#sirius black/severus snape
tavsianus · 6 months
Y'all I need to ask something. There was this Snack fic where Sev was a drug addict and Sirius was his dealer. It was called something like Baggie and I'm pretty sure the writer deleted their account or something because I can't find their other works either.
Does anyone have a pdf of it that I can read? I had just finished the first chapter when it was all gone 🥺🥲
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ashesandhackles · 11 months
Beyond the Veil (masterpost)
Co-written with @thedreamermusing
Sirius Black/Severus Snape. 97k.
A canon-divergent rewrite of Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows that follows the relationship between Sirius Black and Severus Snape. Think of it as mine and Dreamer's character study with romance.
Our list of chapters (and tiny previews where you can see we have experimented with multiple POVs) under the cut! Also a Snape and Lily prequel written by @thedreamermusing here: January 30th, 1975 (Happy Birthday Lily)
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Chapter 1 - Prologue
Time was a standstill in these long hallways and empty rooms, full of memories that ticked under his skin like a pulse under a livid bruise.
Chapter 2 - changing perceptions
He was tempted to laugh, laugh like a maniac, at the absurdity, the injustice, out of grief--let out all his curled up emotions in a big hearty laugh. But then again, that hadn't worked out so well for him 15 years ago.
Chapter 3 - 12 Grimmauld Place meets Spinner's End
What Pettigrew lacked in skill; he made up for in malice.  This seemingly pusillanimous creature hid within him a rusty sword whose efficiency lay not in the sharpness of the blade, but in the unnoticed poison of the rust.
Chapter 4- Enemy of my Enemy
"I brought him here because I finally see the advantages of being brawny rather than brainy," Snape smirked.
Chapter 5 - The Prince and Padfoot
"You disgust me.” rang over and over in his head like a church bell, a judgement in a confessional, a whisper that haunted his ears when he dreamed and lay awake, sometimes unable to tell the difference.
Chapter 6 - Monsters and Old School Friends
His wildness hung over him like an aura of a predator. Long-limbed, lax, but there was danger bubbling within him, an inexplicable ferocity that filled the air around him. How could anyone else not see that monster?
Chapter 7 - Circular Path
When Severus saw it for the first time, he was amazed. It was an answer to a question he had all his life, a representation of what could be built if he just reached out for the future and grabbed it with greedy hands. Now, as Narcissa opened the door with a stone face belied by the terror in her eyes, he was able to see the Manor for what it really was--a mouldering dump of pureblood affectations that concealed its decay as well as Grimmauld Place accentuated it.
Chapter 8 - Tale of Two Black Stars
Severus had known all along how to see who held the room. It was ingrained in him since he was a child. In Spinner's End, it was his father. A looming presence of overbearing violence that his mother, his magical mother, cowered against. He noticed it again in the playground - where Lily flew in air, in a burst of extraordinarily controlled magic. 
Chapter 9 - The Wounds of Men
He did not know where their sudden leap of faith for the ferret came from ( “C’mon mate, I know Malfoy is a git but Death Eater is serious business!” ), but it made him feel stupid and ridiculous--it was almost as if he was back at Aunt Petunia’s, listening to her sweet talk the neighbours about Harry’s delinquency. ( “He told you he sleeps under a cupboard? A nasty, nasty lie! But the poor dear has got no one else; his parents didn’t leave us any money as well. It’s been such a strain on our finances…” 
Chapter 10 - By The Light of The Full Moon
The first week at Azkaban was truly horrendous. Peter valued his mind - it was his best weapon and it helped him fade into the background. Losing the ability to think clearly, unable to tell dreams and memories apart; it was a sensation that terrified him. It felt like getting sucked into the quicksand of his resentment and anger and guilt that he kept at bay. He didn’t want to feel it. What use were those emotions, if they failed to help him survive?
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Chapter 11 - Face Death in Hope
Death, Pain - all unavoidable things. Things he had to play with - in hope that one day, he would be able to expiate what he was carrying.  He would not live to see it, he was sure. But he could hope. The only relief he had is that he would not die by his - Gellert’s- hand. “I am the only one who should be allowed to kill you,” he had said, a declaration, a threat - he wasn’t sure. “It is me that keeps you alive.”
Chapter 12 - Who Are You?
He was a son of the House of Malfoy, a noble house, one of the sacred 28, whose line went back generations. Their legacy was set in stone, the purity of their blood unquestioned. It infuriated him that nobody recognised that--that Potter, with his filthy mixed blood and mudblood mother--didn’t recognise that. And now, it had become so much worse. His father was a laughingstock. His mother looked pale and frightened all the time. It was up to him to bring things back to normal.
Chapter 13 - The Last Enemy (Part 1)
There were so many things that he thought were forgotten, so many memories whose life and colour had been drained away by grief and Azkaban. But standing here in the square, it was clear that they had always been there. He had felt something similar after walking into the doors of Grimmauld Place for the first time, but the only memories rising to surface there were of misery long-replaced. Here, every bit of youthful joy and love rose and flickered through his mind like stained-glass colours through snow, and every unremarkable step they had ever made on the square seemed precious in a fragile kind of way. 
Chapter 14 - Shedding the Maker's Skin
“Lyall Lupin,” Fenrir said, smiling at the infinitesimal jerk Remus’ body gave. “I knew you came from money, boy. You’re his son, aren’t you?”
Remus went cold. 
“Soulless, evil and deserving of nothing but death,” Fenrir quoted. “That is what he believes.”
A rage Remus had never felt before was travelling up his spine, fossilising hatred into the marrow of his bones.
Chapter 15 - Ozymandias
Once upon a time, Voldemort had looked at Snape and seen a mirror, a broken mirror of course, because Severus did not have even a shadow of his charisma, charm, looks, or skill. But even so, when Severus had come to him, an angry, profoundly gifted young half-blood brewing with hatred over his Muggle heritage, he had been so hopeful at his promise. They had both seemed to view the world in the same way; they both understood that magic was where power lay. Magic had made Voldemort immortal and then mortal again. They both respected it in a way nobody else did, and Voldemort had thought he found someone who could equal Bellatrix’s esteem. 
But Severus’s weakness had been disgustingly banal. To think that it was lust of all things to claim him, and lust for a plain Mudblood at that. And now, it was the same, only for Lucius’s dullard of a wife.
Chapter 16 - In Noctem (Carry My Soul)
The idea of it makes me feel ill. He is no longer whole; his soul is distorted. He is no better than those vile creatures that guard Azkaban. He intended to murder Kreacher, who has been serving our family for generations. Our family, whose blood is pure and unbroken, has been used to destroy the soul of a magical being. It has become clear to me now. This monster will ruin us all more than any mudblood ever will. 
Chapter 17 - Wings to the Kingdom
Until the time Death claims me, let the moth sing to your bones: I loved you since I saw you. I loved you when I hated you. I loved you when you betrayed us. I loved you when you destroyed me. 
Yours, Gellert.
Chapter 18 - The Last Enemy (Part 2)
The window brought in a draft of salt as Remus cut up chicken for the Order lunch.  Tonks was just beside him, mashing the potatoes with zeal, her arm brushing up against his own on occasion. He felt embarrassed, it was ridiculous the degree to which any proximity to her affected him. It was the isolation of the cottage, he thought, that seemed to keep them away from the dark cloud hovering above them.  It was the rhythm of the sea, a comforting lullaby of a different world, a different life.
Chapter 19 - A Lament in the Ashes
Where is my golden palace? Where is my ivory bed? Where is the joy of my morning hour? Where the Sons of Eternity are singing, Draco thumbed through the book from the shelves in the bedroom. Years ago, he would have scoffed at the idea of perusing a book of poetry written by a Muggle.
Chapter 20 - Epilogue
“It must be nice,” he said. “To start again every time you die. You can make as many mistakes as you want and be reborn from them.” 
Fawkes trilled. The corner of Serverus’s mouth lifted. 
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thedreamermusing · 11 months
Aaand it’s a wrap!
 The final chapter of ‘Beyond the Veil’ is up. @ashesandhackles and I wrote this fic out of shit posts we’d sent to each other during the pandemic, and we’ve gone through so many life changes since then. I couldn’t have asked for a better writing partner than you! Fun fact, chapters 17- 19 were written exclusively by her when I was caught up with my master’s degree. It’s because of her that it’s finished and as great as it is. Thanks so much for sticking with us this long. We hope you enjoy the final chapter! 
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Okay you might hate me but what do you think of the ships James Potter x Severus Snape and Sirius black x severus Snape
I don't know if I hate you, I just also think I don't have anything to say.
I find it hilarious that these ships (especially the latter) are as prevalent as they are. There's the obligatory chapter where the years of bullying and the attempted murder are completely brushed under the rug/forgiven and it's all cool now because they're mature adults.
If there is angst, Sirius and Severus quickly hug it out and we get back to the endless fluff two seconds later and we're told it's okay because Sirius is a repentant adult now who grew up and we can blame his family.
When... per canon... Sirius was... uh... not repentant in the least.
James/Severus isn't quite as nonsensical, but it is damn close in that James also spent years tormenting him (just didn't try to murder him that one time so... gold star for that?) The pair spent their time loathing each other and...
Well, if we're being realistic, given what we see at the lake... I don't think this is a fic any of the authors actually want to write as it smells of the sexual assault/rape/non con variety.
So yes, it's one of those pairings that has me looking at fandom going "You choose this as your Harry's gay uncles pairing? This one?" I'm not saying Remus/Sirius is a bed of roses either, that's also a toxic nightmare, but this?
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yletylyf · 1 year
It’s been a while since I’ve written about my favs in HP. This is a short treat for me, written for @hprarepairshorts’ Spring Trope Challenge 2023. My randomly generated trope was “sworn off relationships,” which fits post-war jaded and lonely Severus and Sirius to a tee.
Featuring smut for absolutely no reason, because it’s sexy:
Helpless attraction (rated, I repeat, explicit for sexual content)
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threadbearao3 · 9 months
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Love will tear us apart, again on AO3
“…Are Sev and Siri back together? Only time will tell but we think… yes! Remember folks — you heard it here first….”
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meemoop · 25 days
The Final Game
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Somewhere Remus is scolding Sirius for betting too much money. BUT CONGRATULATIONS TO MY SLYTHERINS
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severussnapemylove · 8 months
(Looking at a list of Order members names)
Y/N; “Wait, for real? (looks at Sirius) Sirius Orion Black? Your initials are S.O.B? So you’re a son of a bitch by name and by nature.”
Severus; (chokes on his drink)
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seastarconstellation · 10 months
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Grimmauld Place, haunted house...
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intotheswollenriver · 12 days
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Two grow man,fighting like a schoolboy😅
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slitheriyn · 24 days
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where wolf...
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lepoltergeist · 4 months
Sirius isn't a manchild that only saw Harry as James. But there is a character in canon that is like that, and that character is Snape.
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halfbloodgf · 12 days
So, I was reading Tumblr posts, and I came across many analyzes and arguments in defense of Severus Snape; arguments between those who support James, or the rest of the marauders, and those who defend Snape...
And I just laughed alone because the arguments of those who try to justify the actions of the marauders are so insipid and ineloquent, while those who support Snape expand and practically write a bible in defense of the man, with solid foundations in their arguments, demonstrating how much they know about the subject and what good people they are.
It's like Severus practically has an army of intellectual warriors and cool people who fight with his words and defend him to the death... It's just excellent.
I just wanted to say that. I adore you. I love my community <3
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artist-> @ershebet
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lauryri · 8 months
Brother’s Best Friend
Sirius Black x reader
In which Sirius Black finds comfort in the person he least expects.
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The same day that Sirius Black realized his parents were Slytherins was the same day that Sirius had sworn off all Slytherins forever. It started off as a childish thing, a one-sided, unspoken attempt to get back at his parents for all of their strict rules and exaggerated lectures about the importance of his pure-blood ancestry.
When he met James Potter on his first train ride to Hogwarts, the resentment towards Slytherins grew into a shared inside joke. Something that the two of them could continuously throw around. Never mind that James Potter was from a pure-blood family as well. The joke was just another feeble attempt to get back at his parents.
And then, he met Severus Snape. And then, he met the insults and snide remarks of his Slytherin classmates. And then, he had finally decided: there was no good that came out of Slytherin.
So it’s no surprise that when his little brother, Regulus, was sorted into Slytherin a year later, Sirius was devastated. Sirius was silent during the entirety of dinner and even remained silent as he arrived in his dorm. The other boys tried not to disturb him, but they had never seen him so quiet before, and it was starting to disturb them.
“Some evening,” Peter said awkwardly, a yawn emerging from him. Remus gave him a strict look before turning his attention back to Sirius, worry evident on his face.
The silence only seemed to grow thicker until finally Sirius sighed and his words rushed out, eager for release.
“I thought he was different. This whole time I thought he wasn’t like them,” Sirius began.
“I mean yeah, Slytherins can be awful, but he’s your brother,” James replied, attempting to soothe his best friend.
“Very insightful, James,” Remus said sarcastically from his side of the dorm. He leaned back against his bed frame. “But I agree. He’s your brother. You know him.”
“I don’t think I do anymore,” he replied solemnly, his eyes sullen yet harsh.
“Don’t be like that, Sirius,” said Remus, “just talk to him.”
Sirius doesn’t talk to him the next day. Or the rest of the year for that matter. He says what he has to during the summer but when school starts, he goes back to ignoring him.
It’s not easy to pretend that Regulus doesn’t exist. He started to play quidditch. He is one of the smartest in his year. And he’s always seen with a Slytherin girl that is in Sirius’ potions class. She’s reserved and intelligent. She seems polite enough. She talks with Lily Evans. She’s even pretty. But she’s also a Slytherin and Sirius believes that’s a good enough reason not to trust her.
She’s always with Regulus. They sit together in the Great Hall. They walk in the corridors together. Sirius spots her one day leaning against Regulus’ shoulder, laughing loudly at something he said. Sirius resents her for it. He hates her for knowing Regulus.
Later that day, Sirius is walking into Potions class when he spots her talking with Lily Evans. He tries to walk past unbothered, but then he hears her mention Regulus’ name.
“Regulus and I have a bet,” she says with a laugh. Sirius tries to ignore how sweet her laugh sounds.
“Is that right?” Lily chuckles and shakes her head.
“He’s the best seeker that’s ever been. Write it down. This Saturday. You’ll see.”
“He really doesn’t think he’ll catch the snitch?” Lily wonders curiously.
The girl responds back with a small pout. “He doubts himself a lot. I hate it. But I’ll win the bet, and he’ll see.”
Sirius rolls his eyes and continues walking. What does she know? Regulus is his brother after all.
Their conversation leaves him with an irritation that follows him the rest of the day and a worry that maybe he doesn’t know his brother anymore. James has tried cheering him up, but Sirius continues his sulking all day. He hardly eats anything when they sit down in the Great Hall. He goes to bed as soon as they make their way to the dorms. No one bothers him.
The next morning, the marauders don’t even have to ask Sirius what’s wrong. He wakes up determined and explains the whole situation to them.
“He doubts himself sometimes. I hate it,” Sirius says, mocking the girl as his story comes to an end. He shakes his head furiously.
“Are you talking about y/n?” asks Remus.
“Y/n? I don’t even know who that is. Did you hear anything that I even said?” Sirius looks as if Remus has just deeply betrayed him.
“The girl you keep complaining about. She’s Lily’s partner in potions,” says Remus as if this is common knowledge.
“A friend of Lily’s is a friend of mine,” says James, a teasing smile on his face.
Sirius thinks that maybe, given a different circumstance, he might have laughed. But James is supposed to always be on his side, so he makes a face of disgust instead. “You too? Peter?”
“She’s quite pretty,” He responds with a shrug of his shoulders.
“She’s a Slytherin,” Sirius mutters, but it’s loud enough for the rest of them to catch it.
“Really?” Remus rolls his eyes, “I thought we were past all of the house prejudice or whatever you’d like to call it.”
“That’s not why I don’t like her,” Sirius lies, quickly defending himself. He pauses as he struggles to come up with another valid reason. He continues on anyway, “she’s very… assuming. How can she possibly know how Regulus feels? I’m his brother. If anyone knows him it’s me.”
The three of the boys share a knowing look.
“Sirius,” Peter speaks up hesitantly “when’s the last time you even spoke to Regulus?”
Sirius isn’t sure why that question hits him as hard as it does, but it hurts. Surely it wasn’t that long ago. They spoke a little during last summer whenever he wasn’t at James’ house…
Sirius decides that he doesn’t owe any of them an explanation. He stands up quickly and mutters a faint, “excuse me.”
Sirius’ urge to run away leads him to the front of Hogwarts’ entrance. He finds it ironic that the first thing he notices as he exits Hogwarts’ front doors is the Slytherin girl, or Y/n as she sits alone near the Great Lake.
Sirius had no time to think about the reckless act he was about to make. He was fueled by the anger of Peter’s question and the fact that he really didn’t know when the last time he had spoken to his brother was. He figured the only obvious option was to blame her. The girl with soft eyes and a determined expression. The girl sitting with her back against the tree, seeming not to notice the ruckus of the other students around her, not even noticing Sirius’ haste steps towards her as she stares into her book.
“Y/n, is it?” he says finally as he comes to an abrupt stop in front of her. In a quick second, her eyebrows furrow and her gaze is on him. Her eyes even widen a little bit.
She takes a few seconds to respond, and in all of those few seconds, Sirius can feel himself growing impatient. Before she can even finish saying yes, Sirius cuts her off.
“It’s a bit cold out here to be reading don’t you think?” his tone is harsh.
“What?” she replies confused, and Sirius almost feels bad. Almost.
“It’s just that it’s cold, and you’re not even wearing a jacket and…” Sirius’ voice begins to falter. His pride doesn’t let him stop. “I’m Regulus’ brother.”
She nods. “I know that,” she says sharply.
Sirius is immediately taken aback.
“Fine. Who are you anyway, his girlfriend or something?” he replies back with the same sharpness in his tone.
She laughs loudly enough to surprise him. He looks at her in confusion, and she shakes her head. “Who are you to ask something like that? You won’t even look at him.”
Sirius tries not to let that hurt him, but it does. “I’m his brother.” He keeps saying this. He’s hoping that after saying it enough times this simple fact will make up for everything else.
“No. I’m not his girlfriend,” she replies.
“You just seem to always be with him,” Sirius presses on, and he knows he shouldn’t, but some pathetic part of him feels like by talking to her, he’s kind of talking to Regulus.
“He’s my best friend.” With those simple words, Sirius has the daunting feeling that he has completely lost his brother. He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and Y/n just stares up at him curiously.
“Why are you speaking to me, Sirius?” she asks after moments of silence.
“I don’t know,” he admits because isn’t it just the truth? He doesn’t know.
Y/n continues to stare at him, and it kind of annoys Sirius until she finally says, in a calm voice, “Talk to him before the match tomorrow.”
Sirius doesn’t really understand, but before he can ask, she’s adding on.
“ ‘Good luck’ or ‘you’re going down’ I don’t care what it is. Talk to him.” And with that, she goes back to her book.
Sirius is going to talk to him. The game is about to start, and Regulus is right there. He’s going to talk to him any minute now…
Regulus is already focused on the game. Most people have a hard time understanding Regulus, but to Sirius it comes naturally. He can see the way worry flickers across his face before immediately being pushed away. He feels the urge to reach out, to comfort him. And now he understands why Y/n had asked him to say something; he understands her conversation with Lily.
The whistle blows and Regulus is about to fly when Sirius blurts it out.
“Good luck,” he says to Regulus. Regulus is undoubtedly surprised. His eyebrows raise, and he’s quiet for a few seconds.
Then, he simply nods, “Sure, you too.”
Regulus doesn’t sound bitter. The interaction between them almost feels natural. Sirius smiles lightly. Although, it doesn’t take long for the brief happiness to subside into a feeling of guilt. He spent so much time resenting his brother for something outside of his control. He has a sinking feeling that he was wrong.
He tries to find Y/n in the stands, and when he does he breathes in sharply at the sight. She is smiling so brightly that he finds it difficult to look away. He hates to admit it, but he thinks he might have been wrong about her too.
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mori221c · 3 months
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mentallyadinonugget · 2 months
“but james potter was a bully””he bullied snape!!!” ok? someone had to do it.
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things Snape did canonically:
•Snape was a blood supremacist who called lily a slur.
•invented a curse for enemies (marauders)
I don’t think a good person would make up a curse which mutilates someone terribly. That too, during his time in Hogwarts.
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•oh yeah later on he became a death eater 😋 (the main goal of the death eaters wasto eliminate all muggle-borns in the wizarding world and establish voldemort as its ruler)(magical nazis basically).
Plus when voldy was going to kill lily, Snape was like yk what you can kill the husband and the INFANT just don’t hurt my lily flower teehee like okay james bullied him so him not caring about james made sense but harry was a child bro
•BULLIED CHILDREN DURING HIS TIME AS A PROFESSOR????? he was literally neville’s bogart ffs and not because “some teachers are just scary okay Neville was afraid of almost everything!!!” but because Snape bullied neville on a daily basis plus threatened to kill his pet after a failed potion thingy. plus he made fun hermione’s physical appearance (when draco made her teeth all big and Snape was like hah it’s the same there’s no difference) and he bullied for BEING GOOD AT ACADEMICS LIKE 😭😭😭???? He bullied almost everyone in Hogwarts I just know it.
•sectumsempra’d George’s year off.
•tried to out Remus Lupin as a werewolf for NO reason other than his childish misdemeanour.
•called Sirius and Remus an old married couple.
•saves Katie bell from a cursed necklace
•saves draco malfoy from a terrible curse that could’ve killed him by the counter charm “vulnera saneteur”
can someone guess which curse Snape saved draco from??? You’re right! It was sectumsempra!
•switched sides or smth
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things james did canonically:
•called Snape snivellus (was funny ngl)
•bully snape
•turned into an illegal animagus at the age of 15 so his werewolf friend (Remus) has company during his transformations.
•took sirius black in after he ran away from an abusive hoursehold.
•literally died trying to stall Voldemort so Lily and Harry have some time to escape or just live in general.
So my point is canon james was a bit of an asshole but he still did way more good deeds than Snape even though Snape was in all the seven books like one of the good things he did was literally the consequences of his own actions (healing draco).
All of this is canon btw. NONE of it is fanon.
sincerely keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth he did what should have been done.
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