#so i felt very validated when i saw this and i was like oh yeah look at that haircut and that necklace and that skull motif
writtingsomestuff · 10 months
imagine for musiala where you work as a physio for bayern, and jamal has a crush on her and all the guys tease him about it
🩷🩷 love you
OMG you're so sweet!!!! 🩷 love you too! I'm very sorry for being late. I've been busy this past month with my job and college.
More than just a crush - Jamal Musiala
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Jamal Musiala x fem!reader Warnings: none ig
Jamal was not very expressive with his emotions, he was rather shy and introverted. He was not very communicative about his feelings or thoughts, but these last few days his teammates, and even his coach, observed how often he visited the physio. The new physio, who was the new intern at Bayern Munich. This was one of the greatest opportunities that were ever offered to her; it is true that it made her feel insecure at the beginning as she was going to directly treat professional football players, and that scared her, but after she met them and saw how close they made her feel, she started to feel more comfortable.
Jamal shyly knocked at her door, “come in” he heard her beautiful voice and he blushed. Jamal cursed himself as he did not want her to notice how red he was.
“Hi” he said quietly, and made his way into the room
“Jamal?” She gave him a small smile as she approached the bed where he was going to sit soon, “What happened this time?” She asked with her eyebrow raised, trying not to laugh as she knew that nothing happened to him
“My left foot” Jamal simply said as he pointed at his right foot
“Right or left?” She asked again
Jamal quickly changed his hand to indicate his left as he heavily blushed, even more, “Left, left”
“Alright, I think a soft message will do – you can sit down” She said as she observed the player sitting down on the massage table “How did you get hurt this time?” The same question was asked every time he entered the room, however, their conversations progressed. No one could deny the attraction between both of them, not even them. The players, the whole staff and even the coach could sense it; it was so obvious.
“Müller stepped on my foot,” He said as he started to undo his shoes. She knew he was lying, little did he know that she watched the training and nothing like that happened. She started to watch them after Jamal caught her attention only three days after starting to work. “I tried to wait a bit but still hurts”
“Oh, really?” She asked with a small smirk that intimidated the footballer, he was ready to lay down but remained sat. She crossed her arms and approached him, Jamal felt his stomach drop and his knees tremble; she was too close. He could see her deep (y/c) eyes, her soft skin he wished he could caress, her cute nose and her unique lips. He closed his eyes and let her famous perfume dominate him. She took all her courage together and for the first time in her life, she shoot her shot. “And, when did that happen?” She whispered as she got closer to the man in front of her, “during the small match, or the running session at the beginning?” Jamal looked at her surprised, she watched the training session.
“No… I mean…” He started to say, but nothing came out. “Is just that-” He tried again but nothing, she raised her eyebrows still waiting for a valid excuse. She held her smirk until the situation in front of her caused her to laugh; all that false confidence soon left her body.
Jamal was confused and embarrassed, he could not understand if she was laughing at him or at the situation. 
“I am joking Jamal, I just find funny the excuses you come with to come here” She told him with her normal tone, “You could have just asked, you know?”
“Yeah… I just did not want to bother you.” He said shyly, “I like you a lot. You are so nice and kind with everyone, you are so soft, and also incredibly beautiful. You make me feel nervous when you are around and I feel like I am not worthy of asking you for even a date -” He was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on him, Jamal was in shock but soon continued with the kiss
“A date tonight?” She asked once they separated, and he nodded. “At 9pm it is” She smiled softly. Jamal kissed her cheek softly before he said goodbye and left the room. Without his shoes.
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arc-misadventures · 11 months
Jaune FMK: Ren, Sun, and Neptune. No! Not the dudes! The R63 versions! Cardin gets the dudes version.
God dammit… I have a brilliant, idea for this one, now I have to do it…
Context before we begin! Jaune is in his, Atlas design, and the, Fall never happened.
Let’s begin!
Jaune was sitting at a bench near the back of, Beacon Academy reading a book before a voice pried him away from his reading.
: Hey, Jaune. Mind if I join you?
Jaune looked up to stare into the sift pink eyes of his teammate Lie Rin. He smiled as he took in her beauty, her long flowing raven black hair, and her oriental dress. He nodded to his head as he gestured to the open space on the bench.
Jaune: By all means.
Rin: Thank you, Jaune.
Jaune had expected, Rin to take the seat across from him so he was surprised when she took the seat besides him, even more so when he registered how close she was next to him.
Jaune: Uhh… You need something, Rin?
Rin: Well, we just wanted to ask you something.
Jaune: We? Who’s we?
: She means us, handsome~!
Jaune looked over to see two ladies walking over towards him. He saw a girl with cyan hair stylized in a punk cut, with long bangs draped across her face. She wore a red shirt, overtop a white dress shirt that struggled to contain her sizeable bust with it. All the while she shot him a cocky smirk as she drew near.
Walking besides her, he saw a girl with a short, and wild haircut, she wore a loose dress shirt that proudly displayed her well defined abs, a result of her drive to perfect her body. With nothing, but a grey sports bra to hide her sizeable chest.
This appeared the leader of, Team SSSN, and her teammate, Sun Wukong, and Neptunia Vasilias.
Jaune: Hello ladies, you need something?
Nep: Yeah, we wanted to ask you something.
Jaune: Oh, and what is that?
Sun: Between the three of us, who would you, MFK?
Jaune stared at the pair dumbstruck as the pair sat down across of him, each of them shooting the befuddled knight a coy, and teasing smile.
Jaune: Uhh… W-Why are you asking me this?
Nep: Oh, just curious is all.
Sun: Yeah, just curious.
Jaune stared at the pair with a quirked eyebrow, visually displaying towards the pair how much he doubted the validity of there words. He turned to address his teammate hoping to gain a real answer from her.
Jaune: Are they serious?
Rin: Yes, yes they are.
Jaune: Okay… But, why are you doing this, Rin. I mean, I expect these two to want to know something like that, but you, Rin. That don’t add up.
Rin: I’m just curious what a man sees in a girl like me, like would he actually be interested in dating me?
Jaune felt as if he had fallen into a trap, that he had fallen into the midst of field filled to the brim with landmines, and that any wrong step he took he would set one off. He needed a defusal kit to deactivate these mines lest he go up with the mines. And, he was dealing with a minefield laid out by a trio of woman asking some very pointe questions.
Stepping on the landmine would be the least of his worries.
Jaune: O-Okay… Let me think… Mmm… Marry, Rin, fuck, Sun, and, kill, Nep. Or… kill, Sun and, fuck, Nep. Your interchangeable in this situation really. There, happy?
Neptunia, and Sun, stared at him with their mouths hung wide, at the shear blunt, and casualness he said that. While, Rin turned away with her hands over her face as a fierce blush spread across her face. Jaune just stared at the duo before he helplessly said:
Jaune: What?
Nep: You just said it?!
Jaune: Yeah, because you asked me to.
Sun: No, what she means is you basically spent no time thinking about it, you just said it. You didn’t even need to think about it?!
Jaune: No, I thought about it, there just wasn’t that much to think about.
Sun: Okay then, what did you think about that decided these pairings.
Nep: And, why are we interchangeable in the fuck, kill department?!
Jaune: Well, that’s easy; You’re, Miranda, Sun is, Liara, and Rin is, Tali.
The trio of girls stared at him like he was mad, mad that he based his decision after three characters from a video game that you could romance. Or, that he thought they fitted these three characters.
Nep: Okay, where the hell do you get the idea that we’re those three girls?!
Sun: Yeah! And, why am I, Liara?
Rin: I’m a little curious as well.
Jaune: Well, since this is such a simple thing, I thought of you as who I would romance in the game, and well you three fit those roles best. Mostly
Sun: And, we are that way because?
Jaune: Well… honestly, Sun the other girls don’t really fit you. Liara was the only other character I could tie you to since those three were the only girls I really romanced in the game. Blake could possibly fit her character better. Unless you have mother issues you haven’t told anyone about.
Sun: Is that it?
Jaune: Well, you are sexier than her, so we can’t use that.
Sun: I’m sexier than her~? And, why is that?
Jaune: Abs. You have abs for days little lady.
Sun pulled open her shirt, allowing, Jaune to see a clean view of, Suns tantalizing abs on full display. His eyes trailed her hand as it traveled down her body showing off every rise, and fall across chiseled abs.
Jaune would die before he’d admit he drooled just a bit. He was already dealing with hell from, Nora when he caught her drooling in desire at, Pyrrha’s well defined chiseled body.
Nep: And, why am I, Miranda? She’s an absolute bitch!
Jaune: Aye, but you are as hot as her.
Nep: Oh am I now~?
Jaune: You’re dressed in tight clothing that shows off your body just like she does. You have enticing eyes, and a cocky smile just like her. And, Miranda is best known for two things; A bitch, and that scene in the engine room. And, well…
Nep: You’ve fantasied about me doing just that haven’t you? Me pushing you down, sitting on your waist, pulling down my coat, and revealing the lacy bra I’m wearing as you take me there on the spot.
Jaune looked away nervously, he didn’t want to answer her, unfortunately him looking away from her with a faint blush across his face was answer enough.
The duos soft laughter was something he could do without.
Nep: Oh, you naughty boy~! If your up for it I’m all too willing to make your dream a reality~!
Jaune: N-Noted…
Jaune brushed away the growing blush across his face from the girls rather suggestive teasing. But, he was pulled back into it as he felt a soft tugging on his sleeve. He looked down to see, Rin looking away from him, hiding the faint blush across her face as she simply asked him her question.
Rin: J-Jaune… Why would you marry…?! W-Why am I, Tali?!
Jaune decided to spare, Rin any further embarrassment, but he made a mental note to address what she actually wanted to know. He wasn’t as dense as he was before, he could catch on to the hidden details now. At least he hoped he could.
Jaune: W-Well… Tali is my favourite character to romance. She’s one of the few characters that stands by your side throughout the series. She may leave your side every now, and then, but she does it to help her people. And, they’ve written her in such a way that you can’t help, but want to help her, and her people. She kind, cute, and endearing, when she loses her father you can’t help but give her a comforting hug to reassure her. How she reacts, being all flustered when you start flirting with her is so endearing I can’t help, but fall for her. Except for her singing that’s… that’s cringe.
Sun: It is cringe, but Tali’s no where near as sexy as, Liara is.
Nep: Or, Miranda for that matter.
Jaune: True, but I prefer her personality more so than her looks. Beauty fades in time, personality overcomes death. Not to mention her goodbye line at the evac is the best there is, hands down!
Sun: Pff! And, what makes you say that?
Jaune: Everyone else’s goodbyes are mostly, ‘I love you,’ said in some colourful way. But, Tali’s is unique, she’s pleading with you not to go, she knows she can’t stop you, you are her home, and she doesn’t want to lose you. Talk about pulling at the heart strings, I love that scene!
Nep: But, what about…?
Rin: J-Jaune…!
The trio were about to argue more, but stopped when a flustered, Rin dragged away, Jaune’s attention to her as she nervously tugged on his sleeve again.
Jaune: What is it, Rin?
Rin: “I-I have a home…”
Jaune: …?!
Rin: “Come back to me…”
A million thoughts were running like lightning through his mind that, Jaune thought his mind was going to short circuit. Was, Rin just just saying that to tease him? But, she sounded so sincere as she said it. What does she mean when she said this? Does she see, Jaune like family? His mother loves her her like another daughter, and she in turn sees her like the mother she lost. And, he see her as another one of his sisters… Wait, no, no he didn’t see her as that. Jaune’s not really sure how he sees, Rin; as a friend yes, but does she see him as potentially more than just friends, and if so, does he want them to become more than just friends?
His mind was so clogged with conflicting, and competing emotions, he didn’t break away from staring into, Rin’s beautiful pink eyes until he heard, Sun, and Neptunia’s snickering that caused his already deep blush to grow even more.
Jaune: O-Okay, there I said it! Happy now?!
Nep: Mostly, I wanna know who you see as the other romance able characters are?
Sun: Yeah! Why couldn’t I be, Samara instead of, Liara?
Nep: Yeah, why couldn’t I be, Samara?
Jaune: The pair of you may be stacked, but even, Yang’s impressive bosom wouldn’t qualify her as, Samara if you’re taking just appearances into account. You gotta add her personality into the equation.
Sun: Then who would be, Samara? Certainly not…?!
Jaune: Glynda.
SN: …
Sun: Shit, you can’t argue against that.
Nep: I wouldn’t mind her stepping on me… B-But what about, Ashely; Who best fits her?
Jaune: Considering, Ashely’s history, her familial problems, the desire to prover herself, and her xenophobia. Weiss.
Nep: That fits
Sun: She was a bit racist towards faunas when we first met. I understand why, but nonetheless.
Rin: But, at least she fixed her racist views.
Sun: True.
Nep: Since we already got the opinion of one of your team members, what about, Nora, who would she be?
JR: Nora.
Sun: Eh?
Rin: Nora will never be someone else, she will always be, Nora.
Jaune: But, if you must know she’d at least be a Krogan.
SN: …
Sun: That fits. She certainly hits like one.
Nep: My ass still hurts from that time she punted me with her hammer.
Sun: Maybe you could give her a massage, Jaune?
Jaune just stared down, Sun with a blank gaze that simply screamed: ‘Really?’ Rin quickly spoke up hoping to break the growing tension before it became too overbearing.
Rin: W-What about, Pyrrha? What would she be?
Jaune: Pyrrha? She’d be Fem-Shep hands down.
Nep: And, suddenly, Pyrrha became even hotter than she already is…
Sun: Not really hard for her to.
Rin: Does that mean your her, Garrus to her female, Shepard?
Jaune: I’m not cool enough to be, Garrus.
Nep: I would have agreed with you when we first met, but you’ve grown a lot since then.
Sun: And, you can be a surprisingly good smooth talker when you want to.
Rin: And, you looked good, damn good when we all went to the shooting range together…
Jaune: O-Oh… T-Thank you.
Sun: Wait, you forgot, Jack. Did you romance her?
Jaune: No, I find, Jack’s personality, and appearance unappealing to me. I don’t like the bad mouth kind of girl.
Nep: Everyone has their preferences, but who would, Jack be?
Jaune: Bleiss.
Sun: Oh that fi…?!
Jaune: What the hell?!!
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ihni · 3 months
Of pets, chapter 1/2
For @harringrove-flip-reverse-it day 4, prompt "Collar and leash" (NSFW prompt made SFW)
“Have you gotten a dog?”
Jim hadn’t meant to startle the kid, but Steve Harrington jumped about a foot in the air and let out a noise that was best described as a squeak at his innocent question. Whirling around so he was face to face with Jim – or, rather, face to chest; Jim was very well aware of his size – he looked even more startled when he saw who was there. Jim nodded meaningfully at the leather collar Steve was still holding.
“Oh,” Steve said, eyes wide and unblinking. “No? I mean, yes. It’s for Billy–“ His eyes widened a bit more and he added, almost shouting, “–s dog! Billy’s dog!”
“Hargrove?” Jim asked, and watched as Steve’s head bobbed up and down in something akin to a nod. “I didn’t know you were friends.”
“Oh, we are. Friends. The best of friends, nowadays, actually.” Steve pointed to himself with a thumb and grinned somewhat unsteadily. “Yup, all those bygones are … under the bridges.” He made some vague gestures with the hand that was still holding the collar, which brought both of their attention to said collar. Steve let out a little sound that sounded suspiciously like a ‘meep’ and hurried to lower his hand. When he spoke again, his voice was a little strained. “Sooo, what are you doing here?”
Jim sighed. “El wants a hamster.”
“A … hamster.”
“Yeah. Someone’s been telling her stories about the merits of having a pet, and since I’m not letting her start out with a cat or a dog, and she vetoed fish since they’re apparently ‘too boring’, here we are.” He indicated the store around them; shelves upon shelves of pet-related items. “Figures, right? The closest pet store around, and it’s two towns over. Gotta say, I didn’t expect to run into you here.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, his smile just a tad too wide. “What a coincidence.”
“I didn’t know the Hargroves had a dog. I haven’t heard Max mention it, and I’m sure El would have insisted on a pet earlier if she had.”
“It’s … uh, new. And not really, uh, a sure thing, just yet.” At Jim’s look, Steve took a deep breath and continued, “It’s … He found it.”
“Found it?”
“Yeah. It’s a stray, um, he found it out by the … by the junk yard. He’s thinking of maybe … keeping it.” Jim’s mind flashed to images of demodogs and four-legged faceless monsters as Steve obliviously continued, “I offered to help with some, uh, with some things.” The kid held up the collar with a sheepish smile, waving it around a little. Then he took a deep breath and started saying, “Well, I should probably –“
Shaking away the image of monsters, Jim offered, “You know, I used to have a dog when I was younger. A German Shepard, great dog.” Bessie. She’d been Jim’s best friend for a good while. “I could give you guys a few pointers if you want.”
“Oh god.”
“I said, ‘oh good’.”
“Oh. Well, first of all, what kind of dog is it?”
Steve’s whole face was looking strained at this point. “We don’t know.”
Jim had to frown at that. “You don’t know?”
“No, it’s a … mutt. Like a wild dog probably.” He grimaced as if he regretted his words, but twisted it into a smile almost seamlessly. “But hey, you know how Billy is! With challenges, I mean. He, uh. Really wants to, um. Help that dog.”
At the mention of a wild dog, Jim’s eyebrows drew together further, because he’d honestly had enough of ‘wild dogs’ to last him a lifetime. He leaned in closer and lowered his voice as he asked, “It’s not some kind of … monster dog, is it?” It probably wasn’t, but kids these days were stupid – proven by the Henderson kid – so he felt he had to ask.
Taken aback at the – honestly valid - question, Steve shook his head. “No! No no. No monster … dog.”
“Hmm,” Hopper said with a nod. “Still, a wild dog can be dangerous. You shouldn’t approach it alone, it can bite you if it feels cornered.”
“Oh, uh,” Steve said, “don’t worry about it. It’s a … good dog. Just an overgrown puppy, really. All he needs is some … love and affection.” He paused a bit, and then added, “And food.” Then, after a beat and under his breath, “And like … someone to play with, I guess.”
“Hm,” Jim said again. He nodded to the collar in Steve’s hand. “Well, if you do catch it, make sure you keep it collared. You should probably invest in a leash as well,” Steve made a choked noise. “You don’t want it running away from you. And I don’t need another feral thing running around town.”
“Yup. Yup. Understood.” Steve yanked down the closest leash and held it up with the collar. “Well, that’s my shopping done. I should really get going, wanna get home before it gets … dark.” He cleared his throat. “So I’m gonna.” Pointing at the front of the store, he nodded again, slightly resembling a bobblehead. “Go. I’m gonna go.” He’d been backing up while he was talking, and when he reached the end of the aisle he threw up a pair of fingerguns. “Good luck with the hamster!”
He’d barely dashed out of sight when Jim called after him, “Get some treats, too! It’ll help with training your mutt.”
Another choked noise was his only answer.
What a weird kid.
(On AO3) (Chapter 2)
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Would you do [💝] for a rhaenyra x reader x daemon please?
❝💝❞ - ‘’I have a gift for you. Open it, it's the heart of the one who dared to flirt with you.’’
tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, murder, slight description of murder, blood, dubious gifts, incest (?) and polyamorous relationship.
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Were you lying in your room that you shared with your lovers? Maybe, you weren't exactly sure what the three of you were. Maybe husband, wife and husband/wife? It's a little tricky being married to two people at the same time.
But the correct term would be that you were married, although Westeros policy does not allow polygamy, you were married in a traditional valyrian ceremony where polygamy was allowed. In the eyes of some this marriage is invalid and outrageous, but for others, normal and valid.
This whole thing was exhausting at times. You are often grateful to be married to the one you love, but sometimes you just want to run away when their overwhelming and possessive behavior becomes too much to handle.
Sometimes you wish you could feel the freedom you had before you met them. You wish you had enjoyed it more, but instead, here you are, lying bored in your room.
"How boring." You grumbled, finally working up the courage to get up and decide to walk around Dragonstone for a bit. You were at least allowed to roam this place because Daemon and Rhaenyra know you're safe here.
The walk through Dragonstone was quite peaceful, you were greeted by some people who were surprised to see you unaccompanied. It wasn't common, but you just smiled and answered them politely. You finally made it out of the castle and outside, getting a breath of fresh air for the first time in a while. The weather looked good and you were sure you wouldn't have any problems if you moved away a little.
Too bad you were wrong.
It was fun out here, you thought. You were so distracted that you didn't notice someone approaching you and when they touched your shoulder, you looked back scared, but you calmed down when you saw who it was. You recognized him as one of the guards you talked to sometimes.
"What are you doing here, lady/lord (Y/N)? They won't be happy to hear about this." The guard spoke, looking at you softly and kindly. You smiled.
"Just getting some fresh air. Don't worry, Ser Arthur. They won't mind." Or at least you hoped they weren't.
He didn't look very convinced, but he smiled politely at you.
"If you think so, then I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."
"Of course, don't worry." And with a quick wave, he bid you farewell.
You've spent a few hours outside the castle, just taking your time and enjoying your own company. You only came back because you were informed that Daemon and Rhaenyra had asked for your presence and they seemed impatient about something.
You took a deep breath, before finally entering the room they were in. Daemon and Rhaenyra instantly turned when they heard you approach and smiled.
"(Y/N)!" Rhaenyra called you, approaching you and hugging you tightly. "Are you alright?"
She looked worried, but you didn't understand why exactly.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?" She stopped hugging you, but stayed by your side.
Daemon approached you with a sneer and it worried you. And your concern increased even more after seeing a sizable box in his hands.
"What is it?" You asked, even though you weren't sure you wanted to know the answer.
"Oh. That? I have a gift for you. Well, why don't you find out what it's?" He looked at you with determination in his eyes, holding out his arm so you could take the box.
"Come on, (Y/N)! Open it, it's the heart of the one who dared to flirt with you." Rhaenyra smirked, exchanging knowing glances with Daemon.
You started hesitantly to open the box upon hearing her answer and when you saw what was inside you felt sick.
What the fuck was this? Is this some kind of sick joke?
Why the hell was a heart, you assume, human being in that box.
"You liked it?" Daemon questioned, kissing your cheek lightly. "It wasn't easy killing him, you see? He was strong enough and determined to live, but I am stronger and my desire for you won out." He whispered in your ear.
"Why? Who?" Were the only words you managed to say, still in shock. But maybe you shouldn't be surprised, this wasn't exactly the first time you've received a gift like this because of the jealousy of your loves.
But now it didn't make sense. Nobody had flirted with you. At least that's what you remembered.
"You know damn well it was, love." Rhaenyra answered seriously. "None of this would have happened if you had decided to stay here. You brought this on yourself."
You thought for a moment, the only person you actually had a small talk with today was... Ser Arthur Crain.
"He didn't do anything wrong!" You tried to defend him, even though it was too late.
"Oh, he did. He committed a serious crime." Daemon responded coldly. "He dared to flirt with what didn't belong to him. He dug his own grave for it."
"Ser Arthur-" You were suddenly cut off after being grabbed by Daemon and slammed against a nearby wall.
"Don't say his name." He snarled, furious. Rhaenyra also looked upset, but she tried to remain calmer.
"Daemon, let them go." She said and, hesitantly, Daemon released you.
"You are ours, (Y/N), just as we are yours. We belong together and he, Ser Arthur Crain, tried to take you from us and that we cannot forgive." Rhaenyra spoke, approaching your figure and kissed you gently.
"But he didn't flirt with me..."
"No? We heard what the witnesses said and you were smiling with him, right?" You didn't deny it. "And it shows he wanted you." Daemon replied, laying his head against yours.
"But no one will ever take you away from us." He growled, turning your head and kissing you hard. You moaned into the kiss and when you broke apart you took a deep breath.
"For you are ours and we are yours. Forever." Rhaenyra said, kissing you again.
You knew that they were already crazy about you and that they didn't hesitate to kill for you, but you didn't expect that a simple short and friendly conversation would turn into what you imagined has been a cruel murder.
You shuddered in the possessive grip of your loves. That was the cruel truth of your relationship, no one was safe from Daemon and Rhaenyra, not even you. There's no getting out of it.
You are stuck with them forever.
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meear · 1 year
I hate how the consensus in the fandom is disliking Romione because "Ron isn't good enough for her". lmfaoo y'all, Hermione isn't good enough for HIM.
Remember guys, she got jealous that he was dating someone else and physically assaulted him until he bled. He had scratches. What the fuck was that and how did anyone read this scene and not think Hermione was a disgusting, abusive piece of trash? No because if Ron had been the one beating up Hermione like that you can BET people would've remembered it and held it against him forever (as they should!).
And I saw so many people defend Hermione saying shit like "oh i don't excuse her but it was understandable". She was just acting like "an irrational teenage girl"! Yeah uh no that was not just irrational teenager behaviour. Teenagers are emotional yes but most teenagers don't beat up their crush when they kiss someone else unless they have some serious disorder. Like, St Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys level of disorder. She actually needs to be locked up, asap. The most understandable depiction of violent teenage behaviour in HP was OotP, and Harry was literally traumatised. Rowling wants you to believe that Hermione, on the other hand, is supposed to be a well-adjusted teenager.
"oh but Ron was rude to her too wah wah" yeah I don't give a fuck. Nothing Ron did to Hermione was on this level of violence, I genuinely do not give a fuck.
You know who angerly retaliates to Ron's rude remarks without acting like fucking Vernon Dursley? Ginny. And I don't even like Ginny. But when Ron acts like a jerk towards her, she understandably shoots back, she gets spiteful and mean, in an actual teenage girl way. No way y'all are trying to normalize the shit Hermione pulled.
"but", I hear you say, "it's normal for characters to have flaws :((( you just want every character to be flawless! It just shows that in HP no one is perfect! It's realistic!"
First of all, Harry Potter characters have the depth of a wet tissue, be fucking for real, second of all, that argument might hold water if the narrative held Hermione accountable and criticised her for what she did. but it didn't. The narrative blamed Ron. Ron is written as a flawed character, but Hermione isn't.
I love flawed characters, but I don't love flawed characters whose shit behaviour constantly get excused/validated by the author at all. They are actually the type of characters I despise the most. they become very unlikable and not in a fun way. If there's one thing in a story I can't stand it's inconsistent morality and the author playing favourites (looking at you Isayama)
Also, I'm pretty sure there's a world between "not being perfect" and being a genuinely abusive, bad person. HP1-3 Hermione is the former. HP6 Hermione is the latter. Ultimately, Rowling does intend for Hermione to be a good person. She kinda failed at portraying that. Hermione wasn't even shown as the bad guy for what she did! Harry felt a bit awkward 'cause he saw her cry and the narrative treated Ron like a jerk for daring to be interested in anyone other than Hermione and not realising she wanted him. How dare he! Nevermind that Hermione dated Viktor and Cormac. It's okay when she does it, but how dare he! Even when Rowling talks about these two, she thinks Ron is the one who needs to grow up and get himself together. He needs better friends. And a better author.
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viktheviking1 · 9 months
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“When did you adopt your daughter?”
Blitz shrugged to himself, “Let’s see, how many years now? She was seventeen when I adopted her so . . .”
“Seventeen? I had assumed you had gotten her much younger than that.” Stolas said.
“Meh, don’t say gotten. Makes her sound like an object. She’s a hellhound, so she’s sensitive about things like that.” Blitz said.
“Oh, right. I'm very sorry.” Stolas immediately replied, “Though, and please pardon me for saying so, I’ve never heard of someone taking one in to be their child. What made you decide to-”
Blitz pointed his butter knife in his direction, “Listen buddy, you’re dating an imp, so I assumed you weren’t prejudice on stupid sh*t like that. Don’t prove me wrong.”
Whoops, perhaps too surprised, “O-of course! I mean, I-I didn't mean to- I'm sorry. It's very new to me, so I don't know the right words to use,” he explained, “but if she’s your daughter, she’s your daughter.”
Blitz grinned a proud dad grin, “That’s right.”
“So, she joined your family at seventeen? I’m curious. What made you choose her of all the pups that were available- I mean, up for adoption?” Stolas spoke as he realized that the vocabulary he had been taught really was outdated at best, “I’ve always wonder what kind of thought must go into such a big decision.”
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"Well,” Blitz sighed, “There were so many that were sad and needed a parent desperately. And given the state of things, many of them wouldn’t get them, just an owner, if they were lucky. But . . .” he trailed off for a moment and smiled, “I saw her, looking so big, and yet so small. I heard the lady who ran the place talking about how useless she thought she was,” he spat the word and sighed again, “I was about her age when my life first fell apart. I didn’t have anyone to help me back then. I just thought . . . maybe I could help her.” He looked up, then back down again, “S-sorry, it sounds stupid . . . saying it outloud.”
“No, no!” Stolas said, leaning forward, “It sounds wonderful. You needed her and she needed you. There’s nothing more beautiful than that. And there’s nothing else needed to make you two a family.”
Blitz smiled, placing his hands on his hips, “Yeah . . . I don't know about beautiful, but yeah, you’re absolutely right.”
“So . . . how did your life fall apart at her age?” He quickly added, “I-If that’s alright.”
Blitz was quiet for a moment, “Meh, that’s a story for another time. . . sorry.”
“No . . . no, that’s a perfectly valid answer.” Stolas reassured.
“I-I really do want to tell you, I just . . .” Blitz searched for the words, and came up empty.
“It’s alright, really. It’s just the first date. There will be plenty of time.” Stolas said the words, but felt he was choking on them. Blitz didn’t know it yet, but unless some miracle happened, there would be no next time.
Read more here:
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 12 (Steddie X You)
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A/N with warnings: Y'all know when I give you both in one you're gonna feel some things lol There is no smut in this one but all the angst and fluff near the end. Like I said I knew I wanted a chapter like this but I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted it to go.
What Y/N and Dylan discuss are things I have been through with biological mother especially that feeling of not being enough. If this triggers you, I highly recommend you skip this chapter. Dylan does confront Charlie about how he treats him and it doesn't go well. Dylan talks in detail about how it makes him feel and the guys and reader will talk about their own traumas with their parents.
If you've ever experienced anything like this or have ever felt you weren't enough for one or both of your parents, I'm here to tell you that they fucking suck and your feelings are valid. You ARE enough <3. I love you!
Word Count: 4535
“Can I, um, talk to you guys about something?”, Dylan asked as he entered the living room. 
Steve looks at his watch before placing his arms back on your legs that were strewn over his lap. “It’s after eight. Didn’t Ed say he had to submit questions in writing at that time?”
“A ha. You’re so funny.”, your son teases as you grin. 
“Do you need everyone or will we do?”, you ask. His eyes look around hesitantly and you know before he speaks. As you rise from the couch, you kiss the top of his head before opening the back door. “Hey! Our son needs a word with everyone over 3.”
“Oh shit. I just barely made it then.”, Eddie chuckles as he takes one last drag and stomps out his cigarette.  
“Ok, weirdo. The floor is yours.” You grin at him encouragingly as you sit between the distance of the boys on the arm rest.
“I…so…um…”, he looks down as he fidgets with his fingers. “I was wondering if…I could, maybe, visit my other dad.”
You feel the tension in the room rise immediately, mostly from Steve’s side as you and Eddie glance nervously at each other.
“I don’t have to like spend the night or anything. I was just thinking maybe a dinner or something.”, Dylan quickly followed. 
“Can I ask why, baby? Why now?”
His anxious eyes meet yours. “I miss him a little bit…him and Vivi…”
“That’s understandable. Is it okay with you if the three of us talk about it first?”
“We can talk about it now. I think it’s a bad idea.”, Steve responded in a hard tone.
“Steve…”, Eddie warned. 
“What? After everything that’s happened?!”
“He’s allowed to feel what he’s feeling.”
“Yeah, and as his parents we are allowed to protect him. I say no.”
“Harrington, you do this every time the topic comes up. Y/N is right, we need to talk this through first and then depending on what we decide we also need to reach out to Charlie.”
As they argued back and forth, you and Dylan continued to stare at each other sympathetically. This is what he was afraid of, hurting their feelings. You saw it in his broken-hearted face while he saw your fear for his own feelings not just when it came to them but Charlie as well. 
You subtly nodded your head, signaling you would handle it before he came over to give you a hug.
“I love you, weirdo.”
“I love you to, mom.”
All conversation stopped as you three watched him head back upstairs.
“I want to make one thing very clear, Steven Harrington. That is the last fucking time you do anything like that in front of my son. Do you understand me?”
“I’m trying to protect—”
“No.”, you cross your arms as you glare at him. “I don’t care what you were trying to do. It took a lot for him to do what he just did especially in front of you both. He knows you two care about him and love him but that doesn’t change the fact that Charlie is his biological parent. He’s not like Aurora. He had a whole other man in his life he called dad for 6 years before you entered the picture.”
Steve’s jaw clenched as he looked away from you. “I just don’t get it. I mean…if Charlie wasn’t a complete douchebag…
“I get it.”, Eddie sighed. “Those first few years after Wayne took me in, I still missed my parents. Even after everything they did, I kept thinking maybe if I was ‘a better kid’ they’d come back. When that didn’t work, it was more like why wasn’t I enough, you know? Then it became a mission. I NEEDED to hear from them why I was easy to leave behind. It took a lot of angry nights and patience from Wayne for me to get here.”
“Steve, I know you mean well. Honestly…”, you exhale as you sit beside him. “I’m more worried about having to tell him that Charlie doesn’t want to hang out with him yet and see that sad look on his face.”
“You shouldn’t have to be the one to tell him that.” You look up at Steve in confusion. “Maybe, if Dylan makes that call…”
Dylan sat on your bed as the phone rang. Both men thought it would make him more comfortable if you two were alone but they remained at the foot of the stairs to listen in. 
“Hey, Vivi.”
“Dylan!? Oh my god. Hey, kiddo. How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you?”
“I’m doing really good. I miss you. Did you want to talk to your dad?”
“I miss you to. Please…”
“Ok, bud. One second.” You two listened as there was some shuffling on the other line. “Dil?”
It broke your heart to hear him hesitate as you ran your hand through his hair. The truth was he didn’t really think about Charlie that way anymore but there was still a part of him that hoped. Eddie’s eyes flicked to Steve who exhaled heavily, patting the space next to him on the stairs. As the boy sat down, the metalhead comfortingly rubbed his palm along his back, resting his chin on his shoulder as they continued to listen. 
“Hey, you. How are you doing? Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, no. Everything is fine. I’m fine. I, um, I wanted to call to see if, um, maybe you and Vivi would want to hang out with me. We could have dinner or something.”
“Oh, dude, that would be amazing…”
Your eyes squeezed shut before he finished his sentence. You knew. He had done this so many times during your marriage. 
“Baby, that’s amazing, but I can’t actually make it to your graduation that day. I have to work.”
“I know this is so hard for you, Y/N, but I don’t think I can go with you to your dad’s funeral.”
“Hon, I had dinner scheduled at this amazing restaurant but something came up…”
Steve knew this dance to but his father was a lot more aggressive with his approach. 
“Congratulations on graduating high school, something everyone accomplishes with little to no effort. I’m proud!”
“Oh, you got an A in English? Come to me when you run your own company. Now THAT’S an accomplishment.”
“But we just have so much going on right now we barely have anytime to even sleep!”, he chuckles. “How about we revisit this conversation in a few months, huh?”
“Ok, baby. Give me this and go hang out in your room, alright?” Dylan hesitates as you pull the phone out of his hand. “It’s ok. I got it.”
“Y/N? Did you put him up to this?!”
“Yes, Charlie. I set in motion a diabolical plan for your son to want to spend time with you.”
“Believe it or not, I have a fucking life of my own now and family to take care of. You both can’t just surprise me like this!”
“He’s asking for a dinner not a fucking vacation! And believe it or not, he’s a part of that family you should be taking care of to.”
The bed dips as Eddie sits beside you, Steve leaning in the doorframe.
“No. Remember, he has a new dad now. Two of them!”
“You’re such a child. Don’t do this, Charlie. He’s a good kid. He deserves better.”
“I don’t know what you want from me, Y/N. I’m busy alright. Look… maybe if we go back to court and come up with a schedule so I can make time…
“Yes, because that worked so well in the past. I’m not going to waste time and money to do all that if you can’t even see him for 2 hours.”
“Still so fucking self-righteous. Like you’re god’s gift to parents. I…”
His voice trailed off as Eddie took the phone from your hand. “Yeah, that’s enough of that.”, he growls under his breath as he hangs up. “You ok, sweetheart?”
“Fucking asshole.”
“I mean…I know I’m not the nicest guy but—”
He smiles when you laugh and push his shoulder. Steve comes up to your side and pulls your head against him as he kisses the top of it. 
“I’m sorry, honey. Maybe, we can all go do something this weekend that Dylan likes. Let the kid have some fun.”
You awoke to the sound of a toddler giggling as she tried to pull herself onto your bed. 
“Aurora Munson-Harrington, what are you doing?”, you grin from your place on Steve’s chest.
“Up! Mama, up!”
After untangling yourself from both men’s protective arms, you lean over to grip her biceps as you tug her onto the mattress and plop her on top of the man you were using as a pillow. 
“Dada, wake up.”, Ro smiled as she placed both her hands on his cheeks, pressing her face to his. 
“Can I help you?”, he groggily asked.
“Teehee. Dada, up.”, she laughs again as she signals with her hand that she’s hungry by tapping her mouth. 
“You know, that sounds like a daddy problem. You should go bug daddy.”
“Nooooo… dad!”, she exclaims.
“That’s my girl.”, Eddie smiles as he throws his arm over his eyes, yawning.
Aurora crawls over you and Steve to straddle her father’s chest, tracing his tattoos with her fingers as she waits for someone to do what she asks. 
“I can go make breakfast. Let me just check on Dylan real quick.”
“Din bye bye.”, she waves towards the hallway. All eyes fully open as they turn towards the toddler. 
“Ro, hey, what do you mean Dylan bye?”, you ask.
She fiddles with her fingers for a bit before answering. “Din bye.”, she babbles some more before pointing towards the stairs. “Beep beep!” You jump out of bed as she mimics the alarm noise you’ve heard her do when someone opens the door. 
“STEVE!” He quickly gets up to head for Dylan’s room. “He’s not here!”
“He probably hasn’t gotten far if he woke her up. Come on.”
Dylan knew this was going to get him into trouble especially after what his dad did that got him arrested but he has to know. He has to physically talk to his father to understand why he didn’t seem to miss him like he did. 
He loved Eddie and Steve so much but he just couldn’t understand why it was so easy for them to be his dad but not for Charlie. Is it something he did? Maybe he shouldn’t have called Eddie dad in front of him…but he was scared…Eddie made him feel safe. As he got older he found he was more into stuff his dad found “appropriate” like sports and things like that. Isn’t that enough?
After a 15-minute walk, he finally arrived at his destination, exhaling out the nerves before knocking on the front door. No one answered immediately so after a few moments he knocked again. He heard angry rumbling on the other side as it finally flew open and he was met with his father. 
“Who the fu—Dylan? What are you doing here? Where’s your mom?”
“I needed to see you.”
“You what? Hang on, come in. I need to call Y/N and let her know you’re here.”
The boy walked in heading for the living room as his dad detoured towards the kitchen. It was quiet until he heard your voice echo through the phone. 
“Charlie?! Is he there?”
“Yeah, he’s here. Calm down!”
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down! I’m on my way!”
He huffed under his breath as he hung up the phone.
“I swear, Dil, sometimes your mom such a pain in the ass.”
The boy’s nose scrunches in annoyance. “Don’t call her that.” Charlie turned to glare down at him. “Why don’t you want to spend time with me?”
“Look, bud. You’ll understand more when you get older that adults get extremely busy sometimes and—”
“So does mom, Eddie, and Steve. Eddie owns a store and Steve worked while going to school.”
“Well, fucking good for them.”
The sound of your hand banging on the door cut through the tension that was beginning to build. You flew in as it opened not waiting for an invitation. Charlie gestured for Steve to enter and he did so cautiously, his eyes scanning over Dylan. 
“What the hell were you thinking!? You don’t just leave like that!”
The boys eyes avoided yours as he targeted Charlie again. “WHY don’t you want to spend time with me? I play sports, I get good grades. I’ve gotten into more things I know you like so we can do more stuff together. I don’t get it!”
Steve reached for your arm and pulled you slightly back out of the line of fire.
“HEY! I’m your father! You don’t speak to me like that!”
“You’re not my dad!” You started to step forward, prepared to shield him from everything going on but Steve’s arm extended out to stop you as his eyes remained on Dylan. “Steve and Eddie are my dad! They don’t make fun of me or tell me what I like is stupid! They come to every one of games and help me when I need it! They are actually there for me when YOU NEVER WERE!”
“Charlie?”, Vivian’s small voice echoed from the hallway; her hand casually resting on the baby bump. “What’s…what’s going on?”
Dylan’s eyes looked her over from head to toe, his bottom lip quivering as if he was trying to form more words but couldn’t. Steve stepped forward and kneeled in front of him like he did when Dylan was smaller.
“Are you ready to go home?”
The boy nods.
“Ok. Is there anything else you want to say to Charlie or maybe Vivian?”
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”, he whispers.
Steve softly smiles as he runs his thumbs under his eyes. Dylan wrapped his arms around his neck and the man lifted him up like the boy was still six years old. As you three headed for the door, Steve turns to address Charlie. 
“This was your chance and you blew it. I’m not going to let you hurt him anymore. You stay away from him. Do you hear me?”
“Or what?”, your ex challenged.
“Try me, Charlie. We did this once already and you lost. Now you’re messing with my son. It will be a whole lot worse. Stay. Away.”
“Beep beep.”, Aurora parroted as the front door opened. Eddie immediately rose to his feet just in time to see Dylan fly past him and out into the backyard. 
“What happened?!”
Without a word, you followed after him where he was pacing in the grass trying to catch his breath. 
“Dylan, breathe, honey.”
“He’s…he’s replacing me. I knew it…I knew it…”
“Knew what?” His breathing picked up as he slipped further into his panic attack. 
Eddie came down into the yard and encircled his arms around him from behind as he placed his palm on the boy’s chest. 
“Kid, I want you to do me a favor, ok? Whenever you’re ready, tell me five things you can see.”
“It can be anything. Surprise me.”
“Um…I see…mom…grass…”
“Good. Keep going. What else?”
“I see…dad on…on the porch…Ro playing inside…sky.”
“Good, kid. You badass. Ok, now tell me four things you hear. Again, any four.”
Dylan’s eyes squeezed shut as he tried to focus. “Birds. I hear birds…kids playing in the street. I hear mom’s breath….and my voice.”
“Ok, three things you can feel.”
His chest was still heaving a bit but you noticed his breathing wasn’t as labored. 
“Your hand on my chest. Um…the wind…and the sun.”
“You’re rockin’ it, kid. Two things you smell?”
“Your cigarettes.”
“Well, that’s a given. Even the dead can smell that.” Dylan released a heavy laugh that made you want cry with happiness. “What else?”
“My mom’s perfume.”
“It’s the one you got me for Mother’s Day.”
He and Eddie both grin. “One thing you can taste.”
“My spit.”
The metalhead turned him around, placing both palms on his cheeks. “Gross.” You son laughed as he hugged him, pushing his face into the man’s chest. “You’re okay, Dylan. Everything is okay.”
Dylan crashed on the couch with his sister who insisted on laying with him when the boy came back inside. 
“Din sad? No!”
You three leaned against opposite ends of the kitchen counter as Steve updated Eddie on what happened. 
“Fucking prick.”, he sighed. 
“What was that, Ed? That you did with him outside?”
“The sensory thing? It’s something some school counselor taught me after I moved in with Wayne. She said it was meant to ground me, get me out of my brain and focus on the moment.”
“You panicked like that?” He subtly nodded before turning his attention to the floor. “I’m sorry.”
“What on earth do you have to be sorry for, sweetheart?”
“Steve was right. I should have told him no. I should have protected him.”
“He needed this, Y/N. Eddie never got to tell his dad how he felt and the closest I’ll ever get was telling him fuck off when you were pregnant. You got to tell your mom and now he got to tell his dad.” Steve exhales as he folds his arms. “Maybe now he can really start healing.”
After dinner that night and putting Aurora to bed, you laid with Dylan in his room like you guys used to in the apartment. 
“I’m sorry I snuck out. I didn’t mean to scare you guys.”
“I appreciate that. You are still grounded though for the next week.”, you smile as you pretend to shutter. “Why do you have to make me punish you? I don’t know how to do that. You never get into trouble.” He chuckles at your words. “I love you so much, weirdo. I hope you know that.”
“I do, mom. I love you to.”
“I remember when you were born and I held you for the first time… I knew I would do anything for you. I always thought I could protect you from all the bad stuff and I try! I really do but sometimes…things slip past me, I guess.”
“Hey. Are we asleep yet?” Steve pokes his head into the boy’s bedroom. 
“No, why?”, you grin. 
He waves at you both with his hand, urging you to follow him. He leads you outside where Eddie is already waiting. 
“Why hello there child and ma-ma.” You roll your eyes playfully at the man’s announcer style voice. He gestures to the box in front of him. “What we have here are disgusting man dishes we had across the way when we were neighbors.”
“Man dishes?”
“Honey, they are glass items that are in plate form but I wouldn’t legally call them that.”, Steve chuckles as he reaches in and hands everyone something to hold. “Eddie and I figure; we’ve been living here for almost 6 years. Time to leave our rowdy bachelors lives behind us.”
“Wow, you two need to calm down.”, you laugh at them. 
The metalhead smiles as he nudges Dylan with his elbow. “Remember how I told you a few years ago I moved in with my uncle when my dad did something bad?” The boy nods as he listens to Eddie speak. “He was attempting to steal another car when the owner found him hot wiring it. They got into a fight as my dad tried to run but, of course, cops got him. Because this was one of MANY offenses, the judge didn’t even think twice, and locked him up for good. I remember my mom telling me they had arrested him and why. I couldn’t stop thinking ‘Why? He had us…were we not enough?’.”
Eddie abruptly threw the glass against the concreate around the end of the patio as hard as he could. “Oh wow. That felt nice.”
Steve laughed as he inspected the object he was holding. “My dad always wanted me to be ‘the best’ encouraging me to sign up for sports and these clubs that our family had been a part of for generations. The problem was he never told me what ‘the best’ looked like. In high school, I was MVP in basketball but our team never made it to the championship. Somehow that was my fault…not like he would know because he never went to any of the games.”
The man copied Eddie’s action, the glass shattering loudly. “You’re right, man. That did feel nice.”
Dylan looked up at you eagerly as you heavily sighed. “I hated back to school shopping with my parents. Kierra and I would always hold hands and listen to them bicker about which outfit was appropriate. My dad advocated for what would make us comfortable whereas my mom wanted what looked the best. I remember one time she took us into the dressing room and insisted we prove to her that my dad’s suggestions would work. I had on blue jeans and a yellow tank top with sneakers. Kierra found a sundress that was so gorgeous. She, um, she said my sister looked like a truck stop hooker and my shirt over accentuated my stomach making me look fat.”
You threw your glass object a bit harder than you meant to but it did release a lot of aggression you felt in your chest, not just from the memory but everything else. 
“When I was smaller, when mom and dad were together, I didn’t get why he was never home but…I was okay with it because he yelled at you a lot when he was.”, Dylan exhales before continuing. “When he would take me somewhere, he always seemed... distracted. He would be talking to other people or on his phone. He took me to a movie one time and after the previews said he needed to go to bathroom and didn’t come back till the movie was over.”
You son threw his plate hard and you followed him reaching for something else to throw along with him. 
“If I could go back in time, I swear to god…”, you growl. 
“Ok, Rocky. Chill.”, Eddie chuckles as he runs his palm through your hair. “But for real though. What kind of guy would leave a dope kid to watch…what was it?”
“Oh my god. Seriously? Who does that?” The metalhead tosses a plate casually, smiling when it shatters.
“Eddie’s right. I mean, you’ve shown me all those Marvel movies! Wait until Ro get into them and you can tell her all that trivia you gave me. I think it’s so cool you know all that stuff.”, Steve grins as he throws something else. 
“My dad never liked anything I did! He always said it boring and nerdy.”
“Who says? And even then, what’s wrong with being nerdy?” Eddie hands him something to throw and he does. 
“Right? There’s nothing wrong with it. Not like it matters because I tried things he likes and he still doesn’t care!” Dylan continued to talk, casually throwing things between each of his sentence. “I did everything I could and even then, he’s still too busy! He was too busy for mom and me but had time for Vivi! He was too busy to hang out with me but has time for everyone else! He always seemed to find time to make my mom cry or tell me I should try something other boys are into but can’t come to one baseball game! He doesn’t even call me on my birthday anymore! How is he going to have time for a baby when he doesn’t have any time for me!”
Dylan pauses as he reaches into the box again to find it empty. He turns his head to find you three standing off to the side, watching him. Steve takes his hand and guides him to the porch steps where he and Eddie sit so they can be eye level with him as you come up behind him, wrap your arms around his chest, and rest your head on top of his own. 
“Do you how when people say, ‘I know how you feel’ and you think ‘You have no fucking idea how I feel’? Dylan… we KNOW how you feel. We know our family is a little weird but…”, Steve smiles when the boy laughs. “The first time we met you when you knocked on our door, we knew you were a unique kid. You’re so smart, funny, incredibly kind. I love watching you play with Ro. You’re extremely patient with her and you make her giggle all the time.”
“You’re actually a lot like your mom. When we met her our lives were kind of stagnant.”
“Boring.”, you reply. “I know. Eddie’s whipping out the big words.”
“You calm down over there, princess.”, he winks before turning his attention back to Dylan. “What Steve and I are trying to say is, we understand that you’re going to think about or miss Charlie. Nothing wrong with that and you won’t hurt our feelings if you ever want to talk about him or anything like that. We just hope you know that…we love you very much.”
“And we would never do anything to make you feel like you’re not important or that what you like or enjoy doesn’t matter. We see you the exact same way we Aurora. You’re our son. Full stop. No strings attached. No conditions. You’re safe with us, little man.”
Dylan detaches from you to wrap his arms around Steve before disconnecting to do the same with Eddie. 
“Ok, criminal. You’re free from the adults now.”
“I don’t know. Kid’s sneaking out now, getting grounded…He’s a wild child. Who knows what he’ll do next.”, Eddie shrugs as Dylan rolls his eyes before they meet yours.
“Go head and can you please make sure Ro is still asleep?”
“Oh! And don’t tell her about this. The toddler doesn’t really need that idea planted in her head of throwing dishes.”
Your son nods as he runs back into the house. Both men look up at you with a knowing gleam in their eyes. 
“And you two were afraid of becoming your fathers.”, you smirk.
“Eh. We may have grown up a little bit these past six years.”, Steve grins as he reaches for your arms, tugging you between his legs before leaning his neck up to kiss your lips. 
“Thank you for that and this.”, you gesture towards the glass. 
“Of course. Now let me go get a broom so you can clean up this mess you made, sweetheart.”
You fain a gasp as he stands and you lightly smack him with your hand. “MY mess!? Excuse me, sir!” Eddie cackles as he runs into the house and Steve guides you towards a step to take a seat. “You’re not even going to let me help, are you?”
The boy shakes his head as he grins, the metalhead charging back out with a broom and a trash bag.
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ulquichaan · 6 months
Miraculous Ladybug - my thoughts.
It's been a while, I know. But I come back to rant yet again! I'm sorry for any mistakes in advance - its 2am and the thoughts won't let me sleep so I have to get them out there somewhere. If you don't want to waste your time - skip it. If you actually want to read it, I'll have a cookie waiting for you at the end of this. :3
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My journey with MLB.
Miraculous was that one show that I got to know about through a parody of it on polish yt channel called Surreactor. I didn't know what it was about but it looked interesting and that was a point in time when season 3 was just starting to come out. Sooo, as the curious child I was - I gave it a go. And it captured me very easily.
At first all I wanted is for Adrien and Mari to finally get together. I never had big thoughts about it. Then I got bored between new episodes and just... forgot about it.
After some time however I came back to it. It was somewhere around 4th season airing. I returned to it, watched it all over again and it captured me yet again. I completely fell in love with Adrien as character and started to read loads of fanfiction about the two main heroes. I got invested, started to draw the characters in different settings and what not. I started even posting here on tumblr the rants that blew out about Adrien and about Black Cat holders as a whole just because I was frustrated on how little love he got or that I couldn't find any theories that would make sense.
I made new friend, started to plan stories more than I did before, returned to RP with my old friend through messenger and more.
It was a blow of creativity of mine at that time. You maybe you know of "Sky Is The Limit"? That was the point for me where I had so many ideas that I had to do something with at least one of them. Talking about an overload, right?
Season 4 finale - the best finale in this show in my honest opinion. Though I am based so who cares.
The point is - I deeply fell in love with this fandom for the most part.
And then... season 5 happened.
At first I was hooked. Really. I felt that it was going in the right direction and I even wanted to watch it later so I could see it in order.
Oh boy, did I get disappointed. Very disappointed.
I was never a Senti-Adrien fan, let's be real. But the execution? Even worse.
The finale? The fight yea, fun. But why cut out Adrien out of it???
Chloe as mayor? ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL? It's losing braincells more and more.
And I know the plot armor was always evident in this show and all.... but i feel like it was knocked up 10 times or more in season 5 to the point it could beat Game of Thrones seasons 7 and 8. (Yeah, I know what should compare two shows where one is fenomenal and the other has always been trash, but you can't argue with me that seasons 7 and 8 weren't rushed and had very poor execution)
To say that I was angry is an understatement. I HATED season 5 with every fiber of my existence. I still do, but I'm far more calm about it than I was originally. Believe it or not.
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I saw all the drama in the fandom. When people complained about the show and other people came in to defend it. And I have to say - I can see where both sides are coming from.
To the people who enjoy it, all of it - I'm glad you do! I really am!
I can clearly see where the hate is coming from and anytime I saw a valid critique I couldn't help but agree with it. There were some awesome responses to that critique even from people who do enjoy the show still, but there were always people who I'll call "white knights".
Aka people who will ride-or-die for the show and always say there is nothing wrong with it!
Oh how I hate this way of thinking....
Little message to those white knights - yes there are pure haters that hate just to hate, but in the spectrum of people who are critiquing the show are also people who loved it and got disappointed. When people are angry/dissapointed they usually feel the need to express themselves and forums like Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, are just perfect for ranting. I have spent fair share in the horse gaming community to know that every flop will have a retaliation and shutting up people will make them only more angry. :|
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I stopped liking the show. Why am I coming back to it?
That's a question that started to bother me just as I was going to sleep.
I have watched Hazbin Hotel (Lucifer my beloved) and fell deeply in love with it. I always liked Vivzie's Hellaverse being it Helluva Boss and now Hazbin, but there is something that just came back to me.
I started yet again imagining Adrien and Marinette but in the helllaverse. Or what if I merged hellaverse and Miraculous together in some way. Or other crazy ideas that will never see the light of day.
It's always those two characters for the most part. But the moment those two show up, the rest of Miraculous cast does too.
I fell put of the show. I don't like it. Why do I keep coming back?
My thought is - the fandom and the work it did for the characters.
I have always loved to read fanfiction even it came to miraculous. And it's always SO MANY! With many different variants of the world or entirely different settings. Ofc there are some bad fics, but the good ones are those that captured my heart and made me love the characters even more.
Let's put in some examples (and recommendations if you want to check them out):
Happiness by Somewhere_Out_Here
Once a Thief, always a Thief by @saijspellhart
Bakery Enemies by @buggachat
Heaven in hiding by @livinglittlelie
I'll guess your heart, if you guess mine by PurpleHeartsOne
Chat Blanc's Moon Waltz by @rileyclaw
The comic dubs by PhantomSavage
The little comics like "Passionate Kiss" by @edendaphne
All of these are just very few examples from multitude of content I devoured when I was in the love stage for MLB. And those things are STILL SO GOOD. (You have to check it out if you haven't already)
The point is - the fandom fell in love with the concept and if not that, then the characters. Yes, they aren't perfect. Some would say they are very much Mary Sue-ish. Some would say they are badly written. While the fact is - the characters themselves aren't badly written, the plot is just badly handled.
I can see why people love Marinette, she is quirky, funny and her ideas, while absurd most of the time, they work. And that's fine! She is supposed to be creative and what not. A great friend to have in corner, that for sure :3
Adrien on the other hand is supposed to be a bundle of issues that come with living a sheltered life and the want to be free.
(The movie handled Marinette much better than the show, let's be real here)
Sad fact - the writers of the show couldn't handle all of the potential they set up. But the fandom could and that's what's beautiful in my opinion.
The show may not be a masterpiece but they made some aspects of it so enjoyable and investing (love-square) that other people decided to execute those good things in their own stories and create something else.
The characters are just so easy to put into other stories too. Because they are written in the way they are (even if poorly handled at times) the aspects of them are very flexible, which in turn makes them easy to incorporate into other AUs.
For me it proves that you don't need a very complicated and deep character to make your story memorable. Even tho that certainly helps depending on your story. Miraculous was really lucky it got that creative fandom in the first place.
And this is what is beautiful.
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Ending, some plans of mine that who knows if they will see the light of day. :]
This is only for those who are interested what I have been up to and what do i plan with this blog:
I am not quitting tumblr, oh no. I'll be probably reposting some stuff that I like from time to time.
I am returning to write "Sky Is The Limit", however I am completely rewriting it for the.... 7th time? Something like that. I doubt I'll finish it anytime soon at this rate and if I get the need to draw I might draw few characters from there or designs I have planned.
I have a very big project in mind that I might probably make a new blog for. It's still just an idea but I getting closer to actually being made so stay tuned.
I will start posting stuff from Hazbin Hotel. I fell deeply in love with Lucifer's character and you can't unglue me from that duck man!!
Other than that I went to university and I'm enjoying my time here so yeah.
And here is your cookie for reading all that! You're a legend!
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(I'm open for any discussions as long as they stay respectful. Feel free to DM me :>)
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tryslora · 2 months
Imposter Syndrome & Performance Anxiety
A couple weekends ago I was in Buffalo at the NASFIC convention. While I’m not sure it was the most attended convention at which I’ve been on programming, it was the first one with a seriously national draw for program participants and attendees.
On the good side: I saw friends who’d moved away, or friends I’d never met in person, and that was amazing.
On the bad side: I had a lot of imposter syndrome creating performance anxiety going into the convention. I mean. We had panels with online attendees who were in other countries! As a small press and independent author, I felt… insignificant.
While driving out to the convention, I made a note that I wanted to do a post about imposter syndrome, but I had no idea what I wanted to talk about. If I had written the post then, it would have been a very different post than it is now. My brain is always in a different place pre-convention than it is post-convention.
You see, the anticipation is far worse than the reality.
The most important thing to remember—and this goes for any field—is that if you do work in that field, you are valid. Yes, I mean this to include photographers who only work with their phones, or people who research deeply and historically, but may not have published yet, or fans who write tons of fic and know every detail about a show. Do you have a place where you feel like you have strong knowledge, and would love to talk about it? You’re valid.
At this convention I shared panels with people who’d been writing since the 60s, and people who only started writing recently. I spoke with folks who only did fan writing. I met writers who’ve done both independent work and tradpub. I viewed art from artists who made their living by it, and artists who enjoy doing it as a hobby and side gig.
All still valid.
And the best part? Almost every single one experiences imposter syndrome at some point. We all have weaknesses that create little worms that wriggle under our skin, making us itch with anxiety, and tiny voices that whisper in our minds that we aren’t as good, or as interesting, or as… as… whatever adjective you might think of… as someone else. 
Even when we think we conquer a fault, it is still there, waiting beneath the surface. (Seriously, ask me, and I will tell you my biggest weakness is that I can neither world-build nor plot… despite knowing I’ve accomplished both.)
The point is, we are all individuals. We all wonder if we are important enough to share what we love. We all wonder if we are good enough at what we do for someone else to be interested in it. Are we unique? Are we worth it? Will anyone care?
Yes. Yes, they will.
So, if you want to share, please know that somewhere out there is an audience for your creation (story, photograph, in-depth essay, or whatever it is…).
If you do not want to share, that’s okay, too. Create for yourself. It’s still valid.
And when you worry about what others might think, remember that the people around you are thinking that exact same thing. We all wonder: am I doing this right?
We are not alone in our fears.
I had a great time in Buffalo. Yes, there were hiccups on my panels (and oh dear gods was I ever terrified when the moderator of my first panel fell ill, and I ended up being a surprise mod for it). Yes, there were things that I wish could’ve gone differently. But overall, I’m pleased with how my own participation in my panels went.
Will I be anxious again at the next convention? Hah, yeah. Will I have imposter syndrome again? Always (in fact, I’m working on a T-shirt design). 
But I know it’ll work out, too.
And I know I’m not alone.
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thatcheeseycandle · 2 months
(Current me here right before posting this, I yeah- I was a bit burnt out from a lot and I found this sitting in my drafts while looking through them. Might as well post it while I can)
wOO OKAY I'll be wishing that the notes aren't gonna jinx me LMAO
"He didn’t want to think about what had happened at the Great Race, though it was the only thing he could think about." Felt that feeling before hOLY GOSH
Diving head on with a fresh recap of the chapters before this with it's angst I suppose BEHHSWHDH but hey I'm not complaining SO YEAH CONTINUING ON
(insert me reading silently with some "oUGHS"s in the mix, I can't remember how I exactly felt about this bit but I remember that I was just sad for Thomas. Like my guy found out all his family was wiped out IN SECONDS right there and it was infront of A LOT of people.)
"What would Gordon say if he saw his friends divided?" Well considering a lot, it's not a thought to dwell on with the joyous of emotions unfortunately BEHSHDHDHSHS
(Okay yeah insert another silence with the only noises from me being "oh"s and "oUGH"s cause I don't know how to word how I felt but I just felt like my heart was melting but like in a way I felt sad for them)
"'Wait a minute-' Samuel started, suddenly coming to a realisation. 'The story of you falling into a mine, that’s true?!'"
'It was written about?!' Thomas screeched, his face going as red as James’s paint from embarrassment and both crews spontaneously started laughing." I LOVE THIS BIT OHMYGHAHAGAHSJXH
(Yet again, I couldn't find the words to describe my reaction for the rest of this considering my lungs kept deflating when I regained a bit of oxygen every sentence LMAO)
This whole bit, I love it so much like YEAHAHDJDHDH LETS GO THEYRE GONNA READ RWS and AND THEYRE GONNA HANG OUT WITH EACHOTHER (aka cope with their situations together LMAOCHDHSJ)
(Yet again, lost my words at this bit and my feelings were basically a combination of curiosity and sadness sneaking from the back of my mind aka I started slipping into that unbreakable trans whenever you read)
Ah crap okay Scot you better not slip your words on this (but hey I cant exactly blame him if he does considering that was HIS BROTHER)
(Okay seriously WHAT IS WITH ME PAUSING WITH MY WORDS IN THIS- Insert another silence with the only emotions in this being relatability and sadness)
Scot you aren't the only one to have a hard time sleeping now BHAAHSHXBJAJXH SO YEAH
(Seems like I was so shocked in this scene that I fORGOT TO WRITE MY REACTION TO IT But basically it was me being super shocked, my heart dropped, then needed minutes to process it before continuing on)
“No, it’s not silly. You’re going through a hard time right now and what you’re experiencing is valid.” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK AND SIDE HENRY‼‼
(Okay sorry for interrupting this reaction with my current notes but GOD I FORGOT TO WRITE DOWN A LOT OF REACTIONS. But from what I remember of this, I think I was just happy at the fluff that started to slither in. Thank God I'm finishing up this review the same day Chp. 5 comes out so I dont have to wait after this LMAO)
And RIGHT THERE FOLKS we end it off with a cliffhanger, except it's a nice cliffhanger! Very excited for the next chapter now that's built up to that
Yet again credits to Loraine ( @lorainedoesthings ) for releasing such a great chapter! Very excited to see what's to come in these coming weeks
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maxphilippa · 3 months
You've mentioned Nickel is suicidal due to the whole his luck killing him thing (paraphrasing here), but wouldn't Clover also be suicidal by the same logic in EP 8
Oh my god,,,
Okay. So.
Clover's case is a bit more different because she's literally a goddess. Just a few moments episodes ago before her elimination she wasn't even AWARE of the fact that she had that luck and saw it as a funny little thing once she realized this. However, when Nickel let her know that her luck CAN affect people (because even if it wasn't her intention, her luck always made sure that she got what she wanted/was always safe, even if it led to hurting others badly), and this led her to feel like she could hurt others and feel powerless in her own self. Do I think Clover was suicidal because of her luck? Well. Yeah. She did wish to get rid of her luck the same way Nickel did, and that ultimately got her dead. Same as Nickel. She was extremely paranoid because it COULD get other people hurt just for the sake of her safety, and it led her to doubt if people ACTUALLY cared about her (ex. Goo saving her and Clover questionating if he actually did it because he wanted to, or if it was because of the luck). But she quickly realized that it wasn't the case, and that she's in control of it, because it is who she was after all. And having full control of it led her to actually be able to help people and to not hurt anyone else, and once she was out of the game she immediately went to create a paradise just because she could (and possibly to help the Taylers as well). She was rightfully concerned about the safety of others, and she seems to be pretty okay with herself now because she knows that she can do good things. It was paranoia and her not being able to trust herself to not hurt others.
Nickel on the other hand is more so a very different case on the way he took it. He's someone who values genuine relationships and is a pretty hard working person. He's pretty used to things not going the way he wants, and he has severe trust issues after everything that happened both in s1 and s2. He was an asshole towards Clover regarding her luck, yes, but he did have good intentions while doing so and genuinely felt bad for her as well. But his concerns were valid. The luck that Clover had pretty much gave her everything she wanted without even trying, and Nickel is scared of what he can't understand (this is very obvious on s2 as he can't understand why Balloon wants to be on good terms with him, and Nickel does think that Balloon DOES want to change, but he does not want to have to do anything with it). So, when Nickel gets the luck, he's pretty unaware. But once he realized that everything was going like he wanted it to go, he started panicking. Nickel is someone who struggles deeply with his mental health (being stuck on Idiotic Island for months, being on s2, everything that happened on the alliance, etc), and has troubles with making genuine connections, so him having the luck made him think that all of his connections (yes, even with Balloon, even if Balloon was his best friend BEFORE getting the luck. also this might also apply with Bot since after Nickel lost his luck, they haven't been talking). So of course this sends him into a very very bad mental space and. Well. Silver and Candle took advantage of it.
Ultimately I do think that Clover's wish was more literal in a sense, though. Yeah she did also commit, but I don't know if it was because she wanted to, she genuinely just wanted to get rid of the luck so she wouldn't hurt others. And Nickel wasn't aware of when he did this as well. But the luck IS pretty literal on it's own way. It gave them what they wanted the most: get rid of it.
And Nickel is okay without having it. Clover finally understands and can control her luck. So yeah. They pretty much went through shit.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 20 days
Random thing about Kevin Can F**k Himself is that while that's in no way the major or even intented reading of her characther and I love what she represents to woman as a trans man I related so much with Patty.
She was exactly who I was in high school. I was deeply closeted and represed and so I acted very much like a "not like the other girls pick me". Most of my friends were asshole guys who let me hang with them but never fully belong, I was there but still in a more subservient role and only at the cost of accepting the way they putted woman down and letting them put myself down. One of my high school "friends" would exclusivaly call me Mia Khalifa unless he was using other porn actresses names to put me down, I was not even engaging in what the guys saw as "slut behavior" as an ace guy with low romantic atraction but since I was seen as woman it was a way to keep me in my place. He would joke about how I should give things to him because he was the man but also I was the one all of them came for when they needed therapy.
Not all the guys were assholes. One of them - wjo unfortunally died this year and I don't actually want to talk much about him cause I'm processing my grief and don't want to - was genuinally kind and wanted to learn, he started transphobic and changed his views, I never came out to him, a thing I deeply regret, but he would defend queer ppl when the other guys were saying shit and never treated me like less.
But most of them were. And if I complained I lost my priviledges over being "one of the guys" and was seen as week and "oh yeah you're an emotional woman". So I kept there. I was the weird kid with few friends and not only that but I felt validated, I felt gender euphoria, it was the closest I would ever had to be one of the guys and I did feel jealous of one of them for looking a lot like me (according to everyone else) but having the body parts I wanted. It was the place I felt still shitty but not as much as everywhere else. And feeling less like crap was enought.
And I'm not this almost incel totally punching bag person anymore. All my friends are queer and I'm out to them now. I don't hate myself and I don't have to fake laugh or unconfortably nod about people putting woman down for an inch of acceptance. I don't think I could ever go back to being that person. But I was where Patty is. I was the token minority of entitled guys that think the world is a sitcom. And I feel so much for her.
Because in another world I could have been Patty, I could have not had the chance to grown out of it in high school and instead be still the sad subservient "woman" that is "one of the guys" and "can take jokes" and there's very few things worse than that.
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limerence-17 · 2 years
Can i request a Steddie x read where they go mattress shopping and the sales guy is coming on way to hard on read and the boys get really defensive. Then there is smut to be had breaking in said new mattress. Also like to think that they broke the old one lol
this is so crafty and i'm such a sucker for anything steddie related PLUS i can totally see the doing this. hope you enjoy!!
not intended for minors. do NOT read if you are not 18+!
–pairing: steddie x fem reader
–word count: 2.8k words
–summary: After forcing your roommates Steve and Eddie to go mattress shopping with you after a little mishap, they can't waste to test it out a week later.
–warnings: p in v unprotected sex, oral sex f receiving and m receiving, fingering, blowjobs, handjobs, kissing, explicit words and context. read at your own disclosure!
A/N: this story is set where everyone is 21/22.
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The salesman walks ahead of you, he's leading you over to the next mattress. It's the seventh one he's shown the three of you so far, but you can't help it that you've always been indecisive. I mean hell, maybe this was why you couldn't choose between Steve or Eddie.
It had been that way since you'd decided to move in with your high schools acquaintances after high school. With your struggling love lives it surprisingly brought the three of you together, in more than just three ways. But it never disappointed that the two of them wanted you as well. You never really saw yourself as greedy, not when your two best friends were happy to share you equally- no strings attached of course.
Once the salesman was a bit further ahead of you, you felt a hand grab onto the top half of your arm, squeezing so tight that you turned around the slap it playfully off.
"What, Eddie?" Eddie asked a pouty look painted out all across his face. He looked like a child at the carpet store, begging his parents to go home.
"Seriously, Steve and I already talked about it- we promise we'll buy you a new mattress," Eddie said, turning to Steve for validation, who began to nod very quickly up and down.
"We won't be much longer guys I promise, there has to be one here- besides I can't wait up to a week for a new one. In case you guys forgot or something, I need someplace to sleep tonight, not tomorrow." You say, widening your eyes in a sarcastic kind of way.
"But we're so tired, please. I mean c'mon you could come crash at mine!" Eddie pleads, gripping your shoulders in desperation. It's a little funny seeing how much control you have over the boys and granted you're only shopping.
"Yeah, so... tired..." Steve says in between yawns, covering his mouth to exaggerate it.
"Jesus! I'll go grab my mattress and drag it to my house even if that's what it'll-"
The salesman interrupts Eddie quickly, coughing a little to gain his attention which he notices, releasing your shoulders from his grip quickly. There's 80s music playing softly on the muffled speakers in the store, you can pick up on the soft hum of Into The Groove by Madonna playing and the busy footsteps of other customers walking around.
"So this one is half off, but it is actually quite the steal for its price. A lot of people don't like it for it's sturdier firm, but if you ask me it's perfect if you're planning on doing some more uh... rigorous exercises." The salesman has a small smirk that appears on his face and he's giving you a look that you can't help but feel a certain funny feeling in your stomach. Is he... no he can't be. Wait, is he flirting with you?
"Half off you say? Is it good for uh.. sleeping at least?" You croak out, feeling your throat get a little dry. You can feel Eddie and Steve growing a little impatient, and this time they notice how the salesman has moved his gaze to the cleavage on your chest.
"Oh trust me darling it's perfect for sleeping. After a busy evening, you'll be grateful you own this mattress," He says. And with that, Steve pipes up.
"So say if she wanted to share this bed with... I don't know maybe me for example, do you think it would be a good fit?" Steve asks, clearly gritting through his teeth.
The salesman met Steve's gaze and noticed his glare, which was clearly focused in jealously, perhaps a little competition. You'd be lying if you'd said it didn't make you feel a little giddy inside.
The salesman coughed a bit, clearly his throat and shifting his footing.
"Uh- yes, yes I believe it would." Steve took a step back, crossing his arms.
"We'll take it! Thank you!" Eddie said, stepping in in front of Steve. Steve could be a little unpredictable at times when it came to the woman he cared for in his life.
"Alright well er, I'll go get the papers and I'll check you out- sorry er- I'll get you checked out." The salesman made awkward contact with Steve, Eddie and you as well before he walked away.
It was a late Saturday evening, you'd decided to have a couple drinks at your guys' place with Eddie, while waiting for Steve. You were standing in the kitchen, sipping gently on your wine as Eddie leaned back against the kitchen counter sipping on his beer.
"So, guess what arrived while you were out with the band?" Eddie's eyebrows raised, a little bit confused as to where you were going with this.
"Steve's sense of direction and time management," Eddie said a little sarcastically.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, Eddie could be so infuriating while so fucking handsome at the same time.
"The mattress dickwad, it finally came in and I even set it up on the bed frame all by myself this time," You said, playfully pushing on Eddie's shoulders.
"You know all by yourself doesn't count if you're inviting the movers in to do it for you y'know?"
"Oh shove it Munson," You say, meeting his gaze and pulling him for a quick kiss. He gently pushes in further to deepen the kiss and you can feel his tongue gently grant access into your mouth until suddenly he's pulling away.
"Wha- Eddie?" You ask, whining a little bit. It'd been too long since you'd had sex and you were starting to feel a little more needy than usual. How could you not be anyway? You had two perfect guys who were completely open to a friends with benefits three way.
"Don't you think we should wait for Harrington? Now that you and I are already two drinks in?" Eddie says, still tracing small circles against your arm as you're still pushed up against him. You can feel the outline of his cock against your waist the more you adjust yourself against him.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we got a head start, plus it's kind of his fault for never being on time," You say, running yours hands through Eddie's hair as he's looking at you with lust filled in his eyes.
Just as Eddie starts to give in, placing soft kisses against your neck, there's a knock at the door.
"Jesus!" Eddie shouts, trying to pull himself together. You look down and it's clear he was beginning to have a boner.
"Oh my god Eds pull yourself together," You say, scoffing a bit as you tug your hair behind your ears. You make your way over to the door and look outside the peephole. Outside the door is Steve, standing a little awkwardly tucking his car keys into his wallet. You open the door, with a hand on your hip which makes Steve scoff a bit.
"So I'm gonna assume that you've already started drinking and uh..." Steve leans his head in, starting to walk a bit slowly into your guys' apartment. From behind you he spots Eddie, whose attempted to compose himself on the couch.
You look down for a moment and notice that your tank top strap is down your shoulder. Steve follows your gaze and notices that you've noticed this as well.
"The two of you are so sneaky," he says pretty nonchalantly, smirking a bit as he puts his belongings down as heads into the kitchen, opening a beer as he takes a couple of sips.
"I'm sorry Steve, but you know I'll make it up to you later," you say as you walk over to the counter, pulling your tank top strap up again.
"You know we both will!" Eddie says, lifting his beer up in agreement from the couch. Steve rolls his eyes.
"Oh shove it Munson," he says, taking another swig. You can tell Steve's had a long day at work, and you know the perfect way to get this night started. Besides, that quick make out sesh with Eddie had your dirty thoughts already spiralling out of control, and the messiness of Steve's hair and slight droopy look in his eyes was driving you insane.
"So I already told Eddie, but my mattress arrived today," you say, cracking a small smile. Steve swallows his sip from his drink slowly and looks at you with wide eyes.
"Oh really?" You nod very fast, pretty proud of yourself for doing it in the first place.
"Apparently she did it all herself too Harrington," Eddie says, now standing up from the couch. He's hit play on the stereo beside the couch. Your 60s tape was left in it, so to Eddie and your own surprise Lonely Sea by The Beach Boys.
"Really, Beach Boys?" Eddie asks.
"I was studying, give me a break it's calming," you notice as Steve has moved closer to you and placed his hand on your waist and almost as a reflex, you place your wine glass on the kitchen island.
You turn around so that now you're facing Eddie, whose begun to walk closer to you, his eyes glaring across you and Steve, who's now begun to place gentle kisses across your neck. It's taking everything in you to keep your composure even with the feeling of Steve's lips on your neck.
"You know- I'm starting to think we should give that mattress a little test y'know, whaddya think Harrington?" Eddie asks, now extremely close to the two of you, starting to place kisses on the other side of your neck.
You find yourself running both of your hands through both of their heads of hair, the feeling of their lips on you driving you mental.
"That-sounds-incredible-" Steve says in between his sloppy neck kisses.
"Follow me," you say, finally managing to pull away, strutting slowly into your bedroom and sitting down on the bed, jumping a bit on the mattress.
"Looks a shit ton better than the shitty disaster we made of the last one," Eddie says, nudging Steve a bit who lets out a scornful laugh.
Steve's already started to take off his shirt, and feeling as if you should comply you've started to take yours off as well.
"You guys are too fast seriously," Eddie says, unbuckling his pants and shirt as he scrambles over to you.
"Let me have her for a moment first Munson, Steve's had a long day and could really use some assistance," Steve says now leaning on top of you, causing you to fall backwards onto the mattress. Before you know it, his lips are on you and your hands are running through his bouncy brown hair.
"Fuck," Steve says, as he's suddenly aware of your hands scratching up and down his back. "Yes keep doing that babe, that feels so good god," Steve says, now slowly planting kisses across your chest and stomach as you quickly unclip your bra.
As Steve is working on pulling your pants down, you've lost your focus as Eddie's begun to kiss you, a longing kiss as his tongue begins to dance with yours. Naturally, you find yourself gravitating to his boxers, where you finally place your hand around a most longing boner.
"All this for me?" You ask, looking at Eddie with siren eyes.
In the living room, you hear Lost in Your Eyes by Tommy James start to play on the stereo.
"God you make me fucking feral baby," Eddie says, as you manage to pull out his cock, stroking it slowly watching as he lets out a low gasp and his eyes roll back for a moment. You're pumping your hand up and down just at the speed you've grown to know that Eddie goes mental for.
"Just like that baby, yeah stroke my dick just like that mmm," Eddie grunts lowly.
You're so focused on pumping Eddie, and his shaky breath and sloppy kisses on your lips that you haven't even noticed that Steve's already pulled your panties to your ankles. Steve plants kisses on your inner thighs. His lips are cold to touch to you and you feel goosebumps grow against your legs and shivers through your spine.
He slowly gravitates towards the upper end of your inner thighs and you want to grip at his hair so bad, give him all the praise imaginable but you're so consumed with the feeling of Eddie's dick in your hands, pre cum running across your fingertips.
With a few kisses, Steve now moves on your clit, placing small but excruciatingly incredible kisses on your heat.
"Oh god," you say, moving your gaze a bit to see Steve now sucking and grunting against your clit. His tongue is moving up and down so quickly you can't help but pull away from Eddie for a moment. What you see in front of you is so fucking hot you can't help it. Steve is now eating you out as if he's been starved for too long, and you even catch a glimpse of him running his hand through his long hair before he gets back to tongue fucking you as hard as he possibly can.
You don't get to look for much longer though however because Eddie's gripped his hand tightly on your cheeks, redirecting you to him.
"No baby, you keep your eyes on me." Eddie says, and suddenly your focus is redirected to stroking Eddie once more. You can hear his orgasm building as his grunts gets louder. After a few more pumps, Eddie pulls your hand away.
"Jesus Christ baby you're gonna make me cum, not yet, not until I'm inside you," he says, now kissing you once more. He pulls away to look at Steve, who's still eating you out.
"Look at Steve, eating you out like that, you're such a good girl you know you deserve it," he says, his eyes widening with infatuation and lust as he watches him going down on you. As you feel your heat rising and climax building up, Steve pulls away quickly.
"Munson I mean- Fuck you gotta come see how wet she is, I mean it's as if she's been thinking about this all day," Steve says, a little exasperated and flushed from the heat in between your legs.
"Oh really huh?" Eddie says, moving from the bed to the front of the bed where he's now kneeling beside Steve. Eddie pulls your legs closer so that his fingers now line up perfectly with your now obviously soaking wet pussy. All it takes is for Eddie to run one slow finger across your slit and you're already throwing your head back, desperate for more.
Steve's now moved back up to you, kissing you gently. "See how fucking incredible you taste?" God that was so fucking hot, you think to yourself, grabbing Steve's neck and pulling him in for another kiss. Suddenly Eddie's got one finger inside you, pumping inside you slowly, then it's two and you can feel yourself starting to see stars.
"You gonna let Munson fuck you now?" Steve asks, although you and him already both know the answer to it.
"Yes, please Eddie you know I need your cock inside me," you practically beg through muffled gasps.
Eddie obliges and stands above you, pulling your hips closer to him to adjust himself. With the grip of his hands on you, he turns you around so that now you're facing Steve's dick.
With a few adjustments, Eddie slowly inserts his full length inside you, pumping slowly at first and you both let out moans of need and lust.
"C'mon baby I need your mouth on me," Steve says, and you follow his direction, placing the tip of his length across your tongue, moving it in a circle and watch as he puts his hands up and rolls his head backwards mumbling obscenities.
"That's it baby, take Steve's dick, take it all in that pretty mouth of yours," Eddie says between grunts as he pumps himself harder inside you. After a few minutes of grunts, low moans you find that both of the guys have come to their orgasms and the three of you let out gasps and exhales and lay back down on the bed. You find yourself in the middle and Steve has now laid his head on your chest.
"At least we didn't break this mattress this time," Eddie says, scoffing a bit raising his arm.
"Yeah god I mean- that is the last first mattress we ever buy for my room again," you say, laughing.
"Anyway, I think it's Steve's turn now," you say, sitting back up two face the two boys in front of you, a small smile on your face.
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ribbonsfallaway · 6 months
I need to rant.
I've started watching The Vampire Diaries and I'm sorry… Damon/Delena stans are annoying as fucking hell.
First by how much they bash Caroline for hating Damon and Delena. Caroline has every right to hate him/them. Damon abused her/raped her in season 1/used her as a blood bag to feed off of. He was horrible to her. Also when she first turned into a vampire he was dead set on killing her. Despite how traumatized she was about the whole situation, he was too selfish to try to understand. He saw her as a pesky thing that can't be controlled. He was also not at all apologetic when she called him out on it. He in fact was more annoyed. Never got an apology for how he treated her.
So yeah Caroline has every right to hate Damon.
Now perhaps she shouldn't have slept with Klaus with all the shit he did to her friends/her ex's mom. But they didn't actually end up together. She couldn't move past everything he did, and that's very valid and fair.
Next fans bash Stefan especially for the moment he was trying to scare Klaus into thinking he'd kill Elena by driving off the bridge her parents died on/she almost died on. Now don't get me wrong that scene was fucked up, and Stefan was awful in that moment. But I think fans fail to try and understand where Stefan was coming from in that moment. Klaus had a toll on him all summer, and he kept him at bay/ran off with him so he wouldn't find out about Elena being alive. But then he find out, and compelled him to turn off his humanity switch and attack Elena. He did everything in his power to not be compelled but really was left to no choie. So he wanted to one up Klaus/defeat him/beat him at his own game. He was tired of that control Klaus had on him. It was terrifying and awful, but I understand why he did it/where he was coming from.
You know what I don't understand? Damon snapping Jeremy's neck/killing him. He only got lucky because Jeremy had the ring on to protect him from death by supernatural. If not for that weing Jeremy would have been dead. And why? Because Elena rejected him, and he wanted to punish her for it. You know prior to that I acually felt sympathy for him. He was brutally rejected by Katherine just before, but that's not Elena's fault. That's not Jeremy's fault.
And you know I don't think they fully addressed that well enough? Damon gave a half-assed apology but then got pissy and compared Elena to Katherine when she said she can't be his friend after what happened. Because he felt "used". They tried to frame Elena in the wrong here, and that's wild as hell to me.
But fans will try to prop up Damon and be like "at least he didn't make her relive her trauma." No babes. You're right. He actually almost gave her more trauma by losing another family member shortly after her parents.
People will also say Stefan stalked Elena, etc. Hmmm who was it who was watching her sleep in her room and stroking her face? Oh right. Damon.
Despite all this I don't hate Damon. I know this is a vampire show, and therefore people are going to do horrible things. Blah, blah, blah. I love a good villain. But the writers and fans gloss past this shit and act like it didn't really happen/wasn't a big deal.
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Many people actually DON'T dislike the 2003 Astro Boy dub
But seriously, from what I've seen 99% of fans love the dub just as much as they love the sub, including myself, with many of us growing up with the dub version and growing a strong attachment to it especially due to it being nostalgic for many of us. I hardly ever see many complaints about it, even on the very rare videos that compare the sub and dub 99% of it is just talking about the scene and Astro and only 1% at most complaining about it for their own reasons.
Because es it does have it's issues like cutting out scenes, mostly regarding Tobio's past, but that's no one's fault as although censorship wasn't as aggressive in the 2000's as it is now they still weren't comfortable displaying much of Tobio's past which, like it or not, is pretty valid as I don't think many of us kids wanted to see a 9 year old child get hit by a car head on and die instantly with none of it being off screen. The rest of the issues though are kind of just- eh? Like they are a problem but it's not too prominent except some line changes here and there and sometimes the dub voice lines not matching up with the expressions but nothing that really badly affects it as the points still get across all the same. AND SPEAKING OF THE VOICES, OH BOY GET READY FOR THIS
Yeah there is nothing bad about either, most fans don't really care and those who do most likely jumped on a band wagon. The only difference is that Astro's voice is a tad bit rougher in the dub but people need to realize EVERY SINGLE VOICE DUB MC CHILD CHARACTER *HAD THAT VOICE* BACK THEN, ASTRO FROM ASTRO BOY SOUNDS A BIT LIKE HOW ASH FROM POKEMON SOUNDED IN THE EARLY DAYS OF POKEMON AS WELL WITH ASH'S VOICE BEING A LOT MORE ROUGHER THAN ASTRO'S. Actually they felt so similar to the point I actually had to look up the voice actor upon rewatching it because I thought they were both voiced by the same person. It was just a 2000's dubbing thing back then that always led them to have that kind of voice, I don't know why they went with that but the shows were successful and I loved them so I guess it worked either way. The point is, almost no one here gets their pants in a twist about it and you shouldn't either, because, fun fact, IT DOESN'T *MATTER*, you wanna know why? Because it's still ASTRO. The changes never affected his character and I know that because upon growing up with the dub he was still the same innocent, lovable, caring robot we all know and I saw him as such the same way people saw him as in the sub. Because despite it's minor flaws it was still Astro with every action, words, and lessons that he took, spoke, and learned. SO WATCH WHAT YOU WANNA WATCH AND LIKE WHAT YOU WANNA LIKE, THE DUB IS GREAT AND SO IS THE SUB, EITHER WAY HE IS STILL ASTRO ALL THE SAME AND IT DOESN'T AFFECT HIS CHARCTER AT ALL. To leave you on an important lesson, don't jump on a bandwagon when introducing yourself to new shows that involve sub and dub and instead watch one and take a look at the other and form your own opinions on them, we are all chill and welcoming so there is no ripping eachother's faces off about it here, trust me this is not the My Hero Academia fandom, you are safe.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Ann Moses with Peter Tork (plus Jimmy Page and Micky Dolenz) in the 1960s and in the 2010s.
“Peter Tork was not your typical teen idol. He was a musician first, and a genuine peace-and-love hippie the rest of the time. [...] [When he died] the world lost a kind, talented man. [...] After Peter and producer Bob Rafelson were inspired by the video tricks they had seen other bands use at The Fillmore in San Francisco, the Monkees made their political statement by including slide shows with scenes from the civil rights movement on huge black-and-white screens behind them as they performed.  [...] His sincerity was true Peter. Never lived a rock-star lifestyle. He always smiled the brightest on the stage. That is his legacy. [...] [When I last saw him,] he seemed fulfilled and happy to be making music with his group, Shoe Suede Blues, and preserving his family home in Connecticut with his loved ones close by.” - Ann Moses, CNN, February 22, 2019
“Behind the scenes, they would joke with one another, and, you know, I’d see them ad-lib in some of the episodes. I would find out that it was a much more casual set than some of the other TV shows I ended up going to. […] They did what they felt like doing. When they — something would come into their minds, it would be, you know, they’d try that out, and half the time the director would say, That’s a take. The Monkees were just like no one else, and so those times on the set, it really gave me a chance to just see all the creativity that came out of these four extremely talented young men. […] Dave Clark and Jimmy Page would say, ‘Can you get us on the Monkees set?’ Because they knew I was out there all the time. And I would say, ‘Yeah, I can.’ And so I’d call up, I’d make the arrangements, and so… when Jimmy Page, when he went out to the set, I mean, he was just like gaga. And it was so cool, he just had so much fun watching the show. And so that was a different one. He was just a fan. And of course that made The Monkees just feel so good, because they, you know, the first year, they were fighting the battle of: do they play their instruments? Are they really musicians? And here a musician that they admired, from the UK, was excited about them. So it was very validating and made them feel really good. […] As I got to know Peter, he treated me with such respect, as if I were a peer. And in a way I was. But, you know, to me, I’m the new girl at the magazine, I’m in there less than a year, but he’s treating me like this has been my profession for years. And still I’m nineteen years old at this point. But I think Peter was rewarded in that when we would talk about whatever it was with him — whether he was doing yoga and he was talking about the Book of Tao, I would write as he would tell me these stories. It wasn’t like I’d go, ‘Well, we’re not putting that in Tiger Beat.’ Because as I was getting to know the real Peter, then so were the readers. And that — that was my goal. And so he was always just a very considerate, thoughtful person, and, you know, a pleasure to be around. He would [give me feedback on articles as he read them]. Like I would take out… like, I just came across an article that I had written about a day on the set with Peter. I said, ‘Hey, guys, here’s the newest Monkee Spectacular.’ And Peter’s looking through it, and he goes, ‘You spelled this wrong.’ And I said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll correct it,’ you know. And he found a couple of other — you know, whether it was a typo or some word I’d gotten wrong. But I wouldn’t let it happen twice. It was like correcting your essay for the teacher. It was like, well, he’s not gonna catch me in a mistake again. So it made it really fun. And of course, he didn’t do it in a mean way. It’s just that, hey, we were talking about a serious subject and you made a mistake, and… and that was Peter. […] Peter did a story when he quit, and told me why. And do I know if he was being honest with me? You know, I don’t know, but it was the story that he wanted to put out, and he had been so open and honest the whole time, I didn’t think anything about it. […] By this time he was, you know, with Reine, and they got a place in the valley, had a nice pool. But when I went to the door, um, Peter opened the door and welcome me in, and of course, he was in the nude. And he said, Our house is clothing optional, if you’d like to, you know, disrobe, or I don’t know the word he used. But he said, If you’d like to join us, you’re welcome to. But there was a mixture there at the house. There were some people with clothes on, and some people with clothes off, and they were jumping in the pool. It was not something that fazed me in the slightest, so — you just gotta learn to look them in the eye. [As for Peter’s demeanor post-leaving The Monkees] He was very mellow. I mean, at that point in time, and, you know, I know he had struggles afterward because he had bought his contract out. But at that point in time, he just seemed comfortable in his skin, and he was talking about, you know, the new group [Release], and he just seemed to be, yes, unburdened, I think I would say at that point. He just, he was the chill Peter that you sometimes would see, just like he had just gotten up from meditating and he was as chill as he could be. And it seemed very natural for him. […] Often when I would interview Peter, he would tell me, you know, ‘I really want you to try LSD.’ And I’d tell him, ‘Oh, I’m afraid, I’m afraid I’ll have a bad trip.’ And he goes, ‘No, no, I’ll take care of you, I’ll make sure you have a good trip, you just — it’s such a great experience.’ And I was always really too chicken, I was just afraid of, well, what if I’m really out of control and I freak out? And so I never took him up on his offer. And then when we had our reunion in 2017, I said, ‘Peter, do you remember when you used to get me to try LSD?’ And he said, ‘Oh, Annie, you didn’t miss a thing.’ And, you know, after all the experiences that he had been through, it was that same kind of looking out for me type approach, it was like, ‘Oh, it’s just as well you didn’t,’ and it — he was, he was still being that kind of mentor to me, and it was just… it was so touching, I just couldn’t believe it after all those years, and still there was that closeness there. It was a really, really wonderful moment that I’m so, so glad I got to experience before he passed away.” - Ann Moses, The Monkees Pad Show no. 10, 2022
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