#so if you have any tips or critiques please share
toomanybrainrots · 9 months
RAAGGGGGHHH I’m having a mental breakdown asf rn 😘 but anygays I rlly need some fluff rn can I pwetty plwse have some Fortress Maximus x F!cybertroian reader?? Tysm pookie✨
The jumpscare I had when I saw this😭. I do hope you're okay right now, and here's the fluff you requested!
Warnings: a probably OOC Fort Max(real sorry for that)
Fortress Maximus with a Cybertronian Reader
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Fortress Maximus Loved cycles like these. Where you and him could just spend the entire cycle lazing around in your berth, no work, nothing and no one else except the two of you.
He can feel the hum of your spark as you lay against him, your helm on his chassis, servo over his spark chamber. His optics were looking at you, admiring the peaceful look on your face, your optics offline and a content smile on your lips. He held a servo on your back, almost like he was afraid you were going to be gone if he took his optics off of you for one klik.
He couldn’t help but think — what did he do to deserve you of all bots? What did he do to be worthy in Primus’ optics of such a bot like you? A strong, beautiful and strong bot, liking him of all bots and bonding with him. It was almost unbelievable to him.
“Something on your processor, sweetspark?” You ask, looking up at him, those beautiful optics gazing back at him. Oh, how he loved those beautiful optics, optics that matched the beauty of its owner.
“Nothing. Just thinking, about you that is.” He said, his lips curving into a smile as he turned his helm to fully meet your gaze. You let out a laugh, and he hoped the energon rushing up to his face wasn’t visible. Was that too sappy? Maybe he should’ve dialled it back a bit—
His thoughts are interrupted as you capture his lips in a kiss, to his surprise. The kiss - which was far too short in his personal opinion - is broken as you let out a chuckle at, what he assumed was, the look on his face.
“You’re very easily flustered.” You said, that adorable smile on his face. He turned his helm slightly away in a poor attempt to hide the blush on his face. Before he could do that any further, your servos reach up to cradle his face, turning his helm to look at you. He could feel more energon rushing to his face now.
He’s not surprised when you capture his lips in another kiss, he lets out a hum as he felt your lips against his, savouring the feeling and moment. He loved cycles like these, and he loved you most of all.
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iztea · 2 months
Do you recommend any tutorials for new artists?
i'm gonna be honest with you, I've been out of the loop with recent tutorials so let me tell you about my goats sinix, marco bucci and ahmed aldoori
when I was first getting started, I binge-watched all of sinix videos. he has a great way with words and I've assimilated many of his principles and ideas, which I still use in my approach to this day. I recommend his Anatomy Quick Tips series and his Paintover Pals series (aka art critiques), but honestly just watch all his videos, he covers some very niche but handy topics that I don't see brought up that often. He also has one or two videos about digital art for beginners or intermediates so maybe start there and see how you like it.
Marco Bucci has great videos for understanding colors, lighting and taking a more messy-painterly approach to your paintings (which I've always naturally leaned into anyways). He has this series called 10 minutes to better painting where he basically goes over the fundamentals but in a very fun and digestible way. He also covers niche topics including post-processing tips which are verrryyy much looked over when it comes to digital art.
ahmed aldoori is just generally great at explaining and demos. He's probably the first person I'd go to if I needed help understanding anything art-related, and I mean anyytthinggg (hands, environments, portraits etc ) his channel is kinda messy but i'd recommend watching his critique videos because, again, he explains concepts very well while maintaining a chill and relaxed attitude, which I think may help alleviate any sort of anger or frustration that often affect new artists (and not only) i apologize if this is not the answer you were looking for but honestly, i can't think of particular videos i can wholeheartedly recommend outside of these channels because they're what I watched myself, and I can only speak from my own experience. And like I said in the beginning, i kinda just don't watch tutorials anymore because they feel repetitive like they're saying the same things i already know and it's boring so i have different ways to learn now If anyone else has any other recommendations for anon please share them with the class!
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ily-fictional-women · 10 months
Honey Loving
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Summary: A sweet vacation for a sweet person
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know
Word count: 1409
a/n: Finally posting again!! This is a happy one-shot this time I swear! Also, any text that <”looks like this”> is someone talking in a different language. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
It had been a stressful few months for both Wanda and Y/n. Wanda had been on a long undercover mission for about two months. And unfortunately, about a week before Wanda was able to come back Y/n had been sent on her own mission for a month alone.
Finally settling back into being together again Y/n wanted to surprise Wanda with something special to make up for lost time. Y/n tip-toed into the room they share before flopping on the bed and grabbing the remote to the TV.
Y/n pauses Wanda’s show looking at her micheviously, “Pack a bag.” Wanda raises an eyebrow at Y/n’s smile, “And why should I do that exactly?” Y/n pulls Wanda by her arms dragging her out of the bed so they’re both standing.
"Because we're going on a vacation to your hometown." Wanda cracks a small smile, “Wait really?”
“Yeah! I already cleared everything with Steve and bought the plane tickets. You should pack tonight though because our plane leaves pretty early in the morning.” With the confirmation, the two start packing together, with the only detail Y/n’s willing to reveal being that they’ll be gone for two weeks.
Boarding the plane and settling into the seats Wanda looks over at Y/n curiously, “Is there something I could help you with.” Wanda sighs, “Can you at least tell me one thing you have planned? Just one.”
“Okay, fine. After we drop off everything at the hotel I was planning for us to go to lunch at the one place you told me about, the one your parents took you to with Pietro when you were little. They re-opened a few weeks ago.”
Wanda kisses Y/n on the cheek at the confession, “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Y/n lets out a soft laugh, “Yeah, but I’m never gonna get tired of hearing it.”
With the two finally making it to the hotel they both flop onto the single bed. After a few minutes of simply laying there, Wanda gets up ramaging through one of the bags. Y/n sits up to see Wanda stealing her own sweater that she packed for herself.
“You have a whole suitcase full of your clothes, and you still insist on wearing mine?” Wanda freezes in the middle of putting on the sweater, “In my defense, I can't help it if your clothes are so comfortable."
Getting out of bed Y/n kisses Wanda sweetly, “Alright, but that does mean I’m taking one of yours. It’s only fair.” Wanda rolls her eyes sarcastically, “Deal.”
After the two change, they make their way walking to the restaurant Wanda hand mentioned. Passing by multiple shops Wanda stops in her tracks looking at different items in a store through a big window. “What caught your eye?”
Wanda’s head snaps back towards Y/n, “The necklace with the little red gem in the center.” Y/n looks over at her, “It’s cute! You should get it,” her voice softens “It would look great on you.” Wanda shrugs, “I don’t know, it’s pricey. Maybe on our last day.”
“Whatever you say.” Y/n intertwines her hand with Wanda’s as they continue making their way to the restaurant.
Finally making it to the small restaurant for lunch the two get comfortable at the booth table looking over the menu. The place was family owned and the two who mainly ran the place only spoke Sokovian. Because of this as the waitress came to take the order Wanda started to list the order, <“She’ll take the number three-”>
But Y/n cut her off, <"Actually I'll take the number one on the menu with sauce on the side, please. But she’ll have the number four on the menu,"> you look up at her from the menu, <"did you want anything else love?">
Wanda looked lovesick, "Uh, no. No, I'm good." As the waitress leaves finishing scribbling the order onto her yellow notepad Wanda looks over at Y/n with raised eyebrows, "When did you learn Sokovian?" Y/n grins at her, " I wanted to surprise you."
Wanda kisses Y/n across the table, “God you’re adorable.” Y/n giggles at the light blush growing across Wanda’s face, “Thank you.” Wanda smiles, “So how long have you been practicing? You sounded flunet back there.”
Y/n takes a sip of the water on the table, “I think around five or six months. But I mostly practiced when either of us were away on a mission.” Wanda leans in closer to Y/n squinting her eyes playfully, “Okay, but how did you know what I wanted to order? Last I checked I was the one who could read mind in the relationship.”
Y/n leans in closer to Wanda with a confident smile, “It was one of our earlier dates. I asked you what your favorite childhood meal was and you answered with that specific one. I wrote it down after the date in case we ever visited.”
Wanda rolls her eyes dramatically, “You make it too easy to be in love with you, did you know that?” Y/n leans back into her seat, “I guess it’s a talent of mine.” Once the food comes the two eat and laugh, later exploring some of the area and looking into different stores.
Making it back to the apartment late Wanda lands on the bed letting out a satisfied groan at being able to relax a lie down. Y/n lays next to Wanda, “Did you want dinner?” Wanda shifts in bed getting more comfortable, “Yeah I could eat.”
Y/n pulls out her phone, “I’ll order something right now then.” Wanda looks over Y/n for a moment before slowly shutting her eyes, “Did you want me to come with you and pick it up?” Y/n shakes her head kissing Wanda on the forehead, “No it’s fine, relax. Take a nap or something. I shouldn’t be gone too long.”
“Are you sure?” Wanda asks. Y/n gives her a reassuring look, “Yes, don’t worry about it. Relax for a bit.” Wanda nods in agreement. As Y/n leaves Wanda gets up running a bath feeling the need to wash up after walking around everywhere.
It’s been close to an hour now and hearing the close of the main door Wanda gets out of the bathtub putting on one of the complimentary robes. “Hey, sorry it took so long. There was a big line for pick up and then they messed up the order so I had to wait even longer.”
Meeting Y/n in the living area Wanda notices another bag on the table that doesn’t match the ones the food came. “What’s in the black bag?” Y/n glances over at the bag Wanda was talking about.
“Well, I did want to wait until after dinner. But, I do want to see you in it now.” Wanda crosses her arms with a questioning grin, “See me in what exactly.” Y/n pulls out a sleek black box from the bag opening it to reveal the necklace from earlier today.
Wanda gently grabs the box marvling at the necklace, “You looked like you really wanted it so I figured I would buy it for you instead.”
“I love it, thank you.” Y/n looks down at the necklace with Wanda, “Did you want me to help you put it on?” Wanda nods moving her wet hair to one side. Standing behind Wanda Y/n clicks the two clasps together. Wanda turns around to face Y/n.
Y/n moves a stray piece of hair behind Wanda’s ear, “Well I was right about it looking good on you.” Wanda quickly kisses Y/n before grinning to herself, “I think I know a special way to thank you for everything today.”
She kisses Y/n again, the kiss more fervent this time. Y/n breaks from the kiss taking a second to breathe, “And what kind of special thank you would that be?” Wanda rolls her eyes at the question pushing Y/n onto the bed, “I could show you if you want.”
Y/n puts up her hands in mock surrender, “Oh by all means please do.” The rest of the trip itself was full of laughter, good food, love, and many more sweet moments, What more could you really ask for?
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theladyofshalott1989 · 3 months
Hello.. 👋🏻
I read your answer about the motivation to write with low engagement and want to thank you for your words, because I currently struggle a little with this topic.
I love to write, always have, but beeing in the HL fandom helped me to (more or less) consistently write and publish something. For the last months I changed from writing mainly little snippets, to focus on my long fic, because I finally want to put everything on paper, that lingers in my mind. 😅
And I will keep writing, because it has become very personal and some sort of healing for me.
But from time to time I struggle, because I think it's not good enough. There are people who read it, but barely any engagement. And I want to learn and become better so badly.
Sometimes I think, it's because my first language isn't English and I can't convey all the feelings with my translation. But then, it's not that the original is doing so much better.. 😅
I'm sorry for venting to you and it feels a little weird because I don't want to fish for compliments.😅
But maybe you have some tricks up your sleeve that can help with the feeling to be not good enough? Or writing better in general? 😊
Hi! Thank you so much for your ask. First off, you are not alone. Your feelings are valid and shared by many, myself included. <3 I am so glad that HL brought you back to writing. It was the same for me too, and I will also be forever grateful for that. Before I share my practical tips, I want to establish that engagement does not always equal quality. It could FOR SURE (I am not calling out anyone here!), but, like with all things, certain tropes/pairings/topics are more popular in one fandom than the next. Sometimes someone started writing at the perfect time, usually right when a new fandom pops up, or they are uber talented and can provide not only a story but also fan art! Those people blow my mind and I have so much respect for them.
But I digress! Onto the practical tips... Keeping in mind that I do not always follow my own advice, so typing this up is making me laugh at myself. (It's good to laugh at yourself sometimes though.) 1. Pick up another hobby so writing isn't your only one. For me, it's classes at my local gym. IMO, an active hobby is the most helpful because the endorphin rush helps a lot. 2. Set a day aside each week where you do not go online at all. I did this during peak Covid, and it was so therapeutic. Our minds are not designed to be constantly on. We need a break from social media and the internet every so often. 3. If you can, find a small group of buddies and interact with them. <3 My HL buds keep me sane a lot of the time. They're lovely people too and they've introduced me to other fandoms as well. 4. Block tags and/or blogs you're not interested in seeing. I have only blocked one blog (I'll be transparent here: it's the Hogwarts: Legacy Confessions blog, just for my own personal sanity; no hate toward the creators at all), but I block a lot of tags for personal reasons, and it really does help a lot.
5. Have you tried a review exchange? On Reddit there are groups that swap and review each others' stories. I've done this a few times for some of my one-shots and it's great! You can even specify if you want critique (or not). I can send you links to these subreddits if you wish. Just let me know! I really hope these tips help. Also, please never apologize for venting. Putting yourself out there creatively is a very vulnerable thing; it's only natural to be upset when you feel like you don't get out what you put in. <3
My messages are always open too. Please don't hesitate to reach out!
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scootswarriorcats · 2 years
Can you do a tutorial on paws and faces? Those two things specifically I really life with you art style, and I'm struggling to understand how to draw both things myself so it would be nice to see :)
Hello!! Sorry for the lack of posts for ages, been meaning to get back into designing. In the meantime here's a small tutorial for paws! I hope it isn't too complex or confusing, I've never made one of these before 👀💦 Anyone is welcome to trace these drawings if it'll help them better their own technique HOWEVER you must give credit if you plan on posting or sharing it anywhere! Thanks :D (As for cat faces I'll try my best to make a tutorial for those too! Please lmk if any of yall have any tips/constructive critique on how I can make these tutorials easier to follow, less complex etc. :])
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kaija-rayne-author · 4 months
Spoilers for Tevinter Nights and today's reveal on upcoming DA4 companions. Educational review of The Wigmaker/Lucanis Dellamorte character.
I'm happy that I called Neve Gallus and Lace Harding as companions in DA4. Neve looks amazing!
Really really wish I'd been wrong about Lucanishit Dellamorte.
The story 'The Wigmaker' in Tevinter Nights of the so called 'mage-killer' (who would actually be Marius or Tessa thank you very much) was one of the most poorly characterized pieces of crap I've ever read in my entire 12 years as an editor.
And trust me, please, when I say I've had to edit some real stinkers.
Agree with me or not, I honestly don't care. I know I'm right. Why?
Because there's science behind what works in writing good characters, good settings, good (insert a part of a story).
Editors like me exist to gently (or sometimes not so gently) smack an author over the head with the 'no, that's a ridiculous idea, perhaps tweak it to this instead' stick. And that character was ridiculous on so many levels.
I've already had people get rudely in my face for sharing a personal (and professional) opinion about Lucanishit today.
Reading is subjective. But what that actually means, is that what I like in a story, and what another person likes in a story will be different.
It's not a statement on professional quality of the story in question. That's a completely different topic.
It's very possible to enjoy a story with bad any of the above. Especially if you love reading and weren't foolish enough to become an editor like me.
Word to the wise, if you love reading? Don't become an editor. You end up developing all these pesky standards and knowledge about how story works (and how it doesn't).
It's even possible to enjoy a story that's poorly written or edited. But that enjoyment, which, yes, is absolutely subjective, is still not the same as whether the character, story, setting, or writing are actually good in the professional sense.
I have several NYT bestselling clients. I've worked in and around trad pub and indie pub for more than a decade. How story works is absolutely one of my AuDHD special interests, and as such, I've studied the nuts and bolts of it like I do any of my special interests. I'm not talking out of my ass here.
The fact is that some things work in writing, and some things don't. Some things work in particular types of stories, and some things don't. It's just the nature of the beast.
Seriously. Without being pissed off at me for disliking a story you may have liked? Think about it and read my professional issues with the character.
Something I feel we, as writers, need to constantly be doing is improving our craft. It always surprises me how many writers just get pissy and attack rather than taking the opportunity to engage in free education.
Because when an experienced professional of any sort breaks something down like this, that's what we're doing. Offering free education. (Tips are very much appreciated.)
This critique is based on the story 'The Wigmaker' in Tevinter Nights where we first meet Lucanis. I really hope the Lucanis we get in game will be different.
In the entirety of the DA series (books, games, comics, everything) have you ever seen an Antivan Crow act like such a chuny, emo edgelord? Nope.
A supposed Antivan Crow strutting around like some arrogant, badly imagined, assassin version of Harry Dresden just doesn't work.
Crows are wraiths. Shadows. The whole point is that no one sees them coming!
They don't advertise like Lucanishit does. Which is why I'd rather hoped it would be his cousin Illario chosen as the romanceable companion. He actually knows how to blend in. Illario spends a lot of the story rightfully calling Lucanis on his bullshit methods.
The first of many editorial hiccups in 'The Wigmaker' is that you really are very unlikely to shove a sword through a wall like that. And a supposedly experienced assassin would probably know that?
Even modern walls have studs and often solid insulation and wires in them.
But we're talking medieval like walls, which tended to be stone or lathe and plaster. Those walls are basically a sandwich of wooden lathes with stone/gravel fill in the middle, then plaster on top. You are not shoving a sword through one. You can barely drill through one with a power drill! Even if you did manage to? It would very likely ruin the blade.
Also, that would not be the shape of the wound if you actually did manage to shove your sword through one of those walls without breaking it and into someone's hand. Because hands have these weird things called bones in them.
Fan art has Crows as more flashy, sure, but in the series itself? The most you see is skin tight clothing and dangerous eyes.
Going up to an innkeeper and bloody advertising that you're a crow? WTAF is that? Lucanishit is supposed to be the grandson of Caterina Dellamorte, First Talon to the Antivan Crows.
A black leather trenchcoat? Really? Really really? And that's just points off on the style factor. Those things became the mark of try-hards a long time ago.
Do you have any idea how noisy those coats are? How much unnecessary weight it would put on a person who is supposed to move silently and unseen? Do you have any clue how noisy those things would be when you took a flying leap like Lucanishit did in 'The Wigmaker?' (Think loud leather wings). How much wind drag there'd be wearing something so ridiculous on a contract? Any clue how hard it would be to reach your weapons under something like that? Ugh. The devil is most certainly in the details, peeps.
Okay, so moving past the utterly ridiculous sartorial choices this so called master assassin wears, he and Illario are loudly talking about being Crows on their way to the mark.
Assassins and Assassination are illegal, y'know? At least Illario tried to blend in. For which Lucanis mocked him.
They get into position, which for some reason is during a hoity toity Tevinter party rather than when the mark was, y'know, alone.
Lucanis does some incredibly unrealistic, noisy acrobatics to get some keys. That by itself I could let slide, rule of cool exists.
But he does it in that ridiculous leather trenchcoat. I don't care how unlikely people are to look up (humans really don't look up very often unless we train ourselves to do so) a giant bat like person flopping around doing acrobatics would be kinda hard to miss.
Then we move on to some murders.
Now, it's part of almost every assassin's creed that you don't harm the innocent or the servants in taking out a mark. It's mentioned a few times about the Crows. Because, again, they're supposed to be the bogeyman in the dark you never see coming.
Lucanis murders a couple of paid guards and doesn't bother to make it clean or hide the bodies.
Finally, we're into the mark's inner sanctum. There's some particularly ghoulish stuff that the mark is guilty of, so I could see why it might annoy someone.
But there they are, two Antivan Crows in a secluded area near the Mark. That, if there were any actual assassins around would've been the end of the story.
But instead of killing the mark and disappearing like any crow should, Lucanis instead decides to make the veil thin enough to allow demons to easily come through.
Into a party of drunk Tevinter mages.
So now instead of a clean, fast kill, we have around 250 possessed mages and enslaved elves. And I think I read somewhere that elves feel being demon possessed is a fate worse than death.
Obviously, this is chaos. Red lyrium somehow acts like red lyrium never has in series, which I could let go because rule of cool.
Lucanishit then proceeds to fight a weird demon possessed mark. (I would point out that in that situation it would've been the demon that killed the mark, not Lucanis.)
But yes, eventually, after torturing red-lyrium Shelob, he pokes it enough to kill it. Which in DA canon doesn't always dispatch the demon back beyond the veil.
Not even gonna go into what intentionally thinning the veil there would do. Aren't people trying to stop that?
Then Lucanis and Illario escape.
Leaving some 248 demon possessed creatures behind at a city estate in the middle of Vyrantium.
Now, like them or not, the nobility are usually the ones who have the resources to hire the crows. So Lucanis has just taken out a large portion of potentially paying clients. That alone would likely be enough to have him removed as a crow in a very final fashion.
And what exactly do y'all think would happen when those demon possessed inevitability get out of the estate?
Innocent people of Vyrantium would be slaughtered. Demons would replicate themselves and further thin the veil.
And it would be the commoners and enslaved people harmed most. Because magisters have the resources to protect themselves from demons.
There is absolutely no mention of Lucanis sticking around to clean up his mess. None.
This is not a good story on the professional level. There are major problems with it.
The writing itself is snappy and catchy. The action is fast enough that if you don't rub two brain cells together, it could be entertaining.
But my editor brain is always on. I literally cannot turn it off anymore.
My eyeballs rolled so much during this story that I'm surprised they didn't fall out and land on the floor.
From everything we know about crow culture from Zevran, from short stories and comics, from the games and bits of Lore, Lucanishit is just so badly characterized it's actually shocking that the same author wrote what is one of my favourite stories in Tevinter nights, which is 'Eight Little Talons' and which also features the crows as crows should be characterized.
I honestly think the only saving of that character for me in the upcoming game will be if someone who has actually read the Dragon Age lore on the Antivan Crows did the writing for him.
I don't even care that he looks a bit like Keanu Reeves, who is one of my all time favourite actors, nor that assassins tend to be some of my favourite classes to play.
Not even that I was really looking forward to playing a Crow again.
Man, if only Viago wasn't with Teia I'd have paid body parts for him as the companion crow (or Teia for that matter). And my polyamorous heart would've exploded in happiness to have them as a team you could potentially be in a polyam relationship with.
If that subtle, wickedly clever old Caterina Dellamorte, Lucanis and Illario's grandmother, who has kept hold of her position as First Talon for so long, saw her grandson acting like that she'd probably do what she did to Emil. (Which, in case you haven't read it, was smash his head in with a heavy handled cane then stab him to death.)
What the hell happened? Were they smoking the Harry Dresden smoke a bit heavily when they wrote 'The Wigmaker?' Some other kind of smoke? Were the editors drunk?
I swear. These things are part of why I keep saying that Bioware needs better developmental and diversity editors.
And no, I'm not talking about me. I would love to get into writing and editing for games. (Side-eyes the last year in the gaming industry. I think?)
But I don't write about Dragon Age and other games in hopes of landing a job. I do it to get these thoughts out of my head. And because I just love gaming. I've been doing it for over 30 years.
But they certainly need somebody.
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creepypasta-meh-dudes · 6 months
Killmaker fanfic: I love you, Julius Doherty
TW: peeled off faces and bad punctuation
It's finally done and probably the longest fanfic I've ever written! I really hope that y'all enjoy it, and if you have any critiques of tips for my work, please let me know!!!!!
Julius looked at himself in the mirror, his last victim had put up a fight. A tough fight....a fight that ended with Julius winning, but not without his own scissors being used to cut up the majority of the skin on his face. His PERFECT face.....and Killian was due to be home in less than 3 hours.
Julius ran back down to his workshop and found a discarded head, cut off the face and grabbed some pins and rushed back upstairs into the bathroom of his and Killian's shared bedroom.
About an hour later, Julius had peeled off the rest of his own face off and pinned the new face on. Great! Now it was just to play the waiting game! So he did!......but there was a problem.
Julius: "what on earth?"
The new face refused to fuse to his own. It SHOULD HAVE fused to his own! but it didn't.....and Killian was due to be home in- Julius checked the time- IN 2 HOURS!
Julius began to panic, he couldn't let his dear Killian see him like this! His face was a mess! and he was covered in his victims entrails! He smelled terrible and looked even worse! Julius held his hands to his face, trying to force the skin to stick....but it wouldn't.
"No no no no no NO!!"
Julius races to the living room and grabs his phone, dialing a number, Devlin's number. Thankfully, Devlin answered only 2 rings later.
"What do you want, Julius? I'm busy and I-, Julius?" Devlin could hear the panicked breathing on the other side of the call. "Julius, breathe, and tell me what's wrong."
"The face, it isn't fusing!" Julius screams into the phone. Devlin raises a brow, "What do you mean? don't you just hold it up to your face and it does its thing?" Devlin asks.
Julius groans, "Well that's the problem! it's not doing it's thing!"
"So what do you want me to do-"
45 minutes later, Devlin is knocking on the door of Julius's bathroom. "Julius, let me in. I have the face,". Julius yanks Devlin into the bathroom and shuts the door.
"Is Cian here as well?" Julius asks frantically. "Yes, he is. Why?" Devlin raises a brow. Julius starts to grab some pins for the new face. "I need him to stay downstairs in case Killian gets here,".
"Why would he need to do that?" Devlin asks. "I can't let Killian see me like THIS!" Julius snaps back. Devlin sighs, he knew Julius was vain as a peacock, and cared a little too much about what others thought of him.....especially Killian. Devlin nods "very well,". Devlin gets out his phone and texts Cian what he needed to do and then got to helping Julius with the face.
Devlin and Julius did everything they could to get the face on. Pinning the face to Julius's, holding it up, and even tried gluing it at some point......but nothing would work! And to make matters worse, Killian had arrived home and was getting impatient.
Downstairs with Cian and Killian
Cian nervously bounces his leg as he tries to stall Killian, "S-so, dad-er- boss, h-how was your day?". Cian stumbles over his words, he always got so nervous talking to Killian, and he could tell that Killian was losing patience.
Killian sighs, "Just fine, Cian. Now, where is Julius and why are you stalling?". Cian lets out a 'Pffffft' sound and chuckles nervously. "Julius is busy, a-and I am NOT stalling! I just-"
Killian groans and shoves Cian out of the way and stomps up the stairs. "If you're not going to tell me where he is, then I'LL go find him myself!"
Killian mumbles to himself, "pathetic little idiot....can't even tell me where my damn husband is in MY OWN HOME!"
In the bathroom with Devlin and Julius
Julius could hear Killian making his way up the stairs and down the hall to their bedroom. Julius began to freak out....of all times for this to happen! why now?!
Devlin and Julius frantically tried to get the face on but it was no use. And Julius could hear Killian's heavy breathing behind the door.
Killian knocks on the door of the bathroom. "Julius, you better have a DAMN GOOD reason as to why you had that sad excuse for a man keeping me from coming up here or I promise you tonight will NOT go in your favor!"
Devlin cleared his throat and spoke "Killian, it's Devlin, Julius and I are just-"
Devlin sighs in defeat and looks at Julius, Julius just shakes his head and unlocks the door, letting Devlin out and Killian in.
Killian enters the bathroom with a huff and crosses his arms, "What on earth is all of this about? and why on earth do you have your back turned to me?!"
Killian grabs Julius's shoulder and is about to force him to turn around when he feels Julius's body shake gently.
Killian takes a breath and softens his tone, "Jules, what's going on?"
Julius turns to face Killian, and Killian sees the problem. Julius's new face is hanging on by just a couple sewing needles and muscle, and the area around the face looks red and itchy.
"Oh Jules.....why didn't you just-"
"Because I didn't want you to see all of THIS!" Julius motions to his entire face. "YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SEE THIS PART! ONLY THE END PRODUCT!" Julius lets out an angry groan and crosses his arms.
Killian raises a brow, Julius didn't want him to see the mess he was? That just didn't make any sense! Killian loved Julius more than ANYTHING in the world! and he certainly wasn't going to leave him over a failed attempt at putting on a face!
Killan places his hands gently on Julius's neck and strokes the skin with his thumbs. "Julius, We've been married for over 50 years, and I've been with you for almost our entire lives! How could you possibly think that i'd be bothered with something as tiny as this? " Killian chuckles.
Julius holds Killian's wrists tightly, "my entire face is falling off! it's been like this ALL day and I've been trying to fix it!"
Killian holds the face to Julius's and holds it there for a while. "What are you doing?" Julius asks, confused. "Devlin and I already tried that! it's not going to-"
Slowly but surely, the face fuses Julius's own and turns into his signature porcelain doll like face.
"There we go, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Killian raises a brow and gives him a charming smile.
Julius looks at him in surprise, "H-How did you get it to work?"
"You just needed to be more patient, if you don't rush it, it'll work better," Killian says as he kisses Julius's cheek. Julius's pale cheeks turn to a rosy shade and he looks away. "I knew that! I just- hmph."
Killian chuckles and holds Julius's hand in his own, "You're perfection, Jules, you know that?"
Julius squeezes Killian's hand and hugs him, "I know,"
Killian lets out a small, but genuine laugh, looks down into Julius's beautiful eyes, and gives him a soft, loving kiss.
"I love you, Julius Doherty,"
Devlin Doherty: @scarfaxia
Julius the Dressmaker, Killian Lynch, Cian Lynch: @sanityshorror
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anartisticwoofer · 3 months
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Hello! I'm Woofer!
This is my art blog. I also run a writing blog, which is here!
I will probably only post Undertale doodles here, as I hope to make my writing blog my main focus. Unfortunately, that one is under this account, so for right now, this is my main account!
I dabble in different styles, sometimes. Here's an example of what to expect from me :
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(If you've seen these before, chances are that you've caught me lurking in the art channels of discord servers)
I don't do commissions right now, but I do take requests! (sometimes, depends if I feel like answering it or not(you deadass have better of a chance on my writing blog ngl))
I don't do NSFW, but I accept basically any other requests. I might start up a comic and I might show off my AU. Maybe. Idk, it's a work in progress.
But yeah, enjoy! And follow both blogs so you can get both of best worlds!
I want my blog to be a safe-space for everyone, so I want zero hate-speech! I do use strong language myself, and I want this blog to mainly be for me to grow as an artist and I take any and all critique! If you have any tips for me, please, feel free to share!
Any personal questions may be answered too, and you're more likely to get anything out of me by asking those.
I have three personas I like to use, and these are them :
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Their names are Toby, Woofer, and Mimi. They'll variate from time to time when it comes to posting. It's still me! Just a different face.
So yeah, if you're interested, go woof at me and maybe follow me while you're at it!
(also, my rules with each art I make might be different, so always ask before trying to do anything with it!)
PROSHIPPERS DNI. I have younger people that interact with me due to my SFW content.
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omeletcat · 5 months
alright this is how the combat currently looks ingame there are a few things missing but overal it looks pretty okay? i have some fears/ problems tho first is the main concept of all the combat in. My game the idea is that there are 2 characters Luca and Rae, luca has long range attacks (currently only 1 is finished tho) and Rae has more quick close range attacks! each has an amount of energy that slowly refills, i want the player to have to switch between them to keep on attacking and changing when it is needed for the situation, for some situations like this its easier to do the area of attack that hits multiple enemies at once! in other situations the long range is better. this is the core concept but besides that the way you attack is also kinda weird every character has 2 attack buttons the left and right click BUT it has at least 2 variants depending on how far away from the player the mouse is a long range attack would be a basic shot, and close range would be a slice or smth this way you have to move your mouse around to do different types of attacks with different effects, damages and energy costs. and if you press multiple at the same time or in a certain combo, it can also create different attacks. i hope that this large amount of combo's and multiple uses for the same attack will keep the game interesting for longer since unlike some other games that inspired me my game doesn't have a lot of weapons, i have a concept for switching out attacks but that is veryy vage right now the problem i have is how i want to give these attacks to the player. on the one hand i could give them all at the beginning like magica 2! or i could make the player unlock them but that would be so annoying?? i HAVE to make the first chapter of the game cool and interesting, and if i only give the player 2 attacks of the (at least 4) they are supposed to get in the first game it wouldn't be as fun as it could be BUTTT if i give them all the standard attacks in the first game i have nothing/not a lot to give later on in the following chapters, then the combat will get boring and repetitive, so i have to introduce new things over time! so i need to make the first game cool and interesting without having to put every idea i have into it all at once. but then how do i make the player unlock the other attacks later on?! do they learn it in a story way? or do they have a skill tree or something??
is the combat interesting enough as a concept alone? should i change things add things? if you have ANY ANYTHING AT ALL any idea's tips critique or advice please share!! i think that taking advice from the people that are (hopefully) actually gonna play my game is better than just doing whatever and hoping people will like it.
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
🥐 bake me please eps 1-4 thoughts, feelings, etc.
ok i didn't plan to make anything like this for anything other than last twilight but this show also makes me feel so much, just in a totally different way.
i know there's kind of mixed feelings about bake me please and i think one of the largest critiques i've seen is how things feel rushed or out of place - and to an extent i agree, however, this show is only going to be 6 episodes so there are going to be elements they won't be able to touch on quite as much.
bake me please wants you to do a lot of reading between the lines and filling in the gaps based on context clues given to us throughout the show. for example, the large one i see people commenting on is how sudden guy's departure feels - and sure, it absolutely does BUT in that very same episode we get his confession to peach that he's always wanted to bake cakes.
we don't know quite how long this place has been in business but it's certainly long enough to establish a name and reputation for themselves. if we assume guy has been here this entire time with shin that's months and perhaps even years of setting aside his own dreams and desires for his best friend. and i'm also sure there's the question of favoritism.
oab's feelings for shin are a not very well kept secret, it reads on his face in every interaction and every moment he jumps to shin's defense when shin is being a dick. i'm sure guy can't help but wonder if maybe he DOES make better cakes, but shin has been chosen for the role because of oab's feelings for him.
and then we get to his departure. i'm sure it can be read into he's leaving just because his feelings for peach aren't reciprocated but i read it much more as someone who has been hurdling towards a breakdown for a long time and this was the minor inconvenience that drove them into a meltdown. sometimes we let things pile up, we bear the load and grit our teeth and handle everything until that one minor thing tips the scale and we just can't take it anymore. through no fault of peach, i think he was that scale. guy realized he can't keep doing this, he can't keep coming in second place. he has to do something to stop this endless cycle.
then there are comments that it was overly dramatic and sure maybe they ramped it up a bit but here's the thing - everyone shin has ever loved has abandoned him.
shin didn't grow up with warmth and love like peach, he didn't have someone to teach him how to love. he was left behind by his own parents and grew up in an orphanage where his only source of comfort were the cakes shin's grandmother made. the only love he knows is through food, not communication. shin's cakes are his best attempt at sharing his feelings with the world (until he meets peach.)
so when guy says he's going to leave? shin equates that with forever, because the people that leave his life never come back. i don't think there was ever any thought in his mind that they could remain friends, it likely seemed impossible to him because when people leave they don't come back. so, shin shut those doors behind guy and shielded himself from the pain he knew was coming. he drove guy away before he would have to face the pain of never hearing from him again.
and i don't think guy ever intended to abandon shin. i genuinely think guy just wanted to pursue his dream but maintain his friendships, and there's nothing wrong with that. you gotta find your spot to shine in.
which brings me to today's episode so spoilers for episode 4 i guess.
i don't know that shin has ever had a dream. we don't really see him talk about his goals or aspirations or what he wants to accomplish - all we really know is he likes what he does, he likes baking and that stems from the way it made him feel as a child. but is that what he wants to do forever? does he want to open his own bakery? i don't think shin knows.
i think the idea of a dream is something he can't quite comprehend and so when peach brings up his dream we see him grow defensive - "you don't want to open a shop with me?"
peach never said that, but the last time someone brought up chasing their dream they left, and i think that has scared shin. i think he wants to be part of peach's dream but he doesn't know how, he doesn't know where he fits in. i think he's scared that this dream will take peach away from him just like it did guy.
i can't really defend shin on him wanting to keep things a secret because, like, baby everyone knows. i know you don't want to mix your personal and work lives but sadly they're already intertwined. and i understand you don't want to hurt oab but the things is all you're accomplishing is hurting both oab and peach. sometimes you hurt people, through no fault of your own, and that's okay. you just have to live with that.
and here's what i both hate and enjoy. i hate it as a lover of shin and peach and their relationship but i love it from a narrative standpoint. we see shin regress, we see him grow cold and distant in his hurt and distrust. it's realistic; people don't change overnight, love is powerful but it's not that powerful. it makes sense that shin would regress and throw up walls, it makes sense that he would grow defensive, especially with everything that has been going on. does my heart hurt? absolutely, but i get it.
i think what we're going to begin to see is a shift in shin's priorities. i suspect the next few episodes are going to be shin wrestling with what's most important to him and realizing all the ways peach has touched his life and left that touch behind. shin's world is tilted on it's axis right now because of peach and it's going to take him some time to learn how to walk again. whether peach accepts him back is likely going to depend entirely on how much accountability shin takes in this.
not that peach is blameless. he shouldn't have lied to shin - i think he absolutely still should've gone to that dinner but i think he should have been honest with shin about it. do i think shin would've understood? no, not really, but at least there wouldn't be any further lying between them. i do get it, though. shin insisting peach can't be friends with guy just because he's angry with him is absurd. my husband has plenty of friends i don't care for and you know what i do? i don't talk to those friends. easy peasy.
sigh and now we get to chef guy. listen, i'm gonna be the number one chef guy defender until i die. was what he did okay? no it was pretty fucking petty. i think guy is lashing out in his hurt. sometimes losing a friend is so much more painful than losing a lover and i think it's really hurt guy a lot, and then for him to see the way shin is treating peach? the man they both love? i think he got protective and petty and vindictive and maybe he wanted shin to feel a little of what he felt. i'm not excusing it - it was a dick fucking move - but there is a reason he did it.
i guess the thing i'm trying to say in all this babbling is that while bake me please is warm and soft it's also so full of so many broken pieces trying to slot together. everyone in this show is broken in one way or another; from familial expectations to abandonment to unreachable dreams and living in someone's shadow. when you pick up a pile of broken pieces and try to slot them together you're going to get it wrong, some pieces aren't meant to go together, and it's going to take time and work and effort to find the ways in which they do. the bakery boys just need time (and preferably a whole heaping pile of communication.)
and listen, i'm not saying the show is perfect. the pacing is a bit fast, i'd love to see what they could do in 12 episodes rather than 6, and the fucking toyota ad today in the middle of such a serious moment was absolute ridiculousness, but i do think it's still a show worth watching. it has a lot of love to give if you're willing to read the clues and fill in the gaps.
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Hi Raven! Lemme start out saying that I love your posts, they are really thought out and informative, especially with matters going on in the community. You don’t have to answer this if you're busy,but I have a question. I wanna start a Twist blog, well kinda. I wanna start posting some of my works, and kinda make a blog on my Twist OC, but I don't know where to start. If you have any tips or tricks, that would be helpful l, but if you don't have a direct answer to this, that's fine too anything will help. And another question is, how do you get over to fear of people not liking your works or even OC? I've seen quite a bit of hate in this Fandom, and idk if my sensitive heart can take it. 😅 It's kinda the reason why I've never posted at all. Thanks again.
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Hello there ^^ I’m happy that you enjoy my blog and that you find my posts informative!
For general advice on starting and maintaining a writing blog, please see this post. I’m going to use the rest of this response to speak at length about the second question posed by the asker: “how do you get over the fear of people not liking your works or even OC?”
First, let’s get something out of the way: humans are inherently social creatures; therefore, it is in our nature to desire positive attention/approval and to be afraid of rejection and ostracism. There is no shame in wanting validation. It’s a built-in survival mechanism leftover from the past—because when humans band together, they are more likely to thrive. However, I also think that in the modern world, it’s easy to get carried away and care too much about what others will think of you. This is so true in the age of social media, where likes, shares, and even follows and views are quantifiable and thus can be used as a point of comparison to others on the same platform. It’s also easier than ever to connect with others, which can be both a boon (meeting people you otherwise could have never met) and a detriment (internet hate).
Now, as simple as it would be for me to say, “create for yourself rather than seek the approval of others”, that advice doesn’t actually do much for anyone. It's easy to talk the talk, but it's much harder to walk the walk. It’s all about mindset, because in actuality, a very small number of people out of the overall fandom will care about your works enough to actively hate on an individual. The mind seemingly magnifies the number because humans are hardwired to pay more attention to the negative experiences over the positive ones (which, again, is another survival instinct; you pay attention to the bad things to avoid them or to resolve the issues). There goes the saying, “we’re our own worst critics”, and it’s very true here. It’s not just negativity from others you must deal with, but self/doubt snd your own mind perpetuating the belief that the negativity is much worse than it actually is. Of course, there are actual serious cases of hate (harassment, stalking, threats, doxxing, racism, etc), but here I am only referring to general cases of other people “not liking what you make” or saying mean things (such as “you’re a bad writer”).
So how does one improve their mindset? Truth be told, it doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, learning to not care what others think of you is a difficult and lengthy process. It will take time and effort to reach a comfortable state of acceptance (and yes, I’m talking years long here)—but it is possible to grow out of that fixation.
Here are some truths you have to accept if you want to overcome your worries:
In putting your work “out there” in a public space, you will naturally invite feedback, both good and bad. An integral part of creating is, of course, wanting to share one’s creations with others. However, it’s unrealistic to think that you won’t ever get negative feedback or critique. It isn’t always constructive or helpful to you, but you must brace for them to come your way all the same. If you think about it, getting nothing but praise isn’t good either because then it traps you in a cycle of thinking you’re perfect and there’s nothing you need to improve on. It becomes an echo chamber and it can lead to stagnation because you’re already satisfied with your current state instead of thinking about how you can grow. Mixed feedback is important for personal growth.
There may not necessarily be a problem with your content, it could be a matter of differences in circumstances or tastes. You must remember that lack of engagement is not always equivalent to hate. Indifference or not even coming into contact with a post is NOT the same as actively going to post a negative comment or ask. That being said, lack of engagement could be the result of a website’s algorithm working against your favor. Alternatively, it could be that you aren’t hitting a target audience. Like, if you write angst, it may not appeal to a certain subsection of fans. These are factors largely outside of your control, and trying to gain that control would be a fruitless effort.
There’s nothing wrong with blocking, especially if things escalate. I know that on sites like Twitter and Tiktok, blocking people is seen as “taboo” or some kind of hateful social statement when… it’s not. Blocking is a means of curating your space so you can have fun online without worrying about others raining on your parade. If people are giving you a hard time, nothing is stopping you from blocking them (which can be done even with anonymous asks). Don’t give people that send “hate” attention by responding and showing just how upset their comments made you, it only encourages them to continue once they’ve seen how much it affects you.
One instance of “hate” is not representative of the entire fandom’s feelings. This circles back to what I said before; the negative and toxic people in this fandom is actually minuscule when compared to the total number of fans in this space. Instead of letting the few rotten apples define the entire bushel, think about all the positive experiences you’ve had!
You can’t please everyone. As much as you try to, it won’t happen. But you know what is much more feasible of a goal? Pleasing yourself. You know what you like best, and if you’re able to make what makes you happy then you have a 100% chance of satisfying at least one person.
If you feel frustrated, it’s fine!! It’s normal to feel this way when you think a work you shared isn’t getting the kind of exposure you want it to (whether it’s little exposure or negative exposure). We want to feel like our energy and time was put into something worthwhile. Just don’t take it too hard because these things are bound to happen. Not everything you make will be a hit, and your audience may not always be receptive to what you put out.
If you create mainly or solely for the approval of others, you won’t be happy with yourself. Ask yourself why you want to create in the first place. Most likely it’s because you’re passionate about TWST and/or you just wanted to have fun. But when this shifts to a focus on pleasing others, is it really fun anymore? If you’re always chasing trends (which are very transient) or thinking about how you should change your work to have greater mass appeal, is it really “you”, or are you just being what you think people want you to be? It just results in never being satisfied, because you’re aiming for the impossibility of making everyone happy. When you weigh your worth based on others’ perception of you or on engagement, you run the risk of burnout and losing joy in creating.
You’ll have to embrace cringe. When I say “cringe”, I mean it in the sense that you should be comfortable being your authentic self even if you fear people won’t like it. Again, you cannot please everyone—but surely there will be people who will accept you and like you for who you are. Some will vibe with you, some won’t, and that’s a fact.
You won’t be perfect at keeping out negativity from others, and that’s okay. What matters is how you address those instances when they arise. It’s not productive to let negative thoughts stew or hold you back from creating what you want. Instead of letting the thoughts fester, try to redirect your energy to something else.
Additionally, here are some suggestions on what you can do to alleviate your doubts. These methods work for me, but I’m not going to claim they work for everyone; I figured I’d just throw the ideas out there in case they’d be helpful to others.
Isolate yourself from social media for a period of time until you're in a better headspace.
An alternative to social media isolation is looking at other people's creations (but ignoring the numbers, as that can be a basis for comparison)! It may inspire you to make something of your own. For example, sometimes I've been scrolling and I'd see someone's OC in their own outfit for an event like Fairy Gala, and that made me excited to do the same for my own characters.
Another alternative to social media isolation is looking at the positives! Think about the number of people who have supported you or left nice comments and how they outweigh the Negative Nancies. (This is an example of using the numbers to your advantage!) I know of some friends who use a special tag on their blogs to denote "feel good" asks so they can reference these to cheer up when they're feeling discouraged or down.
Rather than comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to... yourself! Treat it like a New Year's resolution: you're looking back at where you started and think considering how you've changed since then.
Do something else you love to get your attention away from your creative endeavors. This could be another hobby or spending time with friends or family.
Speaking of friends and family, talk to them! Let them know how you're feeling and why you're feeling this way. They can offer you support and advice. I find that this is especially helpful when you are able to speak with other content creators, who may be able to empathize with your experiences.
Practice mindfulness and gratitude. Instead of thinking about what you don't have, think about what you do have and be appreciative of it. This helps shift the center away from things out of your control (ie other people) and to something that is within your control (ie yourself).
Minimize taking things personally. This can be especially hard in cases of OCs because creators tend to put a lot of themselves into their OCs (particularly if they are self inserts or Yuusonas)—so when others say they don't like an OC, it can feel like an indirect way of saying "I don't like you, the creator". But rarely is this the intended meaning of a comment. When people say they don't like something, it doesn't always mean they also dislike the creator. Remember that at the end of the day, we're all internet strangers that don't know each other on a deeply personal level (so why should you hinge your self-worth on such a thing?). You can be close with your works and OCs, but don't necessarily think of the works/OCs as a 1:1 extension of yourself. When you think of it like that, it helps to detach yourself from negativity that a work may receive.
Think about what you’re good at and focus on that niche. In this way, you will be able to make what you want while also attracting an audience that also appreciates this niche over time.
Make something for yourself, no posting necessary! Sometimes it can help you air out your feelings if you make a piece (art, writing, etc.) for no one but yourself to see. It’s surprisingly very therapeutic.
With all of that being said, I’d like to close off this post by saying that conquering the fear of others negatively judging your works is something that all creators have to go through. We're at various stages in this process, and we will continue to have our moments of weakness. This is a completely normal thing (though it is perhaps not commonly discussed out in the open) and it should be normalized. Even I go through periods of self-doubt and find myself holding off on posting certain pieces (especially anything that is OC-related) because I overthink how they may be perceived. I know that most of my audience is here for the canon TWST characters, so I worry that posting OC content is self-indulgent, maybe even selfish if I'm feeling particularly mean toward myself on a given day. It's negative self-talk like this that can be detrimental to creators and their enjoyment of their craft; that's why it's important to identify these moments and try to figure out ways to overcome them, even if it's just taking little baby steps. Some progress is better than no progress!
Anyway, I hope that you found this post useful ^^ If you think it may be also be of use to a creator you know, please consider sharing it with them.
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
Hello! Just dropping by to ask you how you are :D
Also i wanted to say that your art style is super cool and squishy-looking (??? I dont know how to describe but everytime i see your drawings i just wanna pinch at it so its cute i suppose. Smth along those lines and definitely more add slay to it). I realky cant explain how much i like your art-
Also i hope you achieve your dream and make it far in life! Just keep working on it <3
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When I saw this my heart felt like it was going to explode x3 it was too sweet and precious (I kinda fan girl it to my friend)
I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner, I wanted to draw how happy this comment made me feel but it was really hard cause I felt so happy I couldn’t decide it. Sorry ^^;;
Also I wanna share that I’m in the process of trying to start a ko-fi, so you guys can help me reach my dreams + you’ll get sneak peaks or exclusive stuff hehe. I’m still working on it plus I’m still trying to research more on using ko fi. (If you guys have any tip, please do share)
I’ll also try my best to respond to all your lovely comments (or the ask I get), i want you guys to know I really appreciate your comments and critiques. It means a lot thank you ^^
For actual fanfics or comic, I’m still working on them on I might post an yandere art I’ve been working on, sorry for the wait and thank you for being patient!
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Hey its me again lol and I just come up with more stuff in my mind about your fic when you read my feedback which Im glad that you appreciated it!
1. I was so glad that you made Y/N to actually interact with almost everyone outside from the main characters (Arthur, Abigail, Dutch, Hosea, and John) and give them depth to each other! Srs whenever I read a fic on character x reader, especially rdr2 fics they always ignore the side characters that is also important which you don't have to make every side character important or have a conversation with the reader but at least have 5 or 6 characters outside to interact with unless they are aloof that has social anxiety. I was a bit dissapointed with how little we get to interact with John, which I can't blame if he wants to be emo all day but I felt like he should be more supportive to Y/N but is the type to be realistic while Hosea could give Y/N some hope but lead to be naive.
2. Now I was actually shocked that things went by fast with just 24 chapters we are in middle of chapter 4 compare to every rdr2 that I imagine we would already be in beginning of chapter 3 lol. I don't actually mind that though, the writing style actually helped the pacing along with the longer chapters. I just felt that some things were left missing that could have a potential for Y/Ns character and other relationship. I don't want you to do every event though, that be exhausting and annoying for both you and readers to read through. In other words, the pacing can sometimes be fast on how we can go from being ok in this area to whoops we need to go.
3. I think having a plot B could create more tension and be more engaging to read. Not necessarily important though, but it be cool that Y/N would struggle with wanting to bring back the way Arthur and her had in the past and on the other hand Y/N would struggle with herself and others for sometimes feeling not doing good enough for the gang despite how HARD she works.
Also I highly recommend to check out these website and writers that give you off good writing tips if you haven't
- Tyler Mowerry https://youtube.com/@TylerMowery: is mainly focusing on movies and series but you could also do this in fanfiction and novels as he gives super good and simple writing advice.
- The pottery https://theplottery.tumblr.com/?source=share: Focus on Novel and gives good advice on how to deal with writing block, gives ideas and inspo for you to write every month and more than you think!
- Hello future me https://youtube.com/@HelloFutureMe - Goes in depth about worldbuilding, character study (mostly atla) but has good how to show not tell, mental issues, creating this certain character etc
- Localscriptman https://youtube.com/@localscriptman - really underrated guy that gives off short yet simple and good writing advice that are funny and high quality too!
I do also recommend to go check out some rdr2 theories, essays, character and worldbuilding study like Strangeman, Fizhy and Real Pixels from youtube! I hope this helped and gave you something new :)) As always, looking forward more from you!
Thank you again for leaving this. I appreciate the feedback but I do have a specific way that I want to write the fic. There are a lot of things I’m going to change and due to the nature of the fic itself some things won’t.
Please don’t send me any more critiques since I didn’t specifically ask for it. I love hearing thoughts about the stuff that I write and the points you have brought up are all things that I’ve known about and were planning on changing so while hearing them from an outside perspective is helpful for me right now it only stresses me out.
Thank you anon I hope you understand and have a nice day ❤️❤️
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
Rules for my blog
No harassment of any kind! Positive vibes only
Please do not repost my stuff without crediting me
Feel free to ask me anything but no nsfw.
I appreciate reblogs and comments so please do not be shy to let me know your thoughts
critiques are very much welcome! If you have art tips to make my life easier please share!
I also must request that you refrain from messaging me directly, as I do not to talk directly to strangers online for personal reasons. I appreciate the compliments but if you must, use the ask box please.
I don’t mind spam liking and/or rebloging. Go nuts for all I care.
Other than that just be decent that’s all I ask really.
No homophobes/Transphobes/anti LGBT people either and NO MAPS. I don’t want any of that.
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thecoramaria · 8 months
Do you have any tips on both becoming a beta reader and getting a beta reader? I'd love to be a beta reader for someone's work so I can get better at editing my own works by pointing out things the author of the beta fic could work on, but i'd also like to have a beta reader of my own just so I know if there's anything I missed while combing through my rough draft. Are there any platforms in particular that are great for this or is it relatively easily to find/become a beta reader?
Hey! I’m sorry to say this is one of those things I don’t presently have much experience with, but I’ll try my best.
I’ve never asked to beta for anyone before, but I have been asked and I’ve asked others. In my experience, it came from connecting with writers I enjoyed and readers who enjoyed my work. That’s why, off the top of my head, I recommend connecting with your fandom niche through a Discord community.
I asked one of my mutuals in my ship’s server to be my beta because not only does she have a lot of enthusiasm for my work, but she and I have a lot of overlap in our preferences. This is important because the worst thing a beta can do is try to turn your story into something it’s not meant to be. For example, trying to speed up a slowburn or tell you to give your tragedy a happy ending. A beta needs to understand and enjoy your vision so much that they make it their mission to help you improve and refine it.
And I think a lot of writers prefer to recruit people they know for that reason, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t communities able to help you find a beta. Not everyone has made those connections yet, after all. That’s why the best I can recommend is to find a fanfiction subreddit specific to your fandom if you can (or a non-fanfic-specific subreddit if that’s the best you can find). Make a post describing your fic, the major characters and relationships, how long it will probably be (both chapter and word count if you can), how often you’re aiming to post, and what your preferred method of communicating will be. You can also look for those kinds of posts looking for beta-readers as well and volunteer.
If you’re writing for a ye old fandom on Fanfiction.net that’s still active, the website does actually have features to help you find a beta. People will write out profiles about their fandom preferences, their approach to editing, and other stuff like that. Be aware that FFN is falling out of fashion though, and it’s riddled with bugs. When you find a promising beta candidate, check to see when they were last active (available at the top of their reader/writer profile), send them a PM, and after they’ve agreed, arrange to communicate on a more reliable platform.
One thing I want to caution you is to not look for beta-readers on websites that aren’t specific to fanfiction. The reason why is that in the traditional/original fiction world, beta-readers are intended to be a “test audience”, while in the fanfic world, we think of beta-readers as critique partners. It’s just one of those discrepancies in the writing world that it’s good to be aware of so you don’t end up with misunderstandings and such.
Anywho, that’s the best I can do. Hope it helps and hope you find your foothold in the world of beta-reading!
If anyone more knowledgeable than me on this has any advice to share, please do 💖
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lucithornz · 2 years
Fic Masterpost
Hey everyone! Here is my fic masterpost. Below you can find all of my completed and ongoing works. Additional links and posts about me, my writing and projects also linked at the bottom.
I try to keep this as up to date as possible with current chapter count progress etc.
Thank you for reading, and comments on my fics seriously make my day! I don't bite :]
My AO3
Meet the author post
Keep reading below for a Detailed List of my Fics, Updates, Boundaries, Collabs, and Beta Reading ↓
My Fics!
A list of my ongoing and completed fics, please feel free to talk to me about them and writing in general <3
Formula 1 Fics:
Red Horse (6/16) | Lestappen | a/b/o, rivals to lovers, rivals with benefits, Alpha Max, Omega Charles | Rated E
Just One Question? (6/6) | Lestappen | exes to lovers, padelgate, angst | Rated M
Losers Love Company (one-shot) | Lestappen | padel date, sexual tension | Rated M
Spa Fever (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Burn Darker (4/4) | Lestappen | vampire AU, angst, happy ending | Rated E
By the Book (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Top Two (one-shot) | Lestappez | omegaverse, humor, threesome | Rated M
Because You Can (one-shot) | Gax | Implied lestappen, emotional cheating, angst | Rated M
A Comedy of "Accidents" (1/6) | Lestappen | omegaverse, hurt/comfort | Rated M
Aurelian Cycle fics
Brilliant Disguise(12/12) No Surrender(15/?) The Sacrifice That Mattered(1/1)
Other Fandoms
Black Company fic: Winter Burns(1/1)
Anon fics
Fics I have on anon due to the darker nature of the work. Most carry a Dead Dove warning so please be sure to read the tags
I Call That A Bargain (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, Dead Dove, breeding program, dub-con | Rated E
Best I Ever Had (one-shot) | Loscar + Landoscar | omegaverse, dub-con, breeding program, mpreg | Rated M
If you want to know about updates to a specific project I leave my anticipated upload schedule in fic notes(usually on ch 1).
For the most recent updates follow me on Twitter, that is where I post about when new chapters go up, and will say if chapters are delayed etc.
I am not opposed to you politely asking about updates in my comments sections, so long as you keep it respectful(or funny) and don't overdo it. I totally understand the worry over fics updating, and I take it as a compliment that you're that worried about my silly little story :]
Minors - If you're a minor do not message me, and do not interact with any NSFW content I create. I am an adult, and I do write some stuff rated T, but a vast majority of my work is rated M or E and intended for an adult audience only.
Critique - Critiques of my work are fine, though I'd prefer to not see it(don't tag me etc). Tip - Compliment sandwiches are your friend. Anything that is overly negative/harassment in comments will be deleted. Keep things civil and within reason and we'll be fine. I have thick skin, but I do this for fun and don't have time for this type of thing. If there is a serious error in a fic feel free to dm me about it. I'd rather you dm if there is a factual error or a glaring typo, rather than pointing that out in a public comment.
Inspired works - if for some reason one of my works inspires you to create your own thing(art, fic, headcanon, etc), awesome! Please tag me and stuff, I wanna see it. I don't really care about credit or anything(we're all here to have fun). But if you make something based off something I create I seriously will probably cry(in a good way). Please tag me in anything you create <3
Sharing - Feel free to share my works on Twitter(for non-rpf works) or with your friends, fic clubs etc. However please do not share my RPF works on twitter or Tiktok. I'd appreciate them not being broadcast on platforms where they could be easily seen by the subjects.
And please let me know what you think, I love interacting. However do not repost my works to any other platforms(like Wattpad). I only post on AO3 and would like to keep it that way.
Interacting - I seriously just love being in fandom communities. It's why I love comments so much. I just wanna chat about blorbos, ships, writing, fandom culture, and everything in between. Go nuts, comment away, tag me on Twitter, send asks on Tumblr, I promise you aren't bothering me.
More About Me as a Writer
Here are some posts to get a better sense of where I am as a writer, and what my tastes are with regards to storytelling. Just so you can get a taste of my specific brand of crazy ;)
My favorite fanfiction trope post
Weirdest places I've written fanfiction post
Beta and Collabs
Beta requests - If you are looking for a beta reader(in my fandoms) then reach out, I might very well be interested(if it's for the Aurelian Cycle the answer is a preemptive YES). Just let me know the project you're working on and the type of feedback you're looking for and I'll get back to you.
I have a pretty quick turnaround time, but I am an adult with a full time job, so it depends on how busy I am.
Writing Collabs - if you are a fellow fic writer and want to collab and write something together, yeah I'd like to talk. I've never done it before, but it sounds fun :) I am picky about ships though. Other Works These are previous fandom works that I am no longer active in. I am always happy to talk about them so don't be afraid to send asks or comment <3
DNF/MCYT fics: The Hounds of Love(11/11) Unsought is Better(9/9), Suffer Love(UIB sequel)(9/9) February 15th(5/5) I'd Lie(24/24) Hecate's Little Demon(5/7) One Fated Thread(3/3) Haunted Deep(3/3)
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