel like hours pass, and you decide to do this the ripping off the band aid way. But it turned out more like the ramble it off way
“I like you? No, no that came out wrong… I love you? Yes, I’m pretty sure I love you, and don’t worry I know you’re not into me that way-”
And you don’t know what really happened; there was a hand on your face, right under your nose, and he was right in front of you.
“Sometimes, everything you say is nonsense.” He breathes, you open your mouth to respond, and he applies more pressure with his palm, to keep you quiet. You can’t help but think of the way your lips mouthed at his palm, not the time; not the time at all.
And then he continues.
“You don’t know how relieved I am to hear that, the moment I got that email, it took me a few minutes to understand, but when I did, I already pictured our five adopted cats, not gonna lie”
Your eyes widen in shock, did he just indirectly say he like you back, in the form of cats? This is why you fell for him in the first place.
“Did I creep you out? I must have creeped you out, forget I said that.”
And you laugh behind his palm, and he slowly removes it, moves it to your shoulder, drags it down the length of your arm, and interlocks it with your hand, a sweet smile on his face, the contagious one, so it’s only law that you smile back, teeth and all, since you can’t hold it back.
“We should go on a date.”
“That; we must.”
You were on one of your many dates, too wind up in each other to not notice the others who also wanted to hang out with you, you totally kept the news from San; you and Yunho are in this together, so he needs to also be comfortable with telling San, after a lot of thinking, you both settle on letting them find out, which may take years to get in their daft heads, but for now, you both have put fate in them.
San caught on way too quickly, the moment you enter the café and sit down, he says-
“So you’re not moving to Alaska? Or is your husband; Yunho moving with you?”
You blush and look down-
“Look, I can explain-”
And he breaks into a wide grin,
“I’m happy for ya”
You and Yunho were scrolling through many of the messages you have send to San; the ones fawning over Yunho, as much as he likes to get you flustered, he himself also gets flustered, so it’s a win-win situation.
“They haven’t caught on yet” you suddenly say.
It’s true, other than San none of them have caught on yet that you both have been dating, and that’s kind of weird, since it’s been almost a whole year.
But it’s not like you’re gonna sit them down and tell them. You and Yunho have a better plan.
Well you have a better plan.
“-and they walk in on us!”
“Or not?”
You end up inviting them over for dinner, and as they take their first bites, you happily chirp in that you’re dating and Yunho adds that you’re moving in with, leaving everyone to choke on their food, except San, who had a cocky expression, which soon turned into a choking fit, who’s cocky now?
And Wooyoung looks up, and goes “Wait, you’re serious” and continues choking, this time on nothing.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
03 | upside down ; steve harrington
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So, uh.. did I mention this is not even remotely close to a slow burn? Because surprise it's not. I wanted it to be one so so so bad too. But it'll be okay, I'll live. Maybe next time, lmaooo. Anyway, as I said in the notes on chapter 2, parts one, two, this one and maaaybe four, I haven't written it just yet so Idk how it'll go tbh, are potentially set BEFORE the series starts.
She moves back to Hawkins and manages to turn his life completely upside down. In the best of ways.
But how will everything play out between them? Also, can they handle all the weirdness ahead? We shall see.
LOOSE CANON COMPLIANCE AT BEST, TOTAL DEVIATION AT WORST - this is just an up front catch all because sometimes, things happen that I don’t particularly care for (the senseless death of Barb, anybody?) and if you’re one of those canon only people, this is here to warn you that this is not the fic for you. LANGUAGE, OCCASIONAL GORE, MONSTERS / FANTASY ELEMENTS, TEENAGE DRAMA AND SHENANIGANS - Obviously, teenagers are going to do stuff. They’re at that point in their life where not every decision they make is the best one. So if you’d rather skip over this kind of thing (teen drinking, fighting, etc) then yeah.. you’ve been warned. THIS IS NOT A SLOW BURN, I REPEAT NOT SLOW AT ALL / EVENTUAL FILTHY GOOD NESS - because lets be real.. we’re all wondering when we’re gonna drop the plot and get to the good stuff. When this chapter occurs, I will flair it with an M. In the meantime, if you’re not into slow burn or mutual pining, then you’re probably not going to care about this.
Other Parts
Other Stuff
There’s nobody on my list yet but… If you wanna be tagged for this, tell me pls. It will make me overjoyed.
Throwing out a no pressure tag to @RAMPAGEWRITING​ and @TWISTNET​ as well as @CHASINGEVERYBREAKINGWAVE​ just because. No pressure though bbies!
“You can’t be serious. Her mother was the town tramp. And from what I’ve seen of her and the way she dresses, she’s on the fast track to follow in those footsteps.” Carol’s statement and her voice annoyed Steve.
He rolled his eyes. Shrugging.
“I’m serious. Did you think I was asking your permission?” Steve raised a brow at Carol and laughed. “Because if you did, you were wrong. I do what I want.”
Carol grimaced and grumbled that she was absolutely not going to be nice to Jennifer Brown just because Steve wanted to put his dick inside her.
Tommy smirked, leaning in while Carol was on her little tangent to mutter into his ear, “Lucky bastard.”
Steve chuckled, nodding in agreement with Tommy.
Brown eyes scanned the crowd, searching for any sign of Jennie. He spotted her wandering the midway, one of those giant cotton candy sticks in her hand, sandwiched between Barb and Nancy, the three of them laughing. All he could do was stare at her. Smile to himself at the way she threw her head back to laugh. Follow the sway of her hips like his eyes had magnets attached.
Carol spotted her too and pretended to gag. “Does she not have a grasp of the concept of clothing, Steve?”
“Carol, do you ever stop and think that maybe everyone doesn’t want your crappy opinion?” Steve quipped, rolling his eyes at her. Tommy mouthed an apology.
Steve shrugged it off, telling them he’d meet up with them later if he felt like it and didn’t forget. Then he wandered over, falling into line behind Jennie. Wrapping his arms around her waist and snickering when she whirled around, eyes full of fire and ready to explode because she thought it was some random playing grab ass.
Steve raised his hands, chuckling. Biting his lip as he gazed down at her and the way she lazily swatted at his chest. “Easy, Jennie. It’s just me.”
“You can’t just do that! I thought you were that asshole who wouldn’t leave us alone over by the spinning tea cups.” Jennie took a sip of her drink, blowing bubbles into the straw. She held it up to Steve and he took it, taking a sip or two. “Are we still on for tonight?”
She nodded, smiling up at him. “Nancy, Barb and I just wanted to come together early. A girl thing.” she explained.
Steve wanted to swear to himself when he heard Tommy clear his throat from nearby. With Carol in tow, of course. Tommy nodded to Jennie and smirked at Steve as he gave Jennie a playful wink. “Aren’t you gonna introduce your girl to your best friend, man? He has no manners. My name is Tommy.”
Carol rolled her eyes and grumbled about Tommy being a flirt right in front of her and as per usual, her complaints went in one ear and right out the other.
Jennie eyed Tommy with a raised brow, shaking her head. Glancing at Steve who chuckled. “She knows who you are, dumbass. She lived here for a while, remember?”
Carol was giving Jennie a frosty glare. From beside Jennie, Nancy and Barb nudged each other, whispering, watching the two.
“I know I haven’t forgotten her.” Carol spoke up.
“Oh, I haven’t forgotten you either.” Jennie responded, tensing up. Folding her arms over her chest as she glanced at Carol with thinly veiled disinterest.
“Okay, no fights. Carol, come on.” Tommy spoke up, letting his gaze linger on Jennie just long enough that Steve tensed a little, gave him an annoyed look and shoved tightly clenched fists into the pockets of his jeans.
Tommy and Carol wandered off and Steve chuckled. Pulling his hand out of his pocket, dragging it through his hair. “I’ll come pick you up at 8.”
He stepped closer, curious as to whether she’d be open to him kissing her in front of her friends. Because things were kind of shaky. They really hadn’t gotten to talk about last night quite yet.
Jennie surprised him because she stepped closer too. Hooking her fingers in the belt loops of his jeans. Closing the distance between them when she did so. He chuckled. Leaning down a little, his arms slipping around her as his crashed his mouth against her mouth. Grinning into the kiss as the taste of her watermelon shaved ice filled his mouth. He deepened the kiss and as it pulled away so they could both catch their breath, he joked with Nancy and Barb, “Don’t let her get into too much trouble, yeah?”
“Oh haha sir. If memory serves, you got involved in just as much as me when we were kids.” Jennie teased, raising up on her feet to fluff his hair and turn up the collar of his polo shirt. She pouted as she stepped away and as she walked off with Nancy and Barbara, Steve leaned against the wooden post nearby and watched her walking. Fanning himself and smiling like an idiot.
Once he knew no one was watching, he jumped up and down, pumping his fist in the air in victory.
“Shit, shit.” I stomped my foot, blowing at a curl that refused to go where I wanted it to go. Frowning at the offending strands of hair, I swatted them out of my eyes. From my closet, Nancy called out, “Hey? Think I can borrow this white sundress?”
“Yeah! Go for it.” I called out to her as I tried to get into a steady position to apply my mascara. Nancy stepped out of my closet, holding the dress up to her in the mirror. I smiled and spoke up, “Carol’s still the uptight killjoy, I see.”
“Carol Perkins is a bitch.”
I pretended to be shocked when Nancy said it and Nancy shrugged, blushing a little as she laughed. “It’s the truth though!”
“I think her entire reason for walking over earlier today was just to be rude.”
“Or to be weird and creepy about Steve. She had this huge crush on him last year, I think? Anyway, Steve turned her down from what I heard and that’s why she went for Tommy instead.” Nancy picked up a lipstick from her makeup bag, lightly bumping against me and laughing when I did it back.
“Barb’s meeting us after the movie, right?”
“Mhm. She said Logan was taking her to one of those fancy restaurants over in Rollins before though. Their anniversary.” Nancy smiled and laughed softly. “They’re so cute, I swear.”
“I know. It’s so sweet it kinda makes my teeth hurt.”
“Excuse me? Who was practically draped all over Steve earlier today when we ran into him?”
“I was not draped all over him.” I corrected, blushing a little as I said it because I knew for a fact that yes, I was lying through my teeth. I shrugged.
“Was he kissing you like that last night? Because if so… Wow.” Nancy teased, fanning herself with the issue of Seventeen that sat next to my hairbrush on my vanity.
I blushed even more, biting my lip as I nodded.
“I’ve never seen him get that handsy before.” Nancy mused, stirring the pot a little. I took a deep breath and sat down my lipstick, turning to look at her. Raising my pinkie. “What I’m about to confess to you does NOT leave this room.”
“What?” Nancy’s brow raised as she linked pinkies with me and laughed softly.
“I’m a virgin.” I admitted, shrugging. It wasn’t a big deal either way, I just hadn’t met anyone that particularly sparked my interest in that way for more than a day or two at a time. And I was nothing if not picky. ,, Just admit you never got over your stupid crush and go, sheesh.” the thought came, making me smile. Because it was true. I really hadn’t gotten over my crush.
I think that’s what kind of freaked me out so much about me and Steve if I’m being honest. Knowing that I hadn’t ever gotten over a crush I had on him when we were way too young to really know or understand anything.
“That’s really not a big deal. I mean I am too. So is Barb. Or she was, the last time either of us mentioned anything.” Nancy smiled at me. “It just means we’re selective. Stronger. I don’t know, but I do know it’s not a bad thing at all.”
“Now if a certain short order cook at my nana’s diner were to take you out for a long moonlit drive…” I teased gently, just to watch Nancy blush. She shrugged, but she nodded at the same time. Shushing me as she giggled. “Yeah. But I mean, I am not about to act on that right now…”
“But you’ve thought about it.” I asked.
“And you haven’t?”
“Maaybe?” I answered, laughing a little. “I came close to just getting it over with last year but I came to my senses. I mean, I knew the guy wasn’t the guy if you get my drift. Besides, if he kissed like a Hoover vacuum, I really wasn’t keen on finding out about… Other things. Especially not when I bought myself a buddy.”
Nancy’s brow quirked. I held my fingers to my lips and tiptoed over to my top drawer, pulling it open. Showing her the vibrator I’d gotten myself last year. I mean, she's my friend, I know she's not going to go tell everybody. I'm also not the least bit ashamed of literally anything about myself. Private matters included.
“So you’re not really a virgin?” she asked. I shrugged. “I am as far as doing it with a guy. As far as other things? Nah. So yes and no.”
“I bet your mom flipped out.” Nancy raised her hand, covering her mouth.
“Actually, she took me to buy it. Something about she was too damn young to have me coming home knocked up with not one clue what guy was the lucky donor.”
“Ugh, my mom cringes if I even hint at anything involving a guy. And don’t even get me started about the ongoing battle with my dad about my makeup.”
“Oh, Hank is an actual child when I’m putting on makeup and getting ready to go out. He’ll insist that I wait in the living room and make the guy walk up to the front door. So he can see them.” I smiled to myself. “At least he cares. If it weren’t for him or my Nana, not sure how my life would be and I mean that.”
“Yeah, your mom was something else.”
“Remember that time she came to pick me up in that stupid jumper and the gogo boots? With a flask? On the back of some guy’s motorcycle? Just to walk me home? Then she told our teacher “It’s vodka.”” I cringed at the memory, sighing quietly.
“I hate that it took us so long to even get a little close like we were before the accident.” I muttered after a few seconds and Nancy nodded solemnly.
She happened to see the time on my alarm clock on the nightstand and she swore, hurrying into my bathroom to change clothes. “Crap! Jonathan said he’d be here at 7.”
“Nancy, it’s only 6:30.” I laughed at her rushing around trying to find her shoe as she stepped out of my bathroom and into my room. I spotted her shoe and tossed it to her.
“ Deep breaths. It’s just two people going to a carnival together, woman. Pull yourself together.” I teased gently, placing my hands on her upper arms. She nodded, taking several long and deep breaths. I don’t think they really helped, but.. I tried.
Feel Like Makin Love came on the radio and the both of us devolved into a fit of loud laughter that ended in us collapsed on my daybed.
My nana called up the stairs. “Girls, I think one of your fellas is outside.”
Nancy shot up in the bed, flinging herself off of it, and racing to my window. Jonathan was parked behind my grandma’s Chevelle, pacing beside his Mustang. Almost as if he was psyching himself up too.
I laughed softly, catching Nancy’s gaze. “Aww, he’s as nervous as you are right now.” I peeked out the window again just as he reached into his car, pulling out flowers that he had to have picked himself. When I caught him looking up at the window I stood in, I closed the curtain quickly and giggled.
“Guess who picked you flowers?” I said in a playful tone as I looked at her.
“Oh my god. No shit? He… That means this is a date and I am.. Severely under dressed.” Nancy was starting to worry. Pacing a hole through my carpet.
I shook my head, placing my hands on her upper arms again. Making her look at me. “It’s going to be okay. Relax. You look hot. Now go down there. Don’t make that poor guy suffer the Inquisition, because you know that’s what Hank’s going to put him through.” I held my bedroom door open, giving her a gentle but firm nudge when she froze in the doorway. Throwing the door shut behind her so she couldn’t chicken out and come back into my room.
After a few seconds of jamming out to Madonna, I peeked out of my door to make sure she wasn’t upstairs still, pacing the landing. She wasn’t, so I smiled to myself and shut the door again.
Flopping across my bed and grabbing for the issue of Seventeen that Nancy brought over for all of us to look through when we got back after the carnival tonight.
And almost ten minutes later, my nana was calling up the stairs for me to come down. I sprang off my daybed, pulling on my new red boots. Giving myself one last look in the mirror. Smoothing my hands over the red sundress I’d chosen to wear with the denim jacket my mom wore all the time.
“I’ll be right down.” I called out. Taking a few seconds to calm myself down, because surprisingly enough, I found myself almost as jittery as Nancy had been when Jonathan came to collect her earlier.
I made my way down the stairs just in time. Able to avert a potential crisis in the making as Hank eyed Steve. “What are you doing here, hair?”
“I’m here to pick up Jennie, sir.”
Hank eyed him and then he eyed me. “You hit your head or somethin, Jaybird?”
I bit my lip. Trying not to burst out laughing as I shook my head, I answered, “No, I didn’t. He’s taking me to the carnival tonight if that’s okay? Nana already said I could go…”
Hank eyed Steve warily. Tattooed forearms folded over his chest. Trying to look as threatening as possible. “Remember, hair… You hurt her, there’s nowhere safe for you.”
“Hank, let those two get goin! Get in here and help me eat these brownies.”
Thank God for my nana.
Steve and I hurried outside and he opened the passenger door to his BMW, letting me get in. I sank down into the seat, cringing a little, groaning because I was a little embarrassed. I knew Hank was only doing it with good intent, but still, it was just a little embarrassing sometimes.
Steve burst out laughing when he got into the car. “So that was intense, huh?”
“Just a little. I’m sorry. You know how he is.”
Steve leaned across the console, pulling me in for a kiss. Muttering softly as it broke, “I don’t blame him. I mean earlier today, Tommy just looked at you the wrong way and I wanted to punch him.”
“Yeah, no. Tommy Hagan is not my type. And he never will be.” I shook my head, pretending to be offended that Steve even put both of us in the same sentence. Steve chuckled, winking at me as he started the car and started to back out of the driveway.
“Just out of curiosity, who is your type, Jennie?”
“Ask me again at the end of the night.” I teased, glancing at him as I shrugged.
He laughed and reached out, turning the dial on the radio. We found a station to listen to and Steve reached out for my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. Raising my hand to brush his lips against my knuckles.
I squirmed in my seat a little, muttering quietly to myself as he did it. Making him chuckle again as we pulled into a parking space near Tommy’s car. I scowled as soon as I set sights on Carol and she pretended to gag when she saw me sitting in Steve’s passenger seat.
Steve grumbled and shook his head, complaining about Tommy and Carol being pains in the ass as he got out of the car. Pointedly pretending he didn’t see Tommy standing nearby or hear him call his name. Making his way around the car to open my door.
“Just ignore them. Maybe if we ignore them, princess, they’ll disappear.”
“One could only hope.” I answered, giving his hand a squeeze as I gazed up at him and smiled.
We walked right past them, but naturally, Tommy caught up to us. Staring a little too long and too hard at me. I rolled my eyes. And I found myself scrunching into Steve’s side.
“Tommy, hey man. We were just gonna go to the midway.”
“Didn’t you hear me trying to call you, Harrington?” Tommy finally tore his gaze off me to glance at Steve.
Carol was glaring daggers at me, I could feel it. I didn’t have to look over at her.
“Tommy, can we like.. Go now? I don’t want to stick around the tramp too long.”
I leaned in, hissing at her a little. Laughing when she shrank away and cringed before making a hasty retreat, practically having to drag Tommy with her when she went.
I called out casually, “It was nice to see you again too, Carol!” and turned to face Steve, finding him nearly doubled over, clutching his sides as he laughed.
“I was about to handle them for you...” he muttered as his laughter died away and he stepped closer to me, a hand lingering at my hip. I scoffed. “Them? Oh trust me. I can handle those two half-wits.”
“And I see that, Jennie. But as your date..” Steve spoke up, chuckling as he smiled at me. I swallowed hard because I wasn’t stupid. I heard him hesitate. I heard him almost refer to himself as my boyfriend. And god help me, despite my best efforts, I couldn’t stop the warm feeling that took over. Or the way my heart lazily skipped a beat or two.
I gave a soft giggle, reaching for his hand. Lacing my fingers between his as I bounced around on my feet, nodding towards the Zipper and giving him a pleading look. He eyed the ride warily but finally shrugged. “Okay, alright. But I’m telling you, it’s gonna scare you.”
“That’s why you’re here though, right?” I cozied up to him when we stopped walking for a minute.
If I sounded any flirtier… The thought came and I tried to just enjoy the moment and not get too wrapped up in my own worries and fears about letting him too close.
I needed to relax. Stop overthinking everything and just live. My mom was always telling me that before I lost her.
Steve slipped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. “You hungry or anything?”
“I’m fine right now.” I answered, gazing up at him. Raising up to brush my lips against his cheek. Making him laugh quietly. Smile at me and pull me closer as he whispered against my ear, “What was that for, hm?”
“Because I’m glad I said yes and came out with you tonight.” I shrugged as I responded. We wound up in line for the Zipper behind Nancy and Jonathan and giggling, I held a finger to my lips as I glanced over at Steve before reaching out to cover Nancy’s eyes.
She squeaked and Jonathan covered his mouth to keep from laughing about it, shaking his head at me. Mouthing a thank you when Nancy wasn’t looking. I shrugged at him and turned my attention to Nancy.
“You realize that ride is up in the air.”
“I’ll be fine.” Nancy swallowed hard.
I nodded. “Yeah, I think you’re in good hands.”
“Hey, you guys get on with us.”
“I think I’m gonna hurl. Are you sure you wanna get on that thing, Jennie?” Steve spoke up, pressing against me from behind. I glanced up over my shoulder at him and raised a brow. “Are you scared? It’s just a ride. It’ll be fine.”
Nancy eyed Steve and I, giggling as she shook her head. The line moved forward and almost as soon as Nancy and I spotted Barb, we started to yell for her. She came jogging over with a giant of a blond guy in tow.
“Logan, you know Nancy. This is my best friend Jennie. She just moved back from Louisiana. Jennie, this is Logan.” Barb was grinning from ear to ear, all doe eyed and soft giggly voice. I smiled because seeing her so happy made me happy for her. I looked up at Logan, sizing him up. “Hurt my friend, I break your knees. That’s all I’m saying.”
He chuckled, slipping his arms around Barb, leaning down to rest his chin on her shoulder. “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Jennie.”
“Hey, if you get in between Jennie and I, we can get on the ride at the same time.” Nancy spoke up.
Jonathan and Steve nodded. Steve spoke up, addressing Logan. “Didn’t you play basketball for Varsity last year? You were the senior starter, right?”
I locked eyes with Barb, wiggling my brow as I leaned in and whispered, “Ooh la la.. An older guy, huh?”
Barb blushed, teasing right back, “Mhm. Wanna explain why your lipstick is smeared and there’s just the slightest hint of red on Steve Harrington’s mouth while we’re on this topic?”
I stuck my tongue out at her, snuggling against Steve, laughing. It was our turn to get on the ride and we got into a bucket, strapping ourselves in after we’d emptied out our pockets. Steve took a deep breath. “This might not be so bad.” but then the ride took off, flipping over and he screeched “I was wrong, holy fuck I was wrong.” I grabbed hold of his hand and muttered against his ear, “Deep breaths, Steve. It’s okay. It’s just a ride. You have a harness.”
“Woman, this thing is flipping and rolling!” Steve teased, managing to plant a kiss on my forehead as he met my gaze, laughing. Leaning in to whisper against my ear, “You’re the one death gripping my hand though? Are you maybe a little afraid now that you looked down and saw how high up in the air we are?”
“Oh hush.” I pouted, burying my face in his shoulder, screaming and stomping my feet against the cage while squeezing his hand even more. “I thought it’d be okay. Mistakes were made.”
He laughed and let out several shaky breaths as the ride began to descend, finally coming to a full stop at the bottom.
We stumbled off, finding Barb and Logan and Jonathan, holding Nancy’s hair out of the way as she threw up in a garbage bin while rubbing her back.
Steve spoke up, nodding in the direction of the fun house. Grabbing hold of my hand and starting to pull me towards it, laughing. “C’mon guys!”
Barb and Logan shared a look, shrugging. Jogging to catch up. And Nancy and Jonathan finally caught up, falling in line behind us. Cozied up to each other.
I cozied up to Steve and he leaned his chin on my shoulder. “Having fun, Jennie?”
“I am.” I answered quietly, glancing back at him and flashing a soft smile.
Steve rubbed his hands together and stepped up, taking the sledgehammer. Swinging it as if it weighed nothing, even though the damn thing was so heavy he honestly thought he pulled his shoulder out of place as the sledgehammer made contact with the base of the Strongman attraction and the needle went soaring upward. The lights lit up and Steve leaned the sledgehammer against the side of the machine, pretending to curl his biceps as he turned to Jennie, laughing. Stealing the cotton candy flavored shaved ice she was sipping and taking a sip for himself as he nodded to the wall of prizes. “So, what’ll it be, huh?” he gazed at the wall of prizes too. His eyes settling on the gigantic pink unicorn and fixing on her.
“The pink unicorn.” they said it at the exact same time, bursting into laughter. The barker turned and grabbed the stuffed animal and Steve took it, holding it out to Jennie. “For you, princess.” he teased as she took it, hugging it against her. Then hugging herself against him and asking in a soft laugh, “That didn’t hurt you, did it?”
“Not even a little, babe.”
And he wasn’t stupid, either. He saw the way her pupils blacked out the rest of her eye for just the ghost of a few seconds after he called her babe. Slipping an arm around her, he pressed his mouth against her forehead and muttered quietly, “Where to next?”
Her eyes settled on a bright yellow tent. The sign outside of it proclaimed “Free readings.” and she gave him those big pleading eyes. Eyes that may or may not have gotten him in right over his head on more than one occasion when they were both kids. Eyes he couldn’t turn down.
“It’s going to be fake as hell, but okay. Alright. If you wanna go over there, we will. At least the lines not as long as the one for the Ferris Wheel is.”
“And it’s close to the field, so when the fireworks and the music start, we can go over... “ Jennie smiled, slipping her hand into his. He gave her hand a squeeze after lacing their fingers together.
“Maybe they’ll tell me I’m going to be a billionaire.” Steve teased, making her shrug. “I just wanna see if there’s any truth to whatever they tell me at all…” she trailed off and Steve eyed her, asking quietly, “And? What else?”
“I don’t know… Maybe I was hoping they’d have a message for me from my mom..” Jennie bit her lip, going quiet. Laughing at herself softly. “It’s dumb. I know it won’t be real.”
“Hey. C’mere.” Steve pulled her into a hug, squeezing her a little. As the hug broke, he nodded towards the tent, smirking. “C’mon. Let’s go see what they have to say about our future, huh?”
“Yeah. Let’s.” Jennie smiled up at him, practically dragging him towards the tent. Given that there wasn’t an actual line, they stepped into the tent. Without even looking up, the woman on the other side of the round table announced calmly, “I’ve been waiting on you two.”
Steve and Jennie shared a look, both of them raising their brows.
Jennie dug around in the pocket of her denim jacket, prepared to pay the fortune teller for the reading, but the woman shook her head, nodding towards the chairs in front of them. They sat down.
For a minute or two, it was quiet. For Steve, it was a little too quiet and he chuckled. This seemed to get the fortune teller looking up at them both from the cards spread out in front of her.
She put the cards away quickly after shaking her head and mumbling about something she’d interpreted to be worrying. “Sorry about that, I was doing a reading for a young woman who came by earlier. One of your friends, I do believe.” the fortune teller addressed Jennie.
“One of my friends?” Jennie questioned. The fortune teller nodded. And then she got down to business.
“You two always wind up together, don’t you? In every new life. You always manage to find one another.”
Steve’s brow quirked.
Jennie spoke up, laughing softly. “He’s not a believer. What’s it mean… If we’re always in each other’s lives?”
The fortune teller gave a soft laugh. Glancing at Steve for a few seconds, nodding. “I picked up on that when you two were walking over. That’s not all I picked up on…” she teased, letting her words die away.
Jennie took a deep breath. Giving Steve’s hand a squeeze beneath the table. Steve squeezed her hand back and repeated the question that Jennie had just asked. What the woman meant when she told them that they always wound up together, in every life.
“It’s not a bad thing. Well, not in the case of both of you.” the fortune teller explained, smiling at them both. “You’ve had a few not so good ones, but usually, your story has a happy ending.”
Steve let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. And then he immediately reminded himself that this was all just baloney to begin with. A way for the woman to make money.
“Over the next few years… Things around you are going to get downright peculiar.” and after saying this, she gazed at Jennie. “A woman is coming through for you, dear. She has the same hair as you. Wilder and curlier. I think she’s..” but before she could finish, Jennie spoke up, “My mom? Is her name Bonnie?”
The woman closed her eyes, focusing.
Then she nodded. “Tell Jen to stop fighting the natural order of things so hard.”
Steve eyed the woman warily. Giving Jennie’s hand a squeeze. Jennie squeezed his hand back and she seemed to relax even more.
The woman continued, glancing at Steve this time, “A lot of growth and change ahead for you. You are on the right path. Stay on it. No matter what strange things it might bring your way. Always go with your first gut instinct. On everything.”
Steve nodded, chuckling to himself. It was a pretty standard reading. Anyone could’ve given it.
But what the fortune teller told them both about always winding up together in every single version of life they’d lived thus far, that was sticking with him.
No matter how much he tried to tell himself this was pointless and she was doing this as a gimmick to make some cash on the side.
“As far as the immediate future. Stick together. Stick close to your friends, because there are some things up ahead and you’re going to need each other.”
The fortune teller dismissed them and as soon as they were out of the tent, Steve cleared his throat. “That was, uh.. Something.”
“It was.” Jennie was gazing up at him thoughtfully. Almost like she had something on her mind. Just as she was about to say whatever it was, Tommy spoke up from the funnel cake stand across the way.
“Hey man! C’mon. Sit with us.” Tommy called out.
Carol was quick to add, “ Kind of feels like we’re being ditched, Harrington.”
Steve grumbled in frustration and glanced down at Jennie. “It’s up to you.”
“If you want to go over, we can. But I make no promises that Carol won’t be wearing my shaved ice before it’s all said and done.”
“And that goes double for Tommy.” Steve muttered, chuckling quietly. Mulling it over.
“Ah, let’s just ignore ‘em. I don’t feel like dealing with his crap.” he spoke up a second or two later.
“Thank God.” Jennie laughed softly. Steve laughed too, shrugging. Practically dragging her as fast as humanly possible right past the table Carol and Tommy were saving for them to sit at and grab a quick bite.
“I know he’s not ditching us.” Carol mused out loud, annoyed. Tommy chuckled, teasing when he called out, “It’s okay man.. I know you’re whipped right now. I’d be whipped too.”
“Seriously? I’m sitting right here. Right beside you, Tommy.”
“I know, babe. I was just sayin, it’s nice Harrington found someone willing to put up with him.”
Carol’s eyes followed the two and she rolled her eyes, grimacing as she mumbled mostly to herself, “He could’ve done so much better than… her.”
Tommy turned to look at her. “Do you have to be such a bitch?”
“Do you have to be such a manwhore?” Carol asked in response, pouting when he mimicked her instead of apologizing.
The fireworks were starting. Steve and I hurried over. Tommy and Carol were calling his name, but we spotted Nancy, Barb, Jonathan and Logan around the same time. Steve nodded towards my friends and squeezed my hands. “I really don’t feel like hearing Carol’s mouth tonight.”
“And I really don’t feel like catching Tommy attempting to fuck me with his eyes every few seconds, ew.” I responded, asking a second later, “You’re sure you’re okay with sitting with Barb and Nancy, right?”
“Yeah! It’s actually been a lot more fun tonight?” Steve dragged his fingers through his hair as he gazed down at me. I smiled, nodding because I agreed.
Tommy and Carol were still yelling his name. Steve picked me up over his shoulder, making me laugh and a few seconds later, we were settled in between Barb and Nancy, right as the first big burst of color lit the night sky. Steve moved to sit behind me, letting me sit between his legs and lean back on him as he wrapped his arms around me.
All in all, I have to say… Maybe that fortune teller was making everything up. But maybe there was some logic to her words too. Because if I hadn’t just gotten tired of fighting off the pull I felt to Steve all summer long, I never would have agreed to come out on a date with him tonight.
And that would’ve been a serious bummer.
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simplybakugou · 5 years
hii love your fic of katsuki's daughter getting a boyfriend, could you please do a fic about the boyfriend and the daughter being caught making out in her room by katsuki maybe a little angst cause katsuki gets RLLY MAD but fluffy at the end or something thank ma boi your fics are AMAZING💕💟💟
A/N: I love dad!bakugou, it’s one of my favorites to write. Here’s the referred scenario. Also, I changed the daughter’s name from the previous scenario because I like this name better :) And I’m sorry if this is really shit it’s been 34 years since I’ve written something Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: dad!bakugou x female!reader
Warnings: swearing; slight angst
Word Count: 2790
✐posted 07.30.2019✐
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Love. A very complicated thing to obtain. But once it is conquered and obtained, it is meant to be easier as time progresses. That doesn’t mean it does get easier.
For your now twenty-year-old daughter, Suki, the news of her boyfriend that she delivered to you and your husband Bakugou two years ago caused mixed emotions in your household. You couldn’t help but be overjoyed for your only daughter and child to have found someone she genuinely cared for and loved in the same high school where you had met the love of your life.
As for Bakugou, he couldn’t help but be cautious and absolutely furious for his only daughter and child to have found someone who could potentially break her heart. As a man, he knew very well how boys behaved. Although many boys do not behave the way he does with other people, he couldn’t help but recall the few pervish boys that were his classmates over twenty years ago.
But with these two years and your help with calming Bakugou down every time Suki mentioned going out with her boyfriend, it had gone relatively well when taking Bakugou’s angered personality in mind.
However, although Bakugou had been calm for now about Suki’s relationship, there was still something she was hiding from him. The worst part was that you knew about this little piece of information and you didn’t know how your long you could keep it from him.
“Are you sure it’s okay, Mom?” your daughter asked nervously through the receiver.
You sighed into your phone. “Yes, Suki. Your dad won’t be home until later. Apparently there’s some monster that regenerated and spread throughout Japan and your dad insisted on taking care of all of them himself. It’ll definitely take him a while.”
“Okay, I’m trusting you. You know how he’ll react if he finds out.”
“Suki, I really think you should just tell him. You can’t keep going behind his back and only bring Aoi around when he’s not home. He’ll think it’s weird.”
“But won’t he be mad?” You could already envision the look of nervousness on her face.
“No, your father’s not a teenager who thinks he’s better than everyone, at least for the most part. He won’t be that upset over the fact that Aoi is Deku’s son.”
Suki stayed quiet for a few moments, knowing that no one knew her dad better than you. “Alright. Aoi and I have one more little mission to complete for our agency and then we’ll come home.”
You smiled. “Good, and you better tell your father soon. I hate keeping things from him.”
“I will.” Suki hung up and you let out a deep sigh. Suki had begged you to keep Aoi, her boyfriend, being Midoriya’s son a secret as she recalled the many times she heard about Bakugou and Midoriya’s little rivalry as kids and teenagers in U.A. Although they have a truce now and are matured adults who value one another’s strength, Suki was convinced that Bakugou would hate Aoi even more. Only time would tell how this situation would end.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Aoi asked nervously as his girlfriend pulled out the key to her childhood home. After graduating from U.A. almost two years ago, Suki and Aoi had successfully gotten signed to one of the biggest hero agencies. They were also popular due to their fathers being the most successful heroes of the previous generation.
“I’m sure. I trust my mom and I will tell my dad soon. We can just ‘sneak around’ one more time and then I promise I’ll tell my dad the truth.” Suki pushed the key into the lock, opening the door. She slipped her shoes off, looking to her right to see you sleeping on the couch with the TV left on the news channel. She smiled softly, recalling how you always watched the news when Bakugou went out for missions.
Suki walked up the stairs, turning around and beckoning her boyfriend to follow her. “Come on.” Aoi cautiously walked into his girlfriend’s home, slipping his shoes off, closing the door behind him and following her.
Suki plopped down onto her old bed. She looked up at Aoi who was standing awkwardly by the door frame. “Come in, why’re you just standing there?”
“Yeah, um, sure, okay,” Aoi stammered in a nervous manner similar to his father.
“Close the door, too.”
“I can’t fucking believe it was a false alarm,” Bakugou grumbled into his phone while driving. “I’m tired of these shits calling me for no reason.”
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that. At least that monster isn’t wreaking havoc across the country,” Kirishima said calmly through the other line.
“Yeah, but I could’ve just stayed home with Y/N instead of wasting my time.” Bakugou parked his car in front of his house. “I’m home, I’ll talk to you later.”
“See you, man.”
Bakugou grabbed his bag with his hero costume inside and made his way to his house. He was exhausted after having to drive through traffic to his agency only to be sent back home due to a false alarm. It took everything for him not to explode in anger as he remembered not wanting to get out of bed and just spend the few days off he has with the love of his life.
Bakugou opened the door, not being to help himself but smile at the sight before him. You were wrapped in a little blanket, your head nearly hanging off of the arm of the couch as you continued to doze off into your deep sleep.
Bakugou placed his bag on the floor and took off his shoes. He stopped for a moment, staring at two different pairs of shoes on the floor that weren’t his nor yours. He recognized Suki’s beaten up old sneakers that she refuses to throw out. Before Bakugou could rejoice in his daughter visiting him, realization hit him as he knew only one other person would dare set foot in his own house with Suki.
“Suki, I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Aoi whispered nervously.
“It’s fine, alright? Mom’s sleeping downstairs and she likes you, too! Dad’s at work and he won’t be home for a while so just relax, okay?” Suki placed her hands on Aoi’s shoulders, rubbing them softly to reassure him. Aoi sighed, nodding in agreement with his girlfriend.
“Now…” Suki’s arms rose up to wrap around Aoi’s neck as she pulled him closer to her. “We’re alone.”
“Suk–” Before Aoi could say anything else, Suki brought her lips to his, quite literally shutting him up. Aoi let out a little gasp, shocked from Suki’s sudden move. But, he quickly regained his composure as he grabbed her by the waist, lifting her onto his lap as she straddled him. Their lips moved rapidly as Suki moved her hands to cup her boyfriend’s face. Her fingers went up to grab his green curls, her body reacting to the heated atmosphere in the air.
“Aoi,” Suki whispered in between kisses.
Before the two of them could take this exchange any further, the door burst open. Bakugou nearly went into cardiac arrest with the sight before him. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!”
Suki nearly fell off Aoi’s lap, Aoi luckily catching her. His eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights and he shot up from Suki’s bed, placing her on her own two feet.
“D-Dad!” Suki stammered. “When did you get home?”
Bakugou ignored his daughter, taking furious strides towards Aoi as he grabbed him by the collar in one fist. Aoi looked terrified, only having heard stories from his father and videos of the amazing Ground Zero and how explosive he gets once he’s angry. “You better get the fuck out of my fucking house unless you wanna fucking die today, you fuck.”
Aoi gulped in fear, nodding his head vigorously. Bakugou let go of him, allowing him to leave. “I’m-I’m really sorry, sir.”
“Aoi, no!” Suki went to go after him only to be stopped by Bakugou blocking the way.
“You’re not going anywhere.” Bakugou was seething with anger and he didn’t know how to control himself. “When the fuck were you going to tell me you were going out with Deku’s fucking kid?”
Suki’s eyes filled with tears threatening to spill. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you! I knew you would act like this!”
“No, I’m acting like this cause my only kid is going behind my back without just fucking telling me!” Bakugou yelled back. The tears rolled down Suki’s face as she wiped them away. Bakugou sighed, closing his eyes briefly. “You’re breaking up with him.”
“I knew you were too young to be going out. At least if you go out with someone, they’d better have the fucking decency to face me instead of the two of you going behind my back!”
By this time, your little nap had been cut short due to the commotion that went on upstairs. You didn’t even see Aoi leave. You ran up, standing in front of Suki’s bedroom as you analyzed the scene before you.
“You’re the worst! This is why I always tell Mom things like this and I never tell you!” Suki sobbed, pushing past you and Bakugou as she attempted to go after her boyfriend that had been kicked out of her house.
“Suki!” You called out to her.
You went to go after her, only for Bakugou to stop you. “There’s no point in trying. She’s treating me like fucking dead meat so just let her run off with fucking Deku’s kid.”
You sighed. “Katsuki, you know you don’t mean that.” Bakugou ignored you, storming past you and walking into your bedroom. “Katsuki!”
Bakugou sat down on his bed, his head in his hands. You stood by the doorframe, on standby to be there for him. Whenever he had these episodes of anger, you first stayed back until he asked for you to help him.
“Why the fuck doesn’t she trust me?” Bakugou muttered. You approached your distressed husband, sitting beside him. “Does she really think I would’ve been that pissed that she was going out with Deku’s son?”
“Well, you weren’t exactly happy when you found out she had a boyfriend. Do you blame her for not telling you much about him?”
“She’s my only child, Y/N.” He glanced at you and back at his hands. “They were fucking… making out in there, Y/N.”
“Katsu, you and I were making out like that when we were fifteen.”
“That’s different.”
“It’s not, you know it isn’t.” You wrapped your arm around your hopeless husband. “I know how much you love her and I know you’re overprotective of her because she’s all we’ve got. But, you need to stop babying her. She’s a twenty-year-old woman and she’s a full-time hero now, too. The best we can do now is trust her decisions and if her and Aoi don’t work out then we’ll be there for her when she needs us to support her.”
Bakugou sighed. “I fucking hate how you’re right.”
You kissed his cheek, grinning at him. “I’m always right and you know it.”
Bakugou smirked. “Now you’re just being cocky.” He wrapped his arm around your hips, pulling you onto his lap. Tucking a curl behind your ear, he kissed you softly. “Have I ever told you that I love you so much for putting up with me and my bullshit.”
You smiled, kissing him once more. “Yes, and I love you. Now go and apologize to her.”
“Yeah, yeah, I will.”
It didn’t take long for Bakugou to find Suki. Even when she was younger and during the many times that her and Bakugou would butt heads, she’d sit by the park that wasn’t far from home. It was the park that Bakugou would bring Suki to when she was a child when he had to take care of her when you were working. He even trained with her in this park and prepared her for the U.A. entrance exam.
Bakugou wasn’t surprised to find Suki sitting on one of the swing sets, swinging slowly as she kicked the dirt with her feet. Bakugou approached her, his hands in his pockets. Suki looked up at her dad, not at all surprised that it didn’t take him long to find her. If anything, she was expecting him.
“Can I sit?” Bakugou asked and Suki nodded. Bakugou sat down cautiously, not accustomed to sitting on the rusty swing set for many years now.
The two of them sat in a moment of silence, just the creaking of the swing as the only audible sound.
Bakugou sighed for what felt like the millionth time. “I’m sorry, Suki.”
She looked up at him, surprised to have gotten an apology so fast. “It’s okay, Dad. I get why you were upset.”
“No, it’s not okay.” Bakugou looked down as he attempted his best try at apologizing. “You’re not a kid anymore, you’re an adult. Hell, you have your own place, you have your own job. You’re an independent woman and I have no right to butt in your love life.”
Suki shook her head. “No, you have every right. You’re still my dad. And I do want you to like Aoi. I don’t want to date him if you don’t like him.”
“If I’m being honest, I’ll probably hate any boy you bring into that house.” Suki chuckled and Bakugou smiled slightly. “I just… get overprotective. You’re my baby, my only child. Mom’ll never tell you this, but when we got married it was her dream to have a bunch of kids.”
Bakugou nodded. “I always thought she was insane. I didn’t want any fucking kids at the time and she was always upset when I told her about it, too. After a few years, I felt like we were finally ready.”
Suki stared intently at her father. Bakugou wasn’t known for being open, she only knew about everything before she was born because you had told her. This was the first time she was hearing anything from Bakugou’s perspective.
“But, we tried a few times and Mom still wasn’t pregnant. We went to the doctor only to find out she was infertile. The doctor gave her all of these weird medicines and she tried all of them and for a few years, we both thought she wouldn’t have kids. Mom locked herself in her room most of the time and she kept blaming herself for everything. I didn’t know what the fuck to do ‘cause we both know I fucking suck at shit like that.” Bakugou looked to his side, smiling at his daughter. “Then a miracle happened and she finally was pregnant with you. You saved her during a time where I had no idea what to do. And during that time when she was pregnant, Mom was obsessed with keeping you healthy and safe. She refused to put you in any harm and only ate things that would make you the healthiest baby on this goddamn Earth.”
Suki smiled brightly. She had known a bit about your struggles with getting pregnant, but it was never this in depth.
“We both knew you would probably be our only kid. Y/N went through so much pain trying to get pregnant that we both knew it would be too much to try again. So we vowed to be the best fucking parents for our only daughter and treat her with the most love we can give her.” Bakugou chuckled to himself, thinking back to those times. “Mom was definitely better than me at this parenting shit.
“What I’m trying to get at is you’re our only child and I want what’s best for you. I never want you to feel like you can tell shit to your mother and not me because I’m a dumbass with way too much anger for my own good. I want you to trust me, and I promise I’ll try to not be so overprotective all the time, alright?”
Suki smiled, nodding happily. She hugged her dad tightly. She knew how difficult it is for Bakugou to express his feelings and for him to say this much was equivalent to him writing a novel. “Thanks, Dad.”
Bakugou hugged her back. “You can date that little shit if you want and whenever you want, you can introduce him to me, bring him home. He just better not be like that fucking Deku.”
Suki laughed. “I love you, Dad.”
Bakugou smiled. “I love you more, kiddo.”
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anika-ann · 4 years
Heart Too Cold, but Friends of Gold - Ch.1
Know the Enemy
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader     Word count: 1700
Summary: Avenger!reader AU. Part 2 of Melting Hearts series. Part 1 HERE.
Your parents have been taken, parents who didn’t even know you were still alive and playing hero. And now it’s time to negotiate.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of kidnapping, death threat,... crying? Light angst.
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Prologue | Story Masterlist
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Tony barely managed to plug in the phone to his magical tech when the annoying ringtone cut the air again.
You had been sitting on one of the stools in his lab, staring ahead blindly. Instead of a science lair, you saw your parents, family dinners and tiny cute birthday parties in a close circle of the few people who still cared. You saw your dad’s proud smile when you finished high school despite all the odds of your poor health and your mother’s tears on the same occasion, the small diner they took you to after, because you loved it there and you had preferred it to some fancy restaurant.
A squeeze on your hand brought you back to the present and you blinked, looking up to Steve’s face. A shadow of concern was there, but he gave you an encouraging smile. You gulped, eyeing the phone as if it could explode.
“Gonna put in on speaker, sounds good?” Tony hummed, already accepting the call and truly setting it so all of you could hear the caller. Steve’s hand never left yours.
“He-hello?” you spoke up quietly, mentally cursing. Too low. Yet, the person on the other end of the line must have heard you, because he responded.
“Hello, my darling!”
Steve’s grip tightened as the man greeted you cheerfully and Tony quickly started typing sounlessly in order to trace the call. You closed your eyes, the picture of your parents, each tied to a chair and a tape covering their mouths, swimming behind your eyelids.
“What do you want?”
There was a short silence following your question.
“Straight to business, I like that,” the man commented, his voice, immediately burned into your brain like a brand, causing you to sober up. “I wanted you attention.”
“You have it.” You have no idea how much attention you have, you dickbag. Touch them and I swear I’ll rip you open with my teeth.
“Obviously, Snowflake.” You winced, just like Steve, who was trying to keep composed by your side. “I’d like a meeting.”
“Why? Why would you kidnap those people? What-“
“Told ya. Wanted your attention. Gotta admit, your backstory is less interesting then I thought, but the Michaels always had high expectations.”
There was a bitter note behind his words and your lips parted. What the fuck? Was he trying to lead you astray? Or did he really just introduce himself? Both men present with you seemed as surprised as you were – Tony’s eyebrows were up, while Steve’s face darkened. He didn’t like the man revealing himself so easily-- and honestly neither did you.
“Why do you want to meet?”
To kill me?
“Big fan of yours. But with how much fan mail you get, I figured I needed something… bigger.”
You gritted your teeth at the painful pang of anxiety attacking your stomach. Yeah, sure, kidnapping your parents was a bit bigger. How the hell had he figured it out? There was no chance this Michaels didn’t know who you were, no chance of your parents being abducted being a coincidence. Yet, you needed to be sure.
“And you thought kidnapping two innocent people would do?” you strained through your teeth.
Tony gave you a thumbs up and lighted up the big screen – he traced the call. Naturally, it was from Pennsylvania; right at the source.
“Worked, didn’t it? I’m sure your friends already traced the call to the right building, so now nothing stands in the way of our meeting-“ You shot Steve a panicked look – this guy knew very well what he was doing. He must have known how precise the program was, when using the military network combined with Tony’s. How could he know that? “-so why don’t you come tomorrow at 8 a.m.? I would set the meeting earlier, but I tend to be cranky before I have my coffee.”
Steve’s expression was one of furious, veins on his arms ascending as his free hand curled up into a fist. His other forearm was pale; you realized you had been subconsciously tightening your grip on his hand and what was worse, your powers started working on their own, cooling the limb down.
You immediately let go, shocked and horrified. After that, you didn’t think your horror could escalate, but obviously, you were wrong.
“Also, leave your group of merry men and deadly woman home. If you don’t come alone, I’ll know. And if I know, they die.”
Steve shook his head rapidly, his eyes hard and disapproving. Tony was trying to get your attention, waving his hands. ‘Prove of life,’ he mouthed.
You breathed in shakily, closing your eyes. You were out of options. You whole body, every single instinct was screaming at you to tell him to go screw himself, because it was an obvious trap, but you didn’t have a choice.
He had your parents. There was only thing you could do.
“8 a.m. it is. I’ll come. Alone,” you added firmly, ignoring Steve’s hand grabbing your arm and pulling lightly to make you face him.
You opened your eyes slowly, meeting his – they were speaking to you soundlessly, scolding your for even thinking about negotiating with the man and meeting him on your own. You allowed yourself to drown in the sea of outraged blue, surprisingly calming you despite the emotions promising a fight in it. You found yourself strangely relaxed, an insane reaction to this mess.
“But I’m gonna need a non-stop prove of these people being alive.”
Steve’s gaze softened with compassion and you pretended it didn’t do things to you. You fooled no one.
“Obviously. Accept the video feed,” Michaels ordered and Tony clicked on the icon, another big screen lighting up with a face of a man.
JARVIS automatically started the recognition program, while you instinctively started asserting the man. White male in his forties, a bit round face, dark stubble, piercing grey eyes. Two-inch scar above his left eyebrow. It was impossible to guess his built with his body out of the frame.
“And you know, you can cut the game of calling them ‘people’. I know who they are to you,” he exclaimed, one corner of his lips rising.
You swallowed loudly as he disappeared from the frame then, angling the phone and showing you old industrial metallic door. He nudged it with his foot and it opened easily.
You ceased to breathe, your heart stopping as well. Your palm fled to cover your mouth as tears gathered in your eyes.
Here they were; the scene in front of you resembled the photo you had received, so he must have taken it from the very same angle. There wasn’t any change really, but for that you were actually grateful. You parents were still alive and breathing, their scared eyes flashing to the camera for a second before they lowered their gazes to the floor again. Your mother’s shoulders shook, her sobs muffled by the tape over her mouth.
The table you set your fist onto covered in thick layer of ice. You quickly raised it again.
“See, Frostbite? Living and kicking. Let’s keep it this way. You’ll hear from me every half an hour so you know your precious p-“ you held your breath in anticipation. Had he told them? Was he about to tell them now? “-people are still breathing. Can’t wait to meet you, Snowflake.”
And then the line went dead.
You sobbed, folding like a house of cards under a slight breeze. Steve shifted in his position, wrapping his strong arms around you instead of the simple challenging grip on your arm, and you instantly reached for the comfort he was offering. He placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“Hey, we’ll handle this-“
“Alone,” you whimpered, your voice muffled by his t-shirt. You could feel him shaking his head.
“Not an option. We’ll figure something out. Tony? Who’s this guy?”
“Frederick Michaels. Former employee of… well, me. Stark Industries. MIT graduate, summa cum laude. Just your average IT guy here. Fired a year ago,” Tony informed him swiftly. He didn’t need an encouragement to elaborate. “For harassment. That poor woman had to take a half-year of therapy. Jeez, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pepper had been the one to pack his bag herself. She’s allergic to that stuff.”
You allowed yourself breathe in at the mention of Pepper Potts. That woman was a goddess among men, ultimately badass in a bit different way than Natasha. And you needed to be all kind of badass now. You retreated from Steve’s hug, rising from your stool. Yet, you didn’t quite leave Steve’s personal space, comforted by the heat he was radiating. You eyed Tony.
“Why would he target me?” Why would he target my parents?
“Given his history, I would say it’s your outfit, it’s very tight on the right places-“ Tony hummed, cut off by Steve’s murderous glare, “-but this seems much more complicated than that. Why don’t you chill while everyone else gets here? JARVIS?”
“Already sent an alert to Agents Romanov and Barton as well as Doctor Banner, sir.”
“That’s what I’m talking about, the team working like swish watch. He picked the wrong team to mess with. We’ll deal with that bastard in no time, no worries, Frosty.”
Despite yourself and the air so thick in the room you could cut it with a knife, you smiled.
“Also, get that ice from my table, Elsa. Your manners suck.”
You did as he asked, trying to ignore the anxiety at your powers going haywire – you had other things to worry about now. But you could feel Steve’s worried gaze at the back of your head as your hand hovered over the mess you had made.
He was shaken by that as much as you were, but you never got to talk about it, because Clint entered the laboratory with a yawn.
“What’s up, ki-“ The words died in his throat when he saw the frozen frame of two civilians tied to chairs. “Where’s the fight?” he asked instead and Tony sighed, zooming the map out, replacing the ugly picture.
When the red dot appeared in a town called Snow Shoe, you almost send an icicle through the hologram, really not appreciating the irony.
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Part 2
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Tags:  @mermaidxatxheart​, @murdermornings​, @elisaa-shelby​ @ask-hellbent-tweek @cxptain, @kallafrench​
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saiilorstars · 5 years
The Beginning of Everything
I was going to wait on publishing this story here but I realize it’s the only story that isn’t going to be so far apart in terms of chapters between the different websites I publish them on. So, enjoy!
Fandom: Doctor Who Pairing: Female OC x 10th Doctor
Story summary: While hiding from the Family, Martha Jones and the 10th Doctor (currently John Smith) come across a particular woman who does not want anything to do with them. In fact, Martha would go as far as to say that Renata Cartwright hates them, more so the Doctor. After the Family is gone and the Doctor returns, he comes face to face with a woman who wants nothing to do with him...almost as if she knew him. And she outright refuses to travel with him. *First of the Home Saga*
The face claim for this OC will be the actress Marjorie De Sousa!
// Story Masterlist //
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0  ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 
Chapter 1: Hidden
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The console of the TARDIS sparked like crazy, Martha and the Doctor picking themselves off the floor. The Doctor rushed over to Martha and pulled her up, urgently needing to know, "Did they see you?"
"I don't know!" Martha cried out, still trying to gather her bearings. She felt like her lungs would explode from all the running they did just to get into the TARDIS.
"Did they see you?"
"I don't know, I was too busy running!"
"Martha, it's important - did they see your face?" the Doctor wouldn't desist in asking until he got a sure answer from her.
"No, they couldn't have!"
The Doctor ran around the console, pushing the controls to get them the hell out of there, "Off we go!"
Martha came to join him, the Doctor watching the rotor with intent. Suddenly, a beeping sound cut in and symbols appeared on the screen, "Ah!" the Doctor, heavily irritated, grabbed the screen and read it, "They're following us," he returned to the control.
"How can they do that, you've got a time machine," Martha frowned, wasn't that the point of these things?
"Stolen technology, they've got a Time Agent's vortex manipulator. They can follow us wherever we go, right across the universe..." the Doctor paused, knowing what that would mean, " They're never going to stop," he ran a hand through his hair nervously, until an idea popped up, "Unless...I'll have to do it..." he stared at Martha, directly into her eyes, "Martha, you trust me don't you?"
"Of course I do," Martha nodded, nearly offended at the question.
"Cause it all depends on you," he dove under the console.
"What does, what am I supposed to do?" Martha watched in confusion as he reappeared holding an ornate pocket watch in his hand.
"Take this watch, 'cause my life depends on it. The watch, Martha- The watch is-"
John Smith gasped awake, looking around and seeing he was in his room, on his bed, in blue striped pajamas. He sat up, thinking a few moments of his odd dream, and rubbed his eyes. A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door and he stood up. "Come in!" he called.
Martha Jones walked in, wearing a maid's uniform and carrying a tray of breakfast. Upon seeing John still in his pajamas, her eyes widened and she promptly turned back, "Pardon me, Mr. Smith, you're not dressed yet. I can come back later-"
"No, it's alright, it's alright. Put it down," he pulled a dressing gown around himself, tying it closed.
Martha walked to a table in the center of the room and set the tray down, her eyes lowered while John watched her thoughtfully, "I was, um... " he then realized he was staring at his maid and shook his head, "Sorry, sorry. Sometimes I have these extraordinary dreams."
"What about, sir?" Martha crossed the room to the window, pulling the curtains open.
"I dream I'm this..." he paused again, looking for the right word that could possibly describe himself, "Adventurer. This...daredevil, a madman. 'The Doctor', I'm called. And last night I dreamt that you were there, as my... companion."
Martha returned to the tray on the table, "A teacher and a housemaid, sir? That's impossible. "
"Ah no, a man from another world, though..."
"Well it can't be true because there's no such thing."
John moved over to the fireplace, looking at the mantle, "This thing..." he picked up his fob watch, "The watch..."
Martha watched in hope...but he set it back on the mantle with a sigh.
"Ah, it's funny how dreams slip away," he turned back to Martha, "But I do remember one thing; it all took place in the future. In the year of our Lord two thousand and seven."
"I can prove that wrong for you sir, here's the morning paper," she handed him the paper, "It's Monday, November tenth, nineteen thirteen, and you're completely human, sir. As human as they come."
"Mmm, that's me; completely human," John smiled.
"Where are you going, mother?" a small, little girl poked her head into her mother's room.
A young, blonde woman was staring at herself in the mirror, a soft smile on her face when she saw her daughter, "I'm visiting your brother today at the academy."
"Again? Is Sebastian really that much of a momma's boy?" the girl tilted her head, a hint of a teasing smile spreading across her face.
"Lucy, watch your tongue," she snapped, "Now you be good to Elena, understood? I shouldn't be late for lunch."
"Yes, mother," Lucy nodded and disappeared, going off to her nana's room.
The mother took one last look at each other before smiling in satisfaction and heading off to see her son.
In the school corridor, Martha, along with her friend Jenny, another maid, were on their hands and knees scrubbing the tiled floor. John walked past them, Martha smiling and watching after him, "Morning, sir,."
John slowed down, a bit distracted, "Yes, hi," he disappeared up the stairs.
"Head in the clouds, that one. Don't know why you're so sweet on him," Jenny shook her head with a smile while Martha just watched after John.
"He's just kind to me, that's all. Not everyone's that considerate, what with me being..." Martha pointed to her face, specifically the color of her skin.
"A Londoner?" Jenny smiled.
"Exactly. Good old London town!" Martha laughed.
Two senior students, Baines and Hutchinson, walked past the the two and turned back, "Ah, now then, you two," Baines called, "You're not paid to have fun, are you. Put a little backbone into it."
Jenny and Martha looked at each other, their laughter cut short, "Yes Sir, sorry, Sir," mumbled Jenny.
"You there, what's your name again?" Hutchinson asked Martha.
"Martha, Sir. Martha Jones."
"Tell me then, Jones. With hands like those, how can you tell when something's clean?"
The two boys laughed cruelly, Martha narrowing her eyes at the pair.
"Now then, I do hope I heard wrong," a woman's voice cut short the laughter of the two students.
The students turned around to see a blonde woman standing behind them, even Martha and Jenny taking a peek.
The blonde woman had put her hands on her hips and was giving the two students such a disapproving, motherly look. "You know, I would think this school would take priorities on manners instead of weapons. Your manners are your principles, your core. If you disrespect someone...who does that make you, then? If you are going to be respectable men of this world, then you must know everyone is valuable, indispensable, to one another. Apologize to that woman right now," she nodded over to Martha.
The students glanced at each other before turning to Martha, "We're...sorry," they muttered.
"Good, now go and call Sebastian for me, please. Tell him his mother is here to visit him."
"Yes, ma'am," they muttered and walked away.
The blonde rolled her eyes, sighing and fixing herself, "I do hope they learn their lesson," she spoke, Martha a bit confused if she was talking to her or herself. The blonde looked up, "I apologize. Give them a weapon and suddenly they can stomp around everyone. I don't think so," she wagged a finger and walked up the stairs.
"That woman," Jenny shook her head, "We need woman like that. I tell you what, that's probably why she hasn't remarried anymore, no man likes a woman who speaks against the way of a man."
Martha was still a bit in shock from the blonde woman. She felt those words were...a bit beyond her time...
"And so he's doing well, then?" the same blonde was asking the headmaster about her son.
"Mrs. Cartwright, he is doing pretty well," the headmaster assured, but then after a moment he reluctantly added, "There is only one teacher who remarks a bit differently about him," the headmaster nodded.
Both of them were walking down the corridor of the second level. Their intention was to find Sebastian seeing that the other two students her mother had ordered to call him hadn't done the job.
"Really? And what seems to be the problem?" Mrs. Cartwright asked, a bit surprised of the news. She had yet to meet a teacher who disfavored her son.
"I wouldn't know how to tell you, honestly. That would be Mr. Smith's department."
"Well, do you mind if I have a word with Mr. Smith, then?"
"Not at all, I do believe he was at the library."
"Ah, yes, well thank you headmaster," Mrs. Cartwright nodded, walking ahead. She left the headmaster behind, intending on finding this Mr. Smith and having a good word with him. However, as she turned into a new hallway she bumped into one of the students. "Sebastian!" she cried in delight at seeing her son.
"Sorry mother," the brunette boy shook his head, "I was a bit excited to know you were coming."
"Oh, so then they did tell you I was here," Mrs. Cartwright took her son into a big hug. "I was thinking that perhaps after the big scolding I gave them they wouldn't listen to me."
"You need to stop doing things like that," Sebastian pulled away, not seeming angry but still not content with the news of his mother's outburst reaching every corner of the school in minimal time.
"Well then your friends need to acquire some manners," Mrs. Cartwright retorted. "But now is not the time to talk about that. I was actually on my way to speak with one of your teachers. It seemed like you haven't pleased him."
Sebastian sighed, knowing which teacher that was, "It's not my fault, mother."
"You earn the grade you work for. Now I'd like to know why this teacher comment differently about you," she pointed.
"But it's not my fault!"
"Sebastian, your choices have consequences. Do not blame your teacher for something you have earned," she turned him around and starting walking with him, "I want to talk to this teacher, know what exactly is going on and how we can intervene."
Sebastian knew there was no getting out of this. So when he saw Mr. Smith coming in their direction, fumbling with a pile of books, he sighed and pointed ahead, "That's him over there, mother."
His mother looked ahead, seeing the man and walking over, "Good morning, Mr. Smith," she greeted, watching him fumble over the top book of his pile.
"Uh yes, hello," he was a bit distracted with the pile, though knowing the voice was unfamiliar to him, "Morning, Miss...uh..."
"Cartwright, em..." she reached for the top book that was falling, accidentally brushing against the other books and making them all just plummet to the floor, "Oh!"
"Ah!" John sighed in exasperation.
"Dear me, I do apologize Mr. Smith!'
"No, it's um... it's quite..." he looked up, a bit surprised of the woman before him, "...alright," he definitely had never seen her before and so that must mean she had to be... "Sebastian Cartwright, is this your mother?" the young boy nodded, "Well...um, hello," John seemed to stutter, the blonde smiling politely, "I'm, um, John, John Smith," he held out his hand.
"Hello..." the blonde reached for his hand, also a bit stunned at the sight of the man, "...I'm Renata, Renata Cartwright."
"Lovely to meet you, Mrs. Cartwright," he took her hand and kissed the back of it, making Renata fluster at the contact.
In the background, Sebastian rolled his eyes. Great, this was the last thing he needed, his mother and his teacher. As the two looked at each other for several moments, John found her exquisitely beautiful.
Renata Cartwright was rather tall, almost to John's height, her golden blonde hair falling midway her back in soft curls. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown and her cheeks wore a light pink tinge to them.
"Renata is just fine," she took her hand back, "Um, I wanted to talk to you about my son's problem that he apparently has in your class."
"Ah, well, if you'd like to talk about it...we could do it right now, just as soon as I bring these books to my room," he gestured to the big mess she'd caused.
"Allow me to help," she quickly volunteered, "After all, it is my fault," she bent down and the pair started picking them up, each carrying half the weight.
"Mother, can I go now?" Sebastian asked once the two had stood up with the pile of books.
"Yes, be good now," she warned sternly, "I have enough trouble from your sister. I don't need my eldest boy to make ruckus like a toddler."
"Yes, mother," he nodded and went on his way.
"Now then, where were these headed again?" Renata turned to John..
"To my room," he nodded behind him.
"Then off we go," she walked ahead of him.
It only took a couple corridors for them to make a decent conversation with each other.
"So Sebastian is distracted often," John was saying, "He's intelligent, brilliant, very careful...but he gets distracted very easily."
"Yes, I do recall that being a problem last year as well. I promise you, John, I will talk to my boy and I will make him pay attention," Renata assured.
"It's nice to see you take great interest in your son's education," John smiled.
"Well, if I won't, who will?"
"Your husband, I would imagine..."
Renata swallowed, stopping at an alcove of the staircase, turning to an announcement board for a distraction, "Oh look at this, my little Lucy has been speaking about this. It's the annual dance at the village hall tomorrow. It's nothing formal, but rather fun by all accounts."
"I take it you and your husband will be attending?" John watched her face sort of grow in distaste for some reason.
"My husband is dead, John," she informed quietly, "He died many years ago."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Renata," he shook his head, feeling terrible for bringing up the subject, "Please excuse my imprudence."
"No, it's quite fine. I don't usually talk about it, hardly anyone knows."
"Well, um..." he glanced back at the noticeboard, wanting a quick distraction for her, "...You should really go to the dance."
"I should?" Renata blinked, "I hadn't thought about it."
"Yeah, you're beautiful no doubt," he gestured to her appearance, clearing his throat when he realized what had been said, "You're young, and you seem like a lovely woman. Why wouldn't anyone ask you?:
"Well, it's been ages since I've been to a dance cos no one's asked me," she laughed nervously. "Who wants to ask the widow?"
What was she doing? Was she actually nervous of a human? And not a scared nervous but a...blushing, heart beating, nervous? No. That could not happen. Ever.
"Well, I should imagine that you would be...um...I mean I never thought you'd be one for... I mean there's no reason why you shouldn't..." John started muzzling, backing away from her, "If you do, you may not...I probably won't, but even if I did then I couldn't...um, I mean maybe we could...um..."
"John, the stairs," Renata turned to him, eyes slightly wide in alarm.
"It - what about them?" he continued backing up.
"Well they're right behind you..."
John turned to see the stairs and overbalanced, falling backwards. Renata dropped her books and hurried to see...but the man was already on the floor with all the books sprawled everywhere.
"Oh dear..." she made a face.
Had she caused this?
Renata entered John's room holding Matron Joan's medical bag. Joan was cleaning a cut on the back of the man's head, John groaning against the pain.
Renata chuckled, "My little Lucy causes less trouble than you, and she's eight!"
"Because it hurts!" he pouted sulkily.
Renata shook her head and handed the bag over to Matron Joan, "Here you go. And thank you for coming."
Matron Joan and Renata were very good friends, even before John Smith had arrived. Renata was also learning the ways to become a nurse and Joan was more than glad to help her along the way.
The door to the room opened and Martha burst in, "Is he alright?"
"Excuse me, Martha. It's hardly good form to enter a master's study without knocking," Joan scolded.
Martha, heavily annoyed, walked back to the door and simply knocked twice, "Better?" she raised an eyebrow and returned, "Is he alright?" she looked at John, "They said you fell down the stairs, Sir."
Renata watched Martha carefully, picking up some extra care in the woman's eyes.
"No, it was just a tumble, that's all," John mumbled.
"Have you checked for concussion?" Martha asked Joan.
Renata was now fairly intrigued by the woman's knowledge.
"I have. And I daresay I know a lot more about it than you," Joan snapped.
Martha remembered she wasn't supposed to know anything about medicine and nodded, "Sorry. I'll just..." she looked at the Doctor, "...tidy your things."
Renata glanced between Martha and Joan, "Well, no need to be tensed...either of you. If you're just trying to help, I mean..."
Joan shook her head, not understanding how Renata could defend the maid. But that was just like her. She would defend anyone or help anyone that needed her.
"John, are you sure you're okay?" Renata bent down in front of him, still mighty guilty she had been the reason he had fallen down the stairs.
"Physically, yes," John nodded, seeing the confusion stir in her eyes, "I was telling Nurse Redfern- Matron, um, about my dreams. They are quite remarkable tales."
"Have they been interrupting your sleep?" she asked, her own recurring dreams, more like nightmares than anything, flashing through her head.
"No, well...they're a bit strange, but...not bad."
Meanwhile, Martha looked at the trio, hearing John explain to the women about his 'dreams'. She didn't think it was a good idea to disclose anything about the Doctor to these humans...but it's not like she could stop them, right?
"I keep imagining that I'm someone else, and that I'm hiding..."
"Hiding? In what way?" Joan asked, a bit interested herself.
"Um... er... almost every night..." John laughed, "This is going to sound silly..."
"Then tell us," Renata smiled, in the mood for something that could make her smile and forget.
"I dream, quite often, that I have two hearts."
Renata's smile faded.
"Well then, I can be the judge of that," Joan reached into her doctor's bag and took out a stethoscope.
Renata stood up and backed away, watching with great intent as Joan placed the stethoscope against John's chest. Upon hearing one heartbeat, Joan moved it to his left side and heard nothing.
"I can confirm the diagnosis- just one heart, singular."
Renata looked around the room, as if searching for something.
"I have written down some of these dreams in the form of fiction... um... not that it would be of any interest...to either of you," John cast a look to Renata, a bit more interested for her to hear.
"I'd be very interested..." Joan spoke up first, smiling as she noticed the man's gaze on her friend behind, "...and I'm sure Renata would love to hear as well."
At the mention of her name, Renata's eyes snapped back to the pair, startled to see John just staring at her, "Oh, um...sure, yes..." she watched John beam and move to his desk, Martha noticing the woman's gaze had changed and liked like she was... studying?
"Well... I've never shown it to anyone before," John returned with a black leather bound journal in his hands.
Renata slowly took it from him, studying the handwritten title on the first page, "'Journal of Impossible Things'" she turned the first couple of pages, Joan moving beside her as they both took in its contents.
Martha saw the immediate different reactions from both women. Matron Joan looked in deep awe, her eyes scanning every last detail on the pages. Renata, on the other hand, had gone pale. Her eyes were wide, filled with what one would call horror. Her eyes slowly looked from one sketch to another, widening more and more.
"Just look at these creatures!" Joan chuckled, turning the page to reveal a Dalek sketch in ink.
Renata nearly dropped the book at the sight, swallowing hard as she handed it to Joan, "Sorry...um, I-I just...I can't," she made a break for the door.
"Renata!" John swiftjy caught up, holding onto her arm and gently turning her around, "Are you okay? Have I frightened you?"
Renata breathed heavily, "Who are you?" she whispered. Neither noticed Martha stepping up, on high alarm. Had they been caught?
"I'm...I'm John," he smiled awkwardly, "Are you sure you don't want to have a seat? You seem rather pale."
Her eyes flickered from him to Joan, who was also looking in concern. Renata figured if she wanted to know, know the identity of this false man, she had to stay and read the journal. She nodded and allowed John to bring her over to the couch, sitting her down with caution.
"I must say, John, your imagination is quite vast," Joan moved over to the pair, showing the journal to Renata in hopes she could help her blonde friend. It was just like Renata to drive away any man that showed the least bit of interest in her.
Renata took another look at the pages, hoping to God she had seen wrong the first time. But as she passed the pages, she saw familiar creatures. Her breathing struggled to maintain itself at a normal rate. There were Autons sketched over, the Moxx of Balhoon, and clockwork robots.
"It's wonderful," she whispered, turning the page to see a sketch of Rose Tyler's face, "And quite an eye for the pretty girls."
"Oh no no, she's just an invention. This character, Rose, I call her, Rose," John quickly said, feeling compelled to clarify he didn't know the woman and most certainly didn't want anything to do with her, "Seems to disappear later on..."
Renata's breath hitched as she turned to the next page. There were Cybermen...a sketch of a TARDIS.
"Ah, that's the box, the blue box, it's always there," John pointed to the blue box, "Like a...like a magic carpet, this funny little box that transports me to far away places."
"Like a doorway?" tried Joan.
Renata, again, turned the page and with rather haste. She found different faces, ten different faces...
"I sometimes think how magical life would be if things like this were true," John said, distracted as he looked from one face to another.
"If only," Joan chuckled.
"It's just a dream."
"Just a dream..." Renata whispered, turning the next page and finding...a fob watch.
Renata and Matron Joan walked out of John's room, Renata holding a tight grip on John's journal. She had asked him if she could borrow the journal and keep reading. She had to know who he was...
"Ma'am! That book-" Martha Jones ran after the pair.
"Oh I'll look after it, don't worry. He did say I could read it," Renata turned around, now looking at Martha with distrust.
"But it's silly, that's all," Martha insisted, nervously smiling, "Just stories."
"Then I am sure it will be interesting to read," Joan said, trying to usher Renata to walk.
"Who is he, Martha?" Renata suddenly asked, her eyes narrowing as Martha nearly stumbled back from the question.
"I'm sorry?" she asked, noticing the change in Renata's tone and posture. The woman seemed soft at first, warn and kind. Now she was cold, her eyes searching Martha endlessly for an answer. She seemed almost...threatening.
"Joan, could you go on ahead without me?" Renata asked, glancing at her friend, "We'll go and have that tea."
Joan nodded and walked off, Martha cautiously stepping back. Renata awaited the appropriate time to speak again, wanting no one to hear her.
"Your name was Martha, right?"
"Martha Jones, ma'am," Martha nodded.
"Martha Jones," Renata tested the name out, "Let me see if I remember correctly, according to Sebastian and Joan, Mr. Smith arrived two months ago with you?".
"He found me employment here at the school...I used to work for the family, he just sort of inherited me," Martha felt like she had suddenly been thrown into an interrogation room.
"Well see, here's the thing that intrigues me about you..."
"Me?" Martha pointed to herself in confusion.
"All the maids here never speak up like you do. They keep their heads down and serve their masters and mistresses with respect and distance. But you...you sometimes seem a little familiar with him. All this leads me to one question, one question that I will find out through this journal," Renata glanced at the journal in her hands, Martha looking at it vaguely, "Or...through your lips," Renata looked up at her, the same coldness bathing her eyes, "Who is he, Martha?"
Martha tensed, "Well, who are you?"
"I'm Renata Cartwright, and you?" Renata waited, or rather gave a chance for Martha to speak up. Unfortunately, Martha did nothing but stare silently. "You are not from here, that easily I can tell. So then, who is John Smith?" but Martha stepped back again, remaining silent. Renata took it as a declaration of war, sensing Martha's outright refusal to answer, "Listen here, Martha Jones, if either you or 'John Smith' try anything to hurt my son, my daughter, my friends..." Renata stepped closer to Martha, utterly harsh, "...you will get to know just who I really am."
Martha swallowed, no clue of what to do next. Renata backed away and turned, walking off with satisfaction that her message got through.
She had lost everything once...she would not lose the little she had managed to build for herself.
It was dark out by the time Renata had finished reading John Smith's journal. She sat by the couch, in front of the window, and looked up. She let out a shaky breath, her hands closing the journal. It was him...it was...him.
"You have got to go," she whispered, her eyes threatening to spill with tears.
Outside the village pub, Martha and Jenny sat at a small round table with their drinks.
"Ooh, it's freezing out here! Why can't we have a drink inside the pub?" Martha complained as she drank out of her pint.
"Now don't be ridiculous - you do get these notions! It's all very well those Suffragettes; but that's London, that's miles away," Jenny waved her off.
"But don't you want to scream sometimes, having to bow and scrape and behave, don't you just wanna tell them?"
"I dunno. Things must be different in your country."
"Yeah, well they are. Thank God I'm not staying," Martha made a face and looked away for a moment.
"You keep saying that..."
"Just you wait. One more month and I'm as free as the wind," Martha dreamed of the day the Doctor would return and take her away again. "I wish you could come with me, Jenny - you'd love it!"
"Where are you gonna go?"
"Anywhere, hopefully soon," Martha swallowed, thinking of today's account.
Renata Cartwright had practically declared herself an enemy of the Doctor and hers. She wanted to leave as quick as possible and could only hope Renata wouldn't do anything in the last month they needed to remain in hiding.
Martha looked up to the sky, sighing, "That's where I'm going. Into the sky, all the way out."
Jenny laughed at the notions of her friend, but Martha remained gazed up at the sky. Suddenly, Martha saw a green light flares across the sky, disappearing after a corner second or two.
"Did you see that?" Martha sat up, her gaze stuck on the sky.
"See what?" Jenny barely looked up, seeing nothing but stars.
"Did you see it though?" Martha stood up, her heart beating faster. Could this be one of Renata's tactics against the Doctor and her? "Right up there, just for a second."
"Martha, there's nothing there," Jenny stood up as well, but Martha remained unconvinced.
"You!" Renata Cartwright suddenly appeared, storming towards Martha and Jenny, her finger pointed violently at Martha.
Martha stumbled back, Renata going straight for her, "What's wrong, miss?"
"I'm only going to tell you this once," Renata stopped right in front of her, her eyes nearly gobbling Martha up with anger, "You and your Doctor need to get the hell out of here!"
Martha blinked rapidly, her mind racing to figure out how to calm the woman, "Um, M-Miss Cartwright, you-"
"GET OUT!" Renata screamed, Martha flinching greatly.
"Miss Cartwright," Jenny stood, completely alarmed.
"Go home, Jenny," Renata instructed, not even turning to see how afraid the woman was of her at the moment. She was focused on Martha, and 'the Doctor'.
"I guess you know everything now, but...I just gotta ask...how?" Martha blinked, completely confused.
Even if she had read the whole journal, how could she know who the Doctor was? How could she think, for one moment, that the Doctor was real? Why would a human, besides Martha herself, in the year 1913 ever believe that there was a man of another universe, with two hearts and a blue box?
"That is none of your business!" Renata gritted her teeth, "You will listen to me and get out! Get out of 1913, because this...this is my time! This is my home, now and you will not ruin this!" her voice faulted and her eyes began watering up.
At that moment, John Smith emerged from the pub, a hat in his hand. He smiled when he saw the presence of Renata Cartwright and joined them, "Renata, how are you-" he reached for her arm when she jerked it away from him.
"Don't touch me!" she snapped, stepping back from him and Martha.
John frowned, "Um...is everything alright?"
"You and her need to leave!" Renata exclaimed, confusing him even more, "You need to get your things and-"
'There!" Martha suddenly pointed to the sky again, everyone looking up to see the same green light fly over like a shooting star.
Renata immediately quieted down at the sight, something was wrong...something would be very wrong.
"That's beautiful," Jenny remarked.
"There...orgom. Commonly known as a meteorite. It's just rocks falling to the ground, that's all..." John explained, but sounded distracted as he was cautiously looking at Renata. She seemed so out of place at the moment, so angry...but why?
"That came down in the woods," Renata whispered, still heard by the others.
"No, no no, they always look close, when actually they're miles off. Nothing left but a cinder," the Doctor stepped over to her side, "Would you like me to escort you home?"
"No," she crossed her arms and stepped away from him.
He couldn't take that kind of attitude, it actually...hurt him. That was weird, in all the time he could remember he never felt so hurt because a woman refused to let him touch her arm.
"I have my children to attend do," Renata studied the man, figuring if he was the Doctor he didn't know at the time. He had used the fob watch and made himself human. She cast a look at Martha, nodding to the place where the light had seemingly fallen too, Martha confused for a second until she realized Renata wanted to go see what it was...with her.
"Jenny, where was that? On the horizon, where the light was headed," Martha asked, her look still on Renata.
"That's by Cooper's Field," Jenny replied.
"I shall bid goodnight," Renata muttered and walked away, leaving John to stare after her.
"Who are you!?" demanded Renata as she and Martha ran through the woods, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in 1913!?"
"Me!? Who are you!?" Martha exclaimed, over her fear of Renata, seeing as she wasn't responsible for the green light, "How can you possibly think the Doctor is real? No human, especially in 1913, would accept that so easily!"
"That is none of our concern! I want you and the Doctor out of here, NOW!"
"Oh and what are we gonna do about the green light, hmm?"
"We? There is no 'we' in this. For all I know, you could be responsible for this!" Renata huffed and looked to the side. She didn't actually mean those words of hers, as she remembered the man was a complete madman, even as young, but he would never intentionally hurt someone else.
"If you thought that, then we wouldn't be running together to go see what it was," Martha countering, noticing Renata's sudden silence.
They stopped at the head of the clearing, nothing in sight...
"That was strange, then," Renata took a step forwards, "Nothing there..."
"And that's Cooper's Field?" Martha asked, unsure herself there was nothing there.
"But there was a light...and it did fall..."
Martha turned around, calm and serious, "Miss Cartwright, the Doctor and I mean no harm. I promise you. But we can't leave...not right now."
"I need you to leave," Renata insisted, respecting Martha for the calm attitude she was taking despite the rude way she herself took upon Martha, "And I say that with respect. I don't want you here, especially the Doctor. Just...just go and leave, please."
"Do you know him?" she frowned, had the Doctor left yet another woman after his trail like Rose?
Renata's eyes faltered and for a brief minute she looked down, "...no," Martha eyed her curiously, unsure of her answer, "But I know what he is. He took the fob watch, didn't he?" Martha blinked at the knowledge Renata had, "Yes, he did, didn't he?" Renata shook her head, "What's he running from? Because I doubt he ran from what I ran...he wouldn't have had a human with him."
Martha saw no point in hiding anymore, Renata knew and if she herself wasn't human then she would need to get Renata on their side...so she wouldn't hurt the Doctor, "...there was this Family..." Martha began, "...they wanted the Doctor cos he can live past one life cycle..." Renata nodded, awfully calm, "...but the Doctor said that the lifespan of the Family was limited so if he turned human and we waited for three months, the Family would just die out and he could open the watch after...but he doesn't know he's the Doctor, John Smith believes he's John Smith."
"So you're not here...searching...?"
"Why would we be searching?" Martha frowned, confused as Renata shifted on her feet.
"No reason," Renata cleared her throat, putting her hands on her hips as she thought, "Alright, tell you what, then...I'll keep my mouth shut about all this. And in return, neither you nor 'the Doctor', or John Smith, shall make contact with me or my children. John Smith will only teach Sebastian."
"Yeah, sure," Martha quickly nodded, "And...and you?"
"What about me?"
"You...won't try anything?"
Renata scoffed, "The last thing I wanna do is draw attention to myself or my children. Goodnight, Martha Jones. Sincerely, I wish you and the Doctor can get out of here like you plan."
Martha nodded, watching silently as Renata left. Renata wasn't human, that much she knew. What could she be doing here? Why was she so keen on getting her and the Doctor out of 1913 to leave her...? Why?
"Mum! Mum, can I get the door?" little Lucy Cartwright trailed after her mother, both of them hearing several knocks on the door to their house.
"No, Lucy, it's far too dangerous," Renata replied calmly, rolling her eyes at her daughter's groan. After the mysterious light of last night, she was going to take extra precaution with her children. She would not lose them too. She opened the door up, genuinely surprised to find John Smith on the other side, "John?" was all she could say.
"Renata, hello...um," the Doctor looked down to the small child behind her.
"What are you doing here?" Renata asked, setting a hand on Lucy's shoulder who only poked her head around her mother's side.
"Uh..." if he had to be honest, he didn't know what he was doing there either. He had allowed Martha to go into the village for some free time and somehow he decided to go to Renata's house. After last night, he just needed to make sure she was alright...not angry anymore. So he asked Martha to pinpoint the blonde's house, excusing it as a simple teacher intervention concerning Sebastian.
"Aren't you Sebastian's teacher?" Lucy broke the silence that fell over the adults, finally coming around her mother, "Is he a bad student? I think he is. He never listens!"
The Doctor smiled at the little girl, he always did have a soft sport for children, "He's very hardworking."
Lucy scoffed, "Yeah right!"
"Uh, Lucy, go with Elena, yeah?" Renata pushed the girl behind her, over to a door on the fa right of the house.
"But muuuum..."
"No, go," Renata pushed her off, the girl huffing and making her way to her nana's room.
"She seems lovely," the Doctor remarked, still awkwardly standing on the front door.
"Yeah, yeah," Renata sighed, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see if you were alright...truthfully, last night, you alarmed me..."
"Yes, I'm fine, you can go now," she tried closing the door but John placed a hand between and stopped her.
"Can we please talk?"
"Please," Renata closed her eyes for a moment as she gathered her self and courage, "There's nothing to be talked about. It'd be best if you just go. You partly came for the journal, right?"
"No, no..."
"Do you want it back now? I finished it," she left the door and walked over to the kitchen table where the journal was placed on, "Very nice imagination."
"Renata, have I done something wrong?" the Doctor sighed, really disliking the coldness he was receiving from her. It hurt.
"No, everything's fine. I just have some things to do. I was going to to the village in the afternoon and I want to finish my work around the house, first. So, please just...go back to the school..." she handed him back the journal, "I think you should allow Joan to read it. She seemed fascinated by it as well."
"Sure..." John looked at his journal for a second before looking up to Renata's deep, chocolate brown eyes. He smiled warmly, despite Renata's odd attitude with him, those pair remained as warm and loving as ever.
"I must get to work, John," Renata snapped him out of his thoughts, "Please say hello to my son for me."
"Yeah," John nodded, nearly forcing himself to turn away and walk. He didn't know why but he just want to spend some time with the blonde, talk to her...but it actually hurt him that she rejected him.
Renata watched the man walk away, heaving an unexpected sigh. She caught it and shook her head, "What am I doing..." she shook her head again and closed the door, turning around to see Elena, the nana of her daughter and closest friend of hers.
"Well, who was that?" the black-haired woman crossed her arms, a playful smirk on her face.
Elena was middle-aged and also a widow. Her hair was black and fell down her shoulders. Her eyes were a shade of light hazel, her cheekbones a bit pronounced. She lived with Renata and Lucy, and at a time Sebastian, after her husband died. She helped Renata take care of the house and the children, and even handled her own job down at the village. Overall, she was someone Renata trusted above anyone in town...almost with everything.
"Sebastian's teacher," Renata shrugged and walked away.
"And what's he doing over here?" Elena trailed after her.
"Just visiting."
"Why would a teacher visit a student's single, widowed mother? Hmmm..." Elena smirked again.
Renata rolled her eyes, this was the last thing she needed, "Can you go call Lucy? I need help to finish around the house. I have a lot of errands to do in the village."
Elena rolled her eyes, knowing how this would go. There was a nice man who showed interest in Renata, Renata pushed them away in the coldest way possible until the poor man resigned himself and let her go. Then Renata would resume her lonely life, caring only for her children.
That's always how it went.
The students were lined up in a column, doing target practice directed by John Smith. The headmaster overlooked as well, but from a distance. One of the students seemed to have gotten distracted and caused the partner to get into a state.
"There's a stoppage, immediate action," the angry student, Hutchinson, growled. "Didn't I tell you, sir, this stupid boy is useless!" he regarded over the slightly smaller student beside him. "Permission to give Latimer a beating, Sir?"
"It's your class, Mr Smith," the headmaster gave a casual shrug of his shoulders.
"Permission granted," John said without a second thought.
"Right, come with me, you little oiyk," Hutchinson grabbed Timothy by the wrist and yanked him up to his feet. The rest of the boys followed to 'help'. Baines, one of the few students to remain, took a long sniff and rather loudly.
"Anything the matter, Baines?" John looked him over, concerned for the boy.
"I thought... No sir. Nothing, sir," Baines turned on his feet and went to join the rest of the boys.
"As you were, Mr. Smith," the headmaster said before leaving.
"Ah... Pemberton, Smythe, Wicks, take post," John instructed, three more boys taking the positions.
By chance, John glanced about and spotted Matron Joan watching the gunshots. He bit his lip, thinking of Renata and her odd attitude. Joan and her seemed like good friends, perhaps she could help him...
Then he shook his head, was he really going through all this trouble for a women he barely knew?
Apparently, the answer was yes, because he found himself walking over to Joan.
"Ah, Nurse Redfern," he greeted politely, the woman nodding her greet, "Do you mind...if we talked?"
"About?" though Joan could already half guess the topic of their conversation.
"Your lovely friend, Renata Cartwright."
"Ah, what seems to be the problem?" she had to struggle to keep her smirk hidden. It was quite easy to see John had taken a liking to the blonde.
"I honestly don't know..." John sighed, "...she seems, alarmed. Like she's afraid of something. But I fear she may be upset with me."
"I'm sure you are imagining things, Mr. Smith," though when Joan got to thinking of the way Renata spoke to Martha, she did have to concede on the fact Renata was being a bit odd.
"I stopped by her home, tried to see if maybe I could apologize for whatever it was that I had done..." John blushed as he admitted his bold move, but he felt like he just had to go see Renata.
"And what happened?"
"She handed me my journal and sent me on my way."
"Mr. Smith, Renata hasn't had an easy life. She's an orphan, no parents nor siblings. They all died in some tragic accident. She married and became a widow with two children. Her suitors are limited as she tends to see to her children. Her friends are also very limited because of the bit of fear women have for her."
"Fear? How could they be afraid of such an innocent woman?"
Joan smiled softly, seeing John truly had a genuine affection for Renata, "Renata is quite beautiful, Mr. Smith," she watched his eyes drift to the side, probably thinking of the blonde at the moment, "Any man who's single tends to have a liking for her. The women all believe Renata is the, um...alpha woman," she chuckled to herself, "They fear of the top woman."
"Joan, can I call you Joan?" John asked, hoping to garner the woman's trust. Joan nodded, "Do you think you could help me? I would really like to talk to Renata. I heard she was going to the village later in the afternoon...do you think you could help me find her?"
"Of course," she smiled, "I was also headed for the village, perhaps you could accompany me and I could help find Renata."
"Thank you," John nodded fast, making Joan chuckle at his excitement, "Really, thank you!"
He would talk to Renata again and hopefully make amends for whatever he had done. He didn't know why but he had to continue seeing her, talking to her...he needed to.
"Mum, can I have a balloon?" Lucy asked her mother as the two walked down a street of the village.
"No, Lucy, what's the point?" Renata sighed, currently holding Lucy's hand while another held fruit for their dinner.
"But please? Mr. Lodge won't mind," Lucy gestured to the elderly man of the bakery shop, a few red balloons strung up front.
Renata sighed, knowing if she didn't abide Lucy would not let it go for quite some time, "Oh alright, but you ask nicely," Lucy nodded and scurried off to go get that red balloon. Renata sighed and looked down at her bag, noticing a few fruit were missing, "That's odd, I thought I bought apples..." she continued walking meanwhile she focused on counting the fruit in her bag.
In another part of the village, John Smith and Joan were walking together, both looking for Renata.
"Just search for a little girl and you'll find Renata," Joan was saying.
"I don't see any children, mind you, although..." John stopped walking at a glimpse of blonde. He leaned forwards, carefully focusing and realizing it was her! She was looking through a bag of some sorts, walking towards a shop building where two men were winching up a piano with a rope...the rope sling currently breaking...
"Where is she?" Joan searched, but John had become distracted, his eyes flickering from Renata to the piano and rope.
Renata was looking through her bag, mumbling to herself whether or not Lucy had snuck an orange or two when she hadn't been looking.
"No!" John snapped from his trance, snatching a cricket ball from a young boy near them and pitching it a bundle of spare scaffolding poles outside the ironmongers. The pole fell and hit a plank of wood with a brick on the end, making the brick fly up to the air over the piano just as the rope snapped and started hurtling towards the ground. The brick hit a milk churn on a cart and sent it falling into the path of Renata.
"What!?" Renata yelped as her feet hit the blocker and fell over, landing head-straight on the ground...the piano just barely missing her as it fell to the ground.
"Renata!" John quickly ran down the hill, Joan hurrying after. When they got near Renata, the two workers were currently trying to help her, but the woman was unconscious.
"Mummy?" Lucy poked her head out from the corner, gasping when she saw Renata on the floor, "Mummy!" she scurried over, on the brink of tears as her mother didn't seem to be waking up.
"It's okay, sweetie, it's okay," Joan took the crying girl into her arms.
John turned Renata's head to face her, the woman still unconscious, "Renata? Renata, wake up!"
"She's bleeding, John," Joan nodded to the top of Renata's head, her blonde hair tainted with a brilliant red, "I can help her, but we need to get to the school. The doctor of the town is away!"
John scooped Renata into his arms, hurriedly heading for the school, Joan following with a crying Lucy at her side.
"Is she going to be alright?" Lucy asked, her mother still unconscious as Matron Joan cleared up the cut on her head.
Renata was currently in the school's infirmary, Matron Joan working on her while John and Lucy awaited on the sides. Martha walked in, holding a tray of tea for the adults, a small plate of pieces of fruit for little Lucy. She wasn't on the best terms with Renata, but she didn't want her to be hurt either.
"Here you are," Martha set the tray on a small table.
"Are those peaches?" Lucy sniffled, turning to the table, "I like peaches."
Martha smiled, stepping back and allowing the girl to take some, "Go ahead."
"Well, she seems fine," Joan gave her declaration, "But I think we should give her some medication for the head?" she suggested, John immediately nodding. "We'll need to go back into town."
"And on the way, we could drop by Lucy," John glanced at the girl, "I think there was a nana, or someone that could care for her."
"Come around, Lucy," Joan said, gesturing for the girl to follow them.
"Martha, I trust you will watch over Miss Cartwright?" John asked.
Martha nodded, "Of course."
The trio left and Martha heaved a sigh as she moved beside the blonde. She looked around and found the medical bag of Matron Joan. She bit her lip, she really shouldn't...but this was a person in need of a doctor...and she had the obligation to help anyone in need. She picked up a stethoscope inside and put it on, glancing one more time at the doors in case anyone walked in. When she felt confident enough, she placed the stethoscope on Renata's chest, hearing a healthy heartbeat...
...and then she heard more.
With a confused expression, Martha moved the stethoscope to Renata's left side of her chest...
...there was a second heartbeat.
Martha's eyes widened, moving the stethoscope again in case she was imagining it.
There was still another set of heartbeats.
Martha removed the stethoscope and stared at Renata in utter shock. That's when she noticed Renata was wearing a long necklace hanging to her stomach. It was in the shape of a light green crystal...
Renata groaned as she came back to life, her eyes slowly opening, "What...what's going on..."
John, who at the last moment preferred to remain in the infirmary room with Renata - deciding Joan could return Lucy home and find the medication afterwards - set down his journal with pen on a table nearby and stood up fast, "It's okay, it's okay," he set a hand on Renata's arm, "Don't try to move so fast."
"What happened?" Renata shut her eyes at the sharp throb she felt on her head.
"You had an accident at the village. Matron Joan and I brought you back to the school."
"Did she check my heartbeat?" Renata immediately sat up.
"Um, no, the injury was on your head," John quickly answered, alarmed something felt wrong in her heart.
"Oh," Renata put a hand on her head and winced, "Yes, I see. And Lucy?" alarmed, she tried getting off the bed too fast and became dizzy.
Before her legs gave out, John caught her by the waist, "Gotcha. And don't worry about Lucy or Sebastian, it's all been taken care of. You just take it easy," he smiled softly at her.
For a moment, Renata met his eyes and felt herself blush at their closeness. When she caught herself, she shook her head and sat back on the bed, swatting away John's hands, "I'm fine, I'm fine," she assured and looked away. She noticed the John's open journal and caught a glimpse of a sketch, "What were you doing?" she grew curious.
"Hm?" John caught her gaze on his journal and stiffened, "Oh, um...I was sort of...well you see..."
Renata gave him a look before reaching over for the journal, unaware of the bright blush John suddenly sported. Renata took a look at the sketch, her eyes half-widening, "Oh..." she started to smile, "...you drew me, it's nice," she looked up at the Doctor, surprising the man how her attitude changed once more.
"Thank you," he let a smile escape his lips. He moved closer to her to see his sketch of her on his journal, "I thought it may serve to help your anger with me...perhaps lower it..."
Renata's smile faded at those words, feeling shame for making him feel at fault of something he probably couldn't even remember. But even if he was himself, he probably would've said it hadn't been completely his fault either and that she was also to blame. Renata looked at him and sighed, "I'm not angry, John. I just don't think we should talk to each other..."
"But why?" John frowned, actually feeling his heart ping at her hurtful words, "What have I done? Tell me so I know how to fix it."
Renata let the journal fall to her lap as she looked at him again, "You've not done anything-"
"Then why do you treat me like this? The first time we met, we talked like friends, normal...happy," he looked down, "...now you barely even want to direct a word to me."
Without thinking, Renata reached to touch his cheek, making him flinch at the contact, "I'm sorry," she whispered, "This is all just...too...new," she supplied the word for 'difficult'. She figured for the human version of the Doctor she had in front of her she could downplay the entire situation.
"New?" John raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit of hope all of a sudden.
If all this arose out of things being too 'new' then it meant he hadn't done anything to anger her. It was simply because she was widowed and thought something between him and her was new for her, seeing as Joan had said that Renata had never actually paid attention to any man's feelings. Now, he didn't know what exactly was going on with him concerning Renata but all he knew was that he didn't want her to be angry with him. He wanted her to be close, to be...with him.
Renata swallowed and nodded, letting him believe it, "I'm not...I'm not used to any of this, so...I'd rather not get further into it."
"Why not? Why don't you let us get to know each other, hmm?" John took her hand from his face and gave it a kiss, stunning Renata and making her blush, "How about you accompany me to the village dance this evening as my guest?" Renata's eyes widened at the proposal, "We can talk, we can get to know each other...?"
Renata looked at their hands that were still interlocked, "I don't..."
"Give me this one opportunity, yeah?" John insisted, even surprising himself on how big his determination was to get the woman to let them be friends.
"She accepts!" a different voice spoke from the doorway, the pair looking over to see Matron Joan standing with a cheery smile, "Renata most definitely accepts, John," she hurried on up.
"I...but I didn't," Renata began to say but Joan had other ideas.
"She's been talking nonstop of that dance," Joan continued, putting down the bag of medicine she brought back from the town. "I can guarantee she'll be more than happy to accompany you."
"Really?" John looked at Renata with so much hope it made Renata feel like she'd be a monster for saying no.
"Sure," she finally said, her voice a whisper.
John smiled from ear to ear, feeling like his heart was about to burst within his chest, and though that was something new he didn't pay attention to it because Renata had accepted his invitation, "Great, very, very great," he reached for Renata's hand and kissed its back, "Tonight, then..."
"I'll drop her off with you," Joan offered, nearly giving herself her own applause at what she managed to do. Renata had never accepted any sort of invitation from a man, not even a simple conversation! Now she had made Renata accept an invitation for a dance with a man who genuinely seem to like her.
"You will?" Renata looked at her for that one, she'd like to see her children first.
"Of course," Joan laughed, "How's about seven, John?"
"Perfect," he nodded as he looked at Renata, "Is that alright with you?"
She sighed and nodded, "Yeah," there was no way back from that one anymore. She'd have to go with it and hopefully not get into trouble this one time...
~ 0 ~
Martha Jones was inside the TARDIS, frantically going through the Doctor's pre-recorded video he'd left for her before turning human. He left her all sorts of messages and warnings, ridiculous things as was his style. She kept searching and searching through the video, hoping there was one bit she had perhaps missed about...women.
But in the end, she came up with nothing and stopped the video, heaving a heavy sigh, "This is no good. What about the stuff you didn't tell me, what about women? Oh no, you didn't think of that. What in hell am I supposed to do then? Huh?" she paused and took a long breath, "Another Time Lord...bet you didn't think of that one, hm?" she frowned, "Another Time Lord hiding in the 1913...what am I supposed to do now?"
The near shut-down TARDIS gave a hum that Martha guessed was a cheerful one...for a box, anyways. She looked around, "What do I do?" she called, expecting some sort of sign from the box. She knew the Doctor had put it on some sort of emergency setting, the box was still powered on but no real abilities were in its reach at the moment, "What do I do? Do I...bring her here? Do I tell the Doctor about this...granted, by the way he's taken a liking to her I think he'll figure it out pretty soon," she muttered, not too pleased with that fact. Of course, out of all the women the Doctor could've fallen for he had to go and find a miracle, another Time Lord, to be with.
Question was, though, why did Renata want them to leave without her?
~ 0 ~
"I cannot believe you're making me do this," Renata huffed as Joan went through her wardrobe inside her room.
"Oh do calm down, it's not the end of the world," Joan absently remarked while she pulled out a dress, checking Renata to see if it would fit.
Joan had brought Renata to her room in order to get ready for the dance that night. Joan knew that if she let Renata out of her sight the blonde could possibly break things in the form of an excuse like a head ache or something.
"I should be with my children," Renata stood up from the chair she had been sitting in.
"I brought Sebastian back to the house with Elena to look after Lucy," Joan reminded, "I assured all three that you would be fine but that you would be a bit late for supper tonight."
"This isn't right," Renata shook her head, catching a glimpse of the new dress Joan had taken out.
"And why not?" Joan turned around, holding her dress out for Renata to check.
Renata eyed the dark purple dress with a sigh, "I can't..."
"I understand, believe me, I'm also widowed, remember?" Joan went to set the dress on her bed, "It's hard to get over your husband's death, but it's been years for you now."
"It's been some time for you too you know," Renata crossed her arms.
"Yes, but I'm not the one avoiding nearly every man that walks in your direction," Joan countered, "I think it's about time you took a chance."
"A chance," Renata quietly repeated, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, turning away from Joan as she thought of the last time she was told to take a 'chance', "I'm not good with chances..."
"Then let me help," Joan reached for Renata's hand and brought her to the dress she had picked out for the blonde, "This can be a very lovely night for you. John seems very nice, a bit distant and distracted sometimes but nonetheless harmless. Plus, it's no secret he's rather handsome," she chuckled when she noticed Renata blushing with an almost ashamed face, "That's what I thought. So," she clapped her hands, "How's about we get you ready?"
With nothing else to do, Renata nodded and allowed Joan to help her get ready for the night.
~ 0 ~
At seven o'clock Renata had promptly showed up in John's room to attend the village dance, and if she admitted to anyone she would say was more than nervous of this whole plan. She didn't want to be there, she shouldn't be there...she should stay away from the Doctor and his companion, she should remain in hiding and wait for them to leave and never come back. She should do that...she should...so why couldn't she make her feet walk out of the Doctor's room?
"You look wonderful," John remarked, feeling his breath leave him at the sight of Renata in her gown.
Renata did her best not to show her blush, "Thank you," she politely said. She looked around the room as her blush faded, noticing something missing over the fireplace.
"Shall we get going, then?" John saw her getting quiet and that was something he was determined not to let happen at all for the night.
"Yes," Renata nodded, allowing him to link arms with her.
However, as they went for the door, Martha burst inside with a heavy breath as if she'd been running for hours, "They've found us!" Renata stiffened, though John didn't seem to notice it.
"Martha," he began in his scolding tone.
"They've found us, and I've seen them- they look like people, like us, like normal," Martha went straight up to Renata, the blonde growing more and more nervous, "I don't know what to do except make him open the watch!" she figured if the Doctor wasn't around then the next best thing would be the second Time Lord around...Renata.
"I...I don't..." Renata looked at John with wide eyes, her breathing picking up as she thought of the many ways she could be caught by him and the enemy.
John misunderstood her emotions for that of a fearful woman being attacked by his maid, "Martha! This is ridiculous!"
"Oh my god, where's it gone?" Martha had noticed the gob watch was missing on the mantle piece, "Where's the watch?"
"What are you talking about?" John pulled her away from the mantle and Renata.
"You had a watch, a fob watch. Right there!"
"Did I? I don't remember."
"But we need it..." Martha was in full-blown franticness, "Oh my god, Doctor we're hiding from aliens, and they've got Jenny and they've... possessed her or copied her or something and you've got to tell me, where's the watch?"
"Martha..." Renata swallowed hard.
"Cultural differences," John shook his head and went over to a desk where his journal was, "It must be so confusing for you. Martha, this is what we call a story," he returned and waved the journal.
"Oh you complete..." Martha rolled her eyes, "This," she pointed at him, "is not you. This is nineteen thirteen!"
"Good," John slowly said as he nodded, "This is nineteen thirteen."
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry but I've got to snap you out of this," she took a breath before she slapped him hard across the face.
Stunned, Renata looked between the pair with wide eyes, "Oh my Lord," she covered her mouth.
"Wake up! You're coming back to the TARDIS with me!" Martha exclaimed as she took John's arm and tugged him towards the door.
"How dare you!?" he angrily shouted, "I'm not going anywhere with an insane servant! Martha, you are dismissed, you will leave these premises immediately. Now get out!" he used the grip she had on his arm and dragged her to the door, throwing her out and shutting the door.
Renata felt bad for the woman, even if she wasn't really friends with Martha. She could only assume the Doctor had placed Martha as his caretaker while he was human. Heaven knows the job of looking after him is terrible and nerve-wrecking...and a total nightmare. For that same reason, Renata had turned to the mantelpiece to search for the missing fob watch, hoping Martha had just missed it and was it hiding underneath other objects.
"Renata, you don't have to clean up after that insane servant," John came over and took the blonde away.
"Clean up?" Renata blinked as the excuse settled in her mind, "Right, clean up..." she looked at the mantle-piece with concern as she now knew that the fob watch was indeed missing.
"I'm terribly sorry for this," John sighed, "There goes my attempt to make this a good night for you."
Renata stopped and looked at him with a small smile, touched he was trying so hard for someone who didn't even deserve it, "I think you're doing fine, poor Martha just had a bad dream or something..."
"What ever the case is, she is completely fired," he shook his head, doing his best to keep his anger down as this was an important night for him. He instead linked arms with Renata and led her to the doors, determined to give her that good night that would hopefully lead to some type of friendship and maybe more.
~ 0 ~
Once at the dance, Renata took a look at the room in hopes of finding Martha again. She knew for sure Martha would be making some type of reappearance to get the Doctor to believe her. She just wished Martha would come to her first so she could help and keep her out of trouble, although if Martha was the companion of the Doctor she was sure Martha was more than used to the trouble that came with the Doctor.
"Would you care for a dance?" John brought her out of her thoughts, making her see he was holding a hand for her with a very sheepish smile on his face.
"Of course," Renata wasn't entirely sure it would lead to something good. She really shouldn't be doing any of this...and yet there she was. As the music started, the pair started to dance, "You can dance," Renata blurted without thought, quietly gasping afterwards. Oh, she really needed to learn how to keep her mouth shut.
"I surprised myself," John chuckled, of course as if fate was against him they crashed into another dancing pair, "Sorry," he apologized quietly, embarrassed, but then saw Renata smiling at him and suddenly nothing was wrong anymore.
After dancing a couple of songs, Renata wished for a break and so they found themselves a table. While John excused himself for some drinks for them, Martha reappeared. She marched up to Renata, looking none too pleased. "Well, you sure seem comfortable," she plopped down across the table.
Renata sighed, "It's not my fault you went insane earlier. There were plenty more options before you had to go all frantic."
"Well, I only went frantic because the one person who was supposed to be helping me was going on a date with the man she said she wanted nothing to do with," Martha sourly spat.
"I'm only here because my friend made me," Renata leaned on the table.
Martha scoffed, "Oh, please."
"It's not my fault you're in love with him and he's not in love with you," Renata snapped and made Martha go silent, "Do you know how hard I worked on this stupid perception filter?" she gestured the necklace around her neck, "I made this just so the Doctor wouldn't find me nor sense me as a Time Lady. I even went back in time to a boring ole year so that he wouldn't ever find me. Do you honestly think I'm happy right now?"
Martha was silent as she studied the blonde woman, having to admit that she really didn't look very happy at the moment. But something in Renata's eyes told her that deep down there was something Renata wasn't telling her, something important that concerned the Doctor.
"I checked the mantle-piece and you're right, it's missing," Renata continued with a small sigh, "Someone took the watch and since the aliens searching for you just tried attacking you, I'm gonna go on a limb and say one of the humans has it."
"But who?" Martha questioned as she looked around, unable to think of anyone who'd want a teacher's fob watch.
"Oh, now really, Martha. This is getting out of hand," John had returned with the drinks for him and Renata in hand, "I must insist that you leave."
Martha stood up and held out his sonic screwdriver, "Do you know what this is?" she questioned, waving it at him, "Name it. Go on, name it."
Renata quietly stood up and took the drinks from his hands, placing it on the table, "You wrote about it..." she tried to discreetly help Martha without being caught.
"You're not John Smith. You're called the Doctor. The man in your journal, he's real. He's you," Martha watched John as he took the screwdriver and turned it around, intently studying it.
A middle-aged man, Clarke, entered the room with a gun in hand as he knocked over a hat stand, making people panic and move away, "There will be silence! All of you!" he ordered as the scarecrows filed in after Baines and Jenny, "I said silence!"
The trio turned around to see the dancefloor overtaken by the scarecrows and the humans-possessed-by-aliens. The announcer of the dance walked up to Clarke, "Mr Clarke! What's going on?" the answer was the gunfire he received, dissolving into nothing.
"Mr Smith, everything I told you, just forget it! Don't say anything," Martha snatched the screwdriver from him and put it away.
"We asked for silence! Now then," Baines turned to face the trio, "We have a few questions for Mr Smith."
"No, better than that," a little voice, very familiar, strode through the crowds of people with her red balloon tied to her wrist, "The teacher. He's the Doctor. I heard them talking."
Renata stumbled back, nearly falling if John hadn't caught her, "L-Lucy..." her eyes widened, "...what are...what's..." she glared at the others, "What did you do to my daughter?"
"All gone," little Lucy tilted her head, "I took the body, don't you see?" she opened her arms.
Renata covered her mouth and stifled a shriek of horror, "N-no! NO!"
"You took human form," Baines observed John who was tending to the trembling blonde he had in his arms.
"Of course I'm human, I was born human!" John spared him a glance as he tried calming Renata, "As were you, Baines. And Jenny, and you, Mr Clarke! What is going on, this is madness!"
"And a human brain, too! Simple, thick and dull. "
"He's no good like this," Jenny frowned.
"We need a Time Lord," Clarke stepped forwards.
"Easily done," Baines raised his gun and aimed it at John, the crowd gasping at the action, "Change back," he ordered.
John stepped in front of Renata and frowned, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I literally do not know-"
Jenny snatched Martha from the side and held a gun to her head, making Martha scream and try to wiggle out of the grip on her, "Get off me!"
"Leave her alone," Renata stepped around John, her eyes locked on Lucy, "Leave everyone alone, don't you get it? There's no...Time Lords around," she had to be cautious with what she was saying. One word and she could release her true identity to them all.
"She's your friend, isn't she?" Jenny ignored the orders of the blonde and looked at John, "Doesn't this scare you enough to change back? "
"I don't know what you mean!" John shouted frantically as he thought of some way to help Martha. Even if she'd been fired he didn't want her to be harmed, and much less because of him.
"Take her," suddenly, Lucy had pointed to Renata, "That old nanny was so excited about my 'mummy' going to the dance with Mr. Smith..." she smirked.
"Lucy," Renata tried reaching for her, her head jumbled when it came to her surrogate-daughter, "Please...stop this."
"Renata, no!" John reached for her but was too late, Clarke had snatched her away.
"Get off me!" Renata angrily ordered.
"Have you enjoyed it, Doctor? Being human?" Clarke smirked as he held the gun to Renata's head, "Has it taught you wonderful things, are you better, richer, wiser? Then let's see you answer this. Which one of them do you want us to kill? Maid or Mother? Your friend - or your lover? Your choice."
"Make you decision, Mr Smith," Jenny urged as the man had fallen silent.
"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge," Baines added, lowering his gun from John a moment.
"ENOUGH!" Renata screamed and swiftly elbowed Clarke in the stomach, jabbing her elbow with all her Time Lady strength, and stole the gun from his hand, "Put down the guns, all of you," she aimed it at Jenny.
"Time Lord..." they heard the hushed voice from across the room.
"It's him!" Baines turned and scanned the area from which the voice had come through, enough of a distraction for Renata to snatch his gun as well.
Both guns were now aimed on Jenny, a look of fury in Renata's eyes, "Let her go, right now, or I shoot," she warned.
"Renata..." John was stunned to see an entirely new side of her.
"Oh, the mother is full of fire," Baines smirked.
Renata moved one of the guns and fired on the floor next to his right foot, making everyone shriek and Baines jump to the side, "Want to comment again, school boy? Don't forget in what body you stand in," she snapped, and aimed the other gun at Jenny again, "Don't forget where you all stand," she looked at the entire group, "You need those bodies to survive and if I happen to shoot at one of your pesky little hearts then it's game over. Put. The. Gun. Down," she gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes at Jenny, "Or I will shoot all of you dead, and don't think I wouldn't."
Jenny looked at the others who gave her a small nod. She finally lowered the gun and let Martha go, the woman scurrying back to the Doctor. Renata kept the guns on each side of the group, never looking at Jenny or she'd lose that boldness.
"Doctor, get everyone out. There's a door at the side," Martha urged the Doctor to start moving but he was frozen as he stared at Renata, "It's over there. Go on!"
"Do it, John!" Renata joined, "I mean you!"
"Do what she said. Everybody out now," came Matron Joan from the crowd as she motioned for some of the people to begin moving, her eyes also locked on Renata, a new person for her in reality, "Don't argue, Mr. Jackson. They're mad. That's all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you!"
"Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly," John finally started to move.
"Miss Cartwright, you as well," Martha quietly said, knowing the Doctor would never forgive her if she allowed another of his kind to get killed on her watch.
"Get out, right now!" Renata shouted as she gave the other, making Martha flinch, "All of you, NOW!"
Martha then quickly hurried John and Joan out of the room, glancing back at the blonde one last time before heading out herself. When alone, Renata lowered the guns, "You killed my daughter, where is my son and my friend?"
"Must you ask?" Lucy shook her head, "Stupid, just like all the other humans..."
Renata gave a small cry, her eyes tearing up, "I lost again..." she whispered, "...my baby," she shook her heads, "Oh, my Lucy...I am so sorry..." she backed away, letting the guns drop on the floor as she hurried out of the room.
She ran out of the building to see John, Martha and Joan standing there, as if waiting for her, "What the hell are you still doing here?" she stopped in front of Martha, "I gave an order-"
"I wasn't going to leave without you," John cut her off and moved up to her, still in awe of the whole matter, "What was all that?" he gestured to the building, "You and the..."
"I had a husband," Renata made the excuse that popped into her head first, "Of course I learned to defend myself, now run!" she took his hand and ran back towards the school, Martha and Joan going after them.
Breathless, the group arrived at the school where John immediately closed the wooden doors and hurried to the front hall and rang a bell, waking up the entire place.
"What're you doing?" Martha's eyes widened as she heard the nearing footsteps of the students.
"Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together," he declared, "Take arms! Take arms!"
"You can't do that!"
"You want me to fight, don't you? Take arms! Take arms!"
"I say sir, what's the matter?" one of the students, Hutchinson, stopped by John, still sleepy.
"Enemy at the door, Hutchinson. Enemy at the door. Take arms!"
Renata and Martha watched as the students began loading machine guns and several other weapons. Renata racked her head for anything she could do to help and keep the boys away from the enemies but she had nothing, really...nothing. There was an old vortex manipulator she hid but the thing was so wonky it shorted out the moment she attempted to use it. She doubted it would work now.
"You can't do this, Doctor. Mr. Smith!" Martha was following John around frantically.
"Maintain position over the stable yard," he was ordering one of the nearby students.
"They're just boys! You can't ask them to fight!"
"Faster now! That's it," John hurried for the boy off.
"They don't stand a chance!"
"They're cadets, Miss Jones," John paused a moment to explain the obvious, "They are trained to defend the King and all his properties."
"What in thunder's name is this?" the headmaster had arrived, very irritated for all the commotion, "Before I devise an excellent and endless series of punishments for each and every one of you, could someone explain very simply and immediately exactly what is going on?"
"Headmaster, I have to report the school is under attack," John moved over to the man.
"Really? Is that so? Perhaps you and I should have a word in private."
"I promise you, sir. I was in the village with Mrs. Cartwright. It's Baines, sir. Jeremy Baines and Mr. Clark from Oakham Farm. They've gone mad, sir. They've got guns. They've already murdered people in the village. I saw it happen."
"Mrs. Cartwright, is that so?" the headmaster glanced at the silent blonde.
"Um..." Renata blinked, "...yes, I'm afraid so..."
"Murder on our own soil?"
"Yes," Renata closed her eyes as more tears threatened to spill, just thinking about the triple losses she now had on her arms.
"Perhaps you did well then, Mr. Smith," the headmaster acknowledged, "What makes you thing the danger's coming here?"
"Well, sir, they said, um..." John couldn't find the right words.
"Baines threatened Mr. Smith, sir. Um, said he'd follow him," Matron Joan entered the place now wearing her uniform, "We don't know why."
"Very well," the headmaster nodded and turned to the nearby students, "You boys, remain on guard. Mr. Snell, telephone the police. Mr. Philips, with me. We shall investigate."
Martha stepped in front of the headmaster before he got any further, "No, it's not safe out there."
"Mr. Smith, it seems your favorite servant is giving me advice. You will control her, sir," the headmaster snapped and left.
Martha sighed, casting a glare at Renata for allowing this to happen, "I've gotta find that watch," she hurried out of the room.
~ 0 ~
With a murder happening in front of the headmaster, all war was declared on Baines and the others. Renata felt completely useless as she saw all the boys gathering up the weapons and setting positions for them. It was all to bloody and war-like, just like the Time War...and she wanted no memory of that period. But then she kept thinking about the loss she now had, a loss much too familiar like the ones in the war.
"Renata, Matron," John walked up to the two women, knowing Joan was trying to comfort Renata for the loss of her children, "It's not safe here, for either of you."
"I'm here for my responsibilities," Joan gestured to her uniform, "And you can't exactly send Renata out there on her own, can you?"
"Of course not," John took Renata by the hands and moved her away from Joan, taking a deep sigh before he spoke, "Renata, I'm really sor-"
"Don't," she cut him off with teary eyes, "Please don't."
"This is not the evening I was hoping to have with you," he admitted earnestly, pushing a strand of her blonde hair from her face.
"Believe me, it's not the one I was envisioning either," she shook her head, "But what's happened has happened, and now we have to find that stupid watch."
"Oh, come now, don't tell me you believe that," John frowned, "I'm not...I'm not that Doctor, Martha assures me to be."
"Yeah?" Renata raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly how the Chameleon arch worked, "So then tell me where you grew up in, hm?"
"Yeah, tell me about it," Renata crossed her arms, knowing all she would hear were facts.
"Well, it lies on the River Leen, its southern boundary following the course of the River Trent which flows from Stoke to the Humber."
"Do you hear yourself? That's like an encyclopedia. Where did you live?"
"Broadmoor Street, adjacent to Hotley Terrace in the district of Radford Parade."
Renata sighed and let her arms hang loose on her sides, "Don't you see? You're an intelligent man, you know Martha is saying the truth. When you were a child, where did you play? All those secret little places...dens and hideaways that only a child knows? I challenge you to tell me all that..." but of course, no answer could be given.
"How can you think that I'm not real? Do you dislike me this much?"
"I don't hate you, I told you that," Renata took his hands and gripped them, "I'm just...looking into the facts before me, and they all concur..."
"But this Doctor sounds like some...some romantic lost prince. Would you rather that?"
"I'm not really into the whole fairy tales," Renata bitterly laughed, "Believe me, if you knew my story it'd be that of the cursed ones."
"There's not time for this," John sighed, "I've got to go."
"N-n-n-no, hold on," Renata latched onto his hands again before he could leave, "I read your journal, and if there's one thing you and the Doctor would agree on is that the children shouldn't be fighting. You know it's wrong..."
"Mr. Smith, if you please!" they heard the headmaster call from outside.
"What choice do I have?" John gripped her hands, swallowing hard.
"Someone told me, a long time ago, that we always have a choice," Renata bit her lip, "And believe me when I say I regret not making that choice. Don't do the same mistake I did...do what your heart is telling you to," she let go of his hands and stepped back.
John couldn't understand where those words were coming from. He let go of her hands, replaying the words in his mind as he hurried out to join the others. Renata closed her eyes to release more tears.
"I do regret it," she whispered to herself with the broken voice of a broken woman.
~ 0 ~
"Stand to!" the headmaster gave the order as the scarecrows pounded on the door ahead of them. The boys, including John, were set up with aimed guns at the door in the school's courtyard, "At post!"
"Enemy approaching, sir," a boy announced.
"Steady! Find the biting point," the headmaster ordered just as the wood bar on the gate cracked apart and let the scarecrows file in, "Fire!"
Everyone, except John, fired at the scarecrows, making them go down like a pack of dominoes. John could not find it in himself to move his fingers and begin to shoot. Renata's words continued to replay in his mind over and over. Right now...his heart was telling him to get all those boys out of danger and the guns.
"Cease fire!" the headmaster walked to the bodies and checked them, coming to a shocking revelation, "They're straw. Like he said. Straw!"
"The no one's dead, sir?" Hutchinson asked John, sounding relieved, "We killed no one?"
"Stand to!" the headmaster returned to the barrage where the gun's were as the sound of footsteps neared the gate.
From inside the building, Renata felt her blood go cold as she saw Lucy coming inside, skipping with her red balloon. She dashed off to the doors, ignoring the calls from Martha and Joan.
The headmaster recognized Lucy and quickly moved for the girl, "Lucy, come out of the way. Come into the school. You don't know who's out there. Where is your mother? And brother? Come here. Come to me."
"Headmaster, stay away from her!" Renata ran out into the courtyard, "Don't go near her."
"What in God's name are you saying, woman?" the headmaster glared at her, "This is your daughter!"
"She was my daughter," Renata swallowed as she glanced at the girl, "My Lucy is gone...some sort of entity has taken her body over. That's not my daughter anymore. John," she looked over at him for some help.
"She was-she was with-with Baines in the village," he still stuttered to speak easily.
"Mr. Smith, I've seen many strange sights this night but there is no cause on God's earth that would allow me to see this child in the field of battle, sir," the headmaster glared at Renata, "And you, I'll have the authorities on you after this," he held a hand for Lucy, "Come with me."
"You're funny," Lucy chuckled.
"That's right. Now take my hand."
"So funny," Lucy's innocent tone disappeared as she pulled out a gun from her coat and shot the headmaster dead, "Now who's going to shoot me - any of you, really?" she eyed the boys and even Renata with a smirk.
"Put down your guns," John ordered the students, eyeing the swaying gun Lucy held .
"But sir, the Headmaster-" Hutchinson began to protest.
"I'll not see this happen. Not anymore," John declared and started to motion for them to go, "You will retreat...in an orderly fashion back through the school. Hutchinson, lead the way."
"But sir-"
"I said, lead the way."
"Lucy..." Renata tried going for her when Martha reached out and pulled her back.
"She's gone," Martha reminded the blonde, "Now let's go!" along with Joan, they pulled Renata away and started to run off.
Together, now with John, they helped the boys escape through the school stables. Once they finished, John kept insisting for the women to leave while he scavenged the school for any remaining boys. However, a dozen scarecrows intervened such search and made the entire group run off again. As they hurried through the outskirts of the woods nearby the school, they were able to hear Clarke calling out, "Doctor! Doctor!" the group stopped and looked through some bushes to see the Family with the TARDIS in possession, "Come back, Doctor. Come home. Come and claim your prize."
"Out you come, Doctor!" Baines joined the calls, "There's a good boy. Come to the Family."
"Time to end it now!" Jenny added with a laughter.
Martha glanced at John to see him staring at the blue box, "You recognize it, don't you?"
"I've never seen it in my life," he quickly declared.
"Do you remember its name?"
"You wrote about it," Renata added quietly, "I saw it, even Joan saw it," she looked at her friend who nodded in agreement, "The blue box. You dreamt of a blue box."
"I'm not-I'm John Smith. That's all I want to be," John's voice broke as he looked between them all, "John Smith, with his life...and his job...and his conquest for love," he ended quietly with a gaze on Renata, "Why can't I be John Smith? Isn't he a good man?""
"I'm sure he is," Renata began, only hurting him more without realizing.
"Why can't I stay?" he pleaded with teary eyes.
"Because we need the Doctor," Martha sighed in frustration.
"So what am I then, nothing? I'm just a story," before he could break down he ran off.
Renata bot her lip and looked between the Family and John, "You know...I could give myself up," she announced, "They won't care what Time Lord comes up, as long as it's just one."
"Renata, you're speaking like..." Joan blinked, receiving a look from Renata that made her gasp, "...you're not...no..."
"Surprise, I'm an alien too," Renata sighed, "Just please don't mention it to anyone."
"Renata, you know you can't do it," Martha earnestly looked at her, "It'll be chaos."
"I know," Renata muttered as she got up and ran after John.
Eventually, with no other place to go, Renata had to suck it up and face her fear...return home where she knew no one was waiting for her anymore. Her hand trembled as she pushed the door of the house, the door already been left opened by 'Lucy' she assumed.
"Renata, are you sure...?" John cautiously followed her in, knowing this would be a difficult moment for her.
"No, but it's the only option left," she swallowed hard as she looked around the dark, empty room, "Empty," her eyes teared up, "Elena...Sebastian, gone," she moved to the table where a teapot was placed in the center. She put a hand on it and closed her eyes as she felt the prickly coldness on her skin, "Stone cold..." she whispered, "...it's been quite some hours, then."
John couldn't take what he was seeing, "Renata..." he moved up to her and took her away from the table, "...I'm sorry," he hugged her tightly as she sniffled, "I'm really sorry for this," he swallowed hard and glanced at Martha and Joan, both watching them sadly, "I must go to them before anyone else dies."
"No, you can't," Renata quickly looked up before he even moved, "Not without that watch, you don't leave this house without that watch, do you understand?" she spoke fast with a trembling voice. She would not lose anyone else, especially not him.
"You're this Doctor's companion! Can't you help?" the Doctor asked Martha, "What exactly do you do for him? Why does he need you?"
"Because he's lonely..." Martha answered, her eyes drifting over to Renata, knowing that when/if the Doctor were to find out who Renata really was her tenure in the TARDIS would surely be over.
"And that's what you want me to become, then?" John frowned at her, unconsciously holding Renata tighter, the blonde not making a single effort to move away from him.
There was a knock on the door that startled everyone and as Martha went to answer it, Joan moved to follow, "What if it's them?"
"I'm not an expert, but I don't think scarecrows knock," Martha shot a small smile then opened the door to find young Timothy Latimer on the other side.
"I brought you this," he held out the fob watch to Martha, everyone then hearing a whisper from the watch calling out to the companion.
Martha snatched the watch and hurried to the Doctor, holding it out for him, "Hold it," she ordered.
"I won't," he backed away with Renata.
"Please, just hold it."
Timothy entered the house and closed the door before moving up with Martha, "It told me to find you. It wants to be held."
"You've had this watch all this time? Why didn't you return it?" Joan crossed her arms and gave the boy a scolding look, "It's important and you knew it."
"Because it was waiting. And because I was scared of the Doctor."
"Why?" Renata suddenly spoke up, frowning at the statement.
"Because...I've seen him. He's...like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun..."
"Stop it," John looked at the boy in horror.
But Timothy continued, a small smile spreading on his face, "He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe."
"Stop! I said stop it."
"And he's wonderful."
The group stumbled on their feet with an explosion they heard from a distance. Afterwards, they ran to the windows to see meteorites falling to the ground.
"They're destroying the village," Joan gasped.
"Watch..." John looked down at the watch he held.
"Come closer," the watch whispered.
"Can you hear it?" Timothy wondered honestly.
"Closer. Closer."
"I think he's asleep..." John mumbled, growing distant, "Waiting to awaken."
"Why did he speak to me?" Timothy asked.
"Oh, low-level telepathic field. You were born with it," Renata was stunned to hear John talking in such a different voice, and yet one she knew just suited him so well, "Just an extra synaptic engram causing-" John was able to stop and take a deep gasp, returning to the human voice, "Is that how he talks?" he asked with terrible fear in his voice.
"That's him!" Martha exclaimed happily, "All you have to do is open it and he's back."
"You knew this all along and yet you watched while I..." John looked at Renata, unable to finish. She'd finally stepped away from him and turned for the window, staring out in pure silence.
"I didn't know how to stop you!" Martha rubbed the side of her head, frustrated, "He gave me a list of things to watch out for but that wasn't included."
"Women? Women weren't included?" John shook his head, "A conquest for love?"
"Then what sort of man is that? And now you expect me to die?"
Several more explosions continued on outside, rocking the house along with the others. Martha sighed and stepped up, "It was always going to end, though! The Doctor said the Family's got a limited lifespan. That's why they need to consume a Time Lord. Otherwise, three months and they die. Like mayflies, he said."
"So your job was to execute me, even better," John frowned.
"People are dying out there! They need him and I need him," Martha gestured to herself, "'Cause you've got no idea of what he's like. I've only just met him. It wasn't even that long ago, but he is everything...he's just everything to me and he doesn't even look at me, but I don't care...'cause I love him to bits. And I hope to God he won't remember me saying this."
"Yeah, you'll be sadly mistaken," Renata mumbled underneath her breath, only heard by Joan who was beside her.
"I should have thought of it before - I can give them this," John held the watch for Martha, "Just the watch. Then they can leave and I can stay as I am!"
"You can't do that," Renata turned around with a resigned expression on her face, "These aliens are dangerous and if they wanted an unlimited lifespan I can assume it won't be for good intentions. It would end in pure destruction...war," her voice cut off after the word and took a moment to be able to speak again, "War across the stars...for every child," she sighed and looked at Martha, "Leave, I need a moment with him."
Martha frowned at the tone of the blonde but figured if anyone could make John open the watch it would be her. She took Timothy and with Joan walked out the door. Renata felt awful for putting John on the spot like this, so when he broke down she took him into a hug. This time, she would be there for him.
~ 0 ~
A couple minutes later, Renata and John sat in front of a window, side by side, with John holding the watch in his hand. Renata was unsure if she should just go herself and deal with the aliens, but if she did that and the watch was ultimately opened, she would reveal her true identity. And if she didn't do something, then the aliens were sure to destroy the entire village.
"He won't feel the same way about you," John spoke in a quiet tone, snapping Renata out of her thoughts.
She looked at him with genuine wonder, "And what exactly do you feel for me right now?" she challenged.
"I can't explain it," he shrugged, a small smile spreading on his face, "You're a conquest, my conquest, for love. I've been here for two months and I spent it in dreams and whatnot, and then I meet you, and...suddenly I want to get to know you, I want to spend time with you...see where things could lead to."
"You got all that from two days?" Renata raised her eyebrows, not as surprised as she should've been.
"Yeah, I did," he came to terms with it with a bright smile, "You're very beautiful, and a bit stubborn..."
Renata looked down with a small smile, "An old friend once said the same thing," she admitted.
"And what did you say back?"
She looked at him, her smile spreading, "Shut up," they both chuckled afterwards.
"I...don't know what to do," John held the watch for her, growing serious once again.
"Your decision should be independent of what you 'feel' for me," Renata held quotation marks with her fingers, "Because I would never be with you," she knew those were harsh words she was uttering but she had to say, now if she could just mean them...
"...what?" John frowned, standing up and looking at her incredibly.
Renata sighed and looked up at him, "You heard me, didn't you? I can't be with you, I won't. So, you might as well open that watch," she gestured to his hand, "Because Doctor or no Doctor, I won't be with you. Ever," she looked away in hopes that after hearing those words he would do what was right without a regret.
And he would leave without ever looking back.
~ 0 ~
John stumbled into the ship of the Family holding out the fob watch in his hand, "Just..." he slipped and leaned against the wall, accidentally pushing several buttons, "Just stop the bombardment. That's all I'm asking. I'll do anything you want, just stop."
"Say please," Baines ordered.
"Please," John obeyed.
Jenny turned on a switch nearby and the ship hissed in respond, "Wait a minute," she took a deep inhale and frowned, "Still human."
"Now I can't - I can't pretend to understand, not for a second, but I want you to know that I'm innocent in all this," John fumbled and hit more buttons on the wall, "He made me John Smith. It's not like I had any control over it!"
"He didn't just make himself human, he made himself an idiot," Jenny rolled her eyes.
"Same thing, isn't it?" Baines smirked.
"I don't care about this Doctor and your family, I just want you to go. So, I've made my choice," John waved the watch for them, "You can have him. Just take it, please! Take him away."
"At last," Baines snatched the watch and gazed at it, his other hand grabbing John by the lapels, "Don't think that saved your life," he pushed the man away and laughed as he fell against the wall, never noticing more buttons had been pushed, "Family of mine, now we shall have the lives of a Time Lord," he opened the watch and with his family deeply breathed...only to realize, "It's empty!"
"Well, where's it gone?" John stood up.
"You tell me," Baines chucked the watch at him.
The Doctor caught it single-handedly and took a breath, speaking normally for him again, "Oh, I think the explanation might be you've been fooled by a simple olfactory misdirection-little bit like ventriloquism of the nose. It's an elementary trick in certain parts of the galaxy. But it has got to be said..." he slipped on his black-rimmed glasses on and looked at the walls full of buttons and controls, "I don't like the looks of that hydroconometre. It seems to be indicating you've got energy feedback all the way through the retrostabilisers feeding back into the primary heat converter-ah," he glanced at them with a hiss, "'Cause if there's one thing you shouldn't have done, you shouldn't have let me press all those buttons. But, in fairness, I will give you one word of advice: run!"
And so everyone did...but after the exploding ship there was an angry Time Lord to deal with.
~ 0 ~
Renata was sat on the couch with a stained face of tears, both her legs propped up with her arms over her knees. She was staring out the window to the eerie silent village across. She'd just finished sending Joan back with the promise she would eventually show up the next day to help with cleanups and explanations. She heard footsteps and the door opening, knowing there was only one person left that would return after everything.
"What did you do with her?" she gathered the courage to ask, though she still couldn't tear her gaze from the window.
"I don't think you need to know," the Doctor sighed and walked towards her.
"I need to," she swallowed hard, "That was my daughter..."
"No, that really wasn't," the Doctor bent down beside her, hoping to get her to look at him, "Your real daughter died hours ago, you don't need to know what happened anymore."
"Wouldn't you like to know?" she finally turned her head, knowing that question would puncture his hearts as it was simply the truth. Although she also knew that he would take it as a simple question, never guessing she was talking about his actual daughter, who most certainly died during the Time War.
"Yeah, I guess I would," the Doctor admitted with a small smile, "But that wouldn't change anything, would it?"
She didn't answer anymore and instead took a proper look at him, no longer 'John Smith' he had changed into what she assumed was his usual attire. Things had changed, most definitely, but through his eyes she could see that he was still that irritating, rule-breaking, adventurous man she used to know, "So this is you, then?" she broke the silence and moved to sit properly.
"Yeah," the Doctor nodded, still bent down. He held his hand for her with his usual bright smiles, "I'm the Doctor."
"I know," Renata quietly said and shook his hand, her gaze falling, "You don't have to come and give me a pity talk, you know?"
"This is not that," he frowned.
Renata sighed, "Isn't it? I lost my daughter, my son, my friend...what are you doing if not for that?" her eyes teared up again and so she stood up and walked away from him, "I'll be alright, if that's what you need to hear to be able to go in peace."
The Doctor stood on his feet, "Come with me," he offered. Flinching, Renata turned with wide eyes, "Travel with me and Martha."
"No," her voice shook, "I won't."
"Why not?" the Doctor couldn't help feel hurt by her quick answer, almost seeming like she hadn't even thought about it thoroughly.
"I meant what I said earlier," she walked up to him, earnestly looking at him, "I will not be with you, Doctor or no Doctor. So you can go," she gestured to the door, "And don't bother keeping a tab on me, I won't be staying here anymore."
"You hate me," the Doctor concluded with hearts broken, "...and with good reason," he mumbled.
"If I hated you would I have allowed you to fulfill John Smith's last parting wish?" she challenged, crossing her arms, "Would I have allowed you to enter my house again? I don't know how else to put it but I do not hate you...I just don't want to go with you. I can't."
"Why not, then? I'd like a fresh new start with you," the Doctor stepped closer to her.
"But it's not right!" she exclaimed, her tears spilling again as she shook her head, "Please, just go away, go away and never come back. I don't want you here, I want you to go!" she pointed at the door, sniffling, "None of this is right, just go! GO!"
The Doctor knew there was nothing left to do nor say to get her to come with him and so did as she wanted and left the house. Renata winced when the door was closed but felt free to cry as she wanted. She hugged herself and shut her eyes, instantly remembering the last time it had happened. She yelled in anger and pain as she swiped everything off the table, ending in loud sobs. She then stopped and looked over at the couch again, feeling even worse when she remembered...
Renata and the Doctor (still as John Smith) were sat on the couch side by side, still contemplating on the options they could take to defeat the Family. But each time the explosions went off, more and more closely, the Doctor winced and felt worse that more and more people were dying on his account. He looked over to Renata who was staring hard at the ground, just knowing she was thinking of her dead children...and so he felt even worse. He needed to do something to stop more deaths from happening and much more, to keep Renata safe.
"I have to open it," he concluded after a moment more of silence. Renata's head snapped up to him, "If I become the Doctor again then he'll know what to do...and he'll keep you safe," he reached for her hand and gripped it, "Something I've failed to do all night."
"None of this is your fault," Renata quietly said, eyeing the fob watch, "Not yours nor the Doctor's. It's those blasted aliens, the Family, they're to blame for all this."
"Can you promise me something?"
"After this is over, you leave this place and be happy with someone, alright?"
"John, I can't..." Renata immediately shook her head, "...I have terrible luck, believe me-"
"You need to go and try to be happy," John pleaded her, "That's one of my last wishes before I..." he swallowed hard, "...go."
"One?" Renata raised an eyebrow, "What's the other one?"
"You'll have to forgive me, or...him," John set the fob watch down.
"Forgive you for wh-"
John had leaned in and kissed her. Renata's eyes widened with the action but slowly fell to the kiss, even leaning into his hand that had cupped the side of her face. Once John pulled away, the blonde wore a stunned, blushed, face, unable to believe it had just happened.
And yet...
Martha awaited by the TARDIS for the Doctor, now changed back to her modern clothes as well. The Doctor gave a small smile as he approached her, "All right. Molto bene!"
"How was she?" Martha asked, a bit surprised that the blonde wasn't with them, "Did she tell you-"
"Time we moved on," the Doctor cut her off with a grim tone.
"But did she tell you she's a-"
"Time we moved on."
Martha instantly knew that Renata had not confessed to the Doctor she was a Time Lady. He would never just let the only other of his kind to stay back in 1913, on the brink of a war. But she couldn't exactly tell him something that wasn't her secret to tell, "I meant to say back there, last night..." she chose to obey and move on, "I would have said anything to get you to change."
"Oh yeah, of course you would," the Doctor quickly nodded, "Yeah."
"I mean, I wasn't really-"
"Oh, no, no," the Doctor waved it off.
"So here we are then," Martha coughed, embarrassed.
"There we are, yes," the Doctor gave her a hug, "And I never said thanks for lookin' after me."
"Doctor, Martha," Timothy approached them.
"Tim-Timothy-Timber," the Doctor turned to greet the boy.
"I just wanted to say good-bye. And thank you, because I've seen the future and I now know what must be done," Timothy sighed, "It's coming, isn't it? The biggest war ever."
"You don't have to fight," Martha pointed out.
"I think we do."
"But you could get hurt."
"Well, so could you, travelling around with him, but it's not going to stop you," Timothy countered and crossed his arms.
"Tim, I'd be honored if you'd take this," the Doctor handed over his fob watch.
"I can't hear anything," Timothy made a face after trying to hear something.
"No, it's just a watch now. But keep it with you. For good luck."
"Look after yourself," Martha gave the boy a hug and a kiss on the cheek before heading inside the TARDIS.
"Can I ask a favor of you, Timothy?" the Doctor remained at the doorway of the TARDIS.
"Anything," he nodded.
"Renata, em - Mrs. Cartwright," the Doctor quickly corrected himself, "Look after her, please," he honestly pleaded, "Persuade her to go, to leave England...she has to leave before next year."
Timothy nodded again, "I will try my best, Doctor, I promise."
The Doctor acknowledged it and lightly smiled, "You'll like this bit," he said and went inside the TARDIS.
Timothy blinked in awe as the TARDIS began de-materializing in front of him. Though from the inside, the Doctor was actually having a bit of trouble getting the box to fully leave the place, "What are you doing, old girl?" he frowned as he went around the console, flicking controls here and there, "We're leaving! Why don't you want to go?"
Martha remained at the chairs and swallowed hard, knowing exactly why the TARDIS was throwing a fit over their departure. It recalled there was another Time Lord, a Time Lady, one that should be here with them...but clearly wasn't and wouldn't be anytime soon.
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toloveawarlord · 5 years
Chaotic Kingsley (Ch. 1)
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Characters: Atticus Kingsley and Annalise Perry.
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ for her King’s little boy
A/N: I’m back with another Ikerev kiddo! This is the final red army baby! His sister Lyra will appear in this story a little bit, but it’s mostly about him. Annalise is his nanny and will be getting her own story with Kyle soon!
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The headmaster of the school tapped his fingers against the wooden desk in an annoyed, rhythmic manner. Across from him, sat a young boy with fiery red hair and a grin slathered across his pale face. “Do you understand why you are here, Atticus Kingsley?” 
“Not in the slightest. I don’t recall any misbehavior on my part,” the boy answered with feigned innocence. No one could prove that he had orchestrated the disaster. He sat up straight, never breaking eye contact with the displeased man before him.
An irritated sigh left the headmaster’s lips. “You’re denying putting the corrupted magic crystal into the pot of soup, causing it to explode and cover the kitchen, cafeteria and many students in boiling soup?” His brow twitched, unnerved by the unaffected boy.
Blue eyes pulled wide in shock, mouth dramatically dropping open. “That’s what happened? No wonder you’re upset, headmaster!” Atticus kept the smirk pushed down, proud of himself for not getting caught.
A short rap at the door and the secretary opened the creaky door. “Ms. Perry is here as requested, sir.”
Heels tapped against the floor, causing the young boy to sink down into his chair. “I apologize it took me a little longer to arrive.” The lady brushed a lock of her silver hair behind her ear. In a graceful movement, she took the empty chair and crossed her legs.
“No, I appreciate you coming in during the middle of your day, Ms. Perry. The issue at hand is an incident in the cafeteria. It’s my belief that Atticus was the one who set it into motion.” The headmaster cast a glare at him, rage building from the innocent expression on his features. He gave another explanation of the explosion in the cafeteria.
“Annalise, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve such accusations. I’ll admit that I’ve gotten out of hand on the playground a time or two, but I would never do something as crass as causing harm to the staff and other students,” Atticus spoke honeyed words, turning his body to face his nanny.
Neither broke their stare, waiting to see how the other reacted. Annalise gave a short nod before giving a reassuring smile to the headmaster. “I’ll apologize on his behalf if there is any proof of these accusations.” She had to protect the Kingsley name with this ruffian child.
She held back the laugh that threatened to break the tension in the room. Instead, she placed her folded hands on the top of her knees. “Yes, I cannot condone this kind of behavior from any child, but unless there is proof of Atticus’s involvement, it wouldn’t be fair to punish him.” Her voice never wavered, light but firm.
Atticus wanted to revel in the surprised expression scrawled over the headmaster’s wrinkly features. He could be patient and do so in private. “Annalise, I’m extremely hurt that this is being turned on me,” he voiced the concern with lips pulled down in a soft frown. 
“This is his doing. Atticus has always pulled stunts like this, and I can assure you that these accusations do not come lightly.” The headmaster had begun to grasp at straws, not receiving the reaction he thought the nanny would give to him.
If only it were that easy to sway the young lady. “It’s saddening news that some student would wish to cause such a scene but accusing Atticus without any shred of evidence other than your disdain for him is not a good look for this school.” Annalise delivered the blow to the school’s reputation as swiftly and gracefully as her employer wielded a sword.
“Excuse me?”
Emerald green eyes swept up to meet the shocked ones before her, not backing down from the stance she had taken. “The Kingsley family is one of the most respected families in all of Cradle. I’d implore you to carefully consider a situation before bringing blame upon the King of Hearts son with no proof to correspond.”
Atticus jumped up from his chair when Annalise stood. He hugged her arm tightly, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Can we go home now?”
“Yes, let’s go.” Annalise turned away from the stunned headmaster, intent on leaving the building with this conversation finished. She only got three steps before the man at the desk cleared his throat.
His voice rang out through the office. “I am suspending Atticus from school for the remainder of the week, three days.”
Atticus reigned in his excitement. No school for three full days? He should have acted dejected, but his face refused to drop the grin. He, instead, buried his face against her back.
“If that is the decision you have made on your administrative authority, I would begin packing my things.” Annalise cast a charming smile back at him, silver locks brushing against her neck. “I’ll inform King Lancelot of the decision.”
The pair left the office, despite the headmaster calling after them. The secretary had made herself scarce. The school would incur a change of staff after the rushed decision had been made. Reprimanding Atticus for his wrongdoings was one thing, suspending him without proof was entirely new.
A carriage awaited the by the front gates, swiftly carrying them back toward Red Territory. “Alright, spill. Did you do it?” Annalise asked, sitting more relaxed than in the office. Acting a certain way in front of the public had been expected of her since beginning her work with the Kingsley family. Her actions could reflect badly on the family should she act rashly.
But, in private, she could be much more relaxed.
A wicked grin spread across his lips, sparks of amusement dancing in his blue eyes. “I wish, but alas, twas not I who did the deed.” He fell back against the carriage seat, finding the bug crawling across the ceiling most entertaining to watch.
The boy could test most everyone around him, already quite aware of where his status lay as the son of the King of Hearts. He’d caused many a nanny to quit within no more than a day. Their mental state unable to handle the mischievous six-year-old.
“You’ve three seconds to give me the truth or I’ll have you in the kitchen washing dishes at headquarters morning, noon, and night for your three days of suspension.”
The twitch of his body at that prospect led her to continue.
“In between those times, you’ll spend every other moment attending to the laundry and cleaning every inch of the floors-” Annalise raised her eyebrows, impressed at how long the boy continued to hold his tongue this time. She gave an animated sight. “That’ll leave no time to spare for any swordplay lessons.”
That hit the proper nerve.
Many a nanny had tried to reign in the young Kingsley and get the truth, and all had failed miserably. Atticus had successfully run off his previous twelve caretakers with mischievous tricks and tactics. None had the effect that this young twenty-two-year-old did.
His heels kicked against the bench seat as he swung his legs. Ocean blue eyes sweeping around the small carriage without any point of interest. “Oh alright. I may have given the idea to a few classmates during recess.”
“May have? You’re not succeeding in convincing me.” In the year and half that she had worked for the Kingsley family, Annalise had devoted herself to understanding him instead of controlling him, but that hardly meant that she would let him get away with wrongdoings.
Atticus gave a huge, dramatic sigh to stall for time. He resigned to her stern gaze and spilled into the tale of how the catastrophe occurred. “I told some classmates about how one could corrupt a small crystal to cause a harmless explosion. There was a tiny joke about putting it in the soup but not from me. They ran off with it. I had little involvement.”
The truth, finally.
His tone of annoyance told her that he wished that he had been a part of it. Causing chaos is his domain and being left as only the informant made him upset. At the very least, he could be cleared as the culprit.
“Do you believe me?” Atticus turned his head toward the window of the carriage but peeked at her from his peripheral vision. Many nannies missed the longing for approval. They were much too busy attempting to reign him in.
“Yes,” Annalise answered with a warm smile. The boy had been hard to read at first, but she’d learned quick to pick up on his speech. “And I’ll rescind those punishments, but you will have to tell your father about your expulsion.” Emerald eyes narrowed at the sudden question that came to her. “Atticus, where did you procure this information about corrupting crystals?”
Not a moment of hesitation before throwing the man into the fire. “Kyle lent me a book.”
The carriage rolled to a stop in front of the army headquarters. A once daunting building now like a second home to her. She fully intended to make Atticus spill the news of what had happened, but she wouldn’t send him alone. There was a lot information that only she could relay.
Atticus came to a full stop in front of the closed office doors. He exuded confidence and rarely cared what anyone around him said, except with his father. “Do I have to?” His voice so timid that it hardly sounded as if it belonged to him.
Rapping against the door with her knuckles, Annalise ran her fingers through his ginger hair reassuringly. “You can do it. Tell him what you told me.” A reprimanding much less severe than most days would be in store for him.
Lancelot called from within. None of the other officers were present, and a stack of paperwork laid out on the desk. He placed his pen down, no shock on his features at the early arrival of his son. He never cast a glance at the woman, matching blue eyes locked only on Atticus.
Annalise gave him a little push forward into the room, closing the door as the boy shuffled forward with his head down. The poor thing. It wasn’t fear of punishment, but of disappointment. The clock had barely passed noon, only halfway through the normal school day.
“I...” Atticus swallowed down the lump in his throat as he shuffled forward. His head lifted slowly, finding the courage to look at this father. “Headmaster Crawford expelled me for three days.”
Lancelot listened quietly as Atticus explained the same story that he’d given to Annalise. It came as little surprise, but with the help of the trusted nanny, the heat of the situation fell on the school instead of the boy. “I see. The matter with the school will be resolved. Refrain from giving such information out to others again, Atticus.”
“Yes, father. I’ll do better.” The dejection in his voice only lasted for a few silent moments. He never wallowed in those emotions for too long. “If I’m not going to school for a few days, does that mean Annalise can bring me here for the day?” He glorified the idea of being in this army, wanting nothing more than to be the King one day.
“Yes, I suppose it would be advantageous to spend your time learning. You can accompany me while I work,” Lancelot replied, picking back up his pen. He couldn’t explain how proud he was when his son showed such commitment to his future within the army.
Atticus lit up at those words, blue eyes sparkling with unkempt eagerness. “Did you hear that, Annalise?” His head whipped around to the woman lingering by the door. His grin wide and filled with happiness.
Lancelot paused his writing, his gaze falling on his nanny. “I nearly forgot. Kyle has requested both of you in the infirmary.” It was that time of year again. His least favorite thing in the entirety of Cradle.
“That’s good, because I’ve got some choice words for him,” Annalise said, an irritated smile crossing her lips. The said doctor was the reason Atticus even heard about corrupting crystals. He’d never do it again by the time she was finished with him.
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perriewinklenerdie · 5 years
Fight for me (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
 Author’s note: Hi! As you can probably already guess, that was, as always, meant to be a short one shot about our favorite doctor… but I apparently cannot seem to shut up about him, no matter if I’m speaking or writing :D So, that is based on a request from @abbyarchie (The request was Ethan and MC being married and a little bit of a protective husband when someone attacks his wife action). I started writing it and my imagination just started flowing, that’s why it’s so long and has so many different stories in it. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy it, English is still not my first language and my MC is still Clarissa “Claire” Herondale…in this fanfic she’s actually a Ramsey, but I’ll let it slide :D Enjoy! <3
 Word Count: 3651
  People in the hospital have always spoken well about Ethan. Be it either with respect for his knowledge and his work, or with a lovesick undertone, talking about his good looks.
Overall he was rather reserved, keeping his distance. Always a little to harsh for the interns, his demeanor didn’t change even when he was talking to his long-time colleagues. Everyone just assumed that that was the type of person he was, definitely not shy, he was beaming with confidence most of the time, but he was seen as a person that would rather avoid other people when he could.
When Claire walked into his life, he started to change. He saw it himself, didn’t know what it was about her, but it made him want to open up, be honest with her. His face would light up when she walked in the room.
Their relationship had a rocky start. They begun dating back when she still was an intern and she was still a part of competition. They tried, really tried to stay away from each other. But it only made them want each other more. He was running to her more and more, to kiss her, to take her home with him or simply just so he could lay his head on her stomach and vent, then listen to her sing to him softly.
Then, Harper found out about them. She was not pleased to say the least. She threatened them both with revealing it to everyone, ruining their careers for good. It destroyed Claire’s heart when she broke things off with Ethan.
He was crying. For the first time since his childhood he cried. Begged her not to leave him alone. She cried too. For the love that could never be.
They spent the next month apart, avoiding each other, knowing it would hurt them to see each other and not be able to fall into each other’s arms. They both died inside everyday but they knew it was for the better.
When the day of the final results came, Ethan didn’t know what to expect. He stopped paying attention to other’s rankings, so he really had no idea who would be first.
He was shocked to see her name next to a number 1 on the list, but he was not surprised. She deserved it, she was brilliant, spectacular… he knew those things.
He watched for afar as she cheered with her friends, hugging them and talking. He decided to walk up to her and congratulate her, even though he knew it was their first conversation since their breakup. He stood next to her and put his hand on her shoulder.
“Claire…. Clarissa… congratulations. I always knew you could do it. You’re not an intern anymore.” He spoke softly, squeezing her shoulder. Her eyes met his, warmth emitting from them.
“Ethan…” she whispered, biting her lips, her gaze softening.
He knew when he was walking up to her that it would be hard to control himself. He fought. He swore he would. But around her all of his resolve just… disappeared.
“Claire…” he breathed out the words, barely audible but she heard him. And she understood.
She stood up on her tiptoes just as he leaned down to kiss her. Their lips met in a passionate lock, their arms wounding around one another, holding each other close, much closer than they probably should given the time and place they were in but neither of them seemed to care. What mattered was that they were together.
 He broke the kiss, resting his forehead on hers, his eyes close, breathing in her scent. She smiled, a small laugh escaping her lips. They were oblivious to many shocked looks they were getting, from both internes and older doctors. Harper couldn’t say she was surprised. She was debating in her head whether she should do something about it, ultimately deciding against it, she was glad that Ethan has finally found someone who could break down his barriers.
They stepped away from each other, hands intertwined. Big smiles on their faces said it all. They loved one another and not even time apart or distance could keep them from their feelings.
Her friends came up to them, shock evident on their faces. Sienna approached them and hugged her best friend while the rest just smiled.
“I’m so happy you two finally got together!” Sienna squealed, excited for the couple.
“Wha… How did you know?” Claire asked, disbelief on her face. Ethan had a small thrown upon his features, mixed with amusement and shock.
“Oh, come on. You two would always look at each other when you thought no one was looking. We saw that in your eyes. Dr. Ramsey… no offence, sir, but you look like a lovesick puppy when Claire is in the same room. And Claire… your eyes shine, you smile brighter” Sienna said, the rest of the interns nodding their heads in agreement.
“We were really that obvious?” Ethan mused, looking at the woman beside him, his arm still around her.
“Yes. We were wondering when you two would finally have the guts to get together.” Elijah laughed, the others joining him.
That was almost a year ago. Since then a couple of things changed.
She started working with him, the diagnostic team took her in with excitement, making her feel welcome. Meanwhile they were both trying to solve the mystery of Naveen’s sickness.
Then, after three months of nonstop work, they managed to find the cause of his condition. They immediately began treating it, bringing Ethan’s mentor back his health. The old man was now enjoying the pleasures of a work-free life, the pair meeting with him once every two weeks for dinner.
Five months after their relationship really began, he offered her to move in with him. He helped her pack her stuff and move them to their shared space, making her feel at home with him and Jenner.
That dog fell in love with his woman the moment he saw her. He adored her and she adored him, both of them spending quite a lot of time together.
He could very clearly remember the moment he realized she was the one for him. They were having dinner with Naveen, food already gone from their plates. He went to the kitchen to get a bottle of wine. Coming back he stopped for a second to take a look at the pair of people at the table.
Claire was talking to Naveen about their latest case, the old man listening with a smile on his face. He told Ethan how impressed he was with her compassion for people and intelligence, her ability to listen to what others are saying, the want to get to know them, all the things Ethan himself picked up on ever since the first day he knew her.
He loved her. That much he knew. He told her that in a heated moment of passion, his voice out of breath. She smiled, the biggest and brightest smile he has ever seen as she said it back. She is his best friend, biggest support. She can and wants to listen to him, she cares what his opinions are, what he thinks about, what is happening to him. He just cannot and doesn’t want to live without her.
So he proposed. He organized them both a quiet evening at home, he cooked dinner, they ate and talked. Then, he got down on one knee and said the words. Words of love, comfort, belief in one another. She fell to her knees, grabbed his face and kissed him, hard, pulling him to her. He laughed as he asked for her answer and she said yes.
Their wedding was beautiful. He got to meet her family, her parents were amazing people and they seemed to like him. Her brother is a good man, he enjoys talking to him. Naveen got to attend as well, Ethan’s family showed up too, despite him being sure they wouldn’t. They adored their new addition to the family from the start.
When he saw her in her dress, his heart stopped. He was mesmerized, her gown hugging her in all the right places, white and gorgeous. Her hair pinned up in an elegant manner, her makeup delicate. He wanted nothing more than to run to her, scoop her up in his arms and kiss her until they were both out of breath, take her away somewhere private and worship her but he knew better and decided against it.
The ceremony was beautiful. True to his words, when it was time for him to kiss the love of his life, he took her in his arms firmly, dipping her low and kissing her, her fingers tangling in his hair. The audience exploded with cheering and clapping but they didn’t seem to notice it. You could hear someone whistle at them, people laughing.
Finally, they separated but Ethan didn’t place her back on her feet yet. His arms still securely around her, their foreheads touching, he whispered to her breathlessly:
“I love you, Mrs. Ramsey.” They both smiled at her new title.
“I love you too, husband.” She looked into his eyes, full of light, a flirty sparkle in them.
He put her back on her feet, his arms not letting her go. They went to their reception, their first dance on their minds.
Ethan took her gently by her hand, placing his arm around her and burying his face in her hair, his mouth on her neck.
“How long are we supposed to be here for?” he asked quietly, his lips moving to her ear. he felt her shudder at the sound of his voice.
“We literally just got here. What, you don’t want to be seen with me?” she joked, her arms around his neck at this point, her lips on his ear too.
“You know I want to show you off to everyone, Love. But what I want to do more is just take you home and begin our honeymoon early, make sure everyone knows your new name.” He bit her earlobe lightly, a low grumble escaping his throat, his grip on her tightening. He heard a quiet moan straight in his ear.
It was going to be a long day.
 Everyone could see they were a happy couple, they didn’t show too much affection at work, but they didn’t shy away from it either. There was no need to hide, they were married, everyone knew it.
Ethan became happier at work. He smiled more, was generally less grumpy towards his coworkers, although interns still annoyed the hell out of him.
The new batch of interns arrived at Edenbrook two months ago. There were a few promising ones. They seemed to know what they came for.
Interns that knew that they were married tended to not react when they did display some affection towards each other. There were a few which didn’t know they were together but they were quickly updated, one way or another. And there were a lot of situations in which they could obtain that knowledge.
Ethan was walking down the hall, files in his hand. That day was a disaster, his patients were rude, interns kept on bugging him and he didn’t have time to get coffee nor see his wife. He noticed a few interns standing by the wall of the hall, talking.
“Hi, dr. Ramsey!” one of the female interns said. He was not in the mood to get involved in any kind of conversation with them, so he chose to ignore them. He heard their voices but paid them no attention.
Then, he suddenly felt his files being ripped out of his hand and before he knew what was happening, Claire ran past him in the direction of his office, her laugh loud and teasing.
“Oh, she’s in so much trouble. Who is she even? Does she have a death wish?” he heard interns gush behind his back but he didn’t have time to tell them off.
He started running, trying to catch up to her, a smile appearing on his face.
“Ramsey! Ramsey, get back here, now!” he shouted, laughing. Nurses that passed him smiled at his lovestruck state. He couldn’t see the priceless faces of interns when they realized that the woman was actually his wife, shock and amazement painted all over their features.
Their internship was going smoothly, not without sacrifices and losses, but they were coping. Around a two months mark something weird begun happening. And not necessarily with interns.
It was his wife.
She was closed off. She begun pushing him away. When he asked her what was going on, she either avoided the subject by cutting the conversation loose or by distracting him. And she did have her ways to do just that, her hold over him not lessening over time.
She seemed insecure at work. When he asked her about something regarding the case they were doing at the moment she couldn’t form her words.
He knew something was happening. He just couldn’t figure out what it was.
Then, one day, he was walking down the hall, his eyes in the file he was holding when he passed a room. The door were open and he could hear the conversation the interns sitting inside were having.
“… and dr. Ramsey.” At that he stopped. He stood outside, his arms folded and pressed against the wall.
“dr. Ramsey? Please, she’s nothing more than a gold digger and an opportunist. Have you heard how she got on the diagnostic team? They had a competition and Ramsey was choosing who would win.”
“I heard she started sleeping with him to win and then she got pregnant and that’s why they are together.”
“I’m sure she’s not that great of a doctor, how much could she know? I bet I am a better doctor than she could ever be.” A young man said. Ethan had no idea what his name was but to be honest, he didn’t really care.
He felt his blood boil. Never before in his whole life has he heard such bullshit. He began wondering where did they get those idiotic ideas from and why do they have so much free time that they were able to come up with something like this. Then it hit him like a lightning.
Was that why Claire was so closed off? Has she heard what they were talking about her and took it to heart? He knew she already headed home for the day. He sprinted to his office, changed and grabbed his stuff and sprinted towards his car.
He entered their apartment, looking around frantically for his wife. He found her on the couch, cup of tea in hand, a book on her lap, covered with a blanket. He set his stuff with a clank on the table and went to stand next to her. He fell to his knees. The sudden movement made her look at him.
His face broke her heart. He looked lost, helplessness in his eyes, tears threatening to fall from his beautiful eyes. She put away her tea and book and took his face in her hands.
“Hey. What happened? What’s wrong?” she asked softy, her thumbs smoothing over his cheeks. He snuggled his face in her small hands.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice breaking.
“Tell you what?” she knew exactly what he was talking about but she hoped she was wrong.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were saying such horrible and false things about you? We are supposed to tell each other everything.” He touched her hands with his, their eyes meeting.
“I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t want you to think you have to protect me, I should be able to do that on my own.” Her voice was quiet, her head low, looking at the pattern on the blanket.
“I want to protect you. It’s my job as your husband to protect you. And by now you should know I take my job very seriously.” He smiled, lifting her chin to make her look at him. The corners of her lips turned up a little.
“I know you do… but…”
“No “but”. I am putting an end to all of those nonsense rumors and accusations. I will not let them berate my wife just because they cannot do their job properly.” He had a stern look on his face. She leaned forward to kiss him, her hands never leaving his face.
“Thank you. I really wanted to tell you but I was… embarrassed.”
“By what?”
“Have you heard what they were saying? They weren’t just accusing me of cheating my way into the diagnostic team. They were accusing you of being bias just because we’re…”
“In love? Seriously? Why would I be mad or embarrassed at someone saying that I love my wife? Because that’s what it is, darling. I love you. I’m proud that I can say that I love you. I love your brain, I love your ability to stand up to me when you see I go too far, I love how your body is made to match mine perfectly…” he pulled her closer at that, a laugh escaping her lips. “Let me handle it. I will talk to them tomorrow and put a stop to all of this nonsense.” He kissed the top of her head and picked her up.
“Where are we going?” she asked, an amused smile on her face.
“To the bedroom. I don’t know about you, but I am pretty tired and could use a couple of hours of sleep with my ear on your heart.” He placed her gently on their bed.
“Brilliant idea, Mr. Ramsey.”
“You spark my genius, Mrs. Ramsey” he winked at her before they both got ready for bed and went to sleep, entangled in each other, falling asleep peacefully.
 The next day, after they had their morning cut short (much to their disappointment) they arrived at the hospital and begun their work. He sent her off with a kiss, not a peck on the cheek or her lips but a full-blown kiss, his arms around her, keeping her close.
“I love you, Mrs. Ramsey. Have a good day, honey.” He pecked her lips one last time before letting her go.
“I love you to, Ethan. Now go, before someone says we are lazy and don’t work.”
“I am doing something.” He said, a playful tone in his voice.
“Oh really? What?” she laughed, looking at her husband curiously.
“You.” and with that he turned away and went towards his first patient. She blushed. And nurses and other doctors stopped what they were doing, stunned at the boldness of the normally reserved doctor. A group of interns was standing on the side, looking at the whole situation. Claire went her way, not paying any attention to anyone.
Ethan walked into the cafeteria and spotted Claire sitting at the table with Harper, Ines and Zaid, all of them in deep conversation. He took his food and sat down next to his wife, kissing her cheek softly as a form of greetings. He joined the conversation, his right hand taking her left underneath the table.
Interns were sitting by the table next to theirs. They could hear their conversation very clearly.
“She’s faking it so hard it hurts to look. Honestly…” they didn’t have the opportunity to finish their sentence. Ethan stood up abruptly from his seat and turned towards them. The whole cafeteria fell silent.
“Would you like to say it louder? I don’t think everyone heard you clearly enough.” They were looking at their plates, clearly avoiding eye contact with him. “What? You don’t want the whole staff how you think dr. Ramsey is a gold digger, how she doesn’t know how to do her job, how she cheated her way into the diagnostic team? What? You don’t have the guts to tell it to her face so you choose to do it behind her back?”
“We…” one of them started, but Ethan was on the roll.
“Do you have any respect for me?” he asked. The interns were stunned.
“Of course we do, dr. Ramsey.”
“Then why would you not respect my wife? I chose to marry her and thank god she chose me too. Remember who you are talking about here. She’s the single most important person here in my eyes, so if I were you, I’d be careful with what I say about her.” With that he stormed off, not looking behind.
The cafeteria was silent. No one dared to say anything. Everybody was shocked. Ethan Ramsey was the most reserved person in there. And yet, when someone attacked his wife, he completely lost it.
Claire stood up and ran after him. He was in his office, fuming and pacing back and forth.
“Hey… it’s okay, deep breaths, yeah?” she touched his shoulder gently. He looked at her and instantly relaxed.
“You think it will keep them in line?” he asked with a smile on his face.
“Oh, I think they will never speak to either of us. You scared them. Almost to death. I think we’re in the clear.”
“Good. How much time do you have left before your break is over?” he sneaked his arms around her.
“Thirty minutes… why?”
“Oh, no reason. “a teasing smile appeared on his face as he spun them around and pressed her against the wall, kissing her hard, making the most of their time together.
In the end, Claire was right. The interns stopped talking. What is more, the next day, there they were, when Ethan and Claire arrived at the hospital, with a bouquet of flowers and a huge apology.
Everyone knew not to mess with a doctor in love.
 Tag list:   @paleweasels, @lilyofchoices, @hopelessromantic1352, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer, @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @palestazure, @galaxiia-quean, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @fangirlingmum, @claudevonstruke, @punk_kaomoji, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @noneotherthanthejoker, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15
If you want me to tag you, let me know and if I forgot to tag anyone, tell me so I can correct that!  :D
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johnnysdrums · 5 years
Kinds of Messes
Description: Wayne has finally returned home from the war just to have his life turned upside down. His wife and kids hardly recognize him and he has yet to get a letter back from an old high school friend. Rather, he’s gotten a very important telegram.
“I know a guy. He’s kind of a mess. He made it back home in one piece, more or less. A genius on drums but on brain matter, shy.”
Wayne paused before responding to Donny’s question. He knew the answer to the question almost immediately but part of him didn’t want to utter the words out loud.
Wayne returned from war a changed man, to say the least. He ran his house like the Marine he trained to be. Unfortunately, children do not make good Marines. His wife tried to keep up with his antics but frankly, she was scared. What happened to the fun-loving Wayne Wright she fell in love with?
“He fought a war,” he’d reply, walk-in out the front door to check the mailbox at exactly 3 pm. He’d open the mailbox. Still no letter. Now Wayne was getting anxious.
Wayne and Johnny had promised to write each other weekly after having enlisted and they had done a pretty damn good job. Wayne kept up his end of the bargain more than he did to his wife. Johnny did as well for a bit until the letters just stopped coming. It didn’t get better when Wayne returned. Still no letter. At this point, Wayne would just have to accept the fact that the childhood friend to whom he confided all secrets to had been killed in action.
Wayne was watching the second hand on his watch tick past the 9 and towards the 10. When it hit the 12 along with the minute hand and the hour hand hit the 3, he got up and walked to mailbox. He expected nothing but bills and letters not addressed to him. What he didn’t expect was a telegram sent from the war office. He was going to wait to read it inside where he could use his reading glasses but he was too nervous and began to read, his eyes squinting and his hands trembling.
Wayne read the telegram three, four, five times over to make sure the words were real pen and ink and that they weren’t going to disappear on him. Johnny was ok-ish. Alive. Not dead. Wayne immediately rushed inside and called out to his wife.
“I’m stepping out for a bit. I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going?”
“To see an old friend. He’s... in the hospital and... Look, I’ve got to go see him. It’s important.”
“Fine but you better be home by dinner.”
Wayne flung himself out the door, hopping into his car and heading straight towards the hospital. The thirty minute drive gave him a lot of time to think. Am I really the closest thing he has to family? Does he not have any cousins or other relatives? Wayne knew all too well about what had happened to Johnny’s family. In fact, had experienced it alongside him. The years of constant abuse and pain. The abuse so terrible that Johnny had to run towards war just to get away. How horrible are his injuries? They said it was an emergency... No, he’s alive. He’ll be fine. I’m sure of it. I hope.
Wayne arrived at the hospital and went up to the front desk to explain his situation. The secretary nodded and took him down the hall to the doctor standing right outside Johnny’s room.
“Mr. Wright, is it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ah, wonderful. Have a seat, will you?” The doctor gestured to the chair outside the door with the metal back and Wayne sat down. The doctor sat in the wooden one. “So, Mr. Wright. How aware are you of Mr. Simpson’s... condition?”
Wayne tensed at the pause. “Just that it was pretty terrible and that I was his only contact. Do you know why?”
The doctor sighed. “I’m afraid Mr. Simpson does not have family that can take care of him. You appear to be the closest thing he has.”
The doctor cleared his throat. “Now about Mr. Simpson’s condition. Mr. Simpson was in a vehicle accident. His Jeep flipped three times. He was the only one out of the three men in the car to survive but unfortunately that came with some costs. Mr. Simpson has had three operations on his back so far and hopefully we won’t have to do anymore. Of course, our work isn’t perfect and it appears that Mr. Simpson will be suffering from chronic pain for the rest of his life, not just in his back but in other joints as well.” The doctor paused to let Wayne absorb all of the information.
Wayne stood up having heard enough. “I’m going in,” he said and pushed past the doctor and into the room where a pale Johnny covered in cuts and bandages sat staring at the wall in a puzzled daze, his fingers tapping out a rhythm on the blanket. Wayne didn’t hear the doctor stammering behind him about how their talk hadn’t finished yet and that it would be best if Wayne listened to all he had to say.
“Johnny?” he exclaimed quietly so as not to frighten him. Johnny perked up at his name and stared at Wayne for a few seconds before breaking out into a large grin.
“Hiya, there! Nice to meet ya! I’m Johnny Simpson but you can call me Johnny,” he giggled, stretching his hand out to shake. “And who are you? Do I know you? I feel like I should know you. You see, my Jeep flipped three times. Three times, I’m telling ya! The best decision I ever made was holding on to that steering wheel, I’ll tell you that much. And I just had three operations on my back! Can you imagine? The doc says I have a TBI which is a traumatic brain injury, I think. I can’t remember things. That’s because my Jeep flipped three times. Three times, I’m telling ya! So who are you?”
Wayne stood there in shock, unsure how to respond. He didn’t shake Johnny’s hand. Rather, he stared at the man who had become a shell of himself. A shell, how fitting.
“Wayne Wright. We were friends in high school,” he replied in the most formal manner. Johnny didn’t seem to notice.
“High school? Wow that musta been a long time ago. Anyway nice to meet you... William?”
“Oh yeah, Wayne! See I forget things because during the war my Jeep flipped three times. Three times, I’m telling ya! So now I forget things. The doctor said I’m outta here though on Sunday. What day of the week is Sunday, again? I’m afraid I don’t remember.”
Wayne felt like he was going to throw up. His best friend may be alive but he sure as hell wasn’t living. He had forgotten everything. And that made Wayne’s head explode into a throbbing headache. “Sunday is in two days.”
“Ah, swell! Say, you got any idea as to when my parents are coming to see me? I don’t remember their names but I’m pretty sure I have ‘em. Parents, ya know.”
Wayne rushed immediately out of the room before Johnny could see the tears beginning to fall down his face.
“So, who was the friend?” his wife asked as the family sat around the table eating their lasagna. Wayne was ready to answer but he couldn’t get over the small action that was bothering him.
“Grady, I don’t want to hear you eating,” he said sternly causing his wife to eye him. Grady continued to smack his lips and slurp his pasta.
“Grady, that is enough. Stop it.” Grady just giggled as a response. He grabbed his forkful of food and shot it at his father, hitting him square in the chest. The tomato mess ran down into the pocket of his shirt.
“Grady, what is your problem? You want to do fifty push ups because we can make that happen.”
“You need to grow up and get some manners.”
“The Marines ain’t gonna coddle you forever.” Wayne froze once he realized what he just said. He left the kitchen and went back to the bathroom to wash the stain out of his shirt.
The stain was just about out when he heard a knock on the bathroom door.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Wayne’s wife opened the door and walked in, quickly closing it behind her.
“Wayne, what happened at the hospital?” she asked, her face plagued with worry.
Wayne took a moment to compose himself before talking. “It was Johnny Simpson. Remember, he went with us on that double date to prom?” She nodded. “He isn’t doing too good. Jeep flipped three times. Three surgeries on his back. A TBI. Can’t remember anything. Didn’t know who I was, didn’t know the days of the week practically, didn’t remember what his parents... did. It was awful, I,” his voice trailed off.
She leaned forward and gave Wayne a tight hug and then moved her hand down his shoulder towards his own hand.
“The doctor says he doesn’t have any other family. That I was the only person they could find that was close enough to him. They’re releasing him on Sunday. The doctor suggested he live with us. That we help him acclimate. I don’t even know if he’d be able to survive on his own,” Wayne croaked as tears began to pour out of his eyes.
Wayne’s wife sighed. “You know we can’t do that,” she said softly.
“He needs us.”
“Wayne, the kids hardly even recognize you anymore. I don’t even recognize you anymore! And I want to fix this. He’ll just get in the way. I’m already stressed enough as it is taking care of you and the kids. We can’t just let some man you haven’t talked to in 5 years come live with us. Especially someone who can, I don’t know, hardly remember his own name! Wayne, you need to be realistic. We can’t take care of him. We gotta take care of you first. I want this to all work out and for that it just needs to be you. No buts. That’s it and you know it,” she stared into his eyes, a frown upon her face.
Wayne wiped a final tear and nodded. “I hope he doesn’t hurt himself out there. Already bad enough the way some of these men are going. I’d hate to lose one who already survived so much as it is.”
“I know, I know.”
“So, do you know anyone?” Donny Novitski asked Wayne who clutched his trombone as if it were a lifesaver.
Wayne did know someone. He knew someone who played drums with him in high school. He knew someone who had the most infectious laugh and goofiest grin and was downright the nicest person you’d ever meet. He also had abandoned this someone when he needed him most. But maybe this would give him another chance at life, joy. Maybe it would put his fingers to good use. Maybe it would stir up old memories of the two of them in high school. Maybe it would get him to remember. It was worth a shot.
“I know a guy. He’s kind of a mess. He made it back home in one piece, more or less. A genius on drums but on brain matter, shy.”
They were finally having their first practice. The air in the room was already tense as the band members slowly unpacked their instruments, questions about each other’s service experience floating through their minds. Wayne had just put his mute in when the door flung open.
“Gee, is this the right place? I think it is. So glad I made it. I’m Johnny, by the way. I play drums. I think I’m here to be in a band. I don’t quite remember. See, my Jeep flipped three times. Three times, I’m telling ya! And I had three operations on my back. And now I can’t remember stuff. Glad I remembered this, though. Wouldn’t miss it for the world! I have a pencil and paper to thank for that!” he chuckled, scanning the room of unfamiliar faces. Well, mostly unfamiliar.
“Wayne Wright, right? Wayne? Yeah, I had a feeling that was you. I remember you coming to visit me in the hospital. My only visitor. You see, I was in there because my Jeep flipped three times. Three times, I’m telling ya! And I had to have three operations on my back. You were my friend in high school, didn’t you say? Gee, it’s great that I already know someone here. Well, sort of know them. I forget things easily. I should go set up. Nice meeting ya, Wayne!” Johnny smiled as he walked past the stunned man.
When Johnny was turned around and focused on his drums, a wide grin crept upon Wayne’s face. Maybe you didn’t abandon him after all.
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lnr1625 · 6 years
Not Easy To Forget
Character: Bucky Barnes 
Prompt: “If I don’t make it out of here, remember I love you”
Warnings: Mentions of death
Summary: Bucky makes a friend while struggling to adjust to modern life, but after a while, he wants to be more. 
Word Count: 5.1K
A/N: This is for @hollandroos 15K, congratulations! Also, This isn't heavily edited so I'm incredibly sorry for the grammatical errors. 
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Bucky wanted to kick a wall when he couldn't find his tie on Saturday morning. He had made sure the night before that he laid his suit, the one Steve had made him get a few weeks back, out on the chair that lay opposite of his bed. The man double, triple checked that every part of the suit was laid out last night before he went to sleep. Yet here he was getting ready in the morning, but with no tie to complete his look. Today was important, he had more crucial things to be worried about than a disappearing tie. So after a look around his room once more, with still no results, he decided to just grab a tie from Steve.
Bucky made his way over to Steve's room knocking first to make sure Steve wasn't there. He quickly moved through the room, grabbing a black tie, right on top before looking in Steve's full body mirror and watched himself as he rather quickly did his tie, making the suit come together. Lucky the practice of tying a tie hasn't changed in the last 70 years and his metal arm had surprisingly nimble fingers. Once Bucky was done with his suit he took one look in the mirror giving himself a once over and flattening his jacket before looking to his face. His hair as tame as he could get it. But his eyes with deep bags under them, stubble still would have been present on his face had today not be enough motivation to do a clean shave. Bucky hadn’t been sleeping well recently, actually, he had not slept well since he had started trying to adjust to the modern world. As Bucky took one final look in the mirror, seemingly debating internally with himself before he headed out the door, locking it on his way out, thankful that his best friend wasn't home to ask him about his whereabouts. Bucky loved Steve with his whole heart, they were as close as family. But Bucky had been having a rather hard time adjusting to the modern world so fast, especially after everything he went through. There were so many changes to have to get used too, from technology to mannerisms and everything in between. Steve, was nothing but supportive through the whole thing, concerned for Bucky's wellbeing and mental state. This could get a little annoying, being treated like a broken toy, despite Steven well-meaning intentions. So sometimes Bucky would need to get away. Think on his own. Walking was always a good way to do that. So walking tended to be a regular thing for him. Multiple times a day, some days. Especially at the beginning.   And walking is where he met her. Y/N. Bucky had met the girl only a couple months after Bucky had regained his memory and started living with Steve.  At the time Bucky was not doing much else than just learning how to adjust, no boxing, no work, no travel. He had to go to a therapy session every week with a S.H.I.E.L.D therapist that got him nowhere. Early on in this process walks were constant. A handful every day to escape all the information that was being shoved on him so fast. Walks were a good way to take in nature. Something that hadn’t changed very much in the last 100 years, other than the fact there was just less of it in the world, which was an upsetting realization. However, there was still plenty to take in on the outside world as well as nature, Taller buildings, faster cars, New, more revealing clothes. He was never bored on his walks. Bucky had in deep thought about these things on the day he met Y/N and didn't seem to realize that his wallet fell out of his jacket pocket. Bucky assumed that she had seen it drop and, was a decent human being because she stopped him to give it back to him. “Excuse me, Sir, you dropped this” She called to him. Taking the soldier out of his thoughts and turn around to see where the voice was coming from. She came up to him and gave him back his wallet which he thanked her for doing. Bucky had assumed that was going to be the end of the conversation and so he turned to walk away. But he barely made a step before she had other ideas, and to this day Bucky was very glad she did. “Are you new here?” She asked, In a semi-quiet voice, as if she didn't mean for the words to come out. Bucky was surprised. With his intimidating demeanor, single friend, and lack of knowledge of the current world Bucky didn't exactly get the chance to work on his small talk. But here, was a woman, willing to talk to him, who knew nothing about him, a person wouldn't treat him like a bomb that's about to explode. Normal conversation was something  Bucky desperately wanted for once. So after some internal debate eventually, he convinced himself that talking to this random girl might be good for him. “Yeah, you could say that” He shrugged. With a hollow laugh. He watched her face as a small smile of excitement grew. Making Bucky's chest well. A feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. Suddenly he wanted to keep talking to her, he wanted to know what else would make her get excited. “I've lived here my whole life, so if you wanted I could show you some good spots to go when you wanna be alone… Unless that's creepy… then I'll just shut up and keep walking” she spoke going beat red in the face and rubbing the back of her neck. No longer making eye contact with the man. Bucky could tell that this girl didn't have a habit of talking to strangers and so he couldn't help but wonder, what about him made him approachable? But despite his question, he appreciated that she was also nervous to be talking and so he tried his best to calm her down. “That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. What would I owe you?” He asked with a small smirk, confidence growing in him as he remembered how back before the war he was rather good with girls. Her eyes lifted to meet his, the embarrassment that once filled them, started to go away and was instead replaced with shock and eagerness. “Just good conversation” She smiled at him. And that's how it started. Bucky and Y/N’s relationship, and from that day their relationship quickly grew. They met up a few days later and went on a rather long walk with her pointing out different landmarks, both famous ones and other ones that just meant something to her. She asked him questions and he would keep his answers vague, not wanting to unload his heavy baggage on her and scaring her away, as he enjoyed her company way more than he was willing to admit. In return, Bucky would ask her questions and she was usually much more detailed with her answers, oftentimes rambling too long, caught up in a memory or other, and then apologizing. But Bucky didn't mind when she talked, he liked that she was willing to talk because he was a rather quiet person, especially since his years of brainwash. Apparently, she enjoyed his company as well because when the walk was over she quickly blurted out that she'd like to do it again. And so for weeks every Saturday, they’d meet, walk, and talk. He found out that she works as a Chemistry teacher at Midtown School of Science and Technology. She has two older brothers and a younger sister. She loves watching movies and traveling with her family and friends. He found out more than he ever thought he would but never once was he bothered by her. After weeks of there Saturday walks, she asked him if he would want to go get lunch with her. It was at that lunch they exchanged numbers, Bucky kept it to himself that she was now the second number in the phone and probably going to be the only other number in the phone, ever, but he was okay with that.
Months of walks had ensued, only ever being canceled for rain, and if that was the case then the two would meet up for dinner or another indoor activity.   He hadn't felt, what he was feeling for Y/N in seventy years, and it wasn't a feeling Bucky thought he was gonna ever be capable of feeling again. But here it was, the warm feeling in his chest every time she smiled. The smile that grew on his face out of pure joy every time she laughed. Wanting to be around her all the time. To protect her, despite the fact that she lived about the safest life that he had seen. The need to keep her happy. Seeing her only once a week grew to be hard. It didn't help that Bucky never told Steve about Y/N and so he couldn't talk about this amazing girl, his feelings toward her to anyone, and it was killer, however, he reminded himself that the reason he kept his relationship with the girl a secret because he wanted one singular part of his life to himself, he didn't want Steve to worry about a relationship that might not even last. Bucky assumed that Steve had his suspicions about why Bucky would leave and come back in a rather happier mood than when he left. But Bucky respected that Steve never dug too deep into it. Without realizing it, Y/N also did a great deal with helping Bucky adjust better to modern life, never making fun of him for not knowing something. He could listen to her for hours rant about some new science article she was reading, or a lab she had planned for her AP Chem class. Even if Bucky didn't really know what she was talking about he loved to hear the passion in her voice and would urge her to keep going even if she felt she was boring him. One week, he remembered, was bad. He was getting frustrated, with Steve but couldn't say anything because he knew Steve was just trying to help. So without being mean, he said he was going out. But as soon as he was out of the apartment he called up Y/N asking if they could meet up. Needing to talk to someone about trivial things. That was the first time he had been to her apartment and learned that she wasn’t the best cook, but she liked to bake. It wasn’t very long after that when Bucky thought he was going to lose her. When he grew up enough courage to tell her who he was. He had decided that he had strong feelings for the girl and didn’t want, whatever it is that they had to be ruined later by her running scared of him and his past. However, when he came clean, told her about himself. It was as if he hadn't just revealed one of the biggest secrets in the world to her. All Y/N did was shrug and claim that she ‘Kinda knew’. Which left Bucky almost dumbfounded. “Wait, what?” Has asked shocked that she had responded so casually. “Buck, you have a metal arm, that’s hard to miss if you think I didn't notice that at some point, despite your constant attempts to hide it, then you must think I'm dense. You keep Your answers rather short, you don't know a whole lot about how society works….” She smiled. Taking a pause and rubbing her hands together nervously, as if she wasn't sure if she had crossed a line or not as Bucky was not exactly the easiest person to read. But she couldn't seem to stop herself from finishing her thoughts.
“Plus, I saw your face a few months back in the Captain America exhibit in the Smithsonian, and your face isn't easy to forget” Bucky had wanted to be offended by her explanation, but he couldn't be. He had honestly more relieved that she wasn't attempting to leave or ‘ghost’ him  (A term he had learned the previous week from Y/N) He should have realized that he couldn't hide the obvious stuff from her like his arm, or his museum presence. A small part of the back of his mind at the time was a little concerned that his story was in an exhibit, but that was a concern for a different day. At the moment he was more focused on Y/N.    He looked at her curiously. He used to be a Russian assassin, who's killed more people than he even knew. He was brainwashed and a danger to society according to, well everyone, why wasn’t she running scared? Or did she not know about that specific part of him? “You’ve never said anything” He eventually came up with, not knowing where to take the conversation from there. “I figured you’d tell me when you're comfortable. I’m not one to need immediate answers, we all go through stuff, you, way more than most. I’m not gonna bring up stuff that you don’t want to talk about” She explained, looking at him straight in the eyes so he could see how serious she was. Her explanation put a smile on his face at how innocently sweet she was. He couldn't help but wonder if she was like this around everyone or just him?   “You’re not terrified of me?” He asked. Smile dropping.   “Terrified? What reason have you given me to be terrified?” She asked, seemingly genuinely confused at Bucky's questions “Everything I’ve done” he responded, tearing his eyes away from hers in embarrassment. Someone like him, should not be with her. She deserved better than a monster like him. “I don’t know that side of you Buck, I got to know you before I figured out your super side. And what I got to know was this kind, sweet and caring man. To me, that's what you are, nothing else, until you show me something else.” He didn’t think it was possible but everything he felt towards the women had grown tenfold. So on that days walk, for the first time, Bucky did most of the talking. Indulging into his life story. Skipping over the parts he didn’t want to talk about. Y/N not seeming to mind at all. He started off with his childhood. Basically anything pre-war. The good stuff. Many of it memories Bucky had stopped himself from thinking about since he got them back. She invited him over for dinner. And Buck continued talking into the late hours of the night. He talked until Y/N fell asleep on her couch. She was the first person that Buck told almost everything too. More than he told SHIELD, more than he told the other Avengers. The only person who knew as much as Y/N now was Steve. The two had had their friendship for 6 months when Bucky finally decided that he couldn’t ignore these feelings any longer. He was going to ask her on a date. An official date. They were on there Saturday walk and at the end is when he had built up the courage to ask her. “Hey, Y/N… I was wondering if you'd wanna go on a date...with me tomorrow night?” He asked. “A date? Haven't we been on dates?” She asked-head cocked to the side. “No, I mean an official date where I ask you, and pick you up while being fancily dressed and we go to dinner and then another activity” He tried again, still with confidence in his voice. “Why the formal asking?” She blushed, giving Bucky the sign that maybe she had similar feelings that he did. “Because I enjoy being around you. You’ve helped me in more than I could even fathom and over these six months, I've had feelings, that I never thought I was going to get to feel again. I’ve decided that I want to act on those feelings and for you and me to have a real relationship. And I don’t know how these things have changed in the last 70 years but usually, a date is the first step in that direction” He rambled, trying to sum up all the reasons he wanted to date her, call her his girlfriend.   There was a single beat of silence, enough to think that maybe she was going to turn him down. “I would love to go on a real date with you Bucky. But I have a single request” she giggled. Bucky wanted to jump up and down in excitement like a little kid. His heart swelled and all he wanted to do was pick up the girl and spin her in a circle. But instead, he contained himself and nodded his head, telling her to go ahead with her request. “We have to set the date after I get back from this weekend” “Where are you going this weekend?” He had been waiting months for a real date, he didn't mind pushing it back a few more days and he hoped that his question did not come off as angry. “I have to go give a speech at a conference,” she said in an annoying tone while rolling her eyes. “How’d you get dragged into that?” He chuckled at her reaction, she wasn't normally one to get annoyed about anything, so this was rather foreign for him. “Apparently it’s ‘highly recommend’ when you have the best AP Chem scores in the state. It makes the school look good...I act annoyed but honestly I don’t really mind” she shrugged as she shoved her hands in her pockets. “Well that sounds thrilling” the sarcastic words left his mouth. Causing the girl to lightly slap his real arm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s the most dangerous thing a person like me could do.” She spoke with a sense of fake seriousness in her voice. “I bet. Not like you’re talking to a person who’s been on more life-threatening missions then you could imagine” Bucky smiled enjoying the girl's enthusiasm and the fact that he was getting to the point where he could openly and jokingly talk about his past. “How dare you mock my dangerous task. You don’t know what I’ll be facing.” She claimed in a dramatic voice as if she was going on a secret mission. Bucky opened his mouth to give another sarcastic response but was cut off. “No, don’t speak…. Bucky, if I don’t make it out of there. Remember I love you” she joked with him. Bucky knew the words were only friendly but he couldn’t stop the warm feeling that filled his chest.   That was the last real thing she has said to him, other than the goodbyes before she left for her conference. The last conversation the two had shared. The last conversation the two were ever going to share.   As Bucky straightens his tie. He wiped away the tears in his eyes. Took a deep breath thinking about there last conversation. A conversation he could no longer find amusing as those last words were filled with unknown irony. Bucky looked at the little sheet of paper in his hand checking to make sure the address was right. RIVERSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH. He knew he was in the right place as he watched the numerous amounts of people walk into the building, all in black tie dress. Bucky couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at the venue. Bucky knew through there time spent together that Y/N wasn't particularly religious despite the fact that her family was. He couldn't help but think she wouldn't like this. All the attention is on her, especially in a church setting. As he walked inside and saw the setup. The picture, the flowers, the casket. His body had physically stopped moving, he fought back the tears that wanted to come out. It really had happened, sure he heard about, and read about it, cried about it. He thought he had accepted what happened, but being here. Seeing what was in front of him. It all became real, there was no way to convince himself otherwise. It made him want to vomit. It had been a car accident. On the way home from her conference, her uber had slid on some ice and flipped killing both the driver and Y/N. Bucky only found out about it because of the local news. The funeral had been mentioned in the newspaper and Bucky knew he had to go. Even if he wouldn't know anyone else or get to speak about how much she meant to him. If there were even words to do so. He had to go to make sure it was real. So here he was, looking at the casket of the girl whom he loved. The girl who meant everything to him. Now she was gone, and for the first time since he found out, Bucky realized that he really wasn't okay, the more real it started to feel, the more he wanted to leave. She was his rock that kept him tied down. What was he supposed to do now without her here? Bucky, forced himself to look anywhere but her. First for a seat, which he decided should be in the back of the church as he figured there were probably more important people that wanted to sit up close. Then he forced his eyes to look at the people who came to mourn Y/N. Bucky didn't know what to expect, she was the perfect person, why wouldn't there be a million people at her funeral? But yet the copious amounts of people that had shown up still really threw Bucky for a loop. Young kids, a lot of teenagers, who Bucky assumed were Y/N students and by the sounds of it even some of the more troublesome kids had shown up for the teacher. Adults her age, older adults, senior citizens. Bucky then set the task to try and figure out who her family was before the funeral started. The ceremony was nice. Y/N was talked about and celebrated, as she should have been. Lots of people gave speeches talking about her many accomplishments and community service.  Bucky almost fell out of place, like he shouldn't be there.  Sure he knew a ton about her. But no one knew about them, no one knew who he was. Bucky was never around for the important parts of her life. Sure he had heard about them, but he was never around for them. He wanted to be though. He wanted to be her significant other and meet her family, and be an important person in her life. He even had a plan to do so. But apparently, the two weren't meant to be as Y/N lay dead in a casket not 30 feet away from where the soldier sat. Once the ceremony was over everyone shuffled out of the church, ready to walk to the cemetery where Y/N would be buried. The only sounds were the shuffling of people and murmured voices as they made there way out of the church. Bucky waiting until closer to the end. He kept waiting for anyone to ask who he was, but it seemed that no one even gave him a second glance. Other than one of the teenagers who stood behind the pack of his classmates. Short with brown hair, couldn't be older than 15. He was standing with what seemed to be a friend. But as they carried on there conversation and walked past Bucky, the kid gave a second glance to the super soldier, as if the kid knew who Bucky was. But quickly the kid turned back and walked out of the building. As they all stood around the grave, Bucky near the back again, some more people spoke as before the casket was closed, Bucky decided not to look, he couldn't. He didn't want his beautiful memory of her to be tarnished by what she looked like dead. As she was lowered into the ground Bucky could no longer hold back his tears. The only person he thought he would ever care for, was dead, leaving him alone in this world, again. Why did this keep happening to him? The process of getting her buried was tedious, it felt like a lifetime. He knew it was selfish but he was waiting for everyone to leave so he could be alone with her like they always had been. Eventually, little by little, everyone trickled away, most of them to go to the reception, a few stayed to speak to the woman's grave. Bucky kept his distance, not wanting to seem out of place. Finally, there was just two left. Bucky, and the kid that caught his eye earlier. The kid wasn't talking to her grave, he was just staring with wet eyes. Bucky decided it was okay to finally walk up to the burial site. Next to the kid, but a safe distance away. “Was she a good teacher?” He asked the kid in a quiet voice. “The absolute best, you couldn't find anyone better” He immediately responded. “Are you just saying that because she's gone?” Bucky asked, hoping the kid didn't mind his bluntness. The kid didn't seem too. “No, Obviously you knew her. Do you think she would be a bad teacher?” He shot back. This question threw Bucky off, but not in a bad way. He appreciated the boy's wit. With a small smirk, he responded back. “No, I think she would have been a great teacher.” “She cared about us. Checked in on us. Would give the best, most inspiring speeches you've ever heard.  You couldn't pay attention to her you know? She was passionate about what she taught, and have you ever taken chemistry? It's not something that easy to get passionate about. But on top of that, she took the time to learn ways to get all of us passionate about the subject. I've known her a long time and of all the people in the world. She definitely didn't deserve this.” The boy spoke, tears escaping his eyes. Even Bucky could tell that Y/N was more than just a teacher to him. Bucky loved that Y/N affected all these people in such a good way. It wasn't just him, apparently, she was like this with everyone, and he was beyond glad because it means everyone got to see the best parts of her. Bucky just nodded his head. Not a word needed to be spoken between them, just mutual understanding as both their eyes stayed glued to the grave. “How did you know her?” The kid spoke, as he seemed to get through his processing, his eyes glancing up to the soldier, but not without taking a second glance at where his metal arm would be, had it not been covered by a coat and hand in the coat pocket. Bucky brushed the look off, telling himself it was just coincidence. “She was a... “ He started to say but stopped when he couldn't find the right words. There was no one word to describe who Y/N was to Bucky. She was his everything, but he knew he couldn't use that word. He wanted to say girlfriend, but that would have been inaccurate. “She was a really good friend” He settled on, wanting to cringe as he knew that description wasn't correct. The kid nodded. Eyes trailing back to the grave one more time. “Well, I've seen you waiting for a long time, I assume to be alone with her, so I'll go talk to my uncle and leave you two alone,” The boy said before turning and walking away from the grave. Bucky turned his head slightly to watch the kid walk away, confused about what he meant by talking to his uncle, there was no one else around. but as soon as he was out of hearing distance, Bucky forgot about the kid completely before turning back to Y/N. He stood in silence, just staring for the longest time, not knowing what to say. “You know, out of all the scenarios I ran through in my head about how we could have played out... Us dating, maybe getting married, breaking up, you run like hell after you found out the truth about me… Even the possibility of me dying came up. But out of everything, I sat in bed and thought about at night, you dying on me, was never one of them because you lived such a safe life. I'm sorry this happened. If I could trade us out, I would in a heartbeat, you deserved better. So, so much better. I'm sorry…. I'm so so sorry” When the words stopped pouring out of his mouth. Bucky then realized he was crying as the tears slipped down his cheeks and suddenly it became incredibly hard to breathe. Within a few seconds, he was sobbing on his knees, hand covering his mouth. Unable to keep anything in any longer. Finally accepting the fact that she was gone. Those were the only words he spoke too her. Yet, he stayed by her grave for hours on end. Trying so hard to come to terms with what happened crying stopping for only a few minutes, before starting up again in a never-ending cycle. It was when day turned to night, and the temperature dropped to below freezing, did Bucky even consider leaving. Even then it took him another few hours to even move. Eyes glued on the flowers stacked high on the pile of dirt that covered the women who held his heart. Only when Steve had called him, did he decide to actually go, taking everything he had to look away from the gravestone, and walk away from his love and head back home? No looking up, not feeling anything. He stood outside his and Steve's apartment door for minutes, not ready to face a million questions that Steve was gonna ask him out of concern. Eventually, he decided that he had to go in at some point and so his ripped off the band-aid and walked in. “Where have you been all day?” Steve asked from the couch. “What are you an overprotective parent?” Bucky smiled at his best friend. This caused Steve to break his concerned look, instead of giving Bucky a smile that took him back to the 1940s. When times were simpler. “I just get worried is all” He admitted throwing his hands in the air. “I'm good… I was… Just visiting an old friends grave” Bucky confessed to Steve. Memories of the girl, and what had happened to flood back into him. Causing him to let out a heavy sigh. Bucky watched as Steves' face fell again. Memories of his own flooding into his eyes. There was a silence in the air as the two were trapped in their own thoughts for a while. Bucky getting changed and joining Steve on the couch. Head threw up to the ceiling. “Hey, do you wanna bring me to the gym with you this week?” Bucky asks out suddenly. “The gym, I thought you were done with all that,” Steve said giving a questioning glance to his best friend. “I thought I wanted to be, but I need something to occupy my times, and I think I'm done with walks for a while… There's nothing there for me anymore.”
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lonelylavenderluke · 6 years
Curious thoughts// Chapter three
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American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Micheal Langdon x (Cordelia’s daughter) Reader
Rating: mentions of blood, emotional pain, (I think it’s angsty I’ll let you guys decide)
Tag// @frozenhuntress67
I could hear Stevie singing as I walked towards Michael, the feeling of pure joy fresh at the arrival of our sister witches. Yet when I looked at Michaels face he didn’t look happy, he wore a distasteful facade. Reaching out I cupped his check rubbing my thumb against it in gentle soothing strokes, his attention turned to me and any sign that he’d been irritated washed away. “Thank you...” I murmured leaning to press a chase kiss on the corner of his lips, “I did what your mother asked for that’s all” he admitted stating the facts as if I hadn’t been there myself. Shaking my head I glanced down to see Misty dancing freely like she once did when preparing for the seven wonders all those years ago, “you’ve brought my family back, that makes it more than just a simple task” I argued with a stern look. He seemed to submit to this nodding in agreement with me, “are you happy?” He asked innocently tilting his head as he waited for my reply.
“Now that I’m back by my best friends side? Of course I am Michael” I smiled sympathetically.
We stayed like that for a few moments longer before he broke the silence between us.
“Follow me..” he whispered into my ear, tenderly taking hold of my wrists before leading the way away from the gathering of witches and warlocks, to the silent isolation of his room. We didn’t care what anyone outside of the doors wanted or felt, tonight was our night, my chance to show him just what loyalty was. It was our night to remember and no one could take it away from us.
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Everyone who went into that office came out with the same expression. Fear, uneasiness.
I would linger round the corridors watching as the others went into the room. As curious as I was to what they spoke about, I distanced myself from everyone over the course of the time since Langdon had arrived, to say I was avoiding him was an understatement.The moment I felt him nearing where I was an uneasy feeling filtered into my body forcing me to leave which ever room I was in for the safety of my own bedroom. My nightmare the first night in which he was here, terrified me. I could barely remember as to why but something about him being here scared me yet gave me hope.
There was a knock at my door as I sat there on my bed reading about different types of plants used in medicines. Looking up I called out “come in”, slowly it opened to reveal Ms Mead standing there, “Mr Langdon would like to see you for your interview” she stated with a pointed look, quickly shutting my book I got up to follow her. The atmosphere became darker but relieving as we got closer to his office, “knock before you enter” was all I was told before being left outside the door.
Hesitantly I wrapped my knuckles against the wood, waiting patiently for a reply.
“Enter” the words I heard before slowly sliding the door open, quietly entering before closing the door behind me as I did so.
He wasn’t facing me, instead busying himself with writing about something instead. “Have a seat... I should apologise for it being so late, but from the more recent interviews I’ve conducted I insisted to Ms Venable for yours to happen today....” he explained stopping upon looking up at me a look of shock etched into his expression. “Is everything okay sir?” I questioned timidly slightly startled by his reaction upon seeing me. “No...” he murmured leaning back in his chair his eyes never leaving me. Glancing round I check for an sign of harm before sitting down in the chair across from where he sat. “Who are you?” He questioned without any warning, staring him dead in the eyes I answered him, “My name is Adelaide Lestrange, I’m 22 years old, my birthday is on Hallows Eve, I grew up in California”. In response to my words he stood up circling me as if hunting me like a carnivore would hunt its prey. “If you lie I will know it, call it a gift or curse but I will know the moment it leaves your mouth do you understand Miss...” he tried to intimidate me and yet he couldn’t even force himself to say my name. “And if you try to trick me, I will know, and this interview will be over, and you will die here painfully.Are we clear? Good now what is your sexual orientation?” He questioned as he came to stand in front of me “I’m pansexual... I’ve never been in a relationship though”.
“Have you ever been to New Orleans?”
“No. What does that even have to do with this interview? Why is that where the sanctuary is?” I argued back staring him down as if I held power within the conversation. “No, your accent there is a slight Louisianan accent to it” he replied sincerely throwing me off any thoughts I’d been up until know.
“Tell me about your nightmares”
The insides of me felt like they’d dropped from a mile up, shakily I demanded “how do you know about that?”. Only four people within the outpost knew about them, “I heard you screaming before you woke up earlier today, it was quite distressing in all honestly” he answered hesitantly before looking away into the fireplace. Flashes of what I’d dreamt consumed my conscious mind.
I was crying in pain.
My body felt numb as I saw blood everywhere it was like I wasn’t even in control of my own body.
“Mama!” I was calling out in desperation. “Mama please! Please! Don’t let them die!”
“I’m in pain, I mean I normally experience pain when I wake up from them but in this one I was in actual pain, I didn’t feel like I had control over my body” I began to tell him, carefully planning what words to say without risking anything slipping.
“Mama!” I cried as my mother cradled me the best she could whilst the others rushed round to try and stop the bleeding. “She needs to go to the hospital” Zoe argued from her place by my other side, “no dear, doctors and nurses won’t be any help” spoke from where she stood holding towels. “Please! Don’t let them die!” I wailed throwing my head back in agonising pain.
“There was so much blood, from where I don’t know but I was begging for it to stop, begging for someone to have not died” I paused looking back at Langdon unable to hear any interruptions from him.
His expression was hidden but the aura that he gave off seemed pained as if I’m wounding him by telling him of my dream.
“Go on” finally encouraging me to continue.
“I don’t... I don’t remember much after that apart from... from the feeling of emptiness and abandonment, I was calling out for someone, calling for them by name and I felt desperate for an answer but I don’t think I ever got one” I concluded sullenly as an ache began to form in my chest that was growing more and more as I waited for a response. He stood up, a pained look showing in his eyes without a single emotion showing in his expression. “What was the name?” He requested solemnly folding his arms behind his back. Hesitation flowing through my movements as I have him the satisfaction of an answer, “Michael”.
“Michael...Michael please someone.... I need Michael to.... Michael god Damnit!” I cried out praying he’d be able to feel my pain through whatever bond pairs us together. “It’s his please please he has to know...” I whimpered.
“I... was...I was calling ... for a person.... called... Michael” I recited in a broken-hearted voice, my insides felt like they were on fire.
Nodding slowly, he turned to face me with his arms still behind his back.
“Who are you?”
“What do you mean...”
“Who .. are... you? A very simple question with a very simple answer” he throatily demanded as if desperate for me to answer.
“I already told you” I responded looking him dead in the eyes.
“No you didn’t... out of everything that you’ve said to me... why don’t you remember!” He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air in frustration, the candles within the room went out instantly, yet it felt like a normal act to me. “Sir I am telling you everything as truthfully as physically possible, my name is Adelaide Lestrange, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California and my birthday is on Hallows Eve” I answered stubbornly watching his frustration. He moved forward falling onto his knees in front of me as he took hold of my hands.
“Whatever they’re doing to you.. it’s over... you don’t have to lie anymore to anybody especially me, I heard you Elisha I heard you please I’m on my knees begging....you have to remember” he pleaded his eyes staring into mine, I felt confliction brewing up inside me. He seemed so familiar and the words he spoke felt like a lullaby that I would hear all the time but nothing about him seemed to remind me of anything.
He was a stranger to me.
And yet I knew exactly who he was.
“I’m sorry... I don’t know what your talking about” is all I could say, pulling my hands from his I force myself to stand, looking down at him as he still kneels there staring up at me with pleading eyes. “What have they done to you... it’s you... I can sense it’s you but... it’s like they’ve locked you away and given you to someone” He murmured in a whimpering manner as if finding out one of the most painful things in the world.
“I’m sorry Mr Langdon but you’ve got the wrong person” I stated moving to leave. “Don’t you dare!” He growled energetically leaping to try and grab at me the fireplace seemed to explode with flames mimicking his rage.
“Stop it! Enough!” I shouted throwing my hand out in defence.
He froze, like everything else in the room froze.
Turning away I ran out of the office, crashing into grays as they walked by doing their jobs. I could hear, Gallant and Andre calling after me as they saw me running for my room. The door slammed shut locking it self as I hid in the furthest corner of the room, before anything could cross my mind I began doing something I thought I’d never do I started praying to anyone who would listen to me.
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wolfpawn · 6 years
When Ghosts Come For Us
Chapter 41
NOTE This is based on the movie Crimson Peak, so if any of the subject matter in that was uncomfortable for you, you will find this similar. I will *NOT* be describing incest in this, it will only be implied, same as the movie.
As I have stated already, my laptop is broken at present so please excuse grammar mistakes and the lack of GIFs and pics.
Also, I do not own any image or gif used in this story.
HERE is the link to Chapter 1 on Ao3
Rating - Mature
Thomas was the epitome of the doting father and husband on their return to Allerdale Hall. The maid and housekeeper watched in shocked awe as he assisted his wife ready their son for a meal and assisted in winding him after, with some gentle schooling by his wife. He insisted that the work they all knew the mines required could wait while he tended to the needs of his wife and son, making sure that they were settled before dealing with the mines. Charlotte watched, feigning blissful ignorance as her husband attempted to begin his grovelling for his previous dismissing of her and Thomas Junior. She noted the pride he took in their son donning his name and noticed also his manner with the small infant. He may have previously not shown much interest in their son but it was clear now he felt some connection to him. With Thomas now working the mines and the baby asleep, Charlotte decided to bring him to the kitchen area and watch the women work, disliking the loneliness of the room. The housekeeper and the maid looked at her curiously as she stood in the doorway.
“Lady Sharpe?” Mrs Phillips asked worriedly. “Should you not be in bed?”
“No.” She shook her head slightly, Thomas Jr asleep soundly in her arms, Blake loyally at her side. “It's noisy with the workmen up there, and draughty, I think him better able to rest downstairs, but also…” Her voice was small and almost meek, not anything like the way she had spoken to them the day before.
“What is it, Duckie?” Mrs Phillips asked kindly.
“It is frightfully lonely up there…”
Mrs Phillips immediately had a kind smile on her face and rushed to put a chair by the fire. “Over here with you. Margaret, get something akin to a bassinet and we can keep Master Thomas warm and let Lady Sharpe have her arms free,” she ordered. The maid immediately set about doing what was required as Charlotte sat beside the fire, Blake taking up position by her feet. “He is not going to be ignored, is he?” Mrs Phillips smiled at the dog.
“He does not let Thomas out of his sight. He only rests when he knows Thomas is feeding or is fed and is sleeping. They will be as close as can be once Thomas grows, I fear to think of the mischief poor Blake will have to stop him from creating.” Charlotte smiled affectionately at her dog.
“There's as much chance of him being involved as preventing it.” Mrs Phillips chuckled. A moment later, Margaret came in with a laundry basket lined with blankets. “That is a wonderful idea, put it just out of the reach of the fire and we will let him rest.” Charlotte handed her son to Mrs Phillips and sat back in the chair. “Would you like some tea?”
“Please.” Charlotte almost begged. “I have not had one since yesterday.”
Mrs Phillips rushed around and got her everything she needed. “You sit there, Duckie and relax, you need to allow yourself recover. How you are able to wander around as you have is something of note.”
“It is nothing bothersome,” Charlotte shrugged. “I do hardly feel it.”
Mrs Phillips eyes widened at such a statement and the clear honesty in it. “You are not of the same cloth as most others.” She handed Charlotte a scone and her tea while she continued to cook the dinner and Margaret cleaned the kitchen area.
For the majority of the time she was there, there was little said but the noise and company was comfortable. When Thomas required feeding again, Margaret continued the cooking and Mrs Phillips assisted Charlotte, insisting that she not rise from her chair.
“I can see if there is a nursemaid for him in the vicinity if you would like, Duckie?” Mrs Phillips offered.
“No, I rather do it myself, whatever others say of it.” The authority of her tone left no room for argument on the matter and considering her recent behaviour, Mrs Phillips did not think it wise to say any more, instead she continued her work and began talking of mundane and unimportant gossip from the town, something Charlotte enjoyed listening to, not out of the enjoyment of other people's business but simply to be speaking with the women.
It was only when Blake's ears perked and he rushed out of the kitchen did Charlotte look at the clock, noting the time. Blake danced around at the doorway for a moment before he was joined by a damp and clay covered Thomas. On seeing him, the women looked at him somewhat startled.
Charlotte stood and handed her son to Mrs Phillips. “Place him to rest please, Anna. Margaret, warm water and a cloth please,” She ordered as she walked over to her husband. “What happened you?”
“The machine had a momentary issue.”
“Is everyone safe?” She asked worriedly.
“Perfectly.” He promised. “I was the only one close to it.”
Mrs Phillips came back having dealt with Master Thomas. “What can I get for you, Sir?”
“He'll need a good strong tea please, and some dry clothes.” Charlotte answered on autopilot. “What in heaven's name were you doing too close to it if it was having such issues.” She chastised.
“If I had not been, it could have exploded.” Thomas countered.
“Thomas, I rather lose every penny we have than risk you. I know you work incredibly hard to give us an income from the mines but do not think for one solitary moment they are worth more than your wellbeing. What good are clumps of red clay to Thomas if he is to lose his father to it, or to myself and even Lucille?”
Thomas smiled, seeing the genuine concern on her face. “I was not harmed.” He brought her hand to his lips and pressed it gently to them. “I foresaw the possible situation and countered it immediately before it was any risk to anyone, the only issue being I slipped in the clay, nothing more. You will see as I clean myself that it is not any bit of my blood I am covered in.”
“It had better not be, for if it is, I will not let you live it down for the damage it is doing my poor nerves.” She scolded as she took one of the scraps of cloth Margaret had brought and soaked it before starting to clean off the more obvious clumps. “Margaret, would you be so good as to ready a bath for Sir Sharpe also, I think this will require a more thorough cleaning.” Charlotte requested as she noted the sheer work to get the clay off her husband. “You are caked in it.”
“At least it is only clay and not my own blood...for the sake of your nerves, of course.” He gave her a playful smile.
Charlotte, for her annoyance at her husband's recent behaviour could not prevent herself smiling. “You toy with me and my caring too greatly, Thomas.”
Thomas's smile fell. “I have, I admit.”
“I have right mind to discard you like this rag for doing so.” She tossed the dirtied scrap to the floor, her tone brazen.
“It is a wonder you have not already.” He retorted, a slight smile on his lips as he noted the sides of hers raise ever so minisculely.
“I suffer a terrible fault with regards you, Thomas Sharpe, against my better judgement, and it makes impossible to do so.”
“And what is this terrible fault, dare I ask?”
“I love you, most ardently.” She looked him squarely in the eye as she confessed such.
“My, that is a terrible fault indeed. If it is any consolation to the lady, I hope she knows I will endeavour to earn the privilege of being worthy of said affections and to repent for my past transgressions against them.”
“Good, for I would hate to think myself wasting my time with them as I seem to be with trying to assist with this cleaning. What in the world is causing this to stick so much to you?” Charlotte looked at the clay on the rag, his face and her hands.
Thomas could only chuckle. “The deeper clay is far thicker.”
“Lottie?” Charlotte looked at him curiously. “I love you, with an intensity I never knew existed. I…” hearing the housekeeper or maid returning, he ceased speaking on request of the expression Charlotte was giving him. “I should wash.”
“Eat first, the water will have to been drawn.” Charlotte suggested.
“My Dear, I am covered in clay and oil.”
“And it will take considerable time to remove it, so it is best to eat first,” she countered.
Thomas did not argue and instead watched as she cleaned her hands before going and retrieving their son and sitting close to him, Thomas Jr looking around curiously, though not focusing on anything. “I thought him to be resting.”
“No, he is awake and curious, he is simply quiet.” There was incredible affection in how Charlotte spike of Thomas. “He is such a handsome little thing, or is that motherly love speaking, am I simply doting because I am bound to by motherly duty?”
“Indeed it is not simply that, Lady Sharpe,” Mrs Phillips declared as she placed Thomas's food in front of him. “I have not seen such a handsome babe in all my years. My George looked like a sack of potatoes when he was born.”
“Mrs Phillips! You cannot say that of your own son!” Charlotte chastised.
“Duckie, I love my George, but if there is one thing the good lord did not bless him with, it is looks. He looks like my husband mixed with his father and as much as I love Theodore, it was not looks that caused me to love him.” Mrs Phillips stated. “This little one, he is truly handsome. You will have women seeking him for more than his parents’ wealth, I can assure you.”
“When we get this second mine open, that wealth will grow considerably.” Charlotte smiled to her husband, giving him an encouraging look.
Thomas swallowed, uncertain as to how to react to such encouragement.
Tags: @perpetual-fangirl @ilovekingt @lokiloveheart @lokilover9 @texmexdarling @sigridlaufeyson @whovianwookie86-captainxev @wolfsmom1
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littlewritingrabbit · 7 years
Dear dear @thegrinningone what have you done... XD
Drowning in an overcoat as large as a lake, provisioned with nothing but pocket lint and a copy of King Lear he had been too nostalgic to let go of (it had been his father’s, after all), and adrift in the currents of the Parisian streets, Pierre Etienne du Ponceau was in a desperate state. He had used up all of the pocket money he’d brought along when he left the school, and the quick translations in the marketplace had been enough to provide some food for the first fortnight, at least until this tempest had started. Under the weight of such a downpour and a Sunday that was at least supposed to be spent in pious contemplation (but this was Paris, so the odds of that were not, perhaps, great), the streets had been all too quiet. And now Pierre, clutching his book to his chest, was ready to faint with hunger.
Was this worth it? He asked himself bitterly, wiping the rain from his glasses. Was this worth the pettiness of leaving school, the youthful search for adventure that his straight-laced, religious teachers had so disapproved of? Oh they had praised him enough when he brought back top grades in Greek and Latin, but as soon as he had the nerve to ask one too many questions, or pay a fellow student a compliment they thought too personal, suddenly they spoke in quotes about forbidden fruit and little boys who talk too much, and he felt exasperated. What were they afraid of? That he might admire his classmates? That there might have been a fellow in the second row with the most wonderful curls whose hand he might have bowed to kiss? That he might ask a question that neither they or their myriad quotes could answer?
If Pierre du Ponceau was going to learn about the world, he was not going to do so by being afraid of it.
So he fled to the libraries in Paris, whose tall shelves loomed up like a forest of words. He soaked in the melting-pot accents of the trading ports and translated for passerby who paid small change. There were soldiers with political opinions as varied as the colours of their uniforms, and monuments to long-dead heroes, and everywhere there was brilliant, vulgar, unstifled life. There wasn’t enough to pay admission for the likes of museums and scientific lectures, but perhaps one day. He could live with a loosening coat and a grumbling stomach to finally be on a real adventure.
At least, he could, before it got really bad.
But now, he could tell, he was going to get sick. He was sniffling already. And a groaning hunger in the pit of his stomach was not helping. Hence the desperate state that started to draw his eyes to the pockets of passerby.
You’re not a thief, he told himself. You may be a runaway and an book-loving, insubordinate fool, but you are no criminal.
But as the sun set, the argument wore thin. He started to contemplate the mechanics of it. You’d have to bump into someone, keep your fingers light, keep their eyes away from whatever trinket you pried from their pockets. In theory. And how much of a crime would it be, really, if the person was so well-off they hardly noticed the few coins that needed taking? That businessman by the inn, or the dandy on the street-corner. Either could spare a sou or two.
Or perhaps, he thought, mind and heart racing, that officer making his way towards him. The soldier was tall and broad-shouldered, sauntering in a good-natured way down the sidewalk. A Prussian officer, probably fresh from the ranks of His Majesty. He looked well-fed and sanguine - he would probably never miss the presence of a trinket from those enticing pockets...
Pierre slowed down imperceptibly, just moments before he passed the officer. They were close enough that he could smell the expensive roast he must have eaten for dinner. The boy made a false stumble and bumped shoulders with the officer, letting a hand fall into his pocket in the confusion and walking off with an apology and a handful of... something.
Once he was certain the pilfered Prussian was far enough away, Pierre ducked around a corner and opened his hand, revealing... a poem?
Of course he read it. After all, he had gone to a lot of effort to procure it. It was relatively short, relatively rude, and also written in Ancient Greek. It suggested things about the officer’s character that would have sent his past teachers into a rage of apple-themed quotations. So there was really nothing for it but to laugh, merrily and loud against the rainy drumbeat, before setting off to return the note.
He caught up with the officer a few blocks further on. “Monsieur, I... I believe...”
The man’s stare made him falter. He had a look in his eyes and a quirk to his expression like he was privy to a secret the whole world was anticipating. In any other situation, Pierre would have found it irritating, but at the moment he was far too hungry. Wordlessly, he held out the poem.
The officer looked from the extended paper to his face, and then back once more. Several silent, rain-filled seconds later, he began to chuckle. A laugh rumbled up from inside him and exploded like a cannon in the darkened street. It wasn’t long before du Ponceau was laughing along with him. “Not what you’d expected, eh Monsieur?” roared the officer, wiping his eyes. “Well it’s a good job you got some proper literature for your pains, isn’t it?” he chuckled again. “Tell me, monsieur, can you read Ancient Greek?”
Now it was du Ponceau’s turn to look confusedly at the poem for a moment. “Why... yes. Yes I can.”
“Splendid!” said the officer, giving Pierre a good-natured tug under an awning where he wouldn’t be required to stand gaping in the rain like a fish. “Then you shall translate this poem for me, as it is from a dear admirer of mine, and I shall buy you supper. How does that sound?”
“Thank you very much, sir,” Pierre smiled stiffly, before the officer laughed again and kissed the air on either side of his face.
“Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Stueben, at your service,” he said, with an extravagant bow.
“Pierre Etienne du Ponceau at yours,” Pierre replied, remembering his manners enough to bow until his hair fell into is face. “And...” he inspected the poem once more, “This gentleman certainly has a lot to say about your... friendship.”
“You’ve translated-”
“Everything. It was rather brief after all,” Pierre smiled again at the look of shocked admiration on von Steuben’s face.
“Good Lord monsieur,” said the Baron, “how many languages can you speak?”
“No more than six, certainly. But Greek is, quite honestly, new, so I am perhaps not as well-versed...”
“My friend, that is superb! It’s tremendous! The great schools of the world ought to be clamoring to have your attendance!”
It was only when he became aware that he was blushing that Pierre attempted to stop, but that only made him blush more. “I’m afraid they are doing no such thing... quite yet. I’m more of a... library-scholar.” There were certainly worse ways to say ‘runaway’.
“Would you much prefer being a secretary, then?” Von Steuben seemed to understand what he meant. Something in the officer’s expression had changed, Pierre realized, as it now seemed as if they were both bearers of a secret the rest of the world only hoped to know. Now this felt like the start of an adventure.
“There is not a job I would prefer at this moment,” he smiled.
“Then I am sure we will get along wonderfully, Monsieur le Secretaire,” and for good measure, the baron stooped down and made two air-kisses on either side of du Ponceau’s head.
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