#sleepy drarry
someoneidfk · 11 months
sleepy!drarry that are always seen sleeping EVERYWHERE.
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littlewinnow · 1 year
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Scorp takes naps very seriously 😤
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hpdmguy · 1 month
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soft cuddles!!
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exhaustedcatte · 1 year
Grimmauld Place
“Yes, yes,” Draco huffed. “Tell Kathleen to ask Robbards instead, I’m only a mere banker, he’s the auror!”
Draco put the receiver down with force, fuming at the audacity of some clients. Even after cleaning up his act, absolutely spotless might he add, some people still found ways to poke through his defences.
Their newest target was Harry Potter, or also known as Draco’s fiancé.
Gringgotts had kindly offered him a spot fresh out of school, after Draco had submitted a letter of referral from both the Headmistress and Arithmancy professor of Hogwarts. It helped that he had vast knowledge about the kind of money that was sent here for safekeeping.
It was only a couple months in that Harry had turned up at his office, with a huge sum left behind by a certain Sirius Black. One thing led to another and Draco promised him a coffee. Now, almost eight years later, Draco was going to be promising him the rest of his life.
“Alright Malfoy,” Pillai strode into his cabin, closing the door behind her with her pencil heel. “What’s wrong?”
“I want to run away,” Draco dropped his head on the table, groaning.
“I bet. Well, your little hunk is out there being sniffed by Skeeter’s rats.”
When Draco lifted his forehead to see Malavika tuck her saree pallu into her skirt, she smiled sinisterly. “Go get your man.”
Draco pulled on his coat and let his glasses drop by the chain around his neck. A quick swipe of his wand and his messenger bag was packed up and ready to go.
“Be a dear for once and tell Cecily I’m clocking out early?” He kissed Malavika’s cheek, in an attempt to disarm her while being sincere with his love.
“I’m always a dear,” she said heatedly to his retreating back, obviously flustered, still unused to being subjected to physical affection.
Harry Potter, as it turned out, had a few tricks up his sleeve. He’d finally learnt to sneak out of the paws of those terrible paps, who still to this day stalked him. It obviously didn’t help that Draco was involved. It made Harry Potter more of a spectacle than ever.
When Draco walked past the camera flashlights unnoticed, he heard a whisper behind his ear-shell telling him to keep going and to take the fire escape out the building. Draco heeded the advice obediently, thrilled at the turn of events.
He felt around him for a solid body after they’d safely exited the lobby and stumbled into the stairwell. Harry pulled the invisibility cloak off to wrap Draco in a hug.
“They were about to raise hell out here and I knew you’d get nasty if they did,” he explained cheekily, mouthing at Draco’s earlobe.
“Damn right,” he murmured, hands settling on the Professor’s waist.
It was still a little disorienting how well they knew each other – Draco was self-aware, it was obvious they’d kept some rather strong tabs on each other but he’d never imagined a reality where’s they’d use the information they’d gleaned for loveable motives.
It made his heart beat loud in his temple, as if a prayer he had memorised.
“So,” Harry continued, “I snuck into the washroom and hid in my cloak. Then stood behind those godawful gnome statues till I heard Pillai shove you out.”
“Good job, Potter, colour me impressed,” Draco nodded, feeling delighted at the steady rise of red up Harry’s throat at the compliment.
“Why did you come anyway?”
“Oh, right! Hermione mentioned there’s a nice thrift store a few blocks from here so I thought we could go look at furniture.”
Harry had disposed most of Grimmauld Place’s rotten furniture. The wood had begun to splinter off, nails popping into the cushions of the chairs, wallpaper peeling away. The whole scene.
Draco, when he had come around, had donated (given as a placeholder in place of– well, himself) his own things from the Manor. Beautiful pieces he couldn’t part with. He never imagined Harry would want to do away with those as well.
“Ah, well,” Harry cleared his throat. He sounded much more nervous now.
Draco squeezed his hand, a silent hey, it’s okay.
“Right, um. Since we’re getting married and all,” Harry said quickly, “I thought we could get some new things for around the house. Like a new chapter? Something to start afresh? Just a few things here and there to add on to your collection…”
Harry Potter was a child who was always given hand-me-downs. Very rarely did he use his money to get something for himself either. Draco wanted to smack himself in the head. To think he wanted to build something with Draco? Of course he would agree.
“Lead the way, Potter,” Draco smiled, sweet, all teeth showing.
Obviously relieved, his fiancé whisked him away in a blur of magic to the furniture store.
An adequately well-curated collection stood pristine in the small building. Draco let go of Harry to let him shop while he did some browsing.
Draco, who had been an absolute wizard at Charms (hah! wizard), had picked up a few fun tricks while squatting around in the library, the one place Harry Potter hated entering, searching for ways to one-up the Gryffindor.
In his search, he found a rather curious spell – one that allowed him to see whose belongings were what, to see who last used it and such.
Draco cast the spell on a hat-pin first.
Owner – Candace Higgins. Last Used – Jemma Jones.
Maybe they were mother and daughter or sisters or best friends. Or maybe they were unrelated.
He looked behind, but Harry was in the other end of the room, near the beds, talking to a salesman about prices and such.
Draco picked up a hand-mirror.
Owner – Lucia Phyllis. Last Used – Felipa Phyllis.
It was definitely a collectible, maybe an heirloom. Gold gilded and shiny. He put it back down reverently. Lucia had good taste, whoever she was.
Feeling a bit bold, Draco spelled a bookcase.
Owner – Gideon Bones. Last Used – Susan Bones.
Draco jumped back at the familiar name.
“Excuse me, sir? How far back do these pieces date?”
The salesman looked around the room. “Well, we have some pretty vintage things here – some that we don’t use anymore. We have stuff from the 80s and then more recent things from few years to a few months ago.”
“I see,” Draco said. Harry furrowed his brow in question but Draco smiled to reassure him.
He then began spelling away. Flatware, silk bedclothes (which okay, kind of ew), tables, stools, hats and scarves. All the sort.
Harry Potter was still shuffling around looking at stuff like vases and ink pots. Poor thing had no idea where to begin. But Draco wanted Harry to pick something out for himself by himself, like a present.
But then.
He saw a pair of identical slipper-chairs, a velveteen red, and decided that would go well with the green rug in the salon.
Owner – James Potter and Lily Potter. Last Used – Harry Potter.
Draco stopped in his tracks suddenly like he was hit by a Colloshoo.
There was no way. Absolutely one in a million chance.
He spelled it again. Once, twice, thrice, four tim–
“Malfoy,” Harry hissed. “Don’t be spelling things in front of muggles!”
“Harry,” he said, dazed. “Tell me what you see, okay?”
He cast the charm again.
Once again, gooey letters formed over the two soft chairs.
“What the fuck?” Harry muttered. “What?”
“It’s a spell that tells you the owner and the person who had it last. Um.” Draco’s throat felt sticky.
Harry reached over to smooth the fabric. “This is? Mine? My parents’?”
Draco nodded dumbly. “Seems so. Isn’t that lovely?”
“I… yeah. Yeah. But how?”
“I’m guessing someone donated it after…”
Harry ducked his head mutely, overcome by emotion. Draco pet his hair, trying to offer comfort.
“Hello? Good sir, we’d like to buy these here, please!”
The salesman, or owner, by the looks of it, he was the only one in here anyway, ambled to where they were stood. “The chairs? I’m afraid it’s been booked.”
Harry wilted under Draco’s palm. Like flowers drooping under the harsh sun.
“I can pay you double. Please. This belongs to him.” And as a last ditch attempt, “It’s a family heirloom.”
The man raised his eyebrows below his thick hair, finding the heirloom thing ridiculous. But he only replied with, “How can you prove it?”
Harry stood up and put a restraining hand on Draco’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright.”
“No no,” Draco frowned. “Listen, sir? Douglas?” he read the name-tag. “We can pay full amount right now. Please?” Draco wasn’t one to beg or plead, but he would grovel for Harry Potter if he had to.
The man shrugged. “Sorry, can’t do nothin’, well, unless the other guys don’t turn up for payment.”
Draco stood away, eyeing the chairs while Harry booked something for the house. He’d already known what he’d wanted apparently.
“Yeah,” Harry said quietly. “Home.”
Draco remained patient till dinner, trying not to pry, but then again, he couldn’t let Harry drown in his head. When they sat down on their leather chesterfield with a glass of red, Draco decided to open the can of worms.
“Potter? Are you alright?”
Harry looked at him for a minute over the rim of his glass while downing his wine. Draco sat nervously still, not backing down.
“Thank you,” he said finally, after polishing it off, shy.
Draco felt his heart melt. “Oh, Harry. Oh, sweetheart.” He set his glass down, and tugged Harry closer.
“No, really, thank you so much.”
Draco blushed. “I didn’t even do anything. We didn’t get the chairs,” he pointed out uselessly.
Harry shook his head, wayward curls flying with his movements. “You tried.”
Then, reminded by the failure of the chair situation he sighed, dejected. Draco hated seeing Harry like that, like an abandoned pup on the curb-side on a rainy day inside a soggy cardboard box.
“Hey, I’m sure if I dig around I’ll find a charm that can play memories from objects, you do own some old things of theirs, right?”
Harry, who was absolute pants at Charms, perked up at that. “You’d do that for me?”
“I would burn the world to keep you warm, Harry Potter,” Draco said seriously, but still laughingly.
He finally cracked a smile.
“Thanks Malfoy.”
“Stop thanking me, I’m not God –although I could be.”
“No,” Harry agreed, smile lines crinkling the skin around his eyes. “You’re too disgusting, too potty-mouthed for that.”
“Pot calling kettle,” Draco sniffed. “I might even venture to say you seem to quite enjoy it.”
“You might have to remind me,” Harry blinked slowly, eyes turning into liquid fire. Draco loved when Harry got like this – all coy and blithe.
“Mhm,” he inched closer. “Bought us a new bedframe.”
“Want to test its quality?”
“You’re so on.”
Three weeks later, on Christmas day, after Draco kissed Harry pink for the novelty glass chess-kit, Harry opened Draco’s present. His very enormous and neatly wrapped gift.
Two red slipper chairs which read James, Lily and Harry Potter when spelled.
Draco saw Harry’s lashes lower over his eyes, in an attempt to blink his tears away. Draco let him.
“How?” his voice was tight, strained with emotion.
“Went back to the store,” Draco grinned proudly. “They put it on sale again because it wasn’t paid for, only marked by a couple who never turned up even after a month. So I snatched it up. Scourgified it and well, here it is!”
Harry fisted Draco’s emerald green Weasley sweater in his hands and kissed him roughly, but still sweet, still kind, still grateful.
“Thank you, Draco.”
“Think it’ll read Last Used by Harry and Draco Potter someday?” He asked with a smile, looking at the red chairs.
Harry squeezed his hand. “Stick around and find out for yourself.”
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crazybutgood · 2 years
Thinking of you! Hope you can stay up a little bit longer. Wrote something to help:
“Harry!” Draco snapped. Harry blearily opened his eyes.
“The healers say you can’t go to sleep for another hour while the spell on your concussion finishes working.”
“Mmm,” agrees Harry tiredly, letting his eyes close again.
“No, no!” Draco sounds a bit panicked. Harry tries to sit up. He doesn’t like when Draco is scared. Draco shouldn’t have to be scared about anything - not anymore. They’d both been scared enough for lifetimes.
“Tell me a story,” Harry tried.
“So you can fall asleep in the middle of it? Not likely. You tell me a story.”
“Once upon a time…” Harry started, then laughed. Draco wasn’t Teddy and already knew all his Marauders stories. “I don’t know. I can’t think that clearly.”
Draco peered at Harry anxiously. “The healer said you might be a bit confused while the damage finished healing. But I can call her back…”
Harry reached up to that little wrinkle where Draco’s brown was furrowed. Maybe if he pressed there, Draco’s face would smooth out and the worry would go away. Draco caught his hand and held it for a minute. That felt nice. Nice enough for Harry to let his eyes start to shut again.
“Hey! No, sit up. Drink some water. For Slytherin’s sake, Harry! Stay awake or I’m calling Pansy and Ginevra to come badger you for the next hour!”
Harry obediently sipped his water. “What if we took a trip?”
“Took a trip? Tonight?” The worried look was back and Draco stood - to go get someone to poke at Harry’s brain again, Harry realized.
“Not tonight! Like, just in the future. I’ve never gotten to travel much. Where should we go?”
Draco’s shoulders inched down a bit as he turned and came back to sit near Harry’s bed. “Well, where would you want to go?”
“Is Paris nice?” Harry asked.
“It’s fine, but the tourist parts are extremely overrated. No, if you want to see an old European city we should go to Prague. See the astronomical clock, the old town square.”
Harry smiled tiredly as slid further down in the bed. He pushed himself up again, trying to stay awake for Draco, so Draco wouldn’t worry.
Draco saw him struggle with his pillow, and reached over to fluff it before Harry had even thought of it. He fussed with the blankets too for a moment, pulling them sweetly around Harry. Harry’s heart swelled at the affection, the little boy in the cupboard still hardly believing he was so loved.
“Where else? Where else should we go?”
“In Europe? Well, I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights in Norway.”
“That’d be cool,” Harry agreed. “What about America? Have you ever been there?”
“Mother took me to New York City the summer of fourth year. Right before the Quidditch Cup. I think she sensed that things were taking a turn for the worse and she wanted to have some nice memories together before that.” Draco was frowning again. Harry didn’t like it when Draco frowned.
“I want to see the Grand Canyon.”
Draco raised an eyebrow. “Great big hole in the ground somewhere in the west?”
Harry snorted. “I think it’s like…Utah maybe? Or New Mexico. That sounds right. I don’t know, all the states blend together when I’m not concussed. But yeah, it’s supposed to be really beautiful. We could rent a car and do several of their national parks. There’s the one with the big geyser too. That’s supposed to be cool. And the one with the alligators -“ Harry paused to yawn. “It would be cool to see an alligator.”
“If you can stay awake for another 30 minutes, I will take you to see all the alligators your heart desires. Tell me, what makes an alligator so intriguing to you.”
Harry chatted with Draco about alligators, then manatees, and then to moose until the healer came to check on him again. He hardly noticed, so excited to plan his trip with Draco, until Draco let out a huge yawn.
Finally declared well enough to sleep, they both fell into the fitful sleep of a hospital. But Harry knew that they’d keep planning tomorrow.
💜 sending love and the hope that you’ll be able to sleep soon! 💜
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HELLO @kittycargo omg??? This is the bestest thing ever omg I can't believe you wrote a fic (and so quick!) based on me staying up akfjej 🥺 I *love* the setup you made for it omg and poor Harry jfjej I hope he's alright!! This is so sweet and omg the softness! Draco gently taking care of Harry and them talking about taking a trip together ❣️ they so deserve some time off for themselves,, 'the little boy in the cupboard still hardly believing he was so loved' MY HEART 😭😭😭 Harry is so cute going on a bleary tangent about all he wants to see, esp the alligators!!
I adore this so much, I've read this thrice now and I can't stop smiling 💕💕 I just finished the thing I'd stayed up for, and am pumped full of adrenaline but ready to sleep sometime soon too hopefully fjje and this was like the softest, sweetest surprise of a bedtime story!! Thank you thank you so much, this was so incredibly nice and thoughtful of you 🙏🏼💖💖 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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lupine-trees · 9 months
glass panes & evergreens
[ a wip snippet from a non-magical au in which the boys are (begrudgingly, then not-so-begrudgingly) renovating the manor, which has fallen into disrepair, for reasons. harry has called draco on christmas eve. ]
word count: ~458, unedited.
“Potter?” Draco reached blindly for his bedside alarm clock, squinting his eyes into the dim digital numbers. 11:47.
“What is it? Is everything alright?”
“Oh. Yeah, all good. I was just thinking.”
Harry’s voice was soft and sleepy over the line, static rustling occasionally as he shifted the phone at his shoulder.
Draco wondered absently at Harry’s degree of inebriation. He yawned, stifling the sound, and rolled to his side, cradling the phone carefully to his ear.
“What were you thinking?”
Harry hummed, the noise rumbling straight into Draco’s chest. “Was thinking... about the ballroom.”
Draco ran an easy hand up through his hair, resting it behind his head. “Mhm,” he prompted.
“Thought... It’d look pretty. All done up for Christmas,” Harry murmured.
Draco stilled, the soft warmth of sleepiness wrapped heavy around him, a feeling not unlike grief knifing delicately into his side. He pressed his face to the pillow.
“It did.”
Harry was quiet a moment, only the sound of his slow breaths ghosting through the phone.
“Tell me,” he said.
Draco rolled to his back, eyes tracing through the nothing of the dark. “I loved the windows,” he began.
“At Christmastime, we’d draw back the curtains. The big velvet ones? And I would always wish for snow.” He imagined the myriad glass panes, stretched floor to ceiling, glistening with the soft white of flakes falling, fluffy, and sticking.
“Every year we would have an evergreen tree brought in. From the back woods. The needles would fall all over the floor as it was carried through the parlor.” Draco could see it in his mind, the sparse green trail, smell the scent of pine.
“We’d string it in tinsel. Hang candles in the boughs.” His mother pulling him, small and quick, gently away from the lit tree, a careful chastise on her tongue. “My mother let me pick the star. Gold, glittering. She always preferred silver.”
Harry mm-hmmed. “You look good in gold,” he murmured, the words coming slow, a breathy slurry. “Warm.”
Draco’s own breath caught, something welling in his throat, prickling at his eyes.
“You should sleep,” he said eventually. “It’s late.”
“‘M not tired,” Harry insisted.
“I am,” Draco said softly.
The clock down the hall chimed, ringing out low in the quiet of the night. Twelve times. Midnight.
“Harry?” he whispered.
“Mhm?” came the muffled reply.
“Happy Christmas.”
“Happy Christmas,” Harry mumbled.
“Goodnight,” Draco told him.
Draco heard his breathing taper, slow, the soft sound of sleep. He flipped his phone shut quietly, returned it to his bedside table. The flat was warm, and he curled into his bed in the easy dark; it seemed though, in a hazy sort of way, bigger, emptier, than it had done before.
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cam-the-chameleon · 2 years
For @cavendishbutterfly : a short story about changes, or about bridging our past selves with the person we want to be. I have been so in awe of how your writing has flourished this past year, and I hope this upcoming year brings you many wonderful things <3 Happy birthday!
Rated G | 209 words | inspired by the quotation below:
“This is all I have observed of butterflies: but I have heard also that caterpillars are transformed into butterflies; whether it be true or not, I will not dispute: only this I dare say, that I have seen caterpillars spin, as silkworms do, an oval ball about their seed, or rather about themselves.” - Margaret Cavendish, Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy
Only after the third time they’ve slept together does Harry ask about the tattoo, propping himself onto his pillow and gesturing to Draco’s inner wrist.
“So, when did you—?”
“After the war.” Draco stares at his skin, voice soft. “As a daily reminder of who I once was, and who I want to be.”
“Can I—?”
He nods, and Harry touches the skin reverently, feeling the bumps of the raised ink. The butterfly’s wings rustle under his fingertips, blue shimmering into gold. 
“It’s lovely.”
Draco places his fingers over Harry’s. At his own touch the tattoo dissolves, dots of pigment wriggling themselves into the shape of a caterpillar. In the middle of the night Harry will wake up and glance over at Draco, the angles of his face softened by sleep. He learns that Draco sleeps with his hand resting over his heart protectively. The now-chrysalis is just barely visible, peeking from underneath his wrist. 
Who is this man, Harry thinks, who has rearranged himself into a shape I’m beginning to love? 
Somehow they wake with their legs tangled together. Harry smiles fondly as Draco rubs away the sleep from his eyes. The butterfly has returned. Under the sunlight of the new day, Harry watches the wrinkled wings unfurl. 
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basiatlu · 9 months
For the art asks, can I request Drarry and either F2 or E1? I love your art so much and I hope you day has been good!
Aw thank you so much, anon buddy! I hope your day when you sent this (as well as today) is treating you well, too. Had a delightful latte and pastry, deep cleaned my espresso machine, and got to warm up drawing your pose request surrounded by sleepy kitties. Life is kind to me!
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starrybl1ss · 9 months
Enchanting secrets ✧˖°.
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★senior/quidditch captain/slytherin!ellie williams x senior/gryffindor!reader ★warnings: making out lol, swearing, (smut in part 2 that is complete link below) ★inspo: so basically yk the drarry ships?? this is kinda basically it but with ellie & reader and the hogwarts!ellie headcannons ★please read! harry potter fans please don't come at me because the timeline of this fic is probably not accurate from the books and movies. and yes, i did watch the movie but im not really in the fandom that much so i did as much as researching as i could.
Hogwarts has been a big journey for you and all the wacky magical things happening. as now you are in senior year, the last year in hogwarts, after that you'll have do the N.E.W.T.s test that is known to be increadibly difficult.
Your really nervous, luckly your friend, Dina is a fellow gryffindor as well. And she's a smart student.
You really want to do well in the test. magic isn't as easy as flickering a wand in the air and boom! your a frog. Its much more complex than that. theory or practice, its hard.
Your now in the library with Dina, studying your ass off. its quite stressful with all the subjects.
Tomorrow is the quidditch match. your house versus slytherin. you can't wait to watch it. its always so much fun watching quidditch. you never really liked playing quidditch since it all looks so exhausting and dangerous, not like hogwarts is not itself. but you rather focus on your studies.
"Dina, im going back. real tired. you coming?" you ask the black haired girl. "Yeah all go back after its actually time for students to get back and sleep" she replied. "Cya" you left the library grabbing your books.
You walk all along the school corridors and went on the anoyying stairs that always move to a different place. its still quite busy. but only with all the seniors. running up and down.
You suddenly bump into someone. an auburn haired girl making you drop your book. "shit, sorry let me get them for you" she bent down to your knees grabbing the books you dropped.
The girl hands out the books back to you. "thanks... ellie?" you thank her while a bit skeptical if thats her name. "no problem" she replied and continues walking down the stairs.
You were right, Ellie williams. captain of the slytherin quidditch team. You see her a lot. she's a big deal. the some what 'anoyying' quidditch captain that always makes their team win in quidditch the past years shes been in hogwarts.
You continue walking up the stairs towards the 'fat lady' painting. You stood infront of the painting. "fibbertigibbet" you said as the painting opened and you step in.
Your basically the first senior to enter since everybody was busy studying while you cant take it anymore. you were too sleepy. so you changed in to your pyjamas and went to bed
Your sleep was interrupted by Dina. "wake upppp, it's already time for brekfast!" she shook your unconcious body. you quicky open your eyes and saw that it is perfectly 7.30 in the morning.
Your sleep felt so quick. "wait up, im gonna get dress" you got up and dressed up as Dina waited in the common room.
"Let's go Deen" you went outside the gryffindor house and quickly went down the stairs to the great hall where brekfast is served until around 8.
You went ahead and sat down and grabbed the food you wanted. chicken, again. your kind of obsessed with eating chicken by now.
You glaired at the slytherin table where you saw, ellie williams again. for some reason, since you two bumped to eachother on the stairs, you couldnt seem to get her of your mind.
Dina waved her hand infront of your face trying to stop you from zoning out and daydreaming too much. "who's the lucky guy your gonna take to dance after the exam?" Dina looks at you hoping you already have a guy to take out to the last senior prom.
"Oh uh, dunno" you slightly shook your head. "who we're you looking at anyways?" she asks curiously. "no one, just uhh.. someone that helped me grab my books when we bumped into eachother last night"
"see? i dont think thats a 'no one' after all! who is it?" she shook your shoulder excitedly. "a girl... you know? slytherin's quidditch captain?" you said nervously.
"are you kidding? ellie? you mean ellie williams? she's bad news!-" Dina said out loudly as you stopped her to make her a little more quite since there was a lot of people looking at you two.
"My god, she's so anoyying! she's our rival y/n!" she looks at you. "i knowww, but-" you stopped talking trying to think what to say next.
"but what? okay, i could quickly find you a good looking, smart, green flag gryffindor guy in a minute! it'll be easy, almost every gryffindor wants you. not to meantion, a lot of other boys from other houses would want you"
"i'll just worry about it later, whats the point of having a 'guy' that wants you but you don't want them anyways?"
You couln't focus the whole time in potions. you kept having your eyes on ellie making it difficult. you exited the class and went towards the bathroom to wash your face.
You went inside hearing someone crying and ofcourse it is moaning myrtle. the ghost who haunts the girls bathroom.
You saw another girl infront of the sink. you got closer and it was ellie. god, you meet her everywhere. you went to the sink next to her as you turned on the faucet.
Ellie looks at you "hey, never really catched your name last night" slightly tilting her head. "I- im- uh, y/n" you introduced yourself.
"nice meeting you"
"y-you too!" you said nervously.
"whats your next class y/n?" god, she said your name making you blush a little. suprised that she brought up a conversation. "defence againts the dark arts" you replied.
She looks at you while not sayying a thing. just admiring your face making your heart skip a beat. you couldn't handle the tension anymore.
"i should get to clas-" you stepped a bit further from her but she grabbed your left arm. "the teacher wouldn't mind you being late right?" she said teasingly.
"y-yeah he wouldn't min-" suddenly ellie pulls you in a kiss. fuck, you didn't know this would happen so quickly. you kissed her back. her hands on your waist.
"c-can we a go somewhere a little more private? Just incase...-" ellie grabs you and puts you two in one of the stalls locking the door from behind.
She pins you to the door and started giving you hickeys on your neck with you letting out choked up moans as she lifts up your sweater.
You hear someone sniffing, moaning myrtle. "Looks like things are getting a little too spicy in here. you stupid kids forgot i haunt this place? Jeez, get out!"
Shit, you totally forgot about her being her- fuck! Your missing out on professor lupin's class!
"El- ellie im missing class i should go-" you push her back a little. "See you after the match?" You nod as you went outside the stall
You ran around the corridor. 14 minutes late into proffesor lupin's class. luckly it was him teaching so he didn't make a fuss about you being late and you just said you were in the bathroom constapated as hell and he led that slide without you telling him you hooked up with the slytherin quidditch captain.
"were you that constipated? your lucky proffesor lupin isn't absent or you'd be in hell!" Dina did made a fuss about it.
You rolled your eyes and continued writing in your notebook.
This evening the weather is perfect. Not too hot, a bit cloudy but no sign of rain. The quidditch match had begun 15 minutes ago.
Slytherin are currently in the lead. Brooms going back and forth in lightning speed.
You could care less about the match, you were drunk in love admiring ellie on her broomstick. She was your house biggest rival!
Your mouth accidently slipped "Go ell-!" Dina looks at you confused. "Shes our rival! Snap out of it!" You stayed silent gazing at ellie like your some dumb 12 year old thats so drunkly inlove.
The match has ended with slytherin, again. everybody went back inside the school corridor as the slytherin kids all cheered for ellie and her team.
you were completely starstruck by her. shes so... mesmorizing its driving you insane.
suddenly you felt someones arm touching yours in the crowd. you looked at your left to see... ew! its that icky popular gryffindor guy that cant seem to get your hands off you.
"hey, i was wondering if you'd want to come to the dance with m-" you cut off his words. "sorry, fully booked" you tilt your head with a smug face.
You were lying, theres been a lot of guys asking you but you just rejected all of them.
You walked away from him without looking back. as the corridor got a little less hectic, ellie approaches you. "hey, about that..." she stopped. "would you go to the yule ball with me after the exam? any chance? you already got someone... dont you?"
You giggled "i don't, ellie" you smile. she smiled back at you and pulled you in for a kiss infront of people including dina.
★read please!
HIIII soooo its donee, sorry if i misspelt stuff. ik the pole i did alotta people voted for smut but i wanted this one to be clean???? so if you want to read the next part (that has smut) you can read it here!
lmk if you wanna see the yule ball part after the n.e.w.t.s!
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
What do you consider memorable Drarry scenes from fanfics? That nearly have a cinematic quality in your head if that makes sense
It’s difficult to do this without spoilers so read at your own will!
At the top of my mind, Far From the Tree where the future visitors arrive wands blazing swords swinging. I don’t want to spoil anything but it’s a spectacular scene
In A Sword Laid Aside, Harry’s a mechanic and working on a bike, he’s been isolated for a long time and Draco knows that he’s been touch/affection starved. He starts to play with his hair, then braids it and finishes with spelling purple flowers into it. The tenders of it is just achingly beautiful.
In Number Seven, there’s an attack scene. Draco’s a recovering alcoholic and the smell from the broken bottles of Jack Daniels triggers his memories.
Twist of Fate, Draco’s trial, the memory reveal scene dropping like a bomb. Draco kicking and screaming for them to not, everyone confused not knowing what’s coming. The tension!!!
In Who We are in the Shadows, werewolf Harry watching Draco all caught up in casework going wild with pining imagining the smell of his neck.
In Such Great Heights, a sleepy Draco beckoning Harry over and both them sleeping together curled up against Draco’s dragon.
In Close Behind, Draco crashing into the big fight with his snake wrapped up around him, riding his thestral like an avenging angel. 🙌🏻
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littlewinnow · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A sketch based on this adorable post 😂😂😂
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sitp-recs · 4 months
one of my favourite micro-tropes is when the characters wake up next to each other after sleeping together (not necessarily in an explicit way) for the first time. i love them seeing each other in their vulnerable, morning-cozy states. and i looove when one of them wakes up before the other and freely explores the other’s features in the morning light. i love the gentle secret touches, the groggy voices, the unabashed morning breath kisses.
i was wondering if you had any favourite morning-after scenes yourself (i’m mostly a drarry fiend, but i’d love to hear any others you might have!) and if you’d be willing to share them? :)
Hi anon! That’s indeed a lovely micro trope, I adore fics exploring those quiet moments of tender non-sexual intimacy. I’m listing a few favourites below, you’ll notice some works by @the-starryknight who writes it so brilliantly!
halcyon days by thestarryknight (T, 1.3k)
Sleepy mornings caught while the sun rises are reserved for silly word games and soft touches and feelings.
After sunlit days, one thing stays the same by flightinflame (T, 2k)
Harry wakes up sore after a full moon. Luckily, Draco is beside him, and knows how to handle it.
Boldly by thestarryknight (T, 5k)
Tucked away in the newly restored bedroom at Potter's Cottage, Draco and Harry set their resolutions for the new year. Epilogue for A Room Up There (And You In It)
Confessions in a Lover's Whorl by thestarryknight (T, 2.6k)
In the mornings when Harry remains asleep, Draco tracks the stories of their life together in the lines of Harry’s upturned palm.
Stay (With Me) by DorthyAnn (M, 6.5k)
Harry and Draco have been seeing each other casually, whenever they bumped into one another at Galas and Balls and other social events, always keeping one another at a careful distance. But one step forward seems to remove all space between them, sending them crashing together with an almost inevitable gravity.
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Tagged by @tackytigerfic and @citrusses tysm!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
If the Fates Allow - 10.6K drarry
Draco had just tipped the dregs of the punchbowl into Harry's champagne saucer to refresh him as they flowed out of Glimmerald Hall into the cobbled street of Diagon Alley on the heels of a scrum of laughing, shouting, dancing Weasleys.
A Forgivable Fascination - 2K drarry
The only thing more astounding than the fact of the Malfoy-Potter research partnership, existing in seeming defiance of their notorious feud, is the number of discoveries they've made together.
Imperio - 2K drarry
"I think," Draco murmurs between sleepy kisses. The lamp is still burning yellow-orange on the bedside table, and Draco is so lovely and golden under its light.
not very fast or slow (just soft and low) - 1.8K drarry
"You've got to be so quiet," Harry murmured in that special, soft voice, only just discernible above the crackling of the fire.
The Tune Without the Words - 2K drarry
"I really doubt he wants to see me, Granger," Draco had to raise his voice slightly to be heard over the racket of torrential rain on the windows of his tiny sitting room. "We split up."
A Bottomless Well - 10.2K drarry
It's the savoury smell of supper cooking that brings Draco out of his reverie. He's being beckoned as surely as if Harry were striking a dinner bell.
A Gift of True Esteem - 54K drarry
Harry Potter was procrastinating. The thick stack of essays and exams on his desk were in desperate need of marking, but they did not have his full nor even his partial attention.
The Joy of Bleeding - 6K drarry
“I have the most absurd, awful, unpleasant, serious thing that I need your help with,” Draco Malfoy announced, as he stepped out of Harry Potter’s Floo one rainy midspring Wednesday evening.
As Safe as He'd Ever Be - 618 drarry
Harry Potter woke, as he had been with disconcerting regularity of late, with his heart pounding. His hairline was damp with sweat, his pillow moist, and he lay still for a few moments, trying to force himself back toward calm.
Without Pretense - 3.6K drarry
As he usually wondered whenever he got himself into similar positions, Draco Malfoy was busily wondering how he ever made Harry Potter look at him that way.
Bonus from my WIP
Even after Snape and the Carrows and all the other Death Eaters and the Dementors and the assorted detritus of the Dark Lord's regime had been expunged from its walls and grounds, Draco Malfoy had rather been looking forward to shaking the dust of Hogwarts from his shoes.
Maybe a bit of a pattern? A lot of starting with dialogue. And otherwise in the middle of things, I guess.
I'll tag @goblinmatriarch @wolfpants @geesenoises @oflights @stationintern (i suspect some of y'all have already been tagged oh well)
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Weirdo Seeking Friend
hello fabulous stranger i am lonesome and isolated due to Life so here's my reach out for friends
I have a lil doggo sister.
he/him but gender is a wibble wobble fluid jelly
I like musicals, Hamilton, SIX, Legally Blonde, In the Heights, 21 Chump Street... and screaming the lyrics while intensely emoting.
I love stickers gimme all the stickers.
I am an artist, musician and writer. I wanna dance but I don't know how. Money earning to fund the stickers wise, I am a designer.
I'm slightly obsessed with fanon Draco Malfoy. And drarry fanfiction. And am a fan of Ginny. But not JK Rowling. Nope. Trans rights are human rights.
I want to see italy's art and architecture.
I love the Bronte sisters and their writing as well as family history. To visit Haworth village omg would be a dream.
Taylor Swift, Lana del Rey, Lin Manuel Miranda.
Chomp chomp I like food and sleeping Im not in education rn so I sleep through life I have three naps a day. Why am I making this post, I am so sleepy.
I like bullet journaling and internet aesthetics and crack videos.
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mcdynamite · 1 year
mcdynamite's (mc)masterlist
Hello! I finally made a masterlist! This includes the stories I've written both here on Tumblr and on AO3 to make things easier to find. You'll find all of my Steddie and Wolfstar fics listed below, and I will be updating this list as I continue to post more.
Author's favorites are noted with a little 🌟 emoji!
All of the writing I post on here will also be tagged with "#mcdynamite writes" if you want to search for it that way.
(Note: Since I am not currently planning on continuing to write Drarry, my fics for that ship are not on this list, but they are still up on my AO3 account! You can find them here.)
Stranger Things
AO3 Fics: 🌟 Made It This Far (T) - 13k
It’s not ideal, keeping these recurrent headaches a secret from all of his friends, and sure, Steve's had his fair share of days where he’s been forced to just work through the pain, but he’s making it work. He’s managing. He’s fine. In which Steve Harrington is determined to suffer his migraines in silence, alone, and Eddie Munson is determined not to let him. Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sickfic (sort of), Steve Harrington Gets Migraines Warning(s): past head trauma, Steve's shitty parents
Tumblr Blurbs: Physically affectionate Eddie (tags: getting together, cuddles, first kiss)
Nancy gives Steve a lil nudge (tags: platonic Stancy, pining Steve, getting together, side Ronance)
🌟 Hawkins assistant basketball coach Steve (tags: pining Eddie, Steve being a hot jock, Eddie being horny for jock-mode Steve, getting together)
First "I love you" (tags: established relationship, soft Steddie, cuddles)
🌟 Demisexual Steve (tags: demisexuality, supportive Eddie, soft Steddie; CWs for discussions of sexuality and references to Steve's past sexual relationships)
Sleepy Steve x Bartender Eddie (tags: established relationship, extremely soft, Eddie being a sweetheart, Steve being a needy dork)
Harry Potter
AO3 Fics: The Scientific Method (E) - 62k
Remus Lupin has been in love with Sirius Black for ages, so when an unexpected opportunity arises for him to have everything he's been dreaming of, he can't possibly say no (even if it's only for one night). After all, it's just an experiment. Nothing really needs to change. Right? In which Remus and Sirius are tragically terrible communicators, Peter just wants to help, and James is forced to reconcile with the fact that his friends may truly be idiots. Major tags: Hogwarts Seventh Year, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, Sexual Content Warning(s): Sirius's shitty parents, canon-typical werewolf injuries
Until We're Grey and Old (M) - 4.7k
“What on earth are you doing?” Remus asked, a fond, confused smile on his lips. “We’re going outside,” Sirius replied simply, grinning and tugging on Remus’s hand. Remus just laughed, but allowed Sirius to pull him outside and into the rain anyway. “But it’s the middle of the night! And it’s pouring!” he protested with a grin, looking up to the sky as both of them began to feel cool droplets of rain against their skin. It was already soaking through the fabric of Remus’s t-shirt. “I know!” OR Remus has a bad night, and Sirius is determined to turn it around by showing him exactly how loved he is. Major tags: Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mild Sexual Content, Fluff Warning(s): N/A
🌟 As the Moon Knows the Stars (T) - 48k
On the day Sirius Black turned seventeen, he had his soulmark removed in order to protect the soulmate he'd never met from the wrath of his own family. In the eight years since, he's managed to make his peace with living the rest of his life without falling in love. Though he mourns his lost soulmate every day, he's confident he made the right choice to protect them, and no one has ever made him question that. Until, of course, Lily Evans brings her childhood friend along for a pub night, and Sirius finds himself utterly enamored with the kind, mysterious stranger. But Remus Lupin surely has a soulmate of his own waiting out there somewhere, and Sirius won't let himself get in the way of that. He just wishes Remus weren't so damn easy to love. Major tags: Soulmates AU, Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Slow Burn, Remus Never Went to Hogwarts, Neurodivergent Sirius Warning(s): implied/referenced abuse and homophobia (all takes place in the past and is limited to Sirius's shitty parents)
🌟 Hold Back the River (T) - 3.3k
“There are nights where I don’t really dream, or at least, not that I remember, you know?” Sirius continues. “But I can’t remember the last time I dreamt about something that was good. Something that made me happy.” Remus’s heart beats unsteadily in his chest, because this, strangely enough, is not something he can relate to. Remus does have good dreams, on occasion, and a great many of them feature the boy with whom he is currently sharing a couch. He’s done his best to shove them to the back of his mind, whenever he wakes up from them. He relegates them to that ever-expanding box of Sirius-related memories that would be better off forgotten and moves on, only now… Sirius is right beside him, prodding at the box with long, aristocratic fingers, and Remus can feel the lid beginning to slip. Major tags: Post Prank, Hurt/Comfort, Late Night Conversations, Forgiveness, First Kiss Warning(s): dealing with the aftermath of The Prank, mentions of Sirius's shitty parents
(everybody here was) someone else before (M) - 13k
“No?” the man said. “And where might this dashing fellow countryman of mine be?” “Right here, actually,” Remus said with a lopsided grin, finally turning to face the newcomer. “I’m Re-” He stopped halfway through his introduction to gape at the man in front of him. His pale skin was littered with tattoos – most of them black as his hair, which fell in waves that just barely touched his slim shoulders – and the grey v-neck tee he wore left little of his toned figure to the imagination. But none of these things were the primary focus of Remus’s attention. That honour would go to the man’s eyes – grey and sparkling with the vivacity of a summer storm, flecked with golds and blues if one only looked closely enough. They were eyes Remus would recognize anywhere. Because Remus had seen them before. OR A chance meeting in Remus's least favorite city on Earth forces him to reckon with the fact that he may never have fallen out of love with an old friend. Major tags: Muggle AU, Childhood Friends Reconnecting, Sexual Tension/Content, Idiots in Love Warning(s): Sirius's shitty parents, mentioned Jegulus
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iamawolfstarsimp · 11 months
Sup bitches im back
And ik its been a freaking long ass time since I've actually posted a fic but I've been dealing with alot of business and stress in my personal life and have had absolutely 0 motivation to write but I'm back and hopefully I won't be ghosting ya'll like that again lol
But anywho today I'm stepping a little out of my comfort zone today and writing some drarry (its actually one of my fav ships even though I've never writing for it), it's just a little drabble but hope you like
So yeah enjoy
They hadn't meant for Draco to stay the night in Harry's bunk but by the time Harry had checked his watch, Draco was already set on falling asleep in his arms. (And what kind of person was he to rouse such an adorable sight?)
Harry shifted quietly, rolling over to look at the boy laying next to him.
So he was stuck in his current predicament, and while Draco was the cutest thing while sleepy he was also extremely grumpy. But, at this rate they were going to be late for both breakfast and class.
He hesitantly shook Draco lightly, watching to see his reaction.
The blonde boy stirred slightly and then grumbled and shoved his face back into the pillow beneath him.
Harry sighed through his nose and shook him a little harder, even daring to murmur in Draco's ear to try and wake him.
"Draaaco.." Harry whispered next to the shell of his ear. "Time to get up, love."
"Piss off."
"Come one, it's nearly eight." Harry tugged at his arm.
"Go away, Potter."
Harry huffed and re-thought his course of action.
"If I cuddle with you for five more minutes will you get up?"
There was a long pause where he could practically hear Draco thinking.
"Fine." He mumbled and shifted so Harry could properly cuddle him.
Harry smiled and happily snuggled up with him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He nestled his head in the crook of his boyfriend's neck, kissing him again.
Harry almost lost track of time by falling asleep again (wasn't his fault that Draco was nice and warm and cozy alright?).
"Alright, five minutes are up." Harry smirked when Draco groaned.
"Yeeees." Harry grinned. "Come on, you've slept in enough. Time to get up." Harry poked hin persistently in the ribs a few times. Draco jerked away from him, rolling onto his stomach.
Harry smirked, an idea forming in his head.
"Uh oh... I may have found your weakness Draco." Harry wiggled his fingers into Draco's ribs, eliciting some muffled giggles from the boy beside him.
"H-harry, no!" Draco laughed. He pressed his arms down against his sides but it did nothing to deter his mischievous boyfriend.
Harry continued, dancing his fingers up and down his ribs, kneeding into the bones to hear Draco squeal and kick his feet against the mattress.
"I can do this all day if I have to." Harry said after a few minutes of tickling.
"Stohohop!!" Draco rolled over onto his back, grabbing Harry's hands.
Harry stopped, letting the boy catch his breath and admiring the bright pink blushing dusting his face.
"You ready to get up? Or do I need to convince you more?" Harry darted a hand out of Draco's grip and poked his belly.
"I'm up, I'm up!!" Draco said, jumping out of the bed.
Harry chuckled and grinned. It was so worth getting yelled at by McGonagall for being late and Draco being upset at him for losing house points from Slytherin, though, he could never stay that mad at him for long.
Hope you liked
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