#so if you cant come up with something else to add to it it leaves her just hanging about
It's not that I don't love that she was there, but Kay really had no business being in AAI2
#how do i say this.. you know how the og trilogy is just as much maya's story as it is phoenix's (arguably more so hers because of#the impact of the fey clan?) and how dgs is also susato's story as much as it is ryuunosuke's because it's her family and dream who's#actually central to the plot? and how investigations 1 was also kay's story because it involved the truth of the yatagarasu?#yeah that's not the case in aai2. she's quite literally just along for the ride here and is actually used to further edgeworth's#character more than anything else. i feel like this is most obvious/egregious in the forgotten turnabout where they literally make her#a totally different person so she can be wholly reliant on him and it's just !! i like aai2 i genuinely do but i like the parts of it#better than it's whole.#made that whole long kay post and STILL didnt address the forgotten turnabout which is what i wanted to talk about to begin with#smh#also her being there kind of makes their whole separation at the end of aai really funny instead of meaningful?? you know how the og#trilogy had rfta to make you feel how long it's been since phoenix and maya have seen each other? yeah aai2 literally does not do that#both from meta and in game perspectives it's been like. 15 minutes since she's stepped out and it's so.#shkadgkadh#the problem with kay in aai2 is that the Yatagarasu thing is done. it's over. and her whole story revolves around that!!#so if you cant come up with something else to add to it it leaves her just hanging about#waiting to fuel other people's stories#i just. ive seen people marvel at how the same director who made aai and aai2 could go on to make the trainwrecks that were#dd and soj but if you compare kay's treatment to trucy's there you'll see some similarities
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
mdni (luke castellan)
thinking thoughts of luke castellan and car sex.
you’re out on a quest or some shit and something— everything goes so wrong. and luke is just so frustrated.
he’s in the driver’s seat, fuming, im talking veins popping out on his temple and his hands are gripping the wheel until his knuckles are white and you should be scared because you’ve only seen him like this once or twice before and that didn’t end up well. but you’re not.
you’re turned on.
something about imagining his hand around your neck while he’s pumping all his frustrations into you like you were nothing but a fuck toy to him makes your tummy feel weird.
he doesn’t notice it at first because his eyes are on the dark, empty road, but then he sees your thighs press together and he smirks.
his baby is horny.
he signals right and you’re confused because camp was still a few miles away and there was nothing around you guys to stop at. then he puts the car in park and kills the battery. he’s on you after the headlights turn off.
it’s all teeth and groans and luke is undoing your seatbelt so you can climb over the middle console of the car and get on his lap. he doesn’t pull his lips away from you while he pushes the driver seat back.
he’s thrusting up into you, moaning into your mouth when he feels the slick through your leggings and he’s feral. he wants to taste you.
he opens the door and practically shoves you out of it to lead you to the backseat and for the first time, he’s actually thankful that camp was in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere because he’s hard as a rock and the tent in his pants is borderline embarrassing.
you’re laying down with your elbows propped on the armrests in the backseat and luke is on his knees. he’s looking at you with those eyes, and you know that it means he’s not stopping until he pulls two orgasms out of you.
he feels hot in his shirt so he takes it off and tosses it somewhere before he’s pulling your thighs with a yelp and propping your legs on his shoulders. he just devours you.
his tongue is relentless on your pussy, sucking and licking at your clit that you can’t stop yourself from thrashing around.
he slaps your ass hard enough to leave a print and he’s mumbling into you, “stay fucking still.”
and you’re whining telling him you’re trying but it feels too fucking good and he adds two fingers with his tongue and you lose it.
he’s reaching deep until he feels that spongy area inside of you. bingo.
his fingers keep hitting the spot and then you’re cumming all over his face. he knows he should pull away because he cant breathe but he physically can’t bring himself to. your taste is so intoxicating.
he’s breathing heavy when you shove his face away, overstimulated. your wetness is all over his chin and he’s grinning at you like he just won the goddamn lottery.
when your body gives out and one of your legs slip from his shoulder, your knee accidentally brushes against his hard cock and he hisses.
“you got another one for me?”
you want to say no because your last orgasm was so intense you almost blacked out but luke’s lips are puffy and wet and his pupils are dilated so wide you can barely make out the brown in his eyes, so you nod.
he’s quick to undo the buttons on his pants, like he’d burst if he wasn’t inside you in the next ten seconds. he thinks he actually might.
he pushes his pants down just enough to let his dick spring up, angry and red, dripping in precum. he sticks his cock inside you and you’re moaning, babbling incoherent words.
he’s gritting his teeth so he doesn’t make any noise but when you reach for his hand— he thinks you want to hold it, and he’s more than happy to show his baby he loves you— and guide his fingers around your throat, the sound that leaves luke’s lips is sinful.
he squeezes gently, just enough to make you lightheaded and make your next orgasm come quicker. you can’t say anything else but luke, luke, luke, please.
you don’t even know what you’re begging for anymore but with the way you look under him right now, luke would give you anything in the world if you asked for it.
he tears his eyes away from your fucked out face for a second and watches the way his dick moves in and out of your pussy. there’s sweat dripping down his chest and you want to lick it off him but you don’t have any energy left to sit up.
he’s rutting into you fast, chasing his own release. and you pull him back to look at you because you’re telling him you’re close and luke wants to see you finish.
when the coil in your tummy finally snaps, you’re practically yelling at the amount of pleasure you’re feeling. luke removes the hand from around your throat and he reaches for the foggy window to hold himself up. as he cums into your spent pussy, his hand makes a hand print on the glass and he groans.
he pulls out of you with a whimper, his cock softening as he tucks it back into his pants. he watches as you catch your breath, licking his lips at the sight of his cum seeping out of you.
“look at my baby,” he cooes, unable to stop himself from taking his fingers and shoving it back into you so you don’t waste his cum. “so pretty when you’re all fucked out for me.”
you don’t make it back to camp until the next day.
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demonvibez · 11 months
Ghost!!! Ive had a brainstorm!!!
The obey me characters with an MC that has a huge collection of plushies and stuffies :,,(((
Lucifer who preens each fluffy toy like a bird, Mammon who fights, slaps and kicks each plushie out of jealousy when you're not there to mediate him.
Levi who's planning intricate playdates with his stuffies and MC's stuffies. (He replays the memory in his head a lot when he's alone.) Satan who's using MC's plushies to prop up his books, he laughs when the book falls ontop of the poor stuffed animal.
Asmodeus who dotes and teases his favourite of the pile, sitting the soft toy in his lap so it can watch Asmo do a full skincare routine with him! Beel who scoops as many fluffy friends as he can into his arms to squeeze and cuddle!
Belphegor who lazily sinks into the softness of stuffed animals and takes leisure naps snuggled into the warmth.
Gjgjgkkhkggkfknfgggg I cant get it out of my head :,,|||||
Some of them turn the stuffies the other way when nightly cuddles turns into something more passionate and some of them are a bit meaner (COUGHCOUGHCOUGH LUCIFER ND HIS CORRUPTION KINK COUGHCOUGIGOVCIHCOS)
Okay, this is such a cute little imagine I just :') haha took it and ran a bit...or a lot! hope you enjoy - small suggestive/smutty part at the end, minors do not interact!
word count: 1400+ genre: mostly fluff / some smut (MDNI) tags: fluff, sibling rivalry, gender neutral reader, implied poly mc, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, oral sex, sex on camera rating: mature
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It all started when Lucifer had noticed your favorite plushies that you had brought from home on your bed while you were out grocery shopping with Mammon and Asmodeus. He had the bright idea to get a plushie for you himself, and give it to you as a gift. Once his other brothers found out what he had done, of course it launched into a competition, with the other Six giving you plushies as well.
Lucifer is quite serious about the plushie he has given to you - he makes sure it is kept in pristine condition every time he swings by your room. Adorned with many accessories (each imbued with protection spells, unbeknownst to you), the plushie definitely reminds you of him in appearance - of course he would get you a plushie to literally represent him. He even enchanted the plushie to carry his scent, so that when you cuddle with it at night, you can't help but to think of him. He would never admit it, but he put a lot of thought and care into his plushie for you. If he sees any of his brothers even so much as breathe on it incorrectly, he'll make a mental note to add a little extra spice the next time he wants to punish them.
Mammon is naturally the most competitive about the whole thing. Every time one of his brothers gifts you a new plushie friend, he goes right out and buys two more - bigger, better, shinier! NO ONE can outdo The Great Mammon when it comes to giving his human some plushies! He's given you so many that you could make a giant crow's nest out of them that would cover most of your bed. Whenever he comes over, he pushes all of the plushies from his brothers under your bed, arguing that "ya got all these plushies here from yer first man, why the heck would ya need anythin' else?!" and you can't help but to pull him into a tight hug and indulge him once again as you begin your movie night.
You and Leviathan actually exchange stuffies with each other, after it takes you 4 days, 67 texts and three phone calls to get Levi to leave his room after hearing about the small collection you already have from his brothers. Envy floods his brain, convincing him "you would never exchange something like that with him," but you manage to finally make him believe you! And ever since, the lil group of you have a plethora of adventures together. Now when the two of you make cosplays together, you make an additional little mini set for your plushies to wear for your next TSL night! And when he is bored, sometimes Levi can't help but to look back at the photo album of your cosplays together on his DDD fondly.
Satan definitely hates the Lucifer plushie. Like, with every fiber of his infernal being. He would love to set the damn thing on fire - and often has dreams in which he does exactly that - but he loves you more and wouldn't want to hurt you like that, so he gets his own to give you instead. You guys love to have murder mystery parties with the plushies, but had to ban the eldest's plushie from the party when you started to notice it was somehow always the victim. Aside from that, the two of you also enjoy just cuddling up together with his plushie and reading by the fire. You both have tea and cookies while sharing poetry with one another, under the embrace of your favorite fluffy blanket, the plushie snug between the two of you.
Asmodeus makes an entire day of going out shopping for plushies and outfits with you. Little did you know, he had called in a few favors with one of his fashion designer friends to have both the plushies and their outfits custom made to his design. When the two of you get back to his room, you sit down in front of his vanity with your new plushies and start making each other over, in preparation for the fashion show you’re about to have. After getting hair and makeup ready, you slip on your outfits, making sure everything looks just right, both with yourselves and your new stuffed friends. Asmo uses one of the extra plushies from his bed to prop up his DDD to record the fashion show - which still remains at the top of his Devilgram highlight reel.
Beelzebub was probably the only one of his brothers that was unfazed by the whole competitive aspect of this. He was walking back home from fangol practice one afternoon, arms full of bags of food for the two of you from Hell's Kitchen. As he's walking, he notices an adorable plushie in a shop window that reminds him of you. Of course he goes in to buy it, and soon enough he is making a beeline straight home and directly to your room with all of the goodies. He honestly has no idea which he loves more - the look on your face as you eat your favorite Devildom food, or the smile you flash and the glimmer in your eyes as he gives you the plushie. He can't help but to pull you into one of his famous Beel hugs.
Belphegor was feeling a bit bratty when he heard that his brothers were in this stupid little plushie competition for you. He ended up disappearing for a couple of days, nowhere to be found and completely ignoring all attempts to reach him via DDD. You eventually find him upon looking for him in the attic a second time. Upon entering you see him asleep in bed with a giant plushie, one as long as he is tall. You sit on the edge of his bed and call out to him a few times with no reply. After calling his name the fourth time, you reach out to touch him, only to have his tail wrap around you and pull you down into his cuddle pile. He presses a kiss into the top of your head, mumbling something about how ‘he got you this gift because you are his,’ before drifting back off to sleep. You smile and press a kiss to the bottom of his jaw, cuddling closer before joining him in slumber.
When it comes to moments of intimacy, most of the brothers are rather respectful, and don’t like the feeling of the little plushie eyes on them during your love making. Two of the brothers in particular are a bit more devious than the others, though . . .
It was one of those rare evenings where Lucifer was spending time with you in your room instead of his. One thing led to another, and now here you were; the Avatar of Pride thrusting into you as you grip the sheets and moan out his name. Right as you both are about to hit your climax together, Lucifer breaks eye contact with you as he releases, his eyes locking with the Satan plushie right as he fills you with his seed. As he is coming down from his high, a sadistic idea plants himself into the back of his mind. He had been looking for a new way to punish his brothers, and the audience of plushies watching the two of you had proven useful in giving him this devious idea. The next time his brothers did something especially egregious that warranted punishment, he will simply string them up from the ceiling and make them watch as he takes you - even just the idea of it fills him with enormous pride.
One night, after your little fashion show date, things were getting hot and heavy in your room. Asmodeus was making out with you in a rather passionate fashion as your hands found the way to the hem of his shirt, tugging it off. As you begin to pull on his belt, he grabs your hands, a devious smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes. “Wait…I have an idea…” He pushes himself off of your bed, pulling one of Mammon’s plushies along with him. He props the plushie up on the dresser across from your bed before pulling out his DDD, making sure the plushie is holding it and the front facing camera is on. He looks back to you as you nod your consent, and he makes his way back to your bed, peeling off your pants and pushing your underwear to the side, leaning down to taste you as you let out the first of many moans. He would never dream of posting the video anywhere - but he definitely does text you little clips from it to tease you when he is craving more of you.
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undercoverpena · 11 months
v. you make me feel wild
javier peña x f!reader | chapter five of late night texts
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summary: It's the year 2000. Javi is minding his own business on the porch of his pop's ranch when a text from an unknown number vibrates his phone. The only problem is, no one knows he has a phone and no one has his number.
chapter warnings: fluff. flirting. continuous romcom vibes. an: it's happening. everyone stay calm. also, we have a new header ;) wordcount: 2.2k.
text key: bold is you/reader | italics is javi
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Woke up this morning and remembered that we’re going to meet
I may have also woke up smiling
On a scale of Javi smiles was it bigger than the one when we destressed one another?
bigger you flirt
I’ve learnt from you. Never used to be like this. I was innocent before talking to you.
somehow baby I doubt that
We can argue about it later if you want? When I kick your ass at the crossword.
cant wait. try not to let those assholes get you down
I’m on my best behaviour this week. Need them to not revoke going to Houston.
oh any special reason
Not really.
ouch baby
Ask silly questions, win silly prizes.
im going to houston too
Oh are you? Any special reason?
gonna meet this beautiful woman who is an outrageous flirt
Great now I'm blushing.
you make it so easy
I have to go, the meeting is beginning, I'm sorry. Speak later, baby xx
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Pop doesn’t bring it up, even if he knows. He waits—like dads do.
Forcing Javi to bring it up, all awkward—sweat pebbling around his neck, lower spine and brow. Not helped by the sun beating down on them, having to shout parts over the occasional animal grunt heard over their discussion as they repair the barn door.
Lately, his Pop leaves him to do bits like this alone. But he’s been hovering. More since the phone calls began and a level above that since he walked in on him the other night.
He stews in it. Allows it to thicken before he really brings it up—unsure whether to come out with it or skate around it. The two of them have gotten out of practice when it comes to sharing.
Javi is more used to lying to save face than being honest.
A hazard of his old job, he supposed. A mask he applied so his old man didn’t worry. Now, with those same occupational worries gone, Javi still finds it hard to let people in. Truly in. Not wanting to discuss Colombia, discuss Cali or Escobar.
It all adds to a pile of things the two Peñas don't talk about.
This wasn’t even bad news. It was good. Precisely what everyone wanted—including him—yet the words still seem to ball up in his throat. Rounding off, becoming a lump that sits.
Making it hard to breathe as he lifts a piece of wood; making it hard to twist when he moves to grab the hammer.
So much so, the words eventually just burst out of him. More like a confession than anything else.
“—that must have been real embarrassing for you.”
He can hear you stifling a laugh. His verbal reenactment of the conversation in the field with his Pop having tickled you.
“You’re an awful person,” he says, twisting the cord around his finger, smirking.
“If you feel that way, baby. We can always not meet.”
“Don’t you fucking dare. We’re meeting,” he says, coating his words in playfulness, even if there's a serious undertone remaining.
Turning on the spot, he leans against the wall. Finger looping more of the cord—hearing you lightly laugh.
“What... what is the plan, anyway?”
You hum, and he hears you shifting. Likely getting comfortable or reaching for something.
He’s learnt that often when he calls, you’re on your sofa—a blanket, sometimes over your lap. You like to be cosy, even if it's a warm day.
Other times you’re in your room, sitting on the bed—or under the sheets. It depends entirely on how warm you are, and how you’re feeling.
“Well, work will pay for my hotel for my two-night stay, and then if we, y'know, wanted to stay, I’ll just need to sort a room out for after.”
“How long have you managed to book off?”
It comes out shaky, more than he means it to.
Some of the finer details of your two’s meet left simmering in the centre of your usual conversations.
Both of you are evidently too afraid to ask.
“I’ll have managed to book off the week. Two days, including the day I land, for work and then the rest—if you're not a weirdo—can be with you.”
Grinning, he leans his head back, resting it against the wall. “Bit late now for you to be worrying about me being a weirdo, baby. I know the sounds you make when I make you—“
Smirking, he bites the inside of his cheek. “It sounds good. Tell me the hotel, and I can book a room there.”
He hears it, the relief. The way you let out a breath, it blowing down the phone—making him smile.
“Y-you don’t mind?” 
“You expected me to?” 
Pausing, he hears you shuffle again. Sounding more like you’re on your bed than your sofa. “I mean, no. I guess I wasn’t sure what you’d assume. Cause, while there’s a good chance when I see you, I’ll want to spend every waking moment with you, there’s, y’know…”
Grinning, he curls the phone line around his palm, fingers sliding between parts. “The chance it could be a lot?”
“I just don’t want to fuck this up.” 
He doubts you could.
From what he knows of you, he’s sure of it.
But, he also isn’t quite ready to confess he’s already pretty head over heels for you. That he is without seeing your face, knowing how tall you are—whether you have dimples or not, whether you smile with your lips or your entire face. 
“How’re you gonna fuck this up, baby?” 
You go silent, wondering if that’s the point you’ve shrugged to no one but your apartment. 
“I’ve heard I’m a lot,” you say quietly. 
Something snaps in him, a fracture running through him. “That’s alright. Steve told me I’m an asshole.”
“You’re not an asshole—“
“And I promise you’re not a lot. If anything, you could actually talk more to me.”
“Shut up, I talk loads.” 
He smiles, biting the inside of his cheek as he sighs. “I'm excited to see you.” 
“Me too.” 
Moving closer to the wall, he swallows, looking at the chipped tile in his kitchen. “You’re not gonna fuck this up, baby.”
“Promise. Let me book the room for the same amount of days as you, and then we can take it from there,” he says.
Struggling to hide his smile as you excitedly tell him you'll go grab your hotel details. More so when he's sure he heard you trip over something.
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Are we going to do this when we meet?
you want to still do the crossword together
Yeah! We can find a place to pick up the paper if you want?
id like that
Good! Now, hit me with the next one so I can get some sleep so I can see you quicker.
got me blushing baby
7th word is d from ciders and clue is replacing, nine
Insteadof. This one is easy.
yeah im beginning to see that
Maybe we’re getting good at it?
let’s put it to the test, self-confidence six
Okay that one did take me a second but it’s aplomb.
you amaze me
Thank you. I think I should try and get some sleep, don’t want to look half-dead when I see you.
I doubt you ever could
I can’t believe I’m going to see the face that matches that suave voice.
suave ay. cant wait to see how pretty your smile is
You’re making me blush again.
tomorrow ill get to see it in person
You will. Goodnight, baby.
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If I wasn’t meeting you it would be criminal being up this early.
Actually, it isn't even early. It is still night.
morning to you to baby I’m about to get on the road
Ok, I'm going to make myself the largest coffee.
Also if you’re not there after half an hour I’ll just head to the hotel.
hermosa I’m picking you up 
I know but just in case, least you know I won’t be standing around. 
you won’t be because I’ll be there 
Javi, this way you have options to take one look at me and drive the other way. 
I won’t do that 
I’m just giving options and in case there is traffic 
hermosa, im not going to stand you up
Okay, can’t blame a girl for wanting to help.
you can help me by getting your ass to the airport
Getting bossy, are we? I like it.
fuck baby you cant say things like that to me when i need to leave
Just something to think about on your long drive. Please drive safe, baby. See you soon.
see you in several hours
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Javi is surprised at how smooth the drive is.
He watches the sun rise up as the miles tick on, sliding his aviators from his shirt to up on his nose. He finds a surprising road stop that serves not-bad coffee.
The kind that doesn’t leave that cheap tinge on his tongue or bitterly sitting in the back of his throat.
He doesn’t feel nervous, either.
And on top of that, he finds a parking spot at the airport with ease.
In a way, he worries it’s too good to be true. That such smoothness now means a rocky hill later.
That’s when the nerves kick in. It sitting, fluttering in his stomach—at first, all little wings and then all of a sudden something larger.
Shifting the parking brake into place, he turns the key to silence the car. His pulse creates a beat—steady, almost orchestral—as he glances up at the sea of people stepping out of the airport. 
This is it.
He’s been trying not to picture you—attempting not to turn shapes into something solid. Javi wants the experience when his eyes land on you, as though his world is in black and white, and then he’ll see colour.
It’s what he hopes.
A part, small but insistent, keeps chipping away at him, reminding him to plan for the worst. To have a backup plan—a way out.
Picking up his phone, he stares at the blank screen. Somewhat reassured that you hadn’t either texted that you’d arrived earlier—or worse, you’d changed your mind.
Lifting his chin, sliding his palm over his jeans, he takes a breath—deep, heavy, the kind that expands his chest until it can’t anymore.
You should have landed by now.
His eyes glance at the time on his watch as he takes another breath. Checking down at his shirt, making sure for the hundredth time he hadn’t spilt coffee—ensuring dark brown hadn’t stained pink.
It’s what you had asked for.
How will I know it’s you? youll know Because you’re oh so handsome? yes that and ill wear bright pink For me? You spoil me.
Running his tongue over the front of his teeth, he brushes his palm over his face.
It’s only then that he allows his eyes to flick from face to face, worry creeping in. It trying to merge with the happiness he’s been stifling on the drive. Scanning and scanning, glancing and glancing—
Then, in a worn denim jacket, legs out, dragging a battered suitcase behind, he sees you.
Or who he hopes is you.
If it is, you look nervous. It makes you stand out from the crowd of bustling people around you, as they struggle to get past you, and you struggle to force it behind a smile or banish it from your cheeks.
Even from here, it pulsates. You finding it more difficult as shaky hands pull out something from your pocket, unfolding it, before he sees the most ridiculous hand-drawn sign in between your fingers.
It’s definitely you. 
You who has scratched Javi P onto a piece of paper, all accompanied by a worried expression on your face as you shift from leg to leg. 
Javi isn’t sure why you made the sign. You didn’t need it.
Somehow, against all logic and odds, he knew it was you. His arm shoving the car door wide as he exits, not looking back to check it slams into place as he crosses to you, watching, waiting with his heart in his throat for your eyes to land on him. 
And when they do. 
It’s an eclipse. 
It hits your eyes first, making them gleam like a beacon guiding him home. Then it reaches your cheeks, lips sliding up, teeth showing as you lower the sign, staring at him as he moves closer, forgetting all the others around the two of you.
As though a single soul has never even existed outside the two of you.
It’s just him and you.
Coming to a stop in front of you, he lets himself stare you up and down—voice and texts stitching themselves to the face he now sees. 
Flexing his fingers at his side, Javi watches you slowly lick your lips as his heart slides back into its rightful place. The nerves slowly stop fluttering, and his mind begins to catch back up with him.
And the only thought that remains is: You're beautiful.
More than his mind could ever conjure or create.
“Hi,” you say.
And it falls like glitter from your lips to his ears. 
His lips are unable to relax from their grin, spreading wider, cheeks aching as he fights running his knuckles against your cheek. “Hi.”
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an: if this was a sitcom, this would be my season finale... but alas it isn’t, so you only have to wait a week for them to be hanging out *wink, wink*
✨ also, check out this really cool moodboard a beautiful soul made for LNT for the birthday bash
next chapter ->
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mooncheese3 · 6 months
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au wherein when sj first got into the sect and went down to the brothel, he runs into a young wannabe rogue cultivator
the rogue was, well, roguish— rough, rule detesting, and flighty. handsome. brown eyes and warm cheeks, most likely a slight sunburn (because of course he doesnt have a hat). he looked around sjs age, if a bit older. more height than muscle, but with time and experience sj reckons he’d grow broader as well. the only thing that caught sj’s eye at the time though… was his terrible spending habits!
what was he doing, getting scammed out of his coins over some sword tassels of all things. atrocious!!!!!!
if theres one thing sj cannot stand and can relate with sqh, its detesting those who cannot use their money right. his shitty day adds onto his anger, so rather than leaving it alone, sj goes over to the pair of merchant and customer, scolding the merchant first and then the rogue cultivator. the rogue, new to this living out of his mansion thing (his previous life as the fourth son with too much freedom couldnt compare to now, he doesnt even have people to fall back on for funds!), decides, ‘hey, this persons nice enough to tell me i did something wrong, why not keep going to him for help?’
the rogue camps out at that town, always there to pester sj once he comes down the mountains. sometimes sj lectures him, sometimes sj scolds him, and sometimes he simply observes how sj acts around the streets and notes down whatever he gleans. it goes on for weeks, until finally the rogue (and secretly sj) feels like he can survive out there—all he needed now was experience, something he cant get with just the knowledge he now has
after that, sj expects to never see him again. when people get what they want, they leave. thats just what happens, simple as that.
but then, to sj’s astonishment, he meets the rogue again! not on accident, mind you.
“well, we’re friends now!” the rogue says, “/and/ i saw an imitation of one of your paintings at an auction and was like, ‘i should visit’”
sj immediately thinks that isn’t true. there must be something else the rogue wants from him.
and so once in a while, at least once or twice every two months, sj continues to encounter the rogue whenever he goes down the 12 peaks. each time, sj’s doubts ever so slightly melt away. and each time they meet again, they both note to themselves that the other has changed.
sj notices how the rogue comes back with a harsher tan, wider now in his frame. hes more confident and mature, more streetsmart and wise. the guy isn’t so prone to impulse, now taking the time to think before doing something. a small improvement, to be honest, since he still goes and does something foolish, just with a backup plan—though sj bets theyre made up on the spot most times (he also finally invested in a cloak— apparently he has a thing against hats? sj’ll find out one day, he’s sure)
the rogue on the other hand notices how sj comes back more refined, more otherwordly in aura. his quips and witty remarks have taken on a new level, he probably needs to go back to reading to get half of the references! he walks smoother, and each step he takes looks as light as a feather—how does he do that! (worryingly, the rogue also notices how sj always looks like he’s being weighed down, and that his walls are higher than ever before. did something happen?)
the day sj realizes the rogue is the first person to not want to take something from him, and who he’s sure wont leave, even if the time spent together is so much lesser than being spent apart, he feels…scared. anxious, as if now that he’s been made aware, the world will now make it its mission to take this one thing away from him. for the first time, instead of driving the rogue away like all the others, he feels compelled to stick as close as possible. being away from the sect is an added bonus.
the rogue likes this change, though is confused as to what brought this on. oh well, the company is nice! now he can show sj all the little things that reminded him of sj he found on his travels. like this one staff being displayed in a shop: it was such a pretty shade of green! or, or this one lake in a cave, the ripples would be nice to paint right? especially when the light from those bioluminescent vines hit the water.
sometimes they get separated on their travels, but they always find each other again. unconsciously, instances like these help heal sj’s fears.
in short the two of them go from strangers, to acquaintances, to friends (in the distant future lovers AAAAA)
sidenote: rogue guy is like, similar to lqg in how he goes about his morals. hes a do good, think about it later, type of guy. while lqg’s a do good, DONT think about it ever, type of guy.
he got disowned by his family because he exposed them for selling counterfeits, tax evasion, import and export of illegal items etcetc to the authorities. while he doesnt regret doing the right thing, he does regret doing it loudly and without a plan. the family members he knew were innocent, who he didnt at least warn beforehand so that they can get away/cut ties before all of it goes to shit, were and will continue to be shamed by everyone they come across for the crimes the rest of the family committed
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minicoffee00 · 7 months
I’m just here as a distraction right? Part 1 Lucien x Reader
Plot: After Lucien finds out Elain is his mate, he spends the first year pining after her. After seeing her getting closer to Azriel and her found family in the Night Court, he starts to have feelings for a High Fae Girl who stumbled in Jurian, Vassa and Lucien’s home.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Lucien had listened to Feyre when she'd said to keep trying to reach out to Elain, to get to know her. He attempted getting her food and drinks but she always looked at it in disgust and pushed it away. She never accepted any of the offered gifts, or his time that he offered up.
Lucien got to the point where he wasn't even trying to woo her, just trying to be a friend, someone she could talk to when she didn't know who else to go to. But Elain was being cruel, she wasn't rejecting the bond, because when she did that it made it real and she didn't want to acknowledge it. However, she was completely happy to pursue Azriel.
When he saw them out in the garden, he couldn't help but see how Elain was forcing a connection between them, even more so when she knew he was watching.
"Feyre, I cant stand to be here much longer. I'm being treated like a stray wet dog coming into your home. I no longer wish to impose" he voices, knowing he had a place with Jurian and Vassa.
"Please Lucien, she'll come around" Feyre begged, holding Nyx on her hip.
"It's been a year Feyre, she wont even acknowledge me as a friend. Which i would have been to her despite the bond. It's running me ragged ... her not rejecting me and letting me move on while i have to watch her with HIM" Lucien grits out.
"I know, but please Lucien. You are my friend" Feyre breathes coming closer to him. Just as he was about to cave, and admit defeat and say he would stay here for a little longer, Azriel and Elain walked in from the garden, Azriel with a hand on her lower back guiding her through the door.
They both pause, seeing Lucien, Feyre and Nyx. Elain stops her laughter shying away a little seeing the red haired fae that always hung about.
"I'll take that as my leave" he says glancing at Feyre, and she knew what he meant. He wouldn't be coming back.
"Lucien, please" Feyre begs one last time.
"Goodbye Feyre" he says before winnowing out and to a place, he felt slighty better in, but not home. He never felt like he'd find a home.
Lucien arrived home, greated by a heavily drunk Vassa and Jurian. He joined them for the entire night only waking to a rough bang on the front door of their house.
Lucien was the one who drunk the least and ended up aanswering the loud knocking. He opens the door to a face he hadn't seen in a year.
"Tam?" he asks in shock, the blonde man seemed healthier now. His blonde hair was bright again no knots and no dirt in sight. He had washed, found new clothes and he looked like his old self.
"Hello, old friend" he greets, Lucien steps out pulling his old High Lord into a hug.
"I think there's something I've acquired that is off use to you" he grins out, in a teasing manner.
"You- You're here" Lucien breathes out, a deep chuckle coming from Tamlin.
"Yes, I am. Beron has fallen and Eris has had the transfer of his High Lord nature. It seems he had granted your mother access to go to her former lover" he says, the grin turning a little malicious, something that didn't go un-noticed by Lucien.
"And now that the Spring Court is back and thriving and my people are happy, I've had time to travel and well gather important information" he adds.
"Information like?"
"Seems like little Feyre, hasn't been completely honest with you. Someone you deemed a friend. So I'm here as a friend Lucien, because that's what we are and i, unlike some people don't hide the truth from them" Tamlin admits, and Lucien stays silent. A gentle nod for Tamlin to continue.
"Beron, isn't your father. Your mother had an affair with a different High Lord of the Seven Courts" Tamlin smirks, Lucien's head snaps up in shock, he kenw Beron treated him awfully and thats why he'd left to come to Tamlin.
"Who is it?" Lucien asks.
"Feyre worked out that Hellion is your father, he and your mother had an affair and thus you were born, so right now Lucien you my friend are the only heir to the Day Court. And a hopeful ally of mine. Now that Eris has taken over Autumn Court, god knows what he's agreed to with the night court!" Tamlin explains, however the conversation is cut short as you enter.
“STOP” a shout comes across, a young woman, running towards Tamlin, thanks to her attire it was obvious that she was from the Day Court.
“Lucien, you weren’t supposed to find out like this” you say running up to them, you go to punch Tamlin, regardless who he is until an unearthly growl stops you, Lucien stepping in front of you. To protect you.
“My father sent you?” Lucien asks testing the word, it sounding so odd and foreign.
“Yes, to come get you so he could talk to you and explain to you. I’m one of his most trusted warriors. Please come back to the day court, he wants to meet you… well as his son” you offered, Lucien only grunts a hand slipping up his face covering his tired eyes.
“I can’t, not right now” he grunts out turning to go back in the house.
“Then let me stay with you, I have to bring you back eventually. So please let me stay with you until you feel ready.
And it took a while for Lucien to feel ready, he had so much on his mind, he had a father who according to what you had told him only found out a day before he had and had sent you out the minute be found out. His actual father seemed to care and he couldn’t help but think of what his life would be like IF he had been raised by Hellion rather than Beron.
Then there was the Elain situation, he could feel everything down the bond that had only seemed to strengthen and pull at his heart strings as he left. But he could feel Elain and everything she did. There was also the Night Court as a whole, specifically Feyre for lying to him. And now the fact that Tamlin was back asking for his friendship only now seeing his as a potential ally.
The only person who had been patient with him was you, you’d waited and helped him with little tasks he just couldn’t bring himself to do.
And because if this he slowly started to cling to you, as his only support.
This turned sexual very quickly, he had wanted some kind of release, and you being his outlet made sense.
From your mind however, you had slowly started to fall for the Day Court Prince, as his father had said to you, you’d teased him for days about it.
Every little thing you did was from the bottom of your heart, you wanted him to feel wanted and needed as you could tell he hadn’t had someone show him this level of affection in a long time.
“Lucien” you moaned as he kissed up the side of your body, his mouth finding itself on your breast, sucking and pulling at the tender flesh as it perked up.
“Yes, sweetheart” he asks.
“I need you” you say to him, he hadn’t understood the full meaning of those words but to you, that was commitment to him in itself.
He pulled up the dress skirt that you were currently wearing courtesy of Vassa, whom said you could borrow anything while you were here.
His fingers slid up your thighs, finding you already bare.
"So naughty" he groaned, you were already very wet, meaning his two fingers slid in with ease. He pushed them in and out, making a scissoring motion. He leaned down kissing across your jaw and neck, while basking in the noises you were making because of him.
He pulled his pants off and down, leaving him bear. He slipped in thursting until he bottomed out, whines coming from both of you. He made you feel so full and satisfied, and with this feeling you'd assume he was your mate.
However, Jurian had made it his mission to tease you around the fact that Lucien was already technically bespoke for.
You'd done this many times and Lucien never said anything, other than the occasional compliment, not abouthow you looked just how you felt around him. Breathy groans and whines were the most of what came from him, you on the other were extremely vocal, telling him how his skin glowed in the light, or how his eyes danced with colour. How silky his hair felt as it brushed against your breasts when he leant down.
He started to thrust in an out of you quicker, his hips starting to stagger, you tightened around him feeling that coil in you unleash with white hot ecstasy.
"Elain" he moaned, as you both came, he stilled inside you immedielty realising what he said.
"I-" you start but he pulls out of you, looking mortified at what he had just done.
"I didn't mean to say her name I - cant. I'm so sorry" he says putting his head in his hands.
"It's okay, I guess im just here as a distraction right, while you figure everything out, with you dad and you mate and your old courts." you say, pulling the dress down and standing up. You walk to the bathroom slamming the door shut and turning on the water to fill the bath.
Quiet sobs came out of you as you sent a letter to Hellion through a Falcon telling him you'd be returning to the palace without his son and that you couldn't stay here anylonger.
Later on today, i will post my up and coming and hopefully will be able to post what's in store for my 24 days of Christmas!
Not sure if a part 2 is needed however if there is demand i will be more than happy.
It's reading week at university this week so i can post more too! So my up and coming will hopefully be quick!
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Disney Villains Only being able to Speak their First Language to Eachother
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Hey fellow Hetalians (No such thing as an ex-Hetalian, y'all know that), remember that post about all the characters only being able to speak their countries official languages for a day?? And the chaos that would've ensued?? This is inspired by that post XD
Imagine the Disney Villains getting hexed by like, Mama Odie or Merryweather or Merlin or someone, so they can all only speak and understand their first language for a month.
Yes. A whole month.
The Toon Patrol are seriously struggling because Greasy keeps talking really fast Spanish at them but the rest have no idea what he's saying. Eventually Smartass decides to lock him in a separate room until this can be figured out and you can just hear banging and vague Spanish coming out the crack.
Ernesto is trying to figure out what some of the English speakers are saying because every 11th word is kinda familiar and they speak slow (Especially the rotund, yodelling fellow) but he keeps getting distracted by this faint Spanish yelling coming from another room.
Hades and Jafar stand off to the side near a wall just watching all the mess. They cant understand each other of course but no one else can understand them either so there's really nothing else to do. Hades will occasionally point something out, like Gaston leaning his sweaty arm on Frollo's shoulder and Frollo struggling to not buckle under the weight, and they'll chuckle. (Yes, laughter. The universal language XD)
Speaking of the French speakers-- they're suffering. Frollo hates his fellow French speakers for all being such sinners, Lady Tremaine hates the others because they're idiots or they have too much attitude towards her (*Cough* mal), Maleficent looks down on them all because they're all magic-less plebs, Edgar hates them because they all have money, and Gaston keeps talking about himself and someone is going to hit him. But they all try to keep it together, keep it classy, though most of them have elected to just not talk except for Gaston.
The oddest pairing is probably Hans and Ursula. She speaks Danish, or a dialect similar to it, and he is either Norwegian or Icelandic. If he's Norwegian, they're trying to figure out what the other is saying. Its mostly Ursula flirting with him and him carefully deciphering her words... and then facepalming. ikke til å tro (Unbelievable). But she keeps making like she has something important to tell him, like how to fix this huge predicament, and he keeps falling for it XD
Hilda and Mother Gothel speak German together and basically check out of this mess- like, do they want to understand what insanity Gaston and Jafar are saying again?? Or Frollo?? Haha, No...
Scroop speaks a harsh alien dialect and Silver's just standing next to him like yeah, yeah... you know i dont understand a word you're saying? *... realises scroop cant understand him either and sighs* Ahhh... *Rubs the bridge of his nose*
Rourke approaches the Horned King, curious why he's just standing there doing nothing and gets a string of growly Welsh and promptly... leaves... Like nope. Not today. That crap sounded like an ancient curse and that is not on todays schedule, thanks.
Clayton claims to have visited half these countries (Truth) and could figure out what many of the other villains are saying if he wanted (Exaggeration) so Cruella's like okay great... go and Captain Hook's like that's marvelous! go ahead then my good fellow!. He goes up to Shan Yu and immediately fails.
Shan Yu is usually pretty quiet around the other villains, so him standing there unreadable though faintly amused by them all is... not out of the ordinary XDD
If you have more to add, please feel free! XD
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a-certain-romance · 11 months
house wife anon back at it again
ok so i wanted to say yae miko w her house wife even more bc yes.
yae miko is so teasing she always grabs your hips while your cooking leaving small love bites on shoulder always saying
“if someone else tries doing this i think the night we’re gonna have would be…? how do i put this..extrodinary”
you always laughed it off or shyly looked away from her as she giggles but when that day did come..
oh boy she dragged you to an alleyway and started pounding you away letting her dick impale your insides honestly all she could do was watch you sob and beg for her to be a bit more gentle she just shushs you and kisses your tears away telling you the amount of times shes been holding back from just fucking you over the counter in the kitchen is how many times shes gonna cum inside
the next day you were being held by her possesively in your shared bedroom.
also since summer is comming up here is some extra for miko
miko always loves it when you go on vaction wether it be in a hotel and beachy area or just a hotel in general because she has to stop you from moaning everywhere everytime she starts fucking you senseless
“I thought creampies were your favourite desert? doesnt seem like it now”
shes so snarky but she will reward you afterall your just so cute not to adore.
she also bangs you against a hidden spot near the swimming pool of the hotel she just cant help herself!! afterall she wants her precious wife enjoying theese moments without being tired for once
THIS IS SO GOOD there’s really only so much I can add to your wonderful request they really do write themselves. Anon ily sm!!
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, crying, belly buldge, creampie, mentions of public sex,
Link to more housewife fics
The way she wouldn’t give a shit if you started to cry. Miko warned you of this before hand. Why does seeing tears turn her on so much? Maybe it’s because the slight bulge in your stomach serves as a reminder that you’re her’s and her’s alone. Once her jealousy calms down, she’ll reward you with the gentleness you were begging for. Kissing at your neck and worshiping your body with such tenderness.
How can she not bend you over everywhere? Your pussy looks so pretty with her cum gushing out of it. The hotel room is nice and all, but she loves testing your limits. Miko expertly keeps her poker face as her teasing touches grow to something more under the table. After making you squirm for a bit, she may relent and drag you to somewhere more private.
She just wants you to enjoy your vacation! Because, “If anything’s going to make you tired, it’s going to be me”
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wannabelife · 10 months
telepathy – myg
paring: yoongi x afab reader
genre: smut
warnings: phone sex, fingering, handjob, descriptive, multiple orgasms, dirty talk
a/n: i missed yoongi on stage so muuuch!! like wdym tour ended?? :((( did u all watch the final?? also, i cant believe he's already leaving :((((( here's a lil something to help us cope :)
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and there you are again, screen in front of you while agust d performs live but far away from you. you dont really know why you summit yourself to this. you could just ignore it and go to bed, but you can't.
since tour, yoongi and you can not always call each other, because of schedule, work but especially timezones. being away for quite some time just makes you a bit more needy than usual. also, the way he's sweating on stage, hip thrusting to nothing, growling, and working his hands on the guitar doesn't help at all.
you decide to shut the computer screen since this lack of attention is getting you frustrated. there's nothing more you can do.
a hour fly by of you trying to sleep, but your mind just can't seem to leave you alone today. you turn around on the bed to light the lamp on your nightstand as you grab your phone, checking the time, it is already past midnight. you know yoongi's concert had already finished around this time. you stare at your phone contemplating if you should call him or not.
maybe you should, whats the real bad in that? at least, you could try. you disk the numbers and wait for an answer on speaker.
"hello" yoongi's voice echoes in the room, sounding lower and raspier than usual because of all the singing and shouting on stage. you cant put a finger on it but at the moment it hits your ears, you feel your stomach tingles.
"hi, its me" you reply hating that you sound weak.
"i know its you" he let out a giggle and you can sense he's smiling "how are you?"
"im fine, what about you? was the show tiring today? you looked excited"
"i dont really feel it since im just happy to be on stage" you nod at his words even tho he cant really see you. after a small time of silence, he adds "were you watching?"
"what? your show? of course i was"
"what do you think?"
"what do you mean what i think?" you laugh a little because why would it matter "i like it... i like it a lot... its quite frustrating tho, just watching, not able to act— hm, act on... i mean, its nice, i like it a lot"
you can hear him laughing out loud on the other side while you just want to hang up on him and ignore everything. why would you ramble and stutter like that? there's no real reason for it.
"act on what? you didnt finish"
"i cant really come up what i was going to say"
"i know you are lying, yn. just go ahead and say it what you were thinking. act on what?"
"act on... my thoughts"
"and what is it that you imagine?"
"why does it matter anyways? they are just thoughts"
"why cant you just say you miss me? aren't you enough needy to ask for me?" you blush at his straightforwardness, not so unusual but always surprising.
"i am. i am needy for you, yoongi. i miss you so much. i want you but cant have you right now, and its so fucking frustrating" you groan more to yourself but that affects him too.
"tell me what is it that you miss so much, maybe i can help"
"your touch, yoongi. your perfect mouth on me"
he inhales after hearing you, his cock threatening to get hard at just the thought of it. the thought of you. he misses your touch too, the way you suck him like no one else does, the way you know all his right spots. the pretty sounds you make when he's on you and the way you two can go from raw and needy to passionate and slow. he misses having multiple rounds with you.
"does my slut miss it that much?"
you whine at the possessiveness in his voice, its true, you're his little slut after all.
"come on, bring the toy i bought you to your side. let me help my baby cum"
you hate how excited you feel at his words, jumping out of bed in one montion to do what he asked you, taking all of your clothes off in your way back, staying spreed naked for him even tho he cant see you.
"im already naked for you"
"how needy" he smirks to himself "send me a picture just to make sure you're right for me"
you open the camera on your chat room with him, making sure to open your pussy with your two middle fingers so he can see it perfectly. as you send it, you can hear the notification ring on the other side.
"you look so beautiful. lay down for me" he hears the bed sheets making a sound as you get comfortable and when it dies down, he assumes you're just right to get it started "i need you to suck your fingers for me, understood? when you are done bring them to your beautiful nipples"
you do as he says and after you suck them wet with your saliva, you use it to carass your nipples. your eyes closing at the feeling.
"babe, tell me how many fingers have you sucked?"
"four" as you deliver your answer, he lets out a low moan at the thought of it, he always knew your mouth can take a lot "what you want me to do?"
"keep massaging your pretty titties" you keep going but this is not enough right now, like he heard your thoughts, he speaks again "now pinch your nipples for me" you moan at the amazing feeling hitting you "i miss biting your pretty nipples and getting those moans myself" you cant help your legs closing for some kind of friction, your core begging for attention.
"i need more, yoongi-ah" you whine.
"alright alright, you can touch yourself now, but you cant touch your clit"
you whimper, a bit desperate trying to reach the pleasure he's keeping away from you.
"what's that? are you complaining?"
"no" as you obey him, you bring your finger to your core, teasing your entrance.
"tell me, how wet are you?"
"not much" you slide your finger up and down your bare pussy, not reaching your clit as he asked.
"gotta prepare that tight cunt, right?" you are just able to babble a small hmm as an answer as you start to feel the tension building between your legs "you can get on your clit now since you're doing so good for me, such a good girl"
as you slide again on your folds, you finally get where you need the most. you start drawing circles on your clit in a small motion at first. the wet noises getting louder each stroke as you pick up your pace. feeling like he deserves more too, you get the speakers close to your core so it can capture the wet sounds as you masturbate "can your heart it, yoongi? it's for you, all because of you"
"you're doing so great, my pussy slut, getting me so hard"
you keep moaning, your pussy clenching and as if he was there with you, feeling you himself, he speaks up "can you enter a finger for me?"
"yes– yes, oh my god... thank you, thank you" you enter with your middle finger, going in and out slowly to ajust. as you're fingering yourself, you get your thumb on your clit again doubling the feeling. you add another finger whimpering at the sensation inside you.
you're able to hear yoongi's bealt getting undone "baby, you are doing so good, keep going for me" you hear muffled sounds of movements on the other side of the line as a spitting sound hit your ears. yoongi spits on his hands, getting it to stroke lazily at his hard cock.
"curl your fingers, baby, make yourself cum"
you curl your two middle fingers inside you "its not enough" you grunt.
"i know, i know. my fingers and cock can reach so much more, make you feel so much better" you whimper, not able to stop the moans because you cant have him right now "just keep going, you're doing great" you fasten your fingers, moaning louder when your other hand start to work faster on your clit.
"who's cunt is it?"
"yours, yoongi. only yours"
"that's right. mine. mine tight beautiful cunt, fits me so perfectly" you can start to hear yoongi working on his cock, the sound getting louder, him leaving low gasps every now and then.
"im close" the built on your stomach getting closer to the edge each minute as your head is thrown back and eyes shutting.
"cum for me, yn" and you do. after his command, you let it go. goosebumps spreading all over your body as you mewl.
"get the toy i asked you" his voice sounds out of breath compare to before. your mind going blank, having a hard time to process his words after your high, but you get the sex toy either way. bringing it to life, the buzzing sound being easy to be heard "good girl" he praises you for obeying so nicely everything he asks.
the screen of your phone lights up, and you can see yoongi is facetiming you. you answer fastly, placing it on the desk in front of your bed, so he has a great view of it and you. he's half naked, his cheeks a bit rosy and his hand on his cock. he grazes his thumb on its head, collecting more precum from it as he sighs in relief.
you spread yourself in front of the screen, finally bringing the toy to your clit. feeling sensitive post orgasm, you whine at the slight pain it brings you that it's not bad at all.
"get another finger inside, i know you can take it" you moan and slowly add the third finger inside you, curling it up, making you see stars "fuck, look at me, yn" he pleads.
you do. he's faster on his length as he brings his other hand to caress his balls. yoongi moans audibly now, watching you without blinking, nipples hard, your fingers working on your cunt, and he can see it clenching around them too.
you fight the urge to close your eyes to keep the eye contact, the overstimulation hitting you as you circle the toy on your clit. your legs threatening to close as the built starts again "that's right, my babe is going to give me another one"
"cum with me, yoongi, please" he hears you, swearing at the view, at your words, at the feeling. your body goes stiff for a second, your legs trembling and a whine coming out in high pitch as you are cumming again. the toy leaving your hand hitting the floor with a sound, just the three fingers fighting to prolong your orgasm.
yoongi cant stop staring at your form, your pretty sounds and your eyes rolling back from the pleasure "fuck, im close" he says and you finally start to relax, all the cum dripping from your core weting the mattress as he cant help it anymore. he's coming undone with a moan.
both of you breathing loudly and fast, as your chests goes up and down, waiting for the comedown.
"you are amazing" he sighs.
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surfinminho · 8 months
Kinktober day 16- tentacle fetish w/ han
⤷ warnings: overstim, reader is mentioned once (no gender), size kink if you squint, anal penetration
⤷ word count: 777
⤷Taglist : @greysweaters-blog @hannie-bees @ashydoinwhat @chansbabygirlsstuff @hiddlestandom @stanskzsstuff @mal-lunar-28 @leeracha @linos-kitten @bonateukna @ihrtlix
⤷ permanent taglist: @iadorethemskz @iluvseungie
*please dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.*
You probably would think he's weird for this, hell even he thinks he's weird for liking such things. Maybe his anime addiction is catching up with him.
To pass time he usually watches anime, typical of him usually picking whichever one catches his eye. Every since he was a kid he loved cartoons so what's the difference now.
Maybe, again it's his anime addiction that has this effect on him but at the same time he might be a kinky freak. It could also be because of the type of hentai he watches.
He was curious, scrolling through some random website full of hentai videos. He stumbled upon a video. Of course he clicks on it, it's interesting to him so he clicks.
What he wasn't expecting to see is his dick twitch from the confinement of his underwear.
He had never felt an orgasm that strong before. Imagining an extraterrestrial fucking him? He was surely embarrassed when he came. Quickly turning off his phone, staring up into space. Was he like really really into that? Surely it was a one time thing.
The next time it happened, he deliberately clicked on it. No "im curious" or anything of the sort. He felt gross for liking it but after the first time, he really couldn't stop.
After the nth time he jerked off to some tentacle porn, he caved in and brought a dildo. A fairly large sized dildo, with a wide base.
He did anal stuff before he was even with you. Though he never took somethingー that big.
When he received the package, he held off trying it for a while. Keeping it under his bed where no one else could find itー unless they are, of course snooping.
When he took it out and held it in his hands his mind was racing.
He grabs the bottle of lube from the side drawer, pulling down his pants and underwear. He squirts some of the lube out of the tube, warming it up with his other hand.
He prods the first finger at his rim, slowly pushing it in. He tentatively starts moving his finger, before adding another one.
"s-shit" he says as he doubles over. It doesn't take much to get him going, or to finish.
He curls his fingers up simultaneously straightening them out again. He knew he had to prepare for much more but he feels like he can cum just from his fingers.
He adds a third finger, pumping them in rhythm. He felt like he could take the fourth relatively quick. Easing the fourth one in, he accidentally came. Semen dripping down his thighs and some landing on his stomach.
He whimpers at the feeling of him taking out his fingers. He reaches over for the lube he had early, grabbing the dildo making sure it's covered in lube. He lifts his hips place the tip at his hole.
He looks down and he can feel his heart racing. 'am I really gonna be able to take that' he thinks but before he can let his thoughts take over he lowers his hips on the toy.
"a-ah" he quickly brings his hand over his mouth, covering it from any noises he could possibly make.
He didn't even get to the middle before he starts to fuck himself on it. Reaching lower each time.
"c-cant!" Whimpers and whines leave his mouth as he bottoms out. Stretching out his hole, he was sure it would leave him with a limp.
He switches the pace, putting the end of his shirt in his mouth while he bounces. Mumbling random words that come mind.
He wraps a hand around his cock. Hand toying with his tip.
A specific plunge of his hips gets him cumming, head buried in the pillows.
"Mmph s-so good! Fuck."
He slowly pulls the dildo out of his ass, seeing the abundance of lube he use leak out too gets him hard again.
Instead of going for another round of analー which he knows he can't take. He opts to grinding on the toy.
He puts the toy underneath him, slowly moving his hips across it. Leaving a trail of precum on it.
He was getting sensitive, this being the third time cumming. Every movement makes him shudder.
"Too much!" He moans, hips never stop moving though.
Quickly after he cums again in little spurts. He looks down at the mess he made, covered in his own cum, sweat and some lube. He takes a picture and saves it to his private album. Definitely gonna revisit that picture one or twice.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Oh, oh! I got one!
okay okay, so, don’t feel pressured to write this if you do t want to, but what about slashers (Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, anyone else you wanna add) with a s/o who gets really distracted? Like, in the middle of doing something that should be simple, they zone out and forget what they were doing. (I have really bad ADHD so that’s why I’m asking-)
like, they even have to remind their s/o to take medicine and just nudges to get them back on track-
idk, do what you will with that idea, and again, thank u for ur time!!
btw, u look amazing today!!
You too look amazing today! Thanks for request! Why is everyone so spooked of requesting, the worst thing I can do is not answer🥰
Slashers with s/o that gets distracted A LOT
Sinclair Vincent
Imagine, s/o is in Vince workplace first time, he probably wants to turn them into wax figure, he leaves room for one second to grab some tools. Boom s/o is just walking around judging his wax figurines
Mans gonna be like 🧍in corridor when they are just amused by how cute and pretty some of those lil figurines are🥰
After they get along, Vince really enjoys slow walks thrue gallery or just near area, cuz its very pretty and there's no Bo screaming like child
He saw some pretty leaves, he went to pick them up so he can show them to s/o. He turn around... where.. where are they??!?!? Huuh did they leave him?? Dude will be overthinking hard. But after few minutes of looking for them, they just kinda spawn behind him "hey vince look i found this cool as rocks and then I saw deer's and I kinda fallowed them to this dope river come see!"they just grab his hand and lead him :(tbh vince was this close to mental break down, now he always holds hands
Myers Micheal
My dude is about to buy one of those backpack leashes that some parents have. He's like 80years young, ain't no way he's going to run around city looking for some guy who just saw pretty butterfly and almost got hit by a car 5times.
To be honest they should be ones making sure he won't just walk of and get lost in Forest judging by his age
When he notice that s/o didnt take their daily medicine he just takes it and slams it on desk/table next to them or just throws it at them! Take the pills dummy!
S/o calling him 'heya mickey im lost pick me up' happends twice per week. Really s/o be more careful pls
Voorhees Jason
If you thought that Vincent panicked? Oh this guy will have mental breakdown, cry and then search whole place
In forests signal sucks so they can't call him and screams won't do much cuz echo and Jason is mute so he cant yell back anyways
He won't buy leash but he will hold their hand 24/7 nuh uh you cant go run after those deers, no you can't go swimming we know what happend in 1957
Now he has ptsd and evertime he wakes up and doesn't see s/o in his eyesight he instantly thinks that she's in difrent country or dead
Heelshire Brahms
This dude knows the whole mansion no way he loses them here right?
Jokes on you brahms they are already on the other side of it
Even tho they are in closed space, which is safe and very known to Brahms it doesnt stop his abandment issues and... idk he has a lot of issues tbh. No matter how long he knows s/o he's is 100% sure that they are trying to leave.
He will probably speed run thrue corridors screaming their name and he just stubbles across them just watching paitinings on walls "this you? You were ugly ass baby" "WHERE WERE YOU" "I saw funny rats and i wondered where they have secret cheese hideout" "rats?😰" (its a reference to my old fic where brahms was beaten up by rats and now hes spooked of them)
He has calendar with highlighted date everyday they have to take pills and how many so every morning when s/o wakes up they see his face like few centimetres away from theirs, with aggressive eye contact holding pills "it is time my love" " oh :("
I added brahms cuz hes goofy, have wonderful day person reading this!! And never be spooked to ask for headcanons! We love that
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noisyquokka · 9 months
hii i’ve just found you acc and i’m inlove with your fairy tail kisses story. i cant get out my head the thought of y/n and jisung telling her cousin they are together and her being abit like ew but also like happy cuz she’ll see ji more.
could you write like a short epilogue or something of them telling her? you don’t have to but the thought just has me crying 🥺
lots of love ❤️
PAIRING - Jisung x F!Reader
WARNINGS - Fluff, basic cute s/o interactions, we on babysitting duty again, also kids say the craziest things 😭
A/N - My GOSH!!! You don't know how much I kicked my feet as I wrote this, thank you for the request! Fairly certain that Fairytale Kisses is my favorite fluff piece on my Masterlist so it was lovely to add a little extra to it! I hope you enjoy, Darling! 💛
Part 1 || Part 2
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Your ears perk at the sound of the front door swinging shut, little squeals accompanying the dull pitter-patter of bare feet. The shadow that whizzes past the kitchen is tiny, a flash of cerulean blue fabric and dark, bouncing braids. She doesn't even notice you, too busy scouting out someone else.
"Honey, please no running in the house!" It's your Aunt's voice; that gentle motherly tone that borders on a warning. You offer up a smile when she appears in the hall, the woman sighing as she places multiple bags on the counter. "I come bearing gifts."
Jisung peeks his head up from behind the counter, eyes darting to the Tupperware tins that she pulls from one bag. Dark brows arch in a knowing question and your Aunt chuckles.
"Yes, they're your favourite cookies, Jisung. Take your pick."
"Sung Sung?!" That mousey voice. Little feet scampering back toward the kitchen.
He's quick about it, slipping behind your spot at the counter, resting a hand at the small of your back. Reaching for a smaller tin of freshly backed cookies, he leans in and presses a quick kiss to your cheek when you spare a glance over your shoulder to him. And just like that, he's darting for cover again. And you're standing there shaking your head, clamping your hands over your burning cheeks as your Aunt chuckles at the antics between you and your boyfriend.
The scampering halts at the doorway to the kitchen, doe eyes settling on you with a newfound determination. You raise your brows, bringing a finger to tap at your chin as you glance toward the opposite end of the counter. She must've picked up on it, because little feet are heard pattering over the runners in the kitchen until…
"Sung Sung!!"
She lunges for him, tiny arms wrapping around his neck. You hear a grunt, the cookie tin sliding onto the counter as the man has no option but to embrace the little girl that clings to him like a koala. You chuckle at the sight of his finger tips gripping the edge of the counter, an attempt to keep himself upright. His free arm wraps around her, pulling her up and away from the floor with ease.
"You found me!?" He sounds surprised, the words muffled behind a whole cookie between his teeth. But you know he saw your not-so-subtle gesture that tipped her off to his location. Your cousin continues her clinging, her head tucked under the crook of his neck. She nuzzles her face into his t-shirt, soft sounds of contentment leaving her little body.
"I missed you," She mumbles quietly, as if just admitting such a thing turns her into a shy bean. Jisung chuckles, his hands moving to place her on one of the nearby stools.
"I missed you, too! How's my little Princess been?" He's gentle when he smooths out the tulle of her dress, the fabric having rode up on her legs as she raced through the house and clambered all over her favorite person.
Your Aunt catches your attention with a soft tap of the shoulder, and you turn your head.
"I'll be back around eight. Text me if you need anything." She says. You nod, watching as she turns to her daughter with a mock seriousness in her eyes. "Be good for your cousin and Jisung!"
All the woman gets is a fit of giggles and a coy nod.
It's been a few weeks since the kiss between you and Jisung. Since you gave in and both of you confessed in your own bumbling ways. After that, you agreed to a date, although the details didn't matter much to you. Just the idea of going out on a date was enough to keep you content. Jisung, however, planned everything to a T. You had scoffed at the sight of the empty arcade, rented out for the full day so the two of you could enjoy whatever games you wanted without interruption. Safe to say, he had more than outdone himself. The only thing you had yet to cross off your list was telling your little cousin the news.
Your eyes settle on the bundle of affection that has buried herself into Ji's side. The child is nuzzling into his torso, mussing her braids with not a care in the world. Jisung looks down at her with a grin, lightly patting her head before she springs off the stool and races around the counter to get to you. Her arms wrap around your legs as she looks up with curious eyes.
"I missed you!" She giggles, squeezing tighter as if she can bleed her love and affection into you through her sheer belief. You chock it up to some kind of kid magic because you swear her antics only make you smile broader. You lean down, balancing on the balls of your feet as you hook your hands under her arms.
"My goodness, you're getting so big!" You huff, placing her on the edge of the counter. "I won't be able to pick you up if you keep growing like this."
"King Sung Sung is strong! He can pick me up!" She exclaims, brown eyes darting over her shoulder. Jisung chuckles, biting into the cookie he'd pulled from the tin.
"Speaking of, the king needs his crown, doesn't he?" You ask, patting the out of place strands on her head. She nods eagerly, kicking her feet against the cabinet below. "Why don't you go get it for him. You remember where you put it, don't you?"
Another eager nod. You grin, slipping her off the counter top and watching as her little legs carry her off towards the hall once more.
"You're so good with her." You'd heard the footsteps to your right a moment prior, anticipating the warm hand that comes to rest on your hip. The corners of your mouth quirk up, and you turn around to face your boyfriend.
"That's humble coming from you. She ran through the entire house in search of you. Not me." Jisung rolls his eyes, waving away your words as he takes another bite of his cookie.
"Obviously! I'm the fun, humble, strong King Sung Sung!" He wisps his hair back like one of those movie characters, shooting you a smug grin.
"Oh my god, never do that again." You laugh, softly smacking the side of his face. That earns you a laugh as well, hands following the swell of your hips upward as he leans in.
"So we should probably tell her about us at some point, huh."
You bite at your bottom lip, nodding. It's something you've been thinking about a lot, even as you know she'll be over the moon to have Jisung around more often than he was before. But at the same time, you don't know how to tell her. For some reason, this seems more intimidating than the idea of meeting the parents (if you hadn't already known them for years) or even telling your friends.
"Hey," Jisung's brows furrow, noting that look in your eyes. He's known you far too long to not know where your head is. "She's smart, she loves you, and she loves me-" He chuckles into your hair, your forehead connecting with his chest. Ever the jokester! "I love you, and I know you're worried, but I don't think she's gonna care too much when she's got more time with the both of us." Warm hands find your jaw, pulling your face back up so he can capture your lips with his. It's delicate and sweet, not only from the cookie he'd bitten into. It eases your racing mind, the curve of your back leaning into the counter.
"I got it!"
You jump at the sound of that mousey voice, the palms of your hands shoving at a sturdy chest. You're quick, and yet, not quick enough.
Your cousin stands in the doorway, one of her costume tiaras adorning her head. Jisung's crown is grasped carefully between her fingers, those orange silk flower petals fluttering with every movement of her arm. You pivot on the balls of your feet, jutting a hip into the counter's edge as you cross your arms, bringing a hand up to your mouth. The little girl sways from her mad dash through the house, her cheeks pink from exertion.
"There you are, Muffin!" You clear your throat, sparing Jisung a glance. He's pressing his lips together, a hand at the base of his neck as he, too, leans against the opposite counter. The look on his face is both smug and embarrassed.
When you look back to the child standing in the doorway, it seems that she's already connecting dots. Doe eyes flit between the two of you, narrowed and analyzing until her nose is scrunching like that day three weeks ago.
"Hey~" She drawls out the word, tone going higher, it's almost accusatory. She bounces on her tip toes as she twirls in the doorway, pointing the crown in her hand at the two of you, her eyes wide with excitement.
Jisung's lips quirk as he watches her, taking note of her mannerisms. She's a little too giddy. Much more than usual. His eyes narrow as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Someone's been sneaking…"
Your brows furrow, but as you glance between the two, you begin to see the signs. Her feet shuffling as she now looks at the ground, that flush on her cheeks turning pinker. The dead giveaway for you is the exaggerated shrug she gives Jisung, suddenly too shy to answer either of you. The little stinker was right outside the hall for who knows how long.
Jisung is the first to move, taking the few long strides to the doorway only to kneel down so he was eye level with the child. She keeps her gaze on her wiggling toes, the tiara atop her head sliding forward. He tilts his head to the side, catching her gaze before she turns away with a pout.
"C'mon, Peanut. Why don't you tell us what you heard." He offers, attempting to gently coax her back into a playful headspace. He brings his hands up to his cheeks, rests his elbows on his knees. And when she looks up, that shy gummy smile returns.
"You kissed the magical moo cow again." She blurts, promptly covering her mouth with a squeak. Those brown eyes are wide, almost animated as she stares between the two of you. Jisung turns his head to lock eyes with you, trying to maintain his composure. That's obviously not what either of you were expecting.
"I did." He replies, eyebrows arching as he clears his throat. "Do you remember why?"
She blinks, brows furrowing as she thinks back through your little fantasy playtime sessions.
"To break the curse?"
"That's right, Sweet Pea." Jisung adjusts the tiara on her head, reaching down for the handmade crown in her grip as she glances up at him with stars in her eyes. He settles the crown atop his head, the woven branches fitting perfectly as he picks her up with a grunt.
"Does that mean you love each other?" She asks, fiddling with the tulle of her dress. You can't help but grin at the way she's going about this, almost like she's interviewing you for a school presentation. Jisung turns to you with the softest smile, and you note something akin to relief swimming behind glowing irises.
"Yeah... yeah, I love your cousin a lot." He murmurs, and there goes your heart fluttering again. Absolutely hammering against your chest. He's back over to you in a few careful strides, giving you a peck on the cheek. The gesture earns a squeal from the little girl on his hip, her cheeks a light pink.
"Are you gonna get married?"
"Alright," You clap your hands together, trying to remember which drawer holds the utensils as the giggles resume. "why don't we dig in to some of these sweets and watch a movie, hm?" You feel your face burning from the question, which is quite innocent coming from a child. But oh boy, does it throw you for a loop. Jisung's clearly amused by it, his brown eyes watching you search through the drawers until you give up and settle on just cookies. You reach for the Tupperware containers on the counter, filling a small plate for your cousin as Jisung puts her back down. He hands her the plate and she runs off toward the living room, leaving the two of you.
"I've gotta hand it to her, that was bold."
"Ya think?" Fingers find your nose bridge as you listen to the sound of your boyfriend's jovial laughter. Your ears perk at the sound of a drawer opening, silverware clinking together with the help of deft fingers. Jisung settles against the counter beside you, holding a fork up between the two of you as you bring your gaze up. You mutter a thanks, taking it from him and reaching for the cheesecake slices in one of the containers. You're just about to ask him if he wants some when he speaks first.
"I kinda like the idea though…"
You pause in your actions, fork dangling from between your fingers as you attempt to comprehend what he just said. Kinda like the idea!? You huff in disbelief, wondering where this newfound confidence has come from. Perhaps your little cousin's bold remarks have rubbed off. But you can't even ask him because the pitter-patter of feet closes in on the kitchen.
"Sung Sung, come get the movie ready!" She says, and no one is allowed to object when the six-year-old is already pulling him by the arm. Little hands like a tiny vise around his wrist. 
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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part 1, part 3
The first time is after he and robin have been dating only for a couple of weeks and are starting to fall into a routine. Its mostly just hanging out like they did before with some making out added in and sometimes robin comes over to the farm but not much more. Superboy isnt really welcomed in gotham and robin cant reaveal his secret identity so they dont have that many options, but still, its nice. Then one day at a press conference with clark and some autoraph signing suddwnly someone familiar stands before him. He doesnt know where he knows him from but he gets the uncanny feeling he does. Green eyes twinkle at him from under a fringe of blonde hair and lips are twisted into a giddy smile. "Superboy, i'm a huge fan could you please sign my face? I'll never wash it again." A marker is pressed into his hand. Kon wishes stuff like this would surprise him but nothing a fan does can top to time someone in a superboy towel and nothing else flashed him when asking him to sign their tits. Still, something about the question seems off and less genuine than amusant. Green eyes continue twinkeling at him and suddenly he realizes whats off about it all. The boy before him doesnt have a heartbeat. No, thats wrong. Its simply that his heartbeat is robins, echoing in his eara even when hes on the other side of the world. He gets it, now. The hight, the smell, the voice. Its all off but robins heartbeat is as it always is. A soothing familiar rythm, slower than the averagy civillian and with a slight stutter. Kob grins, amused and endlessly fond. "How about one of these instead?" He takes one of teh pictures in front of him and scribbles teh usual platitude on it "and to who am i dedicating this?" He adds a wink as he looks up through his lashes and hears robins throat bob. Prepared as always the name comes out a practices lie "leon". "Leon" kon singns it in a flourish "it was nice to meet you." He hands it over and robin looks stumped for a moment. Kon's composure finally fails and he gets up and presses a quick peck to leons mouth. "Do you want a selfie?" Most fans do and kon doesnt mind, by now he offers on instinct. Robin grins and nods. Then he throws his arm around kon and pulls him close. "Say cheese!" Kon has never heard robin say this when taking a picture. The reminder of the details robin puts in everything rushes warmly through his body. Hes so in love with him. Kon throws up a peace sign, ignoring the way hes awekwardly floating over the table, and grins "cheese". As leon leaves and kon drops back into his chair he feels clarks incredulous eyes bore into him but ignores it. He also ignores the jealous glances and dissapointed sighs from the next fans as kon doesnt kiss them.
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yunholuvrr · 11 months
we all need love chapter 4.
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chapter summary: one rude text and a few too many drinks ruin your night
pairing: yunho x reader
genre: workplace au, ateez ensemble, fluff, romance, angst, eventual smut, hurt/comfort
warnings: queerphobia, shitty friends, short descriptions of anxiety, drinking, let me know if i should add anything!
word count: 2.6k
note: reader's old friends r pretty shitty but if u r queer / polyam i love u i just want u to know that. also another short chapter but i promise more is on the way >.< and im addicted to writing groupchat!ateez
(previous chapter) (next chapter) (masterlist)
Niya let out a haughty laugh, “that’s seriously why you gathered us here, y/n?” Alex and Ray took her lead, the group slowly devolving into a fit of chuckling and knee slapping.
“I just wanted to be transparent with you guys, you’re my closest friends,” you glared, confused. It wasn’t the first time you’ve had to come out to someone about something, and it was a better reaction than your family, but it wasn’t what you wanted.
“Okay but isn’t that basically, like, cheating?” Alex calmed himself first, but he still wasn’t taking you seriously. “Like who would agree to that?”
“A lot of people are in polyamorous relationships. I’ve been reading a lot and it sounds like what I want right now,” you let out with a frustrated groan.
“Certainly not breaking the stereotype that bi people are promiscuous,” Ray chimed in.
Niya takes a sip of water and clears her throat. She was never very affectionate with you, but you thought she’d at least understand how serious this was. You couldn’t have been more wrong.
“Look, I’m glad you think of us as people who would care about that, but after what happened with Sarah I can’t really take you seriously. You cheated on her and then looked up how you could justify it.”
“I what?” you almost yelled. The tears wasted no time breaking past your eyelashes and onto your cheeks. “Is she really telling people I cheated on her?”
“I mean you would argue all the time and even talked about seeing other people with her. It’s no wonder she left.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Sarah asked you out within the first week of freshman year and you hit it off really well. But ever since junior year started, you’ve felt suffocated. You didn’t want to depend on her for everything and you certainly didn’t want her to depend on you that much. Not that she did.
You had brought up the idea of polyamory, that maybe what you needed was different people for different needs. You didn’t even have anyone in mind, it was just something you wanted to be transparent about. But she was disgusted with you. You thought breaking up with you was enough, so why did she have to twist the truth? And why were your friends believing her over you?
“I can’t believe you guys are taking her side. During what was supposed to be a vulnerable moment for me.”
Alex just chuckles, “you’re being so dramatic right now, there are no sides. Let’s go get dinner and call it a night.”
Ray agrees, “it’s not that serious to us, trust me. Leave your ex in the past y/n.”
You stare into the bathroom mirror, trying to decide if the heart hair clips you just put in are too cutesy for a friendly get together. Who are you trying to impress? Yunho doesn’t care. That doesn’t stop you from putting on a full face of makeup and a cute dress, something you can’t wear to work. You don’t wanna drink too much tonight, either, you have appearances to keep. Of course none of this matters to any of them. But it matters to the small part of your brain that still thinks you have a shot with him.
[Alex] any plans this weekend, y/n?
[Ray] how’s the dating scene over there?
Two short buzzes vibrate through the countertop and you pick your phone up, assuming it's the boys. 
[Niya] she prob cant find anyone to group date with LOL
You can’t believe your eyes. The last time you talked to them was to announce your internship, and they congratulated you, but not much else. Ever since you tried to open up to them, they haven’t really talked to you much. You assumed they had a different group chat to talk, and maybe this was some form of entertainment for them.
i have a party to go to in about 20 minutes lolol
no dates just really nice friends
You try your best to play along, to not be passive aggressive with them. But you feel hot tears start to swell and threaten your makeup.
[Niya] don’t break anyone’s heart this summer
Her message is the last thing you see before turning on Do Not Disturb and putting a playlist on full volume. Niya’s right. This isn’t the time to explore what your heart wants. Your heart has only ever gotten you into trouble. You can’t help but play out what breaking up with Yunho would look like. It feels crazy thinking about dumping someone you’re not even dating. But it’s the only way to curb your feelings for him. You leave in 11 weeks.
San’s apartment complex was only a few blocks away from your own, so you told Yunho you could walk there yourself. He still offered to meet you at the entrance and walk you back home at night. He assured you it wouldn’t be a burden because he lives in the same complex as San, just on a different floor. Half of them live in this building, in fact, and you find that cute for some reason. The inseparable eight men.
These are the kinds of thoughts that pass through your mind as you make your way down the street to the address Yunho sent. Except you don’t quite remember it, and when you check your phone again you realize you never turned DND off. Three missed calls and some amount of texts from Wooyoung that you don’t even want to count.
[Jung Wooyoung] If you don’t pick up soon i’m filing a missing person report
[Jung Wooyoung] I knew we should’ve had it at my place
[Choi Jongho] Your place is even farther what are you talking about??
[Song Mingi] i have this chat on mute too, i don’t blame her
[Jeong Yunho] Yeah and I have to tell you everything twice you ass
[Jeong Yunho] I’ll be waiting at the entrance, so just look for me y/n
[Kim Hongjoong] how romantic of you
[Jeong Yunho] Shut up
Before you can type a reply, a voice calls you over across the street. Your eyes shoot up and meet Yunho’s, visible relief on his face. He’s standing outside a tall, fancy looking building, and you wonder just how much his rent is. 
“Sorry!” you wave, jogging over. “I turned on DND so I could focus on getting ready and I guess I forgot to-”
“I’m glad you made it,” he took both your hands in his and smiled, “you look nice!”
“Oh, I wasn’t sure if I overdressed,” you shake your head nervously.
“No, no, I like it. I would’ve liked whatever you wore.”
“Thank you,” you watch as his ears grow redder than a strawberry and he turns to head inside.
[Jeong Yunho] She’s in safe hands!
[Jung Wooyoung] Very big hands too
[Choi San] What.
[Choi San] Anyway I left the door unlocked!
[Park Seonghwa] Can we crack open the drinks now
[Choi Jongho] You cant drink
The elevator ride up is comfortable silence as you text the boys. After the last hour of messages, you feel like maybe a drink or two will fix your problems after all. And when you make your way through San’s front door and see Seonghwa already red in the face, you know you won’t be out of place. 
“Who wants to play a drinking game?” Jongho announces to the group, which forms a semicircle across the couches of San’s living room. His place is nice, mostly black furniture and accents, recently renovated. The living room and kitchen were only separated by a small counter, and there was a short hallway that led to what you assumed were his bedroom and bathroom. 
“Can you let me finish the food first! My god,” you hear Wooyoung complain from in front of the stove. 
“Knock knock,” Yunho announces your presence, clearly not noticed by anyone yet. 
“You made it!” Mingi jumps up from his seat first, “I was scared Yunho would keep you to himself.”
You can’t even process what that could’ve meant before everyone showers you in compliments. “Your dress is so nice!” San greets you with a hug, ushering you into the main area.
“y/n! I’m making beef and I’m forcing you to eat some! No arguing!” Woo calls again from the kitchen. 
“Sorry for worrying you guys, I wasn’t paying attention,” you take a seat next to Seonghwa and Yunho follows, telling the older man to move over some.
“Don’t worry about it, Wooyoung just gets anxious,” Hongjoong chimes in, giving you a wide smile. The alcohol seems to be warming his cheeks already. 
“Here,” Hwa passes you an unopened beer and gets you ready for whatever game Jongho has lined up. Yunho picks up a glass of water from the table and snakes an arm around your shoulders. 
“You’re not gonna drink?” You glance over, trying to hide the shock at the sudden contact.
“I probably will later,” he clinks his glass against your bottle playfully, “I’m not as easy as Hwa, don’t worry.”
An hour and a dozen drinking games later, it starts to hit you. The drinks already left you feeling warm and tired, but the lull in conversation gives you a second to think. The messages from your friends back home come flooding back, and they make you nauseous. Or maybe it was the bottle in your hand you definitely shouldn’t have opened. Either way, you lean further into Yunho’s chest, who hasn’t moved all night. 
“You feeling okay?” he mumbles.
Wooyoung suddenly stands up to announce his need for the bathroom, Yeosang is asking for another drink, and Mingi is clinging to Jongho, begging for attention. The scene in front of you looks like you had a good time, so why is anxiety bubbling up inside of you?
You don’t respond and Yunho tries again, “are you able to get up? Do you need help?” 
Maybe that’s why he didn’t drink today.
You mumble something and try to stand, but you fall back into him. “This is pathetic,” you accidentally say out loud.
“No, no, it’s alright. You just need some water.”
“Don’t leave.” You don’t know who you’re talking to at that moment. You tug on Yunho’s arm, but in your head you’re standing in front of your friends, Sarah, your family.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he chuckles and keeps an arm around you, gently patting your head, “not without you.” You feel yourself exhale slowly and close your eyes. Someone asks if you’re okay, but you can’t make out who over the fuzz.
“I’m just gonna take her downstairs where it’s quiet, get her some water and food.” 
“Did we do something wrong?”
“You did play a lot of games didn’t you?”
“I think she just drank a bit too much, I’m sure Yunho will take care of her.”
“It’s fun to tease him for once about something. He’s whipped.”
“Next time let’s go easy on the drinks, yeah?”
When you wake up, it’s not in the same room. It’s a similar layout, but the couch is dark blue and there’s a wooden coffee table in front of you. You focus your eyes a bit more and realize Yunho is sitting across from you in a matching chair. Fuck.
“How long have I been out for?”
“It’s only been like half an hour,” relief washes over his face and he moves to sit next to you, “but I was worried. I carried you down to my apartment so you’d have some space and silence.”
“Thanks,” you sit up and stretch.
“You should have some water and snacks if you can stomach it,” Yunho gestures to the table, and you immediately pick up a glass. You no longer feel nauseous, but everything’s still a bit fuzzy and Niya’s words keep replaying in your head. Niya.
“Did something happen earlier?” he tries.
“Did I say something while I was out?”
“No, but you usually don’t have DND on. And you don’t seem like the type to drink too much on the first weekend you’re here, but I might be wrong,” he chuckles and places a hand on your knee. 
“I don’t think I should be telling you all this a week into our friendship,” you take another sip hoping it will clear your head. You’re dangerously close to spilling everything to him.
“I’m really good at listening.”
You cross your legs and turn to face him on the couch and he mirrors you, “I just don’t know where to begin. My friends hate me, I think.”
“Did they say something to you?”
“They just keep teasing me about things that I don’t really think are things you should tease friends about. I mean it’s not my fault I like people so easily.” There’s no turning back now, you’re still not sober, but you’re angry and your heart’s racing.
He caresses your shoulder and lets you continue, “I mean I promised myself I wouldn’t date anyone this summer because I’d never see them again, ya know? I’m trying to be responsible. But Woo … Woo said he wants me to loosen up and I think he’s right. Why do my friends get to decide how much I sleep around? Why do they get to bully me into being alone? I’m so embarrassed to even have crushes and for what?”
You curl into him then, and he starts patting your hair. “These people don’t really sound like your friends, y/n.”
“I wish they weren’t,” you mumble between labored breaths. You don’t want him to see you cry over something so stupid. You're so far out of your mind right now.
“They don’t have to be.”
“But then I’d have no one.” It’s something you never admitted out loud before. You can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or the comfort of the man next to you or if you’re finally just breaking, but it all comes out. “You all are the best friends I’ve had in a while and it’s so pathetic to say because I’ve only known you for a week. You’re all so smart and nice and funny and pretty as fuck. You all have nice jobs and nice apartments, you’ll probably all get nice partners too and live happy lives together like the perfect friend group you are. I just wish that was me.”
Yunho’s face is some combination of confusion and pity. You didn’t really say enough for him to understand the full weight of the situation, and he's trying not to think about just how close you are, but he feels bad. He doesn’t have anything to say, he just lets you wrap your arms around him and cry into his chest. His hand runs along your back and his heart beats steadily against your ear, and you feel tired again. If you were sober, you'd feel like a big baby. But under the haze of the drinks and tears and the warmth radiating from his body, you doze off.
[Jeong Yunho] She’s exhausted but she’ll be okay
[Jeong Yunho] I’m gonna let her sleep here for tonight
[Song Mingi] with you??
[Jeong Yunho] I’m obviously sleeping on the couch ????
[Choi Jongho] Did something happen? Just tired?
[Jeong Yunho] Long week
[Jung Wooyoung] Aww she’s an emotional drunk
[Jung Wooyoung] Good thing she has a big strong man like you
[Kang Yeosang] Shut up
[Choi Jongho] Congrats you said something so annoying Yeo had to step in
[Jung Wooyoung] It was just a joke ! love you y/n ~
[Kang Yeosang] I hope you get a good rest y/n you’re always welcome back
[Kim Hongjoong] we’ll go easy on the drinks next time
[Jung Wooyoung] She’s probably passed out just like San LOL
(previous chapter) (next chapter) (masterlist)
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ramvur · 11 months
GhostSoap fear of intimacy hcs
(not explicitly nsfw more like nsfw implied? idk mndi nonetheless)
these are more like near the beginning of them deciding to do something abt their neverending yearning, Ghost still convinced this is no more than sex bc who could ever want to be with someone like him, right? completely oblivious of how Soap truly feels and denying at any show of it, so soap has to come forward a little harsh to get his point across
the first time ghost cant fully take off his balaclava, leaving it only halfway up so he can use his mouth, eventually they work into fully removing it
once theyre done ghost would quickly reach out to his mask to hide his face again, soap not even allowing him to get it close to his face snatching it and throwing it away, cupping his face w both hands to kiss him, making him forget about it
soap pulling ghost into cuddling after sex, completely catching him off guard as he was just expecting to be done and leave, unsure at first but eventually embracing his warmth almost melting
ghost feeling all his walls completly crumble down when soap asks if he could stay over for the night, unable to say no, both kind of unsure what to do
soap is NOT guilty of charge, as he hides his own fear of intimacy with sex and making out, this facade usually works but as ghost grows hungrier for his affection is not enough anymore
ghost being the one to make him understand intimacy doesnt have to be just sex, (not admitting this second part outloud) as the man wouldnt like to feel like his using him or being used, but wants to spend as much time as possible w soap, building up the strength to express his desire for other kinds of intimacy (bonus points if touch starved!!)
both clumsily but surely opening up about how they feel, johnny expressing he feels rejected by simon, simon letting him know he just feels unlovable, both unsure how to work through it, but so glad they understand more of each other's perspective
idk what else to say im sleep deprived here i hope you enjoy feel free to add anything else
(edited) wait i got a few more in me
soap instantly cumming when ghost whispers "johnny" on his ear as a dragged out moan, something not even he knew he desired that much
ghost having shivers as soap locks his legs around his waist and hugging his neck, the closeness feeling strange but not wanting to pull away any sooner
both deciding to not use their callsigns in bed anymore, only their actual names
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you cant just threaten me with narrative parallels to big boss and not deliver. i need this
AHEHEHEE....( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Ive spent all noon going insane over char and ive listened 3 times to beyond the time, so you chose the perfect time for this.... Okay. so basically,
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meme comic aside, here's a more structured and elaborated version of these points, taken from something that I wrote in my notes app at 2 am, plus some other points. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. Im not good at putting my thoughts into words.
-they are both soldiers who end up being idolized and turned into a symbol. this idolization makes people want them to be in a position of leadership.
-being better known for their nom de guerre, "the red comet/char aznable" (which also counts as this, since it's a fake name tied to his identity in the one-year war) and "big boss", adds to this idealization, and with it also comes depersonalization, as their identity becomes just an image of a war hero that exists in peoples heads. a legend, rather than a real person.
-the artificiality of this legend is brought home in the way that it is taken, replicated, and put into other people, showing that anyone can be "the red comet" or "big boss". that's right baby. clones! Be it The Patriots making supersoldier clones of big boss for war purposes or Sunrise making Char after Char for anime purposes. But Char does also have actual in-universe clones???
-And also phantoms... the much clearer example of the artificiality of these legends/identities. I don't know anything abt Gundam Unicorn and so the only things I know abt Full Frontal are from the wiki. but he's just Venom Snake. Hey, what if we took this random guy and altered his appearance and mind to be the red comet/big boss?
-Okay its time to talk about The Boss and Zeon Deikun. Their deaths turn them both into symbols that represent the ideals that they preached. Ideals that everyone else takes and misinterprets for their own purposes. Their deaths also kickstart Big Boss and Char´s...everything. In a way, both Big Boss and Char dedicate their lives fighting for the ideals that their mother/father represented. Are they any good at this? Or are they yet another person taking these ideals and twisting them beyond recognition? Let´s say that´s up for debate.
-"So both Char and Big Boss ended up being idolized just like The Boss and Zeon Deikun? Even though it's something that they did not want and tried to avoid?" YES! Unavoidable fate. Repeating mistakes of the past...Sins of the Father... one of the key themes of Metal Gear. THE theme of metal gear. Big Boss more consciously tried to avoid the fate of The Boss by leaving the US military and hated being seen as a hero/called Big Boss because of The Boss. Char never outright states that the reason he does not want leadership is because he does not want to suffer his father´s fate...but his choice of accepting leadership is tied into his father´s fate nonetheless, with "Maybe human sacrifices run in your family" and Char casting himself as that human sacrifice in Char´s Counterattack. Is the reason as to why thinking about Char makes me so insane because his narrative of not being able to escape his father´s shadow taps into one of Metal Gears main themes? who knows...
-I said that Char´s "The Boss" figure is Zeon Deikun...but I think Lalah is the emotional aspect of this. She is the more clear Mother Figure whose death scars and haunts Char the way The Boss haunts Big Boss. Yes, Char also lost his real mom when young but shes not as important as Lalah.
-They just miss their mom bro :(
-cue millions of jokes about Oedipus complexes (more prevalent in the gundam fandom. for some reason.)...not gonna comment on this but they are there. and I can't ignore it if I'm talking abt comparisons between them.
-Okay, mothers/fathers talk aside. Their relationship to war and conflict. Not much else to say that I didn't say in the image. Its all they know and and all they think themselves capable of. Though thinking about their similarities on this did remind me of something that Beltorchika said in Zeta about Char, about how she thinks he's someone who is incapable of living without war and how definitely similar things are directly said about big boss in metal gear. there's more to this and about whether this is true and why...but my eyes are starting to hurt. I need to finish this.
-Lets go back to leadership. despite the fact that they both do not initially want this position of power, they do eventually give into it to help soldiers/Spacenoids respectively. Big Boss wants soldiers to not be used by governments like he was used (but he does end up using them nonetheless. oops) and Char wants Spacenoid independence from the Federation, although Char´s motivations in cca are more complex than just this, I do believe part of him does genuinely see helping spacenoids as his "duty" and something he needs to sacrifice himself for.Okay that was my last big point. finally this is done. more stuff:
-I don't know. all war criminals know these days is be bisexual and lie. <- all there is to say abt their heavy homoerotic subtext. which yes they also both individually have. although big boss´ is stronger bc he's in metal gear. I also can't ignore it. It's still a character aspect.
-forgot abt Quess...use of child soldiers ig. awesome.
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