#so if you want my Erik - this is where you'll find him
oniikabuto · 1 year
haiii.. i stumbled upon ur blog and might i respectfully say I am DIGGING it u literally seem so cool!?!! i also saw ur requests were open, so i wanted to send something!!! umm i am also Too shy to do this on my main. So.
cld i mayb request headcanons erik (2004 movie ver!!!) with a fem s/o who's rlly introverted, soft-spoken and generally scared of people (social anxiety!!).. just general relationship headcanons and such!!! sorry this request is So long! if you'd like, it can be a mix of sfw + nsfw. ty ❗❗❤️
2004 erik x soft/shy reader
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synopsis: headcanons with erik x a shy and soft-spoken reader!
characters: gerik (2004 erik)
a/n: tysm <3 and also ty for being my first poto request!! and yea i felt that so hard. i almost never req on main either 😭 also ur request is not long at all dont even worry ab it <3
notes: little tiny bit of nsfw bonus at the end...?!?,@
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erik, of all people, knows how that feels.
secretly, he likes that you don't really like being around people as often because that means you'll spend more time with him, down in his lair.
it may be selfish of him... but he needs u :(
but in any case, you end up spending a lot more time down with him than anywhere else, bc that's where it feels safe
really it just gets to a point where people wonder if there are TWO opera ghosts now.
he finds it funny to have you sign off on his letters too
O.G. in his elegant cursive and O.G. II in your loopy, small hand.
he takes you up to box five to watch performances together. sometimes he studies your features and the way you laugh, clap, gasp in surprise at the scenes. he finds it endearing.
especially when it's his own, self-written opera. his pride soars sm
he's so soft and sweet and patient
u almost wanna cry
he stops and asks if everything is okay very frequently after realizing you never stop him to ask for anything.
he worries that you're in an uncomfortable position or something and you won't tell him!
lots and lots of praise
you're his perfect beautiful angel <3
sweet and gentle with u always
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faellain · 3 months
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
Snippet 2
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they head to the study in stark silence. the mansion is eerie covered in cobwebs and without noise. sean's laughter wasn't echoing in the halls. there was no thudding of alex with a punching bag. no raven to whisper the secrets of this old house. no surprised yelps from hank as he dealt with some miscalculation or another in his lab. no moira fussing nearby. just creaks and the whistling wind keeps them company. he doubts even the kitchen feels the same.
the study is in even more disarray than the rest of the house. charles' precious books, always stacked precariously high ("i will get to them at some point, erik."), have been shoved off, laying in a heap on the floor. other books from the shelves have been left in messy piles around the room. little statuettes lay covered in dust.
charles goes straight to the cabinet he kept, taking out two wide glasses. he pours one for himself and downs it like a shot. it is nothing erik hasn't seen before. charles was always an impressive drinker— one night he and alex had gone toe to toe on tequila shots. yet now he only gets a terrible sinking feeling, like when he had tried to hold on to shaw's submarine the night they met.
after he smacks down the glass, he pours them both a drink. from the bottle, erik can tell it is a decadent bourbon. he sets the glass down for erik and plops himself down on the couch.
"you could have told me you were coming."
"and have you leave?" asks erik, picking up the glass, "in truth, i panicked. when i realized i had two twins with mutant abilities. i didn't know where else to go."
"you? panic?" charles asks with no small amount of skepticism.
erik sighs heavily, taking a sip from his glass, "believe it or not it can happen. i don't have the helmet. look into my mind. you'll see nothing but the truth."
"i can't."
erik pauses, looking up at the telepath from where he is tiredly leaning, "you can't?"
charles frowns, downs his drink, gets up and grabs the entire bottle of bourbon. he pours himself another glass before setting it down between them, the liquor sloshing around like liquid bronze. erik finds his heart pounding in his chest. charles made no move to explain himself.
"…did you lose your powers somehow?"
charles downs another half of his drink and erik wants to slap it from his hand.
"hank uses a serum to control his transformation. i use it to numb the pain in my spine, but it costs me most of my power," charles explains, "but in this state i have the ability solely to use telepathy on my own body."
"you gave up your powers so you could walk?"
charles chokes on a broken laugh, "i gave up my power so i could sleep." he tries to cut himself off on the last word, it becoming nothing more than a whisper.
downs the drink. pours another.
"the school is closed. i can't help your twins."
"charles. i don't know how to take care of children," erik insists.
"so you want me to take care of them for you?" he snaps, "i'm in no state to care for children."
"clearly," erik finally acknowledges it, "you aren't caring for yourself. why?"
as soon as he says it, he regrets it. betrayal and anger streak across charles' face. he tosses the drink at erik, soaking him in the thick bourbon until he smells as as bad as charles' breath.
"fuck off," charles hisses, "get out of my house."
he gets up fiercely, letting the glass roll along the carpet, forgotten. charles throws open the door to the study. erik only has moments to grab charles by the wrist to drag him back.
"let go of me!"
erik pulls him close, staring at the death of those crystalline eyes. they are drained of their life. he is staring at a phantom of his closest friend.
"what has happened to you?"
charles actually laughs, loud and broken, "you."
"i regret what happened to you. i would do anything to undo it," erik said, not trying to plead, just trying to be honest.
"this has nothing to do with that."
"i don't understand!" snaps erik, growing frustrated, "if you don't forgive me, fine, but—"
"you abandoned me!" charles practically roars, "you took her and you abandoned me!"
"and where have you been?!" erik grabs him by both shoulders, metal knick knacks flying, the house's metal shaking, "our people are being hunted and you abandoned us! to what? give up everything?"
how can he describe that riptide is missing? he is not someone that charles knew beyond a name. all he had been to charles was an enemy. erik had sent him on a mission to investigate any hidden mutants in the government when he'd disappeared overnight.
while he was the only member of erik's brotherhood that had gone missing, emma had found that he was hardly the only one that had gone MIA since their reveal on the beach.
and through it all charles was not at his side. a hole was left next to erik, one mystique could not fill in the way it needed to be. they both knew it. they were not the merging labyrinth he and charles made. mystique was an excellent right hand, but she was not charles.
"we were supposed to do this together," charles replies.
"you gave that up. you chose to side with them."
charles' nose wrinkles as he glares, cruel, mirthless smile breaking through his face, "you didn't leave me a choice."
"there is always a choice," erik huffs.
"not with you," charles replies, "you accept your way or nothing. which means i'll be strong armed into caring for your children while you run off elsewhere."
"i'm worried about my children's safety with me but i don't want to abandon them."
charles shoves him away, "but you will won't you?" his voice is tired and cruel, "just like everyone else who loves you."
erik stands stunned while charles storms off. never in his life had he heard such cruelty from charles. it was as bad as a knife to his heart. there was something broken in his charles. the brilliant man he knew was fading into a monster.
he goes to the kitchen where the kids are enjoying a feast of milk and chocolate chip cookies. briefly, erik wonders if magda had them eating kosher, realizing he doesn't know. they're old enough to tell him or hank. he can question them on it later.
hank looks up at erik, "didn't go well?"
"an understatement."
hank sighs as he pulls over a washrag and hands it to pietro who's fingers are a chocolate mess, "i'll set you guys up in some rooms."
"charles made it pretty clear i'm unwanted," erik replies ruefully.
"but your kids need this place," hank says and picks up a cookie, "these were snickerdoodle when i bought them."
"wanda," erik sighs. does his daughter have one power or many?
"i wanted chocolate chip!"
pietro and wanda are borderline conjoined at the hip so erik and hank set them up in the room next to the one erik plans to take. the one charles had given to him before. variously through the sleepless night, he hears shuffling around the house. part of him is tempted to get up and stop whatever charles is doing, but he can't bring himself to.
does he abandon all the people who ever loved him?
erik rolls over, hand clutching the pillow. part of him can't help but think of charles' study, trashed to high heaven. he knows he should sleep, but instead he gets up and traipses to the study.
the rest of his night is spent putting the books and knick knacks back into some semblance of order. he cleans the used glasses and puts the liquor away. part of him is tempted to crunch the handles to destroy any access to it, but he's already made himself unwelcome. the last thing he wants is to jeopardize his children's ability to stay here.
eventually, he crawls back into bed only for pietro to join him a few minutes later. he puts an arm around the boy, who is trying not to sniffle.
"you weren't here earlier. i thought you left us," pietro admits bitterly.
erik feels part of his heart break, "i will never leave you. i promise."
"don't make promises you can't keep."
"i don't."
pietro burrows his head into erik's chest, "the drunk guy said you left him."
erik sighs, "so you were running to eavesdrop every time hank's back was turned?"
"maybe," the little speedster mutters.
erik presses a kiss to his head. he is only guessing at what he's supposed to be doing. he is all these two darling children have in the world now. the only thing he can hope is to show them the same love his own parents had given to him. whether that love remained inside his jaded heart or just in the confines of his feeble memories remains to be seen.
"i'll let it slide this once, but it's impolite."
"you sound like mom."
"good," erik replies with no amount of amusement.
"…you left her too."
erik runs a hand over his son's head, letting the soft white hair muss beneath his fingers, "your mother and i parted…" amicably would be the wrong word, "understanding each other. charles and i— that was different. and you and wanda? you are my children. had i known you existed nothing would have kept me from you."
pietro snorts dismissively, "yeah, right."
erik sighs, "believe me or not, it's your choice." this boy is smart mouthed and too witty for his own good, but he is far more jaded than he lets on as well. life has already hurt him so he has clearly decided to hurt life back. such a young fighter… erik's heart aches.
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kat-thepoet · 15 days
Invisible string
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A/N: Enjoy!
Previous chapter: CHAPTER ONE
Word count: 4300
The sun was starting to set, casting a warm golden hue over the campus as I stared out of my window. The grounds were quieter now, with students scattered around in smaller groups, eating dinner outside or just relaxing. The soft hum of conversation and laughter drifted through the open window. It was peaceful, but I couldn't shake the nerves building up in my stomach.
I had spent most of the afternoon exploring the grounds, trying to familiarize myself with this new place. But as the day wore on, the reality of what lay ahead started to sink in. I was going to be part of this community, part of something so much bigger than anything I had known before.
Just as I was lost in thought, a soft knock on my door snapped me back to the present. I turned, and the door creaked open slightly as Raven peeked inside, a friendly smile on her face.
"Dinner time," she said casually. "Come join us."
I hesitated, smoothing down my clothes nervously. "Uh... are you sure? I don't want to intrude."
Raven stepped into the room, her expression reassuring. "You're part of the team now. No intruding, I promise. Plus, the others are curious to meet you. Well, most of them."
The mention of "most of them" made me think of Erik. My stomach tightened again, but I gave Raven a small nod. "Alright, I'll be there."
She flashed me a smile and gestured for me to follow her. As we walked down the long hallway, Raven chatted easily, telling me a little more about the daily routines here. Her calm energy helped settle some of my nerves, but the thought of sitting down at a table with people I barely knew—especially one particular person—kept me on edge.
We made our way through the school and finally entered a large dining area. The room was bright and inviting, with a long table at the center where the X-Men sat, while students ate outside or in smaller groups around the campus. The sound of clinking dishes and light chatter filled the air.
As soon as we walked in, several pairs of eyes turned in our direction. I tried to resist the instinct to shrink back, instead forcing myself to smile politely.
"Flora!" Scott called out, waving me over to a seat near him and red head. "There you are. How was your first day?"
I smiled as I sat down across from him, feeling a little more at ease. "It's been... a lot. Still trying to take everything in."
"You did great today," Storm said with a smile from beside Scott. "It takes time to adjust, but I think you're settling in just fine."
"Yeah," Scott agreed, grinning. "You should've seen how lost I was on my first day here. And I practically grew up in this place."
I chuckled, feeling some of the tension in my chest loosen. "That makes me feel a little better."
The red hair girl next to him smiled warmly at me. "Hi, I'm Jean."
I looked at her and smiled politely, " Hi Jean, it's nice to meet you." 
She smiled back and said, "Don't worry, you'll find your rhythm soon enough, Flora. And we're all here to help you along the way."
It felt nice that they were so supportive. A thank you fell from my lips and I started to fill my plate with a delicious smelling pasta.
I noticed the others at the table—Charles, sitting at the head, offering me an encouraging nod; Hank, across from me, looking a little shy but friendly nonetheless. He gave me a small smile, and I returned it, feeling a bit more at ease.
The conversation around the table was easy, everyone catching up on their day. Jean and Scott chatted about the students' progress, while Hank quietly listened, occasionally chiming in about his latest research. Raven sat next to me, keeping the conversation light, helping me feel like I was slowly becoming part of the group.
But despite the warm welcome from everyone else, I couldn't ignore Erik's presence further down the table. His posture was tense, and he was focused on his plate, barely acknowledging anyone. Every now and then, I would catch his gaze flickering toward me, only for him to quickly look away, disinterest painted on his face.
I swallowed, trying not to let his cold demeanor get under my skin, but it was hard. As welcoming as the others were, Erik's attitude felt like a thorn in my side. He hadn't even said a word to me, yet somehow, I felt judged.
"Don't mind him," Storm said softly, leaning toward me. "He's always been a bit... intense. But he'll come around eventually."
"Yeah, give it time," Scott added with a reassuring nod. "He's not easy to get along with, but once he warms up to you, he's not so bad."
I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced. "I'll just... stay out of his way for now."
"Smart move," Raven said with a playful grin as she nudged me. "He'll thaw out. Maybe."
The others laughed lightly, but I couldn't shake the lingering tension between me and Erik. I kept my focus on the conversation around me, smiling and nodding as Jean shared a story about one of the students' powers acting up earlier. The lighthearted chatter helped distract me, but every now and then, I felt Erik's gaze shift in my direction, as if he were sizing me up from a distance.
Whatever his problem was, I wasn't going to let it get in the way of finding my place here. I had enough to worry about without adding him to the list.
Dinner carried on, and I found myself growing more comfortable with each passing minute, despite Erik's presence at the table. Jean, Scott, and Storm kept the conversation light and easy, sharing stories about their experiences at the school, the challenges they faced, and the funny moments with the students. Even Hank chimed in occasionally, his shyness easing as the conversation flowed.
I hadn't realized how much I had been smiling until Raven leaned over with a playful grin. "See? Not so bad, right?"
I smiled back, nodding. "You were right. It's... nice to feel like I'm already part of the group."
"And you are," Jean added, her warm tone as soothing as ever. "We're glad to have you here."
Charles, who had been quietly observing the table, finally spoke, his voice calm and thoughtful. "Flora, I want to emphasize again that your abilities will be a great asset here. Both in the classroom and beyond."
I swallowed, the attention shifting back to me. "Thank you, Professor. I'm still... adjusting to the idea, but I'll do my best."
Charles smiled knowingly. "That's all anyone can ask."
As the conversation began to turn back to other matters, I allowed myself to relax a bit more. Everyone was being kind, making sure I didn't feel like an outsider. Well, almost everyone. Erik hadn't said a word the entire time, and despite the growing ease I felt with the others, his silence hung over me like a cloud.
Just when I thought the meal was coming to a close, Erik's voice cut through the chatter, sharp and direct.
"And what exactly do you plan to do here, Flora?"
The table fell quiet. All eyes turned toward Erik, whose gaze was now fixed on me. His tone wasn't kind, and I could feel the tension rising again.
I hesitated, unsure how to respond. "I... I'll be teaching, just like the others."
His lips curled slightly, but it wasn't a smile. "Teaching, right. And what experience do you have with that?"
I felt the flush of embarrassment creeping up my neck. He probably knew I didn't have much life experience outside of the orphanage, and he was using that to his advantage. Before I could reply, Raven jumped in.
"She's plenty qualified, Erik," Raven said, her tone sharp with irritation. "Charles wouldn't have brought her here if he didn't believe she could handle it."
Erik's gaze didn't waver from me. "Is that so?" His tone was still cold, disbelieving. "Teaching a few kids is one thing, but becoming an X-Man? That's something I know you won't be able to handle."
I clenched my jaw, feeling my frustration rise. "You don't even know anything about me," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "But I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could contribute."
Erik's eyes narrowed slightly, but before he could say anything else, Charles spoke, his voice firm but calm. "Flora is here because she has something unique to offer, Erik. Just as all of you did when you first arrived."
Erik's jaw tightened, but he didn't respond. He simply pushed back his chair and stood up, casting one last glance in my direction before turning away from the table.
"Enjoy your dinner," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, before he walked out of the room, leaving a heavy silence in his wake.
I stared after him, my heart pounding in my chest. The tension that had been simmering all evening finally boiled over, and I wasn't sure how to feel—angry, embarrassed, or just... exhausted.
Storm reached over, placing a comforting hand on my arm. "Don't let him get to you. He's like that with everyone at first."
"Yeah," Scott added with a sigh. "You just happened to catch him on a particularly bad day."
I forced a small smile, though I still felt rattled. "It's fine. I'll just... avoid him."
Jean shook her head, her voice soft. "He'll come around, Flora. It just takes time."
Raven, on the other hand, wasn't so forgiving. "Or he could try not being a complete ass for once. But that's Erik for you." 
The others chuckled lightly, but I couldn't shake the heavy feeling in my chest. I didn't want to cause friction, but it seemed like Erik had already made up his mind about me—and I had no idea how to change it. 
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After dinner, the weight of the evening still lingered with me, but I tried to shake it off as everyone began to disperse. Just as I was about to head back to my room, Charles caught my attention from across the room.
"Flora, may I have a word before you retire for the night?" he asked, his voice gentle but direct.
I nodded, giving a quick smile to the others as they left before walking over to where Charles sat, still at the head of the table. The soft glow of the lights in the dining room felt warm, but I could still feel the tension from my interaction with Erik buzzing under my skin.
Charles motioned to a chair beside him. "Please, sit."
I sat down, trying to push aside the frustration and focus on what Charles might need to talk about.
"I know tonight didn't go quite as smoothly as we'd hoped," Charles began, his calm tone easing some of the tension I felt. "But I don't want you to be discouraged. You handled yourself well."
I smiled faintly. "Thank you, Professor. It's just... I didn't expect things to be so tense so quickly."
Charles nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Erik can be... difficult. His past experiences have shaped him in ways that make it hard for him to trust new people, especially those who haven't yet proven themselves. But don't worry. He will come around."
I nodded, though a part of me wasn't entirely convinced. "I'll do my best not to let it get to me."
Charles smiled softly, as if he understood exactly what I was feeling. "Good. You'll have plenty of opportunities to prove yourself. In fact, tomorrow, we'll sit down and talk about the course you'll be teaching. I want you to start thinking about how you'd like to approach your lessons."
I blinked, suddenly feeling the weight of that responsibility. "Right, the course. Do you have any guidelines for what I'll be teaching?"
"We'll go over the details tomorrow," Charles said reassuringly. "Like I said at the orphanage, the students you'll be teaching are between the ages of five and ten. They need guidance and teaching, of course, but they also need compassion, patience, and love. I know you have plenty to offer."
I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness rising in my chest. "I'll start thinking about it tonight. It sounds... amazing, honestly."
Charles smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that. I think you'll find teaching here to be incredibly rewarding."
He paused for a moment, as if considering his next words carefully. "To help you get comfortable with the teaching environment here, I'd like you to shadow Jean tomorrow. She has a class in the morning, and it will give you a chance to observe how we work with the students."
I nodded, grateful for the guidance. "I think that'll really help."
"Jean is an excellent teacher," Charles said with confidence. "You'll learn a lot from her."
A soft silence fell between us for a moment before Charles added, "Flora, you belong here. Remember that, no matter how challenging things may seem at first."
I gave him a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Professor. I'll do my best."
He nodded, his expression warm and encouraging. "I have no doubt that you will. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow will be a full day."
I stood, feeling a little lighter despite the long evening. "Goodnight, Charles."
"Goodnight, Flora," Charles replied, his calm voice following me as I made my way out of the dining room.
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The next morning came quicker than I expected. Sunlight streamed through the curtains as I woke up, the soft sounds of birds chirping outside my window. Despite the peaceful morning, my mind buzzed with thoughts about the day ahead. Today was my first real step into this new life, and I wasn't sure if I was more nervous or excited.
After getting dressed, I took a deep breath, reminding myself of Charles's reassuring words the night before. He believed in me, and I had to believe in myself, too.
A soft knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts. I opened it to find Jean standing there, looking as calm and composed as always.
"Good morning," she greeted with a warm smile. "Ready for your first day?"
I nodded, smiling back. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Don't worry," she said with a soft chuckle. "You'll do great. Today, you'll just get a chance to observe. It's pretty informal, so no pressure."
I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "That helps. I was worried it might be too structured."
Jean gestured for me to follow her as we made our way through the halls of the school. "It's structured in some ways, but every class is different. It depends on the students' abilities and their needs. We try to make sure the environment is encouraging and flexible. You'll see soon enough."
We stepped outside into the crisp morning air, heading toward one of the classrooms at the edge of the campus. As we walked, I couldn't help but glance around, taking in the beauty of the place—the way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, the way the sunlight danced through the branches. It felt alive, like the entire school was in harmony with nature.
When we entered the classroom, several students were already seated, waiting eagerly for Jean to start. Their ages varied, but they all had that same look in their eyes—the curiosity and excitement that came with discovering new things about themselves and their abilities.
Jean turned to me and whispered, "Just sit in the back for now, watch how they engage, and observe how I handle the class."
I nodded and took a seat at the back, grateful for the chance to watch her in action.
Jean started the lesson by introducing the day's topic: learning how to control their powers in real-world situations. The students were attentive, asking questions and participating eagerly. I could see why Jean was such a good teacher—she had a way of making everything feel accessible and engaging. She didn't just teach them; she guided them, encouraging their strengths while helping them overcome their weaknesses.
As the lesson continued, I felt a sense of awe. These kids were so much like me when I was younger—full of potential but unsure of how to harness it. Watching them learn made me realize how important this role could be, not just for them, but for me, too.
About halfway through the class, Jean called on a student named Mia, a young girl with short, curly hair and wide, expressive eyes. Mia stood nervously at the front of the class, her hands fidgeting.
"Okay, Mia," Jean said gently. "Show us how you've been working on your power. Remember what we practiced."
Mia nodded, taking a deep breath. A moment later, her hands began to glow faintly, and with a soft flick of her wrist, she summoned a small gust of wind, causing the papers on the desk to flutter.
The class clapped lightly, and I smiled, impressed by the control Mia had over her abilities.
Jean smiled warmly at her. "Very good, Mia. You've made great progress."
I watched in admiration as Jean continued the lesson, guiding the students with patience and encouragement. It was inspiring, seeing how much she cared for each one of them, and it made me eager to step into my own role as a teacher here.
As the class wrapped up, Jean turned to the students. "That's all for today. Keep practicing, and remember, don't be afraid to make mistakes. That's how you learn."
The students gathered their things, chatting among themselves as they filed out of the classroom. As soon as they were gone, Jean walked over to me, her smile still in place.
"So, what did you think?" she asked, her tone light and friendly.
I stood up, feeling a little more confident. "It was amazing. You make it look so easy."
Jean laughed softly. "It's not as easy as it seems, but you'll get the hang of it. You already have the most important part down."
"What's that?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Compassion," she replied. "The kids can feel when you care. That's what makes them trust you."
I smiled, feeling that same warmth spread through me. "Thanks, Jean. I'm excited to get started."
She nodded, her eyes twinkling. "And you will."
I thanked her for the opportunity to shadow her today. As I stepped outside, I felt lighter—more at ease. Maybe I was finding my place here after all.
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The morning air was refreshing, and I decided to take a walk. I wandered around the campus, watching students train or work on their powers. There was a sense of community here, a place where everyone belonged, even with their differences.
As I walked through the grounds, feeling more at ease after observing Jean's class, I almost didn't notice the figure leaning against a nearby tree until I was right in front of him.
My breath caught, and for a moment, I considered turning around and heading in the opposite direction. He was standing there, arms crossed, watching the students train from a distance, his expression unreadable but distinctly cold.
I hesitated, unsure of whether I should approach him or just keep walking. After last night's dinner, the last thing I wanted was another tense encounter with him.
Just as I was about to slip away quietly, Erik's voice cut through the stillness.
"Running away already?"
I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. "I wasn't running away," I managed, trying to keep my voice steady.
Erik didn't even look at me, his eyes still fixed on the students ahead. "Could've fooled me."
I swallowed hard, forcing myself to stand my ground. "I'm just giving you space. That's what you seem to want."
He raised an eyebrow, his gaze still trained on the students. "Smart."
The silence between us felt heavy, every second more uncomfortable than the last. Erik didn't seem interested in talking, and I didn't know how to break the awkwardness. I remembered what Storm and Raven had said—how Erik would eventually warm up, how he just needed time. But standing here now, with him clearly uninterested in anything I had to say, I couldn't help but wonder if they were wrong.
I shifted awkwardly, unsure of whether to leave or say something. "Look," I began hesitantly, "I know you don't like me. But I'm not here to cause problems. I'm just trying to find my place, like everyone else."
For a moment, it seemed like Erik wasn't even going to acknowledge me. He stayed silent, his face hard, and I could feel the tension building again, just like at dinner.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low and dismissive. "If you think this is about finding your place, you don't belong here at all."
His words stung, sharp and cutting. I opened my mouth to respond, to defend myself, but nothing came out. I felt small, like I had no right to be here, standing in front of him.
Erik gave me one last, cold glance before turning and walking away without another word, leaving me standing there, the weight of his rejection sinking deep into my chest.
I watched him go, my mind racing with questions. Everyone kept telling me that Erik would warm up, that he was just closed off and difficult at first, but standing there, all I felt was doubt. Would he ever come around? Or had they all been wrong?
As I continued walking, trying to shake off the icy encounter, Erik's harsh words echoed in my mind. I didn't understand him. I didn't understand why he disliked me so much, and no matter what the others said, it seemed like nothing I did was going to change his mind.
Frustration gnawed at me. Storm, Raven, Scott—they all seemed convinced that Erik just needed time, but how much time was I supposed to give him? How long could I keep waiting for him to "warm up" when every interaction with him left me feeling like I didn't belong here?
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After my encounter with Erik, I made my way back inside, trying to shake off the lingering tension. I reminded myself that I had more important things to focus on—like the students and the course I'd be teaching. As soon as I stepped through the door, I saw Charles waiting for me near the entrance, his usual calm expression in place.
"Flora," he greeted warmly. "Shall we take a walk? I thought it might be a good time to show you your classroom."
I nodded, grateful for the distraction. "That sounds great."
As we walked through the quiet hallways, the energy from outside seemed to melt away, leaving behind only the soft echo of my footsteps and his wheels. Charles guided me toward a part of the building I hadn't yet explored. The air smelled of books and fresh wood, making it feel like stepping into a different world.
"I'm sure you're still settling in," Charles began, his voice gentle. "But I wanted to talk to you about the course you'll be teaching. I believe it's important for you to shape it in a way that feels natural to you."
We turned a corner, and I noticed the doors to classrooms, each marked with the names of various subjects and instructors. Charles paused in front of a door that stood slightly ajar, his hand resting on the frame as he gestured for me to step inside.
I walked in, taking in the room. It was cozy, with large windows that let in plenty of light, and shelves lined with books, supplies, and materials for teaching. Desks were arranged in small clusters, and I could already imagine the younger students filling the space.
"This will be your classroom," Charles said, following me inside. "I wanted you to have a comfortable, flexible space where you can tailor your lessons to the students' needs."
I smiled, feeling a rush of excitement. "It's perfect."
Charles nodded, rolling further into the room. "As for the course itself, I'll provide you with a general template on how to structure your lessons, but the content will be entirely up to you. You can teach anything you choose since the older kids are already taking their core subjects. Think of this as an elective, where students can come in without feeling the pressure of being demanded something."
A warmth spread through me at his words. This was exactly what I wanted—a chance to connect with the students and help them find their way, just as I had with the kids back at the orphanage.
He handed me a small folder containing the basics on how to organize the class—suggested schedules, learning outcomes, and other useful guidelines. I glanced through it, already imagining how I might introduce the students to concepts I knew best.
"I think I can handle that," I said, my voice more confident than I expected.
"I have no doubt that you will," Charles replied, his expression kind. "You'll start small, of course, easing them into the lessons. You have the freedom to design your course around your strengths, and I'll be here to offer guidance whenever you need it."
I nodded, already picturing how I might structure the lessons—introducing the students to animals, explaining how the natural world could help them understand their powers, and encouraging them to connect with the environment around them.
Charles continued, "Tomorrow, your first class starts in the morning and ill be here to officially introduce you to the students, and you'll begin with a brief lesson. Nothing too overwhelming—just a way for them to get to know you and for you to see how they respond."
"That sounds perfect," I said, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "I'm looking forward to it."
Charles gave me a final encouraging nod before making his way to the door. "I'll leave you to familiarize yourself with the space. Take your time, and remember, this is your classroom. Make it your own."
As he left, I looked around the room again, a sense of purpose filling me. This was my chance to create something meaningful for these students, to help them in ways I hadn't imagined before.
And as much as Erik's words still echoed in my mind, I pushed them aside. This was about the students, about the chance to help them grow. I was ready.
TAG LIST: @maximumchilddreamland @mostlymarvelgirl
Chapter: THREE
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
MultiVillains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: You move into an apartment in a dodgy neighbourhood.
Characters Included: (Rarin'-to-Fuck) Buck, Dr Peter Andover, Erik Destler, Freddy Krueger, Bonus!Jason Voorhees, Ian Essko, Bonus!Madame Blavatski, Inkubus, Jim Bickerman, Bonus!Reba, Doom Room's MC, Minister Kratski, Stuart Lloyd, Wayne Jackson, Bonus!Norman Tyrus and Bonus!Dale Acton.
Tagging: @ghouletka , @grav3yardgirl , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin and @your-mxnd-is-mxne .
Rarin'-To-Fuck Buck: *Stays right by the window where he can see his car so it doesn't get stolen* "Uh... nice place... " (You: Thank you! I was so jazzed to find it on the market!, it has a dishwasher and everythin- ) "I was kidding Y/N this place is a fucken dump. Lets go- "
Dr Peter Andover: "... no." (You: What. But- ) "We have rooms at the clinic, you can stay there." (You: I cant live at the clinic- ) "Ohhh yes you can."
Erik Destler: "Oh, this is near to the brothel I used to- Ehem. I mean, Y/N this is a very nice, uh... home... you found, here... " || He wants to sweep you away but also he doesn't want you questioning him on that first bit XD So I guess he's just gonna have to stalk you all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With love. For your safety.
Freddy Krueger: "You couldn't find an actual house?? Oh, and wouldja look at that! Guys with guns. *Waiving out the window* Hey fellas- " (You: Newsflash Fred its not the 60's anymore old man and you cant just b u y a h o u s e !! And put your hand down- )
Jason Voorhees: *Nope. No- Jason will not let you stay here XD He takes one look around, picks you up, and leaves.*
Ian Essko: "What filthy-fucking-hell... Oh! Wait wait wait- " (You: Don't you dare take out that black light Ian.) "What? Afraid of what you'll find in this house of horror!??"
Madame Blavatski: "Oh- this is nice. Lovely. I lived in a home just like this in my stripping days in Russia! Very lovely, very good. And you have drug dealers just two doors down, which is convenient. I already visited, they're very nice boys, and I bought you welcome-to-area 'blow'- da? They even gave discount!" *head pats*
Inkubus: *He's very calm, listening to you talk about it and show him all around, until the very end* "Y/N, love, may I ask something of you right now?" (You: Oh- sure? ^^) "Wonderful. Uh, don't be here between eleven and 3 tomorrow." (You: Why?- ) "Mmm, no particular reason... do you think these beams are good and flammable?" || If it is not clear- the man is going to burn your apartment building down so you don't live here, anymore.
Jim Bickerman: *He's been walking around peering out the windows shaking his head. When he finally looks at you waiting for his thoughts, he flashes a big smile.* "We're going gun shopping." (You: Oh no we are NOT- )
Reba: (You: So! ^^ What do you think?) "... well I noticed the police station a block away, I liked that feature."
The Doom Room's MC: "Well its better then my place, at least."
Minister Kratski: *not getting outta the limo*
Stuart Lloyd: "Y/N I saw some hooligans just down the street with switchblades. I don't think this area is safe." (You: Oh don't worry, I have a plan! ^^) "*Genuinely relieved* oh, great. Wh- what is it?" (You: I got these really big ass boots from the charity store- and I'm going to keep them just outside my door so everyone walking by thinks a lumberjack lives here!) "... ... Y/N- "
Wayne Jackson: *He's very quiet. Just wandering in and out of rooms, lookin' around* (You: ... Wayne, is everything okay?) "... preeetty sure I lived here in the 70's. Cant be sure, though." (You: Oh- ) *Pulls an open door away from a wall* "Ah! I did! Heheh, I made that w in bullet holes."
Norman Tyrus: "... no." (You: Norman- ) "Nope." (You: Not another place, Norman- ) "You're moving. You're not staying here." (You: I'm gonna stop showing you my new places.) "How about ya just find a place that doesn't have bullet holes in the front fucken door?" Dale Acton: "OH!!! I know those guys upstairs, I used to buy coke from them a couple years back! Until a deal fell through at least... hey, don't tell 'em you're with me. You'll be fine. We probably shouldn't be seen together, though, so uh... bye babe- "
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
So the idea was equestrian!reader x svechy. The reader owns a horse in Raleigh and the canes go to the stable for teambonding and reader teaches them some stuff and svech can't get reader out of his head afterwards so the team teases him about it and so he goes back to the stable in hope to find her and he does and kina slowburn-ish? srry if it's too much😅
i know literally nothing about horses so this might not slay the house down and i hope you enjoy bestie! also, there isn't really a slow burn (i'm sorry *looks away in horror*) because I've been trying to write this for too long, so i'm sorry bestie, i tried! also, that title is literally so funny to me cause it sounds like the title of one of those cheesy books with fabio on the cover lmao
"these are the stables. usually, all of them are filled but the horse that's usually here is getting prettied up," you explained, leading the group of hockey players behind you through the stables.
"prettied up? what for?" one of them asked.
"he's a racehorse, my nephew's, and he named him after one of you guys." they laughed.
"what's his name?"
"he took a page from erik johnson's book and named him svechnikov." you laughed, looking over at andrei, who was laughing as a few of the guys slapped him on the back.
"so, you guys have racehorses too?"
"just svechnikov. the others are ours. they're our pets and they get all prettied up with hockey teams come to visit." you smiled.
"can they ride the horses?" one of the canes media people asked.
"yeah, of course." you nodded, "so, we have some saddles over there. we'll saddle the horses for you, but there are helmets over there." you pointed to the corner where an array of helmets were, "try to find one that'll fit your heads." you clapped your hands, signaling for everyone to get to work.
the whole day was spent riding around your little ranch with the horses. the canes got the content they wanted and the players had a fun time, so it was a win-win situation for everyone.
a couple weeks after the canes day on the ranch, andrei couldn't stop thinking about you. not in a creepy way, more in an "i regret not getting your number so we can go out" kind of way.
"you still thinking about that ranch girl?" pyotr asked in russian.
"shut up." andrei shook his head, trying to hide the smirk.
"you are." pyotr laughed.
"maybe a little." andrei admitted.
"why don't you go back or something?"
"and say what?"
"you're andrei svechnikov, you'll think of something." pyotr shoved him and andrei laughed.
on his one off-day, andrei made the over hour drive to your small family ranch and found you in the little "gift shop" on the ranch. you looked up when you heard the bells ring above the door.
"andrei, hi." you smiled, setting your book, "what can i help you with? do you want some horse riding lessons?" you joked.
"i wanted to ask you something."
"all right." you nodded, "fire away."
"can i take you out sometime?" you froze at his question.
"there's no one else in here." he gestured around.
"did you drive an hour to ask me that?"
"yeah." andrei's hope was wavering and he didn't feel as confident.
"wow." you chuckled, "sure."
"yeah, i'll go out on a date with you." he slowly let out a breath before smiling.
"great." you nodded, smiling.
okay, this wasn't the best, so i'm sorry besties!
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syoemei · 14 days
cherik playlist
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(breakdown below) 1. love grows (where my rosemary goes) - edison lighthouse 2. chateau lobby #4 (in c for two virgins) - father john misty 3. golden brown - the stranglers 4. each coming night - iron & wine 5. blackbird - the beatles 6. achilles come down - gang of youths 7. 3. stock - annenmaykantereit 8. simulation swarm - big thief 9. your ex-lover is dead - stars
this playlist follows first class until days of future past (before the timeline changes with logan's interference). mostly from erik's perspective.
1. love grows (where my rosemary goes) - edison lighthouse
and people say she's crazy and her life's a mystery
this is charles and erik meeting, erik not quite sure what to make of this strange man but nevertheless captivated.
2. chateau lobby #4 (in c for two virgins) - father john misty
dating for 20 years just feels pretty civilian
literally what they end up doing in canon.
people are boring but you're something else completely damn, let's take our chances
erik finding all humans insufferable outside of charles.
3. golden brown - the stranglers
golden brown, texture like sun lays me down, with my mind she runs throughout the night
erik's impression of charles- sort of the honeymoon phase pre-cuba beach divorce.
4. each coming night - iron & wine
my lover came to me and we'd lay in rooms unfamiliar but until now
first class roadtrip era.
5. blackbird - the beatles
take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise
this is charles' perspective of erik, his unyielding faith that he is stronger than he thinks.
6. achilles come down - gang of youths
the self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken remember the pact of our youth where you go, i'm going, so jump and i'm jumping since there is no me without you
charles to erik at the beach divorce. the pact of their youth being to fight for mutantkind.
how the most dangerous thing is to love how you will heal and you'll rise above
this refrain echoes the lyrics from blackbird - themes of rising but in a hopeful, then despairing context.
7. 3. stock - annenmaykantereit
Ich würd' gerne mit dir in 'ner Altbauwohnung wohnen Zwei Zimmer, Küche, Bad und 'n kleiner Balkon (i would like to live with you in an old apartment two rooms, a kitchen, bathroom, and small balcony)
erik longing for resolution with charles, quiet domesticity.
Erzähl mir von dir, um mich abzulenken Wenn das traurige Gedanken denken beginnt (tell me about yourself to distract me from the sad thoughts)
8. simulation swarm - big thief
you believe, i believe too that you are the river of light who i love, that i cling to in the belly of the empty night
erik thinking about charles, remembering their old days.
with a warm gush, now i wanna touch like we never could before i'd fly to you tomorrow, i'm not fighting in this war i wanna drop my arms and take your arms and walk you to the shore
charles' imagining of a different ending to their confrontation in cuba. he rejects erik's call to war, but simultaneously wants to be comforted by him.
9. your ex-lover is dead - stars
this scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in
i like to think of the first line being charles, thinking of the bullet wound erik left him with, the second is erik seeing charles, refusing to let him in his mind.
you were what i wanted, i gave what i gave i'm not sorry i met you i'm not sorry it's over i'm not sorry there's nothing to save
dofp pre-timeline shift, this is what erik thought to charles after he was hit fatally.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Leaving The Castle
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Female vampire reader x Lizzie Saltzman
Summary: Going into town with your bestie and ending the night with a fun little scheme
Warnings: swearing?
"Ugh, I'm so bored!" Lizzie flops down onto your bed where you're reading a book.
"Wait a second, are you reading Twilight?!" Lizzie exclaims, reading the title.
"Yep, Damon always got annoyed when I watched the movies, but I've never actually read the books" You put the book down. "It's not the best honestly."
"I could've told you that" Lizzie smirks.
"Oh shush, how about we do something that your father won't like?" You ask. "I'm in," Lizzie says straight away.
"Then follow me" You stand up, pulling Lizzie up by her hand. You keep holding her hand, leading her out of the school and into the forest.
"Where are you leading us to?" She asks, wacking a blackberry bush branch out of the way. "You'll see...right..about......now" you move some bushes away, revealing an older-looking black and red Kawasaki.
"Please say we're not going dirt bike riding" Lizzie's eyes widen.
"Don't worry were not, it'll be a lot easier getting to town on this" you say, easily pulling it out of the bushes and remove any twigs and leaves from it.
"Huh, smart" Lizzie smiles. "You do know how to drive that thing, right?" She then asks you.
"No, I've just had the same bike for fourty years because I like how it looks" you say sarcastically. "Of course I know how to drive it."
"Here, put this on" you say, giving her your helmet.
"You always have an extra helmet?" Lizzie asks as she starts putting it on.
"No, but I don't really need one, the only reason I have that is because of nagging people about safety" you explain to her.
"Hop on" you said smirking, seeing your best friend's cautious face. "Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen. All you have to do is relax your body against mine and go with my movements"
"You promise?" She asks while getting on the back and wraps her arms around your waist. "I promise, always. You ready?"
"Yeah" she let's out a breath.
You start the engine and since this is the first time Lizzie had been on a motorcycle, you go at a slower pace and start working up the speed once you guys get onto the actual road.
"This isn't as scary as I thought it would be" she says, still holding onto your for dear life. (Though you don't really blame her).
"See, sometimes you just gotta step out of your comfort zone, it may surprise you" You chuckle.
Once you guys get into the town, you park in front of the strip of cute small business shops and boutiques.
Smiling, you guys go into them, trying on clothes or smelling all the scents of different candles.
"You need to smell this one" Lizzie hands you a candle. You open the lid and as soon as you do, you're immediately hit in the face with a way too sweet caramel, cake, ice cream, chocolate mixed scent.
"Oh god, why do you do this to me!" You put the candle back on the shelve right away while Lizzie is bent over in laughter.
"I'm so getting you back for that stunt," you say as you guys head over to the Mystic Grill.
"Oh, I believe it" she chuckles, opening the door for you both. You thank her before getting a table and you guys sit down.
A waiter comes around, and you both order food and drinks. " Thanks, that's all Erik," you say before he nods and walks off to the kitchen to put in the order.
"Do I even want to know how you know him?" Lizzie looks over at you with a grossed-out frown on her face.
"Really? No, I come here all the time to drink instead of punching your dad" you explain. "That actually makes a lot of sense, all the times I couldn't find you, you were here, weren't you?"
"Yep," you smirk.
"Well there goes all that time spent searching the whole school!" she playfully exclaims.
"Aww, I didn't know you missed me so much" you smirk and put your hand on your chest, in front of your heart.
"Shut up" she smiles.
Erik comes back with your guys' drinks before going to clean another table.
"Should you be drinking? I don't want to be the nagging 'mom' friend but you won't be getting drunk right? And then drive us back" she worries, taking into account that you ordered a double bourbon.
"Don't worry, I'm not planning to get drunk, I would need way more than this, and plus I would never think of driving drunk with you behind me. I care about you so much, you should stop second-guessing that" You hold her hand and squeeze it in reassurance.
"Okay, thank you" she softly smiles, letting out a deep breath.
After you guys are done eating, you compel Erik for the bill to be free of charge before leaving the restaurant. "One of the many perks of vampirism" you smirk.
"I can see why my dad thinks you're a bad influence" She links her arm to yours.
"You're just figuring that out now?" You chuckle.
"I have a great idea that you'll love, it involves maybe or maybe not pissing off my dad" Lizzie spots a store across the street.
"Oh, count me in" you smirk.
"Then come with me" She smiles and starts leading you guys toward the art store she spotted.
You guys go inside and she leads you over to the isle that has a massive glitter wall.
"Whatever's on your mind, I like it," you say, picking up a bright pink bottle of holo glitter.
"You know how my father hates a mess in his office, so how does covering it with the peskiest thing to clean up?" She smirks.
"I may just have to kiss you with how amazing this simple but amazing plan is."
You guys get a basket and fill it to the brim with the brightest colorful glitter you guys could find before 'paying' for it all.
Lifting up the seat of your bike, you guys places all the containers of glitter in the compartment. "By the time we get back, jackass will be asleep and we'll get down to business" you tell Lizzie as she loops her arms around your waist, holding on for dear life again.
You drive back to the school and Lizzie does a cloaking spell on it so you guys don't have to go back into the forest tonight. Sneaking through the front door, you guys make your way through the school with the bags of glitter and enter Alaric's office.
Lizzie locks the door before you guys get straight into dumping glitter all over his desk, the ground, the furniture, and basically anything important.
"A job well done!" You exclaim and lizzie high fives you as you guys take in the absolute glittery mess all over the office. You even went in and glittered his 'secret' weapon room.
"You can say that again. Let's get back to your room before anyone hears us. I told Josie I was having a sleepover with you" Lizzie tells you.
"Great idea" you guys go back upstairs and wash any traces of glitter off you before changing into pajamas. Lizzie borrowed some of your clothes, but she doesn't exactly have to ask, you guys go into eachothers closets all the time to borrow clothing.
Lizzie wraps her arm around you, spooning you once you guys get into your bed. Others may find it odd of how close you guys might be, literally, but it's just the kind of best friends that you are.
One things for sure, the next morning there'll definitely be a pissed off and annoyed Alaric Saltzman with glitter most likely all over his hands from trying to clean it up.
Right now, you just enjoy the peace and quiet with your best friend.
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buccaneeering · 7 months
☆ 🌈🍓🦋💖 🎊 🪩 for the game!! {Sorry for the six emojis I got excited 😅}
Whaaat???? No! There is no need to apologize! This'll be fun!(Sorry for the long ramble you're about to witness!)
🌈 I think that Erik could fall in love with anyone. When he loves someone, he loves them deeply(and a bit obsessively.. Uh.. Yikes..) He just wants to be loved back. I could see him having a slight preference for women, just cause of the time, but, you know, it's not as if he's been perfectly socialized.
🍓Oh snap.. I don't really know trope names.
Probably love at first sight(sound?), at least on Julien's end.
Secret admirer? Is that a trope?
That's my best answer as of this very moment. 👍
🦋Okay! Cool! A bit of background context, Julien is an actor and was trying to land a performing job at the Opera, but his voice didn't meet the requirements.. And he was instead hired as technical help(He brought a resume).
He becomes the opera's newest painter!
Technically, their first interaction was a note left by Erik?
Something along the lines of:
However, the first time they speak is when Julien goes to fetch some paint and brushes, and a voice speaks to him. He can't figure out where it's coming from, but he finds himself lost in its sound almost immediately.
💖 Julien's favorites for Erik are "Sweet Erik" or "Dear Erik", his favorite to be called are "Mon cher", and "Cherie"
Julien starts his letters with "Always Dearest Erik,"
🎊Mmm... Probably Erik? Julien is not very good at remembering dates. I think he'd keep a journal of them, just to be sure he'd have a gift for Erik or a date planned or something!
I think Erik would go all out for that kind of thing, composed songs, the whole day reserved, a night with the stars!
🪩Elevators were fairly new at this time, and I'm pretty sure they were a wealth thing.. So Julien would be very nervous. Probably would have never been on one. Squeezing Erik's hand for dear life.
I could picture Erik being excited to be the 'knight in shining armor' in this situation!
This was SOSO fun! Thank you so much!
Praying that my characterization seemed right!
I hope you have a good day, whoever you are. 😊💛
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gerec · 1 year
Hello gerec, i have a favour to ask. Could you please point me to the best fics out there with a possessive Erik? Fics where Erik really obsesses over Charles and protects him with all he has?
Self-recs would also be lovely!
Thank you so much!
(And if that's not your cup of tea and you don't know such fics, nevermind. Thanks anyways!)
Hi Anon! I love possessive!Erik and so does this fandom :D Here are some fics I think you'll enjoy!!!
I can cut you into pieces when my heart is broken by BrightDream
Soon after being freed from the Pentagon, Erik realizes how Charles and Hank seem to be closer than ever. Predictably, he doesn't like this at all, and ends up confronting Charles about it in his apartment in Paris. Cue to some rough and possessive sex and a lot of feelings on both sides.
Rampage by wallhaditcoming (uvcatastrophe)
When police uncover evidence that notorious serial killer Magneto is obsessed with Professor Charles Xavier, they immediately move to put him into Witness Security. Only Xavier refuses. The police come up with trumped up charges to arrest him and thus keep him safe until they can apprehend the killer. Erik is not happy that the police have chosen to drag Charles into this and are now trying to keep him from him, and shows his displeasure the best way he knows how -- an increased body count.
Thief by wallhaditcoming (uvcatastrophe)
Erik takes steps to defend his most valued treasure from would-be-thieves. There is only one man who is allowed to steal from him.
Submission by FuryRed (series)
Charles didn’t belong in prison- literally, he really didn’t. Accused of a crime he didn’t commit, Charles unfortunately found himself held captive in the world’s most formidable mutant prison- a place where even his telepathy wouldn’t be able to save him.
The situation would be bad enough, but to make matters worse it turned out that the man who essentially ran the prison- an experienced criminal by the name of Erik Lehnsherr- had a habit of doing whatever was necessary to get what he wanted, and it just so happened that the thing he decided he wanted most… was Charles.
Mine by sienna
Erik decides to confront Charles after watching him flirt the night before and decides to prove who he really belongs to.
The City is At War by theydonotmove (series)
A non-powered High School AU, in which Charles and Erik are as obsessed with each other as they are with getting other people into bed.
Yours by pinkoptics
Charles knows that Erik is protective of the things that he owns. His clothes are always immaculately presented, his suitcase is neatly ordered, and his words are carefully spoken. It's a meticulousness that borders on obsession, but what concern is it of his? It isn't, not until Charles begins to realise that there's other things that Erik feels like he owns...
Charles' Killer by luchia
When detective Charles Xavier finds himself hunting down a vendetta-driven serial killer, it doesn't take long for him to realize he's in over his head. It only takes a little longer for him to realize his killer is, too.
Quiet Like a Fire by kianspo Charles has been in love with his best friend for years without realizing it. When he finally figures it out, Erik is married to a wonderful woman and has an adorable daughter, who thinks the world of Charles. Erik has the perfect life that Charles helped him build, so there is only one thing for it - get over his feelings. So what if his methods are unhealthy or if Erik has an opinion on the matter? Charles is determined to do the right thing.
serendipity by intentation (pwp)
Charles runs into his professor at a sex club. How can he possibly resist?
Playing With Fire by professor
Charles is a detective determined to catch a serial killer.
If the serial killer doesn't catch him first.
Blood and Steel and Miles Between by dreamlittleyo
On a beach in Cuba, Charles manages to talk Erik down from the edge. But even after the missiles have been diverted, compromise is impossible. There are two different futures to build, and Erik and Charles will always be separated by their principles. But when Charles is kidnapped and the X-Men can't find him, Erik will get him back no matter the consequences.
Meanwhile, trapped alone in his mind for the first time in his life, Charles comes face to face with the truth about what and who he wants. When convictions stand in direct opposition to the heart, which will prevail?
The One Who Rules by Gerec
It's been five years since the Mutant Uprising, the powerful and ruthless General Magneto now the defacto ruler of the tiny island nation of Genosha. Though it remains a paradise of plenty, left relatively untouched by war, the safety and stability of the 'mutants-only' state remains in flux.
Devastated by the bombs Sebastian Shaw set off before his death, the human population outside Genosha has largely been decimated. The ones who remain struggle to survive with rapidly dwindling resources.
Adding to the uncertainty is the presence of the X-Men, mutants fighting Magneto and his Brotherhood for the rights of humans still living in Genosha, led by the General's former lover and co-leader of the Uprising, Professor X...
Royal Siblings AU by Gerec (pwp)
Erik and Charles disagree on how to deal with Apocalypse's offer of marriage.
Royalty/Wet Nurse AU Part 1 and Part 2 by Gerec (pwp)
Erik's obsession with Nina's wet nurse has potentially dire consequences for his alpha mate.
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diviinaee · 2 years
BUT THEN IK WHAT CUTIE IS THINKING BC IF I HAD THOSE POWERS I WOULD BE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING,, idk if its my mentally ill side speaking but im gonna analyze cutie rn:
ADMITTING YOU MADE A MISTAKE YOU REGRET TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS HARD. knowing that you consciously chose that mistake and having that decision on your conscience is a painful thought. AND THEN ADMITTING TO IT. i could never.
As someone who grew up surrounded by lies, I would've done ANYTHING for the power to hear people's thoughts. Cutie has empowered parents and we know there was a time that they were surrounded by telepaths without their powers. They know what it's like. Reading minds is a coping mechanism for them. For them, thoughts = truth. But then enters the argument of specific thoughts. For example, intrusive thoughts could be thought but the person wouldn't dare act on them or say them aloud. Cutie needs to learn that.
Therapy is a hard thing to agree to. Especially when it's recommended by someone you love. This world has fucked up in stigmatizing therapy and saying it's for "crazy people". Anyone can go. Anyone has the right to go. But in this case, Cutie doesn't like talking about it. They'd rather bury it deep, ignore it, and move on. But emotions are the worse ticking time bomb to ever exist. At some point, even this point, Cutie was bound to break. Fortunately, if they do it correctly, Geordi is supporting them throughout this. They will have help both medically and outside therapy.
We can infer that Cutie told Geordi that they would go to therapy for him. Geordi says they have to do it for themselves too.
IF I WAS TOLD THAT, I DONT THINK I WOULD HAVE GONE TO THERAPY. Admitting that your ill is hard. It's easy to slap on the excuse that you hurt someone and you don't want to hurt them again. Admitting that you hurt someone you love and that you want to be better so that you dont hurt yourself and another person is BY FAR THE HARDEST THING TO ADMIT. And I'm so glad that Erik brought that up. With including the subject of therapy, he included the fact that in order for it to work, you need to do it for your own self and well-being.
i desperately hope that cutie does receive the help they need and they find themselves healing after some time. And I also hope Geordi heals from this as well.
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tia-amorosa · 9 months
Caracan - Sparks Family (1)
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It is shortly after midnight and the lights are still on in the mayor's house. It's like this almost every evening, because Michael wants to finish his day's tasks first.
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​"Michael, it's getting late, come to bed"/ "in a minute, my dear, I just have to write a few lines. Mmh…hm, I've forgotten the name of our new resident again"/ "His name is Keon, Michael. You're getting a bit more forgetful as time goes by, I'm sure you realize that too. You'll have to give up your post at some point. I know you don't want that…".
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"I'm still clinging to the idea that we'll leave this island one day. If possible, before I die, Vinetta. Until then, I just want to be who I am for as long as possible."/ "But at some point, you won't be able to do that anymore. You know some of the men here would like to take over your job". "hmm. I'm just not sure yet who I can hand over my position to with a clear conscience"…
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"What about Mr. Weiss, or Luck-Neckar? Or Erik Verne? "/ "Oh no, not Erik, he would confuse so many things. No, I was thinking maybe Clayton. He's the closest to what I envision as my successor. He's very eloquent, can write very well, his handwriting is flawless. And he's very competent"/ "that's right. It would certainly be a good job for him."/"But I'm still here"…
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"This year marks 15 years. I know it's not necessarily a day to celebrate. But it would still be nice if we could all gather around the table with a good roast. Dean should keep an eye out first and then bring us something that's enough for everyone"/ "if everyone wants to come at all."/ "You're right… Then the leftovers will be brought to them. I also wish we could do it differently. But it was lucky that there are wild animals here".
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Michael finished his work for the day. He then went out into the hallway with his wife. This was already an evening ritual. Checking once again that the door was locked, taking another look through the window to make sure no one was out and about. "See, everything's fine"/"Where's our daughter today, she hasn't come home"/"She's staying with the Winchesters, she and Emma have become good friends".
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There is a difference between what you tell your parents and what you do instead. The hunter's house is not far from the family home. Donna has been spending a lot of time with him recently. Lustful moans, rapid breathing and the rhythmic banging of wood against a wall are the sounds that flood his bedroom at this moment.
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Donna and the hunter. It's not official yet. They spend most of their time together in their house and enjoy everything they've only ever dreamed of. The two have known each other since they were children. They actually grew up like siblings, but the older they got, the more they realized that they wanted more than just to be friends.
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They let their feelings run free until well after midnight. "You really are incredible, Donna, but at some point even the strongest man needs a break. ". She raised an eyebrow and made a pouty face. "hnn, and I thought we could still until tomorrow morning…"/ "hahaha, oh no, really… Hey, I have to get up soon"/ "mmh. All right." He stroked her face tenderly, kissed her and then let himself fall to the side.
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Exhausted and satisfied, they lay next to each other. "How much longer do you want to wait, Donna? Your parents should be allowed to know by now, shouldn't they?"/ "hnn, I actually find it quite appealing when we have a little secret"/ "Our relationship isn't a problem… Yes, I lived under the same roof as you and your parents for many years, but everything is different now and I get on with your parents"/ "Oh Dean…"
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"What, huh? Your parents are allowed to know… We're not kids anymore, Donna"/ "I know. Hhh, okay, I'll talk to them, all right?"/
"We! I'll come with you, not that you're going to back out"/
"All right, then you're coming with me. I have to help my dad again tomorrow anyway. Man, this work is really boring, I'd rather be doing something else. And I also have to look after the three orphans".
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"oh yes, the three who live up by the waterfall…"/ "i'm the dear aunt who looks after them. but Rupert is slowly turning into a man. He wants to be a craftsman now and is attending school again.". Dean raised an eyebrow with a confident look on his face and took a deep breath. "And I can hunt." She had to smile a little. "hnhn, yes, you're very good at that. And in a few days, it'll be Gratitude Day again. We should be grateful that we ended up here and not in the floods.". Dean got a different look on his face. Annoyed. "Yeah, and I'm only allowed to hunt on assignment again and not for fun, it's really boring."
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Donna stroked his face and smiled sympathetically. "I know it's not very challenging for you. But you're the one who gets us the meat when we need it. You're the best hunter I know. And we've got everything under control so far, haven't we? I need to sleep now…"/ "O.k….". Donna lay down next to him under the comforter and closed her eyes. While he thought for a moment. "One day… One day I'll shoot a really big one!".
End of Part one
Credits: Thanks to Lover's Lab for the Passion mod, which my Sims always have a lot of fun with😊😆in (it's like the Kinky, only with fewer functions, but it's enough for me) Bed Pose by Skylar (?) I'm not sure right now. I'll check again next time.^^
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dervampireprince · 1 year
Hi Prince. I just listened to one of your Erik audios for the first time and it's gotten me interested in The Phantom of The Opera now. What would you suggest watching as a first introduction to it?
oooo okay okay okay okay. so. you'll quickly realise how much of a nerd i am for phantom, look, i had a whole two years where this was all i was drawing and thinking about and making up my own aus and comics and just. a lot.
if you want a musical watch the 2011 live concert 25th anniversary performance, it's not exactly the same staging as if you saw it on the west end of broadway, but it's pretty close and it's professionally filmed and it's a good easy way to get into the musical. if you're not bothered about something pretty i'd recommend any recording with ethan freeman as the phantom, that man makes me sob. i know a lot of people got into the musical via the 2004 film adaption but... but, i don't be upset if you love the film, it's not a great film and it's not sung the best. so i'd always recommend watching a live version of the musical over the movie version.
now if you want something non musical well i first have to recommend the actual original novel. it's wonderful and it's one of the few places you can actually find the character of the daroga, who is almost always cut out of every single phantom of the opera adaption, which is not a good luck when he's the only poc in the book. and he deserves to be included for being the only man who can cope with putting up with any of erik's bullshit, like can you imagine having erik as a friend, this man deserves a medal. the andrew lloyd webber musical cuts out entire characters, rearranges the plot, and makes up a backstory for erik which is taken from 'phantom' by susan kay, a novel that is basically published fanfiction, but in the novel and older stagings of the musical erik's backstory wasn't explained and i think it's better that way.
and if you're wanting something to watch that's not a musical, there are many film and tv adaptions. the 1990 miniseries with charles dance as erik is so sweet omg, it's the nicest like morally good version of erik, i want to just hold him, he's often called "cherik" by the fandom (mashing up charles + erik) and he's just a sweet little baby.
another movie that's an adaption of phantom even if you didn't know it? a monster in paris! it's cute, it's animated, it's a musical, i wanna take Francœur home and look after him.
other movies? there's a lot. i'd stay clear of a few in particular because they're... either really bad or way too trigger warning inducing (i'm talking about you rat phantom), there's the original (well the first ever phantom film was actually before this, but it's lost media) 1925 black and white phantom with lon chaney, that's one of the most book accurate but not really because once again, no daroga... or well sort of daroga, but not really. but there's so many movies and i haven't seen most of them so i can't really say which ones are good or not. the most known ones are the 1925, 1943, 1962 and 1989. however there is also The Phantom of the Paradise, which is a rock opera horror musical movie with the very talented Brian de Palma as director, very cult 70s film.
did you know there's other musical adaptions other than andrew lloyd webbers? he actually made his musical because he say ken hill's phantom of the opera musical on stage and wanted to make his own. the next popular after alw's would be Phantom by yeston and kopit, there are some beautiful japanese productions by takarazuka of that musical (an all female acting troupe where yes the male characters are played by women).
don't watch love never dies. don't. it's. webber's bad fanfiction of 'what if erik and christine banged during the original musical and what if i ruined the personality and character and agency of all the female characters, but also made raoul just horrible because i ship erikstine 4ever and also i can definitely do basic addition and the 1910s definitely take place 10 years after the 1880s"... sorry if you like love never dies, you're a braver soul than i.
if you can find a copy of it, the 1980s manga adaption that i was lucky enough to find a copy of on yahoo actions jp a few years ago is beautifully illustrated. as is like every japanese publication of the book, which they also have published it multiple times as a children's book?? well the illustrations are pretty.
and if you like metal you might wanna listed to nightwish's cover of 'the phantom of the opera' from webber's musical.
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kat-thepoet · 11 hours
Invisible string
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A/N: Enjoy!
Previous chapters: CHAPTERS
Word count: 4435
The day had gone by in a blur of lessons, introductions, and getting to know the younger students. By the time I returned to my room, I felt both energized and exhausted, the mix of emotions swirling in my mind. I was finally beginning to feel like I belonged here, like I had found my place. But just as I began to unwind, a knock at my door startled me from my thoughts.
I opened the door to find Storm standing there, her calm and commanding presence filling the hallway. She gave me a small smile, through her eyes carried a sense of purpose. "It's time for training," she said simply.
I blinked, caught off guard for a second. "Training? Already?"
She nodded, her gaze steady. "Now that classes are over, it's time for you to join the rest of us. Charles wants you to start training today."
I hesitated, glancing back at my room. "Right... training. But, uh—" I looked down at my jeans and white shirt, definitely not made for any kind of physical activity. "What do I even wear for this?"
Storm's smile widened slightly, amused by my confusion. "Something comfortable. Most of us wear workout clothes or something flexible. You'll want to be able to move easily."
"Right," I said, feeling a bit out of my depth. "I'll figure it out. Give me a minute."
Storm nodded, stepping back to give me space. "Take your time. I'll wait for you."
I quickly closed the door, my mind racing. Training. I knew it was coming, but it still felt surreal. I rummaged through my closet, trying to find something that wouldn't make me look completely out of place. I pulled out a pair of black leggings and a loose-fitting top, hoping it would be suitable for whatever training involved.
After changing, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, wondering what I was about to get into. Sure, I could turn invisible and move things with my mind, but actual combat or training? That was a whole other challenge. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was part of the deal, part of learning how to fit into this world.
When I stepped back into the hallway, Storm gave me an approving nod. "That'll work," she said, her voice calm but firm. "Ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, though a part of me was still bracing for whatever was coming.
Storm led the way, her confidence radiating as she walked through the halls. I followed closely behind, my nerves bubbling beneath the surface. Training with the others—people who had been doing this for years—felt like stepping into the deep end of a pool I hadn't swum in before.
"You'll be fine," Storm said, as if reading my thoughts. "We're not throwing you into anything extreme today. Just an introduction to see where you are."
I nodded, though my nerves didn't ease.
As we walked through the halls toward the training facility, Storm's calm footsteps echoed in the quiet space. I was still mentally preparing myself for whatever this training session would involve, but just as I started to feel a little more grounded, Storm spoke up.
"There's one thing I need to mention before we go in," she said, her tone a little more serious now. I glanced at her, sensing that whatever she was about to say wasn't just a casual reminder.
"What's that?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.
"Well, we usually train in pairs," Storm explained, her gaze steady as she looked at me. "And since you're new, we've already assigned your partner."
I blinked, already having an idea of where this was going. "Okay... so who's my partner?"
Storm gave me a small, almost apologetic smile. "It's Erik."
I nearly stopped in my tracks. "Erik?" I repeated, my voice rising slightly in surprise. Out of all the people here, it had to be him?
Storm nodded. "Hank doesn't train since he's usually the one controlling the plane, and that leaves Erik as the only available partner for you."
Of course. Out of everyone, Erik was the one I'd be paired with. I sighed, trying not to let my frustration show too much. "Right. Erik."
Storm placed a hand on my shoulder, her voice softening. "I know he can be difficult, but trust me—he's one of the best at what he does. If anyone can push you to your limits and help you grow, it's him."
I wasn't sure if that was supposed to make me feel better, but all I could think about was how Erik and I barely exchanged civil words, let alone trained together. "Well, this should be... interesting," I muttered.
Storm gave a quiet chuckle. "That's one way to put it. Just don't let him get under your skin. You'll be fine."
I forced a smile, though my stomach was already tightening with nerves. "I'll try."
When we entered the training facility, the others were already gathered in the center of the room, focused and ready. My eyes couldn't help but flicker toward Erik, who was still leaning casually against the wall, his arms crossed as if this whole thing was just another routine for him.
He caught my eye for a brief second, but his expression didn't change—cold, indifferent, as usual.
"Flora, over here," Storm said, guiding me toward the group. "We'll do a basic warm-up to get started, and then you'll pair up with Erik for the actual training."
I nodded, but my nerves were already buzzing at the thought of working with him. I had no idea how this was going to go, but I knew one thing—I wasn't going to let Erik push me around, even if he was one of the best.
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After we finished the warm-up—which left me breathless, considering I hadn't done cardio in a while—Storm motioned for us to get with our partners.
The room seemed to shrink as the others paired off and spread out, leaving just me and Erik standing in the middle of the training area. The air between us was thick with tension, the kind that felt like it could snap at any second. I'd known this moment was coming, but now that it was here, the weight of his gaze was harder to ignore than I'd expected.
Erik didn't say anything at first—he didn't need to. The way he stood, arms crossed and eyes narrowed, said enough. He was sizing me up, and I could feel it. I'd dealt with judgment before, but something about his quiet scrutiny got under my skin more than I wanted to admit.
"Are we going to start, or...?" I asked, keeping my voice steady, trying to cut through the silence.
His eyes flicked over me, and finally, he spoke. "You ever done anything like this before?"
His tone was neutral, but I could hear the underlying message: Are you going to waste my time?
"I can handle myself," I said simply, refusing to rise to the bait. I'd spent years learning how to control my powers to some extent, but I wasn't completely useless without them.
Erik gave a small shrug, as if it didn't matter either way. "Alright, then. Let's see."
But then he smirked, just for a second, leaving me confused. "No powers."
Shit. Lucas and I never even got that far when we fooled around with our abilities. Combat wasn't exactly my specialty.
Before I could react, Erik moved—fast, punching me in the stomach.
I didn't expect that. The air rushed out of my lungs, leaving me doubled over on the mat, gasping.
"What the hell!" I glared up at him, still trying to catch my breath.
Erik stood there, arms casually crossed, watching me with that infuriatingly calm expression. "I said no powers," he replied, his voice calm, almost mocking. "You need to learn how to defend yourself without them."
I pushed myself back up, still glaring. "A little warning would've been nice."
"That was your warning," he said, smirking just enough to get under my skin. "You need to be ready for anything. I'm not going to hold your hand through this."
I straightened up, my ribs aching, but I wasn't about to back down. Erik might think he could push me around, but I wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction.
"I don't need you to hold my hand," I shot back, my voice sharper than I intended. "But if you're going to knock the wind out of me, at least have the decency to teach me something instead of just... punching me."
Erik's smirk faded slightly, and he took a step forward, his eyes cold but focused. "Lesson one: never expect your opponent to play fair. Out there, no one's going to wait for you to get ready, and they won't care if you're new at this."
I clenched my fists, my frustration growing. He wasn't wrong, but his attitude made it hard to listen. "Alright, fine. You've made your point. Now what?"
Erik didn't hesitate. "Now, you learn how to block."
Before I could brace myself, he threw a punch toward me again, but this time I was ready—at least, I tried to be. I raised my arms, deflecting the hit, though the force still made me stumble back a few steps.
"Better," he said, though it sounded like grudging approval. "But don't just react—anticipate. Know where the hit's coming from before it lands."
I gritted my teeth, repositioning myself. "Easier said than done."
He shrugged. "It's not supposed to be easy."
Without another word, he moved in again, faster this time. I barely had time to think before his fist came at me, and I dodged, feeling the rush of air as his punch missed me by inches. But before I could feel any sense of victory, he swept my legs out from under me, and I hit the mat with a hard thud.
"Damn it!" I muttered, trying to push myself back up, my pride stinging more than the fall.
Erik loomed over me, his expression unreadable. "You have to be faster. And stop waiting for me to show mercy—I won't."
"I got that the first time," I snapped, rubbing my sore shoulder.
He offered me a hand, and I hesitated for a second before taking it, letting him pull me up. His grip was firm but surprisingly steady.
"This isn't a game," Erik said, his tone serious now, all traces of mockery gone. "If you're going to survive, you have to be ready for anything. That's what I'm trying to teach you."
I met his gaze, and for the first time, I saw something other than disdain in his eyes—determination, maybe even respect. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by his usual coldness.
"Again," he ordered, stepping back to give me room to recover.
I sighed, steeling myself for another round. I wasn't sure if I hated him more for pushing me so hard or if I was starting to understand why he did it. Either way, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me quit.
We went at it again. And again. Each time, I managed to block a little better, dodge a little quicker. But Erik never let up, never gave me an inch. By the end of the session, my body ached, and I was covered in sweat, but at least I wasn't lying on the mat anymore. That felt like a small victory.
As we finished, Erik finally stepped back, breathing just as hard as I was, though he hid it better. "Not bad," he said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "You might actually have some potential."
I raised an eyebrow, surprised at the backhanded compliment. "Is that your way of saying 'good job'?"
Erik's lips twitched into a smirk again, but he didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed his towel and turned toward the door, leaving me standing there, exhausted but oddly proud of myself.
As he walked out, I couldn't help but wonder if this was Erik's version of warming up to someone—grudging respect buried under layers of indifference and tough lessons.
Maybe he wasn't as impossible as I thought. But he was still a jerk.
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I woke up to the sound of frantic banging on my door. Groggy, I glanced at the clock—1 a.m. "Who the hell is awake at this time?" I muttered, dragging myself out of bed.
I opened the door to find Jean standing there, fully dressed and looking serious.
"Flora, come down to the training area," she said urgently. "We're heading out on a mission, and Charles wants you to come with us so you can see what we do."
I blinked, still half-asleep, but Jean's tone told me this was no casual invitation. My heart started to race as I nodded, quickly pulling myself together. "Okay, give me a minute."
I threw on my training clothes, still feeling the aches from my session with Erik, but this felt different—bigger. I hurried down the hall to the training room, my mind buzzing with a mix of excitement and nerves.
When I got there, the others were already gathering, gearing up and checking equipment. The atmosphere was tense but focused. Storm spotted me and walked over, handing me a black vest. "Here, put this on," she said, her voice calm but firm. "It's a protective vest. You'll need it."
I slipped it on, the weight of it settling over me, adding to the tension in my chest. I wasn't part of this team—at least, not yet—but tonight I'd be observing, and the thought of being in the middle of an actual mission made my stomach flip.
Just as I finished adjusting the vest, the doors to the training room burst open, and in walked Erik, his expression as cold and irritated as ever. His eyes landed on me immediately, and I could see the disbelief flash across his face.
"What the hell is she doing here?" he asked, his voice sharp, cutting through the room like a blade.
Before I could even respond, Charles wheeled in behind him, his calm presence immediately grounding the tension in the air. "Flora will be coming with you tonight," Charles said smoothly, his eyes meeting Erik's. "She's here to observe. Nothing more."
Erik turned to Charles, his posture stiff with barely restrained frustration. "Observe?" he repeated, his tone incredulous. "She'll just get in the way. This isn't some training exercise—this is a real mission. We don't have time to babysit."
I felt a flush of anger rising in my chest, but before I could speak, Charles stepped in. "She's more capable than you give her credit for, Erik. And she's here to learn, just as you once were. This is how she'll grow into her role."
Erik's jaw clenched, and I could see the battle playing out behind his eyes. He didn't want me there, but Charles's word was final. After a long, tense pause, Erik turned away, muttering under his breath. "Fine. But keep her out of my way."
I bit back the urge to snap at him, reminding myself this wasn't the time or place to pick a fight. Instead, I adjusted the vest, trying to focus on what I needed to do—watch, learn, and not let Erik's attitude rattle me.
Storm gave me a reassuring nod, sensing the tension, and I took a deep breath. I could handle this. I wasn't here to be anyone's burden, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let Erik make me feel like I didn't belong.
As the team finished gearing up, Charles spoke again, his voice steady. "You'll be heading to a warehouse where mutants are being held. We need to get in, secure them, and get out without drawing too much attention."
He turned to me, his gaze softening slightly. "Flora, your job tonight is to observe and understand how the team operates in the field. You're not expected to engage, but if things go wrong... do what you must to stay safe."
I nodded, feeling the weight of his words sink in. This was real. This was the world I was stepping into.
With that, the team moved out, and I followed, my heart pounding in my chest as we made our way to the jet, ready to face whatever was waiting for us.
We boarded the sleek, black jet, its interior glowing with a dim, cool light. I made sure to sit as far from Erik as possible, determined not to let his attitude get under my skin. I couldn't afford to be distracted by him—I had to stay focused. This was my chance to prove I could handle myself, to show everyone that I wasn't just some extra baggage on this mission.
Hank was already in the pilot's seat, his large hands expertly navigating the controls. Storm sat beside him, ready to assist, her calm, confident presence always a comfort. The rest of us sat in the back, the quiet hum of the jet filling the space as we prepared for what lay ahead.
I stole a glance at Erik from across the cabin. His face was hard, his posture rigid as he leaned back in his seat, eyes fixed straight ahead. He didn't so much as acknowledge my presence, and I was more than happy to return the favor. If he wanted to act like I wasn't there, that was fine by me. I had enough on my mind without worrying about what Erik Lehnsherr thought of me.
The jet took off smoothly, the acceleration pressing me back into my seat as we climbed higher into the night sky. I stared out the window, the lights of the city below shrinking as we rose into the clouds. My stomach fluttered with a mix of nerves and anticipation. I'd never been on a mission like this, and though I wasn't expected to do much more than observe, the stakes felt impossibly high.
"Everyone clear on the plan?" Storm's voice came over the comms, steady and sure as she glanced back from the cockpit.
There were murmurs of agreement from the rest of the team. I stayed silent, knowing my role was simple—stay out of the way, stay observant, and stay ready.
My mind raced with possibilities, a thousand different outcomes flashing through my head. I wasn't used to this kind of high-stakes environment. Back at the orphanage, my problems were smaller, more manageable. Now, I was being thrust into a world where life-and-death decisions were made in an instant. I tried to steady my breathing, focusing on the rhythm of the jet's engines.
Erik hadn't said a word since we took off, and I kept my focus anywhere but on him. This was my first step into the world of the X-Men, and I wasn't about to let his disdain pull me off track.
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We landed smoothly, the jet’s ramp lowering into a snow-covered landscape. The facility loomed ahead of us, barely visible through the falling snow. The cold air hit my face the moment I stepped off the jet, sharp and biting, but I focused on keeping my nerves in check.
Storm handed each of us an earpiece as we gathered outside the jet, her voice calm but commanding. "These will keep us connected. Stay in communication at all times. We don't know what we'll find in there, so be prepared."
I nodded, slipping the earpiece in place, adjusting my vest as I glanced around. The others were already gearing up, and Erik, as usual, was off to the side, ready for anything. I caught his eye for a brief moment, but he quickly looked away, as if to remind me he still didn’t think I belonged here.
Storm continued giving instructions, pairing us up. "Flora, you're with Raven. Hank will stay back in the jet, monitoring everything and ready for extraction if necessary."
I gave a quick nod to Raven, who shot me a confident smile. "Stick with me, and you'll be fine," she said, her voice light but serious. I appreciated her reassurance, even though my stomach was still doing flips.
The snow crunched under our boots as we moved toward the facility, Raven leading the way while I kept close behind her. The cold was relentless, but the adrenaline rushing through my veins kept me moving. This was it—the moment I'd been waiting for. My first real mission. Even if I was just here to observe, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. People’s lives were at stake, and I had to stay sharp.
Through the comms, Storm’s voice echoed in my ear. "Everyone, stay alert. Keep your eyes open."
As we reached the entrance, Raven motioned for me to stay low. She transformed into her blue form, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings. "No guards," she whispered, her breath visible in the cold air. "But that doesn't mean it’s clear inside."
I nodded, staying close to her as we carefully made our way inside the facility. The cold steel of the building felt oppressive, the quiet even more unsettling than the storm raging outside. My senses were on high alert, every creak and gust of wind making me jumpy.
We moved through the dimly lit halls in silence, the only sound our soft footsteps and the occasional static over the comms as the others checked in. Raven led the way with confidence, her movements fluid and precise, while I did my best to keep up and not get in the way. My heart pounded in my chest, the adrenaline spiking with each corner we turned.
Suddenly, Storm’s voice crackled through the earpiece again. "Any sign of the targets?"
Raven paused, glancing at me before responding. "Nothing yet. We're moving deeper into the facility."
As we continued through the eerie corridors, the weight of the mission settled even heavier on my shoulders. The further we went, the more real it felt—this wasn't some exercise. Lives were at stake, and we were here to make a difference.
Raven gave me a look, her eyes narrowing as we reached a door at the end of the hallway. "Stay behind me," she whispered, her voice tense. "This might be where things get messy."
I took a deep breath, nodding, and prepared for whatever lay beyond.
The gunfire had erupted so suddenly, the chaos catching me completely off guard. Raven and the others were locked in combat with the guards, and I knew I was out of my depth. My instincts screamed at me to find cover, so I ducked into an open room down the hall, my heart pounding in my chest as I slammed the door behind me.
The room was dimly lit, the hum of machinery filling the silence. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed the massive metal box sitting in the center of the room, its surface scratched and dented as if it had seen years of wear. It wasn't a cage meant for animals-it was far more ominous, the kind of containment meant for something or someone dangerous.
I should have stayed put. I should have radioed the others or called for help. But something in me-some unexplainable instinct-told me to move closer. My heart raced as I stepped toward the box, my hand trembling slightly as I reached out with my telekinesis. I knew it wasn't a good idea, but I couldn't stop myself.
The heavy door of the box creaked open slowly, and the moment the seal broke, alarms blared through the facility. Flashing yellow lights flickered wildly, bathing the room in a harsh, chaotic glow. The alarm rang loud in my ears, but all I could focus on was what-or who-was inside.
As the door fully opened, a man stepped out. He was only wearing black shorts, his body covered in scars and muscle. But it was the headgear that caught my attention-an odd contraption strapped tightly around his skull, looking uncomfortable, even painful. His eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, neither of us moved.
Then three guards burst into the room, guns drawn, shouting commands. The man reacted instantly, launching himself at them with a speed I hadn't expected. His fists shot out, and to my shock, long metal claws extended from his knuckles. He drove them into the guards with brutal efficiency, their bodies crumpling as bullets ricocheted off his body, seemingly doing nothing to slow him down.
I stood there, frozen in place, my mind racing to catch up with what I was seeing. The man turned back to me, his eyes still filled with pain and confusion. I didn't know what to do, but I sensed that despite his violence, he was suffering. I could feel what he was feeling, pain, confusion and sadness.
I stepped closer, my heart hammering in my chest. "It's okay," I whispered, more to myself than to him. "Let me help you."
He hesitated, his breathing ragged, but he didn't attack. Slowly, I reached up, my hands trembling as I touched the metal contraption on his head. His eyes flicked toward me, confused and wary, and for a second, I thought he might lash out.
But then, with a grunt of pain, he let go of my wrists.
I gently pried the headgear off, feeling the tension release from his body as it fell to the floor with a heavy clang. He began tearing off the wires and holter monitor stickers stuck to his chest, tossing them aside like they were nothing.
Just as I was about to speak again, the door burst open, and Raven and Scott rushed in. The man spun, claws ready to attack, but before he could make a move, I reached out and grabbed his arm, channeling my power.
"Sleep," I whispered softly, pushing calm into him with everything I had.
He wavered, his body sagging under my touch, and then, with a heavy thud, he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.
Raven's voice snapped through the haze. "Why didn't you answer?!" she shouted, her eyes wide with a mix of anger and concern.
I blinked, my mind still reeling from everything that had just happened. I hadn't even realized I'd ignored the earpiece, too focused on the man in front of me, too wrapped up in the chaos. "I... I didn't hear it," I muttered, shaking my head as I tried to catch my breath.
Scott looked down at the unconscious man, his expression grim. "What the hell is this place?"
"I don't know," I whispered, my eyes still locked on the man I had just subdued. "But whatever they were doing to him... it was wrong."
Raven gave me a hard look, her tone softer but still tense. "You shouldn't have opened that cage, Flora."
"I know," I admitted quietly, guilt creeping into my voice. "But... he was in pain. I couldn't just leave him like that."
The sound of boots echoing down the hall signaled the others' approach, and we knew we had to move. Storm's voice crackled through the earpiece. "We need to get out of here-now. Extraction in two minutes."
I glanced at Raven, who gave me a nod. "Help us carry him. We can't leave him behind."
With that, we moved quickly, lifting the unconscious man and preparing to make our escape.
🏷️ @nizem8 @maximumchilddreamland @mostlymarvelgirl
Chapter 5 coming soon
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SEA, bestie hi
we are 12 days away from Speak Now (TV) (which i am UNSPEAKABLY excited for as it's always been at least in my top 2 fave albums) and in honor of that
i have some young royals x taylor swift thoughts.
today's rambly message is about... HAUNTED
i genuinely never realized how wilmon-coded it was until i applied it to simon during the Valentine's Ball so... let's get into it!
You and I walk a fragile line I have known it all this time But I never thought I'd live to see it break
(even though they didn't want it to be, their entire relationship has always been shaky because of outside pressures. the wille back and forth, the sex-tape, all of season 2 leading up to ep 4 etc, however if it was up to both of them, they would want it to be simple, and they didn't actually want it to end)
Oh, I'm holding my breath Won't lose you again Something's made your eyes go cold
(thinking about Simon panicking over the idea of losing Wille after trying to push him away the entire season! like... yes he wanted space, but he also didn't. and he's not used to wille looking at him and talking to him like he's any other person. thinking about simon's pov of the wille/marcus/simon interaction and how off-guard simon is over the whole thing)
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Something's gone terribly wrong You're all I wanted Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't turn back now, I'm haunted
(just this whole chorus does such a good job of highlighting Simon's panic during this scene, how, even though he thought he wanted this space, now he can barely breathe without the comfort that wille will still be there for him)
Stood there and watched you walk away From everything we had But I still mean every word I said to you He will try to take away my pain And he just might make me smile But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead
(again, most of this i can relate entirely to ep 4 of s2. like simon watching as wille leaves while still knowing he loves him, thinking he's losing him. the second part is kinda self explanatory but like... marcus as a whole was obviously such a terrible attempt at getting over wille and the entire time he was with marcus he was thinking of wille)
like..... when i had this haunted realization i knew i had to share it with you, and it's been a while since i've sent you an unhinged taylor x wilmon analysis
n e ways... thoughts??? give me all of them
genuinely cannot wait for SN (TV) and you know you'll be getting all my thoughts
-miels 💜✨
miels I'm so sorry I got to this late asbhjgfjd I saw this ask and thought I was going to answer it later but this is like several days off rip 💀💀
anyway into the thoughts!! haunted is SUCH a good song choice omg
the intro alone, I agree with all your thoughts and also "I never thought I'd live to see it break" reminds me of that one line in wille's speech in s1ep4 where he says how it should've been him and not erik standing there, and then we see him breaking it off with simon the very next scene like oh my godd
and "something's made your eyes go cold" and how cool toned s2 was when they were apart and trying to have space but not lose each other!!
and YES the chorus and how big and swelling it is like simon's panic every time wille blindsides him, especially with "I thought I had you figured out" which reminds me so much of him thinking they were going to be in it together before the denial ;-;
HOUGH THE SECOND VERSE I DIDN'T MAKE THE CONNECTION TO S2 SIMON UNTIL NOW BUT IT IS PERFECT????? simon watched wille walk away so many times AND the last two lines are basically the marcus situation boiled down to that
and then the bridge which is short but the way it goes from "I know you're not gone" to "you can't be gone" like simon's emotions after finding out about the denial and realizing he doesn't know if he can trust wille :')
those are all my thoughts for now, I might send you a story of us ask actualy bc I'm listening to it and the lyrics are s2 coded as well
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selencgraphy · 2 months
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PAIRING: James "Logan" Howlett x Ororo "Storm" Munroe
TAGS: logan pov (3rd person limited), days of future past main plotlines + rolo deleted scene (but add more sincerity to it), friends to lovers but we skipped all the good stuff (establish relationship), time skips bc i’m a lazy writer, a little self-deprecation, jean poking around logan's head without permission (it's mentioned for a sentence or two), ANGST, small changes to the end of dofp 
A/N: ok im not a big rolo shipper but i was reminded of the existence of their deleted scene from dofp and i just HAD to write out what my brain come up with. i’ve never been a big fan of logan/jean anyways so i’ve also toned that down to further the rolo agenda that i’m pushing with this. it honestly isn’t too rolo centric bc, again, i have never been much of a rolo shipper until this idea popped into my brain and don't wanna butcher them too much but it works with the idea that their scene wasn’t cut from the movie. this is also pretty short bc i just wanted to write exactly what came to mind and i didn’t take much time to flesh the idea out. maybe i will in the future, who knows? i hope you like it <3 more x-men related fics are to come!
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"When I make it back—if I make it back," he started, struggling to keep eye contact with the woman in front of him. "I'm the only one who's gonna remember this."
If you had told him 15 years ago that the love of his life would be Ororo Munroe, he would've laughed in your face. Not that being with her was unimaginable. Never that. But Logan didn't have a good track record with the people he found himself in love with. Rose. Kayla. Jean.
Jean. She was never his to begin with but after he lost her, he'd sworn off ever getting attached to anyone ever again. The pain was too much and every time he lost someone, it wore down his soul. But somehow, she had managed to break down his walls and show him how to love again. That love was worth feeling and having even if it meant he'd lose her eventually too, but he didn't think he'd be in this position again so soon.
He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers, his breath shaky as he took in the moment. He could save her—save everyone from the torment that wrought for the last decade or so. All the people they'd lost to a senseless war—he could bring them back. He would've stay here forever if he could. When she pulled away, she brought a hand to his cheek. "I won't have to miss you then," she whispered, a small smile on her face despite the heartbreak between them at the situation. Instantly, he rushed forward and pressed his lips against hers, tears slowly streaking down his face. When they pulled apart, he took a deep breath. “You got this," she whispered, tears slowly filling her own eyes before she walked away. It took everything in him to let her go. Gaining his composure, he wiped the stray tear away and made his way to where Charles, Erik, and Kitty were. 
It'd been a hard couple of days. Who knows how long it's been for the people waiting with him 50 years from now? The fact that he was still here meant Kitty was still kicking, but much longer did they have left? He'd prevented Raven from being captured, but instead of making things better, it was as if he made it worse. Erik had betrayed them in Paris and Raven was still hellbent on killing Trask. Now he sat across from the younger version of Charles as they flew to Washington D.C in a desperate effort to stop Raven once and for all, reflecting on the present he was in and the future he was from. "Whatever happens today, I need you to promise me something. You've looked into my mind and you've seen a lot of bad, but... you've seen the good too. The X-Men. Promise me you'll find us." He hadn't thought of Jean and Scott in ages but the memory of them caused his chest to tighten. And Ororo. Oh, Ororo.
"So much for being a survivor."
It was times like these that his healing factor felt more like a curse than a blessing. He was in a perpetual state of drowning and Erik made sure he couldn’t save himself with the rebar he had curved throughout his body. He’d never gotten over the debilitation that came with being submerged in water. No matter how much time had passed, his mind still convinced itself that he was back in Stryker’s custody, drills and syringes holding him in place has his bones were replaced with metal. His mind bounced back in forth from the torture and to the people he came to call his family. He was supposed to fix the past so that everyone in the future could live. As he hit the bottom of whatever body of water he landed in, he couldn’t help but think they sent the wrong man back. Sure, he was the only one who could physically make the trip, but he was never the world saving type. He ruined things which is what he did here instead. As he faded into unconsciousness, there was only one thought on his mind. I’m sorry, Ro.
He woke up with a gasp. Where was he? Last thing he remembered he was drowning over and over again. He took a gander at his surroundings. It looked like his room—the room he had in the mansion. Was Charles able to do it? Getting up, he walked over to the mirror across the room. White streaks by his temples. Pulling his fist up, he pushed his claws out. Metal. He was back. 
Just outside his door, he heard the hustle and bustle of children making their way down the hall. When he walked out the door, he caught the sight of Marie and Bobby hand-in-hand. If Marie was here, who else was back? The fullness of the mansion was overwhelming. As he walked the halls, the sight of familiar faces made his heart swell. The sight of Kitty and Peter teaching a class was a sight to see. Both of them were just kids the last time they were in the mansion. He never thought he’d see them standing where he once stood teaching another generation about the world’s history. As he turned to leave the doorway he stood at, his breath caught in his throat as Hank walked toward him. “Morning, Logan. Late start?”
He couldn’t say anything in response, too stunned by Hank’s mere presence. The further he walked through the house, he held back tears. He’d been able to do it. “Hi Logan,” a voice called from the top of the steps. He knew that voice. Another voice greeted him. “Logan.” It couldn’t be. As the two figures made their way down the steps and their silhouettes came into view, his heart dropped. There they were, hand-in-hand as if nothing bad had happened. "Because it never did," he reminded himself.
"Jean," he managed to choke out. "Scott?"
Scott scoffed, his eyebrows furrowing at Logan's usage of his actual name. "Scott? What's wrong with you today?"
Before he could answer, he felt something—someone poking around in his head. Shortly after, Jean was dragging Scott away, yelling a "See you later" over her shoulder followed by a quick hush as she dismissed Scott's questions. Then as the bell rang and the halls emptied as the kids ran off to the mess hall, he zoned in on the open door of the room he was looking for. The sight of her took his breath away. She looked the same as when he left her, now wearing an all-white pantsuit instead of the black stealth suit they both found themselves wearing more often than they'd liked in the old present. The old present. Were they even together in this new timeline? With Jean and Scott alive, did he ever get his head out of his ass? It was the war that brought them together after all. As he approached, he could only hope that this new version of him didn't fuck up like he had. Hearing his footsteps, she turned and greeted him with a smile. "Hey Logan."
"Ro..." He hadn't realized how off putting his actions would seem to everyone else until Ororo's face scrunched with worry. He was the only who remembered after all. "Are you okay?" The last time he saw her flashed in his mind. 
I won't have to miss you, then.
You got this.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think it is."
"Okay, well... I'll see you later?"
He nodded. Unsure of where they stood, he held himself back from pulling her against him. Today was just a normal day for everyone else. There wasn't a reunion for her to have. But then his worries washed away when she stopped and placed a quick kiss to his cheek as she departed. Somehow this win was bigger than getting all of the loved ones he had once lost back. Taking a second to compose himself, he walked further into Charles’ office. "Professor," he called out.
"Logan, don't you have a class to teach?"
"Class?" He taught here? 
"Aye, history," the professor replied as he moved his chair around the desk. 
"History?" How ironic. The man who lived through a past that, now, never happened was in charge of teaching children about a past he had no knowledge of. "Actually, I could use some help with that." Charles' eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Help with what? Last I checked alcohol shouldn't affect you to the point of memory loss let alone at all, Logan."
He chuckled at the other man's comfortability to joke around with him. After spending so much time with the professor's younger self, it was refreshing to be back in the presence of the man he grew to call family. "Everything after 1973 is a little foggy." At the mention of 1973, Charle's eyes widened. "I think the history I know is a little different."
"Well, I’ll be damned. Welcome back," the professor whispered. "You and I have a lot of catching up to do."
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Cancelled Episode 16 "Your Song"
"Yo mama so fat, when they write her into the history books, they have to write her name in all caps!"
-yo mama jokes series
Well we've reached the cave. The cave of our last ever hope in slaying the pest ruler.
Supposedly the Black Venom King lies sealed in this cave, although I have no idea how Hydrogenium found it...this is why we can't trust random people we meet on the street..
Enough said. Time to unseal the Lord of Chaos. Time to descend into his domain, the eternal nothingness. Time to...head into the cave.
I've gotten my flashlight out (since I lost my Kineticore) as we prepare to walk into total darkness. Leaving the last strands of light behind us from the cave entrance...and preparing to unseal the Blackness Lord. The others follow behind softly.
It's awfully quiet, in fact, awkwardly quiet.
We're almost halfway through the cave as we continue to keep a lookout for any pesky grave robbers picking the wrong sealing site to rob, or any traps or guards the Black Venom King or the Dragon Lord may have set up.
"Disparage," I call out his name to break the silence as we slowly tread our way into the rocky cave.
"Yes?" He asked.
"I only have one question..." I ominously utter before suddenly throwing my body at him and smashing his head against the wall with a reasonable amount of force and positioning my sword against his neck.
Everyone seriously has fast reactions, eh, I'll say...Hydrogenium and Snowball are among the top. All reacting almost immediately and defending...themselves...in attack stance...
"Why are you working with us? What benefits does this bring you?" I snarl at him in an animal-like tone, much like how a lion would snap at a rabbit before devouring it whole.
At this point everyone's attention is on us already. Forget hostage taking anymore, taking non-hostages through psycho-manipulation seems way more fun!
"And what the hell are you doing then, Alex?" Nemean warns me aggressively with that defensive tone in his voice.
Erik nods in agreement as well.
Hydrogenium is busy petting and cuddling the fox...I think she said its name was Oxygenium, or something? Oh yeah, petting and cuddling the fox and menacingly staring. Right, almost forgot.
Snowball just does his classic Moonshadow Elf smirk at the back, while he grabs snacks and watches the show. Classic apathetic Moonshadow Elf, the lot of them!
"Exactly, you'll regret this," Disparage remarks condescendingly, although he's definitely not in a position to do so, from the tip of my blade his very neck hung from.
"I want to know, why, why are you doing this, and what exactly do you want!" I shrieked quietly at him in the raspy voice of a man with an infectious cold and a terrible sore throat.
"Alright alright, I'll tell you, you know the man Erik mentioned, Tsydhd? And the Emerald Warrior? Those were for my own personal needs, I needed to find these men to take my revenge on them, and also to arrest them for their crimes..." Disparage mutters.
"WHAT REVENGE?" I snarl. He's not going anywhere until he's answered my question.
"He killed someone I love dearly, ok! S-s-someone Admiral loved dearly!"
"AND WHO EXACTLY IS ADMIRAL?" I stare at him, eyes wide, sword ready to slice his neck at any moment.
"The legendary Tengu I host, the one who gives me my Tengu powers!" He even puts up his hands in the air at the end of his sentence, I can't tell if he did it by accident or on purpose.
"THEN WHY DO YOU NEED TO TAKE REVENGE ON THE DRAGON LORD TOO?" At this point I was almost screaming at him already.
"Because Admiral lost his body in an unfair execution against him by the Dragon Lord, and so he seeks revenge! Ok?" He innocently acts out the words spewing out of his mouth.
Well. The rich and powerful oppressing the weak and poor. Now where have I heard that before, it all sounds so familiar...
And THEN, and only THEN, did I let him go, did I release him from the grasp of my deadly sharp sword.
"Oh god ALEX WHAT THE HELL?" Disparage immediately questions with an awful punch to the face after release.
"Yeah, what the hell, not cool, man!' says Nemean, who, just like the others, were doing absolutely nothing other than standing there growling with their weapon raised, patting and cuddling their pet fox, or just smirking away no matter the occasion.
And what's strange, is that...I have no idea why. Sure, yes, the one I was suspicious the most about was Disparage for working with us, but...surely that didn't warrant a hostage taking session. Why did I do that? What...came over me?
And suddenly just as I was contemplating my previous actions, a loud explosion could be heard coming from deep within the cave. Uh oh. We'd better be the first people here to unseal the Black Venom King.
We turn our bodies, building them up with energy and stamina, rushing further into the cave, sprinting as fast as our magic powers would carry us (not very fast). I don't care that it might be a trap, WE NEED TO BE THE FIRST PEOPLE TO UNSEAL HIM!
Whoo! We've finally reached the end of the cave where the Black Venom King lays in a wide cave inlaid with beautiful flowers and petals...only to disocver that there was no one there other than him. So it was indeed a trap.
He is kind of dashing, though. Black fur coat with black necklace lacing down over black strips of trenchcoat...Hydrogenium, you'd better be taking notes!
He's just sitting on his (now this is the real wooden) chair, reading a book, and then noticing us from the corner of his eye, and closing the book.
"Why hello there," He booms in a charming voice. "What brings...visitors to my humble abode? Especially such...interesting visitors, a deformed man, his disfigured disciple, a vanishing man, a half-demon half-angel girl with a strange hand and a magic fox with her, a human host of a legendary Tengu beast, and...a Moonshadow Elf. Interesting,"
"We'd like...the assistance of the Black Venom King in a certain project we're planning on," I announce.
"Oh? And why should I help you? Besides, I can't go anywhere with the seal..." He replies in that charming voice.
"You don't need to worry, we'll unseal you, and...well, the project is concerning...one of your old foes," Hydrogenium calls.
"I don't really think mere mortals can unseal me...although...now I'm getting interested. Do pray tell, mortal, is the Dragon Lord not treating you well? Why do you wish to go in rebelion against him? But alas...not even...THAT HAND can save you," He says as he gazes condescendingly at Hydrogenium's weird hand. The one with the weird black toxic powerful substance hand.
"The Dragon Lord has been behaving in a...not-so desirable way, and we'd like to get rid of him before he starts killing us all," Disparage speaks up.
"I suppose we do have common enemies, then...but why me? Why not any other god who was sealed under the surface by that wretched lizard?" There he goes again with that charming voice.
"Well, we only know your location, from the tablet of the sacred inscription," Erik mentions before pulling out the inscription from his bag for everyone to see as he held it up high in the air.
"Then you should know that I'll need my roar back, otherwise we won't win this fight," Charming, charismatic voice...hmmm...
"We'll get it for you, unseal it, and you fight for us, we're providing you with a chance to get back at your old enemy now," Snowball says in a rather "forcing him to agree" tone.
"I don't think you're in a position to speak either, Moonshadow Elf...you're probably the reason why they want this fight, to help you finish what you've started...did you not see how your friend went berserk just now, taking your other friend hostage? Do you really believe I am only capable of such a small feat?"
Ah, so that's what was going on. He amplified my desire to understand the truth and weaponised it to his advantage, to put us off.
I cast a side glance at Disparage, and he's just there casting smirks to me and himself too.
"We're offering you a free once-in-a-lifetime chance now, take it or leave it!" Snowball stands firm in his point.
"Well, a human lifetime is rather short to me, although I also don't think I'll get this chance ever again...well, since you're so kind to me, who am I to reject your generosity?" followed by a wide "evil" smirk spreading across his face.
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