#so it would be like double doxxing
wrender · 1 year
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For the first time in my entire life, google maps has told me that it would be faster to travel via public transit than go by car. This is nothing short of utopian miracle
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redflagshipwriter · 6 months
Hot Ghouls in your area ch 6
Danny felt like something scraped off the pavement. Through an act of absolutely heroic willpower (and outright fear of Jazz trying to help him rebalance his workload) he made it through his morning classes.
He staggered away from campus, brain buzzing tiredly over numbers and formulas and also his accidental concubine.
Nope. He shook his head rigorously. “I need a pick me up,” Danny decided. He ignored the common sense that said ‘coffee isn't going to fix this.’ Sure. That was true. But it wouldn't hurt, would it? And he was way overdue for the first meal of the day.
He shouldered his way into a café near campus. This wasn't one of the most convenient ones or one of the trendy ones with different seeds or organic whatever baked goods on rotation.
Nah. It was dark, mostly empty, and multiple tables were along the wall with nice views of the windows and door. The only other customers he had seen in this place were 50+. Well, there had been a high school girl inside once, but she'd clearly come in because her grandmother was the owner. Danny beelined to his preferred table and unloaded his backpack onto the spare chair before he gratefully collapsed.
Ah. Dark. Quiet. He slouched onto the table a bit.
“You look tired,” said the owner.
Danny lifted his head just enough to give her a cheesy smile. “Can I get a coffee, please?” He croaked. “And- is it still lunch hours?” They stopped doing lunch at two, didn't they? Shoot. What time-
“I can do lunch,” she reassured. She scribbled something deftly onto a pad of paper. “Roast beef sandwich set?”
“I will protect you with my life,” Danny vowed.
She laughed and turned away, but he was for real for real. Danny forced himself to sit up enough to look around his surroundings. He wanted to stay awake. He had just one more class today - a 4 to 5:30 lab. Once he got through that, he could go to bed.
He accidentally made eye contact with a young guy holding up a book. Danny lifted a single wave and then looked away awkwardly.
‘Wait a second.’
Danny did a double take.
Yes. Yes, that fucker was holding up a copy of a book from the library in Pariah's keep. It had ghost writing on it.
The guy slowly, pointedly lifted an eyebrow. He was- he was hot and huge and Danny had seen him lift like 200 lbs of books like they were nothing at all.
Danny flushed bright red and buried his face in his hands.
Okay. Okay, so that was Jason's face. How had he found Danny??? That was absurd. …Was it a threat? It felt kinda threatening. Was he in like, danger? Danny pulled his hands away from his face and squinted as subtly as he could at his hellion of a ghost spouse. What kind of sick mind game was it to lurk along his daily route and passive aggressively remind him that he should be working on their divorce?
Worse than that. This was the fastest anyone had ever found his personal identity. Fear and confusion trawled around his gut. How? Literally how? Danny raced back through his memory of their conversation and kicked himself over every misstep he could remember. Clearly, Jason had been prodding him for enough information to trick him into doxxing himself. It was a betrayal, honestly.
Wait. The burner phone. Danny didn't know how, but Jason must have been able to track it. It was a trick.
Danny gave him a nasty look when he figured that out.
Jason pretended to be absorbed in his book. The bastard!
Danny got tenser and tenser, the tendons in his hand flexing into visibility on top of the table.
He felt guilty about not dropping everything and then resentful that apparently Jason wanted him to. He had other things to do, okay? His school life was important.
“Here's your coffee.”
“Thanks,” Danny said automatically, and moved his hands to free up space for the cup and little container of cream. He immediately spooned in sugar and dumped in all the cream. He was way too grateful for something to do with his hands. He breathed in steam and then took a careful sip. It was a good chance to steal another glance at Jason through his lashes.
Jason was still pretending not to pay attention to him.
What was his deal?
His plate came. Danny ate mashed potatoes and gravied meat with more viciousness than usual, casting dark looks at Jason over the vividly orange carrots he speared into his mouth.
The sugar, caffeine, and confused anger hit his nervous system and converted itself helpfully into energy. Danny buzzed with energy. He was going to tell Jason to back off, he decided. The guy still hadn't moved other than to sip at what had to be ice cold tea by now.
“Do you have a problem?” Jason drawled. For the first time, he shut the book and fixed his green eyes directly on Danny.
“I was wondering what your problem is, actually,” Danny shot back. He gave a pointed look to the book. “Real funny bringing that out in public.” His gaze tracked back up to make eye contact and then his brain stuttered.
Holy cow. That was an ecto sheen on his eyes.
‘... I've already contaminated him?’
“It's just a book,” Jason said, voice full of fake confusion. As if he hadn't brought it there to make a point!
Yeah, okay. Danny scoffed. “Whatever, asshole,” he dismissed. He dug money out of his wallet and slapped it on the table to cover his lunch. He barely remembered to grab his backpack through the haze of anger. “I'm sure I'll see you soon.” He took the time to aim an ugly face at Jason on the way out, pulling his lower eyelids down and sticking out his tongue. He barreled out the door while Jason was still sputtering in his fake ass shock.
Boo! That jerk!
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queer-geordie-nerd · 2 months
Do anti-trans crusaders like JK Rowling realize they are endangering lots of cis women with their hate? I get that they don't care about trans women's safety or wellbeing, but what about all the not-so-feminine-looking cis women out there who are now becoming the targets of transphobic attacks? The butch lesbians, the tomboys, the women with PCOS, the tall women, the muscular women, the short-haired women, the post-menopausal women who can't afford regular salon visits and injectables and cosmetic surgeries to keep them looking sufficiently "feminine" after their oestrogen dries up, the women who've had double mastectomies without reconstruction, the plain old 'ugly' women? What about them? They are all now being 'accused' of being trans online and getting doxxed and kicked out of women's bathrooms and secretly filmed in gyms and beaten in the streets in transphobic attacks. Does JK Rowling not care about them? Or are they all just collateral damage in the crusade? Should they all just make more of a damned effort? What? How should all the 'unacceptable' cis women out there protect themselves from the new wave of hate people like JK Rowling have stoked against them?
Would JK Rowling be willing to get her vag out and take a DNA test to 'prove' she's actually really truly a fully female woman? Would she object to that, I wonder?
(Not even going to start on the fact that she's also endangering intersex people and 'insufficiently masculine' men.)
I've found myself worrying lately about using public toilets. I'm a taller-than-average not-pretty cis woman who never wears make-up or jewellery or perfume or dresses. I now worry a little about not appearing 'feminine' enough in public, that I might be mistaken for a trans person and subjected to hate or violence. Is that really the world JK Rowling wants?
Anyway. She seems horrible and I'm glad I got rid of all her books. What a stupid hill she has chosen to die on.
Honestly, I think her and her ilk are so blinded by their all encompassing, frothing hatred and paranoia that they really *don't* care at all about women, any women. Like all extremists, their so-called *concern* is really a cover for their abhorrent behaviour.
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24kvlaks · 1 year
Code blue. Crybaby.
Prompt: When we were young, Patrick Bateman X GN! Reader.
You’ve changed, oh how you’ve changed. But just this once, let the memories never fade away.
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Patrick Bateman.
Your family had always been lower class, Patrick’s Parents having money always paid your rent during your struggle.
You were embarrassed that his family were richer than yours.
You hated that Patrick brought you gifts.
You hated that you were two young foolish teenagers, Patrick known for being rebellious and you for being the angel child.
Patrick had always been mean to you, but god was he the first person to defend you to anything.
When you too were alone he’d talk about the stars, your favorite colors. Try to pry you into telling him the most expensive thing you want for your birthday so he could buy it.
He would smile at you, defend you everytime you got into a fight at school or argument. How the person would somehow get Doxxed after dealing with you.
He’d listen to your music and listen to you horribly sing with a sickening pleasurable smile on his face.
He’d laugh at you with his friends, but if any of them were to make a joke about you he’d beat them to a pulp.
You were never sure if you two were friends or enemies.
Until one night, Patrick stated that he needed help, Patrick never needs help. So immediately you snuck out and went to save him.
Just to see him peacefully sitting on his jacket on the perfectly cut grass with a huge blanket covering the ground.
“Sit.” He told you, you sat. You questioned him about the whole thing and he simply dismissed you.
Asking you what you thought about love, what you thought about hate. What would you do with powerful success, your thought on vengeful murder.
Every-time he looked at you, and every-time you’d respond he’d tell you, your different. He’d say, sweet things and then randomly shut down.
He’d tell you about your eyes, and lean closer toward you with his hand cradling yours.
He’d place a kiss on your lips under the night stars, he’d separate the kiss with a confused look on his face. A soft smile in the cracks of his face.
You’d walk home in silence, immediately when you departed you. He’d call you, asking you “how was the kiss?” He’d tease you “I mean it must’ve felt pretty great if you want to see me again.”
After that, he announced it publicly that you two were dating, the whole school and teachers knew, people would intentionally flirt with Patrick just to see if his attention would change, but his eyes stayed on you.
Bullying came, people made you feel like a disgrace dating Patrick, made you feel broken and poor inside.
He tried his best to stop it, bribing, fighting, cursing, but more and more came.
Eventually you had to switch schools, Patrick in a different one from you but staying loyal.
You couldn’t handle it all, you couldn’t handle the backlash, you couldn’t handle the fame. So you ended it.
Calls on calls on calls you ignored.
You grew up, you departed. You eventually forgot about the kiss, and Patrick remembered everything about it. Was the kiss not good enough for you to stay? Did he not buy you enough gifts? Did he not compliment you enough?
That’s it. He’d strive to be perfect. He’d show you that you should come back. And he’d give you double as much.
But eventually he saw you were never coming back, he knew that he’d never kiss you again. That he’d never hear you whisper his name. He’d never hear you scold him.
He grew, and grew. But every now and then you’d cross his mind. And he’d place a soft hand on his lips. Trying to remember your touch, And what your voice sounded like.
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condensed-ink · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about #FixTF2 and I know that some might have their doubts about the movement, however, I've realized that, even if it does not succeed in getting Valve's attention, it will end up contributing towards an important development in recent years - the shift in the public perception of Valve.
If you are person who was growing up in the early 2010's then you obviously remember how Valve games were essentially the cultural zeitgeist of the time, how you would see pictures of King Gaben on every meme/YouTube thumbnail during a Steam Summer Sale. As I understand it, Valve essentially rode this wave of good will throughout the 2010's. Even when everyone was getting frustrated with the lack of sequels for games such as HL2 and L4D2, some people would just excuse it with "ah y'know Valve, not communicating and not doing anything is just their style, this is just probably part of Gaben's 5D chess - tier master plan". However, the cracks in this image have been slowly showing up for a long time:
Portal fans haven't had anything since Portal 2's release back in 2011. We have had some small VR titles but that's hardly any consolation.
Left for Dead 2 came out all the way back in 2009 with nothing afterwards. As of June of 2024, the game still has more than 10 thousand concurrent players yet it is also unplayable for a significant amount of people due to reported DDos attacks.
The suffering of Half - life fans at this point is a meme in itself. The only thing we got was HL:Alyx back in 2020 and, even though it's a very good game, it was inaccessible to a lot of people at launch due the costs and lack of VR hardware. We were left on a cliff-hanger AGAIN and four years later we have no news of any follow-up.
In my opinion, Valve to some extent could ignore these fandoms since they were smaller compared to their big earners. But it is the recent issues with these bigger titles that have started to test everyone's patience and tolerance for Valve's bullshit:
Team Fortress 2 - I mean what else is there to say: rampant cheating and idle bots, bot hosters doxxing and swatting people. The bots crisis has been destroying the game for the past 5 years. If we remember the original SaveTF2 movement, it had a more positive tone, i. e., people talking about how much they love the game and pleading Valve to fix it. Well, one shitty tweet and two years later the tone has gone from "Please fix the game" to "FIX THE FUCKING GAME YOU ASSHOLES" and rightfully so.
CS2 also has a myriad of issues. CS:GO became CS2 after the game jumped to the Source 2 engine, but the resulting game, by many accounts, is a downgrade. A lot of game modes and maps from the original game were not included and are still not present as of June of 2024. Cheaters are rampant. To what degree I cannot say but it is to an extent where a significant enough portion of the player base is affected. Also, the game hasn't had an operation (major content update) since 2021. The player count is still high, but a lot voices in the community have been chewing out Valve for this level of incompetence.
With DOTA 2 I cannot say for sure. Some people talk about neglect whilst others say the game is in a decent state considering the game still gets frequent updates and patches. At most I can say that there is a portion of players that are dissatisfied with the state of the game but most likely to a much lesser extent than in the previous cases.
All of that is just one part of the double whammy, the second part is probably is much worse than the first - a lack of continuity for Valve's legacy.
I mean, let's think about it for a second here: most of us who grew with the Valve classics are probably in our mid-to late twenties at this point. Of course, I'm not saying that there aren't any younger fans but the bulk is the old guard. I'm pretty sure a lot of kids and teenagers don't even know a lot about these games and it's not their fault, they weren't old enough to experience them. The blame lies SOLELY with Valve because they have done NOTHING to boost the visibility of their older series due to the fact that they haven't bothered to make a single proper sequel for any of them.
And speaking of visibility, Valve's advertising strategy is non - existent and downright insulting . They really have this holier-than-thou perception of themselves, where they think "I am THE Valve softworks, makers of TF2 and Half-Life! How could you NOT know of us?!?!" and then expect everyone else to spread news of their games through word-of-mouth. Like, I'm sorry, Gabe, but we don't owe you shit. I'm not gonna advertise your shitty card-game and upcoming mediocre 5v5 hero shooter just because I had fun playing TF2 back in high school. Like, it's no surprise that you're not gaining any new fans when this has been your modus operandi for the past 10 years.
This is where we are right now: the old guard is either apathetic or straight-up hates Valve for their negligence, the younger generation barely knows about most of Valve's OG game series due to the lack of any meaningful output. At the end of the day, Valve isn't going to bankrupt, they're gonna keep taking their 30% cut from Steam and peddling gambling addictions to kids via cases. However, the era of good will is over, nobody is cutting them any slack anymore and, frankly, they deserve all the shit that's going to get thrown at them.
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
I'm having Thoughts about how ccs have been reacting to situations recently. Prompted by Q receiving a 'light doxx' - ie. someone found his public company information - and immediately going live to talk about how stressed he is and how doxxing is bad. And cnnr getting a callout and immediately going live to talk about it and take advantage of the popularity spike. And amsy getting Twitter hate for doing something normal and immediately apologizing for it. And so many people saying 'Trust me bro, he's evil!'
And there's more of course.
But here we have Dream getting doxxed so hard his best friend had to move in to answer the door and his mother had to drive him to the ER because no ambulance would come to his address. And Dream getting vicious callouts and frequent vagues. And Dream getting horrific hate campaigns and baseless accusations. And Dream having to make an intensive video covering so much more of his personal information than should ever have been necessary to reveal.
And I am comparing his reaction to all these spineless ccs.
They get one hundredth of what he deals with on a daily basis and are on their knees begging for mercy immediately.
Yeah it is actually so upsetting to constantly see the double-standard here. Like somehow Dream's fame means he has to deal with leagues worse of harassment than anyone else can handle. As if that is something he somehow signed up for and needs to withstand.
The internet is SO cruel and people have become more and more comfortable trying to ruin the lives of people they don't know for the dumbest fucking reasons. And I think because Dream has been so thoroughly dehumanized for so long, people treat him like a ragdoll that they can just beat senselessly until they are bored. And these other CCs have never experienced that or know the extent of his suffering so they (and their fanbases tbh) freak out at the littlest thing.
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miguel-owhora · 7 days
His haters would go crazy when they realize that Reaction Youtuber!Micah isn't actually some homophobe, but actually gay and gets topped by some art student lmao
oh god they absolutely would 😭 just to preface this but i feel like this version of micah is just borderline -phobic; he comes for everyone. white people, poc, straight ppl, gay ppl — absolutely everyone, he does not discriminate. he aims to be as borderline offensive as possible without actually outright saying a slur.
that being said, people are obviously going to come for him and cancel him, and for good reason.
like in the games, he's pretty private about his life and doesn't really talk about it. the less people know, the better. but people probably still find his address and either swat him or dox him😭😭😭 but i feel like he dgaf, he'll just double down. he's been suspended and banned countless times but he just keeps coming back.
anyways, somehow, like with all things, people find out he has a boyfriend. and twitter goes wild.
some of his more younger and edgy humored, right-wind pipelined fans probably lose their minds over this, and get so corny about losing him. micah's other older haters are probably more stunned that someone like him could bag someone like arthur 💀
and because he's the biggest troll, micah's next video includes arthur.
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ouchthathurts · 1 month
Hey, so I saw your comment on bloomingattorney's post. Might want to check out GBPatch's comments on reddit. She's doubling down on the biphobia.
See, now this is upsetting. What happened to Rose is understandably fucked up because being doxed and harassed like this is absolutely awful and never an okay or just thing to do.
It was disappointing hearing someone on the team had such amazing ideas such as the skin color chart but having a strict mindset on what it meant to be gay/pan and being trans. As someone who genderfluid, pan, and afro-latino, I was disappointed to see someone like me have such heinous views and be in a position be a hinder to the group.
My main problem comes from GPatch themselves and how they handled it, while being a face of a company and working with many others of the same community and having your audience also be a part of your community there's a responsibility you carry with such a position.
The people see how you're constantly pulling the "I trust them" card instead of listening to what people have to say and taking the time to look over Rose's actions under another lense such as trans people who share terri's experience, people who are bi/pan, people who happen to be male being into tam, and so on and so forth. rather than trying to understand the people and fix the problem which would be holding Rose accountable for what they said on the issue.
I read over the post that happened between blossoming and Rose and the way Rose handled it was not okay, even if it was before they were hired. If Rose has changed from that then that's great, that's amazing even, the problem comes from not doing a background check on someone who holds a view of a community that there in with such an awful mindset.
Rose can change for the better and be allowed another chance, the problem is that instead of holding Rose accountable, speaking about how this effected your fanbase and how Rose will be stepping down sounds a lot better than just releasing tons of statements and trying to paint with a pastel on black background.
GBPatch should've taken the time and waited for the situation, I've seen tons of people who release content immediately hurt themselves and their credibility by speaking on the subject too fast and ruining themselves in the eyes of the public.
Wait till the emotion dies down in you before responding and don't sit there and defend the person you know has done wrong with proof. I'm not talking about what Rose said about GBPatch, they hashed it out in dms and that's their business, my problem comes with what they had said how that reflects on a company's image if they're allowing someone with these views to speak on these issues for a community.
That's bad representation, and then defending them because you know them is a whole other can worms due to the fact you're not really listening to your audience. It's not about Rose as a person but about what was Rose said and how he's going to rectify it, there is no reason for him to be on a team where he represents a group, and he ruins the fun for everyone by policing and saying what should or should not be done to LGBTQ+ characters.
Rose doesn't have that experience to say that because of the mindset that shows he doesn't see it as a spectrum but instead a certain way people have to be once they've found what they are.
We understand Rose has changed and we understand that Rose is trying for the better, we understand. The problem is how you're addressing the people's concerns and instead of talking to them and hoping to get an expansion on how they feel from their favorite creator of their favorite game, you sit there and defend them just because you know them personally.
If Rose still held those views of pan/biphobia, eld those views that trans people have to dress a certain way after transition, and immaturely called everyone bigots who have a point in conversation.
Would you still be saying the same thing?
This isn't about Rose changing, or Rose being your friend, or whatever else.
This is about how Rose, as a BIPOC and member of the LGBTQ+ community, holds these disgusting views and how they should at least step down from the team until they've broadened their horizons with new people and different experiences before speaking out against something with a close mindset.
Talking about how Terri's clothes were sexual just because they hugged his body, and the many other things said in the tumblr post alongside the response was very something to behold and the response being more irritating because of how it makes communities look when trying to make a point because Rose's point was ignorant and their response only doubling down on such ignorance and using the idea of being a BIPOC and/or apart of LGBTQ+ to escape criticism is disgusting and a bad look on the community.
I get it if it was a joke but it clearly wasn't in this context.
With my final thoughts coming to mind
The main problem I had with final statement is that Rose left due to harassment, Rose should not have been harassed in the first place and doxed, what should've happened was Rose being fired or at least taking the time to learn more due to the negligence and ignorance of other people's, especially queer, situations.
The situation has definitely been thrown out of proportions, I understand people not wanting them to work on the team but doxing is never a good thing to do and harassment is never okay. My advice? Block them and report it to the creator about their worker's close minded views.
Alongside that, GBPatch in future controversies and dramas, taking a step back and reflecting on everting before making a statement instead of responding on emotion instantly. It makes it look like you're arguing with your fanbase, defending someone who is being held accountable for their actions and so on and so forth.
It's good you're calling out the awful people making the situation worse, those people should not be a part of the community to come and harm and put people's lives in danger. That's a good place to start following it with talking about what Rose did, I get the whole 'I know them' and 'They've changed' argument but save that until after you've discussed what happened.
You gotta understand that as a company, why you won't meet everyone's expectations of what they want, you have to try and salvage the part of your audience that really does want to stay and give them a reason to want to stay and that being letting Rose go and grow more as a person to come back with a wider horizon. There a people genuinely hurt and offended by what Rose said, they are are apart of the community and want to feel comfortable in this space made for all and with someone with a close mindset acting this way and publicly working alongside you it makes the game’s community not feel as good to be a part of
I get that Rose has done great things for the game, I’m more than thankful the skin color expansion, but Rose leaving the project for however long he decides was for the best, not under these disgusting circumstances of harassment and doxing, also the disgusting and childish behavior of a fan base to be jerks and bigots is not okay at all. There is a way to handle things and the situation should’ve been handled better by all sides.
That's all my thoughts, I'm open to discussions and other interpretations because everyone is different.
To qoute blossoming-attorney, "It's not about wanting them to feel bad about it. It's about how I feel this may affect the game. These close-minded (in my opinion) views on trans people's bodies are unacceptable. "
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
calling bucktommy fans b*mmys just reminds me of the gay slurs used against gay men. There’s a better way to say that. Idk why y’all use that when people have said it sounds offensive. to me if someone says something is offensive that’s when you stop saying it. You don’t double down and say well actually it’s not. Because if it’s offensive to someone then you’re still being a twat even if it isn’t offensive to you.
First of all the word you're referring to is "bummer" not "Bummy" which would be a combination of Buck and Tommy's names. As many ship names are a combo of the first names like Buddie is Buck and Eddie.
Second a lot of words sound the same but are not in fact the same. Bummer and Bummy are two different words completely. They don't have the same origin and they don't hold the same meaning.
Also and more importantly a lot of British fans of 911 have responded to multiple posts about this topic (as the word you're referring to is old British slang) and stated that the word "bummer" is not used this way in the common lexicon and likely hasn't been for quite some time.
Furthermore many 911 fans from different parts of the world (including the UK) have also said they use the word bummer in a similar fashion to how we use it here in the United States:
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So does this mean that no one else should ever use that word anymore? And if that's true then shouldn't you be trying to educate people more on why they shouldn't be using the actual word bummer vs people who are using a ship name (again not the same word) made up of two characters names?
I agree that it's important to listen to people when they tell you that something is offensive to them but here's the problem anon. A lot of you B/T shippers are not coming from a genuine place. You're not trying to educate anyone. You're not trying tell us about something (unrelated to shipping) that's upsetting you. You're just trying to control the 911 fandom as a whole. The main reason I know this is because this isn't only issue that's been levied against the Buddie fandom from you all.
Your fandom does this kind of stuff all the time. You try to shame people into behaving in a way you want them to. No halfway decent person wants to be called homophobic, biphobic, ableist, etc but these are all things I've watched your fandom use against anyone who doesn't agree with you.
The reality is you all don't like the ship name Bummy, which fine you don't have to like it. Although it was your fandom who came up with it in the first place, it's where I saw the name to begin with (on twitter). Trust and believe I have better things to do with my time than sit around thinking up ship names for Buck and the guy who he hasn't even called his boyfriend yet.
So your main issue isn't that Bummy sounds like bummer it's that you don't like the name. Plus Lou said he didn't like it (in a cameo) and it just generally sounds silly. Okay so you don't have to use it. You don't get to control how other people talk about your ship and whether or not they talk about it in a positive way.
You also don't get to throw baseless allegations of homophobia at us because a ship name you hate sounds similar to an old slang word. You especially don't get to throw allegations at us when it's been your fandom out there attacking anyone who dared to post anything for Buddie and Eddie during pride month. Your fandom attacking and literally doxxing a journalist for posting positive Buddie content. Your fandom that has repeatedly harassed the 911news account. Your fandom that left comments talking about how Ryan should end his life after he opened up about his s*icide attempt.
Buddie fandom isn't innocent. We've definitely said and done things we shouldn't have. Taken things too far sometimes and I'm sure been our own brand of awful at times too. But the 911 fandom as a whole has never been as bad as it's gotten since B/T became a thing. You all were literally called out by the showrunner ffs. Instead of repeatedly accusing Buddie shippers (many of who are lgbtq+) of homophobia maybe you should start looking around at who is a part of your own fandom and the messed up stuff they've been doing because it's not doing you any favors.
(Fyi if this shows up in other tags besides Buddie fandom that wasn't my intention. I usually do my best to keep my posts out of B/T spaces. I even usually use * to not spell the full names and ships but for the sake of clarity in this post I didn't.)
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sorrowfulrosebud · 11 months
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: Yandere Cassie Cage Headcannons
𝕰𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Yandere
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: Yandere behaviour, take that as you will, mentions of a tracking chip, isolation, she uses buff daddy and muscle mummy to her advantage, stalking, mentions of doxing, forced relationship
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༒ Cassie is one of the best yanderes to have, no questions asked.
༒ Due to her laid back nature, she’s definitely more lucid and allows her darling to roam around a bit more.
༒ She most likely found you on social media, usually a content creator for her favourite media (whether you write fanfiction or create deep-dives, it’s up to you).
༒ Since she’s so handy with tech, she was able to locate you exactly and make threats to dox you if you didn’t meet up.
༒ Sonya doesn’t really give a shit, mainly because she’s far too busy (plus she and Johnny are yanderes for each other too. Like mother, like daughter). So don’t plan to escape and beg Sonya for help because she’s just gonna drag you back and reprimand Cassie for allowing you to escape.
༒ Not a very demanding yandere, but definitely uses her status as Sonya’s daughter to her advantage. Don’t want to hug? That’s fine, but expect to be left for a few hours.
༒ Doesn’t really get angry unless you try to escape. If she catches you, she immediately knocks you out and moves you to a higher security facility and tightens your restraints.
༒ She is very chill, and very lucid. She tries talking to you about a common ground, or a shared interest. It can be easy to forget just how insane she is.
༒ Cassie loves to gossip with you. She loves explaining the context behind the gossip and encourages your engagement.
༒ While she’s not looking for marriage, she just at least wants someone to love her that’s not family.
༒ She would most likely make you wear a collar with a tracking chip in, but at least make it stylish because she may be insane, but she’s not a monster. If you tried escaping too many times however, she has no qualms burying in the chip deep into your neck.
༒ Johnny is very accepting of your relationship. Of course he’s gutted that his baby girl has a partner, but he introduces himself and even invites you to dinner with him and Sonya (kinda like a double date!). He is a very supportive dad, trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. His wife on the other hand, is the complete opposite.
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“So kiddo, where did you and Cassie meet?” Johnny asks you brightly as you were forcefully sat at the dinner table. Cassie knew she didn’t have to restrain you at the table, her freakishly buff dad and military mother more than strong enough to take you down.
“We met at one of their events. They were… nearby and we decided to meet up. It was amazing,” Cassie smiled, trying to feed you some meatloaf. Johnny grinned widely.
“Aw, sounds great Cass-master! You look very happy together,” he laughed. You threw him a bitch-are-you-fucking-serious look and Sonya a very please-help-me-your-daughter-is-insane look. Sonya clears her throat.
“Cassandra, your partner has a staring problem. It’s in your best interest to discipline that out of them before it turns into something serious down the line,” she scolds.
“Ahh, lay off ‘em Sonya. It’s just young love, the kid’s obviously in their first relationship! Don’t you remember how WE were the first time we met,” Johnny grins suavely. Sonya fights back a smile.
“Ew gross, guys. At the dinner table?” Cassie cringes. You can only look on in fear and confusion.
“Anyway, may we be excused? (Y/N) and I want to play a new game I saw on social media,” Cassie asks, fingers weaving with yours. Sonya sighs.
“Yes Cassandra, you may. Don’t forget your chores later on though, and make sure your… partner are aware of the nighttime rules and how we operate at night,” she glares at you pointedly. You gulp in intimidation.
“Of course, mum. Good night, sleep well,” Cassie bids them goodnight. After giving both parents a goodnight kiss, she grabs hold of you and takes you to her room.
“Hey, catch!” She throws you a set of pyjamas as you stare at her wildly. Cassie stares back.
“Well, go on. The bathroom is there, but don’t try anything,” she turns her back to get changed too.
You wander to the bathroom and look at the pyjamas. They were soft and comfortable, with a motif of your favourite video game character. It fit perfectly, which made a shiver go down your back. You were just a gamer, how did everything transpire to this?
You totter out a few minutes later, the pyjamas hugging you tightly. Cassie looks up and smiles seeing you in the new outfit.
“Ah sick, it fits perfectly! Now, come sit down and take a controller. I haven’t played this game, but it’s multiplayer so we’re playing together,” she explained happily, patting the bed.
You obey with a shake in your step, grabbing the controller as she booted the game up. It was surprisingly easy to slip into the game; Cassie threw comments that made you laugh despite your fear. She was a great gamer, but your history proved fruitful as you ran laps around her score.
“Ah shit, it’s late. C’mon, come to bed,” Cassie says, reaching under her bed as you slowly climb into the sheets. She grabs your wrist tightly and cuffs you to the headboard, checking its tightness before kissing your neck and wrapping her arms around your waist.
How the fuck are you gonna survive this?
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sweet-chimera · 1 month
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// Yes, the person who i've had blocked for 5 years, has double digit call out posts about them, is friends with the proven abuser and liar-- said that me. The person who hasn't so much as posted about spork since februrary. Said that i'm going out of my way to harass someone. // Listen gang. I'm gonna address this once and only once. I've never sent anon hate, i've never stalked anyone, i've never not taken no for an answer. I work for government entities who would not hire me, if i have ever. And can find out quickly if I had. I do not care about them. I am an adult with a job, a home, and a life. Spork and curio are not worth losing sleep over much less my job. If they want to point fingers at me, because they both collectively pissed off about 100 people. They're free to. // I'm not the one doing it. This is infact. The last ask i will ever answer about either of them. I hate drama and hate that I had to do this cause two thirty year olds can't get their shit together and like starting internet drama. We literally, were the ones who wanted to simply, block spork and walk away and only posted the call out because spork likes doxing. And he got mad at us for all blocking, so told their following our blogs.
Have the day you deserve to have.
And fyi-- i've had fantasy concrete blocked since 2018. I cant see what ever bs they're posting. But i'm going to assume its a woe is me post people we have no proof of harassing us are 100% totally sending us hate some how.
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gipzisays209 · 8 months
Hi! Hi, yes! R/systemscringe has an unofficial discord! And yes, it's JUST AS BAD as the subreddit!
Hiding it under the cut for a lot of swearing
Exhibit A:
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"Just like how you guys come in this server... They can go into yours."
Didn't you just claim in the sentence prior to NOT be advocating for raiding? Yet that sentence literally contradicts everything you just said? By insinuating people can doxx and raid that server? Pick one, maybe?
Or how about exhibit B, a prime example of the source material the server was built off of:
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Let's not take away from the point, doxxing is horrible, it's illegal and NOBODY should be doing this, no matter who you are, and this server should not have had to go through that. But this is not the way, as server staff, to be handling such a situation. ESPECIALLY not doubling down and giving a major victim complex over harmful, and quite frankly, incorrect, views.
The real kicker?
This is straight from the rules of their server.
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So "Just like how you guys come in this server... They can go into yours" isn't talk about raiding, then? So the rules only apply to the people OUTSIDE of the server? Got it. Your own rules don't even apply to you. Checks out.
Like, who would have thought the discord for the subreddit known for fakeclaiming and policing disorders would be bad too! On so many levels!
And if the server being mentioned (whose name I blurred out for privacy) did do the things this server is claiming they did... You don't think it's for a reason? Like I said before, doxxing and raiding are inexcusable no matter who does it, but I'm sure this server was not chosen indiscriminately.
These are not the kinds of people you want to listen to. They've clearly demonstrated they're immature, incapable of understanding the rules, even the ones they set in place, and most of all, only care about creating an echo chamber of hate and harm.
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skittlespizza · 8 months
[FOR CONTEXT, the book mentions that the events of the Discovery have become a "classic" of sorts which implies there is a fandom in universe for the Discovery...]
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🚀 davidbowmankinnie follow
Happy 100 years since the Discovery Mission!
🔴 hal10000 follow
can't believe it's been 100 years... it felt like just yesterday!
🎂 discovery-logs-outofcontext follow
rb with your favorite thing about the fandom. I'll go first. i found my best friend irl because I saw she was reading the Discovery Manuscript. She's a really big Hal fan and I love Sal a lot. We are hal & sal irl...
💾 heywoodslefttoe follow
i kin dated someone as frank/dave in middle school. It ended bad.
📼 chandradeservedbetter follow
LOL do you remember the Hal Plushie incident?
🪽 halleyscomet follow
🌐 halmanpoole-shipper follow
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💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
🔦 kaminskyy follow
Ofc its a frankdave shipper. Your fucking username IS FRANK DAVE ANAL SEX.
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
Your fav has zero fucking lines in the book but ok 📸 ur literally a murderer apologist 😭😭
🔴 hal10000 follow
GOD shut up its not a book theyre real people. Hal also like?? Was going thru fucking psychosis but ok then... did you read the second mission??
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
You're a hal kinnie dni.
🧮 zeniiiia follow
Don't interact with op they've doxxed like seven people.
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
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📀 legendofthediscovery follow
Just updated my newest fic! It's a hal/dave/frank fic, has 15 chapters and is a post canon fix-it!
💡chandras-son follow
📀 legendofthediscovery follow
💡chandras-son follow
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🔎 dave-bowwman follow
Happy anniversary to my bfs @frankk-pooole and @ hal-loween. Couldn't do it without you guys
📺 betty-to-her-helena follow
Omg you guys are relationship goals...
🔎 dave-bowwman follow
🎞 helena-to-her-betty follow
we neeeed to do that double date sometime.
〽️ frankk-pooole follow
YESS!! hal would also love it. Hes next to me btw.
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🧿 monolithic-loser follow
the monolith is SO UNDERRATED.
🥏 tanya-heywood follow
🦾 hetty follow
Mine is betty/helena... no one even KNOWS OF THEM. SAPPHIC SHIPS DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER??
📽 sal-amander follow
> My favorite is Sal. I wish people talked about her more.
🤖 discoverydotcom follow
Petition to make the fandom less weird about the women in the book...
🔴 hal10000 follow
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🪐 jupiterreal follow
my god... its full of stars... I THINK ABOUT THAT ENDING SO MUCH. FUCKKKKKKKKK.
💾 heywoodslefttoe follow
🤖 discoverydotcom follow
goddd wanna hear my headcanon ?? I hc he saved hal and they're living together as ghosts.
🔴 hal10000 follow
Bro you're reaching so hard for that ending.
🤖 discoverydotcom follow
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☀️ apolloeleven follow
Transmasc!David Bowman is real and in this essay...
〽️ frankk-pooole follow
REAL... i know dave trust me.
🌐 halmanpoole-shipper follow
Frank and dave transmasc and agender hal is canon
🔦 kaminskyy follow
REALL. T4T4A or something
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🦾 hetty follow
Looking at the Discovery RPF tag is SO FUNNY. It's halman porn, davefrank angst, chandra found family and THEN THE MOST SOUL CRUSHING HELENA/BETTY POST CANON FIC EVER... going sooo insane
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🔴 hal10000 follow
Sorry we left your boyfriend in space... yea.. hes floating out there for eternity..
🔦 kaminskyy follow
Sometimes i wonder what the irl discovery crew & lenonov crew would think if they saw this.
🔴 hal10000 follow
They'd have a fucking heart attack.
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
🔴 hal10000 follow
Didnt you block me?
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
Im not a pussy it was a bit jfc
🔴 hal10000 follow
What did i do to you oh my god
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
Wanna make out
🔴 hal10000 follow
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🎰 discovery-alerts follow
💾 frankdaveanalsex follow
🤖 discoverydotcom follow
📺 betty-to-her-helena follow
🛸 tsiiiiiiiien follow
🛸 tsien follow
🪽 halleyscomet follow
Whats the halfrank fic?
☀️ apollotwelve follow
You sweet summer child...
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insane-control-room · 9 months
hi @free-falastin ! i'm a little confused how you managed to miss the point of the post you left this kind comment on:
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ill take some time to carefully walk through your blog to ask you a few questions; but first and foremost, i would like to point you that you literally did exactly what that post said; ignored jewish voices to target them instead. and i would like to point out the paradox of your words: they dont deserve people being antisemitic towards them, but they do deserve to be doxxed and harassed for pointing out antisemitic tropes and behaviors. clarify please.
First: please define genocide. your banner reads "from the river to the sea", which has largely been pointed out by jewish people as a call for jewish erasure and rewriting jewish history- but nonjews say its alright so... maybe you're not calling to replace the only jewish land in the world with another islamic ethnostate.
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well, id hope that would concern you, except if you scroll a bit further down your blog, you find that you actively commit jewish history erasure!
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are you going to mention the fact that it was named palestine by the romans in order to punish jews? in no way does this mean that palestinians do not have a right to autonomy, but what you are saying is that jews do not have a right to autonomy.
now let's look at what you posted over here that's actually on the topic of the heritageposts jewish blocklist.
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both of these people are clear that this is on antisemitism. not palestine or israel. you call them despicable for calling out anti-semitism? for not being listened to? for using morbid humor- a trait that is extremely common in jewish people?
you don't answer the question of how anti-zionism is not antisemitism, and in fact, use a KKK dogwhistle- zios. literally no one is denying that people are dying and being killed in gaza. and yet you say that we are. no one is mocking palestinians- people are mocking the lack of critical thinking that people use when citing unfounded rhetoric.
next; lets look at one of your most recent reblogs-
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this ignores the massive amount of evidence that is provided by israelis and jews, including the documentaries and screenings like those by gal gadot and the hundreds of verified news articles and photographs and videos, including ones posted by hamas, i wonder why you won't take such things into account-
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oh. i see. you call us liars, say we are playing the victim.
there is no evidence that can ever be compiled that will make you understand what you are doing and how paradoxical you are. thank you for openly displaying your double standards, and proving the point of the post on double standards on jews.
by the way, for people curious, here's the post that was replied to:
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in what way is this okay? how can someone miss the point so badly? to come onto some random jewish person's post on double standard antisemitism and say we deserve to be attacked and harassed?
are you that blinded by hate?
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randombookposts · 10 months
Canaan University Au
Ok I thought of a college au for the locked tomb a awhile ago but I never bothered to write it down until now. Anyways I think they would all go to this imaginary university in New Zealand and it’s like the first book but with a lot less murder. Here’s what I think each house would study
Judith- Criminal justice major. Huge stickler for rules and doing homework. If she’s not in the gym reading a textbook while doing push-ups, she’s in the library getting into a heated debate with a Corona. Had a huge crush on Marta and went to the same college as her to hangout, just getting over it, may or may not have feelings for Corona, maybe.
Marta- In law school, was a mentor to Judith when she was in high school and that’s how they know each other. Gently turned Judith down but they’re still friends and study together sometime. Is the DD at every party.
Corona: Majoring in marketing with a minor in fashion merchandising. Doesn’t do great on tests but aces every presentation. President of her sorority. Can and will gaslight frat boys. Everyone wants her but she only has eyes for the stuck up criminal justice major.
Ianthe- Management major with a minor in maybe finance. Commits tax fraud and gets away with it. Sometimes does Corona’s homework for her. Doxxes people online (mostly Babs), smokes in the dorm hallways. Flirts with Harrow during their study sessions, which Harrow ignores.
Naberius- Economics major, and major fuck boy. Makes thirst traps and is doxxed. Hangs out with the twins even though they bully him. Doesn’t do shit during group projects. Will get a job at his dads company post graduation.
Jeannemary and Isaac don’t go to college but are tutored by Abigail at her house. They just silly teens who experiment with makeup and clothes to find their look. Talk loudly about anime in the school hallways. A little cringe but they’re doing their best.
Abigail- Anthropology professor and is really cool. Tough grader but genuinely loves her students and shares trivia with them. Brings donuts to test days. Will accidentally derail class to talk about books or her husband. If one of her students brings up one of the incredibly niche topics she likes, she will talk about it for hours.
Magnus- Not a teacher but visits Abigail's classes often. Nice guy, helps look after Jeannemary and Isaac. I'm not sure what he would do as a job, maybe chef or stay at home husband lol. Regardless, he's the one making all the meals.
Palamedes- Pre-med, wants to become a doctor so he can save Dulcinea save people. Smartest guy in the room always, a go to for anyone struggling with their biology homework. Has a friendly rivalry with Harrow (it's more rivalry than friendly for Harrow but she grows fond of him over time). Is the one derailing class with philosophical debates.
Camilla- Physics major, too cool for you. Really into sports, just not sure which, like gymnastics or soccer or rugby or fencing. Works hard but actually remembers to eat and sleep too. Probably in student government as well. Her and Palamedes are attached at the hip, they later get an apartment together and that's where all the main hangouts with the other characters happen.
Dulcinea- Suffers from chronic illness and focuses her life on learning and traveling rather than getting a traditional job. She's got multiple degrees in stuff like literature, philosophy, and art history. She is active on social media and has a blog, and sells crocheted animals on Etsy. Became mutuals with Pal and Camilla on social media and they met up later when they went off to college.
Protesilaus- Dulcie's caretaker, helps her with her medical stuff. Becomes like a cool uncle figure to her and her friends. Hangs out a lot with Ortus and they share poetry.
Silas- Double major in theology and philosophy. Freaky teen prodigy who graduated high school early and attends university. Little shit who people are either freaked out by or straight up just don't like him. Will snitch on anyone for anything he doesn't like. Really only friends with Colum.
Colum- Silas' nephew, but way older than him, weird dynamic. Not in school but drives Silas to his classes and Silas lives with him during the school year instead of in the dorms. Nice guy, looks out for Silas' well being the best he can but tries to keep him from being too nasty to others.
Harrow- Double major in theology and archeology. Studies at all hours and forgets to eat and sleep. Local cryptid. Autistic with special interests in religion and burial rituals. Went to Catholic school and had a suffocating home life. Trying to grapple with that as she starts to navigate adult life. Also trying to mend her relationship with Gideon after being so harsh in her younger years.
Gideon- Kinesiology major, butch vibes to the max. Does swordfighting and weight training in her down time. Has kissed both Ianthe and Corona at some point, though it never went anywhere after that. Wears her sunglasses at all times even in class. Finds the worst fashions from thrift stores and wears them to piss Harrow off. Grew up with Harrow in a foster home Harrow's parents ran and also attended Catholic school with her but they rarely interacted beyond antagonizing each other. Reconnected after being randomly assigned roommates. Now they're buddies and hang out alongside the 3rd and 6th, (also the 2nd and Dulcie sometimes too). They all do stupid shit together like sing karoke off key and hit up Taco Bell at 2am after binge watching movies.
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mccnstruck · 11 months
me when roblox
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anyways. heres some headcanons of playing roblox with pjsekai / genshin characters
a/n: this is my first time making this format !! super sorry if it seems out of character and the limited amount of characters but i hope you enjoy !!!
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whenever you play horror games like forgotten memories or the mimic, they will literally only play because you're playing. they're scared shitless even in the title screen. as the music intensities they're will hide behind you and you have to find the objective of the game for them. after this gaming session, i don't think you can even play rainbow friends with them...
- AN SHIRAISHI, tsukasa tenma
very nice and respectful in the game. will help out other players and have fun, no matter what you're playing. you could even play meepcity and they would enjoy it. it's so wholesome. just make sure you don't let them give the win to someone else; you gotta be #1 in race around the world!
- KAEDEHARA KAZUHA, EMU OTORI, ichika hoshino, haruka kiritani, jean gunnhilder, minori hanasato, honami mochizuki, amber, kohane azusawa
don't even WORRY about them giving a win to someone else, because they are COMPETITIVE. don't let their usual demeanor fool you, oh no. no matter what, they're going to show everyone to not join THEIR GAME. they only find out everyone's left when they see no one's name, besides yours. the last thing left in chat is someone saying "tryhard".
- cyno, nene kusanagi, toya aoyagi, airi momoi, fischl, kaeya alberich
....doesn't know how to move around. it was chaos even trying to play a co-op game. don't even get me started on trying to play double trouble.
- SHIZUKU HINOMORI, shenhe, zhongli
initially wants to disagree. you literally have to bribe them to play, but once you do... they become so invested in it that you have to get them to play another game. will literally speedrun speedrun 4 if they wanted to.
SCARAMOUCHE, diluc, akito shinonome, shiho hinomori, xiao, mona
so foul. so so so foul. loves threating to dox people whenever they lose a game. probably tried to send a message but it showed up as ##############. their account was probably banned that following week.
ENA SHINONOME, SCARAMOUCHE, nene kusanagi, tighnari, KAVEH, itto
LOVES good designed games. probably loved story games and seeing updates on previous ones. would be SOOO good as a beta tester, because they will literally share all of their thoughts and technical and creative ideas. will even analyze the music if they need to. would probably learn lua to code a game in roblox.
- RUI KAMISHIRO, ALBEDO, sucrose, kanade, mizuki akiyama
...has doxxed someone. hasn't even told you that they've even did it. it comes up in a conversation and you don't know whether to be mortified or subtly impressed.
- MIZUKI AKIYAMA, nene kusanagi, childe, dottore
has played every single roblox game out there, it feels like. wanna beat rainbow friends? they've beat it twice! wanna play epic minigames? they're literally level 62. you are impressed, but also, how????
- saki tenma, rui kamishiro, nene kusanagi, mizuki akiyama
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