#so full of love for dean winchester today (just like every other day)
alexsoenomel · 1 year
Chokehold (Sam Winchester x Reader smut)
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Request: Hey I don’t know if you’re taking requests but I was reading Adrenlize Me and I had an idea for a part 2? Sam and reader have been getting at it for a bit but this time they finally say “I love you” to each other? Rough smut with a little dash of fluff? 🥰
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: sexy times and I love you’s, mentions of addiction 
Word count: 2.1k
Note: I apologize for being so slow (school+work+ADHD). Writing this made me realize how single I actually am.
 Enjoy! Like/Reblog or both if you like it! :)
Addiction. First, it feels like a warm hug, sucking you in, disguising itself as something familiar, something beautiful, and finally, you feel like you filled that hole in your soul. Then it starts taking, it takes and takes until there is nothing left to take, until you cannot give anymore – until you’re dead. You find out, a little too late, that the warm hug was just a one-way ticket to your inevitable demise.
This started as a deep-seated need but turned into a full-blown addiction sooner than I thought, but the only difference was this was a blissful one, with no reaper waiting for you at the end. It only brought endless pleasure. 
Sam was no better than me. We couldn’t stop ourselves; every touch, every kiss would send us into a euphoric state, and it was better than any drug known to man. 
After our little adventure in Dean’s beloved Baby, we tried to keep our dirty little secret hidden. Sam would come to my room only during the night when he could hear Dean snoring in his room, and even then, we had to be careful since Dean was a light sleeper. He would muffle my moans with his hand whenever he was on top of me, he would sometimes even let me bite his shoulder, but it was impossible to be quiet, especially when we both liked listening to each other come undone. Long story short, Dean found out.
“Good thing you two lovebirds finally got together! The bad thing is now I cannot sleep.” He told us one morning while sipping his black coffee, clearly tired and cranky. 
That word was stuck in my brain that day. It still would pop up occasionally. It reminded me that we never labeled our little arrangement. When it happened, we would carry on, pretend like this thing was meaningless, and then we would do it all over again. We would cover every topic under the Sun apart from this one. We completely ignored it, but it was there, just around the corner, something more than just a meaningless hookup. 
Sure, he was able to make my legs shake, make me forget my existence, and his touch would set me on fire every damn time, but the way he would look at me right before I would come, the way we would look at each other…  I knew I was falling for him. 
We were birds of a feather –we connected through art, books, and music. We liked the same things but were far different characters. I was more of a 'Shoot first, ask questions later' kind of girl, like his older brother, and he was far from that. He was my voice of reason when I would let my emotions consume me; he was the one who would tell Dean and me to get our shit together whenever we would jump the gun (and that would often happen because we were both hotheads). We worked perfectly together. 
"God, I'm exhausted!" I said and put my bag on the table. 
We just got back from a hunt in Omaha, Nebraska, and it was a wild one. It dragged to no end until we finally ganked the ghost that was killing unfaithful men. I almost got thrown off the balcony, Dean almost got stabbed, and Sam, well he took care of it. Overall, I was just happy the case was over and, that I could sleep in my/Sam's bed. 
"Me too! Gonna hit the hay!" Dean said taking his shoes off. 
"Already? It's only 10 pm." Sam said. On a rare occasion, Dean would sleep early, he was the worst night bird in the flock. For him, 2 am was too early for bed, and mornings started at noon. 
"Sammy, I almost got stabbed today! Yeah, already." Dean said and disappeared into the hallway. 
"Night, Dean!" I said. 
"Night, night!" I heard him say. 
I was immediately hit with the realization that I was alone with Sam. There was something so alluring about him that made me nervous in the best way possible. It would boost my dopamine and adrenaline – like a drug. I swallowed nervously as I turned to see he was staring back at me and I immediately recognized the look – the look of devotion. 
"What?" I asked. He looked tired, with messy hair, and bags under his eyes. I was a tired mess too. During these days caffeine kept me awake and sharp since we were working night and day trying to solve the gruesome mystery. 
"Shower?" He asked.
We went to his room since I would spend most of my nights there. What started as casual, grew to be a routine. I started hating sleeping alone in cold sheets – his warmth kept me safe. 
When we entered his room, pleasant silence joined us. We stripped down our dirty clothes and sins as we went to the bathroom. We didn’t say a word until warm water touched our tired bodies.
“Warm enough?” Sam asked me.
I nodded. He shampooed my hair, and I did my body while letting my muscles relax under the shower, feeling every part of me slowly shutting down from exhaustion.  Once my hair was nice and cleaned and I turned to face Sam, kissing where his heart was as I balanced myself on my tiptoes since he was much taller than me. 
“My turn?” I asked and got on his knees, like he usually would do when I wanted to wash his hair, and wrapped his hands around my waist, cupping my ass. It wasn’t the first time we showered together, the aftercare was as important for him as it was for me, but this time it felt far more intimate and real. The aftercare would usually turn into rough shower sex, leaving me breathless and sometimes even covered in bruises, but this time I saw true intimacy and meaning of showering together. 
Sam kissed my stomach as I washed his hair, sending light shivers all over my body. His hand went between my legs, and a light moan escaped from my lips. 
“All done!” My voice trembled. Sam stood up and kissed me hungrily. I could never get enough of his kisses, his lips were soft, kisses sweet kinda like cherries in spring, nothing like I’ve ever tasted before. He broke the kiss as our eyes met, water still running down our bodies. I could feel his breath on my lips. The air, even though hot and heavy, got a little bit chilly for a second – or was I getting nervous? I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. I didn’t know why I was getting nervous. Everything that seemed familiar was now foreign to me. Even though we fucked a million times, even though we both had seen each other naked, I was still feeling that tickling sensation in the pit of my stomach. 
Sam turned off the shower. We did our night routine in blissful silence. Skincare, haircare, the whole nine yards…in blissful pleasant silence. Sam even started using my Vitamin C serum, when I told him how good it is for the skin. 
I was pleasantly surprised when he took a little bit of my hydrating cream after the serum. I would always use that after having a rough day on the job, it did wonders for my tired skin. 
“You’re learning,” I told him as I brushed my teeth. 
“From the best.” He simply said. 
I didn’t remember the last time I did my night routine in my bathroom – and it all started when Dean caught me leaving his room to get my toothbrush. 
“You two are louder than a jackhammer!” He told me as he opened the door of his room, messy hair, eyes barely open, clearly feeling creaky from lack of sleep…again. “Keep it down, or I swear I’ll kill you both!”
“Sorry!” I was embarrassed but trying hard not to laugh.
Ever since then, I decided not to leave his room during the night. So, naturally, I started leaving my stuff in Sam’s room. 
After we got in our pajamas; Sam in his gray sweatpants and me in my oversized blue T-shirt I “borrowed” from him, got under the covers. I could feel my whole body relaxing, as I let my mind drift God knows where…I was ready to fall asleep, but Sam had other plans. He wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him. His semi-hard cock was pressed against my ass, and I felt his lips on my neck. 
“Yeah, Sammy?” I bit my lower lip. 
“I don’t wanna sleep.” He mumbled between kisses. 
I turned around, missing the softness of his lips on mine. I kissed him, feeling the minty taste on his lips. My hand went in his hair, pulling him closer to me. He moaned when I pulled his locks, sending shivers all over his body. He pushed me back onto the mattress as he climbed on top of me, leaving kisses all over my jaw and neck. I loved his lips on my skin, I loved everything about them; the softness, the taste, the ability to make me wet in seconds… 
“You got me worried today,” Sam whispered between kisses. 
“Sorry, I was a hot-headed dumbass.”
I thought I could take down the ghost by myself. I didn’t stick to the plan and almost got thrown off the balcony when the damn thing attacked me – my mistake.
“Like always.”
And that’s why you love me. I bit my tongue. I felt my walls completely coming down under him. I didn’t care about labels, I didn’t care what we were, I just knew my heart was struggling to stay silent. I wanted to say those words as much as I desperately wanted to hear them from him. 
“Shut up and kiss me!” I told him instead. 
Sam pressed his lips on mine, this time his hand went down my stomach between my legs. His fingers were cold, making my skin shiver, but his touch bought endless pleasure. 
I could feel his two fingers in me for a few seconds before he pulled away. 
“Tease,” I said annoyed. He loved making me beg and feel desperate and I loved every second of it. 
He licked his fingers clean and kissed me letting me have a taste as well. 
“You are delicious.”
Everything about this seemed different. He was sweeter and far more gentle. Usually, he would tell me to be quiet, his good girl, he would be rough, but this time…he wasn’t? He had a gentle side, but I’d rarely see it. I felt something was different. I felt my heart connecting with his and my soul feeling closer to his own. 
“And you’re a tease.” 
He laughed, showing off those cute little dimples I adored so much. 
"Just a little. " He smirked before kissing me again. I was growing impatient, and it was like he heard me. He wasted no time, he moved my panties to the side as I helped him lower his sweatpants. He entered me slowly, letting me adjust to his size, letting me bask in the pleasure his cock was giving me. I buried my fingers into his damp hair, arching my back slightly. 
"You feel so good!" 
He would always tell me that. Every time. No exception. He knew his words made me needy, horny, and desperate…He knew what buttons to push. 
He started to move and that was when my heart decided to work against me…or it did me a favor? My eyes were lost in his, not wanting to break the contract. I was feeling every inch of him, slowly moving in and out, skin to skin….
"I love you!" 
I heard myself say. My heart was pounding, I could see his expression change as his hair was falling on my cheeks…he smiled and kissed me.
"I love you too!" 
I didn't expect this answer from him. At the moment it didn't seem real but I think we both knew it was coming. Between the constant staring, and flirting just to gross out Dean and the genuine connection we had, we knew…
Sam's pace became faster, and I was slowly losing it. His face was inches away from mine, feeling each other's breaths as my climax was getting closer. I could feel my body shaking, my nails digging into his back as I couldn’t get his name out of my mouth. 
“Come on, baby!” He whispered in my ear. 
I loved his voice, I loved his touch, his kiss. I loved him.
I came hard, biting his shoulder (Sam didn’t even flinch), not wanting to be too loud because of Dean and his “Next time I’m gonna kill you both” sentence. 
He kissed me before collapsing next to me. We were both panting, waiting for someone to say something, to break the ice that had already been broken when I told him I love you. But no one did. Instead, we fell asleep, my head on his chest, safe and sound. 
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dw19791967 · 8 months
That Type of Girl Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, slight angst, some fluff
This is the first fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
I had never been the type of girl that men would look at twice. I have always been on the heavy side of the scale. I have a big gut, small ass, and ok sized boobs. After struggling with my confidence for a better part of my life, when I hit my 20’s I stopped caring about what others thought of me. But I would still wear clothes a size or two too big. But I felt confident (for the most part). I didn’t give a rats ass what most people thought of me, which definitely helped when it came to hunting. 
My life changed forever when I met the Winchesters. Sam was like the big brother I never had. Dean…well, that was a different story. Everything in me knew the moment I met him, that he was something special. The way he could make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel appreciated. No one had ever made me feel the things he did. But I knew he would never see me as more than a friend, and after some time I was ok with that. I knew a man like him would never even consider being with a girl like me. 
“What ya thinking about Y/N?” said Sam. We were currently sitting in a roadside bar after we finished our most recent hunt. Of course Dean was busy flirting with some gorgeous blonde, leaving Sam and I to our own devices.
“Just thinking about what life would be like if we weren’t hunters.” I lied of course. I was thinking about why couldn’t I be the type of girl Dean would turn to for more than friendship. Something I thought about pretty frequently.
“Do you really want that type of life ?” Sam stated with a curious look on his face. 
“Hell no, I’m not made for normal. Just always like to think about where I would be ya know? Would I be married, have 2.5 kids, and a full time job or would I be a crazy cat lady.” I giggled.
“Well considering you're allergic to cats you definitely would not be a crazy cat lady.” Sam was laughing.
“You’re right Sammy, guess there goes that day dream.” I said. I couldn’t stop watching Dean. I really needed to find something else to occupy my time.
“You know I see how you look at him.” Sam said.
“I don’t know what you mean Sammy.” I replied.
“Y/N you should tell him how you feel, you never know he may feel the same way.” Sam looked at me with an optimistic grin.
“Yeah right Sam, I’m going to the restroom then I’m heading out. You boys can stay and have some much deserved fun.” I got up to head towards the restroom, if only Sam knew how deep I was in.
The following day after returning to the bunker the night before, I got up around 6:00 to make the boys breakfast. It was something I did every now and then, even though I made a pretty shitty cook. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on. I had an old AC/DC shirt on (I didn’t bother wearing a bra since the shirt was baggy), threw my hair up in a messy bun and was ready to get to work. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as I could. Evidently I tend to stomp when I walk in the bunker halls (according to Sam), so it is something I am trying to work on. I got the eggs and bacon out. Scrambled would have to be it for today because I don’t have the patience to try anything else. Sam made his way into the kitchen as I was finishing up with the bacon.
“Well good morning sunshine!” Sam sang.
“Damn Sammy can you keep it down somewhat, you know how I feel about being happy first thing in the morning.” I covered my ears.
“Oh yes so sorry grumpy pants” Sam laughed.
“I’m pretty sure you are like the only person I have ever seen to be so excited at 6:30 in the morning.” I finished putting some eggs on a plate for him.
“Well why are you up so early anyway? You made us breakfast?” Sam asked.
“Well yes you big giant, I did. I felt like doing something nice even if I am a grumpy pants.” I sat his plate down in front of him.
“Well I appreciate it and I’m sure Dean will too. Where is Dean?” Sam took a bite of his eggs.
“Pretty sure he is still sleeping, I’ll wake him up on my way to shower. How does it taste?” I asked.
“It is actually pretty good, way to go Y/N you have finally learned how to make eggs!” Sam was laughing. I enjoyed the teasing banter we had with one another, it made me happy that we didn’t always have to take things so seriously.
“Haha very funny, looks like now I will have to cook more often.” I stated as I walked out of the kitchen.
Heading down the hall I stopped at Dean’s room. I opened his door slightly, he was sprawled out over his bed snoring loudly. Blondie must have tired him out last night. I usually don’t like waking him up because he has such a hard time sleeping. Especially lately but I knew he would be pissed if he missed out on bacon. I made my way over to him.
“Dean” I whispered.
“Dean I made breakfast” I patted his shoulder.
He rolled over and opened his eyes. Looking at me in a way that almost made me blush.
“Hey sweetheart, what time is it?” he asked.
“7:00” I stated.
“Damn I actually slept in some, that was amazing.”
I’m sure it was, I stated to myself. Damn my jealousy.
“Well I just wanted to let you know there is eggs and bacon, Sam said that I actually learned how to make eggs so guess that means they are good this time. I laughed. “ I’m gonna take a quick shower then I will meet you back out there” I said.
“You had me at bacon” he got up and stretched. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty” stated Sam.
“God it smells amazing in here” Dean said with a grin.
Dean loaded up a plate with tons of bacon and a few scoops of eggs.
“Damn this is awesome” Dean moaned.
“Would you like me to give you some alone time with that?” Sam laughed.
“Sammy, she seriously knows how to make my damn morning. This bacon might be the best I have ever eaten.”
“Well she has been up since 6 working on it so I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Sam was reading something on his laptop now.
“What would we do without her?” Dean wondered aloud.
“What would we do without who?” I stated as I made my way back into the kitchen. I had taken a quick shower and changed into jeans and a flannel. Baggy of course. I never wore tight fitting shirts. My hair was still a little wet but I wanted to make sure the boys were taken care of before I moved on with my routine.
“You sweetheart, you are seriously too good to us.” Dean stated, staring at me. 
I blushed, “Well I would do anything to make your guys day a little better.” Sam looked at me with a knowing look, please dear lord do not let him say anything.
Sam continued reading something on his laptop without saying a word. 
“Well I’m gonna head to the library to check out this book I need, do you guys need anything?” asked Sam.
“I’m good, thank you though Sammy.” I stated.
“Unless you are stopping at the store, in that case we need pie.” Dean said while stuffing his face with more bacon.
“Of course Dean, I will make sure to get your precious pie.” Sam said while laughing.
With Sam gone, I struggled to find something to say to Dean but the silence was killing me. 
“What time did you guys end up coming home last night?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know but yet I needed to.
“Uh not too long after you, it was kinda a bust.” stated Dean.
“What happened to Blondie?” I asked without even thinking.
Dean looked up at me, “She was talking my ear off about her ex. I told her if she couldn’t stop thinking about him then she probably needed to talk it out with him.”
Good I thought to myself, I knew he deserved a good time but I am glad he struck out. I really need to stop thinking like this.
“Well I am sure you will have better luck next time” I said with a smile. It took everything in me to muster that up.
“Nah next time we need to work on finding someone for you.” Dean stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I know it's been awhile since you have found a guy for you, so I figured I could help you look.” Dean said with a shrug.
Did he seriously think I wanted to find someone? I really was not the love them and leave them type. I tended to get too attached. So I just took care of things on my own. Plus it was hard to find someone to spend the night with when you are desperately in love with someone else.
“I’m really not interested Dean. I would rather just drink and make a fool of myself.” I laughed.
“Come on Y/N, I’m sure you could use a night of romance or whatever you want to call it” Dean looked at me.
Anytime I had even considered taking a guy home they would make comments about my body. Which usually ended with my fist bleeding and the guy laying on the bar floor.
“Dean, do you seriously not remember the last time I looked for a guy, he ended up calling me a fat bitch and I knocked his lights out.” I picked at my nails. I couldn’t look at his face right now.
“Yes I remember, that was just one shitty guy. I have faith we can find a good one.” Dean got up to clear his plate.
The one guy I want doesn’t want me so I really don’t want to try to find another one. I will just end up with my feelings hurt and my confidence wounded. It’s not worth it to me.
“I appreciate the offer truly, but I don’t want a night of romance. I just want to spend a night with my two best friends. That’s it. Can we please drop it?” I got up to start working on the dishes.
“If that is what you want Y/N.” Dean looked at me softly. “I will get them sweetheart, the least I can do since you cooked.” Dean started working on the dishes.
"Thanks" I said. "I'm gonna go finish fixing my hair." I made my way out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I wish he could understand how I felt, but this is one area in which Dean and I are very different.
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potatohater · 6 months
Big brother’s love
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean & Sam Winchester (a bit of Castiel)
Word count: 1929
MY BABIES AHHGRRR; I just NEEDED some brothers fluff and HERE WE GO, LEE!SAM FOREVER🙏 love them, here it’s like moments since childhood-season 6 (bc I’m watching it rn) (btw @cringemesstickles I know that you’re a sucker for lee!sam so you might wanna check this one out🤭)
Dean loved making Sam smile, even though Sam always tried to hide it, making himself look more serious, deep down Dean always knew how to crack him
Older Winchester woke up and sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes. Clock said 8:03 am and he had no idea how he got so early today. John left them for a week.. which turned into two as he couldn’t kill the vampire he was hunting, so two teenage boys spent most of the time in the hotel room; not bothered by trying to pick up a school if they are going to attend it only for a few days.
Sam looked up from his book to take a look at his brother when he froze for half a second, biting back a smile
“What?” Dean asked him, was it something on his face or something?
“Oh no nothing” younger boy replied, trying to focus on his book, but taking a quick glance at Dean. Now him biting back a smile was even more visible
“Is it something on my face?” Dean’s brows furrowed as he asked out loud
He took a half glance in the mirror in the middle of the room and saw how his hair in the middle was slick back, but on the sides it was sticking up in all directions, making him look ridiculous. In what pose did he even had to sleep to get this hairstyle?
He turned his eyes back to Sam, seeing how hard he tried to focus on the book in front of him. They locked eyes as Dean wiggled his eyebrows, trying to play dumb to get the kid to crack
Even though Sammy was quite serious for a kid his age, it wasn’t that hard to make him laugh. 11 year old boy mostly found Dean’s fails funny, when he tried to flirt with a girl but got rejected. This type of fails
“I see you, what’s up? Why are you acting like thi—” Dean didn’t got to finish his sentence when younger boy broke into a stream of giggles. It was really easy to make him laugh sometimes
“Ihit’s juhust youhur hahair” Sam giggled quietly, dimples appearing on his cheeks as his face broke into shy smile. Like he knew it was a bit too childish even for him
Dean took a proper look into the mirror and chuckled too. His eyes were dead and the whole hair thing looked like he experienced getting struck by a lightning
He shook his head, standing up and quickly ruffled kid’s hair too so they would match
“Hehey!” Sam shoved his hand, trying to sound annoyed, but giggles in his voice ruined the whole facade
Yes. As Dean would say, it was pretty easy and unbearably hard to make younger Winchester laugh sometimes. The kid got specific humour
Sam who was standing in the middle of the room doubled on the floor laughing as he saw his brother’s head sticking from the bathroom doorway. They had a little prank war going on and younger Winchester decided it would be hilarious to put some hair dye into Dean’s shampoo
Dean on the other hand wasn’t so happy. His hair was dripping wet and his neck and shoulders were also covered in dark-ish blue dye. His mouth twitched for a second when he was his brother on the floor laughing his ass off, but taking another look in the mirror reminded him that revenge is necessary
“Come here bitch!” Dean said while putting his pants on and running in Sam’s direction. Long haired teenager quickly tried to stand up, but was immediately tackled to the floor by his brother; not like he put up a fight, Sam was mostly giggling like a madman every time he looked at Dean
“Something funny?” Dean tried to look serious but small grin crept into his face as he saw his brother pinned underneath him “Oh I can give you something to laugh at”
With that said, he wiggled his fingers into Sam’s side, making his giggles transform into full on laughter
Damn it sounded good; Dean could swear his laugh immediately filled the whole room, lighting it up
“DEHehean! stOHOP IHihi aham tohoho ohOHOLD FOHOR THIHIS”
“You are only 16 kid, the only one old here is me, and apparently I’m gonna have blue hair for the next—MONTH THANKS TO YOU” Dean chuckled as he raised his voice over Sam’s so he would hear him
Sam’s laugh got higher when he darted his eyes at Dean over him who was still dripping in blue colour
“Any last words?”
“IHIHIT WAHAS SOHOHO WOHORTH IHIHIT” Sam looked at Dean one last time before losing himself in his own laughter again. Dean’s grin got wider with every second as he tickled his brother on the motel floor. Maybe he didn’t care that much about his hair
“Dean!” Sam squeaked as Dean made a move in his direction
“Sam!” Dean chuckled, mirroring his brother’s tone
They were standing at opposite sides of a table in the motel room, waiting for other one to make a move. Well, long story short — Dean found out Sam still had his weakness in touch, apparently Sam was surprised too
“Don’t!” Sam tried to threaten but smile on his face outweighed all the venom in his voice
Dean was wearing a grin on his own, quickly running around the table to catch his brother
They were doing it for the past few minutes, but this time Dean actually tackled Sam on the floor. Both laughing the whole time they tried to gain an upper hand
Older Winchester got his hands squeezing his brother’s knees as he watched his reaction
Sam was okay before.. well maybe a little tired and declined any offer to take a proper sleep, saying that “he was okay taking 2 hour naps every few days”; so as every good brother, Dean just needed an excuse to mess with him. They deserve to have fun once in a while, especially Sam
“Ha! Man you didn’t change— do you still do that? Wait let me check” Dean said as he got his hands to Sam’s ribs, playing them like a guitar
Sam’s laughter transformed into high-pitched giggles that were just music to his brother’s ears
“That’s what you get for not getting to bed. Gosh it’s like I’m 15 again, forcing you to sleep”
Sam’s laughter rang even louder at the recalling memories of their childhood, as joyful sounds came out of him
“And now you are 23 and you didn’t change a bit” Dean grinned, eliciting more sounds form Sam
“Ohokay okay, easy tiger” Older Winchester chuckled at his baby brother who drank a bit too much in the bar. Dean was immune for a few shots of tequila, considering how much alcohol he consumes, Sam wasn’t that strong
“What is wrong with him?” Castiel was standing in the middle of the motel room Winchesters were staying
“Has gone a little overboard, but who gives a shit. I finally convinced him to take a few days off and I don’t care that there is a fucking apocalypse, okay? He needed a moment to breathe out” Dean replied as he caught his brother from falling on the floor and threw him on the bed, making it easier for both of them
“So what now?”
“Well, I’m gonna take his coat and shoes off and let him sleep. Oh man, a hangover tomorrow is going to be ruthless” Older brother chuckled
He motioned Cas to come closer and hold Sam’s abdomen as he took the coat of him. On accident, one of Cas’ hands got under younger Winchester’s arms, making him squirm a bit and let out a quiet giggle
“What was that?” Dean and Cas almost said in unison as Dean put his brother’s clothes and shoes in the wardrobe
Dean’s brows knitted together as a small grin broke his face
“Hey Cas, can you spread his elbows like— yeah like that” Dean full on smiled
Angel did as he was told, grabbing both Sam’s elbows and raised them up, spreading them. Meanwhile Sam was too tired to stop anything.
Dean took a step closer, warming his fingers under Sam’s arms. His brother’s face immediately broke down into wide smile when he clamped his arms down, doing nothing to stop the sensation
“What are you do— waHAHEHehait!” Sam got out of Castiel’s grip and slammed his back into the bed where he was previously sitting (or at least tried to). His eyes were squeezed and smile shining, showing all his teeth
“Damn Sammy, a drop of alcohol in you, and you become even more ticklish than when you were a kid” Dean beamed
“What is wrong with him?” Cas now stood up, and standing next to the bed stared at laughing younger brother who couldn’t even put up a fight because he was so intoxicated and an older brother who now was sitting on his lower half, pinning him and tickling him, having a smile on his face as big as Sam’s. A look of confusion and amusement mixing up in angel
“Oh, it’s called tickling. It’s when you touch some parts of the body that make other person laugh. It’s a body reaction our ancestors had back in the day for surviving. Now it’s.. for messing with your baby brother for example”
“And he laughs because it’s body’s reaction” Cas repeated, trying to make sense out of it
“Pretty much”
“Huh” Cas wanted to say something but his hearing focused on Sam’s high-pitched laughter again. Making his face to share the same kind of grin Dean has been wearing
Right now and there he noticed that Sam didn’t laugh enough. His laugh is too nice to hide it under all these layers of seriousness
“heheHESTOHOHOP DEhehean!” Sam laughed, eyes squeezed shut and hands trying to catch his brother but he even when he did he was to tired to do anything that shove lightly at them
Cas and Dean joined him, chuckling everytime he made some funny noise. “Yeah” Cas thought “humans are cute”
“Hey, you okay?” Dean’s voice rang through the living room where his brother was sitting
They stayed at Bobby’s for some time, trying to find out more about this “Mother” bullshit, someone that can ruin their world and kill everyone (again)
“You know what I did, Dean. That whole year was—” Sam was interrupted by his brother who nudged him in the side with his elbow
“Come on, we’ve been through this. I— you can’t believe how glad I’m that you’re back. That was not you Sammy”
Sam tried to fight, but found that it’s easier just to listen to Dean. “Yeah, maybe you’re right”
“Dude you couldn’t believe how DRY you were, I mean, your humour was purely based on making fun of something. We were almost killed multiple times because you found demons funny and just laughed at their faces” Dean recalled with amused chuckle
Sam let his own small smile to tug at his lips
“Well, at least I got you back, and you still think I’m a god of comedy” Older brother wigged his brows
“Oh you wish” Sam shook his head with a snicker
“What? I’m hilarious” Dean said, poking his brother which made him giggle
“See? You do still find me funny” Each word was highlighted by a poke to Sam’s side, making him giggle again and playfully slap Dean’s hand
“Yeheah, maybe I stihil do”
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
Property of John Winchester
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Pairing: John x Reader Word count: 2,107 Warnings: Daddy kink, unprotected sex, anal, jealousy Request: Anonymous. Can I please, when you get the time, get some just really good, rough, dirty John smut. I’ve been watching a lot of JDM movies and shows and just ugh. Like throw in any kinks you want, I just need some john or jeffrey whichever you prefer.
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John Winchester was the only man you ever had eyes for. At first, he was a bit hesitant because of the age difference, but that was soon pushed aside. You worked for him and Mary when you were a teenager. You had babysat the boys from the time you were 14, until you were 17. You were 5 years older than Dean, so John lumped you in now as being ‘Dean’s age’.
At 25, you’d finally landed your man. After ten years of crushing on him, at that. As a teenager, you never thought it would happen. He was older, and married. As you got older, your mind would run away from you, of course, but again- same issues. The summer after your sophomore year of college, you’d come home to find out that Mary had been killed in a drunk driving accident. You felt terrible, as she was such a nice person, always smiling, and you weren’t there to help the boys through it.
Now, you woke up in his arms every morning. You loved how his scruff felt between your thighs, the way his strong hands gripped your hips, how his deep voice would whisper dirty things in your ear when you couldn’t fuck him, and the way he looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
He told you early in he didn’t want anymore kids. That stage of life was over. You had no problems with that, as you had no desire for children, either. “Morning, gorgeous.” His voice was still heavy from sleep.
Smiling, you stretched slightly, your ass rubbing against his morning wood. “How about we make it a good morning?” You teased.
“You mean like this?” His large, warm hand slid down your stomach, his middle finger slipping into your folds. “So wet for me.” He groaned. Taking his hand, he cupped your inner thigh, opening your legs. John rolled his hips, his cock slipping through your slit. Finally, he thrust into you.
Your arm went behind you, your hand gripping the short hairs on the back of his head as he lazily rolled his hips. Morning sex was the only time it wasn’t about making each other cum. Your focus was each other. Being one. His lips brushed the back of your neck and over your shoulder. “John.” You breathed, your tone full of love. Turning your head, your lips met his.
He broke the kiss to watch your face as the bliss took over. Your eyes closed, your lips parted slightly as you panted, a small whimper escaping now and then. “Mine.” He groaned, his own eyes closing.
“Yours.” You nodded.
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You worked as a secretary in an accounting firm down the block from John’s garage. It was nice when you were able to visit him for lunch. Your usual work outfit consisted of a dark pencil skirt, a nice top, and heels. While John hated other men eying you, he got off on watching them get upset seeing you all over him.
Today was not one of the days that you were able to visit him. The office was extremely busy, and you were rushing around. One of the top accountants had quit, out of nowhere. And now, everyone was scrambling to cover his accounts while training a new hire. You got the grunt work.
Towards the end of the day, you were sitting at your desk, your feet up, ankles crossed. The new guy, Don, came over with a smirk on his face. “Well, hello.” He said as he sat on the edge of your desk.
Raising an eyebrow at him, you didn’t bother to move. “Hello, Don.” You said politely.
“So, how’s about you join me for some drinks later.” He offered.
“Sorry, you aren’t my type.” You told him.
He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? What’s your type?” it didn’t seem he was used to hearing such things.
Smirking, you slowly put your feet down and made a show if standing up. You grabbed his tie and pulled him forward. “A man who doesn’t wear ties, but knows exactly how to use them.” You’re other hand went to his cheek. “Doesn’t keep clean shaven because he knows just how good the slight burn from it feels.” He swallowed, getting your drift. Moving your hand up, you gripped his hair. “Salt and pepper hair, making it even hotter when I call him daddy…” Don groaned. “And most of all?” You pulled him so your noses were almost touching. “Doesn’t wear a fucking suit and knows how to get real dirty.” Letting his tie go, you smoothed it out. Hearing the elevator ding, you looked around him and bit your lip. “Speaking of… I just saw the man that has me wrapped around him. Nightly.” You winked at him as you grabbed your purse, and walked by, swinging your hips.
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As soon as you were within reach, John grabbed you and pulled you close. His eyes were set on yours. “Last I checked you belonged to me so who the hell is that?” His voice was low, and possessive.
“Some pretty boy who thinks he has the right to hit on me. Don’t worry, Daddy. I put him in his place. Got him all wound up telling him all about my type. You.” You smirked before his lips came crashing down on yours, his hands gripping your ass tight.
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Don watched you from over his shoulder until Mike came over. “Don’t bother. You don’t stand a chance. That’s John Winchester’s woman. You’ll hear stories. Just wait.”
Don glanced at you again, this time John had your ass in his hands as he kissed you. Grinning, you laced your fingers with his and joined him on the elevator.
As soon as the doors shut, his mouth was on your neck. “You’re getting punished when we get home, baby girl.” He growled. “I’m going to have you soaked while you beg for me to fuck you.” You bit your lip. “After that sweet pussy clenches around my cock, I’m going to pound into your tight ass. I’m going to pump you full of my hot cum. You want that, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You panted, already feeling your arousal soak through your underwear.
He shifted so that his arm was around your waist innocently, you leaning against his side. The doors opened and a few others stepped on. You glanced up at him and smirked.
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The house you shared with John was about half an hour outside of town. Which gave you one hell of a drive. Once you were past the city limits, you kicked off your heels and pushed your skirt up. He did a double take, licking his lips. “What’re you doin’, baby girl?” He asked.
“Letting daddy see how wet he gets me.” You replied, slipping your thumbs in the sides of your underwear and slipping them down. Hanging them from the tip of your finger, you smirked. “Soaked right through.”
John shifted in his seat, his bulge pushing against his jeans. “I’m smacking that ass so hard when we get home.” He growled.
Shifting so that you were laying on your stomach, you slowly unzipped his jeans. Once he was free, you wasted no time taking him in your mouth, his hand tangling in your hair. Bobbing up and down on his length, moaning. As he just barely reached the back of your throat, you pulled back up, teasing him.
After you did this a few times, he started pushing your head. You moaned happily at the feeling of him pushing you down further. “Fuck, baby girl.” He groaned, hissing through his teeth. You were close to cumming just from him talking. His hand held you down as he came down your throat. You rolled your hips, looking for friction as you swallowed, whimpering.
You licked him clean and sat up, eyes wet, and cheeks tinted pink. “Thank you, Daddy.” You grinned.
“You’re fucking welcome. Goddamn.” He chuckled.
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Back at home, John kicked off his boots. “I’m hopping in the shower. Go put on something that’ll really get me going. Bend over the end of the bed, ass in the air, baby girl.” He kissed you gently, nipping your lip at the end and slapping your ass.
“Yes, Daddy.” You nodded, carrying your heels up stairs and heading towards your shared room. You put your heels away and stripped completely, contemplating what to wear. He’d spoiled you since you moved in, so you had no shortage of options. Biting your lip, you decided on one of his button up shirts, and a pair of lace crotch-less panties.
Bending over the end of the bed, you leaned on your forearms. Your feet were shoulder width apart, putting you on full display for him. His showers were never long, so you didn’t have to wait to hear his intake of breath when he saw you. He walked over to where you were, his hands running over the lace resting on your ass. You moaned as he gripped them and massaged them. He always did this before a good spanking. Extreme pleasure, followed by slight pain.
Only, this time, his hand ran over your slit, putting a slight amount of pressure against your clit. You were already throbbing for him. “Please, Daddy.” You whimpered, needing something. Anything.
John chuckled lightly before removing his hand, your ache increasing. You cried out when his hand connected with your backside.
“One, daddy.” You breathed.
He repeated the action ten times before massaging your ass again. “Learn your lesson, baby girl?” He asked, kissing up your back, the fabric moving slightly.
You wiggled your ass. “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.” He growled. John always saved those types of praises, so when those words rolled off his tongue, it had one hell of an effect. He wrapped your hair around his hand as he thrust into you. His right hand held him up as he slammed into you, over and over. Your eyes were screwed shut at the stretching feeling that he gave you.
“Right there, daddy.” You whimpered as he angled his hips up slightly. He pulled on your hair slightly, bringing your head back. He straightened himself up, his right hand gripping your hip tightly. “Can I cum, daddy? Please!” You begged, trying to hold off the wave of bliss trying to wash over you.
“Cum on daddy’s cock, baby girl.”
Crying out for him, you gripped the sheets, your head falling to the bed. He fucked  you through it, and then pulled out. John moved around the side of the bed, grabbing the lube from the nightstand. Your eyes went to him as he sat back against the headboard, opening the lube. He groaned as he began stroking himself, applying plenty of lube.
“Get on up here, baby girl.” He smirked as you scrambled up the bed. “Turn around.” He told you, slapping your ass when it was in sight. You opened your legs so your feet were on the outside of his thighs, your hands holding you up. He held your hip with one hand, and lined himself up with the other. Biting your lip, you lowered yourself onto his hard cock, taking him inch by inch into your ass.
You sat there for a minute before his strong hands were holding you up, his feet flat on the bed. “Daddy!” You gasped as he began pounding into you ass. His groans adding to your pleasure.
His head was back as he fucked you as hard as he could. “Fuck yourself, baby girl. Play with that sweet pussy.” He panted.
Nodding, you moved one of your hands between your legs and curled two fingers into your entrance. “So good.” You sighed.
John was barely pulling out at this point, keeping himself as deep as he could. You rolled your hips as he thrust before he slammed you down as his hips went up. He was deeper than ever before. He groaned as he pulsed inside you. You shook as you came, his name falling from your lips.
Your back was to his chest as you closed your eyes, a smile on your face. His arms wrapped around you, his lips brushed your neck, and you could feel his lips turn up, as well. “How’d I get so damn lucky, baby girl?”
You couldn’t help but smirk. “You haven’t felt that cock pounding into you.” You teased, earning a playful nip. “I’ve loved you for years, John. That’s how it happened.” You were tracing lines on his arm.
“Thank fucking God for that.”
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stardust-goddess · 1 year
Dean Winchester x Plus Size! Reader
Summary: Reader feels like she needs to put in extra effort to look and feel beautiful. Dean doesn’t think so.
A/N: hi everyone! I’m new to tumblr and writing but wanted to give this a shot. I feel like I might have made Dean out of character, but I think of this almost every morning when I get ready and just loved the idea. This is the first fanfic I’ve ever written, so let me know what you think and Enjoy!💕
The room was full of sunlight when you opened your eyes. Squinting at the brightness you took in the familiar surroundings of the motel room as you became more alert.
You and the boys were in Montana. Sam had found news articles of multiple murders from the past few months, all in close proximity to each other. With all the evidence leaning towards a possible werewolf, you and the boys packed up Baby and made your way to the latest murder scene to investigate. After a few days the hunt was successful and you all went back to the motel to get some sleep before heading back to the bunker.
Looking across from where you were, you noticed Sam’s bed was empty with a note on the pillow. ‘Probably out for his morning run’ you thought. Making a mental note to confirm that as soon as you got up. Turning slightly, you found Dean. He was still asleep, arms and body completely wrapped around you encasing you in warmth. You snuggled a little deeper in his embrace giving yourself a few extra minutes before finally getting up to start getting ready.
Slowly sitting up from the bed so Dean wouldn’t be disturbed, you untangled yourself from his arms. After checking Sam’s note and confirming he was in fact on a run and promised to bring back breakfast, you made your way to the bathroom. Starting to wash up for the day you looked over yourself in the mirror.
Looking at your bare face you sighed, today was definitely another makeup day. You’re skin looked a little blotchier then usual, with dark circles under your eyes, and a dull complexion. Eyes traveling a little further down you took in the rest of your body. Big arms, stomach, and thighs bounced back at you.
You had always felt insecure about your appearance. Being the size you were, you felt like whenever you were out in public people would stare. That they were judging you, and thinking you were big and sloppy looking when you really weren’t. This led you to putting extra effort into your appearance. Makeup always on, hair nicely styled, and a well put together outfit for the day. Being a hunter, this wasn’t something that you could pull off everyday, but you tried your best. On the days that you couldn’t, you always felt a little anxious, but Dean always made you feel better.
Dean made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Underneath his tough hunter persona, he was so gentle and loving. Always complimenting you, and taking care of you. While he helped your confidence little by little, you still couldn’t stop those negative thoughts racing through your mind from time to time. Those thoughts where you wished you looked like the women you saw on TV and magazines. Women who were skinny and effortlessly beautiful. Women who could throw on leggings and a t-shirt with little to no makeup, and looked like they stepped off the runway.
Shaking those thoughts from your head. You finished washing up. Grabbing your hand held mirror and makeup bag to bring back to the bed. You always like doing your makeup sitting on your bed. It was comfortable and you had plenty of space to spread your products around. Walking out of the bathroom you noticed Sam was still out. You also noticed that Dean was now awake, sitting against the headboard, and scrolling through his phone. Seeing you in his peripheral vision, Dean looked up and gave you a breathtaking smile. God he was so gorgeous.
“Good Morning Baby.” Dean said lovingly reaching his arm out for you.
“Morning Handsome.” giving him a smile of your own, you grabbed his outstretched hand and let him lead you back to the bed. Settling you in between his legs, he pressed a kiss to your cheek, making his way down to the part of your shoulder that was peeking out of your oversized shirt. His arms wrapped around you to pull you a little closer.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Good, I always sleep the best when you’re with me, you?” you replied grabbing your makeup bag to get what you needed.
“Great, because my gorgeous girl was next to me.”
Dean dropped more kisses to your shoulder making you giggle, but inside you felt a little pang of sadness. You just woke up there’s no way you looked gorgeous right now.
you fell into a comfortable silence after that, enjoying each other’s presence while you started your makeup. Putting concealer first then foundation you started to bounce your beauty blender across your face, making sure everything got covered evenly. Once that was done you started coating your lashes in mascara. Dean watched you from your little mirror as you worked. Rubbing little circles into your hips with his thumbs, Dean broke the silence.
“Baby, you know we’re going to be in the car most of the day right? You don’t have to get all dolled up if you don’t want to.”
Stopping mid mascara swipe you looked down in your lap for a second before continuing
“I know, but I have too. If I want to look good I have to put the extra effort in.”
Dean’s brows scrunched together in confusion.
“Extra effort? What do you mean? You always look beautiful.”
Finishing your mascara you close the tube and look back down in your lap.
“I have to put more work in to look pretty. If I don’t people will see me and think I’m lazy and sloppy. I’m already big I don’t need to add more fuel to the fire”
Dean couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew you had insecurities and did his best to remind you that you were amazing and let your confidence shine through. Despite this you did still have some bad days, but this is first time you expressed those negative thoughts so bluntly. He couldn’t let those thoughts continue a second longer. Angling your body more towards him, Dean tucked some loose hair behind your ear before tilting your chin up.
“Listen to me baby, strangers opinions on the street don’t matter. They don’t have the honor of knowing how amazing you are. You’re so selfless and hard working. You constantly put others before yourself, saving people and helping me and Sammy make the world a little better. You’re not lazy and definitely not sloppy you’re stunning.”
Pulling you a little closer Dean continues
“Makeup, or no makeup, dressed up or dressed down you always look so pretty and so amazing. I get lost in those gorgeous eyes and this gorgeous body. I love the way you feel in my hands and pressed against me. You’re absolutely beautiful inside and out.”
You close your eyes, a little overwhelmed by his sweet words. He was right, others opinions didn’t matter. Finally finding your voice you speak up
“I just can’t help it sometimes. You could have any gorgeous woman on your arm, but you picked me. I feel like I have to prove to the world that I deserve you.”
Closing the rest of the distance between you, Dean presses a searing kiss to your lips. A kiss so full of love and want you feel warmth spread through your body. Breaking the kiss Dean cups your cheek, thumb running across your bottom lip.
“You have nothing to prove. I already have a gorgeous woman and I’m not letting her go anywhere.”
Blushing you let a smile work it’s way across your lips.
“There’s that smile I love, brightens my whole day.”
Moving you back into your original position, Dean slips his hand under your shirt. Rubbing small circles on your back while the other hand grabs your lipstick handing it to you.
“You already look beautiful baby but might as well finish what you started.”
Grabbing the tube you also grab your discarded mirror to finish up. Feeling lighter after talking with Dean. You were beautiful, you were confident, and with Dean by your side you could take on the world.
“I love you Dean, thank you.”
“I love you too baby, always.”
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
Through the Shadows: Chapter 29 - The Happy Ending
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader
Series Summary: A hunter's Journey through despair and recovery is guided by Dean Winchester's unwavering love, leading her to reclaim her strength, voice and hope for their shared future.
Chapter Summary: Life didn't just return back to normal for Dean and Y/N, it became greater than ever could be imagined.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
A/N: Here we are, the end to this series! Thanks so much for reading, and for all your support <3
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Months turned to a year, and life had slowly begun to blossom with a sense of normalcy. The days had become a beautiful rhythm of healing and growth, a testament to the strength and love that had carried her through the darkest times.
Her ability to walk had improved immensely, each step a milestone celebrated with joyous smiles and quiet moments of reflection. Talking had also become easier, her voice gradually finding its strength, the raspy whisper evolving into a soft yet clear sound.
Dean's encouragement had been her constant companion, his faith in her unwavering even when hers faltered.
Today, as Y/N stood at the edge of the shore, staring at the sun dipping over the water, she felt a profound sense of peace. Dean stood beside her, his eyes warm with pride and love.
The place was special to both of them, a secluded spot that became a second home, a place where the past and future seemed to merge into a single, beautiful moment.
Dean reached for her hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Ready to go?" he asked, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver of anticipation throughout her body.
She nodded, a smile curving her lips as she began to walk with him. Y/N moved with a grace that had once seemed impossible, a reflection of the countless hours of practice and the relentless determination that had driven her forward.
As she walked, memories of their journey together flooded her mind. The countless hunts, the moments of laughter and tears, the quiet evenings spent wrapped in each-other's arms-all these moments had shaped the love they shared, had brought them to a future where love was achievable.
When they reached a small hill, Dean paused, his eyes shining with emotion. "I have something for you," he spoke, pulling a small, worn box from his pocket.
Y/N's heart quickened as he knelt down, the world seeming to hold its breath. He opened the box to reveal a simple yet elegant ring, it's delicate design a perfect reflection of your journey together-beautiful, enduring and full of hope.
"Since the day I met you, my life changed in ways I never thought possible." he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Remember when we made that promise? That we wouldn't fall in love? We thought it would protect us, keep things simple. But you.. you were impossible not to love. You showed me what true strength is, what it means to fight even when everything seems lost."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened, each word ringing deeply within her soul. "You turned my world upside down, and I wouldn't change a single moment of it," he continued, his voice breaking with emotions. "You taught me that love isn't about avoiding pain like I usually do. It's about finding someone who makes every struggle worth it. You are that person for me. You are my strength, my light and my reason to believe in something more. Please, I love you, will you marry me?"
Y/N's heart swelled with a penetrating love as she looked down at him, the world narrowing to this single, perfect moment. "Dean," she whispered, her voice steady and filled with emotions. "When I couldn't walk, you took the steps for me, when I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, couldn't process, you did that all for me. You showed me that I was worthy of love, you did everything for me. I love you more than I could ever say. Of course I'll marry you."
His hand trembled slightly as he slipped the ring onto her finger. The world seemed to hold its breath as Y/N fell into his arms, laughter and tears mingling in a joyous harmony. His hand brushed the hair out of her face, pressing a kiss tenderly to her lips. "I love you." he murmured, his voice a soft caress. "Always."
Y/N smiled through her tears, her heart brimming with hapiness. "I love you too."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in beautiful colours of gold and pink, they stood together, a sihouette against the fading light. The future stretched out before them, a canvas of endless possibilities.
In that moment, Y/N knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with Dean by her side, hearts forever intertwined. As she looked into Dean's eyes, she couldn't help but echo the words that once felt impossible, but now held a truth deeper than she could have either imagined: "I guess some promises were meant to be broken."
The End
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! This series is now complete.
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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hintsofhoney · 2 years
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester x Castiel
Summary: Dean takes Cas out to a ballgame. The Kiss Cam shows them no mercy.
Tags: 16+, baseball game, kissing, fuffy fluff fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Inspired by a TikTok I saw. Beta’d by my angels @wayward-dreamer and @makeadealwithdean. That pretty much covers it.
You can also read me on Ao3!
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Having Cas back didn’t feel real. Losing him hadn’t felt real either, but Dean never had to remind himself that he was gone when he had been in the empty — now he had to pinch himself every five minutes to make sure that Cas wasn’t a hallucination. Now it didn’t feel real in a good way, instead of not feeling real in a drinking-himself-into-oblivion-on-the-library-floor way. 
What Cas had confessed that night almost a year ago still hasn’t been talked about. Dean didn’t know how to bring it up. He didn’t know how to tell the angel that all he’d been wanting to do since Jack brought him back was kiss him stupid and never let him out of his sight again. So, Dean opts for dates, because he’s not good with his words. Besides, isn’t Cas supposed to be able to read his mind anyway? 
Dean doesn’t call them dates — not out loud, anyway — but they’re all intricately planned out with the intention to introduce Cas to all the behind-the-scenes things that Dean loves while also teaching him how to have fun the human way. Dean’s got interests besides hunting monsters, you know. And that wasn’t even an itch he was tempted to scratch anymore. Not since they got Cas back. 
The first not-date was a trip to the ice cream shop in town. Dean got chocolate chip and Cas got strawberry, and they sat outside and talked about all the things Cas had missed in the six months that he’d been gone. The second was mini-golf, where Cas had asked if it was “the game that Claire beat you in?” to which Dean had to deny even though he knew Cas knew he was lying through his teeth — he had watched Claire text him the score card that night. A week after mini-golf was a movie night, where Cas didn’t complain once about Dean making him watch Tombstone again. The fourth not-date was at Dean’s favorite burger joint, where he happily listened to Cas chastise him about how bad greasy food was for your cholesterol, because it was Cas sitting across from him and not the empty seat he had gotten used to for half a year. 
Today is not-date number five, and it’s the one Dean is most excited about. Admittedly, it‘s been years since he’s been to a baseball game. He went to a few after Adam had admitted that John had taken him to one when he was a kid, maybe to prove to himself that he didn’t need his dad to make childhood dreams come true, or maybe because he had been hoping that his dad could see him somehow, happy without him. Either way, he ended up enjoying it quite thoroughly. The environment more so than the game, and the food more so than the environment — but he’s excited to introduce Cas to it all. Cas, on the other hand, hasn’t got a clue as to why humans are so interested in watching people hit balls with bats and run around in circles — but he’s happy to be wherever Dean is.
“Here you go, buddy,” Dean grunts as he takes a seat next to the angel, handing him a hot dog while he places his nachos in his lap. 
“Thank you,” Cas replies, staring at the food. He had made the mistake of telling Dean that his burgers had tasted good a few days after he was brought back, when in reality he was just being nice and everything still tasted like molecules. He didn’t have the heart to tell Dean otherwise, though. Not when he was so excited to introduce Cas to so many new foods. 
“Alright,” Dean begins, mouth full of nachos, “that’s home base.” He points to a white plate on the field, and Cas has to squint to make out which one he’s referring to. “The one closest to us,” Dean explains, noticing Cas’s confusion. “And then going counter-clockwise, it’s first base, second base, and third base. You get points by…”
By the end of Dean’s explanation, Cas is certain he could go out there and play the game himself. “I think I understand,” he states. “So when does it begin?”
Dean snorted a laugh, nearly choking on his beer. “Dude, it’s been going for like an hour.”
“Oh. It isn’t very exciting, then.”
“It never is until the end.”
It’s the end of the sixth inning, and Cas feels like he’s never sat through anything longer in his life. He supposes it is getting slightly more exciting, as the scores are close and the crowd is starting to care more, but he still doesn’t understand why people willingly sit through this. Not that he minds — as long as Dean is happy. Right now they’re playing the latest pop song and showing audience members dancing on the jumbo screen hanging above the field, and Dean laughs at a little boy who couldn’t be more than ten doing a dance called “flossing”. Cas only knows what it’s called because Jack was very proud of himself when he learned it, and attempted to teach everyone in the bunker — unsuccessfully.
“Remember when Jack —”
“Almost had me dislocate my hip trying to learn that shit? Yeah. I had to hear about it from Sam for fuckin’ weeks.” 
“I thought it was very nice of you to indulge him, Dean. I never took you for the dancing type.”
Dean tries to hide the blush creeping up in his cheeks from the compliment. “Yeah, well, if I wasn’t before, I’m definitely not now. Hip’s still sore.” 
Cas smiles and looks back up to the screen, surprised to see two crowd members kissing. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Kiss cam?” he reads the hot pink font at the bottom of the screen. 
Dean looks up from his second helping of nachos. “Oh, yeah. Kiss cam,” he repeats, as if that explains everything. Cas blinks at him. He sighs. “When the camera lands on you, you’re supposed to kiss. It’s like a staple baseball game thing. Spreading the love or whatever.”
“And what if the person you are seated next to is not a significant other?”
“Then it’s really awkward,” Dean chuckles, trying to imagine what he’d do if the kiss cam landed on him and Cas. Not that he was hoping for it or anything, but maybe it’d be his chance to —
“Oh, yes,” Cas interrupts his thoughts. “I suppose this is awkward.”
Dean’s mortified. He blinks a few times, making sure that it’s really his face up there next to Cas’s. There’s no mistaking the lumberjack flannel and tan trench coat staring back at him, and he’s not sure what to do. Of course he wants to kiss Cas. But here? Now? His throat is dry as he looks over to the angel and laughs awkwardly, his hand waving off the camera — no, fuck, why is he doing that? He should kiss him — he should grab Cas by the collar and fucking kiss him because this is the perfect excuse. But he’s too slow, and the camera moves on. 
They sit in silence for a few moments, Dean glancing at Cas, Cas intently watching the screen. Maybe if he watched it hard enough the camera would come back to them. Maybe Cas could finally finish what he had started to say all those months ago, before he was taken. Maybe he could finally do what he wanted to do that night. Maybe —
Now his throat is dry as he sees himself on the screen again. His eyes grow wide as he looks over to Dean, who’s staring at the jumbotron with his mouth slightly agape.
Dean risks a side-eye over at Cas. He can hear the crowd chanting “kiss, kiss, kiss”, although everything is muffled. He turns his head, and fully looks at Cas, who seems expectant, almost. Okay, so he’s cool with Dean kissing him. Is he cool with Dean kissing him? Don’t overthink it, you moron.
Cas licks his lips instinctively, because God, Dean’s right there. But he can’t bring himself to do it. Does Dean even want this? 
The camera moves on again. They’re brought back to reality by the disappointed groans from the crowd. Dean’s red in the face, scratching his neck awkwardly. Cas looks back to the screen, because he doesn’t know where else to look. Dean follows his lead and then — shit — there’s his face again. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” 
It’s loud in his ears now, and he pushes every last doubt to the back of his mind as he turns to face Cas. He asks what he needs to with a tilt of his head, and Cas replies with a nod, and then Dean’s reaching for the collar of his trenchcoat and pulling him forward, and he’s finally kissing him the way he’s wanted to for months. For years, really. 
Cas’s hands come to cup Dean’s face, and the crowd is going crazy, reminding the two of them that they are, in fact, being watched by thousands of people. Millions, probably, if the people watching at home count. And the best part of it all is that Dean doesn’t care. He doesn’t care who’s watching, because he’s kissing the man he loves and Cas’s lips are soft and Dean’s nerves are gone and everything feels right. 
They don’t stay for the seventh inning.
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ambersgems · 2 years
Bonded - Epilogue - Dean Winchester x Reader
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Summary: Soulmate AU where you can feel your soulmate's emotions. When you meet, usually their name appears on your wrist.
A/N: Finally here! So sorry this took SO long to get out. I've been kinda drained. Any feedback is appreciated! I also would love requests for anything Dean, Chris Evans characters, or Sebastian Stan characters! It can be blurbs, drabbles, or longer!
Word Count: 2.4K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
P.S. I know that this is not in line with the timeline of the show, but for the purposes of this fic the boys already have the Bunker. 
8 months later.
Reader POV
Waking up was different now. You woke up every morning with at least one of Dean’s arms wrapped around you and there was usually a leg wrapped around you too. Today was no different. Your eyes opened lazily as you woke up in your usual spot, halfway on top of Dean with one of his arms around your back and his thigh in between the two of yours. Your head was always laid on his chest. You didn’t even know why you had your own pillow on the bed, you never used it. Dean never allowed you to.
His other arm moved up and brushed some hair out of your face, signaling that he was also awake, causing you to lift your head and look up at him. His bright green eyes were wide open, staring down at you with the same adoration he had every morning. 
If Dean was known for not being an early riser, you were notorious for it. You realized he had probably been awake for a little while now, but he didn’t want to wake you, so he had been holding you while you slept. It was things like this that made your heart clench in your chest, in a good way. 
“G’Morning, gorgeous,” you hear him murmur, his voice was husky and deep with sleep, causing your cheeks to burn.
“How long have you been up?” you ask shyly, biting your lip as your eyes slide over his face and down his chest, admiring the freckles that littered his body. They were everywhere and so uniquely him.
“‘Bout an hour, but I didn’t wanna wake you. S’beautiful when you sleep on my chest like this. Reminds me of a little baby, my little baby,” he says, a smile tugging at his lips. His fingertips slide up and down your back, before he leans his head up to give your forehead a kiss.
A smile breaks across your face. Dean was incredibly soft with you. He could be quite harsh with everyone else, but the moment you were in his presence he softened. It shocked the hell out of Sam the first time he had ever seen it. He was gnashing teeth and barking orders, but the second you came up to him, placing your small hand against his chest, he immediately calmed and apologized to you and was saying he hoped he hadn’t scared you. It threw Sam for a loop, but it became something he took note of, now knowing how to reign in his older brother when necessary.
You shake your head and giggle slightly at Dean’s affectionate words and stare, rolling your eyes playfully. “You should have woken me up. You don’t have to just lay here because I’m asleep,” you say sincerely, feeling a little guilty he had been up for so long.
“First of all, I don’t have to do anything. I think I have proved to you that no one makes me do anything I don’t want to do - and you know that I absolutely love spending any time with you alone that I can, even if you are just sleeping on me.” he states plainly, “Second of all, I would never wake up the birthday girl before she’s ready!” he adds with a huge grin spreading across his cheeks, causing the lines beside his eyes to form. You just knew one day those lines were going to become a more permanent feature on his face, and you loved it. It was just another thing that made him Dean.
Before you could protest, Dean was yelling loudly. “Sammy! She’s awake!”
Sam came bursting through the door, balloons in hand as well as a tray full of all of your favorite breakfast foods. 
“Happy Birthday, Y/N/N!” he cheered as he set the tray down on the foot of the bed.
You quickly sat up in the bed, your cheeks heated due to your lack of clothes. The only thing you were wearing was one of Dean’s old Led Zeppelin t-shirts. Thankfully, it fit more like a dress than anything. 
“Thank you so much. You didn’t have to go to all of this trouble,” you smiled at Sam gratefully. You honestly weren’t sure how your birthday was going to go this year. There were still a lot of things left to learn about the Winchesters, but Dean and Sam had already made you feel like you were family.
“Well, I’d love to take the credit, but this was all Dean. Dean always makes the Winchesters’ birthdays special, always made sure mine was special, too, growing up,” he says with a fond smile. 
Your eyes snap open, “You think I’m a Winchester?” you ask in shock, turning slightly to look between the two brothers.
“You think you’re not?” Dean asks, a frown forming on his face.
“Well, I don’t know. It’s not like we’re married or anything. It’s not like we can even get married, with you being wanted by the FBI and all,” you say with a shrug.
“Sweetheart, you’re my soulmate. My bonded soulmate. You are just as a part of this family as Sam or I am. You’re a Winchester as far as we’re concerned. Hell, if you want to change your name, nothing in the world would make me prouder than for you to have my last name. You haven’t been caught with us yet, you could simply change your name with no questions asked,” Dean rambles, his hand reaching out to grasp your own.
“Really?” You ask quietly, your heart racing in your chest, eyes darting back and forth between Dean and Sam, seeing both men nod their heads rapidly.
You leap forward, arms wrapping around Dean’s neck as you kiss his cheek. You giggle as he wraps his arms around you, sliding his hands up and down your back, pulling you to sit in his lap. 
Your giggles stop for a moment as you blink your eyes a couple of times, feeling a bit lightheaded. Dean can feel you getting weak almost instantly. Immediately he snaps into overprotective mode. 
“Y/N? Y/N what’s wrong, talk to me, baby,” he says urgently, concern evident in his voice. 
You shake your head, giving him another laugh. “Dean, calm down. Just got lightheaded for a second there. I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure? I could feel you getting weak,” he says, clearly not taking what you stated as truth. 
“I’m fine. Let’s just eat breakfast. I need coffee!” you say, bouncing in his lap with a smile, feeling his arms wrap tighter around you. You knew he was still feeling protective. You could literally feel the stress from him.
His serious face finally cracks and he lets a smile show, “alright, sweetheart, let’s have breakfast,” he relents. “But just know, my real breakfast starts when Sammy leaves,” he smirks.
“Oh, gross!”
After breakfast, Dean’s second breakfast, and getting ready for the day (with a lot of Dean distractions in between), you had finally managed to make it to the library to read a bit. 
Ever since Dean had told you about the world that he was a part of, you had become fascinated with everything that had to do with lore. Dean liked to brag on you and say that his girl was a genius, but you knew he was just being silly. You were just hyper observant. Plus, it wasn’t all that hard to read him as your soulmate. 
You quite liked reading up on all of the mythology, though, and you had become very well acquainted with it all in such a short period of time. Sam claimed by the time you were 3 months in with them that you already knew just as much as he did, if not more. Your retention of information astounded both Dean and Sam. 
It still worried you to no end to let Dean go out on hunts. How could it not? Dean was literally one half of your soul, and you had to sit and wait at the bunker while he went to go fight the evil of the world. 
“He’s a lot more cautious now that he’s met you,” rang in your ears. It was one of the first things Sam said to you after you waited at the bunker for him to come home from his first hunt since you had met. Sometimes that rang in your head over and over again. You hoped that it was true. You don’t know how you’d survive without Dean.
You loved the library so much that Dean had a couch put in there especially for you to curl up on. He knew how much you liked to curl up with a blanket while you read, so he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible while you researched leads for one of their cases. Even though Dean had forbade you from ever going out into “the field” for cases, he allowed you to help with the research, so as long as you stayed in the bunker while he worked on a case. 
You curled up to your spot on the couch, pulling your fuzzy blanket up your legs and cracking open your book. Dean was taking his shower, since you denied allowing him to take his with you this morning, otherwise he would likely be sat behind you while you read your book.
You noticed that same lightheaded feeling again, as your eyes scanned over the pages. You shook your head, trying your best to have it go away. Suddenly a wave of nausea hit you, but you remained seated as you tried to steady yourself. You didn’t want to alert Dean. He was already so overprotective of you. You knew he would stress out if he thought you were even remotely sick. 
You could feel the weakness in your body. You really hoped that you weren’t coming down with something. This was the first time you’d actually ever enjoyed your birthday.
You heard the wet slaps of feet hitting the concrete floor coming down the hallway before you saw a soaking wet Dean with a towel loosely hanging on his hips. He rushed towards you on the couch, kneeling down beside you. His hands instinctively made their way to the sides of your face, holding your head up for you.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. I got you. I got you - I’m here, baby,” he whispers, looking into your weak eyes.
You couldn’t explain the way you were feeling. The nausea was overwhelming, and you felt so dizzy you thought you might pass out. At first, you thought it might be the bond, like what happened the first time, but this felt different. It didn’t feel as connected to Dean as before.
Before you could ask Dean what was happening, your eyes rolled into the back of your head and things went black.
Dean’s POV
He was in the middle of his shower, rinsing his hair as he felt it. Something was wrong. He could feel you getting sick, just like he had earlier. Something was off. You were weak this morning, weak right now. He knew you were about to get sick.
Quickly, he jumped out of the shower, grabbing a towel off the rack and wrapping it around his waist before taking off down the hall to the library. He didn’t care that he was soaking wet as he ran to find you. Panic was starting to settle into his veins as he felt you getting weaker.
As soon as he reached you he knelt down in front of you, placing his hands on the sides of your face. He knew he had to help keep your face up, as he could feel the strength leaving your body.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. I got you. I got you - I’m here, baby,” he whispers, looking into your weak eyes, knowing you were about to pass out.
He caught you as you fell, making sure to lay you down gently on the couch. 
“Oh, sweet girl, it’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay,” he whispered softly, knowing you couldn’t hear him.
He had started connecting dots over the past couple of days. You were different. You weren’t eating the same. Your sleep was off. He could feel how tired you were. He could feel the exhaustion. Now with the nausea, weakness, and passing out? Dean prided himself on knowing you and this was all coinciding with a date that he would never forget. 
He smiled down at you as he gently brushed your hair from your face, feeling you stir underneath his touch. 
“Are you back with me, sweetheart?” he asks you gently, watching you intently as your eyes slowly open.
“What happened?” he hears you ask him blearily, feeling your fear begin to spark.
His smile widens as his eyes take you in with adoration. 
“You remember second breakfast on Labor Day weekend, baby girl?” he asks with a smirk, pride swelling in his chest.
Your brows furrow, and he chuckles at the sight.
“Yes?” you reply, not understanding why he would reference something at a time like this.
“You also know how we told you you’re part of the Winchester family? And you ought to go and change your name?” he asks, smirking again at your confusion.
“Yes?” you respond again, still swimming in unknown thoughts.
“Well, sweetheart, we’re expanding that family by one more now, and you damn sure better be giving them our last name,” he grins, his smile crinkling at his eyes.
He could feel the love swelling in your chest and see both the shock and excitement on your face. He could hardly contain his own.
“You’re serious? We- we’re having a baby?” you ask, tears filling your eyes.
“Yes, we’re having a baby, baby!” he replies, placing a hand on your lower stomach. 
“We can go to change my name tomorrow,” you grin.
“I think it’s very fitting that we found out today, actually,” he says, his hand gently rubbing your stomach.
“Today, you’ve reached the Age of Choice. You’ve chosen to be with me, and now we’ve found out that the two of us have created the ultimate bond. A baby. One soul, that is quite literally half you and half me,” he announces, tears beginning to fill his own eyes. 
Your eyes light up as you place your hand on top of his, smiling as you say,
“Bonded. Forever.”
Tagged by Request: @imaginedreamwrite @suckitands33 @chase-porter @hobby27 @sarahgracej @deansbxtchboy @globetrotter28 @lindalouh
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 82
Jump the Shark
"Jump the Shark"
Plot Description: A 19 year old boy named Adam calls Sam and Dean looking for John Winchester; the boy claims to be his son.
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: If there's one thing I've learned in nearly four full seasons, don't fuck a Winchester. You're gonna die. So, I think I'm good.
This week's run of episodes has been buck wild. I mean, we got backstory, pure angst, astral projection, one of the BEST and most DRAMA FILLED episodes I've seen, alternate universe, meeting god, and now secret family member. I feel like I'm just WATCHING ao3. There's one thing missing (this being Supernatural and all), but I'M not missing it.
Oh they got the back window of the impala fixed. Dean's having the ROUGHEST of mornings. He didn't look this rough CRAWLING OUT OF THE GRAVE.
I LOVE how skeptical Dean is. You really can't be too careful. At the same time, everything being presented as evidence that Adam is telling the truth, and Dean's just dismissing it as coincidence...you've never done that before, babe. The daddy issues are so fucking strong in this one. I should know, I specialize in characters with daddy issues
NO I'M NOT FUCKING CRYING. I'm not crying because Adam got the dad who took him to BASEBALL GAMES. They might not have been close while Adam was growing up, but the moment John knew about Adam's existence, he dropped EVERYTHING (*cough his other sons but really mostly Dean because Sam was in college doing his own thing cough*) to go meet him. It might not have been the perfect parent-child relationship and it was probably still fairly distant, but it's a hell of a lot more than Dean got. (Did Horikoshi watch Supernatural before writing MHA? Did he see this and go "I could do a family drama like this") John made it to Adam's birthdays but Dean had to steal Christmas presents so Sam would have something to open...I'M GONNA FUCKING SCREAM AND THEN BEAT JOHN WITH A BAT IN HELL. ALISTAIR WON'T HAVE TIME TO TORTURE ME, I'D HOP OFF THAT RACK TO KICK THE SHIT OUT OF JOHN WINCHESTER IM-FUCKING-MEDIATELY.
God, Dean, petty is a good look on you, I swear. Adam's just finding out that a whole lot of movie and mythological monsters and creatures are real, and your only comment is that Godzilla is just a movie.
GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, sorry, I'm having so many big feelings about Dean today. He's so furious at John. He's so disgusted that Adam had the relationship with John that Dean had for a short time, til he was four, and it was ripped away from him. That was the relationship HE wanted, that HE deserved to have, and he did EVERYTHING TO HOPEFULLY MAKE HIS DAD PROUD OF HIM, followed in EVERY SINGLE FOOT STEP. BUT JOHN NEVER WAS. JOHN ONLY EVER SAW DEAN'S MISTAKES. IT'S HOW DEAN KNEW AZAZEL WAS POSSESSING JOHN BECAUSE HE FORGAVE DEAN'S MISTAKE AND DIDN'T MAKE IT A BIG DEAL. BUT DEAN'S STILL DOING IT by protecting Adam. By saying "Dad didn't want our lives for Adam, and I'm going to keep it that way." Aren't you tired of being nice, Dean? Don't you just wanna go apeshit?
(It's going to take me so long to get through this episode if I keep stopping to make Dean/Touya parallels.)
What the fuck is this monster??
Oh, Sammy, you're more like your old man than you want to admit. You find out you have a little brother and it's IMMEDIATELY "let's train him to be a hunter, he needs to be ready for anything that might come after him." You would hardly believe this is the same Sam who wanted to walk away from this life, who did for a while and went to college and law school, who resented John for making their lives like this.
Oh, but at the same time...at the same time he thinks he's just being like Dean was for him. Doing what he can to look out for him, offering praise when he does something well...his insistence that Adam join in is very John but his approach to teaching Adam is all Dean
Sam. No. John did not do right by you boys. I can't believe you're saying this...Ugggghhhhhh, Sam wants to drag Adam down into the hell that is their lives because his chance at that got ruined. But Dean wants to give Adam the chance that got taken from Sam.
Y'all are both jealous of him...stop lying to yourselves.
Oh shit. Oh fuck. WHAT??? HOW LONG HAS ADAM NOT BEEN ADAM??? Oh...it was the whole time...cool.
So, what term DO you prefer, ma'am?
Did...did ya get that out of your system for another couple seasons, Dean? First Baby took a beating after John died, now you beat in the head of the ghoul who pretended to be the little brother you didn't know you had...What's to come near the end of season six? (Aside from my favorite Cas-centric episode)
THAT'S WHAT I SAID, DEAN!!!!! "you know why you and dad butted heads so much? you're practically the same person" and "you're more like him than I'll ever be" (derogatory)
"Been On My Mind...": No. 8...???
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scottishcat1988 · 24 days
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Knight in shining armor - Dean Winchester x Reader
part 4
You let out a soft sigh as you sat down on your bed. You took your book in your hands but only fidgeted with its pages instead of reading some. You had woken up extra early today and as usual Anna and the rest of the maids had come to help you get dressed. It surely was something you could do on your own, especially in this case that no corset was involved, but they insisted nonetheless. They had gotten you ready quickly, mostly since they did not have to do much other than help you put on a quite simple and yet elegant dress and style your hair.
Now you were just sitting on your own in your room playing with the book in your hands with plenty of time to kill till… Dean would come for you.
You bit your lip at the thought of it and the fact that you were going to spend the entire day with him. You would occasionally go on stroll in the woods with your father, riding your horses and chatting while enjoying the warmth of the sun. As your father had told you yesterday night, though, he would not be able to come with you because he had some sort of business. He had told you, though, that Dean would be by your side the entire day. It seemed as if he was the only one that your father thought would be enough qualified to not only protect you properly in case something happened but also keep you good company. Sure you would have a few other soldiers, just like every time, there with you to make sure you were alright but luckily for you your dad did not think that was enough.
“If I am not there, then the only person that I trust to take good care of you is Dean” he had said and you clearly remember being unable to hide the smile from your face.
The thought of getting to spend an entire day just with Dean excited you to no end. You loved being close to him, that you had realized from the very beginning. You loved being able to see his forest-green eyes, to gaze into them and try to study Dean. You certainly wanted to know him better. You loved being able to see the freckles that dusted over his nose and cheeks. Every time you were close you tried to count them but as expected you failed. You loved taking in every little detail of his, whether it would be his soft-looking spiky hair, his strong jaw or his full lips that, you would confess to that, you had caught yourself thinking more than plenty of time how they would taste.
Thoughts like that kept running through your mind and thoughts like that had been running through your mind all night, leaving little to no room for sleep. You had barely managed to sleep that was very much true but you found yourself not to really caring. You were so excited for getting to spend time with Dean today that you could not think about anything else, sleep included. You had fallen asleep at some point, yes, but had you also woken up pretty early. Your excitement was taking the best of you and you had to remind yourself a good few times that there was not much to expect from this. Like what could come from it? Him to suddenly confess that he was in love with you?
You scoffed at the thought. No way. You had just known each other - well at least you him - for a day and you suddenly expected him to say it? No you didn’t. Why would he even say it when you - that there was no doubt you felt something about him - could not even admit to yourself that you were in love with that man. It was not something that you had experienced before, though, so you could not really know.
But other than being in his presence, having a talk with him was what made you even more excited. The small talk you’ve had the night before had given you the chance to to know him a little bit more. It gave an insight on his personality and you would be lying if you said you didn’t like him even more after that. Just like you would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt to hear him talk about himself the way he just had. Hearing him say how he believed he did not deserve something good hurt you and it certainly was something you wanted to change.
A knock on the door made your head snap to its direction and your breath hitch on your throat. A smile spread on your lips as you could barely hold yourself from running to open the door.
“Hey” you breathed out as soon you opened the door.
“Hey. ‘Morning” he said with a smile.
“So are you… ready to go or do you need some more time?” he asked and you shook your head.
“No, no I’m good. We can go” you said with a smile of your own, and closing the door behind you you followed him as he lead you to the back of the castle where they kept the animals and therefore the horses.
“So how was your morning so far?” you asked in hoped of starting a conversation with him again.
You saw a smile form on his lips and he soon burst into laughter.
“What?” you asked immediately.
“Nothing it’s just- really?” he raised an eyebrow and you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Yes, really. I don’t understand what you find funny in this. I was simply asking you a question” you said, trying to fake hurt but the smile on your face said otherwise. Mostly because you were happy to have gotten him to be more open towards you and not formal all the time, calling you constantly princess like last night.
“Alright then” he said the smile still on his lips, putting his hands behind his back “It was quite good. What about you, princess” he faked an accent.
You playfully groaned “Good till now. Why do you keep calling me princess, though?” you looked at him a little bit seriously and a little bit sad because you had yet to hear him say your name “I mean yes I am one but that doesn’t really matter to me. Can’t you just call me (Y/n)?” you asked softly and he let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry princess but I don’t have that right. You are above me. You are the king’s daughter and I just a knight in your castle.” he said apologetically.
“But… can’t you just call me by my name when it’s only you and me?” you asked, voice soft and low like a whisper.
Dean bit his lip in thought and you could see his inner battle. Before he could answer, though, you had already reached your destination.
“Princess!” one of the soldiers that had joined you many times before and would join you now came closer to you holding something that looked like a greenish-blue cape.
“It is a really sunny day, your mother insisted that you take this.” he said and you gave him a small nod, walking a little bit forward so that he could put it over your shoulders.
But before he could even so touch you Dean stopped him, a small glare evident on his face “No, I’ll do it. You go make sure our princess’ horse is ready” he said taking the cape.
The soldier was hesitant in the beginning, looking at Dean with a frown but did as he was told nonetheless. Dean was higher in hierarchy after all, so he could not do otherwise but followed his orders.
Dean muttered something under his breath but clearing his throat he turned to you coming behind you he drapped the cape over your bear shoulders. His hands came into contact with them and made you slightly jump at the shot of electricity that run through you.
“You alright?” he asked worried and swallowing you gave him a small nod.
His hands made their way in front of you - even though he was still behind you - to tie the straps of your cape. You slightly turned your head to look at him and felt your breath hitch on your throat when you saw his face over your shoulder and so close to yours. He turned his head and your faces were now just a few inches apart as he gazed down at you and you found yourself unable to take your eyes off his. His warm breath that was fanning over your cheek was now mixed with yours and everything seemed to get hazy.
“There” his rough voice said, breaking you out of your daze; after having tied the straps of the cape so it wouldn’t fall off.
“Thank you, Dean” you whispered and he smiled just slightly.
“No problem… (Y/n)” he said and you took in a sharp breath, a smile forming on your lips at his words.
Oh boy, did you love how your name rolled off his tongue and how sweet it sounded even when he said it with that husky voice of his.
“Now…” he came in front of you and put the hoodie of the cape over your head, fixing some of your hair out of your face or behind your ear “Come on. We must get going” he finished, brushing his thumb just lightly over your cheek and you gave him a final and small nod.
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t enjoy this stroll in the woods more than any other before. Sure your father was not with you today but what made it better than any other time before it was the fact that Dean was with you.
Just like when it was you and your father, the four soldiers that accompanied you were on their horses but a good few feet away from you that were on the front. They were far enough so that they would not be able to hear what you were talking about but far enough just to be able to see that you were alright and that you didn’t need anything.
You and Dean were on your horses on the front talking about anything and everything that came to your mind. You loved even more the fact that you got to hear some more of his stories, adventures that he’s been through. This time with his brother Sam. You were having an amazing time with him as you enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the slight breeze that blew through the rustling leafs of the trees. The sound of the birds singing gave to it a more fairy-tale-like environment.
But you actually caught yourself more interested in Dean than anything else around you. You talked more and you were glad you finally got the chance to get to know him better. He was just like you had thought he would be. The first impressions you had from him and your small talk the previous night proved to the fact that he truly a man that cared for his loved ones deeply and would do anything for them. He had a big heart, he was caring and damn was he funny! Your stomach still hurt from the previous feat of laughter he had thrown you in with one more of his lame - but rather funny to you - jokes. He was a little bit cocky as well, you had to point that one out, but you were glad that he was being his true self in front of you instead of just pretending to be someone he wasn’t just so that you would like him.
And the best thing of all was that he no longer used that title you had come to hate over the years. Princess. You loved how your name rolled off his lips. It made pleasant shivers run down your spine and a smile always appear on your lips. Even though he would not say it often, every time felt like a true melody. At some point you actually caught yourself wondering how it would be to hear him sing.
“Oh my gosh. You- you have to be kidding me now, right?!” you exclaimed, putting a hand in front of your mouth.
“Nope. Did happen” he said pursing his lips.
You snickered a few times before you burst into a full feat of laughter.
You were now off your horses and you and Dean had decided to take a small walk through the forest while the horses rested next to the small lake that was nearby. The soldiers had stayed back as well, after Dean’s orders. And you couldn’t be more glad at that. To finally have gotten some alone (completely) time with Dean.
“Oh come on” Dean whined “You promised you wouldn’t laugh”
“I-I k-know I-I just- oh my gosh.” you couldn’t say much in between laughing “I-I know I promised but oh- oh my. Dean! You- you pulled your pants down and shouted what? Pudding?”
“Hey I was five, ok?” he grumbled but you just laughed more.
“That does not justify you. Or wait. Were you really five or maybe you’re lying so that I won’t tease you more?” you said after your laughter died off a little bit.
“Oh please yes I was five” he said with a playful roll of his eyes.
“Ok, I guess it is to be expected from you. You almost set my father’s beard on fire! No wonder he’s become a maniac with shaving ever since” you said with a giggle.
“That was an accident ok? I didn’t plan on setting it on fire nor did I plan on hitting him while skiing with one of the knights’ shields”
“You what? You hit him? How? Where? When?” you asked intrigued.
“Well, it was winter and really long time ago and as per usual I was watching the knights train but after a while I got bored. There was a lot of snow so I decided to have fun. I just was not expecting your father to show up so suddenly so instead of landing on the snow with the shield I… landed on top of him” he said with a small shake of his head.
“Oh you Winchester are unbelievable! Now I know why I every time I asked him to play snowball fight with me he refuses to.”
“Yeah uh” he laughed nervously “I don’t think it would be because of that. I once – when I was much younger - was playing snowball fight with one of my friends in the castle and you know I kinda like winning so uhm instead of making a small snowball I uh maybe made a quite bidder one and decided to throw it on the head of my friend… but your father just walked in and yeah… I guess I couldn’t stop gravity”
“Oh. My. God.” you breathed out and started laughing hysterically.
Dean soon joined you and you both could not stop.
“Yeah. And I better not start about what I did with his crown. Actually, it is kinda hard to believe how after all of the things I’ve put him through he chose me to be his right hand.” Dean said with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
“Well, he obviously took a liking on you. And… it’s not really hard if you ask me” you said with a small shrug, looking at him. His head immediately snapped to your direction.
“You think?”
“Yeah, he obviously trusts you a lot” you shrugged.
“No, no I don’t mean that” he shook his head “I mean, you think it is not hard to take a liking on me? Like… have you- have you taken a liking on me?”
“As I said… it’s not really hard to” you said, voice barely above a whisper.
A big grin appeared on his face, like that of a child on Christmas day, as he took a few steps closer to you. Little to no space separating you anymore. As you looked up at him and biting your lip to keep your smile from getting bigger.
“Glad to know that” he murmured.
“And… can I ask you about me?” you whispered.
“I can say that it is not hard to take a liking on you either” he said and you both chuckled lightly.
You looked down, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear. In vain through as they fell back in front of your face.
“Here. Let me” he mumbled and brushing the strands out of your face he tucked them behind your ear, this time they stayed in place.
Just like his hand, though. Slightly cupping your face.
Almost silence had surrounded you and you actually found yourself enjoying it while you gazed back at Dean. The distance you had became even less as he seemed to lean in. But once again you did not care.
The silence, though, as well as moment was ruined when the horses making a rather disturbed noise were heard. The fact they would not stop was that made Dean pull away.
He groaned, as if he didn’t want this moment to be ruined and you actually felt happy for that “Sorry. I better go see what’s going on. I’ll be back soon ok?” he asked and you nodded.
He gave you a final smile and brushing a hand over your shoulder - creating goosebumps in the meantime let’s not forget - and he quickly left towards the direction you had come from.
You turned to watch him as he disappeared through the trees and bit your lip. You heart was hammering in your chest…
…but it soon stopped beating as your blood run cold.
A hand covered your mouth and a dagger was placed over your throat.
Oh no
0 notes
lailawinchesterr · 3 months
between heaven and hell [dean winchester]
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pairing; dean winchester x reader other tags; slightly described reader just hair length being a few inches, slight mick with reader, jealous dean, angst, fluff, cursing, mentioning sex but no smut, canon level gore. summary; mick’s bringing you case after case and with no breaks from any of the boys, you and dean have too much tension that isn’t getting resolved.
When you walk into the bunker’s library you notice Mick sitting in the middle, a bottle of scotch on the table and a half full glass in his hand. A half full glass of fucking scotch.
“Mr. Davies?” Mick turns to you quickly, head snapping in your direction. He seems alarmed before he sees it’s only you and not one of the boys. They’ve been more than intolerant of him lately.
“Oh. Hello. Not that it isn’t a pleasure to see you, but shouldn’t you be asleep?” You shrug, walking over to him. His eyes follow you too intently and you settle on leaning against the table so you’re a few feet away.
“Couldn’t sleep. What about you? You got us a win today, you should be resting.”
He scoffs, taking a swig of the drink. “We’ve already got three more hunts on alert and not enough hunters to send them to.”
“Has nothin’ to do with you resting,” You shift your weight from the table onto your leg, “‘Sides, we’ll figure it out. Sam and Dean love to hunt. They don’t mind.”
“And you don’t?” His question takes you aback for only a moment. You’re hardly ‘buddy-buddy’ with the Brits but since Mick has been staying in the bunker a few nights every now and then, you’ve more than learned to be kinder to him. Sam seems to have forgiven Mick, why wouldn’t you? 
“No, I do. I just don’t mind a break. The Winchesters on the other hand never know when to catch one. It all works out, don’t worry, but you shouldn’t be drinking this late. Or awake.” 
He rubs a hand over his jaw, shaking his head, then he drowns the rest of his glass in one go and stands up. “Yes. Goodnight.” 
You’re stunned into silence at a— how fucking fast he just finished the drink and b— how rapidly he left the room. 
Well, that conversation seems like it’s done, so you head to the kitchen to make yourself and everyone else some breakfast that you can reheat for when they wake up. 
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“Sweetheart, you are an angel.” Dean moans through a mouthful of the sandwich just as you make your way into the kitchen. You’d managed to get an hour of sleep at the end to wake up at ten and see the Winchesters comfortable with coffees and the breakfast you’d put in the oven for them to reheat.
“Thanks, Dee. You like it?” You ask Sam and he nods, throwing you a grateful smile. Coffee’s smell is too hot and warming not to pour yourself a cup and you enjoy it on the counter (as you do most days ‘cause God forbid you sit on a chair). 
“When’d you make this?” Sam asks after he swallows the bite (which is more than you can say for Dean).
“Yesterday. Woke up hungry and I thought you guys would enjoy some breakfast.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know. Where’s Mr. Davies?”
You immediately notice Dean’s scrunched face as he shakes his head and swallows his bite to retort; “Mick?”
“Why?” He groans, throwing Sam a look before he faces you again.
“‘Cause. He seemed stressed yesterday, thought some breakfast might help him too. I made plenty.” You don’t wait for his response as you talk from behind your cup, mumbling other excuses like and he’s nice or and I’m being a good host.
“You know he’s only here because we’re hunting, right? This isn’t permanent.” Dean’s random statement throws you off. What the hell does that mean?
“Okay… so?”
“So… do you, like,” He shrugs, almost like he’s asking Sam for help but the younger Winchester hastily steps out of the conversation, going back to his phone, “So if you want him to— I don’t know, stick around or whatever, it won’t be here.”
“What does that even mean?”
“He’s asking if you’re sleeping with me.” Davies’s voice rings through your ears and your eyes widen as he walks over to the fridge for juice. Okay… this just got way too weird.
“Right…” you laugh it off. Dean’s face is anything but joking and you stop. “Wait, actually? Dean, what the hell! How is that any of your business— no! No, I’m not sleeping with— oh my God.” You stand up and let out a huff of breath as you walk out of the kitchen. And just for good measures: “Good fucking morning, Mick.”
Dean finds you in your room half an hour after he’s finished breakfast and he knocks on the open door to catch your attention from the laptop you have on your lap.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Don’t fucking ‘sweetheart’ me!” He lets out a small laugh and steps further into the room, closing the door behind him. “You’re so embarrassing, Dean. I’m not Claire, I’m not a twelve year old you get to control.”
“I wasn’t trying to—“
“Yeah well, how do you think Mick took it when he heard you telling me that if we’re sleeping together it won’t be under your roof?”
“I didn’t—“
“You fucking did!” Surprisingly, your voice is steady and not raised past its usual volume. You’re thankful, because you wouldn’t want to prove his point by acting like an actual twelve year old, but you do have the right to be mad that he’d say something like that. Dean sleeps around with so many women it makes everyone’s head spin, but he thinks you’re sleeping with one guy and suddenly it’s time to dish it out at you?
“Look, ‘M sorry, but I didn’t mean it like that. Just that… he’s with them, you know? We’re workin’ with him but we don’t trust him and I don’t wanna see you hurt just ‘cause you do.” You lose your laptop, placing it on the nightstand and Dean takes it as an invitation to sit in its place, a couple of inches away from you on the bed. “You trust too much, you know this.”
You do. In fact, most of your arguments with the boys have been about you trusting a stranger a little more than necessary, or having too much faith in them. You believe in second chances more than both of them combined and it scares them, it’s the reason you started to hunt together in the first place, they knew you were incredible in combat, fantastic at killing whole nests, one after the other, but you just couldn’t quite figure out which one was the werewolf that needed killing.
“Whatever, Dean. Why’re you here?”
“I don’t like you angry.”
“No, you came to tell me to get ready for the hunt.”
He nudged your hips with a smile that forces an identical one onto your face. “That too, but I really don’t want you angry over something like this.” 
“Whatever, Dean.” 
“Yeah,” He stands up, a hand on your shoulder, “So you’ve said. C’mon, get up, let’s go.”
He finds one of the duffels you keep around and throws it onto the bed. It already has a few pieces of clothes incase of emergencies but they’re hardly enough to last two days so you begin to add more clothes and products while he just watches from the corner of the room.
“Dean, you’re really creepy like this.” 
“I haven’t done anything.” 
“Exactly.” You let out an exasperated sigh and press your lips together. He obviously wants to say something but whatever’s  holding him back doesn’t concern you. You just want to get this hunt over with. You’ve been going at it non stop for weeks and you could use a break sometime soon (not likely).
“Why’re you so nice to Mick?” He avoids eye contact as you narrow your eyes at him, trying to look for the body language you usually notice when he’s kidding— because what kind of question is that?
“He’s helping us help people. I’d be stupid to not be nice to him. ‘Sides, he’s not hard on the eyes or anything.” That’s when you notice the tick of jaw then he shakes his head and finally holds his focus with his beautiful forest green eyes.
“Dean,” you start quietly, for some reason you’re both closer to each other, not sure who’s moving to who. “What’s this about?”
“‘Cause I know that stuff is bad right now and we,” he takes a drop breath, “we don’t talk those days but it’s just because there’s a lot of hunts. And I know we don’t talk since the whole darkness drama but then Lucifer happened then the Nephilim— and it’s been fucking exhausting.”
“Tell me about it.”
“But you know I’m here—”
“Dean, no offense, or anything, but we’ve never talked about my feelings together.” He frowns. “Like ever.” You usually reserve those talks for someone who will listen without getting uncomfortable. Your friend from your hometown who you see once every two years, most of the time it’s Sam. Anyone who isn’t Dean Winchester; Mister No-Chick-Flick-Moments.
“Right. I meant generally. Come out when you’re done. We’re all ready.” He lets out in a deeper voice, slamming the door behind him.
You didn’t mean to… hurt him, if that’s what this was, but it was the truth. Besides, Dean would rather hang himself than talk feelings so you’re honestly doing him a favor.
Packing takes less than ten minutes, showering even less. Then you style your hair while keeping your phone nearby in case one of the boys texted you to come out quickly. Contrary to popular belief, hunting isn’t an all time-consuming activity. It leaves time to get your hair done (though you’d ruin it if you ran into a hunt), and to buy chic clothes. 
It’s only those who don’t take time between hunts that will tell you they hardly have time to shower— but you’ve never really been into that, you’ve always limited yourself to one hunt a week, if it takes longer you can compensate in the upcoming weeks, but you don’t let it interfere with your outside life. Then you meet the Winchesters, who can’t take a break to save their lives, and you now understand those people’s point, but you would usually just ignore the unnecessary hunts they took between crises. 
Your phone pinged so you throw the brush into the sink and pick it up to see Sam’s text;
Where are you?
You decide to put it in a half up-half down hair do for the time being, until you face danger and have to hide the locks into a bun under your hoodie. 
When you walk out with your duffel Sam takes it from you and you get into the backseat with Mick, throwing him a tight smile which he returns with a full one. He seems like a genuine person but Dean’s outburst took you back enough to keep it short with all three men while stuffing the headphones into your ears and blasting The Rubens while Dean speeds through the five hour drive.
“Are you alright, love?” That’s the first time Mick has ever called you anything but your name and you try to hide the growing blush on your cheeks, nodding. He raises an eyebrow making you take off the ear pieces you had in.
“‘M fine. Just wanna get this over with.” You don’t glance at the driver’s seat where you know Dean is glaring at you. Or in the rear view mirror, just try to lower your voice enough that it doesn’t bother him or Sam who’s napping.
“Why didn’t you stay behind? This seems fairly simple.”
“Don’t wanna leave the guys alone in case they need backup.” The slip up doesn’t seem to bother Mick and he affirms your words with a smile. In all fairness, he is a pretty shit hunter. When it came down to it, you were the one saving the Winchesters asses, not him. 
“That’s fair, but if you need to rest we could have a day at the motel then look at the case?” It’s sweet, really. The sentiment makes your heart flutter. But both men would soon rather end themselves than spend unnecessary time and money in a motel with Mick, since you get that, you just shake your head at him.
“‘S fine, Mick. Thanks.” He has a stupid little grin on his face and you crack a smile, tilting your head curiously.
“You don’t call me that often, it’s mostly Mr. Davies.” You let out a nervous laugh, your fingers absentmindedly running to your chest to find the silver diamond of your necklace that you so often play with.
“Yeah, sorry, just— that’s how you introduced yourself and that’s what they call you—”
“It’s endearing.” He seems too okay with himself. Cocky, maybe? It didn’t help your breathing or wandering eyes that were suddenly on Dean. If he was looking at you through the mirror, you wouldn’t know, but he’d tell you were staring at him.
“Alright, gas break.” He interrupts loudly, surprising Sam out of his seat. Sam rubs his eyes groggily after smacking Dean’s shoulder then leaves the car for snacks when they park. Mick goes to the bathroom and you stretch your legs as Dean fills Baby up
“You okay?” His tone’s still as gravelly as it was back in the bunker but there’s less emotion in it now, much less care. “The Brit givin’ you trouble?”
“Dean, you’re acting like my dad again.” He scoffs, those creases at his forehead making their presence known again. 
“Y’know, this is getting real frustrating.”
“What is?”
“You. Actin’ like I’m trying to ‘control’ you or whatever— so I can’t just be a good friend? You wanna be on your own so bad why’d you even come hunt with us?” He’s asking why I stayed with them for the past four years. Jesus.
“Dean, ‘m saying this because I want you to tell me why you do this. I’m just guessing reasons—” 
He lets out a huff. “Really shitty guesses, sweetheart.”
“Then tell me why. Why’d go into Claire and Alex mode when you thought me and Mick were sleeping together— which is a ridiculous assumption by the way.”
“Is it?” He shuts the fuel cap with a bang and takes out his credit card. “‘Cause you were getting real flirty in my backseat.”
“You’re back— Dean, how do you not see that this is like an adult lecturing their child?”
“Because it isn’t! You’re so fucking difficult.” It’s your turn to scoff, deciding to walk away. Sam seems like he might good company at the moment. 
You find him in the beverages section and he immediately gives you a look as you walk at him fuming, it’s pretty comical, might as well have steam leaving your ears. 
“Don’t.” You quickly shut down any amusing comments he wanted to throw your way.
“Sam, so help me God, if you ask me if I’m okay I will strangle you.” The threat itself is futile, but it helps release some of your anger and gives him a small idea of what’s happening. 
“Dean get mad at you again?”
“Why does he act like he’s my dad? You didn’t do all that when me and Mick were nice to each other. And it isn’t like I’m making out with the guy, we’re just not glaring at the other’s head off like you guys do with him.”
“Dean’s just being Dean. Y’know how he is. Mum worked with them and it made him angry, he just doesn’t want you to choose them or something.” That’s the stupidest freakin’ reason you’ve ever heard because why would you choose some random man in place of the two people who have been with you through it all. 
While the drama with the Winchesters could make for a neat reality TV show, that didn’t mean you didn’t contribute to it yourself. Like when your dad started hunting them down after learning that they’d refused to close the gates of hell forever, or when they released God’s sister, though that part he thought was a joke until she came knocking on his door. Long story including Amara being desperate for Dean’s affection.
All three of your best friends died within the span of a year and it broke you so completely that you ended up staying in the bunker for a month without hunting or socializing. They’d been with you through all of this despite all your very low downs. Thinking you’d give all that up for a lay is insulting on Dean’s part.
“That isn’t nice, Sam.” You voice your concerns, walking behind him as he adds more packages into the cart, and you sneak some of your favorites into there as well. “It’s insulting actually. I’ve been there for you, all the time.”
“You gotta look at it from his point. He doesn’t want to think like this but that’s how Dean is. Just… be there for him, okay?” You take a deep breath, nodding. To be fair, you had been selfish this whole time. It’s how you always were, despite believing that people are good it doesn’t stop you from being a little self-absorbed at times, especially when it comes to Dean. It has more to do with the fact that you try to be so perfect for him, to be the best you possible for him.
“Yeah. I’ll talk to him at the motel.”
“That’s good. Take these back now,” you frown as he hands you your snacks back, “You haven’t eaten a proper meal in a week, if we get you snacks you won’t eat for a month.” 
Fair. But annoying.
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“Three rooms, thank you.”
The receptionist hands him three key cards and Dean steps closer to him, raising an eyebrow. “Yes, Dean.”
He nods, handing you one and Dean the other. You. You get your own room. You get your own room? Since when do you get your own room? 
“Mick, I don't usually—”
“Well, we're not sure how long we're staying here and I've noticed that they don't have rooms with more than two beds so it would be uncomfortable for one of the three of you. And I wouldn't want to intrude.” He says the last line with a smile in your direction and your heart flutters. Not so much at him but more at the gesture. It's sweet. 
“Thank you.”
“No problem, yours is right next to Dean and Sam's anyways, so no need to fret.” He directs the reassurance to Dean this time, who still seems on edge. One nice thing. Mick does one nice thing and now Dean is acting like an asshole. All the past times you've stayed at motels he'd kept you in the same room as the boys and you'd been forced to let one of them sleep on the couch or you take shifts researching. Now you all get to sleep at night. How is this not a good thing?
As you walk to your rooms you move past Sam and to Dean's side, keeping up with his pace. “Y’know, this is a good thing. And I'm right next door. Why're you mad?”
“‘Cause, that fuckin’ asshole could've said so first.” That hardly seems like a good reason.
“Okay. Yeah,” You decide, for once in your life, to make this easier. “Do you want me to change and then meet up in your room?” He nods and you slowly slip your arm through his. 
He'd never been particularly touchy, but he's never outright hated it either, so you kept it for those special occasions where you wanted to be close to him as to not overdo it. Dean's never pushed you off either. Never. 
Taking it just a step further, you nestle closer and he puts his arm in the pockets of his pants so yours doesn't fall out; as if telling you that this is okay.
Sam told you to get your FBI outfit ready and on since you'll be heading for the morgue. All four of you. Four FBIs. That's not suspicious at all, why would it be? Usually, Dean would let you and Sam do it— or the other way around, but you hardly went as a group. 
It grabbed too much attention. But it seems the men are all for grabbing attention today because Dean is flirting with the doctor shamelessly (he got her number), Mick is all but sniffing the damn guy and Sam's standing way too close to you. 
“Okay!” You shout in hushed whispers. “Stop it! All three of you. Are you fucking insane? Stop acting like a creep,” You point at Mick. “And you! Stop thinking with your dick.
“And Sam, I swear to God, if you don't step away from my bubble I will fucking pop you like one.” All three of them look at you confused and slightly alarmed, but decide to listen. Sam backs up and steals Dean's phone to stop the distraction. Mick stands next to them (a respectable distance away from the dead guy). 
“Okay, so, hearts clearly ripped out.” You mention, flipping through the file, thankful that you're all back in the game.
“Yeah,” Sam clears his throat awkwardly before shuffling closer to the body, “Liver too.”
Dean cocks an eyebrow. “What, he was extra hungry?” Then laughs at his own joke as he paces around the room.
You get to the description of the guy's injuries and immediately freeze in your spot. What the fuck?
“Hey, you okay?” Dean stops pacing to ask, his eyes attentively on you.
“Yes. Yeah. Sam, take a look.” He can explain it heaps better than you can even try. He walks next to you but when he has the file he takes a few steps back. 
“What the... His—”
“His... anus.”
“Yeah... that's. It's... oh my god.” You almost want to throw up just thinking about it, let alone see it. 
“What?” Mick questions. 
“His thing is like— demolished, is the word they used.”
Dean snorts back a laugh. “Demolished? His rear? This is getting creepy, man.”
“Tell me about it,” You sigh. “This is so not a werewolf. What kind of werewolf takes livers, hearts and destroys... backsides, then lets the guy go. That's— okay that's like some kink or something.”
“I don't even—” Sam starts but shivers before he can even think of the rest of his sentence. Okay you’re so done talking about it. “Let's see the other one. Should be the same.” They check the file and it is, both of them college students, different universities, different majors, but both with the same injuries. Blood drained. Heart and liver taken. And the third thing you'd all silently decided to never mention again.
“Alpha?” Mick suggests as you all walk out of the death-ridden place. You shake your head in disagreement. “Kitsune?”
“Nah, you're thinkin' brain.” He sighs and shrugs. “This is useless.”
“God?” Is Sam's guess and it's the best one you've got so you get to the motel room and crash in the Winchester's until one of you can find what this thing is.
A few hours later Sam flashes everyone his laptop. “Kappa?”
Deans sitting next to you on his bed, your head close to his chest as you both stare at his screen. Mick is sitting on the one opposite to yours, also researching. With Sam's distraction you all focus on him. 
You sit up next to Dean, shoulders touching. “What's that?”
“God.” Mick's the one who answers. “They're Japanese, look for someone with a hat.”
“A hat?”
“They have a dish-like thing on their head,” Sam explains, “They keep it hidden because it weakens them. And because it's weird to have a dish on your head.”
“Doesn't just weaken them, it makes them yours. You can control a Kappa by kneeling to it. It's forced to kneel back so the water in the dish is poured out. Pour some water back in and it's basically—”
“Your bitch.” Dean finishes with a smirk and you roll your eyes at how childish he is even if it's always been incredibly endearing in its own way.
You don't even notice that while your reaction was noticed by everyone, the too-long-stare at Dean's oh so perfect face was noticed by him. He doesn't brush it off, instead puts an arm around your shoulder, rubbing your arm once before looking back at Mick to continue.
Davies takes a breath for a second before looking back at his laptop and ignoring Dean's prying eyes. Sam quickly switches the attention to himself, “Yeah. Iron blade to the heart'll kill it.”
“But why's it just killin' people?”
“Don't know. We can ask around. They usually live near water so we could check out if there's any college—ers within the area that knew both of the victims.”
“Alright,” Mick stands up suddenly, “Tomorrow we'll do that. I'm heading in, G’night.” It doesn't take a second for him to pack his laptop bag and slam the door behind him leaving the three of you with confused expressions and looking at the other for answers.
“That was weird.” You shrug and squeeze impossibly closer to the older Winchester. He welcomes it, shutting his laptop off and placing it on the fancy nightstand to make more room for you. You're still over the covers but your eyes are already fluttering closed and you couldn't care less whether or not your shoes are still on. 
“You sleepin’, sweetheart?” You nod against his chest. “Want me to get you to your room?” You shake your head against his chest. “You sure?” This was getting tiring so you decide to ignore him and get back to where your mind usually goes to get your breath as even as possible and vision blank.
You feel him kiss your hair before you doze off.
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“Coffee.” Dean yells and shuts the door behind him with a loud bang. It wakes you up instantly and with an aching neck. Fuck. How did you sleep last night?
As you maneuver out of the tangled sheets, you notice how uncomfortable your position is, which makes for the pounding headache. You rub it once and look up at Dean who's handing you a cup with a pink pastry bag.
“Waffles.” He encourages then thrusts it into your grasp. 
You take the first sip of coffee and sigh. Yeah, okay, you remember why you like waking up now. “Me and Sammy hit the only warehouse in town, and nada.” He starts explaining and though everything's a little fuzzy, you try to focus. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Another impossibly long sip of the scalding coffee that he’s gotten perfectly right, just like every time.
“You needed to sleep. S’fine. C’mon let’s go now and we can find the son of a bitch in one of the universities. They were both takin’ mythology classes.”
Oh. That would make sense. Actually, no it wouldn’t. “That matters because…”
“Because,” he exaggerates the word, opening up your duffel to ruffle through it for your clothes, “Because Kappa’s or whatever get mad when they’re disrespected. Sam said it’s likely that the students were just smack talkin’ him and he ate their souls out of their damn asses.”
“Their— what?”
“Oh yeah, we found out why their rears were gone. They take your soul out from the back road.” He chucks a pair of jeans and a black shirt (that’s his or Sam’s, you’d never guess) at you. “Get dressed, we’ll tell him we’re journalists wanting to know what he’s teaching this week. If it’s Kappas that confirms it.”
You nod and kick him out to actually get ready. It doesn’t take long, just twenty minutes, but the boys complain nonetheless before you decide what to do.
“‘Kay, I can take NorthWest, you take the other one.”
“UCI? Sure. You take Dean.” You nod at Sam and throw your car keys to him as he gets into the bright red vehicle and drives away. Dean comes back from the vending machine. 
“Where is he going?”
“UCI. We’re going to NorthWest.” He accepts it quickly and gets into Baby’s driver's seat while you run to the passenger’s. “By the way,” you break the two minute long silence as he takes a turn, “Where’s Mick?”
“Left us for something back in HQ. Said it’s important and that we’ll do fine without him.” You nod though it makes you slump your shoulders slightly. Why would he just bail in the middle of a hunt? Dean notices your expression and scoffs.
“Seriously? Mick Davies?”
Your eyes widen and you sit up, backing into the door as much as possible, “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, you've been flirting with him ever since we agreed to help his American Takeover plan.”
“First of all, you fucking suck. Second, I am not flirting. I am being reasonable with a man who deserves nothing less from me. What the crazy bitch did to Sam doesn’t mean that he’s as bad as she is— and you heard them, she’s taken care of.”
“Exactly! You’re defending him like your life depends on it.”
“Is that all you got from this?”
“Why would I listen to anything you say if it’s going to involve the British Men of Letters being right?”
“You’re so childish sometimes—” He takes a sharp turn and forces your head into the glass window. You groan, holding the back of your head and rubbing furiously as if that’ll lower the pain.
“You okay— hey, you with me? You okay?”
“Yeah,” you take a breath, lowering your hand, “m’fine.” He lets go of the hand on your arm (when did that happen?) and looks back at the road that he’d left for way too long. 
“You sure?”
“M’fine.” You repeat. It takes a second for that to actually become true, but it does eventually, and then he parks in front of the university. He nods at you one more time to make sure there’s no physical damage and you confirm your heads fine then walk into the history and arts division. 
There’s only one Greek mythology professor which makes your job a lot easier. Dean knocks twice before someone shouts to come in. “Doctor Marshall?”
It doesn’t take long for him to admit that he is teaching all about Kappas this semester. And that it’s a nationwide thing because it’s unfortunately in the curriculum. And the whole country moves as fucking one apparently so the whole town is going through the chapter about the turtle gods (Dean’s choice of words).
“Alright, thanks for your time, Doctor Marshall.” He ushers you out with gratitudes before Dean adds. “By the way, cool hat.” He smiles tightly then pushes us out. 
“At night?” You make sure and Dean nods, jaw clenching.
When it’s that time of night where you go hunt the mutant teenage ninja turtle fucker, Dean is sitting next to you in the drivers seat. Sam decided long ago to do more research in case he’s needed so it's just the two of you.
He parks in the university's parking lot. You text Sam that you’ve arrived so if you take too long— you’ve probably been taken. You both make your way into the division, sneaking into the hallway where you’re sure the professor/ turtle god is. 
You both stand on either side of the door before Dean counts you down and you open the door quickly, gun in the air. It won’t kill him, but iron bullets would likely slow him down. 
“Professor?” You shout into the room. It’s bigger than an office should be. There’s another long dining table along with his personal one— since you’ve learned he’s the director of the division. A bathroom, where he could be hiding, and too many cabinets all over.
Dean’s looking around and just as you’re sure there’s nothing, about to call it off, you feel… something, dripping onto your hair. You put your gun down to touch it— just water. Then you look up to make sure we’re it came from— oh fuck.
You’re on the floor, Marshall on top of you. “You—” Dean’s threat doesn’t go far as he shoots it in the arm. It shrugs the bullet away and his eyes widen. Marshall jumps on him, throwing the hunter onto the floor, giving you time to groan and move onto your back. 
You take your blade out and struggle for breath as you scream Dean’s name, throwing the blade into his hand. He catches it, quickly jamming it into his heart. Well. There you go. You’re welcome, city. You’ve just been saved.
Those are your last thoughts as you notice blood seeping through your white shirt and your dizziness stops being manageable. 
“Hey! No, no, no, c’mon, no.” Dean, as quickly as he possibly could with the minor injuries he has, carries you to Baby. “When did this happen, what is this?”
You shrug in his arms. “Must’ve clawed me when he jumped.”
“He’s a turtle.”
“I don’t care.” Dean scoffs with a small smile and places you into the passenger's seat, pleading with you to keep pressure on the wound. 
You cough up blood, trying to keep most of it on your clothes as opposed to Baby’s interior. Then try to take your phone out to call Sam, there’s already a couple of missed calls.
“Hey!” Dean snatches the phone, “no, keep pressure.” You couldn’t talk back if you tried, so you nod and start to doze off. “And no sleeping either.” That makes you groan, completely ignoring him. A nap would do you good.
Yeah. Naps are good. They’re nice— who’s calling your name? Who cares.
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“BP— yes, doctor. I’m sorry, you can’t see her right now.” You start to stir against the uncomfortable bed. When did Mick get cheap? 
Then you notice the beeping. And the nurses. “Are you alright, Ariel?” You narrow your eyes at the name. Oh, right. Fake identities. You nod. “You’ve been in a bad accident, we’ve stitched you right up but you’ve lost a lot of blood. Can you handle visitors?” Another nod.
She walks out and two six foot something hunters walk in. You let out a weak smile. “Hey.”
“Scared the fuck out of us.” Sam’s the first to sigh in relief and you laugh at his statement. He hugs you, pulling you impossibly closer and you don’t complain even if all the muscles in your body want to.
He leaves to bring you all coffees and Dean steps even closer. “You alright?” It seems reassuring people that you’re ‘okay’ has been your full time job at the moment. 
“Yes, Dean. Are you? Were you hurt? Did we get him?” 
“Yeah. Sam handled the other one.”
“There were others?”
“Two. Him and his son. Both psychopaths.” Good, at least it’s been taken care of. “You really did scare us. Thought you wouldn’t make it and— we didn’t even notice you know? M’sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry for not being fast too.” He shakes his head with a frown.
“Stop. We should get home before the nurses come back. They gave us a prescription.” Oh, yeah, you probably should. Dean’s voice throws you off though, way too deep. Was he crying? Can’t be if anyone would be emotional over your almost-death it would be Sam first. 
“Okay.” He sighs and helps you out of the bed. Sam comes back and successfully sneaks you out with the change of clothes they have for you. It hurts like a bitch the whole ride to the hotel and your whole body feels like sand. They leave you resting in the backseat while they get the rest of their stuff from the hotel room, and Dean’s out of town faster than you can keep awake. 
It’s a five hour ride and you sleep through all of it. Dean almost drives to another hospital thinking you’ve just died in the backseat. When they’re back in the bunker, both boys offer to carry your bags and you let Sam, struggling to even get out of the seat to grab a bag. 
You found that you had the painkiller prescribed here in the bunker so you didn’t buy any— you’ve been feeling everything for a few hours now and it’s been so painful the only words that left your mouth were curses or groans.
“C’mon,” Dean helps you stand and lets you lean on him the whole way back until you’re in bed. He gets the painkillers, water that you don’t even use, and your laptop. He sits down next to you in bed. “I’m…” it doesn’t take a genius to know Dean thinks he’s at fault, and that he should apologize. And that he won’t, he’ll just look at you, eyes so full and it just takes that for him to earn your forgiveness.
“It’s okay.” He takes a breath, looking down at you. Time doesn’t stop, in fact it goes painfully slow as he stares into your eyes, yours in his. You’re just waiting, like you always have when it comes to Dean Winchester. You’re waiting for him to make a move, to stop flirting, messing around, to kiss you.
“Can I… you—” he leans in closer, impossibly closer, you can’t see him anymore, you have to close your eyes and hope he presses his lips to yours because your already pathetically inching upwards. 
He does. He presses his lips against yours, so soft, though it’s a contradiction to how he kisses. He’s rough, moving himself instantly to get a better angle, holding you head in his hands so you don’t crain your neck, and pushes you into the mattress, stealing your breath away. And maybe a little of your pride too, because holy fuck you’re kissing Dean and your moans are not silent.
You can’t even blame girls for falling at his feet if that’s only how he kisses. He’s so passionate it gives you whiplash, he’s hard and pushy, but his tongue is still easily sliding over your lips and then into your mouth, and he’s pulling you in. It feels like ages. It’s been a few minutes. Or seconds. Who knows? He pulls away some time later and his breath is nowhere near as heavy as yours but his smile is just as wide as yours. 
“Where did that come from?” You asked between breaths.
His face couldn’t have fallen faster if he tried. He starts pulling away. “If—”
You shake your head quickly. “No, no, I liked it. I like you.”
“That’s probably good,” he leans down to pull you into another, “because I like you too.” And it’s music to your ears. He’s still pushing and pulling, but he forgets your state and you groan so loud against his lips he pulls back. “Fuck, you okay, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Yeah. Yes.” You would repeat it a thousand times more if it meant hearing that nickname from him again. What does all of this even mean? You like each other? “I'm sorry, everything just hurts.”
He pulls back completely, but keeps still on the bed. “Yeah, I know.”
“Dean what does this—”
“I don’t want to see you with Davies again.” You almost choke on nothing. “You’re mine.”
Yes. Of course, yes. You just wish, with everything in you, that you weren’t stubborn, “Dean, he’s a good guy.”
His stare shows just how little he cares. “If he calls you ‘love’,” he mocks, “ever again, I’m going to drive him into a building.” 
That shuts you up with a nod. Then you laugh, a little too loudly. He joins in a second later then shakes his head, like he’s trying to make sure this is real. “You were jealous.”
“No, just… he doesn’t deserve you, you know that. God knows I don’t either, but he definitely doesn’t.”
“Yeah, sure, De. You were jealous.” He stands up as if he’s leaving the room and you whine, apologizing so he’ll come back. His heart constricts at the noises and he shows you that he was just turning off the lights, then he’s laying next to you again, your laptop still at your feet. “Movie?”
“I could think of another thing.” You could too. Your body, though, could only think of sleep. He sees your gaze drop lower. “I meant sleeping.” That causes you to roll your eyes. 
This seems right. It definitely doesn’t feel it (nothing feels right, your body’s like sand at the moment) but it’s what you’ve always known right to be. You and Dean. 
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ksapphicbi · 4 years
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hope everybody had a very good day of celebrating dean winchester being alive and 42!!!!! personally i made (vegan) rice krispy treats and a (vegan) cheeseburger for dinner and went and visited (dean) winchester blvd which i promise is very real and not at ALL edited in this pic <3 happy bday dean ilysm!!!
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coffeebeans18 · 2 years
My eyes are up here
Dean Winchester Smut
Warnings: Sex, swearing, Dean's big...self
Pairings: Dean x Y/n
Size kink
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I'm by the stairs, trying to convince Sam to let me to go with him, rather than Dean. I'd much rather spend an 8 hour drive with my best friend than his asshole brother. We're going on a hunt and for whatever reason, we're taking different vehicles.
Sam's taking his truck and Dean's taking the Impala, obviously. I, for whatever reason, am about to have to spend 8 hours in the car with Dean. We don't hate each other, let me just make that clear. But we don't exactly like each other, either.
I actually like him, but he obviously doesn't feel the same. Unless his love language is being mean. Then he must be absolutely in love with me. I most certainly do not wanna spend 8 hours alone with him. Well, maybe if he was nicer. Then it wouldn't be a problem. Then I'd love to ride with him.
"I think it's about time you two started getting along. And it's one car ride. It won't kill you."
That's what he thinks. It could very well kill me.
"You don't know that."
"Sam, your brother's a dick and I don't wanna spend 8 hours alone with him. I'd much rather go with you."
"But with all the supplies for this hunt, I don't have room for you, in my truck. I'm sorry, Y/n. If I had room for you, I'd take you with me."
Before I can say anything, Dean walks in and motions for all of us to go outside. Well, let's get this party started. I get my bag, which may or not be a little too full, and start carrying it up the stairs.
"Think you might've over packed, short stack." Dean says from behind me.
"Think you should mind your own business."
He takes my bag from my hands and starts carrying it for me, like it weighs nothing. I'm gonna act like that wasn't a total turn on for me.
"You don't have to."
"I'd rather carry it for you than watch you struggle trying to do it yourself."
He's being nice to me? He probably wants something. That's usually how that works. He's only ever nice to me when he wants something.
"Ok. Um, thank you."
"Don't mention it."
He's actually pretty hot when he's not insulting me or picking at my height. Once outside, we put our bags in the trunk and I start to get in the backseat.
"You know you can ride up front."
That makes sense, being that Sam's not gonna be in the car, so if I'm not in the passenger's seat, Dean would be sitting by himself. But he's usually fine with me sitting in the back.
"Just don't fuck with the radio, ok?"
I nod and get in the passenger's seat. He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car.
"Anybody ever tell you how small you are?"
And he's back.
"Yeah. You. Every day."
He smirks and starts driving.
"It's honestly kinda cute."
Is he gonna be nice to me or bully me? Because I'm getting mixed signals here.
"Thank you?"
It's fine either way, being that I'm used to him bullying me. But he's never a total dick, so I guess it's ok.
"I'm surprised you didn't wanna ride with Sam. Something happen?"
Why would he think that?
"You usually ride with Sam when we can't all take one vehicle. So what happened? You two get a fight or something?"
"No. He said there was no room for me in his truck, with all the supplies. I thought you knew that."
"Supplies? You mean his bag and personal weapons, that'll barely take up the backseat?"
"He lied to me?" I say in kind of a hurt tone.
Sam never lies to me. So why would he lie to me now?
"He lied to both of us. He told me that you wanted to ride with me."
"Why would he lie?"
"We'll find out later. Unless you wanna call him and ask him now."
"No. No, I'm ok."
"Are you? You look a little upset."
Why would I be upset? It's not like best friend, who never lies to me, lied to me. So why would I be upset?
"Do you actually care?"
"Of course. Why would you ask that?"
"Because you're being unusually nice to me, today. And it's starting to freak me out."
"What? I'm always nice to you."
"No, you're not. You've been a dick to me since day one."
"Are you upset about it?"
Yes. I like you and you're a dick to me, most of the time.
"No, but I kinda wish you'd be nicer. Like now. I like how nice you've been today. But I know it's only because you want something. That's usually why you're nice to me."
"Well this time, I just wanna be nice. Ok?"
And it's hot. Being nice is hot. I really want him to fuck me. Right here, in this car. Or at least let me suck him off.
"Hey, if you keep looking at me like that, things are gonna go in a whole different direction."
I hadn't realized that I was staring at him...with my mouth somewhat opened.
"I wasn't, I'm not-"
"You're almost drooling, short stack."
I'm trying to figure out what to say. He caught me staring at him like I want him to fuck me. I mean, I do, but I didn't want him to know that.
"I won't know what you want unless you tell me, sweetheart."
I look down and see that he's rock hard. And it's only now that I realized I'm a little wet.
"My eyes are up here."
I look up at him, knowing that my face is now bright red. He doesn't seem to mind. He honestly seems a little amused by this.
"It's ok. I have that effect on people."
I open my mouth to say something, but he brushes my bottom lip with his thumb.
"I wanna see this pretty little mouth at work. You wanna work for me, sweetheart?"
I nod, no longer feeling the need to hide my feelings towards him.
"I need words, princess."
"Then get to it."
He spreads his legs a little, making his dick easier for me to access. I undo his belt and then unbutton his jeans. I was completely unprepared for his size, which should've been expected, being that he's huge.
"Too big?"
"No, just unexpected."
I take in what I can and start bobbing my head up and down. I take what I can't fit in my mouth in my hand and start pumping. Dean's groaning and trying to keep from throwing his head back from pleasure.
"Fuck, Y/n."
He's brought one of his hands to my hair and started not so lightly pulling. It hurts, but in a good way. It doesn't take long for him to cum, and I swallow what I can. The rest just spills out, onto his jeans and the leather seat. By this point, he's pulled over, on a dirt road. I lift my head and tuck his dick back inside his pants. I look up at him and he's got this look in his eyes. A look that says he's about to fuck me. Right here, in this car.
"I'm about to fuck you, right here on this seat." He says as he starts taking off his clothes.
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mummybear · 3 years
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Warnings: Swearing, Name calling, Fingering, Oral (Male Receiving), Semi Public Acts, Jealousy. Think that’s it. :)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Sam needs a little bit of company at a family dinner, and he really needs the support of his best friend, so you go with him. However, the night doesn’t go exactly as you plan.
Bingos: @spnkinkbingo​ Square - Name Calling  
@spndeanbingo​ Square - Enemies to lovers
A/N: Hey guys, so I know I’ve been away for a while and hopefully I can continue to keep up with what I want to write. I’ve just been in a bit of a slump lately, anyway, I hope you enjoy it! 
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“Y/N, come on, please. I’m begging you, don’t make me go to this thing on my own!” Sam groans from the other side of the bathroom door, quickly followed by a thud, which as far as you can guess is from his back as it collides with the door. 
You roll your eyes for what feels like the millionth time today, and you step out of the shower and start to dry yourself. You sigh loudly as you look over at the door.  You feel bad, but after the week you’ve had you really need at least one night to unwind. Work had been getting to you, and getting passed over for that big promotion hadn’t exactly brightened your spirits.
“Sammy, please, just give up and stop asking me. I’m sorry, but I can’t do it. I love your mom and dad, you know I do, but your brother hates me, and I honestly can’t deal with his shit after the week I’ve had.” 
Dean had always relentlessly teased you about every little thing. Especially your friendship with his brother. He’s never seemed to be able to grasp how close you and Sam are, or the fact that you’re just friends. He’d told you how he had always assumed there were some “benefits” to your relationship with Sam, but you’d just scoffed and walked away. To this day, you don’t understand his dislike of you. Maybe he doesn’t consider you good enough to be friends with his brother.  It’s  honestly a mystery to you. Sam has always shrugged it off, so you try to do the same.
You open the door still wrapped in your towel, to find Sam on his knees in front of you.
“Please, Y/N. I’ll do whatever you want after tonight, I promise,” he begs, looking up at you with that puppy dog look of his.
“Oh do not give me those puppy eyes, Sam Winchester! Why is tonight such a big deal anyway?” 
Sam sighs and the corner of his mouth curls in a slight smile as he runs his fingers through his hair, he looks nervous, something you don’t see too often. He stands up and takes your hand, gently pulling you over to the sofa. You hold your towel tighter around yourself with your free hand as you turn to face him.
“I didn’t wanna tell you until it was a done deal, but dad’s friend has his own law firm, and he’s asked me if I’d be interested in interning. So I kind of need to meet him tonight, and I’m nervous because if this all goes well I could be sorted for the foreseeable future, but I really need my best friend’s support.” His explanation is rushed, but now you can understand why he’s so nervous, you know what this would mean for him and his future, and you realise that you do need to be there for him tonight.
You shake your head and let out a sigh, finally meeting his gaze again. 
“Okay, I’ll come with you. What are best friends for,” you smile as he pulls you into a tight hug.
You’d decided to dress for the occasion, since you knew just how important tonight was to Sam. You’ve opted for a dress you hadn’t had the opportunity to wear yet, which is a black knee length dress, and you love the way that it hugs all of your curves. One of your favourite things about it is the way the back of the dress drops low, so it dips open to the middle of your back. However, now that Mary Winchester has seated you next to the one person you wanted to be far away from you were regretting wearing it.
The table is full, and a tight squeeze to say the least, which means that you’re pressed much closer to Dean than you’d have liked. You glare at Sam from across the table, but he’s far too interested in what the pretty little blonde next to him is saying. Her name was Jess according to the others around the table, and she’s the daughter of John’s friend, the one who will hopefully be giving Sam the internship.
You’re suddenly pulled from your glaring at Sam, when Dean leans in closer and you feel his lips just barely brush your ear. You stiffen in your seat, and your hands clamp down on the arms of your wooden chair.
“What’s wrong? Jealous?” he asks, and the deep timber of his voice causes a shiver to run up your spine.
You sit up straight and try to sit as still as possible, doing your utmost to ignore Dean. Then you feel his fingers brush your arm, hidden just beneath the table and you can’t completely ignore it anymore. You look around to make sure nobody is looking, and thankfully nobody seems to be paying you and Dean any attention. 
“Oh just go away, Dean. I’ve told you countless times that nothing is going on with me and your brother,” you grumble, refusing to turn your head to look at him.
“Yeah. Well, I’m not buying it, sweetheart.” 
“And why exactly should I care what you think?” you snap, finally turning to look at him as he pulls back slightly. 
He grins at you, looking a little too pleased with himself.
“Oh, now I’m wounded, princess.”
“Oh yeah. You look beside yourself with grief,” you grumble, rolling your eyes. “Look, you don’t like me, and frankly, with the way you behave I don’t particularly like you either. So how about we go back to ignoring each other, and we pray the night ends very soon,” you huff, turning away from him and looking back at the meal in front of you. 
A moment of silence passes and you’re glad he’s finally given up, that is until you feel a warm hand resting on your thigh, just below the hem of your dress. 
“You know if you weren’t so far up my brother’s ass, then maybe we could get to know each other a little better.” 
There’s a not so hidden meaning behind those words, and you swallow thickly as his fingers dip under the hemline of your dress, pressing into your inner thigh just a little harder. You grip his wrist and turn to face him again. 
“I’m not one of your little sluts, Dean. I have no interest in getting to know you better, I know more than enough,” you practically growl as you try to pry his wrist away, with little to no movement. If anything his grip only tightens.
To your surprise, another cocky smirk graces his lips, and when he catches your eyes drop to them he leans in closer.
“No interest? You sure you don’t wanna see how much fun it could be to be my little slut?” 
You swallow hard and resist the urge to bite your lip, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of knowing he’s getting to you.
“You fucking wish,” you reply, trying to hide the slight tremor in your voice, though judging by the look on his face you’ve failed miserably.
“Mmm, you’re right, I really do,” he practically purrs, shifting closer and edging his fingers further up your thigh, until your legs clamp closed around his hand. “Ever since that first time Sam invited you as his plus one for dinner… that tight little blue dress you wore… I still remember the way you looked at me that day. I’ve dreamed about getting you on your knees for the longest time,” he rasps, as his fingers subtly brush your lips, narrowly missing your tongue, before he drops his hand. You lick your lips and watch as he follows the movement closely with his eyes. “All those lonely nights alone thinkin’ about those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.”
He looks around the table before he glances back at you with that same cocky smirk, and you have to fight to swallow around the lump in your throat. When suddenly a deep voice breaks through the thudding of your pulse in your ears, and you snap your attention towards it, feeling a blush creeping up your neck.
“You okay over there, doll,l? You haven’t eaten much,” John asks gently. 
You make the mistake of relaxing a little as you face John, and Dean’s fingers push further up your leg until they come into contact with your damp panties. You hear him groan quietly from beside you, and you have to disguise your own moan by clearing your throat.
“Yes, Mr. Winchester. I’m okay, just feeling a little warm, I might go and get some air,” you manage to rasp as Dean’s fingers push a little harder against the wet lace.
“Now, how many times have I told you, call me John. You’re practically family at this point, go ahead if you need to,” he chuckles, and you do your best to smile as he returns to his conversation with Mary.
“Y/N, do you need me to come with you?” Sam asks suddenly, and you feel Dean’s fingers push your panties to the side and the tip of his fingers brush your opening.
“No, I-I’m okay,” you stutter, subtly pushing Dean’s hand away as you do your best to give Sam a small smile. This time Dean complies, with little to no effort.
As you stand Dean’s hand slips away completely, and he stands beside you.
“I’ll come with you,” he says, making sure everyone around the table hears, so that you can’t quietly dismiss him.
“That’s okay. I’m fine,” you reply stiffly, already feeling his hand on your lower back where your dress dips low, and his hand on your bare skin makes you shiver.
“I insist. Really, it’s no trouble,” he smiles, and you’re sure it looks charming to everyone surrounding the table. However, you see the real meaning behind it.
But you don’t want to draw attention to the situation any more than necessary, so you let him lead you from the room. When you try to walk towards the big open doors at the back of the house, Dean’s arm curls around your waist, and he steers you towards the stairs.
“Where’re we going?” you whisper hiss as you reluctantly follow him.
“Somewhere a little more private. I think your pussy needs a little attention, if I can make you that wet sitting at a table full of people, just imagine what I can do in private,” he grins, leading you towards a room at the far end of the house with a small balcony. 
His words are only making between your legs more uncomfortable, as much as you hate to admit it, you’re following him willingly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you all but whisper, knowing lying is completely pointless, maybe even a little stupid.
Before you know what’s happening he’s pinning you against the wall, with his hands braced either side of your head.
“No? You sure about that?” he asks, his voice surprisingly even, considering the look on his face as he brings two fingers to your mouth and presses down on your bottom lip.
You swallow thickly as you taste yourself on his fingers, and your eyes meet his. The fire in his eyes causes you to hold your breath.
“D-Dean, I can’t. T-This is a bad idea,” you stutter breathlessly, feeling the slightly damp trail of his fingers as they move down your neck, before they trail slowly over your collarbone.
He takes your hand gently in his and presses it against the front of his slacks and your eyes go wide, feeling the sizeable bulge beneath your hand.
“Sometimes bad ideas are the best ones,” he rasps, as he leans in and brushes his lips against your neck. His fingers push into your hair and he roughly tugs your head to the side as he nips at the skin. 
You can’t help but grip the bulge in his pants the more that his lips and tongue explore your neck.
“Y/N? Dean? Is everything okay up there?” Sam calls up the stairs, and you stiffen as Dean chuckles against your neck. He pulls back and presses his fingers to your lips, and your eyes remain on his as you nod.
Dean stares into your eyes as he shouts down, “yeah, Sammy, everything’s fine! Just setting Y/N up in her room for the night, she’s not feeling great. I’m just gonna keep her company until she’s feeling better.” 
Your eyes widen further and you shake your head at Dean, but your mouth drops open when he pushes your dress up around your hips. The smirk on his lips makes you smile, as much as you wish it hadn’t.
“Are you sure? I can come up,” Sam calls and you hear the stairs creak, but Dean makes no effort to change his position.
“Nah, you enjoy your night, little brother. I’ll take real good care of her,” he calls back, pushing his hand into the front of your panties, and he starts teasing your clit with barely there strokes of his fingers.
You try to shove him away but he doesn’t budge. “Dean! This isn’t some joke, what if he comes up here?” 
“Oh, it’s not a joke, sweetheart. I think I could fuck you right here where we stand, with my brother watching and you wouldn’t  stop me, would you?” he laughs as he pushes a single digit against your slick entrance.
“You’re disgusting,” you rasp back, not liking how thick your voice comes out, more of your desire showing than you’d like.
“Am I? What does that make you then? Because I’m getting you pretty fucking wet, and I’ve barely touched you.” His voice is dangerously low as he steps closer, pushing you back into the wall with his body, until his lips brush yours with every word.
“Is it so bad to want me?” he asks as he eases the first finger inside you and starts gently moving in and out.
You’re so turned on that you’re surprised your legs haven’t given out beneath you.
“I can’t t-think straight when you’re this close and i-inside me,” you whimper, feeling yourself clench as he pushes in a second finger alongside the first.
“I know the fucking feeling. Pretty sure, despite your protests, you love being a little slut for me, don’t you, sweetheart?” he growls curling his fingers inside you, causing your entire body to arch against him as you press down harder against his fingers.
“Dean, please,” you whimper desperately, unable to keep up your front of not being interested anymore.
“Please what, slut?” he growls as his thumb brushes over your throbbing clit in time with his fingers that are rapidly moving inside you.
“Don’t call me that,” you pant breathlessly, trying to regain control enough to push him away, but Dean just pulls you against his body.
“I’ll call you whatever I want while you’re riding my fingers like the desperate little whore you are,” he grunts as he unbuckles his belt and roughly tugs his pants open. He pushes down his boxers far enough to expose his thick cock which had just been throbbing in his pants beneath your palm.
“Ah, fuck, Dean, what’re you doing?” you gasp as his cock presses against your thigh, and he rocks his hips against you in time with his fingers. 
“You’re gonna come for me, all over my fingers.” His voice is sure as he speaks, leaving no room for an argument, and he kisses you, just the slightest brush of his lips against yours. “And you’re gonna take my cock in that pretty little mouth, right before I take you in that room so that we can really get to know each other.” 
Your mind is spinning with arousal, desire is shooting through every nerve in your body, and you can feel the orgasm burning at the base of your stomach. So you decide to finally do the one thing you never thought you would; you give into what he wants.
“Okay,” you whisper, reaching down to wrap your hand around the thick length that’s spreading pre-cum up your thigh.
Your eyes lock with his and he grins down at you; that devilish twinkle in his eyes as he stares right back at you. He bites his bottom lip and groans quietly when you start to move your hand over his cock, and you really enjoy the little thrusts of his hips every now and then as he pushes into your hand and your grip. 
“You’re gonna feel so good wrapped around my cock. Fuck, this pussy is so tight,” he tells you as he curls his fingers harder, pressing right against your g-spot. He’s quick to cover your mouth with his free hand when you cry out his name, muffled by the skin of his hand.
You’re panting hard as sweat coats your skin, and you can’t stop yourself from rocking down into his touch, unable to deny how desperate you are for the orgasm he’s pulling from you painfully fast. If it wasn’t for Dean’s body pinning you to the wall you’re sure that your legs would’ve given out from beneath you by now. The burn of his stubble as it brushes against your soft skin makes you shiver. Dean growls as your grip on his cock falters, and you move to grab at his shirt, needing more leverage and balance. 
“Look at me,” Dean demands and your eyes snap to his, and your heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest. “Good girl, now let go.”
Your body feels like it’s on fire as your climax hits, almost as if it's obeying Dean’s command. 
You hardly have time to recover from your high, before Dean is pushing you onto your knees in the hallway. You blink up at him as your heart hammers in your chest. 
“Dean, can’t we go in the bedroom, what if someone sees us?” 
Dean smirks and shrugs as he taps the tip of his cock against your lips.
“Open up, baby,” he purrs, curling his fist in your hair as you rest your hands on his thigh. You swallow thickly, glancing around the best that you can with Dean’s grip on your hair. You don’t want this to stop, and you try to reason that everyone is busy as you open your mouth for him. 
“Look at you, such a good little slut. All mine,” he groans as you greedily suck the head of his cock, before slowly taking more of him into your mouth and moaning around him.
You feel your eyes starting to water as the tip of his cock nudges the back of your throat, pushing against your gag reflex, but you do your best to push past it, by gently digging your nails into his thick thighs. Your eyes lock when you look up at him, and the look he gives you is enough to cause more arousal to flood between your thighs. He chuckles as you lower your hand, and you start to rub your throbbing clit, moving it in time with Dean’s thrusts into your throat.
You reach up to cradle his balls in your hand and watch him bite his lip, and you swallow around his cock. Dean’s fingers tighten in your hair and his hips move faster, and you can feel his thighs shaking beneath your hands.
“Fuck, that’s it, feels so good,” Dean groans, leaning more of his weight agains the wall. 
Suddenly he pulls you back by your hair, and you gasp for breath as he pulls you to your feet. Before you’ve even had a chance to catch your breath properly, Dean throws you over his shoulder, and carries you over to the closest bedroom. Your mind is still foggy as Dean tosses you down onto the soft sheets, you faintly register the door clicking closed behind him, but he doesn’t lock it.
“Shouldn’t we lock that?” you rasp, your voice a little hoarse from the way he’d used your throat, and you sit up on your elbows to look at him. 
“Nope. You don’t want anyone coming in? I guess you’ll need to keep quiet then. Besides you didn’t mind out there, did ya?” he winks at you as he starts to pull off his clothes.
“Dean! That’s not the point!” you huff in frustration, “besides, I can’t keep quiet, and I think you already know that!” You try to pout at him, unable to stop your eyes from roaming over every inch of his body instead. Seeing him gloriously naked snaps the last of the control that you had, and you quickly pull your dress over your head.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re perfect.” He climbs onto the bed as you make a show of pulling off your underwear, you lay back and curl your finger at him. 
“I gotta say, I much prefer it when you’re smiling at me,” he grins crawling over your naked body, until he’s looking into your eyes.
“Hmm, well I guess you’re not as bad as you came across. Jealousy wasn’t exactly what I thought your problem was,” you giggle as you hook one of your legs over his hip and try to bring him closer.
His cock nudges at your soaked entrance and you let out a desperate whimper, nails digging into his skin.
“No reason to be jealous anymore, princess. After tonight everyone is gonna know that you’re all mine.” 
Any reply you had dies in your throat as his lips claim yours in a possessive kiss.
Taglists: @julzdec​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @charmed-asylum​  @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @akshi8278​ @peaches007​ @stylesismyhubs​ @peachyyybabyy​ @fantasy-myth1​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @magssteenkamp​ @hobby27​ @ladywinchester1967​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @spnfanfic-reblogs​ @holylulusworld​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sonofabringmesomepie​ @deans-baby-momma​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @hhiggs​ @pisces-cutie​ @heartsaved​ @matsumama​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @beth-winchester21​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @fanddoms4love​ @lyarr24​ @hearteyes-j2​ @tatted-trina6​ @deandreamernp​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @weepingwillowphoenix​ @love-jackles​ 
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halfmoonshines · 3 years
Hey there! 😀 Could I request an SPN one-shot about Dean falling in love with an Archangel!Reader? (in my head, R's actually THE eldest archangel, and the First Reaper to ever exist - a literal Archangel of Death. But unlike her siblings, she is actually the most affable and human-like - like she knows how humans behave and why they do whatever they do, but is still inexperienced in certain things such as love or sex - Dean is not as hostile to her as he is to Cas Also: I headcanon it that she lost all her grace after Metatron's shenanigans in heaven, so up until Chuck's toddler tantrum over the ending, she fights with Winchesters as human). Sorry for the req. being so long. 🙂
Don't apologize, I love the details <3 Full disclosure I haven't watched the last season of Supernatural because I just don't want to say goodbye to them. Here is my best shot! I hope you enjoy.
Summary; Archangel!Reader is completely oblivious to Dean's flirtations and he's had enough of beating around the bush.
The first time you felt the twinge of something weird, it was right after a mission you and Sam had gone out on by yourself. Dean had been waiting for you as soon as you entered the bunker, his arms folded across his chest and jaw working.
"What the hell was that?" He demanded.
You blinked, hand still trying to work the tenseness out of your shoulder from where Sam had to relocate it. You honestly had no idea what he was referring to. "You mean the part where we defeated the big bad?" You asked, head cocking to the side as you took in his angry posture.
"You ran off without Sam, right into the thick of it. You're powerless now, Y/N. You can't just jump into every problem head on." He unfolded his arms, taking a few steps toward you.
Indignation sparked in your gut, eyes narrowing a bit. You knew full well that you were effectively powerless now, he absolutely did not need to keep bringing that up. "I'm very aware of how much power I wield, Dean. You seem to forget that I've been versed in hand to hand combat since before you were a thought in your mothers head."
Dean sighed, standing across from you, watching your hand rubbing circles into your shoulder. "You got hurt today, Y/N. I don't want that happening again." He stayed for a moment longer after that, gaze searching you for something you couldn't decipher before walking off.
The second time you were utterly dumbfounded by Dean's behavior came a few weeks later as you were cooking the gang dinner in the kitchen. You had decided to be the one to cook because you were feeling decidedly uncomfortable. Ever since Metatron's idiocy and your subsequent humanity, there were some days where you just didn't feel right. Like there were bees fluttering under your skin. Castiel had said he thought it was because no matter how human your body was, your brain was still not. Filled with a millennia worth of knowledge and memories.
You put the spatula down rather harshly, closing your eyes to stop the cacophony of things flooding your senses.
"Y/N?" Dean's voice sounded from the doorway of the kitchen. When you didn't immediately open you eyes and acknowledge him, he came forward to stand next to you, resting a hand on your arm. "Do you want me to take over?"
You opened your eyes, glancing over at the Hunter. He had concern dancing in his eyes, brows pulled together. There were sometimes that you thought he was the angel in the friendship.
Where did that come from? You thought to yourself, shaking your head a bit to dislodge the thoughts.
"I can finish up, I'm just feeling a bit off." You gave him what hoped was a reassuring smile.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You couldn't help but notice that he hadn't pulled his hand off of your arm yet.
"Some days are just harder than others. It feels like all of the information I have can overload me, sometimes." You said, using your free hand to rub over your eyes. "I feel like a mess sometimes, Dean. I might not be an angel anymore but I feel like a I make a terrible human."
Dean blinked at you, mouth opening slightly while he just looked at you. "Are you serious?"
You rolled your eyes, feeling a bit affronted. "No it was a joke and I'm feeling just dandy."
"Y/N," Dean started, shaking his head. "Divine being or not, you're still one of the most angelic people I've ever met. You take everything in stride, with a smile on your face. You can tell me stories about Alexander the Great and still kick my ass at Poker, it's amazing."
You cocked your head a bit, trying to decide if he was joking or not. He seemed to notice. "I'm serious." He finalized.
You looked at him for a moment, letting his words wash over you before giving him a broad smile. "Thank you, Dean. You're a good friend."
You didn't notice his smile falter in return. "Great friend, of course."
It came to a head a month after that when you and Dean were sat in the library doing research. You lifted your head from the dated text you had been reading when your companion shut his own rather fiercely, pushing it away from him.
"Everything okay, Dean?" You inquired, wondering if he was alright.
He clenched his jaw, choosing to look anywhere but you. "I just feel like we're always two steps behind. We figure out one problem and then another rams us in the back of the head. I don't know if we're going to be able to come out on top of this one."
You reached a hand out to him out of instinct, wrapping it around his forearm. "We're going to be just fine."
He looked at your hand instead of your face. "How can you know that?"
"Because in all of my years among humanity, I've never met a man as strong as you, in mind or spirit. I truly believe that you can conquer any problem you encounter." You said with finality, squeezing his arm a bit. He glanced up at you quickly then, seeming at a loss for words.
"Are you serious?" He asked.
You reached out your other hand to wrap around his other arm. "I've never been more sure of something, Dean."
You both just sat there for what seemed like forever, his green eyes melding into your own cerulean blue. In what seemed like an instant his whole body was across the table, arms shaking your hands off to instead find purchase around your soldiers, lips pressed firmly to your own.
Your shock only lasted a second before you reciprocated, hands coming up to his neck to pull him closer to you. The kiss felt like it was an infinite expansion of time and over too soon at the same time. He pulled away, hovering his head just a few inches from yours and gauging your expression.
You smiled slowly, drinking him in as well. "I wasn't expecting that."
He chuckled. "Really? I've been building up to that for ages."
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babygirlwolverine · 3 years
Many special happy birthdays today! Happy birthday Cas! And happy birthday to @you-cant-spell-subtext-without and @reblogging4thewin!
"There's been a lot of firsts this year," Dean said, pushing a pumpkin across their outdoor table towards Cas with a soft smile.
Cas traced his hand along the ridges of the pumpkin; the one he'd picked with Dean at the pumpkin patch that morning. Even though Dean had said it was far too early in the season for pumpkins, he'd still smiled warmly as Cas wandered around the maze of fruits choosing the ones he wanted.
Shifting his eyes to the orange and yellow pansies and dahlias they'd both just spent the last hour planting, Cas let out a content hum. Every day felt like a new first, and Cas wanted a million more firsts with Dean.
"And today is one of those firsts?" Cas asked, even though he knew it was. He'd known from the moment he'd opened his eyes that morning; a single rose perched on his nightstand with a little note from Dean that said, 'Meet me in the kitchen, handsome.'
Pancakes with syrup and French Toast covered their newly painted sky-blue kitchen table, and when Dean had pulled him into a soft kiss, Cas had almost melted at the tender way Dean's fingers stroked along his jaw. "Happy birthday, Cas," Dean had murmured against his lips, and God, Cas swore he fell even more in love with Dean at that moment.
"Yes, today is one of those firsts," Dean said, shaking Cas from his reminiscing of their morning together. He watched for a moment as Dean picked up a knife and cut along the top of the pumpkin until he could reach inside.
"And why is that?" Cas asked, copying Dean's motions until he'd taken the top of the pumpkin off and started to spoon out the pulp into the bowl Dean had brought outside for them. Something about wanting to use the pulp to make Cas a pumpkin cake for his birthday. When Dean had proposed the idea that morning of baking a pumpkin cake for him, the thought had been so endearing that Cas had leaned across the kitchen table to kiss Dean once… okay maybe twice. Alright, maybe a dozen times. Maybe he just liked kissing Dean.
Now, Dean reached out across their patio table, locking their fingers together until their rings clinked against each other. "It's the first time we're really celebrating your birthday. 13 years ago you came into my life and became part of this family. And now it's special because this is the first time we're celebrating your birthday as husbands."
As if to emphasize the words, Dean tugged on Cas' hand until he could brush his lips over the ring on Cas' finger. Their hands were messy from the pumpkins but Cas didn't care. Not when Dean's lips pressed so tenderly against his ring finger before light kisses were dotted across his knuckles.
"The first time we're celebrating Halloween together, here, in our first home," Dean continued, gesturing to the pumpkins they were carving into Jack-o-lanterns. Decorating together even though Halloween was still weeks away, because they could do that now. Here, in their little house they were slowly renovating. Here, where they were starting their future together. They could celebrate anything they wanted.
A cool breeze wrapped around them, causing red and orange leaves to dance along the grass and up towards the table. The perfect autumn weather.
Cas was happy. Really happy. And he'd known that for a while, but the slow-drawn realization was enough to steal the air from Cas' lungs. When he looked up at Dean, it was like seeing him again for the first time; a bright radiating soul bursting with love and potential. When Cas had first laid eyes on him, he'd had no idea what that potential was going to blossom into. That it would create love and happiness and family.
"When is Jack coming back home?" Cas asked, suddenly filled with an urge to have his family close, not because they were in danger, but just because he loved them.
"Sam and Eileen said they'd bring him back from their last minute birthday shopping trip in less than an hour. So we'd better hurry up and carve these pumpkins so we can get some space for them to make their own Jack-o-lanterns when they get back," Dean said.
And there was that smile again on Dean's face. The same soft smile had been on his lips all day, as if Dean was seeing him for the first time in a whole new light. Awe and adoration. Love and sheer bliss.
Thirty minutes later, they were still carving pumpkins (they might've gotten a little distracted when Dean tugged Cas around the table and pulled him down until he could kiss Cas slow and deep) Jack came bounding into the garden with a large bag in his hands. "Happy birthday, Dad," Jack said, placing the bag in front of Cas. Wiping his hands on a towel, Cas reached into the bag and pulled out a collection of gardening tools designed with bees. Handles on tools shaped like bees, overalls with little bees dancing across the material, and a small ceramic bee to keep in the flowerbed. "Your two favorite things, bees and gardening."
Cas felt his heart swell in his chest, and he placed a gentle kiss on Jack's forehead. "Thank you, Jack."
"Alright, Kid, grab a pumpkin and let's get craving. Unless you don't want to help me bake Cas' birthday cake?" Dean teased.
Jack quickly scrambled to grab a pumpkin, sitting down next to Cas and copying him as he began to carve his pumpkin.
Sam and Eileen quickly joined the carving festivities, until 5 large pumpkins had been carved and a massive bowl had been filled with pulp and seeds. The pumpkins were decorated with ghosts and faces, sigils and even their names. Dean nudged his carved pumpkin over to Cas, and Cas felt that overwhelming love burning in his chest again. Dean and Cas Winchester was carved into the pumpkin; a little candle flickering inside and lighting their names up in a warm glow. Just another reminder they really were married. Cas kissed Dean like he had on their wedding night; achingly slow and full of every last drop of his love.
Baking the cake turned into a family affair, with Cas watching from the kitchen table and laughing as everyone made a mess. Dean kept sneaking over to Cas and kissing him every few minutes, until Cas snagged Dean and pulled him down into the chair; watching Jack and Eileen decorating the cake, which included Jack shoving as many candles as he could into the top with a playful laugh.
Wishes were made, cake was eaten, and Cas felt more loved than he'd ever imagined he could feel.
Once the festivities had wound down, with Jack off to bed and Sam and Eileen back at their own home, Cas sat in the kitchen watching as Dean cleaned the dishes. He ran his fingers over the handle of the Angel blade Dean had gifted him this morning; tracing his fingertips over the engraving.
Cas Winchester. Husband. Father. Brother. Angel, you are our family.
The gifting of the blade wasn't lost on Cas; a callback to Dean stabbing him in the heart 13 years ago. Except now, all these years later, Dean has gone and stolen his heart. And Cas wouldn't have it any other way.
When Dean joined him at the table a few minutes later, tilting Cas' head to nudge him into a breathtaking kiss, Cas sighed blissfully. "I love you,” he whispered.
Dean shook his head, kissing Cas again and again until Cas felt dizzy. “I love you. Happy birthday, Cas.”
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