#so hopefully it’ll bring some people back in to see more of it
lopez-richter-fangirl · 8 months
I think the issue with the algorithm might also have to do with the branding being cult themed but idk I just don't know how to help anymore. I can't back anymore and I've shared it with multiple friend groups but I feel like that's not gonna help
I think that’s the cult thing is part of it too and it sucks because it’s such a well branded campaign for a lot of the audience, but it probably isn’t drawing in the people at the fringes. It is EXHAUSTING because yeah I’m sharing it as much as I can and I hope that has got some more people to back but it is hard to see how we can get as many as we need. Because I did the math knowing it would be way out of reach and it is like, if everyone who’s currently backed upped a whole $175. So we need a lot more people. And I wish it didn’t have to come to this but tbh the thing I think would probably help the most is if they put out a video on the starkid channel
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 99
Part 1 Part 98
Steve spends a short three days in the hospital before they start the discharge. It’s surprising, somehow, that spending time slowly dying in the Upside-Down is more traumatic on the body than literal possession. Eddie can’t wrap his head around it. 
He’s sitting on Steve’s bed, hopefully for the last time, hip to hip as he kicks his feet out over and over again at the same tempo of his beating heart. Steve’s got their fingers interlaced on Eddie’s thigh, flexing his own fingers to that same rhythm Eddie’d started up. 
“You think it’ll be much longer?” Steve asks, slumping his head to the side and atop Eddie’s shoulder.
His hair tickles Eddie’s cheek. Eddie wants to reach up and smooth it back, but Steve’s still holding his hand, and the other one doesn’t quite reach. 
“Nah, the old man’s good at getting what he wants.”
“That’s because he’s got the same big, sad eyes as you.”
Eddie squawks in fake affront even as warmth pools in his cheeks. Few people have mentioned a resemblance, and it makes him go soft and gooey every time.  “I don’t have big, sad eyes!” He shakes Steve’s hand around gently in his - he’s always, always gentle. “I’m too tough.”
Steve snorts, small and tired. Even with relatively minor injuries, neither of them have been sleeping well in the small hospital cot. It’s starting to show in the circles beneath Steve’s eyes. Eddie wants to bundle him up in the backseat of Wayne’s truck and tuck him into their bed at home.
They won’t even have to come back. All they’ve got is some sort of cream for Steve’s burns, and Eddie’s bruised ribs and broken nose  are supposed to heal all on their own. His concussion’s already behind him, even if things still go a little wonky if he moves his neck too quickly. 
They can just convalesce. Maybe Wayne will bring them soup. Or burgers from the diner and a strawberry milkshake to split. Anything will be better than the mind-numbing sterility of the hospital, as long as they’re together. 
If only Wayne would hurry the hell up. 
It’s not Wayne who walks in. It’s not any of their friends, or family, or an unnamed doctor in blue scrubs. It’s not anyone he recognizes at all.
It’s a perfectly matched pair - like salt and pepper shakers at a fancy diner. Eddie feels his shoulders curl, a silent question mark to their upright forms. 
The woman looks like a mannequin, in her gray pencil knit skirt and matching cardigan, belted tight enough to make her look like a wine glass. Her hair is a windswept brown and her chin’s raised just so. 
The man’s suit is a pewter gray, matching her skirt perfectly. He has his hands stuffed into the pockets of his slacks, like he’s posing for a catalog as he looms imposingly on the threshold. 
She knocks on the frame of the door, calling a quiet, “knock knock,” as the man strides in. 
Eddie feels Steve’s hair brush against his cheek as he sits up and twists, to look at the new arrivals. Eddie doesn’t look toward him, can’t tear his eyes away from the pair, as the woman comes to stand beside the man, photogenic smile plastered to her face, even as the man glares down at them.
“Steven,” he says, eyebrows furrowed in an expression Eddie knows intimately. He’s seen it on Steve’s own face enough times. It’s less charming on the older, meaner model. 
Steve drops his hand covertly and shuffles slightly to the left and away, leaving Eddie’s hand to flop to the mattress, bereft. 
“Dad,” Steve replies.
Eddie turns, can’t not when Steve’s voice comes out so even, so lifeless, so dead. It’s just like when the mind flayer was running the show. Like Steve’s not there at all.
He is though. And that feels worse, because as Eddie stares at Steve’s perfect profile, he can almost see the years of distance and berating stacking themselves into the clench of his jaw and that familiar furrow of eyebrows. 
“What do you have to say for yourself?” His Dad doesn’t shout, but the hiss somehow still feels like it’s echoing off the bare walls of the hospital room.
Steve flinches back. Eddie sits on his hand as it twitches without his permission to grab onto Steve’s own. 
“For what, sir?” Mrs. Harrington’s perfect face scrunches up into a wince as she looks sidelong at her husband’s stony face. He opens his mouth, eyebrows angrier than ever, and Steve blurts, “I’m sorry.”
It doesn’t help. 
“Sorry,” he says evenly, like his fist wasn’t clenched in preparation for a strike. “Do you even know what you’re apologizing for?”
Steve sits, wordless, as he stares up at him, unblinking. 
Mrs. Harrington sighs. “Oh, Steve.” It sounds sympathetic, but Steve’s back curls in, arms wrapping around his ribs as he looks down at his own hanging feet. 
Eddie sits on his other hand.
Steve remains silent while storm clouds bloom above Mr. Harrington’s head.
Mrs. Harrington sighs, crossing arms and tapping perfectly manicured fingers against her own forearms, that same familiar beat that Steve gravitates toward without any of the soul.
“Sweetie,” she starts, no warmth in her voice or eyes. “I understand that you might have been feeling a little sick, but that’s no excuse for the state you left the house in.”
Eddie looks at Steve out of the corner of his eyes, and sees Steve looking right back, eyebrow quirked up in a silent question Eddie doesn’t know how to answer with witnesses.
“I’m sorry,” Steve says again, looking back down to the linoleum between his feet. 
“You’re sorry?” Mr. Harrington demands, voice raising with each syllable he utters. “You flooded the house, Steven!”
Steve flinches at the sound of his name. Eddie reaches out for the connection between them and plucks it, thrumming it like a guitar. Steve smiles, just a little, down at his socked feet. 
It’s a mistake. Mr. Harrington’s nostrils flare. Eddie sees the resemblance in the way his nose leans just slightly to the left, almost charmingly crooked. But there’s none of that familiar light behind Mr. Harrington’s eyes. He’s an empty pit, a bottomless well.
“We’ve had to replace all of the carpeting on the second floor,” Mrs. Harrington cuts in, looking down at her nails, uncaring as Mr. Harrington’s incensed further by her words.
“We wouldn’t have even known if the Allen’s hadn’t called us!” He’s shouting now, gesturing wildly toward the open door like whoever the Allen’s are, they’re waiting right outside, watching the show.
Mrs. Harrington sighs. “Oh, Richard. Don’t make a scene.”
As if spurred on by his wife’s chastising words, Mr. Harrington’s voice only gets louder. “You soiled the carpet beyond repair.” He punctuates his words with a raised finger, like he’s counting down all the sins he’s ready to lay at his son’s feet. “You made a spectacle of yourself in front of all the neighbors.” Another raised finger. 
He points both fingers  at Steve’s face, finger close enough to his nose that Eddie wants to snap out and bite it. “You left the garage open to be ransacked!” And here comes raised finger number three. 
Steve’s curling further and further into himself, creating distance between his Father’s wagging finger and his vulnerable face. 
“Leaving the door open, Steven?” Mrs. Harrington asks, just as aloof and uncaring of the scene in front of her, even as she says, “we could have been killed.”
Eddie can’t help the snort that comes out. It’s all just such a cartoonish display, almost unbelievable even as he watches it play out in front of him. He slaps his hand over his mouth, but both their gazes have already snapped over to him. 
Well, better him than Stevie. Stevie, who Eddie’s seen with that same curled posture hiding in his closet, and looking up at his own goddamn house from the passenger seat of Eddie’s van.
He’d been straight backed facing down a demogorgon but just the sight of his parents has him fading into himself. No fucking way. Not on Eddie’s watch.
Eddie slaps his own thighs once, sharp enough that it stings. Mrs. Harrington jumps, just a little, at the sound. Eddie stands, shifting on the balls of his feet until he’s just slightly in front of Steve, ready to defend. 
“Wouldn’t you have to actually be home for that?” Eddie asks.
Mrs. Harrington gasps, hand over her cheek like Eddie had slapped her. “Excuse me?” she asks, at the same time that Mr. Harrington demands, “who are you?”
Eddie puts his pointer finger to his chin, pouting like he’s really thinking this through. “You know, I think you’d know that if you were ever actually around.” 
Steve stands, shoulder to shoulder with Eddie as his Dad takes a threatening step toward Eddie. 
“This is Eddie,” Steve says, voice flat and cold. King Steve’s come out to play. Eddie grins, manic and wide in that way that’s always worked to rile up cops and teachers alike. It works just as well on the Harrington’s. He sticks out his tongue and almost laughs again when Mrs. Harrington takes a startled step back. “You’d know that if you gave half a shit about me.”
Mr. Harrington scoffs as he looks Eddie up and down, eyeing the rips in his jeans, the frayed hem of his t-shirt, the unkempt length of his hair. He turns away, dismissing him without even a word as he looks back at Steve. 
“It’s time to go,” he says, glaring down at his son. “We’ll talk about this at home.”
Steve takes a step away from Mr. Harrington’s grasping hands. Eddie reaches out, interlocking their fingers again and squeezing tight. The splint on Steve’s finger sticks out awkwardly, digging into Eddie’s own hand as Steve squeezes right back.
“Eddie is my home,” Steve says, like that isn’t the most romantic thing he’s ever heard.
He almost swoons, even as Mr. Harrington rages, looking between the pair of them, making connections Eddie desperately hopes are true and even more desperately hopes the man won’t go spreading around. 
“Last chance,” Mr. Harrington says. “Or we’re-”
He doesn’t get to finish. Wayne chooses that moment to walk in. His stance goes loose immediately, gaze sharp. 
“Richard,” he says. Calm, cool, and gruff as he meets both their enraged eyes, one after another. “Nora.”
Mrs. Harrington sucks on her teeth, mouth pursed as she holds her silence. Mr. Harrington has no such compunction. 
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
Wayne raises his eyebrow before turning his back on them to run his eyes over Steve and Eddie in turn. “You boys alright?” Steve nods, but Eddie raises his hand to flap it back and forth in a wishy-washy gesture that Wayne grimaces at. “Ready to go home?”
Richard scoffs, taking a threatening step forward. “What do you mean home?” Steve flinches as the last word lands with derision. Steve doesn’t respond, just looks down at his own shoes with a clenched jaw. 
Mrs. Harrington sighs, and it lands in the room like a blow. 
Wayne’s eyes have gone hold and hard as he turns around and steps fully in front of Steve. “Steve’s been staying with me for over a year,” Wayne says, tone modulated and controlled even as his hands clench. “And you didn’t even notice.”
“Steven,” Richard says, a warning hidden in his tone. “Last chance.”
Eddie leans around Wayne to look between the pair. He resists the urge to pull Steve behind him. Eddie squeezes his hand and is floored when Steve’s shoulders immediately straighten, chin raised just so, like he’s keeping his crown straight atop his head. 
He stands, shoulders back, head held high. Eddie stands right along with him. 
“I’m not going with you,” Steve says, boring holes into his Father’s head with the force of his conviction from behind Wayne’s shoulder. 
Mr. Harrington’s  jaw clenches with whatever he sees on Steve’s face. He reaches his hand out, palm open and beckoning. “Give me your keys,” he demands, curling his fingers like he’s in a cheesy karate movie and begging his opponent to make the first move. 
Steve laughs. “You want my car?” His laugh is hollow. “You’ll have to go get it from the trailer park.”
Mrs. Harrington eyes Eddie and Wayne like she’s putting pieces together he’d rather she not have. Even still, she turns away with an airy, “Come on, Richard.” When he doesn’t immediately follow her directions, she continues, “this isn’t the place.”
Mr. Harrington’s snarling like a dog, finger still raised in threat as he hisses, “this isn’t over,” before turning and striding through the door with enough careless force that his shoulder hits the frame with a meaty thwack. 
“See you next year, then!” Eddie calls, waving bitchily at their backs. 
They all stare at the open door, waiting for an attack that never comes until Mrs. Harrington’s heels stop echoing down the corridor. 
“What the hell was that?” Wayne asks gruffly. 
Steve’s jaw is clenched, as he glares out the open doorway, but at Wayne’s question, he slumps, stepping closer to Eddie until he can lay some of his weight onto Eddie’s shoulders. It hurts his ribs, but Eddie takes it gladly, wrapping his hand around Steve’s waist. 
“Just the usual,” Steve says, sounding exhausted. 
Wayne eyes him critically as Steve avoids his gaze. Eddie squeezes Steve’s side, flickering his fingers against his waist just to feel him wriggle against the feeling. 
“Alright, kid,” Wayne says, reaching out to squeeze both their shoulders comfortingly. Steve slumps further into Eddie who gladly takes his weight. “I think it’s about time we all get home.”
Eddie smiles, bumping his hip into Steve. 
He was already home. After all, Steve’s right here. 
Part 100
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb @rainwaterapothecary @practicallybegging
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jinx-xxed · 3 months
Chasing the Light
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☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
A/N: Kylo Ren my one and only 🤞 I have a lot of stuff I can post about him so stay tuned (hopefully)
Summary; Your nightmares become your reality when the man who’s been terrorizing your mind finally appears before you to see who you really are.
Content; AFAB reader (barely mentioned), reusing some scenes from Rey (sorry queen), Force user hunted by Kylo Ren, mind probing, fight scenes
Wc; 3.2k
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
Your dreams have become haunted.
Haunted by darkness, haunted by the screech of an unstable, red blade. Haunted by a dark helmet, visor rimmed in silver, cape wavering in the wind. The figure appears in flashes, darkness surrounding him so thoroughly that it’s suffocating. The scene is different each time; once it was on a rain soaked field, bodies of those cut down by that blade laying around your feet. Another, you were in a forest where it was cold and harsh. Whoever it is, he knows you’re there. He’d came for you once, lightsaber brandished, like he wanted to cut through you before the dream ripped you away. You wake up in a cold sweat each time, a deep panic settled into your bones that follows you for the rest of the day and makes you dread the coming night.
So that’s why, when those dark ships blot the sky, you know what it means.
“Go, take my ship at the end of town and get as far away from here as you can.” You say sternly, ushering your family towards the back door of your home. The streets are in a panic, people running about as darkness descends, desperate to escape. “Try to get to Atrisia, the coordinates are already set into the system. You’ll be safe there.”
Your mother turns in your grip, her hand cupping your cheek, brows creased. “Come with us, my firelight. Please.”
You hesitate, eyes tracing her face as if you can burn it into your memory. Hair like yours, lines on her skin marking her age, bright eyes—eyes wet with tears. You lean into her touch, your hand eclipsing her own, her skin warm and calloused. A sigh blows through your nose, eyes closing briefly to hold back what you feel building at the edges. “I can’t, momma. It’ll only put the rest of you in danger.” Your voice is quiet, like it’s not even yours.
“I don’t care! Don’t make me leave you!” She begs, clinging to the off-white fabric of your robes.
Your father gently pulls your mother away before you break. The whir of engines can be heard outside. “Come on, dear, we need to get going.” He keeps an arm around her, whispering things into her ear. Something about how they knew a day like this would come.
You sniff harshly and bring them in, trying your damndest to wrap your arms around your mother, father, and brother. “I’ll be okay, I promise. I’ll find my way back to you as soon as I can.” You try to make yourself believe your own words too. You look at them all one last time as the ground begins to shake. You practically push them out of the door. “Go, go! Please.”
You ignore your mother’s protests as you turn away, hurrying towards the front door. You rip it open, looking to the sky and watching the TIE fighters come screaming in. They’re already shooting, blowing holes in the earth and sparking flames to life. They’re not targeting civilians yet, instead firing off target on purpose, like an intimidation tactic. Your teeth grit, anger boiling in your blood. These intruders, these murderers that act more robot than human, coming to my home and ripping everything apart.
A TIE fighter explodes in the sky right above you.
You jolt, broken out of your haze as smoking metal falls to the ground. Shit. Shit, shit, shit-! You did not mean to do that. You practically just put a massive beacon on you, telling these bastards that what they’re looking for is here. You feel a strange buzzing in the back of your mind, an intimidating pressure, something that’s oddly familiar and has you wincing. You recall your dreams—the ones that have caused you so much terror for the past two weeks—and panic flares up, worse than it already was. Your lightsaber feels like it’s burning a hole into your side.
You break into a run towards the trees just as a massive ship touches down. A command ship.
Your breath comes in desperate pants to your lungs as twigs snap beneath your boots, underbrush catching on your robes as you shove it aside. Maybe, maybe if you can just get far enough away, if you keep running, they won’t find you. Or, you can at least draw them away from the town—away from the people you’ve known all your life. You can only hope and pray to whatever gods may be watching over you that your family made it out of here safely.
That pressure you felt only grows the further you get, which only serves to confuse you. It should be the opposite, so why-
A red lightsaber ignites before you.
You jump back in fear, entire body tensing as his dark form emerges from behind a tree. He’s huge, both in height and build, looming over you with muscles encased in the darkness of his uniform. There’s a hood pulled over his helmet, resembling something like death itself, that same silver rimmed visor catching the sunlight. Kylo Ren, something in your mind hisses like a warning, Commander of the First Order. Jedi killer. Your breath hitches in your throat. “How did-“
“You. You’re the one I keep seeing.” His voice is low, made lower by the way it crackles through the modifier in his helmet. He takes a step forward, you take two back. “Why?”
“How the hell should I know?” You snap, teeth bared. You know just how precarious this situation is, with him being a hardened soldier trained in the Dark Side and you being… nothing of that sort. You can feel your Force powers clash, smacking against one another as he tries reaching forward and you recoil. He wants into your head, but you refuse to give it to him, using your Force like a shield against his sword.
Blue is fighting red before you can register what’s happening.
Your lightsaber is secure in your hand, blue blade coming out to defend against his red. Little bits of plasma spit from cross guards he has built into his handle, making it look like nothing you’ve ever seen before. His blade sputters and crackles, made unstable by some type of injury within the kyber crystal that powers it. Dealing with such a damaged crystal can be incredibly dangerous and volatile; you’d have to be insane to willingly use one.
He’s strong, but you expected no less. You struggle against his saber, hands shaking from the force. He moves you back with ease, boots skidding against the dirt of the forest floor. He jerks suddenly, twisting his saber to bring yours forward and grip your wrists into immobility. “Where did you get something like this?” He demands, his helmet tilting ever so slightly towards your weapon.
“I made it, you ass-“ you snarl, kicking one leg out and forcing him away so you can widen the distance between the both of you. It’d taken you almost two years to get a hold of all the parts you needed to make your own lightsaber. The Force had guided you through the process, willing your weapon into creation without the usual guidance you’d get from a Jedi master. It’d been a struggle, that’s for sure.
He comes at you again, swinging up from your feet towards your face, making you bend backwards to narrowly avoid it. He moves quick, with the efficiency and deadliness of a warrior. You’re able to hold your own—barely—parrying hit after hit, retaliating where you can and moving your body in tandem with his attacks. The trees around you become scarred from your battle, gashes glowing orange burned into the bark. You spin around, putting your arms up to put your lightsaber against your back to block one of his swings and then twisting around to catch him on his thigh.
He grunts in pain, distracted for the briefest of half seconds, and you take your chance. You bring your leg up, swiveling on your other foot to knock him in the side and then the stomach, but when your bodies connect, your mind suddenly spins, and you’re no longer in the forest. You feel like you’re suspended in some type of unfamiliar space, overwhelmed with emotions and memories. Fear, anger, hurt, betrayal; the consoling voice of a mother to a young boy, a promise of better things, the whisper of dark voices.
You choke on your breath as your back slams against the ground, bones seeming to rattle from the force. Kylo Ren stands over you, shoulders hunched, body shaking as his breathing comes as ragged gasps through his modifier. You look at him with wide eyes, lightsaber on the ground next to you, with no idea about what in the hell just happened.
“How did you do that?” His tone is almost feral, deep with a tremble to the back of it, like he’s… scared.
“I- I don’t-“ you stutter with your words because truthfully, you have no clue either. It’s like when you touched him, you broke through his Force and saw into his mind without even meaning to.
“You need a teacher, someone to show you the ways of the Force.” He insists, taking a step towards you. He extends his free hand. “You’re untrained but stronger than you know. Let me help you-“
You smack him away, scrambling to your feet and gripping your lightsaber. “I will never take help from the likes of you.” You spit. “I won’t let myself become a monster like you have.”
He stiffens, like your words snapped him back into the cold, unfeeling murderer he’s supposed to be. You feel his anger simmering, coming off of him in waves. His fists clench. “We’ll see about that.” And then he’s on you again, faster than you can react, stronger than you’re prepared to handle. You try to retaliate; you block and you parry and you dodge beneath the screech of his saber, but it’s not enough. That lack of training and lack of fighting spirit comes back to bite you in the ass, earning you more than a few nicks and bruises. What seemed like a proper fight before now just becomes unfair and he knocks you down with ease, making you wonder if he was just holding back earlier. Your body slumps against a tree, bark biting into your back, vision wobbling as your consciousness is tugged and pulled away from you. Blood trickles down into your left eye, your head hits the forest floor; the last thing you see before the world fades is his black boots walking towards you.
» ☆ «
The cold makes a home in your bones.
Everything is stiff and heavy, like you couldn’t move your limbs even if you tried—and you did try, which is how you discover you’re strapped to some kind of device that’s more of a flat metal board than it is a chair. It’s like a torture device you’d see in history books. Panic floods through you, fully waking up your systems and sending them into overdrive. The grogginess is gone in an instant, and the memories of what got you into this situation come flooding back. Lightsabers, sparks flying, the Force, seeing into his mind, dark helmet, dark cape, dark, dark, dark- you jerk your wrists and ankles, making a desperate attempt to get yourself out of the cuffs holding you in place. You ignore the bite in your muscles, the ache of the wounds littered across your skin; you can feel the dried blood on your forehead.
“I wouldn’t waste my energy on that,” a voice speaks, low and mechanic and familiar.
Your breath hitches, your body tenses. There’s heavy, intimidating footsteps on the polished metal flooring before Kylo Ren rounds the chair, walking around you, gloved hands behind his back while not properly looking at you. You lurch forward on instinct, cuffs digging roughly into your wrists, teeth snapping and a harsh growl rumbling in the depths of your throat like a rabid animal. “I’ll kill you, I swear to god I’ll fucking kill you-“
You hear him huff, though faint through the modifier. “Quite the fiery temper for a supposed Jedi.”
You relax in your seat, trying to return neutrality to your expression. “I’m not associated with the Jedi.”
That helmet turns to you then, and you feel his burning gaze behind the darkness of the visor. “You’re not?” Then he eases his shoulders back, rolling them, and decides to answer his own question. “No, you’re not. That would explain why you’re so unknown, so untrained.” You don’t like the way he says “untrained”, like it’s a disgrace of some kind to him.
He leans in suddenly, his form looms, darkness incarnate. He’s close enough that you can see each ding and scratch littered across his helmet’s surface, left battle-scarred and damaged on purpose. His head tilts slightly to the right, like that of a curious animal, and you continue to feel his eyes on you rather than see them. “Who are you?” He asks, tone neutral but you can hear a note of frustration behind it, like your existence is a nuisance. “Why do I keep seeing a nobody everywhere I go?”
You try to get away from him, but being strapped to a board doesn’t leave you with a lot of places to go. So instead, your body shifts, pressing uncomfortably into the back of your seat as your chin lifts. “I don’t know. It’s not like I want to see you either.” You snap. “I barely even know who you are.”
He doesn’t say anything, instead studying you. You hate the way it makes you squirm, only made worse by the fact you can’t see his face. He backs off and there’s a pause, like time is frozen, and then he reaches a hand forward, fingers slightly curled in. “If you won’t answer my questions, then I have other ways of getting what I want.” His voice is barely above a whisper.
It’s seconds after that you feel it.
Your entire body seizes, uncomfortably tense against your restraints as a buzzing begins in the back of your mind. It’s simple at first, like the drone of a fly, but it quickly grows in intensity from a buzz to a drum to a violent pounding, beating around your skull and making your ears ring. Your eyes screw shut and your chest heaves, your mind feeling like it’s being dug into and pulled apart by unkind fingers. Your nails eat into your palms, the tang of blood just barely whisking across your nostrils.
Memories are uncovered and brought forward against your will, appearing in flashes and whirs of voices. The first strawberry harvest of the season, your mothers laughter, your fathers stupid jokes, your brothers stern yet comforting silence, the time you broke your leg falling out of a tree. Those kind are shoved aside quickly, though they fill most of the space where memories are stored; he doesn’t want those ones. Sweat drips down the side of your face, mouth open as you pant. Pain feels both so acute and so distant, like you’re half in and half out of your own body.
You’re tossed through memories like you’re within an ocean, barely able to stay afloat as you’re tugged one way and then the other. The first appearance of the Force, the way it’d shot out from you without control, the fear you’d felt when it ended up injuring your brother. That one sticks for a while, made to replay over and over by the one controlling this ride that you so desperately want off of. Having to learn all alone, your only teachers being the books you had to buy from black markets, the isolation from your peers, your solitary journey to Ilum, the construction of your lightsaber. The loneliness that has built over years and years surges up, taking over your senses, amplified by the pain you feel.
“You’ve been by yourself all this time. No one’s ever understood you.” Kylo says curiously. His hand tilts slightly, like he’s turning a knob. “You hid yourself away, you felt terror at what you could do, simply because you didn’t understand it. You’ve denied who you are.” You would say something if you could, but any words you try to muster come out as choked air.
His head lifts just a hairsbreadth. “I see it. You want so badly to learn, but you have nobody to show you.” He breaths out. “And yet, somehow, you were able to compete with me. I don’t get it; you’re worthless. You’re a girl from a nowhere planet with a nobody family, a family that would’ve betrayed you in the end anyway. Your powers would grow to overwhelm you because you don’t know what to do, and they would cower away, scared of their own daughter.” There’s something about the way he says those words, like there’s a familiarity to them that runs deeper than the surface. Like he’s said them before, heard them before.
Fire rages beneath your skin, threatening to tear you asunder, your eyes starting to roll. This is not what the Force should be used for—this pain, this display of power. Or maybe it is, maybe those books you used only ever showed one side of the story. There was always a mention of balance, the light unable to exist without the dark. As memories become skewed and watery in your mind, delirious with agony, you begin to realize you don’t know anymore. Your thoughts no longer feel like your own, so scrambled and incoherent that you’re unsure if you’re even able to think properly at all. His hand withdraws suddenly, like he’s been burned, and everything ceases completely. Your body goes slack, your head lolling, but there’s at last silence in your mind.
His fingers rub together as he contemplates something. “You have a great amount of potential, strength that can be brought out with the right training. Leader Snoke will be interested in you.” He mutters. “I feel the Dark Side within you, it’s what you were meant for. So easy to anger and hatred, consumed by your isolation, it will make you more powerful than you could ever imagine.”
You shake your head, but the action is weak. Your words are forced, sapping the last of whatever remaining energy you have. “N..No, no, I won’t- I won’t join you-“
He hums, as if considering your answer, his hands clasping behind his back. “I wonder what your family would think about that? Atrisia, was it?”
You jolt, ignoring the way your muscles smart, lunging forward as your exhaustion is replaced with a pure, snarling anger. It’s just what he wants, but you can’t find it in you to care. “You stay the fuck away from them, you monster-“
“Then I believe we’ve come to an agreement.” He says, helmet seeming to gleam with his cruelty. You don’t think you’ve ever wanted to fight someone so badly before, even if fighting him is what got you here in the first place. He turns, typing something into a data-pad built into the wall. “Course will be set to see Leader Snoke shortly. Enjoy yourself while you’re here.”
You don’t get a chance to spit a final fuck you before he’s disappeared and the doors are hissing shut behind him.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 8 days
Soft Sighs in the Late Night, Red Eyes in the Early Morning
Very simple little story of you getting snacks for König when he works at night and learn he's being deployed. Not so sad, just a slice of life kind of work.
TWs: references to combat
Wordcount: 1.4k
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Story Below the Cut
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Soft Sighs in the Late Night, Red Eyes in the Early Morning
You always liked scurrying into König’s office when he was working. He didn’t often take his work home, but on the rare days he did you liked to bring him snacks and drinks while he studied the fine print of military contracts.
You creaked open the door and crept up carefully as you took in the sight of König by the yellow architect’s lamp. Placing the tray down, he paused his writing and looked up to you with a smile.
“Has it been that long already?” he chuckled as he leaned back to take a better look at you.
“Guess so,” you smiled, taking your place on the stool he left out for you and leaning on the desk.
König was always subtle in how he flipped his papers over when he put his fountain pen down. Once, you’d been offended by how he hid his work from you. Over time, you realized it was safer for him to keep his papers covered. He’d told you once of a man who’d had his wife kidnapped, and after meeting the shell she became, you decidedly left the papers unchecked.
He steepled his fingers over the pages and gave you a grin, “So, what has my little mouse been up to today?”
You sighed, “Work was hard. Aaron kept complaining about the new marketing campaign that head office has been working on. He kept going on and on about how it was stupid and nobody would ever buy into it.”
“He’s the one who is stuffy, ja?” König asked.
“He’s the one who was going on about how he bought his first home when he was twenty,” you groaned.
“Oh, that one,” König rolled his eyes, “I sometimes wonder what his Kinder think of him.”
“Last I heard he tried to send his son to some wilderness survival camp for smoking a joint with his friends,” you rubbed your temples, “I really try not to tell people how to parent their kids, but I just couldn’t let that go.”
“Did his son end up going?” König cringed.
“Thank God he didn’t,” you took a cracker from König’s snack bowl.
“Those are my snacks!” König huffed.
“Gotta pay the tax,” you munched away happily.
König grumbled as he scooched the bowl closer to him. It was a nice attempt, but you stole another cracker regardless. You only relented when you reached for a third, only for König to swat your hand away like some pesky fly.
“Rude,” you sniffed.
“The ends justify the means,” König replied dryly.
You rolled your eyes at that. König would be the type to quote Machiavelli, wouldn’t he? Sometimes you couldn’t believe him.
“Why did I ever marry you,” you rested your cheek on one hand.
“Because I’m a good provider,” König answered as he took a cracker into his long fingers, “though you do your fair share.”
“My fair share?” you scoffed, “I think I do a bit more than that!”
“You do,” König acquiesced, “but I’m still the provider.”
You decided that today wouldn’t be the day you tried to tackle König’s misogyny. You could always do that tomorrow, or the day after, or whenever it came up next.
“So, can you tell me anything about what you’re doing tonight?” you slumped down so your chin lay on the desk.
“A bit,” König smiled faintly, “it’s mostly just about an upcoming project in Serbia.”
You frowned, “You’re getting deployed soon?”
König gently brushed his hand through your hair with a faint smile, “I’m sorry, but it shouldn’t be long.”
“You always say that,” you grumbled.
“This is just a one week job. We’re protecting someone in a car convoy. It’s nothing too exciting,” König assured you, “they tell me that I probably won’t even see any action. It’ll just be a security job.”
“Can you tell me who you’re working for?” you asked hopefully.
“Nein,” König pressed a kiss to your forehead, “not until after. Then I’ll tell you everything I can.”
Of course, everything he could was always terribly limited, but that didn’t particularly matter. You were more interested in the stories of his day-to-day life than the grand plans of the powers that be.
“Do you know who’s coming with you?” you asked.
“Nikto is one,” König said, “and Askel.”
“Isn’t Askel kinda weird?” you scrunched up your face.
“Not weird,” König grimaced, “he’s just too chatty.”
“Maybe that would be good for you,” you pointed out.
“Maybe,” König shrugged, “but I like the quiet. Nikto is good; Nikto is very quiet.”
You nodded and nestled your head against his bicep, closing your eyes and taking a moment to breathe in the moment.
König brushed your hair through his fingers mindlessly. He seemed lost in thought, as he usually was before deployment. You hated the thought of coming home to an empty home for the next month, but you knew that this was just a part of dating König. You could never escape the shadow of KorTac.
“So, how long will you be gone?” you asked.
“The mission says one week, I’m thinking that it should be three,” König murmured into your hair, “it won’t be as long as the last.”
You cringed. You didn’t handle the last one well. You didn’t think you could deal with that again so soon after the last.
“I promise I’ll be safe.”
You burrowed your face into his arm.
“You always promise.”
A low chuckle.
“And I’m still here, ja?”
You sighed. He was right, he was still here. It didn’t mean you didn’t notice the new scars that decorated his body. He tried to hide them, but you always found them eventually. Thankfully, he didn’t tell you how he got them. Well, not unless they were funny.
“So, no Horangi to set you on fire again?” you giggled.
“No,” König let out a long sigh, “thank God for that. My ass still hurts thinking about it.”
You laughed and hugged him close, getting in all the love you could before he left.
“Will you be leaving soon?” you whispered into the dark cotton sleeve.
“Soon,” König admitted, “I’ll be leaving soon. Most likely in a month.”
“Promise me you’ll be okay.”
“I’m always okay,” König laughed.
“Please,” you insisted.
“Then I promise, little Maus,” König kissed you gently, “I will be okay.”
You held him close a little longer, not wanting to let the moment go. König let you, knowing full well it was all you had to hold onto until he came back home. He hated leaving. He hated it every time. But if it was to keep you safe, to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, he’d do it a thousand times. You were worth every scar upon his body just to see you sleeping safe in bed when he’d come back home.
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Konig Dump
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
Teen Angst
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Word count - 3,534
Warnings - swearing, feeling alone, mentions of Jake's parents, mentions of abuse, yelling, angst
Summary - you start to act out leaving Bradley and Jake in the line of fire of your teen angst
A/N - hey y'all it's a new part of Hangman junior!! sorry, it's been a hot minute since I last uploaded I've been going through some shit so yeah I gotta take time for myself sometimes. I feel I went a bit off track with this request but y'know this is what my brain came up with. as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Jake had dealt with the many stages a child goes through growing up as he raised you. He dealt with your terrible twos like they were nothing. He figured that if he could fly a fighter jet day in and day out, he could easily handle a two-year-old’s temper tantrums. What no parenting book prepared him for, was the teen angst phase of growing up. He knew that teenagers tended to go through a rebellious phase. He went through one himself, but he chalked it up to his shitty upbringing as to why he rebelled against his parents. He figured you had no reason to act out when you got older. You were surrounded by people who loved you and he figured you had no reason to act out.
How wrong he was.
He didn’t know what caused it, but you started acting out as time progressed. You spent more and more time out with your friends and when Jake innocently questioned you on it, you got defensive and would refuse to answer his questions.
“I don’t know what’s going on with her.” Jake muttered one night as he climbed into bed with Bradley who watched softly, understanding the worry his husband was feeling.
“Hopefully it’s just teen angst. We all go through it. I know I did. It’ll pass and she’ll be back to herself in no time.” Bradley says, wanting to reassure Jake. But he had his own worries but wouldn’t dare vocalise them, so he didn’t worry Jake further. The two men ended the conversation there before they got too in their own heads and chose to go to sleep.
A few days after Bradley and Jake’s conversation, Bradley got a phone call from your school as he had just finished unpacking the shopping he had just bought. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the number of your school popping up on his phone.
“Hello?” Bradley answers as he brings the phone up to his ear.
“Am I speaking to Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw?” The voice of the receptionist says as soon as Bradley had finished speaking.
“Yes, you are.” Bradley confirms, nodding although he knew the receptionist couldn’t see his head move.
“We tried to contact Lieutenant Seresin but he didn’t pick up so our next point of contact was you so we’re calling to say that y/n has been sent to the principal’s office one too many times this month so we need you to come in so we can discuss action going forward.” The receptionist says as Bradley’s eyes widen slightly. He knew you were getting mouthy with your dad and acting out occasionally at home, but he never thought that behaviour would cross over into school.
“I’ll head over now.” Bradley says before bidding goodbye to the receptionist and hanging up the phone, pocketing it as he tugs his shoes on and grabs his keys. He climbs into the Bronco and begins the drive to your school. It doesn’t take Bradley long to pull up at your school. He finds his way to the office and locates the receptionist he assumes was the one he was speaking to on the phone.
“Hi, I’m Bradley Bradshaw. You called about y/n?” He says once he reaches the desk as the receptionist looks up at him nodding as he finishes speaking.
“I’ll just let the principal know you’re here and he’ll fill you in.” The receptionist says, getting up from her seat and disappearing to the principal’s office to let him know that Bradley had arrived. She soon returned to let Bradley follow her into the office.
“Lieutenant Bradshaw, please take a seat.” The principal, Mr Brookes says, gesturing to the free seat next to you where you were sat with your arms folded and staring directly at the floor.
“So we couldn’t get into contact with Lieutenant Seresin, do you know why that is? We were hoping to speak to her father.” Bradley couldn’t help but feel the small pang in his heart at those words. He knew he wasn’t related to you by blood but he adopted you and loved you like you were his own so it hurt to hear that people would make it seem like Bradley wasn’t part of your family despite him being one of your legal guardians.
“Jake’s at work today. He was probably training when you called so he couldn’t pick up.” Bradley explains, glancing at you before returning his full attention to the principal.
“Well, no point in milling over this. We’ll just move on to why we’re here. y/n here hasn’t been engaging in classes or completing work that is asked of her. And when she’s questioned on it, she has been very rude to staff, swearing and answering back. She’s also been skipping some classes too. We gave her several warnings and clearly, none of them were taken to heart. We’ve been given no choice but to suspend her due to these recent actions.” Mr Brookes says, addressing Bradley directly who nods at every word said while you scuff your shoes against the carpeted floors of the office, itching to get out of this situation entirely.
“I’m sorry that she’s been acting like this. When she comes back after her suspension, I guarantee she’ll be on her best behaviour.” Bradley says, looking apologetically at Mr Brookes before glancing over at you. When you and Bradley are dismissed, you get up instantly, leaving the office with Bradley trailing behind. He sees a text come through from Jake on his phone, asking if he knew why your school had called him and he quickly filled him in as he reaches the Bronco, unlocking the car so you can climb in. You avoided looking or talking to Bradley the entire way home despite his numerous attempts to get you to talk. As Bradley pulls the Bronco into the driveway, he sees Jake’s truck also in the driveway and he knows that there may be an upcoming argument between the Seresin father and daughter. He follows you into the house and sees Jake standing in front of you, arms folded with a stern glare as he blocks you from going upstairs.
“Living room. Now.” Jake's tone was deadly low as he watched you carefully. You glared back, not wanting to give in but after a minute of staring, you groaned and turned to enter the living room with both men following behind.
“Dad, it’s not a big deal you’re overreacting-”
“You’ve gotten yourself suspended over bad behaviour and you think I’m overreacting? I raised you better than this.” Jake says as he paces the room while you sat on the sofa. Bradley observed silently, not wanting to interfere with Jake’s parenting.
“It’s not that big of a deal I bet you got suspended when you were my age.” You fire back nonchalantly. Jake had actually never been suspended from school despite what others thought about him. His fear of how his parents would react to news like that made him one of the school’s model students.
“It doesn’t matter whether I did or did not get suspended from school. You should know better. What is going on with you?” Jake says, trying to calm himself down so he can find out what it is that’s going on.
“I’m fine. You’re being dramatic over nothing.” You grumble, glancing away from your dad who looks over at Bradley, concerned.
“We’re just worried about you y/n. That’s all. This mood change seemed to come out of nowhere and we want to help.” Bradley says softly, making you look up at him.
“You’re not even my dad. I don’t need your help.” You spit venomously, making Bradley’s heart crack in two.
“Give me your phone.” Jake says, holding his hand out expectantly.
“What?” You ask, looking up at your dad.
“You heard me. Give me your phone. You’re already grounded for the suspension, but you do not talk to Bradley like that. Give me your phone. And go to your room.” Jake says, his glare cold as he speaks. You groan but get your phone out of your pocket and place it into Jake’s hand. As you get up and head to go to your room, Jake calls for your attention once more.
“You are not to come downstairs unless you have a proper apology. Do you understand me?” He says heatedly, trying to keep the anger from his voice but failing miserably. When he saw the reaction in your eyes to his tone, he immediately hated himself for the way he was speaking to you. You nodded wordlessly and then took yourself upstairs without another word to either man. After hearing the slam of your bedroom door, Jake collapsed onto the sofa, burying his head in his hands as he fought back the tears that instantly threatened to build the second you left his line of sight. Bradley approached Jake slowly, easing himself down on the sofa next to his husband and watching him carefully.
“Are you okay?” Bradley asks, observing how Jake’s shoulders rose and fell heavily, indicating to Bradley that Jake was fighting to keep himself calm.
“I should be asking you that question.” Jake mumbles, wiping at his eyes furiously before looking over at Bradley. His teary green eyes locking with Bradley’s soft brown ones.
“We don’t need to worry about me right now. You seemed really spooked after sending y/n to her room. I want to make sure you’re okay.” Bradley insists, not once removing his gaze from Jake’s as he reaches across to take Jake’s hand in his as gentle as ever.
“I sounded like my dad.” Jake admits after a painful silence, squeezing his eyes shut as more tears threaten to spill past his defences. He also fought back the memories of yelling, hurled abuse and punishments that filled his mind at the mere mention of his father. Bradley remained silent, knowing Jake still had more to say.
“I might not have yelled. But I said something that my dad used to say all the time. I swore when I first held y/n that I’d never be like him. What if I am? What if I turn out to be just like him and I hurt her the way he hurt me?” Jake says, tears breaking free from their bonds and rolling down his cheeks as he thinks of how he failed you. He had one job as your parent and that was making sure you felt loved and safe and he let you down by acting like the one person he swore he’d never be like.
“Jake, you listen to me. You are not turning into your father. From what I’ve seen and heard of this man, he didn’t deserve to have any kids. You didn’t deserve the way he treated you and that is not how you’re treating y/n. Parents argue with their children sometimes, it happens. But it doesn’t mean you’re turning into your dad. Please don’t beat yourself up over this. You’re okay. You haven’t done anything like your dad.” Bradley speaks softly and carefully to his husband, his thumb trailing back and forth over Jake’s knuckles as he talks in an attempt to slow Jake’s heavy breathing. When Jake manages to slow the tears, he allows Bradley to tug him into a comforting hug, with Jake burying his face in Bradley’s shoulder to ground himself some more.
“Are you okay Bradley? What y/n said wasn’t okay and I’m so sorry she said that.” Jake mutters, his voice still thick with tears and muffled by Bradley’s shirt but he was heard all the same.
“I’ll be okay. It’s not the first time it happened today.” Bradley says, attempting to shrug it off so Jake didn’t have to know how hurt he really was.
“Hey, I just opened up about how I was feeling. I think you owe me one.” Jake says, pulling away slightly and wiping at his eyes, giving Bradley his full attention.
“Okay. It hurt quite a bit, to be honest. I know I’m not her dad and I don’t expect her to call me ‘dad’ or anything I’m fine with her calling me Bradley. But it still hurt to hear her say that. And hearing her school say they were disappointed they couldn’t speak to you didn’t help the matter. They don’t see me as a part of your family. It’s always been Jake and y/n and I’m just on the sidelines.” Bradley admits, letting Jake know his true feelings about the situation. Jake’s face softened at Bradley’s words, and he reached for Bradley’s hand, squeezing it gently.
“You are part of our family, Bradley. Those people at the school are just assholes who don’t deserve even a smidge of your time. I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but y/n adores you. She really does. I know she’d fight tooth and nail for you if she needed to. You’re family. And we love and protect our family.” Jake says reassuringly, wanting to put Bradley’s running mind at ease. Bradley’s head nodded ever so slightly at Jake’s words, his gentle brown eyes ever so slightly dimmer than they usually were.
“Tell you what. You relax down here for a bit, watch some tv, drink some tea, and take care of yourself. I’m going to speak to y/n again.” Jake says after conjuring something up in his mind. Jake then presses a soft kiss to Bradley’s temple before quietly excusing himself to disappear upstairs to talk to you again. This time, a lot calmer than he was before.
The knock on your bedroom door shook you from your angry staring contest with the wall but you didn’t move to open the door, nor did you make an effort to reply. A second knock rang out across your room but yet again you refused to respond, your anger about the events that transpired had almost dissipated due to getting time to reflect but you weren’t ready to talk to your dad just yet.
“y/n, can I come in?” Jake asks carefully, opening your door just enough that he could speak to you. In response, you turned over on your bed, facing your back to him as you stared at the opposite wall. You heard your dad sigh lightly but yet still respected how you hadn’t answered him so didn’t cross into your room.
“I just want to talk. I’m not going to get mad or anything. I just want to hear your side of everything. I want to know what’s been going on, that’s all.” Jake says softly, hoping that if he speaks soft enough, it might coerce you into letting him in. This time you consider your dad's words, and speak up.
“You can come in.” You mumble, barely audible but Jake heard it somehow. He entered your room, pulling out your desk chair and sitting on it.
“y/n, could you look at me please, sweetheart? Before we talk there’s something I need to say.” Jake says, gently encouraging you to flip back over to look him in the eye.
“Sweetheart. I am so sorry for the way I spoke to you. I let my emotions get the better of me when I shouldn’t have.” Jake apologises, making you furrow your eyebrows and push yourself up to be sat cross-legged on your bed.
“You don’t need to apologise.” You start, feeling bad for making your dad feel guilty for punishing you when you deserved it.
“I do. I reminded myself too much of my dad and I hated the thought of being like him.” Jake cuts you off, wanting to get his point across.
“You’re nothing like him, dad. It was shocking to hear you put your foot down sure but the more I think about it the more I realise I deserved it.” You say, wanting to let your dad know that you don’t think he’s like his dad at all. Jake nods ever so slightly, comforted by your words but still couldn’t fight the nagging feeling that he would turn out to be like his dad after all.
“Let’s move on. I want to talk about what’s gotten you acting out like this. I understand kids go through phases where they get rebellious and act out but I thought you’d hopefully avoid that phase. I just want to know what caused it.” Jake asks, his gaze not leaving you so you knew he had your full attention.
“I don’t know. I think it mostly happened because a new girl joined my friendship group.” You say, fiddling with the corner of your blanket as you talk.
“A new girl?” Jake enquires, seeing if he can get any more information out of you.
“Yeah. She changed the dynamic of our group and it scared me a bit. I wanted to be cool so she wouldn’t pick on me or anything. That’s why I was always out at friends’ houses. She wanted to meet so we had to meet. I didn’t have time to do school work and I was so tired that every time a teacher asked me something I’d snap. I hate that I did it and I’m sorry for getting suspended.” You say, explaining everything and feeling more regret seep into you with each word.
“What was the other thing?” Jake asks, making you look at him in shock. You had been hoping he didn’t pick up on your use of ‘mostly’ but of course he did.
“You said it was mostly the new girl which insinuates there was another problem.” Jake asks, no hint of judgement in his tone, only concern and love.
“I felt a bit left out by you. You spend loads of time with the Daggers and Bradley now and spend more time at work so it feels weird without you. It had always been us against the world but now it feels different. I’m not saying don’t hang out with everyone I just miss you.” You admit quietly, your eyes flicking to the soft toy that sat proudly at the head of your bed. The toy that Jake had bought you not long after you were born. You were shaken out of your thoughts by Jake moving to sit next to you, wrapping you up in a tight hug.
“My sweet girl. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise. You’re always welcome to hang out with the Daggers, they love you almost as much as I do. I’ll try to do better and check in with you more.” Jake says in-between repeated kisses pressed to the top of your head. You shake your head from where it was resting against his chest.
“You’re okay dad. I just missed you.” You admit, wrapping your arms around Jake’s middle to reciprocate the hug. The two of you remain in the hug for a few minutes before a knock at the door pulls the two of you apart.
“It was pretty quiet up here, so I just wanted to make sure no one had been murdered.” Bradley says with a light laugh, smiling at the two of you. Just before Bradley can excuse himself and head back downstairs you call him back into your room. Before he can ask why you called him back you get off your bed and cross to Bradley, trapping him in a hug.
“I’m so sorry for what I said to you, Bradley. I was tired and angry, and I took it out on you and that wasn’t fair. You didn’t deserve that. Not when you’ve been nothing but kind and loving to me. You are one of my dads. I have two dad’s and you’re one of them. I love you so much and you’re my family.” You say as you hug Bradley tightly. Bradley looked over at Jake who was watching the interaction with a soft smile and teary eyes. Bradley then let out a soft breath before he dipped his head to press a kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you so much y/n/n,” Bradley says quietly, relishing the feeling of you hugging him.
“I love you too, Bradley.” You whisper, tightening your hold ever so slightly. When you pull apart, Jake gets up and crosses to Bradley, bringing him in for a quick kiss. After wiping his eyes to rid them of tears, Bradley then excuses himself to head downstairs and start making dinner leaving you and Jake alone once more. You smile over at Jake, relieved to have gotten everything out and not feeling the pent-up emotions anymore. Jake grins and reaches out to ruffle your hair.
“You’re a good kid. You know that right?” He says fondly as you swat his hand away from your hair.
“Only because I had a great dad growing up. Now I have two.” You reply, showing off your cocky Seresin smirk. Before you could continue to speak, you hear Bradley calling both of you downstairs to help him make dinner.
“Oh, before I forget you’re still grounded.” He says before leaving you behind as you jokingly sigh and roll your eyes.
“Yeah, I figured as much.”
taglist (comment or ask to be added):
@zbeez-outlet @kaceywithak @tsnelf7 @starkleila @cassadilasworld @shanimallina87 @madstxo
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someloserinajaywig · 5 months
Dragons Rising S2P2 predictions because I can keep them to myself no longer 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ok this is going to be mostly Arin/Sora centric because HOOOO BOY do I sense trouble in the air for these two
First of all, Arin is DEFINITELY going to find out about Sora helping him out with the object spinjitzu thing and I think he’s going to be really really hurt. They spent so much time this season building up his feelings of insecurity and finding this out is going to bring them back in a HUGE way.
Another thing the writers spent a long time building up was Arin’s innate goodness/kindness/naivety. Call me crazy but I think he’s going to learn shatterspin in part 2 - the one thing that literally requires destroying the goodness in your soul. I don’t think he’ll use it much but I think he will learn it and be irreversibly changed
I can envision the lead-up to it so vividly and I think finding out what Sora did is going to be the tipping point. I think the rough timeline would go something like this:
Things are going well-ish. Arin’s confidence is restored and he’s back to training with a new enthusiasm. I don’t think he’ll master object spinjitzu at this point but he’ll be seeing more success and feeling better about himself
Something will happen - my guess some sort of pivotal battle where they’re relying on Arin’s object spinjitzu to save the day and it won’t work and Sora will have to come clean.
Arin - betrayed and insecure - lashes out towards Sora, and then towards Lloyd and the others when they try to comfort/calm him down. He says he needs some time to himself and runs off somewhere
While he’s alone, he’s approached by some force of evil (maybe Ras, or Ras’ master, or someone different entirely) and they use his insecurity to convince him that the ninja are holding him back - think like his conversation with Ras in part 1 - and because he’s feeling so awful about it he’ll agree to join them
Training under this new person, they’ll encourage him to work with all this insecurity and build up a ton of anger towards the ninja - especially Sora and Lloyd - and I think they’ll get him to use that to learn shatterspin
Also pretty sure Sora will learn spinjitzu & rising dragon in p2. Thematically this makes a lot of sense as Sora has been very intertwined with dragons since her introduction (she literally NAMED herself after one), and her element is all about creating new things and pushing the limits of what she can do.
Meanwhile Arin doesn’t have an element (as far as we’re aware, and I really hope it stays that way), and a parts his design speak to oni imagery - the horns especially. I don’t think it’s far-fetched so assume that under the right circumstances he may turn to destruction
Creation and Destruction never ever show up without each other in ninjago. They are completely linked and a recurring theme in the show and I think this will become WAY more evident as dragons rising progresses
Other small things:
Someone will find Jay, probably. (Hopefully!!!!) I’m hopeful for an angsty arc but in all honesty it seems like it’ll resolve quite quickly once they do find him. Tbh im happy either way I just miss my wife
Cole/Geo won’t become explicitly canon but they will continue being delightfully queercoded
I think Wyldfyre and Nya are both going to struggle without Kai,, he’s sort of been a father figure to both of them and knowing he’s stuck somewhere he might never escape from is gonna be really hard on them (esp for Nya who’s already sort of lost one of the most important people in her life)
More Wu info??? (Hoping for this! Hes present in at least one of the new sets (dragon stone shrine, linked below) so im hopeful we’ll find out what happened that silly old guy
PIXAL return???? (I’m begging on my hands and knees)
Arin Sora and Wyldfyre will meet Fritz and Spitz idk I just think that would be cute
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
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Wooyoung x Single Mom! Reader
Your life gets flipped upside down when you take a new backup dancer job at KQ Entertainment, you lied in your interview how will you get out of this one?
Genre: Mostly Fluff, Some Angst.
Warnings: (?) Angst, Mentions of cheating, self-doubt, and arguing.
w/c: 8715
a/n: Ahhh the longest one I've written so far!!! Oh god, I really hope it's good and that you guys like it, I've never written anything this long and I'm so scared to post it hahaha. I feel like even as long as it is it might feel a little rushed. I have no idea....it took me a long time to write anyways so any and all feedback is welcomed. Okay AH! Enjoy, please!
tags: @cromernet @starillusion13, @jaehunnyy (for you Chippie)
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I don’t get to brush my teeth before breakfast. Today was a really important day for me though and I absolutely could not bring my screaming toddler to my first day as a backup dancer at KQ Entertainment.
“What do you think Sweet Pea? Pancakes for breakfast?” I looked at her. “How about some fruit too? Grapes, Cantaloupe?” she smiled.
“Mama!” she pointed at the plate.
“I know I know they’re coming.” I flipped the stove on and kept brushing my hair. This is what I get for letting her try to braid it last night. “I knew I should’ve prepped last night.”
Of course, the day was going to be crazy, I’m a ball of anxiety there’s no way I couldn’t be.
“Do you like the melon today? It’s in season so it should be nice.”
“Juicy.” she smiled. “I like it!” she raised it in the air.
“I’m glad, maybe I’ll get more the next time we go to the grocery store.” I ate with her and wiped her mouth when it got to be too much.
“Are you excited to hang out with grandma today?” I picked up her plate so we could go wash dishes together.
“Grandma is coming?” she looked at me.
“Yes, are you excited?” I looked down at her and pulled her step stool up since she insists she can ash her own dishes.
“Mmmmm I dunno.” she shrugged and I chuckled.
The doorbell rang.
“Hi Mom, thanks for watching her again.” I sighed opening the door a two-year-old attached to my hip. “Saja, say hi to grandma.” I nudged her and she hid behind my shoulder. My shy little girl.
“Oh still shy as ever I see. Does she talk to anyone?” my mom chuckled.
“She’ll talk to me, especially when she gets upset…she’s just nervous around people. In fact, we were just talking about you coming over.”
“Oh, how fascinating.” she smiled.
“Okay let me just show you around really quickly to make sure you know where everything is. It’s been a while since you traveled here and I really appreciate it.”
I gave her the tour around the apartment, sure it wasn’t big but it was enough to stress me out, and have trouble keeping clean. Important numbers on the fridge, obviously call me if there’s an emergency. Snacks in one cabinet, dry food in another, what she likes and doesn’t so far, what she likes to do all day, hopefully, if the weather is nice they can go to a park. I went to get ready while Saja was distracted and put my bag together.
“Where we going?” she asked and patted my bag by the front door reaching for her shoes.
“Unfortunately today Pumpkin you have to stay with grandma while Mama goes to her first day of work.” I pushed the hair out of her eyes.
“But-”her eyes gazed over. “But I wanna go.” she pouted and big tears started forming.
“It’s just like that time that mama had to drop you off at daycare for the first time sweet pea, remember how much fun that turned out to be. You met Junie, and Kiri.”
“But I no want mama go.” she hiccuped.
“I know baby, I’ll be back before you go to bed I promise. Probably even before dinner ok.” I hugged her and spun her around. “It’ll be hard today, but easy tomorrow ok? Just gotta trust me.”
“Otay.” she wiped her eyes. “Promise come back?”
“I promise. I’m not ever leaving you.” I kissed her forehead.
And so that’s how the first day of the rest of my life began. I got to KQ, nearly died from exhaustion on how much they taught us that first day, raced home to be there for my kid before she went to sleep, and did it again for months, some days it was picking her up from daycare, sometimes my mom would take care of her. Of course, I made some work friends who wanted to hang out but I couldn’t… I can’t just go drinking after practice, I have to get home to watch the new episode of Octonauts, read bedtime stories, and make sure her “homework” (coloring.) is done.
“Oh come on y/n, come out with us.” Jaeun begged.
“I-I really can’t, I have to get back home.”
“What do you have a kid or something?” he teased.
“S-Something yeah. I um…just a tight schedule and I’m trying to make ends meet.”
“Oh second job?” Eun suggested.
“It’s just important and I can’t just…I don’t really have free time. I’m sorry, I really do want to but I have so much to do…” I bowed. “Thank you really. I appreciate it every time you ask me. I’ll see you around.”
I started to leave when a voice spoke up next to me.
“Nice work today y/n.” came the calm cool voice of none other than Jung Wooyoung.
“Th-Thank you Mr.Wooyoung.” I said again with a bow.
“Maybe they can’t convince you out but could I?” he quirked an eyebrow…..Is he flirting with me?
“I’m s-sorry I really have to go.” I picked up my bag and left. Did Jung Wooyoung just talk to me….and ask me out? Are you kidding me? I can’t get…I can’t.
“Mama.” called out the small voice waiting by my front door.
“Hi baby.” I picked her up and smiled once more. “I missed you too.”
“You look upset.” my mom said looking me over.
“It’s ok Mom, maybe later.” I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Saja. “For now, let me see what you learned today?”
“Color!” she ran over to the table after I set her down and started telling me the names of the colors.
“Wow look at you my smart girl.” I smiled and looked at the drawing she made of the rainbow. “Definitely going on the fridge today.”
“Yay!” she smiled and went to pick out the magnet for the drawing.
“I got asked out for drinks again.” I sighed.
“I would’ve watched her honey, you can go.”
“It wasn’t just by my coworkers this time…it was one of my bosses….I don’t know I’ve maybe bumped into him like 3 times but I haven’t really ever had a conversation with him and I…I couldn’t say yes.”
“Why not, it’s been a while since you had a date.”
“Mom I’m not really…dating material…I have a kid and…I don’t know.”
“y/n, you should try it…just…take a chance.”
“Maybe….I’ll…I’ll think about it mom.”
“I just want you to be happy kiddo, and to not feel so alone.”
“I’m never alone…but it would be a little nice to…think about some help…Mom he doesn’t want kids! What am I even saying.” I sighed.
“This one!!!” Saja ran back in with a rainbow magnet for her rainbow drawing. “I want dis one.” she smiled.
“Okay that one it is.” I smiled and took her rainbow to hang it up. “And so now which one is your favorite color?”
“Yellow.” she smiled.
“Good choice.” I kissed her head. “Come on let’s get ready for bed.”
I got her into her yellow duckie pajamas, we washed our faces, and we brushed our teeth and read together, she’s trying new words but also told me what color each things were. My smart girl.
“Goodnight Princess.” I whispered and kissed her head leaving the room.
“y/n.” my mom called me over. “I really want you to think about having fun with your friends.”
“I will mom…I…They don’t know I have a kid and I just, I don’t know wouldn’t it just be weird I’m suddenly the mom friend.”
“Honey, you already act like a mom because you’ve always been the mom friend.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt again….I don’t want Saja to get hurt again.” I looked back at her door.
One year ago, it was raining, I’d just gotten fired from my job for falling asleep in a meeting because my good-for-nothing partner wouldn’t take care of his own child at 2am. I came home to a screaming Saja, no furniture except her bed and mine, and a letter on the counter with photos of my worst fear….he was cheating on me this whole time. At least he had the decency to leave his keys. I was so scared I called my mom and that night I did the only thing I could hold onto my screaming one-year-old and cry too. I just wanted the best for her, unplanned or not she deserved as much love as I could give her. In some small ways, she tried too, if she saw me having a bad day after I couldn’t find a job she’d offer me a snack, if I fell asleep while we were together she’d curl up next to me and stay put so I could sleep. She was truly one of the best things if not the best thing to happen to me. I just wish I could give her a good life where she doesn’t have to worry about things at 2 years old…she shouldn’t see me cry already. Now the opportunity was knocking on my door, figuratively of course…Just the prospect of a date was terrifying, could I really let someone in like that again?
Jung Wooyoung is nothing but consistent…consistently a pain in my ass, he really doesn’t quit I mean at first it was every other day he’d ask if I was busy after work, but now it’s twice a week…he won’t stop…He’s famous, he’s…he’s an idol he wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I said I had a kid. He’d leave me alone…can I really expose myself like that? What if I get fired? I really need this job…Christ, what am I going to do? Just keep saying no he’ll give up and move on. Right.
“Oh you’re just mad someone actually said no to you Wooyoungie.” San teased his best friend as he pouted at another failed date attempt.
“It’s the way she carried herself, and that she always looks after the others, I mean I’ve seen her make sure everyone has water before drinking herself, and if someone looks unwell she’s the first one to check on them.” Wooyoung groaned flailing on the couch.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for moms.” Hongjoong chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s a total mom friend making sure everyone else is taken care of.” he smiled at the younger one, rejection never looked so good on someone.
“You could’ve just dated Seonghwa if you were into that.” Mingi spoke up.
“He’s not my type.” Seonghwa flipped the page he was reading.
“No you’re not my type! I’m everyone’s type!” Wooyoung stood up flabbergasted by the thought. “Jung Wooyoung is everyone’s type.”
“Just don’t catch a harassment case.” Seonghwa sighed. “I like her a lot, she’s kind.”
How could she say no to Jung Wooyoung so many times, he’s charming, handsome, funny, super attractive, sexy, cute, hilarious, and a dance machine. Maybe he should start with…
“How about lunch?” Wooyoung smiled.
“Hmm?” I looked up at him.
“Come get lunch with me.” he nodded.
“Oh um I-”
“You never want to do anything after work so why not during, we get a long enough break, I’ll even buy for being a pain in the ass so much.”
“Really Mr. Wooyoung I’m flattered but I have my own, it’s alright.”
“You seriously have to stop calling me Mister, I’m not that old and I’m not even your boss.” he smiled. “Just have lunch with me…us really a group of us are going.”
“I……okay.” I said sheepishly thinking about how much my mom is going to yell at me for not going.
When he said group I wasn’t expecting all of Ateez to be the group. Oh god, do I look okI should really sit like Six feet away just in case there’s cameras and does my breath smell ok?
“Hi y/n!” seonghwa waved. At least he was kind….they all are I don’t know what I’m saying.
“H-Hi Seonghwa.” I flushed and waved back sitting at the small metal table with them, the chairs dragging on the floor causing the shrill sound to ring out.
“Guys this is y/n…the one rejecting Wooyoung.” he smiled.
“Okay so not cool!” Wooyoung yelled. “I finally get her to come down to lunch and you embarrass me.”
Lunch with Ateez was becoming a regular thing, every week now I’d go with Wooyoung and we’d chat and…I almost felt like another member, sure they did this with others but it felt really special…I felt special. Mom was right I do need more friends. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I just let go and got to know Wooyoung. 
“Like a good mother.” Hwa chuckled.
I did a spit take. “Sorry! Just inhaled too much water.” I coughed and my phone started ringing. “Oh sorry I have to take this.” I got up to answer around the corner.
“Mama!” the voice came from the small face on my phone.
“Hi Pumpkin are you having fun with grandma?” I smiled.
“Grandma makes Tteokbokki like you! But not as yummy.” she smiled and held it up.
“Oh? But I learned from grandma so shouldn’t hers be better?”
“Oh now you know it was your grandmother that taught you this recipe, I can’t cook to save my life.” she chuckled.
“And who’s that?” came a voice from behind me.
“Shit!” I jumped and dropped my phone.
“y/n? y/n?” my mom spoke.
“Mama?” Saja called out.
“S-Seonghwa. I-”
“So you are an actual mom?” he smiled.
“N-No I-....I um…it’s my niece and I” I felt the anxiety creep in, I got nauseous and I could taste the bile in my throat.
“Can I see her?” he smiled and sat next to me and picked up my phone but face it away in case I said no.
“Mom I’ll call you back ok. Saja it’s ok.” I smiled lightly at the phone and hung up. “Am I fired?”
“Fired??? For what? Did you steal a water bottle too?” he smiled. “Those are free.”
“No for…for lying about not having a kid.”
“It doesn’t matter that you have a kid pabo.” he picked my face up. “Why’d you hide it?”
“I really needed the job, it’s just me providing and…I didn’t want to be turned down because I have a daughter.”
“I see…y/n you were hired because you are insanely talented and can dance circles around any of those guys, mom or not. I think they wouldn’t have been making you stay so late if they knew, it’s important to be there for a child too.”
“I really need this job Seonghwa.” I felt the tears fall.
“You’re not losing your job honey I promise. It’ll stay between us….only if you let me say hi.” he smiled.
“I…” I picked my phone up and called my mom back. “Hi Mom, um…sorry my um…my boss scared me and he…yeah.” I nervously handed Seonghwa the phone.
“Oh that’s not who I wanted to say hi to hi Mrs. (l/n) you’re very lovely, I wanted to meet y/n jr. though.”
“Oh Saja, come say hi to Mister??”
“Seonghwa.” he smiled waiting for the small child.
“Hi.” Saja said smally as my mom came down to her level with the phone. “Mama??”
“I’m here sweet pea.” I called and peeked over Seonghwa’s shoulder. “Hi baby, what’d you have for lunch?”
“Potatoe.” she said getting quite shy at the man looking at her.
“And?” my mom prompted. “We tried pajeon, and Kimchi for the first time.”
“Kimchi?” Seonghwa smiled, “how exciting. Did you like it?”
“Spicy.” she frowned.
“Maybe we’ll try radish Kimchi she likes crunchy things.” I nodded. “I should get back to my own lunch honey, anything you want to say to Mr. Seonghwa?”
“......pretty.” she blushed looking away from the phone.
I think Seonghwa short-circuited he nearly dropped my phone.
“I’ll be home after work okay, be good for grandma, bye mom, thank you.” I smiled softly and hung up. “Mr.Seonghwa?”
“You really are ana amazing person.” he smiled and hugged me. “Next time we’re meeting in person.”
“Wouldn’t that be unprofessional?” I questioned.
“I don’t care that little ray of sunshine is getting spoiled by her uncle Seonghwa now.” he smiled.
If Seonghwa could’ve felt the eyes burning into the back of his head at the glare Wooyoung was sending the older man he’d probably be dead. I on the other hand couldn’t process what just happened…everything felt so strange, letting Seonghwa in on my secret…I wasn’t sure I liked it but it was…nice to let something out.
“And what were you two talking about?” Wooyoung questioned as we sat back down.
“Nothing, I was just making sure she was ok.” Seonghwa shrugged like nothing happened.
“Sorry just a weird phone call. I’m okay.” I nodded and looked down at my lunch.
“Aww cute!” Wooyoung pointed out the note Saja had wrote for me. “Where’d you get that.”
“Must’ve came with the wrap, I didn’t notice.” I looked at the scribbles that I’m sure were supposed to be words but what really made me tear up was the heart, it was mishapen and wobbly but it was her.
“Hey? Are you sure you’re okay?” Wooyoung lifted my chin up before the tear hit the paper.
“Yes, I’m ok.” I looked at him and blushed a bright red.
“Promise?” he held out a pinky for me. Saja does the same….
“Promise.” I whispered and let a few tears fall.
That’s where my relationship with Wooyoung took a turn. I noticed the small things at first…the little notes in my bag, the heart on my water bottle, and getting me lunch, or a snack, he always came to talk to me during breaks, and we always sat next to each other if we could during things, bus rides to venues for performances, meetings, anything. It all felt so nice. I felt…happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to give him a chance…even just one. 
“Hi cutie!” Wooyoung yelled over the phone as I answered.
“Hi Woo.” I smiled lightly at the phone and walked out to the little patio I had.
“Why so quiet?” he questioned.
“No reason. Just enjoying the peace.” I had just put Saja down and I didn’t want to risk her waking up.
“Listen I was thinking-”
“Isn’t that a dangerous game.” I chuckled cutting him off.
“Come to dinner with me?” he smiled. “Please?”
“Before you say no! Just…one chance, look I know you said your ex was terrible and left you with nothing but I just…y/n you’re great, and smart, and wonderful, and beautiful, and…and amazing…please…just one date so I can stop my terrible attempts at flirting. I’m running out of pick-up lines to use on you.”
“Wooyoung I….”I looked back at the apartment and a cool breeze wrapped around me sending a shiver down my spine. It would be nicer to try having someone else around. Was I ready for him to know everything? “Dinner sounds nice. Maybe Friday?”
“Friday.” he smiled, you could hear the grin. The wonderful grin followed by his melodic giggle. 
Maybe we can try again…maybe this time won’t hurt so bad. Maybe he’d stay.
You’re getting too ahead of yourself y/n. Just one dinner, and maybe it’ll be okay from there, just take it one day at a time.
Friday came quicker than I’d like and I still had no idea what to wear, what to do, all I knew was my mom was excited and I felt like I was going to throw up again.
“You know Saja likes watching him perform onstage, she says he moves the most like water.” my mom smiled. “She gets so happy seeing you on the tv.”
“I know…she asks to watch a performance before we go to bed usually.”
“Aren’t you excited?”
“No…I mean I am but, god this could go horribly wrong.”
“But it won’t, I’ve seen the little notes, you have this boy smitten like he’s a teenager.” she chuckled.
“Yeah but eventually I’m going to have to tell him about Her.” I motioned to my daughter.
“How do you know he doesn’t like kids?”
“I didn’t say that, but he has been thinking I’m just some poor single woman this whole time Mom, and I don’t know how to bring that up, Oh hi by the way I’ve been lying to you for 4 months, and actually have a two-year-old, hope that doesn’t change anything.” I groaned and pulled on the black cocktail dress I had picked out.
“Honey, I don’t think it will…you trusted Seonghwa with saying hello.”
“That was over the phone and this is different mom…this is a…potential love interest, you know a maybe boyfriend, Seonghwa is no more than a potential babysitter and even that’s a maybe.”
“I think you should let some people in…it’ll be good for you to have more than just me for her. Also I have plans for tonight”
“I know you’re right mom I just…. MOM!!! And you didn’t tell me!” I groaned and picked up my phone. “Fine.”
“Just giving you an extra push dear.”
“You are…I swear!” I hit dial.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end of my phone croaked out.
“Hey, could you…do me a favor.” I sighed.
“So you want me to meet your daughter, and babysit her while you go on a date with Wooyoung?” Seonghwa questioned me as I stood with him in the hallway.
“Yes…because my mom forced this…”
“How so.”
“She ‘made plans’ or whatever so now I need a babysitter or I have to tell Wooyoung I’ve been lying this whole time.” I sighed.
“Hey hey okay, I’ll do it.”
“I figured since you brought a goodie basket.” I eyed the stuffed animal behind him. “Saja.” I called out coming back inside. “Come meet Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa could barely contain himself waiting to meet my two year old.
“Mama?” Saja hid around the corner.
“Hey sweet pea, it’s okay…remember him, he’s from the tv.” I held out my hand for her and she walked over to hide behind me.
“Hi Saja.” Seonghwa said calmly and in a quiet tone getting down to her level. “I’m Seonghwa, I work with your mama, remember we talk on the phone.”
“....pretty.” she blushed.
“She remembers.” I pat her head. “Why don’t you show Mr.Seonghwa the painting you did.” she nodded and ran to go get her newest art piece and came back over, she stopped and looked between me and him before taking a cautious step forward. 
“Oh my goodness, look at this.” he smiled. “Okay let’s see….a cat?” she nodded. “Wow what a beautiful cat. What’s his name?”
“Rainbow.” she said quietly.
“Rainbow? What a perfect name.” he smiled. “And is mama going to hang it up?” he looked up at me.
“Yes” she smiled and ran off to find the magnet.
“She likes you, I promise, she’s just shy at first.” I breathed. “I have to get going I don’t…want to be late.” I looked at her in the kitchen.
“I promise nothing bad will happen.” Seonghwa tried reassuring me.
“Last time I left her alone with a man he took everything and left.” I brushed him off and grabbed my things.
“Y/n” Seonghwa placed a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. “I understand, but you deserve some help, and some fun.”
“She’s all I have Seonghwa.”
“Y/n I promise she’s in great care, I wouldn’t dream of hurting either of you.”
I sighed. “Saja. Come give mama a hug please?” she came running over with a new magnet for her cat drawing.
“Where go?” she questioned holding her arms up for a hug.
“Mama is going to go see a friend because she really likes this friend ok? It’s called a date.”
“Date?” she questioned more.
“See when two adults, like mama and her friend like each other more than just friends, which is a very complicated feeling to understand even for adults, they go out to do things together, like eat dinner or watch a movie.”
“To see if they like each other’s company more than other people.” I smiled. “However no one’s company is better than yours sweet pea.” I kissed her nose. “So you stay here and play with Seonghwa and Mama will be back later, like when you stay with Grandma.”
“Are we go on a date too?” she whispered.
“Sure.” I smiled and she was blushing as I put her down. “Have fun okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” Seonghwa smiled and Saja walked back over to her table.
My phone dinged again and I made my way out and downstairs to Wooyoung and his very expensive car.
“Didn’t know you could drive.” I raised an eyebrow,
“Very recent, you look beautiful” he smiled.
“Thank you.” I blushed and he opened the car door for me. “Not so shabby yourself sir.”
“Thank you.” he smiled and closed the door gently and mumbled to himself he told me what he said later was “Wow she looks beautiful.” however I think  “okay rizz master Wooyoung, you gotta work.” sounds more like what he actually said…don’t let him tell you otherwise.
“So I was just thinking a quiet dinner without all the noise from the guys and maybe a walk?” he smiled.
“Sure, I’m just along for the ride.” I nodded. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this so you’re going to have to carry me along.”
“Don’t worry I’ve got you.” he smiled.
Throughout the course of dinner I learned that work Wooyoung, friend Wooyoung, and date Wooyoung are three very different people. He seems different.
“Yeah no order whatever you like.” he smiled and gestured to the menu.
“I’m not used to this kind of stuff.” its usually chicken nuggets and mac and cheese…why am I suddenly craving it…or pizza, I could so go for a pizza right now.
“Well only the best for you.” he smiled nervously. “How am I going to pay for this?!” he thought to himself.
“Right.” I swallowed nervously and looked at the menu. There aren’t even prices listed. “Wooyoung?” I looked up at him over the menu.
“Hmm? Yes, oh did you have a question?”
“Have you ever eaten here before?”
“Oh yeah loads of times!” why am I lying??” 
“What do you recommend?” I blushed a little, I knew he made good money but…I don’t know this seems a bit much.
“Well there’s the uh Hakarl.” he said and pointed. “That’s good and then the Bird’s Nest Soup.” he nodded.
“Oh okay. Why don’t you pick for me, I mean I want whatever you’re having.” I shrugged. He knew what he was talking about.
“I don’t have a clue what I’m saying! What did I even recommend!” he yelled at himself.
When the waiter came back he ordered for us and we left it at that, I finished my glass of wine and looked around at some of the dishes…they all looked interesting…to be kind…I don’t know if I can do this.
“Um excuse me.” I pulled a waiter aside and asked about the dish he had just served. “What did she order?”
“Ah that ma’am is the Bird’s Nest Soup” he smiled. “You see the saliva turns hard-”
“Thank you.” I interrupted and turned back to Wooyoung. Saliva? “Wooyo-”“Y/n” we both said at the same time.
“You go first.” he gestured.
“Wooyoung I really appreciate this but I…I can’t do this…this food is…it’s way too much for me.”
He sighed….here it comes.
“Thank god.” he breathed out. “I really didn’t want to find out what the other thing I ordered is.”
“Can’t we just go get a slice of pizza? Like normal?” I looked down at my hands.
“Please.” he stood up and walked over to our waiter talking to him before handing over his company card and explaining everything. “Let’s go before they bring it out.”
I nodded.
What started off horrible and scary turned into something magic, we found a place by the park close to my apartment and got three sliced of whatever pizza sounded good and just sat in the park. Much more my speed, much more…relaxed.
“I just wanted to impress you.” Wooyoung looks down at the slice of pizza in his lap. “I thought…maybe you’d like it if I took you somewhere special.”
“Who says Pizza isn’t special?” I looked at him but his eyes were turned down to the ground. “Woo?”
“I just….I really like you, especially the more I’ve gotten to know you, you’re kind, and gentle, and just…you’re absolutely wonderful y/n and I really fucked this up tonight.”
“Hey.” I nudged him. “Hey” I said a little more sternly and lifted his chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m still here aren’t I?....I appreciate that you think I deserve some fancy restaurant where we sit 10 feet away from each other and the menus don’t have prices and we’re waited on hand and foot, but…that’s not my speed. I prefer picnics and pizza and bullet train sushi and…fried chicken, and mac and cheese, and stupid little fruit cups.” I smiled at him. “I like it when we have lunch together and we eat ramen or tteokbokki, or even rabokki!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for Wooyoung.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m having a great time eating pizza in my favorite park with my second favorite person on the planet.”
“Who’s the first?”
“No one you need to worry about.” I chuckled and blushed.
“Ahhh your mom then.” he smiled. “Thank you…for not letting me feel like I completely fucked this up.”
“Quite the contrary, you’ve shown me that I really mean something to you…I mean that place was faannncyyyy.”
“You do mean something to me.” he looked into my eyes and there was that intensity that he had when he was dancing. The look of “I’m doing this and no one can stop me.”
“Thank you.” I rubbed his cheek.
You know how it goes, he walked me home, I got the third degree from my mom on how it went…except Seonghwa joined in, I tucked my two year old into bed and then…I had a full moment in bed in my pajamas where I squealed and kicked my legs and just…he kissed my cheek and held my hand and and and…pizza. Yeah. I could…I could get used to having Wooyoung.
It was just like any other day, it was warm and sunny, Wooyoung wanted to go out on a date and we decided another park date, kimbap which of course he made, in fact he made all of the food we ate, mandu, rolled omelet, potato salad, some pajeon, and finally because this obviously isn’t enough food for two people he also made my favorite cucumber salad . I really am one special girl. 
“Woo this is too much.” I chuckled looking over at him as he kept bringing out more food.
“Nonsense, you’ll love this.” he smiles but you can tell there’s something bothering him.
“Are you ok?” I looked at him his face tight.
“Yeah, no it’s..it’s nothing I’m fine.” he nodded but he seemed more in his own head now.
“How about next time I’ll make the kimbap? I’ve been told I make it pretty good.” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
Sure everything was going well, I really like him but I don’t know he seems a little distant recently and I can tell something is bothering him. I…
“Woo?” I said putting down my things. “You know we can talk about things right?”
“I….y/n…I….” he started and closed his mouth a few times. “What’s your relationship with Seonghwa?”
“Seonghwa? I don’t know…friends I guess. I mean I can certainly feel safe around him.” I looked at him confused.
“I know…what I’m about to say is…I know…Are you…Are you cheating on me?”
“What no?!” I looked at him incredulously. “Cheating?? Wooyoung I would-”
“Then why is it that you drop everything when he calls?” he looked at me getting a little teary eyed. “Why is it that when he calls you leave the room? Hmm? What private conversation can’t Wooyoung hear?” he was getting upset.
“Wooyoung it’s not like that-” I started.
“Well then how is it y/n! Because it certainly seems like you two aren’t just friends!”
“Woo please listen to me.” I said my voice quivering a bit. “Please take a breath and listen.”
“Then start explaining…I thought it was me and only me.”
“It is!”
“I saw you together!!” he stood up angrily.
“He’s just my friend Wooyoung I swear nothing more!” I looked at him, my own tears blurring my vision. “Wooyoung I would never cheat on you I swear, please just listen to me!”
“So you can lie about-”
“Mama?” a small voice called out. 
“S-Saja!” Seonghwa’s voice called out.
“Seonghwa?” Wooyoung looked over at his friends familiar voice. “What are you doing with a child?”
“Mama!” Saja threw herself into my arms hugging me tightly. “Hi!”
“H-Hi sweet pea.” I looked at her and moved her hair lightly, I could feel Wooyoung looking at the scene before him. “Wooyoung, this is Saja…my…daughter.”
“Daughter? Are you two-?”
“No! Wooyoung I’m just…I just babysit while you two go out.” Seonghwa looked at him.
“Is she yours?” Wooyoung looked at the child and then back to Seonghwa.
“No.” I said and held her closer. “She’s my ex’s…he left…Seonghwa just…he found out I had her and I needed someone to look after her because I really wanted to go out with you but I…” I felt like I could throw up.
“Wooyoung did…I wouldn’t do something like that to you.” Seonghwa looked at the younger male, anger burning behind his pupils.
Wooyoung looked between us grabbing his things.
“Wooyoung, don’t leave…you’ll regret it if you do.” Seonghwa warned the younger male. I covered Saja’s ears.
“Well what was he supposed to think Seonghwa…afterall I drop everything when you call, I go to you when I don’t know what to do, I call you late at night because she’s crying.” I shrugged. “I would think the same….Maybe I should go.” I moved to get up but Wooyoung stopped me before I could get further.
“No.” he looked at the blanket. “Don’t.”
“Saja why don’t you and Hwa go play.” I looked at her and kissed her forehead.
“Hwa Hwa!!! You It!” she got up and ran away.
Wooyoung sat back down and folded his hands together in front of me.
“Wooyoung I…This isn’t how I wanted it to go.” I looked away from him. “I promise there is nothing go on between us other than he’s my babysitter…I think of him as my older brother honestly. I have feelings for you and you only.”
He stayed quiet before nodding and looking over at Seonghwa and Saja playing.
“Why’d you lie y/n? About…her?”
“No one would hire a single mom…I needed the money before she got kicked out of preschool and we lost our apartment so I begged my mom to come help take care of her just until I had enough that I could come clean about it.”
“We have plenty of parents I don’t understand.” he looked at me.
“By the time I finally got to KQ I had been turned down so many times I-I-I panicked it was the only thing I could think of and I was desperate and they..you were all so kind and I-” tears rushed down my face. “And then you showed up and everyone else and then Seonghwa found out and I got scared and you kept asking me out and making me smile and…this isn’t how I wanted you to meet. I wanted you to meet her please.”
He stayed quiet and I wiped my face, before I knew it he brought me into him and rubbed my back.
“I really have made an ass out of myself haven’t I?” he whispered into my hair.
“I understand where you’re coming from though Woo really.” I held onto him.
“Tell me everything.” he asked
I told him our backstory, how my ex left, cheated, basically robbed me, how Hwa found out, I told him what I could and he listened.
“I’d really like to meet her if you let me.” he picked up my face and cupped my cheek. “I promise I’ll listen better.”
“Woo it’s not your fault, what were you supposed to think.”
“That my girlfriend wouldn’t cheat on me.” he squeezed me a little. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too…..I’d really like for you to meet her.” I looked at him. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Whenever you’re ready.” he brushed my hair back often like I do for Saja. “Some times…things work out differently than we want them to.”
“Are you still mad?” I asked.
“I’m still….trying to figure out why.” he sighed. “It makes sense but…I just…I.”
“You can be upset Wooyoung, its a big thing I hid from you.” I shied away from him.”Does it change how you feel about me?”
“I don’t know…maybe? I….I mean-” he looked up at me and I knew he could see it, the heartbreak on my face, I never was good at hiding it. “No baby I-”
“No…no it’s fine Wooyoung…” I moved off him. “I wouldn’t…” I stood up and turned away from him. “I wouldn’t feel the same about me either, it’s probably why I got rejected from everything else.” probably even why he left in the first place. “We’ll just go.”
“No baby, stay. We can have lunch, I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded.
“Mama? Can I has water?” Saja came over tired from playing.
“Here!” Wooyoung jumped up and opened a bottle for her. “I made all this food would you like a snack?”
She looked at me and I nodded and we sat back down only this time apart.
“Y/n.” Seonghwa looked at me.
“It’s nothing.” I turned away from both of them to pay attention to my daughter. “It’s just me and Saja.”
Seonghwa looked over at Wooyoung who looked down at the blanket and pushed food over to us before looking to Seonghwa and away again.
“Saja what do you say?”
“Gram…Sa…Ham…Mama what was it?” she looked at me. “Oh! Hamyida!”
“Good.” I chuckled and wiped her face. “We’ll get going now, thanks for running into us Seonghwa…It was nice to meet you.” I got up and helped Saja up before starting our walk home.
“Mommy?” Saja looked up at me.
“Yes sweet pea?” I stopped.
“Why you look sad?”
“Oh don’t worry angel, I’m okay. I just really thought it’d turn out different.”
“Like what?” she questioned. Every the curious two year old.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about Saja.” I picked her up.
“Can we play with Hwa Hwa tomorrow too?” she yawned.
“I’ll ask him later baby. Let’s get you home.”
I got her home, and of course, she was asleep on me when we walked in. I put her down and sat by her bed, I couldn’t stop the tears that came down my face. I thought everything would work out this time, I thought that maybe…maybe one day he’d be here too…maybe she’d go to sleep and we’d stay up and watch a movie together, maybe we’d play games, or have friends over, or…it was always too much to ask. Too much for me to be happy. Not even a text when I walked through the door. Was this really over?......I’ll turn in my resignation on Monday. 
Monday came and went but my computer screen remained blank, I didn’t want to write a resignation letter it’s only been a few months but, I loved my job, I loved the guys, my friends….I loved him. I called in sick I just couldn’t see him, of course by now Seonghwa and Wooyoung had told CEO Kim who asked if there was anything he could do, if Saja was sick or anything. No. There was nothing anyone could do.
“Mama again!” Saja called out pointing to the finished episode of Paw Patrol. I replayed it for her and pulled myself into the chair more, staring at the blank document.
“Saja I’m going to the potty, don’t answer the door like usual ok?”
“Otay!” she smiled and sang along to the theme song.
I just wanted to splash some cold water on my face, something to get it out of my system.
“Hi!” I heard Saja yell from the living room.
“Saja? I told you-”
“Hwa Hwa!!!” she screamed and I ran out to see two men standing in my now open doorway.
“Sorry, I used the spare key.” Seonghwa flushed and spun Saja upside down.
“Why are you here?” I stood there wanting to grab my child from them.
“Baby I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded. “Please can we talk.”
“No, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do. Please.”
I pushed him out into the hallway and closed the door.
“Wooyoung you shouldn’t…you made it clear how you felt.” I looked away from him.
“No I didn’t because that wasn’t how I felt. That isn’t how I feel y/n.”
“Then how do you feel, because I think “I don’t know if they changed” after that means anything different but it-”
“It didn’t change how I felt okay! I…I panicked…I freaked out because I…You have a kid and sure I love little kids, I love Kyungmin, I love babysitting, and I love playing dress up and tag and…I really love them you know I do, but…it was scary. I no longer had to impress just you I’d have to impress your daughter, I’d have to figure out how to…be a good role model and…take care of her and I’m just a cool uncle or big brother I’ve never had to…be a parent.”
“You’re not her parent Wooyoung.” I crossed my arms. “And how do you think I’m going to feel! We Slept-” I quieted down. “You were the first person I’ve slept with since I had her and you just……..I’m her parent Wooyoung.”
“Yes but we’re dating, so that means I need to be there for her too, because you don’t just date the one person, that’s the most important person in your life I can’t just…I have to be a good example. None of it changed how I felt about you, after you two left I just wanted to do it all over again, I wanted to ask you on a picnic and play tag and push her on the swings and..please believe me y/n, I want to try again. I feel so stupid ok, I have real genuine feelings for you and I hurt you I know I did, I just…one more chance baby please. I’m sorry y/n please. I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing if you just give me one chance to make it up to you.”
I sighed. “It’s not up to just me Woo….give me two seconds.” I walked back inside and he stayed in the hallway. “Saja?”
“Hi mommy!” she called out from the couch where she was giving Seonghwa a makeover. “Princess Hwa Hwa.” she smiled.
“Oh how lovely.” I smiled and looked at Hwa…I need a photo. “One photo so we can remember your masterpiece?”
“You can take ONE photo. Make it count.” Seonghwa looked at me and I took a photo of him and Saja.
“Saja honey?” I came down to her level. “Would you like to meet mommy’s friend from the other day? The one with all the food.”
“Yeah!” she smiled. “The one mommy likes!”
“Yes, the one mommy likes.” I smiled. “Come on.”
I carried her to the door and took a breath, everything was going to change once I opened this door.
“Ready!” she called out. Ok.
I opened the door half expecting Wooyoung to dart…thank god he was still there when I opened my eyes.
“Saja, this is Wooyoung.” I looked at him. “Wooyoung this is my daughter, Saja.”
“Hi!” she smiled and waved.
“Hello Saja.” he smiled back. “It’s very nice to meet you.” He pulled a flower out from behind his back.
“Where did you-?” I looked at him.
“Flower!” she smiled and took it. “Mommy likes a maggisin!”
“Would you like to come in for coffee.” I looked at him.
“I would love to.” he smiled
This was it, Wooyoung was entering my life, he was seeing the real me and my daughter. I set Saja down to go play with Seonghwa but she stayed and talked to Wooyoung, she showed him all the pictures she drew and all the things she did for pre-school, he smiled and listened the whole time. He helped with a snack since she was getting hungry and he even let her do his hair, and for once in the past 7 months I’ve known him, I could finally breathe. It felt as though a weight has been taken off my chest and I could actually let him see me, the real me. It felt good. It felt so fucking good.
Wooyoung is a wonderful partner, truly. Saja loves him, she’s started calling him every night before bed if he isn’t here to tuck her in, she likes to tell him about her day, he plans dates with all three of us and sometimes even just the two of us, the guys have slowly been introduced to her and they all claim to be her favorite uncle (we all know its Seonghwa). Wooyoung has been maybe slowly moving in slightly, his stuff appears more and more, and what do you know he’s usually attached to it, and now, almost a year later her birthday was coming up and I had no idea what to do.
“Okay I know it her birthday but I was thinking we could bring her to work and surprise the guys for a birthday party?” he rubbed my cheek, the soft sunlight drifting in for the morning.
“She would like it, especially if San and Hwa were there, and Mingi, she likes being tall.” I kissed the palm of his hand.
“I’m sorry.” he said and looked at me fondly.
“For what?” I questioned.
“For everything. For being ignorant, and stupid. For-”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing for that.” I held his wrist gently.
“I told you I’m apologizing for it every day.” he kissed my nose.
“Good Morning!” Saja called out and climbed into the bed and on top of Wooyoung. “Wooyoungie!”
“Hi Princess good morning.” he smiled and kissed her head. “Did you sleep well?”
“From the looks of her bed head I’d say so.” I chuckled.
“Well I better get those pigtails back in before Hwa Hwa sees you then hmm?” Wooyoung lifted her up and got up to go to the bathroom with her.
“Woo?” he turned around. “It’s a great idea.” I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
As I made breakfast Wooyoung made sure they got their morning ritual done, you always have to dance in the morning if you want your day to go well according to him. Saja likes spending time with him and frankly, this past year it’s been so nice to not feel like a single parent.
“Okay and 1,2,...3 and 4. Good! Okay Okay. shh shh.” Wooyoung spoke. “Eomma!!” he called out.
“Yes?” I peaked around the corner.
“Saja wants to show you something.” he smiled and nodded for her.
He started playing the music to Case 143, the chorus specifically and she looked like she was going to do it but then turned to Wooyoung and looked scared.
“I can’t” she whispered. He stopped the music and got down to her level.
“Hey hey what’s wrong princess?” he scooped her up.
“I can’t do it.” she sniffled.
“Of course you can.” he smiled. “You practiced hard with me while eomma was busy.”
“Too hard.” she looked away from him.
“I think she’s just nervous to do it alone Woo.” I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
“Do you want me to do it with you princess?” he pushed her hair back.
“Want Youngie do it too.” she whispered to him.
“Wooyoungie will do it too.” he nodded. “Okay? Together?” this time it was her turn to nod.
He started the music over and set her down.
She looked at him as they started and even though she was shy she saw him do it and knew he meant it when he said he’d do it with her. It gave her the boost she needed to do it too. Before my eyes here she was trying her best to dance along to Case 143 by Stray Kids and for an almost 3-year-old, she did a great job.
“Oh sweet pea that was amazing!!” I scooped her up and kissed her face. “Such a good dancer.” I smiled.
“Like Appa!” she smiled and pointed to Woo. I stumbled a little.
“O-Okay breakfast time.” Wooyoung clapped and took Saja and sat at the table to eat breakfast. “Baby? Come eat ok?”
We’d talk about it…after breakfast.
“I’m sorry.” Wooyoung confessed. “She started calling me that last week when I was watching her when you had to stay late with Yunho and I didn’t correct it but she knew you would be scared if you heard and-”
“Is that what you want?” I looked at him. “Is this what you want? You know you can’t leave if she starts calling you that.”
“You are what I want y/n. Nothing else. Just this.” he nodded, I’ve never seen him look so serious. “I may be young and handsome, but I-I I can be a dad too.”
“Are you sure?” I held his hand and he gave me a firm squeeze.
“I’m sure.” he nodded.
“Of course you taught her how to dance.” I wiped my face and chuckled.
“She’s got quite a talent, I think she picked it up from her mom.” he smiled and kissed my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere..in fact, I was waiting until her birthday but…Maybe it’s time I…move in?”
“And what else could you possibly bring over…You already live here.” I smiled and kissed him.
“I have some other things.” he chuckled and kissed me back.
“I love you Jung Wooyoung.” I smiled and held onto him.
“And I love you l/n f/n.” he smiled back and held my hips.
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I wake up in the arms of my loving boyfriend, sometimes with no clothes, and sometimes I wake up to the sight of my daughter getting ready for the day with her two favorite people, I see a smile on her face as her appa cries dropping her off for school, I see the joy on her face when the guys come over and San talks to her about her day, I see my daughter being surrounded by more love than I could ever ask for. Surrounded by her 7 uncles and her appa, better than I could’ve asked for. 
Sometimes I wake up to the biggest smile I could ever see, more radiant than the sun, and I know this is all real. Wooyoung is real, and he’s here Forever.
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The Day The Music Died (PART FOUR)
Possessive!Spot x femSpider!Reader & Possessive!Miguel x femSpider!Reader
Summary: Grumpy reader is freaking the fuck out. You meet a certain supervillain +his sworn nemesis leader and things get a little darker.
Warnings: Violence, Possesive behavior, obsession, miguel lolll, bad commuinication from reader. Panicccc.
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Was it bad that you could now stick to any surface you wanted?
Nah, just a little weird. 
Was it worse that you could hear, smell, taste, and feel something that was miles away?
Yes. Fucking yes.
You could not get any peace and quiet after the incident. 
Even if you dragged your pillow over your ears or stuffed them with cotton, it was futile. 
Ignore the problem and it’ll go away.
Walking to work became more of a hassle when everything was so…much.
At least your wrists started to hurt less, but they still were sensitive as fuck. 
Finally, you had a day off and what did you decide to do?
Find Spot. 
Hopefully before this navy and red spandex creep found you first. 
After stalking places where a supposed ‘supervillain’ would be, you came across the same abandoned park you were at a few months ago. 
When it all went to shit.
The warehouse in the forest caught your attention, and so you strutted over. 
You didn’t even have to look below your feet to make sure your didn’t trip. You had impeccable balance. 
The trees watched over you like all those people when you were bit. The shadows comforted you. Birds chirped in the distance and you could hear the sound of horns honking in traffic behind you. 
The warehouse had overgrown plants and cracks in the walls. 
The perfect hideout.
The door was adjacent and was detached from its hinges from years of no use. 
When you stepped inside, you weren’t even stunned to see the pale white lanky man tinkering on the floor. 
Spot talked to himself a lot, you noticed. 
“Maybe if I could just–No…no that wouldn’t work.” and “I’ll show them…I’ll show her.” were the most frequent thoughts that were spoken into the abandoned building. 
He didn’t notice you come in, you were so fucking quiet nowadays that you couldn’t even hear your own footsteps. 
And you were the one with the abnormal hearing. 
This launched him out of his science and he quickly swiveled to look at you. 
“Woah–What–What are you doing here?!” Spot spat at you as you stood with your arms by your side. 
Honestly, you weren’t all too sure yourself. 
You were scared.
“I’m scared.” 
It was silent. You could hear a pin drop. No literally, you could actually hear a pin drop from inside the city. Miles fucking away. 
You kept a straight face as a tear slowly fell from your eye. 
“I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” 
Spot just stood in an amazed shock. You assumed that if he had eyes, they’d be wide. 
“I’m weird now.” You hoped he wouldn’t make you talk more than you needed to. You were already embarrassed from needing help.
You were so fucking pathetic.
“Ok–You just–you’re what?!” He raised his voice, causing you to flinch since it seemed way louder than it actually was. “You are an absolute–why did you come to me?”
“I don’t know.” That was a lie. You did know. 
“What do you mean weird? Are you just–Are you trying to screw with me?!” Spot just seemed to get even more angry. 
You were just so tired. 
You didn’t care.
“I lied. I do know.” Always honest, you had to keep being honest. 
“Then why?! Because you made it clear you didn’t want me!” Static raised between you two as he spoke vigorously. Was it weird that he seemed more…hole-y than he was before? 
“I don’t wanna say it.”  
You really didn’t. 
”Say. It.”
“No.” Your voice was down to a whisper, everything was too much. 
“I’m so scared, Spot. I need help. Please.” You were almost sobbing now. You were just…blank. You couldn’t bring yourself to even yell back. It was like someone stole your batteries and left you with no energy. 
“It’s all wrong. Everything is too much. I can stick to walls. My wrists ache. I can hear your skin shifting against itself. I feel like I’m falling and always on the edge.” 
”What–“ Spot seemed to calm at your admission, only slightly. 
“I just want to disappear.” You didn’t even look at him, you couldn’t. 
You felt awful. Bile rose in your throat as you spilt out your thoughts. You hated being like this. 
“I feel sick.” 
You don’t care. You really don’t.
“…I think maybe there’s something wrong with me.” 
Hot tears trailed down as you stood with a blank expression. Did you think some inter dimensional demon-looking dork could help you?
What have you become? An idiot for sure. 
Or a monster.
You didn’t really know how to cry. It was hard for you to even comprehend it. It had been so long since you felt…since you felt anything. 
You were exhausted, and so done with this. 
“I’m sorry.” Spot hesitantly approached you. 
“No really, I’m sorry–“
“Ok.” You wiped at your eyes, rubbing them repeatedly to flush away the evidence that you even cried in the first place. 
“Don’t cut me off. I–I need to know what’s happening to you. In order to help, yeah?” He treated you like a scared animal, as he delicately put one foot in front of the other. 
He put you on edge. The goosebumps returned even stronger as he got closer, like your body was warning you of how dangerous this guy could be. 
<em> You don’t care. You just want to get this over with.</em>
“So…” Spot waved his arms in front of you, now about three feet away. You could hear his portals that danced across his skin. 
Right. You needed to tell him. 
Tell him what? That you were going insane?
“Who are you.” You just wanted to move on, you wanted to know he wasn’t going to hurt you.
You were too vulnerable right now, it wasn’t safe. 
Spot seemed a bit stunned by your curiosity, knowing that you hate talking. 
“I-I’m The Spot–“ 
“No. Who are you.” You stopped looking down and stared at this face-hole thingy. You needed something against him if he could have anything against you.
“Johnathan. Doctor Johnathan Ohnn. I worked at Alchemax before…before I became this.” 
Wow. He was a doctor? Like a mad scientist? 
“What do you want.” You just needed to know more. 
<em> You don’t care. You really don’t care. </em>
“Spider-man. He made me into…this. I’ve got nobody because of him. Not even my own parents love me.” 
There was so much I wanted to say. 
I’m sorry. How are you dealing with that? Can I do anything for you? I’m so sorry. I wish you were treated differently. I know what that’s like. Who is Spider-man? Could he be related to the spider in the exhibit? To the guy following me?
“What’s wrong with you?”
Oh. Right. That. 
“I can hear things. A lot of things. Too many…things.” You didn’t want to give too much detail. He could still use that to his advantage and hurt you. 
You didn’t want to be hurt. 
“I can…climb up things. With my bare hands. I don’t get cold anymore. I can run really fast and lift up my bed with only my pinky finger.” You listed everything, trying to keep it as vague as possible. 
Spot was inching even closer to you. 
Your skin bristled at the lack of distance between you. 
“My wrists they…they have bumps on them that…that shoot out things. Like rope. They hurt a lot and–“ You didn’t want to mention how sensitive they were, Spot could use that weakness if you let him know. 
You don’t care. You really don’t.
“–and yeah. It’s all…It’s all wrong.” 
Spot was standing right there, you swear you could feel his breath(?) or air coming out of his face hole. “Can you show me? Your wrists? It could help me–“ 
“No.” No. You can’t be weak now. He knows too much. 
“Yes. C’mon, I just need to see them once and then I think I can produce a theory by what you’ve told me. Just once.” 
You don’t care. You don’t care. You don’t care–
“Fine. Just…don’t touch the bump.” You lifted your wrists and pushed back your long-sleeved to show the little indent that reminded you of what was wrong with you. 
You flinched back a little when his white hands completely covered your palm. 
A faded memory flashed in your skull…
Spots large palms engulfed yours completely, but for real. Like you literally could not see a bare centimeter of your hand underneath his. 
He seemed to notice with how he lingered with both of his hands onto of yours. You could even say he seemed enraptured and pleased with this new found discovery.
No. No don’t think about that. 
Spot’s pointer finger went to poke around the bump, not touching it like you said. 
When he grazed over it, you let out a soft shudder and blushed. That made you feel something. Something you don’t want to feel.
You tore your hand out of his and held it to your chest, your heart thumped violently. Spot seemed frozen in place by the sound you just released. He put his own hand to his side, curling it into a tight fist like he was holding back something. 
“Spot, don’t touch it. It’s…” You couldn’t say it.
“Sensitive?” He asked.
Yes. Very. 
“Did it feel nice?”
What. What did this guy just say? 
“Stop. What’s wrong with me?” You just wanted to leave. You were too weak right now. 
“Were you…bit? By a spider?” 
How’d he know? 
You nodded softly and kept your gaze anywhere but him. 
“No…No way…” Spot was speechless in front of you. 
“What? What’s wrong with me?” You were starting to get annoyed. This was too much. It was all too much. 
“It was supposed to be Peter. Not you.” 
“What? Peter?” 
“You weren’t supposed to get bit. Thats not–Thats not how this works! It was supposed to be Peter! Not you!” Spot seemed frantic and panicked as he paced around the warehouse. 
“Ok.” You didn’t care. You just wanted to leave.
“No…this wasn’t supposed to happen! Have you–Have you seen anyone that looks strange lately?!” Spot went to grab your shoulders but you took a step back to dodge the touch. 
You weren’t good with touch. 
Or words. 
Or people.
Or anything. 
An image of navy blue and sharp red highlights danced in your mind. 
“Shit. This–This isn’t good…just when I thought I had something going! Way to go Spot–Jesus–“ Spot railed off and started hitting himself in the face like some kind of punishment. 
“Stop. Don’t hurt yourself.”
You honestly don’t care. You really don’t care.
He didn’t seem to hear you over him whispering to himself so you reached out and yanked his hand down. Maybe with a little more strength than you thought humanly possible, but it stopped him. 
You let go immediately after he looked down at your hands that were intertwined. 
“Don’t do that.” You just stood there. 
You were really tired. 
You don’t care anymore. 
“Oh–Oh okay…sorry to worry you…I didn’t know you cared for me like that I would’ve–“ 
You don’t care but ok. Sometimes it’s better to just shrug everything off. 
You were too shut down to notice how his body quivered at your touch. 
“This…This could work out. You can be my partner in crime! We can, you know, commit like–crimes together! This can work!” 
Was that a question or was that a statement? 
“The Society hasn’t even gotten you yet! You’re all mine!–“ 
Spot sputtered as he noticed your eye brows rise exponentially, “I mean not like that but as in your like my own–like my own Spider-Girl!” 
You just wanted out. You didn’t want to be anywhere anymore. You don’t care.
“What do you mean no?” Spots head tilted in question. 
“I am going home now.” This meeting was so useless. It just made you weak. 
Spot reached out for you and managed to grab your arm before you slipped away. “No you aren’t.”
“Yes I am.” You were done with this. 
“No! The Society is after you now, they’ll take you from–“ 
‘From me?’ is that what he was going to say? 
Spot just held your arm, the grip would’ve probably broken your arm if you weren’t part fucking spider. 
“I’m going home.” 
Static ran out the warehouse and a pitch black hole seemed to enlarge on spots chest.”No! You can’t leave again! They’ll–”
A big crash from one of the broken windows rang out, your senses tingled as the new stranger ran up to spot and knocked Spot aside. The wall almost caved in with the impact from Spots abnormal size. 
“You’re coming with me.” 
You looked away from Spot with a wince, you did not want to spend your day off like this. 
“No.” You were going home, duh.
The man in front of you was large, bulky. He wasn’t as tall as spot, but man, he was fucking huge. He was dressed in navy blue hologram-like suit material with sharp red accents. He seemed futuristic. 
The man spoke in a harsh tone, a lumberjack like voice. “I can help you, he can’t. He’s a–“ 
“NO. I won’t let you take her! She’s mine! You took everything from me! You won’t take her!”
Spot rammed into the man in front of you and began to pummel him with his fists as static rippled around you. 
This was too much. 
It was all too much. 
You were going to throw up. 
You don’t care.
So you walked out of the warehouse. Literally. There was no reason to stay. They were too busy fucking each other up that you just quietly stepped out. This was the only time you thanked your new powers for the fact you were deadly silent when you moved. 
Only to be knocked to the ground by a heavily pregnant woman. There were more? 
“Thank god LYLA called, you’re a tricky catch.” Honestly, strong respect to this expecting mother, you could barely get up from a cold a few days ago. 
You didn’t struggle. You just laid there awkwardly. 
“What’s going on?” You were starting to feel like you were on edge again. Like you were tipping and almost going to fall. 
You wrists ached. 
“You’re a spider-person now, hon. You’ve got a responsibility, even if it was a mess up that made you receive it.” Her suit was black and red with a white spider etched on the front. 
“I want to go home.” Always honest.
“You will. We just have to work some things out, that’s all.” 
“K.” Just get this over with. Just get this over this.
You really don’t care.
“Well…follow me then?” She opened a portal to what seemed like a…modern dimension? This was all so weird….
It didn’t look like Spots black holes. 
“What about Spot, and the weird man?” You were almost curious. 
You don’t care.
“They’ll…make up?” 
Yeah. That was totally a lie. 
You couldn’t care less.
“After you–“ the pregnant woman gestured to the portal. 
You just had to get bit by some fucked up spider. 
You looked behind you as you heard your name ring out the forest.
”STOP! DON’T GO IN–ergh–STOP SHE’S MINE–“ Spots voice strained against the sound of fists and walls crashing.
<em>You don’t care.</em>
“If I go in, can you not hurt him too bad?” You just didn’t like the sound of his voice when he screamed for you. 
It didn’t sound like Spot at all.
“Ok. I’ll tell Miguel to hold back a little, ok?” She just gestured to the portal again,
”NO! NONONO! STOP–I can take care of myself! Don’t go in! DON’T GO–“
Something wet fell down your cheek as you walked in the portal and didn’t look back. 
You don’t care.  
Later on, you realized that the ‘wet’ thing was a tear. 
What was happening to you?
TAGLIST: @arachnagirl--spidergirl , @naomeii, @thestealcrowalt ,@howlerwolfmax, @im00flynn
hey guys! Please leave me some reccomendations or comments on things you wanna see more of! There are tons of ways it could go!
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hanafubukki · 10 months
I'm okay on my side ! Hope you're doing well too ☺️ But yeah, this update awating is already making my emotions blow up. Like, you see the big roller-coster, you know it's going to be some big thing. And you feel like you're already up there.
But I'm also in denial for any more emotional damage coming up. (Silver fighting against Dawn brainrot breaking my heart-) ("I'm sorry. I now know you loved me very much. But neverless, you are now my father enemy. Bloodties don't matter that much for me. Because I will always be my father's son." 😭💀). So I'm in OT3 fluffy/angsty mode where I live in a cottage with my two handsome husbands and my baby Silver. In a peaceful time. Having funny shenanigans with the Draconia in-laws. And just chilling in a cute alternative version of the past we going to have more information about in 2 days.
Everything will be fine- I hope. But I'm gathering tissues. Just in case.
- 🦋 Anon
[OT3 Masterlist]
Hello 🦋 Anonie 💞💚🌻
Glad to hear you’re doing good, I’m going well; just antsy. But yes!! Your analogy is perfect. We know something big is going to come and we know it’s going to hurt, but we are powerless to it.
All the while, time is slowly passing by as we wait our demise 😂🫡
Kind of like the people on Sage island…okay okay, I’ll stop ajsjdkdn 🤣🤣
“I'm sorry. I now know you loved me very much. But neverless, you are now my father enemy. Bloodties don't matter that much for me. Because I will always be my father's son."
Did you have to hurt me this way?? But ahhh the brain rot 🥹💞💞 It’s amazing.
If it’s any comfort 🦋 Anonie, I have several OT3 asks in my inbox that I will answer soon hopefully. And, knowing me, the new update is going to get my brain into overdrive. So more fanfics and more OT3 most likely ☺️💞💞 (and theories and in general screaming 🤣)
Gather all the tissues because we are going to need them 🦋 Anonie, there’s a reason why they look so angry and I can imagine whatever it is, we are not ready. Though I’m sure, Ortho will pop up at the end in a cliffhanger probably.
Here’s a small comfort fic, to soothe us before troubling times:
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You gasped awake, breathing heavily.
Your vision unfocused, hands trembling.
A hand cupped your cheek, bringing your eyes to worried crimson.
It was difficult to breathe.
A forehead leaned against yours, “Shh. Try and copy how I breathe precious.”
You tried to follow along, eventually matching Lilia’s.
As you calmed down, you were brought back to your surroundings. You felt a hand gently rubbing your back as you slumped forward into Lilia. You could see Dawn’s concerned eyes through your blurred vision.
Dawn and Lilia murmured something above you before you felt a kiss placed upon your shoulder.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Dawn leave the room.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“In a bit,” your voiced wavered.
Lilia tucked you closer into him.
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You didn’t know when you dozed off, but the gentle shake from Dawn woke you.
“Drink this Love, it’ll help you sleep better.”
Warm milk and honey, the combination had you smiling.
Something the Lilia in the future loved to make for his boys. You could recall Lilia proclaiming in several of his stories about how this very drink would put the toughest and most stubborn children to sleep.
The memories of your dream came back. You closed your eyes before looking at your husbands. Their worried expressions had you spilling every detail you could remember.
By the end, you felt more tired than ever but more comforted as well.
Your husbands hugged you as they reassured you with their words.
“We’ll take Silver and Malleus from my sister’s tomorrow and have a picnic in the meadow. You’ll see first hand that your dreams are just that, dreams and nothing more.”
“You’re not allowed to cook, Lilia.”
“Hey! I can make simple sandwiches.”
“If you ever want our son back from your sister and Malleus, you’ll never utter those words in front of them.”
Their banter lulled you to sleep.
What better way to be loved then to be in the middle of two such loving souls?
Who cherished you and their family endlessly like the number of stars in the sky.
With them, you would know a True Happy Ending.
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Am I implying something with the three of them home alone without Silver?? Maybe. Maybe not. Lolol ☺️💞
But also, I could have changed the whole atmosphere and turned it angsty/horrific with an added line or two but I didn’t.
Aren’t I gracious? 🤣🌺
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world-of-aus · 2 years
More than Business
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Authors Note: I was not expecting the first part to get as much love as it has but  I can’t thank you all for the excitement you showed on that first piece. Hoping you all enjoy this second part as much as the first, there will be a third and hopefully final piece to this installment. As always happy reading buns!
Warnings: Pinch of angst, fluff
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You’re stifling back another yawn as you go to open the wooden case that holds your pastries. “You alright there sugar, you look about ready to drop and it’s only 8 a.m.” You shake your head, pulling on a smile as you will the sleep from your eyes, “just a long morning,” you answer as you reach for the baked treat with the tongs you had in hand, “wanted to display the newest pastries out front this morning – spent most of the morning moving the other pastries around because of it.”
The elder lady is laughing softly from behind you, soft hand meeting your back as she rubs it comfortingly, “well it looks lovely, and it’ll have business booming for you with the way you chose to display this newest release.” A genuine smile pulls at your lips as you place the tongs back in their place, shutting the wooden cabinet as you pass her the bag of chosen pastries. “I hope so, but if sales don’t go as planned, I’ll be sending you and Willie some as I close shop, hope you don’t mind.”
She’s mirroring your grin as you she moves the two of you to the next display, “as if Willie could ever turn down any of your pastries, you know it’s a battle to tell that man no to any baked goods from here even though he’s well aware I stop by daily.” You're laughing softly as you repeat the action of grabbing the tongs, opening the case and pulling the amount of baked goods she requests. “Well, I’m hoping he’s going to be thrilled with any extras I send your way.”
She takes the bag from your hands as you walk the two of you up to the register, “he’s gonna have a field day,” she laughs as you weigh her bag reading her the total. “You should be charging more,” she says as she dips into her coin purse, “lord knows these treats are worth more than you charge.”
Warmth floods you, as you take her change, “oh I don’t know,” you murmur, as the register opens change sliding into its place, “I sometimes I feel I overcharge.” Meredith waves a hand at you dismissing the statement, “nonsense, with the fees from the 107 and how slow business can be some days, you deserve to price according to your work and your work is worth it sweetheart.”
You pass her her bag with a warm smile on your lips, “I’ll consider it, but with the money I bring from the other shop I don’t see it in my future anytime soon.”
Meredith is laughing her hand falling over yours, “well at least consider a tip jar, it’ll help you with those ridiculous 107 fees.”
The smile falters at the mention of the 107, mind drawing a picture of the broad eyed brunette, “they’re not too bad,” you find yourself saying, “I can respect the care they have for their people even if it costs a little extra to do so.”
Something flashes in the elderly lady’s eyes, “they do care for us don’t they,” she hums, “well still sweetheart consider the tip jar, any amount helps you know, times can be tough.”
And you did know, you knew how hard it could be for some of the other business owners to gather the remaining amount as the time for the fees drew closer and closer. You decided then as you bid Meredith a farewell that you would set out a tip jar. A tip jar not for your store, but for the other stores who needed that extra hand when it came time.
After Meredith leaves to tend to her flower shop with her husband Willie the shop is at its usual business of a flow of your regulars. Each one taking their usual along with the new bake that waits for them at the front of the shop by the register.
“Goodness y/n you’re going to have me rushing over here before your bakery closes for the evening these are wonderful!” Your smile is bright as you take in the delight of your neighbor, “please stop by, I’ll have some saved for you free of charge.”
You laugh at her surprise, “now y/n, I couldn’t let you give me these free,” she argues but you wave her off, “really it’s no trouble, I’d rather these go home with someone then in a trash bin at the end of the day.” And although you can see the argument that sits on her tongue, she thanks you anyway, leaving her extra change in the tip jar before promising to see you later in the evening.
The tip jar slowly fills as regulars drop their extra change along with their warmest welcomes and promises to see you tomorrow filling not only your jar but yourself with their kindness.  The hours tick by and before you know you’re flipping your sign and your lock for lunch, the thirty minutes giving you time to relax and enjoy yourself as you decide which pastry and drink, you’d like for lunch.
Your thoughts of lunch are forgotten at the sound of a knock at your door. Your brows furrow as you turn your head, heart catching in your throat as you meet the familiar ocean greys. He offers you a small smile through the glass door, mouthing if he can come in.  
You’re twisting on your feet before you can give it a second thought. Fingers twisting the lock as your hand wraps around the knob pulling the door open. “Bucky,” you greet, “is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine sweetheart, can I come in?”
You’re unsure what to say, the 107s leader never had reason before to come in outside of coming for their money at the first of the month, you wonder what’s gone wrong, were you short? Surely Steve and Sam had double counted the amount you were sure was there.
“I promise everything’s okay,” Bucky says as if reading your worry, “just came to talk.”
You want to say that he’s never come to just talk but you bite back your tongue choosing to hold the door open instead as you offer him room to come in. “Look if this is about yesterday evening Buck,” you begin as you walk further into the shop with the brunette, “there really are no hard feelings, I should have known I just -”
He’s turning on you then closing the last foot of space between the two of you, a shake to his head as he looks down at you, “you didn’t deserve my behavior in your office yesterday and for that I’m sorry. The first time we met you welcomed us – welcomed me with a kind smile, sweet words, and an even sweeter pastry, despite knowing what we were here for, despite our name you never looked at us any differently, never cowered away from me in fear.”
“Ma said it was never polite to judge a book by its cover, everyone’s got a story and I had yet to know yours.”
In that moment Bucky can’t believe you’re real, can’t believe he gets to know you and your kind heart. “I know you say everything’s okay, but I need to make it right. I hurt you last night y/n, and you didn’t deserve that, you’ve done nothing to deserve that behavior.” You’re the one shaking your head now, hands coming up to cross over your chest, a form of comfort as you choose your next words. “But you weren’t wrong Bucky, your visits have only ever been purely business, a simple transaction; you had never given me any reason to believe there was something more there aside from what I wanted to believe, what I let myself believe.”
“Do you really believe that, that it's just been business, a transaction?”
You want to say ‘no’, that you don’t believe it's just been business, but the uncertainty, the rejection has you biting your tongue. “We’re not friends outside of the business we do every first of the month Bucky, to an onlooker they might at most call us an acquaintance if they were to see our interactions, but I don’t think they would call what we do more than business.”
Bucky knows that you don’t believe that, can catch it in the way your gaze leaves his to instead look at the wooden floorboard of your shops. “Does it really matter what others think?”
“Does it,” you throw back, “it sure seemed like it mattered to you the other night.”
Bucky deserves it, despite the non malicious way your words came out he knows he deserves it, because he hurt you and despite this you’re still so kind to him. You don’t allow him a chance to get a word in as you shake your head rubbing lightly at your eyes.
“I’m sorry, look why don’t you join me in my office and we can talk about what you came here for over a pastry and your choice of beverage, I only have,” you looked at the grandfather clock, “22 minutes before I have to flip my sign over for the afternoon and I’d really like to eat something before the rush whaddya say Barnes you willing to sit and eat something with me, forget about the other day?”
Bucky knows there’s no forgetting that pain he saw flash across your features but he’s willing to start somewhere. “You going to let me pay for my meal?”
That draws a genuine smile out of you, “no can do Buck, but you can leave a tip in the jar if you’d like,” you say pointing to the tip jar sitting on display at your register.
“Everything okay, you in some trouble?”
You’re shaking your head with a laugh, “nothing like that, it’s not for me,” you say drawing a look of confusion from the brunette, “Meredith mentioned me putting one out despite my protests that financially I was okay, business might not be slow for me but it can for the other businesses on the block – it’s my way of giving back and lending a helping hand at the first of the month.”
“No one's mentioned struggling,” he murmurs, “I’d be willing to cut rent if I knew - if I have to get cheaper supplies to keep their shops up and running, we’d find a way, is this happening with all the shops?”
“Meredith was the first to voice something like that and I mentioned to her that despite the price it was a price paid to take care of your people – despite your grumpy demeanor,” you add with a smile. You’re moving around the shop then grabbing two pastries and two beverages, “c’mon Barnes, this way,” you say leading the way into your office, his hand shutting the door behind the two of you.
The two of you take the seats in front of your desk, your hands placing the sweets and drinks down on your desk as the two of you get comfortable.  
“So, Barnes, what did you want to talk about?”
He reaches for his pastry wanting to busy his hands as he tries to find the words of the plan he had shared with Steve and Sam earlier this morning. “Our conversation last night really had me thinking,” he begins, “that can’t be good,” you tease. He shakes his head giving you a look that has you hiding your grin behind a bite of the pastry. “Like I was saying,” he continues, “our talk last night, and the moment you shared with Meredith has me thinking, I don’t want my people to fear me, it shouldn’t be me they fear, I should be the one they’re able to come to, talk to about problems they face. I should be the one they come to when something goes wrong. Who am I if they fear me just as much as the others, who am I if the people I'm meant to take care of are they very same ones that cower from me in fear?”
“I don’t think its entirely because they fear you buck, do I think you intimidate them yes, but I don’t think it’s fear.”
Bucky reaches for his beverage next, needing to clear his throat, “fear or not, I don’t want them thinking they can’t come to me, that they don’t have a friend in me.” That has you smiling, an uptick to the corner of your mouth, “so what exactly are you going to propose to change this?”
“The guys and I have been talking with the holidays rolling around we thought we’d give something back to our community.” “Oh,” you question with a brow raised, “we were thinking we could bring everyone together and host a fall carnival of sorts.”
“I think everyone would enjoy that, would the 107 be hosting?”
“We would be,” Bucky nods, “but this is where you come in, I need your help.”
“My help, how?”
“I know it’s going to take some time for everyone to warm up to the thought of us like you have, so I was hoping you could help me spread the word. I’m hoping we can get all the businesses on the block to set up a table or booth courtesy of us to help them bring in more money.”
Your smile warms the brunette, a smile of his own pulling at his lips, “I’d love to spread the word, does this mean I'm getting my own booth?” Your brow raises at the smirk that tugs at the corner of Bucky’s mouth, “actually sweetheart, how good of a teacher are you?”
You let out a laugh, “uhm last I checked I was working in a bakery not a preschool, so I'm not sure how good of a teacher I'd be.”
“You think you’d have enough patience to show 8 bikers how to bake?”
“Is your baking as good as your driving,” you question, “my ma taught me a thing or two in the kitchen,” he answers, “well then it might not be such a lost cause,” you tease, “though the other seven, well I can’t speak for them.”
“So you’re in?”
Your smile is warm, “you can count me in Buck, I think it’ll be a nice change for all of us.”
He matches your smile, “I think so too.”
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“So, you think this’ll work,” Bucky questions as he steps out onto the pathway, your sign flipping from closed to open.
“You can count on me to spread the word,” you offer with a warm smile, “but you should really try and stop in more often with the other shops, don’t let them judge your story by its cover, let them read it, let them see the you I see.”
Both your attention is pulled from one another by one of your regulars coming along, her eyes wide as she takes in the man before you. He offers her a smile, “good afternoon Alice, was just getting out of y/n’s hair, your pops still have that pasta special on Tuesday’s?”
The teenager nods not quite finding her voice at her first ever interaction with the biker, “Perfect I'll see the two of you later today if you can let your old man know I’ll be stopping by.” He’s turning to you then, “mind if I stop by later with the boys to grab some pastries from you, the ma’s will be visiting the club tomorrow, I'll even bring you a plate of pasta for the lunch today.”
“It was on the house Bucky, but I wouldn’t mind a plate of pasta from my favorite diner,” you say as you beckon Alice over, the teenager closing the distance between the two of you as she steps into the offered open door.
“Well then I'll be seeing the two of you later, you have a great shift sweetheart, Alice,” he nods in farewell.
You and Alice are seeing the man off, the loud rumble of his bike sounding through the block before he’s kicking off the curb and off onto the street. You two watch as he disappears off into the distance before you’re ushering the two of you into the quiet of your shop.
“The usual,” you say as you grab a paper bag for the girl, “I thought the others were just talking but Bucky Barnes was really here, is everything okay, did you run late on rent, I can talk to my dad, the others we can figure something out.”
You look at the girl over your shoulder a smile on your lips, “No, I gave my rent like all of you, Bucky was just here to tell me about a fall festival the 107 wants to host for the block.”
“Fall festival, the 107, are you sure we’re talking about the same biker group.”
You laugh softly as you turn back to your display grabbing the tongs from the side, “they’re not as scary as everyone makes them out to be, in fact they’re all a couple of sweethearts once you get to know them.”
“And how well do you know Bucky?”
You’re looking at the girl over your shoulder, dropping two extras of her favorites into the bag, a grin on the girl's face. “It’s not like that Alice, he’s just a -”
“Just a what,” she encourages, you’re looking down in thought before meeting her eye, “just a friend.”
The look that crosses the girls' features Is thoughtful as she asks her next question, “is that why the 107 lingers around here longer at the first of the month, because its more than just business?”
You’re turning toward the girl, handing her the bag as she moves over to the next case, “it’s still a transaction between two people but, yeah,” you nod, “it's definitely more than just business, just like when you come in.”
Alice smiles, “do you really think the 107 is going to be able to put on the fall festival you know with all the talk that surrounds them?”
“I’ve come to learn that actions speak louder than words, so yeah, I'm hopeful they will.”
“I hope so too, Mr. Barnes seems like a nice guy, under all that tough exterior,” Alice says as she follows you to the register.
He is you think, he really is.
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skymoral · 10 months
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Liu Kang x B!F Reader
Link: Pt 1 | Pt 2
Summary: Y/N with was able to snag an opportunity of dating Liu Kang, thanks to your friend Johnny bringing him around. You just hope that you aren’t to rusty
Tags: fluff/romance, friendship, happy/sad, first time, fun, black air-force energy, black girl magic, and comedy(supposedly)
A/N: This is going to be a sweet little first date with ya’ll boy Liu Kang
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Today was the date, you were going on your date with the god of fire. You’re not gonna lie, you were very nervous.
You jumped out of the shower, you made sure the shower cap was still on your head. You didn’t want the locs to get wet, you were thankful for Jamika.
Your phone buzzed on the dresser, you quickly grabbed it. Open your messages on your iPhone
“Speak of the devil.” You said out loud to yourself.
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You put the phone back down and started looking for something cute to wear.
You asked Johnny to get information on what his favorite color is. Johnny came back unhelpful for once, because of course Liu Kang didn’t really have a favorite color.
You and Johnny believed it was probably red, possibly. You believe he was a spiritual kind of man, which wasn’t far from you.
Y/N was a women that liked beads, crystals, and more things to help her Zen.
After what felt like eons you finally found an outfit, you oiled your body. Did your makeup, keeping it simple and natural.
You were proud with how you looked, and was ready to give this man everything. For some reason you felt as though he was different, you usually like to take it slow. But something about Liu Kang made you feel like, even if you jumped into a relationship with him. It’ll be fine, hopefully…
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You were headed to the Chinese restaurant in San Diego. You hoped Johnny had helped him with knowing where to go, because he’s clearly not from around here.
You pulled up into the parking lot, as you got out you fixed up your outfit up. You made your way into the restaurant and was looking around, to see if you saw Liu Kang.
“Hi, how many today?” A young Chinese waitress approached you.
“Ooh! I had a reservation for two under Y/N and Liu Kang.”
“Of Course! He’s actually straight back there in the both.”
“Thank you!” You smiled walking to where she directed you. Y/N didn’t expect him to already be here, she hope he wasn’t waiting here long.
“Sorry If I made y-“ You froze as he turned to you, standing up. Pulling you into a hug, you could have passed out right then and there.
You would’ve been on the news, and your girls would have clowned your ass for something so stupid, but damn did he feel nice and he LOOKED amazing!
He wasn’t in his usual attire like at the shop, he broke the hug, noticed you staring at his appearance.
“I apologize if I look strange, Johnny suggested I dress properly for the occasion… To fit in better.”
“Oooh! Nooo no no no! It’s totally fine like… Fuck you clean up nicely, I’m sorry… I promise I’m not always this ugh…”
Liu Kang chuckled and blushed slightly at the compliment. “It’s alright, thank you. You look exceptionally well tonight, even more so.”
Liu Kang brought your palm up to his hand kissing it. You blushed and giggle at the compliment and gesture, “T-Thank you.”
Both of you eventually sitting down, “I didn’t know what your favorite color was… I did see you as someone who is like spiritual and nature like… So that was look I was going for… Sense I’m like that to ya know.”
You hated how shaky your voice sounded, it was pretty obvious you were nervous.
“So you meditate and focus on your chakra?” Liu Kang asked intrigued.
“Yes! Exactly like that. I actually have like some herbal earthly stuff at my place. You know my girlfriends from the shop, they do NOT LIKE THAT SHIT! Whatsoever. But meh, to each its own. It’s nothing wrong with having people around you that likes different things… As long as they just respect what you do.”
“I couldn’t agree more, you are very wise woman and I feel as though that’s why your friends care so much about you and stay with you.”
This man just could not stop making you blush, you dipped your head pulling a loc behind your ear.
Y/N started talking his ear off again, until a waitress approached them. “Hello my name is Mei Sung, and I will be your waitress today. Would you like me to start you off with some drinks?”
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
One thing Y/N did not know was her three friends were outside of the restaurant. Watching them from afar in Johnny’s car.
“Man once Y/N start talking. It’ll take a miracle to get her to shut up, don’t get me wrong I love my girl but damn.” Tonya said looking through the binoculars.
Jamika snatched it out of her hand from the passenger seat. Looking through it, “Leave Stanka butt alone. It doesn’t seem to be bothering Mr. Kang over there.”
Johnny pushed on behind Jamika from the driver seat, snatching them this time looking out while leaning over her.
“Hmph! That’s just how that powerful son of a bitch is. Or maybe he just don’t feel like talking.”
“Johnny if you don’t get yo BIG ASS OFF ME!” Jamika shoved him back, the binoculars falling back into Tonya’s lap.
She quickly pulled down the windows, to watch. As soon as she did Liu Kang looked directly at her. Making her quickly hide back in her seat.
“Shit that scared me!”
“What happened Jamika and Johnny said.”
“The nigga stared right at me!”
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Liu Kang was looking out the window, but then back at you. When you called his name, “Is something the matter?”
“Hmm, oh nothing is wrong. I just thought I saw someone.”
“I’m sorry I’m probably talking to much for you.” You told him sinking slightly in your seat.
He grabbed your hand and gripped it tightly, “I could never get tired of hearing you talk. It is like music to my ears, I enjoy listening to you talk and hearing more about you.”
You smiled and then something came to your mind, “You know, I already know like what you are… and what you do, because of Johnny… Like could you tell me something that maybe… all realms don’t know about you, like on a personal level… It’s alright if it’s to personal.”
“No, I don’t mind telling and I kind of figure Johnny told you or more so knew he was going to tell you.”
“Yeah! Johnny told me you can see the future or something like that… WAIT! Did you already know who I am and that we were going to have this date!?”
“Know you yes, but knew the outcome of todays events no. I do not have that kind of power, I let everyone chose there own fate and lead there own path. I only knew Cage told you, because of how Kenshin calls it. He is a chatterbox and has a loose tongue.”
You chuckled at that, Liu Kang smiled at you. “So because of what you are and this god of fire duty shit… You don’t have time for things like these… The little things in the world you created.”
“No, as I must stay alert and make sure earthrealm is safe and protected. In case of another threat arises.” Liu Kang explained.
You nodded understanding, doesn’t that mean having a relationship with you is pointless. “So why even go on this date with me… You already know I like you and… Maybe have a relationship with you… Why the effort, when you have your duties.” You looked at him with sad eyes.
He still kept that same smile on his face, “I felt like this time is different from before… So I want to take the chance given to me, besides… Who could resist someone as charming as you Y/N.”
Y/N began snorkeling a bit, covering her face“Nice one Kang!” Johnny shouted on instinct, the girls pulling him back down. Liu and Y/N looked towards the window where the sound came from.
“I could’ve sworn I heard Johnny.” You looked around curious. Ms. Sung came back with you and Liu Kang’a order.
As you both were enjoying your meal, two men who clearly look like they had an attitude problem came in demanding a seat.
“Hey lady, hurry up and seat us.” One of the men said.
“You will have to give me a few moments sir.” she was coming to you and Liu Kang on your refills.
The man smacked the glass out of her hands, knocking her down. Making her fall. You noticed this and approached the scene.
“You fucking serve us first when we tell you to Bitch!”
“Hey!” You shouted to the two men.
“Go mind your business little girl!” The man said not paying you no attention.
“I don’t know who the hell you talking to but I ain’t no damn little girl. And she is my business, because those were me and my dates drink you knocked down.”
One of the men approached you, you didn’t flinch one bit and stood your ground.
“What you gonna do? You gonna fucking cry about it darky?”
He ain’t never just called you ‘Darky’. Without thinking, you gave him a strong ass right hook. Knocking him down on his but, nose and mouth bleeding.
Everyone looked at you in shock, your friends and Liu Kang watched impressed.
“I got a name Motherfucker! And it is Y/N L/N you better remember Bitch I’m from the side. Where Niggas like you better watch who you talking to! Now apologize to this young waitress!”
“THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!” Jamika and Tonya shouted from the window.
You turned around noticing your friends, the other man standing saw your guard down. He quickly grabbed a dagger from his pocket, and charged at you.
“MISS LOOK OUT!” Ms. Sung warned you.
You turned to late, but before he could hurt you. Liu Kang stopped him in his tracks. You opened your eyes slightly.
Liu Kang had a tight grip on the man’s hand. The knife scrapping the inside of his hand causing it to bleed.
Liu Kang then bent his arm slowly causing him to scream and kneel. “I believe it to be unwise if you continue this dishonorable behavior. You owe this Miss and my date an apology.”
He let go of them man, looking down at them, Liu Kangs arms glowed orange and blue. Forming fires, “If not then there will be dire consequences, that I wish to not have it lead.”
The men looked in fear, before apologizing to you and the waitress. Before running off, Liu Kang doing a hand gesture relaxing himself.
“Thank you.” You and the Waitress both said blushing. Both of you knew that was pretty hot.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·
“I had a wonderful evening today with you Y/N. The food here was exquisite, much to my liking.” Liu Kang told you as you both were standing outside.
Johnny took the girls home, after you and Liu Kang gave all of them a lecture the trip didn’t want to hear.
“I knew it’ll be to your taste… So does this mean you would like to continue… Seeing each other?” You were playing with your fingers.
“I would love that Y/N” Liu Kang smiled, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed, but you thought you should shot your shot.
You pulled him into a gentle kiss, pulling on his collar slightly down to you. It felt like heaven, and he even reciprocated the kiss with such passion.
He broke the kiss, you had a goofy face walking to your car. You saw him create a portal, before giving you one last glance and disappearing through it.
You got in your car, you sat there. Before you ended up screaming from happiness.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
This is what You and Liu Kang was wearing
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed these two parts! 😊 it was gonna be a lot longer, mainly because of the things you and Liu Kang was discussing.
More so his personal character no one else know and his likes and dislikes. When I do other Liu Kang stories you’ll be able to see what my Headcannon are for him.
Now I did say if you like these story with its characters and what not. Then it can be a series, if someone ask or it’s popular lol 🤷🏽‍♀️ anything is possible for the future.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Re: anon being bullied at work. I know that it’s illegal, but i’d add recording these encounters on top of rumour’s excellent advice. If you have your phone with you, just hit the record button every time you are with these bullies. It’ll help you remember what you need for the documentations. And if they cross over into illegality, you might be able to capture it. It’s a hard situation that you are in, and i feel for you, but please don’t let them win. I say that as a black woman who sees all this BS and feel sorry for my white friends being subjected to this BS. Please know that there are black people like me. Not all of us subscribe to this nonsense. It demeans us. It demeans everyone. 
Yes, recording is a great option but please be careful about it. Definitely learn what your state’s consent law is (e.g. are you in a two-party state or are you in a one-party state) to protect yourself as well.
And really, don’t forget about HR. Yes, HR/Human Resources is there to protect the company and not the individual employee, but you’re in a situation where the company is being exposed and could be held liable for what these women are doing. That makes what you’re dealing with an HR problem so if your HR people are smart, they will see that.
Some more suggestions from another anon who wanted to stay private:
* If you can have your meetings with them virtually, try to do so and  any time you’re in a virtual meeting, request it to be recorded. Sometimes when people like your bullies know they’re being recorded and monitored, they may behave.
* Consult your EAP (Employee Assistance Program) about what benefits you may have for mental health support.
* Consider getting your own lawyer. Hopefully your boss/leadership team/HR is wonderful enough that you won’t need to take it to a lawyer, but having a lawyer (even if it’s just a legal aid clerk from a law school’s clinic) in your back pocket can bring an immense sense of security because you know you have a backup plan if the company won’t help.
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johnsbleu · 11 days
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 176
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warnings: none hmh masterlist
It’s a warm fall day with a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. The leaves are starting to change color, displaying a beautiful array of red, orange, and yellow hues. The sun is shining brightly, so all you’d really need is a T-shirt and maybe a light sweater. As you drove past the town square, people were out and about, enjoying the warm weather and soaking in the last days of sunshine before winter arrives, hopefully much later than expected.
John is currently at home doing some yard work while you went to the store to do the grocery shopping. You stopped by the farmers' market in Oyster Bay to get fresh fruits and vegetables, and Ronan was so happy since she got snap peas to eat while you shopped around. She helped you pick out a beautiful bouquet of white zinnias, red snapdragons, and some pink dahlias, and of course, she picked a very nice green pepper for her daddy since he loves them.
As soon as you pull into the driveway, you see John setting down some pumpkins. It’s never too early to start decorating for Halloween--that’s what you usually say. This year, you had a little late start, so you’re getting everything out now. John is being so sweet and helping out, even though he’s very much annoyed with you.
At least that’s what you think.
“Hey,” you wave at him as you park the car, and he looks up, “Looks good.”
You turn off the car, talking a little louder since he’s several feet away, “I said it looks good!”
“Oh, yeah,” he stands up and shrugs as he looks at everything he’s set out, “Yeah, I think so too.”
Without being asked, John walks over and opens the trunk of the car to find all the groceries. It’ll take several trips in and out, but you know it’ll be done quickly with his help. Ronan is babbling to herself in the backseat, still holding the green pepper she picked for John, and you smile at her when you stop by the rolled-down window to check on her.
“Are you going to show daddy what you got him?” you ask, and Ronan holds it up proudly. “Babe, Ro got you something.”
“She did?” He walks over and laughs when he sees the pepper in her hand, “That’s daddy’s favorite! How did you know?”
Ronan smiles wide, handing the pepper to John. He takes the pepper and reaches in to ruffle her hair before he grabs a few more bags to bring inside. You walk over to check the trunk but see he’s taken everything in, so you get Ronan out and carry her inside.
“Go play for a bit while we put away the groceries.” you say as you set her down in front of her basket of toys, then you head back to the kitchen, “The yard looks good.”
John nods as he looks at you, “Thank you. I have a few things I need to get, but it’s coming together. We’ll be able to get the Halloween stuff this weekend.”
“We don’t have to decorate for Halloween.”
“You don’t want to?” he asks as he slides a box of cereal into the pantry, then he turns to you, “You always love to decorate for a holiday.”
You shrug, “I mean, yeah, but…”
“Then we’ll decorate,” he says, and you look over at him to see a soft smile on his face, “You love to decorate, sweetheart. We’ll decorate.”
“Have any plans tonight?”
John puts the empty grocery bags away, “Yeah, Jimmy wanted to go out and grab some drinks. Maybe watch a game. You?”
“No,” you shake your head, “No plans. Well, actually I’ll be honest, I planned on sitting with my iPad and looking up Halloween decorations.”
John chuckles softly, “Sounds fun. You’re more than welcome to join us tonight.”
“No!” you brush it off and look over at him, “I’ll never crash a boys' night.”
“It’s not really a boys’ night,” he leans back against the counter, crossing his legs at his ankles, “It’s just me and Jimmy hanging out.”
You turn to face him, “Still, I refuse to crash one of your nights with friends--and don’t say he’s not a friend!”
John starts to laugh, “He is a friend. I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t.”
“Is he your…best friend?” you ask, teasingly.
“He’s one of them,” he holds your gaze and smirks, “But you are my ultimate best friend.”
You stand up straight, “Am I really? Even now?”
“’Even now’?” John jerks his head back and furrows his brow, “What does that mean?”
You shrug bashfully, “You’re annoyed with me.”
“What?” he laughs, reaching for your hands, “Why do you think that I’m annoyed with you?”
“You didn’t want to go with us to the store, you were kind of quiet this morning when I left, and you just don’t seem very interested in me today.”
John starts to laugh as he pulls you into his arms, “You are so funny. I never said I didn’t want to go to the store with you. I said that I wanted you to go so I could get things done around here--I wanted to surprise you with getting a head start on the decorations. I was quiet this morning because I didn’t really feel that well, which I feel fine now. As for not seeming interested in you, that is genuinely not true at all and I think you’ve made it up. In fact, I know you made it up.”
“I did not! I tried to kiss you and you didn’t even kiss me back.” you say, and he furrows his brow as he laughs, “You didn’t! I said ‘Okay, I’m leaving now. I’ll be back soon’, and you just waved and walked away.”
“I didn’t feel good!” he laughs, and you squint your eyes, “I am not going into detail, peach.”
You continue to squint your eyes at him, then you nod, “Okay, gotcha. A bathroom issue.”
“Yes, and I don’t really want to divulge the details of that.” he says, and you start to laugh. “I’m not annoyed with you, okay? You don’t ever annoy me. You never have, and I genuinely mean that.”
“Dada!” Ronan yells from the living room, and he quickly kisses your cheek before walking out to see what Ronan needs.
You shake your head, “My damn brain.”
Only you would think John is mad at you when he’s really just not feeling well and wants you to leave so he can use the bathroom. At that, you start to laugh a little.
“What is momma laughing about?”
You look over at John holding Ronan, “How stupid I am sometimes.”
“Ah, ah, not stupid!” he says, and you smile when Ronan mimics John’s ‘ah, ah’.
Ronan bounces in John’s arms before she kicks her legs to be put down, then she runs off to the living room with Bleu following behind her. John takes a deep breath and looks at you, and you both start to laugh before hugging one another tight. You lean back to look at him, and he cups your face and kisses you tenderly.
“Poor thing, you’ve spent hours thinking I’m upset with you,” he whispers, and you shake your head and laugh. “What are your plans for tonight, sweetheart? Because if you do want to, you’re welcome to come with us.”
“Nah,” you wave it off, “We can spend time apart. We don’t need to be that annoying couple.”
John cocks his brow, “What if I want to be?”
“God, me too.” you start to laugh as he dips you, kissing you hard on the lips. He helps you stand up, then you smile at him, “Seriously, I’ll be fine. Ro and I can have a girls' night.”
“But when I get home, we can have a Wick night. I won’t be gone long.”
You start to laugh as you nod, “God, we’re insufferable.”
“We’re in love, mouse!” he wraps his arms around you, shaking you from side to side a little, “We’re in looove.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you dance in place with him, “Yes, we can have a Wick night when you get home, but Ro might not be awake.”
“That’s okay,” he leans down to kiss you before he lets you go, “I can always hold her while she sleeps.”
He is too damn sweet and just loves his family. It’s adorable.
You lean up to kiss him again before you walk out to the living room to find the mess Ronan has made with her toys. No matter how many times you put them away, she’s gonna make a mess. John used to be a little uptight about it, but he’s learned to let it go. Things are bound to get messy with a kid.
John reaches down and tickles Ronan, “You and momma are gonna have a fun night.”
“Yes, we are!” you laugh as Ronan runs over to John, attacking his legs. “We’ll take a bath in the big tub, then we’ll get all snuggled up and watch a spooooky movie. Maybe--”
“Don’t watch It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown without me!” he says, pointing his finger at you, “I want to be with you when she watches it for the first time.”
A smile spreads across your face as you lean over to bite the tip of his finger, “Of course we won’t watch it without you. We’ll probably watch Hotel Transylvania or Coco.”
John takes a deep breath and looks at the clock on the wall, “I should probably shower and get ready.”
“For your date.”
“It’s not a date,” he laughs as he leans down to kiss you. You look up at him and grin, and he starts to laugh, “Stop.”
You watch as he heads upstairs, “Have fun on your date! I hope you get a second one!”
You’re currently sprawled out on the couch with Ronan tucked into your side as you scroll through the Target app and add things to your cart. You have about 10 items in your cart right now, making the total around $450, but knowing you, you’ll end up feeling guilty about spending so much that you’ll delete everything. Knowing John, he’ll go with you to the store and point out everything (unknowingly) that you had in your cart and say that you should get it. He’ll end up adding it without a second thought.
Jimmy drove tonight, so you’re not surprised when you see John walking up the driveway. He stumbles a bit, which makes you laugh, then he unlocks the front door and comes in.
“Hi!” he says loudly, and you point at Ronan. He whispers loudly, “Oh, shit, sorry!”
“John!” you laugh quietly as you carefully move off the couch and walk to him, “Are you drunk?”
John leans back against the door and chuckles, “Maybe.”
“You’re being so loud. Shh!” you look over your shoulder at Ronan still zonked out, “Go to our room. I’ll be up in a minute.”
John wiggles his brows, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you roll your eyes playfully. There’s no way you’re having sex with him tonight. He’ll pass out the moment his head hits the pillow anyway. “Go upstairs.”
“Fine,” he stumbles a little trying to get his shoes off without using his hands, and you laugh as you walk over to Ronan.
You lift Ronan off the couch and carry her up to her room, but John quickly follows and gives her a kiss before going to your bedroom. Ronan shifts around a little until she’s comfortable, and you give her a kiss before heading to your room to find John laying on the bed in just his boxers and a huge grin.
“Well, hello.”
You laugh as you close your bedroom door, “Not happening.”
“What? Why?”
“Jonathan, you’re drunk. I’m not having sex with you. You wouldn’t have sex with me when I came home from hanging out with the girls and having a few drinks, so I’m not having sex with you.” you cross your arms and raise your brows. “Not tonight.”
John laughs as he sits up, “Oh, so this is payback?”
God, he does look so good though. His cheeks are a little flushed from the alcohol, but he’s smiling so wide. He’s shirtless, his hair looks great, and when he moves, you can see little glimpses of his tattoos, which always drives you a little crazy.
“No! This is you being drunk and me not taking advantage of that.”
“Well, I want you to.” he starts to smile, “What if I go down on you? I really want to go down on you. I’m drooling just thinking about it.”
You stare at him as he scoots to the end of the bed, “Jonathan Charles.”
“Come on…” he laughs, pulling you closer by the waistband of your pants, “I’ll beg.”
“Though it’s awfully tempting…” you say as you lean down to kiss him, "The answer is still no.”
John moves closer and lifts your shirt up as he kisses your stomach, “Please, I really need a taste. I need you to sit on my face.”
You look down at him as he puts your shirt over his head and continues to kiss and suck on your stomach. Your eyes roll shut when he nips at your skin, and you squeeze your legs shut when you feel the dull ache between them. He moves down to the waistband of your pants and begins to tug them down until they’re at your ankles as he kisses even lower and nips at your hip bone.
God, it’s so awfully tempting, but he’s not thinking straight. Obviously if he wasn’t drunk, this would totally be happening right now, no questions asked, but he’s not completely sober. He’d never give in to you if the roles were reversed, and you want to give him that same respect.
“John,” you pull your shirt from over his head and look into his bloodshot brown eyes, “No.”
John narrows his eyes and watches you walk over to your side of the bed, “Fine!”
A laugh escapes your lips, and John turns around to look at you, still glaring. You shake your head a little and pull off your shirt so you’re just in a bralette before crawling into bed, then you turn off your light and roll to your left side to face John. He’s facing away from you, so you tap his shoulder a few times, but he doesn’t move. You sit up and lean over him, but he’s already passed out, just like you knew he would be.
“God, you’re so funny.” you whisper to him, then you lean down and kiss his cheek, “I love you.”
“Ooh, look who has decided to join us for breakfast this morning,” you say when John finally strolls into the kitchen at nearly 11. “Already have a plate and hot coffee waiting for you.”
John looks at you and puts his hand over his heart as he walks to the table, “You have my heart, Mrs. Wick.”
Ronan offers John a piece of toast, which he takes, then she happily walks off with the piece of banana she has in her other hand. She stomps her tiny feet on the floor next to you and grins widely, her face covered in peanut butter and banana.
“You’re a little stinker like your daddy.” you say, and she nods her head. “Yeah, you are.”
John groans a little, “My head.”
“There’s ibuprofen right next to you.” you say, and he grabs it and takes some. You walk over and sit down next to him, rubbing your thumb over his cheek, “Gonna be a quiet day for you?”
“Yeah, I think so.” he nods, looking up at you, “Was I weird last night?”
You start to laugh, “No more than usual.”
“Oh, god, what did I do?”
You laugh when John puts his head in his hands, “You just wanted to go down on me.”
“That’s it?”
“I mean…” you start to laugh, and he shakes his head before waving his hand in a ‘give it to me’ motion. “Yeah, well, you wanted to go down on me--literally said you’d beg.”
John groans loudly, “Oh god.”
“Said you were drooling for it, which I will admit, was pretty hot. Then you decided to put my shirt over your head.” you say, and he starts to laugh, “I told you no, to which you said ‘fine’ and pouted before rolling onto your side of the bed and instantly passing out.”
“Nothing else?”
You shake your head when he looks at you, “Nope.”
“I’m so sorry,” he chuckles a little before leaning over to kiss your cheek, “I did not expect to get drunk.”
“Oh, and you were really loud when you came home. You tried to get your shoes off without using your hands and almost fell. It’s very weird seeing John Wick drunk. I don’t think I’ve seen you drunk since…our honeymoon.”
John takes a small bite of toast, “Jimmy decided we needed shots last night, and apparently, for some strange reason, I agreed.”
You start to laugh when you hear your phone ringing, and you reach for it to see Tess calling, “Hello?”
“Is your husband as hungover as mine?”
“Yes, he is.” you smile at John, then you get up and bring your plate to the sink, “Apparently Jimmy thought they needed shots.”
Tess laughs, “Oh, is that right? I heard it was John.”
“Hmm, interesting.” you look over at him, “So, John was the shots instigator last night.”
“Nope! Don’t let him pin this on me.” he says, then he quickly deflates and looks around, “Shit, maybe it was me?”
You laugh, “He seems confused. He needs a quiet day.”
“Yeah, same with Jimmy. Do you have plans?”
“I was going to do some Halloween shopping.”
Tess nearly squeals, “Can I come with?”
“Of course.” you say, then you look down at Ronan covered in marker--where the hell did she get a marker? “Ro and I will be over to pick you up in about 20 minutes. I need to get her cleaned up.”
You hang up with Tess and pick up Ronan to set her on the counter, then you scrub at her face with a paper towel to get the green marker off of it. You also find a star sticker in her hair. You have no idea where she’s getting this shit. The office, maybe?
“Babe, I think Ro got into the office.” you say, and he hums as he nods. “John…”
You look over at him and laugh, “Ro and I are going to go out for a little bit. Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to rest.”
“Okay, well, if you need anything, just call me.” you say, and he nods his head before taking a bite of toast. You let Ronan down and watch as she scurries off to the office, giggling, “Ronan Charlotte!”
John flinches and squeezes his eyes shut, and you grimace when he looks at you, whispering ‘sorry.’ He finishes the last of his toast, then he brings his plate to the sink before finishing off his coffee and pouring himself another cup. You hold his gaze when he looks at you, and he leans against you, quietly groaning.
“Go lay down on the couch, babe.” you whisper to him, and he nods his head. “Just watch a movie. We’ll get out of your hair for a bit.”
“I don’t want you out of my hair. I want you here.” he says just as Ronan screams in delight from the other room. “Okay, well, I don’t want that.”
You start to laugh, “And those damn kids just never listen when you tell them to shut up, do they?”
John starts to laugh, “You’d never tell her to shut up.”
“No, but she’s not very good at using her indoor voice right now. I think it’s best if we get out for a bit while you get some rest.” you cup his face and lean up to kiss him, tasting coffee and peanut butter on his lips, “We’ll be back in a few hours.”
John closes his eyes and nods his head, “I’ll walk you two out to the car.”
“I’m parked in the driveway and the sun is blinding today,” you say, placing your hand on his chest to stop him, “Trust me, I’m saving your retinas right now.”
“Well, thank you.” he laughs, hugging you tightly.
You grab your phone and keys off the counter, then you walk into the living room, “Ro, baby, come on.”
Ronan comes stomping out of the office covered in more stickers and pulling a ball of yarn behind her, and you and John both look at each other. You take the yarn from her and wrap it back up, then you tuck it into a drawer in the kitchen so Toast won’t get it.
“Where did she find that?” John asks as he lifts her up and kisses her cheek before putting her back down.
“I’m nervous to look at the office.” you say, then you quickly put your hands on his chest when he starts to make his way towards it, “Nope! You’re laying down and relaxing. I’ll close the door so Bleu and Toast don’t get in there, but you’re not doing anything about it. I will when I get home.”
John gives you a displeased look, “I can clean the office, peach.”
“I have it taken care of!” you quickly shut the door and point at him, “Lay down and rest!”
He laughs as he walks over to lay on the couch. You lean down and kiss him, then you grab your purse and reach for Ronan’s hand. She blows a kiss to him when he waves at her, and you wave at him and blow a kiss too.
“We love you. We’ll be back soon.”
“I love you both,” he says, reaching for the TV remote. “Please drive carefully.”
You get Ronan’s shoes and look back at John, “Try not to have too much fun without us.”
John shakes his head as he looks at you, “I definitely won’t.”
Tess was a little quiet while shopping. She just didn’t really seem like herself. You didn’t want to pester her and yank whatever it was bothering her out of her, but you definitely wanted to know. She never ended up telling you even though you two were together for hours shopping and getting lunch.
On the subject of shopping, you may have gone a little overboard on the Halloween decorations, but at least you didn’t spend $450! You spent…$436. The yard and house will look so good with all the decorations though.
“Okay, we have to be quiet.” you say to Ronan, and she nods her head.
You step into the house and smile when both Bleu and Toast run over to greet you, which causes Ronan to squeal. You set her down and lean over to look at the couch, but John isn’t laying there like you expected. Ronan stomps in place and giggles when Bleu licks her fingers that are sticky from fruit gummies.
“John?” you walk into the kitchen and find it empty, then you walk to the office, opening the door slowly in case he’s on a call or something. He’s not in there and the office is completely tidy again. Of course he cleaned it.
“Dada!” Ronan screams in delight and giggles, and you turn around to see John kneeling in front of the window playing peek-a-boo with her.
You laugh as you open the door and smile at him, “What happened to resting?”
“I’m all rested up.” he says, and you peck him quickly. “I was missing my girls, so I needed to do something to get my mind off of it.”
John gestures over your shoulder, and you turn around to see the patio is covered in bales of hay, pumpkins, and scarecrows. He smiles proudly when you look back at him. It looks so cute, and he clearly worked really hard on it despite having a hangover.
“How the hell did I miss this when I drove up? It looks great!” you smile at him, then you look over at Ronan as she tries to climb onto a bale of hay. “I actually got some more things to go with it, plus we’ll need to do the front door too. I got…a lot.”
“I figured.” he laughs, shrugging as he walks over to Ronan, “You know, I love how much you love decorating for holidays.”
You shrug and follow him, “I just want every holiday to be magical for Ro, especially Halloween and Christmas.”
“She’s going to love the holiday season and how special you make it,” he says, and you smile at him. He leans over to kiss the top of Ronan’s head, then he helps her get situated next to him on the bale of hay. “Did you pick costumes for the boys?”
“She did,” you start to laugh, “Bleu is going to be a bumblebee and Toast is going to just wear a pumpkin hat that he’ll definitely rip off. Bleu is the more patient one.”
John laughs, “That’s true, though for a cat, Toast is very patient with her. Toast and I did snuggle up on the couch for a while though. Purred so damn loud. Him, not me.”
You start to walk over to join the two of them, but your phone buzzes in your pocket. Tess is calling, so you quickly answer it.
“What are you doing?” she asks before you can even say hello.
“Standing on the side patio looking at John and Ronan. What are you doing?”
Tess sighs, “When was the last time we had a sleepover?”
“Uh,” you laugh as you sit in John’s lap, “I have no idea.”
“Why is it that when we become adults, we no longer have sleepovers? If anything, I think it’s way more fun to have them as adults. We can gossip about stuff, we can stay up later, we don’t have to sneak out, we can drive. It makes sense to have them as adults because we don’t spend as much time together. When you’re teens, you’re always together.”
You start to smile, “Tess, do you want to have a sleepover?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” she says, and you let out a small laugh. “I was actually hoping you’d be up for heading to the lake house for the weekend.”
The lake house is a bit of a drive, but it would be fun to have a nice weekend with her since you haven’t had one with just the two of you in a while.
“Let me talk to John and I’ll text you,” you look at him as you say goodbye to her, and he looks at you with soft brown eyes as you hang up. “Tess wants to go to the lake house--just us. Just to hang out for the weekend.”
“Oh, okay.” he nods, and you raise your brows as he starts to laugh, “I’m okay with that.”
You reach over and take the leaf from Ronan that she’s trying to stick into her mouth, “You’ll be okay with her this weekend?”
“Of course! We’ll have some daddy-daughter time.” he says, looking down at her before looking at you, “We’ll miss you though.”
“Which is why I’m kind of on the fence about leaving. I’m gonna miss you both so much,” you frown, and John leans up to kiss you. “We’ll FaceTime?”
John nods, “Of course. And you deserve a weekend away with Tess. Without annoying husbands, without kids. It’ll be nice for you two.”
“Yeah, I think so too--the weekend for the two of us, not the without annoying husband and kids part. You’re not annoying,” you say, and John bounces you on his knee and smiles. “I should let her know and pack a bag. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”
“Yes, we’ll be fine.”
“But you don’t feel good!”
John laughs, “I’m fine, peach. I just needed a few extra hours of sleep, but I’m fine. I’m fully capable of taking care of her this weekend even with a hangover.”
“I just don’t want to dump her onto you this weekend while you don’t feel good.”
“I’m her dad,” he says, and you nod. “You’re not ‘dumping’ her onto me. I want to spend time with her, and it’s my responsibility to take care of her too. It’s not just on you to do that. Remember? We’re a team.”
You frown as his smile gets bigger, “I just want you to be okay. I mean, I went grocery shopping so you’ll be--”
“We’ll be okay,” he laughs, and you lean over to kiss him. “I was thinking of taking her to the pumpkin patch. I think we need some more. Don’t worry, we won’t go to the big one that we planned on going to. We’ll just go to the one in the town square.”
You frown, “That sounds fun though.”
“Doesn’t hanging out with your sister sound fun too?” he asks, and you nod your head, “Okay, then. You’ll have fun.”
You exhale sharply as you get up and turn to look at him, “I’m going to pack my bag then.”
“Oh, one thing,” he says and you look at him, “Can I keep the car?”
“Yeah, I assume Tess will drive,” you say, then you narrow your eyes and turn to him, “Why?”
He starts to laugh as he picks up Ronan and stands up, “We gotta fill this yard with pumpkins and I can’t do that with the Mustang.”
“Our own personal pumpkin patch?”
John laughs as he follows you into the house, “Hey, if that’s what Mrs. Wick wants, then that’s what she’ll get.”
“I mean, I don’t want an entire pumpkin patch, but yes, it would be kind of cool to line the driveway with them, so we can light them on Halloween night.”
“Did you hear that?” John asks Ronan as she looks at him with her big brown eyes, “We’re going to get some pumpkins. Just you and me!”
You start to smile as you watch John dancing with Ronan and kissing her cheek, “I’m so jealous.”
After packing your bag for the weekend, you stood at the end of the driveway and said goodbye to John and Ronan for about 10 minutes. It was so hard to let them go and watch them from the mirror as they waved at you, but you know you’ll see them soon and it’ll be nice for them to spend some time together. Ronan adores her dad and he adores her just the same, so they’ll have a blast.
It did hurt a little to know that Ronan cried for a bit after you left. John texted you to let you know, but she stopped shortly after when John was able to distract her with a toy.
The first thing you and Tess did when you got to the lake house was open the windows to let in some warm fall air. The place just smells stale when no one is there for a while. You lit a few candles to help with the smell too. Tess decided to run to the store and grab some things for the weekend while you stayed back to get the house tidied a little bit.
Just as you reach for a pillow to fluff up, you hear the doorbell ring, which is odd since you really don’t get many visitors out here. You walk to the door and smile when you see a woman standing on the porch with a box in her arms.
“Hello?” you open the door and smile at her.
“Uh,” she looks at the paper taped to the box, “A delivery for Wick.”
You smile, “That’s me! What is this?”
The woman smiles, “He was very adamant on what he wanted and how quickly he wanted it delivered. He’s a keeper.”
You furrow your brow as you laugh, “Thanks?”
“Have a good day!” she says before bouncing back to her car.
Carrying the box inside, you kick the door shut with your foot, then you set the box on the kitchen counter and open it. You stand on your tiptoes to look into it, and you immediately smile when you see the note tucked into the beautiful flowers.
“You’re kidding me?” you laugh loudly as you hold up the large vase of dahlias, roses, and eucalyptus, then you grab the note to read.
We miss you already. Have a great weekend, my peach. We love you so much and can’t wait to see you. - Jonathan and Ronan.
You immediately get your phone and FaceTime John, listening to it ring while you set the vase of flowers on the table.
“Hi, peach,” he says, and you hold up your phone to show him the flowers, “You got them already? That was fast.”
“She said you were very adamant about getting them delivered right away.”
John laughs, “I was. I wanted them to get there before the end of the day. I’m glad you got them.”
You hold up your camera so John can see you, and you smile when you notice his hair is wet, “Did you two go swimming?”
“We did. It got really warm this afternoon. Jimmy and Finn are here too,” he says, showing you Jimmy sitting on the floor playing with the kids, and you wave at them. “Are you and Tess gonna swim?”
“Probably not,” you shake your head as you walk outside, “We’ll probably just sit on the sun deck for a bit, but you know me, I won’t swim unless you’re here for me to climb on.”
John laughs, “True. Where is Tess?”
“She went to the store. She should be back soon.” you say, looking at John’s face filling up your phone screen, “You look really handsome. Really happy.”
“I am happy!”
You playfully squint, “Because I’m not at home?”
“Because I’m talking to you! Peach, I don’t think you realize how much I miss you already.” he says as you smile, “I truly, truly miss you.”
“I miss you too,” you turn around as the front door opens, “Hey, Tess is here. We’ll FaceTime tonight, okay?”
John kneels down and holds the phone up so Ronan can see you, “Say bye to momma.”
“I love you so, so, so much.” you wave at her and smile when she waves back, “Thank you to my babies for my gorgeous flowers. I love them!”
“We’re glad!” John smiles as he waves, “I’ll talk to you later! Bye!”
You wave back before you blow a kiss and hang up, walking into the house to see Tess has several bags. You quickly help her get everything put away, and she laughs when she sees the flowers on the table.
“You’re kidding? He’s so cute,” she says, and you grin when she looks at you. “When did he get these sent?”
“The moment I left, I’m assuming.” you laugh as you gently touch a rose petal, “He’s sweet.”
Tess nods, “He is very sweet. Why doesn’t my husband send me flowers?”
You open your mouth to say something but you’re cut off by the doorbell. Tess quickly walks over to answer it, and you laugh when you see her coming in with a box just like yours.
“Oh, he definitely talked to John.” she says as she takes the vase of flowers out.
You laugh, “I assume he called shortly after John did. The boys are at my place right now.”
“Oh, and a box of chocolate!”
“I didn’t get a box of chocolate!” you walk over to your box and look in it, “Rude.”
Tess laughs as she looks at you, pressing her phone to her ear, “James! Did you buy me flowers?”
You widen your eyes when she talks in the most embarrassing baby voice to him, and she glares at you, pointing her finger and silently telling you to zip it. You laugh to yourself as you grab your phone and head outside to spend time in the sun.
Rolling over in bed, you nearly bump into Tess, who is sound asleep. You don’t even want to admit it, but you can’t sleep without John here. You selfishly hope he can’t sleep either. You get up from the bed and tiptoe out, closing the door behind you before you walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water. Your phone buzzes in your hand with a text, and you smile to yourself. Only one person would text you at 1:27 in the morning.
You awake?
Yup. Can’t sleep.
Are you alone?
I’m sitting on the back patio, so yes.
Your phone immediately starts ringing with a FaceTime call from John.
“Hello, Mr. Wick.”
“I miss you terribly,” he admits, and you smile at him, “I can’t sleep without you here.”
Nodding your head, you let out a small laugh, “Same.”
“Maybe we are insufferable.”
“No, John, we’re in love.” you start to laugh when he grins, “Maybe--”
John shakes his head, “No, this is your weekend with Tess.”
“Yeah, but--”
“I won’t crash it.” he says, and you roll your eyes. “Even though you look so beautiful right now and all I want to do is hold you and kiss you.”
You start to laugh when there’s a flutter in your stomach, “That gave me butterflies.”
“Fuck, I miss you!” he whispers loudly, which makes you furrow your brow since Ronan definitely can’t hear him talking from her room. He moves the phone down to show you that Ronan is tucked into his side, her plump cheek squished against John’s chest, “I can’t sleep when you’re not here, so I brought her into our room. She snuggles like her momma.”
“You mean she clings.”
John laughs, “Yeah, that too. She’s snuggling right now, but shortly she’s going to kick me and take up half the bed, which is a California king, so that’s some talent right there. She is so much like you. I love it.”
Sighing quietly, you look at John on your phone, “I guess I should try to sleep. You should too. She’s such a handful when you’re tired.”
“I know,” he nods before he leans down to kiss the top of Ronan’s head, “Call me in the morning when you get a chance.”
“I will. I love you.”
John smiles, “I love you too. Bye, peach.”
“Bye,” you wave at him, then you hang up and head back to your bedroom.
Tess wanted to watch a movie and share a bed like you used to when you were kids, so she’s currently sleeping in your room. You crawl into bed and pull the blanket over your shoulder, then you wiggle down until you’re comfortable.
“Can’t sleep either?”
“Either? You were just snoring.”
Tess laughs sleepily, “I’m in and out of sleep.”
You roll over to your back just as she does, “Why can’t you sleep?”
Tess holds up her phone to show you a text from Jimmy that was sent about an hour ago, “He misses me.”
“I just talked to John. He misses me too.” you start to laugh, “Our husbands.”
“I haven’t been away from him in so long and it’s really weird,” she laughs quietly, “It’s so weird how you meet someone one day and they just become everything to you, and you can’t imagine your life without them, and even sleeping without them for a few nights is just ridiculously hard to do.”
You laugh, “I’m so dependent on John and his soft back scratches to help me fall asleep. I just miss his presence too. Knowing he’s lying beside me is such a comfort.”
“We’re so pukey,” Tess laughs, and you join in. “We really lucked out on our husbands, didn’t we?”
“We did,” you look over at your phone when it lights up with a text, and you reach for it.
I can’t sleep. I hate sleeping without you.
Me too.
Can we never do this again?
You look over at Tess as she smiles and reads your texts. She laughs and shakes her head, and you roll to your side to see her texting Jimmy to tell him that she loves him. The sleep eventually gets to you and Tess, and you both soon fall asleep, still clutching your phones.
The smell of coffee wafts through the house as you sit on the back porch with a book. It’s cool out today, so you have a blanket over your lap to keep yourself warm. You take a sip of your coffee and let out a contented sigh. You turn the page of your book, completely engrossed in the story, and as you reach for another sip of coffee, you hear a faint rustling sound coming from the bushes at the edge of the yard.
You set down your book and peer over to get a better look just as a small rabbit emerges from the bushes and hops across your lawn before disappearing into another bush on the other side. You smile to yourself and turn to get Ronan but quickly remember she’s not here. She loves ‘bun-buns’.
“Hey,” Tess plops down next to you, “You know what pregnancy roulette is?”
“Yeah, you take a pregnancy test and put it into a cup and pull them out to see if it’s positive. It’s popular on TikTok right now.”
Tess nods as she smiles, “We should do it. I don’t think I’m pregnant, but it’d be fun.”
“That’s your idea of fun?”
“Yeah,” she laughs, and you shake your head before you shrug. Tess pulls out two tests from her pocket. “I knew you’d say yes.”
You start to laugh, “Well, I’m not pregnant, so…”
“You never know,” she sings as you both get up.
Taking the test from Tess, you walk into the bathroom and open it. It gives you a weird feeling in your stomach that you’re not sure you understand. Is it nerves? You know you’re not pregnant, but there’s always a chance. John doesn’t use condoms, but you are on birth control. Sometimes birth control fails though.
You put the cap back on the test and open the door to find Tess standing there with a box for the tests. She holds up her phone with the countdown on it and walks into the living room.
“So, wait, do you think you’re pregnant?” you ask, and she shakes her head. “Then why are we taking these?”
“Because I want to. It looked fun.” she says, then she starts to laugh, “You look sick. Are you pregnant?”
You shake your head, “No. John and I aren’t ready, but most of all, I’m not ready. My hemorrhage scared the living shit out of me. I know my next pregnancy will be high-risk, and I’ll probably be on bed rest a lot. I’m just not ready for that. Ronan isn’t potty-trained yet. I just…am not ready. Neither is John. And I know he’s not. Well, he said he’s ready whenever, but he admits that he wants to wait too. He knows how much I went through with Ro.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” she says, then she looks at you, “What if your test is positive?”
“Then I’m pregnant, I guess.” you start to laugh before you look at her and frown, “I don’t want it to be positive though.”
Tess nods, “It’ll all be fine.”
“Yeah…” you inhale deeply and sit down next to Tess, watching as the timer counts down from three minutes. You look at her when it hits the last ten seconds, then you take a deep breath and let it out slowly when the timer goes off. “Well, here goes nothing. Wait, how do we know which test is mine?”
“We don’t.” she says, and you scrunch your brows. “We just…guess.”
You scoff, “Solid plan. I guess when I start throwing up all day every day, I’ll know which one was mine.”
Tess nudges your shoulder and laughs before she pulls out a test. She holds it up and looks at you. Negative. You really hope that one is yours. She reaches in for the last test and looks at you before you both look at the test. Tess laughs loudly and slaps her hand over her mouth, and you feel your heart sink to your stomach when you see the positive line.
“Holy shit!” she exclaims, looking at you, “Is this yours?”
“I don’t know!” you stand up and pace, “Tess, I can’t…I’m not ready. I just…I love my trio. I can’t. Oh, god, I’m gonna pass out.”
Tess laughs as she stands up, “Relax, goose.”
“I can’t,” you start to laugh despite being so nervous, “Oh my god!”
“Relax,” she walks over and rests her hands on your shoulders to calm you down, “It’s not you. You’re not pregnant.”
You blink a few times as you look at her, “What?”
“I am,” she smiles wide as tears fill her eyes, “I thought it’d be a funny way to tell you. I’m pregnant. I’m six weeks pregnant.”
You immediately burst into tears as you wrap your arms around her, “Tess! Oh my god! Oh my god!”
Not only do you feel relief for yourself, you feel so, so, so much happiness for Tess and her growing family. And lots and lots of relief for yourself.
Tess starts to laugh as she lifts up her shirt, “Look at my belly already. I’ve had to hide it these past two weeks. I just popped so fast; supposedly you do with your second pregnancy.”
“You’re pregnant,” you cry as she laughs, “Why did you have to give me a heart attack to tell me?”
“Because I knew it’d be funny.”
You start to laugh as you wipe away the tear running down your cheek, “Does Jimmy know?”
“He does,” she smiles and shows you the picture of the little set-up she put together to tell him. “He’s so happy. He wanted to tell John this weekend, so I’m sure he knows by now.”
“He probably didn’t give John a heart attack though,” you say, and she laughs as she hugs you.
Tess smiles as she shrugs, “No, probably not.”
“Holy shit, Tess!” you start to laugh, another wave of shock running through you, “You’re pregnant! A mom of two! Finny is a big brother!”
“I know,” she looks down at the small bump and grins, “I’m so excited. I was so nervous about it when I thought I might be. I was just like you, thinking that I didn’t want to disrupt my trio and ruin what we had, but babe, this little nugget is just what we need. Like, I can’t even imagine not being pregnant with a second baby now and it’s only been a few weeks. You’ll feel that way too.”
Like always, she’s probably right. You and John have always said you wanted more babies and you don’t want Ro to be an only child. It’s not even that you’re worried about not loving another kid--you absolutely will, there’s no doubt--but the thing that scares you more than anything is how your pregnancy went last time. You’ll most likely be at a higher risk this second time around, and that scares the shit out of you. You don’t want to lose a baby and you certainly don’t want to…well, die.
“I’m sure,” you nod as you look down at her bump, “I’m sure I’ll feel that way. I know I will. Of course I want to have more kids with John. We’re really good at making babies, and John, god, John is so meant to be a dad. He is such a good dad. So patient and understanding. He’s perfect. Of course I want to have more kids with him.”
Tess reaches for your hand, “But I understand why you’re hesitant, and he does too. He’s talked to me about it even.”
“Of course.”
“He just wanted to make sure he was being considerate and was doing the right thing. It’s why he rarely ever brings up more kids these days. He just doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or upset you.” she says, and you start to smile when she playfully rolls her eyes, “He’s really sweet.”
You nod, “He is.”
Tess’ phone starts to ring, so she takes it out and presses it to her ear. You gesture out to the sundeck to let her know that you’re going outside, and she nods her head. You grab your phone and take it with you since now all you want to do is hear John’s voice.
Being away from him has been harder than you expected. The two of you spend time apart, but you’re pretty far away from him right now and the whole world just feels off. It’s like you’re missing this whole other half of you. Tess is right: it is weird how someone becomes so important to you that you can’t imagine life without them.
Once you’re on the sun deck, you lean against the railing as you call John, listening to the line ring. It goes to voicemail, so you try again. He could be busy with Ronan. It is close to lunchtime anyway. You pocket your phone and look out at the sun shining on the water and smile when you see a little turtle perched on a rock as it sunbathes.
After about a minute, you pull your phone out and call John again. You’re not trying to be annoying, but you really want to talk to him. Of course, he doesn’t answer again, but now you know why. You don’t even have to look over to your left because you know he’s there. You can feel him.
“Three times in a minute, peach. That might be a record.” he says, and you start to laugh as you look at him, “I was trying to surprise you.”
“I could feel you,” you say, and he smiles as he walks over to you, reaching to bring you into his arms, “The air got warmer.”
John laughs, “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” you close your eyes and lean your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, “God, I missed you.”
“I missed you too. I had to come see you,” he whispers against the top of your head, still holding you tight to him.
You lean back to look at him, “You’re only here to visit?”
“Do you want me to stay?” he asks, and you nod your head as he smiles, “Good, because I packed a bag.”
You cup his face and stretch up to kiss him several times, “Where’s Ro?”
“I left her back home. You went grocery shopping, so she’ll be fine.” he says, and you start to laugh, “She’s got the house to herself. I told her no parties, but we’ll see.”
You laugh, “Did you lock the liquor up?”
“I did,” he laughs, nodding his head, “Nah, she’s in the house with Tess. We missed you.”
“I missed you both so much.” you admit as you rest your hands on his chest, and you look up at him and hold his gaze, “So, Tess is pregnant.”
He nods, “Yeah, pretty crazy.”
“I, um, heard that you talked to her about…me.” you say, and he nods, “About how to word things and…not mentioning more kids so you don’t hurt my feelings.”
“I just don’t want to say the wrong thing.”
You cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb against his beard, “You can talk to me about more kids, babe. We want more kids. I just don’t want you to pressure me, which you never have! You’ve never made me feel pressured or that you’re just waiting for me to say it’s time. You’ve even said you’re not ready either.”
“I’m ready whenever you are, and I mean that.” he nods, then he shrugs, “But I’ll admit, I don’t think it’s time. Ro isn’t potty trained. We’re just not there yet, but when it’s time, we’ll know. That’s what Tess said. She said that when we’re ready and it’s time for us to have another kid, we’ll know.”
“She made me take a pregnancy test,” you start to laugh and John furrows his brow, “She wanted to do some pregnancy test roulette thing and we both took a test and put them in a cup. Obviously, hers was positive since she was pregnant, but mine was negative. I know we’re not ready because there was no part of me that wanted that test to be positive, and I feel…bad for that.”
John cups your face, “It’s okay to not be ready, sweetheart.”
“I’m just so scared,” you admit as tears well up in your eyes, “I’m terrified of getting pregnant again and going through what I went through with Ro. Waking up that night with all that blood covering me…”
“I know,” he pulls you into his chest and holds you, “It was traumatizing, I know. It was for me too, but I can only imagine how it felt for you. Look, it’s okay to not be ready for another baby. I don’t think we are either. We have our hands full right now with everything that we have going on. But would it make you feel better if we talked to Doctor Mendez? Maybe she could calm your nerves a little.”
You nod as you close your eyes. John holds you tight in his arms and kisses the top of your head, and the two of you stay like this for a few quiet minutes. John finally loosens his grip and leans back to look at you, and you smile when he wipes the tear off your cheek.
“I missed you,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss you as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Do you wanna go see our baby?”
“Yeah,” you let out a small laugh and intertwine your fingers with John before heading back to the house.
As soon as you step inside, Ronan squeals with delight and runs over to you, saying ‘momma’ over and over. You scoop her into your arms and smother her little face in kisses, and she giggles the entire time.
“I missed you, bug!” you hoist her onto your hip and smile, “Did you miss me?”
Ronan nods her head and smiles before pointing at John and saying something about a pumpkin. John leans over and kisses the top of her head, but she quickly loses interest and wants to go back to playing with Finn. You put her down and watch as she runs over to join him in a pile of toys.
“I know I said I wouldn’t crash your weekend…” John smiles when you look at him, “I don’t have as much self-control as you.”
“I don’t mind,” you lean up and kiss him, then you pull away and gasp, “New family member!”
John furrows his brow, “What?”
“New family member!” you say again, playfully shaking John, “From our anniversary week, the psychic! She said we’d have a new family member. We thought she meant Toast, but I think she meant this! She was real! She really knew!”
He nods, smiling when you look up at him, “Well, she said that we were soulmates, so clearly she knew what she was talking about!”
“Amazing,” you say quietly as you smile.
John chuckles as he wraps his arms around you and kisses you, “What were you doing before I got here?”
You shrug, “I was going to sit on the porch and read.”
“Can I join you?”
You start to smile, “If I said no, would you have enough self-control to stay away?”
“Absolutely not,” he answers immediately, wrapping his arms around you tighter, “But I think you like that.”
You lean into his embrace as a smile spreads on your face, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. It feels like home. You can't help but smile, knowing that he understands you better than anyone else ever has and ever will. As you two stand there in each other's arms, you realize that this is where you belong. With him. And with a deep breath, you finally answer his question.
"Yes," you say softly, "You can join me."
@spiderfangirl22 @im--blushing
@ruby-octo @sunnythebunny7 @livetosing21 @alaricsl3gacy @lilithlinen @ladyren33 @multifandombliss @tnu-ree @scream-queen-25 @beingnerdyissupercool @sakurachan-9
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Ludwig Ahgren | General Dating
Lud content! Lud content! This is the most unsure I've been of if this is in character. Reblogs are welcomed. Request are open!
A non streamer, you’d just be some rando. You work in a store that he visits regularly, maybe a coffee shop or bookshop or small hole-in-the-wall restaurant. He comes over often, asks you for your recommendations, and then tells you about his favorites. But he’d be so awkward about it.
You would also have to be someone who he would hee semi-regularly, he is chronically unable to approach people he thinks are attractive.
I see him as someone who is very playfully mean to those around him, however during the start of the relationship he’d not know how far he can push you, so he just doesn’t. You can tell that he’s holding back on something tho, it’s not until you first say something rudish to him that he starts to relax about it.
I can see him being very touchy as a boyfriend. Like you no longer have me space, its our space. Arms around your shoulders when he’s standing behind you, laying on you when you’re on the phone, or his legs on your lap. He just likes to be touching you.
This does not change if he can manage to get you on stream. He’ll have you sit next to him and he’ll knock into your shoulder, tap your kneecap, or squeeze your hand off camera. Most of the time it’s to make sure that you’re okay, just return the in kind and he’ll continue on with the stream, if you don’t he’ll figure out an excuse to off camera.
Loves to bully you. Will absolutely pinch and poke at you while you are just trying to watch a movie. Will pull on your hair when casually walking past you. He will get stuck in bits after being on camera, and he does sometimes forgets that you are not A) a internet personality and B) currently on stream. He does feel really bad about it afterwards, grovles in it for a while, even if you tell him that its fine and you understand.
He’s a big acts of service guy. Like anytime he goes away and sees you he’s bringing you something. He’ll act like it’s whatever; sometimes it’s your favorite snack, other times it’s flowers, occasionally it’ll be a piece of jewelry, but it’s always something. And it never fails to melt your heart. OR if you mention that you’re hungry he’ll get food to you. If your not in the same building as him it’ll be an uber eats, but if you are he’ll go and make you something.
He would let you wear any of his clothes, but also have you seen what he picks out to wear??? No, the thing that you do is buy him stuff to wear. He’ll poke fun of you for doing it, but he actually appreciates it. Would actually bring it up on stream/The Yard, “My girlfriend bought this for me, I think she thinks i dress poorly.” and everyone around him, chat included, tell him he does.
Also stream appearances. Baling streams, prove that you both can only bake one thing. Or Challange Streams, that’s the one thing that could get you out of your head while on stream, just proving that you're better than him at random games or that you have a faster typing speed then him.
I strongly believe that he is extremely exhausted when he ends the stream. Like ready to pass out at any momnet. Automatic heads to his room, where he hopefully will be able to nap with you. Unfortunately he doesnt always make it, he has a bad habit of falling asleep out in the hallway, or the kitchen when getting a glass of water, or the chair in his room. He’s always fine after, especially if you’re in his eyesight when he wakes up.
He has a lot of opinions on things, and he like to talk to you about them. Like he’ll talk and talk and talk about things to you if you are willing to listen, and he is always surprised when you do.
More on that point he will run all of the mogal mails by you. He is actually a one take jake when it comes to filming them, but he likes to sit down in front of you while you're eating or making a smoothie or something and just ask if he can run something past you. He lets you ask questions and criticizes it. He says it helps him get the understanding of what the average person would think of the content of the video.
He’d be so down to adopt a pet with you. Aren't all of the pets in that house qt’s??? It does not even matter what kind of pet you want. You want a dog, cool. A cat, He’s so about that. A snake? Do you know how many views he could milk that for in stream.A hedgehog? That’s now his precious baby.
In conclusion, our annoying theater kid English major boyfriend is a fiend but we love him.
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
Day 4 of Ranger Gathering: Experience
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“I think it’ll be a good idea,” King Duncan was saying, “A good chance for you to get familiar with the landscape of the fief so you have some experience here before you really start.”
Baron Arald piped in, “And it’ll be fun.” Duncan, Arald and Horace were sitting in Duncan’s office. Horace had just moved to Castle Araluen to start his new career as a knight. Arald was visiting Duncan for some boring business affairs that Horace didn’t know, but the two seniors had some time off, so Duncan suggested the three of them go on a hunting trip around the fief, posing it as an opportunity for Horace to get familiar with the fief. Horace had a suspicion that the king just wanted to get out of the castle and do something active, and he didn’t blame him.
“I’d be interested in that,” Horace said and Duncan clapped his hands together. 
“Then it’s settled,” he said, “tomorrow we’ll go hunting. We can meet here around midday, get some lunch, and then we’ll go.” Arald and Horace nodded their agreement, showing the king that the plan was all fine with them. They said their farewells to each other, and left Duncan’s office, going off to do their own separate things for the remainder of the day.
← – →
The next day, at midday, Arald and Horace met outside Duncan’s office as they had planned. When Duncan let them enter, they found he already had a meal prepared for them. They ate, engaging in friendly conversation while doing so, collected their gear, and set off for the stables to collect their horses.
They were mostly silent as they followed Duncan to the spot that he said was the best area if you wanted to hunt small prey, which is what they wanted. None of them ever wanted to kill if there was no need to, so they would take the rabbits they were most likely to get and bring them back to the castle kitchens to be used in future meals. 
Duncan stopped the small group when they got to the edge of some trees, leading into a wooded area. 
“We’ll dismount here and carry on through foot,” he said, “the trees are really close together in there and there’s a lot of bushes. It would make too much noise and we’d be too noticeable to any animals.”
“What animals are we talking?” Arald asked.
Duncan shrugged. “Just the normal small prey,” he said. “Rabbits, mainly. A couple birds and pheasants. Maybe a small deer if we get lucky.” Arald nodded, taking in the information. They dismounted from their horses and tied the reins to the closest sturdy looking trees. When Duncan judged the other two were ready, he moved into the trees, moving slowly so they could follow him to the more open area he was planning to go to. 
As they walked, every now and then they would set up a small snare, carefully hiding it behind some leaves. Arald had the good idea of rubbing his hands in some food, and then rubbing his hands on the leaves so that some of the scent would transfer to the leaves and hopefully attract some animals. It wasn’t really something he had tried before, he was just experimenting, but it wouldn’t hurt to try a new method.
When they made it to the area Duncan had originally been talking about, a place that apparently had more game than any other part of the forest, they set up double the amount of traps. When they heard some of the traps go off, one of the three of them would run over to the snare and grab the animal out of it, taking it back to their waiting point to bag it.
At one point when Horace went to clear out a trap, he saw that the rabbit that had been caught in it was still alive. It was badly injured and bleeding out, so if he let it go it wouldn’t survive in the wild. Horace knew that he would have to kill it to put it out of its misery, but he still felt extremely guilty about it. He could kill opponents in the field without a second glance, and skewer anyone with his sword who was a threat to the people he cared about, but seeing a helpless injured rabbi struggling to get out of a trap was an entirely different matter. 
Horace quickly hit the rabbit on the head with the butt of his sword, trying not to think about the fact that the rabbit might had had a family, and could have been trying to get food for them, while him, Arald and Duncan had killed it for their own food source when they already had plenty.
The rabbit stopped squirming and stayed still.
By the end of their trip, the three knights had managed to catch three rabbits, a hare and a couple birds. Duncan and Arald told Horace, who hadn’t been on that many hunting trips that it was a successful one.
“So how was that?” Duncan asked Horace as they rode their horses back to the castle.
“It was fun,” Horace replied, although he was a bit saddened about the rabbit incident, but he waved it aside. 
“The chefs should be happy to see we’ve bought them some more meat for them to use,” Arald said, “In my experience chefs are always happy to have more things to cook.”
“That’s true,” Duncan agreed.
They rode in silence for the rest of the way and Horace thought to himself. The trip had been good for him. It had given him a good layout of the forest surrounding his new home, and it had been fun for him to get out and get some fresh air alongside the kingdom’s two most famous knights. Over all, Horace figured it had been an amazing experience.
Don't like this one very much because I rushing to get it done and pretty much everyone from here on is all going to be rushed to get done. I also hate the moodboard thing but that doesn't matter. Hope you liked it, because I didn't. Now my computer being a bitch and pissing me off so I'm gonna go watch Deadpool and Wolverine finally.
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tranquilstudy · 2 years
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Welcome to another one of my studyblr challenges! I’ve gained a lot more followers on this channel since the last time I did one of these so I wanted to say hello and I like to give people the opportunity to connect through events like these. Looking back at my last challenge there were actually a lot of very awesome people participating and I’m hoping this time around will be the same! Below you’ll find some rules, dates for when it begins and ends and the questions for each day of the challenge. These are usually pretty laidback so feel free to diverge from whatever rules I put out there. Can’t wait to meet new people and hear about what is going on in everyone’s lives!
As always, you’re more than welcome to start or stop this challenge at any time. The numbers added will correspond with when I’m tracking tags for this challenge, but they can be adjusted, re-used and re-done to your heart’s content. That being said, if you want to do it with a group and hopefully make some friends along the way, I’ll be officially tracking or starting this challenge on October 14th, 2022. The challenge has 29 questions, and with one question per day, the challenge will end on November 12th, 2022. Assuming I just counted that right. However, if you’re like me and like to answer a couple questions every couple of days, that ending day may vary for you. No worries! That’s often what happens with my posts as well.
Just like that time, I’ll be making a separate post for the taglist for this challenge. If you want to be on the taglist, just reblog this post or otherwise show interest in doing this challenge! And if you want to be added or removed you can always shoot me an ask (don’t DM me, I don’t check or answer those to get to it in a timely fashion). The taglist shows you who is hoping to participate and hopefully it’ll help people to connect with like-minded individuals!
When this challenge starts, I’ll be tracking the tag #tranquilfallbuddies so please use it when you’re posting about this challenge so I can see your lovely answers! I really bank on people using these tags to see interest in these challenges and whatever you guys have to say so feel free to use them to send me feedback or whatever you want along with your posts that are challenge related.
So, in my last challenge I had people start each day by setting themselves an intention, or a goal, or just by stating their mindset for that day and a lot of people seemed to like that, so I'm bringing it back here! So, every day (or for every post you make for the challenge), an additional question is added where you can simply fill in one of the choices here:
1. Today, I am grateful for ________. (Studies have shown that stating what you’re grateful for in each day can actually improve your mood and outlook on life. Give it a try if you want!)
2. Today, I choose ______. (Inspired by Yoga with Adrienne, whom I still admire very much).
3. Today, my goals are _________. (what do you want to accomplish today?)
You can switch up your choices too, or you can fill out two or all three of them if you want to! Just pick one, two or three that you feel suits you best for that post. Or, you can make your own if you want!
Daily Questions:
The beginning of the challenge, woohoo you did it! A lot of the time starting is the hardest part. So, tell us a little bit about yourself! What are you studying currently, what where are you in your life right now? Are you happy with where you are right now? What are your goals in doing this challenge? (this is taken from the last challenge! I loved all the answers you guys gave for it so I’m bringing it back!)
What was the last book you finished?
What type of books are you interested in?
When was the last time you had a life-changing revelation? What revelation did you have?
Cut up some fruit for yourself. Show us what fruit you picked and why.
Do you find yourself procrastinating? What are you procrastinating right now? Be honest haha
What do you think defines a person's character?
Teach others something about your area of study that they may not know about.
What would make you happy right now?
When did you create your study blog or tumblr account? Why did you create it? Has the blog fulfilled the goals you've set out to accomplish so far?
Show us your current study space, as it looks right now.
Who's the last person you held hands with?
What was the most productive thing you did today? Why do you consider this action to be productive?
What passions do you have that led you to studying what you're studying in school now?
What can you de-clutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity?
What is your favourite book at the moment? Now, find a song to match this book and explain your choice.
What misconceptions do people have about your area of study?
What do you own that gives off "cozy autumn vibes"? Do you decorate for autumn or spooky season at all?
How do you calm your nerves during exam season?
When was the last time you let yourself express yourself openly? What did you express?
What about you makes you proud to be you?
What kind of mental health support do you have? How often do you utilize these resources?
What do you do when you need comfort? How can you ask for comofrt from others? How can you give comfort to yourself?
What is the kindest thing you could do for yourself, right in this moment?
Do you find the process of learning something new discouraging or uplifting? What advice would you give to others to appreciate this journey more?
Have you ever dyed your hair? What colour would you dye your hair, if you could dye it any colour?
What do you do to calm yourself down when you feel anxious?
Do you enjoy spooky season? What things do you like or dislike about it?
 The end of the challenge so it's time to reflect! I'm very proud of you for completing this challenge so give yourself a high-five! Where are you in your life now that you've finished this challenge? Have you made any friends or discovered any new blogs during this challenge or because of this challenge? If so, tag them below!  
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