#so I’m not crushing I’m not completely heartbroken for the first time in my life
rowanhoney · 1 year
insisting on a celibacy phase was maybe a bit much but honestly it fixed me
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
Longing Glances and Whispered Confessions (Part 2) (LN4)
Summary: In which the one person they thought would reject them completely is the person that forces them together again.
Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, Lando and yn are sad as hell, happy ending tho, Pietra being a real one
Note: i loved this story line also here is the link to part 1 if you need it
“There’s nothing louder than the silence between two people who used to love each other.” - unknown
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Lando was never the same. Max noticed the way his best friend suddenly became a shell of a human, dark and blank. The brother was left to question why the closest person to him in his life was no longer than themselves. He tried to take the boy out, bringing him to movies and dinners, trying to understand the root of his depression. However, he began to put it together when he saw the way Y/n lost herself a bit too. If he was being honest, Max always had an idea that they held repressed feelings for each other, but he never entertained it. He was so afraid of that thought that he refused to diagnose their lingering eyes and prolonged touches.
Pietra was the first to voice his internal thoughts, “You know, it’s no coincidence that they’ve both suddenly stopped talking to each other.”
He groaned, looking at her from his side of the couch, “P, I’m not doing this with you again.”
He got up, walking out of the room only for her to follow him. She trailed behind his steps, pushing, “No, you are going to do this with me. I’m not going to let you ruin two people’s happiness because you can’t set your pride aside and let them be at peace.”
He forcefully turned around, staring down at her annoyed, “What are you saying?! They were sneaking around together behind my back?! Come on, P.”
She scoffed, “Maybe they were! You said it yourself that they were spending more time together! What do you think they were doing?”
He shook his head, “Being friends! Like they always have been!”
Pietra let her hands yank at her hair in exhaustion over her boyfriend’s obliviousness, “MAX! WAKE UP! THEY WERE NEVER FRIENDS!”
Her yelling silenced him, his eyes staring at her before floating down to his feet, “You think I really am the source of their unhappiness?”
She sighed, padding over to him and bringing his body into her hold, “I think you played into it, but I don’t think you’re the whole reason why. Y/n and Lando are so stubborn, they probably pushed each other away with how much they love each other.”
His head reared back, “Love each other?”
Her eyebrows furrowed, “Yeah… Max, you really think they would be this heartbroken over something that wasn’t love?”
The revelation was crushing, his eyes bulged and he stood, jaw agape, “I… I don’t know. I didn’t think they would be able to explore a relationship that much to realize they loved each other.”
She tilted her head, “Max, you don’t know how long they were together.”
And that was something he knew he needed to find out.
Lando dragged himself over to his door, eyes drooping from the lack of sleep. No matter how hard he tried, every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was her walking out on him.
He opened it, not saying anything as he let Max in. His best friend closed the door behind himself, following Lando into the living room and sitting on the couch beside him. Hesitantly, Max laid his hand on Lando’s knee.
He breathed out, “I’m worried about you.”
The blanket around Lando’s shoulders loosened as he moved his hand to rub over his face, “Why?”
“Because you’re not sleeping, you’re not eating, and you’re canceling on everyone. I keep having Oscar or Carlos or Daniel or any of the other drivers text me asking where you are, what’s wrong. You’re not the same person anymore, Lando.” Max retracted his hand, turning fully on the couch to stare at the boy’s side profile.
Lando huffed, standing up and trying to flee the conversation, but Max was quick to grab his arm, pulling him back. Lando gave Max a look that was so angry, so furious that he realized this anger wasn’t directed at him, rather at the world for putting him through such pain.
“Can you fucking leave me alone?” Lando gave, arm trying to move from Max’s grasp, but failed.
“No, I’m not leaving until you tell me.” Max tried.
Lando rolled his eyes, “Tell you what?”
His response was immediate, “Tell me what happened between you and her.”
Lando fell silent, his demeanor shifting and his eyes softening. Vulnerability and brokenness flashed in his eyes, such a pool of grief, Max hated himself for causing it.
Finally, Lando broke from his hold and walked further into his apartment, “I don’t know who or what you’re talking about.”
Max followed him, “Yes, you do and you’re going to tell me what happened between you and my sister.”
Lando aggressively turned around, his attitude changing quickly, his fiery gaze creating a tense air, “CAN YOU FUCKING STOP?”
Lando’s teary voice, stricken with yearning for someone he thought he wouldn’t have to yearn for anymore, yelled back, “NOTHING HAPPENED! NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN US! NOTHING-”
His words got cut off when a small sob racked through his body. The lie and deflection of their relationship hit him hard. He didn’t want to deny what happened with her because what happened with her was so important, so close to his heart. Denying her and the love they shared was like affirming their end, he couldn’t deal with that.
Max watched his best friend break down in front of him, the sounds of miserable tears filling the room as he rushed over and caught him. He had never seen him like this, agony making him cling to his best friend in search of something to ground him.
Max couldn’t stomach the way his best friend was crying, much less for the fact that he was crying for his sister and whatever happened between them.
He itched to know and knew Y/n would be able to tell him.
He used his key to get in. The apartment was dark and quiet, and Max almost thought no one was there, but the fresh tissues on the counter and romantic movie playing softly in the background told him his sister was somewhere within the few walls.
He wandered around, silently looking for any clues of her relationship with Lando. He mingled over to her desk, hoping to find some picture of them together and gain physical evidence of the things that happened behind closed doors. He was ready to give up in that spot when he didn’t see anything on the surface, but when he caught a glimpse of a small drawer hiding under it, he crouched down. His hands slowly opened it, creaking and groaning under the force.
What he found, clearly something that was trying to be hidden, shocked him. What he found was a large handful of printed out pictures, all of them consisting of Y/n and Lando. He took them out carefully, their edges worn as if someone had continuously worked with them. The pictures got progressively worse to see, in terms of knowing that he was the one to stop the love they had for each other.
The first photo was of the two of them laying on her couch, the piece of furniture sitting two feet away from him. Lando’s lips were pressed against her cheek, one hand holding the other side of her face to him. Whatever was happening in the moment must have been amusing seeing as his sister was in the midst of hard laughter. Her mouth open, smile exuding through, she seemed comfortable in his presence, the kind of comfortable Max had wanted to forget existed between them.
The second photo was in Lando’s kitchen, this time only of the boy himself. Y/n’s reflection was in the window, again laughing at his cooking skills, as Lando stared beyond the camera. His gaze was trained on Y/n, a lovesick glint in his eyes as he held a spatula and a bowl. He was smiling so hard at her, Max wanted to claw his eyes out and forget he ever saw these photographs. They were a living example of what he had destroyed.
He continued to look through them, however, as his curiosity got the best of him. The last one, the eleventh and final one, was the worst to gaze upon.
This picture was taken by Lando, it being of Y/n sitting on her couch. She stared down at a ring in a box that she held firmly in her hand, teary eyes staring at Lando behind the camera. She was smiling with her mouth slightly opened, as if she was in awe over the gift.
It was the worst to see because he remembered the day he clocked her wearing it, asking her where she had gotten it.
“Where the fuck did you get that?” Max asked, his eyes trained on the sparkly band on his sister’s middle finger, left hand.
She tilted her head in confusion, following his gaze before realizing what he was referring to and trying to suppress a smile.
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just a gift.” She said vaguely, trying to be nonchalant.
Max shook his head, laughing softly, “No fucking way, is this person in love with you?”
She mirrored his laughter, yet it had a nervous undertone, “What are you talking about?”
Max grasped his sister’s hand, inspecting the ring, “Anyone who gets you something this expensive is in love with you. I mean, Y/n, this is, borderline, promise ring.”
She had joked with him, “What if it really was?”
He stared at her, trying to decipher whether or not to take it seriously. In the end, he hadn’t, “Then, I’d say I wanted to meet whoever gave you this. Clearly they want to marry you.”
She laughed it off, waving her hand around, “No need. There’s no one to meet.”
It had been right fucking in front of him. He had prodded and joked that there was someone in her life, and there had been. It had been his best friend and he was too selfish to recognize it. Who was he to dictate their lives? Who was he to stop them from being happy? Who the fuck was he to stop Lando from making good on the promise he had made to his sister?
With the picture in his hands, Max stalked to her bedroom in the back of her apartment. He flung the door open, clearly waking her up from the nap she had been partaking in, scaring her to death.
She yelped out, “WHAT THE FUCK!”
He shook his head, pacing around the perimeter of her bed, “What is this?”
He waved the picture in her face, dropping it on her lap, and staring at her as he walked around.
Her face dropped and then she was staring at him with vengeance, “You went through my stuff?”
She had said it coolly, quietly, and that scared Max gravely. His sister was furious.
He scoffed, “Yeah, I did! Because I saw Lando earlier this week and he fucking cried in my arms because I confronted him about what happened between you, and he couldn’t fucking handle it. I still don’t know what happened! What the fuck happened?!”
Max shook his head and put his hands up in front of him, “I’m not mad, Y/n. I support you two if it makes you happy. I’m just fucking shocked as shit because I asked you about that ring and you lied to my face.”
Suddenly, he realized that if he hadn’t told her about his knowledge of the photos, she wouldn’t be as rageful as she was standing before him. Max was hit with a wave of emotions, wondering if he had just ruined the trust he had built with his sister over the course of their entire lives.
“Y/n,” He started, but she interrupted him.
“Get the fuck out.” She whispered, clutching the picture in her hands.
“Get out of my house, Max.” She said again, this time stalking toward him and beginning to push him away.
He grabbed onto her arms, “Y/n, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that finding those pictures would make you this upset.”
When they reached the living room and she saw the drawer open with all the pictures strewn about, she leaped toward them, frantically gathering them up carefully.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” She screamed, ears turning red.
He walked cautiously over to her, letting his hands take hold of hers as they tried to gather all the pictures. She was crying, the tears becoming harder as she looked upon all their times together. Her brother gently coaxed them out of her hands and pulled her into him, cradling her head to his chest and trying to stop the tears that were wetting his shirt.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” He whispered repeatedly in her ear.
Over time, as he continued to say those two words to her, they both knew the meaning of it was changing.
At first, he was sorry for finding the photos and infringing on her privacy, but, then, he was sorry for making her think she couldn’t love openly.
Sitting down on her couch, he passed her tea to her and silently urged her to start talking.
She took a deep breath, then began, “Lando and I dated for a year. I’ll just break that to you now.”
Max’s mouth fell open, he had not been expecting for it to be that long, “Okay… continue. I’ll be okay.”
She nodded, smiling lightly, “We had loved each other for many years before that, but we only got together after a night when he picked me up drunk and I told him about the feelings I had for him. He came to my house the morning after and demanded to know if what I had said was true or just my drunk self being reckless, but everything I had said to him that night was, so he kissed me and we made things official. At first, we said we would keep things hidden until we were certain we saw a future, but that plan was shit because, from the beginning, we saw forever with each other. So, all we were left to do was aimlessly wander around until we stumbled across a time to tell you. However, we could never agree. He wanted to stay secret, afraid of everything that would happen if we dated publicly, but I was more of a ‘fuck it’ person. I wanted to be with him and when he rejected the notion I continuously brought up about us telling everyone, I felt fully rejected and that caused an ungodly amount of fights. Toward the end, all we did was fight. I think that’s what did us in. There was never a time when we weren’t yelling at each other and, for the life of us, we just could not see eye to eye. The thing that broke everything was when he told me to come to him when I believed he loved me and I realized I would never become comfortable with that idea. I would never fully trust him if he continued to treat me like a mistress, so I broke up with him.”
Max nodded, “And that’s when you two stopped talking and I found out.”
She agreed, “Yeah, I’m surprised how quickly you put it together.”
He chuckled, “No, it wasn’t me. It was Pietra. She basically yelled at me and told me that I was ruining both of your happiness by refusing to come to terms with it.”
The look that Y/n got in her eye told Max that he didn’t know the full story, “What?”
His little sister giggled, “I knew she knew!”
He tilted his head in confusion, “What?”
She shook her head, “One time, Pietra came over to my apartment unannounced and she had chosen a time when Lando and I were… uh…” Y/n wiggled her eyebrows at her brother and his face scrunched up in disgust.
“Oh, fuck no! Move on!” He yelled, waving his hands around.
She smiled, “Okay, okay, well, anyway, she used her key and when we heard the door open, her voice yelling out my name, Lando hid in the closet. When she came into my room and saw me with no clothes on under my comforter, she just looked at me weirdly. Her conversation with me after that consisted of her walking around my room and looking behind curtains and all that. I’m surprised she forgot to look in the closet because, if she had, she would’ve found out. But, anyway, after that, she just always dropped little comments about me seeing someone and, one time, she asked me if I had feelings for Lando. I, of course, refused, but it was something in the look that she gave me that told me she knew and she wouldn’t tell.”
He scoffed, “Damn you, P.”
The siblings laughed together, but once it died down, Max gave her a serious look.
“Y/n, you need to talk to him.”
Her shoulders sank, “I don’t know if either of us could handle that right now.”
He shook his head, “Not to get closure, but to get back together.”
Her head pulled back, “What? Max, he probably hates me. He definitely does not want to get back together with me after I ripped out his heart, threw it on the floor, and stomped on it.”
Max looked at her weirdly, “No way. You didn’t see the way he broke down in his apartment. You weren’t there and you haven’t seen the way he’s been after everything ended. He loves you and he needs you. He always will.”
She mulled it over in her head, inviting her brother to continue, “Why’d you break up with him?”
“Because I was hurt and I doubted how we would ever continue healthily when we didn’t agree on this one thing. Plus I didn’t believe he loved me the way I did him.”
Max shot up from the couch, picked up the photo of Lando looking at her while he cooked and shoved it in her face, “Y/n, that is the look of a man so gone for you, he’s never coming back.”
Her fingers traced over his face on the paper, smiling softly at the boy she missed, before looking up at her brother, “How do you know for sure? What if I give myself to him and it doesn’t work out?”
Max leaned forward, took her hands in his, and squeezed them tightly, “I don’t, but I can guarantee you that for as long as he lives, Lando will never move on from you. You give him another chance and he will never stop loving you. He’ll never stop loving you whether or not you’re there to reciprocate it or not.”
She tearfully stared up at him, “Yeah?”
He nodded, wiping her cheeks, “Yeah.”
Lando groaned, wanting to tear his face off with the knocking at his door. He just wanted people to leave him alone. Why didn’t anyone get that?
He forcefully pulled it open, shaking his head at whoever was daring to startle his mourning.
However, when his eyes met hers, their color shimmering with regretful tears, he breathed out a sigh of relief. Even though the reason for her presence wasn’t clear and his ability to reach out and kiss her wasn’t there anymore, he was still at peace to see her.
“Hi,” She whispered, stepping through the threshold hesitantly.
He stood, completely shocked, and she chuckled at his state before closing the door for him. Her hands landed on his waist as she coaxed them over to his couch, sitting the two of them down and taking his hands in hers.
She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, the two former lovers staring at each other and letting a loud silence take over. A loud silence between two people who still loved each other dearly.
When enough time passed, she exhaled and began with the speech she had been rehearsing for days prior, “Breaking up with you was the worst decision I ever made. Yet, it was something that had to happen. Without us parting ways, Max would’ve never found out and we would never be here, having the ability to be together publicly. I’m sorry for giving up on us, I wake up every day and wish I could take it back. But, I came here today because Max and I had a conversation yesterday where he made it clear that I had to come see you. Come fight for you. I love you and I want to be with you, always have, always will. I’m giving you everything I have and I’m hoping, fucking praying, that you’ll embrace your fears like I am and let us be together.”
Lando looked down at her, absorbing her words for a few moments. He stayed silent, staring at her before smiling. He let go of her hands to grab her face, bringing it to his. He kissed her like it was their first kiss all over again, signaling that he wanted to start over with her like she did with him. His lips nipped and sucked at her skin, only pulling away to whisper his love for her.
When they ran out of breath, he met her eyes and softly said, “Of course, I’ll embrace my fears for you. I was so fucking stupid not to before. You’re the only person that I’ve been able to get lost in. I love you like I’ve loved no one before and I’d be so idiotic to let you go again. That day, when you walked out, I should’ve followed you, I should’ve shown you, proven to you, how much I love you. Hearing you say that you would never believe I love you was like a million stabbings all at once and I should’ve used that emotion, that pain, to communicate how much you mean to me. I’m sorry for that and I’m so sorry for shutting you out the way I did before. Of course, I want people to know you’re mine. That’s always been it for me and the fact that I had it, and still didn’t take it, is lost on me. However, this all goes to say that I won’t let that happen again. I will love you and I will love you and I will love you until you’re sick of me.”
She laughed through her tears, pecking his lips shortly, “I’ll never get sick of you.”
He continued to grin at her, hands still holding her face to his, “Better not. If you did, I’d just force you to stay with me.”
She giggled, blushing at his words, before he melted fully into her. Hitting her nose with his, emotion pooled in his eyes, “Please never leave me again.”
She kissed his cheek, then his neck before coming to stare at him, hugging him as tightly as possible, “Never again. Ever. I promise.”
A tear slipped down his eye and she wiped it away. At the gentleness, he nuzzled his face into her neck and breathed out, feeling the weight of the world being lifted off his shoulders.
Another silence followed, yet, this time, it was a silence of two people who would never let the other go again.
Comforting and loving.
Tags: @luvrrish @sinofwriting @minkyungseokie @lisa24x @toasttt11 @prettyisntprettyenough21 @giuliaabergamini-blog @landoslover @arshiyuh @ophcelia @vellicora @sage-butterflyy @ironmaiden1313
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totheblood · 2 years
true blue. (one)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: ellie has a new philosophy: don't fall in love and you won't get your heart broken. ellie also has a really cute new friend. ellie admires some birds in this chapter idk if thats significant
warnings: 18+ (as a general rule for this series and my blog as a whole) suggestive themes, eventual smut, drug/alcohol usage, cursing, descriptions of abusive behavior (neither ellie or reader engages in these behaviors)
a/n: i am hoping to make this a series if enough people like it and want me too... i really appreciate support and feedback through asks and replies/reblogs, it all means so much to me. also i have this whole thing planned out and i plan for it to be very messy hehe... i love drama idk
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This year was going to be different.
At least that’s what Ellie told herself as she gripped the straps of her worn out backpack. All of the classes her and Cat had planned to take together this semester she had quickly transferred out of by the end of the summer, causing her to rack up an impressive list of classes on her schedule nobody wanted to take. 
“Fuck,” Ellie cursed under her breath as she rushed towards the building her literature seminar was in. “I’m going to be so late.” She was practically cursing herself for waking up so late that morning, her bed seeming much more welcoming than the professor who had 1 star on ‘rate my professors.’ She knew she had fucked up, but at this moment she didn’t really care.
As she made her way down the chestnut lined hallway, she frantically checked the door numbers on each door, cursing each time the door number didn’t align with the one she was supposed to be in. When she did find her classroom at the end of the hallway, she had to steady herself with a few deep breaths before entering. Throughout all of this, however, one thought rang clear through her mind: Fuck Cat.
Ellie never really liked to refer to herself as heartbroken, but that was the nicest way she could put the state that Cat had left her in. Ellie always knew she liked girls and while she had many crushes, and a few kisses, Cat was her first real girlfriend. She was the first person to hold Ellie’s hand in public, post lame birthday posts on Instagram, and the first person to give her an orgasm. But if she was being really honest with herself, her first orgasm belonged to her own hand.
Cat had served as a turning point in Ellie’s life and up until this point she was almost certain  that she had been in love with her. Almost. There was always this sinking feeling that whatever feelings she had for the girl was most likely orchestrated by pure hormones. She couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was that made her feel that way, but there always seemed to be something missing from their relationship. 
Little to Ellie’s knowledge, however, was that was just who Cat was. She made you feel like you were on top of the world, the only person in the universe who could cure her ills, and the only person who got her. She made you feel special, and at the time, that was exactly what Ellie was craving. She needed a person who looked at her like she aligned the stars, and that person was Cat.
Until it wasn’t. Quickly towards the end of the summer Cat got bored and all of the love notes Ellie had written her were quickly discarded within an hour of reading them. She continued to pull away until there was no trace of her left in Ellie’s life. To make matters worse, she broke up with Ellie over text, leaving her dazed and confused. There was nothing left for her to do except to run to Dina’s house and cry in her lap. She hated how pathetic she looked as Dina stroked her hair and shooed Jeese off with the flick of her hand. It was safe to say Ellie was completely over relationships.
Fuck Cat, she thought again, but decided that it being a thought wasn’t enough.
E: Fuck Cat.
D: yea fuck that bitch
Deciding that the text had done enough to calm her nerves, she pushed through the threshold into the classroom. She must’ve not realized how intimate of a class this was when she signed up for it because as she entered all ten of the people in the room now locked eyes with her, and the old man sitting at the front of the table threw her a disappointed look.
“Ellie Williams, I presume?” he questioned, looking at his roster in front of him.
“You do presume.” She awkwardly answered, only receiving a chuckle from a girl sitting at the far end of the table. Ellie looked up to see who it was that laughed at her poorly timed joke but just saw you trying to hide the smile on your face by pretending to write notes.
“You can sit at any open seat, I was just discussing the syllabus.” He told her, his tone sharp. 
“Okay, thanks.” Ellie mumbled under her breath, moving to sit at the open seat next to you considering you seemed like you might be the friendliest person in this room. She quickly moved to get her notebook out but internally cursed herself out for the fifth time that day because she completely forgot her pencil case in her dorm. She decided to save herself the embarrassment of asking if anyone had a pen, so she just continued to ruffle through her bag even though she knew it wasn’t there.
“You looking for something?” you leaned over to whisper to her, still causing her to jump back slightly.
“Yea, a pen?” She whispered back, laughing under her breath to pretend like she wasn’t completely embarrassed right now.
“Here.” A black pen balanced in between your fingers as you offered it to her. She sheepishly thanked you before taking it, making sure your fingers didn’t touch. 
“There will be one main assignment in this class as you can see on the syllabus.” Ellie, obviously not in her element, looked around at all the packets each person was holding. As if you could sense the nerves on her, you shoved your packet in between the both of you, pointing to the assignment the professor was discussing. 
“It is a partner based project and since there are only ten of you I hope this won’t be an issue.” He continued on. “And as you can see it is worth 60% of your grade.” Fuck this, Ellie thought to herself yet again, and fuck Cat too, she added for good measure.
The rest of the 90 minute class went as well as you could imagine, Ellie only having to stop herself from falling asleep three times. When the class was over and she began to collect her things Ellie looked over to where you were stuffing your laptop into your backpack. 
“Hey,” she managed to get out, her fingers fidgeting with her rings. “Would you want to be partners for the project?” 
You let out a breath of relief smiling both to her and yourself. “I would love that actually.” 
“Ok, good.” Ellie chuckled to herself about how nervous she was over something so small “I thought you might’ve thought I was like super unprepared or something since I was late and the pen.” Her eyes widened the pen. “Oh shit, your pen.” Ellie moved to take her backpack off and give back your pen but you abruptly stopped her by placing your hand on her forearm. Your hand right over the very spot Cat had tattooed. 
“Keep it,” you offered her a genuine smile before handing your phone over to her “and put your number in here.” 
Ellie may not have noticed it but she blushed. A part of her knew you were just being kind and you needed her number to work on the project but if this was any other setting this would be considered flirting. Ellie nervously took your phone in her hand and inserted her number and name with a little planet emoji next to it. When she handed the phone back to you she scanned your face for a reaction, smiling to herself when she saw your very own smile. 
“Ellie,” you looked back up at her “nice name.” All Ellie could do was let the tips of her ears turn red as she thanked you. When you offered her your own name and she repeated it back to you, she liked the way it felt on her tongue. She wondered what you wou- No, she wasn’t doing this again.
“I’ll text you tonight about getting started.” You informed her, now slinging your own bag over your shoulder.
“Looking forward to it.” She stated simply, her own feet planted to the floor.
“I presume you are.” You replied with a giggle before turning around and leaving Ellie feeling fuzzy.
The rest of Ellie’s day was uneventful to say the least. She saw a few birds eating a sandwich and thought it was cute, but besides that (and you), her day was boring. She was hoping that this year would be different, that she would be miles ahead of where she was when she met Cat, but she knew she was just worse. She wanted anything, a rebound, a distraction to pull her mind off Cat but all she could do was stare at her ceiling and try not to cry. Or that’s what she was doing until her phone buzzed from it’s place on her stomach.
Y: hey, it’s me
E: Who's me?
Y: pen dealer, duh
E: I thought dealers were supposed to be more discreet.
Y: you know a lot about dealers?
E: I’ve seen a few movies.
Y: nothing is like the movies, be fr
Y: anyways, do you want to meet up to discuss the project tomorrow? we could meet at beans?
E: Yeah, sure. 10?
Y: sounds good, bring cash
E: For? I use apple pay.
Y: for the pens… it was a joke nvm
E: Dumb joke.
The next morning Ellie had to drag herself out of bed so she wouldn’t be late to meet you. She groaned as she watched her roommate sleeping peacefully in her bed while she so desperately wished it could be her. For some reason that she couldn’t place, Ellie found herself smoothing down her hair and checking her teeth in the mirror. She even sprayed some perfume before she left, coughing as she accidentally inhaled some of the liquid. Why was she doing this again?
She saw you through the window of the coffee shop, leaned over your computer screen lost in thought. You tucked your pen between your lips and Ellie couldn’t help but feel like a freak staring at you from the other side. You looked so at peace with your hair tied up and your eyes carefully scanning the screen. Ellie wondered what it would feel like to not have a million things going through your mind at once. 
When she approached you she made a mental note of how your eyes lit up when you saw her. You had known her for a second and you had already looked at her with more adoration that Cat did towards the end of their relationship. 
“Hey, customer.” You joked, as you watched Ellie sit down across from you. 
“You don’t know how to let a joke die, do you?” She questioned jokingly, a warm feeling in both her face and her chest.
“I do not.” You said matter of factly.
The two of you discussed the project, throwing in occasional conversation and jokes when the material got too daunting. After about an hour had passed and the two of you were already feeling burnt out, Ellie suggested you take a walk around campus to “get some fresh air” and “clear your heads.” In reality, she was already growing tired of this project and just wanted to hear your voice ramble on about something other than American Literature.
It was a cool day, and the slight breeze caused both you and Ellie to squint the entire time. There was something so calm about the energy between the two of you. It wasn’t passionate or overwhelming like it was with Cat, but comforting. It was lulling Ellie into a sense of security, but she knew it couldn’t last long. 
“Where are you from?” Ellie spoke up. “Did you grow up around here?”
“Close-ish, I guess.” You answered. “I’m from a town north called Star Valley.” 
“Oh shit, you’re right by Jackson.” Ellie exclaimed. 
“Yea, you’re from Jackson?” The idea that you too lived this close and this was your first time meeting almost seemed criminal to Ellie.
“Yeah, me and my friends grew up there. I’m originally from Boston, though, I moved there with my..” You gave her time to speak, it being painfully obvious she was going to have trouble explaining the situation. “Like my dad? He’s not really my dad, he’s just Joel.” She decided to dumb down her complicated relationship with him for the sake of time. You, however, did not try to get any information out of her, or immediately try to get her to be vulnerable with her like Cat did at the beginning of the relationship. You just smiled at her and continued on with the conversation. 
Ellie liked this. She liked being able to have a conversation with a pretty girl that didn’t make her feel like she was tearing herself open just to bond with you. You two were just bonding in the simplest way people could. The sick and sinister part of her, however, was telling her to leave immediately. To avoid the trouble that another heartbreak would bring her. 
That part of her was starting to win over slowly as she remembered the promise she made to herself. She quickly excused herself and told you she would text you about meeting up again to work on the project. Her brain was telling her run, run, run, but she could tell you were still standing there staring as she walked away towards the direction of her building. 
Later that night, after a cool shower and a few hits of her pen, Ellie found herself ranting to Dina over text again.
E: I’m so fucked.
D: what???
E: I’m working with this really hot girl on a project for one of my classes and today we were walking together and it all seemed normal, like toooo normal, so I left. Like I no joke was like “Bye” mid conversation and LEFT HER THERE. What is wrong with me?
D: what happened to ‘i’m never talking to another girl again’?
E: I’m not.
D: …
D: true
E: ?????
D: idk why you would do that so i’m not going to lie to you
D: i would think you are a freak
E: Ok, fuck you.
D: what does she look like?
E: Hot. 
D: oh yes thank you for painting such a vivid picture
E: You are so mean to me.
Ellie felt the need for validation so she did what any normal person would in that situation: she went to instagram and typed in your full name. To her surprise, there you were, smiling as bright as the sun in your profile picture. Ellie suddenly felt like a kid again scanning through your photos, blushing and smiling to herself as she looked at you, losing focus of her original motive. She didn’t realize how far she had scrolled down until she was stopped by the sight of a familiar face. In a post dated over a year ago it was you kissing another girl. 
And that girl was Cat.
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
hi! i love the way you write and was hoping if you had time for this rec :) ethan x reader
it's inspired by 'the summer i turned pretty'
y/n is the bailey's childhood friend, she was very close to ethan and quinn growing up, but when she comes back to newyork, richie is suddenly very interested in her and the shitty brother that he is, he know that ethan had a thing for her.
"You think she's pretty?" richie asked ethan one day.
"Yeah, and you do too," ethan replied already annoyed, trying to brush it off.
"I hadn't noticed, really," richie said, smirking.
"Come on, man. I've noticed you noticing"
richie is the it-boy of the town, always gets what he wants, cocky and arrogant. y/n was the only thing ethan had for himself only.
sorry if its long 😭😭 its mostly angsty id say, y/n is surprised someone like richie likes her but her heart has always been yearning for ethan whom she thinks will never see her that way.
childhood best friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes so i really had a lot of fun writing this! hope you like it💓🫶🏻
you’re my best friend — ethan landry
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word count: 2,465
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: when y/n goes back to new york city she finds out two things—she’s still crushing on ethan and richie took an interest in her.
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WHEN Y/N AND HIS FAMILY HAD TO LEAVE NEW YORK FOR LONDON, THE BAILEY’S WERE LEFT HEARTBROKEN, ESPECIALLY QUINN AND ETHAN. Both of their families had been close since forever, so Quinn, Ethan, Y/N and Richie grew up together and the first three developed a really close friendship.
Y/N’s dad got a promotion, so they had to move to England, where Y/N finished high school and started college. Now, though, her dad had been offered to go back to New York if he wanted. And because he missed the city and his friends, he said yes.
The first thing Y/N did when she found out was text her best friends—Quinn and Ethan, with whom she had kept contact with despite the distance. She was excited to see them, and wondered what she would feel when she finally saw Ethan again. She’d like to think she got over her crush, but that’s because they hadn’t seen each other in four years.
And there she was, about to find out. Y/N was standing in front of the Bailey’s house with her parents behind her. The door opened and Y/N’s chest grew tight in anticipation, and then she held a sigh of disappointment when Wayne’s face appeared.
The older man greeted her parents with enthusiasm, and when it was her time to say hello, the man opened his mouth in shock “Oh my! You’ve grown a lot! It’s nice to see you again, Y/N”
“You too, Wayne” she hugged him awkwardly. Y/N wasn’t his biggest fan, she still remember all too well the way he treated Ethan. Always comparing him to Richie, making him feel like garbage.
“Quinn and Richie are in the kitchen” he informed her. She nodded and made her way to said place.
As soon as she set foot on the big kitchen, she was attacked by a hug. “Oh my god! You’re here!” she recognized the voice of Quinn.
“I’m here! I missed you” she broke the hug to take a look at her friend’s new hairstyle “Red is definitely your color, Q. You look so good.”
“And London certainly benefited you, holy shit. You look hot. Give me a chance?” the red-head joked.
“Absolutely” she laughed, hugging her once more. “I can’t believe I’m back”
“Hi, Y/N” Richie finally managed to find his voice. He had been completely entranced by the girl. Quinn was right, she got hot. He had never noticed her, because well, he had always seen her as his sibling’s friend and because she had been 15 when she left. Now, she was 19 and super attractive.
“Oh, sorry. Hi, Richie. Nice to see you again” she gave him a little wave. Y/N wasn’t sure she liked the way Richie was shamelessly checking her out. “Where is Eth?” she tried not to sound so excited.
“Oh, he’s in his room, as always. Drowning himself in text books and having no social life whatsoever” Richie rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“He doesn’t know you’re coming today, so go surprise him” Quinn said, eyeing the way Y/N’s knuckles turned white. She had always hated when people talked badly about Ethan, and apparently, it didn’t change.
Y/N walked up the stairs, anguish filling her stomach and her heart beating so fast it made her cheeks turn red. She stood in front of the door, trying to gain the courage to knock. There was just one door separating her from Ethan, the guy who had been her first crush ever. Her best friend in the entire world.
“Come in” she heard, and almost fainted. Not because she was seconds away from seeing his face after four years, but because she noticed the change in his voice. It was deeper, raspier and… hot.
Y/N took a deep breath and opened the door. There he was, lying on his bed, headphones flattening his perfect curly hair and book open on his lap.
His round brown eyes found hers, and he jumped off the bed so fast he got dizzy. Y/N laughed and ran into his arms, that were instantly wrapped around her lower back to pull her up and against his chest. Her legs locked around his waist.
“Please tell me you’re real and I’m not making you up” Ethan said, face between her neck and shoulder blades.
“I’m real” she laughed. “And I’m back to stay. Holy shit, you got so fucking tall”
“And you have not grown and inch” he joked, letting her feet touch the ground again.
“Mean” Y/N punched his arm playfully. “Where is your Justin Bieber haircut?!”
“That was a phase I don’t want to remember” he shook his head. “What, you don’t like my curls?”
“No… I love them. You have amazing hair” Y/N complimented.
Ethan blushed, and took his time to let his eyes take in her face. Her factions were more defined, her lips were fuller, eyes a little darker but still very bright, and smile as warm as ever. She had grown a bit, but she was still short compared to him, her head barely reached his shoulders. She looked even prettier than before, and Ethan couldn’t believe he would be able to see her everyday.
The tall boy had also changed a lot, and Y/N needed to figure out how to stop looking at him before she weirded him out. His jawline was sharp as a diamond, his cheekbones more defined, and surprisingly, he had muscles. Enthralling, captivating muscles. He was pretty, adorable and hot at the same time and Y/N’s doubts faded away—her crush on him was still very much intact.
“You look stunning, Y/N/N. I missed you” he said in a low voice. They were so close, his arms still around her, and the moment felt intimate and cozy. It was at that moment Y/N realized how much she had missed her home.
“I missed you too” she smiled, happiness was radiating off her. Y/N was so happy she could cry. “Can I hug you again?”
“You don’t have to ask. You know I love your hugs, and I missed them. So, you’ll have to hug me a lot to make up for the lost time” Ethan answered, chest almost exploding for the amount of adoration he felt for her.
None of them knew for how long they stayed in each others arms, if it had been just minutes or hours, but they did know that either way, it hadn’t been enough. They could’ve stayed like that forever.
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SAYING THAT Y/N CAUGHT THE ATTENTION OF EVERY BLACKMORE STUDENTS WOULD BE GOING A LITTLE TOO FAR, but she certainly had the attention of the people she had classes with. Not only because of her looks, but also because she entered in the middle of the semester, which was extremely unusual. Y/N hated the twenty pairs of eyes on her, but she was thankful she at least had Ethan by her side.
The nerdy boy felt a little uneased by the reaction Y/N caused. She had always been someone only Ethan used to notice—thought he never understood why, because she was the most amazing girl in the world—, and the thought of that changing made him panic. Because there were so many guys who were better than him, and now that she had options, Ethan knew Y/N would never choose him.
“How is your first day going?” to her surprise, Richie asked.
“Um, good?” she said, unsure. It was weird, Richie and her had never been friends. He had never cared about her well-being, what was his deal now? She didn’t know.
But Ethan did, he could see it in his brother’s eyes. Richie was interested in Y/N and it made his blood boil. He knew Ethan had feelings for her, but of course he didn’t care.
“Great. If you need anything, feel free to tell me” he said, winking at her before leaving.
“That’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. Is he okay? Did he fell from the stairs and hit his head or something?” Y/N asked Ethan.
The brunet laughed “He kind of became the ‘it’ boy of college, which fed his ego and makes him brave enough to flirt with every hot girl that crosses his path. You’re his next target.”
Richie had always been popular amongst girls—he was attractive, had that attitude girls found hot, and was sometimes funny—and exactly the type who would never look at Y/N’s way, or so she thought.
She couldn’t imagine herself with him, not only because ‘it’ boys weren’t her kind of boys, but also because her heart yearned for Ethan. Even when she knew he would never look at her as more than a friend.
“Well, time to damage it boy’s ego” Y/N said.
Ethan looked at her surprised “You are not into him?”
“Ethan, what the actual fuck? No!“ she laughed in shock. Wasn’t it painfully obvious that she had a crush on him and not Richie? Guess not. Or maybe Ethan was way too oblivious.
“Okay” wasn’t she imagine it or did she actually hear relief in his voice?
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ETHAN AND RICHIE SAT ON THE BEACH CHAIRS NEXT TO THEIR POOL, THEIR EYES ON THE VOLEY MATCH HAPPENING IN FRONT OF THEM. It was Quinn and Y/N vs. Tara and Mindy, and Ethan’s eyes were specifically focused on Y/N’s figure. Richie couldn’t pass the opportunity to tease him.
"You think she's pretty?" Richie asked him, sarcasm present in his voice.
"Yeah, and you do too," his brother replied, already annoyed, trying to brush it off.
"I hadn't noticed, really," Richie said, smirking. He enjoyed seeing his brother angry so much, and he knew Y/N was his weak point.
"Come on, man. I've noticed you noticing. And she did too” Ethan said, frowning.
“She does? Maybe I should ask her out, then.” Richie said, hoping this would make Ethan fume.
However, the nerdy boy gave him a smile. “Do it.” he tried to suppress a smirk at his brother’s confused reaction.
“Hey, enjoyed the game?” Y/N asked. They had been so sumerged in their conversation they hadn’t noticed the match ended.
Ethan flashed her his sweet pretty smile, which she mirrored “You’re good, Y/N/N.”
“Thanks, Eth” if her cheeks hadn’t been already red from the heat and the exercise, Ethan would’ve noticed the effect his words had on her.
“Do you want water, gorgeous?” Richie asked, with a sly grin. Ethan clenched his jaw and Y/N tried not to make a disgusted face.
“Yes, but I’ll go get it” Y/N said walking to the kitchen before Richie could beat her. Ethan followed her, feeling Richie’s eyes on the back of his head. “Does he not get the hint? I have given no signs that I like him”
“I should probably warn you, he’s going to ask you out” Ethan told her, leaning against the counter and she poured water in a glass.
“Oh god, you know what? It’s fine, I’m just going to tell him he’s not the one I’m interested in” Y/N said.
Ethan stiffened “What do you mean by that? You’re interested in someone?” his chest contracted.
Y/N then realized what she had said. “Oh… well, yeah.”
The boy nodded, trying not to show how much it hurt “Are they from London?”
Y/N shook her head “No, he is from here.” she admitted.
“Oh… you met him at college?” he asked. Why was he asking? He was a fucking masochist.
“No… but he goes to our college”
“So that means you met him before you moved to London” Ethan deduced.
Y/N nodded “Waay before I moved. I have known him my whole life” she said. He’s got to figure it out now.
“I have no fricking idea” Ethan laughed. “I don’t remember you hanging out with someone who wasn’t Quinn or me.”
“Ethan are you serious?” Y/N groaned. Guess he really was oblivious. Ethan looked at her, very lost. “I’m talking about you, you idiot. Honestly, for someone that smart you can really be dumb sometimes.”
“Me? You like me?” Ethan pointed at himself in disbelief.
“I have liked you since we were fourteen, Eth. Never stopped liking you” Y/N smiled nervously. What was going to happen next? Rejection or reciprocation?
“Are you sure?” he asked in a low tone.
Y/N let out a giggle “Yes, Ethan, pretty sure I know my emotions. Do you know yours?”
“I win” Ethan said, making her frown, not understanding what he meant. “I have liked you since we were thirteen. So I won.”
The girl rolled her eyes, smile painted on her face as she walked closer to him and hugged him. “Well, guess the loser is the one who has to ask the question” Ethan raised his eyebrows in amusement, liking were this conversation was going. “Ethan, would you like to be my boyfriend?”
“I would love to be your boyfriend, Y/N” he replied. Y/N could feel his heartbeats through his shirt as his arms were wrapped around her lower back. “Can I kiss you, girlfriend?”
“Yes, you can, boyfriend” she closed her arms around his neck and brought him down to meet her lips. Mint got mixed with cherry, and their soft lips danced with each other in one perfect and very awaited kiss.
The slow and calm kiss turned into a rougher and wilder one. His hands went under her white tank top as hers messed with his soft curls. Ethan turned them around, so that she was now pressed against the counter. But soon, he lifted her up and set her on it. She opened her legs so he could step between them and deepened the kiss.
“You’re my best friend” Y/N whispered breathlessly against his lips.
Ethan smiled “You’re my best friend, too. I love you”
“I love you” she said back, before kissing him once again.
Quinn, Richie, Tara and Mindy entered the kitchen and stood still at the scene happening in front of them. The two teenagers were so engrossed in their lustful kiss that they didn’t notice them until Quinn yelled “Not in the counter, we use it to cook!”
“Kids nowadays have zero respect” Mindy shook her head.
“This is a family house!” Tara exclaimed. Richie just stood there completely dumbfounded, which made Ethan feel even more victorious.
“Oh, we have been waiting this for years, leave us alone” Y/N rolled her eyes, but got off the counter anyways. Ethan draped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“They’re cute, you have to give them that” Tara said to Quinn.
“Are you two official?” Quinn asked, now unable to hide her smile.
“Yes” they said in unison, smiling to each other.
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rebelwrites · 10 months
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Six: What’s The Worst That Could Happen?
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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An awkward silence fell over the two of us, any confidence I found had now dissolved leaving me feeling like a nervous wreck. This was only meant to be some harmless flirting, not the guy I had been crushing on for years basically asking me out on a date.
“Well, what about now?” Charles said, finally breaking the silence. Letting out a shaky breath I looked up at him to realize he wasn’t joking.
Come on Nova think!
“What about your friend?” I asked, trying to buy myself a little bit more time, “you just gonna leave him?”
“He will be fine,” Charles laughed, fiddling with the label on the beer bottle, “he’s more than likely going to have an early night, he is still pretty tired from traveling.”
I needed to come up with an excuse but my brain was drawing blank. I had been put on the spot, which was something I hated, it always made my stomach churn. “Squirt,” Jax’s voice called out from the other end of the bar, “thought I’d told you to go home and get some sleep?” he scolded, folding his arms across his chest with a cocked brow.
“Yes dad!” I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. Turning my attention to Charles I weakly smiled at him. I felt my already tired body slightly sagging in relief, “sorry, I’ve gotta go, Doctor Teller’s orders and all that shit.”
“See you around, Sunshine,” Charles smiled softly, lifting his beer bottle up at me.
Flashing him a smile in return, I swiftly slid off the bar stool, weaving my way through the bar. The moment I was through the staff only door I felt a hand land on my shoulder.
“Come here,” Jax hummed, pulling me into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “did I hear Leclerc just asked you out on a date?”
“Yeah, you did,” I sighed, looking up at my older brother, “I kinda freaked out, told him I wouldn’t have time.”
“I hear what you are saying, Nova, but you need to put your happiness first for once,” Jax whispered, refusing to pull away from the hug, “you haven’t been truly happy for a while now have you?”
“Of course I’ve been happy,” I lied. The truth was I hated being alone, I wanted someone who loved me for who I was, someone I could go on cute dates with but also someone who loved my family as much as I did. Everyone I had ever dated turned out to be complete assholes, so for the past 3 years I refused to get involved with anyone. My heart was calling out but I just didn’t know if I could deal with more heartbreak so I shut myself off from the world keeping my focus on my family.
“Nova, you know you can’t lie to me. You have lost that sparkle in your eyes but I saw it when you were flirting with Charles,” he smiled, finally stepping back releasing me from the hug. “If he makes you happy then what's the worst that could happen?”
“Are you really asking me that?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him, “he’s only in town for the next four weeks, ain’t like he’s looking for something serious. He’s probably just wanting a townie to get some action. So what’s the use, he’s gonna leave and I’m gonna be heartbroken,” pausing when I realized that he was being a hypocrite right now, “hold up a minute. When was the last time you dated someone?”
“Just have a summer fling with the boy, it is blatantly obvious that he feels something for you, sis. You’re young, go have some fun, get laid, just live your life,” Jax smiled softly, placing a hand on my arm, “you might never get this opportunity again.”
“Still didn’t answer my question,” I hummed, nudging him with my elbow.
“I have a child who is my number one priority so things are a bit different for me,” he shrugged, I knew he was right, he didn’t just have to think about himself now. Elenor was always going to be his number one, nothing would ever change that. “Come on, I will drive you home.”
“I’m perfectly fine to drive,” I protested, but at that moment my body decided to betray me as a large yawn escaped my body.
“Course you are,” Jax laughed, swatting my arm away from my jacket pocket, swiping the keys for himself, “I won’t be able to focus if I don’t drive you home myself.”
“And what about the bar?” I asked, raising my brow, “you know damn well you can’t just abandon ship.”
“Chucky said he will cover me,” Jax smirked, wiggling the keys in front of me, “plus I will only be gone for like fifteen minutes, so get your ass moving.”
“Fine, you can drive,” I huffed, knowing that this wasn’t going to be a fight I was going to win.
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The obnoxious blaring sound of the alarm echoed around the room causing me to groan into my cloud-like pillow. I didn’t want to leave my bed, I wanted to stay in this safe comfortable cocoon that I had created. When I arrived home last night I dragged myself straight to bed, face planting the mattress not bothering to even change as I passed out. Jax was right, I needed a good night's sleep and for the first time in the last six months that's what I got but I still hadn’t woken up feeling refreshed, in fact I felt worse.
One good night's sleep wasn’t going to fix everything, it wasn’t a magic cure.
Running my hands over my face I took a deep breath before finally kicking the duvet back, moving my body so I was now sitting on the edge of the bed. Reaching for my phone I pulled the charger out letting it drop to the floor as I silenced the alarm.
Another day, another 5am wake up.
At least Nero would be joining me at the cafe to go through everything, learning how I liked things done. My mind was constantly replaying the events of last night, it was like I enjoyed tormenting myself. I just hoped I would at least have a couple of days before I bumped into Charles again but my gut feeling was telling me that wouldn’t be the case.
Finally, I pushed myself off the bed, quickly shooting Nero a text letting him know I was awake. The time I spent at home went by in a blur, like it did every morning and once again I was fumbling with the stupid lock on the cafe door. It was something I kept meaning to get fixed but it kept slipping down the list of things I needed to get done.
Once I had finally entered the building I winced at the sound of the alarm screeching through the room. I hated this thing, I knew we needed the security but I felt like you needed a degree to shut the bloody thing off.
“Jax really went all out on the security, eh?” Nero chuckled, appearing behind me.
“Something like that,” I scoffed, sighing in relief once I had managed to deactivate it. “I think it’s overkill but you know Jax, there's no changing his mind once he has decided something.”
“Come on then, mamacita, let's get this show on the road,” Nero grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he guided me to the back room. It was such a good feeling to have him here, he was a life saver right now, he was taking a massive weight off my shoulders, relieving some of the pressure life was throwing at me.
The sound of someone knocking on the main door caused me to look up at Nero from across the room, “What time is it?” I asked, turning back to putting up the flyers for the fundraiser on the notice board.
“Twenty five past six,” he hummed, “want me to let them in?”
“Why not, it’s only five minutes before we open,” I shrugged.
I kept my back towards the door, I needed to get everything up on the notice board ready for the new week. The moment I heard his voice I panicked dropping the pot of push pins all over the floor, the sound of them scattering across the laminate caused Nero to rush over.
“You okay, mama?” he asked, placing his hands over my shaking ones, “Is that him?” My eyes were like saucers at Nero’s words, how the hell did he know? “Jax rang me last night and brought me up to speed,” he smirked, spinning me around pushing me towards the counter to where Charles was, “stop overthinking things, listen to your heart, chicka, you never know he might be the one.” he whispered in my ear.
“You live in cuckoo land,” I scoffed.
“Nova, you know me,” he smirked, taking a step back holding his hands in the air “I’m a Companionator,” he mouthed pointing at himself whilst walking away backwards.
Shaking my head at him, I took a deep breath before giving Charles my attention, “You stalking me now?” I laughed, leaning against the counter behind me, folding my arms across my chest.
“Sunshine, I didn’t know you worked here,” he mumbled, gripping the edge of the counter as he spoke. The sight of his ring clad hands caused my heart rate to triple, why did he make me so nervous?
“Yuup,” I nodded, popping the ‘p’. “Spend the mornings here and the nights at the bar.”
“Vous ne mentiez pas sur le fait que vous dirigiez deux entreprises. You weren't lying about running two companies,” he said softly, running his hand across his face.
“Pourquoi mentirais-je ? Why would I lie?” I said but the words came out a little harsher than I anticipated, the look on Charles face caused me to wince.
He dropped his eye contact as he rubbed the back of his neck, the tell tale sign of embarrassment, “Urm, I guess I don’t know,” he mumbled.
The sight of him fumbling over his words, warmed my heart. I’d never expect someone like him to be anything other than cocky and full of confidence yet here he was acting like a deer that had been caught in headlights. It was actually really endearing. The media always portrayed him as someone who had everything, even though he probably did, it was nice to see that deep down he was acting just as nervous as I felt.
“What can I get you?” I quickly asked, hoping that changing the subject could help clear the awkwardness that had fallen over the two of us.
“Urm, two coffees and a couple of blueberry muffins please,” he asked, his voice still quiet as he spoke. He had now moved from rubbing the back of his neck to fiddling with one of the many bracelets wrapped around his wrist.
“Coming right up,” I smiled, getting started on his order. My heart rate was slowly coming back down but the moment I passed him the first coffee, his fingers brushed against mine sending shockwaves through my body and in turn caused my heart to skip a beat. I had never felt this kind of connection with anyone before, although with Charles it was breathtaking. Soon enough the awkward tension around us had dissipated and the guy standing in front of me was the person who was confidently flirting with me in the bar last night.
“So Sunshine, what’s this fundraiser you were on about last night?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee whilst leaning against the counter.
“It’s something we do every year, each time we raise money for a different charity. Funds from this event will be going to a dementia charity,” I smiled, feeling tears prick my eyes as I said the one word I always tried to avoid, “it’s something extremely close to mine and Jax’s heart.”
“Your Pops?”
“Yeah,” I sighed, finding myself fiddling with my necklace, “he was diagnosed about a year ago and since then things have started to spiral.”
“What does the fundraiser entail?” Charles asked, it was like he could sense a change of subject was needed.
Reaching behind me I grabbed one of the many flyers to pass to him, “it’s in two man teams and is basically a big scavenger hunt across town. Starts at 10 and you have until 5pm to complete as many tasks as you can, capturing photo or video evidence. Each task has points attached to it and the team with the most points wins,” I smiled, watching as he intently read the flier. Whilst he took in the information I moved over to the pastry counter, finishing off his order.
I couldn’t help sneak glances as I carefully wrapped the muffins, placing them in the brown paper bag. A wave of confidence washed over me, I had no idea where it came from but I found myself swiping the marker pen off the counter, scribbling my phone number on a napkin.
For a moment I stared at the white square, deciding if I was going to do this. My head and heart were screaming different things at me but Jax’s words from yesterday rang in my head, he was right, I was still young and this might be my only chance. Carefully I folded the napkin in half before slipping it into the bag.
“I don’t know if you and your friend will still be in town by then,” I said softly, mentally praising myself for continuing the act of not knowing who he was. Although I wasn’t sure on how long I would be able to keep the charade going, “but if you are, it would be great to see you there, Jax has the sign up sheet at the bar,” I smiled, handing over the brown paper bag.
“See you around, Sunshine,” he said, throwing me a wink, spinning on his heels, coffee and baked goods in hand as he left the cafe.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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shrowded-eng1ma · 1 year
Some Hashira’s having a crush on a Nagito Komaeda like reader
Characters;Shinobu, Rengoku, Mitsuri
Warnings; Angst, Death, Suicidal Implications, Light Possessiveness
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She’s your therapist, your personal doctor.
When she first caught feelings, she actually thought it was just her worrying about your mental health.
When she found out it was a crush she’s shocked, why did she like you? Was it the unending praises you showered her with? Your good looks? Your quite raspy voice?
Overtime she fell harder and really tried to help you with your mental health issues, to say the least, it was worthless, your self-esteem and respect was practically nonexistent.
She also refuses to let you touch or help her in poison making, because Fucking Obviously.
Despite this you know a surprising amount of poison, which is concerning due to your M.H.
She does love when you talk about hope, and tried to use that as a catalyst to raise your self worth.
She is slightly annoyed at how you drool about tanjirou and how you love him for his hope (No pedo shit!) but she loves how passionate you sound.
She finds it interesting and unsettling how you call zenitsu useless and worthless, it’s her first time seeing you hate someone more than demons or yourself.
Every time someone insults you, and you agree with them she insults them harder, she’d go for anything their insecure about, that she somehow already knows about.
She’s very protective of you, despite your supernaturally good luck.
If you die she would be completely heartbroken and vengeful towards every demon, especially Douma and the one who killed you.
She would feel so pathetic that she couldn’t confess to you.
If she did confess you’d say something like “Ah, to be lied to by someone as you is such an honor for someone as worthless as me”
She tries to convince you that her feelings are real but you don’t believe her, always saying “Your so kind to tell me such a lie!” Or “Ah, I... I truly appreciate your affection towards me, but I must decline. You see, I'm just a lowly speck of misfortune in this grand tapestry of life. It would be unfair to burden you with my peculiarities and the chaos that seems to follow my every step”
She’s too persistent and stubborn though, she’s strong enough to take anything you say or do, but it’s futile.
When she dies for Douma you feel genuine sadness, you knew she cared for you too some degree “I’m sorry, someone as worthless as me should’ve taken her place” you’d say before moving on.
Her cherished memory of you is when she reveled to you that she’s extremely weak and can’t cut off a demons head and your response “Wow! Your so weak but you managed to find a way to kill demons despite your weakness in strength!! Your so smart Shinobu! I promise to become a stepping stone to the hope you can achieve!!” Okay she hated the last bit, but it’s the thought that counts.
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He is very worried for you.
You find yourself completely unworthy of his sheer presence, his overwhelming positivity and hope you just can’t compete.
When he finds out he has a crush on you, he doesn’t question it, he follows his heart and helps you out.
Every insult you say to yourself he’d object with a positive remark. “Someone like me shouldn’t have become a hashira” “You became a hashira even when you don’t have a breathing style! Your nothing short of admirable and amazing! You have every demon slayers respect!!”
He always invites you to group activities, and you decline every time. So he drags you to the events.
He’s pretty much around you 24/7
When he wakes up, he sends his crow to wake your ass up.
When he’s off on a mission he asks Kagyga to watch over you, and over course he accepts.
When you praise him, he praises you, then you either degrade yourself and Rengoku objects with positivity, or you try to praise him harder, it then turns into a ‘Praise Battle’
He loves it when you talk positively about tanjirou, not so much when you talk bad about Zenitsu.
When he dies from akaza, you say “I won’t let him die in despair. He’s death will simply be a catalyst for the ultimate hope!”
He keeps confessing to you, despite you rejecting him due to your self worth problems.
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She is extremely worried for you, why would someone say such things about themselves? Especially when you became a hashira in a month and while having no breathing style, shouldn’t you be proud?
Everytime She turns completely red when you shower her with praise, which also interest her in you even more.
She can’t really talk much until you praise her and she malfunctions.
She admires you and even agrees about you idolization of hope, which makes you like her even more.
She always invites you to hang out with her and Iguro or any Hashira activities, you deny everytime.
When she finds out about her crush on you she malfunctions for days, she likes Iguro AND you, how could she choose? Did she need to choose?
She ask’s Kagyga for help, and whoever your close with.
Now she pretty much begs you to hang out with her and Iguro. Overtime Iguro sees and different side of you and thinks your tolerable, but he’s still annoyed that it can’t be him and Mitsuri alone.
She isn’t going to confess anytime soon, she’s too shy and insecure about herself to do so.
-The End, sorry this was short-
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lunar-knight84 · 1 year
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Cheater Marc Spector x reader, Steven grant x reader
Summary: you and Marc had an amazing relationship but suddenly he leaves without a word. What happens when you meet one of his alters years into your new life and he finally tells you the truth about the past and present ? What happens when everything is left unsaid and yet you feel something new in your heart for that special alter that you met?
N/A: this may be really bad i'm in my feelings and this is what came out lmao. This also took me a long ass time and idk how it is. I’m sorry if it’s terrible! Also feel free to leave a comment!
warning/stuff inside: the use of the word girl/girlfriend and she/her pronouns, Angst, not an accurate representation of DID, OOC, not proof read, Let me know if I missed anything!
Kind of inspired by the song back to black by amy winehouse
When you first marc you truly thought he was a free single man. The way he lifted you up in his arms that night and kissed you with such passion it felt like he was single and ready to take on the world with you. So of course when he asked you out on a date you said yes, of course you said yes when he said he could only call late at night. Of course you didn't mind when he told you he could only go to your place on random days while you could never go to his place. You were in love with marc…blinded with love I guess you can say. One day Marc just stopped seeing you. Completely. You called and texted him wondering where he was or what you could have done to upset him. You waited and waited till finally you gave up…your tears finally dried and you decided to live a new life in london. That was a few years ago and now you work as a bounty hunter in london, you have completely started a new life without Marc but never forgetting the scar that he cut deep in your heart. You were currently on your way to a museum that was filled with Egyptian artifacts and history, which honestly made you kind of excited. Of Course you were there for a specific reason, which was to stalk your bounty who was going to take a tour of the museum. As you walked into the museum you found your bounty and began taking the tour while watching your victim closely. You eyes watched but also looked around at the museum as you took in all of the artifacts and history. You stop in your tracks as you see a familiar and heart crushing locks of curls standing away from you in the gift shop. You can feel your heart beating in your ears like a drum as you walk up to the gift shop and grab a random candy placing it on the counter as you look at the cashier. The cashier looks at you and greets you in a British accent ¨well hello! Im steven! What can I do for you today?¨ he says with a smile as you continue to stare at those familiar romantic brown eyes. The eyes that would stare at you in between your legs, the eyes that you saw making you dinner on tired nights, the eyes that left you… alone and heartbroken. ¨uh miss are you okay?¨ Steven asks you curious and a bit nervous as to why you're staring at him. You swallow hard as you slide the candy over to him and give him 3.87 pounds as you continue to stare at him. Steven is nervous but as he looks down to put the cash away marc calls him from the reflected surface of a mirror nearby ¨ Steven do not talk to that woman…you need to just give her the candy and then leave¨. Steven looks at Marc confused as you suddenly speak ¨you said your name is steven? Is that correct?¨ Your eyes are blank and your voice is low and alluring as you speak to steven. Steven just nod as his nerves are getting to him as he hands you the candy. ¨well then steven… you must have a twin cause i used to know a fellow name marc who looks exactly like ya …you seen him lately..¨ you say as you stare down steven determined to figure out what the hell is going on. Steven tenses as you mention Marc as he stutters when he speaks ¨h- how do you know marc?¨. Marc calls out again in a stern but worried tone ¨ Steven dont… you dont need to know.. Stop talking to her!¨. You smirk as you lean forward ¨oh..he's just…an old friend..¨ you say as if the words are like honey on your tongue. Steven hears your words and is unsure of what to say next as he turns to you but before he can speak you give him your phone number. ¨heres my number steven…let me know when marc is around… tell him an old friend wants to speak to him.. Bye now..¨ you say as you walk away leaving Steven unsure about his feelings while marc is suddenly silent. That night Steven calls you. ¨ h-hello?..¨ he says nervously ¨hi steven…have you finally reached marc for me?¨ you say gently. ¨how do you know marc?...¨ he asks again a bit more strongly as he is determined to figure out how you know marc. You chuckle ¨he's an old friend…¨ you say slowly.
¨what does that mean?¨ Steven asks, unsure of how to proceed as Marc suddenly speaks to him from another mirror in Steven's home. ¨ dont steven…stop before you make this worse..¨ Marc says urgently, steven only moves the mirror away, dead set on figuring out who you are exactly. ¨it means what it means steven… now let me talk to marc..he must be near you if you called me¨ you say a bit annoyed. Steven chuckles a bit and mumbles ¨if only you knew…¨ . ¨what do you mean?¨ you asked confused ¨first you tell me who you are then i'll let you speak to marc¨ he says. You sigh as you say ¨i was marcs girlfriend? I guess you can say girlfriend but it was more of me being his entertainment…¨ you say with a bit of anger. ¨wait what?... Marc had a wife..well ex wife now..¨ Steven says deeply confused as it's only silence on your side of the call. Soon steven hears a laugh ¨the fucker was using me to cheat? Fuck! I guess I should've known..¨ you say in a surprised but hurt tone. Steven went quiet as he was unsure of what to say as he heard your voice again ¨who are you steven? Are you marc and have you just been fucking with me?¨ you say with anger as your voice is harsh. Steven panics as he quickly says ¨no no i'm not marc! You see we have DID.. which means i'm another personality of Marc’s …¨ steven says nervously as he just hears another round of silence from you. He finally hears you sigh as you say ¨i see…so can marc hear me and everything? I'm sorry if that's a rude question. I don't know how all of this works…¨ you say gently and with a hint of kindness. Steven smiles a bit being appreciative that you're worried that you're offending him by asking your question ¨he can hear you and don't worry it's okay to ask..it's better then just assuming.¨ he says gently. ¨i see…well steven did he tell you about us…like me and him?..¨ you say a bit nervously. “No he didn’t…he just told me about his ex wife…” Steven says with a slightly nervous tone “well would you like to know about me and Marc…” you say in a whisper as if the words were too much. “Steven, stop talking to her…you don’t want to know!” Marc says from another reflective surface as Steven ignores him and instead says “yes tell me…about you and Marc…”. You sigh “when I first met Marc I didn’t know he was married at all…back then I really thought it was just me and him…and yeah there was some weird stuff like he wouldn’t let me go to his place and such but i guess I was blinded by love that i didn’t really care to see any of that strangeness…” you say with your tone changing into a subtle sadness. You continued on “one day Marc just stopped…he stopped coming by, he stopped texting me, calling me, he stopped everything…”. “I’m sorry…” Steven says unsure of what else to say as Marc had gone quiet. “I truly did believe It was me and marc…” you said quietly. Steven sighed he was unsure of what to say as you cut him off before he could say anything “look Steven…it's fine” you hang up quickly leaving Steven with his head filled with confusion and silence from marc.
A few days passed and Steven couldn't get you out of his head. Marc had not spoken to him either and after learning what he did to you and his ex wife, Steven did fully believe that Marc would do that. Steven decided that he would have a chat with Marc and get all of this sorted out once and for all. ¨ Marc, can you hear me?¨ Steven said as he stared at the bathroom mirror waiting for marc. ̈ Marc, come on, we have to talk about this mate…¨ Steven said hoping Marc would finally show. A few minutes passed and Steven was about to give up when Marc finally spoke ¨you had no right doing that…¨ he said obviously upset. Steven turned to Marc in the mirror ¨I had no right? You're off your rocker for saying that! You had no right cheating on your wife with that girl! That poor girl had absolutely no idea that you were married and then you got up and left her?! Not to mention your poor bloody wife-¨ ¨ Steven shut the hell up!¨ Marc says loudly as Steven listens to him. ¨you don't understand-¨ ¨well then help me understand mate cause it seems you broke that poor girl's heart along with your wife… did she even know?¨ Steven asks while cutting Marc off. Marc sighs ¨of course she didnt fucking know steven…look…that poor girl your talking about her name is Y/N..and i loved her…I may still even love her…” Steven chuckles as he cuts marc off again ¨you love Y/N and yet you were still with your wife you wanker!¨ Steven says getting upset. ¨ Steven if you let me explain-¨ ¨no you're going to talk to Y/N tomorrow and explain all this bloody mess to her¨ Steven says as his tone is full of anger. Marc just sighs ¨fine steven..fine¨ he says with a frustrated tone as he leaves steven alone in his flat. The next day comes and You receive a message from Steven to meet him in front of the museum and that Marc will talk to you. You begrudgingly get out of bed and start yo get ready for the emotional storm that you were about to head into. You soon make it to the museum and see Steven standing there as you go up to him. ¨hey steven…so um…i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything but how will i speak to marc?¨ you say gently and a bit nervously. ¨Oh we just switch out from the front..but before i give control to marc…just know everything is going to be okay..¨ Steven says gently and with a reassuring smile. You felt a bit of heat coming to your cheeks as you saw Stevens smile. Steven is different then Marc but yet that smile will always bring warmth to your cheeks as your lips curl up in a small smile ¨ thank you steven…¨ you say gently as you rest your hand on his arm gently.
You soon see his light and cheerful demeanor change into a tense and guarded demeanor as his face becomes tighter and his smile fades into a frown. ¨uh steven you okay?...¨ You say gently, a bit worried about what happened as you remove your hand from his arm. ¨Y/N…¨ was all he said as that chicagoan accent stopped your breathing as you immediately knew who you were with. ¨marc…¨ you said softly. You both just stared at each other unsure of what to say. You finally say “what the fuck Marc…” as you feel your rage take over your initial surprise. Marc just stayed silent, which only seems to anger you more. “You were using me to cheat on your damn wife and you made me believe that we were actually gonna be something together…do you realize how fucked uo this all is…and not make matters worse I met Steven and he ended actually making me feel better about the gaping hole you left in my heart.” You say angrily as you are dangerously close to him. Marc still was silent. “What the hell marc are you gonna fucking talk to me or are you gonna be silent…” you say annoyed. Marc looks at you…with those same romantic eyes…as you feel your knees weaken just by looking at them. “I’m sorry…” he said very softly. You look at him with all the hurt you’ve kept inside after he left you. “ you don’t understand what I have felt for years without you Marc….you don’t the anger the sadness the foolish hope that you’ll come back…and now all of this…” I say with a frustrated sigh “I don’t know what to do in this this situation….”I say conflicted. Marc just stood silently as his demeanor changed again to Steven’s light and relaxed demeanor. “Zoey?…” Steven asked carefully. You look at Steven again and give out a angry growl. “What the fuck! What the fuck Marc! Why won’t you talk to me!” You say with tears as you yell at Steven seemingly forgetting that he was Steven. Soon you felt warmth spread as you realized Steven was hugging you. As soon as you feel Steven’s warm safe embrace you just let out all the unknown tears you had for years as you cling onto him as if he was your only hope. You felt your heart beating again…it seemed it was beating for Steven…or was it beating for Marc? You were unsure…all you knew was that Steven grant gave the Best hugs.
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brokenntable · 1 year
The Boyz as Love Tropes
I haven’t seen any posts on this so I’m giving my own two cents :) 
Forbidden Love! with sangyeons work ethic and his constant dedication to his group as a leader, he had no time on his mind for love and a future partner. so when he met you and you clicked almost too well, he was in great conflict with himself. he found himself wanting you more and more as time went on. he thought about you when writing songs, when he was sad all he wanted to do was see you and in his happiest moments he wanted to tell you first.
The Boy Next Door! Jacob would be the sweetest new neighbour. he's the type that when he moves in next door he would come over to formally introduce himself. ‘my mom baked these for you, I hope you don't mind’. every now and then you’d keep bumping into each other when checking the post or coming home.
Soulmates! everything would be meant to be for the both of you. when you first met everything was perfect. the chemistry, the energy, your values. when you had to move away for university you were heartbroken, but five years later, you both found one another again, destiny or by chance. 
Right Person Wrong Time! he was like weight lifted off your shoulders when your would was crumbling down. both of your worlds were. you and Hyunjae were each others safe havens. but you both had different paths to walk and eventually, that perfect world for the both of you had to come to an end as reality hit. 
Childhood Sweethearts! Juyeon had the biggest thing for you when you were both kids. He would give you flowers he picked on the way to school, he would tell his parents you were the one he was going to marry, making them chuckle. the only thing was that as he grew up, that never changed for him. you were still his biggest crush. 
Best Friends to Lovers! when you and Kevin first met you both instantly hit it off. you both would laugh until early hours of the morning, texting each other every day. he would comfort you at your worst and bring out your best. he knew you inside out except, he didn’t know your biggest secret. you liked Kevin far more than a friend and turns out, he also felt the same. 
Enemies to Lovers! it would start as chanhee accidentally giving you the wrong look when you first meet, immediately making you uncomfortable. out of his own insecurities that you’ve distanced yourself from him he would then assume you don’t like him and you’d turn into enemies out of a miscommunication. eventually turning into lovers tho 
Opposites Attract! When you first met changmin through chanhee you were initially and reasonably quite weirded out by his ‘passionate’ hobbies in comparison to his bubbly personality. you also found chanhee weird for even having such a best friend. but when you got to know him more personally, you found out despite your differences, your humour aligned really well and you actually found his charms super attractive
Proximity! what was haknyeon supposed to do when he realised he has to isolate with a complete stranger! you were a friend of a friend, but when you went over to his house to collect an item of hyunjaes when you both received the message you have to isolate it was a surprise to say the least. stuck for two weeks within such close proximity you began to learn each others quirks. he loved your cooking! it was the first thing he smelt in the morning and your singing in the shower would be the last thing he heard as he fell asleep
Second Chance! Sunwoo really didn’t mean to break up with you the first time. he was so busy with the groups activities all the time and he was in an insecure time in his life. he worried day and night that his time spent on the group, any boy would be winning over your heart. he couldn’t give you his time and so he lashed out his insecurities on you, leading to your breakup. it was his biggest regret. in the years you spent apart, all he could do was work on becoming a better version of himself before asking for a second chance.
Fake Relationship! Eric had had enough of the teasing from the older members. he felt like he had something to prove. so when he came over to your house one evening begging you to fake a relationship with him because you were a good friend of his and he thought your were really pretty (obviously not voicing the latter aloud) how could you not agree? you already had a small crush on him and you agreed in the hopes he would like you back (he already liked you anyway :,))
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bananaphone---t · 2 years
"I can't feel my legs." or "You're shaking." for the prompts list? >:)c
Hello, Anon! So sorry it's taken me so long to get to this! Regardless, I hope I was able to bring whatever you visioned to life, and if not, I hope you still enjoy it. 💕
Prompts list
That's What I Was Gonna Say
“You can do this, Robbie. You can do this. It’s just asking that stupid, flippity-floppity blue elf on a date. It can't be that hard,” Robbie said.
The villain was finally going to do it.
He’d been secretly pining for the love of his nemesis for years. He’d tried time and again to leave small hints of his feelings for the elf, but it seemed that the blue-clad man was too oblivious to catch on.
So, it was up to Robbie to initiate the first step in taking their relationship further. And that day would be today. And if things went south? Well... He’d be crushed... devastated... heartbroken...
Robbie shook the thoughts from his head. “No matter. If he says no, I’ll just... use those feelings to fuel my intense hatred for him and his gross... healthiness... ness... ”
“Hi, Robbie!”
Letting out a girlish shriek, the villain jumped a foot in the air, before being caught and held by a pair of strong arms. After a moment of clinging for his life to the hero, Robbie looked around. Upon noticing nothing that frightening was nearby, he began to squirm in the other man’s arms. “Let me go!”
Sportacus smiled slightly. “As you wish,” he said as he gently set the other man on his feet, “Sorry for scaring you, Robbie.” Now with both feet on the ground, the taller of the pair tugged on the bottom of his vest, straightening it out, then ran a hand over his slicked-back hair. “I... I wasn’t scared... I... I meant to do that...” he said, tone nonchalant.
Sportacus smiled fondly, nodding his head in playful agreement. Robbie cleared his throat. “But, uh... even if I was scared... You can...” He stood taller. “You can hardly blame me, considering your habit of sneaking around, Sportascare.”
Sportacus’s smile seemed to dim slightly. “Sorry, Robbie.”
Oh, no, no, no. Not a fading smile. No... If it drops any further he’s going to get that terrible kicked puppy look on his face!
“Uh... Don’t worry about it... Anyways, I...” He cleared his throat again, standing at his full height. “All right, now listen up, Sportaflop. I’ve something very important to say, and I’m only going to say it once, so you better be able to hear me even with those pointy ears of yours being hidden.”
Sportacus subconsciously reached on of his hands up, grazing it over the side of his hat where the tip of an elf ear was hiding underneath, wondering how Robbie seemed know about them when he’s never taken his hat off.
“I know what you’re thinking and I’m not stupid, okay?” Robbie sighed, upon noticing the behavior.
Sportacus’s frown from earlier deepened. “I know that, Robbie... What makes you think I would think that? You’re...” He a took step closer to the other man, taking his hands in his.
Robbie raised a brow, a frown forming on his own face—different than his normal scowling frown; rather than it’s usually malice, this one held... concern. “You’re shaking.”
There. For the first time since their interaction, the blue kangaroo’s smile actually came back, albeit small.
“To tell you the truth, I have been shaking ever since I came down from the airship to talk to you...” A deep breath. “An-anyways... You... You shouldn’t sell yourself short, Robbie... You’re really smart, smarter than I think you give yourself enough credit for... When it comes to plans and inventions... you’re an absolute genius!”
The elf turned his head away, though as he did, Robbie could swear he saw his cheeks beginning to take on a rosey hue.
“You’re smart... and funny... and handsome... and kind... and... even though we're complete opposites, I... I’ve kinda found myself... liking that... about us... I... I like that you challenge me... and Robbie, I just... I’ve gotta say this before I lose my nerve...” He then turned his brilliant blue eyes up to meet greenish-grey ones—Robbie always reminded him of the ocean; calm and gentle until something sets the waves into further motion, and his eyes were a perfect example of that; calm and greenish-grey now, but stormy when he was sad or angry, bluer when he was happy- okay, he’d better stop.
“Robbie Rotten... I love you...”
Robbie’s eyes widened.
“Y-You...” he pointed a finger at Sportacus, “love... me...?” he then pointed his finger toward himself.
Sportacus’s gaze shyly turned to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck, making the man before the him look a far cry from the usually-so-confident hero. “Y-yeah.”
A grin grew on Robbie's face before he let out a laugh. Sportacus looked up at him with a mixture of surprise, offense, and confusion. “What’s so funny?"
“Nothing really,” Robbie said with a slight chuckle still. “It’s just that... Well, that's what I was on my way to tell you!”
Sportacus’s own eyes widened before he let out a small chuckle of his own. “Really?” “Yes!”
The two of them continued to laugh together, before finally, Sportacus grabbed the front of Robbie’s vest, making his eyes widen.
“I love you, Robbie Rotten...” he said softly, then pulled the other man into a kiss.
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seattlesellie · 1 year
how did you deal with having to go to a completely different country to study?
my parents just dropped me off to my shared flat for uni and instead of unpacking and everything, i’ve been sitting around doing nothing in absolute panic mode 😭
i also opened up tiktok and immediately i was hit w those slideshows of soul-crushing, life-altering, jarringly painful screenshots of blog posts, tweets, and poems abt growing up and having to leave home behind and i literally feel so heartbroken and SO sad that i feel all sickly and w/ no appetite 😭😭😭 it’s like i’m living in someone else’s place but this IS my living place for now. like this is NOT my room but it literally is !!! and i have to leave behind my cat and dog!!!!! in another country!!!!!! although i’m studying in my home country, my entire life i’ve lived in another. so i do feel like a complete newbie somehow. i hate hate hate this feeling uuggh :(
auhhhh i totally feel you!!! i think just accepting the situation is the first part!!! it’s okay to miss home and it’s ok to have all these feelings. time will heal it i promise!! focus on all the positive things that come out of ur experience!! gaining your independence, meeting new friends, stepping out of your comfort zone — those are all very exciting (although a lil scary) things 💗 ur always gonna miss your family, pets & home but it gets a lot better!! congrats on ur new start!!! 🥺💕💕
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exvangelicalrage · 1 year
When I was fifteen, my best friend called me on the phone. We'd been best friends since we were three years old; we'd met in the church nursery and spent every possible hour together. As we grew, we went to different schools, and when we were ten, our families began to attend different churches, but our friendship remained steadfast. We did everything together—from family parties, to sleepovers, to going on vacation, to competing to see who could read the most books, to picking on each other's brothers, to writing letters (even though we only lived ten minutes apart), to building forts in the woods, to arts and crafts, to 4H—everything. Not to mention, we talked on the phone nearly every day.
But this phone call was a little different. She sounded serious.
"You go to public school," she told me. She'd been homeschooled since third grade. 
"I'm afraid you'll be a bad influence on me. We shouldn't talk anymore." It was abrupt. Out of the blue. Completely unexpected.
I was only fifteen. I'd never had a boyfriend; never had a breakup. None of my grandparents had died, nor anyone else close to me. I'd never experienced heartbreak before.
I said okay and hung up the phone. And then I sobbed. 
Utterly heartbroken.
She'd broken our friendship because I wasn't good enough. I wasn't holy enough. I wasn't "christian" enough. 
It was weird for me too, because even in my deep and abiding pain, I understood what she meant about me being a "bad influence." She'd been participating in an online forum called Daughters of Faith or Daughters of god or some such nonsense. She'd taken to wearing jean skirts and high-necked button-down shirts. She had a purity ring and a hope chest and was planning for her eventual marriage and children. She was strongly opposed to kissing before marriage; she was married to god until he saw fit to provide her with a husband.
I, on the other hand, went to public school and was considering college. I had a purity ring too, and had been baptized, but I regularly faced "the devil" in the faces of my classmates. I had to put on the armor of god every day, become a fierce warrior for the lord. Not to mention, I'd even had crushes at the ripe old age of fifteen. Who knew what could happen? I could be swayed to give into temptation at any time. And despite my obsession with perfection, my desperation to understand holiness and to be pure enough for heaven—even I understood how close to danger I stood every day. 
Her logic made sense. Though understanding didn't make it hurt any less.
Fast forward to when I was seventeen. I started dating my first boyfriend; I was a senior in high school and he was a freshman in college. 
He believed god meant for us to be together, for life. We were going to get married. But, he wanted to do everything the "right" way, so he set boundaries. No kissing, no touching except for hand-holding, no being alone together in a room with a closed door, no seeing each other's bedrooms—those are just the rules I remember. There were a lot more.
I believed him when he told me he felt it was god's will for us to be together. I wasn't planning to go to college; I would wait for him to graduate (he was a year older than me), and then we would marry and I would begin my life as a wife and mother. But he would ask me sometimes, "Do you feel it? Do you feel that it's god's will to be with me?" and I would reply, "No, but I trust you."
Then one day he said to me, "I have to make a confession. I got drunk as a swim party last night and kissed another girl." 
At first, I couldn't even process what he was saying. He hadn't even kissed me, and we'd been dating for over a year. But I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know what I was supposed to feel. 
Was this god testing me? 
I said okay. He asked if I was breaking up with him. I said I had to think about it.
I thought about it for three weeks before I made my decision. Ultimately, I decided I couldn't believe god wanted me to spend my life with someone I couldn't trust. So I broke up with him.
And then I sobbed. Utterly heartbroken.
Fast forward again. I went to college. I moved to a different state. I tried to find christian friends. I went to dozens of churches. I talked with their pastors. I went to their young adult events. I asked questions. And one church at a time, I was shown the door. 
Sometimes it was a subtle rejection—a pastor laughing when I asked a serious question or not responding to an email. 
Sometimes it was blatant, like the time I tried to add a youth leader I'd met five times as a friend on FB, and he messaged me to say he didn't accept friend requests from strangers. Or the time I tried to volunteer, and they said they didn't have any room for me.
Eventually, I switched tactics. Every time I tried a new church, I would say that I was "seeking." After all, that was supposed to be christian code for "Pay attention to me! Potential convert!" 
It didn't work.
I went to church less and less. My high school christian friends had vanished into their own lives. The youth leaders from my teenage years, also gone. I didn't get emails or phone calls from anyone. Didn't even see them when I went home to visit my family.
It became clear to me that no one wanted me. I was alone with only meager scraps of my christianity left. And there was no one to help me piece them back together.
Maybe this was another test, I thought. But the thing was, if my childhood best friend didn't want me, nor my ex-boyfriend who I thought loved me, nor any of the pastors or leaders or christians I'd encountered in my travels—what evidence was there that god himself wanted me? 
He didn't talk to me. He didn't answer my prayers. He didn't give me peace. He didn't offer me comfort in my loneliness. He didn't put up any neon signs that said, "This is the church for you." And he certainly didn't answer any of my bottomless list of questions.
And neither did the people who purported to be his hands and feet—and mouthpieces presumably. 
About a year after I graduated from college, I flew to Los Angeles to visit my only remaining high school friend. They took me to the Getty Center, where we stood and looked out over a vivid west coast sunset.
"Can I tell you something?" I asked.
"Anything," they said. 
"I don't think I'm a christian anymore." 
"That's okay." 
And with those words, my last scrap of faith burned up in that flaming red sun. 
No horde of demons rushed into my mind, if you can believe it. I wasn't dragged to hell by Satan. I didn't even feel bad.
Instead, I felt free. Freer than I ever had.
I was still heartbroken, but it was different this time. Because rather than being rejected and betrayed by those who were supposed to love me in the name of christ, this time, I had been the one to turn my back on them. It was my choice. I'd made my own path. 
And already, in the first moments of my new life, there was someone there to walk alongside me.
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sophsun1 · 1 year
You know, I went into it thinking ‘if the gays made it through this in 2005, I can get through it in 2023’ and now I’m finished with the finale but at what cost? To quote Brian after they shut down Babylon ‘my heart’s broken…my soul crushed!’ I have so many thoughts and feelings and opinions. I mean, I immediately knew this show will make an impact on me in more ways than one but holy shit, this is gonna hurt for a while. Britin deciding not to get married (although I’m not really eh about that because it makes sense) and I love that little moment in bed they had were they realized that neither want the other or themselves to give things up. (Although that freak out from Justin over cuddling was so fucking cringe..sir he cuddled you after Ethan dumped you and you came home to Brian waiting for you) but when they called off the wedding, that hurt in a way not gonna lie, although Debbie immediately made it funny. I gotta say as a sidenote, I actually really hated the whole ‘let’s run to Canada where they love us’ from Mel and Linds, like horrible things happen everywhere and there’s homophobia everywhere..Would kind of expect Mel to know that but whatever. Brian’s goodbye to Linds and Gus killed me! (Also side note: I actually really hated the ambush from Linds and Mel about Justin, i get it, it’s for the plot, but it felt like ‘oh we’re going away and gonna be happy, why don’t we meddle one more time to ruin Brian’s happiness’). And then the break up. Well not really but yeah, that one hurt. I bawled my eyes out. He kept the rings! The ‘it’s only time’ (btw that speech made me think of something completely else that i noticed but i also don’t wanna ramble bc I’m already doing too much) THE KISS! That felt like they were holding on to the last piece of a floating board after a ship went down, desperate to get last few breaths of air before they sunk. And that entire sex scene?? I GASPED! When i realized what was being shown over them. The first time and the last. It made me cry so fucking hard. It was just so beautiful. And when Brian, hugged him at the end and snuggled up? Only for the fade out to happen? IM SUING THEM ALL! (That actually angered me because Justin deserved much much much more! And so did Brian! But the heartbreak is still there) and then when they show Brian in the apartment alone? Fuck. I hate it! I actually wish they would’ve ended it at the fade out ngl. Because the whole scene afterwards with Michael was kind of dumb. It just felt like Brian was trying to let Michael know, he’s changed in some ways and done with certain parts of his life and yet the person who spent an entire season angry about him being that person, now suddenly wants him to go back to being Brian Kinney for fucks sake! Anyway, i sobbed my eyes out especially because Brian was all alone dancing in the end, just felt like a knife to the heart. Because why would you give the self hated, depressed, abused character a happy ending? Ughhh i have so many more thoughts but im already doing too much with this.
Hey anon!
I don't think the gays made it through in 2005 either, tbh 😭
Pretty much everything you're feeling is kind of the universal opinion, so welcome to the 'heartbroken by S5 club' *hands you a badge*
The entire dialogue with the cuddling was just so badly written and so over the top by Justin. Overall the writing across this season was so weak. Mel and Linds ending was very rushed shipping them off to Canada, and absolutely did not appreciate their meddling into britin's relationship but again for the plot!
THE KISS! That felt like they were holding on to the last piece of a floating board after a ship went down, desperate to get last few breaths of air before they sunk. - what a beautiful description ❤
I never can watch the scene of Brian on the podium with Proud playing because I well up instantly. I'm forever mad that was Justin's last scene he deserved to be there at Babylon. Brian's arc ending like that was cruel, because he gave so much to everyone over the five years, and to end up essentially back at square one but worse losing all the love he collected was not it.
Also I'm so glad you experienced the show with the original soundtrack!
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wienzard93 · 2 years
misguided admiration
another genshin character rambling; kamisato ayaka
i just realized why i have my reservation for ayaka. she reminded me so much of a friend i had back in my college days. there’s this post i made way back about “self reflection” and my experience.
first and foremost i’ve never been the ‘savior’ kind of person. i’m not an extrovert. i’m self-proclaimed the most introvert out there to a point of chronic hermit. but when i’m placed in a group settings (especially those with small groups) i become very social. my switch is just kind of flipped on to mold into the situation and condition needed me to be. this isn’t me being ppl pleaser. far from it. this is me trying to socialize and try to ‘human’ and to fit in with society.
while i’m very aware and familiar of human behaviors and their patterns, i’m not actually able to feel sympathy towards most ppl i talked to. i empathize with them. it’s very different. for me when i listened to someone i tried to put myself in their situation and condition, understanding how they feel and course of action. but in my brain, i know i’m not them. when said person look to me for advice, i always can do it bcs i automatically compared that simulation of their experience to my memory and past experiences. i’ve always been aware the divide between me and others and that i’ll never completely understand other people. bcs their life is theirs, so is mine. we have different way of thinking, therefore there will never be a 100% understanding, at most maybe 80%-90%.
when i tried to understand someone i spend my time with them. i do this especially for my friends in equal manner. i always tried to split my time for what small circle i have and have quality times. most usually have no problem with my intense need of that quality times while others reacted in two ways. either they turned off and gradually moving away, or they ended up having a crush on me.
what happened between ayaka and traveler happened to me two or three times in my 4 years of undergraduate alone. one of them almost escaped my attention until my bestfriend told me about that one guy who had a crush on me. i don’t even want to think about when i was younger, maybe there are others that i didn’t know.
people like ayaka never knew what companionship is. it’s more than just spending times together and having your thoughts and words heard. they’re akin to a person who is dying of thirst in a desert. that ‘water’ is affection. affection isn’t always romantic, it can be platonic too. the way i spent my time is how i show my affection to my friends and family. unfortunately some ppl who never had a friend or received a healthy amount of attention given to them, me spending time with them means i gave them ‘special’ attention and in reaction to that the person began to develop feelings overtime.
it’s always the shy smiles, the eagerness to have more time together..
i had to reject someone’s heart multiple times, with different people, because of this misguided admiration. on one hand i can’t and couldn’t blame them for thinking the way they did. they never knew what and how genuine friendship works. on the other hand i felt bad for them. it always sent me into this spiral of ‘what did i do?’ ‘what did i say?’ ‘was it ok for me to do that?’ from time to time.
also, i hate seeing someone’s crying or sad or heartbroken because of me.
i guess in a way ayaka reminded me of that one girl i rejected in my college days. i feel the need to stay away from her to avoid the growing sentiments from ayaka. it was unbidden for me. especially after how ayaka’s character story ended. the other reason for me not liking her is bcs she IS kind of mary sue. she has the illusion of being the perfect noble lady; rich, smart, beautiful, strong and she IS meta in-game. a lot of ppl use her bcs how OP she is. adding to that i found myself hating the metaslaves part of the fandom. they’re rude, some are so full of themselves and thinks the world revolved around them.
there are layers to my feelings for ayaka’s characterization. as much as i try to redeem her in my brain, i simply cannot bring myself to like her. i just can’t.
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crabbyvenusian · 2 years
So, I am at a loss for what’s currently going on in my life. I have been struggling with bills and rent pretty much for this whole entire year due to a bunch of different reasons. But boy oh boy, has this week taken the cake for how difficult it has been to survive lately.
So, I lost my EBT card which I rely pretty heavily on. I have an INSANE amount on my card but because I have lost it, I have not been able to buy groceries for myself and my family the past month and a half. I have been having to use money that I already didn’t have on food just to get through the days until the next paycheck. Which, my bills are already piled up but now they’re even MORE piled up with that alone. Suddenly, the stability I was so close to getting just got ripped away from me. I have tried all sorts of numbers to try to get help but I have had no luck at all. That’s a whole separate post on its own.
Then, my lovely apartment complex decided to do an “annual inspection” (bs bc I’ve lived here 3 years and NEVER had an inspection) which ended with me getting a $2350 fine for “damages we didn’t report” and for having pets (the only valid piece they have honestly). The damages? Things that were never fixed in my apartment that we reported multiple times to begin with. They sawed a whole entire gigantic hole in my bathroom and didn’t fix it for an entire YEAR. Again, that’s another post completely that I can go off about.
So, now I’m running errands. It’s great. I get my WIC benefits renewed, I get my medication, I see my mom. Now, I’m at subway. Finally coming to terms with the fact I might get evicted along with my five pets that I fucking adore. I get into my car to finally spend the day home with my daughter and my boyfriend. Suddenly, the car stops turning on. My new car battery fucking died on me. I try and I try and I try to turn it on but nothing works. I had to walk home with all the stuff that I got from today and speed walk as fast as I can so my food doesn’t get cold (it did).
As if it couldn’t get worse, an hour later my light gets cut. Something I knew was coming eventually but I prayed it would come in December when I would have the money to pay it. But nope. It happens today. I have $76 in my account and no card will go through so I can get it turned back on.
I just feel so defeated. I don’t know what’s going on and I feel so speechless. This is all the condensed version of events because really, it has been such a weight trying to do all of this and not enough words can explain the absolute fuckery that is happening. I am incredibly sad that I may lose my beloved first apartment. I’m sad if my car can’t get fixed. I’m sad I may lose my pets which have been bringing me sanity this entire year I’ve had them. I’m sad to acknowledge the fact that as much as I have tried to keep things together, it will not be enough this time. I’m heartbroken. My spirit feels crushed and tired. It’s only Tuesday.
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huunov · 7 months
You- I can’t believe I am writing this but we are over for good.
I am so deeply heartbroken I haven’t stopped crying, I truly cherished you so much it breaks my heart that we are no longer talking.
You were always more then just a guy to me, you were really my bestest friend, the one person I’d go ran to tell anything that happened small or big you’d be the first person I’d think of sharing everything with.
I don’t know how I’ll be able to over come this and I don’t know if I’ll ever allow anyone else to get this close to me.
I wanted to have a future with you and I wanted to marry you, I really could see spending the rest of my life with you and for all that to come crumbling down it’s so devastating.
I know it’s only been 5 months since we’ve been talking but those 5 months have really felt like 5 years and you’ve completely took over my life.
You’re all I think about and all I want.
The memories of you are haunting me and I keep checking my messages to see if you sent me a text.
I just want to turn back time and I want to go back to how it was.
To us watching ghibli movies and me asking you silly questions.
I miss you so much and I don’t know if I’ll ever fill the hole you’ve left.
You’ve changed my life completly, I don’t know if I will ever be able to get over you.
I remember I sent you that poem of how two people meet again at a supermarket and they buy fruits that rot in different bowls because they both married other people and thinking that the thought of that happening to us breaks my heart but now that is our actual reality.
I guess I should be lucky to have experienced being loved by you, but losing that love makes me wish I never had known it.
The loneliness I feel right now is soul crushing.
It’s making me not want to live life, life without you doesn’t seem worth living.
I really can’t be without you, I just want us to turn back time and go back to how it was but that will never happen.
I don’t know how to go on from here honestly, I don’t want to sound dramatic and I’m embarrassed to admit at how heartbroken I am over a man but I’ve never experienced heartbreak like this in my whole life.
I would have wanted to spend a life time with you, build a life with you, I wouldn’t have cared if you had any money or if my family didn’t like you, to me you were genuinely perfect. I’d have let my family talk shit about me because I know you’re love is more then worth it.
Our connection was so pure and so rare, it’s impossible to replace it.
You’re a once in a lifetime and I’m beyond heartbroken that you will not be my forever.
You will marry someone else and be someone else’s forever, you will love someone else and I’ll always wish I was her.
I will always wish I was her.
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 305
Let the Good Times Roll/The Tsuranga Conundrum
“Let the Good Times Roll”
Plot Description: the Winchesters help Jack solve a murder, Lucifer shows Jack his true self, and Dean makes a risky deal with Michael
(It’s some time before I’m watching and I’m already worried about what Dean’s up to)
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I don’t think we’re getting a typical one as this is a season finale, but if so…some werewolves died, and I’m not a werewolf
Honestly AW!Bobby is right. The shit (except the shape of water winning best picture) does make our world feel like the apocalypse world
Oh, someone did die…probably the victim of the murder Jack will want to solve
I love how back and forth the boys go on being able to retire from this. Dean’s back on the “we totally can! And we’ll bring Cas! And we’ll have matching Hawaiian shirts!” That’s how you know he’s gonna do some dumb fucking shit today
Godddd, every time Dean bonds with Jack 😭 especially with how they started out. HE SEES JACK AS FAMILYYYYYYY
Cas doesn’t have a way to put things delicately, and I love that about him
Son of a bitch, you can’t just disappear like that, Jack. Dude, this kid looks innocent at. Just because Maggie had a crush on him doesn’t make him her killer
When Castiel gets to pick the FBI agent names, you know it’s going to be good. And today didn’t disappoint: agents Rowland, Knowles, and Williams (and I think he made Dean Beyoncé…I backed up. He DID!)
Shit. While Jack was beating himself up over how he keeps hurting people (intentionally or not), Lucifer found him, and Michael found Agents Destiny’s Child
Lying to Jack was a mistake, Sam…sure, it would have hurt to know you intentionally left Lucifer behind. But this is worse…
Fuuuuuck fuck fuck. Jack starting to see things from Luci’s perspective is not great. The difference between them is that Jack feels true remorse, and I don’t think Luci’s capable
Ok…”solving a murder” doesn’t usually involve the victim coming back to life. This is supernatural, not pushing daisies
They really need to do better warding on the bunker, I think.
Michael always walks in like such a badass, too bad he’s just an ass
Jack’s not even close to being done. Did you not know he vowed to kill your big brother, Lucifer? Jack is…ridiculously strong. He was about to kill Michael in a matter of seconds
He’s so heartbroken. Everything he hoped for for his father-son bonding is completely gone. Jack wants to protect the people he met in AW, he wants to protect the people of this world, and what did lucifer do? Brought Michael here, traded every soul on the planet for Jack, and then he killed Maggie (even though it didn’t stick)
You didn’t “really try” you lied to Jack the whole time, you hurt the people he cares about, and you thought that would get you on his good side?
FUCK. He just stole Jack’s grace. I hate this. I hate this so much. AND he had Sam?!
Dean. Dean, don’t you dare. I can see what you’re thinking. That was like…9 seasons ago. Please don’t offer yourself up as a vessel for Michael.
DAMMIT, DEAN! Cas, stop him
I knew Sam would offer his life up to save Jack’s. He’d let Jack kill him, and of course Jack would rather kill himself than Sam. The Winchester influence
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They’re fighting in the air. No spn battle has looked this dumb
Did they finally beat Lucifer once and for all? Oh shit. The wing imprint says yes. What does this mean for the balance of the universe?
Jensen isn’t as good at playing different people possessing him as Misha is. That or Michael is just the Bella Swan of spn, very limited emotional range
“The Tsuranga Conundrum”
Plot Description: The Doctor and her friends must band together with a group of strangers to survive
Is that the guy from Ted Lasso (I’ve never seen the show but my dash was flooded with it when it was on, so I’ve basically seen it)? He doesn’t sound like I thought he would
Untagged mpreg in Doctor Who canon?!
I can’t believe she tricked that guy into letting her check the more dangerous escape pod by doing the whole “I’m going to say the thing you just said to get you to say the thing I want”…thing
That alien is so cute and so destructive
I’m now understanding why people would say the writers did not really give Thirteen enough to do. It’s been five episodes and there’s been zero emotional depth. And the adventures have not been that good, I’m sorry
Cool. The alien is basically indestructible and it’s skin is toxic and you shouldn’t even ever engage with it
Omg, this other alien ACTUALLY functions like 4 year old me thought humans did “boys give birth to boys, and girls give birth to girls.”
Oh, Ryan, your daddy issues are showing. This dude knows he’s not fit to parent, and you ask if he’ll miss his son. And when he shrugs, your heart breaks in a million pieces
Permission to jump through the screen to give Ryan a hug? His mom died suddenly when he was 13, and he’s the one who found her. And…I can’t tell for sure, but it sounded like that’s when his dad left him 💔💔
I’ve a little bit lost the plot, but the gist is that things are just going to hell all over the place on this giant ship with like ten beings at most on it, and they’re trying to do a much less impressive “everybody lives” (well, except for Ted Lasso guy, but at least he died early on)
Why make Yaz pick a number 1-100 to determine the number of seconds til you detonate the bomb if you wanted something higher than 51? Like…just set it for 100
These siblings do not talk like siblings. You can tell they’re not close despite spending all this time on the same ship
Ryan! Give Graham a fist bump, he’s earned it
He named his son Avocado?! Who does he think he is? Gwenyth Paltrow? (She’s the one who called her kid Apple, right? I…lost track of celebrity kid names)
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