#skye finally comes out and it and everyone looks at the paper
kedreeva · 2 years
I found the Sentinel AU very inspiring, so I decided to draw you something to show my appreciation
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That's about the point that I remembered I don't actually draw and in fact rarely doodle. Here is my possessed doodle anyway
I'm going to write a second chapter now
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐕
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! fluff, swearing, yelling (lmk if i missed anything!)
Y/n’s Pov
"God why is it so hot!" Taylor complained -- holding her hair up, fanning herself with her hands. "Well, Aunt Julia said that the AC is broken" Belly said walking in the kitchen.
"What? No fucking way!" Steven groaned. Aunt Julia walked inside the kitchen "Alright, today's open house is cancelled. I need you all out of the house before the AC guy gets here." Aunt Julia said — we all looked at each other, smiling.
"Great, let's go to the beach! We could go surf and all of that" Jeremiah suggested, I looked at him and nodded. "You guys should go.” Conrad said patting me. I looked up at him “What? what about you?” I asked him.
“I'm not leaving the house" Conrad said, shaking his head no. "Oh come one Conrad!” Jeremiah pushed, "I mean we can go to the mall, they have good ac" Taylor suggested - still using her hands to fan herself.
Conrad still shook his head no "Cool, have fun. But I didn't ditch finals just to leave this house-" — "Conrad, I am trying to keep my shit together" Aunt Julia said cutting Conrad off, placing the papers down on the table "You already ruined my day and I would at least appreciate it that you guys get out of my hair for a few hours." Aunt Julia continued — she was pissed.
Conrad was about to say something else but I grabbed his shoulder gently, calming him down not wanting him to say anything that'll ruin everyone's mood "You know, we can go to the boardwalk" Belly said, I looked at her and nodded. I looked back up at Conrad nodding at him. Everyone agreed.
I watched Skye sit down infront of Aunt Julia "Hey you should come with us, Skye" I suggested looking at them — smiling. "Oh uhm sounds very state fair plus I should just stay here with my mom.. right?" they said - turning to Aunt Julia for confirmation. Aunt Julia shook her head no.
"It wasn't my favorite but you should go" Aunt Julia smiled gently. Skye nodded "I guess I'm coming with you guys" they said with a smile — standing up, walking towards us.
"Great! let's go?" I asked all of them, they all agreed and started to walk towards the door. I felt an arm around my shoulder, "Thank you, Y/N" Conrad said, I looked up at him and nodded "Of course, Connie" I said putting an arm around his waist before walking towards the door.
We were now here at boardwalk, we all decided to buy some ice cream first just to cool off.
"I promise you'll have fun, Skye" I heard Belly say to Skye — trying to convince them somehow. Jeremiah scoffed "Fun? The last time we went here you were crying" he said teasing Belly.
"Hey I remember that! Susannah had to throw your clothes away after" I said, pointing at Belly — chuckling at her. "Hey! you were crying too" Conrad said, poking my arm. I shook my head no “Nuh uh! I wasn’t!” pushing him a little.
"You know, Susannah used to force my mom to go here when they were kids. My mom hated it but Susannah loved it" Skye said. Conrad looked at her before saying “You know what my mom also loves?" he paused "The beach house"
I went beside him and grabbed his shoulder gently "Connie" I whispered. "My mom's not evil, Conrad" Skye paused "And your mom wasn't a saint" Skye continued — raising her brows before going back to eating their ice cream. We all stopped walking, looking at Skye.
I sighed, "Skye, have you ever played shoot your shot?" Belly asked Skye, breaking the tension. "No, I think I'll keep it that way" Skye said, looking down — shaking their head.
"Omg you need to see us beat Conrad's ass" I chuckled — shrugging my shoulders, looking at Conrad who was already furrowing his brows at me. "You can never do that" Conrad said smirking. I squinted my eyes at him, "Oh really?" I teased more, “Yes” he hummed — looking at me before eating his ice cream.
"Oh come on you guys, not another great boardwalk showdown" Steven complained — poking my side. I pushed his hand away, slapping it “Stop!”
“So basically they have this thing where whenever they go here they would try to beat each other in shoot your shot” Taylor said. “Yeah every year, not until they got so competitive that my mom banned them from playing” Steven said chuckling — Conrad chuckled too, agreeing with Steven. “So is everyone in?” I asked — looking around. All of them agreed except for Skye.
“Uhm.. I should probably head out” Skye said, their voice quiet, “No you should stay” Conrad paused clearing his throat “It’s fun” I nodded at Skye. “You’re in our team now” I said, patting Skye — smiling.
“Okay, just so you know, I dont do high fives or trash talking” Skye infromed us — Belly nodded “Deal” Skye nodded back before asking “So what’s the prize?”
“Well the loser has to buy the winner the biggest bag of candy” Jeremiah said “Candy? can’t we have something that is a little more sexier?” Taylor suggested — shrugging her shoulder.
“You know, we can talk about the prizes later” I said raising my shoulders — looking at everyone. Conrad clapped “Alright! Let’s go?” he said before walking towards me putting an arm around my shoulder — I nodded and started to walk towards the arcade.
We played a variety of games, such as 'Shoot your shot', 'Go kart', 'Rock Climbing', 'Basketball' and even went to see Cam Cameron, who was with us the entire time. When the competition ended, our team lost. So it was either me or Belly who must ride the Tower of Terror as a punishment.
"Okay, you guys should do rock, paper, and scissors!” Steven suggested — clapping his hands, liking the scene of both of his sisters not liking the thought of riding the Tower of Terror. I looked at Belly — pressing my lips together. Her face filled with fear.
I clapped my hands “You know what! As the older sister, I’ll do it for you” I said winking at Belly before walking towards her — patting her shoulder. I walked towards the gate of the ride, I felt someone grab my shoulder “You know, you don’t need to do it alone right?” It was Conrad, smiling down at me. I looked up at him, confused.
“Come on, Y/N?” he said guiding me. He was going to ride it with me, “Let’s go!” they all yelled — clapping. We went in and got buckled in, I took a deep breathe. I felt Conrad’s hand against mine, I looked at our hands before looking at him. “You’re going to be alright, I’m here” he said — smiling gently before locking his hands with mine.
He was always there for me. When we were kids, he was always there for me, making sure that I did not feel left out. He was always by my side, including me whenever they played games. That's how he was, he never left me alone.
We just held hands the entire time - looking at each other smiling. Afterwards, we went down and high fived with everyone else and decided that it was time to head home.
Conrad’s Pov
We we’re now on our way home, I was in Steven’s car. The girls were in Jeremiah’s car. “You know, today was fun” Steven said, smiling. I nodded, agreeing with him “It was fun” I smiled.
Steven shrugged his shoulder, still smiling “I dont know, I haven’t seen you that happy for such a long time”
“Well it did feel good feeling like a little kid again” I paused “And that’s what mom probably wanted, was us to be happy again” I continued. “But today was good” I said nodding — smiling at Steven.
“Okay but I just couldn’t help but notice something between you and Y/N” Steven said — I looked at him confused. “What?” I asked. He went and slapped my shoulder gently “Oh come on! Let’s forget about the Belly thing, she’s my sister too but you know I just noticed that there was a vibe between you and Y/N” He smiled at me, raising his brows teasingly.
My smile couldn't be contained - it was good that it was somehow dark. “What?” Steven chuckled “Just an observation” he said. “Well..” I laughed “I appreciate it” I nodded before looking away from him — still smiling.
We were now here infront of the beach house, as we all started to walk towards the door, we heard Jeremiah yell “What the fuck!” so I immediately went and ran inside. I looked and my heart dropped, the house was empty.
There was nothing left, no furniture, no plants, no paintings. All the things that reminded us of mom were gone. We stood there trying to take everything in. Our world has been shattered. I felt someone hug me from behind, it was Y/N, crying, making my heart break even harder.
The worst part of today was returning home to this, everything gone. It broke me, it broke all of us - to see our house, my mom's house, empty. It was like pushing the truth that Mom is really gone.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc @allnrsnz @yeosxxx @elvishoe69 @be4tric3s @users09 @mirrorwalls1989 @sunflowers1610 @rubes26
hope u guys like this one !! i’m still sick but i feel much better than yesterday :))
love lots !!
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 47
HPHM Rockstar AU
A/N: Here we go again! Buckle up for the homestretch, everyone. I promise you a ride 💛 David Willows was kindly borrowed to us by @that-scouse-wizard
General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing.
Specific Warning: Language
Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here.
This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist
Taglist: @slytherindisaster @night-rhea @carewyncromwell @thatravenpuffwitch @anthamariemayfair @whatwouldvalerydo
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There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
~ Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven ~
When it came to stages, Lizzie had seen more of them than she could possibly ever remember, either looking up from the auditorium or looking down over the crowd from atop them. But when it came down to it, none of them could quite compare to the bustling atmosphere that was so unique to Glastonbury Festival.
Since all the roads had been clogged from very early in the morning, driving down from Cardiff had taken them longer than expected and the first day of the festival was already in full swing when they arrived. Everywhere Lizzie looked she saw people laughing, drinking and dancing, and she couldn’t wait to join them.
A heavy feeling of nostalgia overcame her as they walked through the colourful stalls and bar tents toward their camping area. The first time Lizzie had come to Glastonbury had been when Equinox had just been founded and they had visited Glastonbury together every year since then.
Eventually - and in no small part thanks to Ethan’s connections - they had landed a gig on the Bandstand Stage among some other newcomer bands. Their show had gotten overwhelming recognition and had turned out to be the stepping stone to what would become their rise to fame. Back then, everything had been new and exciting, and lately, Lizzie found herself thinking back on those easier times a lot.
Since the almost-catastrophe with Everett and The Rolling Stone interview, she and Orion had been trying to get back to being friends but as Lizzie had feared, it wasn’t as easy as it had sounded on paper. Everything between them felt forced, even the music they were playing, and for the first time in her life, Lizzie found herself ticking down the songs on their setlist in her head until their show would finally be over and it was time to go home.
While she was glad that she and Orion were on speaking terms again, each conversation left her feeling confused and tender, like picking on a wound that had just about healed, so she tried keeping her distance from him as best as she could.
To distract herself from the things she didn’t want to think about, Lizzie spent most of her time with Charlie and Artemis. After their nightly exploit in Dublin Artemis had opened up to her little by little and from their shared love of cats to winding up Charlie, they had found that they actually had a lot in common.
The only one who wasn’t happy with Lizzie’s newfound friendship was Ethan, but Ethan wasn’t happy with a lot of things these days. After a lot of legal back and forth and some serious threatening, he had been able to prevent Everett’s interview from being published; ever since then he had been watching all members of both band and crew like a hawk.
Skye was suffering most from his manic increase in control. Whatever she was doing, her father didn’t find it to be ‘to the Parkin standard’, and he made no effort in hiding it. Consequently, the mood between Lizzie and Skye had cooled noticeably. When Lizzie had asked her if there was anything she could do to show Skye how sorry she was, Skye hadn’t wanted to hear any of it.
“Last time I asked you to do something for me, you did fuck all. All I wanted from you was to keep your shit together so I don’t have to lie to my dad. Worked out smashingly.”
All these things were going through Lizzie’s mind, but her thoughts were taken off how fucked up her life had become when they reached the neat rows of luxurious yurts their label had booked for them. Lizzie looked around herself in pleasant surprise; she’d definitely done worse when it came to camping before.
After risking a peek inside the yurt designated for Skye, Merula and her, Lizzie had to correct herself - this had nothing to do with camping anymore. There were three low beds with reasonably comfortable looking bedding, along with a few rustic looking carpets on the makeshift wooden floor. Around the slender wooden rafters of the roof several strands of fairy lights had been wound.
She dumped her bag on the bed closest to the entrance and went back outside. A smile stole onto her face as she sat down into the still remarkably green grass and dipped her head back into the sun. Their accommodations may have been a lot better than the small tent she had used to share with Skye, but the atmosphere was still the same. For the first time in weeks, Lizzie actually felt excited about the next few days.
The members of the crew were camped a little further into the field; the yurts there were still more noble than the average Glastonbury accommodation, but nowhere near as luxurious as what the band had been treated to. From somewhere to her left, Lizzie could hear Artemis and Merula bickering about just that.
“This isn’t camping,” Artemis was just pointing out to Merula. “These are proper beds. You don’t get proper beds at festivals. Some rockstars you are.”
“Don’t know about you, Hexley, but I’m sure as hell not sleeping on the floor. You’re welcome to, of course.”
“Never said I preferred the floor. But I envy your plug-ins.”
They went back and forth for a little while and Lizzie smiled to herself; she wasn’t the only one Artemis had warmed to, apparently. She and Merula were an unlikely pair, but both of them seemed to enjoy winding each other up in some weird way.
Lizzie laid back into the grass and listened to the faint sound of music drifting over from the festival site. She propper herself up onto her elbows when David slumped into the grass next to her; his eyes were fixed on the triangular shape of the Pyramid Stage in the distance.
“I could shit myself,” David said with a somewhat pained grin. “I’ve never performed at Glasto before, and now I’m startin’ with the biggest stage straightaway. How many people do you think will be watchin’?”
Lizzie shrugged. “I don’t know. A hundred thousand maybe? With open air shows it’s hard to tell. Murphy might have better numbers for you.”
The thin-lipped smile David was giving her told her that didn’t exactly make him feel better.
“If it’s any help, we play Glasto every year, but it’s our first time on the Pyramid Stage as well,” she offered. “It’s a big deal for all of us.”
“Did you dye your hair to mark the occasion?” David asked and pointed at the pink ends of Lizzie's ponytail falling over her shoulder.
“That wasn’t exactly my idea,” Lizzie laughed. “Andre found a bottle of hair chalk and wanted to play.” She twisted one of the strands around her finger. “I kinda like it, though. Fits the atmosphere. I bet Andre could source some more if you asked politely.”
“No, I’m good, mate,” David burst out laughing. “I remember the last time you suggested I should dye my hair. I’ll never forget the face Coach Hooch made when I turned up to her performance test with a bright red head.”
Lizzie chuckled at the memory. “I miss our uni days.”
David nodded. “They were good times. But these are too. I haven’t been to Glasto in ages. Come to think of it, I don’t think we’ve ever been to Glasto together.”
Lizzie shook her head. “I went for the first time with Skye and the others when we had Equinox already.”
“Why did we never go?”
She shrugged. “We didn’t have the money and the crowd wasn’t ready for the creative force that was our band.”
David leaned back and laid into the grass as well. “No one was ready for the creative force that was our band. Do you sometimes wonder what would have happened if you hadn’t ditched us for Equinox? No hard feelings by the way,” he added when Lizzie raised her eyebrows.
“It’s no good looking back when our way is forward,” she answered automatically.
“Mate, you sound like Orion.”
“I suppose so,” Lizzie mumbled. She plucked a leaf of grass and turned it between her fingers. “Life would have been very different.”
“I actually thought of bringin’ it back, you know,” David said. ”The band. Start a little indie project, back to the roots and all.”
“What stopped you?”
“When a big player like Equinox calls you to fill in, you change your plans. Not something you can really say no to, right?”
“You can always say no. When you don’t have a label up your back you can do whatever the hell you want. Never underestimate that.”
“I’m not. But this is a chance you don’t just blow in the wind for nothing,” David shrugged. “My contract is only for the duration of the tour anyway. Maybe I’ll come back to setting the old team up afterwards.” He nudged her playfully with his shoulder. “If you ever need a break from living the rockstar dream, let me know.”
Lizzie’s answer was cut short when Skye stepped out of their yurt a moment later and for once, she wasn’t scowling. She took a deep breath and cracked her head from side to side, before taking a look around, her green eyes flashing.
“How about exploring the site? See what the bars have to offer.”
“Sure mate, can’t wait,” David said and offered Lizzie his hand to pull her up. “I need to find my step-sister anyway. I told her I’d get her on the guest list for that party tonight.”
Lizzie’s eyes lit up. “Amelia’s here? How is she?”
“You’d be surprised, she’s gotten around. Seen almost every corner of the world.”
David, Skye and Lizzie made their way past their yurts and were almost out of earshot when someone was calling them back.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
The authoritative voice in their backs could only belong to Ethan. He was coming along the path leading up to their camping spot with a dark look on his face.
“We've got some rules to get through. Won’t have you unruly lot run rampant again.”
“Get the twist out of your knickers, Dad,” Skye complained. “Our gig is only on Saturday. Do you want to hold our hands 'till then? Last time I checked we were a rock band, not a fucking scouts group.”
“You want to be treated like adults, act like some. Run wild all you want, but I won’t be getting you out of your shit then.” .
“Let’s just listen to what he has to say,” Lizzie sighed, earning herself an incredulous look from Skye and an appreciating one from Ethan.
“Good to see some sense returning to you, Lizzie. Gather round, everyone, I’ll make this quick.”
As Ethan started his lecture, Skye nudged Lizzie into her side. “What was that about, Jameson? Sucking up to dad or what?”
Lizzie shook her head slightly, making sure to look very attentive when Ethan glanced their way.
“The way I see it, it’s either listening to his rules and have fun regardless, or have him up our back all the fucking time. You keen on that?”
Skye made a dismissive sound and turned her attention back to her father. When Ethan was in the process of elaborating on a maximum of drinks per day, however, she had heard enough.
“Cool it, Dad. It’s a festival, not boarding school. What’s next, long skirts and stockings?”
Ethan scowled at his daughter. “I don’t like your tone, Skye.”
But this time, Skye didn’t back down. “Same here. How do you think this will go? You keep us cooped up 24/7 and only get us out when you need us?”
“If you don’t learn to behave, maybe I will do just that. We’re going to have a nice, clean festival this year, with none of your fucking drama, whether you want it or not.”
Skye’s eyes narrowed at her father and she crossed her arms in front of her chest as Ethan turned from her to continue his lecture.
“Wouldn’t bet my boots on it, Dad. Wouldn’t bet my boots at all.”
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alexboehm55144 · 3 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 39 - Before The Storm
"So what did you guys get out of the stuff we pulled from that Chinese base? One that was apparently supposed to be impenetrable." Nick asked before muttering to himself. "Heh, they were no match for this sly fox."
"We went to hell and back to get that stuff," Judy said.
"Thing is… we don't know yet," Jack responded. "There was a lot of information on those maps and papers you guys pulled. It will take time for the eggheads to go through it all."
"I have to say I really respect the analysts," Skye noted. "I mean, how much stuff have they looked at from just Heroes alone?"
The four mammals were sitting in Jack and Skye's Aston Martin as they drove through the busy Zootopian streets. Nick and Judy were in the back seats while the two ZIA agents sat upfront. All around the car, mammals moved and went about their business as the city entered the evening. Most mammals were probably heading home as the sky began to dim. While others were getting ready for a night on the town.
"You guys over at Heroes have recovered a ton of intelligence throughout this war." Jack said, "Servers, documents, maps. Knowledge is power."
"Yeah, that is true," Judy responded. "I can't believe how much action we've seen. This is a lot more than a normal day at the ZPD."
"Hey, sometimes things are pretty action-packed at the ZPD," Nick said. "There's a lot of dangerous crooks and thieves out there. Though none of them as crafty and talented as this sly fox."
This got a chuckle out of Judy.
"And here we are!" Jack said.
The car pulled into a parking lot of a one-story building with Japanese architecture. The walls were made of white-colored stone with wooden support pillars, covered by a pagoda-style roof made of matte green tiles. Mounted on the front wall was a red and white light-up sign that said:
"Tanukchi, Japanese Grill."
"Well, we'll certainly be eating good tonight!" Nick said, the four mammals stepping out of the car.
"Isn't this place pretty high-end?" Skye asked. "How did you get a reservation?"
"Well… heh…" a slightly mischievous look crossed Judy's face. "I may have let it slip that we were brave ZPD officers, and you two were selfless ZIA agents."
"Clever bunny," Nick said.
"And… I may have also mentioned that we were war heroes."
Sky and Jack laughed.
"Well, at least you got us a nice dinner," Jack said before the group headed inside the restaurant.
Inside the building, the walls were made of wood and paper, resembling traditional Japanese walls. However, there were also support pillars made of marble-like, red-colored rock with messy streaks of white running through it. A short distance from the two glass doors was a desk made out of bamboo, behind which was a fish tank teeming with aquatic life. The entire restaurant was filled with the sounds of people chatting and the metal clang of cooking equipment being used.
"Reservation for Hopps," Judy said to the fox behind the desk, prompting the mammal to check her computer.
"Hopps…. Ah! Right, this way!" The fox said, grabbing four menus and leading the two couples into the dining area. There were 4 grills, 2 for smaller mammals, 2 for larger mammals, set up in the dining area, each surrounded by stained wooden chairs. Above each grill was a vent to the outside. On the walls of the room were paintings of trees and natural landscapes.
The waitress handed out menus as the group sat down at a grill for smaller mammals. "Would you like to order your drinks now?"
Nick got a soda while Jack went for an ice tea. Judy had carrot juice, and Skye got water. The fox waitress left to get their drinks and appetizers.
"You know, it kind of surprises me how quickly life has got back to normal here," Skye said. The fox looked around at the families and groups laughing and enjoying their meals. "You would never have thought that a short time ago, this city was under assault by the Chinese military."
"I know," Judy said. "It's almost like a distant memory to everyone. But I suppose they're just looking ahead towards a brighter future."
"And the future is bright," Jack said. "We're really pressing hard on the PLA now. But regarding what you said, there are plans to make a memorial to commemorate the Chinese attacks on the city. The full-scale assault, the airship strike, and the concert."
"Well, I hope that helps the citizens of Zootopia remember what happened. And that we must be vigilant against those who want to hurt us."
"Hmm… well, we should get some fried rice," Nick said, perusing over the menu.
"Heh, thinking with your stomach, I see." Judy chuckled.
"I agree," Jack responded. "let's get some fried rice."
The waitress returned with drinks, as well as salads and miso soups for everyone. She also took their orders for meals.
"A chef will be with you shortly."
The waitress left, and the group began to enjoy their appetizers.
"Wow, this is really good," Jack said, trying the salad.
"Hopps told me this place is highly rated," Nick said, sipping the soup. "You did a good job getting us this reservation."
"I agree." Skye said, "thank you, Judy."
Judy smiled "aww, guys are too sweet."
A few moments later, a tanuki wearing a traditional chef's uniform came over to the grill with a small cart of ingredients and tools.
"Hello! Welcome!" The chef said, going over the group's order. "Let's get started!"
The tanuki started up the grill and began to cook the various vegetables for the fried rice. Skye took out her phone and captured the exciting moment in a video while the chef performed tricks. He spun his spatula and tools around in his hand and juggled an egg for the rice.  
The chef then set up an onion volcano, filled it with edible oils, and lit it on fire. A tower of flame shot out of the small volcano, eliciting gasps from the officers and agents watching the show.
"Dinner and a show," Skye said.
The tanuki chef finished the fried rice, taking a small portion of the rice on his spatula and launching it in the air towards Jack. The rabbit opened his mouth to catch it, but it just bounced off his nose onto the floor.
The chef tried again, & this time Jack caught the portion of rice in his mouth. All the while, the other mammals laughed and watched the spectacle.
The tanuki then launched a portion of rice at Nick, who managed to catch it in his mouth on the first try.
Judy laughed clapped a little as Nick looked smug that he got it first try.
"We should hang out more often," Jack said as the chef began to serve the fried rice.
"I agree. It's just that we've been busy lately." Nick chimed in. "But when the four of us hang out, it's always fun."
"Come on, Toothdee, you'll enjoy it!" Laval said. "Arcades are fun. Although in Chima the arcades are usually less tech-savvy… but… same principles apply."
"I don't know…." Toothdee said, looking over some maps and papers in her room. "The end of this war is in sight, and I want to focus on my work so we can make the final decisive push to end this conflict once and for all."
"Hey, we've got them on the backfoot." Eris said, "besides, we're on shore leave right now. It's not the time to work. It's time to rest and recuperate."
"Yeah, you can't just keep fighting constantly. Evening though I do think that would be fun, you'll get worn out." Laval noted.
"Oh, alright, fine." The Heroes commander said, getting up from her desk and grabbing her phone and wallet. "Let's go."
"Great!" Eris said. "Laval spotted a place just down the road, within walking distance."
"Well, lead the way, Laval."
The trio left the typhoon and headed out of the guarded compound where the airship landed. The landing zone was in the city, giving Heroes good access to any part of Zootopia they needed to reach in the event of an emergency.
However it was not right in the center of the city, instead situated near the airport. This was to avoid buildings acting as flying obstructions and to cut down on noise pollution.
"You guys really love exploring Zootopia, don't you? Getting out and seeing the sights." Toothdee said as they walked.
"Totally!" Eris said. "It's a gorgeous city. I can see why Nick and Judy love it here."
"Yeah, I love exploring, so it's great to get a whole new city to explore!"
After a few minutes of walking, the group arrived at a building with big glass windows and a bright blue sign that said "arcade" on the front.
The inside of the building was dark, lit mainly through light from gaming machines. The air was filled with the sounds of said machines. Various boops and chimes were used to attract customer's attention. The floor was covered in a dark blue carpet, and a tired-looking mountain lion sat at a desk near the door.
The trio walked over to the desk, and the mountain lion didn't flinch upon seeing an evolved eagle.
"Hi, can we each get a card with $30 on it, please?" Toothdee said, "that seems reasonable, right?"
"Works for me," Eris said.
Each member of the group took out the required money and placed it on the counter. The cashier nodded and quickly transferred the money to 3 plastic cards that could be used to purchase games from the machines.
"Thank you," Laval said, the group heading towards the machines.
"What are you going to play first?" Toothdee asked.
"Uh… hm, well, I've seen this before," Laval said, walking over to a skeeball machine. "Now Chima does have games like this."
"I'll play against you!" Eris said, standing in front of a second Skee-ball device next to Laval.
"Alright! Your on!"
The couple slid their cards through readers on the machines, and balls were dispensed in return. As the two started rolling the hard plastic skeeballs down the length of the device, Toothdee went to examine some other games.
She spotted an arcade game with a large screen, and fake plastic guns hooked up to it. Across the top of the machine were the words "Terminator" along with a scary-looking robot head. Toothdee went over to the arcade machine and paid for a game before picking up one of the weapons. She could also keep her skills sharp while having fun.
The young warrior selected a level and began. Terminator robots appeared on screen and engaged. But toothdee fired the toy weapon at the screen, and the terminators in-game were struck down by gunfire.
As her character continued to move through the game world, gunning down robots, toothdee heard Laval and Eris behind her.
"Yes!" The eagle said. "I win! Don't worry, I know you let me win on purpose."
"I thought YOU were going to let ME win." Laval chuckled.
The pair came over to watch Toothdee, who continued to gun down terminators, even as her own player character took damage. Eventually, a game over screen appeared, and toothdee put the plastic toy gun back down on the machine.
"You know what's funny is most of the stuff here we can do for real," Laval said. "That motorcycle racing game over there? I can just hop on my speedor. That game you were playing where you shoot robots? You could just get a gun and charge into battle!"
"Heh, well, why don't you do that then?" Toothdee asked.
"Well, fighting can be fun. But it's nice just to do it… what's the word I'm looking for… Fictitiously! Without any worries, where you just have to get points."
"Alright, I can understand that. Now, what do you want to play next?" Toothdee said, turning towards the rows of game cabinets. "You guys were right. It is good to get out and relax once in a while."
Haida looked at a map on his phone and struggled to figure out where he was in relation to the roads and structures on the map.
"I'm telling you it's this way," Fabienne said, pointing down a roadway. "Trust me, I know this city."
"But it looks like it's this way on the map!" Haida said, pointing down a different street."
"It's not! Your just looking at it wrong!"
"Retsuko, what do you think?"
The red panda, who had been patiently watching the two argue, looked at Haida's phone. The hyena smirked, expecting his girlfriend to agree with him. Plus, he was pretty confident his examination of the map was correct.
"Hmmm…." Retsuko said, "I think Fabienne is right."
Haida's jaw dropped while Fabienne smirked.
"Alright then, this way."
The snow leopard started walking down the street, Haida and Retsuko in tow.
Haida looked a bit down that he was wrong, but Retsuko gave him a playful jab to cheer him up.
Eventually, the group arrived at a large stone building situated by the coast. The American flag was flying on a pole outside. There was a large wooden sign reading "Zootopia World War 2 Museum."
"Told you," Fabienne said.
The trio went inside, where a bunny attendant was waiting in a booth near the entrance.
"Hi! 3 please, general admission." Retsuko said.
The trio paid for their tickets and entered the museum, which was not very crowded. The rooms were filled with equipment, posters, flags, pictures, all from the Second World War.
Pictures of troopers in combat. Guns those soldiers would have used. Maps of the battle formations they would have been in.
Retsuko and Haida went over to a giant wall of black marble. Upon which were carved the names of soldiers from Zootopia who had distinguished themselves in combat during WW2. Above the wall was a black and white mural of US Soldiers of many different species.
Fabienne was busy looking at an exhibit about war correspondents during the Second World War. There was an old camera on display, articles published by war reporters, and photographs of correspondents. This sort of thing was right up her alley.
"It's amazing how much we've progressed," Fabienne said, looking at old photography equipment. She spotted an old camera that was a lot bigger than her phone and probably could only photograph in black and white.
The snow leopard moved on to a small exhibit that contained mannequins of different mammals in combat gear. There was a small video screen playing a video comparing the biological system of various mammals as soldiers.
"Humans make the best soldiers." Said a disembodied voice on the video, as the picture changed to show a human soldier on a long trek in the desert. "They have unmatched endurance and survival skills. Not to mention their skills in combat have been continuously refined and improved over millennia, in the many wars and battles fought by humans."
"Maybe that's why a human is the leader of Heroes," Fabienne asked herself.
"This does not mean other species are incapable of waging war. Many other types of mammals serve in specialist roles."
A picture of a Russian polar bear in arctic camouflage appeared on the screen as the announcer continued.
"Polar bears and other arctic mammals make good soldiers for sub-zero environments."
The screen changed again, showing a picture of a cheetah soldier.
"While cheetahs and Pronghorns make good couriers, depending on the distance being traveled."
The snow leopard found this fascinating. Every species was unique in some way.
The ZNN reporter moved to rejoin Haida and Retsuko. They were looking at an exhibit about imperial Japan and the war in the pacific.
"Wow, look at that," Retsuko said, examining a model of a US aircraft carrier.
Haida and Fabienne looked at a map of battle formations around an island, complete with pictures of soldiers.
One photo showed Japanese troops digging trenches around the island as defenses. Another picture showed US pilots getting into planes and preparing to launch from the deck of a carrier. A third picture showed US marines charging against stubborn and dug-in Japanese pillboxes on a hill, firing down at a beach.
"My God, it's so reminiscent of the current war," Fabienne noted, looking at another image of American and Japanese warships engaging each other as planes crisscrossed the sky.
"I know…" Retsuko said, "I mean, we're fighting in the pacific, with warships and planes. I guess history repeats itself."
"What I find amazing..." Haida said, "the US and Japan used to be such bitter enemies, and now they are great allies."
"Yep, it only goes to show you how things can change with time," Fabienne responded.
"Here we are, mammals from Japan, doing an important role in a US military organization," Retsuko said. "And there is no place I'd rather be."
The three mammals continued through the museum. Examining the past and how it could tell them about the present and future.
JayJay was in her cabin on the typhoon, putting away some clothes she had just washed. The wolf put a dress on a hanger, hanging it in the closet, before turning her attention to some stockings and a few shirts.
As the young hero finished putting her clothes away in a drawer, there was a knock at her door.
The wolf opened the door and smiled, seeing captain Boehm in front of her.
"Hey Jay, what are you doing?"
"Just putting away some clothes." The wolf said, quickly fixing her hair and making herself look presentable. "What brings you around?"
"Well… I was wondering if you would like to hang out?" The captain said, trying to speak confidentiality. "We could go somewhere. There's plenty of attractions around Zootopia. Or just stay here and watch a movie or something."
JayJay's tail started wagging.
"Oh! I'd love to take you out clubbing!" The wolf said.
"Clubbing? Eh… that's not exactly my thing…."
"Please!" JayJay said, giving Alex puppy dog eyes. "I'd love it if you came along!"
"Sigh, alright, fine."
"Yes! Trust me, you'll have fun! Let me just get my things and get ready to go."
"Ok, I'll go get my wallet. Meet you back here."
Both mammals used the bathroom, got their personal effects, and met back up outside JayJay's room before leaving the typhoon.
"I'm really excited," JayJay confessed. "You, my favorite person in the world, going clubbing and dancing with me, which is my favorite thing to do!"
"I mean, I'm not exactly big on that sort of thing… but I'll bite the bullet if it means spending time with you."
The wolf wagged her tail in excitement. The pair then came upon Kion and Jasiri, who walked down the hallway. Each had an arm around the other.
"What are you two up to?" Alex asked.
"We're just going out," Kion said.
"Oh! So are we!" JayJay responded. "I'm taking him to a club."
The wolf gestured at the human.
"Heh, didn't think that would be your kind of thing, Alex." Kion teased. "You are usually a very reserved person who tends to keep to himself."
"Your correct." The captain responded, "But I just like spending time with Jay."
"Well, I like spending time with Jasiri." The lion kissed the hyena on the cheek, making her blush. This prompted JayJay to turn to her companion. Giving a look that almost saying "What? Where's my kiss?"
"If you two are going out, what if we come with you? We could all hang out." Jasiri said.
"I'm fine with that," Boehm responded. "Jay?"
"I'm down! Let's go!"
The four left the typhoon and headed down the street, led by JayJay, who knew where all the excellent dance parties and nightclubs were.
"I am going to bring you out of your shell tonight." JayJay said to Alex, "you can't be so reserved all the time."
"I think you are the right person to do that." The human responded to the wolf. "You're so outgoing and social. I'm an introvert, your an extrovert."
"Opposites attract." Kion laughed.
After a few minutes of walking, the group reached a building with dozens of bright neon lights outside, shining in all colors.
"Hey! It's the party animal!" Said the bear bouncer, opening the door for the team to go inside.
More bright lights of all colors flashed above a dance floor made up of light-up squares, which also changed color frequently. Mammals packed the dance floor, moving and cheering as they enjoyed themselves.
A bar that glowed white from internal lights was stationed against one of the walls. Behind the bar were shelves of liquid backlit by blue light. Tables and chairs were set up around the main dance floor for mammals to chat and rest.
"Say what about loud noises?" Kion asked Alex. "I heard that introverts like things to be quiet."  
"Yes, but Kion, I'm a soldier. I've heard the blasts of artillery strikes and the engines of rockets and jet planes. I can take some loud music."
"Do you guys want to get something to drink first?" Jay asked as the group drifted over to a table. "We need to stay hydrated if we're going to be dancing."
"What time is it?" Alex asked, "ah, I'll just have lemonade or something."
"Coke, please," Kion said. "No ice."
"Water is fine for me," Jasiri said.
"Alright! You guys have to pay me back, though. Kion, could you give me a paw? I can't carry all the drinks."
The wolf and lion left, heading to the bar.
"Say do we have any Glocks onboard the ship?" Jasiri asked.
"Yeah?" The captain said.
"I think I'm gonna try those as my pistols. See how they do in battle."
"Well, if you're going to use them, akimbo, we have plenty of attachments you can use. Sights, flashlights and lasers, muzzle breaks, and suppressors…. Heroes is well supplied."
"I can tell. I suppose all the money spent is worth it, though. We get the job done."
"Maybe you should get yourself another weapon if you find the pistols aren't cutting it. Like an SMG. Maybe an MP5 or UMP."
The human and hyena continued to discuss their weapons of warfare until Kion and JayJay returned with four glasses containing the drinks. The two giving Alex and Jasiri their beverages. JayJay had apparently ordered a beer, as her glass contained a foaming brown liquid.
"Jasiri and I were just talking about our combat gear," Alex said, taking a sip of his lemonade.
"Yeah, he thinks I should get an SMG for when the pistols don't cut it."
"I recently changed my armament as well." Kion said, "I quite like the LMG I got my paws on."
"Well, as I told Jasiri…" Alex said, "we have plenty of attachments you can put on."
"Oh sweet! I'll have to check those out."
"Well, while your running into battle with a sword and a big gun, my own equipment is a bit smaller," JayJay said. "Just a simple pistol and a machine pistol for when the going gets tough."
"Yeah, Kion, you are like the tank. With an LMG, a powerful sword, and your own strength to punch right through enemies." Captain Boehm noted. "Jay is more focused on her agility and speed."
"I've been thinking of getting a sword more like what you and Laval use. Chima style!" Kion said. "Also, JayJay, isn't your pistol an older design? 1911?"
"Yep! And not just any 1911. That very pistol was wielded by my ancestor, Jim Burdel, during WW1!"
"Wow, That should be in a museum."
"Hey, I like to think I'm doing right by my ancestor by carrying his weapon into battle. Though I don't know if he would like the paint scheme I've given it, he's not here to complain."
Suddenly the loud dubstep music slowed down, and all the lights on the dance floor turned a light blue as their movement speed slowed down.
"It's time for a slow dance!" The DJ said, "Maybe grab that special someone and bring them out onto the floor!"
Jasiri smirked at Kion and jumped up, gesturing for Kion to follow her, which he did. They headed out onto the dance floor, joining in the crowd of mammals.
Jasiri playfully pushed Kion, trying to figure out how exactly he should dance with his hyena. Fumbling with his paws and where to put them in a way that was not lewd.
The lion's lover just hugged him close, prompting Kion to wrap his arms around her and slowly turn and dance.  
"Come on, Alex!" JayJay said, standing up, prompting the captain to do the same and follow her.
The two mammals reached the dance floor, surrounded by other mammals and couples, moving slowly to the music.
Under the blue light, the pair embraced, nuzzling against each other's fur and skin. Alex and JayJay closed their eyes, enjoying the moment with each other, along with the other couples on the dance floor, including Kion and Jasiri. But the human and wolf were just focusing on each other. Both of them were, to the other, the most important mammal in the world.
Moments like these were what they were fighting for. China was an autocratic nation, curtailing freedoms and liberties. But here, people could be free and enjoy themselves without fear of the government or military.
It was these moments of peace that made their battles worth it. Worth fighting for a million times over.
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ladyseaheart1668 · 3 years
Endless Summer Book 4: Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter 56)
Description: The Catalysts attempt to return to their lives as River Skye finally comes home.  tagging: @endlesshero1122 @mysteli @feartheendlesssummer @whatmcsaid @tigerbryn11
Chapter 56: Not Over
I almost can’t believe how quickly I start to feel better once the fever breaks. The pain, which had felt like some hellish demon with teeth made of red-hot iron gnawing at my lower back, begins to recede within hours. 
“That’s how it tends to go with an infection like this once we find the right antibiotic,” the doctor tells me. “You are fortunate, though. These days, a lot of bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics. But the infection is responding well to treatment, and all your vitals and your blood work look good. And your daughter appears as healthy as a baby horse. ...I would just like to take a quick look at how you’re healing from the birth if that’s okay.” 
I nod, turning onto my back with Jake’s help as the doctor draws the curtain around the bed. Improved as I am, I know I’m not at full strength yet, because moving still hurts. I guess I must have winced, because the doctor raises an eyebrow in concern as she pulls on a pair of gloves.
“You okay there?” 
“I think so. Guess I’m still pretty sore.” 
“That’s to be expected. You probably won’t feel one-hundred percent for another week or two at least.” 
I draw my knees up and part my thighs while the doctor pulls up a stool at the foot of the bed and lifts the blanket. I keep my attention focused on Jake’s face above me and the pressure of his hand on mine as the doctor carries out her checks. Occasionally, I let my eyes wander around to the multiple bouquets and mylar balloons that have built up over the past couple days, gifts from the Catalysts, Tahira’s team, my aunt and uncle, and Jake and Diego’s parents. 
“Everything is healing beautifully. Stitches should be dissolved by next week. You’re probably going to be feeling pretty tender for a while though.” 
“Yeah, we had the whole tearing conversation with my OB in California some time ago.” 
“Good. If you have any pressing questions regarding the birth and recovery, you can of course ask me, or one of the maternity staff. We can also forward your hospital records to your regular OBGYN.” 
“How long do you think it will be before we can go home?” Jake asks. 
She pulls the blanket back down and stands, peeling off her gloves. “Well, the fact is, we want to get her and your baby out of here ASAP to lower the chances of either of them picking up a secondary infection.” She smiles at me. “Now that the fever’s gone, we’re gonna get you off the drip and onto some oral antibiotics, and we can pretty much start the discharge process immediately.” 
“So soon?” My own question surprises me, but it’s out of my mouth before I realize it’s on the end of my tongue. 
“Believe me, it’s better we get you both out of here.” 
“I know. It’s not that I want to stay here. It’s just...thinking about how we’re going to get home...how soon we can get home…” 
“That’s all taken care of, Princess. Aleister is having Castor and Pollux deep cleaned, and he and Grace are gonna put us up for a few days until Mike gets up here from Santo Domingo. Diego and Varyyn are with Estela and Quinn, and your aunt and uncle basically paid for hotel rooms for everyone else.” 
His infodump has my head reeling a little, but there was one particular tidbit I find myself fixing on. 
“Why is Mike…?” I trail off as realization crashes down on me in an icy wave. A bit of information I had nearly forgotten in my struggle to bring my baby safely into the world while fighting a fever. Jake wasn’t worrying about me for all that time from the safety of our home in California. I don’t know the details, but I have a sinking feeling that has something to do with the reason that Mike isn’t here with us now. 
Jake folds my hand between his palms, glancing at the doctor. “Hey...do you have everything you need? I’d like a few minutes alone with my wife, if that’s okay.” 
“Of course. I’ll get the ball rolling on your discharge.” 
I wait until I’m sure she’s well clear of the room before I reach to stroke Jake’s cheek. “...I know Lundgren got his filthy hands on you. ...Fiddler told me. ...I’m guessing he got a hold of Mike, too.” 
He leans into my touch. “...And Sean and Michelle. Nabbed us all as I was bringing ‘em back from the island.” 
“I don’t know if she told me that. That conversation got swallowed up in worrying about you, and then I got sick and River started coming, and…” I swallow, running my thumb along the fuzzy ridge of his cheekbone. “...Did they hurt you? Any of you?” 
He shrugs, not meeting my eyes. “Knocked us all around a little. Michelle’s the smart one, of course, so she escaped the worst. ...Mike’s in Santo Domingo having his prosthetics repaired. Lundgren ripped them out ot torture him.” 
I shudder. “Oh, god...Oh, Jake, I’m sorry...I’m so sorry…” 
I’m crying before I realize it. And as soon as I do realize, it turns into sobbing. Jake reaches down to gather me in his arms and cradle my head against his shoulder, rocking me tenderly. 
“It’s okay,” he murmurs into my hair. “It’s okay. He’s gonna be fine. You’re gonna be fine. In a few days, we’ll be home with our baby.” 
“I w-wanna be home,” I hiccup. “I wanna be home with River, but I’m scared of leaving everyone again. I just wanna bring them all home with us…” 
“Well, it’s a very big house. ...On the other hand, you cram us all into the same house long term, it might start to feel less big. Plus, it would mean a brutal cross-country commute for some of them.” 
I can’t help chuckling a little bit, which makes the sobs start to die down. Jake gives me a moment to get myself under control before he speaks again. 
“...How are you feeling, Princess? Really?” 
“Physically?” I pull back gently to lie down on the pillow again. “Definitely better. My head is clearer, and I don’t hurt as much. But I’m still worn out. And by the way, you’re gonna have to make due with blow jobs for awhile, because it’s gonna be a long time before you stick that thing in me again, if ever.” 
It’s his turn to laugh, and he bends to kiss me. “Princess, I will tug it for the rest of my life as long as you’re still a part of that life.” 
“I will be a part of your life as long as the universe allows,” I promise. “...But Jake, we both know this isn’t over.” 
He sighs, and I see his forehead crease before he presses it to mine. “I know. I know you’re right. But for River’s sake--and mine--will you let the others take care of that for now? I ain’t saying don’t worry, because I know that’s impossible. But River and I need you healthy. Can you stand to let yourself be looked after for a while?” 
I feel a rueful smile tug at one corner of my mouth. “Am I to assume that arguing is pointless?” 
A tapping at the open door to the birthing suite distracts Jake from answering. We both look up to find Raj and Diego hovering in the doorway, Raj with a paper bag in his hand, and Diego with his right arm in a soft blue sling. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since River was born, and I sit up a little straighter as he hesitantly steps over the threshold. 
“...Are we interrupting?” 
The baby has started fussing, and Jake eases off the edge of the bed to go pick her up. I open my arms to Diego. Just before he rushes into them, I see his face twist with anguish. And as he falls against me, his one-armed grip is surprisingly strong. 
“Goddammit, Allie,” he whispers quiveringly. “Goddammit…” 
“...Did I scare you?” 
He pulls back sharply, enough so he can look me in the face, but he keeps a grip on my shoulder. “Did you scare me?! You had me on my knees saying the Ave Maria! Do you know how long it’s been since I said the Ave Maria?!” 
There isn’t really a lot I can say to that, but I smile ruefully. “...Thanks for staying with me.” 
“What, you thought I’d bail?” 
I snort. “God, no. But I can still be grateful.” 
“...You’re really okay?” 
I nod. “I’m fine. The fever is gone, and the wound doesn’t really hurt anymore. I’m still pretty sore down there, though.” 
A smile finally starts to play cautiously around his mouth. “...Well, that part’s Jake’s problem.” 
“How about you?” I ask, gingerly touching the strap of his navy blue sling. 
“That’s nothing serious. It was dislocated, but they popped it back in. Just got to wear this for a few more days, and take it easy once we get back home. ...Raj brought food, by the way.” 
“Oh!” I pull back a little to smile at Raj. “Sorry, big guy. I didn’t mean to ignore you.” 
Raj chuckles. “We’ll blame it on the new mommy brain and leave it at that. Speaking of which…” He shoos Diego back enough that he can drag my bed table over across my lap, and sets an insulated lunch box on top. “I figured you could do with something better than hospital fruit cups and oatmeal, so I brought you a special Raj lunch. Michelle supervised its creation, and it’s full of stuff that’s supposed to be good for new moms.” 
“What is it?” 
“So glad you asked!” With a flourish, he opens the bag, and pulls out each item in turn, presenting them like a game show prize lady. “A sandwich of salmon, spinach, and poached egg on whole wheat bread with a garlic white bean spread; in case you are extra hungry, a side of gourmet trail mix made from an assortment of nuts and dried fruit; and to drink, a pineapple-orange-banana smoothie with extra protein powder, and just a few extra leaves of spinach!” 
I can’t help but be uplifted by his enthusiasm, and hold out my arms for a hug. “I must be the most spoiled new mother in the world.” 
Raj embraces me lightly over the table. “As you should be. You know in some Asian cultures, a new mother spends a whole month resting while her mother-in-law takes care of her and the baby.” 
“Oh yeah?” I look at Jake. “Think your mother would spend a month taking care of me?” 
“Honestly, I bet she would. The problem would be getting her to ease up and let you start taking care of things after the month was up.” 
“Hmm...probably best not to give her ideas then.” 
“Probably. We’ll have my folks over in few more months, when we’ve had a chance to get settled.” 
“...But…” Raj says, “in the meantime, do you think you guys will be needing any extra help? I know it’s going to be a pretty full house as it is, but Diego’s going to want to take it easy with lifting and stuff for a while, and Michelle says Mike will probably need time to recover, too. If you need a couple extra pairs of hands and someone to do the cooking, I have some downtime, and I know Lila would be happy to come along.” 
I look questioningly at Jake, who shrugs. “I don’t have anything against that. It’s a big enough house. And if Varyyn and I are gonna be the only ones at full strength for the time being, I wouldn’t say no to a couple extra pairs of hands.”
“And probably better those hands be Raj and Lila than anyone’s parents,” Diego adds. “I bet Varyyn would prefer not having to wear his disguise twenty-four-seven.” 
“Yeah. And,” Jake adds with a sigh, shifting River to rest against his shoulder, “it’s probably preferable not to involve anyone who ain’t already involved in the bigger picture. ...Like you said before, Princess, this ain’t over.” 
“But for now, we’re all safe and sound, and Allie has a lunch to eat.” Diego smiles encouragingly as he pushes the tinfoil-wrapped sandwich toward me. “Go on. Dig in.” 
I gotta admit, it does my heart good to see my wife savoring the meal Raj brought her and enjoying our friends’ company. She seems almost back to her old self as she talks and tells jokes and teases with them. Although, as I put River in her arms, I can’t help but be reminded that she’ll never be exactly like her old self again. Not now that she’s a mama. Not like I’m ever gonna be exactly like my old self again either. I’m a daddy now. That’s gonna change me forever. The thought scares me, like it has a lot over the past nine months. But just a look at that precious little face is enough to reassure me that I am never gonna regret it. 
Diego and Raj eventually leave us on our own again. After nursing and burping, River sleeps just long enough that we can fill out her birth certificate, nestled side-by-side on the bed. From there, it’s not more than an hour or two before they’re wheeling Alodia toward the hospital exit with River in her arms again while I walk at her shoulder, a baby carrier in the crook of my elbow and my arms laden with flowers and mini mylar balloons. Any staff we happen to pass on the way out smile and wave or give us their congratulations. I have a feeling that in a hospital, any chance to see a patient off happy and healthy is a cause for celebration, and that probably goes double for a new mama leaving with a baby. 
Grace is waiting in a car for us at the curb outside the hospital. One of Reggie’s old carseats is in the backseat. Grace settles the baby in the carseat while I help Alodia into the seat beside her. 
“There’s a surprise for you guys when we get to our place,” Grace informs us as I circle around the car to get in on the other side of River. 
“Nothing too strenuous, I hope,” Alodia quips. “I am not up for a party yet.” 
Grace chuckles as she starts up the car. “Oh, believe me, I realize that. No, everyone is pretty sure parties are off the table for you for the time being. ...But you do know that everyone is going to want to see you before you leave, right? You gave us a scare, and no one wants you to go before we all know you’re okay. ...Plus, everyone wants to see River.” 
“I am not opposed to visitors,” Alodia assures her. “Just...only a few at a time.” 
“Absolutely. We won’t let you get overwhelmed.” 
“River, either,” Alodia adds, stroking our sleeping daughter’s downy hair. “Poor thing is probably overwhelmed as it is, suddenly coming into all this noise and color and light.” 
“Birth is the craziest thing that ever happens to us, and none of us remember it,” I remark, letting the blade of my forefinger run gently back and forth across the soft back of River’s tiny hand. Her little fingers twitch just slightly, and the base of her pacifier rocks back and forth across her lips, but she doesn’t wake up. I don’t expect the quiet will last. 
River does sleep throughout the half hour or so it takes to drive to Aleister and Grace’s luxury Northbridge apartment. As we pull up to the curb, I realize what our surprise is. 
I must have been a little louder than I thought, because River wakes up with a cry that can only be described as irritated, but it doesn’t fully register until I have already launched myself out of the car towards Mike. He’s balancing on a walker, so I at least have the good sense not to jostle him, but I can’t hold myself back from grasping him firmly by the shoulders. He grins, carefully removing his hands from the walker one at a time to grasp me back. 
“Good to see ya, Grandpa.” 
“Shit, you too! We weren’t expecting you for another couple days! How are you feeling?” 
“Well, as you can tell,” he says, nodding at the walker, “I’m not quite ready to run a marathon yet. But my new legs are healing up nice. ...Good to see you, Goldilocks.” 
His gaze shifts over my shoulder, and I turn to look back at my wife supporting herself on Aleister’s arm while Grace bounces River in her arms. Alodia smirks at me, her eyes twinkling mischievously. 
“I feel like I should make a joke about you abandoning your wife and child in the car to go hang out with your buddy,” she drawls. 
I grin sheepishly as Mike carefully returns his grip to the walker. “Sorry about that. Let me make it up to you.” 
I lunge and sweep her up bridal style, and I have the pleasure of feeling her arms twine around my neck. 
“Mmm, much better. However, unlike your daughter, I am actually capable of walking.” 
“But you don’t have to. Not right now, anyway.” But I do return her to her feet after capturing her mouth in a kiss. I don’t entirely take my hands off her yet, though. After her ordeal, I don’t think she’s really that much steadier than Mike right now. Her grip as she slips her arm through mine confirms my concerns. 
I’m standing between my wife and my best friend, and neither of them are fully able to stand under their own power. I’m starting to feel that much more grateful to Raj for volunteering to help us out for a while. 
I think Mike notices Alodia’s weakness, too, because his forehead creases just a little. “You all right, Goldilocks? From what I hear, you gave everyone a real scare.” 
“It was pretty scary on my end, too. But I’m fine now. How about you?” 
Mike shrugs. “Ahh, you know. A few weeks of rehab, I’ll be a six-million dollar man again. In the meantime,” he adds wryly, stroking the frame of his walker, “it’ll be hard to call Jake ‘Grandpa’ when I’m dottering around on this thing.” 
“You just called me ‘Grandpa’ two minutes ago.” 
“And I cannot tell you how hard I internally cringed. Seriously, if you could have seen my internal expression, you’d have thought I was sucking lemons.” 
I am morally obligated to reach out and swat him for that, but before I can, Alodia abruptly steps forward to wrap her arms around his shoulders. It’s an awkward embrace, encumbered by the walker and both of them still being weak, but it’s a sincere one, and Mike leans into it gratefully. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Alodia murmurs. 
“You too,” Mike says softly, reaching up to pat her shoulder with one hand. “But can we go inside? I wanna properly meet that baby you’ve been carrying around for the past nine months!” 
The Catalysts come by in shifts throughout the afternoon and evening, apparently having planned it all out beforehand. No one stays more than an hour at a time, which proves to be a good thing, since Alodia is clearly worn out by about eight in the evening. We’re set up in the guest room of the Rourke apartment, with River in a bassinet beside us, and Mike on the foldaway bed in the living room. 
Alodia nurses River and rocks her to sleep before lying down herself. At first, I curl up beside Alodia in bed. She’s asleep within minutes, but I’m not as quick. And after an hour, it’s pretty clear that I’m not on my way to dreamland any time soon. I don’t want to leave Alodia or River. I never want to leave Alodia’s side again. But I’m restless. Anxious. And eventually, the desire not to disturb what precious little sleep my wife might have before our daughter wakes her up again wins out over my irrational need to pace back and forth between them. I check the windows, making sure they’re locked, then I slip out of the room as quietly as I can, heading back out into the living room. 
I find Mike, Aleister, and Grace all seated in the living room. On the coffee table are four short, round glasses and a bottle of golden red liquid that I’m guessing is some kind of whiskey. 
“We were starting to wonder if you had also fallen asleep,” Aleister says. He gestures to the glasses. “We thought you might like to wet your baby’s head.” 
“Kind of a weird expression,” I remark. Nonetheless, I pick up the bottle and take a seat in an armchair to read the label. “Ooh, Irish Mist. Fancy.” 
“It is not every day that one becomes a father. The night Reginald was born, Diego, Varyyn, and I toasted his birth with Irish Mist.” 
I crack open the bottle, and lean forward to fill each of the four glasses about halfway. I set down the bottle and raise my glass, the others following suit. 
“To River Skye McKenzie, my beautiful angel. And to her mother, my better half, who is truly the best and bravest of us.” 
“Here, here!” Grace says. We clink glasses, and I take a long, deep drink, savoring the sweet notes of honey and spices riding atop the alcoholic burn of whiskey. I return my glass to the table empty and lean back in my chair. 
“When my sister and I both were born, my grandpa had my dad and the men of the neighborhood over to smoke cigars on the porch.” I chuckle a little. “Rebecca remembers helping our grandma in the kitchen, and seeing all the men outside smoking. She says what she remembers most about the day I was born was our dad coming in from outside to give her a hug, but she pushed him away and said, ‘No, Daddy! You stink!’” 
My story prompts the expected laughter. 
“I am afraid Irish Mist will have to do tonight,” Aleister says. “I did not think to buy cigars. Nor would I know enough to ensure I was purchasing a quality product. As I understand it, Cuban cigars are the best, but those are illegal.” 
Mike shudders. “Honestly, I think the smell of a Cuban would be enough to give me flashbacks. Lundgren used to smoke contraband Cubans.” 
“Same here,” I agree. “I mean...there was that one time…” 
“...That one time what?” 
I chuckle a little, rubbing the back of my head. “Okay, no one currently in this room was there when Zahra blew up MASADA…” 
“What’s that got to do with Cuban cigars?” 
I sigh, but in spite of myself, in spite of how literally everyone else in the room with me was in some kind of bad situation at the time, I feel a smile playing around my mouth at the memory. 
“Okay, so it’s me, Alodia, Sean, Quinn, Estela, Craig, and Zahra trying to find another way out of the complex after the gondola gets severed, and when we go through a control room, Zahra gets the idea to blow the whole thing up. We figure it’s worth the couple extra minutes, so we let her do it. And while she’s rigging the system, I find one of Lundgren’s Cubans somewhere on the floor. ...And I light it up. But only to spite the bastard.” 
“But did you enjoy it?” Mike asks. 
“Hell, yeah! The hype ain’t a lie, buddy. Not saying I’d do it again unless it were one of his personal stash, but that was a real good smoke. ...Still...it wouldn’t be right to celebrate River with Cuban cigars. Lundgren and Rourke did enough to taint her birth.” 
“Nothing has been tainted,” Grace says firmly. “She and Alodia both came through it well and healthy.”
“I ain’t losing sight of what’s important,” I assure her. “But I can’t let my guard down, either.  ...We all know this ain’t over.” 
Grace sighs. “...No, you’re right. It isn’t over. ...Which means...I should probably tell you what I learned in Ireland.”
I knew that the Catalysts wouldn’t have sat on their hands while any of their own were in danger, but I am surprised to learn just how busy they were during the time that Allie and I were in Arachnid’s claws. I’m even more surprised--and frankly unsettled--by some of the things they learned. Yvonne might be alive. Lundgren flew the same plane that killed Allie’s parents, even though the twisted wreckage of that plane is the property of the NTSB. The whole mess with Allie’s mom, that weird AI message from a program made by Allie’s mom. It all leaves us with a lot more questions than answers. 
I told the police everything I felt like I could safely tell them. I went so far as to tell them that I think Everett Rourke might be alive because that’s who our kidnappers claimed they were taking us to. I don’t know if they believed me. I don’t know if the future of the Vaanti is safe. A part of me hopes that they lose interest in the case since everyone who was abducted has been recovered safely. But I also know that none of us are really safe until Rourke is either back behind bars or dead. 
Aleister and Estela make all the travel arrangements for those of us going back to California, including my folks and Allie’s. Castor carries me, Allie, Jake, Varyyn, Mike, Raj, Lila, Rebecca, and River. For once, Jake and Mike aren’t going to be flying. Pollux is taking our families. A third plane, smaller but no less luxurious, takes Jake’s parents back to Louisiana. They’re reluctant to leave him. They don’t want to be apart from their son, or their daughter, or their granddaughter. He assures them they can come visit soon, but that their daughter-in-law needs some time to recover first. 
At the airport, Allie’s aunt and uncle hesitate to part from her on the tarmac. Allie stands with River in her arms, patiently enduring as Molly smoothes her hair and kisses her forehead, asking if she’s sure Allie doesn’t want her and Rob to wait at the airport in California to drive her home. When Allie insists she’s sure; that Molly and Rob should go ahead and get home so they can rest. Rob says they’ll make sure there are cars waiting for us to take us all back to the house in Laguna. 
My parents board the plane before I arrive at the airport. On board the plane, I nestle up with Varyyn on one of the double-width leather seats. I wind my arms around him and bury my face in his shoulder, inhaling his scent. He kisses the top of my head. 
“Are you alright, my love?” he murmurs. 
“...I’ll be fine,” I assure him. “I’m just...disappointed. I knew my parents weren’t ready to meet you. But I had hoped...I don’t know. I had hoped it wouldn’t be like this. Even if I knew it probably would be.” 
Varyyn sighs, bringing a hand up to stroke my cheek. “They may yet come around. Or they may not. In the end, it is up to them. All I can promise is that I will love you regardless of their decision.” 
“...I love you, too.” 
“You guys all set?” Raj’s voice makes me look up. The others are boarding behind us and finding their seats. Jake helps Allie settle in and get her seatbelt on, River still cradled in her arms. 
“Are you sure a plane is really the best way to travel with a newborn?” Lila asks. 
“When the choices are between a rental car, a train, or a private plane for a cross-country trip, a private plane is hands down the best option,” Rebecca declares. “I mean, if we were on a commercial plane, I’d think twice, since those things are basically flying petri dishes. But this plane has been deep-cleaned, unlike the train. It’s more comfortable than a car, and faster than both the car or the train.” 
“Yeah, but what about her little ears? All the pressure?” 
“The doctor says that if I nurse her during take-off and landing, that should keep her comfortable. Besides...I just want to be home.” 
Home. The word washes through me in a way that comforts me even as it makes me want to cry. Images flash through my mind of the house I share with my husband, my best friend, her husband, and his best friend--and now, my little niece and goddaughter. Watching movies in the living room with Allie. Sharing dinner around the table or out on the balcony. Cuddling with Varyyn in the hot tub in the evening, letting the warm, swirling water sap the energy from my body, and then sliding into bed beside him and drifting off to sleep in his arms. At home, I don’t have to hide. I don’t have to walk on eggshells or worry about losing anyone’s love. At home, I’m safe and free. I meet my best friend’s eyes, offering her a tired smile. 
“I’m with you, Allie. Let’s get home.” 
Nothing but the best for my friends, that’s my motto. I came to the house in Laguna Beach to make sure that my friends would have the best care while they needed it, and I waste no time in getting down to business. Alodia, Diego, and Mike need space to convalesce. But with a new baby in a huge house like this, there is a lot to be done. Jake and Varyyn can’t be expected to do everything, and that’s where I and Lila come in. 
River is constantly monitored. Whenever she cries, someone is ready to come running to change her diaper, or to bring her to Alodia for feeding. I prepare meals ahead of time that can be easily heated and served, so no one goes hungry. Lila helps me cook and keep the house clean. Alodia’s aunt and uncle attempt to send cleaning and catering services to her at one point, but they end up being politely refused. Lila and I have everything under control, and none of us want strangers poking around here. 
Alodia is occasionally moody, snapping at everyone to stop fussing over her, and she can’t wait to be free of this gilded cage and go back out into the world. This is usually followed by tearful apologies, with all of us assuring her that we don’t take it personally. She just had a baby, she’s allowed to be moody. Besides, the moment someone places River in her arms, it seems like everything is right in her world, and everything is right in our world, too. 
...Except it’s not. Not entirely. 
River is happy and healthy. Alodia is getting her strength back. Diego gets rid of the sling, and Mike starts to get around without the walker again. But underneath the surface, there is still trauma. There’s still fear. 
“They’re having nightmares,” I tell Lila one morning as we’re preparing breakfast. She pauses for a moment with a knife poised above an orange before swiftly slicing it in half. 
“Is that so surprising?” she asks. She doesn’t look at me as she speaks, but concentrates on making sure the thick, white heart of the orange half in her hand is positioned properly on the cone of the juicer before she presses down and begins to twist. Bright yellow juice splashes down into the container below. 
“Well, no. But it is sad. Jake and Alodia especially should be concentrating on enjoying their new baby, not having nightmares and worrying about whether Rourke’s coming back for them.” 
Lila pulls the now-deflated orange rind off the cone of the juicer and tosses it on the countertop. Ribbons of tattered orange flesh cling to the inside of the rind. She picks up the other half. 
“...Do you ever have nightmares from Mr. Rourke?” she asks softly. 
“Of course,” I reply. “Not as much as before, but I think we all have them sometimes. After what we all went through, I think I’d be more surprised if any of us didn’t.” 
The twisting of the orange on the juicer slows just slightly. The toaster pops behind me, and I pluck four pieces of perfectly browned bread from the slots to toss onto a plate. 
“...I have nightmares, too.” 
The butter has been softening on the counter, and my knife slides easily through it. The heat from the toast softens it further, and it spreads cleanly. 
“...You want to talk about it?” 
Lila shakes her head, picking up her knife and another orange. “No. Not now. They don’t really matter anyway. They’re about things that happened in the past. I’m less scared of them than I am of what happens in the future.” 
“Do you mean Rourke’s next move?” 
“Of course that scares me. ...But more than that, I’m scared of him trying to use me against all of you again.” 
“We won’t let that happen, Lila. You’re safe with us.” 
“...But are you safe with me?” 
I pause a moment before putting down my knife. I turn to Lila, put one hand on each of her shoulders, and turn her toward me. 
“Lila...look at me. ...Has Rourke approached you at all since you’ve been with us again?” 
Her eyes widen in what looks like genuine surprise. “What? No, I...that isn’t what I meant!” 
I relax just a little. “...Okay.” I slowly take my hands away from her shoulders. “...You’d tell me if he had, wouldn’t you?” 
She nods. “Of course.” 
“Good. ...Because if he approaches you again, we can help you. We can help keep you out from under his thumb. ...We’re not gonna let him just have you back.” 
A weak smile lifts the corners of her mouth. “I believe you.” She hastily turns back to the oranges in front of her. “You should...um...finish buttering before the toast gets cold.” 
Overhead, the sharp, piercing cry of an infant rings through the air. I smile. Another morning blending into another day. It’s not perfect. We’ve got reason to worry. But for now, all is well. 
I keep my head down as I move through the halls of my high school, clutching the straps of my worn-out backpack. It’s the same shabby gray one I’ve been carrying since freshman year. I’m a junior now, and the corners near the bottom are starting to fray where the sharp corners of paper-bag covered textbooks have dug into them. 
My stomach growls. I skipped lunch again today. My parents were gone to work early again, and I didn’t leave myself enough time to make myself anything this morning. I barely had time to scarf down a banana for breakfast. I didn’t have enough cash for a cafeteria lunch, either, and besides, I preferred spending my lunch period playing on the computer in the library to sitting by myself at the end of a table filled with noisy strangers anyway. 
If I can scrape together enough change from the bottom of my pencil case, I might have enough to get a bag of chips from the vending machine before I have to go to my after school job. But for now, my hunger isn’t all that sharp, and I am heading towards English Lit, the only class I currently look forward to. 
The class is taught by Mr. Hunter. He also teaches the film-making class I want to sign up for next semester. He’s in his early fifties, and not handsome. He is tall and lanky, with gray-green eyes and a dark helmet of slicked back hair that sits atop a rectangular face. He has one of those mustaches that seemed to be popular in the 1970’s that always make a man look a little sketchy. He wears paisley shirts and slacks, and his voice reminds me of Bert from Sesame Street.
Mr. Hunter is the best teacher I’ve ever had at this school. When we studied Romeo and Juliet, he started off by giving us all a printed-off list of Shakespearean insults. When one girl tried to mumble her way through a line-reading, he shouted, “Put some feeling into it, you saucy wench!” 
Mr. Hunter is also gay, and he does not attempt to hide this. When my parents ask about my teachers and which ones I like best, I leave this fact out. If they knew, they would make me switch to another class. Mr. Hunter has a picture of himself with his boyfriend on his desk. I’ve seen it when I’ve gone up to hand in assignments. His partner is bald and ruddy-skinned. He’s not handsome, either, but he has an open, friendly smile. Sometimes, I imagine them kissing. I worry that I have a crush on Mr. Hunter. 
On the post of every classroom door is a laminated pink triangle, with a message proclaiming that this is a safe space for LGBTQ students. These triangles are mandated by the school district. Not every teacher honors them. One teacher actually tore hers down and refused to put it back up. She was fired. Last year, two girls were voted “Cutest Couple” in their senior class. I look at the triangles, prominently displayed as I walk into each classroom, and I don’t feel particularly safe. I feel safe in Mr. Hunter’s classroom. 
Inside Mr. Hunter’s classroom, two boys from the football team act out a love poem with one of them in a curly blond wig and the bottom of his shirt tucked into his collar to create a crop top. They end with a flourish, with the boy in the wig jumping into the other boy’s arms and goosing him. Everyone applauds their performance, including Mr. Hunter. 
Outside Mr. Hunter’s classroom, guys of all stripes growl “faggot” in my direction, and even the girls who are nice to me seem pitying more than anything. There’s a Pride club that meets after school two days a week, but I don’t dare join. I’m slowly realizing I can’t deny the truth anymore, but that doesn’t mean I can just announce it to the world. 
I have just enough change to buy a bag of chips after school. I put it in my backpack as I make my way toward the library where I work for a few hours each day. I see Sam Dzugan eyeing me as I pass through the main doors to the school, and feel dread so familiar that it’s almost dull. Of all the bullies at this school, Sam is the worst. He also knows where I work. If he’s bored and hungry for a power fix tonight, I’m in for a rough walk home. 
But he doesn’t follow me to work. At the library, I set to work filing back the books from the return cart. As I do, my mind wanders to the same place it always does: Alodia. 
Alodia. My ideal friend. I conjure up an image of her beside me. She would be pretty, like all the most popular girls at school. I summon a small, pale figure with blonde hair, big blue eyes, and rosy cheeks. I talk with her in my head as I wander the aisles of the library with the return cart. I can picture her cheeky smile as clearly as if she were really beside me. I have spent many years getting the details of her perfect. Early incarnations of her were dark-haired. Green-eyed. Taller. I drew pictures of her. I wrote down her description in a private notebook that I kept under my mattress. But she never felt as real as when I wrote her with golden blonde hair and sapphire eyes. 
She laughs at all my jokes as I work the rest of my shift. I forgot to eat the chips I bought, and I’m hungry enough now to start feeling dizzy. ...Alodia would invite me to dinner at her house. A huge, fancy house with a pool, where a chef would have prepared a gourmet meal. 
“Don’t worry about Sam,” she would say. “If he gives you any trouble, I’ll fight him off.” ...Because Alodia would be fierce. A fighter. Alodia was a hero. A hero who loved me unconditionally. 
Alodia was never meant to be my lover. I wasn’t looking for a lover when I first dreamed Alodia into existence, which is probably why I always imagined her as a girl. I could scarcely imagine having a lover before I had a friend. That was what Alodia was to me. A friend. A friend who would always love me. A friend who I could tell my secrets to without judgment. A friend to fight for me and protect me, who saw value in me, and needed me back. 
But my friend is a fantasy. And when I leave work and Sam corners me in the encroaching darkness, Alodia vanishes…
...I wake up with a gasp, bolting upright in the darkness of my room. Beside me, Varyyn grunts in his sleep and rolls over, the moonlight reflecting off his blue skin. I stare at his sleeping form for a moment, trying to take stock of myself. I’m shaking. My pajamas are damp with sweat. I feel cold. I feel sick and empty with fear. I don’t exactly remember what I was dreaming about, but one thought keeps echoing in my mind: Allie. I have to find Allie. 
I slip out of bed as gently as I can while I’m still trembling. I don’t want to wake Varyyn. As I slip into the hall, motion-sensitive lights plugged into the sockets near the floor illuminate my path. My dream is still hazy, but bits and pieces trickle back as I shuffle down the hall with my hand on the wall. I was alone. Allie didn’t exist. It was a timeline that I have all but forgotten, and it felt entirely too real. 
I need to find her. Or at least evidence that she still exists. The door to the nursery is slightly ajar, enough that I can see the soft glow from the lamp on the bedside table. I peek through the crack in the door and relief floods through me. Allie, bundled up in her robe and slippers, sits in the rocking chair with River in her arms, gently rocking back and forth. I exhale slowly. I should go back to bed, but I am not ready to let her out of my sight yet. I start to push open the door. She gasps a little, looking up sharply. 
“Oh, Diego!” She smiles at me, settling back into her chair. “You startled me.” 
“Sorry,” I whisper back. “...Did I wake up River?” 
“No. I just fed her, so she’ll probably be out for an hour or two.” She looks up at me as I come to settle into the armchair across from her. “...What are you doing up?” 
“...Bad dream,” I admit. “...About...about you. I had to come check on you or I was never going to get back to sleep.” 
I half-expect her to joke about me being a creeper watching her while she sleeps, but instead she sighs. “...I kinda know the feeling.” 
“Yeah. I bet you do.” 
“You wanna stay up with me for awhile?” 
“Yeah. But I feel like I should be telling you to get some sleep while you can.” 
“I probably should be sleeping,” she admits. “...But I don’t really want to let her go.” 
There’s not really much I feel like I need to say to that. I understand. I don’t think there’s anyone in this house who doesn’t empathize with that feeling in one way or another. Especially now. 
“Yeah, Allie?” 
For a long moment, she doesn’t say anything, though her mouth opens and closes a couple times. Then, she swallows and takes a deep breath. 
“...I love you. I love you, and I love Jake, and Raj, and all the Catalysts…” 
“We love you, too, Allie.” 
“...When you imagined me. In that other timeline. When I didn’t come to be until the Island...did you ever imagine my future?” 
I can’t help flinching. Her words feel like a cold pinprick at the top of my spine. “...Allie...I...I don’t really remember that timeline…” 
“I know. I know. But...it happened. It existed. I was once born to be what you needed. What all the Catalysts needed. ...But now...now I have River. Someone new who needs me. She needs me more than any of my Catalysts.” 
“I...I think that’s true,” I say slowly. “...We all love you, and we want you with us. But River is your child. She’s helpless and new. She needs your love and your care and your guidance to survive.” 
“...I’m scared, Diego. I’m scared by how much I love her. I’m scared by how much she needs me.” 
My earlier fear is being replaced with concern that is entirely for my friend.  “...Allie...are you okay? Is this some kind of postpartum depression?” 
“I don’t know what this is, Diego. I know that I love River more than I ever thought I could love anyone alive. I would have torn myself apart for my Catalysts without hesitation. I gave up my existence to give my Catalysts the world. ...But I can’t consider that anymore. Because River needs her mother.” 
“Oh, Allie. That’s not a bad thing. None of us want you to tear yourself apart.” 
“I know. ...But I am afraid of what happens if the world asks for it. ...If I end up at the Threshold again, or a new Raan’losti…” She looks up at me. “...Diego...I think I have to face what’s in the pool shed.” 
I feel my blood run cold. I know what’s in the pool shed. The collection of objects that were left for us in the Crystal dimension when we went to rescue Tahira. Including…
“...Are you sure?” 
She nods. “...It was left for me to find for a reason. I have to touch the Andromeda idol again.” 
36 notes · View notes
“would you come to my funeral?” + narumitsu
"I'm going to write something short," I say, and then come out with nearly 1300 words of Angst. But this really was the perfect line for some good angst, and so I hope you like it! (and please excuse any typos, I very much have not done any editing here)
Thanks, Sparrow! :)
Send me a randomly-generated line of dialogue and some characters, and I'll write a (relatively) short fic!
It’s raining. That’s the thing that Phoenix notices, first—the way the water collects on the pane-glass of the window, the office dark and silent otherwise.
How long has he been in the building for the weather to have changed so drastically? How long did it take to extricate himself from the aftermath of the trial, to escape the celebrations and cheer once he’d noticed the conspicuous absence where someone should have been?
Long enough for the cup of tea abandoned on the desk to have gone stone-cold, he realizes, when he presses his fingers gently against the side of the delicate china vessel. Long enough that Miles Edgeworth might be long gone by now, and he’d have to ride his bicycle home in the storm, without even getting a chance to check in with his oldest friend.
Motion, from the corner of his eye, and Phoenix swings around to a previously unexamined corner of the room, in the shadow of the vibrant pink sofa and the framed jacket on the wall. A hiding place, of sorts, and for half a second he feels the chill of adrenaline through his veins as he wonders if he’s about to be attacked in Edgeworth’s office, victim of a trap planted for the prosecutor and not for him.
But he relaxes, as much as is possible, when he recognizes the figure slumped against the wall by his distinctive cravat, his steel-grey hair. Miles Edgeworth, looking distinctly miserable, but Phoenix will take it if it means he’s here.
“Of course you’d manage to find me,” the man grumbles, and Phoenix laughs, awkwardly.
“Well, you know what they say about defense attorneys,” he jokes, hand combing through the hair on the back of his neck. “Always sticking our noses where they don’t belong.”
Miles huffs, as though he can’t be bothered to dignify that with a response. With some trepidation, Phoenix moves closer, kneels next to him, attempts to put himself on a level with the prosecutor. He doesn’t quite reach out, the way he so desperately wants to, because he’s never quite sure where exactly he stands with Edgeworth, these days. He’d hoped, that since they’d cleared up the history behind the DL-6 incident, that they would have properly reconnected, but…
Well. It’s unfortunate that they only ever seem to see each other at opposing ends of the courtroom, or so it seems.
But Edgeworth looks so downtrodden that Phoenix can’t help but want to help him, and so he crosses his legs and leans against the wall, nearly casually, and risks his life to ask his next question:
“What’s the matter? Why aren’t you out with everyone else, celebrating a job well done?”
“Wright. Really?”
“Well, yeah, maybe it didn’t turn out quite as well as it could have, but...we’re still a step closer to fixing the justice system, aren’t we? Sure, the Chief Prosecutor’s….in jail, and the Police Chief is...alsoin jail, but--”
“Wright, I’m going to stop you before you can jam your foot even further in your mouth than it already is.”
“That’s...probably a good idea, yeah.”
They pause, for a moment, listening to the wind and the raindrops against the window. A distant lightning strike illuminates the office, and Phoenix is reminded of quite how high up they are.
“Would you come to my funeral?” Edgeworth asks, apropos of nothing, and Phoenix’s head whips around almost faster than he can process the words.
“Your—Miles, what are you--” He can’t form a full sentence, finding his mind blank even at the prospect. Edgeworth sighs, deeply, and leans his head back against the wall, eyes closed.
“My funeral, Wright, it’s not that difficult of a question. At such a time as I perish, whether through natural or unnatural means, would you attend the event that I assume someone would inevitably arrange for honoring my memory or other such tripe.”
Phoenix is still stuck processing, the very prospect of Edgeworth and death and funerals all sparking associations he’d rather not think too hard about, calling to mind the ceremony they’d had for Mia not even six months ago—and, even earlier, the image of a far younger Miles Edgeworth in a black suit, surrounded by arrangements of lilies and with an unreadable expression.
“I—well, in a purely hypothetical scenario, because you aren’t going to have a funeral anytime soon—in that case, of course I would come to your funeral, Miles, what do you take me for?”
“Truthfully, I don’t know. I’m not—” and Edgeworth pauses, clutching at the fabric of his sleeve as he averts his gaze to the opposite corner of the room. “I’m not exactly a paradigm of innocence, and your reputation for...well…”
“Are you still trying to say that you’re guilty when we’ve proven that time and time again to be untrue? Miles, c’mon, that’s bullshit. And—my reputation?What, do you think I’d even care, if you were—”
“Wright, surely you’re not that much in denial. I’m as much guilty of evidence tampering as Lana Skye. And worse—you know the tactics us prosecutors employ. I did not gain the name Demon Prosecutor for nothing. I’m not—you shouldn’t even associate with me.”
Phoenix frowns, eyebrows furrowing. He’s clenching his hands into fists, he realizes, as he takes a deep breath and focuses on trying to have this discussion rationally, as much as possible.
“Miles Edgeworth, you can’t blame yourself for doing as you were taught. You were only a child, you should have been able to trust your mentor figures—it wasn’t on you to be able to construct a detailed critique of the legal system! And you think that I wouldn’t associate with you because of that? I guess…” he swallows, looking away from the prosecutor. “I guess you don’t know me as well as I thought you did, then.”
The silence is almost tangible, as they let Phoenix’s words sink in, settle around them in the dark office. In his mind, Phoenix begins to count the seconds that it’s taking Edgeworth to answer—one, two, three…
“I suppose I don’t,” he finally supplies, and that’s it, then, the kind of sentence you don’t continue a conversation from. It’s not the only thing he seems to want to say, Phoenix notes, but it’s the only thing he vocalizes, letting the sound of the rain fill in the empty spaces.
Phoenix breathes out, slowly, and stands up. His knees pop as he does, tiny cracking noises competing with the rumble of thunder from outside.
He looks over his shoulder, and Edgeworth’s still on the ground, avoiding eye contact. It’s not like he wants to leave, but…
Maybe Miles just needs some time alone. He seems to have a lot on his mind, and Phoenix probably isn’t helping by bothering him with conversation.
He lets himself out of the office, vowing to himself that he’ll check back in tomorrow morning, when the rainstorm’s let up and the world’s back to normal. He isn’t going to let Edgeworth wallow in his thoughts for too long, at least.
Overnight, the rain fades to nothing, clouds making way for soft sunshine, promising bright blue skies for the day and uncharacteristically warm weather for February. Miles Edgeworth’s office window lets in the sunlight, where it illuminates the grand desk and the items on top of it. In turn, the light falls on a pen, a nameplate, a lamp.
A teacup, still half-full from the night before. And…
A note, with one single line of neat cursive penned in the middle of the crisp, textured paper:
Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death
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ardent-musings · 4 years
Orion Amari Smut
This little diddy is for my lovely Wifey L who decided to surprise me one day with an impromptu Neville smut (highly appreciated by the way. chef’s kiss). HOWEVER. This is payback. Also my computer crashed in the middle of writing this so. Imma upset.
Warnings: NSFW 18+, public sex, like heavy exhibitionism, teasing, and fingering.
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It was the day before your first Quidditch game of the season. The months between your last game to now felt like years, leaving you with insurmountable nervous energy that coursed through you. Last term you got all the way to the finals, but the Slytherin team had taken the Cup with a forty point lead. It was devastating, not only to you, but the the whole school; no one wanted to see a Slytherin victory.
You first game of the season was against Ravenclaw who was possibly the toughest team out of the four. Their beaters were unbeatable for lack of a better word, and everyone on your team knew it. Countless hours were spent with you shuffling through McNully’s playbooks or being berated by Skye’s more aggressive practice approach. It left you positively buzzing and with no where to put that energy. 
From the back of Professor Binns’ class you could hear the ghost drawl on and on about a war that no one cared about, and the gentle snores from your surrounding students made you aware that no one cared for this lecture. Besides Orion. He was sitting beside you, taking notes as diligently as ever, always making sure his grades were up so there was no chance of losing Quidditch privileges. 
With nothing to do and no one to focus on, your foot began bouncing at a fast pace, making your whole leg shake beneath the table. It was the only way you could release some of the pent up adrenaline that was building the longer you sat in the quiet classroom.
“Hey! Do you think you could stop moving your leg so much? Its shaking the whole table.” 
Orion giggled beside you, giving you a soft smirk. You hadn’t even noticed but your leg was making the ink wells vibrate and papers move with every bounce of your leg.
“M’sorry, I’m just giddy about tomorrow and can’t calm down,” you whispered back, still shaking your leg just as violently as before.
He did his best to ignore it, given that he understood exactly how you felt. However, once he was unable to properly write his notes, he knew he needed you to stop.
“Okay, please,” he chuckled, placing one of his calloused hands on top of your thigh to halt its movements. “I’ll just make you stop shaking if I have to.”
Instead of Quidditch nerves running through your body, the feeling of Orion’s firm grip on your exposed thigh left you buzzing. You always had a crush on him, but after a few years you assumed it would dwindle down. Instead you were now both in your last year of school and you liked him even more. No one knew.
You tried your hardest to focus on the professor, but your breath hitched once his thumb started mindlessly grazing the inside of your thigh. He had never touched you like that before and your mind started replaying all the dirty thoughts it had conjured before.
“Is this okay?” He whispered lowly.
Without pause you nodded enthusiastically, squirming in your seat as he gave you a strong squeeze.
He smirked devilishly and then pulled your stool to him, so you were now sitting hip to hip. You could sense how in control he was at the moment and your breathe started coming out in huffs as he toyed with the hem of your skirt.
“I want you to focus. Not on me. On the board. This will all be on the test, ya know.”
His other hand went back to taking down notes while beneath the table his fingertips dove beneath your skirt, just rubbing the tops of your thigh in lazy circles. Instinctively, you pressed your legs together, searching for any bit of friction to help ease the pain between your legs.
“Please,” you whined, your hand dropping your quill as he grazed his nails against you teasingly.
“No. I will not do what you want me to, unless you take your notes, darling,” his voice came out in an authoritative growl, his lips kissing the shell of your ear before pulling away from you completely.
If anyone were paying attention to you two, a few eyebrows would’ve raised, but you were the only awake and alive beings in the room. Needing some sort of release, you answered him by picking up your quill and taking down the notes from the board.
“Good. Now, like I said, focus. You stop writing, I stop playing.”
With that promise hanging in the air, your fingers hovered above your quill in anticipation of what was to come. You nodded again and picked up the feather, quickly and messily taking down the information.
With every passing minute, Orion’s fingers grew closer to your hips, his fingers dipping deliciously into your smooth skin. He too was still staring at the board and taking notes while his other hand hooked around the waistband of your bow soaked panties.
“Lift,” was all he said and you did so without question. In a quick swipe, your panties were gone and pushed deep within his robe pockets.
You sat back down, feeling the hard wood press against your clit, making your head dip from the pressure. It was wrong to do this and yet your body was aching for it all the same. But you craved the feeling, so you willed yourself to focus on the lesson in front of you, although your face was starting to break.
Orion leaned in, his breath felt hot on your neck, “Focus.”
Gasping, your hips arched into his hand which was now playing with your clit with a single finger. It was slow, teasing circles. Humping the stool would’ve gotten you off quicker. But Orion was not one for speed. He was about efficiency, and as his finger rubbed against you, you knew that he would treat you with the same enthusiasm he had for Quidditch.
But it wasn’t just his touch on your clit, he wrapped the leg closest to his own and draped it over his thigh so your pussy was left open beneath your skirt. Your eyes widened in surprise from the risk Orion was taking, but it felt so good.
With teary eyes, you continued to write your notes, the other hand gripped the edge of the desk so hard your nails started to hurt from digging into wood.
Soon enough, his teasing on your clit continued down your pussy, where he dipped a finger into you. He let out a hum of appreciation from how wet you had gotten for him. You nearly dropped your quill when he started pumping into your in a perfect rhythm as his palm rubbed your clit.
His face was stone cold, as of he wasn’t finger fucking you beneath the desk, and there you were writhing and whimpering softly from his touch. The hand that gripped the desk now clamped over your mouth, doing everything you could to keep from crying out as his fingers pounded into you with raw lust.
Orion had a goal in mind, to win the Quidditch Cup and now to get you to cum from playing with you in the middle of class. It was an unexpected goal but one he intended on fulfilling.
Once your hips started bucking in time with his movements, he could tell that you were almost there. You were on the edge of cumming and he chuckled at your wrecked state.
You couldn’t take it anymore. With a silenced cry, you bit your school tie to hold back the sound as you came hard in your seat. It was overwhelmingly strong and Orion had to place his hand behind your back just so you didn’t fall back.
Aftershocks ran through your body, leaving your core and legs trembling from the pleasure. It was too much.
Your eyes widened when Orion dipped his fingers into his mouth, lapping at the taste of you as his eyes bored into your own. It was sinful and dirty, but you couldn’t help but imagine how he’d actually look with his head between your thighs.
You smiled cheekily at him as he took your underwear out for his pockets. He held them in his fist, the light pink color clashing with the dullness of the room. You went to take them until Orion pulled back, twiddling the fabric between his fingers.
“I’m keeping these doll. Call it a good luck charm.”
@lifeofkaze good morning. 😉
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j-diamond · 4 years
Used (Sister! Reader x Gordon)
This is one that’s been long overdue. I put everything on pause because I hadn’t finished this yet. I deeply apologize to the person who had originally asked this. please forgive me.
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   The bell above the door rings, making you look up instinctively. 4:15, you smile to yourself as you begin washing off your hands,    “First bagel of the day you know.” You shout as you wait for the ding, signaling it was ready, “Technically the second cup of coffee.” It dings, and you use a pair of tongs, pulling it off the tray and placing it delicately on the plate. “I couldn’t help myself. Regardless of whether or not I like it, I still have to make sure it's edible.” You pass through the curtain that separates the kitchen from behind the bar. Your smile drops, only momentarily, as you make eye contact with the person sitting ahead. You place the current cup of coffee and plate on the counter to your right as you ready yourself for your first human interaction of the day.     “I apologize about that.” You say as you stand in front of the customer. You glance at the time, “I have a regular who is usually here around this time, I had mistaken you for them.” He smiles at you, easing your worries, “Anyway. Welcome to the Early Bird Café, I am Y/n Gordon, the head barista. I’ll be serving you today, is there anything I can get you this morning?” He smiles, removing the top-hat from his head and places on the seat beside him.     “Head Barista, I must be lucky then.” he states as his eyes bore into yours, “I’d like a coffee to begin.” You nod, suddenly quite out of it, his words seeming to never register with you. He smirks, looking away, snapping you out of your trance. You look away embarrassed,    “I’m sorry. I’ll go get your coffee.” You say as you dash back behind the curtain.
   “I’m so sorry I’m late.” The guy says behind you as you hear him place something on the counter. You smile as you repeat your earlier routine,     “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Detective James Gordon.” You say as you glance at the clock, “An hour and a half late. Tsk, how do you ever get stuff done.” You smile as you place a plate, and mug in front of him, “A coffee, black, and a cheese topped bagel.” He raises an eyebrow and you pull out a notepad, “That’ll be the 14th cup and only the third bagel.” He places a hand along his heart, feigning hurt,    “I am hurt. Third? Is that what you think of your only brother?” He asks, a smile creeping onto his face, to which you roll your eyes at. Movement in your peripheral, makes you pause your conversation,    “Skye.” you call out to the barista on her phone and she looks up at you sheepishly, “I know it’s boring, but you’re on the clock, so I’d greatly appreciate it if you did something useful. How about topping off everyone’s coffee.” She nods apologetically, and proceeds to brew a new pot.    “New hire?” James asks, and you return your attention to him,    “Yea, she’s a junior and needed the money.” You smile, shrugging, “She seems like a responsible person.”    “You’re hiring minors?”    “Well everyone deserves at least one chance.” He raises an eyebrow at you, “Also her Mother is a very good, persuasive neighbor.” He nods his head,    “And there it is.” he says as he begins drinking his coffee, you roll your eyes at him.
   The bell above the door rings, making you look up instinctively. You turn off your phone placing it in your back pocket. You almost go to grab the usual, but stop, opting out for your pad of paper instead.     “Ahh, what is it we have here,” A voice starts and you tense, relaxing after feeling the familiarity of his words, “I’m the first customer as it would appear.” You smile softly, your brain going on a sort-of autopilot you couldn’t quite control.
   “So how ya been?”    “Well. You know how it is.”    “That’s not what I’m asking N/n.”    “Well technically it is.” You say rolling your eyes, as you place your hot drink on the coffee table. You lay back on the couch, pulling the throw further up, “I’m not even entirely sure why you visited.”    “Well you’re my sister. I know you know I will always continuously check in on you.” James says as he also leans back. You smile, rolling your eyes at him,    “I know, but you’re always my first customer. Well not anymore, but regardless you’re acting like my café isn’t just the official cops hangout or somethin.” You chuckle remembering some of your encounters, “Have you heard?” James looks at you interested,    “Heard what?” He asks, as he straightens back up in his armchair. You lean in, your eyes shifting back in forth,    “I’m apparently,” you pause for dramatic effect, piquing James’s interest even more, “Gotham’s… Little sister.” You sit back again, chuckling to yourself, “Thomas actually told me that after hitting on me.”     “Thomas? Jay Thomas?” James asks, which ensues even more eye-rolling,    “It doesn’t matter.” You say, hoping he’d drop the subject. You loved your brother, truly, but he happened to follow a lot of the cliché big brother troupes that existed. You pause, “Well, if we’re not going to have a movie watching marathon please explain to me why you’re here.”     “It’s honestly, just to check in with you. With all these criminals running around I’m not sure if I am okay with the ghost hours of your café.” You pout jokingly,    “But I'm Gotham's Little Sister, no one would ever even dare think about attacking little ‘ol me.” You say putting on a cutesy face.    “Y/n.” Is all he says, and his face has that earnest expression that you had gotten accompanied with along the years. The smile that said he cared, but  showed no happiness, and the stone cold eyes that showed nothing but seriousness. Your back instinctively straightens, and you hold your head down apologetically.     “I know.” You say softly, “I understand and I get it, but as long as you remain my first customer as a sort-of reassurance it should be fine.” He sighs and you eye him carefully, “Even if you don’t come visit me I’ve had other regulars, and none of which has seemed shady, but if they were, you and any other cop would easily recognize them.” You sigh, “I just… I know James, I do know. But this is something I deeply enjoy, just as you with your police work.” James reclines, heart heavy at your answer,    “I know, and I’m not asking you to give it up. I’m asking for reassurance, a way to know you’re safe even when I'm not there.” He says and you can hear the love, fear and what you think might be sadness, in his words. You nod,    “Six.” you start, “I can give you six am but that’s as late as I go.” James looks at you, a soft smile playing at his lips,    “Six is good enough for me.”     The doorbell rings, pulling a smile to your face, you shake the pan, successfully flipping the omelette. Once finished you slide it onto the plate, and grab a fresh cup of coffee.    “I have your coffee as usual, and what I actually have is an omelette I quite enjoyed making.” You smile as you sit in front of the customer, “What do you think JT?” You sit across from him in the booth, your smile somehow  growing in size, “This one is mostly vegetables, because I noticed how you didn’t really like the meat lovers one. Though granted they’re on two different ends of the spectrum. I feel like maybe if I can figure out which one you like better, I can eventually make the perfect omelette for you.” You await his answer, but your smile quivers once having not received one. You wait, as if on pause, as he simply enjoys his meal. You sit and watch, patiently waiting. He continues his breakfast.    You watch.    He slowly bites, not once making eye contact.    Your eyes follow every movement.    He continues, ignoring your presence.    Your brain registers each little action, as if trying to remember everything.    He begins taking his final bites.    You look at him expectantly,    “Though we’ve only met ten days ago,” He starts as he actually returns your eye contact, “Your skills have grown quite a lot, y’know.” He flashes a quick smile, and you’re hooked. He knows it, and you know it. You were his, hanging onto his every word, waiting for his command.    “It’s flattering to hear these words from you.” You say as you go to grab his plate, “But you know, you helped out too.” You turn away to place it on the bar, unknowingly missing the large smirk plastered on JT’s face.
   “All right. I’ll bite. Who are they for?”    “Come on, James. You’re a detective, do some detecting.”    “Jeremiah, your brother.”    “Bingo. That’s one.”    “And the other two?”    “Well, the only other irksome do-gooder who’s ever spoiled my fun in this town. Bruce Wayne.” Jerome announces, glancing around the area, searching for any sign of improvement.     “No.” Gordon interrupts, inducing a slight anger in Jerome,    “No?”    “You can take me.” He says as he walks closer. “I’ll sit there with one of those things around my neck, but I won’t let you have him.”    “Well, I don’t want you, Jim.” Jerome replies, rolling his eyes. Then he smiles upon noticing his target, “Besides why would I want you,” Gordon follows his eyesight, noticing a familiar h/c approaching the stage. You stop in front of Jerome as he makes you turn around, “When, I already have your sister.” Jerome laughs as he watches Gordon’s face contort into anger. He begins racing to the stage but Jerome stops him, “Wouldn’t want to do that.” He presses a knife to your throat. You watch this in anger, but your mind was so clouded that you just couldn’t control your own body. It was as if you were a prisoner in your own skin. “You should hurry up, I wouldn’t want to damage such pretty skin.” He pauses as he traces the knife up your face, “Or maybe I would. Then we could match.”
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the-delta-42 · 3 years
My Brother
My Brother
Following a premise that was sent to @nerdasaurus1200
This fic will be a slight AU of The War Cricle, but will feature the same characters.
Marinette tried to keep the fact she had a brother as quiet as possible, but that is becoming increasingly difficult because a. he’s the technician at the College and b. he’s having ‘relations’ with Ms. Bustier. And then today he had to go and ruin their cover. Now granted, it was technically her fault.
“Marinette, you forgot your lunch.” Said Michael as he popped into the classroom and handed Marinette her lunch bag.
“Thanks.” Said Marinette, gritting her teeth.
“Have a good day, little one. Caline, I’ll see you tonight.” Said Michael, as he walked out of the room.
A moment of silence passed, and then Marinette was bombarded with questions. One thing she knew for sure- she was going to kill him.
Caline looked up from her computer as Michael left the room. True to form, Marinette looked composed, except the look of murder that lived in her eyes. Caline decided that the ‘Lila Rossi take down’ file could wait for a few minutes, as the class bombarded Marinette with questions.
“Alright everyone, calm down. Yes, Michael is Marinette’s older brother. He and I are in a committed relationship. Unless Marinette wishes to say more on the matter, that is all you have to know. Now, back to your seats and continue reading in your textbook.” Instructed Ms. Bustier, going back to her computer. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette giving her a silent ‘thank you’.
“HOW could you not tell us you had a brother?!” Asked Alya, openly gaping at Marinette.
“Hmm, let’s see, would you want people to know if your brother was going out with your teacher?” Was Marinette’s snarky response.
“Wait, if your brother’s 22 and Ms. Bustier is 30, why are they together?” Asked Kim, looking at the bluenette.
“I’m 23.” Corrected Ms. Bustier, looking slightly offended.
Kim winced and sunk down into his seat.
“And that’s how Kim failed literature.” Said Alix, getting a solid five minutes of laughter from her classmates.
It’d been a few weeks since Michael had made his presence, and his relationship with Ms. Bustier, known to the class.
The class stiffened when they heard a sob. Everyone looked around, before Marinette spotted Ms. Bustier, one hand on her forehead and the other holding a pen as she marked some higher years’ work. Everyone wondered what was on the work to make Ms. Bustier cry.
“Dear god, they are so stupid.” Whispered Ms Bustier, looking at the student’s answers.
Marinette pulled out her phone and sent a text to Michael, ‘Cal needs your help. Something bad just happened.’
Not a minute later, she got a reply ‘Be there in 5.’
True to form, Michael arrived in five minutes and walked over to the desk and spoke with Caline in low tones, before looking at the paper and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Alright, everyone,” Said Michael, getting everyone to look at him, “Who can tell me who William Shakespeare was?”
“He was an English play write who lived between 1564 and 1616.” Said Max, automatically.
“Well, one of the students in the year above you put, a man shaking a spear and selling weed.” Said Michael, making everyone freeze, “You do not know how depressing it is to know that 4th grade students are smarter than 2nd grade students.”
There was a collective wince from the class as the news sunk in and Ms. Bustier dissolved into a fresh wave of tears.
The school found itself on the business end of a surprise inspection. The inspectors had gone around the school and continuously tutted at the students, teacher and other people in and around the school.
One inspector froze when he saw Chloe Bourgeois openly bully another member of the class, before turning to Ms. Bustier, “Are you really going to allow that to continue?”
Everyone watched as Ms. Bustier handed the inspector a piece of paper.
“So, the reason bullying isn’t punished is because the Principle has kept brushing it under the rug?” Clarified the inspector, frowning at the document.
“Pretty much, we once had a staff member who wasn’t even a week into the job before they were fired because they attempted to give a detention to one of those names.” Explained Ms. Bustier, leaning forwards on her desk.
The inspector frowned and said, “If you’ll excuse me for a minute, please.”
An hour later the art teacher poked his head in and said, “Damocles has just been relieved of his post.”
“What?!” Exclaimed Ms. Bustier, getting to her feet, “How?”
“They confronted him about the issues with his ‘exceptions’ list and found he’d misappropriated school funds.” Said the Art Teacher, as Ms. Mendeleiev walked past.
“What’d he do?” Asked Ms. Bustier, as Michael came up to the room.
“He’s put some of it in his own pocket, and he used the rest to turn his office into a superhero den, complete with hidden rooms and compartments.” Said the Art Teacher as Michael squeezed past.
“They also found evidence of, er, ‘inappropriate’ images of children, on school computers.” Said Michael, as he approached Caline, “After you showed them that list, they interviewed each staff member individually and found grounds to relieve his of his position as principal.”
“You do not know, how happy that makes me feel.” Said Caline, grinning.
 The day after Damocles had been relieved of his post as Principal, all the teachers seemed to gain new life to them. Ms. Bustier was happy to finally give Lila a detention for ‘distracting the class’, it only got better when they finally got phone number for Lila’s mother. Caline thought she should’ve brought popcorn. Lucky for her, Michael was kind enough to provide some.
Michael narrowed his eyes and folded his arms as Marinette introduced Luka to him. He examined the boy, looking him up and down, before looking at Marinette.
“So, he’s the boyfriend?” Said Michael, getting a vehement refusal, making Michael leaned back smirking, “Ah, so this is the gay one.”
Marinette had taken a sip of a drink, which she proceeded to choke on. “MICHAEL!!”
“It’s okay, I get that a lot.” Said Luka, looking at Marinette’s brother, “You’re taller than I thought you’d be.”
“My friend, as you may have observed,” Said Michael, looking down at Luka, “Our father, is a literal, fucking, giant.”
Luka frowned, before nodding.
Marinette rocked back and forth as Michael typed away on the computer.
“If you keep doing that, I’ll start thinking somethings wrong.” Said Michael, making Marinette freeze and look at him.
“Michael,” Asked Marinette, “how long have you known Caline?”
“Since we were in school,” Responded Michael, “we were in the same class, I had a crush on her and was devastated when she started dating someone else, but I chose to support her in whatever made her happy. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that Adrien’s dating Kagami, and I know I should be happy for them, but…” Marinette trailed off.
“But you can’t help but wish you were the one he was in love with.” Finished Michael, looking at her, “Little one, it’s alright to feel those things, it only becomes wrong the moment you start to interfere with their relationship. Give it some time, and perhaps you’ll have your shot again.”
Marinette gave her brother a watery smile, before he crossed the room and pulled her into a hug. Both being unaware of the couple standing outside the door.
“Come on, Nonna’s visiting today.” Said Michael, making Adrien and Kagami hide in a cupboard.
Michael was pacing in the waiting area outside the hospital room.
“Caline’s going to be fine.” Said Sabine, looking up at her son.
“But what if she isn’t?” Asked Michael, his pacing increasing, “She’s been in there for hours, what if somethings gone wrong? What if she’s lost? What if the baby’s lost? What if they’re both lost and all I’ll have of them is the ultrasound photo?”
“Michael, did I ever tell you what your father did when you and your sister were born?” Asked Sabine, making Michael look down at her, “He ran through the hospital, screaming and yelling for doctors because I was screaming, he called for emergency services and, eventually, had to be sedated, but when he woke up and met you and Skye, he practically melted.”
“So, you’re saying we all get our spiralling panic attacks from dad?” Asked Michael, getting a small smile from Sabine.
“You all get so much from your father, and from me.” Said Sabine, placing her hand on Michael’s cheek, “I know you feel like you failed because you weren’t there for Sam and Brianna, but you’re with them now and I know that they are just as worried for Caline as you are.”
Michael smiled slightly, before looking down. Sam and Brianna were with Skye and Nora, while Michelle was being watched by Marinette back at the bakery. Michael’s head jerked up at the sound of a newborn baby crying. Quickly jumping to his feet, Michael made his way over to the doors and looked in through the window. A nurse opened the door, making Michael jump back and nervously grin.
“Congratulations,” Said the Nurse, her face completely straight, “you’re a father.”
Michael looked past the nurse and spotted Caline holding a screaming bundle.
“Can, can I go in?” Asked Michael, nervously.
“As long as you don’t have anything contagious,” Said the Nurse, looking at Michael and then at his mother, “Everything should be fine.”
“We had our temperatures checked when we arrived on the floor.” Said Sabine, gently pushing Michael towards Caline and the baby.
“Cal?” Called Michael, making the red head look up.
Caline smiled and gestured Michael to come closer, carefully positioning the bundle so they could scream at Michael. Michael perched on the edge of the bed, the baby’s screams quietened and two, big, bright blue eyes stared up at Michael.
“Looks like this one is a daddy’s girl.” Said Caline, as the baby continued to stare up at Michael.
Then, out of nowhere, two small sneezes made the couple smile. The baby sneezed for a third time, before looking back at Michael and then at Caline. Soft coos were coming from the baby.
“Are we still going to go with the name we agreed on?” Asked Caline, as the baby continued to stare at them.
“Maman,” Called Michael, getting his mother’s attention, “Come meet Sabine.”
“Why are her eyes so big?” Asked Sam, tilting his head slightly.
“Because a person’s eyes are fully grown when they’re born, dummy.” Said Brianna, folding her arms.
“Then why are there people with really small eyes?” Continued Sam, as baby Sabine cooed up at them.
Michelle stared at her baby sister, before getting up and toddling over to Marinette, while baby Sabine started to try eating her foot.
“What is it with babies and eating themselves?” Asked Toby, before tossing the contents of his shot glass into his mouth.
“Why are you drinking cold coffee out of a shot glass?” Countered Skye, as Michelle returned with a Ourse plushie, sat down and started to doze off.
“What is it with Michael’s kids all being really quiet?” Asked Marinette, making her parents look at each other.
“Marinette,” Said her mother, “All of you were quiet babies, we had to by special baby monitors so we could actually know if any of you were having trouble.”
“I get the sinking feeling that there’s a horrible story coming.” Said Marinette, making her mother sigh.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Said Sabine, watching as baby Sabine’s eyes lit up when Michael trudged in, “Is everything alright?”
“Let’s just say that Caline’s lucky she’s on leave,” Said Michael, rubbing his eyes, “the schools had to get the police involved in what we thought was a minor internal issue.”
“What issue?” Asked Caline, as she returned from the toilet.
“Can’t say, because there are little ears about.” Said Michael, subtly gesturing to the small children and Marinette.
“Hey.” Protested Marinette, as Toby ushered her and the children from the room. Toby returned a minute later.
“They’re in Marinette’s room,” Said Toby, unaware of the Kwami floating under the sofa, “and there’s a movie on, so they’ll be entertained for a few hours.”
“We found a fuck ton of child pornography on a staff member’s computer.” Said Michael, groaning as he sat up, “Damocles wanted it to be dealt with quietly, however, at that point I’d already contacted the police.”
“Missed being in the uniform that much, huh?” Teased Toby, getting a glare from Michael.
“We’re still going through the folders, but we’ve already unearthed enough for the police to take it off our hands.” Said Michael, as his phone went off, “Ugh, what now?”
Michael answered the phone and all traces of tiredness vanished, “You what? Right, right, I’ll tell them.”
Michael hung up and looked around, “Okay, bad news first, they found evidence that Marinette was molested amongst the files, on a lighter note, Damocles has been arrested because they found he’d been backing up the pictures individually to his personal computer.”
There was a tense silence.
“When they say ‘molested’ do they actually mean ‘raped’?” Asked Skye, after a moment. Michael was silent, making Skye snarl, “Where is he?”
“They didn’t say.” Said Michael, as his twin started pacing.
“But we could find him, right, like we did with Li.” said Skye, rubbing her forehead.
“Skye, the reason none of us were prosecuted for Li was that they never found him.” Said Toby, making Caline frown.
“Who’s Li?” Asked Caline, making everyone freeze.
Michael opened his mouth, before freezing. He placed a finger to his lips and quietly made his way over to the door, upon reaching it, he pulled the door open, making Adrien and Kagami tumble into the room.
“What the hell are you two doing here?!” Snarled Michael, grabbing Adrien’s collar and pushing him against the wall, Skye doing the same with Kagami.
“W-we came to see Marinette.” Stuttered Adrien, as Michael glared at him.
“How much did you hear?” Growled Michael, before he heard a shuffling sound by the steps leading up to Marinette’s room.
“I heard enough.” Said Marinette, sitting curled up on one of the steps.
Michael and Skye froze, before the former sighed, “Marinette, go to Maman and Papa’s room please.”
Marinette went without a word, leaving Michael and Skye to deal with Adrien and Kagami. Michael set Adrien down, before glancing at his mother. Sabine understood his silent question and followed Marinette, as Michael started pacing around the room.
“Well, that was a fuck-up in a dixie.” Said Michael, running a hand down his face.
“No kidding.” Muttered Toby, as Tom started making some tea.
“Who’s Li?” Asked Adrien, making everyone look at him and Kagami.
“If we don’t tell you, you’re going to ask Marinette, aren’t you?” Questioned Skye, folding her arms across her chest.
“If we need to.” Said Kagami, her voice cold.
“You do that, and I’ll rip your spine out and strangle you with it.” Snapped Toby, his nails growing and sharpening.
“I doubt we’ll need to resort to violence.” Uttered Michael, looking at the two, “If we tell you, you must never speak of it.”
“Depends on what it is.” Said Kagami, glaring at Michael.
Michael glanced around the room, his eyes going to each person, before they settled on his father. Tom nodded but did not look happy about it.
“For three years, starting when Marinette was five,” Said Michael, his tone flat, “our uncle, Li Cheng, molested and raped her. When the family found out, we tore him apart. We don’t know how, but the authorities never found his remains.”
“Shortly after that, we came across an old man with a… unique music box,” Continued Skye, looking at her knees, “We don’t know how, but we found out that he had something that help suppress the memories. It’s why Marinette can’t speak, or understand, Chinese. It blocked off a major part of her memories, we never pushed the matter because we couldn’t risk the barricade breaking and having the girl that we all came to know, and love die at the hands of her own memories.”
Caline, Adrien and Kagami sat in shocked silence. The confession changed their view on everyone in the room. A cracking sound drew their attention to Tom, a broken cup in his hand with blood dripping onto the work surface. Skye sighed and got up to treat the wound, as Michael collapsed into a chair.
“W-what happens now?” Asked Adrien, looking around.
“Since Maman is explaining what happened to Marinette,” Said Toby, his voice hollow, “we have to clean up the remains of the barricade as best as we can.”
“We don’t actually know what’ll happen,” Corrected Michael, looking at his brother, “for all we know, Marinette will bounce back. But the reverse is also true, Marinette could be destroyed, and a different person takes her place.”
Michael’s ear twitched, he could hear sobbing. He doubted that it was his mother crying.
The next week, Marinette seemed to be a shell of herself. Adrien had asked if it was alright if Alya knew, Michael just said, “That’s up to Marinette.”
The following weeks slowly turned into months, and Michael found himself leaning against the wall as the school broke for summer. Michael carefully watched Marinette leave with her friends, he didn’t know if Marinette told Alya, but the two seemed to be closer. He often found Marinette cuddled up with her friends at any one time, so far, it had been five. He trusted Luka, Nino and Alya, he wasn’t sure about Adrien and Kagami.
Michael frowned when he spotted Lila approaching the group but smirked when the Italian tripped over a chair leg.
“I really shouldn’t laugh,” Said Caline, balancing baby Sabine in her arms, “but I wish that was caught on camera.”
“It’s against the law, remember?” Joked Michael, as everyone looked down at Lila.
“I was talking about the security camera.” Caline pointed to the small, black orb that sat in the top corner of the room.
“Oh, I forgot about that one.” Smirked Michael, as Marinette and her friends vanished through the door.
“I don’t see how, you installed it.” Remarked Caline, as Sabine started whining because her mother had stopped bouncing her.
Marinette rolled over and looked at the alarm clock, it was slowly ticking down to the time the alarm would go off. Normally, she’d get up and silence the alarm before it sounded, but she currently had a mod of blond hair pinning her arm down to her mattress. Marinette froze when she heard a snuffling sound. A red furred Labrador Retriever peaked over the edge of the bed. The dog gave its best impression of a grin, before barking at them. The cuddle pile jumped as the dog bounced onto the bed and started licking Marinette to death.
“Bridgette, no, why?” Whined Marinette, as the dog dropped herself down on top of Marinette.
Bridgette’s tail wagged harder, before a particularly loud bark, waking a small black cat hiding away on one of Marinette’s shelves. The cat jumped and hissed at the dog, while Marinette tried to wrangle the overgrown puppy off her bed. The cat jumped down and landed on Adrien’s lap. Felix glared at Bridgette and settled himself down on Adrien and started purring. The rest of the group slowly became aware of what was happening.
“Why couldn’t your brother get you some normal pets?” Asked Kagami, glaring at the two animals.
“A cat and dog are normal.” Said Alya, stretching her back.
Kagami glared harder and continued to grumble as Bridgette jumped off the bed and bounded out of the room. Adrien slowly got to his feet, carefully adjusting the cat in his arms as he followed after the dog, Nino and Alya following soon after.
“I’m not going to be able to get back to sleep, am I?” Asked Marinette, her arm covering her eyes.
“No.” Said Luka, before grabbing the covers and pulling them off, “Time to wake up, Mike and Celine are bringing their kids over today.”
Marinette whined and rolled over. That whine turned into a squeal as Kagami grabbed her and hauled her into her arms and started carrying her to the door.
“Nooo, I don’t wanna wake up.” Whined Marinette, dramatically struggling as Kagami princess carried her out of the room.
“If we’re lucky, none of the Kwami’s woke up.” Muttered Luka, nervously glancing at a doll house situated in the corner of the room. A loud snore came from Plagg’s room. Luka sighed in relief and followed Kagami and Mainette after the others.
“Fucking cat, trying to steal my camembert.” Drooled Plagg, kneading a cushion in his sleep.
14 notes · View notes
Jumpstart Chapter 3
This is getting a lot of my attention. I really have no clue what started this Jack/Skye kick, but someone tell Kulkum we’re ready for another chapter of Savage Dark. I think that will cure my obsession :).
The music was soft and lights dim, a romantic hue being cast over the reception hall. The Arctic todd clinked his scotch glass with his wife’s wine glass before turning back to the dance floor. The smile he had given his wife melted and became slightly sad and disappointed when he turned his blue eyes towards the dance floor. There, his little vixen was wrapped in the arms of the last mammal he would have chosen for her. And he had given it several shots throughout the years.
Daniel Frost remembered the day his nine year old daughter had brought her new friend over after school. At first he felt pride. His daughter had not only taken his words to heart but had gone out her way to unalienate the new kit in her class. He had called into work for the day to catch up on house repairs, and was finishing up repainting the kitchen when Skye came home from school with Jack. Standing at the sink, rinsing the paint roller, his ears perked at the sound of the door opening. A glance at the clock and he figured who it could be.
“Welcome home, sweetie! I’m in the kitchen!” 
He set the roller aside to scrub his paws, only to pause at the sound of two sets of footsteps. Mixed with an unfamiliar male scent, his daddy instincts kicked in. Turning around, he was greeted by his Skye and an unfamiliar rabbit kit. The most ridiculous, little rabbit kit he had ever seen. 
“Hi, Daddy!” greeted his little vixen happily. She put an arm around the small buck, who looked up at him with a shy smile, and gestured between the two males. “This is my friend Jack! He’s in my class. Jack, this is my dad.”
With eyes that took up most of his face and ears that were nearly as big as he was, the rabbit took a breath and stepped forward. Daniel blinked down at him and his tiny, outstretched paw. Combined with the dark stripes framing his face and running down his arms, it was a lot to take in. Fortunately, his astonishment lasted only a mere moment before he shook it off to accept the pawshake.
Such a formal, serious, weird little thing, he thought.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jack,” he said out loud, with a smile. Jack smiled back, his large teeth distracting him for a moment. 
“Pleasure to meet you, too, Mr. Frost.” 
Fantastic manners, though.
“Can Jack stay over for a while?” Skye asked, clasping her paws together in a pleading manner. “Please? I don’t have any activities today and Jack said he can help me with my math homework.”
“And I could really use Skye’s help with our vocabulary homework.”  
Both kits looked up at him, Skye’s big blue eyes combined with Jack’s hitting him in a very unfair manner. Daniel looked from one to the other and saw no harm in saying:
“Sure! Go get started on your homework and I’ll get a snack ready for you two.” 
Watching with bemusement as they grinned and darted to the living room, he thought about what an odd pair they made. Giving a final shake of his head, he chuckled, happy that his daughter had made a new friend. And knowing she was willing to risk her reputation to stick up for others made him proud as hell. The few times he had met that skunk had been less than pleasant, so he wouldn’t be sad if she was out of his daughter’s friend circle. But kids changed a lot as they grew up, so who knew how long a friendship with a bunny buck would last.
“I give it a month, tops,” he muttered with a smile. 
Cutting up some veggies and making a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he set everything onto plates just as the door opened again. 
“Hi, Honey! Hi, Jenny Benny!” 
His wife called back a greeting, followed by his youngest and echoed by Skye from the living room. Both plates were gathered up while his ears picked up sounds of his daughter introducing Jack to her mother and little sister. Daniel was secretly glad Marie was staying the night at her friend's house. She wouldn’t be able to stop herself from making snarky comments. He passed his wife on the way to the living room, the vixen giving him an odd look as she went by. It confused him for a moment until the reason became all too clear. 
Skye and Jack were set up at the coffee table, workbooks, papers, and pencils spread out. Jack stood over Skye, who had remained seated, and explained the math problem to her, totally and completely in his daughter’s space. The young vixen was happily unbothered by it. She elbowed him, her own father, away on a regular basis due to her love of space. Jenny sat on the other side of the table with her own little workbooks (courtesy of the first grade), watching her sister and this new… friend with stunned curiosity. Daniel was immediately put off by how close the pair were but kept his mouth shut.
“Here you go, you two.” He set the plates down in front of them and received a pair of smiles and thank yous in return. Unease filled him when his daughter passed Jack half of one sandwich before taking the other.
Skye NEVER shares food! 
“I’ll bring one out for you, too, Jenny Benny,” he assured his youngest, his eyes still on the odd pair, now working and munching. 
“She can have this one, Daddy,” Skye offered, looking over at Jack, who smiled at the younger vixen and passed her the other plate. To Daniel’s astonishment, Jenny blushed and giggled, accepting it with a shy smile at the rabbit buck.
“Ooookay,” Daniel backed away slowly as the kits settled into their homework and snacks. He finally turned away when he reached the kitchen just as his wife Abigail was tying an apron on.
“Perfect timing,” she began with a smile, scooping up another and throwing it at him. “I need someone to peel the veggies.”
He caught it without a word, amazed at how undisturbed his wife was. All he could was gape as she started about the kitchen to make dinner. She paused, though, once she realized he was still staring at her in disbelief. 
“What?” she asked with concern.
“Are you kidding me?” he asked. Glancing towards the living room, he got closer and lowered his voice. “What the hell is going on out there?”
Abby’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?” His paws gestured towards the room, approximately where Jack and Skye were working. She snorted in amusement. “Danny, come on. They’re kits. We raised a daughter who is so sweet and charming, she can put a bunny at ease. And let me tell you now, that kit looks like he needs some good friends.”
“And a hell of a personality,” Danny muttered under his breath. Abby snorted and gave him a light slap while chuckling. 
“Just give it time,” his wife assured. “Kits outgrow friends all the time. Jack only recently transferred to this school and he just needs to break out of his shell. Skye’s great at helping others fit in! Once he finds his place in school, he and Skye will go their separate ways. Trust me! I’ll be very surprised if they’re still talking this time next year.”
“I can’t believe you’re not in ANY of my classes!” Skye stared down in disbelief at Jack’s school schedule. They sat in Skye’s family kitchen, tucked away in the bay window seat, the pair looking properly discouraged. Jack shook his head at Skye’s schedule in his paws.
“This is so unfair. Our first year of high school and they expect us to not be together? We even have different lunch hours! That’s sick!” Skye nodded in agreement before looking up when Jack snapped his fingers decisively. “I think I can get Trent to change it for me.” Skye beamed at him hopefully and Jack grinned at her. “He owes me a favor after I covered him on Mom’s birthday present. Mom would have killed him if she found out how much he spent on it!”
“She looked so good in that dress, though.” Skye scooted closer to him and put the schedules together. “I might be able to convince my parents to fix mine, too!” Her chin moved to rest on his shoulder as the pair debated and argued and negotiated on how things could be rearranged. 
Daniel sat at the breakfast bar with a coffee in paw and a plate of fresh eggs and toast in front of him, his eyes glued on the duo. Jack was a frequent visitor in the mornings and afternoons, whereas Skye was usually found at his house on the weekends. Both felt Jack’s was too crowded to spend vast quantities of time at. Marie sat next to Danny, phone to her ear, jabbering away and oblivious to the resigned look her father had. Abby came to stand beside him, sipping from her own cup and gazing at the pair with her own brand of disbelief. 
“She can’t possibly think we’re going to change her schedule to fit her friend in,” he whispered to her. He met her eyes, hers just as troubled as his. “Can she?”
They exchanged shrugs before looking over at them again. 
“You both are in some serious denial,” came the voice of their youngest.
Jenny had entered the kitchen and bounced over to the stove to help herself to breakfast, Marie tuning in to briefly nod her head in agreement before jabbering away again. Everyone looked over to the pair when they started laughing with each other. Marie pulled the phone from her ear and pressed it to her chest to address her parents.
“Those two,” she pointed one perfectly manicured claw between Skye and Jack, who were grinning at each other, “are going to be together forever.”
“Get used to it,” confirmed Jenny as she sat on the remaining stool with her food.
Danny and Abby looked back at their daughter and her friend. 
Skye had blossomed- as Danny knew she would- getting taller and more willowy like her mother, and just as beautiful. She had those sparkling eyes that could melt even the coldest heart and a smile that welcomed anyone and everyone. Jack, however, had remained small and out of proportion. His ears and front teeth were still comically too big, and he had barely grown at all. 
Until that summer.
One moment, he was just the nerdy, little bunny that his daughter insisted on spending her time with. The next, he was only slightly shorter than Skye, his mouth growing around his teeth and ears growing into the rest of him. His face, once dominated by his eyes and stripes, now began to wear them as a compliment to the rest of his features. He still had the air of an awkward teen (his body had grown longer, leaving him lanky in the arms and legs, with no real muscle structure to compliment it, yet), but the todd knew it wouldn’t last forever. 
It was only a small comfort that Skye hadn’t noticed yet.
Jack balanced a stack of boxes as he followed Danny down the hall. Young students of all species rushed past them, most with parents trailing behind. Around them, joy and anxiety circling the first year of college radiated. It was an emotional day for everyone. Especially parents who were going to be apart from their babies for the first time ever.
“In here, guys!” Skye’s voice called out. 
Both males turned into the dorm room, greeted by Skye, who was setting up her side of the room with her mother. Abby smiled at them as she reached for the boxes her husband was carrying, though it became an eyeroll when her daughter ignored her father’s outstretched arms to approach Jack instead, relieving him of the boxes. The two teens smiled happily at each other while she set the stack on the floor next to them and embraced her friend. Jack closed his eyes and hugged her back fiercely. 
“Thank you so much for helping, Jackie,” she muttered.
“I hate that name,” he protested with a sad smile. “And don’t thank me too much. You’re helping me move next weekend, remember.”
Skye loosened her grip and Danny smiled expectantly, re-raising his arms to accept a hug from her. But his face fell when she just held Jack at arms length and smiled at him sadly.
“But this is the first time we’re not going to have any classes together.” She sniffled and blinked away tears. “Or live next to each other!”
 Jack’s eyes became misty as Danny and Abby rolled theirs. 
“I know,” he choked out. “But if you start crying, then I’m going to cry, and if I start crying, you’re going to tell Josie and then I owe her thirty bucks and I don’t have that kind of money, Skye!”
She gave a small, watery laugh and hiccup as she tried to compose herself. “I would say, ‘I would never’, but you know me too well.”
He laughed, too, pulling her back in for another hug. It was a long one, one that the parents were going to interrupt before they finally broke apart and wiped away their tears. 
“Okay,” began Jack, backing away with a sad smile. “Like a band-aid!” He gave her a wave and smile, before seeming to realize Danny and Abby were still there. His ears tinged pink but he still gave them a parting farewell. “Great seeing you two, Mr. and Mrs. Frost.” His eyes moved back to Skye. He held his paw up to his ear in a phone sign. “Call me later?”
“Definitely,” she assured with a nod. Jack grinned at her and gave her a thumbs up before turning to leave. He rushed out the door, past a pair of bunny does who gave him interested looks he didn’t notice. Skye did, however, and glowered at them unconsciously until they passed by; only then did she remember her parents were still there.
“Thank you, guys.” With tears still in her eyes, she moved to hug her mother and father. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” her mother mumbled, burying her nose into her daughter’s head fur. 
She still has that new baby smell, Abby thought sadly.
“Anything for you, princess,” Danny said gruffly. He squeezed a bit tighter and looked to where Jack had vanished. “And don’t forget-” Skye pulled away to look up at her father expectantly. “College is not just about grades and academics. It’s about meeting new mammals. Experiencing different cultures. Making new friends.” Skye blinked up at him. “Meeting new mammals.” He grinned down at her only to be gifted with a look of confusion from Skye and a small kick from Abby.
“Ooookay then…” his daughter said, backing away. 
“Okay then!” Abby pulled away and clapped her paws together. She gave her daughter a final smile and hooked her arm through Danny’s. “We love you. Please be safe and call us if you need us.”
After Skye agreed, the Frosts gave her a final goodbye and left. The door closed behind them and they began the walk back to the car.
“This is the year, right?” asked Danny with a hint of worry.
Abby simply smiled and shook her head. “Nope.”
He looked down in alarm at her. “What makes you say that? It’s college! She’s bound to meet a TON of new mammals.”
“And she will,” Abby agreed. Her eyes looked up at Danny. “But Marie was right.” She sighed heavily. “Those two will be together forever.”
Danny groaned. 
“That’s what I thought.”
“I think I claimed that apartment first,” Skye argued with a grin. Jack shook his head in disagreement. This was their latest ‘argument’.
“Considering I viewed the apartment first,” he countered, grinning at her eye roll and playful slap to his arm, “and have already signed the paperwork, I get first dibs.” 
Skye leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Danny tried to not growl at their closeness, opting instead to drink deeply from the glass in his paw. Abby smiled at her husband and refilled his wine when he was done. The todd smiled his thanks before turning away from his middle child, towards his oldest in her wedding dress, greeting tables with her new husband. The handsome todd was positively radiating happiness, but the newlywed’s love for each other seemed to be dimmed by the pair next to him.
When Marie had sent out her wedding invites, the Frosts were eagerly hoping their middle daughter would find a proper date. But neither were surprised when Marie paw delivered Skye’s invite on a day Jack was joining them for breakfast and announced she expected both to show up. Skye was a bridesmaid and Jack a groomsmale, Sam (Marie’s fiance) having been a contractor who had worked with him at Jack’s lab. The bunny was the reason the couple had met. Neither Marie nor Sam had thought twice about including them on the same invite. 
And Jack and Skye hadn’t thought twice about it either.
Danny had pretended to be resigned to the fact that his Skye and Jack were a permanent feature the day he dropped her off at college. But that was so it made it more natural to introduce her to any and every todd he met, any chance he got. A few times, she had even agreed to a meal with one or two, which made him optimistic. Only for the follow up to disappoint every time. Her relationship with the rabbit confused him, to say the least. They were always together, they carried each other’s scents, practically shared living spaces, yet had never announced their relationship to their families. 
As far as Danny knew, Jack’s parents had not spoken to him about his perpetual bachelorhood. Nor about his relationship with his daughter. Danny got the impression they didn’t care one way or the other and the times they had gotten together with the Eairs-Savage clan, the rabbit couple only seemed to encourage it. As his fellow bunnies were settling down, Jack stayed by Skye’s side. Danny had heard he had a doe from time to time (which made the todd confusingly upset), but nothing that had been enough to derail his relationship with his daughter.
With every passing year, they’re relationship grew stronger.
And then, the day Daniel Frost had been fearing since Skye first brought him home at nine years old, when Skye showed up with Jack for dinner at their house. That was not an unusual occurrence. But his arm around her shoulders and her paw on his leg combined with the occasional nuzzle, elevated things to a whole new level.
After an enjoyable meal filled with the usual laughter and chatter, it was more than obvious they had finally transcended ‘just friends’. Daniel thought the news about Officers Hopps and Wilde getting married may have been the reason behind it. Which was a pity, because Danny remembered Nick Wilde from when he was in high school and had hoped to set Skye up, somehow. Marie, her husband, and their two kits had been visiting, and Jenny had come up from graduate school with her new partner to join them. As always, Jack charmed the vixens, bonded with Sam, and doted on the kits. But this time, Skye looked on with a naked look of love.
He could handle Jenny coming home with a vixen and declaring her love for her. His tongue was held when Marie had told him they were homeschooling their children and moving to the country for a more simple life. It was not his life they were living, after all. He even grinned and bared it when his wife decided to rent out their free rooms to travelers for extra cash. 
But he was entirely unprepared for his daughter, his little genius and prodigy, to lean into the rabbit buck she had spent the last twenty five with and kiss him. She kissed his lips and he returned it with equal love and devotion. A small quiet fell over the dinner table. Considering this was the first time either had been intimately demonstrative of their relationship, it was understandable. 
“I love you,” Skye told him, thumbing away a smudge of lip gloss from his bottom lip. Jack’s blue eyes drank in every detail of her face.
“I love you, too.” She beamed at him before realizing they had captured the family’s attention. Together, they blushed and laughed, the night carrying on after a moment.
Later, after the plates had been cleared and leftovers stored away, the females had branched away to visit with each other, leaving Daniel with Sam and Jack. The trio moved into the living room, Danny trying to drag out the boring conversation he was trapped in with Michael to avoid Jack’s questioning gaze in his direction. The buck sat at the piano and played a bit while waiting for an opening to jump in. It was to the older todd’s dismay that his son-in-law excused himself for the restroom, leaving him alone with the bunny for the first time since he was a child.
Jack continued to play the melody he had chosen, looking over to Danny with a grin.
“This is our favorite song to play together,” he explained. His finger’s moved across the keys with skill and grace. “Skye loves this part, right here,” he smiled and closed his eyes as the complicated notes echoed around them. The buck smiled, his eyes still closed. “I’ve been practicing for years and she can still play circles around me.” His eyes opened as the piece started to wind down. But the smile remained. “She’s way too good for me. But…” He played the final notes, pausing his fingers on the keys to let the sound play out. Once it faded, he lifted his paws and smiled again at the todd in his chair.
“I guess I’m a pretty lucky guy.”
Jack gulped and stood from his seat. He strode over to where Danny sat, the todd’s jaw set and eyes narrowed with suspicion. His blue eyes looked up at the handsome, successful buck in front of him, remembering the odd, almost ugly little kit he had once been, and braced himself.
“Mr.Frost,” Jack started after clearing his throat. “I love your daughter. I think I’ve loved her ever since the day I met her. She’s the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing, smartest mammal I have ever known. And I don’t want to spend another moment without her knowing I’m hers.” Jack shrugged. “For the rest of my life. I was hoping you would give me your blessing to ask her to marry me.”
Daniel Frost took a sip of his drink to gather his thoughts. 
“No,” he said simply.
The way it was said, without hesitation or thought, had the buck blinking in response, obviously thrown by his answer. Jack opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off.
“My daughter can do better than you, Jack,” Daniel continued, his lips becoming more pursed with every sip of his drink. “And I’m happy to bide my time waiting for that day to come.” With a grin, he reached down to release the footstool on the recliner and gave a satisfied sigh when he reclined back and settled in. “I know tons of todds who would be a better match for her.” He gave the rabbit a smug look and shrugged. “It’s just a matter of time until she meets someone better.” A wink was tipped to Jack over the rim of his glass. “So, don’t get too comfortable, Stripes.”
The younger male gave him a look of disbelief before opening his mouth to argue.
“Asking you is just a formality.”
Both males jumped and looked over to the living room entryway. Skye stood, looking at her father with angry eyes. Behind her, Abby gave her husband a sympathetic look. Danny lowered the footrest and stood from his seat.
“Now, sweetheart,” he started, the paw not holding his drink out stretched, “I’m just looking out for you. You’re young, brilliant, and beautiful. Do you really want to waste your best years with a rabbit?” Her eyes widened at him but her father wasn’t done. “What about kits? Do you think you’d be able to start a family with him?” He saw Jack’s expression fall out of the corner of his eye and fought off the guilt. “I won’t let you throw your life away for someone who won’t be able to give you the life you deserve. And you deserve a husband who can provide for you and give you children and with whom you can grow old with.”
Skye’s eyes were filled with tears, but she nodded before turning her gaze to Jack. Jack’s own tears fell freely as his paws fiddled with the box in his paws. Daniel hadn’t noticed him pulling it from his pocket when he stood from the piano.
“If we gross you out so badly, Dad, you may want to look away.” Skye stepped closer to Jack and grinned, still teary eyed.
“Jack,” she got down on one knee and took his free paw, pulling her own ring box from her jean’s pocket, “I love you, so, so much. And the idea of not being yours for the rest of our lives sucks.” Both mammals laughed, Jack gripping her paw and bending to kiss it. “You’re my best friend, my confidant, my partner.” She gently tugged her paw free to open her ring box, Jack sob laughing at the sight of the silver ring hidden inside. It was removed and his left paw taken up for the ring to be slipped onto his finger. “ Jack Edmond Savage, love of my life. Will you marry me?”
Danny’s jaw dropped and his eyes went to his daughter on her knee, to his family watching with happy astonishment from the hall. Jack laughed through his tears of happiness and nodded, joining her on his own knees. His ring box was opened, Skye gifting him with a gasp of joy at the tasteful, vintage ring inside. He took her paw again and slipped it onto her finger with a smile.
“Yes, Skye Abigail Frost,” they exchanged looks of pure love, paws now clasped together, “I will marry you.”
There was no further discussion, Daniel realizing there was nothing he could do but sit with his mouth agape as his daughter embraced her new fiance. His wife, daughters, and their partners impatiently waited for the chance to congratulate the couple. 
Which brought him to this moment. 
The second moment he had been dreading since the day his little vixen brought that odd, awkward, unfortunate looking little rabbit kit home. 
His daughter was marrying a rabbit. 
He walked her down the aisle to the buck, whose eyes were alight with happiness at the sight of his bride. And Danny knew he was wrong. He wasn’t happy about it, but as he reluctantly released his daughter’s paw and stepped aside for Jack, he knew their lives were made for this moment. The disaster he had hoped for, never happened. They were together, for richer or poorer. In sickness and in health. It only made Skye and Jack’s bond stronger. Danny was used to it by Christmastime, when his wife opened the door to the happy couple. In his opinion, their relationship had desensitized himself from a lot of things life threw at him.
But not the positive pregnancy test the couple had gifted them for the holiday.
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alexboehm55144 · 3 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 37 - Priority Objective
"Our intelligence from ZIA assets indicates the coastal fortress is heavily guarded," Jack said. He pointed to a projected picture of massive concrete Chinese fortifications on a steep cliffside. There was also a map of the Yellow Sea and Bohai sea between China and Korea. "It's located on the Shandong Peninsula in eastern China, near Korea. You can see here, there's a lot of guns and barriers in place. Now moving on to the next slide... Haida, next slide, please."
"Zzz.... huh? Oh, sorry!" The hyena said, sitting up in his chair at a table in the briefing room. He pressed a key on the laptop in front of him. The slide on the projector advanced towards a picture of Chinese troopers clad in unique faded light green / gray camouflage uniforms, along with face paint.
"As you can see, the fortress is partly guarded by an elite detachment of Chinese oriental swords. Special forces soldiers, highly trained and well equipped. There's also rumors of an elite Chinese operative on sight."
"Well, we've fought well-equipped forces before and came out on top!" Laval said, sparking a few chuckles from the assembled heroes. "Elite soldiers, they're no match for us!"
"Don't get cocky, Laval. You got a blood lust or something." Toothdee said before Jack continued.
"We will be assaulting the fortress with US navy elements. The priority objective is to break through the outer defenses, get inside the fortress, and disable its gun emplacements. This will not only neuter the fortress but also protect our ships in the bay. Those guns are our priority objectives. Alex, I understand you managed to secure some reinforcements for us that could help?"
"That's correct." The captain said, standing up. "The US's ally of Canada has generously donated 2 squadrons of CF-18 Hornet fighters to the operation. Along with a team of JTF-2 commandos."
"Alright, that should be of great help. After our strike, we will fall back to a helicopter extraction outside the fortress, leaving the structure broken. This is a large attack to knock out a key Chinese facility before falling back. However, also have a secondary objective."
Alex sat back down while Jack once again woke up Haida to advance to the next slide.
"As you can see here..." the ZIA agent said, highlighting a picture of what appeared to be files, charts, diagrams, and maps labeled as top secret. "There are vital Chinese war plans on-site that would be of great use to the ZIA and the US military. However, we must move quickly. No doubt Chinese personnel will try to destroy the plans."
Captain Boehm once again took over speaking.
"Kion, Nick, and Judy, you are with me. Jasiri, Toothdee, Laval, Eris, JayJay, you'll be providing support to US forces. Haida, Retsuko, Jack, and Skye will be providing overwatch and comms support. Fabienne, I presume you will be filming from a relatively safe distance?"
"That's correct." The snow leopard responded. "Also, would some of you guys mind doing an interview with me about the war effort at some point?"
"Alright, if anyone here is interested, set up a time to meet with Fabienne. Then, back to the mission, please refer to the printed packets if you have any questions."
There were a few shuffling noises as some of the heroes in the room looked through the paper packets they had received in the briefing room. Each bundle of papers contained pictures of the fortress, along with related intelligence and tactics.
"In the event, resistance is too strong, the marines have assured me they have elite units on standby that we can call in if such a situation arises. Including flame troopers and close combat units. They will assist if we can't punch through defenses. This is a vital strike on Chinese soil, the coast of China itself. Let's make sure we don't disappoint."
"You think the typhoon will be safe?" Judy asked.
"I mean, it's not exactly at the center of the battle," Kion said. "It's in the back providing support."
"Yeah, there's plenty of US forces between it and the Chinese," Alex said.
"But there is nothing between the US and the Chinese right now," Nick said, as the amphibious APC they were in shook when an artillery shell landed in the water nearby.
"This is a cut above normal ZPD operations."
"Yep, this is more action than most officers normally see." Judy chimed in.
"Well, sometimes protecting Zootopia means going beyond the city."
"Let me just say it's an honor to be your ZPD liaison."
"You've taught Toothdee and I a lot about working in urban environments, handling prisoners, investigation. The honor is all ours."
The APC shook again as it rolled up on a beach near the Chinese fortress.
"Alright, let's do this!" Kion said as Captain Boehm opened the back door to the APC and the warriors inside exited.
The sky was peppered by a few clouds, and more amphibious vehicles rolled onto the beach, along with hovercraft that deployed tanks. Offshore, US warships battled it out with Chinese warships and land-based gun positions. The sounds of gunfire and artillery were a constant ambiance. Chinese forces were dug behind defensive barricades on the beach, with US APCs deploying troops and providing cover.
The team of mammals took cover behind one of the APCs and engaged the dug-in enemy soldiers.
"Alex, Canadian special forces are in support!" Retsuko said, monitoring friendly enemy positions.
Another APC opened up, and troopers with gray/light blue uniforms & a Canadian flag patch on their uniforms piled out and engaged Chinese forces.
However, the enemy troops were still engaging with mounted machine guns.
"Eris could use a bit of support here!" The captain requested.
"On it!" The eagle responded, strafing the Chinese positions with machine-gun fire from her jet, allowing Heroes and their allies to advance.
Kion cut down some PLA troops with his sword, while the lion's friends used their firearms or bow.
Heroes and their Canadian allies entered a bunker on the beach, leading into the fortress. They were met with another squad of Chinese troops moving to defend their position. However, this squad was immediately gunned down with a hail of bullets from the attacking forces.
"Those cannons should be around here somewhere...." Nick said as the team advanced further into the fortress.
"Away team, those guns are hitting our ships hard," Skye said through the radio. "Judging from your insertion point and the emplacement locations, you should head northeast."
"Affirmative." The captain responded.
Heroes and the special forces checked corridors and kept their weapons leveled as they proceeded through the Chinese structure. Sometimes the Canadians tossed an MTN-55 motion sensor, which would detect any PLA forces in the area.
"No hostiles." One of the Canadians said before the team advanced.
Eventually, just as Nick predicted, they came upon the room where the batteries were located, embedded in the side of the fortress. The floors, ceiling, and three walls of the elongated room were made of metal and concrete. The fourth wall was nonexistent. Instead, the fortress exterior was open to the outside. This allowed the artillery guns in the room a pristine view of the sea and warships outside. Only support pillars and safety railings blocked the line of sight for the canons attached to the floor a few feet away from the open wall.
The gun crews were unprepared for enemies forces to appear, allowing the US and CA troops to quickly take down most of the enemy forces.
Kion instantly sliced through a bear that was carrying an ammo crate to one of the cannons.
Nick fired an arrow that was tipped with flammable material, burning a pair of red panda soldiers. Judy, Alex, and the Canadians opened fire with a hail of lead, putting down the gunners and support personnel before they could react.
"Clear!" One of the Canadians yelled, and the team moved upon the guns. Nick fired an arrow tipped with explosives at one of the canons, rendering it inoperable. Alex detonated an ammunition cache near one of the guns. At the same time, the Canadians placed a thermite grenade in the breach of the third canon. By the time they were done, all 3 artillery pieces were down.
Heroes stacked up on the door to the next room and the next group of artillery guns.  
"They might have heard us. Throw a flash grenade." Judy noted, prompting one of the Canadians to toss a flashbang into the next room.
Friendly forces breached the room. Just as expected, the Chinese troops were prepared. Defensive positions taken, weapons aimed at the door, even wild unevolved attack dogs at the ready. But the Flashbang had disoriented everyone, allowing Heroes to sweep in and take out almost the entire Chinese force.
Kion deflected some incoming fire with his sword before charging forward and cutting down a pair of PLA soldiers. Captain Boehm used expert marksmanship to dispatch 2 enemy troopers and 1 attack dog with well-placed headshots. Meanwhile, Judy and the Canadians took down more enemy forces with a hail of gunfire.
Another force of Chinese troopers burst into the room. But their uniforms were faded green in color, rather than the standard dark grey of Chinese uniforms. Some soldiers also had facepaint and headbands on, while everyone carried a weapon that boasted more attachments than average.
"Oriental swords!" Captain Boehm yelled, engaging the incoming special forces troopers, who tossed grenades at the US troops.
Friendly soldiers were instantly fired upon when coming out of cover, making it hard to engage the enemy troopers.
"Ok, these guys are on another level," Nick said.
"They're elite special forces, Nick. What did you think?" The captain said, returning fire.
Kion, filled with confidence and possibly arrogance, charged at one of the enemy troopers with his blade. But the human soldier managed to parry the attack and get into a weapon lock with the young hero.
Kion didn't expect this much resistance, but with a head butt, he stunned the Solider and then ran his blade through her.
Meanwhile, the other heroes and their allies were striking back at the oriental swords. Then, Captain Boehm tossed a grenade that forced the enemies out of cover behind some supply crates, allowing friendly troops to gun them down.
However, before Heroes could move to disable the guns, a group of Chinese rushers troopers armed with shotguns burst into the room, weapons ready. The US and CA troops prepared themselves, but suddenly a stray shell entered the room via the opening on one wall. It impacted near the incoming shotgunners, reducing them to nothing before they could attack.
"Well, that takes care of that," Nick said, looking at what was left of the rushers. "Yuck."
"Hey uh guys, I just got a report about a ship requesting backup from some enemy boats and other ships around it," Haida said via the radio.
"We're on it." Captain Boehm said. "Kion, you load, Nick, you fire, I'll aim. Judy, you keep watch with some of the commandos. The rest of you, man, those other guns!"
"Sir, yes sir!" The Canadian commandos said before some took up positions guarding the room entrances. At the same time, the remaining troopers operated some of the artillery guns.
The captain jumped on one of the canons and looked through the sights out onto the sea. CN and US forces battled it out in the rough seas in front of the fortress.
Warships engaged each other with massive cannons. Small escort vessels darted and weaved around the larger ships like small creatures. Airplanes engaged other aircraft and boats alike as they blazed through the sky.
"Uh... I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to work this thing..." Nick said, looking over the metal machine.
"Just pull that cord there when I tell you too," Alex said, pointing to the object in question.
"This one?"
"Yeah, pull it when I say 'fire.'"
Kion picked up a shell from a nearby ammo crate and loaded it into the breach before closing it. Meanwhile, the captain sighted a US destroyer set upon by a few smaller escort craft and targeted one of the smaller vessels.
Nick pulled the cord, but nothing happened.
"You have to pull it harder!" Kion noted.
The fox obliged, and the gun fired with a deafening blast, knocking Nick off his feet.
"WHOA! Ok, that was something!" Nick said, getting back up.
Captain Boehm watched the shot fly through the air and impact the escort vessel. The small boat exploded in a fireball and shower of debris.
"Direct hit! Get back in position, Nick! We've got a battle to win here!" The captain ordered.
"Well, you don't have to be so rude about it...." Nick teased, taking the firing cord in his paws again as Kion loaded another shell.
The captain targeted another Chinese escort vessel, and it was reduced to rubble by the subsequent shot.
The captain then turned his attention to a small enemy warship and bombarded it with multiple shells. The naval vessel shrugged off the first shot, but it started to show more damage with subsequent strikes. Cracks and indents showed on the vessel's surface, and fire belched from damaged areas. Finally, crewmammals jumped overboard into the sea with life jackets.
"PLAN vessel eliminated. Haida, the destroyer is safe." The captain said into his radio, getting off the artillery piece.
"You know, this reminds me." Kion said, "I've never seen a mouse-sized artillery gun. It must just be a standard-sized gun, right?"
"I've never seen one either. Be ready on the guns in case another ship needs support. Jack, do you read me?"
"Affirmative, go ahead."
"Chinese gun crews are down. Are there any US ships in the bay that require support?"
"That aircraft carrier is taking a bit more of a pounding than it should, but I'm directing friendly forces to assist it. You're clear to go ahead with your secondary objective."
"Roger that. Heroes, Commandos, destroy those guns, and let's move out!"
"Come on! Come on! Push up!" Toothdee yelled.
The US troops she was with followed her command and charged towards CN defensive positions on a grassy outcropping near the fortress.
Just like the beach on the other side of the fortress, PLA troops were dug in with machine guns, guarding a vital supply stash on this side of the citadel.
"Toothdee, I'm here!" JayJay yelled, and the Heroes commander turned to see JayJay approaching her. She was wearing a muted gray and green dress, along with her fur being dyed a very muted shade of blue to reduce its visual impact.
"We need to get you some better gear," Toothdee said, looking over the wolf's not precisely regulation-compliant outfit.
"What? It's camouflaged... I have a bulletproof vest..." JayJay said, tugging on her vest to show it was there "...and Alex always says he likes fashion as well as function."
"Well, he doesn't exactly know what he's talking about in that regard."
"What, you guys wear gold armor half the time. Although now I see that you've put gray camouflage paint over it."
Toothdee looked down at her own chest and shoulder armor. Usually, it was gold in color, but now that color was extremely muted and covered with a gray camouflage pattern painted on.
"That gold color is by design," Toothdee said. "The gold is more recognizable, meaning enemies will fire upon the gold area, as opposed to other less vibrant parts of the body. But that gold section is where the armor is strongest. It's like saying 'shoot me here where my armor is thickest' "
"Oooohhhh..... well, like I said, fashion and function."
"Enough chit-chat. We have to assault this side of the fortress and destroy enemy supplies!"
The pair of mammals moved ahead to where enemy soldiers were engaging US forces. A wolf soldier was struck down by shots from PLA troopers in cover.
"JayJay! Keep them bottled up!" Toothdee yelled, prompting her companion to open fire on the enemy positions, giving Toothdee time to pull the wounded trooper to cover.
A medic checked out the injured wolf while the pair of Heroes advanced on enemy positions. They gunned down any hostile trooper that attempted to return fire.
US troops advanced with them, but the pair of Heroes were leading the charge. As a result, all the PLA soldiers were killed, and the attacking mammals went further through enemy lines. Nevertheless, enemy machine gunners and snipers continued to engage, putting out a hail of bullets.
"Skye, we need some artillery support. Can you get a warship to assist? Sending enemy coordinates."
"I'm on it! One second."
There was a slight delay. The American troops continuing to take cover and return fire at the enemy.
"Get down, strike incoming."
JayJay and Toothdee took cover as shells rained down from above, obliterating the hostile Chinese troops. Dirt and debris flew into the air as PLA troops screamed before being torn to shreds.
The barrage ceased, and Heroes advanced with their US marines, gunning down a few Chinese soldiers who had survived the bombardment and were left disoriented.
"Secure the area! Plant charges on those supplies!" Toothdee yelled, the force moving up to a flattened dirt area that contained a large stockpile of crates and drums underneath camouflage netting.
However, People's Liberation Army reinforcements arrived, attacking prepared positions behind the fortress, located far from the main defensive line.
The large group of enemy troops charged towards the US forces with bayonets. Screaming battle cries, striking with extreme fanaticism and ferocity.
Many American troops were impaled by the furious blades, even as they opened fire on the attacking mammals, gunning down dozens of the attackers.
A Chinese trooper charged towards Toothdee with a bayonet, but she managed to parry and strike the soldier with the butt of her own rifle.
JayJay simply used her expert agility to doge two incoming mammals and land hard melee strikes that knocked them out.
The PLA troops lay dead, their desperate last assault blunted.
"See!" JayJay said, "my outfit didn't hinder me at all, Toothdee!"
"Ugh.." Toothdee said, rolling her eyes. "Troopers! Ready your demolition charges!"
"Is the planning room this way?" Kion asked, slicing through a PLA trooper with his sword.
"According to Jack's ZIA asset, yes," Alex said, plunging his blade into another trooper.
The pair charged forward with their sword, cutting down Chinese troopers in close quarters and deflecting incoming bullets as they cleared the way for their team and advanced through the fortress.
"Shotgunners!" Kion yelled.
The pair of swordsmen ducked, allowing the Canadian soldiers and ZPD members to fire over their heads and down the hostile troopers. Shotguns were nigh impossible to deflect against.
"Away team, based on footage from your body cams, you're nearing the HQ room," Jack said through the radio. "Next door on the left."
"Affirmative Jack," captain Boehm said, "Heroes, JTF-2, stack up on that door."
The allied forces took up ready positions on the door before Kion kicked it open, and they charged into the war room.
Chinese commanding officers and personnel were busy going over maps on a central table and computer screens displaying tactical information. The officers in the room drew pistols and attempted to fire back at the incoming Heroes but were quickly downed.
Kion parried and cut down an oriental sword on guard near the door before turning his attention to another advancing trooper with an assault rifle.
Nick fired a precise trio of arrow shots, taking down 3 of the officers in the room who were trying to abscond with the items on the war table.
Captain Boehm sliced through an oriental sword on guard before advancing on a Chinese commanding officer. He knocked away her pistol and slammed her face into a computer monitor on a desk.
But then the captain noticed something on another computer monitor on a desk. A human with a sword, cutting through what appeared to be US soldiers holding a position outside the fortress. It only took a few seconds to realize that it was his counterpart.
Anger built inside the captain, seeing the last villain they had to defeat, the being that shared his name and face and was wreaking so much destruction. Nothing would stop him from putting an end to his counterpart's rampage.
While Alex was distracted, an enemy soldier charged at him, but Judy performed a dropkick, knocking the attacker out.
"Clear! Secure those plans!" One of the commandos said before another commando moved over to the war table and started to grab all the maps and documents on it, stuffing them into a secure, watertight, and armored case.
"Alex? What is it?" Judy asked.
The captain gestured to the computer screen and slid a chair over to Judy. The rabbit hopped up on the chair and took a look at the screen.
"Oh... I see now." The bunny said, her ears drooping.
"We have to go after my counterpart. He's the last dark version of us that's still out there."
"Yes!" Kion said, agreeing with his friend. "Let's go get him and finish those dark heroes off once and for all!"
The lion banged his knuckles together.
"What? Kion, Alex, we're here for the war maps and papers. Not to chase down your counterpart."
"Come on, Judy, Alex's counterpart is the last villain we need to defeat! So we have to go get him! He's a vital target!"
"I'm with carrots," Nick said, "knowledge is power. Let's complete our assignment and then go find tall, dark, and evil another day."
"Then let's split up." Alex said, "Kion and I will give chase. You two secure the plans."
"I wouldn't recommend that, sir." One of the Canadians said, "This is a dangerous Chinese facility swarming with hostiles. Splitting up could be disastrous, and there's no guarantee you would be able to extract."
"Look, Alex...." Judy said. "You are our leader, Nick, and I will gladly follow you, but our mission was to get those documents. We have them. Let's make sure we get them somewhere safe."
"As a leader, I can't ignore the sensibilities of those I lead. I'm not gonna force you to follow me."
"Well, then it looks like we're tied," Nick said.
The captain turned to the commandos.
"You guys are the tie-breaking votes."
There was a few moments of discussion between the commandos.
"Our mission is to secure the war plans, sir. We side with the rabbit." The Canadian leader said.
"Alright, we're outvoted, Kion. Reload and prepare to move to the extraction point."
Nick and Judy took up point this time, starting to lead the group back outside the fortress. Alex and Kion serving as rear guards.
The lion turned off his body camera and radio microphone and gestured for captain Boehm to do the same, which he did.
"If you ask me, I say we should be going after your counterpart right now. I mean, who's more of a threat than that!"
"I'm with you." The captain said, "Out of respect for Nick and Judy, we'll get the intelligence out of here. But if I had my way, we would be pursuing my counterpart right now."
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter twenty-four: i’ve been missing you, it’s true
A/N: wow... it has been so LONG since i posted OTLS. sorry about that, i just needed a break from this story. i also needed to plan out how the rest of the story is going to play out, and i think i’m almost there. but anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter! sorry it’s a bit short, but i’m gonna try to post the next chapter next week at some point. thank you all for the love you have sent me for this story and for all of my stories. you guys are awesome :)
description of the story
taglist:  @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose , @far-to-many-bands , @absolute-randomness-forever
trigger warning: cursing??, mostly fluff
word count: 1222
One Month Later
“…Alright, I’m gonna answer like one or two more questions and then I’m gonna get off.” I stated, my eyes on the camera.
I glanced down at my chat, looking for some questions to answer. Most were just people asking for shout outs and what not. Finally, I landed on one that had been asked the entire time I was doing this live.
Are you and Colby a thing?
I breathed, trying to ignore the butterflies that erupted in my stomach at the mere mention of his name.
“No. Me and Colby are not a thing. We’re really good friends. I mean, I’m friends with all the Trap House boys so… but yeah, me and Colby aren’t together.” A tight-lipped smile came to my face.
After I mentioned Colby, all hell broke loose. Everyone started mentioning him in some way or another. Some were telling people to stop mentioning him in my livestreams, some were saying I was lying, some were just saying me and him should be together.
“Okay everyone. I think I’m gonna call it a day. I got some editing to get done, plus I got work later tonight so… I’ll talk to yall later. Thanks for a good live!” I waved at the screen, giving a peace sign and ending the live.
I exhaled deeply, clicking my phone off and flopping onto my bed.
The last time I had seen Colby was over a month ago. Since I left LA, we had been texting and calling each other nonstop. Colby had asked me multiple times if I could come out to LA before he went on tour, which was going to be in a week or so. I told him I couldn’t, as much as I desperately wanted to see him.
He asked if there was any way he could buy me tickets to fly me out, especially since we both agreed that I would be staying at the Trap House if I could come. I denied him every time, saying I wouldn’t be able to accept a gift that big.
Even though it was tempting as all hell.
None of this was helped by the fact that his (and kind of mine) fans were posting of us constantly. I had seen fan edits of us, manips, and accounts dedicated to our relationship. It was really cute, don’t get me wrong, but all it did was make me miss him more.
I really just wanted to see him again.
A soft knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. I turned towards my door, mumbling a ‘come in’. My Mom’s head popped around the corner.
“Hey honey? How are you doing?” She asked sweetly.
I shrugged. “I’m okay. I just finished the livestream.”
“How’d that go?” She stepped inside, getting closer to me.
“It was good. A lot of the fans were asking about Colby again.” I huffed.
“You really miss him, don’t you?” She questioned, a sad smile appearing on her face.
I nodded my head. “Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about him. I know we talk every day, but I really want to see him face-to-face, you know?”
My Mom sat down on my bed. “Well, I know you’ve been feeling down lately, so I wanted to get you something.”
“Aw, mom. You didn’t have to.” I cooed.
“Yes, I did. You’re my daughter and I hate seeing you so upset.” She pulled a pink paper bag out from behind her, placing it on my lap.
I pushed the tissue paper aside, pulling out the first little gift. It was a tiny bottle of my favorite perfume.
“Thanks, I was almost out of this.” I added.
The next gift was a tiny bottle of shampoo.
“Wait, this is so cute. Isn’t this like travel size or something?” I suggested.
My Mom grinned. “Yeah it is.”
The next was a travel size bottle of body wash, wipes, deodorant, and some snacks.
“This is all so sweet, Mom. Thank you.” I praised.
“There’s one more thing. There’s a card at the bottom.” She revealed, pointing at the bag.
I pursed my lips as I dug to the bottom, finding the card. It was in a lime green envelope, with my name on it. I yanked the card out, and the front said ‘Happy Graduation’ in big bold letters.
“I graduated months ago, Mom.” I laughed.
I slowly opened the card, a prewritten message of ‘The world is now your oyster! Go travel the see for new adventures!’ was on the one side. The other side just had the words ‘Look Up’ written in my Mom’s handwriting.
I cocked my head to the side, but slowly lifted my head to look at my Mom. In her hands were two plane tickets.
“Wait what?” I puzzled.
“I know you’ve been missing Colby a lot this past month, and I figured with the extra money I made with my side business, I could buy you this as a late graduation present.” She confessed, a light smile on her face.
I took the tickets from her hands, looking at them closely. Her words hadn’t registered in my head until I saw ‘Philadelphia to Los Angeles’.
“Oh my God!!” I screamed, jumping up and hugging my Mom tightly.
She let out a loud laugh as I let go of her and started jumping up and down in excitement.
“Wait when do I leave?” I inquired.
“In a week. I made sure to line it up with your work, since next week you only work one day, so I figure you can call out for that.” She explained.
“And I’m there for…?” I glanced down at the tickets.
“A week, as well.” She informed.
“Mom, you don’t know how badly I needed this.” I sang.
“Yes I do. I’ve heard your phone conversations with Colby.” She admitted.
I whined jokingly. “Mom!”
“What? I’m nosey.” She smirked. “Besides, if I have to hear another minute of you talking about Colby and how much you miss him, I might go crazy.”
I grabbed my Mom and embraced her again. “Thank you, Mommy.”
“No problem, sweetie.” She whispered.
As she left my room, I grabbed my phone. I thought about calling Colby and letting him know I was coming to see him, but then I thought of a better plan.
I scrolled to Sam’s number and called him.
“Hey Skye, what’s up?” Sam greeted.
I couldn’t hold in my excitement. “So… my mom bought me tickets to LA.”
Sam gasped. “What?! That’s great. Colby hasn’t mentioned anything.”
“I haven’t told him.” I answered.
“Why?” He queried.
I bit my lip. “I was thinking of surprising him.”
“Ooh, that sounds cool.” He remarked.
“I’m not flying out for another week, and I was wondering if maybe you could get me at the airport, and we could surprise Colby together.” I requested.
“I’m up for it. And also, thank God you’re coming out here. Colby will not shut up about you.” He disclosed.
I beamed. “Really?”
“Yeah. I’ve never heard him talk about a girl this much before in my life.” Sam continued, deadpanning. “Now I understand why he gets annoyed when I talk about Kat so much.”
I giggled. “Alright. So, it’s set. I’ll see you in a week, Samuel.”
“See you then, Skye.” Sam replied.
<< CHAPTER 23 || CHAPTER 25 >>
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
09/01/1998 (2)
Part 1 || Part 2
Here’s part 2 of a 2-part fic that I wrote that commemorates Clara’s Hogwarts friends/peers lost to battle against the forces of evil. I hope everyone’s enjoyed it so far.
The backyard wasn’t really much to look at at first glance. It was just an open grassy field, almost as big as the Quidditch pitch, with a few Wiggentrees sprouting by the border to accommodate the Bowtruckles that live there. Over the last few days, though, Barnaby had set up a couple of comfortable tents for the guests, courtesy of Hagrid who lent them for this occasion--and in the centre of the ring of tents was a huge bonfire pit with a stone border around it. A little ways away stood a table where large sky lanterns around the size of Hagrid’s pumpkins were sitting on, as well as the refreshments that a few were kind enough to move from inside. Indeed, as the two sisters arrived everyone else was milling around waiting for them--the sun had almost fully set by now, and the first stars were just beginning to twinkle in the dark periwinkle sky.
“Everything alright?” Charlie asked Clara then. “Nothing serious?”
Clara nodded. “Yeah. Everything’s fine--I just remembered, I had to wear this dagger for this important ceremony. It was custom in the Chinese Wizarding Task Force to wear this as part of our uniform, but also to wear to honour the fallen.”
“Cool,” Ismelda remarked quietly, a wicked smile growing over her face. Somehow it seemed like her love for blades never went away.
“I think we should start lighting up the bonfire at least. Hopefully no one asks too many questions about it,” Clara said. “And then we’ll get to the lanterns.”
Everyone nodded and spread out around the fire pit in a large ring, pulling out their wands and pointing them at the pile of wood in front of them. “Incendio!”
The moment the flames caught the wood and rose to the sky, the moment the lanterns were lit, Clara looked around at everyone present before staring at the lantern in her hands, the bright orange flames pulsing through the thin white paper. Soon, the sky would be lit with more than just stars tonight. Where joy was once spread through the Great Hall as students old and new dined upon the fine feasts prepared by the Hogwarts house elves, there was now the hint of solemnity not often present on the day of fresh starts.
“Wait, Clara! Don’t start without us!”
Clara’s head snapped at the sound of her brother’s voice, and she stared in awe as Jacob came running towards the group, two women she almost didn’t recognize trailing behind him. One of them had her brown hair tied up messily in a bun, her navy blue robes swishing as she ran. The other had a bright green scrunchie wrapped tightly in her long brown hair, her face marked with a light layer of soot and her t-shirt ripped from what could only be a set of claws.
Her heart leapt at the sight. At least Jacob was here tonight--and he would stay for much longer than just a few moments.
“Jacob!” she called, waving them over. “And…”
“Aurelie and Alanza,” Jacob explained, gesturing to the two women. “They showed up at the door just as I came by. Probably came by Portkey, not sure--but they said they knew you and wanted to join you in tonight’s ritual, so I agreed.”
“Of course they’re welcome,” Clara said, a small smile on her face as she recalled fond memories with the two girls back at Hogwarts. Aurelie was Penny’s pen-friend from Beauxbatons, and she came by Hogwarts at one point to visit and search for an invaluable alchemy artefact. Alanza was an exchange student from Castelobruxo who came to Hogwarts shortly after Rowan’s untimely death, and she helped her get back on her feet again in the time she was there with her sunny disposition and cheerful outlook on life. “It’s good to see you both again.”
“Oui, it has been so long!” Aurelie agreed, stepping forward to give Clara a hug. “I trust that you have been well?”
“As well as I have been,” Clara responded with a nod. “We all definitely need to catch up some time.”
“Were you really in China for a while?” Alanza asked. “How was it?”
Clara only chuckled a bit at Alanza’s question--after all, she once said as an exchange student she came to Hogwarts looking for adventure. “It was...quite interesting, to say the least. I got to see more of China in my task force days, so that counts for something.”
“We can join the circle, can we?” Aurelie asked then. 
The circle. How strange it was to think back on the last time the circle was so important. Clara nodded and swallowed at a lump in her throat, forcing herself to retain the smile on her face. “Of course. You can grab one of the lanterns there--we have a few extra.”
The two women nodded as they went over to Badeea holding up two more lanterns already decorated and lit. 
Jacob smiled as well at his little sister, holding up an all-too-familiar scarf in his hands. “I brought this from home, just in case.”
It was Rowan’s scarf--the same scarf Clara suggested she’d buy at Diagon Alley the very first time they met. She found it in the school courtyard one night while mourning for Rowan on her path to becoming Head Girl, and she protected it with her life ever since. She reached out to take it, feeling the fraying wool between her fingers, and wound the stripes of white, red, orange, pink, yellow, and green around her shoulders. 
“Thanks, Jacob.” Clara gave her brother a nod, and Jacob nodded solemnly as he picked up another lantern from the table, then took his place between little Em and Bill in the circle. 
Eventually, everyone took their places in the circle around the bonfire, and Clara cleared her throat.
“Thanks for coming, everyone.”
Clara glanced around at the group of friends gathered before her, each of them looking expectantly at her. The memory of another time, a smaller circle of friends, struck her with the force of a bomb once again, and she clenched her fists tightly at her sides in hope that she wouldn’t cry. No, she couldn’t cry. Ben and Merula were no longer here to back her up.
“I know it’s a bit weird to call you all here only two days before the wedding,” Clara commenced in a strained voice. “And I have a very good reason for leaving the wedding off for so long at all--but that’s not what I want to talk about. Do you remember what September 1 used to mean to us?”
“The day we board the Hogwarts Express to go to Hogwarts?” George recalled fondly, glancing over at Charlie and Bill who nodded encouragingly.
“Exactly. It marked the start of a new school year…” Clara confirmed, taking a shaky breath. “The end of the summer holidays used to mean another chapter in the making--for all of us developing our individual talents, sharpening our magical skills, strengthening friendships and relationships...and, for me, unearthing the secrets of ‘R’ and the Cursed Vaults.”
She caught sight of Murphy and Orion sharing an uneasy glance before turning their heads back to her. Murphy had just opened his mouth to say something when Skye shot him a glare, and he closed his mouth respectfully.
“Over the years, we lost some friends near and dear to us,” Clara continued. “Rowan Khanna died a hero in the face of the unforgivable. Cedric Diggory was killed defying the Dark Lord alongside Harry Potter in the Triwizard Tournament. Dobby sacrificed his life defying his masters to save Harry. He died a free elf.”
Bill and Fleur nodded grimly at that, Fleur clutching tightly onto her handkerchief while Bill put a comforting arm around her. Even Aurelie and Alanza clasped hands at the news--clearly, they had missed out more than they dared to hope.
“And there were more casualties in the Battle of Hogwarts that I know we wouldn’t forget any time soon,” she went on. “Ben Copper. Nymphadora Tonks. Talbott Winger. Merula Snyde. Fred Weasley. Remus Lupin. They fought for the greater good of the wizarding world.”
The grip on her lantern wavered as she struggled not to cry. Tears were already burning in her eyes, blurring the figures of her friends and loved ones in front of her--she blinked them away and shook her head.
“Today, on September 1, 1998, let us not forget the sacrifices they made,” she proclaimed then. “On the day that we feast like kings and laugh like knights, we must also remember the heroes that made this possible for us. We now live in peace because of what they’ve done for us. We’re here today because of all they’ve given many yesterdays ago. Let this day be a new chapter for all of us, not only to live our best lives, but to honour those who made it possible.”
Somewhere up in the clear summer night, she could see the stars twinkle and gleam with the bright souls of her fallen friends. Perhaps Barnaby was right--given the right visionary scope, they would be looking down upon everyone just like angels in heaven. Each wink a laugh, each glimmer a smile. She smiled up into the vast deep blue above, feeling the pressure upon her hands and heart lift skyward, and for a moment she felt as if she was airborne.
“Preach!” Andre cheered from the other side of the bonfire, followed by a loud huzzah from everyone else around him. The shout eventually brought Clara down to earth, and she looked at Barnaby who nodded at her. 
“Let us now lift our lanterns to the sky,” Clara finally told everyone. “Our gift to the souls who watch over us every day.”
Slowly, everyone raised their lanterns, releasing them into the air with a little push at the tips of their fingers. With their pulsating flames flashing brilliant orange light within their white wrapping, they looked like tiny hearts beating with life, dancing among the stars in the night. As they lifted their heads, gazing up at the lanterns now, Clara could only see the smiles of the dead in the sky, laughter echoing in her mind. Her heart swelled at the sight of Rowan’s smile in her memory, and she welcomed the tears burning in her eyes, trickling down her cheeks.
“I’m not one to gush, but...it’s nice,” Ismelda finally remarked with a nod, a subtle peaceful smile on her face.
“It’s beautiful,” little Em agreed, gazing over at Jacob who chuckled and wrapped an arm around her..
“They’re like little beating hearts,” Liz murmured in awe. “New souls granted to the ones who watch over us.”
The higher the lanterns rose, the lighter Clara’s heart felt as the burdens and grief crumbled away, bit by bit, into the dark cavern of oblivion. She glanced around at everyone now--Penny and Beatrice had their arms around each other; Liz, Chiara, and Tulip were all pointing at the stars above in the sky; and Diego, Jae, and Charlie stepped back from the bonfire to admire the view above. Even Murphy and Erika teared up a little at the sight, and Aurelie and Alanza dabbed at the tears in their eyes with spare handkerchiefs Fleur lent them.
“Hey! Let’s not forget a toast to the impending bride and groom!” Bill called out finally, conjuring a fine goblet of mead out of thin air and holding it up to Clara and Barnaby. “To your union!”
Barnaby only chuckled as he took Clara’s hand and spun her around once, pulling her close to him. “So, you think they liked that?”
“Yeah. You’re right, Barnaby,” Clara murmured, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Everyone here liked it--I’m sure they will too.”
As everyone conjured their own glasses of mead and repeated Bill’s toast, Barnaby took out his wand and pointed it to the sky--seconds later, enchanted fireworks popped and dazzled the sky, illuminating the night with colourful sparks. Pulling him close into a hug, Clara revelled now in the comfort of the night, the warmth of his embrace, and how lucky she was to be alive right now--with friends at her side and a heart as light as air.
Time cared not how anyone felt in this very moment. The seconds would tick on and on, but the moment will forever be immortalized in the memory of the living. 
For it’s the living who cared how anyone came and left in the world, and it’s the living who would make every moment count.
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akp-1327 · 4 years
dear diary // chapter eight
Hellooo! I’m alive, I swear! Just wanted to thank y’all for all the support and patience. I know I fell out of the loop with updates, though I absolutely love that you all like this series and are sticking around for it! It seriously makes my day to receive such kind feedback! Anyway, enough from me. Here’s the next chapter! <3
As always, find the series masterlist here (Tumblr) or here (AO3) to catch up! :)
Pairings: Ajay Bhandari x f!MC (Charlotte Parker), Skye Crandall x f!OC (Leila Maciel)
Word Count: 5.3k
(*) Warnings: mentions of divorce and minor injuries (nothing graphic)
(A cynical Ajay is always a great time, right? ;)
Holy crap.
It was wild being back here.
Did I feel like an alien right when I walked through the door? Absolutely. The whole house just felt different. It lost the usual homey feeling and, instead, felt foreign. The squeak of the wooden steps beneath my feet didn’t even sound the same as it used to.
Mohit and I started to make our way upstairs after Charlotte retreated to the bathroom, the door closing softly behind her. A rare silence fell between us and, finally, I was able--
"Oh my god, Ajay. You brought a girl over. A girl who isn’t your girlfriend?" Mohit teased, poking my arm as we walked down a short hallway. 
So much for silence. Oh, and when Mo said that? I blushed. Profusely. Still, I had to put on a neutral face and hope that my sudden sheepishness didn’t shine through.
"Since when are you an expert on romance?" I quipped, rolling my eyes before I shot him a teasing look. "Do you have something to tell me, Mo? Maybe something about a future sibling-in-law?"
Mohit instantly reeled back in disgust. "Eww! No!"
God, I missed this kid. I ruffled his hair and looked around at the room we wound up in. It had been my dad’s old office, but since the divorce, it just sat there useless (well, so I thought?). All of his stuff stayed because he had to downsize for that stupid little Manhattan apartment, so I guess Mohit took it over. It was littered with soda cans and empty candy wrappers, but smelt like the clean linen Febreeze that Amma spritzed around the house on an everyday basis.
It's been too, too long since I’ve been here. I knew I should’ve been here the past few summers.
I shook the recurring thoughts away and turned back to my brother, who seemingly grew a whole two feet since I last saw him. Crazy.
"It's okay to have a crush, Mo. There's no sense in hiding it. You know I'll find out eventually."
(I guess I could say the same to myself.)
Dismissing the subject entirely with a shake of his head, Mohit let out a dramatic sigh. "What're we doing up here, again? Hiding from Amma and Jim?"
That was such a villainous way to put it. Obviously, though, he was right. I didn't want to see Jim all lovey-dovey with Amma. Now that was gross.
"Just Jim," I responded, "which is why you will go down and greet him first when the time comes. I need to talk to Charlotte before I say hello."
Mohit wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Oh, I I bet. Through some smooooches--”
I mercilessly smacked him upside the head...but, out of some decency, it wasn’t as hard as I wanted it to be.
"Oh dear god, Mo. We aren't going to do anything but talk."
"Hmm," Mohit hummed, still sounding suspicious, "if you say so..."
Just then, before I could respond, Charlotte appeared at the doorway with her arms folded. "Hey. I'm not interrupting any guy talk, am I?"
Mohit laughed, but I chose to ignore it. 
"No, you're not interrupting anything. Come on in." I smiled. I hoped my voice sounded normal because I couldn’t seem to get her out of my head. Thanks, Mohit.
Oh my god...so much for keeping my distance from her...
She walked in and instantly made herself at home on the couch. I mindlessly followed and sat on the opposite side while Mohit (disappointingly) squished himself in the middle with a proud grin.
"Now what?" Charlotte asked, her eyes flitting over to mine. They were such a beautiful blue that reminded me of the ocean. Though, before I could drown myself in the feeling and become overwhelmed, I looked at Mohit's ponder instead.
"It won't take much time for Amma to tell Jim that Ajay's here, so I don’t think we’ll have time to do much." Mohit shrugged. "Well, depending how long you guys stay."
I looked back up to Charlotte, willing myself to hold her gaze this time around before her eyes met mine again. My stomach tied in on itself with just a glance, and that was just due to her eyes. When she smiled, my heart started to race. Pound, even. It was so loud in my ears that I could barely hear her response.
"That’s okay. What about that comic collection you were talking about earlier?" Charlotte grinned, sending me a discreet wink that left me stumbling over my thoughts even further.
"Yeah! You absolutely need to see--" Mohit rambled before I clamped a hand over his mouth. He was not going to interrupt this moment for me with another one of his obsessions. Her eyes were still on mine, her gaze soft. It was such a perfect moment. 
"Let's do it." I said, not looking away from her. In result, I watched her face redden a bit and her smile brighten, if that was even possible.
As much as I loathed Mohit’s (extremely boring and stereotypical) comics, I guess I could tolerate them for a little while. So long as Jim doesn’t know I’m here, we were alright.
Mohit finished up explaining his entire suitcase of comics before I heard a faint squeak from the stairs. I decided to lean against the threshold of Mo’s room while he and Charlotte geeked out over his Batman collection, but I immediately regretted the choice when I felt a small hand on my shoulder.
“Ajay, sweetie,” Amma whispered, “I told Jim that you’re here.”
My entire frame tensed at his name, but I held in my scowl. Instead, I let out a heavy sigh that caught both Mohit and Charlotte’s attention.
“He’ll be downstairs waiting when you three are ready. He’s watching a game of cricket.” Amma smiled before making her way back downstairs. 
“I’m missing it! Jim, you liar!” Mohit shouted before sprinting out of the room and thundering down the stairs. You could hear a faint thump and a brief yelp at the bottom.
For moments after that, it was silent in Mo’s room, though my mind raced with all of the possibilities. All of the worries. All of the fears.
Admittedly, I’ve had these looming fears for years, but they’d gone dormant the more time I spent away from home. I’ve always thought that I was the one who caused all of this turmoil within my family because of my college expenses - which, to say, is a lot of green - and that I could’ve avoided it entirely. Amma would never say that I’d caused them immense debt to my face, and neither would Dad. 
But, to be real, they didn’t have to.
I can distinctly remember the night before they broke the news. It was during the last few weeks of high school and I had been doing math homework angrily. I was stressed and because math was a spawn from the deepest depths of hell, it wasn’t something I wanted to spend my time on. My pencil bolted across the paper, sometimes squeaking with how hard I’d been writing. After a while, though, I realized the squeaks were turning into coherent words.
Yelling, coming from the kitchen downstairs.
It was maddening to hear, so I tried to tune it out as usual, but then I heard the three familiar words come up: “the college money”.
I dangerously decided to bring it up at breakfast the next morning and apologize; it felt like the only thing I could do. Amma swooped in to shoo away the apology seconds after it tumbled out of my mouth...while Dad only sat there. She was the one who encouraged me while my dad sat on the sidelines, like always. 
That’s really when I realized that my mom was tired of it. Tired of being the only one to give a damn about anything happening in our lives. So she put an end to her problem and filed for divorce. They told me only a few minutes after I’d brought up their fight.
To this day, I feel like I was the hearth. The origins of it all, only because of my desperation for success. To become someone who left a small stamp on this chaotic world.
“Ajay?” Charlotte asked from across the room, snapping me from my thoughts. Her eyes were slanted with concern, and the emotion only grew when I didn’t respond.
With Charlotte around, I felt like I could be my own person. Not be the person who’s parents divorced because of him and not the snarky director. I could be myself with her without having to feel any guilt or shame. This is why I wanted to keep her close; she was the only person who understood what it felt like to be judged. To be an outsider. To be distinctly different from everyone else. 
She was starting to seem like my other half, and as days passed, I noticed that the feeling was only growing stronger. That scared me to death, especially if she decided to do the show. Then I’d really have to call this off and protect myself. 
I’m not going to put myself through hell again.
“Ajay,” Charlotte shouted, her eyes now amused. I cleared my throat and shook my head to clear the thoughts away. “You okay?” 
With a quick nod and an extremely unconvincing smile, I gestured for her to follow me out the door.
“Just fine, um,” I said, my racing thoughts never slowing. Forming coherent sentences with a jumbled-up brain never had a good outcome, so I let my thoughts organize themselves for a moment before responding. “Let’s go downstairs before Amma nags us again.”
She nodded and hesitantly followed me out of the room. I tried to relax with a deep breath, but that just felt like suffocation. So I did not do that again in fear that I’d pass out or embarrass myself even more.
Once we got downstairs, I felt a rush of panic course through my veins.  Charlotte noticed my missing presence and stopped.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked softly, worry flooding her eyes as she turned to me. I searched them for the longest second of my life, and finally, let myself take an actual deep breath.
“Yeah, sorry.” I sighed, shaking my head, “I just really don’t want to do this. It’s...”
Charlotte lit up with a small smile for a moment before it disappeared. “You don’t have to explain. I get it.” Then, without any semblance of warning, she quickly wrapped her arms around me and held me in a tight embrace.
This felt nice. My arms found their way around her small frame after a few seconds, trying to reciprocate the vice-like grip she had around me. I felt her head rest against my shoulder, and for a moment, this felt...natural. It was the same feeling as holding her hand for the first time back at the party.
“You’ll be alright. Just remember to breathe and you should make it through without a scratch,” Charlotte smiled before pulling away slowly, “but you’re making them wait, old man. C’mon.”
I missed her warmth, and I think it showed. She laughed, stepping into my space again. The sound put me at ease, so much so that I lost control of myself and glanced down at her lips. They were a velvety pink, layered in a thin veil of lip balm. From this close, I could tell it was infused with peppermint.
God, I am a sucker for anything peppermint--
No, I thought to myself, you can’t do that. You shouldn’t hurt yourself more. She doesn’t feel the same!
With great strength, I stepped away entirely. Charlotte looked confused, so I gave her a relaxed smile to show that I was okay. It was weird to have someone other than Rory to help calm me down - it was alleviating to be able to confide in someone else.
“Right, because we’re missing a cricket game. I’m devastated!” I sighed, a slight humorous twinge in my tone. I could tell she picked it up when she giggled and slipped her hand into mine.
“You are such a dork...” Charlotte teased, shaking her head and squeezing my hand reassuringly. Every time she held my hand, my heart would stop. Of course this time wasn’t an exception, but in this moment, I squeezed back.
It’d been at least fifteen minutes since Charlotte and I silently slipped into the living room. We stood very close to the exit in case I had to make a mad dash to the car.
Jim was completely oblivious to our presence before Amma discreetly took the remote off the coffee table and paused the game of cricket. My heart dropped when he looked to my mom...then, following her gaze, looked right into my eyes.
All the feelings I’d pushed down years ago - disappointment, guilt, anger, confusion - started to emerge the longer our gazes were tied. However, this seemed to be a one way street of thought. He smiled at god-awful smile at me, the same one that probably lured my mom in. Disgusting.
“Well, if it isn’t the college boy,” Jim grinned, standing and making his way over to stand in front of me and holding his fist out, “how’s it going?”
Swallowing my pride (well, er, attitude), I gave Jim a tight-lipped smile, trying to hide my grimace as I forced my fist to bump his. It was really bad acting on my part, but I don’t think he had enough of a functioning brain cell to notice.
“It’s been...going okay, I guess.” I said, willing my teeth to not grit against each other; that’d make the entire situation worse. Amma’s eyes had already caught mine over his shoulder and she had shaken her head disapprovingly at my attitude. Jim, however, was completely oblivious to the action and turned his attention to Charlotte instead.
“You must be Charlotte,” Jim said, his usual warm smile brightening and his hand extending for her to shake. It made me want to hurl. “Shruti told me that you’re one of Ajay’s friends from NYU?”
Charlotte, thankfully, was her normal kind self as she shook his hand. “That’s me! Nice to meet you, Jim. Ajay’s said nothing but good things about you.”
She caught my eye and gave the slightest wink.
“Oh! Well, that’s nice to hear. Why don’t you guys come and sit? There’s plenty of couch space to go around...”
Amma gestured to the small loveseat-like sofa on the far side of the living room, and of course, gave me her all-too-familiar teasing eyes. She really was looking to embarrass me.
Before I had the chance to retaliate, Charlotte walked over and sat politely. She waved me over, and so with a sigh, I sat next to her with a now-familiar heat in my cheeks. It wasn’t the fact that I was sitting next to her that made me coy, but rather that I was in my childhood house with a man - who wasn’t my father - now cuddling my mother. It was weird and made me beyond uncomfortable, and then add in how the girl I liked was seated right next to me...I was just a mess.
“So, um, I heard that the two of you are getting married?” Charlotte piped up after a few moments of silence. My eyes met Mo’s across the room and I could immediately tell he was tuning out of the conversation. Honestly, the idea didn’t sound so bad.
“March seventh of next year!” Amma beamed, showing off her left hand. A small ring on her ring finger sparkled in the light, and I could just feel a tsunami of hurt crash right over me. I don’t care how long it’s been since the divorce. It still hurts as much as it did a few years ago.
“That’s exciting. How has the planning been going?” Charlotte asked, trying to keep the conversation light; her voice was soft, but it was serious. It was missing her usual preppy tone, which to say, was odd.
I heard Amma talking, but I decided to tune out of the conversation.
Of course I was happy for Amma. I was glad that she found her happiness and that she could find someone else. My problem, however, was what she settled for. Jim wasn’t anything interesting. A dentist that enjoyed the outdoors and European sports - so what? Amma has always been an adventurous and bold woman, so why’d she decide on someone so...bland? My dad was an adrenaline junkie that won her heart with a simple motorcycle ride into the sunset. 
How do you go from that...to Jim? In what world does that make sense?
In my opinion, no one likes the dentist and you’d have to be crazy to go hiking by a will of choice. Mother Nature was one hell of a force to mess with, and to put your life in her unpredictable hands willingly? You’d have to be danger levels of psycho.
Plus, it didn’t help that Amma and Jim got together only a month after the divorce. It was like the crappy cake holding the crappy frosting and crappy toppings. 
I hated, and still do hate, their relationship with a burning passion.
After the thoughts and discussions of their wedding (more so the thought of my mom officially being his) the house felt stuffy. The walls looked like they were closing in on me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
I needed to get out. Fast.
Why didn’t I stay by the door...
“...and then the venue’s gardens. Oh, they are to die for! Just div--” Amma sighed wistfully before I cleared my throat, catching everyone’s attention.
“Um, sorry to cut this whole reunion short, but Charlotte and I have some stuff to do back at school.” I said, keeping any emotion out of my voice. Amma knew me too well; she’d be able to sniff out that lie like a bloodhound if I added any sort of emotional flair.
Charlotte’s eyes scanned mine for a brief second before she nodded. “We were gonna go shopping at a store outside the city to get some dorm stuff.”
I guess she really is good at improv. Huh. Well, in any case, the white lie worked.
“Oh! Alright. Don’t let us keep you. Traffic is terrible at this time of day,” Amma rambled, quickly standing and immediately going to the kitchen. The rustling of plastic and the closing of cabinets was all I heard before she came back into the living room. “Take some of these off of our hands!”
She handed us a Tupperware container filled with some of my favorites: Italian Pizzelle cookies. Amma always had them stocked in the house for some odd reason.
“Dammit, Amma.” I said, trying my hardest not to let my smile get too big. “You give me these every single time I visit!”
Her arms wrapped around me tightly, “I do. And I want that container back, so visit soon.” Amma’s eyes flicked over to where Charlotte was, laughing along with Mohit about what I could only presume to be comics, “Oh, and bring her, too.”
“Oh my god--” I groaned in exasperation, rolling my eyes when she lightly hit me from where her hand was on my shoulder.
“I can see that look in your eye, Ajay. Don’t even bother acting like you don’t like her, it’ll be a waste of your time.”
Sigh. She has a point. 
“Instead...maybe you could make a move?” Amma whispered, pulling away and slightly angling her head in Charlotte’s direction. “I can see the same look in her eyes, too.”
Reflexively, I looked over at Charlotte again and found her staring at me. When our eyes met, she hurriedly looked away while a faint rose tinted her cheeks, her hands coming up to tighten her ponytail in almost an embarrassed manner.
“Okay, go,” Amma sighed, “say goodbye to Jim, otherwise those cookies aren’t leaving this house.”
With a nod and an invisible eye roll, I strolled over to Jim and held out my hand. It wasn’t my favorite thing in the world, but it was a lot better than him smushing me against his chest in a bear hug. The thought alone gave me chills.
“It was nice seeing you today, sport,” Jim said, gripping my hand firmly and shaking it, “come over again soon. We miss having you around here, especially Mohit.”
“Uh, right. Nice seeing you too, Jim.”
No, no it was not.
Before I could even step away from Jim, Mohit barreled right into me.
“You need to come over more often,” Mohit whined, “next time I see you I should crash at your dorm!”
“No, no,” I immediately responded, still returning his embrace. “I’ll be over soon, Mo. I promise.”
With that, he let go and turned to give Charlotte a hug. “See you soon, Charlotte!”
Charlotte gave a giggle, her cheeks still recovering from her blush only a few moments before. She happily returned his hug.
“See you soon, Mohit. Behave, or the comics get it.” Charlotte said before they both broke out into another fit of giggles. Jeez, maybe introducing these two was a bad idea. Wait, correction; introducing these two was a bad idea.
Now that they’d bonded and actually get along...what am I going to do?
The ride back was quiet, save for a small periodic hum from Charlotte as she watched the scenery outside the passenger window. It was a comfortable silence, but I could tell she had something on her mind.
“You’re eerily quiet,” I said softly, keeping my eyes on the road, “what’s up?”
I knew I went too far, dammit! I’m such a--
“Well, Leila texted me earlier...” Charlotte sighed. From the corner of my eye, I watched her shrink back into her seat. “She apologized and mentioned that something’s up with Skye.”
“That only took a million years.” I said, trying to make her smile. Thankfully she took it as intended and laughed lightly.
“Tell me about it. Anyway. I didn’t want to tell you back at your mom’s house. You looked...tense. I didn’t want to trouble you further.”
Tense was one word for it, for sure. Also, why is she the sweetest?
“My mom’s boyfriend, er, fiancé has never been my favorite person. He tries too hard when he talks to me, makes me feel like I’m not really welcome at home anymore.” I said, careful to not reveal too much. She does have good advice, but she’s already going through so much turmoil herself...
“That’s terrible.” Charlotte frowned, readjusting herself to sit properly in her seat. I could tell she turned towards me as she did so. “He seems nice, but you obviously have more experience with him, so why is he so bad?”
Of course she’d want to know. She was curious in that way.
“He’s a dentist, likes boring sports, enjoys the outdoors...” I grumbled, my hand mindlessly tightening on the wheel, “he took my dad’s place, though he’s just so bland and boring. It irks me.”
“Wait, so you don’t like him because he’s boring? Out of all of the qualities in a person to hate, you chose boring?” Charlotte squeaked, her voice going up an octave out of pure curiosity and slight humor. “Would you rather her date a random, stuck-up billionaire from...like...Hollywood? With a name like Blaze or Lazer, maybe even Blazer?”
“I don’t think the odds of--”
“Oh my god, Ajay, just answer the question!” Charlotte laughed. I rolled my eyes fondly and sighed. 
“Probably not.” I answered, arching a questioning eyebrow at her. “Materialistic people are usually assholes unless you schmooze them and give them opportunities to get even more money.”
“Exactly.” Charlotte smiled. “So I think Jim is an alright. It’s obvious that you don’t agree, though.”
I knew she was right. I knew I’d been cornered and that it was almost impossible to prove another opposing point. Just by this information, anyone could tell that she knew what she was doing. Was I even supposed to act annoyed? I was impressed, and I didn’t know how I could compliment her on it without coming off too strong.
Why are feelings so complicated...
Why can’t I just work up the courage--
Why did she have to be a theater kid...
“Yeah, it was that way for a while.” Was all I could say; the phrase was brief, but the sentiment was the same. I appreciated that she gave me another perspective.
It was silent after that; nothing awkward, but nothing too comfortable.
“What’s been going on with you?” I asked, willing my voice to stay steady. That sounded so awkward...
“What about?” Charlotte hummed, not seeming to notice my nerves. “Like, with Leila, or Skye, or the diner, or--”
“The diner,” I said, calmer this time, “have you heard anything?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her shake her head briefly.
“Absolutely nothing, but if I had to guess, things haven’t changed. My mom said she’d call me with updates, but I haven’t gotten any calls or texts from her in a while. It’s weird.”
I nodded, trying to focus on the road ahead. This was usually an easy task, but with Charlotte next to me, it became...almost impossible. Infuriatingly so. With Kelly, I could control this. She didn’t make me blush as much. She didn’t make me smile or laugh as much. She didn’t make me this nervous.
Just when I thought I knew what romance was, after Kelly, the rug just had to be ripped out from beneath me. This only proves how difficult life can be.
I had a high tolerance for everyday annoyances. Having a composure of steel was in a director’s job description. I had to put up with nonsense and chaos on a daily basis...but I’ve never had my patience tested quite like this.
“Now you’re too quiet.” Charlotte teased. I felt her poke my arm. “Spill.”
My eyes flitted over to check my mirrors; rear, left, right. Though, when I looked to the right, I caught Charlotte studying me intently, her eyes slightly narrowed and her lips pursed.
“I’m just thinking,” I sighed. 
About you.
“About anything interesting?”
“Not really, no. Just...school.”
We got back to Lafayette and, to me, the air felt even heavier. It was still hard to breathe, especially now that I was thinking of the visit and Charlotte. It was a deadly combo.
Even the Tupperware container of cookies in my hands felt heavy. 
“Thank you for inviting me today,” Charlotte said, slowly walking towards a staircase. I could feel her familiar warmth that’d been next to me all morning fade and immediately wished for it to come back. Though, the more I wished, the further away she ventured.
“Thank you for coming with. It was...really nice to have someone there with me.” I said, leading her to blush a bit under my gaze.
“Of course! I hope you get everything sorted out soon. In the meantime, feel free to talk with me. I’m here for you.” Charlotte grinned, sticking her hands in her pockets after she gave me a quick wave. In response, I nodded; leading her to take off. “See you later!”
“Bye,” I said quietly, though she was already too far away to hear me. She disappeared up the stairs a few moments later.
Time passed; I stood there for a good five minutes before I was bumped into from behind. God, the audacity of some people...
“Oh, sorry,” A familiar voice piped from next to me. I was adjusting my glasses on my nose when I met their eyes - her eyes - and my eyes widened in both surprise and concern.
Her eyes were red and puffy. Along with that, she had a few faint, purple bruises forming just along her jawline and on the right side of her nose. Before I could find any other injuries, she looked away. I realized she was carrying a large garment bag in her arms.
“Hey, Ajay. Uh, I...gotta...go.” Skye rushed, her voice unsteady with emotion. Out of habit, I called out her name again as she made a beeline towards the same staircase Charlotte disappeared into. 
“Wait, no, Skye--”
But she was already gone, too.
It was only two in the afternoon. The couple days of freedom before classes started...and I was lying here alone, deep in thought.
Was Jim really such a bad guy? Every cell in my body screamed at me to say yes, but in the back of my mind, I found myself saying no. He made my mother happy; maybe not so much with Mohit or I, but I guess that’ll have to come with time.
Reconsidering this situation never really passed my mind. For the past three years, the sentiment of “Amma and Jim, sitting in a tree” was extremely nauseating and unnerving. I felt obligated to dislike him, just like everything else in my life. Obligation, guilt, you name it. It probably crossed my mind throughout the first couple months of their relationship.
And if Charlotte hadn’t been there, who knows what would’ve happened. Even with her there I was too scared to face the thought of their wedding.
I grumbled, rolling over to bury my face in my pillow in an attempt to hide from everything.
“Why me?” I groaned, clutching my comforter tightly in my fists. With thoughts like these, I was in for a long afternoon.
September 5th, 2020
Dear Diary...
Damn, do I have an entry for today.
Firstly. I visited Amma, Mohit, and Jim back in Brooklyn today. I’d been holding out on that trip for a while; long enough to make myself feel unwelcome with each passing day.
The trip was mediocre, to say the least. I thought it’d allow my guilty mind to feel better and focus on other things, but I guess I was wrong. I’m still pondering over the fact that I actually abandoned them for a year. So, so much happened within that time; it’s hard to comprehend, all that new information...
What does that exactly entail, you ask? Well, then. Amma and Jim are getting married in March and Mo is actually growing up. It’s crazy to think that his birthday is in a few short weeks...
This actually leads swiftly into the next topic up for discussion. Charlotte. I know that I like her. There’s no denying that anymore. I would be all for confessing and asking her out properly, but she still hasn’t decided whether or not she’s getting involved with the show. Of course, though, this is completely reasonable - I’m not someone to tell her to rush her decisions or pressure her into something she doesn’t want - but at the same time, I want to know now instead of later. I need to prepare myself for what I’d face.
I’m almost to the point where I’m tired of waiting. I want to tell her how I feel, now that I know how to put my emotions into words. There were so many times today where she’d make me lose my focus. Make me nervous. Make me do all these uncharacteristic things that, in my opinion, would scare the hell out of people who know me for...me (AKA as a strict and uptight director and, sometimes, an emotionless blob).
If only theater wasn’t a thing. Then I’d actually have a fair chance. I try to tell my stupid brain that she isn’t like Kelly. I want to get over that fear; it’s piteous in a way that makes me second guess myself. My problem, though, is that I don’t know how.
Alright. My hand is starting to cramp. I’ll give updates as they come, but don’t expect anything grand. I want to have hope, but that’s pretty hard with all of my experiences with romance.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 14 ~Unscripted Love~
"Wot?" Claire gasped as she stared at Jaime, wide eyes and unblinking. Her mind was racing, flitting from past recent events to an unknown possible future and then back. So many things have transpired in the last five weeks, that she hadn't really had time to catch her breath, let alone wrap her head around the unexpected news of her pregnancy.  
And now this? If I keep this up, I'll have 10 kids before I'm 40! Jesus H.Roosevelt Christ!
"Sassenach, I asked...if ye will be my wife?" Jamie whispered softly, his forehead furrowed in anticipation, as he waited on tenterhooks for an answer.
Avoiding his eyes, Claire bolted right up, pushed the bed covers aside and got out of bed. "I need to go to the loo," she muttered, hurrying before Jamie could say another word. Inhaling deeply, she closed the door and leaned against it.  
One little two little three little Indians, four little five little six little Indians...,  Claire sang in her head to calm her nerves. It was something she did since she was a child whenever she was anxious or nervous. 
When she could finally move, she turned on the tap and lathered heaps of soap on her hands, trying to remove Jamie's ring.
There was a soft knock on the door. "Sassenach? Ye alright?" Before she could answer, Jamie came in. "Ye shouldn't be running like that...ye need to slow down now that ye're pregnant," looking her over with concerned eyes.
"I'm a few weeks pregnant for crying out loud, not nine months. So stop treating me like I'm incapacitated!" Claire snapped without looking at him, focused on removing the jewellery.
Jamie frowned as he realised what she was trying to do. "Maybe yer fingers are swollen...I read last night that pregnancy causes that. Perhaps that's why ye can't remove the ring."
She turned to face him, golden eyes blazing and face beet red. "Are you trying to tell me that I'm fat, James Fraser?"
"No, that's not what I was saying," he said calmly, leaning on the doorframe, arms across his chest, his hair tousled from sleep or lack of. "Sassenach, are ye grumpy at me?" he asked gently, trying to suppress his amusement.
"No! I'm not grumpy at all!" Claire huffed in annoyance, as she gave up removing the ring, turning her back to him to wipe her hands on the towel.
Sighing deeply, Jaime uncrossed his arms and walked over to her. Slowly turning her around, he tilted her head back with one hand and asked, "Do ye not want to marry me, Sassenach?"
"I never said that!" she retorted, trying to avert her eyes from his intense scrutiny. After a few moments of silence, she softened, releasing a long pent up breath, "Jamie, I'm so sorry. It's just that...I can hardly keep up with all the things going on. These last five weeks ...I was nearly burned alive...I've been assaulted by your uncle...I've been drugged...I was almost raped...then I find out I'm pregnant and you dropped the bomb and asked me to marry you...It's all too much, and I'm still ..."
"Ssshh...I'm so sorry too," hushing her gently as he took her into his arms, tenderly stroking her hair and back. "If we could start all over again, I ken there are things I would like to change. I wish I could have been more forthright with ye from the beginning. Then perhaps some of the things that happened wouldn't have happened. But I can't change the past, Sassenach, but I would verra much like to make it up to ye, if ye would allow me to. That is why I thought Skye would be a great idea...there will be just us. No work, no distractions, no places to go to...just us. There, we can start all over. I'm so sorry for putting the ring in yer finger...I wasn't planning on asking ye today...I only wanted to see if it fitted ye. I feel so foolish now."
"You didn't intend to ask me?" Claire asked, puckering her eyebrows.
"Och, I do want to marry ye Sassenach." He leaned down to briefly kiss her on the lips. "That's if ye'll have me. I know now asking ye today was lousy timing. We can marry anytime ye want...tomorrow, in ten years, whenever...I can wait. I thought maybe ye didna wish to marry me because ye were married before...to Frank. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind as long as I'm with ye." He paused, swallowing audibly, trying to find the right words. "The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted ye...more than anything I have ever wanted in my life. And when ye walked in at the Station, the day of the general meeting, I've loved ye ever since." He moved closer, his breath warm on her face. "I love ye with all my heart Claire, and I tell ye the truth when I say, I have never said those words to any woman before." He paused. "Weel...except to my ma and my sister...and now I'm saying it to ye." He smiled broadly, placing both her hands on his chest.
"Jaime..." she was unsure what to say, trying to find reason and logic to grasp onto.
Taking her right hand, he looked at the ring on Claire's finger, before bringing it to his lips to kiss it. "Do ye really mind wearing it, Sassenach? It looks so pretty on ye...it matches yer eyes."
Gazing at her hand, she had to agree it did look quite fetching. "It is beautiful, Jaime...I love it. But our friends are bound to ask questions when they see this on my finger...not that I mind wearing it." She frowned slightly, pursing her lips.
"Weel, ye dinna exactly say no when I asked ye to marry me...do ye think ye can picture us married in the future? Besides..." Both Jaime's hands reached out to her stomach, "...we have the wee bairn to think about as well."
"I suppose so..." she replied, biting her lip. After a short contemplation, she gazed directly into Jamie's eyes, and what she saw was the baring of his soul and the promise of an unflagging love. Her heart soared, astounded that this beautiful specimen of a man, can open his heart in all its rawness, exposed and unafraid. It was there for the taking, waiting for her to claim it. Whatever control and self-preservation she had left, it was rapidly slipping away, and it was no longer a matter of choice. "Yes, Jaime...I can see us together," she admitted.
"Weel, if ye can do that, see yersel' married to me, and ye not minding wearing my ring, is it so difficult to say yes to my marriage proposal?" he asked. It was a question that was undemanding of nature, nor was it an attempt to challenge her reservations. Not waiting for her to reply, he gathered her into his arms for a long tender kiss...a kiss that spoke from the heart.
Claire, feeling intoxicated by the feel of his hard body against her, yielded, surrendering to her own feelings and urges, releasing whatever doubts and fear she had. Slowly she responded fervently to Jamie with all her being, twining her arms around his neck, pulling him closer until they moulded together as one, fitting perfectly and in harmony. She realised then and there, that she couldn't imagine life without him as the stirring in her belly renewed, an acknowledgement to their love waiting to be born. In her heart of hearts, Claire found their moment in forever, like this was how they should have always been. Without any more further thoughts, she conceded. "Yes, Jamie, I want to marry you." The moment Claire uttered those words, a sense of deliverance took over her, just like the feeling after a confessional rite when a priest absolves past sins.
Jamie raised his head to gaze into her eyes, his face a picture of bliss and ecstasy, making her heart skip a beat. "And I, you Sassenach. And I can't wait to have ye to myself once we're in Skye."
Claire raised an eyebrow, nuzzling her face at the base of his throat. "Really? And what are your plans?"
Sliding down his hands to fondle her arse, he whispered into her ears, "I plan to have ye naked with yer hair all wild and loose...and I will make verra slow love to ye, kissing every inch of yer body until ye forget yer name."
"Is that so?"
"Aye, that is so." And then he kissed her some more, to give her a taste of his promise that is to come. 
It was difficult to leave the hospital immediately. There were papers to be signed for Claire's release, police statement to be made, and to delay things further, she had a few belated visits from Geillis, Joe and her colleagues at work, much to Jaime's growing impatience. Although overwhelmed with the attention, she found it very amusing to see strapping and burley firemen bearing gifts in the form of pink stuffed toys, balloons and flowers. Even the dour-looking Murtagh didn't disappoint.
"Here," said Murtagh gruffly, handing her a giant box of chocolate truffles before leaning forward for a quick awkward hug. "See ye in two weeks, bright and early."
Before she could say thank you, Geillis let out a high-pitch screech making everyone in the room jump. "Oh my God, oh my God! Claire! Let me see that!" She grabbed Claire's right hand, raising it for everyone to see the engagement ring.
Flabbergasted, everyone stared open-mouthed at Jamie, eagerly awaiting for him to say something.
Red-faced, Jamie shrugged, giving Claire an apprehensive look and a weak smile, and before he could think, he blurted out, "We're having a baby!"
"What?" Everyone exclaimed simultaneously in astonishment, except Joe who knew already and was shaking his head in amusement.
This time everyone's eyes were on Claire. "Oh, Jamie!" she groaned, slightly annoyed that he announced her pending pregnancy. She didn't want anyone knowing until they were very sure the baby was safe from the effects of the drugs she ingested.
Unaffected with everyone's reaction and silence, Geillis was shrieking in delight, jumping up and down, clapping her hands before hugging Claire, Jamie, and then Claire again, both of them collapsing on the bed. "Och, Claire, I'm so happy for ye... cannae believe our wee fox cub is off the market... and ye, my pet, I cannae wait to spoil yer wee red-headed curly top bairn," she squealed ecstatically.
Tension and surprise soon were replaced by hearty congratulations, back-slapping and bear hugs, and Claire and Jamie began to relax and revel in sharing their happiness.
"Aah, a right Fraser ye are, my lad," one of the men shouted, "Ye dinna waste time do ye, getting one of our best worker up the duff." The statement was followed by roaring laughter, making Claire blush profusely.
"Weel, I cannae help it...she pursued me day and night, ye ken, and I cannae deny a beautiful lass," Jamie replied jokingly, before giving Claire a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Is that right, Fraser? Ever since Beauchamp arrived, ye were never away from the station. Ye didna give the rest of the lads a chance," Hugh teased, giving his friend a nudge on his arms.
"Och, it's the Fraser charm, lads," Geillis said, joining in with the banter before turning to Claire and Jamie. "So do we have a wedding date yet?"
Claire smiled shyly looking at Jamie, "No, we haven't talked about any dates yet..."
"I'm hoping verra soon, before the bairn is born," Jamie interrupted, overlooking the delicate matter of the fetus' precarious state.
Before more questions could be asked, Joe decided to intervene, after noticing Claire's slight discomfort. "Right lads, let's leave the lovebirds for now. They have a holiday to go to, and you'll see them back soon enough."
Collectively nodding in agreement, everyone said their good-byes, congratulations and good luck before they left one by one leaving Jamie and Claire once more on their own. It took almost twenty minutes for everyone to disperse, and both were relieved once everyone was gone.
"How are ye Sassenach? It wasna so bad, was it?" He asked, taking her hand in his.
"No, not at all," she replied, facing him and putting her arms around his waist, before laying her head on his chest. "I'm happy."
"That's good...I want ye to be happy," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. 
At the cottage, Jamie took the brown envelope Claire had given him a few days ago from the coffee table and headed for the bedroom where she was busy packing for their leave. He stood there watching her for a moment, as she went through the wardrobe and drawers picking out clothes and throwing them onto the bed. He loved watching her, especially when she was unaware or distracted.
He cleared his throat to get her attention. "Sassenach, do ye have a moment?" When she turned around to face him, he raised the envelope with his hand. "I want to talk about this."
"Oh, Jamie...do we have to? Can't it wait until we come back," she asked half-heartedly.
He sighed. "Claire, I don't want to go into details about it. All I want to know is why?"
Giving in, she walked over to him and took the envelope from his hand and placed it on the nearby chair. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she replied, "Because I wanted to, and it was the right thing."
Unconvinced, he shook his head. "That's no' a reason, Sassenach."
Claire released him and went back to folding clothes. "Well, if you must know, Château Cheval Blanc was never mine to have in the first place as well as the many stocks, bonds and shares Frank left behind. When my father-in-law made his will, I was never in his mind. It was all meant to be for Frank and future children we would have. Nobody could have predicted Frank would die so young and having no other family to pass on Frank's inheritance, I inherited my father-in-law's wealth...I guess by default. De Marillac's shares were Frank's father's shares, and I inherited it by some loophole in the legalities of the will. When I accidentally found out you were Jared Fraser's nephew and that you were trying to buy-out the other shareholders, it was a no-brainer decision to sign them over to you. It belongs to your family Jamie, and I have no right to it."
Jamie's face was expressionless as he strode towards her. Taking the garment she was folding off her hand, he turned her around to face him. "Sassenach, ye still haven't answered my question," he said in a warning tone. "I already know all that. What I want to know is why."
She fidgeted on her feet and lowered her head, refusing to look at him. "Well, after the incident at the charity ball, I didn't know how you felt about me. Thinking that you would have moved out from here after the stunt Annalise pulled, I didn't want to have anything that belonged to you or anything that would remind me of you."
"Ye could have used the money..."
"Jamie, I am financially stable, and I've always led a simple life, a legacy from growing up with my Uncle Lamb. I do not need much, and I'm quite comfortable...really."
"Sassenach, but why?" His hands were tight on her shoulders as if by gripping any harder, he could force the real truth out.
"Jamie, I already told you why, for fuck sake!" she glared at him, gritting her teeth in exasperation.
"No, ye haven't," he replied stubbornly, standing his ground.
Claire suddenly panicked. She knew there was no way out, and the last vestiges of the secret she held close to her heart were about to be exposed, leaving her naked and vulnerable, and Jamie was not about to give up. She wanted to resist, but inside she was crumbling and disintegrating fast, like the stone quarries of Egypt when the dynamite was detonated, leaving fragments of stones scattered to the ground.
Suddenly, she fell on her knees, hands on her face, and her shoulder slumped. Whatever fortification she had built, it was all gone. "The reason why I did what I did is that because I love you, damn it!" she sobbed, her voice cracking. " I love you James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser or whoever you are."
Jamie quickly got down on his knees and took her into his arms, his heart pounding and rejoicing in a chorus. It was what he had wanted to hear and not the drug talking.
"Sssh Sassenach, I love ye too,  mo chridhe.  There's the two of us now...ye're no longer alone. Hush now, everything will be alright." He cradled her tight against him, wiping her tears away until there were no more tears to be shed.
For the longest time, they both clung onto one another, not saying a word, two souls stirring in a most subtle way as the story between them finally began to write itself.
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rosie-janeposie · 4 years
Crashing Down
PART 2 of the Stolen Moments Collection
Ellana never had a first day of classes that bombed as she did today. Merula decided to mess with all her ingredients during potions. Transfiguration, she nearly fell asleep due to sudden exhaustion. The Divination room was so hot she had almost passed out, which Trelawny argued that it was Ellie's third eye manifesting. Then in practice, she almost threw up after catching a bludger to the stomach. Those things, however, weren't the worst thing. No, it was the glare Murphy gave her in the corridor was what really ruined her day.
I would love to say I wrote this for the sheer joy of writing... but I am trying to procrastinate hardcore of this History assignment. That being said. I have another chapter hot off the presses! I was trying to add a little character depth to some of the characters (Mainly Rowan and Murphy).
I have some ideas that I am going to do along the way. But if you have anything that you may want to see in the future, leave a comment below, or you can find me on AO3: AlleyChaton!
Quick Note: Ellana is starting her Third-year at Hogwarts. Meaning her Quidditch friends will be starting their Fourth-year.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hogwarts a Mystery. If I did Murphy would be seen a whole lot more, and he would be a romance option.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
 "Ellie, wait up!" The redhead turned to see her best friend, Rowan following her from the potions classroom. "Jeez, you certainly didn't waste any time getting out of potions class."
 "Sorry, Ro," the redhead muttered. She was adjusting her satchel. The strap seemed to be weakening the longer they stood in the hallway, "I was hoping to make a quick stop into the library before heading to Transfiguration."
 Rowan looped her arm through Ellie, dawning as smile, "Well then, shall we?" Ellie smiled as they walked up the stairs. Leave it to Rowan to want to go with her on an adventure to the library before class. "I never asked at breakfast, what classes are you taking this year?"
 "I am taking Care of Magical Creatures and unfortunately Divination…" Ellie drawled, rolling her eyes in the process, "I wanted to take ancient runes, but you should have seen my grandmother's face when the topic was discussed last Christmas." The redhead rolled her shoulder's forward and curled her right hand, trying to imitate an old woman, "Ellana Aurora Bennett." A shirl voice came out from Ellie's mouth, "You are named after my mother, who was a magnificent seer. It would be an insult not to study the noble art of divination. NO, BUTS!" Rowan and Ellie burst into giggles as Ellie's glasses bouncing down towards the end of her nose.
 Rowan giggled, poking Ellie's glasses back into the appropriate place on her face, "My parents didn't care what electives I took. Though, being that mom was muggle-born, she told me not to bother with Muggle Studies. She said, and I quote, 'if you are so interested in the muggle world, I'll let you spend the summer with   Daadee and Daada in Varanasi.' unquote." Ellie missed this simple talk. The last two years had been haunted by conversations about the hidden vaults. Ellie wanted to find her brother, she did. Still, the constant search made her wonder what typical students attending Hogwarts worry about. "So, when it was all said and done, I finally decide I am taking Care of Magical creatures and Ancient Runes!"
 Ellie groan, tugging on the dark-haired girl's arm, "Wait, so I am going to be in Divination by myself!"
 "You'll be fine."
 "Nooooo," She drawled now, pulling her friend downwards, both giggling madly, "I'll die without you there!"
 Rowan rolled her eyes now, trying to wiggle free from Ellie's grasp, "I think you'll have Penny with you. You won't die." They made it to the main corridor. Students were hustling in and out of entranceways and stairwells.
 "When I die I am coming back to haunt your a-"
 "Shit…" a male voice mumbled. Rowan and Ellie turned to see a familiar blond laying across the floor. His wheelchair was on its side a few meters away from him on the floor.
 "Murphy…" Ellie whispered quietly as she pulled Rown the direction of the Quidditch commentator. "Let's go help him."
 McNully hadn't seen the girls walking towards him as rubbing his left wrist silently cursing. His books were scattered across the corridor floor. Ellie noticed a familiar dark shaggy-haired head of Orion, Ravenclaw's Quidditch captain, bending down and collecting the scattered papers. "Apparently, it was the 12.8 percent chance of falling that won out today."
 Rowan was the first to speak up, "Are you okay?"
 "Yeah," McNully mumbled as he pushed himself up into a seated position. Ellie noted that his voice must have gotten lower the summer holiday. McNully voice now had a low-calming tone to it. "Orion and I were coming from the Divination classroom. I used my levitation charm to easily descend the ladder. Orion noted that I happened to be distracted today, which I am not." He shot over to his friend.
 Orion merely gave his usual lazy smile as he held McNully's books in his hands, "I am telling you, my friend, that your head and body have been out of line."
 "Then, we were heading down the staircase when I happened to see you girls talking merrily." He noted his ears pinked lightly, and his hands were still going a kilometer a minute. "The back part of my wheel was on the part of the step when I released the charm, only happens 12.8 percent of the time. Then I lost my balance. My textbooks came flying out of my bag. Then I was on the floor cursing." McNully was laughing lightly at the events of his own fall. "Then, you girls came over."
 "Wow…" Rowan muttered in surprise, "You weren't kidding when you said he can go off into tangents." Ellie shook her head.
 Ellie sighed as she walked over to grab the overturned wheelchair. She pulled it up, so it was right-side-up, she also noticed a stray wand laying close-by on the ground. "Some fall for you to lose your wand." She rolled the chair back towards her friend on the floor. Ellie noticed the forced smile that seemed to be on his face. Ellie saw that his eyes seemed to communicate his annoyance. He may have just been embarrassed to fall in front of everyone in-between classes. McNully sighed as he pulled himself closer to the wheelchair. Ellie watched as he pulled a lever on each side on the chair. Ellie was unable to hold back her words, "Do you want help?"
 "No." Ellie jumped at the harshness of that single word. "I've got it. Just let go of the chair." Ellie let her hands fall from the handles. As far as she knew, McNully never used that tone with anyone.
 Ellie and Rowan backed away from the blond silently as he pulled himself up into the seat. McNully took some time to right his legs back onto their platform. "Let us get to Potions," Orion spoke, breaking the silence. Orion held out the books which McNully accepted quietly.
 "Sounds like a plan."
 Ellie sighed, she thought she and Murphy were actually getting to be good friends. She meant nothing by it when she offered to help. "Ellana…"
 "Yes?" She looked over towards the boys who were heading towards the dungeon.
 "We have our first this year practice after dinner this evening. I'll see you there." Orion spoke a faint apologetic smile graced his face.
 "Sounds good," she whispered.
 Orion sighed as he flipped a page in his potion manual, "If I may make a suggestion…about Ellana."
 "You are going to anyway." Murphy muttered as he pushed his chair back to look for his ingredients, "I need flobworm, lionfish nettles, and ginger root."
 Orion let out a huff as he watched the blond wheel away from the table, "Why do you have to be stubborn now?"
 Orion looked up across the table to see Ravenclaw's female Scottish chaser looking at the two with a raised eyebrow. She appeared to stop taking notes from her potions manual hearing the boys whispering, "What's this about Ellie?" She asked curiously.
 "McNully decided that he was going to yell at Ellana in the hall," Orion muttered, pulling his hair back as he started brewing his potion.
 "Ya, what?" Skye whispered shock evident in her voice, she turned to look at the commentator, "Ya yelled at Ellie?"
 "Bloody hell, that's not what happened," McNully noted as he placed his ingredients on the potion's table. He started to weight out his lionfish nettles. McNully recited the tale of his wheelchair catching on the stairwell. How his books scattered across the floor and how Ellie had brought back his wheelchair, "Then she said, 'Do you need help?'." His face twisted as he began after a moment, he was quiet.
 "Then he gave her a short 'No,'" Orion finished for the blond as he started to stir his potion. "Then Mcnully told her to let go of his chair."
 Skye sighed as she looked up from her cauldron, cautiously watching the eerie smoke coming from the top. "Fine, ya didn't yell at her." The female chaser noted, "But, ya probabl' put her into a right foul mood."
 The three were silent through the rest of class, well until Skye's cauldron started to spit potion everywhere. McNully took it upon himself to extinguish Skye's cauldron before any severe damage was done, but not before Snape ensured 15 points each were deducted from Ravenclaw. 15 points from Skye for not following directions. Murphy 15 points for being a know-it-all and not allowing the professor to handle the situation. And finally, 15 from Orion for allowing the incident to happen.
 Skye pulled on the back of McNully's chair, "She probabl' didn't mean to offend ya when she asked." Skye reason as she let him go, now realizing she has had his attention. "She was just tryin' to be helpful. But, ya bein' short with her doesn't help either."
 McNully opened his mouth to rebut her statement, but the small voice in his head told him to wait, "You have an 86.3 percentage of being correct."
 "Damn right, I am."
 "How mature of you, Skye," Orion smiled, nodding towards the female chaser. "Glad to know we can agree on something."
 "Well, it's nice to have another girl on the team." Skye noted as she crossed her arms, "As for ya, I would suggest grabbin' some pumpkin pasties at dinner." She had a stern expression on her face as she turned towards the commentator, "They'll be a nice bargainin' chip for when ya talk with Ellie. And don't worry, they are effective 95 percent of the time."
 "My day can't get any worse…" Ellie whispered, lacing up her sneakers. She's never had a first day of classes that bombed as she did today. Merula decided to mess with all her ingredients during potions. Transfiguration, she nearly fell asleep due to sudden exhaustion. The Divination room was so hot she had almost passed out, which Trelawny argued that it was Ellie's third eye manifesting. Then in practice, she almost threw up after catching a bludger to the stomach. Those things, however, weren't the worst thing. No, it was the glare Murphy gave her in the corridor was what really ruined her day.
 The glare and sad tone in his voice every time he had to say her name in his commentary. Those seem to resonance with her more than the awful day of classes. So much for starting her third year off right.
 Ellie pulled off her practice jersey. She wadded the recently used jersey and threw it into the back of her locker. She pulled out her blue t-shirt and quickly put it on, she just wanted to go up to her common room and…
 She paused, did she really want to go and face Murphy now? Perhaps she could grab Rowan and hide in the girl's dormitory, Tulip and Badeea wouldn't mind. Maybe they could invade Skye's dorm room if they got bored. Anything to avoid…
 Ellie stared as her backpack discarded all of its contents onto the floor of the locker room. Ellie felt her emotions slowly bubbled to the surface. Ellana was shocked at the sound that escaped her lips. She dropped to her knees and began reaching for any book or piece of parchment as she could.
 Ellie pause at the sight of a napkin with three pasties neatly placed within it. She looked past the pasties to a forearm, then a white sleeve, then finally to a breast-pocket proudly displaying a golden snitch pin, "Pumpkin Pasty?"
  Ellie was silent, trying to keep her face neutral. This really was a horrible day. Murphy lowered his face to try and look her in the eyes. Ellie diverted her eyes. She was not in the mood to deal with him right now. With her book set in a neat stack now on the bench, Ellie turned her head to search for her ripped bag. Ellie stood patting her face with her hand, frustrated tears leaked from her eyes.
 Murphy pulled the napkin back onto his lap, "There's a 56.8 percent chance that you are actually listening." He began, "For as long as I could remember, I remember being in a wheelchair. I remember people giving me these sorrowful looks. As though I wouldn't be normal." He was not looking at Ellie; he was, in fact, looking everywhere but her. "I remember being at this muggle park. It was shortly before my father died. I just wanted to play with the other kids." He muttered as he tried to focus on the redhead's back. "At some point, I lost my balance, and my chair fell over like it has done multiple times. Older kids and parents were circled around me as though I was broken. They wanted to 'help' and 'keep me safe.'" Murphy let out a dry chuckle, "You have no idea how excited I when mom told me I was going to a Wizard. It gave me a chance to take my life back."
 "Murphy, Why are you telling me this?" A small voice whispered.
 "Because, I don't like the idea of people looking through me and only seeing the chair," Murphy muttered as he patted the arms. "I don't like that I am known as the wizard in the wheelchair. I was embarrassed when I snapped at you. I know you didn't mean anything, but I felt like I was back to being helpless."
 Ellie turned back to the blond, she didn't realize his brown eyes were following her every move. This was not the Murphy McNully with whom she played wizard's chess. Nor was this the McNully who provided commentary for Hogwart's Quidditch matches. This was Murphy McNully, who wanted to be seen.
 Murphy sighed as he put his hands on his wheels, "It was a 56.8 percent chance you would listen. I didn't bother in calculating if you would try to talk to me…" He rolled started to roll backwards out of the changing room.
 "I was asked because you were my friend Murphy." Ellie force out the words, McNully stopped in his paces. "Friends help each other. Besides," Ellie paused until the courage struck, "I was more hurt that you pretty much bit off my hand. Orion was helping you too. I didn't see you yell at him."
 "He tends to yell back," Murphy admitted, "Ellana, I am truly sorry. I can tell you that Skye and Orion have been letting me know how much of an idiot I have been all day."
 "What a way to start off classes?" Ellie reached down to gather her books.
 "Yeah," He whispered, "Ellie, I want us to be friends again. Hell, I brought pasties because Skye said they can be a peace offering."
 Ellie cracked a smile, "You must mean it if you are taking advice from Skye."
 Murphy smirked, "Well, fine if you don't want these…" Murphy pulled out the napkin that contained the pumpkin pasties. Ellie jumped in front of him so quickly, he could have sworn she apparated.
 "Let's not be hasty," She smiled as she reached for the napkin in his hands, "it is a nice gesture after all." Murphy handed her the sweets. He smiled as he watched her pull out one of the pasties to nibble on.
 "Hm, 95 percent of the time, huh?" Murphy mutter as he rubbed his chin.
 "Did you say something?" Ellie asked with a raised eyebrow.
 Murphy smirked as he rolled right passed her, "I said, let escort you back to the common room." He gathered her books and torn bag from the bench and put them on his lap.
 She blushed, trying to reach for her mess, "You don't have to do that."
 "A gentleman never lets a lady carry her books," Murphy drawled, putting on an overly formal tone, "Especially when they are trying to eat."
 Ellie rolled her blue-green eyes behind her glasses. She pulled out her fake curtsy, "Why thank you, such a charming gentleman."
 McNully grin settled back onto his face before he threw a wink back to Ellie. Once, he had balanced her books and backpack comfortably into his lap. They journeyed up to the castle, merely enjoying each other's presence.
Alright, my Lovelies! Please leave your comments and Kudos down below.
I hate to inform you that I will not be able to upload frequently as I did today, but I promise to have more content coming your way.
Until next time!
~Rosie 🌹
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