#so 100% the max age here is 16
figured i'd ask you since you're like, The Flash Fam Expert, but do you happen to know the rough ages of the flashfam? like i know irey and jai are nine, ace is somewhere in his late teens, and wally has to be late twenties at the youngest but i can't find many specifics on other characters and wasn't sure if you might be able to help!
OOF. That's a rough one buddy. You don't understand what you have just unleashed upon the world.
God. Alright.
Irey and Jai are nine physically and mentally. Chronologically speaking, they're still toddlers but don't worry about it.
Ace is around 17? Not yet 18 but older than 15. I would bet on 17 but 16 wouldn't be crazy either. Avery is the same age.
Jay and Max are over 100 but by how much, I couldn't tell you. They play their age close to the chest. Physically they look 50-60 though.
Here's where it gets tricky.
Barry, Wally, Jesse and Bart.
So, Wally would've been in his early 30's when his children were born. Definitely by the time Barry came back Wally would've been at least 30.
However, during the N52 reboot everyone got deaged around a decade younger, Wally included. Wally came out of the Speedforce wearing his Kid Flash costume, indicating that he was physically 19 at the oldest. It's been a few years since Wally emerged, so physically he would have to be around 21 at this point.
Wild! I know!
So yeah, Barry would've been... late 30's? Ish? When he died. He came back at roughly the same age and chilled for a bit. He would've had to have hit 40 at least by that point. But speedsters also don't really physically age? So he looked like he was in his early 30's.
The N52 reboot hit, putting Barry at... late 20's- early 30's. I would say, by now, that the man is at least 30. Potentially even 35. But he looks 25 because speedsters don't age. (Iris would be around 30)
Bart is going to be the most wild one here. Alright. I'm speedrunning this one, so if you don't understand what is happening, I'm sorry but it is too late for you.
He exits the time portal at physically 12, ages to 14 before stabilized. He ages to 16 at which point he disappears. He comes back as an adult for a year but is killed. He comes back, again, back at 16 and is allowed to chill for a bit (potentially a year), bringing Bart to 17 years old (physically) when Flashpoint and the N52 reboot hit.
Bart was somehow spared the ~10 year deaging but he wasn't spared the deaging entirely. Bart pops out looking around 12-14 years old again. He runs around for about a year ish, which brings Bart to physically 13-15 years old currently in comics.
HOWEVER, it must be stated that, like Wally and Barry, Bart's mental age has never been reset. His mental age did not reboot with his body, so mentally Bart is around 19-20 years old.
Jesse... Jesse is weird. DC likes to keep Jesse ambiguously young. When in doubt, Jesse is around the same age as Wally. So, currently she would be around 21. The same applies to Linda.
So yeah. It's weird because Barry was a guy in his 30's with a little baby ten year old Wally and there was at least a 20 year age difference there. And now it's maybe 9 years? But also Barry looks 25 because he's a speedster, so it looks like Barry is only 4-5 years older than Wally.
Honestly if you went off looks alone, it'd be Jay (50), Max (50), Barry (25), Wally (21), Jesse (21), Avery (16), Ace (16), Bart (14), Irey (9) and Jai (9). Which is WILD?! Their family looks like two gay dads adopted 8 kids. Other than Max and Jay, they all look within five years of each other. It's wild.
Speedster aging man... They just... don't. They don't age. They live on Neverland time 24/7.
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psyoniks · 5 months
Okay this has been eating at me while I've been studying. Is the Blade's and Magic academy a high-school, or a college setting?
Neil and Max were in the same year together, assuming Max is in the highest year if we're going by standard four year high-school, so they'd be around the same age. Neil seems a little older than maybe 17-18 imo, but maybe its just because he has a stable job or smth idk. Lasitc has a job too, but maybe its more situational than age-based in this universe. Iirc Rylan was too young to get a job to help out their grandmother, but Rachel was old enough.
So that means Neil is definitely older than Lastic then since Max and Neil were in the same year? This is pretty flimsy logic but I don't have a lot to worth with here. Actually, let me explain how I think classes work out of the way, since it's possible Lastic could be the same age instead of being younger by a large amount.
I actually don't think the classes are necessarily separated by age, like a traditional high-school. Since Rylan and Lastic share a class, unless Rachel is older than the both of them. Or maybe the Blades and Strikers just have shared classes and there wasn't enough for a separate class. It might be technically possible that someone in the same age is in a higher class based on skill level? This is where I'm questioning if the academy is more like a college, in the sense lots of different ages share classes rather than separated by age. Lastic scored the highest ever in the entrance test, I can't remember her exact number but she blew up the fountain. So if it was based off skill, she would still be a trainee, since her amount of magic doesn't equal skill. I don't actually know if its confirmed Blades and Strikers have magic, but I think it only really matters for the entrance exam.
All we know is Rylan is definitely the youngest and he honestly seems around 15-16 imo but this is just all speculation. As long as anyone passes the magic scaling test and has 100 coins, its possible that some younger students could enter if the academy was more of a college setting. I wish we got canon ages or a little more information/lore on the school/what the characters were taught, since I just find it the most interesting.
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babyrdie · 5 months
I know it's kind of pointless looking for a specific chronology in Greek mythology, especially using different versions, but I still find it kind of funny how Patroclus' age really confuses me.
Helen already had a daughter (Hermione) when she was taken by Paris and that child was 9 years old when this happened (Library, E.3.3)
Clytemnestra and Helen are either twins or at least close in age according to traditions.
By Homer, Clytemnestra had 3 daughters (Laodice, Chrysotemis and Iphinassa) and 1 son (the youngest Orestes). All the daughters were old enough to get married (The Iliad, IX, 169-178). If we consider versions with Iphigenia and Electra, then at least the first-born Iphigenia was old enough to marry in Aulis since there was a false marriage with Achilles (Iphigenia at Aulis, Cypria frag 1, Dictys Cretenses 20)
Female marriageable ages vary in Ancient Greece, the oldest source we have on the subject is Hesiod (Archaic Era), who suggests that it is recommended to marry a woman of around eighteen years of age. Sources from the Classical Era give different ages, the average generally being 14/15 years old, although in Sparta they generally married older probably at least 18 years old (see here).
So let's consider that Clytemnestra and Helen married at eighteen, since that is the theorized age for Sparta in the Classical Era and the Archaic Era source we have (Hesiod) gives the same age.
In an attempt to make Helen's age as young as possible, I'm going to assume that she had Hermione in the first year of her marriage. So 18 (marriageable age) + 9 (Hermione's age when Helen was taken), Helen would have been at least 27 when Paris took her. We add another 10 years of the Trojan War, so Helen has at least 37 in the last year of the war.
Clytemnestra's daughters would probably follow the Mycenaean coming of age, having been born and raised there. Unfortunately, I don't know what the Mycenaean female marriage age was. If we consider the sources with Iphigenia, Achilles was around 15 years old (Library, E.3.16) and Iphigenia was around the same age. So let's assume Chrysothemis, Laodice and Iphinassa were at least 15 years old each. Let's also consider that they were close in age to reduce Clytemnestra's age. Idk 15, 16 and 17 years old, something like that. It would be possible, after all taking the 10 years from the Trojan War, that would make them between 5-7 years old when Helen was kidnapped. Anyway, the oldest daughter could at most be 19 years old to match Hermione, and thus the ages of Clytemnestra and Helen match. So yeah, Clytemnestra at least 37 too.
If Helen is 37 years old in the tenth year of the Trojan War and married at 18, then the suitors thing was 19 years before the Trojan War.
If Achilles was about 15 when he joined Agamemnon's army, then he was about 25 when he died (because +10 years of Trojan War). That is, he's about 12 years younger than Helen.
Patroclus is older than Achilles (The Iliad, XI, 938-940). But they grew up together, so the difference shouldn't be much (The Iliad, XIII, 100-110). Maybe min 2 and max 4 years older? That is, Patroclus was between 27-29 years old when he died maybe.
Considering Patroclus was 27 because I think 2 years makes more sense with the idea of growing up together, then Patroclus is 10 years younger than Helen. Even if we consider 29, he's 8 years younger than Helen.
Patroclus was among Helen's suitors (Library, 3.10.8; Description of Greece, 3.24.10; Fabulae, 81).
If Helen was 18 and Patroclus is 10 years younger than her, he was 8 years old. If Patroclus is 8 years younger than her, then he was 10 years old. The male age for marriage was DEFINITELY not that.
It makes me wonder if this happened because:
A case of divergent chronology because there area lot of versions of the myths;
He was just there to see what Helen was like and who her other suitors were. After all, it was a meeting with the most beautiful woman in the world and certainly a bunch of impressive suitors;
In the rarest hope, perhaps the possibility of an engagement until he is of age. Neptolemus is at least 9 years younger than Hermione and we know he married her.
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purplesurveys · 24 days
Name something you keep on the nightstand. The microfiber cloth for my glasses so I can clean mine as soon as needed.
What does a man brag about the most? I uh...don't know. I never hang with groups of dudes lol, and the ones I know don't really do a lot of bragging around me.
What's the most you've tipped your waiter or waitress. The highest I give is ₱500 and that's whenever I host a big party (10-15 pax). I leave ₱200 if I was very impressed by the service; otherwise my standard practice is at ₱100.
As a child, what frightened you the most? Cockroaches, because we had flying ones at home. The fear has carried over to this day because I still hate seeing them.
I also didn't like seeing anyone drunk because the men in my family who did never knew how to take care of themselves. It was horrifying watching them stumble and slur their words; physical altercations were the worst thing I had to witness. Among family. So imagine how pissed I felt when I tried alcohol for the first time and learned that drinking has a lot to do with just knowing how to control yourself.
Name a dish you take to a potluck. The ideal option would be pizza but that's what everybody brings, so my go-to has evolved to be Mama Lou's truffle mac and cheese. They're not what anyone would think to be their first choice, and yet everyone goes crazy over them. As a people pleaser, I always want to make sure it's my tray that makes their way to plates the most haha.
What's a popular vacation location? For Filipinos, definitely any of these: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore. I've been to Singapore but have no interest in the other two.
Name a complaint people have about their job. That they are not paid enough for the life they need to sustain.
Name something you put off doing until the weekend. Taking our pets to the vet. The queues are always unpredictable, and the last thing I'd want to happen is to be 5th in line during my lunch break and be stuck on the road three minutes before a 1 PM call. So say if they were due on a Wednesday, I'd just take them that same weekend.
What's a common remedy for a cold? I just let it pass if it's only a cough or cold. Fever is a different story – I'm rarely sick, so when it happens it crashes hard on me. When I get a fever, I usually find myself asking for soup since it's the only thing I'll have the appetite for.
My mom also has this honey ginger tea that she makes me drink 1-2 glasses of. It's nasty, but I do it for her so it doesn't go to waste.
How many scoops of ice cream do you put on an ice cream cone? 2 max and that's pushing it. I'm a slow eater, so it's sure to melt. It's also why I've always preferred having ice cream from a bowl/cup.
Name a type of nut. If I'm having the nut itself, pistachio. In terms of flavor, almond or peanut.
How long is the typical vacation? Anywhere between 2-5 days. Except for the time we were in Bali for 7 days, I've never been on a vacation for longer than a week.
Name a popular athlete. Simone Biles.
At what age should you have children? Whenever you're ready and financially capable. It's different for all.
During high school, what was your worst subject? Chemistry. I feel like my teacher only passed me out of guilt(??); my test scores ranged from 68-89. Never tasted a line of 9 from it lol.
Name a famous Jack. Jack Nicholson.
How many speeding tickets does an average motorist receive? I have no idea. Speeding's not that big of a problem here to begin with because the Philippines is the Traffic Hellhole of the World LOL
Name a profession a kid wants to be when they grow up. Teacher, doctor, princess.
Name a famous TV detective. Sherlock Holmes.
At what age did you get your first kiss? 16.
What month is popular for weddings? Ber months.
Name something people forget when they're in a hurry. Wallet.
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feniverse-unfiltered · 6 months
Alright who wants to hear my thought process on how old TriMax Wolfwood is (jk illusion of free choice, but I will put it under a cut because it's long and a lotta math<3)
So to start off, let me first say I updated the timeline I posted (it's the same post, but I swapped out the images and updated the notes. I said I wouldn't touch it again and yet I'm still thinking about it almost 48 hours later AND doing SAT -esque math about it /sob)
Let me also say: I'm so bad at guesstimating ages, not like manga in general makes ages easy to guess but also yeah I don't actually know what a 9 year old looks like off the top of my head so there's definitely some bias here.... BUT ANYWHO
We're gonna go off of these key events:
Wolfwood leaving the orphanage
Wolfwood taking care of and reuniting with Maylene
To start: we know that Wolfwood left the orphanage 6 years ago, he returns during the year of PE 0114. So he left in the year of PE 0108
When Wolfwood reunites with Maylene he's "older" so he's undergone all the drugs and experimentation etc etc so that means the timeframe in which he reunites with Maylene would have to fall between PE 0108 and PE 0114. I'd er on the side of 109 and 112, seeing as for 113/114 he's traveling with Vash or helping the Ark invasion, so unless he randomly fucked off for a spell during that time he probably didn't see Maylene then. Ruling out 108 for similar reasons since I'm sure he'd be too busy training with the EoM within the year to go see her.
So, establishing PE 0112 as the latest point in time they can reunite: Maylene looks anywhere between 12-16 years old. (at ABSOLUTE minimum I'd say 10, and ABSOLUTE maximum, 17. She seems about the same age as Lina, and Lina is confirmed 12 years old but "looks older". She's not older than 18 because that would put her birth year in 0094, which would make her only 4 years younger than Meryl, and Meryl was 18 when Wolfwood left the orphanage, which would mean Maylene was 14 and would put Wolfwood at like 19 minimum when he left. More on that later)
So establishing Maylene's age range, that would put her birth year anywhere from PE 0095- 0102 When Wolfwood first meets Maylene she's a baby, at most a year old. For the sake of the argument, we'll stick with her being younger than that (making the earliest they could have met 0095). Wolfwood can't be more than 5 at that point, as that'd put him at the same age as Meryl, which would make him 18 when he left the orphanage (which doesn't seem correct) Personally, I think Wolfwood looks between 6 at absolute minimum and 10 at max.
So using the above time frames and the year Wolfwood left the orphanage (0108):
0095 at 5 years old mean's he'd be 18
0102 at 5 years old means he'd be 11
0102 at 10 years old means he'd be 16
0095 at 10 not possible, next possible year would be 0100 which would make him 18 (which again seems far fetched)
So let's lay this out: (year met Maylene : age left orphanage) At 5 years old: 96: 17 | 97:16 | 98: 15 | 99:14 | 100: 13 | 101:12 | 102:11
At 6 years old: 97: 17 | 98:16 | 99: 15 | 100:14 | 101: 13 | 102:12
At 7 years old: 98: 17 | 99:16 | 100: 15 | 101:14 | 102: 13
At 8 years old: 99: 17 | 100:16 | 101: 15 | 102:14
At 9 years old: 99: 18 | 100:17 | 101: 16 | 102:15
At 10 years old: 100: 18 | 101:17 | 102: 16
This is where the bias sets in:
When Wolfwood leaves the orphanage he doesn't look any older than 14 to me or any younger than 11 ( I personally read him in the 12-13 range, he could also just be a very runty teenager, which would be hilarious, but yeah I don't think so.) I also don't think anybody younger than 6 should be taking care of a baby, So we're gonna rule out anything that places him outside of that range which leaves us with this:
At 6 years old: 100:14 | 101: 13 | 102:12
At 7 years old: 101:14 | 102: 13
At 8 years old: 102:14
Using the min and max years and ages compared to where in the timeline Wolfwood's last fight is (6 years later) that would place him in the age bracket of 18 at youngest and 20 at oldest (give or take a year if you wanna be picky about it). Which means when he first meets Vash he's only 16-18/////
(And if you're like me and don't like the idea of Maylene being any younger than 12, then that means 0100 is the year and that would make Wolfwood 20 years old but that may be overly biased and again I think he’s younger than 14 when he leaves the orphanage. I also still don't think maylene looks like a 12 year old. If we assume she was actually a year old when she met Wolfwood that’d make her 13 tho)
Anyways, I need to go lie down now
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i'm v bored so here are some different ideas for my mdzs f1 au
option 1: drivers
nmj and lxc are both very talented f1 drivers, both lauded as future world champions. meng yao did some karting at a young age, but instead decided to become an f1 engineer/mechanic when it became too expensive
my and lxc meet when they're 16/17, when lxc is competing in formula reno and my is apprenticing at his team as an engineer for the summer (it's not the high profile best car team he was going to join until wrh blocked him by having wen chao join the team)
my and nmj meet properly when my gets appointed to be his race engineer (after nmj goes through 2 others quitting or being fired in the previous seasons)
nmj and lxc are long time friends, growing up in the karting circuits together (think piastri and sargeant, or verstappen and leclerc but they're actually friends)
lxc is the one who recommended my as a potential race engineer for nmj (my still getting the job on his own merit ofc)
option 2: part of the f1 circus
nmj is the safety car driver, jgy is the race director, lxc is a high profile f1 journalist/pundit (chris medland + will butxton fusion)
lxc woukd be so proud of his brother lwj destroying the junior formulas, and definitly be paying extra attention to the driver markets during the summer break
jgy and nmj would 100% bond over the useless stewarding in the races (i think the track limits fiasco at belgium 23 would give jgy an aneurism)
they'd share flights to lots of the races (and hotel rooms too)
option 3: they're ALL drivers
meng yao manages to get through karting and the lower formulas by joining a driver academy (very high pressure bc if he messes up once he could get kicked out and lose his seat),
he's a couple years behind nmj and lxc, who are both from famous racing families - nmj's dad is/was a famous rally car driver (carlos sainz esq), and lxc's dad and lqr were both f1 drivers (not champions but decent ones) and his mum used to kart bf marrying (max verstappen esq)
lxc and nmj both enter the sport in upper midfield teams, getting consistent points and a few podiums here and there in their rookie seasons, whilst when my joins he's stuck in a back marker who struggles to get out of Q1 normally (jgs promises him a place in his team if he can prove himself - almost impossible in the team he's in)
they're a well known driver friendship (once again like the 2019 rookies) and they do press videos together sometimes bc they're fan favourites
(side note: the 2019 rookies - george russell, alex albon, and lando norris - also have the height differences of 3zun, both russell and albon are 184cm+ and norris was around 170cm in 2019)
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
wasn't billy racist? just wondering
lmao i think it’s funny that you’re asking this bc like, what are you expecting from me? an oh shit yeah you’re so right, my bad? well no. no he wasn’t racist.
never mind the fact that dacre said repeatedly that he wouldn’t play a racist character and that he workshopped the script until he felt comfortable with it. never mind the fact that many of the cast members have said they liked billy, felt for him, thought he’d been more than redeemed already by the end.
we have to look at this from a trauma-based perspective. we are handed the trauma and the explanation for his actions very plainly. am i saying all of his actions are 100% okay and should not be discussed? no! but to say he’s racist or to say he’s incapable of change is a gross misunderstanding of that character.
what we know. we know neil hargrove is racist. we know neil beats him for everything he “does wrong” in neil’s eyes. we know he gets the blame for everything max does wrong. we know he’s been given responsibility of her to make sure she’s doing what’s told of her, that she’s safe, that she’s the perfect kid.
we know the first time billy saw lucas, it was in the parking lot. max was distressed, telling him to leave her alone and calling him a stalker. we know the night of the byers fight, she completely disappeared and showed up in a house in the middle of nowhere with a group of guys, one of which who was billy’s age and a known womanizer and who was lying about max being there.
so here’s what i think. i think billy was on edge that night, clearly thinking something bad was happening to max. it’s easy to think she was in trouble in a bad situation, it’s just we as viewers have the luxury of seeing first-hand that she wasn’t. billy didn’t have that. not only that, but his abuser put him in a bad position. i wouldn’t be surprised if billy was acting out because he was scared of the level of retaliation and violence he’d receive if neil ever found out. he would be scared that max might now have done something to make neil hit her, which he’d previously not done before but had clearly been close to.
was shoving a middle schooler okay? nah. but does that automatically make him racist? no! look at all the other awful shit instead. look at the blatant racist remark mike made and never really seemed apologetic for. look at the way lucas time and again gets villanised by the narrative the duffers are creating and look at how “othered” poc and lgbt characters get made out to be by this show. there are far worse problems than a 16/17 year old kid trying to survive in the only way he knows how, who clearly changed more positively in max’s mind before season 3 and who ultimately died for lucas and the party.
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f1 · 1 year
Max Verstappen claims he 'never' looks at numbers despite closing in onAyrton Senna's record
Max Verstappen claims he 'never' looks at numbers, despite Red Bull star closing in on Ayrton Senna's record of 41 wins ahead of Canadian Grand Prix Max Verstappen will equal Ayrton Senna's record if he wins Canadian Grand Prix But he insists he's not bothered as F1 of today can't be compared to that of 1990s Lewis Hamilton, who has 103 wins, insists 'records are there to be broken'  By Jonathan McEvoy for the Daily Mail Published: 17:31 EDT, 16 June 2023 | Updated: 17:31 EDT, 16 June 2023 It is astonishing to think that the man who this weekend is a near nailed-on certainty to equal Ayrton Senna’s total of wins, 41, was not even alive when the great Brazilian died at Imola. That tragedy fell on the first day of May, 1994, and Max Verstappen wasn’t born until the last day of September 1997, though his father, Jos, made his debut that fateful season as team-mate to Michael Schumacher at Benetton. But there is footage of Senna driving, a film about his life, and an enduring aura that keeps his legend kicking even among a younger breed. ‘I never look at the numbers,’ said Verstappen ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix. ‘But when I was a little kid I would never have imagined being in that company. ‘It is an amazing achievement but you cannot compare it. Back in the day, you had to drive the car so differently and there was a lot more going on.’ Asked to pick Senna’s best race, Verstappen pointed out there were many but chose the stunning opening lap at rain-soaked Donington in 1993, fifth to first in 75 seconds. Max Verstappen will equal Ayrton Senna's record of 41 wins he wins Canadian Grand Prix The great Brazilian Senna died on the first day of May, 1994 following a tragic crash  Verstappen is matter-of-fact, a man without artifice. As his friend Lando Norris observed: ‘He has no ego. He is not interested in the things that come with being an F1 driver. These are his strengths.’ Of course, he is also blessed by the supremacy of his Red Bull and the opportunity longer seasons offer modern drivers to break records, but it is scarcely credible that the Dutchman is set to match Senna’s tally at the age of just 25. No wonder Lewis Hamilton, who hid behind his father’s car to hide the fact he was crying on learning of his hero’s death, said here in Montreal that it was ‘absolutely’ possible Verstappen could eclipse his own standard of 103 wins not out. ‘He has a long career ahead of him and ultimately records are there to be broken,’ said the seven-time world champion magnanimously. Of his team’s dominance and its suffocating consequences, Verstappen admitted: ‘For the sport, I understand people get bored if only one team is dominating. Lewis Hamilton, who has 103 wins, insists 'records are there to be broken' ahead of Sunday ‘We have seen it at Mercedes, we have seen it at Ferrari and we have seen it at Red Bull in the past. I hope more teams can get it together and put themselves in a position to win.’ Despite a lack of opposition — Red Bull are set to notch 100 wins this weekend after seven victories out of seven so far this season — Verstappen finds it easy to maintain his level of complete dedication.  One suspects he is desperate to win every remaining race, a challenge in itself even if we take him at his word over not caring about numbers. ‘It is even more motivating knowing you have a winning car,’ he reasoned. ‘When you come to a weekend and P5 is the best you can achieve it is less stimulating. This is much better than anything else.’ Share or comment on this article: Max Verstappen claims he 'never' looks at numbers despite closing in on Ayrton Senna's record via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Last night they lost a lot of troops and people and mostly by being jerks and being mean and dumb very dumb
-due to all the battles and several have opened up the warlock wood from 27% to 24% of the population and it's not getting any better for them. The max warlock you're at around 17% and now they're at 16% one would think it would be more because of what was going on but it really is not and that's off Island and on Island there whereabouts at 10% of them that's all of them says so yes 17% is on and off Island they went down 1.5% to 15.5%, they're continuously dropping however
-some of these battles are increasing in tempo and don't seem to be stopping and are going to be off the charts. One such battle is the one in Massachusetts and it's because the empire is involved and people want information they have the plan and some winning plan they say so they're moving out and they're seeking out people like hulk Hogan and grabbing them interrogating them I'm killing them. Hulk Hogan survives it but not for much longer they're doomed as they stay and they usually do. The battle of the Massachusetts and it's over the car mostly is going to increase it around 10 times its size and some of the money too they're fighting information about how it actually works from their own stashes. That'll bring it up on par with the attempted invasion of Florida
-we hear them spew together son and we are going to assassinate them permanently we don't want to ever hear it if we do we start hitting you and you goof off keep coming back so they make sure you don't
-well let's have subsequently dropped another percentage point from 30% down to 26% and they're at 25.9%, they are out and about and they're losing people this guy Trump is getting cut down and half of that number is his. His force is getting smaller and off Island is probably at 5%. pretty soon it'll be smaller. All these battles starting have cut them down and are raising our armies people need out they are also starting to go down and in vast numbers and the foreigners are because they have to. Right now there are 100 bunkers systems of the max including some ancillary and 100 of them are covered out of those 90 are engaged is 10 of them don't have any people guarding them they're robots and they will be through them pretty soon and just to caverns. Out of those 90s that are engaged 10 of them have lost their long-term life support in a caverns they work caverns with vegetation and those 10 are falling apart for real they're saying stuff out of those 10 connected to them are several people that you see in the news and to be assholes and one of them is hulk Hogan he's saying why me and I said there's no idea why doesn't know about your bunker where it is this is probably where it is easier to get to or something and it's not really or smaller yeah that's what it is it's one in Europe and this is people in Europe are pretty clever and it's easy to get to that's what it is and others are more well defended cuz it's not a small system
-there are other things happening and he's not the only one he says mack lost his back in Massachusetts ages ago.. no is not that part of that group.
-there's a few more things going on we have trouble down here with Trump and he needs to leave and he's getting worse and that really done anything and they're sitting on everything he says it at the space we're never going to get there we need to wipe armies out if the guy doesn't want to go after anything he can die people will possibly see it's needed in the midwest or the evacuate and I suddenly see what you're saying let's go down and pull the stuff out and wipe them out if you can and we think we can cuz this is terrible so we've got all sorts of people interested in helping and we're going to go to it in a minute.
I'm going to publish because this has news
Thor Freya
It is overstate the losses but nowadays they're losing a lot of people
Zues Hera
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au-maker · 2 years
And here we have the first OC of the AU
[Please Reblog Over Liking Even though this is obsolete]
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Salt 16-Bit Bot
Name inspiration:
Surprisignly, not inspired by the Salt Route
Salty is the opposite of Sweet (usually)
My 2 favorite games (Deltarune & Everhood) are both [meant to be emulating] 16 bit graphics which is why I like 16-bit graphics so much to name a character after it
Bot - roBOT
Bit Bot - a pun on beatbox
Nickname // Commonly called:
Romantic Fluidity (it changes)
Biromantic (Men and Enbys)
Speaker Robot
Original dark world:
Metro World (Ch3)
Current dark world:
Cyber World (Ch2)
Hp - 210
Atk - 5
Def - 5
Mag - 25
Mag Def - 25
Love - Sweetheart
LOVE - 20
Code ; Noise
Abilities(max 3)//Attack type:
* Summons temporary SAVE POINT
Effect: Fully Restores the targeted person's HP
Tp: 55%
*A defensive shield
Effect: Ups Magic Defense by 55
Tp: 100%
*Releases a bad quality noise
Effect: hurts (real bad)
Tp: 45%
[Defense/Attack] attack type
[Ranged] Magic Attacks
[Weak] Physical Attacks
Quiet type. Very Queer in both the strange and the gay way.
Speaks in actual textboxes.
Mike's Crew (past)
Waiter for Queen (past)
(Fanfic) Author
Café owner
Musician // Guitarist/Keytarist
Assigned lightner:
Light World Object:
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thesexydolorosa · 2 years
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I posted 30,613 times in 2022
That's 13,803 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
30,607 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 471 of my posts in 2022
#yeah - 9 posts
#yeah that checks out - 4 posts
#star wars - 4 posts
#thesexydolorosa speaks - 4 posts
#haha nice - 3 posts
#pink - 3 posts
#teal - 3 posts
#blue - 3 posts
#no i will not be taking questions - 3 posts
#haha yeah - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#timeskip to john frowning at billy sleeping on the couch of wherever john's crashing at the moment
My Top Posts in 2022:
Staring at the wall for the last solid half hour thinking about The Outlaws but as that misery x reese's puffs x cpr meme
Jason singing misery, Roy doing the cpr one, and Kori excitedly behind them chanting about reese's puffs and just having the time of her life
0 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Don't normally do posts of my own here, and think one of the last ones was about our old dog, Max, being put down. Thinking about it made me want to show off our newest family member!
Introducing our new baby, Gizmo! The first few photos are from when we got her, at the beginning of January! She's turning 6 months on the 6th, and I adore her so much. Her favourite thing is to curl up on my belly and I can't fucking wait for the day she tries it and kills me instantly.
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See the full post
0 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Is your apple....juiced? Or is it piss again.
You sent me a bottle of piss didn't you
It's fiiiiiiine just take a sip it'll be FINE
2 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
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Once a year I can allow a single image of me to exist on the internet. These bitches aint coming off all day happy Homestuck
2 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It's 4/13 and I just remembered I finished my kids! This is the bulk of ocs I made at the ripe age of 12, and now 11 years later they finally all have art! I started doing them as my 2020 new years resolution as a "fuck cringe culture, I'm going to openly like what past me loved" and I finished rhe last of them just before my birthday this year! I love them all so much please look at my kids I'm so proud of them
Still working on actually putting down all their information, since I put it largely on pause while I finished up actually giving them refs and have been giving myself a big break that I Deserve, but I'm so happy they're finally out in the world
2 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I cannot contain my glee from seeing Dan Mora's og Teen Titans
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They're all just babies. Literal infants.
Donna, Wally and Roy in their classic matching red and yellow suits. Garth's little curls. Donna is taller than all the boys because they hadn't hit their growth spurt yet. Roy and Garth don't have their tattoos yet because they're babies still. Wally still has his wings on his boots and he's waving at superspeed. It's all so... 🥺😭
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hakkais-hoe · 2 years
I saw your asks are open, want to get yandere Toman guys & how they get jealous or y’all being each other’s firsts . Guys in question, The twins, Kazutora, Hanma , Mikey, Draken , etc lol . Thank you 🥺🤍
Oooo I like this one!! If ya don’t mind can I do the yandere ones ok this and the first times on a different post 🥰 + my /10 rating at the ends 10/10 being run away n 1/10 being he’s harmless just a bit scary
Ik you said Toman guys but it’s gonna be in their respective time skip cos it might be a tad dark 😬 hope that’s okay love
Age warning: 16+ probably maybe 18
Warnings: DARK THEMES!!,definite blood mention, knife/gun mention, swearing, psychotic men at their finest, attempted/suggested murder, GBH/ aggravated assault, toxic masculinity, emotional manipulation, n probably some other stuff. ATTEMPTED SELF UNALIVING!!! (Mikeys one)
Lord help me I don’t realise how dark I could get for the last one 😀 read Sanzus at ya own risk idk what came over me
Characters: Mikey, Kazutora, Draken, Hanma, Kawata Twins, Sanzu.
The Lovesick Devotee: Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata
Look he can be slightly rational he knows you’re very attractive to him so you must be to others as well
Can’t however deal with anyone remotely touching you
Doesn’t matter if it’s just one of his friends he will not hesitate to pull you away from them
Very very kind n soft to you but sends the iciest looks over your shoulder
Makes sure to tell anyone and every just how much he’d die for you or even kill for you
Overbearingly clingy to the point of him not even letting you go to the kitchen alone
Sometimes even expects you to let him in the bathroom with you like it’s normal
Devoted to the point of being willing to let you do absolutely anything to him even at the risk of his pride
Can and will manipulate you into believeing your family and friends are trying to keep you apart so you cut them off
Isolates you so that all you have is him
If the world tries to break you apart he will make himself your world, you will live and breath him just like he does for you
All in all terrifying 8/10 could be worse ig
The ‘No One Else Loves You’: Nahoya”Smiley” Kawata
(M gonna start this by saying I’d nope the fuck outa here real fast)
Manipulates you over a long period of time to believe that no one else could possibly see you the way he does
Only he could ever love you
Unwilling to entertain the possibility that you could even think of being with another
Gets pissed to the max if you comment on another mans attractiveness even if it’s just a simple “I like his shirt” no baby you don’t
Wants to see you cry so he can comfort you and tell you he’ll get rid of anyone who upset his darling
Would 100% go back to the gang life just to kill any fucker who looks at you
Planned your future together three days after he met you
Doesn’t let you meet his friends or brother
His smile is the most terrifying thing when you’re having an argument
He’ll just smile down at you practically telling you that this will get you nowhere, how could you possibly even live without him
Makes you so dependent on him to the point of you not even being able to order your own food or talk to shop assistant in public
Causes you to get major anxiety when you’re without him
“Only I could ever truly love you, sweets.”
10/10 would not rate it man just run away to Alaska or the North Pole
The I Only Want What’s Best For You: Ken ‘Draken’ Ryuuguji
Acts like the sweet nice guy who’s always there to help you for months
Slowly starts to rearrange your whole life staring with your friends, your clothes, your hair, the way to talk, the way you eat and slowly progresses to telling you what you can and can’t do
Another one that makes you dependent on him but in the way of you look to him for an answer to every question or decision
Manipulative to the max
Subtle narcissists too
If you wear something he doesn’t like at first he’ll subtly hint that another outfit is better, then he’ll say how he prefers it and if that doesn’t work he’ll usher you back into the room and make you try on a new outfit so he can show you just how much better you look
Hates when he friends compliment you, tells them to get the fuck away or he’ll meet them outside
Can and has put men in hospital for just glancing at you wrong
Keeps a whole photo album of you sleeping in his back room at work, in a locked drawer
Raises absolute hell if you get any tattoos or piercings without telling him
Will not apologise for anything, manipulates you into believing you did something wrong
Won’t shut up about how much he adores you but still points out things your insecure about
Also points out things you’re not insecure about and says “ya know I love ~~~ even if others wouldn’t” to make you feel self conscious
Wants you to look at him for praise and affirmation constantly
5/10 honestly I’d still go for it he’s so beautiful with his black hair 😭😭 manipulate me all you want
The Immature Monster: Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano
Whines and pouts about anything and everything
Throws a hissy fit if you smile at anyone including his friends and family
Will not leave your side, has to be touching you at all times
So so very selfish, you always have to do what he asks or he’s furious for days
Possessive of everything to do with you even keeps a draw full of things you’ve tried to throw out
Had a sick and twisted love for you that seems to borderline hate
He needs you so much that he despises you
Has threatened to kill you multiple times if you try to leave him
Has also attempted to throw himself out of your shared bedroom window just so he didn’t have to apologise for a fight he caused
Likes to watch you suffer so he can make you just like him
Jealous of everyone even if they don’t even know you
Buys you things just so he can break them i front of you when things don’t go his way
Cry’s and tells you that his pain is all your fault
Scary little shit
11/10 stay away from the walking red flag baby gotta sprint from this one ur saviour complex will get ya no where
The “I’m Doing Nothing Wrong”: Kazutora Hanemiya
Yeesh honey your favourite colour is either red or your colour blind
Can and has killed to show his love for you
Look this little bastard can stab his best friend, you think he won’t murder an man and gouge his internal organs out just for smiling at you? Bitch please
Honestly kinda sweet untill you do one thing he doesn’t like then it’s pure unadulterated hypocritical, insensitive, manipulative bullshit that he spews for for next two weeks until you cry and beg him to forgive you
Wholeheartedly believes that he is never in the wrong, don’t even think he knows the word sorry let alone how to pronounce it
Probably blames Mikey at some point 👀
Please don’t even glance at his friends or another man, you’ll get it in the neck for weeks
“What? You wanna fuck that piece of shit too?! Shall I ask him huh!? Fucking bitch you’re mine”
Honestly sees you as a possession for him to coddle and use
Don’t ever thing you can get away tho, he will lock you away from the world and blame you for just about anything
Is 100% like a light switch
Keeps a switchblade in his pocket like a psycho incase he finds a “love rival”
Very “woe is me” pure dramatics come to life like some theatre kid when he’s throwing a tantrum
You like em mentally ill huh?
12/10 no thank you 😊 I’ll get ya some holy oil for that demon… (jk I’d still tap)
The Walking Red Flag: Shuji Hanma
And you did this for what? To prove a point?
Let’s get one thing straight this man lives and breaths the skin on your bones, the salt of your tears and the slick of your blood
Honestly the most aggressive and manipulative man you will ever meet
Every issue is you fault or your just being hysterical to him
Laughs in your face when you’re sad
Resents you tho, hates the fact that you dated others before him
So what does he do you may ask, we’ll have I got news for you my little lamb 😊 uno that stake knife you bought the other week, we’ll guess what that little “rust” stain on the handle is 😀
Say bye bye to anyone that you dated or cared about they’re conveniently missing now
Chalks everything up to his adoration of you
Takes you to dangerous places so he can swoop in and “save” you
Will set your house on fire with you in it if you ever try to leave him
You’re his ride or die now babes good luck 🤞
20/10 uno what you’s can keep him I’d rather not end up dead
The Set the World Ablaze For You: Haruchiyo ‘Sanzu motherfuckin Akashi
Would sell his soul to the devil for a simple smile from you
But would also like to climb into your skin and live in it (this is usually the drugs talking)
Hates all of your ex’s so he did the logical thing of shooting them all full of heroin and setting their houses on fire with them in it to make it look like an accident
Definition of loyal to the point of sick twisted obsession
Could not live without you if you left him he would simply unaliving himself in the cruelest and most disturbing way he possibly could
This loyal mad dog would do absolutely anything for your love, noting is too much for him
He is however the meanest most cruel and aggressive little fucker when he’s doped up on cocaine
When he’s on that all he wants to do is skin you alive n carve his initials into every bone of your body
You are his and his alone no one else can see how vulnerable his baby makes him
Goes absolutely crazy if you don’t reply to his message within 10 minutes
Has actually drugged you multiple times just so he can watch you sleep
Also used to watch you sleep even before you got together
Stalked you for weeks n picked up anything you left behind
Literally the personification of this song
He is one sick fucker
Has happily shot bullets through the wall by your head during an argument just to shut you up
Violent and honestly kinda abusive
“Don’t worry all we need is each other! I know the world wants to take you from me but I’ll burn everything to the ground baby!!”
Climbs up buildings just to scream about how he’ll murder everyone if you ask him to
100/10 psychotic little fuck… I’d still go there thooo he’s loyal af n a little spicy 😭
Taglist: @reiners-milkbiddies @loonashadow @honeybachira @roppongiperfume @haitink @bontensbabygirl @sunahyejin @soushswag @wakasagurl
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fiberslut · 2 years
Apparently the multiverse is real
Chapter 2: The new it girl
previous | next
Pairing: the avengers x reader
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so you may find some funny words/sentences or broken grammar in here. I'll say sorry in advance but I've tried my best.
Summary: You accidentally travel to Marvel universe(not earth-616), but luckily you've got your phone with you. You may ask what do you mean luckily, just read this fiction.
Warning: mention of injuries, accident and death
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"Yes, she is my daughter" Tony answers to one of the press
"If I may ask, where and who is her mother, sir?" One of the reporters raises a hand and asks
"I met her mother a long time ago, she's one of the scientists in my lab and tragically she died from an accident when there was the Attack in New York in 2012" Damn Tony is such a good liar, if he's not a billionaire already, I think he would go well in politic.
After that day that I had an agreement with Tony Stark. He managed all the paperwork, created my new identity, he made up about how I was a child prodigy like him, I got my (fake) master's in Physics and Engineering from MIT at the age of 16, after my (non-existent) mom died I moved back to live with him in New York. Now I live in Stark Tower with him and Pepper on the top floor. We didn't tell Pepper about who I really am, so now she's kinda mad at Tony that he had a daughter with another woman that she didn't know about.
As an exchange, he asked me the info about all of the strengths and weaknesses of his team members, The Avengers. He's doing the batman thing kinda stuff I just knew it. I didn't give him all of the info right now because I still need something left to negotiate with him, who knows, if he got all the info right now, he may cut me out of his life that easy, and I will be out there, no money, no clothes, nowhere to go again.
"So now she's going to live with you?" The press still asking Tony
"Yes and with Pepper of course" He answers apologetically while looking at Pepper
"So why do you want to make it official now, sir?"
"Because she is now the co-CEO of Stark Industries" And just like that, the press went WILD. But Tony couldn't care less. He walks out so I follow him. I guess he ran out of the script that he prepared.
Oh, and did I mention that I am now sharing a net worth, worth of $100 Billion. I gotta say that I kinda love my life here and maybe don't want to go back right now.
'Well, if I'm going to have a daughter, she's going to have everything as she wants, she's a Stark, you know?' I recall what Tony said when I asked him about co-CEO.
"You're going to be on the first page of every tabloid tomorrow honey" Pepper approaches me and gives me a reassuring grip.
"She can handle it, she's a Stark" Tony said and look at me with the look that only we can know what it means
"Yeah, dad's right, I'll be fine Pepper, you don't have to be worried about me at all, in fact, I think you two should go now before the restaurant skips your reservation"
"You know that I own the restaurant right?" Tony asks
"Yeah yeah just go already" I roll my eyes at him
"Are you sure you're gonna be alright, alone?" Pepper asks
"Yes, I'm fine, I'm planning on maxing out dad's card by shopping to kill my time anyway" I teasingly pull out a credit card that Tony gave me earlier and waving it in front of Tony.
Tony's about to say something but Pepper just grabs his arm and walks him to the helipad outside.
Aah, looks like it's time for me to explore the city.
Tony did give me one of his cars and luckily he gave me Happy too. Cuz I don't think I can handle NY traffic alone.
Happy drove me to Soho and I did my shopping, I bought new clothes, bags, shoes, makeup, and toiletries.
I wonder if this universe has something called an influencer? I think I can be one. There're people looking at me and gossiping about me all the time that I go shopping. I thought the news would be out tomorrow but turned out some of the press did live interviews. So now everyone knows that I'm Tony Stark's daughter.
"Excuse me, can I have a photo with you?" One of the girls on the street asks me
"Oh okay.." I don't know what to say but I don't like to say no to people
And then all of the people around there start to ask me for photos until I can't feel my cheeks anymore. Luckily Happy was worried about why I go shopping for too long, so he came and rescued me from the crowd in time.
After that, I ask him to drive me to Queens because I really want to meet Spider-man, I'm planning on getting to know him and took some couple of selfies with him.
Going into Queens is impossible, there're long lines of traffic jams in every lane. I waited in the car for about 30 mins and couldn't wait any longer, so I told Happy to wait in the car, as I step out, I hear people scream, there's a cloud of smoke everywhere and then I see. There is a building in the corner that is on fire.
Maybe it was the fact that I know I'm in a comic book and I don't think I can die, all I think of right now is I need to help those people out of the building. So I run as fast as I could and surprisingly I arrive at the building in like 10 seconds, but it was 3 miles from my car, how did I get here so fast? Anyway, there's no time for that right now. I look up at the building and there he was, Spider-man, his right hand was swinging with his web while his left arm is holding a woman. He lands and drops her in front of me. Then he continues to go back inside the building, searching for more survivors. The woman that he saved, she looks at me and crying.
"Please help me, my baby's still inside that building. Please. Please" She's crying into my arm.
"Miss, You stay here ok? I'll go inside and look for your baby" I said and run inside the building. There's fire everywhere, on the floor from the ceiling. I run through every floor. And finally, I found a toddler, crying in his crib. I grab him, cover him with some wet cloth and run outside. As I reach the front door, I realized the ceiling is about to collapse, I know I'm not gonna make it. So I hug that little boy, curl myself, and bam! the ceilings collapse on me, but I don't feel pain. Yes, I can still feel the heat, but I think I must injure myself somewhere because of those ceilings. But no. All I can see are some little wounds that healing themselves.
I walk out the building in shock as everyone there staring at me. I hand the woman her baby. And I look at myself, discovering my new abilities.
"Woah, so you can heal yourself or something, that is so cool" I don't need to look up to know who is talking to me. It's Peter Parker aka Spider-man.
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jesushchristmunson · 2 years
i’m gonna do a little intro thingy to me and my account. the kinds of things allowed on my account. types of things i will and won’t write about. specific things that will receive an instant block. things like that. this post may be long, but it’s to keep me safe on my social media.
thank you for reading if you did read all this you deserve a kiss 😘
My name(s): i go by Eddie, Lucas, and Finn. i have no preference, i prefer if you mix it up.
Pronouns: they/them he/him it/itself (in order of preference)
Age: 19
Im autistic and an age regressor/cg. i have adhd, anxiety, depression, ptsd, mild ocd, tics, fnd, celiac. if you have any questions about any of those please don’t hesitate to ask me i’m more than happy to answer!
with my age regression i slip to any age between 1-5, sometimes older. it really just depends on the exact trigger, or if there even was one.
when i am cg, i prefer to do it in a platonic sense. so i can cg if we’re just friends.
things i’ll write about:
stranger things only on this blog!
i’ll do head canons and one shots, i also enjoy doing popcorn fics with my friends here! adam hi!!!
so main plot lines i want on this account would be mental health, or even just health related.
so autism
really anything like that,
i have fnd and i really think eddie would have fnd so i might do a few stories/hcs of eddie with fnd.
as for sexualities, i’m giving the characters the sexualities i think fit them. and if it’s canon in the show i will not change that. like robin buckley is a confirmed lesbian. never ever will i write her romantically with a man. never.
im okay to write some characters being trans. mostly eddie and mike though.
see very end for ships i will do. if you request a ship not listed i’ll either change it or make it platonic.
i also have my preferences on who’s little, who’s got each mental health thing, if you request something i’ll try to write it but i may have to change some details just to make it feel better for me.
what i will not do on my account + what will get you an immediate block:
no kink. none. i have an nsfw writing account. if you want kink, go there. warning for you though, i am not gonna write all kink. i will not allow age play onto my accounts, any of them.
if you age play and you’re following me, please take this time now to unfollow. thank you.
age play is not tolerated here. this is a safe place for autistic people, and age regressors, it is 100% sfw.
i will not write anything about food. of course they can eat meals or go get a bowl of ice cream, but i’m not gonna write anything ed related, diet related, weight related. nothing that can trigger any bad thoughts about food. as someone in recovery, i want my account to be a place where people don’t have to worry about those kinds of triggers. <3
nothing sexual, there will be kisses, hugs, cuddles. nothing sexual. once again if you want nsfw follow my other account. here is the link again if you missed it
i’m not gonna post there as much as i would be posting here. ill probably get a few things out every month.
im not a huge fan of writing about chronic illnesses, as it just reminds me of mine and the fact that im slowly deteriorating. so i really don’t wanna write chronic illnesses unless i write it without a prompt.
if you ask for eddie+chrissy i will be so mad. i don’t care if your au makes them same age HE IS 20 SHE IS 16. i will not ever write it.
ships i will write:
dustin is aroace. i don’t feel comfortable writing him in a relationship. he’s just besties with everyone. i will write him platonically with any other character, he will date no one
i have a very specific fruity four ship. robin, since she’s lesbian, only dates nancy, nancy dates robin and steve, steve dates nancy and eddie, eddie, gay, only dates steve, robin and eddie are BEST friends
i like to imagine there’s a world where bob didn’t 💀 and so i have this idea of joyce being with bob and hopper. idk if i would have them be main characters of a story, but i’m down to write a little sneaky open relationship snippets of them as parents, maybe head canons on how the parents treat each kid and such.
and you can ask for any group of any character platonically pls just make sure in your request you say it’s platonic!
thank you all for reading, whoever did actually read it😂
<3 Finnie
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Pleasantview Ages: Calculations on the Broke Family AKA “Thanks EAxis, I hate it!”
I love trying to make sense of nonsense. I’ve also gotten attached to the 1 day = 1 year system when trying to calculate age.
Ages don’t make a lot of sense. For this purpose I’ve chosen to calculate the teen stage as actually being 7 days, and young adult stage as being 8 days. This way, we can use a 1 day = 1 year system that somewhat works.
Broke family
This means Brandi Broke is 37 and Dustin Broke is 18. This would mean Brandi gave birth to him at 19. This is very early, even in Sims terms, because it means she was still in the teen life stage when giving birth to him.
Skip Broke is a baffling case, because he is only 7 years younger than Brandi’s mother and father. Further complicated by the fact that we don’t know how long ago Riverview was.
Bob and Betty Newbie
In Riverview for The Sims 3, Bob and Betty are both teenagers, 13 days away from being young adults. In The Sims 3, that is only one day into the teen stage.
If applying 1 day = 1 year to The Sims 3 the way I do with The Sims 2, then this would mean they are 18 years old and Skip Broke is 11.
If we instead try to adjust each life stage so they’d match up with Sims 2 - meaning that, since the toddler stage in Sims 3 is 7 days and it’s 4 days in Sims 2, a sim’s age would be number of days in Sims 3 multiplied by 0,57 in order to translate their age - the result is instead that Bob and Betty are 15,9 years old and Skip is 7,9 years old.
In order to calculate all of this, we also need to know: How old were Bob and Betty when they passed away?
Age data in SimPe?
Age data in SimPe shows Betty had 15 days left in the elder stage when she died, and Bob had 33 days left. This doesn’t make a lot of sense with the elder stage in The Sims 2 as it’s always 9-30 days long. We have two ways of explaining this
Elixir of Life
Bob actually was in the adult stage but he’s counted as an elder anyway
Several possibilities here. If we assume that they had the longest possible age stage, that would mean the max age in The Sims 2 is 89 years old, which matches fairly well with The Sims 3′s life span which is 90 years old.
Based off that assumption we can say Bob died at 57 years old and Betty died at 74- which would be 20 years of difference and thus not possible with the time frame described in Brandi’s memories. Let’s take a look at those:
Now, memories in Sims 2 aren’t that reliable, given the whole thing with Brandi being impregnated by Skip post-mortem. We also know now that Brandi was impregnated in the teen stage, so the memories of when she grew up aren’t reliable. So again, these calculations are not 100% sure.
According to Brandi’s memories
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Now, with the previous context, we know that 19 in The Sims is actually a teenager, which means her marriage memories don’t make sense. But 19 year olds can marry in several countries, so if we suspend the in-game system for a while and look at it in a real-life context, this does work.
This means Bob and Betty died after Brandi fell in love with Skip but before Dustin was born. The ability to fall in love in-game only occurs once a sim hits the teen stage, which is at age 15. So Bob died and Betty died during the course of 4 days/years.
This also begs the question of when Brandi was born. In The Sims, which is 25 years prior to Sims 2, there is no sign of Brandi, despite her being 37 years old, and Bob and Betty weren’t married yet. The only plausible explanation I can think of is her being sent to “military school” in The Sims, or possibly Brandi not being their biological child and instead being adopted by them later on.
What we can say for certain:
Brandi was 12 years old in The Sims.
Bob and Betty were at least 22+ years old in The Sims (the young adult stage).
In The Sims 3, Bob and Betty are either 18 or 16 years old depending on how you calculate it, and Brandi clearly wasn’t born yet. Skip was 11 or 8 depending on how you calculate it.
Since Brandi clearly isn’t born yet, that means they must’ve had Brandi at earliest by age 19 since a sim pregnancy takes 3 days/years.
This means that Skip is at least 11 years older than Brandi, and bear in mind, this is if we take the earliest possibility. With the other calculation it would mean Bob and Betty at earliest had her at 21, at which point Skip was 14.
Bob and Betty died as elders, meaning they were at least 59 when dying, and we know they died somewhere in between Brandi being 15 and 19, so the youngest possible age they could’ve been when they had Brandi is 40.
Conclusion: Bob and Betty Newbie were at least 40 years old when they had Brandi. This means Riverview takes place 22-24 years before The Sims 2 and, with Skip being 7-8 years younger than them, it means Skip Broke is 32-33 years older than Brandi, if we are being generous.
This means Skip was at least 51-52 when Dustin was born. Skip did not die as an elder. Brandi’s memories show Skip dying before Dustin became a teen and Beau was born. This means Skip died somewhere between 5 and 11 years ago- again, not possible for Brandi to be pregnant with his child, so I don’t know how one solves that if trying to play by the rules here.
For Skip to die before becoming an elder he would’ve needed to die 6-7 years ago, which, again, means 1) Brandi’s current pregnancy is impossible and I wholeheartedly support @potentialfate-sims​ take on the Brandi pregnancy, 2) The age difference between Brandi and Skip is still massive.
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