#so easy to tell when he done snuck and ate some shit it’s just in his fur
ohimsummer · 6 months
4 notes · View notes
scoops-aboy86 · 4 months
♠️♥️ once again! It's Halloween time and for the past month Steve has been chauffeuring the kids around for whatever they wanted (all with attitude of course) and he can't help the annoyance he feels dealing with them, especially Mike. Sometimes he and Eddie get together and talk about what little shits they are, and Halloween night the two get the idea to get a little revenge. All in good fun of course. They all gather at Steve's house and the two make the plan to get the kids (teens now wow) to leave their candy with him while Eddie distracts them and to basically fool them by making them think he ate it all. Of course he has backup candy bags (the good stuff; full size candy bars), but now he has to figure out where to dump their actual candy. He can't hide it because that's too obvious and he technically has to pretend to have eaten it all so Steve concludes to actually just eat it (a horrible idea really, but this was a last minute prank and the joint he smoked an hour ago doesn't help either).
With Eddie and the kids gone he gets started: flicks on a scary movie and settles into the couch, all six candy bags nestled by his side. Chocolates and gummies, licorice and skittles, little bags of treats slowly popped into his mouth. One after the other, Steve methodically unwrapping, chewing, and swallowing. After awhile the taste gets a little old so he cracks open a coke. He's halfway through the third bag when his stomach cramps, gurgling loudly from all the sugar and fizz. He shimmies a bit before unbuttoning his pants and continuing with the plan, telling himself it's all for the sake of revenge.
And again, he keeps going, lost in his own gluttony as he tries to pick up the pace before they get back. He's finally down to the last bag when he hears the van pull into the drive way and he bolts up, bloated gut groaning and sloshing. With clumsy hands he grabs the bags and bolts up to his room, locking the door, hiding the evidence and determined to finish the sixth bag. He can hear them in the living room and he's barely chewing as he shoves the candy down his throat, chugging coke to wash it all down.
With one last gulp, he's done it! But with it gone, and his gut too loud to ignore, he catches sight of himself in the mirror and he's positively potbellied. Unbuttoned jeans tight where his gut lays, his polo shirt having ridden up from where it once covered his deep set belly button, lips smeared with chocolate. He couldn't suck in if he tried 🙊 happy halloween!
Oh my god this is so funny, and my first thought is MIKE what did you DO? But it would have to be all of them, for him to target all their candy bags. (Not Erica’s, though. She’d legit slash his tires, and Eddie’s too for aiding and abetting.) But nothing genuinely hurtful, six parts because I like fluff and half a dozen because that would make this a pretty lame revenge. 
Oh! Oh I know… Added some cool (read: kinda nerdy) homemade Halloween costumes, because Eddie can sew and Steve’s is pretty easy, so it’s a little different from what you laid out. 5608 words! Thank you for the prompt, pal, this was a fun one. 
Always one thing after another with these goddamn kids, Steve swears. Sure, it’s not uncovering deadly monsters and government plots anymore… but they’re teenagers now, so it’s still always something. 
Today it’s wax fruit, a fake Oreo, and a plastic pickle snuck into his sandwich (that he had made, how the fuck…?) that looks like Mike must’ve stolen from one of Holly’s old play sets. 
And now, to top it all off, Dustin pretended to hurl and got him with fake vomit. 
It’s a rough April Fool’s day. 
But like, at least they aren’t actively making fun of him for the weight he’s gained since the Upside Down ordeals had ended for good. Everyone laughs just as hard when Mike gets Will with a wax apple, and that kid is still a string bean. 
“Mike needs to branch out from pranking people he has a crush on,” Eddie mutters darkly later that night, when it’s just the big kids having some good old-fashioned off duty babysitters time around the pool. 
Steve, confused, is about to ask what he means from behind his (fake pickle free) sandwich, but Robin coughs on a mouthful of beer so instead he has to pound on her back until some of it comes out her nose. 
“Jesus Steve, did you have to thump so hard?!”
“I thought you were choking!!” 
Robin sticks out her tongue and pushes him into the pool, and in his flailing attempts to avoid his fate Steve manages to snag Eddie and drag him in with him. 
Then Nancy sputters “Steve, again?” while laughing so hard that she can barely breathe. It reminds Steve of how he’d dragged her into the pool on purpose the first night they’d—
Steve’s cheeks flame immediately. He’s only actually told Robin how he feels (thinks he feels? is starting to feel?) about Eddie, but Nancy is smart and she knows him, he’s not shocked that she’s noticed. So he has to splash both her and Robin, obviously, before they give away anything. 
Unfortunately, Eddie takes the opportunity to latch onto him like a barnacle and pull him over, so Steve misses and douses Argyle instead, and—
—Steve still remembers, come October. He wants to get them back, but to do that successfully he’s going to need backup. Tough, with both Robin and Nancy off at college and Jon and Argyle back in California, but not impossible.
He swallows down his nerves and asks Eddie. No big deal, they hang out together practically every day these days. Practically best friends. Except… Steve hasn’t exactly told him the reason he doesn’t take girls out on dates anymore. 
“A revenge prank, you say,” Eddie murmurs, hands in front of his mouth and fingertips drumming together in intrigue. He’s sprawled in one of Steve’s kitchen chairs with one leg over a wooden arm like no one ever taught him how to sit like a human. It should be ungodly uncomfortable, but the dude looks perfectly at ease. Weirdo, Steve thinks affectionately. “I like it. Do you have anything in mind, or are we brainstorming?”
“Brainstorming,” Steve confirms, and they relocate to the living room and get to smoking about it over bowls of the spaghetti bolognese he just finished making. 
Eddie’s condition for helping is that they plan matching Halloween costumes, and since they both know the boys are pulling their old props out of closets and attics to suit up as the Ghostbusters again, it’s not difficult to decide on a theme. 
“No no no, we can’t be the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster,” Steve protests with a laugh, waving his hand through the smoke in the air. Since he’s currently holding the joint, the motion paints all new swirling shapes before them. 
“Why not?” Eddie squawks, and steals the joint back before it can ash anywhere unfortunate. 
“Because you have the hair to play Sigourney Weaver, but I could never pass for Rick Moranis. It totally wouldn’t work, man.”
“Dude, work with me here! What else are we going to be, Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?”
“I…” Steve pauses. He’s seen Ghostbusters, and remembers the Gozer the Gozarian costume from the end of the movie. Can he turn down an opportunity to see Eddie in a nude body stocking and heels? “… Yeah, okay.”
Apparently not. Can he survive it? Remains to be seen, but he’ll find out eventually. 
“Wait, really?” A disbelieving grin spreads across Eddie’s face, making both dimples pop. “You’d put on the little hat, sailor’s collar, and neckerchief for me, Stevie?”
And it’s not that Steve didn’t register the other half of the deal, but he doesn’t really mind. High as he is at the moment, his hand drifts to the belly he’s put on since high school—the munchies keep hitting him in waves and he’s already finished most of the would-be leftovers from the pot in the kitchen, so he’s a little bloated right now. He giggles and gives himself a pat. “I mean, why not? I’m in shape for it, aren’t I?”
The pat knocks loose a burp that sneaks up and out of his mouth as soon as he’s finished talking, but Eddie laughs so brightly that Steve forgets to be embarrassed. 
“I’ve got it,” Eddie gasps once he’s pulled himself together again. “Steve. Steve, you could be the one hundred foot marshmallow man summoned to destroy… their Halloween candy.”
“Destroy it?”
“Yes! It’ll be your revenge for all that fake food! I can be a distraction, while you confiscate all their hard-earned, tooth-rotting treats. They come back—oh no, they’ll weep!”
“Weep?” Steve snorts. Eddie rolls his eyes. 
“They’ll weep, Who stole our candy? Who could have done such a thing? With much gnashing of teeth. And you make your appearance, maybe smear some chocolate sauce around your mouth to really sell it, and say, That’s what you get for all that wax fruit.”
“I guess I could do that,” Steve says slowly. When Eddie offers him the joint again he accepts, taking a hit absently as he mulls it over. “Kinda mean though, stealing their candy. Waking all over the place to get that stuff is a lot of work.”
Eddie shrugs. “Get ‘em candy from the store. The full-size bars and shit. Then once they’ve learned their lesson, they can have that; everything’ll be fine and you get your own trick-and-treat stash. Oh—” he flails with excitement at another idea, and Steve can’t help the way it stirs butterflies in his already full stomach to see all that enthusiasm on his behalf—“but before you do, if Dustin gives you shit, you gotta say something like, What, are you so sad you could puke, Dusty-buns? That’ll show him.”
It makes Steve laugh, a warm feeling growing in his chest to know that they’re good enough friends for Eddie to come up with zany schemes on his behalf. He already knows he’ll go through with it, if Eddie is serious. 
Several weeks later it’s Halloween, and the plan is set. Everyone (minus Erica, who’s trick-or-treating with friends her own age instead) is coming over after making their rounds through the neighborhoods, and Eddie will take them all to the haunted corn maze at one of the local farms. Steve, meanwhile, will hide their candy and pretend to have eaten it by the time they return. 
It’s a great plan. Eddie comes over around sundown to do some pre-celebrating in the form of hotboxing Steve’s bedroom before all the kids in Hawkins start ringing the doorbell at any house with a front light on. 
And Steve feels like he’s been hit between the eyes with a brick when he opens the door to Eddie’s knocking, because wow. 
That is Eddie. With his hair up. Wearing a nude bodysuit covered in plastic baubles and white feathers. When he blinks, his eyelids are dark red with eyeshadow, just like Gozer’s eyes in the damn movie. And all Steve did was fish out a few elements of his old Scoops uniform—not the one he’d been interrogated by Russians in, he and Robin had burned both of those outfits after Starcourt—and put them on over a white sweater and white pants. 
Eddie leaps across the threshold, strutting around in… oh god, he is wearing heels. Steve has to look up slightly to meet his gaze, and it makes him want to lean in even more than he usually always lowkey does. 
“Gozer the Gozerian,” Eddie howls, baring his teeth in a feral grin as he continues to announce, “Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveller has come!” He jabs a finger towards Steve demandingly. “Choose, and perish!”
Somehow, Steve manages to keep his composure—maybe from all the practice he’s had. He puts his hands on his hips and raises his eyebrows. “I thought I’m the one destroying stuff tonight. Isn’t that the Marshmallow Man’s whole job?”
“Aw, Stevie,” Eddie starts, looking him up and down and… getting distracted for some reason. 
Steve glances down at himself, worried that maybe he’s gotten something about his sweater, but no. And he can’t see anything on his pants either, unless it’s just under where his belly pooches out over the top of his pants and makes it hard to see—he’s made his peace with that, but it makes him nervous now. “So, uh, are we gonna smoke or what, man? Do you even have pockets in that, um… outfit?”
Whatever it was that had snagged Eddie’s attention, he shakes himself out of it to shoot Steve an exaggeratedly put-upon pout. “Sir Stay Puft, you dare question a god? Of course I have pockets.” He reaches towards where the over-layer of fluffy decoration is thickest winding up his torso—the left side, where Steve knows his scars are also the most prominent, even after a year and a half. Turns out there’s a cleverly hidden zipper pouch beneath it, and Eddie produces two roll-ups and a zippo with a cheeky grin. 
So they’re definitely both decently stoned by the time the kids come by. The four original Party members are in their Ghostbuster suits, as expected: Will as Winston, Dustin as Egon, Lucas as Ray, and Mike as Venkman. El has her short but growing out hair curled and a guitar case slung across her back (presumably because no one had seen fit to let the kids borrow a cello, which was for the best). Max, in her wheelchair, is green from head to waist and styled to look like Slimer on top of the hotel maid cart from the movie. 
“Oh shit,” she crows when she registers Steve and Eddie’s costumes. “Okay, you nerds are definitely outnumbered in terms of ghost power now. Looks like I chose the right side.” 
The three of them exchange high fives, before Steve insists on getting pictures. “You know your mom will love it,” he says pointedly to Dustin. “And since she cooks me dinner more often than any of you—”
“I cook for you sometimes,” Eddie pipes up. Which is true. But mentioning Mrs. Henderson’s cooking has already reminded Steve’s high brain that he hasn’t eaten much since Eddie arrived, not wanting to get spills or crumbs on his glaringly white outfit, so Steve just waves him off, distracted. He feels his stomach give a quiet little grumble. 
“Yeah yeah, I know you do. I’m talking to the twerps.”
“We’re not—”
“Anyway,” Steve says loudly over Mike, clapping both hands together, “come on people, pictures! Everybody! Let’s go!”
They manage to get a few shots of the entire group using the timer feature on Steve’s parents’ fancy camera (that they’ve never used). He has no idea if any of them will be any good from the way he can hear Eddie muttering encouragement for everyone to strike weird poses right before the flash goes off, but at least they’ll be funny. Poses are much more encouraged for the rest of the photos, featuring the Ghostbusters battling their different ghostly opponents. El seems a little annoyed that she doesn’t have anything in particular to do, and thankfully no one suggests that she try to act out Dana possessed by Zuul—that’d be a little too close to home. 
So the last couple shots are of El fending off all three ghosts with her ‘cello’ case, delightedly shouting “Get away from her, you bitch,” no matter how many times the boys try to explain that yes that was Sigourney Weaver, but in a different movie. 
And then—
“Okay,” Eddie says loudly, clapping his hands and winking unsubtly at Steve, “who’s up for the haunted corn maze? Gozer is granting you lame little mortals a ride too and from, otherwise my associate Mr. Stay Puft here will be free to step on you with impunity—”
Ten chaotic minutes later, Steve is alone in a house full of candy and an empty stomach. He rubs absently at it while dumping all the kids’ candy bags out on the kitchen island counter. As he goes, he makes backup bags to send them home with—plain brown paper, the same ones he always used to take his lunches to school in—and matches every  fun-sized bar he dumps out with a full-sized bar he drops in. 
If he hesitates on a few of his favorite kinds of candy, no one has to know. Mostly, though, his thoughts are a mix of Claudia Henderson’s lasagna and wishing he were at the haunted corn maze with Eddie. He’s taken dates to the haunted maze before, it’s not that hard to find a dark corner where no one would realize it’s a guy he’s trying to woo, especially with the form-fitting Gozer costume thrown into the mix… But, well, they’ve spent a decent amount of extra time together while plotting this—read: getting high and congratulating each other on being so devious and smart—and that will have to do for now.
When alternate bags are all done, he grabs a Coke from the fridge and slurps at it while sorting the remaining candy into different bowls: one for just chocolate, one for nuts, one for nuggat, one for toffee, one for sour, and one for the rest. And then… he takes them all out to the living room couch, along with a new six-pack of Cokes. Fully aware of what he’s doing, but still floaty enough from the weed that he’s not really sure when he made the decision. 
The plan was to stash the stolen candy and share it with Eddie later, but he’s hungry. Probably won’t finish it all, anyway. There will still be some—and even if there’s not, he can always buy more. Doesn’t care right now, he’s hungry. He hasn’t eaten since, like… lunch. 
And, fine, yes, his weight has really gotten away from him, especially lately. He’s spent all summer whenever he wasn’t working lounging by the pool in his backyard, working on his annual tan while completely unbothered by danger beyond forgetting to apply enough sunscreen. Relaxing. Snacking. Drinking, sometimes beer but most commonly pop. He gets to do this now, he’s earned it, and he’s really enjoying himself. 
Steve settles himself amongst the candy bowls with a VHS in the player and a hand on his belly. It’s so soft and squishy, he usually ends up touching it one way or another these days; now, he feels all over the way it spills into his lap a little, kneading at it like a stress ball. With his other hand, he reaches for a Snickers bar and melts into the couch as it hits his tongue. 
Most of the trick-or-treat candy is small for each one to fit in his mouth in one go, and anything larger is a challenge that he meets with happy enthusiasm. 
After that initial bite, he starts with his least favorites, wolfing them down to get it over with and washing each mouthful down quickly with a Coke chaser. When he gets to the stuff he likes okay he lets himself slow down, still going at a steady pace but allowing himself to really taste and only popping a new Coke can as a palate cleanser when his mouth feels thick with chocolate and other layers of sweetness.
He’s no longer hungry at this point, but he’s not full, either. Maybe a little pinched though, so he sucks his fingers clean, shifts around a bit and leans until he can get at his waistband, and unbuttons his pants with a sigh. Stroking the red lines of his tummy as he reaches for a Three Musketeers, barely aware that it juts out a little more every time he frees it from his jeans these days. 
This is where he pauses to revive the tail end of the second joint he and Eddie had started just before the kids came over, sinking into the high and further into the couch with a pumpkin-shaped bowl balanced on his soft chest. He pours the little packets of M&Ms and Skittles into his mouth at the same time, just to see how it tastes, and it’s weird but he doesn’t hate it. Does that with the rest of them to try and decide if he likes the combo, and whines a little (he’ll never admit it) when they run out before he can reach a conclusion. The pumpkin-shaped bowl is empty. 
As Steve gets to his favorite candies (these in a regular white bowl, it matches his outfit) he picks up speed again. Somehow the movie is almost over, he’s hardly even watched it, and there’s only so much time left before Eddie’s van rumbles up into his driveaway again. He’s unwrapping the next two candies while still chewing, barely taking breaths between bites, trying to hurry and relishing every second of his impromptu and very unhealthy feast. 
He’s so enraptured with the unending parade of sweetness on his tongue, the constant chewing and swallowing and chewing and swallowing, that he almost misses the telltale sounds outside. (The movie is over, nothing of interest showing on the TV screen, when did that happen?) Frantic, he sweeps as many wrappers as he can out of his lap before going to stand up. It takes him a few tries, he’s so sunken into his spot, and when he finally manages it, red-faced and puffing and buzzing with adrenaline and sugar rush and the remaining high, he has to put a hand under his full, heavy belly in order to move around comfortably. Not quite cramping, not quite stuffed, just… a really satisfying stretch. 
But guess who doesn’t have time to enjoy it! God, he fucking hates being rushed these days. 
Eddie has a key. They’ll let themselves in, so all Steve has to do is get to his bedroom with the last of his stolen haul and two remaining Cokes from the six-pack. He gets there, barely, before he hears the front door swing open, hustling so fast up the stairs that the motion keeps jostling burps from between his chocolate-smeared lips. And then he’s in, sagging back against the closed door. Candy bowl clutched up by his chest and pops set on the floor nearby to get one open and bring it to his thirsty mouth. 
Okay, so maybe his exercise regimen has gotten a little bit lax lately. Maybe all he usually does is walk between his bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and his car. Maybe he still sweats just as much despite getting around a lot less, because it costs him more effort than it used to…
No time to think about that, Steve tells himself dazedly. He needs to finish. The last of the candy is already unwrapped; he pushes the empty wrappers aside and grabs a handful, undiscriminating as he crams it in his mouth. One mouthful, then a second with hardly time to swallow, breathing hard through his nose. The treats act as a natural gag for his whimpers, fullness finally catching up to him, squirming on his padded ass with a muffled groan as the sensation sends a bolt of lighting straight south. Another handful, that’s basically the last of it, and he washes it down by chugging desperately at his Coke. Finishes it, claps a hand over his mouth to contain an inevitable belch—luckily, it’s covered by the start of indignant shouting from the living room. 
And he knows the scene he’s left. Trick-or-treat bags scattered haphazardly around the kitchen, empty. The living room couch littered with empty bowls and empty wrappers. Destruction at the hands (and mouth) of Mr. Stay Puft.
His jaw hurts, but there’s only a little bit left. Just a little more, and he finds that he wants it. Wants to finish the challenge… No, the prank, this is… to get the kids back… He feels so hazy between the pot and his overfull state, tipping the very last of the candy into his mouth and chewing with his mouth open, head tipped back against the door, exhausted. And then dutifully reaches for the last can of Coke, opens it, and pours that down his throat too. Breaks away from the lip of the can with a weak cry and another series of burps, even starting to hiccup which makes him whimper and clutch at himself, overheated and churning gut too loud to ignore and too tight in his skin, or maybe in his clothes, or both, he just—
“Steve?” Eddie calls through the door, sounding a little uncertain. “Karen just picked up half the kids and Joyce got the other half, I gave them all the replacement candy already. Are you… You good in there?”
“Eds,” he pants, groans, hiccups. “Je—hic—Jesus, I’m so.” He carefully lays both hands on either side of his distended belly in an attempt to soothe it. “I, I did it, I ate—urrrrrrp, fuck—ate all of it. Did it, Eddie. I’m so… Feel like I’m gonna explode…”
And he does, an overheated tingly sort of feeling washing through him in waves, his heartbeat pounding in his stomach and his ears and his dick. Not the first time it’s happened, the way he eats, but he’s gone all out tonight and the sensation of being ready to pop has seeped from his stomach to also encompass his hard-on. Part of him wants to keep going, but he doesn’t have anything else, couldn’t possibly fit any more down his throat, but he wants to do something.  Needs it. Needs…
“Eddie,” he groans, “he—hic—elp me.”
He can feel Eddie trying the door, but with Steve’s weight leaning against it there’s no way it’ll open. “Uh, I’m trying, I can’t…”
Laboriously, Steve kind of… rolls himself to one side, enough to haul himself onto his knees. He has to pause there, and again when he drops down onto his hands, and again after he crawls forward the barest few inches. Eddie tries the door again and it swings right into the meat of Steve’s ass, slapping against the tight denim and making Steve cry out, making him wobble and sway with a fresh wave of arousal that he absolutely didn’t expect but can’t help reveling in. He wants to drop down right there, he’s so tired and achingly horny, but knows instinctively that he can’t land on his belly like that. So he soldiers through, digging deep just to finish crawling to one side and slump against the plaid wallpaper instead. 
He breathes shallowly and waits for Eddie to come help him. 
The first look Eddie gets of Steve makes his eyes damn near pop out of his skull. Steve looks positively pot-bellied, spilling over his unbuttoned, unzipped pants like that, his belly button half uncovered and deep. Couldn’t suck in if he tried. He has chocolate and traces of candy-coating color all over his face and smeared on his sweater from all the times he’d thought he’d sucked his fingers clean but not quite, rubbing whatever was still on them into the fluffy knit. Messy, telling smudges at the bottom hem where he’d absently tried to pull the shirt down throughout his binge. It didn’t work; there’s a chocolate-smudged lip of far more than a mere muffin top bulging out the bottom, resting on his thighs. Jesus H. Christ, it almost looks like he’s doubled in size since Eddie last saw him a few hours ago, was there really that much candy in the kids’ bags?!
Eddie’s shoe knocks against an empty can as he enters the room, sending it spinning, and he supposes that’s his answer. It must be the combined efforts of candy and carbonated syrup water that have Steve so bloated, fizzing away in there. 
When he’d first walked in a few hours ago and seen Steve in costume, his breath had caught in his throat mid sentence. Super embarrassing, but what was he supposed to do? One minute they’d been talking about costumes, so stoned and loose-tongued that Eddie had suggested they be the goddamned Gatekeeper and Keymaster—characters that had canonically fucked, just left of onscreen! Next, it was weeks later (and he hadn’t actually blacked out all the time in between, it just felt that way for a second) and his current best friend and longtime crush opened the door in a tight sweater and pants that looked painted on, wearing a jaunty little hat atop his magnificent head of hair. The words well hello there sailor had lined up on his tongue like pirates ready to walk the plank. He’d had to think very hard about how many times he’d accidentally stabbed himself with a needle while sewing the ‘ghostly’ accents onto his costume, just to avoid popping a boner right there in Steve’s foyer. 
There’s just so much of Steve these days. So round, and all of his clothes perpetually tight. And Eddie’s been jerking off to the thought of this happening ever since they came up with this plan, imagining how the siren call of all that candy might make Steve’s mouth water, get his stomach rumbling, make him think that it wouldn’t hurt to have just one then taking another and another and another, insatiable… He just hadn’t expected it to actually happen.
“Eddie,” Steve groans again, looking up at him with pleading, bloodshot eyes. “I’m so full, n-need your help.”
“What can I do?” He drops down into a crouch in front of him immediately. “I’m right here, Stevie. What do you need, sweetheart?”
Okay, he needs to cool it with the pet names. Luckily Steve is already pawing at himself, looking so blazed he might not have even heard. “M’too, m’too hot Eds. Gotta get this off, get… off…”
Jesus H. Christ. 
So Eddie helps him out of the sailor collar and no longer pristine sweater. He tries not to stare but his eyes go wide when he realizes how much it was compressing. Steve groans in relief as it comes off and his entire upper half seems to puff out a little bit more, all covered in thick chest hair. Eddie wants to dig his fingers into it, into all of it, but he has to stay focused. 
Next are the pants, which Steve whines for Eddie to do and then whines more as he’s forced to lift his heavy ass, rock back and forth as Eddie drags the unforgiving fabric down, huffing and puffing between hiccups and burps and mewls of discomfort. Eddie’s dick is about to burst off and start running laps around the room for fuck’s sake, his hands are shaking he wants to touch so badly. Soothe away the stomach ache, tell him how amazing he did, finishing all that candy. Murmur in his ear, ask if that makes the revenge so much sweeter…
To make matters worse, the jeans take Steve’s boxers with them, elastic in the waistband already stretched to the point of uselessness, and Eddie can see so much. Too much, for his composure, as Steve’s cock slaps up against the underside of his belly. 
They both moan at that and Steve turns his head to look at Eddie full on with reddened eyes, tremors running through him that only give him more tantalizing friction against his hairy gut and prompt his hips to rock faster. He’s so blissed out that he doesn’t even break eye contact, just reaches blindly to grab Eddie’s hand and guides it down between his legs, rings and all, where he’s already slippery with precome and sweat and half sliding down the wall to help with holding his own belly out of the way. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes, captivated by the desperate heat in Steve’s gaze. He strokes, reverent but quick. “Holy shit, holy shit Stevie…”
“Eddie,” Steve moans. His eyes roll back, his entire head going with them to thunk against the wall. “L-like that, fuuuck—hic—Oh god, keep, keep doing that, more, Eds, more, I—”
Eddie dives forward and shuts him up with a desperate kiss. He already knows that Steve is going to cause him to ruin this damn Gozer costume he worked so hard on—in the hopes of impressing Steve, actually. Which he must have done, from the way Steve kisses back like he wants to devour him, like even after all that candy Eddie is the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and never wants to be without again. 
Someone has definitely been impressed, and maybe Eddie will have to revisit the possibility of a god or something when he can think again because kissing Steve is heaven. Just… absolutely worth all the pining, even if it never happens again. 
Then Steve goes almost completely slack, breaking the kiss with a wail as he comes in thick, pulsing ropes over Eddie’s fist. His only movements are his legs (thick, biteable, trembling so hard to either side of Eddie’s hips they fall only to jerk up in little spasms as his toes curl) and his mouth (plush lips bitten and messy, twisting into shapes of wordless ecstasy). 
And Eddie has seen Steve relax, seen him indulge… seen him eat steadily through a large spread of snacks while lounging by the pool all summer in a Speedo with a sleepy, content look on his face, but this is the first time he’s really seen him let go. Lost in pure bliss. 
He’s barely thinking when he brings his come-slick hand up, thumbing through the chocolate in the corner of Steve’s mouth before sinking the digit inside. Coming himself, the instant after Steve eagerly closes around it and sucks, licks, drools all over his hand to get it all. Shuddering harder when Steve grips weakly at his wrist and continues laving over each finger one by one, slow but thorough, eyes open and dazed but tracking Eddie’s face. 
Until they’re both still, other than Steve letting out the occasional drowsy hiccup. Eddie’s fingers smooth over his parted lips, receiving faint kitten licks now and then as though Steve just can’t help himself. His other hand cradles the side of Steve’s bulging fullness, gentle against the duality of soft and immovable, in awe that he gets to touch. A part of him is still reeling that this happened at all, that he gets to see Steve so sated and sleepy and bare—except for one sock that’s managed to stay on his foot. 
Jesus H. Christ. Steve’s naked and they’re in his bedroom and they didn’t even make it to the bed.
“Do you, um. Want to lay down?” Eddie whispers. He can feel his face growing hot from the lameness of that question… Steve is practically on his back where he is, enough that he might not be able to see his feet. 
Steve nips at his pointer finger, blinking lazily with a little groan of contentment. “Does that mean I have to move,” he mumbles, but gamely begins to sit up. Eddie, from his crouch, shifts immediately to the side to help him, supports Steve’s back as he huffs his way towards semi-upright against the wall. “Urp—mm, thanks Eds.”
“No problem.” And Eddie doesn’t know why he’s whispering like he’s in a fucking library instead of kneeling in Steve Harrington’s bedroom with jizz sticky and cooling on the inside of his fucking body suit, but he doesn’t want to break whatever spell or dream that’s allowed this to happen. Wants to hold onto Steve a little bit longer, coaxing out little groans of contentment through belly rubs. 
Steve gives Eddie the sweetest smile, sleepy and sated. “Felt so good. Still feels good. Did you…” A flicker of uncertainty crosses his face. “Was it good? Was I good?”
And Eddie just can’t let that doubt linger another second. “You were perfect, sweetheart,” he replies immediately, rubbing slow, soothing stripes along Steve’s side. “Fucking amazing. Move over, Mona Lisa, there’s a new masterpiece in town and his name is Steve Harrington.”
That earns him a laugh, cut off quickly when Steve clutches at his belly with a groan. “O-overdid it. Mm… ‘S fine, ‘s just… a lot.”
“Certainly looks like it.” He leans forward and presses a kiss just north of Steve’s belly button, can’t help cradling it with both hands and rubbing soothingly. “Let’s get you up, okay? Get you in bed.”
Soon enough Eddie has him cleaned up and tucked in. 
“Stay?” Steve sighs, already more than half asleep. 
So Eddie shucks his costume and climbs under the covers behind him, chuckling as Steve sluggishly reaches back and tugs Eddie’s arm over himself, demanding to be snuggled. 
And that’s more or less how they wake up in the morning. 
“Eddie,” Steve says through a yawn, subtly rubbing his naked ass back against Eddie’s naked front. There’s a teasing note in his voice as he continues, “I’m hungry.”
Secure now in the knowledge that this is neither a dream nor some kind of trick, it’s a morning treat that Eddie just can’t resist.
Permanent tag list (ask to be added): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @tangerinesteve @sofadofax
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Kilgharrah: “Kill that child, Merlin.”
Merlin (like a normal person): “No?? What the fuck???”
And with that, everything changed.
Part 2   Part 3(final part)
“You must let the boy die.”
Kilgharrah’s voice echoed incessantly through Merlin’s head for days after the Druid boy’s appearance, and subsequent disappearance. 
Merlin had, of course, ignored the scaly old bastard, and hadn’t once questioned if he’d done the right thing by hiding Mordred away in his tiny bedroom.
If the boy truly had such a terrible destiny, then the best thing for Merlin to do was to keep him close, if not to steer him away from his fate, then to at least be able to see it coming if it was indeed inevitable.
Currently, Morgana was the only one aware that Mordred was still here (other than Gaius of course, who was somehow disapproving and proud at the same time). As far as everyone else was concerned, Arthur and Uther included, the boy was never found, and must have slipped out of the city somehow (going by the extra patrols in the woods, as opposed to the castle and town).
The Warlock was nervous about anyone knowing at first, but when Morgana had tearfully thanked him for saving Mordred, and proceeded to sneak in spare blankets, food, and money for clothes, Merlin was glad for the co-conspirator.
The boy was currently curled up in the corner of Merlin’s room, a pile of blankets and pillows organised like a bird’s nest around him, wearing a soft shirt and sleeping the night away.
Merlin watched him from his bed, realising with growing horror just how protective of Mordred he had already become. He was so young. How could Merlin even consider punishing a child for some stupid destiny he didn’t even know about?
He had to think of a solution quickly. He couldn’t risk sending him away, not even to the Druids, they were as much slaves to the so-called prophecies as Kilgharrah was, and Merlin had once been (”Gods. Sounds like I’ve been dealing with destiny for years. It’s been like six months. I’m too young for this shit.”). But equally... what could he do with him??
Thankfully, no one had really gotten a good look at the boy, so hopefully with a change of clothes and a haircut, he wouldn’t be recognised, at least not if Merlin came up with a convincing enough story.
To be honest... the cover story worried him far more than the prospect of someone recognising him. Uther hadn’t recognised Nimueh, the woman who had been his court sorceress for years... the man was apparently not very observant.
In the end, it was a throwaway comment by Morgana a few days later, about a week after the Druid boy had “escaped” that gave Merlin a very stupid idea. So stupid, that it might just work.
Morgana had once again snuck away from the main castle to sit with Merlin and Mordred in the servant’s room. 
Gaius had said nothing as she’d entered the Physician’s chambers, enough food for four hidden away in the picnic basket she carried, just raised his eyebrow slightly, and thanked The Lady for the food offering that was definitely-not-a-bribe.
She gave him a quick wink, and the old physician rolled his eyes fondly as he set an overturned bucket in front of the door; if anyone came in, they would come in loudly.
Mordred was happy to see her, and Merlin hid a fond smile at the boy’s quiet giggles. He still didn’t speak much, so it was a relief to see him finding joy in something, even if it was clandestine visits from Uther’s ward.
She ruffled his hair slightly, resisting the urge to pull the touch averse boy into a tight hug, and set the basket on the bed. Merlin sat against the pillows, and Morgana sat down opposite him, the basket in between them as Mordred clambered up to sit just in front of Merlin.
Morgana and Merlin talked quietly as they ate, Mordred staying silent as the adults (or...as adult as they could get. Like Merlin kept thinking to himself, he was too young for this shit at sixteen, and Morgana was only two years older than him) avoided the elephant in the room.
The elephant being that they couldn’t keep this up forever. Arthur had a habit of bursting in whenever he so pleased, and it was a miracle he hadn’t done so already. Plus, it would be cruel to expect Mordred to stay cooped up in here for much longer. He was a child, he deserved to play outside and explore and do all the other things he couldn’t do in Merlin’s bedroom.
Once they finished eating, Mordred moved to his makeshift bed in the corner, tightly clutching a book that Morgana had bought him, and furrowing his brows in concentration as he read.
Morgana stared at him with a soft smile, and Merlin sighed, once again worrying about his new ward’s future.
Morgana tilts her head, as if a sudden thought had occurred to her, and looks slowly between Merlin and Mordred as the servant raises a questioning eyebrow at her.
“You know Merlin, the two of you look remarkably similar.”
Mordred is engrossed in his book, and doesn’t react at all to Morgana’s quiet comment, but Merlin’s eyebrow goes even higher as he huffs out a laugh:
“You think? I don’t see it.”
Morgana looks at him with a deadpan expression:
“Merlin, you don’t have a mirror in here. I’m fairly certain you have no concept of what you look like.-”
Merlin looks indignantly offended for all of two seconds before he sighs and nods, she’s right to be fair. He’s tall-ish, with pale skin, and he thinks he has brown hair. That’s about all he knows.
Morgana chuckles as she once again looks at Mordred:
“You both have very dark hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin. You know...-”
She looks back at him with a thoughtful frown on her face:
“-if someone told me you were brothers... I’d believe it.”
Merlin raises an eyebrow:
She nods decisively:
“Yeah. I mean, the more I think about it, the more I look between you, yes. You could definitely be related.”
Merlin nods his head slowly, thinking. He takes in a deep breath and tilts his head slightly:
“It could work. I haven’t really talked to anyone about my family so... we could say that... he came to live with me? Because life here is... good?”
Morgana snorts slightly, rolling her eyes before looking back at him seriously:
“You’d have to be more convincing than that. You could say that the harvest was poor in your village? That Mordred was better off coming to stay with his big brother in the big city?”
Merlin nods at her words, grimacing slightly as he mutters:
“If we’re running with the whole... brother thing, I need to write a letter to my mum, just in case. Gods she’s going to laugh so much.”
Morgana laughs at him quietly, but the noise finally catches Mordred’s attention and he looks up in confusion. Merlin moves the basket to the floor, and gestures to the boy to come over.
He walks over wordlessly, climbing up to kneel between them, biting his lip nervously.
“Is it time for me to leave, Emrys?” echoes through Merlin’s head, and he gives the boy a comforting smile, shaking his head slightly, before saying out loud:
“You’re staying with me, Mordred-”
The boy smiles slightly as he stares at Merlin in reverence, and Morgana quickly hides her questioning gaze. She could see that there was more between them than simple protectiveness over a child, and thankfulness for being saved, but she kept her thoughts to herself as Merlin continued:
“-but we can’t keep you hidden in here forever, so we’re going to tell people that you’re my younger brother, come to live with me. Is that alright?”
Mordred nods his head vigorously, and Merlin chuckles slightly as the boy’s grin grew:
“Ok. We’ll get you a haircut and tell Gaius the plan. Probably wait a few more days for things to settle down further, and then see how it goes, ok?”
Mordred nods once more, smile not leaving his face. Morgana bites her lip to stop herself from laughing at Merlin’s shocked face when the boy threw himself into the servant’s arms for a tight hug.
Merlin spends the next few days teaching Mordred all about Ealdor and his mother and Will, so that the boy could have at least a little knowledge on what was supposedly his home and family.
The next time Morgana came to visit, she brought a comb and a sharp pair of scissors, as well as a few more changes of clothes that looked less... Druid. By the time she left that evening, Mordred had much shorter hair, and a wide grin on his face at the prospect of finally being able to go outside (he was Druid after all, he needed trees and fresh air).
The letter had been sent home, and Merlin was expecting a reply any day now. The only thing left to worry about was how to hide Mordred’s Druid marking. It would be easy to cover with clothes, but Uther’s increasing paranoia meant that it would be best if they could find a more permanent solution.
Gaius suggested some sort of glamour spell fairly quickly, but Merlin was unwilling to cast one on the boy until he’d mastered it.
And THAT meant showing up to serve Arthur with ink all over his hands that he had tried and failed to cover.
Merlin had also realised with dawning horror, that he would have to tell Morgana the truth. She knew about the marking, and she was smart, there was no way that hiding it wasn’t something that had occurred to her. She would bring it up eventually, and how could Merlin explain without having to... explain??
Morgana was already risking her favour with the King, and frankly, her life, by protecting a Druid... she would do the same for Merlin, right? But Mordred hadn’t actually done any magic... BUT she’d always spoken against executions... BUT Merlin had lied and hidden it from her, his friend...
In the end, he’d decided he would just have to suck it up, and tell her. Fuck whatever that dragon said. After Kilgharrah’s last round of... advice, Merlin had been ignoring his calls. If there was an emergency, the cryptic bastard would tell him, and until then he could just sulk in that cave on his own.
That two weeks was also enough for Uther to become convinced that the mysterious Druid boy really was long gone, and to just forget about it. He was pissed of course, but talking about it and extending the search just highlighted that a child, barely eleven summers, had managed to evade all of his forces and that... did not cast him in a good light.
It took Merlin about two weeks to fully master the spell, which was longer than the three of them were hoping, but he was adamant that he perfect it before he cast it on Mordred, and Gaius was incredibly impressed at his ward’s determination.
Morgana was of course confused about why they kept pushing it back, she thought they were only going to wait a few days before they started introducing Mordred, but she trusted Merlin and saw no harm in waiting a little longer.
When Morgana arrived that evening, she could tell that Merlin was... anxious. They’d agreed on a specific day to make introductions but it wasn’t until the end of this week, it didn’t make any sense for Merlin to suddenly be nervous about it.
Mordred wasn’t quite as good at hiding his emotions, and didn’t even giggle like he normally did when Morgana came over, just stared at his “brother” anxiously.
Morgana rolled her eyes and huffed as she shut the door:
“Alright, Merlin. What is it? Spit it out.”
Merlin opened his mouth, about to come out with an excuse, before he snapped it shut again and took a deep breath.
It worried him, how easy, how automatic it was for him to lie, but that was a worry for another time.
Mordred reached up and took his hand, squeezing it, and Merlin looked down at him with a weak smile before sitting on the bed and gesturing that Morgana join him.
She looked at him worriedly, but settles where he gestures, and doesn’t acknowledge the way Mordred sits defensively between them.
The boy looks back at Merlin:
“Are you sure, Emrys?”
Merlin gives him another smile, and squeezes his shoulder slightly as he raises an eyebrow:
“I’m sure. And you need to get used to calling me Merlin at some point.”
Mordred pouts slightly, and Merlin ruffles his hair as he laughs, before looking back up at Morgana’s questioning stare.
He takes another deep breath, before slowly speaking:
“I... we’ve found a way to properly hide Mordred’s marking.”
Morgana looks taken aback, but relieved:
“Oh. Is that all? That’s good isn’t it? I have to admit, it was worrying me.”
Merlin gulps:
“Yeah it... it is good... it’s just, it involves... magic.”
Morgana raises her eyebrow, and nods slowly, as if it were obvious:
“I figured it would be. It’s not like it would be easy or reliable to cover it with make-up every morning, or hide it with clothes.-”
It’s Merlin’s turn to look taken aback now, and Mordred fixes her with an unreadable expression. Morgana continues:
“-The problem, lies in finding someone willing to do whatever spell it is. Someone we could trust wouldn’t share the secret, no matter what.”
Merlin grimaces slightly, more gulping, and taking yet another deep breath:
“We already have someone. Me.”
Morgana gasps slightly, and she’s vaguely aware of the brothers in front of her tensing up, but all she can focus on is the gold of Merlin’s irises.
The gold fades, and Merlin clears his throat, breaking her out of her stupor. She reaches over and punches Merlin harshly on the arm before getting up and beginning to pace, speechless.
Merlin and Mordred panic at first, but when she makes no moves towards the door in her pacing, they relax. That only lasts for a moment or two however, before she looks back to Merlin, furious:
“Are you thick Merlin? Why on earth would you learn magic in Camelot of all places?? Do you have a death wish!?”
Merlin laughs slightly, cheeks turning pink as he rubs the back of his neck:
“Actually uh... I was born with magic; I’ve always had it. My mother sent me here because she thought I would learn to control it better.”
Morgana looks incredulous as she continues to rant:
“What? With the fear of execution hanging over your head?! That’s not control, that’s terror.”
Merlin shrugs:
“It works though. My magic is mostly instinctual, the threat of torture by pyre sure as hell stops me from losing control when I’m angry or scared or whatever...”
Morgana huffs, crossing her arms and fixing him with a glare. Both Merlin and Mordred cower slightly as they are reminded of angry and disproving mothers; as if they were about to be scolded for getting their clothes dirty, or ruining their dinner with too many snacks.
She just stares at him for a minute, before she sags slightly, and begins chuckling at the boys’ fearful faces:
“You are ridiculous. But it’s far too late to persuade you to leave now. Does Arthur know?”
Merlin’s face morphs into a mournful frown, as he looks to the floor and mumbles:
“No. I wish I could tell him but... with Uther...”
Morgana sighs, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder:
“Uther won’t be here forever. We’ll just have to keep Arthur from turning into too much of a prat before he becomes King.-”
Merlin laughs at that, and looks up to give the woman a grateful smile. She returns his smile before continuing:
“-So, you can do the spell?”
Merlin winces slightly and gestures for Mordred to pull the collar of his shirt down, to reveal a blank patch of skin:
“I’ve actually already done it. It’ll stay there permanently until I take it off. Though we should keep checking, just in case.”
Morgana looks surprised, and smiles:
“What’s the problem then?-”
She rolls her eyes when Merlin looks at her incredulously:
“-Oh, come on Merlin. I’m not going to turn you in, you’re safe with me. You both are, and you always will be.”
The servant jumps up to give her a tight hug, which she quickly returns as Mordred nervously joins in. Morgana smiles to herself, and squeezes her boys tighter.
She may love Uther and Arthur, and she knew they loved her back, in their own way, but this? This was family.
The time finally came for Merlin to introduce his baby brother. Hunith had supposedly dropped him off late last night and left immediately, having to get back home quickly. 
Morgana had gone to gather Gwen and Arthur whilst Merlin and Mordred waited in their room (it was definitely their room now, instead of just Merlin’s).
It was early in the morning, and to say that Arthur was grumpy at being woken by Morgana instead of Merlin, was an understatement.
But he eventually caved, and dressed himself as he grumbled, allowing Morgana to drag him to meet Gwen (who was equally confused) before the three of them made their way to the Physician’s chambers.
Gaius was suspiciously absent, and Morgana knocked on Merlin’s door, before slowly opening it and walking in, Arthur and Gwen following her quickly.
Gwen was surprised at the sight of Merlin stood behind a child, hands protectively on his shoulders, but smiled and gave Mordred a soft wave in greeting.
Arthur however, froze, and stared at the boy with a shocked expression.
Morgana moved to stand next to Mordred, and took one of his hands as Merlin began to speak:
“Gwen, Arthur, I want you to meet my baby brother, Mordred. He’s come to live with me.”
Gwen waved again, and bent over to Mordred’s height:
“Hi Mordred, I’m Guinevere, but all my friends call me Gwen. I didn’t know that Merlin had a brother, but it’s lovely to meet you.”
Mordred gave her a small smile, and Merlin suppressed a chuckle as-
“I like her, Em- Merlin.”
-echoed through his head.
Arthur’s gaze moved away from Mordred finally, up to Merlin.
Merlin stared back at him blankly, but Arthur saw the way his jaw clenched as he moved a protective hand down, to pull Mordred closer to him.
The Prince let out a deep sigh, growling slightly as Gwen looked at him in confusion, and Morgana and Merlin stared at him challengingly.
He shook his head as his shoulders sagged, and he rubbed at his eyes with the palms of his hands before looking back to Mordred with a strained smile:
“It’s nice to meet you, Mordred. My name’s Arthur.”
With that, Morgana smirks slightly, and Merlin relaxes. Gwen just rolls her eyes:
“Sorry about him Mordred, he doesn’t spend much time around people your age.”
Mordred gives her another smile, and Merlin glances to Gwen, before looking down at Mordred:
“Why don’t you go with Morgana and Gwen to see the city a little? Me and Arthur need to talk, I’ll catch up with you later, ok?”
Mordred turns around quickly, and grabs Merlin’s hand tightly:
“You promise??”
Gwen holds in an “awww” and Morgana hides her smile. Mordred rarely talks aloud (she’d been told of the mental link), but she’s glad to see he was feeling at least a little more comfortable.
Merlin crouches down, and pulls the boy into a tight hug, stroking his hair slightly as he stares straight at Arthur:
“I promise. I’ll never leave you for long Mordred.”
Arthur gulps at Merlin’s hard stare, but gives him an almost imperceptible nod, which Merlin returns as he stands up. Mordred gives him one more look as he takes one of Morgana’s hands, and one of Gwen’s, and follows them out of the room.
Morgana shuts the door quietly, and Arthur sighs again before looking at Merlin:
“What are you thinking Merlin?? You just thought I wouldn’t notice?”
Merlin crosses his arms, his glare still hard:
“No, I knew you would notice, I just had faith that you’re a better man than your father.”
Arthur is still deep in his “my father can do no wrong” faze, and takes great offense at that, taking a threatening step forward and growling:
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Merlin just huffs and raises an eyebrow slightly:
“I had assumed that you were not the type of man to have a child executed, just for existing.-”
Merlin copies Arthur’s step forward, raising his chin and continuing, his voice low and dangerous:
“-Did I assume correctly? Because there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect that kid, Arthur. Nothing.”
Arthur stares at him incredulously, only managing to hold Merlin’s surprisingly confident stare for a few moments, before nodding and stepping back:
“Of course. He’s a child, Merlin, I won’t see him hurt, if I can help it.”
Merlin nods slowly, not looking away from Arthur as he softly says:
“I’ll hold you to that.-”
He walks around The Prince, opening the door and stepping halfway through before looking over his shoulder, and quietly saying to a confused Arthur:
“-If you truly believed that all magic is evil, and always corrupted, no matter what, then you wouldn’t care that he’s a child; you’d want him dead anyway. So perhaps think about your... prejudices, a little more deeply, maybe you’ll discover you are different to Uther in other ways as well.”
Before Arthur can even really process what Merlin said, the servant is shutting the door behind him, and rushing off to find his new brother.
OK SO!!! 
I really LOVED writing this, there will definitely be more parts, I just figured I should end it here before I got carried away
This series is finished!! (Links at the top <3 )
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[SUMMARY: Rick's daughter Melody cant help her curiosity about the man locked up in the prison cell. Being kept secrets from her father, she takes it upon herself to get to know Negan and one day sneaks into the cell to find him asleep with morning wood.]
Negan and Melody
Rick never really allowed you anywhere near Negan. Hell, you never even saw Negan yourself up close and personal. Although you were twenty, your father still treated you like the little five year old girl he used to carry on his shoulders. It was frustrating at times, he always wanted to keep secrets from you about what was going on in the group and he always said it was to protect you. The only times you ever saw Negan he was tied up being led into the prison cell. Truth was, you didnt know what he had done that was so bad. Your father seemed to keep everything from you that involved anything serious. You looked out the window and saw Daryl pass Eugene the keys for cell, each night someone was on guard. Looking to the right you saw your dad heading your way and quickly pulled down the blinds. After you were told Glenn had died in an accident on a run a few months ago many things changed. Maggie left, everyone seemed more distant and it left you confused.
"Get ready for bed, Melody," your dad spoke low as he entered the house making you sigh.
"I'm not tired dad."
"Mel, it's getting late-"
"And is there something we need to be ready for in the morning?" You responded with sarcasm looking back out the window.
"Besides...you never told me what that guy Negan did."
"I told you that's not up for discussion," he insisted making you roll your eyes.
"Is anything up for discussion? Whatever, I'm sure what he did wasnt that bad if hes being kept alive." You got up from the chair and walked past your father as he looked down with a straight face. There was no way he could tell you the truth of what Negan had done. Your father tried to protect you the best he could and losing people was enough, he didnt want to leave you with images in your head.
Waiting to be sure that your father was in his room you quietly snuck out of yours. Your curiosity ate at you and you were tired of your father treating you like a little girl. Making sure you werent heard, you stepped outside and walked towards where Negan was held captive. Eugene was heading back to the cell with a tray of food for Negan. You knew itd be easy to get around Eugene regardless of what your father instilled in his mind. Creating casual conversation with Eugene and some jokes to break the ice you offered to take Negan his lunch. Right away he made a face filled with doubt.
"I dont know about that, Melody..I'm in charge of his cell-"
"Yeah but you're in charge of the entrance. Who's going to watch while you are distracted handing him the food?" Eugene raised an eyebrow in thought, he felt like you had a point.
"Alright but your dad cant know about this, he'll kill me. So dont take too long."
"Dont worry I got it," you assured him before taking hold of the tray of food and the keys from his hand.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, you were nervous yet so curious to know the man that was hidden from you. Unlocking the door you walked down a dark hallway before reaching the cell.
"Well its about time one of you fuckers remembered to feed me," you froze at the sound of Negans voice before stepping out of the dark hall and into the light, revealing yourself. Negan looked up as he leaned against the wall not expecting to see a young attractive woman before him.
"Well excuse my French, where the fuck did your pretty little self come from?" Negan looked you up and down observing your skin tight jeans and crop shirt. Right from the jump you found this man to be very intimidating, taking a deep breath you stepped closer to his cell and bit your bottom lip nervously.
"Um...my name is Melody.. I came to bring you your meal," Negan slowly stepped closer to the bars with a smirk on his face and looked down at the tray in your hands.
"I see that...so you're gonna put that down for me, sweetheart?" He spoke slowly with an enticing voice.
"Oh..um, yes" you smiled before slowly bending down not noticing Negan tilt his head eyeing the curve of your ass as you slid the tray beneath the bars.
"Very nice.." he murmured low to himself before you got back up. Your eyes met his and you suddenly didnt move, his eyes were alluring and inviting all at once. Nervously clearing your throat you backed away brushing your hair back.
"I gotta ask, princess. What's a fine young woman like you doing alone with me here in my prison cell?"
"I wanted to see who you were...I'm not allowed to know things so-"
"So you're telling me no one knows you're here?" He raised a brow getting closer, although this man was behind the bars you still found yourself feeling nervous.
"No...everyone treats me like a little girl. I'm twenty years old and I'm tired of people covering up things for me," you explained.
"Shit, you are very young."
"Not too young where I cant be told what the hell you did to be in here, cant be all that bad if you're still alive."
Negan raised his brows sliding his tongue behind his lower lip.
"Oh no sweetheart, I'm no good." He spoke in a low voice.
"So let me guess, you're going to treat me like a little girl too and not tell me why?" Negan couldnt help himself but chuckle making you cross your arms.
"What's so funny?"
"Ohh...princess, if I was out of this cell right now I'd gladly show you how much of a grown woman I think you are."
"What?" You asked a little shocked not expecting him to express himself the way he did. You were quickly learning Negan had an unfiltered mouth.
"Dont mind me," Negan shook his head with a sigh.
"Its been a while and I'm just fucking frustrated."
"Its been a while since what?" You asked making him slightly lean back with a frown on his face.
"You really are innocent huh," you rolled your eyes.
"Listen, if you're going to say it just say it-"
"Its been a while since I've had some pussy." Negan blurt out making you stumble over your words.
"Oh-um...-" Negan grinned raising his brows at your reaction.
"Oh yes," he laughed as you nervously licked your lips.
"Shit..." he suddenly turned serious.
"How long has it been for you? Or wait let me guess, you haven't even had your cherry popped yet." Negan moved closer to the bars to get a closer look at you.
"Actually, I'm not a virgin but it's been a few years since I lost my virginity to this jackass. I havent slept with someone since."
"So you've gone a few years with out any relief?"
"Well um-obviously I've had relief-"
"Oh..so you like touching yourself," he bit his bottom lip in excitement.
"-But yes, it's been years since I've had sex and I'm okay with it, I dont need it." You couldnt believe you were even explaining this to him.
"Hm. Looks like whoever was hitting it wasnt hitting it right, shit I'd always have you coming back for more." You rolled your eyes holding back a smile, you kind of liked the attention he was giving you.
"Are you always this vulgar, Negan?"
"Only when I'm horny," he teased making you shake your head.
"Shit, do you blame me princess? You're the first woman that's spoken to me like I wasnt a damn monster. Plus I love some dirty talk." Negan had to admit the company was refreshing for him. You sighed with a smile and looked down at his food.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your food. I'll come by when I can again...if you want me to." Negan smiled sliding his tongue between his teeth.
"Oh I definitely do." You couldnt believe this man was flirting with you but you had to admit to yourself it was a fun interaction.
"Your secrets safe with me, Melody." Negan winked before you quietly left and locked the door shut.
That night you lay in bed smiling to yourself thinking of your very flirtatious talk with Negan. Your dad hadn't suspected a thing and you knew the next morning he would go on a run. It would be a perfect time to see Negan again. You were the first person in a long time to not make him feel like a monster and he was the first person who made you feel like a grown woman. Distracted by his flirtatious ways you didnt focus on the reason of him being held in a cell and Negan had no idea you were Rick Grimes only daughter.
The next morning just as suspected your father left on a run with Daryl and Michonne. The person on guard today was one of the men that you knew wasnt the biggest fan of your father. Of course you were to use this to your greatest advantage. Setting up a tray of breakfast with extra fruit you had grown in your garden you made your way to Negan. Unlocking the door, excitedly you walked down the hall to find Negan asleep with his back facing you as you set down his tray of food.
"Good morning, Negan." You spoke softly making him open his eyes. He groaned with a stretch and turned flat to his back making you gasp.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Negan looked at you confused before noticing exactly where your eyes were. The imprint of Negans very hard cock was practically bulging out of his pants.
"Ah shit-"he muttered to himself adjusting his pants.
"Sorry, sweetheart must've been having a nice little dream." He chuckled as he noticed you wouldnt stop staring at it.
"What, never seen some morning wood before?" He teased as he stood up.
"I mean, of course I just didnt expect to see you..I mean for you to be that way right now." You responded nervously as he made his way close to the bars of the cell.
"Right now?" He laughed.
"Oh princess, you have no idea how horny I am. How much I'd kill for the feel of sweet pussy...shit for a woman to just relieve me." The two of you were face to face now, only the bars separating you from each other.
"You know what I was dreaming about, princess?" Negan spoke as he noticed you would not stop looking down at his crotch area.
"I dreamt about you riding my cock." His voice was raspy, his words making you look up in shock.
"What?" You whispered.
"You left me last night thinking about things I wanted to do to you and this is the outcome." He motioned towards his erection.
"Why dont you touch it for me...just once." He spoke low, your lips parted at his request. Your heart was racing, it was arousing how much this man wanted you. Looking back at the door behind you making sure it was locked you looked back at Negan and nodded.
"Just once." You agreed making him grin.
"Atta girl."
Negan watched as you hesitatingly moved your hand in between the bars and began to slowly rub his crotch. A deep noise escaped his lips the first moment you touched him, his breathing was heavy as you moved your hand up and down.
"Oh my...-" you whispered feeling how rock solid he was.
"Oh, Melody.." he whispered as he closed his eyes. You could tell he obviously wanted more, you could tell how much he needed it. Without saying a word you began to unzip his pants and instantly his cock sprung out. It was thick and hot, you could feel him throbbing in your hand. The man was aching for some kind of relief, he was about ready to explode.
Spitting on your hand you began to move along his shaft. Negan moaned holding onto the bars as he watched you jerk him off. He could tell you were getting turned on as you began to breathe quickly. Negan reached through the bars and grabbed your throat applying pressure making you moan as you began to move your hand faster.
"Fuck baby, I dont think I can hold it-" he held his breath and grunted struggling to not let himself cum just yet.
"Hold on just a little bit more, I want you to cum hard." You whispered as he frowned holding on to the bar tightly, his knuckles turning white. It had been too long since he had been touched, too long since he had ejaculated and Negan had an intense rush. His other hand quickly sliding down your neck and pulling your v neck shirt down revealing your breast.
"Touch me, Negan. Do what you want." You whispered as your hand moved faster. Your words making his jaw clench as he squeezed your breast and let out a very loud and deep groan, loads of cum spilled out of him falling to ground.
"Yes.." you whispered loving the sight of him giving in.
"Dont stop-" he struggled to speak as he continued to cum all over your hand. He panted as you began to slow down before he let go of your breast and leaned against the bars. Releasing his cock from your hand you stepped back and looked at him from head to toe. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head on the bars, his cock twitching as you noticed all his cum on the concrete floor.
"Wow.." you whispered making him open his eyes. Grabbing a rag you had on you, you cleaned up your hand then handed it to him before he closed his pants. Negan cleared his throat before looking back up at you with a smirk.
"I guess I owe you one," he chuckled still trying to catch his breath making you laugh as you fixed your top.
"Glad I could be of help," you joked before the two of you locked eyes. The smiling fading from his face now.
"Seriously, it's been nice having you here."
Negan liked the sexual connection the two of you had, he also liked how you naturally conversed with him. You didnt treat him like an animal, you treated him like a human being. Negan knew he had messed up in life but he knew there was nothing he could do to change the past. All he could do was not repeat the same mistakes. What he did know was that he now knew for sure that he did not want you knowing his real reason behind being locked inside. He knew youd never look at him the same way again.
"Its been nice for me too. I havent really had conversation with anyone in my group." You sighed crossing your arms.
"After my friend Glenn died things changed." You whispered making Negans face change at the mention of Glenn's name. He looked away feeling a knot of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
"Everyone started acting different. I miss the way things were." You continued as you looked to the side and thought back of some memories.
"I think you should get going, Princess." Negan spoke low, his words making you look back at him confused.
"Wh-what? I thought we could talk-"
"Listen, I'm not your fucking therapist. Now get going." Negan snapped just wanting you to leave, his guilt eating up at him he felt like utter shit.
"So what jerking you off is all you needed so I'm good to go now?"
Negan remained silent, his head down not being able to look you in the eye.
"You know I know we dont know each other and you dont give a shit about me, but I thought we had an understanding that we both needed someone to talk to and not talk to them like something they're not." You snapped as he carefully listened to your words.
"That's the problem, sweetheart. They're not treating me like something I'm not. You are." His words left you speechless, what the hell did he mean by that?
"I told you I was no fucking good. Now get out of here." Negan turned his back to you, you couldnt believe what he was saying or what the hell even made him say these things.
"Screw you." Negan heard the crack in your voice before you stormed out and slammed the door shut. Negan sighed knowing he didnt want to hurt your feelings, hell he didnt even want you to leave. Angrily you walked back to your room and slammed the door shut, you felt so stupid you could scream. You swore you'd never see Negan again nor let your father ever find out of what had just happened.
Part 2? Trying to think of where I can go from here. Feel free to send in any ideas if you have. Xx
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 2
a/n: lmao this is kinda weird for me but i think this was an interesting request so lets try it!
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
lowkey kyotani kentaro typa beat but you gotta squint (??)
also warning! angst!
anon request: Hii! I just read the seijoh manager headcannon you wrote, it made me cry so much, i love those seijoh boys so much, and you are such an amazing writer! I dont know if requests are open or not but i was wondering what would happen if the boys ever find out what happened to reader cha? If requests aren’t open or if you just don’t want to write about it, I completely understand! Thank you for your wonderful writing again! Stay safe!
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the stageplay was *chefs kiss* like MY MANS IWA WAS SERVING LOOKSSSS
this might get really angsty idk so just a warning in advance
i mentioned in the earlier part that no one really knew what happened to you
so this one is when they DO find out what happened and what theyre gonna do about it
so first off, kyoken was basically the only one who saw you that day and saw how badly you looked
the thing is, at that current moment, he didnt really know the reason why and what happened
he had theories that you got jumped or you just got into an accident 
but he was prettttttyyyy sure you got beat up
so you went home and rushed to yanno, take a shower and get your wound treated and cleaned so that it would heal bc you really cannot afford to let the boys see that
they would think of the worst at the smallest sight of blood on you and you really didnt want to deal w that chaos at the moment
you cant let them get suspended from school since they were going to interhigh soon and you cant let oikawa and the boys ruin their reputations just for you
a first year girl theyve just met
it was kinda hard to rinse all of the milk from your hair but you were able to at least get the smell out and clean up your mess
then you looked in the mirror and saw faint handprints around your throat from that girl miyo and you cringed as you touched it
‘jesus christ, seriously what does she eat? bricks?’
after your clothes were in the wash, you went to bed to get homework done and also looking up how to use the concealer to hide your bruises 
you didnt really own any makeup but your mom has some so you could just use that
during dinner, you wore a turtleneck to prevent any suspicion from happening but you couldnt really hide the big gash on your face
‘y/n, what happened!’
‘i was dumb and accidentally fell up the stairs’
your parents shared a chuckle bc theyve actually seen you do this before so it was easy to believe the lie
‘darling, do we need to get you glasses? it seems your sight has worsened’
you went along with the joke but you weren’t eating and just pushed your food around
‘y/n? is the food not good?’
your mother asked but you shook your head with a convincing smile
‘its good! i just had some meat buns with the team earlier and i ate a lot so im still full’
you cursed at yourself for making it sound so rehearsed but you were relieved when your mother nodded
the next morning, you were satisfied with the reduced puffing of your face and you snuck into your parents bathroom where her makeup bag would be
as you held up the concealer, you started getting anxious because this was not the same shade as your skin and it would definitely raise suspicion if you had a different color on your neck than the rest of your body
you already planned to blame your wound as acne that you accidentally scratched but what were you going to do with the handprints?
the website you read said that it would take at least a day for them to fade
so you decided youd just wear a scarf and pretend you were cold
kunimi was confused as to why you had a scarf bundled around your neck and his eyes even widened at the sight of the bandaid on your face
‘y/n! what-!’
he shot up from his seat and your eyes widened before hissing at him to sit down
‘what happened to you?!’
he worriedly asked but you waved him off with a small smile
‘acne. this was the only available bandaid in my house so i had to work with this’
kunimi might be a lazy little shit but he was observant
and he noticed the way you said that sentence
it was like a robot
like a robot programmed to say what was written on its script
but before he could press on further, you already pointed out that the teacher was coming in and to hush so you could listen
the entire time, kunimi was awake alright, but he was too busy looking at you and a bright red thing that poked from the edge of your bandaid
kindaichi went to your classroom for lunch and you had to repeat your excuse for him but he pointed at another thing
‘why are you wearing a scarf? its like burning in here’
you didnt look at him as you just opened your bento
‘being in your period causes your temperature to fluctuate and cause unexplainable chill at even the hottest places’
okay what
they both shared a look and just shrugged, blaming it on your time of the month for the way you spoke with no emotion in your tone
this had to be the longest school day of your life
the whole time the scarf remained on and kunimi cant help but notice your flinches at the smallest of sounds
finally practice arrived and you really thought you could pull this off until oikawa barreled straight towards you and hugged you tightly
‘y/n-chan! you okay?! oikawa-senpai was so worried for you!’ 
you cringed but nodded
‘im okay, oikawa-san’
‘senpai, y/n-chan! call me senpai!’
‘im not going to feed into your kink, oikawa-san’
*cue everyone busting a lung*
‘y/n, what’s the-’
‘acne. only bandaid available in my house’
eventually, everything was fine
you were still cracking jokes w the others and you were still laughing w them so kunimi and kindaichi were at ease
but that shattered when oikawa was being oikawa and was being all touchy and bothering you about the scarf around your neck that he ended up pulling it off and he saw the marks
he was silent, just staring at them
ofc you were freaking out and you started breathing heavily
oh god he found out and he was going to hurt them
‘o-oikawa-senpai, listen, it’s not what it-’
his voice made your eyes shut in fear and the others crowded around you and they all had scandalized looks on their faces
‘is this why you werent in practice yesterday?’
his voice was sharp, a complete opposite to his normally cheerful tone
you shivered and sighed
‘senpai, please dont-’
‘who is it?’
the other third years shared a look bc they were truly shook at oiks voice
‘w-why should i tell you?! its none-’
‘i am your captain and i deserve to know who is pulling you away from your managerial duties so he could just give you these damn hickeys!’
the gym turned silent
you stopped then furrowed your eyebrows
‘hickey? what-’
‘dont act like you dont know, y/n. so just be honest and tell me who’s your boyfriend’
lmao i shouldnt laugh bc this was supposed to be sad but im cackling at how dumb oikawa really is sometimes
you stuttered but you knew this was the perfect opportunity
you could just blame it on this ridiculous misunderstanding 
its a difficult hole to get out of but it would be easier than the other
so you pretended to be flustered and turned around to hide your face
‘it was a one-time thing, oikawa-san. i promise it wont happen again’
the team was leaking the feeling of RAGE
how dare someone take their manager!
she was theirs!
and it doesnt help that every player might have a little thing for you
is this really turning into a harem
oikawa kept demanding answers but iwa hit him enough to quit and they finally went back to practicing but they were still distracted
every time they looked at you, they would grow flustered and red and end up missing a block or a serve
they just cant see their baby manager like that
you noticed it quickly and irritably got on them
‘stop staring at my neck and get back to practice!’
they flinched and saluted at you
lmao this little first year girl is able to control nearly a dozen <5′10 men who are all older than her
but you were glad that they finally stopped asking about it
this was going to go by smoothly and you were going to be okay
several days later,,,
this is an angst fanfiction so i will bring thy angst
you were taking out your class garbage since it was your group’s turn in cleaning the classroom when you were grabbed by the arm on your way back
it was still outside and after school so it wouldve been an unlikely situation that someone would help you
it was that biatch miyo again and her 2 minions behind her
then you recognized one girl from the track team who was actually a year older than you but you saw her dropping off some files in the office
if you tried to run, she could easily grab you w her fast legs
you were stuck
you let out a tired sigh and crossed your arms on your chest
‘what is it you want from me, again?’
she smirked
‘you really dont know how to listen, do you? i told you to stay away from oikawa but youre still flaunting around with him!’
is she serious?
this girl was borderline stalker/yandere type of girl
you gave her an incredulous look and frowned
‘girl, do you hear yourself? you damn crazy and im leaving’
but she grabbed you back and shoved you against the wall
but this time, you kicked her on the chest to make her fall on her flat booty
surprise was written on their faces and you stretched your arms in front of you to symbolize distance
‘one more step and ill beat tf out of you. i just got my nails off so id watch it if i were you’
miyo huffed and stood up, brushing herself, glaring at one of the girls who tried to help her
then she remembered what you told her
‘hmm? if you hit me, you could be kicked off of the team since you hurt another student. so, go ahead, little kouhai’
she was right
even if it was self-defense, the school’s disciplinary section sucked and just suspended or kicked off people left and right even though they didnt do anything wrong
you were stumped
you were here on a scholarship, not on tuition
your mom would KILL you if she found out you got into a fight and got a record
but you didnt show that and kept your tough facade
‘dont challenge me. i could be a crazy bitch and i dont think youd like your little face being all messed up. so watch your mouth and leave me alone’
you turned to leave but she grabbed your hair and tugged it back
lmao flashbacks to the other part
she twisted your hair into a ponytail and had a firm grip while a girl kicked you behind your knees so you would fall to the ground
oh no you were done w this
you elbowed miyo on the stomach the hardest you could and she groaned which loosened her hold and you kicked her again to the ground
some other girl hit your side and you winced before slapping her straight across the face bc you didnt want to punch her and hurt your knuckles
but they were really testing you
the last girl still had your hair but you twisted around to face her and just did the last you could think of that would hurt
hit her right between her legs
you finally escaped their hold and miyo lunged after you
‘oh my god leave me alone!’
you yelled before holding up your arms to protect your face but she scratched your arms 
obviously you were losing this bc it was just you but you were going to fight as much as you can
‘bad kouhais need to be punished! your senpais need to teach you a lesson!’
miyo screeched and you grabbed her arm before punching her straight at the boob
sorry rebecca
however, one girl was smart and did the same thing you did to her knees and made you fall to a kneeling position and eventually made you curl into a fetal position
gurl we actually fighting so hard considering we’ve never been in a fight
they continuously kicked you before miyo pulled up your head so you could sit up and kneel in front of her
ofc you tried to grab at her and punch at her
but these other girls were able to catch you and trap your arms in their hold and had their feet on your legs so you couldnt kick
great, another bathroom scene
your arms were bleeding from miyo’s scratches and your sides were hurting after their kicks
you lost and you were already bleeding in places you didnt think you would
this would be the last attempt and if he doesnt come, you’re done for
your scream echoed throughout the entire are
possibly could be heard in new york
and your voice became hoarse
ofc the girls were surprised and caught off guard but when there was silence and clear that no one was coming, they started laughing
‘oh, so cute! iwa-san? is that supposed to be iwaizumi-san? heh, you whoring around w him too? thats so cute-’
the girls holding you shrieked and dropped their hold on you before scrambling back causing you to drop to the ground
miyo’s eyes were wide and there was horror all over her face at the voice of that infamous boy
kyotani kentarou
he yelled and miyo turned around to be met with his piercing eyes before screaming and running away with her minions in tow
ltr the cursing is so awkward for me to do but this is his character and im just so awkward so sorry!!
you coughed and winced at the pain on your side which caught his attention
again, he noticed you as the manager of their team and you’ve been hanging out w him, well, just him staring at you, at the alley while you feed the animals
you were actually nice and caring and definitely didnt deserve this
‘oi, y-you okay?’
you didnt look up, just closing your eyes in pain and biting your lips to not let out the crying
his eyes softened at you and he noticed you were trying to act tough and brave even though you just got beat up
normally, he wouldnt even help anyone but it seems you just did something to him
he sighed before gently picking you up, you not even bothering to stop him, and he held you tightlyin his arms as he carried you to the nurses office
he had a feeling you didnt want to be seen like this and hes been in the nurse enough to know she actually leaves the moment school ends
you let out a shaky breath as he set you down on the cot and you opened your eyes to reach your hold for him when he went away
‘n-no, don’t leave-’
but he grunted softly before holding your wrist
‘im just getting your damn medicine. chill out’
lowkey getting bakugou vibes
you nodded and went to close your eyes again
kyo returned w some pain relief medicine from his bag that he carries 
babie actually gets into fights often and he needs it sometimes
and he had alcohol medicine kind istg and bandaids for your arms
it was silent as you drank the pills and he sat down next to you so he could treat the wounds
but he let his curiosity take over him
‘why the fk did you let them do this to you’
he grunted and you scoffed with a smile
‘let? more like overpower me and grip me as they just hit me’
‘cant you fight them back?’
you glared at him
‘bruh i literally kneed some girl in their cooch but they just some superhuman typa girls that cant be hurt’
he sighed
‘maybe you just werent strong enough’
okay listen here you lil shit
you didnt want to listen to him scold you anymore so you just went back to closing your eyes
but kyo is actually lowkey nosy so he kept asking questions
‘the first time we met. was it her too?’
you flinched in surprise
‘you remembered that?’
‘ofc i did. you looked like shit. not as bad as this but still like shit’
‘gee thanks, stranger-kun’
‘kyotani,,, kentarou’
you smiled
‘nice to meet you, kyotani kentarou. im l/n y/n’
‘i know’
he mumbled but you didnt catch it
‘thanks for hearing me and coming to help’
he hummed
he wasnt going to tell you that he actually heard the scream for his idol and thought hed be there so he ran to go see him but instead saw you
kyo just respects and looks up to iwa-chan so much it warms my heart uwu-
once you were all patched up, you were finally able to stand but you still staggered
he grabbed your arm softly and sat you back down
‘what the hell are you going to tell the team?’
you paused then sighed
‘i dont know. ill figure something out’
but he knew how observant the players would be and they would catch on
after all, he was there watching at the top bleachers as oikawa yelled at you for the ‘hickey’
‘if they didnt hit your face, you could get away with it. but you have wounds all over you and theyd find out. im guessing youre doing this bc you dont want to trouble them or burden them? bc they would do something about it?’
you just stared at this guy
‘just a guess’
he also wasnt going to tell you that he was actually part of the team but the constant fighting got him in suspension
and the fact that his parents were donors for the school, he only got a tap on the wrist
‘so what do i do, then?’
‘tell them-’
‘no i cant do that! another plan, kyo-kun!’
‘oi, im a second year, idiot. treat me with respect’
the irony bc he totally treats oikawa like trash
‘i just,,,, oikawa-san is seen as this prince/gentleman type and i know how protective he is towards me so the slightest problem could cause him to be ballistic. miyo is popular enough to circulate rumors about him and hes already in his third year and she is too so i just have to endure one year until theyre gone’
kyo was disgusted
all this for that stupid idiot captain?
‘youre dumber than i thought’
you weakly hit him at the arm
‘so mean, kyo-san’
‘i dont think its right youre suffering for someone who isnt even worth it’
you glared and linked your fingers together
‘im the manager. i knew this would happen the moment i signed up but i didnt care. as manager, i have to keep up the team’s image and their popularity for support so i cant let all that be ruined just bc a little first year girl couldnt fight for herself’
‘just tell them, kid. less problems’
then he stood up to leave
‘kid?! im only a year younger than you! what you mean!’
but you were panicking
someone knew about you being hurt and they could easily tell the team
and it only increased when he entered the gym and later introduced himself as a player
you were so surprised that you stopped breathing
you muttered and he glared at you
well, more like look at you but i have a theory that kyo actually has problems w his sight so it looks like he’s glaring at you constantly but hes just actually trying to see clearly
oikawa was surprised at this interaction
‘eh? you know kyoken-chan?’
you nodded, still looking at the blonde
‘its none of your business’
kyotani grunted and you sighed in relief
maybe your secret would be safe
you were still uneasy about him accidentally revealing it, especially since he practically worships iwaizumi-san, but he kept his mouth shut
your caring personality at first was overbearing on him but he appreciated your efforts like volunteering on helping him with his eyeliner or asking him if he needed help with his medical tape
ngl, he also thought you were there just bc it was a team full of guys and you thought you could have that weird girl fantasy of having a harem
but you cared for them like practically a mother and continuously made it clear to oikawa that you were NOT interested in going on a date with him
you werent annoying, you were nice, and you weren’t pushy so he actually showed you respect and took a liking to you
this created a soft of protectiveness around you
sometimes, he would see you around school and he would practically glare at the girls he knew hated you
and when he wasnt there to protect you, you would call him to the nurses office where he would mumble apologies of not being there while patching you up before he would go over and threaten them to touch you again and he would bite their fingers off
aww hes so cute
ofc he still kept your secret bc it wasnt his business to tell 
until that one day
it was normal practice with you helping the boys toss the balls so they could spike it
iwaizumi spiked it really hard making you flinch and he apologized profusely after you almost fell off the chair you were standing on in surprise
‘im just angry that that damn shittykawa is the captain and is late to his own damn practice’
oikawa? late?
that was unheard of
you were about to get off the chair and look for him when the devil himself entered the gym with the devil’s mistress on his arm
miyo was holding on to his arm as he laughed at something she said and ruffled her hair
you dropped the ball and kyotani quickly moved to you so he could stand in front of you protectively
‘oi! shittykawa! youre late!’
oikawa just smiled and pointed at the girl
‘miyo-chan made us cookies, iwa-chan!’
at the mention of food, the boys ran forward but you and kyotani remained at the side at the infamous name
you got off the chair and hurriedly placed an arm in front of him
‘don’t, kyo-san’
‘the bitch-’
‘i know. but please, dont’
you begged and he huffed before aggresively wrapping an arm around your shoulder
aggressively cares for you
‘if she does something or even talks shit, i will-’
‘kyoken-chan! y/n-chan! come here!’
oikawa called but kyotani snarled at him
you smile wobbled when miyo’s eyes narrowed at you and she smirked
‘oh? your manager is so cute, oikawa-kun!’
the rest of the team was just blinking at this weird tension
kyo had his arm tightly around you and hatingly glaring at this girl, who was icily smirking at you, and you tightly holding kyo’s shirt with a worried glint in your eyes
‘you were late to your own damn practice, oikawa. stop wasting time eating this shit and go back to playing’
tbh it still shocks you at how rudely kyo talks to oikawa but you were too pre-occupied on making sure this kid wasnt going to lunge at this girl
‘a-ah, right. oikawa-san, we have to return to practice. if you excuse us, miyo-san-’
you were about to gently grab oikawa’s arm to bring him back when she grabbed your wrist and secretly gripped it
‘oh, dont be so uptight, y/n-chan! i worked so hard-’
but kyo immediately snatched her hand away from you and squeezed it as tight as he could, making her wince
oikawa noticed the pain in miyo’s face and he was angry that kyotani was hurting a girl
‘oi! kyotani!’
he shouted and pushed him away, making the team, even iwa, worriedly look at kyo and brace themselves for the beating
iwa jumped into action and held the second year back while you jumped in front of oikawa
‘kyo-san, calm-’
‘you! be quiet’
he shouted, finger pointing at you
‘and you!’
before pointing to oikawa
‘you are a shitty captain’
iwa was just straight out confused and hes really questioning life decisions right now
mom is stressed and confused, i repeat, MOM IS STRESSED AND CONFUSED
oikawa’s eyes narrowed but he just calmly talked
‘we’ll talk about this later’
‘miyo-san, we really need to practice so if you could see yourself out’
iwa gently smiled to the girl, who was about to protest, but makki and mattsun has already pointed to the door
she huffed then turned to leave and once she was gone, iwa let go of kyotani
‘kyotani, what the hell was that’
oikawa lowly asked and you were about to put your arms out to separate them but yahaba and watari grabbed you so you wouldnt be caught in the middle
then kyo turned to you, fire in his eyes
‘either you tell him or i will’
can we just talk about how protective kyo is?
you trembled and you roughly left yahaba and watari’s grip so you could gently place your hands on his chest
‘please, kyo. just leave it, okay? remember, it’s my busi-’
‘if i see that bitch enter this gym again, i dont give a flying fuck if shes a girl. ill beat the living daylights out of her’
‘kyotani kentarou, what-!’
oikawa shouted but your glare shut him up
‘y/n-chan, what is going on’
‘n-nothing. kyo-san is just, yknow, being him. you know? okay. now lets get back to practice, everyone!’
coach irihata and the other guy sharing that look
to say the least, miyo was pissed
and when she was pissed at you, she always did what she normally does
she corners you wherever its deserted and beat you with the help of her minions who holds you down while she slaps, hits, or kicks you
girlie you needs to tell the boys youre literally getting hit and abused and im just-!!!!!!!!!
and thats exactly what she did
only this time, she wore hard-tipped shoes
‘see, y/n-chan? i saved up and got these shoes just for you!’
the minions were just sharing looks of fear and genuine sympathy for you
they were only there bc she blackmailed them with pictures doing questionable things and if they dont help, they would be released
as usual, you didnt cry, biting your lip as you winced from the pain of her kick at your side
‘youre so pathetic. how could you do this to a person? and all this for your oikawa-san? for a boy?’
you wheezed at her causing her eyes to flare
‘i said-’
but you were cut off when she slapped the soul out of you
her ring cut you at the lip and you cringed at the taste of blood from your lip
‘what else? we gotta hurry this up, miyo, because practice started like 5 minutes ago and im going to get yel-’
kyotani entered the gym after his talk with his teacher and immediately looked around for you
his honey brown eyes scanned the area and they widened as your figure wasn’t in sight
‘oi, yahaba, wheres the manager’
the boy shrugged from the side 
‘i dont know. shes late though’
oh god
‘kindaichi! kunimi! youre in the same grade right? did you see where she went after class?’
kunimi paused to remember before answering
‘she stayed after to talk to obe-sensei for the homework, that’s all i know’
that meant she stayed behind and was probably somewhere
he shouted before bolting out the door
ofc the boys were all worried of his outburst and started yelling after him
they followed him, who was running as fast as he can
the girls would probably do it outside to avoid having to clean up their mess and he almost wrenched the door open in a hurry to take a lap around the school building
it was certainly a sight to see: a boy with dyed blonde hair and two brown lines followed after an entire volleyball team who were screaming after him
he heard that bitch voice and bolted towards the back, where the dumpster was, and found you at the same position like the first time he saw you
blood was dripping on the floor from your busted lip and a cut on your cheek while your eyes were wide at the sight of kyotani’s panting form
your eyes watered at the sight of the entire volleyball team behind him, also eviqualiently surprised yet fuming angry
the girls who held you dropped your arms and ran for the hills so they wouldnt get caught
kyo pushed miyo aside as he grabbed you from the floor and held you
oikawa gave miyo a look that cannot even be described in words
all it was: incredibly, super, ridiculously, heatedly, furiously, angry
now multiply that by the entire team
‘hm, my father, who is the chieftain of the police, mentioned about there being jail time for even minors who commit serious acts like assault or bullying’
mattsun seethed
‘really? i think he’d like the video as evidence against kenta miyo for assault and battery, including bullying, so how many years would that add up to? nearly a decade?’
the girl miyo squeaked as oikawa and iwaizumi roughly grabbed each wrist
‘how long’
miyo trembled at the increased pressure on her wrist
iwaizumi has never shouted at a girl before and hopefully, it would be the last
‘s-s-since l-last month’
you burrowed your head in kyotani’s shirt
‘please dont’
‘shut the fk up, y/n-chan, we’re not talking to you right now’
oikawa coldly reprimanded
‘everyone, take y/n away. iwaizumi and i can take care of this. but mattsun, makki, track down those 3 girls and find others who have even touched our manager’
‘got it, boss’
if it was in a different situation, you wouldve applauded oikawa at his ability to be a leader but you were currently in pain from the bruises and the cuts all over you
your fellow first-years were angrily punching things in the nurse’s office
rip nurse in the morning when she finds holes all over her walls
the irony is, the most agressive one, kyotani kentarou, was the calmest as he quietly cleaned your wounds and placed ointment on the bruises
‘i told you so’
he mumbled and you scoffed
‘howd you find me anyways?’
‘dumb bitch yaps really loud’
he answered
no one was yelling at you and no one was saying a word
eventually, oikawa and iwaizumi entered followed by the rest of the third years
‘why. why didnt you tell us, y/n?’
oikawa asked as he sat down on the chair beside the bed
you looked down and fiddled with your fingers
‘if i did, you wouldve hurt her. and she wouldve spread rumors about you and ruin the image and reputation of the grand king and the volleyball team. i didnt want to do that to you and thought i could just endure it one year since youre graduating anyways’
iwaizumi sucked in a harsh breath
‘you wouldn’t have known what we were going to do. you are no oracle and you dont know how we are going to handle this situation. so you were really stupid for keeping these things to yourself, y/n. you may be our manager and our caretaker but let us take care of you too’
you nodded but your tears fell
‘sorry. im really sorry. i didnt meant to trouble you’
‘stop apologizing, y/n’
you bowed your head low and bit your lip in guilt
‘i shouldve told you but i didnt and now everyone is troubled-’
‘we’re a team, y/n. youre not a lone wolf anymore. you have a pack standing right beside you’
watari mumbled and he sat down to give you his favorite hug: the one arm hug
‘im super angry right now and it might seem like im snappy but i really want you to know, y/n, that i really love you and i am just hurt that you didnt trust us enough to tell us you were suffering when i trust you with my entire being. so next time youre hurting or in pain, dont you dare keep it to yourself. tell us, okay? tell your senpais and friends about it so we can share that burden’
oikawa babie you are so mature like what-
what started out as a hug from watari turned into a team hug around the tiny bed, even kyo joined, and you were so happy you found a good team that appreciated you and everything youve done and accepted you as one of their own
‘oikawa-san, what did you do to miyo?’
‘again, im mad y/n-chan, so please dont talk about her right now’
‘dont use those puppy eyes on me! dont you dare-- okay, we’re pressing charges’
‘and iwa-chan slapped her!’
‘shut up shittykawa you did too!’
a/n: this hurted a bit and im sorry if this was lowkey awkward and all over the place but i didnt exactly know how to portray this situation since ive never experienced this, just bullying in general, before but for those who have, please tell someone so that you dont have to carry that burden by yourself. it doesnt have to be a your parents, but talk to a trusted adult so that this type of stuff doesnt happen to you bc you truly dont deserve that type of treatment and deserve to be happy and feel safe in an environment like school or anywhere in general
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-When We Are Alone- Draco malfoy x Female Reader
    Request: Hi! Before anything, I just want to say your writing has been living rent free in my mind, like I'd literally just be washing the dishes and I'll smile like an idiot because I remember that one imagine hehe.
Can I request an imagine where Draco and Y/n are in a relationship, but they started off as friends in their friend group along with Pansy, Theo and Blaise. They like to keep it private but everybody knows they're together. But the thing is, reader is the one who isn't used to affection that's why she asked Draco to just act like normal friends when others are around which even reluctantly, he accepts.So when they're all alone, that's when they get lovey-dovey and the reader gets all blushy.
Anddddd this is optional--- if you want to make it angst. Sometimes Draco feels as if he's not important enough for her because she's so good at not showing her affections when with others so he tries to avoid her. Reader thought it was just normal because they're not always sweet and romantic. But one day, someone who kept flirting with her was trying to persuade her into a relationship and kept saying Draco and her didn't seem real at all but while they were talking they didn't know Draco was eavesdropping. He didn't want to meddle in yet because he's so curious to know what she thinks too BUT THEN THE READER LIKE CONFESSED ALL HER LOVE FOR DRACO TO THE GUY, SAYING THINGS LIKE YOU MAY NOT SEE ME ALWAYS CLINGING AROUND HIM BUT HE'S LIKE MY WHOLE WORLD or something hehe so like really fluffy after. Anyway, dear. It's alright if you reject this though hehe but thank you in advance and thank you for writing amazing stories. Ily 💖
    Kody: Not me googling when is it okay to say i love you. What am i? A ROBOT!
   House: Slytherin
   Possible Triggers/Warnings: cursing, cormac mclaggen, insecure Draco, blaise and theo being cute as hell. 
   Six months ago
   as you sat on the sofa of the common room you felt a cold chill run through you. Even in the dungeons it was still cold. To be fair, you were only wearing a black tank top and a pair of mens boxers. There comfy, don’t judge. You had been waiting for your friends to wake up in the common room.
   the first two to come out were Blaise and Theo, holding hands, Theo was rubbing his eyes “Morning Y/n” Blaise smiles and you wave to him. Blaise sits on the loveseat and pulls Theo into in his lap who just lays his head on his chest and closes his eyes.
   you smile slightly at them. They were so cute together. You wonder what it was like being in a relationship. In all 17 years of your life you had never once been with somebody romantically. No one seemed to like you in that way. You longed for somebody to love and cherish you. What a childish dream now.
   “Sup bitches” and there was Pansy, she was wearing what looked liked Ginny’s Quidditch sweater. “Hey Pans” you say as she sits down on the floor in front of the sofa “Is Theo sleeping again?” Pansy says quite loudly, causing Blaise to hush her “Yes he is. So tone it down” he spoke
   Pansy held her hands up in surrender, choking back a laugh “Okay sorry. Anyway, Where’s Draco? He’s usually up first. Think he overslept?” she says, leaning back against the sofa you sat on. “Think? I know he overslept. I snuck into his room to get an extra pillow for Theo and he was still awake”
   Blaise laughs lightly, making Pansy’s eyes go wide “What time was it?” she asked. “three am in the morning” he replies. You look over at him and tilt your head “Did you ask why?” you ask. Blaise tenses up a bit before answering “Um- He just told me to shove off. You know Draco. He’s cranky when tired.”
   you nod slowly. Seemed like Draco enough. “Oh okay. I’m going to check up on him. Can one of you guys bring breakfast here?” you ask, climbing off the couch and stepping onto the cold floor. Pansy raises her hand and gives you a thumbs up “I’ll do it!- Oh shit sorry” she says and lowers her voice instantly.
   Blaise shoots her a glare as Theo stirs in his arms. You chuckle before walking out the common room and into the boys hall, leaving the three Slytherins alone. As Pansy watches you leave she turns to Blaise “’He told me to shove off’? Really? That’s the best you could up with?” 
   Blaise rolls his eyes as he waves his hand around “What was i supposed to say? Yeah Draco was up all night because he can’t stop thinking about you. Oh also everytime he sleeps he has dreams about you, cause that was the best option Pans” he huffs. Pansy groans before walking out the common room.
   back to you
   as you walked your mind wandered to Draco himself. You hoped he had been taking care of himself. He was your best friend and you wanted the best for him or maybe you told yourself that to convince yourself that you didn’t have a crush on him. You had been friends with Draco since you came to Hogwarts.
   feelings never really developed until last year and it’s like you finally saw him. The little things he did like grab your hand randomly or always fixing your hair became less platonic for you. A weird feeling would invade your stomach and your face would feel hot.
   it was strange because you had never felt this way about anyone. Especially Draco. You decided to not tell him in fear that he would reject you and it would break up your friend group. You liked him, but you loved your friends and you weren’t about to let some feelings ruin your  friendships.
   soon enough you were at Draco’s door. Please be wearing a shirt. Please be wearing a shirt. You knock twice and are surprised as the door pushes open. Had Blaise forgot to close it when he left Draco’s room the room the previous night? You slowly push the door open to see Draco laying in bed.
   as you walk in you close the door, being careful with your steps. You tip toe over to his bed, the wooden floor creaking under your feet every couple seconds. You didn’t want to be loud and wake him up in a rude manner. Finally reaching him, you place your hand on his shoulder and gently shake it.
   “Draco, it’s time to get up. We have breakfast out in the common room and-” Draco grabs your hand and pulls you into the bed. You fall on your back as Draco holds your arm above you head, hovering over you. Your face heated up like all the times before, feeling small under his gaze.
   as his grey eyes scanned over you he sighs deeply “What’re doing in here?” he asked, weirdly casual. “P- Pansy’s getting breakfast and i wanted to make sure you ate. Why did you throw me on your bed?” you fired back with a question of your own. “I was having a dream. Thought i was till in it when i woke up” he says, oddly casual again.
   you make an ‘O’ shape with your mouth and nod “Okay. What happened to cause this?” you gesture to the situation by tugging your hand in his firm grip. He seemed to tense at your question before his head dropped in what seemed like shame “I’m sorry for this” he spoke.
   okay, now you were extra confused. “Sorry for what-” then it happened. His cold lips crashed down onto yours in a swift motion leaving you frozen in shock. Oh Merlin. What do you do?! You like him right? and this means he might like you, right? So kiss him you fool!
   your mind finally stopped debating and you leaned into the kiss, trying to kiss him back. It was way more easy then you imagined. After a couple seconds more you both pulled away from the kiss. Both panting to get air into your lungs. After that makeout session you both talked, for hours. 
   Draco admitted his feelings for you and you did the same. Turns out you were wrong, it didn’t ruin your guys friendship in the slightest. Blaise, Theo, and Pansy thought it was adorable and were really happy for you both. It was a relief really that everything turned out well. You were Draco Malfoy’s girlfriend.
   the day was slowly coming to an end as you and your friends ate dinner. You feel Draco’s hand on yours under the table and smile lightly. At least no one could see. You didn’t care much for public displays of affection. You didn’t even know how to act like a couple in public, really.
   you expressed these feelings with Draco and he agreed, not wanting you to be uncomfortable. So behind closed doors you two were the cutest you could be. “Well, i’m done. How ‘bout you Y/n” Draco turns his head to face you as you place the silver fork on the wooden table. “Yeah i’m finished”
   Draco gets up from his seat and holds out his hand for you to help you get up. You take his hand and he helps you out of your seat. You let go as you both begin to walk out the dining hall. “They both know that they left us right?” Pansy asked, watching the couple walk away.
   Theo chuckles as he takes a bite of a muffin he was eating “I think it’s cute that Draco just wants her all to himself” he coos, leaning his head on Blaises shoulder. Blaise nods in agreement with his boyfriend “I wonder what Y/n’s like behind closed doors considering she barely acts like his girlfriend”
   Theo wacks Blaise shoulder with a offended look “Hey! How she deals with her emotions is no ones business but her’s. Bad Blaise. No kisses” he pouts. Blaise just blinked mindlessly before grinning “Okay, fine. No kisses” he says, watching as Theo’s pout turned into a frown “No, wait. I want kisses”
   after walking out both you and Draco went into his dorm where you were now cuddling on his bed. “Hm. Your so warm” Draco hums as he digs his head into the crook of your neck. Your face heats up and you let out an embarrassed whine “Draco” you could practically feel his smirk.
   “darling don’t say my name that way” he speaks in a strained tone as he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his voice. Draco was an immense tease. You couldn’t help but smile though. “I’m sorry” you push out your bottom lip in a pout.
   Draco removes his head from your neck to look at your face, smirk still on his face. “Don’t pout. I like the way you smile when we are alone.” he spoke, his hand reaching up to grace over your cheek and push a strand of hair away from your face. You crack a small smile and so does he “There it is”
   he leans in a pecks your lips gently “So beautiful” and he continues to whisper praises to you as he kisses each part of your face. Not even stopping once you began to laugh from the ticklish feeling. “Draco! stop!” you say through fits of laughter. You hear him chuckle evilly, which wasn’t good at all.
   after a couple minutes he stops “Tired?” he asked, hovering over you with a loving smile on his face. You nod slowly, your face a deep shade of pink. he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead “Want to sleep in my room tonight?” he asked, since you never had before.
   “I don’t mind” you spoke in a whisper. He smiled brightly as he lifts off his wand and with a wave the lights turn off. He shuffles around to grab the top of his black silk blanket and place it over the both of your bodies. You turn to lay on your side, facing the wall. A position you found comfortable.
   Draco lays behind her, also on his side. His chest was pressed against your back while his arm was wrapped around you. He presses one final kiss to your temple before closing his eyes, whispering a goodnight. It was the first time the both of you slept in the same bed and you liked it. 
   Two Weeks Later
   as much as Draco cared for you, his demons sometimes got the best of him. The nagging thought in the back of his head telling him he was nothing to you just became louder and louder. It didn’t help that you were perfect at not showing your feelings for him in public. 
   we all have our days where we let our demons control our thoughts and this was one of them for Draco. He woke up in a depressed and angered state and decided that seeing you today was just to much for him. So he planned to ignore you all day and hide away in his dorm after.
   for you it was just a normal day. Being romantic with Draco in public was just something that never happened, so when he purposely ignored you, you saw nothing strange about it. You did begin to question the almost dirty looks he gave you or when you went up to him to ask him something and he just walked away.
   in the middle of the day you were in potions class. What was strange was that when you walked in Draco wasn’t in his seat, which was next to you. Instead he was sitting next to Blaise, which also meant that you were going to have to partner up with Cormac Mclaggen. Ew. 
   once Snape gave you your assignment you collected the ingredients and made your way back to your desk. “Hi i’m Cormac by the way” the Gryffindor boy spoke. You look at him and smile politely “Y/n” you said before placing the moonstone into a mortar and pestle to ground it up.
   he looks at the various ingredients and smiles shyly “I wasn’t listening to Snape. What are we making again?” of course. “A draught of peace potion. Can you put in the syrup of hellebore for me?” you ask and he nos quickly before picking it up. He pours a few drops as instructed and begins to stir it.
   After the moonstone is crushed you pour it into the cauldron and he stirs that up as well “Wow, your like really good at potions” he spoke and you nod once “It’s just easy for me i guess” you shrug your shoulders. “Wow, smart and beautiful. Your quite a catch Y/n” he smirks lightly, which rubs you the wrong way
   you just give him a half smile before continuing to ground up porcupine quills and a unicorn horn. In the end. You got the best potion and were rewarded a small vile of a draught of peace. You were happy you passed, but were not please when Cormac wrapped his arm around you, but you pushed it off.
   after class you were walking outside to make your way to Hagrid’s hut to help care for buckbeak when you hear somebody shouting your name “Y/n!” you turn around and watch as Cormac runs up to you “Yes?” you say, stopping in your tracks. “I wanted you to have this” he says and reaches into his robe.
   Draco was walking outside to catch his breath. Seeing Cormac drool over you and you doing nothing about it was eating up outside and he needed some fresh air before he blew up and beat the living shit out of Cormac. That’s when he heard you and the Gryffindor and decided to listen in and watch behind a pillar. 
   Cormac pulls out the draught of peace and hands it to you. You smile kindly and take it from his hands “Thank you” he smiles back “So i was wondering. Would you like to go out with me sometimes?” he asked. Well shit. You sigh deeply and shake your head “I’m sorry, but i already have a boyfriend Cormac”
   his face drops “Who?” he asked in a slightly irritated voice, which catches you off guard. “Um Draco Malfoy?” you said, taking a step back. He clicks his tongue as a bitter laugh comes from his mouth “Draco Malfoy? You two may act like best friends, but not lovers”
   you took slight offense to that, but it was true. You didn’t like pda because you didn’t have the slightest clue on how to be a public couple. But screw this guy. “Excuse me? What i do with Draco in public is none of your concern Cormac” you go to storm off when he grabs your arm, forcing you back.
   “If your lying to play hard to get it worked. Why would Malfoy ever go out with someone who doesn’t even pay attention to him during the day” his smirk very prominent and very gross. You rip your arm away from him, causing him to stumble a bit.
   “You have no right to say that to me! Just because i am not hanging off of him every second of every day does not me i don’t cherish him! He’s everything to me and i don’t deserve him at all! and i just realized that he may leave me today or tomorrow or in a hour! and i can’t believe it took me this long to realize that i’m so hopelessly in love with him. Nonetheless, fuck you, you fucking pervert!”
   your words were laced with venom, leaving the Gryffindor shocked. You pulled your wand out and hold his against his neck “Never, ever touch me or i’ll end you. Understand me?” you whisper, your face close to his. His eyes widen in fear before nodding quickly. “Then go!” you shout.
   he falls back and you watch as he struggles to get up before running away. That’s why Draco had been ignoring you, because he doesn’t think you love him. Tears flowed down your face, sobs wracking throughout your body. You were going to lose him and it was all your fault. 
   you drop your wand to wipe your face from the overflowing of warm tears. As you go to drop to your knees so you could cry on the floor, arms wrap around your waist and in fear of it being Cormac you open your eyes to see Draco, crying? “Draco?” you choke out.
   he cracks a smile and nods “Yeah” he says and reaches up to wipe a tear running down your cheek. Your eyes widen in realization “You heard all of that didn’t you. Draco i’m so sorry-” he hushes you and pulls you into a hug “Don’t. I let my insecurities get the best of me. Hearing you say you love me was enough to bring me back to reality and that i’m going to murder Mclaggen”
   you laugh quietly and sniffle “I do love you and i want you to know that i’m going to show you more public affection from now on” you nod sternly. He pulls away from the hug, shaking his head “Love, you don’t have to do that” he says. You wave you head, shaking your head.
   “I want everyone to know that i’m yours and you are mine, because if a girl ever did that to you. I’d kill her” this time Draco laughs, a grin forming on his face “I think i’m a bad influence. You’re starting to sound like me” you smile and reach up to grab his face “I love you Draco” you speak.
   you lean your forehead against his watching his smile grow wider “I love you too Y/n. To the moon and back and i’ll never forget it again” he presses a kiss to your lips, one that you return quickly. It was passionate and slightly sloppy due to the emotions running high between both of you. 
   you reach behind his neck to tug at the platinum blond locks, a groan slipping past his lips. Draco pulls away, panting heavily “Holy shit you need to kiss me like that more often” he smiled widely. You chuckle and lean in to kiss him again, but he stops you “What?” you say, but he pecks your lips quickly. “I love you and we can continue this later in my dorm preferably, but i have Gryffindor to 'talk to’”
   your eyes widen as he lets go of you and pulls out his wand. He begins to walk back into the school. You lean down and collect your wand before running to catch up with him “Draco! You can not kill Cormac!” you shout and he smirks. “I’m just going to talk to him Y/n” he spoke.
   “With your wand!?”
   Kody: Cormac slander is the only slander i know. I hope you enjoyed this one, cause it was long. Anyways, peace!
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kaile-hultner · 3 years
Nihilism is so easy, which is why we need to kill it
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(I initially published this here a couple weeks ago.)
So last night it dawned on me that, after over two years of being relatively symptom-free, my depression snuck back up on me and has taken over. It’s still pretty mild in comparison to other times I’ve been stuck in the hole, but after 24 months (and more) of mostly being good to go, I can tell that it’s here for a hot minute again.
How do I know? Well, it might be the fact that I spent more time sleeping during my recent vacation from work than I did just about anything else, and how it’s suddenly really hard for me to stay awake during work hours. I don’t really have an appetite, and in fact nausea hits me frequently. I don’t really have any emotional reactions to things outside of tears, even when tears aren’t super appropriate to the situation (like watching someone play Outer Wilds for the first time). And I’ve been consuming a lot of apocalyptic media, to which the only response, emotional or otherwise, I can really muster is “dude same.”
For a long time I was huge into absurdist philosophy, because it felt to my depressed brain like just the right balance between straight up denying that things are bad (and thus we should fix them, or at least try to do so) and full-blown nihilism. This gives absurdism a lot of credit; mostly it’s just a loose set of spicy existentialist ideas and shit that sounds good on a sticker, like “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
In the last couple years, while outside of my depressive state, I went back to Camus’ work and found a lot of almost full-on abusive shit in it. Not toward anyone specifically, but shit like “nobody and nothing will care if you’re gone, so live out of spite of them all” rubs me the wrong way in retrospect. The philosophy Camus puts out opens the door for living in a very self-destructive fashion; that in fact the good life is living without care for yourself or anyone/anything else. The way Camus describes and derides suicide especially is grim as fuck, and certainly I would never recommend The Myth of Sisyphus to anyone currently struggling with ideation. That “perfect balance” between denial and nihilism is really not that perfect at all, and in fact skews much more heavily towards the latter.
Neon Genesis Evangelion has been a big albatross around my neck in terms of the media products I’ve consumed in my life that I believe have influenced my depression hardcore. It sits in a similar conversational space to Camus’ work, in that it confronts nihilism and at once rejects and facilitates it. A lot of folks remark that Evangelion is pretty unique – or at least uncommon – in its accurate portrayal of depression, especially for mid-90s anime properties. The thing I notice always seems to be missing in these discussions is that along with that accurate portrayal comes a spot-on – to me, at least – depiction of what depression does to resist being treated. This is a disease that uses a person’s rational faculties to suggest that nobody else could possibly understand their pain, and therefore there’s no use in getting better or moving forward. Shinji Ikari is as self-centered as Hideaki Anno is as I am when it comes to confronting the truth: there are paths out of this hole, but nobody else can take that step out but us, and part of our illness is that refusal to do just that. Depression lies, it provides a cold comfort to the sufferer, that there is no existence other than the one where we are in pain and there is no way out, so pull the blanket up over our head and go back to sleep.
Watching Evangelion for the first time corresponded with the onset of one of the worst depressive spirals I’ve ever been in, and so, much like the time I got a stomach virus at the same time that I ate Arby’s curly fries, I kind of can’t associate Evangelion with anything else. No matter what else it might signify, no matter what other meaning there is to derive from it, for me Eva is the Bad Feeling Anime™. Which is why, naturally, I had to binge all four of the Evangelion theatrical releases upon the release of Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time last month.
If Neon Genesis Evangelion and End of Evangelion are works produced by someone with untreated depression just fucking rawdogging existence, then the Eva movies are works produced by someone who has gone to therapy even just one fucking time. Whether that therapy is working or not is to be determined, but they have taken that step out of the hole and are able to believe that there is a possibility of living a depression-free life. The first 40 minutes or so of Evangelion 3.0+1.0 are perfect cinema to me. The world is destroyed but there is a way to bring it back. Restoration and existence is possible even when the surface of the planet might as well be the surface of the Moon. The only thing about this is, everyone has to be on board to help. Even though WILLE fired one of its special de-corefication devices into the ground to give the residents of Village 3 a chance at survival, the maintenance of this pocket ecosystem is actively their responsibility. There is no room or time for people who won’t actively contribute, won’t actively participate in making a better world from the ashes of the old.
There are a lot of essentialist claims and assumptions made by the film in this first act about how the body interacts with the social – the concept of disability itself just doesn’t seem to have made it into the ring of safety provided by Misato and the Wunder, which seems frankly wild to me, and women are almost singularly portrayed in traditionalist support roles while men are the doers and the fixers and the makers. I think it’s worth raising a skeptical eyebrow at this trad conservative “back to old ways” expression of the post-apocalypse wherever it comes up, just as it’s important to acknowledge where the movie pushes back on these themes, like when Toji (or possibly Kensuke) is telling Shinji that, despite all the hard work everyone is doing like farming and building, the village is far from self-sufficient and will likely always rely on provisions from the Wunder.
As idyllic as the setting is, it’s not the ideal. As Shinji emerges from his catatonia, Kensuke takes him around the village perimeter. It’s quiet, rural Japan as far as the eye can see, but everywhere there are contingencies; rationing means Kensuke can only catch one fish a week, all the entry points where flowing water comes into the radius of the de-corefication devices have to be checked for blockages because the water supply will run out. There is a looming possibility that the de-corefication machines could break or shut down at some point, and nobody knows what will happen when that happens. On the perimeter, lumbering, pilot-less and headless Eva units shuffle around; it is unknown whether they’re horrors endlessly biding their time or simply ghosts looking to reconnect to the ember of humanity on the other side of the wall. Survival is always an open question, and mutual aid is the expectation. Still: the apocalypse happened, and we’re still here. The question Village 3 answers is “what now?” We move on, we adapt.
Evangelion is still a work that does its level best to defy easy interpretation, but the modern version of the franchise has largely abandoned the nihilism that was at its core in the 90s version. It’s not just that Shinji no longer denies the world until the last possible second – it’s that he frequently actively reaches out and is frustrated by other people’s denials. He wants to connect, he wants to be social, but he’s also burdened with the idea that he’s only good to others if he’s useful, and he’s only useful if he pilots the Eva unit. This last movie separates him and what he is worth to others (and himself) from his agency in being an Eva pilot, finally. In doing so, he’s able to reconcile with nearly everyone in his life who he has harmed or who has hurt him, and create a world in which there is no Evangelion. While this ending is much more wishful thinking than one more grounded in the reality of the franchise – one that, say, focuses on the existence and possible flourishing of Village 3 and other settlements like it while keeping one eye on the precarious balancing act they’re all playing – it feels better than the ending of End of Eva, and even than the last two episodes of the original series.
I’m glad the nihilism in Evangelion is gone, for the most part. I’m glad that I didn’t spend roughly eight hours watching the Evamovies only to be met yet again with a message of “everything is pointless, fuck off and die.” Because I’ve been absorbing that sentiment a lot lately, from a lot of different sources, and it really just fuckin sucks to hear over and over again.
It is a truth we can’t easily ignore that the confluence of pandemic, climate change, authoritarian surge and capitalist decay has made shit miserable recently. But the spike in lamentations over the intractability of this mix of shit – the inevitability of our destruction, to put it in simpler terms – really is pissing me off. No one person is going to fix the world, that much is absolutely true, but if everyone just goes limp and decides to “123 not it” the apocalypse then everyone crying about how the world is fucked on Twitter will simply be adding to the opening bars of a self-fulfilling prophesy.
We can’t get in a mech to save the world but then, neither realistically could Shinji Ikari. What we can do looks a lot more like what’s being done in Village 3: people helping each other with limited resources wherever they can.
Last week, Hurricane Ida slammed into the Gulf Coast and churned there for hours – decimating Bayou communities in Louisiana and disrupting the supply chain extensively – before powering down and moving inland. Last night the powerful remnants of that storm tore through the Northeast, causing intense flooding. Areas not typically affected by hurricanes suddenly found themselves in a similar boat – pun not intended – to folks for whom hurricanes are simply a fact of life. There’s a once-in-a-millennium drought and heatwave ripping through the West Coast and hey – who can forget back in February when Oklahoma and Texas experienced -20 degree temperatures for several days in a row? All of this against the backdrop of a deadly and terrifying pandemic and worsening political climate. It’s genuinely scary! But there are things we can do.
First, if you’re in a weather disaster-prone area, get to know your local mutual aid organizations. Some of these groups might be official non-profits; one such group in the Louisiana area, for example, is Common Ground Relief. Check their social media accounts for updates on what to do and who needs help. If you’re not sure if there’s one in your area, check out groups like Mutual Aid Disaster Relief for that same information. Even if you’re not in a place that expects to see the immediate effects of climate change, you should still consider linking up with organizing groups in your area. Tenant unions, homeless organizations, safe injection sites and needle exchanges, immigrant rights groups, environmental activist orgs, reproductive health groups – all could use some help right now, in whatever capacity you might be able to provide it.
In none of these scenarios are we going to be the heroes of the story, and we shouldn’t view this kind of work in that way. But neither should we give into the nihilistic impulse to insist upon doing nothing, insist that inaction is the best course of action, and get back under the blankets for our final sleep. Kill that impulse in your head, and fuck, if you have to, simply just fucking wish for that better world. Then get out of bed and help make it happen.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track six
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist | visual by @brockhsmpton​
“Okay so let me get this straight. You have a boyfriend. Your boyfriend is famous. You’re flying to LA with said boyfriend. And you’re staying at his house? Cause he’s 20 and has a fucking house.” 
“Uh yeah, that pretty much covers it.” 
“Jesus, I move across the country and then you decide to start getting interesting.”
Indy flipped her grilled cheese over in the skillet, and then flipped off the camera, getting an eye roll from Charlie that she felt through the facetime call.
“You gonna be okay on the plane?”
“Don’t wanna talk about it,” she grumbled, trying to push the nagging thoughts from her mind. 
“Indiana. You’ve gotta tell him before you get on that plane. If you can even get on the plane that is.”
“I said I don’t want to talk about it. Just drop it, okay?”
Her list of distractions was dwindling as she finished all the work that had been piled on her before fall break, which was really only a long four day weekend. All she had left was an exam that afternoon, and then it would be time to go. 
Grayson had insisted that they take Beks advice, take a trip out of the city to somewhere other than Jersey. It had been an interesting conversation to say the least.
“That sounds fun but I can’t.”
“Why not?”
She hesitated. Her usual excuse for getting out of things that made her anxious was simple. School. Too much homework, upcoming exam, blah blah blah. Usually that just earned her an eye roll, maybe an off hand ‘nerd’ comment too, but then the subject would be dropped. 
Grayson wouldn’t be swayed that easily; and, she didn’t even have her default option. She scrambled for ideas with her thoughts running wild until he reached across the couch and laid his hand on top of hers.
“Hey, where’d you go?”
“I was thinking about airports.” It wasn’t a lie, but that was only partially the culprit of the knot in her stomach. 
“It’s a straight flight to LA, super easy. I’ve done it way too many times, I know my way around.”
She chewed her lip and he squeezed her hand. 
“C’mon, you’ll love it. LA is shitty sometimes but it’s amazing too. And you can meet Eden finally, she’s always asking about you. And Adele too. And I can show you the house, the pod studio. We can go surfing if you want. I’ll take you to Monty’s.” 
“Gray. I can’t afford it.” 
“Like I was gonna make you pay for it,” he laughed, but she stayed still beside him, unable to find the same amusement. 
“I don’t want you to spend money on me like that.”
“Money doesn’t mean much to me. Doesn’t mean anything to me really,” he shrugged - she couldn’t imagine what that must feel like. It felt a bit hypocritical, for her to be acting like she struggled with money while she sat in her nice Chelsea apartment. But that money hadn’t come from her own pockets - it came with the price tag of guilt and the threat of it being taken away if her dad felt like it, which kept her and her ever shrinking savings account on edge. Money didn’t seem to be a real concept in the Dolan family however, and she tried to remind herself of that while Gray toyed with her fingers. 
He switched to other tactics of persuasion when the silence stretched a bit too long, moving closer and nuzzling into her neck, pressing little kisses to her skin in between murmurs of “please Dee” and “c’mon baby”.
She conceded, gently tugging on his hair to get him to come back to her.
“Fine. But I’m paying you back one day. When I can.”
Grayson knew that wouldn’t be for years, and he liked the idea of her and him that far in the future, so he just nodded and kissed her again. 
Charlie stayed on the line while Indy ate and then moved on to finish her packing, throwing in too many outfits for just four days and four nights, but she wasn’t sure what California called for. It took her a good five minutes of digging to find her bathing suits that she hadn’t drug out since the summer, but she eventually added them to the bag as the final touch and got everything ready. Charlie convinced her to take a few pieces of skimpier clothing in case the ‘vibes were right’, which had Indy blushing bright red and eventually making an excuse to get off the phone before she had to get into her sex life any further with her sister. 
Her breathing settled for a moment when her phone buzzed, a message from ‘gray 💚  ’.
Plane snacks?
Also does coffee make you shit your pants
Cause I’ll get you some for the ride to the airport if it won’t hurt your tummy on the plane
Leave it to him to put a smile on her face even as her stomach continued to turn. She tried to convince herself it was her exam that had her so worked up, but she knew better. 
if 4 years as a barista gave me anything it was immunity in that department
so yes to the coffee pls :)
and just get me whatever you’re getting for snacks please
Gotcha, I’ll swing by and get your bag
Good luck on your exam! Not that you need it
I’ll be waiting outside in the ugly ass truck 💜  I love you
see you soon, I love you too
With that she packed up the last few things, leaving her bag in plain sight before she left for class. She was able to clear her mind enough on her walk, getting herself into ‘school mode’ before she got to the building. The exam went easily, as she expected that it would - it was nice to have subjects like medical terminology that were so cut and dry sometimes. Either you know it, or you don’t, as Nicole used to say. No point in guessing. 
Indy didn’t like having to guess. 
Which was why she had the airport map pulled up on her phone while she stood on the sidewalk, leaned up against the building as she tried to plan out the best way to get to the terminal that they needed. She’d already done this - three times, actually - but it made her feel better anyways. 
She heard the rumble of the engine first, but it only held her ears for a moment. Because then, it was a giggle, and a squeal, and a whispered voice saying “no, that’s them, that has to be them! Who the fuck else would have a truck like that?”
Indiana’s stomach tightened even more somehow at the realization of what was happening. Charlie’s voice rang in her ears - your boyfriend is famous.
They’d never talked about what to do in a situation like this, but she’d seen enough stories about celebrities who hid their relationships to know that ‘undisclosed’ was the default setting. Suddenly very thankful that she’d decided to go with a hoodie that morning, she pulled the fabric up over her hair and dropped her head, keeping her eyes trained upward to watch what Grayson was doing. 
She watched the girls go up to the cab and ask for a photo, which Grayson seemed to happily oblige to, though he didn’t get out of the car. He noticed her a moment later and his smile faltered at the realization that she’d been waiting on him. The girls asked him to give their love to Ethan and then went on their way. Indy held back for a few moments, waiting until they were out of sight before she hurried forward and got into the passenger seat. 
“You must have finished that exam quick, I figured I’d be waiting on you,” Gray teased, but his voice was a bit tight. 
“It was pretty easy, you either know it or you don’t.”
“Right. Well, I wouldn’t have known any of it,” he laughed, eyes still scanning the street - whether for cars or people, she couldn’t tell. “You ready to go?”
No. “Sure.”
The pair had felt the peace of comfortable silence enough in their relationship so far to know when it was absent, and there wasn’t a trace of it to be found. Indy was too caught up in her own mind to react to Grayson’s attempts to engage her, from the hand on her bouncing thigh to the looks he snuck, eyes darting from the busy road for a moment. She kept her coffee in both her hands - drinking it was counterproductive in terms of her nerves most likely, but the warmth of it was comforting enough for her to justify it. Grayson’s mouth got drier with every exit they passed, and he kept his cool until they got to the pay to park lot at the airport and he shifted the truck into park.
“We don’t have to go you know.”
The dejection in his voice was finally enough to pull Indiana out of her own little world. Her eyes came back into focus as she turned to him.
“If it’s about the money, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just really wanted to show you LA, cause it’s a big part of me, and I didn’t want you to be stressed about the price of tickets.” 
“It’s not the money.”
“Then what is it? Because you’re pissed about something, obviously, and I’d like to be let in on the secret if you don’t mind.” 
She shrunk under his harsh tone, unsure of whether she should even say anything. She hated when she got like this, and hated even more that she didn’t even have a hope of control over it, despite it being herself, her own mind causing the issues.
“It’s not you, it’s planes. Airports. Flying in general. I just… I don’t like it.”
“Oh. Well, I mean, I’ve been on plenty of planes, and nothing bad has ever happened while I was on there.” There was an airiness to his tone, as if it was as simple as his own testimony fixing the entire situation.
“That… doesn’t help.” She didn’t even like the thought of him being on a plane, much less the both of them. She practically flinched at the sound of one flying over them.
Grayson’s wheels were turning, slower than he wanted them to as he scrambled for an idea, anything that could make her feel better at the realization that his words had only made it worse.
“Can I have a redo on that?” 
She looked up at him - at his sheepish smile and the blush on his cheeks, and the next breath she took in was a tad easier.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling anxious, what can I do to help?”
His tone was so flat that they just looked at each other and then busted out laughing. Indiana couldn’t remember the last time someone had made her laugh when she felt so terribly. It was almost foreign to her - she felt like she shouldn’t be doing it somehow.
“Sorry, that was - fuck that was formal,” he laughed, rolling his eyes. “What I meant was, whatever you need, I’ll do. You just have to tell me.” 
“Uh… not going.”
His hand moved to the gear shift, ready to put it in reverse and leave. She placed hers on top of his, holding on when he moved away.
“No you aren’t.”
“Okay, maybe I’m a little serious. But I want to. I want to go, it’s just hard. Having someone with me that I trust helps though.”
His chest swelled a bit at the realization that he was considered one of those people - it was one of the best honors he could imagine being given by somebody that he cared about, probably because it wasn’t something that he gave out easily. He pulled her hand up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the soft skin.
“I’ll be with you then. You can hold onto me the whole time.”
“You sure about that?”
He frowned immediately at that, reaching his hand over to her thigh, running a thumb over the material of her leggings. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean you’re probably gonna have more fans coming up to you and stuff. I figured you didn’t want them like… knowing about me.”
“I never said that,” he countered, squeezing a bit. “I mean if you don’t want to, that’s okay, but I’m okay with it if you are.”
There was a sincerity to his gaze that conveyed what he hadn’t said - an almost plea for her to be okay with it. And so she was, at least enough for her to give him a nod and a quick kiss before stepping out of the truck. 
He got to her bags before she could, and he was grateful that he’d only brought a duffle. He managed both bags with one hand and grabbed onto hers with the other as they started through the parking lot.
And he didn’t let go a single time, apart from the security scans and her going to pee after they made it through, in which he waited outside the bathroom for her with his arms crossed. Ethan met up with them at the terminal, buzzing with excitement at the prospect of getting to see Eden for the first time in a month. He was staying an extra week to get some quality time with her, and he was a constant stream of excitement. Grayson kept his attention on Indy though, trying to read her for any signs that things were getting worse. He kept a hand on her bouncing leg, running a thumb back and forth constantly, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her temple every so often.
“I’m gonna go check something really quick, I’ll be right back. Ethan, stay with her okay?” 
Ethan didn’t question it. He slid over to replace his brother for a moment as he headed up to the desk at the gate. Despite his bubbly charm, Ethan had a calmer nature to him than Grayson did, no matter how hard he tried to exude the same level headedness. It came effortlessly to his twin it seemed.
“Gingerale helps calm me down on planes. Don’t know why but it does,” he mumbled, scooting a bit closer so his arm was pressed up along hers on the small bars between their seats.
He didn’t seem to need a response, and Indy was grateful. She leaned against him a bit more as a silent thank you that he seemed to accept, and they stayed that way until Grayson returned, switching out places again, wrapping his arm around her shoulder immediately.
“I upgraded us to first class.”
“What? Why!?” She spoke for the first time since the car, surprised that her voice still sounded stable. 
“You’ll see. C’mon, we’re about to board. You still sure you want to do this?”
She couldn’t give him an answer, but she stood up anyways and held onto his arm as they scanned their tickets and moved down the jet bridge. He pressed kisses to her blonde hair, ducking down a few times to check on her as they made their way down and got settled into their seats, Ethan settling into the row beside her. 
Indy kept her lip tucked underneath her top teeth, looking around at anything to distract her from where she was as her mind raced, so fast she couldn’t even pinpoint what was making her the most anxious. 
“Focus on me. I’m right here,” Grayson hummed, reaching over to turn her face towards his for a moment. “You’re okay. We’re okay.” 
“Yeah.” There wasn’t an ounce of conviction in her voice. She felt like she was going to cry, and she tucked her hood up over her ears, trying to drown out anything that sounded remotely like an airplane. Her lungs weren’t working how she wanted them to, and she sucked in breath after breath, none of them deep enough to relieve the tightness in her chest. 
“Here. Try this.” 
Long fingers tucked into her hood, moving her hair back from her ear so he could slip one of his headphones in. It fit snugly, and he scrambled to his phone, pulling up his Cudi playlist and scrolling through until he found what he wanted. The familiar intro of Teleport 2 Me, Jamie started to play as the final passengers boarded onto the rather large plane. How had everyone gotten on so fast? It seemed her mind was running away from her, making time move faster, bringing on the inevitable.
“This song makes me think about you, you know. I know Jamie is your middle name but still.” 
She barely registered his words as a few tears snuck out of the corner of her eyes. Even her lips were shaking as she tried to breathe, curling in on herself with her knees pulled to her chest. The flight attendant was nice enough to not ask to see her seatbelt, sensing that she was better left undisturbed.
The guilt started to eat Grayson alive as he watched her struggle, running a hand over her back and leaning over to hold onto her, looking to his brother for support. Ethan’s eyes were wide with concern but he was just as helpless, not even being able to reach a comforting hand across the aisle because of the flight attendants passing by. It only got worse as they began to move - Grayson couldn’t tell if she was shaking harder or if it was just the movement of the plane. 
The only good sign he got was her reaching her hand out in search of his. When he laced his fingers with hers she squeezed so hard he knew his bones were moving in a way they weren’t meant to, but he didn’t dare pull away. Not when he was the cause of her being in so much distress. It put a pit in his stomach, a mixture of the urge to apologize over and over and the wish that he could somehow climb inside her mind and soothe her, make her believe that she would be alright.
So, he did the next best thing he could think of. As soon as they had taken off, which felt like it took hours, he reached to her waist and unclipped her seatbelt. 
“Come here.” 
It took a moment for her to process, but once she understood Indy didn’t hesitate to climb over into his lap, curling up so small that she fit comfortably there in the wide first class seat, head tucked into the nook of his neck as he wrapped her up in his arms. 
“You’re okay, I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
“I’m sorry, fuck I’m sorry,” she squeaked. If anyone else in first class heard it, they elected to ignore it. “It’s not usually this bad.”
“Shhhh, don’t. Just close your eyes. We’ll be there before you know it, okay?”
She reached a hand up to his neck, tucking it in against his skin under his sweatshirt as an anchor before she closed her eyes. She wrestled with her mind, trying to override with a focus on what she was physically feeling - his warm skin under her fingertips, the roughness of his beard against her forehead, the change of the song in her headphone. Her other ear was pressed against his chest and she tried to listen for his heartbeat, getting sidetracked when his hand moved her hoodie up barely so he could get underneath to her skin. One finger began to trace.
She shook her head, tilting up to press her nose against him. It was her that should be apologizing, she thought. She hadn’t warned him properly of what to expect. That being said, it was true that she hadn’t had such a bad experience in a while - it only clicked then that it probably had to do with the fact that Grayson was on the plane too. If it crashed and she died, so would he, and the thought of it made her want to hurl. Instead, she clung to him tighter, forming letters by his collarbone with her fingertip.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, leaving his lips there for a moment before he shifted and rested his cheek on top of her head.
She nuzzled closer to him.
Against her hip, she felt four gentle squeezes, a silent I love you too as they continued through the sky. 
“Jesus. It’s hot. Like, hot hot.” 
“Ethan. It’s Cali. Of course it’s fucking hot.”
“Yeah, but it’s not natural for it to be this hot in fucking October. Anywhere.”
Indy listened to their bickering quietly, catching her breath a little more with each mile she put between her and the airport. It was just her leg bouncing now as she sipped on her gingerale - it had appeared on her tray table at some point in the flight and she hadn’t been able to stomach it until she made it out of the airport and into Ethan’s tesla, which was driven by Adele, a sweet woman with a kind smile and soft voice. 
Grayson sat in the backseat with her, still on alert for any sign that she was anxious, hand resting on her thigh. But he breathed easier as he watched her body finally begin to accept that she was on the ground, and by the time they pulled up to the gate she was almost back to her normal self. 
She enjoyed the feeling of her feet on the hard concrete of the driveway when she got out of the car, feeling a bit like a celebrity when the door swung open over her head. Grayson grabbed the bags and was immediately at her side, taking her hand and leading her up to the door. It wasn’t the first time that Indy had seen the inside of the house - she’d gotten glimpses of it on a few vlogs that they’d watched with Bekah one night. But there was a warmth to the space that didn’t quite read on camera, a familiarity that she realized was traces of Grayson everywhere, from the Cudi vinyls on the shelf to the wood based furniture that he’d definitely had a hand in making. 
“I’m going to get Eden, I’ll be back in… I don’t know how long,” Ethan winked, immediately grabbing his keys and heading back out to the still warm Tesla, leaving his bag off the side of the kitchen.
“You up for a tour?” 
If she was honest, her body was entirely exhausted, and her mind wasn’t far behind. But she perked up for his sake and nodded, taking his hand as he started to guide her through the house. He stopped in each room, showing off little details he’d helped pick out, from the colorful couch in the sunken room off the kitchen to the floating desk in Ethan’s room that he’d helped him install. The podcast studio was the most eclectic of any of them, with a massive wooden table that almost seemed carved around the blue light in the middle - not to mention the hot pink wall of the entrance, which was cut off by a wild jungle wallpaper wall that stretched from one end of the house to the other. Grayson spoke a mile a minute, explaining every step, every change they had made to the house since they’d bought it. Indy’s mind struggled to keep up, to visualize what he was saying, describing rooms she’d never seen.
“Ethan got the master this time around, so my room is a little smaller, but it’s cooler anyways.”
He guided her into a dark room on the right side of the hallway. It was somehow calmer than the rest of the house, and it practically zapped the rest of the energy out of her as soon as she passed the threshold. He showed her the green bathroom, the fancy toilet he’d picked out, his massive and meticulously organized closet. But when she flopped down onto the bed, she knew she was done for. 
Grayson smiled when she hummed against the comforter - the first true sign of relaxation she’d shown since he’d picked her up from campus that morning.
“You tired bubs?” 
“No,” she lied.
“You wanna take a nap?”
“Your eyes are closed.”
“I’m resting, I just need like… 30 seconds.”
“You can sleep.”
“You were gonna show me the backyard though.”
She felt the bed dip down slightly, and then his lips were on her temple.
“The backyard will be there when you wake up. Besides, I need to get some work done anyways, and you’ve had a shitshow of a morning. Sleep, and maybe we can go get dinner with E squared later if you’re up for it, and I’ll take you to the beach.”
“E squared?” She muttered, only half motivated to stay awake for the answer. 
“Ethan and Eden. They’ll be back over in a few hours I’m sure, he’s saving us from having to listen to their reunion fuck through the walls.”
“How considerate.” Her voice was muffled in the pillow, and it made Grayson smile. He moved to his closet, opening the extra drawer he used to store his blankets and pulling one out for her. 
She vaguely felt the weight of the fabric being laid over her, and a gentle hum that sounded like ‘I love you’ before her body finally gave in and succumbed to sleep.
As soon as he knew she was out, Grayson got to work on all the things that he’d neglected in the last month. He made quick work of a full email inbox, a few calls that he stepped out of the room for, a Wakeheart campaign approval that he forwarded to Ethan - something about being back in LA lit the fire under him that always seemed to simmer out in the cool Jersey air. It took less thought, less intention to go into his kitchen, use his preset on the coffee machine with his favorite mug under it. Jersey was home, but LA was home, and he never realized how much he loved it until he was away for a while. His phone buzzed, loud against the counter - a text from Ethan running across his screensaver of the only picture he’d taken with Indy so far. He made a mental note to take more over the next few days before he opened the message.
Be there in 10, make sure everyone has pants on
He liked the message and stood up slowly, closing his laptop before heading back towards his room. He paused in the doorway, unable to help himself as he looked in. 
Indiana was sprawled out across his bed, one of her legs escaping from under the covers. The pillow was tucked under her head, held by one arm while the other reached out to the empty side of the bed, hand splayed out on the fabric. With his phone already in his hand he couldn’t help but to snap a quick picture of her, a sweet memory that he knew he’d want to keep. He felt a little guilty having to wake her up from what seemed like such a peaceful nap, but he also knew she’d be made if he didn’t give her a chance to freshen up before Eden got there. So he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple, rubbing along her back until her eyes blinked opened.
“Time to get up sleepyhead,” he teased, keeping his hand on her hip as she rolled over and stretched out in the most adorable way.
“Hmmmm, c’mere,” she grinned, reaching up for him and pulling his lips down to hers. The little cat nap seemed to be the recovery her body needed, a reset that allowed her mind to focus on other things, like how good Grayson looked in the fresh t-shirt that he’d changed into while she was out. He indulged her, moving a knee onto the bed so he could get above her and get behind the kiss.
“Ethan’s gonna be here in 10,” he murmured, but his lips still moved against hers, his relief palpable that she seemed to be doing better. 
“Then we have 9.”
“Eden’s coming too.”
She pulled back with wide eyes, and before he could say another word she was rolling out from underneath him. It took her two whole rolls to get to the other side of the bed, which was almost as endearing to Grayson as the way she scurried to her bag in the closet, immediately pulling out clothes like her life depended on it.
“Baby, it’s just Eden.”
“No, it’s Ethan’s girlfriend Eden. Which means she’s not just Eden, it means she’s very important.”
“Important? You act like this is a job interview or something.”
“It’s a girlfriend interview, which is worse.”
“A what?” He struggled to stay focused on her answer as she pulled her leggings off and wiggled into a pair of high waisted black jean shorts as she spoke.
“When you have a woman in your life, a good woman, who isn’t your girlfriend, they go into protective mode. It’s a maternal thing I think, but it doesn’t matter who it is, they keep an eye out for you. And the biggest threat that those women can see for their guy friend is a new girlfriend. It doesn’t mean she’s gonna hate me, but she’s definitely gonna want to vet me at the least. And I bet it’s worse because I’ll be around Ethan so much so she’ll want to be extra careful. Plus, she doesn’t know me from adam, and...hey. Hey. Are you listening to me?”
At some point in the middle of her explanation she’d taken her shirt off, and Grayson’s mind had gone a bit fuzzy at the sight of her bra - dark purple, with a peek of lace under the cups.
“Yeah, yeah sorry. Eden’s nice though, she’s sweet, there’s nothing to be scared of.” 
She turned to him with a frustrated frown that he kissed away when he closed the distance between them, hands moving to hold her bare hips. Her skin was soft and still had a trace of warmth from sleep, and it made him hold on and rub his thumbs against her for a moment, trying to process that she was actually there with him. 
“If you say so.”
“I do say so, and besides, her opinion of you isn’t going to change my opinion of you.” He kissed her forehead quickly and let go so she could get ready. She pulled a tank top on and headed into the bathroom, freshening up until the moment that she heard the front door open, signally Ethan and Eden’s arrival. 
“Do I look okay?”
“Perfect as always,” he beamed, taking her hand and leading her back out towards the kitchen.
Eden came running around the island and barrelled into Grayson like she hadn’t seen him in years. He caught her with a smile, a laugh and a ‘hey evil’, an inside joke that Indy wasn’t let in on. She didn’t have time to dwell on it though, because she was immediately wrapped up in tan arms, her vision obscured by a curtain of wavy black hair. 
“Hi! I’m Eden, it’s nice to meet you.” 
“Hey, Indiana, nice to meet you too!” 
The hug was as awkward as any first hug she’d ever had, but the smile on the boy’s faces made it worth it when Indy pulled back. Ethan was glowing in the way you only glow after you get laid for the first time in a long time, and he’d apparently worked up an appetite, because they didn’t spend more than five minutes in the house before they were headed out to Monty’s. Indy still tried to open the Tesla door like a normal one, barely stepping back in time when it lifted up above her head. To her surprise, Eden jumped into the backseat beside her, forcing Grayson up to the passenger seat next to Ethan. 
“So, you’re in school right? To be a nurse?”
“A doctor actually, but yeah, I graduate in a little over a month with my Bachelor’s,” Indy explained, preparing herself for the questions she was sure to get, being careful to be truthful in her answers without accidentally saying something that would make Eden hate her. Ethan’s girlfriend had a sweet face, peppered in freckles that almost looked faded in her warm toned skin. Her eyes sat large on her face, making her look a bit like a doe. But her outfit told a different story - everything about it spoke confidence and bad bitch energy in a way that Indiana was only used to seeing on LA model’s instagrams. It hit her quickly that it was very much possible that Eden might actually be an LA model, and the thought made her mouth run dry.
“What do you do?”
“I’m a graphic designer.”
“Oh really? That’s amazing! What kind of work do you do?”
Eden launched into her career, from how she got there to what major brands she’d worked for - some of which shocked Indy. Grayson reached back behind his seat a few minutes into the drive, holding onto her leg and running his thumb along her skin as he balanced listening to his brother and listening to the girls. The energy settled in the cab, and Indy breathed out a sigh of relief at the realization that, for now at least, she’d passed the test. 
It didn’t stop the questions though. A constant stream of information grabs, from her favorite things about New York to her family. Grayson squeezed tight when Eden mentioned her mom, throwing Ethan an unjustified look of annoyance. Indiana didn’t mind, though she didn’t love the look of pity that came over Eden’s face when she let her know that she had passed. But it moved on quickly, on to questions of her apartment, her college, her friends. 
The only pause came when the Tesla rolled to a stop outside of Monty’s, which was packed with a long line outside. Eden let out a small sigh, reaching down for her purse.
“Usual, guys?”
They both nodded, a bit of unspoken tension growing in the air.
“Indiana, you wanna come with? The boys can just circle around.” 
“I uh… yeah, yeah sure.” Indy went along with it, stepping out of the car quickly, trying to look back at Grayson through the window for some explanation, but they were so tinted that she couldn’t even guess what his facial expression was. Eden linked their arms quickly, leading her down the sidewalk and to the back of the line as if nothing had happened. Indy watched Ethan pull away quickly, and swore she could see a very concerned Grayson through the windshield.
“It makes it easier if they don’t have to get out. Too many people, and with a line this long the paps would show up.”
Two brunette girls in front of them turned around, interest piqued. 
“Paps? For who?”
“No one, mind your damn business,” Eden said, waiting until they turned around to melt back into her usual friendly demeanor. 
“I didn’t even think about that. About like, getting recognized I guess. But it happened in New York for the first time this morning, on campus.”
“LA is the worst for it. People see you take a picture with someone and then ask for one even if they don’t know who they are. Well, most people our age know who they are actually, but still. It’s not as bad in other places, just the occasional person. Et-” she cut herself off, knowing the girls were still eavesdropping. “He loves meeting fans but it gets to be a lot sometimes. So I try to help him out when I can. They’ll never ask for it, but they never turn it down either.”
Indy swallowed hard. She said it so casually, as if it was totally normal for the two of them to be standing there while their boyfriends drove around just so they didn’t get mobbed. She felt like a million pairs of eyes were on her as they inched forward in line every few moments. Eden just looked at her nails, picking at her cuticles. 
“Does it ever get… normal? Them being recognized?”
“You learn to ignore it. And they don’t go out as much as you think. We’ll go out to show you around because you’ve never been here, but most of the time they’re home bodies. They kinda had to be, coming out here so young.” 
“I can’t imagine coming out here at 15,” Indy mumbled, shaking her head. 
“They’ve been through a lot. But then again so have you. So has everyone, at the end of the day.”
She was taken aback by the sudden depth of the conversation, but it didn’t last long, because soon they were close enough to the menu that Indy was asking questions. The Tesla circled again while they waited on the food, which came in little brown boxes stuffed into a bag. The girls waited on the curb for Ethan to pull back around, climbing in as inconspicuously as they could, getting settled into the backseat again. 
“Got the goods?”
“You know it,” she grinned. Grayson reached back for Indiana again - he’d missed her in the few minutes that they were gone, and he didn’t realize he’d been anxious until it faded when she was back with him.
“We’re going to the secret beach, it’ll be like 10 minutes, so don’t eat all my fries.”
“I bought us all an extra to share.”
“Atta’ girl,” Ethan said, pressing on the gas a bit harder. 
The secret beach, it turned out, was just a less populated one. But it was peaceful, washed pink by the beginnings of a sunset over the ocean. Grayson couldn’t tell if he was more overwhelmed by the colors in the sky or the feeling of finally having his own girl with him, someone’s hand to hold as he moved down the sand beside his brother and Eden. It had been almost a year of him being a third wheel, and he couldn’t stop looking over at Indy, his girl, who was there with him. 
Her eyes were on the ocean. Sure, she’d seen the atlantic ocean plenty of times, but the pacific was different. It seemed bigger somehow, bluer, and it took her breath away. Food forgotten, she tugged on Grayson’s hand, only pausing to kick off her shoes before she was running down towards the water, laughing when the froth of the waves tickled her toes. Grayson’s shoes were soaked, but he didn’t care as he followed her down the coastline, laughing and yelling, picking her up around the waist and spinning her around, stopping to kiss her hard as the waves crashed. Ethan took a video on Grayson’s phone, a proud smile on his face as he watched his brother light up. Eden rested her head on his shoulder, remembering the days where that was the two of them, when everything was brand new and on fire. 
The duo’s burgers were cold by the time they made it back up the beach, and Ethan had already started in on Grayson’s fries, much to his dismay. But they settled in the sand and ate their food, falling back into the group conversation between bites and swallows.
“So, you’ve been in LA for what, 5 hours now? Are you sold yet?” Ethan picked up another fry from the extra container, dropping it into his mouth.
“It’s gonna take a lot more to sell me on anywhere this far west,” she laughed, crumpling up the paper that her burger was wrapped in and tossing it into the box.
“Has Grayson made you a Jersey girl already?” Eden teased.
“It’s grown on me for sure, but nowhere compares to New York.”
Grayson chewed his last fry a bit slower.
“Yeah? Ethan took me into the city once when we were visiting Jersey but I don’t know much about it if I’m honest. I grew up in Texas.” 
“The city is special once you get to know it. There’s so many different people, different cultures, new places to go. And it’s got all the best hospitals, which just makes me work harder because I want to work in one some day. Plus it uh… it’s just always been home to me. I can’t imagine living anywhere else really.” 
Grayson’s stomach tightened, suddenly very full of food and smaller than when he’d started eating. They’d never really discussed living situations. He racked his brain, tried to remember if he ever mentioned that he was only staying in Jersey until the tiny homes were done. Surely she realized that he was going to come back to LA. He couldn’t tell if he’d subconsciously thought that she would want to move with him, or if he just assumed that they would handle the distance. But his mind was instantly filled with the image of Indy curled in on herself in a first class seat, and he resisted the urge to get up and walk it off as the guilt returned. The sun seemed to set faster, turning the beach indigo as everyone got up and headed back for the car. 
Ethan took an extra moment to fold up the picnic blanket they’d brought, letting the girls get just out of earshot. 
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t go all doomsday on this shit and shoot yourself in the foot. Cross the distance bridge when you get to it. You all haven’t been together a month yet, if you start talking moving across the country she’s gonna freak. Give it time.”  
Most of the time, Grayson despised Ethan’s big brother persona - 20 minutes wasn’t a flex when it came to maturity in his book. But in certain moments, he was grateful for his level head. It helped him breathe a little easier as he headed back to the car, happy to see that Eden had shifted to the front seat. He took the back, a bit annoyed at the space between their seats - another perk of his Porsche, no doubt. But he settled for resting a hand on Indy’s thigh and leaning over for the occasional kiss as they found their way home.
Each couple bid their goodnights despite the early hour, a silent understanding of the do not disturb courtesy to be followed. Indy and Gray bumped hips as they brushed their teeth in the same sink, toothpaste filled smiles shining at each other in the mirror. They fell into each other like they’d done it a million times, even though they could still count on two hands the amount of times they’d had each other like this. It didn’t matter that they were in a new place. Grayson felt the same above her, beside her, behind her as they worked each other up and eased each other down. Their voices echoed off the walls the same, the attempt to stay quiet still there as they tried to give the other couple the same respect that they were no doubt trying to give them. 
The travel caught up with Indy first - she was much less versed in time changes after all, and she fell asleep right after her quick shower, curled up in Grayson’s arms, his nose full of her vanilla shampoo and his mind racing, running laps around two words. New York.
He felt like he heard more about the city in his next few days than he did when he was actually there. They facetimed Bekah the next morning, glad to see that she’d made it out of surgery successfully, and that all was smooth sailing so far. She was ecstatic that her two friends we’re getting a break, and she excitedly showed them the new view of the city she had since her recovery room was on the other side of the hospital.
Indy wore a New York sweatshirt that evening when they went back to the secret beach, and she fell asleep with it on on the couch at home, leaned back against Grayson’s chest. He carried her to bed and kissed her forehead, but his eyes focused on the letters, which seemed to be staring at him in the dark.
They ordered pizza for lunch the next day, after an anxiety filled morning of Eden and Indy in a follow car behind the two of them longboarding with their friends. Eden asked about what made NYC pizza so much better, and it seemed like Indy could have talked for hours about crust and sauce, seasoning and ratios. 
By the third day, it was consuming his every thought, and despite Ethan’s advice to let it play out, he knew he had to talk to her, or at least try to.
Indy was none the wiser. The LA sun had warmed her skin and her mind, leaving little lines of its presence on both. By the second day the house felt less like a hotel and more like a home, and she understood why the boys loved it so much. Eden became more than an acquaintance; she was easy to love, and the interview seemed to have stopped for the most part. But a part of her still itched for her New York apartment, the bustle of the city, the familiarity of campus and Jets and the blocks that she walked down.
She thought she’d hidden it well, but she learned she was mistaken on the last night they spent in LA.
“You’re ready to leave, aren’t you?” 
Indy perked up from where she had settled on his chest. It was routine now, for her to rest against him and trace patterns on his skin before they dozed off.
“You’re tracing N-Y-C on my chest. You want to go home.”
“Home sounds nice, the plane ride doesn’t though,” she laughed a bit. Laughing was good. Calm, and put together. “Guess it’s just my subconscious.”
Grayson sighed against her, running his fingers over her back as he looked up at the ceiling.
“I didn’t realize you were so attached.”
“To what?”
“To the city.”
“Oh. Well, yeah. I mean, it’s home.”
“Home can be multiple places. LA is home, Jersey is home, hell, even Australia is home for me in a way.”
Indy’s neck got tired from craning up at him, so she shifted up to sit with her legs criss cross as he lounged back against the pillows. 
“Well, I’ve never really had to make anywhere else home. New York has everything I need I guess.”
“You’ve never wanted to try somewhere else?”
Indy sighed, finally understanding.
“Gray, baby, it’s not like I hate it here. I know it’s important to you, and it should be. I’m just saying that New York is… well, it’s New York. It’s important to me, it’s where I’ve planned out my future.”
He sat up further, propping up on his elbow, resting a hand on her knee. 
“What does that mean though? ‘New York is New York’. I mean, it’s a cool city, I’ll give you that, but it’s not just that, right?”
It took a moment for Indy to find her words. She’d never really tried to explain it to anyone, but if anyone would get it, it was him.
“It’s my mom.” 
Grayson’s face fell immediately, and he opened his mouth, but she kept talking before he could.
“I know she’s not there. She’s wherever she is, I guess. But she breathed New York Grayson. That’s the last place that I knew her while she was still her, and the last place that she knew me. My memories of her live in that city, and when I’m not there I feel like I’m even farther away from her. And I already feel like I’m forgetting little things, because it’s been 4 years now, and I can’t even tell what I can’t remember, and it’s scary.”
Her breath caught in her throat a bit at the realization of what she was saying, what she was admitting. She’d never spoken any of it, not even to Charlie. 
“Leaving would feel like moving on and leaving her behind, and I can’t do that. I can’t.” 
Her face fell into her hands, and when Grayson’s arms moved around her and pulled her close, she let him. 
He held her there until her tears stopped, rocking her barely back and forth until the wave had passed. He thought of Sean, of where he was, and what he would say. And he did his best to take on the heart of his father, to be like the man he so admired - selfless, and good, and strong for others no matter what it cost him. He pressed a kiss to her hair before he spoke.
“No one is asking you to leave. I promise, I’ll never ask you to leave. I promise.”
89 notes · View notes
First-Line Defensive Pairing
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Of all the things they’d done in the last few months, spending the afternoon at the Museum of Ice Cream was one of the more ridiculous. Mostly because of the wooden spoons they gave out on the tour. Partially because it seemed Will Scarlet could not stop casting furtive glances at Belle French. Or the heels that always matched her dresses. Maybe because she kept answering his hypothetical questions. And maybe even because he was willing to drift far closer to genuine these days. At least when it came to his feelings for her.
Word Count: 3.7K AN: Take two! Ok, so apparently yesterday when I posted this Tumblr thought it’d be a really cool idea to just...reformat the entire story. With whole graphs in totally wrong spots. Anyway, here it is again. Just as ridiculous as yesterday. With just as many Will and Belle emotions. Because that’s a thing I’m doing now, apparently. Writing Blue Line-era Will and Belle. If you’d like more of these flirt-prone idiots, here is their first date and Belle getting annoyed that Will fought someone on the ice. Technically, this was part of the kiss prompts and was “height difference kisses.” I hope the five of you who are interested in this enjoy it. That includes @shireness-says​ and @eleveneitherway​ who are mostly to blame for this.
“I’m going to ask you a hypothetical question.”
Belle lifted her eyebrows. Let some of that light creep back in her gaze, a flash of amusement that regularly made Will’s stomach leap dangerously close to the base of his ribs. That’s why he did it. Maybe not the rib thing, partially because he wasn’t even sure that was the correct technical term. The rest of it, though. The eye thing. Sure. Definitely. One-hundred percent. Why he’d also made sure the little wooden spoon they’d been given at the start of this tour was still in the corner of his mouth; to guarantee absolute absurdity, and he figured that started when they decided to spend their afternoon at the Museum of Ice Cream, but he was willing to take it all a step further. 
In the absurdity factor, at least. 
Other things were—
Well, it wasn’t as if they explicitly decided to keep the relationship a secret. Not on purpose. Not really. Or come to any sort of legitimate agreement regarding the use of the word relationship. It never seemed...important, honestly. And that was a potentially problematic and lackadaisical approach to someone who made Will smile with an almost alarming consistency in the last few months, but she’d also sort of snuck up on him, and Ariel was going to be so annoying. 
About the whole goddamn thing. 
She’d never shut up about it, he knew. 
So he didn’t push. Belle didn’t, either. An unspoken agreement, that’s what it was. He had other things to do, anyway. Like get ready for a playoff run and ignore the lingering ache in his calves after the echo of Arthur’s whistle stopped ringing in his ears, and, ok, his apartment was starting to feel a little bit larger than it had in a long time, maybe since Killian had moved out, but that was fine. Cup runs did not come because someone was in a relationship. Will had seen that first hand. With Cap, of all people. 
Watched the way his whole life had fallen apart around his ankles, little shards of hope and possibility that, Will knew, still threatened the structural integrity of Kilian’s internal organs and all four ventricles of his heart, and he did not understand enough basic biology to be making those sorts of sweeping observations, but Robin had lost someone too and that had been horrible and tragic and—
If Will simply did not want to jinx things, then that was neither here nor there.
Relationship’y speaking. 
It was good. They were good. He hated the wooden spoon they gave them to taste test half a dozen ice cream flavors. 
He was legitimately worried about getting splinters in his tongue. 
No excuses could possibly reason away that problem pre-game. 
Belle’s eyebrows were still in the same spot. “You going to follow up on that, or…” “Would you burn a Gutenberg Bible? To stave off the apocalypse and or potential frostbite?” “Those two things go together, do they?” He shrugged. “In this instance, yeah, because—” “—Well, it wouldn’t matter,” Belle said, eyes flitting towards the overly enthusiastic tour guide and the seemingly never-ending history of ice cream, “because I wouldn’t allow myself to be in that position. And I don’t live anywhere near the Public Library. What would I be doing there when the freeze-wave came?” His stomach. Did that thing. Jumped and twisted, got a ten from the Russian judge on its floor routine. He was cautiously optimistic he’d be able to pull off a flawless beam performance too. It was an exceedingly convoluted metaphor. Wrong Olympics, too. 
“Does salt air give you mind-reading powers?” “You’re not nearly as subtle as you think you are,” Belle grinned. Moving her hand faster than he was entirely prepared for ensured that he nearly dropped his small plastic cup of churro churro ice cream. He made noise. Without trying. A hiss and a grunt in the back of his throat that then led to a sound escaping between Belle’s half-hearted scowl, and that sound was closer to a giggle than either of them would ever admit and just enough to mess with his mental faculties a little and the tour guide stopped talking. To stare straight at them. 
Color lifted on Belle’s cheeks, ice cream-covered spoon held awkwardly between them. 
“As you were, ma’am,” Will said, all false bravado, and that was something of a trend. In several different capacities. It was far too depressing a thought to have while eating cinnamon-flavored ice cream. 
Belle elbowed him. 
And the tour guide got back to her to spiel. Without a reprimand. 
“Say freeze-wave again without laughing.”
Her eyelashes were more of a problem, honestly. Than the eyebrows. Or the specific jut of her chin Will had rather quickly learned meant she was ready to challenge him on some ridiculous topic, fully prepared to argue a position she might not have otherwise agreed with. Only because it wasn’t what he was arguing, and it was easy to understand why she won that Model UN award. 
Plus, her eyelashes were just stupid long, and he thought she was really pretty. 
Like in a fundamental sort of way. 
“Freeze-wave,” Belle enunciated, pausing between syllables for maximum effect, “are you asking me Day After Tomorrow questions because of the ice cream, because I’m a librarian or because you’re the strangest man alive?” She finally ate the rest of the ice cream. It was starting to melt, that was why. This was very melt-prone ice cream. “Oh, shit,” she mumbled, “this is really good. Better than mine.” Something popped in his shoulder when he reached towards her plastic cup. He wouldn’t tell Ariel about that, either. 
“Which kind is—” Fighting off the objections of a small librarian who resolutely refused to wear anything except heels, no matter what the weather was like, was not usually as difficult as it was in that moment. Will assumed it had something to do with sugar. Or the force of his smile. Robbing the rest of him of energy and the ability to fend off either one of Belle’s fists. “Why are you like this?” “You didn’t want to try peanut and pretzel. With peanut butter swirl.” “Swallowed the flyer for this place while I wasn’t looking, huh?” Sticking her tongue out was distracting. Almost enough that he didn’t notice the absolutely atrocious attempt at impersonating his voice. “Oh, no, no, babe, I don’t want that; you can get peanut butter anywhere. That’s not special.” “Well, it’s not.” “I’m a big fancy hockey player, and I know everything there is to know about ice cream flavors and the potential life-changing palette moment that comes from the sublime combination of salty and sweet.” “Oh, now you’re just taunting me.” Her eyes narrowed, that time. His smile was going to permanently stretch out his cheeks. “You have a disgusting mind.” “You can’t get churro ice cream everywhere, babe.” “I’m going back to get honey later.” Will hummed. Stuck his lower lip out. Noticed that flash return. And hoarded it. Like a relationship—
Ah, fuck. 
“Would you burn the Gutenberg Bible?” Her laugh was quickly becoming his favorite sound. Which wasn’t bad, per se. Was just kind of passably concerning. God damn. It was the heels. All of them kept matching the dresses she wore. She kept wearing dresses. 
Of course, that was going to mess with Will’s head. 
Belle shook her head. “No.” “Historical significance?” “Well, once again, I would not be in that position, would have listened to science and fled to warmer climates, so as not to make myself prey for escaped...what were they? Tigers?” “I honestly can’t remember,” Will admitted. 
“This was your hypothetical!”
Heads snapped their direction. Frustration creased the tour guide’s forehead, and they’d paid extra to learn about the history of ice cream. Will had already known about the origins of the ice cream cone, though. So, the whole thing felt almost like a raw deal, and he was far more interested in preserving the color in Belle’s cheeks. He saluted. Who he was saluting was anyone’s guess, but it very likely was the otherwise unengaged teenage kid trudging behind his family who absolutely recognized Will. 
“That’s going to end up on sixteen different social media sites,” Belle warned, not quite able to get her voice to an appropriate whispering level. 
“So long as he got my good side, you won’t hear me complaining.” “Do you have a good side?”
“Sweetheart, the self-confidence. God.” She squeezed her eyes shut. While practically beaming at him, and Will had to bend his knees to reach, something else creaking in the process, but that was fine, and good, and pretty goddamn fantastic because her lips tasted a bit like chocolate. 
“‘S’not your best work,” Belle mumbled, almost entirely into his mouth. 
“Brain freeze.” “I would burn no books. That’s my final hypothetical answer.” Her eyelashes must have existed purely to torment him. Leaning back made it clear when they fluttered back open, and he swore there were flecks of gold in her eyes. Maybe he was melting, too. With the ice cream. That was almost poetic. “None at all? What if you were going to die?” “Maudlin.” “I don’t know what that means.” “Liar,” she challenged, another smile tugging at her mouth, and Will was clearly staring at her mouth. Stained slightly with chocolate, as it was. “I stand by it, though. The book stuff, not the commentary on your burgeoning intelligence.” “You want to find a corner to go and make out in?” Different laugh. The kind that came with her head thrown back, hair tickling Will’s forearm because at some point his arm had found its way around her, and touching Belle was becoming something almost close to second nature. “I could keep complimenting you if you want,” Belle said, “or I could give you my reason for not burning books.” “You’re a giant nerd, that’s why.” She clicked her tongue. “Very, very cute nerd, though.” “Betcha say that to all the girls.”
His stomach stilled. Dropped a few inches, for good measure. Below where it was supposed to be, and inching dangerously close to his feet, and what Will could not imagine was a very sanitary floor. The Museum of Ice Cream had a giant sprinkle pit. Nothing about that seemed very sanitary. 
“I think stories have a purpose,” Belle said, still not quite whispering but definitely getting there, and he knew. Knew she knew. What he was thinking and feeling and unspoken understanding was quickly becoming the name of this particular game. With them. 
Where it wasn’t a game at all. 
Ariel was going to be so annoying. 
“No matter what they are. Shitty as they can be, all those ups and downs, and ridiculous, often unnecessary melodrama. It’s going to matter to somebody. Someone, somewhere, will be living their life and read those words or see those letters, and they’ll think, wow, whoever wrote this, gets me, and it will change everything for them. They’ll go back to it. Find solace and safety in it. Themselves, maybe. They’ll believe everything will be ok. Even if they only think that while they’re reading.” “Don’t forget audiobooks,” Will muttered, voice strangled and tinged with emotion. In the ice cream museum. Figured, honestly. 
Belle pinched the side of his wrist. 
“Ow. Avoid the bruise further up, please.” “Did you get hit?” Nodding took more energy than it should have, too. She hadn’t been to a game. He hadn’t asked her. What an idiot. “Not bad though, that’s just—” “—Par for the course.” “Mixing idioms, mon trésor.” “Oh, I got that one, actually.” “Slow pitch softball, that’s why,” Will reasoned, some of the tension he wasn’t especially pleased by loosening. 
“I think we’re on a roll now.” He hummed. Nodded, again. Curled his fingers into the back of Belle’s dress. Blue, that afternoon. With matching heels. “It all matters,” she added, soft and earnest, and his eyes snapped. To her and with her and that second one didn’t make sense, not really, but he was and wanted to be and that absolutely terrified him. 
Of it all falling apart again. Of it not being enough. 
He wasn’t enough. 
A story no one was ever all that interested in finishing. 
“You think?” Belle nodded. “Why’d you start playing hockey?” “Quite a transition.” “Tit for tat, or—no, no, c’mon don’t look at me like that.” Red stained her cheeks, now. Making it difficult to concentrate on anything else, although the desire to kiss her again was a fairly strong second, and that kid was taking more pictures. “That’s not fair.” “You’ve brought this on yourself, babe,” Will argued, and he hoped Lucas didn’t yell. At him. He’d never really listened to the social media rules. “It’s a very long, occasionally depressing story about a kid and his single mom, the second of whom often worked her ass off and her fingers to the bone, and all those other delightfully visual clichés. But then! Who would guess, she got a job picking up extra shifts cleaning at the rink in town. Home to the world’s shittiest ice and loudest Zamboni, it instantly drew the attention of our kid-like hero. 
“He was...infatuated, let’s say. With the sounds, especially. Nothing sounds like that first scrape of skates on fresh ice. Full of possibility, you know?” Belle didn’t answer. Will kept talking. “Best noise in the world. And then he learned there were other noises. Pucks hitting the back of nets. Sticks clanging together. Grunts and groans and the game itself, how loud it was. Helped silence some of his thoughts, none of which were ever very good. Lots of worries, some about his very dead sister, then a few more about that mother and her predilection toward clichés.”
“Good word,” Belle murmured. He kissed the top of her hair. The kid was openly staring at them, now. 
“Anyway, the crux of the story is that the guy who owned the rink agreed to let the kid play on the rink. Knew the mother, understood her situation, and hockey is expensive. Like, well, we spout all that bullshit about hockey is for everyone, and I’ve got to stand up there and smile and nod and agree, and it’s fucked up because it’s not really true. Hockey’s for rich kids and families with regularly functioning alternators in their car.” 
He shook his head. Had to. To chase away the memories and the cobwebs, and Cap knew this, too. Understood it, even. Remembered a life before the Vanklads, and not every kid got the Vankalds, and sometimes Will let himself wonder what would have happened if he’d found the Vanklads. Or their upstate New York equivalent. 
Gotten better shin pads, probably. 
“Hockey’s an exclusive sorta club,” Will continued, “gotta know someone who’s related to someone else, and they know someone who played, and it’s six degrees of increasingly desperate separation. By some lucky twist of fate, though, Jimmy Newell knew some bastard who knew somebody else, who saw me play, and you don’t say no to USA Developmental. Spent two years in Minnesota, way before Cap did, so he doesn’t get to claim that state as his own.” Belle’s lips twitched. “Good to know, for argument’s sake.” His stomach was becoming a problem. 
Heart, too. 
Sputtering and slamming, uneven beats that were going to leave another bruise. Will licked his lips. 
“I went to Developmental, declared for the draft, got picked by New York, went to college, stayed in college, and the rest is history. As they say.” “They do say that, yeah.” “What’s the next question, then?” “How do you know there’s another question?” “Shot in the dark,” Will shrugged, but that was a lie, and it was getting increasingly easier to read that pinch between her eyebrows. “So, hit me.” “Literally?” “Please do not literally hit me. Locksley’s been feeling the forecheck the last couple’a practices.” “I know what that means!” Someone shushed them. Will couldn’t imagine the color will ever leave Belle’s cheeks. 
He kissed the bridge of her nose. 
“Who’d you get to teach you French?” “Who said I didn’t just learn French on my own?” “Babe,” she chided, and, well, that was the tipping point. As they say. To his heart and his stomach and—
“You wanna come to a game this series?” Belle blinked. Once, twice. Leaned back. Tilted her head. Likely waited for the camera crew that was inevitably lurking in the corner he was cautiously optimistic they’d make out in eventually. Didn’t happen, though. There was no camera crew. 
Just Will Scarlet, professional hockey player, and part-time sap. Standing in one of the more nonsensical museums they’d been to in the last two months. Although they did go to the transit museum on three separate occasions, and he could honestly say he didn’t expect that. 
So, maybe this was all just—
Par for the course. 
He’d have to make some sort of deal with Eric. To make sure Ariel didn’t proclaim her relationship-plotting victories from a variety of rooftops. Someone in front office had to know someone else with Empire State Building connections. 
Zelena probably did. 
Ariel would use that. 
“Where would I sit?”
He pulled her. Up. With an almost violent amount of force, threatening the safety of both of Belle’s shoulders in the process. But she’d asked the one question he hadn’t totally considered in his half-plotted plan, and getting his mouth back on hers was an acceptable diversion. Plus, she looped her arms around his neck pretty quickly. 
Which had to count for something, he figured. 
One hand cupped the back of his head, pulling him closer. Like he had any intention of being anywhere else, swiping his tongue against Belle’s lip and swallowing her sigh. They were still in public, technically. Her feet trailed the multi-color carpet beneath them, Will’s arms tightening and his palm flat against her back and her spine, and if she kept rocking up like that, he was going to do something drastic. 
Something in the same realm as melting, probably. 
Strands of hair tickled his skin, making him tilt his head and alter the angle, and that was entirely appropriate, but getting kicked out of the Museum of Ice Cream would probably make an absolutely fantastic story. Once they told people they were—
Doing whatever it was they were doing. 
They’d get there eventually. 
“Cap’s sister-in-law is coming,” Will said, not entirely able to catch his breath, “wants to see Kris and—” “—Should I know who that is?” “Works in equipment, and that’s not really the point.” “What is?” “That Little Vankald isn’t super interested in listening to Cap be full older brother on her and, far as I know, is fully capable of getting tickets wherever she wants. Can sweet talk the gold out of anyone’s pockets, and—” “—Wait, wait, are you equating hockey tickets to gold?” “When I’m playing, ma choupette.” “Is that cabbage?” He hummed. Nearly tripped over his own feet trying to hold onto Belle and the mostly melted cup of ice cream and paying for more churro ice cream made perfect sense. At the moment. “One of the kids at school was French Canadian,” Will explained, “used to swear all the time on the ice, and then he’d use stuff like that.” “You’re sharing endearments with a trash talker.” “More or less, yeah. Used to infuriate other guys.” “Who wants to be called a cabbage?” “I think you’re super cute.” Belle scowled. Didn’t argue, though. And Will refused to linger on the beat of his pulse. “I’d really like it if you were there,” he added, “Little Vanklad’ll be cool about it. She owes me. I fed her for a very long time.” “Did you just?” “I make incredible garlic bread; ask anyone.” “Wow,” Belle drawled, “just like people on the street, or…also, do you call her Little Vanklad all the time?” “To her face and behind her back with startling regularity. Not everyone gets my French endearments, babe. Consider yourself lucky.” 
She scrunched her nose. 
Stayed silent. All Will could hear was the soft explanations of the tour guide, and the questions from tourists who probably also thought going to the Museum of Sex made them edgy. After they bought a STRAND tote bag. God, maybe he was a dick. A judgmental dick, who still had too many thoughts and used an occasionally violent game to silence them by making sure he was the one dictating the noises and the trash talk and—
“Hey, uh, Will...Mr., uh—Mr. Scarlet? Do you think we could get a picture?”
Belle’s lips disappeared. Behind her teeth, and that didn’t do anything to temper the sound of what might have actually been joy. At the prospect of the staring teenager and his photo request. 
In the goddamn Museum of Ice Cream. 
Giving a jerky nod, Will quickly scanned the kid for any team-branded, but it didn’t look like he was wearing merch and that was a rather small miracle. Far as those things went. 
Still, he had been in the middle of a pretty intense internal dialogue and potential freakout, and there was going to be ice cream on his hand if he didn’t throw this cup away. 
Belle took the phone. 
The kid’s phone. 
“Smile,” she instructed, and Will tried. Really. He hoped he didn’t end up looking like a murderer on Twitter or Instagram or whatever kids used, and he had no idea when he got that old. When things started to freak him out, and he let the nerves claw back in, and the worry take root and—
“Hey,” he said before the kid could walk back to his parents and their matching STRAND tote bags. “You think you could take a picture of us, real quick?”
No one had ever moved faster. 
In, like, the history of photography. 
Circling an arm around Belle’s waist, Will’s smile came a bit easier and that was good because he was totally unprepared for what happened after that. Another instruction and flick of someone’s thumb, but then Belle was on her toes, even with the heels, and her lips were pressed against his cheek and it was like some sort of really exceptional sugar high. 
Without the threat of inevitable crash. 
Will didn’t think so, at least. He was also pretty positive it wasn’t tigers in The Day After Tomorrow. Wolves, maybe. 
“Tell Little Vankald to save me a seat.” “I mean, I don’t think you should call her that.”
Her teeth grazed his jaw. Both of them were laughing in the picture, the kid’s eyes going impossibly wide as Will thanked him. “How hard you think it is to set up an Instagram account?”
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 4 years
Azula the good sister AU (AKA the Fire siblings have a healthy relationship AU)
I’ve just finished binge watching Avatar the Last Airbender and I already have an AU ready in my head. Please enjoy my ridiculous rambling!
Azula is still really tough and intense but she isn’t a fucking psychopath like in the series
She’s still a bending prodigy and “daddy’s favorite” but the latter isn’t something she wanted or strived for
She shows affection by teasing people, but she is also fiercely loyal and protective over the people she cares about. Like she’s nice but she’ll still cut a bitch if they hurt her friends and brother.
As most siblings do Azula and Zuko like to playfully argue and insult each other:
Zuko: *having just woken up*
Azula: wow you look like shit
Zuko: big talk coming from a midget with rat nest hair
Azula: at least I only look like this in the morning, you willingly keep that rat tail on top of your head. No wonder you have no friends!
Zuko: oh yeah what’s your excuse then?
They’re the type of siblings that in a modern-day setting would send each other a picture of a toaster saying “I found you a new bath bomb”
She absolutely adores her older brother and Zuko took his role as older sibling in stride even if Azula could practically take care of herself
They’re great training partners
Their favorite memory as children was feeding turtle ducks with their mother, they still do so even now after she’s gone
When she overheard her grandfather ordering her father to kill Zuko she left to tell her mother immediately afterwards she snuck into Zuko’s room to cuddle with him in bed claiming that she’d had a nightmare.
Their mother came in to kiss them goodbye goodnight before disappearing into the night. Zuko had been half asleep so he had no idea what was going on but Azula did and she knew what her mother was about to do. She didn’t know what the outcome would be but she knew that it would be the last time she’d ever see her mother.
Azula never told Zuko what happened only that it was all their father’s fault
It was then they began mutually hating on their father
Of course, they had no choice but to respect him as he was still the Fire Lord and could possibly kill them. But as soon as he was out of ear shot the siblings were like:
Azula: Why the fuck did he think growing out his beard was a good idea???
Zuko: He looks like a goat-pig
Uncle Iroh treats them both as his own children and helps them perfect their fire bending as well as teach them the art of tea brewing. Zuko still thinks it’s stupid but Azula becomes just as much of a tea fanatic as her uncle
Azula has had a giant crush on Ty Lee ever since they were children and everyone, but Ty Lee knows about it. On the flip side Ty Lee also has a giant crush on Azula ever since childhood and everyone but Azula knows about it.
Azula: That's a sharp outfit, Ty Lee. Careful. You could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea, because it's so sharp.
Ty Le: *confused but happy that her crush complemented her* Gee thanks Zula.
Azula: *later, screaming into her pillow* I’m such an idiot!
Zuko: *sitting beside her, sipping tea* Yeah, you really are.
The day Zuko was challenged to Agni Kai Azula told him that he was an idiot and that he better kick that loser general’s ass or it would be an embarrassment to both their training. It was her own way of telling him to be careful and that she was rooting for him.
When she found out that it was her father challenging Zuko to Agni Kai she had to be held back by Iroh to keep her from jumping into the arena to help her brother
Azula was determined to join her brother in his banishment but Zuko wouldn’t allow her, saying how it was his fault for speaking out of term and that his sister shouldn’t have to suffer from his mistakes.
They had a big fight after that because the siblings were nothing if not hotheaded and stubborn. Zuko didn’t want his sister to leave all she knew behind just because of him and Azula didn’t want to be stuck doing nothing while her brother suffers alone.
They parted there days later, regretful, angry, and sad. They didn’t necessarily apologies (let’s be honest what kind of siblings apologies to each other) but they did start writing letters to each other, which was their way of saying that they were cool now.
Zuko wrote to her about his journey to find the Avatar as well as Uncle Iroh’s ridiculous jokes and tea ramblings while Azula wrote to him about how things are back home as well as potential places where the Avatar could be located.
Both aren’t sure if the Avatar even exists anymore, but they keep hoping as it means that they will one day be reunited with each other.
The day Zuko found the Avatar he entrusted only his sister with the information as he knew that once word got out that the Avatar was still alive it would be an all-out man hunt.
Everything works out relatively the same as in the series except with Azula helping out her brother in the background. She’d secretly send her brother information about general Zhao’s whereabouts so as to avoid him as well as any resources he needed for his journey.
When Ozai ordered Azula to go retrieve her brother and uncle she was both delighted and terrified; she was happy to see her brother again, but she didn’t want to take him as her prisoner. So of course, she came up with a plan.
The first thing Azula said to her brother after two and a half years apart was: “Wow, you look like shit.”
He replied without missing a beat: “Big talk coming from a midget with rat nest hair.”
They hug for the longest time and in that moment, she quietly resights her plan to him: They had to pretend to escape from her and go into hiding. She���ll pretend to hunt him down and he’ll somehow manage to escape from her clutches every time. All the while they’ll work together in trying to capture the Avatar.
She enlists the help of Mai and Ty Lee telling them the minimal amount of information just in case things go south they can plead manipulation. Of course, Mai and Ty Lee are ready to go down with their captain/friend no matter what, but they don’t mind being out of the loop for the time being. They trust Azula and know that everything she does is to help her brother and uncle.
The events leading up to the battle of Ba Sing Se are pretty similar up until the part where Zuko makes a choice between helping the Avatar or his kingdom. He’s realized the pain and terror his ancestors have installed in the world; tearing away hope for a better future.
Just as Azula was about to strike Aang with a finishing blow Zuko stops her, telling her what they’ve been doing is wrong and if they want the world to prosper, they need to help the Avatar.
Azula was a bit annoyed seeing as she went through the trouble of sneaking into Ba Sing Se and taking over the earth kingdom from the inside out. But then again, her brother was right as she already knew of her father’s end game plan.
Azula: Zuzu, I love you, but couldn’t you have told me we were going to rebel against father sooner so I could have planned accordingly.
Just as there are loyalist to the Fire Lord there are also loyalist to the Princess as they see her as a more fit leader than the current ruler. And thus, that is how team Avatar was able to get a good portion of the fire nation army on their side.
Ba Sing Se has now been established as their main base with the entire city now having chosen the side of the Avatar.
At this point Azula still had Suki and the Kyoshi warriors held prisoner close by so she was able to bring them back without much fuss.
Azula: Er, sorry for imprisoning you and stuff. I just needed to save my stupid brother but we’re on your side now. Cool?
Suki: Only if I get to punch you in the face as hard as I can.
Azula: That seems fair.
Katara does NOT trust Azula and Zuko which is fine because Azula doesn’t trust her either but she knows they need to work together if they want to even have a slim chance of beating her father.
Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your ‘transformation,’ but you and I both know you’ve struggled with doing the right thing in the past. So, let me tell you something right now. You make one step backward, one slipup, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won’t have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I’ll make sure your destiny ends right then and there. Permanently!
Azula: Right back attcha bitch!
Toph and Azula get along swimmingly which both amuses and terrifies Zuko because one: he’s glad that his sister is finally making somewhat normal friends but two: those two together is just chaos incarnate
Ty Lee also really bonds with the Kyoshi warriors who teach her some of their fighting techniques in exchanged for her teaching them some chi blocking moves.
Suki and Mai start getting cozy with each other with Suki liking Mai’s skills and straightforward attitude and Mai admiring Suki’s confidence and bravery. It’s easy to talk with each other.
Sokka, at one point: Why the hell don’t we just send the girls out to defeat the Fire Nation? We’re all completely useless compared to them.
Also after a few month working together Zuko can now join his sister in her gay screaming
Azula: Did you seriously fall for that Water Tribe boy?
Zuko: You’re one to talk!
Azula: Hey! Ty Lee is an angel and we’re all lucky to have her!
Zuko: She once ate a whole bowl of fire flakes by herself and had to get her stomach pumped.
Azula: Look, what Fire Nation teen hasn’t done that at least once
Zuko: She did it THREE times!
Once the siblings and Co finally bond well enough with team Avatar tension lessens and their attitude go from: “uhg, I guess we have to work together or whatever” to “you are my friend now and I would die for you! I would literally commit murder if you asked me to, no questions asked”
Aang is baby and the Fire squad has now joined in the “Aang protection army” and in a similar fashion team Avatar have also learned that Ty Lee is baby and have now joined the “Ty Lee protection squad”. Even though Aang and Ty Lee are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves one cannot help but want to protect and care for the literal ray of sun shines.
Zuko and Sokka still have their epic rescue adventure to the boiling rock, with the extra help of their team. They sneak into the facility with disguises, Azula and her crew walk in like they own the place (news of her betrayal to the Fire Lord has yet to reach certain places), while the rest of team Avatar keep watch from afar just in case things start going south.
You know that scene where Zuko gets put in the freezer and when Sokka goes to let him out Zuko breathes out a breath of fire with a smirk? It was then and there that Sokka realized that his teeny tiny crush on Zuko might actually be a giant massive crush.
In this AU it is actually Azula that helps Katara track down the man that killed her mother because let’s face it, no matter what universe she’s in Azula will always be down to beat a bitch is ass.
This is the first time Azula has ever witness somebody blood bending and unlike most people that would usually freak out she was actually really impress and kind of turned on.
Azula: You know if I weren’t already madly in love with Ty Lee, I’d ask you to marry me in a heartbeat.
Katara: And I would accept that offer if only for the pleasure of rubbing it in your dad’s face
Azula: Why didn’t we become friends sooner?!?!
It is then the Little Sister alliance was formed in which they teamed up to poke fun at their bumbling brothers who keep awkwardly dancing around each other.
Their friendship can be summed up to: “I will kill you where you stand but also I respect you”
Okay, Imma just say this right now: Sokka is a fucking badass and even after getting taught how to fight by the Kyoshi warriors and the Fire sibling + Co. he reached a whole new level of badassery once he learned the ways of the sword by Master Piandao. Zuko’s little gay heart could only take so much and Sokka being all cool and collected while wielding a sword made the former Fire Prince short-circuit.
Zuko, in his tent, face down screaming into his pillow: Uhg, I can’t with this boy anymore!
Suki, rolling her eyes at her best friend’s melodramatics: Pull yourself together man.
Ty Lee, patting his head reassuringly: Don’t worry, you’ll get through this.
Azula, sipping tea beside him: This wouldn’t be happening if you just asked him out already.
Zuko: Don’t you fucking start with me hypocritical bitch!
Azula: *nervous gay drinking*
The day of the final battle Azula and Katara lead Hakoda’s army plus the Kyoshi Warriors to reclaim the fire nation capital while Aang, Zuko, Sokka, and Toph chased after the Fire Lord and his war ships.
The battle to take back the capital was brutal as there was still an entire army keeping guard with one of the Fire Lord’s generals acting as temporary leader. Unfortunately for them Azula still had a reputation of fear amongst the Fire Nation army and a lot of soldiers surrendered once they realized it was her leading the invasion and not the Avatar. Those that didn’t surrendered were defeated in battle because let’s be honest with a team this fierce there is no way in hell they couldn’t not win.
There’s also a scene where Azula is fighting off the general and a bunch of soldiers and it seems like she’s not gunna make it but she does, bloody and bruised but victorious. I imagen in that moment Ty Lee goes running up to Azula, jumps into her arms, and kisses her right then and there, while they’re still in the middle of battle. It’s super cool and romantic and it seemed to give Azula more energy than Sozin’s comet ever could as she seemed now ready to defeat god.
Azula: Y’all bitches be fucked now! I ain’t afraid to die but now that I gotta girlfriend I’m not going nowhere fuckers!
With Aang and his team it goes about the same as it did in the show; take down the ships, battle the Fire Lord, almost die, etc. That scene where Sokka thinks that Suki died on the aircraft is now replaced with Zuko almost dying then coming back to save their asses at the late minute. They too also kiss once they see that the other is unharmed while Toph rolls her eyes and gags at the sight.
Again, Aang does not kill the Fire Lord and instead takes away his fire bending powers before locking him in prison to rot. The fire siblings come by sometimes to annoy the shit out of him by flicking fire flakes at his head for target practice or psychologically torture him with excruciating detail of how they’ve been thoroughly fucked by their significate others in is bed and on his thrown.
Zuko: How’s it feel knowing that not only are both your kids gay but they’re also bottoms?
Ozai: *screams*
Azula: Ty Lee also fucked me atop your war room table :)
Ozai: *screams intensify*
In the end Zuko really doesn’t want to be Fire Lord so he happily passes that torch on to Azula who only agrees to take the job so long as Zuko becomes her second in command. Everyone is happy and with a lot of hard work throughout the years there is finally peace amongst the four nations.
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h2bakugou · 5 years
static electricity | denki kaminari
a/n: denki is so cute and he’d be the best boyfriend you cant change my mind. i am in love with the entire cast i cant lmao
summary: bumping into kaminari proves to be a bit of a shocking experience. you eventually muster up the courage to tell him that you like him, but he’s already one step ahead of you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
wordcount: 1.2k
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Rushing through the halls trying to get back to class on time after lunch was your current objective.
You weren’t usually late, but you’d gotten caught up talking to someone from a different class about some assignment and they had a few questions for you. You were happy to help, but now you were on the brink of being late.
You were doing good until you looked down for a few seconds, staring at the ground running through excuses you could use and you bumped into someone.
A bolt of electricity ran through you, enough to make you shiver. You looked up, rubbing your eyes unaware of what had happened. You lifted your head up to see Kaminari and Mineta standing beside you.
“Hey, come on we’re gonna be late!” Kaminari gave you his hand, pulling you up off the ground. A few more sparks flew off of his hand when he touched you. You let out a small yelp. Kaminari’s cheeks burned red.
“Sorry about that!” He apologized, the three of you speedwalking back to class, one more corner and you were there.
Your cheeks tinted red, thinking about Kaminari’s hand in your own. It was nice for the few seconds it had happened.
You liked Kaminari, but you had no idea how to tell him. You were worried he didn’t or wouldn’t like you.
You made it into class and into your seats before the bell rang, and you were eternally grateful.
You gave Kaminari a small smile. He sat beside you. 
“Sorry for bumping into you, I should’ve been paying more attention.” You apologized. Kaminari waved his hand.
“I should be apologizing. I shocked you like three times.” Kaminari chuckled. His amber eyes were melting your heart. You wondered if he had some sort of other quirk that just melted girl’s hearts when he looked at them, but you figured that ‘quirk’ only worked on you and the few girls he made swoon over him.
“Hey, you still there?” Kaminari waved his hand in your face gaining your attention back. 
“Sorry, and it’s okay, it wasn’t like 1 million volts, really nothing more than a little static electricity.” You reassured him. Kaminari’s cheeks dusted with pink, the tips of his ears turning a light red color.
“Y-yeah.” He smiled. Kaminari’s heart was skipping beats, and he was beginning to short circuit without even using his quirk.
- - -
Class was over soon and everyone headed back to their dorms. You decided to talk to the girls about your current feelings for Kaminari.
“I just, what if he doesn’t like me! Or he thinks I’m weird?” You waved your hands in front of your face, eventually laying back on Mina’s bed. 
“Ribbit. You never know until you try, and if you bet against the odd’s you never know what can happen.” Asui smiled, patting your shoulder.
“And if Kaminari can’t see how absolutely amazing and stunning you are, then he doesn’t deserve you.” Mina chimed in.
“You got this in the bag, girl! Kaminari is totally into you.” Toru said, earning your attention.
“I guess I’ll tell him soon then. And if all else fails, we’ll still be friends.” You reassured yourself. You weren’t sure if you could recover if you embarrassed yourself to Kaminari like that, you just hoped you could.
You waited for time to pass, and after an hour you headed up to Kaminari’s dorm where the two of you had your usual study session. A lot of the time it was just revising notes and answering practice questions before tests or quizzes, or playing video games on the weekends.
You were nervous to go up this time, almost as nervous as the first time you ventured up to his dorm after he invited you to study.
As if Kaminari was waiting for your footsteps, the door swung open before you had the chance to knock.
“I snuck up some pizza, come in!” Kaminari stepped to the side, allowing you room to step in. You set your bag down by his bed and sat down on the floor, waiting for Kaminari to take his seat across from you.
He did as such, placing the pizza box off to your left, his right. You grabbed a slice and ate in silence, thinking over how you were going to tell him your feelings.
“I figured we could practice for Ectoplasm’s test Friday.” Kaminari said, finishing his slice, ending the silence that had suffocated your surroundings.
“Yeah, that sounds good to me, this week has been oddly easy, even in training, I’m fully expecting this test to whoop my ass.” You joked. You finished your slice of pizza and closed the box, unintentionally wiping your greasy pizza fingers on your sweatpants.
Kaminari chuckled and your cheeks burned red.
“I don’t want grease on my paper!” You said embarrassed.
“We all do it, it’s okay.” Kaminari laughed, feeling slightly better that he wasn’t the only one who had wiped his pizza fingers on his pants.
As you began your study session, you and Kaminari talked more and more, about little things, or about how Bakugou had unintentionally scared the shit out of you by yelling from behind you on your walk back to the dorms after class.
Eventually, you and Kaminari shared a thought, the two of you reaching for the same pen in your pencil case, the two of you bumping heads.
You fell forward, landing on top of Kaminari. Your cheeks turned redder with every passing second. Kaminari’s yellow eyes pierced your (e/c) ones.
“I’m sorry!” You said softly, going to sit back up but Kaminari’s hand stopped you, resting on the small of your back.
“It’s fine.” Kaminari smiled, blush coating his cheeks.
He pressed his lips into yours and eliminated the space between the two of you. You kissed him back, melting into him, trusting him to keep you upright.
As he sat up, his lips still connected with yours, you followed his movements, sitting up and eventually, pulling away.
“I like you.” You blurted out. You covered your mouth, wishing to still feel his lips against your own.
“I’m glad because I was scared I just ruined a really good friendship.” Kaminari chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That was my first kiss.” You said softly, looking at your lap. Kaminari’s eyes widened.
“I was your first kiss?!” Kaminari exclaimed, earning your attention. You nodded.
“It wasn’t bad, was it? I don’t have a lot of experience, and if I knew it was your first kiss, I would’ve practiced on my hand or something-”
“Kaminari. I-It was nice.” You smiled, pulling your hand away from your mouth.
“Could we do it again?” He asked, leaning closer, his forehead touching yours. You didn’t say anything, instead, you leaned in, closing the gap as he had done before.
Your lips met with his and you melted even more. It was like connecting the last piece of a puzzle you’d been working on for days. It felt so good, and you didn’t want it to end.
For something as simple as a kiss, there was structure behind it, a meaning, a passion, a love.
It was everything you ever wanted, ever thought you needed, and it exceeded your expectations. Kissing Kaminari was far better than you thought it was going to be, not that you thought it was going to be horrible, but you thought you weren’t going to do it at all.
Pulling away, Kaminari was breathless. Speechless. He looked at you and smiled.
“Can math wait?” He questioned, his eyes sparkled. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, Kaminari pulled you in for more kisses.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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spaceskam · 4 years
a little bit of Alex attempting to chill for @bamfalexmanes ❤️
warning: mentions of forlex, mentions of noah
Alex woke up at 5 o’clock sharp.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” 
Alex jumped at the voice and was about two seconds away from setting off his taser before he realized who had spoken. Isobel, for some reason, was standing at the foot of his bed with her arms crossed over her chest. He dropped the taser and took a deep breath, unable to stop staring at her like she’d lost her damn mind.
“Why are you here? No, how are you here? I have a fuck ton of security,” Alex said. Isobel gave that award-winning smile and came closer to sit on the edge of his bed.
“And I have a very talented brain,” she said, batting her eyelashes. Alex rolled his eyes. “I’ve decided you needed a day off. You’ve been stressed out and it’s stressing me out, so I called in sick for you and broke in to turn your alarm off and you woke up without it.”
“The alarm is just in case,” Alex said, still glaring at her. She rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulders in a failed attempt at making him lay back down. “You can’t just call into my work or decide I need a day off. I have shit to do.”
“Not anymore,” she insisted, “I called in and your superior completely understood and said to rest and I got Michael and Kyle to take on all your alien-investigation duties, so you’re free. And I’ve got your nice little woodland boyfriend to agree to a chill Alex day. No stress today, it’s forbidden.”
“I don’t actually trust them to do my work, so now I’m going to just stress more because I know they’ll fuck it up,” Alex shot back.
“Nope,” she said, patting his head, “Michael is pretty meticulous about doing things just the way you like it. It’s gross.” Alex kept his glare. “Seriously, go back to sleep.”
“I can’t sleep once I wake up.”
“Well, then stay in bed. I’ll cook you breakfast in bed or something.”
“Hush,” she said, pressing her finger to his lips and ignoring the annoyed look on his face, “You’ve done a lot for us, let us do something for you for once, okay?”
Reluctantly, Alex agreed and slowly laid back in bed.
“Isobel, if you’re making eggs, make sure you use the--”
“Nope! Not controlling anything today! La-la-la, can’t hear you being controlling!” she yelled, covering her ears as she left the room. Alex rolled his eyes and tried to relax.
Relaxing definitely didn’t come easy to him, it never had. He’d clung onto the little bit of control he had and, if he lost that, it stressed him out. He remembered always taking over in school projects and taking over making dinner when he was younger, always convinced that if he didn’t do it himself it wouldn’t get done right. As an adult, he clung to that control all the same. But Isobel had apparently done a lot to make him have a stress-less day, so he was going to enjoy it. Or try.
He made it five minutes before he grabbed his phone.
Isobel had put it on Do Not Disturb which he had to maintain a massive amount of willpower to not turn off. Instead, he went ahead and called Forrest himself. Then he would abide by Isobel’s relaxation rules.
“Excuse me, did I misread something? I thought it was let Alex relax day,” Forrest asked, amusement in his voice. Alex smiled and tried to focus on his light existence to help him relax.
“It is, but I’m convinced Isobel is deliberately using the wrong pan,” Alex admitted. Forrest snorted and Alex could hear the sounds of horses in the background. It was nice having a boyfriend on a ranch--he was always up as early as Alex. 
“How dare she use the omelet pan for scrambled eggs?” Forrest teased. 
“You say it like it’s funny,” Alex said. Forrest laughed easily.
“It is funny. Just relax, babe. Isobel has been planning this for, like, two weeks. She even made you guys a reservation at a spa. Which I’m only telling you because I know you don’t like surprises, but act surprised whenever y’all show up,” he informed. Alex took a deep breath.
“Thank you,” he said. Forrest hummed in response.
“And if you want me to come over and help you relax a little more tonight, I can. Shine the bat signal and I’ll be over in the blink of an eye,” Forrest said.
“I might take you up on that. Haven’t decided how effective Isobel’s relaxation techniques are going to work on me,” Alex admitted, letting the line fall silent. Eventually, though, he sighed and sat up. “Okay, I’m gonna try to enjoy it. Keep your afternoon free.”
“Every moment of every day is free if you’re the one asking.”
Alex ended the call and put his phone in his dresser drawer. He was going to try. If Isobel went through all this trouble, it was the least he could do. 
He stretched and grabbed the remote from the foot of the bed, turning on the TV and going to Netflix. He decided on New Girl (only because Forrest had already started watching it on his account) and tried to just relax.
And it was still hard.
“Aw, look at you, still laying in bed after twenty minutes,” Isobel teased, coming in with two plates of food. He tried not to be concerned when she sat beside him in bed. He usually didn’t eat in bed and he had a lot of memories of his father being angry at him for having food in his bedroom. But he was a grown ass man and he could wash the sheets.
“I’ve laid in bed longer than twenty minutes after I woke up before,” Alex said.
“I mean when you don’t have someone in bed being all distracting,” Isobel said. Alex didn’t correct her. “Thought so.”
For an episode of the show that Alex found funny enough, they sat and ate. Alex thanked her for cooking and tried not to think about if she used the wrong pan or the wrong spatula or the wrong plate. He allowed the plates to be put on the nightstand to take out of the room later and they both laid down and let it go to the next episode.
He felt himself start to relax a little more. Every time his mind tried to remind him of something he needed to do, he shut it down and reassured himself that Michael and Kyle were taking care of it. And if he snuck away later to call Michael to double check, Isobel didn’t need to know.
There was a point where Isobel started telling random stories about whatever she could think of. It was such a distinct thing that he chose not to say anything about. She was trying to open up. She was trying to be a friend. He was going to let her and reciprocate because that didn’t sound bad.
“Wait, wait, back up, you did what?” Alex laughed. Isobel grinned.
“Technically it was more Max and Michael’s doing, but they broke into the football team’s locker room and stole all of their socks after they laughed at me for something I don’t even remember. I think I was blacked out at the time, but they still just wanted to defend me,” Isobel said. Alex laughed and shook his head.
“But why their socks?”
“Small, but extremely annoying,” Isobel pointed out, “They threw them in the desert.”
“Jesus,” Alex laughed, “My brothers would never.”
“Well, you’re in luck because you’ve got people that would do it for you now,” she said, giving him that same wild smile. Alex huffed and nodded.
“Good, I’ll let you know if there’s any socks that need to be stolen.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
They laid there for awhile, until the birds had stopped chirping for the morning and the clock read 8:30. Then she suggested he get ready because she had some plans for the day. Already knowing what those were, he agreed.
He let himself take his time, actually taking his time on washing his face and fixing his hair. He wanted to look nice if he was supposed to be feeling nice. He got his prosthetic on and chose something nice but comfortable and decided it was good enough. When he came out of the bathroom, Isobel whistled her appreciation.
“Damn, I knew you had it in you to look good,” Isobel said.
“Here I was thinking I always looked good.”
“Eh, well, your fatigues make you look boxy and when you slick your hair back, you look like you’re trying to blend in too much. I like the messy look with the whole tank-top-open-button-up combo you got going on,” Isobel said, gesturing to him. Alex laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Well, thanks, I guess,” Alex snorted. He looked over to the nightstand to see that she’d already taken them to the kitchen. He just hoped she washed them. “So, what exactly are the plans for today?”
“I’ve got a few things in mind,” Isobel said, that sly little smile on her face. He huffed a laugh and mentally thanked Forrest again for spoiling it for him.
Within a few hours, Alex found himself laid out on a massage table a few feet away from Isobel. She didn’t say anything about it, but he had decided she had a left over couple’s spa trip that she forgot about making reservations for and decided to bring Alex along instead.
He was honestly thankful he didn’t have to be by himself. As awkward as it was to be basically naked a few feet away from your ex’s sister, it was a lot less awkward than it would’ve been if he found himself alone with a stranger that he couldn’t see properly. He needed to be aware of his surroundings to relax and it definitely helped that there were other people in the same room.
So he tried his best. He wasn’t a big fan of massages, having really conflicted feelings about being touched by strangers in general, but he tried. He imagined it was someone he knew, someone he trusted to touch him without making it uncomfortable. Basically anyone he’d hooked up with except for that cadet he hooked up with a few years into the Air Force who kept asking questions about why he had so many scars.
After the massage, they were taken to go get facials which Alex made about half-way through before he had to stop. Too much keeping his eyes closed and that was something he couldn’t do, but he thanked the woman anyway and made small talk while Isobel did the whole thing. It was actually pretty relaxing in a completely different way.
“This one is gonna be your favorite, I just know it,” Isobel insisted once the facials were over and they were headed to the next room. Alex was smiling easily for what felt like the first time in awhile. No forced smiles or no smiles that only lasted a few seconds. Isobel seemed to notice and she held her head up with pride.
They got manicures and pedicures next which had easily proved Isobel right. Part of Alex felt downright giddy about it. The last time he’d gotten a manicure and pedicure was on Maria’s 18th birthday and he barely even got to enjoy them that long. After DADT was repealed, he’d thought about going to get one, but couldn’t bring himself to go alone. But maybe he and Isobel needed to make this a regular thing.
“See, I told you you’d like it,” Isobel said.
“Thank you, Isobel, seriously,” Alex said. She smiled, shrugging a shoulder as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. But it was. He was actually relaxing for once. That meant a lot.
“Don’t mention it. Did I ever tell you about that time we went water skiing and Max broke his nose?”
It wasn’t until they went to a fancy restaurant that she had reservations at that he noticed she’d been talking a lot. Like, significantly more than usual. It wasn’t long that he caught on she was just trying to keep her mind off of real life too.
“Be honest,” Alex said halfway through their meal, “You needed today too.”
Isobel’s smile turned a bit sour and she took a deep breath. It was so distinctly Michael that it was almost jarring.
“Today would’ve been my 6th wedding anniversary,” she admitted. Alex tried to keep his reactions in check, but he couldn’t help the way he instantly felt bad that clearly no one else had known that.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I just needed to do something to take my mind off it,” she insisted. Alex didn’t say anything, just stared at her. It most definitely wasn’t fine. “I just... I feel like I’m never going to stop missing this man I thought I knew.”
“Honestly? You probably won’t,” Alex said. Isobel scoffed.
“Well, thanks.”
“I mean, look, he was taken from you in a really horrible way. It’s not like he showed his true colors at all. You had, what, half a decade with a man who treated you well at all times and seemed to put your needs first and was kind. It makes sense for you to mourn him even if he wasn’t real,” Alex assured her.
“I hate it, though,” she admitted.
“If it helps, I didn’t even have that much with my dad and I’m still mourning him. It’s annoying and it’s frustrating, but it’s apart of life,” Alex assured her. She tilted her head.
“Alex, this day is supposed to be about comforting you,” she said playfully. He gave her a smile.
“It can be about both of us,” he said, “I tell you what, let’s make this day into something different. It’s no longer a wedding anniversary to a shitty man who lied, it’s now Isobel and Alex’s Annual Chill Day.”
Isobel laughed, “You really want to do this with me every year?”
“If you needed me to do this with you every month, I would,” Alex promised. He saw tears build in her eyes, but she blinked them away. “You’re my friend, Isobel, and one of the only people that hasn’t fucked me over. I don’t take that lightly.”
“Okay, then. Isobel and Alex’s Annual Chill Day it is,” she said, raising her glass of wine. He raised his to hers.
“Gotta love new traditions.”
And he did. That night, Isobel stayed over and he got one of the best night’s sleep he’d had in awhile. He didn’t even need a man in his bed to get it.
It helped knowing Isobel felt the same exactly way.
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Collide - Chapter 3
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summary: Bella survives her first full day at the office with Steve and Javier and earns an unexpected guest on her trip to the market.
warnings: angst, flashbacks/trauma, soft!javi
rating: R
word count: 3.204k
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chapter 3
Willing yourself to get to work is a challenge the next day. You hate yourself for the way your heart’s about to fly straight out of your chest and take off for some faraway destination. This is precisely why you left Texas behind, to get yourself out of these situations where you’re constantly haunted by the things of the past. Instead, possibly one of the biggest parts of it is going to be sitting right there, at the same cluster of desks as yours, inevitably in contact with you for most of the day.
And what you despise the most is the way that thought makes your heart skip a hopeful beat.
Javier doesn’t deserve your attention, much less your affection. He left you high and dry in Texas for years, leaving you to think that he hated you and regretted all the thirteen years he’d known you—especially your most intimate moment together. Not only that, but his engagement and almost-marriage to Lorraine—her of all people, and you laugh to yourself as you think about the irony—wasn’t much of a secret in Kingsville, especially your lack of an invitation. Your supposed best friend didn’t even want you at his wedding.
And now, he’s your partner at work—and he’s sent you gifts of things you never would’ve expected to receive.
You hate the way Javier can still play such a vicious game of tug-of-war with your heart, and you fume on this as you sit inside the car the embassy had supplied for you and take off for the office. Your thumb drums against the steering wheel as you recall the easy directions Steve had given you before you’d left his apartment last night, trying your best not to dwell on the thoughts that’d plagued not only your morning but also your slumber. Javier never left your mind or heart as easily as he left your life, and now that he’s snuck his way back into the latter, you know it’ll be much harder to kick him out of the former.
When you pull into one of the parking spaces at the office, you release a sigh that you hope will take all your worries with you. You realize the effort was in vain when you get out of the car and step onto shaky legs. Cursing under your breath, you wish you would’ve been able to get more than a sorry excuse for a granola bar down your throat this morning as you walk inside the building. You receive a few stares of confusion as people see you enter, and you simply give them polite nods as you walk by. You hope that when your face is more well known, you’ll receive kinder acknowledgements—though, you’re not sure how thrilled all of these people are to have another woman around.
Steve and Javier are already in when you get to the cluster of desks. You can feel Javier’s gaze on you the minute you’re in their range, and you try to ignore its heat for moment as you drop your keys onto the desk and start pulling out your chair.
“Morning,” Steve greets, looking up from his work briefly to give you a small smile. “I’m glad we didn’t scare you off already.”
You scoff, returning his smile as you sit down. “Luckily. We’ll see what today brings.”
Both men chuckle at your words, and you bite back a smile at the easy interaction. You feel some of the dread for the day already starting to fall away, only to feel something completely new arise when your gaze finally drifts over to Javier. He’s temporarily looked away from you, and so you take the time you can to observe him completely. His beige button-up leaves a few undone, providing a clear view of his upper chest and neck. You try to blink back the memories of the kisses you’d left there under the stars that night, but surprisingly it’s Javier himself who saves you from the torment. He looks back up to you to catch your gaze, offering a hopeful lift of his brow.
“How are you feeling?” Javier asks, and you’re taken aback by the question. You weren’t expecting him to say something so… well, personal.
“I’m alright,” you assure him, trying to hide the smile you want to show him so badly.
“Did you, uh… get everything alright?” Javier sounds almost shy continuing his interrogation.
You can’t help giving him that smile now. “Yeah, I did. Thank you so much for that.” Javier nods, and you notice that he’s barely able to hold his own smile back as he looks down at his work. Despite all the problems left unsolved between the two of you, the interaction triggers a familiar instinct and a nostalgic feeling, as if you’re falling back into your old ways again.
You blink a few times and look down at the files in front of you. No, you try to scold yourself. You can’t do that. Not without resolving things first. You fear that if you fall in step with Javier again in the way you used to, he’ll refuse to open up at all regarding the things he did and has done since you two last saw each other, and you can’t have that. You must know what happened in the in-between, and you know that eventually you’ll have to tell him the same about yourself.
For the workday, though, you’re able to shelve these thoughts as you start to dive deep into what you’re doing. You, Steve, and Javier read through the files you have and discuss them, tracing patterns and making notes of anything that makes more appearances than usual. You start to get the hang of all the codenames and people you’d previously read up on and heard about yesterday, and by the time you’re heading home—which, thanks to Escobar’s sheer invisibility and the lack of action, is at quite a reasonable hour—you feel as if you’re fitting in perfectly.
Steve tells you the same thing as the three of you walk out to your cars, reflecting on your first full day at the office. “You know, it’s really great to have you here,” Steve confesses. “I think that’s the most productive Peña and I have been in a long fuckin’ time.”
You chuckle. “Well, like Connie said: too much testosterone. I’m glad I can help the balance.”
“I never even realized how much we didn’t get done until today,” Steve continues, looking past you to catch Javier’s eye. “Javi, we were shit at paperwork, weren’t we?”
Javier scoffs. “That’s one way to put it, Murphy.” Javier’s gaze then switches to you. “But I’m not surprised. She’s always been able made any situation better.”
You try your best to keep the heat from rushing to your cheeks as you shake your head. “Cállate, cariño.”
“Hablo en serio,” Javier insists with a chuckle. “I see that not much has changed.”
Your soft smile soon starts to turn into a grimace at his words. No, you dipshit, everything’s changed. “You’d be surprised.” You try to look at him and force a smile, but you can tell he doesn’t buy it. Desperately wanting to change the subject, you turn your attention to Steve. “Where’s a good place to go for groceries around here? I haven’t loaded up my fridge or my pantry yet, and I’ll need something to eat tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, we actually go to a market that’s right down the road,” Steve answers, and as you step outside of the office, he gestures to the left. “They’ve got a lot of good stuff for cheap.”
“I… was actually about to head there myself tonight,” Javier says, demanding your attention once again. “I can bring you there.”
You force another smile, this time making it more realistic—despite the drastic change in pace at which your heart now beats. “Great.”
Steve heads to his car, waving his hand as you and Javier do the same. You both continue to walk through the parking lot, heading in the direction of the market. Tense silence fills the air between the two of you until Javier dares to break it.
“So, you—uh, you liked everything?” he asks, his arms swaying rhythmically with his body as he walks alongside you. His dark gaze turns to you, and you meet it to see something familiar sparkling inside of his eyes.
You nod. “Yeah, I really did, Javier,” you assure him honestly. “I actually didn’t expect you to remember my obsession with 100 Grands.”
Javier raises an eyebrow, chuckling a bit. “How could I forget, bella? Those shits were practically all you ate growing up. I must’ve spent at least a hundred dollars fueling your obsession.”
“That’s an exaggeration,” you remark, biting back your smile as your gaze returns to the road ahead of you.
“Por favor, bella.” You throw him a playful glare, and Javier gives you a guilty look in return. “Okay, well, at least fifty.”
“That’s better.” You both laugh to yourselves for a moment, and you let out a soft breath as you decide to continue pressing about what else was in the bag. “What about the pillow?”
You can sense Javier tensing beside you, and you look over to see his shoulders raised just a bit higher towards his ears. It was always a habit of his before to tighten up like that whenever he’s feeling shy or uncomfortable. You used to remedy it by placing your hands on them and easing them back down or wrapping him in an embrace to make him calm, but neither of those are things you’d even consider doing right now. “What about it?”
You hold back a scoff, looking over at him with a single eyebrow raised. “It’s identical to the one I got you. Where’d you get it from?”
Javier’s fingers begin to fumble with each other as he looks at them—another shy habit of his. “You know mi abuela loves to sew,” he begins to answer. “I had it done… I don’t know, a year after you gave me yours.”
Your gaze softens as you continue to look at him. “Really? Why?”
Javier shrugs, finally looking back over at you. “I just felt like it needed a match.”
“And so you kept it? Even after… everything?”
Javier’s dark gaze flashes with pain at your reference to the time and unspoken events that occurred before you saw him again. “You may not believe me, bella, but I really missed you.” You feel a pain in your chest when you realize it’s the second time he’s said those exact words to you. “And having both of those just… I don’t know, it made it feel like I still had part of you.” Javier scoffs to himself, looking to his feet. “I know, it sounds fuckin’ lame.”
“No, cariño, it doesn’t.” You give his shoulder a nudge, causing his gaze to snap back up at you. “But if you missed me that much, why didn’t you give me a call?”
Javier sighs heavily. “I thought you didn’t want to see me ever again.”
“What made you think that?”
Javier raises an eyebrow, giving you a look of confusion. “You told me so. That night.”
Your heart plummets into your stomach and you swallow hard, suddenly remembering the details your conscious has left out over the years.
“So, that’s it?” You scoff as you stare at Javier, crossing your arms defensively. “You’re just gonna go and pretend nothing ever happened?”
“I don’t know what you want me to do, bella,” Javier mutters, his hands fumbling with the bag you’ve given him—something you now wish you could steal back.
“Tell me it meant something.” You’re starting to beg at this point. It’s been eating you alive for so many months, chewing away at your every heart string and shredding your confidence. “Tell me I wasn’t dreaming when I saw the look in your eye that night. Tell me you didn’t regret it.”
Javier’s silent for a long moment as he stares in your gaze, and you eagerly try to find that same look—but all you can detect is his frustration towards you. “I… I can’t do that.”
You frown, feeling your eyes burn with oncoming tears. “Thirteen years, Javier! We’ve been so close for thirteen damn years, and now you’re just gonna leave me in the dark, and tell me that you regret something like that?”
Javier’s now frowning along with you, taking a step closer to look down at you with a furrowed brow. “Are you seriously throwing our friendship in my face? What are you trying to do, prove some kind of point about how you’ve managed to put up with me that long? Are you calling me difficult?”
“No, Javier, don’t be so dense! I’m trying to say that I would expect you to actually be honest with me and not fucking hurt me like this!”
Javier swallows hard, but the anger doesn’t leave his expression. “I am being honest. And if you’re willing to throw our friendship out over one night, then maybe none of it was worth it in the first place.”
His words become the stone that breaks your heart of glass, and you feel the shards slicing at your chest as you nearly fall to your knees in grief. Yet, the pain also fuels your anger, and now you’re taking a step away as you seethe at him. “Maybe you have a point. Maybe I was nothing more to you than a prize to win, all these years.”
Javier huffs. “That’s not true.”
You shake your head. “You’ve already made it obvious, Javier. I get it.” You pause to swallow back your tears of shared pain and rage, giving him the most lethal stare you can muster. “I hope I never have to see you again.”
The pain flashes across Javier’s face quickly, but he tries to disguise it by twisting his face with anger. “I can make that happen.” Javier says the words with certainty, and before you can stop him, he’s already stalking off to his truck. You don’t try to stop him, or remind him that he’s your ride back, or admit that you’re not being truthful—and you don’t know how you’ll live without seeing him ever again, because you love him so much. Instead, you watch as he leaves you behind, and your knees finally give way beneath you as your hands collect the sobs that spill out so violently from your chest.
That’s not a memory you were looking to remember.
You blink a few times, trying to get rid of the painful images and feelings it brings you. “I—I did, didn’t I?” You manage a chuckle, starting to rub your neck in your anxious manner. “Damn, I’m sorry. That was a bitchy move.”
“And just about everything I said and did were dick moves, so don’t worry, we can call it even.” Javier nudges your shoulder in the same way you’d done to him, causing you to smile slightly as you look back at him. “I think we’re mature enough now to realize that we were just two teenagers with a lot of hormones, bella.”
You stifle a laugh, shaking your head as you start to come upon the said market. “The sad part to me is that even when we became adults, we failed to recognize that.”
Javier rests a hand on your shoulder, holding your gaze with hints of heavy regret and hidden pain. “The in-between was never easy, bella. But we’ll work it out.”
You swallow hard. Yeah, I really fucking hope so. But you doubt you’ll be able to get anything out of Javier anytime soon, and you don’t know how the hell you’re going to be able to handle telling him everything about your life as well as how you’ve felt about what you’ve learned of his.
“For now, we have to focus on filling your kitchen with something other than 100 Grands and whiskey.” Javier chuckles with you as he says the words, gesturing to the market in front of you.
You give him a skeptical look as he leads you through the market. “Do you even need groceries, idiota? Or did you make that up as a sorry excuse to come here with me?”
Javier gives you a guilty look while also offering a shrug of his shoulders. “I do need some more coffee.”
You laugh and shake your head, letting yourself revel in the temporary feeling of old as you and Javier explore the market together. He tells you about all the foods he usually seeks out, and which ones are probably best to avoid. He tries to guess on the things he remembers you liking, and most of the time you’ll confirm his estimations while sometimes having to inform him that you’ve since grown a distaste for certain items. You’ll throw together a ton of things—some that you need and some that you honestly don’t, but have been encouraged by Javier to splurge on anyway—and, after about a half an hour of this, you’re heading back to the office to get your cars. The sun is just starting to sink lower in the Medellín sky, and you can tell it’s having an effect on Javier as he slowly starts opening up to you again.
“I feel like I need to thank you, bella,” Javier confesses, looking over at you as he carries some of your bags for you.
“For what, cariño?” you remark, returning his gaze with softness.
“I just—uh, I haven’t felt this much like myself for a long ass time,” Javier informs you. “It’s almost like… I don’t know, like you’re the only person who can bring that back out of me. So, um, thank you.”
You give Javier a warm smile—a genuine smile—and feel yourself beaming up at him. “I’m glad you can be yourself around me, Javier. No matter what’s happened since we’ve last seen each other, or whatever the hell I said before you left that night, just know that you can always be yourself around me.”
“Noted.” Javier throws you a wink with his word, and you playfully roll your eyes as you give his shoulder a shove.
As Javier helps you get the bags into your car, you’re torn between being scarily happy and rightfully pissed at yourself for what you’ve just allowed to happen. You know you shouldn’t be letting Javier get off the hook this easily, that you should be making him work harder to earn your good graces again, but you also can’t deny the relieving feeling of becoming close to him again. When you watch him wave goodnight as he gets into his car, you can’t help smiling to yourself at the way you’d both so effortlessly clicked again, even though you know there’s a lot more shit waiting in a storm cloud that’s hovering dauntingly over your mind and heart.
But you know what they say: old habits die hard.
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chapter 4
Cállate, cariño = Shut up, sweetheart
Hablo en serio = I’m serious
Por favor, bella = Please, beautiful
tags: @tarrevizslas @none-of-your-bullshit @lavenderl3mons @gooddaykate @flower-petal-blooming @stilllivindue2spite @mrsparknuts @fionnthebandersnacc @pisss-offf-ghostt @gaydreamland @longitud-de-onda @literallytrashhhhhh @kkgraham @arrowswithwifi @rage-isaquietthing @awesomefandomsunited @theforceofdarkandlight @murdermewithbooks @blushingwueen @rachelloveseveryone @madadlorian @ah-callie @mrsdaamneron @lokiaddicted @arcadianempress @benakenalove @wickedfrsgrl @pascalisperfect @absurdthirst @weirdowithnobeardo @lcandothisallday @sailorflowermoon @engineeredfiction @souls-rain @kaylaylaylayla @cailoleaf @unintentionalwriter @earthtokace + irishleesh93 & moonlightmrvel
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
we’re related and I Don’t Care
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title: We’re Related and I Don’t Care
pairing: Jared x reader
fluff: roommates (bro/sis)
kink: virginity
rating: 18+
mentioning @spnfluffbingo​   @spnkinkbingo​   @sweetness47​
fluff    kink 
before i get ahead of myself here, let me just put this here, i was 100% in control of my actions when the following events took place. 
twas the week after highschool graduation, i was all set to move into an apartment of my own. it was a wonderful idea, i was so excited. but then the day before my big move was supposed to take place my parents and my brother got into a huge argument. 
he approached me about moving into the apartment with me, okay that wasnt a issue, my brother was successful like me and we were both now packed and prepared for our early day start the next day. 
me and my brother always had the best relationship. it was a bond like no other, he was my guardian while i would go on shopping sprees and i was his while he was with his friends in a club setting. 
our chemistry was about to take a very very wide turn... but we at that time didnt know that. the day of the big move, well i helped my brother for the most part load our shit on the truck, but he insisted on him and his friends doing this themselves.
who was i to complain, anyway it was complete in 5 hours, it was all in the apartment and then we realized that we would need to purchase some more furniture, not a problem. it would be a easy fix, so we sat down on the floor and set up the laptop to TV hdmi.
Jared: alright sis, what kind of furniture are we getting?
You then gesture down to the table before you where the list of furniture sits before you and your brother.
Yn: well dear brother as you can see before you, I made a list, but because this is our place we both have equal say in the furniture design.
Jared: may I pick the first piece of furniture?
Yn: of course... Let me just go and take another measurement real quick...
You got up and left the room, your brother picked out the sofa and love seat, in a pattern that he figured you would approve of.
He was browsing the blanket sets when you re-entered the room.
Yn: alright so what do we have so far in the cart...
Jared: the sofa and love seat. I was just browsing through the blanket sets... We should have a few extras for when we do laundry...
you were scouring the blanket sets and decided your brother was right. you were now putting one of each set in the cart, you then passed the reigns to your brother so he can pick out the bed frames, one for you, one for him.
then some pots, pans, kitchen stuff, and bathroom stuff. then you both agreed that would be sufficient to get you both started so you went through the checkout and waited.
YN: so we should also order another tv so we can both play games together. its gonna be easier that way.
Jared sighed he knew you were right he just hated to admit it... deep down inside he was holding in his feelings, he had a huge boner for you, he always had, but now living with you now he might actually have his shot at having the life he always wanted with you.
Jared: your right, which is why i had placed that order last night... they will be delivered around the same time as the furniture. its a good thing we think alot alike.
YN: guess thats the bond we share, now what do we want for dinner.
Jared: well we clearly dont have any groceries yet... so what do we want...
You had to go with your gut... You had to use your keen sense of sibling skills and happily tell your brother what you wanted.
Yn: remember when we were growing up and after school you and I would stop for dinner on Fridays at a little restaurant down near the school and celebrate the victories and losses through the week.
Jared: do they do delivery?
Yn: how bout you call and find out while I go and find the bed sheets so we can finish setting up the beds as in put the pillows and comforters on as the rest of the stuff won't be here till tomorrow.
Jared nods his head and smiles watching as you get up and leave the room.. his mind thinking the most evil thoughts, as he mentally undresses you and pictures you beneath him screaming his name with bountiful pleasure.
Jared (to self): i need to make my move soon, cause its perfect opportunity to now that i live with her. its the perfect time. just need the right moment.
so for the next few hours Jared watched, waited, and sat with you in the living room, dinner arrived you guys ate and smiled.
Yn: hey bro, what time is it?
Jared looked at his watch, and smiled when his brain dinged and remembered your evening routine. for as long as he could remember you would shower every second evening. since the last time you showered was the night before last...
Jared: dont worry about anything ill clean up and finish setting up the sleeping arrangements. it will all be done by the time you get out...
YN: thank you... now ill see you when im done.
you left the room, you went into the bathroom with your speaker and phone setting up your music and leaving the door open a tad for no foggy mirrors when you got out.
jared however was waiting till about half way through your shower time before he would make his mark.
you set up the dark shower curtain and turned on the water, stripped off your clothes and it started. Jared counted the minutes by the song lengths.
Jared (to self): okay this is it time to man up and confess my feelings. i should lock the door first though.
as jared was locking the door, he could hear you talking to yourself in the shower.
YN (to self): okay girl get a grip, your extremely caliente hot brother is now living with you, as your roommate, you have only been saving yourself for like ever... i mean he probably would think it super weird and such if i like told him that i love him.
Jared came closer to the door and smiled as he took all his clothes off and snuck into the washroom, your voice melding with the music you didnt hear anything, you had no idea what was about to happen.
you were in the middle of rinsing your hair when your brother walked into the shower.
Jared: did you mean it?
this startled you, you didnt turn off the water, but instead hid behind the cover or as much of it as could be done with your hands/arms.
YN: what the hell jared...
Jared: did you mean what you said...
YN: what are you talking about...
Jared: a few moments ago, i was locking the apartment and i heard you tell yourself that you love me... was that true.
you had now dropped your hands from covering you...
YN: yes, i have been hiding that from you since 9th grade, when you gained all your hot muscles, when you and i were crowned as the 2 most likely candidates for the spring fling royalty that year. when we won i was amazed by how good your biceps felt beneath my hand... want me to say it, i love you more than a brother, i love you Jared...
Jared: i love you too. now i am gonna fuck you into the middle of next week. Yes I know you saved yourself, as did I.. I never gave up hope that you would one day say you love me more than a brother.
Yn: then take me and don't worry about being gentle I think we are way passed that now.
You and Jared were alot closer, before another word was spoken Jared pressed his lips to your own, you stood on your tippie toes to reach up as your brother's arms pulled your form closer to his own.
his hands now cupping your butt cheeks lifting you so your legs wrap round his hips/waist. you feel his hard cock under your pussy, you were not bothered by this, you felt like you should be but your brain, heart, and body told you that you were happy, that you were in the right hands.
Jared: im sliding in, scream for me baby!
you went to kiss him but the kiss was broken by your scream as his hard cock slid right into your pussy. stretching you out, waiting a bit for you to fit to him.
Jared: well i think this is gonna be a short movement cause im almost too hard to keep pounding into you here and now but i will go as hard as i can and unload into you fully.
You screamed moaned and felt the hard cock of your own brother inaide you. It was another 15 minutes before Jared unloaded into you.
Jared pulled out for 2 seconds, he then helped you wash your body and you washed his hair and body before both of you got out and dried off.
Jared: let me just go turn off all the lights then I'll join you in bed.
You walked into the bedroom and took a look at the mirror on the wall, your reflection looked different, yet somehow the same, similar to how you looked that morning.
but your brother walked in and came up behind you, wrapping his arms round your waist he smiled and so did you.
Jared: you looked very deep in thought when i walked in
YN: i was just thinking about how this might be viewed in the public eye...
Jared: and i dont give a flying shit hole fuck of a damn as to what the public eye thinks. ill be out in public and have dinner with you, and ill beat anyone who dares make a pass at my new girlfriend.
YN: promoted from sister to girlfriend in the span of 24 hours, im very lucky girl.
thats when your brother backed both you and him up to the bed and both of you fell backward and on bed.
Jared: your a lucky girl whose not leaving this bed till the doorbell rings for our furniture delivery tomorrow... now lean into me and lets enjoy our new life together.
Jared placed a kiss to your forehead as he felt your head nestle into the crook of his neck and your breathing became relaxed. he slid himself back into you and soo you both felt only peace.
~see you soon~
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Ubbe x reader Protecting you
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Pairing: Ubbe x reader
Summary: Reader is a slave who has a hard time behaving. An incident at dinner has her scared and running away from Ivar. Ubbe decides to help her.
Warnings: Mentions of slavery, abuse, death, freezing, mild cursing.
Hey guys! I couldn't sleep so I wrote this instead lol, hope you like it😚
"You should watch what you say y/n, especially in front of Ivar, he can be very cruel" Calise warned as you rolled your eyes for the millionth time.
"How many times do I have to say it Calise?! Just because some foreign bastards stole me from my home and made me a slave doesn't mean I can just accept it. I'm a human being, not property. If one of those bastard brothers tries to hurt me they will be the ones who are sorry" you huffed setting down a large bucket of dish water.
Calise tsked nodding her head, "You won't last long with that attitude... believe me you weren't the first slave to think she wouldn't bend, but these men can be savages and they will not hesitate to beat you into submission.." she sighed when you didnt reply and continued washing silently.
In your mind you were seething. You understood that you couldn't just go around picking fights but you weren't going to be treated like dirt either. Ugh why were the gods punishing you like this?
You decided to try your best at keeping a low profile until a chance of escaping arose. After all if no one noticed you it wouldn't be that difficult to sneak away one night.
Alright brain, are you listening? No more smart mouthed comments. No more under the breath insults. And for the love of gods, no more dirty glares! Let's try to stay alive long enough to escape shall we?
That night you stood behind the chairs of the royal family as they ate and conversed happily. A rare occasion honestly, it was not often that all the brothers got along this well.
Ubbe was more sensible and to be honest you did not mind him much. Hviserk was for the most part ok, his comments about women sometimes made you clench your teeth. Sigurd wasnt that interesting to be honest, and then there was the devilish one known as Ivar, that one you had to be wary of, you had seen him almost choke to death a servant for spilling soup over him.
Your eyes roamed around the hall. Gods standing around was so boring... the first thing you were gonna do when you escaped was relax in a hot bath and feast on the fattiest foods. None of that leftover meat slop you slaves were fed.
Sometimes when you guys were cleaning up you would sneak some food in your mouth quickly. Calise scolded you everytime but hey, the gods taught not to be wasteful. In your eyes you were doing a good thing.
"Are you deaf slave?" A sudden sharp voice cut into your thoughts.
"Sorry, how may I serve you prince Ivar.." you quickly stepped forward.
"My cup is empty" he motioned holding it up mockingly.
This asshole is lucky I don't have my knife anymore...
You quickly filled his cup with ale, a simple task really. No one could've imagined what would happen next.
When you felt a wandering hand over your ass you acted on instinct. No you didnt even stop to think that slapping the craziest man in kattegat was a bad idea.
You stood there eyes wider than saucers. Frozen like a deer as you watched Ivars stunned face turn from the side slowly, a red welt already appearing on his pale skin. Fuck.
You took one giant step back suddenly afraid that he would stab you with a dinner knife right then and there.
"M-my prince, I'm so sorry I did-" you were abruptly cut off when he shot out of his chair, a wild look of murder in his eyes.
Fuck you were done for. Great job you managed to keep yourself in check for like what 7 minutes?!
"Ivar stop!" Aslaug tried to calm him down but he was already out of his chair and limping towards you dangerously. Afraid of him and what he could do you whipped around and darted past a shocked Calise out into the brisk winters air.
You could hear shouting behind you but you were too frightened to stop. Although you probably made it ten times worse by running away. Should you have just stayed and taken the beating?
Surely the brothers or the queen would've intervened before things got too out of hand. You shook your head. Well none of that mattered now, you had to hide before he found you. Gods for a cripple, he sure was fast.
You cursed as another ruthless wind made you shiver. Only a thin dress protected you from the harsh weather. Great instead of being beaten to death you were gonna freeze to death.
Maybe it was better that way.. even if you left kattegat, it's not like you had anywhere else to go. And being captured by bandits on the road didnt seem appealing either. For all your past bravery you were feeling pretty terrified right now.
You hid behind a house taking a deep breath. Ok so you couldn't ask anyone for help for surely they would turn you in. After all no one would risk protecting you for Ivars wrath.
A barn near the house caught your eye, and you immediately snuck through the crack in the door and pulled it shut.
There were some piles of hay, a table for crafting tools of some sort, and above it all was a semi sealed attic.
Seeing no ladder you quickly piled some hay until it was tall enough to climb on. You also pulled as much as you could up with you to cover yourself.
By this point your hands were starting to burn. But you feared going back more than freezing. So you scooched back as far as you could, almost hidden completely and pulled the hay onto your shaking body. It wasn't the furs you slept with but it would have to do.
Wrapping your arms tight you prayed to the gods that you would somehow survive this or at least die a quick death.
At some point the cold turned into burning and then you felt nothing. You couldn't even feel your eyelids as they drooped shut.
"Ivar calm down, she's new she doesn't know how to be a proper slave yet" Ubbe stood blocking the door. The only thing standing between him and your certain death.
"I agree, she doesn't know, so she must be taught a lesson" Ivar growled and tried to push past his brother once more.
Aslaug gently placed a hand on his back, "Ivar please, she is just a slave, she is not worth it"
Ubbe could tell he was starting to calm down, especially when his mother spoke he always listened.
"Ivar you're right, she does need to learn but please, let me go and deal with her" Ubbe pleaded.
Ivar glared at his brother a few moments before sighing and shoving his arm off.
"Fine, just promise me you wont be too easy on her brother" he grumbled making his way back to the chair.
Ubbe sighed in relief and made his way outside. He started to worry because it was heavily snowing and from what he saw you were only dressed in a thin dress.
He actually had no intention of "dealing with you" as Ivar had demanded. In all honesty he thought you reacted as any insulted girl would. It just so happened because you were a slave it wasnt permitted.
Later on after he found you he would probably have a good laugh about this with his brothers. After all it wasnt everyday someone stood up to Ivar the boneless.
Ubbe had been searching far into the night now, no one he asked had any clue where the girl was and he was starting to lose hope.
Part of him wanted to give up and warm up by the fire in his house but part of him knew you would die if he did. He was far too kind to let that happen. So with a sigh he rubbed his hands together trying to generate some heat before he set off again.
Ubbe lightly shook your numb body as he tried his best to bring you to conciousness.
"Wake up, c'mon woman this is not a good place to die" he lightly slapped your cheek.
He clicked his tongue when you didnt even flinch.
He pulled off his outer fur and gently wrapped you in it. Carefully he lifted a hand behind your back and under your knees. Adjusting you until you lay safely in his arms.
He decided to take care of you himself seeing as it was the middle of the night and his house was much closer than the hall. Plus it wasnt a good idea to be around Ivar right now.
He kicked open the door and gently layed you down by the firepit. He got to work lighting it and gathered all the warmest furs he could find.
Once he had you wrapped up in several layers he grabbed a pillow and made himself comfortable beside you. For a moment he just stared at your face, wondering what your name was, where you came from, what you were thinking when you slapped Ivar. The last one made him smile. You were an interesting one indeed.
Death felt cozy...? It was warm and comforting, like the first day of spring after a long winter.
You felt softness everywhere, like a bunch of tiny kittens were cuddling into you. If this was death, this must of been heaven. The smell of wood was soothing, reminding you of your home and the sounds were peaceful. The crackling, singing of birds, snoring....wait a minute...snoring???
Your eyes flew open as the realization that were in fact very much alive sunk in. You could see a wooden ceiling and tried to sit up but someone had piled what had to have been 1000 furs on you, making you feel like a swaddled baby. A very hot and sweaty baby. You tried to lift them off but your arms felt like jelly.
Ubbe heard the commotion and was awake in an instant.
He almost laughed as he watched you wiggle around like a trapped worm.
"Easy now, you're still recovering" Ubbes unmistakable voice echoed through the room.
You twisted around until your eyes landed on his amused ones.
"Prince Ubbe?" Ok now you were officially confused.
"Here" he scooted closer and started removing a few of the layers. When you moved to sit up he placed a hand on your back supporting you. You nodded a thank you and cleared your throat. It felt dry like you hadn't drank water in days.
As if he read your mind the prince reached over to a table where he poured water from a pitcher into a small cup then handed it to you.
After gulping the whole thing down you suddenly felt very awkward as he was just staring at you.
" Um Prince Ubbe?" You looked up.
"What am I doing here.." he let out a tiny laugh which only confused you more.
"You mean you don't remember?" He asked smirking.
"Remember? I don't know what you are talk-.......Oh my god I slapped Ivar!!" you shrieked in disbelief as the memories started to piece back together again.
You suddenly felt very unsafe and began scrambling to get up. What if he was waiting for you to get up just so he could torture you.
As soon as you stood up you felt a wave of dizziness pass and found yourself pitching to the side.
"Woah slow down" Ubbe effortlessly caught you and guided you back onto the ground. "You need to rest, your body has been through a lot." Ubbe said with his hands still supporting you.
You were about to protest when he held a finger to your lips, "Shh listen to me, my brother is not going to hurt you I give you my word." He promised pulling away slightly but still staying close.
You visibly relaxed at his words. Out of all the brothers Ubbe did seem the most trustworthy and kind.
"Although he did say that I should teach you a lesson" he meant it as a joke but you tended up immediately, ready to run again. He quickly noticed and shook his head smiling, "Don't worry, I think you almost freezing to death was punishment enough...how do you feel by the way?" He asked with genuine concern in his eyes.
"I'm fine I think...but I still don't understand how I came to be here with you.." all you remembered was crawling into that barn and feeling so tired.
"After you ran out we calmed down my brother and I convinced him to let me handle you. I searched for you a long time before I got lucky and happened to spot you curled up in the corner. You were nearly dead, I didn't waste time and brought you here to my home. I have to say I am quite surprised you are up already considering how unresponsive you were last night."
As he finished speaking you felt suddenly very vulnerable. All your life you had been on your own. You took care of yourself because that was all you knew. And in one night he had cared for you more than your own parents did your childhood. Suddenly you felt bad for every bad thought of him that ever ran through your mind.
"Thank you...you saved my life and somehow saved me from Ivars wrath as well. You must be a magic prince or something, definitely my new favorite" you let out a tired laugh.
His eyes lit up in amusement. You certainly were an interesting one indeed.
"As long as you don't make a habit of slapping princes I promise nothing will happen to you"
You wanted to believe that but you were a slave, anyone on the street could beat you and no one would bat an eye.
"You can't promise that....I mean no offense but I'm a slave, anyone has the right to punish me with the littlest excuse and no one would care.." you were getting angry at the thought of how many slaves you saw get brutally punished for simple mistakes.
Ubbe was quiet for a moment then shrugged his shoulders, "Then I guess I have no choice"
You tilted your head at his non chalant attitude.
"What do you mean?" You questioned.
"I'll just have to make you mine" he said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Make me his? What is he talking about??
"If I convince my mother to give me you as a personal slave I would be able to watch over you. Down the road I would be able to free you and you could still serve and work for me if you wish."
You sat wide eyed at his words, was he being serious right now??
"You want me to be your slave...? And then you would free me..?"
He nodded his head confirming it.
"I've been in need of someone around the house anyway however I'm not looking for someone to force. If you agree, you would work and I would pay you. But you would be free to do as you please. What do you say"
You were stunned, this man had not only saved your life, he protected you, nursed you and now he was giving you your freedom!?
Again your instincts took over and before you knew what you were doing you launched yourself onto his body gripping him in the tightest hug possible.
"I say yes! Thank you my prince!!" You squeezed him still in disbelief.
He was not expecting that and let out a surprised laugh. When you realized what you had just done you shuffled back embarrassed.
"Ubbe, call me Ubbe from now on" he smiled before opening his mouth again, "Now I think I should know the name of the woman I'm going to be spending alot of time with yeah?"
You looked into his eyes and for the first time you felt so hopeful for the future, "Y/n..my name is Y/n".
He smirked and for the first time in your life you felt those tiny fluttering butterflies that all the girls had talked about.
Oh dear so this was what having a crush on someone felt like..
Thank you for reading! Please lemme know what you thought in the comments 💕
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Haikyuu Characters doing their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition
I had a lovely chat with the wonderful @criedoverspiltmilkchan​ and we started to talk about what each haikyuu character would be like when doing dofe. Some of these headcanons were simply too good to leave in the messenger so here we are. 
(to all of my non british followers here is a quick explanation as to what dofe is, lots of british kids did this during high school. - https://www.dofe.org/do/sections/   click on the expedition bit) 
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Group 1: Ushijima, Tendou, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kageyama, Hinata and Sugawara 
Ushijima is in his elememt , he is the leader of the group, you cannot tell me that this farmer boi doesn’t know how to do basic camping task
He is the person in the group that will 100% leave his group oikawa  behind because they are walking too slow 
He also made sure that everyone in his group were up at 5am so that they could watch the sunrise together
Whilst Ushijima is loving life, Oikawa is straight up the opposite 
This boy has never gone camping in his life
“I W A C H A N how do i put up this tent”
The only good thing he contributes to the group was that he snuck his old  I-pod touch and started a  sech on top of a hill
Which only consisted of spice girls whaaat 
He is also the person in the group to catch hypothermia even though Iwaizumi told him to put more clothes on
He just wanted to look cute 
Speaking of Iwaizumi, he is in charge of the route card. 
He was the only person who actually knew where the escape points were
He is the best person to have in your group because he is really good at motivating everyone but also get’s shit done 
He was basically Oikawa personal bodyguard 
Kageyama and Hinata were just fighting with each other constantly
For example it was Hinata’s turn to navigate (this boi cannot read a map to save his life) and he basically got lost 
Kageyama was raging B O K E  H I N A T A  B O K E 
Suga had to break up the fight 
These two idiots were also the people who kept everyone up all night because they were chatting at 2am in their tent. 
They also raced each other up a hill (Hinata is winning 10 to 9)
Kageyama brought milk with him but i began to rot so his tent stinks of old milk
Hinata brought an inflatable volleyball and once they got to the campiste they all played with it until it was dark 
Now Sugawara was made camp chef, why? because he is the best cook 
However no one could have predicted that Suga would cook them the spicy thing none to man (it is canon that he loves spicy food) 
Everyone is literally dying 
Tendou is the only one who actually enjoyed the meal 
the only reason tendou is doing dofe it because ushijima is doing it 
He naruto runs up the hill , and he beats both kageyama and hinata in their race (tendou - 11 kagehina- 0)
He is constanly whistiling whilst he walks oikawa wants to kill him 
Forgot his sleeping mat so hasn’t slept for pretty much the entire expedition 
He is surviving on literally just redbull and suga’s cooking 
As a group they were the second ones to reach the campsite  
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Group 2: Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Yaku, Tsukishima and Lev 
There is one and one reason only Kenma signed up for Dofe and that was because Kuroo said he would buy him the latest game animal crossing new horizons
For the majority of the time , he literally sulks because he wasn’t allowed his nintendo switch (which kuroo confiscated) 
He wanted to be in a group with Hinata 
Kuroo, on the other hand loves Dofe 
Him , being the science nerd he is, is literally naming every single planet he see’s on the hike and gives little fun facts about them 
He also encourages Tsukki and Kenma to do “group activities” (this literally consists of Bokuto and Lev rolling down a hill) 
Yaku is the sole voice of reason for the group 
His jobs is to make sure lev nekoma’s toddler  doesn’t run off and get in trouble
He is the only one who can work the trangia, no one knows how he does it he just does 
Again like Iwa chan, he is the only member of the group who actually knows the route card 
just lev tbh 
Lev 100% was that person in the group who ate the berries to “feel like one with nature”
He is also the dumb person to start dancing infront of a bull 
he was then chased by it 
yaku nearly died because of his short legs 
Lev wasn’t allowed to navigate 
Tbh he wasn’t allowed to do much 
He was banned from being in charge of the route card because he left it in the field, when he was chased by the bull 
Thank god Yaku knew the route 
Bokuto was the head chefs at camp, why? because he binges Hell’s Kitchen relgiously ( 100% qualified) 
They were going to cook a simple pasta dish, easy 
Welp, 20 minutes later the pasta had burnt, the trangia  melted at the bottom, dinner was shit 
cue Bokuto’s emo mode 
However, there was hope 
Akaashi was the group member who managed to sneak his phone 
He doesn’t really give a shit about nature, would rather be in a cafe in the city 
He secretly orders a chinese several yards away from the campsite ( he knew that Bokuto was going to fuck up dinner)
He tells everyone that Bokuto did this, to make him look like the hero 
So Group 2 tucked into Chinese , Oikawa could smell it and then started to complain to Iwa chan that other campers had nicer food 
This was the highlight for Tsukishima 
Tsukishima only signed up to Dofe because he thought Yamaguchi would do it 
Yamaguchi missed the deadline lol 
G O M E N  T S U K K I 
Tsukki for the majority of the hike put’s in his airpods so he doesn’t have to interact with anyone 
Secretly listens to Kuroo’s plant talk 
This is the group who is last to the campsite and then proceeds to tell everyone some wild story as to why they were back so late 
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Group 3: Sawamura, Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya and Ennoshita 
Daichi is going to go grey 
He is making sure Tanaka and Nishinoya do not get in trouble 
He has to ,multiple times, shout at them both for talking way to loudly in the middle of the night, they were playing truth and dare  
He is in charge of the emergancy phone, he played the snake game and it lost charge whaaat you didn’t hear that from me 
He packs half of his bag with food ,he really is a hungry boi 
Tanaka drew the short straw so had to carry all the tent pegs (you know the heavy stuff)
He made everyone do some really stupid shit, like roll down the hill 
He accidently pushed Daichi down the hill, he has never been so scared in his life 
Not gonna lie, the person most likely to get all their stuff wet would be this boy right here 
Ennoshita had to share clothes with him because they were soaked 
He (ennoshita)  is in charge of the group project so he is basically making a mini documentry on their expedition 
He filmed Daichi being pushed down the hill by Tanaka 
He was forced by Noya to film him doing the rolling thunder in a middle of the field 
Brings toliet paper for the group 
Nishinoya is having a great time 
Susprisely, he has really good camping skills (like he knows how to put up a tent, cook a meal etc.....) 
Doesn’t stopped him from being a crack head tho 
Has cartwheeled on Asahi multiply times 
Proudly owns crocs and a spork 
Asahi is such a big bby 
This boi hates bugs with a passion 
An example of this happen during their lunch break 
Asahi was innocently eating his sandwich and then wasp appears 
Never in their life had they heard the most high pitched scream in their life 
Asahi is literally like bye bitch 
It takes the group 20 minutes to coax Asahi to sit back dwon 
Noya kills the wasp with his croc 
Despite the horrible weather, Asahi hair is literally the most gorgeous thing ever. Like he looks good anything
Please go and give the lovely @criedoverspiltmilkchan​ a follow, they are a fellow haikyuu imagine and matchup blog.
If you have any other headcanons feel free to submit them in my ask box 
Have a lovely rest of the day
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