#so far i put up a few reddit posts from which only one of them had made it onto tumblr
hanzajesthanza · 1 year
i made a medium page as a place to post my witcher essays... here's some time of contempt goodness for you all
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sourcreammachine · 8 months
a little something fun about the transition from reddit to tumblr
i worldbuild. that’s me hobby. my notes app is all a load of random bullshit. i think of a world idea and then i do notes on it. i think of a fiction idea and i do notes on it. i think of any fun thing and i write nonsense notes on it
on reddit, whenever you shared that shit, it had to be presentable. you needed to be good at worldbuilding AND adept at photoshop. if it looks ugly, gtfo amateur. so i never bothered sharing, i mean, i shared a few things but at my low-medium skill level with graphic design n shit it always took me a lot of effort to do it up, and i never could be bothered to give the amount of effort it took me
so i kept it all to myself and my notes app turned into an unreadable apocrypha that made sense only to me. who gives a shit. nobody’s gonna read it
then spez spezzed everywhere and r/196 became #196. i can share anything i want here! the community is far more personal and personable, and text posts are okay here. it’s not that the bar is lower, but that the bar is more accessible. you don’t need to create a massive .psd every time you want to share some creativity, just share it! and i do, i write stuff for tumbr and put it out there and love doing it, and i’ll fucking do it again
but, my biggest projects, my most proud worlds, were all created when i was closed off, for me only. i’d love to share them to tumbr. but they’re fucking unreadable. even though it’s far more accessible i’d have to edit it into a readable, presentable format and guide people through it better, which it very much was not built to do. it’s like ancient manuscripts. you’d need a rosetta stone. it is not for human consumption. the FSA classes it as toxic waste
so yeah. i have some good shit waiting for you. maybe one day you’ll get to see it when i actually edit it and type it up, but don’t count on anything, because, ykno, severe chronic depressive
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lavalais76 · 6 months
I recently wrote a post asking if any of you think Jon Snow is actually dead. I got likes, but no response. I had to be sure I wasn't the only one thinking this way, so I copied a comment from RyanBarnes13 on Reddit, and I agree with him and a few others as well.
He’s alive. Aemon has that dream vision on the trip where he wakes up and is almost desperate to tell Jon " cold preserves." The first was a non- fatal neck cut. 2nd was a belly stab, (depending on where) could miss all vitals. 3rd stab was in the shoulder blades. So into the bones, not organs. He fell to the snow. And never felt the 4th blade. It's very, very likely that Jon wasn't actually stabbed a 4th time. (All he felt was the cold)
The key thing is the SNOW, it actually freezes and stops the blood loss which is what actually saves most stabbing or shooting victims. People have laid in SNOW for 12 plus hours and recovered from what should be a very fatal wounds.
Yes he will warg into ghost, and he is probably unconscious and in a coma like state. Jon has to finish the crypt dream of Winterfell that he continues to have,and wakes up from. This time he will finish it, and will talk to the wolf he saw in the last iteration.
And yes the regular science will confound everyone, and after sewing or burning his wounds, Melisandre will light a fire, put Jon there and the rapid warmup will help Jon recover and voila!!!!!!! A miracle!!!
Edit: actually if you look at the very last sentences, he falls first, does not feel a fourth stab, cause there is no stab, he does not warg, he only feels the cold. He is laying in snow. So he is still in his body. He calls to Ghost for help.
“Jon fell to his knees. He found
the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold …”
— George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones 5-Book Boxed Set by George R. R. Martin
That belly punch is the big if. If he hit organs yeah it’s a slow septic death if Jon survived the initial stabbing. But it reads like it wasn’t near as bad of a stab. Bowen Marsh is crying unlike the others. Reads like he still isn’t quiet 100% on doing it. And definately is lacking the fighting skills. He punched Jon. And the dagger stayed when he let go. That says it went in deep enough to stay in. But who the hell stabs a guy and it is described as a punch????? Seems off.....
But unlike nowadays they stabbing into lots of muscles. Not fat. It’s a lot harder to cut through.
We actually had a soldier in Iraq that worked out all the time in our free time, he got shot in the abdomen. Turns out working out saved his dam life, the bullet hit the ab muscles and it actually stopped the bullet before it penetrates to the organs. Honestly we all worked out after that. Protein shakes and weights for the whole platoon.
But that’s what I’m seeing described more in this stabbing.
*This last comment comes from: BowTiesAreCool86
"Oh, you think he's dead, do you?" - GRRM.
Also, from another interview
I: "Getting stabbed to death by one of his friends?"
GRRM: "Wait til the next book"
I think he'll be pulled back from the brink, a more successful spell than was worked on Khal Drogo, but it will cost him part of his "soul" in one way or another.
* I personally think Jon will be in a coma like Bran was and he will Warg his wolf. From there Jon will learn of his abilities with the help of Bloodraven and Bran. I also think Jon is more powerful than Bloodraven AND Bran. Jon will probably be allowed to leave the wall when Rob's WILL surface which is SOON, or the Northerners will come together and will be Jon's "get out of jail free" card.
As far as they know he is the last living son of Ned Stark, and they would rather see a Stark in Winterfell than the Bolton's or Stannis. They are bidding their time, but Jon is in grave danger even at the wall as we already know. I'll say this until the books prove me wrong: Satin had something to do with Jon's stabbing. He is "the hidden dagger."
Things will change BIG TIME once Sansa Stark makes it to Castle Black as well. These are my thoughts on Jon Snow. Everyone automatically assumed he died and the theories I read of his return are totally unbelievable. YES, he will be a changed man and NO he will NOT be some zombie who can't communicate or stuck in Ghost.
No one ever talks about Jon's unnatural super strength. They showed a little in the show, but not enough. Jon has the blood of the 1st men and old Valyria. He is full of ancient magic that he isn't even aware of. His near death experience and being in Ghost's skin will change EVERYTHING. I also happen to believe that Jon is a greenseer and will find out of his heritage himself.
Jon might die later in the series and be brought back, but as for now; Jon lives. Any thoughts? 😊
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shoko-komi · 9 months
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This special edition of The Komi Report is split into 2 posts. This is Part 1. Click here for Part 2
Hullo!  Welcome to the mildly anticipated 2023 Annual Edition of The Komi report!  What awaits you below the read more mark is the ultimate retrospective on this year in Komi Can't Communicate.  What makes it ultimate?  As far as I'm aware, it's the only one of its kind.  So I win by default. 
I've spent the past week re-reading and ruminating upon the 50 chapters of Komi that came out in 2023, and I've done my very best to boil it all down into the ultimate mega-report!!! It's a long one, so only open it when you're ready for a read!
1. A Letter from the Editor 
2. 2023 in Review 
3. The Emoi Awards:  (My) Top 5 Chapters of the Year, Most Emoi Moment, Funniest Joke, and Reader’s Choice 
A Letter From the Editor
Dear Reader, 
It's been a long time since I tried to engage in fandom.  People with whom I'm not already acquainted vex, confuse, and frighten me.  So rather than seek out community, I'm inclined to keep to myself and my close inner circle of friends.  You might say that Alice can't... Alice can't com... communi........ 
But I love Komi Can't Communicate so very much.  Getting my little dose of emoi every Wednesday is the best part of my week. So, to extend the fun and keep myself from bursting; I started making reaction posts, called them The Komi Report because I like to play pretend, and here we are now! 
The Komi Report is consistent only so far as it's always unfocused. I get so wrapped up thinking about the things I want to say that I forget to say most of them. I'm scattered, I'm overly harsh, and I'm awkward. However, I amuse myself tremendously. So it's alright in the end. 
I like to imagine this is some big, serious publication with a large readership.  That's far south of true.  But there are a small handful of people who interact with the Report on a regular basis. By my personal standards, that puts me on par with the editor of the New York Times. 
So my hearty thanks to anyone reading this special edition of The Komi Report. I have endeavored, in my silly little way, to stir up a few silly little emotions in your heart. If I succeed at that, then I’m satisfied indeed. 
I wish you happy holidays, and a very happy new year.  
2023 in Review
The Komi Reporter
In my mind I break Komi Can't Communicate down into three major sections based on Komi's three years of high school.  Her first year is the Bronze Age, second is the Golden Age, and third (which is still, of course, ongoing) is the Silver Age.  By this naming scheme I don't mean to imply that one year is better than the other.  Only that each of them represents a distinct period of Komi's narrative and for Tomohito Oda as an artist. Talk to me about that sometime; I'll talk your ear off. 
Here I've attempted to break 2023 down into its major constituents as well.  It's messy, considering the meandering nature of serial fiction like this, but I think I've done a decent job.  How exciting for me. 
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‘Kawai’ encompasses both her story arc and chapters wherein she features predominantly.  ‘Kissy Kissy’ and ‘Rumiko’ explain themselves.  ‘Emoi surprise attack’ lumps together Ogiya, Emoyama, Fuki, Yadano, and Michita's story beats because I think they're identical in tone and intent.  And ‘Komi and Hiki Reunite’ gets its own colour because I love Hiki Komorebi.  And I can do whatever I want. 
RIP the younger siblings.  Shosuke, Hitomi, Ai, and Sanjuro-Rokuro appeared only very briefly this year. Fingers crossed they get some good moments in 2024. 
To reflect on 2023 as a whole, I will discuss my general thoughts on each of these segments individually; bar Hiki and the assorted miscellany, for that would require talking too much about individual chapters and would derail everything and plunge us into a lake of fire. 
Reddit is a hostile and alien environment to me, but I like to peruse r/komi_san every now and then to see what people are saying.  The Kawai-heavy months were particularly fun, because Ms Rami dominated conversation and polarized the entire subreddit into petty arguments, the likes of which I still chuckle about.  There were Kawai haters, Kawai lovers, Kawai haters who compared her to Yamai, Yamai lovers who tried to turn those comparisons into a positive.  It was chaos. 
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Me?  I'm a Kawai stan for life.  I'll say it at every opportunity; I love when Komi shows off her passionate side – stubborn as a mule, jealous, competitive, and a little domineering.  The study camp arc brought those parts of her right out.  So, although I didn't find Kawai all that interesting as a character at first, I was enjoying myself. 
An old flame of Tadano's - mentioned for the first time in a passing joke long, long ago - appears unexpectedly.  She's like an evil dimension Komi – down to the way her shining silver hair contrasts with Komi's dark black-purple.  There's no actual risk of her stealing Tadano away, but she undermines Komi's confidence and challenges her openly.  A challenge that's impossible to resist. 
They spar back and forth.  Kawai has the advantage in athleticism and intellect.  But when they come to the final portion of the quiz game, Kawai's self-centered attitude is her downfall yadda yadda etc. etc. 
 Then.... then.... they have that talk on the beach... 
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...where she reveals her batshit insane long-term plan to watch over Tadano from afar; become the perfect bride-to-be in secret; then appear when the moment is right, drive away all competition, and sweep him off his feet???  Ice-cold kuudere/yandere bitch queen. Be still, my beating heart 💞.   
But she has the self-awareness to see things clearly – As she talks to Komi she begins to realize how her attitude has steered her wrong.  She sees how Komi and Tadano have something real; how she's been fooling herself all along.  Kawai admits that she was behaving poorly and concedes defeat.  Growth!!! 
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I'm going to backflip across the room.  I felt like I had achieved nirvana the first time I read this.
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I see in Kawai a girl who's been isolated for so long – stuck in an absurd romantic fantasy as a coping mechanism – that she has no concept of how to engage with people casually.  She was a lonely child, her parents died tragically, and then she was raised by people who didn't know what to do with her. She seeks meaningful connections but has an extreme, intense personality and abides by an overly literal definition of what makes a ‘family’.  Thus, her behavior is overbearing and, at times, inappropriate.  But she means well. 
Also, she's the best new character since Rumiko and she should never change ever.  
One of her lackey's has a big, gay crush on her... 
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...and I hope Kawai notices her some day. 
I saw many people who were frustrated with how heavily Kawai featured in the first half of 2023. I for one think we need more of her.  Much, much more of her.  I choose not to address her... interesting relationship with her relatives.  One must turn a blind eye now and then. 
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Kissy Kissy
Every romance story faces a serious problem when the lovebirds finally hook up.  How do you retain romantic tension once they're formally together?  Many stories don't.  This is perfectly fine if the story ends at the confession of love, but if the story continues then there needs to be a deeper foundation to the relationship than will-they-won't-they tension (or you can contrive a reason to split them up again).
Komi Can't Communicate has not suffered from loss of romantic tension!!! Wahoo!!!!!
I was stoked back when it became obvious Oda was going to bring Komitano together so soon before the end of the series.  I had no doubt the romance would remain compelling - Komi and Tadano are just plain old nice to see together; whatever they might be doing. 
So to find out they'll be dating for an entire third of the series???  Yes please.  In the english translated tankobon, the love triangle ended in March with the release of volume 23.  So we got Komitano officially dating in print; then a few months later, in the weekly chapters, they kissed for the first time.  What a year!!! 
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Tadano is boundlessly patient and thoughtful, and he understands Komi's needs with intuition that crosses the border into mind-reading.  He became her first friend motivated only by an earnest desire to help, and never demonstrated jealousy as she became increasingly independent from him.  He's a pleasant fellow; faithful, gentle, and kind. 
Komi is.... well, she's Shoko Komi 
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The build up to it is so sweet.  A festival date with just the two of them~  She's wearing the dress he chose; he's wearing a shirt with buttons on it (a step up for these shonen romance boys). 
Then it goes terribly... and you'd expect these two stress machines to be panicking.  But no, they've grown so much and bonded so deeply.  They laugh it off in the rain and retreat somewhere dry for a smooch or two... 🥰 kyaaaaaa ✿!!!  Emoi!!!  And they're both crazy flustered about kissing... but Komi gets assertive... she's kinda like that asldnalsjdnja 
The romance is alive. And between these moments, I just like seeing them together; no matter what's going on. 
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Way back when Rumiko was introduced, she was like a revelation.  Her strong, unique personality and chemistry with the rest of the cast made her an instant series staple.  Introducing a new character for a long and complex love triangle plotline was a tricky proposition, and Oda managed it with a stroke of genius.  Such a stroke of genius that everything before Rumiko's intro feels, in retrospect, like it's missing something.  Which is not to say that pre-Rumiko KCC is bad, or that Rumiko should have entered sooner.  No. Everything about the way she was handled is perfect... 
...up to a certain point.  On a tangential note: if you think Rumitano should have been the outcome of the love triangle (hello!  you know who you are :3) I can't honestly say I disagree.  I don't agree.  But I also don't disagree. 
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(Ch. 285)
(I like Rumitano and Komitano equally.  And RumiKomi) But all of this is just lead-up to the matter at hand. 
What's pertinent to this 2023 review is the way Rumiko has been handled post love triangle.  During moments of passion I've blamed it on Wakai monopolizing her time, but that's unfair.  Wakai is just fine.  His will-they-won't-they plot with Rumiko is just fine.  I do enjoy it at times.  What gets on my nerves is how reduced Rumiko feels.  At some point Oda decided she's ‘girl who makes unsightly facial expressions’ and that's so much of what we get of her when we get to see her.  Her personality has been somewhat squashed. 
Couple that with how the focus of her plot with Wakai is primarily on him.  She feels like a side character now, when in the past she was effectively a third protagonist.  It was inevitable that she step down from her peak of prominence as her role as rival-in-love came to an end, but... idk.  She's Komi's best friend (Tadano doesn't count).  She’s the Rumiko Manbagi. 
There are moments where Rumiko's personality still shines.  During her date with Tadano in particular (which was a breath of fresh air).  I also enjoyed her summer festival date with Wakai (Accidentally calling a girl ‘mum’ on the first date?  I'd die).  Those moments are lovely. But feel diluted...
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^^ In this moment I felt like her relationship with Wakai might become really interesting akoakjsndnasd 
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I said up above that I think KCC is in its Silver Age. Well, there's a major reason why.  The magic isn't lost, but it's faded ever so slightly without the golden lustre of our favourite gyaru's hair...... 
But who knows what'll happen next?  Oda surprises me constantly, and I think that's one of the things I love so much about this series.  Right when he starts to lose me, Oda reels me back in. A comeback for Rumiko could be right around the corner. 
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Emoi Surprise Attack
This is the loosest of my categories.  What can I say?  I'm a loose girl.  No... uh... pretend I didn't say that.  It's true, but this isn't the time or place. 
These stories are related insofar as the last few months of 2023 have been a grab-bag of minor characters receiving surprising and heartfelt little stories.  Ogiya, Emoyama, Fuki, and Yadano were joke characters who never seemed destined for serious attention, but every one of them came out swinging and hit a home run... wiht our hearts............... they sent our hearts into the stands.........
Michita is new, and I hope we see her again soon. 
Anything more I have to say about these chapters would require talking about them individually, which is beyond the scope of this section.  So let's do a lightning round: 
Emoyama  – PHENOMINAL 
Also, Hello Moromi-san.  Is there a woman in your life? Can we be Mrs. And Mrs. Emoyama? 
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AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!! (cry of Emoi) 
There you have it. 
So ends the overview!!  If you're bothered I didn't talk about something in particular, don't worry; the Emoi Awards get more specific.  There's sooooo much that I left out in the pursuit of brevity. 
I want to make a special note of the reveal in Ch. 407 – Interview.  Komi plans to study International Communication in university.  I was anticipating the reveal of her course of study, and I wasn't disappointed.  It could not have been anything else. 
My overall feeling about the series at the moment?  Great!!!!  I complain bitterly at times (I'm a whiny, weeny windbag) and I'm at my harshest when I'm forming first impressions.  But going over 2023 and remembering all the good times brought into perspective how much fun it's been.  It also really put into perspective how much Komi has grown as a person.  She’s so confident now compared to where she started from... 
So... yeah! 
And now the contentious business begins... 
The Emoi Awards
Paam pa du paam!!!!! (that's fanfare) 
Now it's time to get granular.  This is the cream of the crop.  The best of the blessed.  The chapters and moments that had all of us laughing, giggling, chuckling, guffawing, weeping, sobbing, and crying. 
My opinions about Komi Can't Communicate are perfect and definitive, so if you disagree with me about any of this... argue vehemently with me.  I'm not joking.  Don't be mean to me or I'll cry, but do please tell me your opinions! The more you talk to me about Komi, the more powerful I become.  Mweh heh heh heh heh heh 
Here are the categories: 
(My) Top Five Chapters of the Year
(My) Top 5 Chapters of the Year
Most Emoi Moment
Funniest Joke
Reader’s Choice
I did NOT expect this to be so hard.  I had to firmly limit myself to only five choices... and I was tearing my hair out.  This mANGA IS SO GOOD ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! 
Listed in order of publication (love has no hierarchy.  Except in kink).
1. Chapter 392 - Kawai is...
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Kawai spends the entire study camp being a fierce enemy to Komi, then stays up late and has an emotional heart-to-heart on the beach with her, then runs 20kms all the way home... and by noon the next day she's in Komi's house to propose marriage.  And she's already been to Tadano's to do the same.  Bisexual, polyamorous, and a serious go-getter.  When Kawai wants something, she spares no expense.
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My regards to the future prime minister of Japan.  It's a shame Rumiko didn't think of this first.
But seriously, though; I laughed out loud the whole way through this chapter.  I was delighted to no end.  If I ever doubted Tomohito Oda's ability to surprise me, that doubt was erased forever.  Kawai was a good character, in one fell swoop she became legendary.
I love you, Kawai. 
2. Chapter 406 - My Name is Kuro
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Maybe I'm biased about Rei Natsukido. Maybe I'm biased because this was the first chapter on which I made a Komi Report. Either way, I'm biased and okay with that. Having Rei and Mira around for a visit all the way from America was so much fun, and we got the return of Komi Can't Communicate's #1 best character – Princess Elizabeth Alexandrine Georgine Jeanne Catherine Christiane. 
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I love that Mira acts all cool and distant but can't stop herself from becoming invested. I love how passionate and imaginative Rei is about the game. I love how Komi is just along for the ride and she's having a blast. I love that Komi is playing a boy character. 
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(Ch 169 – Playing With Dolls)
And I love their funky plush toys. 
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I love you, Rei and Mira. 
3. Chapter 410 - Cicada-rrounded
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Hiki Komorebi is yet another S Tier character.  Unrelated to that; her height is so funny to me.  She looks crazy tall next to the other characters - she even has a complex about it - and then you find out she's only 180cm.  Japanese people are short.   
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Cicada-rrounded has this complete twist in the middle where it goes from a heartwarming reunion to a battle for survival against icky bugs.  Komi and Hiki meeting again was built up for so long, and it's a beautiful moment,
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and then it gets de-railed immediately in the best and funniest way possible. 
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I would go so far as to say this is a perfect chapter of Komi Can't Communicate.  It's equal parts sentiment and comedy, and kills it on both fronts.  If I had to pick a #1 favourite from these 5?  I might maybe possibly be inclined to consider this one. 
I love you, Hiki. Also Akira
4. Chapter 411/412 - A Two Person Summer Festival Stroll/The Second Time
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I already gushed about these two in the overview section.  What more is there to say?  Except that it's a little annoying how Tadano remains so timid about romance stuff; but it gives us so many opportunities for assertive Komi to come out, so that's alright. 
Komi is kinda like that... aosjkdoaksdokansdnajiosd.  Get it, girl. 
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(Ch. 427 - Cool)
I love you, Komi and Tadano 
(This special edition of The Komi Report continues in Part 2)
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didntusetowantthis · 4 months
I am new and need help
Hello! This is my first time having an actual social media account, and my first time consuming/creating social media as an actual account-having user. I have never posted anything, on any account, before, and have consumed social media on a limited basis. Before this, I only had Pinterest (which I don’t count as a social media because it’s difficult to do anything social on it; you just sort photos into categories. It took me years to realize that you could even follow people, let alone check comments) and YouTube (which is a social media, but in a very different sense than most social media). In general, I’ve only really interacted with whatever social media would let me view enough of its content without an account/app that it wouldn’t be annoying, and also wasn’t entirely dominated by short-form content; this meant I was mostly on Reddit before I decided I wanted an actual account somewhere. I like the tumblr interface the best (and the ability to make a blog/write essays for fun, as well as the apparent culture around appreciating art), so I chose tumblr.  
I’ve consumed a lot of tumblr posts via Pinterest screenshots/reddit screenshots, so I’m not totally unfamiliar with some terminology/culture/the way grammar works here (internet grammar is crazy interesting in general, and the language developed here is particularly interesting!); I’ve also looked at individual blogs and submitted asks without an account, as some peeps listed their tumblrs in their ao3s. 
With all this in mind, I have some questions! I doubt these will be my only questions, but I do want to ask:
1.) Pinterest and Reddit obviously only shows “best of” screenshots— what is something I should know (cultural) about this site that doesn’t show up in screenshots? 
2.) What is the difference between reblogging and reposting? How can I do one but not the other? Why is one (reblogging) often okay, but not the other (reposting)?
3.) Am I culturally (tumblr-wise) obligated to reblog social issues/current events? I very much do care about all of it, but that’s precisely why I’m on social media: to take a breather from it. I really am here just to talk about cool fanfics I like, share and look at cool art, and hopefully post some of my own art/fic someday. 
4.) Posts spread in a linked-list fashion, right? So only stuff I have the pointers for (tags/following people) will point me toward to certain posts, and will thus exclude me from the rest of tumblr, right? As in, the only way to see all of tumblr is to follow every tag? (To be clear, I very much DON’T want to do this— I’m just curious)
5.) What is the “dash?” People keep talking about curating their dashes, but I don’t know whether that means their blogs or the tab showing posts by the people they follow.
6.) I’m currently only liking things I really like to organize them, but everyone says I should reblog. This is understandable, given the linked-list (as I currently understand it) nature of the platform, but what should I do if I don’t want my blogs to become endless spam of stuff I thought was cool? I have made two blogs, and I’d like at least one of them to have stuff I’ve curated/eventually stuff I’ve created, or to follow a specific theme, with the occasional exception, and I’m afraid if I put all the stuff I like into it, it will both A.) spam other people, and B.) make it hard for people to find stuff I really want them to see if they drop by, like my own art or my own posts. But I also want to share in the social etiquette of this site (spreading cool stuff I like so other can see it!). Should have a “cool things I like” spam blog? Or is there another option I’m missing?
7.) I’ve saved (liked) a few posts so far, and something that comes up often (probably based on the blogs I follow?) are posts with image descriptions. I really like the concept of image descriptions— I’m not even disabled by sight, but they’ve been helpful in identifying people/places/things in cool art that I otherwise don’t know the names of. I also know a lot of disabled people in real life who have their access limited due to poor infrastructure (whether it be societal or physical), and i know what it’s like to be left our of things, so this seems like a nice thing to do for people when I have the energy. Is there a way to check if an image has already been described before you reblog it with a description? Is there a guidebook?
8.) Where in the world are other peoples’ reblogs? If I click on the reblog button, it only shows an option for me to reblog. Can you only see reblogs by following other people’s blogs?
9.) Is it impossible to delete a post once other people have reblogged it?
10.) Is there a way to get around AI with art stuff if you can’t afford a program to obscufate it? If I ever get the nerves to post my stuff here, I don’t want it to be used in AI training without my explicit consent. 
11.) is there a size/length limit for videos/photos/word counts for text posts? 
12.) Can you disable/limit dms/message ability of people you don’t know, or at least don’t follow you? Also, what’s the culture surrounding them? It seems terribly personal to message someone one-on-one, but the button is listed on a lot of people’s pages— not even hidden in a sub-menu. On Reddit, people seemed to weaponize this feature a lot, and I’m thus wary of it by nature.
13.) what is a “note?” I thought notes were comments, but I think I’m wrong.
(FYI, I’m using the website on mobile, and don’t want to get the app)
If there’s any helpful “new user guides” (other than the one I’ve already reblogged), please let me know! With that said, thanks to anyone who is willing to explain! 
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boy-gender · 1 year
hey dude, this might be a loaded question so no need to reply if you don't want to. but how do you deal with being surrounded by transphobia, like hearing people say transphobic shit and having to see radfem blogs/accounts or posts? a year ago i started to argue and beef with any terf i came across on here because of how fed up i was with being treated like shit and being walked all over, as a trans guy. but obviously that only did damage to my mental state and was a form of self-harm where i would go on terf blogs and hate read and argue with them. i still do it now sometimes and i'm trying to stop but if i do, i feel otherwise helpless in this world seemingly filled with transphobia. i just want to be myself and exist as i am, without weird cunts calling me a fetishist or a tranny or a mentally ill lesbian for being t4t. radfems and their allies make me so angry and i feel like if i don't at least show them that i hate them, they will start to abuse me again.
idk i have a lot more to say on this situation but yeah. do you have any advice or any experience on this?
I have very much been in your position, and sometimes I still fall into old habits of seeking out arguments online. It never makes me feel better, but I get so angry I feel like I'll explode if I don't put it somewhere. I actually found a few things that helped me reframe it though:
First, if I get into an argument here, on this blog, I am platforming the hate. I have to reblog it to argue with it, which means I am passing it on. This blog has hundreds and hundreds of followers, most of whom I assume are trans. Do I want to be a part of exposing them to the vitriol I see? It's bad enough I had to see it, I don't want to inflict it on other people. There are going to be trans people here who aren't as strong as me, who are in a bad place, who are in active crisis, and their safety is more important than an argument. Them seeing that one last bit of crap, that one horrible sentence that really sticks with them, could be the thing they torture themselves with past the breaking point. I don't want to give that to people.
This is why I don't reblog terfs to argue with them, I don't ever post the hatemail I get, and I don't show off hate I find in the wild. If I find something like a law that is hateful that can be fought against and has actionable options, or if someone is confused but I feel they're asking something in good faith and can be corrected, those I will reblog and speak about. I'll even talk about my own personal horrible experiences, because those are my stories and I can control how impactful I write them and how much of the nastiness of them I pass on. But those are very different scenarios.
I've started, when I see hate, to focus on my followers instead, and ask myself: do they need to see this? can anything be accomplished by having more eyes on this? can anything i say change the situation? could the harm done by passing this on outweigh any benefit? And once I've assessed those risks, I often find it isn't worth the argument. The best way to handle terfs is to block them, don't platform them, report them if you see something that violates community guidelines, and mark them as red on shinigami eyes to give others a heads up. You can even make a post like "hey username123 is a terf, you should block them" without passing on the shit they say.
But those are all public facing problems. I have a private tiktok, I have sideblogs with no followers/I remove the followers, and there are anonymous options like reddit and other worse cesspools. No risk of passing that shit on, so what holds me back from going there and having a field day?
One simple tenet. My being trans, being vocally and visibly and obnoxiously trans, annoys them far more than anything I can ever say. Terfs are, at the heart, a reactionary group. They don't exist without something to react to. Like a fire slowly being cut off from oxygen, they will wither and kill each other in infighting if left in isolation. Atleast the regular online scum will. This doesn't apply to ones that have the actual power to lobby for real world harm like joanne and the other big ones- but the odds of you talking to them online are slim. Let the terfs implode on each other and continue to exist. Your existence in a world that wants you dead is a radical act of defiance, and your existence despite what terfs say to you makes them froth at the mouth. No fact you could educate them with, no insult you could give them, will ever make them as upset as you simply living your trans life, thriving.
Piss them off with queer joy, is what I'm saying. It's far more effective. Not only do I not post hate I get, I never vagueblog or acknowledge it either. People sit there refreshing my blog constantly waiting to see the attention I'll give them with a snappy reply, and it never comes, and then they refresh more. I can literally see them doing this with an IP tracker and it's hilarious to me. What I do instead is for every piece of hate about trans people, I make two positivity posts about trans people. I FLOOD the tags with positivity and support. I drown out the hate that no one knows I got- because surely someone else has gotten it too. To me it's reassuring to go to a tag and see the love outweigh the hate- which it does. For every terf you find dozens of trans people in love with who they are. I would rather be a part of that. I'd rather pass that on.
It's also really rewarding. I can see in the tags of my reblogs- some posts have thousands- of people saying they didn't know they had options for their lives, thanking me, thanking other people who contributed to the thread, being so reassured and excited to learn there's hope. I suggest not just reblogging positivity, but also creating your own. Put your defiance into the world and let it give other people strength, and then when they come back and comment on it, take strength from them.
As for the world at large? Maybe I'm a bit more nihilistic, but I look at it two ways. First, trans people can never be totally eradicated via genocide. We are a group that occurs naturally and we will always grow back. If every trans person in the world were killed right now, and all knowledge of us erased, within a decade there would be more people who realized they were trans. They might lack community, they might lack the vocabulary to describe themselves, but they will exist again. Our culture might die- our people will survive. It will be horrific and tragic and a blight on the world that what was here was lost, but trans people and nonbinary people and gnc people and queer people will always grow back again, make a new community, carve out a new place in history. We always have, we always will. An interrupted history is still a history.
Second, the majority of people do not want us dead. The system may want us dead, and a very vocal minority with a lot of money and resources want us dead. But polls show over half of gen z identifies as some type of queer. Polls show most people disapprove of us being political hockey pucks. The violent reaction to us that you see is the death rattle of the conservatives, and they know this, which is why they're using the last of their power to do one last act of catastrophic harm. They only have the power to attack the most disenfranchised among us- queer people, PoC, the mentally ill or disabled, the extremely poor- and they will use it. Historically bigots get loudest right before their entire platform collapses in the mainstream. If we make it through the next decade, through the isolation and poverty and violence, we've made it. That's a big if for some of us. For many of us, we won't make it as individuals. I'm not gonna sugarcoat that. But our people will live on, and new trans people will come after we are gone
Now I'm speaking directly to you, anon. For now, my biggest motivator I can give you is to be here to see victory. Endure. Stay with us. I'm staying whether I like it or not. Stay to see all the queer people who will come next and all the beauty they'll bring and the things we will make. Come sit on my picnic blanket and watch the sunset with me. We might not be okay, but we can be not okay together, and we can start getting better together after that.
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Aaaaalright i feel like this would probably be perfect for r/amitheasshole but i couldnt be bothered to put it on reddit. But I’ll formulate it like i would if i posted it there (EDIT: tried to post it to r/AITA but it wouldnt let me cuz its over 3000 characters)
Am i the asshole for wanting to tell a birthday party guest to not come anymore
This weekend March 11th 2023 the body will be 19 years old, to celebrate this we’re having our first actual birthday party with friends. We’ve invited 5 friends and all of them are coming some of them also sleep over as they come from far. Including the person id love to tell that they arent welcome anymore, we’ll call this person K.
As i said before this is the first time we ever thrown a party, so we are understandably stressed to get everything perfect. We don’t ask for help of the guest because we want to get it all ready ourselves (which as of now we have succeeded in and almost have everything ready).
K from day one started complaining about everything and anything. First it was about alcohol. About if we had vodka, and if we had different vodka than a certain brand because they only like that kind of stuff. Then it was about food, constantly making a problem about the snacks ans foods we were getting, i would share screenshots but i cant for privacy reasons so i’ll put it down as a list
- will there be enough food?
Yes there will be enough food
- will it be cold or warm, we only like to have warm food for dinner
We will make sure there will be cold and warm foods and foods you can eat both cold and warm
- yea but will there be enough
Yes there will be enough
- snacks dont sound like food to me
We call it snacks because we’re going to get tapas like dishes, meaning many different kinds of food
- will there be enough??
Yes K there will be enough
- i just dont have a right feeling about this
About what? The party or the food?
- the food at the party, i have a bad gut feeling about this
She then also started getting upset about the people we invited to our birthday party and the fact some of them are system’s like us (she is fully aware we are a system) saying that she thinks it’s going to be too much to handle, which i can get, i just don’t understand why she didnt tell us up front and said she wasnt going to come instead of getting angry at us for it.
She then said it would be a rollercoaster of emotions for her, and wanted to have a moment where she could just talk to our host privately about her emotional baggage at our host’s birthday party, and ofcourse like the good friend our host is, he agreed to play therapist because he’s afraid she’ll leave and bitch about him to others.
We made a playlist for music for the party, inviting everyone that will come to add music so theres a bit of everyone’s music tastes, we asked if everyone could add party vibe music and asked to not add music sorts that are triggering to us or others coming to the party (we specified what triggers us and asked everyone to specify if they have any music that can be negatively triggering)
Full knowing this, K asked us if she can add Reggae and added a few too, knowing full well that this is one of the things that is highly triggering to our host as one of the big ab*sers in our life only ever listened to that stuff, they got upset when we told them rather not and then our host said “okay but not too many, 1 or 2” to satisfy her, knowing it would most likely cause flashbacks of some sort. She then said “you know what its your party” and deleted it from thw playlist under the condition that she gets to have moments at the party where she can listen to her own music, which fine by us ig.
She then said she wasnt sure if she was going to come after all because of all the things she spoke about before that made her feel uncomfortable and feel it might be too much for her weren’t fixed. So we said alright.
Then she said she knew it would be too much for her and said she was going to come later.
I really want to tell her in a polite manner that she needs to fuck off and isnt welcome anymore at the party, she single handedly made the pressure and stress so high and blames us for it when we told her we were handling it and it was stressing us out.
After which she also said “im sorry, i feel like im too much in our business”
So are we (am i personally) the asshole for wanting to tell her she no longer is welcome?
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makuta-kotok · 9 months
Aggretsuko Tac Fraud Arc Rewrite III: The One That Isn’t Just A Screenshot of My Reddit Post
Hold onto yer buttcheeks, walls of text incoming.
As many of us are aware, the Tax Fraud Arc is one of, if not the most disliked Arcs in the entire show. It makes Haida look stupid, Himuro becomes a one-dimensional villain, and the finale has less impact as the time I complained about Overwatch being inferior to TF2 on a public chat room for a mobile game.
Here's how I would rewrite it:
1. Himuro gets more development. This is the arc that solidifies Himuro as a villain in the series, showing his lack of morals and egotism, both of which were things we already knew.
No attempts are made to give Himuro any more characterization, if anything he becomes less interesting as the arc progresses, going from a morally ambiguous CEO to Evul Capitalist Guy TM. His fate after being hospitalized is left unknown, all we know is that he was demoted and that he quit Carrier Man Trading. My proposal: make this Haida AND Himuro's arc. Dedicate one episode to Himuro and fill his backstory (preferably early in the arc to avoid disrupting the narrative flow). Two possible options I thought of are: A. Himuro is a nihilist who's been jaded by years of dealing with corruption in the company, or B. Himuro is a fraud with Imposter Syndrome who only got this position out of nepotism (i.e. family are large shareholders, sexual favors, or he's just good at Talk-No-Jutsu). His bond with Haida could be used as a way to explore these issues, and gradually help Himuro move past them. Over the course of the arc, Himuro slowly warms up to Haida, and starts being more open about his struggles. When the window dressing is uncovered, Himuro takes the blame for it, but is only demoted, since the board of directors want to avoid any possible scandals (as far as the media know, Himuro stepped down due his lack of experience).
Himuro chooses to climb up the corporate ladder the right way, to re-earn his position.
2. Raise the stakes. Self-explanatory. The window dressing is done for seemingly no reason besides making Carrier Man Trading #1. Solution: have the company be nearing bankruptcy due to corruption(explaining Himuro's lack or morality) and poor sales. Now the tax fraud feels less like a random obstacle and more like an unfortunately necessary evil. This leads us to-
3. The plan is Haida's idea. Alright lemme explain. As we all know at this point, Haida's decision making skills are... subpar at best. Having Haida agree to committing tax fraud because a hot guy complimented him is more or less par for the course at this point. So have it been Haida's idea. Haida has spent most of season 4 becoming Himuro's right hand man and feels a degree of devotion to him. After realizing that the company's stocks are still dropping, despite their best efforts, Haida has an idea: tax fraud, just bumping up a few numbers until things even out. Himuro is hesitant at first, he's strategies until now have been within the law (more or less), but eventually agrees. When Retsuko confronts Haida, and after so much stress he breaks down and-
4. Fear of Failure. Haida is motivated fear, specifically fear failing those who trust him.
Friends, family, lovers, anyone who Haida feels puts faith him, he fears disappointing them.
Every time he feels as though he can fix something, he scrambles to solve the problem as quickly as possible, usually to disastrous results (i.e. the karaoke incident). And finding himself in a position where he could he help those he cares about by sacrificing his morals, he picked the fastest (and worst) option. As for who Haida is feels trusts him the most right now-
5. Haidmuro is canon now LOL. This is the part where I get stupid, so bear with me. As I've been stating before in the previous points, the bond between Himuro and Haida is the driving force in the later events in season 4 and the main catalyst for both of their character arcs. And what is the thing almost everyone dislikes about Haida: his simping for Retsuko.
After the Dating Arc, RetHaida is no longer an option. It starts with Haida venting to Himuro, grows into a shared bond over their issues with pleasing others (Haida's failures at romance and Himuro's struggles with leadership). They gradually grow closer as time goes on, Haida gain someone who supports him and Himuro gets someone he legitimately trusts. After the tax fraud is revealed and Himuro takes the blame, Haida quits. He feels as though he's burnt too many bridges and he's just going to make things worse by sticking around. The season ends at the bar, Haida's contemplating his life choices and looking for a new job. Eventually, someone sits down next to him: Himuro. After some awkward apologies, Haida makes a confession: he's fallen in love with Himuro. Himuro tells him the feeling is mutual. They decide that they've both screwed up, but they're still going to get up and face life together.
First kiss, credits roll, and I get arrested for crimes against literarcy.
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boundless-n-bare · 1 year
audhd confessions - my own worst enemy
being active in this community as a neurodivergent individual (audhd) can be very challenging in unexpected ways. for me the hardest thing to deal with is the rsd - rejection sensitive dysphoria. i have this BAD. this doesn't strictly pertain to real or perceived rejection from individuals in the community although that can be part of it, but more broadly its like a very intense and painful feeling of fomo. having to miss NEST this year was a huge trigger for me - no one rejected me, but i still felt rejection because i couldn't be there. my brain told me i wasn't allowed. that no-one wanted me there anyway and i wouldn't be missed.
its also very hard seeing other members of the community being active and fulfilling their desires in a way i wish i could but very deeply feel and have been telling myself for years that i can't. this one honestly kills me, like it can be super debilitating to the point that it legit keeps me away from interacting in these spaces which i hate. its a huge reason ive been so distant - it sucks majorly feeling as though you're surrounded by people who have it all figured out, or at least seem to, while you feel lowly, alienated, and incapable.
for me, rsd is this ever present voice screaming "you're not allowed." woah see this community member posting about the really awesome session they had with this other community member? you'll never have that. they flew halfway across the country for that session, you're broke and will never be able to do that. they have social skills and you're a socially inept loser who no one wants to talk to. "they" are allowed to have those experiences, "they" are normal. but you are not allowed. you can be a spectator, at best. you get to yearn
the truly fucked thing is that i have had those experiences! i have been to NEST! i have traveled long-ish distances for sessions! i have had the good fortune of having multiple tickling experiences while many in this community may struggle to cement even one. yet i still look at myself and my experiences in this completely ass-backwards light that tells me that they are nothing special, its everyone else who is out there living the absolute dream and nothing i achieve will ever live up to what they're doing - it can't, it simply isn't possible because you are not allowed!
this shit has paralyzed me for far too long. it makes me not even want to look at tumblr, or reddit, or anywhere i might come across that sort of content because what if i see another post like that and then i get sad? then i suddenly have to wrestle with these feelings of inadequacy and isolation and who needs that? its easier just to ignore it all entirely... right?
well, no, because tickling is my passion and if i ignore it completely, to the point of not even letting myself engage with the community, then im depriving myself of not only the community and any potential support network therein but literally the pursuit of the one thing in life that bares any semblance of importance to me at all! when i tell you nothing else matters to me, when i tell you there is nothing in my life that drives me forward the way tickling does i am not fucking exaggerating - if i have learned anything over the pandemic and throughout the years that followed up until now it is that i forget who the fuck i am if i sever myself from my desires for too long. i'll put it all on the back burner and then wonder why im so miserable all the time. then i'll eventually come back, start getting into the hang of being active, then the asd starts surfacing, then i experience some sort of meltdown, then isolate for a few more months, then dip my toes back in and start the cycle all over.
i honestly dont know the best way to combat this but my plan is basically to kill this ideology with persistence - from now on i won't back down and dip out when im confronted with these feelings but rather i will challenge them and keep doing what im doing anyway. i will tell myself that with patience and persistence i can do any damn thing i want, and it might not happen immediately but sooner rather than later i will prevail and i will be content with my place here.
i intend to seriously challenge any assertion by my brain that im not good enough, moneyed enough, social enough, likeable enough, etc. to participate in this community. sure, there might be very real barriers to what i can and can't do compared to others but even still there's ultimately nothing i can't do! i have even told myself for the longest time that i could never be any sort of content creator... yeah, well guess what? im challenging that shit because the very act of my brain telling me i can't do it signifies that its obviously something i want to do, therefor i should! i've deterred myself from buying toys, bondage equipment, etc. because "you're not even active! you don't even talk to people! you're so socially awkward you'd spend all the money and never use it!"
fuck you, brain! the only thing truly getting in my way is you! im not making excuses to minimize myself anymore. im going to do the thing! the fuck is even the point of living if all you're going to do is keep yourself from the shit you want? its beyond fucking stupid
i doubt its going to be easy. i doubt that i won't slip up. but persistence means getting back up and doing it anyway when even when i feel like giving up, and hiding from or not interacting with the community is a sure-fire way to get absolutely nothing from it at all
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bunnyadvocate · 2 years
Hello, I read your post on the history of r/visualnovels and I noticed it was from 2018 so I was wondering what your thoughts on the subreddit's current state are, if you don't mind talking about it.
First, a disclaimer. I’ve not been involved with /r/visualnovels for ~6 years, so I don’t have much insider knowledge and you shouldn’t take any of my commentary too seriously. With that out of the way, let’s do a history recap since my last post. 
At the time of my 2018 subreddit history post, the subreddit was slowly being strangled by a mod team who was still operating under the old heavily-curated mindset, where non-news posts were ruthlessly removed, but without the balance of organising community events and engaging with the subreddit community, instead spending their time on Discord. 
The following couple of years followed this same path. Occasionally there would be a post where folk complained about the overly-restrictive posting rules and lack of mod team engagement, to which a fresh mod member would be added with promises of change. Each new mod would follow a similar arc of engaging for a couple of months, but then wouldn’t be seen outside of Discord. (Shout out to Demeteloaf, the only mod who genuinely worked hard for the subreddit throughout his tenure. But one low-tier mod couldn’t overcome the impassive inertia of the rest of the mod team.)
This pattern finally broke in ~2020 when Nai got added as a mod. Nai (like insanityissexy) is one of the few people who had a vision for the community and the self-drive to make it happen (see his EVN dev community work). Whether his plan for a more EVN friendly subreddit would have been good or bad, or even feasible in the face of a userbase that was broadly impassive or hostile towards EVNs, is something I’ll skip over. Either way, Nai was left to be the face of change at a time when reddit as a whole was becoming more restrictive on “loli” content. Whether the “no sexualising the loli” rule Nai announced was merely following reddit’s rules, or a push towards catering towards EVNs (where “loli” content was rare, unlike Japanese VNs), I’ll leave to the reader to decide.
Regardless of the motivation, this was another rule on top of an already restrictive rule-set by a mod team that rarely engaged with the subreddit community. It angered both the loli-fans and those who felt this was yet another imposition by an out-of-touch mod team.
Cue Gambs. 
I would never have guessed Gambs would come roaring back. He never expressed any interest in the subreddit when I was a mod, nor did he seem interested in VNs. He’d only read ~7 and that was years earlier. 
It was an absolute rout of the old mod team. Even the friends they called in from Discord couldn’t offer more than a “maybe the mods will perform better in future?” defence in the face of a userbase utterly fed up with them. Again, a shout-out to Demeteloaf who stood by his principles and publicly stood up to Gambs’ takeover, but a solo mod can be dismissed easily. The rest of the mod team were far too used to hiding behind their mod powers to silence dissent to be able to sway public opinion against a mod who had more power than them.
Gambs clearly had no idea what he was doing though, as he threw mod powers at first users to profess agreement with his takeover. Fortunately the first two users were the right choice, SuperAnge and Tauros. Both old community members who genuinely cared about the subreddit. 
They removed almost all of the posting restrictions, and put to rest the argument about whose fault the subreddit’s poor state was. I’d previously wondered whether Discord’s popularity was always going to doom the sub, but Ange and Tauros showed there was a lively subreddit community if only you let them post. /r/visualnovels ‘activity exploded, and the old mod’s attempt to recreate the former heavily-curated version on /r/vns died to inactivity. 
As well as being wrong about Gambs’ return, I was also wrong about Gambs’ departure. I assumed he wouldn’t have any ongoing interest in the subreddit. He didn’t seem to read VNs any more, who would be care about the community? Well it turns out he’s addicted to drama as badly as I was during my depressed phase of life. While Gambs’ cloaked his behaviour as trolling, the litany of grievances he’d repeatedly bring up showed how sensitive he was towards criticism (yes, I’m aware of the irony of me calling out someone else for holding onto grievances). As someone who had similar issues, I genuinely believe Gambs needs the help of a therapist.
Regardless of the cause, Gambs was the source of repeated drama on the subreddit in the years since. Getting into disputes with former community members, translators, localisers, and now even VNDB. He tries to wield the subreddit as a weapon, directing them as those he’s upset with, but with limited success while Ange and Tauros were holding the line and limiting his drama posts. But if you oppose someone with ego issues, sooner or later you become their enemy, and eventually Ange and Tauros were removed. Shout out to Tauros who repeatedly opposed Gambs’ misbehaviour, knowing he’d be removed as a mod for it. It’s a shame Ange wouldn’t publicly back him up, likely the only well-liked community member who might have rallied the subreddit.
So that finally brings us to the current-day, a subreddit with minimal rules outside of criticising the dear-leader. On the positive side, the subreddit has never been more active. While I’m not into all the meme/image posts, there’s no denying the community as a whole likes them given their upvotes. This is more the direction I originally wanted to take the subreddit, giving it more freedom, but with one significant missing piece: I think the subreddit should be split. With the activity the sub gets now it should be possible to divide some activity, having a sub dedicated to discussions and another for news posts, perhaps splitting JVNs and EVNs while leaving the core sub as a free-for-all. That way those who want to engage in discussions or are fans of EVNs aren’t drowned out by JVN memes.
We tried this once with limited success when me and insa made /r/vnsuggest to redirect /r/visualnovels users who wanted VN recommendations, although in that case we also removed the original /r/visualnovels posts too. 
In theory there’s already a split, /r/vns as a news/discussion hub has revived after Gambs continued drama forced regulars away, but the antagonism between the mod teams (or rather Gambs’ antagonism towards everyone else) means many user’s on /r/visualnovels aren’t aware of the alternative subs and so can’t make informed choices about where they subscribe. 
Another approach could be to replicate /r/anime’s methods, where they have specific days for posting memes and a series of megathreads.
As for the future, I expect if the /r/visualnovels mods aren’t going to offer a more curated experiences for those who want it, others will try to create their own subs. But it’s unlikely Gambs would look upon that with approval and seek to stifle any mention of a successful alternative, so the userbase are stuck with the free for all on /r/visualnovels for the foreseeable future.
I’m not sure how useful any of my rambling has been, but I hope it’s been an amusing read. Obviously I have a bias against some of the old mods so you should factor that in. 
P.S. Not directly subreddit related, but I think Gambs getting banned from Twitter is probably the best thing that could have happened for him. It massively limits his opportunity to spark drama and get himself into self-destructive fights. Fewer feuds is good for him and good for the subreddit.
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arcsin27 · 2 days
I have discovered that the whole “villagers bully you for talking to you twice in one day” thing is indeed true, but I think talking to a villager repeatedly without leaving doesn’t register as a new convo
If you talk to a villager at separate times throughout the day, they’ll comment how often they see you and even get upset with how much you’re bothering them and refuse to talk anymore (this applies to spamming when in their house btw… sorry Greta)
But if you just stand in front of one out on the street and spam the talk button, they’ll only ask “what’s up?” or “what did you need?” instead of talk about seeing you too much. So far, I haven’t had one get upset from this, but maybe I just haven’t bothered them enough like this yet
Also, the reason I tried this out was because someone on Reddit said nh’s dialogue wasn’t that bad, it’s just locked past the small talk they make in the first few convos, which is repetitive and boring tbh
After spamming through chatting about the weather and that it’s indeed a Tuesday afternoon with Benedict, he told me how combustion engines are really cool and that he’s banned from driving cars now. That’s really funny idk what to tell you
EDIT: after a lot of “what do you need?”s and other generic, non-upset greetings, shino commented im talking a lot. Maybe it still pisses them off, but I still feel like it’s less severe than other times (I mean cmon talking to a big sis twice shouldn’t warrant them saying we need a bigger island dude). However, since I put the game down to write this post while in a text box, it’s possible that was long enough to trigger a new convo event…? But that’s assuming my theory on spam = 1 big convo is even true lmao
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ugh154628 · 5 days
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So, this is where her and I's tension started. Before I made a single post about her in response, I attempted to message her and apologize. When mind you, there was no fucking reason to apologize. First of all, there was no reason to believe she would be upset about us dating or him moving on after a supposed year of being broken up, and secondly, no one is obligated to get permission from an ex girlfriend to date their former partner, who they apparently "didn't want" them and went as far as putting that in their Facebook bio. Followed by posting pictures with their new partner they were already dating before their ex moved on with me in the first place. Thirdly, why should I care about her feelings when I witnessed her neglecting his constantly, when him and I were actually close AND he is the whole reason I even met her, while they dated?
Also, why did YOU go off making public posts AND messaging my friends when you had every opportunity to message me privately? I tried to talk to you privately. I tried to absolve both of us further tension before I posted shit. You started this. So, you can shut the fuck up with your sob story regarding me making that post -responding- to you now.
You called me your "best friend" which wasn't even true and yet, here you were exaggerating my personal life, essentially calling me a fake and an unstable alcoholic whore less than 24 hours after you found out I was dating your ex. Even if we were "close" friends, you clearly weren't a good one if that's how you always thought of me and it's YOU that was a fake as fuck good for nothing "friend". And after everything said and done, we all know who is really unstable with "zero problem solving skills" here. And by the way, did you ever tell anyone that you were the one who peer pressured me into my first mix drink when I was underage shortly after meeting you? Remember when you wouldn't take no for answer and I ultimately caved into trying one a few years prior to all of this? "Amber's an alcoholic that drinks all the time!"
Nah, that's you. You were the one whipping out bottles of wine and crown every time I saw you, showing up to our mutual friends' house wasted touching up on them when they were literal teenagers and you were in your 20s and making them feel uncomfortable, etc. It's like you get a kick out of breaking people out of their character and getting them to do things they don't want to do. And then, you not only exaggerate the results YOU influence but hang them over those same people's heads in smear campaigns AND you are the one actually doing everything you accuse others of doing.
Because you're a psychopathic narcissist - text book definition and renowned for this type of behavior in the central area of our state. And you know it.
Also, what was that about not wanting him in your bio? I also find it hilarious how often you posted about not being jealous of our past relationship and you were just mad because I was your "BFF" supposedly dating your abuser/r*pst? WHEN you didn't even start up with those stories until almost a year into you stalking us. You even posted on reddit and told commenters that you had told me he did those things to you before I dated him, which is real fucking rich. And now that you got back with him, you flip the script and literally admit it with claims that I "dangled him in your face" and "took him away from you". Excuse me? Which is it? Because YOU'RE dating him again after making all of those claims and now fully willing to admit you were being a jealous freak?
Fucking explain yourself.
Side note: the screenshots of the messages differ because my original ones didn't include the last part of my first message. I wanted to make sure everyone could see that was the whole conversation and she NEVER told me that my ex (her now fiance btw) assaulted her.
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fmpsteelmarrow · 5 months
Setting Up Menu screens in Unreal
This morning I did some research on YouTube to find a tutorial series for Unreal 5 on setting up a basic menu screen system with customisability options etc. Below are the 3 Parts to the tutorial series I found and followed:
After following along with these videos I felt like I knew what I could and needed to do next when it came to making these menus. I firstly started by adding more buttons to the options menu as I wanted a few extra different types of graphics settings that could be adjusted.
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Here I have added things I felt were missing from the videos which are a necessity to an options menu:
Framerate Locks
Screen Modes
An Epic Graphics setting option
A back button (returns to menu screen)
And a Save settings button
I firstly started with the framerate options and created all of them and coded them so that when the button was pressed it would change the framerate in the user game settings. After testing this I discovered Two Issues. The first issue was that for some reason the game was running in slow motion when playing it as a Standalone game and the Second was that the framerate was not changing. I decided to firstly look into the framerate and saw there was an option to just enable Vsync which should do my job for me. After swapping out the set framerates with Vsync because THAT worked for some reason, I then went to google to find out why the game was running in a slow motion like state. To my annoyance, I found on reddit that it was due to me changing the editor to a fixed framerate a lot earlier in the project which makes unreal slow everything else down in order to meet that framerate.
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So to solve this problem I switched the framerate back to smooth mode instead of fixed. This then created a new issue for me which was that VSYNC no longer worked (Yay... :/). SO I then decided to test if the framerate lock option now worked by adding another button, which it did. So after all of that I had to remake all my individual framerate buttons again and set them as options.
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In terms of the other options they were far easier to find as all I had to do was search for them off of the game user settings with no external settings having to be changed.
After getting the graphics menu setup I had to create a way for the main menu and options menu to switch between each other without overlapping. To do this I made it so that when a button to enter either menu is pressed it will remove itself and add the other menu you're trying to access back to the viewport.
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Now that I had a functioning main menu along with options menu I felt that the main menu needed a game title logo and a background of some sort. I started by making the logo for the game and researched for some Ai logo creators. I found a website I liked, put the title of my game in and it made me a logo.
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After that I pulled the logo into paint.net and started adding my own touches to it trying to include some hints of tic tacs within the logo. Here is what that looks like:
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I really liked how the logo looked with its colour scheme and simplicity.
Next I decided to have some blurred background gameplay footage looping while you're sitting in the menu screen as I had previously seen one of my friends do that on the last project and I really liked the idea of doing that for this one. I followed the same method shown in an earlier blog post of turning a media file into a widget and then made it so that It plays when you're only in the main menu.
Now the only thing I had left to do was make a pause screen for the game. I followed along with the YouTube Video closely. I changed a couple of the options for the pause screen adding a 'return to menu' button and a 'retry' button as I felt these were also missing from the tutorial. The code was really simple with that being it would open up either the main menu level or the current level you're playing again.
Background Audio
The last short thing I want to talk about was that I decided to get some copyright free background audio to have in my game from YouTube. I used the same channel as my last project because I really liked the music they produced. I have a more upbeat happy song for the menu screen and a faster paced intense song for when you're playing the game.
Here are the two songs:
Gameplay Music -
Menu Music -
Here is a video showing off all of the menus and background music in game:
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ineedhelp5244 · 2 years
I tried to post this in reddit and it got taken down but I need advice so I'm trying here
I think I'm living in a toxic situation but don't know.
This is a long one.
For some context I f 15 turning (16) am living with my grandma (60) and dad (38) and sister (14) (she wasn't for most of what I'm writing) I visit my mom on Thursday and spend the night and every other weekend I spent Friday and Saturday with her on top of that currently we have always been homeschooled except for in 4th grade.
When I had turned 12 yo we had just moved into a new apartment after living with a few family members and staying in a hotel, my relationship with my guardians were fine until I discovered my family's homophobia (note my mom isn't homophobic) and my father's alcoholism, It all spiraled from there. My father and sister had never had the best relationship as she has always clung to my mom more. after she found out he was Homophobic she was furious and didn't understand why it was so bad to love the same gender, my father and sisters opposing views started a ton of arguments between her dad and my grandmother since she lives with us, some of which I got involved in because they were being taken WAY to far some examples of this are
-My father punching a hole next to my sister's head after he got pissed and backed her into a corner when she asked him to give her some space.
-My grandmother calling my sister a C*NT (she was 12-13)
- my father slapping my sister so hard she flipped over a chair and hit her head on the TV stand.
- My grandmother cornering my sister and asking her to "hit me" my dad was standing right f***ing next to her and did NOTHING to stop her till I tried to step in and THREATENED me saying to "sit the fuck down unless I want my ass beat" then split them up.
- Later that very same day they compared to that situation to putting a misbehaving dog in their place and when called out denied it even happened.
- Me trying to open up and communicate on how I felt about dads Drinking and how it hurt my feelings and I lost a lot of trust and respect that he would have to earn back to which She laughed.
These events took place during on and of occasions where my dad lost a job then took several months to find a new one so we where constantly fighting while trying to do school. I began to realize the unhealthy tole it took on my health both mentally and physically and my weight was going DOWN and I now suspected I have anxiety and the weight issues was a side affect of me not being able to eat because of this. my father "quit drinking" a long with getting a afternoon shift job and so the arguments went down tremendously. In my most recent fight with my grandmother I was expressing how I thought dad could get better and that conversation turned into about dad and his drinking then her throwing a pitty party saying that all she's ever done Is good for me. I called her out saying this wasn't about how great she was and gave her multiple examples where she was HORRIBLE including but not limited to
- How she repeatedly said my mom abandoned me leading me to resent her
- Making consistent comments on my body
- criticizing anyone that claimed to have mental health issues saying it was only except able for her
- constant gaslighting
- not letting me and my sister now she was "behind us " when dad was drinking
- letting it carry on for to long
- Only giving non apology apologies
And much more
We argued back and forth a bit before I went to my room. When my stomach was feeling better I hadn't had much to eat and was hungry and went to get some leftovers but because of her coming in and nagging me I lost my appetite again. When I went to go put the food back in the fridge to eat later she made a sarcastic comment about food and I SNAPPED saying "well maybe if a psycho bitch wasn't yelling at me I would be hungry" she spanked me with a pan, a fucking pan, when I went to leave she started to corner me I asked her to back away but she didn't and came closer cornering me I asked her to move so I could leave but she didn't say anything so I went to put up the dish washer door so I could leave through the other side, but before I could she slapped my hand. I slapped her to try and get her away but that didn't work so I pushed her and ran to the living room where she cornered me again and asking her to " hit her again" I refused so she shoved me HARD I fell into some boxes. I ran to my room and looked the door my sister had come in with me and started to call my mom and aunt., But it was to late my grandmother called my other aunt and told her a whole sob story she came in asked me what happened and I could tell she didn't believe me she started saying I needed to be more understanding because of her disease s I told her I get it but anxiety PTSD and depression isn't an excuse for this but she added in that she has bipolar as well. For the next bit I had family members guilt tripping me defending what she did. I don't know anything anymore I thought I was right but there saying I want and I don't know anymore I don't have any friends to ask what's normal either so I am at a loss.
Am I the asshole?
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hei-ranapologist · 3 years
So you wanna sound like a dude, huh?
If you’re reading this you’re probably a transman, or maybe a bored teenage girl wanting to prank call people, or even a girl wanting to play games online without getting harassed by creepy dude. Doesn’t matter, if you’re afab then this is the guide for you! This is guide will NOT feature the infamous “hum, look up and then down” technique or other similar techniques, as these never worked for me and are harmful to your voice anyway. This guide will however talk about your pitch, vocal weight and other things.
Before we begin, here are a few notes :
-I did not come up with this guide out of thin air, this guide is a summary of all the videos that were genuinely helpful to me. I will link all videos I took those advices from below.
-Unless you have an already deep voice, chances are you will not sounds like a cisgender man but a cisgender boy, which is still amazing! Keep in mind there's a lot of cis men who have the voice of a teenager, so don't let this beat you down.
Now lets start!
This may sounds silly to you, but this is the key to having a deeper voice. Here's how to do it:
-Open up your mouth as if you had a big ass balloon in it, round your lips and breathe in. Change your tongue position if needed.
Congratulations! You're now breathing like Darth Vader! But what the fuck is this supposed to do? Long story short, breathing this way allow you to open up your throat, which results in your voice sounding deeper! Ok that nice but what should I do now? Vocalize! But take it slowly :
-First focus on saying the vowel "o" while keeping your throat opened, which is trickier than you'd think.
-Second, move on to the others vowels, still keeping your throat opened. It may take you a couple days to nail this down but this is very important.
-Lastly, talk! Try to read a book outloud or maybe a reddit post. From this point on your goal is to build "endurance", at first you'll be able to talk like this for maybe a minute or two but with time you'll be able to talk for longer period of time.
To spare you a complicated explanation (that I'd probably get wrong anyway), the reason why men's voice tend to sound raspier and buzzier is because of their thick vocal cords. One of the main things testosterone  do to your voice is thickening your vocal cords, so to sounds like a dude we need to imitate this buzz. That's cool but how? Do a quotient slide :
-Slide down as far as you comfortably can pitch wise
-As you slide down, try to add buzziness to your voice and maintain that buzziness.
-If you can not maintain your pitch down there, then try to slide back up while still keeping your buzz.
This is a very tricky exercise so don't worry if you don't nail it on the first try, or even the 10th time. When you're finally able to do it, speak! You'd be surprised how that little bzz bzz in your voice can masculinize your voice. WARNING : Adding buzziness to your voice isn't the same as just speaking louder!
 -When doing the Darth Vader breathing technique, you shouldn’t feel any strain or irritation in your voice. It might get sore after awhile but it should never hurt. If you feel like you’re about to gag or if you sound like Patrick Star, then bring your tongue forward.
-Try to talk in a bit more monotone voice, no need to talk like you're tired all of the time tho. Just avoid using your "customer service" voice.
-When doing the quotient slide, be careful to not go into vocal fry! Not that its harmful to your voice, its just not the goal of the exercise.
-Don't mix those two technique together too soon! Its very easy to get them mixed up so take your time, use them together only when you mastered them individually.
-Drink water! More than you think you need! And it need to be warm, not cool!
Links :
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Friends, it is time. After a three year hiatus, I present to you:
Renji Fashion Round-up, Part 4a
What, you say? You don’t remember the original Renji Fashion Round-Up posts? They are here: (Part 1: Canon) (Part 2: Filler) (3: OPs and EDs) 
This edition will cover Colorspreads and Promotional Materials, and it’s so long that I am spreading it out over two posts. (Yes, I realize I could have further filtered it into Colorspreads AND Promotional Materials, but I found a big folder of these on Reddit and it’s too much work to further sort them. Also, I think it makes more sense to do it this way). I’m going from worst to best, so this post will be covering #20-#10. You may see a few outfits from previous editions, because the openings and endings sometimes used some of these looks, but they didn’t always do them justice, so they are getting a re-rating. I have also grouped outfits that I felt went together thematically, to keep this from getting even longer than it already is. I also left out a handful of ones that just weren’t that interesting/I didn’t have much to say about.
Additionally, I just want to say that I didn’t even know these existed when I made the original posts, and I have since learned that Kubo actually hated the outfits that the anime put Renji in, because he felt like Renji was a great dresser. So even though these is the bottom half of the list, this whole section is a tier above the other ones, and there’s some real gold here.
Anyway, let’s get into it!!!
20. Vampires!
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I’m just not into vampires generally, and you can barely even see his outfit. Also he definitely looks like he’s only pretending to drink that...blood alcohol, whatever it’s supposed to be, but, like, the cap is actually still on. (There’s also a fake ad for Pigeon Ruby in Color+ Bleach? Stop trying to make Pigeon Blood happen, Kubo!!)
19. Big Pimpin’
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I will admit that he’s got major drip and is very slutty overall, which I normally love, but this is just not my preferred aesthetic. If you love this one, I support you, but I just do not care for it. Also, the fit itself is just not that interesting. I do like his lil braid, tho.
18. Mummy, again
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I rated it low in the Filler Round-up and I am rating it low here. I do like the way he’s smoldering at the viewer, and as sexy mummy costumes go, he’s really working it, even without showing skin. That being said: it’s bandages.
17. Cravats, I guess
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These two outfits seem sort of fundamentally similarly to me-- low-saturation palate, bit of a slouchy, grungy texture, cravats. I don’t love it, friends. The second one is definitely far superior to the first (the fedora! why??), especially because I loooooove that hairstyle for him and the scarf is tied a little more like a scarf, but he can do better than this.
16. Vampires, again.
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I initially rated this one very low, but the more I stare at it, the more I am charmed by it. I mean, this outfit is legit awful. The fedora. The shorts (ft leg stubble). The one pulled-up sock. Ichigo has gone for a more classy all-white vampire look and he can’t even bear to get out of his coffin to be seen with this man. The boots are good, actually and I know I have criticized Renji for wearing white shoes after Labor Day in the past, but it’s working for him here.
15. Oversized sweats
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Kubo sure loves to put some dudes in matching sweats!! I have to admit, it’s not my favorite, but maybe I just prefer a more put-together look. I mean, that third one, in particular, is iconic, but it’s because he’s manspreading and his abs and tits are out, but it’s not because of the outfit. The red-and-white tracksuits are notably a step up from the plain gray hoodies, although that scorpion brooch is, uh, something.
14. Military uniforms
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So, to be fair, Renji looks really good in a uniform! Even in an anime about career soldiers, the guy is a career soldier to the bone. I think the problem I have with these is that he looks so natural in this sort of thing that it’s just not all that remarkable, in the way that, say, Rukia in a military uniform is just...phew!! Anyway, the fact that this is #15 says more about this list than it says about this look.
13. Workout-gear
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See, I like this sort of form-fitting workout gear much more than I like the sweats from earlier. This gets a lot of bonus points for being sleeveless: Renji’s arms are incredible and it shows off the tatts. He should just be sleeveless a lot more often, imo!! Anyway, I wish we could see this better and also, is he wearing gloves? I do really like this bandana, although I am distinctly not sure how I feel about the braids.
12. Men in Black
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This is a classic look, and I love whenever how whenever Kubo draws Renji in a group of people with very similar outfits, he always manages to look the best (it’s because he’s tall). Anyway, he’s working it, but unfortunately this look is irrevocably linked to Reservoir Dogs to me, and I am done with Tarantino, so this only makes #12.
11. Beach breeze
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Speaking of movies from my formative years, he’s got big Pierce Brosnan-as-James Bond-when-he-has-to-go-to-a-tropical-island energy to me. I wish we could see this from the front. I feel in my heart that he looks very handsome in it, but to me, the vibes are wrong. Renji is just not a man who puts on linen to go to the beach. It’s good, but just slightly off to me. I like his WIlliams-Sonoma $300 watermelon carrier, though.
10. Lamp Society, but make it classy
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This outfit appeared, briefly and out-of-context during the very end of OP4: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight. I liked it then and I like it now! It’s tight, even though it probably shouldn’t be and it’s got sort of a modest tit-window. I’d probably rate it higher if we could see more of it. It looks like he’s wearing black pants, which doesn’t seem very practical for the desert. It’s worth noting that everyone looks 1000x times better than when the anime recycled these outfits for the Lamp Society episode.
That’s part a! Read part b here!
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