#so! this is a note to myself to Talk About This and Scribble a silly thing Later!
i f. i fucking forgot a pencil so i cant scribble out this Thought i had while on a lil road trip today - basically i was thinkin about Wally, as ya do, and i asked myself why does Wally eat with his eyes? its such a Fascinating yet somewhat Out Of Place choice for him. how did Clown come up with that? its so unique. it stands tf out.
and then i remembered Frank & Poppy's convo for their 'bug' audio, and how he says "you eat with your eyes first" and like... thats a real phrase. ive heard it in my life. & it set off lil alarm bells in my head the first time i listened to the clip, i just hadnt connected the dots yet. so its feasible that thats why Wally eats the way that he does - and an in-universe explanation could be that Wally heard the phrase before he could learn how to eat 'properly', and took it literally
Frank: you eat with your eyes!
Wally: *rdj meme format* you eat with your eyes
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dreaming-like-a-girl · 3 months
When my partner and I first got together, I hated how I looked.
Constant bullying had destroyed my self esteem, and paired with that I'd had a major injury while skateboarding that prevented me from doing any physical activity, so I was feeling unhealthy too.
Early on, he'd get this dreamy expression when he looked at me, and I'd shrug it off, laugh, change the subject any way I could. I thought he was making it up. Now, sometimes, if I'm very lucky, I can look in the mirror and see myself how he sees me.
He'd send me selfies, just him smiling into the camera, even though I knew he didn't like taking photos of himself, so I started to send them in return. At first, I'd avoid looking at them before I hit send. Then I started taking them more and more. Now, I look at those photos and see my smile, and think they're the best and happiest I ever look in any photos. I don't delete them anymore.
As an artist, I've always pushed myself to do better, falling into the habits of comparing myself with others. I've never given up, but I'd never been as proud of my work as I was when he started complimenting it. He wanted to keep every scribbled sticky note I'd give him, no matter how silly, treating them like treasure and stowing them away. He'd be in awe when I gifted him proper artworks, putting them straight on his wall. Now I post my art online and I'm pursuing a career in art with confidence.
When I first confided in him that, despite being a cis woman, I'd felt a huge sense of dysphoria related to my boobs since a very young age, he was immediately understanding. First, he helped me try sports bras, and I felt a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders. Recently, he's introduced me to trans tape, and this is the closest I've ever felt to being myself.
Too scared to talk to my GP about mental health, my partner helped me come up with a plan of what I wanted to say and finally convinced me to go, coming with me and helping when I got stuck. Hes been helping me through the long but rewarding trek that has been therapy ever since.
Now that I'm nearing the tail end of my physical recovery, I've been terrified to start skating again, slowly chipping away at the fear with my physiotherapist. But my partner has decided he wants me to teach him to skate, so now we're going to learn together.
I've got a long way to go and I'm still figuring myself out, but I'm so lucky and happy that I'm not on this journey alone.
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daisyofwaterdeep · 1 month
Ok, I saw your thing about Gale but you forgot something: Tara!
This tressym wants Gale to find a nice person who loves him; Tara would absolutely notice your interest and affection for her human and would 100% be your wingman (regardless of if you asked her to).
WAIT THIS IS SO CUTE AND YOURE SO FUCKING RIGHT....imagine just like...striking up a friendship with this cool tressym that hangs around Waterdeep. After seeing her around for awhile, sunbathing on various balconies or chasing birds, you splurge and buy a potion of animal speaking. The two of you end up chatting and really hitting it off. Maybe she even invites you to her home, and you, Tara, and Morena start having afternoon tea together. and from there, you start falling in love with this man you've never even met, just from the stories the two of them share with you.
And maybe you help Morena tidy up Gale's tower (with Tara's supervision of course) and fall even further in love with the small things that hint at what sort of man Gale is. Dog-eared pages in well-worn books, little notes left in the margins. Sweets tucked away in desk drawers. Music sheets, alchemical scribblings, to-do lists, doodles. They all paint a picture of this man, and you can't help but imagine what he's really like.
Morena and Tara love Gale and love talking about him, and they definitely notice how starry-eyed you get when he's brought up.
When Gale returns to Waterdeep, you try hard to not be smitten. You would have been over the moon with anyone that walked through the door at this point, but when you see just how handsome he is, your brain nearly shuts down. He's just as clever as his notes had led you to believe, but he's also funny. And charming. And friendly, and kind, and quick-witted, and silly, and gods, you could smell the fading scent of him in his room, but in person it nearly makes you drunk.
You visit often, perhaps more often than before. A lot of times, you'll find that Morena and Tara tend to excuse themselves, leaving you and Gale alone to talk. Or Morena will ask you and Gale to run an errand together. Or Tara will perch on Gale's shoulder and prompt conversations, often about things you and Gale both share a passion for.
After another afternoon tea meeting with the four of you on the terrace, now turned two when Morena and Tara make vague excuses to leave, Gale laughs and shakes his head.
"Those two...surely at this point, they know we've caught on to their little scheme. I do hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable."
You think about playing dumb, but at this point, there's no denying Morena and Tara's less-than-subtle nudges. You laugh too, and promise you don't take any of it seriously.
"You don't?" Gale's eyes shine mischievously as he smiles, "A pity. I must admit, I've found myself to be quite swayed."
You know you must look insane with the way you flounder and stutter and backtrack, but Gale only laughs and places a hand over yours.
"Say, why don't we have dinner tonight, just the two of us?"
You accept quickly and wholeheartedly, and the both of you are pink-cheeked and grinning.
"A restaurant, Mr. Dekarios. Don't go taking such a lovely thing to one of those dingy taverns you frequent."
You both jump and turn to see Tara sitting on the balcony, head held high and tail thwipping happily side to side.
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swordheld · 10 months
hi! your blog is one of my favourites and i absolutely adore reading your thoughts. my grandfather recently passed away and it feels like i lost myself with him. how do i continue living after this? there is this constant weight on my chest and it feels like an emptiness has made a home inside of me. how do i go on when it feels like the world crashed on my shoulders?
hello, love! this is so very sweet and kind of you, and i hope you're treating yourself gently and kindly right now - there aren't words for a loss like this. that heaviness is difficult, and hard, and painful. it's okay if things don't feel okay, right now, or even soon - i think that's something that a lot of the people i know that have gone through similar grief feel: like they should be able to get back to a relative 'normal' in a [insert far too short period of time].
but it's okay if it hurts. that's where i'd like to start. you're allowed to feel that emptiness, that world-crashed feeling that goes beyond words, beyond time. don't feel like you have to rush this to feel some sort of better. things get easier with time, i promise you this, but sometimes painful feelings are important to feel, too. cry, scream, feel your emotions. they're a part of you. grieve.
it's perhaps a little silly, but when i think about death i always think about a couple of space songs: mainly drops of jupiter by train and saturn by sleeping at last. there are perhaps others that speak to the emotions better, but these two have always hit something a little deeper for me, and are popular for a wide-reaching reason.
and while personally i don't know much about grief like this, i do know a lot about love; and i think they're a lot of the same thing.
the people we love are a part of us, and this is why it takes from us so deeply when we lose them, because it does feel like we've lost a part of ourselves in the wake of it. but it's because they were so central to our experiences of living - our lives, that the separation introduces a hollowness - a place where they used to be. a home that now goes unlived in.
an emptiness, like you said.
but just because they're not here physically, doesn't mean he's not still there, in your heart, in your life, your memory. you can hold him close in smaller ways, as well: steal a sweater, or cologne/scent for something a little more physical and long lasting for remembering. hold onto the memories you cherish, the things that made you laugh, the ease of slow mornings and gentle nights. write them all down, slide a few photographs in there, go through it and add more when you miss him. keep them all close, keep them in your heart.
you're not alone, in this. he's still there, with you, it's just - in the little things.
he's with you in the way you see and go about your daily life, in doing what he liked to do, in the ways he interacted with the world that you shared with him. the memories you recall fondly when the night is late or the moment is right and something calls it into you like a melody, an old bell, laughter you'd recognize anywhere.
but i think, perhaps most importantly above all others - talk about him. with your family, your friends, his friends, strangers; stories are how we keep the people we love alive. the connections they've made, the legacies and experiences they've left behind, and so, so many stories.
how lucky, we are - to love so much it takes a piece of us when they go. grief is the other side of the coin, but it does not mean our love goes away. it lives in you. it lives in everyone who knew him, in the smallest pieces of our lives.
the people we love never really leave us, like this: they're in how we cook and the way we fold our newspapers, our laundry, in the radio stations we tune in to and the way we decorate our walls, our photo albums. they're in the way we store our mail, organize our closets, the scribbled notes in the indexes of our books. the meals we love and the drinks we mix, the way we spend time with one another. they've been passed down for generations, for longer than history - and we are all the luckier for it.
think about what you shared with him, and do it intentionally. bring him into your life, like this, again. whether it's crosswords or poetry or sports or anything else. if one doesn't help, try another. something might click.
i hope things feel a little easier for you, as they tend to do only with time. i hope you find joy in your grief, even if it is small and hard to grasp at first. know that your hurt stems from so much love that there isn't a place to put it properly, and that it is something so meaningful and hurting poets and storytellers have been struggling to put it into words and sounds that feel like the fit right for eons, and that it is also just simply yours. sometimes things don't have to make sense. sometimes they just are - unable to be put into words or neat little sentiments, as unfair and tragic as they come.
but i promise it will not feel like this forever. your love is real. and perhaps, on where to begin on from here - i think it's less on finding where to begin and just beginning. and you've already started. you've taken the most important and crucial step: the first one. wherever you go, after that, from here? you'll figure it out. you always have, and you always do. it'll come, as things always do. love leads us, as does light - and you're never alone in your hurt. in your grief, your missing something dear to you. i think if you talk about it with others, you'll find they have ways of helping you cope as well - and they have so much love of their own to spare, too.
as an aside, here is the song (northern star by dom fera) i was listening to when i wrote this, for no other reason more than it makes me think of connections, and love, and how we hold onto the people we love and how they change us, wonderfully and intrinsically. it's a little more joyous than the others i've mentioned, and plays like a story, and it made me think of what is at the core of this, love and stories and i am here with you, and maybe it'll bring you some joy, if you'd like it. wishing you all my love and ease 💛
#q&a.#birdsong.#wishing u gentle ease; the death of a loved one is near inexplicable to put into words and i hope you take care of yourself gently <3#i hope this will make u laugh: when i was a tiny child in middle school there were times i would go outside in my tiny suburban cul de sac-#in the rain and sing along to my lil ipod nano and i only remember doing this to drops of jupiter. can you imagine going out to get the mai#after a long day of work and you just hear this kid singing train in the streets. in the RAIN.... it makes me laugh like i really.#i really thought i was so cool and deep and emotional ghjkd but i find it v funny that i only remember it w/ that one train track.#and saturn just. it's my fav s.a.l. song for a reason. that slow violin opening? the piano coming in gentle and easy?#it feels like light. like hope. like something new - a dawn after the long dark. that beautiful things can begin again even where#it hurts. and there is nothing more human than a sentiment like that.#how rare and beautiful it is to truly exist. what it is to be alive and get to be here and live with other people. with those we love.#i think your grandfather was so lucky to be able to know you. to have you in his life for the time you had together.#i'm no spiritual person; but i like to believe when you're thinking about him? he's thinking about you too.#the second law of thermodynamics (physics nerd mode) is that no energy has ever been created/destroyed since the beginning of the universe.#so it has to go somewhere - it's that carl sagan quote of 'we're all made of stardust'. because we are. we used to be stars; planets; etc.#i think it's why i think of these space songs - because they're a part of everything; once more; when they go. us and everything else.
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
[DAY 18] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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- my love all mine all mine , mitski 💿 ; love letters
♡list : @yzerpoz , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @dogyunslover , @starryriize
Flipping through the pages of your fictional book, you come to find another love note that was inside an envelope, a red heart and your name sketched on the front. You smile at seeing your usual selection of candy, but unknowingly frown when opening up the letter. You didn’t know what, but it felt like something different waited for you, other than the silly pickup lines the writer would write. And you come to think it's true, noticing how the color of the pen was different, not the typical black but this time dark red. You also noticed how the handwriting wasn't as neat, but scribbled, like it was written in fear, like the writer quickly wrote down whatever he had to say and stuffed it into the envelope before he could second guess himself. Your heart skips a beat but you convince yourself that nothing bad will happen, that you’ll be receiving these letters until the end of existence.
Could I send up my heart to you? I’ve been thinking about this for a while and although I feel too much of a coward, I just can't take it anymore. I’ve been thinking about you, longing for you for years. I want to see your smile up close instead of hiding behind something or hearing it through my friends. I want to take you out on nice dates instead of thinking I'm a creep for daydreaming about such things. I want my heart to stop bursting out my chest anytime you’re near. I want to stop getting so red that I'll eventually give myself away. I want to talk to you with my voice, instead of writing through paper. I’ve been wanting to sing to you, after hearing through my friends that you’ve been having trouble sleeping. I want to stop relying on my friends and rely on my heart.. Which is why i'm writing this in the first place I want to get to know you.. I want you to know me. I want to love you, will you let me? I found a nice cafe so we can hopefully meet. This weekend on saturday? xx-xxx. They have those little strawberry cat cupcakes you love so much.
-the boy whose finally shooting his shot, jinsik
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cosmical-flowers · 19 days
Danganronpa: Violent Voices AU
Journal Entry 8
Taglist: @luvizna , @hypn0sssss , @mutsuowo , @yumetomiko, @dexterityz (If you would like to be tagged, send an ask!)
A/N: Second FTE shall be decided hehe…. Anyways after that FTE there should be a bit of lore! (Nobodys fave is safe, even if they aren’t part of the main game. Right now)
Journal Entry 8
Nighttime wasn’t that bad. I tried sleeping, but I couldn’t get much. I kept on looking back at my camera and staring at myself. I felt … hollow. Like I should know something. Maybe im just curious about Subaru’s ultimate? Maybe. But I couldn’t sleep a wink at all so I looked around. Speaking of which, room layouts.
Theres a twin bed for us, along side a lamp and nightstand. Theres a small bathroom, enough for us to shower and use it. A full length mirror is behind the door, looking at our outfit fully. I mean, what im wearing isn’t bad. It’s what I wear everyday. A jacket littered with patches from some concerts I photographed and a work shirt. I have some jeans on that have patches too and yellow sneakers. I decided to give myself a “makeover” using what I had in my room. I looked in the cabinets and found out I had a pocket knife in a drawer with a post it note attached. When I turned on the light and read it, it said “You know what you should do” With messy handwriting. What the hell am I supposed to do??? Live??? Is this supposed to predict my death or something? Not sure really. I just re-did my hair and put my hair pin back in and tried to sleep again, forgetting about the creepy note.
It was then 8am and I went to go get breakfast. (Speaking of which theres a curfew??? 10pm-8am we should be in our rooms. The cafeteria is locked and the auditorium.) It wasn’t bad at all, it’s just the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Lots of murderous glares to people, like their planning something.
Subaru just decided to sit next to me and started a mindless conversation. We talked about what fruit we would be. It was so silly, I just laughed at first. I told him that he would be an apple since they’re shiny. He mentioned I would be an orange since I they had a rough skin, but inside they’re sweet. Leo then seemed to be “struck with inspiration” from overhearing our conversation and began scribbling in a notebook he had. Subaru and I looked over and saw he just … wrote a full song??? Right then and there??? He hummed the tune and thought it was great so he kept it in his pocket. Subaru was interested in it so he asked Leo is he could hear it. Leo then just hummed the tune and slowly realized it wasn’t that amazing anyways. He took out the paper and threw it to the side. I personally thought it was pretty good. Subaru encouraged him to write more because what we heard was amazing. Leo seemed to light up compared to this morning and became motivated to continue. Subaru seems to just make anyone happier by talking to them. Seriously, he’s like the protagonist here. But besides that, im free after breakfast. Who should I hang out with?
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isolaradiale · 8 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Streets light up with hues of dull crimson and pastel pinks, the shapes of hearts littering window shops while glitter shimmers in the passing rays of sunlight. Even the night glows with decor, low hanging lanterns illuminating softly pathways, giving an allure of warmth and positive ambiance to those who walk by. What is placed up is not suddenly there, rather the efforts of the island locals banding together, making certain that the holiday itself is set up for all to enjoy and feel the welcoming atmosphere. Even if it wasn’t a festival, surely there would be no mind to treating it like one, even for just a short while.
“Huuuh? What do you mean ‘what’s it called?’ It’s Hearts Wake, silly! It isn’t really a party, but we like to celebrate it like one. So, drinks on the house! You heard me!”
Hearts Wake, they call it to those who ask, explaining everything to the littlest detail to anyone who decides to ask. There is something pleasing about it, perhaps even a little cute in seeing some outfits line up with the ornaments, if one was to think of it like that. Another day passes as the city glistens more with each passing day, vibrant in uplifting support and comradeship abound in any way a single person looks.
“You know, I had to do this all by myself last time...” a pout paints itself across lips, Pleiades crossing her arms a little bitterly as she keeps her seat, glancing over briefly to her occupied company.
Alathfar seems to be in the middle of scribbling some notes as Pleiades pouts at him. He can hear it in her voice without even looking up. "It's a good thing I'm not preoccupied this year, then, isn't it?" It comes off as a joke, but he’s relieved that his recovery had gone well. He missed doing these with his partner.
Pleiades adjusts her glasses, as the man looks up to give her a smile. She gives a small sigh as she moves forward in relent. A few taps on the keys is all it takes, setting up everything before leaning back against him, head lazy as glasses shine back the codes from the bright screens. All that was needed is one more press of a button, something to implement it all. Shifting aside briefly, she softens with a twirl of her ankle, offering an intrigued smile between the system and her company.
“Well, it is mostly your code, after all. Shall you do the honors, my dearest?”
A small laugh as arms wrap around his companion loosely. “I’d love to. Are you ready to see how they’ve developed?” 
He moves, briefly, and with a few more deft taps at the keyboard the sound of data begins to filter into the systems, molding from mere numbers and symbols that it might manifest an array of confections and other lavish products that begin to line the shops throughout Spirale...
                                                     ☆               ☆                ☆
So what’s happening?
First off, welcome to Isola’s Valentine’s day mini-event! You’re probably wondering what’s happening, right? Well this is where you’ll get it explained! While not a festival in name, it may as well be one, as everyone on the island seems to be talking about it. Cited as Hearts Wake by the locals, it can be easily gleaned that this holiday is very reminiscent of the typical love holidays you all may or may not be acquainted with, only focusing on the importance of all types of bonds, or more specifically growing those bonds. Things such as couples who wish to deepen their bonds, whether long standing or newly dating, or friends who want to become closer or learn more on one another, and even those who might want to become more than friends finding courage to ask. It’s also generally supported by the masses that those who have things they can reconcile with those they may not like or have misunderstandings with try to do just that if possible.
However, it seems a new brand of treats of varying kinds named DevoLine has, interestingly, slipped into the markets what seems overnight. Things ranging from cute little drinks, chocolates and other desserts, plushes, and even incense based goods for those who prefer fanciful scents. Must just be new items in stock, right? As if anything was so simple here on Radial Island. While the items are perfectly safe to ingest and even adjusts to the taste of the drinker, eater, or the one taking in the air as the incense burns to what they prefer in taste and scent, there’s a little something extra mixed right in to make things all the sweeter for the holiday. Like, say... a potion of some sort, for starters.
Regardless, they’re all labeled as a limited time ordeal, so you should get a hold of one or two before they’re off the shelves for good! Maybe they’ll even become collectibles worth something down the line.
How does this work?
Anyone who ingests these newfound treats will be affected by the potion itself. Whether you intake a little or a lot doesn’t entirely change the outcome, once a tad touches your tongue, you touch a plush, or you get a nice inhale, it’ll take immediate action!
There are many ways this potion can interact with someone who consumes it, though most notably with adverse effects that seem to want to flub up the entirety of the holiday itself. Rather than emboldening the positive bonds of others like the holiday attempts to push for, it seems to do the opposite, such as starting spat wars or even a full out scuffles between those who see each other as enemies or even as simple as a slight dislike each other, creating lovers quarrels over the pettiest of things, or even causing large dissonance between two people who are as close as can be and making a wedge between them.
However, despite the intention to sabotage the holiday, it seems that in the same instance this potion will sometimes fall in line with the idea of deepening those bonds. People might find the courage to confess feelings they might not have thought to before, making acquaintances feel a closer bond and wanting to build on that foundation for an everlasting friendship, or even friends with interest in each other taking that final step into asking one another out, maybe even incite an urge to reconcile things between each other. The list is, generally, endless from all the dynamics.
Essentially, emotions are a strange thing, definitely not something you can adjust on a whim, so anything you choose that involves the bonds of your fellows is right up the alley of this hectic potion.
What if my character doesn’t need to drink or eat?
No problem at all. While they may not need to eat or drink, the incense itself can be enough to participate if you truly want, affecting all those around it in one way or another. For example, if your character is a robot, it’s easy to say that the incense can simply seep into their circuits (how, you ask? magic. details. waves hands mysteriously...) and rewire them that way. Touching plushes also work, as contact is all that it is needed, so you can also go this route. You’re welcome to get as creative as you’d like with how they can be affected so you can join in!
Can I change the effects throughout the event?
Of course! You can either have your character indulge in another treat or nice, deep breath or just simply have it shift. Potions are a little weird like that, especially mixing with emotions, so it can be as ever changing as needed to suit your threading wants.
Will these changes be permanent?
Not at all, no! Once the event is over, all of the potion effects will disappear, though the memories of what happened can be used to build on what the effects did or not at all. In a way, it’s almost like someone intentionally did this to place you all to the test in regards of your bonds in general. What is the test for entirely? What an interesting question to have...
Do we have to have our characters participate?
Absolutely not! This is completely optional and you’re welcome to have your character not partake in the items or smell any of the incense at all, so no worries!
I have a question I don’t see here. What do I do?
If you have any other questions, make sure to send an ask to the MASTERLIST and we’ll do our best to answer any you have that aren’t here!
How long will this run for?
The event will run from 1/19 through 2/09 (ending at 11:59:59PM EST on the 9th)!
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ellievickstar · 1 year
Just some Genshin things.
Mostly just headcannons; Characters: Alhaitham, Tighnari, Dottore, Ayato, Zhongli, Childe (Not in that order); this is my official opening to join the tumblr genshin community; just some silly thoughts about my favourite men.
OKAY DOTTORE MAY BE A MAD MAN WHO LIKES EXPERIMENTING ON PEOPLE, BUT WHO CARES!? Also I love the idea that sometimes he will be talking to himself and he makes a joke and starts cackling and the rest of the guards are just terrified as they just hear mad laughter from the lab.
Also i feel like Alhaitham is secretly a cat person. I can fully imagine him sitting at his work desk mumbling to himself mindlessly petting a cat while scribbling stuff down furiously.
Ayato is a workaholic, yes, but what happens when there is no work. Like one day he just runs out of work and he just helplessly stares at his desk as Thoma tries to get him to GO TOUCH GRASS.
Tighnari loves journals. So I can imagine one day he accidentally passes you his journal instead of a book he was supposed to lend you and the inside is just the most random shit ever. Like there are some notes on food to avoid during certain sicknesses but then there is the random impulsive thoughts that he writes while going out to collect herbs. Like: “I wonder what will happen if I randomly tripped and fell face first into this strange and probably dangerous flower here”
Zhongli is grandpa. But we love him. Also I can imagine the day that he randomly is reading a history book and is trying to share with a child about how interesting history is and the child just straight up tells him that history is boring and he only likes it because he is probably very old. (Zhongli laughed nervously but was devastated that a child called him old)
Childe will be the one to not knock on doors and walk in on his guards doing the deed. I’m serious. Like he’ll be looking for this one agent and visit their post just to see that they aren’t there, so he goes around and opens a random closet because he has no critical thinking about the fact he heard loud noises coming from it and he is mortified as he sees two of his agents, together, doing the deed.
A/N: Please note that for now I'm not gonna take requests for Genshin because I'm easing myself into writing fanfiction for these characters. Hope you enjoyed and had a little laugh <3
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inquisitor-gayfax · 1 year
✨ Fic Planning and Outlining ✨
Outlining is a huge part of my writing process and something I love talking about, so since I’m currently suffering something of a writer’s block, I’ve put together a step-by-step explanation of my process below. It is important to note that there is no right answer or best way to outline; as with most things it’s just a matter of finding what works best for you!
I would love it if other folks chimed in and added to this with their own tips and tricks!
Let’s learn from each other!
Outlining Tools & Overall Organization
To start with, I use OneNote to organize everything, but there are a ton of programs out there, and you could even do this with different .txt/word files! The main reasons I like OneNote: (1) oo pretty colored tabs (2) tab folders for making sense of the giant pile of WIPs:
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So, I have all the things I’m “actively” working on out in the open, then squirrel away everything else in one of five categories: completed (yay!), short, medium, and long WIPs, then a catch-all category for everything that doesn’t really fit anywhere else.
The Outlining Process
To demonstrate and (hopefully) have a little fun, I’m going to pick a half-baked idea from the “WTF – Miscellany” category and create a new tab as if I’m actually going to write it! So, without further ado, let’s dive in and begin outlining for a multi-chapter AU fic wherein Rogal Dorn and Perturabo are high school girls’ volleyball coaches!
First Page: Tags ‘n Such
I often hear that tags can be the hardest part for writers, which is interesting because this is usually where I start! Something about seeing my fic in the summary format it will eventually appear in on AO3 is very motivating to me, and helps guide my writing. You can always add/change later.
Here is the template I use for easy copy/pasting!
Title: Fandom(s): Rating: Category: Archive Warnings: Relationship(s): Character Tags: Other tags: Summary:
And here’s a screenshot of my first pass for this WIP:
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This gives me a chance to talk about one of my FAVORITE writing hacks, which is… [BRACKET TEXT].
I don’t know about everyone else, but my brain consistently feels the need to get everything perfect on the first try, which is very unhelpful and actively counter-productive! I’ve found that when I can’t get the phrasing of something just right, or I’m still not sure what I’m going for, putting some brackets around the text in question and just scribbling whatever’s in my mind at the moment allows me to move on without getting bogged down.
If it’s in brackets, I give myself permission to be silly, OOC, anachronistic, or messy, and boy is it a lifesaver sometimes.
Once I have the AO3 info fields done, I draw a little line below the summary and start filling in what I call the “brainstorm space” (that inevitable turns into a mini-outline I need to move over to another page at some point). This is another place I allow myself to be messy. I scribble down thoughts on narrative structure, inspirations, setting, key moments/scenes, themes, motifs, stuff I absolutely need to include, and any overarching things that will be helpful to have before planning in earnest.
Here’s what it looks like for this fic:
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Not much there now, but it’s a start, and that’s what outlining is all about!
Second Page: Detailed Outline
A bit of a note here – I used to have a separate page for a “mini-outline,” i.e. a less detailed version, but the brainstorm space basically serves this purpose now, so it’s less common.
This is where the actual structural planning starts to take place. I’ve gotten into the habit of using bracket text here, too, to serve as shorthand summaries of each point. For a multi-chapter fic, I’ll also make sure to note where I think the chapter boundaries will fall, though obviously this is subject to change.
So, a barebones one for this fic might look something like this:
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There’s not much there right now, but that’s fine, because (1) it’s in bracket text and (2) this is just the skeletal structure for what comes next: filling it in as you get inspiration.
My brain tends to want to write longfics, but never linearly, of course. Sometimes I get raw bursts of inspiration for scenes, so the way I work with this is to scribble (on my phone, on the computer, in a physical notebook) whatever it is down at the moment I get it, then plug it in to the existing outline later. This way, I end up building a pretty comprehensive plan for the fic before I even open a word document, and it’s easier to make big choices like chapter contents, scene order, and story progression without feeling like I need to tear apart something that’s already fairly set in stone.
Here's an example of what a partially filled-in outline looks like, from my Celefax Gothic Mystery AU WIP:
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Note that this one is in chart form, which is what I usually go with for longfics for better separation of scenes and ideas.
Pagestravaganza: Additional Pages for Longfics
For one-shots and shorter multi-chapter fics, typically the Tags/Brainstorming and Detailed Outline pages are enough to get me ready to write, but for longfics, there’s a lot more to think about, and additional places to take notes can be helpful.
Here’s an example of all the pages in the tab for that Celefax AU I mentioned above, which has a lot of characters and worldbuilding and all sorts of things that would be difficult to encapsulate in an outline alone:
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For one of my other longfic WIPs, I also have a page where I write down revision notes for the parts I’ve already written as they come to me, so it’s easy to refer back to during the editing process (which I could write a whole other post about).
Another thing I sometimes like to do, especially for one-shots or fics that are from only one character’s POV, is write out a paragraph or two about character emotional arcs. Plot is great, but it can be hard to know where that takes you if you don’t know where each character is starting out and where they end up.
To summarize: The sky’s the limit here. Whatever you need to do to make sure everything comes together, however you need to organize it, however little makes it into the final draft, your outlining/planning document is for you, and you shouldn’t get too bogged down into what needs to be there or whether it’s clean and pretty. As long as it’s helpful to you, it is serving its purpose admirably, and even if it isn’t you’re still learning what does and doesn’t work for you. The way I outline is a constantly evolving process, and different things work for different fics. Feel free to play around!
Writing the Dang Thing
This is the end result, the task for which all your outlining has (hopefully) prepared you!
I’ll be honest: I loathe first drafts. (See above comment about everything needing to be perfect the first time around.)
It’s probably for this reason that I outline so fastidiously, because when I plop my bracket text outline and any pre-written snippets into my first draft, it feels so much less daunting than staring at a blank page.
I can start to fill in the pieces I neglected (scene setting, always), figure out where there might be a need for more connective tissue, and tackle the bite-sized chunks my bracket text outline has created one at a time.
I keep doing that until, ta da! A workable first draft emerges, and we move on to editing, my beloved.
Hopefully this has been interesting/helpful, and please please pleeeeease feel free share your own methods and thoughts and funny bracket text!
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
#3 and #18 (because the STRUGGLE is REAL) for the writer's asks! also petition for lemony to stream the writing process and being silly
hello, lovely. thanks for playing. <3
3. What’s your favorite emotion to write?
i think one of the greatest compliments i ever received on this blog was from this ask about helping hands. and it means so much to me because grief is definitely the emotion i write about most often, in all its forms.
one of my fave non-fic projects i've been working on for a long time is about the death of woman's husband. of how they both grieve the loss of their relationship and each other from opposite planes (her from their squat little two-bedroom house which she all but refuses to leave and him from this pristine and beautiful afterlife that feels hollow and empty without her).
i just am very much a sad person, probably. i grieve every day for people and places and things and feelings i have lost and can never regain. so it's easy to tap into and cathartic to explore.
18. How often do you forget stuff because “I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember” syndrome?
ALWAYS. which is why i don't do this anymore a;dljasdlfkjsdf if i have an idea, i write it down immediately. even if it's just a scribble on the back of a receipt or a single line on a post-it note. these all get stuck to a bulletin board beside my writing desk. if i'm walking or in the car, i will record myself talking through the idea and then transcribe it later. i keep a notebook on me at all times as much as possible (in my work desk, my bedside table, my backpack). you never know when that illusive inspiration might strike, so you must always be at the ready!
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
DUUUUDDDEEEEE. Fork! (I’m trying to sensor myself. Is it working?!)
So OK BUT THEN HERE WE MAYBE HAVE ANOTHER WEIRD NON-ALIBI if they find Fred. IS Willow gonna say something once they find/identify Chrissy’s body/know that Fred is missing. But also he’s by lovers lake? And then mentally Nancy came across Chrissy’s body…closer to that where they found her necklace and shoe. So does that mean someone or something is moving her body? AND WHERE ARE THE GATES BUT WILL THERE EVEN BE GATES OR IS SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING.
Omg. My synapses are firing!!! Cruel of you to release this first thing in the AM when I have a day full of meetings. I might reread tonight. I definitely have ideas but I DONT HAVE MY NOTEBOOK. I’m gonna scribble some on a napkin. Hmmm too early to tell
Poor Eddie and poor Willow. But they’re together and have one another. I think…you know I joke about my theories and everything but truly that’s what we’re all here for. The love they have for each other and their willingness to endure countless nightmares for each other. I can’t wait to see THEM RUN AWAY TOGETHER WHEN THE TOWN GOES ON A MANHUNT AND THEY JUST CUT AND RUN AND START OVER. TOGETHER (👀👀👀👀👀👀) Damn I thought that was gonna work.
And Wayne. I’m here for actual Dad Wayne Munson. Because he goes through so much to make sure his boy is safe. Omg. “Our boy” I’m freaking tearing up.
Congratulations on another great chapter and yet another strand in the grand web you are weaving. Aghhh. You’re the best but you’re the worst but you’re the best. You deserve a medium place. *forehead smooches*
FINALLY replying because i was trying to give everyone time to read but i want you to know this made my day when i received it this morning 🖤
first of all, as always, i love your mind. you're thinking big (even if you're not right) and i adore it <3 also the image of you scribbling down your theories on a napkin just has me cackling i love you jo 😭😭😭
and oh yeah, there's quite a bit going on, quite a lot to cover, but i think that's why even amongst this "angst", i find so much comfort in continuing their story. it's just as much their love that makes me giddy to write this story as it makes you all to read it (which still blows my mind, btw).
dad wayne munson is everything to me. him and hopper are the town's resident adoptive fathers, and both of them just bring me so so much comfort. if i find a way to insert hopper's return into this fic, you already know i am. just give me a day or two of planning i'm a determined woman on a mission
thank you so much. i know i'm a broken record, i know all i ever seem to do is thank y'all and tell you how much i appreciate you guys and your support, but i do. i truly mean it so much that if i think about it too much, i'd cry. when i started all this, i thought this was going to be some silly fic i'd post and have to celebrate even having one reader, something i'd have to manically talk and plan out with my best friend and that at the end of the day, would only really mean something to me. you guys have been so endlessly supportive, so achingly sweet, and i just. gah. i don't know how to repay you all. i love you guys. you guys let me have my cake, and eat it too. that's probably the greatest gift i've received in all my years of writing fics.
also... side note.... has someone been rewatching the good place? 👀
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antleredoctopus · 2 years
Hello, I would like some advice from you. I'm 24 years old and I've never enjoyed drawing for myself I really want to draw a yordle but I'm afraid they'll see me as childish or silly.
What advice would you give me to enjoy my hyperfixations? without feeling that others are going to judge me or they are not going to understand me.
Alright, I'm going to tell you a story:
When I was about 14~15 I went to this art college fair in the big city, really nervous but also excited to get some feedback on my work. I had organized my art with some life studies, even printed out some of my digital art I'd done of my favorite characters.
So I'm there, and the very first recruiter I spoke to, after skimming through my work rolled his eyes up at me and said:
"You're not very creative, are you?"
I was so stunned, I barely caught what he said after that. All I remember was that he said that "doing fan art's a waste" and there was no point in being an artist if you're not making something original and new.
The rest of the folks I talked to there were a lot nicer, but the words of that first guy stuck out in my mind.
So when I got back, I told myself I wouldn't draw unless it was original and 100% creative, not derived from anything at all.
... Which just lead to me having a hard time paying attention in class and fidgeting instead (woo ADHD), and a lot of blank pages taunting me with the absolute block I was having.
One of my best friends noticed how I wasn't doodling as much in class, and when I told him he said something along the lines of,
"If fan art is what you like and it keeps you drawing more, why don't you just... keep doing it? I think that's better than waiting for something else to happen."
So I went back to filling up my notes with doodles of my favorite One Piece characters and silly animal scribbles and--
Uhh- wow, I haven't changed much, have I? :'D
Anyway, the point is -
Drawing is for you to enjoy, first and foremost!
It's a difficult skill that takes time and lots of repetition to learn, and the only way to get through it is to draw what you like.
And you'll see that every artist is self-indulgent. We're all drawing whatever makes us happy (or pays our bills, but I guess that's also a form of happiness).
If you want to draw yordles? Go for it. Are there going to be people that don't understand? Sure, but there's all kinds of art people don't really get out there.
It's a heck of a lot better than fretting over what's the "right" thing to draw.
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morethanbunnies85 · 1 year
A day in the life of a random picketer
Got up kinda late this morning because I was kinda frustrated and bummed out about the news yesterday. We all thought they were negotiating and it turns out they thought they were decreeing?
Felt frustrated enough scribble a messy new message on my sign. I'm tired of being cute about it.
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Got to the picket line later than I wanted to. Passed the gate and saw a really good turnout. More people than yesterday. Guess I'm not the only one who was mad.
Honked as I passed and people raised their signs in that way we do to say "thanks for your support".
Parked and walked through a neighborhood... said good morning to a resident watching the picket and he kindly reminded me to stay hydrated.
Walked for about an hour by myself, just in my head. Scanned for friends and didn't see any.
The energy was good. Tired but determined.
I felt a little bit emotional for a minute. Just frustrated that we're still here. I passed a sign that used to say "100 DAYS STRONGER" but they'd scribbled "114" over it.
Saw an older man who was clearly a voice actor doing silly voices for a couple little kids and their moms who were taking a water break. The kids were giggling their faces off as he gladly made a fool of himself for their amusement.
A pair in front of me ran into a friend from a show they worked on a decade ago. They smiled and hugged and kissed cheeks and cheerfully caught up with each other.
Heard snippets of other convos... a lot of "can you believe those assholes?" and half-joking (half-not) pitches for TV shows between friends.
Saw people introduce writers they'd worked with on different shows to each other. Lots of "oh, you guys should know each other, you'd get along!"
A couple writers behind me noted the humidity takes a lot out of them and an older writer overheard and gave them shit for their lack of stamina. They started joking around with each other.
A big beautiful dog chilled near the line, tied to the gate in the shade. Relaxing and watching over us. Someone brought him water and chatted with him like he was a person.
A speaker was blasting music - a Taylor Swift song came on that a show I worked on used in the finale. I was overcome with the feeling of missing my job. Sitting in post with the editor as they take songs the music supervisor sent over and try them in the scene we're watching. The exciting feeling of getting goosebumps when a song really works, and all looking at each other like, hell yeah. That's the one.
As I dodged a hole in the sidewalk with cones around it, I heard my name and a friend from a show I used to work on caught up with me. We chatted about our spouses, kids, new hobbies, our frustrations with the news yesterday & the industry as a whole. We both scrambled up the ladder just before they started pulling it up and we're worried what that means for the longevity of our business and the people who came in just behind us.
Another friend who's been in the business for a while & is quite successful and knows a lot of execs assured us that everything that happened yesterday is just part of negotiating and to not be disheartened.
Someone in front of us overhead us talking about animation and introduced herself. She just graduated law school and wants to be an entertainment lawyer. The conversation ended up being them teaching me about how K-pop groups work. I had no idea there were generations and that we're currently in the fourth one. I love listening to people talk about the ephemera of things they love.
Passed another friend I've known since we were PAs at one of the studios. Back in town from celebrating his fiancé graduating from nursing school. We waved enthusiastically at each other from afar - we run into each other on the picket line all the time so we know we can catch up later.
A truck with a LOUD horn honked in solidarity which startled us but we still raised our signs in appreciation. An Uber driver gave us some tentative honks and we saluted him too.
We made room for a truck to cross our picket line delivering a Bentley to someone on the lot. Many snarky jokes were made.
A famous actor who was in a show that was influential to me when I was a kid walked by with his sign. It almost didn't even register because he's there every day. A rando showed up and started taking video and I tried not to notice because people are always taking photos and videos. I don't love how I look when I end up in people's pics but honestly who does?
We chatted, sweated (a LOT), didn't drink enough water, built community, expressed frustration... until the captains blew whistles and shouted that we were done. Led us in a chant of "one day longer ONE DAY STRONGER" and then we broke.
I gave some quick sweaty hugs to friends. We promised to get together somewhere to do co-working on our strike specs.
I usually snag some free food from the picket line but today I caved and went and got fast food chicken tenders.
As I drove home, the blast of cold AC in my car reminded me of being a college student in Texas in 2007, watching that strike from afar. Fascinated, scouring blogs and forums online for information on what was going on. Hoping that the writers would win, and hoping that one day I could be one of them. And now I am. And one day you might be, too.
I went home. Sweaty. Tired. My hip hurts. I'm frustrated, and emotional, and worried - for my family and for everyone who works their ass off in this business because we love what we do but don't want to be taken advantage of for it.
I want it to be over. We all want it to be over. We want to go back to work. But not with a bad deal. We'll be here 'til then. I'll be there tomorrow.
Well, maybe I'll let tomorrow be my day off. But I'll definitely be back Friday. And next week.
And the week after that.
Until this is over.
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talenlee · 2 years
Prototype 22.12 — The Wrapup
New Post has been published on PRESS.exe: Prototype 22.12 — The Wrapup
Well, time to take a loss.
Chunk 1
okay what did I actually do in this time. I think the main thing I did was rearrange the templates for each game. I’m still set up to make DrivethruCards card setups for these things – and well, these games aren’t made for that.
I’m gunna have to do something about that in the new year. Maybe make a point of rebuilding my template outset.
Don’t know what happened here, I think I missed something.
Chunk 2
As I write here I know I’m behind the curve, a lot. I think something that affected me a lot more than I thought it should was this transitional period, where the previously extant platform of twitter’s failure and my subsequent seeking alternatives, has really had an impact.
I haven’t known where my audience are looking, but also, I haven’t been doing the things to gather my audience.
Today, on the 20th, I’m going to do some prototyping, and it’s going to be ugly and fast. I need to get stuff done, I need to get the very basics blocked out.
This became a thread on mastodon that I lost track of.
Chunk 3
Well, okay, time to admit it.
As I write this, it is Christmas Morning. 12:48 in the morning. I have gotten basically nothing done for these games. I am unhappy with this, but also, I think that I think it’s very reasonable, now I’m looking at it, for something to have given up in this month.
You gotta wear your losses as well as your wins, I think. Like when I’m up at midnight on Christmas, thinking that I need to make sure the remaining days I have in this month are focused on other work, and it’s CHRISTMAS I may have to accept that some of the things I do aren’t going to get done.
I dunno, is it silly to be sitting here at Christmas morning thinking ‘shit, I have work to get done today?’ I think that’s a reasonable sign that I don’t have the time in this month to get time to sit down and do graphic design that’ll get meaningfully resolved in the next four days.
Part of it is the destruction of twitter as a space I can feel comfortable creating. I definitely need what Mastodon offered, but also, Mastodon is reaction-light. I’ve got to focus on that space as practice, and I’m willing to see the way this kind of month of failure as a time when it’s worth looking at what’s different. So, first up:
Chunk 4: Alt Text
This is more or less a thread from Mastodon, replicated.
There’s a thing I’m concerned about with Mastodon that is an unenforced norm, and how as with all things social, it’s predicated on its exclusions. I am not good at doing alt text. I mean I do it all the time when I post here but I also post way less here, because whatever it was I was doing, I feel I ‘have’ to do alt text for it. This means I’m less likely to snapshot-dump-post things here.
This is by no means meant to say ‘alt text is bad’ or ‘people are bad for wanting alt text’ or even ‘alt text being the norm infringes on me, an abled person who doesn’t need the alt text.’ It’s about the real meaningful friction that changes how I relate to the platform.
I don’t know if you know how I tweeted, but I was pretty one-sided; I followed very few people (around 50), and of those people, a lot were mostly muted because I wasn’t paying attention to their timelines. Twitter was, to me, a scratch pad where I could dump notes and thoughts and jokes to work on for later, develop if it got a lot of ♥s and reconsider if someone pointed out an error.
This is not typical behaviour! I am (still) a very antisocial social media user. I think of myself as ‘releasing’ stuff and presenting it to an ‘audience’ which you may absolutely not think of as a way to see you that’s fair!
So when I’m throwing images into tweets (or toots now), in a thread about game design, that’s basically a form of note-taking, a scribbled notebook
and stopping to provide alt text often involves having to determine what, on the design I’m even talking about and how it’s meaningful
This is not to say ‘ugh, I don’t wanna alt text, people who ask me to are bad’ because nobody has done that and I don’t imagine anybody would.
It’s just one of those things that creates the pause and ‘oh, should I Do that here?’ reaction that interrupts the flow and stops Mastodon from feeling like an intuitive replacement tool for a useful purpose
I am thinking about this because I’m gunna give it a shot and see if going back through later and alt-texting things later is going to be a useful practice.
In Summary
Acknowledge the material limits you have. It’s okay to admit failure. I still want to do this, I still want to finish some of these games off. If I hadn’t tried, I wouldn’t be writing this on Christmas morning, admitting to myself that…
Yeah, I couldn’t do this, not in these circumstances.
and that’s okay!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#2022GameProject #GameProject
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
The Dungeon Master’s Throne
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Eddie Munson x Reader Oneshot
Author’s Notes: This is pure self-indulgent unfiltered smut, I’m so so sorry. I’m not comfortable with minors reading any of my fics but especially not this one. Please respect my boundaries, I deserve a safe place to express myself. This is for @bvcksmunson​ and @chaseadrian​ (who beta reade this, ty ily). Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Content Warnings: AFAB reader with she/her pronouns, SMUT, bondage (handcuffs), gags (panty gag, bandana gag), cockwarming and objectification, dirty talk (including “slut” and “whore”), orgasam denial/control, Dom!Eddie, Sub!Reader, penis in vagina sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
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“What did I say about moving, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, so casually it was like a slap in the face to his girlfriend given their current position.
Eddie had somehow convinced the drama teacher to let him have the keys to the theater so he could plan his next D&D campaign there late at night, after even the janitors had gone home. He sat on his usual seat, a prop throne made for a spring musical years ago, the long table in front of him, although the chairs were missing their usual club members. He hadn’t turned the stage lights on as bright as he usually did but it was still enough light and heat to make someone sweat if they sat under them for too long, which they had been. It had been at least half an hour since Eddie had begun scribbling out his notes and plans for the next campaign, although she couldn’t see a clock from her position. She shifted again ever so slightly but stopped when Eddie delivered a firm slap on her ass, causing her to squeak in surprise.
“I thought I told you not to move.” Eddie warned and she let out a long whine of frustration.
For the past thirty minutes, she had been straddling his lap as he sat on the throne, Eddie’s cock buried deep inside her core under her skirt. Her panties were shoved into her mouth, muffling any noise she tried to make, the fabric held inside by Eddie’s favorite bandana, which he had tied around her head tightly. She could taste her own arousal on the fabric and bit down on the bandana to stop from moaning. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and she wrung her wrists lightly, testing her bonds every few seconds as if her restraints would somehow loosen. Her head was buried into his shoulder, her heaving chest rubbing against his, the patches on his denim vest teasing her nipples through the thin fabric of her shirt. One hand was on her lower back, keeping her pressed to him as the other scribbled away on the assortment of papers laid out on the table before him.
She could feel every inch of him, her walls stretching with a delicious ache, every nerve screaming for him to move. She felt so full and yet so empty, wanting to fuck herself silly with his dick, even if he wouldn’t help. She wanted to push herself up and use every last bit of strength in her legs to move up and down his cock until she came. But she knew better, this was her punishment for teasing him all day, something she had done specifically to rile him up, and now she was reaping the benefits and the consequences of her actions. She let out a pathetic sounding whimper and pressed her forehead harder into the crook of his neck, desperate for the needy desire burning in her stomach to be fulfilled.
Her hips rocked ever so slightly, hoping to bring even a sliver of relief to her filled pussy, trying to move so slowly and so carefully that Eddie wouldn’t notice. But he did, sighing and putting his pen down before grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her backwards to look up at him, his other hand remaining on her back to stop her from leaning too far back. She craned her head up at him and her eyes flashed him the most pitiful look, wide and close to tears as her eyelashes fluttered, as if batting her eyes at him would make up for disobeying him. It did not.
“You just can’t be a good girl can you?” He asked with a playful and mocking tone as he brushed strands of hair away from her face. “You just wouldn’t stop being such a cocktease today and I had thought a bit of time as my cockwarmer would straighten you out.”
He trailed the hand down her face, stroking her cheek lovingly before continuing on downwards as she mewled, his cold rings leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“All you had to do was stay still and stay quiet until I finished outlining the campaign’s story…” he said casually before grabbing her by the back of the neck and pulling her closer to him. “But you can’t even do that, you’re too much of a filthy fucking slut desperate for my cock.”
She whimpered as he slid his hand around to the front of her throat and tightened his hand for only a moment, a brief but firm reminder that he was in charge. His other hand palmed her ass and she let out the tiniest squeak when he squeezed her flesh roughly. Her eyes were pleading with him to show her mercy and help her with the burning in her core but he only laughed.
“Is there something you want to say?” he asked and she nodded vigorously as he smirked and loosened the bandana, pulling the wadded up panties out of her mouth. “Well?”
“Eddie please, oh god, please fuck me! I’m so sorry for teasing you, I won’t do it again.” she rambled quickly, the words pouring out before she even had time to think about it. “It hurts and I need you, I need you so bad. Please, please, please!”
“Tempting… very tempting my little cockteasing whore, but you misbehaved today and you need to be punished.” he replied, his hand moving up her neck to allow his thumb to rub her jaw.
“Please, please, I’ll be so good! I’ll do anything!” she begged, her back arching as she pushed her breasts up towards him as an enticement.
“Anything?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes, Eds, anything, anything you want.” she answered and he seemed to consider it.
“Anything I want?” he asked again.
“Yes, Eddie, anything!” she replied desperately, nodding her head vigorously.
“Then shut up and stay still like a good girl.” he said harshly, a smirk on his face as he stuffed the panties back into her mouth and knotted the bandana tighter than it had been before.
She cried out in a mix of surprise and despair at his actions, unable to even squeak before it was muffled by the fabric. He shoved her back against his chest again, the hand on her ass moving up to stroke her hair comfortingly as he grabbed his pen with the other hand and resumed his work. A few tears of frustration fell from her eyes as she buried her head back into his neck. She was going to stay so still and silent that he’d think she was a statue, even if it killed her.
And so she counted seconds. She thought about D&D. She thought about what she had for breakfast and when the newest Queen album was going to come out. She thought about anything and everything that would distract her from the fact that Eddie’s cock was lodged in her pussy. She didn’t know how long it had been and she had shed quite a few tears of frustration but finally she heard Eddie put his pen down. Her pussy clenched in anticipation and Eddie chuckled, the vibrations resonating in his chest and to hers.
He pulled her back to look up at him and smiled when he saw her tears streaming down her cheeks and onto his bandana.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” he said, wiping her tears and brushed strands of hair from her face again. “You were a good girl. And good girls get rewarded.”
He smirked and that was all the warning she got before his hands clamped down on her hips bruisingly hard and he began to bounce her up and down on his cock at a brutal pace. She came almost instantly, having been given too little for so long that even just one stroke could send her over the edge. Her scream was muffled by her gag and Eddie could feel her walls squeezing his dick like a vice. Eddie kept fucking her through her orgasm and when she was finished, he moved a hand to her clit under her skirt and began to rub circles on it. Over and over again, he rubbed his thumb on her sensitive spot as his cock hammered in and out of her pussy.
Quickly, she was launched into another orgasm, but he didn’t let up, his hips still snapping up as his fingers continued playing with her clit with the same delicious dexterity he used when he was playing his guitar. She moaned into her panties already feeling another building up impossibly fast, but this time she didn’t cum alone. Eddie grunted loudly as he rammed into her and groaned when he held her down so she was taking his entire shaft when he released his load into her battered pussy. Her orgasm was harder than the other two had been and her scream carried loudly through the gag as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
The three successive orgasms had left her boneless, only held up by Eddie’s arms. Once again, she was crying although it was mostly out of relief and intense pleasure this time. Eddie was panting as he leaned her back to get a better look at her face as she returned from whatever blissful place her mind had gone. He pressed a loving kiss to her forehead and smiled down at her.
“Such a good girl, taking my cock so well, cumming for me so many times.” he cooed and she made a pleased noise at his words.
She realized suddenly that he was still buried deep within her and she moved to pull herself up, only to have Eddie pull her back down. She squeaked in confusion, cocking her head to the side and shaking her chains as a reminder that she was still handcuffed. He smiled and she picked up the mischievous glint in his eye.
“I finished my story notes but I haven’t done the character sheets yet.” he said and chuckled when her eyes went wide in surprise and she let out a noise of muffled protest.
He carefully pulled down the bandana and removed the panties from her mouth and her large inhale was interrupted by Eddie’s lips locking with hers. His tongue was aggressive in that loving way that only Eddie could manage to balance. She moaned into his mouth, leaning into the kiss and was thoroughly disappointed when Eddie pulled back.
“The character sheets should only take another fifteen minutes or so. I need my cock to be kept warm and for my cum to stay inside you while I work. Do you want to tap out, baby?” he asked, gazing down at her lovingly.
“No.” she responded in a quiet voice, her throat hoarse from her muffled screams.
“What if I play with your pretty little clit the entire time? Make you cum over and over again on my cock until you can’t even remember your own name.” he asked and her pussy clenched at the thought. “Would you still want to do it?”
“Yes.” she breathed out in a moan.
“Such a good girl.” he cooed and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You’ve been so good that I won’t gag you this time. You can make all the noises you want. In fact, I want your screams and moans to be the background music as I work.”
“Oh fuck, Eds…” she said breathily as he captured her mouth with his again and from his hunger, she could tell that her pleasurous torture was far from over. And that was just how she wanted it.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
A Secret Romantic-Benedict Bridgerton x Reader x Eloise Bridgerton (Platonic)
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(GIF credit to @aryaofoldstones​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hello! I saw your looking for Bridgerton requests, I would love some Benedict x Eloise sibling fluff! They have such a good dynamic in the show and I need more’
(I wouldn’t mind making another part of this if people want it tbh)
Characters: Benedict Bridgerton x Reader, Eloise Bridgerton x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff
Eloise’s gloved hands clung onto her book as she and her family arrived at yet another social event, a ball once again. Her mama had ensured she was dressed to catch the eyes of men, and Eloise knew that meant there would be no room for intelligent conversation. With Daphne now married to the Duke, Eloise had more pressure on her shoulders than she imagined, having to find a suitor of similar standards. However, it wasn’t just her on the market, her brothers were too, especially Benedict (Violet knew it would be extremely difficult to marry off Anthony first, opting for the second eldest son).
Eloise smiled whenever her mama looked her way, though it quickly disappeared once she turned around. Benedict had been instructed to escort her sister around the ball to help seek out suitors, the men knew each other or something about someone; he could help her meet the right one.
“I cannot believe I am here.” Eloise moaned as she looped her arm through her brothers.
“Believe me sister, I do not wish to be here either.”
“Why must you parade me around like a horse at a dressage in order to find a new owner?” Eloise kept catching the men’s gazes, turning up her nose in disgust.
“So dramatic.” he chuckled.
She scoffed.“Well, if you’re going to advise me on who I should be marrying, I shall do the same for you. Now let’s see...”
Eloise looked around the room at all the women, wondering who would be the best match for her brother. Most of these women had no personalities, relying on their outfits to express themselves. Eloise knew of some ladies that were nice, though had nothing in common with her brother.
Eloise shrugged, tugging on her brother’s arm towards the door.“Ah, there’s no one here for us. Let us make haste and leave-”
“Oh no you don’t,” Benedict pulled her back,“we have been strictly told to stay for the night, even if it is just to socialise and...get our names out there.”
Eloise groaned a little too loudly, Ben ducking his head in embarrassment.“How long do these balls go on for?”
“I have never stayed for the full duration.”
“That’s not the answer I want to hear.”
Benedict glanced down at her, somehow only just realising that Eloise had brought a book with her.“Is that book sewed to your hand sister?”
“I brought it just in case I became bored. Which I am already.”
“I shall go and grab us some refreshments. Might as well enjoy them whilst we’re here.”
Eloise let her brother slip away, quickly finding a hiding spot by leaning up against a wall, away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds. She opened her book, continuing where she left off, happy she brought a pencil to scribble down notes for later. The studying never stopped for Eloise. 
“Excuse me?” a woman’s voice interrupted her too soon.
Eloise tried her best to be polite, though her smile came off as sarcastic.“Yes?”
“Sorry,” the woman looked taken back,“I thought you were reading a book that I am reading at the moment, but I was wrong. I’ve disturbed you, I shall leave you alone-”
“Wait,” Eloise had now sparked an interest. No other lady had ever approached her like this,“I don’t mean to be rude. What book had you expected?”
“It’s oh so obvious, but I’ve been reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. It’s the newest book out at the moment, and my mama lets me read it seeing as it involves a woman finding someone to marry. Although, it’s definitely about something deeper, that’s just what I told her.”
“I don’t indulge in romantic novels myself, but I am glad to hear of a female author selling her work.”
“It’s fantastic. And it’s nice to be able to read something without it being snatched out of my hands. Oh, where are my manners? I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Sorry, I’ve been dancing with men all night and none of the conversations have been as riveting as this so far.”
“Why am I not surprised?” they both laughed.“I’m Eloise Bridgerton.”
(Y/N) tried to not show her shock when she heard the surname. They were only the most talked about family, her mama had gone on and on about them, especially when Lady Whistledown mentioned them in her writings. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Might I ask what it is that you are reading?”
“It is to do with my studies. I truly hate these events, so I thought I would ensure my mind was being worked properly.” Eloise realised that could come off as rude, squeezing her eyes shut in embarrassment.“I did not mean to offend you by that.”
“It really isn’t any bother.” (Y/N) giggled.“I rather enjoy these just for the dancing and drinks, I find promenading to be more successful in finding a suitor. Though I would much rather sneak off and see if I can get a few more pages in of a book I shouldn’t be reading.”
“Eloise, why must you go wondering off like that...” Benedict’s words trailed off as he approached his sister, spotting a beautiful woman stood by her.
Eloise’s eyes flickered between the two, and she smiled when she saw the adoration in her brother’s eyes. Cheekily taking the two glasses from his hands, she passed one to (Y/N), who awkwardly took it. (Y/N) had gazed upon the Bridgerton men in passing, they were very nice to look at. Of course, she never divulged in any fantasies about them, that would be silly. But seeing one in front of her had taken her breath away.
“Thank you brother.” Eloise said, taking a sip.“This is Lady (Y/N) (Y/L/N), a new friend of mine.”
He gently took her free hand in his, bending forwards slightly to kiss it. (Y/N) had this done to her many times, but this was different. Benedict made her feel butterflies in her stomach. Eloise could tell her mama was going to love this.
She cleared her throat.“We were just speaking of art, actually.”
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows.“We were talking about books.”
“I was about to move the topic along.”
“What kind of art would that be then?” Benedict asked, knowing what game his sister was playing. 
“The...drawing, kind.”
“Isn’t all art drawn?”
“No, it is also painted.”
“I think artists may sketch out a rough idea before painting.”
“Well you would know brother, seeing as you yourself are an artist.”
“I wouldn’t say that-”
“You paint, Lord Bridgerton?” (Y/N) asked.
“Ah, yes, and I sketch.” he hoped his cheeks weren’t turning red. 
“Anything in particular?”
“Mostly people.”
“Are you both attending the art exhibition my family are holding next week?”
“That’s your families’ exhibit?” Benedict became excited.
“Yes, my father collects a lot of art work. Then mother realised she could make a social event out of it, but at least everyone will be able to admire the work.”
“Would you believe it, we already have it noted down in our social calendar!” Eloise informed (Y/N). Benedict could sense her over-reacting, trying to keep a smile as (Y/N)’s face lit up in excitement. 
“Perfect!” (Y/N) looked back up at Ben, making him stand a little taller.“It will be nice to have someone there who knows about the artwork. It will make for an interesting conversation. Just don’t let my father lecture you, he will talk for far too long! And I know you will be too polite to try and get away.”
“My brother is very polite.” Eloise said.“In fact, I’m surprised he hasn’t-”
“Excuse me for the intrusion,” a young man said from beside (Y/N),“but I was wondering if we could resume our dance lady (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) was smiling, but Eloise knew that look; it was the face women made when a man who made them uncomfortable approached, but they had to remain ladylike and polite.
“Actually my brother just asked her and she said yes. You two best make your way to the floor before the music starts again.” Eloise nudged her brother.
Benedict was confused at his sisters offer, until he locked eyes with (Y/N) again. They were pleading him to sweep her away, she was even leaning away from this man. He had been disrespectful in some way, and he wasn’t letting (Y/N) go through that again (despite only knowing the girl for a few minutes). He smugly smiled at the man, holding out his arm which (Y/N) took a little too quickly. Eloise was happy with herself as the pair walked off, sending the man a death glare when he asked her to dance instead. Once he left, her eyes went back to find her brother, who was already dancing with (Y/N), both smiling and laughing. Her mama was going to be ecstatic about this. 
Eloise sat in the drawing room, obviously lounging with a book. Her younger siblings were being irritating as usual, running around her in circles. Before they arrived, she had peace. Eloise wanted a few moments alone, because she knew her mama would be bursting with questions about the night before.
“Ah, there you are.” Violet said as she walked in.
The book flopped into Eloise’s lap, a frown on her face. There goes her reading time.
“So, how was last night? Did you meet anyone?” her mama sat beside her.“You two, go play outside if you’re going to run around please.”
The children stopped as their mama spoke, sending each other devilish grins before they ran out of the room again, their giggling echoing down the halls. Violet went to shout after them, but decided to leave it be, there were more pressing matters.
“Well mama, do you see any suitors?” Eloise gestured around her.
Violet sighed.“Did you even try last night?”
“My life will not be reduced to a single night where I was forced to peacock around in order to please a man.”
“Oh, Eloise, must you make everything so dramatic?”
“Funny, Benedict said the same thing.”
“Actually, where is your brother? I have not seen him all morning.”
“He went out.” Eloise was relieved that the focus would now be off of her.“He’s calling upon a lady.”
Violet’s eyes widened.“What? When? Who?”
“Lady (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“(Y/L/N)? They are quite reputable.”
Eloise rolled her eyes.“Mama, she is a lovely girl. I don’t think you should just judge her on what family she comes from.”
“Oh, so you approve of this girl?”
“I...I mean...Well, I only spoke with her for a mere few minutes.”
Eloise let out a huff.“I enjoyed her company. I think Benedict likes her. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night until it was time to leave. He spent all his time with her.”
Violet became overjoyed.“Oh, what marvelous news! I wish he had told me. Do you know what he took to her? Flowers? Food?”
“I have no idea mama. Just wait for his return and he will tell you all the details. I am not a psychic.”
Violet was impatient as she awaited the return of her son. Poor Collin had also been questioned when he showed up in the drawing room, but he had overslept in bed, waking with a terrible headache. It seemed that it was about to come back to him when his mama bombarded him with questions as to why he hadn’t called upon anyone that morning. Eloise kept her giggles quiet, ducking behind her book when Collin sent her daggers.
Poor Benedict had no idea what was in store for him. His cheeks were aching from how much he was smiling. He wasn’t surprised when he arrived at the (Y/L/N)’s house and saw multiple callers for (Y/N). However, jealousy rose inside him when he thought about these men dancing with her, trying to convince her that they were the man to marry. He held a beautiful bouquet of flowers, remembering that (Y/N) had mentioned her favourite the night before. Looking around at any other flowers she received, he was glad to see no other gentleman had chose it. Surely that would show he was listening? He endured sonnets, stories, songs and boasting from the other men, trying not to show his dissatisfaction as each one stepped forward. There was pressure that her parents were there, especially when he realised he was the last gentleman, everyone else had left.
(Y/N) had been incredibly anxious when she saw Benedict that morning. He had been the only man she genuinely smiled at, hoping he came at his own will, not forced by his mama. The night before had been the best ball (Y/N) had ever been to. Benedict was sweet, charming, handsome and interesting. They were able to talk about anything and everything, no small talk involved like all the other men she danced with. He had swooned her, and here he was, calling upon her. 
Back at the Bridgerton house, Violet had not sat down since talking Collin’s ear off. Eloise was still in the drawing room with her, as were her two youngest siblings, munching on biscuits as they threw questions at their mama. She did not have all the answers, sometimes not even hearing them speak for she was too deep in her thoughts. At one point, she did sit, but beside the window, o the lookout for any signs of her son. When a carriage pulled up in front of the house, Violet leapt out of her seat, startling her children. She made a beeline to the door, standing there with her hands clasped together. When Benedict walked in, he too flinched, not expecting his mama to be there.
“Mama, how long have you been stood there?” Benedict asked as he walked past her, pinching a biscuit from his brother’s plate.
“She’s been waiting for you.” Eloise explained, also excited to hear about his calling.
“I hope you sat down at some point.” he joked, sitting beside Eloise and slouching.
Violet hurried to sit on the sofa across him.“You didn’t tell me you were calling on a lady this morning.”
“Well, we got back late from the ball yesterday evening, and I had to leave early to ensure I got there in good time. Though it seemed every other man thought that too.”
“There were many men there?” 
“Yes, quite a few.”
Eloise straightened up at her brother’s grumpy expression.“You really like her!”
“How wonderful!” Violet gushed. 
“Do not get ahead of yourselves.”
“But you do, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have called on her.”
Ben was lost for words. He couldn’t argue with that, and he did like seeing his mama happy.“Yes, yes I do. And it would seem she reciprocates the feelings.”
“This is such good news! I must see what our social calendar looks like, we must ensure you two spend time together.”
“Actually mama-” Eloise went to tell her about the art exhibit until Ben interrupted.
“Good idea mama.” he nodded, smiling at her as she walked away, a spring in her step. Once she was gone, he let out a big breath.“I just needed a moment without questions from her.”
“Well, you’re going to have questions from me.” Eloise angled her body to face him, her elbow perched on the sofa with her face resting in her hand.“I didn’t think you were going to call upon her. Are my match making skills really that good?”
“I hate to admit it, but yes, you have done an excellent job.” Benedict felt relaxed thinking about (Y/N).
“So, what happened this morning?”
“I took her flowers, she told me her favourites last night, and then I had to sit there whilst her other gentleman callers desperately tried to impress her. It was agony! Finally I was able to have time with her, and it was just...I don’t know how to put it into words.”
“Did you bring her anything else?”
Benedict became bashful.“I brought her a sketchbook, like the one I have. She mentioned how she used to often sketch when she was younger. I thought it would be a unique gift.”
“Benedict, you truly are a romantic at heart.”
“For her I am, yes.”
Eloise smiled for her brother, until a smirk fell on his face.“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Aw, is someone also a secret romantic?”
“No!” Eloise protested, quickly grabbing her book again.“I am just happy you found someone.”
“And you helped, because you secretly want everyone to find someone.”
“No I don’t! You’re ruining this moment now Benedict.”
“Don’t worry Eloise, you’ll find someone.” Ben joked.
She groaned.“You are insufferable...but I still want to go to that art exhibit.”
“To see love bloom?”
“N-no, to see the art work.”
“Of course, of course. But, thank you Eloise.”
She tried not to smile, but couldn’t help it.“You’re welcome.”
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