#sky/silk Wing Hybrid
scruffypegasus · 1 year
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AF: Glider
Art Fight 2023 attack for Dragondinolover84
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scrollwyrm · 3 months
Hello. I have another oc. This one hasn't even been introduced in the book yet but I like pestering you with art so here ya go :D
This one is a sky/silk named Lightning, so they have antennas and a purple nose, but the rest of the face is normal skywing features. Oh, and their horns are a darker purple(with those little horn scales that silkwings have in canon being purple as well), with a red face and an orange top-scale part of the head. Their underbelly is gray, and their neck is red and purple.
Sorry if this was kind of rambly or unclear, but idec how they turn out because I love seeing what you think they look like :)
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here they aaaaaaaare! Had sm fun with them, especially the face! Happy with how this one turned out! Also I made their eyes lightning coloured.
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marshmallowcat666 · 2 months
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Smaugust prompts list by pencil cat!
Smaugust days 1-5;
Day 1 From a Book, Glory from Wings of Fire sitting in the branches of a tree
Day 2 Teeth, an oc named Bumblebee bearing sharp teeth
Day 3 Magic, two wof ocs, Blacknose enchanting his daughter Calyptra’s necklace
Day 4 Sword, wof oc King holding a decorated sword
Day 5 Snooze, wof oc Baltic taking a nap on the sea floor
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🧚‍♀️ Anon
Do you know the Story of the Spider and the Fly? (It’s so perfect and creepy, I read it when I was a kid)
Yandere Drider Dio tries to trick and woo Darling into entering his Parlor (Darling is a Butterfly Hybrid or a Human)
Darling doesn’t fall for any of Dio’s tricks or seductions as she knows he’ll only eat her
However Dio ends up becoming wooed by Darling instead and has a different kind of hunger now
Dio finally has Darling in his clutches as he wraps her in his webs, only he intends to keep her in his home as his mate not his dinner like all his countless past victims
Dio has breeding on his brain
Dio would be a Golden Silk Orb-Weaver (Even his webbing would be gold colored!) and his webbing in incredibly strong
Ooh I like it, I think darling would be a blue morpho butterfly. Pretty blue and black wings that dio thought would make pretty decorations in his den after he devours her. I had to write a short little story for this.
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Warning: dismemberment
"Will you come inside my palor dear? for I have many treasures inside" the golden drider spoke in such a sultry tone.
"No I shall not, for I hear rumors that none come out alive" you replied with a smile, hovering just out of the driders reach. For you knew no fancy name would ever fool you, it was his den and he was surely trying make you his next meal.
That wasn't a response he'd heard before. Most either came in or rushed away. Yet you dangled yourself just out of his grasp. He wanted to devour you and pluck of your pretty blue wings to decorate his den like he had with other parts of his victims.
You were taunting him, and he was up for the challenge.
"The rumors are false dear and you must be tired flighing all day, I offer my bed for you to rest" he cooed.
"Oh but I have heard rumor that those who slept in your bed were never to wake again" you continued smugly, you knew he would devour you but you remained out of reach.
"I thank you for offering me your hospitality sir but I must return home now" you told him before flying away. Though it would not be the last time you passed the driders den.
Dio noticing you were foraging for food and called out to you.
"Dear butterfly I have plenty of food inside, won't you come in and have a bite" he lulled.
"Oh I am quite alright sir, there are rumors of what is inside your pantry and do not wish to see" you replied, still just out of his reach. You were far too proud. You liked the attention and from your hight he was no predator to you.
"Well I guess I shall search else where, good bye sir" you said before leaving him again. You enjoyed playing this game just as much as he did and he had to find out how to best you.
"Oh how gorgeous your wings are" the other butterflies told you as they showered you in praises and shiny gifts. As you deserved for your precious wings. Staring into your reflection in the water, it was never good enough. Nothing could reflect how beautiful your wings were.
"Oh if only I could see clearly how beautiful they really are" you thought out loud, enough so that Dio heard from where he hid. Oh he had the perfect thing for you, a human mirror he'd taken for himself.
But seeing how much you were revered and how you soaked it up, perhaps weren't too different to him. You played a cute dainty role but in reality you were just as cunning as he was. However he knew now how to lure you in now.
"Sweet butterfly, you are a wise thing and the blue of your wings puts the sky itself to shame" he flattered you as you flew by. You stopped.
"Is that so sir? I'm very flattered" you said to the drider.
"If only you could look upon your own beauty" he continued.
"I wish I could" you told him ready to make your leave.
"I have something, a stone so smooth and shiny that it perfectly reflects. It's like staring directly at yourself" he told and you stopped again.
You shook your head. No you couldn't, it's a trap and you knew it but it tempted you. Such a thing existed, oh you had to see but you wouldn't.
"You should see for yourself that you are a brilliant gem dear butterfly" he called and you landed on your feet and approached.
He stood aside and let you enter his den and you saw it, you saw yourself so clearly. You walked closer and closer to it before you were snared in a trap.
"You, you tricked me!" You snarled at the drider.
"Oh I did not trick you, all I told you were truths dear" he chuckled as he approached you from behind.
"Now I'll be taking these, for they have kept you away from me for far too long" he said.
"What are you-!" You were cut of by a horrible pain as he tugged at one of your wings.
"No! Stop!" You wailed as you struggled in his web.
"Though they are pretty, they will only be an inconvenience" he said before tearing the first one out.
You were a wailing mess, quite literally being torn away by the thing you cared most about.
"Why not eat me first?! Why must you torture me like this?!" You screamed.
"Oh I do not intend to eat you dear butterfly, I shall take you into my web as my bride" he mused as he made work on the other wing.
Soon enough the second wing was torn and you were left a sobbing mess while he hung them in the entrance way like the pretty decorations they were meant to be.
He then returned to you, spinning his fine silk around you. Oh how arrogant you were mere minutes ago, now a sobbing mess. He took such delight in it as he dragged you deeper into his den.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Celestial Dragon (Tianlong)
Legends of the Dragon
The myriad legends of the Chinese Dragon permeate ancient Chinese civilization and shaped their culture even today. Its benevolence signifies greatness, goodness and blessings. Instead of being feared and hated the Chinese dragons are highly respected creatures of good fortune that bring ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Chinese mythology says dragons control the rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. Many Chinese cities have pagodas where people used to burn incense to ask the dragons to favor their crops or change the weather. Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature.
As an animal possessed of magical abilities the Chinese dragon is able to shrink to the size of a silk worm; and then swell up to fill the entire space between heaven and earth. It can make itself visible or invisible, as it so chooses. It can take on human form or that of another animal to carry out some secret mission.
Everything connected with Eastern Dragons is blessed. The Year of the Dragon that takes place ever twelve years is lucky. Present-day Oriental astrologers claim that children born during Dragon Years enjoy health, wealth, and long life. (1964 and 1976 were Dragon Years.
Dragons are so wise that they have been royal advisors. A thirteenth-century Cambodian king spent his nights in a golden tower, where he consulted with the real ruler of the land a nine-headed dragon. Eastern Dragons are vain, even though they are wise. They are insulted when a ruler doesn’t follow their advice, or when people don’t honor their importance. Then, by thrashing about, dragons either stop making rain and cause water shortages, or they breathe black clouds that bring storms and floods.
Types of Dragons
There is more than one type of dragon depicted in Chinese art. In early times there were four main kinds of dragon with many other sub-divisions:
The heavenly or celestial dragon (tian-long) was the celestial guardian who protected the heavens, supporting the mansions of the gods and shielded them from decay. The Tian-long could fly and are depicted with or without wings they are always drawn with five toes while all other dragons are shown with four or three toes.
Spiritual Dragon
The spiritual dragons (shen-long) were the weather makers. These giants floated across the sky and due to their blue color that changed constantly were difficult to see clearly. Shen-long governed the wind, clouds and rain on which all agrarian life depended. Chinese people took great care to avoid offending them for if they grew angry or felt neglected, the result was bad weather, drought of flood.
Earth Dragon
Dragons that ruled the rivers, springs and lakes were called Earth dragons (di-long). They hide in the depths of deep watercourses in grand palaces. Many Chinese fairy tales spin yarns of men and women taken into these submarine castles to be granted special favors or gifts. Some of the di-long even mated with women to produce half-human dragon children.
Treasure Dragon
Believed to live in caves deep in the earth the (fu-can-long) or treasure dragon had charge of all the precious jewels and metals buried in the earth. Each of these dragons had a magical pearl that was reputed to multiply if it was touched. This pearl was as symbol of the most valuable treasure, wisdom.
Over the ages many other forms and hybrid animals related to the Chinese dragon have emerged as part of dragon lore. There are said to be nine distinct offshoots of the dragon that are carved as mystical symbols on doors, gates, swords, and other implements as means of protection and as harbingers of good fortune.
The Dragon Pearl
The luminous ball or pearl often depicted under the dragon’s chin or seen to be spinning in the air, pursued by one or two dragons is thought to be a symbolic representation of the ‘sacred pearl’ of wisdom or yang energy. Pearl symbolism, like lunar symbolism arises from Daoist roots and the connections, are extremely The dragon's pearlcomplex. This pearl can be said to stand most often for ‘truth’ and ‘life’ – perhaps even everlasting life which is made available to those who perceive the truth and attain enlightenment.
The dragon’s pearl can also be thought of as a symbol for universal Qi the progenitor of all energy and creation. The dragons seem to be depicted in attitudes of pursuit. He is seen to be reaching out eagerly to clutch at the elusive object, mouth open in anticipation and eyes bulging with anticipation of achieving the prize afforded by clutching the pearl.
In connection with the dragon the pearl has been called the image of thunder, of the moon, of the sun, of the egg emblem of the dual influences of nature, and the ‘pearl of potentiality’. The pearl is most often depicted as a spiral or a globe. In some paintings it is sometimes red, dragons eggsometimes gold, sometimes the bluish white of a true pearl. The pearl is often accompanied by little jagged flashes that seem to spark out from it, like flames; and it almost always has an appendage in the form of a small undulating sprout, not unlike the first young shoot from a bean.
In Daoist concepts the moon, pearls, dragons and serpents are inextricably linked. Like the snake that is reborn when it sheds its skin, the moon is reborn each month, and both are symbols of immortality. Like the dragon, the moon is always associated with water; its undeniable power over the tides is believed to extend to all liquids on earth. The dragons that lived in the sea were said to be inordinately fond of pearls and collected them and watched over them in great submarine palaces. -The Dragons of China
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ladyphoenix404 · 2 months
Crossover (part 2)
As I promised, I can finally post the second season of this crossover (which has been ready for a long time). For those who don't know, I'm making a crossover of the "Transformers: Prime" and "Wings of Fire" book series.
This season includes :
1 Cliffjumper — Rainwing/skywing hybrid. From Skywings Cliff inherited only the color of his scales and his name . He`s not able to exhale fire, but he can spit poison and become completely invisible.
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2. Airachnid — Silkwing/Hivewing hybrid. She hit the jackpot: she can both release sticky silk from her wrists and has poisonous glands on her body. Because of the mixed blood, her eyes turned purple without a pupil, which helps her see well in the dark. Rumor has it that she has contacted the Breath of Evil plant, thanks to which she can subdue all Insecticons.
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3. Starscream — Icewing/Nightwing hybrid. For the most part, Starscream inherited the genes from Icewings. The pattern under the wings looks more like the aurora borealis than the night sky. His blood is blue. He`s able to exhale fire and tolerate low temperatures. Once he tried to use the Breath of Evil, like Megatron, to subdue other dragons, but he almost became his toy. As a result of the mixed blood, red eyes appeared. Although he was born under the light of the moons, because of the mixed blood, he didn`t receive the gift of Nightwings.
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4. Shockwave — Nightwing. Shockwave was once a senator, but after Empurata he lost his eye, the ability to exhale fire and his front paws. He replaced one of them with a sword (which is also a hidden crossbow). Alas, after such a procedure, Shockwave left fighting and politics and decided to pursue science. He is a mind reader and can penetrate other dragon's minds and dreams.
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Bonus (OC) My OC Darklight — Rainwing/Nightwing hybrid. For the most part, Darcy inherited the Rainwigs genes, but despite this, she is able to exhale fire, but the color of the scales can practically not change (not at will, usually changes due to emotions or instincts). The pattern on the wings and hood resembles a twilight sky. Due to mixed blood, she received a weak gift of foreseeing the future (mostly in dreams).
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Violet — Nightwing. Vio has silver scales in the corners of his eyes, which indicates his ability to read minds. Thanks to this, he can not only hear it, but also communicate using telepathy and penetrate into other draon's dreams (But he doesn`t like to talk about his ability. in vain, unlike you, Darklight!)
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Vio belongs to : Violet Star Poses for Starscream and Shockwave were taken from references from the artist Laweema
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Today we have the first fiance of Alpine.
Swallowtail, a Silk/Sky hybrid, her wings are slightly smaller and rounder to your average Skywing and she tiers quicker while flying.
Swallowtail is the hybrid representative in the Skywing council, she makes sure that any rule/regulations that might be put in place are fair and that the council is actively taking steps to try and stop the discrimination.
A very important figure.
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Now we just need to roll one more and the lovely fiances are done
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the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
dragon hybrid reader who has been around since the sumerians sharing his knowledge with bear hybrid Stone, showing him his hoard which contains artifacts from ancient civilizations, tugging him onto the silks and furs and cussions that make up his nest, covering him with a wing while wrapping his tail around Stones waist while purring and rumbling, warming up his chest with his flames to keep Stone warm and cosy
Stone would love your knowledge, ask you what the stars were like back when the Sumerians were still around. He knows well that modern technology and lights make it so that the stars aren't as vibrant and visible in the night sky as they used to be, and he'd love to listen to you about how beautiful they were back then.
Also, Stone would love having a warm and cozy nest. As a bear hybrid, he goes into hibernation every winter and thus he enjoys being warm during that time. Please let him stay sleeping at your side during the hibernation, you're just so warm with your dragon hybrid nature.
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galazy-101 · 2 months
So, which one?
So, I don't know which one of my Wings Of Fire oc's I should draw next and so to start it. I thought I'd do it through a few polls. First one is on which Tribe category I should draw from.
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girlcraft2003 · 3 months
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Bc I'm making a video about it uh HLVRAI as Wings Of Fire tribes on impulse. I did also give them canon "accurate" names so uh all the info and reasons why they are what they are is under the cut TLDR: Names in order: Gator, Bonereader, Toco, Dodder, Cyclone, Borealis, Fennec, and Goliath
Sorry this is gonna be long but ya girl has THOUGHTS!!!!
Gordon: MudWing named Gator. He strong man and is prob a bigwings. Mudwing fits too well. Scientist at the Black Mesa facility on the border of the Sand Kingdom. Most likely studies the volcano named Resonance
Benrey: NightWing Animus named Bonereader. How else am I supposed to explain the sweet voice and random skeletons without making him a night/rain hybrid. He is just a guard at the Black Mesa facility. No one knows why he sings in rainbow or why random skeletons follow him sometimes
Tommy: Silk/Rain hybrid named Toco. Has a sloth named Sunkist. Taught Bonereader how to read the sweet voice as the colors are similar to RainWing colors. Scientist at Black Mesa but no one really knows what he studies.
Darnold: LeafWing named Dodder. Despite his name being a traditional PoisonWing one, he very much is NOT a PoisonWing. He is a SapWing thank you very much. Works at the small herbology department in Black Mesa. Makes weird drinks with the plants he grows and finds
Coomer: Seawing named Cyclone. Most likely served during the SandWing War of Succession or was in Scarlet's Arena. Really optimistic and totally doesn't know who started the Black Mesa Arena in the basement (it was him)
Bubby: Ice/Firescales Sky hybrid named Borealis. Firescales but can't burn anyone or anything with his scales. Kinda smokey at times due to his condition and breathes smoke with his fire. Fire isn't SUPER strong but still strong for someone who is an Ice/Sky hybrid.
Forzen: SandWing named Fennec. Works in a mercenary group called HECU (Acronym pending) that was appointed by the tribe queens in case something went wrong at the Black Mesa research center and more specifically the dormant volcano Resonance. Very new to the group and is still in training when Resonance erupts.
G-Man: BeetleWing Animus named Goliath. Often mistaken as a HiveWing. Most likely tampered with Resonance to cause it to erupt causing the Cascade (remnants of the explosion causing the dragons of the continent Xen to invade) and preventing most NightWing prophets from predicting the eruption. Not much is known about him or his abilities. Queens most likely want him DEAD.
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songfawn · 9 months
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wof oc time yippee!! this is Koi: A hybrid who was raised in the sea kingdom, being born around the same time as the DOD. his father was a seawing fugitive, swimming away from the sea kingdom tsunami and turtle style, eventually landing on Pantala. Being taken in by a Silkwing Hivewing hybrid, and the two fell in love and had Koi. His egg, however, was confiscated by a Hivewing soldier and thrown out to sea. Carried along by a hurricane, it ended up back in the sea kingdom by a stroke of luck and was hatched soon after. being raised, and mainly avoided for his odd traits and colors, Koi grew up near the palace for his better abilities. At age six, his wings grew in along with the tail fin. The Pantalan DNA mainly took over in him, making him even more distant from his peers. some abilities: normal seawing things, such as breathing underwater, etc. koi can also use water to shoot a high pressure stream of it instead of silk. his teeth also can also use his spit for the same thing. he works as a cleaner for the pressure washing abilities near the sky kingdom, where he at least shares some colors with the Skywings. he has no memory of where he comes from at all, and eventually reunites with his parents when the pantalan dragons come to pyrrhia.
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type1dragonwolf · 4 months
Do you have any ocs?
A lot. I’ll try to name them all, but I won’t go into detail bc I’m lazy. :) (Also none of the art is mine, it’s from Picrew)
Wings of Fire ocs:
Dreamchaser Night/sky (Unnamed parents and brothers)
Fireeyes Night (Mother is GemSpear and sister is SapphireSwing)
Araña Hive (Unnamed parents)
Muck Mud (Siblings: Unnamed brother, sister, And Egret)
SandBox Leaf
Abominable Ice/Sea (Unnamed Mother)
Kailani Sea (Unamed mother, father (who I haven’t named lol))
Mid-day Sand (Unnamed father and Sister named Arizo)
Morpho Silk (Unnamed mother and (dead) sister is Peacock)
Buttress [Goes by Canopy] Rain
Dandelion (Mother is Araña, unnamed wife)
Kalanis sister🏳️‍⚧️ (unnamed girlfriend, unnamed ex)
Sandwing merchant unnamed
Mid-day and Abominable Unnamed son and daughter
Araña and Fireeyes unnamed (dead) children
Warrior Cats ocs: (still organizing them, so I’ll just put the ones I remember…)
RunningWolf (Calico with stripes on tail)
BrokenHeart (Black with orange eyes)
ClearGrass (Brown tabby)
BubbleJump (Lighter Brown tabby) (Brother of ClearGrass)
AcadiaHeart (Sandy with brown and black sprinkled around)
ShimmerMask (Black and white)
FickleFade (Orange with white paws)
ShadowWaves (Black with brown patches) (Daughter of RW and BH)
WillowGlen (Sandy yellow with darker stripes) (daughter of AH and FF)
AutumnAsh (Orange, Yellow and white everywhere, top left of face is tabby brown) (Son of AH and FF)
FalconAsh (Formerly FalconStrong) (Daughter of SM and BJ)
SmugStripe (Tabby with Black stripe down back that ends at tail tip) (Som of SM and BJ)
CirrusFeather (Yellow tabby with brown and black paws and ears) (Son of SS and WG)
MagmaFall (Pale tabby with blackish gray stripes)
ShadowWave has two (dead) siblings named LeechKit and WonderKit
BumbleBranch from Skyclan is mates with MagmaFall, even though he was a medicine cat at the time
DawnStream is in the ToRW
RunningWolf has an unnamed Mother and brother, DawnStream is her sister
CirrusFeather has two dead siblings named PillowKit and WoodKit
FalconAsh and SmugStripe have a dead sibling named CupPaw
Wolf Ocs:
Brick (Golden Retriever/Wolf hybrid)
Silver (Silver Wolf)
Roar (Brown/red wolf)
Unnamed Sister, Father and Mother to Brick and Roar
unnamed wolves in pack called The Paws of Dawn
Human/Animal ocs (Restless Spirits of Beautiful Souls)
Emiko Schwartz— Wolf/Human hybrid (Can change colors on ear and tail to show emotion, and in wolf form) ⬇️
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Afruza Calypso— Bird/Human hybrid (Can pause time/zone out and see what events led up to a certain moment)
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Ehren Kenji Langston— Lion/Human Hybrid (When glares at someone, makes them feel self-conscious and aware of what they’re doing)
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Chaim Alvaro— Deer/Human Hybrid (Hears the exact conversation he’s thinking of)
(I didn’t put a picture because it’s incorrect)
Laila— Cat/Human Hybrid (Can draw exactly what she’s thinking of) (Pale skinned, Long black hair, loves space, “Rounder” Body, PanSexual)
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Kara— Human (Goes by Queso bc she always says Okay, so?) (Loves talking, Nature, owls)
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Jaron— Human (Loves Cookie dough Milkshakes, Rollerskating, Just dance, and Jean jackets) (Kara’s cousin, Poofy hair, thinks about twin brother (who died from getting hit by a car), Bisexual, likes teasing, in love with Chaim but shows by teasing him)
Rein— Human (Loves chilling with friends, skateboarding, designing video games, ALWAYS wears a hoodie) (Blondish hair that’s almost white, quiet but smart, like jokes, shrugs a lot, but also smiles a lot)
Aarav— Human (Just some random Asian boy who’s a side character) (Has black hair, Bright green eyes, had a crush on Lucy, but doesn’t anymore)
Chaim has a dead father
Jaron has a mom and dad
Rein has A LOT of siblings
Ehren likes fashion, and has an older brother, and a younger sister and brother
Emiko lives with three of her old friends in an apartment, and they’re all animators
Chaim came out as Gay after he realized that Jaron liked him, and they’re dating now
And I think that’s all!! REALLY hoping to be able to write all their stories in the future! :D
TYSM for the ask!!
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
ooh all this wof stuff reminds me. i’ve actually had some ideas for hybrid dragons, and certain traits and/or characteristics inspired by real life stuff that i think would be really cool to incorporate into whatever they have going on, based on what tribes are mixed together. also just. stuff i made up. gonna write out a bit of that now (sharing these concepts hopefully to inspire others? anyone is welcome to them)
so seawings are aquatic, and mudwings are bulky and armored. something i think would be really cool to do with that combination would be to take inspiration from the huge, heavily armored, and fearsome-looking prehistoric fish, dunkleosteus. i think it’s giant platelike scales could look really interesting on a dragon, as well as it’s general head shape with it’s huge teeth and jaw.
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i do actually have a vague character idea based on this concept, though i doubt he’ll see the light of day
idk how much of a stretch it would be biologically, but i thought it would be sick as hell if a rainwing/seawing hybrid had really delicate skin, and had the rainwing color changing ability but with the added bonus of bioluminescence. some deep-sea squid kinda stuff. maybe. i just think it would be very neat. maybe to chill it out a bit, only certain sections of the body would be capable of it? idk i just really love the idea of a timid, scrawny little dragon flashing all sorts of bright lights and colors in order to dazzle and disorient bigger dragons it sees as a threat
not too much of a concept but like. not really a fantribe since it’s just a combo but. sunwings. just think about it. big golden dragons with large wings with like. idk. outer space-reminiscent patterning. these guys would have the biggest egos around but. they’d be gorgeous. the broad shape and starry wings of the nightwings, the bright, warm colors and powerful flight (and fire) of the skywings, it’d make for a formidable dragon
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literally the most colorful creature on the planet. that’s it. no limits. hurts the eyes of everybody else
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circlique · 2 years
Random question of the day: So Earthbenders have the sandbending tribes, Waterbenders have the Foggy Swamp tribe, and firebenders have the Sun Warriors. If Airbenders were to have a sub-group like these in your opinion what would they be like and how would they differ from average Air Nomads.
Hmm this is kind of tough because air doesn’t have a super obvious sub-bending class, so it would have to be more location and style based like the swamp benders, I think.
Anyway, what I first thought of was a group of airbenders that lives on windswept plains instead of in the mountains like most of the of the other airbenders. There’s some real world precedence for this with the Plains tribes of North American and the tribes of the steppes in Eurasia.
Many of the plains tribes were nomadic to follow the bison, which makes sense with the Air Nomads and the sky bison! Although the Air Nomads would probably follow them for milk and shed fur rather than to hunt, and maybe travel between pre-established agricultural areas to maintain vegetarianism. Meanwhile, the Eurasian nomads were known for domesticating the horse (which enabled them to cover large distances), so maybe there would also be a group of Air Nomads who tamed some kind of horse hybrid (winged horses!).
Anyway, I think in either case their airbending would focus more on horizontal extent than vertical. They would use the constant blowing of the winds over the plains to their advantage, maybe have kites instead of gliders and use them in conjunction with carts or wagons as wind powered vehicles. Maybe just straight up kites + air scooters and basically become wind surfers! They would be able to very quickly cover large distances without growing tired, and their airbending tends to be more speed based and direct/uni-directional than airbenders who live in the mountains. I think they’d be able to bend huge volumes of air, but have a lot less finesse about it. Like most Air Nomads, they don’t carry money, but do carry items from the far reaches to barter with for things they need. Maybe they almost run a Silk Road kind of thing across the plains. They also don’t mind giving travelers a lift in exchange for stories and good company.
Sort of related but unrelated, I think coastal airbenders who have a temple on a seaside cliff and are windsurfers would also be cool.
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hello-sputnik · 9 months
Biggest changes I would make to wof arc "1"
Pt 2 - History + Evolution I guess (mainly evolution)
(once again haven't read arc 1 in years)
So 1st things first history is not the same as in the books. I don't really like how the scorching was set up, I first headcanoned it to have nothing really to do with humans or dragons to an extent. Rather it was a meteor. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
I also really like the Icewing invasion theory, and I thought it would be fun if that had something to do with the scorching, or was a reaction to it or whatever.
Also I'm not averse to human empires, but they probably won't be a major plot line for the dragons, probably. Like maybe dragon-human war & then meteor happens and the dragons come out on top? Idk. (Will reblog post when I figure it out tho)
Evolution below cut 👇
Sea - land
Land - Ice | Fire | Venom
Ice - Night
Venom - Mud | Dew (Beetle)
Fire - Sky | Sand
Dew - Rain | Leaf | Silk
Silk + night - root (hive)
(Yes I changed the name of hivewings & beetle wings, because the rest of the names have nature not animal vibes so beetle doesn't fit, and I wanted to use hive to refer to both Hivewings and Silkwings for symbolism. (To be explained later))
So to start we have seawings, or an early ancestor. They are amphibious, and are regularly on and off land. That's gonna change and so we get a more land based species. Also this seawing ancestor has electrical shock abilities, they will lose it, but the landwings won't.
Anyway onto land, we get 3 different evolutions. 1 species loses electricity, other 2 dragon species start using electricity & gas to start fires (Early ice + fire). Now hold on a minute why is ice here? Well if you didn't know you can make freezing fire:
Anyway Ice doesn't evolve ice breath right away, only after they split between pole and pyrrhia. The Icewings who stay on pyrrhia become nightwings. (Mainly because I wanted Icewings and Nightwings to be the 2 dragons that have feathers. Icewings because it's cold & Nightwings for relative silence sorta like owls.)
The other dragon species fire, just has normal electricity generated fire. That species eventually evolved into sandwings & skywings. Though it takes a bit longer then night v ice because sky & sand are separated for a while. Sand also evolves tail venom because???
The last dragon group are venom dragons, & they evolved... venom, or in the mudwings convergent evolution kinda case flammable liquid that needs to already be warm to ignite. The other, Dewwings, developed venom.
Ok so the Icewing invasion kicks in and Dewwings have to flee, the ones left behind become rainwings, the ones that leave become Silk & Leafwings. (The ecology of pantala is very different -dangerous- & I'm leaning into leafspeak heavily.) Leafwings settled on the interior of pantalla (because leafspeak) while the Silkwings settled on the exterior and the islands between the 2 continents. Anyways I've known I wanted rainwings to be related to Leafwings because rainwings use the sun to recharge, like leaves!
Finally we get Hive aka Rootwings. They aren't really a separate species from Silkwings but are fairly noticably different. I don't want to call them a subspecies that seems to different but I also don't want to call them a breed that has icky connotations for a sentient race. Anyway Rootwings are the result of not just clearsight but a bunch of Nightwing refugees as well. So clearsight is not starting a species nor is she having like 1,000,000 babies.
Alright so a few people might be thinking, all these dragon species seem so unrelated, how would hybrids exist?
Gods + mortals + love + animus magic, obvs lol! Which will be the next post 👐.
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
Addendum X-32
The following is a list of all SCP-ADY-Gamma instances that have been recorded by the Foundation. It should be noted that because of how dangerous and rare they are its nearly impossible to contain them if any at all.
- SCP-ADY-Gamma-1
Explanation: result of member of Species of Interest: Ghoul getting infected with SCP-ADY.
Results: Male instance of SCP-ADY-Alpha. Has pitch black hair, crimson blood eyes, and two horns on his head. By first glance he's not that different but he had both a Kagune Organ Type R which takes the form of 4 black arm like tentacles with pink eyes all around them. He also at the moment he has the ability to manifest 8 meta-arms. All of which carry his unique strain of SCP-ADY that can create male SCP-ADY-Beta instances. Was unfortunately heavily abused by his Ghoul family and thus has grown a hatred for all non-SCP-ADY life as a result. 
Containment Status: Contained at Site-AE, regularly harvested for the purpose of making stronger biological weapons and containment tools. Any SCP-ADY-Beta instances created by him are sent to Site-AF to be test subjects for Foundation weapons and containment methods. After they die, they are dissected and harvested like the rest.
- SCP-ADY-Gamma-2
Explanation: Sarkite being infected by SCP-ADY who belonging to the Proto Clan known as "ouranós aímatos" which translate to "blood sky". Well known for being a wandering clan, is able to turn their bodies into crimson silk blankets that is biologically no different to blood. These blankets soar in the winds find prey and wrap around them, draining them of blood as a result. 
Results: Seemingly normal SCP-ADY-Alpha instance. Has the ability to create an unlimited amount of metaphysical silk from any part of her body. Silk can phase through matter, slice easily through flesh and steel, bundle up to become even stronger, and take on any shape without draining her in any way.
Because of her incredible anomalous abilities, she was praised as the greatest hunter within the clan and gained a love for Sarkites but thought of all other life forms as food. 
Containment Status: Was killed along with the rest of her clan by the Global Occult Coalition. Despite SCP-ADY-Gamma instances being the Foundation's duty to control, the GOC has refused to give up the corpse.
- SCP-ADY-Gamma-3
Explanation: A Grey-Hybrid fetus getting infected by SCP-ADY upon development. 
Results: A bald SCP-ADY-Delta instance that was able to manifest two large metaphysical translucent hands form anywhere in a 7-meter diameter around him. Was experimented on at a U.S. Government research facility. Developed a natural hatred for humanity and sadistic love for tearing them to pieces. 
Containment Status: Has been contained at Site-AD within a 6x6 meter containment cell with two large magnetic generators on the walls. These generators created an intense gravity in the room keeping him pinned to the ground in extreme settings but even on low settings preventing him from manifesting his meta-hands. He has no desire to change his ways due to the containment, so the AED has no jurisdiction to protect him. 
- SCP-ADY-Gamma-4
Explanation: [data expunged]
Results: [data expunged]
Containment Status: Could not be contained, termination was authorized.
- SCP-ADY-Gamma-5
Explanation: A Mekhanite becoming infected with SCP-ACY.
Results: [data expunged]
Containment Status: Contained at Site-AD, as well as its [data expunged].
- SCP-ADY-Gamma-6
Explanation: A "blessed" anomalous humanoid form the Horizon Initiative being infected with SCP-ADY.
Results: Extremely sadistic and cruel SCP-ABY-Beta instance that can kill anyone through eye contact alone. Has wings with eyes on them with the same anomalous effects and possesses extreme regenerative abilities.
Containment Status: Shot down by the Horizon Initiative long enough for them to contain her. She was quickly sent to Site-AD and contained within a 4x4 containment cell. Magnetic cuffs were placed on her hands and feet as well as around her wings. Her face has a metal mask that prevents her eyes from killing anyone who enters. Foundation staff regularly take blood samples form her to try to understand her anomalous nature.
Side note: The Horizon Initiative has refused to give any info on the birth parents or weather if their even still alive. This is concerning as such information is needed to understand SCP-ADY-Gamma-6 and how her anomalous abilities came to be.
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